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No. 259414
>>259413They seem to be a really slowed community.
When I moved to a western country the hate seemed to come because they had community places only for Jews and in Latinoamerica because they where not catholic.
That’s the only hate I’ve seen.
I think in /pol is because of edgy points combined with their love of war.
How do women in asian countries deal with having narrow beauty standards?
No. 259417
>>259414short answer: they don't really
long answer: most asian countries are really pushy to men and women about getting married and starting a family. so despite all the ideals people settle a lot more than they do in the west. this is why a lot of men cheat, they didn't actually want to get married but they did to fulfill obligation and are bitter about it. women can basically either settle and risk a shitty unhappy marriage, but happy parents, or a shitty unhappy job and disappointed ones. a lot of the beauty standard ideals kind of fall flat in reality.
No. 259418
>>259416PULL has the same issues as any userbase
Circle jerking, popularity contest and also allows white knighting because “bullying guyssss •W•”
Personally I fucking hate the stupid things they write under every comment they make because it clogs the threads and are 2edy4me
I love lolcows no bullshit standards and the anonymity it allowed me to follow drama without the need to suck up to other users like PULL
Lolcow allows honest unfultired opinions in a mostly female environment without it being forcefully nice.
No. 259466
>>259414>>259421Thanks for answering!
>>259416PULL users, the stereotype at least, are simply annoying. Often underage, very snowflake tumblry whilst shitting on snowflakes themselves. On imageboards some don't integrate well and crank their bitchiness up to eleven because they think imageboards are about being mean edgy boollies.
No. 259627
>>259588>swaglesswhat year did you come from, and should I introduce you to the multiple """" anti"""" kpop generals in this boards?
Anyway, why are so many farmers old? Where do these 30+ years old, engaged, married, had kids etc farmers finding the time to shitpost heavily on an anonymous image board?
No. 259655
>>259627Probably because original /cgl/ oldfags must be around that age by now.
4chan has been around for like 15 years or so, if you were 18 by the time it was first launched you would be in your 30s now.
No. 259683
>>259627Not being mean, but I'm genuinely curious how old you are.
First off, people get engaged/married straight out of college or even high school. Don't assume married anons or ones with kids are 30+
Also, older anons who were in high school/college during 4chan's great newfag influx no longer have homework or exams to worry about. Late 20's-early 30's is the best time to fuck around on imageboards.
No. 259855
>>259627These guys get it
>>259655>>259683>>259666My little personal anecdote, started posting on 4ch in 2004 at age 19. I don't really consider myself old but to answer the question about "where do they find the time?" Well, let's just say my social life is a hell of a lot less active than it used to be. Also, no kids or marriage.
No. 259931
Similar question to
>>259416, but why does lolcow seem to hate so much?
Most of the anons there came from here so it seems kind of weird how the lolcow userbase hates the cc userbase so much and vice versa. I've been there since the beginning and to me it just seems like an extension of /ot/ and /g/ minus focused drama threads, so i find it weird how much the userbases despise each other.
No. 259944
>>259931The premise of it was nice. It could have been a chill board for girls to discuss shit without the need for nitpicky gossip. But it quickly devolved into softie tumblr bullshit and got raided by /r9k/ every other week, and now it's just a bunch of trannycels and handmaidens circlejerking each other.
It's also boring as shit and there are no clearly defined rules about the level of cattiness allowed, so some people end up getting banned for "being too meanie uWu" while others can shit up threads all day.
No. 259953
>>259931It is a shame because I really loved the idea, but these Anons are spot on.
>>259934>>259944Handmaiden hugbox and a weird, “forced” girliness to it all that someone pointed out a few months earlier. Someone said she was banned for gently criticizing prostitution; there was another thread called “Interesting Women in History” where somebody (iirc) pretty much swept all of Catherine the Great’s accomplishments under the rug to shriek about her promiscuity. Sucks, I was hyped about it.
No. 259961
>>259931>Most of the anons there came from hereIn the beginning, yes. But then the creator advertised it elsewhere (it now has a userbase that consists of people from PULL, Tumblr and 4chan also) which is why it went rapidly downhill. Even when it was mostly users from here posting there, they were of the opinion that lolcow was full of "catty bitches" and they tried desperately to force a different culture or a "cosy" atmosphere which backfired horrifically because you can't "force" something like that.
I guess my reasons for hating it are:
>it's full of trans and men pretending to be women (I suppose to be expected from a site that advertises itself as "for women" and was shared all over the shittiest parts of 4chan where pretending to be a woman is a rapidly growing FETISH)>it's subjected to a lot of raids and trolling which is unbearable>it seems to have a lot of SJW tumblr types, whereas we tend to be a bit more radfem I guess (we seem to have different opinions on trans people, prostitution, feminism and men)>despite trying to convince everyone (including themselves) that it's "cosy" and they're all really sweet and feminine, it's actually got an incredibly aggressive userbase and there's a constant passive-aggressive atmosphere which makes me uncomfortable and very reluctant to post (this is probably also due to the high number of men that use the site) >expanding on that, fights break out over the strangest of things and I posted some innocent things a few times only to come back later to an absolute flood of just plain nasty messages, have never had that experience here (where people tend to be very sympathetic or helpful)>I was banned for something incredibly minor and they ignored my appeal, I never wanted to post again because I wasn't even sure why I was banned and how to avoid it in the future?>>259944>so some people end up getting banned for "being too meanie uWu" while others can shit up threads all day.Yeah 100% this.
It's disappointing because I've gotten to really enjoy being in a mostly female space (here) and I'd love to be a part of another. I wish lolcow was popular enough to have other boards, I was especially excited for CC to get an /x/ board, since the one on 4chan went to shit.
No. 259968
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why come sharks have blackheads?
No. 259980
>>259979like i said i'm not the same anon. but if you read the posts, it's obvious the one defending crystal cafe is
No. 260067
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>Someone said she was banned for gently criticizing prostitution
I was the anon that posted about this in the vent thread. Just give y'all an idea of how much of an uwu hugbox cc turned out to be, I posted two articles related to prostitution. One that stated that the CEO of Backpage was facing charges for wittingly facilitating human trafficking and child prostitution on his website, and the other proving that Germany was still facing significant issues with human trafficking after legalizing the industry. I basically said that women (and sex trafficking victims in general) should be given resources and help exiting the industry as a priority.
A few hours later and there was a post saying "remember to be sex positive girls!" or some shit like that under the conversation. Left the site for a couple of weeks then went back to get some pictures I posted on /img/. Discovered I was banned and my post history was deleted. I checked the thread and that aforementioned post was gone too along with everything else.
That was the last interaction I had on cc. I'd been posting there for many months too.
No. 260068
>>259683Early 20s
>>259666What's shocking about that question, auntie? I'm asking where so people who are in what should be the busiest time of their lives, especially the ones with functioning social lives like the married ones with kids, find the time to continuously post on this board.
No. 260115
>>260067I feel like there is a set opinion you are "allowed" to have online and if you defer from that (to a completely reasonable, kind and fair/neutral alternative one) you're instantly the Worst Person who's sympathizing with the enemy/secretly a nazi
Blind sex positivity is not a good thing. Sex positivity is actually connected to pedophilia and crime, which these educated 14-year-olds don't seem to understand.
Shaming an adult woman for sleeping willingly with men/anyone is a different thing to pointing out that for a lot of women prostitution is a terrible life which they didn't choose preferentially (ESP trafficked women, those who have pimps, basically anyone other than comparatively rich girls camming and escorting)
I also never see mentioned the appalling view many men have of prostitution, for example the "joke" about dead prostitutes/hookers. Of all women prostitutes are considered the most disposable and publicly worthless by men - their customers (this is separate to escorts who I think men have some reverence to)
Honestly think there's a lot of spoilt teenagers and housewives making up a lot of the online "voice" for women which is creating this naive narrative of blind acceptance to everything. Pointing out toxic things are toxic is not judgement or exclusion or intolerance.
No. 260120
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>>259413In the middle ages in Europe the vast majority was Christian. Back then Chistianity forbade you to lend money to another fellow Christian - you were only allowed to gift it.
Jews oviously noticed that and started lending money. Soon that "business" grew more and more, but the Jews also started increasing interest. Therefore Jewish families gained wealth but were also hated, because afterall they had the upperhand over especially the lower classes. Be poor - borrow money - high interest - can't pay back - lend more money and so on = hate.
So even centuries before the world wars Jews already were despised and segregated, but also owned the most (and it's still like that even nowadays), so you could say that all these stereotypes about the rich and greedy Jew are in fact the truth.
On another note, they're also said to have killed Jesus, which played a role in them being disliked historically, but nowadays that argument is obviously no longer relevant.
No. 260123
>>260120Samefag but I forgot to add: My younger brother was in Isreal just a few weeks ago and the way Isreal/Jews act certainly doesn't help in bettering their image.
Already at the airport they segregated travelers in Jews and non-Jews. Jews were simply let through but all others were questioned. My brother and his companions are European, so it was still somewhat okay, but they were really racist against people who even looked remotely Muslim.
Then in Isreal there are groups of very religious Jews, that abide by their own laws, don't need to work etc. They act horribly, spit at Christian priest and treat women just as badly as Muslim.
Him and I are really not any of those "muh religin of peace"-leftists, but in that case you really can't help but feel sorry with how Isreal is allowed to treat Palestine.
No. 260143
>>260067What did they say in your ban?
CC had a bunch of raids going on recently and maybe they banned you by accident or you were banned automatically during one of those, happened to a few posters.
I expressed my opinions there and never got banned for them, so i find it weird.
No. 260153
>>260148Not all Muslims do that as well. It's usually the more extreme/radical Christians, Jews and Muslims who do that, it's just that on average in the west Christians and Jews don't practice all that much or straight don't care about religion compared to Muslims from my experience. And even then I heard about more and more people born into Islam who don't care or believe anymore but I don't have sources.
Anyway this is getting off-topic so I'm just going to add that I was skeptical precisely because of the "branch" of Jews you mentioned, I already heard about them before reading that Israel was a nice touristic spot.
No. 260179
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>>259968aw anon, bless you for asking something non-internety.
those are not blackheads, they're ampullae of lorenzini! those are electroreceptors that help them hunt - when animals' muscles contract, they produce an electric field which, thanks to these ampullae, sharks can sense :)
No. 260200
>>260067Some users probably thought you were a robot and mashed the report button.
I've been banned here for no other reason than other anons getting pissy and reporting my posts when they've participated in the same behaviors. Stupid bans happen and I don't think that's unusual for any chan type board.
No. 260208
>>260180I don't hate or even dislike cats, but I find cat lovers annoying when they spout the "cats are better than dogs! dogs love people out of stupidity while cats treat us like shit and expect us to worship them, so it makes them more intelligent" crap.
I also hate the "shy uwu introvert who's not like the other girls, cause she drinks coffee, reads books (read: john green) and loves cats".
I also met a lot of bitchy women who are can't shut up about their precious kittens.
Cats are ok, but people are annoying and I imagine this might carry over the poor animals for some people.
No. 260218
>>260143It doesn't say anything out of the ordinary. I just get a pop up when I try to post saying "You are banned," or whatever.
>>260200That's a bit of a reach tbh. I'd like to think that anyone with enough sense would realize that a hardcore robot wouldn't give a shit about what happens to those women.
No. 260221
>>260180I hate them because of their attitudes. They will eat you right away when you die because in the end you’re just a food dispenser. They kill birds for fun. I hate cat a lot of cat owners because they just let their cats roam outside to murder native species into extinction, also their shit is toxic.
Scientists have studied dogs and they literally find us adorable and are actually loyal and care about your welfare. If you die your dog is going to wait until he’s starving before he eats you.
I don’t think cats should be killed or eradicated, I can appreciate a pretty cat, but they really shouldn’t be house pets because they don’t view companionship the same way pack animals do like dogs and birds.
No. 260223
>>260208this sounds more like why you dislike cat owners rather than cats lmao. But I do agree that some cat people can be annoying nutters and that alone can turn people away from cats. I hate when people bring up the cats vs. dog debate, both have their ups and downs and it just depends on what the individual owner likes and the kind of personailty the animal has.
>"shy uwu introvert who's not like the other girls, cause she drinks coffee, reads books (read: john green) and loves cats". is this still even a thing, are people still like this? I really hope not
No. 260225
>>260221>They kill birds for funthat's literally cool. I love it when my cat kills something and gives it to me, it's sweet and thoughtful.
most cats are indoors anyways.
No. 260228
>>260225but anon, cats killing animals due to instinct is wrong! especially in suburban/urban areas where humans have already disturbed their habitat and killed most of them already to make room for their buildings.
but i think cats should stay inside, not just for safety or whatever, but if you have cats outside it changes their temperament and makes them somewhat feral in a negative way. it really skews their social abilities.
No. 260229
>>260221>They will eat you right away when you die because in the end you’re just a food dispenser>If you die your dog is going to wait until he’s starving before he eats you.ok but in the end both will still eat you anyway because y'know
animals. Interesting reasoning tho, sometimes cats do kill for fun but as another anon said most cats are indoors so they don't really come into contact with outside animals. Also birds can be pests (like wild mice), especially with pigeons shitting all over the place or groups of birds chirping loudy at 3am. Birds can be aggressive too, the other day I saw 3 birds following and swooping towards a neighbor's full grown male cat, he was 100% spooked and desperately trying to get away from them.
You sound very ill informed about cats, but whatever floats your boat
also this
>>260228 No. 260230
>>260223I don't know, it was extremely popular on tumblr and facebook like two years back.
I know that it sounds mostly like disliking cat owners but I mentioned that the feeling of annoyance with those people can make one dislike cats. I used to mildly dislike them for that reason. Hype backlash, basically. I got over it because it was immature and luckily I don't run into those annoying people cause I'm no longer on tumblr etc.
No. 260241
This is just a general reply to the question
>>260180 asked and to other cat replies ITT since idk who to reply to but as someone who works with and cares for cats daily(both feral and domestic, kittens included), people probably hate cats cause they're hard to understand or they just aren't the animal for them. Hell I know some people who prefer reptiles or rabbits over both cats and dogs so I find the cats vs dogs debates retarded.
Domesticated cats should remain indoors and if they have to go outside then perhaps they'd do well with an enclosure or harness training. Feral cats are a whole different can of worms and all that is going to depend on where you live and the funding/resources your local animal control and vets handle them. It also depends on your local environment(like
>>260229 said, some birds are even considered pests). It isn't a one size fits all no matter how many articles/research you dig up in favor of or against helping gerals(can shed some more light on this if needed).
>>260237This. In the end you still end up eaten. If I died and the animal had no more access to food I wouldn't care cause it would just be surviving. I'm also dead at that point so I'm not using my body anymore lol.
No. 260263
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>>260259Pet ones should honestly only be used in science experiments or serve as tarantula or snake food imo, fuck both rats and mice.
No. 260267
>>260255Luckily I never run into rats but random mice ended up wondering into my home a few times because I live near a field.
I know that they might be dangerous (carry some viruses) but I still feel sorry for them. They are prey animals and they just want to live. Not to mention they are very cute with those huge black eyes and tiny paws.
I can't imagine deliberately harming one.
No. 260268
>>260267I felt terrible when I had to kill house mices. The poison I used takes time to act and slowly compromises the animal's nervous system. It was a bad idea and, way more cruel, and dangerous, than I expected. Considering that relocating the mice is as good as killing them apparently, next time I'll just use a good old mousetrap.
If only they didn't carry diseases I'd totally keep them as pets or roommates.
No. 260288
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>>260263Pet rats are intelligent and affectionate, they can do tricks and actually really like playing with and cuddling their owners.
People who are afraid of them are such babies jfc they're cute and harmless, not raised in the sewers and carrying the bubonic plague.
No. 260297
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I think rats are adorable
No. 260304
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>>260297this isn't the unpopular opinion thread
No. 260324
>>260267Mice are really cute. I'm a big fan of rodents, rats are not as cute but make good pets so I've heard.
>>260288This one looks like the rat from ratatouille
No. 260347
>>260180For a lot of people I've met who don't like cats, they've mentioned having bad experiences with cats when they were younger like getting attacked.
I can understand if someone doesn't like cats but I don't get the sheer hate people have and will announce to you and any person who even so mentions cats in a conversation.
I can't think of a cat-person who has said "I fucking hate dogs can't stand them". Even if they didn't like dogs they don't say it the way cat-haters talk that basically stops all conversation.
imo there's a lot of rude people who do this and think it's ok to talk in such a demeaning tone to someone who just mentioned their pet cat.
No. 260412
>>260180>they smellI hate the smell of cats. Their shit and piss genuinely smells terrible to me. I hate the smell of cat food and litter too. You can smell when someone's a cat owner the moment you walk into their house, it smells like decay. I hate how cat owners are always covered in hair, just get a lint roller.
>they're not cuteMost of the things cat owners find "cute" are either disgusting or really off-putting. Cats scratch. They bite. They bring dead animals home. They fight with all other animals. That thing they do when they rub their head against your leg? They're just trying to rub their smell on you. They're really demanding when it comes to being fed or let out but don't enjoy any other interactions with humans, they'll scratch and bite anyone who tries to pet them.
>they don't enjoy our companyI think it's cruel to force an animal that doesn't enjoy our company to live with us. All other pets (dogs, birds, rabbits, lizards) get used to human touch but cats never seem to, they will always attack their owners. Other pets will do cute things to show they love you like sit and fall asleep on your lap, groom you, lick you, beg for attention etc. but cats don't show any kind of affection towards humans. I've actually seen pet chickens show more affection towards humans.
>cats are for lazy peopleAll other pets require a lot of work but cats basically require none. You don't have to walk a cat. You don't have to play with a cat. You don't have to wash a cat. You don't have to groom a cat. You can even forget to feed a cat and it'll be fine. I think people who get cats just want something that doesn't require a lot of responsibility.
Ultimately, I don't
hate cats. I owned many cats when I was younger and I still pet "friendly" ones on the street. I just think they make shitty pets. I guess cat owners either think having a cat is "edgy" and "cool" or are just too lazy to take care of a superior pet.
No. 260428
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how do you go to a public toilet while wearing a playsuit without having it littered with bacteria?
i have so many cute ones i wanna wear out in public but i don’t want it to get dirty. when it’s a dress you can just lift it up but with a playsuit you’d have to pull it down completely. i don’t want it on the gross public restroom floor and i don’t wanna touch it to pull it back on before i’ve washed my hands of bacteria either. i really don’t feel like getting a uti for avoiding going to the bathroom altogether.
sperg-tastic first-world problem, i know.
No. 260431
>>260428If it concerns you so much you could carry some antibacterial hand gel which you could use in the stall to clean your hands before putting the suit back on.
If i'm wearing a playsuit or jumpsuit I usually go to the loo with another female friend so they can help unzip/zip me.
