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No. 2425242

welcome to the jungle, it’s worse here everyday

No. 2425271

i’m tired of being controlled and told what to do. people constantly wanting you to play the side character to their lives is so fucking annoying, even more embarrassing if they do this on the internet kek

No. 2425279

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I get so angry and have violent thoughts every time I see this ugly bastard. I just saw him in a trailer and I feel like punching a wall to stop me doing something more radical. I haven't watched any movies he is in since I just can't and I have nothing against him as a person, but he looks 1:1 like a pedo who used me aged 7-14. They really look like twins.
Time to cuddle my cats and control my breathing.

No. 2425291

You're completely justified in your rage nona, he was a frequent Polanski defender and cheated on one of his girlfriends for a 19 year old. He'd probably go lower if he could

No. 2425294

i have the same reaction to him .
i think it's his eyebrows, any moid with these dopey upturned eyebrows triggers an aggressive response within me

No. 2425349

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An angry lady on reddit said those are coke eyebrows and used images of mac miller as an example but I guess they don't have the same angle. I agree A. Brody's eyebrows look like they are permanently in a position to lie or trivialize things

No. 2425503

i am so frustrated, i am very lonely but more terrified of dating. i feel like i could never be enough for someone or make them happy.

No. 2425511

Ok cool so now I can hate him for real and not just because he happens to look like that. I always felt bad for hating him since I knew nothing at all about him, but he's just a regular moid after all.

I hate when men do that kinda eyebrow pose on purpose thinking they are cute or something. It looks super ugly and faggy kek.

No. 2425519

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mandatory faggotposting
faggot tries to explain shit to me condescendingly, meanwhile he's only more educated on paper while i have actual work experience
faggot also acts flustered like a real faggyfagfag when asked about his ring, says its his marital ring, since hes married to a woman. absolute kek
his name is mirko helbling

No. 2425520

I'm pretty sure I have lipedema. I always suspected because at a young age I was chubby but my legs were abnormally huge. I struggled with bulimia because of bullying and lost a lot of weight as a teenager but still always had big legs. I was confused for a long time the difference between pear shape and lipedema. I'm still confused but now I'm kinda convinced and honestly I kinda want to kill myself. I don't think I'll ever accept my body. I have tuberous breats too. I wish I could have been aborted tbh. I'll always have a disgusting body.

No. 2425539

Lipedema apparently isn't real and is a diagnosis pushed by plastic surgeons to give a medical reason for lipo.
I know this probably doesn't help, but if you're healthy and exercise, who cares what you look like? I bet you someone trapped in an iron lung would kill to have your legs for anything. I know that sounds like "why complain when there are people suffering" but honestly, getting older is in our future and someday we won't have the mobility and energy we have now. And I don't want you to get to that old age wondering why you ever cared how your legs or breasts looked to random strangers you never thought about again.

No. 2425592

Nonna you didn't choose to have lipedema and you can only try to manage it. Do not get suicidal over it. It's sad to think someone wants to die because they don't look like what they want or what is expected of women. I get it, but it is so sad. I wish you could just raise your middle fingers and laugh to beauty standards.

It is a real thing and can also be very painful. I hope nona does not have any pains and is just dealing with a cosmetic issue.

No. 2425616

I really need to lock in to my autism in the way in that I need to learn just to stop caring. I’m tired of always being aware of how I act, talk, move, everything. I hate how little things like work being busy and having lines can make me crash out when everyone around me is so calm I’m the freak bitch. How does anyone do it? Do I need to start vaping or something? Do I just sink into apathy? How do I turn off my brain like this? I don’t want to give a fuck anymore.

No. 2425619

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I'm one of the most disgusting beings on God's Earth. I date people I don't love because I lack the will to say "no" and the conscience to think about my feelings. I don't know what "love" is, and I'll drag (or be dragged), for months on end, through hellish relationships I want to take no part of. Dating is beyond horrible. What your partner does reflects on you and vice versa, you can't let your guard down, and you must constantly both check yourself and your partner (Why are you late? Why didn't you buy me a bouquet? You make me look unlovable and undesirable with your lack of effort, I hate you.) I dread romantic gestures, they make me grimace, but if I don't accept/expect them, I'll look bad in the eyes of others. What if someone flirts with me while I'm in a relationship? I'll indulge and flirt back, not because I'm unfaithful or lust for others, but plainly because I'd rather cheat than reject someone and suffer through the awkwardness of it all. I will do anything, say anything, be anyone. I'm too easy to string along. My severe, pathological egotism will ruin me. If you invite me to go out for drinks, even though I have to study, I'll ditch my studies and go out, well knowing the direct consequence of that is failing an exam. Why? I don't know. It's not because I want to drink, or because I crave the company of others, or… etc. I'm physically unable to refuse. I study something I dislike because my family thinks it will look good on a resume. I date someone I feel no affection towards because my friends think he's a catch. I hang out with "friends" who I have nothing in common because my family would find it abnormal if I were to sit alone in my room all day. I spend all of my energy pleasing people, I cannot take confrontation of any sorts. If someone tells me, "you look sad, are you okay?" I enter a paralyzing state of panic. It's a disease. I want to die in my sleep.
The other day, one of my life-long friends wished me luck on my final presentation for college. I was taken aback, she did not only remember, but also made a point to wish me luck and ask me how I did afterward. I have never done such a thing for her, I never thought of it. She made me feel awful. Was I selfish for never asking about her own finals? Did she resent me for it? It seemed genuine and borderline loving to send me those text messages. Did she mean it? If not, then why did she ask? How could she possibly care about finals that have no effect on her? If I did well or wrong, it makes no difference in her life. So why ask? I don't understand.
Whenever I hang out with her, it pains me. She will sometimes hug me or say "I love you" or laugh at my jokes, I'll try to play along and entertain her for as long as possible, try to be sympathetic if she vents to me, or funny if she seems playful; I'll even go to a party if she asks, even though I hate parties/clubbing and have an obviously awful time at such places. Another problem is, when I see her, I quickly run out of replies. I end up smiling very weakly and awkwardly laughing in an evident fake manner. She's well aware of my fakeness, but she never questions it. I'm waiting for the day she gets fed up and confronts me about it, so I can be freed.
Similar issue with my boyfriend. He seems madly in love with a woman he made up, who bears no resemblance to me. It makes me feel insane. I don't understand why he has this perception of me that bears no relation to my actual self. I'm cruel and petty and egotistical. I'm depressed and self-indulgent. I sin compulsively. He takes people who have any of these traits. Why does he insist on dating me, then? Is he stupid?
As of late, I've been haunted by a memory of my childhood. I was at the shopping mall with my father. He wanted to buy me clothes and shoes. He asked me to pick any shoe I liked, but I didn't know what I liked. The shirt he picked was red, and the trousers were white, so I thought I should pick shoes that were either red or white. I found two pairs, and I was inclined towards the most expensive one, but I didn't know if it was okay for me to ask for them. I hesitated and he got upset. He told me something along the lines of, "just pick what you want, don't think so much, why can't you do that?" I knew he could afford any shoe in the store, he knew I knew, yet I wanted to be considerate, but he got upset regardless at my lack of direction. This remained a constant through my relationship with him. He'd insist, over and over, to just say what I mean, but I choked on my own words and ended up crying.
I wish I killed myself when I first got the idea, around age ten or so. If I died as a child, when I still had potential, people would idolize the woman I never got to become.
I don't know what sort of mental illness I have. Therapy doesn't work on me because I try to please my therapists and I end up worse off as a result.
I apologize if my English isn't too good.

No. 2425621

Oh, okay. I've been told by a couple of doctors that underlying pain is usually caused by something else and lipedema is really a push by plastic surgeons. Someone in agreement told me they suspect that after recovery from the surgery, the person is then usually diagnosed with whatever was originally causing the pain/issues because they aren't brushed off and told it's a byproduct of weight (if the sympyoms weren't alleviated by the weight loss itself).

No. 2425664

Are you literally me wow. I love you nonnie

No. 2425665

My bunny keeps peeing outside her litterbox and I need to wash her sheets every 2 days at this point so the house doesn’t smell.
She’s gone to the vet and checked it wasn’t a bladder problem, I also got her a low entry litterbox in case she’s arthritic. I’m so tired of a peepee house.

No. 2425666

Also samefag but my antidepressant also made me gain weight even though my psych told me it’d be a very low possibility, I hate this.

No. 2425689

Does anyone else feel like they aren't able to watch or play all the "classic" movies, tv series, video games or whatever because of how they consume media? I feel like I consume media so slowly. Like if I watch a tv series and like it, I will be obsessed with it for months and sometimes even years. I will not pay attention to anything else. I feel like I'm not able to just consume media and then just move on to the next thing like that.

No. 2425699

Someone I’ve been close to for a while is beginning to act super BPD because I made a couple jokesabout their boyfriend (who found it funny) and is saying I’m a projecting weirdo for it that should shut the fuck up. This is hurting my soul nonnas

No. 2425711

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kill my bacne right now please god

No. 2425723

I'm tired of people claiming they are loners and outsiders when they have a big group of friends they talk to everyday and hang out with. I understand that they are not "mainstream" but most of of them have quite popular interests (anime, alt fashion, music, art) and are into normie activities such as going to parties/clubs, drinking, smoking. They always play the victim card saying they were bullied or that their parents are annoying, as if there aren't plenty of normalfags who went through deep traumatic experiences too.

No. 2425728

They always make being an "introvert" their entire personality like wow you're sooo quirky for liking a romance novel at home on your couch once in a while.

No. 2425735

it's symptomatic of the point we've hit in society- everyone's gradually become more insular, and is convinced that everyone ELSE is out having fun. therfore, if you're not out socialising EVERY SPARE MINUTE you're a hecking introvert

No. 2425744

I used to have 2 friends who were in the same friend group who did outings together, one was on Discord almost 247 too and had other friend groups they were in, they would game together too so not only irl hanging out. They would whine about being such loners and never seeing anyone and how people must hate them because of how they never hangout. One was always so "I was so bullied as a kid" come to find out it was for one year in elementary school, not that it doesn't suck but the way she made it sound was so much more heavy. I was bullied for 7 years in school and I never really talk about it because I got over it but I'm also just built different I think? These friends would whine about being so lonely back when I had cancer, during covid when they were still doing almost weekly outings with many friends. That shit just threw me over the edge with them, they would also always use the "I'm so anxious" when I would ask for a simple call or if we could meet at a park. Realised these people would be too anxious to attend a wedding or a funeral of mine, got pissed and dropped them. I'm in remission and they're apparently still victims.

No. 2425756

I hate ai. I hate that any man or boy can take a photo of any woman or child and make instant realistic porn of them and that men of course don't even see that as an issue so they don't care to regulate it

No. 2425794

How do I argue or even explain feelings to someone who's most likely autistic enough to not understand them? I keep getting pushed around physically and my hair pulled, but the explanation is that "well your hair didn't get pulled out" or "you're not dead" which supposedly justifies it. Like I get it, being "result"-oriented in a way, but humans have emotional complexities too.

No. 2425803

I would give anything to hide posts as well. I can’t stand most of these posts already, it’s already retarded

No. 2425806

I had a short lived waitress gig and my coworker who was alt kept talking about how she is a huge introvert and a ball of anxiety and finds socialization difficult, but this woman was super popular, had a large group of friends, was very friendly, had a very active social life going out drinking very often and integrated very well in society. Like I'm sorry but just because you have anxiety from time to time and have some tattoos and piercings doesn't make you less of a normalfag (where I live alt fashion is basically as mainstream as it gets for young people). Everyone thinks they're soo different and soo special and the rest are just boring NPCs but in reality pretty much every normalfag I talked with recently struggled with something lol. They're still people, no one is gonna be 100% productive and happy all the time, everyone has problems.

No. 2425811

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My neighbour’s dog will not stop barking as soon as I’m in my yard, at my door, getting in and out of my car. There’s nothing I can do about reporting it to the council or ranger since the barking has to be continuous over hours for anything to be done. I’ve left a note in the letterbox that was polite and the stupid bitch flew off the handle at my partner about it after cornering her in the street. Says she’s old so wants the dog barking “for protection”. So fuck the neighbourhood I guess. Anyway I was walking past today with the rabid thing going nuts at me. I had my tennis racket and a ball because I was taking my own dog (which is kept inside with us to NOT bark) and hit the tennis ball at this neighbour’s garage in a moment of frustration and headloss after years of this. Anyway the ball bounced straight back to me. Will I be arrested?

No. 2425813

How's the COVID pandemic situation now?

No. 2425817

Damn are you me? My neighbours have this extremely aggressive sheepdog that growls like it's genuinely going to kill me and if it gets close enough it'll bark. I suppose fear isn't a valid factor in filing a complaint though.
Also I highly doubt you'll be arrested, way worse things get slapped on the wrist so

No. 2425818

Memory holed.

No. 2425820

You may be me because this is a sheepdog too. Completely unsuitable dog to be holed up in the backyard all day like that. Sorry to hear you’ve got the same problem nona. This dog is only 7 years old so could live another 7 easily.

No. 2425821

>My neighbour’s dog will not stop barking
Tell me about it. There's this little yapper at my neighborhood that literally barks for HOURS. Just yesterday, he barked for 3 HOURS straight, god if I'm losing my mind and I'm not even living at the same street, I don't want to imagine what is like to live nearby that fucking dog. He's currently barking as we speak, god

No. 2425822

My neighbours are blatantly abusing their daughter. They constantly humiliate the poor little girl by forcing her to strip naked and stand outside in their front yard, she's only eight or nine from the looks of it. I've called the police and CPS multiple times, they won't do anything about it because she is not being physically abused in their definition, being naked is not battery, and she is not being sexually abused by the textbook definition. I even brought up the fact that someone could record her and make CP but they just said unless there's proof other neighbours are doing that, there's nothing that can be done. Negligence and failure to prevent harm are crimes under my knowledge but yeah, I can't do anything since I'm not an explicit party. What the fuck do I do, this makes me sick.

No. 2425823

Where do you live at?? This sounds third world tier of godless. I'm so sorry

No. 2425825

Can you drop a tip at the FBI tipline for child exploitation?

No. 2425826

I can’t take it anymore I just want to fucking die

No. 2425827

I live in Australia, which is what baffles me. We're supposedly a first world liberal inclusive country that's supportive of mental health and all that shit.
Not US

No. 2425834

Can you drop a tip at the AFP tipline for child exploitation?
And ask in the aus thread, they'd know better than us retarded burgers, I think.

No. 2425835

Yeah I've been planning to do something along that. Might contact the ombudsman for my state as well or non-legal services

No. 2425842

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sounds very much like this

No. 2425843

Attack them and hurt them. Seriously though, can you stop being around them and have other people intervene for you?

No. 2425846

>narcissistic prayer
Kek, anti-narcs are so melodramatic. Calling normal human responses of denial “narcissistic” proves letting normies learn mental health/therapyspeak has been a detriment for normal society.

No. 2425848

How are these normal human responses of denial? Context matters here.

No. 2425850

are you retarded yourself? how is this something you have to explain to them. you have two options in this situation:
1.) hurt them back, violently, quickly, severely, so they learn.
2.) you get far away from them, forever.

No. 2425851

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No. 2425852

Invest in dog mace. You did nothing wrong.

No. 2425853

unless they are an actual toddler, like under 5 years old, there's no reason for you to explain anything.
>most likely autistic enough to not understand
make yourself a pointy object and make it hurt for them the next time they do it. they'll learn.

No. 2425854

So, uh, normal people?

No. 2425863

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Why is it always the retards getting multiple replies for their shit?? They’re clearly pretending to be retarded

No. 2425865

Reasons on why women don’t make good friends or people to talk to
>your problems only matter if there’s a man involved
>your problems only matter if there’s a “hubby” involved
>your problems only matter if there’s a snot-nosed child involved
Women are terrible at being friends with other women. I don’t give a flying fuck about “cute gifts!!!” and empty hangouts, I want to talk about shit that actually matters.

No. 2425868

Samefag but other women don’t even believe in other women’s humanity, they know and understand by being in association with a man they by proxy get some of those “human” benefits that males get. It’s why women who are actually crying out in pain with real issues are ignored why these same retards with relationship issues continuously keep hogging up and clogging the thread despite there being numerous threads for them to post their retarded shit they can easily prevent. Single women don’t exist, single women are ghosts, women who date, are mothers, are married, or are in any type of romantic-sexual relationship with a man are seen as perpetual victims to always be empathized with and women with men excites other women because the mention of men, in a hateful or admirable context, is more important than anything else. How am I supposed to give a fuck about your supposed “rights” if you don’t even believe jt’s possible for a woman to be a human being, you pretty much prove you don’t see other women as human unless there’s a man that completes them so what the fuck differentiates you and the people you pretend to be angry at??? You’re angry at people for saying the truth: you only care when a woman is associated with a man, because you believe that a woman becomes human when she becomes fuckmeat for another male. I’m so fucking disgusted by other women, most are honest to god lying, manipulative, selfish pieces of trash truly incapable of accountability and integrity, it’s just so fucking true. Overgrown little girls walking around, and some of them are so bizarre because they think their age is a badge of wisdom kek, you’re just as retarded as a 13 year old girl. Absolutely hopeless

No. 2425869

you're going to get zerg rushed but I just want you to know you're right

No. 2425870

What do u wanna talk about nona

No. 2425872

What matters to you?

No. 2425876

Who's the girl in the thread pic? She's fucking hot. Anyway I want to bludgeon half of the people I see on reels with a sledgehammer.

No. 2425878

That's BJ-chan or one of her copycats. She is easily the worst internalized misogynist this site has to offer, often going on deranged rants about how much she despises other women. Don't even bother talking to her. She's one bad day away from hanging herself or shooting up a school or some shit. She belongs in an institution.

No. 2425880

Being an insufferable nlog, of course.

No. 2425882

>you’re going to get zerg rushed
Kek, your prediction was correct

No. 2425883

Spot the narc game strong

No. 2425884

This has been weighing heavily on my mind

No. 2425887

If you hate women so much then why the fuck are you even on this site? Fuck off to 4chan if you want to talk to moids.

No. 2425896

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The typical responses, because it hit a nerve and they know I’m right. You’re shitty friends, shitty companions, shitty dating choices, shitty all-around, almost just as bad as men. Extremely selfish is the worse and unique way possible, always thinking of the now, throwing every single other person under the bus and never considerably thinking how actions have consequences. Always needing to quell terrifying feelings of cognitive dissonance by calling people of dissent crazy, hysterical and “woman-hating” because you, just like men, always have chimpouts when the truth is revealed on your behaviors. You hate accountability, responsibility, any kind of markers that would make anyone respect you, which is why you’re always needing another virtual daddy to coast under and then have your female handmaidens which you call “friends” to beckon and call when you could give less of a shit about them to vent about your retarded choices as if you weren’t the one that got yourself into that mess in the first place and then throw them away when the moid comes back/you forgive him/another moid or a child comes into the picture. I don’t know how much longer you can call this misogynistic and calling people who are saying this bigots or bj-chan, it’s becoming abundantly clear people are tired of playing around like children. A lot of women want to play around like children, be children, and when people start noticing this weird and odd behavior and call it out it’s suddenly bigoted behavior to criticize another human being (a woman) for their dumb choices and deliberately self-destructive and self-deprecating behaviors. Shut the fuck up and let me vent

No. 2425898

thats why non-faggy gay men are the best.

No. 2425906

Cont. (samefag) these retarded mods will ban anyone who uses this vent thread to vent about other topics but will allow the same fucking relationship derailers post the same fucking vents, so why are certain vents “valid” and others are not and are ban-worthy??? Another prime example of the flaw moderation and of course the hitler fatties in their high gaming chairs don’t give a flying fuck, it’s “take it to meta” because the mods are also baiters and infighters themselves. I’m just so fucking annoyed and tired of this shit. When you complain about these things people say, “well, why didn’t you mention it??? why don’t you suggest or say something about it instead of just complaining?” and when you actually do, you’re fucking ignored and banned for it, so what’s the point of telling people this dumb advice. I literally can’t stand people anymore, every single minute of my life it’s like growing into uncontrollable misanthropy.

No. 2425914

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I’m tired of being banned for using this thread PROPERLY instead of the other people who’ve clearly been let loose in this thread for a few years to post the same garbage that would have them get hundreds of upvotes in a Reddit thread. Alogging should be allowed in here, I should be allowed to be fully angry and vent. I should be able to say the mods should be thrown off mountains and cliffs and the male administrator needs to choke on his own dick instead of trying to make this entire website his secret little female fishbowl fantasy scape website. I should be allowed to vent about random strangers in my life and angrily saying they should die, because venting should be cathartic and a release, not a perpetual cycle of self-flagellating drama like the relationshipfags who shit up this thread over and over again because they love drama, chaos and are about as toxic and disgusting as the men they choose to be with and have sex with. If you don’t want people to clock your retardation and messy behavior then don’t have a messy ass life and don’t make the intentions of your posts so obvious (well only for people like me who are actually somewhat self-aware and can see through other people’s bullshit)

No. 2425918

I should be allowed to be cringe and free, this is a fucking anonymous imageboard and you still fant even be free? You’re still giving a fuck about etiquette that you should’ve put to the side when you come on this website. The same website that talks shit about fatties, bippies, anachans, and other vulnerable women but suddenly this same exact heat coming into another board is a fucking red flag? Inconsistent moderation, retarded ass digital karens and digital NIMBY neighborhood watch types making sure you stay within your line like this is fucking Twitter of all places, inconsistent etiquette expectations because who the fuck said that /ot/ is the nice girl club where we all pay each other’s asses and never say a mean thing? So many of you are so fucking full of it, can never truly defend yourself, and when you get offended at one little thing you have to alarm daddy and mommy mod to take care of it for you because you’re a sheltered, delusional, emotionally unbalanced mess obsessed with making yourself a victim to garner sympathy from it.

No. 2425924

Thismorning a car slowed down next to me, a man screams the n word 3 times with all of his might and speeds off. I'm as pale as people come but nobody else was around.

Dunno if it's related but a couple days ago I was on the opposite side of a street when I saw a man lean in against a kid as if he was gonna whisper but then he starts shouting in the kids face, shoving his body right up against this 11ish year old and pushing him backwards. I couldn't cross the street with all the afterschool traffic as they seemed oblivious to what was happening. It ended with the man raising his arms out like a bird or something and shouting "see I knew that because you're black" as he walked off. A couple had spotted it too but cars would not let them get across either. Not till everything was over. Great. Idk if today was related. If it was the same guy. Whether that guy even took notice of me and that couple. There's such an uptick in men being shitbags to anyone walking alone. They're usually in a pathetic state, unwashed, toothless, drunk in the afternoon but dying to feel superior to anyone, ie a woman or a child.

I've friends and coworkers who drive everywhere which is fair enough, most do around here but they act like we live in a lil haven of a town and "That kind of thing doesn't happen around here!" Walk around without the buffer of your car and get back to me about whether it's happening. You'll get this shit or you'll notice this shit more. We don't have a magical forcefield around the town that makes our local men the fucking best men.

No. 2425927

Why am I such a lazy piece of shit? I have work to had but here I am reading about e-whores and degenerate TIMS.

No. 2425952

Why can't I be a "Negative Nancy," huh? What's so wrong about it!?

No. 2425967

gay men are still involved with men, no

No. 2425976

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I just got laid off from work and gave up on dating after the last guy I met up with revealed he was super cheap.

I can't shake the feeling that my life is going to go in circles forever; I'm nearly 25 and I'm still single, have no social hobbies (I write and read literature, I like plays/concerts, stuff that only pretentious rich ppl and oldsters in my country like). My living situation sucks and I can't get a job, I can't even have casual sex as everyone hot is taken and if they're single, I'm worried they'll rape me, give me STDs etc … basically, I feel like a hopeless loser.

I don't know how to get my life moving and start doing the things I'm passionate about. I want to make more friends but my weirdness/lack of 'normie' interests makes me seem boring, most men disgust or scare me, and my city is filthy and full of weirdos, drunken bums etc so not exactly easy to find good people. What do I even do in this situation?? Even other 'losers' have more friends, better jobs and so on. Fucking sucks.

No. 2425978

I usually only get replies in these kinds of threads when I mentioned my relationship issues so I feel you.

No. 2425985

Shut the fuck up, BJ-Chan.(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 2425990

I have no other option but to kill myself. I can't ever see myself being satisfied in life. I am beyond dysfunctional, i should try to get better, but i just don't see the point. I hate having to clean the house, cook and shower because it's all for nothing. Just wake up and wage slave until i die. I don't like anything, i hate everything around me, i don't have the ability to like or enjoy things. I am legit annoying, i look and sound like a sperg when i talk or do anything, i have the shittiest social skills, i just feel like a robot, talking to people is like a quest or test that i have to pass. I used to be on meds but i stopped due to negligence and i felt like they weren't doing anything. There is nothing i get out of life.

No. 2425991

Maybe there is an app that can read and describe LC posts to us while we work?
Sorry to hear that anon. I doubt this will make you feel better but this is a lot like 2008 and those retards turned out okay. It's hard to make or keep friends during a recession bc everyone is so stressed out and pissed off. The myth about people ~coming together~ is only when they rely on each other for things/survival. You're just living through "bad times" atm and so are a lot of other people. Scrotes will always be scrotes tho

No. 2425998

I know some of you are tired of BJ-chan but is it really crazy to feel like this as a woman? Do you nonnas not deal with women like this? Or do you also have boyfriends?

No. 2426001

Samefag PLEASE REPLY to this, i have no one to talk to or that can relate to being a NEET

No. 2426007

Hire a cheap cleaning service to clean your house and time your showers to make them less hideous, buy pre packaged meals, buy disposable dish ware to cut down on washing dishes, get rid of clothes you don’t wear and cut down your wardrobe to about 10 items to cut down on laundry.

No. 2426015

Nonnie you need a friggin hobby, something creative that makes you feel fulfilled and that is fun for you. I recommend really throwing yourself at anything that seems even remotely interesting and just try out as many crafts as you can.

No. 2426018

I'm sorry to everyone whose posted vents like this before that I've seen and not responded, but honestly I don't know what I would say. I'm in a similar boat. I don't know what the point of living is for. Somehow I have enough of an attachment to life that I fear death. I remember having a breakdown at work feeling like my life was pointless, I'd do nothing but work then die. I barely passed highschool due to being depressed I'm going out in the adult world both unprepared and unwilling to have to live as a wagie until I die. I tell myself it's important to have a job and be a functioning member of society, but in my heart of hearts I know it's not what I want. I wish I could live in a community with women like you completely separate from the real world but I might as well get addicted to drugs with that pipe dream. I don't like the world today, and I feel as if there is no future. Society feels as broken as it has ever been

No. 2426020

You nonnies want to form a little art club and do little projects together or something? Like damn you need the gift of crafting so bad.

No. 2426022

From what it sounds like is that she is just incredibly rude and psuedo intellectual and is repellant because of that. Women don't appreciate that snobby, elitist attitude.

No. 2426026

These are unbelievable heights of cringe, I'm really shocked

No. 2426029

I don't think so. Why is it always when a woman is treated unfairly it is because she was too asertive and therefor being snobby and elitist? No wonder anon is mad, if women aren't super lovey dovey and sweet then she is a total bitch it seems

No. 2426031

She speaks like a psychopath. Are you her? I noticed she never sages.

No. 2426032

One time I posted a serious vent and then a nona complained about how she accidentally farted in front of her retarded scrote and now the world's ending and she got a million equally as childish replies. Obviously no one owes me replies but it was so to see how much women care about the opinions of creatures that don't even wash their hands. I honestly can't even relate to most other people for unrelated reasons but it makes it worse to realize that all most people care about is posturing for fleeting relationships and meaningless sex. A bunch of hungry automatons just trying to gain social capital and fuck. Is this really all there is to life?

No. 2426033

get some cod liver oil

No. 2426034

>boohoo why doesn't anyone want to perform free emotional labor for me on this anonymous imageboard

No. 2426035

The person you're replying to or the helpless victim who keeps ending up as a helpless victim? Women here have zero patience for that shit, sorry, reddit is an option
I thought the fart post was retarded so that's why I replied to it. I don't reply to vents that are total doom and gloom bc it's too much effort and those anons are usually a black pit of despair that can never be filled but still seek out positiivty/affirmation constantly anyways. So if it wasn't either of those things, I'm sorry for ignoring you nona

No. 2426037

No. 2426038

>Obviously no one owes me replies
I'm complaining about everyone's obsession with moids and fucking and using my own vent as an example in contrast with a fucking fart post, not whining over not getting emotional labor you smelly invalid.

No. 2426040

Obviously people are going to reply more often to posts that are light-hearted. It's nothing to get mad about. Sometimes people just don't want to deal with constant negative bullshit

No. 2426044

Yeah that's fine, and I'm not mad either I'm just tired of hearing about my Nigel this, sex and hookups that, it's pathetic. Moids do it too. Everyone does it and it's dumb.

No. 2426045

I’ve lost empathy for the type of people who are depressed and messy after living one. Living with my sister is sometimes like living with a scrote, I feel I’m a bang maid with no of the pros. I just hope when it warms up we don’t get roaches. I don’t care if you’re sad, Wash your ass and get the moldy dishes out of your room ya nasty ho.

No. 2426049

There are tons of normies on here

No. 2426051

I wish my relationship with my mom wasn't so complicated. I was neglected as a kid–no real education beyond reading books, usually no breakfast or lunch so very underweight, lived in a dirty environment, no social interaction. Then she had a TBI as a result of her alcoholism/neglect to her own self. And I hate that I resent it a bit but I do. It's like she uses it to get out of life the way she always wanted to. Now she has a knee injury and despite the pt saying to do exercises she doesn't do them. I just hate watching her neglect herself so hard, and I've struggled with my own demons and it feels like although I know she cares deeply, she focus fires onto my issues to not look at her own. I know she loves me so I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that she neglected me I guess.

No. 2426055

This reads like an osamu dazai novel kek. I used to feel this way a lot too, and still do sometimes. You’re thinking about yourself too much. You don’t want to tell people no because you don’t want anybody to have a bad perception of you. Stop comparing what other people do to what you do. If your friend inquires about your life take it at face value, don’t spiral yourself into thinking you’re a horrible person because you wouldn’t do the same. I’ve been there and it’s exhausting. Just try to live in the moment more and stop obsessing over how other people see you. It will never satisfy you. If you don’t like the person you’re with, grant them the opportunity to find someone who really does love them. Life for yourself more and stop worrying so much. I promise you’re okay and mostly normal.

No. 2426064

I'm basically in your situation except it's a different family member and we already have roaches. I love not being able to invite anyone over and not being able to tell them why, haha.

No. 2426067

i get it, miss holier-than-thou. it must be so hard and so lonely being the only person alive that has any modicum of psychological complexity. fuck these idiots for not understanding you! you should go and take some time to soothe yourself by staring at your reflection in a still pond

No. 2426069

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I can't even relax anymore, it's ramadan and only three of my family members are fasting, two of them are living in their own apartment, but they all came home for dinner and one of them brought her boyfriend with her. I don't want to socialize and especially not with some random guy while I'm wearing my pajamas. He doesn't even fast either so I have no idea why he's here.

No. 2426076

I hate all pickup truck drivers and they deserve to die. Retarded ass pieces of shit taking up all the space around them. Nothing but killing machines driven by the most repulsive beings on the planet. There could be hundreds of them on the highway and none of them will have anything on their cargo bed because they were bought as status symbols and not for their utility. Get off my bumper you shitup truck loving faggot. Die.

No. 2426082

I'd invite you to join me but you sound kind of insecure so I dunno. Maybe next time.

No. 2426083

I mentioned to my mom a couple of weeks ago that I've been trying to keep better track of what I'm eating, both to lose a little bit of weight but also to make sure I develop healthier habits where I get what my body needs on daily basis. This also meant that I've been experimenting a bit in the kitchen with trying to find actually tasty healthy alternatives to popular pastries and desserts because I know I struggle with not indulging in sweets a couple of days before my period and a couple of days into it, with less than stellar luck of course kek.
Today when she came over for lunch she mentioned how she saw an expert on tv talk about how it's "healthy to be a little overweight", how people drinking a milkshake with whipped cream are fuller for longer because of the fats so they aren't as likely to snack, etc. I didn't really respond to it, I just kinda went "mhm" and pretended to listen. I know what she's trying to do, because she knows I hate my body and I have dabbled in unhealthy eating habits before but I have NEVER had an ED or even close to having one. I don't know if she is coming from a place of guilt, since the main reason I hate my body is her. Or if it's just her coping about being a bit overweight now that she's old. But it annoyed the hell out of me.

No. 2426084

This is Sidewinder after escaping prison in Captain America Brave New World, isn't he?

