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No. 2409031

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2404404

No. 2409033

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Alright fresh start. Why not, here's this other fag again too

No. 2409035

Based OP and based axolotl

No. 2409036

Love the cats and axolotls so much

No. 2409037

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(I'm so fucking glad I copy and pasted this) IQ is extremely misinterpreted for the sole reason of people wanting to powerscale. Maybe I'm just l8 to the game but I only noticed the obsession with it kick off in the late 2000's. I'll actually use sex differences in IQ as an example. About 40 years ago women would score less in certain areas while men would score less in others, women scoring better with their verbal ability men with their spatial ability. However, today there are no advantages either sex really has over the other, despite findings that display some variability with certain abilities. So you'll see these people pick out the "genetic" factor of IQ scores and they will use it to say that poor people are subhuman, women are children, or that there needs to be a caste system based off of IQ or whatever. To me it's very dull minded, seeing how IQ scores for entire populations have increased as there has been more economic and educational opportunities for them as time has passed. IQ is a very useful tool, kind of sad to see how it's being weaponized these days. I hate how that specific rendition of it has become so mainstream

No. 2409038

People. Talk. Too. Much.

No. 2409042

>Thrusts like a dying bumblebee.
Why is this so accurate

No. 2409043

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I like OP's original and hand gesture it's making kek

No. 2409049

Because I know men and their failures like the back of my hand.

No. 2409061

Apparently the Aztecs ate the shit out of these little niggas to the point that they became almost extinct. Sad because they're pretty cute

No. 2409067

I bet they tasted good as hell.

No. 2409068

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kekk I found this, it's from an old recipe book

No. 2409070

Woman should never do chores for a moid, unless he’s paying for her entire life. Otherwise why the hell are you doing his laundry and cooking him dinner?

No. 2409076

My ex would get mad I didn't do chores at his house when I was staying over. Like yeah alright, I'll do your chores then we'll go to my house and you'll do mine? No?

No. 2409125

If you know anything about Nietzsche and what he believed in I genuinely think it's impossible to deny how utterly Nietzschean /ot/ is. He is very much alive and well kek. I don't mean this in a gay idolizing way but I mean his general affect and attitude towards life and even his personal life. Plus all the shit with his loser sister is like some shit that would come straight out of the vent thread.
>um anons I died and my stupid witch of a sister FORGED writing to pass it off as mine just to peddle my unfinished manuscript to NAZIS. BECAUSE SHE'S A FUCKING CRAZY NAZIFAG. I'm so glad I'm dead but fuck her.
Despite being male he embodies the lolcow spirit very well. This is probably unpopular because I think Nietzsche is still just the fake stoic Nazi "philosopher" to a lot of people so the general opinion would be to disagree. He's kind of a bit endearing in a strictly passionate sperg way, much like a lot of wonderful anons on this site.

No. 2409127

This reminds me of my ex and how gay he was about cooking. He would make basic shit like paninis, Mac n cheese, and eggs then act like it would some amazing feat kek. Then he started complaining about how I didn’t cook. Like bitch the fuck you want me to do, boil the water for your Mac n cheese? Kek. He was in denial when I dumped him too like he thought I was going to come running back when I could easily replace him. It was all projection because he was the one who couldn’t replace me easily

No. 2409210

A lot of people who act as live in landlords only do so so that they have someone to control or abuse. They usually don’t have any friends because of their ridiculous OCD narc tier expectations so they need someone around to take it out on. Having someone in the house that they can berate everytime there’s 1 crumb in the sink, having ridiculous rules about when they can use the kitchen and threatening them with eviction when they don’t comply gets their rocks off.

No. 2409213

we need to gatekeep more and call more people posers

No. 2409216

The worst thing we ever did was stop gatekeeping alt fashion.

No. 2409234

>He's kind of a bit endearing in a strictly passionate sperg way, much like a lot of wonderful anons on this site.
I don't know how much you intended this as a compliment, but it was very sweet and made my night better, nonna. Thank you.

No. 2409330

I honestly dont mind drag queens. As long as they dont claim to be women. I dont care they do ''womanface'' because to me tacky makeup, long hairdoos and ugly trashy clothes doesnt equal woman and never will. If moids took all that garbage away from women i honestly wouldnt mind, it looks trashy.

No. 2409335

Bohemian rhapsody is such a shit song. The vocals are grating, and it's embarrassing to listen to. I feel like the only people who actually enjoy it are retarded old moids and fandom TIFs who can make sadboy animatics to it. I hate that the fag who sings it is treated like a world changing martyr.

No. 2409342

Therapy is a waste of time and doesn’t work

No. 2409344

Same. I always found the concept of "womanface" just being men in makeup and dresses pretty backwards and retarded.

No. 2409345

You're supposed to post opinions in here nona, not facts

No. 2409346

Don't they claim to be women though? While in character, I mean. You're supposed to refer to them as she when they're dressed up and he when they're out of costume, right?

No. 2409369

This, and shitty therapists need to be held accountable hard. Therapy is already expensive enough and then if you work a 9-5, it's even harder to get time off and find said time to attend therapy, now I'm expected to run through loads of therapists until I find "the one"? Just give me some of those 50s housewife pills and call it a day

No. 2409377

Prince was an unlikeable, ugly, greasy manlet with an horrendous attitude, and I'm tired of his fans constantly forcing everyone else to praise him. I don't give a single shit he played every instrument ever created, i also don't give a shit about his "genius". His songs sucked and were weird at best, sometimes his voice sounded like nails on a board, and "purple rain" is extremely overrated

No. 2409415

Same. But everybody else loves it so you're forced to let the whole song play through when it comes on the radio instead of doing the sensible thing and switching to a station that isn't currently playing a six minute long song comprised of multiple clashing song fragments (because allegedly Queen couldn't figure out which one to stick to.)

No. 2409418

Skill issue

No. 2409420

With what the current crop of therapists are taught these days, OP is right.

No. 2409466

You should be allowed to bully the anons in the unconventional male attractions thread for their taste.

No. 2409475

the entire mental health field is stacked against women. it has little benefit if you're not a munchie chasing a coveted diagnosis or looking for validation. women genuinely struggling with their mental health are often either over-medicated or given inaccurate diagnoses because few professionals are interested in actually addressing women's trauma or pain.

No. 2409478

Literally this and I’m tired of it getting constantly shilled as the one and only solution by retarded normalfags.

No. 2409480

Kekkk that last part that you said is so true. Why do I have to sift through a million licensed professionals just to find one that manages to give a shit? Nobody wants to criticize the field of psychology and psychiatry because it’s constantly seen as a holy grail to everybody’s problems. It’s just another subtle way for peope to tell you to suck it up buttercup and “heal” from trauma that honestly most people can’t really heal from, it’s stuck and engrained forever.

