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No. 241950
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>best friend betrayed me by trying to spread lies about me behind my back
>lies fueled by their own feelings of inferiority
>dump them from my life in a terrible falling out
>they put up a charade in our social circle that they're lol having the best time of their life without me omg and I must be so alone and lost without them
>even though the truth is that they're an insufferable little twat that no one actually likes
>years pass, I have a new social circle and many friends, well liked in general
>college graduate, great well paying job, long term committed relationship
>they, on the other hand, become a fat ugly sow, alcoholic, no friends, can't keep a job, can't keep a man
>still vengefully vague posts about me every few weeks, even after all these years, in their booze-filled hazes
No. 241975
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>befriend a girl in 5th grade, she's from another town pretty far from here so she only comes during holidays
>she's nice so we keep in contact
>5 years later she moves in my town, I'm happy
>she's kinda different from the girl I knew (or I thought I knew), though
>I'm always there for her, but she's only interested in male attention
>soon gathers her own personal beta orbiters because of how much she throws herself at them, letting them hope she will have sex with them
>she also belittles me in front of them, so sure to be the "pretty one"
>in this period I have lots of problems at home, abusive family shit and bullied at school so I'm often sad
>we spend less and less time together, now her only friends are all male and she has no problems ditching me for them
>at some point she develops actual interest in one of her orbiters, so she freaks out whenever I'm near this guy (even though I've never shown any interest towards him at all)
>they become a couple
>she's more and more distant
>the last straw is when one time I'm at her place and her mom literally tells me, with a dumb smile in her face, how she wanted a "positive person" by her daughter's side, not a "depressed one" because she thought her daughter could catch depression too by being with me
>cut ties
2 years later…
>she's still with that guy but they don't look too happy, she's always putting a cute act and clinging on his arm but he seems rather annoyed, à la Shoe and Skeptic
>my classmates laugh at her every time they see her, she's weird, dresses like a hobo and never washes her hair
5 years later…
>I've sorted my life out, I'm now happy, outgoing, worked on my self esteem and look cute
>through mutual friends, I find out that ex-friend is now mental, visits a psychiatrist once a week and takes medication
>her orbiters are also gone, probably because on top of all of this stuff she also got hit by puberty in the worst way (beady eyes, thin lips and a Cyrano tier nose that takes 2/3 of her face)
>I remember how she belittled me
>I remember how her mom belittled me for not smiling 24/7 and her daughter now is on meds for an actual mental illness
Karma is truly a bitch
No. 242276
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>girl older than me bullied me every day
>she was thicc before it was a thing (Latino anons know what I mean)
>called me michael Jackson whilst on the same place as me or would scream it to me constantly
>crying with my boyfriend in an empty classroom about my mom dumping me so she could get married
> boyfriend leaves first because he had a call
>girl saw this and spread a rumour that I was having sex
>rumour blows up
>she’s a single teen mom still stuck in our hometown
>I moved countries for a career and now am a comfy wife working in art and being able to live happily with someone that loves me a lot.
She got pregnant before finishing high school
No. 242277
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>become close to influencer years ago who acts like we're on our way to being bffs for a while
>abruptly starts ignoring me without explanation
>never talk to her again after a few failed attempts at communication
>over the years, her online persona gets more and more nasty and cringey
>someone makes a thread about her on /snow/
No. 242378
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I love this thread. Here's mine:
>enrolled in a special class in high school so I could learn a new language, it's highly selective and I still wonder I made it
>was poor and had a bunch of problems at home including an abusive parent and an enabling one, barely had clothes, barely could shower because "it's a waste of money", wasn't allowed to go out or to have male friends, and I didn't have my own phone
>almost everyone in high school was a spoiled rich kid, they all saw me as weird like it was my choice so I had no friend during my first year
>one of them pretended to be my friend until I learned she was shit talking me behind my back
>she would brag about her and her parents being rich and her doing things most teenagers aren't supposed to do
>she would yell all the time and be loud and insult people for no reason because she thought she would look like a "sassy queen bee" this way
>now in college, we end up in the same courses. She studied abroad thanks to her parents' money so she was doing better than almost everyone else in our classes (studied foreign languages)
>we're supposed to get our first diploma if we complete three years of college, but we had a crazy lecturer who would give us bad grades for no good reason. We were warned multiple times by her and the school administration that skipping her class would mean redoing the whole year. It's complicated.
>the girl decided that since she's so talented she could skip her class. Turned out we had a test and we weren't told about it.
>she disappeared the year after and I thought she went abroad again. Turned out she did to redo the whole year because of her bullshit, and she gave up in the middle of it
>she didn't even try to prove to the administration that she had a good reason to skip the class, like pretending she was sick or something
>she's still a spoiled brat but she didn't even graduate, higher thing she has is her high school diploma, meanwhile I'll get my master's degree pretty soon.
I love it when people's shitty attitude gets the better of them. I wonder how she's doing now.