No. 260432
>>260412>They're really demanding when it comes to being fed or let out but don't enjoy any other interactions with humans, they'll scratch and bite anyone who tries to pet them.>All other pets (dogs, birds, rabbits, lizards) get used to human touch but cats never seem to, they will always attack their owners. Other pets will do cute things to show they love you like sit and fall asleep on your lap, groom you, lick you, beg for attention etc. but cats don't show any kind of affection towards humans.That's not even true, unless you have the misfortune of getting a cat with a perpetually stank attitude. They just need a little bit more time to warm up to certain people but cats can be very loving and affectionate pets. It took awhile for my uncle's cat to get used to me being around but now she loves coming up to me for pats.
You wouldn't immediately go up to a stranger, then start demanding attention and rubbing up on them, would you? Why do you expect it out of an animal?
No. 260435
>>259931cc is ok in concept but lolcow's userbase is a lot better
cc is like the friend that gives you a box of tissues and is a shoulder to cry on without actually pushing you to better yourself long term
lolcow is like the friend that will bitch slap you and tell you to get your shit together if you need to
it's also a lot less male tolerant here No. 260442
>>260412anon I used to think the way you do because all my friends cats were antisocial and aggressive.then I adopted my first cat off Craigslist from a pet hoarder and she was the sweetest pet I've ever had. she slept on me every night, sat J. my lap whenever I was on the PC and loved to play too. never scratched me or furniture. I miss her a lot.
after she passed of old age I got a second cat who was also just as friendly, I was bedridden for several months and she never left my side except to eat and shit. she died of cancer. my third cat I got as an unsocialized kitten and while she's less cuddly, she still runs to greet me at the door and even learned to sit, spin and high five for treats.
tldr some cats suck but a lot of them are great if properly socialized, just like a dog is. they just aren't people pleasers like most dogs, but as a dog groomer, trust me when I say there's tons of shitty, unsocialized dogs.
No. 260527
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Do you think this is true?
No. 260565
>>259412>they smellTheir shit smells the absolute worst but if they do their business outside you never have to deal with it. Cats themselves smell inexplicably good, they can roll around in dirt all day and smell nice.
>they're not cuteThe things you listed are rarely considered cute, who the fuck likes it when they bring a dead animal home? They don't scratch and bite everyone who touches them, have you been trying to hurt any cat you've ever petted? Some cats scratch and bite when they play but it's not universal depending on personality, how they're raised.
>they don't enjoy our companyThey enjoy it on their own terms. Just because they don't want to be manhandled doesn't mean they don't like being close to people, they like being petted in certain ways.
>cats are for lazy peopleYes, true. Better someone get a low maintenance cat they can take good care of than a dog they don't have the time to walk. What's the problem with that? Does everyone have to be a crazy pet parent and spend hours a day on their care? Does that make the pet better?
You can just say that a dog suits your personality more and that says it all, it's fine to want a more affectionate, engaging pet.
No. 260574
>>260527Isn't this just an art history meme, not about actual biology?
I have beautiful Egyptian feet.
No. 260616
>>260612It seems like it works the same way as Spanish.
I thought gringos had Spanish lessons at school? If that's the case then I don't see how could it be hard. But I'm also guessing y'all don't give a fuck about Spanish and did the bare minimum at school
No. 260620
>>260612Seems like I just have to get used to it like any other foreign language! I guess I'm just intimidated since I'll be learning it on my own, whereas I learned German through a classroom environment and had someone to coach me. Thanks for the well wishes!
>>260616I guess it differs by school system. Where I'm from, there weren't any mandatory foreign language classes, and you were able to choose between Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Mandarin (I chose German). Spanish was definitely the most popular and 90% of people didn't take it seriously. Even many of the people who stuck through Spanish classes from the earliest you could possibly take it were completely incompetent at the language. Not that I was some amazing fluent German speaker in high school, but I could understand native speakers and communicate decently, whereas the Spanish kids would just laugh and say "Yeah I barely know this language at all, I can't understand what those people are saying haha!" I think kids just blindly took it because everyone told them it would be useful, but didn't want to put any actual work in.
Sage because I really went off the rails there lol
No. 260621
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>>260412> I guess cat owners either think having a cat is "edgy" and "cool"Literally no one thinks that, lol.
No. 260628
>>260620That's straight up sad, and kinda angers me. I can't believe my Latino ass was forced to learn such a horrible language that sounds like I'm chocking on food while having a phlegm stuck on my throat.
Anyone knows good german speaking YouTube channels? I want to get used to hearing it but all the content I have stumbled upon is so bad, boring or pointless, I want something that keeps you intrigued or someone who talks about interesting stuff. I will take a good mua tho
No. 260683

>>260611Hey, I've been studying Italian for 10 years including college level. I love it, it's such a beautiful language and was easier to learn than the other languages I have. The only pronunciation I struggled with was rolling my r's but I was the only person in my class of 30 who had a problem, so you should be fine. Grammar-wise, I only struggled once we got to things like the subjunctive but it's not even used that often in everyday conversation. Other than that, Italian pronunciation is really straightforward and thanks to having so many vowels is really easy to read, you just read what you see!
You should definitely start watching some Italians on YouTube. I really like Lucrezia because she speaks really slowly and clearly. She does vlogs like vid related where she'll show you something from Italian culture and grammar videos that cover all the things that are tricky to grasp in the beginning. When you get a bit more confident, there's also loads of classic Italian cinema to help you get a feel for the pronunciation (La Vita è Bella, Il Postino, Cinema Paradiso, La Dolce Vita…) or if you're interested in plays people have uploaded entire plays from Dario Fo and Luigi Pirandello on Youtube ( or ofc if you're into opera, check out what's in your local cinema because my local artsy cinema is always screening things like La Traviata, La Forza Del Destino and Madama Butterfly and they're usually live which is really cool. I also listen to whatever's in the Italian music charts regularly.
Anyway, hope that helps a little. I'm happy to provide any other recommendations!
No. 260691
>>260616>I'm also guessing y'all don't give a fuck about Spanish and did the bare minimum at school>>260628>I can't believe my Latino ass was forced to learn such a horrible language that sounds like I'm chocking on food while having a phlegm stuck on my throat.I highly doubt any of us
gringos are willing to help your Latino ass after that… If you hate it so much then just don't do it.
>>260634I dearly hope that one day you will have to face the consequences… You do know that you're only bringing trouble to some poor minimum wage workers?
>"is ashamed"Fuck off, acting cute after admitting to commiting a crime is absolutely digusting.
No. 260697
>Why do so many Americans carry a water bottle around? I see this a lot that people holding a water bottle all the time? It's so random and also something I have seen doing one of my american friends while being here. Any reason for holding it all the time? Why not putting it in a bag or something like that?idk if there's any real reason for it but i notice that a lot too, maybe we're just all universally dehydrated
>Why do many Americans use paper dishes instead of ceramic one? And baking stuff in aluminium pans than in normal ones? Any reasons for that?those are usually just used as placeholders until people get real dishware, but some people continue to buy them just bc they're too lazy to do dishes
>Why wearing shoes at homes? no clue, unless they're slippers it's uncomfortable and brings unnecessary mess into the house
>Why do Americans smile so much and brightly? to seem more friendly and make people feel welcomed in their presence, same reason small talk is such a common thing here
>And for the last one, why do so many tend to scream "I'm an American!" while being in an argument with somebody??kek, this one is so specific, is this really something that happens often?
No. 260708
>>260697Thanks for the kind answers, anon.
Idk for the last question: It's just something I've seen in many videos that have been recorded in the US and there was always at least one person that made a comment about being "american" idk I found it a bit strange but seems not to happen that often.
No. 260720
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>>260717No. It means exactly what it says. Attractive but not conventionally (whatever that means in the culture) so.
No. 260740
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Might not be a stupid question but I didn't know where to ask, so I'm not a native english speaker and today I heard from a native: "You need to get a little bit more darter on that"
What does that mean?
I searched the interned and the only meaning I found is related to a cute birb.
No. 260742
>>260740Could you give a little more context?
I want to say in refernece to "darter" probably means to be more swift?
No. 260748
>>260697>>260708 I'm guessing it's entitlement. I usually hear it when people are told that they can't have something stupid or act like an asshole without someone calling them an asshole.
>>260740Am native English speaker, have never heard this. Maybe it's a regional thing?
No. 260775
>>260693Americans carry water bottles because they don't typically bring water with them when they go out, so they end up having to buy bottled water. The reusable water bottle trend is catching on, but very slowly.
as for #5, I think we do that as an honest admission of ignorance, like "I'm American, you can't expect me to know about X world event or the minute political nuances of X country."
No. 261076
>>260708Not sure if this is what you mean, but sometimes people who were born in the United States get asked by other (white) americans "where are you from?" and if they say something like "Los Angeles" the person will ask "No, I mean where are you
Sometimes it's relatively innocent, sometimes it is used by racists to hassle other people. Race and nationality are, uh, touchy subjects in the united states these days
No. 261083
>>260746They said "data" with an accent. maybe?
Some people append 'r' sounds on vowels. Like washer => warsher
No. 261086
>>2606931. Designer water bottles are a kind of fetish, like "look at the brand I bought."
2. It's easier to dispose of after eating and Americans are not too concerned with waste so it works. Used mostly by poor people and college students
4. It's a cultural thing. In the 50's you had to pretend everything was perfect and smiling and pretending to be happy was part of that. We retained a lot of habits from that era and that's one of them, big cheesy smiles.
No. 261087
>>260693>4.) Why do Americans smile so much and brightly? To show off their $1000+ dental and orthodontic work.
lol, but seriously, it's just cultural. American culture values bright, happy, and friendly people. To the point where you can't be seen as bright, happy, or friendly unless you're beaming down the street and smile and give a compliment to every rando person you see, and you can never have a bad day or else the people around you freak out like something has gone horribly wrong.
I knew a few people who were naturally very smiley and friendly and get ghosted or dropped the minute they weren't, at least until they felt better and went back to "normal".
It's like, once you start smiling, you can never stop.
>American gothic No. 261180
>>261120>>261113why would it be wankles? wrist-ankles?
i've heard wrarms but it doesn't flow well it all
No. 261199
>>261191Basically what
>>261192 said. Can also mean "Here I am". Like for an example, if someone has been talking about you and you hear about it and you come up to them and say 'whats good' that would mean youknow Say it again cause I'm here now. lol Its fighting words basically.
No. 262005
I think unless they have nerve damage from diabetes or something, getting a rub on the back feels no different than if a skinny person were to get the same rub. It doesn't feel any more intense or worse.
Although I imagine if you're talking about a massage it could feel different, because their muscles are underneath a layer of fat and probably can't get worked as well as a thinner person's. Doesn't mean they're not feeling the same pressure, their skin has nerves even if the fat cells don't.
No. 262028
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Not trying to race-bait but is there something about Indian culture that makes them so god damn rude and inconsiderate when they immigrate into western countries?
All of my apartment neighbors are Indian and they're so self-centered.
Every day the women let their kids ride bikes and scooters in the breezeway in front of my door which is incredibly obnoxious and loud, especially when they scream and shout. The neighbor above me used to let their kid run and jump all over the span of their apartment from morning until 11pm. It didn't quit even after I corresponded with management several times; they pretended not to speak English when I politely asked them to stop. I had to clap back by banging on the ceiling before they got the message.
Every one of them is unfriendly, I smile and say hello just to get no response and have them stare blankly.
One neighbor's kid almost threw trash on my head as I was on the ground floor heading back to my apartment, and as I went back outside to photograph all the litter the father wisely picked it up before I returned. Still littered well after that.
Today I had a kid knock on my door and then ENTERED MY APARTMENT because he didn't wait for me to answer to tell him it was the wrong one.
No. 262041
>>262039pressure, not pain. read the article, they feel more pain via pressure, not pain from skin growth.
>>262032it's because it's common knowledge that larger breasts have less sensitivity because they have less nerve density.
No. 262043
>>262041>pressure not painThe original post was about the sensation of touch aka rubbing
>>262000, are you going to attempt to explain how rubbing isn't pressure?
Just admit you're wrong, jeez.
>common knowledge that larger breasts have less sensitivityWow, what a random and wrong tangent. You a chestlet too?
No. 262046
>>262039>Several studies have reported reduced pain sensitivity in obese people. Studies tested the sensitivity to thermal stimuli in the forehead and abdomen in obese and non-obese people. Obese people showed decreased sensitivity in the abdomen area but not in the forehead area. Furthermore, the groups did not differ in the central pain modulation, assessed by a temporal summation test to the forehead.>>262043rubbing isn't pressure wtf?
also you're wrong, again,
Researchers at the University of Vienna claim that having small breasts may equal more pleasure in the bedroom. The larger your boobs are, the more glandular tissue there is than fat tissue, and the latter is what accounts for the breast sensitivity that comes in handy during foreplay. Alan Matarasso, M.D., a plastic surgeon in New York, explained to Men's Health that "the nerve that transmits the sensation of the nipple is more stretched" in small breasts, meaning it's simply easier for small boobs to get stimulated in sexual situations.
In the University of Vienna study, women with big breasts experienced 24 percent less stimulation than those with smaller boobs.
No. 262047
>>262043>>262039anon, the article states that the only difference was pressure from water, there was no difference in physical pain from the temperature. skin sensory nerves are different from those that sense pressure anyways.
why are you so caught up on this? you're wrong, people have provided evidence and yet you keep just ignoring it.
No. 262048
>>262046There's several studies that contradict that study.
>rubbing isn't pressure wtf?It is though.
verb [ I or T ] UK /rʌb/ US /rʌb/ -bb-
to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement.
At least put this in the unpopular opinion thread, as it's just your opinion. Not science.
No. 262060
>>262058Anon give it a rest. She's clearly provided studies for
both things.
>an anon asked a question>anon answered>another anon said lul no, you're wrong>anon explained why she was wrong>other anon asked for proof>anon provided proof>b-but that's not enooooough>b-but all you want to do is baww about fattiesStop arguing with her just because you want to be right, she showed that she's right now get over it.
No. 262062
>>262060Even if what you're saying is true, that doesn't explain her conspiracy that anyone who disagrees with her is an insecure fatty, or bringing big tits into this mix.
She's cray and wants to ramble about fatties. Who cares.
No. 262063
>>262058i literally cited studies that say how it works. why the hell are you so hung up on it being about fat people? sorry if you got
triggered or something. it works that way for dicks too, and literally every part of the body that has a massive jump in growth. nerves spread out and sensitivity diminishes, then over time it catches up.
No. 262067
>>262062>a-anon insulted me when i was responding to everything she said with lolnahbaaaaaaw.
i don't give a fuck if you're fat or not but you got way too pissy and dismissive even though it had nothing to do with you.
(infighting) No. 262074
>>262072It was just a question I had. And I couldn’t figure out how to word it to search online for an answer. I didn’t expect it to cause infighting.
My curiosity is satiated.
No. 262076
>>262074Sad part is, you still don't really have an answer.
Just a couple of anons quoting reddit and accusing each other of being the body types they don't like.
No. 262080
>>262078One of you literally quoted a reddit thread and accused each other of being fat or ana.
Put on your glasses.
No. 262154
>>260255>>260263A little late to the party but pet ones are adorable and no different from hamsters or other pet rodents.
The only pets that deserve a violent death are tarantulas and other disgusting arachnid abominations. Snakes just shouldn’t be kept as pets period. It’s cruel to them and even crueler to be a human psychopath who feeds them living defenseless animals.
Come to think of it it’s the humans who feed their monster pets living defenseless animals that deserve a painful death. Go get eaten by spiders and snakes and turn into tarantula and snake shit you repulsive scum.sage for pet sperging
No. 262172
>>262167why do so many farmers go ‘is it because it’s summer’ whenever some anon goes racebaiting or w/e lately? (may be other stuff too but specifically recall racebaiting)
is it because people have summer holidays or what? i don’t get it.
No. 262174
>>262167You can be a low weight without being an anachan. A low weight is a symptom of a lot of different (mental) illnesses.
For example because of my depression I have no appetite and dropped to a bmi lower than 15, still not an anorexic but underweight.
No. 262178
>>262167One of the main things which separates just being underweight from anorexia is fear of gaining weight.
Otherwise people with cancer and shit who are severely underweight would meet an anorexia diagnosis which obviously makes no sense.
No. 262388
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is dick size/appearance/girth really related to a guy’s fingers in your experience? i’ve also noted that older men (late 30’s+) have bigger fingers than the average man… does that mean their dicks get bigger??
No. 262392
>>262388No. There's nothing else on a man's anatomy that would suggest his dick size. Fingers, feet, height, it doesn't matter.
Genitals are fully developed after puberty ends. Balls get saggier with age though.
No. 262694
>>262473>Also, can the treatment really cause liver damage?There's different kinds. Topical, antibiotics, and then medications (isotretinoin/accutane).
Topical medication like creams will do nothing to your body, doc will just advise you to avoid sunlight because you could burn easier with it on.
Antibiotics have the same side effects as above, but if you're on them for a prolonged period you could get weird changes in your gut like diarrhea. Antibiotics destroy the good gut fauna in your system.
A medication like isotretinoin/accutane? Yes, it has the potential to seriously damage your organs and give you a load of mental problems. Strong evidence linking it to causing IBS. They will make you sign consent forms in order to take it, and if you're a woman you will be made to go on birth control.
I can't be your judge, but there's plenty of horror stories on the internet.
For the record, these are used sometimes in chemotherapies.
> No. 262718
>>262695Me too anon.
Right now I've been on the antibiotic doxycycline since April. I think I have to quit it on my next visit because I can't be on it forever. Tbh I've had very minimal problems with it. Maybe some diarrhea and upset stomach if I don't take it with food.
The last time I did a round of doxy was about 5 or 6 years ago. As long as one's not on it continually, it doesn't mess anything up.
I've been enjoying the relatively clear skin. Some nights I even have forgot to wash my face before bed, and sometimes before work, and I didn't break out. Feels good having normie skin, too bad the ride's gotta end and I have to go back to topicals…
No. 263335
>>263224not unacceptable, because some people naturally want/think about marriage more quickly than others which is normal. but that also means you should respect him wanting to wait on it for a little while.
i would be concerned, however, if he doesn't seem interested in it as a future prospect. not wanting to move in together is a little weird if he is indeed considering marriage in the future.
No. 263336
>>263224I mean your boyfriend is 25 and he feels like he's too young to move in with you? That's weird and sounds like just an excuse to me.
Personally I think it's a bad idea to base serious decisions purely on age. 25 is not too young to make that kind of decision if you have the self awareness to process how the relationship works and the benefits it provides you. You don't get wiser purely because of aging, you actually have to work on wisdom.
