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No. 302021
For better or worse, the farms may have affected your self esteem.
On one hand, observing the shitty life decisions of other people makes you feel better about your own. Like, "whew, I may not be perfectly happy, but at least I'm not a camwhore, mutilated with plastic surgery, bankrupt, etc." We all know the mood.
On the other hand, though, I think it's impossible not to hear cows get torn apart for their breasts, (often mild) acne, noses, and so on and not internalize it at least a little. There's no way everyone who posts here is a perfect skinned, perky-boobed, tiny-nosed, 18 BMI model.
What I'm basically asking: has anybody here ever read an aesthetic insult towards a cow and died a little inside because they have the same flaw?
No. 302037
>>302028>>>/g/80033 is similar.
On-topic, I generally disagree with the nitpicks and farmers' collective beauty standards so it doesn't bother me on a personal level. But I'd be uncomfortable personally knowing another girl who frequents here since I suspect she'd be judging me all the time lmao.
It affects my view of the average user than it does my view of myself, basically.
No. 302048
>>302037(OP) I considered posting this in that thread, but I felt like it didn't gel with the topic.
Also, this seemed a little too feelings-y for general.
Anyway, I don't think I would judge someone for posting here. We do pretty much the same kind of gawking TMZ and TLC do, but we at least have the decency not to be making money off of it lol.
No. 302083
>>302048Yeah, I'd feel more insecure around people who read/watch those gossip things, too. Unless they clarified their stance (as in, they're in it for the drama).
What I meant by judging them, is that I'd assume they'd be nitpicking me in their head and I don't want pals like that. I'm kind of uggo and I love and support other uggos.
>>302058There are so many "flaws" people care about here that I never even noticed in real life. I've never cared if someone had acne, linebacker shoulders, a less than perfect body, N A S O L A B I A L F O L D S, or FAS face lmao. As long as someone smells alright and is pleasant, why get caught up with that?
I mean, most of the cows who are picked on live off their looks (like June), but are the farmers in those threads also disgusted by average girls they see in their daily lives?
No. 302128
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i try not to focus on the insults unless it's super funny and just stick with the milk… but the saggy tits comments sting me a little with my boobs that are sadly starting to sag. feels bad sometimes
No. 302162
>>302128I get calling some of the subjects in ot and snow ugly, fat or old looking (also because they are bad people or "deserve" it like e.g. June who constantly shits on other women herself), but the latest influx of so many farmers calling other's chests "udders" really shocked me. That's honestly something I haven't even heard males say, that's just so disgusting and dehumanizing.
Goes to show that being obsessed with anime girls/barely legal kpop idols has very negative affects on how you see your own and other's bodies…
No. 302335
>>302180well, seeing what happened to people that accidentally doxxed their instagrams while posting caps, some farmers are shitty enough to tear down a random person.
At the same time, lolcow made me realize it does not matter what other people say. I see cows or random models, celebrities etc. called ugly, but as I disagree, I see how true it is that beauty is subjective.
I hate how bitchy and ready to infight anons are as it
triggers my anxiety even though I know it does not matter but at the same time it works like exposure therapy so it's fine lmfao
No. 302341
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Honestly it's helped my self esteem because there are always nitpicky toxic anons but seeing other anons call them out on their retarded standards makes me feel better.
Feels good to know some people here are reasonable and see beyond a cows dumb appearence.
No. 302372
>>302180I post both here and on Kiwifarms, and I have to say, Kiwis are a little bit better at sticking to milk and avoiding appearance insults. This isn't to say they don't do it- they certainly do- they just do it a lot less.
I think it's because LCF is like 95% female, whereas KF has a pretty even male-female ratio. Let's face it: chicks are
way more critical of peoples' appearances than guys are.
Also, when people are too harsh on cows, it can be really counterproductive. For instance, Vamp is an awful person, so the last thing one of us would want to do is make people feel
bad for her. But when people bitch about her nose, it makes me sympathize with her. Anons, if you're making a rape apologist look sympathetic, you're doing something wrong.
My personal rule of thumb is that it's only okay to nitpick a cow's looks when their looks is what they make money off of. Moo and Shay, for instance.
No. 302385
>>302372>Also, when people are too harsh on cows, it can be really counterproductiveAgreed. And it's not because I feel particular sympathy for any of them, but because it makes our legitimate criticisms lose credibility. If there's a pretty, skinny cow and anons are harping on about her nasolabial folds and how fat her 100lb body is, how could anyone possibly take arguments against their behaviour/personality seriously? If that cow read the thread, they could easily think 'these bitches are just jealous' and disregard all criticism.
I don't agree with your last point at all though. Camgirls, costhots etc don't need to meet lolcow's standards to earn the right to make money off their looks. I saw someone call Shay flabby earlier and just… what the fuck? She's thin af, she doesn't owe the world a perfectly toned athletic body just to be a grotty camwhore. Even if she's a bit skinnyfat what's the point of shitting on her for it when there's so much other shit to criticize? It seems like some people just can't help themselves, they compulsively find some flaw in a woman's looks and HAVE to post on it, as if them being a bad person means they must also look bad.
