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No. 383856
This topic has been unbanned, so vent about XY's here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible,
abusive men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-no femcel sperging
-please do not respond to scrotbait
-chill with the handmaiden accusations
Doing so will result in a 3 day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
Previous thread
>>367221 No. 383881
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No. 383917
>>383907it's genetic, isn't it? I want to believe low test men exist that don't constantly have to surpress the urge to punch walls but they seem to tend to be
toxic in other ways instead and even more bitter, due to their insecurity.
look at animals. (we are animals, yeah…) the males are ALWAYS more aggressive in mammal species and only want to fuck and kill.
No. 383927
>>383798I'm not really sure what your point regarding that "males mix up DNA for the whole species" is.
That's true as far in that the X chromosome of a male contributes to recombination, yes. But a male's Y chromosome is literally parasitic in nature and only latches on to the X in a desperate attempt to stay alive (with all of it's impressive 27-44 genes…compared to ONE X's 2000+ genes).
The Y chromosome is literally dying because it is inferior, contributes very little if anything (other than coding for more males) to genetic diversity and is full of redundant, repeating strings of DNA because it is unable to truly recombine with an X chromosome (so it tries to recombine/fold on itself to preserve integrity/diversity, something that is literally eliminating genes off of it).
There is enough genetic diversity in ONE X chromosome to populate thousands of years in the future, possibly millions, and women have TWO of them. should be required reading for everyone in this thread.
No. 383941
>>383798dude, most life, like 99% of it, are unicellular, asexually reproducing bacteria, most lineages of which predate any sexually reproducing life forms by millennia. as
>>383927 has so immensly detailed, y chromosomes are literally parasitic scabs on the background of other mammalian chromosomes.
if you are interested in further reading about sex determination by chromosomes, some insects have pretty cool X0 determination systems, gnats use just X chromosomes and the sex of offspring depends on how many are lost during its formation, my fav however is temerature dependant sex determination in reptiles, really shows you how random nature likes to be sometimes. No. 383954
>>383944>all the "It's just a game" commentsWho wants to bet these same people would be clutching their pearls and going on about how feminism has "gone too far" if a game where you murder men (from rapists and pedophiles to shitty bosses and petty street harassers/drunks) came out?
I honestly don't think something like that would ever exist except to make this very point, though. This is mostly because unlike men, it's not normalized for women to be violent, sociopathic animals, no matter what happens to us.
No. 383961
>>383954What does "it's just a game" really mean?
That it's pretend? So these men are just "pretending" to have a desire where they want to rape and kill women or they really do have a desire to rape and kill women but only on "pretend people". It seems like men fall into the latter category, due to their repeated spergouts with respect to games being """censored""".
So I ask of society: do we really want men who actively think about raping and murdering """pretend women""" anyways? Do we want any human in society that desires to rape and kill things, imaginary or not?
You're exactly right that they would say feminists have gone too far because they already say that, lol. That games have been toned down sexually (especially fighting games) and it's all the feminists fault. Because you know, when you're playing games to beat up women characters, they ABSOLUTELY need to have huge breasts and skimpy outfits and be attractive. It wouldn't be the same if they had to take out their hate on "ugly or sickly" looking women.
No. 383971
>>383944>Steam strictly only bans games that are illegal or intentional 'trolling'. It's unclear whether the game constitutes trolling under Steam's rule.>While the game is under review, Steam has removed a scene which involved a baby being murdered.Are you. Fucking kidding me?
Depicting a fictional baby being murdered is not illegal and if they're gonna say they removed it because of "trolling" how the fuck isn't that logic being applied to the entire game?
But obviously the reason is that harming a baby is ~too disturbing~ but raping and murdering women is edgy and cool.
No. 383972
>>383944One of the DM comments is "come back to real life abortion is far worse".
This is how little men care about women. They will pull whatever idiocy out of their ass to justify fetishising their rape and murdering.
I wish we lived in a society where saying shit this stupid had you forcibly removed from it.
No. 383973
>>383944The game looks fucking awful, like the 3D graphics were made with free assets by a teenager. And it's somehow a VN even though it shows no VN UI and only 3D cutscene-looking things ?
I'll bet you the guy made it in two hours tops just to have a controversy and get retarded teens to give him money. He WANTS it to be banned so he can make a "platform", as he says in the article. He'll likely Kickstart it, get a shit ton of money from edgy men and then run away with it and blame the evil feminists.
No. 383977
>>383973I think you're exactly right.
Besides that, rape games aren't even some rare occurrence. Didn't GTA have an option to do that? Anyone remember the controversy around the Japanese game RapeLay?>Critics of violent imagery in video games, such as British Member of Parliament Keith Vaz, have cited games involving rape as an example of why video game content needs to be more strictly regulated.[4] RapeLay in particular had come to Vaz's attention in 2009, three years after its initial release, as it was sold on, despite not being officially distributed nor supported outside of Japan, and he vowed to bring the issue into the British Parliament to prevent the game from being sold. Amazon subsequently removed the game from its website.[5] Equality Now urged activists to write to Illusion and then-Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso in protest, arguing the game breaches Japan's obligations under the 1985 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.[6] In May 2009, these actions culminated in the restriction of the sale and production of RapeLay by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS), an independent Japanese ratings organization for adult games, making it impossible to purchase the game even in Japan.[7] So, under a UN treaty, this game can legally be restricted. Why did this even make news? Someone should just shoot Steam a message about this and go. Let stupid, misogynistic neckbeards allow themselves to be scammed when this guy makes his "platform" and blame "the feminists" if they want. They deserve to lose all their money.
No. 384076
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>>383931I hate that a lot of people don't want admit its a problem, teenage girls are so fucked up and the media is not helping them.
I recall JTHM being brought up last thread, and I remembered that Devi didn't forgive Johnny after trying to kill her and told him off. It's great that Vasquez didn't try to romanticize the situation.
>>383944"it's just a game!!"
is the worst fucking cop out for this
No. 384098
>>383927the y chromosome isn't dying that was a click bait headline. It shed genes but that happens all the time in other genes too.
that article is the second most ridiculous thing i've ever read, the first being another article written by trustyourperceptions as well>>383941i specified animal life
No. 384101
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>>384076lol i'm the jthm anon! devi is a great character and "i feel sick" is a great comic, vasquez essentially just wrote her like a typical self-insert of his but he clearly has female friends who he was inspired by as well and knows how to write them like fucking human beings. for all the crap he's gotten, yes, he did the unthinkable and gave a woman agency as a male writer. she beats him up and runs and then when he tries to call her to apologize, she tells him to go fuck himself in an incredible speech where she explains that the worst thing he did was make her let good things pass her by because she'd become afraid, and to never talk to her again.
there was an interview where JV said devi was the kind of person he wished he himself could be, and i thought that was great. it really made me respect him as a writer despite all the memes. anyway, back to the topic
No. 384104
>>384099fun game: go into any space where people are talking about rape and murder rates
mention the common denominator here is men, because men are the ones committing all the rapes and murders against both men and women
watch the discussion spiral into misogyny because N-NOT ALL MEN
No. 384109
>>384107so then the problem is solved because thats already what happens
i also think its more to do with socialization as opposed to nature stuff. and it cant be true that all mammals are like that although i have been looking up quickly and it does seem that male mammals are aggressive and rape is common among mammals so maybe it is nature
No. 384132
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>>384104It's infuriating because you know that whenever there appears to be a bias towards a certain race committing crimes, men JUMP at the chance to blame them. And there is nowhere near as much of a disparity between races as there is between men and women. But somehow it's taboo to acknowledge that men are responsible for the vast majority of violent and sex crimes, while women are a small minority. And even when they're in that minority, there's a big chance a man was hurting them first.
No. 384135
From the previous thread here
>>383272I found that thread and people were dog piling the incel on his thinking. He actually believed that he'll be a millionaire at 30-35, grab a 18 year old to have 3 to 4 kids with instead of her having a shitty career and her own life and that women over 30 just don't exist to him. Him and so many others like to talk about being fathers when they just want to force women to be breeding stock. They can't comprehend that being a sperm donor and being a father are two seperate jobs. And that porn ruined adoption and fostering for men since it makes them think they're cucks. All around pathetic
Ryan from the thread couldn't answer someone when they asked what he would do once she hits menopause because he only saw fertility in women as a tool. He claims he will "love" her but for incels, love is just not being
abusive that day.
That thread had me laughing tho with others responses
No. 384148

>>384135>Ryan from the thread couldn't answer someone when they asked what he would do once she hits menopause because he only saw fertility in women as a tool. He claims he will "love" her but for incels, love is just not being abusive that dayYep, sadly, despite the Earth getting more and more overpopulated, incels are still fixated on fertility and wanting to force women to pop out babies just for the sake of muh tradition and eggs, it's even funnier when these dudes ain't shit but still think they're king Arthur and should be able to choose any woman they want to have kids with
Hell, even in dangerously overpopulated places like China you see males going out of their way to discuss the eggs of these women and how if they're over 25 their ovaries must be raisins and they should feel ashamed for not clinging onto the first guy they meet and push out 25 babies and crying about how ebul feminism made women, who are already in highly overpopulated areas, not have kids
Careful, comments will give you aids
No. 384155
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>>384148The comments are indeed cancer, BUT there are some reasonable people in there
So many men trying to cope and blame feminism kek
No. 384199
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Can you imagine ruining your own life over not having a big enough dick? Males problems are literally meme-tier. A woman claiming she can't hold a job or have a relationship because of her small breast would be laughed at, but we have to take seriously this kind of retarded shit otherwise scrots will go on murder rampages.
No. 384200
>>384148Jesus christ, men are INSANE about women daring not to get married and have kids. They are so angry and spiteful, like complete strangers who've never wronged them deserve to live a life of misery for not following the lifescript.
I don't care about my career, I haven't been rejecting queues of interested men or riding the ~cock carousel~ or doing anything these crazies consider ebil feminism. All I want is to live a comfy stress free life without people assuming I'm miserable and enjoying the idea of me suffering just because I didn't have kids. I guess the silver lining is that every comment I read from a man claiming we're worthless outside of our womb or past 30 is reinforcement that the worst thing I could possibly do is legally bind myself to a man and create a permanent connection between us in the form of a kid. If they think I'm only worth something in my 20s, why the fuck would I want to be with one for the rest of my life?
No. 384201
>>384199>girls don't worship/respcet themthe misspelling really shows you his priorities. He doesn't care about affection and respect, he wants to be WORSHIPPED. And what would he give a woman in return ?
An ex friend of mine is like this. Aging, overweight khv NEET who can't talk about anything but video games or how much he hates black people, yet has an elaborate fantasy of finding a "pure" waifu so she can birth him a daughter (not a son, a daughter specifically, probably because he'd feel threatened by a son).
These men feel so entitled to a woman's devotion but have nothing to offer at all, not even basic human things like kindness, understanding or an emotional connection.
No. 384207
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"women are psychopaths and aren't capable of love"
No. 384248
>>384199Maybe I'm not so delicate, but so what. Let men suffer a bit and fuss over trying to be physically ideal to please the opposite sex. How many of us women get breast and butt implants for the male gaze? It's a known fact that more attractive women are more likely to be hired.
Labioplasties to alter genitalia so as to not 'disgust' male partners?
We all know men who reject women for these characteristics or else insults like "roastie" wouldn't be a thing.
Welcome to the rice fields motherfuckers.
No. 384272
>>384252I work in a hospital, SO many men have left their wives if they get disfigured, whether it be from having a masectomy due to breast cancer, becoming infertile, car accidents, etc, but never in my life have a seen a woman leave a man for even a remotely similar reason
Men simply aren't capiable of love, I wish more ladies were pink pilled enough to wake up and realize men don't give a shit about you, the second they can get their hands on a nicer pair of tits or prettier face they're gone
No. 384275
>>384272I think what makes it worse is that not all men is true. The exceptions who do feel love and are loyal make it easier for the majority of men to have a continuous flow of hopeful
No. 384279
>>384275what I don't understand is loving, loyal men who are friends with scumbags.
In high school, a good amount of my friends were men, and we still keep in touch. One of them is incel-tier - whenever anyone asks about hanging out or coming to town, he asks them how they are and then divulges how he is in love with a girl he's spoken to once but he "messed things up." His university literally forbade him from speaking about her or talking to her anymore, so I know that's not the whole story… Then he proceeds to shit on every other girl by calling them ugly whores or stupid bitches, says he can't understand how they have boyfriends when they're so disgusting. He has a history of idealizing women and obsessing over them, then calling them stupid and freakish like every other woman. He calls his own mother an idiot.
Meanwhile, one of my male friends who is polite and seems nice or respectful offers to introduce this guy to his female friends. In fact, several of them do. It's like even if you're friends with a nice guy, you don't matter to him as much as the camaraderie he has with his fellow men - scumbag or not.
No. 384280
>>384275what I don't understand is loving, loyal men who are friends with scumbags.
In high school, a good amount of my friends were men, and we still keep in touch. One of them is incel-tier - whenever anyone asks about hanging out or coming to town, he asks them how they are and then divulges how he is in love with a girl he's spoken to once but he "messed things up." His university literally forbade him from speaking about her or talking to her anymore, so I know that's not the whole story… Then he proceeds to shit on every other girl by calling them ugly whores or stupid bitches, says he can't understand how they have boyfriends when they're so disgusting. He has a history of idealizing women and obsessing over them, then calling them stupid and freakish like every other woman. He calls his own mother an idiot.
Meanwhile, one of my male friends who is polite and seems nice or respectful offers to introduce this guy to his female friends. In fact, several of them do. It's like even if you're friends with a nice guy, you don't matter to him as much as the camaraderie he has with his fellow men - scumbag or not.
No. 384282
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I'm tired.
No. 384313
File: 1551985559048.png (323.13 KB, 833x588, haha.png) how one rich scrot dies from plastic surgery and it makes multiple media outlets post articles yet I can never recall seeing anyone give a hoot about the women who've died. (Don't really care too much about this in general honestly I just fucking love this and I don't care if I'm evil for laughing)
No. 384325
>>384313Many women have died from implant operations, nevermind that many implant varieties have caused cancer.
But hey, muh benis
No. 384377
>>384364>Lamora Williams' family said she struggled most of her life with mental issues and may have been dealing with postpartum at the time of the incident.
>>384367>The family of a Charlotte mom who police said killed her children before jumping from a bridge says they believe she was in an abusive relationship for years and felt she "had no way out."also this one is from literally last year, women commit horrific crimes oh so frequently, right?
while you generally can see what the fuck was going on in crimes some by women, not that it excuses them but you know, it's rarely just for the fun of it if you will. horrific shit done by men on the daily, such as
>>384207 ,which btw i struggled finding the proper source for as googling "russian man rapes kills 6 year old" gives too many results, is just horrific shit with no possible train of thought besides "uga buga rape kill"
(taking scrot b8) No. 384390
>>384378It's funny because, at best, their 'proof' is often evidence of a lack of support for mothers with post partum depression, or suffering from abuse. It's a very serious issue which I wouldn't want to gloss over or excuse, but incels using it as a 'gotcha' is pathetic. Women are statistically more likely to kill their children when they are newborns, but overwhelmingly it's men who kill their entire families out of jealousy and spite once they're older.
Their cherry picked articles can't argue against statistics, they can't even argue against a casual visit to any news site - where you'll see non stop violence and rape committed by men, often against their partners.
No. 384418
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No. 384429
>>384415Men love screaming about how all women are weak and get butthurt easily but turn around and do shit like these
If males were put through even half the shit they've put women through, guarantee you'd see shit-slinging fests in the street this very minute, literally all through high school males were freely allowed to insult girls appearances however they wanted, even if the girl was just sitting there being quiet, but hell broke loose the second a girl dare say anything about a male
Reminds me of when a group of guys relentlessly attacked me for my appearance in the middle of class when I hadn't said a word to them, but got butthurt because I was making fun of features "he couldn't help because he was born that way"
No. 384468
>yet a some dumb twitch streamer gets called out for his stringy beard and its suddenly just uncalled for and outrageousIt was uncalled for in both instances, whatever the gender of the person at the receiving end of it.
>Are you male?What made you think so?
No. 384470
>>384468Are we reading the same greentext? She never said at all they deserve it, she is just making the point that when a guy is called out for some trivial part of his appearance men clutch their pearls, whereas women get this shit all the time.
And I assume you're male because anyone lurking in this thread who gets that takeaway from this story most likely is. Only a male lurker would be acting so oversensitive on behalf of the guy while ignoring her point entirely.
No. 384471
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>>384469I agree completely. Men gossip too, but for some reason they refuse to believe they do and only women do it.
It's bizarre when you really think about it.
