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No. 288715
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Why couldn't you just post this in the unpopular opinion thread? I don't like dogs either(I actually prefer cats) but it doesn't really need its own thread. It'll just turn into people screeching about why x animal sucks more and won't really go anywhere. It's already started.
No. 288719
>>288712>random animal I hateNot very random considering OP's picture, which implies the opinion of cats being superior to dogs.
If you don't want people to give their opinions on your opinion, don't post about it.
No. 288720
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>>288719Sorry here’s a better picture, hope it helps
No. 288725
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This is mostly because the owners are stupid and lolcow worthy but dogs fucking suck and get excused for everything they do because they have a cult following. Especially large shitbeasts and aggressive breeds "Oh the baby must have cried and upset the poor doggo :(" Cats are sadistic too but dogs are so fucking inbred and retarded they'll use other pets and even human babies as their chew toys. Most of them serve no purpose unless they're guide/police/sheep dogs etc.
No. 288753
>>288749Pitbulls are disgusting and vicious and i wish they would be bred out of existence. people try really hard to defend them, but there is so much hard evidence about how scary pitbull attacks are and how they are nearly impossible to get off once they bite you because of their pain tolerance. You basically have to kill them.
Also, i have seen them snap for no reason. The glorification of pitbulls is disgusting.
No. 288757
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Someone i know has two huskies that her, nor her husband that legit never leave alone in the house. Ever.
She told me she couldn't bring her husband to a wedding because the last time they left their dogs at home, one of them ate the carpet of the second floor and destroyed half the kitchen. Now they are basically prisoners to these dogs. One of them has to work from home and be there at all times.
No. 288787
>>288777lmao this when quickly from "i don't really like dogs" to "i'm a sociopath".
this thread is shit OP. no one ITT really seems to hate dogs, but just dog owners, and there was already a thread for that.
No. 288788
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I have a weird beef towards smaller dogs, particularly ones that deviate immensely from wolf-like physiology.
Small dogs move so jittery and so closely underfoot to the point–it gets irritating because I'm scared I'll step on them and crunch all their tiny bones or something. Then many smaller dogs are bred for neoteny to the point they either appear to be stuffed animals or substitutes for human babies. They're deep in the uncanny valley and look so pitiful. Sometimes I genuinely get disgusted looking at dogs that look like a wig come to life, like someone took a coyote/wolf/husky and crushed it with their hands into some blob of flesh and hair. All the meanwhile, the dog knows it's not supposed to be like that.
I'm definitely humanizing them, but man, it freaks me out.
Also I hate dumbshits who popularize highly recessive traits like merle English Bulldogs (which go for like 20K USD) thereby encouraging in-breeding and genetic diseases, even with "legit pedigree" breeders. Like, people don't just want some pedigree dog; they also want ultra rare shiny pedigree dogs for status symbols.
No. 288793
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Dogs in infantilizing outfits and haircuts also spook me. Pomeranians retain an elongated muzzle and other dog-like features and are still adorable, but then people step it up by with "teddy bear cuts" and breeding for sick "tea-cup" runts. Someone telling me this is a dog feels like they're trying to convince me an animatronic is a person.
No. 288822
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yessssssssssssss, anon, yes.
they're honestly the most pathetic bootlickers and the worst meme. dogs are entirely a meme. they're two-faced and have no spine.
people don't like these qualities in humans, even if they're dumb – why like them in animals? i truly think there's something wrong with people that value animals being easily manipulated and shamed/trained into submission. there's something very wrong with dog people in that regard. if you highly value being able to control and manipulate other creatures and your love for them is based almost entirely around that fact, you're fucked in the head.
dogs can be ok, like, kind of cute, but they're potential death machines, even the smaller ones can cause quite a bit of damage. there are 0 deaths on record from cats and cats can only inflict minimal damage on a human, on top of the fact that dogs are WAY more likely to snap. cats generally give you warning. i don't get society's dog love. they're smelly and slobbery, eat shit, eat vomit, etc. i get that they're animals, but there are so many better animals in the world.
btw, dogs have been studied and prefer treats to affection from humans, where cats preferred human affection over treats.
No. 288828
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>>288707Cat owners remind me of women who try to date and "fix" abusive men because "they're just misunderstood"
Especially when I see them talking about stuff like pic related
No. 288836
>>288827and dogs infect people with deadly saliva bacterium, too. besides, cat scratch fever is entirely different from behavioral problems and fatalities from cat scratch fever are fairly unlikely. those that are immunodeficient can have issues with both dogs and cats, but the fact remains that cats don't maul humans and leave them without a face or kill them.
cats and crib death is a ridiculous comparison. the cats aren't trying to kill infants, the very very few cases documented show that they just fell asleep on them. that's not the same thing as a dog mauling your child or grandmother, wtf?
choosing to leave your infant with any animal is retarded. don't blame that shit on cats. as long as you don't let them sleep in your child's room, that shouldn't be a problem, whereas you can't separate your dog from your kid all of the fucking time.
No. 288840
>>288837there are 0 cases of cats killing people. your criteria for "mauling" is something as terrifically vague as "leaving them bloodied" as if minor scratches and small bites that "leave them bloodied" are comparable to the damages dogs inflict on humans regularly. get real, anon.
small dogs have a bite force like, 4x the bite force of cats. how you're going to try to claim the damages are going to be anywhere near comparable bc "some blood!!!" is unbelievably stupid
No. 288860
>>288840can you atleast look up the tons of cases of elderly sent to the hospital due to cats, or is that too hard for your delicate sensibilities?
i get that you're trying to make the thread a cat vs dog circle jerk but get real.
No. 288882
>>288862>sickI think anon is saying that people get injured from cats scratching them, not sick. Anyway shut the fuck up. Dogs may be slobbery messes, but cats are little shits who stalk you and puke everywhere and kill small animals.
Dogs respect you enough not to kill small animals and can live happily with other pets. Most cats don't even get along with eachother.
No. 288883
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>>288881Tbf regular sized poms aren't imbred, but the tiny ones are and are disgusting. OPs pic is of a regular sized puppy not a tiny imbred rat.
Pic related is the "micro pom" puppies. You can tell they're retarded.
No. 288893
>>288882This is a dog hating thread, anon. lol
Basically, small dogs are shit. My sister was bit in the face because she got too close to my mother's dog. it was totally unprovoked, but that chihuahua bastard bit her cheek, almost close to her eye when she was 10 and needed stitches. My mother kept and defended that dog. Dogs bite completely unprovoked a lot of times and children often suffer because of it
No. 288895
I like how we can't have a dog hating thread because dog loving anons will come in to defend their precious pups instead of just hiding the thread entirely.
>>288822It says a lot to me about men obsessed with dogs who are essentially like slaves to them, completely dependant.
No. 288900
>>288890I definitely do not agree about adopt only. Especially for dogs. People already don't look anything up when choosing dog breeds so they end up with
>>288757 shit. Getting one from a shelter seems like more of an issue since most people don't simply just give up dogs that don't have issues. I think most dogs at shelters should be put down since they are likely messed up psychologically.
No. 289023
>>288987I don't get why people get small or toy breeds of dogs, they are so boring and do nothing at all.
At least with big dogs you can go for a run together, wrestle, protect the house and stuff, small dogs are just like plushies that can poop and smell bad.
No. 289024
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Not so much about dogs as it is an anecdote about shitty dog owners…
>family members blow $800 on a corgi puppy as a birthday gift for one of their kids
>their younger kids torment it for years
>older kid they got it for refuses to take care of it, pushes all responsibility on them
>it develops a butt ton of health conditions including obesity, beetus, and depression because of shitty breeding, bad diet, and mild neglect
>they all get sick of it
>they meet an Australian Shepherd breeder by chance
>younger kid suddenly wants one for his birthday, other younger kid wants one too
>get the expensive ass corgi put to sleep w/o hesitation so they can get the two new dogs
>they see nothing wrong with this and don't understand why I was pissed about it instead of jizzing over their new, extremely high maintenance mutts they didn't have the money, time, or space for
That dog was only 7 years old too, poor guy… I really hate pet culture in general, but dog people have been the absolute worst about this bullshit in my experience.
No. 289025
>>288994i cannot stand when people don't leash up their dogs or fence up their yards. it may be a pain to them but its going to physically and mentally be a pain for someone else when it hurts someone, even if its not intentionally.
to the same extent, i also hate when people don't ask to pet dogs first. you don't know that dog and just because it acts fine in public spaces doesn't mean it acts fine when random people touch it.
No. 289028
>>289023my friend's york shire smells so bad i want to puke everytime i visit her house. his breath is unbearable, i want to die when he sits on my lap.
i wish i could just tell her to get the stinky motherfucker away from me without her getting mad.
No. 289029
>>289024>>289025honestly, i'd go so far as to say that with how irresponsible dog owners are, like, 90% of them don't give a shit at all about their dogs. i see so many of them violating leash laws, letting their dogs run around in their yard and dig holes, etc.
i know so many dogs that have escaped and attacked other dogs and humans and did have to be put down for it.
like, being lazy is one thing, but your dog will be killed if it hurts anyone. and it's a lot of them that actually do this kind of shit. this fake dog love i hear all damn day long from 'dog lovers' is disgusting. they'll sit there and act like their dogs are their lives while being irresponsible with them around children, other animals, etc.
No. 289032
>>289029seriously, my mom only liked her little dogs just to say she had them and to love on them every once in a while. besides that she took no responsibility for them and i seriously felt bad, because you could tell they wanted attention and needed to be trained. they'd just shit and pee everywhere and bark constantly.
i think that's why i have such disdain for small dogs, because i know when people get small dogs they're more inclined not to train them or take care of them, they're just cute little toys. not saying that everyone who gets big dogs are any better, just i know that it's more likely with small dogs to have shit owners, they think having a small dog means no maintenance at all.
No. 289042
I've seen a woman walking down the street, see a more attractive woman, and the for a few minutes, change courses and follow the more attractive woman, with her dog on a lead in front of her barking, and then change courses again when she got bored and went back to her original path. Literally using the dog to harass people.
Or the dog owners who let their dogs off the lead 24/7 and let them run at, bark at, jump on strangers. Or attack other's dogs.
Most of the bad dogs come from bad shitty owners. This story is also awful, poor dog
>>289024This one is the owner's fault
>>288994Most people are retards and can't look after themselves, their children and certainly not a pet. Most pets live 6 years max in the average home. Dogs are descended from wolves (or wild dogs and foxes as my theory, for some of the smaller breeds that resemble different breeds of wild dog and fox)
They still have the character traits and aren't suitable to be around children, or careless idiots, which is what happens most of the time.
No. 289047
>>289044Your best bet is probably to scoop each day and use cat wipes (or a cloth with water) to wipes their paws periodically.
I've heard of toilet training but that seems difficult and unnecessary while presenting other problems (cat falling in the toilet for one, lmao).
No. 289085
>>289024That pisses me off so much! I have issues when it comes to parents buying dogs for their shit kids. Half the time the kid wants to play for a week, then hates when they have to clean up its poop, wash/bathe them, etc.
People getting dogs for very young kids is a recipe for disaster. they aren't toys, and they live a very long time. I really wish dogs were harder to get because of shitty owners, but society has made them so mainstream that i am counting the people that are dogless, rather than own dogs now a days.
No. 289088
>>289044Now a days, they have self cleaning litter boxes, which is pretty cool. you'd never have to touch their shit if you're willing to shell out $1000+ on one. OT, sorry.
Also, like other anon said, you can wipe their paws with little wet naps. they're still 100% cleaner than dogs by a long shot.
No. 289089
>>289086People for some reason seem to rule out that dogs (even the smaller breed) still have teeth and will rip your shit up. I don't want to deal with any dog that can bite my face or worse if they aren't in a good mood. Larger dogs are basically deadly half the time, esp if they encounter a smaller dog or cat on a walk.
I've seen documentaries about pitbulls and seen horrible footage of them mauling cats, other small dogs and children. it's appalling.
No. 289113
I was a dog groomer for 5 years, and I went from loving dogs (having grown up with them) to despising them.
The screaming and biting while doing something as innocuous as merely touching their foot, the relentless cycle of shitting for the dryer, having to rebathe them, then they shit again, scratching and clawing, holy fuck. I was literally losing my sanity and will to live while I did that job. It was great money. But it was the most stress I've ever encountered. I dreaded going to work every day to have my schedule packed full of dogs I'm expected to do in less than an hour when they take an hour to dry alone because they're such fucking assholes killed my soul. Groomers would quit all the time, just walk out, because they couldn't handle the stress - which left the remaining groomers picking up their schedule in addition to their own. After 5 miserable years, I walked out too. I didn't even care anymore that it fucked over my coworkers. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Logically I know that in most cases it's the shitty owners' faults (and yes, they were hell to deal with too, because god forbid you ever tell them their precious baby was less than angel, or they get angry you couldn't finish shaving them because they were attacking your hands) but when you're stuck in a hot, clammy back room full of screaming biting dogs you lose sight of the logic.
It's a shame, because on the occasions I got an actual well behaved dog, I really enjoyed my work. I had ton of repeat clients who specifically asked for me, it was the only job where I legitimately felt I was not just good at it, I was great at it. But 90% of the dogs were horrific to deal with. Absolute monsters. And way too far gone to retrain - not that their psychotic owners would bother. Even the dogs who had to be sedated (which was a lot of the clientele) would still bite and lunge.
The job made me hate dogs. I will never own a dog again, even though I know I could train it to behave perfectly because I'm slightly less braindead than the average owner, but all I can think about when I see a cute dog on the street is how shitty it probably is for a groom.
No. 289208
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Thanks for this thread OP, it feels like disliking dogs has somehow become a taboo.
Imo the worst thing is, when parents put their ~doggo babies~ before their actual children. this video owners of dangerous dogs whine about the "offensive" things people say to them, like e.g. asking whether their dogs bite.
I noticed an interesting pattern in the comments:
>They're so cute!!!>My pitbull is so sweet, he's actually afraid of [insert something]>Actually, chihuahuas are the most aggressive dogsand of course the all time favourite:
>It's the owners fault!!!1000s of likes
>I don't hate dogs, but I'm scared because I was bitten as a child. It's a phobia, one can't help it.>In my street a little kid was nearly killed by one. Asking whether it's dangerous is only being cautious.0 likes…
There once was a discussion in the unpopular opinion thread there an anon also defended dogs by saying that right now she's cuddling with hers in bed, because he's scared of thunder. Every living being has one weakness. Ted Bundy probably was also scared of at least one thing. But that doesn't make them any less dangerous.
And saying chihuahuas or dachshunds bite more often… even a little child could defend themselves by simply stepping on them. There are so many videos out there of pitbulls and co literally ripping adult men apart, despite others hitting them. Their instinct to kill is so strong that they don't give a fuck how much they're getting hurt, so don't tell me they're actually "nannies". Most other animals and even humans with their bare hands wouldn't be able to do so much physical damage.
>I have a bull breed and he is scared of frogs,toads, butterflies, caterpillars……and he sits in your lap when he wants attention.>looks over at pit bull that I'm babysitting who has his belly up and tongue out Yup, super dangerous.>I have a 'dangerous' dog and let me tell yea he is scared of my kitten so yea so dangerous>My pit bull is the sweetest animal alive. He thinks he's a little Pomeranian and sits on your lap, smiling up at you like you're his whole world. He has never been aggressive towards anyone, and frankly, the only reason I could picture someone not liking him would be because he gives "too many" kisses (there's no such thing as too many kisses)!Yikes to that…
>My dog is a beagle pit bull mix and he bites people, he runs as fast as a cheetah and he’s really hyper and EVERYONE that meets him gets really scared of him but he’s sooo cute! He’s also a big dog but he’s only 2 years old 😂!>As an owner of an all black 120 pound pitbull who is the sweetest thing on the planet, I can say that I won't speak to you again if you tell me any of these. Plus my so called "dangerous animal" is scared of most things. She once hid behind me bc she saw a cat. She barks at her shadow. She's scared of my two bunnies. She's probably the opposite of a guard dog. Honestly if there was a break in at my home, she'd most likely want to play with the burglar. Does that sound like a vicious dog to you?Just because you think it looks cute, doesn't change the fact that it could rip your face of.
And probably my favourite:
>I don’t understand how certain types of breeds are more dangerous than others, just imagine if we did this to people (we actually do) it would be a total injustice of our human rights, so why should animals be treated any No. 289221
>>289202a lot of dogs have very oily or greasy coats. if you pet somwthing like a poodle your hands won't feel unclean (unless they are filthy) but dogs like labradors have nasty coats 24/7, even if they were bathed recently. and honestly dogs just fucking smell.
my ex's mom had a nasty Yorkie that she let sleep with her (!!!) who was a greasy monster. smelled awful, felt like petting a person with thin hair that hasn't been washed in months. he smelled so fucking bad I could not believe that she allowed him to sleep with her. his smell alone nauseated me and I actually like dogs.
i used to be one of those people who hated cats because growing up my parents demonized them and my close friend had these horribly unsocialized cats that would hide. then I wound up rescuing a cat from a hoarding situation and they are the pet for me 100%. my cat is so cuddly, sleeps with me every night, sits in my lap when I work from home, greets me at the door when I come home…anyone who says cats are aloof and unaffectionate have never owned a cat.
No. 289255
>>289208rofl, what an idiot. Imagine if people let murderers and rapists roam free and other people with tendencies to be violent. It's not like we have a jail for that shit or anything.
I think for dog breeds personally, we KNOW wht the dog's behavior will be like based on the genetic makeup. Certain dogs are breed for certain things. What idiot doesn't realize that pitbulls are bred for fighting and always have aggressive behavior, even when completely unprovoked. There's no harm to legit breeding pitbulls out of existence. they haven't done anything for humanity, except maul and kill people/other animals.
I swear, i'm not a dog hater, but pitbull apologists are the scum of the earth imo.
No. 289274
>>289175>>289253Ugh. I think huskies are such beautiful dogs but every time I see one I get sad because I'm almost certain the owner doesn't give them the proper care. I saw a guy walking down the street with a shaved husky and it pissed me off. Everybody wants a husky to look cute for their social media photos but never want to put in any actual work to give the animal a decent life.
A girl I know was gushing to me about how cool huskies are and how much she wants one. Meanwhile, she whines about having to walk her family's dog, who is a little lapdog that weighs like 20 pounds. She gives that poor dog five minute walks because she's too fat and lazy. And it's not even like he's a big or energetic breed… I fucking hate lazy people who get dogs. And she thinks she could handle a damn husky? God.
No. 289447
>>289221yes, instead of fur, yorkie's mostly have actual hair as coats, therefore they get super greasy within a few days after bathing them and they look super raggedy and smell bad.
my mom has one and she looks like a sewer rat most of the time. doesn't help that she constantly barks at all times of the day, shits and pees everywhere, and has the attention span of a squirrel.
No. 289476
>>289457well, because they're not. they're servants that people pretend they see as 'family', when truly, the only thing they value about them is the fact that they're servile.
it's all a lie.
No. 289531
>>289462>having children when you can just have a dogkek
have fun being and being puked on
No. 289616 couple of weeks or so I go to this site to check to see how this current year goes for people killed by dogs, often dreading to see a new story and unfortunately there usually is but I will admit I am pleased to see another pitbull owner killed by their own pitbull which is the latest case.
However I am still angry and depressed to see the other victims which are usually children and old folks.
I don't hate all dogs, I still love friendly ones but I certainly am on the pitbull bandwagon hate though I feel it's justified due to the statistics.
No. 289672
>>289617of course you can't 'take the bait', because there's nothing to argue. parrots are incredibly intelligent. parrots don't typically viciously attack people to death, neither do ferrets, cats, etc. and all of those animals, you can easily, easily defend against in comparison to dogs.
are you going to try to suggest that dogs aren't strong and don't have incredible tearing and biting capability?
or are you going to try to claim dogs are not unstable or unpredictable?
No. 289684
>>289024This may not be a popular opinion, but honestly, if you can't care for your fucked up pet, putting it down is better than making it 100% someone else's problem. I would hope they at least TRIED to get it adopted, but if you already fucking ruined a creature, passing the buck to overburdened shelters and fosters whose resources are already strained is super fucking selfish.
Then again, it's fucking stupid to get another dog, but that's dog owners for you.
No. 289685
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There should be a $350 dog license class that you MUST take to be eligible to adopt.
$600 to buy purebreds
$1000 to deal with any "guard dog" breed, especially if intended to use one as such.
Live down the street from a pair of Dobermans, one of which barks constantly at anyone walking buy. Their fence is not large enough to contain it. Same thing in my previous neighborhood with a German Shepard. If your dog barks, charges, and follows someone walking on the sidewalk "within their yard" you should be fucking charged or have to produce a license that the dogs are trained enough never to jump the fence.
Fuck these dog owners. For ever well-adjusted dog sitting outside of a coffee shop, there's 25 more in a 10 mile radius that can barely handle being alive without flipping out constantly.
No. 289698
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>>289531>implying dogs can't puke/piss/poop/chew up your shitYou sound like someone who has never owned a dog lmao
>>289659seriously, they're just as bad as poor fags and humblebrag fags
No. 289704
>>289672Parrots, especially the "incredibly intelligent" (??) kind, are high maintenance, fucking loud, messy, needy and will probably outlive you. They also have the capability to hurt you or your children.
Ferrets are also high maintenance and fucking stink. They are basically small, slithery dogs/cats and will bite. If you knew anything about them, you wouldn't compare them.
Yes, dogs have the capability to do damage, but so do other animals. Animals are in general, unstable, unpredictable and a risk. And also extremely varied. Are you going to claim a pomeranian has "incredible tearing and biting capability"? Are you going to claim that a rowdy white cockatoo isn't unpredictable?
No. 289724
>>289704this was such a terrible, terrible refutation of the original post.
> kind, are high maintenance, fucking loud, messy, needy and will probably outlive you. They also have the capability to hurt you or your children.outliving me isn't a downside. and why are you putting question marks as if parrots haven't been shown to be intelligent, and more intelligent than dogs? and because dogs aren't high maintenance or loud? half of the posts in this thread are complaints about dogs barking constantly. you have to pick up their warm shit with your hands every day 3+ times a day, have to walk them, exercise them (outside of the house if you aren't a shit owner), and are incredibly needy. or messy? they eat and roll around in shit and vomit and have no ability to control themselves. they will eat until they vomit. so dogs aren't capable of hurting children? the majority of dog bites are literally inflicted upon children and you're very likely to be bitten by your dog at some point in its lifetime. and most dog attacks are by family member's or friend's pets. nice.
>Ferrets are also high maintenance and fucking stink. They are basically small, slithery dogs/cats and will bite. If you knew anything about them, you wouldn't compare them.what the fuck kind of rebuttal is this? no one was even talking about how high maintenance the animal is. the original post was about risk of injury. any animal can bite you, retard, that's obvious, but you can more easily kick off a low to the ground ferret with smaller jaws than even a small dog. i'd much rather have a musky ferret than a smelly ass dog that's needy, rolls around in shit, and is a public nuisance. at least ferrets aren't at risk for escaping and brutally attacking your neighbor's child or your neighbor's dog or cat and needing to be put down.
>Yes, dogs have the capability to do damage, but so do other animals. Animals are in general, unstable, unpredictable and a risk. And also extremely varied. Are you going to claim a pomeranian has "incredible tearing and biting capability"? Are you going to claim that a rowdy white cockatoo isn't unpredictable?relative to their size, yes, their tearing capability is still very impressive considering their size, and they can still do considerable damage if they want to. small dogs and puppies can still maul babies to death pretty easily, and has literally been the case with pomeranians before. google it.
all animals are unpredictable, because they're animals, obviously, but dogs snap and often don't give as many warning signs as many other animals, and they don't stop attacking when they attack. the key is to mitigate and prevent damage. parrots and cats don't attack people in the same way dogs do, and dog bites, and severe dog bites, are incredibly common. even if not trying to prevent harm to yourself or family members, all of these animals are STILL less likely to escape and attack and kill other animals. if you're going to run the risk of having an animal, it makes sense to not have a dog over other animals, imo. the personality profile of dogs suck, too, in comparison to all of these other animals, imo.
No. 289758
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>>288706Idk if anybody else feels the same but I either hate or love dogs.
Either they're a complete shit stain of a dog or they're the cutest purest little ball of floof (ignoring the high maintenance fact).
I absolutely despise untrained dogs.
When I was younger I absolutely hated dogs. I lived in a tiny village and often that means that all of your neighbours have dogs like they're guarding a fucking treasure mansion when the crime was abysmally low. So basically you couldn't walk a few feet without having a barking idiot dog spot you from ACROSS the street. Or dogs that managed to climb up their fence and decide that you're in their territory cause the street is theirs.
I don't really blame the dogs, more often than not people jump in and get a breed they never researched prior. My relatives first got an english bulldog, an adorable, although smelly, bastard. After he passed away (cause yeah, those dogs come with a shit ton of health problems) they decided to get a Basset Hound. Look at this lil cutie with his funny droopy look ! He's probably very gentle and quiet and shuffle along right ? Except it's a hunting dog and he'll need a ton of exercise and training, otherwise he'll think of himself as the master of the house. So basically that stupid dog not only smelled like hell (cause those ears just drag along and pick up whatever shit they find) but was just terrible and violent towards guests.
At least when someone has a terrible cat I can punt that shit across the room, or keep it away with a broom. Try doing that with a dog that's almost your weight.
No. 289764
Keep vicariously pretending your dog is your child. You deserve everything that comes your way.
Fucking Dog faggots.
No. 289790
>>289724i dont think you even know what you're arguing about anymore. you're criticizing an animal for being an animal while at the same time, holding other obnoxious animals on a pedestal
> but dogs snap and often don't give as many warning signs as many other animals, and they don't stop attacking when they attackhonestly this entire post reads like someone who's only ever interacted with your ghetto family's dog. dogs dont fuck with you unless you fuck with them first, pitbulls aside. dumbass people think they can encroach on an animal they don't know and act surprised when theyre told to back off
sorry you couldn't touch fluffy over there, but animals aren't public property who's mouth you can stick your hand in
>even if not trying to prevent harm to yourself or family members, all of these animals are STILL less likely to escape and attack and kill other animalsif you hadn't brought up cats in the other post, this excuse would be a lot less shitty. if you wanna talk about level of damage, invasive cats have wiped out populations of wildflife. name me a dog breed that's done this
just say you hate dogs without trying to justify it so hard lmao
No. 289826

>>289790>you're criticizing an animal for being an animal while at the same time, holding other obnoxious animals on a pedestalbecause there are fewer benefits and more risk to having a dog. i just said that. as i said, cats attack differently than dogs. once a dog starts straight up attacking you, they're unlikely to back down, stop, and let go. cats don't attack like that, for example, which means that coupled with their waaay less muscle and muscle fibers that are meant specifically more for speed/running/agility, rather than brute force/strength, than even the smallest of dogs, even their worst attack will generally not be that bad, let alone compared to a medium sized or large dog. i don't know why you refuse to grasp this.
