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No. 365379
Last thread
>>355708scream shout let it all out
No. 365403
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i was in here like. 3 months ago ( i know bc i checked the thread ) bitching about that chad thunderfuck bastard making eyes at my crush . . . well he finally decided to make a move on her at this party; was summarily rejected, according to accounts i've heard from other people, kek
i feel somewhat guilty for taking such pleasure in his displeasure ( which is partially why i'm posting here ) but whatever, he's just another normalfag
me & her haven't gotten any closer but tbh after speaking with her more she turned out to be kind of annoying. like, absolutely bluepilled with the way she goes on about "queer" being a valid umbrella term for lgb stuffs & her
"complications with gender" . . . fucking yikes, you never know with some people
No. 365468
>>365430Same here anon, but with my grandma. I keep having flashbacks of certain moments of us together and it hurts like a stabbing knife, knowing things will never be the same again. I hope she never forgets how much I love her…
I hope someday you'll make beautiful memories with your grandkids, anon!
No. 365470
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I broke up with my abusive bf.
Made a post on fb about it, since it's not like fb doesn't announce my relationship status anyway.
I didn't name drop him, made sure to block him specifically, and it's not like I had to worry about spy drama since he had no friends from being an asshat to people.
He had publicly humiliated me in front of friends I had introduced him to. They already knew the score so it's not like I dropped a surprising bomb. Most friends were really hoping I'd get out asap.
So when I posted the status-I wrote two sentences, no need to spill details-I got a lot of support and feedback. Writing about my relationship problems isn't really something I do (I didn't mention a peep online while I was being abused). Yet numerous friends reached out to me and offered their availability if I needed to talk, some of them even messaged me personally. I got invited out to go do something. Others shared their experiences and related in the comments.
They did the right thing and helped me see positive out of a negative experience, I really appreciated that and it made me feel validated when for the past few months my emotions were being invalidated by an asshole who wanted me to believe I was crazy and awful.
I didn't get the impression that anyone was making fun of me or judging me, because abusive relationships fucking suck period. I wasn't dramatic or superfluous, I was being matter of fact.
Then in comes my mother.
"Anon I saw your status. Don't you think airing your dirty laundry to the world is inappropriate? I mean this would be like me taking out an ad in the paper to lambast my husband."
I explained to her that, no, making a private post consisting of two sentences to my close knit circle of friends that cannot publicly be looked at or shared is not like taking an ad out in the paper.
Also no, posting a two sentence vent referencing a manipulative, unreasonable, mentally ill abuser who treated me horribly is not equivalent to her destroying her husband publicly while they've been married for years and can be trusted to work out a problem privately without fear of abuse.
She completely exaggerated, and exaggerated what I posted to begin with.
Meanwhile her friends and other family members post personal opinions and flame each other on their social media over shit like politics all the time. Won't see her giving them a lecture about what they post on the internet. I almost feel like my mom is envious that I got so much support, because in her generation, women were told it was their fault if they were with abusers. My biological father was an abuser and she hid that fact from me for years, probably because her own mother told her the same shit so now she's hardened. Like she deserved the abuse because she was deceived and didn't know the abuser he was until it was too late to take back her marriage to him and me.
It's so fucked up. I feel sad for her.
No. 365472
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Tried offing myself today, i took benadryl to get drowsy and make the whole hanging myself thing easier but i ended up drinking too much and passed out. I was going on and off consciousnesss every hour or so.
People say they regret trying to kill themselves after they fail but i dont, i still want to die, i don't know what to do anymore i feel like its the only way out.
I didn't get into a good university, had to settle with a pretty shitty one. I don't fit in with people my age, going out actually makes me feel worse, like an outsider, my depression and eating disorder are eating me alive.
Why should i be in pain just so people won't be sad for two months at the max? Its very unfair.
Repost from the other thread because i hope someone has something to say
No. 365480
>>365474It's not a nonissue if it bothers you, anon.
The fact is that you're maturing and don't want to be surrounded by cartoon figures when you're trying to be intimate. It is weird. It is unusual.
I've spoken with some guys I've dated in the past about home decor and they got
offended when I said how I wouldn't want the house to look like an unorganized, incoherent nerd den if I lived with them. How dare I not want Pop figures in the living room. How dare I think game posters and nerd scrolls are tacky.
I wouldn't mind devoting a games room where I and my SO could stash all our shit, but otherwise it's not unreasonable for shared living spaces to be decorated naturally. Fuck manbabies.
No. 365501
I didn't get into any good unis, I was even on the waiting lists for the shittest ones. I go into hysterically depressed about it. Then I ended up going to the best postgrad uni in the world for my subject and even though I finally got what I wanted I had a complete mental breakdown from the pressure I put myself under and the whole things was just as much a bullshit fest as everywhere else on earth. The point is stop letting external forces define your self worth. You don't fit in with people your age or going out SO WHAT, SAME. Just hang around with people older people and do things you genuinely find fun rather than worrying about what you're supposed to be doing, or what society tells you fun or cool looks like.
>just so people won't be sad for two months at the maxknowing someone that kills themselves ruins lives people are not just sad for two months it's not some romantic uwu ophelia shit it's the most horrific things you can do to yourself and anyone that cares about you
No. 365503
>>365472>I didn't get into a good university, had to settle with a pretty shitty onedoes it really matter? like, are you pursuing a major that will require top tier connections?
like realistically speaking uni is only 4~5 years of your life. once you graduate (assuming you're not a late goer, not that there's anything wrong with that of course) you'll be like. what.
don't sweat it
No. 365505
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>>365472your angsty post-adolescent depression is temporary, death is permanent
No. 365536
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Corporatism and the ever worsening trend of console exclusivity has left me in despair! How the fuck is it the accepted norm to have to own several versions of 5-and-counting different platforms just to play some motherfucking games! Especially when most are portable/have mechanics non-integral to gameplay. Ugh.
No. 365543
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>>365531nta but here you go
No. 365579
>>365480Ehh I don't really think of myself as maturing because I also collect that sort of nerdy stuff, just on a smaller scale. But I woudln't want my toys on display while trying to entertain guests or something, even if they're also nerds. Time and place. But I'm glad someone agrees and doesn't think I'm being totally ridiculous, cause I've never met anyone else who has this issue.
And yeah when I walk into his space I think "manbaby" but he works, cleans, has a standard for himself. It helps me feel more lenient cause he isn't actually a disaster, he just kinda needs to understand that being surrounded by figs isn't exactly hot. And even if our friends like that stuff too, they probably dont wanna stare at it while we chill and have dinner altogether or whatever. I think by the time we live together, he'll start to "get it."
No. 365615
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I found out today that my sibling who molested me looks at incest porn, and when I told my partner about it they made it out like I was standing up for my sibling when I didn't want anyone getting the shit kicked out of them.
No. 365617
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I'm really frustrated with myself
I have some important exams next week I need to pass and I've already wasted five days doing jack shit.
I just can't seem to make myself study or focus or do anything I used enjoy for that matter, I just stare off wasting my fucking time ughh
Idk what's wrong with me but I want it to stop so I can get my shit together and become the person I've been promising myself to become for years already
No. 365630
>>365622Usually it's defined by features women mostly have or what women mostly do as being feminine and features men mostly have or men mostly do as being masculine, and of course sexual dimorphism
Like, plump breasts are feminine, a small chin or jaw is feminine, wide shoulders and chest are masculine, etc. People nowadays are trying to claim entire races are feminine or masculine or that skin color is some how related to masculinity or femininity which is retarded
No. 365759
>>365753My dad is 54 and dated a woman 2 years younger than me. I felt sick to my stomach. your dad is disgusting and so is every man and woman trying to normalized men who date women younger than their own daughters. it's fucking sick.
I dont speak to my dad anymore
No. 365837
>>365824Same anon you're not the only gay in the village who gets affronted with very open talk of hetero sex out of weird companionship with literal no build up/consent to it.
I have gotten used to (some sex talk) with three of my closest friends who have been around for years as something in me wants to ensure they dont live the average hetero sex life as the statistics arent in the womans favour literally ever (she being a perf example mrs 'any woman can cum from penetration!!!'), however alot of het women tend to suddenly just share sexually explicit shit out of some weird womens fellowship as if its expected im straight and will giggle & play along (which tbh it is cause most people do just make the assumption that im straight no matter how much people wanna talk about being open minded kek)
I always act very uncomfortable and sort of make it a point that I find the general conversation strange and off putting without even bringing sexuality into it half the time as I genuinely am uncomfortable having people throw their sex life at me, while I tend to not like anybody talking about their sex life with me out of the blue, theres definently an extra kick in my gut when its heterosexual. (Which no beef with straights Ive just seen nothing but str8 sex on television, movies and even ppl irl dry humping each other drunk af publically erry weekend and the sharing of gnarly sex stories that honestly dont sound appealing what so ever. You end up w a pretty explicit image of it and in turn ive become p disgusted on a deep visceral level lmao, im gay but the culture is what made it revolting)
No. 365848
>>365824>being triggered by 99% of the populationJust tell her that you're a gay, who wants nothing to do with disgusting straighties and then leave her alone.
I swear to god, no matter how we behave around you, it's never good enough. If we ignore you/are not friendly enough then it quickly turns into "is it because I'm gay???" and if we don't, then you're disgusted by our mere existence.
That's tumblr-tier obnoxiousness.
No. 365874
>>365870Yeah that's why it seemed suspect to me. Then afterwards he says this
"i didnt mean ironic per se, i meant I AGREE WITH HER but i just find it funny that shes talking about wearing makeup while wearing a full face of makeup.i just noticed she had a lot of makeup, and it was funny to me.i just dislike fake cunts, that wear too much makeup but you having your fucking pussy pride see me as somne horrible man for saying this ". He tried to change the goal post and imply he only thought it was funny she's wearing so much makeup and then i asked "why is it funny to you?" He proceeds to get even more
triggered and just gaslight and ignore my questions. It's also interesting how he apparently had issue with her wearing makeup when I wear just as much.
No. 365884
>>365879He is a incel tier sexist and I don't get why because he has a normal fag seems like he hates pretty much any woman who isn't me and isnt ugly/plain or outgoing(he seems to hate outgoing/pretty women). Anytime we disagree about anything he just claims it's because I'm a woman 95% of the time.
>>365881No he's not a poltard but I'm sure he would be one if he were white
No. 365885
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>>365878Anon please
Reconsider your life
No. 365906
>>365889Ah well it makes more sense that he is making excuses for literal random rapists from his own country, it's the standard male opinion which he must echo. He does seem like a massive woman hater. I don't think I'd be very comfortable being the "only" woman he didn't hate. The irrational annoyance over the coat you were wearing reminds me of an anon in the bad parents thread who's dad would tell her she "ruined" his day because she wasn't smiling. Way to direct all your hatred towards an obviously innocent party
You should leave and get a white man if you really want to send him over the edge (make sure he can't track you down if you ever do that though)
No. 366228
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my boyfriend told me about how he played strip blackjack with his friend and a girl I’ve been suspicious of. It’s kind of irrational and I know she likes someone else but it makes me uncomfortable because it seems like she’s able to get more intimate with him than me, just because I can’t see him that often and my anxiety around intimacy. I want to talk to him about it, what do I say?
No. 366314
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>>366228update: talked to bf. apparently she likes him as well as some other guy, and her and my bf actually went on one date when we were having a break about a year ago but decided he didn't like her and he's been clear that he has no interest in her romantically, but they're still friends. also they were all drunk when they played strip blackjack. even though he's reassured me that he doesn't like her, i still feel anxious, uncomfortable and jealous that she's able to spend more time with my boyfriend than me and there's nothing i can do about it. doesn't help her likability that she's an open fujoshi too. she's a friendly enough person but fuck, i wish she would just disappear.
No. 366316
>>366228>>366314If I ever found out my partner played "strip" anything with a girl he used to date, I'd be so pissed because that's inappropriate as fuck. He done fucked up, and now he's trying to play it off like it wasn't any big deal but look how it's made you feel.
Don't you wanna have a bf who you can spend lots of time with and who you don't have to worry about hanging around 'friendly' exes?
No. 366329
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>>366316>>366317>>366322>>366326god… should i talk to her about it? i really, really don't want to stir drama or get my boyfriend involved but it would be really fucking nice if she backed off. if i do i just want to be polite and stir up as little as possible.
No. 366335
>>366331I think sending nudes actually puts women in vulnerable positions, not dominant ones. Men with empathy understand that and wouldn't ask that of you nor expect it.
Secondly, why go after the girl? Your boyfriend is the one who needs to understand boundaries and respect your relationship. If he'll play strip poker with an ex, who knows what else he's capable of unless you have a firm talk.
No. 366338
>>366329i mean i wouldnt confront her, because your boyfriend is apparently a huge dumbass that doesn't care about your boundaries or maybe is too autistic to understand boundaries, but i doubt it's the latter. unless youre a gross poly weirdo, your boyfriend had to have known this wouldn't have gone over well. she's a problem but your boyfriend is the bigger problem tbh. HE should have known this is retarded and not right and a no-no in a relationship. don't send nudes also.
>>366335yep. watch him pull an onision "but i do this with all my friends!" kek. in no way is playing strip poker with a female 'friend' that you previously went out on dates with, ok. would not be surprised if he was manipulative af.
No. 366345
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>>366329Ditched him. Was not expecting to feel so much better all of a sudden. I feel a little bad because before we dated we were long time friends, but whatever, that shit happens all the time. I had an ephipany and I feel free, like I can finally move on with life. Sure he was an easy fucktoy in disguise as a soft boy and friend but years of my mum telling me he’s manipulative finally makes sense. He wasn’t even exceptionally attractive anyway, there’s better guys in my new area (why i couldn’t see him very often) thanks so much to all you bitches for saving me from a potentially abusive relationship. Love yall, and remember, men ain’t shit
No. 366348
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>>366345hell yea anon! live it up bb!
No. 366359
I've written and rewritten my story about 5 times now and reading through it makes me feel like such a naive idiot. Red flags galore and I've been ignoring them all for lurve but here goes.
I've been in an LDR for the past 5 months with an older guy…15 years older, and I did not expect to fall in love with him but here I am.
>he lives in a big expensive city, does van life because he has a felony within the last 7 years for fighting and cannot get an apartment without a cosigner but has a great well paying job
>I live in the middle of no where, but I'm not from this area. Quit my high stress retail manager job and was living on savings until last month when I finally got a new, low stress/high pay contracting job that I need to put time into because responsibility
>would have just packed up my car and done van life (I'm into it) with him in the big city were it not the dead of winter, I am not prepared for that
>he just visited me last week, it was wonderful
>up to this point our relationship has been nothing but supportive and loving
>I drop him off at the airport and suddenly he becomes distant. tells me that he had a bad flight and doesn't want to unload his negativity on me, i give him space cuz everyone has those days
>he is distant all week, my gut feels funny but I ignore it as being insecure and justify the distance knowing he's been dealing with frustrating politics at work
>tells me goodnight last night as he always does
>doesn't respond or look at any of my messages all day today, almost 24 hours of silence, I'm getting worried because he always says good morning and fear something bad happened to him
>then he appears and confesses that he met a woman at the airport on his way home and they hung out today, he likes her and wants to see her again. will not give me a straight answer about romantic interest which means yes
>talks about soul crushing loneliness and getting old
>I am direct and honest with my feelings and desires about him and the situation, I do not wish to be manipulative though his vague responses set off all my alarm bells
>directly ask him what he wants with me, he says for me "to be content and secure as always", says he can only focus on the present moment and needs to make sure he's doing the right thing
>then says he needs to go to sleep because this is "mentally taxing"
>he, like all men, isn't getting enough sex. i know that aspect of the ldr bothers him as it does me. I'm horny AF but I think he's worth the wait, he's dynamite in bed, best sex I've ever had
>won't give me a straight answer about what he wants, me or not me, never attempts to reassure me
I'm so upset. I feel so stupid and naive. I feel like he just broke up with me without actually saying it for some rando he met at the airport because fucking is more important than love…or maybe I'm just delusional and there never was love.
I know he's a loser on paper but his humor, thoughtfulness, passions, looks, his whole personality hits all my buttons in the right way so I was willing to overlook the flaws because everyone has made stupid decisions and whether or not you learned something and grew from the failure is the important part (he seems to have)
And I feel absolutely powerless in this because of the outside circumstances. I won't be in an open relationship and he's not the type that can fuck without feelings either so if he wants to pursue her or anyone else, I'm out. But he won't give me an answer on that. I think I'm being set up to be the bad guy or the decider and I'm really sad and heartbroken about it.
Oh. And it's my birthday this week.
No. 366362
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watched 2 youtube vids without realising I had the wifi off and was using data
No. 366371
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I'm grateful for my parents letting me live at their place while I'm unemployed but the living situation is so stifling at times. Doesn't help that I'd been independent for so long and now I'm forced to function under someone else's rituals.
>house isn't my childhood home, so the guest room isn't mine and it doesn't feel like home
>no tv in my room, realized mine got put in storage behind my furniture and I can't get to it now
>no computer desk bc room isn't big enough, have to either sit on bed with laptop or use tv tray in living room
>speaking of living room, stepdad sleeps out on couch every night bc he snores too loudly for he and my mom to occupy their bed together
>hence I never get living room or tv unless he goes to work or falls asleep
>can't cook a meal at night bc living room/kitchen/dining room are all one combined space and dad wakes up if there's any disturbance
>stepdad can have tv playing blaring loud while he's asleep, but if I turn on the kitchen light or open fridge to get snack he wakes up and bitches
>awkward to cook bc they always want to know what I'm eating and I look selfish to cook meals meant for myself, then mom lectures about messes even though I clean up after myself always
>mom is a narc so I walk on eggshells never knowing if our interactions will mean a 'good' day or a 'bad' day
>parents still kept up their old habit of never knocking and just barging into my room
>bathing water is always lukewarm then cold, never hot, even though house was built in 2016 because they don't want to turn up their water heater
I'm trying to cope.
No. 366388
>>366380welcome to the screaming club
this is me at all times everyday of my life
No. 366452
>>366422Probably not anything wrong with you. I'm ugly and have mostly guy friends (as cursed as it is).
Maybe it has something to do with how you interact in larger group settings? Men are often louder so perhaps they steal all the attention you would have had in an all woman group?
No. 366481
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I've come to the point where I'm insecure about things that I don't actually hate on myself.
I'm self-conscious about my small chest but don't actually want big breasts. I'm self-conscious about my nose and overall face shape, but have come to identify with it and wouldn't want to lose it. I know I should hate my sad down-turned eyes, but I like how they look on me and others.
It's unclear where I should go from here, it's not like I can change other people's standards. I'm just afraid people will be uncomfortable being my friend because of my appearance (being seen with me, having to look at me, etc.), let alone date me. Yet on my own I'm perfectly fine. I hate it.
This is mostly a vent, but has anyone else dealt with similar feelings? How to get over it, and how to find people who aren't super strict with their standards (especially in dating)?
No. 366563
>>366552it's not that you're oppressing women because he only thinks of you as a sex object. it's that you're pacifying men and their disgusting entitlement and preference for women that are basically children, in the grand scheme of things. no respectable man would want to be in a relationship with a woman much younger than them.
and you sound super deluded and like the typical bait for these creepyass old men who say that you're "mature for your age", kek. like, a lot of irresponsible young guys don't want to settle down or whatever, but there are definitely tons of people your age that are out there that aren't dudebros that just want to fuck anything and party that are also responsible and calm. you don't need to settle for saggy balls just because you want a different lifestyle than what your small circle of male peers can offer you.
No. 366567
>>366552 I'm the 15 years difference anon.
>>366359 30 and 45. I see the appeal but with the way I've been treated over the past 48 hours (still no response), I am beginning to rethink my stance. Keep your eyes open anon so he doesn't use you and dump you for someone easier to manipulate. Older men are still people and just because the body is mature doesn't mean the mind has caught up, don't put him on a pedestal because of his age.
No. 366572
I don’t get my life sometimes.
As an example…
I just started classes again last week, had completely put it out of mind while on break and didn’t even look up my professors too much for the two classes I’m taking. In fact I was so over it I didn’t even give a damn who I was taking, I just wanted to get my credits and GO.
Of course my classes are starting out nice, I’m actually learning something, the professors are intelligent, and the students aren’t the angsty asshole average joe types that have made so much of my education a rollercoaster ride. I feel relaxed in class and have started opening up more to my professors which I had stopped doing for a while.
I feel like every time I just allow things to ‘happen’ naturally, I always end up being much happier with the end result than all the times I go into a situation with a specific goal in mind. I know it’s probably a personality issue I need to learn to work with, and I feel a lot better now that I’m aware of it.
I am not saying this kind of mentality applies to everyone, but I’m starting to become more open to just letting my life follow its own path and taking everything one day, one moment at a time. I used to have such an intense inferiority complex, I was so hard on myself for making mistakes and I would get so obsessed with a specific idea of how things should be when I was younger. I never gave myself any room to be happy and I never even asked myself what I wanted out of life or even considered what gave me joy.
I know it’s not too late to change as I’m still in my 20’s, but I wish I could go back in time somehow and tell myself when I was 17-21 to be happy, do what interests you as opposed to what sounds good on paper, be open minded and honest about how you really feel…
No. 366578
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>freshly single
>all the beta orbiters crawling out of the woodwork
>unattractive, neckbeard, gamers, autists
Wish normal, balanced guys would be this thirsty for me but nah. I guess respectable men with options aren't opportunistic creepers.
No. 366589
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It irks me seeing people not closing the damn tab and wasting water like it's no big deal…
No. 366602
>>366552Oh my god, I can't believe how whiny and victimized younger women are acting about their old boyfriends. You can't even handle a tiny bit of harsh truth or criticism from meme, even though the rest of the world glorifies your age gap and men everywhere will happily support and encourage you you. You have at least 50% of the world's approval, congrats!
Just deal with the tiny bit of shame from the very few people who question why it's always, ALWAYS older men/younger women for whom age is just a number, or for whom the situation isn't black and white with 'so many variables'. It's so interesting how those variables never line up to push older women/younger men couples. Nobody here thinks YOU'RE immoral, we think men are and you're just a victim of society constantly telling us we're worthless past 30. If you choose to stay blissfully ignorant and perpetuate that, fine, but don't expect lolcow to think highly of lack of self esteem like like the rest of the world does.
No. 366657
>>things were magically normal again
>>my bf has been so kowtowed by my shitty behaviour that it wasn’t worth speaking up for himself.Maybe don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself when you’ve been horrible to your bf. It sounds like the apology isn’t gonna be genuine, since you’re framing yourself as a victim, so why bother?
Let him off the hook if you’re gonna get angry at him over monogamy.
No. 366664
>>366603why are you with someone that you aren't compatible with? obviously you're not happy, and if he values monogamy, he'd be better off with someone else that shares his values, and it seems like it'd be the same for you.
>>366659lool, stop trying to get offended because like four people in the world think you're being dumb for wanting to date a predatory cryptkeeper and frantically caping for him on LC, meanwhile he's leering at 'barely legal!!!' girls while you guys are at chilis. older men that have a penchant for younger women 'trade up' more than guys with no preference, because as you age you remind them of their own mortality.
No. 366690
>>366619Honestly the premise sounds boring and it'll probably turn out to be some tragic mulatto type story anyway. I say this as a biracial person, there are tons of stories and accounts of biracial people who grew up in a majority monoracial area and they all sound like tragic mulatto stories, whether that was the intention or not. I used to seek out these stories to find something to identify with, but once you've read two (perspective from a visible minority & perspective from a biracial who passes for the majority) you've pretty much read them all.
And, the whole half human half orc (or whatever) as a metaphor for biracialism is such a tired trope.
No. 366702
>>366700god i hate that. "but muh evolutionary psychology!!! animals rape each other all the time, so you love it!!". literally i can honestly say that i've never once fantasized about being raped or being mistreated sexually. what i hate almost more than the presumptuous retards that claim this about women bc wish fulfillment bullshit, are the women that will rabidly scream about how much they LOOOOOVE the idea of being raped and love play rape or whatever and feel soooo oppressed by you saying it's fucking stupid, embarrassing, psychologically dangerous (to all women for that matter), and really not hot.
roleplay is also really lame and cringy, just saying, but i can honestly say that there's nothing about being raped, or play-raped, that is a turn on. i truly think like 95% of women that are "into it" wouldn't be into it at all without society shoehorning them into it.