No. 242443
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>A decent guy makes advances, doesn't try to hide the fact that he's into me
>Start developing feelings for him as well, take it slow
>Have fun together, enjoy each other's company, start fantasizing what it would be like to be together with him, all that romantic shit
>He suddenly ghosts me the fuck out
>He found a girl just barely over 18 (we were both nearing our 30's) and started a relationship in like a microsecond with her
>I'm upset, but carry on with my life and forget about him soon enough because fuck that slimebag
>Later find out that the girl was not only very immature but also crazy as shit with self harm, multiple mental issues and personality disorders and their relationship was a massive tornado that left him a shell of a man
>can't help but feel just a teensy bit smug
No. 242468
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>new bpd bff
>worship her because nobody else was nice to me really
>she conducts a series of events that almost ruin my life
>plus bangs the guy i like
>'sorry anon but guys just gravitate to me because i'm fit and interesting'
> guy confides he was super pressured into it/intoxicated borderline raped
>confesses love for me and we run off to a new state and cut contact
>feelsgood.jpg but still traumatized and not sure we'll make it
>healed and happy years later with guy
> still have troubles financially but we have each other and feel safe together
>shes not doing to great/ has ugly bf and heavily into spice. lost almost all of our mutual friends
No. 242481
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>7 years ago
>start to date my now ex
>was friends with this girl
>she constantly hits on my ex
>turns out my ex is an abusive piece of shit
>we break up and she starts dating him almost instantly
>tell her he is bad news
>"you are just jealous!!" and then blocks me
>1 year later unblocks and says I was right, he did so many bad things to her, etc.
>"I told you"
>we are never actually friends anymore but I keep checking on her because she is a cow and keeps being retarded
>she keeps trying to be my friend and commenting nice things and trying to talk, but whenever we had a conversation it was all about her
>looks down on me for being depressed NEET
>starts to shit talk me to several friends due being in the same circle as I was at the time
>at some point dropped the circle and block everyone but her and some other person
>find she gossips about what I do to everyone through a mutual I kept
>while having several abusive scumbag neckbeard alt-right boyfriend one after another at the time and complaining about it on her Facebook
>have several beta orbiters that message me to pester about being mean to her
>starts to hit on my foreign boyfriend that has no connection with nobody on that circle whatsoever
>block her
>finds out she is working as a cashier nowadays
No. 242488
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>during secondary school some girl had beef with me for whatever reason; I only spoke to her like once or twice
>would do shit like throw blu tack in my hair during class and passive aggressively insult me all the time
>go to class one day and find that my workbook was vandalized where half the pages were filled with stuff like you're ugly or your mum's a ho
>it was obviously done by her
>around a week later in the middle of class some dude felt sick and puked all over her book and some of it landed on her eyelashes
No. 242490
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>I was tall and chubby/fat from age 9 to 13. Had dark hair and dark skin for where I'm from so I was often made fun of for looking like a foreigner
>My class mates made fun of me and I was always the ugly one that no girl wanted to be friends with and no boys liked
>Go down in weight, get made fun of for being skelly
>Five years later, my petite, short bullies are fat. And I am the perfect weight and height for modeling
>Guys think I'm hot, and girls want to be my friend
No. 242517
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>be friends with short, chubby spoiled alt girl through middle/high school, get a job together after HS
>work together without issue for almost 2 years, make friends at work, expand our social groups, all is well
>then she gets this fuckboi bf. dude was 25, a jobless car-less felon with a baby momma and kid he cant see bc he beat her up and she turned him in
>she lets him lay up in her parent's house all day eating and playing on her computer and xbox while she and her parents were at work, also bought him shit all the time like electronics, useless novelty clothes (pot leaf socks, a horse mask, etc.) and subscriptions to whatever he wants
>she for some reason shows him pics of me one day, says he wants to meet her friends. nothankyou.jpg I have a serious personal bias against guys who beat up the mother of their kids, fuck that
>"anon you dont know him hes so sweet and he says the nicest things to me and even helps me fold my laundry in bed!"
>I don't care, I don't want to meet him or hang out with him if all you guys have in common is sex and online shopping and I said he sounds like a total deabeat
>she starts lying, cancelling plans and avoiding me and her other friends because tbh nobody liked this guy or wanted to hang out with him but her
>ffw a few months
>he ends up cheating on her with an ex (not baby momma)
>she loses her shit, calls me sobbing, go to her house and console her for several hours
>she forgives him the very next day, and is back to posting kissyface pics with him on fb
>I comment "what the fuck?" and before even she can respond HE comes in and starts insulting me, calling me a jealous whore, telling me to mind my own business and etc. (I think she told him I said he was a deabeat)
>I fire back defending myself, then friend somes in and deleted all my comments but not the ones of her bf caling me a whore and dragging me
>she begins texting me, angry as fuck, for "starting shit" on her facebook page
>she makes a vaguepost about "people addicted to fb drama for the attention", fuckboi bf comments on that dragging me some more
>tell her to fuck herself, im sick of her ghosting me and treating me like shit for this guy
>ffw a year, haven't spoken to her or checked up on her since bc fuck her
>ran into a former friend of hers who used to work with us one day, she asks if I still talk to Friend and I said no
>she asks if I heard what happened with her and fuckboi bf, say no
>he cheated on her TWO MORE TIMES after I stopped being friends with her, and she took him back both times and still let him stay in her parent's house
>until he left her for a thicc, trashy trailer park girl with 3 kids and meth mouth
>and they got engaged as soon as he moved in
I still smile when I think about how she threw away our 10+ year friendship on this guy and how he did her, especially when I think of him calling me a jealous whore all over her fb.