No. 2426092

I’ve gotten to the point when she leaves I clean her room just to have some hope of Jo roaches getting in lol

No. 2426095

I understand where you're coming from but the beginning context and the way you spiraled here is kinda hilarious, nona. I'm sorry a fart made you get this existential on an anonymous imageboard in your time of need.

No. 2426104

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…she literally just now sent me a couple of links about "THE DANGERS OF DIETING". It's not like I'm not fucking refusing to eat or jumping on a diet fad ffs, I'm just trying to explore healthier lifestyles since I have both a job and hobbies that are sedentary. It's not like I'm underweight either, I'm on the upper end of my healthy bmi range which is also why I want to lose a couple of kg so I can be in the middle instead

No. 2426133

Is she fat? Or even just chubby? Make sure she won't sabotage you and add ingredients in your food to make you fatter.

No. 2426209

She's definitely chubby, she used to be a model which was also why she would rag on me for not inheriting the absolutely insane metabolism she used to have. She's surprisingly not narcissistic enough to try to sabotage me, it's not like she has access to my food anyway, but she'll definitely continue to comment on my eating habits.
What angers me the most if, even if I had an ED and she was trying to "help", it's too little too late the damage was already done and deep by the time I was 12 ffs.

No. 2426213

I´m so pissed at my stuff today. My glasses always lose one glass and I have to act quick to not lose the tiny screw. My phone bothers me about storage even though I dont even use many apps, it´s mostly images that take up space but I feel like I deleted so many already!!! A lot of things also just fall over recently and it driving me nuts. I´m getting clumsier by the day.

No. 2426262

>literally adding a seventh, even shittier line to the prayer.

No. 2426267

I'd like to think of myself as a well rounded individual with my own wants, needs, interests etc and yet I still let another person's lack of affection towards me sour my mood. How fucking bleak. You have one life and you make it revolve around another person? Get a grip you dumbass bitch, listen to your favorite bands or something stop letting it get your mood down, it's so insignificant in the grand scheme of things

No. 2426283

god i agree. i hate how you cant see when youre backing out of a parking spot when they park next to you too. i see them all the time here in the south its horrible. my mom's shitty worthless abusive husband drives one too of course. cars that signify a worthless moid

No. 2426284

its ok nona, feel it as much as you want to and let it go. rinse and repeat. thats how it goes

No. 2426289

Aww thanks nonna. You're so right. Let it wash over me and then i'll get used to it and it won't hurt as bad. The key is to just get used to it.

No. 2426291

>cars that signify a worthless moid
I agree with the exception of men who actually work on farms or in a profession where they had to drive heavy equipment to and from. you can tell the difference in how clean the truck is. a prissy limp-wristed faggot who drives pickups for social points will always have a clean car. a hardworking blue collar man knows that there is no point in keeping the truck clean because it will be dirty by the end of the day no matter what he does

No. 2426295

cannot for the life of me get a fucking job. 7yrs ago i was working in recruiting and then an opportunity for an IT role popped up. i took it, got my bsc in business informatics and everything went fine until they let me go because of company downsizing (financial issues) and now since 7months i cant get a fucking job istg im so mad. i cant find a recruiter role either even though i still know everything UGHHH

No. 2426303

>One time I posted a serious vent and then a nona complained about how she accidentally farted in front of her retarded scrote and now the world's ending and she got a million equally as childish replies.
I mean this so seriously dude: when it comes to making conversation, a problem with an easy solution or a question with an obvious response will receive way more interaction than a hilarious, interesting, or life changing post that doesn't invite easy banter. even in the real world.

No. 2426331

TMI dont read if you have a weak stomach but i feel like i had to write it out. if youre reading lmk how retarded i am
basically my bf urged me to eat more fibre because his mom died of colon cancer and ive been super hesitant because i was afraid that it would mess with my poop and now i realise that me having to spend 329532532minutes in the bathroom cleaning my fucking ass because its all smearing around like theres a chocolate fountain pouring out of my ass was literally just a fibre issue and im glad i found out why but i hate giving my bf props i know he will do some dumb moid shit like i told you so instead of just being happy for me.

No. 2426336

It took me about 5 months to find a job in IT i think the market is crap right now plus companies don’t make up their mind enough about the hiring process, job ad etc. try to not take it personally nona.

No. 2426337

File: 1740948973037.jpeg (53.49 KB, 960x720, piss off pedro.jpeg)

I'm with you nonna, annoyed pop culture is trying to push these hideous men on us all the meanwhile pushing unrealistic beauty standards on us.

No. 2426343

Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I'm really interested in it and heard good about it but worried about possible side affects

No. 2426345

Just came back from my first night shift in the emergency room. I'm fucking exhausted but so happy and proud of myself! I improved so much. In spite of not being perfect, I think I was really helpful. It feels good to finally be able to do some useful work after 5 years of reading books and answering multiple choice questions behind a computer screen. Patients were so happy with me and that felt really nice too, a woman even grabbed my hand to kiss it (I literally hadn't done anything though for that one LOL).
It was also really fun to finally see many diverse cases instead of the same thing on loop. I could use a wide range of the knowledge we're supposed to acquire.
But yeah all nighters are brutal, I slept all day and now I'm still tired and my entire body hurts. It's like I have less strenght too, I struggled to open a milk bottle…
Anyways I'm going to pretend to study for another hour and go to bed early. My next shift is on thursday so I have plenty time to rest.

No. 2426346

He always made me feel uncomfortable every time I saw him on screen.

No. 2426358

the retards living above me have finally quieted down after calling the cops on them for a noise complaint a dozen times but now the obese hoarder next door has started blasting her tv every day. this dumb fatty has her tv pushed up against our shared wall so the speakers are blaring right into my apartment. plus I have roaches coming into my apartment now because she hoards junk and rarely cleans. every day she gets about 5 packages of cheap useless garbage that she hoards in her filthy cramped apartment while she stares at a glowing rectangle for countless hours. I need to win the lottery so I can afford a down payment on a house and get out of this shithole. with the constant noise pollution from shitty neighbors and the nasty roaches making their way into my nice clean apartment I'm going insane. I hate living here but can't afford to live anywhere else.

No. 2426364

I love slowing down in front of them until they finally give up and go around me. Fuck them.

No. 2426376

Let all the negative thoughts wash over me. I'm a talentless loser that will never be recognized outside of my town. I'm a failure - I'm broke and stuck in a dead end job. Any day now, I'm going to be laid off and lose my apartment. I'll have to move in with my parents. My roommate might need me. We might both lose our jobs. I'm obsessed about relationships and friendships because I am a total loser who is terrible at maintaining them. People leave me because I am boring and selfish. I want to die. I want to disappear. I have a lot of hate inside of me and I want to purge it. I want a twenty year vacation. Ughh.. I am a loser and I alienate people, I'm forgettable, I'm a waste, I am boring, I'm stupid, I ruin people's moods. I am destined to be poor and alone for the rest of my life. I am a fundamentally flawed human being.

No. 2426399

Don't act on the feelings, just hear them. I genuinely feel like I have severed myself from my entire friend group because of a falling out with one friend. They tell me they thought I was ignoring them, but I tell them I thought they were ignoring me. I just feel like crying. It never ends. I want to stop ruminating. I want to stop worrying about how other people feel about me. It drives me insane that I can't get this shit to stop. But I'm whining. I feel this unbearable pressure building up inside of me.

No. 2426410

you sound like a horrible bpd bitch nonnie, get help asap. otherwise your friends will leave you, you crazy dumb bitch, ok?(infight bait)

No. 2426439

It's soul breaking like it just sucked all the good energy I was having, I just finished this inspiring feminist book dedicated to women and there's the afterwords thanks to all of them, and all the feminist editors and friends who supported her in her writing. Then it had to end with a "I couldn't have done anything without him, the best partner"

No. 2426440

I upset myself and now I can’t sleep

No. 2426441

Having such bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts that I just want to pop an extra prozac on top of my regular one, but I know that that's not how that works and would likely do me more harm than good.

No. 2426451

This might sound strange and very random, but I've found that listening and following along to a video on a topic you'd typically find to be boring or not interested in helped me out a lot. I remember one day I was feeling miserable and found some Youtube video of a woman talking about some economic situation in Japan, and I stopped crying and feeling anxious as I paid attention to the video. All that aside, I do hope you feel better, nona.

No. 2426459

just found out that my irl scrote friend likes to play zenless zone zero. it's one thing to hear about people playing that shit on the internet but to actually see someone physically playing that shit in front of me is just surreal and gross to witness.
i even off-handedly mentioned to him that it's kinda weird and overly sexual towards women but he insisted that he didn't like the game for that reason and he just thought it was fun. i don't believe his cum-filled brain for a second and once i'm able to i'm gonna cut off all connections to him. i had already tried to do this once before a few years ago just bc i thought he was weird and annoying but this time i'm actually gonna do it

No. 2426461

He is yet another lame coomer. I don't trust gamer moids.

No. 2426462

hope you never touched his hands

No. 2426468

look up silexan/lavender oil pills, they can help a bit with anxiety without worry of side effects (minus some that give you lavender flavored burps)

No. 2426476

I wish actual cute male hookers existed, I'd pay one to cuddle me very sweetly, but I've looked at some websites and they're all fugly

No. 2426480

Just saw someone use "theybies" as an alternative to girlies… what the fuck

No. 2426484

honestly if i knew that they couldn't physically overpower me in any way and that they were hygienic and cute i would probably consider trying out male hookers but i know damn well that all of that shit is a massive pipe dream. i'm pretty sure most male hookers are for gay dudes anyway and they have no taste tbh

No. 2426491

Yeah there's also the major health risk and rape risk. I was thinking maybe if there was a very selective agency with reputable hygiene and STD testing but of course something like that will never exist. Fuck this shit lol the male gender is literally so useless.

No. 2426495

I really need a rich man who takes me to expensive dinners and fucks me good

No. 2426497

i cannot tell you how much i hate that we on the average are weaker than men. but i also dont wanna bodybuild and look like a fucking tranny

No. 2426498

I don't get what the point of expensive dinners is. Like, food is food, $100 meal doesn't taste that much better than a $20 meal.

No. 2426506

NTAYRT but thanks. I can't stop ruminating tonight and I'm going to try that. I think it's because I haven't left my house for more than groceries in the past three weeks… and other things. I just need to learn something new…

No. 2426508

>spend hours trying listening to friend, trying to comfort friend
>get shit on "omg you dont understand me waaa"
>stop trying
>"i miss when you tried to be understanding"
LOLLLL yeah alog

No. 2426512

Should I fight her for you

No. 2426522

i mean you are right in the sense that some restaurants upcharge like crazy for no reason beyond the namesake and having to cover the cost of giving you a nice atmosphere to dine in. but usually fancier restaurants charge more because there's a difference between the quality of food being served since they are likely sourcing locally-made and high-end ingredients which cost more than what you can buy for cheap in a supermarket. additionally they're also paying more skilled chefs who have better technique and more innovative culinary ideas than your average teenager at mcdonalds who just shovels pre-made shit under heat lamps and into boxes to consume. some people really can taste and appreciate the difference in quality between a burger that costs 4 dollars to make and one that costs 25. some people don't though and that's totally cool too, at the end of the day it's all just a matter of personal preference and taste.
>.t food snob who really likes nice restaurants

No. 2426523

I sincerely hope that it can help. I feel that it helps snap the mind out of it because it's just so random and technical, so you start getting invested in what they're saying. The attention gets redirected, and it works somehow.

No. 2426539

ive played for months and i can advocate that 90% of the men who like it are disgusting lowlifes who say shit like "hags" and "cunny" lol. at some point i just stopped looking at people discussing it at all. i dont blame you for cutting him off over it

No. 2426584

gross post but good for you! what are you eating for fiber nona?

No. 2426586

File: 1740965511703.jpg (422.74 KB, 1079x1502, Screenshot_20250303_022928_Ste…)

thank you valve/steam for supporting gender specials and trannies on woman's day. where would they be without your unwavering support? cunts

No. 2426588

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Anytime women discuss the reality of how pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are often negatively impact women there’s always someone accusing you of “hating mothers/children”, having mommy issues, or just making shit up (where is this “apathy” for pregnant women?). Of course someone is going to get triggered by my post but let women vent their concerns in peace, not everything is directed at you.

No. 2426596

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I finally dumped my useless ugly bf and I can tell he's not taking it well, and he's hung up on the fact I didn't want to have sex with him last time we met. That's all you really wanted in the end, huh? Hope you fucking die in a fucking fire can't believe I ever gave you the time of day for as long as I did.

No. 2426612

I'm losing my fucking mind. I simultaneously appreciate everything around me but I also hate everything. I hate living with my parents but I deeply appreciate them and love how I've been getting to know more of their past. I deeply hate how busy my weekend is because of how busy this week is going to be but I appreciate the time I spent with the people I love. I'll never be satisfied, I just want to be alone, but I don't want to be lonely. What the fuck is wrong with me?

No. 2426618

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Thanks for the suggestion nona, I can’t seem to find the legal status of it here in Australia but I bought an ultrasonic bark stopper instead which apparently stops the barking in its tracks because the sound is so unbearable (imperceptible to people). Hopefully it works.

No. 2426630

man, i wish i could get the stick out of my ass.
for example i was really want to get into designing and making tiny hand-painted clay figs and keychains for fun of weird and cute creatures. i have lots of ideas. but i pretty much haven't even bothered because i don't want anyone around to know that i'm doing anything like that. i sometimes wonder if it's some kind of narcissism because i certainly am happy when i see others doing stuff like that at any skill level and enjoying themselves. it's like i only cringe at anybody like me that does it.

No. 2426637

I am so depressed that I ate an entire stuffed sopapilla…

No. 2426641

what do you want her to do, explain that it hurts her when they pull her hair? unless she's a caretaker for the mentally challenged, she's wasting her time (and even then she's wasting her time)

No. 2426649

Can you update us on if it works. I have the same issue in my neighborhood. I can't step outside or else I am surrounded by non stop barking.

No. 2426677

If you live in a climate that you don't have to worry about a jacket or coat you're very lucky. I would love to be able to transition freely from indoor to outdoor without having to figure out an outerwear to shield me from the elements. I would dress so much nicer.

No. 2426683

File: 1740972108013.jpg (144.99 KB, 725x1024, sghsfhjkd.jpg)

God I wish I had symmetrical breasts so bad. could care less what a moid thinks of them but Its just annoying because Id like to go braless SO. BAD. but theyre noticeably uneven. Hoping to get a reduction in the future but for now I'm braless nearly 24/7. I despise bras but its also tough to just have one giant c cup and d cup in the way whenever i want to jump or run or dance. I can physically feel the pull when they bounce or move and it SUCKS. i wish i was blessed with b cups, or at least even boobs. Hoping to get a reduction in the future to even them out, imagining wearing no bras in cute dresses and loose shirts sounds so freeing. I do it anyway, but doing it completely comfortably sounds so heavenly.(ai outside of containment)

No. 2426703

I think chronic feelings of boredom are worse than being sad or hopeless.

No. 2426738

you'll catch yourself missing that feeling eventually

No. 2426739

I am so tired of hearing my girl friend complain about this piece of shit dude who sounds like he fucking hates her. She's blocked him but keeps talking to him and entertaining what he has to say instead of, idk, just not fucking talking to him because he sounds dangerous as hell and has anger issues? I feel so bad for getting so angry at her (in my own thoughts, I obviously don't actually get angry with her) but come ON. Stop fucking talking to him!! It's really that simple!!! Like i want to shake her by the shoulders so bad but she doesn't seem to respond well to me being straight up with her. Like if I don't wrap my replies in four layers of bubble wrap she seems put off by it but holy shit girl stop being fucking STUPID you are going to get yourself killed by this mouth-breathing retard because you refuse to listen to any of your friends telling you that!!

No. 2426741

How long have you guys been together?

No. 2426750

Sorry, I didn't mean girlfriend I just meant like female friend. This is about a guy that she knew for only like two months and was in "relationship" with

No. 2426754

kek now you have something to be thankful for in this situation I guess. I hope your friend becomes undickmatized soon nona but it may take a while

No. 2426793

Is smoking not haram or what? Why every Muslim man ever that sits next to me smells like he just smoked a whole pack. Fucking hate smokers ESPECIALLY male smokers. Female smokers are fine. Male smokers however should kill themselves.

No. 2426797

File: 1740985976980.jpeg (63.02 KB, 1076x1048, IMG_5071.jpeg)

>tfw both your star sign and mbti are considered ‘cringe nlog’
I give up

No. 2426804

Idk but Muslim scrotes are often huge hypocrites. Any 10 year old who's even looked at a male is a whore to them yet they sleep around at hundreds of brothels. And that's just one of many examples.

No. 2426805

My dad screams around the house so fucking much that it's a miracle none of our neighbours have called the cops on us. At this point I hope they do, I'm sick of him.

No. 2426807

any chance he's doing something like dread game (manipulation strategy) with her or something? what explanation did she give for talking to him more?

also you have my sympathies. i might be meaner than you but to me she just seems like an awful friend if she tweaks out at her friends' honesty yet keeps orbiting some awful guy.

No. 2426816

My groomer rapist got into gay internet drama and deleted/deactivated his facebook account. I am praying to god he actually deleted it for good because i have been worrying for AGES knowing this creep has my nudes(ik ik i was like 15 when i sent them). I fucking hate how cryptid facebook is, i wish it would tell me if they deleted their acc or just deactived it and can re-activate it whenever. I want to sleep comfy for once. I have been wanting to come out with my story for years but cant because i know he has all my chats with my nudes and other personal info to extort me, so i am praying he actually deleted his account.
tl;dr: fuck zuck for hosting my underage nudes and not allowing a way for me to delete all my messages from his side.

No. 2426820

intj anon?

No. 2426823

I haven't made a single friend in over seven years now since I graduated from university. All my old friends moved away. I've just been staying at my parents' ever since and despite trying to get out and do things, I haven't made a single friend. I've participated in mainly sports and art groups but I feel like I'm too out there for people and just have never made a connection. I just wonder if it's time for me to really just not give a shit anymore and be more open about my politically incorrect and impolite thoughts in my artwork. I keep making art that is just too "safe" and I think it makes me seem like a boring person. At least someone might listen and care if I actually said something somewhat interesting. I'm still afraid to be open about myself though..

No. 2426828

A close online friend of mine blocked me out of nowhere and deleted their messages. I asked them and edited my messages to at least give me closure or some sort as to why they decided to do this. I asked on an alt account as to why they wanted to do this, and they blocked me there. I did not fight with them, I have 0 idea as to why he blocked me out of nowhere. I asked his friends and 0 response, one was very flaky and barely responded. I do not know what to do. I do not have many close friends who know this much about me.

No. 2426853

It's not haram nonna, it's just strongly not reccomended

No. 2426863

Honestly fuck avoidant people. I have zero empathy for their actions. "I'm afraid of getting attached so I push away and treat badly all the people who care about me and supported me" like grow the fuck up and be normal. Especially fuck avoidant men.

No. 2426864

Will do nona. I feel your pain. Why are some animals owners so selfish like it’s their right to just disturb the peace?

No. 2426865

This but anxious people. "I'm terrified you'll leave me so I'll accuse you of leaving and cheating 24/7 and snuff out any independence you have because independence means you can leave me"

No. 2426866

To be fair anxious people have a pretty valid reason to be afraid that their avoidant partners will avoid them kekk

No. 2426868

I mean anxious x secure person, not anxious x avoidant. But anxious people are emotional vampires, no wonder they get avoided.

No. 2426870

>tfw avoidant
it is what it is. 90% people are shit and i'm sorry for the remaining 10% but not worth the risk.

No. 2426871

Oh yeah I agree, but I feel like most combos are actually anxious x avoidant cause secure attachments are quite rare. I feel like anxious people should date each other instead, same with avoidants

No. 2426874

Works in theory but irl that would just be adding more fire to fire kek

No. 2426887

For a while I have been thinking about the general dehumanization of all women by the sex work industry and porn. I guess more often I see the conversation devolve into debates about the consent given in sex work, or more specifically the ability of the woman to give consent/long-lasting trauma resulted by sex work/childhood trauma that led to sex work etc. I just don't get why I never see people here actually talk about the fact that the women in these videos are just place-holders for scrotes, and by giving moids porn and sex work, you are allowing them the dehumanization of all women and womanhood. I guess on the surface level it feels like such a "duh" thing for most people, but it truly disturbs me and I hate that I don't see more people talk about it. Like, if a scrote is watching a hardcore dehumanizing porn video, he is not even really thinking about Lana Rhoades or whoever it is in the video, but he is using it as a place-holder for specific women in his life AND also all women in general. On a similar note, I hate the fact that European cities have legal Red Districts, where it is known huge amounts of coercion and human trafficking happens. Beyond that, the fact that these women are put on display for men to pick and consume like sausages, with the implication being that you can buy and sell human beings as long as they are women. To summarize, I am not implying that these women are not victimized and that they are suffering more than the general population of women due to it, because they surely are. What I am saying is that even if the debate is about how sex work can actually be "ethical" and not coerced, and the women participating in it really want to do it, that does not mean that these industries are not super fucking disturbing and sick. idk I guess I just really needed to type this out somewhere kek

No. 2426894

Anora winning is truly laughable, the movie was mediocre.
I hate these wade of pro-prostitution when more prostituted women live lives of hardship, oppression, violence, drug addiction than the ones who do OF. And the added wave of pro kinks bullshit too.
Women will never be free, look at the shit we are glorifying.

No. 2426895

At this point I will delete all social media, it’s tiring to see this stuff pushed down your throat at every angle.

No. 2426899

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This dialogue is so shitty. It’s ridiculous that this movie was even nominated in the first place, along with the tranny movie.
Like even without me being anti-prostitution and anti-trannies, these movies were objectively shitty.

No. 2426903

Will do nona. I feel your pain. Why are some animals owners so selfish like it’s their right to just disturb the peace?

No. 2426926

honestly scrotes need to stop making movies

No. 2426959

I'm glad I never heard of it until now. What a shitty movie.

No. 2426986

Normie encounter
>at completely non-political event
>'thank God for this, I really need to get out of the house and stop hyperfixating on the news'
>Enter the West Coast Stacey who's there as her bf's +1
>literally the first thing this girl brings up is Trump policies
>"And I'm here in a green card, what if he deports ME??"
>Can't figure out if she expects sympathy for this, this is the situation with practically everyone in our area but the tech companies would throw a massive fit if half their workforce got evicted so seems unlikely at best
>but also this feels like a shit test so just make placating remarks about Orange Man Bad.
>Immediately after that she starts talking about 'entitled' demographics (which I'm one of)
>me: "uh, yeah, I guess some people can be entitled in this group. It's just like any other group of people. There's variety."
>her: (long pause, changes topic)
So I guess that was the wrong answer kek
>ends the conversation by bragging about her boyfriend's luxury car collection and $3k camera lenses
As a poorfag I have nothing to say to this except 'wow yeah that seems excessive'
>literally doesn't even say bye or nice to meet you or anything, just wanders off with zero exit line

idk if I just straight up met someone from Crazy Rich Asians or what but the impression I left with is 'damn the worst stereotypes about self-centered liberals exist for a reason ig'. Like if anything 'green card job' rn means you have an exit strategy, you and your rich boyfriend can leave the country whenever shit hits the fan. The rest of us have to live with it indefinitely.

No. 2426989

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You know, it is a special kind of disgust that I feel when a person walks into the center built like this, and has the audacity to be surprised when my job is made longer and harder than it needs to be. Your veins are small and they roll and it's difficult to even palpate you because of course it fucking is if your arms are built like the back of a Shar Pei that was reincarnated from Amberlynn Reid. I feel like the society of America would be greatly benefitted from how Japan deals with obese and fat people. Annual fitness and health check and if you're so fat that you make your job look bad, Metabo Law is going to be in use. Whoever says that shaming wouldn't help fat people is a liar–Japan makes it a JOB to discourage being fat as much as possible, and it works. There's a reason why they're one of, if not then THE LEAST fat country in the world, and America needs to start writing down notes. Not just for my convenience, but because these statistics of just how many people are going obese around here is genuinely sad.

No. 2427005

But I don't want anything to do with the male gaze and gaining weight helped me avoid it. Look we know mom stuck 180 sticks up your ass all at once when you were 12 thats fine. Just internalize it. Just shut the fuck up for once in your life and internalize you're self-crucified tripe. Yes I have more ruthless audacity to avoid the male gaze than you've ever had in your god forsaken life to take a piss. I could care less what it does to you, how much it feels like mom sticking 23 more sticks up your ass, but maybe i should just soak it up and enjoy it at this poiint? Like maybe i should just revel in your constant misery? Bitch in a corner for all eternity you're not gonna make me participate in your pathetic performance when men are ugly as shit and make me feel nothing but gross

No. 2427006

It’s not as simple as just discouraging people from being fat. There’s so many things baked into our culture that make active lifestyles more difficult for Americans than Japanese. For one thing there’s the public transit situation where this country is such a sprawling asphalt hell that you can not walk to work unless you live in NYC. We also pump high fructose corn syrup into fucking everything and our food is designed to be addictive.
Maybe giving out free ozempic will make America thin again, I don’t know.

No. 2427009

I tried to make springrolls but the wrap kept opening up before I could even cook them so now I just have 2 weeks worth beef and torn sheets of whatever this stuff is and I want to scream

No. 2427011

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I had a vivid dream that I had sex with her. I want to die.

No. 2427013

kind of proving her point with how annoying this post is

No. 2427014

Use flour + water paste to stick it closed. If the sheets are unfixable then just buy plain tortilla wraps, use the flour paste I mentioned to close the meat inside and fry that

No. 2427015

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Only a TIM that looks at too much anime would want this. Nona, no boobs are perfectly symmetrical.

No. 2427016

Not everyone is desperate for scrote i guess you have to agonize over the fact and feel hurt? i dont know what to tell you.

No. 2427017

I will make another vain attempt next week. Thank you for the advice nonna.

No. 2427021

Nta but you sound like an asshole and had to twist her vent about insecurity about le ebil twannies for no reason…? You were better off not replying at all

No. 2427024

nobody even mentioned men except you lmao

No. 2427027

Average nurse talking to the cashier in the Wendy's drive thru

No. 2427028

You should stop blindly assuming things and projecting on yourself. It's very newfag of you to interpret something like that from a single sentence written by an anonymous person on a computer.

No. 2427035

Breasts sticking up with no sag. I hate this kind of coomer art the most.

No. 2427039

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>venting in the vent thread
wow, no fucking way, really? That's fucking crazy, man.

No. 2427043

Chatgpt bot slop confirmed

No. 2427047

Do you strive to look thin for your sexy pet dog nona

No. 2427052

we are writing the 'how to decenter men in your life' wikiHow article specifically for you rn dear nona

No. 2427055

File: 1741011331313.jpg (269.08 KB, 1005x659, consume-the-knowledge-v0-v5qk6…)

nice idea

No. 2427070

i feel so empty. my heart has shrivelled into a tiny, bitter thing. i have nothing left to give

No. 2427087

I hate moids with low self-esteem. Women with low self-esteem will probably just ask you "am I good enough" but moids will be like "I'm not good enough for you, you probably think I'm weird", putting words in your mouth like it's an accusation mixed with a pity party. Yeah, you're right actually, sir, thanks for the warning. Hope you bald at 27

No. 2427090

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I hate my damn body. I hate having big breasts, I hate my curly hair I hate my ugly face. I hate how uncomfortable my body is. Also doesn't help that I've gained weight since I got depressed. I hate that the things that could make me look less bad are exactly the things that I hate the most and are super uncomfortable. It's unfair that I'm stuck in such uncomfortable body. I can't help but sometimes resent women who get breast augmentation or any other type of procedure to achieve things I consider uncomfortable. I love my parents but sometimes I get angry at them because I got the worst features of them. I just want to feel comfortable without feeling hideous.

No. 2427104

Same, I hate people like that. They're just horrible people who make the world a colder and shittier place to be in. You can never count on them for anything but they'll always expect you to be there for them. And when you get tired and move on they'll just start shit talking you like you're the problem. Like nah, YOU'RE the problem kekkk and this is why no one wants to be around you anymore, not because every single person is magically sooo clingy and needy or whatever other cope they make up to feel better.

No. 2427109

>But I don't want anything to do with the male gaze and gaining weight helped me avoid it
>I have more ruthless audacity to avoid the male gaze than you've ever had in your god forsaken life to take a piss
>you're not gonna make me participate in your pathetic performance
seriously hoping you're an actual retard because why would this be a valid course of action in your mind? risking your health and putting your body under constant strain all because of moids? are you stupid? i'd respect you more if you just said you like to eat a lot

No. 2427112

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My friend decided to try hanging out more with a group of women she's acquainted with through a group she usually parties with. They had all shown interest in having a "girl's night out" so she tried to pull something together. She called me later during that night, going "damn, I never really realized how damn lucky I am to have you guys as my friends. You always inspire me and don't care for male validation".
Apparently the women turned out to be turbo pickme's, when they weren't only focusing on their phones they would go back and forth talking about how they wish they had more female friends while at the same breath talk about how "women always cause so much drama and only gossip". Somehow the topic of sexuality got brought up, and they all mentioned being bisexual despite being in long-term relationships/married with their moids and got extremely surprised when my friend told them she's a gold star lesbian, going "WHAAAAT! But you look so NORMAL!!" because apparently all lesbians have alt styles according to them.
The night ended with them inviting their moid friends over without asking while still calling it a "girl's night", and when the moids arrived a couple of the women went "like, have you EVER seen me with this many chicks in one place at once (they were 4 or 5)?? Like, that's SO weird, right?".
My friend just paid her bill and left without saying anything at that point. I just can't stop thinking about it, especially the part where they aired their view on lesbians. It just frustrates me that these women are in their late 20's to early 30's. Most of my friends are very intelligent women with no pickme behaviors, so I forget that there really are adult women out there acting like this.

No. 2427113

I cannot find a single female artist I like without someone giving me shit because she's not a perfect feminist icon meanwhile no one bats an eye when I listen to Kanye when will it end

No. 2427116

A while back, I got a traffic ticket for a stop that went above the limit line in my family's neighborhood. Faggot cop just parked there waiting for someone to make the tiniest fucking infraction for his department's quota. Ever since then, I've noticed so many faggot drivers just not even stopping at the stop sign where I was ticketed. Some of them don't even bother with a rolling stop and just plow through. Why the fuck haven't they been caught and ticketed? I fucking hate cops so much. I'm fighting this ticket out of pure spite because fuck this faggot cop.

No. 2427117

I lost ten pounds. I feel good. In a healthy way. It's so easy. I'm 5'8 and gained weight but I never realised I was underweight until I gained weight lol.

No. 2427119

This has got to be bait lmao. Nona, you're fat because you like to overeat

No. 2427132

I want to be the best at everything ever and if anyone in the room is better than me I get so jealous. Sometimes I'll literally have nightmares about it… Idk wtf is wrong with me I wish i could just enjoy stuff rather than getting in one sided contests all the time

No. 2427137

Look at the bright side. You tried to make spring rolls and instead you made spring bowls.

No. 2427160

It's ok anon we're all going to die and no one will care. Generic advice but do the best you yourself can do. Imagine trying to outdo an alien at intergalactic football. You won't. Apply this in other areas.

No. 2427169

Being sick and alone sucks. I don't know what virus I caught but I want it out of my system asap. I can't eat anything, I'm nauseous, I have a massive headache and I feel so weak. I can't sleep properly because of the headache. I haven't been this sick in years. It hurts so much that I actually cried.

No. 2427171

It was trash, I’m so confused and disheartened by the accolades. Disgusting

No. 2427173

File: 1741019217288.jpeg (121.62 KB, 736x1104, IMG_3927.jpeg)

Don’t be fat

No. 2427174

I’m sorry Nona being sick is the worst. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

No. 2427192

My doctor told me to socialize more to help with depression lol lmao how do I do that, I have social anxiety and most people suck. Socialize with who?? Ugh. Hermit discrimination

No. 2427202

Haven't drawn anything in more than ten years. And now I'm scared to start again. I'm scared. And to think my drawings used to be displayed in our city's art exhibits. I inherited this talent from a parent, i never worked for it.

Just the thought of sitting down and starting again from the basics, disgusts me. I feel like I'll live until i die without picking up a pencil again. Somehow living with regret for the rest of my life appears to be more pleasurable than starting from the basics all over again.

No. 2427208

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No. 2427210

Then just don't draw. Free yourself.

No. 2427221

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When I was in middle school, I remember going back to our huge apartment complex from somewhere with my mom. It was dark already, and as we were about to park I spotted these three boys I played with sometimes. I asked my mom if I could go play with them but she said no. After some back and forth I became angry and yelled "it's because I'm a girl, right?" She fell silent and looked down with the saddest expression I'd ever seen on her face, and after a few seconds she allowed me go play with them. It haunts me still.