No. 366719
>>366664>meanwhile he's leering at 'barely legal!!!' girls while you guys are at chilis.Some of you farmers have some of the most savage yet hilarious comebacks, I love it. You and all these anons above me that have excellent responses, deserve everything good in life.
As for my vent:
I posted in this thread a couple of months back when it was having problems and it some how ended up on a completely different thread on another board. I ended up getting banned for it lmao I wish this site wouldn't brake like this every now and then
No. 366737
I secretly have some of the impulses that get talked down on here, and I understand why they are wrong (and agree), so I never feel offended when people call them cringy or mentally damaging.
Since my sex drive is basically dead, I don't intend to try and train myself to change or anything. I've accepted that I have a damaged sexuality from self-hatred and past abuse, the same way a raging alcoholic knows they are killing their already damaged liver whenever they binge. I've experienced the effects of pornography addiction, grooming, misogynistic sexual tropes and normalization of all sorts of fucked up shit from a young age, and I don't wish it on anyone. I don't get why everyone with such proclivities can't be the same way.
No matter how you spin it, it isn't healthy or good to crave emotional/physical violence, lmao. It should be shamed, and it should be seen as a problem. The whole "consent" thing is an idiotic buzzword, and would be considered as such in any sane, civilized society.
No. 366739
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>>366737>No matter how you spin it, it isn't healthy or good to crave emotional/physical violence, lmao. It should be shamed, and it should be seen as a problem.based
I also hate people thinking it's cute or unique to be into that shit
No. 366740
>>366694I really can't wrap my head around women who want to throw away their best years with guys in their sexual prime to fuck old men….
I'm 27 and I wish younger guys loved older women like younger girls seem to.
No. 366759
>>366751Males who don't know what they want
One second "I want a real relationship unlike these thots why won't anyone settle with me :-("
Next minute "can you believe how clingy Stacy is? She messages me every morning and always wants to hang,I had to cut her off and ghost her"
It's sad that when I'm cold and distant to males that's the only way to keep them around, when you're sweet and caring they want nothing to do with you. What men say they want and what men actually want are two completely different things.
No. 366765
>>366759Most of the younger guys were sweet. I got more "oh poor me I just wanna get married" from guys my age or older. Except for one annoying little shit, they all took rejection well.
Sage for derailing, we need a dating web/app horror thread.
No. 366770
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I'm secretly kind of pissed off at my real life friends for stupid reasons so I haven't been talking to them at all. They ended up finding and following my twitter that I vent on a lot because I (stupidly) didn't set it to private as I didn't expect them to find me. I just wanted a place to rant about it in peace and I lost it. Would make a new one but I'd lose all the followers/twitter mutuals I have now. I know I'm being extremely pathetic and making this a bigger deal than it is, but it's bothering me a lot.
No. 366782
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No. 366793
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i hate absolutely ebay/poshmark sellers who give no fucks about anything and take forever to ship things out. i bought a sweater two weeks ago from a girl i vaguely know (i'm part of a pretty small clothing community) and she STILL hasn't shipped it out, nor has she responded to my messages. i'm so pissed because i don't WANT to cancel the order since i've been looking for this sweater for over a year and i'm probably not going to find another one for at least another year or longer, but i can't just let it go and hope she ships it someday. i know she's been active on poshmark (i bought the sweater on ebay) which just pisses me off even more. like, at least respond to my messages and let me know if you have ANY plans to ship it at all! the piece is rare and i won it at a cheap price, so i get it if she doesn't want to part with it now and would rather relist for more later on, but at least fucking let me know.
No. 366797
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>>366751>"horny older sister" memethe what now
No. 366806
>>366795>>366801Women never win
If she wants children she's crazy or "wants to take his money and the kids"
If she doesn't she's an evil Western roastie falling for career woman meme
If she gets pregnant anyway she's dumb for not closing her legs
If she doesn't open her legs she's dumb
If she takes birth control she's an evil roastie taking the birth control Kool aid
If she wants him to use condoms she's selfish for not wanting him to feel pleasure
If she ends up getting pregnant she's stupid
If she aborts with his permission she's evil Western roastie killing a baby
If she aborts without his permission because he wanted to keep it she's an evil woman who stripped a man of his right to a child
If he leaves her with the kids shes a stupid entitled single mom who wants virgins to pay for her kids or whatever insane incel theory is on right now
Everything women do is wrong, unless we get lucky enough to hop on Mr Right prince charming who can fly us into the sunset, support us as we pop out and raise his kids that he wants to have and will act like a sane person, we're always in the wrong, hell even then if women do exactly that the mgtows will come in screaming how she's probably an evil woman gold digger who's abusing and raping her husband and using him for his money and secretly banging Tyrone and making her husband raise his kids
No. 366813
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>>366806did you seriously sit down and type all this or do you have this saved on a word document
No. 366819
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>>366806>If she doesn't open her legs she's dumbomgggg!!! male genocide NOW
No. 366825
>>366802I remember that post too anon, that man was certifiable. I wish someone would have called CPS, clearly he was a fucking abuser on top of being entitled to boot.
>>366795>the pain and fear of a teenage girl getting pregnant is the same as a dude's pain if his girlfriend aborts "without consent"Yeah nah, it's not.
I had an abortion as a teenager and I went through what was basically overnight labor and then the next day felt like I was getting my insides painfully sucked out of my crotch even with an anesthetic IV in me.
The shitbag boyfriend who got me knocked up got to stay at home and play Runescape while his equally shitbag parents poo pooed me as the slut because their
sweet little boy must have been tricked by me into getting knocked up. Then he bitched around school about me "murdering"
his child and managed to get the entire school to ostracize and bully me.
Guess what happened the next year? He knocked up a different girl and she was dumb enough to have his child.
He left her, and when he graduated he moved to the other side of the country to become a deadbeat.
Don't trust a man who says he would raise a child alone, 9 times out of 10 they won't step up. Abortion was the best choice of my life.
No. 366852
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>>366850who cares? i don't sit around thinking about how much "they" hate me all day because i'm not a fucking autist
No. 366854
>>366852You don't have to "sit and think about it like an autist" when it's placed in front of your damn face
I honestly don't know why it bothers you so much when women vent and speak up about how they're treated
No. 366867
>>366793This has happened to me too, i don't get why someone would list an item - at BIN or a certain start price, and then hold on to it after the sale. I did get my items by literally waiting 20 days and then opening a case, being extremely polite in the case text. Just "ordered _date but still waiting on _date for these items. Items have not arrived/been dispatched. Estimated delivery date was _"
One of them marked as dispatched but they still didn't actually post it until I opened the case.
No. 366877
My boyfriend is slightly choleric and keeps having random outbursts when he drops something (happens very often), hits his head (happens very often, too) or when something does not work as he wants it to. Just now, he was trying to fit a package in his bag and it resulted in aggressive mutter and him screaming "Fuck my mom you stupid peace of shit" at the package. He has slight ADHD and I know that he would never harm me, but it always scares me. The thing is, he goes back to 100% cheerful and normal after having a short outburst, but I always feel very intimidated and uneasy. I have told him many times and he always feels bad about it, but now that he has some stress, it got so much worse again. Also, we have been together for almost a decade and plan on having kids, but I really don’t want my child to have to witness this or hear all those obscenities he uses towards random household objects.
No. 366888
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time for my daily scream I guess
No. 366889
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>>366868>>366868Males can't handle not getting a few seconds of dry emotionless sex. It's sad that in 2019, so many males think that a woman who doesn't have sex with him is worse than Hitler himself, not even overexaggerating sadly, considering how fast their annoying "Hitler did nothing wrong" jokes in 2010 turned into literal Nazism, joining Nazi groups, making Nazi videos, praising, supporting and voting for actual kkk members, etc.
No. 366890
>>366889>Back thenThere has never been any point in history where men have been able to easily divorce women for not putting out on demand.
Except, in some places… today. This era.
Not "back then" though. Lol.
No. 366920
>in b4 "hi azelia! XDDD"At least now that she got her own thread it's easy to ignore the Azealia spergs.
No. 366926
>>366920I wonder if farmers are really serious about "calling" out Azealia, or if it's just a tongue in cheek thing.
Imagining the milk if it were true is just a funny thought.
I mean, Angelina was already outed sockputting and shitposting like crazy on multiple gossip sites and she's kept her social media presence to a bare minimum. Someone like Azealia who has repeated social media spergouts/is more connected to the internet seems even more likely to do the same.
No. 366964
>>365352I'm sure the university you got into isn't terrible anon. Not to mention, I'm sure it's cheaper and you'll be thankful for that once you graduate, trust me.
The university might also have services to help you with your mental health. Don't seek a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
No. 366965
Fat people need to be fucking stopped. Every day on my bus commute there's at least 3 landwhales that take up 2 seats each. If they take up as much room as 2 people, isn't it only fair that they pay the price of 2 tickets? I also really really wish there was a "fat tax" in America, kind of like the metabo law in Japan. But I know there would be MASSIVE amounts of public outrage if that happened. It would never work here. Americans, especially fatties, are entitled as shit. Just look at the cities who imposed soda taxes and the public outcry that ensued.
As much as I desperately wish that people above, say, 300 lbs got fined for being a drain on society, I know Americans would never allow it. But something needs to be done about obesity in America. More taxes on soda (including diet soda) and fast food, more restaurants with smaller food portions, etc. Another thing I thought of is at my company, if you are a tobacco user you have to either pay an additional cost for medical coverage, or sign up for a free tobacco cessation program. I don't see why there can't be a similar program for extremely overweight people. Either pay a yearly fee or agree to participate in a program to help you lose weight. I don't get why it's socially acceptable to encourage people to stop smoking, but you wouldn't dare to even point out that someone is overweight because youd be demonized as a body shamer. Even just the word "fat" has so much taboo around it. Every fat person I know refers to themselves as "bigger" or "curvy". Please, just say it as it is and stop sugar coating it. And lose some fucking weight.
No. 366984
>>366965I absolutely agree more needs to be done to tackle obesity, in the UK it's clogging the arteries of our national Healthcare, but just taxing the obese will only exacerbate it. First world obesity is linked to the rise of sedentary lifestyles, poor diet from poverty, and contributory poor health/addiction/stress which are also linked to poverty. Low regulations on food manufacturing allows for "food deserts" where the cheapest food is full of corn syrup, growth hormones and sugar, and poor education impacts people's ability to make informed decisions about what they're consuming.
It's a complicated situation that body positivity trends are just putting a bandaid on.
No. 366988
I'm pretty sure I accidentally threw away my emerald earrings. They were in a shitty drawstring pouch that I got rid of a couple months ago, I think. My boyfriend got those for me years ago. I'm having a hard time letting this go.
>>366984>in the UK it's clogging the arteries of our national Healthcare, Kek
No. 367033
>>367010And this is why whenever an argument about weight comes up on lc and there are anons sperging about how disgiusting women at a normal weight look (udders etc), it makes me immediately think that they're all anas who're projecting their fucked up views on others.
When I had an ed I was so critical of others (and even mean to their faces), but now that I'm somewhat normal again, I started to see that being slightly chubby/curvy is not ugly and that sometimes overweight people are one of the funniest and nicest to be around. Just a couple years ago I wouldn't even give them a chance, because I looked down at them so much.
And it's absolutely sad that there are women who're so sick that they still think like that as adults…
Just recently a friend of mine who's studying teaching told me about this one girl who took away a piece of candy from a first grader and threw it away, just because she's ana and therefore somehow doesn't believe that others should be allowed to eat either.
No. 367044
>>366965>i don't get why it's socially acceptable to encourage people to stop smoking, but you wouldn't dare to even point out that someone is overweight Why do you exaggerate so badly?
Jsyk, a smoker would probably become irritated or give you the same kind of excuses to continue their habit if you randomly pointed it out all the time. I know my parents do. I know you're not friends with any fat women, but they're constantly told how their weight is unappealing by men and the mainstream.
Secondly, weight loss and exercise advertisement is everywhere. I've yet to see outside of Tumblr any media that encourages people to become obese. Most fat people I've seen know they have a problem and have made attempts to reduce their weight. Everyday there's ads for the newest fad diets, exercise machines, and gym memberships.
If you're talking about clothes, who cares? I'd rather a fat person have the avenue to dress nicely than stuff themselves into bad clothing. That's what body positivity was supposed to be about for them-that is being treated with the minimum respect-before people used it as an enabler tool.
No. 367068
okay i don't know if this really belong to this thread but i just wanted to let out a few things, i never talked about this to anyone cause i dont like to talk about my life to people i know irl
i have a crush on that one guy at my uni, he's not like extraordinary handsome or anything, but he's really really cute (he kinda look like joseph gordon levitt) and has a really cool, funny and chill personality
we have common friends so we are in the same group and i often see him, but we only have small talks because i'm so fucking shy around him, i never know what to say and spill spaghettis. In my country when you say hello you kiss on the cheeks (very common and you don't have to be close to the person), and everytime we do that i panic and turn completely red, lmao i'm so pathetic. A few weeks ago he added me on snapchat, messaged me first, we talked a bit and then he asked me if i was single because… one of his friends was interested
I dont even know what he thinks about me, he's a very talkative guy, he have fun and talks easily with everyone, but me… but he also added me on snapchat and facebook (even if it's as a friend, i would like him to like me..)
im a kissless virgin and i never really had a crush that hard on a guy, so this is all new for me, i feel like im 15
No. 367069
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Long story short my friend is a pedophile, gaslit my ex, tried to get with her while dating someone else, and told lies to said ex behind my back
This isn't even the first time he's done this
I'm so mad
No. 367234
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Fame is overrated as fuck
No. 367294
>>367271Nah, but judging by a lot of the threads on here it's safe to assume that it's really not worth it.
Having complete strangers questioning or making fun of your every move must be the worst.
I can see why so many celebrities go insane or develop issues.
On a smaller scale, (like being an artist/creator/etc) having the pressure to constantly put out great stuff and trying to stay relevant must be so exhausting.
No. 367360
>>367357The bill passed a couple of days ago and the appointments opened yesterday.
You do realize that there are several people that are born early, right? As in 8 months in or even 7 months in.
The state of new york has made it legal to abort even later than that.
No. 367362
>>367358That was my understanding as well. But after searching online I was greeted with several incidents of people being able to book an appointment for depression/social anxiety/PTSD and other mental disorders.
I called PP and they basically confirmed that it's an eligible reason to have it approved.
No. 367397
>>367369Go look at alobar holoprosencephaly and then come back saying that it’s murdering someone who’s have a full life.
Old person/vegetative states are a straw man argument.
No. 367401
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I have no time for bitter people who need to bring others down constantly and project their issues onto others. Like, I'm sorry you're a kissless, friendless virgin with shitty parents who can't handle someone being slightly vulnerable for two seconds because you have your head so far up your own ass, you can't ever admit you might have your own issues. Sympathy gone
No. 367410
>>367354Not compelling enough of a reason to cut off access to women in much more dire situations, imo.
Mentally ill people who might compromise themselves or their babies after birth should opt for abortion. We just call it "postpartum" when the mothers go postal yet society is too guilty to fault em.
No. 367411
>>367386>I’m worried that my kids will have the responsibility of fixing all the fuckery of their grandparents and great grandparentsWe're already pretty much at the point of no return. There's going to be nothing left to fix by the time your kids are old enough to.
To be honest, global warming is the biggest reason I'm not having kids. Already our quality of life is starting to suffer thanks to climate change, I cannot imagine how bad it will be in 20 years.
No. 367421
>>367417No, for most it gets worse because of the huge hormonal imbalances after giving birth and then breastfeeding. I had severe antenatal depression but somehow was lucky in that it seemingly just disappeared once I gave birth
I’ll be honest, one of the worst parts about having kids is the lack of support, it takes
more than just one person to raise a kid and it’s very easy to fall into depression like no other when you’re sleep deprived, juggling feelings of motherly guilt, always hungry and have to do the vast majority of child rearing on your own. It also doesn’t help that that infants only ever want their mothers
No. 367437
>>367410When does it become murder in your opinion? The law gives the ability to terminate pregnancies that are even mere days from the due date.
I have heard the "just a clump of cells" argument countless times, but I don't see how that applies to 8-month babies. So, where's the line? When is it considered murder?
No. 367441
>>367437Here’s the thing, just become women have the option to abort late term doesn’t mean that the majority will. It’s something the vast majority would do with a heavy heart and it would weigh on them for the rest of their lives, almost every single late term abortion was a wanted baby - sometimes the kindest thing to do is abort, like when the baby is almost certainly guaranteed to only suffer
Women aren’t suddenly going to line up to abort because lol I changed my mind
No. 367445
>>367437serious fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life. like literally life and death for mom and/or baby. especially if baby has a disorder or something that is guaranteed to make them die within the first few weeks of life.
doctors arent handing out late term abortions as easily as fear mongers are wanting people to believe. they are relatively rare. 91% of abortions happened in the first trimester in 2015 and there is no reason that the medical community would flip the switch and and just let someone terminate a pregnancy 33 weeks in because momma is having second thoughts.
No. 367446
>>367445These disorders are all evident by 14 weeks into the pregnancy, by the way.
Congenital defects, ASD, mental deficiencies and autoimmune disorders are all ruled out, thusly.
Doctors (PP) are literally booking late-term abortions on the premise of MDD of the to-be-mother.
That's beside the point, I explicitly asked - when does it become murder? How can you reconcile it not being murder, do the means justify the cause? That is my question.
No. 367451
>>367446lol no doctor would consider giving an abortion over autism dummy.
now dont get me wrong, i fucking hate the people who give birth to goblins like the hartely hooligans. thats no a life. they should have terminated well within the pregnancy. but you are also disregarding that there can be an outside influence during the pregnancy that can affect the child like a vehicle accident or being in a fire or something else traumatic and nearly fatal.
i dont support termination over stupid shit but there are also factors from conception up to birth that can hurt mom and baby. the uterus isnt some adamantium shell that will save the kid from harm despite mom being hurt or other environmental influences
No. 367453
>>367451Kindly read the law and tell me how terminating the pregnancy because of the woman's "burdened mental health" is justifiable.
Then try to explain how late-term or even post-term abortions are not murder by very definition alone.
I did not ask you to justify it - I asked a rational question. When observed objectively is lethally injecting an 8-month baby murder in your opinion?
No. 367454
>>367453You keensaying 8 month old baby, but they’re not. You don’t start measuring their age until after birth, by saying this you’re being disingenuous to further your cause.
Also, what the fuck is a post-term abortion
No. 367456
>>367454kindly stop evading the question.
The bill proposes post-term terminations as well - the qualifications are unclear(to me) so your guess is as good as mine.
No. 367458
>>367437Well since I'm the anon you're responding to,
>What is murder to you?I go by the textbook. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human with no valid reason or justification, with malice and or premeditation.
Because I don't believe anyone would get a third trimester abortion for fun, or get knocked up and specifically hold off abortion on purpose, I would take into consideration their circumstances (mental illness, fetal death, health risk) and not call it murder. Because it's not.
No. 367459
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>>367456shit you may actually be retarded. do you really think youre only speaking with one, maybe two different anons?
No. 367460
>>367453Go look up the women who drown their kids because of PPD anon.
Go have a look at kids who have been beaten, starved, and pimped out for a hit of meth, then tell us how awesome it is that these kids got blessed enough to live that life.
No. 367461
>>367458Thank you for answering.
Your argument is a reductio ad absurdum since that's not how it is defined in the court of law - but at least I got to peer into your point of view.
No. 367462
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>>367454kek, some shit donald trump jr and other psychos are claiming late term abortions are, lmao
No. 367463
>>367456None of us have evaded the question. We’ve all explained to you, over and over, how it is NOT murder, and just how unlikely late term abortion even is.
Just because you clamp your hands over your ears so you can’t hear us doesn’t mean we haven’t answered.
No. 367467
>>367465You’re talking to multiple anons.
But no I don’t consider it murder in the same way I don’t think doctor
Kevorkian was a murderer.
Mercy is not murder and only an idiot who’s never seen the depths of human suffering would confuse the two.
No. 367468
>>367462The governor specifically stated that in the picture you posted. Are you mentally insolvent?
How would you describe a baby that's delivered, put on the warmer and then the doctor and the mother discuss whether or not the baby is pulled off support?
No. 367470
>>367442i am a woman, bro. and a pro-choice one at that. i just think, as do most rational people, that there needs to be some sort of line drawn on abortion laws to avoid a slippery slope scenario. i personally consider abortion after 20 weeks infanticide - that's where my line is drawn, and the law was in agreement with me until recently.
my original post wasn't even about the issues with the law anyway as i have no desire to debate that on lolcow; i was simply stating my disgust at my governor for using this law to bolster support from extremists for his 2020 presidential bid and hastily pushing through something so controversial just so he could have the 'new york did it first' talking point when it comes time to campaign.
No. 367472
>>367463Okay, so when does it become murder?
The moment the baby leaves the womb? When they are 1 day old? What's the cut-off?
No. 367474
>>367470Thank fuck we don’t base laws on the morals of randoms them.
You ~feeling~ that something is murder is irrelevant. No matter how you phrase it, “pro-lifers” are really just anti-women’s rights.
You think women get abortions for fun?
As their main method of birth control?
If so you’re too retarded for help.
No. 367475
>>367471>>367466why do you ALWAYS do this?
Why are you unable to even go 10 posts in an argument without calling your dissenters a male or fucking start with ad hominem?
Are you incapable of arguing on the topic without flinging accusations?
It happens all the fucking time, cut it out already.
No. 367476
>>367461You're trying too hard to be intellectual lmao.
>that's not how it is defined in the court of lawAbortion is already legal in the court of law, just like how this bill was passed through a court process. How's that for your appeal to authority? Picking our brains about how murder is defined is just a red herring to distract from the issue as to why a third trimester abortion is actually medically necessary.
Here's your other logical fallacies:
>the slippery slopeBecause you think third trimester exceptions will inevitably lead down a slippery slope where any woman can get a late abortion just because, so we shouldn't have it at all.
>appeal to ignoranceBecause you don't know why or can't imagine why a woman would seek a third trimester abortion, you can't fathom a scenario where it would be necessary. You even question medically trained professionals in their judgement because you would just find a reason to say no.
No. 367482
>>367468Well it’s on life support so…
You think a life spent on a bed strapped to machines that breathe, piss, and pump blood around a corpse is better than unplugging the baby’s life support? Good god.
No. 367485
>>367476Read the law, you pompous twat.
Terminating a pregnancy due to complications or potential harm to the mother has been legal for ages. This is not what the bill that was passed is about.
>slippery slopeWrong - women are covered legally to terminate for a plethora of reasons. The phraseology and legalese is precisely formulated to accommodate it
>appeal to ignorancesee above rebuttal - medical professionals were perfectly within their rights to go ahead with abortions due to potential health risks to the mother. This is not was the bill entails.
No. 367487
>>367482All infants that are born prematurely are put on warmers you retard.
Approx 20% of all births are premature.
No. 367489
>>367483I quoted you because you accused me of being a male.
I have encountered this phenomenon countless times on this IB and it's grating.
No. 367490
>>367487Warmer is not life support.
Make a coherent point or stop crying about women having too many basic human rights.
No. 367492
>>367488And now we have devolved to meme reaction pictures and infantile mockery.
As if on cue.
No. 367493
>>367485>you pompous twatYou're just emotionally constipated because you used "reductio ad absurdum" incorrectly haha.
>Terminating a pregnancy due to complications or potential harm to the mother has been legal for ages.It actually hasn't. But what do you care? You strike me as a person who hasn't and refuses to read any accounts of women who've been urged to carry risky pregnancies to term and die, or birth stillborns because their fetuses died inside them and couldn't find a medical provider for a late term.
>Wrong - women are covered legally to terminate for a plethora of reasonsYet you're arguing that this bill will allow women to whimsically request a late term abortion for no other reason but funsies. You are literally arguing for a slippery slope.
>This is not was the bill entails.In your opinion, which is incorrect.
Anon if this is the hill you're gonna die on I understand, I don't think this is much productive.
No. 367494
>>367490I never once mentioned life support.
I explicitly used the term "warmer".
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
No. 367498
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>>367494K pal.
Keep on spergin though.
No. 367500
>>367492As if there’s any point trying to reason with forced-birth proponents.
