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No. 315512
>>315510Kinda too late for that anon. Not that I'm telling guys I encounter what I want in bed right off the bat. Imo most all men are predatory in some fashion whether that's about taking advantage of your body, labor, money, or possessions.
In my view it's a fact all lonely, hetero women have to accept or accept that they will have to be alone.
No. 315526
>>315484I have to admit I'd be perfectly fine with porn if there was a plethora of high quality and varied porn for women. But lol why bother when men have shit tier standards and fetishists will give hundreds even for the shittiest quality?
And that results in heaps of trash with misconceptions about men and especially women, causes complexes but is still accepted.
No. 315528
>>315506you saying that just freaks me out that the small minority of women in porn that claim to enjoy it are just so because they are victims of child abuse.
not surprising since it's hollywood, this world is so fucked
No. 315535
>>315526if the pornography business was conducted better, i wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. but as it is now, unless you're in the 1% of top actresses, you're doing countless quick, cheap videos that usually feature violent and degrading kinks.
if all porn was conducted like these porn videos made in japan and directed towards women, it would be better. checkout this vice documentary on the subject. its really eyeopening. the woman who works for the company said these videos are to satisfy a fantasy of being cared for by a man who loves you, and the reporter is amazed at being in a room full of women who she knows for sure enjoy erotica and masturbate.
the company is called Silk Labo and a few videos are floating around online.
This is the difference in porn made by women and porn made by men. The men aren't dehumanized, treated like meat, or degraded. Women in porn are treated like pieces of meat, because that is how men see us.
No. 315550
>>315544Its telling that romantic "pretty" vanilla porn is always catagorized as 'for women'
Like men cant get off unless women are degraded, hurt or humiliated
No. 315551
>>315544>women are always violently degraded in every porn.EVERY porn?
Even amateur shit?
Even 'soft' shit?
Even femdom shit?
Even in lesbian shit?
No. 315553
>Even amateur shit?Most amateur porn was filmed or uploaded without the womans permission. There is also a ton of amateur shit that is hardcore/violent. A lot of "amateur" porn is just fake, still mass produced by a studio with actors but made to look real.
>Even 'soft' shit?Most "soft" porn still has the man grabbing onto her neck, or rubbing her clit like hes trying to clean grease off a pan.
>Even femdom shit?Most femdom porn is targeted at men, and the female domme is wearing some ridiculous bondage uniform and uncomfortable high heels and filmed at angles where the camera is practically going up her ass.
>Even in lesbian shit?Lesbian porn is the most fake porn that exists.
No. 315560
>>315484What I find interesting is that really "weird" fetish videos seem to be more positive. I was watching a lesbian BBW clip of a short skinny woman paired with a tall fat woman. They were comparing each other's bodies and laughing while complimenting each other. The comments were full of men and some women that were enthusiastic about how happy they seemed but non- niche porn is full of ugly, degrading comments. In a strange way, the most bizarre deviants I have met writing erotica have been less repulsive than standard porn consumers, with some disturbing exceptions, of course. I guess when you go really niche and embarrassing people are just glad there is someone else on the planet that likes the same thing.
On another note, the injuries that pornstars get are horrific and if it was any other "entertainment" industry it wouldn't be legal at all, but everyone just turns a blind eye.
No. 315575
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>>315562>you can tell the two women in lesbian porn are just straight girls pretending.That shit is the absolute worst when you can tell the women are obviously straight, I remember watching one where it was clear both women were not into it,Like when they would try to kiss they would flinch at first or turn their heads kek @ anyone who thinks porn is real
No. 315579
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>>315535Decided to check it out and oof my interest has peaked
No. 315597
I remember finding this article a few years back lmao want their all porn and sexdolls but its hell if we want a sex toy or some erotica because they feel inferior :(
No. 315598
>>315579This is hot
I really like erotica (drawing but more realistic than hentai) where it isn't explicit but you can tell the woman is enjoying herself. It sets a mood and draws me in
some gifs of jav cunnilingus are pretty great tooSorry if this is the wrong thread, thought I would share some alternatives to all the really gross porn talked about upthread
No. 315602
>>315553>Most amateur porn was filmed or uploaded without the womans permission Proof?
>Most "soft" porn still has the man grabbing onto her neck, or rubbing her clit like hes trying to clean grease off a pan. Fair enough
>Most femdom porn is targeted at men, and the female domme is wearing some ridiculous bondage uniformShe's objectified,but I don't think that's "abuse" or "violenty degraded"
>Lesbian porn is the most fake porn that exists.True,but again,not violent or degrading
No. 315608
>>315597>They want their all porn and sexdolls but its hell if we want a sex toy or some erotica because they feel inferiorYou can notice this in a lot of things
Whenever men mass crave over a literal child/something that looks like a child/'barelylegal' if you point out how it's creepy you're a "funkiller" and a "whiny feminist" but the second a woman expresses that they think anything is attractive/sexy it's "cringe" especially if it's a 'prettyboy' type then it's 'gay' and somehow worse than wanting to fuck kids
No. 315632
>>315591I remember venting in the relationship thread on /g/ several months ago when I found out that my now ex bf of four years had been browsing camgirls and jacking it to porn, sometimes when I was in the other room. He'd been neglecting me sexually and was secretive.
I remember being yelled at by anons who called me controlling for being upset that he was watching porn instead of putting that energy towards our relationship. They were acting like I was some sort of controlling cunt because he was lying to me and making me feel awful about myself.
It's unfuckingbelievable what people will defend for a man's convenience.
No. 315636
>>315614i think the conflation with porn and masturbation is the problem. people inherently link porn use with masturbation, so telling your significant other not to watch porn is like telling them not to masturbate in their eyes. which is ridiculous. masturbation is normal and healthy even, but its not normal and healthy if you're addicted to watching degrading and damaging porn while masturbating.
if it became more normalized for guys to get off without porn, and if other means of erotic content were available to them, like maybe audio erotica or fanfiction/books, porn use would be as widespread and normalized. but like other anons in this thread have said, its hard to switch once you're accustomed to orgasming to video pornography.
No. 315637
>>315619sorry but 50 shades of grey, even at its actual worst, isn't anywhere near as horrible as some shit on realitykings or brazzers. the relationship in 50 shades is fucked up when you think too deeply about it. yes, ana is naive sexually and christian grey is an emotionally scarred dominant, but thats because women have a fantasy of "saving" a damaged man. but at no point does christian make ana choke on a blowjob, or force her to have painful anal sex while she cries. the consent in 50 shades can be dubious, but its the typical romance novel "oohhh la la oh no, i couldn't possibly say yes to sex!" kind of no. whereas in male created porn, the woman is crying, beaten, and begging for it to end. and at the end of the trilogy, ana has everything she wanted, everything christian said he hated. hes married to her, he has kids with her, she's living a fantasy life of a wife to a billionaire.
i can't believe this thread has made me defend 50 shades, but no, its not the same as violent male created, male targeted pornography.
No. 315639
>>315637Anothet key difference is that 50 Shades is pretty much the only mainstream, accessible porn around for women these days. Smutty bodice rippers are out of fashion, regular porn is aimed at men and has a stigma for women, so they only have 50 shades to latch onto. Most women dont have broad horizons when it comes to porn, especially older women. Younger girls are into gay fanfic but the more normie ones are gonna gravitate to something socially acceptable like 50 shades. I think most women would develop different taste if they had more female oriented porn (written and drawn since I cant support filmed porn), and wouldn't just fall into the assumed submissive preferences.
On the other hand, men have excessive exposure to porn, they have cultivated tastes and develop extreme preferences thanks to being addicted and pornsick. When they watch rape fetish porn, it's because they're bored of vanilla porn and need something more hardcore to excite them. It's not because there's a limited amount of porn available for them.
No. 315641
>>315632That happened to me too anon. I legit thought he had a low sex drive kek.
Is this the norm for millennial men? They're the first generation to grow up with online porn access, and it makes me wonder how common this type of thing is, and how badly it fucked up their sexuality. It seems like no one wants to publicly talk about this issue.
No. 315645
>>315637The average Joe doesn't actually read 50 Shades of Grey. He just hears it's a story about a young girl entering a relationship with a dominant older powerful man who ties her up and fucks her.
He sees women everywhere he goes reading the book and thinks that's what women want.