No. 2427224

I don't think artistic abilities can be inherited, it was probably just encouraged more. Anyway the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, yada yada, pick up that pencil/paintbrush/whatever and get to it!!

No. 2427231

Artistic abilities are inherited you coping dimwit. Don’t make think your lack of pedigree is everyone’s reality kek

No. 2427239

She is not being treated unfairly. She's an insufferable NLOG who whines about it on imageboards and blames others for her horrid attitude. This is fucking incel behavior.

You have no fucking idea what an actual psychopath is.

No. 2427243

what is your source for that claim

No. 2427281

you can not inherit acquired traits or skills that's just basic biology kek

No. 2427283

I hate when women make the color pink their entire personality trait

No. 2427287

Yes you literally fucking can, go and look that shit up you fucking brain slopping retard it’s common sense. Just like intelligence you can be born with certain skills that makes creating art extremely easier than others(infighting)

No. 2427294

I'm not her and i guess she technically falls under nlog category but i get ther frustration. Depending where you live you can find women who are mature and are not male-centered, but most women do prioritize men/male opinion over women.

No. 2427295

Fasting/portion control isnt even that hard after you power through the agonizing first 3-4 days where you want to keel over from hunger. After that its piss easy to just eat waay less especially when you replace those fewer meals with filling fruit, veggies, fish and meat. I’m am honestly annoyed it took me a decade to realize this. Now if only I could get my lazy ass to lift some weights to put on some muscle.

No. 2427303

i know how the "culture" is on this website but why are you so aggressive about this specific thing

No. 2427321

I regret responding to you, now I feel like killing myself even more. I feel like shit. It's horrible.

No. 2427329

with or without context, this was pretty much an overreaction on your part. Hit a blunt damn

No. 2427339

I've wasted so much money by putting off things I didn't want to do. I've indirectly wasted money by not picking up any jobs during high school or uni. I put off anything even slightly unpleasant because I just can't deal with it. I wish the world could stop while I gather myself. Now I'll have to look for a job soon and I just don't want to. I don't want to do anything. I forgot everything I learned. I feel like I didn't learn it in the first place. I'm a bystander in my own life

No. 2427341

I think people just feel out if a person is a part of their in-group or not before forming an opinion. And everyone is brainwashed.

No. 2427344

File: 1741030721889.jpg (557.16 KB, 2156x2068, filtermaxing muslim dickhead.j…)

called out this filtermaxxing retard on livestream and he blocked me, kek. he went on to talk how afghan/muslim/covered women are the only ones worthy of marriage, trashing western women. hes from canada(not your personal army/off-topic)

No. 2427351

Why do I have to be such a cringe gatekeeper? When I find something I enjoy I happily share it with everyone, but when I find something I really LOVE… I tell no one. It can only be mine. It would absolutely help the obscure artist/band/creator/whatever if I engaged in the fandom and spread it to people I know who would love it too. But I won't. It's mine and I will never ever share it with them. I don't get why I'm like this or where it comes from.

No. 2427354

kek that's supposed to be the same guy? his insecurities are so stinky i can almost smell them through the screen

No. 2427361

He looks like he smells and covers it up with cheap cologne

No. 2427363

please benevolent forces of the universe smile upon me

No. 2427366


No. 2427367

I browse kiwifarms for some cows that aren't mentioned here, but holy shit those guys became more retarded than I thought possible in the last few years.

No. 2427369

The last time I posted/browsed regularly was 2020, and they were noticeably worse than they were when I joined circa 2014. I can only imagine how much more they've devolved since.

No. 2427371

Basically Null doesn't live in Europe anymore and started fully sucking trump's cock for some reason and keeps spewing delusional political bullshit and putting it in the site highlights.

No. 2427380

They are super retarded these days. Literally eating all russian twitter bot propaganda and regurgitating the general right wing social media propaganda narrative. Also more racist than usual, you can't browse any thread without people using slurs and derailing into racewar sperging. And no, it's not ironic.

No. 2427381

guys I'm fucking dying first day of the period pain is insane i feel everything hurt, i have to shit really fucking badly but moving an inch feels like torture i think i will die my legs are twitching but they hurt whenever i move them i think im dying i want to peel my skin i hope i pass out

No. 2427385

If you haven't, you should get checked for endometriosis or PCOS.

No. 2427389

I don't think I'm suffering from burnout but I'm definitely exhausted, I didn't realize how bad it was until my friend pointed out that I haven't really had any time off since the start of 2023 because I've been non-stop studying since then, and honestly the studying is fine since I've been practically choosing my own hours during the two days a week I wasn't having lectures. But going from that to an 8am-5pm internship 5 days a week has made a number on me, and I've realized I probably can't do full time.

No. 2427409

I am so beyond frustrated with my stupid retarded evil piece of shit university. It's like they're actively working against me. Fuck you and your bullshit retarded arbitrary requirements, random fees, and constant changing policies and requirements. Not helpful in the slightest "we want to see you succeed and we have so many resources to help you!!!" MY ASS

No. 2427427

my date is coming over in 10 mins and im having a fart attack fuckkkkkk fuck fuck farts come out quickly please

No. 2427472

I know I should work but all I want to do is draw today

No. 2427484

That's good, you have creative drive

No. 2427497

Would women even have choice without technological advancement.. Without birth control they're resigned to becoming mothers. And in small, close-minded communities without the internet to be exposed to different ways of being, they're mentally pressured into assuming the same role.

No. 2427502

I've gained weight so I look fat but my face is still long and "slender" which looks so fucking stupid! I know it sounds better than it is because "fat face" sounds bad, but it really just looks mismatched and unbalanced unless you're a 10/10 hottie which I am not. Having a stick head and a blob body looks gross I hate it so much

No. 2427504

Spinsters existed, religious communities of women only existed, the suffrage happened before birth control or technology. Plus it's a popculture myth that women were forced to be doormats and mothers. History is actually quite fascinating.

No. 2427506

There have always been "old maidens" in every society, women who never got married or had kids and others looked upon them with pity when in reality they may very well have been happy that way. Plus, there used to be places like nunneries where women just chilled with other women

No. 2427515

Aw thanks nona, you make me blush

No. 2427516

I used to be the type of person who would “close the gap” between new friendships quite quickly to get closer and feel less awkward (like invite out, add each other on apps, share stuff, etc), but ever since I intentionally stopped doing that I realized that other people dont reach out to me to do the same. Why? I feel dumb now

No. 2427577

NTA but where the hell did all that projection come from, geez.

No. 2427579

Ignore that other anon. I feel like most people are afraid of looking desperate or coming off as needy. Some people will think you're overbearing, sure, but a lot will be grateful that you're putting in the effort they're too cowardly to do themselves.

No. 2427580

it's my birthday in a week and my dog died a week ago and none of my friends have checked in and i have no plans for my birthday so fuck my stupid baka life i guess. i wanted to go on holiday but now it's too late to book anywhere and i was gonna ask my friends out for drinks but they can all suck my clit frankly. so guess it'll just be me getting stoney baloney and crying about my dog. seriously fuck this gay earth

No. 2427582

I dont think anxious neets like you should give your opinions on friendships kek

No. 2427584

Just bought vanilla pudding for the first time and it tastes like cardboard

No. 2427596

I’m sorry about your dog Nona. Maybe you should tell your friends that you could use some extra support. If they haven’t lost a pet before they might not know how hard it is, and you don’t deserve to be isolated on your birthday just because they are too inconsiderate to bring it up first. Look out for yourself. Happy early birthday.

No. 2427605

Thats nice go back to screaming internally that i have no interest in your shitty moids

No. 2427606

>I feel like most people are afraid of looking desperate or coming off as needy.
I'm the same kind of friend as the post you replied to and it makes me feel like this, and I just work myself up and make myself feel shit over it because I just want the other person to be the one reaching out to me to start conversations for once, but it never happens, guess I'll go fuck myself I guess

No. 2427618

You sound obsessed to the point you're crying at night over it and i just dont get it

No. 2427619

How do I manage to fuck up a simple eggs and spinach recipe. It always sticks to the pan no matter how much butter I use, this shit is hard.

No. 2427624

Like you have a moral imperitive to save the world from… Women that want to avoid male attention? You have to be a moid nothing else would make sense

No. 2427627

I'm feeling panicky for no reason. Has been the case all day but now at 1am it's the worst.

No. 2427630

NTA but what the fuck is your problem. Read the thread rules bitch

No. 2427631

File: 1741045577283.jpg (77.47 KB, 736x1020, 1000020099.jpg)

Okay but if we're standing next to each other and a scrote is coming after us, I can count on my legs to take me faster and farther than your fatass can take you. In that case, being a hamplanet wouldn't magically save you from the scrote's gaze. It would in fact, do the opposite.(infighting)

No. 2427637

>Make a vent post about the economy
That shit doesn't work. I could work harder then anyone else and I still wouldnt have enough to live comfortably on my own. I hate this stupid victimblaming culture and I hate that I can't even vent about it on lolcow without anons telling me that everything is my fault(infighting)

No. 2427639

i hate loosers like you. istg. just get a grip you dumb bitch. not everything in life gets handed to you. if you were a moid youd probably be some fat delulu faggot with aids(infighting)

No. 2427642

i am dying at this being tagged as AI

No. 2427651

Retarded newfag jannies don't know anything about the Applejack autist

No. 2427653

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Lmao YOU'RE the only one running away, I'M NOT. I'm walking back to the train and ignoring him. But then you'd also be plagued by self-loathing, guilt, frozen with intimidation, feminine performance ticks in general.

Hell you'd probably end up marrying your own rapist. Performance cunt social conditioning is a bitch. You're only seething at me because im not chained to the rapist with you.(infighting)

No. 2427656

Why are nu-jannies so stupid

No. 2427658

Good lord anon you probably have a tumor. I had a benign tumor i had to get taken out that made one boob bigger than the other for a while. Seriously you need to go to the doc ASAP.

No. 2427659

I feel like I used to want to share things with everyone but now I'm becoming like this too. Other people don't deserve anything and all they do is ruin whatever they touch anyway.
You could just not fuck, I've never used birth control and I didn't instantly become a mother.

No. 2427661

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mm yeah, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh…uh huh..mm yeah, uh huh, uh huh…uh huh…mm yeah, uh huh, uh huh…uh huh…yeah.

No. 2427673

God your talk is so loaded, but ALL the women i knew who talked like you IRL, had the same exact fate, they all just married libertarian piles of feces who worshipped elon musk. If your christofascist family didn't make you marry your rapist you would go out and find one yourself.(infighting)

No. 2427717

i always get feelings for people who don't know i exist. its such a weird phenomenon. it must be all those husbandos growing up because there is something so addicting about creating a world in my head surrounding them with minor or no reciprocation. fuck my life

No. 2427724

Being a mom is kind of exhausting. I wish I could enjoy it more, he's so cute… but I am run ragged and don't get enough freetime. I knew i would be giving up a lot but it's kind of amazing how much it is. I just feel compressed, like there is just zero time to relax and enjoy myself. But he will only be such a cute baby for another year max… I wish I could pause time and decompress and play video games and watch something for a couple hours, then unpause and spend precious time with baby. I guess i could hire a babysitter but for some reason I am afraid to

No. 2427745

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I hate when people pretend like they suddenly fuck with you after a certain person in the circle is friendly to you first. NPC bootlickers want approval so they kiss ass with you because they think you're on the good side of whichever ringleader's anus they want to live in.

No. 2427753

Your image looks like a Dostoyevsky character

No. 2427754

Broke a plate in my bedroom earlier. Cleaned it up as thoroughly as I could, then put on my slippers and bam, there was a huge pointy piece in it that I didn't see.

No. 2427764

The world belongs to rapists, pedophiles and trannies.

No. 2427767

Your fucking fat dad looks like a Dostoyevsky character

No. 2427768

no it's, gypsys, tramps and thieves.

No. 2427770

No. 2427773

>t. european

No. 2427775

I just looked up my ex's name on twitter after finding out he's been involved in some (more) retarded internet drama and I am giggling to myself because I know so much that his retarded fans never will. I'm glad I escaped unscathed. Shame he never healed or got help.

No. 2427777

You should ruin his internet career more with that info you know

No. 2427778

Oh jesus christ. Someone is trying to get him sent to jail and apparently he's been humping his cats. One of the cats was mine and I had no way to bring her with me. I feel sick

No. 2427780

Ew wtf? I was morbidly curious and was gonna ask you to post him on personal cows but now I'm just grossed out.

No. 2427782

Are any of you actually religious and believe in some sort of afterlife or god? That is absolutely insane to me. I cannot comprehend that there are people out there who “believe” in anything at all. So far, in our understandable history, we are just retarded fucking animals with no mythical abilities and bare minimum understanding of the planet we inhabit. Please enlighten me on how you possibly believe in anything different. It’s insane that 90% of countries on our earth operate under some delusional belief system. I am open minded to anyone’s beliefs they would like to share, but I am also obviously venting in the vent thread. I feel like 1 in 1,000,000 sometimes from sheer idea that there’s nothing else out there, in terms of our importance. It seems like genuine delusion to believe otherwise. Its a coping mechanism to the harsh real reality, we have nothing there to safe net us.

No. 2427785

I thought you were being OTT until I saw the shit about humping cats. OP, ruin this motherfucker.

No. 2427788

Call his local animal protection/control organization please

No. 2427790

I tried to once I left but chickened out, I also was assured from family that they were ok and healthy. I'm so scared that he is going to retaliate. It's terrible of me but getting reinvolved with this man would put me in a deep hole again. I took years to escape him and his influence/circle, even after I physically left. I'm even saying too much. I'll see what I can do anonymously.

No. 2427791

I understand your concern and that sounds very traumatic, but I assure you this can be done anonymously. Just tell the organization that you saw the posts online if you don’t want to go in to the specifics of how you knew him. If you need to tell them the truth for some reason, tell them you have safety concerns around him and want to remain anonymous. Sorry you have to get involved again Nona but you’re probably the only one that can help in this fucked up situation.

No. 2427812

I wish I could be religious. It seems like an easier way to live life in some ways, but it just never really clicked for me. I guess I couldn’t hold my suspension of disbelief and just couldn’t will myself into it. Not to sound like an edgy redditor but I’m just very logical. I went to a religious school for the majority of my life, I am surrounded by very religious people, I know about religion. But I just couldn’t get myself to believe in it the way other people do. The sense of community and purpose it provides must be really comforting.

No. 2427819

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i'm probably not gonna sleep well tonight. being inside all day turns be into a computer goblin its not healthy

No. 2427831

theres a lot of things in life that cant be explained by logic though, thats the main reason we have religion still. especially life after death, you can say "oh theres nothing" but theres literally 0 way to know that. i dont think religion is inheritely illogical (not that you said this but i just see this sentiment a lot and its odd to me)

No. 2427855

That tracks anon and I used to be so overly concerned that I was insane because I was told people can't know they are insane. This thought still plagues me because I feel incredibly sane but the data suggests others do not agree

No. 2427874

im not really sure what "insane" means here. like schizophrenic?

No. 2427896

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Ayart. Yeah there’s a lot we can’t explain still, I just generally have more faith in scientific processes than the guidance outlined in holy books that were written by men hundreds if not thousands of years ago. They can provide an answer, but generally speaking I don’t find their answer very likely. Just admitting “we don’t know and may never know” feels more honest than willing myself to believe in something else. And when there are other parts of the literature I can point to as being flawed, whether as a result of a mistranslation, a product of its time/culture, whatever, then it takes a lot of faith(kek) from me to believe that perhaps the answers to the great unknown in that same text have some validity. In general I think religion is a result of people trying to answer questions we can’t fully know the answer to, limited by what information was available at the time. Some people are okay with those answers but I just never have been, even as a young kid. I wish that wasn’t the case though.

No. 2428016

i like this website a lot as a place to socialize but i feel like seeing all the shit about trannies and rapist moids and porn addict this and that is just inflicting harm on my mental state and making me feel irritated and shitty. i really need a break from imageboards.

No. 2428058

Depression starting to get super bad again that I kinda just went silent at work and I think people noticed and were trying to talk to me but I literally thought I was being so annoying so I just went silent. This one coworker I met for the first time was kinda rude to me too because I was chilling in the last 10 mins of my shift and there was nothing left to do, I guess she saw that as lazy.
I was always horrible at taking antidepressants because they made me fat or physically feel funny, and I’m sure my doctor probably won’t give me them again but I’m not sure what to do. It’s getting really really bad.

No. 2428061

I don't get this reasoning since tons of men are into BBWs. Gaining weight doesn't stop sexualization (sometimes it even increases depending on certain cultures)

No. 2428066

NTAYRT but in what world? I wouldn’t say “tons”, I’m saying this as a fat bitch myself. A lot of men have vitriolic hatred towards fat women and frequently don’t even see fat women as human

No. 2428082

I'll get banned for racebaiting if I elaborate any further kek

No. 2428085

I'm sick and have been getting migraine-like headaches every few hours that don't really respond to medicine. I want this shit to stop. I have been sick for a week.

No. 2428098

The part I hate the most about being depressed (besides being depressed) is having to talk. Feel you.

No. 2428122

sensarte ceramic pan
you just have to use non-metal spatulas or else it will damage the surface

No. 2428168

Three days of moids treating me like shit, tonight in particular a moid wanted me a woman of color to be envious of a white woman he was attracted to since she was 17 but he says he didn't know that only that her voice was super hawt, he didn't shoot his shot until she was 21 and well she ignored him, called me mid a lot says I am a 6-7 without makeup and that I was envious of his friend because she's white not because he called me mid a lot and also it's not his friends fault the most perfect genetics manifested in her face unlike me, this moid isn't even white, he is a moid of color like I am a woman of color he said I acted horrible towards him tonight, also his friend is very rare and unique unlike me who is a retarded npc in his mind, I called him out for white worshipping but of course it was me seething over his friends race, what a coincide his first crush was a trailer park white trash and his true soulmate but he doesn't care about that race shit, I just wonder why moids of color hates us so much, I ended up submitting to him for peace, also this woman told me this is the most pro woman moid ever and it didn't take long for him to make me uncomfortable, I hate being retarded, I wish I could kill myself

No. 2428169

I'm mad that I became "friends" with this tif. she's an asshole but somehow attracts people anyways, including me. I like hanging out with her friend group more, but I still find myself talking to her even though I promised myself I would distance from her.
somehow I don't want to miss her. I've never had friends so it seems I will settle for anything just so I wouldn't be lonely. even though I dislike my own friend.
she does stuff like, I show her something I like and she instantly says "it sucks" or just make me feel like a weirdo. she shows me her music and even though it's a genre I dont listen to, I still pay attention to her and share my thoughts on the music. I show her in very fixated on rock music and she makes fun of it or don't give a shit.
she also thinks she's a pro in art but doesn't know anything. she can criticise everyone but don't dare criticise her, she would never accept it. I once wanted to help her and told her she should practice copying the poses instead of relying on tracing 3d models and she always replied in the most bitchy way.
I'm sensitive and when people treat me that way it feels awful. it's like she has no empathy. I hate it that I'm unable to hang out with normie people, normies are too retarded but weirdos are uncomfortably weird.
this tif probably stole money from me in my birthday. and when I got upset with her she was the one who got offended. they justified her instead of cheering me up.
its really likely she steals stuff because she once stole my food as a joke and returned it to me after. I believed she stole my money because despite her not having enough money, buys expensive testosterone. days after she presumably stole my money, she lost her recently purchased testosterone and was desperate. it was well deserved I couldn't help but chuckle.

No. 2428183

I hate that moids from my pale ass country don't believe in fucking sun screen (nor skincare) so they burn to a crisp and go around looking bright ass red and pink as if that's fucking normal. You look like you've had your skin peeled, it's disgusting!!! And then they go abroad and make people think "wow they're pink like pigs over there huh" no we aren't, it's just those retards destroyed their skin! That 50 year old you see is actually 24 thats how much damage they have done to themselves!!

No. 2428186

I've had a toxic friend like that. You NEED to distance yourself slowly until you can cut off fully. Pretend to be busy and reply at a snails pace, if she sends you something to check out just go "maybe later" but never do it. She'll get annoyed and bored eventually and will shift the focus on the people who do reply instead.

No. 2428187

Let me guess… Germans in Mallorca?

No. 2428200

I hate going to the gym, it's not this miracle cure to depression that everyone claims to be. Everyone is like go to gym you'll feel better after a workout, go improve yourself. I hate it. First of all I hate the look of the gym itself, it's so gray and dull. I hate how repetitive it is, it's just doing the same exercises again and again and again. I hate the atmosphere of it. I hate the moids that go to gym. Why is everyone hailing it as the greatest thing on earth? Everytime I go back home from gym I feel nothing. I don't feel energized, I don't feel happy. If anything I feel tired and sleepy and just the thought of going tomorrow again to do the same shit makes me want to kms. The only time I felt a surge of happiness and motivation is when I was doing fun, easy, playful sports but most of them include a friend or two and my friends are all too busy.

No. 2428203

Nonitas in Europe, how are you feeling about Russia/US alignment?(not a vent)

No. 2428205

I'm numb to everything about these microdicked men's highschool drama so i don't care. If we die we die.

No. 2428210

she's my uni classmate and I only like her because unlike everyone else shes actually hardworking and dedicated. I've said to myself I will only talk to her if it's related to uni or dumb shit. I will form stronger bonds with other people but her.
I think she doesn't even care about me anyway lol she has lots of friends, I'm just one more of them and I don't like that one sided thing. she doesn't know how to be understanding. laughs at me for my fixations on a cute rockstar but she's deadly fixated on faggot and tranny stuff it's nauseating.

No. 2428211

Not a great mentality ceding everything to aggressors

No. 2428212

I hate stim toys. if you're a grown adult, you shouldn't need a stupid bit of plastic tat on hand at all times to feel placated. the silent discreet ones I can forgive, but if you bring a neon-coloured chunk of clacking garbage into my space I need you dead. there's a moid in my class with a bright purple fidget gun and I want nothing more than him to break his hand on it somehow.

No. 2428213

i hate the gym too and i'm trying to make myself just do home workouts with bodyweight exercises and maybe buying equipment if i ever have enough money to do so. if you really hate it that much then PLEASEEEEE stop going, it is a waste of your precious time which could be spent doing better things

No. 2428216

Absolutely same. And I hate feeling like I am watched or like I'm not capable of performing to the level of males who ARE ALWAYS IN THE MIRROR TAKING UP MACHINES I NEED. It feels so uncomfortable and even with extensive strength training the improvements wrt depression are minimal. No one who has clinical depression that isn't like purely the psychological is finding huge cures from the gym/diet

No. 2428221

Idk if he's calling you mid if he says you're a 6-7 without makeup. generally on their stupid moid rating scale they'll add a massive amount of points for makeup so they can justify their sour grapes when they get rejected with, 'w-well I bet she wasn't even HOT without all that goop on her face!!'
low-key comes across as just trying to neg you or make you jealous for his own benefit.

No. 2428227

Get a hobby and stop valuing what they think or say, it's nothing worthwhile or good. You're interacting with a mentally deficient person

No. 2428230

you learned your lesson, no need to beat yourself up. nonwhite men are misogynistic towards women of their own race and fetishize white women. don't engage when they try to bait you, otherwise they'll call you jealous. men using the number scale for women's looks is already a red flag of being beneath consideration.

No. 2428234

Fuck, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I feel like everyone is raving about the benefits of going to the gym and that the people who don't go are just lazy and fat.

No. 2428256

I hate Chappell Roan's stupid faux-left counterproductive politics that sabotage what she allegedly cares about, but she's so hot in my kink is karma video and reminds me of my first gay experiences that i am still so confused about

No. 2428258

I have ruined my hobby and have no one else to blame but myself. I used to love writing fanfic. It's cringe, but since I never posted anything online I didn't bother anyone with it. However, I've become increasingly fandom and fanfic critical over the past months, especialy the blatant disregard of the characters' personality in smut that reads more and more like scenes from online porn these days, with extreme practices like fact fucking, etc. I also saw how cliqueish my fandom of choice was, and somehow this resulted in killing first my muse and finally my motivation for writing. I recently moved on to a new fandom, but I just don't want to write anymore. However, I fear that if I take a break until I got rid of all the negativity I'm feeling right now, I'll never pick the hobby back up again. It sucks, I'm sad. I have no one else to blame but myself, but somehow I tend to take these things way too seriously.

No. 2428265

Lesbians are still vastly misunderstood by society unfortunately. A lot of idiots don't interact with lesbians irl or only know Tumblr/tik tok type gendies, which aren't the same thing. Worse, these are the people who think roan is a real lesbian.

No. 2428268

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I really fucking hate this website now. I don’t give a shit about fucking Japanese anime, fandoms, ugly ass 2D/3D men, Luigi, or other stupid shit, I actually want to talk about interesting shit but the people who actually talk about interesting shit barely post enough

No. 2428271

Same lol. Especially the part about all the moids in the mirrors, they constantly take up all the space at the free weights and then you feel uncomfortable because they all stare at you when you're the only woman there like you're invading their retarded safe space. I think an all women gym might be more enjoyable but I don't think many exist especially in 1st world countries

No. 2428272

what do you care about nonna? what threads do you like

No. 2428273

We desperately need an all women gym. I would pay more for it.

No. 2428275

Conspiracy one, spiritual one and really that’s all, every single thread has been infiltrated, ruined, and destroyed. I can barely stand just about anyone anymore and that point still stands while going on the internet. It’s hard to find people who actually have a soul and believe in metaphysical stuff

No. 2428278

You would benefit more from visiting natural areas (maybe the beach? if you even live near one or nature parks) and doing slow walks than just hitting the gym. Fitness as a solution to solving “depression” is a meme, I agree, but walks are so nice and helps clear your brain from being in a void-like slog. It’s clearly not for everyone

No. 2428279

are you new, this site was created by weebs to discuss lolita drama in the first place

No. 2428282

It makes me so hopeless when I see farmers shitting on women's looks for no reason, even outside of cow threads. It's not surprising, this is literally a forum made for making fun of other women (i know there are male cows but be serious its mostly women) but i don't really care when it's objectively bad people and cows or ultra rich celebrities. But even after 8 years on this site, it makes me sad when farmers resort to "you're ugly!!" as the end-all insult towards other farmers. It just always kills the conversation and really reinforces that a woman's looks is the single most important thing about her. Its really blackpilling how even other women view ugly women as subhuman.

No. 2428292

Tbf I'm an oldfag and never been a weeb so I get it but obviously you make sense. Us non-weebs/non-lolitas won't be well understood bc it's just an alt space we try to fit into because there are so few mostly-female spaces

No. 2428298

You can post about tarot crap and fluoride on reddit.

No. 2428300

No. 2428313

Yeah unfortunately kek, I wish there were other devoted female spaces without a bunch of troons and retarded women there. Sigh

No. 2428314

Tarot is hugely popular among women and nobody here talks about fluoride or whatever you truly think are conspiracy theories. Were you left in 2016?

No. 2428325

Look up hyperbole.

No. 2428330

It will never be a thing as long as trannies exist. You’ll open it and Persephone will demand entry and sue you when you don’t give in.

No. 2428336


No. 2428344

In his brainlet moid brain I did look more mid with makeup, without makeup I'm just 6-7 in his stupid brain, so basically the same thing, I just needed to smile more in my picture without makeup and would be pretty, then he cushioned all his stupid statements with you're cute and pretty and a bunch of moid babble that I cannot recall, I wish him and his friend smarter than Oppenheimer and Einstein and manifesto chan combined would just get on girl didn't even know who Trump was until I told her, I wish these two would get on, sorry for the sperging

No. 2428351

Your point is valid but the threat is way overblown. I have been part of female only gyms and they haven't been as much of a threat as presented although not a fan of the troons/male entitlement. In the avg metro area they're really not an issue

No. 2428352

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Fucking the design of fast food restraunts anymore. Starbucks used to be decent now they all have the atmosphere of a garage. hard white light, uncomfortable seating, way too cold, horrible acoustics, they all smell bad, i don't understand how people bring their laptops and work there. (Pop music from 2016) KKKKKSSSSSSSSSSH clatter KKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSH and the concrete floor and bare walls make it 3x louder. I went to Japan and its incredible, the coffee shops there have carpeting, comfortable seats, low lighting, and the stores only play jazz/house music at a low volume. Who is designing the American locations?

No. 2428365

The 2009 version wasn't better tho

No. 2428367

>we mvst go bvck to tradition for fucking mcdonalds
kekkkk no wonder people dunk on burgerfats

No. 2428370

samefag but ofc the japanphile comment is the icing on the cake

>thing but in JAPAN

No. 2428374

Yes it was, every resturaunt looks like garbage
I don't even watch anime I just went there for a bit and the resturaunts are noticeably more hospitalable
Kys fr every restraunt DOES look like shit and pretending it doesn't is delusional

No. 2428376

that's on purpose, they don't want people there

No. 2428377

Obsessed schizo, mcdonalds in Japan are legit night and day compared to the average one you'll find in burgerland, but it isn't even exclusive to Japan, several countries have much cleaner and nicer mcdonalds than america.

No. 2428382

Burgers stop being entitled and clueless on why convenient fast food would have convenient fast food quality architecture kek
Then go and live in Japan then, problem solved.(infighting)

No. 2428386

If its so convenient why is it in this country? Also I can't even complain about how bad the atmosphere is without you sucking mccock and saying it's MY fault for expecting more(infighting)

No. 2428403

Only on lolcow would you get dogpiled for rightfully noticing the right one looks like shit kek

No. 2428417

It looks fine, it's just catering to a different clientele. Not children anymore

No. 2428447

I have to scan a key card when I get to work and I keep it in a back pocket of my wallet so that way I can just tap my wallet and never have to take the card out. I went on vacation and came back and the card is missing from my wallet. I'm so confused. I did not take it out. I didn't even use my wallet at all on my vacation, it stayed in the hotel room the whole time. This exact same thing happened last year when I went on vacation. I know for a fact I did not take it out, I honestly never even think about it being in there until I get to work and tap my wallet and it doesn't work. I was almost wondering if maybe it was taken out at the airport, but nobody said anything to me and my wallet was in my purse when I went through security so I would have noticed them going through it and taking something out of it. Then I thought maybe the hotel cleaner? But why would they just take a pointless card that has no value and leave all my ID & credit cards?
I'm literally so confused. I have no fucking idea what happened to it, and it's even more weird that this is the second time this exact thing has happened.

No. 2428448

As an adult the left still looks more appealing. I'm thinking it has more to do with those fixtures on the left being a lot more expensive to clean and maintain.

No. 2428451

sometimes i ask myself why i'm here. i'm autistic as fuck but nonnies overwhelm me often, how the fuck can some of you care so much about the responses yo get here or how many discord kittens you have. how much the threads they don't like live rent free on their heads and need tranny jannies to survive being here, despite blaming everything wrrong on the internet on zoomies troonies or something, but screaming like an special ed kid whenever they don't like something. i'd just rather ignore or close the tab, this isn't a super special sacred radfem twitter lite, it's fucking lolcow, and most of the time you don't talk about important radfem themes, it's just retarded fandom shit and imaginary wars with bitches you don't like

No. 2428452

Why is everyone retarded? I mean I'm retarded but I'm not as retarded. It really annoys me trying to find the reason they're retarded with no answer in sight

No. 2428454

You don't need a boring corporate soulless brutalist building to attract adults. What, only kids love colors and style?

No. 2428456

Microplastics in the brain

No. 2428459

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This dull and bleak modernization of logos and buildings has happend to multiple companies, not just McDonald's. Here's another example but there's lots more out there. Soul vs soulless.

No. 2428460

kek, the funko pop sign is the cherry on top

No. 2428461

I hate making big purchases and having to decide between checking my bank account before or not. It's like having to press a button that would nuke a random, lovely little town in exchange for goodies and having the option between seeing how peaceful and nice the town and community is before the hellfire destruction or only being able to see the aftermath of said destruction.

No. 2428462

I was just thinking yesterday about how much I missed early 2000s HT… I used to buy incense and silly indie comic books from there like Emily the Strange and Lenore. It used to be so eclectic.

No. 2428468

Today I feel like entertaining the thought of hanging myself. I won't do it but I am thinking about it. I want to lay in bed all day. I am a useless person. I let down everyone. I don't have friends, I have people that put up with me. I wish I could feel a person's hug. A person that isn't my histrionic mother. I wish someone could tell me to my face how they feel and I'd believe them.

No. 2428478

Headache and foggy all day, I got a bad night sleep because the baby decided to wake up at 2:30 and go play mode until 5:00 AM, then had an appointment for his shots at 8. Ugh…

No. 2428488

This comparison actually makes me angry about what we've lost.