Happy Women's Day for the US folk No. 384477
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>>384474FUCK, I knew I should've doubled checked
Oh well, hooray for all Women
No. 384482
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And males still try to deny they're obsessed with controlling our bodies (mainly our wombs).
No. 384485
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>>384477too late anon, now we know how you really feel about us non-americans
No. 384489
>>384470exactly what im saying. people criticising women for their appearance is a normal everyday occurrence and no one bats an eye. in fact men probably just agree with the uncalled for comments about our appearance and say its "rational" or something. yet a
beard gets insulted in a youtube comment and suddenly you have men coming to some epiphany and jumping to defend the guy.
No. 384494
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>>384313People who fall prey to extreme plastic surgery like this are so fucking sad.
You think that having you know, billions of dollars might soothe your ego, but apparently not.
Good riddance.
No. 384504
>>384469>On so many occasions I have heard males straight up say "girls are so dramatic, why can't you just fight and get it over with instead?" Take a moment to appreciate the irony of being told your gender is the dramatic one by the people suggesting you physically fight someone.I once saw a discussion where some guys were gloating about how men aren't dramatic or petty, because if they have a disagreement they just fight it out and punch each other, and sometimes even wave knives around, but it's okay though because after that everything's cool and they're best buddies again! And they were shitting on women for being petty and overreacting over everything, because "you say one wrong thing and she won't talk to you for two weeks". Like jesus, I'd honestly just rather have someone ignore me for months instead of trying to fucking STAB me!
They weren't even talking about any major, serious disagreements, just some playground insults. Imagine beating the shit out of someone because they said some "ur mom gay lol"-tier stuff and seriously believing you're not being dramatic or petty.
No. 384513
>>384390Men's mental health is taken seriously and when it comes to women, it's like people want to believe women aren't capiable of having anything less than perfect mental health at all times
Seriously, a man can pull the "my high school girlfriend cheated on me and I got bullied" card and he will be supported and people will feel empathy for him if he suffers through depression, self harm or other mental health issues, a woman gets cheated on, bullied, raped, abused, suffering through depression? "Just forgive and get over it reee starving kids in Africa stupid special snowflake wahmen"
Same with emotional abuse, if a woman claims to be emotionally abused, people go out of their way to claim she wasn't abused and she is making it up, a man can claim to be emotionally abused (and there's no doubt about it even if their version of emotional abuse is not having dinner on the table), in that case emotional abuse is "just as bad as physical" and people will go on about how there needs to be more awareness for "abused men", of course "if the roles were reversed!", People justifying whatever happens to the woman, etc
And want to know the best part about this? You can't speak up about any of these issues even if you put the evidence in everyone's face, people will claim "poor men have to deal with this all the time" provide no evidence, screech about how women have life on easy mode, all of course with no legit evidence
Being a man is life on easy mode, you get to have your cake and eat it, women can't do either
No. 384516
>>384482An unborn child is a person, to remove such a person from a pregnant woman's womb, when her life isn't in danger by continuing the pregnancy, is murder.
>>384488Sperm cells are not comparable to an unborn child.
No. 384519
>>384469>>384471Men do a lot of things they complain and stereotype women for doing.
Gossip, two-facedness, passive aggression, being unwilling to confront people about problems, vocal fry, liking shopping, the list goes on. But it's cool when men do it because they're so chill, bro!
No. 384520
>>384516One way is murder, the other isn't even if it's the exact same thing for different reasons, got it
Anyway, sorry if it hurts your feefees, but this world is overpopulated, we do not need more children in the world, I'd rather them get removed from unwanted parents as a fetus before they can even feel anything other have any sense of conciousness, than to be born, populate this overpopulated planet, and be born to parents who for whatever reason don't want or can't have a child
Go get stuck in China's traffic and come back to see if you'll still rant to everyone about how women should be forced to have a baby just because the idea of a stranger killing a fetus hurts your feelings
Not to mention the fact women who are in situations such as living with
abusive parents or an
abusive husband, will literally be put in danger if they announce their pregnancy and some even put themselves in danger to induce a miscarriage instead of having a safe abortion, but most pro-life folk are sheltered whites who can't be asked to put themselves in the shoes of anyone but themselves
(derailing) No. 384526
>>384520>One way is murder, the other isn't even if it's the exact same thing for different reasons, got itIt's not the same thing, caesarean sections don't kill children, abortions do. That's a very clear difference.
>but this world is overpopulated, we do not need more children in the world, I'd rather them get removed from unwanted parents as a fetus before they can even feel anything other have any sense of conciousness, than to be born, populate this overpopulated planet,That is no excuse. If a murder started murdering people and stated overpopulation as their reasoning, that murderer would still be committing evil acts and deserve to be executed as punishment. Why do you believe that the life of an unborn child is worth less than an adult?
>Go get stuck in China's traffic and come back to see if you'll still rant to everyone about how women should be forced to have a baby just because the idea of a stranger killing a fetus hurts your feelingsMurder is evil, no matter the time, place or situation.
>Not to mention the fact women who are in situations such as living with
abusive parents or an
abusive husband, will literally be put in danger if they announce their pregnancy and some even put themselves in danger to induce a miscarriage instead of having a safe abortion
That is also no excuse. Murder is never justified.
(same male as below) No. 384527
>>384526*than an adult's?
>Not to mention the fact women who are in situations such as living with
abusive parents or an
abusive husband, will literally be put in danger if they announce their pregnancy and some even put themselves in danger to induce a miscarriage instead of having a safe abortion
(male) No. 384528
>>384516Yeah, no. Forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy from rape, a controlling partner fucking with her contraception, an unstable home life or
abusive relationship, etc. etc.
A fetus in the first term has no cognitive function and about as many cells as toe and fingernail clippings. Women have bodily autonomy and plenty of reasons for not wanting OR being able to give birth at that exact moment. Ultimately, it is OUR choice.
(derailing) No. 384581
>>384519One of my most hated things about this bullshit stereotyping of "women are drama" is the women who also play into it. Those women who say "I only get along with men, women are so dramatic and annoying!"
Are you fucking kidding me lol. Men are so petty over the dumbest things. Just look at them or their buddy/gf wrong and they'll straight up attack you. Many men have literally killed (or attempted to kill) others just for looking at them cross.
Men have one reason they are friends with women–the prospect of sex. Yeah a few men are cool and gay men are obviously excluded but this is the fucking truth. I cannot even count the number of times I thought I had a good friend and as soon as I turned them down they didn't want to be my friend anymore. It hurts so bad when someone you've been spending time with for months or even years suddenly asks you out/hits on you and you politely decline, and then boom…you've lost what you thought was a good friend.
One of my male "friends" I had for years actually tried to fucking rape me when I was passed out drunk and stoned. I woke up on his couch because he was unbuttoning my pants. I told him to stop and passed back out and woke up to him doing it AGAIN! Thank goodness he agreed to take me home after that.Men will keep their mouths shut on the bullshit their female friends spew in order to stay on their good side and hopefully increase the chances of having sex. That's why male friends are less drama to their female friends. Other women aren't going to put up with your bullshit because they don't have ulterior motives and most women feel comfortable calling each other out. Which is why I love women because I feel we can openly discuss issues we have with each other. Yeah it might be uncomfortable or heated at times but I do appreciate when my female friends call me out when I'm being dumb or something. This is one way you grow as an adult human and one reason (of the many reasons) I believe females mature much more quickly than males.
That's another thing I notice men do not do. I've seen many people talking about why the heck good men are still friends with assholes. Men seem to be incapable of calling each other out, even among close friends. Maybe it's because they are emotionally retarded or maybe it's because they can barely handle the shallow statements like "lol ur mom gay" without throwing fists or pulling out weapons. I think it's a combination of both.
No. 384594
>>384581I've always been friends with mostly guys and can confirm this is mostly true. I've noticed there's quite the contrast in how my guy friends treat me vs a girl they're trying to bang. With me, they treat me hardly any different than their male friends. They'll point out annoying shit I do, complain to me about their problems, bitch about people they hate just like you do with your friends. When they want a girl, they completely change into these perfect chill bros and treat her like a ~totally chill cool girl who's sooo interesting and different~. NLOGs eat that shit right up.
If you're friends with a lot of guys and seriously try to tell me men are far less dramatic, chances are they're after sex.
No. 384596
>>384519My husband works in a male-dominated field and there is so, so much petty drama goes on at his job, way more than any job I've ever had. And the thing is, you can't confront anyone about their issues because at best, you hurt their feelings and they they don't get any work done all day and at worst, they just might shoot the place up.
Can you imagine putting up with a
toxic coworker for years because you're afraid they'll actually murder you? And there's more than just one guy like that?
No. 384597
>>384596Yep, I noticed this when I hang out with male groups vs female groups
Men will throw shit flinging fests over literally nothing, there's outrageous amounts of rumors and conspiracy theories amoung co workers, they'll start drama revolving around any female co worker then blame the co worker for the drama they started
No. 384695
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Death to scrots
No. 384700
>>384695If only people focused on this more than "she TOLD him to turn on the lights though she's emotionally
abusive and provoked him!"
No. 384732
File: 1552100847257.png (131.71 KB, 500x477, when-i-hear-the-phrase-men-don…)

No. 384741
File: 1552104685338.jpeg (154.66 KB, 640x906, FEA8FE7C-FEF0-4CB9-B0CE-22EFA5…) of men doing dumb shit in the news (no killing, just plain idiocy)
Piercer thinks it’s ok to corner women while giving them piercings so he can sperg about politics and be creepy and invasive. Closed shop amidst “rabid social justice outcry” when many accounts of him being openly racist and sexist surfaced. Claims people are much too sensitive to handle his bizarre sense of humor which he uses to mock the current political state of America… totally believable amirite
Taking a look at his piercing shops Yelp and Facebook reviews yields much interesting feedback. People fighting back against his inappropriate and unprofessional behavior towards female clients is obviously a social justice witch hunt, huh
No. 384752
>>384723And we have rules against stalking, revenge porn, contacting family members, etc
4channers will put random underage girls addresses to creeps who are known for being murderous for no reason and put them in danger just because they saw her tits or whatever, they see no issue with revenge porn and some even go out their way to defend it, males have straight up admitted to sexually abusing family members and beating their girlfriends and the posts aren't even deleted or if they are chances are the only thing that will happen is a small ban and not you know,reported to law enforcement
Here a woman admits to slapping her boyfriend once out of rage, this entire imageboard goes mad, if you admit to doing anything bad to your signficant other you'll be attacked relentlessly, revenge porn results in a ban, contacting family members or posting addresses gets quickly removed and banned
With us, even if we do have issues with cow or hate them with a passion, we aren't trying to literally get them murdered or violate them unlike 4chan dudes who have no problem for no apparent reason
No. 384788
>>384786Imagine if a study was done that showed opposite results and women reacted how men are reacting to the study, we would never hear the end up "suck it up ebin should've been smarter this is why you belong in the kitchen men are Superior"
They want to be
victims but also Superior,this isn't exactly making men look good, how will they redeem themselves
No. 384825
Warning: this one will ultimately kill your faith in humanity.
From reddit: this guy slapped a girl on the ear during sex, and he did it so hard that she's now permanently deaf from one ear.>She went to a doctor and said she had "fallen over" when they asked how it happened, we stopped talking a while after that and she got a boyfriend. Fast forward one year and I messaged her to ask how her ear was. She still can't hear out of it and apparently it can't be fixed :( . She was lovely about it all and said it wasn't my fault and that I shouldn't feel guilty which did make me feel a little better.>GREAT SEX THOUGH.The comments are 99% in his favor, joking about it, saying he dindu nuffin wrong because "she asked for it", and that "she can live with it". Some of these comments are coming from women, too. This is probably the worst:
>Similar happened to me. Sadly I wasn’t getting laid and the guy who hit me was an abusive asshole. Anyways. I got a bit of a chuckle from the title. Wasn’t expecting it to be sex haha. I’ve learned to live with it and she will too haha. The hearing in my right ear is really good now. But music in confined spaces like in the car still freaks me out a bit cause sometimes I hear things in songs I’ve never heard before. And I am! Married to a great man, we have 2 kids, lots of pets, and we just bought a house! Plus side for you tho was the sex was good haha.Another comment, this time from a man.
>Jesus. I once dislocated a girl's jaw from a similar situation, I felt horrible about it, but she told me not to worry. Now I feel less bad at least, ha.Although in the original post OP seemed almost remorseful, in the comments he replied
"Cry me a fucking river" when someone commented on how fucked up it was.
Has the world completely gone crazy? In which realm is it acceptable to make someone permanently disabled and laugh about it? I hate men.
No. 384827
>>384825He claims he feels awful about it but he writes about it on a subreddit for sharing your "ridiculously stupid", "cool", "funny" fuck-ups. The guy just wanted to stealth brag about having rough sex.
I'd be curious to see what the comments would be to a similar story with the genders switched around, too. Would everyone be so amused by a woman disabling a man for life, or would they immediately label it abuse ?
No. 384828
>>384825I'm not going to argue whether the story is true or not but the responses are disgusting. The most sane ones are being downvoted into oblivion.
Once again, men show their true colors of shit.
No. 384846
>>384825Tbh I don't even buy his narrative about "accidentally" hitting her in the ear. It's not like she's aware of the reddit post to give her version of events anyway.
My guess is his horny animalistic brain walloped her upside the head out of impulse. Even if he's telling the truth about her asking him to hit harder, how could he indulge that knowing she had a terrible day and clearly wasn't in a good mental headspace? It would make any empathetic person extremely uncomfortable–which he even admits to, but carries on anyway. Sure.
Fucking imagine!
A woman has a stressful day at work and gets into an argument with her shitty ex, and what does she ease herself with? Some knuckle-dragging tard off Tinder to come fuck her roughly, beat her up, and then make her deaf. She lies for his ass at the doctor by pretending the battery was just "a fall." Poor thing blames herself for this shit, but even that's probably a cope because at this point the fucker can't be made accountable, and judging by the comments, society endorses his shit.
No. 384847
>>384846It blows my mind how so many retards in the comments are yelling "B-BUT SHE GAVE HER CONSEEEENT!!1"
So what, if someone comes up to you asking to be killed, do you kill them? Good job explaining that to the police
No. 384866
>>384825Imagine if a woman made her boyfriend deaf during sex by slapping him, we would never hear the end of
>YOU'RE AN ABUSIVE EVIL WOMAN!>Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you can hit him, I wish he would have beaten you>Reee evil feminists>You should feel ashamed of yourself and pay for all the damage you caused him, you crippled his life forever! bless his heartWhy are men allowed to still get empathy even if they are less than perfect? And why do women have to be pure sheltered fairies who never had any sinful thought even cross her mind in order to MAYBE get emparh if something terrible happens to her? Someone please explain
No. 384873
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>>384825>I didn't really hit her in the ear, because I still ended up making contact with her cheek! Can't even keep his story straight. I guess it's by magic that she ended up deaf in one ear, right?
I like how he says it was a fuck up on "both their parts", but one of them is permanently injured with nothing to show for it, and the other has a lolsofunny story that earned them 20k upvotes and Reddit gold. Society is wild.
No. 384874
File: 1552156302077.png (24.41 KB, 746x180, TIFU by slapping a girl so har…)

>>384873This guy has cognitive dissonance. First he says he feels bad for the woman he permanently injured, then he replies like this when people hold him accountable.
Thank goodness the woman didn't ask him to choke her, he would've fucking killed her. I hope this story is fake
No. 384876
>>384874>You permanently damaged someone>CRY ME A RIVER!Umm, how does this guy live? God forbid he ever have a normal job or education, his boss will critize him and he will bitch about "cry me a river!"
But after all he's a man and men don't have to be accountable for their actions, they'll scream and cry simply for stating the facts
>>384772>Blaming male suicide on haircutsOnly men.
No. 384986
>>384825Imagine reactions to a reversal like "I was giving a guy a footjob, he asked me to go hard on his nuts and I accidentally crushed them. Now he's infertile". They'd roast the woman for it, and even more for not being empathetic enough about it
>>384979>They just skate through the system because its practically illegal to fail themHey, hook up me up with this free, unfailable university, sounds dreamy. Anyway
>woman doesnt do anythingUseless. Fuck her.
>woman goes to uniForcing men out of school. Fuck her.
>woman works high level positionOnly here because shes a woman. Fuck her.
>woman works low level positionUseless. Fuck her.
Lmao nothing a woman does is ever gonna be good enough
(responding to scrotb8) No. 384997
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>>384732Bless you for this image anon.
No. 385003
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>>385002Litchi Hikari Club I think
No. 385037
>>385005In the US universities are pretty secretive about how they choose students. There are your marks but many also want things like a personal statement, recommendations letters, volunteering/job/club experience, etc that they take into account an unknown amount.