No. 2409573

I wish they still had those 50’s housewife sedatives, whatever they were

No. 2409575

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No thanks. It’s just a woke boogeyman channel instead of genuine criticism of transgender ideology.

No. 2409576

Xanax, I think.

No. 2409578

The name of the channel is "the radical center", how can anyone take this seriously?

No. 2409579

There's some really good ones but 90% are yesmen who won't hold you accountable and will enable your most self-indugent and narcissistic behavior. I had one therapist who gave some genuinely life changing advice and outside perspective the rest were garbage and eventually I just gave up

No. 2409584

I need an opium soaked tampon for my delicate disposition

No. 2409585

True. A decent therapist has to push you. If you never leave a session crying or at least feeling shaken, they're just coddling you.
Another problem you didn't talk about is that many people seek therapy because they want yes men, they want to be told that it's the world that is wrong and unfair and that they're just victims.
Therapy brings change and change hurts.

No. 2409586

I can cry on my own why would I pay someone for that

No. 2409593

You're probably not learning anything if you cry on your own, just wallowing in self pity.
An example of what therapy taught me: I'm not the unlovable loser my family convinced me I was. I idolized them because they constantly put me down, so I believed they were superior to me. She helped me understand that what they were doing was wrong, that they weren't infallible and that I had value as a person. I also tended to push others away at every chance because I thought if they got too close, they would see me for the loser I am. She helped me see that people were actually trying to get close to me because they liked who I am.
I would have never reached these conclusions, I needed someone looking from the outside in to help me rearrange my view of myself. It was so painful to realize my family didn't have my best interest in mind, that they weren't perfect and that I wasn't an idiot. It was legit painful and I cried a lot. If I had staid at home crying, I probably would have killed myself like I wanted to.

No. 2409596

I already know I have value as a person I don’t need a therapist to tell me that for hundreds of dollars

No. 2409597

Congratulations? Why are you even replying to me if you don't think you need a therapist?

No. 2409602


No. 2409606

No. 2409607

No one gives a shit if you go to therapy or not, are you autistic

No. 2409618

Youre in unpopular opinions. Therapy is dumb and a waste of money. Sorry

No. 2409622

Now that’s what I need

No. 2409623

NTA but your therapist shouldn’t be making you cry nona

No. 2409633

They still have them? You just have to pretend to be really depressed and find an old man doctor. It's called "Valium," it's known as "mother's little helper." It's really addictive though, you're better off just smoking marihuana.

No. 2409644

Valium is not that easy to get from a doc anymore. Xanax really isn’t either. Lot of people just order them on the dark web or they go to Mexico where you don’t need a docs prescription

No. 2409648

How am I supposed to not cry when dealing with painful experiences? I didn't cry because she berated me, I cried because she touched upon difficult subjects.

No. 2409650

>it’s the world that’s wrong
The world is in many ways wrong you fucking retard. Not everything is that person’s fault and no a lot of people don’t want a yes man they just want their brains to be fucking normal again but therapy doesn’t solve all of that. Letting normalfags have access to therapy has ruined any chance of alternative research for people who are actually suffering from REAL mental illness, not because you stupid fucking faggots need a self-help person or a life coach. God I’m so tired of this shit

No. 2409651

Normalfags with trauma and “mental illness” will never be the same as real people with genuine life issues and mental illness, it’s so obvious who is just a dumb normie and those who are genuinely suffering from something real.

No. 2409652

It's really easy to get from a doctor, you just have to ask them for it. It helps if you go to an old doctor, someone who is gonna retire soon. I got prescribed Valium back in college so I could sell it to buy a Nintendo Switch. You just have to act really depressed and cry at the doctor.

No. 2409657

>Not everything is that person’s fault
But some of it is. A therapist cannot change the world, they can't make the world be fair to you, they can only help you accept reality, change what you're able to, recognize harmful situations, things like that. They can only work with you, not others.
>they just want their brains to be fucking normal
Then you need to try medication. I've been on bipolar meds for 10 years and will probably not be on them. Your mental illness is your responsiblity, seek the help you need, no one else will do it for you.

No. 2409658

*will probably never not be on them

No. 2409660

Nta but it's obvious people feel better about their problems after talking about them. Not everyone has someone they can confide in or vent to who will listen and even if they think they do, that person is probably tired of hearing about a lot of it. The vast majority of people can't deal with their own issues and require another person to help. You're basically debating being a cheap emotional vampire and relying on your friends/family to sort out your problems or being an adult and paying a professional to help

No. 2409664

>Your mental illness is your responsiblity, seek the help you need, no one else will do it for you
Listen, I know you think you know everything and think you’re better than others just because you go to fucking therapy, which proves to me therapy so now a status symbol for people to seem better than others on the one huge performance of “getting better”, but therapy does not fix everything, does not address systemic and societal problems that could lead people into therapy. Therapy and medication are the most overrated and overly used troubleshoot solutions for people who have a variety of overlapping issues who need HELP beyond fucking therapy and shoving brain zapping drugs down their fucking gullet to keep them placated. This bootstraps narrative that everybody spits like it’s the most true, correct thing is retarded and you sound like a bot, just like the other bots who think they are the same as people with actual mental illness. What nobody ever wants to acknowledge because it breaks their minds: not everybody can be saved, will be saved, will be “healed” and therapy is not everything. Therapy is for other broken and unstable retards to redirect you to because they can’t help you and don’t care. Therapy is for faggots who can’t handle rawdogging life and accepting it without some other person telling them how to view and accept things, that superiority complex is still riddle in your speech, that therapist has truly instilled that same “us vs them” mindset and you seriously think your brainwashed ass has learned more than those “weak, victim-baiting” people. No, you’re brainwashed, you’re stupid, don’t offer any real solutions or answers just like your therapist, exist to whip people back into shape as mindfuck them about their real material reality. You can shove your advice far up your fucking ass. Yes the world is out to get you, has filled you up with fucking chemicals, has beaten you down to the point where you need a literal person to hold your hand for you and tell you what to parrot to seem like a “wise” person, you don’t know shit. Shut your dumbass up

No. 2409668

What separates them?

No. 2409674

The government is going against dei to keep white women in check, This is what this is really about.