No. 315659
>>315602[Not the same anon, just passing by]
Lesbian porn being fake is degrading to actual lesbians, in the sense that, the women who act out these scenes do not enjoy the contact of another woman/aren't as passionate as lesbians would be in the same scene.
And most amateur porn has the mans face blurred out. That in itself says enough.
No. 315671
im anti porn period, no matter how much it is "directed to the female gaze" as it sends a message that someone needs to see someone else having sex in order to get off which is voyeuristic at best and a serious issue in itself
No. 315679
>>315677Forgot to add that the momentum of pornography has only grown since then with increasingly violent porn and new technology such as VR and deep fakes entering the scene only within the past couples of years.
Where are the protests? Where is the funding? Where is the urgency? It doesn’t exist. No one is really doing anything.
No. 315682
>>315677In that case I agree. I just think that's reflective of a lack of will though. Libfems loving porn and what have you. I was talking in practical terms, law enforcement and the courts.
People who want to keep stuff around, like drugs and porn, usually say there's no point in fighting it. It's deceitful.
No. 315684
Most of you probably heard of this motherfucker but Ted Bundy was a necrophile serial killer and he talked about pornography in his last interview.
JCD: How long did you stay at that point before you actually assaulted someone?
Ted: A couple of years. I was dealing with very strong inhibitions against criminal and violent behavior. That had been conditioned and bred into me from my neighborhood, environment, church, and schools. I knew it was wrong to think about it, and certainly, to do it was wrong. I was on the edge, and the last vestiges of restraint were being tested constantly, and assailed through the kind of fantasy life that was fueled, largely, by pornography.
JCD: Do you remember what pushed you over that edge? Do you remember the decision to “go for it”? Do you remember where you decided to throw caution to the wind?
Ted: It’s a very difficult thing to describe - the sensation of reaching that point where I knew I couldn’t control it anymore. The barriers I had learned as a child were not enough to hold me back from seeking out and harming somebody.
JCD: Would it be accurate to call that a sexual frenzy?
Ted: That’s one way to describe it - a compulsion, a building up of this destructive energy. Another fact I haven’t mentioned is the use of alcohol. In conjunction with my exposure to pornography, alcohol reduced my inhibitions and pornography eroded them further.
Ted: There is no way to describe the brutal urge to do that, and once it has been satisfied, or spent, and that energy level recedes, I became myself again. Basically, I was a normal person. I wasn’t some guy hanging out in bars, or a bum. I wasn’t a pervert in the sense that people look at somebody and say, “I know there’s something wrong with him.” I was a normal person. I had good friends. I led a normal life, except for this one, small but very potent and destructive segment that I kept very secret and close to myself. Those of us who have been so influenced by violence in the media, particularly pornographic violence, are not some kind of inherent monsters. I’m no social scientist, and I don’t pretend to believe what John Q. Citizen thinks about this, but I’ve lived in prison for a long time now, and I’ve met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence. Without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography - deeply consumed by the addiction. The F.B.I.’s own study on serial homicide shows that the most common interest among serial killers is pornographers. It’s true.
Now, the things he said don't fucking excuse anything and this interview was hours before his execution so you can also interpret it as Bundy's final cry for a stay of execution but it's true that a shit ton of serial killers were porn addicts.
No. 315685
>>315682Which will still be hard to enforce, because restricting media is a slippery slope that both sides of the political spectrum don’t like. You could censor it, but it’s not like that has stopped japan. There’s also free speech organizations that lobby on behalf of porn businesses. The Free Speech Coalition exists purely to lobby the government to prevent obscenity laws and porn censorship.
The left will point fingers that an anti pornography movement is anti-sexworker, and costing women their jobs, which is half true. Without porn there will be a lot of women unable to get jobs because despite this country loving porn, once you go into the adult business, you are ruined for any potential future employment. It’s what keeps women in the business in the first place.
The right will cry about free speech. Either way leftist and conservative men will come out in full force to fight back against anything that limits their pornograohy consumption, because both sides hate women.
No. 315687
>>315607I think as long as you acknowledge yaoi to be unrealistic and not act like a sycophantic sped about "mah ghey babies1!!1!", I think it's okay, Anon.
The main problem with fujoshi is that they project yaoi stereotypes onto gay people and romanticize rape.
No. 315688
>>315686I loved the end of wedding crashers for this reason. They hear all about this legendary dude who has slept with tons of girls and it turns out he's a loser in his 40s who lives with his mom and hits up funerals.
That film had a surprisingly undegenerate message for modern Hollywood. Also completely agreed. With need more kinkshaming and slutshaming and manwhoreshaming. If a man gets a woman pregnant he needs to be rinsed of everything and publicly humiliated.
No. 315689
>>315688This comment could be a /pol/ comment. Horseshoe theory is real.
There’s got to be a way to be anti-porn without buying into bullshit conservatism “sex is sacred and women’s sexuality belongs to men” nonsense. Porn is bad because the actresses involved are coerced, drugged, and raped, that should be the focus here. Dudes who are anti-porn because deathgrip broke their dicks still hate women
No. 315690
Good thread.
I'm trying to stop watching porn, overall I'm doing well because I have a great boyfriend who gets me off whenever I ask + a hitachi when he's not around. But: I've been watching fucked up stuff ever since I was like, 12. I stumbled upon shota hentai around that age, then hentai sites filled with gang rape and loli doujins, and soon after that I started going on /b/ and also watching "regular" porn, that is to say violent shit that treats women like fleshlights. At first I'd tell myself it's okay, they're actors, but even when I realized the girls were often not fully consenting I wasn't taken aback until after I came.
I feel like I've seen so much of it during my teens that I've conditioned myself to enjoy it in spite of how terrible it is. Nowadays I still sometimes get the urge to go on /gif/ and look at some disgusting webms (although it's filled with tranny shit now which is a great turnoff!) I know I just need to focus on healthy fantasies and hobbies but it's so easy to access this shit.
Also I can't help but blame my parents for not monitoring my internet access at all, especially since it wouldn't have been hard to just check the house computer, there were no smartphones at the time. If I have kids I swear I'll have all the possible security to prevent them from looking at that shit.
Anyways, sage for blogpost
No. 315692
>>315687literally no one does that
go back to tumblr
No. 315710
>>315484I'm so tired of sex work and niche sexuality being shilled as liberating and good for women. It's a load of fucking garbage. The porn and sex industry will never change and even if it did it would still benefit men over women because they will always be the primary consumers.
I feel like porn has just become more and more extreme. It terrifies me when I see ads or porn sites and there's all these key words like "brutal", "forced", "abuse" etc. It makes me sick that men see us as objects to just be brutalized and that they excuse getting off to it just because it's legal and "consented to".
Even if you look at pro-porn stuff the truth behind the facade always trickles through, and yet we as a society just pretend like it's okay because "they're adults" and "it's empowering".
No. 315720
>>315715>Reminds me of the "cool girl" speech from Gone Girl.That monologue is iconic, I had to rewatch as soon as you reminded me of it.
And yes, I also tend to be on the conservative side when it comes to sex. Partly because that's just my nature, partly because feminism has made me come full circle in regards to promiscuity tbh. At first I was just mad about slut shaming and thought women should feel free to fuck as many people as they want as long as it's ethical. We do have that right of course, and slut shaming is still one of the things I hate most about men, but I still think restraint is the best strategy for our mental and physical health. There are obvious risks like STDs, pregnancy, catching feelings etc. But my biggest problem is the possibility that the men you have sex with actually hate you for fucking them. Men look down on women who sleep around, they think it makes us subhuman and that we lose value with each sexual partner even though they desperately pursue and pressure us for it. The idea of rewarding them with access to my vagina just for them to belittle and condemn me for it is fucking ABHORRENT. It's annoying that refraining from sex also plays into their purity obsession, it's not like I want to reward them with that either, but in the end I'll just refuse to fuck any guy with red flags about stuff like that (hence my ongoing celibacy). I'd much rather miss out on dick than deal with the negative consequences of it.
No. 315724
>>315535tried watching some of this shit earlier, it felt more like the dudes were more attracted to each other and just relieving it onto the girl.
>>315664>racebaitare you retarded? the porn posted was specifically Japanese KEK
Libfems are insane, I still can't get over their sex work shilling. They went hard on that about two years ago. They're also fucking hypocrites and sexualize innocent women who just show some skin above their knees or have naturally bigger than average breasts. Something is always wrong for them.