The excuse I hear about women getting an unfair advantage is
>teachers prefer girls and give them special attention! They ignore boys so they do worseBut there is little evidence of this, if anything it is the other way around.
No. 385093
>>385037There are scholarships for being female but there's also scholarships for everything from literally every heritage you can have, to having blue eyes, being short, having glasses, etc
But of course, it's women who get blasted as having some sort of easy as pie life and they're all evil privileged women who never had to work a day in their life but somehow suck at everything, because of this and not anyone else who gets scholarships for similar reasons
No. 385108
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>>385103He's a "great guy".
No. 385113
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>>385103'm pretty sure this is the man in those videos
No. 385116
>>385113Of course it's a morbidly obese chinless bastard behind it. Lmao.
Of course he hates women.
No. 385119
>>385118These women literally signed up for this. They are getting paid for things they agreed to do. I’m not following the train of logic here. Sure, it looks super fucking scummy. It sounds super fucking scummy. But I cannot imagine that auditioning or applying for “FACIAL ABUSE” videos, is something where they’re caught off guard when dicks fly at them.
Sorry, but I blame the women who agree to do this shit. They’re not held at gunpoint here.
No. 385123
>>385119Nta but I don't really buy that women signing up for abuse do so because they purposefully reject reasonable opportunities for better employment, and they landed on this because it's something they love and want to participate in.
These are obviously people doing what they can for money, and it's a shame that there are people out there who throw ethics to the curb just because there was an exchange of money. Just because they're paid doesn't make the situation right.
No. 385129
>>385122I feel like the video evidence of women before them should absolutly clue them in. I 100% agree that this is shitty. They’re preying in vulnerable women.
But WHY after seeing these videos of women before them would they agree? Why would they seek this out?
No. 385130
>>385119>This network of sites contains content to suit multiple varieties of racism and misogyny. Here is one piece of an account from a desperate Latina mother, trying to earn money for her family, who survived shooting a film for the “Latina Throats” website:>“I was a victim of this website. They tell you that they won't abuse you. They start very nice, taking their time. They said, "You're just going to do a little porn, get paid and get out." No, that's not the truth.>I didn't know it was in a warehouse. The lady didn't tell me where I was going. And once I got there and begged them to stop, and told them I wanted to leave, they just beat me up more.”So, no, not all of them know exactly what they're agreeing to.
No. 385132
>>385131You have to be straight up retarded to agree to do porn- or ANY job and not check what sort of porn you’re doing, what the company is affiliated with, who the people fucking you are, etc.
It’s asinine to think there’s absolutely to validity to claim that people are responsible for their actions.
No. 385137
>>385134Some of these people genuinely seem to think these same porn companies don't go under different names and subsidiaries for employment, or lie about applicants doing "gentle" scenes and not the rough stuff.
They're just determined to absolve shitty men. If a man ever does anything bad, it becomes "Both people were in the wrong!" at worst. Disgusting and pathetic.
No. 385139
>>385137I don't even understand why this tartlet itt keeps frothing over us apparently "not answering the question" when we've already explained how and why certain women make these choices?
It's been typed in plain english lmao, must really want us to engage.
No. 385146
>>385144>tricked by the boogey manNo, by this ugly fat shit with some dollars
>>385113. It's been established.
No. 385147
>>385145Yeah it's pretty clear they just wanna shitpost and argue. Look at that poster even twist what we're saying as if we're actually secret anti-women who want to believe every woman is incapable of decisions and is weak.
No, we just realize the porn industry is deceptive,
toxic, and inherently dangerous even with alleged "consent."
No. 385206
>>385135>smol, weak, ignorant children who can’t type in google to check and see what sort of work they’re embarking on. Even if this WERE true, does being dumb mean you deserve abuse and rape? Does it make you feel better to know women are getting violated because they aren't the sharpest tool in the shed? Is being naive such a heinous crime, even though it hurts nobody but themselves?
Of course, they aren't just stupid. They are poor, uneducated, desperate, drug addicted, groomed, and expertly mislead by men whose job it is to put women in situations where they are uncomfortable for men's pleasure. But it blows my fucking mind that a man's empathy ends when a woman makes a bad choice for herself. As if the consequences are remotely equivalent to not being savvy enough to google a company.
No. 385211
>>385133Considering how many literal porn subgenres are centred around a woman being tricked into sex (casting couch, fake taxi driver, massage turns sexual) never mind the rape subgenres (lesbian needs to learn how she loves dick! Plus all incest ones) it seems spectacularly dumb to pretend all porn is consensual
Most porn plots in fact are about being surprised or tricked, so few are about a woman seeking sex intentionally. Wow, unbelievable that some of the actual actors could have been misled and trafficked into it! Crazy!
Might be why normie guys are so rapey now, it's their sex ed
No. 385260
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A few of the comments are, "uwu maybe the poor man has postpartum depwession" instead of just assuming he's a neglectful asshole.
Men are useless.
No. 385266
>>385260OF COURSE he fucking guilted her into keeping it. Only to dump all of the responsibility onto her. I get so exasperated when I see female friends cleaning up after their boyfriends and shit like that. They never appreciate either. They straight up start to expect it. I will never ever play mommy for a grown ass man.
And postpartum depression?? I knew Reddit dudes were dumb but that is ridiculous
No. 385268
>>385260Oh my goodness! Not only does she need to tattle to anyone who listens that he's feckless, she needs to also break up and find a better partner for her child. The guy is literally choosing games over his own offspring. He's a defected person and having his child was an unfortunate, permanent mistake.
This is why I've sworn to stay away from men too involved in their fantasies like video games. Fuck that shit. Even if there was no child you know this asshole would still be playing vidya than focusing on their relationship, I'm not sold on this being a "sudden" problem.
No. 385275
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No. 385277
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No. 385279
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This was posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit because she "ruined his life"
No. 385280
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>>385279The comments are pretty much what i expected
No. 385289
>>385279Here's what comes up when you Google 12 year old girl. "I thought she was 19" my ass. Even if she looked older than 12, there's no doubt in my mind that he knew her age was questionable but just didn't care.
>>385280Wow. Imagine defending a grown man for fucking a twelve year old. I don't care if she looked mature for her age. That's the same bullshit excuse people would use to justify dudes being predatory towards me when I was a preteen "early bloomer". I would tell these creeps my real age and guess what. They didn't give a shit.
Anyone who tries to shift the blame of creepy adult men onto literal children because of their body type or that they've been groomed to behave hypersexually at a young age is disgusting and a pedo sympathizer, if not a pedophile themselves.
No. 385291
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>>385289Sorry forgot to attach pic
No. 385294
>>385277>>385277Men:men aren't hiveminds
Also men:ALL men would leave you because of x
No. 385295
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>>385289It really depends on the girl
The girl in the picture just turned 13 when the photo was taken
No. 385312
>>385280Okay, this retardation needs to stop. I am 4'8, petite and flat-chested and I know that excuse is absolute bullshit. Even if a 12 year old has been professionally styled you can still tell they're fucking 12 from how they carry themselves and talk. Saying there's a chance that literal children could turn out to maybe be adults just emboldens sick fucks to go after younger girls and say they didn't know.
>>385295Above still applies. The styling is mature but she looks young enough that a man should feel nervous taking her home.
No. 385332
>>385275There alot here. And I want to believe this is fake
and yet.. >>385280Throw them all away in a fire. The pedophile and the defenders, the whole lot. Disgusting
I hope the
victim lives a good safe life.
No. 385337
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>>385291I'm ESL and this is what i get… i hate that this exists, and why is it the first thing that comes up? I'm relieved i was fat around that age because the only unwanted attention i experienced was, thankfully, bullying
No. 385349
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>>385312Ha ha, no.
So many more girls are looking older and older through makeup and wearing adult clothing and posing.
These poor girls are being groomed by society from day one.
No. 385383
>>3842829 periods per year??
its 12 what is he talking about
No. 385456
>>385443Yeah I don't think dating these modern porn sick men is a good idea. Not that men ever treated women as humans, but we have porn to deal with now too. Don't think for even a second that it's your fault for 'not giving them a chance'. Chances are you'll end up unhappy, abused, with an unwanted pregnancy or murdered. Even if they pretend to be nice and treat you like a human being at the beginning, it's just that, pretending, that's why we have memes like nice guy or courting.
I say just always keep men at arm's length if you desire their company. There's also romance novels for women by women if you're into that. Some women amass 'beta orbiters' too; I used to think they were evil and deserved the hate they get for it, but taking a second look at it now, they're actually quite clever and end up way better than women who date, so there's that.
No. 385461
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So this was posted on a Facebook page
No. 385462
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>>385461And this is one of the comments with the most upvotes.
Sage for same fagging
No. 385467
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And these are the disgusting replies posted by men because a woman spoke the truth regarding men that buy services from prostitutes and even the comments from women are like "uhh ur ebill feminazi im not like this stop opressing men". It's sad how manipulated and brainwashed women are and we're still under their control and the whole female eliberation thing is just a meme because we're still being pointed at and made fun of only for existing and wanting to speak about our issues and about social issues created by men in general, if it doesn't benefit men anymore it becomes and issue. I'm fucking sad feminism has become a joke and something to be made fun of.
But poor men, they have to seek services from a woman that's under continuous distress for selling her body, that probably had a shitty life and was abused beforehand BECAUSE IT WAS HER CHOICE. Kill all scrots.
No. 385474
>>385443I've been dating a man for three years. He's pretty great but that's because he's very repulsed by society (it might be autism, another disorder or just his personality, not sure) and doesn't want to connect with people other than his family and me, so he doesn't do all the male posturing and entitlement.
I understand that he's not perfect, though. The main reason our relationship works is because we're both very introverted people and put all of our social effort into one another (which works for us, wouldn't for some other people).
I've dated a man as well as a butch lesbian before who were more sociable and they were both rotten by male (and pseudo male) socialisation, spending their time belittling me and trying to pressure me into sex.
No. 385479
>>385443i have spoken about my partner before but without him i would not be with a male. he is very sweet and mostly childlike and fragile. he is easily scared and is very sensitive. he doesn't care to speak to people and is pretty antisocial, not because he is terrible at socializing, but just because doesn't get anything out of it, and he very much enjoys our pretty insular life that we've created just for ourselves
. he is not pornsick at all and even before we dated, he stopped using porn because he didn't want to, and it's something we both are not okay with. i'm just so glad that for the yrs he did use porn it didn't desensitize him. funny enough, as our bond grew closer throughout the years, the easier he cums, which is completely unlike every other male, and i was always so terrified of him becoming desensitized to me and the loving, 'vanilla' sex life we have, but the exact opposite happened. like, just seeing me partially clothed and telling him how much we belong together makes him cum without stimulation. it's crazy and i got crazy lucky. when we were first dating and when we were much less emotionally connected, it was more difficult for him to cum (but still easy), which is exactly the opposite of what i expected, especially since the 'pink pill' type studies (which i do believe are generally true), find the opposite to be the case for most men. my difficulties with him are partially of my own doing, but also because i've been traumatized by males and i have/had a really hard time trusting that he wasn't trash and it affected our relationship. that's the thing about even finding a male that's genuinely decent - you can't come home to a person that you feel is so basically perfect when everyone else out there is so fucking horrible, and not be terrified all of the time that they're hiding it or will become that way. it's very difficult for me in that respect and has caused literally every single problem we've had, and it's unfortunate because the paranoia and mistrust wasn't his fault.
without someone like this, imo, at best, they are only worth the few crumbs they can throw us by complimenting us and giving us the praise and appreciation that we're denied irl in every other part of our lives. they also psychotically compartmentalize. that's why you see so many 'nice' men that do treat their daughters fairly well, or their mothers, but get off on the abuse of other women or excuse the abuse of other women, so it's very risky being with males. it is unfortunate that we aren't gay. it's scary being with men and being vulnerable with them, and even when you have a good guy, it's just scary knowing he can be corrupted. i worry about that all of the time.
No. 385487
>>385479I couldn't care less about how easily your bf cums but I agree that
> he is not pornsick at allis an important aspect of men who aren't scrots. I've always thought antiporn ideas to be puritanical and at odds with free speech, but I'm starting to realise how the difference between men that casually watch hentai and porn and those that never do is like night and day. It really does teach them to objectify us even futher, but I feel like this will never be taken seriously as an idea because it DOES sound backwards and also I like male contraceptives, men just aren't interested in hearing these possibilities
No. 385491
>>385443My bf is very receptive to feminist issues, I have shared some pretty provocative thoughts with him (for the average scrot at least) and it sparked some very interesting conversations.
Also he went from watching a LOT of porn to being completely turned off by it which I think is great and he got genuinely upset when I explained to him how the porn industry take advantage of vulnerable women and that even amateur porn isn't safe because we can't know how it's been produced.
No. 385507
>>385443I do. I'm bisexual and honestly never had good relationships, not even friendships, with men; it was always being used and abused. I thought I'd end up dating only women.
I met him about 10 months ago and he's just so different, he never objectified me in any way, he always listens, never once mansplained, he's respectful, just very sweet all in all. He has no issue with showing he is an emotional person unlike most men that act like emotions are girl cooties.
I think he's like this due in big part to being raised by women. He never really had any male "role models" so he was never exposed to the idea that women are inferior in any way.
If I hadn't met him I probably would have never dated a man, I hate the idea of having the responsibility of "deconstructing his masculinity" I'm no one's manic pixie dream girl npc.
No. 385534

Sadly unsurprising news, because he's a known scumbag, but a bunch of recordings of Tucker Carlson from Fox News have surfaced with him saying a shitload of misogynistic shit. Among them, "women are primitive", he defends statutory rape, and he thinks that Michael Vick should "be executed" while a statutory rapist should "walk free". Because dogs have more value than women, naturally.
Of course, the retarded right has been pulling out the "these comments are a decade old why did you dig this up?" shit, while simultaneously posting a video of Bill Maher making disgusting comments…. from 1998. Perhaps both men are pieces of shit? I know, that's really hard for a lot of people stuck in stupid left/right politics to admit. Of course, in the end, nothing will come of this, because Fox News don't give a shit, just like most people don't give a shit about sexism.
Anyway, video with audio linked, you can check out the comments if you want to lose braincells. Link with a transcript too. No. 385539
File: 1552327289642.jpeg (15.64 KB, 400x400, images.jpeg)

Can any med or art fags relate to this? I'm getting tired of female anatomy being shown as a skinny woman with perfect perky tits, tiny waist, skinny shoulders and arms, big butt, flat stomach, wide hips and perfect innie vagina but in male anatomy drawings, it looks a lot more like an average man's body
Obviously I get it's more for teaching but why are anatomy figures that are specfically for teaching also made to look "perfect"? It's very annoying because anatomy figures are supposed to look average and if that's considered average to men then wtf do they consider attractive? And it also worries me that some girls might think they're deformed or have something wrong with them because they don't look exactly like that
No. 385597
>>385511Men are obsessed with PIV and thus, when they perceive they are going to be unable to "freely access" it (either through self labeled incelism, women having control over reproductive rights, insecurity about dick size etc.) they chimp out in all manner of ways, but usually through violent entitlement (rape, sexual harassment, domination and controlling bodies).
PIV being the primary sex act (and thus pregnancy and subjugation) is probably one of the touchiest and hardest subject for most women to grapple with. A significant amount of heterosexual women don't even orgasm at all during sex 35% (compared to only 5% of men) and the ones that do almost exclusively have to have oral/non-PIV genital stimulation instead of PIV alone.
> fulltext available, sorry).
PIV is not in the interest for women, even though many are satisfied with it or it "feels good". There are too many risks for the sexual pleasure it brings, when there are many more sex acts that are safer and bring more orgasms to women, like
>>385509 basically said. Lesbians have far greater amounts of orgasms, shouldn't we take the fucking hint?
No. 385657
>>385632My thoughts exactly anon.
I'm supposed to accept that some men just like bigger or smaller tits, yet how fucking dare I have a preference to avoid micro penises and pencil dicks? People treat women like size queens of we dare say it.
No. 385703
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Anyone else loving the tears over the success of Captain Marvel? So many whiny grown ass men complaining for the dumbest reasons, trying to review bomb the movie and create negativity around it. I wasn't planning on watching it but now I'm tempted.
No. 385734
>>385722I'm Brie Larson myself. Buy my movie.
>>385730>she doesn't smile in the trailers>she wants more women on the press conference>she's an open feministBunch of whiny neckbeards
No. 385754
>>385753Prostitution is one of those things you'll get attacked by both the far left and the far right on
Left because muh sex for money is empowerment, right because the only reason a woman may not like prostitution is because she's an evil woman who hates competition or whatever
No. 385768
>>385762Julie Bindel, Meghan Murphy, Linda Bellos, etc. have all been deplatformed at some point for their views on trans politics. It's takes zero effort to do a google search for information on deplatformed feminists. I don't know why you're arguin when it's clear that you absolutely no knowledge on this topic at all.