If you move in with this guy make it clear that cohabitation is the next step before marriage. Don't just do it because it's convenient or easy. It'll save you a lot of heartbreak in the future.
No. 263838
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>>263837>At least guinea pigs and hamsters are actually cuteYou've never seen a pet rat up close then. They're adorable.
No. 263865
>>263863They eat
pests. They're doing God's work.
No. 263876
>>263871How am I the one sperging? You're the one who got
triggered over a week old post and started ree-ing at my personal opinion. I find them to be disgusting crearures, you don't have to agree with that and you don't have to argue with me about so move on, hypocrite.
No. 263901
>>263892I agree with you anon.
This person doesn't seem to understand there's a difference between the rats they sell in the pet shop and rats found outside. Rats from the wild are not 'domesticated' at all and are horrible pests.
Next thing anon is going to tell me that because potbelly pigs make cute pets, that makes wild pigs fine and not pests either.
No. 263921
>>263892lmao, they're no more of a pest than you are, edgelord.
>>263911i find that this does actually work. i drink a ton of water and follow it up with a bit of caffeine, then water again, and i'm mostly back to normal shortly thereafter.
No. 264400
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Do people really wear this shit? Like, regular people, with jobs.
No. 264410
>>264388"Truscums" are essentially trannies who act like any tranny who does something extra
problematic isn't truly trans or dysphoric. They're usually more batshit than trenders.
No. 264422
Runway stuff is often very ott, sometimes fully avant garde. The ideas are taken and toned down into something more practical and palatable for retailers so, for example, from pic related you’d likely find pop-art inspired prints, similar palette and garment shapes, and maybe a mix of floral and pop art prints at the store.
No. 264424
>>264400>>264422 this
The point of those runway shows isn't to debut new clothes, it's more to present new concepts to the fashion world to set new trends.
No. 264456
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is it frowned upon to wear handmade lolita? what resources could i use to make handmade lolita? would it be worse if i used handmade stuff or if i used knock off stuff? is bodyline as bad as /cgl/ told me all those years ago?
i'm not part of the community but i always liked the fashion. sadly i was too fat and poor to wear it. but now i'm just poor! and my mother was a seamstress so i thought we could bond making some cute clothes together. but i want to make a lolita dress and wear it to cons but i'm afraid i'll look a mess because most people buy their stuff.
No. 264457
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>>264400Adding to what other anons said here is a visual
No. 264460
>>264410Spotted the angry transtrender
>>264388Truscum are transgender people who believe you need gender dysphoria (i.e. actually want the body of the gender you feel like) to be truly transgender which is valid. But all transgenders are insane so who really cares
No. 264489
>>264456Nah as long as the handmade is decently done you'll be fine. If your mom is a seamstress it sounds like you'll have plenty of help getting that's decently constructed. I know a few handmade lolitas and they look fine.
I don't know your budget but you could save up and buy it secondhand if that helps. I've seen some stuff go for like 50 bucks but that all depends on the brand and state of the dress. You could also try saving for indie brands or taobao if you absolutely want brand new. I hope your handmade stuff turns out well though! It's refreshing to see well done handmade stuff.
No. 264496
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A girl in my gym is like 5’2” and outlifts everyone
She’s tiny but still kind of muscular
Form/diet/ and consistent training will make you stronger
After 6 months I can lift 1.5 my body weight and I’m aiming to lift 3x my body weight this time next year.
No. 264508
>>264496Thanks for that personal experience example, anon.
I think I just became convinced by the insecure men spouting "even tiny weak men are stronger than all women because muh testosterone!!1" I haven't joined a gym yet (just doing high reps with low weights thrice weekly to get my form down and put on basic muscle), so I have nothing to compare myself with or to.
Good luck with your goals!
>>264497I'd opt to agree with this, most South Asian immigrants where I live are pretty nice since they're young and here to attend university.
No. 264513
>>264456Handmade >>> knockoffs
People in my comm will trip all over themselves complimenting well done handmade clothes, even moreso than the latest AP print because let’s be honest, there’s no skill involved in clicking “buy”.
However it does have to be well made. Shitty handmade will likely be made fun of just like Milanoo lacemonsters and obvious replicas are made fun of. This has nothing to do with jealousy, people just like laughing at ugly shit.
Start with something simple, like a rectangle skirt with a half-elastic waistband. Make sure your hem is at least 2,5x your waist, preferably more like 3x or 3,5x. Lolita requires a lot of fabric. Stick to solids at first and
stay away from novelty quilting cotton for the love of god because that shit never translates well to clothing, no matter how kawaii you think the print is. Add visual interest through ruffles and pintucks and lace. is a good source of lace though they do sell some knockoff lace.
Maybe invest in a volume or two of Otome no Sewing so you can see how lolita patterns are usually done. I started with “lolifying” normie patterns for blouses and JSKs and honestly that was a waste of time and money because too many alterations were needed to get the proper details, proportions and silhouette. Even if you don’t fit the books’ standard measurements (many don’t), it helps to see how lolita patterns look in 2D and maybe your mom can help you re-draft them to your size.
No. 264559
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Why is my IG explore page so busted? I've never liked a disney related picture in my life, but now 50% of what I see is bad disney makeup, cosplay, and fanart. The other 50% is bts/random kpop girl groups (which I also don't want to see, but I like a boy group so at least it sort of makes sense), unfunny memes, bad anime fanart/cosplay, BL, baddies, and slime videos.
I never liked any of this (except slime videos and bl), how did it get here? It used to be fine
No. 264699
Although personally, if you haven't had a serious talk to him about it, I would and give him one more chance to break away from her. I had a codependent mother and it took someone pointing out how fucked up my relationship is with her to wake up and stop being so affected by her. Granted I was 22, not 26, but I can't say I wouldn't have remained scared of her if another person didnt help me come to my senses. I totally understand if you don't want to do that though. It's not your responsibility. My younger brother had the same codependent fear and guilt based relationship with our mom and he started getting frustrated with her around 20, but it took me really spelling it all out for him to realize how abnormal it is.
No. 264735
>>264728i used to find it either painful or sensationless but then the mental part of my attraction to men developed a lot more, and i treated my vaginismus, and now i'm shocked to say penetrative sex is one of my favorite things. The way I think of it
Clit stimulation is so obviously physically pleasurable that I don't even need to be thinking about anything for it to feel somewhat good, and it can take me from unaroused to aroused.
Weird fetish shit isn't physically pleasurable in its own right, it only feels good if you find the concept hot.
Penetrative sex is kind of in between. It can feel really good, but only if you're already horny and find some aspect of it conceptually hot.
I guess the main thing I like is the extreme physical intimacy? Having a hot guy I really like all up in my guts. The person I used to crush out on being so close to me they're actually inside me and bouncing me around from the inside. The person I was shy to admit I find beautiful looking me right in the eyes as he slowly but deeply pumps my pussy. Feeling the pressure of his cock and squeezing it every time he thrusts. Etc etc etc. It only works if I'm really wet, maybe even with additional lube, and if I'm really really sexually attracted to the guy. It also pairs really well, as pretentious as that sounds, with clit stimulation. They kind of compliment and intensify each other, so once in a while I'll penetrate myself with a dildo while I use my vibrator.
No. 264755
>>264693I've seen gay men justify it as their word, gay, came first. As in it existed in the english dictionary or something before lesbianism did.
It's really awesome this board has so many radfems. iloveyouall.jpg
No. 264770
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>>264765i like this post cause this is exactly something i would have written on yahoo answers at 13 lol.
>he always starts the conversations>he always has time for you>eye contact and always smiling at you and excited to see you or always in a good mood when you're around.>if you fish with something like "ohhh… i soooo wanna see X movie!/eat at X place!" and they're not socially retarded, they'll probably invite you to go together instead of being like "ahaha that's cool :)">his relationship with you is different than the ones he has with other girls. like let's say he's friends with some girl but constantly playfight her and call her nasty names because they're buddies, but wouldn't call you something like that ever (this is just an example, maybe you both call each other names for fun what i mean is that he's different with you)>whatever stupid favor you need, he'll do it>nervous laughter and just dumb smiling in generalthis might not be always applicable but sometimes you're with a friend and the guy is around and talks to you and goes their way, and your friend will say "that guy is SO into you" because sometimes its easier for them to tell.
No. 264777
>>264770You are right on the money, he is so nice to everyone so it's hard to tell. I feel just like a 13 year old!!! To clarify, he
is an online friend. I think my friend also may like him as well; which really sucks. Do you think I should talk to my friend about it?
No. 264832
>>264728I have no idea either, anon. To me it feels awkward at best no matter how much lube we use. The emotional connection
>>264735 described is really nice, but I still wish we could have that without all the mess and soreness afterwards.
Though I also don’t experience any kind of pleasure from clitoral stimulation either, so maybe I’m just broken. Usually there’s no sensation at all, at worst it hurts, at best it feels like I need to pee, and wetting the bed isn’t my idea of a good time so I’ve never seen any reason to continue past that point.
No. 264897
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Why does 4chan look like shit to me? Pic related.
No. 265109
>>260412I would like to input my opinion towards dogs
>they smellTheir natural stench reeks. No matter how many times you bathe them, they have a natural odor that smells like shit. Cats have no smell unless the owner is lazy to keep up with the litterbox and vacuuming. I know immediately when someone has a dog just by the stench of their odor and breath. They never groom themselves either.
>they're not cuteDogs are territorial. They bark constantly, they drool, they bite people too. They will see another dog on the street and lunge at it. They will chase strangers given the opportunity to be escaped from their leash. They hump people, and its disgusting. They rub their asses all over the floor and then the floor needs cleaned.
>they don't enjoy our companyDogs only care about food. There have been studies that most dogs would go to the source of food before their owner calls them when given the choice. Even when the dog has been fed already and not hungry. There are also people I know who had dogs bolt out the door and never return, despite trying really hard to be careful.
>Dogs are for lazy peopleI see tons of dog owners leaving them outside on a leash 24/7. No need to clean anything, just let them live outdoors to poop everywhere and never pick it up. A lot of dog owners who do fortunately keep their dog indoors, do not bother to clean up the dog shit in the yard or mop the stench of dog on the floor. Their hair gets everywhere too and yet they don't clean it. The furniture smells like them.
I don't hate dogs either. I personally just don't find them as sincere of a pet compared to a cat. I've had good experiences with cats. Dogs I have not.
No. 265205
>>265145Because they're braineashed by their codependent asshole cats. Id rather have a smelly, food motivated dog than an asshole cat who shits in my house and tears up my blinds.
>cats don't have a smellBullllllllllshit. You just don't notice it anymore once you have cats. Plus I've never met a cst owner who actuslly cleaned the litter every day so there's ususlly the lingering piss/shit smell that they eventually stop noticing as well.
No. 265387
>>265284Poorfag American here.
A lot of American food corps waste food because of the fear of lawsuits/people getting “sick”. Many places won’t even feed they’re employees— when I worked at Starbucks, we tossed tons of fine looking food into the trash. I could always see the discomfort on my coworkers faces, and when the boss was t around we’d often shove expired food into our bags to take home. I would say that most people I knew growing up saved food. My mom would make a giant pot of soup or spaghetti, and we would eat it for dinner for a week.
Sage for mild blogposting
No. 265388
>>265284The buzzfeed crew is generally stunted adult babies, not a flattering representation of anyone . I'm a white american and I don't think I waste a lot of food. I compost, save for later, or just eat it for the most part. Sometimes my bf will shake his head if I miss a few scraps and throw them out, so I'm not the best, but filling an entire trashbag of food scraps in a short time and let that go to waste stings. I work in the food industry and even besides that…if you've ever had any kind of budget and you accidentally waste a significant amount of food some time, you kick yourself so hard for it later that you form a food saving habit.
I swear every buzzfeed video is just "The buzzfeed team tries
basic thing millions of people do every day" and the buzzfeed crew ewing and fanning themselves saying they can't do it, and then either remaining bratty or judgmental about it, or reluctantly realizing that it's not thaaaat bad
No. 265391
>>265284As a european, I too think americans waste way too much food. I hate watching american television because there's almost always a "food fight" scene or some kind of gag that involves wasting food and that shit is impossible to watch. Also, I see a lot of YouTubers leave their taps/showers on when they're not using them which is a huge no-no here. Like turning on the tap and just walking away to do something else.
When I was in school, there were non-stop campaigns telling us that we're destroying the earth and we have to change our lifestyles (use towels instead of tissue paper when you wash your hands, recycle bottles/paper/plastic/old clothes, turn the taps off, keep your showers to a max of 15 minutes, don't travel by plane often if you don't need to, take the bus and transport each other to school). It made me think about everything I do and the impact it has.
But americans in general don't seem to give a shit even though they're probably contributing to way more environmental damage than any of the countries being lectured to. They love their trucks and taking flights across the country. There seems to be no part of american education that shows them how to recycle or lectures them on how to behave at home. In fact, most americans I see online think that global warming is a conspiracy theory. That country is fucked.
No. 265413
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>>265394>We have campaigns about not wasting food, recycling, not wasting paper, etc etc too, especially on the coasts.Doesn't change the fact that you're producing 25% of the world's waste (obviously making you the 'champ' in that category) while recycling less than poorer countries like e.g. Slovenia…
No. 265458
>>265137>Dogs do have a certain smell to themSure, and so do cats, but they don’t all smell like shit. I didn’t have dogs growing up but some of my friends did and I could never smell them on them. Now I have dogs but I can still smell my friend’s dog when I go to her house because they don’t wash him or their house much. I’m pretty sure the diet you feed them matters a lot, as well.
>>265447One of my dogs has a nice chocolate smell and the other has to take tablets for his poor joints so he smells bad imo. Kinda fishy kek
No. 265498
>>265413I have nothing to base this on but my own experience in retail, but I believe a good chunk of American waste is attributed to corporations and large chain stores like Wal-Mart, Costco, etc.
One single store can throw so much shit away. Each store is sent seasonal (or even weekly!) graphics to put up for sales, spotlight items, etc. only to be taken down a short time later and tossed away. Plastic stuff to hold in pricing in shelves or on pegs are constantly replaced as they get old. Equipment gets broken or used up and eventually tossed to make room for new stuff. It's insane.
>>265137Call me a fucking weirdo, but I like the smell of my dog, and not just after giving her baths. I think a lot of factors go into any animals smell, like environment, food, and obviously hygiene maintenance.
No. 265518
>>265505You're right and I see the statistics but the US still has a huge liberal population, and liberals here are plenty concerned about recycling and minimizing waste, and they treat anyone who doens't believe in global warming as a pariah because of the "all scientists agree" meme. It's a huge country with many subcultures, and many of those subcultures are very liberal and/or environmentally focused.
I really don't want to defend my stupid country too much but basing your idea of the average american on fake hollywood movies and clickbait videos is really ignorant. If you're going to bash us, bash us for something you can confirm we actually do, which some of anons have now.
Happy 4th!
No. 265581
>>265284I'm an American and my family is somewhat wasteful but it's usually from saving food we think we're going to eat later, forgetting about it, and then having to throw it out when it spoils. throwing perfectly good food directly in the trash feels terrible.
>>265391I had to sit through quite a few "reduse, reuse, recycle!" assemblies as a kid and every school I've ever been to had recycling bins in every classroom which we were encouraged to use. A lot of Americans are wasteful as hell of course but like some other anons have said the brunt of it comes down more to corporations having wasteful policies than most families being wasteful.
Also I actually
have been in food fights (not a participant, but caught in the crossfire) and it was usually some of the shitty delinquent kids getting genuinely angry at one another and throwing stuff during lunch, not people just starting a food fight because it's a fun activity or something. Sometimes I'd still eat the food lol.
No. 265625
>>265498>a good chunk of American waste is attributed to corporations and large chain stores like Wal-Mart, Costco, etc.>One single store can throw so much shit away. Each store is sent seasonal (or even weekly!) graphics to put up for sales, spotlight items, etc. only to be taken down a short time later and tossed away. Plastic stuff to hold in pricing in shelves or on pegs are constantly replaced as they get old. Equipment gets broken or used up and eventually tossed to make room for new stuff. It's insane. Anon, that doesn't mean jackshit, Europe is full of huge, cheap chains too.
>>265518>liberals here are plenty concerned about recycling and minimizing waste, and they treat anyone who doens't believe in global warming as a pariah because of the "all scientists agree" meme. It's a huge country with many subcultures, and many of those subcultures are very liberal and/or environmentally focused.>>265581>I had to sit through quite a few "reduse, reuse, recycle!" assemblies as a kid and every school I've ever been to had recycling bins in every classroom which we were encouraged to
Poor you for being asked to do the same stuff the rest of the world does too.
Again, no matter how many Americans are out there virtue signaling (it's sad that people even need to do that, anybody with half a brain should already know what's right themselves), it obviously didn't change anything, you're still fucking up this planet.
No. 265673
>>265625>Anon, that doesn't mean jackshit, Europe is full of huge, cheap chains’s not the same at all.
>Poor you for being asked to do the same stuff the rest of the world does too.They were chiming in with their experiences because OP mentioned the education they’d had. They weren’t doing it to brag or whine, it was just to add clarity.
God damn you’re so unnecessarily hostile. You’d think they killed polar bears in their free time or some shit
No. 265678
>>265673>it’s not the same at all.Sorry, but how?
And living like this actually does kill polar bears…
No. 265704
>>265697If you throughly explain it’s all just fantasy and hypothetical with no genuine intent to fulfill it you should be fine. Tell them you don’t like being like this and want help so you can get better. It’s the same as telling a therapist you have suicidal ideations vs telling them you’re actively suicidal. They only need to report it if there’s a
real concern you’ll do it. Good luck, anon.
No. 265795
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>>264728Penetrative (vaginal) sex feels like my clit is being rubbed but from deep inside, also my vaginal walls feel …good? Hard to describe. Like a kind of heat that feels amazing? Idk
In case anyone here isn't aware, the whole dark pink thing in pic related is the entire clitoris.
>“Both the internal and external parts of the clitoris are made of erectile tissue which swells with blood when a woman is aroused.”>“…penetration of the vagina alone does not mean there is no involvement of the clitoris”Also, I feel this sensation when being penetrated in missionary or riding my man:
"there are short ligaments that join the clitoral hood to the vulva, so when the vulva's being incidentally moved during penetration, that is actually stimulating the glans of the clitoris.”Here's a helpful animation to understand how the clitoris is stimulated from within (it's CG): of course, I absolutely
must be aroused for any of this to feel good. That means comfortable, confident, and safe for me personally. It’s very important.
OP of
>>264728 I don’t want it to come off like you didn’t already know any of this! Just helping out those who may not know already.
Good fuckin’ everyone!
No. 265802
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>>265795Samefag but the clitoris looks like the Fresno Nightcrawlers lol
No. 266036
>>265625>Poor you for being asked to do the same stuff the rest of the world does too.The anon I replied to said
>There seems to be no part of american education that shows them how to recycleand I was just saying that I experienced otherwise by sharing my anecdotal experience, I wasn't complaining.