No. 2428499

im going through a hard time and i'm self loathing and self pitying like shit and i want hard alcohol but if i drink alcohol feeling like this i will spiral into my old ways and no other disstractions are working lord

No. 2428505

I really thought we were going somewhere with the man hate and criticism of the 2010s. Maybe I was just naive due to being so young and couldn't see the cracks, but it really seemed that women were waking up to how we're treated as disposable things whose only purpose of existing is to serve men in whatever way they want and get nothing positive out of it. But now feminism means thinking that serving men is empowering.

No. 2428509

You don't need that poison. Just sleep it off.

No. 2428510

I'm so tired of dating, the culture is insane these days. Even gave a go to people of different ethnicities than me to see if the grass is greener on the other side - what a surprise, moids suck all over the globe.

No. 2428522

I agree with you and feel similar unfortunately I don't think this is place for what you're seeking. I think people who are actually spiritual and have a soul are probably…offline

No. 2428523

What's the dating game like, I have been out of it for 5 years and it was annoying cause so many men were too sexual or porn addicts. I tried dating Asian men too cause I thought they might be nicer… omfg no they were WORSE

No. 2428524

NTA but alcohol really is poison that makes everything worse.

No. 2428528

Same… it feels like Nonnas got a lot meaner lately too. You should post on friend finder you seem cool…

No. 2428532

Wtf is up with my period. Every since I gave birth it's been different, I don't cramps anymore, barely any pms, but now the day it starts I literally feel high and get a headache. I woke up today and I was like… why does it feel like I smoked weed, i haven't smoked weed in years, then went to the bathroom and realized. I'm still getting used to it

No. 2428534

That's interesting. I'm giving birth this year and I wonder how it will affect me. I know every woman is different. Kek, did you give up weed entirely? I want to smoke more once all this is over, but it's interesting. I've been clean for 11 months now and still 8 months to go before this happens.

No. 2428536

nta but I've also heard it's rough out there, not dating myself but have tons of normie friends who frequent dating apps/meetups/just going out and I get to hear about all their awful dates kek. Literally the most beautiful, socially outgoing and intelligent women I know are complaining about how every moid they meet is either an aimless bum or egotistical asshole and they're all looking for a mommy bangmaid. Their standards are low too, but it seems like men who are
>at a similar level to them career-wise
>nice to them sometimes
>not offensive to look at
>not porn-rotted
are in very short supply rn

No. 2428543

I gave up weed way before pregnancy and haven't smoked it since, but not anything to do with the baby I just kind of stopped. Good luck on the pregnancy! It's genuinely a really fun experience, I would love to be pregnant again if I could handle two babies, but i don't have the energy for that lol

No. 2428545

"Situationships", fuckbuddies and friend-with-benefits are all the rage now, no one wants to commit. Everyone dates multiple people simultaneously. Ghosting, getting left on read, lying (I also do these, teehee). Pumping and dumping while lying about wanting something serious. Stringing you along. Violent sex, demanding you go raw. So many demand anal sex on the first time you have sex.

No. 2428556

Wow nonnas are pregnant and mothers….

No. 2428563

I’m 22 and it’s bullshit, I don’t bother. Youngsters are all about sex positivity with no actual positivity in it, it’s just men who benefit from hookup culture. There’s a genuine lack of empathy and loyalty, not in the sense of cheating per se, but everyone has the mindset of “I owe you nothing!!” and it doesn’t let any kind of actual connection, let alone a relationship develop. Men and women don’t give actual time to get to know the other person, they are interested in instant gratification and whenever they start something they already have their foot out of the door perusing for a better option elsewhere.
It’s worthless to date right now.

No. 2428576

I think that's becoming a problem more now… not just dating but people are unwilling to make any allowances or concessions for others. I know boomers get flack for a "I've got mine" mentality but a lot of people also seem to have this "i want you to benefit me, but i don't want to have to do any work to benefit you" mentality

No. 2428613

but don't they want more money?

No. 2428645

It's the same for me an I'm 30. You'd think these bitches would want to settle down at this age but nah, they keep riding the pussy carousel till the end of time.

No. 2428658

File: 1741119372352.gif (25.79 KB, 220x289, mean mug.gif)

>be a NEET for 24 years of my life until now but finally starting to break out of it
>An actually nice smart well adjusted guy who isn't facially deformed starts to like me
>he's starting to go bald in his 20s
girls it's so over

No. 2428661

he looks so faggy. Moids like that wanna be so manly they make the full circle and go gay. Is that why he wants his women covered up because he can´t stand it?

No. 2428666

Get him on meds stat anon.

No. 2428670

Ok nonna what you have to do is put him in a mask like Eric from Phantom of the Opera but on his big bald bellend head (bike helmet)

No. 2428671

Congrats, you're easily manipulated

No. 2428676

Loud neighbors. I don't want to live. My goal in life, truly, nonas, is to move to a quiet and safe place. Does such a place exist? Quiet and safe

No. 2428683

how do i subtly suggest it to him before it's too late? also trips check em

kekd out loud at this

No. 2428713

God nonnas I need to advice because this situation is killing me. I've been friends with these two girls since we were kids and now we're grown. They've always been obese, but recently one of them has entered deathfat territory. She's 400 pounds and the last time she came to my house she literally broke my fucking couch and I was so upset because I still live with my parents. The other friend is still obese too, but not break my couch obese. Anyway, we want to do a watch party, and because both of their houses are either dirty or full of people, I spontaneously suggested mine. But now, I'm thinking about how my deathfat friend got even fatter and how I don't think my home can accommodate her. I feel like a horrible friend sometimes, but it's driving me crazy. Do I cancel and tell them we should do it over something like zoom or discord, or should I just suck it up? Or do I bring it up to them?

No. 2428717

Is your friend ready to buy you another couch if she breaks something in your house again? Then cancel the event. Is she aware there's an issue she needs to solve, is she in denial or is she really not realizing being this fat is dangerous in the long run?

No. 2428721

>the last time she came to my house she literally broke my fucking couch
I'm sorry but KEK jesus

No. 2428729

Tell her your house has a bug infestation and they need to chemical treat it, then suggest doing it over discord instead. There. No need to feel bad if it makes you uncomfortable and they disrespect your living space.

No. 2428732

The vent thread has truly become Reddit story time territory. So obviously fake but wonderfully entertaining

No. 2428738

wtf is wrong with men's hair now? maybe ive been sheltered from reality by having a family full of men with full heads of hair but its so alarming to me how many guys in my college classes (age 18-24) are already balding… so fucking gross

No. 2428739

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Holy fuck nonas, is it normal to have vivid, violent thoughts when you're coming off anti-depressants? Like I'm constantly fantasizing about harming people I wasn't this way before

No. 2428751

We've never really brought up her weight at all. She used to be on a diet when we were younger but covid hit and she stopped and now she refuses to do outdoor activities with us. It's hard because even my other obese friend know she's big, has gotten smaller, and wants more active hobbies like casual tennis, etc. But I probably will cancel.
I don't know how to convince you without forsaking my anonymity, but I'm being completely honest. I gave 400 lbs as an estimate but we're all average height so I can't say for certain. We're also all American if that helps, and everyone in her family is roughly the same size.

No. 2428797

Absolutely hate making out or having casual sex with someone. I hate promiscuity and need a stable partner. I have always yearned to be deeply loved and respected by someone. I just find myself in that predicament. Mostly probably due to mental illness.

No. 2428798

You and your other friend should keep suggesting outdoor activities from time to time. I also have two obese friends and they both also gained a lot of weight very fast because they became very depressed during the pandemic and coped with food, they openly acknowledge they're fat but repeat HAES arguments all the time so I'm worried for them but can't help. Hopefully you're friend is more open minded and will someday find an outdoor hobby or start working out, especially because if she can break a whole couch she's going to really suffer really soon if she doesn't get it together.

No. 2428802

It would end your friendship if you were honest with her and told her she was a huge chungus. Fatties don’t like their poor choices being discussed and they don’t care about interventions. Is there any reason that you value a friendship with her? Because if it’s becoming too much for you to bear then you can just go separate ways, your values are obviously different from hers.

No. 2428812


No. 2428818

Based mom

No. 2428819

fuck my stupid baka life i just made the wrong appointment at the dmv and now i have to wait another month for my license test…

No. 2428820

my go-to indian spot is closed today so i decided to go to the one across the street, was having a normal conversation with the old man who owned it while waiting for my food to be ready, i mindlessly let slip the intersection where i live and the fact that i lived alone (it seemed innocent enough, we were talking about rent prices in the neighbourhood). then he started getting really weird and hitting on me, asking me to come back to the resto tonight and drink tequila with him, it was really uncomfortable and he was holding my food hostage and being really pushy about it. i kept telling him no im busy and eventually he let me pay for my food. i'm just really weirded out now because i live so close to the resto and i shouldn't have told this man anything about my life. i'm usually extremely guarded and don't talk to strangers but i've been having a really bad week feeling really isolated and thought it would be nice to get to know my neighbour. why are men like this?????

No. 2428821

I am developing dementia and have nobody.

No. 2428833

I could drink a litre of wine and still not be satisfied. Perhaps I have an issue.

No. 2428834

i think your mom needs tea and a cuddle. i don't want her to waste what is left of her life getting angry about bloated whales from another country

No. 2428836

Nona have you called any memory care services? The Alzheimer’s help line is (800) 272-3900. You should have to be alone through this, at the very least they can provide a team or worker to take care of you. Try to find some support groups in your area as well.

No. 2428838

I’m sorry he was such a creep nonnie. I fucking hate men like that, especially when they flex what little power they have over you like withholding the food you ordered.

No. 2428847

This is my parents… I can literally tell what they're talking about on cnn based on my what my parents randomly start ranting about. Once during the George Floyd era i was on the phone with my mom and was telling her about how college was going, then i finished and it went quiet for a moment, then she said "you know black people in this country have it very hard" OK mom i don't wanna talk about fucking black people. They both have really ridiculous takes on most things, sometimes when I'm bored I will prod them just to see what they say lol…

No. 2428848

its because they're all coomers

No. 2428850

maybe it's a sign to stay on your meds

No. 2428874

Dear lord who clearly reads lolcow to answer farmer prayers,
My friend is in a lot of pain and probably feels alone and isolates as a result. Please fill my friend with the power of love and pain relief. Please, I hate seeing the suffering and I can't do anything to help.

No. 2428878

Feeling like a factory employee

No. 2428883

I can try it, although tbh I'm not sure how good holistic methods will help me because my anxiety/OCD is pretty severe. Thank you anon.
Thank you anon. Watching youtube videos does help a lot, the tricky part is getting my mind to focus on the vid.

No. 2428884

the government is bothering me because it has been well over a year since i graduated and i'm still technically jobless in their eyes, and i haven't started paying my student loans back. are they retarded? they'll never get a single dollar from me i thought that was obvious?
not related but i don't want to double post, what was i thinking when i believed spironolactone 'cured me'? the government isn't retarded but i clearly am because i stopped taking it and my acne came back in full force, my skin looks SO shit. i've been taking the same dose as last year for almost two months and i still look like shit and it's making me suicidal.
i think i'm a hypochondriac because i was so sure of being diabetic or having hyperthyroidism and yet my blood tests came back normal, i gained almost 4 kilos and it's contributing to my depression and overall awful state of mind but my mom is happy because i was 'too bony' even though she's anorexic herself kek the sabotage is evident but i have no energy to restrict anymore and that's on me, she won the war. i'm trying to enjoy the little things, like the cappuccino i'm drinking right now but it's impossible when my brain tries to convince me that the tests are wrong and i'm diabetic? i need a lobotomy and a journal, and i'm paranoid about my family reading my true feelings

No. 2428886

That too, but also our ethnic background is more prone to baldness than average. feels bad.

No. 2428895

I’m sure just having you be there for her while she is isolating is very comforting for her Nona.

No. 2428901

Nta but walking is also a really good relief. I had the same problem with anxiety and ocd and noticed it seemed a little better on days I walked more, ended up getting a treadmill and putting it infront of the TV, walked a ton while watching stuff. Was easier to dismiss my ocd habits on days where I had walked a lot, then the more I said no to them the easier it got until it was barely there. I think it's like how if you don't exercise border collies enough they get anxious. I get like 10-15k steps a day which is time consuming but it's better than the anxiety…

No. 2428912

wasting your mental energy being obsessed with shit thats not even happening in your country is not "based" its retarded

No. 2428930

Wish that I would have never interacted with anyone

No. 2428943

I’m pretty sure I’m destined to end up in a “traditional” marriage because of the way I was raised + I’m passive and non-confrontational so I hold everything in until I explode, and when I get angry I start crying despite how much I dont want to. So basically all I want to say is that I sincerely hope I get struck down and killed if I ever find myself in that type of lifestyle. I want my own family but I just cant imagine one where I am truly 50-50 with a man unless I wed outside my culture. I know if I find a moid who ends up disappointing me, my family wont take my side because they think I should do all of the typical duties of a wife aka be his 2nd mommy. I already get called lazy for finding shortcuts with meal preps or not wanting to feed my ungrateful manchild brothers, I dont give a fuck how you lived in your backwater 3rd world shithole. Over here we try to lessen our own burdens and it doesnt make me less of a woman.

No. 2428946

VERY interesting how moids used to complain all the time about women wearing makeup and how they prefer all natural but now that "clean girl" is actually in style they all suddenly froth at the mouth over alternative, e-girl and latina baddie makeup which is super exaggerated makeup kek. That's also the reason why pick mes switched from ew I hate makeup to being all obsessed with anime/gyaru/goth makeup over night

No. 2428980

Are you Indian? I feel like the women in Indian marriages get really ridiculous expectations for how much labor they need to be putting forth.

No. 2429092

I really feel like smashing my own skull in with a sledgehammer right now

No. 2429165


No. 2429201

File: 1741142525197.png (988.15 KB, 523x826, fat faggot.png)

i haven't been this depressed and dejected in a while. but every time i turn on the news and see my options growing fewer and fewer i get so fucking sad. wasn't life supposed to get better? weren't we not supposed to backslide into bullshit? i'm so frustrated that i've just been dizzy and tired for weeks. i can hold it off but sometimes it just overcomes me like now. why do the worse people on earth get everything they want, it's not fucking fair or right

No. 2429206

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God, I hate his face. Makes me think of opposums and other ugly "weasel" like animals.

No. 2429210

I tried searching this photo with Google Lens and nothing showed up. Spooky.

No. 2429218

Elon is trying to influence every remaining liberal democracy into auto golping themselves so they can benefit and force everyone in a neofeudal hellhole. It's actually extremely important whether or not you live in the US.

No. 2429220

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Opossums are great, adorable moms and very helpful for the ecosystem. That is a cruel comparison.

No. 2429221

opposums are cute, shut up. Ugly walled men dont deserve to be compared to animals because animals arent raping children.

No. 2429225

You need to shut the fuck up. Stop insulting opossums. Your an fucking idiot for saying stupid crap like that .Seriously ssotp pissing me the fuck off

No. 2429227

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No. 2429230

Today was such a wasted day.

No. 2429233

so small wtf

No. 2429271

I feel that way too sometimes. Usually I just needed rest or got sucked into something because I was really scared. Give yourself some grace if you can, nona. There's always tomorrow. And even if you "waste" tomorrow too, you're still a good, lovable person.

No. 2429275

Just found out one of my friends irl is dating a convicted child sex offender. And what does she say whenever someone points it out? "B-but he hasn't done anything to ME, and I believe in change and positivity and growth! You are such negative human beings!"
Immediately dropped, I feel sick. What the fuck is this high school drama shit. Like no shit he wouldn't do anything to you, you're over the age of 18.

No. 2429295

Reddit level of fakenesss

No. 2429301

all we can do is pray she doesn't have kids because this dumb cunt would continue to make excuses for it until she dies

No. 2429308

Scrotes are so awful, the ones who like video games are the worst of all. Even if it's a good game I hear that they like it and I feel hatred. I dated someone who only talked about the same 5 video games the entire relationship and he was a piece of trash. Never talked about anything new with me like if we watched a movie he just related it to the video game and started repeating the same shit I'd already heard. I hate all men but especially the ones who play games. Fucking faggots. Stupid fucking assholes.

No. 2429315

I got gaslighted into wasting an ungodly amount of hours of my life trying to play some trendy "skill based" videogame and all I end up getting was frustration and the feeling of hours lost I'll never get back
now I just assume anyone who calls themselves a "gamer" to be severely mentally ill or just plain masochistic

No. 2429320

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I don't know how I'll ever find a relationship. I'm a lesbian in a very very very famously progressive woke city. I've had two dates that I liked as people but one was closeted and the other just seemed like… we were on different levels. I'm kinda wanting to hook up with a girl but then I found out she's a kinkfag and that kinda freaks me out. I've only had 2 sexual relationships and one was with a "bi" woman who didn't seem enthused because it was a weird cuck situation with her bf (I was 19 and extremely drunk/high don't ask I made bad decisions and no I didn't sleep with his grody ass) and the other was my ex who I was with for 4 years and that was a good experience but just didn't end well due to codependency.
I'm a sorta-neet (in school idk if that counts. Just got fired from my job of 2 years) schizofag on disability, I'm basically a shut-in, I don't connect to people who are… I hate 'normies' so I'll just say normal. Normal average 20-somethings with careers and hobbies and friends. I have 2 very close friends but one is online. I draw sorta but not in a while because my schizofag meds make me retarded. I'm awkward because I was socially isolated as a kid. It's gotten better but there's still traces of it.
Then there's the tranny aspect and… yeah, that just breaks me down. I'm sober so I can't go to a bar. LGBT-centered communities are full of gendies and pick-me spicy straights.
I just want to meet an interesting caring woman who I can relate to. I have a really hard time trusting people and I'm not one of those "instant spark" people. I feel like these dating app people insist on instant connection and I'm just retarded and can't do it. It takes me a long time to build trust with someone and I can't just instantly fall for someone.
I feel like I can't speak my mind. No, I don't think trannies can be lesbians, no I don't do libfem bullshit, no I don't think sex work is empowering, no I'm not going to be poly, no I don't like going to raves and concerts because it stresses me out.
IDK where I'm even going with this. I'm just so sad trying to date. I don't miss my ex in the sense of wanting her back but I miss how easy it was to connect with her from the get-go, a rarity, and how patient she was with me. It just seems like a rare thing to find.
Sorry for big ole ramble

No. 2429334

Women like this deserve any shit they get. I just hope she won’t involve children.

No. 2429371

I fucking hate that the other farms has been shit up by what I can only describe trump feds and putin loving fags, I can't go into the community features without seeing the "fuck up of the day" political move made by trump be skirted around by kiwitards. If the stock market had started free falling in such a way during a leftist presidency, much less live during a conference, they would all chimp out.

I can't stand the site anymore, it's just a honeypot at this point

No. 2429377

I feel you nona. I'm a lurker and I stick to the beauty parlor for the most part. A&N is a trash fire of fetid creatures with half their brain missing and has been since it was created. I think it all started in 2016 but got massively worse in 2018(?) when that guy shot up the Mosque in NZ.
I remember first reading it in 2015 following along to Fit Vegan Ginger's recipes and some user trying them out in real time. That was fun. Screeching about abortion being murder and repealing the 19th amendment, not so much.
I love how much seething the Manhate thread created though. Holy shit.

No. 2429387

I am not surprised the site ended up this way. Kiwifarms would be so much better if it kept politics to a minimum. Perhaps hypocritical since there's clearly a strong common ideology on this site due to most users being women, but idk who can stand people reeing about jews and black people when all you wanted to do was read about a weird internet person. The vast majority of cow behaviour has very little to do with politics regardless of who the cow is. I am happy /snow/ has picked back up again so i don't feel tempted to look in the other farms.

No. 2429391

Mossad, KGB and FBI singing in unison now. I wonder what China is thinking.

No. 2429394

The one-two punch of Gamergate moids and Trump has ruined the Internet beyond repair. Trannies haven't helped either. Sometimes I wish Null would just make Hollywood Hulk Hogan the Thunderdome mod just to watch the conservatards screech. And that all of the BP banned moids like the manhate thread did.

No. 2429401

i kind of hate how literally every website on the internet has political shit on it atp. even fucking twitch with hasan. why does the nerd gamer speedrunning miniature painting streaming website have political shows on it

No. 2429416

>I love how much seething the Manhate thread created though.
So real kekkkk, every time the man hating thread is mentioned outside of it they all have a collective coniption, it's hilarious, and seeing them neg react to those posts is peak retarded moid response

The day of the conference with zelensky I was extremely annoyed at the lukewarm trump sided community feature post someone made, and made the horrible mistake of checking the burger political thread, just to be hit with the pungent opinions of some of the glowiest users I've seen on the internet

No. 2429420

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I'll never fulfil the dreams of success I had as a teenager. And yes I get told they were just dreams and unrealistic, but I feel frustrated every day. I have enough money to not die of starvation, I should be grateful, but I don't know. Maybe I'm narcissistic.

No. 2429445

I feel like losing weight made my breast size difference worse/more noticeable

No. 2429476

KEKKK based comment

No. 2429487

Maybe weird question, but has it affected you sex drive?
I completely lost mine when it finally got to me that truly I am not exceptional in any way and dont deserve any special attention.

No. 2429489


No. 2429499

its funny but i kinda agree with the first post. minimalism is ugly and soulless and BORING. but the japan dickriding was odd because its acting like there arent comfy cafes in america lol i live in the middle of nowhere and even ive seen some. japan is worse with the minimalism shit too have you seen their houses

No. 2429500

i fucking suck at self control

No. 2429503

its just upscaled

No. 2429524

I have no desire to have sex with anyone irl, so probably not.

No. 2429558

I feel this. Things kind of got better for me when I realised I could still enjoy my hobbies without turning them into careers and I could still have a job that isn’t my “dream” but I still enjoy. The education system just psyop’d you into thinking your worthless if you haven’t achieved all your goals as an adult.

No. 2429562

My mom used to be a doctor and yet during puberty she claimed any wetness coming from the vagina was a sign of a disease. Being the confused 10 year old I was, I tried searching up diseases that involved "discharge" and concluded I must have had chlamydia. I made the stupid decision of telling her my fears and she just immediately assumed I was sneaking out and having sex at that age and that's why I'd have an STD. Didn't even take me to the doctor's or anything to get it checked or treated. From then on I'd shower or wash twice a day desperately scooping out any lubrication or discharge. I'm genuinely surprised I didn't get a yeast infection once. I feel retarded for being so bothered about it well over a decade later but it still pisses me off whenever I think about it.

No. 2429567

Ugh your mom is such a retarded creep, nona. Sorry she did that to you. Glad you're okay now and didn't end up with a worse infection or injury because of her.

No. 2429573

my paranoia making me second guess everyone that tries to interact with me is the awful look that I deserve

No. 2429586

It's obscenely late and I'm sat here reading lolcor instead of going to bed. What priorities?

No. 2429590

I'm behind on all four honours subjects I'm taking and I'm browsing lolcor instead of catching up

No. 2429592

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Nonnie please go study! I promise I'll go to bed and get my honkshoes on if you promise that you'll work on at least one of your courses before your next thread binge.

No. 2429601

venting is just reliving yourself of the necessity of acting upon anything by pretending to be self aware

No. 2429603

>didn't bring any sweet snacks to work
it's so over

No. 2429608

Yay! ♥ Okay! ♥

No. 2429612

Okay, I'm motivated, thank you! Now sleep.

No. 2429613

thats why you lower the dose progressively

No. 2429620

what the fuck your mom is insane, sorry she made you think that

No. 2429621

You're not retarded at all. That's genuinely traumatic. If I was you I'd be really angry and hurt as well

No. 2429623

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Ngl, I love the cow discussion but the media discussion on lolcow often ruins my mood when I see women who generally share my views fight over dumb shit like the fujocuck discourse, the fandom discourses shit and male actors.

No. 2429625

My eyes can't filter out my nose and mouth anymore they're in the way I want to go back to normal why is this happening

No. 2429644

you are now breathing and blinking manually

No. 2429658

I'm craving a chicken wrap so this motivates me to go outside and get one. I know it sounds dumb but it will make me very happy.

No. 2429663

I always get so self conscious after running because people normally point out to me “wow you’re so red!!” yes bitch! I just ran 5 miles! of course I’m fucking red!!! why do people feel the need to point this shit out!!!!

No. 2429721

This feels wrong of me to say but my mom acts like a pickme for my brother and its very odd to watch. This grown 30 y/o man said he’ll handle his own lunch (context: he works nights and usually takes dinner for “lunch”, but today I’m not making dinner) and this woman, who is half disabled btw, wakes up early to make him an extremely high effort lunch that she can barely finish cooking on her own BECAUSE SHE’S DISABLED. I know she expects me to finish that shit for her like “anon, i already made 80% of it just do XYZ”. My sister and I schedule dinners properly and sort the food out so we always have everything we need when we need it, and here she goes ruining that for a manchild who apparently cant survive on a sandwich for lunch for 1 day. I feel like I’m being forced to witness something disgusting.

No. 2429722

Everything is so expensive food is so expensive do I just starve to death at this point I swear to god

No. 2429749

I think I'm gonna start to plan my suicide. I don't think I can live anymore. It's not just moids, it's women too. They scare me, women supporting women my ass. Everyone is only for themselves, there's no sense of community. I'm tired of being thrown under the bus by pick mes who want to impress moids. And moids have zero empathy for me.

No. 2429803

You should keep living just to spite them. You’ve finally realised that notions of “community” and “morality” is a cope. Humans are naturally evil and individualistic, including you and me. There’s no point in chasing some pipe dream of community when such a thing died long ago. You’ll feel a lot better when you see that moids and women alike exist to be manipulated and lulled into a false sense of connection so they can be used for your own benefit.

No. 2429811

I think I have ADHD.

No. 2429872

Fuck the chimpshit who stole my mobile order forcing me to wait an extra 30 minutes in a store while my face is chapped and picked to hell from being sick.
Die of the worst ass cancer AIDs you shitty fuck fucking death to you and also this dumbfuck store for hiding mobile orders away from themselves so they can't even verify who ordered what. Eat shit and die. Choke on the food and die horribly and painfully.(a-logging)

No. 2429943

I just got back from an all inclusive in Mexico and there was a huge group of college aged kids from Spain there at the same time. They were fucking AWFUL to be around. Constantly screaming some chant, getting up to party at 2am, screaming down the hallways and slamming doors. They treated the resort employees like their own personal servants, interrupting them while they were busy helping other guests, snapping to get their attention, etc. One group of them came and sat next us at the pool and when I dared stand up to pack up our stuff I was told I need to move because my shadow was in their way. They tried to get some of my friends kicked out of the dance club because they assumed it was meant only for them I guess? They called security over and when security did nothing (because we are all guests at the resort and it was not just for them), they decided to try to physically push them off the dance floor and shout insults at them. And to top it off they would light up cigarettes no matter where they were without a care in the world who they were blowing their cigarette smoke on.
Totally changed my opinion on going to Spain ever. I didn't let it ruin my vacation but fuck they were the worst.

No. 2429948

i was also feeling depressed about this earlier. im in my early 20s and imagining how broke im gonna be when i live on my own makes me wanna cry

No. 2429950

Ughhh I was having so much fun drawing but my iPad won't charge beyond 1% and then just dies. Guess it's time to pick up a pencil. I'm so annoyed.

No. 2429955

I wish you scrotoid disgusting ass would just kill yourself already. the fact I have to share a space with you makes me grossed out. just fucking die already.

No. 2430051

sounds more like codependency, she feels the need to manage his life because he won't do it himself. Tell her to sit down and let him figure it out.

No. 2430068

One of my friends mentioned that I have the "I can fix her" mentality with my gf and now I can't stop thinking about all the ways I have been neglecting myself for this relationship. It's not even her fault since we create our own boundaries in a relationship. We're in a situation now where there's a bit of distance between us, and I find myself more upset than missing her. Idk, maybe I'm bpd or it's time to consider breaking up.

No. 2430074

Me reading unpop opinions thread

No. 2430138

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I regret wishing for someone nerdy I could talk to to join our office, this week we got a new intern that is the typical super awkward nerd. I attract these types of guys like flies so of course he's started to sort of circulate around and hyper focus on me once he learned that not only am I into the same hobbies as him, I'm also an intern as well AND we both get off at the same train station. I hate this.

No. 2430144

if he does anything inappropriate just run to HR.

No. 2430158

sorry because sort of racebait but i love when i'm playing chess on chess.com and i crush an opponent from saudi arabia or north africa and other countries where the moids are overwhelmingly misogynistic. i just imagine how bad theyd seethe if they knew it's a woman humiliating them on the board.

No. 2430168

you should make a really girly nickname like it's obvious you're a girl so they seethe more. I only play online videogames with ultra feminine names and avatars and moids seethe so fucking hard, I get called tranny regularly because they can't believe an actual female would beat them in their game.

No. 2430180

>I get called a tranny regularly because they can't believe an actual female would beat them in their game.
Kek, I recently saw some butthurt YouTube comments troonfoiling popular VTubers for this exact reason. I wonder why they cling to the "girls can't into games" thing so hard, it was even retarded 30 years ago.

No. 2430188

It really sucks being a woman attracted to men who also hates men and is gender non-conforming. I can't be assed to look feminine nor do I care to, it's not my style, so most people assume I'm a lesbian. I wish God made me one. I've accepted that I'll probably be alone for a long time.

No. 2430203

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Im probably going to get addicted to benadryl again. I dont want to be awake anymore

No. 2430228

Born to be cool and mysterious, forced to be weird and loud

No. 2430229

Konomi would never smoke cigarettes kek. Also benadryl is a retarded thing to abuse and you're going to give yourself brain damage.

No. 2430232

Fuck, I hate that trannies ruined so many things for me. Whenever I see an anime pfp or ultra girly emojis or themes for some reason my brain automatically assumes it's a troon that's trying too hard instead of an actual woman, ughhhh

No. 2430237

Laaaaaaaaaaame. At least junkies who are addicted to other things get some enjoyment out of it.

No. 2430240

what about benzos

No. 2430242

god i want to get high on benzos before i go to work tomorrow but i cant be high at work ill kill somebody. fuck being a wagie.

No. 2430257

He most likely won't. Short nerdy moidlets like him are equally fascinated by my height as they fear it.

No. 2430260

NTA but I always make my game characters pretty boys that dress in retarded revealing outfits or shirtless with a bunch of accessories and that makes moids seethe kek. Probably way more than playing as super girly characters (half of which are moids/trannies anyways)

No. 2430269

Benzo withdrawal will kill you, but maybe that's what you want. I have benzos but my doctor only gives me them for emergencies so I don't recklessly abuse them. I don't have enough

No. 2430271

>put electric blanket away
>it's cold


No. 2430302

me reading celebricows

No. 2430303

Everyone in that thread is either a faggot or underage.

No. 2430308

I've never been able to get high on benzos, is it because I actually have anxiety? Idg how they're addictive. They just make me tired. It's not really that fun.

No. 2430312

Makes sense, explains so much. I just want to gossip about celeb cows but it's unreadable in there now. So much infighting, they need to calm down

No. 2430313

I want to eat all the American fatty food. I want chipotle, in and out, five guys and so much more!

No. 2430317

I went to the doctors today because I had multiple lumps in my chest. Turned out to be benign tumors. Of course I'm glad it's this rather than the alternative. I just hate it, though. Its a huge cause of insecurity since I already have a small chest. Now I have a visibly lumpy chest.

No. 2430320

>have a lot of work to do
>don’t want to do it

No. 2430322

Same boat here, nonna.
Don't seem to find the motivation to start, though.

No. 2430324

Me too

No. 2430325

if you ever get chipotle ask for white rice, chicken, black beans, queso, and get the spicy red salsa on the side

No. 2430328

nta but i feel like they're fun for me because i have anxiety, it feels amazing to not feel anxious for once in my life. but there is a sweet spot between taking enough to feel relaxed vs taking enough to pass out, it's a very thin line.

No. 2430329

Five guys is good. The fries are missable unless you get them cajun style though. Try Chick-Fil-A or Popeye’s too.

No. 2430336

five guys fries look so good but last time i ate them they tasted and felt like salty paper it was so weird

No. 2430338

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They’re doing work on my home and shut off the power to replace the electrical outlets. But inadvertently also shut off the internet in the process. I was looking forward to having a chill day and drawing on the doodle board, now I’m laying in bed phone posting because I can’t do anything else.

No. 2430339

>oh wow this job is junior/mid level and has a comprehensive training program, i will apply
>need a ts clearance
it's over for me.

No. 2430340

Apply anyways, the worst thing they can do is tell you no.

