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No. 2408236
Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.
>>>/ot/1962884 No. 2408588
>>2408544Me. I have around 7 years of professional experience.
Never had to work with a tranny but I'm one of the lucky ones and I dread the day that might change. I have worked with two moids I think were right wing in separate occasions but thankfully it never became an issue or a topic. The companies were pretty progressive so maybe they felt scared to say anything. I was mistreated by a male colleague once, it was clear to everyone that he had it in for me. He was fired 6 ish months after I was hired and I remember seeing him cry at the roof of the building that day kek.
The biggest problem I faced with colleagues were huge egos and insane deadlines. It's hard work but it's manageable and the money is
very good, even now that we're going through a crisis in the field. Should you go into this field? Idk. it's becoming saturated quickly. If you do, specialize in AI or data analysis, these are probably the areas that are gonna keep growing.
No. 2408645
if any nonnas could give me some advice, id really appreciate it. heres my situation: im in my last semester of college getting my bs in cs. suffice to say with everything going on right now with the saturated field, volatile job market, and emergence of ai, its tough out here. ive been applying to relevant positions but i havent heard back from any; granted, i know i need to apply more. im also minoring in what could be considered tech writing, and i have experience in tech writing (did an internship for several months).
recently i applied to a tech writing internship on a whim bc im applying to anything and everything to prepare for when i graduate. i got an offer but i dont know if i should take it. its an internship and although theres the possibility of me solidifying my place in the company in some other sector because of my degree (i spoke to them about this), the position itself is finite. i have a short amount of time to make my decision, and im just scared. if i take this, i feel like im moving farther away from cs, and i dont know if thats the smart thing to do. also if i take this offer, what if in the later months i get a callback for an interview for a job i applied for, or another opportunity presents itself? its still early in the year so idk. but this is an offer and what happens if i turn it down and get no other offers?.. i like tech writing, i like cs, but the difference is, i have no work experience related to cs (software dev is what im looking at)
theres just also my bruised ego. i've worked hard on this stupid degree and to graduate and be a company intern in a field only kind of related to my major kind of hurts, but i know how lucky i am in my given situation, so im trying to be graceful about it
No. 2414396
>>2408402I won't hold it against you
nonny, I'm happy for you. It's not your fault that we don't punish companies for outsourcing jobs without paying enough in taxes to make up for what it costs us.
No. 2416832
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Nonnies sorry for sperging but I’m getting fucking fired from a job I’ve been in for years. It’s boring as hell and it’s giving me the kick up the ass I needed to do something more meaningful,but being there has destroyed my confidence & my design portfolio is so corporate that no interesting independent brands want me. I’m so scared of being broke as fuck again too. I’ve got like a month left there, does anyone have advice or just general positivity to help with unemployment anxiety? Or you can just call me a dumb bitch for getting here in the first place.
No. 2420708
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>>2416832You are not a dumb bitch anon, this shit happens! I'm unemployed right now and I promise I'm the dumber bitch for up and quitting my job with nothing lined up lol. Unfortunately I don't have any advice for your particular industry but the last thing you should do is beat yourself up for what was ultimately someone else's decision.
No. 2421593
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if only my cubicle faced the other direction. i would feel free to work on my fanfic more often and not only when everyone else in my department is out
No. 2421742
>>2421716If you're comfortable doing so, I'd say demand/ask for more pay, or start looking elsewhere honestly. You don't have to be belligerent or anything but look into what ppl doing similar work to you are making and go off of that
There's a balance between "hell environment" and "good environment" that is possible while also getting paid enough to live. If you can live off of what they're paying you, then that's good, but also bills gotta get paid somehow and you deserve to be fairly compensated for your work
No. 2421812
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>>2420708Thank you so much for your kind words. Quitting without a backup plan is a necessary move sometimes, not to mention ballsy as hell. It shows you have more self respect than to stay in a situation that isn’t right. Maybe neither of us are dumb bitches kek. I hope that you find a great job soon.
No. 2425855
>>2421842I wish I could encourage you better, nonna. I am in a similar position. I also do tax stuff and tax season is just so insane honestly. I work like crazy and then I get tired and I just know I'm gonna make a big mistake somewhere.
Anyways, know what it like. I hope it gets better for you somehow.
No. 2426046
>>2425845>>2425849I feel like this is common knowledge to anyone who isn’t too misogynistic to admit it. Women work harder and get less credit, whereas men get credit just for showing up. I’ve known multiple men who said they’d only hire women if HR would let them get away with it.
Sometimes asshole bosses will hire a bunch of capable women and then give one position away to a buddy of theirs, knowing that he won’t have to work very hard and his female colleagues will pick up the slack. At my last workplace all the women were randos from all over with good resumes and experience, whereas all the men were locals who knew the boss personally.
Unfortunately my experience in my field (biomedical research) is that women who make it to leadership positions tend to be even harsher on other women than the men are. They often have a “I had to go through hell to claw my way up here so you should too” mentality. Worst case scenario they see other women as competition.