At least it’s not pictures of the horrifically deformed infants you’re demanding suffer for your feelings.
No. 367506
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>8 weeks
Imagine not even doing a quick google search before posting such incredibly dishonest smear…
No. 367507
>>367506Practically identical to a toddler you guys
>>367504Holy shit you’re so committed to dying on this hill. You’ve got nothing here but semantics and crying and misinformation. Go throw some dolls and red paint at women trying to go to planned parenthood or whatever you crazy people do.
No. 367508
>>367506What exactly is your point here?
Are you so unhinged and sociopathic that you argue whether the infant is actually 8 or 12 weeks?
No. 367509
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holy shit abortion-chan just needs a jolly rancher and bedtime. i would think they were a troll but man they are way too adamant and havent let it go
No. 367511
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Multiple this by hundreds and brag some more about how you’re better than someone who chooses not to birth a dying abomination with zero chance of survival.
No. 367512
>>367508Because at 8 weeks it's tinier than a grape and looks like a bean. And at 12 weeks, a fetus isn't much bigger than a chapstick which still makes your image incorrect.
The issue is that you're obviously biased and have no qualms about posting propaganda here from sources that aren't interested in the suffering of women.
You're wasting everyone's time here.
No. 367518
>>367515Oh god I’m talking late term you screeching autist.
Early abortions aren’t killing anything except an embryo. You think something the size of a kidney bean with flippers and no brain activity is a baby? Sorry the bible didn’t teach you biology.
No. 367524
>>367518The sympathetic and parasympathetic system are both functional by 6 weeks. As well as parts of the parietal lobe - striatum - the hypothalamus- the amygdala - vagus nerve and dorsal parts. The only regions that are not at all developed are the cerebral cortex, prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortexes as well as the olfactory bulb and auditory system.
In summation - they are perfectly capable of feeling pain, fear, and
trigger their flight or flight response.
I am incidentally in neuroscience.
No. 367525
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How quickly the facade of anti-abortion anon cracked; from arguing definitions and calling out supposed fallacies to posting straight up gore and "THINK ABOUT THE INFANT YOU UNHINGED SOCIOPATHS!"
And then, anon cries about being called a male after completely alienating women and telling us our reasons aren't valid.
You think anon will catch on?
No. 367527
>>367524God help your patients cause if you’re a forced-birth advocate you’re gonna make a shitty medical professional no matter the field.
You have no business is medicine if you think women should die for your emotional comfort.
No. 367528
>>367525Meanwhile, no arguments were posited and the majority of the replies have been accusatory or personal attacks.
Staying true to board culture.
No. 367532
>>367524fight or flight response for what, it hasn't existed yet, it has no frame of reference for pain, fear, existence.
forcing women to give birth sounds far more sociopathic to me than anything us pro-choicers have said, but keep living in your fantasyland anon
No. 367536
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>>367532Anon unironically posts shit like this
Very neuroscience, much intelligence.
No. 367537
>>367531I asserted that the bill allows women to terminate on the premise of depression. You glossed over it because it doesn't fit your narrative.
>>367532Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids don't need a frame of reference to give rise to a flight or fight response to the body. The amygdala dictates it and it goes off tactile cues.
No. 367539
>>367527You're being too generous to even believe anon has ever picked up a book on neuroscience, no less studied it at a higher university or works at a private company. Anon obviously just copied and pasted something from and takes it as a gospel truth to prove a fetus can feel pain when it's obviously way more complicated than that.
Notice how anon's only trying to throw out this alleged expertise at us after she(he?) has been backed into a corner and looks like a fool.
No. 367542
>>367539Are you even cognizant of how unsightly you seem when you resort to personal attacks and mockery? You are anonymous - I am anonymous. It's pathetic.
Use arguments.
No. 367545
>>367540Yes neuroscientist-chan. I’m twelve and that’s why I’m arguing with some retard who thinks I don’t deserve to own my own body for the crime of having a vagina.
Just accept that nobody is buying your backpedals, and nobody is going to change their minds and decide “you know what I SHOULD risk bleeding out to give birth to a child I don’t want, can’t care for, and am not financially able to support because some neckbeard got his knickers in a twist over the idea of not being asked permission to pretty please live.
No. 367546
>>367542>Are you even cognizant of how unsightly you seem when you resort to personal attacks and mockery?You called me a "pompous twat" and then screeched at other anons by calling them sociopaths.
I feed off your desperate clawing to say anything to stave your embarrassment.
I wish I could bottle your tears and wear it as perfume~
Also, here's an article for you, our little "neuroscientist":
>"The subjective experience of pain cannot be inferred from anatomical developments because these developments do not account for subjectivity and the conscious contents of pain."
No. 367721
>>367713It's probably an unpopular opinion, but I think retinoid products are only best used for a couple days in a row to jumpstart skin cell turnover.
I tried using it at night for a few weeks, and I broke out like crazy and my skin was perpetually dry. A lot of people say that's "purging" and it goes away after a month or a few lol. The second I stopped though my skin calmed down.
They're harsh products.
No. 367774
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I've been using retin-a for a couple years now. I refill my prescription whenever it becomes available so I have a ton of extra tubes kek. My doctor made me come in for a checkup yesterday in order to refill it again. Mind you, he's only my primary care doctor bc I had to choose someone a few months back and he was the first available appointment (unrelated to this. I ended up cancelling anyway).
>so you use it for acne? bc I don't really see any
>that's bc of the retin-a.
>I'm concerned bc I tell my patients if they will be pregnant or trying soon– (I think he aid this bc I'm in my late 20's aka baby incubator time)
>never ever gonna happen.
>because your partners are all female or?
>no lol bc I don't want any children, also I have the Nexplanon implant
>ok anon let's get you out of here quickly I just requested a checkup to clear out some of these prescriptions I see listed
He also asked what I "do" when I told him I don't have a job. I understand he was probably moving towards mental health care when he learned I don't work, but it was kinda off-putting. Switching to female doctor today. Not the worst experience by any means but I kekked at him thinking I'm a lesbian. I was wearing "stompy" boots and a hoodie that looked like the name of a sports team. I think that had something to do with it. And the fact that I was annoyed to be there so I was quickly and effectively answering all his stupid questions.
No. 367785
>>367780Look, they need a service, you are providing that service. If they don't want to compensate you properly for your time, that's
them stepping on
your toes. You're important too anon!
Just explain that you made a mistake. Try not to over-explain. Just that you were uninformed of standard prices and when you did the math, it didn't add up to an hourly wage you're comfortable with. Leave it at that. If they get pissy so be it. You're not a corporation, you're a single person who makes mistakes. Maybe explain to them all the steps/details required to do the job properly so they feel confident in your ability to perform well!
You should contact the first lady today before you speak to the second one. Just remember it's business, not personal!
No. 367797
>>367763But at what point do you decide it's too harsh for your skin and it's what's causing more breakouts.
I've seen posts of women who still look terrible months out. Sometimes it's just not compatible like that, the same reason why Accutane also doesn't work for everyone.
No. 367802
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at risk of sounding like a faggot, i think most of you are really great and even though you'd all probably hate me if i knew you guys personally, idc, i just truly love this community so much and this community of women has given me hope and helped my mental health so much. i have a hard time keeping hope and you girls, your stories, and your advice, help a lot. it's also made so much better that we're anon. lc has become such a great place.
No. 367810
>>367797Personally, I just followed my dermatologists advice and stuck it out. It took like 5 months before my skin was soft and clear. It’s always going to be harsh for an uncomfortable amount of time. Like I said before, some people can’t handle the side effects and pull out early. It’s not a bad thing, just different people can tolerate different things.
This isn’t my first rodeo with retinol, so I knew it would work after a period of time, even though it felt like it was making my skin worse for so long. Trust your dermatologist.
No. 367875
>>366657>>366604I literally said in my post I was the bad drunk bitch at fault, you're allowed to judge me but I'm also allowed to stand up for my right to vent about my guilt, it's human to feel bad for fucking something up or else half this thread wouldn't exist. Update nobody asked for: I apologized properly and he said he didn't even think I remembered because of how drunk I was, he told me I was very hurtful to him that night but he's also just glad I didn't get alcohol poisoning.
>>366664Yes I do worry that he would be happier without me and if I'm just seeing it with rose tinted glasses but also would genuinely rather with him than chase the casual sex meme and I trust him when he says the same. He's capable of making his own decisions even if I think he's crazy for it. Maybe some people find partners that agree with everything they say, but if this is the only compromise in our whole relationship then I think we're still doing ok.
No. 367907
>>367785>>367786update: bit the bullet and called her, it was kinda awkward because she was somewhere noisy so i kinda spat it all out and then sat there like "did she even hear this" but she said that she had assumed i misspoke and that we would clear it up, so i guess she knew i was underchargin her hella. and that she was fine with 40 a night. then i went to meet with her and it was totally fine, her dog loves me, it was all great. met the neighbor too and she had the CUTEST little chihuahua named Tallulah and three cats and I'm so excited to spend the weekend there now. and I'll be making what i think i deserve! insert "everything turned out better than expected" meme here
>>367860I dont have much to offer in terms of comfort because I get really anxious about disappearing/being invisible too, but I just wanted to respond to tell you I read your post, you're real, and I can see the words you share. that's something that really messes with me, when I open up about feeling invisible/unreal and then no one even acknowledges that I spoke and I just feel even less real like no one can even see what I said. So you're real and I can read what you are writing and today will be over soon!
No. 367908
>>367905>i've never seen a poly relationship work out. there's always loads of drama and a huge fallout.Same honestly, and a lot of the time if it's two women and a dude, I witness
the women usually ditch the dude and become a couple lmao
No. 367913
>>367875Why did you come back just to defend you being a drunk pushy bitch?
You’re clearly not just venting if you’ve come back days later to get mad and defend yourself to strangers.
It’s not a random disagreement, he’s monogamous and you want to sleep with other people while keeping a boyfriend for security. You poly people are all the same. It’s not a real thing it’s just a fancy name for wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Emotional immaturity and insecurity aren’t a sexuality.
No. 367914
>>367910You should designate time for your friends/hobbies at least once a week that you don’t let yourself do something else, it’s important for your wellbeing to have a good balance of work/study and fun (this goes for all, not just those that might relapse)
Maybe set aside an evening every weekend so at the bare minimum you have at least that to unwind?
No. 367919
>>367915What the fuck just move out. Tell him plainly that you're breaking up and stop using this person.
Have you even considered for a second how your partner might feel?
No. 367953
>>367935>>367925>>367919>>367918>>367916Oh my god anons. I'm not this horrible manipulative liar taking advantage of some poor guy and living in his house. I recently dropped out of college and had to move out of the dorm and I couldn't find a place fast enough and I was still talking with him and he told me his flatmate moved out and told me it's okay to move in if I want.
I told him I had no romantic interest in him anymore and he seemed fine with that in the beginning. A few days ago he came home drunk and tried having sex with me and initially I refused but he threw a fit and I ended up having sex with him. Today he came in my room and literally shoved his dick inside of me while I was still asleep. I don't know what I will do as I haven't been able to go outside for the past 1 month due to anxiety and depression. I also pay for my own part of the rent.
No. 367970
>>367953He raped you.
That’s totally different to what you originally posted but whatever. He raped you. Run as far as you can.
No. 367983
I'm very unhappy with a lot of my life. My work feels dead-end and meaningless. I'm in school to get a Masters (a STEM major), but I don't honestly think it will help me all that much. Can't get a better job without experience, can't get experience without a job. Can't move, just bought a house, but also don't want to move and leave friends and family behind.
I genuinely think I might have ADD as I can't concentrate on anything. Studying? Mind is all over the place on anything but the book. Playing computer games? Also playing a phone game. Watching TV? Also playing a game. Work? Mind wanders, can't focus. I'm considering seeing a doctor about it, but I worry about taking any medications because of addiction issues in my family. I also have a very, very difficult time expressing my feelings to people - I just can't do it (anonymous strangers on the internet aside). Even if there's a serious issue, I have to psych myself up for hours to get even a piece of it out.
Getting fed up with some of my best friends attitudes. These people are supposed to be my best friends, but at the same time also think the worst of me, and I think it's coming from the one I've been friends with the longest. Always assumes I must be trying to outdo her in every aspect, constantly trying to compete with me when I do literally nothing but exist. she has to try to make me feel bad about everything - my weight (we're the same clothing size (though I'm a bit taller)), my house (similar sizes), vacations I go on. Complains about literally everything. Nothing is ever good enough. Everything she doesn't like is stupid and she doesn't get why anyone would like it. She doesn't like it, so you shouldn't care about it, it's dumb. Then, after being critical of everything and arguing about everything (including little things like exact times and which way is better to go when driving even though it's literally a .5 km difference), gets upset that a lot of people think she's a bitch or that she complains to much. Wants to be told that she's not being a bitch or that she doesn't complain too much, but does literally nothing to change people's perception. If everyone thinks you're too bitchy and you don't like that…maybe stop being bitchy? It's not everyone else reading you wrong that's the problem, it's you being constantly combative and constantly complaining. Complains everyone likes me better. Maybe because I'm nicer? it's really not a hard concept. I tried telling her once years ago that she complains too much, and she harps on it too this day like I tore down her entire character. It was one comment because she was complaining, again, about something I like about how it's stupid and she doesn't get why people like it. I consider her to be my best friend, but I'm just getting so sick of the constant complaining and constant competitions and constant comments about my appearance. I'm average looking and I'm not skinny by any means. Not fat, but certainly not skinny. My other best friend is constantly "woe is me", constantly seeking attention, constantly jumping into relationships ASAP because she can't stand being alone. Gets hit on by tons of guys on apps, but then complains "I'm fat and ugly and no one wants to date me". Constantly fishing for compliments. Always asking for advice on what to do, but does exactly what everyone says not to do. Suicide baits whenever a relationship ends.
I can at least say I'm very happy in my long-term relationship. My partner is caring, thoughtful and supportive. Our personalities mesh perfectly, we have similar interests but are also fine with spending time with other people. I can at least say I have no complaints there.
No. 367990
>>367918I'm not saying anon is an innocent angel in regards to forming this kind of situation for herself but
>I'm using my boyfriend as shelter This is a completely valid concern, and you greentext it so flippantly. Not everyone has a social safety net, ie. friends or family, who they can fall back on if they want to move away from an abuser or someone who they don't love anymore.
Did you know economic hardship is one of the primary reasons why people don't leave toxic relationships?
It's actually extremely difficult for many women to save up enough money to afford a move, whether that's for a new deposit + however many month's rent most places will ask for, to the cost of moving itself.
>>367953He raped you.
Whatever you gotta do financially to afford a place of your own or with a new roommate, do it. You need to get out asap. Being raped is going to do worse for you mentally and socially if you continue to stay with this man than it would if you went your own way and wound up alone.
He knows he has power over you which is why he did it. Keep a healthy distance while trying to figure a way out of this, for your own sake.
No. 367996
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Recently, I accidentally ended up befriending someone in one of my courses who turned out to be a shitty anime fan. For the record, I tend to stay quiet about liking anime because it's just plain embarrassing and I don't want to attract unpleasant people. This kid turned out to be one of the bad ones, he had the works; Did not know how to shut-up or control the volume of his loud ass voice, knew everything about everything, would stare at me or my chest, had literal hentai as a wallpaper on his phone (I didn't notice until he put his phone down next to me), would always convince me to watch/subscribe to pewdiepie so he could be #1 on YouTube, and make shitty sexual jokes. In his defense, he was only 18 but the guy drove me nuts and I genuinely hope he grows out of it. (I know some weebs unfortunately don't)
I know this post is very weeaboostories-esque but it made me realize normies are honestly a refreshing break from insufferable anime fans like this.
I know anime is a magnet for psychos and autists but the more time I spend in this community, the more I want more normal friends.
It's also incredibly hard to find weebs to befriend who aren't completely batshit and can function like proper adults.
Another vent:
I'm so fucking happy I've finally managed to muster up the nerve to cut off my psycho "best friend" after years of friendship. You bet she was an insane weeb too.
She bullied me a lot in Jr.High and in Highschool and would talk shit about me to her boyfriends. The only reason I would take the constant insults was so I wouldn't be alone.
Your social life is the only thing that matters during that time and I didn't want to be seen as an outcast weirdo with no friends. Now that I'm outta that mess and in college, it feels really good to be furthering my education and not have to worry about her crazy judgmental ass. I'm grateful to have a great family and a boyfriend that loves me very much to support me.
While she was my only real close friend, I don't feel any regret letting her go. She dropped out of college last year, still doesn't know how to drive, her art hasn't improved at all, and can't live without male attention. I wonder if that'll change in a few years but I'm so glad I won't be apart of it.
No. 367997
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Been debating deleting my fb account since I've come to the realization that most of my old friends are either inactive or have become facebook moms and are pushing pyramid schemes.
No. 368006
>>367890Again, I know I'm a walking dumpster fire but I'm not the first person in the world to continue dating someone that doesn't share their kink, or to have drunk too much at a party, that doesn't make me abusive. I don't keep secrets or trick him, staying together is as much his choice as it is mine but I appreciate your concern for him
>>367913One last time, I'm not defending my actions just my validity to have feelings about them
No. 368021
>>367997do it, anon. deleted my Facebook over a year ago and never looked back, it's so freeing. if you need it for work/other reasons you can always make an anonymous account and only log in on a browser when you really need to.
>>368006so what compromise did you make with him? you said it's a compromise, which means you both meet in the middle. is it that you promised not to fuck other people, as long as he is willing to listen to you drunkenly complain about not being allowed to fuck other people?
just because you make a compromise doesn't mean it's healthy for either of you. sounds like you're incompatible but you're staying with him out of convenience. just because you love him doesn't mean he's right for you and it's unfair to him as well as yourself to force a relationship neither of you will be totally satisfied with. you can always find love with other people who share your kink
No. 368025
>>367996>I know anime is a magnet for psychos and autistsAnd immature people in general. I know I was an extremely, extremely immature 19 year old and I know now that I annoyed many people. I didn't really mellow out until 23 and that's only bc I swapped out for a more withdrawn edgelord personality until I figured it's better to be a balanced normie with some weeb interests.
What made progress slower is that nobody really said anything constructive or even mentioned that I was a shit, they all just talked behind my back so
if I did get wind of something they criticized, I wrote it off as them being the shitty ones when really I could've looked at it as a half-truth. Oh well, I guess most of us learn eventually.
No. 368075
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anon here, reporting for daily screaming
No. 368115
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>>365379My panties smelled like cum.
I slept with this guy, as in we just slept in the same bed. I was asleep for 6 hours and the time before that he expressed that he was very horny. I turned everything down of course and just wanted to sleep. The next morning when I went home something wrong was felt in my underwear and I smelled it ( gross sorry ) and it smelled like cum 100%. I might be overthinking but my discharge has never smelt that way before. I feel conflicted and I don’t know what to think. He’s a very wholesome guy too.
No. 368134
>>368115Do you feel anything else? Some women have more obvious signs of having had sex and others don't. If you're no a really heavy sleeper and doubt he gave you anything to eat or drink that could induce sleepiness its doubtful her had sex with you. He might have masturbated with your underwear though.
Regardless you have no obligation to keep seeing him. Even if absolutely nothing happened and your body is just being weird your associations with him are negatively tainted and will bother you henceforth.
No. 368146
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I live in a mental hospital of sorts. Been here almost 2 years now. Have struggled to keep a job and deal with my mental illness at the same time, so this is where I ended up. Most of the people here are men in their late 30s and beyond. Of course this means I get sexually harassed on a daily basis. I can't leave my room to get a cup of ice without having some creep trying to grab me, stare at me, or make some nasty ass comment. I've stopped eating in the cafeteria entirely because I just can't deal with it anymore. I've told the people that work here about it multiple times but they don't give a fuck. Maybe talk to the guy if it gets real bad, but they always go right back to bothering me eventually. So goddamn sick of this hellhole. Have to spend pretty much every spare bit of cash I can get on food to eat in my room so I can avoid the worst of the harassment. My clothes are falling apart. I have 0 privacy because my roommate is in here sleeping/laying down 23 hours a day. Don't know how much longer I can deal with this.
No. 368148
Instagram is truly thot center. Just went on and it always shows top stories of week/month that are ass or tits smh
No. 368261
>>365379I was raised with some toxic beliefs about art. I had a seriously bright future at 17. I was getting great job offers, exploding followings, and being recognized by my inspirations. Then I turned 18. And my family said that’s when I close the doors to art. So for the next 4 years all I studied was engineering. In fact, I felt so guilty whenever I had the urge to draw, I would cut and punch myself to punish myself for thinking about drawing, and take lots of Xanax to try to forget the fact that “this isn’t who I am anymore” I ended up in the psych ward 4 times, and each time I would draw in my journals (the one I had gave everyone a journal) and I would have it filled up with drawings at the end of the week. “Well, it’s impossible to study in here so I may as well draw!” Is it any wonder I left in a cheery mood each time? Whenever there was studying to be done - and there always was because you can always study more - I was absolutely forbidden to draw. By the time I dropped out, I was drawing a fuckton and spent the summer hating myself for not being able to contain the urge to draw. Of course by then I had given up my online profiles because it was too painful to look back. To this day I wonder “what could’ve been” I went through a lot of therapy trying to get rid of the guilt and regret.
Anyway I recently picked it up again because the only way I quell my guilt about dropping out just to draw more is: “I’ll die! I’ll literally die!” I had a bout with severe heart problems that lead to multiple ambulance calls, and finally when I drew it suddenly disappeared. Thanks for reading my blog. Whenever I see people my age being explosively successful, I can’t help but feel pain imagining where I had been if I had just given in to the urge to draw instead of hitting my head against the wall trying to be the perfect engineer.
No. 368282
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Someone from group therapy confessed their love/crush for me today in group. It was awkward as hell. I mean we talked about it and it was good and really friendly and open. I responded that I don't reciprocrate the feelings. I'm still red as a tomato and my head is hot. I never had a session like this before.
No. 368390
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I hate all the steps for applying to college but only because I have extreme anxiety and am nervous about being in public. Can't believe I'm starting school I'm fucking terrified!!!!!
No. 368476
>>368438God I feel like an awful person, but it really is one of the absolute worst kinds of disabilities to socialise with. So many of the ‘quirks’ are infuriating and just make talking to them unpleasant, it makes all of it so much more work than it should be. And I know they have it hard on their end as well, but that doesn’t make me any less uncomfortable.
I ESPECIALLY hate the kinds who go on about neurotypicals and how we’re apparently the cancer of the earth, sorry I’m not a social retard and am able to actually take care of myself?
No. 368478
>>368438working with some autists is hard and exhausting. my boyfriend used to work at a grocery store as a janitor and they let the two autists bother customers all the time, like have extended conversations about whatever, and always got on his ass for "not cleaning" even though he's been cleaning the entire time.
>>365536i'm kind of glad PC emulation is getting better. but yeah, especially some games from the same series being on different consoles from different developers as well. like i have only Sony consoles, but this game i want has an exclusive game for a Nintendo console. i understand there's differences in specs, especially back then, but it's so much extra money down the drain to get another console for ONE game i want to play lol.
i bought an Xbox so i could play Jet Set Radio Future, but I found there was a couple really good Xbox exclusives so I'm not… that mad. backwards compatibility on PS2 is a life saver.
No. 368482
>>368474Even if you are weak and lazy, so are most people on this planet, you fit in perfectly
Who is making you feel like you don't deserve a good life? If you are comparing yourself to others, know most people lie, most of their achievements are temporary, fake or borrowed. Nobody is superman, we all have limits. What you are seeing that you are comparing yourself to isn't real. People spend their lives perfecting a facade in order to manipulate others. Being genuine is a good thing
No. 368502
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I know it's 2019 but I want to play Metal Gear Solid 1 and I literally can't even get through the VERY BEGINNING because I can't figure out how to snap the guards' necks while you're sneaking around. Snake keeps throwing one guard on the ground while the other guard is shooting him, and then the other guard gets up and kills him. I've died like ten times this way. I can't even find any information on the internet on how to beat them because I guess every ten year old in 1998 was able to figure it out by themselves.
I cannot fucking believe I haven't been able to progress past the first five minutes of a twenty year old game that was literally marketed towards children.
No. 368519
I saw a man dying yesterday and it's been haunting me since.