No. 2430341

i don't qualify for a clearance that high so it would be pointless, but i appreciate the advice

No. 2430343

I'm a retard, again. Thinking I was friends with someone who actually doesn't care about me. I was worried about them, wanted to help encourage them in the right direction while they were dealing with a drug issue, and they turn around and say they're leaving next month and we'll never cross paths again so we aren't friends. OK sorry I imagined all the fun times we had and getting along well. Go be a junkie and wrap yourself around a pole while you're drunk and methed out since that's what you want to do with your life.

No. 2430387

No. 2430389

> is it because I actually have anxiety?
i think i have anxiety and getting "high" on them to me is just being able to feel relaxed for a while

No. 2430460

I'm so fucking unphotogenic. My boyfriend and I were visiting a sanctuary and the tour guide took my phone to take pictures of us while we were doing our tour. Every single picture of me I am making a stupid fucking face. One eye half closed, mouth half open, staring directly at the camera like an ogre type shit. I'm so pissed. I just wanted some cute candids of us but literally none of the pictures are usable.
I like the way I look in the mirror, I can take cute selfies, but I look like a special needs adult anytime anyone else takes a picture of me. I don't know how to angle my body or smile in a way that doesn't make me look like a retard.

No. 2430516

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I put way too much fucking styling product on my hair, it's heavy and dull now and kinda sticky too.

No. 2430691

Anyone else notice how bad men are at driving? Nobody talks about it, but it's true. They always used to say women are bad drivers but it's pure projection because the slowest/most retarded thinkers on the road are always scrotes.

No. 2430703

i wish my dad tried harder when i was younger. it sounds so cliche but i really wish he would've been more involved in my life before. it is what it is but i hate that we have a relationship now that i'm an adult versus when i was a child.

No. 2430719

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You're not aloneI look like im being held hostage in every pic somebody takes of me nona. You'd think all of my childhood pictures are from a crime docuseries because i look like picrel when somebody points a camera at me since i was 5, my face just tenses up idk why. My mom would always be so frustrated when she got event photos back lol.

No. 2430723

Scrotes are more expensive to insure for a reason. Innately shitty at driving + road rage + male death drive = road hazard.

No. 2430724

honestly im pretty upset but i hope it can make europe as a whole stronger, and hopefully EU and NATO will stop pussyfooting around with the war

No. 2430760

No. 2430911

I wish I had a friend willing to talk about the shitty parts of life while getting a drink. Everyone I know just wants to move past it and go back to their happy conversations like we're not ment to feel sadness. I'm tired of the fakeness, especially since I work with customers. People love genuine moments in media yet rarely have them in real life.

No. 2431120

Everyone I knew in high school is either dead or transgender. So glad I left my hometown this is depressing

No. 2431139

>get the urge to stalk my ex on various social media
>lost and forgot all of their accounts
probably a blessing in disguise

No. 2431142

It is definitely a blessing in disguise. I had the urge to look at an ex's old accounts. Once.
I have since somehow found the fortitude to never do it again KEK

No. 2431148

I had an ex who has no social media whatsoever, made getting over that breakup a lot faster

No. 2431155

I only have 2 people I'd consider friends and I don't really want to be friends anymore…

friend 1
>a "foodie" so incredibly nitpicky about how authentic something is
>only hangs out if it's something she wants to do or if she can maximize her time
>makes fun of quiet, shy people
>I'm shy and quiet
>muh adhd
>I'm blunt tehee
>just judgmental
>complains about my place after preparing a bed for her
>always late
>general exhausting fandom bullshit
>asks me why I didn't like someone
>you're just overreacting anon!!
>oh I need to tell you what my nigel did that was so funny!! Just like my husbando!

Every time I hang out with friend 1 I feel a little bit worse about myself. I've been putting my distance with her. It's difficult to navigate since it's small things that I don't react well to. Im not sure if I should just make a clear end to things.

friend 2
>classmate from middle school
>gets me really nice things for Christmas and my birthday
>feel pressure to give gifts
>live within 10min drive from each other but barely talk or hang
>literally nothing in common

Friend 2's birthday is coming up and I'm dreading it. I don't know what to get her.

No. 2431160

That is so unusual, what kind of place did you live in for this to happen?

No. 2431170

let things fizzle out with the first one she sounds like a menace, and try to do more stuff with the second? if she gives you nice gifts (assuming they're stuff you actually like) surely she cares about you. im guessing you're into weebshit and she's a normie, are you into exercising or something maybe do that with her or go to a park or whatever. i'd also make her a handmade gift or bake her something like a cake, i feel like it's more meaningful if she's wealthy and can afford stuff on her own already

or just let things fizzle out for both

No. 2431174

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>draws decently on iphone with finger
>buys tablet with stylus
>can’t draw

No. 2431176

I agree with everything >>2431170 said EXCEPT
>just let things fizzle out for both
You do not need to be super best friends with everybody you know. Your second friend seems like a perfect "casual friend". Maybe hang out with her once every month or two, and put more effort into figuring out her basic interests so you can come up with a nice gift once a year.
She is clearly interested in keeping a healthy connection with you at this time. She may never become a close friend, or she might become one of your best friends in the future. Just keep the relationship healthy even if that means really good birthday gifts and sparing hangouts. You always want people on your side or that you can rely on in a pinch, and it will make you feel good to be able to return that favor for someone else.
But definitely let go of that first friend at a slow and steady pace.

No. 2431188

why this image

No. 2431191

I'm definitely trying to fizzle out from friend 1, but I think she's caught on to it, so now she's asking to hang out more often after I said no the last time. Managed to take care of this month with actual stuff happening, but she already believes I don't do anything outside of drawing and my part time job, so it's hard to come up with reasons. Why I'm partially wondering if I should cut clean, but I'm really bad at expressing myself. She always manages to say the darnest thing that shocks me.

Friend 2 watches anime, but it's not the shows I watch so there's a disconnect there. We've tried exercising together at a park, but she's an athlete so it's really just been moments of her watching me dying after 10 minutes. and my god Nona, I've tried handmade gifts AND baking for her before. I've known her for so long, but we were never super close. I think both of us are trying to make sure we're somewhat in each other's life.

yeah I guess I'm trying to figure this part out. What's the point of keeping a casual friend, when it feels like we're barely friends on a base level. It only works because we're p considerate (like all the gifts and paying for each other's meals etc etc) and we do care about each other's well being. But you're right that I can put more effort into figuring out more of her interests. I think I'll try getting her some cupcakes her nigel got her before as a starting point.

No. 2431192


No. 2431194

do you draw feet nonny

No. 2431196

ypu gotta keep that shit on /g/ man

No. 2431204

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No. 2431213

I crave a friend group so much. I wish I had people like me around me and I would listen to them and they would listen to me. Instead I'm stuck in a farmer's village where everyone is judgmental because I'm weird and so I'm friendless. I've hanged out with a friend once in 26 years of my life and I felt like I had to walk on eggshells. I feel so isolated here.

No. 2431215

Both my parents are addicted to YouTube Shorts. I have to hear terrible Suno music and a robotic voice saying shit like "Here's an exercise to improve your life if you do this exercise your life will be better every time you do this exercise" echoing throughout the house.

No. 2431245

KEKK I'm not the anon, I was just letting her know feet were posted because they are a footfag

No. 2431247

You should try making friends online. It really helps when you're the town sperg. It's obviously a little more complicated than "just make friends" but anons were giving advice in the autism/adhd a week or two ago. Maybe try reading the thread back and then asking for help?

No. 2431254

Nta/footfag but they're nice for a moid hoof I guess

No. 2431263

most NEETs I know at least have the decency not to humour having friends

No. 2431279

>because they are a footfag
i'm glad we're not pretending that it's a woman but sad that we can't call a spade a spade anymore without being banned

No. 2431314

Retarded nitpick but moids are very rarely attracted to other moids' feet?

No. 2431316

Anon please don't get me banned for implied scrotefoiling. I used "they" to refer to the person who posted the foot photo, because I already used "she" to refer to the anon I had replied to. I didn't want my sentence to be confusing. I don't scrotefoil (especially because I get accused of being a scrote when I mention having a girlfriend kek) but I encourage you to report any posts you think are made by men.

No. 2431328

I'm still living with my parents which is kind of embarrassing at my age but it helped me save a lot of money, and now I'm looking for my own place but it's hard because everything is expensive or located too far away from my work place and from the city in general. My mother is now recycling the same speech as always
>what? you're really going to leave us? b-but you can do whatever you want at home so why would you leave? living by yourself is expensive too!
so I asked her if I can call my friends right now and we can watch a movie together in the living room and eat pizza or something else we could order without anyone barging in or bothering us and she sperged even harder because there's actually no way she would let me invite anyone home. The same retard is totally confused as to why I'm not married yet as well, not understanding there's no way I can have a normal relationship with a man if we can only see each other outside. She and my father also sperged very hard when two of my sisters moved to live by themselves. One of them was supposed to move to a new place with her fiance but he dumped her before that happened and when she decided to stay to that new place instead of moving back home my parents were begging her to come back like their lives depended on it.

No. 2431335

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>not that interested in a moid
>he contacts and wants to see me more
>ok, maybe i am interested
>contact him more, ask when he wants to see again
>he acts colder and is suddenly very busy
>i lose interest and act colder
>tell him i'm busy
>he contacts me more and wants to see again
>rinse and repeat

yes i know i should just ditch his ass but goddamn we have insane sexual chemistry

No. 2431337

Tsundere on tsundere action

No. 2431339

At times I wish I was a pickme type that yearned for stupid relationships with whatever men I develop a random fleeting liking toward instead of actually not needing or desiring someone I don't have a real sync with. The thing I miss about having a bf the most is being comfortable with someone and not having to go through any motions because we were always on the same general wavelength. It's very difficult and rare to experience relationships like that and I'd rather just be less discerning or more stupid so I'd be happy with the ol assembly line stupid worthless piece of shit idiot that I have no commonalities with like many women end up torturing themselves over. This shit sucks

No. 2431340

>insane sexual chemistry
Please don't fall for the push pull dopamine addiction nona

No. 2431344

>contacts you and 4 other women before he jerks off
>jerks off
>doesn't want to talk to any of you anymore
>horny again a week later
>adds you to rotation again
>rinse repeat

No. 2431346

but it's so good though….. we already broke up once, the sex after was mad good KEK

eh i fuck other people too

No. 2431348

Sounds depressing but you do you

No. 2431349

I do have some people that I talk to online, but it can't compare to actually having friends there that you can hang out with, chat or go to bars or events with. I crave someone who is really here for me.

No. 2431352

Nta I understand that, there's also something more grounding and wholesome when they're physically with you in the flesh. Plus you can exchange gifts

No. 2431364

>tfw people are still posting pictures of teenage you on 4chan and trying to get your contact info years later

I browse the archives every few years to see if they’re still going and I’m shocked every time at the pics they still have. Pics of me from 12-18 lmfao. I don’t remember half of these people and somehow I’m still on their radar?!

No. 2431367

Wtf, are you okay? What are they posting them for?

No. 2431371

I hate working like this. I barely have time to cook a meal in the morning so I just trudge through the day on a completely empty stomach, go home, eat a big meal, then sleep, and repeat. It's definitely not healthy. They don't give us breaks and claim they'll let us if we ask but I just know if I do they'll see me as incompetent. I can't afford to lose this job atm.

No. 2431372

Yeah, and you can just… do things together. What can you do with a online friend? Watch something or talk about random shit but that's it. You can't go shopping, you can't go have a walk or check out an event, or go to a concert or a festival. My brother has a couple of friends who actually call him to ask him to go eat out together or go shopping and ngl I'm so jealous sometimes. I want someone to call me too, even if it's just to go walk around aimlessly.

No. 2431373

Yes, I’m fine. They’re normal pictures of me, I just am amazed at the levels of desperation these people find themselves in. They think they are so above women and yet they are still wanting to talk to me when it has been so long?! And I was a teenager?! They are in their late thirties/fourties now… My life is so much different than it was back then, and yet they are in the same place it seems. They’re just posting the pictures for the sake of it, although some of them of them have posted gross pornography fanfictions with it

No. 2431377

Yep. As someone who grew up with online friends, getting irl friends when I went to uni was so good. I could finally pop out of my bubble and genuinely enjoy things in life, as dramatic or pathetic as that may sound.

No. 2431380

>pornography fanfiction
That's crazy wtf. I genuinely don't get people who are hung over stuff from that long. My max is probably 3 years before life makes me carry on so to be obsessed with someone you miss from teenhood is nuts kek

No. 2431382

Why don’t you just hand in your fucking notice you stupid dumb bitch?
No one respects you.
You don’t know shit.
You couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
Stop deflecting your own incompetence onto other people, do the world a favour and go and suck dick for a living.

No. 2431401

I wish I was someone's type for once. Everytime I like someone, including my own past bfs, I'm never their actual type. It's always like, oh they like blonde long haired natural beauties, oh they like dark haired sexy baddies with big red lips, oh they like emo/alt hot girls with wolfcuts and piercings, oh they like soft curvy girls with big blue eyes, oh they like big mouthed strong women oh they like cheerful girls with bright smiles who laugh and smile all the time. It's never me. Yeah they might find me cute and likable and attractive enough to have sex with, but I'm never the girl they go crazy for. And since everyone has a different type, I can't go and skinwalk someone either because this guy liked emo girls but the next guy likes sporty girls and the next guy likes madison beer type of girls. And I can't change my personality, I can't become a loud tomboy over night, I can't grow big boobs and big hips in one day. My own preference is mostly towards cute pastel soft feminine and delicate things (NOT coquette, just light feminine) and I have have a childish face, and this is also how I am described by most people but somehow none of the guys I was into liked this type of girl. In fact, men in general don't hit on me. I don't remember when was the last time a man flirted with me either.

No. 2431405

Men's type is the unattainable, I wouldn't worry about it.

No. 2431420

You're right but I've definetly seen guys go CRAZY over some irl girls, so it's not impossible to meet that standard. Sure idk the whole story, maybe eventually he got bored of her, maybe he fell for another girl, maybe she never gave him attention and that's why he was obsessed, but at the end of the day they were still super into that girl for a while. This never really happened to me, sure I had guys who had crushes on me or enjoyed my presence, but it was never anything serious like they weren't crying at night over me or sad cause they fumbled me lol. And the most important thing, somehow every single time I liked a guy myself and wanted to date him, he had a type that was completely different from me. It's soul crushing to not be anyone's first pick.

No. 2431421

File: 1741258121700.jpg (29.19 KB, 1024x384, moro-the-she-wolf-in-princess-…)

When they build this shitass speed railway in my country for the cost of destrying forests and meadows with rare species and plants I will put rocks on the tracks, bigger rock each time until it fucks up the train. If people will die I don't care. I'm going to repeat the past. My grandma used to put rocks on railways too when she was young because that's what they told her to do in ww2.. and I'm like her. They shouldn't have destroy my home forest

No. 2431424

And it's even worse when you date a guy and you just know that deep down he wished he could have dated a hot goth chick or an asian girl and not my boring basic ass.

No. 2431425

>she hasn't seen the gay community

No. 2431426

Some might think her advice is psychotic but I think it holds true. You're too nice, boring and available.

No. 2431429

Nta but being goth is a choice, why not go for it and see what happens? It might lift your self esteem

No. 2431430

Moids who chase Asian women only do so because of fetishisation or to own anyone who rejected him and will ditch said Asian woman the moment he finds someone of this own race.

No. 2431435

Im the same way nonnie, Im into the same stuff and most men are rarely into my personality but the ones who are really like it. You're probably the type they call "wife material" and men say they want but they actually chase the ig baddies and wonder why she won't stop posting revealing pics for him (when that's what attracted him in the first place). A lot of men don't want a girl who is already into feminine stuff, they want to change a "bad girl" same as the trope of women wanting to change a bad boy i guess. I also don't fit into a certain "type", im closest to "doll girl" but im not asian and I don't wear Lolita and shit so not even really that lol. It can help to find influencers who look similar to you and are into the same stuff

No. 2431437

If you're religious at all you could try church, a lot of religious men like "basic/feminine" personality type of girls, and yeah some of them are trash but a lot of them are pretty well adjusted and normal and at least try to not watch porn and stuff. Im not saying ALL of them are good, but your chances are at least better. I met a guy (not at church though) who is really into my personality even tho it seems like the girl he dated before me was different than me, he really appreciates my love of cute things and animals and actually shares in it too, hes fine with me being more passive. Tbf he seems to be fine with whatever I am even if it changes up day to day, because he really loves me, and exactly the same can happen for you

No. 2431439

I entertained the idea because I liked the goth style before meeting my ex, however I feel like I don't fit in personality wise? Because everyone I see irl with a variant of that style (idk maybe they were alt-core and not truly goth) is super beautiful and kinda intimidating and very confident and I feel like I'm naturally too sensitive and childish to pull off that dark moody look. Most of them had a very strong in your face attitude. One day I passed a group of alternative people and they were very loud and I could tell they would bully me lol.

No. 2431440

gonna be honest with you nonna, you're probably gonna destroy your mental health if you keep on getting into bad relationships, pretty much everything you mentioned makes it seem like the guys you dated all commodify women and constantly use instagram or are just shitty. yeah, it's understandable you want to be someone's type and for it to actually be meaningful, though you likely won't get it from a guy that superficial.

No. 2431442

I couldn't live up to my own standards and now i'm forced to lower standards for everyone else. Maybe i don't have a right to hold people to any standards at all, who knows how bad fucking up i'm capable.
But if i forgive anything to anyone, wouldn't i just get devoured?

No. 2431471

It feels like despite what everyone says that women are pushed by society to be feminine, at the same time if you're too feminine it's also a questionable matter. You won't be harrassed like a genuine GNC woman (I say genuine because no I don't believe tomboys are oppressed) would be obviously so I don't want anyone to say that we are discriminated against or anything like that, but the thing is you're not gonna be rewarded for it either. You're not the hot girl or the cool girl or the bad girl or the fun girl. Worst of all you might get lumped in with tradwives and attract nazis who need someone to raise their kids.

No. 2431486

someone has been trying to befriend me for nearly half a year now by texting me every other week asking me to hang out, I've tried replying every time not to offend them by avoiding the question or acting lukewarm, not because I hate them it just feels oddly forced to me
now I've finally called them out slightly meanly (while apologizing for it) in order to get the message across after they started to get upset, and muted the notifications but now I can't for the life of me bring myself to even check what they've replied
it's been nearly a week and it's still stressing me out for no reason
I really hate getting called out and those pointless meaningless confrontations that I bring into myself by lacking any sort of resolve to speak my mind
doesn't help I'm mostly convinced I avoid people out of paranoia rather than out of a real reason
I just come off as an asshole every time
I wish I could just be left alone for once

No. 2431493

I don't understand, you don't have a problem with them but you're mad at them for trying to reach out? Is it an anachan or autist or something? What were they doing that warranted such a strong reaction?

No. 2431538

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I have been raging about troon shit and the fact that it's profoundly sexist and conservative since 2012 and I cannot stand any woman making this even remotely her priority in the US or even any western nation facing existential threat and the loss of democracy and women's rights. If you're willing to throw away self-determination and allow the rise of fascism over a (granted, on its face, extremely moronic, anti-science issue) and sacrifice your rights instead of properly prioritizing and not allowing fascism to take hold just so you can fixate on an issue that's better addressed at a later point, you are a loser and an anti-feminist.

No. 2431547

Completely agree with you nonna. With everyday that passes I'm more convinced trannyism was the greatest right-wing psyop of all time. Trannyism ruined both leftism and feminism in one go. The amount of radfems that turned full on conservative tradshit in order to own le troons is actually incredible. Full on tranny derangement syndrome. And I don't think we will ever recover from it because troonism doesn't seem to be dying out at all

No. 2431550

I have a friend who is going through a breakup and she is texting me quite literally every other hour about it and it’s driving me insane. She texted me at fucking four in the morning last night. I don’t text anyone at 4am! And it was about getting a journal! Tell the fucking journal! She has to know I’m kind of dodging her too, I’ve been taking days to respond and texting really dry, but she keeps plugging on

No. 2431561

Fairly sure it's all part of the RW grift. Let's face it, there's endless cash in playing to the larger RW agenda that seems to destroy democracy and aid psycho men. I disagree with transgender ideo because I do think it's repackaged chauvinism but it's 100000000000000x less harmful than what we are facing from the right. I'm so sickened by these alleged "feminists". They aren't feminists at all, especially and including Meghan Murphy. I'm so angry.

No. 2431565

My boomer family members keep bootlicking billionaires. I get they were probably taught being rich and successful is the peak of life but they always have to shove it down everyone's throats.
>"You think you're smart? Look at Elon, he's self-made and smart! Why don't you be like him? You can't? You're just LAZY! Excuses excuses excuses!"
Like first of all Nancy, he grew up on daddy's money, and if you think everyone can do it overnight and are just making excuses, why don't you prove your theory right and become a billionaire yourself? Oh, wait. Like just shut the fuck up, you're living off food stamps and government payments yourselves.

No. 2431568

I hate seeing people hate billionaires just because they were born wealthy. Turning a million into a billion is way harder than a thousand bucks into million bucks

No. 2431571

Brown noser

No. 2431572

Poor bait, exponentials

No. 2431592

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working non-stop on for our college's fest for 5 days straight has me "people tired"(my term to explain it to my ESL friends)/my social battery depleted, and i'm beginning to get annoyed with a certain friend, she's somehow very irritating. i dislike how often she tells me i've been acting "weird" and then proceeds to not fucking explain why? and she's a tad clingy, i'm supposedly the only one in our college that she gets on with and she finds it incredulous that i know so many people in college(even though that was something i struggled with) and i'm just thinking holy shit, was this what it was like to be my friend when i was in school? this also makes her do this insufferable thing where she really wants to do something and tries to drag me into it but then won't do it by herself if i refuse? i feel as if this is leaning on a tad immature because even if i dislike going to places by myself, i'll still do it unless i have a safety concern, but this "i won't do it unless you do it too" attitude is dumb for a thing that isn't embarrassing stuff, it's just a crafts market set up for our college, go by yourself. it's ironic because it's she who likens me to her young sister and she's also 3 yrs my senior. but the most unpleasant thing is that sometimes she unironically does a pouty face when i refuse her demands, it's one thing to hear about from another nonna, it's another to see it happening yourself, i get sometimes people do it to be funny but to actually try it to sway my decisions is just ridiculous, it's terribly cringey irl.
but i'm hoping this view i have of her is just my PMS talking because it's not like i want to cut her off.

No. 2431594

I'm not mad I just found it odd how they've been insistent for so long, then I started getting passive aggressive in my replies like they asked me something along the lines of "why don't we meet some time to try and catch up since last time?" (nearly half a year ago) and replied that it'd be pointless since "nothing has been going on in my life" since then (not even a lie), which understandably made them slightly upset for the first time, so I started to feel paranoid and called them out for being so consistently insistent with no clear motive besides some vague suspicions which are probably not true but might still play a slight role, I'm not really sure I can explain without this getting into TMI territory

No. 2431595

I’ve been eating healthy consistently for the last 2 months and I’ve seen some great changes, but today I woke up wanting to throw that all out the window so I can inhale cupcakes and other sugary food. Please god dont let me do this. I dont know why the hell this suddenly overcame me anyway

No. 2431597

Can everyone else in my house stop fucking opening MY mail with MY name on it? Nosy little children. "You've got mail" they say and then point to a torn open envelope with the mail on another table

No. 2431602

but for context I've literally not had any friend since middle school, so I might be the autistic one in this case
also I'm kind of reluctant on meeting someone outside, last time it went on for nearly 4 hours (of them basically monologuing to me) and it was exhausting
also I've been slowly drifting into a low-life dropout the past few years and I really don't want to talk about this or myself in any capacity but I know this is why they want to meet-up since I've been dropping hints about this in the hope they would lose interest, but in the end they just started to feel more "concerned" or something idk it's just unsettling

No. 2431614

Nona, I am saying this to try and be helpful to you, not to make fun of you.
>why don't we meet some time to try and catch up since last time?
This is not passive aggressive. You are coming off as schizo. If they're the same person who monologued to you for 4 hours, then it's understandable why you do not want to hang out with them. But you are being paranoid and overly defensive. I wouldn't be surprised if they were upset that you "called them out". She probably genuinely liked you and gave you the benefit of the doubt when you kept giving her reasons why you couldn't hang out. Many adults keep reaching out to their friends or people they want to get to know better if they say that they are "only busy" or don't give any indication of incompatibility. When my friend was in school, it was entirely up to me to keep our communication and hangouts going, because she was so busy with her degree.
You're letting whatever self-esteem issues you have over being a "low-life dropout" sabotage your relationships instead of just being grateful she gave a shit about you in the first place. Nut up, open your messages, and either apologize for being crazy and make up an excuse for why you got stressed, or tell her you're too mentally ill to have friendships right now. Jesus.

No. 2431638

>too mentally ill to have friendships
that's what I've been hinting at yes
I mean at best I'll get another exhausting meet-up where I won't have anything to say, at worst this is going to be trying to "help me" out of an irredeemable situation
last thing I want is to spend hours trying to justify my life choices in front of someone I don't even trust has good intentions towards me
I've lived over a decade of my life without friends I can probably manage a few more

No. 2431643

Had a nervous breakdown just minutes ago. I just want to stop feeling so bad, i want to heal, i want to see actual changes, see that it was worth it. Everything is so overwhelming and confusing, when will i get out of this hole? i just want my body and life back, i don't got tears to cry left. I'm desperate

No. 2431645

Girl, same. I am never my type’s type

No. 2431654

>makes fun of quiet people
People who do this make me so mad. I grew up being asked "Why are you so quiet?" every single day in school. It's infuriating how little someone talkative and extroverted bothers to understand what it's like someone not wanting to talk to you and be your friend. There's nothing alien about it. If anything, the world is in dire need of people that know how to be quiet right now.

No. 2431667

I also grew up being told this all the time and people around me assuming I must be mentally ill for being quiet. It happened so often I was wondering if they weren't right and if I didn't actually have some sort of mental illness. It turned out I'm completely normal and just didn't have anything to say to my classmates no matter how much I forced myself to socialize with them and they didn't have anything interesting to say to me either because we had nothing in common aside from our birth year. Now I'm a grown woman and my grown coworkers aren't even asking anymore, they just talk at me when I'm trying to focus and finish my job on time and yell the same sentences if I don't reply.

No. 2431675

please dont do this we have enough temu fake goths who have no idea what siousxie and the banshees are already. be yourself and stop trying to appeal to men it comes off as desperate and easy

No. 2431678

It's okay. There's nothing wrong with it and I'm glad you've accepted yourself as you are, despite everyone wanting to paint you as not being normal for it. People used to think I'm mentally challenged, in a bad mood, or stuck-up constantly because of being quiet. Now I've also realized it's just who I am, because these days I'm not talkative anywhere. I'm a natural introvert. I'll be damned if I try to do a 180 for someone that just thinks someone not giving them the attention they want and expect 24/7 is a completely foreign concept. I understand the need to co-exist with people that like to talk. We wouldn't have politicians and lawyers if people didn't. Why is it so hard to understand quiet people? You would hate to have librarians or therapists that don't know how to be quiet. Some people only feel the need to talk when the situation calls for it. That's not a weakness. If anything that's a strength because its a sign of good maturity.

No. 2431693

Nta but most of you look the exact same type of cheap and tryhard, goth as a subculture is hanging on by a thread.

No. 2431696

Bullshit libfeminism is so damaging to society. I'm sincerely thinking of creating a twitter profile to larp as a tranny and call out what I can with this persona just so they won't be allowed to disagree with me.

No. 2431699

why does it hurt more the longer time passes? i thought mourning my friend-turned-gf would grow less painful and that i’d grow more resilient. but now i keep panicking and losing motivation to do anything. i don’t want to be here without her

No. 2431706

yeah thats my point… "most" are like that, but theres still quite a lot of women, and even some men who care about it as an actual culture and not just something to get easy moid attention with cheap sloppa clothing
mourning a loss always is extremely painful before it gets easier you just have to keep living your life and itll eventually be something you can cope with.like, itll still hurt but in a way that doesnt make you want to burst into tears daily

No. 2431707

Yeah I can't tell the difference between instagoths and authentic goths, they dress the same, especially now that trad goth style got popular with posers. I really don't see any creative outfits.

No. 2431709

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Besides one guy i used to talk to ages ago there is not a single one who i've met who was a decent human being. Is that it? Are all scrotes incapable of normal empathy and respect? Am i doomed to lust after fictional men until the end of my life?

No. 2431711

No. 2431714

Well fuck me, id rather kill myself than continue living this garbage, empty life

No. 2431715

It's an amazing pic we need more like this

No. 2431716

Chill out bro. It's okay. Males are never worth it. You don't need them.

No. 2431719

Males are horrible yes but i'm a hopeless romantic, and i've been also craving touch and intimacy and sex since forever so it's painful, i hate them but at the same time i want them. I abused the only guy who i had a ldr with(that didn't even last a month) because i hate scrotes but liked him at the same time, he turned out to be a horrible creature too so i don't feel bad.

No. 2431730

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Unblocked my ex best friend on Facebook in hopes that maybe she's come to her senses and will maybe reach out to me (we fell out because I wrongfully became the villain to her during her severe psychotic break years ago). Due to the way things ended, I don't feel comfortable messaging her first, at least not at this time.

She could seriously message me out of nowhere and start talking like we used to without any explanation, and it would be the best thing that's happened to me in 7 years… sometimes I have dreams where she's back in my life and will wake up devastated and sobbing because it felt too fucking real.

We were and always will be twin flames. It was hauntingly one of the last things she ever said to me (literally during her active psychosis). Whenever I remember this, it feels like getting stabbed in the heart but it's also one of the only things that keeps me hopeful that one day we'll be reunited…

No. 2431735

my former best friend also ghosted me after a psychotic episode on her end… sometimes I dream about her and I hope she would reach out but I know we're better off not talking to each other. I don't think I will ever get fully over it.

No. 2431736

Anyway to kill myself and it won’t hurt or traumatize my dog? She’s the only thing I really care about. Please please please I can’t take being abused anymore please someone fucking save me please. I can’t help myself and Its pretty much exactly what I deserve because I can’t do anything better. I’m a useless, sad waste of space. Anybody with a body would do so much better and here I am just letting this happen and I won’t even try to help it. I think I’m going to break my 1 year self harm streak

No. 2431740

She'll go crazy like this again and you'll be right back where you started

No. 2431745

>twin flames

You had me up until this sentence. That phrase alone is a huge red flag for unhealthy relationships. I don't think it's a good idea for you two to be in touch.

No. 2431751

I thought of the BPD cycle reading that but there are more BPDs here so it's become annoying to identify that behaviour on lc now

No. 2431753

I feel your pain nona, I am the same but only seem to get the attention of the nice kind type who don’t know how to have sex and think your right pussy lip is your clit, or the type of man that will make you think they want you and then go cold, keep talking to you so you don’t lose interest and then fuck off into thin air.
Men are cunts, have a wank it’ll probably make you feel better.

No. 2431754

No. 2431757

you have to learn to decenter other people from your perception and learn to be your own person, happy and comfortable in your skin. other people, especially men, should just be like… extra toppings on a cupcake thats already tasty and enjoyable on its own. when you have this kind of perception you will naturally attract good things into your life, like good friends, growth opportunities and possible ideal men you could be in a relationship with. if you feel crazy ass anxious energy about men and intimacy then get on some zoloft or other anxiety treatments. and, actually I'd give this same advice to >>2431401 as well. i know the "nobody can love you until you love yourself" phrase is overdone, but it has some real truth to it!

No. 2431758

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> dog starts heaving
> ohshit.jpeg
> rush him to the bathroom
> i'm petting him as he heaves and eventually vomits
> it's all stomach acid
> disgust.jpeg
> start heaving myself
> manage to keep it down and go to clean it up
> dog starts heaving again
> notthisshitagain.jpeg
> he vomits and this time i can smell it
> disgust2.jpeg
> vomit starts coming up my throat
> vomit into my toilet
> picrel

No. 2431760

>I thought of the BPD cycle reading that but there are more BPDs here so it's become annoying to identify that behaviour on lc now

No. 2431772

Yeah, you're both probably right… as for the "twin flames" thing, I think my brain just accepted it without question from the general shock and heartbreak of suddenly losing the closest person in my life to unprecedented schizophrenia (it was like a switch was turned on one day I stg, she just cracked like a mirror without showing any major signs throughout the years, even now when I think back in retrospect). I never realized how weirdly manipulative she sounded saying this, even if she was fully off her rocker. With what little tethering to reality she had left, she was likely trying to make me feel even worse as she knew just how much she meant to me.
(also, >>2431751 I've been on LC for years and can assure you I'm not a BPDemon kek, just an overly sentimental person who was much easier to hurt and manipulate during this time of my life and wanted to vent)

No. 2431776

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I wish the people with situational depression (fake depression for normies) leave the people with real mental illnesses the hell alone.