I'm definitely anti-porn though. I remember I used to watch porn in my late teens to early 20s. I think a lot of the reason why I watched porn back then was because my ex wanted to have an open relationship and do absurd kinky stuff because he wanted to be unique enough for his small circle of internet friends to show off to. I sometimes still have a desire to watch porn, but I'm trying to stop completely.
I've always been very selective on what gets me off. I tried reading erotic fanfiction, but all of the shit I've read focuses on how muscular the character appears and I just personally hate muscular guys. I mainly end up imagining a scenario in my head and masturbate.
No. 315752
>>315710>key words like "brutal", "forced", "abuseLast time I went to a popular pornsite I saw such words in a title combined with "small teen" and "East European".
Very obviously a young victim of trafficking. And men are happy to film themselves raping her and others like her, porn sites are ok with hosting it, and the men who visit have no empathy for her either.
It is actually quite traumatizing.
No. 315770
>>315690Wow anon, basically the same story for me, down to shota hentai being one of the first things I got into. I've been off of porn videos/gifs for a year now and I can no longer get off to women in pain. It was such a relief to sit down, watch some mainstream porn and feel more disgust than arousal.
Admittedly I do have a tool some people don't. Since I have some artistic skills I've been able to just draw my own hehe. But like you said, you have a bf which should also work well.
God luck to any anons trying to beat the habit!
No. 315934
>>315838Unfortunately, I had never seen porn of women actually being raped or tricked genuinely until seeing it in threads on 4chan, mainly /gif/ like that other anon said.
The japanese porn is the absolute fucking worst thing and i hate that i watched those all the way through
Telling a woman shes going to do softcore or even hardcore but with only one male, then she enters a room and theres a hundred japanese men and she tries to escape but cant.
Theres some worse ones too but i will spare the details.
Its just so fucked and if people dont think it happens in western porn they can fuck off and google cody lane blue room. You have young girls like Shay running around to these bondage porn shoots thinking its all fun and games because everything being done to her so far she has consented to because she ~loves abuse kink~, but one of these days theyre not going to ask her permission to do something extremely fucked up top her but she will have already signed a waiver and it will be too late. These women arent thinking and its so upsetting. Its not their fault in the basic sense but goddamn i just want to shke them and make them see its so unsafe please stay away.
No. 316051
My boyfriend used to have a sex/porn addiction up until about 8 months after we met. The only reason he overcame it was because of me.
I'm not sure how long he was addicted, but it had to have been years. I've seen emails of him spending money on camsites from over 8 years ago. When we met he was still meeting up with prostitutes and tipping girls on Chaturbate. He even considered buying a penis pump at one point, he had it bookmarked on his computer.
The only way I found out he had a sex addiction was because out of nowhere we hadn't had sex for almost half a year. Before that, we would have sex once a week, if not more. Something felt wrong and I decided to check his phone while he was taking a shower. I saw texts and phone calls to prostitutes looking to meet up. He probably saw three or four of them during that half year.
I remember not knowing what to do after I found out. I put the webpage to the prositute he was most recently looking at as his computer wallpaper, left him a text saying goodbye, went and grabbed my bag, and said goodbye to his cat. I was certain I wasn't going to go back, but I decided to park my car a few blocks away from his house to cry.
A few minutes later he calls me asking where I went and I told him to look at his computer. He immediately started crying and confessed he had a problem and needed help. I asked him millions of questions trying to figure out why he'd do such a thing while he's still seeing me. It's still traumatic for me to think about. It's been over 3 years since it all happened. He used to do a lot of hardcore shit like heroin and hung out with some shady people. Sometimes the way he got the drugs was through prostitutes. Even his sister was a prositute at some point. I sometimes think about what happened and I feel like he lied, but our sex life went back to normal after that all went down. I'm surprised he actually overcame the addiction. I promised myself to immediately pack up and leave and I even told him I wouldn't hesitate to, either.
Sorry to blogpost, it was tough to go through.
No. 316392
>>315690I can relate. I can't watch real porn, but i remember in jr high, i was friends with a lot of guys and this one in particular had a huge hard drive filled with porn. It was my first time getting into it and i never really liked it, but society tells you that you have to like it, you know?
it really sucks. I feel it repulsive now and really just want women to do better than porn. I'm worried about the sex positive movement in general because it encourages a lot of it .
No. 316680
>>316347I had a gut feeling he wasn't using the addiction as an excuse to cheat. It was all uncontrollable impulse. I remember seeing his texts and one he arranged with a prositute to meet up after work. He ended up not going and coming straight home. I confirmed that by looking at his Google location history on that exact day.
On top of that, I remembered he had other addictions and got over them without falling back. Heroin, cigarettes, and cocaine. He only smokes weed now, I helped him stop smoking cigarettes, the other two he stopped way before he met me because he knew friends who ended up almost dying doing them.
No. 316837
>>316833>hypnotizing fetish>"heteronormatives">she/theyyep, she's delusional all right. i think it's hilarious and scary they think porn is the only way to teach sex ed. it's all or nothing for them.
i personally don't like fight the new drug, mostly for their opinion/story articles, but accurate sources are the best.
No. 316861
>>316540That's like… A big part of the total content of the board. It's depressing that so many girls are just obsessed with talking about sex or things tangentially related to sex.
Although I think lolcow attracts BPD personality types who have to bring sex into everything. Does anyone else just find it weird and unrelatable that so many farmers are always talking about their random hookups, or friends with benefits or casual sex in those threads? I'd like to think those girls are the minority here.
No. 316865
>>316861You don't need bpd to have a high sex drive lmao. It happens to the best of us, it's biological.
Although I do agree that promiscuity is as emotionally unhealthy as porn, I don't think there's anything wrong with masturbation or fantasies. Maybe talking about it
is a bit weird, but not morally reprehensible.
No. 316891
i am anti porn not anti sex
theres a difference and one is normal to be into, while the other is not
No. 316896
>>316861Do you think we should go back to the puritan era of never talking about sex? This is the problem with some anti-porn discourse, it buys into “sex is sacred” conservative beliefs which is hard to build a movement on that’s going to gain any traction. The focus needs to be on the exploitation of violence against women and the rape that happens in the industry.
Discussing sex, masturbation and even written and drawn erotica are fine. It’s filmed porn that’s the problem.
No. 316919
>>316861It's not the topic of sex that is the problem for me, it's the territories the threads wander into. Talking about sex is fine, but when people bring up their weird ass paraphilias is when I mentally check out of the conversation. I don't like this association that people who are anti-porn and skeptical of kinks are inherently anti-sex. I watched porn and leaned towards sex-positvity for years until I learned more about the industry and realized how it negatively affected the way I saw sex. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water by acknowledging that some sexual habits are genuinely unhealthy.
As for casual sex, it's eh. Fucking some random d-bag is not my cup of tea either and I sort of roll my eyes when the topic comes up, but it's also not my place to dictate what other people do with their lives so long as they practice safe sex.
No. 316920
>>316902oh no what a horror, someone has sex outside of a committed relationship scenario.
Also how many of those anons are only “FWB” with those guys because the guy won’t commit? Because usually in my experience that’s the case. Either way, having a couple FWB situations throughout your lifetime is no big deal.
Anyway this is the anti-porn thread, not the anti-sex thread.
No. 316921
All porn is degrading to women because men do not suffer the social ramifications of appearing in it. Even if the woman "chose" to appear in it, she will still be vilified for doing so, forever. (For proof you can check out Jenna Jameson's IG, who is now married, a mother, out of it all, and converted to Judaism…and she still gets harassed by pervs. Also there are op-eds by other ex-porn stars, Google it.) They are typecast by and judged for their decision to appear in porn for the rest of their lives, regardless of why they appeared in it or what they did after they stopped.
Women are heavily over-represented in sex media, despite men making up half the population, because it's overwhelmingly men making porn for the consumption of men (regardless of category, even lesbian porn). Even the soft romantic made for women stuff isn't actually representative of women, because female sexuality often isn't performed in a "sexy" manner. TMI but I often masturbate under the covers in the dark, and it takes me 1min. I enjoy that far more than I imagine most porn stars enjoy acting most of their scenes, but it wouldn't be sexy to watch or even hear about.
Aside from all that, being convinced to profit from your own objectification and degradation is the biggest scam society has ever pulled on women, and probably the most successful one because women have convinced themselves it's an empowering choice. I say all of this as an ex-sex worker too, so I'm not just "some prude" scared of expression of sexuality; I just think porn is poisonous, and this is just my take on how it affects women directly. When you factor in how it affects men, and how that indirectly affects women… Wew.