My exception are girls who photoshop excessively and misrepresent themselves.
No. 302388
>>302385Oh yeah. Let me add an addendum to my rule of thumb:
It's only okay to nitpick a cow's looks when their looks is what they make money off of… and your criticisms are within reason. I.e., nothing that involves surgery or ana-chans.
No. 302416
>>302409It's not a matter of what they 'deserve', it's a matter of what's true or not. Really, all cows with nasty personalities deserve to be as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside. But that isn't necessarily the case, and we still sound bitter and lose credibility when we make unwarranted cricisms of a cow's looks.
Shoe is thin and has a decent body. I wouldn't say that if you didn't specifically bring her up, because I don't have any desire to praise her. But I'm not going to be the delusional bitch who calls her chubby just because I don't like her and find her bragging obnoxious. I just won't mention her body and will talk about her being obnoxious, because at least that's true.
No. 302425
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>>302416why is always shuwu that brings in these whiteknights over her appearance? her body looks nothing like what she brags it looks like and she's known for bullying girls who are at a normal weight, calling you then fatties and landwhales. It's totally warranted when she is a. getting fatter b.full of shit about how 'smol' she is and c. shouldnt dish it out if she can't take it
No. 302803
Lolcow has actually helped me a lot.
I grew up without a lot of parental guidance & have always felt like I've raised myself in a lot of ways. My parents never taught me proper hygiene, cleanliness, or really any social behavior. As a result, I've had to learn a lot of hard lessons in hard ways and can be pretty socially inept at times.
Being able to read through these threads and hear the kinds of unfiltered, raw & honest judgements people will make about each other has helped guide my social behavior a LOT. Instead of me having to stumble over myself, I get to watch cows do it & see how people respond. It's hugely beneficial. Not to mention all the advice that gets thrown around, as an example I've learned a lot about basic skincare just through reading peoples criticisms of cows that do it wrong.
This site can be pretty harsh, and like
>>302743 said the discourse tends to devolve into stupidity and shallowness quite rapidly. But that's just human nature, and I'm not afraid to see the ugliness of our species for what it is. It doesn't hurt me to see the truth of our ugliness, in fact, it really helps.
No. 302833
not really. what's really harmful is shit like r9k for women. i fully accept that most of the nitpicking here has to do with the quality of the cow or flake's character and generally is a reflection of that, but even if not, i don't really take the silly nitpicks you girls say to heart because i feel you guys don't believe them all that much yourselves or you're just mentally ill or having a bad day or something.
what i don't like seeing though is when it starts sounding like shit men would say, like, straight from their mouths, or stuff that's overly sexualized combined with insults, but i generally assume that's just men anyways.
like, some of the worst nitpicking, imo, is on the onion thread, but i don't think most people in there are even real farmers, and some are men, so it's like, eh.
No. 302837
>>302076I think that you're also forgetting that having a long face/square body and being female will always look completely different than having those characteristics and being male. If someone is a tall, stocky woman it's not the same image or silhouette as being a tall, stocky man etc. etc. even if it's described in the same way.
Honestly, women shitting on males for looking male has nothing to do with you. If you are not male, you will not look male to others. I've seen both troons and ladies of your body type IRL and it's very obvious which one's which.
No. 302843
>>302803same. before lolcow, i never wore makeup or cared what i looked like… it's had a huge positive impact on my life. i had lots of mommy issues growing up and didn't make many female friends, so i missed out on the opportunity to learn about things like washing your damn face. no one ever taught me that shit. thank you guys so much, honestly.
you have to know what bad looks like, to know what good looks like, imo.
its impact on my mood and general hatred of humanity, however… i guess that's for another thread. lol
No. 302865
>>302076You really shouldn't worry about it, like other anons said, a masculine looking woman and a man look completely different and everyone can make the difference by looking at people for less than a second.
>>302803>>302843Same for me, it helped me in a lot of ways. I like that everyone is speaking their minds here since we're all anons. People are too polite or nice to tell you the truth irl so I never really knew about some of these things either, which is something I always hated. So, thanks you girls for helping me becoming more of a normie I guess. Actually I wish existed way before now so I could have had these advice about skincare before it was too late. There are times when anons accuse each others of humblebragging or straightup insult each other in /ot/ or /g/ and I can understand why it could hurt feelings but I find it funny in a way.
No. 302880
>>302843>>302865Sometimes LCF feels like a giant sleepover to me.
The fun part of sleepovers is the gossip, sharing interests, and learning about makeup/fashion. The not-so-fun part is the infighting, materialism, and people who get carried away with their physical critiques.
In middle school, it you had a sleepover with more than three people, someone was going at cry at some point.