>>266033you mean this
>>253761 ?
No. 266045
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>>265780The vagina discussion thread but just men roleplaying.
No. 266322
>>265509>>Food fightI've been in one, my freshmen year in hs and that shit was wild. Everything went in slow motion and milk was every where. I didn't participate though, because I wasn't going to get my clothes dirty fuck that.
>>265697Therapist are required to report anything that suggest that you have intent on harming yourself or others. If you make it clear that you don't ///actually// want to do these things it should be okay. But that would most likely take note of that and keep a close eye on you. As they should 'cause wtf anon.
No. 266341
>>264525>family hates you because of your race>doesn't intend to move out of his parents' home because he's broke and a mama's boy>still concerned about his useless, racist mother's opinions at 26 and won't stand up for you>doesn't even try in school, fails his exams>won't marry youI think I remember you from CC. Didn't he break his own phone and sperg out at you about it? And didn't his mom literally say black people are "disgusting" even though she herself is dark-skinned?
As another black girl in an interracial relationship (white bf), this is fucking embarrassing, anon. I hope you dumped this trash. I've noticed some of the worst incels who facepost turn out to be Indian men, too. They're nasty.
No. 266385
>>265284European here, lived with an American for about a year and the amount of food she wasted was unbelievable. She never saved leftovers, even if there was another dinner's worth left, just straight into the bin. It got to the point where I started asking if I could have her leftovers since they were just being thrown out anyway. She was a pretty great cook, too, I don't understand why you'd waste food like that.
She also didn't understand how to use a recycling bin but idk if that's related or not.
No. 266389
>>266388Aww anon that's so cute I'm so happy for you, and thanks for the reply! I'm glad I haven't been too confused about it after all.
We've only been together for two years so I don't want to seem crazy by hinting at something like this if he's not ready for it, but I can't help but dream of him doing something like this. Doesn't need to be flashy or expensive, it's more about the gesture and idea behind it I guess.
No. 266398
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>>266389That's around the time I got one. We've been together for 5 years. It's something really simply. It's pic related. He's talking about upgrading it but I think it's cute. I watched way too many romance movies before I got into a relationship so I had a lot of expectations on what it would be like. It's alright anon I'm a hopeless dreamer too lol
No. 266399
Ok this is a really stupid question, but I've noticed that in fandom there's a really intense hatred for people who ship incest. Obviously here I'm referring exclusively to fiction, but my question is what's the big deal? I can totally understand why you'd be against like, parent/child incest, as there's an implicit power imbalance there, or between like… older/younger sibling, even. But in the case of twins, like Cersei and Jaime from Game of Thrones, or even the Osomatsu brothers, I don't necessarily understand the taboo? They're adults, and in the case of same-sex incestuous couples where offspring aren't a possiblity, what is the harm? I mean personally yeah it's gross and weird, I couldn't imagine being attracted to my brother, but I legitimately don't get the like… pearl-clutching moral uproar.
No. 266418
>>266399It's ~
problematic~, therefore the more you clutch your pearls the more SJW brownie points you get and the more of a superiority complex you can develop.
No. 266445
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>>266399i reaaaaally liked fandom and fanfiction shit in my teenage years. shipping incest has always been controversial. regardless if its a band, or a book, or a movie, etc, it turns a lot of people off. at some point i did try reading it, and the whole "don't tell mom and dad about this" etc shit they throw there made me gag.
i think some anons need to remember that theres many people that get raped by people in their own families. i've had it happen to me and most of the other victims of molestation i've met online have gone through that too. so incest is a very tricky thing morally because a lot of rape victims were again raped by siblings or family members. so it does bother a loooooooooooot of people.
if that's your fetish, fine go ahead. but to "normies" and to actual victims its a disgusting thing. its like people who have a fetish for underage ships and shit like that, its controversial as fuck for the same reason. in real life its not sexy, its traumatizing. so it feels like you're writing a cute romance story that's built upon abuse and gross shit. you can read it and love it if you want, but most people will call you a weirdo for shipping things like that. even if the incest ship is of age, it's still socially gross to most people because its not normal whatsoever to be attracted to your silbing, so people are still gonna find it creepy.
it's just socially frowned upon. i don't see why people are blaming it on PC culture/pearl clutching or whatever when its always been like this. incest is creepy, get off to it if you want, but people are allowed to call it creepy so grow a pair.
>"fucking SJWS taking away my delicious incest HOW DARE THEY" man, i always knew incest shippers were gross but seeing you guys defend that weird shit like this is just… a lot. whatever makes you happy but damn.
No. 266489
>>266487I'm not trying to imply that there's no abuse between people of the same sex or age. I realize abuse can come from anyone. What I'm trying to say is I think consent is what would make the difference? In a fic or whatever where it's obvious that both parties are enthusiastic and consenting, it would seem to me that there's no reason to get up in arms besides just preference. People in fandom put incest on the same level as rape or pedophilia, and while if it's an abusive incestuous situation I can understand why, as a standalone thing I don't exactly agree.
>>266486What do you like about it? Is it situational or something you find yourself seeking out?
No. 266490
>>266445I don't see how writing a consensual, non abusive, incest ship with no power imbalance has anything to do with victims of irl incest. People are raped by family members, true, but also by friends, partners, strangers… if we can't read or write dynamics that have been taken advantage of by rapists in real life we won't have anything left.
If people find it gross or socially unacceptable, that's understandable Taking a moral stand against the idea itself doesn't make sense, unless it's specifically about certain abusive situations.
No. 266517
>>266490In real life probably 99% of any incest that occurs is rape
Why are you so dim
No. 266566
>>266564>> You claimedWhen did I say that? You do know I'm
>>266556 and not the original anon you were talking to lol?
What I said, was you can enjoy fiction and not want it in real life. This is the same argument people make when they were trying to band GTA because they claimed it made kids want to go out and commit the crimes they did on the game irl, and that was proven to not be true. Every couple of years this argument springs up.
No. 266570
>>266569What part of romanticizing incest doesn't include only hardcore displays of it you don't understand?
I suggest you to do therapy to get over your mommy/daddy issues and stop masturbating to incest, but you do you.
No. 266582
>>266556Bad example, nobody is jacking it to Die Hard.
If you think something is sexy you
fantasize about it happening
in real life.
If you watch an action movie or a horror movie you are not fantasizing about it happening in real life, it's fiction which you passively absorb, maybe get scared or tense watching. Not turned on. As soon as we go into
sexy territory it's natural to assume that person wants it to happen in real life on some level.
Which is why
>>266570 is correct.
Anyway, enough of this topic because it's making me feel sick, thanks anons
No. 266584
>without saying murder is badEveryone thinks murder is bad, wtf? That's kinda the whole point of scary movies? It's not supposed to be relaxing and pleasant. Or romantic. Like stop with the false equivalency.
No. 266739
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Why do people on Twitter have such a massive boner for calling Ariana Grande black? Is it because they can’t handle an artist they like being white? Literally just search ‘ariana grande black’ and prepare for the autism
Are they just trolling or do they genuinely believe this???
No. 266743
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>>266739I'm pretty sure it's just a joke at her expensive for tanning so much. No one literally thinks she's black
It's no different from calling a tan addict a cheeto. So yeah, trolling.
No. 266800
>>266791Really? I've never seen a man do that, I've only seen men who get off to it. Where are you from?
>If you want you can go ahead and tell me why (some) lesbians don't want to date bi womenI think bisexuality is just a turn off for a lot of people, especially women (generally speaking). I personally would rather date someone with the same sexual orientation as me.
No. 266809
>>266781a lot of people see bisexual women as slutty by default, because they associate it with porn or with threesomes. a lot of people either think we're straight but get off with other women just because it's fun, or think because you're attracted to two genders that you need to be with both at the same time and are more likely to cheat. it a lot of men will think you're a sex object who'll be down for threesomes or anything he finds kinky but also think you can't be trusted because you'll cheat on them with a woman. a lot of women think you're just playing around and are going to actually settle with a man (the 'evidence' for this one really just comes down to there being more men than women who date women so the chance is higher)
outside of dating, the hatred mostly comes down to the same thing. there's people who hate the idea of a woman who's attracted to other women at all but also another part that's assuming those women are degenerate whores.
No. 266842
>>266835The podcast Reply All from Gimlet Media actually had a great episode about the origins of the incel community like a month ago. You should look it up anon.
It seems it started as a forum, it was created by a woman funnily enough, more than 10 years ago, I have no idea were it will go from now on though.
No. 266959
>>266929I have a theory that cows are always trying to depose other cows.
Cosplayers, pet youtubers, soundcloud thots, anas, you name it. There's milky bitches trying to cancel the big fish in the pond so they can be the next queen. Moo thread is a goldmine for thotty cosplayers btw, some of them have outed themselves after forgetting to censor or crop out their profile pics while screencapping Moo's antics.
No. 266963
>>266929i believe that most cows from /snow/. particularly dolly/shayna, jill pixiee, and taylor nicole dean always respond to things on their threads. they take advice from there, do shit inspired by them, or full on respond to the criticism there etc thinking they're sneaky. they clearly lurk their threads, and probably check the site so often that they know farmer culture enough to not out themselves. particularly if they have multiple threads.
while someone like tana, graveyardgirl and lori usagi strike me ass too normie and retarded to ever come across this place.
No. 266993
>>266959that’s no theory, that’s fact. look at all the gaslighting and vendettas in
>>>/cream/ and the emzotic and dasha reveals
No. 268297
>>264754Oh no.
I didn't realize that it was influenced by people you follow/interact with.
That explains why some of my friends, who have no interest in drag queens and gay shit have that stuff on their explore page… because I follow/like things like that. I am the reason for their fucked up explore pages. God I feel guilty now.
No. 268331
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Question about "bought" twitter and insta followers. I used the twitter audit but is it accurate?
Because I've used it to see people who have 70k-80k followers and its told me about 70% are real-but then these peoples tweets only get 7-8 likes or 2-3 retweets. Can you really have that many legit followers but so few likes etc? Also theres one girl, she has 70k insta followers but only 600 twitter followers. Again can this actually be legit as I dont know much about social media I dont use it.
No. 268866
>>268760go to desired board
fill out thread at the top of the page
that's it
No. 269111
>>268999Adding on to what other anons said, all of your carry on liquids must fit into a small clearplastic bag. You need to be able to close it.
So put perfumes and things not 100 % essential in checked baggage and makeup in carry on.
No. 269354
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>>269198i'm calling the german government RIGHT NOW
No. 269844
>>269841No, they don't care. Where do you live? I spent a lot of my youth doing street art and being around graffiti artists, wheatpasters, etc. I'm in southern California. Just don't get caught in the act. Hide if the cops roll up. They have bigger things to deal with.
That being said, depending on where you do it, you could get in deep shit with property owners. And sometimes John Q. Public has no problem with telling you off and trying to escalate the situation.
All in all, you're good. Just be mindful of your surroundings.
No. 270352
File: 1532199291496.gif (3.32 MB, 732x477, momjeans.gif)

I feel like it's a very dumb question so I thought I will post it here: I'm currently looking for some new pants, specially some high waist ones. The thing is that it's been a while since I bought some pants (I rather wear my clothes until they are used aka stretched) so I buy a few new once like once a year and that's about it.
So my question is now: It looks like there not so much high waist pants around because this trend died down I guess and all I see are "Mom Jeans" and I wonder if they are similar? They look pretty high waist but kind of baggy around the tights and ass area? So is it more likely to look super chubby in it when you have a bit more around that area anyways I guess? Any anons who know how to deal with mum jeans?
No. 270866
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am i crazy or encyclopedia dramatica pics don't work? i'll click on any pic to see the full res and it always says:
sorry the file cannot be displayed, there seems to be a technical issue. and its not recent, its been like this for months and i don't know how you fix it or if its just me or if they're just slacking again.
with a lot of pics it doesn't matter but gallery sections usually get rekt because they have screenshots of texts and i can't read them since there not working full res
ever on any pic. link to best article so you check a pic and tell me if when you try to see the full res pic they're broken too, i love reading old milk from cows that disappeared. i need the screenshots.
No. 272282
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How do you guys feel about a porn thread?
No. 272558
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question for UK fags, newfag in the UK here, are yall supposed to drink this straight up as it is? i found it too sweet and needed like 1/3 cup of that drink and the rest i diluted with water but i'm just curious if people just drink it straight up.
No. 273003
>>272951Like in asian countries masculinity in Europe also includes being smart not just acting like a douchebag, the aesthetic of
too deep 4 me* is prevalent in French couture.
No. 273005
>>272951Most of my male friends have regular short hair, most boys have short hair too (although there is still some upper class families who let their young boy's hair grow).
The long / medium hair trend is more for artsy type and it was the standard haircut for young hippie guys in the 60s / 70s.
I do believe men can get away with being softer / more feminine in France thought, especially in more upper class or artsy parisians circles. I'm from the south and sadly the standard male behavior here is more macho-man and douchebagy (closer to Italia and Spain).
No. 273008
>>273006Yeah, i knew ones who were boos for Russia, some for italy or Scandinavian countries
Weebs tend to be more overblasted about it though, where as other country boos tend to keep to themselves
No. 273009
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>>273006Lauren Southern is a… nordoboo? So is half of /pol/. A bunch of mutts with 1% german heritage jacking off about how aryan they are.
Russiaboos exist too, see yungelita and 90% of aesthetic gopnik junkie tumblr
Believe it or not, ameriboos used to (sort of) be a thing in nipland. Yoshiki is basically one still. And trying to look white is a thing in a lot of non-white countries.
Wiggers exist, as do chiggers. Elvis was one.
…Britaboos? Englandaboos? W/e, they were (are?) a thing too for a while
Lots of sjws larp as jews for oppression points… I guess that makes them jewaboos? kek
That's all I can think of atm, but I'm sure there's more.
No. 273012
>>272951Most young men here have short hair and common haircuts. The few ones I know how have or had long hair had a specific fashion styles or trends they follow like
>>273005 said, had manbuns or had dreadlocks.
>Also, can men act in a more feminine like way without getting so much shit like most countries?It's more or less like most western countries when it comes to what's masculine and feminine with small differences, but it also depends on who you know and what kind of circles you hang out with. In my case I found the guys from college weren't particularly effeminate but didn't really care about gender roles that much, but I didn't have that impression with male coworkers who are more or less my age. But at the same time I remember one of them being pissed off that a coworker asked if he were gay because he liked wearing pink and because some people thinks he's effeminate for being tall and skinny and having a weird voice even though his voice was deep. He sees himself as masculine and he's one of the straightest guys I've seen (and he's homophobic too so that's one of the reasons why he didn't like the question).
>>273005>I'm from the south and sadly the standard male behavior here is more macho-man and douchebagy (closer to Italia and Spain).I can't really say I'm from the south but I noticed there was a difference between the north and the south as well. From what I've seen the people from the north don't care as much as people from the south.
No. 273031
>>273006One of my French teachers in high school was a francophile (ouiaboo), dressing how she thought Parisiennes dressed with lots of stripes, shawls and berets, speaking with a French accent in our native language (despite being a native speaker of that language), using gratuitous French while speaking even outside of class and constantly bringing up “but in France…” in every conversation. Even other teachers made fun of her for it.
I also know several anglophiles (teaboos?) who are obsessed with Dr Who and/or BBC Sherlock, use gratuitous English in conversation, put on fake thick English accents when doing so, refuse to listen to any non-English bands, go on trips to London several times a year and collect stuff with the Union Jack on it.
I guess these things are a lot more socially acceptable than being a weeaboo because these countries are our neighbours and there’s been a lot of cultural exchange over the centuries, whereas Japan is more “alien” to us.
No. 273070
>>273064Because I see a lot of lesbian complaining about hetero girls using them for sexual exploration and how much it hurt them.
>>273068You put two Hashtag on each side of the sentence without space between them.
# # SPOILERED TEXT # # without space =
>>273310i think looking at who surrounds you. like
>are your friends attractive? >do you have a significant other? >is your significant other conventionally attractive?>do you attract people even in ways that aren't romantic? let's say people want to be friends with you, strangers want to talk to you, etc>do you attract people in romantic ways? how often?as far as hitting up people in your league. i think you can base it on what i already said. are their friends attractive? do they get a lot of attention from people of the opposite sex etc
No. 273627
>>273624Not American, Australian, but where I’ve lived it’s pretty uncommon for dudes to be physically affectionate or touch beyond a handshake.
One of my friends is a single dude in his thirties and his only source of physical contact with anyone is his cat or me cutting his hair.
No. 273630
>>273322>are your friends attractive?I have some that are ridiculously conventionally attractive, and some that aren't
>do you have a significant other? Yes
>is your significant other conventionally attractive?According to which standards? I find him nice looking, but many people here think he looks average to weird
>do you attract people even in ways that aren't romantic? let's say people want to be friends with you, strangers want to talk to you, etcI'm a shut-in, but people like talking to me when I manage to be in a good mood and am friendly myself
>do you attract people in romantic ways? how often?No idea, I have severe chronic autism when it comes to this
So basically, still don't know
No. 273636
>>273624it's usually seen as "gay" to hug your friends, especially between men, in the USA. I have guy friends who often say "no homo" when saying nice things to their male friends. they often won't even say another male looks good without mentioning how they aren't gay. this really depends on the people though. the more "normie" pop-music-Nike-wearing-average/below-average-IQ type guys are usually the ones who act this way for some weird reason.
we just in general don't hug much. it seems to make people very uncomfortable. I feel lucky to be from a family where we hug often, and I hug my friends a lot too. so like I said it really depends on the individual.
No. 273811
>>273322Original asker here.
>are your friends attractive? Friends growing up were neckbeards and fujoshits lmao. My one friend now is a conventionally cute guy (but not my type and I'm not his, miracles do happen).
>do you have a significant other? No.
>do you attract people even in ways that aren't romantic? let's say people want to be friends with you, strangers want to talk to you, etcYeah, people don't look at me with resentment and some at work approach me first to talk.
>do you attract people in romantic ways? how often?I've been flirted with once by a guy who actually fit into my tastes. That's not the best sample group though.
I've really tried to measure my "ugly" features against my better ones, but due to suspected dysmorphia I can't see myself objectively at all. As far as I know, I'm not awful looking but not Stacey-tier either. I'm just not sure where I fit between 4-6.
Should I just ask people? I suspect they'd be dishonest, is the problem.
No. 276746
>>274804You need to toggle brightness and contrast, make the light parts lighter and the dark parts darker
…Are you doing some freelance detective work?
No. 277390
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>>277361>Eat 800-950 caloriesWhy can't anas just fuck off, every single day the same shit over and over again
No. 277403
>>277390Is it that bad?