No. 316929
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>>316921Yeah that's what's crazy about porn. If a woman is coerced into porn once or makes a living out of it, it does not matter. You are ruined, an outcast and not worthy of anything in your life. It is the only job where if you do it you can never have a normal job ever again, a normal life, hence why most porn stars stay in the industry. You are untouchable and societies outcast. Yet it's a JOB?
So what do you think of the J. Q and pornography? I was a radical feminist for a while, and I never realized how dominated pornography was by Jewish men. I guess I should have connected the dots earlier since I was aware how Hollywood is majority Jewish. I guess I'm kinda pissed because I spoke to a lot of Jewish radical feminists and they always jumped at the chance to criticize white men, which i mean, that's fine but how could they never bring this up?
No. 316940
>>316929It's a part of secular Jewish culture to be a reflexively against the grain. I'm putting that lightly because I don't want to seem like a nutjob, but secular Jews do seem overrepresented in all sorts of unusual lifestyles.
I wonder what the orthodox Jews make of them.
No. 316950
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>>316932Yeah I was about to post about Greg Lansky who runs Blacked dot com. It's strange isn't it? There doesn't really seem like much of a demand for this type of porn, black and white couples make up a minority of the population in the U.S but it's the most well funded, high production porn out there
No. 316952
>>316951Yes, white racist men who see black men as "animals." Thus they can get off to cuckoldry without worrying about the woman actually leaving her for an "animal."
They admit it, too. It's gross.
No. 316954
>>316950The men who went to Japan and set up companies specifically to produce black on japanese JAV are also Jewish. I just dont understand the point. So its not a case of >Jewish people trying to black out the white population, like white supremacists believe. They literally just encourage the concept of an almost predatory "black male takes a tiny woman of a another race and destroys her" narrative. Its racist in itself.
>>316951Well the media certainly makes it look as if cuckholdry is exclusive to white males so it makes sense they'd profit off of it i guess. Its smart in a way. Cant fault them for that. But its still shitty.
No. 316956
>>316952I was always under the impression that the cuckholding fetish was a result of men watching so much porn, they wanted to watch it live in person with their SO as the actress. I could be very wrong.
What are anons opinions of audio porn? Some of the sweet ones are nice but alot of recordings Ive noticed that men have made for women involve rape or violence of some kind and it creeps me out.
No. 316957
>>316951This. I didn't even know that shit existed or was widespread until I started using 4chan and seeing angry white guys dump entire folders of it everywhere daily for years. There's a reason we associate it primarily with white males. This sort of thing is obviously a "kink" for mentally ill racists, but they hate themselves for it, so they try to "cleanse" by speaking against it, all while sharing and distributing it amongst each other so that the cycle continues. It makes about as much sense as claiming to be anti-pedophilia/CP, but saving and reposting a shitton of CP or child model pictures every day.
I bet /pol/'s userbase makes up 30% of's page views and profit. Sickness.
No. 316966
>>316956It's probably a mix of the two, blacked is just for super insecure racists.
>>316957 said. Good analysis.
>>316958Smells like you aren't a woman and this is bait.
I'm wary of white men since I'm not fully white and they're often bigoted.
No. 316975
>>316956>What are anons opinions of audio porn?I tried some of it before but it makes me cringe no matter the topic. I don't know why, it just makes me uncomfortable.
>alot of recordings Ive noticed that men have made for women involve rape or violence of some kind and it creeps me out.Yeah, I noticed that too and that put me off of it as well. There was one recording that literally rp'd the salem witch trials. Gross.
No. 316980
>>316958I'm not into black men. I don't see it too often either.
>>316970Again, like I said here
>>316953I just pulled the image off of Google when I searched Jewish pornographers. No doubt the biggest maker of pornography is Jewish men. And we should understand why and how they can keep doing this in order to stop it. If possible without being hateful.
No. 316981
>>316956Only audio porn I know of is the otome/BL type drama CDs were no one is actually having sex in real life, is that what you mean?
That's different than filmed porn. If there is misogyny that's still a problem but it's different than porn where people are actually having sex and being hurt in real life.
No. 316982
>>316958Not white, but I doubt it's a huge thing. In the US, at least, BM/WW relationships make up like 2% of the population and have the highest divorce rates, IIRC.
Most people are primarily attracted to their own race because of the familiarity (obviously), in spite of /pol/'s lies.
No. 316987
>>316979>>316984Anal is only universally enjoyable for men, whether they're on top or bottom (because of the prostate).
For some women it might work, but porn makes it look like
every woman wants and gets off to it. Aside from
actual people being hurt in porn, that's my main problem with it. Most women don't have the anatomy to cum from it…or even from vaginal tbh.
No. 316992
So any idea how someone can help in anti-porn activism? All i do is persuade friends to stop watching it but I like to do more
No. 316998
>>316989I'm a woman that genuinely enjoys anal with some of my kink and i really, really hate porn for making men think its ok to just RAM IT IN or do stupid things like fuck that general area as rough and carelessly as you can with a vagina.
The amount of times i have had to have it try to be forced, have had mild injuries that I'm lucky weren't worse, or have generally experienced some kind of violation regarding it is fucking ABSURD and makes me want to keep it to my fucking self and i dread it coming up.
Any time I've heard of a lady into anal with other ladies (more uncommon but some kinky bi woman and lesbians out there if you know where to look) they are usually not like this and so very careful. I've heard a couple of horror stories, but never as many as I've heard about men.
Anyway porn ruins everything including men's opportunities with kinky women that want respect and consensual practices and not rapey bullshit. Its messed up they don't even realize that.
No. 317000
>>316980NTA but
>I just pulled the image off of Google >No doubt the biggest maker of pornography is Jewish menThen show some evidence you didn't just pull off of Google? That is also a small amount of producers for how large the industry is.
No. 317005
>>316929>I spoke to a lot of Jewish radical feminists and they always jumped at the chance to criticize white men, which i mean, that's fine but how could they never bring this up?Secular Jews are the most clannish group you will find outside of the observantly religious. They will almost never criticize Jewish behavior, and those that do find themselves shunned family and friends.
The most unsettling realizations I've ever had are the ones where I realize /pol/ is right.
No. 317007
>>316957>I bet /pol/'s userbase makes up 30% of's page views and profit. Sickness.Honestly don't believe that's even the case. Sure it gets posted there but mostly to troll the /pol/ users if anything. It's really stupid to assume that "well a person is racist so he's obviously into what he would consider bestiality". You're making an argument identical like "well this guy is a homophobe so he's obviously gay", it's like saying that terfs are actually transmen themselves or something asinine. If anything the demographic for blacked is mostly unironic cuckolds and black men themselves. I recall watching Kimmell or someone with Kanye West, who himself said that his favorite porn genre is blacked because he's married to a white woman.
I never understood where this thing comes from, the assumption that if a person says he hates something it means that he actually likes the opposite.
No. 317010
>>316992I want to know if anything larger scale is happening, it needs to.
Talking to your friends is always good though.
No. 317035
>BLACKED, TUSHY, and VIXEN - Greg Lansky
>Screw - Al Goldstein
>AVN Media Network, Inc. - Founder, Chairman of the Board, and President — Paul Fishbein
>Former Editor-In-Chief of AVN Novelty Business Magazine — Anthony Lovett
>Vivid Entertainment -Founder/Co-Chairman — Steven Hirsch (aka “The Porn King”), Co-Owner/Co-Chairman — Bill Asher, VP of Production — Marci Hirsch
>Lucas Entertainment - Founder/CEO — Michael Lucas
>WICKED Pictures, Founder — Steve Orenstein
>World’s largest Porn Distributer - Reuben Sturman, Porn distributer and Reuben Sturman Associate - Herbert Feinberg (Mickey Fine)
>Al Goldstein - Porn pioneer
>Seymore, Inc. - Adam Glasser (aka Seymore Butts), founder/owner
>Cable Rosenberg Founder of DOGFART, Blacks on Blondes and Cuckold Porn
>DAVID MARMORSTEIN TASSILLO - current CEO Of MindGeek Canada That's just a few I can dig up. Unfortunately so much of this is hard to find because of how secretive porn is (its privately traded). Come on though you have to admit this is a large, disproportionate amount. Yes there are American non Jewish pornographers though.
