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No. 309272
>>309234Sorry to be a retard but what is the game in the picture?
>>309234I think it's because everything has been overdone. There's no really new concepts coming to MMORPGs, they're all just "go here, kill this" and are grindfests.
No. 309284
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>do you still play them now and hoe often?
Haven't played in over a year
>what were your favorites and why?
Fiesta Online, because it was the first one I was introduced to so it just kinda stuck with me idk
>which ones had the best charcter designs and customaziton options
Tera Online was pretty neat for character costumization, also the look of FLYFF was cute
>did you mostly spend your time questing alone or did you try to start and or join a party?
Spent most time in PVP areas and with kingdom quest (timed instances with ~20ish people). Sometimes also just hanging out in the cities.
But Fiesta Online has been dead for a while so all of those are pretty empty now. Nowadays I just do questing whenever me and the one friend I know irl who likes this game as much as me have time (which isn't often sadly)
It's kinda sad being nostalgic for mmorpgs. With other games you can just come back to them and they're still the way they always were, but with online games the experience really is lacking once they lose their player base.
No. 309295
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Played WoW religiously for a bit. WotLK so I haven't played in a long time.
Horde blef arcane mage(it's mostfitting). I farmed alot of rare armour too.
Also a horde troll hunter for PvP.
I also played an alliance druid for the best leveling experience. You can tank, dps, and heal for any dungeon or raid. It's really dope.
No. 309344
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I've been playing WoW since launch so 14 years. It was my first MMO and I have a lot of fond memories of it from vanilla through WotLK. After Cata everything seems such a blur, the game changed so much after that one and not in good ways. MoP was decent, WoD I hardly played, and Legion was ok, did quite a lot of raiding there. BFA is a bit disappointing. I will probably keep playing it regardless because I've invested so much time in it and even though there are prettier MMOs, their gameplay is subpar in comparison IMO.
I usually try new MMOs as they hit the market but none of them hold my interest.
No. 309353
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I still play maplestory till this day, I either play both GMS and private servers but I am willing to try out MS2 since I recently installed it
No. 309365
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My main MMORPG I play is Phantasy Star Online 2 with the English patch, if I'm at my PC. Otherwise I just wing it on my PS4. I used to play PSO2 on my Vita but the app is so big now it doesn't fit anymore, like 24GB, which is insane since its 70GB on PC and it also sucks because Vita memory cards are so expensive.
The only other MMO is PSO Blue Burst in the Ultima server. It's a little dead, but they have some nice specials.
Did anybody else play the phone app that was similar to PSO, Galaxy Frontier? They shut down the server years ago, I think in 2013. I expected that app to last a while.
No. 309368
>>309353Sigh, me too anon.
Free me from this heck game!
No. 309400
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I used to be super hooked on Ragnarok Online and I probably still would be if I had a guild to play with. No other MMORPG has been able to suck me in so hard as it did.
No. 309431
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Perfect World International was my first MMO. Played a venomancer (basically a human with fox/cat ears and tail) and had a bear cub pet since the beta days, idk how many years I spent there, maybe 4-5? It was really good for an asian grind fest mmo until they introduced packs and started selling gear in the shop. I also met my now bf in the game.
Right now I'm playing Guild Wars 2 and love how casual friendly and non grindy it is. Since I work I don't have too much time for mmos anymore and missing like a month or even a year doesn't put me behind so I love it. Been playing for 3 years and still got a lot of stuff to do.
No. 309437
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>>309401>>309368>>309353Any of you guys on Euro sever?
I'm level 54 and would love to play with some farmers. I don't mind power leveling you or doing daily dungeons.
No. 309522
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I played WoW religiously for years, but went through some stuff and stopped playing. I still love WoW, but felt kinda disappointed when I tried the free trial a few months ago. The game has changed a lot, and I can't justify the stupid monthly sub fee anymore.
No. 309525
>>309437I don't play ms2, yet!
and I only play reboot NA! sorry, but if I do get to play ms2, ill let you know
No. 318359
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>>317467Yeah please do! Sorry I didn't check the thread.
I'm Hinna in-game.
I've just been grinding for trophies since I've hit the dungeon cap.
No. 318371
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only mmo i play is oldschool runescape
No. 318414
>>318377Ooo I do love this game! I'm going to out myself as an oldfag but in this regard ffxiv isn't too bad in comparison to ffxi. In its peak years, you couldn't even get past level 10 without a full party of 6. Somehow someway I managed to cap 3 jobs at 75 but I also dropped out of college to play almost my entire waking life lol ~memories~
I feel like there's a fuckton of solo content in ffxiv.
No. 318724
>>309344everything here sounds just like me; playing since launch and not caring for everything past wotlk
bfa is boring as hell and the game's become too casualized for me to enjoy it anymore (which says a lot because wow was "the casual mmo" when it first came out). i'm just going to cancel my sub whenever classic comes out.
No. 320125
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Anyone playing MS2 in Paperwood server? ^^ I would like some friends to play with!
No. 321325
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Flyff will forever be the best MMORPG I've ever played. I miss this game so much. It went to shit and now it's like a mobile game or some shit. There are a few private servers scattered around the internet maybe but the official game isn't worth anything anymore. They changed the name to like Flyff Gold or something but I doubt anyone really stills plays it.