I follow a 800-900 cal diet for years now with intermittent fasting because of my sedentary lifestyle. I used to be chubby before that and nothing really helped. I don't consider myself ana.
No. 277427
>>277421Oh please, nta but stop strawmanning about how anyone said to eat 2000 calories when most girls on this website would gain from that.
My maintenance to lose weight is about 1100-1200, and some days I do feel quite hungry even after meeting that.
People roll their eyes at 800-900 calories a day because for most people who aren't used to eating so little, it will be unmanageable and they will fail. It's not necessary unless you're super short. Just have the extra snack/meal and you'll be less likely to rebound and feel hungry all the time.
No. 277436
>>277421I agree that people are too generous with their calory budget. There's no way I'd lose weight without having a more caloric restrictive diet. I tried. I usually have one meal per day and consider it done. My diet is also low carb and high protein because for some reason I have fewer headaches and migraines that way.
>>277425Nice! Good for you. I don't feel hunger either but my biggest problem was to stop snacking (even though those were healthy organic snacks) out of boredom and procrastination. But as soon as you manage to control yourself and learn to ask questions like "Am I really that hungry?" it becomes a habit.
I also cut out industrial sugar, my skin has never been this clean and glowing before. And most importantly, I'm even less hungry. Sugar makes you crave food even more and will never satiate you completely. I'd totally recommend this to anyone to try with small steps.
> I couldn't imagine eating 1500 + everyday, that sounds way too much.I can't imagine it now either.
No. 277437
>>277432Not my circus, not my monkeys.
I'm not the anon who called you ana, I'm the anon who's saying that 800-900 calories is unrealistic and not maintainable for the average person.
No. 277442
>>277437For some people eating 1500 calories a day is hard. 1500 calories actually isn't a lot of food. You'd be lucky to get two meals out of that.
The best way to lose weight is 800-900 calories a day paired with intermittent fasting.
No. 277446
>>277442>For some people eating 1500 calories a day is hard. Who's saying to eat 1500 calories? I even told you I only eat 1100-1200.
>intermittent fastingNow
that's a meme.
There's nothing wrong with consistent calorie budgeting unless you're impatient and dig crash dieting because you want to drop the weight quick. That's what it sounds like to me.
No. 277449
>>277442800 or less will invoke starvation mode, I disagree with fasting but I agree with anons above who recommend around 1200 a day. Ana-Chans are all about 200,400,800 kinda shitty "diets" which destroy your metabolism hence the starvation mode "meme". Doing that will lead to a cycle of dietary doom. 800-1300 a day is safe but I wouldn't drop under.
/what thread is this
No. 277459
>>277452>tfw anachans giving dietary adviceStarving yourself
will slow down your metabolism which
will result in weight gain when you return to normal calorie intake/gain what you do eat as fat, which leads to a vicious cycle of starving and gaining, see: EDs
Just eat a normal amount every day and don't hurt your body. Thin=attractive is a meme
No. 277463
>>277450I didn't say anything about eating or not eating breakfast either?
Man, this thread is so weird and full of people making assumptions about the other person's argument.
I don't eat breakfast either. I still eat 1100-1200 calories a day so I lose weight consistently and don't starve.
I want a bigger meal for dinner? No prob, I didn't eat breakfast.
I want a midnight snack? No prob, I didn't have a big lunch or dinner and walked in the afternoon.
Again, all I'm saying is that it's very unlikely for someone to maintain a 800-900 calorie diet, it's effort enough to do 1100-1200 consistently for most people.
And if original anon (the one who asked how to lose weight to begin with) is a fattychan, then they will definitely burn out trying to eat 800-900 calories with intermittent fasting.
No. 277470
>>277460Oh really? Because fasting isn't a diet, it's an eating pattern. The most popular is the 16/8 method, i.e, skipping breakfast. A quick google of IF shows pages of results saying the same thing anon:>see popular fasting methods>see TRFSo why does your misunderstanding and self asserted assumptions about the term = the rest of the world? lol
No. 277480
>>277462Starvation mode is very much a thing. It depends what "diet" someone went on to invoke it. Generally if someone loses weight they should do it from a healthy base like 1200 daily and not RAISE the base when they have achieved the weight loss they intended. Some people have faster metabolisms than others. I would gain on 1500-2000 a day. Finding out the ideal rate for you is an important part of dietary health.
Generally starvation mode is used to refer to anachans eating 200kcal a day and not losing a lot of weight because the body is conserving fat and energy. Generally the topic is raised to explain why going 200-400-600 or some shit will have much worse results than going 1200 a day, so I don't consider it a meme. It's description of real things the body does in tight circumstances.
No. 277485
>>277470Because half the people in the world miss breakfast every day and don't call it "fasting"
I don't call myself a cis-identifying biological woman with intact womb, because that is an assumed status. Missing one meal a day is so ordinary as to require no terminology
No. 277486
>>277480Anonymous now No. 277484
>>277480"Starvation mode" applies to extreme cases like People who are like 70 lbs eating very little. You aren't going to go into "starvation mode" Eating 800-900 calories a day.
No. 277492
>>277488I’m 5 8 but I feel the same way. I used to eat 800 calories or less daily back when I was too fucking lazy to cook for myself. My hair fell out my skin was horrible and I was fainting multiple times a week.
I dont think many anons here have ever experienced weight loss that was slow and steady, but more “oh I should just restrict more so I get to my goal weight faster”. Thats when it starts getting ana-chany. They probably freaked and disregarded that theycould loose weight at 1200 calories when the scale showed them weighing half a lb more the next morning because they didnt poop yet or they are just retaining water due to their periods or ovulation lol
No. 277546
>>277533I feel like 90% of The Office love is because people like to spout quotes and scenes from it and that makes people watch it and like it so they can also join in with repeating the same quotes and scenes. Honestly wish I knew, though.
But 30 Rock is pretty popular, I thought? Maybe the third most popular NBC sitcom after The Office and P&R. Community was also pretty beloved (especially in the The AV Club-like side of the internet and Reddit), but I thought production drama (NBC randomly pulling it out, Harmon getting kicked out then brought back, tension between cast members) dragged its momentum down.
Personally, I never got into 30 Rock because what little I’ve seen was similar to the meaner humor that The Office had, but I loved Parks & Rec and Community. The Good Place is also a (campy as fuck) good, but low key NBC sitcom.
No. 277554
>>277488>So I can't imagine that anybody, even a very short woman, has to go as low as 800I'm somewhere between 4'11" and 5', I guessed 117 lbs for my weight for reference.
I only saw your post on the front page, so idk what the rest of the argument upthread is about, for another reference.
According to the first TDEE calculator on Google:
>Basal Metabolic Rate 1,202 calories per day
>Sedentary 1,443 calories per day
>Light Exercise 1,653 calories per day
>Moderate Exercise 1,863 calories per day
>Heavy Exercise 2,074 calories per day
>Athlete 2,284 calories per day
>>277492imo, the Sedentary calculation seems a bit high, when I was basically sendentary (just walking to class and stuff in Uni) 1400 kcal would have been a bit more than maintenance for me. I think if anyone my height is saying they "need" like 800 kcal to lose weight, they're not doing much exercise to compensate. I definitely had times I ate ~700-900 calories a day, but it's not starvation mode by any means (for me, I ate more low cal vegetables and such).
I think a lot of very short women, like myself, feel that we should also be extremely skinny/waifish. There is that kind of pressure out there, especially since a 10lb difference is a lot more dramatic on us than on anyone even a few inches taller.
No. 277564
>>27753330 Rock and Community are both really popular, they got good runs. It's no big deal if the Office and P&R are more well known.
imo 30 Rock > first two seasons of Community > Parks and Rec > the Office >>>>> the rest of Community.
No. 277600
>>277598I'm the same with everyone and I've always been like that. I have no idea if that's normal or not, and like you I don't think I've got any reason for this to happen. All the people who have told that wasn't normal were the weirdest people I've ever known, with no boundaries.
>once one of my sisters hugged me from behind for some reason>panicked so much out of nowhere I yelled and elbowed her hard in the stomach before knowing what was going onHow do I stop that?
No. 277717
>>277713Obviously MBTI isn't science, so take this sperg with a grain of salt.
Function wise, INTP and INFJ share both Fe (extroverted feeling) and Ti (introverted thinking). Based solely on that, you could be a very developed INTP who relates to others' feelings very easily or an INFJ who is great at processing information. Alternatively, if these functions are strong but unhealthy you could be an overemotional INTP or an INFJ with underdeveloped empathy/people skills.
The best method would be to see which primary function best fits you. INTP's primary function is Ti, if you find yourself picking apart ideas and information and categorizing them often then that may be the case. INFJ's is Ni, if you spend a lot of time focused on the future and possible outcomes subconsciously (especially in regards to people), this could be the case.
These are just simplifications, here are more in depth descriptions of how healthy INTPs and INFJs functions work together: No. 277720
>>277717Should add to this, it would make sense for both INFJs and INTPs to be unsure of their type. Both can lack a strong sense of self (no Fi) and INTPs question everything to death.
So, if you were asking between INTJ and INTP I'd definitely say the latter.
No. 278064
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why do incels think makeup is cheating if they idolize 50s relationships so much? women during the 50s wore makeup 24/7
No. 278177
>>277713MBTI isn't a 100% reliable thing of course and I'm not a pro (also saged for blogposting)
I'm an INTP with a developped Fe function and my bff is an INFJ with a strong Ti, so i feel like we complete each others in that way ? dunno if it makes any sense but like, she's feeling based so my developped Fe gets along well with her without being too much ? And her strong Ti goes well with mine, so we understand each other's feelings easily without being delusional and call out each other when each gets too much. (That's how i see it but if any anons wanna correct me on functions it'd be appreciated). I feel like INTPs help INFJs staying grounded and INFJs help INTPs with emotional detachment. But I'd like to know other anons POVs and stories with this !
my dumb question is : what's the origin behind the "now with professional glitter glue + My Melody lolcow banner ? can't find it kek
No. 279317
>>279241She's saying that the laws changed so only monthly rentals are legal in the country now, which seems to check out. I'm only being cautious because we had to deal with a scammer before on Amazon who claimed to be from California and told a story about how his card was being rejected on Amazon so could we do it over Paypal instead. They send a fake "confirmation" email from Paypal and then ask that you send them to Nigeria. Hahaha it was at that point we caught on.
I'd book a hotel instead but I really wanted a small kitchen and all the hotels look like they were decorated in the 70s and never updated.
No. 279763
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Is there any way to buy merch from Sanrio/San-X directly? Their site's in moonspeak but from I can decipher it's more of a catalog/showcase of their products rather than an outright store. Am I going to have to buy from second party vendors? Does anyone know any good ones? Most of the ones I'm finding don't have much of a selection and seem wayy too overpriced.
No. 279861
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>>279813She's an anti-Semite. I had a long explanation typed up but my damn tablet chrashed. The biggest red flags are her affair with Jesse James, quitting Miami Ink by calling her manager a jew bag, and her current husband's swasticka tattoos. More info here: I never liked her because she's tacky yet completely devoid of any personality whatsoever. She looks like she's been 40 with botched plastic surgery ever since she's got famous, and I was astounded to find out she's only in her mid-30's. Her tattoos are boring and her makeup line looks inspired by 2003 Hot Topic. Attatched photo is a man in a gimp suit holding her veil at her wedding; she takes herself so seriously that instead of being whimsical or artistic, it makes her look like a pretentious creep with too much money.
No. 280269
>>279861>and her makeup line looks inspired by 2003 Hot TopicNothing, and I do mean NOTHING, can be worse than hot topics Blackheart makeup brand.
Ive even copped shit from the dollar tree that wasnt as bad as Blackheart lol. So its sad that you are 100% correct. Her makeup looks just like that shit.
No. 281773
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>>281768'Babby' is an old Internet joke sourced from Yahoo Answers question. Attached picture.
'Whinging' is just the British way of saying 'whining.'
No. 281828
>>281768Whinging is a totally different word to whining.
Win-Jing. Moaning and complaining and being a little bitch.
We use it a lot in Australia. Here, whining is more likely to refer to a high pitched sound your engine makes.
No. 283580
>>283577Americans getting mad about people not speaking americanised English is this weird mix of funny and vicariously embarrassing.
They’re some of the worst native English speakers out there, and will call someone stupid for spelling colour with a u.
No. 283585
>>283584Nothing like getting warnings or bans on forums for aggression when you’ve agreed with someone by saying ‘fuck oath!’
Although western Australian slams goes too far. The fuck is dardy? Why do they still say durry?
No. 283592
>>283587The site is mostly Americans, if they’re getting shit on, they’re mostly shitting on themselves.
It’s not like it’s personally addressed to you, just the dumbasses who don’t know their native language well enough to speak it fluently but will have a whinge(ha) about their incorrect assumptions anyway.
One or two people picking on the seppos isn’t hurting them. A couple of comments sure as shit isn’t threads of shitting on them.
No. 283614
>>283612would it matter? I doubt it’s any sort of trend to talk shit about Americans. Anon is more likely upset because they were the one complaining about people misspelling whining. Where are the threads they mention? Nowhere.
Besides, look at the political climate and media in the western world. Every day we get to hear about dickheads saying gun control doesn’t work, saying universal healthcare is evil, anti-science nutjobs all over the globe because of one stupid American lady, and Donald fuckin trump. It’s not surprising that people would criticise the fuck out of America because it’s a shit hole of a country and has been for a while now.
No. 283709
>>283614Who was complaining about misspelling, though?
>>281768 ? That was literally a stupid question, as this is a stupid question thread.
No. 285667
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>>285656paste the link in the bar that says Youtube
No. 285934
>>285925You can just be honest and say that you really like them so you wanted a pair of your own. If you're that worried about it, maybe you can buy them in a different color/pattern? I buy stuff that I see friends wear all the time because it's cute or seems really comfy. Unless your friend is just the type of person who
has to be ~*unique*~ I don't see why she would make a big deal out of it.
No. 287189
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>>287160It's called niggerwalks.
No. 287704
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>>259412Have any of you become friends with someone off of 4chan (or any imageboard, including this one)? Not irl necessarily, but maybe exchanged discords/talked to them outside of whatever board you're on? If you have, does it ever work out? I feel like more likely than not, you'll end up meeting someone crazy or weird or something. I always see those discord threads on /soc/ and some people look like they have the same interests as me, but I never reach out to them because I'm afraid it won't work out or they'll actually be a terrible person.
No. 287709
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>>287704Maybe I'm just a crazy person, but I've been adding people from the chans since I was underageb&. I don't do it much anymore, but I will say It's definitely been a mixed bag. I've met some completely batshit people, worst being a suicidal alcoholic who was convinced he was in love with me (despite barely knowing me), best being a guy I met years ago who used to stream weird indie films for us to watch together. We even met up irl once since we lived near each other and he turned out to be a pretty chill guy. Ultimately though, I'll say you're much better off looking for friends on tumblr or other sites that aren't seen as a safe haven for complete social outcasts and crazy people.
No. 287723
>>287704I've made a few over the years but like this anon
>>287705 they fizzle out eventually. Farmers I've talked to on here were nice but we never really clicked on a deeper level. Anons I've talked to from r9k and soc were surprisingly nice and decent but things never worked out for one reason or another.
No. 287725
>>279783Thanks a bunch for sharing those sites. I was kind of hesitant to try out a shopping service but I'm currently waiting on my order from Japonica.
I do have a few questions though, if anyone can bare with me. If I were to buy multiple items off a website like Mercari, would Japonica hold on to each item when they come in and ship the items for me all together? Or would they ship separately? And does anyone know if paypal charges foreign transaction fees (like if I were to pay through funds already on my paypal account)?
>>279811I've bought off of shopkawaii before and some of the items I wanted turned out to be unavailable, and I'd be notified of this after I've already made my purchase. Not really that big of a deal but something you may want to be aware of.
No. 287769
>>287729nta, but start by following people who post things you're interested in by browsing the tags. If you start reblogging their content regularly and they aren't super popular they'll probably notice you and follow back. At this point it should be acceptable to start messaging them.
Alternatively just start talking to whoever without bothering with that whole reblogging nonsense. I've only done that because I'm shy lmao. Plus some people also only have messaging on for mutuals.
t. had a group of art friends on tumbleweed and a pal who I talked with every day before abandoning it
No. 287772
>>287704I used to go to meet-ups of a local imageboard when I was a teen.
Most of those people (males) were tolerable as long as we spoke about books or music. When we got deeper, well… there was a lot of misogyny and hatred concealed there. Outright creepy fetishes and absurd political beliefs too. Also I could count on one hand the amount of them who wouldn't eventualy try to get into my very underaged pants. Which is creepy, since the average age for them was 25. Just them acting like disgusting pathetic creeps with zero consideration for others was what got me out of that clique.
I would say don't bother with males and go for females, I've met a couple of sane ones in years of being a b-tard.
No. 287815
>>287704Yeah, when I was younger I hung out on /r9k/ and was groomed by guys I thought were my ""friends"".
IMO, male 4channers are mostly shitty people with very few exceptions.
I don't really have any close female friends from imageboards, just people I occasionally talk to in Discord groups.
IMO, they can be batshit insane, but it's often in a way you can relate to, they're less likely to take advantage of you (unlike males), and the ones who actually bother building friendships with other girls are usually chill.
No. 288286
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i’m romantically attracted to both women and men but i’m not attracted to female genitals.
what does that make me? biromantic heterosexual? a snowflake? an attention whore (even though i’ve never been open about it and only the people closest to me know i like girls)?
i’ve always thought of myself as bi but having come to this realization i’m worried i’m just the walking epitome of why so many people write bisexual women off as straight women who play pretend for male validation since a lot of guys find girl-on-girl hot.
i’ve only ever had genuine crushes on/been in love with girls but they’ve also been rather androgynous in different ways (facial features/body structure/choice of dress etc.) so i wonder if i’ve just had girl crushes but how does that make me straight when i was genuinely in love with them?
>inb4 someone plays me a song on their tiny violin
No. 288375
>>288343>>288341>>288344lmao who let these troons into the thread.
wtf do you guys think opposite sex means?
No. 288380
>>288286Do you want to kiss girls while feeling them up and all that? Suck on some titties? You're most likely bi if that's the case.
It may be a case of desensitizing yourself. I used to be disgusted by all genitals (even my own) in my teens, but then went through a porn addiction (wouldn't recommend) and I like everything now as long as it's not diseased. I was always attracted to both the male and female forms, though. I remember going through the initial stages of puberty and getting mad turned on by breasts hehe. And asses, regardless of sex.
I guess the big question here is, are you sexually attracted to girls otherwise? If so, the genital thing is nbd and can probably be overcome with some masturbation.
No. 288392
>>288390I hate almond milk too, but I recently tried roasted almond milk and it doesn't have that nasty ass almong aftertaste.
