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No. 284289
Thought this would be nice to have since podcasts are huge right now. Every Tom, Dick and Harry now thinks the world can't be deprived of their opinions and starts a podcast.
>Podcasts you like>Podcasts you hate>Podcast/Host drama>Crazy Podcast FandomsThere is a thread that already exists for one of the biggest podcast cows, Mike Boudet, but it's pretty dead.
>>>/snow/360967Another totally dead thread that seems to be only for recommending podcasts.
>>>/ot/179574 No. 284292
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>>284289I've been a fan of My Favorite Murder since almost the first episode, but their fan base is almost intolerable now. I just miss having the facebook ground in the beginning with a couple hundred people posting links to things they found interesting. It's gotten out of control. The whole Tipi incident recently seems like it was ridiculous, did anyone get the full story there? I get the Tipi part of it, but what about racist people in the group or something? I don't know how much longer before Karen snaps and turns on the fans completely. It already kind of happened that one time someone called them racist. I think they are ill informed sometimes and misspeak, but I don't think they're racist or insensitive at all.
My other beef is with Karen and Georgia themselves. It's getting pretty tired to have to listen to them brag about how this is their job now and they can't believe it, and also complain about having to do the bare minimum of work. Basically their full time job is reading one wikipedia article a week and even that seems like too much for them sometimes and they make Steven do all their lackey work. I like their personalities but there are other True Crime podcasts that put it 10x the work and research they do. Even their minisodes feel lazy. The most recent one they said they got over 600 emails on the subject, and they only read what, 4 of them? They couldn't be bothered to do a longer minisode even though they were getting paid to advertise a movie? It just seems so disrespectful to all the fans.
Also Georgia, you don't need to brag about how gross you are all the time and constantly belch into the mic. Have 1% of decorum. Not everyone is into that.
No. 284296
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>>284290I love YMRT! I've listened to the series on Charles Manson several times now. I also really liked the series on dead blondes.
You might like "The Daily Zeitgeist" too if you like The Daily. It's another daily news show, but they basically have comedians on everyday as guests. Miles can be a little annoying and talks about weed a lot, but they're both super politically smart and funny guys. I might just have a giant crush on Jack O'Brien though (he used to be the head of Cracked/host of the Cracked podcast) and left to do this podcast. He's a qtpie
No. 284298
>>284292I honestly relate to Karen a lot lol, Georgia annoys me more and more but I still love them both. Karen definitely seems more sensible and more grounded than Georgia and doesn't take any bullshit and seems to be annoyed by the fan base's antics (which same). I feel like Georgia blows her ditsy/gross/anxiety-ridden character out of proportion, like I always feel like she's purposefully mispronouncing things….
I thought about going to a local meet up but soon realized everyone in my regional fb group is a ridiculous SJW who blows any slight slip up out of proportion (even by my standards, and you can tell by my original post that I'm a lib).
I'm glad they've found success, but like you said their episodes feel really lazy as of late (granted Karen seems to do a bit more research) but hopefully since their book is finished things will improve! Monday's minisode annoyed the shit out of me honestly haha
No. 284302
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I started listening to Last Podcast on the Left because for some reason the name sounded familiar when it was suggested to me. I’ve never been into true crime and occult shit but damn if I haven’t listened to every episode of their show. When I listened to the older ones there was a lot of “bro humor” but they’ve gotten much bigger and have attuned the show to be more inclusive with their audience. The boys that host it are usually pretty hilarious and are so entertaining. They also don’t miss a fact or important detail in the entire story. I think the most interesting episodes are the newest jonestown ones, the one about the rich kids who killed their own parents ( I can’t remember their names) and just about any of the “heavy hitters” (Gacy, Dahmer, Ramirez). A lot of those are series of three episodes so there’s hundreds to listen to if you end up liking them like I did.
No. 284305
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>>284298Ugh, I'm so glad to hear you were annoyed by it too. I get that being shitty to Steven is their bit, but at this point he's definitely doing waaay more work than they are. Going through 600+ emails for them to read 4? I actually joined their Fancult in the hopes it would be less crazy people, but the UI is absolute garbage. Yeah, Karen definitely feels more grounded, I guess cause she's actually had to work hard and prove herself in the industry? And has some self-control going through AA and everything. Georgia just seems like she did a lot of drugs and dropped out of several schools and…I'm still not really sure how she ended up where she did. It must suck for Allie Ward to watch her be successful doing nothing and drinking all day bragging about how great her life is, when Allie has to bust her ass on her podcast and TV show. I stan Allie so much harder, she's really worked for her success and is so much smarter than Georgia. If the show goes under, Georgia's fucked. Karen can go back to writing and comedy.