No. 242519
>>242517He probably abused her too TBH. If he can lay hands on the mother of his kids, beating up some dumb highschooler who obviously had low self esteem and worthless parents would be a cake walk.
Please understand that she didn't choose him over you, she was manipulated by a piece of shit. I'm not trying to excuse her, but I actually felt bad for her reading this.
No. 242527
>>242518I stopped caring after months of her treating me like shit. I kinda rushed through this but she did and said a lot of bullshit because of him, not just to me but to her other friends too. Accusing me of starting shit with her bf, being jealous of them, trying to invite him out with us and other friends who didn't like him. I wasn't the only one to cut her out, trust me. 10+ years of friendship isn't worth being treated like shit for over a year, which is how long she was with him before I stopped talking to her. After that she was with him for another year and a half and now she has a whole new friend group and only a few of her old friends talk to her now. She deserves the karma, she put her abusive asshole bf before everyone who was ever there for her all because he gave her dick and told her she was prettier than her sister.
>>242519He didn't, her parents knew about the felony and initially they tried to get a restraining order against him but they'r doormats so she wore them down(hence why they let him stay in their house all day for free). Plus, she was always gushing about the little notes he wrote her and pet names he gave her, their entire relationship was just him lovebombing her for a free place to live and a free fuck. If he had abused they would have known and she wouldn't have been so lovey dovey over him.
And inb4 someone boohoos about her being taken advantage of/manipulated, he wasn't her first boyfriend and
everyone was telling her to dump this guy, even his own brother. She chose to ignore everyone's advice and treat her friends like crap for a skinny, tatted up loser.
>>242521I don't know what happened to him but I can't imagine he's doing much with himself, the entire time he was dating my friend he literally refused to get a job, because "people always fuck with him", which was probably code for "im an insufferable asshole nobody can work with". She even let him use her car to drive himself around on her days off while she stayed home, and all he would do with it is go buy drugs and hang with his friends.
No. 242536
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When I was in high school I had a tendency to hang out with the Hot Topic goth/smoker crowd. I was a bit of a outsider in middle school so I felt a sense of relation with them.
After I had a bad breakup with a guy from that clique, they all proceeded to be nasty towards me as if they now had vindication to turn their secret jealousies into open personal attacks. The guy of course harassed me in high school, and got his new psycho girlfriend to do fucked up shit towards me. Rumors were abound. I pretended that this stuff didn't affect me which seemed to only fuel their hatred and got me the label of "stuck up" in addition. Then they tried to sabotage my studies because they couldn't stand someone like me being better at something.
>I always found it ironic how this crowd always bitched about anti-bullying (mostly about 'preps') but they had no problem bullying people like me as long as they thought they had just cause for doing so
After all, I did things like dye my hair blonde, and had a goofy personality because I wanted to be funny. The fact remained that I was actually in advanced courses. So whenever they'd call me stupid I'd bring that up but they would retort "WELL UR JUST BOOKSMART, U HAVE NO STREETSMART."
For the record–no–these sheltered kids were not "street smart" just because they smoked across the street and got ahold of pills every now and then.
Years on I did an early college class program my senior year which pretty much guaranteed my admission into said college. The insults went from calling me stupid to "WELL U WONT MAKE IT ANYWAY!"
When I got my bachelor's and went on to my master's I heard through the vine in my hometown that they finally shut up. I have a solid job in a corporation while they're still stuck being losers. The clique had largely dispersed:
>one bratty dude actually killed himself by OD after he gave pills to his gf and she accidentally OD'd on them, much "street smart" see?
>my ex's psycho gf was left with a baby after he dumped her, and she went on to develop a drug addiction before popping out a second kid by a different dad, the best job she's had is working at a gas station which she didn't hold for long
>my actual ex destroyed his own reputation at home and moved to Cali to try to make it with his band, but he's still being irrelevant
>an obese girl who'd make fun of me turned into an even more obese adult who apparently has a warrant for outstanding parking tickets
>everyone else basically stagnated after high school graduation and went on to make bad choices like saddle themselves with kids and have low-paying jobs
I could go on, but I think there's only one popular girl from the clique who seemed to be doing okay based on her instagram-like photos on fb (she just peeves me because we had a biology class together my freshman year and she'd copy my homework but didn't talk to me after the bf incident; it's not that she did the most egregious shit to me by far).
Everyone else went to hell and that's good enough for me.
No. 242543
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>>241941So, you take pleasure in the fact this girl became fat because she pointed out the fact that EDs annihilate your metabolism and had the nerve to be skinny around you? You need help for a lot more than just an eating disorder, anon.
No. 242552
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>date guy
>guy treats me like shit and dumps me when he gets bored
>his life is a travesty, I felt sorry for him and tried to help him during the relationship but he didn't want my help
>Continues being a tool and pushing people who love him and care about him away, including his mother and grandma who are arguably the only people he's got
>Hates his father and won't talk to him yet acts just like him
>Is a trainwreck and socializes with """polyamorous""" SJW thots
>Makes fun of his monogamous, hardworking childhood friend who is very anti-drugs and hates trashy festivals
>Approaching his mid 20s and has never had a job, internship or anything. Can't even write a CV.