No. 2409675

Then what the actual fuck is the point of having friends and family? What the actual fuck is the point of even talking to them, supporting them? You fucking tards are poor and get your shit hoodwinked every time with this therapyspeak while rich, wealthy people don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about with “trauma dumping”, “emotional vampirism” all of this woowoo shit that has unfortunately found its place in psychology. The problem here is that most people can’t handle reality, most people need their hand held through a therapist, most people don’t care because they are stuck inside an egocentric mindset, they’ve brainwashed your stupid ass to erode communities, turn relationships and connections with others into a robotic/mechanical process, and now you’re hooked on some MK ultra mind controller making sure you stay within the confines that society wants you to be in and make sure to tell the other people to shut up, take the meds and never look around the slop that surrounds them and constantly fucks up their lives. Therapy isn’t going to fucking save failing families, failing societies, it’s not going to fix shit, it’s just leading you into a path of nowhere and to keep people in a single one line and if you don’t, you’re now all of these pseudoscience terms and things that exist in reality are constantly categorized as mental illnesses. Your family aren’t narcs, your family is functioning as a family because families are inherently hierarchical, inherently abusive, inherently has a disregard for people because it’s purely a thing created out of the heterosexual contract. I’m so fucking tired of these repetitive ass mindsets just going in circles like AI, you would think people would stop with the same shit you spout but they don’t, you either got it or you don’t or you either want to get it or you don’t. You clearly don’t and will call every single fucking person who’s critical of therapy as a villain committing wrongthink. You’ve got your stupid retarded ass hoodwinked into being a useful idiot for a surveillance state as well, dumb fuck.

No. 2409677

I don’t understand conservatives. If they’re really all about morality I don’t understand why they don’t ban revealing clothes, porn and strip clubs.

No. 2409679

Ok I've had enough of the defeatist mentality itt. Have fun wallowing in your misery and doing nothing about it, but stop the crabs in a bucket mentality of keeping others from seeking help because you want everyone else to be miserable too.

No. 2409682

All of my wealthy/successful family members attend bi/weekly therapy. If I weren't a poorfag, I would too. If I didn't know any better, I would say you're a therapy shill showing anons how bad things can get

No. 2409684

They’re banning porn already. Also banning revealing clothing is the quickest way to turn America into Saudi Arabia-lite

No. 2409686

Where in America are they banning born? If that’s true that’s great

No. 2409693

maybe you got lucky then because if you say you’re depressed they will give you antidepressants not Valium. Two way different things. Valium actually works immediately on anxiety antidepressants have to build in your system for weeks then even then they might not work that well for your body chemistry

No. 2409695

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A lot of the loudest ones are just trumpanzees who agree with whatever dear leader told them 5 minutes ago

No. 2409699

many conservative women claim to be against everything you listed. the men do too but you know they're probably looking at porn in private

No. 2409700

Therapy really only works for mild issues and it is not for people with real problems. It’s why middle class white women are the biggest proponents of it.

No. 2409704

Scrotes don’t care from the waist down kek, they’re all the same, religious, conservatives, democratic, black, white , blue, yellow. They’re all the same with their disgusting appendage.

No. 2409705

They don’t really prescribe valium anymore, at least not as much as they prescribe ativan

No. 2409715

On the topic of antidepressants, I know this might be unpopular here because I’m aware there are many anons who use medications like this but SSRI’s are so fucking unhealthy for your body. I feel like something has to be wrong with an individual on a deeply cellular level to take a drug like for example Prozac or Wellbutrin for months or years and only become healthier/more cognizant through those medications; as opposed to the classic forcing yourself into going outside more, eating healthier, spending more time around other people, etc.

No. 2409722

I know not technically "DEI" but if you've tried to apply for any gov-funded business loan or grant in the past 15 years, this is fucking obvious. They make the criteria "super minorities", like you can only apply if you're indigenous and creating a biofuel company. There were tons of female-only business grants/loans, or so I'm told by boomer women who don't understand why zoomer/millennial women can't open or fund their businesses

No. 2409723

i can't help but wonder how many women attend therapy because of moid-induced problems. dumping a shitty husband or boyfriend or cutting off abusive family members is often the solution to their problems but they don't want to accept that so they cope in other ways instead

No. 2409729

My aunts been on them for years and she’s tried to go off them but she can’t. I’m like 90% sure they are why she is fat too because she was normal before starting them

No. 2409733

Yes. Abusive moids love to tell women they need therapy because women become more emotional and unstable due to the abuse. But if they just removed the guy they could be stable again

No. 2409734

If they ban porn the dumb moids who don’t know how to get around it will just start jerking off to women in public

No. 2409736

Yup. I'll never go back because when I tried it was just a waste of my time, every normalfag who claims to be mentally ill will tell me I should totally go back though. They also don't consider some people simply can't talk about their problems with a stranger, I literally can't open up about anything emotional irl and it's why therapy didn't work for me at all. It also won't fix my environment and the problems I have with the world and humanity as a whole, at best I can find ways to cope with it but I'll always feel depressed and shitty about it to some degree because the world and the things that depress me won't change. And it's actually extra depressing and kind of humiliating to know the only reason someone would be listening to you is because you pay them to.

No. 2409737

Therapy is a waste of money in a relationship. You should be on your own for a few years, then attending therapy, then dating a moid. If you're using therapy as bandaid for a shitty relationship or abusive scrote, you're misusing therapy. It doesn't mean it's "bad"

No. 2409739

Music is really mediocre right now.

No. 2409815

everyone always cries about boomers but gen-x is the generation that ruined everything by fucking the economy in the 00s with their credit card debt and easy bankruptcies. they crashed the housing market and have comparable conservative leaning voter base to boomers and older. plus they ruined the job market by climbing the ladder and kicking it down. they are the 40-50 somethings who say everyone needs 10 years of experience and a masters degree for an entry-level job, when they got hired off a firm handshake. we should be more mad at them.

No. 2409816

You will never see bisexual women tell the straight men they date that they have to spread their cheeks for trans women. But they tell lesbians to spread our legs for trans women. They are deeply lesbophobic and don’t respect female homosexuality.

No. 2409819

Don't think this is an opinion, so much as a fact. I can't think of any recent music that has as much staying power the stuff from the 90s or 2000s.

No. 2409821

Horses are my least favorite domestic animal and the fact that they don't have proper feet and just thunder about on a single oversized toenail makes me want to puke when I think about it.

No. 2409826

For me it's not the horses themselves but the obnoxious horsefags that make me dislike them

No. 2409828

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No. 2409831

horses are nasty freaks but taste good.

No. 2409832

Horses are the reason the world became civilised you know?, without horses youd be dead by the age of 10 because unga gave you the wrong red berry

No. 2409836


No. 2409839

I don't mind them as animals but I find the horseshoe stuff and horse races so sad. It seems painful.

No. 2409842

They're just spooky. I don't understand why so many people are afraid of spiders or snakes but can look at a horse's uncanny aggressive looking face without fear.

No. 2409843

horse shoes don't hurt them at all it's like having your nails done. Horse races are unethical, but they won't stop anytime soon, because all the old money rich guys love that shit.

No. 2409850

Ew i don't want to see a tranny fuck a man. Also I never heard of the situation you're describing either.