>dogs dont fuck with you unless you fuck with them first, pitbulls aside. are you serious? dogs are incredibly territorial, and as i said, will escape and attack other animals. cats and parrots are not similarly territorial. have you not seen the many, many videos of dogs just snapping and attacking people because of loud noises or sudden movements? it doesn't make them enormous assholes, it just makes them powerful animals that are serious liabilities that people are refusing to consider as liabilities when they definitely are ones.
>if you hadn't brought up cats in the other post, this excuse would be a lot less shitty. if you wanna talk about level of damage, invasive cats have wiped out populations of wildflife. name me a dog breed that's done thissad that you needed to reach this much when i was explicitly talking about the risk they pose to other domestic animals whose lives are valued by their families/owners, and, more importantly, children. they're put down all of the time because they attack children. why aren't you willing to acknowledge this? this does not happen to cats because cats don't typically escape their homes, lose their shit, and start attacking people.
but since you asked:
>Oxford researchers Joelene Hughes and David W. Macdonald reviewed 69 studies on canine-wildlife relations in rural areas. All but three of these articles found that dogs had a negative impact, mostly due to predation.
>Free-roaming dogs can especially cause harm on islands, where ecosystems tend to be vulnerable in the face of non-native predators like dogs. For instance, in the late 1980s, researchers found that a single German shepherd on the loose in New Zealand's Waitangi State Forest was responsible for killing up to 500 kiwis. The dog had a collar, but was unregistered, and its owner was not found.
>In another example from 2006, 12 ownerless dogs were thought to be wiping out populations of the endangered Fijian ground frog on Viwa Island., this wasn't even important. the topic at hand was the liability towards children and pets.
please enjoy this video of a neighbor's dog that most people would visually peg as aggressive or threatening, just a medium sized mutt (read it was a lab mix?), escaping their house and randomly attacking and dragging a child on a tricycle, who is then saved by his cat. but "dogs don't attack unless provoked", sure, that's why these things happen all of the time.
No. 289852
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>>289826That’s a good argument anon.
No. 289853
>>289704how are dogs not equally messy, loud or needy? I don't have to walk my senegal every day nor does he ever reach the volume a dog does on the occasions he decides to be noisy. any mess he makes can be vacuumed with ease, and he wears a flight harness outside of his cage to contain poops. larger parrots are obviously more capable of damage and noise, but again, it's very easy to contain their mess and avoid household destruction. their noise is on par with a dog who barks all day. as for biting, birds can vote, and a large cockatoo could give you stitches, but biting to the point of serious damage is incredibly rare (and reserved for birds like cockatoos).
ferrets are shit pets tho I agree with you there.
>small dogs don't have incredible ripping and tearing capacitiesyou are truly uneducated about dogs if you believe this. a Pomeranian can fuck you up. any small terrier was bred specifically to tear prey to shreds. will a pitbull be capable of doing more damage and be a lot harder to fend off? of course, but small dogs still have centuries of breeding behind them and still have a mouth full of sharp teeth specifically to rip and tear flesh. I work with dogs for a living and have been bit a few times. the only one I was hospitalized for with stitches was a shitty chihuahua/Jack Russel mix. when it comes to "can this dog do serious damage to me" the answer is yes, for every single breed of dog, regardless of size. small dogs tend to have a worse attitude and training due to shitty owners who spoil them and don't treat them like dogs because they're small.
No. 289909
>>289826sorry, samefag, but meant to say that most people WOULDN'T typically immediately peg the dog as being threatening/a threat based on appearance alone.
>>289852ty anon, appreciate you
>>289870and there are seriously so many. my uncle's dog just escaped two weeks ago from his backyard (small-medium poodlish mutt thing) and killed his neighbor's really sweet dog. happens to kids too, all of the time, but can you imagine the amount of dogs that would be put down if it was mandatory to put them down after they killed other pets for no reason??
No. 289951
>>289853i never said dogs aren't capable of being messy. they're also capable of being not messy. i've owned dogs and birds. the birds were a bigger pain in the ass to clean after than my two dogs.
i also never said small dogs can't do damage. ive also seen enough small dogs who can't rip and tear things to shit because their jaws don't have the power to do so. so no, from my own experience, not every dog can do serious damage.
>implying cats aren't on an evolutionary level, literal agile killing machines whose bites aren't "generally that bad"im really sorry to say but you truly don't know a thing. but keep watching those cute cat videos i guess
No. 289989
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No. 289999
>>289684They didn't, they immediately got him euthanized without telling anyone. He was a really cute dog despite all the health shit and his behavior wasn't awful… I'm sure someone would've taken him if they did try. They could've even pawned him off on our other family members.
Also meant to add to that post that they kept him in a tiny cage virtually all the time, even when they were at home with him. Only let him out of it for walks and food. Probably a major reason why he was fat and depressed.
No. 290057
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>>289993Here's mine conveying her opinion of this thread.
No. 290205
>>290057I saw this photo at work and it made me smile. Such a cutie pie
>>290010That sounds like heaven. i wish more complexes had those rules.
No. 290233
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>>290223>does liking dogs make you retarded or sonething?Tbh, yes
>>290209More like 'reality'
No. 290238
>>290235I don't even hate pitbulls or dogs, tbh, I just don't like them all that much and think they're overrated, but what I REALLY can't stand are these people that should not ever be parents, let alone the owners of a large pet like this, that end up causing more damage to these dogs. Hell, almost all dog owners are lazy as fuck and underestimate how dangerous their dogs are, but big dog owners are THE WORST, because by default, you have to be an idiot that underestimates risks and dangers to allow an enormous, bear-ass-like beast into your home.
No. 290240
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>>290239Last one.
After that flight I would be the one who'd need a "service" dog because muh ptsd (or actually rather not…)
No. 290243
>>290237Children shouldn't be around dogs, ever, of any size. It's either you have a child or a dog.
>>290240This would give me such bad anxiety, it's not even funny. There is NO reason why people need such large dogs if not for farming, policework, etc. Just shouldn't be legal.
No. 290255
>>290246>>290253Correction, anons:
She was ALMOST 3, meaning that she was actually only 2…
No. 290263
>>290231Yeah that is an example of a good dog, dude was an idiot though. Dogs can freak when they see violence, he should have considered the dog might try attacking him.
>>290209Doesn't need to be hate towards the dogs, most dog owners are too stupid and irresponsible to be dog owners. They were bred to work and that is what they should be doing, ideally. Dogs need productive outlets for their energies.
No. 290266
>>290240That's probably a shortass flight, but man, that looks uncomfortable for the dog.
Do people with severe animal dander allergies get a heads up if there's pets in the cabin?
No. 290276
>>290239>someone needs to ID himMaybe because it's a school to learn and not a dog daycare??
These people are insane. And while we're on topic, i absolutely hate people who calls dog 'doggos.' shut up
No. 290298
>>290266that's what i was thinking. short flight or not– that's a huge dog (great dane type) and my allergies would go haywire. Also, i was born with asthma, which links to pet dander as a
trigger for them. i could have an attack and die, but fuck me, right? the precious dog angels are more important
No. 290356
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A woman just moved out of my building. She was the proud owner of eight (8) little, very yappy dogs. They lived together in a 900sqft apartment. In NYC. With no yard and very little green space for the dogs to actually move around.
They were horribly trained. I couldn't leave my apartment while they were in the lobby, lest they yap and block the doorway. If she was going inside the building while I was intending to, I had to wait five minutes for her to stop her dumbass dogs from getting distracted and yapping at some stimulus outside so they could be herded back in (and if something happened inside, they would start yapping again and refuse to go up the stairs). The smell of dog would linger in the lobby for a half hour after she took them for a walk, and occasionally one would leave a 'present' for the rest of the neighbors to find.
Dog Lady was a very strange woman who seldom talked to anybody else, but when she did, it was in the same 'mommyese' way that she would talk to her dogs. I'm pretty sure she didn't have a job and have no idea how she afforded to live where she did in addition to the astronomical monthly pet fee she must have paid for eight little yappy dogs and the cost of taking care of eight little yappy dogs. If only she'd used some of that money to train them.
No. 290379
>>290369Cats actually do have parasites that can cause really severe harm to infants and toddlers. Like, irreversible brain damage. That's probably what she was talking about.
That said, it's generally only an issue if the child or pregnant woman comes into direct contact with their feces. Don't let baby near the litter box and you're usually good to go.
No. 290381
>>290278"This human being should be put down because I don't like the breed of dog it has". Nice anon, nice.
>>290237Sad for the kid but realistically the parent is to blame here. Obviously if you have a dog, you don't let your child be unsupervised with it ESPECIALLY when it's eating– it could be a pit, a labrador, even a fucking chihuahua, if a dog is eating it has a chance to get territorial.
>>290240Something tells me this is a some sort of form of animal negligence. You have a huge dog who already has problems with it's joints and you're making it squeeze into a tiny spot where it can't get comfortable for what, an hour at the least? Not only that but you're going to get so many pissed off people.
No. 290414
>>290379From what i read, its not that common. But yes, you're right, any feces shouldn't be near the mother or baby at all, standard stuff. When I read an article, it said dogs can carry most of the same parasites as cats, besides toxoplasmosis. But for a cat to contract it, its quite unlikely if they're indoor only and have had their shots, and are not fed raw food, birds, rats, etc. Ive seen dogs eat random things off the ground when they go outside, and makes them more susceptible to fleas which if ingested, causes worm parasites.
No. 290719
>>290240Is it just me, or has there been a rise on muh service dogs in the last few years? I never saw this shit growing up, but I swear, it's common now. The people who usually have them don't even train them to do service work half the time anyway.
Anyway, I don't outright hate dogs, but I will say I've soured to them and their dumbass owners the older I've gotten. As a kid, I loved dogs, especially big ones because I'd run around outside a lot and play with them. But years of being around several little dogs constantly shitting and barking while I was a teen, combined with now living in a still sort of rural area where dumbasses will let their dogs roam sometimes, has soured me as an adult. I've seen dogs kill animals in my yard, and I've had to run them off. I've had dogs run up to me while I was walking, and while they didn't harm me, it was still a fucking risk. I wanna exercise in peace. And to top it all off, I was bitten by a dog owned by one of my dumbass irresponsible relatives. I only needed a few stitches, thank god, but I can remember calling them to tell them what happened. And she sounded more concerned about the dog than me.
I can't fucking stand people who just let their dogs roam. There's fields out here farmers work in, and dogs from other houses will roam all the way across those, and wind up in my yard sometimes. I had one literally on my porch, nose pressed to my door once. I'm of the opinion that roaming dogs should be shot and killed, but god knows what would happen if you did something like that.
No. 290814
>>290754I was legit just talking to my spouse about this bs last night. i work retail and there's a woman who comes in all the time with her stupid mutt, labeled as a service/comfort companion. We are a clothing store, but also sell breakable ceramics, vases, etc, so we have a no dogs allowed sign.
People piss me off who do this and act all offended when you dont want them smelly, destructive dog in your place of business.
No. 290842
>>290754>>290814I used to know some people who had two "service dogs". One was a morbidly obese woman with a large lab or similar breed, and the other was her "depressed" daughter who had some annoying small breed, that was supposedly for her anxiety. The big dog was halfway trained at least, but the little one had little to no training at all. The whole situation was just fucking weird.
I spotted a service dog or two when I was out at a comic convention recently too. Can't say I'm too shocked there. Those dogs are probably "servicing" their owners autism.
No. 291153
>Nope, it’s normal. Lets be honest human babies aren’t very cute when compared to other animals.
>Absolutely not. Sure, some people like babies. Some people LOVE babies. But almost everyone loves dogs, and especially puppies. Not liking animals is generally a sign of being a bad person. Not liking babies, on the other hand, is more a sign that you don’t enjoy screaming, crying, puking, and stinking diapers. Human babies are incredibly hard to take care of, and it takes them years to grow up enough before they aren’t keeping you up all night and making a mess of everything. For a puppy, it takes them about a month or less to grow out of that phase, if properly trained. They’re cuddly, snuggly, furry babies who don’t keep you up all night crying.. usually. And if they do, it’s resolved far more quickly. They are much, much easier to love than a human baby.
>No, I am the exact same way. It’s not that I like both dogs and humans a lot, but dogs have a slight edge — no. I love dogs and I royally dislike humans. Well, maybe it’s more that I dislike humans that have been tainted by society. Humans have the capacity to be likeable, just that there are so many unlikable humans out there that are skewing my perception giving me a misanthropic bias. Bottom line: if I had to choose between saving a puppy or a baby from a burning building, I would go for the puppy first. Then I would take that puppy from the owners, because they are assholes who left it to burn in a house fire. May some awful plague befall mankind. To which I am immune.
>Nope, you are exceptionally sane. If people were honest, human babies are ugly as hell. Of course you love your own baby despite that, but to love other people’s ugly babies is insane.
>No. I would say your quite sane. I have children that are grown and I love them very much. I love my dog just as much if not more because he doesn't have a rude smart mouth.I hope they leave you to rot in a retirement home instead of taking care of you themselves once you're old if your "fur baby" is so much more important to you than your own children…
No. 291170
>>291153>According to a recent study published in Society & Animals, humans feel more empathy for dogs than fellow people.>Researchers took 256 people and showed them four fake newspaper stories. In each, the individual in question had been beaten by a baseball bat by an "unknown assailant" and left unconscious, with a "broken leg and multiple lacerations." The four victims were:>A 1-year-old human baby, a 30-year-old adult human, a puppy and a 6-year-old dog.>Guess which individual elicited the most empathy?>the order of empathy was highest for the puppy, then the human baby, then the older dog, then the adult human.>Having dogs in the office makes for workers who are more engaged, productive, and happier.>And since pups are basically love incarnate, it's fitting that science is backing up what we've always known to be true: there's nothing quite so comforting as the company of a dog.>in one study, people were faced with a dilemma in which they could either save a human being or their pet dog, but not both, from being hit and killed by a bus. Under some circumstances, more than one-third of people surveyed chose to save their dog, leaving the human to his cruel fate.>This clearly supports the idea that as far as our brains are concerned, dogs and children are equally lovable.>Subjects did not view their dogs as animals, but rather as 'fur babies' or family members alongside human children.>On the face of it, preferring a dog over humans seems absurd. After all, dogs' thinking is limited, their speech non-existent. Yet, especially if people haven't been reliably kind to you, a dog offers certain advantages:>Reliability. A dog will always be there for you. Compare that with the human divorce rate.Comparing owning an animal with marriage…
So having a dog
>Non-judgmentalness. A dog will never disparage you. As was made famous by psychotherapist Carl Rogers, non-judgmental listening can often be of great benefit.>No hidden motives. People are sometimes nice to your face and stab you in the back. Or they're nice until it becomes expedient not to be, for example, if serious money is at stake. With doggies, what you see is what you get–consistent, unconditional love.>Practical matters: A doggie forces you to get out and take walks–healthy. If you're single, a doggie is a date magnet. It can provide security—most dogs bark when someone comes near your home. And on a personal note, my doggie Einstein is my receptionist, welcoming clients with a wag and a kiss—something no human receptionist would do. And he's my co-counselor: If a client likes, Einstein will sit next to him on the sofa. The client often pets the dog during the session–a great stress buster. Years after a client has finished working with me, I've often received a note that includes a line such as, "How's Einstein? Give him a hug for me.">Even if you generally prefer people over dogs, for most of us, the benefits of having a doggie in the family far outweigh the liabilities.Written by a guy with a Ph.D
But "dog haters" are the ones lacking empathy… No other species would prefer a different one over their own young ones.
I personally don't want children, but genuinely thinking that the life of an animal is worth more than the one of a human, child or adult, is absolutely shit. Go on, call yourself
hooman, you seem to have lost any sense of humanity anyways.
No. 291198
>>291153>>291170jfc, i hate this. These people always end up having kids and neglecting them too. That's horribly sad.
I remember watching a dog trainer episode (ceaser whatshisface) and some husband wasnt able to get into his own home for over a year because the dog they had loved the wife more. This bitch legit let a dog terrorize her own husband, but she loved the dog so much. such a sweet mutt!!
I would have ran for divorceland.
No. 291271
>>291153>implying puppies don't howl, puke, shit and destroy your stuffUhuh.
Dog people weird me the fuck out. I feel like if you love an animal primarily because it's needy, obedient and constantly all up in your shit there's something wrong with you.
No. 291359
>>291271exactly. imagine this:
"i love my girlfriend because she will do EVERYTHING I ASK without question, she always loves me, she NEEDS ME and will literally die without me, she needs to be with me 24/7 and gets incredibly depressed when not with me all of the time or nearly all of the time, and she loves me no matter how shitty or what a disappointment i am, as long as i feed her and rub her back and will remain loyal to me even if i don't treat her well"
(keeping in the last part about not treating them well, because dogs DO still kiss ass even if verbally abused, hit, and will remain loyal to their abusers. cats and most other animals will say 'go fuck yourself' as much as possible.)
would people not think this person is an abusive narc? yes. but apply that shit to dogs and it's totally reasonable!
i feel bad for domestic dogs. they don't have enough mental fortitude to be their own people and rely on humans for direction. i think it's inherently a shit situation and i don't see much to idealize in it. it's just kind of sad. like seeing a woman in a relationship that is emotionally abused but her bf treats her kind of well otherwise, so she'll never see it
people that don't see anything wrong with a relationship that's predicated on someone or something doing what you ask, without question, always, and glorifying that, definitely have issues.
No. 291484
>>291271They say it like they're so proud too. Their filthy mutt does whatever they want and say like slaves and they're totally fine with that.
>>291359This sums it up nicely
No. 291644
>>291605at least crazy cat people mind their own business. you might never want to go to their house and they smell like cat food but at least they aren't trying to take their cats to public establishments pretending they're service animals.
>>291359>gets incredibly depressed when not with me all of the time to the point of destroying my entire house until i get homefify
No. 291653
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Holy fuck @ all that unsaged, samefagottry
You are one unhinged motherfucker
No. 291662
>>291271>>291359I think the only reasonable excuse for actually liking dogs aside from "they so cute uwu" is that they're relatively smart, which can be endearing, and will do tricks/play fetch/entertain you a bit. Aside from that, dog owners are pretty fucking creepy with their desire for something so absolutely dependent on them. It's also fucking annoying how dog owners reach for miles as soon as you mention you don't like dogs for reasons that you should like dogs or that you're a shitty person for not liking dogs.
>>291650Oh yeah, definitely. All the insane dog people I've ever met were white. They also love throwing shit at other cultures and calling them subhuman for eating dogs (ie the Yulin festival petition that gets nowhere every year). They'll raise a storm about it and protest about it in their own home countries and do nothing about relevant issues then go home and pat themselves on the back.
No. 291673
>>291662yes, they're good at specialized tasks, but tbh, even goldfish can be trained to do ball tricks and shit. dogs are definitely very intelligent, but it's not like most people are exercising their intelligence to their full capacity or care to, anyways. the go to is ALWAYS "they're loyal and do everything i say", but then in the same breath call them their 'family' or 'daughter' or 'son'.
it's like, uhhh, ok, maybe don't have kids then if that's the kind of relationship you think is ideal or admirable for any family member, let alone anything that you consider to be your child.
No. 291707
>>288788I hate large/medium breed dogs because if I see them on the street I’m terrified they are going to attack me and in people’s hoses they jump on you and stuff their head in your crotch/ass for 5 minutes while you push it away meanwhile you have to act like it’s okay because their owners are there.
But these little inbred dogs are so cute to me. If someone has a tiny dog I carry it around the whole time I’m there just like I would if they had a cat.
No. 291718
>>291712My favorite is when they babble on about how mean cats are, how cats are evil, how cats always bite them. Meanwhile, my cats just lay around, or climb onto my desk for attention, or follow me around. And the only thing I've ever been bitten by is a fucking dog.
If every cat a person has encountered has been mean to them, then the problem probably isn't the cats. It's them.
No. 291736
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No. 291750
>>291746Accidentally clicked "send" but
While I'm not for killing them brutally, I just want people to stop breeding them.
To me, if you get a pitbull you MUST fix it.
They're not even loyal, how many times in the news you see people attacked by their family dog? Cute pictures of your beast wont make it innocent, don't blame me when you'll lose half of your face due your "baby"
People often bring up other races and say shit like "Golden Retrievers and Dachsunds are more aggressive!"
First of all:
1) Golden Retrievers are not bred to kill. They make great service and therapy dogs, plus tell me how many times you've seen a golden retriever in the news
2) Yess, Dachsunds and other small dogs are more aggressive but one dachsund or chihuahua alone can't kill you, they can physically inflict deadly wounds, you need a lot of them to be deadly. With a pitbull, you just need one bit.
Plus don't get me started on the pugs and bulls
I know a lot of people who gets pugs because they're cute and meme-y with that "ugly cute" but I just call them animal haters, since pugs are bred to be sick. They cannot breath, run and they often their skin gets infected and their joints get dislocated a lot.
Bulls are so shit-ly bred that they cannot breath and always do that HHHHHHHHHHRRHRHRHH HRHRRRHRHRH sound when they walk and cannot naturally give birth, every bull has to get a c-section.
Fucking cruelty.
In the end, is not the dogs per se, but the shitty people who bred them
No. 291761 look pitbull at the top of fatal dog attacks by a massive margin, what a shocker. what will it take to ban this breed.
>>291736100% accurate.
No. 291985
>>291731agreed. People are always accusing cats of being mean because they think theyre just wierd looking dogs.
if my gf's dog crawls into your lap, its cool with being pet and rubbed and whatever. You can just poke him a bunch of times and he’ll love it.
If my cat crawls into your lap my without specifically asking you for a pet, like forcing her head under your hand or patting you with her paw, then she’ll try to bite you for bugging her when shes not in the mood
No. 292046
>>292036>racebaiting in the dog hate threadlolcow, never change
But really, it's not on my mind either. Not out of lack of animals in my life, it just seems silly to fight about which is better. It's like if we had a hate thread for tea or coffee. People like them for different reasons, some prefer one over the other…why are we fighting about this?
imo this should have been a shitty pet owners thread. No. 292197
>>292085Totally true, anon. It's very irritating and interesting that it serves as a form of sexism. Some (really shitty) people have even said to me 'why dont you get a cat, then you can be a true lesbian household?'
like, why are cats associated with women and lesbians? Cats are also seen as 'weaker' and not as 'smart' as dogs. Society needs to stop pandering to dogs, the same way they need to stop catering to men.
No. 292242
>>292236it's all wrong. yes, it's hypocritical and it's no different, especially since we know pigs, chicken, cows, are highly intelligent and feel just as much pain as dogs do. go veg.
that having been said, if it's between westerners being hypocritical and trying to stop some meat consumption vs being totally apathetic, i'll take their hypocrisy any day. i don't quite expect dog ppl to be contentious or intelligent enough to question all meat consumption and stop eating meat though.
also, kind of OT but i notice most vegetarians and vegans i meet tend to be more of cat people. just an observation.
No. 292244
>>291736>>291864Cats being killed or dead on-screen is way more accepted than dead dogs, too. Stranger Things and The Shape of Water are the two most recent things I've seen with dead cats and I only ever saw a handful of complaints, whereas any disaster movie featuring a dog always has mass hysteria about whether or not it'll live.
Not that I want to see (fictional) animals die or anything, but it's disheartening to see the empathy people reserve for dogs and not cats. Like, I'll see people joke about shooting stray cats with BB gun pellets or aiming to hit them on the road super casually when you'd hardly ever hear that about dogs.
No. 292250
>>292242meant conscientious, whoops**
>>292244honestly, it feels like cats are seen as just barely a level above pests, by most people irl, and especially by people that are ravenously dog people. like, aggressively dog people.
No. 292252
>>292244How about John Wick? I like it but still disturbing how dog lovers react like that was a totally logical response to a murdered dog? It’s a movie, nutjobs. It’s supposed to be unrealistic.
Also he was pissed because the dog was a final gift from his WIFE who just died. But I guess you can’t expect dognuts to understand that.
No. 292275
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>>292260>we literally evolved together to be this way and help each other surviveHow does a dog help you survive?
>Most people love dogs. It's like the most human thing ever to love dogsNo. The most human thing is to care about other humans.
No. 292339
>>292252>>292256Thinking about it, there are more dead dogs in cinema than I remembered, but dog deaths are treated more respectfully, either being off-camera like guard dogs being shot or being the crux of an emotional arc.
John Wick and I Am Legend (and all those A Boy and His Dog movies) actually treat the dogs' deaths as consequential and pivotal to emotional arcs, while dead cats are pretty much treated like pest control like
>>292250 infers (gay illustrator guy in The Shape of Water has like twenty cats–so what's one dead one? Then in Stranger Things, it was all part of a sad, lonely woman joke).
The only movie I can think of that treats dead dogs irreverently is Barking Dogs Never Bite, but it's not done as an aside or some joke, and is crucial to the plot.
I mean, I sort of get why there's no cat equivalent to A Boy and His Dog (or A Person and Their Horse) since dogs, horses, and humans have task or goal oriented bonds, but it still bums me out. I'd prefer all animals in movies to make it till the end, but there's definitely a more casual treatment of non-dog animal deaths.
No. 292663
>>292244Now that you mention it, the cat scene in Stranger things was almost treated as humor. I know quite a few people who lost their shit at the dog scene in I Am Legend, even though it was off screen. Dogs are always treated as 'man's best friend' or 'members of the family' where as cats are a joke, a nuisance, or a crazy cat lady thing, so who cares (i do, obviously.)
I didn't see Shape of Water, but the cat scene in Stranger Things did annoy me that it was treated so lightly.
No. 292664
>>292645I recently had to go to a party (against my will. My wife's friends) and they had a dog there. No one even mentioned a dog there, but it's almost like every house i've gone to has at least some kind of dog, like they can't live without a dog. It's so odd.
I hope you find a man without a dog, because then you can spend more time and money on yourselves.
