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No. 241117
Previous thread:
>>232967For anybody who's mature enough to discuss or criticize Kpop without getting offended on behalf of their
No. 241131
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No. 241138
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>>241132lmfao the fans reactions are funny though. H E S A ID H E W A S S O R R Y. Are they going to excuse him by saying he was in mourning or something because his ship partner commited suicide and he was lonely? Wouldnt put it past a kpop fan.
No. 241140
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>>241131The only members that had any other training before joining the company were Jimin and J-Hope who were
only trained in dancing.
Suga and RM were underground rappers but were under BigHit at the same time, and V and Jungkook auditioned.
All members had singing, dancing and rap training while at BigHit. These delusional fangirls are kidding themselves in thinking their idols are special.
No. 241144
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Its got to suck for the rest of the momoland members to have to rely on jooe for relevance because she got meme’d. There’s literally a part in the boom boom choreography where other members kneel and she has to do the dance alone with all of the attention on her
No. 241145
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>>241131This fandom is so delusional.
>RM and Suga are okay rappers and ugly guys>Jhope is mediocre at rapping but good at dancing and quite ugly >Jimins is a good dancer bad singer and very ugly >Jungkook is a mediocre dancer and singer (too breathy) okayish looking even though he has an overbite>Taehyung has a nice voice but he doesn't know how to use it and is only real value is in his beauty he isn't a great dancer either>Jin has literally zero talent, he can be considered handsome if you're into sponges. They're incredibly overrated. Idk why they need to make their oppas so fucking special.
No. 241148
>>241131>Jungkook was a singerHow can anybody be this delusional?
He auditioned when he was 13, he was just a kid that liked music, that's not being a singer!
No. 241155
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>>241151And being drunk should never be an excuse.
This looks like some school play…
>Nation's Girl Group>Pretty kid next to pretty kid next to another pretty kidAren't they embarrassed?
Also, Somi cut her hair and totez looks like 30 now, westerners really do age
so fast…
No. 241159
>>241155Their outfits for this comeback are so awful.
There's no coordination and the colours look like a mess.
and they still can't sing
No. 241175
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>>241144Erm, this choreo has nothing to do with JooE getting meme'd. (especially now that Momoland got noticed because of her, Nancy is by far the most popular. Either her or Yeonwoo), it's because she's the "comic relief" of the group so she always is highlighted doing a weird or funny dance/move, in this case it was her screaming GRREEAAAT right in the middle and being energetic with her thumbs up. They've been doing stuff like this with JooE before she got meme'd (tropicana literally just called her to do the ad because they thought her dancing was funny)
>>241167Honestly, this. I couldn't care less about it. "UHHH BUT MY ~BIAS~ DON'T GET ENOUGH LINEEES :'((( " just enjoy the damn song and/or dancing
>Their outfits for this comeback are so awful.There's no coordination and the colours look like a mess.
This is so unfortunate. I really loved all their Likey outfits, they were all cohesive, pic related, I love this that was posted to c.c. Did they change their stylist?
No. 241196
this was a disaster of a live their voices were shaky and the only one stable was seulgi. I've seen a lot of priase about red velvet's live performances but they are kind of overrated.
>Rev Velvet was female version of Shinee. All of them can sing wellno.
>>241190I got flashbacks about watching sixteen while it was airing and man was it a shitfest, enjoyable but shitty
No. 241197
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I read the lyrics to Twice's new song and it's even worse waifu bait than their usual "Ahhh I like him so much but I'm too shy to say it!! Oh no!!! What do I do, why won't he notice me!" stuff. The never been in a relationship, so desperate for someone to have that with angle gets dumb when we already know at least some of the girls have been with people before and there's probably more than just Mina that's been with a member of Got7/that new JYP boy group.
The songs sound childish and they're just setting the members up for a serious fall when they have real dating news come out, I wish it was more common to actually sing about being with someone and not sounding like a 14 year old after reading YA romance books and talking to a boy in her class one time. It just feeds creepy possessive fans.
gif unrelated, I just keep seeing more posts about Twice's stellar personalities and laughing at fans insistence that Nayeon isn't very obviously one of the bitchiest girls of recent girl groups and that Mnet just wanted to make her look bad for some reason so they evil edited unnie
No. 241215
>>241197Twice lyrics are legendarily awful. FFW was the worst one so far;
"Pink sneakers get replaced with pretty heels
Awkward short bob gets replaced with shiny long hair
I know it’s crazy
I think and think about it
But I still like you
So I decided, fast forward
On my two cheeks, I’ll put on some blush
Change my baggy uniform into a fitted dress
I know it’s crazy
I think I’m so into you
I feel dizzy but I don’t care
Right now, fast forward"
Some guy called ASSBRASS wrote those. I guess it's safe to say feminism hasn't come too far in Korea.
No. 241218
>>241197Can you give me some sources on that? Not a Twicefag but I've never heard of any allegations of evil-editing.
Also, yeah. The lot of them are over 21 and at that point it becomes a little iffy in regards to portraying them as pretty immature. Candy Pop was dipping into dangerous pedo territory with the little girl and their DDLG-esque dresses.
No. 241219
>>241215I mean, that at least makes sense and sounds coherent…
>HyunA's RedMy cuteness that makes you wanna bite me is like art
Every night, you think of me like spicy ramen
Come in first if you like me
Hyuna’s back
A better body than anyone else is a full option for me
I’m gonna warm up and run
Because that red thing, that’s me
Now I’m gonna go up on stage
Don’t leave me, I’m so lonely right now
At least you don’t leave me, I’m the only one here
I might change right now
A monkey’s butt is red, what
Red is Hyuna, Hyuna is yeah
A monkey’s butt is red, what
Red is Hyuna, Hyuna is ah
>Twice - LikeyMy heart is beating Me Likey
Me Likey Likey Likey
Me Likey Likey Likey
Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter Heart Heart
Me Likey
Me Likey Likey Likey
Me Likey Likey Likey
Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter
>IU - PaletteStrangely lately
I like easy things
But still I
Like Corinne’s music
Rather than Hot Pink
I like dark purple
And what was it, buttoned
Pajamas, Lipstick
And funny pranks
I like it. I’m twenty five
I know that you like me
I got this. I’m truly fine
I think I know myself a little now
Rather than long hair
I like a clean cut bob
But still
It was pretty when you called me on a nice day
Oh why is that
I like things that are a little tacky
Rather than pictures, I like full pages of
Palettes, diaries, and the times I was asleep
No. 241221
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>>241219IU's Palette does make sense, imo? It's about growing up and discovering you're not into the things you used to like. The writing is a little bit spacey, I'll give you that though.
OT - It was pretty obvious G-Dragon was really thirsty on it from the way he kissed her ass in the guest rap.
No. 241223
>>241145This is probably my bias for Jin speaking here but I wouldn't say that he has zero talent. He supposedly went to a decent university for acting and wanted to be an actor. He also seems to be well-liked on variety shows.
Jin's utterly useless as an idol but not an entertainer. The fact that he isn't getting some drama roles at least considering his training in acting is very ??? though.
No. 241225
>>241222It's gotten to a point where I watch that shit and turn it off halfway through. I want a goddamn decent music video, but they're just fellating each other over muh superior musical taste. If I never have to see RM's smug face again, it'll be too soon. He's obviously so very pleased with himself over being so clever and adding so many ~cultural references~ when it's all a repetition of each other.
Doesn't help when the fans are all sucking their dicks and hailing them as the next Vonnegut.
>>241223>bias for JinAnon, you're in the wrong place for defending your oppars.
IMHO, Jin is the next Suho in terms of acting experience, but having nothing to show in terms of talent. They're both unfunny and had to take the title of "group mom" to at least have some semblance of a role in the group.
No. 241227
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>>241117Holy shit, why is Seventeen as a whole so ugly. They're approaching pre-plastic surgery levels of Exo here.
No. 241228
>>241222I'm not impressed so far. I hope there's not a lot of western colabs/productions.
A little arg with their "glitch" concept they dropped around would be cool since I have some time in my hands and not much to do.
>>241145That's so true anon.
I like to listen to their stuff sometimes and, while I really enjoy Suga's mixtape, Jhope mixtape was just so over rated. He's good at dancing, but the boy can't write for shit.
No. 241232
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Can we talk about the way SM basically made the leaders of Exo and RV look exactly like each other? They obviously have the same surgeon.
No. 241233
>>241227is the second from the letf at the bottom row half white?
They look okayish, very young, but need some maturing to become more "ripe".
I'll never understand the appeal of groups with more than ~6 members.
No. 241239
>>241232I heard that SM always search for a specific kind of face in their trainees, that's why they always end up looking the same and drop talented ones if they don't have their generic face standard. No wonder why they casted Jin in the streets, it's literally their first requeriment
>>241233yes, he is Vernon I think
No. 241241
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>>241235Gashina was good imo but Heroine failed to meet expectations.
>>241236Irene definitely had her nose done and lip fillers, plus teeth correction (is that even considered PS anymore?). Her jaw/monolids look natural to me, but she could have gotten surgery to enlarge her eyes or it could just be losing the baby fat.
No. 241243
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>>241236And Suho had rhinoplasty around the time their first album came out, I'm also thinking eye surgery since he has a lid scar. Don't know about a jaw shave, his chin is still the same and in candids his face still looks round.
OT but people saying "oPpaR dIdN't hAvE PlaStiC SuRgeRy" exasperate me so much. It's obviously so visible a lot of them had it. Look at BP's Lisa, SNSD as a whole and GD and then tell me they haven't had shit done. Why wouldn't they as idols? They're getting paid to look good, might as well get that nose fixed. People always react like PS is this unspeakable taboo that mustn't be mentioned because it's ~baaaaad~.
No. 241246
>>241242>getting drunk and having casual sexliberal feminism=/=feminism
Porn and sex positivity is a scam produced by the cultural industry in order to sell more while mantaining the status quo and absorving the ideology while extracting it from its original meaning.
Meanwhile in Asia the woman as pure and daughter is more valued, and less threatening, than the sexy woman, so for them infantilization it is.
Sage for rant
No. 241250
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>>241227idk Jeonghan alone can make up for everyone else. That said I wish they would fire whoever does their makeup because it usually doesn't suit them them, they always manage to make Woozi look even weirder than he already does.
No. 241251
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I remember when he was the muscular one in EXO, but then Kai got fake abs and Sehun beefed up.
No. 241259
>>241254my sides
He really does. He looks like a fakeboi. Lame could learn something from him.
No. 241260
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>“It’s more serious for me. My personality was always shy and cautious but [because of sasaeng] it’s become more serious. I’ve developed a sense of victimization because there’s too many sasaengs. There are times when my feelings change looking at normal fans. Even if I change my number, [sasaengs] some how find out that I changed my number and there are a lot of times when [sasaengs] call me late in the night. I have over 600 friend suggestions on kakaotalk. Once, [a sasaeng] pulled a prank by making a kakaotalk group chat and adding all our members. [Sasaengs] wait in front of dorm, and when I pretend to ignore them and walk past they swear loudly enough for me to hear. When I visit home, I try so hard to try and mislead them somewhere else. I’m worried that how I treat my fans will change because of sasaengs.”
This is so fucking gross. Imagine waking up and some crazy fan has added all of your group's well-kept numbers into a groupchat and spams you with 100+ messages. And you can't say anything because it'll be screenshotted and used against you.
No. 241262
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>>241233>>241239Vernon is extra fug.
No. 241264
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>>241165>>241177I feel a little guilty for enjoying some of the kpop reaction pics now. I mean, better than Pepe or Uganda Knuckles, right? Right??
No. 241265
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I hate that I find girl groups to be way worse than male groups. Mamamoo is probably the only gg with any semblance of talent (except for Moonbyul), but I will be forever sad that they abandoned their Jazzy/old school concept because piano man, ahh oop and Mr.Ambiguous were jams. I'm not surprised they are collectively hated by the int fandom though. Also I would kill for Hwasa's body.
>>241254rofl an attractive tumblr lesbian
No. 241267
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>>241251>but then Kai got fake abs receipts? the only idol that i know that got fake abs was wonho from monsta x
No. 241271
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>>241267The whole of Kokobop? His abs looked really unnatural there. There's hyperdefined and then there's suspension of belief.
No. 241273
>>241271NTA but that is
such an unfortunate pic he looks like a fuckboi to the nth degree lmao
Then again after all the dating scandals he appears to be one as well
No. 241274
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>>241271Ok damn what the fuck happened to kai? i know this is a bad screenshot but damn he looks ugly. I haven't paid that much attention to exo since 2013.. he used to be cute
No. 241285
>>241140I think Suga was rapping/producing before he ever joined BigHit but that video of him rapping before he joined bighit was fucking awful so no doubt he was saved from being a literal who starving artist by joining bighit. I remember him saying he used to let people stiff him when buying beats from him lol he never would've made it on his own.
everything else is true though.
>seokjin studied artsyeah I'm sure his acting classes were
so valuable in creating their music…
They're doing pretty fucking good for a group from such a small company, I dunno why BTS fans can't be happy with that without trying to force this """real tru nonmanufactured artists uwu""" bullshit.
No. 241289
>>241285not to mention Jin's acting on the stage/behind the scenes is almost as bad as G-dragon trying to be a CEO in Infinity Challenge's Muhan Company or Kim Hyun-Joong in Boys Over Flowers.
IDK why everyone sucks Suga's balls as "poor unfortunate baby artist who was too good for the world and that's why he starved" like that though. Everyone defending him "oh he's just grumpy! oh he has depression! oh he's secretly a sweetheart" needs to spit out his dick for a second and listen to him in some of the interviews. He honestly sounds like a major asshole.
No. 241294
>>241222I read one too many incredibly shallow interpretations of "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" because of fucking Spring Day. Le Guin is rolling in her grave.
The time travel stuff is kind of neat, if vague and poorly executed. I love that korean fans are completely uninterested in the story lines and find them useless, and prefer more conventional kpop videos. they want their dancing twinks and they want them NOW.
No. 241295
>>241290I agree. And tbqh, I prefer the shitty kpop reaction memes over shittily drawn art or yet another stale 9gag memes.
>>241294As a German, if I see another bad Nietzsche/Herman Hesse quote in one of their MVs I'm gonna throw up. German poetry/prose seems to be the new rage and I bet you that RM only "reads" it to sound artistic.
Read some Rilke or Thomas Mann if you want to go Bildungsroman, you fucking animal.
No. 241317
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Idk if it's because koreans are more awkward people in general but their concept of sexiness baffles me, gif related Exo Sehun's noodle-in-the-wind body rolling is supposed to be sexy? I actually laughed when I saw that part in Lotto. Same for the Sistar "touch my body" choreo, they look like they're trying to wash pee of their leg when they do their little butt shaking… It's ridiculous.
No. 241328
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>>241251You should check out their episode on Knowing Bros, his abs are very real
Also, fair treatment and everything aside, but imo SM has cast at least some attractive (and talented) members for every group - a thing smaller agencies can't afford.
Yuta fit their ideal face pattern perfectly, yet they destroyed him (or maybe he himself wanted to?), i never knew that he once looked actually cute, his jaw wasn't even wide to begin with, wth
No. 241341
>>241328Maybe they are now, but in Kokobop they looked 100% fake.Growing up has kind of hurt Kai's looks, tbh, he was cute once upon a time but now looks like a cuck.
Also disagree with
> smaller agencies can't afford attractive membersWhat's with the superabundance of PS done in SK, I severely doubt that. No agency takes someone who isn't at least moderately attractive. The talent they can shill and cop and make someone a "visual" or rapper if they can't do anything, and both attractiveness/talent can be enhanced.
No. 241367
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>>241313I for one will continue to heartily enjoy each and every Kpop reaction I stumble across. There could be so much more annoying things you could be salty about, why choose imageboard memes?
No. 241378
Can i just say how much the BTS fans nickname "armys" annoys the fuck out of me? Besides the fact they have to screech it on every comment section they encounter and hoard up their annoying cult together, it's such a stupid name, like i would get it if the general fandom was called an "army" as a whole but one fan calling themselves that makes no fucking sense. Petty I know. And a lot of kpop fandoms, if not all, come across as pretty cult-like, especially the ones in Korea, i'm not gonna lie they scare the crap out of me.
Anyway, i don't understand this intense need of most fans to put their biases or favourite groups on such high standards and cry about how revolutionary they are. I enjoy EXO but they're nowhere near an amazing groundbreaking level of musicality, they hardly write or direct their own songs or choreography (apart from Kai). You can enjoy someone's work and admit it's not amazing or a huge impact on the music industry, chill the hell out and just have some fun with the songs if you like them. I think it's just the mindset people have, that if they like an idol they want them to be the best at everything and a """legend""" so they can justify liking them to other ppl. Meh, just wait until these fourteen year old fangirls grow up and realise they were dedicating their whole life around a highly manufactured band with mediocre tracks they've forgotten about and have made little lasting impact on anything. It cracks me up when i see them praising and intensely analysing a kpop song, i'm like dude, it's a fucking throwaway bubblegum pop dance song, shut up.
No. 241399