I don't even feel particularly good about it, I actually feel kinda sorry for him but you can't cure stupid and I'm not going to get sucked back into his dumpster fire of a life, especially not after he was an ass to me and refused to apologize.
It's gonna bite him in the ass sooner or later.
No. 242557
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>>241941>being smug over someone beating their disorder No. 242559
>>242558Well maybe had those people not have been mean, they might have been looked upon with more empathy.
Karma is the belief that past actions influence your fate.
No. 242571
>>242555OP's example of karma is a good one because her friend was being an actual piece of shit by lording her degree over her and throwing away her best friend over an unwarranted sense of superiority. This is made extra gross by OP's reason for leaving school. This girl totally deserves to be in a situation where she can't do anything with her degree and makes less money than OP. It might even have brought her down to earth and made her less shitty.
The stories that are like "a girl was mean to me in high school and now her adult life is miserable" are just overkill.
>>242559Right, because I'm sure you've never been mean to anyone your whole life.
Seriously though, taking joy in someone's life being horrible because they were mean to you makes you a shit human being. Especially over shit that happened in high school.
No. 242581
>>242571>you've never been mean to anyone in your whole lifeI'm not saying that. And really, what makes you think there's never been a period in my life where a past enemy or rival pointed at it and said "haha karma!"?
I'm not saying I don't have a problem with some stories itt (the eating disorder and abusive bf ones aren't very good imo), but it's not enough to derail an entire thread.
I think it's more disingenuous of
you to pretend like you've never felt smug towards someone who treated you like hell and had the consequences of their life choices catch up with them. Hide this thread if you're so defensive over shitty people from high school.
No. 242584
>>242581>I think it's more disingenuous of you to pretend like you've never felt smug towards someone who treated you like hell and had the consequences of their life choices catch up with them. I never said that at all. I even said that I thought OP's example was a good one, so I have no idea how you got that from my post. I'm explicitly criticizing the ones where the horrible things that happen to the people are far more extreme than anything they did to the anons.
>I'm not saying I don't have a problem with some stories itt (the eating disorder and abusive bf ones aren't very good imo)Then what are you even arguing? It would seem we're in agreement that some of these take it to the extreme, so I'm not sure what your point is.
No. 242587
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>it's another "People on this website are so meeeeeean" derailed thread
No. 242590
>>242552How is this karma? This dude's life was a mess far before you dated him, so it's no surprise it continued to be a mess after you left him.
Y'all need to pick up a dictionary or something.
No. 242592
>>242585>Because you won't say which stories you actually have a problem with, and you're posting as if it's the whole thread.I never said anything indicating I thought it was the whole thread and distinctly said things that contradicted your projection. Not on me that you lack reading comprehension.
For someone who claims they don't want the thread derailed, you sure are doing your part to make it so. You have the option to stop replying.
>I don't see why you care so much.I can say the exact same thing about you. So I think some of these stories are shitty? You said it yourself you do to. Why are you so mad about that?
>>242587>the people stating an opinion I don't like are derailing No. 242595
>get bullied by this cunt, j, all middle school
>she is popular cheerleader type, does fucked up stuff to me
>insults my physical appearance on the daily, especially my butt since i have a fat ass
>tries to copy my hw and take my notes
>literally throws all my school stuff in a fountain after school one day
>turns my close friend, t, against me because her bf is best friends with my friend's crush
>t doesn't bully me, just won't hang out anymore
>bad grades all during middle school
>finally get out and go to different hs
>glow up
>no bullying, i'm well liked
>after middle school, t, gets back in touch, apologizes for the past few years
>spills the beans about j
>j apparently had been using t as a lookout for when her and her bf would bang
>j was having tons of sex with bf for years
>j gets pregnant so her and bfs parents meet
>turns out j and boyfriend are 1st cousins that didn't know because of a family falling out
>tfw incest skank and bf get shunned by entire community
this bitch literally put pubes in my fucking lunch several times, she deserves it.
No. 242597
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>>242592You have the option to actually tell us what your problem is and reply to which stories you have a problem with instead of teasing an argument by making blanket statements. Seriously, spill the beans or leave.
No. 242599
>>242597I explicitly said I have a problem with the stories where the things that happen to the people are far more terrible than the things they did to the anons. I don't know why I have to specify each and every story that applies to. Use your brain.
>>242596lol no. People are allowed to point out if they think shit is overkill.
No. 242602
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Being happy that somebody
>>241950is alcoholic
>>241975mentally ill
>>242276a teen mom
>>242443in a relationship with a mentally ill person
>>242468a druggie
>>242517in an abusive relationship
>>242536got himself killed
Since you guys are such firm believers of karma, aren't you scared that one day it'll hit you as well?
No. 242604
>>242602>got himself killedOh, so you do have a problem with mine lol.
No. If you would read it's not about me being "happy" he died, it's the irony that he fancied himself so "street smart" that he wound up killing someone else with drugs he thought he knew so much about and then killing himself out of guilt and to escape a lawsuit.
But fancy how you overlooked how he killed someone just so you could take a pious swipe at me. You sound like real winner.
No. 242606
>>242543>>242557The fuck are you bitches on about? She didn't have an eating disorder, she literally ate nothing but junk food (hence the weight gain when magical teenager metabolism went away).