No. 292666
>>292236I think it's because dogs are the most social animal we have, the most cooperative, and the most docile.
WE made them that way, so we have a duty to keep them safe, since we've stripped all or most of their natural traits needed for survival.
thats why seeing someone kill a dog, an animal specifically bred to be trusting and led by humans, really rustles a lot of jimmies. maybe we have some feeling of responsibility for them from playing god with their genetics, like whiteguilt but for dogs.
No. 292693
>>292692exactly, anon. they aren't hamsters or cats. you can't have both, no matter how small the dog is. imagine having a tiny potential baby killer in your house and just being like "HE LOVES HER. I JUST DON'T LEAVE THEM ALONE AND IT'LL BE FINE."
only with dogs is that kind of crazy shit excused.
and if you make the commitment to having a dog, don't have a child until it passes, or make sure you give it to a family member. but dog owners are too irresponsible to have any foresight and either just try to act like it isn't insane to have a deadly animal in your home 24/7, or they just toss the dog away.
No. 292718
>>292704>comparing a swat or a few swats from a cat to dogs straight up attacking children to death or biting their cheeks, noses, lips, that can easily be ripped off by the smallest of dogs, etcwew
77% of attacks on children by dogs are or start with bites to their faces and necks, so, a few swats from a cat are nowhere near comparable
No. 292741
>>292666>most social animal we have, the most cooperative, and the most docileLol no. Ever heard of cows, sheeps, goats and even chickens? Go to a farm someday and ask how these animals act. Never heard of anyone being attacked by a cow, a sheep or a chicken, and I live in a rural area my entire life. (bulls and male goats can be territorial though you hear way less people dying because of them than dogs exactly because people take precautions and don't treat them like innocent angels). People are just super biased about dogs.
>so we have a duty to keep them safe, since we've stripped all or most of their natural traits needed for survivalDumb dog lover, in this very thread it was proven feral dogs exist and they kill a lot of fauna.
No. 292754
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>>292753white guys (especially the normie jock Chad type) tend to like dogs, maybe to compensate for their minuscule ego (and often dicks)
No. 292801
>>292664Thanks, Anon.
It's strange, one of my closest friends and her boyfriend have two dogs; a Pomeranian and a larger dog that I can't remember the breed. They love them, and I can tolerate them to spend time with them, but their affection for the dogs is alien to me. I'd honestly prefer not being around the dogs, but I like being with my friends more.
With guys though, it's almost as though as soon as I get to know them, it's a sort of "me vs. the dog" thing, especially if it's a larger breed. "Oh yeah, my dog and I have been through everything together", like I'm suddenly the dog's wicked stepmother or something.
>>292753I have dated normie chad types, and the type-A, uber liberal type, and they all love dogs. Nerds tend not to be into dogs, I should stick to them. Then again, they're usually horrible anyway.
>>292765God, I hate that joke so much. It's not funny, it's not cute. If you honestly are impressed by a dumb, subservient animal, it's hardly attractive. Then again, that type also seems to enjoy hiking and taking pictures of themselves in front of cliffs.
Sage for turning into a dating thread.
No. 292825
>>292801>With guys though, it's almost as though as soon as I get to know them, it's a sort of "me vs. the dog" thing, especially if it's a larger breed. "Oh yeah, my dog and I have been through everything together", like I'm suddenly the dog's wicked stepmother or something. This.
Honestly getting tired of it in my case. The dog always comes first, and I rarely get to spend time with my SO, and his dog takes up a ton of his time, seriously, like an inordinate amount of time, and it's time I can't spend with him and the dog together, either, so he's just choosing to spend time with the dog. I get it, I really do, but honestly, it's hurtful, especially when you're in long term relationships with these guys to feel so second fiddle to their dogs.
It's like, obviously, all of our pets have been there when our other relationships haven't worked out or when our lives have been tough, duh? Besides, where is your dog going to go? Honestly this "they've always been there" doesn't count for much when they're fully fucking dependent on you and dogs are as servile as they are, like, ???
No. 292846
>>288706i'm probably the biggest animal lover around so that includes dogs, it's not the pets i have problems with, it's the owners usually. they think that people not liking or wanting to be around dogs = animal abuse/wanting all dogs to die, and are generally very inconsiderate of why people might not like them. it could be because of fear, allergies, or even just the fact that most dogs are very excitable so it can be exhausting to be around the energy or having take care of one.
most dog people are also not even close to diligent enough about training and allow their pets to be poorly behaved solely because they think it's cute for them to be a disturbance to others. cat people can be pretty annoying too but they don't make as many excuses for them when they're bad and don't always take it as a personal attack when somebody says they don't like cats.
don't even get me started on how people breed dogs to have "cute" features while completely ignoring the health issues the poor animal's going to suffer with its entire life. sigh
No. 292859
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>>292846>it's not the pets i have problems with, it's the owners usuallyI'm so tired of this argument.
Do cats go on killing sprees if treated badly? No. And what does "bad owner" even mean? I feel like for most people prefering your children over your dogs or daring to scold it if it destrys your house already counts as "animal abuse" kek
Just a few of the people terribly injured or killed by pitbulls. But I guess it's all their own fault because bad owners and such, you know. Look at those wounds, they look like they're made by some monster in some shitty movie, but no, these are things "fur babies" are cabable of.>I love how she just assumes the dog was abandoned by its horrible owner - eliciting sympathy for the Pit Bull as the victim. In reality, the dog was likely allowed to run at large and its owner doesn't abuse it at all.>Notice how Alicia changes the focus from the Pit Bull viciously mauling a little dog to "PIT BULLS ARE INCREDIBLY LOYAL ANIMALS!"? No. 292901
I love some breeds of small dogs, but I do not like big dogs. I am not comfortable around them, and I don’t ever want to own one, especially pitbulls, but 90% of men these days make loving big dogs their entire personality trait. Then they’ll turn around and insult and mock me for liking and having a small dog. My ex boyfriend wanted a dog so badly, but he never had a pet before, even as a kid, and had no clue what went into pet ownership. He worked all day long and lived in a tiny ass studio apartment and he thought this was an appropriate for a big ass adopted pitbull. He ignored me, an actual dog owner, when I warned him about the realities of pet ownership.
I hate people who think you can treat all breeds of dog the same. No, you cannot kiss and baby your 80 pound Rottweiler, if you want a dog you can baby, get a tiny chihuahua or yorkie. A big dog you have to be firm with and treat with discipline.
No. 292969
>>292968You sound like a coward, anon. If anyone tried to force their dog on my child, i'd say something, especially if the child is clearly vocalizing how uncomfortable they are.
Dogs lick all sorts of things and their saliva can bring harm to a baby or young child.
No. 293113
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>>293089I wish black people would keep their pitbulls under control instead of keeping them loosely chained up and neglected
No. 293595
I actually used to love dogs But after my step dad came into the picture and kept bringing dogs into the house, I absolutely hated dogs. He adopted a dog out of fucking no where, made me keep my cats in a bed room for weeks, then chose to introduce the dog to a cat, who then tried to fucking kill my cat and he still had the nerve to say it was my cats fault. I had to get between that dog and my cats and our other dog so many times I have scars from the dog biting me and have had to get stitches from it and my bastard step dad didn't get rid of the dog till my mother threatened to leave him for it. He then adopted another dog, who still attacked our cats but oh "since he didn't bite he's okay" and allowed his dog to fucking attack my cats and scratch them and blamed the cat for it. He then decided my cat was the problem and let her loose on the side of a random street. He then got another dog to fill the space that was 'free' . And both of his fucking dogs were untrained and would piss and shit everywhere, everyday we would come home to the house trashed because he couldn't be assed to bother training his useless fucking dogs. Those dogs couldn't do no wrong, they could attack his fucking kids, the other dog, destroy precious fucking photos and they would still be angels. We eventually had to get rid of them when we ended up homeless, and it was the happiest day of my life. Even to this day, when I have more scars than I can count from bites from those dogs, he still has the nerve to say it was my fault for being attacked again and again. Fuck dogs and fuck owners who let them get away with everything.
No. 294073
>>294059i dislike the focus on pitbulls wrt aggression. smaller and medium dogs are still shown to be similarly aggressive, if not more, but aren't as stigmatized because the damage isn't generally as severe.
obviously we need to treat pitbulls like the dangers that they are (i do think some of them can be quite sweet, but i don't think civilians should own them, for the safety of both animal and human), but we also need to realize that ALL dogs, can be aggressive on a dime. daschunds were found in a few studies to be the most aggressive of all breeds studied, but because of the fact that they're smaller, the attacks are severely under-reported. chihuahuas and jack russells came in second and third after them.
pitbulls aren't perfect angels and are terribly dangerous, but they're really no more aggressive than smaller dogs, they're just a bigger risk and much, much more deadly.
No. 294093
All dogs can be aggressive, but most dogs weren’t bred by trash humans to actually -be aggressive- and aren’t 50-75lbs. of pure terrier muscle. That alone is a stupid combination in a ‘domestic’ pet.
95% of dog owners can’t handle or control a mid to large sized pit/staffy/molosser type and shouldn’t be allowed to own them. This includes most people who think they can handle a pit. Of the twelve or so pits I know, three pups raised from birth by good dog owners were put down due to schizo animal and human aggression plus a way too strong prey drive that cropped up around the second year of life. The rest are good dogs, but they need to be highly controlled, exercised heavily, and watched carefully.
The breed isn’t that great, tbh. It’s fucked up, because we one hundred percent made them this way, but I’m not a fan of advocates telling people that they’re the sweetest dogs ever, because they’re not. They’re not nanny dogs and they’re not the calmest breed. They get pushed on people at shelters way too frequently, and they shouldn’t be. People who own pits need to be strong mentally and physically, and they need to be accepting of the fact that they choose to walk a bomb on a leash and should treat that with the seriousness it deserves.
Just as my shorthaired pointer, who’s never hunted in her life, will still stop and point at anything she perceives as game, a pit has a real strong and unfortunate likelihood to show aggression at some point. It’s hundreds of years of selective breeding for shitty traits that are difficult to be rid of, like it or not.
No. 294328
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Posting because I saw butt hurt bull breed haters crying. Please go on more how they’re worse then minature or teacup breeds that have proven/tested an showed more aggression towards dogs/humans then most larger breeds.
No. 294340
>>294337> i will never understand why people would want them in their house, and also people who care more for dogs than for their fellow people genuinely disturb and disgust memaybe because dogs can be genuinely kind and gentle creatures that deserve love and protection from people that treat them like shit
they are also loyal, funny and innocent
also if your house and/or dogs smell like shit, you are not taking care of it
No. 294482
>>294450Honestly, most people in general don't take care of their pets properly, whether they're cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, rats, reptiles, etc. Dogs require a SHIT LOAD of care and attention and training. I'd say maybe 5-10% of dog owners are actually decent, and even 5% might be being too generous. The fact that dogs are so popular and aren't considered an "exotic" pet means there are tons of horrific dog owners, and by proxy, tons of horrific dogs. It's actually quite an accomplishment to actually be a truly good dog owner.
No. 294510
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I don't particularly like dogs but dog owners are just so selfish, i could vent about it all day.
I can't even count the times that I had to jump over leashes because owners just let their dogs walk on a 20m leash, not caring if they block the whole sidewalk in the process.
One time, a dog in my apartment complex bit my leg while i was waiting for the elevator. The owner didn't even apologize because it was 'just a small dog' so it apparently it was no big deal.
What annoys me most is that i can't take my cat to the park close by. She loves taking walks but it's too dangerous with all the people letting their dogs run free even though there is a proper dog park with a fence around it in the same park.
It's forbidden to let your dogs roam free outside of the dog park but noone cares.
But apparently everyone has to cater to a dog's needs and their owner's comfort and anyone who doesn't like dogs, is afraid of them or wants to use the park without dogs running over their picnic blanket or harrassing your pets just has to accept that.
No. 294747
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>>294523except most cats don't smell like wet dog and shit lol
they also don't tend to just randomly maul people half to death, and theyre actually cute.
No. 294782
Since this is also a thread to rant about shitty pet owners, I hate people who don’t keep their dogs on leads. It’s rude to people who are allergic or who just don’t like dogs, especially since most dogs in my neighborhood are rude and poorly trained and don’t listen to their owners when they et to call them.
>>294747I love cats but don’t act like litter boxes don’t smell terrible. Even when people clean them every single day, a lot of cat owners’ places smell like piss.
No. 294916
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In my country, a teenager that was in a foster home was killed by a pit that was "rescued" from Denmark after they banned them. Wonder how they feel about their heroic and noble deed now. All pits should be banned.
No. 294997
>>294782a hooded cat box with carbon filters completely eliminated the smell for me (unless you like, stuck your head directly in the thing).
>>294916this cracked me TF up honestly
No. 295683
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the selective breeding of dogs to make them into these weird, heaving, drooling creatures really freaks me out– bulldogs and pugs in particular bother me profoundly. they've been bred to the point of misery, it looks like it hurts to BE them, but dog lovers fucking fawn over them like they're the cutest shit on earth?! as far as i'm concerned, anyone who buys an animal like that is selfish and cruel for promoting the protracted mutilation of a species. why would you want a pet whose eyeballs pop out periodically? is that really worth how 'ugly cute' it is?
i've had acquaintances who were downright obsessed with pugs and it really gives me the heebie-jeebies. it makes me upset just to look at them. keep your sad wheezing abomination away from me thanks
No. 295809
>>288725How you gonna call dogs inbred when the difference between a big dog and a wolf is like ehhh
But the difference between your average dumbass housecat and a lion is night and day
No. 295834
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>>295683That's a really unflattering picture of a pug.
Anyway, their eyes do not pop out unless the owner is abusing them.
A bigger problem is their breathing and joint issues.
A great thing is that recently some breaders are trying to undo the damage done to pugs in the last 100 years by restoring the race. I'm looking forward to retromops becoming more popular.
I love pugs, but it hurts me that they suffer from health issues due to their cuteness. If you look at vintage paintings of pugs, they used to look like retromops rather than what we currently recognise as pugs.
No. 295985
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>>295861This is what I meant.
I do agree that it's fucked up.
No. 296078
>>295861sauce on the intraocular pressure thing? i never heard of it being higher in brachycephalic dogs.
their eyes are more likely to pop out than with regular dogs. not that common tho
No. 296114>Last weekend, I caught up with the parents of Luca Romero, the 2-year-old boy mauled by a pit bull at a dog adoption event in Klyde Warren Park in December. >The boy’s parents told me the wounds on his chest and arm were so jagged and dirty they had to be left partially open while they healed in order to prevent infection, so the scarring will be permanent. >Another kind of injury is harder to see. The father, Dr. Alan Romero, 37, an anesthesiologist, said, “Now he sleeps with us. He was sleeping by himself before. For a while, he had nightmares two or three times a night. He would wake up screaming and yelling, ‘No, no, no.’”
>Dallas Pets Alive, a “no-kill” nonprofit pet rescue group, put on the pet rescue event where the child was attacked. The pit bull was on a leash held by a man who had adopted the animal the day before. Luca, 2, ran a few steps toward the dog to pet it, his mother said, and the dog attacked.>Ten days after the attack, Dallas Pets Alive published a statement putting blame for the attack on the child and excusing the dog. “In Rusty’s case,” the online statement said, “we believe it was an isolated incident given the exciting, but still stressful, environment of a busy park with strange noises/smells and an unknown person on his level reaching for him.” Dallas Pets Alive is pursuing a lawsuit to prevent the city from euthanizing the dog.
>Since the attack, the parents have received angry emails and messages attacking them for wanting to see the dog put down. “One of them,” Romero said, “said that the kid should be put down and the dog saved.”>I have received several emails expressing the same or similar sentiments, often blaming the 2-year-old for frightening the pit bull and using the word “innocent” to describe the dog.
>“We understand dogs can bite out of fear or if they get startled. This was definitely not a simple fear-bite. It was a mauling. The dog bit him and dragged him to the ground. It was trying to shake him.>“The only reason it could not do it was because four or five guys jumped in so fast and held the dog down. It was trying to shake him, but all these people held it down, so it couldn’t shake him anymore. Then it took like a minute to pry the dog off of him. It wouldn’t let go.”And of course people left absolutely lovely comments underneath that organisation's propaganda video:
>Save Rusty euthanize the neglectful parents of the unattended child!!!!!>Don't kill another animal because of negligent parents. The person in charge of Rusty had him leashed and by his side. He did the right things, the parents are to blame because they weren't in control of their kid. Put the blame where it belongs not against Rusty for being a dog.>Rusty did nothing wrong.The brat and its incompetent parents are to blame.They should be euthanized. -> the brat is a kid -> That doesn't matter that the brat is a kid. All animal abusers need to wiped out!So a 2 yo getting mauled by a dog is abusing it…? But dog hating people are cruel and insane, yes.
>dumb fucking bitch the dog was sitting and was on a leash when the dumb fuck kid ran up to him and spooked him. What the fuck would you do if someone lunged at you unprovoked??? People like you need to be put down dumbass>LOOKED AS THOUGH DAD WAS DRUNK AT ADOPTION>He deserve to live rusty has a life us humans dont deserve dogs No. 296116
>>296114I dont understand how people can even look at their shitty ugly dogs the same after watching them maul a baby. You have to be completely sociopathic to watch an animal rip apart a small child and say "my dog is blameless!!! the kid abused it by looking at it the wrong way!"
if this guy had just rescued a clearly unstable animal 2 days prior why did he even have it at a loud busy event? you cannot convince me that this dog was sitting calmly and not completely stressed to the max. a child toddling towards it would not flip the kill mode switch. both owner and rescue are trash.
No. 296117

>>296114The police seemed to be dog nutters too
>The officer shoves and threatens to handcuff Alan Romero, the father of the boy, who is trying to make sure the dog's owner will not remove it from the park. The police officer criticizes the father for being “emotional.”>Finally, the police officer announces to a crowd of dog rescuers that the owner of the dog has done nothing wrong. >the dog rescue people rush the cop as soon as he shows up and urge him not to do anything that might harm the dog>“The child's parents should be charged with a crime,” Ms. Flores writes, “since the child started the altercation.”>In the police video, the dog owner tells the cop that he has owned the dog for one day. One day. The owner also tells the cop that the dog is part pit. You know what? How about not even going to the park full of children with your brand-new adult pit bull that you’ve been around for one day? And on youtube:
>Looks like the problem is an unleashed kid, not a bad dog. Parenting fail, as usual.>Rusty had every right to respond the way he did. hell, i'd like to bite people that get too close to me.>Will the child be killed when he bites someone? The parents suffered the consequences of not watching their child and are lucky that the child did not run out in front of a car. They should take parenting more seriously and not attack Rusty, just as their child has done. Rusty does not deserve to die for doing what most animals would do to an uncontrolled child. No. 296123
>>296114Having lived in Dallas, I'm ashamed to say that this behavior of people is common. When I was a kid, I was walking my dogs with my sister and when we turned at the end of our drive to get onto the sidewalk the neighbor's pit saw us and charged. He went right for me, I was like 7. Our chow got in the way and I started screaming and my mom ran out to intervene, step dad with his gun.
Fucking neighbors blamed us and our dogs for aggravating their pit who "din do nuffin" and threatened calling the cops on us for threatening to shoot the dog that just almost mauled a fucking kid.
People are fucked when it comes to pits, I've met a handful of nice ones but so many shit dogs and shit owners in Dallas who breed them purposely to be aggressive and fighters. Fuck Dallas dog owners.
No. 296196
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took it from June's thread but I hate how accurate this is for dog owners
No. 296438
>>296114That poor 2 year old! I cant imagine how the parents feel.
I agree with the other anon. Anyone who looks at pitbulls after they've been proven over and over to be so violent and aggro for NO REASON, needs to take a step back. All pitbulls are like this, not just some. They need to breed them out of existence. Shitty ass dogs and their defenders should all be sent to an island to maul each other.
No. 296440
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>>296117>>“The child's parents should be charged with a crime,” Ms. Flores writes, “since the child started the altercation.”IMAGINE BLAMING A 2 YEAR OLD FOR A DOG ATTACK. Wow, i really fucking hate dog lovers even more, esp these pitbull apologists. Disgusting.
No. 296452
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are there any other uk anons here? im so glad wetherspoons banned dogs, i might actually start eating there now. the reactions of dog owners are so funny too, why the fuck do they always assume everyone wants their smelly, filthy animals around their food and drink. id much rather listen to some baby crying or gurgling or some shit at least the child doesnt carry parasites that could get into my food.
No. 296497
>>296486an ex friend of mine just randomly turned to me one day and said “I hate birds” (I have one, and he’s never even seen it) I was a little shocked that such a random confrontational comment came from nowhere and I was like “oh uh that’s fine, some people don’t like birds” to which he responded “No I’m serious, I fucking hate birds.” Note the only pet he has is a dog and I never once said or did anything negative toward it because I could see how obsessed he was with it. Even though I don’t prefer dogs at all, I don’t let on about that around dog people. Maybe a bird shat on him once or something, but I feel like saying that out of nowhere, especially to someone who has a bird and wasn’t even talking about it… is this some kind of social retardation? lol
In any case I dropped him eventually since he was definitely proved himself to be a toxic narc.
No. 296523
>>296502kids are gross and unhygienic, but so are dogs. they're not wrong about the kids, but you can't hold that viewpoint and worship dogs and want them fucking everywhere, in restaurants and grocery stores and shit.
>>296516tbh you just have to be to be a dog person. they want their pets to treat them like cult leaders, basically. i swear, it sounds extreme, but every time i end up meeting a 'dog person' they turn out to be the most selfish, inconsiderate people that can't live without constant praise.
>>296474it's a toughie, because we're just expected to sit there and tolerate the anti-cat, anti-every-other-animal-but-dog rhetoric, but maybe call them narcs or tell them cats don't murder children.
legit, it's so socially unacceptable to say "i hate dogs", but society tolerates mounds of "i hate cats/birds/whatever else".
No. 296634
>>296628I am just guessing but I think it’s something like
>people breed pit bulls for fighting or guard dog purposes (drug houses)>pit bulls wind up in shelters because they are too aggressive to deal with >other people adopt them because “uwuu this breed is stigmatized and I can handle having dogs”And then the dog goes apeshit on their kids or other pets and the cycle repeats itself.
No. 296671
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>>296628>>296634victim complex and wanting to root for the "underdog" (pun not intended but fuck, even there we're integrating dogs as things to cheer for). plus pits are commonly touted as dangerous and dogfags want to be like "nooo i love the big scary breed! see how cute and gentle it is!! you just have to treat them right and then they won't murder children!"
No. 296923
>>296901>>296902>>296914Where did I say I enjoy animal abuse? I don't. That's why i warned for it and didn't post it. I'm going to explain since I guess you guys are completely missing the point.
If I see a bunch of dog owners in a space together going on about how much they hate X animal, how they shot or poisoned a cat outside and laughed about it, how their dog killed a small animal, or go into spaces where people grieve other people injured/killed by dogs and go apologist for the fucking dog… yeah, no, I want to upset them. Of course it's sad an animal died but honestly, that snake killed it fast and it's not like the puppy was pointlessly tortured. It's unfortunate, but the goal isn't to jerk off over animals in pain. It's to piss off these fucking subhumans who do things like I described above.
Y'all need to calm right the hell down. Don't go acting all high and mighty on lolcow where people sit around humans having mental breakdowns and committing suicide like they're watching a TV show.
No. 296924
>>296923watching humans*
Anyway yeah, chill.
No. 296930
>>296923you didn't give any of that context before, anon. at all. i don't feel it's terrible if they're bragging about killing or poisoning cats, no, but the way you framed it before sounded straight up psychopathic/edgelord-y, like, just trying to
trigger dogfags for no reason. if they're bragging about hurting other animals that's another thing entirely.
and i dont think anyone on lc has made anyone's suicide like a reality show. as far as mental breakdowns, idk, i only like seeing shitty cows/horrorcows have breakdowns. like, genuinely bad people. otherwise, i don't think most anons enjoy pretty decent people having breakdowns that much. this isn't 8chan.
No. 296963
>>296923You didn't say any of that in the original post. You just came in and was like "lol I post a puppy being eaten gif to
trigger the dogfags" like an edgelord.
No. 296981
>>296930>>296963Well now you know what I meant.
>>296961Go back to posting pibble memes on facebook you false flagger.
No. 297159
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>>297099Seems like not just on reddit…
No. 297162

>>297159It's fucking scary how strong and aggressive they are… Also, if a human were to destroy a car, the police would certainly step in. In some states you're even allowed to shoot a human for destroying property; but of course not a dog…
>Go to the fridge get a couple hot dogs. Toss it to the dog and watch what happens…it may take a while and empty you fridge but he will eventually forget the minivan or the catch-pole will arrive.>^ dudes gotta point. Why kill a dog that's literally being a dog.
>Something is in that car that the dog is after……. She could use water or throw food to divert the dog… He not aggressive he's playful 😊😁😂dog… Wagging tail…
>If all dogs were shot for destroying any type of property, then there'd be little to no dogs in this world. I understand it's an expensive chew toy, but her threatening to buy a gun to shoot animals with is far more disturbing than a "happy tail wagging dog" chewing up a car bumper.
>You wana kill this dog over your freaking bumper? You need help.
>Good dog! ( that lady SUCKS!!!)It's not a bad woofer! It only wanted to rip the cat hiding underneath the car to shreds!
No. 297172
>>297162This video bothers me because there were two incidents where this happened and both involved pitbulls. One was where I found a one ripping off the front of my parent's car and there was a mom cat and her kittens inside. My dad had to use a metal bat to chase the dog off and the family of cats was ok. The second time this pretty orange cat hid under a car but the pitbull dug him out and tore him apart. I will never forget cleaning up the poor animal's bruised and bloodied body and telling my neighbor that his favorite neighborhood cat was killed.
There have also been incidents where one lunged at some neighbor's kids as they were getting out of the car and they luckily got the door slammed shut back in time. I've been lunged at and have had to run from one a few times. I'm honestly terrified of pitbulls at this point. They either have no owners or the owner is just "lol he won't hurt anything" and then it lunges at a grown man.
I don't understand the point of getting this big dangerous animal and not even bothering to be responsible with it. If people want one they need to be conscious of what it can do and take precautions necessary to prevent people and other animals from getting hurt. I don't hate dogs and love some but pitbulls fucking terrify me. Every negative dog experience I've had has come from pits so I'd prefer not to be around them if I can help it.