It was my first day at my new job, everything was going already pretty bad when we hear a lady calling for help, shrieking, basically.
We run to see that her husband (they were an old couple) had fallen and wasn't breathing properly. A lot of people that also heard her screams went to help her but none of us knew how to first aid someone.
We called the police and an ambulance, of course, but they took more than 15 minutes or so to arrive, and it was too late. I rushed to look up for first aid instructions on the internet as well but it was also too late.
I will never forget how his tongue and ears (and whole face, honestly) were a vivid purple, how it was to touch a body that wasn't breathing anymore, and the wife's screaming "please wake up, love". Writing this already makes me cry and I didn't even know them, but it's just so sad and awful to see other human losing their life in front of you.
Today, as I was going to work, it was raining. The streets are shit where I live. An old women leaned to hold on to me to cross the street for a bit, them let me go, but I tried to keep an eye on her to make sure if she would make it. I couldn't forget about the old man and how he died because he fell.
I don't know, I am rambling, everything sucks.
No. 368537
>>368519oh gosh anon, that sounds terrifying. my boyfriend's brother witnessed a guy get murdered outside of his apartment and he was the one who had to call police and everything. it took him a few days to overcome the scary thing, but he's fine now.
hopefully you'll be okay. be sure to reach out and talk about it with other people like family and close friends.
No. 368695
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anon reporting for daily scream
No. 368744
>>368476I recently got diagnosed with autism and I agree about the "autists are superior to neurotypicals" people, they're absolutely insane. When I started suspecting I had autism and researching it I encountered several documentaries and articles trying to pass off autism as "the next step in evolution" and something that makes you more creative, smart and interesting, which is laughably stupid.
I might be wrong but I think this view is more common in male autists. Autistic women still don't get diagnosed nearly as much because they learn how to "mask" and socialise like non-autistic people. Autistic men, on the other hand, usually get diagnosed very early in life and often get the "my autistic boy is a perfect genius and shouldn't try to socialise normally~" treatment from their mother.
No. 368775
>>368765I don't mind at all ! I responded to you here
>>368774 so I don't derail this thread.
No. 368995
>>368873You'll probably end up pussying out lmao
>>368988Well Japan definitely isn't the best place to bring drugs or find drugs
No. 369000
>>368502The old physical copies of the MGS franchise had thick booklet guides in the game case on everything you can make Snake do and how to sneak and knock out and whatever. Thats how kids figured it out. The controls are kinda based on being touchy and meant to be lightly tapped or held down or both, depending on the action, if I remember right. Idk.
I hope that makes you feel a little better.
No. 369151
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>>369149It actually depressed me when I traveled there and I wasn't really feeling any specific way.
In every direction I turned in Tokyo there were endless buildings and people. Yet I felt so isolated, like my foreigner status made me untouchable except in touristy areas where people would just exploit gaijin for wacky interviews or money for services. I'll just say that cities in Japan really highlight how small an individual is, and not in a good way.
No. 369176
>>369171Ngl I would dump him just for the asmr since it makes my skin crawl.
Hope the situation resolves itself again, but if takes too much time you should (kindly) speak your mind anon.
No. 369181
>>369174Kek! I’ve asked him about this for years!!! His brother who is in a very long term relationship with a man got him into asmr so that’s probably the vibe.
>>369176I love that the ASMR is the real issue girls on the board are having. You guys are so funny! I definitely am going to end up saying something at some point tho thanks.
No. 369188
>>369141I get what you mean. Vic drama in cgl was one of the things that endeared me to to the board. I was really surprised people were debating him recently.
>>369151Idk if it'll make you feel better, but it's not your gaijin status. People are just standoffish in general towards strangers. Imo I felt similarly in Toronto as I did in Tokyo.
No. 369205
I work for a fabric store; all of my coworkers are women but the store manager is a man. Up until about a month ago I thought he was the most non-confrontational and approachable manager I've ever had. He's never breathed down my neck or micromanaged me, not to mention, he's respected my knowledge for our products/sewing in general, and my experience with the business of retail.
I was comfortable until about a couple of months ago. Now he regularly comments on my appearance. I was hired last May, when I was overweight, the store's air conditioning didn't work, so I didn't bother with makeup and just wore my boyfriend's baggy shirts. Now I fit back into my skinny jeans and feel comfortable wearing makeup without it sweating down my face.
He's made comments like how I need a sun lamp because I'm so pale and would better with a tan. He points out when I wear different shoes or a new shirt. He always asks about my hair color. Most of this probably sounds innocuous, until a coworker told me how when he was initially hired, several women quit because he hit on them or made them uncomfortable. Recently, when I went to the bathroom, he was in there replacing the paper towel rolls, and I thought he would promptly leave, but I stood in a stall for a couple of minutes before he left. Last week he asked if my boyfriend and I go to car shows, and I don't remember ever talking to him about my boyfriend, so it seemed like a weird way to gauge if I was single or not. He told me I looked like a "rockabilly pin-up girl."
I thought I was just being paranoid until I just now looked him up on Facebook a few hours ago. His Pinterest is publicly linked to his account (we are not Friends), and his Pinterest account has a folder named "hot girls." They have the same hair color as me, tattoos like me, and dress like me.
I love my job. None of this is enough to claim sexual assault. Someone tell me I'm just being paranoid and to get over it.
No. 369232
>>369205contact a higher up. that is way inappropriate. fuck that dude. that is in no way okay. explain to them what he has done and how it made you feel and how other female employees have had similar issues.
i regret quitting a job i loved because some 50 year old asshole decided to say high to me in passing then grab me and shove his tongue down my throat. i went to the hr reps in the building and they obviously knew this guy was trouble when i told them about him doing that and they never addressed him and his actions continued for weeks until i was so broken up about it i just quit. so fucked up and absolutely punishable on multiple peoples end but not mine.
the only satisfaction i got from that was when i stopped in a drug store years later and saw one of the hr reps working as their cashier. honestly i wanted to spit in her face.
tl dr, make that dumb fuck feel the repercussions of his sexual harassment. youre worth way more than that.
No. 369233
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>>365379>catch up with my best friend from hs, we have been close for 5 years, been in college for 2 and only get to see each other every other month now>she's still a sweet person and i care about her but she's slowly having the opposite of my views and it nags me inside a lot, don't wanna ditch her tho>"anon i'm an anarchist now, punching cops is an act of justice, sorry its just all my friends in colorado are socialists lol">"that guy i had a thing with, who has girls call him sensei and daddy when he fucks them, and gagged a girl the first time he ever had sex? lol we're in an LDR now" this bitch calls herself asexual, smh, this is her first actual relationship and she's a virgin, i bet you all 100 bucks she's going to lose her virginity to him>also she is still obsessed with pretending to have autism and calls herself nonbinary because her mom is a fucking asshole who made her feel bad for not being ~uwu feminine enuf~ growing up so she's now convinced that not following gender roles = something is wrong with herwtf. i was considering ditching her a while ago, decided not to because we barely talk about shit like that anyway, but jesus fucking christ, her friends in CO sound like unbearable entitled little shits.
No. 369236
>>369205You lost weight and now he thinks he can groom you further. That's why he does things like suggest you tan, everything he says is an attempt to coax you into the image of a woman he wants. And once he thinks you get into habit to his taste, he'll chase after you too.
He just didn't before because you were overweight and didn't give the impression that you cared what other people thought. Now he's all over you like flies on shit, just like the women before.
He sounds gross and predatory, be firm with your boundaries and keep a distance.
No. 369291
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My boyfriend won't have sex with me because he is watching the Delray Misfits for almost an hour.
No. 369317
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>>368745Thank you, kind anon. You aswell
I have to keep up the tradition now and scream everyday No. 369519
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>be me, looking for a new place to move in
>comes across an advert about a nice and affordable two room apartment
>Has a kitchen, bathroom with bathtub aaand a basement
>super low utilities
>gets excited and wants to contact the owner
>checks before where the apartment is
>it's in the middle of nowhere that makes grocery shopping impossible when you don't have a car, because not even a single public transport goes there
>cries in anger
I KNEW there was something off about the price, it's too good to be true lmao cries more
No. 369526
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Duck yeah I got a fucking job. After searching around for 2 weeks in a new country I've been offered that job I wanted months before I came here. I go in Monday for more processing. Fuck I'm so fucking happy.
No. 369547
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Trying to lose weight as a womanlet is so fucking shitty.
I just want to eat reeee
No. 369551
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I'm supposed to get a MRI scan soon and I dread the fuck out of it. I don't want to be stuck in this narrow ass thing for 30+ minutes.
No. 369558
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I live with my mother (inb4 leech : I help her out financially when I can and it is considered normal in my culture to live with your parents untill you have an actual reason to move out).
Recently I havent being going out as much (unless its for college or obligations) and my mother is bugging me to go out party and see friends and find a boyfriend etc… and it's easy for her to say that because when she was my age she was really rich (like she could pay a room in a 5 star hotel if she wanted to sleep with a guy, etc) while I'm completely broke. When she's abroad on business trips, I actually go out quite a lot because I put myself in a particular "mood" that hypes me up to be social. I listen to specific music, etc… But while she's here, thats much harder to do. She kind of acts like I'm a teenager in certain aspects, ie: if she happens to find out I'm into a guy she will ask me deets as if she was my friend, asks me to show pics (not in a controling way… just in a "trying to be your bestie" way), she will try to cuddle all the time, etc.
I know this is such a 1st world problem, it's a non-issue and I know I'm lucky in a lot of aspects but idk… It's kinda annoying.
>mom and I have a lowkey codependant relationship
>she kinda makes me regress
>it kills my will to do age-appropriate stuff I usually like to do like party, date guys etc…
>mom complains about me not doing age-appropriate fun stuff and being a nerd
No. 369561
>>369342Oh God I also have an ex friend who would do this. It was even worse because we were still in school so I lived at my parents house, not even my own house, so they were understandably upset she would encroach on their property without asking. One time she came in with muddy shoes and tracked mud all over our new and expensive carpet. When I pointed it out she was like lol whoops, like it was no big deal. That's just one of many similar instances but I don't have the energy right now to go into it.
I need to ask though, how did you react to it? I moved since then but I found out she got my address from a mutual acquaintance who didn't realize Im not talking to her anymore and it really creeps me the fuck out that she knows where I live. I'm so afraid she's going to show up announced one day exactly as you described.
No. 369565
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I always feel extremly uncomfortable whenever I go to the city centre and see the groups of loud /cool/ teens, even if I am 21 myself at the moment.
Noticed it's most likely because I used to be bullied in the past by the same type of people, and my mind rewinds these memories , somewhat still keeps telling me that these people are mocking me whenever they gaze at me or/and start laughing soon after.
I feel so helpless about it and just avoid passing or sitting nearby them at all cost.
No. 369567
>>369342>>369561I know both of you have some pretty unique circumstances that are inappropriate in their own ways (an ex friend thinking it's ok to turn up unannounced; a friend inviting themselves in and making a mess) but…I hope you realize there's really nothing whack about a friend knocking on your doors to hang out sometimes?
I'd kill to have friends that social and considerate again. These days no one makes the effort, it's easier to send a text or hit a poke button on social media I suppose.
I miss it, a lot.
No. 369600
>>369576I can commiserate. Except I live out +40 minutes from any friends and it's difficult as hell to get them to do anything even with planning. They'd never come out my way. I'm expected to constantly drive to them. Frankly nobody wants to be in their cars for over an hour, but I just wish they'd realize it feels like a burden when one person is forced to do it all the time. I'd be absolutely delighted if one of them thought of me and came out here for a surprise visit
I'm currently unemployed and have no money for gas-they know this, but it won't happen and I can't force them. Shit sucks.
No. 369602
>>369561I didn't react, I did the petty thing and didnt open the door and waited til she left. I havent texted her either, so I dont have any advice on it.
and christ yeah I've had those friends too who just disrespected my parents' house by showing up or dirtying it up and obviously as their child we had to get scolded for it. That kinda thing usually stops happening when people grow up but i still cant get male friends to use a coaster or napkin lmfao.
>>369567The thing is that some people insist that they're your close bff and pass your boundaries based on how they see the friendship. Its like a stranger hugging you.
This same friend would also lie in my bed and make it smell bad (shes fat) while I have a chair in the room, leave her trash on my desk when she'd leave, and leave the toilet lid up after I told her to stop several times. Her habits built up on my sperg about the showing up incident.
No. 369604
>>369602>and make it smell bad (shes fat)You mean unhygienic? Never had a fat friend who would stink that badly, oh wow!
I can see why she'd annoy you, but like I said, it seems like the circumstance you're describing is inappropriate due to a lack of respect for boundaries, not necessarily the act of a friend coming to chill out with you.
No. 369861
>>369847Why would you think the hospital was appropriate? Hospitals only want to deal with people who pose an immediate threat to themselves and to others like having a psychotic break, or if they're injured from an attempt already. Emergencies, not suicidal ideations from someone who actually wants to live.
If you were so obviously ill you would've met criteria to be involuntarily sectioned, and being sectioned in a hospital actually isn't the best thing for someone's mental health. It's where they strip you of your rights including the ability to leave because they believe you're too ill to understand or seek proper treatment for yourself. So they hold you and surveil you until they're satisfied that you're mentally competent enough or in someone else's care to be set loose. Oh, and then the lovely ER bill later.
I get that hospital workers can be power tripping pricks, but that's not where you need to be. Try a behavioral therapist who can teach you tools and methods to cope with obstacles in your life
No. 369961
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Im so fucking stressed. I got an invitation to fill out a background check packet for a job I never thought would respond to me and its basically a dream job for me, but they needed a lot of information I couldn't answer. Phone numbers for past places I've lived, etc etc. I probably looked like a trashy bumbling buffoon to the HR woman interviewing me as I told her 'That place was sold off, that place was a rats nest I lived in for a month'. Then it came to my neighbors…oh man. They didn't want to be involved at all in the background check, but the packet demanded I at least try and convince them to do it. I googled for advice on this but a lot of the responses were simply 'Why would they be like that' boomer-tier advice, like they've never lived in the ghetto where if you even mention 'cop' people run. I'm so mad at myself for ever leaving my small town and trying to live in the city, I could've done this job much easier back home. Moving around big cities makes you look like a freak in the eyes of hiring managers.
No. 370040
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scream time
No. 370053
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>>370040screeming with u bb
No. 370071
>>369547Sorry for reddit but try r/1200isplenty
Meal planning for 900-1200 calories per day. Mostly tho, it’s simple shit like eating a lot of basically no calorie filler (lettuces, cucumbers, summer squash, etcetcetc) and high protein. Take a multi vitamin once a week if you’re really worried about micronutrients but if you eat mostly lean protein and veg you’re not gonna get unhealthy.
Tbh it’s harder to get in over 1000cals a day than to limit them.
Personal rant, I hate eating in general and I got Chinese for dinner because didn’t eat yesterday and it was too shit to eat so now I’m hungry and nauseated.
No. 370104
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>>369519samefag, but I contacted the owner anyways. Got an message back that i could visit the flat tomorrow and got the exact location, turns out it isn't that far away. Let's hope everything works out.
>>370040>>370053I will join the screaming
No. 370177
I had therapy yesterday and it was really difficult. I felt really detached from myself, my mind feels jumbled and distorted. My therapist told me I'm doing a great job handling all of my stress and retraining my brain not to assume the worst and create fear out of thoughts. This week has been really tough dealing with such high anxiety and uncertainty, trying to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. I wish for no one to go through what I'm going through, but I understand this isn't a unique experience.
A good quote to remember: "It's only the thought of a tiger, not a real tiger."
>>370161I went through the same realization a few years ago. It's freedom, anon. You went through about 18+ years of being treated like shit, now you can spoil yourself and take control and appreciate the new life you have. Maybe not now, but in the future. You have plenty of time.
No. 370210
>>370085>then I just wrote something like gobble gobble gobbleI'm sorry this happened to you but I laughed at the wording of your post anon
Do you struggle with time management in other areas?
No. 370222
>>370028tl;dr, someone was offended by the way their professor worded an assignment. it WAS awkward wording, but it wasn't like, slur usage and it was kind of vague as to whether or not it was implying something.
people instantly were like "REPORT HIM AND GET HIM FIRED HOLY SHIT KILL HIM." my response was "why don't you email him and figure out what he meant? then depending on his response you can decide if you want to go to HR or if he just worded it poorly."
it's like these people have never been outside tumblr.
No. 370447
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>>369699I feel like you might be my ex lmao, but in the case you aren't, we broke up mainly because of his parents. My ex's mother (who divorced my ex's dad over 10 years ago) basically "moved back in" with her ex-husband and my ex because she is a psychotic borderline personality disordered freak.
The first day I arrived she was planted on the couch (she slept in the living room/kitchen area) and for nine months she was LITERALLY home 24/7 even though her original home where she stayed with her mother was a 5 minute walk away.
Any time my ex and I would go out, she'd ask to come and throw a tantrum if she couldn't. We couldn't cook without her being there, we couldn't talk without her being there, we couldn't go outside without her phoning him, couldn't even be alone in my ex's room because she would constantly call for him from downstairs about the stupidest shit.
No matter what my ex said to her, she just refused to leave and I couldn't handle it anymore. Ex and I had a huge blowout fight where his parents came up into our room to shout and scream at me and called
me crazy in broken English. After that I knew I just had to leave.
When you break up due to things out of your control it's extremely hard to get over it or understand it.
Plus I sold all of my shit to go there and had to leave early so I'm temporarily homeless until I find an apartment.
I am pretty sure I'm done with relationships in my life. When I think of all the energy I invested into these men and their fucked up families and how I could have spent that energy solely on myself, it's so shameful and depressing. Why did I wait this long to realize it?
No. 370525
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Why do women pretend to be stupid to attract men and what is wrong with the men that like it? Do they think it's cute or something?
My brother-in-law's girlfriend does this and it always winds me up. She acts so vapid that it's difficult to maintain a conversation with her.
>>370125I'm not going to defend the midwife what she did was unprofessional. Criticizing a woman's appearance when she's pregnant is a nasty thing to do because they're already feeling insecure about how their body is changing. Maybe what she was trying to say is that carrying more weight around your middle can be a risk factor for gestational diabetes. Unless she does actually mention this I wouldn't worry about it. I put on so much weight when I was pregnant my husband used to call me "chubs" and tell me that I looked like a buddha statue.
No. 370534
>>370525I think a lot of girls and guys think the “ditzy girl” act is cute. It’s pretty disturbing. Maybe it’s a power thing, if they’re dumb they’re easier to take advantage of maybe? Who knows, it certainly is creepy and annoying as fuck tho .
Also not that anon but my heart goes out to all the women who choose to get pregnant and have to deal with all that bullshit. Makes me even more protective of pregnant women.
No. 370587
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>>370562>>370562Southwest like Utah/Arizona/NM? That area is so beautiful in its own way though. I could never live there but I really want to travel (pic related is one of my dream vacations). But I'm from the northeast so maybe the grass is just always greener on the other side lol
No. 370613
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>>370587More like CA near Mexico. Idk what you call that besides "west" lol
Pic related
It's definitely its own kind of beautiful out here, and I'm sure "the grass is greener" applies (literally!) but yeah. I'm dying out here. I did long-haul trucking for a few months and the beautiful places we travelled to, and how cheap land and homes are, made me die a little inside.
No. 370616
>>370562It's strange to hear your call your arid, dry weather "gloomy" because in the uk that means dark and dreary weather.
The grass certainly is greener on the other side, and whilst I appreciate how literally green the grass and trees are in my own city, I could really do without the seasonal affective disorder and wish I could live somewhere dry. 200+ days of rain a year is too much.
No. 370620
>>370616I think you misread, I said I cannot go without gloomy weather any longer!
But I totally understand how it could get depressing, even for someone like me to be in the wet and cold for so long.
No. 370712
>>370709Its not true regret its just the survival instinct kicking in.
>>370708I cant tell if youre really young or really optimistic. And death isnt "awful". Theres more to life than what the human eye can see.
No. 370713
>>370708>Do you think someone that’s given up on life honestly gives a fuck anymore?That's the thing though, it really depends if one values ANYTHING in the world at all–including themselves–in order to carry on.
I don't want to die because I know it's finite. I'd never get to eat another delicious meal, hear a song that makes me happy, create something that gives me a sense of pride, or see how the world progresses (or not)
I'm forever salty that I won't be around during space age for the common person and other technology.
None of those reasons have anything to do with living for someone else, they're things and feelings that I as an individual values and can get satisfaction from and give me a sense of purpose.
For some people it's compelling, for others it's not. If someone really wants to go then they'll find a way. However, it seems obvious to me that people who openly discuss their suicidal thoughts often want someone to say or do something that pulls themselves from it.
>>370709I've read it too, it's horrifying.
No. 370742
God I hate my job so much. Thinking about going in makes me want to vomit. I've run out of sick days and I can't even take them unless I go to the doctor to get a note saying I'm sick. So i can't take a day off when I feel like absolute trash inside. I hate the feeling like I'm wasting away. Every year I don't get a job in the field I want I just feel the chances slipping away.
>>370735Honestly the whole "think of everyone else" mindset is selfish as well. It's implying our lives aren't our own and we have to keep living them just because someone else will be sad. What do you say to people who have incurable diseases that want to die? They have to suffer physically just because someone else will have a moment of grief that they can eventually move on from? Not everyone kills themselves for a petty reason and people don't exist just to make everyone around them happy.
No. 370749
>>370735Good job diminishing the suffering mental health issues can bring to people.
I'm guessing people living with life long treatment resistant depression or schizophrenia should just tough it out. How horrible for their families to have to grieve. Just live with your intense misery, ffs !
No. 370755
>>370742>Not everyone kills themselves for a petty reason and people don't exist just to make everyone around them happy.Who ever argued that? I'm sick and tired of people romanticizing suicide to be some noble deed and encouraged as a legitimate way to escape ~your miserable life~ because you've been living as a hikki for 4 years or your boyfriend left you. The people who want you to stay alive for their sanity's sake are selfish, but so is killing yourself. However staying alive can help you fix your problems, killing yourself transmits your problems to other people. If that's not selfish, I don't know what is.
Having met parents of young people who committed suicide, they are fucked up for life. It's one thing to outlive your children when they die in an accident or because of a terminal illness, but by suicide? That absolutely destroys the people who care about you. You spend the remainder of your life thinking what you did wrong, what could've you done to save them, should you kill yourself to "be together again".
>What do you say to people who have incurable diseases that want to die?Reading comprehension, anon.
>>370735>Unless you're in terminal stages of some life-threatening illness, there isn't an non-selfish reason to off yourself. No. 370768
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looks like it's time for me to scream again…
No. 370773
>>370771Samefag, but I wanted to add this:
It happens so often that people either just jump in front of a train, traumatizing the poor sod who essentially killed them by not being able to stop the train or by hanging themselves in the house/cellar or even somewhere public (knew one firefighter who hung himself in the firehouse, so when the doors opened he managed to destroy the live of tens of his friends and collegues all at once…) - and then being found by their partner or parent or even child.
If you really feel like you must do it, at least travel as far as possible, so that they will never have to see or know and instead believe you just run away.
No. 370785
>>370775This is what all of these other anons are missing.
Suicidal people see their very existence as causing suffering to others so they want to relieve that suffering.
I've been suicidal before and I genuinely thought if I died my family would be at rest. They wouldn't have to deal with me anymore, they wouldn't have to deal with such a pathetic lowlife.
Living for others when you hate yourself is almost impossible and seems so shallow. What usually ends up happening is people say "I'll just wait for my family to naturally pass so I can die". Is that really any fucking better? Enduring who knows how many more years of suffering so your family doesn't have to know how much you were suffering?
No. 370797
>>370785This, when I attempted suicide most of the relief I felt was that my family could finally be free of me and wouldn't have to be ashamed of me anymore. After recovering I know that's not true and never was (though I still struggle with guilt and feeling like a burden), but at my lowest point you could never have convinced me that they would've been sad if I died.
I'm sure there are suicidal people who feel spite or apathy towards their family but the majority truly believe their loved ones were going to be happier without them. (at least that's what I encountered in rehab/group).
No. 370805
>>370771>>370771>we might have failed in our attempts to stop that person. You are not morally obliged to keep other people you don't even know alive and if people can't vent about wanting to end their pain online in an anonymous forum where the fuck can they do it?