I'm too afraid to go to any meetups too. I feel like it would just be people like pic related, just screaming "STEEEVAN!"
No. 284307
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>>284305Sage for samefag, but also doesn't it kind of feel like Georgia totally ditched Allie for MFM? I could be wrong and it could be totally mutual but basically they just stopped making episodes of it as soon after MFM started and blew up, and she never really mentions Allie anymore.
>Allie: Single, hosts time intensive research and interview podcast by herself and Science TV show, travels all the time for both. It also seems like she edits her podcast herself too, because she drops in to do narration/clarify things all over the place. (Podcast is called "Ologies" btw, highly recommend) >Karen: Single, Sober, Hosts MFM, guests on multiple podcasts, works as writer and producer on TV shows, tours the globe for podcast, all at the same time.>Georgia: Hosts a podcast, ditched her original podcast? Sits on the couch and drinks in her pajamas and burps all day? Because anxiety? Unclear. Luckily her husband is their "manager" so he gets to travel with them all over the world when they tour, and seems to just validate her and let her do whatever.I don't know how Karen lets her get away with all that honestly.
No. 284402
The only two I don't hate in some way at this point:
Who Weekly - Lighthearted D list celebrity news
The Singing Bones - Really underrated show about fairytales. Wish it updated more often.
>>284376Yeah, that one guy who just screams at everything ruins it.
No. 284473
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>>284376No, not the tall one. I’m pretty sure the annoying one is Henry Zebrowski. While I like the podcast, I have to agree. I cringe when he tries to be funny most of the time. It’s usually in incredibly poor taste. If he was out, it’d probably be more enjoyable. His show sucks too.
No. 284500
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>>284411Hmm, it seems like there's been a few kind of one off ones I can think of (all fiction)
The Message: spooky space aliens and stuff, iirc I really enjoyed this one
LifeAfter: spooky technology, yada yada. Same people who did The Message
Homecoming: psychology or something? Idk but it's got Oscar Isaac in it
Limetown: Town disappearance. Maybe connected to Alice Isn't Dead? I can't quite remember
The Black Tapes: spooky paranormal stuff, I enjoyed this one but I kind of dropped off of it because I'm not sure where they're going with it
The Control Group - I actually haven't listened to this one yet, but it seems like it's an MK Ultra kind of story. I'm usually pretty happy with things How Stuff Works puts out.
I tried TAZ but it just seemed too confusing for me, also I've never played DnD, but maybe I'll give it another go. I really enjoy the McElroys content, but it's like
>>284305 and
>>284298 said, I would never go to one of their live shows because their fans are too crazy. I genuinely feel bad for them when they make a joke or mention some celebrity on MBMBAM and they have to stop and be like "hey guys no really don't harass this person/us on twitter". They just seem like they're silly brothers who like making each other laugh who accidentally have hoards of fans. (That being said I do find Travis a lil annoying)
No. 284535
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>>284506Yeah, Night Vale didn't do it for me either. I grew up on NPR and This American Life so I was game on podcasts from the start. I'm glad the WTNV fandom died down because I feel like for years it was
>hey anon, whatcha listening to?>oh, a podcast>you mean like Nightvale????>mfw No. 284587
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I forgot to mention S Town in my post because it was a limited series and I've removed it from my subscriptions. If you decide to listen to it, don't read anything about the show or the premise. Just listen to the first few episodes and see if it's your thing.
No. 284604
>>284506ive recently started listening to nightvale again, because the format is perfect for listening to before going to bed and it helps with my insomnia. storywise though, sometimes its a little annoying. i know its supposed to be more fun and "meme-y", but i do wish it took itself a bit more seriously as a horror podcast and was a little less random, because some episodes really have a good atmosphere.
i also started alice isnt dead and the black tapes. alice is okay, its a bit too long for me to listen to a whole episode in one go, especially with the kind of onesided format. the black tapes is okay too, but the format makes it easy to listen to, so i like it.
other than that, i just listen to the art corner sometimes.
No. 284611
>>284500Oh, I love mbmbam!
