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No. 348353
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>play qp
>get harassed for only playing qp
>play comp, get to gm
>get harassed for playing comp
People just really hate women. TF2 is better.
No. 348662
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Anyone here follows professional OW?
I'm hyped up for the 2nd season of the Overwatch League.
No. 348664
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Anybody else hyped up for the 2nd season of the OWL?
No. 348666
>>348664I'm hyped for who's next to get outed on pedo charges or casual racism lol
OWL was top tier drama.
No. 348686
>>348349I started playing this recently, before that I played "Budget Overwatch" (Paladins.) I enjoy Overwatch much more but if I'm not playing in a group I tend to get annoyed with my teammates; not because they're bad but because if I'm the only healer they all demand healing and never protect me when I'm being shot at. Was playing earlier today and our team was shouting at me for being unable to heal because I was getting ganked by Tracer repeatedly and they were not listening to me requesting help REPEATEDLY. So I've decided I'm only going to play healer when I'm playing with my friends, or if I just feel like going healer.
To be honest I don't care if we win the match as long as I have fun I'm okay with it (I never play competitive.) But people acting like that just puts a damper on things.
No. 348689
>>348666lmao that DreamKazper situation was unreal. Guy was washing cars for a living, became a professional player making good money and having the adoration of fans, then he threw it all away chasing underage girls. Now he's playing CSGO under the name "CPdude".
What a complete subhuman.
No. 348732
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I’m into the lore for some strange reason, I’ve never even played the game. Also follow some streamers on YouTube like twomad and AndrewJRT, idk it’s like I can experience the game without participating in the salty cancer lol.
No. 348738
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>>348349cracksiiiiiipActually, i prefer Quake arena and TF2
No. 348850
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>>348558I guess first post anon thinks they're better than us normie brainlets who dare to like a popular video game. But yeah, smurfs are starting to get ridiculous. They're even present in qp which sucks when you're just trying to have fun and try different characters.
>>348664Yes! It should be interesting with all the new teams they've added. Also question for you guys who watched S1 of OWL, did anyone else think it was weird how teams would get new players during the season? It annoyed me when the team I like would get new players and neglect the original lineup.
>>348732I like the characters and the lore, although the lore is unfinished and has some plot holes. Part of me wants Blizzard to release more canon lore, while the other part wants them to hold off so I can come up with my own theories lol.
No. 349012
>>349008, I’ve checked the catalog and this is the only OW thread I could find. If you hate OW so much then just hide this thread, catalog-chan.
No. 349235
Anybody following the Ellie drama?
>supposed female player reaches top 10 playing DPS on the NA ladder>Contenders team Second Wind quickly signs her up>people start questioning her saying it's suspicious she came out of nowhere>she quits the team and the team manager and the media make articles claiming the OW scene pushed her out due to misogynyNow the truth came out: No. 349324
Why play Mercy when everyone else plays her or at least has a pocket Mercy?
No. 349361
>>349235I heard about the drama but didn’t look into it much. Even if this was all a social experiment, I don’t see how this proved anything. Of course people are going to question the legitimacy of the player if they never reveal themself.
>>349299For me it’s winston and bastion. I would add hammond and ashe to the list but since they’re both fairly new I haven’t decided if I like their gameplay yet.
No. 350593
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So Soldier 76 is gay; it was revealed in Bastet and confirmed by Michael Chu on Twitter. I’m waiting for the male gamers to sperg like they did with Tracer.
No. 351028
>>351021>>351017Blizzard was facing a backlash because of the Ellie drama so they dropped an emergency gay backstory. So progressive.
On the upside they nerfed GOATS so the meta will change soon.
No. 351845
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Pic related is my top 4 most and least played heroes,
I stuck mostly to defense heroes before I learned how to actually aim and heal recently.
Now I play Mystery Heroes exclusively, the challenge of RNG keeps the game fun for me.
No. 351942
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B.O.B is the most op ultimate in the game. He’s like if bastion had aimbot and a shit load of health. It also doesn’t help that Ashe is able to built ult charge very fast either. Why blizzard decided to buff Reaper, who already kills tanks in two hits, and not nerf B.O.B is retarded.
No. 353547
>>351480It's obvious that they buffed him too way too much. I also don't care about OWL so this patch has me salty because it's obvious they did it for the sole purpose of pro players. I have barely seen anyone play GOATS outside of OWL.
I love Overwatch but the game is getting really boring and stale. I know they just released Ashe but it's seriously lacking diversity with hero picks. I also want them to stop making main tanks whose sole purpose is a shield it's boring.
No. 355415
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I still play, but really only play QP, capture the flag (when it's on the arcade), and go on custom servers to mess around.
I used to go on mic, but over time it gets tiring and stressful trying to talk to guys on mic. Boys are eh or miss, but make me uncomfortable as I want talk to someone my age. The only guy I can talk to is my friend's cousin.
I wish I can just find other girls to play with and talk to on mic instead of being obnoxious just to be obnoxious. It doesn't help that I'm painfully awkward too…
No. 355433
>>351028Goats is still being played in pro play.
Goats isn’t something that can be changed in one patch, it’s a slow progression but I think it’s a step in the right direction.
No. 356725
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Always nice to see a girl playing on LAN.
AUS Contenders playoffs.
No. 373781
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Anyone hyped for the Overwatch League?
No. 373959
>>367167Wahh wahhh muh team~
You're bad, so get good.
I've never seen a non-awful person with that rank. Ditto for silver.
Gold is pretty much your average player and anything below it is full retard. Plat is merely "decent player". Just think about how bad your stats and MMR are that you got placed so low. I do bring in stats bc they get weighted into your placements and skill rating, it's not even just about win and loss ratios.
And if you're playing a terribly passive character like Mercy you need to develop the game sense and mechanical skill to play something else.