Soy is pretty low in oestrogens, I think it's somewhat of a meme tbh. Sure it has some but not enough to make breasts grow significantly or anything (at least that's what I had read last time I checked)
No. 288397
>>288286My situation is sort of the same but opposite. I'm 100% for sure attracted sexually and romantically to women but I'm not romantically attracted to men and I'm not sure if I find them sexually attractive. So I were to use a snowflake label it would currently be homoromantic bisexual
Most men I don't even notice and if I do, then it's more of in an aesthetic way. Like I just like the way their features look together.
I haven't had a crush on men in years and when ever I do, it's always after they express interest in me, but I quickly lose interest (like in a few day or weeks) so I think that is me just like the attention and being flattered.
I also don't find sex with men repulsive but I just can't ever get into it, or anything.
I've been questioning if I'm just bi or Lesbian for the past several years now
No. 288403
I've drink soy milk daily for years and still ain't got no tiddies
No. 288414
>>288392I'll have to give that a try, along with rice milk.
Dairy is the hardest thing for me to give up so I want to find the best fit.
>>288403Bless you, my flat chested sister.
>>288412Does that mean my test will increase? Will I build muscle more easily? That would be ideal, to save animals and get BUILT.
No. 288416
>>288414never tried rice milk, a guy told me it had no weird taste and was the one resembling dairy the most. Don't try oat milk tho, it's super weird.
You should try multiple brands too. I hate the Bjorg soy milk because it tastes like stale water, but the alpro one is delicious imo(both with sugar and sugar free, but I don't know if we have the same brand options depending on where we live)
No. 288424
>>288341 , I think you misunderstood me. I don't think being homoromantic is a thing because being homosexual means being attracted to the same sex, not the genitals specifically. It's about the whole person, including the genitals (and yes, being disgusted by genitals can still happen, it's kind of irrelevant). Meaning if you're not asexual, and if you don't want to sleep with the same sex, I don't think you're gay (or bi, in this case). BUT some people insist on believing homoromanticism is a thing so I'm not gonna tell anon how to live her life. I just wanted to share my opinion with her.
No. 288470
>>288390People in Asia have been drinking soy for centuries. If it was bad they'd probably have disproportionately high rates of breast cancer or men with titties, like some people claim. Dairy does more damage than soy because the majority of us still haven't even evolved to digest it. It's probably something the dairy industry came up with to try and destroy veganism like how they tried to force vegan cheese companies to remove the word "cheese" from their products or how Helmanns sued Just Mayo for not being "real mayo" and then had the cheek to sell their own vegan mayo when they lost or how the meat industry sued Oprah for promoting "Meatless Mondays".
If you don't like almond you should check out cashew (haven't tried it myself but apparently it's really creamy) or rice. There are loads of options.
No. 289881
>>289869yes they ask you, but they're only asking because they want to know if it's possible that you have any STIs or could be pregnant. If it's been months, it's pretty likely that you're in the clear, but it's best to clarify with specifics just like you did here.
I would just say "No, I don't have any current sexual partners, but last time I had sex was a few months ago and it'll be a while before next time."
you are kind of in a gray area so it's not a dumb question. No. 290180
>>290176That's a really good question, I've been having trouble sleeping lately and I too get a really nice high feeling from tiredness.
>>290178I've only gotten a Brazillian once and the lady did wax my ass, she had me on my back with my legs pulled against my chest, she basically got a perfect view of my vagene and butthole, it's kinda embarrassing but not worst that a gyno visit. One of my friend had to get on all four to get her buttcrack waxed, idk but I feel like the position I was in is the best because your butt naturally "opens" whereas when you're on all four if you got a bit of ass it's going to get in the way and the lady will have to pull your cheeks appart or you'll have to arch your back which is… A bit much imo.
No. 290187
>>290180jesus.. okay thanks for the low down. Thats really embarrassing. Um. I don't know if I can do it but um ass hair is gross.
Do you think if I asked ONLY for ass to be waxed they'd do it? Is that a thing? lol I don't really like bare puthy look.
No. 290190
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Why is Eugenia Cooney's face "normal'' looking despite her being severely underweight?
No. 290197
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>>290190I didn't knew she'd gotten so bad. It's true her face looks nice for someone so disgustingly skeletal.
No. 290269
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>>290194>It's not about her being pretty or notBut I didn't say that? I said that her mouth area isn't normal looking. Actually, when she isn't controlling the angle, you can see the actual outline of her skull.
No. 290297
>>290210Purging for sure
Didnt she also try to prove she was healthy then blocked out a bunch of other info like her weight? She's shady
No. 290301
>>290296I don't get most memes nowadays tbh
I actually like the goth gf meme since men are dumb and and fall for memes despite claiming memes are only memes or whatever (like how many men who joked about nazis later become actual hardcore nazis)
No. 290415
>>290403>>290359most mukbang videos are fake…
they cut and splice the video together most often. ones who stream are bulimic tho.
No. 290442
>>290190She's a really pretty girl. It's a shame she refuses to get help/doesn't acknowledge her problems.
I think the reason why her face doesn't look super scary is because she has a naturally wide and round face. They don't tend to look as sunken in as long/oval/narrow faces even at a very low weight.
No. 290446
>>290443>>290415>>290359>>290403>>290441Agreeing with
>>290443 it is fake. Pay attention to the cat between 3:23 and 3:40, it moves over after the cut and zoom at 3:28. She's doing this over a course of a few hours/days and likely not eating it most of it other than a standard serving. She positioned the bowl over the cat face in a way that made it easier for her reposition it the same way next time. Plus most of these cuts clearly show the camera angled differently.
Many of these girls just do this for money because they are cute and will get views. I'm sure some real bulimics do but 90% are fake.
No. 290461
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I ordered a package from the UK. They sent it via UPS, got a tracking number.
The package is in my country currently, but at the opposite end of it. And now I see that it says "the receiver was not available for delivery. We'll make a second attempt the next business day". What does that mean since the package is nowhere near it's destination??
No. 290577
>>288321>>288341>>288343>>288344>>288380>>288397This is embarrassingly late but thank you anons!! The fact that I don’t have my own orientation sorted out feels a little dumb but I’m in my early twenties so I guess I still have time.
>Do you want to kiss girls while feeling them up and all that? Suck on some titties?I don’t know? Aesthetically I love the appearance of female bodies but I feel like it’s mostly appreciation and not so much about wanting to have sex, if that makes sense.
Cringy as it is, the times I’ve really gotten off to fantasies about being with another woman have been futa fics / fantasies featuring female characters/people I’ve been attracted to so idk where that leaves me. Thank fuck for anon. No. 291178
>>291160I don't see it coming up in casual conversation or being aired in social media posts.
PCOS isn't in the group of """romantic""" diseases. Like anon wrote
>>291166, it's for fatties dontchakno?
Also causes other horrible, unfeminine things nobody likes admitting without anonymous. Like facial hair, acne, and thin hair.
Makes complete sense why nobody is chomping at the bit to admit their medical histories.
No. 291179
>>291178what are other “unfeminine” things pcos causes? like the previous anon i hadn’t heard of it before i started lurking here.
you hear ppl talk more about herpes than they do pcos and i feel like having an std should be way more stigmatized… then again men can also get them so maybe that’s why :^)
No. 291410
>>291180PCOS anon here, it does vary in intensity and also most girls who have it have some kind of hormone treatment ongoing which drastically reduces visible effects.
Asides from that, women with PCOS also shave, have acne treatments and skincare/haircare routines, so it's unlikely that you'll discover their illness unless you're their bff, their doctor or they're ESPECIALLY unkempt.
Of course, some girls might have it with more intensity, so even if they clean up fine they still may have moustaches, bad acne etc. but those are much fewer than those that have it mildly.
No. 292131
>>291692men will fetishize everything like it's their fucking job, you can literally shit yourself and some men will find it hot
it's dumb but everytime they try to act superior, it's fun to remember they get off from having shit on their dick and buying used panties
No. 292520
>>292293nayrt, but this is weird, idk , maybe ask a Farmhand in
>>>/meta/4790 if they know the reason ?
No. 292811
is it wrong for me to use /pt/ and /snow/ as motivation to better myself and keep myself in check? does anyone else lurk there for the same reason? i mostly go for a good laugh when there's milk but sometimes i fear that had i not found this website two years ago i would have allowed myself to keep mentally deteriorating, still have no self awareness, and possibly ended up being a cow/flake one day myself.
>>292281if you have a dynamic ip that could be part of the issue
No. 292814
>>292281You have a dynamic IP.
Someone that uses your ISP and lives in your general area posts on lolcow and gets banned.
No. 293035
>>293027I am not sure what you are seeking to stop, I will give you some solutions for all cases though.
First, I need to say that as far as I know, dynamic IPs get changed when you turn off your router, wait a little, and turn it on again.
-Don't do restart router and you won't risk getting a banned IP
-Find the farmer in your area that gets banned and beat the fuck out of them
-Ignore the issue and simply restart your router when you happen to get a banned IP
No. 293062
>>292482IIRC most people are carrying the herpes virus from birth, but when they come into contact with a live sample it activates in them.
I could be bullshitting because I learned this in HS health class and we all know how trustworthy that is.
No. 293087
>>293067I've never had problems with libgen, select the direct download instead of torrent.
I see no reason to use peer to peer download when there is a direct link available.
Anyway open the file with your browser instead of Acrobat or similar, browsers are usually the most updated against security exploits and keep your adblock on
No. 293088
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>haven't spoken to a coworker from old job in a year
>decide to text and ask what's up as i'm cleaning up my contact list
>have a pleasant little chat with him
>wonder if he's single
he asked me out once but i never took him up on it due to us being coworkers; he left the job not long after to get a job elsewhere. i really want to know if he's seeing anyone. is there a way to ask that without being weird or super blunt? i know most men need bluntness but i was trying to think of something more tactful than "hey so are you single"
No. 293103
>>293013probably because there's not a lot of big-name male celebs who write songs about lusting after men while also being 'divas' as you said
not all gay men act effeminate but many wish they could openly do so without judgment and i think they're just sort of projecting on icons like this. the only remotely similar one i can think of is adam lambert and he's really not all that popular anymore
No. 293199
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>>293088I don't see anything wrong with being up front with him. Just tell him you felt uncomfortable dating him before only because you were coworkers and ask him, since you no longer work together, if he'd like to do something casual like go for a coffee or to a dog park or something if one of you has a dog maybe?
No. 293328
Eh kind of the same as
>>293315do you have any good and reliable websites to download all kinds of softwares (FLstudio, After Effects… ?) The never ending patches I get for After Effects never work despite disabling internet and everything.
No. 293440
>>293433Just… put down that you've volunteered a ton of places, dude. You can literally lie on your resume and it never matters. I've gotten a great job at a Fortune 50 by lying on my resume. My friend was trying to get a job at the same company and I told her to lie, and she immediately got an interview and then got the job once she "fixed" her resume with lies.
It's so silly that people are actually honest on their resumes.
No. 293452
>>293433it depends on where you live and how many other applicants they have. if your resume is less attractive than a ton of other applicants', it'll be less likely that you'll get picked. if you pick a place or type of job where not a lot of other people have applied, you'll have a better chance. apply to a ton of places so that numbers are in your favor. sites like indeed make it a lot less tedious.
because you have such little experience, be a little vague and put the duration as something like "spring 2015-fall 2015" and call it a seasonal position. the suggestion to list volunteer positions is great, it's what i did when i was just starting out. just list it as if it was a regular job. whoever the supervisor type person was will be your contact and just don't list pay. if they ask, which they won't, THEN you can say it was unpaid if you don't want to lie.
No. 293549
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>>293511>>293511hey buddy. the one that i bought is by wild harvest and it's just called "muscle relax." I bought it on amazon.
I'll give you the full deets:
>be me>always found sex painful and not fun, figured maybe i just don't like sex>go to local doctor, diagnosed with bartholin's gland cyst>treatments for aforementioned cyst don't change anything>get stoned and masturbate with powerful vibrator>get less afraid of the idea of sex but the reality is still physically painful>go to proper gyno and tell her all of this>she gives me internal exam and concludes that the cyst is actually a misdiagnosis and finds that some of the muscles beyond my vaginal walls are just really fucking stiff>she says its a vicious cycle where my muscles are so tight that they make my vulva chafe and make sex painful, and then the memory of painful sex makes me tense up even more, etc, self fulfilling prophecy>tells me to use a dilator (just a small silicone dildo basically) and to take natural muscle relaxers and use lube>this combined with just knowing wtf is up with my vag slowly but surely starts to make penetration nbd>have sex with bf and it's completely painless unless we go really hard for a long time, which is normal anyway>it actually feels really fucking good instead of just bearable, start craving penetration specifically, not just the idea of sex>wtf i love sex now >my vag finally got her redemption story No. 293559
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>>293554>>293555no problem my dears! i typed that out in hopes that maybe it can help someone. it's not about making sex the end goal, but making sure your vag is as healthy as possible and that you're not missing out on anything. some people really just don't like sex, but some people would if it weren't for obstacles that can be treated, and it's important to find out which one you really are! good luck!
No. 293569
>>293555that's now what 'samefagging' means
>>293549>>293559thanks a bunch dude. i have always wanted to enjoy penetration, i'll have to try this.
No. 293863
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Guys I'm dating a fucking normie and freaking out a little. I think he thinks I'm normal bc I am in shape and attractive but… well I browse lolcow among other things, I'm a loser
How do I stop being autistic and worrying about him judging me
No. 294421
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Did Egon Schiele molest his sister or what? I can't find anything conclusive aside from the nudes he drew of her.
Has the art community agreed on this in some way? It would be a shame if true, since I love his portrayals of the human body. Specifically the male form.
Adding on to this, does anyone have suggestions for artists who portray the male form in a similar fashion? All bony and gangly, I mean.
No. 294436
>>294429I suspected as much.
Do you know of any artists, from the past or contemporary, who portray men like I mentioned? I don't know of any who feature that certain appeal along with a somewhat sizeable volume of work filled with them as a subject.
>inb4 make your ownthat's fair
No. 294962
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>>294421All I see here is my science class diagram of fallopian tubes and uterus, is that intentional or just coincidental? I don't know the artist but was just wondering if this particular artist is known for using imagery that's so obviously female within a male subjective?
Or just fucked in the head and consciously unaware of the comparison?
Pic related
No. 297035
>>297033There's a wiki article about that:
>The phrase first appeared sporadically in the neo-Nazi publications White Power[13] and WAR[14] in the 1970s and 1980s, where it primarily referred to contraception and abortion. The conspiracy theory was developed by the neo-Nazi David Lane in his White Genocide Manifesto (c. 1995, origin of the later use of the term),[15][16][17][13] where he made the claim that the government policies of many Western countries had the intent of destroying white European culture and making white people an "extinct species".[18] Lane—a founding member of the organization The Order—criticized miscegenation, abortion, homosexuality, the legal repercussions against those who "resist genocide", and the "Zionist Occupation Government" that he said controls the United States and the other majority-white countries and which encourages "white genocide".[18]>While individual iterations of the conspiracy theory vary on who is assigned blame, Jewish influence, people who hate whites,[19] and liberal political forces are commonly cited by white supremacists as being the main factors leading to a white genocide.[20][21][22][23] This view is held by prominent figures such as David Duke, who cites Jews and "liberal political ideals" as the main causes.[24][25] White nationalist Robert Whitaker, who coined the phrase "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" in a widely circulated 2006 piece seeking to popularize the white genocide concept online, used "anti-White" to describe those he believed are responsible for the genocide of white people, and continued to view it as a Jewish conspiracy while emphasizing that others also supported the "anti-White" cause.[26][27][28][29][30][31][32]I think it gained popularity because the richest people in the world really are all Jews and of course lately because of the refugee crisis. There really are European politicians who say things like "Its good that [insert coutry] will be less white because of migrants" etc, but since they are white as well, people say that they must be puppets of the US/Jews.
No. 297042
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>>297033>Wouldn't it make sense that it's in the jews/capitalists' interest to have as many people as possible to grow their consumer base regardless of color?If a nation or state is more homogeneous in ethnicity and then it is more obvious and concerning to the residents that almost all capital is owned by a small ethnic enclave, and typically throughout history they eventually get sick of that and put a foot down - which if you don't know wasn't limited to Nazi Germany (pic related). Basically if the country is a conglomeration of minorities with no particular majority it's harder to say "Get out of our country" because some other group will say "oh YOUR country??" and with the groups fighting or at least all pulling in different directions, there will be less chance of any rallying against them.
No. 297061
>>297056Anon, it was a joke, calm down.
>asking Jews to leave peacefullyBut this is certainly a cute way of describing forcing people out of their country.
>you asked an uninvited house guest to leave- just because they were sniffing your undies
>“Purge the Party of Zionists!” “Zionists to Zion!” and “We’ll Cut Off the Head of the Anti-Polish Hydra!” The unbearable consequences of the purge included Jews being prosecuted for defaming the Polish state and being subjected to systematic harassment and physical brutality at universities and workplaces. They were ultimately expelled from their jobs and campuses, had their citizenship revoked and were forced to emigrate. No. 297064
>>297061I'm also going to doublepost:
>Why do people who haven't got beyond middle school knowledge of something feel compelled to comment?Funnily enough I major in history.
I just think it's pretty ironic to demand somebody to compensate you for what they did to you a long time ago, when in fact you also aren't completely innocent - as shown by events who happened more recently. Just because somebody wronged you, doesn't give you the right to wrong a third party.
Also, as a german person who's grandparents weren't even born until after the war, reading shit like "Germany owes us 1 trillion" in the year 2018 simply pisses you off.
No. 297070
>>29706113 000 Jews choosing to move over to Israel because of a bad atmosphere vs. 3 million poles killed literally shut the fuck up
>The unbearable consequences includedsounds like a very objective academic source. But whatever, you don't owe Poland and they know that - but it's really not for you to joke that your victims are "just as bad as us".
No. 297140
>>297070>you don't owe Poland>your victims are "just as bad as us"I never said any of that. Learn to read.
>bad atmosphere>sounds like a very objective academic sourceIt's also not for you to downplay what happened to them. Were you alive during the 60s? No.
No. 298005
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Is it weird if notice very little things about other people? Like if a coworker of mine got a loose button and a day or two later ill ask her about it or i notice the perfume brand they are wearing,their birthday,eating habits…Is it weird?creepy? Should i stop? I swear im not a stalker but fairly observant
No. 298086
>>298079> A report by adult content provider uncovered an average increase in the consumption of “family role-play porn” of 178 percent between October 2014 and January 2015, with the highest increases observed in Utah with 765 percent, Michigan with 698 percent, New York with 669 percent, Alaska with 524 percent, and Arkansas with 452 percent.Well, I guess you are right about that anon.