>I haven't heard about that thing that never happens.>Translation: I don't want to acknowledge facts that go against my beliefs so it isn't true!!11!!Not an argument.
No. 385777
>Bindel was scheduled by the Social Justice LLC to speak about her book, “The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Worker Myth” on Nov. 8. Bindel, a self-described radical feminist, is co-founder of the law reform group, Justice for Women. The group opposes violence against women and helps women who have been prosecuted for killing violent male partners.>Early on the scheduled day of her talk, Bindel said she received a call rescinding the invitation. Kris Sloan, associate professor of education and director of the Social Justice LLC, confirmed that it was ultimately his decision to cancel Bindel’s appearance. Bindel was going to talk about her book dealing with prostitution and violence against women and St. Edward's University deplatformed her because she doesn't lick tranny ass, which is completely unrelated to the topic of discussion.
>Linda Bellos became the most recent feminist whose invitation to speak was withdrawn for raising questions about the direction in which modern-day gender politics is heading. Bellos, who is responsible for establishing Black History Month in Britain, was uninvited by the Beard Society, a “gender and feminist group” within Cambridge University.>During her address to Peterhouse College, Bellos told organisers she planned to publicly question “some of the trans politics … which seems to assert the power of those who were previously designated male to tell lesbians, and especially lesbian feminists, what to say and what to think”. In response, a representative of the Beard Society responded: “I’m sorry but we’ve decided not to host you. I too believe in freedom of expression, however Peterhouse is as much a home as it is a college. The welfare of our students in this instance has to come first.” list goes on…
Why do people insist on arguing about shit that they're so plainly fucking ignorant about? Just admit that you're wrong lmao.
>>385773>Sorry you can't run around screaming in the streets about how women are evil and should all be put on human breeding farms without receiving backlashWho even denies them that right? Men never stop screeching about women on every forum they're on and space they occupy. r/incels only got banned after years of inciting violence and advising men to rape women.
No. 385801 do farmers think about this? Personally I don't buy into it tbh, but it's interesting how fast people are to believe it and use it as some #MGTOW life lesson, praise him for it, but the anon from the confession thread who admitted to fucking a bunch of women's husband's and boyfriend's gets slammed repeatedly and gets the finger pointed at her, but in the Reddit thread people point the finger at the women
Basically internet logic is
Man fucks woman he knew was married = woman's fault
Woman fucks man she knew was married = also women's fault
I don't understand why men are never held accountable for their actions
No. 385817
>>385810That's what I was thinking, a lot of what he said is missing details and not going together
Also what woman has long venting conversations to their side-guy about their husband?
Or bragging about how they "fuck everywhere" like the beach and gym, grown ass adults, unless it was a private beach or gym it would be impossible to do so and get away with it
Another shady detail is claiming he's met all these women at Ikea, home depo, restaurants, bookstores, etc, somehow magically knew they were married and picked them up, how would that even be possible in a place like a restaurant? Who even picks up someone in a store? It's an odd occurrence sure but I doubt this dude just has married women chase him everywhere he goes like he claims
And finally, MGTOWs are known for claiming to be the side-dude, this isn't the first time I've seen some clearly incel larping as some don-jon who's fucking all the husband's wives in town
No. 386173
>>386167And then of course if women feel extremely hurt over being cheated on it's because obviously they weren't doing enough for their partners like cooking their dinner, or we just have to accept the fact that males want to fuck everyone at any opportunity.
Women aren't allowed to feel deeply betrayed over cheating.
No. 386187
>>386173Usually scrots say that if a woman gets cheated on, it's the woman's fault for choosing someone who must clearly be a sexy bad boy Chad. They have it in their heads that as long as a girl dates the 'right' man - one older and significantly less attractive than them, they will never get cheated on or treated badly in any way. But if they date someone age and looks appropriate, they deserve to be treated badly for having the audacity to think a guy could like someone who isn't way better looking than him.
The mental gymnastics these psychos go through to brainwash women into dating down is amazing. They stop at nothing to secure themselves a hot, young, desperately insecure waifu.
No. 386194
>>386192We can't really win no matter who we choose to date.
>reject a guy>get murdered/stalked/verbally or physically assaulted>date a guy>be to blame if he ever wrongs you in any way>leave a guy>get murdered/stalked/verbally or physically assaultedSo really, the only way for us to be free of blame is to be fucking psychic and know exactly which men are likely to hurt us despite the fact that the men who are best at abuse are also the best at hiding their true nature. I mean, the fact that all the 'nice guys' who hate women for dating assholes are the most violently misogynistic people around should say something…
No. 386234
>>386200Plot Twist: Men who are uglier are the ones with the extremely low self esteem, so when someone out of their league dates them they receive an ego boost and suddenly think they can act like they're better than you including but not limited to abusing the fuck out of you.
They managed to snag you so they "could have anybody" now amirite. Ugh.
No. 386442
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In the news in Ireland today:
Read the comments for bonus scrot bullshit.
>THE HEAD OF UCD’s computer science department has issued an apology after an email was forwarded to students asking them to help develop a sexual consent application.
>An email sent to students this afternoon stated that the correspondence was sent in error.>The original email which was forwarded to all students by asked the computer science department to help develop an app which would record sexual consent between two people prior to any activity taking place. >The email stated that the app could stop “life destroying legal ramifications” which arise in cases of sexual assault and rape. >The initial email was allegedly sent by a student.>It cited an “ever growing fear for men to be sued post intercourse”. >The email, which has been shared widely on social media, read: “With your help we can fight the ever growing fear for men to be sued post intercourse due to consent not being recorded/denied/retracted the life destroying legal ramifications that follow – as well as allowing for a clear opportunity if the other, for instance female, does not wish to continue in the act – and leaves out the lack of communication which is responsible for the destruction of thousands of lives each year.”>This afternoon, an email was sent by head of UCD Pádraig Cunningham to those in computer science students which stated it should not have been forwarded to students.>The email reads: “An email you received on Monday, March 11, 2019 with the subject heading “Fwd: Urgent” was not reviewed and approved by the UCD School of Computer Science before it was forwarded to our students.>“The School emailing lists should not have been used to circulate this email. It was issued in error. Please disregard the email.>“On behalf of the School, I would like to sincerely apologise to the students who have received this email and for the offense it has caused.>“The School of Computer Science will review and improve its approval process for all proposed emails to be sent to students on our lists to ensure that this can not happen again.” No. 386547
>>386473You could give consent, then he reveals what he really wants to do to you/does it, but because you consented to thing 1 you can't complain about thing 2. It's have to be consent to each act for a fixed time, and at that point you should just admit you don't trust men and throw in the towel.
I think it's a good idea just so you get a list of what he plans to do to you, maybe if that was sent before you are in the same room as them so there's no forced politeness/fear of refusal.
No. 386648
>>386644anon you’re talking about a species so retarded that they’re all either actually autistic or so socially inept that they can’t even recognize other people’s faces
and the thing is, they could change - just look at the autistic woman discourse. they learn social cues, but even “normal” men refuse to learn. it’s funny that the “logical” sex is so fucking brain dead and useless when it comes to basic human interaction.
I would seriously rather talk to a brick wall than any man, because the wall could at least read me better.
No. 386766
>>386644IA. I feel like I can discuss consent and sexual situations with most women and they instantly GET it, whereas men always throw in some what ifs and some what thens.
It's funny how they all understand social cues and body language when the woman WANTS sex, but when she's sending off signals that boundaries are being crossed and that she's not comfortable, they're blind, deaf and dumb.
And if they're ever truly not sure, all they have to do is say, "hey, is this okay?" and see what the answer is. I don't understand why they act like it's some complex minefield of false rape accusations.
They act like consent is the most difficult concept to grasp when they have the option of either learning social cues or just learning how to fucking communicate. It's not hard.
No. 386774
>>386766> It's funny how they all understand social cues and body language when the woman WANTS sexDo they, though? I've seen tons of oblivious dudes.
> a group of men is always the same: some bald guy in slacks looking stern, some dude in a baseball hat with the state team talking about sports, some beer belly in a greasy shirt, etc. you always expect to see them and they're always talking about some bland, vapid you're just talking shit. This is literally something incels over at /r9k/ would say, but about women.
No. 386804
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>>386783knowing this scandal is just the tip of the ice berg is so upsetting.
No. 386837
>>386833I live in this country as an young adult woman. I know full well if that ever were to happen to me, i would only have the option to hang myself.
Imagine if this was what the state did to a child who still goes to elementary school, what would they do to someone like me? Most of my family and society at large would shame me for looking for an abortion, even saying that i made up being assaulted to get an easy out.
By the way 50kg = 110lbs
No. 386839
>>386822>Use birth control, evil Western or westernized roastie sterilizing herself and killing babiesI always see this in threads but where I am in birth control is so normal that a man hating birth control is almost like an antivaxer, and I can't imagine how they got to their decision. Here so many teen girls get advised to go on it for excuse reasons like helping acne, it's so normal and the only reason people really talk about the pill is to debate how the cavalier prescription of it may have affected generations of women's mental health, but even from women that have bad experiences it's still seen as better to freely have the option than not. It's the same in many European countries, and some american cities, but why is the USA so behind on this as a whole?
I understand that there's a lot of right wing types in power that somehow think nationally free contraception will bring about slut-ageddon, or that it means less profit would be made by big pharma, but wouldn't they prefer to lower the abortion and unwanted pregnancy rate? Don't they want to spend less on supporting the mothers they hate so much? It's insane!
All of the other points in your list are the same here though, in fact men just expect not to have to use a condom because they expect you to be on the pill, it's shit being a woman anywhere
No. 386852
>>386831I heard that the baby passed away from respiratory issues? It was in danger from the moment it was born and anti choicers still chant "protect both lives"
God that poor girl, only 11. I hope she's at least alright..
No. 386877
>>386852The baby died in 8M, ironic enough..
The girl last time i heard was in 1 in 1 surveillance at the hospital because she tried to kill herself twice
A periodist said pro-choice is hypocrital because, "that little baby is also a female child so if you want to protect women, she also has rights, she is as much of a woman as you are". So yeah, this country is a shithole. I wish i could emigrate to the US. Also i hate men
No. 386891
>>386852And the only 2 medics that helped her by doing an emergency c-section (the rest of the medical staff refused to do anything) are now being tried for murder.
>>386832That's a fucking lie, she begged for them to remove the "thing that old guy put inside" her. Her name should have never been divulged either. Argentina hates women.
No. 387001
>>386877I hope you leave too anon
Then let that country burn in a fire.
>>386891The team that barely saved the rape
victims life is being tried for murder.. because the fetus that didn't have a chance in hell to live expectedly died. meanwhile other Healthcare professionals stood around and did jack shit while the suicidal 11 yr old rape
victim suffered in agony are innocent "pro lifers"
Christ. I hope they all suffer somehow. You can never be a good catholic prolifer ever if you just did nothing while a child was tortured under your "care"
No. 387011
>>387009Haha, this.
When I interned in a manufacturing plant two of the men there had imported their wives. One was from Guatemala and the other was from Thailand. Both are places that are lorded as having "traditional" women.
During lunch breaks they would both lament about how horrible their wives were, and how things had changed so much from when they first came over. Both women were severely depressed (no shit) and the men complained that they were heavy drinkers. Both wives would go out with their friends clubbing/drinking but then when it came to household chores/spending time with the spouse(which I imagine meant sex) they would be too tired or depressed. Also one asked me if I wanted his wife's old clothing, as he complained that she had gained 40lbs and could not wear them anymore. It occurred to me that these are the exact same things that incels cry about in regard to western women. They idealize these cultures with "submissive, docile" women who they believe will be their sex-mother and yield to their every desire.
I loved how they had specifically selected these women for a specific purpose and are now getting their due justice. I hope the women get to a point where they can support themselves and leave those disgusting fat slobs who think they're saviors.
No. 387130
>>387101Oh no anon he wants someone to fuck him fast but only him, these dudes live in a fantasy world where they hate sluts or the idea of a woman sleeping with anyone else but them but also want women to sleep with them fast as soon as they meet, that's why they hate women so much, the only way they'll be able to achieve this fantasy is if the girl lies, men are simple minded and comforted by lies
Also applied to plastic surgery, sexual pleasure, intelligence, etc
No. 387226
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>>387222Reminds me of this graph that has been passed around lately.
No. 387235
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Was this posted already? The thread isn't loading properly for me. the day this was found the website was also taken down, this is disgusting also to the fact they someone(people) have an entire database on these women which includes their full names, addresses, work place, and phone number along with any sort of social media they might have and weather they are ready for "breeding", things like this piss me off when people don't take women's issues seriously and wave it off when they aren't being treated as cattle.
No. 387243
>>387222I hate this so much. About a month after my ex and I broke up, we were supposed to stay friends, but ab
out a month later he told me he had started dating a 16 year old girl. He was fucking 23. Obviously, I ended our friendship and called him out on it. His excuse was literally that he "didn't believe her when she told him she was 16 and assumed she was older" (??? I know. Makes absolutely no sense.) All of his friends think it's gross too but none of them will say anything about it, I really don't get it. I mostly feel really bad for this teenage girl, from what I know she does some pretty hard drugs (like coke) and has slept with dozens of people, and now she's basically being taken advantage of by an adult man. They really are the worst.
No. 387424
>>387375I've been thinking about exactly the same thing recently. My bf is almost exactly as you describe yours, he's great and I love him but we've been having arguments whenever I bring up my views, even though I try to phrase everything in a very diplomatic way. He goes as far as to get defensive when I bring up the times I've been sexually harrassed by men, making it into a debate when all I want is to share my painful experiences and get support from someone I love.
The only thing we can do is either accept this or not date men, unfortunately. They'll never fully acknowledge how oppressed women are, even when they call themselves feminists and call out some forms of oppression. Men do not want to ever relinquish the power they have over us.
No. 387490
>>387375The last guy I was interested in used to call me sexist and I honestly don't give a fuck. You should do a better job of pointing out his shitty ass arguments.
>women Could theoretically do that tooBut do they though? That's the point. We live in reality where men commit the supermajority of violent crimes, not the land of make believe.
No. 387502
>>387424I'm so sorry anon…I can't believe his ego was more important than your pain, the person he loves. I also notice that men would express support and agreement to a woman he likes in private but he can't care about general women who are not in the room and will never speak about these issues with other men. You can't trust those who are only 'woke' when alone. Thank god I'm bi.
>>387490I keep saying this but it falls on deaf ear every time. 'Could' does not mean 'would' at all. They'd grasp at the 0.0001% instant bhad wahmen happened and truly believe that we are same as them. Not to mention criminal women were almost always severely abused. Men however can become a mass murderer just by hanging out on the internet.
No. 387623
What do farmers think about this? between hetpartnered radfems and Pink pilled radfems
No. 387671
>>387502>criminal women were almost always severely abused. Men however can become a mass murderer just by hanging out on the internet.This always stuck out to me when I was going through my true crime phase. Lone female perpetrators, incredibly rare as they are, were practically always severely physically and sexually abused in the past, usually by their own family. Lone male perpetrators were usually said to be emotionally abused, but often in a way that sounds relatively minor. I don't want to downplay the seriousness of emotional abuse but they would cite stuff like “he was adopted”, ”his mother was emotionally distant", "his father was disappointed that he wasn't good at sports" or "kids at school teased him for being chubby” i.e. things that a
lot of people, especially girls, go through without ever becoming violent in return. My mother and her sisters had a childhood very similar to that of John Wayne Gacy, with a father who'd beat them and told them they were useless on a daily basis. He'd sabotage their homework because he said they'd never amount to anything anyway so there was no point in them doing well in school. It left a lot of emotional scars but all of them grew up to be functional members of society and loving mothers who've never harmed a fly. Yet with Gacy people point at his childhood as if him becoming a serial sex murderer was inevitable. People are always quick to say that "different people react differently to abuse!" but somehow nobody ever acknowledges how the only people who react to
>son, I am disappointwith wanton violence are exclusively
MEN. Why are we considered the emotionally fragile sex again?
No. 387691
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Reminder that men are just as catty, gossipy and bitchy as women despite men constantly claiming women all "hate" each other and that "men are more chill with each other".
No. 387779
>>387745He's just playing the
victim while he's the actual bully for starting rumors. What a fucking baby. Don't start shit if you don't like confrontation.
No. 387822
>>387805>Now if you're gonna talk about other people's personal relationships like you know better than themTHIS
I'm tired of people on the Internet telling me that all our experiences aren’t actually how we perceive them and that they know the men we know better than we do is condescending and dismissive tone
No. 388045
>>388002I've had these beliefs for a while now, but it is 100% true.