No. 2409852

I like the way you described that. It's very evocative

No. 2409874

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You’re just jealous you’ll never look like this

No. 2409876

We should lock moids in cages and beat them with wooden or bamboo sticks for a full 48 hours when they turn 18. This should be highly celebrated and woven into every aspect of society. It's for their own good. Moids won't be respected as equal citizens until they undergo the Beating. And the women close to them will carry it out. If a moid has nobody to do it then the state will arrange a Beating. A moids' Beating is a joyous occasion, itll be a family-wide celebration where the moids will receive Beating related gifts like bandages and mouth guards and there will be feasts and dancing.

No. 2409877

I think you can self diagnose yourself with mild autism/adhd if you also have peer review and do extensive research. Getting a diagnosis is hard and for a lot of people, expensive unless you have very obvious level 3 profound autism or are a male.

No. 2409883

I like this

No. 2409888

>it's like having your nails done
They even have a fancy word for horse pedicurists - farrier

No. 2409891

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nya but or this

No. 2409893

Abracadabra sucks. It barely sounds like music.

No. 2409897

She's… Probably from the UK. They use S instead of Z in words like that. Don't correct people when you lack understanding.

No. 2409898

The music scene is so fragmentary now, I think because of people relying more on personal algorithms than old methods (word of mouth or a small number of radio stations that everyone in an area listens to). Nothing gets as well known or widespread as pre-algorithm pop songs would. Everyone’s a lot more in their own isolated media bubbles these days.

No. 2409900

I don’t get why gaga lost her gusto for pop music. She seemed to be a complete natural, but now she seems to be a total bum at anything other than piano jazz. At least she’s happy.

No. 2409908

Because piano jazz was her always her thing and her "art pop" sound and persona and even name were all given to her by her producer at the time, Rob Fusari. And she only got to be a singer because she said yes to his advances so he'd push her career forward. He even tried to sue her for breaking up with him and pretending she made the music and image on her own. Then he went and leaked the songs she wrote for Lina Morgana, his previous victim she dared to say no to, so he axed her career and picked Gaga instead. Lady Gaga got her clothing style and performance style from a stripper called Lady Starlight or something like that, too. In other words, it was never her original ideas and vision to begin with, and without the circles and team around her, she can't do the same kind of music she used to anymore. Although I never liked her music or style anyways. Lina should've been the star instead, but the unfortunately circumstances ruined it all. She took her life out of frustration that her career got ruined because of that Rob faggot.

No. 2409910

That single huge toenail is objectively less weird/disgusting than our feet with our nasty grippers kek

No. 2409918

But why go back to something she doesn't like? I doubt she needs to, considering she spent a long time successfully doing piano jazz. I'm certain she could make better pop if she didn't try to go back to a style that wasn't hers.

No. 2409932

All apes eat the right berries and don't need horses for it so not correct.

No. 2409942

You're not wrong. Bring back to the Paparazzi and Telephone days.

No. 2409952

capybaras are actually amazing animals and it should have never went mainstream

No. 2409957

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Nta but sometimes pop stars should just retire and go away too

No. 2409963

funny enough the main family member who made my life hell was the one saying go to therapy. I cut her out of my life and unsurprisingly it's gotten better. too many women are told this shit by the root cause.

No. 2409967

most conservative women are pushing for banning porn, choose to present themselves modestly, and do believe strip clubs to be unhealthy for society. i don’t know how we’d go about banning revealing clothing, but i do agree that strip clubs should fall under public indecency and be closed down and denormalized

No. 2409980

I like the bridge but i kind of hate the rest
Shitty male producers make me so depressed as a woman into sound engineering and production. It’s been literal decades since a woman has been nominated for producer of the year, the last woman being nominated was janet jackson. Bjork has co produced and composed a lot of beautiful music but hasn’t even won a grammy before. (she’s more of a composer than a producer, so most of her work is produced collaboratively). It’s so depressing, you can’t make it as a female musician unless you “sell your soul”. It’s why I sympathize with a lot of female musicians, you literally can’t get out there without getting exploited by subhuman male producers or clawing your way to the top independently. Even the work of female producers is accredited to troon. It’s what got me into production over actually singing and performing actually- there’s so much women can do in that field and we’re just blocked off. I remember someone in the grimes thread saying “well men and women are just better at certain things, so men should be the producers and women shouldn’t try” something on the lines of that, and it irked me so fucking bad, do you even know the history of the industry?

No. 2409981

>horses are nasty freaks but taste good
you're even more of a freak for eating them wtf

No. 2409987

There are many cultures that eat horse regularly. I'm guessing you're a burger?

No. 2409988

nta but fucking what cultures eat horse kek?

No. 2409995

File: 1740091864784.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.82 KB, 1024x575, what-does-horse-meat-taste-lik…)

nta but they're like pure muscle, they probably taste good apparently a cross between cow and venison. Horse meat used to be used for dog food but horse-people didn't like that so now their bodies are destroyed or buried and we source dog food from countries with poor/no standards so it's really worse for everyone

No. 2409998

No. 2410002

File: 1740092045886.png (Spoiler Image,907.89 KB, 828x719, yummy2.PNG)

Reminds me of this

No. 2410005

ok so you, don’t even know yourself. you could’ve just said that

No. 2410008

>Asks to be spoonfed
>Gets pissy over not being spoonfed properly
NTA but people in many Central Asian cultures eat horse meat if you're so lazy you can't even click a link.

No. 2410009

Nta, I only know of cold regions like Yakutia and Kazakhstan. It’s not that weird

No. 2410010

Do you not know what lmgtfy is kek?

No. 2410012

it was common enough in europe too, but it has gotten pretty rare

No. 2410014

that’s not what spoonfeeding means, spoonfeeding is when you go into a cows thread and ask anons to tell you about their history instead of just lurking. me asking “who the fuck eats horsemeat” doesn’t really apply to that

No. 2410016

You're that same baiter from the other day aren't you?

No. 2410019

NTAYRT but how does that read as bait kek? That’s just the truth

No. 2410020

File: 1740092682495.gif (1.76 MB, 498x377, duck-weed.gif)

No. 2410022

damn, i had not realized that eating horse meat was so popular on LC that asking who in the fucking world would ever eat that is now considered bait material

No. 2410024

No. 2410026

not to sound like a know it all but we’re obviously talking about the term spoon feeding on lolcow, not the word in the dictionary. specific words used on LC can have their own definition

No. 2410029

This reminds me of the "lolcowian" infighting yesterday >>2408703

No. 2410030

You know how anons sometimes use the word nigel when referring to their boyfriends, but the actual name nigel still exists irl? The word spoonfeeding is kind of like that. Trying to be a smartass by constantly linking google just makes you look retarded

No. 2410032

File: 1740093096623.png (26.53 KB, 1287x95, here comes the airplane.png)

No. 2410033

either you’re pretending to be stupid for the sake of baiting or you just genuinely don’t understand that terms used on lolcow have their own definitions, maybe its about time we have an LC dictionary thread for spergs like this…

No. 2410034

Can you fill out the dictionary entry of "baiting" then, spoonfed-chan?