>>241317The "touch my body" dance was mocked by koreans themselves for being so stupid as well lol
>>241230Damn, Sana's voice is so much better here. I also hate Momo's nasally voice, I wish they would drop that façade already and let them do more mature concepts, like vid related. I doesn't need to go full on sekushiness, but something
a bit more adult like. I like some of TWICE's cute stuff, but pumping it out year after year is cringy and repetitive. All the members are adults, I don't know why they do it, I guess because they already stablished themselves as a cutesy group? I don't think they would lose their fanbase with something more mature, but alas
>>241197Receipts on Nayeon being a bitch? I don't think the "oh she was rude to a fan once" counts, i think it has to be a reocurrying thing
>>241196Singing and dancing, especially if they are tired, is hard. They are usually pretty on pitch, and when they sing without prancing around, they sound better (like everyone else in the world)
No. 241406
>>241399I like this performance it's sexy without being disturbing, kpop mix sexiness and childliness way to often. I guess they stick to the cutesy stuff because it's what their fanbase want to see.
Am I hallucinating or are they wearing very obvious hip/butt pads?
No. 241409
>Am I hallucinating or are they wearing very obvious hip/butt padsI don't see it, but I don't doubt it either lel
I think the pants are a bit chunky and also that their radio things (i really don't know the name of it) are making it look off. But my eyesight is shit.
No. 241410
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>>241406People pointed out that Nayeon was wearing hip pads in the Heart Shaker MV quite obviously wears padded bras, despite her fans arguing that she's just fluffy/squishy/has a big heart or some other bullshit
No. 241412
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What do you guys think of GOT7?
I feel bad for them. Their only good song "If You Do" was their first promotional track with a sleek and darker concept. Instead of just sticking to that, JYP made the brilliant decision of having his group switch back to shitty dance tracks immediately after. They'd be way more nugu if it weren't for their international fans and still can't be popular domestically. Also Jackson's probably their only charismatic member so that must set them back. The guy gave up a Stanford scholarship to be stuck in this group.
No. 241420
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>>241410Not sure if padded (because they look like pic related on the second pic), but the second one has indeed more support so her breasts are no sagging like in the first pic. They seem awfully fitted, too low and not supportive at all. Either she looks way better on the second pic, good for her lol
Also, the hip pads are sooo bad lmao
Nayeon has a nice figure, as seen is this video, why you she use that? Unless she's wearing it there as well kek No. 241422
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>>241420She has an incel tier profile/chin, kek.
No. 241430
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>>241425Why do you care if anon said incel instead of "legbeard"? Are you one?
No. 241433
>>241422>>241429Probably the lower angle of the video didn't help her case, but I lol'd nonetheless
She's rarely on full profile on her pics as well, know we know why
No. 241434
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And Rapmonster looks like a mix between an ape (or neanderthal) and somebody with downs
No. 241435
>>241432I wasn't even accusing anon of being a female incel, just straight up male incel.
Someone should make a incel/chad meme featuring Nayeon and Somi kek
No. 241442
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>>241437She was the first one I thought because she has a ""stronger"" jaw, and some koreans are salty about her, saying she looks old because she's mixed and shit like that. So I thought something like "Mixed Race Chad Somi"
No. 241443
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>>241412They're nugu to the general korean public but they have a stable fanbase there and their album & EP sales are improving.
No. 241448
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>>241444Because of all the meme incels make about their receding chin and nonexistent jaw.
No. 241450
>>241448Just ignore it, it's probably just a
triggered dude with an incel chin. Noone else would take that shit so personally.
No. 241452
>>241450Nta, but you seem a bit
triggered, can you stop assuming everyone is a robot? It's also a common joke that SJWs look like shitty incels, even I got what anon meant.
No. 241461
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>>241399>>241344that whole excuse of " they were tired" doesn't make sense to me. I'm pretty sure everyone that day was tired and sounded way better than them. Don't they train to sing and dance at the same time for years?? I don't even get how suho a person that trained for 6 years in the industry and still sounds like shit
gif related
No. 241464
>>241452I wasn't
triggered, I just thought it was dumb to question a silly joke in the first place, as if the joke didn't make sense. That's why I assumed it was a butthurt robot because "f-females are ugly too!!"
Anyway, moving on…
>>241461I mean, anon, they are still humans, you're still gonna need to catch your breath or sing some notes off-key if you're moving a lot. This video was posted on the least thread and you can see that singin standing still vs while dancing affects your voice drastically. Can't comment on the dude on your gif, though, I don't know him. But I know that most RV girls can sing (Yeri being the weakest one as expected)
No. 241469
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>>241464But their ability to sing and dance simultaniously is what supposedly makes them superior to western artists…
Thoughts on this?
Really fake or did they only claim it's not real and that they actually eat "2000 kcal per meal" because of the backlash they received?
No. 241472
>>241469this is def real, it's honestly similar to some standard diets of japanese and koreans. (which is terrifying)
also anon, you should know by now, kpop fans have yellow fever and they were already those types who think "normie" shit is lame and gross.
No. 241473
Does anyone watch any kpop youtuber reactors here? I try to watch them but they are so bad and fake. a great example is jremkl
>>241464That video is more about mr removed videos but I get what the guy is saying. One these nights is a great song vocally and I don't even think people remember that song all that well. All they did was just stand around and sing so of course, everyone would be stable. I just wanted to point out a flaw on a performance that everyone was praising. but they get scouted and trained for this stuff so I don't get it. Yeah they're humans anon but that live was bad lol they need good stamina and since they train for years it shouldn't be that hard.
No. 241476
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>>241469Genie was probably the best and the healthiest they all looked. The styling was good to, non of taeyeons washed out blonde or bland outfits like the past 4 or so years.
No. 241483
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Did Sunmi have any work done to her face? I didn't follow her in her early days, just saw some old pictures and she looked pretty different from now. She looks great though, so good for her
No. 241487
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>>241250>>241256I really wish Jeonghan hadn't cut his hair. It's what made him standout. He looks like everyone else now.
Why do most Kpop idols have that bowl cut?
No. 241505
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>>241502BTS has some pretty uggo to average-looking members but the only (noticeably) plastic/non-natural member is J-hope with his pointy nose. I guess it's reasonable to speculate that Jungkook has had work done on his eyes. The thing is though is that he hasn't reached Gangnam oppa(?) tier (like NCT's Taeyong) so even if he did get a ton of work done, he still looks pretty natural.
No. 241509
>>241378I think nobody enjoys Army bullshit and at this part it's become somewhat a meme. Not like the other big name fandoms are/were better. Exo fans used to be terrifying at their concerts, same goes for SuJu, BB, Shinee and if you wanna go further g.o.d. had some crazy fangirls after they disbanded.
Every group has some cult-like fans, that's not limited to BTS. Though we experience it harder because there's a) so many of them internationally and b) they're so vocal about it by using the same tired catchphrases. BB fans were much the same, but they weren't as known internationally.
No. 241512
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>>241483Lots of fans are pretty sure that she got her nose done. I think her eyes might have also been fixed. Other changes could be attributed to her dieting.
No. 241513
>>241502>>241505Can we stop defending RM already. He's ugly. That's literally it.
I agree with you about Jungkook having work done. He's at least had his nose done (twice, because you see his nostrils tightening and the rhinoplastic scar at the bottom between 2015-2017), his teeth fixed and his eyes done. Somewhere after BST he stopped looking fully natural to me.
No. 241518
>>241469Whoa what
How on earth do they live eating like this?
Asian diets are so fascinating/terrifying to me
Are eating disorders a common thing for kpop Stars?
No. 241523
>>241521>>241518Guys, do you know where you are. This isn't the youtube comment section. This is lolcow. We rag on people all the time, V looks like has a PS'd form of Down's Syndrome.
>Are eating disorders a common thing for kpop Stars?Fucking lol.
No. 241524
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>>241518Anyway these diets are fucking wild
what is it with them and sweet potato?
No. 241528
>>241524Sweet potato is a pretty common and tasty starch in the korean diet.
Tbh if I was gonna be a starving bitch I'd pick a sweet potato to eat too.
I assume the plain chicken breasts and boiled eggs are low-cal ways to get protein so her body doesn't start to cannibalize itself.
>>241527What ass?
No. 241541
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>>241527Seolhyun doesn't really have one. She just has great (slender) proportions and knows how to pose.
No. 241554
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>>241521I thought he looked really handsome on Ellen but that's because you could see his face proportion (while still hiding his massive 5head). They kinda make him look like a little child with the bowl cute since it only show the very round bottom part of his face and hide his brows. Same with BST era the mini fringe looked great on him. But Idol's beauty is always waaaay exaggerated by their fanbases + oversold by their company like Irene lying about people taking trip to her town just to see her face for a second, lmao, and her fans believe it. Taehyung's fan called him "the god of beauty" after the seo taiji concert and nicknamed him CGV because he's supposedly so beautiful he look like computer generated graphic, it's all very over the top;
No. 241567
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Something that i've always wondered when seeing all these crazy diets - could it be that Koreans, or (East) Asians, just have extremely low BMRs in general?
Of course there are some idols that look downright ana-tier, but many who admit to eating very little actually look quite good? E.g. Seolhyun and Hong Jin Young both said they only eat one (small) meal a day, yet i'd say both of them look healthy, Jin Young is even on the curvier side. I know that they're shorter and have less muscle mass on average, but nevertheless…
As a stupid teenager i starved myself and even though i still ate twice as much (or even more) than them, it was enough to transform me into a skeleton within just a short time. Many of my friends are skinny and told to eat more, yet the amount they consume would be considered gluttonous by korean standards and i only know one out of many chinese students at my Uni who didn't balloon up within a month, because they counldn't handle our fatty food and big portions.
So, maybe since all Koreans eat very healthy and little since childhood, their bodies are used to that and therefore it'll take them really extreme measures to be able to lose weight?
(Pic is Hong Jin Young)
No. 241569
>>241567Well, they're short and small so they would definitely have low BMRs. Just like Asians get obesity related health issues at a lower weight, they can stay healthy at a lower weight and avoid looking skeletal the way a non asian might at the same weight/height.
I don't think it has much to do with how healthy or how much they eat during childhood, they're just smaller people with lower energy requirements. Idols have to diet to an extreme extent because of the pressure and because the camera adds weight.
No. 241570
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>>241569It's terrible that Kpop gains more and more popularity in the west, with many dumb kids attempting to imitate those "diets" or thinking they als should weigh 45kg without realzing that they need a lot more and can be a lot heavier without looking any bigger or "fat".
Katy Perry doesn't look much different, but weighs 15kg more.
No. 241577
>>241575if that's all she ate, she'd be ashley isaac's lvl spoopy, unless she's only starving like that for half a week and then eating normally, which would make no sense and be useless.
even with lowered bmr, one meal a day of sweet potatoes and chicken breast isn't enough to avoid turning into a bag of bones
No. 241581
>>241580lol, i doubt she's doing that. so she can have a 1200+ sweet potato and chicken food baby for the rest of the day? not a hot look. i never considered that a possibility because it's pretty retarded, especially considering an idol's schedule.
and why advertise starving if you're eating regularly most days? why not say you typically eat normal food when you aren't busy? idk, there's clearly an image they want to portray here, and it's to play up the idea that they're ethereal waifs that don't need food.
No. 241583
>>241581>i doubt she's doing thatbased on what exactly? starving yourself isn't exactly common sense yet these kids do it thoughtlessly so why wouldn't it be plausible she binge eats those foods when she has her meal time. seolhyun isn't the one that does the one meal a day thing.
>why not say you typically eat normal food when you aren't busyno idea, that's a good point actually. i'd love to see the context of these diets. like were they asked what they eat on an average day, or diet foods for when they need to lose weight?
who really cares dbh, bottom of the line is all idols starve and are retarded to do so when they could just eat their TDEE and not live off literal peasant foods.
No. 241618
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>>241512True, I looked better and she obviously got a nosejob. Her new nose is super cute and fits her face much better imo, it's indeed a good job. Of course her crazy "stans" will deny anything until their last breath though, even with photo and video proof in front of their eyes.
Now that I think of it, can we discuss hardcore fans and their denial for PS? As far as I know, in Korea PS is pretty much accepted, and Korean fans know that idols get some work done 99% of times. Western fans though have a hard time accepting that, and get seriously defensive. Which is ironic, because by acting as if PS is the worst crime you could commit they're being judgemental towards their own "faves", that's way more offensive than pointing out obvious plastic surgery.
Usually you see the same behavior from neckbeards obsessed with cosplayers like Nigri, and neckbeards do that thinking it could give them a chance to sleep with the girl. But why do kpop stans do that? They're often hetero girls, defending girl idols. What do they gain?
No. 241624
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>>241614>>241619Idol's having fake persona's reminded me of Wanna One's scandal
Basically they were set up to livestream but it started sooner than they thought and said some very un-idol like things. are shocked that their baby boys could say such things!!!
No. 241625
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>>241614i'd say Sana is more deliberate than Nayeon at the fanservice stuff. She does a lot of "accidentally" pulling her skirt up too far in performances or videos, it's just part of the ditzy bimbo act, even if it's hard to see how much is an act and how much is just her being an airhead
i've noticed too that when she does fanservice with other members they often try to pull away and fans just joke about what a cute pervert she is
No. 241627
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>>241625I mean, is it any surprise then that Sana is usually ranked as the #1 favorite member among male fans for faking a high-pitched voice and possibly faking a dumb blonde personality?
No. 241636
>>241624That isn't really a surprise. If you really believe idols behave all cuddly and pure IRL in the same way they do during livestreams/shows/BTS, you're a fucking retard. Even the behind-the-scenes are majorly set up and they definitely act different than when they're by themselves.
Those kids are teenage boys. If they wouldn't behave like that, I'd be worried. Almost every boy/young man behaves like a douchebag until their brain matures, none of them are the "pure smol bois" their fans insist on them being. None of that is their real persona, that's just a way to catch fangirls.
No. 241649
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I think the main difference between Sana and Nayeon (and the reason i think the latter more) is, that Sana seems just genuinely dumb. She simply realized that acting dizzy made her popular and just continues doing that.
Nayeon however seems a lot more calculating and less forced. There are many instances there nobody but her is acting up for the camera - yet she still does it. That's more than just living up to the cutesy image that's pushed on them by their agency on stage or fansigns.
No. 241655
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>>241649When I first watched Likey, this really bugged me as well. Nayeon's aegyo seems really contrived, but they keep putting her into center roles for cutesy moves.
No. 241660
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>>241657Well that was cringy
No. 241676
>>241671I actually really love this MV lol they made Burikko less annoying (I knew some burikko IRL and even though they were not garish, it was still annoying and obvious if you're not an oblivious man)
I know that this
>>241657 is pretty exagerated, but I do think Sana's act is closer to the "regular guy" part of the video for most of the time. Not so subtle, but still an obvious cutesy act.
>>241659The only men that like that (to my experience) are 1- really dumb men (any age) that think it's the girl being quirky and unique, but some wise up after a while 2- "Uncle type" men that don't care if it's fake or not, they just like seeing women being dumb, fragile and lesser than a man.
No. 241692
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Sorry for samefag but this girl is OLDER than Nayeon. She's almost 24. I literally can't.
No. 241762
>>241730>implying anyone would want to watch thatshudder
>>241616Wasn't he studying contemporary balet before bts?
Maybe geting into some obscure contemporary dance crew. I can see paying fans that understand or care about dance for shit, but want to see their oppa on stage.
No. 241783
>>241735I think you kind of missed the point of >>241367…?
>>241768He looks like an ugly seal, though… If I'd want to watch twink porn it should at least be someone handsome/pretty.
No. 241789
>>241724Can any kind soul explain to me what exactly is loona? I enjoy some songs but I don't understand at all what they "are", why they are so praised? What is the concept? I just thought it was 3 girls from the MV I saw. What is odd eye circle?
>>241787I had a looot of korean friends on 8th grade (14 years old in my country), they were usually a bit older them me but some were younger. I was always kinda confused with the hierarchy, but tried my best to respect it, they didn't push it too much on me cause I was not korean. I think something that always confused me was why they'd never payed the bill equally, it was the older the one to pay and then it was kinda "agreed on" who was going to be the next one to pay.
looking back if I knew better I would have scolded a girl that was my junior that was rude to me for not knowing that I should've taken off my shoes at her house (she kinda yelled at me), but well I was too embarrassed anyway No. 241799
>>241797Many of the girls watching have prettier faces than Hyosung.
The only way her dance could get any "sexier" would be if she downright strips - disliking another women objectifying herself like that has nothing to do with jealousy, they're simply disgusted.
No. 241800
>>241797Eh, if you're not a horny guy (or lesbian) there isn't much enjoyment to get in watching this performance, it's not as great as the screaming guys make it seems, she is just rotating her hips very smoothly in every direction possible and throwing some assdrop lmao, there isn't anything very catchy or impressive imo. Plenty of fangirls enjoy sexy dancing (like
Something by Girl's day or
Gashina by Sunmi) but I would probably be quite bored too if I saw that performance live.
No. 241802
>>241797The comments are so dumb…
>why can't girl just uplift and hype each other up. Ugh I can't stand it. Specially the girl in the middle wearing white. Jealousy is an ugly thing hun.Why would i uplift a girl who's only value resolves around her body? Isn't she the one that constantly says in interview that she doesn't like getting reduced to her big boobs only? Good job at showing off other qualities there…
The tall girl in the back even shakes her head at around 1:40, that's not jealousy.
No. 241807
>>241805I don't because we dont have SNL in my country and I haven't really watched it
I guess context matters but still
No. 241809
>>241805That does not change the fact that she's okay with having her boobs grabbed for "comedic effect".
Whenever i see something like this or the opposite, girls acting like literal babies, i always wonder what their parents think when watching this.
Especially since so many idols seem to be from wealthy families, why do they allow that?
I would be so ashamed… Have some self respect, but i guess that's considered "slutshaming" nowadays…
No. 241811
>>241805Well anon posted the video just saying "look at those jelly women!!" so we all took it seriously. And the whole
wah women hate other beautiful/sexy women is so old no one caught it was supposed to be a joke, not even in the comment section.
No. 241833
>>241624And now the management of Wanna One says everyone "misheard". Highlights include
>the word meditation was misunderstood as masturbation>one kid's "i have to get used to this" was misunderstood as "i have to swear ahead of time, f*">"why don't we get paid more and sleep more" is apparently a ~reference~ to a rap?So, really guise!!!!!1! We all misheard! They're reallly just pure smol bois! pls no bulli! ;'(((((((((
No. 241834

>>241833Lmao, the comments are fucking gold.
>Omg! I hope this is real and everyone who hates wanna one know.. I'm relieve now.. Thank u for making me sleep again
>see ugh! This is what I'm saying, so all this was a misunderstanding and mistranslation.
>i dont really care see like mah boys Got7 sometimes accidentally curse on videos, they sometimes mispronounce words as curse words but they didnt get criticized.,other idols make green jokes but they didnt get criticized too. but why Wanna One??because they are famous that's why some people pull them down?? they are making this issue big. my goodness. even if this is true (thank goodness this is not true XD) instead of bashing them, sending them hate messages I will help them become more mature because that's what real fans are. i dont know why some of the "fans" criticize them, maybe they are not real fans because of what gey are doing.And my personal favourite:
> Rosanna Inez Mashanis: I wAtched the video and listened to it and I know how Korean curse words and it did not sound like he was cursing, I too saw that the staff were laughing, so CASE CLOSED!!!!😎😎😎Well, case closed, gals. Rosanna Inez Mashanis said she listened to it and they DIDN'T swear! That means every other argument is automatically invalid. We all better humbly apologize to those poor, traumatized baby boys who were only ~misunderstood~.
No. 241847
Why is it always those diehard latina or sea fans defending idols the most?
No. 241882
>>241851Because they have this whole fantasy built up in their head about how
oppa is a precious and sweet young adult who never masturbates, only speaks perfect jondaemal (and never banmal!!!11!), respects women and isn't afraid to show his femininity. A true flower boy.
When in reality those personas are pushed upon the idols to appear to girls. I'm 100% sure none of those kids care too much about fashion, women's rights and skinship at home. They're just normal teens who fart, insult each other, think about sex every two minutes and brag about girls. I'd be more worried if they weren't, that's how 99% of teenage boys are.
No. 241886
>>241851It makes me like them too. It's refreshing to hear idols talking normally, the constant pandering to their fangirls is annoying and disingenuous.
Too bad netizens are shitting on them for it - No. 241892
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>>241883….aaaaaaaand there goes fangirl's biggest pride: Xiumin's monolids. The eyelid scar is pretty visible here. No-PS-natural-beauty my ass.
No. 241902
>>241194Not even an ARMY, I consider myself to be a Shawol if anything. I was only asking a question.
EXO just seems so painfully average to me. I don't get their appeal.
No. 241914
>>241883Cool video and nice song. I just wish the lyrics in the chorus were in Korean or weren't a line as obviously fangirl-pandering as "Can I be your boyfriend?" Baekhyun and Taeyeon were (or are) a thing so I doubt he'd go for some crusty tween girl when he can get with her.
I've heard so many comments from Korean people about how fucking garbage K-pop song lyrics tend to be. An anon earlier posted lyrics to a TWICE song that made me want to laugh at how bad they were. Makes me glad that I don't speak Korean fluently. I'm sure my enjoyment of K-pop would acually go down a lot if I did.
No. 241915
>>241598I wonder if Jin would've even apologized that first time if there wasn't a camera on him. It came off as really insincere.
>>241624lol kpop fans can't handle a little banter
No. 241923
>>241724Vivi is a strange case. She can't sing or dance, and can barely speak Korean. You could write her off a visual….but why import one from China…and why pick a 24 year old girl? That's practically a grandma in the idol industry. (BBC lied about her age. Her actual birthdate is in 1993, not 1996. You can see the real date on her old modeling profiles, and on a leaked image of the BBC trainee list.)
The girl must have some serious connections…or bought her way in through the unsavory exploitation kpop is infamous for.
No. 241926
>>241851The scandal was pretty funny because it made them look like real, normal people for once. Kpop would be infinitely more interesting if everybody was allowed to act and date like real people instead of pretending to be "pure" idols who only care about their fans and have never touched a member of the opposite sex.
>>241892Anon, that's not how an eyelid scar looks like at all. I get why fangirls who think all their favs are natural are annoying but at least pick a feature that actually looks fake (on him).
No. 242107
>>241923One word: Tzuyu.
It worked wonder for Twice and now a lot of Koreans are thirsting chinese girls, mainland or otherwise.
Didn't know this Vivi but she's pretty cute. Too bad she lacks the talent, according to some.
>>241920Rumours said Taeyeon is either gay or bi and Baekhyun is full on gay and that they were eachothers beards. Take it with a grain of salt though.
i kinda do think Taeyeon is bi No. 242238
>>242211imo she's just a bit boring and awkward and twitter would rather stan a pretty girl that's an aspie than admit she might just be boring
i haven't deliberately looked for anything related to her and only see what's posted where i'm already looking, but she seems like one of those idols that people project onto a lot and like her more for their "OMG imagine irene ____" tweets more than for what she actually does. i think she's more likely to be on the spectrum than most idols i've seen talked about on twitter, because any idol who's ever done something slightly unusual will be decided to be on the spectrum by stan twitter being desperate for diversity to be a fan of. most of what i've seen about her is that her biggest hobby/interest is doing laundry, which is a weak attempt at a charming personality quirk even for kpop
No. 242451
>>242445I disagree, she's basically like us, only translating things that she knows will
trigger all those kids in the comment section for the lulz
Everybody hates her, yet they still come back every single day to read her articles
No. 242500
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Can I ask why the hell fans draw creepy shit like this? I just don't understand why they think drawing idols as babies or little kids is cute or funny, am I the only one squicked out by it? Especially when it's a fanart of two idols being shipped, like in the picture (kai and kyungsoo) shudders
No. 242505
>>242500A common theme I see around kpop is incest. Seriously. When I tried to keep up with kpop a few years ago there wasn't a day that went by without seeing people talking about angsty sibling/stepdad fics or one member 'raising' another from childhood.
There's some weird shit out there, and these literal kids/teens are crazy for age kink.
Sage, but it really creeps me out.
No. 242506
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lmao ignore the cringe text this was the best comparison i found on google but what the hell did they let A Pink's Namjoo do to her face??? she legit looks awful now, the picture on the right was taken from a recent event they had everyone's comparing her to park bom now
No. 242533
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>>242506Can't you sue your surgeon if you end up with a busted nose?
No. 242708
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>>242533Damn, that nose is so botched. I feel bad for her. Was this from her own volition or her agency's wish? If it's the latter, it's even sadder.
>>242500I also think this is super creepy and it makes me uncomfortable. I can only accept it if it's for a purely comical/nonsense situation type of thing, not for them to be "cute" together, or to be bonding or whatever, ship-wise. It's so gross. It's super common with anime fans as well, I just don't get it?? At least if both parts were portrayed as infants it would make more sense from a shipping stand point, but it would still be creepy, imo.
No. 242889
>"Possible surgery"sensiblechuckle.gif
She's only 24. Poor girl.
No. 242894
>>242891maybe something like Serri's? Hers is bad an fake as hell, but at least it's not
as botched..
No. 242937
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>>242894It's ridiculous how Koreans aspire to have a thin and pointy nose with a high-bridge even if it doesn't match the rest of their facial features. Namjoo's and Serri's features are too soft and not angular enough that a thinner, pointier nose sticks out like a sore thumb. Same with G-Friend's Shinbi too. Visuals like Yoona and IU have noses that are cute and rounded yet a tacky triangle nose seems to be more desirable regardless.
No. 243007
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An idol said something racist again, this time it's EXO's Chen.
>Chen makes a comment that reads, "My lips look too plump" under the English subtitle. >However, what the viewers who understand Korean heard was, "Isn't this Kunta Kinte?" >Once the Korean subtitle was applied, the same statement of "Isn't this Kunta Kinte? (이거 쿤타킨테 아니에요?)" could be read.>Kunta Kinte is a character from the novel 'Roots: The Saga of an American Family' and according to the author, is based on one of his ancestors who was enslaved and taken to America, a mixture of both fiction and non-fiction. No. 243062
>>243007Apparently Roots was really popular in Korea and "kunta kinte lips" as become a slang for big lips. Idk what to think about it, I don't want to derail but I have a very difficult time taking all those racism callout seriously. the guy didn't put a banana skirt an dance around screaming
ouga ouga he didn't groom himself to look like a black person on purpose he just said something retarded after his friend put too much lipstick on him I think it's way overkill when some western fan say that
he's mocking the centuries of suffering black people went through. (and yes some people are writing this kind of shit on forums) Someone even posted
"if he had said Angelina Jolie it would have been okay, but it's racist and reducing if it's a black character". No. 243104
>>243007Yeah, it's racist. K-Pop groups in general are just made up of (and stanned by) tone-deaf, racist Koreans who are obsessed with black music/fashion for the "cool" factor, but hate actual black people, mock their features, and would get anxious if they saw a black person walk by. The majority of Korean trend-hoppers are like that, too. This shit is "normal" to them because their entire culture is like that, but that doesn't make it any less grim (especially when they constantly duplicate black music/aesthetics/dancing).
I dunno why some people in this thread are trying to dispute that. It's really cringy.
No. 243118
>>243116 Tangentially related, if I see another "oh boo hoo poor Taeyeon the depressed closeted lesbian pining for her true love Fany waaah waah" post or someshit I'm going to blow a fuse. I used to love SNSD but Taeyeon and Tiffany stans ruined everything. Taeny shippers' level of delusion is unreal. I know not a lot of current generation kpop fans even know about how bad that shit was, but it was bad.
True intellectuals still ship Taengsic anyway.
No. 243119
>>243116Nayeon seems like a pretty serious person to me, like above any perceived silliness.
She pulls a face whenever one of the members does something cutesy and doesn't laugh along if she doesn't find something funny.
No. 243173
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>>243104No, it's not. Saying "My lips are too plumb" and that he looks like an african character =/= "Blacks are inferior to me".
Also, while there are many korean artists that are obsessed with miming black music and fashion, these 3 certainly don't.
Call me racist, but my first thought was also "Hey, it kinda vaguely resembles a black person's lips, i bet some fans are gonna say that's racist". That's simply how non-blacks and non-americans think, it's just an observation, not negative judgement.
No. 243193
>>243173The fact that they'd bring up a black slave character when big lips come into the equation says all that needs to be said about their outlook on black people and our features. They could've brought up Beyonce or something (and that'd actually be apt to the Angelina Jolie comparison), but they didn't.
Agree to disagree, I guess.
No. 243198
File: 1523902318666.gif (2.48 MB, 245x320, 3.gif)