I gave up on game grumps awhile ago and needed something with the same silly humor, and I think the brothers fit it well. I was watching a best of Griffin vid last night and I was in tears.
On another note I really like last podcast on the left but I do think the Henry can get really annoying lmao.(I think his sister is funnier and more bearable tbh) I really like the Dahmer and Aileen episodes. Haven’t listened to them in a while but I heard they did one on incels not too long ago? so I might go back to give that one a listen.
No. 284690
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>>284302>>284326>>284376>>284402>>284473>>284486>>284611Wow, I'm surprised how many Last Podcast fans there are here. It always seemed like they had a crazy huge fanbase, but I never understood it because everyone I've ever heard talk about it basically says that exact same thing: I like Last Podcast but that one guy sucks. I guess they're in too deep now to get rid of him. Their coverage on Jonestown was some of the most in depth comprehensive I've heard. (And I always jump on Jonestown themed episodes of podcasts, like a crazy person.)
Didn't they have to get rid of their facebook group too because of some shit? Anyone know what happened there or did I make that up? Also do the other guys ever do any work or is it always just Marcus doing all the heavy lifting?
>>284611they're good boys
honestly I just love podcasts where it's the hosts cracking each other up (MBMBAM, Suicide Buddies, The Dollop, Comedy Bang Bang etc)
No. 284883
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>>284782Oooh, I love Lore but I do find Aaron Mahnke to be a lil hammy sometimes. But I LOVED the TV show. It doesn't seem like many people talked about it, I hope there's enough interest to get a 2nd season.
My favorite along those lines has been
Dark Histories! Basically the narrator tells the story in a well researched unbiased way, and then afterwards kind of cuts to him sharing his opinions about it. You could skip that part all together if you wanted. But, I like that the storied have more of a real basis, if that makes sense.
No. 284885
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>>284883Oh, samefag but also,
Spooked! is fun. It's from the podcast
Snap Judgement which is also good if you like This American Life type stories, but they always do a series of spooky stories from people around Halloween, and last year they branched off to do a separate podcast where it's just the spooky stories. I've always found the host to be annoying, but I love the stories.
Otherwise if you like more of the historical based/researched tales this is one of my fav audiobooks to listen to around Halloween. Use one of those hot Audible promos they're always giving out on podcasts for a free audiobook (and then cancel it because it's a ripoff)
No. 285039
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>>284997Hardcore History - Long, sometimes multi part episodes.
Stuff You Missed In History Class - Light, easy to digest. Kind of like being in history class when you were 13. Massive archive of episodes.
The History Chicks - Similar to the above but more like you're 11 and you're being homeschooled by a midwestern mom. They do their research but their way of speaking bugs me a little.
No. 285065
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>>285038Oh good! I also like DH because he often covers stuff that's less talked about. I recommend the episodes on Adam: The Body in the Thames and The Disappearance of Gary Mathias (If you're interested in Dyatlov Pass like me, this one is great).
I also like
Astonishing Legends. Some of their topics can be kind of hit or miss, but they go pretty in depth. I really like the episodes on Dyatlov Pass, Amelia Earhart, Oak Island, and Skinwalker Ranch, to name a few.
>>284997>>285039I'll also throw in
The Dollop here! It's more of a comedy based history one, but the stories they dig up are absolutely insane. You probably won't like it if you're annoyed by riffing and just want straight forward history though.
No. 285108
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>>285103Yeah, Sawbones is fun as well. My only "problems" (I use that phrase very loosely) with it are like when they were doing their usual Maximum Fun drive on all the pods and Sydnee said something like "With your contributions I'm able to do less clinic hours and more podcasting!" which to me feels like….idk should you though? That just seems like kind of a strange thing to me.
Also the episode on breastfeeding where she talks about how she still breastfeeds their 4 year old daughter even though they now have a newborn. I'm not tryna shame anyone or be derisive or anything, and I don't have kids or anything and I know that's a hot topic with parents. Obviously she's very smart and knows what she's talking about but….that just makes me a little squeamish. It seemed like it made Justin a little squeamish too, but he was definitely trying to be supportive and understanding of why she does that. Or maybe he was just squeamish at the idea of her putting that out there for all their fans to know? Idk.
No. 285130
I used to listen to a lot of Pod Save America (following them from Keepin' It 1600) and their other flagship podcasts, but I got frustrated that many of their points felt like retreads and a lot of the guests, who were running for office, were so… rehearsed. This was maybe 30 episodes in, so maybe they've matured further and gotten guests to loosen up? But I still check into Pod Save the World occasionally.