No. 2410036

Kek now I’m inspired to draw up a cute lolcow dictionary threadpic

No. 2410038

Not everyone who disagrees with you is personaliyfag status

No. 2410039

What makes horses so much more speshul than cows and pigs that so many nonas are offended by the thought of eating them?

No. 2410040

Did the image not load for you? Or did you simply not read it?

No. 2410047

i wasn’t offended at the thought of someone eating them, grossed out is a phrase. horse meat doesn’t sound tasty, i feel like it would taste leathery once cooked
no i read the image, it’s just that for some reason this anon seems to be upset by anons asking a question instead of using google and chose to incorrectly apply the term spoon-feeding in this scenario. me offhandedly asking “in what country do people eat horse meat” and one choosing to answer would not be "providing me with “o much help or information i do not need to think for myself” kek. its a question you can answer with like, one word

No. 2410051

no but i’m sure you could with your expertise, google-chan!

No. 2410053

Megan fox is the best example of pretty privilege. 30 years and she still can’t act.

No. 2410054

The last movie I saw her in was Transformers? That had to have been over a decade ago now

No. 2410057

File: 1740093997903.jpeg (233.33 KB, 1200x674, IMG_5448.jpeg)

She been in a few Netflix movies playing a hot girl like usual

No. 2410067

I actually liked the till death movie she was in

No. 2410082

That wig is crazy kek. Straight people have a weird definition of hot

No. 2410097

I've had so many extensions over the years that look exactly like that. It looks fresh from the bag and I can imagine the smell

No. 2410098

woah my goodness, she’s looking kinda troony with those overfilled lips

No. 2410100

i watched this movie the other day and she looked extremely plastic and artificial. she was playing a robot so it worked

No. 2410102

File: 1740095850329.gif (773.68 KB, 400x294, 859-802280956.gif)

>woah my goodness
kek I agree tho anon

No. 2410105

her nose looks weird too tbh. it didn't look weird when she got her nosejob, but I feel like she would look better without it now

No. 2410112

File: 1740096021213.jpg (55.8 KB, 500x511, 9d6f40388bff39b9197a66af194368…)

That always seems to happen to nosejobs. I think the scar tissue hardens and they loose fat on their nose like everywhere else as they age. It always ends up looking too small for their face too

No. 2410115

What are you defending? That's a wig. Can you not see the mesh and weird hair line?

No. 2410120

It's not just her nose. She was never very attractive to me but I know straight people love this shit because they can only stand looking at caricatures of women.

No. 2410130

Her brows are way too thick for her face.

No. 2410131

I can identify the type of hair used in her wig bc I've had extensions made of this hair. Maybe I was lucky going for extensions and avoiding the wig glue

No. 2410133

I don't even know why she felt the need to have a nosejob, she didn't even had a big one or anything.

No. 2410136

File: 1740096859073.jpg (73.16 KB, 640x823, sissy-spacek-18.jpg)

She started acting right when Hollywood was obsessed with cookie cutter "Californian Blondes". Sissy Spacek's nose was considered "normal" att

No. 2410143

These are two completely different eras kek. I don't associate Sissy Spacek and Meghan Fox in the same time period of acting.

No. 2410185

File: 1740099720361.png (3.62 MB, 995x1931, pearly spacek.png)

Sissy Spacek reminds me of Pearl

No. 2410190

File: 1740100182490.jpg (8.32 KB, 174x290, 098765432.jpg)

They're both very "plain"

No. 2410192

>”ugh why does no one take me seriously?”
>always plays as the bimbo and whore in every single film she’s in
Can she stop pretending there was anything more to her? There wasn’t, she needs to accept that she’s there to play the visual eye candy and deep down she knows it. Nothing about saying that is misogynistic, after all it is just a job, and all of her movies (maybe with the slight exception with Jennifer’s Body) has been major slop, so she doesn’t even choose the right material to go with that could transform her image. She’s so fucking annoying, not everything has to do with people being jealous of her appearance, she just does literally nothing to make herself be taken seriously or maybe she just knows how to attention whore and her crying about that is her money maker. I honestly don’t even see acting for her tbh, she should have just gone the Kim Kardashian influencer/fashion route but for some odd reason she keeps acting

No. 2410199

There’s no way you’re saying someone as ethereal looking as Sissy Spacek, known to play unusual looking characters in horror movies, is “plain”. You’re either just baiting, ugly, fat, underaged or attempting to neg another woman who hasn’t been super relevant in years to make yourself feel better about yourself.

No. 2410203

File: 1740100638127.jpg (352.54 KB, 1920x1080, Megan-Fox-Plastic-Surgery-1427…)

>Can she stop pretending there was anything more to her?
Honestly I'm amazed people still talk about her other than the plastic surgery comments. I think it's because she tried so hard to be Angelina Jolie superficially, that there are still people who believe she has or had similar depth. At least Angelina works with the UN and countless charities and isn't a complete famewhore. The vial of blood and brother kissing were more like a Britney-era than a full-blown lifestyle, like Megan. It's pretty obvious why she's stuck around so long, regardless of what you find attractive she used to be otherworldly looking

No. 2410204

Lowkey have been saying this, I agree. I honestly do believe the conspiracy theory that these celebrities are just putting spells in their music and that’s clearly what it is because it’s borderline and unlistenable song that nobody is talking about kek

No. 2410208

It's more like she's upset that she's pigeonholed into an trope that she cannot escape but is widely irrelevant now that she is older. Her complaining about not being taken seriously is her frustrated desperation to do anything else that she is unfortunately not developed talent for due to her easy pass through the years for being hot. Bet it felt good at the time but now she's kicking herself. I don't think she could change her image now even if she tried.

No. 2410215

That’s her fault, there’s plenty of mature, elderly woman roles and I don’t care, there literally is. What older women who are so into celebrity culture want is to be able to play younger roles and be seen as a younger person without judgement which is retarded, older women are old and should play more mature, refined roles so they can actually be taken seriously. Also her manager or whoever is overseeing her probably hates her because she’s chosen so much bad projects to be apart of, probably the only shit she can get because they clearly left her behind for the modern Chalamets and other new age actors they keep overusing for some odd reason. I don’t believe it’s “THEY HATE OLDER WOMEN!!!!” kek, no, when there’s money to be made they don’t care who gets whored out for these roles, I’ve seen this change gradually where I’ve seen even more older women in more movies and tv shows now. Honestly I never got that entire point anyways, some roles are just not meant for older people and most entertainment is made for children and young adults for a reason, there’s lots of money to made off of them.