No. 302972
>>302964>i don't know how one can tellcause trannies are acting unnaturally, both male and female trannies. an insecure, shy, masculine or aggressive woman or a feminine, shy, childish man, both will still be exhibiting their natural behaviors. they're not mimicking anyone, that's just how they are.
it's like seeing a druggie, you know something is off because they're acting unnaturally, and then it clicks.
No. 303045
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whenever farmers ridicule cows for having large/aquiline noses I die inside because I have a large “Roman” nose and so badly wish I had a cute upturned one
No. 303061
>>303045I feel the same whenever jabs about weight are thrown around, but like other anon said, farmers aren't trying to personally attack other posters here. They just care about attacking the cow at hand because they feel the cow deserves the treatment.
They probably have friends and loved ones with larger noses, bad skin, fat, shapeless, flat chested, etc. but they don't say horrible things to them because they're good people in their lives. There's no reason to treat them badly.
Maybe farmers themselves have the same issues and take out their frustrations on the cows because they remind farmers of their own flaws.
No. 303068
>>302021I have noticed since i started going on here more i did start to realize i might have a big fucking forehead.
I'm not sure if i really do to be honest but its something i have been upset about every time i take a photo or something.
No. 303167
>>303103 because people with abnormally large breasts deal with extreme problems like chronic back pain and it's difficult for people to afford breast reduction surgery, as it is expensive, and also requires taking a medical leave since you can't move your arms for a few weeks.
back on topic, I think this site has really helped me put shit in perspective. a couple years ago i had a psychotic breakdown and ended up in hospital for an extended period of time. I still take medicine and go to therapy, but I've gotten a steady job and have hobbies that engage me and good friends. Sometimes I get these intrusive thoughts and think I'm a failure and a lost cause and that I'm this huge loser who is never going to be even a mediocre adult.
then I look at luna slater, and shay/fupapa and things feel OK. I could be doing better but I could be doing SO MUCH WORSE. it's really motivated me to stay on top with therapy.
No. 303178
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>>303045It's okay Anon, I have a similar problem. I have Croatian and Polish heritage, so I have a big nose, too. The key: don't wear bangs, use bold eye colors, and experiment with contouring.
I don't understand the hype about tiny noses. I'm not even sure why noses matter to begin with.
Part of Cleopatra VII's legacy is how sexy she was, and look at
her nose. (pic related)
>>303103>>303167B-cups seem ideal to me because they're large enough to be attractive, but small enough that you can go without a bra occasionally. I personally think that boobs are cute regardless of their size, so long as they're shapely, perky, and not discolored.
Granted, I'm kind of a tomboy, so "boob-size" has never really been on my radar much, anyway.
No. 303181
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>>303179This place could use more anons like you.
No. 303228
I personally haven't felt my self esteem get affected since using this site.
I understand the reason most cows are nitpicked for their appearance is because of their laughable personalities, so it would sort of make sense for others to try point out the sourness in their appearance as well, like all the Photoshopping or getting caught up lying about features of themselves while they put down other people for their appearance or something else. It sort of becomes fair game.
I know tons of friends & family who have features anons nitpick about cows, but I rarely ever think about my family and friends when I read stuff people say of certain cows or celebrities.
I happen to be a bit on the big side too and I've been like this my entire life. Sure, I have my insecurities, but I developed those way back I was in middle school and I've accepted them as a part of what makes me… Me. I would be a whole different person if I didn't have my shallow breasts, belly apron, flat and wideish nose, mental issues, and incurable skin conditions. I CAN, however, try to control my skin, weight, and hair issues, but they're not my main priority. I have more important things to worry about like financial stability, job, relationship, pets, getting enough sleep… I could go on lol. I try to sneak in a few things to try to relieve my appearance issues, but, again, as long as I can feel comfortable with what I have, I won't worry about it. Being a poorfag really helps with my perspective.
Lolcow is a place I don't take seriously when it comes to others talking about appearance and mental health. I've seen some of the profiles of anons who accidentally forget to hide their powerlevel when posting screenshots in threads. The thing is, anons aren't the cows and none of us go after their anons appearances. We mostly warn anon for their safety and then continue discussing the cows.
Overall, I like this place. It's less harsh than other places on the internet where people gossip and chat.
No. 303230
>>303103I don't know. I get that people have preferences and you may consider something less attractive than the other, but calling anything above a b cup size cowtits/udders and calling anons that have it hamplanets and such is really disgusting and humiliating. Because it isn't playful playground calling. You can sense immense hatred from those anons and you can see it's done by several anons that will go out of their way to call you such things.
I just once innocently stated that I have a c cup size but not in a bragging way (I don't consider it that big or bragworthy), and I got several anons out of the blue spitting venom at me. And quite often I see anons being done the same thing. I've never seen other anons attack anyone with a smaller cup size, at least not with that amount of vitriol.
