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No. 2824
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>>2823It was just funny how she and her SJW's tried to make it like police did not care and blew her off because she was a woman when in reality the investigated and found she was a liar and instead of making a big deal about it blew her off , because lying about this kind of stuff is a waste of police resource…so instead of gracefully slithering back to her webcam, she made a huge deal and dragged the media into it and shamed the police who were trying to be cool about it..and humored them all. investigated it and saw that yeah she made it up and is basically crazy.
but, like the UVA case feminists were all "support her like anyway" and the never ending circle of stupid continues.
No. 2827
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>>2825apparently it's in her definition of rape. She would say this here is rape. See what I am saying? she did claim some her ex tried to send polygender SJW in the BDSM community to rape her. He said he had second thoughts on consensually beating and raping her. He later saw her on a dating site and talked to her about how he almost raped her. She got super mad and said I did not do that, but was ok he wanted to rape her because he was gender queer and into kinks and fetishes and then went after her ex. It was later found out that, surprisingly, she hacked his email to set up dude and knew the guy who was going to "rape" her. confusing? yes I know, so when the police finally uncovered this….they politely told her to fuck off, but she persisted…tbh the police were actually being super cool about this and trying not to ruin anyones lives, as her past mental health had a factor in why the police continued to be lenient to her false claims.
basically mentally ill, feminist, SJW, sought attention….wasted tax payers money
No. 2829
File: 1424820385657.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.68 KB, 480x640, 1324351341-27071_pic12.jpg) article by local SJW feminist journalist by super troll local muckrakers
I will say this that girl is a fantastic writer. She should become a novelist or something or write screenplays, but this was an agenda driven piece using a mentally ill woman to further the whole police are anti-women and are ok with rape, when in reality it is the furthest thing from the truth.
Also, if you are a cam model, send pics willingly to multiple people, post your own nudes on sites, and get paid for nudity and sex in both the online world in real world. I am sorry to complain or try to blame one person for the choices that she ludicrous.
There is a definite push in Halifax an Canada and in general to let very privileged white women run amock in our society while women around the world and in our own backyard who happen to be poor minorities, they could give two fucks about unless it furthers their personal drive for attention. The idea that in a western nation that women are oppressed or that there is a rape culture is insanity. the stats and figures outdated and proven incorrect. By their own quotes and stats 1 out of 3 men are rapists. ….Canada is a population of 40 some million. do the math? do people really believe this shit? yes and they are somehow being listened to. Let's give women equal fucking rights, pay, and protections, but let's not humour nutcases.
With that enjoy crazy ladies tits she posted herself online
No. 2831
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No. 2834
Is there actual proof she was lying? It's certainly quite possible she was lying, but she's not necessarily lying just because she couldn't prove her claim. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Also, her being a camwhore doesn't really have anything to do with it…
>>2823 is just bad as OP though. Assuming she's telling the truth or assuming she's lying is stupid.
And for the record, I'm a guy and would not consider myself a feminist (maybe a classical feminist or whatever), so I'm no SJW.
No. 2864
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No. 2866
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camshow screenshot
No. 2869
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No. 181488
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No. 181489
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No. 181527
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hahah that's hilarious and awesome
enjoy her tits and more
No. 181529
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>>181528to each their own
No. 181538
>>181529What a butterface
in all honesty her body isnt that bad but her face ruins it