In general, though, I don't listen to political or heavy subject podcasts anymore, since I listen to NPR programs on commute anyway and I'd prefer to read crime since crime podcasts are so long. So, I listen to a bunch of pop culture podcasts when I'm doing chores or exercising or something.
Pretty much all the podcasts' hosts are left-leaning, as a heads-up.
Podcasts analyzing (largely) Western pop music, its production, music theory, and, occasionally, its social context:
>Pop UnmutedRetired since 2016, minus a brief return to talk about the Jonas Brothers. The episode on the delusional fujos of One Direction fandoms is a fucking ride: >, there was a short run of Kpop episodes. Probably the only Kpop related commentary that was strictly about music production and not just the eye candy appeal that I've come across.
>Switched on PopVery similar to the above, but still running and approaching their 100 episode marker. The current batch of episodes is hitting my 90s and 2000s pop nostalgia. The best production and editing on this list.
Podcasts about bad movies and books (I'd probably listen to ones about bad TV but that's a much harder subject to broach):
>I Don't Even Own A TelevisionTwo guys just talking about shitty books (or just plain out weird shit) and following a format of Summary, Things They Liked, Things They Didn't Like, etc. Books range from talk show radio host books aimed at children to pulp novels to 80s rock band memoirs (a special interest of theirs).
>The Worst BestsellersTwo drunk, librarian women just talking about shitty books. They focus more on "chick lit", children's books, and best-sellers like James Patterson('s ghost writers). I wish they had better recording equipment, tbh.
>We Hate MoviesThe most comedic of all the podcasts listed, but it's like a bunch of guys in their 40s, which can be hit or miss understandably. I fucking love their mailbag episodes, though–those genuinely get a laugh out of me. They have a pretty extensive archive (with the earliest few hundred and some specialized episodes being under a Patreon lock, but that's pretty easy to get around) and cover so much stuff.
No. 285138
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>>285130Oooh….that music one sounds great. Have you ever tried Teen Creeps? It's another Literature one, 2 girls reading YA Fiction. I haven't kept up with them lately but I loved their episodes on V. C. Andrews books cause they're so wild. Their episodes also tend to be pretty long since they go through the whole book, if that's what you're into.
No. 285333
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I love this podcast and I promote it every chance I can get LOL. It's actually really well done and I found it when I was going through so much in highschool and it helped me stay distracted. It's a really long podcast (Though obviously it is finished, though there is a spin-off that is also finished). If you like Zombie stories you'd love this one. The name is obviously pic related (We're Alive)
>> Horror Stories
I just found this one kinda, but it's the No Sleep podcast. Some of them are really scary and the voice actors are really good! Most of them are like Reddit stories (obv /r/nosleep) but some are just regular horror stories. I'd recommend that too!
No. 285464
>>285254Lmao yeah but then she shouldn't have wasted all those years and money going to medical school to learn a valuable trade she's going to abandon when something more fun pops up. Most people become doctors because they want to help people.
There ARE people whose jobs it is in the medical field is to just do research. If it was about that she could just do that. But it's not, she's choosing the thing that makes her more famous and grows her fanbase.
It's also to me saying "I could make great money as a doctor, but I'd rather the FANS pay me a doctor's wage for less work."
No. 285510
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I'm a fan of Timesuck with Dan Cummins.
He covers a really wide range of topics (from Area 51 to the dark web to presidential assassinations and even random historical events) but keeps it interesting throughout. It has a great fanbase too.
No. 285517
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>>285514Reread what I wrote. I said not every doctor pursues their career out of a genuine desire to change the world and make it a better place or whatever. Never said her podcast made an impact. I'd take reading wiki articles over dealing with WV crackheads any day.
Anyway, I've been listening to 99% Invisible lately. It's about architecture, design, and infrastructure. One episode, for example, focuses on the inflatable things in car lots and why they're so commonplace now.
No. 285686
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>>285517Sorry, you're right, my bad.
Also why is this the funniest shit? Kim's being dragged all over twitter for being 4 years late.