Black people and SJWs should just stay away from Kpop in general.
No matter how much you try to "educate" Koreans, they will never change, so why do you spend your free time (and money) on something that upsets you?
Thoughts on this?
Just imagine being an idol, having to put on something that many see as a symbol of oppression, but do it nevertheless because you don't want to seem rude and then i-fans seriously question whether you're culturally appropriating muslims by wearing it…
No. 243200
>>243197I'm actually African (Nigerian) too, so I can't weigh in on it too much from the American perspective, but IMO, it's not really the same when people in that group joke about it, as opposed to people from outside of it (especially people as far-removed from actual black people and cultures as Koreans).
It's like how it'd be kind of gross and racist for a non-Asian person to continually make fun of an Asian person for having single-lidded eyes, but if their family members or (Asian) friends do it, 99% of the time, it's not coming from a place of anti-Asian sentiment or trying to make the person out to be a freak/foreigner (since they're in the same boat), it's just roasting.
If you're non-black, I'd wager if you started making fun of one of those girl's lips, you'd get some nasty glares, even though they were saying similar things.
No. 243203
>>243200Yeah I get it, it's different when it come from within.
And I wonder how those fans defending their faves would react if Kanye West went on Tv threw slanted his eyes and said "Hey guys I look like IU now!!". It wouldn't happen since he doesn't know who she is but I'm pretty sure they would be upset about it.
No. 243205
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>>243198Any black person who likes K-pop is honestly kind of a self-hating coon, in my eyes. Accepting this level of disrespect and even defending the people who keep doing it is cringy.
The irony is that if any of these groups ever want hope of making it outside Asia, they're going to need black people to give them a stamp of approval, since western pop culture is basically dominated by all the "cool", normie black people. That hasn't happened yet, and I hope it stays that way.
Asians with black obsessions are 100x more obnoxious than white people with black obsessions, because they're more likely to be unabashedly racist in spite of them worshiping everything black singers/models/dancers do.
No. 243229
>>243198A lot of SJWs fawn over kpop, it's bizarre. Plenty of them act like listening to a girl group is an empowering feminist act that will abolish the patriarchy kek. I don't think I need to go into why the kpop industry as a whole is not feminist and overall unethical, but international fans will turn a blind eye to Korea's malpractices while roasting an American pop star for dumb tweets that are like 8 years old.
And I've never seen i-fans bash Suzy for wearing that, a lot of them were praising her actually.
Sage for dumb rant.
No. 243362
>>241412I thought flight log turbulence was good
Jackson is the only one I like, but I feel bad knowing he gave up fencing, scholarship and left his family for this
No. 243365
>>243285Saged for ot, but i remember Kim K being "traumatized" by somebody imitating her husband by wearing blackface in Austria.
Koreans (and Europeans) donate and volunteer a lot, so even if Americans call them racist, in the end they're probably contributing and helping black people (the ones with real problems!) more.
No. 243384
>>243369>If I want to share something of my culture with someone else, that's my businessThe problem is that
1. The hijab is first and foremost also a highly religious symbol, that's forced upon millions of women worldwide
2. That fan (and you) might have been fine with sharing, but Suzy didn't have a choice at all, she was in no position to deny her.
I really like the point
>>243220 made: what if a foreign fan went to a fansigning of a muslima singer, gifted her some hair accessories, then took off her veil and put it on her? And said singer would have to smile through it because her agency demands her to always smile, no matter what; people would be up in arms…
Many don't seem to know this, but a lot of koreans are actually strict christians. Muslims aren't the only ones who deserve having their "feelings" respected, what if she felt really bad because of it?
No. 243444
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>>243365>Koreans donate and volunteer a lotAre you sure about that?
No. 243511
>>243198I’m a hijabi and this is weird, lol also so thankful I grew out of this terrible genre of music
People still listen to kpop in 2018? I thought that garbage reached peak popularity in 2012
No. 243519
>>243511This is weird, lol
People still wear hijabs in 2018? I thought that garbage reached peak popularity in 1200
(And browsing a board like lolcow…? I'm pretty sure bitching about others on the internet isn't exactly "halal",
No. 243561
File: 1524063344237.jpg (61.77 KB, 640x640, twice_japan_single_wake_me_up_…)

So, this was one of TWICE's new japanese release promo images, and everyone started to speculate that they were
finally were going to drop a more mature concept for once.
But it seems like this is the song? They played it on a CM, what's the point then? mean, I don't even dislike it, but it's just… yawn?
No. 243575
>>243504Is that surprising? Billboard has been licking BTS' ass ever since they got a slight modicum of international fame. It's because they're willing to pander to American audiences and to do int'l collabs.
Every time a new release comes out, BB does a fawning article on it, even for the last mixtape, which was really, REALLY fucking mediocre.
No. 243590
File: 1524077333591.jpg (91.3 KB, 816x544, akdong-press-photo.jpg)

>>243587Akdong Musician/AKMU are a brother-sister duo.
The brother wrote all the songs on their first album, not sure if it's the same for the second. Too bad they're on hiatus now because he's doing his military enlistment.
No. 243622
File: 1524083668592.jpg (80.83 KB, 668x393, kpop-male-idols-baby-face-bts-…)

They're so delusional…
No. 243634
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>>243622the contacts lenses are so creepy looking
there's something slightly uncanny valley about them
No. 243655
>>243636Koreans are so far up their own asses it's ridiculous
>[+12, -4] There is such a huge skill and visual gap between K-Pop and J-Pop… do we really have to sit here and endure watching an untalented Japanese take center?>[+8, -1] ?? I don't really care for idols but even I could tell from just watching music videos that there's a huge skill gap between Korean idols who have gone through professional training and Japanese idols who dance like it's some talent show. Why would you put a Japanese member as center when you have so many Korean idols who've already gone through professional training? Is it for the attention?It's been pretty well established that lots of Korean idol's singing and dancing is subpar despite years of training
That being said, you're right in that the drama this show is going to create is going to be great
No. 243662
>>243656Yeah, like the thing with Kota.
A lot of anons said that she was bitch, but honestly, if a country can't even handle me not liking one of their dishes, then i'd also say fuck them, i don't want their money…
Now they're accusing the youtuber korean englishman of being racist, for supposedly not giving some korean mixed actress as much screen time as Tom Hiddleston. The video is already down now, but people said that there was honestly nothing wrong with it, yet
woke international stans love whities getting called out in general, so they think the whole ordeal is alright.
No. 243732
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i don't even know where to start here. Why are those kids always at each other's throats?
No. 243761
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>>243745I don't know, anon. I think they look pretty good, personally, dressed more maturely. Pic related. (The stylist seem to hate JeongYeong no matter what though)
SNSD and the Wonder Girls did a good transition, IMO. There is no excuse not to do more diverse concepts (even if they are not as talented, JYP can twist their groups as they wish), especially if they are as big as Twice. They may lose some uncle fans, but their fanbase is pretty big without them anyway? Big enough to warrant even a Chile concert.
No. 243770
>>243764they look great in that and momo sounds good for once
it's not just a one off either, I think they can genuinely pull off a more mature concept
No. 243785
>>243770This came up on the related videos and I am so salty. I mean, ok, their english is not that good and they are not such good singers, but I think that with a song made in korean and with their ranges in mind, they could really make it shine.
I wonder if the girls themselves are tired of always coming back with the same recycled concept or if they are comfortable playing their roles a thousand times. I think Jihyo is probably would really like a more mature comeback, especially considering she sang a jazzy version of TT on her birthday and seemed to be pretty confident singing that BoA cover
No. 243788
>>243784Agree. It's not even like they couldn't still be doing their ~aegyo~ shit alongside with something more adult. A lot of groups do it.
I'll be adopting "unclebait" kek
No. 243794
>>243788Gotta get those ahjussis, anon! Twice is nation's girl group after all!
But yeah. At this point I just want something that isn't JYP whoring them out for cutesy little remakes of Cheer Up with hair bows, frills and insanely short skirts. That's not sexy, that's just straight up nasty.
Even Like Ohh-Ahh was more mature than that and one of them straight-up dressed like a slutty cheerleader/schoolgirl in that.
No. 243806
>>243513This reminds me of a variety show ep that filmed the daughter of some famous rock musician and her white boyfriend at a Korean restaurant in the states. She ordered doenjang soup or something and he said something along the lines of “eww I dont like the way it smells” and everybody in the comment section lost their shit and accused him of being a horrible racist who should never be allowed to step foot in Korea.
But its totally cool for them to shit on Chinese people for having horrible food or using stinky ingredients
No. 243848
>>243732why do people even think about groups they aren't a fan of? I don't get that part of kpop fan culture at all. Not just with kpop actually, I remember in high school I was a fan of bands like Arctic Monkeys and people were always arguing about why The 1975 is better because of XYZ reasons. Who gives a fuck? Just like the shit you like and don't worry about the shit you don't. I guess I understand when high schoolers do it but the few times I see older fans doing that shit it's just embarrassing.
>has elementary kids soul in their free timeis this official lore???
No. 243852
>>243848Yes, anon. The reason Suga looks like a 13yo azn boy on CSgo telling you he fucked your mom last night is because the whole of BigHit is holding innocent pre-K children in the basement to feed them to BTS. They're actually Seo Taiji and Boys in disguise.
>inb4 get off whatever you're smokingmod pls no bulli it's a joke
No. 243854
>>243848>>243732>has elementary kids soul in their free timeI have a hard time imagining how that could be considered attractive in any way. Elementary school boys are little shits.
Well teenagers are very prone to splitting and comparing, I guess part of their fun is feeling superior to others they deem bellow their oppas and can get a sense of belongin and worth from.
Cult thinking basically.
No. 244114
>>243173He compared his lips to a historical slave figure, that's why people were angry. Not the observation that blacks have big lips. Here's a post by a knet that may put it into perspective
ㅇㅇ |2018.04.16 14:18 신고하기
(When receiving the punishment) Chen: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ yah, don’t I look like Kunta Kinte? Looks like Kunta Kinte though? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ —— since people seem to agree with me in the comments ——- how would you react if another country did the same thing? If a foreign celebrity received a punishment and that they tied her hands and that they went like “yah, don’t I look like Ryu Gwansun?ㅋㅋ Ryu Gwansunㅋㅋㅋ” (T/N: organizer who marched against Imperial Japan)… I think that everyone in our country would be pissed off. Kunta Kinte was a character that represented black people when they were forced into slavery so that’s the same thing. People deserve to be mad at him and it’s no different than him mocking black people’s history
No. 244184
>>244162True. I think it was in poor taste.
>>243200said it well.
But black people (at least African Americans. Haven't seen that many Africans say anything) are quite good themselves to make fun of perceived features of other people. Not saying it makes it okay.
No. 244192
>>244162I doubt it. Why would they go back all the way to Kunta Kinte?
No point in making excuses for them when even other Koreans are dragging them (and they + all their stans, both Korean and not, would have a meltdown if someone said "I don't like kimchi" lmao).
No. 244200
>>244192Roots was very popular in Korea, that's probably why he referenced Kunta Kinte he also said he looked like Michol from "Dooly The Little Dinosaur" a popular korean tv show for kids. I'm not looking for excuses just explaining that he compared himself to some popular characters. And I'm convinced people would have been upset if he said
"I look like the Fresh Prince!!".
No. 244243
>>244211Seconding Dean and Zion.T.
Dean's instagram is really nice.
No. 244286
File: 1524382934365.jpg (67.1 KB, 480x782, unnamed-1.jpg) of the comments are positive, but then there's that:
>She looks too foreign and has no charm. She reminds me of the Kim Deanna girl ㅋㅋ usually, when I see mixed-race people, I see both the western and Asian features but I feel like she only received her dad’s denes.. if you think of her as being an average westerner, then she just looks average to me..? If not for her Korean blood, she would have never made it No. 244289
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No. 244302
>>244275You want indie? Check out:
Beenzino + Verbal Jint
Urban Zapaka
More mainstream: Zion.T, DEAN, Hyukoh
No. 244326
>>244286People are crazy. She's looking cute as fuck. In some pics she looks full korean as well?? If people didn't know she was mixed, they would be praising her to hell and back. Racism is a hell of a drug.
>>244289kek thank you for making my meme idea come to life
No. 244468
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Nah you're talking about Jihyo. The girl on the left of that image Nayeon who's actually one of the smaller members. Girl on the left of my pic is Jihyo and the one on the right is Nayeon.
No. 244475
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>>244391>calling their faves oops and unnie>oopsI know that's probably autocorrect but holy shit
No. 244619
>>244598i'm always glad when a saesang gets a reality check that their idols despise them. not that it ever actually gets through to them though, they still end up just glad they got acknowledged. out of context it seems a bit extreme but i couldn't blame a group like db5k for shoving these stalkers away or anything, the way they were treated was horrendous. a lot of people who start defending saesangs as soon as an idol actually does something seem to think they're all 15 year old girls who're just big fan girls but a lot of them were women in their 20s who did stuff that shouldn't have been legal. i don't care when i hear about an idol shoving a stalker or calling them a bitch anymore because honestly i'm just surprised there hasn't been a bigger incident of one of them properly beating a saesang up. and if there was it probably would've been a jyj member and sm would've made it common knowledge years ago, but even the worst of their saesang clips turned out to be edited to sound worse than they were so they definitely didn't do anything worse.
the evil sm conspiracy is definitely exaggerated sometimes but if they had real big dirt they'd use it. some fans claimed jaejoongs was completely fake but really it was just edited to have some parts repeat to sound like there was constant hitting rather than a couple of shoves
also, fansite owners are just saesangs that can afford a dslr and plane tickets.
No. 244627
>>244598I can already hear the delighted JYJ fans glad that one topic of their 10 year argument can finally be dropped now that both sides have evidence of hitting saesangs. Yunho must now be the only member still talked about for his 'good personality', which will probably last until he comes out(/is outed)
I still love when there's TVXQ/JYJ drama because Cassies are still obsessed enough that every issue becomes dramatic, but the groups are so old that a lot of kpop fans only really know OF them and then realise that old, respected, can't say anything mean about them idol group are as messy as any other group. Most of it these days is either just a reveal that the members are actually sleazy or Netizenbuzz translating already resolved drama or completely false reports that were already clarified. The Changmin video could actually do pretty badly for them in Japan because they're already in a touchy place for having a map without Japan on it in one of their new MVs.
No. 244786
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I’m tired of kpop fans hijacking Korean hashtags that are supposed to relate to something funny, and just use it to spam irrelevant pics of their idols.
Like this one is supposed to be for something you misunderstood about a person until you got to know them, but its all full of bts fans giving their overrated members praise.
No. 244797
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>>244786is this what people mean when they say to stay away from "stan twitter?"
>>244619fansite owners seem unstable as fuck to me. I know pic related of Jungkook seeing his rich stalker Headliner at the BBMAS was probably just taken out of context but I still get a laugh out of it.
No. 244891
>>244866After watching this, I can't believe Twice has gotten
worse. I mean, none of their early songs are great or have some intrinsic musical value, but they're catchy and bubbly and good for listening while working out or cleaning.
But this has random key changes, some kind of shout-singing that somehow didn't learn anything from Signal and honestly sounds like a B-grade song used as background music for an advertisement on daytime TV. I'd take Cheer Up over this. Hell, I'd take Candy Pop over it and that already wasn't
No. 244930
>background music for an advertisementI mean, it kinda is that anyway. I wouldn't doubt at all if they did this song for the CM first and then were like "oh i guess we can kinda churn more money outta this"
At this point I am only watching their new releases for Momo and Jihyo lmao cause they are grade A cuties
No. 244964
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>>244893Headliner is a ~~sasaeng~~ fansite owner who runs one of the top fansites for Jungkook. She must be loaded because she can afford follow BTS everywhere, like when she followed them all the way to the BBMAs from Korea.
The other major incident involving her was when she somehow managed to get BTS's schedule, which is undisclosed to the public, and was able to take pictures during BTS's stop in NYC when they were flying from Korea to Santiago. In addition to figuring out their private schedule, she also had to coordinate her own flights and arrival times with BTS's in order to be there to take the photos.
Apparently she's also made comments about killing anyone who makes bad comments on VLive about Jungkook, but I can't find them.
She's insane but nobody really discourages it though because without them they wouldn't get pics of their baby boy~~~
No. 244966
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>>244866>SANA20 seconds
>MINA22 seconds
>MOMO29 seconds
>NAYEON35 seconds
I can understand Nayeon getting so much screentime on regular MVs since she's pretty popular with the Korean audience, but this new 'Wake Me Up' MV seems to be geared towards a Japanese audience hence the j-popish style. Why does she get to have more screentime than the actual Japanese members? She has the kind of face that would be disliked in Japan.
No. 244967
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>>244964Found the comments about the VLive
Rough translation:
But during vlive, can people stop saying stupid stuff? He read replies carefully and answers for all…why do you live?? People who talk stupid stuff, I want to shoot them all with guns. I am glad guns are illegal in the country.
No. 245006
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>>244966I don't know how popular Nayeon is, but I know that Momo is super popular, but Mina apparently is not. This was on a girl's channel thread, asking "which member is the most popular/best in the group", and this anon answered "In Twice, I think maybe Mina?" and got more than 700 dislikes kek
thread is here No. 245031
>>243561>>244866Twice leaked the song in their nike commercial, we already knew it was gonna be cute.
>>244913JYP wanted to make a japanese girl group and twice's japanese members and cutesy songs give him the best of both worlds
No. 245039
>>244966well going by this ranking: she is the 4th most popular member. But I don't know how truthful it is.
No. 245056
File: 1524609866758.jpg (951.84 KB, 1500x1000, disgust.jpg)