No. 297196
>>297162>>297172I have zero issues with shooting an aggressive dog, esp if they are threatening another animal or human life.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that anon. Pitbulls are so viscious and it boggles my mind that there are idiots who defend them. I kind of want them to get mauled, but they never do, do they? it's always innocent people or animals. Pits are fucking vile and so are the pieces of slime who say they arent aggressive.
The only time i have ever considered buying a gun is to defend against a pitbull or other aggressive dog.
No. 297202
>>297159Those things look straight up evil. Arent there actual countries that have banned them? I know in PR, you are only allowed to have one on a leash and muzzled at all times, along with papers. I don't know about now since the storm damage, but that's how it was a few years ago when my grandfather was down there.
I believe Canada has a similar law. I wish they'd just kill them all tbh (the pitbulls)
No. 297203
>>297199I don't understand how they think that shit is okay. Not everyone wants to be around your smelly mutt in a school. And what is someone is deathly allergic? and what if the dog attacks someone?
these stupid dogfags never think at all
No. 297256
>>297251Yeah, I mean I have cats and I love them. But I went to a hotel for safety and I left my cats behind. I hated to do it, and luckily, my area was inland enough that our damage wasn't bad. So the cats were okay. But people in those coastal areas got fucked hard. Not ever place allows for pets, and in the face of a natural disaster, people take priority, I'm sorry.
It's telling that the most popular tweets before the storm hit were people telling people to take their pets with them too. It seems the tweet popularity seems to be animal related stuff, bitching about Trump/North Carolina itself because there are people here who vote red, and then people actually retweeting about how the people are effected. I'm not seeing too many things being retweeted about how to help donate either. It's much easier to bitch about people leaving their dogs behind than to actually donate to shelters.
Sage for my salt. Sorry, I just hate seeing how people online act when shit like this happens. On the positive, in real life, people are helping each other out, which makes me happy.
No. 298028
>>298022It's the same in Germany: they're literally allowed everywhere.
I work in a supermarket and we have a sign on the front door that reads dogs have to stay outside, but apperantly all doglovers are illiterate…
On monday I went there to quickly buy something and then a coworker actually gave a dog something to eat, cooing "you little cutie" and shit. The noises it made while "cleaning the floor haha" were enough to make me gag, but that ugly "face"…
How is it possible to enforce policies when literally everybody (besides me) is obsessed with them and therefore doesn't mind? That's so annyoing.
No. 298041
>>298027i wish it wasnt tolerated here either lol. i wish they would juts ban dogs from all public transport for good but i know that will never happen.
>>298022im not dutch, but dogs lying on the isle freak me out too, im really afraid of accidentally stepping on its tail and it attacking me. i dont even understand why someone who lives in a city, most likely in an apartment, needs a giant fucking dog for. just buy a chihuahua or some shit.
>>298028i feel you anon thats so gross. i would stop going to a shop if i saw something like that happen tbh
No. 298054
>>298041wow this is so bizarre to me. I don't even know if dogs are officially banned on transport here. Maybe people here aren't as exceptional as I thought they were cos I have never ever seen a dog on a train.
why the hell do people need to bring their dogs on a train? what is wrong with people?
I just checked apparently only guide dogs are allowed on but guards will drag you off with no remorse if you don't have all the right papers and ID. lol
No. 298117
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You can read about a new attack nearly every single day…
>But cats are evil and the people who prefer them over dogs are soulless!
No. 298178
Gotta say, anons, it's kind of annoying, this focus on pitbull temperament ONLY as if it's specific to pitbulls only and that most other dog breeds are not as aggressive as pibbles are, as if they're actually uncommonly aggressive in comparison to other dogs, when other dogs are just as aggressive because they're all retardos that are placed on a pedestal. Pitts are absolute killing machines that cause way more damage than other dogs, yes, people are downplaying that they're killing machines because they want to seem compassionate, but studies show they're not actually more aggressive than other dogs. IMO, intent matters, and any animals with terrible temperament like almost all dogs have, on average, shouldn't be freaking idolized the way dogs are.
Pibbles need to be not be bred further though and need to be illegal as fuck for people to own.
No. 298198
>>298159I get so annoyed when I see people bringing their teacup dogs with them as “support animals”. Get the fuck out of here. I smell such bullshit. Carrying them around in grocery carts while they’re shaking in complete fucking fear with their tails tucked between their legs. Why do you need an emotional support animal in these cases if it is a legit registered animal?? Even I have bad anxiety but I learn to cope and deal with it. I don’t need a stupid fake service animal for that to show off. I think the only animal that should ever be allowed is dog guides for blind and deaf people.
When I was in a pool for Uber, the driver was talking to the other passenger about you can just go to your primary doctor and LIE about anxiety or depression and ask for a service dog registration. they’ll give you a slip for it apparently. I was biting my tongue so hard. Who the fuck proudly lies about that just to carry around a dog in public while it’s absolutely scared out of its mind.
No. 298243
>>298201I already acknowledged that though. This doesn't tell me anything I've not said. I already said they do more damage. I'm talking about their temperament vs other breeds.
I'm not exonerating or defending pitts. I'm just saying lots of other breeds are shown to be just as likely to be aggressive, and pitts aren't uncommonly aggressive, because shit tons of breeds are just as aggressive, if not moreso, because dogs straight up suck. Pitts are just obviously more dangerous because of their physiology. ALL dogs a shit, though ones that are capable of the most damage (big dogs) shouldn't be pets, ever.
IMO, the "pibbles are the most aggressive everrr!!" is a lie that tries to downplay the fact that so many fucking dogbreeds of all different sizes are aggressive and shit pets. Pittbulls are clearly the most dangerous and end up causing insane amounts of death and damage, and the people that own them are earth-shatteringly retarded, but on the topic of temperament alone, so many dog breeds just suck.
No. 298281
>>298159I'm in the South too, though maybe not as deep South as you, and it's largely the same here. I never started seeing this whole service dog bringing animals into stores phenomena until a few years ago. And yeah, for a lot of people here, especially in rural areas, animals are still animals. It gets trickier with the law though. Most people in rural areas are of the belief that, quite frankly, if you see a dog running wild and it encroaches your property, you have every right to shoot it. Of course, the views on the law might be different though.
>>298198I knew someone who had a toy breed and used it as her service animal when convenient. Supposedly for anxiety. Her family was the first family I saw that ever did shit like that. I've had depression and low level anxiety my entire life, but service animals was just not a thing in my family.
No. 298669
Some huge narcs from family have dogs, they all have dogs and think cats, birds, rabbits, etc aren't "real pets" and laugh or think it's cute when their fucknuts kill smaller animals, some even get (buy) breed dogs just because of the price tag to show off.
One of their dogs is obese, nearly 10 years old, breath stinks so bad, SO BAD that I don't even know how to describe how PUTRID it is, extremely badly behaved, whiny as hell, pee and poop at literally everywhere and do you think their owners even care to clean their mess? No, they think their fucknut dog is just ~so cute and innocent you're jealous and get a real pet already
I hate how these owners treat their gross dogs like spoiled kids in the same way a narcissistic parent treats their golden child (their favorite one) or make fun/try to dismiss others for grieving about the passing of their pet that isn't a dog but make sure to cry a river and bring flowers everyday to their fucknuts' burial when they die most of the times due to their lack of decent care.
No. 298752
>>298198I have never understood emotional support animals. I remember everyone talked about Carrie Fisher having one for her bipolar and I call bullshit. I have bipolar, and there is nothing a dog, or any pet could do in public to help me if I'm having a manic or depressive episode.
"It just helps them feel better" isn't a valid answer, a lot of things help me feel better that aren't actually treating my illness. It seems like it's just an excuse to carry a pet around like it's something special rather than actually helping the patient or whatever. I remember reading about how she carried the dog because "she thought dogs were better than people". That's not a treatment, that's a bad punchline.
No. 298766
>>298752Just because it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t works for others.
Inb4 dog lover. That’s not the point. I’m just tired of anons on lolcow being closed minded.
No. 298783
>>298425What do you mean? That shit is always happening in NYC…
Considering all the other stuff that just flys in NYC, I think dogs are the least concern.
No. 298802
>>298790I wanna know this too
I'm severely anxious to the point of vomiting a lot and really close to my dog, it doesn't really help tbh
No. 298852
>>298766Lmao, that does not matter. A service dog is there to provide a service, not make anyone "feel better." That's an emotional support animal which is a load of shit itself anyway. You have a pet, just a normal pet. Either way, people legitimately use service dogs as an excuse to bring them places, and it's super crappy. Most of those people use mental illness as their excuse because it's easy
Also fuck dogs.
No. 298861
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this is my boyfriends fugly mutt that bit my kitten and he still wont get rid of it. Its fking food aggresive and bites you when you move around on the bed. Im sick of this shit one day im going to call the pound on it. How do i get him to get rid of this disgusting beast?
No. 298874
>>2988611. ignore it
2. smack its ass hard if its trying to bite
maybe its the mexican in me, but i dont know how grown people are unable to deal with small dogs
No. 298887
>>298871This. I'm more annoyed you brought a kitten into a house with a shit boyfriend and shit dog
>>298861You cant really do anything. I suggest getting out of the relationship because men who choose dogs over women arent worth being with.
No. 299048
>>298861>>298861see like, to me, why would you want this liability around?? i would feel like every time i'm around him he's going to rip my nose off, but soooo many dogpeople live with these aggressive pieces of shit and act like their shit doesn't stink.
how long has he had the dog? i don't think i could live with someone that wouldn't get rid of their clearly aggressive dog that is potentially a danger to me. seems a pretty obvious sign he doesn't care about your health. dog-men are such dumbfucks.
No. 299499
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Little boy bitten and dragged by dogs, let's see how the public reacts:
"The one thing you can't do in this country is be anti dog, the country's F##k!n obsessed with them Those who like dogs more than humans have underlying psychological problems."
>I think you have the problems. We have compassionSame old again, prefering humans over dogs makes you a psycho…
>Dogs don't talk back, frequently happy to see you after just five minutes, eat more or less whatever is put in front of them and are stupidly easy to please. What's not to like?
>I'll trust mans best friend over lowlifes like you that don't trust a dog. You're probably a cat lover that enjoyed reading this article. Always attacking cats and the people who like them even though nobody even mentioned them to begin with.
>Because unfortunately in today's society, you can trust a dog easier than a neighbour. I'd certainly trust my dog (Staffie) with my son, more than people in general.
>Just made me think about how amazing dogs can be if we respect them and how wicked people can be.Really? A person getting mauled reminds you that dogs are great?
>This is really sad but I read somewhere that a child is more likely to be attacked by a family member then the family dog. I know that this wasn’t a family dog though."It's sad yes, but remember, we hoomans are much more evul!"
And this goes on literally forever… Here's the link: No. 299656
>>299499Dogfags are like people permanently stuck at being babbys first 13 year old misanthrope. "Muh people r meen, muh doggos r so loyal!"
If a person gets mauled by a dog, I'm definitely gonna feel more sympathy for the person than the fucking dog.
No. 299757
>>299499Dogs will keep being aggressive and mauling innocent people. It's horrible because nothing ever changes and people, esp children will continue to suffer.
Anytime someone has something negative to say about dogs, there's something 'wrong' with them. We cater to dogs too much and it needs to stop.
No. 299877
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Not completely related but still…
I saw this picture today and while I know it is meant to be funny it bothers me how cats are always the butt of the joke
I'm not sure but I think most people wouldn't joke about abusing dogs but it's somehow ok with cats because they are evil/mean/not loyal
No. 299917
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The entitlement…yikes
Imagine a mother were to do the same with her kids
No. 299920
>>299877It's incredible how open people are (and are allowed to be!) with their hatred for cats. People like us who hate dogs just don't want some "furbaby" in their face, but people who hate cats constanty talk about wanting to kill them. makes a mess, cat stops him and… Just goes to show that
woofers maybe aren't as intelligent as people love to make them out to be.
>Somehow I missed the "please".>Cats don’t have that word in their vocabulary.
>He hides his eyes, he's no fool.>He doesn't want them to get scratched the hell out by the demon
>Did that cat really just yell at the dog to quit it??
>Husky shame/guilt can be the most devastating thing to witness. I just wanna hug that doggo right now>This was actually the saddest thing I’ve seen today. He was having the time of his life until that cat showed up.
>It looks like he's used to getting bullied by the cat. Poor pup.
>I feel so bad for the dog. Just having fun and there's jackass the cat coming to swipe and hiss like a demon : ( No. 299966
>>299924It's stupid, and the ones who try to hide their cat hate hide behind the "muh outside cats kill burds" excuse. I've seen lots of people do that, not just dogfags. Just fucking own up that you hate cats, stop trying to hide behind some fake morality.
And dogs are just as big of pests as cats, if not moreso. And at least with cats, you aren't at risk of being mauled by the ones who live outside.
No. 300094
>>300087Your friend is a POS for letting her pug go fat.
Any person that considers owning a pug HAS TO take into consideration that for this race getting fat is dangerous, as they might develop hip dysphlasia and joint problems. They are also uncomfortable because of the excess weight.
It's like pug 101 that you have to watch their weight and ask a vet to help you decide how much they can eat and what is healthy.
God I hate people like your friend that adopt animals cause they are cute but don't give a fuck about their responsibilities toward them.
Pugs are bred to be extremely attached to the owner, but most pugs are content to just sit in the same room and watch the human. So not only your friend does not take care of the poor pug's health, but she also failed to teach him good behavior (as you mentioned).
You should tell her off for that. I don't know how someone be okay with being such a shit caretaker of a severly vulnerable animal.
No. 300102
>>300097Because I called out a bad owner? Okay. Unless you think that a dog deserves to suffer because it had a misfortune of being born a pug?
Pugs are a fucked up bread as everyone knows. To get one and help it develop life-threatening condition by overfeeding it is fucking disgusting. Bad owners are cancer whether you love or hate dogs, cats or whatever. If your friend mistreats the pet they should be taking care of, don't be a pussy and call them out. Even if it does not work, at least you tried.
No. 300155
>>300102That poster wasn't me, but still no.
What makes you think I care about what the shit-eater weighs? Lol. It's not my dog nor my responsibility.
No. 300225
>>299877I will never understand the cat hate since dogs will always be more aggressive and do more damage. Cats will hiss and scratch and probably run away. Dogs will actively try to hurt you and bite at your neck or face.
People who hate on cats seem really uneducated.
No. 300257
>>300155I don't know about you, but if my friend was fucking up, I would tell her so she can be better and maybe a avoid consequences of her shit decision. f you don't give a fuck than you are okay with your friend being a neglectful if not lowkey abusive owner. But I suppose since it's a dog it's okay for it to suffer in your eyes. If it would be a sphinx kitty freezing to death or a fatass cat unable to move you would care.
Won't be surprised if the pug owner is an idiot who would drop the dog as soon as medical emergencies start to drain her wallet.
Jesus humans are fucking disgusting.
No. 300266
>>300257>owner loves dog dearly even puts it above her human friends and spoils it with a little too much foodOh my god, so abusive!1!1 I don't know her at all but I'm just going to assume that she would give it away as well! Dogs are so much better, the human race needs to die out!
Seriously, you're in the wrong place, darling. Maybe make your own human and cat hate thread.
No. 300273
>>288706>>300266I sincerely hope you and everyone else in this thread who goes on hysterical tirades about why they hate dogs finds the help you so dearly need.
I don't get people feeling this strong of a hatred for either cats, dogs or any other animal or child for that matter. Chill the fuck out, it's just a dumb pug with a shitty owner. It doesn't know what it's doing is wrong because it's never been told no.
No. 300283
>>300257Personally I think there's more dire cases of neglect and abuse than fat pets. The dog doesn't care, and like obese humans, would probably think it more abusive if the owner cut off food.
I don't care because it's an annoying dog, and also not mine.
Also don't care about fat cats, but at least a fat cat isn't going to annoyingly bark and try to lick me with its shit covered mouth when I'm trying to have a conversation. Don't need to train a cat to not do that.
>>300273>hysterical tirades I hope you're being ironic. You sound like an edgy vegan with your ~humanz r so disGusting!!~
All I did was share a story of an annoying pug, I didn't even think what I posted was particularly hateful and it's weird your dogfag self even took it that way.
Stop infighting and hide the thread.
No. 300327
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I had sympathy for doghaters until this thread came along. Christ I didn't know yall were actually this pathetic
No. 300358
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>>300327>yallSo, it's true that Amerifats are the ones who're the most obsessed with
No. 300524
>>300521And at that she's suggesting a shiba, one of the most temperamental and loudest of dog species. It's a hunting dog; it can be aggressive and not that friendly. They don't always train well either. Definitely not a great starter dog.
Probably a top pick among weebs though. I don't know why farmers cape for dogs so hard itt. You never see people who like cats insisting everyone should have one.
No. 300727
>>300524Aren't those things expensive as fuck too?
Like if you must have a mutt, just fucking adopt. Don't waste your money on some shitty meme breed and don't suggest others to do so either.
No. 301050
>>301029But that's okay because it's not weird for humans to not like certain animals.
It is neurotic and weird for a human to hate humans, also implying they hate themselves.
No. 301067
>>300283>that reading comprehensionIt's not about a dog being fat like an overweight human, it's about it developing life-threatening conditions (like being in pain while walking) because the owner cannot properly take care of it.
If you want a dog that is a genetic failure on all accounts, at least be responsible and
do not fuck it up more
>>301050>hating shitty humans means hating yourselfok your dog hate is clearly blinding you.
I do hide this thread but due to constant changing of computers and settings I have to see your idiotic sperging.
I will show myself out. kthxbai
No. 301080
>>300517>Shiba inus act like catsNo, they don't. Shibas have been known to have aggression towards anyone outside their owner and can snap for no reason as wel. I dunno why Shibas are put on a pedestals when they're not better than most dogs.
I'm glad your shiba is a 'good boy' but I've seen videos of groomers having to struggle with the shiba breed for a simple wash, while its teeth were bared.
No. 301083
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>>301067Lol bitch how are you going to call out my reading comprehension when I already told you why I don't give a rat's tit about someone else's pet, no less their fat dog, like three different ways.
So autistic hahahaha, bet you're still here too.
No. 301308
>>301282That's the number one reason i would never get a dog, besides having to pick up its shit three times a day.
I like to travel with my spouse and we'd always have to worry about getting a sitter or the dog tearing shit up. No thanks
No. 301315
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Dogfags get salty over us complaining about dogs and say it's unwarranted, but proceed to display the exact behavior complained about in this thread. Really makes you think.
No. 301341
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>>301334That's how I feel. Someone on my ig feed legit posted this comic. Why are dog fags so insane? They would choose dogs over people anyday and it's psychotic.
No. 301363
>>301331A good portion of them are passing sociopaths, I swear. To laugh at and brag about your dog killing a random cat. This is the state of dog owners and this is why some of us don't like dogs. And realistically, this is why dogs can't be hyped up the way they are. They're so dangerous to basically all other animals and they kill each other all of the time and dogfags don't even care about how dangerous their dumbass dogs are to other dogs, but they supposedly 'love' them so much??
>>301334Yes. All of society is geared toward dogs and dogfags but they can't stand ONE thread not praising them. Unbelievable.
No. 301834
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>>299877This is actually an old joke typically used on dogs. Some autistic and angry dogfag clearly made a less funny version of it.
No. 301876
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does anyone else think its ridiculous when dogfags make comparisons like this? everyone knows the majority of dogs are trained like shit and then their dumb ass owners let them run around without leashes.
No. 302025
>>301876Dog owners act like they’re anywhere near competent enough to teach this. Cats can be trained too, with a lot of work. Dogs are just easier because they’ve been specifically bred by humans to do this
Most owners can barely fit a fucking walk every day into their schedule. IMO dogs should only be allowed as working animals. Farm dogs, guide dogs etc. dogs need jobs.
No. 302074
>>302033Just imagine coming home to a family member/friend doing this kek
>oh my god, my dog does this sneezy snort through his nose whenever he wants to play. i always sneeze back to him and he gets so waggy, we go back and forth and it’s like we’re having a sneeze chat haha. he’s getting old now, but he’s still so good natured and kind he’s such a good boy.Why are dog lovers writing like this?
>contributin doog mem I guess>I love my (grandma's) doggo so much guys>Labs are good doggos.And why are they so extremely emotional?
>I'd die for any dog, they're the most precious things on earth and we don't even deserve them>The dogs I met are the purest creatures. Fuck man I am crying now>Dogs are the best and dog haters barely register as human in my brain. The only animals I hate are dogs hater tbh…so delusional…
>dogs literally evolved to live with humans, to help us out. And remember, it's never actually about their dogs, it's about them. That's why they get angry if you don't shower them with attention. Praising a dog is like calling the narc owner "good" as well lol
>They're always excited to meet your friends when you invite them over and it makes my heart swells when my friends tell me my dog is cute or is a "good boy" No. 302163
>>302074Almost all of them sound like narcs and they sound so fake. Like, trying way too hard to be cutesy and wholesome and emote about their dogs.
I like the way they're defending dogs tearing cats to shreds as if it's normal to own animals that will tear other pets to shreds. Why would you want an animal that might do the same to you, or a child that wanders onto your property? I just don't understand how they're so ok with the very dangerous nature that dogs have. It's like owning a lethal snake, but it's so normalized that no one sees it that way.
No. 302272
>>302151rofl this. People act like you can't train any pet. Most pets can be trained. i trained my rat to learn her name and shit in a litter type box in the corner of her cage in under a week.
I swear people think dogs are the most intelligent creatures ever, but all i see are dogs who pull their owners on their leash and bark at anything passing by. It's so stupid
No. 302286
>>302074>>302033I agree with you. For some reason, dog fags take people saying 'i don't really like dogs.' or ' i don't care for dogs' very personally. It's creepy.
Also dogfags who let their dogs lick their mouth/face are beyond filthy.
No. 302477
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Why do dogfuckers (triggered!) enjoy torturing their babies so much?
"A large portion of my patients are bulldogs and not only have I gotten really good at intubating with insane soft palates but they NEVER WANT THE TUBE OUT."
"I remember reading something a while back from a vet who said she put a breathing tube in a pug or bulldog and saw the skin around their lips turn from blue to pink. And that's when she realized it wasn't a natural blue tint they had, it was from persistent lack of oxygen."
>But they're so cute!
We're not the abusers, you are.
No. 302480
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"St. Paul, MN to pay $520,000 to bystander attacked by police dog. She was taking out trash when she was bitten."
Even “trained” working dogs randomly try to murder people.
But I bet the police are bad owners who just didn't train it, maybe even abused it? And the victim is actually a criminal who provoked it, amirite?
No. 302485
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peep the crazymaking about us from the unpopular opinions thread.
this is why people say that so many dogfags are narcissists, even if just a silly exaggeration, the fact of the matter is that for the most part, they're unbelievably careless and inconsiderate and will irrationally vilify people who have reasonable concerns for their own safety and for the safety of dogs and other pets. i swear, they just don't even care about their own dogs or dogs in general.
how can you justify pic related and say that it's YOUR FAULT that you're afraid of a large strange dog is growling at you and that you MUST trust the owner who tells you "she's growling because she wants attention!"???
>>302480wow, awesome now that the taxpayers have to carry that financial burden because dogs aren't treated like the dangers they are. medium to large dogs need to be muzzled all of the time.
also, from an article about this:
>The Collins case is among a number of recent attacks by St. Paul police dogs that prompted a major overhaul of how the dogs are used for human apprehension. In 2016, Frank Baker was attacked by a K-9 and kicked by an officer after being wrongly identified as a suspect. Noel and Bennett won a record $2 million settlement with the city for Baker. On May 15, K-9 Jaeger was being handled by officer Christopher Hetland at a demonstration when he bit a 10-year-old boy in the stomach and left a bleeding wound. On July 6, bystander Glenn Slaughter was attacked by a police dog while walking to his car. No. 302489
>>302480>>302485This is one of the many reason minorities don’t like dogs, there’s a history of them constantly being attacked by white pet owners and the psychopaths gaslight them and say that’s they are evil and dangerous anyway.
Also interesting because supremacist use this and say that’s they train their dogs to attack blacks. And I can’t stand it because almost every single neighbor in my goddamn culdesac that’s white has a dog. My family has lived in this area since the subdivision was fucking built and every white family that has moved here has dogs that growl at us and still do after being their neighbors for 10 YEARS. There have been too many close calls of me and my extended family getting attatcked wheeler aren’t even on their property. I can’t take a fucking jog anymore because they don’t keep their animals on a leash and they give me the stick eye. Well, they give it to my family regardless. Thank god at least half of the people in our neighborhood are Asian. Otherwise my parents would contemplate moving.
No. 302629
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>>302550this is ot but the same goes for blacks viewing hispanics with a superiority complex, its just safe to say not all races are rainbows and sunshine with each other (especially in the cities where there's more gangs). and it gets worse when there is pets involved.
t. basketball american
No. 302660
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dog and dogpeople related img and meme dump incoming
No. 302662
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the entitlement is astounding
No. 302663
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No. 302665
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the "he won't bite you, dude" starter pack
No. 302666
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the dog lover thread in a nutshell tbqh
No. 302667
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No. 302671
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applicable to all medium to large sized dogs though, really
No. 302682
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No. 302717
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What a strange world we live in…
>Four dog attacks allegedly occurred on Indian Ford Road, part of the Fenner Ride's miles 84 to 89 stretch, according to Santa Rosa County Animal Services. >And that's where the signs come in. Andre Lipps, owner of Ringo, a white bulldog with black stripes, received multiple citations for dog bites and signed a quarantine agreement from Sept. 26 to Oct. 6.>"I was going to put one sign out but then I ordered 10," Lipps said. "So many people wanted them. Animal control officers have been on my property and in my house.">Despite the citations, Lipps said his dog is not dangerous.>"(Ringo) loves on everybody. He's never shown any aggression to anybody. He's just a real loving dog … He's not a dangerous dog," Lipps said, adding Ringo is not out of his puppy stage yet and he loves to chase bikes, motorcycles and cars. "It's a race to him, a game." No. 302727
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>>302717These dogfags "love" their dogs so much that they refuse to accept that they're not hairy babies that "would never hurt anyone" and accept the uncontrollable, very dangerous nature of dogs, which results in their deaths, but dog-critical people are the problem? OK.
Good pet owners don't diminish and deny the dangers their pets present, but even the ones that complain about "bad dog owners" deny, deny, deny.