The in-group preference for race will always be stronger than the in-group preference of sex.
When crimes and murders occur, tons of women (even fucking "radical feminists", whatever the fuck that term means anymore) will always defend their race, rather than condemn the man. Everything is always about race, when it's so fucking clear that it's about sex. Men of any race are a fucking cancer upon the world and it is honestly shocking to me that any woman would defend a man or have sympathy just because they have the same race.
What difference does it make as a woman, if you're getting murdered by a black man or a white man? You're still getting murdered by the parasites of the world.
Until a greater force makes men submit, women will never get true support from anyone.
No. 388157
>>388002>>388045This is just ridiculous, sorry anons.
>men>ever defending non-white women from racismYou realize when men of any race say things like "black/brown people", they mean "black/brown men",
not black/brown women, right?
The reason many WoC don't call themselves feminists is because they experience a lot of racism and shittiness from white women, too, so they don't expect any good to come of allying themselves with them.
With them, it's a "the devil you know" sort of thing. They'd rather deal with normalized male abuse and gaslighting because they're used to that, and think they can "at least handle that", than tread the waters of abuse and gaslighting from women who have the social power/privilege to simultaneously be leaders of the group
and be seen as
victims if any problems arise. It's not as if historically, white feminists came to the unconditional defense of WoC on the banner of them all being women and stood up for them. It was pretty much always all about themselves, and often, they literally sold out to white supremacy and threw non-white women under the bus for personal gain, so a lot of WoC just don't trust the whole movement.
I personally still think it's wrong, because IMO, even with cultural differences, I'll always share more in common with a woman of another race than I do with a man of my race, but I do understand their trepidation. It doesn't come from nowhere.
No. 388173
>>388171Ego boost, and they don't give a flying fuck if they hurt somebody by being in a relationship with people they hate, even misandrist women don't go out of their way to be in relationships with unassuming naive men
And of course these dudes avoid actual masochistic women who are begging for abuse because "it's not as fun if she's okay with it :c"
No. 388182
>>388002sorry in advance if this comes off as racebaiting, i don't believe it's a genuine defense against racism though. every time i see a white man talk about racism against non-whites it just sounds like they want to seem righteous. it's more of a competition on who can pity non-whites more than the other.
and this is coming from a non-white woman. white men love to talk about racism between each other like it's just a hobby and not something somebody actually experiences. i see it all the time on social media, all of those political twitter funnymen just spend their entire time online posting screenshots of nobodies posting racist shit and trying to make ajoke out of it.
No. 388257
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Hey scrots, must be nice to be able to openly express your mental health and seek help without being accused of being an attention whore
Must be nice to be able to have health problems without being accused of faking it for attention
Must be nice, as a child, to be able to get sick and get proper health care without being accused of pretending to be sick for attention
Must be nice to have pains and have it be taken seriously
Also, where the fuck did this "every issue women have with their health is for attention until it's deadly" shit come from?
No. 388269
Medfag here, I'll just vent about issues in the field pertaining to be gender
>If you are young and female and choose to do anything other than nursing, phlebotomy, CNA, or typical female things, you will NOT be taken seriously
>Proven wage gaps in the medical field, but you can't speak about it or else you'll be bombarded with "wage gaps is a myth you evil feminist just work harder"
>Men in the medical field either are pervy or have massive victim complexes, we all remember that scrot from the other thread who was a nurse and claimed the head nurse tried raping him because she said you must be new here and claimed he was being abused because nurses called him kiddo and asked if he wants kids. It's super common in the medical field, especially with claiming abuse,why do men like claiming abuse so much?
>Pervy doctor's make me sick, the type that always just "happen" to prescribe women breast exams or cervix exams, there's even a name for it called TUBES, male pediatricians are sick fucks too a lot of the time
>Male doctors over or under diagonsing women a lot, I've seen male doctors accuse a 12 yr old girl of having syphilis because of hives, which mind you, hives and syphilis look VERY different, or the type to brush off women's symptoms, especially young women, as faking it for attention
>Shadiness male ObGyns have when it comes to birth control
>High standards for women in the medical field, seriously, I've seen women get removed on their first day of rotations if they don't walk in perfect but males have more room to fuck up and be passed on as "oh it's okay we'll help you"
No. 388277
>>388275>Everyone says man up pussy to men :(Can you provide proof? So far I've seen enough proof that actually goes against it to mention the "man-flu" thing, if men were truly constantly told to man up like you claim, most men wouldn't act like they're dying over colds
No. 388282
Women get soOoOo much sympathy!! Must be thanks to acting hysterical all the time!
>Women are more likely to seek treatment for chronic pain, but are also more likely to be inadequately treated by health-care providers, who, at least initially, discount women’s verbal pain reports and attribute more import to biological pain contributors than emotional or psychological pain contributors>While women have a higher prevalence of chronic pain syndromes and diseases associated with chronic pain than men, and women are biologically more sensitive to pain than men and respond differently to certain analgesics, women’s pain reports are taken less seriously than men’s, and women receive less aggressive treatment than men for their pain.>Although women have more coping mechanisms to deal with pain, this may contribute to a general perception that they can put up with more pain and that their pain does not need to be taken as seriously.>Although women more frequently report pain to a health-care provider, they are more likely to have their pain reports discounted as “emotional” or “psychogenic” and, therefore, “not real.”>Women, being socialized to attend more to their physical appearance, are more likely than men to have health-care providers assume they are not in pain if they look more physically attractive. >Men with chronic pain are more likely to delay seeking treatment, but generally receive a more aggressive response by health-care providers once they enter the health-care system.> However, a recent finding that women are offered surgery less often in every age group studied for carotid endarterectomy suggests that factors beyond age and surgical risk may influence whether physicians offer this surgical option to women> women with stroke were significantly less likely than men to be prescribed statins or ACE inhibitors and were significantly less likely to be discharged receiving combination antiplatelet therapy> women with stroke have longer waiting times after they arrive in the emergency department and receive less aggressive treatment and therapeutic workup following their admission.24,26,27 One recent study found that women had 11% longer door-to-doctor times and 15% longer door-to-image times as men.>Results showed that 42% of physicians recommended TJA to the male but not the female patient, whereas 8% of physicians recommended TJA for the female but not the male patient >The “attitude study” revealed that despite the exact same clinical patient data except for gender in both hypothetical cases, physicians generally considered the male patient to be at higher risk and prescribed aspirin (91% for the male vs 77% for female, P<.01) and lipid-lowering medications (67% for male vs 54% for female, P<.07) more often for the male patient>women with ACS and obstructive CAD received less aggressive evidence-based drug therapies for secondary prevention than men, with women less likely to receive aspirin, statins, and β-blockers at discharge.>researchers44 found that all aspects of received care were higher for men than for women: risk factor recording was 8% higher, secondary prevention 9% higher, cardiac investigation 10% higher, and revascularization 13% higher in men>women had both a lower probability of being registered on the waiting list (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.62–0.78) and a longer duration between starting dialysis and being registered (OR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.84–0.95) than men.>Gomez et al48 found that significantly fewer women who were severely injured (Injury Severity Score >15) were directed to a trauma center by either emergency medical service (EMS) personnel or by physicians working in nontrauma facilities compared to men with comparable injury severity.>EMS staff were less likely to transport severely injured women than men from the field to a trauma center (33% of women vs 41% of men; P<.0001; adjusted OR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.81–0.97). Similarly, when severely injured patients were taken to nontrauma facilities, physicians there were less likely to transfer severely injured women to trauma centers compared with men No. 388325
>>388285"Men going their own way"? More like "Men bitching about women because they won't coddle them through their insufferable behavior and lack of any real good points or use".
On another note, I will never stop finding this "THE WALL" cope pathetic. Men will swear we turn into hags at 30, but keep "older women/MILF" at the top of most searched porn term with the sheer power of their cocks.
No. 388573
>>388545By that logic women should divorce men because they are no longer effective providers.
Dumb. It's just admitting to having the emotional intelligence of a chimp. Ooga booga grug want fuck
No. 388611
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Man to another man: be a real man
MGTOW:it's teh women's personal ebul agenda trying to control us
It's almost laughable how paranoid mgtow is about women, it's like how the alt-right /pol/tards are towards Jews
No. 388621
>>388619Is this a scrot or a fellow anon posting good man-hating content?
I'm not surprised, Esther Villar was the ultimate handmaiden, who, mind you, was crying about feminism even in the 60s and 70s when men could easily beat women for no reason and get into little or no trouble for it, but since she was an upper-class white woman who's daddy paid her way through anything, it is again, no surprise to see why she can easily talk about how feminism isn't needed and women are evil and so on
Also, isn't ironic handmaidens always talk about how us evil women are manipulating men while manipulating men themselves by going out of their way to prove how they aren't like those evil gold diggers and they're smart and kind?
No. 388641
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also MRAs:calls male rape survivor a cuck
No. 388642
>>388641Men really don't care about male rape
victims, at all. At best, they will use them for argument's sake, then go back to emasculating, mocking and dismissing them.
They only care about false rape accusations. I wonder why that is?
No. 388645
>>388642Any adult woman claiming to be raped is a false accusations to them, I've seen MRAs still trying to push a false rape accusation accusation, after the man admitted it. You'd be surprised the things people will go through to accuse women of lying
They also conveniently ignore the amount of men that give false rape and abuse accusations, because if they did it would be a lot of their own people, like that MRA who claimed he was raped because a nurse stood in the doorway and asked how old he was, but the people who screamed their damn heads off about how false accusations are the devil, worse than rape and should be punishable by death, never spoke up about this, or the majority of men reporting things like "not having a hot meal" abuse, as proved in the other threads, wonder why
>>388643Calm down, it was a question. Also do you know anything about the 70s? Phonebooks had mostly business addresses in it, not random people. And if you really believe a post office would just up and give randos people's addresses back in the day you're dead wrong, she is also European and it may hurt your feefees but I doubt evil feminists went and brought plane and train tickets to harass a random author when most feminists haven't even heard of her
I can literally tell you feminists all carpool to do drive bys and you'd believe me
No. 388650
>They give you their address
>They deliver it for you
>You deliver it yourself
From what I've heard post offices rules are to never give random strangers people's addresses if they simply ask for it, I'm not denying post offices don't deliver, but in order to deliver you would need said addresses and post office policy is to never give out addresses, if you really think you can just go up to a post office and get randos addresses that easily back in the day you're delusional
That being said, the only other way would be if they had already known her address or workplace in which they would have to be in the same area as her, which is already narrowing it down to a very very very unlikely chance this even happened, smack that on top of how unpopular her book was and volia, if for some reason she did get a death threat, it wasn't some constant inpour of death threats like you are trying to impose, it was probably just one woman telling her to fuck off, also I will ask again for legit proof of all these supposed death threats
Hell I know I'd at least have a picture or put it on the news if I had all these death threat letters from feminists
No. 388662
>>388641When a boy or man gets raped by a man, other men mock him for being gay, weak, etc.
When a boy or man gets raped by a woman who is deemed attractive, other men call him lucky and mock him for complaining.
When a boy or man gets raped by a woman who is deemed unattractive, other men mock him for being weak and gay while simultaneously bringing up the woman at any possible opportunity as irrefutable proof that women are just as violent as men.
The only men who other men sympathise with are those who are
accused of rape.
No. 388730
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>sex is a duty
>try to get her horny and get myself laid
>she fell asleep before giving me a chance to have fun :(
Men like this are so creepy and gross.
No. 388783
>>388730>she fell asleep right awayHe acts like this was an intentional slight against him. I don't know many people that can fall asleep by just deciding to fall asleep. The woman was clearly fucking tired.
>Now, should I start to play the same game?Imagine realising that your partner doesn't seem to enjoy intimacy, believing that they might actively be avoiding it and then asking whether you should be petty and play games instead of questioning what might have caused the rift and how to work together to fix it.
A normal, well-adjusted partner would ask how to open the lines of communication.
No. 388794
>>388789Woman fucks woman's husband, feels bad, doesn't tell anyone = evil whore, part of the problem
Man fucks man's wife and sends him the tapes = not his fault, wife is evil
No. 388812
>>3887309/10 times this kind of "bed death" happens is because the woman feels like she has become her partner's mother. I can guarantee you this guy totally slacks in the relationship and not only isn't truly supporting her, but adding even more shit to her life to deal with.
No wonder she just wants to fucking sleep.
No. 388858
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Spoiler just in case. I know "not all male gynecologists" but they never fail to weird me out. No matter how professional they come off as I can't help but wonder why they chose to that field and then I read stuff like this, and know that sometimes we are well within our rights to feel creeped out by men in that field or at the very least, just not comfortable with a male gyno. No. 388949
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Toxic femininity is women getting upset when he thinks there's nothing to be upset about, also it's not wanting to date bald manlets.
Btw it's just as bad as toxic masculinity which consist in bullying weaker sensitive men, raping and beating women and childrens, going to war for retarded reasons, and a lot more.
No. 388984
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Why do hoteps keep trying to force the idea that women's periods are caused by diets
No. 388985
>>388984>just starve yourself to make your period stopYEAH NO SHIT THAT MAKES YOUR PERIOD STOP KEK
I guess ana-chans are peak femininity after all.
No. 388986
>>388984It's a commonly known fact that malnutrition/starvation can cause women to not get their periods.
Why we should
aspire to do this instead of just letting our bodies perform its natural functions is beyond me.
No. 389015
>>388949There's nothing to respond to these with other than "
toxic femininity isn't real just like reverse racism isn't real". Only
toxic masculinity is real.
Men do the "you did something wrong and I'm going to be withdrawn and bitchy" thing just the same.
No. 389022
>>389016They didn't have a choice though, he was substituting their regular one.
But I agree, idk how they get regular patients (maybe women who are just too shy to make a request for a female doctor?).
No. 389028
I do a captioning gig and one show that gets submitted for captioning is some late night public TV "comedy" show with male presenters.
EVERY single joke revolves around them being uneducated, slow and rude. You get jokes about them not understanding books, thinking Hamlet is about pigs, being talked through baking a pie by a competent female baker but making fart noises all throughout, and it's played off as endearing and funny. In one episode, one of the guys talks to a woman who runs a women's shelter and as she talks about abused women, all he responds is "Guys, smash the like button!"
I understand that it's just one stupid show and they're putting on a persona, but this "man is stupid, childish, irresponsible and that makes him loveable" trope is so common. No wonder men feel no need to improve themselves when media tells them this is endearing.
No. 389036
>>388883The thing about police stab vests coming up short on women because of a lack of breast space really freaked me out. Women are always being pressured away from the police force or emergency rescue services because they just can't hack it or whatever, but this is putting those that try at risk if they do
I've never even heard of this before, surely there should be some kind of petition to make police forces have to use a woman-shaped stab vest?
No. 389114
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No. 389233
>>389226Don't you see anon? The monkeys body is polluted, their fault for eating anything other than fruit and water!
I wonder what these "women are polluting their bodies by not starving them" dudes usually eat
No. 389305>About 1,600 people have been secretly filmed in motel rooms in South Korea, with the footage live-streamed online for paying customers to watch, police said Wednesday.>Two men have been arrested and another pair investigated in connection with the scandal, which involved 42 rooms in 30 accommodations in 10 cities around the country. Police said there was no indication the businesses were complicit in the scheme. >"There was a similar case in the past where illegal cameras were (secretly installed) and were consistently and secretly watched, but this is the first time the police caught where videos were broadcast live on the internet," police said.>South Korea has a serious problem with spy cameras and illicit filming. In 2017, more than 6,400 cases of illegal filming were reported to police, compared to around 2,400 in 2012.>Last year, tens of thousands of women took to the streets of Seoul and other cities to protest against the practice and demand action, under the slogan "My Life is Not Your Porn." I remember an anon or two from a few past threads saying men in East Asian countries are better or something.
Men always find ways to be complete trash, all over the world.
No. 389309
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>>389302>that pedo sympathy in the commentsFucking awful.
This sort of thing is usually the end point of porn addiction (like "David" said). Men are all dangerously close to being pedophiles, almost to the point that we may as well already consider them as such.
And they wonder why women are preferred for custody (in cases where it's not agreed upon anyway).
No. 389313
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>>389309How many of these people made those posts because they themselves watch CP, I wonder? How many of them were caught by people in their lives, then used this same "It's a mental disability! I'm a
victim who needs help!" logic and pleas for empathy to talk themselves out of being reported?
Look at this fuckhead who insists "David" dindu nuffin and just needs help. Just stop watching porn, fuckhead.
>He didn’t commit assault (except maybe on OP), so if he’s registered as a sex offender it should only be because of what he did with her>maybeHe can barely even accept that this guy committed assault, period. I'm feeling so much disappointment and hatred right now.