There's some exploration of the theme over: No. 298100
>>298055>>298057>>298060what if i'm always spotting? is that cause for concern?
No. 299720
>>299639BPDfag here with a narc mother.
I guess it depends on the severity and if they're undergoing treatment. I'm passable for not having BPD unless you date me or we're close friends thanks to medication and therapy. Some people are out there doing the whole nine yards of stereotypical BPD behaviour. The chance of you meeting a stereotypical BPD person is incredibly low unless you're out there doing things they would (reckless behaviour etc). However, passable BPDs like me are probably pretty rampant and either are undiagnosed or keep it a secret.
If you're aware of narc behaviour you'd be able to spot my mom being a narc after talking to her for five minutes.
There's just a ton of BPDfags on the internet thanks to it being a bit of a romanticised, glorified tumblr mental illness, LC has a lot of BPDs because we tend to be bitchy, gossip loving obsessive stalkers.
No. 299878
>>299874She said before that she couldn't ever see herself dating a woman because ~girls are too catty~ and she could only have sex with someone she is in a relationship with. So logically based off what she's saying is she can't picture herself having sex with a woman either.
She's just a straight girls who thinks other girls are pretty and wants to cash in on beta orbiters getting off to it
No. 299883
>>299639It's partly because these are the kinds of people the imageboard dynamic attracts (it has all the upsides and downsides that favor these people - anonymity, chronologic "timeline", people willing to pay attention to you because that's how it works here. The downsides are ones that such people don't mind.
Aaand it's also in part due to overrepresentation bias - those with these conditions are bound to mention it because it comes up in the discussions we have here. But normal people don't exactly go around mentioning the fact that they're normal, it's not usually relevant, so you end up with a lot of positive evidence of the presence of bpd autism narc mom and little to no evidence of their absence. Because we're anonymous you can't really observe people and safely guess they're normal like in other social networks.
No. 299891
>>298931That's a very good question. I think it's because people like to be contrarian in general, it shows uniqueness/individuality. So because most people value education and good healthy habits, bashing them and priding themselves on it is a way to show they're independent people.
It is, of course, a retarded thing to do, but hey people are retarded
No. 299965
>>299955Fuck. This means I'll have to go straight to my local post office and miss out hours of work.
Had I known, I wouldn't have ordered. Usually, I get clothes right at my door, and there's always someone to answer the door.
I'm from Croatia btw, and our national post sucks.
No. 299974
Why do so many women wear plain dark bras under (semi-)transparent white blouses? Especially if they have a skin color similar to the “nude” color used by most underwear manufacturers. Wearing a nude colored bra under semi-transparent fabrics was one of the first things I learned when I started wearing bras as a teen. Even a white bra would probably look better under a white blouse than a black one. They’re not even fancy bras that you might want to show off. I really don’t get it.
>>299955>PostNLMy condolences anon.
No. 306424
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Can someone please explain to me the difference between confidence and being egotistical?
No. 306425
>>306424Confidence:I can do this, I have the knowledge or experience necessary.
Egotism:I can do this better than you because I’m so much better than you
No. 307503
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Are PO boxes a secure way to receive letters and gifts without compromising your personal info (full name and home address)? Can people reverse search the address? How safe they?
No. 307511
>>307503Even with PO boxes, people have been doxxed pretty easily.
If you get one, try not to get one that's too close to where you actually live. If you're in a bigger city you should have your pick and pick the one that's furthest away. But if you're in a smaller town you may want to choose one that's the next town over. Personally, I would rather do an hour or two drive to check a PO box then the convenience of it being close by to protect myself. Also, be aware that they're not 100% safe since some stalker could easily locate where the PO box is and stake the place out until you go there to check your mail.
No. 307733
>>307718Ask those women with bad styles who their hairdressers are and avoid those hairdressers.
Unless it's a social anxiety issue, then I don't know what to say. Take some risks. Look at reviews maybe.
No. 308161
>>308143From what I can tell half of the robots want a 5'8"+ mommy gf so I'm not sure what you mean.
It usually seems to come up because cows lie about their heights a lot. And if it comes up on here or /g/, like
>>308148 said, many of us were/are weebs.
No. 308392
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>>308378>>308378i think it's an oriental shorthair (like pic related). not positive though. the long teeth aren't specific to the breed, though. that's just a thing these cats have, if that one is also an oriental shorthair.
No. 309927
>>309905Nah that's cute but like
>>309922 said, it probably won't feel as good as you imagine it will. Kissing while masturbating feels great though. No harm in trying it once!
No. 310752
>>310737It is?
I've gone there daily for months and aside from the odd /pol/tard or
obvious LARPer it's fine (imo). Some of the less tactful users just read as fembots fresh off of /r9k/ rather than males.
No. 310753
>>310751Anon, imagine instead of this thread saying REEE evil wimmens or REE ugly asian wimmens, the whole imageboard was saying REE KILL ALL LESBOS WITH GIRLDICK DOES ANYONE ELSE JUST WANT A BIG STRONG WHITE MAN TO RAPE THEM?? JUST GIRLY THINGS!
That's C.C.
No. 310793
>>310784>>310788I'm the anon who posted that I visit daily. I'd appreciate knowing for sure there are less LARPers and /pol/tards. I also welcome more man-hate tbh.
Pls visit it more.
No. 311088
>>310992lmao, shut the fuck up. answer my question or fuck off. if I were a man I would be whining on /pol/
>>311003from what i've seen from my little sister and her friends it is, her and her friends talk about bts all the time. and I think its pretty popular amongst white teens in the uk right? I saw a post today about some groups tour there. idk, it's good I guess
No. 311172
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Would you guys say that $434 USD for a syringe of Juvederm is a good deal? Do you think that would be enough to fill in minor nasolabial folds like pic related? I don't have any noticeable wrinkles, just some small indents along the sides of my nose. Also, what should I expect during my consultation and procedure? Anything I should know?
No. 311256
>>310967a lot of what we find attractive is formulated by the media we consume. asian men weren't normally considered attractive because we never saw them as love interests in movies, it was the exact opposite, they're emasculated and portrayed as nerdy and weird. kpop to westerners shows asian men in a light theyve probably never seen them in, and also offers something "different". the style for dudes in america right now is roided out bodybuilder or hipster beard tattooed band guy. theres a lack of young, non-threatening but still attractive boys for teen girls to lust over. in the 90s we had nsync and the backstreet boys, leonardo dicaprio and river phoenix. after that it was aaron carter and justin bieber. right now theres really no one i can think of, one direction is gone, do teen girls care about timothee chalamet?
tl;dr teen girls have always liked pretty boys, kpop provides lots of pretty boys
keep in mind this is still pretty niche and your average white teen in america doesnt gaf about asian dudes or kpop at all.
No. 311292
>>311184I have those (stage 1 like op) on only one side of my face.
What would be the best course of action, then?
No. 311293
>>311184I have those (stage 1 like op) on only one side of my face.
What would be the best course of action, then?
No. 311475
There are a lot of anachans here so not sure if this is a good place to ask, but what does a normal mostly "flat" stomach look like after eating, bending over, etc?
I'm in pretty good shape and look mostly flat from the front and side most of the time, but can have a small pooch, especially while sitting, bending, after eating, on period etc.
There was a tumblr meme about all women having a pooch, so I was wondering how much that was true. I assumed that it's partially true in that if you're really toned you have less of one and the "bump" if anything is muscle, and if not, the muscle isn't going to corset your waist in.
Question seems too stupid for anywhere else but maybe people have opinions or were wondering too. There is so much posing and PS online that I don't know what it actually looks like normally.
No. 311496
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>>311475As women we are biologically built to carry more weight in that area. Some people may have the genetics to have a flat stomach, but even after eating or when bloated, it will protrude, I have a friend like this. Some people no matter how thin it fit will have rolls when they bend over. It’s natural and don’t let anyone, ana or fit tell you otherwise.
No. 311520
>>311475Anon here is right
>>311496 , unless you're seriously into ana-chan territory most women will always have some sort of a pouch/rolls when they're sitting down or having bloat from eating/periods. My friend is super thin, has a hard flat stomach when she's standing up, but when she sits down she gets a pouch. Some people lucked out with genetics and have a tiny waist with 0% fat even when sitting down but they are rare. Women naturally tend to have fat around their stomach to protect the womb.
No. 311614
>>311609I don't really find them disgusting all the time, just after I've done something physical with them and finished. I always blamed it on the individuals not being "The One" I'm supposed to click with.
I agree with not seeing them as fully fledged personalities. Sometimes it feels like women are the only "real" people while men are just there as a mean to an end.
Did your conservative upbringing focus on warning you about men too, by any chance? Or grew up around too many men? I'm trying to figure out if I was memed into acting het or if I was made too paranoid to see men as human
>>311611What the hell is that and how do I get rid of it
No. 311658
>>311606>>311629Same for me, the very few men I was "close" to while growing up where fucked up sexist assholes, and all of them were relatives so there was no way to avoid them. And they were the ones telling about how I should not even communicate with boys my age as soon as I entered elementary school or they would beat me up and call me a whore or a slut. I was also bullied by boys at school and once I entered middle school and until now I barely had or have male classmates or coworkers. I can relate to the OP somehow, I barely see men as equal to me somehow, for better or worse. For the most part they disgust me, some of them I get along with are ok but I wouldn't call them friends except for maybe one. And even though I'm 24 now I only ever had a little crush on one guy because he's hot and I don't know him well enough to be disappointed by his opinions or his personality.
I feel conflicted because I wish I had a cute boyfriend because I feel lonely and I want to be in love but at the same time, I know very well that it seems more like in my specific case having a boyfriend is only good in theory and it's boring and uninteresting in practice, or it's just like having a friend that you occasionally fuck.
No. 311721
>>311624I call myself bisexual too but the comment my friend made is making me question the type of attraction I have for them
Does your attraction to men feel the same as your attraction to women?
This also just reminded me that during high school I was completely unattracted to males, not even in porn. I blamed it on hormones and boys around me being unappealing. But girls were still attractive to me? I eventually "snapped" out of it after getting bullied for it
>>311629>>311645>>311658Looks like we all have an unhealthy childhood relationship with men in common. However, I'm still able to have normal friendships with men. I just don't feel pure, warm platonic love towards them like I do towards my close female friends.
My question is still is it possible to have a fetish for a gender without having sincere attraction to that gender?
No. 311822
>>311496>>311497>>311500I love you guys, thank you. I have a "sturdy" waist, sort of the body type of the girls you posted but not quite as toned abs or muscular in the arms as them. I get the exact same pooch as the third girl lol
They look _amazing_ too, so it's great to see some ladies in great shape showing they have pooches.
I actually really hope other women see these pics. Same with that website with the many, many normal boobs.
No. 314800
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can you actually fix your years of bad posture or is that just a meme? im in my early 20s and i got myself into a physical labor job, however i need more strength and i don't want to work out with bad posture
No. 314827
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>>314800Maybe this would help? I’m no doctor though
No. 314998
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Which watercolors are better, the Mijello gold class or the Daniel Smith extra fine ?
Also does makeup actually make you age faster?
No. 315079
>>314998What’s cool about Daniel Smith is that they put the minerals and their source either on the tube or their website.
I prefer Qor but from what I understand most water colorist like Daniel Smith a lot.
If you’d like you can maybe order some water color sample card to test out a small pallet.
No. 315126
>>314800Depends on the cause of your bad posture. For me it was flat feet, so seeing a podiatrist and getting inserts helped my posture massively. It took some time though.
Unfortunately I still have a bit of a "tech neck" and I haven't really tried to fix it yet.
No. 316639
>>316632Overeating is a very complicated issue to solve. If it wasn't, then there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic today. I suggested adderall because it's the easiest thing to do to suppress your appetite. If you really want to have in-depth information then you need to go to a doctor or nutritionist. But anything they suggest will probably take a lot of effort. There is no easy way to improve willpower.
>>316627Why? Adderall is definitely an easy weight suppressant. If you don't like my idea then please suggest your own.
No. 316728
>>316632If anon went to a physician, while being medically overweight with an overeating problem, she'd probably be recommended pills for appetite suppression. Idk about the chances of being prescribed Adderall specifically, but there are others for it.
I was put on Wellbutrin, and when I reported weird symptoms with that, Vyvanse.
I would've stayed on Vyvanse if it didn't cost $100 a fucking month. Vyvanse is very similar to Adderall, it was great.
No. 317143
>>317139GET LUBE
and take it slow
and don't expect too much. It's okay, most first times aren't great, but it's still an intimate experience and you might clamp up out of nervousness, so just try to relax, take your time, and use lube. Over time, it'll become easier and more enjoyable as you learn how you like it.
The hymen won't make a difference, as
>>317141 said, unless you have a rare medical condition, in which case a doctor's visit and quick snip will sort you out, but most likely it's already over and you never even noticed.
The most important part is that you have someone you trust, protection, and time to relax. In the grand scheme of it, it's not a big thing in hindsight, your biggest enemy really are the nerves. Have fun <3
No. 318052
>>317139>>317140My bf and I for months before actual sex would do everything else like oral and fingering. When it came to the actual sex for the first time it didnt hurt at all
Overall my first experience was… kind of underwhelming as another anon said. It was a novelty but neither me nor my bf climaxed and we were at it for like an hour and then gave up
No. 318054
>>318052Since this is a questions thread, can someone tell me why people call vaginal intercourse "sex" or "actual sex" and somehow doesn't include oral and other forms of sex as real sex?
To me, genital stimulation to climax = sex. Otherwise gay people would never have sex and Bill Clinton would be right in saying that he never had sexual relationtions with Miss Lewinsky.
No. 318446
What does eyeshadow do to the face? Like I know you can use eyeliner to create a different illusion for the eye shape or lipstick to change your lip shape or contour to change your face shape, etc.
I'm no makeup guru, but I've managed to figure out certain things. I can never get eyeshadow right though… are there some eye shapes that don't need/don't look good in eyeshadow? I think aside from my amateur application skills, my eyelid shape is incompatible with eyeshadow….
>>318432It might be hormonal. What do you mean by switching from nocturnal to normal people life?
No. 318496
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Not sure if this is a stupid question, but why does shit like this exist now? "Elevator community," like, there's no way this isn't connected to mental illness or something. Is modernity contributing to the rise of weird, niche interests? Or is it making them more visible?
No. 318503
>>318496Definitely visibility. These sorts of people were just relegated to having a room full of VHS tapes filming elevators with no one to share it with, but, boom, then comes interconnectivity and the frenzy of finally finding people you can connect with.
And if they didn't have elevators or any other modern appliances, they'd probably be really into a specific shape of rocks or something that fires the same series of neurons.
No. 318523
>>318504isn't this all just autism? i thought excessively pondering over how mundane objects work was an autist, combine it with autist special interests and boom, elevator community.
autists will try to act like it's a sign of superior intelligence, but the shit they sperg about isn't especially difficult to comprehend, i'm sure most of us could develop a bredth of knowledge about elevators if we cared and didn't have a million other things we'd rather prioritize
No. 318874
>>318705Both, but usually more emphasis on the physical.
Stable and physically weaker men.
No. 319080
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>>319077Wh-What? This is such a strange plot twist
No. 319087
>>319083He was not the same person as null (kiwifarms owner) and he has not been involved for a very long time.
Come on guys, this is how bullshit rumors start. is another imageboard for women, but it's even slower than lolcow
No. 319131
>>319087So is the operator
now a woman?
I find it strange to have a site where men are banned to have a male running it. I noticed in old threads that in the past men were allowed, so what changed that?
No. 319220
>>319083They are not the same guy. But this site was originally made/ operated by a guy.
>>319131I will like to know this aswell. I was never given an answer to this. What changed? This place used to be good.
No. 319677
>>319666"terveisin" which is apparently finnish for regards.
I'll be honest, I don't know what started it.
No. 319680
>>319220>Maleposting made the place goodWhut?
Anyway males aren't banned per se, but admitting you're male is. IIRC it was originally banned because of the retarded maleposting ("Male here"). You still see that shit around here.
>Male here, I came here to post about why I find/don't find this cow attractive, here is my opinion as a male! I have a dick btw. The site might've originally been created by a cuck to be shoe's honeypot but thankfully it evolved past that. The original male admin hasn't been involved in a few years now.
>>319083The "kiwifarms guy" a.k.a. null is not the same person as the original admin. The Null's involvement rumor might've come from around the time he tried to shill his imageboard engine everywhere and posted to lolcow to whiteknight himself in his own thread. >>>/pt/283541
No. 319688
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>>319666It's an abbreviation from the Finnish word "Terveisin", used in the same fashion as "BR" i.e. "Best Regards". It started with the spudro meme that originated from a Finnish imageboard, images representing poorly drawn pedobear abominations talking in broken English and overusing emoticons while acting out traditionally Finnish but absurd scenarios. For some reason it spread into the worldwide imageboard culture.
No. 319912
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What's average cost of seeing a dermatologist?
My face is fucked and I'm pretty sure my insurance won't cover it, just wanted to know a ballpark average to see what I need to save.
No. 320146
>>320128 if you're really concerned about the sudden change in self-esteem and you can't seem to pinpoint anything in your life that might have
triggered it, it might do you good to talk to a doctor, if you're able.
if you have health insurance you can typically search for specialists in any given area through the insurance company's website, and a lot of schools and employers offer free counseling, or can at least hook you up with a way to get it.
it's uncomfortable to talk about irl, especially with people you have to deal with every day, so online resources are a good place to start, but, y'know, make sure you're checking your sources and everything. if you don't want someone to just throw meds at the problem, go for psychologists instead of psychiatrists and GPs.
No. 320360
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>>320277>>320295Why are you guys not communicating with your derms about what you do and don't want to try? Just say no, I want something else.
They usually go in order of benzoyl peroxide, retin-a, oral or topical antibiotics, possibly spiro, accutane, etc.
>>319912If you know insurance won't cover it, you can try YoDerm (I think it's around $60 per consultation) or just call up a derm and ask what their out of pocket cost is. I see my GP without insurance and that is around $75.
No. 320510
>>320506A Slav is a person of slavic heritage, living in a slavic country and speaking a slavic language. Kind of like calling someone a Latino. You have Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians), Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) and Southern Slavs (Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians*)
The Internet Slav meme originated from Russian chav/hooligan culture, most Slavs don't only wear Adidas tracksuits and squat in groups. Adidas is popular amongst Russian/Polish chavs because it's a popular Western brand and their clothes are pricey (for their standard) yet somewhat attainable, as well as comfortable.
Hope that clears things up.
No. 320517
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>>320510>>320511oh wow! Thank you anon, that was very informative.