>>244797this pic of Taehyung taken by one of his fansite owners when she followed him to the Billboard offices before an interview fucking kills me too.
if anyone else has more pics of idols looking scared of/disgusted by their fansite owners please post them
No. 245082
File: 1524614132551.gif (1.96 MB, 268x350, Seventeen_1469745287_16.gif)

>>244891>I can't believe Twice has gotten worseTwice was never good to begin with.
No. 245085
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>>245056It's crazy that fans go out of their way to get noticed by their idol but in the worst way possible.
This was taken by Rion, the famous saesang of Suho from EXO.
No. 245092
>>245085Rion's a mess and a half. I refuse to believe she doesn't have a heaping mountain of daddy and/or mental issues after she PS'd herself into what Suho said was his "optimal type".
But don't worry about her popularity, thousands of fans comment on her IG daily and cuss her out. Which, well, fighting fire with fire mightn't be the best of choices.
No. 245093
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>>245056Which wins, taking a photo of your idol being disgusted by you or following them to a men's sauna and waiting until they fall asleep so they can't show that they hate you?
Speaking of BTS though, I forgot until this stuff came up again that one of the girls in the group co-managed by BigHit was a Super Junior sasaeng and had to leave the group when people recognised her, which is surprising because I assumed sasaengs were just rich girls who were too ugly and talentless to become idols so they got obsessed with them
No. 245094
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>>245056Not fansite but fans in general.
No. 245096
allegedly held up some sign or other during a concert with questionable content, but with Exo's crazed fanbase, I wouldn't be too sure since there's no pics or other evidence other than hearsay.
It's without a doubt she's kind of off the rails though.
No. 245098
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>>245093Reminds me of another fangirl who became an idol. Momoland's Jane used to run a fansite called Baby's Breathe for INFINITE's L and Sunggyu back in 2014.
It appears she followed them around and took the pictures. She deleted everything once she became a trainee and ended up meeting Sunggyu once she debuted. Hopefully she wasn't full on sasaeng.
No. 245101
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>>245056For a group that hasn’t really been picked up by the Korean public, nearly every NCT fan is a batshit sasaeng. Recently there’s been an uproar in the fandom because they shoved Samuel during his interview (i think??) to chase NCT into a music show building. Anyways, here’s a pic of Winwin being disgusted by his sasaeng Winter White. She isn’t even his fan and just runs the fansite to make money off the pictures basically lmao. No. 245107
File: 1524626442916.jpg (15.52 KB, 236x354, bf10f86e77f911d073701dbdcb5723…)

I can't stand bitches shipping idols together.
How would they feel if a bunch of weirdos and mostly kids started shipping them and their best friends to the point they start to feel uncomfortable?
>But to be honest, it's impossible to not have RPS when you fangirlOf course it's fucking possible, you just need to stop obsessing over and making up stuff about people you don't even know and go get a life. No. 245122
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>>245107Idol play heavily into it, apparently Chanyeol from exo is constantly googling the most popular Exo ships involving him and will act on it to gain popularity. That's why he started drifting apart from Baekhyun during his dating scandal. Pretty sure a lot of ambitious idols do the same.
Speaking of Chanyeol I think he's really ugly and he has weird bowed legs, at this point I believe you could put an ugly troll in and idol group and he might become ultra popular just because of how insane the fans are. (Jimin's popularity is kinda proof of that)
No. 245146
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Seeing stuff like this makes me wonder if Japan does it on purpose: placing a tall (and pale) good looking actor next to BTS to make Koreans look bad lol
No. 245150
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>>245146They're so delusional kek
It's nothing new, just actors being better than idols as usual. It doesn't help they dress like a bunch of high schoolers.
No. 245151
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>>245146I didn't know that guy, he's really handsome and he look like a grown ass man, BTS members are always styled like a bunch of little kids with those bowl haircut and school uniforms….
No. 245153
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>>245121>>245122Yeah, I agree idols and agencies also play their part on it. And I do know most of the shippers are just really young and will grow out of it someday. I have this army friend that likes Jimin x Jungkook fanfics, I can respect that.
But seeing these grown ass women acting like pic related is so cringeworthy and makes me want to wash my eyes with bleach.
No. 245162
>>245155What a badly written title.
It reads as if the new song is named "We are so excited" and not like a quote.
No. 245188
>>245155literally no one watches this shit except for 11 year olds with no taste.
most people don't even know any of these "award" shows exist.
No. 245223
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>>245217there's no way in hell jin and rm are 6' and tae, who is always wearing insoles, is 5'10 or whatever he's claiming he is nowadays kek
No. 245228
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>>245223Well, in Korea being 1.81 (Rapmonster) seemingly also equals being 1.73 (James Corden) kek
No. 245236
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Does anyone else think K-pop, and Korea by that matter, is VERY shallow and superficial, like nothing they produce seem to have any deep or philosofical aspects to it? As if they're souless. I've been watching a lot of Korean movies recently, to be more precise those deemed "the best of the best" and so far none have impressed me all that much? Again, there are some really good ones but they never resonate deeply inside me. Don't even get me started on the k-dramas, most of them are shit and cringeworthy.
Back to K-pop: I get it's meant to be generic and westernized and I do like some parts of it but I believe we had more originality in the past. Every song sounds the same nowadays. I'm trying to find anything, be it a movie, drama or song that'd make me go "oh that's Korean culture" like when I listen to J-rock I don't compare it to regular rock since it's so unique.
Pic related, this is from an episode of Hello Counselor where the older sister hates the youngest, A LOT of Koreans seems to think like her so don't say it's an isolated case, there's too much evidence to prove otherwise.
>I may not be all that pretty, but I'm prettier than you. Society is all about looks.
No. 245251
>>245236because s.korea socially is like a third world country that all of a sudden has a large amount of wealth.
they haven't caught up to the times and sound lost and confused with all this access to "higher" culture. they don't know what to do with it.
that's why kdramas are no different than shitty telenovelas just with a higher budget.
No. 245257
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>>245236Korean culture is still fairly new. As recently the 1960s, large swaths of the population were still living in squalor. They were at war not too long ago (or still at war depending on who you ask) and their culture is clearly still recovering from that. That's not to wk or excuse their ignorance though. it's very telling that they have the highest suicide rate in the developed world
No. 245259
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>>245228or how armys claim suga is 2 KEWL to care about insoles.
his ankles (like the other members) are looking a little high almost as if they're being elevated
lol manlets
No. 245268
>>245261>a romanic thinkerSomebody has to break it to her that Taehyungie probably doesn't do a lot of
thinking in general kek
No. 245294
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>>245284armys on reddit by far.
they even go onto subs like /r/popheads in droves and downvote every comment in bts threads that aren't praising them
No. 245327
>>245107I kind of agree with
>>245121 because at this point they're not really themselves, they're creating a persona. And I'm fine with people shipping that or writing fanfiction or drawing art. It gets a little strange when they insist that they're actually in a relationship/gay/asexual in real life because of some constructed "clues" like one idol looking at the other for 2 seconds.
No. 245328
>>245153Time to burn my Bigbang tour shirt. Or at least never ever wear it beyond a sleeping shirt.
Seriously though, wtf.
No. 245329
>>245261>an obvious discerning taste for arttopkek
>>245259I'll admit to liking Jungkook's style even if it might just be the coordinators dressing him up.
No. 245333
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>>245261>>245294>Actually thinking that your oppar is actually some smart modern-day philisopherWow. BTS's concepts drip with pretension and their fans are also pseudo-deep. why can't they just stop lying to themselves and admit that their idols are as unremarkable as the average person (or probably dumber)? Throwback to that one time BTS took teaser pics at a Holocaust memorial to be "artistic" and E D G Y: No. 245337
>>245284reddit armys can be pretty fucking annoying. I know this is probably a mean thing to say but it really annoys me when Western fans that are ethnically Korean write up a whole wall of text overanalyzing something based on their speshul cultural Korean insight usually based on observations anyone with a surface-level understanding of Korean (or many non-Western cultures, tbh) could understand. I see it on other websites too but most often on reddit (probably tons of it on tumblr if I was stupid enough to dip my toe into their kpop circles).
>>245294do they really think it's that impressive for a man in his twenties to be into jazz and foreign indie films? I'm willing to believe that he's not nearly as dumb as he lets on but I don't think he's some kind of hidden genius either.
>>245336the fact that they took it down right away as soon as there were complaints tells me they knew it was wrong and did it anyway.
No. 245343
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>>245333What on earth made them think that was a good idea? How did they get permission to do that? That is so ignorant.
>to think I was once an ARMY at one point… No. 245344
>>245337ikr? when taehyung said "oppas of south korea- fighting!" (which has a culturally specific anti-feminist connotation) after he ranted about older brothers should be allowed to pinch their little sisters, armys defended it saying "oh! thats the culture there! antis are just taking it out of context"
>cultured manlel
No. 245345
>>245236>Does anyone else think K-pop, and Korea by that matter, is VERY shallow and superficial, like nothing they produce seem to have any deep or philosofical aspects to it? As if they're souless. I've been watching a lot of Korean movies recently, to be more precise those deemed "the best of the best" and so far none have impressed me all that much?Damn, I know this is a thread about being critical about Kpop but it seems OTT to simplify an entire nation and history based on their manufactured, mass produced pop music. Bong Joon Ho and Park Chan Wook are some of the best directors alive right now, and little they make can be called "shallow". The former even even made his debut about a teacher killing dogs that talks about corruption and Korea's sudden transition from immense poverty to a highly developed nation displayed in the different attitudes towards dogs.
Like I totally agree on Korea having much more emphasis on looks or status symbols to an oppressive fault, but it's pretty ridiculous to not see past that.
No. 245360
>>245236I've noticed that a lot of the films frequently hailed as the best Korea has to offer are focused on crime, revenge, and grief. All have the potential to be philosophical but you don't really need a philosophical element to make a compelling crime or revenge thriller, or a relatable/moving film about grief.
Completely agree about kdramas though, I'll never understand the appeal.
No. 245382
>>245375No doubt that BTS fans will make a ton of excuses and praise the album even if it sounds like garbage. The group's status is undeniably established at this point and, to be real, 99% of their fans aren't solely into them for their music. K-pop as a whole is way more about visuals than talent, actually, and BTS is a K-pop group rather than the groundbreaking, game-changing artists that their fans want to believe.
BTS's music has been on a decline after The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 2. Maybe it's just me being a K-pop fan with shit taste but some of the tracks in that EP were alright. Now BTS have no excuse to try to improve since they can sell well now.
No. 245409
>>245375>openly stating they bought 10 copies. christ I wish I had that kind of disposable income.
tbh I can understand preordering an album you haven't heard yet from an artist you really like because even if you wind up not liking it, it isn't a HUGE waste of money and you still supported the artist, but ordering a ton of copies just to get a certain photocard or whatever comes with the physical albums seems so frivolous.
No. 245418
>>245375The buying multiple copies thing is a marketing technique.
Many kpop albums have multiple version and come with randomised extras like posters and photocards. If you want to get everything, or even just your bias photocard or whatever, you're going to have to drop a lot of money.
Then there's the meet and greet raffle tickets that come with newly released albums. The more albums you buy the more chance you have at meeting your oppa/unnie for 10 seconds.
It all sounds like a fucking cult.
No. 245436
>>245415I cant help but chuckle at all the fakeness that these people are profiting from. It’s so amazing. From the companies, to the idols themselves, to the fake little variety shows. Its just so brilliant. Yet these autist fans cannot see past any of it. They don’t realize that XX idol doesnt actually go around giving back hugs to his male friends, acting cute for attention, or being fake tsundere 24/7. Its SO obviously forced and out on, but their fans eat it up and act like so and so are so deep, and acting like a two year old ACTUALLY means he’s an intellect who values youth blahblahblah.
Its all just $$$$ fam.
No. 245459
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>>245438prostitution is pretty damn common in Korea from what I understand (pic related is from a ~3 year old reddit post, can't find the original post for some reason).
>"his firm represented a department from LG">tfw BTS recently became ambassadors for LGhmmMMMMMM
No. 245461
>>245415Album sales are still relevant if you're comparing idols to each other (as opposed to legit artists). Every fandom has equal opportunity to bulk buy, so the relative difference in sales is a legit indication of which group has a bigger fanbase and the most purchasing power.
The more important thing is determining what publicized information is mediaplay and what is accurate. They'll write about 'pre-orders' that don't end up turning into actual sales because it just means that's how much they shipped to stores, or they'll give articles misleading titles to make groups seem more popular than they are. Recently there was an article about BTS overtaking Kara to be the number 1 foreign artist in Japan!! Amazing achievement, until you figure out they meant BTS beat Kara's first week sales (not total) from 6 years ago, and the real record for first week sales still belongs to BoA, and that first week sales aren't evidence of being the top foreign artist at all. They're fucking shameless and fans are too stupid to fact check, so they believe anything they read.
No. 245463
>>245459my friend worked in seoul and said it was common for bosses to casually have prostitutes blowing them under their desks while they were working. mens public bathrooms are filled with ads for brothels as well. it's a HUGE business there.
no doubt bts members have participated come on lol. 1/5th of south korean men in their 20s have purchased sex at least 4 times a month.
No. 245464
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>>245459What a disgusting society.
No. 245466
>>245459Other actors/idols have been caught going to brothels before:>They were holding a company outing with agency representative for the new drama.>mainly frequented by high officials in the financial industry and celebritiesAbsolutely no doubt that most male idols also visit brothels and "massage parlours"
No. 245483
>>245478Female idols are forced to sleep with business men who are "sponsors", even when they are underage.>predebut idol group taken by their CEO to meet with group of businessmen, all in their late-40s>one of the businessmen is asked to pick his favourite >that member is forced to leave with businessman by her CEO>tells member that he'll make her famous if she "plays" with him and when >she rejects him he gets angry and threatens to destroy the groups debut plans or pick another member of the group instead of her>she manages to get away from him on that occasion but is forced to meet the man whenever he wants by her companyAnother well known incident of sexually abuse in the korean entertainment industry is Jang Jayeon, who committed suicide in 2009. In her suicide note she named 31 entertainment executives and other higherups who had beat and sexually abused her.
No. 245503
>>245478late 90s/early 00s boygroups got the johnny's entertainment treatment, ie the skinny pretty teenage boys were fucked by old men. matching that up with predebut pictures of tvxq and super junior members from 2001-2004 gets kind of weird. the companies themselves probably try to lightly distance themselves from it now but they'll know and encourage anything like that that still goes on
there was a bigbang 'documentary' on youtube a few years ago, idk if it's still up but i think it was on an mnet associated channel if anybody either remembers it or cares enough to search. there was a part where a producer/ex rapper was talking about the hierarchies in a company like yg in the early 2000s and he said his role as a trainee was basically just rolling joints for higher ups and getting slapped by them if he did anything wrong
trainees and the vast majority of idols are completely disposable, so they're going to get massively fucked over in a country with messed up attitudes to sex and an obsession with hierarchy
No. 245561
>>245382I'll admit to some of the songs being catchy. Sure, they have some sort of Chainsmokers vibe, especially Young Forever, but I can admit their music isn't
Like, it's not top-notch in regard to vocals and this whole fake too-deep shit, but it has good production value and the big songs have catchy hooks. It's mediocre and the only thing that really made it break out is the whole teenage angst shit, the heavy literary allegories because RM seems to be a Germanophile beyond belief and teenage girls eat up anything poetic, and the heavy forced ~bond~ between them.
But like you said, listening to it without the video does take a lot of it away, since it's heavily reliant on cute PS'd
oppars and flashy backgrounds.
>inb4 anon sucks bts dick for breakfast>>245375If I never have to hear the words bop, tea, shade ever again, it'll be too soon.
No. 245562
>>245461That's this whole "your fave could never" culture and it pisses me off so bad.
"oppar did this!!!!!11!! he's obviously a smol precious groundbreaking saleswrecking god!!! uwu"
No. 245580
>>245548I clearly see it? (Maybe it was more obvious in the video)
That's not the point though, what really matters is that Koreans value paleness so much that even such a slight difference can decide whether a person's good looking or ugly (and since he's japanese that'll hurt their ego).
No. 245595
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>>245146Reminds me of this pic of Twice with Suzy, the way idols are styled can be very bad and make they seem cheap next to big stars. Suzy herself used to dress like them and now look at the difference.
No. 245600
>>245463Damn. I didn't think it'd be common for Korean guys to engage in public sex in the workplace. I guess a country that encourages men to repress their sexuality (like the blocking of porn sites and what not) will result in them possessing some unhealthy views and outlets regarding sex.
>>245236I'm reminded of this video where Korean men were asked about their ideal girlfriend and literally at least 80% said they mainly cared about how pretty she was. I don't expect male K-pop idols to have different mentalities.
No. 245642
>>245632Do tell anon.
I want to know more about SK putrid side.
No. 245651
>>245642it's common to see stranger men carrying around passed out drunk women from clubs into love hotels
date rape drugs are VERY popular. there are ads for them in mens public bathrooms.
No. 245654
>>245651Your post got me interested so I looked up more info on how sexual harrassment/rape is treated in South Korea:>"From the perspective of a man who spends a lot of money on dates, it is natural that he would want a commensurate compensation from the woman. In such conditions, unwanted date rape can occur," the curriculum for high school students reads>Tips to respond to sexual harassment, also for the high school-level curriculum, include "step on his foot as if by mistake.">The manual for teachers of elementary-age students includes the statement that "male sexual desire can arise quickly on impulse, regardless of time and place."The South Korean education system is seriously fucked if this is what they're passing off as proper sex ed material. I could see how it was messed up for other reasons, like its support for privatized education via hagwons and dependency on standardized testing, but the article made me see how backwards the country still is socially. Like other anons have said, South Korea's upgraded technologically in such a short period of time but has yet to develop culturally.
No. 245666
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>>245654This incident happened last month in Busan:>The man is accused of beating the victim unconscious after she asked to end their three-month relationship. He then dragged the unconscious victim to his apartment where he attempted to confine her. He was arrested by the police who came to the scene after a neighbor heard the victim’s screams and called the police.Interview of the parents of teen:>"We're the real victims. B (the victim) has a tendency to make our son angry. I think he hit her because she was acting up. She has quite the temper. We're actually angry that people think our son is the bad guy for locking her up. I mean, it's true that our son didn't let her go out in the middle of their fight but he did not keep her tied up at home or anything." The father continued, "A man can do that. He can hit a woman if he's mad, can't he?"Some Korean's backward thinking and male chauvinism is on another level.
No. 245668
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>>245666reminds me of the Miryang gang rape case that occurred in Korea in the early 2000s (the film Han Gong-ju was based on it). Good to know the country has barely progressed since then.
No. 245671
>>245600>I guess a country that encourages men to repress their sexuality (like the blocking of porn sites and what not) How is that repressive in anyway? Nobody needs porn to express their sexuality. That being said, the South Korean porn industry is especially disgusting. This was all from the most popular porn site in SK before it go shut down:
>The website and several of its members are currently facing charges for criminal activities ranging from ‘hidden cam’ videos illegally shot in public places, brokering underage prostitution and drug trafficking, violence against women including genital mutilation and conspiracy in gang rape, defamation, and extortion.>Taking nude or pornographic images of friends or family members without consent and posting them on the site for ‘sharing’; some have gone on to extort money from the victims by threatening to post more photos or videos>Buying underage sex and brokering teens for ‘swapping’ sessions; inviting unknown Soranet members to take part in such ‘parties’>Some men have even sneaked into unknowing women’s rooms and installed live action camsParticularly (in)famous is their tactic of sliding a camera between women’s legs when riding the escalator or walking up the stairs
>On November 14th, 2015, a user posted the photo of an unconscious woman’s body, partly nude, along with the tagline “Whoever posts the best sexual insult against my girlfriend will be invited to participate in a rape session at a motel in Wangsimni (Seoul)”.>A week later, two users posted “rape invite”threads – one of them was the November 14th user. >The SBS broadcast also interviewed RPO, civilian organisation working on exposing the criminality of Soranet – their members concluded that on a daily average, 3 rape “invites”, over a 100 hidden-cam “girlfriend” photo posts, and 20 to 30 regular hidden-cam videos are posted.>Another user, who walked away from the scene of a gang rape, explained the users’ psychology as “numbed…used to the Soranet system which rewards behaviour and words which in society would be considered heinous – the more heinous, the more the users or participants are hailed as brave and manly”. However, he also emphasised that no user felt guilty or afraid after posting pictures of their girlfriends or spouses, as they are certain they will not be held responsible and that there are no victims, since they usually do not post the women’s faces., it's no wonder why they would block porn sites in SK if this type of degenerate shit is the norm there.
No. 245680
It's also very common and normal to see men slap their girlfriends in public. over 80% of south korean men admit to abusing their girlfriends and that's just the ones who admit it.
>>245671hidden cam footage from women's bathrooms is one of the most popular porn categories for south korean men
No. 245713
>>245699you would have to speak korean for it and idk the "sources" anymore seeing as it was just a discussion on twitter. i know the context he was saying it in. but saying that older brothers should get away with blah blah blah because older brothers think their little sisters are cute is a red flag in and of itself.
feminism and anti-feminism is a popular topic in south korea rn and he definitely knew what was being implied by the way he said it.
No. 245752
>>245716lmao I really see the overexcited mom vibe an earlier anon mentioned from Jihyo here.
Tzuyu Jihyo and Dahyun are the only ones even trying to look like they're having a good time.
No. 245761
>>245716I won't deny that some kpop songs are really catchy, but I don't understand die hard fans. These girls are beautiful, no doubt. But they can't sing and dance that well at all. I bet there are lots of really good Korean dancers and singers that never get a chance because they don't fit the idol criteria.
How can any fan feel like they actually know their "bias" when they probably have a huge PR team that tells them what to do and say, when to smile, how to act etc. Lol, can you imagine if you had to sing, dance and listen to music that you probably don't like at all hundreds of times? No thanks.
Dancing in school girl uniforms and play all cute is a bit too old when the oldest member is soon 19.
It's sick, fake and scary
No. 245959
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Unpopular opinion, but I actually like the whole tropical house/dance hall emulation shit Kpop has been doing since '16. It's slightly better than the autotune wave or shitty EDM.
Slowly seems to have transitioned to chill vibe though.
No. 246067
File: 1524948206609.jpg (16.39 KB, 480x334, unnamed.jpg)"Please write in English for the international fans"
June: Please learn Korean
His reply is freaking refreshingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
As expected from Goo-myway
>Freaking refreshing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm freaking disgusted by those I-roaches and their "English pleasee">If you like him, then you should be the one learning sighYou'd think that they'd feel insulted by that, right? Instead nearly everybody is either agreeing or making excuses like "The way he wrote isn't serious, it's aegyo speak!" kek
No. 246079
>>246070If you click on the link you'll see that underneath this article with the korean comments are comments from international fans.
I was obviously referring to those…
No. 246116
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>>245728yea definitely.
gif is taehyung telling a fan to cover up because what she's wearing is too racy
No. 246118
>>246116isn't that just fanservice though. I mean its stupid as fuck and cringy and I'd knock his crown of his head if he did that shit to me but I was under the impression that fangirls
who attend these kinds of things like the whole "overprotective boyfriend" act. though I wouldn't be shocked if he was that conservative in real life and it was more than just an act.
No. 246132
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>>246116>>246118>>246120"While Taehyung talking to a fan, he noticed her cutout sleeves and cutely told her (like a father) that her clothes were a bit “racy” (야하다) and then making her promise that she will cover up a bit more next time."
I'm inclined to believe it's just fanservice too, along with the handholding and promise-making.
No. 246137
>>246120It's true they find abusive behavior like jealousy and possessiveness romantic.
Video related, Exo roleplaying controlling, jealous, possessive and cheating boyfriends with their fan during a radio show. At the demand of their fan obviously, they're the one writing the little scenarios.
No. 246933
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Holy fuck
This is what bare faced idols look like
No. 246938
>>246931I would kill to see them release dating rumors of any of the Twice girls–unclefans mourning the loss of their virginal idolfu while the general public gets upset about the cult thing.
Also it turns out he was actually LECTURING at this cult seminar, and is being accused of funneling money from JYP Entertainment to this cult. His wife (who he basically groomed into becoming his barely legal wife after making sure her girl group failed) is the niece of the cult founder.
He posted some IG rant about finding a religious calling after Wonder Girls flopped in the US, wondering if it was divine intervention.
Original Dispatch investigation: redditor summary of the news so far: No. 246978
File: 1525255008877.jpg (63.76 KB, 530x888, 2018050108245985800.jpg)