No. 2426347
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guys if you had to choose right now would you choose accounting or information systems as a degree? im getting to the point where i need to decide because the classes are different but im struggling. i genuinely think im pretty decent at accounting but i hear its super stressful. damn, I just want a normal, not miserable, not stressful office job… if I have to go back to retail ever again i might shoot myself atp
No. 2426494
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scheduled to work with my mean coworker on fridays and sundays this month but at least i get saturdays, mondays and tuesdays off. from now on if anyone asks me to cover their shift i'll only do it if it's not with her. i'm not asking for special treatment or anything, just basic manners like "please" and "thank you" would be enough. she seems literally incapable of feeling any emotions other than frustration and annoyance. i get it, you hate your job, no need to make it my problem. asshole
No. 2427056
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Since so many feds have been getting fired from their jobs, does any Burger nona know what this might mean for contractors? I'm a contractor and even I got the stupid DOGE e-mail on my @gov e-mail. My company still told me to reply, saying this doesn't apply to me, but I didn't. lmao If they run this crap through AI and the AI gets me fired just by virtue of having a @gov e-mail this will be ridiculous.
No. 2429194
>>2427808I still haven't replied and I'm not going to, but lmao my company actually sent another e-mail the other day now telling people NOT to reply. This is just a mess. Screw DOGE and screw Elon. They're playing with people's lives.
>You may want to look for work elsewhere in the meantime just in case. I'm sorry for all the stress you must be feeling.Yeah I probably should be because I've seen several people around me already laid off. I'm not bothering much because I don't believe it will work out well with this being my first job and only having several months of experience from it so far but I do also want to use it as a chance to look for something outside of the US. I'm a dual Euro citizen so I have a slight edge in looking for jobs in EU countries.
No. 2429244
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I've had to stay late at the office several times over the last few weeks and I hate it. I mean, I like getting paid overtime, but my company expects its employees (especially higher level) to have no life outside of work. I have seen people getting two double shots of espresso at the coffee machine in the mornings. My coworker said she worked until 1 in the morning last night, and when I was like "I'm sorry, that sucks" she just responded "eh, I'm used to it". If I ever have to work that late, I'm getting another job. What makes the whole situation even worse is that the office is located in a place you can't get to with public transit, so people have to drive home tired all the time. I wonder how many employees have fallen asleep at the wheel because they were stuck in a stupid meeting past midnight.
No. 2429256
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>>2429244Damn anon, I feel for you. I had to start being an asshole and putting my foot down at work. People would ask me for shit right after I was scheduled to go home, so I'd straight up be like "Sorry, my shift ended fifteen minutes ago." Is it necessarily a "good look"? No, but the retention rate is so shit where I work, they can't necessarily afford to be picky kek. Plus I hold myself to a high standard of work quality in all other capacities, so they'd be nuts to complain. I've even trained new people despite it not being part of my job description (I like giving directions to others so it's fine kek).
No. 2429277
>>2429254It's in the home goods / interior design sphere. I usually hear about tech companies having these kinds of problems though.
>>2429256I give them a hard cutoff time for most days. To be fair, my boss does ask if I'm ok with staying late on the days where there's a lot to get done, and she's respected the times I said no. I'm normally very efficient so I usually get what I need to done in an 8 hour work day. I'm still scared of it becoming an expectation that I stay late though.
No. 2430345
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What career should I go back to school for if I'm genuinely miserable at STEM fields but don't want to be replaced by AI? Is UX still worth it or is anything tech-related risky right now?
No. 2435529
>>2433099Nona are you literally me. I’ve also worked in public libraries for 6 years and I have such mixed feelings about it now. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, but I’m so fed up with the patrons and especially the men. Our patrons are very rude and needy and they often monopolize our time. They harass us and demean us and it really does get traumatizing. There are definitely moments that make it all worth it, like you said watching customers grow up alongside you and the people who are genuinely thankful to be provided resources and information, but it’s been really rough the last few years. We’ve had a huge surge in the homeless population and there’s really nowhere for them to go. I hate how libraries have been touted as the solution to homelessness and social issues on social media, and people who get off on being martyrs will lecture you about “this is what happens when you work with the public!” If you dare complain about how hard and frustrating it is lol. So many homeless customers are aggressive and violent, and they smell bad which is hard for staff and other customers to be around them. It also feels like a disservice to push these people who genuinely need help to librarians, who aren’t trained social workers and shouldn’t have to be, when the best we can do is google a shelter and a bus route for them. My biggest complaint about my job right now is I hate being an IT person for morons who don’t know their passwords and a social worker for people who need so much more than what I can give them. I miss being a librarian and doing reference questions. Maybe academic libraries is where it’s at lol. Best of luck to you!
>>2435484Sending love to you, fellow librarian nona! Public libraries are really so hard, and no one believes that they’re as crazy as they are. We had a nasty old moid masturbating at our location who we had to call the cops on and multiple foot fetish incidents. Staff has been punched and had furniture thrown at them by schizos (at different locations not mine) and it’s so stressful. I feel you, libraries feel like my calling and I have so much love for them, but the public library setting is evil, as long as there aren’t places that actually serve the needs of the homeless and tweakers to keep them out of our hair lol. I went back to school for my bachelors because I wanted to get my MLIS, but who knows where it will take me now. I’m so burnt out on this job. I hope to see you and the other nona in the archives one day!