No. 389321
>>389299I read this yesterday + the follow up and I was thoroughly disgusted to the point of nausea. I was so glad when I read she turned him in to police though.
>>389313>Everyone has flawsHoly SHIT being a pedophile is more than just an uwu personality flaw
>Being in jail and labelled as a predator can make someone depressed :(Dude just say care more about not hurting a pedophiles feelings than you do about the
victims of their crimes (if he cares about them at all, and I'm not convinced this guy does)
I'm so fucking done with the amount of men who will bend over backwards to defend pedophiles. If you feel disappointment anon you've already placed too much faith in men not to eventually say something like this.
No. 389731
Men: why are women such whores? I wish more women stayed virgins
Also men:a stranger woman chooses to not have sex?? What a bitch! You're ruining yourself! No. 389735
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No. 389736
>>389735Didn’t make it past the first couple sentences.
Women: “hmmm, I think I would like a man who knows how to do his own laundry”
No. 389739
>>389735I, for one, can't wait to be a 'semi insane spinster in a house full of cats', sounds about a million times better than being with a psycho like that. Or any man who thinks it's better to have no standards and settle for someone you don't like/aren't attracted to/doesn't treat you well rather than be alone. That's a great way to end up a single mother.
The fear mongering from men about women who choose to stay single or childless is so transparent. It's a strategy to maximize their dating pool of desperate, insecure 20 year olds who think their only option is to lower their standards to rock bottom or be a pathetic cat lady, and minimize the risk of having to date a 30+ year old woman - the fucking horror. There's no other logical reason for them being so rabid over complete strangers they couldn't feasibly date.
No. 389752
>>389744It's not like that in my experience… alt guys go for alt stacies. They still aim upwards in looks but men are arrogant, they think their taste is the best and see a woman who likes what he likes as superior.
I'm not saying they aren't attracted to normie stacies but it isn't with exclusivity. I bet loads of them are bitter they can't get her and have sour grapes over it, so they call them bimbos and sluts etc.
No. 389753
>>389735Women DO have rock bottom standards though. They may rate most men low on dating apps, but I see below average guys regularly with gfs. Women value looks a bit less and security (emotional nowadays since we're self reliant) and humour more.
I have heard of women preferring a higher earning man but rarely hear it as a requirement. Do men who say these things even interact with women?
No. 389808
>>383856At a place I used to work, I was hired on at the same time as a guy my age. He was hired as a supervisor while I was an inventory stocker. At first we were on good terms as we learned the job together, but then he started getting moody some days and stopped being social. All of our interactions became strictly task oriented which was fine I guess. Management tended to have no idea what the staff below them really did, so they piled on an impossible amount of tasks every night in order to keep everyone busy. But supervisor guy started enforcing everything by following me around and criticizing everything I did. I was told to sweep floors, so I do a pass with what time I have before facing. He comes back to confront me saying "it doesnt look like you swept at all. I can see dirt here etc" well duh, customers dont just stop walking through.
Anyway, in addition to that the guy had a weird temper where he'd get mad if the printer got jammed and would bunch or kick it. Which kinda put me on edge with his silence.
One day, one of my coworkers suggest we all order a pizza, so I ask which staff want some and call it in, leaving it in the break room when I arrive. Oh and he said he didnt want any.
Supervisor guy berates me for taking the 60 seconds to call, but then drops it. When I later go on my break, he storms in and says "you cant be eating when youre not on your break, I know you came in here and got pizza " I was like "No, I literally just got in here"
>he opens the pizza box showing two slices missing"Then why are there pieces missing"
I told him it mustve been someone else because it wasnt me. Later another staff member tells him they came in on THEIR break to grab some. I was baffled that he rooted through a pizza that wasnt even his just in hopes of having something to scold me for.
There were also some times where he came into the staff room to check if I was in the bathroom and timed me. Then later told me exactly how long I had been in there.
I began hating being on any shift with him for how much of jerk he was to me. He'd leave everyone else alone. Then on Canada day I called in sick since I really didnt want to be around him and friends wanted to spend the day together.
The next shift I have, hes off shift and comes to the cash to be rung through. I act normal, and he confronts me about being sick, saying he doesnt believe me. Then says I shit you not "everyone here is super pissed off at you now and you're on their shitlists because you didnt come to work"
I finished the awkward transaction and felt like shit. Knowing I'd have to work with him again tomorrow, I called in announcing my resignation, that I couldnt take working with him anymore.
A few weeks later, he quit and moved away. Go figure
No. 389828
Sorry if this belongs in the general vent thread. And I probably sound like an EXPONENTIALLY more pathetic version of that one anon who wants to die for being a woman into film so keep that in mind.
I've kind of based all of my life's motivation and emotional stability on attaining and supporting/loving a male partner and now don't know what to do.
Over the past year I've gradually swallowed the pink pill and it's absolutely killing me. The fact that the average male has pedophilic tendencies, is prone to cheating, can't form emotional bonds, is a porn addict, and wants to strangle and beat women haunts me daily. Sometimes I can repress the thoughts and see a man in real life and perhaps even pursue him, but at the end of the day the truth is always there and rears its head in some way.
It makes me violently angry some days, and others it makes me want to harm myself or end my life. I get little enjoyment out of most things and am currently putting myself through a degree I don't really care about in order to get a well paid job exclusively to spoil my fantasy future husband. Everything I do is with the idea of this hypothetical future in mind; from exercise, to dress, to my major life decisions. The plan to find a nice boy to settle down with and adopt a bunch of animals keeps me going when I feel like absolute shit most days.
But my slow realization of reality from reading articles, posts, and from interacting with men my age has ruined everything. I don't see much point in anything and want to die. I can distract myself during the day with schoolwork, exercise, and media consumption, but it's always there when a gap opens up for me to think over it.
I just feel purposeless now I guess. I get marginally more enjoyment out of things than I did when I was constantly suicidal and numb in high school, but life isn't good and probably won't improve.
Thanks if you read my sperg out, I just wanted to put this somewhere I guess.
No. 389843
>>389828Yes men can be shitty but if you think about hurting yourself over it, you need therapy. If you feel like your life is suddenly meaningless because you feel like you won't ever find a man, then you need therapy.
Also there are still a decent amount of women like us that end up in happy relationships with men, if straight/bi radfems can find a man they think is genuinely good so can you anon. You're allowed to want those things, just don't make it your life's mission.
No. 389849
>>389819I don't know, apparently he had multiple concussions though, so maybe that's part of it. I talked to management about the way he was acting at one point and they were just like "well supervising is very stressful! And he has a lot on his plate!"
"Cool can I switch shifts back to the other supervisor I used to work with?"
"No dear! Our company policy is that we all have to get along etc so you cant change it"
>go to other store manager and ask if I can have it changed"Oh anon, I cant. Other store manager specifically told me not to change any of your shifts so youll have to go through her"
It sucked
No. 389901
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About a 16 years old girl violated by six men
No. 389954
>>389901Men when women do something bad to a man: men are human too, we have feelings, women can be evil therefore should take full blame no matter what the man had done, stop dodging blame of women
Men when other men do something bad to a woman: what do you expect? Men are like sharks, you deserve it
No. 390093
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This supposed scrote writes a lot like a woman
No. 390135
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No. 390302
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There's currently a controversy in Germany, because of a governmental campaign promoting wearing helmets while biking.
There's this tv show, Germany's next topmodel, and during a nude photoshoot the price of winning that challenge was to be featured in that campaign.
400.000€, of course paid by tax payers, for a bunch of scantily clad models with helmets, instead of actually improving infrastructure?
Needless to say many criticiced the minister who started all this. When told that this is sexist the first thing this brainlet said was "But there are male models too!" and of course other male politcians and men on social media use it to screech about fat, ugly feminazis who are jelly and therefore ruin everything for them.
There once was a campaign that joked about farmers - and therefore had to be stopped because it offended some of them, but if women (and men) are don't like the government using half naked 18yo - and promoting a tv show that a lot of people wish to halt because of it's dangerous message to young girls (Heidi Klum telling slim models they need to lose weight) - then that's just sjw propaganda.
One politician even said:
>Of course the genderists feel triggered again. I like looking at beautiful women!
Just ew.
No. 390331
>>390135"If someone cuts themselves I should be able to beat the shit out of them right?"
Male logic, God they're so narrow-minded, we should make them all slaves only good for physical labor
No. 390340
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>>390135>most women become whores because it's there natureDoesn't he mean men? kek
Also the multiple spelling errors in the post are abysmal.
Can't be a leader if you can't spell No. 390346
>>390340imagine writing out this disjointed screed just to say “I ONLY VIEW WOMEN AS SEX OBJECTS”
imagine being so myopic in life that your biggest anxiety in life is that women won’t want to have sex with your pathetic little chode
No. 390525
>>390513>ignore fetish>doing stuff in a room while the man sits silently and ignored in a corner.I'M CRACKING UP
Men are a meme.
No. 390765
Had a slightly weird experience with a man on the streetcar recently; I was sat next to my friend and mentioned “oops, I’m squashing my bag!” and moved it to my feet. Man across the aisle pipes up:
>That bag is bigger than you are! You’re so petite!
bitch, where.
>Me: Haha, uh… I’m actually 5’9”, but—
>Him: Oh petite THIS way! (uses hands to indicate ‘slim’?) I once saw a woman at a bus stop who was 5’3” and I told her how precious and tiny she was! I love small women. Like a fairy! She was beaming all day!
Friend sees where this is going and immediately says “okay honey, got your stuff? Our stop is up next.”
Maybe he was just an older, lonely dude, but performing emotional labor for men is ridiculous. Keep that shit to yourself, pops. This isn’t even a legit “bad” experience, all women deal with worse daily, but it felt fetish-y, I guess.
No. 390834
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Misandrist cat/woman alliance when
No. 390853
>>390834arent cats known for often disliking men in general kek
at least its a common complaint i hear about
they know whats up
No. 390867
>>390801Or acting cute when pornhub "celebrates" international women's day or breast cancer awareness or anything related to women. It's too obvious how many men don't give a flying fuck but only mean it to go jerk off to degradation, rape and humiliation of women and call it helping.
Anyone else bothered by how frequently men will hope for women to go into porn? Just recently the whole Olivia Jade scadanl and I've seen guys say they're ready for her to enter porn. They hate whores and porn stars but wish all women were one. Also hates women when they aren't and are too prudish. All so barbaric and nasty
No. 390874
>>390855ive not found that to be true about the dogs, but cats, yes. dogs will tolerate people being rough with them and cats wont, and men tend to be rough and retarded in picking up feline social cues so i see it A LOT more in cats, tbf.
>>390867reminds me of that save the boobies campaign. it was so disgusting. do you guys remember that?
No. 390886
>>390867Kind reminds me of one day at work I was saying something like, "I don't know how I could ever live on my own making the amount of money I do working here" and I had 2 of my male coworkers say, "You could always start stripping, that's one option women have over men", the best part though was one of them was the same guy who thought it would be a good idea to talk to me about how shitty women are treated at work… while we were at work. Guys will find every excuse to reduce women down to the most disrespectful shit, not to mention the painful lack of self awareness.
Out of all the things they could have said, "Get a second job", "Start an online store of some sort", "Get a better paying job" they both just came to the conclusion my best option as a woman was to start stripping.
No. 390890
>>390886Doesn't help that libfems with their "sex positivity uwu" encourage it.
I hate that we can't even call them out on that shit anymore, because they can just say "There's no shame in stripping. Are you some sort of SWERF?? You're so sex negative, anon, get with the times". At least you can just ask if they'd want their daughters or mothers to be strippers and/or porn stars, then watch them squirm.
No. 390891
>>390886I agree, but I think a lot of them have been led on by the media who makes them believe all women are these perpetual sex kittens who love sex just as much as they do.
If you look at the sex work thread on /g/, and the groomign thread, pornsick women also abound on here. My ex explicitly told me his experience with pornsick women was what made him more and more misogynistic, because he believed that just about every woman wanted to be beaten and raped.
No. 390945
>>390867Pornhub putting up a logo for IWD pisses me off so much. This year I knew they were going to do it, so that day I went on the website, just the homepage, to see the irony of "celebrating" women's day while nearly all the videos on homepage were about "facial abuse", "extreme gangbang", "slut" etc.
I hope they all drop dead
No. 391167
>>390945>>390867Reminds me of those breast cancer charity/awareness campaigns that have slogans like "Teehee everyone loves tits, help save the boobies!!", like the only reason why men would care about women's health is when their physical attractiveness is on the line.
It's also annoying when men support Free the Nipple or similar anti-censorship movements, but completely miss the actual point and just say things like "yeah I fully support women going topless, I mean who doesn't love looking at titties amiright?".
No. 391180
>>390855You act like those cats and dogs don't also have males among them and also abuse the females.
Death to all male dogs and cats!
No. 391335
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No. 391340
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>>391339This is an hypocrite fakeboy/not a man posting these btw. I'm just posting for the misoginy and MRA rethoric even in those who LARP as a male
No. 391382
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>>391347Yes. They are one of those 1/16 cherokee people and claims "native" but…
No. 391440
>>391435I think drag extends way beyond just being characterizations of women and can be art/a performance in its own right, but I do have an issue with drag queens who think they've got the right to make statements about what it means to be female.
Even if they like femininity and relate to some female figures, they will never actually experience what being a woman is like. They have no clue what we go through, what kind of bullshit we have to take from men, what expectations are put on us. Trans women are similar in that regard, in the sense that while they might present as female, they weren't brought up and socialised like us, might never register as female to others and thus will never actually experience life as a woman. So when a drag queen or a trans woman tries to lecture women about how free we are now or how shitty we are for not allowing men in some female spaces, it just strikes me as ignorant, entitled male bullshit.
I also think women who won't shut up about how "this drag queen/MtF is more of a biological woman than I am and I'm an actual woman!!" are idiots.
No. 391457
>>391435My first experience with drags queens were the comedic ones from the 90s, wasn't Paul o grady one or something maybe I'm remembering this wrong. But it's funny when the point is obvious they're exaggerating certain catty aspects of femininity, but not pushing that perspective as womanhood.
I hate the drag queens that are trannys and try to push drag as glamorous and how women should be or aspire to be and they look down on actual women.
No. 391517
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No. 391625
>>391349>>391118I'm just not sure what they intend to accomplish with it, unless they want a bunch of women to get surgery. Assuming here that the non-turboautists out of them are aware that it's just genetics and not due to being a "loose roastie whore" and labia have nothing to do with the canal itself.
t. Innie but universal vagina appreciator
>>391624It's just weird that men have to place everything in a hierarchy when it comes to attraction. I know it has to do with all of them being slightly on the spectrum, but jfc.
If I told them I find two opposite traits equally hot I'm sure they'd explode. They really, truly are robots.
No. 391632
>>391625>I know it has to do with all of them being slightly on the spectrumI don't know if you're the same anon who has said this before in the thread or if several anons believe this, but I think it's really giving men too much credit to chalk up these things to possible autism. You shouldn't give them such an excuse to hide behind.
Female autists are less likely to be as socially unaware as even a normal man ; we learn how to be respectful, functional human beings, we learn how to relate to others, and we spend a lot of the time observing social interaction and teaching ourselves its rules, because observation of dynamics and rules is an inherent part of female socialisation.
Men don't learn the rules of social interactions as women do, even when they are non-autistic. A lack of empathy and self-importance are absolutely accepted (sometimes encouraged) in men. They have no reason to change their behavior when they suffer no negative consequences for it.
Also, autism is actually distributed evenly in both sexes. We just didn't know until recently because undiagnosed autistic women learn how to cope, whereas autistic men usually are obvious, Chris-chan tier retards.
No. 391633
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No. 391635
>>391596It's because they don't believe men are at fault for divorces.
They usually think divorce happens because women love to fuck men over or have found a richer, taller and more attractive guy to marry next.
No. 391673
>>391655Yeah, and additionally, the men having significantly less sex than before coincides exactly with the rise of porn. They're not going out and pursuing women at bars, clubs, etc. as much anymore which just leaves those circles open to more frequent activity from the men who are willing to do it. These non-sexually active men are becoming more and more reclusive and dependent on the instant sexual gratification of porn which only exacerbates social/sexual issues as shown in numerous studies on the effects of porn on psychology. A large portion of young men have now grown up with essentially unlimited access to porn and consume it daily, do nothing to interact with women enough to hit it off, and then blame it on the prudishness of women, just because they can't be bothered to put in the reasonable effort to have sex that people all used to when porn was much more difficult to access and masturbation was considered rather rare or even weird. Highly attractive and social men have simply continued to go out to clubs/bars/parties and thus have more sexually active women to woo themselves given the amount of other men who have backed off and shut themselves up with pornhub rather than put in the effort necessary for socialization and seduction. But they want to cry
victim while poring over strangers' nudes on snapchat.