>>246956>a bit above average asians with plastic surgeriesYou just managed to insult a whole continent lol
Let's be real, she's fugly and Nayeon also doesn't like your milky skinned youthful angel…
>inbefore but Twice can sing!No they can't. They have zero to offer other than their looks and even those are a lie.
No. 247004
>>247002Don't even bother anon, pics with flash taken on the streets are the ultimate proof that kpop stars are actually fugly.
Kpop anons (lovers or haters) are really nuts.
No. 247098
>>247079She probably only got her eyes done. It's standard for k-idols even if they don't have anything else done. It's pretty rare for idols to have monolids, but it's starting to be a bit more commonplace now.
I do love JeongYeong's new blue hair, TBH. I hope they let it grow a bit more than just chin length.
On another note, fans are finally realising that the cutesy Twice shit is done to death now.
No. 247115
>>247002yeah imo these
>>246978 >>246933 are just normal cute girls in unflattering photos. I don't look good barefaced in a flash photo either lol, no one does.
No. 247231
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>>247098She looks cute here. Twice's visuals are overrated tho
No. 247418
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>>247231I agree. Also I'm definitely not trying to be rude here but Jeongyeon could pass off more as a SEA rather than a Korean girl. I don't know how to phrase this well but from what I've seen, Koreans have longer faces and smaller features whereas Jeongyeon's features are a bit bigger, rounder, and closer together. If I didn't know who she was, I'd think that this pre-debut pic of her was of some random Vietnamese girl.
No. 247474
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Why is this considered acceptable?
It's clear that the other members don't like/are uncomfortable with it but she keeps trying to kiss them. It's not cute or quirky, it's annoying af. Is she a lesbian or is it just male fan pandering? No. 247490
File: 1525440500982.png (2.2 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180504-152758.png)

>>247474>Sana is an aegyo queen!More like "Sana has even less dignity than the other members and spends every second pandering to her uncle-fans"…
Also, her lips look gross.
It really makes me wonder what her parents think of her acting all dumb and whoring herself out like this. Strict and honorable asian parents my ass lol
No. 247494
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No. 247497
File: 1525441872429.gif (2.11 MB, 500x539, srqUliF.gif)

Found in this forum:>Does anyone has tzuyu 18+ ? She already 18 years old lets post more about herAbsolutely gross…
No. 247501
>>247497Jesus, this link is fucking disgusting, a bunch of men (and lesbos I guess?) sharing sexual charged gifs and pics of Twice members with some raunchy comments thrown in here.
>I can see her nipples tongue emojiFucking barf.
>Momo wants us to use her. (on a pic were she is wearing a tshirt with use written across it)Eeeeeeew!
No. 247590
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>>247474Check out Sana's hand. She's the only one pulling another girl's dress up like that.
No. 247624
>>247590Quite "
problematic" kek
If an idol does it it's cute, if anybody else were to simply expose another woman's panties in public it would be harassment.
No. 247631
File: 1525461304673.jpg (86.31 KB, 537x900, sulli.jpg), they're worse than lc:
>[+348, -143] Elephant legs, cankles>[+21, -10] She looks so pretty up top and then her legs… look like sweet potatoes…>[+15, -3] She's gained a lot of weight No. 247636
>>247631I am sure they are not that blind and really think Sulli is fat, I think this is mostly slander because SK hates her guts, so they are probably just insulting her to get it to her.
Not that it makes it any better.
No. 247694
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>>247629Sure, she's pandering to male fans and queerbaiting but this is from her predebut Twitter account (which is still up) so make of it what you will.
No. 247778
>>247694shindanmaker is a site where you input your name and it gives you a random result, and you can choose to post the result to twitter. she didn't type that herself. can see some examples here.
No. 247831
>>247824No, you just sound like a lesbo who wishes her stan is gay as well…
Deal with it, Twice doesn't care about female fans, they only want sweet ahjussi bucks.
No. 247853
>>247851The two he mande with the other producer's help are almost dope, the other ones are mediocre at best.
It really shows how he was not already working on music before like the Suga and RM.
No. 247854
>>247851I like it tbh, some of the songs are better than others though. I like that it's short and not massively ambitious or anything, I think that's appropriate for someone as inexperienced as him.
Supreme Boi's ROCK BOTTOM shoutout in Hangsang pisses me off a little though. His little rap crew can go fuck themselves, I don't care if they were in the original BTS lineup.
No. 247868
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>>247863yep, Iron.
>pic related>"no she wanted the shit beaten out of her! but also it was somehow self defense"Same dude wrote a song about how much he gets off on rape fantasies. Definitely an appropriate shoutout for Supreme Boi to make on JHope's mixtape given his target audience.
No. 248000
>>247973Boring and generic beat and V heavy breathing for 3 and a half minutes. The music video is half glamour shots and half him getting shown up by the backup dancers. It's listenable (unlike Stigma), but it's still…not good.
I don't hate BTS, but I really am shocked at how their fans can mindlessly hype up mediocre song after mediocre song. All of KPOP is pretty mediocre in my opinion, which is fine, but I always see BTS fans act like their group is different. If that's the case, don't they feel disappointment over them releasing underwhelming stuff like this over and over? Where do they draw the line, if they actually care about the music? At least it's an improvement from Euphoria I guess, not that it takes much.
No. 248023
>>247882RM isn't even good. His verses are always cringy and try hard to me.
I heard he was fairly popular on the underground scene before getting picked up by bighit, and I honestly don't see how unless his raps then are vastly different than they are now
No. 248040
>>248000I don't mind the R&B vibe and it suits his range but it just wasn't well executed imo. I feel like there's potential in Taehyung's voice that's just not being utilized. If you pitch his voice up a little he sounds exactly like Jungkook which tells me he needs to experiment more with his singing style instead of singing all breathy the way JK does but in a lower pitch.
>>248002>>248009seek jesus anons
No. 248144
>>248009I wish you spoilered this shit.
V is so overrated. nigga looks like he has mild downs
No. 248298
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Jesus Christ what is wrong with these fans. Was that really a necessary comment, didn't that dreadlocks shit happen literally 2 or so years ago? Grow up for god's sake
No. 248421
>>248298christ I thought the dreads were corny too but that doesn't mean the poor dude deserved to lose his fucking dad. plus he probably doesn't even style himself so why are people acting like he had a choice in the matter
are """""PoC"""""" but he doesn't get a pass for that in their book as he's still not black.
No. 248437
>>248298jfc i read the commentary and figured the idol was getting fired or something. so much for social justice centering around empathy for other human beings and their hardships.
>>248335They are but they're still pretty high on the sjw oppression totem pole. kind of like how gay people still have oppression cred compared to straights, but simultaneously considered a white cis oppressive class kek
No. 248454
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No. 248466
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have our feet anons seen this? suga's feet look especially cute here imo
No. 248473
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>>248466bitch, the least you could do is spoiler your nasty fuckin foot shit smh
No. 248477
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>>248454Whats up with the blowjob imagery?
No. 248495
>>248466>canadian tuxedoswhy
also I know they have red-rimmed eyes to play into the title of their upcoming album but it still looks freaky to me.
No. 248568
File: 1525881834590.png (378.57 KB, 800x534, 8_r_jimin.png)

>>248466This is the first time Jin doesn't look ugly to me. And Jungkook looks like he's aging in reverse. Jimin's solo shot looked good but I can't help but wonder why he's the only one without an undershirt?
>>248009Oh and fuck you anons for pointing their feet out. Now I can't stop noticing them.
What's up with the "stan loona" shit? I checked them out after their annoying fans kept hyping their oh-so-complex music videos and universe, but it's just the same generic garbage? The faux deep meanings don't even make sense half the time and their annoying fans lap it up anyway. The industry somehow came up with something even more superficially deep than BTS, wow.
No. 248588
>>248568jungkook looks really good here in my personal opinion. jimin and V look fine too. dont think ill ever be able to find jin attractive though lmao
>>248495>red-rimmed eyes to play into the title of their upcoming album420: Theme of Blaze it?
No. 248819
File: 1525986602723.jpg (181.53 KB, 600x337, produce-48-mcountdown-180510.j…)

Are you the same anon who claimed that AKB is trying to take over the Asian countries Japan formerly invaded with their music? lol
>AKB48 infecting every country
Kpop is "infecting" the whole world, nobody gives a shit about Jpop anymore.
>crap music and busted ass members. All of them can't sing or dance let alone both at the same time.
And Kpop is known for its many natural beauties and powerful voices…?
>Plus their theme song is not as catchy like Pick me and Nayana.
Catchy =/= good, anon.
>The dance is pretty lame too, of course they had to dumb it down the dance for AKB members.
Then why are fans able to put out dance covers just 1 day after a MV dropped, but K-idols have to train 10 years "17 hours every single day" to achieve that level?
Imo non of the girls are incredibly talented, but claiming that the Japanese girls are inferior in dance kills and beauty already beforehand is bullshit.
No. 248822
>>248819NTA and not a koreaboo, but you genuinely sound like a
triggered weeb. AKB
is worse.
No. 248846
>>248298Bts stans are human garbage, not to mention they're the most delusional fanbase of all time.
Do these inbreds not realize SM chooses how every artist is styled and dressed lmfao
And so are their precious woke kings BTS uwu
No. 248864
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I fucking loathe AKB48 but I hope this season will be a huge success just because I can't stand how far up their asses knetizens are.
No. 248865
>>248822>>248823>>248824>>248837>>248847Sorry anon, just for a second I forgot that this isn't really the
Anti-Kpop thread…lol
If you'd read my answer carefully, you'd see that I didn't place AKB above Kpop - I just think both are equally shite.
There's that one performance of them together with the Produce 101 girls and they aren't any worse in dancing or anything (simply because it was super easy to begin with) and wearing an ugly outfit your agency has chosen for you doen't mean they're less attractive than Korean idols.
Also remember, Kpop originally took a lot of inspiration from Jpop.
No. 248867
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>>248864God, petty korean vs japanese shitflinging makes me want to bang my head on a table. I see it everywhere from both sides and it's so pathetic, they really lack self awareness. Usually Koreans shit all over their idols and how untalented they are, but suddenly their 'country has so many talented kids' if japan is brought into it. And conventionally pretty girls who look exactly the fucking same as their own idols are suddenly ugly when they're japanese.
Anyway that song is one of the worst things I've ever heard and I gagged at the final 30 seconds of them doing creepy aegyo.
No. 248876
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The girl from After School looks so painfully plastic… And she's "already" 24 - meanwhile others are born in 02, 03 and even 04. (And knowing Korea they probably prefer these jailbaits over actual young women) I hope to god they tone their dances down in sexiness.
No. 248900
>>248819I always thought that Koreans would be much taller, but actually they don't seem to (or at least not much).
I noticed however that the Japanese girls are even skinnier, just comparing Sakura's waist/hips in that pic with the others…
No. 248975
>>248568Loona is like the female version of BTS by now. Even AJ has bought into the hype.
Heart Attack's good though, what with the sax parts.
No. 249011
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>>248976RM is ugly but at least he's normal looking, where as J-hope looks like his face is melting off in half of his pictures.
No. 249012
>>249011he looks like my aunt lol
i agree, both are ugly but at least RM doesn't look like a plastic doll. idk why people shit on his looks so much when he has literally the kind of face most koreans have
No. 249024
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>>249017>he really looks like a middle aged asian lesbianThe only time he ever looked like a semi-normal human being was when he embraced his inner middle aged asian lesbian.
It seems like fans are always going out of their way to compliment the uglies from their groups on their looks. I don't think any of them actually believe it, it's probably just a pity thing. Fans should just compliment them on something else, surely they have some actual redeeming qualities. Pretending like he's beautiful irl is just silly, he's in and photos and video enough that he should have looked good at least once by now if it was true.
No. 249039
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>>249037I think it has more to do with their addiction to always saying the opposite of k-netizens:
They prefer pale and pure idols
>She's so bland, I find [insert idol with dark skin] much prettier!They call an idol ugly, fat or trashy (often rightfully so)
>Yes queen, say!!! No. 249041
>>249038>asian genetics and asian food lol
(I'm pretty sure these jap girls would hate getting lumped together with all other Asians)
Dancing for hours might play a role in Kpop, but not Jpop. Two-stepping and waving your arms a bit doesn't count as heavy workout - so why are they thinner than the harder working K-idols
No. 249085
>>249039One on the left is cute who is she?
I thought idols weren't supposed to be chubby(outside of the few male ones they have)
No. 249112
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>>249085How can you look at this picture and point out first thing that the overweight girl is cute? Why do you lie?
You could have commented on anything about it - and yet you choose the woke kpop stan route…
This thread really is full of fans…
No. 249117
>>249115honestly i think a lot of it just comes from kpop fans who won't accept that they're not skinny like an idol because they don't diet/exercise like an idol and would have to put in a lot of work to look like that, and would probably have negative side effects after a while. it's easier to keep claiming that sunmi naturally has a bmi of 14 and she tries soooo hard to gain weight but just can't because they can use that as a way to excuse wanting to be thin and not.
the "she tried gaining weight and can't!" excuse is so annoying too. it is not hard for an otherwise healthy 20something to gain enough weight to just hit a bmi in the middle of the normal range, they don't want to gain weight. finding a video of an idol saying she ate a whole chicken by herself one time doesn't prove that she's forcing herself to eat to gain weight
No. 249121
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>>249115Both Japan and Korea have an obesity rate of only 2-3% percent, making them the thinnest countries. However, I can't see how that's true, because the average Korean girl is definitely not skinny…
In Japan even normal people on the streets are usually thin, but that doesn't have to be genetics, they simply have different standards than the rest of the world.
Finding anything about J-idols diets is much more difficult than with Kpop, but I came across this article which mainly states that they eat very small portions (exercising isn't exactly popular with Japanese girls either, because it makes you "too muscular") No. 249125
>>249115Not just Ana-tier but also just healthy cultural differences>The average person in Japan consumes over 200 fewer calories per day than the average American. Food prices are substantially higher in Japan, but the traditional Japanese dietary habits, although changing, are also healthier. The Japanese are also far more physically active than Americans, but not because they do more planned physical exercise. They walk more as part of their daily lives. And it’s quickly changing>Obesity rates in Korea are among the lowest in the OECD, but have been increasing steadily. About 4% of the adult population is obese in Korea, and about 30% are overweight (including obese). OECD projections indicate that overweight rates will increase by a further 5% within ten years.However, the worship of idols who are far too thin is a different ball game entirely
No. 249146
>>249130That puts you at an “underweight” BMI. You should eat more, anon, and work out.
It’s weird in the anti-jpop thread, where anons point out how unhealthy and gross the idols are, for someone to just own up to being so underweight.
No. 249148
>>249140The anons before you already clarified that being Asian =/= magic formula for being thin naturally, we got it already.
So no need to share your ana-tier eating habits.
No. 249211
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>>248876She was really cute and didn't need a nose job. I'd vote for her out of pity at least because she and the rest of the Afterschool members went through a ton of shit when they were active…only to be tossed aside due to shit management. Afterschool's pole-dancing for one of their comebacks also forever remains underappreciated: No. 249243
File: 1526215866661.jpg (347.74 KB, 800x1200, NmZsGlm.jpg)