No. 285817
>>285741Gosh, it's been so long since I listened to it, but I don't think Adnan killed Hae. I think Jay had something to do with whatever happened though. There have also been other podcasts that covered it since that covered some of the evidence that wasn't touched on in Serial and how the cell phone tower evidence made no sense and how Adnan's lawyer was basically out of her mind at the time and totally botched another trial right around his as well, and iirc died shortly after his trial because she was that ill. Based on just Serial though, I could see where it would be unclear. I don't remember all the details exactly, but really what it comes down to is that his trial should have been thrown out for how poorly his lawyer represented him and all the cell phone shit.
>>285785I don't think it has anything to do with her being late, to me it speaks to how truly up her own ass she is all the time because it seems like it would be impossible to not hear about it, especially if you're on the internet all the time. It's also her phrasing, if she had said "I just started listening to Serial and I love it!" that would be fine, but she's acting like it's this hip underground thing that she discovered. It's like
>Hey I just started reading Harry Potter and it's great!vs
>Have you guys ever heard of this book called Harry Potter?! No. 285860
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I feel like it's pretty obvious since it finished up its first arc a WHILE ago but I have not loved another podcast as much as I fucking love TAZ. Balance was amazing, and I love Amnesty so far.
If you like funny DND podcasts, listen to it. It's like my favorite podcast of all time. Gold star.
No. 288105
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>>284307Listening to today's episode and Georgia brags about not drinking for 2 days in a row, but then says she couldn't sleep because of it. You know, for a show that loves to point out "RED FLAGS" (Georgia especially) it seems like they sure are missing the giant red flag that Georgia might have a drinking problem. I wonder if that's ever come up between her and Karen, since Karen's sober now. She would know the signs, and also with Georgia's drug/rehab history?
No. 288413
>>288105>>288142Yeah, that's what I thought too. I don't know how Karen can share her horror stories about being an alcoholic when she was younger and Georgia can think it's fine to say shit like that? Or to joke about it? Is it just a hallmark of some alcoholics to be like "well I'm not mean or destructive when I'm drunk, so therefore I don't have a drinking problem"? How does she not realize she has an addictive personality by now?
>I've had eating disorders and have done every single hard drug and had to go to rehab when I was a child/teenager basically….but it's not a problem if I can't function unless I drink in my pajamas every single day! Because anxiety!!!She's definitely self-medicating with alcohol. Her therapist or Karen or Vince need to shut that down.
No. 289143
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>>288432Huh. So LPOTL and MFM facebooks had to be shut down, the Sword & Scale one had a ton of drama too didn't it? Or was that the Reddit? That's a little different though because Mike Boudet was starting half the drama by being a giant weiner. Didn't he get kicked out of the MFM group after like 30 seconds for being creepy back in the day? kek
Who would have thought that people who like murder would end up being crazy?
No. 291594
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>>284307Hm, I was just thinking about this today and decided to check. I wonder what happened?
No. 296880
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Yikes. At least it's a cute outfit, not as bad as fakebois cosplaying Travis McElroy with their terrible stipple beards.
No. 296885
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>>296880Is it just MFM and the Mcelroys that have this crazy of a fanbase, or am I not remembering others? Nightvale of course but that seems to have died down.
Also MFM's minisode was 17 mins today with commercials? Gimme a break. They should just quit if it's that much of a chore.
No. 300362
>>296885i mean, imo it's better than the generic cecils and carlos' we saw.
And it's better than just putting on a button up. They have some signature outfits you can do.
No. 319385
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Their big huge Halloween episode with 7000 people was so awkward. Georgia picking the McMartin preschool trial was such a terrible call. So uncomfortable to hear the audience silence while they try to come up with jokes about child molestation.
Honestly, how long until MFM crashes and burns? Karen and Georgia both have such strong personalities I can't imagine it can't be somewhere on the horizon. Considering how huge they are and whatever happened with Allie and Georgia's friendship breaking up AND Georgia's husband being their "manager", it can only be a matter of time.
My prediction is Karen will walk away. She has a real job and a life she can go back to, she doesn't need this shit. Georgia has made both herself and her husband completely dependent on it, and still can barely put any effort into it.
No. 385811
>>385802I've been listening to Oh No Ross and Carrie a lot lately. It's a duo who try out religions, paranormal investigations and spirituality to talk about their experience and how legit they think it is. I started with their episodes on Scientology and it got me hooked. What I like about them is that they're skeptics but they're very open so they don't dismiss things straight away. It really satisfies my curiosity about these religions without getting sucked into a cult myself lol.
I'd love some suggestions for similar podcasts.
>>284651I've seen the YouTube videos for this and I can't believe there's a podcast too!