Like for fuck sake anon, life can be very hard and people may not even have loved ones at all, you can't just go comparing everything to child brides, there will always be people having it worse.
No. 370811
>>370805>if people can't vent about wanting to end their pain online in an anonymous forum where the fuck can they do it? I never said people shouldn't be allowed to vent about feeling suicidal - I have done so myself.
I was talking about the people who simply announce "This evening I'm going to jump."
I guess I'm just too sensitive but I can't help it. Reading this and not knowing keeps me up at night.
The reason I mentioned child brides is because they pretty much have zero chances of ever leading a better life. Contrary to people with depression in better countries, they at least have the possibily of getting better again. So, I'm not talking about who has it worse, I'm taking about the chances of there being any improvement.
No. 370812
>>370805>if people can't vent about wanting to end their pain online in an anonymous forum where the fuck can they do it?A therapist or someone professionally equipped to help.
>>370771>I absolutely hate when people come here to announce that they're going to kill themselves.Same. It's inherently manipulative because they know most of us here are thoughtful and will care enough to respond. Notice how they'll vent here and not some other anonymous source like 4chan where assholes who negatively commiserate would actually tell them to do it. And not nicely either.
Also lately, these suicide anons have been
nasty to farmers who dare tell them it's a bad idea for any reason.
We're like those "friends" that suicide anons text at 2am saying how they want to kill themselves, for the umpteenth time, and so we stay up freaking out and being concerned while trying to talk them down from it when all we're doing is giving an attention supply. We're not "friends," we're being used like tools.
No. 370815
>>370811Do you by chance have the studies or statistics on people "recovering" from major depression?
I'm curious myself because it feels like the anecdotal stuff I've read and heard is that they either live with major depression for the rest of their life, it gets "mildly" better but they still have chronic depression or they kill themselves.
I haven't really seen or heard of a depressed person that truly recovers. It just seems like the depression ebbs and flows during their life but it's always there.
No. 370817
>>370812>Notice how they'll vent here and not some other anonymous source like 4chan where assholes who negatively commiserate would actually tell them to do itYou can't know someone's browsing history just because they post here. They might also post in a bunch of other places and also be seeing a therapist, which in it self is a luxury as it can be expensive as fuck to find a good one.
As much as it makes you or some other anons uncomfortable you can't really understand how unbearable the suicidal anon might be feeling, maybe just in that moment or maybe for a long time.
Don't assume things about internet strangers or places. I've personally seem a lot of people responding in good faith to suicidal anons on 4chan, and know of people that only ever mention suicide online as a way to avoid hurting people they care about irl.
No. 370819
>>370815Same, I also want to know as it can be very discouraging being myself someone suffering with depression and a bunch of other unpleasant comorbidities for way over half of my life.
But hey better shut up about it because it might make other anons feel uncomfortable.
No. 370820
>>370817>As much as it makes you or some other anons uncomfortableWhich is just as valid as feeling suicidal. Do you know any of our histories? Do you know our traumas with dealing with suicide?
Evidently it doesn't matter to anons like you, because you think feelings override absolutely everything else like boundaries.
I don't mind anons who preface their posts with venting, and are open to persuasion because they're just looking for someone to talk to. I do mind anons who have been abusive to us, and said mean and nasty things because they didn't want to hear a particular something.
No. 370822
>>370819>But hey better shut up about it because it might make other anons feel uncomfortable.You're being dishonest because you know talking about depression and personal illnesses isn't what's being referenced in this discussion.
We're talking about anons that are all
>I'm gonna jump in front of a train>Tonight I'm gonna do itAs if there's anything else to take away, or as if we're supposed to feel anything else but discomfort that someone might be taking their fucking life. You're not stupid and you know there's a difference.
No. 370841
>>370834I can't imagine being this bullheaded and stubborn, but it just goes to show how you can't handle your behavior being critiqued in any sort of way.
>"P-PULL newfags!"Lmao.
No. 370848
>>370829>You're the worst kind of person who clearly doesn't care about anyone suicidal.Actually it's a recognized manipulative tactic of how people will threaten others to suicide when they don't actually mean it for attention, but go off.
>so if you don't careWe do care, that's the point. That's why we get horrified when anons drop "I'm gonna kill myself tonight" and when we try to talk them down they get obstinate. It's disturbing.
>Someone merely aying they have a plan to do such a thingExcept rarely have anons recently just said this and dropped it, they stick around to defend what they've said and actually get pissed at anons who give them suggestions and reasons to not kill themselves.
Either you don't lurk a lot, or you're misrepresenting to suit your argument.
>you should expect to see these posts often at a place like thisThere's no logical basis for this assumption.
No. 370852
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I brought up this crush the other day here. Our timing is off and we have some personal differences. I feel like we could make a really great team still. We had another talk with the same outcome. It was clearer now and we could express our sympathy better and it's not ruled out forever. I feel more closure now but at the same time, I'm sad. There will be no sexy times and romance for me anytime soon.
No. 370894
>>370848Venting anonymously to anonymous people that you feel like shit and want to kill yourself is manipulation? Kek, are you dense? At most you're going to get one reply here if even. Are you really that new that you think this isn't the home of miserable people who come to vent and go on? That people telling about how they feel hope to get an intense reaction?
Kek, how disappointed they must be.
No. 370901
>>370894>>370900Still at it huh? Fucking kill yourself then, instead of coming here and getting pissed off at anons with good intentions telling you not to do it because ~they couldn't possibly understand you~
You're a giant asshole and it's no wonder you come here to "vent" to say you're gonna kill yourself because I'm sure you've exhausted everyone you know irl with that threat. Get help and take ownership of your suicidal feelings instead of expecting anons to be okay with seeing your bullshit all the time.
No. 370907
>>370906Misrepresenting my argument will get you nowhere.
Also bravo for projecting and writing off other people as fragile when you're the one REEEing because other people don't like your suicide threats. You sound like a deluded cluster B personality, and a total cow.
No. 370915
>>370909Nta, but who is this you?
We are at an anonymous imageboard, even if it seems to be a two sided discussion it's probably more than 5 people posting.
Don't personalize anons.
No. 370930
>>370918Welp, too bad you don't get a say. I hope anons come and safely vent about suicide and wanting to do it if it help them get it out of their system. In fact, I don't have to hope since it's established practice.
You can go kick rocks, now.
No. 370943
>>370930>too bad you don't get a say I'm saying my opinion right now.
>wanting to do it if it help them get it out of their systemExcept there's no proof this actually helps them and it seems like it most certainly doesn't if they keep coming back.
Jesus you're unhinged.
No. 370957
>>370952I've seen anon make her distinction multiple times. There's is indeed a difference between someone wanting to talk about their depression and suicide ideations from anons saying that they have a plan and will be killing themselves.
I've seen it here myself. Those anons aren't right and they're not "safe" by letting us know they'll be jumping tonight *unless we say the right thing just so. They need real help.
No. 370958
>>370957I have seen anons come with plans and vent about it.
I've never anons asking to be told not to do it. I don't know where anon see these people ALL THE TIME because all I see is sometimes an anon saying they have a plan and either noone responding or the anon not responding to responses.
No. 370961
>>370958Why would it matter of they asked us to tell them not to? We have as much a purpose to respond to their posts as they have to post their vent, it's a two way street. Of course we'd never encourage them because we're not immoral a-loggers who wanna contribute to someone dying.
If you haven't personally seen it that is fine but you're strangely invested in a specific type of person that's being referenced here. Maybe it's time to stop posting?
No. 370976
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Just as an example, this is what I (>>370771) was talking about.
No. 370986
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Another one: No mention of "I'm so sad because… I feel like dying…", only "I'm going to do it, period".
No. 371017
>>370976I mean, who am I to judge her?
If she's/was that bad that suicide by train sounded like her best option there's nothing that a stranger in the internet can do.
Also, I read somewhere that being able to talk openly about suicide actually reduce true suicides so.
Sucks for the conductor though, I would try to do it by gas+poison and somehow at an desert area and pretend it was an accident.
No. 371023
Gosh you delete and repost a lot.
>>371022 meant for
>>371021 No. 371029
>>371023>It's messed upThat's the thing, I and some other anons don't agree with that.
I guess we just have different views on imageboard posting etiquette. No one will change their mind because of this, so let's stop the convo, I get your point but disagree.
No. 371054
>>370986But how is this post manipulating? This anon is asking how to put her affairs in order?
It's stating they want to go, that's it.
I'm not seeing how this is "look at me and stop me!".
No. 371079
>>371055I'm so sorry anon
:(If you can, cut her off. It sounds like there's nothing left for you from her except pain and frustration. Sending strength into the ~universe~ for you <3
No. 371089
>>371086Ikr. How sad to see that someone is so offended that another is venting out their real life problems.
>I'm too sensitive to think about someone dying uwuAnd
>>371069 is just venting their anger out at any suicidal poster because they got told they were being a dipshit in another thread. Pathetic.
No. 371090
>>371055In my culture there's a saying about how low quality vases never break.
I'm sorry for your dad, stay strong.
No. 371122
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>>371121>you can't express feelings in a thread meant for expressing feelings!You're the one who got called out and now you're back for another spank. Go away.
No. 371153
>>371140Literally different anons have agreed on my side. Sorry some people are put off by your mental instability, but don't worry, you'll
No. 371209
>>371200lol yeah, I feel like there's a thin line. I mean I love my dog, and some of my fb profile pics are
with her in them, but obviously im not abusing her! I do use a few dating apps like bumble and guys whose profiles have pictures of
just their dogs, and that seems like a biiiig red flag to me. also people who are vocally against spaying and neutering, it's just weird and there are so many guys I encounter at the dog park that are creepy white dudes in cargo shorts who won't shut up about why you shouldn't sterilize your dog…
No. 371340
>>371288>my boyfriend is addicted to video games, he plays from when he wakes up to when he goes to sleep. he has no job and doesn't go to school. he ignores me because he wears noise cancelling headphones the entire time. when we finally get to do something together he acts like it's a chore and he's suffering and his feet hurt and he just can't wait to get home to play video games.
Why are you with him? I see no potential redeeming qualities for someone like this.
No. 371346
>>371340Why Are You With Him?
Seriously, i don't understand pathetic manchildren boyfriends.
No. 371349
>>371238Seems like it's a mixture of things.
1. Playing up how much money they actually make so they can keep up an appearance that they're 'successful' at least superficially.
2. Having mental illnesses and compulsions that cause them to retail therapy on luxuries and then having no money for bills when they're due.
3. Drugs.
4. Possibly exaggerating their financial troubles when they come so people will pity them and want to help so they won't have to work it out by themselves.
No. 371394
>>371288Wtf. Time to break up with your shitter, goal-less bf. I can imagine acting like this in your teens but when you're an adult, it's time to man the fuck up and realize there's priorities in life and that you need to do SOMETHING. How can anyone just sit on their ass all day everyday doing nothing and think their life is going to be like that forever unless you're a teenager? I can't stand to see pathetic manchildren crybabies. I say this as someone who loves video games, anon, you need to dump him asap and give it to him straight before you do. I can't believe he ignores you too, don't even get me started on him neglecting you. Yeah, I'm pissed for you.
>>371370>used toWell, what the fuck happened? Doesn't matter. He should have at least found another job or resumed school or do something by now. Men have even more options too like trade school. There's no excuse for him to sit on his ass looking like a cretin hunched over his computer desk every day.
No. 371412
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>realizing I've been on this site for almost 3 years
but at least it's improved a lot
No. 371464
I had this really really childish convo with my ex… I know it's immature and I regret it. He started insulting me and his other ex, using names and all, saying how ugly and shitty we are in front of his quite a lot of instagram followers so I messaged him (I shouldn't have) and asked him to shut it because with that face he's no model either and sending his followers after us is bullying. He also promised to send me this one personal thing he borrowed from me when we dated and he already took half a year to give it back, lying and saying he has cancer and can't walk, lying about sending it and then admitting he lied and so on. He previously messaged me out of blue very heavily insulting my looks and personality. And now he did it publicly and even dragged the other ex into it, it just pissed me off. After I sent the message, he started insulting me about stuff like 'your cunt stinks so much it's like you never take a shower, the way your face looks when you laugh is totally disgusting, you look like a fucking Micheal Jackson with all the makeup you plaster on, here, have a six pictures of my current gf, she's much prettier than you, much better in bed too' and so on and when he went on for a bit I insulted him back with similarly stupid insults. At that point I just wanted to hurt him back. I wanted him to hurt a lot. I know it sounds like we're five years old. I just know I should have kept my mouth shut and ignore it and I regret this stupid shit so much. Really not proud of myself,feeling really shitty about it all. I have to be a bit more able to control myself.
No. 371472
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time for anon's daily scream…
No. 371482
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>>371464anon it's okay. anger gets the better of all of us sometimes. your ex sounds crazy and straight up malicious and crosses a bunch of lines that just push you into rage.
He sounds like a very poor and disturbed individual. No doubt he will never lead a happy relationship with that personality and since he has a track-record of shitting on exes, his current gf has a big storm coming.
Just take care of yourself and dissociate yourself from that individual. And pick more sensible partners in the future / look out for red flags (been there done that)
No. 371492
>>371482That actually makes me feel a lot better, thank you anon.
Yes, I ignored a lot of red flags with him because I was not very used to romantic relationships. But at least I think I learnt a something from that experience.
No. 371586
>>371557I was very withdrawn and tired when I took antidepressants a while back.
Shit was so back I hardly remember 6 months of my life, so yeah, she's probably feeling like shit and having her brain chemistry messed with, I hope it gets better for you guys.
No. 371618
>>371586>>371560Is it really? Our friendship is falling apart and I feel like I can't really talk without blowing her up anymore. And she doesn't seem too interested either..
We haven't seen each other for a long time but apparently she's just got a new boyfriend now in the circumstance that feels very unlikely to me. So partly I thought her life 'got better'.. in the way that worries me.
But her vibe seemed very strange and out of character really just after antidepressant.. so It's just my guess.
No. 371670
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A few hours ago I had a group conversation about nothing in particular between me and three people I've fucked. One was my ex, second one was my current bf and third one was the fling in-between. One of the fucking weirdest feelings ever
No. 371688
The boomers in my family are pissing me off with the way they refuse to learn about any technology.
When my grandpa was alive he'd constantly pester me and my dad to come over and clean out his email inbox (he signed up for spam whenever anything would ask for his email), tell us to fix the printer (no ink), and why the computer was acting funny (malware or adware from clicking on everything). We dealt with it because he was old. My mom and the rest of my family have no excuses.
My mom was a high school teacher up until five years ago when she retired and knew how to get on a computer, and even took a Photoshop class.
The other day she couldn't even understand how to COPY AND PASTE. She couldn't repeat it after I showed her how step by step. What the fuck? I think she's either getting senile, or she's lazy and just wants everything that calls for a little work done for her. Because she has no problem getting around on youtube, or googling things whenever she wants to one up me about something. Now she's bugging me because she has some credit document that needs to be signed, scanned, and sent via email. She repeats what she needs to do, but doesn't want to take time to figure it out and get a wee frustrated in learning, so she bugs me. Now it's my problem.
My uncle is the same way. When I was out a few weeks ago they called me wanting me to drive all the way to their house so my uncle could apply to Wal Mart. It wasn't life or death, my uncle is retired and bored and wanted spending money. The problem? He kept entering his own gmail username and password on the website's login! I tried to explain over the phone how he needed to set up an account on their website but all I got was "Nope, can't do it. I don't understand this fucking computer shit." Tapdancing christ.
No. 371695
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My neighbors have been screaming all day and don't stop despite me knocking on the wall with a chair and I'm about to commit two homicides over there
No. 371698
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My bf just broke up with me. As in, 20mn ago.
We got together in September, it was instant, and since then we spent a lot of time together and genuinely had fun. Then, in January, out of nowhere, he stops replying to my texts.
It feels so unfair. We honestly had a good thing going on and I'm so so heartbroken. He seems pretty tired and I guess he has a lot on his plate, that's why he called it off, and I can't be mad at him. But damn.
On top on that I was slightly relapsing with my ED, and so tonight just broke me. I know the next weeks are gonna be hard.
Good side of it : I ordered a Molang plush and a 3DS a few days ago to play Animal Crossing, I guess I knew I'd need some recomfort.
No. 371699
>>371557does she do therapy? meds without therapy can do more harm than good sometimes. I've also met a lot of people who had been medicated in the wrong way by psychiatrists who just didn't care. They can be a great help though. It all depends. At this stage maybe it's also just her mental illness becoming more apparent which is completely normal. Mental illness takes a long time to recover from.
Best of luck to the both of you and take care
No. 371713
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loneliness is poison. I'm not going to sperg out and blame everyone else for my short comings, ik im ugly and unlikable and my personality is shit who's fault is that but my own? i'm the reason im alone.
I've done things to change time and time again but then im suddenly back to square one, fair weather friends and all. It's getting hopeless at this point and i dont want to continue living so hollowly
No. 371745
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So, I've been having this problem. I don't know if it's the autism, artblock or what, all i know is that it drives me insane. For the past month or so I've been getting irrationally anxious and/or irritated, like i'm going to burst at the seams at any second. For no reason. It's an activity i genuinely enjoy doing and that my mind agrees to do, but my body says no. It's like everything becomes too bright and too loud as soon as i start drawing.
I just want to draw as i always have, why the fuck am i acting up now? I don't understand. I want to draw so badly but my head will start to hurt like crazy… It's not even to update art blogs or stuff like that, i just want to draw. Fuck, man.
No. 371746
>>371731that wasnt me. i have two dogs one is old (had him since i was a kid) and gets sick very often i'm just trying to make his last months/year/however long he has left good. Losing him will hurt a lot.
My other dog is an amazing rescue dog who means the absolute world to me. they are probably the only thing keeping me from ending it
>>371742you're right, i already said i deserved it. I don't pity myself i'm just sick of living the way i am.
No. 371759
>>371748>most of this imageboard is aimed at making fun of women for being ugly and fat you realize that?Yeah but some of us aren't really about that. I know I'm not much into browsing pt and snow as much anymore. I'm more into the outrageous and idiotic things some people do. I can't speak for anon, but I think it's a reach to say all of us here hate uggos and fatties when truthfully we're indifferent if not sick of those nitpicks altogether.
>when people praise lolcow for being an enjoyable and safe female spaceFor me it is, lolcow's ot and g are the only imageboard places I've ever consistently lurked and posted on. Compared to any other imageboard I've tried to integrate to and came from, I don't have to deal with hardly any hijinks except infighting which is usually over within a few hours. When I was a poster on 4chan I'd always have to deal with some bullshit and heaven forbid if anything ever indicated I was a female poster.
>reply to and have banter with would probably find a reason to laugh at you if they saw your instagramThankfully I don't have one, heh. But that's besides the point. I'm sure I've tussled with anons in one thread and empathized with the same anons in another. It doesn't really bother me. In fact I like it because people are less likely to hold grudges and form circles like what happens with traditional forum websites with usernames. I like it, but it sounds like you don't really enjoy it here.
I have loneliness, but not because I'm insufferable. I'm just quiet and I have a hard time reaching out to friends irl, there's secrets that I want to spout into the void that I wouldn't want to burden anyone with. I post thoughts here that I'd never tell anyone otherwise.
No. 371779
>>371775that fair. i guess i was thinking about the anons in particular who refuse to integrate and willingly infight because they will not let something go. ive gotten bans over infighting but that was because i was shitposting and not well, ive never contested that but its so bizarre to see anons bitch about one particular poster when they have no idea they could potentially be speaking to 5
>>371778hmm i think you have me confused with someone else who unironically uses stacy as an argument or tries to stop people from doing something a thread basically tells you to do. keep doing you.
No. 371783
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I just want to vent about something that's giving me really low self-esteem. It's been a few weeks since I broke off with my ex, and ever since a few orbiters have been suddenly appearing out of nowhere. I mean I guess that's just what they do.
They make me feel objectified. Like I really only am an object to them and not a human to know. I don't give off any 'thot' vibes and I'm not really sexual, it just makes me mad how some guys from my past are looking to get a piece and it seems like they don't really care about me as anything else.
>one guy I've known since high school got drunk and asked me for nudes, which is something I do for no one, later apologized and says he regrets not being ready back then for a relationship
>an ex contacted me last night and said how he had a sex dream about me, he's in a long term relationship with an older woman and it made me feel really dirty, it felt like he was testing me as if he thinks I'm low enough to indulge in that talk
>guy I slept with once like several years ago is now trying to court me but hasn't outright said what his intentions are, makes me uncomfortable because he doesn't really make an effort to chat with me much and it just seems like he's really out for his own feelings and amusement and not for me
It's really, really hard for me not to feel like something to be used. I know I'm not respected. I want someone nice who genuinely has an interest, but it's not gonna happen anytime soon so I'm stuck in dealing with these assholes who only care about themselves. I want to be sincerely valued, and apparently for me that's asking a lot.
No. 371797
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Been looking for a job for almost two months now and from 20 applications I only got 1 response back that I might get an interview. The last time it took me 5 months to find something and only had 5 interviews total. It's depressing how little opportunities there are to even apply, and if there is one it's usually a setup to get someone's family member into the company so you end up wasting time anyway.
I'm starting to think I'll start looking for work overseas or some shit. Right now the most sought out professions are nurses and various handymen (plumbers, electricians etc). Also thought about retraining for some of these jobs but somehow I doubt it would get better since I'm a woman. Legit never saw or met a woman doing this stuff in my country now that I think about it.
I'm just so tired of this shit and the high turnover rate most companies have. I'm 23 and I have only 2 years of experience, literally spent 3 years looking for fucking jobs. And of course there are always the smartasses who will say "if you REALLY want to work, you'll find something", yea, I do want to work, but I also want to be able to live off of it. I wish I could afford college or be smart enough to attend so I'd get a degree and fuck off into another country.
No. 371799
>>370848My partner's ex tried to convince him to not block her number because she was ~suicidal and the only one who could help was him by being able to talk her out of it. I had to break it down for him what she was doing or else he was naive enough to be manipulated by this. It's super shitty to try to keep someone in your life in this way when they are trying to rid themselves of your toxic ass.
In this case, she could rely on her family and friends and professionals. Of course she wasn't going to because this was meant to be emotional blackmail and she wasn't suicidal at all. She later tried to call him to say she slit her wrists and so I looked on her social media and she had full body pics up of her looking fine. She just wanted my partner to visit her out of guilt but luckily her plan failed there too.
This has taught me to call the cops on people who threaten this so they are taught this shit isn't a game. Kind of like what happened with Social Repose suicide baiting on Twitter.
I'm so glad that crazy bitch is out of our lives for about 4 years now.
No. 371808
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>>371804Can you not read? Anon said she wanted to be respected and treated like a human, not recieve endless amount of "attention" from degenerate apes looking for a quick fuck.
Don't bother posting next time you neanderthal.
No. 371811
>>371783guys are definitely gross when it comes to "shooting their shot" with newly single women. it's really not reflective of how they view you as a person. men project their own post-breakup behaviors onto ALL women and assume, "hey, she'll be looking for a rebound right about now, it'll be an easy hookup" and they make their move regardless of how they feel about the girl. they're shitty that way, and it's why there are so many memes about sliding into a girl's DMs the instant she's single - they really live that reality.
but tbh it sounds like you already had self-esteem issues before all of this. it always feels shitty to be in a position where you feel objectified, but if a person has a healthy view of themselves, they don't take a significant hit to their self-esteem because a few men made them feel bad. healthy people know what they're worth, they're confident in that, and they don't doubt themselves the instant someone else makes them feel a little bit low, nor do they define their worth by how other people view them. sounds like you need to work on yourself a bit. if you value yourself, that should be all that matters.
No. 371819
>>371810Croatia, in case it sounded familiar to you lol
>>371803Ugh yes, had similar shit happen. Except there were retarded psychology tests involved and "rounds" so if you got into the final round and didn't get picked you basically wasted like 3 weeks for nothing.
