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No. 2423250

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2397894

This thread is not for sharing random passing thoughts. This thread is for sharing mundane or otherwise boring events that you have experienced in your life. If your post does not contain a mundane event, it is off-topic.

If you want to post random thoughts, find an appropriate thread to discuss them. If you can't find an appropriate thread, you can use the Dumbass Shit thread: >>>/ot/2151490

No. 2423260

Is the turtle okay?

No. 2423262

I'm pretty sure the story behind it is that the tortoise entered into a show house for a new development, once the realtor found it they called the animal control and the tortoise was safely released back into the wild

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