Speaking of dieting, Momo from Twice made some comments during one of their recent V-Lives:
>"The company told me I had to lose 7kg in order for me to step on the stage for our showcase">She started her diet right away and barely ate, while solely going to the gym every single day for seven days.>"While sleeping, I shed tears because I was afraid whether I would be able to get up or not the next day">She eventually asked for three more days to reach the goal, in which she was able to accomplish in the end.The article didn't mention it, but basically she went wrestler-cutting mode by dehydrating herself by spitting and not drinking.
Around the 1 hour mark in this V-Live: this is before Sixteen and Twice's actual debut, but for a company showcase, which is pretty fucked up. She would've been a minor and extremely disposable at that time. Momo's been thin in every pre-debut photo I've seen of her, so it's not like losing the weight would've been as easy as someone overweight or average sized.
No. 249350
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>>249349You will most likely be wanting to look for an alternative
No. 249527
>>249523Should've posted it
lol'd at 0:40. That's j-hope, right? Why'd they give him the most seductive thing when he's uglier than RM? That choker really gives me a "how do you do, fellow kids" vibe too.
No. 249528
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>pretentious word definition thing>random "deep" shit>snickers product placement in the first 30 secondswhy
No. 249545
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Idk why some of you guys support produce48. The akb girls are very "pro japan". They wore rising sun stuff and glamourized the war. I don't think this season will succeed or be as popular, Koreans take kind of stuff very seriously and they're still angry and hurt (rightfully so) over what the Japanese did to them during ww1. No. 249555
>>249553Akb girls are often as young as 12 - they don't have any say in what clothes they were, what song they sing or what concept is choosen for them.
If Kpop fans defend idols in their 20s mocking blacks, even some who were born in an English speaking country, then they should shut the fuck up about little girls getting this pushed onto them…
No. 249558
Momo talks about the weight loss starting at 01:05:00
>Asked to lose 7kg in just a week before a showcase while she was a trainee (she was somewhere between 16-18 y/o at this time)>Didn't eat anything other than an ice cube and just drank water>Chewed and spat out food>Was scared she wouldn't wake up if she fell asleep and cried at night>Didn't lose the weight in the week but was given 3 extra days and managed it>Says her lips turned white and thought she was dying>Gained weight back after showThe conversation continues though, Jeongyeon talks about how there was a 44kg weight limit that she had to reach before Sixteen started filming. Jihyo wasn't allowed to take her company profile pictures because there was a 45kg weight limit and she was 45.2kg.
They used to have to hid from staff to eat food.
No. 249560
>>249558but how much of this is actually true? kpop has this culture of bragging about your hardships ie "omg we practice 24 hours a day!!!" when that obviously isn't true or they would be the greatest dancers in the world.
this is bait for fans imo. twice is very media-conscious about what they say.
No. 249563
>>249560a former JYP trainee has said how leading up to showcases would be weighed every morning and evening and that they would get yelled at if there was a difference between the two weights.
She said she only ate an apple and a salad a day and that it began to take a toll on her health.
No. 249564
>>249560"uwu unnie worked SO HARD for this comeback that she nearly DIED, she practiced 8 hours a day and only ate 2 ice cube for a week, don't criticise her performance, she worked SO HARD"
obviously idols are on serious diets but they also know that fans eat up any sign of hardship. if your fave wasn't homeless or their dad didn't die then you need to find evidence that they struggled a little bit learning choreography and that nobody better be mean to your baby because this was all so difficult for them.
i've seen girls generation fans in 2018 call people out for criticising them because a decade ago people didnt put on lightsticks for them and it was so traumatising that you should feel bad for not adoring them
No. 249566
>>249563would anyone watch these "ex-trainee" videos if there wasn't drama lol
>>249564exactly. it makes the fans feel protective which makes them insane which makes them buy more. standard kpop formula.
No. 249571
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>>249558Fucking hell, Jihyo has never been nowhere near 45kg, no matter how short she might be. The only girl who's actually really skinny in Twice is Nayeon, the others are all healthy. Taking into account that they're sooo busy there's no way they'd still look like that if they only ate this little.
>>249563Suddenly all these asian american ex trainees are popping up everywhere… as if there are even that many agencies who hire foreigners.
No. 249574
>>249571and that gif is probably about the skinniest she'll have ever looked, because the actual 'starvation' diets will be right before filming an mv, and she's been steadily losing weight for a couple of years. twice are probably at a healthier weight on average than the majority of other girl groups, even if some members would slip into the 'underweight' category at points. we all know profile heights are largely bullshit, why believe what they say about weights?
i'd say red velvet are pretty healthy for an idol group too, minus wendy. seulgi's definitely really thin but it still looks normal on her, wendy looks awful at times. and i wish rv fans would stop claiming there was a mass hate on wendy for being too fat when she debuted. some people said she had big thighs but more people were going crazy over her 'abs' and ribs showing, people were complimenting her on being so skinny just months into her debut.
i'm definitely more curious about blackpink though, they're the main group where i think they might look more worrying when they don't have their hips/ribs/backs covered up by clothes. also sunmi, she's on another level. idk how people could think twice are worryingly skinny when she's still taking pictures
No. 249578
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>>249527Kinda weird how this is all a reference to their older stuff and Bangtan Universe when they know this will be watched by a lot of people who don't know them beyond surface level, it'll leave a lot of viewers who aren't invested in the story lost and confused. Dumb strategy.
Speaking of dumb, Jhope landed in LA looking like a homeless Willy Wonka. The rest of them wore very simple basic outfits, but he had to be a clown again.
No. 249602
>>249578part of me likes that he just doesn't seem to give a shit despite being an internationally famous pop star but a bigger part of me is just annoyed that he has a ton of money and still chooses to dress like he's homeless lol.
>>249571>Suddenly all these asian american ex trainees are popping up everywhere… as if there are even that many agencies who hire foreigners.aren't there though? There are a handful of idols who were born in Western countries, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a solid number of trainees from Western countries who just don't end up debuting. Especially those who can speak Korean.
No. 249606
>>249564whoa now that you say that, things make a lot more sense. i'm new to kpop but i watch a lot of korean variety/talk shows and i always found it strange how idols are always talking about starving themselves or working so hard that they almost collapse from exhaustion. idols will literally talk about being miserable and other alarming stuff but the fans just go "wow oppa/unnie works so hard!! we gotta support them!" it makes sense that they use it as a tactic to buy sympathy from fans
>>249602yeah i noticed there's a pretty large amount of idols who are actually american, so it doesn't shock me that there's quite a bit of western trainees
although i feel like in recent years there's been an increase in asian american teens wanted to move to korea in hopes of becoming an idol and it worries me a bit. it's no secret that the kpop industry is fucked up yet there's a lot of young people who are influenced by how "cool" being an idol looks so they do whatever they can to be a trainee. it's weird
No. 249825
>>249578i mean, this looks objectively terrible, but for some reason i can't be mad.
>>249582 made me kek though
No. 249841
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>>249769i think a lot of the asian americans who have made it into a group (tiffany from snsd, kyla from pristin) started just as young as native koreans.
not gonna lie though, i judge the shit out of any parents that let their kids join an entertainment company at such early ages (in korea or anywhere else for that matter). at this point theres no way people haven't heard about the shit kids go through in these industries
No. 249862
>>249762not really. it's more of a cutesy act. like a girl giggling and acting kind of helpless but in korea it's with a pout and a bit of baby talk. and it's not for comedy, it's used to flirt
>>249769teens join kpop companies because they want to be famous but they have zero talent so kpop is great because you don't need talent. you just need the look.
No. 249876
>>249578It looks like he just got out of bed.
No. 249902
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>>249882Yeah, her waist is rather slim but her legs and arms don't look too thin
No. 249910
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>>249902My younger sister's body looks exactly like her's and she weighs nearly 130lbs at the same height.
Whasa claims to be only 94lbs…
No. 249917
>>249902 so many profiles have lies to make idols taller and lighter, if any girl's said she was closer to 60kg than 50kg she'd be called fat unless she had a 'sexy' body, usually just meaning they're slightly curvier than average and tanned. kpop's really all about numbers rather than what's actually there, and because it's so warped now the numbers they make up are meaningless.
a lot of male idols claim to be 178cm tall, but they're all clearly different heights. it's just because 180cm would be too obviously untrue so they bring it down slightly, but that's the standard 'tall' measurement so they just claim to be near that when they're way off
No. 249918
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Girls Day's Hyeri is one of the skinnier idols and she even said herself that she's envious of curvier idols.
She was measured and weighed on a show and it turned out that she weighs 52kg at a height of 166cm.
This picture is unedited, she's cleary very thin, so there's no need to be crazily underweight to look slim.
It really annoys me since when i was younger i always thought all idols don't weigh over 45kg (and i shouldn't either), but that's actually complete bullshit. They're really such a bad influence on their teen fans…
No. 249922
>>249918Wow. I feel like K-pop has warped the way I view weight. I would think that she was less than 110 pounds from that photo and I am surprised that she's around 115 or so in there. I think it's because I'm used to coming across profiles of female idols where they're always listed as having a weight of no more than 110.
I agree with your points. Companies should honestly stop exagerrating how thin and/or tall their idols are. As a retarded teen, I used compare my weight to theirs and would become disappointed since it was never as low as 105 pounds. No wonder South Koreans seem to have so many messed up views on body image.
No. 250046
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>>250042Seriously, fuck off. She looks tall and her proportions are great.
No. 250047
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Do you guys think that some kpop girls also lie about their height?
Sowon supposedly is 1.72, Yuzu 1.69 and Zico 1.82. It's quite clear that he's lying, but imo the girls still look a lot taller than the height they claim to be.
Is it too appear cuter/more innocent?
No. 250143
>>250140I like his mullet…
idk why but im getting a huge mediocre vibe off this single in general. gonna try to keep an open mind when it comes out.
No. 250148
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>>250143>>250145Dear anons, you don't really like mullets, you only have yellow fever (or the hots for V).
No. 250152
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>>250148I don't think V's attractive at all lmao. But a lot of the mullets of the last year have got me weak.
I don't really like them when they get as long as your pic because I don't like long hair on men in general. But just the overgrown length with clean sides that's been in a lot of mullets (Baekhyun, Woozi, Mino) is perfection.
No. 250163
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>>250140Was the goal for them to look as homeless as possible? I can't even say Mullet V is the worst one when Jimin looks greasy as hell and they did whatever this is to Suga.
Strangely enough, I feel like only RM and JHope weren't given styling that made them look worse than before, which is an interesting choice. As a group that relies more on cute boy visuals than music, you'd think they'd try the hardest on styling the boys that actually had the potential to look cute.
That aside, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this to see where it goes. Their music isn't really to my taste, but I've been following BTS out of curiosity about their huge fanbase and the amount of interest that they're gaining outside of Asia. Since they only seem to be increasing in relevance lately and their fans care more about oppas than music, I think this song will do well regardless of how good it is.
No. 250168
>>250163this looks like the atrocity I did to my hair at midnight in a stupid impulse lmaoo
homeless sisters I guess
No. 250185
>>250182 I love how their picture contrasts with how they look in the video aka irl kek
The only girls i liked are Sakura, since she simply introduced herself instead of acting obnoxious and Heo Joon Ji, she might actually be talented.
But fucking hell, imagine being a 23-year-old American, looking and acting like this, and honestly thinking you've got a chance…
No. 250189
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>>250182Idk anon. Nakanishi Chiyori is cute imo. And Motomura Aoi, Murase Sae, Miyawaki Sakura, Shiroma Miru, Yabuki Nako, Umeyama Cocona, Tsukiashi Amane, Kurihara Sae, and Honda Hitomi are all strong contenders.
It still baffles and confuses me how they “train” for upwards of four-six years. Is anyone going to watch the show?
No. 250217
>>250140V's stupid mullet is great, I'm from a hick rodeo town and used to see them all the time so seeing one on a pop idol tickles me.
FAKE LOVE sounds like it's going to be like most other BTS singles – kind of bland but catchy enough that it grows on you if you listen to it enough. I'm mostly curious to hear the Aoki track on the new album.
No. 250231
The only talented/note-worthy Japanese idol whose introduction video has left me impressed is Takeuchi Miyu. She self-composes and sings well enough (for a J-pop idol). She also seems to be interested in assimilating to the K-pop aspect of the group to actually talk about herself in Korean. It's a shame because I feel like she won't make the cut and will be buried by more established members like Sakura, who's seriously untanlented and is coasting by on her looks, and Jurina, who seems like the epitome of cringe.
>>250219I don't know, Anon. I think she seems cool and it's clear that she has some skill (though she might have left a better impression with a different dance routine). I'll take her over the idols who I've seen introduce the following as their main talent: speaking in tongue-twisters, talking about the weather, and LITERALLY EATING CAKE.
No. 250233
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>>250219Wtf you talking about anon? She’s clearly the epitome of grace and elegance. Don’t be a jelly whitey /s
Wtf is this choreography? This poor girl looks like a fool.
No. 250251
>>250046>>250047Tzuyu body is such goals.
It's speculated that her true height is around 173cm.
They do lie about her height though, to look smol to their uncle fans and stuff
Reminds of this show where Joy was seeing this other idol dude and she was wearing heels, he told her how tall she was and she didn't wear heels ever since
relatable, though No. 250252
>>250219I lost it at the 13 second mark where she kicks her leg up in the air weirdly. Fucking kek man
Despite that, I do agree with
>>250231. At least it isn't extremely dumb like what some of the other girls did
No. 250254
>>250251According to Google, Joy's 5'6" (or 168 cm, I think). I guess that's a little above-average for an Asian girl but her tallness seems to be ecagerrated so much. You'd think she'd be over 5'8" from the comments you pften see about Joy's height. It could be the case of her being much taller than the height listed on her profile, as other Anons have mentioned.
Either way, that comment she received from that male idol must have made her feel unjustifiedly embarrassed. Men need to shut up with comments like that just because they're salty about being shorter and having to wear insoles to cope kek
No. 250257
>>250254she looks so much taller because the other members in red velvet are 155-160cm
poor joy lol
No. 250260
>>250256To be fair, the trainee in that video has only been training for a little less than three years, not four to six. That routine was sloppy but I could see her performing better with a different routine.
I mean, some of the Japanese contestants have been performing as actual idols (not even trainees anymore) for six years and have little to show in terms of skill. The J-idol in the video I posted debuted seven years ago and can only introduce weather forecasting as one of her main talents. Fucking kek.
No. 250342
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>>250219I got a good laugh out of this, thanks anon.
No. 250347
>>250344i see comments like "i bought 10 copies this time around, do you think that's enough?" all the time for big groups on r/kpop. the excuse i always see for bulk buying is that fans have to do it to get into a fansigning but fans not in korea aren't going to a fan site anyway. between buying 5+ copies and preordering a month before you know anything other than the album name, album sales are bullshit and most of the time the best album awards just go to the highest seller, it's not about quality.
there's probably a lot of girl groups with only a few thousand albums sold where 90% of the sales come from two or three rich chinese guys.
No. 250366
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the fact that the last and new BTS album have 4 versions is really annoying, no one needs 4 copies of the same album
No. 250370
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>>250366>>250369also you reminded me of that time an EXO fan ordered their album like 20 times because she wanted all the photocards lmao
No. 250374
>>250370LMAO and she get all repeats? that's sad.
I guess it would've been cooler if the sleeves were different. They're all white and the only thing that changed were the tiny letters on the spine? I mean if they were going to have diff versions at least have some cool design on them idk
No. 250399
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Came aross this pic lol
Remember girls, whenever you feel bad about not being a tiny ugu asian idol ask yourself, whould you really be okay with your calves/thighs being the same lenght as your head?
No. 250579
>>250541>>250573I don't see a problem with it either.
He's 24 which isn't much older than the members, he has friends outside of the kpop fandom, has a job and is at a good college studying law.
He has his shit together more than most people his age and doesn't seem to be one of the creepier fans.
No. 250640
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>>250638Wtf is wrong with RM's face lmao…
Jungkook's abs tho. No. 250642
>>250638songs okay, probably one of the weaker ones on the album though
>>250640poor bitch looks like a guitar pick
No. 250645
>>250638The whole album is a wasted opportunity. They're at the peak of their popularity and they release this rushed mess? No jam, no cypher, no real impactful song.
Also, they could collaborate with so many cool artists from the US and Korea and yet… I'd give anything for a Dean, Beenzino, GroovyRoom, Jay Park, Risso, Heize, Lim Kim, Eric Nam, Code Kunst or Tablo collab. The Steve Aoki collab was… expected, that's all I can say about that song.
I'm disappointed, and doubly so now that I've seen the ticket prices for their concert. I'll go just to see Fire and BST performed live (and hopefully Tomorrow and the Cyphers), but on the cheapest option.
No. 250647
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>>250638Can't wait to read all of his fans complaining about their poor baby bunny who's terrified of girls being exploited for his sexiness.
No. 250654
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>>250650I think they covered in one of their behind the scenes videos that he gets in trouble if he works out too much. Jin I think said he'll be lifting furniture and shit in their hotel rooms but the company or whatever don't want him getting "too big". Probably so he stays smol and uwu for the teenagers.
No. 250655
>>250640>>250638yikes Namjoon and JHope
both looked like middle aged women in this video
No. 250656
>>250645 just sounds like a butthurt fangirl who's bitter that the song didn't live up to her expectations.
>>250640>Jungkook's abs tho.>>250653>Jimin and JK's singing saved the album>ajusshi >OOOF i still liked alot of the songs tho, i can't help itWho let the Koreaboos lose? kek
No. 250657
>>250653I liked a lot of the songs too, I was kinda surprised. someone needs to tell namjoon there are other styles of rapping besides yelling everything and hoping you sound badass though.
>>250654lol that's unfortunate. dude just wants to get ripped.
No. 250658
>>250657Airplane pt2 was a reeeeeally bad mess, the Outro too.
other than that, the rest of the songs were alright. 134340 was nice, it gave me pied piper vibes from the last album, that retro-ish instrumental vibe was nice
No. 250670
>>250666They're not shitting on their music.
It's just a tiny bit of criticism mixed with calling member A ugly while fawning over member B.
Am I the only one here who actually hates Kpop? No. 250677
>>250667Just yesterday anons were saying that at least Kpop idols are more talented than Jpop. Seems like training 24/7 for at least 10 years as truly payed off lol
Also, notice that after fucking up she immediately goes to the other girl for some fanservice to "make up" for her mistake?
It's terribly how many of the young girls in the comment section are praising their bodies, especially the one in the orange skirt looks sickly skinny…
No. 250690
>>250685I thought so too, it might be because they had western producers on the album this time. Expected better from DJ Swivel tbh. It might also be because they're pandering to the audience they're trying to gain right now(wetsern listeners who aren't already kpop fans).
When will Taehyung cut his stupid mullet and show his eyebrows? I don't get why they waited till now to give them the worst hairstyles they've ever had. The only one whose hair is actually okay is RM.
No. 250696
>>250695>I would kill for another stupid fun videoRight? Another one like Fire would be so nice.
But fuck, they didn't even go full on '00 emo. So half assed, not even one Simple Plain-ish scream-cry chorus.
No. 250697
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>>250695If YG is smart he'll make Blackpink more active, considering despite only having 5 songs they are still one of the top girl groups.
Sounds like he needs the money they'd generate after MIXNINE didn't even get the chance to flop. No. 250702
>>250695>Guess I'll stay hopeful for YG's dungeon maidens' song.Why would you be hopeful when everything they've released so far was painfully mediocre and they're barely talented?
I wonder if the new concept yg said they're trying is a ballad a La 2NE1 and the reason it took them so long is because the girls had to learn how to sing.
No. 250703
>>250638the visuals in this video are so… boring.
J-Hope's bit… thanks I hate it.
V cant sing
everyone's hair looks bad
(i have a soft spot for V's mullet tho)
>fakeu love, fakeu love, fakeu loveoverall…not great.
No. 250704
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>>250638I want Taehyung to get his BST haircut back, he looks so good when they let his eyebrows show, those long bangs makes him look like a baby.
No. 250709
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>>250704agreed. he looks better with shorter bangs but i hated his bst hair colour
No. 250712
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>>250696We already got an emo/scene-lite concept from BTS with Danger. It's mainly in style rather than sound but I think it still counts.
Unpopular opinion but I like Danger and would rather have that again than the generic, soulless EDM shit the group has been chruning out ever since they blew up. No. 250714
>>250711he's a korean entertainment company ceo, what do you expect? bigbang had to become the biggest act in the country before he stopped calling them ugly and untalented, and even then he still does for the members that earn him less money than gd. the company founders keep prestige if the acts they pump out make money and headlines, it doesn't matter if they lose in one year or quarter. ikon have one of the biggest songs of this year and winner had one last year. that's enough success to overlook a lot of losses
jyp's fucked over every girl group he's had after about 3 years but people still believe he's a genius because twice have a while left before they're fucked over. sm have had some of the biggest contract disputes and lee soo man was on an interpol wanted list for corruption but he's the face of a collosal entertainment company so he's successful and therefore respected and prestigious. it's korea, in the long term money >>> anything else
No. 250716
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>>250638Sorry, ARMYfag sperging
I'm a huge stan of BTS, and christ I hate this comeback with a passion. I only like about 2 songs out of the whole album, with the rest being a complete mess, with no real aim. I tried to post my criticisms in a group chat, but of course I was shot down by other army saying that 'if I don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all' and that I should go listen to my jpop if I don't like it.
They're trying to pander to their new western audience with the EDM latino type of beat, but it just falls flat on it's face. BTS have been going downhill since 2017, and I fear that it's going to get far worse; I don't think they're even trying anymore, because the fans will buy and love their albums regardless of what they produce. They need to look back at their roots and stop creating this fake deep series, I just want light hearted 2016 BTS back, I've invested too much time, money and reputation to drop them now
No. 250717
>>250716I'm def a bts fan and I'm regrettably underwhelmed by the new album but I'll still love them regardless.
But yeah, I think you'll find most all criticism will be drowned out at this point it's like to some people every thing they put out is gold.
No. 250719
>>250716they and their team try WAY too hard to appeal to western audiences w/o understanding
1) our music tastes shift very fast- the music they make is a couple years old to non-kpop fans
2) the reasons why certain songs appeal to the western gp audience- which is why their flavour of edm-pop and latin pop sounds devoid of personality and flair so they just make their songs as noisy and hectic as possible to distract
No. 250720
>>250716agree, although what about fake love is latin?
also mic drop was the most EDM thing theyve done and I liked it, fake love is just boring and has no energy in comparison.
No. 250731
>>250651The first thread said
>What i take from other threads is, that there seem to be many anons who also don’t buy into the recent kpop craze.>While lots already like to make fun of their cringy fans, 14-year-olds writing “Army” in the comment section of every youtube video in existence and fat american girls hopping around to the tunes of their favourite Oppas, i think now it’s time to take on the root of this evil.>Western listeners of kpop are often well over the age of 20; the stars they’re “stanning” sometimes as young as just 14. >One of the worst problems of the the kpop industry is on the one side the disgusting sexualization of minors (see 15-year-old Tzuyu “dancing” I don’t know how this thread change so drastically from the first. I guess this is just another fan thread now. Before it was supposed to be about people who were actually anti kpop, not just butthurt fans.
No. 250736
>>250731It's natural that a thread critiquing kpop would be full of kpop fans because how else would news or topics be brought up? Unless you want this to be just a chain of superficial "wow, I can't believe idols get plastic surgery and diet"comments. Like what sort of person would know who certain Kpop CEOs or the most no-name groups are unless they actively follow Kpop?
All this BTS talk is a bit grating, though, only cause BTS already dominates nearly every other venue for Kpop discussion, but I get that this is one of the few places to go all out without BTS shitters crying and moaning (and their album just came out or whatever).
No. 250739
>>250731Thanks for agreeing, anon. I thought that maybe we could have one place (probably on the whole internet) for people who dislike Kpop, but guess that's just not possible…
>>250736>>250737>It's natural that a thread critiquing kpop would be full of kpop fans because how else would news or topics be brought up? Personally I was indeed a fan when I was a dumb teen. And now I still check sites like netizenbuzz "for the lulz" - think of it as similar to looking up the social media of some cow.
No. 250742
>>250670Yes anon, you're very special, must be hard to be the only one who truly hates kpop.
imo what BTS needs to understand is that they really aren't singers so all this fake crap and "I live for the music" bullshit needs to go because it's cringy af. What made their songs work was that even if the rapers too are mediocre at best, the songs were catchy and fun enough to overlook it, plus there's the dancing and the fact that they have like 2 visuals and good group dynamics.idk The last song I actually enjoyed was not today, just because it reminded me of the old BTS.
No. 250747
>>250744It’s the anti kpop thread. You can’t get a thread more “only hate for kpop here“ than that.
>>250741I totally get that. But I don’t get anons talking about ticket prices and tours and how hot they are and shit. Imo this should be a critical thread, not a fan thread. But whatever, it’s really not that big of a deal. Just confusing for casual readers to see fan girl comments like
>>250717>I'm def a bts fan >>250716>Sorry, ARMYfag sperging. I'm a huge stan of BTS>>250645>I'm disappointed, and doubly so now that I've seen the ticket prices for their concert. I'll go just to see Fire and BST performed live (and hopefully Tomorrow and the Cyphe>>250608>supporting the group through merch sales Etc. this turned from an anti thread to a disappointed fan thread. People calling themselves “stans” and writing “ARMY” were made fun of before, but now they’re commenting all over. Which ok then.
No. 250749
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>>250746thank you
Anyway, does anyone remember how upset int sones got when anyone brought up Hyeyeon's multiple plastic surgeries? What is it with the international fandom that they always stan the least popular/ugly members?
No. 250753
it makes sense that people posting are at least/used to be fans of some kpop, if you genuinely hate a whole genre you probably won't follow the culture so the conversation would dry up after "DAE plastic pedo bait" but it gets annoying when the 'anti' part is just talking about how a group is overrated, not about the industry and culture as a whole having shitty aspects. it only lasts a couple of days after a big comeback though so it's not a huge deal
>>250749stanning the ugliest/least popular member of a popular group is the easiest way to enjoy a popular thing but keep superiority for being different and alternative and not like the other, less special kpop fans. for a long time in like 2011 it was "i like 2ne1 and 4minute, other girl groups are boring, but hyo is cool" but now that the 'support girl groups!!!! cute concepts are STRONG and if you don't like them u hate girls!!' stuff is so common you can admit you like gfriend or twice, you just have to stan umji and jihyo
No. 250760
>>250685I disagree, dour/gloomy music is pretty popular in the west right now and their album didn't have much of that. I wouldn't call it very Americanized.
>>250740following a cow is different from disliking a genre of music imo. Everything you hate about a genre is already there to dislike whereas cows are constantly doing dumb shit that needs to be updated so it makes sense to have threads about them. Like, I hate country music…so I don't know anything about it and wouldn't have anything to say in a "country music hate thread" except "lol dae hate twangy dirt road music?????"
No. 250763
>>250752jennie's honestly had one of the easier rides to being a famous idol and doesn't seem to actually care about BEING an idol so it's wild that people feel bad for her not having more music out. her family are loaded, she would not have certain for debut if she wasn't so rich. she had modelling jobs before debut, and yg pushed her so much for a feature in a gdragon song which he didn't want (he already had sky ferreira featuring, yg pushed for jennie to replace her verse and feature in his performances), she had a feature in a seungri song in the same year too, she had multiple videos teasing her basic rap, and all of it got her name attached to it while rosé's featurings and other members were just called things like 'future new girl group member'. all the stuff about her bullying other asian kids at her very expensive school somehow got swept away despite the fact that the evidence against it that fans insist exist never gets brought up. she acts like she can't be bothered doing what she already has to do, imagine her doing full album promos? groups still have to perform 2 year old songs when they have way more than that out, if she already doesn't care then she's going to be awful when she has an asian tour and has to do the same setlist multiple times
sometimes it's just really obvious who wanted to be an idol and who wanted to be famous and has a family rich enough to make sure they will be
No. 250764
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Umm anyways can we talk about this outfit? who put her in that and why?
Also can someone pls explain to me why knets always praise this plastic face? Like I get complimenting her voice, but we all know that ain't natural beauty.
No. 250768
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>>250765not the same anon but seriously? so far I've only read praises for her, either about how much of an amazing vocalist she is (unpopular opinion but I think she's seriously overrated, her voice is good for being an SM idol but nothing out of the ordinary, she sounds super strained in "I") or how pretty and amazing she looks all the time.
No. 250773
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Why are you cherry picking dated and unflattering photos. I agree her voice isn't all that appealing to me personally, but she's a pretty girl, otherwise she'd be picked apart constantly. Clearly plastic as fuck tho lmao. Koreans have a thing for boring "classic beauty" type faces that's why stars like iu, yoona are so hyped up
No. 250776
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>>250774> the person who wrote this was tracked down and he was a well-known YG hater but who knows. Either seems plausible to me.
No. 250778
>>250773Taeyeon is one of those idol I can't stand cause their personality and aura. Jennie is another one.
>>250777honestly same, especially Jeongyeon's stylist. They legit hate her.
No. 250791
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>>250693wait, thats what theyre saying? Kek, I thought they were saying "why you so mad, why you so mad?"
No. 250859
>>250791>>250791According to the page for Fake love they're saying "Love you so bad(x2) love you so mad(x2)"
But according to the lyrics on the music video itself they're saying "love you so bad(x2), love it's so mad"
I love that part where jhope sounds like he's saying Nigga on the roof lmao. Apparently they sent a version of the song without the word "naega"(I in Korean) to American radio stations because it sounds too much like nigga
No. 250870
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Never change, Twice.
No. 250897
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>>250640No joke whatsoever this is what immediately popped into my head when I see this, this alien drawing with doped out eyes I've seen a lot on "grunge pastel goth" tumblrs. Seriously though lmao he looks so freaky I can't get over it, is his face photoshopped?? I know RM already has a weird looking face but he legit resembles an actual alien here
No. 250980
>>250926Normal kids all over the world also only get english lessons max 3 times per week (and oftentimes learn other languages as well), yet they still manage to speak it at least somewhat decently at a much younger age than BTS are now…
It just annoys me that they're clearly not putting in as much effort as they claim to, yet their fans will go "They're working so hard for us guys! Don't pressure them, they're already doing amazing!"
They know exatly that saying that they want and try to learn it in every single american interview is gonna get them pity points…
No. 251010
>>250980tbf children generally learn languages much more easily than adults do.
Honestly if I was them I wouldn't feel particularly pressured to learn English either. They built their fanbase through primarily Korean-language content, performing in Korean, etc. Clearly their fans don't care that much what language they speak.
No. 251032
>>251028true, but English and Korean are so remote relative to each other that classroom learning isn't actually going to teach them how to use the language. From what I understand a lot of younger Koreans can read English okay but they have a hard time actually speaking it. Same with Japanese. I can't seem to find it but I remember reading a blogpost (or maybe a reddit post) from a Korean dude talking about English-language education in Korean, and he said he had a hard time understanding the concept of "words" when he started learning English at the age of 11 because of how differently English and Korean verbs are conjugated. The best teacher would be immersion and that's just not an option for everyone.
sage for language sperging.
No. 251045
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lul these hoes are too much. they're never going to fuck you.
No. 251047
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>>251045what makes it worse is that so many of the little shitlets agree with her
No. 251051
>>251045>>251047It's already been said mutiple times but ARMYs really are the most cancerous fans to exist at this moment.
With that said, I don't really understand what this person is trying to do. Is she accusing the interviewers of being racist? Is she trying to imply that BTS is more superior for not being familiar with Taylor Swift's music? Whatever is going on, these fans really need to stop treating their precious oppars as paragons because it's kinda pathetic and not true to reality given some of BTS's past controversies.
No. 251053
>>251051there's a meme among black bts fans that they HATE white people because they know korea is anti-black but they desperately want to think oppa likes them (he doesn't).
with this video, this young black female bts fan is implying bts doesn't listen to white artists even tho they sing bad blood a second later in the video (and sing maroon 5 and other white artists) but that doesn't fit her weird agenda.
No. 251055
remember #jiminhateswhitepeople?
and ? this woman would post delusional shit about how ALL of ur oppas are secretly fucking black girls and gif and screenshot every single interaction any kpop boy had with a black girl.
sad and pathetic
No. 251058
>>251053>>251055i honestly don't get how black ppl stan kpop considering how anti-black korea is. like wake tf up ur oppa won't care for your opinion nor will he ever care for you
#jiminhateswhitepeople was fucking embarrassing and when you try to tell em off they pass it off as a joke or "Black people can't be racist."
No. 251060
>>251053Alright. Thanks for the clarification. Now I can confirm that that tweet really is stupid.
>>251054>im a frequent on army stan twt Please love yourself.
>>251055I actually looked through that blog put of boredom one day and it's really as sad as it sounds. I know this sounds bad but I honestly don't get how you can be a black K-pop fan and
not be self-hating at the same time. There are so many instances of racism towards black people on K-pop and South Korean media. Then again, Southeast Asians in K-pop also get picked on yet they make up a good percentage of K-pop's international fans.
No. 251066
another delusional bts fangirl that needs help. posts shit thats sooo specific and detailed like she seriously thinks she knows the guys because of astrology KEK
not to mention the nsfw fanfiction shit. she'll post about how jungkook is into thigh riding, like who the hell does that shit? that only exists in fanfic. no man is into that. zero.
No. 251072
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>>251063this whole video is embarrassing
it's either interpreting fanservice and pandering as actual interest, or fans harassing the idols
my favourite moment was when a girl chased down Rap Monster to ask if he thought she was pretty and he replied "yeah" without even looking at her lol
No. 251073
>>251045>>251047this is fucking retarded, they love plenty of white artists (Post Malone, Troye Sivan, Charlie Puth, Bieber, etc). Taylor probably just isn't all that popular in Korea.
>>251054>im a frequent on army stan twtconsider stopping
>>251071oh nevermind lol. rake in that koreaboo cash.
No. 251078
>>251066>that blogthanks anon I hate it
>>251072how tf else was he supposed to respond to that without looking like a cunt lmao.
No. 251085
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just lol
No. 251148
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>i'm definitely more curious about blackpink though, they're the main group where i think they might look more worrying when they don't have their hips/ribs/backs covered up by clothes. also sunmi, she's on another level. idk how people could think twice are worryingly skinny when she's still taking picturesokay so i don't know shit about kpop, but after watching this video of those blackpink girls holy damn i agree. when the girl in the orange skirt turned around i was legit shocked like that bitch is absolutely sick with something jfc. without that push up bra she's probably bones and nothing else, and the girl in the blue dress and the one in the pink skirt also looked pretty worrying. no wonder pro ana sites always suck up to kpop artists, they're the only place where that shit wouldn't be controversial but "INSPO!!".
No. 251210
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>>251148lisa and rose have always been scarily skinny. it's worrying to see so many girls commenting "goals!!" in the youtube comments.
jennie and jisoo have lost weight since the debut too.
No. 251244
>>251155interesting watch, although the guy goes into a bit of a strange rant about capitalism and how kpop is producing simulacrums at the end, which is a bit of a leap.
the important thing in my opinion to take away from the video is that the kpop trainees that never debut are completely screwed. the ones who do become idols have admittedly worked in bad conditions, but to them its probably worth it because they achieved their dreams. but the trainees who have lived and breathed kpop training since they were 13, sometimes even younger, and don't make it? what are they gonna do afterwards? they essentially wasted their childhood and have nothing to show for it.
also, making public weight announcements and pressuring kids into eating disorders is never justifiable, whether they are successful or not.
No. 251245
File: 1526820529243.png (260.06 KB, 1440x1216, 20180520_144735.png)