I hope you find something soon anon <3
No. 371829
>>371826Economy, haha I know I'm pretty much fucked. My last job was logistics so I'm sort of trying to "branch out" but it's still difficult as fuck
Also congrats on the job! Hope they'll pay you well
No. 371830
>>371797I feel you anon. I've been looking since November. I went to a recruitment agency recently and they told me that sometimes it takes their clients 6 months to find a job. The thing that annoys me the most is that my family all got jobs in this industry 30 years ago with no degree, no relevant experience and no relevant skills so they're under the impression that it's
really easy to get a job but the reality is that all the job listings I see require ridiculous things like 10+ years experience or master's degrees or a big long list of skills that I can only say I have the half of. My family keep pushing me to lie on my CV or apply for things that are way over my head and I just don't have it in me to deceive someone like that. All of my friends from college managed to get jobs basically straight out of college which depresses tf out of me.
I think about moving country a lot too but then I remember that I'd probably just end up having other problems anyway (like rent or the cost of living or bad work environments). Just wanted to say ik it's hard and it's really rough to keep getting rejections (or silence), especially when people around you are finding employment just fine.
No. 371851
>>371797Good luck anon, I've been looking for a new job too. My current one makes me feel trapped and probably is making my mental health recovery go slower than it should, on top of some other factors like the weather, but that's out of my control unless I move out my area of the country.
I've been at a point before where i applied to like 40 different places within two weeks. Thankfully I was able to get hired, but 40 places and only 1 place wanted an interview with me and I was lucky enough to get hired.
I really want to move out of state, though. I already talked to my narc mom about it and she surprisingly didn't hesitate to stop me so maybe in a few weeks I'm gonna talk to HR at my job to see how they can help me, they have branches out where I've been looking. This town is just for old people and kids, it's time to leave. All of my old friends from high school have skipped town. My boyfriend is getting more depressed because of the area we live in, and our cars are clearly not made for this weather.
No. 371861
>>371803>don't even let you know you don't have itThis is the worst part. When I don't get a generic unsuccessful application email I chase them up, but if I ask why I didn't get a job it's always the vague "it was a difficult decision because the numbers of applicants was so high", I can't ever get any concrete advice for why I failed to get the job or what I could improve in.
People always tell me that I just need to build up more experience but I've been working constantly short term jobs in my field for the past 4 years, but haven't been able to find a permanent position after over a year of looking, so I know that's just a bullshit go-to platitude. If I have shit on my face I want to know!
>>371857Wow anon I'm sorry, do your friends and family know? I hope they are there for you during this time
This is probably not helpful but I recently read how there's a lot of research being done on using LSD to help terminally ill patients come to grips with their situation, so that they can live best without anxiety and dread.
No. 371903
>>371891If you think you have PCOS you should get your doctor to do some bloodwork. I take metformin and spironolactone for it.
>>371894I have to be on BC for my PCOS though so like. It's inevitable whether my husband cums in me or not lmao.
No. 371915
>>371912it's probably just pms, chill anon
if you're that worried then take a pregnancy test
No. 371922
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ugh I submitted the fruit of procrastination I mentioned
>>371565 at 11:59 sharp, glad I made it but I'm not thoroughly happy with the result and I know I could've done better if I had bullied myself harder. The intro and structure are good but then my last point and conclusion is quite weak. luckily it's only 10% of my grade for the course so it will mostly be only my self esteem that suffers.
idk what's wrong with me, why do I love making my own life stressful and miserable when it doesn't have to be. hopefully I'll finally learn from this! can finally go to sleep though, ya-ayy, have been awake for 32 hours so I feel thoroughly dead.
No. 371929
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no, studying in uk rn, does my esl english look particulary frenchy?
No. 371992
>>371797I feel you, I’m from Serbia and I’ve been on job hunt as well. All the companies I’ve applied to never contacted me. All but one of my friends got their jobs through connections, and even for them, things aren’t all sunshine and roses. One of my friends worked for half criminal and never got paid out, other friend works illegally…
I recently worked for (ex?) criminal’s wife, they wanted me to work 200+ hours per month for less than minimum wage, but wanted to report that I’m working around around 80 hours so they’d save the money. Couldn’t stand the abuse there either, so i left.
No. 371995
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i feel autistic but i hate "romantic" things. i feel a little nauseated whenever someone talks about how cute their s/o is and others comment on how cuuute it is and everything is so cuuuuute and sweet and cute!! eugh
i've wanted a relationship for awhile but i feel really undesirable, in part because i dislike affectionate words, i hate pet names, i don't like cuddling or holding hands or kissing, i don't like… any of that. i hate talking about "butterflies" and all that shit. it just makes me feel childish and stupid if i relate it to myself and grossed out when others mention it.
idk how to stop being so bitter or whatever i am about romance.
No. 372046
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I know it’s dumb but my inlaws have a magnet on their fridge that says this. Pisses me off every time I think about it lol.
No. 372051
>>372046this is perfect for dog owners. the majority are annoying narcissists who care only about themselves and nothing else.
sucks because i like dogs but god damn do i hate dog owners
No. 372095
>>371995It's when it gets out hand imo. I met this girl and her boyfriend at a concert a few months back and wanted to get to know her as a friend more so than her boyfriend (cuz i really dont like guys in general.)
All she did was go on and on about her boyfriend every conversation online we had, so i just unfollowed her. it was so creepy , like she had no personality of her own.
No. 372164
Back home from the dentist. Got my last wisdom theet removed. While the other ones were actually super ok to deal with and were easy to remove, this one took about 30 minutes to get out and while I'm actually not a crybaby when it comes to pain, I burst out in crying when I was done because this shit was physically and mentally exhausting (it was done with a local anaesthesia). I took me another 10 minutes to come down after all this. Tomorrow I have to go tomorrow back to check up if it's fine because they had to end up cutting it out and sew it. Fuck that, thankfully it was the last one because fuck everything. Fuck this shit.
>>370769Thank you so much! The apartment was a bit smaller than I imagined but still super nice. I expect today or tomorrow a call about if it works out or nah.
No. 372166
>>372151Pedantic farmers unite!
Related: persistent and pervasive grammatical mistakes make my forehead feel tight.
Using her and him in compound subjects
had went, had ran, etc.
ect. for etc.
then for than
drug for dragged
lay for lie
consistently for constantly
No. 372170
>>371699She has therapy, and she used to have therapy-only before. Before antidepressant she's got a bit of breakdown sometimes but when she wasn't like that she seems quite empathetic to begin with.
I'm ready to let her be now, but generally speaking. If she said the drug works at least from her side why are there side effect like this?
No. 372172
>>372170Because that's how anti depressant work.
They make some people better but it's rare they don't come with a mixed bag of side effects. You either stop taking your treatment/switch because they are too much to handle or you bear with whatever night sweat/weight gain/cotton mouth you're stuck with along with the lift in mood.
No. 372173
>>372170Also, as anon said, it's normal to have a shitty period where suddenly you have more energy to do things (whereas you were lethargic before) but you still feel like shit. It's also a dangerous moment (suicide attempts happen during this time).
Maybe she's feeling somewhat better and more energetic but yeah, that's still not great so she's snappy af.
No. 372175
>>372171Listen. I have been exactly where you are. My ex on my birthday slashed himself up and took a bag of pills because I didn't want him. I had to call the police. He kept threatening.
Guess what. That fucker is well and truly alive. I was too scared to leave because he kept threatening to kill himself etc etc etc and it took new friends I made to give me the push to leave, knowing he's bullshitting.
It'll be difficult and he won't leave you alone, but change numbers and phones, make sure he doesn't have your family's numbers and take out a restraining order if needed.
You got this! I promise. Don't let this fucktard steal any more of your life.
No. 372181
>>372177I was his only friend too and he was jobless.
Change your contact and block from all social media, I promise you won't regret cutting ties.
No. 372185
>>372171Just get away, change numbers, ignore him
My ex did the same when I broke up with him, he would call me and say "I'm killing myself if you don't go out with me today" and stuff like that, sometimes he got angry and threatened me "I'm going to kill you I know where you live"
It's horrid but usually they're just desperate cowards that deserve no attention
No. 372193
>>372171Holy shit, that sounds God fucking awful. No matter what happens: you are not responsible.
No human being is responsible for keeping a suicidal, manipulative, obsessive jackass alive.
Please, please, please get away and seek help for yourself. I can't imagine the strain on your soul because of this.
If he dies, it's on him and only him, not you! Never. You are your own person. He doesn't own you
No. 372196
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I have been screaming for so long, I have forgotten what there is to scream about
No. 372208
>>372206Don't be naive, anon. Of course it's intentional. He wants you to be at his beck and call. Knowing he's spoiling moments for you is probably enhoyable to him.
Just block. He can't threaten you if he can't get a hold of you.
No. 372329
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I had to put down my childhood dog today. It hurts but his health was getting worse and my family didn't want him to be in pain anymore. We all knew this was going to happen eventually, but, god, I still can't even process it. I miss him so much.
No. 372389
>>372326Yea anon I'm still going to see men that encourage and pay for sex work as depravate even if I'm a hypocrite. A lot of women aren't forced into sex work but are influenced by their financial circumstances. I'll soon be free from this kind of work as I will be able to pay for my college.
There's a lot of studios for camgirls in the country that I live in and all are owned by men and some women are even held as hostages in there. I even had a friend that unfortunately committed suicide 3 months ago. She ended up working at a so called studio after her father died and her house burnt down but they didn't protect her identity and they used her real name to promote her on pornhub without her knowledge and her friends found out and she entered a very strong depressive episode. I mean sure, the women doing it are whores and depravates and whatever you want to name them but I think men that use or work in the industry are 10 time worse.
No. 372461
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I've just seen the Aladdin trailer and it looks terrible. The Beauty and the Beast was awful and the trailer didn't even look that bad. With this I have no idea what they were thinking.
No offence to indian anons here, but it looks like a Bollywood movie and lacks the arabian setting the animated movie had. Everything about it looks trash.
I just wish Disney started creating original stuff instead of rehashing my childhood.
>>372406> Maybe I'm just not used to using money on things that are not objectively useful/necessary and I feel bad because of that…Same thing with me. I always overthink after purchasing and have buyer's regret even though I barely use the money for anything but bills and food. I should renew my wardrobe but I keep postponing it.
But this mindset is not healthy. Some things are not necessary but they do make life a lot easier or more convenient. I'm trying to convince myself that I should indulge myself a little bit here and then.
As for the hairdryer I doubt you will have problems. It's not an item where you see signs of usage immediately.
No. 372464
>>372329Hey anon, you gave that dog a whole entire life of love and safety and affection. Losing a pet hurts so much, but at least you know he’s not hurting or scared and will never have to lose you. That dog had you there to love him and easing their pain when they’re sick or old is the kindest thing to do.
Hope the grief doesn’t weigh you down too much anon. You gave your dog a good life, and a better death than lots of people get.
No. 372479
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I know a watch can't 100% accurately tell your VO2Max but mine dropped from 41 to 36 in 5 months and it's bumming me out. The only way to get it back up would be to do more cardio, which I don't want to do since I'm basically bulking and I mostly do strength training anyway. I know I shouldn't care but some days this stupid shit gives me anxiety.
No. 372574
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Today was supposed to be the day my ex texted me so we could meet up and give me the rest of the money he promised to owe me back for buying him groceries and other shit when we were together, as well as a book and some other things I had left over there. Unsurprisingly, he ignored my outgoing text after I waited all day, and ignored my phone call. I texted him thanks for the lesson in abuse and to keep the money because it wasn't worth it to keep his terrible ass in the back of my mind anymore.
I blocked him on my phone and deleted him from all social media. He blocked me on fb after I unfriended him. A part of me knew he wouldn't keep his word because he's a desperate liar.
The real tragedy is that he will repeat this with another woman probably very soon. I don't even trust how many exs he had now or the way he broke up with them because of how he twisted the narrative when he abused me and then promptly erased my existence from his social media when we were over. He's a liar, dangerous, and will hurt someone else and there's nothing I can do except pick up the pieces he broke off me and move on. It's one of the shortest relationships I've ever had yet one of the men I've ever hated so much before.
No. 372597
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my mom and i usually get along but this shit is annoying as fuck.
>mom runs etsy store, she buys and sells vintage stuff, most of it is pretty cool
>house is flooded with her vintage shit
>buys way too much shit even though we can afford it
>drives me fucking crazy
>when no one is home, i take any new stuff she gets and put it downstairs. we actually have a big house and the basement is nice, a lot of surfaces.
>she is actually fine with this
>mfw realize my mom is a lazy shit at home and pretty much doesn't move her new shit ever until i put it downstairs
>running out of space to put things
>dad installs shelves downstairs for her
>still running out of space
>mom keeps buying more and more shit
>cant help but be pretty mad at her for this, its not the only way she makes messes
>mom keeps projecting even though i am incredibly organized, i never lose things or forget things, same with my dad, we are pretty minimalistic and like to keep things in order
>mom bitches about how things barely fit in the house in general, mostly if it's dishware i bought that i actually fucking use, not my fault you have a problem buying too much fucking shit that we don't even use and you can't be fucked to ever clean anything out or throw out shit, which is something i do often in the house
>she keeps bitching anyway every day about how she's lost something once again in the sea of Her Shit
>"anon where did you put this i need to ship it"
>"if its not up here, its downstairs."
>mom pouting angrily over how she can never find anything
>i go downstairs, find it within a minute, bring it to her
>i try to hint at her for the 45934085th time to fucking get her shit together by saying "just so you know i am running out of space to put everything."
>she is quiet and mad at me once again, like a petulent child
>mfw i really need to move out
No. 372598
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I’m currently trying to find change in my car/house so i can afford some type of dinner. Probably will have to be something cheap from the gas station. I work a full time job but it just isn’t fucking enough when my bills and rent take my entire paycheck. What really fucking kills me though, is my family. My brothers are neets who’ve never held a job nor moved out of the house. I’m the only one who’s made an effort, worked shitty jobs, moved out, pay my own way, meanwhile my siblings get to sit on their asses in a nice comfy house, eat whatever they want, play vidya all day and night, and my family hands them cash and gift cards and groceries. I just don’t fucking get it. If I didn’t hate my family so much for enabling this bullshit maybe I’d move back in for the cushy life, but instead I’m here counting crusty coins, knowing it’ll never be enough to live a comfortable life that my brothers get for just existing.
No. 372606
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>>372519>>372151There is a terminology thread if anyone is interested: >>>/meta/1706
I could've sworn there was a better and more accurate one here on lolcow, though. It's where I learned the proper difference between doubleposting and samefagging. This one seems a little off.
No. 372621
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>>372474>>372464This is so sweet, I keep reading both your replies over again and crying. I can't tell you how badly I needed to hear this. Thank you. He loved my family and me unconditionally so the least we could do was ease his pain. The next few weeks will be hard, but he will no longer suffer and that's what matters the most.
No. 372773
>>372769>Stop being sympathetic towards TiFs, they're still gender traitors!!! don't give me this bullshit about them being the victim of a misogynist society!!! I pretty much never see this though… there's occasional comments that are like
>why aren't you guys as harsh on mtfs???And everyone responds saying that they have internalized misogyny, want to escape being seen sexually, etc. The worst of it is hating on fakebois for their blatant gay fetishizing and hypocritically shaming other fujos for it, but mostly people have sympathy for them even if they think it's bullshit.
In regards to the rest, I do see a fair bit of that. But anons are angry and venting a lot of the time because there aren't that many other places you can do so. I certainly can't blame lesbians for being sick to death of fake bisexuals, or any women for being sick of pornified fetishes that almost always conveniently involve degrading women, if those are the hills people choose to die on then they've probably just had excessive exposure to it compared to other issues.
No. 372783
>>372780>There are novels, comics and artwork When anons say 'porn' they mean actual filmed/photographed porn of real people, not art or literature. Or at least, I've never seen any posts to contradict that assumption while I've seen many posts defending BL comics and so on.
As far as I can tell, the thing that bothers most radfem anons is women shouting their love for submission from the rooftops. Nobody gives a shit if women have fantasies unless they are tarring us all with the same brush, men see one woman claim she wants to be raped and suddenly we all do.
No. 372798
>>372769i can't stand people like this that refuse to call yourself something you claim to believe in because four people you dislike act 'spergy' about it. how spineless are you? pornsickness is bad for both men and women though and retarded and/or harmful fetishes should be thoroughly shamed. if you can't stand catching heat for your retarded fetishes that are unhealthy, keep them off lolcow? i respect the anons that acknowledge how stupid their fetishes are and don't piss their pants like this. and a lot of 'bisexual' women make bad names for real bisexual women and plenty of bi women acknowledge that it harms them and their community, wyd?
like, i hate so called 'leftists' now but i'm not going to back down from calling myself one because leftism has been hijacked by fat failsons in striped sockings w baby carrot cocks, bad hair, and no work ethic
>>372780>The "women can't enjoy porn because it's always about degrading them" narrative is stupid, not all porn is live action and not all of it is made for men. you sound kind of retarded tbh. they're talking about actual live porn being harmful to women. and drawn porn, or real porn, can be created by women and allegedly "for" women but not actually be women focused, you know. there's plenty of shit that's claimed to be "for women" but obviously isn't. and tbh porn in general is bad for relationships but w/e
No. 372804
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>tfw just purged a giant amount of friends since many were inactive for years/posted nothing but shitty memes/turned into facebook moms.
It feels relieving to get rid of all these people, especially ones I've known since high school. But looking back on previous posts when we all used to talk,I can't help but feel kinda sad about it.
No. 372806
>>372803it's not reeing, you just have a painfully low threshold for being mildly criticized. there are plenty of anons that admit they do this or that or like this or that but they acknowledge it's not great for them or others and don't advocate it instead of getting irrationally offended because someone points out how it's probably not the best for them
and again, like four girls on an imageboard is not all of radical feminism or even remotely representative of radical feminism, like, at all, so
No. 372810
>>372807>Stop blaming women for mysoginistic mens retardation. It’s not any woman’s fault these mysoginists only have two brain cells aren’t able to comprehend that we’re individuals and not a hive mindyes, obviously the men are the larger problem, but the women shouting about how they love submission should be informed about how it's harmful and how their vocalization of this particular fetish is harmful to other women, because it's already so, so heavily pushed at every corner, to the point where literal tweens and pre-tweens are wearing 'daddys girl' crop tops, ffs. the submission female fetish is a meme anyways and the more women are made cognizant of it, the more they can see how damaging it is and how vulnerable it makes them. why does it seem like you guys are under the impression that women can't be informed about how or why something is harmful and, ideally, should not be bragged about, if they know it's harmful? ideally, women should try to condition themselves out of these fetishes, if possible. if not for the interest of all women, but more importantly, for their own safety. it literally makes them vulnerable and prey to predatory men. women's behavior can be critiqued too. you assume and act like men aren't being shit on at the same time, but they are?
No. 372812
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screaming for the voiceless
No. 372813
>>372810I don’t post about any of my kinks, but it’s utterly stupid to blame the women in this scenario. You could extend this to anything men do and instead blame women for it - men rape? It’s because of those women that dress scantily. Men demand nudes? It’s because of the minority of the population that are camgirls. Men abuse wives? It’s because women nag.
Abusive and mysoginitic men will be this way regardless of whether or not you shame women for behaviour that ultimately only affects them on a paersonal level. A small population of women enjoying masochism or taking it up the ass is not the reason why women as a whole are seen as men’s sex toys to be abused. And in the grand scheme of things, some woman wanting her sexual partner to pull her hair or call her a slut while getting fucked is none of your concern unless it involves unconsenting parties, these women are capable of making their own informed decisions and don’t need to you speaking on their behalf
No. 372827
>>372813>but it’s utterly stupid to blame the women in this one is BLAMING women. what we're doing is saying that this shit that is harmful for women and girls doesn't need to be signal boosted BY WOMEN in a community of outcasted girls and women when they have literally the rest of the internet to seek out asspats for, and when men are blaring this shit in our ears 24/7. as an example, tumblr is a community made up largely of females but them hyping shit men want as being aesthetic and desirable, like this uwu loli baby daddy bullshit DOES NOT HELP, and it has culminated in a generation of outcasted internet girls romanticizing predatory men and predatory situations. women being even unknowing footsoliders of the patriarchy should be alerted to the harms of their behavior. it's not a crime, and you're not being victimized for it, and women aren't the ones being primarily blamed, but their being complicit needs to be recognized, or else everything men want flies under the radar of "BUT SOME WOMEN WANT IT!!", no matter how harmful it is.
>And in the grand scheme of things, some woman wanting her sexual partner to pull her hair or call her a slut while getting fucked is none of your concern unless it involves unconsenting parties, these women are capable of making their own informed decisions and don’t need to you speaking on their behalfkek, that's just golden, anon. it's none of our concern… when they insist on making it public?
>Masochism is in no way deserving of more criticism than sadism, stop absolving men of their responsibility because of a small minority of women.we have a whole thread of dedicated to shitting on men for this shit, retard. sorry that women who insist on being complicit in bragging about their regressive fetishes on the literal one space of the internet that might disagree with the ethics and safety of it, aren't getting asspats and approval and are instead told to analyze their actions for their own safety. and again, we have a literal whole thread dedicated to rightfully blaming men for pushing this bullshit on women, so it truly sounds like you're just irrationally assmad that you can't shout from the rooftops about how much you love whatever regressive bullshit you're into
and it's also not a small minority of women. a decent amount of women are memed into this and that's why they should be reminded to analyze their desires/fetishes, especially before signal boosting shit that men already want us to believe and desire, for their benefit.
No. 372828
>>372827You guys keep wrongfully assuming I’m a masochist, I’m just sick of women being frequently berated over masochism while judgement of sadistic men is kept to a single thread and sadistic women are celebrated.
And just because some retards have no social filter and don’t understand that their sex life shouldn’t be displayed doesn’t mean that they’re somehow not a minority. A vast majority of women aren’t masochistic.
No. 372842
>>372828>You guys keep wrongfully assuming I’m a masochist, I’m just sick of women being frequently berated over masochism while judgement of sadistic men is kept to a single thread and sadistic women are celebrated. >I’m just sick of women being frequently berated over masochism while judgement of sadistic men is kept to a single thread>kept to a single threadare you serious? is this your first day here???? we literally cannot speak about it in other threads without getting banned or reported, and when manhate threads are active, we are told to keep it to the containment thread. when it was spoken about in other threads anons were getting reported for being femcels and people were crying in /meta/ to completely ban complaints about men and suggesting permabanning 'manhaters' or radfems, ffs.
>A vast majority of women aren’t masochistic.the majority of women into masochism are memed into it, but polling suggests that too many women are 'into' it. the issue is that they're not actually conscious of the harms of it and how it is shoehorned into women for male's pleasure.
No. 372847
>>372842>we literally cannot speak about it in other threads without getting banned or reportedThis is literally part of the fucking problem, the berating of women’s sexuality is allowed everywhere but men are somehow above criticism
>majority of women into masochism are memed into itAgain, women aren’t a hive mind and are capable of making their own decisions and plenty will form kinks you don’t agree with without outside influences.
Treating women like inept retards that need to be guided through life by you turns them away from your ideology.
Also, you completely ignored how female sadism is celebrated, I’d really like to see your reasoning behind this. Being as abusive as our oppressors is neither empowering nor progressive
No. 372867
There might be a femdom thread on lolcow which is tolerated but in no way is female dominance and sadism celebrated in general society. Sadism shouldn't be celebrated anyway. I'd say a reason to be more critical of the promotion of female masochism is that it may actually lead to girls and women being hurt irl while it's not common for men to be victims of female violence.
No. 372873
>>372867>in no way is female dominance and sadism celebrated in general societyRight, that’s why there’s so often femdom characters in mainstream media and femdom lines in lingerie. Which I’ve never understood, because it’s all subby shit just with an angry model wearing red lipstick.
Also I’ve been talking about lolcow specifically, not general society - even in all female space women are more likely to be criticised than men
No. 372894
>>372889And if female dominance was celebrated the world would look very different, the US would have had at least one female president for example. Sadly a lot of men and even women have a problem with women in powerful positions. You can forget about something as extreme as women being sexually sadist being generally approved of.
If it was so then the mainstream porn industry would look very different. Right now it's favourite thing is men degrading and abusing women - teenage girls even.
No. 372913
>>372828I agree with you. The femdoms on this site are screeching retards though who are mad at anyone who isn't EXACTLY like them so they won't stop talking shit about sub women. No matter how feminist femdom anons pretend to be, they're just cringey brats.
I miss the thread when they were shamed for posting abuse of little anime boys. Fucking gross.
No. 372929
>>372913You mean when even some femdom anons agreed that those anime boy pictures were gross and still got screeched at?