No. 2431784

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No. 2431788

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Not you nona, you would be the supply or person who got "fleas". I picked up BPD behaivour in a relationship with one, it's impossible not to after a while. It's a social contagion and people get sucked in, so that's why they call it that

No. 2431800

I like eating meat as much as the next person, but specifically the smell of cooking meat is so off putting I'm no longer hungry afterwards. I get it from cooking veggies too sometimes so it's not meat exclusive tho. I don't get why I'm like this when every other person is like "ooh smells good!" about food in the making

No. 2431807

Ah, gotcha. Makes perfect sense honestly.

No. 2431808

Kek for real. I understand external factors can be huge contributors, but at the same time it's so annoying to hear about after a while when you're clinically depressed regardless of how "good" or "bad" things are going in your life. Those situational depression types are more often than not just experiencing patterns in life they should be incredibly familiar with by now, like the rest of us, but will choose to wallow in self-pity without the patience or willpower to realize it's only temporary. All while emotionally draining their loved ones like they're the only ones suffering (or are suffering "the most") and will go right back to "normal" when conditions are in their favor again. It's so exhausting to be around.

No. 2431818

It’s the mind numbing advice those types give to people like me that “shit will get better” and life is “full of good and bad!” and the best of all, “go outside because nature and gym will cure it all!” Honestly they’re more likely to cope and hammer in the whole “temporary” hopium. I’ve had this depression for like most of my life and shit has not and probably won’t get better. The blackpill that my lot in life will never improve and the fact I have the intuition and discernment knowing my fate has been sealed and lock makes the free will shills very triggered and scared. I will just rawdog reality until my death.

No. 2431820

I totally understand this with the meat smell thing. I especially feel this way towards bacon. Proper ventilation helps a little, but it still feels like it takes hours for the smell to dissipate and will thoroughly gross me out the entire time.

No. 2431828

You fucking get it.
>The blackpill that my lot in life will never improve and the fact I have the intuition and discernment knowing my fate has been sealed and lock makes the free will shills very triggered and scared. I will just rawdog reality until my death.

Easily the most based thing I've read all week.

No. 2431829

KEK sorry, I misunderstood your post. I thought the BPD cycle was some personalityfag around here or something.

No. 2431831

I'm so depressed over the state of the world. Is sanity at an all time low or am I just more aware? Pedophilia and pornography being so normalized, gaslighting into not recognizing male violence for what it is and instead being forced to say that it's "humanity" or "people" who are evil. Media and social media brainwashing little girls into wanting to be prostitutes. It's so discouraging.

No. 2431835

I am tired of having my mom as my only friend to do anything with.

No. 2431840

Do you have places to meet new people?

No. 2431846

I hate to sound whiny about it but I have tried all sorts of hobby groups and I just never form any sort of friendship with anyone. Like I will get along well with them and they will remember me but they don't really care much about me outside of planned meetings. I keep having this mindset I am not normie enough for people to want to actually be friends with since I am actually autistic. It makes me even wonder if people do even hang out and do actual friend stuff like casually chat with each other after college. My mom has told me before I am being unrealistic about friendships and that people don't actually hang out and do stuff together regularly when they start growing older.

No. 2431848

nonnie ill hold your hand when i say this, but your mom doesnt have your best interest at heart. shes basically grooming you to be a loser, so she has her bestie (whos her child and dependent on her)

No. 2431851

Nonnies, please give me some words of wisdom. I'm so tired of giving a shit about friends. Please give me some reasons to not give so much of a shit about how people feel about me.

No. 2431853

I genuinely can't deal with my dad's right wing youtube slop playing in the background almost all day long. Lately it's been anti feminism shit. At this point it's almost getting a misophonia reaction out of me and I feel forced to stay in my room and listen to music when I don't want to just so I don't hear anything because it makes me so upset. I'm fucking miserable. I don't know how to not let it affect me this much

No. 2431855

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Nona, pls get out of my head kek. I was just looking at my recent phone call logs and saw all the hours of conversations I've had with her and no one else. I love her dearly and treasure our relationship, but it's to the point where she's socializing more regularly than I am at 70 years old! I wish I could find a nice group of older women to do hobbies and activities with tbh. I'm thoroughly convinced I'm just an old lady in the body of a 28-year-old.

No. 2431856

Sometimes I wonder if her being around me all the time is that detrimental. Even in the aforementioned hobby groups I had joined, she would almost always want to go with me. I wonder if her being around me all the time might give a not-so-positive impression of me to other people or might just make me seem less open to them.

No. 2431857

hes your dad you dumb bitch. just be nice to him so he pays for college. after u get ur degree u can ignore him forever. dont be fucking stupid you dumb bitch jfc(infight bait)

No. 2431863

NTA but I am pretty sure she meant to say that her mom is 70.

No. 2431900

>I am not normie enough for people to want to actually be friends with since I am actually autistic
Don't be so harsh on yourself, all kinds of people make friends. It must be difficult because of the autism though, I do'nt think my suggestions would work with you because of that.
>people don't actually hang out and do stuff together regularly when they start growing older.
That's sort of true. I definitely don't meet up with people as much as I did in college but the quality of your friendships goes up by a lot too because you're not hanging out with people just because you're forced to.
After a certain point you have a lot more obligations that take up most of your time, you simply don't have the energy to keep going out, etc. Some people do keep a very active social life but it's a personality thing. Focusing on your social life actually takes work and effort, and it's ok if you don't want to dedicate yourself to that.
I think you're going too far. Maybe her mom simply isn't too sociable either. From what anon wrote alone it's not enough to call her malicious.
Sorry, hadn't seen this. I still think it's not enough to call her malicious. My mom was like this too, she just didn't see me as an adult, I had to be explicit in wanting my independence. Have you told her you want to do things yourself? Does she react badly?

No. 2431901

I love you

No. 2431913

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Yeah, I get that people get busy with their careers and families but I think I got discouraged from having hope in ever experiencing real friendships because of what my mom has said. I don't think she is being malicious or anything either. However, I have started to realize how much I accommodate and revolve my schedule around her. Like when the groups I have hung out with would have lunch after practice or whatever, I always opted out because my mom wasn't interested. Plus, it would have felt awkward having her around a bunch of younger people in a social setting. That probably killed a lot of my opportunities to socialize and get to know people if I have to be honest. She gets a bit sad if I tell her I don't want to hang out with her so much and at this point, I feel like I don't really have anybody else. I am in an extremely downer mood at the moment though so maybe I will eventually try again to socialize without her around.

No. 2431916

Coming to terms with the realization that I will never get back together with my ex. The last time he saw me he said directly to my face that he has zero feelings for me, that he feels absolutely nothing. It's basically impossible for him to ever change his mind, no matter what. And he's the only man I ever loved. He's right that I'm good for nothing, I have zero motivation to do anything all I do is lay in my bed all day and wish that I could die. It's like I'm stuck in a nightmare and I can't get out. My bones hurt.

No. 2431920

The world would be so cute and pretty if it wasn't for men. First they have no fucking taste at all and keep pushing minimalism in shape and color because their simple brains can't comprehend being creative in any way. Then secondly the moment a woman comes in and makes something pretty they either shame her for it and/or sexualize it to ruin it. Even if they're the asexual autist nerd kind of male they then think ONLY function matters and design everything to be a tragic looking prison cell and go "yup it functions, so it's good" not realizing their so called design causes actual depression in humans. We would all be living in beautiful castles if men hadn't decided flat concrete squares get their dicks hard!!!!!

No. 2431922

Get revenge by getting up and doing ALL the things! Live a perfect live so he regretfully wishes he could be part of it, but he can't because he gave it all up

No. 2431926

I am so sick of being in love with my best friend. Why does she have to be so radiant and funny and beautiful and why does she have to understand me so well and always look out for me and think of me and stand up for me and look at me like I'm the only person in the world. Fuck my life. I can never tell her. I have tried to get over her but I just can't. No one else compares. I sometimes wonder if she feels the same way but it just seems too good to be true. I almost wish she wouldn't flirt with me and jokingly call me her girlfriend because it's too confusing. But I also don't want it to stop so I guess I'll just keep going on this way. It has been years of this…If she ever dates someone else I definitely won't be able to take it.

No. 2431927

He has me blocked everywhere. And he even told me he would be happy if he saw me with another man because he thinks I deserve someone who likes me for who I am. There is no such thing as revenge for him because he's not a bitter person. This man has very hard edges. If he saw me leading a perfect life he'd just congratulate me for picking myself up and move on. Nothing on earth would ever change his mind about me.

No. 2431938

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I 100% understand why mods don't allow casual conversations in the mundane thread and why the random shit threads are still locked, the reasoning behind it sound from a board culture and mod perspective. But tbh I kinda enjoy the thought of just being casual with other nonas without any sort of commitment, discord would feel too personal and I feel like the more annoying retards gather there. The anonymity of it all feels nice.
I get why and how it attract retards, but I have mixed feelings on it because of my own personal wants kek

No. 2431951

I'm in a similar position myself, but in my case he said he could've been perfectly happy and content with me but might resent me one day if that prevented him from new experiences. Introduced me to his friends and family as "fiancee" even though I never received a formal proposal with a ring (last time I believe in that shit). We're still "friends" but he's gone back to ignoring me most of the time just like when he used being deathly busy with work as an excuse (and he was, most of the time, but it left me being the sole person making an effort with anniversaries, birthdays, etc. while he forgot everything and didn't even apologize for forgetting). Said his "ideal partner" would understand his reasoning. Anyways I didn't mean to make this about myself so I won't get into all of it but all that to say, the ones who move on like they just don't give a fuck and discard you like it's nothing are the ones who hurt us the most sometimes. Someone told me that men don't often think about what they've built with someone and what they've left behind, but rather what they will gain in a new relationship going forward, and i've found it to be very true.

No. 2431952

jesus relax she never even mentioned doing anything about it
honestly think it was just too fast of discussion, had a lot of infighting and took way more effort to moderate than the farmhands had time to do

No. 2431962

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when i was 16 i was rushed to the hospital because i had major pain in my lower belly. they did an ultrasound looked at me weirdly and said its the appendix and it has to be removed. i always thought it was super awkward how the nurses and doctors acted afterwards. my mom told me im just being crazy about it. i got my medical files today (mind you im 23 now) and it literally states how they removed a tumor in my stomach and supposed undeveloped testes and that i should get a test for 46,XY (that literally means swyer syndrome) and it all makes sense now, how i never got my period and my breasts didnt develop as the other girls and i always was super ashamed of it because boys would call me flatty and shit like that.
istg i wanna die rn. i shouldve never requested those files. idk what to do. im a literal abomination. the fuck. am i a fucking moid? i dont want to get tested. i dont need closure. i want this nightmare to end. fuck my life

No. 2431963

Day 40 of dad coughing and clearing his throat every 2 minutes, I want to rip his head off atp

No. 2431970

It's insane nobody told you anything about this when you were 16 and hospitalized. I can understand your parents not telling you because some parents are really fucking stupid and irresponsible but at 16 you're more than old enough for doctors and nurses to tell you about your diagnosis instead of only telling your parents behind your back. I was diagnosed with some rare hormonal issues as a child and my doctor was already telling me everything about it and even showing me documentaries in my hospital room's tv and I was like 6 or 7 years old, the hospital you went to is full of idiots. I don't know what swyer syndrome could entail in the future, but if you need to do more medical exams just in case anything bad can happen to you please do it.

No. 2431994

just continue living normally as a woman. as long as you're not planning on going into professional sports or having kids it probaby won't affect your life too much. maybe save up for plastic surgery if the lack of breast tissue bothers you; at least now you know what the issue was in your development as a teenager.

that's fucking crazy, though, it feels like they shouldn't legally be able to hide a patient's own medical conditions from them like that. how are people not able to file a lawsuit or something over being intentionally misinformed like this?

No. 2431996

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Learned today that because of the ongoing recession only 30% of last year's alumni in my field got hired, which doesn't bode well for us that are graduating this summer. The school usually promises that the majority of their students get hired within 6 months, but due to current statistics they changed it to within ONE YEAR… Luckily I might have a couple of contacts that MIGHT let me do some freelancing until I land something more permanent, but I'm definitely really nervous. I signed up for a couple of summer courses in how to make android apps, idk how much it's gonna give me since it's just a summer course but at least it'll look nice on my resume and it will give me something to do since applying for jobs during summer is a fucking crapshoot.

No. 2432000

File: 1741293907560.png (206.72 KB, 1080x627, iaintreadinallthat.png)

I have had the habit of typing way too much. Whether it just be messages to friends, venting about shit here, or explaining an issue I am having at work, I can't seem to do it without turning into 3+ paragraphs.

I need to stop assuming people have the attention span or reading comprehension I expect them to, because I start getting really frustrated when they don't. Most people have terrible reading comprehension and if you send them mini-novels, they will likely check out after the first two sentences you've written. To be fair, I do naturally like writing and reading more than most and I do it because written communication is a safe place for me that oral communication never is.

No. 2432001

What degree? I am graduating with an accounting degree in 2030 but i am sure it will be useless and replaced by AI then.

No. 2432004

>replaced by AI then
What the fuck are humans going to do when it gets this bad?

No. 2432009

Type it all out, don't send, and edit what you wrote. Cut out everything that isn't important and shorten the rest. Then add some emojis to catch their attention and send. It's frustrating that whoever you're writing to has the attention span of a concussed fly but if you need to talk to them, you have to do it in a way that their shriveled brains can comprehend.

No. 2432010

I dont know i am going to be in my bunker drawing my whores while everything collapses around me. People who have no hobbies or anything to live for besides work will probably kill themselves en masse.

No. 2432011

Web development, I aim to specialize in web accessibility once I get some meat on my programming bones because I don't think AI is going to figure out a lot of the more intricate parts of it. I live in the EU and they started being A LOT more strict on web accessibility starting from this year so I think it's the right way to go long term. But short term? I feel like I'm fucked at the moment

No. 2432016

I thought about doing this but I’m a burger and am worried that anything that could be perceived as DEI adjacent on my resume would be the kiss of death for now. I hope that’s not always the case but at least for the next four years.

No. 2432022

He has you blocked NOW but in a few years he'll get curious or a mutual mentions you so he looks you up and there you are, looking hot and living the dream life with a guy who's way hotter than him

No. 2432026

Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe I should start using Chatgpt to make me more concise or something too, as long as it doesn't end up making me sound weird.
Can't do the emoji part at work unfortunately, but I will try the rest because it is especially frustrating there. I have to repeat myself at work all.the.time. It seems to me like no one in corporate jobs ever know hows to read at all. Even when what I type what is just one sentence long and I literally just sent it, some of them still ask me a question as if I didn't just answer it. I just want to go off in all caps sometimes. Reading comprehension for people in large companies is completely atrocious. They literally seem dyslexic.

No. 2432035

File: 1741295823925.png (78.89 KB, 273x275, 46CE974A-F450-43F8-BF0C-9AB8D6…)

I now believe the moid I had a crush on and thought was into me is not only an actual Narcissist but also a closeted troon and my quirky persona and bangs are who he wants to be and that’s why he’s fucking with me so hard.

No. 2432042

Nona are we talking to the same moid??

No. 2432049

I have no good advice to give you nonnie but I think that people who can't read large paragraphs are actually retarded. It drives me insane that I have to make everything I think and feel bite sized so my retard friends don't ignore me. It feels like being iced out because I have a fucking thought.

No. 2432059

Ironically, some of these people like to talk on and on in person but I can barely understand them when they speak. I tend to find their short, dull replies online too vague and underwhelming as well. When all you do is reply "lmao" my head will interpret that in 5000 different ways until I go mad. Maybe this is another one of those introvert-brain vs extrovert-brain things.

No. 2432088

File: 1741297789994.jpeg (147.38 KB, 933x905, 1544625377450.jpeg)

Its so funny when someone thinks they're hurting you by ignoring you. You're finally giving me a good reason to not engage with your existence and I finally get to be left alone in peace, thank you so much! ♥

No. 2432110

every moid i like turns out to be an asian fetishist holy fuck WHY. i want to die

No. 2432116

Are you asian?

No. 2432124

a good nigel is hard to find, but goodness i am lucky for mine. it's almost unreal. if things ever end ill just stay single forever and do charity work.

No. 2432138

I don't usually get ignored by people aiming to hurt me, only people that ghost because they don't care about our friendship but I have the same views for them as well. I block them everywhere and move on because I do not want a person that never cared about me to live in my head rent-free. Even better is when they do me the favor first. They were bad friends so we should have just never been friends.

No. 2432170

no KEK

No. 2432223

I found my brother's reddit account and I am stalking it religiously. Some of his posts are questionable but I knew he was an asshole, he got rich fast because he got help from the family, otherwise he would've struggled setting up for his job. I'm still bitter about this because I received 0 help, but I work as a corporate drone. I found out stuff I suspected since he never tells mom anything and pretty much stopped talking to us once he got money and moved to his own house. This is so fun but I am still incredibly salty for being the poorfag of the family and not receiving tens of thousands of dollars as help (there was a big scandal when I was young and asked my mom to borrow me 200$), I have been overworked and underpaid and I told him I am currently not working and searching but it's a struggle. Naturally, not much empathy, he wouldn't last a month in the corporate world and the hell I've been through. I used to get some hits from him when I was young and was verbally abused many times, including in our adult life, things have changed a bit but I am still very bitter about many things. Still, I feel sorry for what his family has to go through currently, his wife is a good woman, I can't commend her enough for putting up with him, he can be very difficult.
Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy this shit and won't let him know, but I'm screenshotting all the questionable stuff just in case.

No. 2432229

I just had the most miserable and humiliating bathroom experience. I can't even detail it here because it'll probably sound like fetish shit, but it was fucking horrible and disgusting.

No. 2432232

My hatred of men has become so intense that I’ve lost friends over it, and it’s always because they feel offended on behalf of their nigels. I’m so tired of women who can’t empathize with women about being oppressed or traumatized by men.

No. 2432239

I'm really stressed out so I finally gave in and took a benzo. I can feel it's starting to turn off my thoughts. God that feels nice…
Is there a way to stop feeling stressed all the time? Sometimes it feels like awful things are about to happen to me. Like if I don't give my 100% best at each given moment, then my future will be awful. I've been feeling like this 24/7 for the past 5 years. It doesn't feel good. Maybe if I was married to someone I know will bring me more financial security, I could go on with my daily life without worrying to death.
It's getting harder minute after minute to articulate my anxiety as the benzos take over my brain. Jeez these pills are helpful, now I'm not even bothered finishing my rant.

No. 2432241

Wish I could sue people for making me depressed and unmotivated. I'd argue they owe me money.

No. 2432243

It's okay, the trash took themselves out

No. 2432249

Imagine someone just popping out of nowhere and helping you out. Why doesn't that ever happen?

No. 2432253

I just really want to have a sex-drive again, meet some people, see where it goes; but I am in vagina hell forever.

No. 2432258

Collect the dirt on him nona, and when the time comes you'll be able to use it. I'm curious but what did he end up getting rich with? Did he start his own business?

No. 2432259

someone will appear to save me right now i know it

No. 2432262

Just got out of a Zoom meeting for work and holy shit my face looks so fucking fat. Time to hit the gym

No. 2432266

I wish.

No. 2432267

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Nonnies… The new Gaga album is ass and it's breaking my spirit and my heart

No. 2432270

You can only save yourself

No. 2432276

random thought but i think what was most disapointing about my ex wasn't so much that he was a porn addict, nor that he was mentally ill without seeking treatment, nor that he sexually abused me, nor that he was a dropout (authough that's a close second), i think what was most disapointing was how powerless he ended up being. he was powerless to bring me security by getting engaged, powerless to even visit me on terms that were convenient to me, unable to egen guarantee i'd get a reply to a text or even a spoken word. maybe not powerless maybe just unwilling. it just ended up feeling like a lot of bother for very little guarantees, very little anything actually. couldn't even be trusted to simply go to school.

No. 2432280

i'll go to the bathroom and when i come back i'll be saved

No. 2432281

I hope you are nona
I want the same for myself

No. 2432293

KEK I think like a good half is good. But I hate that it was advertised as dark and chaotic when 4 tracks could be summer songs and like 3 are slightly melancholic ballads. The collaboration is forgettable. I guess they did choose the best songs as singles. I would have absolutely preferred the alleged Mustang song over How Bad Do U Want Me or Don't Call Tonight.

No. 2432295

There's not much "heavy" dirt but a lot of things that bother me he didn't tell my mom plus some general assholery. Sometimes people become more of an asshole when everything is handled to them on a silver platter.
I will end up confronting him and telling the dimwit he broke the #1 rule of the internet which is not to fucking post identifiable info on the internet (something only family knows). It was pure coincidence I found his account, I was at the right place at the right time (subreddit,kek). He knows I'm the tech sibling, but he really can't comprehend how much shit I can dig up knowing just a few details even if he's not on social media.
My mom actually regrets helping him and is taking my side now, despite me being rightfully upset when the loan (he said it to her face that he's never gonna pay her back, shockedpikachu.jpg) happened. Mom apparently said that she were to give me that money but I don't really believe it.
> what did he end up getting rich with
I can't go into details but he finished a very difficult uni that pays well and the money he received helped him kickstart actually working in the field. Worth noting it was rough until he got the help.
You'd be entertained by our sibling rivalry and the shit that happened between us. He once asked me to backup his phone and ofc I dowloaded all his fucking messages and read verything, he was being very mean to me to his (then) gf.
And here I thought, when I was young, that my brother is different. Mega kek.

No. 2432302

I’ve only been unemployed a couple months and I’m already so depressed. Every time I get a rejection from another job it feels so painful, I know I shouldn’t take it personally but I feel an awful emotional pain every time and it makes it hard to keep on with job applications because I loose all my optimism when I’m in that emotional state. I wish I was a normal person and I miss my old job so much, I wish I hadn’t left the city

No. 2432303

Cosmetic procedures make men gay(not a vent)

No. 2432306

They were gay before that

No. 2432307

They're also cringe on women

No. 2432316

Not as cringe as a man being queer and self conscious but yeah.

No. 2432318

Its more cringe on women imo. A gay moid getting cosmetic surgery to look good for his butt-daddy isnt making life worse for moids as a collective.

No. 2432319

My mum turned 66 today. Life feels very short and I'm basically like an overgrown teenager. No home. No family of my own. If I have kids they'll be lucky to have memory of grandparents. Hell I barely remember my nanny and she didn't even make it to her 70s. Bleak.

No. 2432320

Nah its even more cringe on women. Imagine carving your face lmao

No. 2432321

How's that not cringe for a man to do? Not like men have been treated like property for most of society and have beauty standards shoved down their throat. They've went out of their way to be pathetic

No. 2432326

I didnt say it wasnt cringe for men, but they deserve to feel insecure and shit

No. 2432330

It's more cringe for men to get cosmetic procedures because they're not suppose to be insecure gaybies

No. 2432331

One affects women, the other doesnt. Its that simple.

No. 2432333

I don't think you know what cringe means

No. 2432335

I dont find gay scrotes getting cosmetic surgery cringe. It doesnt affect me. Pickmes getting it to look good for their balding fat nigels however does. It gives me a visceral reaction.

No. 2432336

They should be insecure gaybies though

No. 2432337

I'm sorry but the original statement was it makes men gay. Heterosexual males getting cosmetic surgeries is a gateway to then becoming gay

No. 2432338

The days get slower and slower here bc of all the random bans. Boring ass website

No. 2432341

They've literally been handed every advantage in society and they're worried about their hair. Newsflash men, no one cares and your hair drugs are lowering your testosterone

No. 2432342


No. 2432343

Every thread on /ot/ is slowly becoming the same and it sucks

No. 2432344

if that's all it took to make them fag out then they were already secretly gay from the start

No. 2432345

I was venting, I'm getting samefagged or double teamed by two menlovers

No. 2432347


No. 2432349

what dont you get that idagf about men and their problems? men being faggots only benefits me because then they only rape moids.

No. 2432350

People are well-meaning but they cannot comprehend a feeling they've never experienced so their advice sucks most of the time. I just say that even if you feel empty and sad, weighed down, dragging your legs tied to cinder blocks etc, you continue to live out of spite. It isn't about being happy, happiness is unattainable to a lot of people. You deserve to take up space, and you never know when you can one day be useful for a purpose you don't yet know or understand. Basically stick it out til the end, everything is uncertain. I'd be fine with living in numbness because maybe one day I could help someone who really needs it etc. Everything is governed by lottery and chance and even if I'm an ant, so what.

No. 2432353

>honestly think it was just too fast of discussion, had a lot of infighting and took way more effort to moderate than the farmhands had time to do
that easily applies to unpopular opinions and this thread too, and yet they're still not autosaged

No. 2432356

It's because the farmhands are shit at their jobs and they can't moderate for shit and the admin is MIA and doesn't give a fuck about the site

No. 2432357

samefag forgot to mention mundane shit thread too. no i'm not deleting and reposting for your 10 minute flood detection jannies

No. 2432371

>the reasoning behind it sound from a board culture and mod perspective.
This isn't the case. A lot of people here can tell the mods are newfags with little understanding of board culture. Just go to the retarded bans thread to see.

No. 2432377

File: 1741308637592.gif (1.3 MB, 498x278, IMG_8952.gif)

Haven’t cut myself in almost 10 years but locking myself in the bathroom and just giving in to a slice or two would feel so good right now. I can’t deal with the bitching from my parents or my husband. I try to hard to keep a positive attitude and work hard but it’s never enough for any of them. When they fuck up it’s always my fault because I should’ve jumped in to help them sooner. Fucking insane I’ve been told my whole life that I’m a lazy, inattentive airhead when the reality is that I’ve been the one holding things together. Fuck them, I’m the best and I don’t feel like self harming anymore after typing this out.

No. 2432389

Vent it out, it's more cathartic than any physical pain.

No. 2432390

You're way too good for them. Sounds like you grew up in an abusive environment and rose above it, but your husband reproducing this behavior is worrying. Maybe you married him because he behaved in the same abusive way you were familiar with? I'm glad you realize you're not what others tried to tell you, that you're strong and capable. I hope you can change your situation for the better and either find a better partner or improve your relationship with your current one so that he grows to respect you and acknowledge what you do for him and others.

No. 2432400

if i struggle to be happy often, despite being better with medicine, should i seek a vice? i fluctuate and most days i am fatigued and feel unmotivated, but some days im very excited and productive. i see girls online who are always energetic enough to look pretty and do fun things and i feel even worse. they also do drugs. i know this is desperation talking but i have tried sleeping eating healthy exercising medication vitamins and im just tired of wasting much of my life in my bed half awake, apathetic and unmotivated for half of the month. i want energy and want to force myself mroe. without drugs i dont think these girls would do that

No. 2432405

Nonas I am having the Euro trip from hell… I’m traveling with my best friend and I am quickly finding out we are extremely incompatible traveling partners. There’s still an entire 4 days left until we fly home and idk what to do. We traveled together domestically one time before on a 3 day trip that was also terrible but I chalked that up to her just having broken up with her boyfriend and counted it as a fluke. The country we are in right now is where half of my family is from and I feel like she is being so disrespectful to the culture idk along with other things she is doing it’s making for an awful time. I also feel like I can’t say much to her since she paid for the plane tickets as a birthday present to me.

No. 2432423

Femcels deserve to be miserable. A woman will grow up to have a healthy relationship with her parents, including her father, and a healthy relationship with whatever man she ends up with, blissfully ignorant to why she wouldn’t, and be happy. This is supposedly the life other women want for her, but other women will feel threatened by this, and feel the need to drag her down to their level, since misery loves company. They are not feminists, and deserve whatever shitty thing happens in their lives for trying to ruin someone else’s.(not a vent)

No. 2432426

I don't have an opinion on this, but as I was scrolling past I found the use of 'blissfully ignorant' as a positive to be funny. Ignorance is never a positive even if it makes you happy. Also is this even a vent or an unpopular opinion? All threads are the same now.

No. 2432429

This has always been the "backup" thread for the retards that use UO to bait in when UO is slow. I think the new thread pic and description has been pissing them off. Too bad the jannies don't do the one thing they're supposed to do.

No. 2432431

That thread should be autosaged.

No. 2432441

stop comparing yourself to others, life is not a productivity competition. If you’re really concerned about your energy levels and want to change that I’d talk to your doctor about it, maybe a deficiency or health issue

No. 2432442

Those weirdly aggressive blackpillers are an extremely insignificant minority to the point that your post is pointless and so specific it just seems passive aggressively motivated

No. 2432445

She sounds like she deserves whatever that femcel told her

No. 2432447

Wow soooo deep. Get off this thread.

No. 2432448

Newfag spotted, femcels don’t exist all because some tiktok retard called us 4chan for girls. You’re upset about blackpillers, learn to lurk and label who you’re actually mad at

No. 2432460

Virgins are so embarrassed by the label virgin they've made it everyone else's problem calling themselves incel. They're essentially no better than trannies.

No. 2432466

This girl keeps bringing up her boyfriend mid-conversation I dont give a FUUUUCKKKKKK about your pet scrote god damn

No. 2432486

File: 1741315934018.png (561.21 KB, 883x738, womensgym.png)

There is one to look forward to if you live in London.

No. 2432489

And it'll be probably infested with troons a second later.

No. 2432534

File: 1741319132460.jpg (196.54 KB, 900x1200, M02-3.jpg)

Why do Americans get to have all the best stuff that i in my thirdie shithole would have to pay insane cash to have??? I've been looking for holografic/iridescent makeup for days and it's all imported for crazy prices. Fuck you all kaczinsky was right if it weren't for the industrial revolution the concept of holo highlighters wouldn't even exist and I wouldn't be tempted by the devil of glittery micro plastics just because they shine in a cool way.
And the kicker is that this shit us probably made in china anyway WHY IS IT CRAZY EXPENSIVE EVEN ON ALIEXPRESS????

No. 2432539

>why can't i also be a mindless consumer?

No. 2432546

This look is horribly outdated. So all for the best, it would seem

No. 2432547

You made me want some

No. 2432548

No. 2432549

No I use to love this look in the early 2010s and am excited to think it's coming back. My cheekbones are all I have

No. 2432550

>in the 2010s
>coming back
Not any time soon but I'll accept this on the basis of nostalgia

No. 2432567

I'm going to KMS if summer doesn't arrive soon. I miss enjoying life.
At least DST ends this weekend.
God I hate winter.

No. 2432592

some here willfully engage in the exact same sort of impotent cynical delusions and self-pity as incels
maybe it's ironic and they're slightly more self-aware but the dynamic is clearly similar

No. 2432593

I hate the self pity sfm. Delusional thinking can be helpful for these anons. Think of what it's done for troons

No. 2432631

nosy bitch of a coworker saw me on my break eating and asked what it was. took a piece. then made a disgusted face and said it's not good and she doesnt like it and it taste bad and said i need to eat her arepas because it's way better than what i was eating. i wasn't eating anything close to an arepa. and that was just so fucken rude. i was going to make a comment about how rude it was to make that comment about food from my culture to make her feel like shit but i'm sick and tired of wasting my breath on her. just told her no thanks i dont want to eat her food. thinking about being petty that if she ever brings food i'm going to make the same face and comment.

No. 2432691

File: 1741336945024.jpeg (70.3 KB, 564x515, IMG_7250.jpeg)

Stop bullying me stop bullying me fucking leave me alone. What have I ever done to any of you? We're not friends, we're not even enemies, you are some random person I've never met and you don't know anything about me. You hate me for no reason and talk so much shit when I have done nothing to you or anyone. Gaslighting me to the point where I start to wonder if I actually have done something wrong. Making me feel so hurt and alone and like I can't trust anyone, not even myself. Stop bullying me. Stop it. It hurts me. I hate it so much but I won't stop being myself just because you guys don't like me. You don't have to approve of me, just think before you speak and maybe decide to shut up. Leave me alone, don't attack me anymore, I haven't done anything to anybody. I just want to forget about all this. Leave me alone leave me alone. It's not fair. It takes you two seconds to say something mean and cruel and it haunts me for weeks. Just stop it. It's not fair.

No. 2432692

I'm so competitive that it's to my detriment at times. Why am I getting annoyed I scored 2nd on my work's technical test and only lost to the 1st by 1 mark. I'm still so annoyed tho rip.

No. 2432709

Do you know what website you're on?

No. 2432717

I'm sick of being utterly mogged by my own mom everywhere I go… like yes I'm proud my mom looks good but literally no one pays attention to me ever! I'm not jealous of her but I feel like I get no appreciation whatsoever

No. 2432726

And even though I don't want to blame her for this, it's still kinda her fault for choosing to conceive me with a retarded moid like my dad….

No. 2432734

Do you know what thread you're in?