No. 2410218

File: 1740101687870.png (106.56 KB, 1326x758, Age_of_male_vs_female_actors_a…)

There are substantially less older women roles than older man roles nona, it's just a fact. Picrel is the age of actors at film release.

No. 2410226

Nta but are these existing roles or proposed? I wonder if every other actress stopped complaining about age-appropriate casting and insisting on roles like Megan Fox chooses, if writers would create more of them. I hear Hollywood actresses tell anecdotes to sad background music about being offered "mother" roles and similar

No. 2410240

It's from already out movies with more than 10,000 IMDb-Votes between the years of 2000 and 2015. There just are fewer roles for women in general. I'm not saying she is an amazing actress or whatever, but fact of the matter is as an actress you have your 20s and after that you don't matter anymore and have like 2 different roles you are allowed to play whereas scrotes get to play whatever they want until their mid 50s at the very least. I don't care if actresses are entitled. I don't see why only scrotes should have the privilege of being represented on screen in any meaningful capacity after their youth.

No. 2410247


No. 2410252

ok? what's your problem? or do you just don't have anything of value to say?

No. 2410259

File: 1740103398322.jpeg (64.23 KB, 750x216, IMG_3769.jpeg)

Literally this. Also with the constant need to ask tarot questions about a moid that obviously doesn’t give a shit about them, it’s sad that women rather dabble in woowoo shit than admit men are biologically defective and show them this every single time and yet ignore the signs to make their perfect little nigel dream become true.

No. 2410262

Anons like the one you replied to need to be banned it’s so cringe

No. 2410265


No. 2410279

I think I'm having a schizo moment because I swear there's one fucking person who says "anons" and says "kek" in like every sentence who is camped out in this thread being irritating

No. 2410284


No. 2410319

I hate men but my father fully funds my life so I hope every man reading knows that stomping my little foot and kicking up a fuss is a lifestyle.

No. 2410329

You’re retarded

No. 2410336

Money talks

No. 2410354

I wish I had rich parents.

No. 2410369

Honestly, same. Except my dad calls me a useless cunt everyday and hates me for not being a baby mother to some ugly man so my mum can have grandkids to wave around. Despite it all, once i get a well paying job, i will cut him off completely. Call it cutting off the middle man.

No. 2410378

Her dad is probably middle class or lower and has no other options. What adult would want to have their parents pay for everything? Most would be ashamed or consider it a temporary loan, unless they're mentally ill

No. 2410380

>You’re just jealous you’ll never look like this
Look like what, a freak that doesn't even have a clavicle?

No. 2410390

>What adult would want to have their parents pay for everything?
This is literally the concept of generational wealth. Everybody would love it if someone else paid for everything.

No. 2410398

I hate nepotism and it's current horrible effect on society so maybe I have an issue with your interpretation of "generational wealth". Actual rich people like Bill Gates or even Mila Kunis aren't leaving all their money to their kids because they see how useless and drug addicted the children of their peers turned out
>Everybody would love it if someone else paid for everything.
Every lazy person with no ambition or worth ethic would love that. Some people actually enjoy the feeling of earning something themselves, instead of the monotony of having everything handed to you

No. 2410414

Cats don't have clavicles either flood detection I wrote sagea instead of sage

No. 2410420

you should’ve spoilered this nona i can see her dirty pillows!!
nta and yes sissy spacek is gorgeous but she is by all means just a pale freckley lady with straw yellow hair and blue eyes, it’s wonderful if you find her to be *~ethereal~* but she is pretty plain. and thats not an insult! she’s like a plain baguette. plain but still delicious

No. 2410427

File: 1740114982942.gif (623.28 KB, 245x200, anigif_enhanced-18272-14348487…)

>i can see her dirty pillows!!

No. 2410608

It's hard to talk to older/senior women because of how overly misogynistic they can be.

No. 2410609

So often they're just as retarded as their male counterparts. Any time I meet a smart and thoughtful woman that age I imagine she suffered so much given the kind of invalids she grew up around

No. 2410611

She was only good as the mean girl in those mary kate and ashley movies and in that one disney channel movie.

No. 2410632

And you know what? We still need her.

No. 2410665

This is honestly so true. She's not even really good at playing the hot girl, acting wise… she just looks pretty and that's it.

No. 2410667

File: 1740133852010.gif (3.15 MB, 498x280, 577984171.gif)

You don't know what you're talking about anon

No. 2410671

If you are with a scrote who cheats on you, doesn’t care about you and dismisses you at any given time for the nth time yet you keep going back after venting to your friends who tell you to leave him, don’t be surprised if you remain alone.
These kind of women are so tiring, they give 100 chances to men and yet will drop you in a heartbeat at the first wrongdoing kek.

No. 2410682

Death penalty should be given to violent killers who torture and dismember their victims. You can’t take your chances in letting out someone like this in society.
Same goes with pedophiles who kill their victims.

No. 2410684

We are already so many. I don’t get why retards go on with “muh humanity and moral compass!”. These criminals have forfeited all society’s laws already, it’s a waste of funds to keep them alive in prison or worse to let them out only for them to reoffend again.
I’ll add even the schizos who violently kill while under psychosis. What if the retard goes off his meds because he thinks he’s cured and eats someone’s face again?

No. 2410697

Reminds me of the execution of Carey Dale Grayson that happened recently. As a teenager he and his friends picked up a hitchhiking woman then attacked, brutally beat, and threw her body off a fucking cliff and then they went back to dismember her. The woman's daughter, who IIRC wasn't really all that old enough to remember her mother all that much was in the news recently for pleading for him to not be executed. Like can you be an even bigger retard than that, they beat your mom to death and threw her body off a cliff like tossing a stone. Then going back to hack her body up, and you're crying on the news over one of the murderer's deaths????? Give me a break bitch Jesus christ.

No. 2410706

True, but if not death penalty then Gulag. Forced hard labour to benefit the society they hurt until they die.
Wow that's horrible, what a stupid bitch. Her mom is gonna slap her in the afterlife.

No. 2410712

There’s no sweeter justice than these monsters being killed off, I don’t care. It’s safeguarding for their possible future victims too.
I would even add torture with it, but then I would be told that I’m too extreme kek.

No. 2410715

>Like can you be an even bigger retard than that, they beat your mom to death and threw her body off a cliff like tossing a stone
Some women are unsalvageable nonna. She isn’t aware that these four scrotes would have done the same to her and other women, her poor mom was just at the wrong place during the wrong time.
Maybe it’s just my deep care and empathy for women speaking here but I’ve never felt an ounce of sympathy for male killers and abusers. I don’t believe in redemption either.