I'd like to see an example of female subs on here get any actual shit simply for being subs. I only hear anons complain about it in these type of threads, I never see it.
I have only seen one that acted like a victim when anons told her that having babies with a much, much older man who wanted her to be submissive was a bad idea.
No. 372947
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>>372944i dont read your shitty chinese cartoons but is this girl also not supposed to be a high school student too punching her high school bf or whatever? i dont like these pics but 'little boys' is a stretch when the girl looks younger than he does, but is (i assume) similarly aged. anon obv was trying to frame it as if it was legit shota or something, come on.
No. 372971
>>372963I've noticed this too.
>>372960 is probably right on the money.
No. 372988
>>372987Fuck I hate bosses like this. They are truly evil, demented people.
I can guarantee you they would take off time for something way less serious and not even think twice about it.
I feel for you anon, stay strong.
No. 372995
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Tomorrow's valentines day and there's still no discount on any type of chocolate. Come on
No. 373015
>>372970tbh there are few situations where your emotional response is "unreasonable". You feel that way for a reason. it might not be clear why exactly at first, like maybe it's something subconscious/not surface level, but your emotions can't just "stop" and you should try to figure out
why you're feeling "unreasonably upset" and address that rather than being mad at yourself for feeling feelings.
>>372995they will be on sale on the 15th. They're not gonna sell it for anything but full price before the day because they know people who are looking for last-minute gifts will buy it at a higher price out of desperation. Check on Friday, there will definitely be like 25-75% off sales. Unless you're looking for a last-minute gift, then it's stupid to expect to find anything on sale, because they know suckers like you will pay more out of necessity.
Valentine's is widely commercialized to the point where it's not even about actual love anymore, it's about expressing your love through how much money you're willing to spend on the people. stupid capitalism ruining celebrations of emotion by making it about monetary value instead
No. 373017
>>372987>two week's advancedI'd lose my job or get written up because I couldn't resist on calling out how retarded this is after reaming about how I couldn't have possibly prepared a two week's notice for an unplanned family emergency. Stupid bitch.
Something similar happened when I was working part time at a discount fashion retail when going to grad school. My grandpa had been in the hospital, but one morning my parents called me and told me to start driving (which was 2hrs away) because he was passing. Which he did. I absentmindedly forgot to call work about it because I was in a frenzy to try to get there, and letting my professors know about my absence which was way more important. I was scheduled a whole 4 hours. My supervisor calls me whining about it and I told her what was happening and how I wasn't in a position to deal with it that day. Sorry. Call one of the other students to come man the dressing room station for a few hours, or she could do it.
I got written up, not paid, and I didn't care. Fuck them.
No. 373067
>>372954In all honesty I don't even think they themselves believe it's ~pedophilia~, they just don't like the aesthetic or the subject matter so they bring up whichever shitty moral debate that fits the situation. These are the same people who claim a fictional 18 year old&17 year old couple is pedophilia because they don't like the pairing. It's pretty hard to look at
>>372947 and think they're children. Yeah, teenagers probably, but actual kids? That's grasping at straws. You're allowed to dislike something without pretending to be the internet ethics police.
No. 373125
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I'm renting an airbnb for about three weeks in a new city until I get my own job/place but I still feel extremely awkward leaving my room to do anything, even eat.
They hosts are laid back and nice, but for some reason they're home all day/never leave the house so I'm constantly around them if I do leave.
How the fuck do I get over my awkwardness? I just hate feeling like I'm being judged for staying in the room I paid for lol
No. 373132
>>373127Yeah I should do that! I'm just waiting on a SIM so I can have data and not get lost. They live out in the suburbs so it's a 35+ minute walk to any food/things to do and the busses only run every 30 min too. You're kind of fucked here if you don't live in the dead center/have a car.
>>373130Man I didn't even really think of that, good point. I've just read some hosts really hate when the guests stay in all day but I don't really have much choice since I moved here from another country/have nothing. Plus dang it, I paid good money to be here.
Thank you guys for the support haha.
No. 373134
>>373125that's super weird. Do they not have jobs or do they work from home?
Either way, i like what the other anon suggested about finding cool things to go and see in the new city. I'm always really bummed when i rent an airbnb and the hosts are there.
No. 373210
Sorry in advance for the novel.
I hate my job so fucking much. I got fed up with my old job and abruptly quit to work here and at first I thought I made the right choice but I really, really, didn't. This job spikes my anxiety so much, my depression has gotten worse, and I truly dread each and every day. I can't even enjoy my days off because I know I'll just have to go back to hell the next day. I have this constant feeling that I don't belong, whereas my old job was comfy and I felt truly valued. I can't believe I was so stupid to think otherwise.
The thing is, I'm leaving for uni in about three weeks, so I keep telling myself to just suck it up, even though it's miserable at least I'll be free soon, right? But I'd like to work during breaks so I can make some side money, and I absolutely do not want to come back here to work. I keep thinking about how nice it would be to go to my old job in the summer… I used to love working in the summer cause it was so slow and relaxing.
An issue came up tonight where they want me to work tomorrow even though I can't. I have a class I go to every Thursday morning and when I was hired I made it very clear to them that I could never work Thursday mornings because of this obligation. It's on my availability sheet, so whoever makes the schedule knows not to put me on during that time. And of fucking course they put me on the schedule for Thursday morning this week. I spoke to my manager about it the other day and she said it would be fine for me to come in later. Now something changed and my other manager told me I can't come in later anymore, I was scheduled for this time and I should've spoken to someone earlier about it, it's too late to change it now, whatever. I know it's really minor but it pisses me off so bad and this class I take is one of the only things I enjoy anymore. Technically I could skip it, but I pay fucking money to attend, and after this week I only get two more classes before I have to leave for university. I don't want to have to change my schedule around because some asshole can't make a schedule properly. It's a minor thing but it's just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that I have to deal with every day. I think I've reached my breaking point.
I want to quit on the spot so badly. I know I shouldn't and it would be such a douche move to my coworkers but I'm miserable. My old manager at my previous job really liked me as an employee and I'm certain he would let me come back if I asked. I'm so tempted, but I'm way too much of a pansy to have the balls to actually call up and quit on the spot. But god, I want to so badly. I hate myself so badly for thinking quitting my first job was a good idea. I should've stayed there.
No. 373221
>>373219>Just glanced at the front pageThere's your issue, although it's my fault, instead of saying visiting, I should have used the word subbed
It's tilting because it's filled with barely wavy, untamed, full of self promotions and stupid "what hair curl am I?" post.
No. 373227
>>373219>tiltedfucking "tilted"? great we have to learn a fucking new contrived redundant ghetto/drag queen slang word which we already had perfectly good words for and yet had to learn a new word last week too
fucking tilted fuck off (whatever it means)
i hate that social media shows shitnerdy white people the "cool black people's" slang and they fucking gleefully start spouting it everywhere online even though if you were in a group of people in real life and you said "it bops" "i'm tilted" people would just be cringing so hard for you or wanting to hurt you
have some fucking maturity and use your own words. step back and see that you have a culture already you fucking frivolous desperate suck-ons
No. 373243
>>373227Why are you replying to my post with this autistic shit? I was just saying what OP said.
>>373236Autist #2.
No. 373244
>>373210You have to think about yourself and not your coworkers. If you made your availability clear at the start of your hire date, that's bullshit that they are changing it up on you.
What job are you at, if you don't mind me asking? Anyway, if you can't take it, just leave. Most people stay at their jobs for obligation to bills/mortgage, bit there is no shortage of work unless you live in the middle of nowhere.
No. 373268
>>373252It's fantastic your old boss is willing to rehire you, anon! I work retail and there are a lot of bullshit changes (like management and bosses ) going on too that is making me look for work elsewhere.
Definitely quit. You can do it! Try to be 'nice' about it, but i believe in you.
No. 373273
>>373221Most tight waves/loose curls will look like they barely have a wave at the beginning of someone’s transition if they have never treated their hair correctly, as someone with curly you should be able to empathise with this fact. I’m also going to assume you’re non-white while they are white as that’s usually who gets so upset by this - Caucasian and especially blonde hair is different from yours, it’s finer so it’s going to be much more relaxed at the beginning of its transition but still be completely unmanageable.
Fuck, of all the things to gatekeep why curly hair.
No. 373285
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>>365379I just want to know the FUCKING INSTRUMENTS used on the Inside Forest Haven OST. With all the other miniscule details and lore zelda wikipedias have gathered, you'd think there would be some sort of list of this!!!
No. 373289
>>373273It's a vent thread, just let people vent. There's no gatekeeping being done here. I'm Middle Eastern.
>>373227This sad bait is sad, fuck off. Tilted is old. Your post is sad, take a break. I've never seen anyone /ghetto/ use tilted.
No. 373307
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I was at the store with my two year old and an old man who worked there said “you’re pretty” to her, then he looked at me and was like “well not as pretty as you, but almost” um. Wtf.
No. 373320
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>>373307men are a mistake, i s2g
No. 373326
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Relapsing w my eating disorder
Y couldn't this happen during summer when I have little responsibility but it has to happen during uni season when shit actually matters
Love it xoxooxoxox I totally don't want to kill myself
No. 373376
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triggered me anon, men don't deserve their metabolism
No. 373382
>>373370God, the ease of male dieting pisses me off. Men just don't get it, because they see going to the gym as more of a sacrifice than dieting and like to pretend that all we have to do is eat less, we don't even have to work out. But they cannot fathom having to restrict your diet to 1200 (or even less if you're short) like we do. Obviously the energy you can consume is relative to your size so it's not like men don't get hungry cutting calories too, but in reality it's just so fucking inflexible and impractical to have such a low intake. There's no wiggle room for us, it's nearly impossible to eat restaurant portions (which, surprise suprise, are man sized), you can't eat spontaneously and have to plan everything because the meals and snacks that fit into a 1200 calorie diet are so limited. I can acknowledge that body building is really hard diet-wise and ripped /fit/ guys restrict a lot too, but average guys can eat what they want AND build some attractive muscle without dieting strictly.
Since this is the vent thread I also want to say I despise the pretense that '1200 is plenty'. It's not, it's fucking miserable unless you have inhumanly healthy preferences and the opportunity to prepare all your meals. We should all just admit that dieting sucks balls instead of forcing positive attitudes about it, at least we can bond and relate over our suffering.
No. 373390
>>373381aww anon, sending you a virtual hug.
Claire's death was so sudden, and the surgery was successful… It broke my heart too, I followed her surgery updates very closely, she was one of my rolemodels.
Proud of you anon, hope you'll get where you want. This is the best way to honor her.
No. 373393
I work in a restaurant because I'm a college loser. Anyway, I got a takeout call, and the lady described what she wanted, asked me what was in it, and ok-ed the order. She comes to get it and leaves. An hour later I get a call from her husband, yelling at me, calling the food shitty, saying the order was wrong, and demanding a remake or a refund tomorrow. My bosses blame me even though the lady had me describe the dish to her and accepted it. I spent the rest of my shift pretty upset because I'm sensitive or whatever, but I'm mad now. I'm mad that some entitled, rich brat talked to me like I was a piece of shit. I want to get over it because I'm not the ass who got angry over some food, but it's hard to let it go.
No. 373397
>>373393Anon, I’m sorry you’re being treated this way. It honestly sounds like a scam to me as I don’t see how you can order food, ask what was in it, presumably modify if need be, and then call up claiming it was bad? Like if it tastes bad cook it yourself idiots.
Plus did the husband give any specifics as to why they food supposedly was so horrible? Didn’t put sauce in the bag, forgot a napkin? This is how you get foreign objects inserted in your sandwich.
It sucks too because so many businesses side with the abuse and let people get away with crap like this since “the customer is always right”. Just because you’re making minimum wage doesn’t invalidate your humanity. You deserve to be treated right and customers need to get their shit together.
No. 373404
>>373382do you lurk r/1200isplenty? because i thought it would be great diet advice but it’s hust fucking depressing, full of women with low key disorderd eating talking about how eating two carrots just made them SO FULL and how they “just can’t fathom eating more!”
sometimes i want to go back to being really skinny again, im short and doing one meal a day and planning on adding a gym routine to that. but i think women age better and can look better with a little bit of chub on them. jennifer tilly is 60 and still looks good and she’s never been stick thin.
No. 373410
>>373397Thanks, anon. It wasn't missing sauce or napkins, but the wife ordered the wrong type of pasta. He called to tell me the food was shit. Didn't explain why.
It's not my shift tomorrow, or else it would be crotch or foot pasta. I'll be blocking their number from the restuarant phone when I get back in. I'm upset enough to cross into crazy-person territory because I also have their phone number and address. I want to stop myself and will, but I really am angry. A quick search pulled him up as a college football player and the son of a local construction company owner.
No. 373427
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i'm playing otome games and feeling lonely on valentine's day.
No. 373443
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having a scream
No. 373533
>>373524Look up Luxottica. They are a huge, near monopoly that is controlling the eyewear industry and pretty much own EVERY single brand under the sun (Ray-Ban, Guess glasses, Chanel etc). It's pretty much an open secret and they keep acquiring new brands so they can put whatever prices they feel like.
I really recommend simply getting an eye test done so you can have your actual numbers and using an online glasses store to get them made (like zenioptical or something).
No. 373535
>>373388How hard is it for people with PCOS to lose weigh?
>>Weighs self everyday Yeah so you probably shouldn't do that
No. 373539
>>373533> Look up Luxottica. They are a huge, near monopoly that is controlling the eyewear industry and pretty much own EVERY single brand under the sun That's infuriating! I was wondering why every single piece of eyewear + prescription lenses costs a fortune.
I just watched a few videos on that company and it's unbelievable that something like that is allowed in the 21st century.
> I really recommend simply getting an eye test done so you can have your actual numbers and using an online glasses store to get them made (like zenioptical or something).Thank you! Yeah, I was checking out zenni optical and heard good stuff about it from other anons here. It's my only hope now.
No. 373570
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Idk if anyone cares but I'm
>>373210 and I did end up quitting on the spot this morning. It was a petty, bitchy move just ditching them abruptly without any notice and my boss was understandably pissed but I kinda don't give a fuck. I'm never gonna see these people again and it was a shitty minimum wage retail job, I don't care about burning bridges since I already have my old, better job lined up anyway.
A year ago I would've thrown up from the anxiety of upsetting and disappointing people and now… I don't really care. I've been a doormat my entire life and I'm sick of it. I was screwed over so many times for so long and I don't care if I'm screwing them over now. Petty but whatever. I came home, downed two beers, and I'm looking forward to having a nice weekend to myself. I haven't felt this light and free in years.
No. 373584
Why are anons here so sensitive when it comes to making fun of vaginas? Specifically outties
Seriously, they have no problem bashing women's skin, face, hair, noses, literally any sort of natural breasts here get bashed, stomachs, hips, butts, legs, etc but the second you make fun of outties you must be an evil 14 yr old bot
No. 373594
>>373579You deserve better than this. Your daughter deserves better than this. Would you rather be raised in a more content, divided home or have married parents who resent each other and are constantly on edge/ignoring each other? Do you really want your daughter to grow up thinking that a normal relationship is one where the husband should treat his wife as nothing more than an object to serve them, and that it's totally acceptable to pick porn and other selfish, degenerate shit over his own family?
I hope that soon you'll be able to find someone who gives you the love, gifts and overall respect you deserve. No woman should have to put up with this.
No. 373599
>>373570This was quite inspiring anon, good for you. I'm learning to leave situations that are unfavorable as soon as possible and establishing more boundaries (abusive household). Our situations may seem unrelated, but your post is reassuring and motivating.
>>373576I've felt similarly before, have you considered possibly having OCD? What you described can be a symptom, or a diagnoses in itself (hypochondriac). I've been diagnosed with OCD and I can get pretty paranoid about my health. My family has a history of lung cancer, and anytime I have any illness of the lungs I panic. I often reflect back on times I had severe lung conditions as a child and wonder if they're related to my genetics in some way.
>>373579What you're going through is unacceptable. You need to have a serious talk with your husband, and if need be, see a marriage counselor. Your relationship seems unequal, which will cause a lot of strife if you secretly resent him, and also lower your efforts to match him. This is just my opinion, but continue to be a good wife, not for your husband, but as an example to your daughter. Use your ethic as evidence to your husband he is slacking, if you give up, he might use that against you.
No. 373604
>>373584Sperg theory:
Probably because most of us use the internet/forums a lot, and are exposed to sexist men that make commentary on the desirability of a woman based on her appearance, using terms like roastie to imply a woman is ugly, unfeminine, and/or lowered in worth.
When you've been exposed to that toxicity enough, it takes a toll on your self esteem. Girls come to lolcow as a safe space, it's our 4chan. When people make negitive comments about vaginas, it's not surprising that girls on here will get defensive. They're being reminded of their insecurities from reading too many fucking incel posts.
No. 373605
>>373601This is why I hate when people say that pro ana sites are not at fault/can't cause EDs and that the person must have already been messed up beforehand. They absolutely do, especially when it comes to young and impressionable teens.
If I hadn't browsed ana blogs I wouldn't even have come up with all those crazy "diets" I did.
As a normal person the skinniest people you encounter are models in fashion magazines - yet on those sites you have people looking like this, but saying how fat they are and showing you inspo of girls with even lower bmis.
No. 373606
>>373586But people make fun of breasts all the time, hell look at the boob size threads and literally every anon there bashed any breast size or shape possible
What makes vaginas different?
No. 373609
>>373596I deleted two years ago now, I do believe, I don't know how much has changed. I remember using the site back when it had a 2005 wordpress blog vibe, and the apple on the front page with the map of the world carved in it. I loved that site, it was my safe space. Most people were supportive, not of my ED, but me. I remember using the chats and the older women there were begging me to stay safe, not try any diets, and generally to protect myself. When I talked about my home life, they were the first to confirm it as abusive and recommend I call CPS. When MPA switched over to that new forum style, the sense of community went to crap and I didn't use it as often, if at all.
No. 373612
>>373601exactly it's fucking disgusting. they hide behind this facade of 'oh we're pro recovery guis lol we're here to help!' when literally they have the term 'pro ana' in the fucking name of the website. a 10 minute glance at the shit that's posted on there will give you a realistic picture of what it actually is. giving out tips, encouraging others to keep starving, suicide-baiting, self diagnosing with every single mental illness under the sun for attention, posting pics of their severely underweight bodies and saying 'omg im so fat' knowing it will
trigger others and so on. and if you dare say something that's not entierly sugarcoated (or stevia-coated) you'll get your ass handed to you. i'm anorexic but can't relate to these attention whores at all. i wish these sites were b& because they're the gateway to developing a full blown dangerous eating disorder, as you said. EDs are not classical mental illnesses, it's not an imbalance in your brain, it's something you develop, like any addiction; and being exposed to this content will most likely send you down that path.
No. 373620
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>>369847Replying late as hell but like other anons pointed trying to seek treatment at a hospital is a bad idea. Hospitalizations are for emergencies/people who are a danger to themselves or others. I've been hospitalized twice and hated it. The second time I went tho, I learned from some art therapist that they aren't necessarily there to help you, or treat you, but to make sure you are "stable" enough to be released/outside.
They'll usually put you on high doses of medication to speed up that process because you are being monitored 24/7 and can immediately help if something goes wrong. Psychiatrists don't have the luxury of monitoring you 24/7 or the ability to help you out if immediate attention is needed which is why they start you our with low doses and slowly raise it.
I personally have a bad pattern of wanting to kill myself or self harming at the smallest inconveniences (like someone being even slightly rude…) I don't think regular therapy is useful in these cases because it's more of an issue of changing learned behavior rather than talking to someone because you feel bad (because it doesn't challenge the way you think.) The anons telling you to try a behavioral therapist are definitely right. Finding a good therapist is also difficult, and sometimes you'll have to try different meds to find one that works if you need that.
I know it seems hopeless and pointless, I'm a 25+ old NEET with a few diagnosed illnesses and receiving no government help. Honestly it would be easier to kill myself. But I remember a social worker once told me that I could kill myself but only if I promised that I would try everything in my power to get better before I do. It strangely enough did make me want to challenge it instead of just giving up. Being on medication and receiving behavioral therapy has changed me a lot, and even tho I'm no where close to where I want to be in life, I don't think about, or hurt myself anywhere close to how much I did before. It's still hard af, but it's getting better. And I hope you find your way too.
Sorry for blogposting//
No. 373622
>>373599I'm the first anon you replied to, and I'm really glad that my post was able to motivate you, even if it is different scenarios.
Sorry to blogpost or whatever but I've grown up around abusive relatives myself (aka explaining why I'm such a doormat/people-pleaser…) and I hope you'll be able to get out of your abusive household and break free of the way growing up that way poisons your mind.
Exhibit A: I got a text twenty minutes ago from one of my coworkers and it completely crippled me with anxiety. I was convinced she was texting me to tell me what a selfish bitch I was for leaving and how much I ruined everything for everyone, because that's exactly what my narcissist relatives would've done. I finally got the courage to glance at my phone messages… and it was only a sweet message telling me that she enjoyed working with me and wished me the best. God.
Anyway I'm sending positive vibes your way! Don't ever feel bad for standing up for yourself!
No. 373633
>>373586Thirding. I don't really condone anyone making fun of physical appearances unless the cow in question is purposefully making spectacle of them.
I'm kind of tired of the whole "You must tolerate disgusting remarks in order to prove you're not insecure" arguments.
No. 373640
>>373638I’m in the South, Anon. If I’m not mistaken, I think we’re getting the brunt of most of the storm today. I know you guys usually have it worse off than us, though.
This is the worst it’s ever been in the current storm series we’ve all been struggling through. Plus I’m around 30 miles from the coastline in a valley, so storms seem to intensify the closer they get to the mountains.
No. 373646
>>373639I know, anon, it’s just an ugly mess of a situation all together. I don’t need to be reminded of the shit our state has gone through these past few months, I am well aware of what has been happening.
Let’s just hope it doesn’t get any worse, but unfortunately I think it will.
No. 373678
>>373560not really tbh. i feel like ive exhausted all my resources because i've already gone through ed programs. i just don't wanna worry friends/family because at the same time i don't necessarily want to get better. u feel?
how about u?
No. 373699
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I just moved back to Canada from Europe and I already hate this shitty fucking country again.
If you don't live in the center of a major city or have a car every single fucking thing you need is 30 minutes to an hour away because of how fucking stupid the people and infrastructure is here. Every single dumb fuck wants a pointless little patch of stupid fucking grass in front of their stupid fucking huge ass house where 90% of the space isn't used or it's filled with pointless shit from China.
Every single time I hear about some fucking family of three or four living in a 2000+ square feet home I want to fucking kill them all.
Of course, our cookie cutter houses are fucking made from plywood so of course you couldn't have rowhouses because everyone would complain about noises and our government/greedy developers are too cheap to make things out of brick.
Despite the fact that we get major fucking snow dumps EVERY single fucking year, the roads are complete shit and they end up putting all of the excess snow onto the "sidewalks" making it impossible to fucking walk anywhere. And no one fucking shovels their own side walks in front of their stupid fucking plywood hoarding boxes so it takes weeks for the city to get to it.
Why would you want any city or town SO dependent on auto travel? Is there some kind of fucking conspiracy here by the auto industry and zoning laws that makes it necessary to build cities like this?
I'm just so tired of people's meaningless desires for "space" and "muh lawns".
No. 373702
>>373594Thank you for your reply. We do get along and all, but when I want extra sleep or something because I breastfeed it’s a huge deal. Never takes the initiative. I always have to nag. I told him I feel like his mom. It just doesn’t seem to matter to him. It’s hard to know what to do. I didn’t make dinner tonight because I was so hurt nothing is ever done for me when I make pretty elaborate homemade meals. My daughter doesn’t eat solids consistently yet so no worries about that. Ugh sorry I’m ranting but fml.
>>373599Maybe we should see a therapist yeah. Thank you for your input. I do have my only motivation from my daughter.
No. 373706
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I agree with a lot of the points made by the radfems and gendercrits here, and in general I appreciate their presence but I think they get kind of annoying in calling everyone a man or tranny for dumb reasons.
No. 373712
>>373704Please, god take me back with you. I will live vicariously through you anon.
>>373705How do you know? I would be so interested reading into this shit. There literally is no fucking excuse to build cities the way North America does. Look at any civilized country in Europe or Japan. They almost have just as many people as Canada but a fraction of the geographical size.