And she wasn't just "skinny around us", she'd specifically point out which jeans size she wore at every chance she got ("
and they accentuate my thigh gap really nicely!"), offer us junk food ("
teehee sorry i always forget other people can't eat what they want and remain skinny"), and give us backhanded compliments ("
your thighs are so thick, anon, i bet men love them").
She was smug as fuck, and she didn't just "point out the fact that EDs annihilate your metabolism", she specifically made fun of these girls she used to know. It was not in good faith.
She was a bitch, she went out of her way to make us feel like shit and she made fun of girls for gaining weight. The fact that I find satisfaction in knowing she's obese now is tame in comparison. She did exactly the same thing and then some. I don't know why you two jumped in yup defend her, but there you go.
No. 242607
>>242539Her getting cheated on two more times and then dumped by the guy she treated her friends like shit for and losing her friends over a guy?
Putting your SO before friends you’ve known longer than them is okay, but disrespecting them, avoiding them and not standing up for them is bullshit. Friendship is a two way street, and if you treat people badly over and over they’ll eventually get sick of it.
Also kek at all the hypocrites getting salty at this thread. Maybe it’s projection? Perhaps some anons have been shitty in the past a had it catch up to them and now they’re butthurt that the people who were mistreated get to laugh at the people who thought they were so much better than them.
No. 242610
>>242607>Perhaps some anons have been shitty in the past a had it catch up to them and now they’re butthurt that the people who were mistreated get to laugh at the people who thought they were so much better than them.I get the same impression. Especially because the outcomes weren't due to these anons taking revenge but because these people fucked up their own lives.
Hello! /pt/ and /snow/ are literally all about watching people fuck up their own lives, sometimes to extreme degrees, while we watch and laugh.
If this is a troll it's not a very smart one.
No. 242611
>>242599>stories where the things that happen to the people are far more terrible than the things they did to the anonsWhy do you have a problem with that, though? If anons were the ones responsible for the bad things that happened to these people it would be understandable, but these people fucked themselves over of their own accord.
…and most of the time because they are shit people with huge character flaws that are bound to bring them trouble and ruin their lives.
No. 242612
>>242604I'm the anon who you were arguing back and forth with and
>>242602 isn't me. Funny how it turns out you were so defensive because you thought your story was one of the ones I was referencing, though. I was actually wondering that.
For the record, I haven't read yours yet, so I don't have an opinion on it.
No. 242613
>>242604I'm another anon than the one you argued with, this was my first post in this thread.
In the end both of them died because they were druggies, surely he wasn't a good person, but feeling smug about his death…?
>But fancy how you overlooked how he killed someone just so you could take a pious swipe at me.In your original post you didn't sound exactly sorry for his gf either, so don't act all high and mighty now…
Feeling a little happy if your bully turns fat or ugly is fine, but not when their life's getting completely destroyed.
No. 242623
>>242606>I don't know why you two jumped in yup defend her, but there you go.Probably girls who are deliberately assholes to those with EDs worried that their time is coming. I liked your story, anon.
>used to be the second fattest girl in my class, middle school>skinny "friends" I had would deliberately point at their legs and go on about how fat they are in front of me, then pointedly look at my legs in silence (especially when I told them not to worry/mine were worse)>get older, develop ED, now ~110lbs>check FB one day>one of the skinny girls from middle school is now definitely fatter than me>feel a pang of smugnessI don't care if someone calls me a shitty person for this tbh
No. 242628
>>242612Which COULD have been avoided had you just fessed up to which posts you specifically disliked instead of keeping people guessing which one of your statements applied to what.
>>242613>feeling smug about his deathI didn't say that.
I'm pointing out what his actions did to people when he was arrogant, which ultimately cost him his own life.
>you don't sound sorry for his gfWas I meant to give a eulogy? It is sad but she didn't do anything to me which is why I didn't mention her.
>>242614>he didn't murder her >he just gave her drugs he thought he knew more about without knowing the side effects or telling her about dosage Bullshit. Found the druggie.
No. 242630
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>>242602The only "bad ones" I can see are the more extreme stories like the guy who got himself killed and the one in the abusive relationship, but the other ones, especially the mentally ill story are karma at its finest. Not sure what you were expecting from this thread.
It would be fun to see your posting history on this site though, just to figure how much of a truly pure smol bean free from any human ~negativity~ you are.
No. 242641
>>242628>gave her drugs he thought he knew more about without knowing the side effects or telling her about dosage The closest i ever came to "drugs" was that one cigarette i tried when i was 13, but nevertheless i'm quite cetain that most drug users and dealers won't "inform" their costumers (or in this case his gf) about possible negative side effects.
It's a drug, it's always shit.
No. 242645
>>242641Well he wasn't just a street dealer, it was her boyfriend. And I can't imagine just giving drugs to a loved one without knowing what it is, what it will do, or how much they will take without my knowledge.
It's negligent and manslaughter. She didn't have to die if that bro could've swallowed his pride and admit he wasn't the drug king he thought he was.
No. 242647
>>242628>Found the druggie.Holy fucking reach Batman. Now you're just plain being retarded.