I know this is an anonymous imageboard and it can get the worst from people, but you would think you could talk openly on a female oriented imageboard about bras and such without someone derailing with insults.
No. 303251
>>303249same here anon. certain cows have so much to make fun of–looks are like the lowest hanging fruit. i get so annoyed when i see anons sperging about momokun being fat. WE KNOW. she's also a shitty person who does shitty things, maybe focus on them first?
same with luna slater–we get she isn't skinny, but she's so unhealthy and slobbish that there's other aspects of her and her life to comment on rather than her weight.
No. 303254
>>303251>>303249i think someone said it earlier, but most anons making fun of those people's bodies are doing it because they usually think they're hot shit.
like luna posts the same damn selfie every fucking day and even tried to do shitty selfie porn, yet she looks like a strung out potato.
i agree that sometimes it is petty, but most times it's for cows like luna or moo or onion who already have inflated opinions about their uh, looks.
No. 303370
>>303258>an hour of anons debating cellulite in tuna's threadAnd of course it's not going to be the abhorrent drug use, mental illness, or living in abject filth that will kill her. That darn fat and cellulite will just be
the death of her for sure!
No. 303379
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>>303367anon…even at the weight she claims to be, she would be well into obese territory. moo also thinks she looks like fucking pic related IRL so…
No. 303625
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I've been on LC several times a week for a few month now, and I already had really low self-esteem. Now I definitely think more about trying to lose weight and being more discerning about how I dress and groom myself. I imagine a perfect life where I have a perfect wardrobe, elaborate skin/hair/bodycare routines, workout every day, and eat very healthily. Like, wow, could I actually be pretty then? It so feels tantalizing.
I imagine pretty, well-dressed girls behind LC posts who are experts in all things aesthetic/style/life in general. I know that's not the case, but sometimes I feel like I'm eavesdropping on the popular girls' lunch table.
No. 303792
>>303781No, how would that even happen? She's always had a weird nipple.
>her vulva is saggy because of how she constantly spreads it and abuses itMeh, I'm not sure if I buy that. Reminds me of the roastie meme.
No. 303922
>>302803Same! At times I’ve felt really bad because I’ve realized that aspects of my behavior or attitude are pretty off-putting to others. Admittedly I’m prob on the spectrum and culture has so many unspoken rules that people are too polite to criticize you to your face for breaking, but you still get ostracized for doing it. I’ve learned a lot by trial and error and it’s actually kind of nice to have a place where I can actually read the stuff people think but don’t say. Even if it is hurtful at times, at least
knowing lets me change things.
No. 304550
>>303678You sure know everyone's mindsets in the whole world to think that. I'm not in the USA and women with her body type, of less fucked-up lipo-induced proportions are considered attractive. If anything, they're shunned by the teen enthusiasts who prefer a cute twiggy look rather than the milf one.
Also remember beauty is subjective, which means some people found PT attractive. Some people think Pumpy is attactive. There's no "ideal woman" and every woman who's average looking can be considered attractive.
No. 304806
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>>303927>saggy vulva…the shape/size of your labia is genetic, anon.
If they were chapped or injured in some way it would be her fault. But otherwise the "roastie" thing is an urban legend.
No. 304811
>>304413I'm sorry to hear that, anon. This is why it's important to do our best not to assume things about peoples' lives.
Like, we know why Mariah is fat- she's indulgent and she wants to get back at her dad.
But you can't just look at a random person on the street and assume that they're overweight for the same reasons. The process of losing the weight may be different for people who use food as a coping mechanism, because it involves accepting and coping with trauma before the typical weight loss processes can begin.
No. 304877
>>304809no one said her body looked good. can you people read? saying there are women her size that look good overall =/= "her body looks good".
sorry that people commit the grievous crime of thinking fatties irl can still be look good/pretty/not disgusting overall, despite being fat.
No. 305163
>>304809Are you dumb? I never said Moo's body was okay, she beyond fucked it with plastic surgeries and shit diets.
That said, larger women do exist and don't need to get thin to look good. Body types and different metabolisms are a thing. People think women like Iskra Lawrence, Barbie Ferreira and Ashley Graham are pretty enough to be models. Asides from the ps-induced deformities, their bodies are close to Moo's size. Get over it.
No. 305564
>>305562You got told to fuck off because you were talking about your own habits in order to inform strangers that you’ve got better skin than the cow featured in the thread.
Holy shit you humblebraggers are a sad bunch.
No. 305579
>>305563i see your point
No. 305580
>>305562imo, no one should be talking about themselves in threads for cows, because we are all supposed to be here for fun drama. when you start drawing personal comparisons too much, it makes your posting seem fueled by jealously
just look at pull, where every thread about a snowflake just turns into people talking about how they wouldn’t do X, Y or Z in that situation and talking about how they’re so much skinnier or dress better, or have better boyfriends than the person being discussed
No. 305582
>>305580It doesn’t help when the same anons posting about themselves to compliment themselves automatically play the ‘ur a haggard old jealous fatty’ card when they’re called out.