No. 317055
>>317007Homophobes who save, post and talk about gay porn at length on a regular basis are pretty suspicious to me, yeah. Most actual homophobes avoid looking at that shit and call anyone who forces it on their eyes a gross faggot. Somehow, the same is not true of /pol/aks. They consume and share IR cuckold porn like it's candy, and even force it on other boards. They love it, they love typing delusional, factually inaccurate fantasies maske as rants about black men "taking their women", they love editing white celebrities and fictional characters into cuckold porn and claiming it's a "political message".
Also, if you go to a website populated mostly by black men, like The Coli, even they don't talk about cuck porn like /pol/tards do because they know it's racist/dehumanizing, and like all races, prefer their own kind. Kanye West is considered a mentally ill joke by most black people, so I wouldn't use him as an example of anything.
I'm sorry, but your #based #redpilled bros you handmaiden for are cuckolds in denial.
No. 317171
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>>317083yet alot of it is free
No. 317558
>>317295So if we are thinking of the same one, it's definitely 100% rape. If the video quality was bad and looked low budget it was probably what I'm talking about. The only videos that brand made that weren't real rape was some public sex videos. I rather not name what it is for nosy people but its way more intense than any Western porn. I've seen bits of all of them out of curiosity when I was younger and the gang rape isn't the worst part. There was forced vomit, guys literally forcing a girl to eat their shit, dangling a naked girl off the edge of a building, drowning a girl in a pool giving to the point of passing out and when she woke up they did even more, I'm pretty sure the girl has permanent brain damage now. A lot of people went to jail for this shit but it's still sold on some JAV websites. That shit made horrible shit like facial abuse look incredibly tame.
Also, with the underage looking girls in JAV being underage I don't know how common that is is in modern days (it was common in the 80s until early 2000s) but there's this shit called junior idol and it's fucking sickening. I read once about it and they were comparing the amount earned on videos of older girls (16-17) to younger girls (5-7) and they said a single video featuring a younger girl easily make 10+ million yen while some older girls struggle to make 20 thousand yen. I've never looked at it but from my understanding it's the about the same as adult gravure. I have no fucking idea how that shit isn't considered CP. I love Japan but their pedophilia obsession is worse than anywhere in the world and I fucking hate it.
No. 318499
>>318497It absolutely is
Everyone pretty much suffers the consequences of this industry, except the people making money off it of course
No. 318509
>>317558I have a question about the girls involved in these. Do you think possibly they were trafficked Chinese or other foreign Asian girls? Or were they really Japanese if you remember, like they spoke Japanese?
I'm just curious about how much of a trafficking problem Japan really has with it's own girls. You'd think at worst these Yakuza or rings would just want to do prostitution, but that's some fucking snuff you mentioned there.
Most snuff from my understanding that lurks on the deep web is in countries like the Phillipines and generally very third world where they lack the means to find the men easily. What is wrong with Japan if that's happening in a first world country to normal, native born Japanese girls? Why would you kill your own perfectly happy and healthy women in your neighborhood? To sell some shitty low quality JAV to a niche audience?
No. 318517
>>317558>>318011Jesus Christ I wish I never read those descriptions. That's vile beyond my comprehension. People that enjoy this shit should be locked up.
I want to die
No. 319788
>>318517Same, anon, same.
It's too horrific.
But I the want men who abuse women to die instead.
At the very least they should be arrested for their crimes.
No. 319835
>>319788I am worried that it never happens or does not happen enough.
I find it just as disturbing that people are sharing those gifs on places like 4chan either for 'shock value' or cause they hate woman that much. It makes me want to cry. How can you treat another human being like this? ##Any living thing to be honest, but you get my point - I hate that violence against women by men is just part of how the world is built. Shouldn't we love and help each other?
No. 319841
The inhumanity made me want to cry today.
But I would rather try to do something.
There must be some feminist anti-porn/anti-trafficking campaigns one could support and donate to.
No. 319940
File: 1541265911157.png (Spoiler Image,2.99 MB, 2602x1492, >related searches -…)

Thanks for making a thread, anon. Was going to post this in the man-hating thread until I saw this exists.
I fucking hate porn so much. I sometimes can't believe what kind of world we live in. How the hell is this allowed? Why do these videos have MILLIONS of views? This is the best proof that we still live male supremacist society imo.
And (according to Alexa) xvideos is the 47th most visited site of the world - the most popular porn site after Pornhub. It's run by a Czech company named "WGCZ Holding" who also owns 'Bangbros' and the Penthouse magazine. It's not some shady small company, it's a very big business, presumably mostly run by men who make money off the misery of women. Why is no one talking about this? This is an company located in the fucking EU hosting videos of women getting raped and killed that sometimes look scarily real.
It's so scary that young boys now grow up with unlimited access to such sites and how many men watch these videos regularly. And how we're just supposed to think "it's just a fetish you prude!" as if millions of men enjoying watching women get raped and beaten hasn't any real life consequences. I want to get back to the days were only weirdos watched fetish pornography that they had to purchase in seedy sex shops.
Also, the popularity and amount of porn depicting women who look underage and are often fucked by older men is really disturbing too.
[spoilered image: a search for 'snuff' on, depictions of rape NSFW]
No. 319941
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>>319940Another one. A search for "necro". Imagine 12.5 million people clicking on a video with a thumbnail of a dead woman and the title "Still warm, but warming her more".
No. 319944
>>319940>>319941Never forget that all men are pedophiles and necrophiles.
Remember this when speaking to any of them in real life; look them in the eyes and know they want to murder and rape you. Every. Last. One.
No. 319946
>>319940>>319941No way am I even clicking on those spoilers, but can't those videos be reported somewhere?
>>319944Troll alert.
No. 319950
>>319946>>319948I'm neither of those things, but it's the truth and evidence is overwhelmingly in my favour.
I fucking hate it, it makes me feel suicidal sometimes since I'm very romantic and always dreamed of marrying and loving a guy someday. But seeing things like this, the porn men like to watch when women aren't looking and the things they say anonymously when there are no repercussions, just makes their true intentions undeniable.
No. 319954
>>319951That's literally the opposite of what I said, so no I'm not her.
I guess I came across as sarcastic/like I was mocking the other anon, sorry. This is what I truly believe given the evidence I have to work with.
No. 319959
>>319946>but can't those videos be reported somewhere? These videos have millions of views and I'm sure someone reported them at some point. But they're legal. It's just a fantasy, bro.
I think commercial pornography should be completely banned but since this isn't realistic I wish they'd at least ban porn depicting rape, necrophilia and actresses that look fucking 12. I just can't fucking believe you're able to easily access snuff films on mainstream porn sites.
>>319944>>319954I agree, tbh. While I doubt most men are explicitly pedo- or necrophiles, the majority of them will stick their dick in anything without caring about morals.
No. 320001
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>these snuff videos don't contain actual dead people.. right?
No, I checked, in some of these video there are people complaining in the comments that you can see the "dead" woman blink or breathe and that it's fake. Like they want those women to be actually dead to be able to jerk off better.
Which reminds me of another point. When it comes to rape videos, men often will complain that it doesn't look real enough or that she seems to enjoy it too much.
One of the rules of the popular rape fetish subreddit /r/StruggleFucking (100k+ subs) is literally "No BDSM or happy consenting victims.".
>HEY BONDAGE FAGITS! If she's smiling and calling him 'Sir' fuck off with that bullshit. We want rape fantasies only. Rape!
>Dear Rapists, please click report as soon as you see women enjoying anything. Let's fix this problem together and send the boy scouts somewhere else for knot tying tutorials.
No. 320004
>>320001Reading this made my soul leave my body.
Holy shit, Reddit doesn't control anything, does it?
No. 320028
>>320014Unless camgirls are forced to get on cameras because of poverty. I've read a memoir of a North Korean refugee that was forced to work as a camgirl and if she refused she would get deported and murdered along with her family. Another one (I think, sorry, I've read quite a few of those books so people's stories mix in my mind) were literally sold to Chinese farmers as their live-in sex slaves and maids (that they could beat up and abuse however they liked). They had no idea that this was what would happen to them after making their way to the other side of the border.
I was so fucking angry when I read about this, I already donated to Free North Korea once but I should start doing it monthly
No. 320102
>>320092Erotica can be fine, its going to vary on
why a given person is anti porn. The people who are anti porn in principle probably dislike erotica. If the dislike for porn is centered on the scummy business practices and abuse of the workers they might be OK with erotica (as well as drawn porn). It can still have its issues though.