No. 2410724

Bruh do neurotypicals not like their moms or something? Im surprised with the ways some are non-chalant towards them, I guess enmeshment is avoidable when youre capable of making real friends

No. 2410739

The best feeling in the world is actually breaking up with a man who says "why don't you just break up with me?"

No. 2410748

>Maybe it’s just my deep care and empathy for women speaking here
Oh aren't you such an angel? kek

No. 2410761

I am just tired of seeing that women and girls are the ones being abused, brutally killed and exploited each time and that pointing out that the perpetratos are almost always men gets these retards and their flock agitated. It made me just so tired and angry, I have little to no simpathy left for men, not anymore.That's all.

No. 2410766

File: 1740144717674.jpg (15.77 KB, 185x275, 1739139307912.jpg)

These characters are not cute, they look punchable and ugly

No. 2410770

I can't imagine something so horrible happening to my mother and then defending the man who did it. I'm always appalled at daughters who hate their mothers so much. They're always the same type too.

No. 2410775

She doesn't even look like a human. Her over filled lips and nose job are horrendous. Why do women do this shit to themselves

No. 2410778

Kek. Nothing beats the og Carrie movie. She's so great in it.

No. 2410781

My dad came from social housing and is a multimillionaire these days. He makes my car payments (I pay gas and insurance), bought me an apartment with cash that and pays my heating costs and gives me fun money every month I use on other payments. I still work but my one income wouldn't afford me the luxuries my dad gives me teehee

No. 2410788

I agree with this. Once you show no remorse and just cold blood murder someone, you should be killed. There shouldnt be a chance you get out of jail. There is no coming back from murder or rape. Kill them immediately

No. 2410789

How do you type obesely?

No. 2410791

I'm 54kg and just woke up from a drug hangover

No. 2410807

File: 1740148362034.webp (54.18 KB, 680x426, TELEMMGLPICT000338747179_16863…)

>Rich dad
>Substance abuse
You disgust me

No. 2410809

Right. Sad cope among drag queens enthusiasts. "Makeup doesn't equal women to me, so men equating women with makeup and making gross caricatures of us is totally ok"

Congrats anon!!

No. 2410840

File: 1740150253112.gif (806.77 KB, 500x500, 1693681637905.gif)

>I’ve never felt an ounce of sympathy for male killers and abusers
i don't either. i don't even care if they were horrifically abused as children. many women suffer terribly in their childhoods and teenage years yet don't grow up to commit rape and murder. men use their trauma as an excuse to hurt women and retards fall for it every time.

No. 2410853

>I hate nepotism
Jelly and also you think you’re better than those people? Lol no you’re not, you’re probably just as untalented as them.

No. 2410867

One of my old friends was like this and we had a falling out. The last time I saw her she was crying over something stupid he did then some months later she literally ghosted me and wouldn’t tell me why. I don’t know if her bitch bf blocked me or if it was really her. They ended up breaking later but we were drifted apart by then. Also their relationship literally started because HE wanted to make this other girl jealous (we were like 18 at the time) So stupid, he clearly didn’t like her but she refused to listenl

No. 2410892

All of the husbandofags or honestly the entirety of /g/ with the exception of the very few lesbians have been so psyop’d into loving gay male shit like big asses/big tits it’s so disgustingly apparent they’ve been exposed to perversions at such a young age. They would usually flock to you saying that you should accept their “female sexuality”, there’s no difference between you and a gay man constantly getting horny over a disgusting gigantic ass full of poop and shit. What the actual fuck is happening to people

No. 2410902

Autists should stop engaging in discussion with anons. Just shut the fuck up and lurk because you’re too retarded to understand anything being said.

No. 2410905

the ib would immediately die

No. 2410907

You would be left posting alone and atp just get a journal

No. 2410908

Most of you are fake autists anyway so I doubt it

No. 2410910

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

No. 2410911

File: 1740153234393.png (941.21 KB, 661x943, wereallautistichere.png)

No. 2410912

I strongly identify as an autist
I am a transautist
Trans autists are autists!

No. 2410913

Lol I feel you, I hate big asses too, are we ants or what??

No. 2410918

I seriously think it’s just a bunch of men who use those threads. It all looks and feels like trap/chaser tastes

No. 2410921

Lemme guess, someone told correctly told you that you’re retarded in the vent thread? Kek

No. 2410922

No. 2410925

Sometimes they are weird. I like masculine bodies that are lean and proportionate.

No. 2410929

What is a non disgusting and not gay thing to like on men in your opinion

No. 2410943

I hate how people like this are portrayed as being super empathetic just because they don't want murderers to be punished. They're seen as these saints who are sooo much nicer than anyone who would want them executed. It's my pet peeve that people like this think they're morally superior when I really think it's the other way around, if you show this much care to a murderer what you're actually displaying is a total apathy or even straight up hatred towards the victims. If I got hurt and people jumped to defending my attackers I would obviously just see them as inherently hateful towards me no matter what their reasoning was for doing it. It's never framed that way when retards pretend wanting people to be punished makes you evil and "just as bad", though. It's really ironic how the biggest display of a lack of empathy you could have in that situation is framed as actually being the bigger person in the situation, as if the murderer and the victims are in any way comparable and as if they both deserve the same level of care and empathy.

No. 2410957

she wasn't correcting, newfag she was mocking the idea that we're civilized.

No. 2410958

i got this reaction from my own sister once when i expressed the desire for my rapist to die.
>'omg how dare you wish death on another person can't you see it's soooo much healthier to move on from that and you're really just hurting yourself'
no i'm not, i am completely fine with saying he deserves death and it doesn't weigh on me to do so. he's hurting other people, he did it to like a dozen other women besides me, he faced no consequences, he has no remorse, he should just fucking be executed in order to remove a cancerous tumor human from this planet. some people are broken. they cannot be trusted not to harm the rest of us.

No. 2410960

i dont that believe that having sex with someone while you're drunk means you got raped

No. 2410973

Depends on many things. But if you are very intoxicated to the point that you can’t understand your surroundings nor stand and end up with a stranger who is sober then it is.
But if you are tipsy and flirt and go over at someone’s place to have sex with and later regret it it isn’t rape.

No. 2410976

That's terrible for her to say, this is exactly what I mean with displaying this apathy towards victims but framing it like they're above them and surely they're the bad ones if they react to things that happened to them. It's completely normal for you to want him gone because he hurt you and he's hurting other people and the only actually empathetic reaction to that would be to agree with you, not to frame it as somehow your moral failing if you don't forgive his awful actions. It would actually be more unhealthy if you sympathized with him if anything and it would mean you don't care about the other women he's hurting. I don't believe the whole "omg you're consumed by hatred you have to forgive and move on" meme either, you can definitely want people gone as a preservation mechanism without it necessarily taking over your whole life.