No. 2432745

Makes me pretty sad to have deleted someone off my friendslist who I once considered a good friend… but having not heard from her in 3yrs just really disappoints me. Our last talk I told her I was seeing someone (this after I previously rejected her romantic interest), so I understand why she'd distance herself from me. It just makes me really sad is all. Seeing her pfp and remembering all the good talks and laughs we used to have really makes me miss her all the more, and I can't bear to have that reminder anymore. Sucks to be lonely.

No. 2432752

I can't deal with my girlfriends gender antics anymore, she's just said I am "pansexual" not a lesbian because I'm attracted to her and she uses she/he/they. No. Grow up.

No. 2432753

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No. 2432754

She usually refers to herself as a woman, identifies with womanhood and whatnot, but sometimes she says this.. stuff. I promise I'm not baiting. I think I'm close to getting through to her, actually.

No. 2432755

Hate this stupid useless laptop, I can't really afford another one right now but it's supposed to be 15hours of battery yet dies in 40 minutes.

No. 2432760

Remember when you were able to click the battery out of your laptop and just purchase a replacement? Same for phones. My laptop doesn't take a charge anymore at all so it's permanently plugged in, so fucking annoying. It shouldn't be legal to not be able to replace your battery.

No. 2432764

File: 1741345371248.jpg (35.29 KB, 600x750, efgsgehrh.jpg)

i also cant believe that no one fucking told me. my mom even used to tell me "maybe you have lean pcos" and id spend hours googling and researching. because our deductible is so high she never let me go to the doctors. i was scared of having cysts on my ovaries etc. i was also baffled how she'd let my brother go to the doctor for his shit. i havent even talked to her that i know what happened way back then. im just still super mad and disappointed. i need to confront her. also i was way more angry yesterday. i do agree that i should get it checked out. who knows what else is abnormal.
thank you for your kindness nonnie
>just continue living normally as a woman
i mean id never willingly take testosterone. id literally look like that pooner cartoon
> they shouldn't legally be able to hide a patient's own medical conditions from them like that
i agree. its really freaking me out. i wonder if my dad knew too? like literally no one gave a fuck to tell me. and the nurses and docs did act super weird.
i could literally strangle my mom rn. what the actual fuck was she thinking jfc

No. 2432766

All my life I’ve always felt fat, why do I have to have this thought in the back of my head , constantly gnawing at me? There has never been a time where I didn’t think “I would look so much better if I lost X and looked like this”.
Last week I stumbled into pictures of myself when I was a teen and I was slim, thin even, why did I even bother thinking that way? Spent useless time criticizing and berating myself? And the thing is that I still think I’m fat now.
I know that I sound ridiculous and I never say it in public to anyone because I know it’s not true, I know I sound crazy, I can see the number on the scale, the size of my clothing, but my eyes and mind just lie to me.
Why do I even care? I wish I was free. I wish I could back to the time when I was a child, where I didn’t have to think about any of this bullshit, I could eat whatever I wanted without any guilt and I never felt ashamed about any clothing. It’s not fair.

No. 2432767

Me thinks this is fake

No. 2432768

Why are you with this retard?

No. 2432769

Why do you respond to bait instead of ignoring and reporting it?

No. 2432776

I've become attached to her, she's otherwise fun and intelligent. And I told her no, I'm still gonna call myself a lesbian and she didn't argue with me about it. She doesn't like tims either and feels guilty about it, I feel like this is the last remnants of her gender phase before she tosses it away. It makes no difference, she just has the she/they/he in her profile that no one actually uses and I don't care about it.

No. 2432778

Going over my list of normal things to buy with two bottles of wine, just as the legal sales time happens, so I don't look like a complete degenerate. Ahhh life

No. 2432783

It's still ironic to vent about bullying and gossip like a cry-typing twittard on a website for gossip.

No. 2432785

My roommate is creepy as hell. She's driving me psychotic. I feel so crazy but I know it's not in my head because I record it and I send the video to my friends and they agree. Whenever I sneeze, my roommate sneezes within 1 minute. Whenever I cough, my roommate coughs within 1 minute. Whenever I make any noise, my roommate copies the exact same noise. I could sneeze at 4 in the morning in my room and through the wall I hear her sneezing within 1 minute. I'm so scared. It's like she's playing mind games on me. Why is she doing this??? At first I thought it was coincidence but after a few months I can't take it anymore. Once I pretended to cough 3 times over the course of 10 minutes and each time I coughed she coughed back. We barely speak. Why does she copy me?? I thought I was going crazy and making it up so I took a video of me sneezing and sure enough she sneezed within 25 seconds and I sent it to my friend and she told me that I should leave. I don't know what to do I can't break the lease but I'm terrified. It's psychological warfare. I hate you Cynthia

No. 2432789

Cute bait. You guys should kiss ♥

No. 2432794

I wish this shit was bait

No. 2432824

The good old days.

No. 2432825

Why are retards calling blatantly real posts bait and falling for blatantly obvious bait these days? The utter state of this site

No. 2432829

post bideo

No. 2432831

Twisted something in my neck, same vein as twisting my ankle. It hurts to turn my head right and left. Ugh, pain is just going to get worse the next few days.

No. 2432833

This is subconscious mimicing and pretty normal when it comes to sneezing, coughing, jawning and general body language.

No. 2432835

It's hard to believe retards who get panic attacks over sneezing now post here.

No. 2432837

Idk, I'd be creeped out with a munchie copying everything I do too

No. 2432843

Is it Munchausen when you're just sneezing though?

No. 2432850

Kek what does that have to do with munchies?

No. 2432944

So is it common for your mother to go out of her own way to make everything harder for you, shit on you, and then emotionally manipulate you into blaming yourself instead of her, or was I just cursed with who birthed me

No. 2432954

I wish there were more fun and silly cows. I am reading through zoe simone's and luigi's thread for milk right now and it's just making me depressed instead.

No. 2432957

You're not the only one, it's not a normal thing because it shouldn!t happen in an ideal world but there are plenty of mothers out there who sabotage their daughters for some reason. They're either jealous (like these tards who love pretending their 14yo daughters getting sexually abused by their step fathers or their fathers are stealing their man or some insane bullshit), resent their kids for requiring efforts to raise them, they're just fucked in the head so they're like this in general and not just with their kids, they're paranoid helicopter parents, etc. I bet other anons can relate.

No. 2432971

there’s only one electric/gas provider in my state and they’re jacking up prices like crazy. my bill for one month was over 500 dollars. i don’t even understand how i’m supposed to survive with the price of living these days. groceries are expensive as hell, all my utilities are overpriced, and i can’t even talk about my mortgage without crying. and it’s only gonna get worse somehow? fuck my life.

No. 2432979

This is the third or fourth time I come to this thread to vent about feeling hated by cashiers, but the poor treatment does not stop. Today at the store, an unwell and likely alcoholic guy was in front of me in line. He was twitching and talking to himself the entire time. He was also carrying a huge backpack. The cashier (also a scrote) scanned his beers (that’s all he bought), the alcoholic guy paid, and then the scrote cashier thanked him and even wished him a nice weekend. When it’s my turn, the cashier greets me and then proceeds to get up right away and inspect the front of the register. At first I thought alcoholic guy dropped something, but then the cashier asked if I had something in my bag and if he could look inside it. I just handed him my bag and didn’t say anything. Obviously it was empty, so he gave it right back and proceeded to scan my shit. I paid and he didn’t say anything, no sorry, no bye, and no have a nice weekend. And I’ve been feeling sick to my stomach since. The guy in front of me is tweaking out with a big ass backpack on and yet it’s my Uniqlo tote bag that needs to be checked? I’m actually hurt right now. I feel like every insecurity I have is real, that there really is something fundamentally wrong with me and I will never make new friends, let alone a boyfriend. I feel like I have rotten vibes and there’s nothing I can do about it. The cash register is the one place I regularly interact with strangers and it constantly makes me feel like a subhuman.

No. 2432985

tbh i wouldn't be surprised if there's a quota to meet as far as the number of 'bag checks' they're expected to perform.
i think security like that is more likely to pick people who look like they won't put up a fuss as opposed to the drunk tweaker muttering to himself who might ACTUALLY be stealing something and therefore get aggressive with them in the name of 'self-defense'. at the last retail store i worked in, even if you saw people stuffing shit in their purse in plain view with zero shame, they'd start screaming and throwing stuff at you if you confronted them about it.

No. 2432989

Everything in my life is so shitty and stressful right now. My rent went up, my ortho benefits ran out and my boyfriend was temporarily laid off so his benefits are inactive, my work is moving locations over an hour and a half away so I have to make a decision with that, and on top of it all groceries and gas and bills have skyrocketed in price and i just feel like I'm sinking. Everything fell in all at once this month and I'm fucking exhausted, all I want to do is sleep until everything is better. I wish I could go on stress leave but I think that would make me feel worse because if i'm not working i'm not making money.
My friend wants me to go over to her house tomorrow and I just don't want to go. I can't afford gas to drive there (half hour drive) and she always makes me stop at the store to pick up dinner ingredients so I'll have to pay for that too. She's also on stress leave right now so she's not working but is still getting paid her full wages because she's a nurse, and she's already been bragging to me about how she's getting like 6k back from taxes. I just dont want to pretend to be happy and excited right now, i'm stressed and i'm jealous that she can get months off and not worry about finances.

No. 2433001


No. 2433005

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How do you deal with a sibling with BPD? I’ve been walking on eggshells for most of my life around my sister because I love her and want to be a part of her life but recently I had to draw a boundary with her and she blew up in a rage and screamed at me over the phone and is mass texting me some hurtful shit. She doesn’t want to help herself because she drops therapists as soon as they stop validating her delusions so I don’t know how to move forward from here. I love her but I’m also done trying to keep her happy.

No. 2433006

I hate my boyfriends lazy bum parents and I hate how he has to financially support them. He claims he wants to move out and start a family with me but these disgusting worthless leeches are preventing that.

No. 2433010

I guess that’s a possible explanation, but I have never heard of cashiers having to perform bag checks in my country. I also feel like a naturally charismatic Stacy would never be asked for a bag check, even if she was carrying the most stuffed and bursting at the seams tote bag in existence. At the very least she would get a “Sorry about that, have nice day” after. So I either have ugly unsociable shop lifter vibes or ugly unsociable doormat vibes.

No. 2433011

Digging through my old boxes trying to find my wacom tablet I bought a million years ago so I could play osu and I found my teenage diaries. I kinda memory holed the bad parts and focused on the good stuff but teenage me was really depressed. There's very little good in here, it's not just teenage angst she sounds really messed up. I really want to hug little me and tell her everything is going to be ok. I'm not sure she'd like current me tough.

No. 2433025

No contact

No. 2433029

If you think it’s possible to reason with her, draw a boundary like “I am not going to engage with you if you continue talking to me like that.” If she continues doing it, go no contact. Or just skip straight to the no contact part. I’m sorry nona, I’ve had to go through the exact same thing with my sister and there is no easy solution.

No. 2433035

I don’t believe in karma because why does my abuser have such a better life than me? So much more friends, a better job, a good relationship with his family.

No. 2433065

The word karma doesn’t mean justice. That’s a common misconception westerners have. It just means action. It describes cause and effect, basically. So if he were to act in a way that would cause him to lose all those things then he would, but there is no mystical force that would cause him to lose all those things randomly.

I’m sorry for whatever you went through, but you’re better off just doing your best to forget that asshole and just focus on making your own life better. Even if he were to get hit by a bus tomorrow, it wouldn’t make more friends, a better job, and a good relationship with your family magically appear on your doorstep.

No. 2433094

I am 27 years old and been in therapy for depression for a few months. I had problems since I was in elementary school but never got help for it because teachers were mostly focused on rowdy boys and my parents didn't care as long as I was quiet and obedient. A few weeks ago I got screened for ADD and I scored really high.

No. 2433102

im gonna get screened for adhd/add and i what is it like?? do you just answer some questions like as if its an online test or what??

No. 2433142

You need to go no contact for your sake and hers. She knows you love her and she's doing everything she can to hurt you. Ignore her completely and don't let your guilt push you into contacting her- that's only going to make things worse. BPDchans are kind of like addicts in the sense that they always drain the people they're closest to, and they only start to think about getting their shit together once they've pushed everyone away.
It feels like you're betraying her but it really is the only way you're going to be able to get through her delusions.
Oh no that's so sad, everyone knows that abusive moids never lie about being happy and successful and beloved by all. Get real nonna, he's only got friends because he pays for their drinks and his family are probably sick of his shit too. I know this is the vent thread but you should probably use some common sense before you lie on the floor sobbing about how his life is just peachy. If you want to inflict some karma on him yourself, post a photo of yourself trying on a massive wedding ring with a caption about how happy you are now and watch him seethe.

No. 2433153

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I love the way female chests look aesthetically. I'm attracted to women, but I think that female chests look beautiful beyond that attraction. I wish there was a way for me to draw women's bare chests without looking sexual or like I'm a guy. I wish more women loved their breasts instead of saw them as something to get rid of too.

No. 2433158

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>Join Pilates group
>It's fun and social
>It's in a kinda small room
>I have relatively long arms
>Have to apologise every time we have to do a pose that requires arm stretched out completely.
I'm sorry to the girls I accidentally hit.

No. 2433162

I hate scrotes so fucking much. Some nasty guy came into my job with his woman, I greeted him professionally, and he immediately starts sleazily being like "Yeah I'm bringing in my lady, my fiance, aka the one I choke at night huh huh huh" What the fuck? She didn't even flinch either. I can't deal with this shit today

No. 2433163

I realize my ex friend had a lot of internalized misogyny. It hurts because I genuinely cared for her but I feel like she was jealous solely because she was fatter than me. She had relapsed horrible bulimia because she didn't want to be a fatty and her manipulative abuser ex was always demanding she should lose weight. Her ex basically had an ED fetish and was obsessed with manipulating women's appearances. If she were skinnier she probably would've been considered more attractive than me. I also told her several times that I consider myself fucking ugly and have a lowly opinion of myself and horrible body dysmorphia. She was also always putting herself against legitimate anachans like Ariana grande who clearly don't eat at all and I told her that's an unfair comparison, and other skelly female celebs. I told her celebs basically don't eat and live miserable lives. We both had similar issues, a lot in common, and I didn't care for the competition but she kept trying to put one up that wasn't there. She was also better at makeup and styling. I wish she could see she had much more going for her even without losing weight. I really tried to make her feel better and told her to stand up to her loser ex. She kept lashing out. it eventually ended our friendship. Despite it all I miss her. I really think underneath it all she was a good person who was ruined by both her internalized demons and the man who'd manipulated her. I wish I could give her the self esteem she deserves, but I have none for myself either

No. 2433167

You got cursed with a shitty mom. Happens to the best of us. If you're not an only child I'm gonna assume you're also the unfavorite sibling? Sorry anon

No. 2433196

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I hate how there's always a tranny character in every media nowadays. ffs i turn to asian media to try and escape from this stuff,but there's no escape now. There always need to be obnoxious (kek at least they get it right) troonoid pandering. (Picrel is from Mischiveous kiss season 2)

No. 2433198

Sometimes I think about my former friend who was a huge pickme with internalized mysogyny. She was so vulgar even when it was just girlfriends with no men around. She would always talk about how wet she was and how she was always "ready to go." Like, what the fuck, why are you telling us this? She was obsessed with men and always judging other women. A couple times when I invited her over she was a rude bitch to me in my own home. I'm glad I don't see her anymore.

No. 2433311

>some privileged male faggot gets sent tons of fan mail and money from people despite him committing a crime
>i can barely get anybody to give a shit about me
Somebody please tell me why I should continue my life, there’s zero reason to. It doesn’t matter what you truly do, you’re subject to fate.

No. 2433320

Have you considered doing something really cool and based like Luigi-chan

No. 2433321

Being a man is so easy

No. 2433323

I feel this way when I think about IShowSpeed's absolute success and everything he has attained by being retarded on the internet. He went from jacking off to porn and playing video games all day to being a millionaire who is also loved by millions of people because he made them laugh.

No. 2433324

men who wanna b special dont kno women have been edging for ages. it called holdin yor pee pee. in the vent thread cuz it make me sad(integrate)

No. 2433327

Seeing misinformation on reddit about a rockstar I hyperfocused on for like a month and a half last year while I was very deep in my addictions and I can't correct the poster because I don't have enough karma to comment in that sub but it also doesn't say anywhere how much karma you need to comment. Now everyone is just going to believe this FALSEHOOD and I can't tell them basic fact I learned while snorting lines and going on 20 year old forums for several hours a day.

No. 2433328

>ladyboy fucker
>cool and based

No. 2433329

Not to mention everyone talks about the male loneliness epidemic. If scrotes are lonely and nobody wants to be around them, that's on them. Says a lot that they can't even get male friends and that other men don't even want to be around them kek. Female loneliness is just not talked about because nobody gives a fuck about us period and men think we live a fantasy life and all act the same (hence all the trannies).

No. 2433331

If the rockstar is male you shouldnt care, he will keep his fans regardless

No. 2433332

This is the problem with Reddit. The karma minimum to post doesn't even deter bots. It's such a shit site

No. 2433333

Literal easy mode
Him and Kai Cenat. Moids never want to admit they live on easy mode with the “men funny” psyop carrying them to success even though they’re virtually boring, unfunny and untalented and hideous, while you’re a woman who has to entertain you’re always needing to be the butt of the joke, play into some porn stereotype (tomboy, mommy dommy, gamer girl, nlog, etc.) showing your ass/tits, speaking in an ungodly petite voice and diminishing yourself and your skills/intelligence so nobody is threatened. I literally just want to kill myself, I seriously fucking hate this world.

No. 2433339

>nobody gives a fuck about us
Not even other women lol, that’s the biggest blackpill. A lot of women are just as self-centered and soulless as men, which is why we’re stuck here while moids continue getting richer and more powerful while women continue to worship them. It’s all so tiresome

No. 2433342

Oh no it has no bearing on people's opinion of him, it's just straight up misinformation (if he got married to a certain supermodel or not). No one cares/the thread isn't about him, it just bugs me that I can't correct people.

No. 2433344

I agree, the problem is normie women are under a rock. I'm too misanthropic.

No. 2433354

It really does blow my mind how men stick up for their bros every time a rape allegation comes out but women can't even help eachother break out of the oppression. I've even had someone I thought was feminist come out and tell me if they had a button to press where they could become a man they would press it and no longer give a fuck about women suffering

No. 2433355

I genuinely don't get women who say they want to become a man. I have never once had that desire kek.

No. 2433356

That's very sad nona, I'm sorry you lost your friend that way. It sounds like it was a very stressful situation for you. You did your best to help her with what you knew at the time. It's not your fault if you couldn't save her. People really can only save themselves. You gave her the most support that you could, but in the end she chose her demons over you. It sounds like you're still hurting a lot, not just about this friend but in general, so I hope you can be kind to yourself and slowly heal from it all. You're a good person, too. Do you have better friends now? You can be happy again and enjoy the company of healthier people who lift you up. I think that we need to be with kind, loving, compassionate, and forgiving people in order to build up our self esteem. Overall, the situation didn't seem good for you. You can go onto better relationships now.

No. 2433360

Just goes to show how deeply the internalized misogyny runs

No. 2433376

I hate phone calls!!!!! Why can't we just text or email. If you send me a text, I will respond as soon as I see it rather than missing your call because I was away from my desk for 3 minutes, and now I have to call you back and you miss my call because youre busy with something else now and now we're just playing phone tag. Just fucking text me what you want!!!!!! It is so much easier and less time consuming for both of us.

No. 2433402

Every statement sounds like it was written by a blue checkmark Twitter account bot now.. The tone that people use, the insincerity, the way it seems like some snappy "gotcha".. It all just seems like the same orchestrated conversations you'd see on Twitter.

No. 2433404

File: 1741387178489.jpeg (16.61 KB, 401x280, 611052e844feb12ee6836830_401_2…)

Had a breakdown in the morning while talking to my supervisor that was just checking in on me for something unrelated, and I told her how lost I feel about the current situation. She said it's sadly the reality of it, but she's sure I have no problem finding something since I "got the spirit and is curious, that's a high priority when it comes to hiring juniors", she and my other supervisor are going to have a little check-in with me next week to help me figure out what to do next once I graduate. I'm gonna try and do a little push to request getting employed for at least 50% even if they're currently also affected by the recession, I don't mind studying related fields or do a bit of freelance for the other 50% as long as I have something secured.
I also went out with my friends from class, and practically everyone just kinda wants to lie down and give up.

No. 2433405

I'm regretting going to live with my friend so badly nonnies. I always found her loud, but while it was endearing while seeing her at uni, it's maddening now (we are both home for the majority of the day). She's clumsy and has damaged pans and tools, and she doesn't throw the trash out unless I tell her five times (I feel like a mother telling her son to fix his room kek). Plus, it's expected we do everything together, eating, watching tv, and I feel like an asshole going back to my room but I just can't socialize ten hours a day. I love her I truly do I just wish we hadn't started living together (she was VERY persistent that we did). At least once we are done with school it's over. I think I prefer living with friendly strangers, because if I need to tell them to do something I don't feel bad and socialization isn't necessary besides some days.

No. 2433420

Just ripped off a piece of my toenail. I was doing so well with the skinpicking, it had been weeks since the last time.

No. 2433438

I'm ruminating because I'm sick. I have a number of other friends (as in what my reclusive ass can handle) and they gave me sound advice that us ending our friendship wasn't the wrong decision. I'm just concerned that she's still in communication with her ex or he'll try and harm her or manipulate her into self harm. He's much older than her and he harasses her to the point where it drives her into episodes. That vile man wants her to kill herself. That's where she'd attack. I told her during those episodes to calm down. To put down her phone- what she said to me during her tantrums was so cruel to where I couldn't tolerate it. I understand it's a product of her traumas but now I understand why she's lost most of her friends.

Unfortunately from the start I knew and was aware she had problems. She's bipolar and her psychiatrist won't put her back on mood stabilizers because he's a retard scrote who misdiagnosed her. Her old psych had the diagnosis right, but apparently quit practicing and the new scrote would not accept she was bipolar. It's hard for her to find a new psych because there's a couple month waiting period for new patients. So she kept spiraling into episode after episode. She struggled with rapid cycling. I am convinced her abuser ex coaxed her to go off meds… she never told me directly but I believe that too. I wish that man had never ruined her life. She's clearly a sweet person. A bit naive and immature, got into a bad situation, fighting her mental health but not a bad person. I hope she really does find a way to escape her demons in the future. I miss her and I love her and despite me having to leave her I wanted the best for her

No. 2433476

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I'm seeing things in the corner of my vision again.

No. 2433515

File: 1741391220326.jpeg (754.67 KB, 1125x1384, 50826B82-AE4C-48A8-8AC3-795BC9…)

>Learned one of the images on my interior design Pinterest board was originally pinned from a mafia kpop wattpad fanfic
>It’s the reason I get mafia booktok slop recommended for my interior design board
>Take a picture of it and show my friend, laugh about it and have a good time
>Fast forward an hour and my team member and I have to record a video for a class project
>I have to share my screen during this video
>Team member goes ahead and submits it
>Only afterwards do I see the tab “THE MAFIA DON JEON’S LOVE” is still up on the same window I was screen sharing from
>I can’t resubmit. The professor and TA will see this. My team member saw this. Everyone is going to think I like mafia kpop slop now
Just kill me already

No. 2433537

File: 1741391984064.jpeg (25.21 KB, 776x503, IMG_7339.jpeg)

I want to sleep but my neighbours baby is crying so loudly.

No. 2433540

i'm sorry for your pain but also this gave me a hearty chuckle. inb4 someone tries to talk to you about your 'shared interests' and turns this into a situation straight out of a sitcom.

No. 2433609

revengemaxx nona
>open several tabs on computer
>play a different video of a baby crying on each one
>hook up a bass booster to computer
>aim at wall

No. 2433619

Definitely fitting that this cringe slop is in decades old 4ch format

No. 2433621

Cashiers and people that work retail are joyless sacks of shit because they work a shit job and get disrespected everyday for bad pay and little benefits. Don't take their behavior personally. I know that it feels personal, but their attitude has nothing to do with you and everything to do with themselves. I hate pretty much everyone that works minimum wage jobs because they all have this grandiose attitude about themselves like, "oh, I'm BENEATH this job but I'm just FORCED to work here against my will!" And it's like, no - you work here because you have to because nobody else will hire you. They are the type to bite the hand that feeds them. In the future, if you want, keep track of the time you go into the store and the name-tag of the people that serve you. If you feel they aren't doing a good job, send a business letter to both the individual store and the company itself to complain. I've gotten hundreds of dollars over the years in coupons and vouchers by doing this. I don't know why more people don't write business letters.

No. 2433623

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I think I have to break up with my moid because his kid is extremely annoying to me. I really like him, but I can't take anymore. It's not her fault, I promise I don't hate her or anything, but I'm way too sensitive to sound and gross things. She is a toddler. But I can't live with the screaming and stomping even for three days a week and every other weekend. I feel bad because I wanted to like kids but I'm too much of a retarded sensitive sped to handle hearing this all the time. It's probably different if it's your own kid but I honestly can't think of her as mine. I feel like shit. Secretly I was hoping I would take a liking to her since it's like raising a kid without having to go through the horrible trauma of pregnancy, which I am deathly afraid of. But it's just not happening.

No. 2433625

File: 1741395078987.png (245.3 KB, 500x500, whyhaveyoudonethis.png)

I got Anton Chigurh hair. On purpose. What the fuck is wrong with me?

No. 2433637

Nonnie there's no way you got into a relationship with a moid who has a kid…

No. 2433645

I feel actually retarded for giving this situation a chance and becoming attached to this guy. The mom is also fucking crazy and I just want to avoid her because of how mean she is, but I can't as long as I'm a part of this Which definitely is giving me more resentment of the kid. It's fucked up and unfair towards her and I feel evil, but I'm not built for this life.

No. 2433651

Dont feel guilty, you didnt sign up to be step mom or daughter in law

No. 2433674

Girl get out of there before you get even more attached to this dude or the kid gets attached to you. Better for everyone to end it sooner than later if you’re not into it

No. 2433684

Why the fuck is Etsy the way it is? I miss when I could actually look for real things made by people. Now it's just a dropshipping hellhole. Do people actually buy from drop shippers on there? They're waaaay overpricing their cheap shit.

No. 2433686

feeling extremely horny and falling in love with every living thing i see….ha im manic again aren't i. Fuck….

No. 2433689

I fucking hate it too anon. I just want to buy from real people not shitty fucking companies. At this point the only place I can find stuff made by real people is by pure happenstance while surfing the net or at craft markets, everything else is enshittified. Even craft markets have people trying to pawn off garbage like acrylic garbage, resin garbage, or worst of the worst 3d-printed thingiverse not-even-sanded-down articulated garbage. It pisses me off. I'm finding peace in just not buying anything.

No. 2433699

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I feel upset because the mom wanted full time care of the kid in exchange for child support for the first several months of our relationship until she suddenly freaked out on her new moid. The kid isn't really old enough to form memories and I don't think she even remembers me during the week she's gone and then comes back but it's definitely gotten to a point that this guy is going to be really upset when I go. Feels bad man. For a scrote he's genuinely sensitive and kind. He regrets the kid too because she was a one night stand, but wants to be a good dad.
It's retarded to talk like this on lolcow of all places, but sometimes I feel like a factory defective woman for not being tolerant and enjoying the presence of children. Sorry for my multi post selfpitying rant kek it's been weighing heavily on me and I feel like I can't talk to anyone about this predicament.

No. 2433705

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Whoever runs a meme account i follow has definitely trooned out cause they suddenly started posting entirely stuff like this. Argh… this is probably controversial but I think I would be okay with troons if they weren't the most fucking annoying people I ever met

No. 2433730

>decades old
What even are you on about

No. 2433734

for some reason half the instagram meme accounts are owned by trannies. sometimes my irl friend sends me shit and i dont even think she realizes its agp fetish nonsense and not by an actual girl lmao

No. 2433741

Some anons think that they're too good to be posting on IBs even though they still post on IBs

No. 2433754

File: 1741400182176.jpg (47.67 KB, 1280x720, 1000020426.jpg)

Checked a girl's arms today and she straight up told me, on the spot, out loud that her scars were from self-harm. She could've just passed it off as old scars from a playful cat or from a glass accident, but no–she went full in with that confession. She said it like it was Tuesday, didn't even wince to admit she used to cut her damn self. If I was a former self harmer and I had to be honest about it, I would've had to whisper that shit. She was honest and that's good, but she didn't even seem embarrassed about it.

No. 2433762

Good for her for owning up to it and being honest about it I guess

No. 2433764

Don't think I forgot what you said about Katy

No. 2433773

No. 2433787

I hate asking people to do shit with me because I feel like the only say yes to be nice so I can never enjoy activities I plan with others.

No. 2433792

Jfc. I found a forum of people who want to go under leg lengthening/leg shortening surgery. I was reading a thread by a girl who chopped her legs in india and is so horrifying. She basically ruined her life because being 170 was too tall for her.

No. 2433793

wtf share screenshots? how does that even work

No. 2433796

It's a lot to screenshot, better have a peek yourself: http://www.limblengtheningforum.com/index.php?topic=244.0

No. 2433799

Why are boomers so retarded Jesus Christ my dad just opened a blatantly AI slop video advertising an app that offers free wi-fi like does he even know how wifi works… now he's chimping out throughout the house screeching that the idea of it being a scam is ridiculous

No. 2433809

i think we underestimate how much cognitive capacity people naturally lose as they age. if you're healthy and able to still take care of yourself everything usually seems the same on the surface, but mentally there is a huge decline. most people over 60 i interact with have successfully navigated life up until now, and its baffling because they now cannot grasp even the most basic concepts/instructions

No. 2433813

jesus christ… these people need therapy, not surgery

No. 2433848

wtf fujochan is down guess i’ll have to stick to the yaoi thread on m

No. 2433849

It's up for me still

No. 2433854

File: 1741403367202.jpeg (123.21 KB, 851x1508, IMG_0329.jpeg)

lucky fuck might as well tell me to kill myself at this point

No. 2433856

kek I'm sorry nonna maybe try restarting your browser or something

No. 2433860

File: 1741403589655.png (25.22 KB, 395x372, fuckin-piece-of-shit-v0-jg971p…)

>grades plummet one year after being raped
>time to apply to universities
>can't explain the dip in grades without bringing it up, but literally everyone says not to write about things like that because universities view you as a liability
>already probably sabotaged half of the apps so far by including an essay about it
>don't have some special "overcoming pain" story, spent that time trying to kill myself and slowly getting back to normal
once you're raped you're raped forever. my application is not special at all. found out today that some people hire writers to help them write their essays. i want to kill myself. i have no future. i feel so stupid for thinking i could go to even a top 50 or 100 uni.

No. 2433916

I feel so old and so many years have passed but I don't have enough to show for it.. I'm outgrowing my interests even though I still want to enjoy them but there's just a point where you have to socialize with other people in your age bracket, obviously because you shouldn't want to stay as a kid forever, but I also just wish I didn't have to be forced to move on. It's really happening to me. Time controls me and checks if I've used it wisely, but I haven't. I guess for the next ten years I could start developing something even though there's that feeling that I should've started sooner. I kind of liked being a kid and my phase of being blissfully delusional, disassociated and in my head, I kind of didn't.

No. 2433928

I have been there kek anon just cut it off

No. 2433940

>went out for drinks by myself after work to celebrate getting placement for university
>have my 2 drinks and go to leave
>bouncer fucking hits on me
>follows me through the venue to the door

ffs. not only is it annoying behaviour but are they even allowed to do that shit at work? what the fuck!

No. 2433951

File: 1741409908723.jpg (8.03 KB, 249x243, bugs.jpg)

I fell and broke my phone and hurt my hand. FUCKKKKK. Genuinely have no idea how my phone died, it was working fine when i picked it up from the floor and now it doesnt turn on anymore.

No. 2433955

you should report him

No. 2434085

Sorry but I laughed imagining this. I would pick you up and kiss ur hand though.

No. 2434204

I found a friend's nudes from the decade-ago camgirling she now regrets and I'm a little sad.

No. 2434241

Appreciate her for being candid because mine make me want to kms half the time

No. 2434295

I realized something about my writing that genuinely disturbs me. I have a lot of dissociative amnesia and tend to have delayed emotional reactions. I also write a lot of fiction, fiction that I realize later was just a projection of things I was going through at the time.