Just look at
>>305563 No. 305584
>>305550The whole site could be summed up with this video.
Anyway, I definitely think participating here has taken a toll on my self-esteem. I find myself making more nitpicky judgements about myself and random ass strangers more now than I did before I discovered this place. I’ve concluded that people on here who make fun of lolcows for the smallest slights usually have lolcow tendencies themselves (me included). It’s important to take breaks from perusing gossip forums and focus on real-life relationships. It can can be unhealthy to regularly substitute caring real-life presences with the limited and vile social interaction that you’d get from here or many other online spaces. At least that’s how it is in my case.
No. 305585
>>305580The no blogging rule really is great, after seeing PULL threads a few days ago. The blogging and backpedalling really neuters the point over there.
>>305562If you go to /g Anon, you will see nobody has a problem with sharing beauty advice and personal stuff.
No. 305589
>>305588But nobody cares when the self posting is in a place it belongs. When discussing a cow, why would anyone care how good some stranger says her skin is, or how much fitter and cuter some random says they are when everyone else is discussing something else.
It’s not self hatred on the part of the people saying to stop, it’s that self posters don’t seem to understand that their self importance is unwarranted and only enjoyed by themselves.
No. 305605
>>305600Tbh I don’t think the people posting their humblebrags are capable of understanding that they aren’t interesting or important to anyone else.
If theyre the kind of person who NEEDS strangers to know that you you have much much better XYZ than some other woman, they’re not gonna understand that they don’t matter to anyone else. Besides, they outed themselves pretty well by accusing everyone who didn’t think they’re amazing for their brag is a jealous pcos riddles fat former anorexic who’s busted from drug abuse.
It’s disheartening to know that those girls hate themselves so much they need to impress strangers with brags, then also try to make strangers feel inferior and unattractive for zero reason.
No. 305618
>>302076>>302889Same. I think the thing that set it off for me was that time a picture of someone was posted who actually turned out to be biologically female, but the poster claimed she was a TIM so anons went with it.
Fuck troons for this tbh, if it weren't for them these thoughts wouldn't even exist.
No. 305649
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I first exclusively lurked in /g/ and /ot/ when I found out about LC, because I didn't follow any actual lolcows.
I think LC userbase is pretty dope and it had a great effect on my self esteem.
- It's great to be amongst lefties that actually care about women rights and not just try to be whatever is deemed as prog atm. A lot of women here are very articulated and smart and totally not OnE oF ThE GuYs handmaidens.
- LC helped me understand the woman experience better. I seriously did not think my past problems were SO generic. I'm referring to the vent/ex bf/sharing secrets/stalker threads
- LC helped me with my skin. It has brought skin care routines to my knowledge, so now i use BHA's, SPF's etc and have nicer skin
No. 305683
>>305661This thousands of times.
Why would you just perpetuate something here that is plentiful and harmful irl and across the internet?
I'd like to think those are incels and robots because girls would at least know how hurtful and damaging such things can be, and it seems that several anons seem to be extremely passionate about making everyone know about their personal preference of their ideal female body.
Then again, it's stupid to assume that girls cannot be as vile and toxic as incels.
No. 305761
>>305589I see your point, but the fact that we have entire threads tearing down other women's physical appearances doesn't help the shitty self-esteem issue.
>>305600idk anon, aren't we tearing on lolcows to feel better about ourselves in the end anyways?
No. 305918
>>305761Imo if anyone’s self esteem is genuinely effected by strangers who scream deliberately OTT nonsense about people into the void, they’d get their self esteem hurt by just about anything.
The nitpicking is so petty that it’s hard to imagine anyone could take it seriously enough that it makes their daily life worse.
No. 305966
>>305945It's disappointing for women to perpetuate that behavior but it's not exactly surprising. We don't live in a vacuum. Women internalize that kind of criticism, and we also have the added pressure to meet those standards unlike men. I'm not saying that as an excuse though. People who perpetuate behavior they
know is wrong have no backbone, but some people genuinely put zero thought into their beliefs and actions.
Anyway, those of you who struggle with self-esteem should watch some of Deborrah Cooper's videos on the topic. She's a very confident woman so it's refreshing to see her attitude after browsing a board like this after awhile. It's also why I've come to prefer watching her videos on topics related to misogyny, men, dating, the transgender debate etc. over browsing lolcow most of the time.
You can tell some anons here stew in insecurity, really brings down the entire mood.
No. 305977
>>302889Same. I started to feel insecure about my skeleton, it's just so far from dainty. Broad shoulders, humongous ribcage, just very sturdy in general. I've actually started to avoid wearing anything feminine because I'm worried people will think I'm a tranny.
It's made me wonder whether I need hormone replacement therapy or something to literally look like my biological sex, because I really can't help having my skeleton and having no feminine secondary sex characteristics.