No. 2410981

You're right. 90% of people know it's wrong to murder. It's one of the greatest taboos of our society. If you deliberately, knowingly transgress from that without some ample reasoning behind your actions, you're spitting in the face of all pro-social values. It makes no sense for someone like that to benefit from a mass social contract of empathy that they don't even personally respect.
None of the people who make a huge show of wanting absolutely everyone forgiven can ever seem to offer a coherent plan on how to resolve the matter and ensure it doesn't happen again, either. They come off as selfish to me. It's like they're obsessed with feeling good, rather than doing good.

No. 2410983

For real, I like muscly guys so I can appreciate pecs, thighs or abs but fixating on ass or calling a man's pecs "bobs" it's very fucking weird. I try to ignore those type of anons tbh

No. 2410987

>It makes no sense for someone like that to benefit from a mass social contract of empathy that they don't even personally respect.

No. 2410991

Almost as if straight women and gay men are both attracted to the same gender…imagine that. A big ass on a man is a sign of good health and fertility, plus good thrusting action for pleasurable sex. Enjoy your anakuns if you want, no one's stopping you. Or your landwhales if that's your thing, idk. Straight women just like the aesthetic of big built muscles like ass, thighs, and pecs. Doesn't mean they wanna penetrate them. No woman is gonna put some dude's ass inside her pussy either. Just like how men can find a waistline, hips, or boobs attractive on a woman but they don't go and insert their dicks there. It's all visuals and tells you something about the health and the sexual maturity of the person. It's literally in our instincts to find it attractive.

No. 2410994

I kind of agree but that's actually part of the appeal imo kek

No. 2410995

Samefag, I'll add that there is a difference between gay male taste and straight woman taste though. Gay males are attracted to extreme displays of masculinity, so roidpig gigantic red veiny muscles that look dry and like it's gonna explode at any moment along with copious amounts of body hair is attractive to them. While straight women are into a more balanced and normal look with a naturally muscular body and usually a shaved one.

No. 2411003

File: 1740158063352.jpg (Spoiler Image,325.36 KB, 850x1539, 1740149282831.jpg)

>checked the husbando thread to see what the problem is
Is this seriously your issue? Imagine seeing pic related and thinking "ew, they must be gay men for liking something like this! They must have been brainwashed by perversion as children!" I don't understand at all.

No. 2411012

Nah a healthy ass on a man is great and shows he isnt some faggot too afraid to do proper squats. Sorry you got psy-op'd into thinking its gay.

No. 2411014

File: 1740158500631.jpeg (148.3 KB, 720x902, IMG_1437.jpeg)

>A big ass on a man is a sign of good health and fertility, plus good thrusting action for pleasurable sex

No. 2411015

I mean a balanced ass is nice. A fat ass on a man looks disgusting.

No. 2411022

>Jelly and also you think you’re better than those people? Lol no you’re not, you’re probably just as untalented as them.
I make my entire living off my creative ideas and literally nothing else

No. 2411031

File: 1740159074357.jpeg (4.34 KB, 299x168, images.jpeg)

A real heterosexual women's man ass.

No. 2411034

I bet these are the same anons in the anime thread who bitched about how DISGUSTING and GROSS a gif of an anime boy bending over is kek

No. 2411038

Truly deserves a reward for Holy Shit What Did I Just Read take ofnall time. I applaud thee.

No. 2411040

What's the issue here?

No. 2411041

That one seems a bit more understandable because makeup and high heels in general is already an iffy thing for some women, but this is just a fit naked guy with a nonconcave butt.

No. 2411045

File: 1740159590628.jpg (48.69 KB, 736x722, 8d531c9aa843db1ccfecf5e4dd808b…)

we are not talking about fat asses, unlike women, men carry more muscle especially in their asses so it's easier for a guy to get a big ass if he works his ass muscles out he can get a big ass that looks fat but is actually just muscle. Most men avoid any exercise that even slightly activates their glutes which is why you see the majority of the men in the gym have those gross bodies where their upper body (chest, arms) are roided up meanwhile their lower half looks like a toothpick with their srawny chicken legs. They avoid working on their legs so that they don't activate their ass muscles too due to retards like you calling that gay so now we have a epidemic of gross gym-bros with roided out biceps and small chicken legs.

Let people live and let men be hot ffs.

No. 2411049

That is an ass of a man that can mow a lawn!

No. 2411051

If your dog stinks, it is a relfection of you as an owner, not dogs in general. They can actually be clean like humans if, I dunno, their owners gave a fuck. Your dog being sweaty is not normal, please give them a bath more than once a year???

I had to pull that out of my ass. I do mean what I say, BUT. I wanted to mostly comment how I didn't expect to see man ass in this thread of all places. Thank you for making my day better, nonas!

No. 2411053

They hated nonna because she told the truth

No. 2411056

That one fine ass

No. 2411058

No. 2411059

Mm… I need this one

No. 2411061

File: 1740160227001.jpg (143.75 KB, 1366x919, AFP__20250211__36XF8M8__v1__Hi…)

My unpopular opinion is that The White Lotus is actually a horribly written show but people haven't really noticed because it looks good aesthetically and always premieres when there's literally nothing else on. It was written by Mike White (picrel) who also wrote Despicable Me 4 and Sarah Silverman as a nagging bitch girlfriend/basically the antagonist in School of Rock.

If you wondered why Sydney Sweeney's character was being such a bitch to Alexandra Daddario's character until she ~saw her hot body~ or why the last season was about happy hookers, here it is

No. 2411069

sorry about your low estrogen that makes you like scrawny twinks.

No. 2411071

Seeing Lisa in that pic reminded me.
i find these blackpink girls trying to make it into the west cringe. All of their recent solo songs so far have been trash.

No. 2411083

It was actually embarrassing how much better doechii was on jennie's own song

No. 2411084

I’ve owned a dog and they literally still stink right after you bathe them. They have a really strong smell that never fully goes away.

No. 2411085

I've been hearing about this woman for years and had no idea that was her. The differences in east/west beauty standards are really noticeable

No. 2411086

You could say this about any show kek

No. 2411087

I could but I'm saying it about this one bc it's probably the worst example I've seen recently or maybe ever

No. 2411089

See this is too much. I like asses that fills jeans. I don’t like big butts on men kek, sue me.

No. 2411091

It’s on par with the last season of euphoria honestly. These directors push nudity and sex way too much.

No. 2411099

Yeah but everyone knows the director of Euphoria is a coomer-scrote bc he is always seeking out attention. This one seems like he doesn't want that. I also assume more things are written by women since Hollywood goes on and on about their diversity now. Which I think is just Shonda Rhimes wearing different hats

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