No. 304330
>>304070muslims hate them cus they're smelly and dirty
i hate u cus ur smelly and dirty too
No. 304668
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It's not like I even hate dogs, they can be nice to be around if they're chill. Irresponsible owners and these overzealous dog lover types are something else entirely though. I saw this video of some guy being attacked by a dog that damn near tried to bite his nuts off while the person filming laughed. Then I scrolled down to look at the replies and I just see this idiot lmaoing about someone getting their finger bitten off. Like that's really your response to that…? K.
No. 305242
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>bite child
>strangers spend 1000s to keep you from getting killed
>get adopted, bite person
>get rescued again
>get adopted again, rip granny to shreds, not even stopping when getting shocked and hit with a hammer
No. 305292
>>305242I'm shocked that piece of shit wasn't put down the first time it bit like it's supposed to, even with all the money involved. Horrible.
And do shelters feel zero shame having these dangerous dogs up to adoption?
No. 305364
>>305242This is why I get so fucking angry whenever I go to shelter pages and all I see are pictures after pictures of 'rehabilitated' pitbulls. Fucking why?
Evidently not many people want these bombs in their house, and the resources and ad space could be going towards other dog breeds that would make far greater pets.
My ex was a tard like this though.
"PUPPYYYY!" he'd exclaim whenever he'd see one of those hideous beasts. Whenever I'd try to say how they were actually dangerous, he'd bring up "BUT CHIHUAHUAS BITE MOAR DOE!!!" Yeah, but I've never heard of anyone being mauled to death by a chihuahua.
No. 305455
>>305364Exactly. Those spaces can go towards better dogs who actually need homes. I wish they'd put the pitbulls down instead of attempting to rehome them.
Kinda OT, but i'm a huge Star trek fan it bummed me out that Sir Patrick Stewart fell prey to owning a pitbull for a while (fostering it) and then had all this 'pitbulls arent so bad' propaganda on his facebook.
No. 306535
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>>305364our local animal shelter has an unspoken but obvious rule that they will only keep 10-15% breed other than pit in shelter at all times. most of the county is the same way. they prioritize saving the murderdog. most of these have already bitten someone or been given up to another shelter for aggression before they get shuffled around to another shelter. i wish people could see the internal shelter reports on the pits before they take them home, only the most idiotic would do so.
i know this is a dog hate thread but people should let others know that it is legal to ask to see behavior and medical records as well as 'outcomes' before rehoming one of these dogs. a shelter that won't let you see it is hiding something. most people would never bring them home after seeing the paperwork. pic related.
No. 306538
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more internal paperwork. the wording on this is written by pit lovers. they really can't stand the thought of people seeing these dogs for what they truly are. the difference between the web posting for placement and the reality of the dog's aggression is insane.
No. 306543
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lots of shelters will try and distract the dog from aggressive behaviors with food which, of course, only reinforces the behavior. most animal shelters are completely overrun by pibble fanatics, are basically useless at best and at worst, dangers to the general public as these dogs can't be rehabilitated safely.
No. 306945
>>305292My cousins pitbull bit me and when I reported it, I found out it had a history of biting someone else too. Basically the dog got "quarantined" by Animal Control for ten days and the owner could come get it out after the ten days. The same thing happened when I was bit. they Animal Control guy who came to get the dog knew it by name, because he'd dealt with the beast before. Supposedly, in my state, Animal Control could have the dog taken from the owners, but they'd have to go to court for that or some shit. The guy from Animal Control seemed pretty disgusted by the whole bureaucracy of it, really. He was country as fuck and I could tell if he had his way, the dog would have been fucking dead the first time.
Dogs like that are a danger, and as soon as they assault someone, no matter how small the bite, they need to be put down.
No. 307365
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No. 307441
>>307365I'm sad they apologised. For real?
Imagine being this insane to get up in arms about an article saying your mutt isn't special. Dog lovers are pathetic
No. 307533
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Can someone explain how a corgi can be a service dog??
No. 307607
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>>307426sure do. incoming.
No. 307609
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aggressive to humans and likely a cat killer, but rescued for placement.
No. 307612
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'mouthy' is a shelter euphemism for 'bites'.
No. 307617
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'couldn't see the reason for the aggression'
it should be noted that as with most pit and pit mixes the behavior is showing itself at about two years of age. this is typical of the breed.
No. 307626
>>307618or when the victim is someone who was afraid of dogs to begin with, and the murderdog breaks into their home. i'm very against pit placement and just wanted to share some info, this seemed like a good spot for it. people have been pushed to accept these dogs and they are not safe. they are bred for gameness i.e. to fight and to keep fighting even when maimed or with life threatening wounds themselves.
this may be a cute puppy behavior (i personally don't see it as such) but in a adult dog made of muscle at 40-70 lbs. it is disturbing.
No. 307648
>>306535>>306538>>306543The Web post vs actual behavior posts are night and day. I freakin hate pitbulls so much
Why isn't it considered dangerous and harmful to lie about a dog's behavior? Euthanise that beast.
No. 307651
>>307444Yeah, by a fucking miracle he only got me on my earlobe and I only needed a couple of stitches. It's still not fucking fun being lunged at by one of those things. I've made a point to never talk to my douchebag cousin too because of this shit.
>>307533People with small dogs as "service dogs" usually claim they're for anxiety. Really it's just an excuse to bring their dogs into public. The dogs generally look more nervous about being in public than the owners.
No. 307658
>>306945i'm sorry you had that experience. i was bit by a pit mix in my front yard. my seven year old niece and i were walking her dog on a leash and the neighbor's kids let him out. they were laughing when he attacked us and i remember that more than the actual bite.
worked in shelters all my life, so i kind of knew what to do, (the dog was, lucky for me, not very strong because he was neglected and underfed; if you're able, punch or use the hard edge of your hand to strike them repeatedly in the throat and the nose) but still ended up getting bit badly on the thigh trying to protect my niece and her pet. the owner ran out and pulled him off me.
the kicker was that the owners didn't vaccinate and laughingly told me i was a crybaby for asking for proof of rabies vaccination, so i called AC and let them handle it. the dog was taken for quarantine for the standard ten days, but the kids continued to let him out constantly after that. they moved about a year later, which was great, but i will never forgive them for laughing at me because i a) got bit and b) for expecting them to prove vax. they were trash and frankly i didn't want to sue for damages even though i had a case. i didn't want to deal with them letting the dog out to teach me a lesson or some shit.
pit owners are the worst of the worst of all dog owners, down to the rich hipster types in quiet neighborhoods who must SAVE THE PRECIOUS PIBBLE, and there is a special hell waiting for them.
No. 307662
>>307658Fucking disgusting, especially that they laughed at you. Dog owners are such assholes. And yeah, when I called my cousin at the hospital to tell her what happened, she seemed more concerned for the dog than me. This "quarantine" shit is stupid, those dogs need to be taken from their shitty owners and put the fuck down.
The sad part is these dumbfuck owners will never learn and people will continue to whiteknight their vicious untrained beasts. And other dog owners will enable their shitbeasts, even when they're not biting people. Just look at those dumbasses over in the dog love thread who laughed about some dog killing a cat. I'm of the opinion that dogs who kill other peoples pets need to be put the fuck down too.
No. 307664
>>307648there is a -lot of money behind pit rescue and rehoming, the people who love them are kind of like the idiot hybristophiles of the dog world and they can and do sink tons of cash and time into shelters that prioritize pits. in many ways the breed helped to spawn, and goes hand in hand with the no kill phenomena, so for a shelter it's a double edged sword.
there are shelter vets out there who will euthanize.
No. 307668
>>307658It really pisses me off that they laughed at you and then continued to let the dog loose after it was taken away. Why wasnt it put down?
I hate to think so many pits are allowed to live after biting someone.
No. 307670
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>>307668it's absolutely shit given that so many of them, i would say 80% at least are not fit for placement, given internal memos and reports. they know these dogs are a hair's breadth away from attacking or mauling someone, and they advertise those very same dogs who vets report as being unstable with images like pic related.
No. 307677
>>307672imo it's a huge amount of pressure. pit rescues donate a lot of cash. most shelters truly want to find homes for the animals they house; cats, dogs, rabbits, the occasional snake. but that money means that the higher ups at the shelters feel uncomfortable saying no to these dogs and the people who advocate for them.
too, most shelters at this point have at least one or two pibble fanatics on staff. it's a huge problem right now and i'm not sure how things will right themselves.
anons can check their local shelters and see just how insanely high the percentage of pits has become. the population continues to explode, aided by ads that straight up lie about the suitability of these murderdogs for rehoming.
No. 307680
this article is a perfect example of the convoluted crap pibble lovers will go through to convince themselves that the dog is wonderful and only they, the enlightened bully saviors, understand these amazing animals.
a couple quick things. most white coated dogs are deaf, it's a genetic two for one kind of deal, not some heartbreaking tragedy and it certainly doesn't affect their quality of life in any way.
this is a dogo argentino, another 'misunderstood' breed that is beginning to fill up shelters. one could ask why so many of them are being dumped at shelters to begin with, of course the answer is that they too are bred to fight. No. 307687
>>307365lol this brings memories from my freshman year in college
prof says what he is about to talk about has caused arguments before,
proceeds to say only humans posses intelligence and that what we see as cleverness in other animals (he specifically mentions dogs) is just a mix of instinct and training
Sure enough, a girl raises her hand and starts cry-talking about how his dog is the a genius amongst dogs and that even her vet told her so
prof tries to talk some sense into her but she keeps interrumpting him
I look around and everyone is trying to contain their laughter
She stops attending this class and then leaves school for good
I'm sure a lot of people in that auditorium didn't agree with the prof's statement, but there has to be something wrong with you if you take it so personally and lose your cool in front of +100 strangers because someone dared to question your precious dog
No. 308159
>>307658Wow, a similar thing happened to my boyfriend's mom three years ago. Pit bites her, owners laugh, dog is unvaccinated, dog gets taken away.
Literally, so many people adopt pitbulls out of spite, not actually loving their dog. This is why they're so bad. The articles that obnoxiously talk about how pitbulls are the Greatest Dog In The World But Everyone Hates Them only furthers this stigma. Dumbass narcs who want to be seen as the savior, yet don't know what the fuck they're doing.
No. 308169
>>308154Trained service dogs are seriously impressive. Blogpost but I was working with a boy who had a lot of seizures and he had a (real) service dog with him at all times. The room was really stuffy and hard to breathe in, and the dog started doing a low growl and trying to get attention to the boy. Within a few seconds he started crying and had to leave the room.
Apparently he felt like he couldn't breathe and started freaking out. But the dog knew that before he even started acting like anything was wrong. Shit's crazy.
Trained service dogs are the only dogs I can really tolerate because they tend to be so incredibly well-trained. This does not include ESAs that aren't trained at all and bother strangers and yip and bite people.
No. 308452
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>>308446That poster was already banned. You're just a furfag wanting to bring attention to how bad
all dog-haters are.
Fuck off and learn to sage.
Pic related
Person in a coma, dognutters first reaction: laugh
Second: omg, what did he do to poor doggo?
Maybe a person's crotch is exactly on the same height as a dogs face? There are enough vidoes of innocent people getting randomnly bitten there.
No. 308491
>>308452didn't know every red text is an automatic ban. also
>condemn animal death>"lol furfag"try not to trip yourself with that reach, hon
No. 308504
>>307365>Nuu, science says my doggo isn't exceptional, how dare :((Actually pathetic. They really shouldn't have apologized.
>>307443Marginally related, I listen to their podcast and in one episode the dog literally shat in the booth and their producer had to clean it. Dogs are a mess.
No. 308530
File: 1539347155353.jpg (30.24 KB, 405x507, 42249804-2728903990668968-2212…)>His wife, Dawn Manteufel, said one of the first things their dog did when her husband returned home was snuggle up with him to watch the Green Bay Packers.>“I still like dogs,” he added.Claims she’s not a licker, then says he let her lick him for the first time after the surgery… He's completely defenseless now. Is this only denial or already a death wish?
>inb4 the cute doggo looks so sorry, it's not her fault!1!1 No. 308535
>>308530Wow wtf. The lengths people will go to to prove their doggo is such a good boy!!1
Guy is a moron
No. 308988
>>308530I have a hard time believing that this was from a lick. Unless he let the dog lick an open wound, lick him in the mouth, or something of that nature, it's most likely from a bite. Animals do carry the bacteria, but it's like staph. It's everywhere, but it's only harmful when it enters your body via an open wound.
>>308876Don't be worried. If you're a healthy adult and take preventative measures like cleaning bites from the moment you've been bitten or seeing a doctor if the wound looks infected (this also goes for scratches from cats) you'll be fine. Humans also carry the bacteria. If it makes you less worried, things that can kill us like staph and strep are in like, 50% of all healthy adults.
It's genuinely so rare that the number of cases that come from animals is hard to track.
Here's something that might ease your mind more: No. 309108
>>308988Anon, when his doctors say it's because of a dog lick, when we should believe them, no? Why would you know any better?
"Pisgah's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day."
A guy was suspected of having murdered his wive, because his pitbull lost his shit over a fire alarm, tore up shit, riped out a 100 lb window AC unit, jumped out the window and blood (only from supersticial wounds) was everywhere. a firefighter I've seen mothers scream at her injured kids in an ambulance after they destroyed their car in an accident, but no matter how much damage dogs cause they're always the poor little victims…
No. 309575
File: 1539547037223.png (18.68 KB, 910x288, ytr.png) on an extremely graphic video of a man getting mauled by dogs. at this point it's actual fucking sociopathy jfc
No. 309805
I don't hate all dogs but I FUCKING HATE when they aren't trained and they do stupid shit and their owners think it's cute or just fucking let it happen.
Example- my partner and I were going for a walk and we walked through a park to get home.
There was noone really around except for this guy and his huge dog, like a mastiff looking thing. They were ages away, like the other side of the oval/park.
Anyway, this massive dog comes bounding up and I nervously smile and move to the opposite side of my boyfriend.
I don't pat stranger's dogs or animals unless they say I can, or I ask.
So I calmly move away from this beast, but he proceeds to shove his head constantly into my crotch aggressively sniffing.
I am very scared at this point and am attempting to move away calmy, because this dog is literally headbutting my vagina through my jeans. I then realise I am on my period and I think the dog knows or something.
So my boyfriend is trying to create a barrier between me and the dog but it keeps harrassing me so I keep stepping away from it. The owner, some middle aged fat guy is well over 10 metres away is laughing and walking over extremely slowly.
Not calling his dog away, NOTHING.
I step away more and he yells out 'he doesn't bite' with a smile.
I take this as an opportunity to try to nicely shove the dog's head away from my crotch and push the dog gently away. It starts getting more excited and starts to jump on me, I'm getting really scared and panicky, but the more I step away, the more it jumps on me and at one point bites the edge of my sleeve of my cardigan and pulls playfully. I'm trying to pull my sleeve out of it's mouth, all the while this horse of a dog is pulling on it and fucking jumping on it, and I'm saying 'stop! Please stop!'
Meanwhile the owner is still taking his sweet time to walk over laughing the whole time and my stupid bf at the time is saying 'stop getting so worked up, he's getting even more excited the more you try and pull away, your panicking too much, he thinks you are playing'
Meanwhile I'm fucking terrified.
Fat fuck owner finally comes up and calls dog and laughs and says 'he won't hurt cha' then walks off with dog. Didn't even apologise and I was on the verge of tears.
I would never let a dog do that to a stranger! Either put them on a leash or train it better! You can't just let your stupid animal harrass people! And if people look scared or alarmed, actually fucking run and a get your dog. Some strangers coukd be scared or allergic, you don't just let your fucking dog do whatever it wants!
I'm a tall girl and this dog was still bigger than me. It was also extremely heavy. Who leaves animals that big unrestrained!?
No. 309962
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No. 309963
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>>309962>dog forcing owner to taste its shittopkek
No. 309968
>>309805I resent this thread but fully respect this anons approach, shitty humans make shitty dogs tbh.
We were the ones who chose to domesticate them and live a life that isn’t natural to them, they do the best they can and their only real purpose now is companionship.
You have to put in the work to get a good creature out of it.
No. 309988
>>309963That's so vile. Why would someone admit that??
No. 310352
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>>310340I noticed Japan really favors cats. I see cats on products (halloween or not), way more often. I mean they even have a mailing company with a cat logo.
No. 310657
I actually love dogs, and cats, most animals, really.
However i feel like this is a good place to put this opinion.
I really like that you guys in this thread really call out the "treating your pet like a child" bullshit. But particularly with dogs.
It fucking creeps me out and pisses me off to a large degree. I have a toddler, and I'd say you certainly can draw a lot of accurate comparisons between child rearing and pet ownership. But that's where it ends.
My toddler is a sapient, intellectual being that will hopefully participate in human society someday. A dog is… newsflash, Fucking NOT!
Stop calling them furbabies. Stop dressing them in baby clothes. Stop doing shit to emulate early childhood that harms the dog's discipline and behavior. Stop this ridiculous bullshit where you're more mature and enlightened than parents because you chose to adopt a shit eating animal from the pound instead of give birth to a shit spewing baby.
Dogs can be family members, they can be loved and treasured. But holy fucking shit. THEY. ARE. ANIMALS!
And its this attitude which i think contributes to irresponsible pet owners who assume its all right to get their mangy mutt near my kid without my explicit permission.
My kid LOVES dogs but I'm trying to teach him early on that he should always wait to approach and be cautious. Because i don't care that fluffy is soooo good with YOUR kids. He's an unpredictable animal that could snap at unfamiliar situations, and i have no way of knowing what the level of discipline is. Though if you are one of the assholes that assumes kids and dogs = always ok then i have to assume a lack of it.
That's to say nothing of these pricks that keep taking their dogs out without leashes. Super, a situation where if your stupid dog decides my toddler is biteable there's nothing to physically stop him. But of course "i trained him its ok :D" I'm going to start calling and reporting fuckers that don't leash their animals, since most cities in my state have leash laws.
No. 310865
>>310862You can easily not get a pitbull, anon. There are still tons of dogs/cats in shelters that need homes. I dont like pitbulls at all and think they should be bred out of existence, but not adopting when you can is shitty as hell.
Wanting to make puppies cuz "THEY'RE SO CUTEEE" is retarded.
No. 311340
>>311304That's really sad. Those farmers have the right to protect their livestock and their livelihood. I hope they were able to shoot the dogs who attacked and tried to protect them.
I was walking to work yesterday morning and this giant white dog comes running towards the street across from me. No leash. the guy is running way behind it to catch up. How do you have a big dog and cant control it?? i'm glad i was far away waiting for my ride, but wtf.
No. 311341
>>311304There should be a law that if you dog harms a farmers properly, you should be fined however much it is.
Farmers make a living off their land, including livestock and if any of that is affected, so is their cash flow.
No. 311924
>>311405the worst is that they shit their pants when you don't want to kiss and pet these things
>>311827i hate that people will say shit like (and they do this to cats too) "but we can preserve the breed and make them more healthy!!", like, even if their faces are less fucked, there are always some crazyass unintended consequences to humans fucking with these poor animals and it's just messed up, tbh. like, imo, animals are not plants.
No. 314657
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No. 315546
>>314657Dog could have killed that cat, but 'lolz so cute!!'
No. 315549
>>315251I will never get it. Even in my loneliness times before i got married, I never wanted a dog.
You have to walk it three times a day, pick up its shit, take it to the vet, etc etc. You can't even go on a weekend get away because someone needs to watch your dog and feed/walk it.
Why would someone want to do that for 10+ years?
No. 316071
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Bless this thread
It really opened my eyes on how much we really coddle dogs
I live in a neighborhood/town filled with dog lovers/owners so I have a shitton of stories about people not properly handling/caring for their dogs and I know quite a few people who were attacked by them as a child. Most of them have scars on their upper lips. Here are some off the top of my head;
There's this wiener/chihuahua mix dog that always comes out from my neighbors yard and runs around the neighborhood barking at cats in the middle of the night next to my window
or scratching on my front door(my mom feeds her chicken to get her to leave, which is counter productive since she keeps coming back everyday for more) We can't even get into our
cars without the dog trying to jump in. She's a sweet dog but a huge nuisance, and I don't know why her damn owner keeps letting her out to run wild and shit on everyone's lawn.
SO tempted to call Animal Control so they can at least keep her off the street, it's surprising she hasn't been hit by a car yet.
Considering people around here just love to go 40 mph in a 15mph neighborhood, and run over any cat they see on purpose.
Some other annoying things include a guy who walks his giant german shepard super early in the morning and doesn't clean up after it (along with other dog walkers who don't know what a fucking doggybag is), there's literally multiple giant piles of dogshit concentrated on the side of this one house (I feel bad for the people who live there,) you can literally smell it from across the street. There's at least 3 houses around the neighborhood that have giant dogs that are super aggressive towards people walking by, to the point where the wooden fences of two out of the three houses keeping the dogs in is broken/leaning outward./as of recently though all of them are gone, which is a relief but looking back I dread thinking about what if that wooden fence had given out.
I completely agree with the pit bull hate as well, my dad went over to my uncle's house to do some yard work and my uncle had recently bought a pit bull (It wasn't quite a puppy but not full grown either)
And he told my dad, "oh don't worry he doesn't bite :)" and of course an hour into working the pit bull takes a chomp out of my dad's upper thigh. Poor guy had to get stitches and made my uncle pay for the medical bills.
You'd think my damn uncle would have more common sense to not get a damn pit bull on account of his daughter getting bit by one when she was a baby but I guess he just cares about the breed hype and how expensive it is.
No. 316088
I love this thread, especially the spergy replies from bad dog owners.
I think that's what the majority of us actually hate. The "pet culture" in America, especially related to dogs, is fucked. They're treated like accessories, which makes it even stranger when some of their owners are so rabidly desperate to convince everyone else that their dog is superior. I know so many people who think it's "cute" and "funny" when their dog has an anxiety attack and destroys a ton of things, even if they aren't things that belong to them. I have dealt with so many entitled fucking cunts who have told me to "get over" their dogs nearly killing my friends smaller dog, digging up my tulips in front of me, destroyijg the handmade mailbox that my late grandpa made for me, etc. Maybe these people would be just as bad if they owned turtles/birds/cats, who knows, but they seem to have based their cult around torturing dogs and the rest of us.
Also, dog/animal breeding is fucked. Especially breeds like bulldogs, or other species that surfer from serious health issues and live poor quality of lives because we decide they have to look a certain way to fit in with our completely fucking made up standards. If you have a bulldog that you bought and didn't rescue, you did a shitty thing and should feel ashamed of yourself.
No. 316103
>>316088I agree. Dog culture in America especially is pretty rampant and a lot of dog lovers make bad excuses. You have legit reasons for not liking dogs: Allergies, past trauma or just plain not into them, but owners will complain , 'no, mine is different. there must be something wrong with you!!'
My dad's boss has two bulldogs and they always look like they have issues breathing. they're so ugly
No. 316127
>>316100Be a good big sister and point out to that idiot that he's been asked multiple times to control his dog, and if he doesn't, you'll take legal action. I know he probably won't and that poor dog will be put down because he's a fucking retard, but maybe there will be a spark of cognitive awareness in that thick chimp brain of his.
Follow through, too. Dog people get away with shit and become entitled as fuck because we let them. Check your state bylaws and see if there's any leash/harassment/property rights laws that can help. Hell, in some areas it's legal to shoot them the moment they invade your property.
No. 316393
>>316383Buy them and dump them in the woods
No. 316420
>>316414Tbh, if he had her on a leash and seems to be aware of the need to exercise her a lot, which could be why he was taking her out, its probably not a big deal. I'm not a complete Stan for pit bulls but they also don't just randomly attack as much as news and this thread would have you believe. They absolutely have more potential for aggression and pit owners that think pits never do wrong or that it isn't concerning that their attacks are a fair bit worse than most dog attacks are honestly the worst. But, overall, like most dogs, it comes down to a variety of factors the biggest being is their owner a piece of shit that's either ignorant or willfully obtuse.
They are pretty great "emotional support" i suppose, i can tell you from experience one reason they get the rep is they attach in an extremely strong bond with whoever raises them from a young age. They start having more problems once they experience the trauma of breaking that bond. Its sad for all pets but some adapt better than others. I found pits and other bully breeds frequently didn't adapt as well to rehoming. Every pit I've met with its original owner that knew how to raise pits was pretty sweet though.
So, i mean, if she is pretty attached and he seems responsible, approach with caution but don't feel paranoid about it.
No. 316421
>>316420Also sorry i wasn't clear i used to volunteer at a shelter a lot. And since pits are so very high energy and that bond is so intense they frequently suffer separation anxiety, they are commonly given up. Would not adopt one myself despite being one of the volunteers that worked well with them, and can also vouch that other volunteers would push them sometimes and i didn't agree necessarily.
So weird I'm in the dog hating thread i guess but tbh i love the roasting and calling out of the kind of dog people that really piss me off on a very personal level.
No. 316483
>>316421>very high energyWhat a sweet way of saying aggressive 24/7…
We don't give a fuck that you work at a shelter and we certainly also never asked for your knowledge about shitbulls. I couldn't care less about what "trauma" an animals has if that means it unleashes its "energy" at an innocent baby.
Here you have an example of pitbull being sooo attached to his family that he thanked them for raising him by mauling the grandmother to death (in front of her 2-year-old grandson). How sweet. Yet strangely that also happened without it getting "distressed" by ever separating their "bond". Hm.
But yes, continue frequenting this thread to sate your lust for "It's the owners fault!!!"…
No. 316512
>>316483I come in this thread with reasonable opinions that because I've lived real life outside the internet and moral panic its actually pretty unreasonable to be this stupidly paranoid about one specific breed of dog. Literally said "would not adopt one myself" and that i don't agree they're the perfect dog for just anyone, but here you are, acting like i somehow came in here and personally told you you had to go pet everyone you see?? Lmao. You need to stop being so
triggered, for real. I know this is the dog hating thread, but i was actually doing a fucking important thing of trying to help prevent the issue of feral dogs that result from abandonment. Yep, the one i worked for had the community role of dealing with all the dogs people just fuckin dump out in the country. So, you act like I'm some moral fag and horrible stan of dogs you hate, but better be goddamn grateful i was trying to help so that the dumb animals you hate don't become literally untamed and MORE DANGEROUS THAN A TAME PITBULL COULD EVER BE.
I think people like you are ridiculous because I've witnessed the horrors of when these animals no longer have their attachment to humans much if at all. And its terrifying. So your welcome for all the fucking shit i dealt with helping so animals get adopted instead of becoming generations of animals that actually maul people and livestock on the regular.