No. 320628
don't get me wrong, i'm not asking this to bash americans or anything, i understand how the cultural and political differences affect this. i don't want this to be some racist discussion either, i'm just curious about people from different cultures' opinions.
i'm not american and when i first heard of cultural appropriation, i didn't understand what was so wrong about it because i've never heard something like that being discussed in my country, people from different cultures sharing their culture is actually seen as peaceful. i agree that it is a problem if someone is appropriating a culture to make fun of it, but i feel like people are being way too sensitive. i've seen americans being offended over katy perry performing in a geisha outfit while in some interview about the topic in japan, japanese people weren't even offended, they all were happy that people like their culture.
another thing that i don't understand is how some people get so angry about tan skinned people trying to look paler or pale skinned people trying to look tanner because i see people who try to look paler or tanner than they actually are (by skin lightening or self tanning products, solarium, sunbathing or using photoshop effects) in my country but i've never seen anyone talking about it, people don't really care. of course it's not okay if the said person is self-hating or doing it to an unhealthy extent but if that's not the case, i think it's okay.
now my question is, how is cultural appropriation and a pale skinned person trying to look tanner or a tan skinned person trying to look paler seen in your country? would the general public be mad at them or would they not care at all? my country isn't some woke place where everyone does whatever they want, it's quite conservative but i've never seen people talking about these topics here.
No. 320633
>>320628I’m American and I usually think Cultural Appropriation is just a bunch of bullshit that people with way too much time of their hands spew. Sometimes it can be actually offensive (like hipsters wearing sacred Native American headdresses to Coachella) but most of the time, it’s rather subjective and the culture in question doesn’t usually give a shit as long as you’re respectful about it (And by culture, I mean people from that actual country, not third generation Americans who spend way too much time at their Liberal arts college).
As for the skin tone thing, a lot of people get tans here and no one gives a shit. Although skin bleaching has some negative connotations to it. People can do what they want but I think it’s kinda sad. There is a preference for lighter skin in certain communities however (such as within the African American community).
Hope that helps!
No. 320706
>>320628It really depends on a lot of things, but it's usually in the case where another person's culture is cheapened for the sake of fun/fashion and usually only makes anyone angry when the power balance is in favor of the person appropriating vs. the culture in question.
Examples: Native headdresses, cornrows, bindis, hiphop culture, etc
Whites conquered these people and systematically oppressed them for centuries. They were forced to integrate and give up their own traditions and fashions because they were considered inferior. And now to add insult to injury, White people think it would be cute if they just took back some of the stylish parts of those cultures and discard them just as easily. It's basically reaping the benefits without suffering any of the negative aspects of being those peoples.
As for kimono/qipao, like you said, a lot of natives don't see a problem with it because it's spreading their culture, but a lot of American Asians don't like the way it fetishizes Asian women, or the way greasy fat weeaboos use it to feel more like anime characters in a cheap costume satin version. And honestly, if Japanese people did see more unwashed landwhales in improperly tied costume kimono they might feel differently about it.
Also as a personal anecdote, when my Chinese husband found out I owned a qipao he told me to never wear it or let his parents know about it, but then his mom gifted me one lol So again, it depends on personal feelingsTechnically St. Patty's day is appropriation but no one cares because 1) Irish Americans no longer face discrimination 2) Most people of Irish descent don't consider it a sacred tradition that must be solemnly upheld. You can bet if the Irish couldn't find work there'd be some crying about everyone getting drunk in their honor.
Instances of actually offensive appropriation are pretty rare though so you'll probably never have to worry about it in real life. As for tanning/lightening, I think anyone frequenting tanning salons are considered pathetic in general but since it can be done naturally people are given the benefit of the doubt. Lightening is a different kind of pathetic and one that most people will agree on.
No. 320980
>>320706>It's basically reaping the benefits without suffering any of the negative aspects of being those peoples.Here it is, right here, the retarded core of the cultural appropriation narrative
>i-it's not fair! we lost status for wearing (symbolic thing), n-not fair that you gain status for it! It harms no one, brings no real negative consequences. Complaining about cultural appropriation is just throwing a resentful tantrum So: any similarities with "nerds/gamers who complain about nerdy things becoming mainstream while they used to be bullied for said things" is not mere coincidence. It's the exact same shallow, immature bullshit.
No, really. Read this again.
>reaping the benefits without suffering any of the negative aspects>you must be THIS oppressed to earn the right to wear (thing)Typical christian/slave morality, turning suffering into virtue in order to comfortably effect entitlement and elitism while maintaining their self-righteousness/moral high ground intact. The funniest thing is that playing this particular game of Suffering is Virtue is about the whitest, europeanest thing these people could do.
No. 320986
>>320969It’s fairly easy and definitely worth learning if you struggle to find things that fit decently off the rack.
Start with the basics, backstitching straight hems, and work your way up to dart manipulation. Everything will fit like a million bucks and it’s less effort than it seems. It can save money too.
No. 322348
>>320980Late response but I feel it needs to be said:
All I was doing was explaining the idea of cultural appropriation as best I could for OP, never saying I agreed with it or not, and you came in here flinging insults and trying to infantilize the argument. It's okay, because this happens literally every time anyone asks. In fact, I've run into more White people crying about CA than I ever have run into actual minorities (or white liberals for that matter) who genuinely care about it.
It's not about trying to gain a moral high ground or compete in the oppression Olympics or what's fair. It's about respect. It's people fed up that after controlling them for generations, White people can continue spitting in their faces by dressing up as caricatures of them, then turning around and playing victim when anyone asks them to simply not do it. No one has a problem when it's done tastefully and respectfully.
Now, I understand you might not care about how your culture or heritage is portrayed, but for some people it does matter. Consider that. Otherwise, it's pathetic, but if being able to cosplay as brown people is the hill you want to die on, you do you.
No. 322525
>>322472Yes they will but fuck them, you're legally required to get a visa in most countries as long as you have the funds to cover it.
Never ever feel like you need to have an excuse for your pursuit of quality education given your circumstances when entitled greasy hippies from that country likely travel the world without an ounce of interest in the locals or respect for their culture and busk and panhandle in already destitute areas to afford their childish whims because mommy didn't teach them how to be responsible adults.
I had to get fake married to my exbf to get out of a shitty situation and I got so much crap for it from his family despite having learned the local language, working my ass off and getting good grades while he sat on his ass and dropped out because he "didn't like" a subject.
No. 322534
>>320628I have never understood cultural appropriation either. It's a made-up American problem. The worst part is that people complaining about it, are speaking
for the cultures they're talking about which is way more
problematic than cultural appropriation could ever be. "Indian-American", "Irish-Americans", "Italian-Americans", "Asian-Americans" are just American. They're not Indian, Irish, Italian or Asian. Most of them have never been to the countries that they claim to have the "culture" of or speak the language of. In fact, due to the melting pot nature of the US, they're practicing some kind of bastardised version of the culture which they think is authentic (for example
>>320706"St.Patty's day" is an American term that the Irish can't stand. Patty is a woman's name. Paddy is a man's name). So why do they feel the need to speak for countries that they've never lived in, have never been to or can't even consume the media of?
Cultural appropriation is non-existent in my country. Why? Because the people who claim to be Indian, Irish, Italian etc. actually
are from those countries or at very least are second-generation and regularly visit those countries and speak the language of the country at home with their parents. They are a much better authority to speak for their cultures than Americans who are completely disconnected from their "heritage". People outside of the US love it when you take an interest in their culture. I've had friends bring me saris, kimonos, qipaos and kameez from their countries. They've practiced doing henna on my hands, we've watched bollywood films together, they invite me to cultural events, they're always really eager to make me try weird sweets from their countries and see my reaction lol. Cultural appropriation doesn't exist in environments where everyone respects each other and where you see people for who they are and not their race/culture/dress. The irony is that people in the US who have a problem with "appropriation" are using it as a cover up for the fact that they do want segregation between cultures/races, they're the ones ignorant of different cultures themselves and most importantly, people in the US form their entire identity based on things like race/heritage.
No. 322540
>>322348…no one said anything about cosplaying as "brown people" kek, you sound super fucking
triggered considering you're claiming you don't actually feel that way. you also didn't know shit in the first post you wrote. whenever people mention bindis (which are also made as decorative stick on beads that are solely fashionable) you know they actually care about CA.
you can respect a culture without listening to whiny babies bitch about it. like, you say it matters for some people, bit why would i care about those specific people more than others who don't care?
No. 322692
>>322682Short answer: No! Follow your dreams!!!
Long answer: No, but since engineering is usually filled with fresh out of high school entitled nerds you'll probably get criticized by your peers for being "old", the fact that you're a woman on a technical major won't make things easier either. Also, you have to get used to studying regularly if you haven't done so since finishing high school.
You'll face some difficulties just for being you but finding a path you're truly interested in and having the opportunity to follow it is really special, so go for it, anon. If you work hard and manage your time properly you will succeed for sure.
No. 322762
>>322759You don’t dont need a fancy machine to start with. My first one was a singer starter machine with 6 stitches. Cost 99 dollars and it makes clothes, buttonholes, and quilts perfectly. Go with the cheap model from a good brand like singer or husqvarna.
Sergers are great but an absolute bitch to thread. If you want to work with jersey or other knit fabrics a lot they’re worth it, but imo you’re better off with a regular machine that you can get different feet attatchments for.
No. 322804
>>322682You are never too old to get more education or learn new things, seriously don't let anyone tell you otherwise because that's just silly. Sorry it always just seemed so sad & ridiculous to me this idea like "Welp I'm 22 guess that's the only chance I got!"..when you are still so so young. Like how can you just resign yourself to never growing or advancing? Especially so young?
blogpost but I went back to school at 27 for a technical degree (CS) after years working as a low paid wageslave. I'm 33 now and absolutely love my new career. Also there are at least 10 ppl in my office who are in their 30s/40s but only got into the field in the past few years or so.
It's never too late, you should go for it!! Especially with a supportive boyfriend!
No. 323120
>>322472Speaking of Canada, no. I've done that exact same thing - I went to eastern canada for a BA, done the 4 years and fucked off for a year, went back to western canada for another degree and had no problems getting another visa. I eventually dropped the second program, but the visa was valid for the entirety of the program.
I am American, though. But for student visas they are more concerned if you have the money to support yourself - if you do, you can get any student visa at any applicable school you want. They only look at your 3rd world origins if you want to get permanent residency (I had a Brazillian roommate who had trouble getting PR and was questioned a lot for being a potential illegal immigrant, just for being BR.) YMMV.
Good luck!!
No. 323326
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>>323323Anachan refers to someone who is anorexic
No. 323429
>>323417Not sure which country you live in, but I think that you can
The doctor should be able to refer you in the right way
No. 323676
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Can someone tell me what <redtexting is used for on 8chan
No. 323938
>>323930Hm, is the redmi's screen nice and vibrant? I've been thinking about waiting for the S8's price to drop just because I love the screen even though I've never been a fan of samsung's ui.
Forgot Huawei existed for a minute, I'll definitely check out some of their phones.
No. 324028
>>323940Wow! I might look into redmis further then.
ty for replying btw!
No. 324777
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4 years ago my sister got a pair of kittens that lived with him for a few years until he got divorced and moved in with my parents. He then moved in with his current gf amd basically dumped them with our parents where they’ve lived for a few years. He’s about to move back in with 2 more cats and another dog ( add my parents dog and thats 6 animals in the house) I’m about to move abroad and would like to at least take the female cat with me, but I’m worried about separating them. Would a cat freak out and start acting out and terrorizing my apartment because of some weird seperation anxiety from another cat shes been around her whole life?? Or am i looking too much into this.
No. 324885
>>324777I agree with
>>324851 and
>>324872 . Please don't do it. I had two cats who were together since birth and one when passsed away from a heart disease, the other one just got really depressed. He tried playing with the other cats but realized it wasn't the same and his brother wasn't coming back so he just detereorated to the point we had to put him down. It was really sad to watch.
No. 324977
>>324966redpilled people believe they see through society's bullshit aka their view of how society nowadays tends toward being politically correct and liberal. they believe society now caters unfairly to usually undeserving women and minorities and is purposely ostracizing men. it's usually from the perspective of bitter men who believe such things as the idea that society has brainwashed women to become screeching feminists who are encouraged to become sluts and that the world is against them because of such things as affirmative action. nationalistic ideas are also part of this as they generally see illegal immigration as a detriment to society and oppose the idea that people should accept illegal immigrants into their country out of pity.
basically, saying "fuck you" to liberalism because they believe liberalism is based more on emotional appeal than logic.
No. 326034
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Can somebody please explain to me why the "weeb" community is so fucking nuts?
Specifically the cosplayers and artists, I swear they go through friends and drama like crazy.
No. 326039
>>326034it's really something else. the only thing i can think of is that a lot of them are big time sjws, yet consume media and porn that's anything but pc and socially accepted, so they get really volatile. always worrying if their friends are secretly bigots or abusers, always fluctuating between feeling guilty about their taste and feeling posi and empowered. they're in too deep to let either animu or social justice go, so they're stuck in a very difficult balancing act that a lot of them cannot execute.
the ones that aren't sjws though i have no idea. and i don't know why the sjws are so intense about it. maybe being shy and melancholic makes you more susceptible to both anime escapism and tumblr thought policing.
No. 326055
>>326034notoriety in today's world comes with a lot of risks, rabid SJWs on one end, the most heinous kinds of edgelords on the other.
As another anon pointed out, these "weebs" frequently fall somewhere in the middle, with their beliefs and personal opinions and taste in porn.
So its a constant game of trying to balance those things.
I'm in an eccentric, notoriously drama filled similar subculture myself, and I live like a damn hermit in regards to it because I have a real life to attend to and I don't have the time, energy, or patience to try and please everyone. I also have Opinions that don't really mesh with this black and white structure of the modern internet.
And as another factor, as you can kinda see from my desire to be alone and how I'm probably a little more reasonable, the more notoriety someone wants and tries to get, the more narcissistic kinds of traits and behaviors they tend to present. This is based in observation and I believe I also read a really interesting paper about this but I sadly don't have the source offhand.
So you combine aaaaalll that with a propensity for really strange and eccentric beliefs overall with a lot of NEETdom peppered in and its a recipe for a disaster zone.
No. 326075
>>326072Null is Pro-Trump and Alt Right. You are correct that the KiwiFarms itself is supposed to be a place with beliefs and opinions across the spectrum. However, due to Null and other big figures there being very right wing and overtly so in their personal debates, it has created an environment where the more leftist side of the website is uncomfortable and does not like to speak up.
So basically, people on the left do exist in Kiwi, and I'd be willing to bet they might even outnumber the right wing users. They just are quiet because the right wing on that website are the loudest and most obnoxious in my observations.
Hope that helps.
No. 326334
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>>326258It's an weird fanfic crossover of Escape to New York/James Bond/Ghost in the Shell, but as a video game made by a Japanese westboo and with almost half of the characters being gay for each other, so at some point you wonder if it's not a giant soap opera with stealth.
It's fun too, but I found MGS3 frustrating with the menus and I never played MG1 and MG2 for the same reason. I never played MGS4 or MGS5 because I don't have the right consoles and I'm planning on playing MGS Peace Walker when I'll have enough free time for that.
No. 326360
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>>326258a sneaky man with a nice ass
No. 326367
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Speaking of MGS, did
Ocelot and Naked Snake ever fuck? It's canon that they fell in love with each other but did they have time for that at some point or were they too busy committing war crimes and shit?
>>326360>implying he's the only playable character with a perfect ass No. 326469
>>326423not to butt in but a lot of this info is incorrect. the bleeding depends on person to person and has to do with the shape and size of the hymen more than anything, espsecially if neither party knows what they're doing.
the general idea is not some patriarchal conspiracy. (muslim countries are legit fucked up) but you guys need to calm down a bit and stop giving the opposite misinformation.
No. 326741
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Do you guys ever experience an empty feeling right after you cook sth? I always wanted to be a good cook since my mom isnt the best at cooking…i just want to make truly spectacular home cook meals for my famlily and myself
No. 326750
>>326741I always get a shitty guilty feeling if the meal I cook for my family isn’t up to my standard or I use a base for it, even though they all gobble it up just the same
For some reason it feels really personal to cook the family meals and you feel a certain expectation for yourself for it to be amazing - reminding myself that what I make is much better than just buying them takeaway makes me feel a lot better, don’t be too hard on yourself anon
No. 326920
>>326917Depends what you mean by SJWs. You can't expect people to just stop caring about sexism, racism, homophobia etc in fictional works.
Tumblr SJW "queer" culture in general is aggressive and unhealthy though.
No. 326929
>>326917Yes, definitely. It seems like this has been going on forever, but five years is such a blink of an eye, time-wise.
So much of SJW culture is linked, either rightfully or wrongly, with callout culture and other stuff that's really hard to maintain the energy for. Most people burn out on it and tbh I think even people who get internet famous for being strict SJW superstars eventually burn out and relax their stances. They just don't do it publically because they'll get eaten alive. Eventually you have to just live your life and ease up on the constant thought monitoring and policing of other people. That shit produces some extreme anxiety and neurotic behavior.
t. ex rabid sjw
No. 326930
>>326928Yes. I'm using Duolingo for Portuguese.
The app is really good for familiarizing you with the language, the structuring of the sentence, and building a small but decent vocabulary.
I would recommend it but I'm not a language pro myself. btw I'm using textbooks to complement it.
Another cool thing is they have this game like system to encourage you to study everyday with lingots. So, the more you study nets you more lingots and you can use lingots to unlock some cool exercises or features (like timed-practice).
I do plan to start Japanese and Russian myself. If you want to, I can post my username and we could have a lolcow leaderboard.
No. 326933
>>326930Do you know how many levels are there for the basics or any other 'circle' things? I did the little test before cuz I'm not a beginner so I unlocked a lot
My username is Ekstenzimetarka if you wanna add me
No. 326935
>>326933I just went to check. It depends on the language. Portuguese has for example 83 skills/circles and it covers quite a lot but the Japanese has far fewer but that may be because I'm a beginner.
Also added.
My username is doomsdaybirb
No. 327095
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Does anyone got any recommendations for beginner make up tutorials on youtube that doesn't have an obnoxious host?
No. 327123
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I have Japanese IME installed on my samsung keyboard so I can search anime and song titles in Japanese、 but for some reason since my last software update (galaxy s9plus) when I switch back to my regular English keyboard、 you can see the comma stays like the Japanese IME one. I can't figure out how to change back and I don't want to just start using the Japanese one because it clearly doesn't look right. Pic related. I tried restarting、and switching keyboards and then switching back but no luck. I don't want to uninstall the JP IME、 it's a major pain in the ass trying to search for Japanese shows/movies/music without it. Also fuck google's keyboard.
No. 327549
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Caso cerrando is fake right?
My mom loves watching it and is convinced it's real lmao
Also is Caso cerrado popular in Mexico? Feels like it's just a typical trashy show like Jerry Springer