>>251055>remember #jiminhateswhitepeople?I just checked twitter and it's going on in full force again…
Appearantly Jimin looked pissy liked the spoiled bitch he is while arriving. Plus for some reason now he supposedly loves black man?
I personally could care less about some asian midget hating me, but i feel sorry for all the preteen girls who believe this and get hurt by it. As a non-american i can't imagine what it feels like to grow up in a society that constantly mockes people of your race and expect you to laugh it of because "privilege" and "it's just a joke!"…
No. 251250
>>251244former trainees have been known to attempt suicide following their departure from companies.
one from a major company attempted suicide recently after they failed to debut. people are speculating he was from SM. who was under consideration as a member of KARA committed suicide after her contract with the company was dissolved. No. 251253
File: 1526821872634.png (8.78 KB, 514x140, i_like_my_eggs_scrambled.png)

what did she mean by this
No. 251259
>>251255everyone knows raising an eyebrow and looking slightly stoned is code for 'please bend me over the nearest flat surface and rail me with your thicc blacc meat stick'
also side note, BTS always look SO awkward in english interviews, like they have no idea what is going on, which they probably dont tbh. Is there a reason they cant just have an interpreter? I know RM's english is better than the others, but i don't think its good enough to interpret properly in an interview.
No. 251264
>>251259they actually do have an interpreter in many of these interviews(he's behind the camera), not last year though (unless you count the Ellen interview)
They're still awkward though, probably out of embarassement and nerves.
Does anyone else think Suga looks like he wants to die lately? He's even more tired, skinnier and emo than usual. Maybe we have another Jonghyun on our hands.
No. 251265
>>251264Yeah I noticed that, Jin's also looking pretty bad.
Maybe they are self aware the new album is crap, or maybe Suga is just starving himself again.
No. 251267
>>251264>Does anyone else think Suga looks like he wants to die lately? He's even more tired, skinnier and emo than usual.yeah! does anyone know if he and Jimin are ok lol, niggas look manorexic af
To be fair if I had to do all the "aegyo" uwu fanservice shit Suga has to do I'd want to end myself too
No. 251269
>>251264suga's going to be the first one to leave anyway, guarantee it. they've been around for like 5 years with nobody leaving, someone's going to go soon
are there any rumours right now about other group's having someone leave? i love split drama and the only obvious splits right now are lay from exo, jaejoong from jyj and victoria and krystal from fx, with fans of the groups denying all of it obvs
No. 251270
>>251269Leaving now would be fucking stupid, i doubt any of them would want to lose out on that sweet money.
Something i always wondered is, what would happen if one of them did something racist, like e.g. saying nigger? Chen, Wendy and Taeyeon weren't save from woke twitter, but precious Bangtan? Not sure… kek
No. 251274
>>251270depends which member it is. RM got dragged for a while for saying stuff implying pale skin > dark skin, suga didn't when he'd said a lot of similar stuff. woke twitter stand decide who's
problematic and who isn't depending on who they like more, not who's said/done more controversial stuff
No. 251276
File: 1526828853928.png (1.52 MB, 1920x948, untitled.PNG)

>>251274suga's getting some heat right now on twitter for pulling gang signs
No. 251278
>>251276Is that gang signs? I thought it was just some dumb "cool" thing teens did while posing for pics.
Who would even know about gang signs anyway? Now criminals are part of black culture?
No. 251279
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>>251276I thought the 'East Side' gang sign was crossing your middle and ring finger and then holding it sideways like an 'E'. Suga is just pulling the shocker twice.
No. 251284
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No. 251286
>>251284Jfc, he was never a street kid or a gang member.
The guy's family owns a restaurant and paid for college prep classes and psychiatrists.
>now I am scared No. 251292
>>251245>it's okay to make fun of white people because some self-hating white Americans do it lololembarrassing. he didn't do anything to prompt it, people are just trending it again because they came to America at all lmao. Americans make everything about race.
>>251268it'd be a nightmare. personally I believe people should be allowed to grieve the loss of even silly things if it brought them happiness but the sheer size and insanity of the BTS fanbase would mean no one would ever hear the end of it.
No. 251298
File: 1526831082450.jpg (26.72 KB, 112x112, 3.jpg)

>>251294>5'6" Babyface McGeeim calling him that from now on
No. 251310
>>251053Black kpop stans make me cringe so much. Like I get white kpop stans, As long as you're skinny and blonde koreans will like you. But don't black kpop stans realize how koreans view black people. I was a kpop fan for a short ass time and It didn't take me long to see how bad it is.
>>251060That one thing I never understood, why do so many southeast asians like kpop, when their faves(and korea in general) are so prejudiced towards seas
No. 251322
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suga had a sliding genioplasty to correct his weak chin
No. 251345
>>251305Maybe that's the case now because BTS is established and popular. I wouldn't be surprised if Suga wanted to off himself when BTS was barely making bank. The guy wanted to be a producer not some precious smol bean uwu~ for thirsty pre-teens to fawn over.
Out of all of the members, V and Jungkook are the only members that give me the feeling that they wanted to be idols right from the beginning. From what I know, the others were kinda forced to accept being idols and/or having their current positions in BTS. They're all probably grateful that they're not nugu and can make money now, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out if most of the members wanted to quit right now.
No. 251346
Suzy often came across as rather dumb but I'm seriously impressed by her now. Youtuber opens up about being sexually abused and Suzy signs a petition to help her and writes a really nice post. forward, now she's getting death threads by Korean men who can't handle their darling idol being a feminist.
Seolhyun followed her example (she's also supposedly "dumb", was in a controversy for not knowing anything about history). She even unfollowed IU, who's always pandering to her crazy fans loli fetishes.
>8. [+44, -17] The worst fear for misogynist Korean men is pretty women becoming feminists because this whole time, they were able to claim that feminists = ugly feminazis but now they can't even argue that if pretty women are feminists too No. 251348
>>251346lots of female k-idols are feminists. feminism is huge with korean women rn.
what did iu do tho
No. 251352
>>251348She always acts a lot younger than her age in a "jailbaitish" way and did that one song Zeze about a little boy being "sexy" or something…
Feminism is on the rise, but still a lot less than in the west. E.g. Naeun had a phonecase that said "Girls can do anything", Irene read a book about feminism and that was already seen as too much.
But helping that petition getting started and then not backing down after getting seriously threatened like Suzy does now is pretty amazing.
No. 251357
>>251352that's a terrible argument. the whole zeze thing was obviously trying to create a social commentary but she couldn't really explain it without coming across as an evil feminazi
all of her music as of late has been about trying to escape that loli shit. her drama tho thats another story
No. 251360
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>>251357Could be. Or not. At least that's what she claimed, but that doesn't channge the fact that it was creepy af.
No. 251361
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>>251360samefag, but also this, yikes…
No. 251363
>>251269I'm still puzzled at the number of EXO fans holding onto hope that Lay's
not trying to leave. He's missed so many promotion cycles and performances. He wasn't even in the group when they were performing at the fucking Olympics.
"He's just busy with solo activities in China! He'll be back! He loves EXO and said they're like family! OT9!!!"
Give me a break.
No. 251364
File: 1526844545565.jpg (23.4 KB, 472x590, sulli.jpg)