Go and sue the owner and get the "shitbull" as you put it put down if you ever actually get mauled by one. But my point is that's not actually going to happen probably because you're just being retarded.
No. 316514
>>316503Would always advocate for mixes over literally most purebreds…i wouldn't shy away from recommending a pure bred if it was a good fit, but on my personal experience level, yes mixing the bully breeds with something known to be a lot more chill like a lab does a lot of good for the temperament. I'd say if we're talking bout the known aggression and health issues with bullies that's about the best most ethical way to fix it. I am aware of there being a push for this, similar to people starting to regularly mix pugs and beagles so that the breathing problems stop.
On one hand too many damn dogs in the world, stop breeding them, but on the other if they're gonna then better to attempt to suss out better genetic lineages and fix known issues. Its weird that it starts sounding like trying to fix software at that point but… People and their dogs i guess.
I honestly see the argument for cats so much lol. I've never really seen the level of genetic fuckery to that dangerous level a lot with them?? You get a lot of really dumb cats or cats that like to be left alone to a huge degree or ones with really wild health issues…but i can't think of ones that i could compare with issues the likes of bully breeds. If Jackson galaxy taught me anything with his show, its that once you understand cats they are really awesome because most of the issues are 100% easier to fix than 90% of dog issues, lol.
No. 316529
>>316514Only about 10% of cats in existence are purebreds, the rest are all mixes. That's why cats usually have less health issues and also are mostly better adjusted.
It's basically the same as how if you had a whole group of people who were just all incest babies and had been for the past hundred years. They'd be fucked up mentally and physically with all sorts of gross health issues and mental illnesses. A lot of purebred dogs are like that.
No. 316547
>>316483Lol not even the anon you were replying to but you are an asshole.
The reason the person went into detail was because the previous post asked 'is this submissive behaviour?' so anon answered the question.
They even said there's dogs they don't like or wouldn't adopt.
Sorry to be OT, I just fucking hate it when people type shit like 'noone here cares about your opinion' Don't speak for everyone else. Not everyone is a rude cunt like you.
No. 316554
America deserves to get nuked. Jesus Christ, how retarded can people be…>Pet owners will spend nearly half a billion dollars on animal costumes this Halloween>The amount of money spent on outrageous pet outfits has more than doubled since 2010Just imagine what else could be done with that money. I thought this holiday is supposed to be for kids?
No. 316559
>>316554And another one:>ALL ABOUT DOGS: Safety first for Fluffy on Halloween>Respect Fluffy's wishes.>If Fluffy accompanies the kids for trick-or-treating, be aware of how she’s faring, temperature wise. Kek
I wonder what it feels like to be a child and only come in at the 2nd place in terms of being taking care of by your parents…
No. 316560
>>316520Shut the fuck up and get a real reason to be
triggered, like someone dumping an abused dog that gets scared, adapts to the local ecosystem, destroys livelihood and livestock and can't be caught, until it finally ends up bit by a rabid raccoon, infecting several dogs not up to date on vaccination and one human with legit rabies. That kind of fucking story is why you're a huge jackass, thinking your little paranoia born from sensationalist media means a fucking thing to someone who has seen actual, feral, will absolutely maul you animals.
The worst thing that has probably ever happened to you other than filling your head with all these paranoid ideas about specific dogs is someone's dog jumped on you and licked you when you didn't want that. Wow. So tragic. Pardon me for not giving a fuck when i have real issues like preventing rabies outbreaks and having to deal with the potential of actual aggressive abandoned dogs in my area that could hurt my family and i if they are not caught and rehabbed or put down.
No. 316562
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>>316555Pretty much, yeah.
No. 316563
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No. 316823
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It's been said before , but truly Mariza's dogs are so ugly. Apparently, PDP make a post that he couldnt stand his pug at first. mainly because he was a 'gift' from Marzia.
Whenever they would go to LA, they'd get a friend to sit but the black pug (edgar) would piss and shit everywhere.
No. 316825
>>316823Maya is old and missing an eye. I this she had a bit of complications before, not sure what tho
There is a Pdp video where you can see Edgar shit on the floor, he left it in cuz he thought it was funny.
Marzia also mentioned wanting an albino pug, which is terrible
They have enough problems
No. 316835
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>>316574The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness in your post is fucking hilarious.
No. 316850
>>316836Honestly my point was that while you're over probably in a city going "lol moralfag" over someone doing community service, I'm the one actually dealing with dogs highly likely to get aggressive and maul people, dumped by exactly the kinda dumbass "dog people" that live in the city that cause all the problems in this thread. But boohoo shitbulls. Not saying your problems aren't real just that the fact you're so angry about this specifically when i have bigger and more worrisome issues which is one reason i volunteered is really pitiful and sad.
If you want to continue berating me for actually liking dogs enough to work with them and just having an opinion that could be summed up with "lol calm down, having worked with these dogs and seen worse when dogs don't have good attachments to people, i can assure you its not that likely to randomly attack you, just be kind of annoying" then have at it, i guess.
But yeah protip: caution is always good around dogs, phobias are valid, but don't be this asshole, mad every time someone doesn't go into a pants shitting angry panic that certain tame dogs are always going to hurt people just because of the kind of dog they are lol.
No. 316877
I remember a few months ago I was at a convenience store with my mom, and some dude brought a pitbull in that was aggressively jumping around and nipping at the air. The guy had a leash on it (thank god) but what kind of a shit fucking owner allows their pet to be that aggressive. It scared the shit out of me. I don't dislike or have a phobia against all dogs but encountering them in public gives me anxiety. Recently I've been chased on three separate occasions by small dogs and while that isn't too much of a big deal, the thought of getting hunted down by a big dog I may not be able to out-run instantly gets my blood pressure rising. How territorial some dogs can be towards people who are just out and about doesn't help either when the only thing keeping me from being torn apart is a wooden fence or a nylon piece of string. Another time when I was out walking with my mom, a rabid dog was trying to hop over the fence and lunge at us. It couldn't make it, but its head stuck out over the top.
Also when I was like 8 or 9 y/o, my younger cousin and I were playing outside in our backyard when the neighbor's dogs somehow broke through the fence dividing our yards, then killed our cat.
I still like meeting my family and friends' dogs who are more often than not cute and friendly, but I've come to dread encountering random dogs in public. Never know what kind of fuckery can happen in an uncontrolled environment like that.
I can't really blame an animal for doing what animals do, but shit owners and dog zealots really fucking irk me. They're always under heavy amounts of delusional and think their precious angels can do no wrong, even when they prove to be violent and aggressive. Ideally people like that would never be allowed to keep a pet, they're too fucking retarded to properly take care of another living being and ensure the safety of others.
No. 316900
>>316877Samefag dogfag that one anon is getting really butthurt about and i understand these issues so very much.
Honestly dealing with the bullshit of dog zealots adopting pooches and then bringing them back because dealing with a traumatized animal spoiler alert takes some extra work and they expected us to deal with all that + train them was infuriating. Its one reason i actually can't do it anymore for my own mental health. The really tragic stuff about ferals and bad cases being the other.
The reason i actually think focusing on "shitbulls" is kinda unfair and dumb is because its actually my opinion dog ownership is that it should be way more regulated in general and dog people and dog haters alike get on my shit for it. Dog haters because they usually want to rage at me for thinking just putting down all the dogs they hate and particularly targeting certain ones when the data doesn't justify the moral panic is unethical. Dog lovers because the idea you should be licensed with a training program to be permitted to own an animal which can literally maim and kill on a regular basis regardless of breed and temperament if its treated wrong or abandoned impinges on "muh freedom."
In general pets should be subject to incredibly stringent breeding and sales practices laws which do not currently exist. The penalty for abandonment of animals (in particular dogs) into fragile ecosystems that can become especially burdensome or dangerous should be penalized financially and socially far more than it is.
But, you know, I'm just a moralfag pissing off people that really hate dogs. Lol.
No. 317057
>>316900>In general pets should be subject to incredibly stringent breeding and sales practices lawsI agree
I hate the fact that any idiot with some money can have a pet
No. 317397
>>317090everyone here is just way too tired with the dog hype. You can't dislike dogs, you can't fear dogs, you can't pretend owners to take responsibility for their dogs, you can't say children are cuter and more important than them.
I have an old dog myself and I know people with that 'dogs can do no wrong' mentality. It got me pretty disillusioned, in the end it really is just a being who depends on you and divines you. I don't think I'll own another one
No. 317427
>>317397Yeah tbh its really more of the "criticize dog people culture" thread because there's some dog haters in here, especially some pretty spergy "wah moralfag mutt admirers" ones and ones i suspect of just trying to bait to keep the thread going.
But the majority seem to be pretty neutral about the dogs themselves or even like dogs, just are really annoyed with the multitude of social issues from dog owners being Like That.
One of those threads where its original intent is ok and all but it really became a larger more serious conversation. I think threads like that are fun though, people get way too autistic about keeping the "spirit" of a thread like this sometimes.
No. 317441
>>317421>dogfags hate other animals because they don't serve themAnd also how they can't milk as much attention from them.
Never seen a person shoehorning their pet goldfish into every social situation.
No. 317921
>>317911People who are against sterilizing their animals are either horribly ignorant, have dreams of breeding, or in worst cases are possibly sickos.
There is a legitimate complaint that, seeing as tube tying and vasectomy are easier, more affordable, less dangerous procedures, they should be a lot more common. I am aware it is becoming more common for vets to learn those alternatives and recommend them. Personally, I'd give it thought if i had a dog, but mostly to spare the pretty crap recovery of the more intense surgery.
Some common arguments I've come across:
>its immoral to control their pleasure and choice to mate Lol wat its an animal
>its too cruel/too barbaric often a cover for "I'm lazy and don't want to deal with recovery or complications"
>i want to breed my dog and keep one puppy so i don't miss it when it dies as muchSomewhat understandable but really irresponsible and they often don't end up choosing to keep the one puppy. Lots of puppy dumps at the shelter were from this context. Seriously don't keep dogs, heck animals in general, if you're not going to be able to cope with their loss.
>i am retarded and believe there is money in breeding my dogEspecially hilarious and sad when their dog is a mutt. What makes me really salty about this is risking the animal's health and well being, cutting corners on the care of the young, and then they end up finding it was either a laughable profit or a loss anyway.
I'm all for the responsible organizations trying to intentionally breed to fix common breed issues and phase out
problematic breeds, but no one else really should imo.
No. 317948
>>317911Because they're anthromorphizing dogs and believing they have the same rights as humans.
ie. Because it's cruel to sterilize a human without their consent then it's cruel to do it to fido.
No. 318142
Thanks for the reply
>>317921 and
>>317948, they're worst than I thought.
I threw the question "is it bad to spay a dog" on google just out of curiosity and laughed at the people
triggered by the simple mention of neutering and trying to justify their "choice of mating and pleasure" LMFAOOOO they are fucking selfish as if trying to push down into our throats their views of dogs being "the man's best friend", "long lived", "more loving" (aka: a braindead servant) and other extreme bullshit wasn't enough.
You never see cat/bird/rodent/reptile/fish people trying really hard to convince you of having the same view as they do or even purposefully harming your "not real" pet in order to try to make you get a fucking dog (it happened to me), it's official now the hate I have for dogfags.
No. 318237
>>318142I am extremely suspicious of anyone making the "for their pleasure" argument. One case of sexual abuse at the place i volunteered and countless gross furries and zoophiles saying this and then it turns out they fuck fido.
Its fucking nasty and so tbh there's a lot of dogfags that are even grosser than you thought, hate to be the one to say.
No. 321532
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>Delta Air Lines passenger flying from Atlanta to Miami on November 1 was allegedly told that he could either sit in a seat that was covered with feces or be left behind.>Matthew Meehan, of Michigan, said that after boarding the Delta flight he quickly discovered not only a bad smell—but feces on the seat, floor and wall of the plane. After sitting in the mess, he said the crew gave him two paper towels and a bottle of gin to wipe it off him in the lavatory.>After landing, the passenger published photos of his feces-covered shoes on Facebook and hit out at the airline. The post has since racked up hundreds of comments and shares.>In a statement, a Delta Air Lines spokesperson apologized. The statement read: >“On Nov 1, an aircraft operating flight 1949 from Atlanta to Miami was boarded before cleaning was completed following an incident from a previous flight with an ill service animal."Once again, dog > human being (who paid for the service!).
I read that it was a golden retriever; those are gigantic! You can't keep things like bags on your lap during the flight for safety reasons, but a big animal ON the seat is okay?!
No. 323183
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They're absolutely crazy…
No. 323229
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>>323204What? Spaying and neutering reduces the risk of cancer and animals that are spayed/neutered live longer on average. Spaying your pet rabbit can literally double their lifespan from 3-5 years to 10 years
No. 323347
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Sry if this breaks the rules (i rly tried keeping shit anonymous/blurred out) but holy shit I saw this while browsing twitter and the lady’s kid got attacked by an unprovoked dog (pitbull) and wow.
pls don’t look at the pic if u cannot handle gore, the kid’s mouth is torn apart/hanging off.
the dog was euthanized thank god, but the girl is receiving tons of hate from dog lovers in her dm’s (that she has posted) it’s fucked.
He got surgery and is doing great now, and their gofundme appears to be doing well but holy YIKES. it’s hard to look at. And ppl are still defending the dog ???? Uhhh ???
No. 324225
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why would anyone want this
No. 324267
>>323347Thank you so much for that warning.
People who would rather defend a dog over a human child are deserve nothing in this life. it really scares me since i am having my first child soon and all i can think of is protecting them from shit like that. Dogfags are horrible..
Anyone who cares about a living human would empathize with this poor child and mother.
No. 324503
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>husband wants filthy shitbeast in the room while i give birth
i would have divorced him right then and there tbh. its bad enough when people let dogs, especially large dogs, around their infants.
No. 324924
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No. 324967
>>323347Honestly I'm an anon that thinks the pitbull issue is pretty complicated but this is sickening.
I don't like when people get all up in my personal bizz about that opinion, but good god, never would catch me hating on someone that got mauled by a pit and understandably has strong opinions that don't necessarily agree with mine.
What is wrong with rabid dogfags what the fuck.
And regardless of how i feel about it, dangerous dogs need to be put down. Period. End of. Once they've attacked its a liability. I think its rather sad but it blows my mind some animal can be more important to assholes than a suffering child.
No. 325414
>>292936Finally able to read this thread,I'm late but this just reminded me when my small toy poodle who was trained to hell still bit me on my lips because it was barking and turned around and attacked me. This was a poodle given to us by a family friend who was well trained by professionals and pampered af. Ive grown up with my parents who got a lot of dog breeds and they were irresponsible af and through the course of growing up with huskies, pitbulls and small dogs like chihuahua and poodles, I've started to dislike dogs. Ive also grown up with cats and tbh they don't attack as much as dogs do and when they do scratch you can defend much easier.
people think that small dogs don't hurt but holy crap that poodle was chunky and 20lb and it still got me good in the face and it took some time to tear him off. He attacked my Lil brother as well multiple times- and my family would defend saying that he's just easily irritable. I rather have cats that can scratch and ran away not FUCKING LATCH ONTO YOU AND TRY TO TEAR YOUR FACE OFF.
No. 325561
>>324924only trash humans own pit type breeds. there is literally no reason to own an animal with a killswitch that's been in its genetics since the birth of the breed.
all pit owners are garbage and people who wring their hands about the poor pibbles are garbage.
No. 325930
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Is this satire?
>This is a reply to a lady's comment about 2 neighbor dogs who killed a kitten.
No. 369011
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No. 369139
>>369109one time I nearly lived in an apartment with a girl who got a huge pointer dog and I couldn’t live with her anymore because I have a cat and didn’t trust a big fucking dog around my cat
she was a huge bitch about the whole thing and would text me stupid shit about how her dog was so sweet and it wouldn’t hurt a fly
I ended up to moving into my grandmother’s guesthouse and the old roommate moved in with another friend who also had a cat (i guess she wanted to prove me wrong abt her dog?)
the dog ended up killing the other girl’s cat and had to be put down. I haven’t talked to either of them since.
fuck that dog so hard and fuck the owner even more - she was so insistent on being right about her stupid fucking precious doggy that someone else’s pet was viciously maimed to death and then had to be put down anyways cuz she couldn’t be assed to put her ego aside
The one I feel the worst for is the girl who lost her cat and I thank my stars every single day that I did not move in and still have my cat
No. 369147
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i hate that dogs aren't seen as potential killers tbh. like, every time i'm around a dog i feel like it's going to lose its shit, like, maybe perceive something as a threat and lose it (which is fine, this is what animals do).
i really hate the way people are so comfortable with dogs. it's literally like letting a killer into your home snuggling with it. imagine keeping them so close to your face and stuff. frightening.
No. 369155
>>369154there's no such thing as training them, though, anon. you can't control for an animal, ANY animal, who has the potential for damage like dogs do. they're literally all muscle and teeth.
>>369152 says, even in the best case scenario where the dog is highly trained, they lose their shit, and people need to understand and prepare for that. no dogs should be pets, tbh. cats, very small birds, etc, are a different story. the amount of damage they can reasonably incur by losing their shit is comparatively minimal.
No. 369161
It bothers me how whenever I try to visit my relatives, their dogs act like complete attention whores and they're allowed to misbehave.
Sometimes a dog just wants to play, understandable, but sometimes I the human would like to visit my relatives without getting jumped on, sneezed on, sniffed at, and barked at by their dogs who can't stand to not be the center of attention for an hour. It's partly due to lack of training. But mostly it's now ingrained in their personalities that all humans have to kowtow to their every whim, and all they have to do is be annoying as fuck until someone caves to get what they want. I'm not even so sure with training they'd be redeemable, they'd go back the second someone enables their misbehavior.
Apparently there's a joke going around that I'm not "friends" with their dogs because I don't suddenly flip switch and act hyper and want to touch their gross, slobbery play toys. I like dogs fine; when they're behaved and I approach them when I want to interact.
Pisses me off how because I don't jump to an animal's tune, it means I'm unfriendly or grumpy.
Don't have these problems with cats, hmm.
No. 369163
>>369156yeah, they insist on keeping cats around because "I love animals!!!", with no regard for the cats, or other kinds of small animals. you see them roughhousing on youtube because "they love them!!". there's no shortage of large dogs and very tiny kittens who are obviously afraid of the large dog on youtube, the kittens completely terrified, with the dog being all too rough, and the owners laughing about how the dog is "their bodyguard", etc, etc.
i hate it so much.
>>369161cats have boundaries for themselves and for others. it says a lot about society that cats are condemned for it, as they have been for literally hundreds of years. why people think it's cute that dogs have no understanding of boundaries or placate and pretend dogs having no capacity for control is cute or ok is beyond my understanding
No. 372036
>cats have boundaries for themselves and for others. it says a lot about society that cats are condemned for it, as they have been for literally hundreds of years. why people think it's cute that dogs have no understanding of boundaries or placate and pretend dogs having no capacity for control is cute or ok is beyond my understandingAnon, you’re onto something here.
I am a big animal person, I like dogs but find them boring because they’re not mysterious. The thing I love about cats is how they don’t reveal all of their ‘self’ to you. Everything most people dislike about cats - independence, choosiness, aloofness - I love. I like animals that challenge me, and dogs too often are encouraged to be slaves to people.
I also enjoy being around horses a lot, and most people are scared of them because of how big they are, and they get bullied because of it. I guess I’m not interested in having pet slaves, and don’t get a kick out of having absolute authority over animals. They deserve better than what most of us give to them.
No. 372038
>>372036I think it worth noting that people are often interacting with dogs that have been neutered/spayed, which affects the dog's personality.
Dogs that haven't been fixed are often more catlike in behavior and personality.
No. 372041
>>372038That’s true, anon, but what do you think about breeds?
I kind of miss having a dog but like breeds that are favored for their intelligence as opposed to just a carpet with four legs. I’ve always loved German Shepherds and Dobermans since they have a spark other dogs don’t have.
I just like an animal that I feel like I have a relationship with and teaches me something, I suppose.
No. 372156
>>372038>Dogs that haven't been fixed are often more catlike in behavior and personality.This makes a lot of sense.
My dog wasn't neutered for the longest time, at least 3 years, and he was the calmest thing ever. I loved being around him. He was clingy, but not obnoxious.
Now that he's neutered, he's practically magnetized to my hip.
I'll tell him to get off me and he won't budge anymore, he tries to turn into a paperweight. Before, he would listen to me and head over to another couch or his bed or cage and that was it.
No. 372619
>>372180Animals are still controlled by their instincts, anon. If they instinctually perceive something as a threat, or as prey, and snap on that basis, you're fucked. Dogs are prone to not being able to stop themselves after the
trigger has been identified and eliminated. I said that it's in their nature because chasing and hunting, killing things, watching out for threats, are all literally in their nature. Bringing a newborn around a dog bred for hundreds of years to hunt small prey is very risky. Beyond our molding them to hunt for us, they still instinctually fight off the urge to see us as prey and act on that basis. You're putting a lot on the line by expecting animals to ALWAYS act above instinct. All animals are amazing in their own ways but people need to be careful to not anthropomorphize animals, and especially dogs, to a degree that puts people or smaller or more vulnerable animals in danger
No. 373375
>>373299I never understand why people don’t train or play with their dogs more? Like literally just communicate with them, it’s not hard?
Our neighbors have a middle aged Daschund (so?) who they never talk to, play with, and used to let run wild all up and down our cul de sac peeing and pooping in yards and barking at people while struggling to walk with her stubby legs.
I started calling the OC Animal Control on them because we have a lot of people driving crazy fast through our part of the neighborhood hoping to find a thru street to get to the 91 Freeway, and she could easily be run over. She was actually almost hit by a car two times in the past but of course they don’t care. I’ve herded her back into their driveway more than once because she is too slow to run if someone were to come barreling down the street in their BMW trying to get to LA faster.
Plus it’s illegal in CA (or at least the city and county I live in) to have a dog unleashed without a collar/tags and we’ve already gotten on some of the older ladies who stand around and gossip with their Starbucks non-fat lattes while their poodle dogs go poop on the sidewalk…
And of course everytime someone has confronted them about the dog peeing, pooping, running in the street, annoying other dogs and just acting feral, they whine and complain that she’s such an uwu wiener dog, she’s not hurting anyone. Maybe not but she could be eaten by coyotes, mauled by another dog, or become apart of someone’s tire treads.
Now they keep her inside but she has ~separation anxiety~, so whenever the weather is nice and they come home, she’s standing on our side of the fence screeching like she’s being tortured with cattle prods. They’re also mean to her, never talk to her or give her treats, and have left her in the backyard without water when it’s 113F/44C outside. I gave her a bowl of water once because as much as I hate them and how poorly trained she is, it still bothers me to see her suffer because of her owner’s stupidity.
No. 373665
>>373299>>373375Seriously as a dog loving person this irks me so fucking much. If someone ever adopts a pet, doesn't matter what species, as an owner we have the obligation of understanding their nature and after that redirect behaviors that doesn't translate well to human way of life since we live in a human society. I hate how irresponsable so many dog owners are, and how they excuse their shitty incompetence with "dog's nature".
Narc owners have a special place in my little hating heart. I can't go for a walk in the park with my two pups, without one of those crazy people leaving their "baby" unleashed and pooping all over the grass (who knows what are they eating) when barking to every single thing that moves. That single moment you say anything critical to them they throw a neurotic toddler tantrum fml. Not to mention how likely it is that these people will throw away their dog and get a shiny brand new pup next.
I could go on with crazy pit-owners, pet hoarders and backyard puppy breeders.
Wish there were serious ownership laws (and child bearing… but that's material for another board)
No. 373808
I like dogs, I just hate their owners. Most dogs are sweet when properly trained and cared for, most humans are shitty and thus is our problem.
My neighbor across from me "loves animals." She rotated strays in and out of her house since before I was born. She typically has 12 animals at a time in her home; this is illegal in my state without a license. The maximum number of animals is 4. Not only this, every animal needs properly vaccinated and a boatload of other paperwork. She hasn't taken any of them to the vet. For a while, her cats and dogs were breeding since they weren't spayed or neutered. She's had the cops called on her several time over the years and had these pets taken away, but she keeps brining new ones in.
About 3 years ago, we got a new neighbor across from us; shortly after he moved in, there was flooding. We live on a hill, so the rain made a mudslide into his backyard. This guy lives right next door to the 12 pet owner. With the rain wetting the animal poo ridden soil and the heavy wind from the neighboring river blowing, my poor neighbor was hit in the nose with a tidal-wave of literal shit. His house stunk for days. He had to get a hotel because he was puking from how bad the smell was. The yards were tiny. He ended up calling the police on her, were they discovered her poo infested home, with ticks, lice, and fleas that hoped around on the furniture and in the carpets. The law enforcement actually ran outside of the house trying to shake himself off.
I've had other dogfag experiences, just recently I had been jumped on by a large husky from an owner of several dogs, who didn't use a leash. I was hiking nearby my house. This was the same person, it happened twice. I had a Shepard (twice), two different Chihuahuas, and a Lab, run after me when I went for walks because none were on leashes. All of their owners said "sorry" and then let them continue to pester other people that were also walking.
I have a dog, but she will be the last animal I own after she passes.
No. 373881
Glad this threads been revived so I can complain. although I prefer cats I like most dogs, and have one of my own who is peaceful and well behaved. I’ve had some serious issues with other dogs though, mostly because theyve been raised by people who do not have the will/ability to train the dog properly. My nan loves dogs and has always had at least one, although she picks the worst dogs for someone of her age and lack of mobility. As a kid they would bowl me over and I’d be unable to push them off because they’re huge, and all she could do was give them a whack with her walking stick. She’d adopt the rejects from shelters and be forced to put them down a month later because they nearly killed another dog or something. I’m surprised but thankful that I’m not forever traumatised by big dogs because of her.
Another time I was walking my dog, and an old guy was out in the yard gardening with his big dog, probably a mastiff? When I walked past the dog jumped the 1.5 metre fence, pinned my dog and bit her neck. She escaped before any serious harm was done and ran home as I chased after her, but she was bleeding pretty badly and the vet said to watch out. The same dog barks all night too. I’m a heavy sleeper so it doesn’t disturb me too much but it drives my mum nuts. it’s a real shame there’s not enough responsible dog owners out there. Dogs should be spayed and neutered, especially bad breeds, and most old people should not have dogs.