>Which COULD have been avoided had you just fessed up to which posts you specifically disliked instead of keeping people guessing which one of your statements applied to what. It also could have been avoided by you just dropping it instead of insisting they dish what exact stories they don't like. Why does it matter? Not a single other anon who said they disapproved of some stories got badgered for specifics.
No. 242651
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>>241938Why are there women who split people between those who have college and those who don't? This isn't even the first time I came across something like this. I mean, are friendships truly based on what you can gain from the other person? Are they truly so shallow that having a degree, even in something worthless like gender studies or civics, is like a caste to them?
No. 242654
>>242645Your original post
>one bratty dude actually killed himself by OD after he gave pills to his gf and she accidentally OD'd on them, much "street smart" see?vs. now
>I can't imagine just giving drugs to a loved one without knowing what it is, what it will do, or how much they will take without my knowledge. >She didn't have to dieTrying hard to paint yourself in the best light possible? You can't kid anybody into believing that you suddenly give a shit about her, you're only interested in "karma".
>Everyone else went to hell and that's good enough for me.Maybe you'll meet again one day.
No. 242660
>>242647>you could've dropped itOkay, but, so could you have too. What story have you contributed?
>>242649Gee, I guess. But it's kinda sad to be told you're gonna be okay by a loved one and you end up dead for trusting their knowledge.
>>242654Now you're reaching.
Street smart was specifically referencing him, if you're wanting to read it any differently I can't help you. Think what you want tbh.
I can live with not having killed myself because of drugs and took someone else down with me because of my arrogance.
I don't believe in hell, or heaven. That part was metaphorical but are you really trying to paint yourself as good while wishing me to hell because you don't like my tone in describing how my bullies wrecked their own lives? Yeah, okay girl.
No. 242668
>>242651OP here. It was clearly her own insecurities due to her poor degree choice. I was the only person she knew her age who wasn't in school, hence I was the best target to take out her frustration on and help her feel better about herself. My friends with degrees that are actually lucrative have never belittled me or made me feel inferior to them. I was also the only person trying to help her find decent options in her field, while everyone else wasn't exactly tiptoeing around the fact she made a terrible life decision.
One iyf the things she said was how "we're just in too different places in life and no longer compatible". Fast forward to now and we both work the same skill level job, only I'm not out roughly $200k on an education I can't do anything with.
No. 242673
>>242660>Okay, but, so could you have too.They weren't the one complaining about the thread being derailed, you were.
Speaking of which, can you shut up now? Seriously.
No. 242698
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>>242692NTA but you're possibly the most obnoxious infighter I've ever observed
No. 242706
>>242701This. I have a feeling that these holier than thou "thread police" cunts actually leave the nastiest posts in snow and pt.
And yet we're here arguing that feeling a tiny bit of satisfaction over someone who fucked you big time and got circular karma afterwards - as long as it doesn't involve death or rape - isn't common human behavior
No. 242722
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>>242710>>242706>>242705>>242703>>242702>>242701>>242698>>242692>>242673>>242660Holy shit, can everyone just stfu and stop? Why is it so fucking hard to stop replying? No wait, don't answer that. Just. Stop.
For the love of god, no one reply to this and just stop the epic derailing.
No. 242738
>>242731My apologies, I wasn't paying attention to timestamps so I didn't realize it had been an hour.
Kinda tinfoil to speculate I'm trying to drag it on, though.
No. 242750
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>age 11: be cutter with extreme depression issues, befriend 13 year old girl with same problems
>unhealthy obsessively close relationship forms between us
>throughout the relationship, she tells me her sick fantasies, including those about committing school shootings and genital/anal torture
>takes sexual advantage of me
>age 13: she drops me. I don't take it well. Message her about the depression it caused me, drive her away further.
>exaggerate the sexual abuse she inflicted on me out of spite
>continuously makes vague references on social media toward me as if I was the fucked up toxic one because she had to deal with my cutting
>age 15: lie and tell one of few people who knows about it that I made the whole thing up and no elements of the abuse were true
>justify doing this by blaming myself entirely
>25 and have been fucked up ever since by it. I'm trying to move on, but that experience had made me borderline incapable of having healthy relationships with women other than those I already trusted before that happened.
>years later, find her tumblr and find out she's been a diabetic since college
>trying not to take pleasure in this, but failing
I feel like shit over it because diabetes is one of my greatest fears and I don't feel like she truly deserves it, but if someone in my life had to get it she would be a top pick. She psychologically destroyed me on such an intense level that I can't even anonymously go into without fucking myself up emotionally.
No. 242761
>>242750Jesus anon, have you ever considered talking about that over therapy?
That kind of abuse is really hard to deal with alone.
Let's hope diabetes eats up the bitch eyesight too.
No. 242830
>>242710>found the bpd patient projecting themselves into the shitty people who got hit by karmaNow that's a reach
Maybe i'm just a bitch that wanted to piss of multiple people at the same time? lol
No. 242843
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Just think about this: karma is bad energy you spread and comes back to you at some point, if you think it's great someone who was mean to you had their life ruined, you are most likely projecting bad karma towards you.
No. 242848
>>242844Not that anon, but I don't think respecting the client pace and experiences would prevent encouraging her into getting out of her confort zone little by little.