No. 320172
>>320171Completely relate Anon.
We have to keep in mind that porn exposure, which we didn't get to avoid, influenced our kinks. Also, having fantasies of things happening to you is VERY different to making a real person acting out that fantasy in a dubiously professional setting, don't feel bad for having fantasies. I've seen a lot of anti-porn messages talking about how you get more vanilla taste after you stop watching porn, and to some extent it is true, but just because you haven't watched anything sexual in months it doesn't mean you'll be disgusted by anything more kinky than missionary sex with the lights out.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
No. 320197
>>320171Don't feel bad for being aroused by certain porn. It's not something you can control.
And yeah, I can relate. I get turned by groping/rape porn despite when it happened to me in real life it was something I didn't enjoy at all. I feel really stupid and ashamed because of that.
There was a good discussion on the gender-critical subreddit about that topic:>We’re taught from a young age that female sexual pleasure is wrong or irrelevant and that a man’s orgasm is the main purpose of sex. Certainly I’ve internalised so much misogyny now that I need to imagine extremely abusive scenarios happening to myself in order to enjoy sex. No. 320199
>>320171Although I was never turned on by being the girl in such scenarios, for years my fantasies about women included them getting roughly fucked by men. Porn literally made me a cuck lmao. While some of it still turns me on if I think about it, for now I only get off if I imagine the girl enjoying herself. And for the most part I just enjoy the thought of a girl masturbating, which is a throwback to my earliest fantasies. I'm getting there.
I also have similar fantasies about men, usually involving severe violence and non-con but don't care to change it.
No. 320221
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>>320001Why… isn't this sub banned? They even banned the incel sub, that I thought was awful enough but compared to this looks almost tame. What the fuck
No. 321518
>>320226>don't beat yourself up too hard over it. We still need to take responsibility for ourselves though. I'm not talking about that anon or lolcow really because I guess this is a mostly female space excluding the incel invaders, but I'd hope anyone with the self awareness to realize how damaging it is would actively try to deprogram themselves and not indulge in it.
And I really, really wish women would refrain from admitting their awful submissive fetishes where men can read them and assume we're all like that. It's straight up dangerous for men to believe women want to be raped and degraded and then see it backed up by female posts. Even if they're saying "I wish I didn't feel this way, I don't actually want it IRL", men will not understand or sympathize with this nuance, they will see what they want to hear and run with it.
No. 321536
>>321518I want to anally rape, degrade, and dismember men.
Hope this makes up for those girls' posts.
No. 321705
>>321536Amber Tamblyn wrote a book about a woman who does exactly this.
It's called 'Any Man' and it was an extremely interesting read.
No. 321719
This thread kills me.. and only makes me appreciate the rare unicorn-tier low sex drive/vanilla men out there. How do you find nice non pornsick men (who arent amish)
I hated that necro screencap too jfc. Is it a power thing? Theyre too weak personally so they want to fuck corpses? I dont really carw anymore. I just hate how much they hate us, living or dead.
>>320221If it gets enough negative press, it will be. Subs promoting rape and sexual violence like incels got banned because of it.
No. 321732
>>321705THANKS ANON, oh jeez. I've wanted media like this for so long.
Although I realize it's a social statement…cool that it caters to my fetish.
No. 321752
>>321747"We're totally fine if you don't watch porn, it's not like porn was our business model or something" As if.
I think NoFap is a bit cringey, but if it leads a few guys to overthink their porn habits I'm fine with it.
No. 321754
>>321747"We're totally fine if you don't watch porn, it's not like porn was our business model or something" As if.
I think NoFap is a bit cringey, but if it leads a few guys to overthink their porn habits I'm fine with it.
No. 321773
>>321747It's pretty disgusting seeing a porn company most likely owned by garden variety misogynistic, sexist, racist old white men attempting to label anyone who doesn't poison themselves as those very things.
Like, imagine a porn site waggling its fingers at someone for being "anti-women". This is 2018.
No. 321787
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>>321781>That's just a few I can dig up. Unfortunately so much of this is hard to find because of how secretive porn is (its privately traded). Come on though you have to admit this is a large, disproportionate amount.
>European JewsCome again?
I feel like dirt because every other race admits the fault of their own however the likes of Dines and Dworkin will never admit the porn problem is a Jewish problem. They say it's a man problem lol. But they have no issue calling out white men
NoFap and the alt right are going to get anti-pornography efforts done, not feminists imo.
No. 321789
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People are starting to catch on anyway.
No. 321798
>>321790>anti-degeneracyNow, this is a meme, and you know it. They're the most degenerate fucks alive. The lot still think amateur porn is okay, they're constantly editing everything into cuckold porn and they jack it to hentai.
I hate porn, and the porn industry, but it's dumb to trust sick, mentally ill men to "take it down".
No. 321801
>>321799No it's not. Jewish people are not white.
>>321798I don't doubt a lot of them are degenerates in their private life but there are a large group of them who are angry and want porn gone, and blame porn for their shortcomings. They think porn has cucked them since they were children because it forced them watch a man fuck "their" woman on film. And since you don't put up any credible sources and just wanna argue me all day (instead of doing actual anti-porn activism ffs) here watch this video where thousands of alt-right men audience viewers make JF ask pornographer Paige J (Jewish) these questions.
No. 321805
>>321801Anyone disagreeing with you is "arguing with you all day (instead of doing actual porn activism)", even when you're the one who started the entire argument to sperg out about Jews?
Yeah, no. All those men hate women and anyone who's not white. Stop trying to strong-arm us all into allying ourselves with them.
Last (You) for you.
No. 321806
>>321805Who is us? Allying with nofap is a good idea. If you don't want to ally with the alt right so be it
>StrongarmingLol such a sensitive wittle baby
No. 321822
>>321801Ah yes, the big conspiracy to keep … what? Men fapping? There's no conspiracy, just good old greed.
Please stop derailing with this conspiracy shit.
No. 322805
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porn sucks and i hate how much masturbating to a bunch of bizarro depictions of brutalization is normalized as a legitimate and assumed past-time of all men, not to mention talking about it openly being seen as sex-posi and noble. has anyone ever went to a male acquaintance's twitter profile and saw them replying to porn stars? people who like porn should at least do women the favor of being ashamed of it.
No. 322838
>>322805>we're feminists so long as we get to see your pussy get abused, tortured and fucked anyway we want Just ew
Reminds me of the whole "save the boobies" campaign. It was only about tits.. and not the women. They'll rally for tits and never will give any fucks for the women as people.
No. 322885
>>322805>that bannermen are trash
>>321794If only porn was actually taken seriously, and the harm it causes women.
No. 335910
>>335899Is there nothing about women that men will not sexualize and aim to completely degrade?
The aspects of humiliation and domination, not to mention this lowkey weird feeling of pedophilia disgusts me. They get off to the fact there is a child in this woman, and the fact that this woman, whom most likely is a struggling mother, has to use her natural pregnancy for the twisted pleasure of men. Why should she "choose" to participate in such an act? Why is this the only option for many struggling sex workers?
Motherhood and pregnancy should be something that is respected and full of love and support, not something for men to dominate, eye rape and control for their sexual urges.
I think many more men have this kind of sick fetish than is belived.
No. 335916
>>335910i don't think that's why… it's usually just a shitty helplessness and fertility fetish that has nothing to do with the baby.
not disagreeing that it's gross but i think the reasoning is important.
No. 335950
>>335910I'm sorry but how do most women get pregnant, please remind me again because I forgot?
I don't think a pregnancy fetish is weird or gross, I think it's natural. I'm anti-porn but that's the not the hill I'm gonna die on other than the usual poverty argument.
No. 336077
>>335950Ah yes, because its natural. Well rape is quite natural to men isn't it? Why not let men just indulge in their ~natural kinks~ like rape, torture and murder.
How many women have a pregnancy fetish compared to men, even though it's natural? It couldn't possibly be that men enjoy forcing their seed into unwilling women and chaining them down with the idea of unwanted pregnancies and servitude.
>>336000Because they can visually see their domination over a woman. They visually get off to the idea that they have impregnated this woman with
their seed, so both her and child are
>>335916Fertility comes to almost every woman with a working period though. I sincerely believe the child is a part of the fetish since these men definitely think that it is his, or he had a part in making it and controling it.