No. 377045
>>377018This is true, but it is completely fucked up to ever let your cat outside.
I don't get why people have this different standard for cats, like we seem them as less domesticated or something (maybe because they don't willingly take commands from us, but what "domesticated" farm animal does?) so it's okay for them to just run wild outside or be left alone for days while you're on vacation.
I honestly kind of wish nobody could have pets and I find animal husbandry/having pets in general kind of weird.
There needs to be some kind of testing and surveillance for people who wish to have pets of any kind, but even more so for people that choose large dogs, parrots or other higher risk animals.
No. 377056
>>377045This is why I prefer cat cafes/sanctuaries. Visit them, play, and leave them to their little jungle while at the same time keeping them out of gross shelters.
IDK if the same would work for dogs.
No. 377257
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A random stranger rudely told me I shouldn't be afraid while his dog was leash-less and approaching me and my kid sister after I told him that we're both afraid of dogs. It was a narrow path and we walked to the middle of the road to avoid it coming near us (but it did anyway).
Is it that hard to understand and respect that not all people have the same experiences with dogs? I really don't understand what I did wrong in simply not wanting the dog near me or my sister.
I really wish there was some kind of app that tracked dogs, like a radar of some kind, so I could completely steer clear of dogs in my daily life.
No. 377348
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Anyone else like the idea of dogs, but just hate the owners?
I love seeing dogs with jobs work. Police dogs, SAR dogs, legitimate service dogs, farm dogs, sled dogs etc. People in Greenland keeps dogs as property and they are chained up outside when they're not used for pulling sleds (there's no roads or train system). They aren't treated as pets. Most modern dogs in the western world are unhappy animals who are owned by yuppies and idiots that don't know how to treat them or give them a job, so they become neurotic and destructive.
A dog in its natural environment doing what it was bred to do is just great though, IMO. Dogs should be regarded as tools first, pets second. Except in the case of tiny dogs who can't like, kill people.
No. 378065
>>377348Yes, I've always been weirdly attracted to dog sledding. It's cute seeing the dogs get so excited about running and how it seems to emotionally fulfill them.
>Most modern dogs in the western world are unhappy animals who are owned by yuppies and idiots that don't know how to treat them or give them a job, so they become neurotic and destructive.Yeah, lots of people who own huskies keep them cooped up in the house all day when they're bred for dog sledding. Then they wonder why the dog gets so aggressive and tears up the house. It should be considered animal abuse to not attend to an animal's needs like that. I feel like people should have to buy a license to own big dogs.
No. 381393 Airlines doesn't require you to crate your "emotional support"-pitbull, a simply leash is enough.
Imagine one of them going ballistic on a flight - that could cause it to crash.
No. 381395
>>377504i used to have a pic of me and my dog on my tinder profile but i had to take it down because men kept messaging me with creepy dog rape fantasies. shit like "have you ever let your dog lick your pussy?" and "would you ever let your dog fuck you?"
it was so fucking gross.
No. 381725
>"She was already so far gone. One arm was already bit completely off, the other arm was barely hanging on by a piece of meat," Whiteside said.What a horrible nightmare. Those poor neighbors that tried to save her are already traumatized. Fuck this culture of trying to infantilize and downplay the threat these dangerous beasts! If they have the capability to RIP YOUR ARMS OFF and tear off flesh, they should not be a pet!
Anyone want to guess what the other part of the “boxer mix” could be in those dogs? Hmmm…
No. 381729
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>>381725I saw the dogs and they looked just like boxers. Pitbulls are dangerous but can we drop the whole "no other dog is as dangerous as a pit bull"? Boxers, German shepherds, rotties, chowchows, like, so many big dogs are fucking dangerous. They're dogs, ffs. This is one of the dogs.
No. 381870
>>377348Totally. My two cents was gonna be that dogs are the best when they're allowed to be dogs. Hunt, explore, play, sniff poop lol
My problem with modern dog culture is the way dogs are romanticized and treated as well, not dogs. Like, no your dog doesn't want a fucking bubble bath, it doesn't want to wear a halloween costume. The way dogs are infantilized and fetishized is fucking gross and creepy. Like seeing those pictures of a dog being shown a steak and people laughing at the stupid face it makes, it reminds me of how people used to treat circus animals.
No. 381896
>>381870I feel you, Anon.
Like I have no problem with dogs even though I’m not crazy about them. I grew up with tons of animals so I just see them as they are.
But seriously, when you turn on the news it’s always fucking dogs and kids in some uwu feel good story and people act like if you’re not fawning over someone’s baby - be it human or canine - then you’re this weirdo heartless person and should be quarantined from society.
I don’t know why but I’ve never been on this surrogate pet parent bandwagon autism that’s so rampant nowadays. It’s like a disease. I like dogs for being dogs, like you said. Just like I like cats for being cats. So on and so forth. Half the time I don’t even know why most people get dogs and even cats in some instances as it just feels like they think it’s what expected of them as opposed to they really love the animal and want to care for them.
No. 381911
This YouTube channel pretty much exemplifies my feelings on the subject of dog owners, dog worship, and general nonsense of society honestly his old man sassiness makes me lol
No. 382063
My neighbors puppy just ran up to me and peed on my leg and shoes. It's a cute puppy, and has run over to greet me before, but never peed on me. Thankfully I just got home, so I was able to change and do my laundry. I didn't say anything to my neighbor. If it happens again I will, but I've had too many neighbors get really weird and hostile if I dare mention something negative about their dog. One couple went from being very sweet to going full on psycho when one of their dogs attacked my family's dog and bit it. They blamed our dog, and threatened us, including to shoot us if we came near their dogs. They ended up destroying both of them soon after that, even though we didn't even take our dog to the vet or anything because it wasn't a bad bite. Another neighbor acted like an asshole letting his dog shit in my yard, even when I asked politely from him not to, and he also let it bark all day everyday. He also got rid of his dog. Don't know if he destroyed it or took it to the pound. I just moved here and don't want to make enemies with my new neighbors. Hopefully it doesn't pee on me again, and I'll never have to mention it.
No. 382084
>>382063Dog owners are statistically less likely to pick up after their pet when asked to than when not asked. So mentioning not will probably cause problems and offend them.
If I had a kid and it pissed on someone's shoes not only would I be extremely apologetic I'd offer to replace them. But all logic goes out the window when dogs are involved… You should be fawning over it and your piss shoes.
No. 394141
I have a few dog hate stories. The older I get the more I've come to realize I just do not like dogs, and was only around them because my family had them. My dad got a puppy for his kids a few years ago that quickly grew into the size of a horse, and of course they didn't discipline it, or have room for it, so it would run and jump around their small house all day. It jumped on me when I went over to visit and it's claw scratched my eye. Thankfully it wasn't my eyeball, but just my eyelid that got scratched. They got rid of him after only a few months, and he was put down at the animal shelter they took him to that same day for being too big and hyper.
I got a job at a doggy day care, but quit after one day. You are expected to tear apart the large fighting dogs with your bare hands, and the dogs, mainly the big dogs, would get into fights all day long. Biting and growling at each other, and you just stick your bare hands between them to try to pull them apart from tearing each other apart. The barking was never ending. Piss and shit everywhere. The final straw was when a smaller rat dog jumped up at my face and bit my lip, breaking the skin. There were cameras all over the fucking place so the rich people could tune in to see how their precious dogs where doing, and I don't know how anyone would want to keep their dog there. Or work there for more than one day.
My last story is how I came to be a true dog hater, and not want to ever own one ever again. I was taking care of my grandparents dog, because they hated her kek, so she really became my dog, but i hated her too. Everyone hated her because she was an anxious wreck of a dog, from being a rescue dog who was abused as a puppy. She barked constantly, would piss and even shit on the walls in fear if my dad or any other man, or stranger of either gender came around, she would lick herself constantly, and would tear all of her toys to shreds. I kept her for over 5 years for some reason. I was tempted to get rid of her multiple times, but was talked into keeping her because I was a single woman living by myself and I needed a dog to protect me, even though she was a useless dog who was scared of her own shadow. I finally got rid of her when I left her alone for a couple hours and came home to her having torn apart over ten nice art books I owned that were sitting on the bottom shelf of my bookcase.
Sorry for the novel, but I have no where else to complain about dogs. Dogs are loud, destructive, and can easily be very violet. And I do not miss having them in my life.
No. 394485
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Saw this shit on Facebook. How annoying. I bet more than half of their coworkers hate them and have to vent about them at home.
No. 394511
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Topkek, I've never understood the hype around dogs. It's annoying how increasingly prevalent it's getting in the media. too many companies think including dogs in their commercials is a clear shot to pathos, and shitty movies with the same boring plotlines keep making revenue.
No. 395075
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bros being pals
No. 395356
>>395080wait you're honestly trying to insult me over the quality of an old photo? okay weirdo. the pet portion of this image is 60% cat, and the tard portion of your brain is 100%.
>>395082they're great, my cat(s) are wonderful and my dog(s) love 'em.
(derailing) No. 395467
>>395418i'm so, so sorry, anon. that's heartbreaking. RIP your sweet baby…
this is why it makes me so angry to see people continue to pretend like dogs aren't so dangerous. not because i want dogs to be demonized, but because when people stop treating dogs like the danger they are, this is what happens. almost all dog attacks are literally by other dogs, not raccoons, not possums, etc. they're a risk to dogs, cats, and children, especially.
No. 395682
>>394153Men who are obsessed with their dogs are one of the main reasons i hate dogs. They don't train them, they don't discipline them, and often they don't neuter them bc they think their dogs balls are somehow and extension of their own manhood and then act surprised when their untrained hormonal murderbeast lunges at people.
Dogs are fucking stupid and will love anyone and anything, but men take this love as some kind of badge of honor, like they earned something? No moron, you just feed the thing so it loves you. Get over yourself.
No. 401141
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>puts menacing devil horns on an already intimidating 100 lb pitbull
dogfag entitlement is so real
No. 401159
>>401141I get that many pitbulls are super sweet, gentle dogs, but their owners need to realize that they've been bred to be extremely powerful and with one snap of their jaw they can permanently alter someone's life. I know people who have been
victims of dog attacks and gotten huge wounds or even lost fingers or a chunk from their nose and they have all the right in the world to be wary. Parents can and should tell children to be extremely careful around dogs and avoid petting strangers' big dogs. I've even had a random mother get nervous when her son went up to my 12lb Corgi puppy but took no offense and she told me it's because her son was attacked and injured badly before.
No. 401160
>>401158i love how the first pictures are like "HE'S SO SAD. HE'S LOOKING DOWN OUT OF SADNESS!" yeah, dogs don't tend to enjoy having the flash light up 8 inches in front of their eyes, dumbass
>>401159especially in america, too. who can even afford to take the risk? lord knows most pitt owners probably don't have homeowners insurance or any assets or cash to collect on should something horribly traumatic happen
No. 401289
>>401169Not to ne argumentative Anon, I'm sure a few of those people were posers but…
Invisible disabilities/illnesses are a thing. Try not to jump tl conclusions unless it's really obvious the dog isn't a service animal.
No. 401327
I just wish dog owners would stop humanizing their potentially harmful animals. My mom has a Shih Tzu that she completely treats like a precious child that can do no wrong for about 5 years now. Over the years the dog gets subtly but steadily more aggressive towards my cats and my mom even supports it by saying "she's just protecting the room, good job dog name" when she
sometimes chases them out of the living room. Our cats were with us years before she had to get the dog. For that reason (and because my mom used to own my cats too before she replaced them with the dog as "main pet") my cats try to sneak in anyway sometimes but watch the dog closely as it could chase them away in any minute. But instead of teaching the dog to calm the fuck down, she blames the cats because they are staring at it. There have been several incidents where the dog chased/attacked the cats because they were too close when the dog got treats/food, or when one cat was just playing with a shoe or when my mom just happened to use the same voice she uses when scolding the cats. It already snapped at my cats twice, one of it about 2 weeks ago where it actually managed to get so close there was saliva in my cats fur. My mum was shocked too but then quickly played it off with "you're overreacting, she was just pretending, my poor baby got bitten once that's why she's so aggressive, it's the cats fault for being one fucking room away from where she gets a special treat, my dog would never etc etc" and then she deflected by carefully inspecting the dog because she thought/pretended it got scratched, literally saying "i swear, if it scratched their eye..".
Now about a week ago, it started to bark and jump around my cat like it does with its toys and my mom reacted with "aww it wants to play with the cat". When I told her dogs also do this with their hunting prey and asked her to stop her dog next time, she got mad and of course accused me of overreacting/being overprotective again.
Since she got the dog I tried to teach it very clear to leave the cats alone and it works when I'm there to interfere as soon as I see signs of aggression but I can't do it all alone, my mom is still her owner (even though her dog sees me as some kind of protector, since it always rushes to me when in fear).
Sorry for the vent, but I just don't know what else to do and I'm afraid what might happen when I'm not there. The earliest I can move out is by the end of the year.
Tl;dr: Dogs are okay, dog owners are the problem.
No. 401333
>>401327 you are ironically humanizing both dogs and cats. animals play together, their jump around, roll in the ground, get drool on each other. they dont play cards like people do
if the dog couldnt tolerate cats it would chase them and bite their head off. thats agression on dogs, not jumping around kek
the dog is scared of you because you are abusing it. keep going and it will become actually agressive
No. 401520
>>401333how do you have so little reading comprehension that you got "abusing the dog" out of a story where an anon isn't even really interacting with the dog and is just looking out for the cats
fucking retards abound itt
No. 402307
>>402272I'm with you on this. I've always found dogs like pugs, French bulldogs, chihuahuas, and dachshunds unappealing because they're just so mutated and unnatural-looking. Plus, their owners tend to not care about actual proper dog care and training since they just find deformed dogs cute so these small dogs tend to become smelly, awful shitbeasts as a result. I've only met one chihuahua ever that was actually well-behaved while the rest have been nervous, yappy wrecks.
I've always been biased toward dogs like working German shepherds and Malinois because they look like actual, functioning animals aside from intentionally ill-bred ones like roach back German shepherds. Small, deformed dogs seem utterly pathetic in comparison and I can't help but judge people who are drawn to them.
No. 402370
>>395497>>402272Ugh, how the fuck does anyone like wiener dogs.
They’re nasty, annoying little tubes of viciousness, which makes sense, since they were bred only for the purpose of hunting small game animals and dragging them out of their dens. They’re literally hardwired to chase and maim, on top of being highly territorial, yet I’ve never met an owner who’d give one of these fucks an actual strict training they need, instead treating it like a gentle lapdog, encouraging all the shitty behaviors like constant loud barking, digging holes in people’s lawns and ripping apart harmless tiny critters because “my baby is so assertive and energetic uwu~” Maybe it has something to do with the fact that wiener dogs are one of the top favorite breeds of middle aged women, whose entire knowledge of dogs boils down to “it looks cute = it must be gentle”. Honestly, I don’t even hate most dogs, but dachshunds and their owners can piss right off.
No. 402633
>>402405Pitbulls are not a breed. Pitbull refers to any mix of a bunch of different breeds. If you're going to have such a harsh opinion on something, you should at the very least know what it is.
But then again, one shouldn't expect basic understanding of anything from the kinds of people who want to illegalize an entire type of dog based on a tiny fraction of them being dangerous.
No. 404168
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>>402633Anyone who fights to ban a certain type of dog has no idea of the consequences of it. The ASPCA specifically details this on their page concerning the topic, including statistics from areas which have gone through with banning pitbull breeds. It leads to euthanizing not only pitbull dogs (many which are good-natured), but other breeds as shelters cannot handle the number of dogs in addition to the pitbulls seized. It's also been proven that outlawing one type of dog will only make assholes seek another breed to fill the void; pitbull bites decrease, but bites from other dogs increase.
Reading a lot of these comments, I can tell dogs owned by shitty people have impacted a decent few anon's lives, and I feel for them on that. These days, it feels like there are more terrible owners than good ones. And although "no-kill" shelters have their heart in the right place, there really is no fixing a bad upbringing and poor genetics in a human-aggressive dog. With those, it is best to humanely euthanize.
I don't think pitbull breeds are a lost cause, but as long as they are bred for aggression in certain circles and cultures, those with poor temperament/genetics will continue to be a problem.
No. 404708
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i'm not a huge fan of dogs, i like well-trained ones, but holy shit do i hate dog people. liking dogs is not a personality you boring, basic bitches.
No. 404761
>>404709This describes literally any dog or cat.
A close friend of mine died after she was bitten by a Shih-Tzu. The bite wasn't that bad, but it got infected and she developed Capnocytophaga.
No. 404904
>>404727>>404901too bad for them the shit breeders not only breed them for their insane jaw power, but they breed the aggressive traits into them for people who
want them as attack dogs.
No. 404917
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>>404761anon give it a fucking rest, the chance of dying from infection from the bite of a small animal is very low compared to being mauled by a larger animal, especially one commonly poorly-trained and let loose in neighborhoods/dog parks. and that's not counting severe disfigurement from attempted mauling.
No. 404927
>>404761>some rare as fuck infection shitYour friend died of an infection, they didn't get mauled to death.
>this describes any dog or catNo it fucking doesn't you pitshit.
If you're a toddler that cant just kick a cat off you idk what to say bud. There are
tons of cats and dogs that a human can easily overwhelm and control. Pitbulls and other large/strong dogs don't fall under that category. Training aside, something that looks "random" to the owner can always
trigger an animal to react in an extreme way. They are stupid as shit creatures.
So if something like that happens, and the owner can't stop the pet, that is not a pet. You're roommates.
No. 405121
>>405086As an adult you're unlikely to die from a pitbull attack unless it's several dogs attacking you. Attacks that results in permanent disability/disfigurement aren't included as fatalities either even if the consequences are severe.
No. 406724
>>40525110000000000% this. obvious, pathetic excuse.
>>405370agreed, disagree on the 'hate dogs' are retarded part. you see these kind of designer dog apologist/barely veiled excuses especially when they claim to be dog lovers. i can't stand these bullshit excuses tbh, and i dont like dogs at all. i've had countless positive experiences with shelter dogs ('shitbulls' included), and these people are also fucking delusional about the way plenty of bred dogs are treated as if they're not exploited constantly and bred plenty of the time by apathetic, selfish douchebags who just don't want to get a job and literally drop their retail gig at Anne Klein to start breeding border collies and plenty of the people have dogs that 'accidentally' get pregnant are similarly shit owners that likely aren't taking care of puppies properly and with the amount of love all these anons imagine they receive vs the average dog at the shelter. they literally pretend like every shelter dog is a severely traumatized former fighting dog or abuse
victim, jesus christ, like, not even close.
No. 409743
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Did anyone else see posts like this on Mother's Day? I don't mind dogs but stuff like this really weirds me out.
No. 413998
>>413997I know the feeling. I do feel terrible and want to save dogs. They are abused and don't deserve it, but fuck, I just don't like being around them, and I definitely don't have the energy. Plus, they're a lot more costly than cats and have A LOT more health issues.
The thing is too, like, you can literally adopt 4 rescue cats and it STILL would be less work than 1 dog.
No. 414004
>>413998At least if you raise a child they will eventually understand what you are saying and learn. I'm convinced this dog will never learn, most likely because of psychological issues caused by her previous owner. They are like retarded babies.
>>414003I've tried pee pad training but she would just rip the pads to shreds AND THEN use them, like she hates them or something. So I would come home and she would have used it but then torn it up so little bits of shit and piss are all over the floor. One time she even managed to get it stuck to the wall. Imagine, a wad of paper covered in piss and shit STUCK to the wall.
No. 414010
>>413997Toilet training dogs is a fucking nightmare, especially after having a cat who just understands within days that they go in the litter tray.
I suggest taking a small bag of treats with you when you walk the dog. Take the dog out more regularly than you normally would, to maximise the possibility it will be outside when it needs to pee. When it finally pees outside, make a huge fuss about how amazing and clever it is and give it tons of pats and a treat or two. Then take it to the same area every time you take it out (dogs like to pee in familiar spots) and make the same fuss every time it pees outside til it gets the message.
In the meantime, clean where it pees inside THOROUGHLY. Ideally you want to get rid of the smell entirely, because dogs mark their pee spots with scent so while it still smells the dog will associate it with going to the toilet.
Unfortunately depending on how dumb your dog is this whole process can take up to six months. I sympathise with you.
No. 414030
>>413997I don’t know what you were expecting. It’s a dog, not a fish. Did you go into it thinking you could just walk around for ten minutes once a day, feed it and be done?
Idiots like you are half the reason so many dogs end up in shelters. It’s abuse, yes, but it’s also “I didn’t know it would be work.” Considering that this is the age of the internet and information is readily available in only a few seconds, you honestly have no excuse. You saw a cute animal, got it, and forgot that it has needs and wants and doesn’t exist just to look adorable for you. It’s an animal, not a toy.
As for your dog pissing on your floor, you need to take time to train it properly.
No. 414034
>>414030Yeah, you're obviously assuming things. I've had my dog for a year now and take great care of her and that's WHY I said I now hate dogs. If I didn't give a shit and never tried to train her or walk her then I obviously wouldn't care because zero work is zero reward. I knew it would be work and I've put in work to get nothing in return. 'Take time to train my dog properly', like I haven't been doing that. Phone apps, pee pads, treats, several walks a day, fake grass, professional advice, dog school, I've been there and I'm still there. I even get my mother to stay with her in the day whenever I'm not home. She's just not a smart dog. I'm going to continue to be a good owner because I would never give her back, knowing what she's been through and knowing that she now feels like she has a home. I'm coming on the DOG HATE thread to vent about my stupid ass dog whom I love. So kindly fuck off with your 'holier than thou' bullshit.
No. 414156
>>414034Good post
>>414042No it isn't. Dogs are notoriously difficult to potty train.
No. 422564
>>422518Shit that's so crazy and really scary! I'm sorry that happened to you. Pitbulls are violent af, and they just look
wrong. I wish their popularity would die down and that they would be bred out of existence.
No. 428828
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I've got a tick infestation and can't live in my house for a few days. Dogs really aren't worth it. After my dog kicks the bucket I'm gonna swear off of pets for a few years.
No. 429370
>>429354anon i'm incredibly sorry for your loss. poor ducklings :'c
a big reason why i hate dogs is bc how likely they are to kill, maim or hurt smaller animals either intentionally or unintentionlly. dogs will fucking murder cats, ducklings, smaller dogs, any animal really, babies too, sometimes for no discernible reason? like just bc they want to? and whenever i see dog fanboys or fangirls go on and on about how "muh rottweiler or [insert confirmed violent breed here] is actually not violent or dangerous at all animals can't be evul or hurt anyone uwuwuwuu" i want to punch them in the jaw. dogs are much more capable of hurting or killing smaller beings than these retards would have you believe, and they're also fucking retarded animals to boot.
No. 429383
>>429373Did the mod get
No. 429385
>>429370The problem is mostly that a lot of dog owners don't underatand what their dogs are fucking bred for. Some breeds are designed to be around small animals and some are designed to kill them. People will get dogs bred for hunting and not understand why they go after small animals.
Although, in anons case it sounds like the dog just wanted to play and did not grasp the concept of small creature = fragile. I don't think that's something you can really train your dog to get. My larger dog luckily seems to get it and is always gentle with our cat, but we didn't train him to do that. I guess eother your dog is retarded with amall creautures or its not.
No. 429411
i used to live in this village a few years ago, everyone except my family had a dog. you couldnt go anywhere after the sun went down because the fucking maulers would start barking and growling at anyone walking past, triggering every single other dog in the entire village to start barking and growling as well, and who want to walk down a dark street where there are about 20 dogs barking and growling at you and hurtling themselves at the fence trying to get to you, all at the same time.
the neightbours dog was especially awful, it was called something like reni and it was a sausage dog mix, you couldnt go outside into the garden without it starting to bark, literally the second you opened a door that little cunt would come running up to the fence and start barking at the top of its lungs. it was especially annoying because the house we were at only had an outhouse, imagine trying to take a shit while some dog is continuously barking at you. i was so terrified that it would somehow get over the fence and attack me while i was taking a shit lmao. in the end it had to be put down because it dug under the fence towards the road and mauled a cyclist, causing him to fall over, hit his head and get some kind of brain damage.
there were also other dogs, there was this one really skinny dog that could fit through the gaps in the fence, it chased me several times while trying to bite me, but i managed to get away by bike or by climbing up a tree. there were entire streets me and my brother would avoid because of specific dogs that were known to escape.
i have a heart attack any time i hear the sound of a dog walking behind me, especially at night.
No. 431411
>>288882>kill small animalsyou mean vermin, right?
your fault if you own vermin as a 'pet'
No. 432469
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>>432468forgot to attach lol
No. 432478
>>432468>dipshitsLmao quoting the same person twice doesn't make them 2, you brainlet.
Now quit derailing the thread with your hatred for cats. And learn how to sage.
No. 433392
>>433261I’ll never understand why people are against neutering their pets. They get
so aggressive if they’re not neutered or spayed
No. 452026
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>>451464> pitbulls"my baby never hurt anybody uwu, it's just bad owners' fault that these smol misunderstood doggos keel people"
No. 452027
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> muh baby
No. 452040
>>452026In my area there was a family breeding Presa Canarios. One of the dogs mauled granny to death when she went round their house for a visit… for years neighbors and especially the postman had warned them about aggressive encounters they'd had with the dogs.. the dogs had bitten through the tyres of the postmans van on several occasions while trying to get to him, the family had to move their mailbox to an area where the postman could do his job without getting attacked
The dogs were shot after killing grandma but that family bred and sold 35 puppies over the years so how many more families are at risk now? They had enough warning signs
No. 452066
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>>452053>>452053agreed 100000%. notice, all of the "cute" dogs are just dogs that look like cats, with smaller snouts, bigger eyes, smaller faces, etc. cats are basically perfect, physically. the fact that you actually have to earn most animals' affection and trust puts them squarely in the lead in comparison to dogs anyways tbh. everything that people hype up about dogs is everything i dislike in humans tbh. it's not even a relationship with another living being, it's just narcissistic supply.
No. 452136
Yuck I hate dogs. Yesterday I was walking along a path through a field where i couldn't really move off path and a man with 5-6 dogs walked past me, and one of them had a muzzle on and launched at me. He mumbled "he can't hurt you" to me but the plastic on the dogs muzzle scratched my arm, ugh. I really dislike dogs, their owners always seem to be scumbags. Like, why bring out a large group of dogs when you can't control them all?!