With that in mind, onto what disturbs me. There's a trend I've noticed whenever I'm writing sexual abuse. It's always a child being abused by someone the parent allows around the child, and the parent is either complicit in the abuse, or just doesn't care enough to investigate that the child is being cared for properly. I don't remember being sexually abused but I became extremely hypersexual around the age of 6 and would obsessively draw sexual imagery and masturbate in public and stuff. I literally could not stop myself. My mom also allowed my sister to have a 19 year old boyfriend live with us when she was age 16 who had a warrant out for his arrest, and a bit ago I was trying to think about why I like having my boyfriend pretend to rape me while falling asleep, and I suddenly remembered that guy and my eyes shot open and I was just frozen in fear and I couldn't move. I don't think he was the initial cause though, if he did anything, because I was 7 when he came to live with us and my hypersexuality started at age 6, so if he did anything then he'd need to notice my hypersexuality and do something, which probably wouldn't be that hard because I couldn't stop myself masturbating and had gotten caught several times.

I just wish I could remember what happened to me.

No. 2434566

File: 1741418723372.gif (441.87 KB, 400x400, possum-opossum-gif-possum-opos…)

I hate that these retards now say "happy women's day to all women and gender minorities". just fuck off. Gender minorities can have their own retarded special day don't lump them together with us. I even saw a post wishing a stop to violence against men.

No. 2434598

No. 2434637

I just had my final exam today and it was very hard. I hope I did decently because if I don't pass this exam, I won't pass this class.

No. 2434863

Still haven't been fuCked the way I want to and still incredibly frustrated. Of course my dumb Nigel doesn't see the problem because I had sex twice. First time I didn't even orgasm second time it was 10mins max and I only came once.

No. 2434912

I’m having like a full blown breakdown. I have been off my meds for a minute and i can’t take it anymore. Really wondering if going to a psych ward is a good idea. My anxiety is so bad leaving the house is stressful. I have been fucking depressed nonstop. There’s trauma shit bothering me and I’m tired of how much shit I put myself thru or was put thru coming up in my head. I really think I should kill myself. I dunno.

No. 2434943

what do u do when u want to go to the doctors for something but they've been malicious/shown they don't care abt u… and the THING u want to go for is liek, personal and intimate and you could potentially die because of complications for such an operation??? ugh(integrate)

No. 2434944

I doubt the psych ward would be a good idea. You'll probably just get attacked by an actual crazy person. Just confide in a family member that you're feeling this way and ask if you can stay with them for a few days/weeks while you get back on your meds

No. 2434946

Get a second opinion, drink a shot of alcohol before you go if you have to (and aren't an alcoholic)

No. 2434947

Go to a doctor who isn't malicious and who cares for her patients

No. 2434950

Go to another doctor if possible.

No. 2434955

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No. 2434956

Hate to be that person but that would personally get me no where. I would have grown up in a way better situation if both of my parents had just taken their meds lol. If anything would make me worse and I would end up there anyway. Psych ward would be a better foot in the door and give me the ability to have them back at all. It’s just a risk of giving up the time to do it. It just sucks.

No. 2434958

I was thinking more like a kind lesbian aunt or cousin? Whatever works and gets you out of your current situation tho, good luck at the psych ward anon. You can either pass the time getting crazier or getting better I guess

No. 2434966

Family just isn’t really an option for me but god I wish it was. Trust me. Any family members I could rely on right now has passed away. My siblings are options for support but are unreliable/unpredictable. Either they will give a crap or they won’t. No in between.
Idk it’s not the first time unfortunately. I know how to keep my head down and bide my time. This is more so me getting my meds back then it is something bad this time so. Won’t be the worst thing to happen. It’s either continue feeling this way or that at this rate. My hands are a bit tied but plan on rooting out more options before going that far but it’s in the cards. As much as I don’t want it to be. I have therapy next week so I am planning on trying to hold out until then and talk with her. Go from there. Better option anyway.

No. 2434967

What did you guys even say?

No. 2434980

File: 1741430260818.gif (954.71 KB, 220x220, tired-cat-760893855.gif)

That's okay nona, your plan sounds good. Let us know how you feel when your medication kicks in

No. 2434982

How do I deal with female womanhaters in the policeforce, work place and so on?
Shit is actually seriously messing with me.

No. 2434989

Thank god for aciclovir, I’ve not had a sore for like 10 years. Whenever I feel a tingle on my side I just apply it.

No. 2434990

Honestly these male dominated places are so tiring for women nonna. You do really need to be strong and to not let these retards get in your head as much as it’s the usual advice. I wish you good luck.

No. 2434992

Just know that you work twice as hard to be there than any of them and that you rightfully earned your place. Try to fo your job and be safe.

No. 2435001

>file a report for rape
>get told by female cop I’m a liar
How do I deal with the fact those female cops exist? I don’t wish them luck I wish them death.

No. 2435002

I hope that their lives get endangered.

No. 2435004

Also why female womanhaters work in male dominated industries? They are awful eww. Why do we want equality if we can just start our own companies and be good women there? Whoever said women should have male colleagues is wrong, women with male colleagues all HATE women to get more salary. I wish them death, quite literally. A traitor is the worst thing ever.

No. 2435007

damn didn't know that website existed thanks nona

No. 2435012

that happens to me when i'm super stressed out

No. 2435013

Oh sorry, I read completely wrong and thought you were a police woman. I’m hangover.
But for that I don’t really know what you can do, sorry nonna. There isn’t a single normal police officer? Is there a way to go somewhere else?

No. 2435015

she was't even 170 lol she was like 167. what the fuck.

No. 2435017

kill a billionnaire CEO and i'll send you mail promise

No. 2435019

If I were a police woman I’d shoot all the rapists and random cops that talk shit about the rape victims
I can’t say this shit but I just did.

No. 2435047

Dreading this day only because my mom will probably start ranting about how women ruined everything, they hurt mens feelings and didnt ask nicely enough for rights, how women deserve whats coming to them ie mens wrath, etc.

Some women wear pink on International Womens Day, so my mom deliberately wears colors opposite of pink on the color wheel. Its so depressing that my own mom hates me because Im not a male, despite her claiming to not do favoritism.

No. 2435060

>women's day
>tell my mom "let's do something especially nice for you for women's day! what should i do to help?"
>"you could wash the sinks and toilets, but you're a woman too so it doesn't make sense"
>"oh sure i'll ask [my brother] to do it!"
>"oh no he can wash the windows"
>"ook so he'll wash the windows and i'll do the sinks and toilets!"
>"no i heard him wake up at 5 am this morning poor baby hasn't slept well let's leave him alone, but you can do the sinks"
meanwhile when i'm back from a nightshift she'll give me extra stuff to do
i'm so fucking sick of her misogyny, she keeps complaining about being tired and overwhelmed by housework, but i get blamed for it although i'm the only one participating in housework besides her, and whenever asking my brother comes up she doesn't want to
FUCK THIS i'm not going to do fuckall, fuck this bitch, she deserves to be miserable

No. 2435066

>>says he regrets his kid
>>gave up custody in exchange for paying money for several months so he could go out and date
sounds like a great dad. sorry, but these seem like pretty big red flags. Why would you get involved with a guy that had a kid but didn't want to see her. And if you don't like kids, don't date guys with kids.

No. 2435070

It’s okay, he will die miserable guaranteed, while you still have the opportunity to make life better for yourself.

No. 2435071

File: 1741439523182.jpg (56.96 KB, 959x951, 20250117_213944.jpg)

All of my sexual experiences have involved a lot of pressure and insistence that I will like things if I try them and that I'm resisting enjoyment despite having anhedonia anyways. I'm really upset by this still. It never seems to stop, either. I'm so tired of not being respected when I clearly am uneasy and uninterested. Women have done this to me too (they have been partially male-identified) and it's so upsetting.

No. 2435090

What the fuck does a moid even mean when he claims he wants a woman with "personality'? Like what does that even mean! I refuse to believe this is removed from her physical aspect, it has to be something like hot chick who is also chill and lets me talk with other girls or what

No. 2435095

He is trying to substitute with lack of his own

No. 2435105

It means he sees most women as lacking a personality. It's not completely literal because every human has some sort of personality even if that personality is a boring one.
I imagine the type of woman he wants is vivacious and go-getting (but in a fetishised penis-friendly way, of course)

No. 2435122

You ever just think about how your future bf is somewhere just living his life and has no idea that one day you're gonna make him so miserable

No. 2435123

Why is it always boring plain moids who want this type of woman the most lol must be the manic pixie dream gf syndrome but if you're not a fun person yourself why would a genuinely fun woman even entertain you?

No. 2435126

Guys who claim they're into manic pixie thots and "goth" girls remind me of when I was 9 and imagined Inuyasha was my bf

No. 2435128

I don't even think it's about a particular aesthetic, they seek a woman who is like perpetually happy, always smiling and laughing and with literally zero insecurities. Maybe cause they seem easier to please and don't have to worry about not being good enough for her.

No. 2435129

>>it never seems to stop
stop having sex with losers

No. 2435130

he wants a "cool girl" and is a mysogynist

No. 2435131

I meant like visually it would look like a nine year old standing next to inuyasa. Also I don't think that's correct because manic pixies are most definitely not always happy, just quirky and "adventerous".

No. 2435135

I haven't had continuously had sex with "losers". I mean that it keeps happening where I'm put in a situation (particularly when vulnerable) where being sexual is pushed on me, often pretty much out of nowhere and I'm told I just don't know what I want and that I should try whatever these people want, even with women.

No. 2435138

does being a cunt make you feel cool?(infight bait)

No. 2435143

Of I have a son I’ll beat him up kek.
Jokes aside it’s mum like these who raise retards. My brother is 12 but my mom makes him do the same chores as my sister who is 11 (Irish twins). He’s actually a good kid, at least for now.

No. 2435146

Happened for my first time and it taught me a lesson. There’s no one who can instill your own boundaries apart from you, ask yourself why you are overriding your own safety and comfort just to temporarily please someone else.

No. 2435153

It really is this simple but /g/tards gonna /g/.

No. 2435154

you gotta stand up for yourself nonna. if you don't want to do something sexual then you are by no means entitled to do it. anyone who keeps pushing past your boundaries is not someone who deserves access to your body.

No. 2435156

It means there's a specific archetype of woman he fetishizes.

No. 2435160

I recently made a new friend who is the sweetest girl ever and I love talking to her because we have so much in common, but I cant help but overthink literally every message I write to her and I get worried our conversation will eventually die out in awkwardness. All this is stressing me out, why is it so hard for me to be normal. I know she has other longtime friends so she’s not an awkward loser tard like me but damn I’m really just trying not to show her my ugly freak side while also being myself

No. 2435177

if they are pushy and not respecting your boundaries, then yes they are losers. Fuck people who do that. Set boundaries and get away from them, they're not good people.

No. 2435214

For womens day I received surprise flowers today with a card that said from my dad. I tried to call him to day thank you because I was so happy and surprised but he didn´t pick up so I just shared a picture in the family group to say thanks. I message my mom asking what flowers she got and she said nothing, not even a word from my father. It was obvious then that the flowers were actually send from my mom. Im so dissapointed in my dad but at the same time I think he probably did not think of today. He was for very long time in the hospital and litteraly just came back and since then hes just behind his computer.

No. 2435216

Mothers are really the hidden heroes .

No. 2435220

I am having a miscarriage and the pain makes me want to die. I have endometriosis so I am used to pain but this a thousand times worst. Make it stop.

No. 2435222

STUPID FUCKING CUNT BOSSMAN STUPID FUCKING FAKE BONUS MOTHERFUCKER the auto industry is dying and he says I’m thinking negatively??? Bitch I left Amazon making $20/hour and getting 3 days off a week and it sucked ass but now I make $13 an hour working fucking SALES COMMISSION ON CARS THAT ARE $30000 AND $40000 AND I MAKE FUCK ALL I MAKE FUCKING HOURLY YOU STUPID BITCH WAVING CASH IN OUR FACES KNOWING WE ARE ALL BROKE SAYING LETS HIT 10 CARS TODAY LETS HAVE A BIG DAY






Yeah I need to work harder 100 phone calls a day motherfucker stupid bitchass military hometown motherfucker stupid rich cunts telling me there’s money to be made here I’ve made $2500 the last TWO MONTHS I HOPE THIS WHOLE PLACE BURNS DOWN

No. 2435236

Hate it when I make a dumb wrong thing and the next poor decisions it all goes wrong ugh I want to cry

No. 2435239

That's really fucked up

No. 2435254

Planned day ruined because I was fucking dumb

No. 2435265

read through this last night and holy shit. horrifying. also i had a nightmare about it kek

No. 2435276

I can't wait to attend this literal cult of braindead women worshipping jesus they don't even acknowledge her, hopefully the food is good

No. 2435284

I wasted 4 euros and he didn't even tell me shit.

No. 2435295

I mean, to be fair you were looking kek

No. 2435305

Based, but the only men they can get is losers kek.

No. 2435321

I think I have become a neet in the worst way and I’m genuinely disgusted by it. I haven’t been able to get a job in a year, I haven’t had a partner or even been remotely interested in anyone in about the same amount of time. All I do is stay at home and eat and sleep and it’s actually so gross? I have basically just given up in life, friends try to reach out but I’m just so exhausted with being awake which is so dumb. I have isolated myself and I truly can’t blame anyone, I was never thin to begin with but god I actually can’t look at myself in the mirror and I don’t know where to even start “getting better”, I can’t vent to people I know without it being a concern so this seems like my last effort if anyone has been in a similar position and was able to get out?

No. 2435324

Start with antidepressants, maybe a daily multivitamin if you haven't been keeping up with nutrition.

No. 2435327

God I resent my parents so much for neglecting me all my life and not teaching me basic skills like how to cook or store food. I feel so retarded struggling to cook for myself and managing my diet. I know it’s on me to teach myself this shit but it really feels like I’m wasting all my time playing catch up to be a normal functioning person.

No. 2435328

Another day another aggro chan with probably low self esteem or issues in her life trying to start fights with anons. I'd post an eye roll emoji if I could.

No. 2435343

Do antidepressants actually work? Nta but I've always felt like my depression is incurable

No. 2435351

I'm insanely jealous of people who have all this crazy amount of energy. I'm not talking about people who push themselves to work like 3 jobs and then crash and burnout, I'm talking about those people who just… have it all figured it out. Like my grandma, her entire life she acted like she was on speed. This woman could juggle between multiple tasks, would move very quickly, and never seemed to get tired. She's 80 and still strong. My mom and my cousin are similar, they're able to do everything at such a high speed, and again, they never seems to get tired. I find it difficult to believe this is just discipline. Yes they all claim that if you wanted to, you would do it just like them, but it's obvious if you observe them in action they never seem to have anything holding them back. It's like they're on robot mode.

No. 2435355

>I know it’s on me to teach myself this shit
I feel like your parents were supposed to teach you
t. from a household where the plate had to be empty to leave the table

No. 2435369

It’s been a fucking year since I dumped my ex scrote, his number is blocked, and he STILL gets random strangers to text and call me for him. This has happened at least 7 times, and I think he must be telling these people that I am his girlfriend, or that I am a recent ex who dumped him without any explanation last week who he really does need to talk to kek. Last night he decided to handwrite a schizo letter to beg me to get back together with him and made a guy he met at a fucking bar send a pic of it to me. I’m losing my shit

No. 2435419

Yes. I was finally able to emerge from a total stagnation situation, similar to what op described, when I finally got on an antidepressant that worked for me. Starting them and changing them around really fucking sucks, especially since I'm very sensitive to medications. But I've found it to be worth it.
You know that feeling, that nothing you do makes a difference, and it will be endless? The medication alleviated that for me, too. I feel like my effort is actually working towards something, and I can tell what I'm doing has an affect on the environment around me.
Also I finally shower regularly.

No. 2435468

I need to lose 10-15kg (I want to get my BMI down from 24 to 20, because of my wide set ribs I would look emaciated if I went any lower), so I've started to weight my food. Being more careful with my intake made my stomach shrink within a few days so I don't really get hungry or have intense cravings anymore, but I'm worried that I might snowball of I'm not careful. Like, I get excited the days where I've barely eaten anything and still feel satiated. The only thing that is keeping me from eating more than a sandwich and a protein meal bar every day is that I want to keep up appearances at the office I'm interning at so I end up eating a proper meal for lunch at least.

No. 2435481

Ayrt, yeah my parents definitely should have been teaching me when I was a kid. I meant that now as an adult it’s my responsibility to learn this stuff rather than continuing to neglect my health.

No. 2435507

I need to stop allowing others' neurosis infect me like a parasite. I get so obsessed with problems I don't even have when I should be smiling.

No. 2435513

God I wish my ex was so obsessed with me…

No. 2435515

i hate how masculine i feel as an autistic woman. i hate how guys always treat me like one of their guy friends and not like a girl. it is kinda nice because i felt more like an "equal" but im thinking, why can i not be in a feminine role and not equal too? i know they afford a different set of boundaries and respect to women than they do their guy friends and i dont know why i dont get that treatment… i hate being masculine i dont know how to be more girly and i wish i could. i just want the feeling of being taken care of from a guy. i dont know if its my fault or i just attract sissy faggot men

No. 2435533

started looking up suicide tips online again. ngmi

No. 2435539

I feel you but I don't think moids can genuinely love women anyway so it's just a fantasy you should get over. It's like wishing you were a cat so you could be doted over. It would be nice but it won't happen. It won't happen for any woman either, not genuinely, anyway.

No. 2435543

in my experience autistic women who claim they are masculine are hyperfeminine. You are likely more girly than you think.

No. 2435551

I don't think it's going to work out with this moid but I don't want to break things off either

No. 2435564

File: 1741465801010.jpg (14.02 KB, 275x259, 1531703382104.jpg)

i am pms-ing so hard right now everything is making me cry. i try to watch funny videos or look at cute animals and guess what. i start crying. my workday tomorrow is gonna be a high speed car crash of a day

No. 2435570

File: 1741466221177.jpeg (600.71 KB, 2653x1152, IMG_8785.jpeg)

Take the chastitypill

No. 2435572

And why is the “chaste” Stacy still hypersexualized here?

No. 2435575

It's just the meme template

No. 2435577

File: 1741466656458.png (424.54 KB, 1600x900, 1000033500.png)

Have you not seen the original template?

No. 2435584

Only a retard would think “waiting until marriage” will save a woman lmfao.. men are already walled by the time they settle down.

No. 2435586

File: 1741466856150.jpg (54.09 KB, 355x236, GETOUTTT.jpg)

had a dream about this dude i saw for like a year, on my fiance's birthday. he always stuck in my head for some reason and i felt stupid thinking how he probably didn't think about me at all. i stopped thinking about him when my fiance and i got serious but a month ago the guy texted me. it's been 3 years since we saw each other or talked. he apologized (last man earth who needs to apologize to me lol he was always incredibly kind) for getting so lost in his job at the time and he told me that he still thinks about me a lot.

i didn't reply but i still feel guilty because i cant stop thinking about him again. i also do not believe in signs but i accidentally pressed onto some random girl's tiktok profile while watching her video (something i never do lol) and her name was, "love [name of guy i cant stop thinking about]." and her bio was the name of the guys favorite band lmao. that same day me and my fiance were almost in a car accident. the car that almost hit us was the same car the guy had which i never see in this area and was the same kind of rare color you dont really see.

i know the universe is just random chaos but those incidents weirdly got me thinking maybe there's a reason for all this even when i know that's stupid. i've never been hung up on a guy before. i move on very easily and know men are just men but this one will NOT get the fuck out of my psyche ughhh

No. 2435587

my internet's been a little shitty recently and my family (that i live with) has been getting spam calls and I know it's probably nothing serious but I can't help but be paranoid I got doxxed or hacked or something

No. 2435592

They still chose to redraw her wearing stripper heels with her tits out and nipples visible

No. 2435597

sounds like the nona in the losing virginity thread waiting for her prince charming that totally won't be pumping and dumping prostitutes on the side and giving her aids

No. 2435601

don't knock it till you're tried it

No. 2435612

File: 1741468454365.webp (33 KB, 1080x508, becky-vs-stacy-for-the-title-o…)

It's just the standard becky vs stacy

No. 2435616

lmao not that nona but I got the image from that thread

No. 2435619

Uh oh.

No. 2435622

men projecting about virginity yet again. men pine for their first love forever and never pair bond again which is why the virgin bf experienced gf is the true elite pairing.

No. 2435623

virgin guys are for virgin girls
leave them alone

No. 2435625

already locked one down

No. 2435626

give him back you meanie

No. 2435637

Why am I so retarded. I was so excited about the idea of hosting a get together and a bunch of people RSVPed and now I’m upset because suddenly I don’t want to host these fake ass hos. Several of them have been rude or passive aggressive and others are just annoying or weird spiritual toxic positivity freaks. But now they wanna come hang out with me bc I’m having good shit at my party instead of a retarded potluck of crackers they always have. Found out the one normal and pleasant girl isn’t even in the group chat where I announced it. Fml

No. 2435645

The only way for a girl to get a virgin guy is to snatch him the moment he turns 18 if he's still a virgin by then, which he likely won't be. Why even bother trying at all?

No. 2435694

I kind of wish he comes back but also really wishe he doesn't

No. 2435695

I've taken like 3 guys' virginities… sorry nonnie

No. 2435708

I hate you
I bet you're not even sorry

No. 2435722

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No. 2435732

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Worst thing about having serious health issues is that you spend most of your time comforting and reassuring others rather than being comforted yourself. I don't want to tell yet another friend or loved one that I'm going to be alright. I don't want to answer every question with a "but that's just the worst case scenario" at the end. I want someone to hold me as I cry and sob about losing control of my body and future. I don't want to make jokes about how awkward it was to pee in a bed pan while hospitalized to lighten the mood. I want to tell people how much I cried on the way home because no stranger has seen me naked since I was SA'd and thank god the nurse who helped me pee was calm and kind about it, or else I would have just imploded. I'm grateful to have people worry about me, but I'm tired of trying to soothe them.

No. 2435801

i cant fucking take having periods anymore i cant take the crippling agony that literally makes me puke and black out and the pms mood swings that make me so irritable that i cry for no reason and shake with rage about shit that doesnt even matter and i say hurtful things to my friends. can you get your tubes tied at 22? im so fucking done with this shit

No. 2435833

I've been bingeing again. I hate it.

No. 2435836

k i just googled and tied tubes doesnt even stop periods im retarded

No. 2435837

i wish elon musk had his employees spend more time banning and getting rid of eating disorder and mental illness content that’s being posted by little kids and young adults on there. it’s seriously disgusting the shit they’ll post and say to each other.

No. 2435856

Nona I’m so sorry. I think you should try to let your guard down and be vulnerable with the people around you. If some get uncomfortable, fuck them.

No. 2435861

You can try a contraceptive implant

No. 2435862

Have you checked for endometriosis? I had similar symptoms when I was young and turned out I had undiagnosed endometriosis. I got much better after they removed a big cyst and put me on an oral contraceptive.

No. 2435864

It’s time to stop with the struggle porn and book an appointment with the gynecologist, your periods aren’t supposed to be like death kek

No. 2435886

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I can't stand how looks obsessed people are nowadays. I understand wanting to be attractive but god, it makes me cringe so hard seeing zoomers using incel lingo kek and even worse when adults do it. Looksmaxxing, glow up, etc., hate all that shit. Young girls cry over their asymmetric faces, like why does it matter? You've had that asymmetrical face all or most of your life.

No. 2435888

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I feel like sometimes I have a thick skin, other times I don't. And when I don't I get wildly offended very easily. The times I have thick skin, maybe it is moreso that my skull is what's thick.
But also, I think my mom's drinking wears at my patience passively, so when she and I have a heart-to-heart, it actually leaves me feeling pretty bad subconsciously. I've given up living alone, so I have to make my home as liveable as possible until one of us dies. I don't want either of us to be miserable, truthfully. I want her to get to the point where she doesn't have to feel regressing into a pissing, shitting alcoholic in order to deal with every single scary little thing is the only out for her. But I don't think she'll ever recover.
I'm not exactly taking care of her. She says I am, but being disabled, I think I'm just a burden honestly. She usually helps take care of me, which I don't particularly like since she's older and I'd rather it be the other way around. I never really hear about how some people live with the guilt of making their parents their caretakers. I want to be one of those super cool normies that has their parents live with them in their own house and stuff, because they can afford to pay off their parents' hard work by not forcing them into a home. I didn't play my cards right, so it's probably my fault I ended up this way.

No. 2435889

i have an appointment next month but im scared they arent going to be able to help me
what is struggle porn that sounds gross…

No. 2435893

nta Oh hey. I just recovered from a surgery for this exact thing. My uterus got fucked by fibroids and was screwing with my ovaries, so I got a total hysterectomy. I had to wait until 31 though. (burgerland)
I think "struggle porn" is getting off to being a victim that tries everything but the easiest solution.

No. 2435908

Ayrt. If they do all the tests and exams there's a good chance they'll find out what's wrong. Just don't let them tell you you're making a fuss and all periods are like that because it isn't true. Female doctors are good and understanding but male doctors might do that.

No. 2435965

My friend is hooking up with the guy who slutshamed me after I got raped by his friend behind my back. I saw them at bar together then just walked out. I'm softblocking my friend because I was literally crying about being stuck having to see my rapist on campus everyday and then my friend goes off to fucks one of the people who protected him. I know this guy was a terrible bf to his previous ex so whenever whatevers going on with my friend blows up I will not give a single shit.

No. 2435972

Hope they all face a horrible fate.

No. 2435976

I want to work out, but there's basically no chance. Either I buy a home gym or equipment that costs like 10K minimum where I'm from, or I go running around in town which will definitely get me harassed or assaulted. There's no local gyms or shit like that.

No. 2435977

Try jump roping

No. 2435978

Just buy a yoga mat and do YouTube cardio or HIIT workouts.

No. 2435981

Why do moids keep thinking I want them to beg me to stay when I tell them to fuck off? Projection? I just don't want to be friends with or bond with your creepy retard ass, faggot.

No. 2436086

No. 2436154

I have mixed thoughts on lolcow anons have this obsession with the "perfect victim", reading the latest discussion about some cow in Real Opinions on Cows thread gave me some nuance to it. On one side, lolcows are usually considered cows due to their inability to be honest and self-victimizing habits so what their claims should be questioned, but on the other side two things can still be true at once.
The thing that probably makes me raise an eyebrow whenever I see discussions like that being raised on cow boards, not only because it shows the age of a chunk of the userbase but it also reminds me of when an online acquaintance many years ago had a meltdown because she overheard a young woman tell her friend on the bus that she believes she might suffer from depression - due to some vain reason my acquaintance decided that this stranger clearly doesn't know what *~real suffering~* was like she did, and jumped to the conclusion that said stranger probably doesn't even have any trauma. I feel like a lot of anons feel the same way; they idolise their own suffering just as much as they idolise the perceived normalcy of the "NPC"s around them - if someone isn't wearing the trauma on their sleeve, are they really valid? But watch out on being too honest about it, because then they're weaponizing it/using it for attention.

No. 2436167

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I need to start on my degree project, because I suck at backend I'm gonna start with what I'm struggling with the most; JWT authentication, fuck I HATE dealing with tokens I absolutely suck at wrapping my head around it for some reason without chatgpt breaking it down to me like I'm a retarded child for the twenty-oomphest time. I just need to get that done and then move on to figure out how to build the WYSIWYG fields, if I manage to do the JWT authentications the examinator will accept me using packages to help me out with the more complicated tasks since I'm more frontend heavy. I so regret having chosen a fullstack education because I'm too retarded for backend but I'm pretty good at frontend.

No. 2436185

I had a bad sexual experience with the guy ive been with for 6 years. I don’t know where it came from. How can someone be so normal and gentle for 6 years but then do that? I don’t know what to think or feel. I’m just numb. There were no red flags before. I’m just so heartbroken. Even more ironic it happened on international women’s day. Just rubbed salt into the wound and makes me depressed that I’m a woman and will never find true companionship with love and respect. Sad

No. 2436270

Now this bitch wants to be exclusive again. He asked first, I rejected him, then he rejected me, and now I think I'm going to be rejecting him again kek. I HATE THIS

No. 2436273

Why do people always complain how some video game/movie/comic has ugly women? Like why aren't women allowed to be ugly?

No. 2436287

They cannot coom to real lookin women, you see.

No. 2436288

Because men view women as objects and not as people deserving of baseline level respect unless they're hot or have done their due community groveling. Even then, respect isn't the right word.

No. 2436290

I wish I could do therapy but it feels impossible to speak about the things I would need it for. I am a hardcore bottler… i kind of judge people who speak freely about their issues too, which is maybe some kind of a projection. But when I want to speak about it, it feels like the words I can come up to describe it get fewer and fewer the closer I get to the point, to where I can't even say the word that is really upsetting. I might take it to my grave. It bothers me less lately at least.

No. 2436337

Ugly art is less enjoyable than beautiful art. Real life doesn't lack ugliness, why pay money to see more?

No. 2436338

I'm the same way and was conditioned that way from a very young age. It took a very long time for me to be able to say certain things out loud, and even know there are things I will never be able to speak and I think that's a protective mechanism. Getting over the first hurdle helped immensely, so now I don't feel as bad as before but it's hard to carry that around. I've learned that closure isn't real and abusers never care and you can't make them no matter how much you wish they could see the hurt and suffering they've caused. I have no desire for therapy because I know I wouldn't say anything anyways. I've been privileged to have close friendships with other victims of CSA and they have been the only people I've ever felt comfortable alluding to the past with because they know what I'm saying from cues and vague associations alone. As far as therapy goes, I know I will be disappointed and I wouldn't want to talk to someone who doesn't understand how CSA destroys you anyways. If you believe you would benefit from therapy and it's within your means, it does not hurt to try. If not, I hope one day you can find a friend or mentor who shares some commonalities with you that you are able to talk in your own vague and protective terms to and feel comforted knowing they share your pain.

No. 2436349

I just found out a recent video of a guy stabbing another guy in the neck in a subway station where I and other passengers nearly got stabbed years ago became viral online. I also learned that yesterday some men were arguing very close to this subway station and one of them shot another guy and fled, I only avoided this neighborhood when it happened because I was too lazy to go to the korean supermarket before going back home. What the fuck.

No. 2436351

>not horny at all anymore
omg this is so nice and soothing

No. 2436352

then why are the scrotes in the vidya often ugly

No. 2436359

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It depends imo, like I also wouldn't want to pay for ugly boring art the way >>2436337 put it. But give me an ugly old crone witch in the right setting and oh boy I'm so in! And from my female perspective I of course don't need (nor want) the women to be sexy coom bait hot and half naked all the time, but even as a kid playing with a pretty doll was more fun than an ugly doll

No. 2436360

Maybe because people buy those products anyway. Vote with your wallet.

No. 2436380

what i want to do
>play chess
what i must do
>go to work
>do chores

why is life this way

No. 2436386

Why is my nose bleeding all of a sudden out of nowhere am I dehydrated wtf. Now I have to wash these sheets damn it.

No. 2436388

i dont spend money on shit i can have for free like vidya ; but yeah it just dismisses your "girls are pretty because art is supposed to be pretty" argument
its just the good old ugly male psyop where women are forcefed ugly fucktards in media while men are taught a woman looks good when she has double Ds and 6 feet long blond hair

No. 2436397

See: ugly male psyop thread
The thread name used to make me laugh, but after the millionth pic neanderthal moids, usually with women who did not need to settle, it all feels so bleak.

No. 2436399

Friend would always complain about her Nigel and compare me to him in a way that made me feel like I was an emotional replacement for him so I basically said he and all men are shit anyway and asked why she was with him (after they got engaged) and she ghosted me while getting some of our other friend group to tell me how misandrist I am and ended up ghosting me too. Yeah it was rude of me but tbh I hit a breaking point and my patience for women complaining about Nigel while staying in the situation is limited.

No. 2436413

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>turning 30 in a few months
>still looking for a place to live
>no listings
>get threatened to be kicked out almost daily
>have min wage job

I just want to kill myself. I've been looking for months but everything is too expensive, doesn't allow pets or it's like 20m² for 350€.

No. 2436421

No one is forcing you to pirate media that you don't like. I don't quite understand what you're arguing about.

No. 2436425

Why are you taking her reply out of context? She's saying many people don't buy, they pirate, so "voting with your wallet" doesn't work. Then she continued the discussion about character design in video hames by saying that "voting with your wallet" wouldn't matter anyways, because ugly males are pushed on us by a male run society, hence "ugly male psyop".
Read the thread back if you don't understand what anons are talking about.

No. 2436435

>20m² for 350€.
that's actually a steal where I live LOL. the housing crisis is so bad..

No. 2436468

10 hours without eating and I'm still not hungry, my stomach is totally asleep. That's crazy, what the fuck is wrong with me?

No. 2436478

Not so much when it's half of your salary lol

Stress perhaps?

No. 2436480

Sometimes the brain does that, it tricks itself that it doesn't need food. But the moment I put some food to my lips, it turns back on and then I feel extra hungry. Something about the liver doing gluconeogenesis too

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