I think the thing is that a good therapist will adapt to the needs and personality of each client. If a person is recovering from a toxic relationship, let's say, with lots of gaslighting, it's not very useful to keep questioning if the pacient remembers it right, is maybe mistaken, not feeling the right way, etc. In that case the person is obviously already doubting and discrediting everything in her life.
Even more basic stuff can strain the relationship if the therapist starts projecting their own values on the client. One time, I went to a terapist that almost tried to convert me into cristianity, ignored me when I wanted to talk about my mother, said I should stop being vegetarian because it was self-harm, and cried in the hallway to her supervisor about how an "awful client" said she shouldn't be a therapist because she sucked at it while I was waiting for her, late 5min, in the fucking waiting room.
There are incompetent people in every professional field, including mental health.
No. 242857
>>242850Yeah, it's a common stereotype that therapists themselves are often fucked in the head for a reason. Mine said all sorts of crazy shit to me in reference to this relationship. When she said she didn't get why I didn't fight her off, I reminded her that this was a girl who expressed incredibly violent desires to me as well as being my only friend. Her response to that was "well, you could have gone to the police". Right, because I'm sure they would have taken it very seriously just like she was.
Also, I forgot to mention the girl who did this shit to me got a degree in psychology. That also turns me off the therapists quite a bit.
No. 242903
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>>242750I am so sorry, that sounds horrible. I've had an abusive relationship and what helped for me was to figure out why they did it. In their case it was trauma and a cycle of abuse.
It really helped me deal with it, obviously this won't help with everyone - but I recommend trying it. When it comes to an experience like yours, you just have to try and try until you find what helps you heal. Good luck on that.
>>242606So you're saying she was the average insecure teenager? All of the things you're saying don't make her the devil, they just make her own insecurity really clear to the outsider. If you weren't emotionally invested in the situation, you would realise this too.
You are so fixated on her eating habits and weight to this day. The more you type, the easier it is to see that not everything is alright with you
when it comes to your relationship with weight.>>242623Anon said that the only bad thing in that girls life is that she gained weight, so it's 1 + 1 situation to figure out this is an ana-chan we are replying to. To them "ballooning up" is the equivalent of being BMI 21 and obese is anything above 130lbs.
>>242627 This right here. Teenagers say dumb shit to each other all the time out of insecurity. Carrying a grudge about it well into your 20's is not healthy.
Some of this thread is funny/justified, but a lot of the posts here are mental on the level of payback they find justified on those who "wronged them".
No. 242921
>>242903This. One thing people forget is that skinny girls are plagued with insecurities too. I can't count the amount of times I was made fun of for my lack of curves in high school. I've been told I looked like a 13 year old Asian boy, recovering anorexic, holocaust victim, all sorts of shit. My guess is she was just trying to feel confident about her body and made the mistake of thinking her friends would be chill. The fact anon sees this girl being happy about her body and complimenting anon's thighs as a slight against her speaks volumes about anon's psychological state. Tragically, thinking everyone is shitting on your frame is part of the territory with anorexics.
Also, someone higher up in the thread was like "lol no you don't tell your anorexic friends about your thigh gap". Anon didn't specify whether or not this girl actually knew she was anorexic, just that most of the group did. And even if she did, that's probably why she told anon she had great thighs. She was a high schooler, not a trained psychologist, I don't think it's fair to fault her this much for being a little clueless.
Full disclosure, this strikes a particular chord with me because I was bullied pretty badly by a couple of my friends over my weight. I got to hear shit like "sometimes I wish I were as skinny as you, but then I remember you can't get a boyfriend because you don't have any tits" and "that top would look so much better on someone who actually had breasts" on a daily basis. So yeah, hearing anon sperg years after the fact about some girl calling her thighs nice rustles my jimmies a tad.
No. 242986
>>242602I don't mean the sad kind of alcoholic, she's just the kind of person who doesn't have any sense of responsibility and goes out to party all the time.
she actually started a gofundme to pay her parents back like $10k because she spent all their money on partying lol
No. 242999
I'm pretty fat but from years of browsing here I know people who weigh less than me can have insecurities just like anyone else. Who even brags about insecurities anyway?
No. 243000
>>242903>To them "ballooning up" is the equivalent of being BMI 21 and obese is anything above 130lbs.That's a nice strawman you got there. There are other eating disorders out there other than AN, and even among people with AN it's not hard to find people who doesn't hold others to the same crazy standards that they hold themselves to.
Girl is close to a 28 BMI so while yes, not literally obese, she's pretty much on the threshold.
>>242921You're free to think that someone who knows about someone else's eating disorder and still behaves like that is nice and making a genuine compliment. At the end of the day, I was there, I know how she acted, I know she was stuck up and did the same thing to other girls and targeted their issues (not related to weight) and that she was a shit person. Whatever.
No. 243120
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>>242602I'm the "mentally ill" story anon, what's good? I never mentioned that I feel "happiness" from ex friend becoming mentally ill, don't twist people's words. The thread is about narrating karma stories and so I did. The point of my post was that this person dumped me and made fun of me for being "depressed" and a couple of years later she, who made fun of mentally ill people, developed an actual mental illness which she has to take meds for.
And no, I'm not afraid of any karma hitting me, because I don't go around wishing bad things upon other people.