>>452053 I agree, I especially hate dogs with long hair, it's just manky. Long haired cats are always better looking that dogs.
No. 452150
>>452136I've had similar happen and I feel like certain types of men get off on seeing women recoil from their 'big uber masc' dog. Power tripping scumbags that can't get female attention
There's a guy in my town that assumes you're shitting yourself over his dog and so comments on it.. even when you're not
No. 452730
>>452353Pitbulls should never be allowed in households with children, not because of the children, but because their parents are fucking narcissistic retards. People are starting to admit they're using their
oh so sweet pitbull for photo ops with their young children to show how well behaved and nice pitbulls actually are, in which the pitbulls look incredibly discomforted. Next thing you know, the child is suffering from an injury.
Majority of the time, people claiming their pitbull has always been nice, it's actually a mixed breed.
I dunno, I honestly believe pits can be cared for, but you need the right owner who will understand you can't change their instincts no matter how hard you will try.
No. 453033
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I like dogs just fine, but they're definitely not my favorite kind of housepet. They're overwhelming and demand so much of your attention. I prefer to iniate affection, not be randomly bombarded with it.
Rats, rabbits, and gerbils are my preferred pets. They're quiet, low-odor, and are very affectionate when properly socialized. I have no opinion on cats– I'm allergic, so I've never owned one.
No. 453096
>>453078I guess peoples definitions of "frequent" may vary. Rat cages should be cleaned once a week, much like any other pocket pet.
I would say that they smell more than guinea pigs and rabbits, but much less than ferrets or snakes.
No. 453248
>>453246I think there's two reasons:
First: what you said, cats are more independent and won't just let you kick and abuse them.
Second: cats are associated with femininity and women. It's not a coincidence that most misogynists hate cats and vice versa.
No. 453266
>>453248Cats represent the primary traits those men don't want women to possess; independence and refusal to put up with their
abusive shit. Meanwhile, dogs entire worlds center around their owners and they will love their owner no matter what horrible shit they do to them. Just like those men expect women to.
No. 453271
>>453242I don't like him either. He condenses very complicated issues into three minutes of info that shows he barely scratched the surface in his research. The dog breed episode really showcased that for me by how he treats all dog breeds like they're at the same level of ethical fuckery of English bulldogs, which are the most extreme example of breeding gone too far. That's no better than people who will take the most extreme examples of issues rescue dogs sometimes have and act like that's always what they're like.
It's especially annoying because there are very legitimate reasons for people to prefer specific dog breeds, like if you're a woman living alone who wants a dog for protection, or a family that needs a dog that is good with kids, if you need a particularly loving dog for emotional support reasons, etc etc. But there are NO good reasons for picking a breeder over adoption when it comes to cats other that pure aesthetics. So, people should be applying "adopt don't shop" to cats infinitely more than dogs.
No. 453278
>>453078I do a basic cleaning my rat cage (changing bedding, cleaning hammocks+hides) about once a week and it never has much of an odor. Various factors will influence how much a cage smells, though. Male rats are a bit more odorous than females, and odor will obviously become an issue quicker if the cage has a lot of rats relative to its size. Fleece bedding gets stinky super fast, paper based bedding (ie CareFresh, etc) takes a bit longer to get smelly, and aspen bedding takes quite a while for the smell to get bad.
Kiln-dried pine is also apparently really good for odor but regular pine can cause respiratory problems so I'm wary of it.
No. 453310
>>453298Is there anyone in this thread who hates both dogs
and cats?
My aunt hates both. When she was small, she saw the family cat yank her hamster through the bars of its cage and kill it. I think it traumatized her. Now she only keeps birds.
Dogs and cats are carnivores. They kill things. I think for some people, that's hard to cope with.
No. 453326
>>453293If you took her to your house, try to keep her inside, even if she's an outdoor cat. She might try to go exploring in an unfamiliar area and get hurt, especially if people let their dogs wander around.
Several years ago, my family had an outdoor cat who had kittens on our patio. Some of my neighbor's pits were running around unsupervised one morning and killed one of the kittens gruesomely. It was heartbreaking. She was almost old enough to be adopted.
Some dogs will really go after cats if given the chance. Animal control said they couldn't do anything about it either, unless the dogs were left unsupervised 24/7.
No. 453475
>>453366Do cats bark so loudly that you can't sleep or concentrate, that you feel like going crazy?
Can cats grow as big and heavy as a human, scaring children and adults alike?
Do you regularly hear about a cat having mauled (and eaten) its owner?
Is the street littered with gigantic heaps of cat shit?
Do cat owners insist on taking their babies absolutely everywhere, while ignoring hygenie standards and the comfort of others?
Do cats always run towards strangers, sniffing and licking them? And do their owners say shit like "Don't be scared, it won't hurt you hehe!“ if you try to get away (but you know exactly that if you were to get bitten they'd find a way to blame it on you)
Do cat owners lose their collective shit if somebody doesn't love them, calling the haterz "psychopaths"?
Because this is what people hate about dogs.
All negative aspects
>>453373 named can be avoided by simply not owning a cat - which I do.
Sadly the same can't be said about dogs, there's no way to get away from them.
No. 453488
>>453266Yeah, femininity is associated with cats and it's considered perfectly normal to hate cats while masculinity is associated with dogs and people believe there must be something wrong with you if you hate dogs. Fictional portrayals of domestic cats are overwhelmingly female while dogs are male. People tend to look at random cats on the street and assume they are female. I even knew some children who thought "all cats are girls and all dogs are boys".
The only time cats are given masculine attributes and praised are when they are big cats like tigers and lions.
No. 453517
>>453502>All they want is to be lovedSame goes for humans as well, yet we (including you) give a shit about each other.
Why should dogs be more deserving of love, care, safety and attention than other living beings - just because they want that…?
Children also love their parents unconditionally, but people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs get.
Somebody, strangers, not loving your furbabies enough is an absolute non-issue, you can't gaslight anybody into liking them by repeating buzzphrases like "you're a psychopath/sick/evil/bad/not human/whatever if you dont't like them!“.
No. 453574
>>453527I mean you're literally so
triggered by the thought of
random strangers not liking your beasts that you've convinced yourself they're soulless cunts. You're literally delusional lol, get therapy sis.
No. 453582
>>453577I'm also a different Anon, but that person literally called the people in this thread "soulless cunts" despite the fact that the majority of posts are just complaining about shit dog owners and their
endless entitlement. The people who have suggested dog abuse have been called out bcuz it's gross. And no, putting down dangerous breeds is not calling for abuse.
And yes, whether you like it or not, openly hating children is far more acceptable than hating dogs. Childfree people say awful shit and tend to act like children themselves, and it's considered totally fine by most of society. Only super old people tend to care about the "nuclear family" structure anymore, and if you're letting them get to you with their opinions, idk what to tell you sis. No one is saying that abuse of either is acceptable, that's just your own delusion.
So much projecting from you, tbh. Btw, saying "I just think it's funny" is just a translation of "I'm butthurt about your post and want to pretend I'm laughing."
No. 453614
>>453596I'm guessing you lack reading comprehension abilities, so I'll help you out here, even though English isn't even my first language. Only super old people tend to care if you have children/a family anymore, and if you care what they think, I can't help you. That's at least the way it is in the West. Neither group is saying that outright abuse is acceptable.
But as a person who hates children and likes small dogs, I can sure as shit tell you I have had far less negative reactions from the average Westerner when I tell them the former, and far more negative reactions when saying I hate pitbulls/large dogs. That's just how it is. There is also more attention given to animal charities, while it is still openly acceptable to say that foster kids are "bad" or "a lost cause." The point is that we care more about another species than our own, you ninny.
Honestly tho who cares about that when there's hoes like you that literally can't read. You're why I don't want children, tbh, because they'd probably grow up into the same sort of retard who needs to be walked through everything so they don't get mad.
No. 453625
>>453517Ok, so I'm the anon that you're replying to here…
What the fuck? What point are you trying to make here? When did I say dogs are more deserving of love than humans? When did I say it's ok to abuse kids? All I said is that it's very telling of your character (soulless and cunty) if you're disgusted by a creature that will love you unconditionally. Human or dog or cat or whatever the fuck.
>>453614Your drivel about old people was a non-sequitur. It had nothing to do with the discussion. You just jumped into it without prompt and now you can't even realise why someone was confused by it. Autistic?
(stop) No. 453629
>>453617And yet I comprehend it better than you, a native speaker. I'm guessing you're not used to large words or paragraphs, because the last time you had to use them was when you were getting your GED, but jfc. Does everything have to be a meme or a Twitter post for you to understand the concept?
This really isn't that hard to understand. Society is less judgemental of child hate than it is of dog hate. Ask your tard handler to explain it to you again if you're still not getting it, as I'm not certified to deal with special needs children.
No. 453632
>>453625It…isn't a non-sequiter tho? The other person claimed that people who hate children are hated more than dog people. The only people that hate you for disliking children or not having them are super old conservatards.
I can tell you're getting pretty butthurt because you can't read, or follow a basic concept, but Jesus. Calm down sis.
No. 453639
>>453638But they literally didn't, you blithering retard. They said we pay less attention to child abuse than we do to animal abuse. And I agree.
Literally no one is saying abuse is acceptable against children or dogs. That's you. You're the one saying it.
Don't worry, I'm sure your mommy is super proud of your abilities. It's okay if you can't fucking read.
No. 453644
>>453639I am in awe of who you are as a person. No matter what happens in my life, I will always remember the moment I witnessed humanity at combined-peak retardation and condescension. You could be a textbook example of Dunning-Kruger.
Finish your ESL classes, bud.
No. 453645
>>453639are you sure about that? are you 100% certain?
>>453527 was in response to
>>453517. hmm… what's that say?
>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs get>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs get>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs get>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs get>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs getwell well well.
No. 453650
>>453643That…is literally what I just said, you actual mouthbreather. She said we pay less attention to child abuse than we do to dog abuse/hatred, and I agree. Literally no one is saying that you can just brag about abusing either, just that we as a society tend to pay more attention/give more money to animal abuse charities than causes related to child abuse. That is literally the meat of what this person is trying to say, even if someone like you can't read/deliberately misinterprets it.
>>453644Ooh, generic racism and foreigner hate when you realize you're wrong. Are you the same Anon who was screaming the n-word in other threads?
>>453645And then I elaborated on the point she was making, which you are once again ignoring in favor of your own translation.
People care more about whether or not you like dogs/are caring for their needs than whether or not the child next door to them is being fed or taken care of. And I agree. I even stated that I myself hate children and tend to not notice or care about charities related to them, even though I'd never outright promote abuse, I'm enough of an adult to admit that I am essentially facilitating it by not caring/doing anything.
I'm guessing I hit a nerve in your sensitive liberal bodies that's slowly making you realize you're not the good people you claim to be, just because you like dogs. Soulless cunts indeed.
(infighting) No. 453653
>>453650lmao, I wasn't being racist. Everything I said was pointed directly at shit you've said. Things you have demonstrated (and continue to demonstrate) are true about your character.
Of course you un-ironically use "liberal" as some sort of negative character trait. You are a parody of a human being. A cautionary tale of what not to let your kids become lol.
(infighting) No. 453654
>>453650>She said we pay less attention to child abuse than we do to dog abuse/hatredAre you actually retarded? She said people care more about "us doghaterz disliking dogs" than child abuse. It's right there in plain English, why are you struggling with this so much?
>>people not liking and even mistreating or abusing them only get's a fraction of the attention that us "doghaterz" disliking dogs getThere is no mention of animal abuse in this sentence. At all. It is comparing people mistreating/abusing children to "us doghaterz disliking dogs". This is literally so clear and easy to understand you have to be retarded or trolling.
No. 453660
>>453517 (my only post in this thread today) and this
>we pay less attention to child abuse than we do to animal abuseis exactly what I meant.
Now continue making fun of me not being anglo.
No. 453725
>>452289my dad made the mistake of booking the family to a hotel that was "dog friendly" because it was cheap (we didn't notice until we got there).
Know I know those places exist and I will go out of my way to avoid them.
No. 461808
>>461801Yeah it's the owners that are a problem really, we could almost call this the 'irresponsible dog owners' hate thread
I went from living in a big apt building in the city and losing my mind listening to peoples screaming and hyperactive kids to moving to a tiny country town and listening to local dogs bark in their gardens all day long
The paths are thin here so it's fun both dodging large dogs and piles of their shit on the daily
No. 462074
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Based Baby keeping the neighborhood safe.
No. 462083
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>>462080God, always a fucking pitbull, i hate those fucking dogs so much, at least is good to know you can count on based michi when you need it.
No. 462128
>>462074>>462083tbh i dont like dogs or pitbulls but i feel bad for the dogs. it's not the pittbulls fault that pitbulls are trendy and fucked over by humans. i really don't get why you guys hate them so much when people are the ones to blame. they're horrendous fighting machines but we wouldn't be in this situation if not for asshole people. you guys should be hating the people, not the pitbulls, they're just irrational animals. they're also retarded
victims of all of this. they were bred to be retarded monsters. they just should not be bred or owned by civilians ever, let to live out the rest of their natural lives alone (i know it's not possible but whatever) and anyone caught breeding them should be put to sleep.
anyways, all dogs are unstable and are like fostering former convicted abusers or something. at any point the creature you let into your life and home can rip your face off while you're just trying to eat your potato salad
No. 462158
>>462128I hate pitbulls even though I like other kind of dogs but anon didn't even link the full story, those dogs were basically just passing by the cat's home when the insane cat attacked and one of the dog owners had to go to hospital, cat bites are far more likely to get infected and have higher tetanus risk because their teeth are so small and go deep.
I hate animalfags who will excuse this kind of behavior just because the insane animal is species they happen to like. Dog is too comfortable with biting humans unprovoked? Put it down. Cat attacks animals and humans that are just passing it's home in the street? Put it down. People and our health is more important than aggressive animals.
No. 462416
>>462128I hate the dogs for being dangerous beasts and i hate the dog owners because no one should own a pit bull, ever, they are a public hazard and they definitely should be made illegal.
>>462155>>462158Baby did nothing wrong.
No. 462425
thank you for the assumptions, but i have owned multiple dogs, including a pitbull (who was actually a wonderful, very mild mannered pitbull from a shelter and he passed away after us owning him for 10 years w/o ever causing any incident). none of them have done such things to me, but i recognize their instability, because, well, they're animals, and most dogs actually have horrifyingly impressive biteforce and style of attack that differs from other animals, retard-chan, even the little ones. you're a moron if you think dogs aren't unpredictable and that you're not letting potentially dangerous beings into your home and bed. animals are unpredictable, period. this is an unavoidable truth. for some people, that risk is worth taking because they love dogs, doesn't make it any less through though that your dog can snap at any given time.
No. 462431
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>>462425>not all pitbulls>its not Pibbles, its all animalsYeah, we all know a corgies would snap and bite the head of a children when they get startled.
That excuse is so lame. Its so easy to debunk too pibble-chan, not all dogs are as dangerous and harmful as pitbulls, even other breeds of large dogs don't cause as much harm. A dog that was bred to be a killer for generations should not be kept as a house pet.
No. 462438
>>462431wowie, anon, one shitty infographic that doesn't explain many things, some of which being:
>pitbulls are consistently in the top 3 of the most popular dogs in america because morons are breeding and adopting them when they have no idea how to care for a pet rock, let alone a pitbull, and that's just what's reported. there are probably way more people out there with pitbulls than reported. this already skews the statistics as these are by incident and not by percentage of all owned or owned in a given area. we know people lie and try to pretend their "mixes" are not pitbulls
>their involvement in fatal attacks doesn't mean people are not frequently harmed by other dogs to a lesser degree. your "debunked!!" infograph is retarded. i never said they were not fatal. they absolutely are.
>pitbulls are shown to be less aggressive than a number of breeds, but they are more lethal and this is owed to the fact that they have a more fatal fighting style, stronger bite force, are pure muscle, etc. you conflate aggressiveness with ability to inflict harm when aggressive. again, this is retarded.i'm not here to rehabilitate the optics of pitbulls and i do not want to be near dogs, i'm just saying, they're
victims too and i am awfully tired of any kind of
victims being blamed and hated for something that is a calculated problem caused entirely by asshole people. pitbulls are not capable of reasoning. they don't need to suffer and you don't need to hate them, they just shouldn't be owned by civilians, like a lot of dogs, and shouldn't be bred. "pibble haters" have some very
valid concerns, but you sound like 10 year olds that can't reason themselves out of a paper bag. people are the literal fucking problem here. hate them and wish terrible things upon them, not animals who have no foresight or control. pitbulls are also a fuckton more likely to have horrible,
abusive owners that cause this shit. there's a certain type of person that generally adopts a lot of the pitbulls that end up in shelters.
No. 462496
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Is someone going to open a new thread?
No. 463130
>>462496This one has 100 comments left.
When I scrolled past I thought that was a Null meme.
No. 470187
>>294747imagine being elitist about a fucking living thing. Cat haters are no better than dog haters, vice versa. The only shit I agree with on this milky thread is how retarded people are to glorify and babify their pets. Other than that, I'm seeing a lot of lactating hypocrites on here.
For fuck sake Debra, nobody gives a shit about Cats vs Dogs except very shallow people like you.
No. 470191
>>465815underrated and based post bless you.
I also hate the fucking fact that people buy living animals as "fashion accessories" or whatever the fuck. then they refuse to train, socialize them, or even walk them.
E.I pitbulls and huskies. Dogs are only aggressive because of lack of or shit socialization.
I have a shitty aunt that barely lets her chihuahuas in the apartment play or walk with other dogs or humans. It's also the way she manhandles them that are the icing on the cake and she fucking wonders why they're aggressive to her and others.
>>465760hoe dare u you evil hunam i bet you beat u meat to dogs dying reeeeeee
No. 480643
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>>478476Pit moms especially
No. 480661
>>480643What shitshow in America is this? Why are crimes in America barely punished? It's practically anarchy there
How many more puppies need to be killed by pitbulls before people start getting a fucking hint and controlling their damn dogs? I swear death penalty in America needs to be used more
No. 480679
>>480656Because pibble lovers can't reconcile the cognitive dissonance of knowing that they're the most violent, most abandoned breed of animal that's harder to find home placement for with their unchecked feels for these animals.
They breed them just because they want them, or think they want them. And when a ton of these pitbulls wind up in these predicaments they act like they didn't enable this type of culture to begin with, "That's not MY sweet pibble!" They'll say, until one day, it is.
No. 480686
>>480656I don't get how anybody ever thought it was a good idea to classify them as "pet". Everybody always claims it's solely the owners' fault but is it really? And if just a tiny mistake is enough to have it turn into a bloodthirsty killing machine, then why keep it as a "cute" and "fun" thing at home, around their family?
Dogs are essentially weapons, if trained right they kill at your will, so I really don't think breeds like pitbulls who have been fatal to humans again and again should be allowed. Dog "parents" always act as if owning a dog is a human right but it's not, you don't
need one - especially not a pitbull.
No. 480691
>>480643>>480656>>480659I’m the anon who posted the picture. For the record it was an amstaff not a pit, but whatever, same difference. Both are equally vicious.
>>480661It happened in the UK, no need to get your America hateboner on. Also the owner was found and identified but likely won’t get punished because the wiener dog that got killed was off lead. And while I kinda have to admit the amstaff lady isn’t entirely responsible in this scenario, she made a dumb fucking decision to get a literal murder machine as a pet in the first place.
Even if the wiener ran at them barking its head off, which would piss off most dogs, it’s only pit bulls etc., whose first reaction is to attack and kill.
I’ll never understand how devoid of empathy and self-preservation instinct you’d have to be to keep this kind of creature in your home.
No. 480722
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pit bulls are so babied there have been incidents where they maul children and people are like “Awwh well it’s cause he was a troubled puppy” or blame the child I’m sick of it, why do people go so far just to defend these literal beasts
No. 481435
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>>481370You'd let someone shoot this good boy anon?
No. 481565
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>>481435Not that anon, and I wouldn’t shoot any kind of dog, because wtf. But the good boy is going to look like pic related in a few months, which makes it really hard for me to like pit bulls for their supposed cuteness. Breed temperament aside, they are extremely ugly dogs imo. Even when they make that “smiling” face, their eyes stay beady and soulless, like a shark’s.
No. 481707
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>>481565Idk, I think they're cute
I've known 5 or 6 pittbuls/pitt mixes and they are always the sweetest dogs in my experience
No. 485273
>>485270Supposedly to look after their children.
We all know what happens when you force your pitbull to have a Facebook photo op with your child to try to prove how friendly your dog is. Definitely NOT risking your child from getting attacked, no siree Bob!
No. 504346
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the eternal pitbull at it again
No. 504376
>>504346But i bet you'll still have people saying 'IT'S HER FAULT. SHE SCARED HER POOR BABY DOG'
Horrible. That poor woman could have been saved.
No. 505287
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I hate most people who own dogs.
They are loyal, fearless creatures, man's protector, willing to give their life for yours at any second. They are dumb, but the best bodyguard you will ever have.
But some people. They should really just have cats. It's the tiny dogs that bother me.
First of all, is it even possible to train a chihuahua. They all seem like they're in the midst of a constant existential crisis.
Yorkies, if untrained, will bark forever. Endlessly. There is no escape from the barking. You want to tell the in-laws, "Hey, please stop yelling, he thinks you're barking too," but you know they wouldn't listen. It's none of your business. You casually ignore the poop on the floor, and leave with a headache.
Some dogs are assholes with teeth. I knew a doberman who tried to kill a baby. But I also knew a graceful old man yorkie, who was kind and careful with his barks. Kind of like humans. There just needs to be more awareness on how to train them.
No. 520354
>>288882Uh dude, I like both dogs and cats, but dogs kill other animals just as frequently if not more so than cats. They also kill people too if they're big enough. Especially pitbulls and rottweilers
When I lived in the country, a neighbor's dog broke into the chicken coop and slaughtered every last one of the chickens. Didn't even eat them, just killed em for fun. A lot of dogs would do this if left alone
No. 540125
>>540122seriously why do dog owners lets their dogs pee and shit on everything.
Dog owners seem like such filthy people.
No. 540896
>>540125>>540132>>540135They are. They'll yell about CAT PISS SMELL all day but that's very easily managed by cleaning the box and has nothing to do with the cat itself. Dogs
stink. You need to bathe them because they can't even clean themselves. Dog owners often
stink. The shed hair clings to them and there's that disgusting unwashed dog smell that lingers around them. I don't understand how they're so oblivious.
No. 549708
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Anons this thread makes me feel validated. Most of my friends are dog people and one in specific essentially has liking dogs as a personality trait. I don't care about your coworkers dogs!!!! I can't stand the heckin good pupper uwu braindead shit that people always spew.
I'm also extra bitter because I work retail in an area full of rich white yummy mummies who bring their family dog into the store and I have to pretend to care about them and feed them a treat or my boss will yell at me. If I have to see one more golden doodle im gonna an hero they're so fucking ugly and stupid yet every rich white person seems to have one.
No. 549793
>>549708>Most of my friends are dog people and one in specific essentially has liking dogs as a personality trait.So many of dog people are like this! Why is it not considered cringy is really confusing to me, since people who love cats or horses are always mocked for that, yet dogs? Nah it's fine.
Literally 80% of mails with introductions from new employees of my company (completely not animal related business) is about how much this person loves dogs, their dogs and any dogs, emphasis on PLEASE SEND ME PICTURES OF DOGS. I'm not about to rain on their parade or anything, but why is it not a cringy thing to be, no idea.
No. 586305
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Poor little guy, but cool rock collection!
>She said her family holds no bad feelings to the dog's owner.
>"The dog’s owners are really great people who have been nothing but kind to Bridger and his family. We feel no resentment toward them at all, and—if anything—there’s only been an increase of love between our families as a result of this incident," said Walker.So you’re gonna put your kids at risk again because “muh relashunship” with your stupid neighbors? Yeah, fuck you.
No. 586379
>>586377Samefag, but I forgot to mention that I got attacked because of sheer neglect on the dog owners part. She also
victim blamed me because it was
triggered by me trying to pet it (not even rough housing, literally just reaching over to pet it). My grandma insisted I not tell anyone (it belonged to her friend who was babysitting me) and I didn't tell my mom for years.
No. 586969
>>586967The scarring on the photo looks relatively fresh and his face is barely deformed at all (maybe pulling the edge of his lips down a little bit). He will be fine.
Still, dogs suck.
No. 586999
>>586990Uh awful, I guess I was just hopeful for that kid. It's true though that bite wounds don't heal as nicely as clean cuts would. Maybe modern aesthetic science will be able to achieve more in terms of fixing him up.
It's crazy tho how cruel kids can be when it comes to bullying.
No. 587839
I own a dog, so I don’t have them per say, but I can’t STAND how people just DONT TRAIN THEIR DOGS. My friend took over her dog before covid hit, and I let my dog be inside, because while he can come on command, he only does it when there isn’t a distraction (context: I live on the countryside so we have open area). My friend let her dog run around and they immediately started chasing the neighbours horses AND SHE DIDNT EVEN LEASH THEM AFTER THAT. I’ve spent so much time on training my dog, and even then I don’t allow him to run loose, because I can’t trust him 100%!
The worst part are the yappy designer dogs, I was waiting for the elevator while someone was waiting for it, carrying their small Pomeranian. My dog wanted to say hi, but he knows he’s not allowed to so he didn’t but this dog started barking so much, and the girl snapped at me and said “you need to take the other elevator” where 7 other people were waiting for it like bitch I have a huge dog that CANT fit there, plus even if he could I don’t know if someone would be afraid of him! You are carrying a small dog who is barking so YOU MOVE.
Sorry for rant I’m kinda drunk and mad lol
No. 589747
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…. this is why I hate dog owners. Always acting like everyone is put of line but them. She also did call ups on this poor driver
No. 591801
>>586815Yeah I've never met a well behaved small dog either and they never shut up even when their owners yell at them.
By contrast, bird dogs that are trained to quietly track grouse and bring the dead birds to the owner without barking, attacking or biting it are usually the nicest and calmest ones. At least when the owners take them to do that stuff.
No. 618708
>>618668I hate walking down a street, hearing an angry sounding dog barking and not knowing where it is exactly, if it's constrained, if it's big or small and whether it's all bark and no bite. The fear that puts in me.
Also hate living in one of those villages where people are generally good at not littering, but then when it comes to dog shit it's everywhere and on the main street it usually has tire marks in it from prams and buggies that had the pleasure of going through it.