No. 391697
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Why are men so retarded?
>Constantly praise muh traditional nuclear family where the man works and the woman is a stay at home mom, in which most older couples follow said tradition and thus older women are less likely to pay as much taxes due to not working like men wanted
>Constantly stroke ego about how men make more because of their big manly efforts unlike those evil lazy wimminz, also shocked when they have to pay more taxes
Like ??? They want their cake and eat it, they want the benefits of not allowing women to work and making more than women, but also want women to pay more taxes for no reason just because it hurts their feelings somehow
No. 391706
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Why aren't women allowed to live their lives without incels having an issue with it?
No. 391713
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No. 391715
>>391713Just imagine being this poor woman, married to a man who thinks he's entitled to your vagina after you went through a traumatic experience. Who cares if you lost your baby and it was incredibly painful for you, your husband needs sex!
I really hope his wife realizes her worth and gets the fuck out of there.
No. 391746
>>391706>She didn't talk to me even though I stood near the register for an hourGee, I wonder why she didn't want to talk to the mouth-breather hovering near her silently for an HOUR.
Mods are doing a good job of clearing up scrots from this thread recently by the way. Thanks mods!
No. 391777
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After an anon linked to the sissification recovery reddit I had to see that train wreck myself and ended up finding this guy talking about his femdom porn addiction.
He willingly seeks out content from femdom porn actresses to masturbate to and then says he feels raped by them, he hates them and sometimes wants revenge. Also he needs to jerk it to this porn, or he can't control his arousal to women at work.
I'm so disgusted by how often scrots can't take accountability for their own boners or trivialise rape like this.
Unsurprisingly he joined MGOW, it's such a delightfully enlightened collection of people.
>>391747They don't, all girls get the same shit but in different flavors because pornsick men believe stereotypes like the wild redhead, the kinky goth, the easy blonde etc
No. 391789
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Y’all I’m reading “Come As You Are” and it’s been so eye opening. I want to punch every man in the throat but also wish every man in the world read this. It made me realize how much men blame women for everything, feel entitled to sex, never tries to understand that women are different, and force them to behave in a certain way (eg expect them to be wet on cue or she’s a “prude”, criticize her for being frigid and not wanting sex - then the same night demanding that she has sex with him) the biggest eye opener for me was how rape was described: women feel like they cannot fight or flee, so they freeze. Yet in the men’s circle, they blame it as “then she must’ve wanted it or she’d have said no, what a slut!”) They spend the whole day calling her fat and then expect to have sex with her that night, and get angry at her for not wanting it.
No. 391797
>>391777>They don't, all girls get the same shit but in different flavors because pornsick men believe stereotypes like the wild redhead, the kinky goth, the easy blonde etcSo true. When I had red hair I dealt with these creeps pretty much on a daily basis. And let's not even get started on simple clothing items, like plaid pattern skirts/tennis skirts… it's like all they ever see is porn stereotypes. It's all about porn to them.
I remember reading on r/gc a post about how men weren't this bad before free porn on the internet happened. Apparently they've gotten cold as fuck, brainwashed by porn and only focused on their pleasure and humiliating practices.
No. 391809
>>391797men look at women the same way they look at different breeds of dog.
you can say stuff like "golden retrievers are friendly and love to eat" or "collies are very intelligent and enjoy being working dogs" because we humans have bred those traits into them and selected dogs who exemplify those traits to continue breeding the gene pool to refine them.
but men are stupid and think you can also say shit like "redheads are all kinky and crazy" or "asian girls are submissive and pure" or "latinas are fiery, with hot tempers." they're too dumb to realize it doesn't work like that for human women… but then they don't really see women as human.
No. 391818
>>391747I can only speak about my own experience but when I was fully goth I used to have way more creepers behind me. It was awful. Now that I'm more of a normie, there're still weirdos after me, not the way it was tho. Still, is unbelievable how these men think they own us.
>>391797Yeah, this is in part because of the normalization of porn. Socialization is the main cause imo. Men feel entitled to own our attention because they learnt it. Just think about how normal is a boy pulling the braids of the girl he has a crush on.
No. 391923
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>>391673>>391655>>391633The internet, especially imageboards, gives you a specific tunnel vision. The reality is, almost 97-98% of women AND men have sex.
Those who do not have sex are literally the smallest minority possible, and whatever bullshit they peddle about "hypergamy" is simply a cope because they themselves have not had sex yet (but statistically, even the fucking losers on 4chan will eventually have sex).
Everything and anything 4chan men say about sexuality is made up, and is them projecting their insecurities onto the world around them.
Maybe the trend might show a slight decrease, but I honestly doubt it. The world is composed of normal people, and normal people have sex.
Source: No. 391926
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Men are also much more promiscuous than women and have been since human civilization.
No. 391946
I'm so sick of this "women can rape too!" meme. Sure they can and we should take it seriously when they do, but how often does it actually happen? Still hardly at all compared to men. It's the worst kind of false equivalency. It's like people are trying to make the point that women are just as evil as men, so we shouldn't be criticizing Male violence.
Also, the vast majority of the time women commit sexual assault, it's stat rape… and the stories are always accompanied by hoards of grown men saying how lucky the kid is. Or if they're critical at all, it's only of the fact there's a double standard between Male and female stat rapists, not the crime itself. Women are the only ones who fucking care when teachers fuck their students.
>>391940Honestly, once you realize how much more fucked up men are than women in general, the rewiring just happens naturally.
No. 391954
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No. 391958
>>391946 said, but I think it also helps to focus on the positive aspects of women. I used to be like this too and the main thing that made me stop believing male bullshit about my gender was focusing on my female friendships IRL and reading more personal thoughts of other women online, whether in personal essays or some threads on /g/ or /ot/. Women are really interesting and talking with them is so enriching once you get past your instinctive petty jealousy for other women, which is encouraged by men anyway.
No. 391977
>>391954shit like this proves that they don't interact with women lmfao
>wdym I can not go out with other men while we are dating, that is outrageoussaid literally no woman ever
No. 392005
>>391995>study says 97% of men are sexually active>why do you care if 90% of men are looking at porn instead of having sex???>how do you not understand why men get angry when you don't let them fuck you after they buy you dinner???Holy fuck
>>391840 just pointed out their inability to comprehend statistics and blame women for the dumbest shit and now here we are.
No. 392013
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No. 392017
>>392013Another male proudly showing off his lack of empathy. Wouldn't be surprised to find out he's a troon, either.
Why doesn't he just commit a crime, go to prison and get fucked up the ass if it's that great?
No. 392018
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Reminder: anything a scrot says is entirely projection and based on their own failures and insecurities.
No. 392207
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what are your thoughts on Training men ?
I think men on a fundamental level are flawed in their nature(I believe women are flawed as well in similar and other times completely different ways ) but I do think its possible for a man to overcome his flaws through training and his own will power
So you can save the males in your life and make them better you just have to make them think its their side
start with self discipline for exercise and diet then add reading later on and with in a year you can mold a deadbeat man into a Ideal male
one who doesn't get offended when you say stuff like "Men Suck" "Kill all Men" and one who cares for yours and others needs
No. 392212
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>>391960>Is there a more recent version of this study? Incels gained popularity only a couple years ago so I'd like to see the statistics for young adults in the recent years. can bet incels will post this one everywhere.
No. 392213
>>392207that’s something I’ve been trying to do in my relationship
honestly the best way to start is if they’re already on track - already exercise, have jobs, actually have some ambitions, and want to succeed in life. they’re probably more open to being “trained”, but I’d advise any lady to try to be subtle about it. men are very suggestible, especially in the early stages of a relationship. If you can get them to sort of follow you into it and let them think they’re doing it on their own, it is amazing what can be done.
they’re basically children and need you to guide them into not being retards for their whole lives. but that isn’t to say you should baby them and basically be like their mother - more like a life coach or a guide.
No. 392232
>>392207it all starts with exercise one of the reasons I posted pic
>>392207you can get men to care about their own bodies,then make them start reading use stoicism against them and cut them off from social media and pop culture
No. 392257
>>392246>>392252men want to be fit and they want to be self disciplined they just need proper push
men with lower esteems can easier be trained
No. 392264
>>392246it’s not about “changing” someone, it’s about leading someone to improve themselves. If you think someone trying to subtly encourage you to get your shit together is “changing” them, then you must really not value self improvement.
anyways, women trying to get their male partners to talk to them as human beings and to try to unpack all the
toxic bullshit they learn is not changing them for the worst.
No. 392265
>>392246Yeah I agree with this. This
>>392207 poster honestly sounds like a man trying to shift responsibility for men's actions onto women. It'd be great if it worked that way my dude, but it doesn't. There's a whole stereotype around women trying to change the bad boy (see: all men) and failing miserably. Individual women trying to change individual men won't amount to anything. You're better off supporting feminism and other women; the change has to be collective.
Although, the relationship conundrum is a tough one for sure. My own view is that you should only enter a relationship with a man who is a radical feminist, and who genuinely applies it to his own relationships with women. Very few men like that out there, but I'd say no relationship is better than one with a man who's gonna degrade and abuse you, and again, trying to change a person is a very bad idea. Committing to a relationship because you think the man is going to change is basically a death sentence.
No. 392273
>>392268>but it’s important to find a man who just isn’t posturing for his own benefitAgree, that's why I added "who genuinely applies it to his relationships with women".
>the self reflection, awareness, and criticality are among the most important traits.Depends. Aware and critical of what? Jordan Peterson fans for example would consider themselves that way, alt righters think they're woke as fuck, and the red pill community thinks they've found the ultimate truth to life. I don't even think I need to mention incels. Yet all of those groups still despise or even base their entire ideology on hating women.
They have to reflect, be aware and critical, but the most important part of it all is still that they need to apply it to women's condition. Not many men do, because they grow up in a place where they don't have to. That's why, then, I said that the best action is to support feminism. The only hope towards a better future is that eventually there will be a generation of men raised, by both their parents and society, to see women as just as human as men. That society will won't appear out of thin air, women with the right ideas have to work for it.
No. 392299
>>392252>They want the change but lack the willpower for it.Honestly it's not that they even want to change, they want to everyone else to change to accommodate them as much as possible. Those types of men don't want to make themselves more visually pleasing or charsimatic towards the opposite sex, or even figure out what makes them unappealing. Usually they're socially retarded. They just want women to stop chasing so called "Chads" and date them anyway for being leeches who offer nothing to the table.
>>392264>it’s not about “changing” someone, it’s about leading someone to improve themselves. I understand that but the same still applies. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. A person has to want to improve themselves and if they aren't making the slighest effort it's because they don't have any real desire to change their mentality and actions. It's the simple truth.
>If you think someone trying to subtly encourage you to get your shit together is “changing” them, then you must really not value self improvement. You're a) wrong b) misinterpreting what I said. I value self-improvement I just understand boundaries and know where I as a person end and where other people begin. You can encourage them as much as possible, that still doesn't mean that they'll make the right decision at the end of the day.
>anyways, women trying to get their male partners to talk to them as human beings and to try to unpack all the toxic bullshit they learn is not changing them for the worst.I didn't say it was "for the worst" so stop strawmanning.
If the person isn't changing at some point you have to cut your losses and leave. That mentality is idealistic and doesn't consider things for what they are. In reality he does not have the qualities you want, so he is not the person for you no matter how much you try to push him to improve. Stop wasting your time trying to fix men. You're not their mother.
No. 392317
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No. 392329
>>392317They always talk about the cock carousel but where do those cocks come from? Who is giving young women these STDs? Are men not also sluts? Really makes you think.
I'm not into hookup culture at all but this is all so dramatic. Just stop going after promiscuous people, dingus.
No. 392333
>>392317God it drives me crazy how they don't even research their bullshit before positing their garbage opinions.
Like, yes, STD rates, overdose rates, addiction rates, suicide rates have risen for women, but they've risen for men at an even higher rate. The majority of opioid ODs are amongst men (68%), the chlamydia infection rate for men increased by 40% from 2013-2017 (as opposed to 8.8% amongst women), men are three and a half times more likely to commit suicide, etc….
No. 392785
>>392723>There might be a link to #MeToo>But actually not, I just speculated because ??This fucking bozo just
has to say that there
might be a link to #MeToo, and then disproves his own shitty hot take 15 words later in the same goddamn tweet
No. 392816
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No. 392846
>>392836Who the fuck cares about them?
They'll never pass on their genes and 99.9% of them die alone, influencing and achieving nothing in their lives.
Their existence is pointless and it matters not what they do or think.
No. 392852
>>392846Do you really think passing along their genes is the only way they can influence anything ? Some of those men use their isolation as a justification for committing violent acts against others, anon. They rape, beat up and kill women, some even carry out shootings.
Even if you don't feel empathy for men who are being punished by male socialisation (because as much as robots want to pretend women are the ones marginalising them, it's men who destroy each other's self-esteem with their retarded memes and push each other to despair), you have to see that their radicalisation is a very dangerous, violent thing.
No. 392858
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>>392850What pushback is there going to be, that isn't already here? Woman are at the end of every joke in society, with or without incels.
>>392853Actually, no he wasn't an incel virgin. Outwardly, he was a completely normal guy who had multiple women friends and family. He even said this in his manifesto, that he was "100% a regular dude" who had been pushed by witnessing a real life terrorist attack. I highly doubt he committed his terrorist attack for laughs, but instead was actually motivated by other non-incel terrorists.
>>392852Right, so how are they any different than regular men? If anything, because they are so weak physically and mentally, I honestly think it makes them even less capable of actually carrying out their ~supreme~ goals.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, why are we trying to split hairs on what kinds of men become radicalized, when they literally all are?
"Incel shooters" are a fucking boogeyman that society loves to milk for a two week news cycle while they ignore the actual genocide against women in every day life (ie. Women being killed and tortured by their "completely normal" husbands, partners, boyfriends, son's, male neighbors).
No. 392870
>>392861It's a myth in the case of maritime accidents, which is the scenario in which it's usually mentioned. It started because of the Titanic. Idk for sure if that was an actual order given to Titanic crew members or if there was another one given that got mistaken for that. Either way, it hadn't been and still isn't the standard protocol for maritime disasters (or any other kind of disasters). In fact, women and children made up the larger percentage of casualties in those incidents back in the day (not sure if they still do and too lazy to look it up right now).
Men like to pretend that they're all heroes willing to sacrifice it all when the time comes. And sure, there are a few rare men who'd actually be willing to do that. But the vast majority don't and wouldn't. In times of disaster, most men have lived by "it's every man for himself" and are perfectly okay screwing over anybody else if it means his ass is safe.
No. 392871
>>392864Men are primitive lifeforms drove by violence; We don't need them now that we have the technology.
Women are more intelligent: we should just eradicate them by creating a disease specifically made against them, see
>>392865 for reproduction
No. 392873
>>392871>>392779Each to their own but I just want equality.
Men are always going to have bigger bodies and that physical upper hand but modern civilisation should strive for equality for all. I don't care about coming across as threatening when I'm gunning for equal opportunities, equal rights and equal social expectations but when someone starts delivering feminist ideas alongside irrational edgelord castration fantasies it only undermines feminism and gives ammo to misogynists.
I already live in a world where I can visit a spermbank and marry another woman, so leave the elaborate stories about artificial breeding and robot spouses to the incels thanks.
No. 392874
>>392873You will never get equality, why can't you see this? How many civilizations and society has man created, and how many of them have been equal? How many of those have been patriarchal societies?
The only way to "achieve" equality between men and women would be introducing a being or force that is greater than men, essentially making them physically and intellectually submit. Men will never relinquish their control (via physical domination) through intellectual asks and pleading. It must be forcibly removed from them.
No. 392876
>>392873It’s difficult to strive for equality because, even if it sounds cynical, I feel like that will never happen. For me, the idea of equality means men and women are the same, but they’re not. Dreaming about a future where men and women are treated fairly regardless of sex is nice, but can that really happen after most of our history has been spent being exploited and tortured by men?
Equality implies, to me, this vision of women oppressed by men becoming “equals” by taking up the mantle of male violence and oppression. That’s why people see so-called feminist women of the liberal persuasion nowadays like celebrities who say, “I stand with women!” but then put that on shirts made by female labor in horrible sweatshops. It’s why you see pornsick women who think that by catering to male fantasy they’re taking control of their bodies and sexuality, but it’s all a game. You can’t win in a system of oppression if you try to be equal with an oppressor; his power is due to your exploitation, so trying to be equal with him is just perpetuating that his
abusive seizure of your dignity is right. So before any real equality I think we need to liberate ourselves from that kind of thinking.