But this oversensitive, pearl-clutching moralfaggotry on lolcow of all places is really amusing, if simply narrating a karma story makes you a "pettyvindictivebadperson", following that pattern of thought… what kind of monster would it make you to gossip and talk shit about people you don't even know? Yes, even Onision.
No. 243140
>>243120I think the reason this thread is getting so much blow back
is because some people here don't want to believe in karma, or that treating people like shit catches up to you later. The very concept seems to offend them so they have to project it onto the anons posting stories, saying they're bad people for enjoying suffering- yet, we have countless threads calling other people fat, ugly, haggard, unlovable, and so many much worse things just because they happen to be cows. Seems that some anons want to pretend nitpicking, insulting and harassing the cows isn't the same as the bullying they went through in middle/high school/college or wherever else.
No. 246719
>be friends with an artist in college
>feeling healthy and well by balancing academics and art
>improve in art, be nice to artist friend who wants to improve also
>leaves behind footprints of my work in her laptop that one time
>all of a sudden she starts improving well
>she constantly shits on her own work when she posts it online, gets ass kissing from friends and followers
>I joined an art org/club, she wants to join too. I was happy because I won't feel lonely when I join that club.
>I passed and made through three screenings, she didn't pass even the first screening because she had low grades
>she becomes more active in posting art online, starts neglecting schoolwork, as "revenge for not getting in the club"
>she failed in three classes, didn't care about it. She was under probation though
>tfw passed my classes, feeling alright and chill and still happy
>got close bc lmao artist friend right? Gonna exchange art tips and tutorials and shit
>constantly encourage her to do better
>also remind her to do better in classes
>in groupworks she neglects her tasks
>she got kicked out of a group for not passing said thing as her groupmates got tired of her shit
>she felt sad but went whatever, she still passed
>feeling inspired by her art bc she improved well, she starts being cocky and shits on my work in front of a lot of people, she then begs for forgiveness
>started resenting her since then, but still helped her anyway
>her closest friends left her for some reason
>me noticing her fast improvement to the point of people telling me she 'deserved' to be in the org and not me because art skills (actually you need good grades to get in, something she does not have, grades aren't just numbers). I didn't care anyway. I just want to pass classes.
>she got better in drawing the following year, but she still neglected her studies bc muh followers muh art raffle despite being under probation. People warned her about neglecting her studies but she doesn't care anyway. It's for muh followers.
>she also started doing comics for funsies
>she started being constantly late to one of her classes, which happened to be around 5pm
>I got concerned for her so I lent her notes
>she neglected her studies, AGAIN. I almost failed in one class because I got partnered with her and she didn't do anything with the paper, I only delivered. I passed though, only barely, which drags down my GPA
>she even borrowed a book for that paper, she never bothered taking the time to read it
>she failed eventually
>she got diagnosed with Depression
>she moved to a different school, always whines about how shitty she feels in her new school, despite her loving her new course
>ppl give her asspats because she's a great artist, she complains about requirements and on how teachers didn't do anything aside from consultation (something what in her prev course does, tho she never encountered it that time because she was delayed in majors)
>constantly makes excuses for all the fuckups she did, asks her teacher to give her a pass, got called out by her friend, complained to me on how she was a bitch and how her teachers didn't give what she wanted
>eventually quits said school, starts whining to me about wanting to get a job
>she eventually did, good for her
>she constantly brags about the income she'll get every month working there
>she also shares about moving to places once she gets the job
>I eventually stop talking to her bc I can't deal with shit
>all of a sudden she stops talking to me also, which is nice
>she only shares something to me if it's something she'd brag/complain about
>I also tried to start a convo with her but she won't reply unless she draws/brags something she'd message me about it
>starts whining about how ppl treated her "like shit" on social media when people literally don't know how to deal with someone with Depression, so expect them to be that way. Not everyone is properly informed about it.
>she should have sought therapy instead of conversing with someone about depression and expecting them to give you the answer you wanted/asspats
>she made a long post about it, prolly lolcow worthy
>even all the personal messages of her rants are also lolcow worthy
>helped her with a job regarding the writing, offered me money if I do it. She claimed she took a week to do it but failed
>I took the job, finished it in three hours, thanks me for it
>up until now she still owes me money, she never brings it up like "she promised"
>she kept saying about wanting to meet and shit
>I initiated on hanging out with her once every few weeks, she claims she got sick
>got worried, I hope she is doing ok
>friend invites us to go to an event, she keeps pulling the sick card for some reason.
>she messages me a lot about things, I always reply
>I initiated a convo, she doesn't even reply. Just changes topic in a few days
>decided to cut her off from socmed, because I'm done dealing with her shit.
I just realized this is only 50% of the whole shitfest. I dunno, I'm finally seeking therapy soon and I hope it'll go well as planned. I really don't want to deal with this person anymore so I'm ghosting her for good. Changed names and numbers so she won't bother me. Kinda glad her closest friends in her prev school left her too. I'm also close to getting my diploma and for some reason this friend of mine decides not to get her diploma from the school she transferred bc according to her "it's all a lie".
To be frank, she deserved the shit that happened to her though. She let it happen despite people warning her about it. Good luck for her though, I hope she changes her ways for the better. Eventually I might have it in my heart to forgive her, but not now.