>>251362Yes, Goo Hara as well (but at least only once)
No. 251368
>>251367??? There's nothing "disgusting" about that particular photo. If it's the shirt, you should know Johnson's Baby Oil sweaters/shirts were really fashionable a couple years ago. If it's the fact that they're both stuffed into it, that's kind of lewd, but not exactly grossly sexual (especially by western standards).
It's far grosser that this same guy apparently took photos of random kids and is an actual rapist.
No. 251373
>>251368She actually had to delete it>>251369I absolutely agree that we shouldn't praise every little thing, but what Suzy did really helps the victim. The petition has nearly reached the needed 200k, before it was at only 10k.
No. 251374
>>251370There's nothing remotely pedophilic about that picture, though. You just sound paranoid. There's a laundry list of actual nastiness with that photographer, but that photo is tame as shit. You see worse in American media on the daily. Leon The Professional and the shit the 12 year old girl from Stranger Things is sometimes made to wear for award shows are far sketchier, but no one says shit.
And no, dd/lg is fucking disgusting (and so are subsets like ageplay, diaperfaggotry, etc) and I wish the internet wasn't infested with it.
No. 251377
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>>251374Yeah, these are totally normal photoshoots a young women would do…
No. 251378
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ayo waddup gangsters
No. 251416
>>251414the thing is she isn't a teenager… she's like 25.
it's just crazy to see how she went from an interesting and fun person with tons of different hobbies to someone who does nothing but obsess over some kpop guy and shows no signs of stopping for years.
No. 251437
>>251422ikr lul suga didn't accidentally become a famous kpop idol. there are successful indie and hip hop scenes in korea he could've chose if he was serious about his ~art.
he knew what he signed up for since day 1 and i'm sure he loves his "success". he bawled his eyes out for winning a mama award- which is the korean equivalent of an mtv moonman LOL
he barely has to lift his fingers and gets tons of money, free clothes and pussy.
No. 251446
>>251378fuckin kek. watch out everybody Thigh Gap is pullin up on the block
>>251401that fucking sucks, I'm sorry that happened. I don't totally understand that degree of obsession either but if I had to guess I'd say that the kpop industry is perfect for enabling people with obsessive/addictive personalities. There's constantly new info coming, new groups, new music, new concepts, new scandals, you get "rewarded" for buying shit. The idols carefully construct their personalities so that people can project themselves or their ideal men/women onto them. The fanbases are incredibly organized with fandom names, official colors, fanchants, official light sticks for concerts. It's an absolute breeding ground for obsession. I have an obsessive personality myself but I have enough self-awareness at this point (as well as restraint, and a lack of money lmao) to keep from letting kpop crowd out my other interests or take up all my time and money. Hopefully your friend comes around.
No. 251451
>>251448>"I felt uplifted, I felt confident but I also felt true. I learned more about myself"It's just generic pop music though??
I wish people would stop sucking BTS's dick for how "ground breaking and special" their music is when it really isn't.
No. 251455
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>>251452talk about a downgrade, right???
No. 251457
>>251448can someone describe what happens in this clip, its too cringey for me to watch
>>251455wtf who dressed them like that and why? also that photo is scuffed lmao
No. 251458
>>251452>THEY RLLY DONT CARE FOR THISyes they do? why else would they go and talk about it so much?
their stylists are shit who cares
No. 251461
>>251455The fuck is that on Jimin's neck?
Lmao at V pants and Jhope aunty slippers.
No. 251464
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>>251455hey if we dress them obnoxiously in head-to-toe gucci, the americans will think they're cool, right??
No. 251466
>>251458they most likely talk about it so much to satisfy their company and their fans
but forget about that, they've got the money, so i don't know why it looks like they've dressed themselves
No. 251472
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>>251453kek. the fact that he continued studying acting even as an idol and still isn't getting work in his field is tragic
No. 251475
>>251472Not gonna lie, in my cringeworthy days as an obsessive and pathetic BTS fan, I used to feel bad for Jin being the useless member of the group. Used to defend him whenever anout his lack of talent came up. All my pity for him is gone after realizing that his acting is nothing special and that his family's well-off. IIRC, Jin's dad's a CEO with some connections. This guy could have had a solid career in acting had he been smarter and chosen an agency that was better off than BigHit.
>>251453kek. Quality greentext, Anon.
No. 251480
>>251453taehyung's acting was so cringey
but then again it's a kdrama so by those standards he did great
No. 251481
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>>251480I was fucking baffled that anyone thought his acting was good and I figured it was just a personal taste thing because I fucking hate kdramas to begin with but it was just trash lol
No. 251484
File: 1526858474436.jpg (8.5 KB, 300x286, 26o__laughing_laughing_d.jpg)

>>251474>He looks like someone tried to craft a Bratz doll out of mozzarella cheese and kept fucking up constantly.holy shit anon kek
>>251480Wtf did I just watch? is there actually something wrong with V? He emotes like a robot
No. 251487
>>251483the thumbnail alone is killing me LMAOOOOo
>>251480>>251481he won some ghetto nugu award for acting but army lost their shit and now bts themselves dont shut up about it just like the most beautiful face thing lel
No. 251497
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>>251483Thank you for sharing this, Anon. I needed a good laugh today.
No. 251506
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what did he mean by this
No. 251511
File: 1526861450284.png (103.39 KB, 251x264, GYnQYw6.png)

I got triggered hard earlier when I saw V sticking his nails in his mouth in a video of their red carpet interview. He really can't even pretend to not be mentally handicapped in public
No. 251540
>>251537here's one
>Q2: With regards to new song “Converse High,” what shoes do you like and what shoes do you like girls to wear?A: I like Prada shoes and Air Jordans. Prada is too expensive so I can’t buy them. I feel like I can practice happily if there’s a pair of shoes that I like and that the design is good. For girls… sandals? I like girls with pretty feet so actually wearing nothing is even better (laughs). I’m attracted to girls who have clean feet and hands. I don’t quite like it when there’s too much going on with the nails.
>Q4: Following “Converse High,” what kind of song do you want to do that would reflects yourself?A: “I like barefooted girls.” It’ll have that topic. The song title wold be “Barehand and barefoot girls”. I love barefooted girls! No. 251569
>>251085Soooooooo basically
>what I think is a turn-on in men>what I would want my ~oppa~ to be like in bed even though I am a 14yo virgin on tumblr who has probably never had sex> = what he 100% objectively factually IS like in bed Man, reach too far and you might pull something, lol.
No. 251570
>>251564wow, that song is a fucking mess and a half
coming from someone who has actually if not loved then consistently enjoyed their headliner titles like blood, sweat and tears, fire, spring day etc (tolerated dna), i feel like they are actively getting worse or at least approaching average shitpop.
there is nothing catchy about it at all, no unusual hooks and half they do is repeat „why you so bad“ and „this fakeuh loveu“ for a solid minute before ten seconds of bridges.
also, the fucking german really annoys me. ever since bst, they’ve been on sime kind of “german=intellectual, let’s quote nietzsche and hesse and hope it will label us as #deep” trip i had really hoped they had shaken with fake love. apparently not, which is just kind of cringy to witness.
No. 251576
>>251575billboard is so desperate because their show and entire publication is seriously irrelevant these days
>>251574no you see, she's not like those fans!! this is astrology and REAL
No. 251607
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The fact that people act like this is the hottest piece of ass alive kills me inside a little
No. 251610
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>>251607He straight up looks like a fish
No. 251611
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>>251607there's no fixing that face but a different haircut and decent styling could really help this guy (wtf are those eyebrows tho lol)
No. 251612
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>>251611That's back when they had american makeup artist who didn't what to do with their features. Jungkook and V wore super harsh emo eyeliner too.
No. 251621
>>251601people didn't though lol it got fucking terrible ratings. the director probably thought the cast would carry it regardless of actual quality of performance.
>>251607tbh i think he's kinda cute in a weird androgynous way. like the anons saying he looks like a middle-aged lesbian are spot on but I see it as a plus kek
No. 251624
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I'm mad they didn't just wear this to the award show. It had a theme and looked put together. I mean they were already wearing jeans to a red carpet.
No. 251628
>>251451What's even worse than that asskissing faggot are the dumb preteens in the comment section bawling their eyes out because "Finally someone understands them!" He also supposedly mentioned that they donated money to Unicef in one of their previous interviews - as if these flexing Gucci addicts truly give a crap about that. If they do something shitty, it's the company's fault, but some obviously staged campaign must be all their doing, right…
>>251453>Plus he gets just so little lines, uwu!>>251511That looks like some dumb comedy, there that one retard sidekick acts "smart" and then immediately gets wacked by another character.
>>251602Too me their unedited selves always looked Middle Eastern
and that's probably why I can't find them particularly attractive… No. 251632
File: 1526892509744.jpg (124.17 KB, 960x1200, DdqATUYUwAAONs_.jpg)

Fake love had upwards of 7 million views deleted due to bots lol
Just like with people buying multiple copies of the album, the streaming is just inflating the numbers. It's really disingenuous.
No. 251634
why are these retards so obsessed with # of views and streams anyway
No. 251636
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>>251631Why would donating to Unicef get them blacklisted?
>>251633That sucks…
Btw, did you guys see how much the Bangtan boys suffered because they had to take a picture with that snake whitie?
No. 251637
>>251636lmao i love how she's miles taller than them
Why does jungkook look like he has gumballs in his cheeks
No. 251639
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>>251637Not trying to defend them, she's 5'10 and is wearing quite tall heels, BUT she does look a lot better than them.
No. 251640
>>251636wow poor jimin it
totally looks like he's suffering in the presence of a white person…lol
>Why would donating to Unicef get them blacklisted?It was a different donation that could've gotten them blacklisted. They + their agency made a combined donation of something like 100 million won to the families of the victims of the Sewol Ferry Disaster (basically in 2014 a ferry containing a few hundred mostly high-school aged passengers sank, resulting in over 300 deaths. The Korean coast guard did very little to save them and the captain and crew literally left hundreds of children to die). Naturally the Korean public was outraged at the government for their shitty disaster response, which led to support for the victims being seen as "unfriendly to the government". The chief of staff under the president at the time was accused of blacklisting artists/journalists/etc who supported the victims. The whole situation was pretty messy (and heartbreaking).
No. 251645
File: 1526895661727.gif (990.21 KB, 245x175, 1521145634040.gif)

>>251643Lol. This, the gif attached, Nayeon's disgusting fanservice or her incel chin as the next thread's OP?
No. 251662
File: 1526900907605.jpg (137.68 KB, 1200x799, tumblr_p922drCR2m1tk7ffbo2_128…)

http://kmusicandblackwomen.comThat site is a goldmine:
>I met a korean guy on the hi penpal on your links, and I was getting to know him and I told him “I’m Ebony” and he replied “I’m fine im korean dont care ebony! i love ebony really no joke” and he thought I was saying I’m black (which i am) and he was basically saying he loves black people, it was so cute.>For him to think “ebony” as in Black right away, sounds like he be watching something if you know what I mean?Isn't that "fetishizing" you…? No?
>Girll do you have some fine Asians men on insta who will probably follow us melanin goddesses back?
>I had went to the beauty supply bc i was boutta get my inches right? So I got my weaves finna check out and my mom starts talking to the cashier lady and shes like “lauryn shes from seoul korea!” So the lady asks me if i wanna go there and I say yeah and she tells me “ your so beautiful theyll love you there . You could become a big actress. Such a beautiful girl” long story short she made my dayYeah, right. lol
>You know Taehyung loves the song 'Shape Of You' by Ed Sheeran right? He's referenced it a few times even in his Vlive … And have u seen the MV? Interracial couple just thought I'd leave this here cus i love him so much.So V liking a mv in which a white guy dates a bluck girl means…?
>AOMG should have a lit girl group! Who gone come with me and audition lol!! Asians and black group would be lit!!And doesn't Jimin totally look like he's about to cry tears of joy?
No. 251665
>>251664Could be.
This one's also good:
>Waiting for a new Jimin in korea vs in America he seems so much more happier - Probably because he knows Black people are performingHow narcissistic can one be?
No. 251671
>>251666Tyra and Ciara were both presenters so that might be why. Tyra was """"fangirling""" over them during and after their performance and namedropped them during one of her speeches (she knows a cash cow when she sees one), and Ciara came over and hugged Jungkook at one point lol so they probably took pictures with her then.
>>251670probably, that's a pretty common sight with Koreans when it comes to makeup from what I understand.
No. 251675
>>251671i know that, i just thought they'd get american makeup artists that would match their foundation
>>251673Suga in that oufit looks like he's about to go to a picnic date
No. 251678
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>>251673every fucking pic I see of Suga in public reminds me of pic related. only replace "playing video games" with "polishing my rolex"
>>251675>i know that, i just thought they'd get american makeup artists that would match their foundationoh mb, I think they bring their usual crew/stylists along when they travel
No. 251680
File: 1526905077122.jpg (30.9 KB, 720x479, 774b116e0eb2a200978065d641f287…)

The biggest mystery for me is how anyone can think this nose is natural. As soon as I saw it I thought botched. Dude even had a revision after debut, you can clearly see the difference.
No. 251681>It kinda just shows how ignorant the West is to both Asian and black culture that a radio station would censor the word "naega".>THIS is why we need representation. THIS is why we need to diversify music.>BTS will rise.Release "naega" -> Hey, that sounds like nigger, racist!
Censor "naega" -> also racist…?
Their fans are true trainwrecks.
No. 251683
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>>251680people think that J-Hope's face is natural? that's a stretch even for kpop fans.
speaking of which what is the deal with Jin's DSL?
No. 251685
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>>251680That pic will haunt me in my dreams…
No. 251688
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No. 251689
File: 1526906191936.jpg (128.21 KB, 598x673, bts.JPG)

>>251678kek i tried
(also yeah u prob right about the stylists)
No. 251695
File: 1526906486687.png (206.16 KB, 968x733, 1492864441960.png)

i wish the OP of that reddit post could see this
>>251689anons are delivering today
No. 251699
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After all that BTS bashing kek, something positive: Jungkook's body really does look nice
No. 251708
File: 1526907511902.png (3 MB, 990x1860, 8D878AEA-368F-4EFA-95F6-F78E11…)

>>251699his thighs are great too
No. 251713
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>>251708His legs are seriously perfect, full and slim, I hate the tiny girls legs some twinky idols have (like Suga).
They should stop trying to make him a cute baby boy, he seems to enjoy being masculine and it fits him better, I know his fans want to see him cute and small but that's just cruel to put those expactation on an healthy man like him, he isn't a child anymore.
No. 251729
>>251712>a couple of the members have already made jokes about eating disordersReceipts? Honestly I'm not that surprised. From what I've seen, eating disorders seem to be normalized in South Korea. Idols encourage them too since fans wanna look like them and admire how unnir and oppar work (blegh) to stay skinny.
I like LOONA but to act like they're revolutionary or special as their fans often do is ludicrous. Their songs and concepts are nice but they're not different from those done by other groups.
No. 251730
this thread is too good right now. where were you guys earlier?
No. 251758
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>>251734I don't think it's autism, I think he really is just slow and stupid. Shame because he has one of my favorite faces.
No. 251763
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>>251758his face is too feminine imo he looks like a woman to me but he has a nice ass
No. 251774
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>>251763I'd say that his face is actually the best in BTS. It has a lot more depth, a bigger nose and a more pronounced jawline, and it lacks that weird feminine softness that the others have (especially Jin and Jimin look kind of spongy).
No. 251775
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>>251774In comparison: soft, round and no definition
No. 251789
>>251774this is a photoshopped fansite picture lol
v has a very short and feminine chin. look at any gif of his side profile
No. 251792
>>251632Not like Armys have those elaborate streaming plans and basically dedicate a week of their life post-release to streaming or anything to inflate numbers…
nah, it’s all the bad bad youtube,
No. 251794
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He should transition
No. 251805
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>>251794Maybe you should transistion if this is your idea of a feminine face kek
No. 251807
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Audio teasers for the upcoming SHINee come back have come out. like it. Still feels weird that it's just four of them from now on. No. 251810
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>>251794He looked super girlish in Hwarang with his long hair and round face, still masculine enough for me thought.
No. 251862
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who made the new thread?
anyway, same meme anon just fixed it
No. 251872
>>251869i agreed. succinct and to the point.
>>251870we should put it in the op. the uncle fan thing is an urban myth and keeps us from knowing and spreading the #truth
No. 251875
>>251815>>251857I agree with this actually, the banter and memes are funny but people just straight saying "uwu I wanna fuck Taehyung" are completely off-topic. There
is an existing regular kpop thread everybody
>>232763>>232763 No. 251882
>>251662The only ones who look acceptable are Jin and Jungkook. I always wonder what the fuck are the stylist thinking. I don't find them particularly attractive but when they're styled correctly they can look decent.
>>251680wait, does people actually deny he had a nosejob?
No. 251883
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>>251680>>251882idk his sister has the same nose,
same surgeon?
No. 251884
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>>251712I can't understand Loona's appeal. I tried listening to all of their releases and they're plain bad or mediocre at best, I think the only "decent" (and I say that tentatively) song is Girl Front . My bet is that they're not going to make it big and by the time they actually debut their company will be bankrupt.
No. 251904
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it's the billboard awards…… most people dont even know it exists
No. 251912
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>>251784>>251779i mean the guy is pretty gay, i get they might play it up for the fans but still
No. 251921
>>251674If you are a black man in korea you either look like obama or that Sam guy from Gana
If you are a black woman you look like beyonce or rihanna.
They literally have no other concept of black people lmfao
No. 251935
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bts is trending on tunglr as always. I can't believe so many young girls unironically want to fuck RM/J-Hope. first benzoyl cummerbund, then adam driver, and now this…
No. 251964
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>>251953I mean i guess the groups you listed are the exception, but a lot more of them were so willing to do cutesy concepts and dance around with teddy bears and lollipops. Exo and bts look like dainty little bitches, but you hardly find guy groups doing that aegyo shit anymore
No. 251970
>>251689>>251862As much as I love this, we all know Suga is too much of a lazy slob to polish his Rolex himself. He probably expects the maid to do it kek
I remember seeing one interview were he said he just leaves all his dirty dishes beside the sink so the maid that comes once a week can do them. And in one of the burn the stage episodes he had his shit just thrown all over the table and only picked up once he realized the camera was on
No. 251984
>>251981because no idol is "forced" to do that. they WANT to be famous for having no talent- it comes with the territory.
how many times do we have to repeat the same thing? ah yes underage kids bad yes ok good chat
No. 251985
>>251975It was from some radio show interview or something they did, and I'm pretty sure it the mc talking at the beginning, not Jin.
Also they didn't say how often she came so ignore the 'once a week' thing. But still, she's probably coming once day or every other day at most, if that. Letting dirty dishes pile up like that is disgusting.
No. 251994
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>>251990Stop bitching so hard, not everyone wants to talk about the
REAL ISSUES(!!!) in the industry 100% of the time. It's more fun to talk about how greasy and scared they look here.
No. 251999
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>>251990this video is kind of outdated (he mentions contract lengths that are now deemed illegal etc.) The stuff about kpop's relation to South Korea's development of pop culture in general (like the fact that their pop music grew around the television whereas western pop music grew with the radio hence the focus on visuals, westerners having free time after WWII whereas many East Asians did not, etc.) was pretty interesting but the actual stuff about the industry is shit pretty much every non-braindead kpop fan is already well aware of.
South Korea fascinates me honestly, their democracy is so new and they developed so fast. The before shot in pic related is from the 70s.
No. 252003
>>251999sk fascinates me because its culture seems utterly horrifying. they are image-obsessed to the point of insanity, ignorant of the world, maintain a bizarre conveyor-belt style education where nobody learns anything, have virtually no regard for mental health and eating disorders are normalized, highest suicide rate in the developed world, homosexuality and feminism are wildly taboo, rape and sexual assault is rampant and women are shamed into silence, porn isn't allowed etc. it's like an anime version of Uganda or something, everything is aesthetically beautiful, clean and perfect, but the cultural attitudes are barbaric.
No. 252006
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I'm very surface level about Kpop but I'm sure loving all the industry dirt.
What are your favorite, most shocking, ridiculous or even just plain dumb scandals from the Kpop industry and idols? No need for it to be fresh.
No. 252008
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>>252003maybe fascinating was the wrong word, it can definitely be horrifying. the way mental illness is treated in Korea makes me really sad. apparently a lot of young people trying to seek treatment in Korea don't end up reaching out because they don't trust the government to keep their records private. with celebrities starting to open up about it I'm hoping a change will slowly come about culturally.
No. 252010
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expected to debut at #1
absolute degeneracy
No. 252021
>>252006There was a scandal a few years ago when IU uploaded a picture of her laying in bed with a male idol that was shirtless. Also the T-ara bullying scandal, Tzuyu/JYP VS China thing, and there was some 90's group named S#arp where one member used to abuse another member.
There's probably more interesting ones out there but those are the only ones I can remember. Though the Kai and Krystal dating scandal still makes me laugh because of the ridiculous fan reactions.
No. 252023
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>>252021Tbh the pic was weird, he looked like he just blowed his load and the low quality doesn't help, it was very
home made sex tape.