>>302972I don't even act natural because I feel like I am putting on a 'human' act since the 'tism makes me feel alien.
No. 306023
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>>305988thin people can have cellulite too, not sure what you were trying to prove.
No. 306045
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>>306039You literally can have cellulite and be thin though. Idk about the cause of Heidi's but all you have to do is be skinnyfat and you'll have cellulite. I'm thin but have a lot a fat on my thighs and relatively no muscle and I have cellulite. It has to do with your fat/muscle ratio. Obviously those that are super fat will have more cellulite because there's only so much muscle you can reasonably have as a woman to stabilize the fat, but skinny people can have cellulite, absolutely.
No. 306064
>>302431>It won't actually hurt her and does nothing for our overall arguments against her.With how insane most cows are, I'm sure we could nitpick and criticise the most bogus shit like "her skin isn't greenish enough" or "she has too much submuscular fat and not enough subcutaneous fat" and it would still get to them
I don't really get you anons who care about our *~arguments~* and the validity of our points though, as if we're here out of some higher moral purpose to call out people for their bullshit. I mean, it is our main justification, but we all know that's not what drives us to type "lol…" on the address bar.
We're carry bitches, that's the whole point. Trying to sanitize our behavior is what I expected PULLtards to do, not farmers. It's fine if you personally think it's shitty to nitpick (I think so too) but if you think it's bad because you're concerned with the effects said nitpicking might have on others' perception of our ~arguments~… I have some bad news: people who think we're bitter and jealous won't change their minds because we keep our criticisms reasonable.
No. 306067
>>302880>if you had a sleepover with more than three people, someone was going at cry at some pointYou
actually had
real sleepovers
in real life when you were in fucking
middle school? What a turbonormie lmao
No. 306095
>>306067I consider my self an introverted loser and even I had sleepovers during high school.
Or maybe you were sarcastic in your post. I can't tell anymore.
No. 306106
>>306051cellulite isn't even bad. it's literally just the appearance of fat pushing through the tissue that connects muscle and skin. it's a feature of how that tissue in women is vertical (it's crisscrossed in men which is why they don't get cellulite typically). you are less likely to have it the more muscle you have, but anyone with a healthy or even lower BMI can (and usually will) get it. it doesn't mean you are an evil fatty or gross for having it, it's literally anatomy.
the 18 year old anachans on here have such a warped perception of the world, it's sad.
No. 306133
I used to be personally bothered by the ana-chans harping on the cow for their normal weight/even thin body. Now I really don't care because I know they're just mentally unstable young girls who come here to lash out and feel better about themselves.
The only thing that annoys me is the derailing. Like instead of focusing on how june/shoe is a retarded fencesitting handmaiden people come in to post about how "fat she is getting" presenting some unfortunately angled photo as a "proof". Yeah I know it's to harp on her constant bragging of her "disney princess waistline" but if you want to rip her appearance apart at least focus on the fact that she's almost 30 and dressing up like a 15-year old who won a shopping spree at hot topic and ordered the cheapest thot gear from aliexpress.
As for other features I just don't think it's fair to make fun of someone for having a big nose, small/saggy tits or crooked teeth. It really serves no purpose. The cow is a cow because of their awful behavior, how about focusing on that first?
>>305563No, it's a bannable offense because it's blogposting. Nobody wants to read about anon's kawaii skin care routine.
>>305649All of this. LC definitely made me love my gender and respect women even more.
No. 306138
>>306111I've had sorta saggy tits ever since I was 16. It's just a genetic thing, combined with body weight. So yeah, I feel you. When this place starts to work my nerves, I just leave or go to other threads. There's lots of underage and admitted anachans here. And a lot of people come from a jfashion/weeb background, so they think tiny Asian girls are the ideal and norm everywhere.
>>306133The tradthot thread is like that too. Like I get it, to some degree. Cows like Lauren Southern use their looks to reel in loser alt right men and other incels and betas. But I really don't care about reading hundreds of posts about her looks and how old she looks for her age. I'd much rather talk about her garbage politics and hypocrisy.
No. 306141
>>305923Yeah, same. I make a point to keep in mind that it's just farmers being fucking retarded or underage (or both) but it's really annoying to read about how Dakota or other cows look "so old and haggard" when, really, they might not look good but they definitely don't look old. Nobody would look at them and guess they're 30+ or anything like that.
I'm glad I actually go outside and talk to normal people who have normal reactions and normal views about how young a 25 yo really is and how you're not suddenly a saggy wrinkly granny once your age no longer ends with '-teen'. Can't imagine this is very healthy for more recluse anons…
No. 306145
>>306121>be a huge bitchyea
>someone DARE posts a slightly unconventional body in the ideal body threadit was a heavily
photoshopped body
I agree with
>>306064If you internalize criticism of other people’s appearances so deeply, while on a
gossip site, then maybe you should use a hugbox like PULL instead. I have terrible acne and some cellulite myself but I don’t care when anons criticize those same flaws on a cow because I understand context (as long as it’s not extremely nitpicky, which i haven’t even seen).