No. 337232
>>336981*full of girls that are obese and dont have any confidence so they sit and watch pornographic material of females just to nitpick things like what their vaginas and ass look like
No. 337259
>>337225Porn blogs that continued to conflate their fetishes and reality will be gone and thank God for it. Posts that had discussions about womens
situations all over the world always had misogyny/rape kink blogs commenting about how shitty women were in general.
you try and bring it up with the owner and it's always like they couldn't turn their damn fetish off. Their reality is so warped its disturbing
No. 395740
>>315535The problem I have with porn is that as along its an "industry" or has anything to with money, its inherently degrading and misogynist. It is men manipulating women into exploitation for their own gain.
You've got to look at the context. Sex is enjoyable, natural and healthy for everyone, no doubt. But the problem is that patriarchy is corrupting influence. These people who accuse anti-porn feminists of being "sex negative" aren't looking at the context. Sex isn't bad in a vacuum, but the way its used to exploit and degrade women is and honestly, until there is a massive change in society, men aren't going to change and porn will be used to make women sex slaves.
No. 399150
>>399144I see no problems with porn that doesn't involve actual people. Although I'd still prefer not to interact with people who get off to loli/shota/torture/rape shit. They may not be doing anything wrong, but it makes me uncomfortable. I'd be fine with someone disowning me because of my freaky shit too, so don't call me a meanie hypocrite.
Other anons may have differing opinions.
No. 399184
>>399167It didn’t cause body dysmoprhia but it very much skewed my sexuality and what I viewed to be a normal part of sex for a very long time. I’m only just coming to terms with the fact that the way I’ve been viewing sex is unhealthy and I very much believe that it’s mostly because I viewed porn while I was developing sexually and so did my boyfriend so neither of us knew what we were doing and got all of our information from
abusive and unrealistic sources
No. 399245
>>396297>>397732Now adays you need to give your children "the talk" as soon as they're in school or socializing without you since kids get given smartphones when they're literally like 5 and inevitably find porn and show their friends.
If you have a trusting relationship they'll understand ideas like certain things being for adults, how to tell their peers they're not comfortable with something and to tell you anything weird other kids do.
Still, makes me think the days of sleep overs are done since there might be one kid there who had their brain fried by watching pornhub since they were 7 and wants to mess around.
No. 399402
>>399167Something like body dysmorphia and something like fucked up ideas about sex.
For the longest time I hated my female body because I saw it as inherently sexual, and still today I can't foresee myself being comfortable as a sexual being. I'm still a virgin (for social reasons, not sexual ones kek), but although my sex drive is ridiculous I don't want to be touched sexually. I'm very attracted to people but feel disgusted by the idea of being sexualized myself, even in a healthy way. It's like I'd be giving up my personhood by having someone touch my tit lmao, even if I still see those I'm attracted to as human.
Part of growing up with porn also trained me to be more aroused by watching someone rather than getting involved, so this combined with my hangups makes it so I just want to touch someone and not get touched. People complain about starfish and pillow princesses/princes but jfc that's ideal at this point.
I may just be a weird control freak with mild haphephobia anyway though, since I also dislike being on the receiving end of physical affection (rather hug than be hugged). Regardless porn definitely made me hate being female for a time. I'd like to change the rest a bit so I can be more involved and live the gfd dream but for now I'll just put off dating/hope for a compatible person.
Anyone else struggle with this? Any advice? Or is that too much of a derail?
No. 399837
>>399379Man same age with me. Like 10-11 cause those were my earliest account on websites. But its so fucked up at that age I ran into such wierd shit and it had to my discovery of sexuality. No 10 year old should be looking at those kind of things.
Like the first thing I see and know is the most perverted unusual thing out there so it's almost normal to me but I know its wroung (now).
Thing is that i hate, I still get off to those things and feel shame for it. Like, yeah, it's okay to be into kinky shit. But for me its a whole nuther level, literally a sickness, that I still feed even tho I shouldn't and it'll get worse.
No. 400337
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Not sure if this is more anti-porn or more anti-men, but does anyone else find it weird how Kim Jung Gi is married with kids, but still draws a lot of porn? Like how muts it feel to be the wife, with kids, of a man who draws sexy women 24/7. Also in the same interview this picture is from he admits to showing his kids his pornographic drawings.
No. 406134
>>406115It feels like another one of those "look how enlightened and woke we are" stunts they pull from time to time.
Tumblr is annoying, but even more annoying are the NSFW artists acting all smug about people being prudes and "taking their art to more embracing spaces where people actually like to have fun".
An online friend of mine draws NSFW stuff and acts like tumblr personally insulted her for banning porn. The entitlement of these people is unreal.
No. 406196
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Based Sylvester
No. 406222
>>406160I think it's just an agenda to normalize porn from early on, then when these tumblr kids and teens are older, they can't find sexual pleasure from anything but the abuse/hardcore/faux snuff stuff. Then you have a rise in younger men with ED that the pharma companies will profit off of with a rise in drugs to combat it.
I see it being a giant push to make money, fuck up the youth and ruin relationships. This is a giant tinfoil.. But weve seen guys who've been exposed to porn talk about needing to escalate their porn choices because regular "vanilla" stuff doesn't cut it.
It fucking sucks that there can't be a platform for kids without porn or sexually explicit material without people reeeee about it being normal to show abused women
No. 406512
>>406222out of curiosity, anon, what do you think about tumblr banning porn? i personally didn't mind since it did the much-needed job of killing off the platform and the userbase plummeted underground afterwards (most migrated to twitter, though).
tumblr isn't explicitly "for kids" but we all know that a whole bunch of tweens and teenagers used it en masse and very regularly a few years ago. that's how they ended up with a bajillion 14 year old girls making BDSM/NSFW blogs and getting into DDLG communities.
No. 406575
>>406512Thought it was great tbh too. Alot of those fucked up kink blogs went away and their self pity party was funny. They thought that running and larping as misogyny/male supremacy blogs was truly worth saving. But I noticed some set up underground discords for anyone who ants to join their "lifestyle" which only proved how serious they were when they talked abouy degradation and abuse towards women but hid it behind sex positivity.
Alot of the men running those blogs were either in their mid 20s, 30s or early 40s. Yeah tumblr isn't but something is just fucked up when you're a grown ass man promoting twisted porn shit on a platform where alot of users are still just teens wanting to reblog gif sets from their favourite show.
I wonder if instagram and Twitter will do the same and just allow pornhub and other porn sites build their own social network. Snapchat is cracking hard on cam girls who sell private accounts and break their tos
No. 406675
Porn has completely ruined heterosexual sex, and I really mean this.
To begin with, it's now difficult to find a male partner of any age who doesn't struggle with chronic sexual dysfunction. If you've had more than one male partner, you've probably been with a man who couldn't get hard, or couldn't stay hard, or couldn't come during normal sexual activity. Not just once in a while (which is normal), but frequently. Every woman thinks this is her fault, or that her partner is just unusually nervous. Nope! Most of the time, the issue is porn. The recent epidemic of men in their 20s who can't get hard for a real woman is due to porn.
If your partner can perform, there are a lot of other issues. Firstly, he acts like he doesn't even care whether you're there or not, much less whether you're enjoying yourself. He moves your body around without your feedback like he's setting out a lawn chair - you are essentially a prop.
He wants stupid porn positions that are only used because of how they look on camera. He wants to do things with you specifically because they're degrading or painful. He has weird consent issues and will try to come on your face or ram it in your ass without asking first. He gets angry when forty-five seconds of dry fingering doesn't give you an explosive orgasm.
Lastly, if you happen to notice these issues, if you happen to criticize the fact that he watches so much extreme porn that his dick is essentially numb to human contact, he'll flip out and accuse you of being a crazy bitch who wants to control male sexuality.
Here's the thing: this is not normal. It is NORMAL to expect a man to be able to perform sexually when he wants to MOST of the time. We do not have superhuman expectations. We literally just expect men to be able to have normal sex. But god fucking forbid anyone criticize what they jerk it to.
No. 406688
>>406675Maybe you've just been fucking crazy people.
Though I'm curious for all you anti-porn people. How do you actually get off?
Are you all asexual? All normies with boyfriends? Just use your imagination?
Do you hate drawings and audio porn too?