It makes even less sense to me that they would spread things out because there's more space. Or if they are going to spread things out, maybe fucking put in a couple of grocery stores or fucking bike infrastructure along the way, fuck.
No. 373750
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XNFP's are stupid, too sensitive, naive and are pretty much the reason why Tumblr and liberal "feminism" it's so retarded nowadays, only them bitches with their "i'm a wolf" fantasies would believe a man with a dress its a woman and defend that shit all along smfh. XNTJ master race forever.
No. 373772
>>373754I lived in the Netherlands so every city/village was small, even Amsterdam was.
I just really miss how you could fucking bike everywhere or at least take the train super easily. The way they planned neighbours actually fucking made sense.
Funnily enough I am in Toronto and it makes no difference. Everything is still far as fuck.
Also >implying anyone but rich as fuck foreign nationals can live in Vancouver
No thank you I don't want to suck millions of dicks just so I can live inside a literal closet for $1500 a month.
>>373743I mean, if they're constructed well and with brick, you don't hear shit. The rowhouses I lived in were made to last hundreds of years, compared to Canada's shitty matchbook houses that catch on fire the minute you look at them (and subsequently also destroy all of your neighbor's houses too…so much for all that space).
And I meant footprint. I don't think you understand how grossly oversized the houses are here. There's so much wasted and unused space because the one developer that gets the contract build only has one to two house plans.
>>373720No anon, lol. No one needs a lawn if you're not going to produce and grow food on it. If you want to play with your kids and dogs, go to a fucking park. Maybe instead of building another disgusting parking lot and oversized roads, they could build parks that are local to the neighborhood. Lawns are literally bad for the micro ecosystem and do nothing but waste water.
No. 373782
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>>373772NTA but I love lawns and think they're healthy mental spaces for people if they love to garden or be outside in general. Not everyone is thrilled to live on top of their neighbors, and can only feel grass under their feet when they walk 20 minutes to the nearest shared park.
I think it's a fair enough criticism about how the US/Canada doesn't have adequate public transport and how it could be better, but crusading against lawns is pretty crude. Not to mention lawns are not the reasons for suburbs. It's about zoning laws, square footage of houses, and developer greed. I'm sure most city planners would love to take away the lawns and personal effects of property owners and cram them in like sardines while they still pay the same mortgages for the pleasure, but the business and work districts will still be zoned 15+ miles away.
No. 373788
>>373772uk located anon here again and i'm not so sure about that. i'm curently renting in a granite rowhouse built in like early 20th cent and i can hear the neighbour's cat crunching on kibble through the wall. nice that you like this sort of architecture, i'm sure there are many who do, but there's a reason most people prefer detached homes you know? it's bit claustrophobic.
also it's nice to have a bit of green space, like
>>373782 said. depending on where you live, sorta lush lawns (read: shit doesn't look like a homogenous american rugby field) can very well look after themselves (our family hasn't watered our grass once in the 40 years we have owned our house). if i want to sunbathe a bit or have my breakfast outside on a sunny morning or grow some ugly tomato plants i'm not gonna run to the nearest park for that you know?
No. 373793
>>373786>huge waste of water Maybe if you live in an area with high heat, like people in Arizona wanting to keep an unnaturally lush green lawn when they actually need desert acclimated plants.
I've never seen people waste water on lawns and I live in southern US, where summers get to a point where it's so hot that anything will wither even with watering. Most people accept when the seasons are over and plants are on their way out, but I don't want someone to presume things about my lawncare because Old Man Grumble likes his grass extra plush.
Here's some worse offenders for water waste that are more nonsensical
>golf resorts >washing cars >leaking pipes from bad infrastructure I ain't giving up my lawn while harmful foolery like that is allowed to continue.
No. 373806
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>>373782You are talking like a French or British aristocrat, anon. Lawns were brought to North America from the extreme elite as a way to show off their wealth and to say "I'm so rich I don't even have to grow my own food on my property".
Wouldn't a flower and vegetable garden be even more visually pleasing? I'm not for banning lawns, but the one in your picture is a huge resource waste and could be significantly smaller.
>>373788I guess we can only blame the greedy fuck developers. I just wish there were stricter laws about what is acceptable for noise. Noise pollution is a serious issue and can have horrible effects on mental health. As far as hearing/seeing your neighbors go, because Canadian houses are so big you're literally only a couple of feet away from your neighbors anyways, so what's the difference?
>>373793No I agree, individual use of water makes up like 3% of water use or something like that, the rest is solely in unsustainable farming and dirty industry practices.
I would just like to see people turning SOME of their lawn into cultivated land. Or at least get way from using grass that needs constant maintenance. But God forbid if you do, because your ~property value~ goes down and people hate you.
But why the fuck do I care, I'll probably never own a house in my life LOL
No. 373813
>>373806I'd love to have a vegetable garden like that, but you're right because if people live in an HOA or in any kind of area with a property committee, wanton gardening is looked down upon because it's "unsightly" and they're asked to change it.
I like vegetable gardening because it makes me feel less dependent on supermarkets, but the downside is that it's seasonal, just like the old days.
Iktf about the home ownership though sis ;-; No. 373842
>>373621I don’t see why it’s hard for you to understand that the grand majority of the world isn’t like you, sure people might experiment but when people say they’re straight? You got it, that’s most likely all they are. Romantic attraction is different to sexual attraction
>I’m like this and I can’t empathise that people are different from me That is so utterly autistic, anon.
No. 373869
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>>373854What the fuck are all of these boomers going to do when they get old and can't drive anymore?
Jesus, the past two generations really didn't give a flying fuck about the future or take two seconds to reconsider what the best outcome would be years after they've died.
It's clearly obvious that the automotive industries are hand in hand with the government and the money the government gets from suburban development goes right back into building more roads and furthering the dependence on cars.
Why can't we just have smaller cities with a rail system between them? Oh wait we used to but then GM and crew purposely sabotaged it so we could have to drive.
Just really sucks man. Who can look at this picture and think "yeah I would just love to live here and waste hours of my day driving to a job and anything else I require".
This is going to sound fucked up, but I feel like there should be population limits for cities and towns. That would solve so much of the sprawl issue.
No. 373956
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I’m fucking unstable lately and it’s scary. I’m in a really bad depressive episode where I just cry and cry and believe so many wrong things, I haven’t cut myself since July but now I’m just hitting my legs with metal objects or slamming them in doors. I know it’s my bpd just fucking with me and I think I’m getting even worse because I spiral being scared that I’m le ebin psycho bpd girlfriend. I have bad ptsd too and like, so much is triggering lately, there’s so much anime with heavy rape themes and the whole thing with Vic. Every day I’m seeing it and it causes flashbacks and disgust for myself. I haven’t gone a single night without a breakdown and I’ve almost gone out and bought drugs to abuse again.
No. 373974
>>373956Hang in there buddy, and stop watching weird anime, you can overcome this!
I'm also sad and life makes no sense but! Whatever, keep going on
No. 373995
Posting this here because I'm really fucking assblasted about it. I don't know if I'm actually doing something egregiously wrong, or if men are being self-centered like usual:
So I've been trying to get back into the dating scene, after having broken up from an LTR of four years, since September. I haven't had the best luck. I got involved with a mentally ill fuckboy who lovebombed me and pulled me into a relationship fast before he got abusive, it was the shortest relationship I ever had and it lasted about two months. In that case I recognized my mistake, that is I didn't really know him and dismissed red flags instead of leaving at the first sign. I was emotionally vulnerable and fell head over heels when someone gave me validation and said they loved me because I hadn't felt so even with my LTR ex towards the end. But as a result, it's made me more cautious about throwing myself completely into new relationships. I'm really up front about my desire to establish friendship and compatibility before I promise going into one.
But the feedback I have from men so far is how dare I not be prepared to consider them serious romantic interests immediately before they know me nor I them!
Tonight a guy responded to my profile online describing himself as "logical." Tbh he was giving me arrogant asshat vibes but I thought he might be intelligent so I went along since I had nothing better to do. He suggested a phone call, so why not?
Well–and I want to be very clear–I don't like this person very much, but my problem is about what he said about me, not who he is. He struck me as a rube too lazy to carry a conversation but felt being crass made him seem intellectual.
Inevitably, I'm trying to talk about my life and it's extremely difficult to not bring up my LTR ex because he's so fundamentally entwined with the past five years of my life. I can't describe my current living situation without explaining, I can't describe my current financial situation without an explanation, nor employment, etc. He lived with me for years. And no, it doesn't help that I was mistreated towards the end. I'd have to answer questions like why I had to move and why I quit my job with lies just to purposefully omit my ex, which would make me look like a tart.
I want to be honest because it explains why I need to take things slowly.
So I'm telling a story about it and he interrupts to say "You seem bitter." And my slapstick reaction was, "And?" I explained that I think I have legitimate reason to be angry about what happened to me, and it's relevant to my current situation. It's important to know how it affected me and why I'm taking things slowly. So then he says "Then what are you doing with a dating profile?" I explained how I was trying to meet new people, and due to my recent experience I was being precautionary in finding out who someone really is and making sure they know me so if I do get serious later, it doesn't cause conflict down the line.
He seemed impatient, and then said "You seem to jump into relationships quickly." Um, just no. Before I met my LTR of 4 years, I was single for a few years before him. Can I even count the fuckboy as a real relationship? In any event, I didn't get the impression that he brought it up because he was concerned for my emotional well-being, but rather that I was 'unavailable' for a serious commitment and that seemed to annoy him.
Is what I'm doing really that horrible? Is there a "requirement" for cooldown between relationships? I'd kind of understand if I had a history of a bunch of 1-2 month ""relationships"" back to back because obviously that indicates a flaw in my dating. But that's not my case. I feel like men are just being really impatient and don't want to hear about my worries, frustrations, and letdowns. They just want my undivided attention and trust unconditionally. For shit to be all about them and fuck what I've had to deal with or have been through. Even if I was a hysterical woman crying about her ex, it just seems so selfish to try to shut down someone else's emotions instead of recognizing someone's need to talk about them.
Sorry, had to repost because I typed 'LDR" not 'LTR.'
No. 373998
>>373994Sorry about the repost anon, but I think you may be onto something about maybe not looking specifically into dating pools and perhaps letting a relationship happen more 'organically.' Seems a lot of these dating places have a lot of emotionally entitled people who are forward and not in a pleasant way.
>>373996I'm just not sure how to frame it. I know it's complicated. I feel like I either have the choice to shut up about it completely thus hiding a huge chunk of myself and how it does affect me (aka the baggage), or frame it in an honest way where I acknowledge that it's heady but necessary to understand where I'm at. I just don't think many people have patience to understand the latter.
No. 374001
>>373998I can see where you’re coming from about wanting to be honest, but if it’s one of the first things that comes up in conversation for you then you’re over sharing. Maybe try to instead steer the conversations to happier topics like your hobbies and interests, and if career comes up maybe instead talk about your aspirations for it.
You probably shouldn’t wear your heart on your sleeve until you get to know the person better, it can be offputting to the other person as their first impression of you will be an uncomfortable one - no one knows how to respond to a stranger who brings up their past trauma/abuse
No. 374004
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>>373750I'm and ENFJ and I just finished a course that had everyone's MBTI tested, almost all of the women were ENFP's. One of them became really close to me and labeled us "best friends" after a month of hanging out (I don't work that way but didn't feel it was necessary to shut her down). I just recently cut ties with her as diplomatically as possible because I felt like I was taking care of an extremely loud, abrasive, immature, and rude child and she became impossible to be around.
I find most ENFP's simple and embarrassing to be around.
I like INFP's though, as long as they're healthy and have boundaries. One of my closest male friends is an INTJ and he's brilliant. The only other one I knew was my ex and he was a sociopath.
No. 374010
>>374005It was Skype which was why I was comfortable since it's not like I gave out my real number. I think he was just an asshole, he negged me about a lot of shit come to think…
>told him about my job aspiration and how it doesn't relate to my degrees anymore>"So you aren't using your degrees, huh? Why'd you get them?"In particular I think he overlooked how I got my master's and assumed that I only had one degree before he called me. He sounded taken aback when I mentioned my second, and almost insecure that I had accomplished something he hadn't.
Then towards the end of the call he opened up to me a bit about having really bad anxiety–albeit medicated and allegedly under control–and how it caused him to drop out of school multiple times. I didn't neg him, because I'm not a fucking ass.
But I think this anon was right
>>374001, it could be I'm expecting men to be comfortable with my past and that may be a bit too much to mention. Subconsciously I think my mind is treating romantic interests like my LTR, to whom I told everything and all my secrets, and so I have to retrain my brain to realize that new people may not just give a fuck or are unprepared.
No. 374023
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>tfw lonely
>have to go through a bunch of hoops to post on some sites thanks to shitty internet settings and privacy concerns
>finally able to make contact with someone who seems worthy of my time
>no reply
No. 374033
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is it stupid of me to be intimidated by a guy who has been in orgies and has had a lot of previous partners?
No. 374036
>>374023Same here friend
>>374033Intimidated as in nervous youre going to get hiv? No, not stupid.
No. 374037
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have some screaming to do
No. 374039
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>>374034He's been very nice to me but I'm wary of getting any closer to him emotionally bc every now and then he mentions his orgies or someone hes been with and it's offputting
No. 374046
>>374033No it's not stupid at all. Also, what the other anons said.
Make sure you don't let yourself get pushed around by him, anon. From your posts, you seem very kind and he doesn't. Some people like to take advantage of others' kindness.
Maybe this is not your situation but I used to let guys push me around because I was too nice and I don't want that to happen to anyone else.
No. 374063
>>374053Oof I'm sorry to hear a out that, is it possible to bring it up to HR? Especially about being sent home or threating to be sent home without pay? How are tour other coworkers reacting to this?
I was in a similar situation with my first job, hired off the streets into a quality position, which was usually only obtained promoted within. My team leader at the time hated it, especially since it took him 5 years to get into position. Tried to get me fired for the dumbest stuff: looking at the clock to often (worked long hours a d clock was on a computer so who wouldn't?), Going to the restroom to often (I have kidney and bladder issues), and falsifying daily paperwork (Manager backed me up with video timestamps, also my team leader spent 80% of the time on his personal phone, instead of well, leading the team.) Eventually or corporate hr took notices and removed him after dealing with it for 3 years, and they got someone in who cared.
No. 374066
>>374063My dad is the contract creator and he stepped away from managing it so that I could be given a shot at being hired. He's testing a person he just promoted to manage it and shes been busy with other contracts on her plate.
Because of the relationship, I'm afraid that anything I say, legitimate concern or not, will just look like complaining that I'm not being pampered. And I don't want to be, I want to be treated equally and succeed or fail on my own. I'm also the only female working there and the company (based 4 hours away from the site) has been avoiding women because they got burned by the last woman they hired (she got into a screaming match with a customer on a job and had a bunch of sexual harassment stuff, but she worked at my last job too as a 2nd job and did the same thing. We checked cameras there and did not find evidence of her inappropriate touching claims, the guy she claimed did it wasn't even in the building that day). So I feel like saying something to HR at this point will just negatively effect me.
The other guys can leave to go out on jobs or maintenence the trucks we use so they have excuses to leave and do so frequently. The older guys just ignore him or talk shit and the younger ones make up a reason to go out but I'm stuck until all of my clearances come in. And even then I'm afraid that I'll get stuck with all the paperwork because I'm a "delicate" woman and I can type fast.
No. 374067
Aughhhhh I'm rather frustrated at my bf of 3 years after this Valentine's Day. We started living together with a mutual friend and his girlfriend right, and this was the first Valentine's Day we got to spend together in person, so I was looking forward to it after having to live out of state for most of our relationship due to school/internship. In the previous years we sent each other cards and maybe some candy, so I upped my game this year a little despite making way less money than him, because I love him and hey first time together for this holiday. So for 7 days I bought him a little box of 2 piece chocolates and left him a card on the 14th- handmade, with a 2 page letter describing what he meant to me. Then I sat and waited for him to come home from work since I had the day off.
Hs comes home, I give him a pack on the cheek and all that and out roommate, who he works with is carrying a bag of leftover candy from work from their snacking/holiday eating time today. He offered me some, our roommate not my bf, and my bf showered and played around with his DnD model for or groups session today. No gift, no card, but what got me was no "Happy Valentines Day" of any kind.
We went to bed early, while or roommates went out to dinner. He gave me a kiss goodnight and that was it.
Am I overreacting? Do I have the right to be upset about this?
Ps:we haven't had sex in 6 months, let alone made out since the first month we lived together (about 10 months ago)
No. 374069
>>374066That sounds about right with receiving only "delicate" work. I was the only girl on my team as well, and it took me 2 months to get my computer rights. Despite being in the same position of guys, we worked in a factory, they went to the main floor most of the time I spent mine in the office, having to type out their written notes on quality checks.
But for 2 months without a computer to access, I was tasked to rewrite their note, neatly (most of their notes was terrible written) so we could submit it to our corporate teams.
No. 374078
>>374067You definitely have the right to be upset and should talk to him about it. It's ok not to be the sort of person who makes a big deal out of holidays, but that's obviously not what you expected or wanted.
You also should talk about you guys not having sex and not making out. I had the same issue with my boyfriend when we first moved in together, but talking helped us understand each other's perspective on the issue. He might be as bothered as you are about it and just keeping it all in.
No. 374088
>>374079>men are incapable of love and all get off to rape and murderThis is as stupid as incels that believe that women are incapable of love and that we all get off on being raped and would murder 80% of the male population if we could.
Extremism is retarded no matter the foundations.
No. 374142
>>374046>>374041>>374034>>374036Thank you farmers, I'm a bit socially retarded so I wanted to make sure that wasn't me just being a weird femcel or something.
right before i left the party where his friends were he used my phone to message one of his friends about a girl he has ''an awkward relationship with'' The whole situation just makes me feel really uneasy tbh
No. 374211
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i get triggered when i see lesbians with trans women. i feel like they're missing out on…actual girls to be with some mentally ill freak.
this makes me feel bad.
No. 374217
>>374211I usually feel sorry for them. They always seem to fit in 1 of 2 categories:
1. Actual lesbians who aren't happy and talk about how they needed to "work through" their "penis aversion" and even though they constantly feel sick and repulsed, that's what love is probably!
2. Bisexual and/or straight women who love that their new relationship gives them woke brownie points and have no actual love for their partners.
No. 374254
>>374067>>374078>>374077Both anons are undermining the severity of this bad relationship; anon made a weeklong celebration out of it so he knew he should reciprocate and that you obviously care about this holiday even if he doesn’t. You wrote a heart felt letter and not only didn’t get sweet words in return about his love for you, he didn’t bother to say “thank you for the heartfelt letter!” He didn’t even acknowledge your effort by saying “Happy Valentines Day” like he avoided it intentionally.
You sound like a good woman and I’m sorry to say this guy doesn’t love you. He doesn’t kiss or hold you but he’ll fawn over his toys no problem. He likes his toys more than he likes you, he’s pathetic. Him being a loser doesn’t reflect anything about you either so don’t let yourself feel beat up about his shortcomings.
You put in the effort and thoughtfulness to show affection and make the relationship work, and he doesn’t, and he won’t acknowledge when you do it. The anons telling you that you should “talk it out” are cute but at this point it’s safe to say that talking it out isn’t going to make him start caring about you or revamp your sex life. He’s the problem, you can’t fix his shitty personality or a man not loving you back. Turning a manchild into a decent human isn’t your job anyway and probably not what you signed up for when you started dating.
If he doesn’t want to change on his own he never will and you can’t make him so don’t waste any more of your precious time. You really must dump him so you can have a real relationship with someone who loves you back.
You’re supposed to date to add joy to your life, this guy is dragging you down and isn’t invested in you or trying to make you happy like you do for him and he won’t acknowledge your efforts. No amount of talking will make him suddenly start caring about you and being thoughtful, if it did you wouldn’t be lonely, upset, kissless and sexless for over six months.. He won’t show his love in any form, he doesn’t even kiss you (you pecking him doesn’t count as a kiss from him). He doesn’t show his love for you because it isn’t there. I know you’ve spent years of your prime with him but the longer you wait to find someone worthwhile the more time you waste that could’ve been spent happy by yourself or happy with a better, good, worthwhile man. Find someone else who actually loves you and isn’t just comfy and settling for now like this asshat is. He’s preferring the security of dating over being single, but if you don’t end it first eventually he’ll be the one to leave you, as soon as he finds someone else new and shiny that catches his fancy. He takes and you give, getting nothing in return, stressing yourself out for what? Serving this loser? You can do way better.
What you did for him this Valentine’s Day was very sweet and you can find someone equally as sweet as you who actually likes you and spending time with you! Good luck!
No. 374255
>>374201You could perhaps attempt to speak to them about it, but (from my experience) that doesn't usually work. If it does, it'll work for about a day, but things will go back to being a mess soon enough. I don't think that they expect you to clean up after them since you're a woman, but rather it's the fact that they are lazy, disgusting individuals that just don't clean up after their own messes. My fiance lives with 2 roommates and they are the exact same way and it is frustrating because they have more than enough time to clean up the house, but they would rather play some shitty PC games than do anything actually productive.
>>374235I agree with this. It'll probably be your best bet, honestly. They will NEVER clean.
No. 374266
>>374229This is the least you can do, anon.
Good that you ended it, relationships that start with cheating will end with cheating. I mean, think about it - what makes you so much more special (in the long run) than the wife he first cheated on? (General "you", not specifically you, anon - anyone having an affair with a taken man.) When the new relationship energy dies out and you become an established couple? A cheater is bound to get bored. Always. And trust me, there are plenty of new women out there ready to "help out" with that…
No. 374295
New thread
>>374294New thread
>>374294New thread
>>374294New thread
>>374294New thread
>>374294New thread
>>374294 No. 375074
>>374067>ps: We haven't had sex in 6 months>haven't made out for 10 monthsThat ain't a boyfriend, that's a roommate.
Also did he just bang it in you without making out first, the last time you had sex?!
No. 375702
>>375078She's bothered by the footsteps of DOGS? Do you have like fucking mastiffs or something? Wouldn't the footsteps of you and your boyfriend/flatmates/etc be heavier/louder than that of animals? Maybe she hates dogs and has some kind of vendetta against you because I don't understand how dogs simply walking around could be annoying enough to complain about. Barking I could understand, but footsteps?
You got carpets to try and fix the "problem", even if your dogs somehow do walk like elephants that's the most you can do about it and you shouldn't feel upset. As long as you're not being unreasonably noisy or disruptive your neighbor has to suck it up, hearing your upstairs neighbors is usually a part of apartment living and she can fuck off.
No. 375789
>>375785nta but moving out is not always simple or doable if you live in a third world country
if she could move out, she probably would have
No. 375796
>>375785Pay my stupidly high rent anon, and I will
>>375792I am from a third world country kek. My city's rent prices literally rival that of New York.
No. 375798
>>375785Not her, but how did you expect your quip to not come off as patronizing? Anyone with the ability to move out would have done so, of course. She brought up the acceptability of living at home because she predicted there would be anons retorting about her leaving if she hates the treatment her mom gives her so much.
The problem is that not everyone has the means to move out. That doesn't mean they should be happy to put up with annoyances or else. It's an anonymous vent thread so it's not like the mom is being injured in any way.
No. 375800
>>375798I am that anon from
>>375777 and it's okay lol
>>375785 didn't bother me much. I'm just sitting here putting off bedtime to get some minutes to myself for now.
I don't make bad money at all considering my age, but it's just not enough to move out without getting a roommate - which defeats the whole purpose of moving out to get privacy.
No. 377677
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also a friend of mine has finally, after probably blocking me, unfollowing me from all sorts of social media and deleting all that art, moved on from our friendship, befriending someone else with more intricate interests. I hope she sleeps well.
Every time I talk to them I'm only reminded by the discontent rage she aims at me, it is present through every single line or text message she sends.
I know that I'm being particularly petty and bitter. bit I write here to vent about my problems, not absolve them. I know I've been guilty of similar things,intentional or not.
But anyways, Anons what does it mean when a friend has unfollowed you in every social media platform but still talks to you like they haven't done anything?
It's confusing
No. 377697
>>377677She sounds like a passive aggressive cunt.
But i think you should just ask her why