No. 306290
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This place has had both good and bad effects on my self esteem, but generally good I'd say.
The bad mainly being the obsession over age. I'm barely 20 and this place has made me feel like an old fart already lmao. But the whole excessive nitpicking about looks never really got to me since my self esteem over my looks was in the pits before coming here anyway.
But yeah, the best thing about this place is how open and frank posters here can be about themselves which you don't really hear from people irl, so it feels like a huge relief and a confidence boost to find out that other girls have the same insecurities/issues/opinions as you when you felt like you were alone in those aspects. Also, can I just say how refreshing it feels to have a mainly female board after browsing 4chan for so long. If anything that's the place that really eats your self-esteem with how judgemental and woman-hating it is 24/7.
No. 306320
>>306291Why is being jealous an ok reason to insult someone?
Also I don't see most guys insulting on the internet women for their looks. If anything they have what we call "low standards". lmao.
idk I don't really care when guys call me ugly but here I got more self conscious. I realized it's all bullshit though. Doesn't make women tearing down other women's looks more ok for some reason.
No. 306355
>>306320Don't get me wrong, I've made a tonne of posts criticizing this place for the retarded nitpicking. It bothers the fuck out of me. It just doesn't hurt my feelings because I see it as a projection of their own issues. Someone being jealous, insecure or bitter diminishes their credibility and the strength of their words - you can't take an insult seriously if you assume the poster is bullshitting to make themselves feel better.
On the other hand, men are my dating pool so if they insult me (or people like me), it has much more of an impact on my self esteem. It's just an expression of what they feel and how they select partners, nothing deeper than that. The degree of their nitpicking varies, I don't think they get as specific as us. But they always talk about how entire races of women are ugly, any woman over x age has hit the wall, plenty of '2/10 would not bang' posts about supermodel looking girls, etc.
No. 306380
>>306355what i don't get about this place is the insistence that certain women are 'always ugly and no one finds them attractive but fetishists' or whatever. like, above, i said people as fat as momo can still be attractive, which is why there are plenty of men that aren't even fetishists that fall in love with fatties and truly are attracted to them.
incels and retards have exacting standards and are entitled, but there ARE plenty of men in the world who don't have 10/10 supermodel standards and are attracted to normal, pretty women, even if they have tons of cellulite or nasolabial folds, etc. i hate the insistence that certain women are never attractive when that's obviously not true and i know tons and tons and tons of men that are madly attracted to women i would think are average to below average.
like, this shit is just serving to make men more picky and make women feel shittier about themselves when they don't need to.
No. 306389
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>>302021People who comment on the appearance of a cow completely misunderstand the concept of milk and anything that is funny or interesting about a cow.
That's why threads which are majority about that are such cancer, like kota's. They're full of weird screeching obsessers on an endless quest to declare someone OBJECTIVELY ugly. It's just boring to read.
No. 306416
>>306396>Male standards are kind of strange, in that they barely have any and will fuck almost anything, but beauty is still their ultimate obsessionbelieve it or not those probably aren't the same men
>they spend an inordinate amount of time discussing, debating and critiquing women's lookstake a good look at the threads on here guess what our majority demographic is
No. 306493
>>306462I feel like men online are actually more milky than women.
If this site wasn't so obessesed with nit picking other women they'd pick up on some good milk. Even if a male has good milk the thread isn't going to be as popular as avthread nit picking some lame display thot so why even put the effort into making it…
For example this guy who is a jobless neet who advocates eating raw meat and was recently hospitalized after nearly starving to death trying to live off sunlight. A lot of men online are totally insane.
No. 306497
>>306493I agree, I would love to see more men on lc. That's why I pop over to /cow/ and kf sometimes, though I'm only active here.
As far as how lc has affected my self-esteem, it's been more positive than anything. It's nice to know that I'm not the only crazy bitch who loves to cackle at stupid internet strangers. The fatty-chan and ana-chan wars are just so dumb to me, and the nitpicks are usually indicative of a babby farmer. I tend to just ignore all of that.
No. 306565
>>306564you're annoying. i'm not even a fatty. i just think there are plenty of attractive fat women in the world and they aren't completely hideous just because they're obese. they can still look attractive despite their obesity.
this black and white thinking makes you guys really sound retarded and nasty to be around.
No. 306566
>>302021>>302021not really. most farmers are neurotic and stunted. there's too much irrational nitpicking going on to take any of the replies here seriously
^^^ literally just look at the people above who have spent 7 days posting ad hominem arguments regarding the attractiveness of fat people
(hint: it's subjective)
No. 306567
>>306564Why quote me?
I didn't have a "pity party" for myself. I said I feel sorry for you farmers who think that medical issues or bad bodies wipes you from the dating pool and robs you of the chance of ever having a decent partner who finds you attractive.