No. 406691
>>406688Don't you think the fact that you can barely fathom getting off without porn, something that has only become so widely accessible in recent decades, is proof enough that it's messing with people's sexuality rather than a few isolated 'crazy people'? Questioning aversion to something as gross as rape on tape makes you sound pornsick as hell.
I'm nta but I have zero issue with art, writing and audio porn since women aren't being trafficked and abused for the sake of fiction. They all fuel my imagination enough that I don't need it in front of me to get off. If I really wanted to enhance my sex drive and lower my expectations for irl sex I'd probably refrain from consuming any porn at all, but it's not a concern atm.
No. 406694
>>406691Not what I meant at all. Just saying a guy like explained in that post sounds super controlling and would probably act like that regardless of watching porn.
I don't even watch porn because the guys aren't my type and the girls are too trashy to self insert. But I do occasionally want to look at pictures of real dicks.
It's just so much of this thread is just ranting about pornsick guys/manhate. When you know, girls like getting off too.
No. 406695
>>406694The majority of porn consumption is done by men, women who watch it are very much outliers
Women’s main consumption is still by far erotica, both written and drawn
No. 406699
>>406695So really this thread is more anti-live action porn.
Because written and drawn 'erotica' is still porn.
Personally I usually get off to Japanese R18 situation CD's.
No. 406702
>>406700That not everybody automatically thinks that way, that you are saying you're anti-porn but you still consume 'porn' just named differently.
This thread is more anti abuse on women/sex trafficking and anti-crazy obsessed men. Than anti something that has such a wide definition as porn.
No. 406714
>>315484I hate how porn has:
made me confused on my sexual orientation
made me brainless
i am not saying we should ban porn because i believe in freedom but jesus how much i wish porn would be less popular
No. 406744
>>406736So wrong. We know that some people are going to be the ultimate
victims of capitalism, so it's best to legalize and legitimize the route that hardest victimizes the
victims and causes irreversible, physical pain, as well as emotional so as to make their irreversible pain slightly less traumatizing but ultimately opening up a wider marketplace to cater to demand, but also to create a new stream of revenue for those
victims, so they can maybe possibly avoid homelessness and so the government can participate in the collection of that revenue, too, and you know, help fund schools on the backs of these
victims. It's good for everyone.
No. 406801
>>406688i usually look at pictures or watch videos of the guy i like and imagine being close to him/kissing/doing things, or just my imagination involving the guy i like/love/want. like, i don't know why so many people need explicit media to get off. like, if i don't have sexual pictures or video of, say, the guy i'm dating and i have yet to have sex with him, it's not like it's hard at all to get off to just thinking about being sexual with him and imagining doing so seeing normal pictures of him.
No. 406806
>>406688Used to be a porn addict so I have a decent "spank bank" and also have a good visual imagination. I look at drawn porn sometimes or people's nudes (uploaded by the person featured in the pic), but often just draw my own. Basically I just avoid studio porn and try to rely mostly on myself so as not to get addicted.
I'd say you're correct in your assumptions about most posters itt in your later posts.
No. 407127
>>407125This is such a tryhard way of talking about sex and masturbation. Also, having sex with someone to get off doesn’t dehumanise them, that is the entire point of the activity people fuck because it feels good. Believe it or not one of the big reasons people date is so they get to fuck each other - otherwise you’re just friends.
‘Tool to explore my thoughts and feelings’ gtf outta here with this trying to be deep shit lmao
No. 407175
>>407125What feelings are you exploring from watching porn? You can just masturbate without rotting your brain.
What mental gymnastics are you doing to think that getting off to strangers on your screen is better than getting off from your partner?
No. 407246
>>407154I understand what your saying. Sex, intimacy and masturbation are different but, its where someones intentions lie that differentiate them all.
its very much possible for someone to have sex with another person and still think of them as a human being and not some object. Just because a person has thoughts on getting off to another person, doesnt dehumanize them.
Its only when someone jacks off, or has sex with someone and just treats them like nothing. Like, "You're ONLY here for my pleasure nothing else." type of mentality. Its a lack of connection, empathy towards women that creates all these problems.
In my opinion sex should be an add on/plus to a relationship. Two people who love each other, but want to be intimate too. Not the, "I guess i kinda like her…im really just here for the sex." type shit is where it all goes downhill.
No. 407249
>>407175That’s a legitimate question, and I think it’s the same feelings that I get when I look at any art. I wonder things and I get curious. Who made this and what did they intend the viewer to feel? Is it effective at making me feel this way? Why is that? How can I take what I’ve learned about myself and apply it to being a stronger person?
Ex. face-fucking. I feel fulfilled with the idea of being totally and completely of service. I feel impressed by the professionals who deepthroat. Some of them do so very eagerly, and that dynamic of having a hard task to do but doing so with gusto, that’s a fucking inspiring work ethic.
Maybe the D is her “boss” or whatever other power dynamic. Does that mean I’m gonna turn around and let my boss at work fuck me? No I’m gonna look at whatever bosses me around in life, bills, job, school, and fuck it right back with gusto. And I think that’s why you see so many porn actresses smiling pretty through all these degrading scenarios. Because that’s how life works and art mirrors life. We must learn the mental coping skills to take a bad situation and make the best of it. Not because surrendering to love and acceptance is forced upon us by Daddy, but because it is the best way to live life.
No. 407520
>>407515My bf used to sell porn, ever since then he cannot watch it. Interacting with those businesses and finding out how unethical it is put him off for good.
He is always weirded out when his friends say they need drugs and 10 different toys and anal to make sex fun. Meanwhile he thinks toys are annoying, anal is demeaning and he focuses more on pleasing me than himself. He finds me being relaxed the most arousing thing ever.
At first I was a bit hesitant dating him, with having sold porn being on his resume. But he really surprised me by complaining about the industry and how his thoughts changed due to his experience, without any prompting two weeks into dating.
No. 407537
>>407071>There's literally nothing wrong with sexworkingYeah, starting an online "career" that contributes to the demand for abuse and human trafficking is totes empowering and fine uwu
Tacking the "as long as it isn't ageplay" on the end really means nothing because people who support online sex workers are out there supporting that shit too. It's all making more demand for the same shit, so who cares if pornhub steals it? It's where it all belongs anyway.
No. 407548
>>407522This! I fucking hate the idea of anal, my bf has asked several times and the literal only thing to stop him asking is making some shite up like I'm saving that virginity for my husband uwu. Am I fuck. I can orgasm just fine PIV thankfully and my bf has no issue cumming inside of me normally so why should I have his dick painfully inserted in me where I have no means of getting off.
Not to mention doing anal can damage you and I couldn't think of anything worse than a loose ass lol
>>407525 yeah they sniff poppers. Nothing says a fun and good feeling act like having to take chemicals to facilitate.
No. 407552
>>407548>the literal only thing to stop him asking is making some shite up like I'm saving that virginity for my husband uwuTbh this sounds fucked up. "No" should be enough for him, why should you have to lie?
>>407522Same. If I'm honest anything where the guy wants to cause me pain is a no-no for me. Sex is meant to be pleasurable and equal and fun. SO many guys nowadays think choking, anal and slapping is vanilla and will try and do it without even asking. FUCK NO. Your hands go round my neck and we're done, buddy.
No. 407597
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What do you all think of people like Sasha Grey, who seem to genuinely enjoy what they do (or she did in the past) and advocate for porn?
No. 407661
>>407597I feel like it's just a coping mechanism when porn actresses say how much they enjoy their job.
They're already looked down upon pretty much everywhere by everyone so I feel like there's some sense of vulnerability or shame in admitting that you actually don't enjoy doing all of that and would rather have a decent, regular job.
All they can do is to pretend to embrace it since they're already involved. They might reveal how inhumane the industry is way later after leaving the business.
That's at least what I think cause I really cannot fathom how any woman can enjoy doing this.
No. 408282
>>407750Even though the actresses are legal, there is tons and tons of porn on there that caters to pervs who want to fuck underage girls. For example, countless videos of school girls with pigtails in bedrooms meant to look like they belong to young girls (stuffed animals, Disney shit, etc) played by actresses who could easily pass for 12-15.
Sorry, but anyone who gets off on that shit wants to fuck underage girls and no one can convince me otherwise.
No. 409590
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God why do people do this
No. 410905
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>By destroying capitalism, the proletariat will destroy prostitution
>Prostitution is the great misfortune of humanity
>Male worker, take care of your fellow female worker!