Who really has the hurt feelings?
Just because you think you're saying something popular doesn't negate the fact that plenty of obese women find people who are attracted to them.
As much as you'll shit on Moo, she's done precisely that and monetized it. Maybe if she weren't such a shitty person (the actual trait that should make her unattractive), she'd make even more.
I think you're projecting and again, I'm sorry for you.
No. 306571
>>306569Why are you equating her to Cooney?
Why does anyone here have to accept your contrived equivalences?
Eugenia suffers from an eating disorder that could kill her within a decade. Anorexia is extremely morbid.
A better comparison would be Tess Holiday, an extremely morbidly obese woman whose ailments include mobility issues.
I feel sorry for you that you think overweight, or even obese, women suffer the same struggles as someone with extreme anorexia.
Again, I feel so sorry for you. I will also not continue your game of you picking out a single sentence while disregarding everything else I've said. You must have an axe to grind and I hope you find love someday.
No. 306574
>>’re both retards
The self awareness on this board is non existent
No. 306576
>>306574And you're the ankle biter wasting time calling people tards when nobody knows what you're on about or cares. Sounds like you belong with us.
Have several seats.
No. 306586
>>306582Because she's below the BMI to qualify for an anorexic diagnosis.
People are diagnosed for binge eating disorder by a checklist of certain behaviors regarding food.
Some, but not all, fatties have it. An obese BMI alone does not a diagnosis make. Thin women can have binge eating disorder too.
It's more complex than that. And I'm really tired of explaining this.
No. 306590
>>306589>Cooney doesn't have an eating disorder Post disregarded. Meanwhile anon is trying to say someone overweight is secretly having a ten pound Twinkie binge and that's why men don't date them except when they do lmao.
Man this goalpost changing is crazy.
No. 306599
>>306598i hate defending fatties but a lot of them don't eat a particularly huge amount, just extremely high calorie high carb foods for each meal, even if they have 2-3 meals in a day and no snacks. they'll tell you it's because they have no other options, and if they live in a food desert and the only restaurants are fast food, then even though they could always take the initiative and change their lifestyle, becoming fat will always be the default easy thing.
you don't become fat by only eating healthy meals under your caloric limit, but you can definitely become fat even if you don't eat a huge quantity of food every day.
(derailing) No. 307324
>>307317I feel like I should do this too, I like many things about this site but I am so tired of anons attacking everyone and everything… Maybe I am just not cut out for this kind of harsh space.
I wish there was an alternative which is at least as lively as lc but less negative. I could never get invested in cc because there are so few anons there.
No. 307337
Not really, but I do feel guilty about some of the stuff I've said here. I find myself being more negative which I don't like but that's my own fault.
>>307317Not a bad idea. Good luck anon.
No. 307338
Not really, but I do feel guilty about some of the stuff I've said here. I find myself being more negative which I don't like but that's my own fault.
>>307317Not a bad idea. Good luck anon.
No. 310091
I feel like it's improved my self-esteem but I probably wouldn't have admitted that at first, since I'm not really into critisising looks or calling people ugly, but I think that that way of thinking also made me insecure. I consider myself feminist and I wanted my feminism to be inclusive of everyone, so I would never have criticised sex workers or plastic surgery culture etc because who am I to say what a woman can and can't do? If they say they feel empowered when they fill their faces with botox and fillers, who am I to say they aren't? I don't get out too much, so never seeing "real" women but always being exposed to photoshopped models with surgery made me brainwashed, it made me think I was ugly because I don't have baboon ass lips and a unnatural smooth forehead, and that I could just "fix" it with PS, which luckily never happened. Lolcow helped me see below the surface, that these people are mostly not as confident empowered as they claim, and that they don't look the same irl and in candids. My toxic view of beauty has totally shattered and I'm able to see myself as pretty again and now I'm just so sad that I ever thought that I wasn't. I have friends who are the same as I used to be and they'll talk about how they want this and that fixed because it's asymmetrical and uneven and I can never even see what the fuck they are talking about. I would not be surprised to hear that a lot of women have developed BDD in recent years due to 'on fleek' picture perfect IG culture that no one can live up to irl. I'm just grateful to have found lolcow, because I think I'd be slaughtered if I dared to say anywhere else that PS isn't empowering for women.
Then there's the critics and nitpicking of how people look naturally, without surgery, but I feel unaffected by that. I guess my newfound confidence is solid enough that I'm not going to let it get shattered because people criticize nasolabial folds, which everyone will get as they age and mostly thread subjects who do gets criticised and nitpicked for such things, are photoshopping and trying to appear as if they don't have nasolabial folds, and that false picture they show off is exactly what made me insecure in the first place.
TL;DR lolcow has helped me appreciate my looks more and has helped me decide that I want to age with grace and not try to cling onto youth
No. 312554
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>>312543Done. Also, who is the person in your image? They look familiar….