No. 392886
just open a history book : men commit atrocities, that's just how they are.
Serial killers ? Men. Criminals ? Men.
Violent dogs are put down all the time, why should men be any different?
No. 392888
>>392882How is it generalization to say that women have been oppressed by men? You’re making up some boogeyman of a powerful patriarchy that’s only powerful because of just some bad men but most of them aren’t bad, they’re people who are good AND bad, right?
The only reason that women have suffered so long is because of men who are “good ones” who aren’t really good because they benefit from our exploitation and they don’t say anything when we’re abused by the truly evil ones. But of course that’s a generalization and your idea of utopian equality is so realistic in comparison.
No. 392902
>>392874>>392876>>392889Just shrugging your shoulders and saying 'Either we live in an oppressive patriarchy, or we live in an oppressive matriarchy, no other alternatives' is disgustingly backwards to me. I don't want to live in a world where men are raped and forced to live as domestic slaves, I want a world where nobody is.
Yes, I do believe that ANY group can become oppressive when they soley have the upper hand, but that's why I believe equality is important. Any single group left in power will create systems of oppression if left unchecked, and right now that's men, imagining a world where women suddenly grow bigger and stronger and overthrow them by force isn't helpful. This is the world we live in, this is the world we have to improve.
I want a fully balanced equality, which will always be something that we have to work as as humanity changes and shifts to develop new versions of 'us vs them' but right now we're still stuck on the first steps.
Most radfems don't even claim to want to indiscriminately kill and farm all men, because that kind of idea just makes someone sound either unhinged or like scrot bait. Crazy genocide fantasies aren't helpful.
No. 392909
>>392902And I do not want them as domestic slave, I just want them gone; Their "force" aren't relevant in today society, they literally do not bring anything valuable to our society.
We would have 80% less crimes; no wars; no rape. No. 392920
>>392902Nice false equivalence there, big guy. Why do you assume that women would just be as equally violent as men? When I was talking about a greater force, I was mainly speaking about an OUTSIDE force (AI, aliens, sentient viral lifeform), not women somehow rising up and enslaving men.
Trying to determine what women's "true nature" is (ie that we
could be more violent or genocidal), is meaningless as we will never know. Patriarchy has molded every woman since day one and it's extremely unlikely to expect we'll ever get to see it.
>>392909 says, women mainly want to get the fuck away from men, not enslave them. The only reason why some women say we need to kill the majority of men is literally because men CANNOT stay away from women or reject their violent impulses for the more vulnerable.
No. 392922
>>392909If you remove all men from the world, then women are automatically responsible for 100% crime.
It's not my problem what the crimerates in your headcannon fictional world are though. You keep dreaming about your superbug that instantly kills little boys or whatever, and I'll keep campaigning to improve the lives of women in the real world.
No. 392931
>>392723Something needs to be done about these men. The first thing that should be done is to shut down their online communities. Imageboards like 4chan and 8chan, incel communities on reddit. It all needs to go. Australia and New Zealand already have done it.
We should give a platform for those men to congregate.
No. 392937
>>392936>Getting lonely there anon?What?
They need to be shut down because they're breeding grounds for violent men. The NZ government shut down imageboards the day their massacre happened.
No. 392954
>>392947Anon called him a "violent man", not an incel. And there's no doubt his anti-immigration feelings were exacerbated and turned into violence by imageboards, otherwise he wouldn't have been spouting memes as he killed people.
Most anons in this thread probably agree that incels are just one retarded minority, only twitter libfems try to claim that they are all that's wrong with men. We've all seen the damage that supposed "normal" men do.
No. 392956
>>392931Nice one anon, I'm sure threads like this where anons are indiscriminately calling for an end to all men wouldn't be equally affected by whatever reasoning would be employed to do that.
>>392938So in retaliation of men making up false statistics and stories to rape, undermining the seriousness of an actual terrible thing to fit their political ideas, you want to make up more false statistics and stories?
What is happening to this thread. Fucking hell.
No. 392963
I'm using their own shitty tactics on them. Not in seriousness (because false rape accusations are honestly so rare that it's unlikely to ever run into one), but as a way to shut them up with the same tools they use on rape
victims who they want to silence.
How am I "making more false statistics"? They're purposely using "No evidence" claims, so what's wrong with asking them to show their own evidence when they want to be believed in good faith? No? Only men are allowed to make claims, because women are the only liars in the world? Nope, fuck that.
No. 392988
>>392947He wasn't an incel but he was part of the same communities that incels use. It shows the impact those websites have on men. Every time there's a massacre you see those places celebrating.
If the number of incels really tripled in the last decade, they're a time bomb that needs to be disarmed.
>>392956I'd like to believe LC wouldn't be affected by this ban, but even if it happened I'd be ok with it if it meant all incel communities were gone.
No. 392996
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No. 392998
>>392996Who are these men interacting with that desire any of this? I know of no women who expect anything close to that.
They really like pulling things out of their ass.
>pre-ownedDehumanizing phrasing aside, they say it as if this wouldn't equally apply to them as well. If you want to date virgins stay a virgin.
No. 393073
>>392996autistic vent incoming…
It's not wrong if a woman wants all of these things; it's her life. If they want virgin traditional wives, they need to be traditional men. Every woman in my family who was a stay-at home mom had a husband who was not rich, but still made an effort to provide. They didn't have an expensive ring, a destination wedding, or a fancy house and car, but their husbands were hard working enough to get by. They came from absolute fucking poverty: lived in a cabin, dropped high school to care for their siblings, and one managed to become a business owner, and the other got by with his knowledge of trades. They were men's men. My great-grandfather built a two story, 21 room home, by his own hands in the 1800s. Men back in the day EARNED their wives (although I think it's dated, can we at least acknowledge this).
Women have no reason to add you to their lives if you have no value to add, since we are now in a position to take care of ourselves. It's the same reason you don't want to financially support a woman, because you think she has nothing to add but her "pre-owned" pussy. Everything comes down to how well you two mesh with each other, and if you're attracting nothing but vapid women who only see you as a paycheck, you should probably reflect inward…
No. 393260
>>393203>Is this supposed to be an insult towards non-virgin women?Yes.
> A Lamborghini is a Lamborghini used or not, you really think people are gonna back out of buying a Lamborghini just because it's used?A new one is more expensive though.
No. 393261
>>393175So go to a range and become proficient. Half of that stat is because women have been told omg they're too dangerous! Guns are loud, they're scary, the chick lean is common. When you're proficient with a firearm, you've just made yourself a lot safer. We can actually get better grouping than men because we have lower centers of gravity.
There's a lot of people scaring women off guns, including other women, when guns are the only equalizer between men and women. There is nothing that compares to a gun when it comes to prevention.
Nice job, mom! No. 393287
>>393285>HPV and herpesThey're the same thing…
You can be a virgin and have HPV, you can have millions of sex partners and be completely clean, if you're that scared of getting an STD just ask her to get tested, if you assume all virgins are clean you're just gonna get yourself in trouble
No. 393305
>>393301Sounds like a femdom fantasy world. And I'm unsure of how we'd even assemble this setup.
That said
>tfw no qt small obedient servile bf No. 393340
File: 1554053986663.jpg (167.21 KB, 1080x825, IMG_20190331_193432.jpg)

Today on tumblr: (mostly teenage) girls who read yaoi are all pedos and therefore worse than men who actively harrass and sometimes even (try to) kill women.
Also, they're into anime guys, not you, a "male presenting person" lol
Sometimes ftm are one of the most misogynistic because they believe that all "cishet" girls are out to get them.
No. 393344
>>393340Because men totally aren't the biggest consumers of shota, loli and incest porn, right ? They don't project their fetishes onto their female friends, coworkers and classmates and even act on them, right ?
FtMs tend to be fujos themselves so this might be self-loathing/denial coming from that person, though. Some sort of "I hate women too, men please accept me as one of yours" bullshit.
No. 393379
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There should be more games like this featuring men. God knows they throw fits over anything "objectifying" males or yaoi games that manage to become popular. See how much they like being reduced to sex objects
No. 393538
>>393479There's the South Korean "Megalia" community that started out being anti-hidden cam porn and became openly misandrist. They're very edgy, raiding men's sites with pictures of severed penises, doxxing and harassing Korean men and their logo is the international "small penis" hand sign to efficiently
trigger males. There was a petition with 100K signatures sent to the president to ban them they were causing so much drama.
Of course they're full of drama themselves and had a big fight over if gay men are alright or not which lead to the spin-off of the more extreme "Womad" community that encourages assaulting men and aborting male fetuses. They hit peak edgy last year when a member drugged and raped an underage boy and filmed it for upvotes.
No. 393564
>>393538>They hit peak edgy last year when a member drugged and raped an underage boy and filmed it for upvotes.Why ?
I get hating men but children should always be off limits(not saying if they drugged and raped a grown man it would justifiable)
but seriously how did they think in any way that raping a child was a good Idea
No. 393630
>>393628Even in pink pill threads women can't escape the "WOMEN ARE BAD TOO!!" rhetoric
Yes we KNOW you think we're just as bad, you scream at us about how evil we all are anytime a woman does something bad, or when a man does something bad, or when a woman is a
victim, everything women do is wrong
No. 393633
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Old school pink pill.
No. 393962
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Why do males find these funny? It astounds me how this one had around 2k upvotes.
No. 393988
>>393968Post so good you posted it three times
But I agree, there was that man in the older thread who ranted about how his seat for that one ride was important because he didn't want to help another man's baby like a cuck and his life will be ruined and the woman's better
No. 394090
>>393988>Post so good you posted it three timesSorry, my internet was sperging and wouldn't let me post and suddenly made one for every time I refreshed the page.
>there was that man in the older thread who ranted about how his seat for that one ride was important because he didn't want to help another man's baby like a cuck and his life will be ruined and the woman's betterI read that too. I was actually going to mention it, but deleted in from my post. Men don't believe in being decent unless there's something in it for them; she's "off the market" due a clear visual she's carrying another man's child. Why would he want to help her if he's too preoccupied with himself? That would require "putting yourself in someone's shoes," aka empathy.
No. 394105
>>394095I thought femcel would have been more appropriate, but I'm not actually a male.
What I'm trying to say is, the sexuality and access to sex (while also controlling 90% of the resources) that men have is unnatural and what keeps us in a subordinate position.
Do you really think women would have just as much sex as they are having now if we controlled the majority of resources?
>>394103I guess if it's not "hidden" anymore it loses it's status as a conspiracy, but then why do people not do anything about it and still treat people who talk about such subjects as nuts or…"conspiracy theorists".
No. 394109
>>394104Women cheating is almost always extremely overexaggerated in society, or anything women do
Even if a high school girl cheats people will look at her as the devil for the rest of her life, blame her if her partners treat her horribly or start shooting people, but married men cheating is just kinda brushed off
Same with abuse and pedophilia
No. 394129
>>394126If that scrote could read he would have seen that people already equated the old and disabled to the pregnant:
>>393987 and
>>394001idek what he's trying to prove.
(taking scrot b8) No. 394130
>>393926This >>394117. Men aren't having sex, something they feel entitled to. Coupled with countless radical echo chambers telling them that all women are useless whores (but arent fucking
them), shit social skills that continue to deteriorate as they avoid reality and escape into the internet/media consumption/porn and I think that's a big part. Feeling bad about not getting laid wasnt a big issue. It still isnt. As self reflection and improvement wasn't a bad thing. But now it's
>i'm perfect but you're a roastie still you should fuck me because I said so! Not to mention these guys are young and think one minor flaw on their face exiles them to a lifelong banishment of relationships because some anonymous stranger a chan board said that girls only like perfect people that don't exist.
We'll hit a fork on the road though. Either we stay online for longer and incels continue to increase or more people start to be moe organic? And take a break? I see more and more people leave social media and detox from the internet already. VR is something that's always being pushed as the big thing but already a couple off riend had to give that shit a rest because they started to feel sick after using it for too long.
I'm not counting murderous incels too. Those fucks have always existed because the entitlement has been ingrained for so long
No. 394169
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Men are Idiots
No. 394200
>>394176I have no Idea
I have been stalking him for a while and he is a complete idiot in almost every way
its comical and tragic at the same time
No. 394225
>>394223>i dont think his posts are funny tbh. Thats why I said "comical and tragic"
>i've kind of been where he seems to be. I don't think any human being has ever been at a point where they think getting drunk and punching walls to develop a drunken fighting style and then actually doing it 4 times(I mean if he did once I might have understood but doing it 4 times really made me view him as an idiot)
No. 394229
>>394226well his posts about his sister, best friend, and ex, who later came out as a lesbian
>>394225>I don't think any human being has ever been at a point where they think getting drunk and punching walls to develop a drunken fighting style and then actually doing it 4 times(I mean if he did once I might have understood but doing it 4 times really made me view him as an idiot)i kek'd. your description was funnier than his posts but i didn't mean his retardo boxing and fighting shit.
No. 394285
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saw some fucking loser wearing this in public, really sad and pathetic
another example of men not having any shame…then again, i shouldn't be expecting any form of decency from literal walking scumbags
No. 394287
>>394286also the pegging thing
3/4 of ex-gf's wanted to peg him but he was raped when he was a teenager so he's afraid of anything anal related and just a finger up his was enough to give him a panic attack
so thats a lot unpack
No. 394291
>>394286>>394289The only unhealthy obsession I'm seeing here is all of you with him.
I hope you aren't actually this lacking in self-awareness that you think you're better than him while obsessively looking up a complete strangers online history and gossiping about it for hours.
(ban evading incel) No. 394345
>>394329proof that leftist men are heartless lol just like all men
I get that we are all laughing at this obviously unhinged man but Jesus this asshole replying to him makes me want to scream
No. 394352
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No. 394364
>I want you to die or stop being a transphobeI know this isn’t the gender critical thread but I lost it reading this stupid scrote’s bullshit
like your biggest problem with someone (who is suicidal) is that he recognizes his partner isn’t the same sex as him but still respects her wishes?
literally saying “conform or die”
men like this should be shipped off to that remote island where they immediately kill outsiders
No. 394384
File: 1554224207941.jpg (86.87 KB, 527x497, seen things you people wouldn'…)

>>394352Yes, god has to be a male after all,
explains the poorly done work and the world being so fucked up.
No. 394474
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Imagine if they fired a man for having shirtless selfie. Of course the student that got hold of her picture without consent in the first place faces no consequences.
No. 394480
>>394465Mgtow literally think their shit doesn't stink
>>394474Reminds me of a YouTuber who's ex boyfriend spread around nude photos of her, of course the response isn't "why is he doing that" but "why did she have a sexual relationship with someone she thought she could trust"
And if you don't send nudes you're an evil prude who doesn't care about his needs and doesn't trust him
Society is pushing WGTOW without even realizing it
No. 394542
>>394445why are you siding with him
the man is a nutcase
he's entertaining to look at from afar but I feel he's more dangerous then any one from ChapoTrapHouse
No. 394547
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>>394529Men: these stupid bitches think their shit don't stink! Can you believe it? Everyone's shit stinks
Women: our shit stinks
No. 394550
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>>394548>he's very unwell but really seems like he's only a danger to himselfhe punched his cousin in the face for teasing him even though he's a trained boxer
He has admitted numerous times that he anger issues
the only thing the Chapo boys can do is LARP and nothing more
No. 394554
>>394550i dont really care if he punches men that mock him. he admits his anger is mostly directed at himself. again, he's obviously unwell. i have a lot more sympathy and think a lot more positively of people who are troubled and try to be good people, than well to do smug 'leftist' assholes that threaten women and pretend their abuse is a political statement. and a lot of 'lefty' men are
abusive as fuck, and i really do think the chapo boys are more
abusive or are capable of being
abusive, in every sense, than you think.
remember, chapo tier larping ballbags attacked maria mclachlan and magdalen berns was also attacked.
No. 394557
>>394554>>394553Jesus Christ you sound like a Handmaiden
"Oh I know he's a violent psychopathic Idiot but he's troubled and he tries to do well and thats what matters"
No. 394561
>>394560mental illness isn't an excuse to act like a violent asshole and remove yourself from the rest of the Human race
And I have gone though his post history and he holds the belief that he will kill himself when he's 30 unless he finds a physical reason to live(I don't what that means)
No. 394581
>>394576being called "Dogface" a couple times does not justify punching your cousin who made fun of everyone(especially if you're a trained boxer and could potentially kill him)
his cousin sounds like a jerk but not deserving to get punched in the face
No. 394589
>>394581he knew his mocking got him angry and would get him angry. he told the cousin multiple times to stop and warned him that he would punch him if he didn't stop, and he didn't. again, if you're a man out here provoking severely mentally ill people, sorry, i don't care about you. again, he's not playing with a full deck. no one is excusing him, obviously it's not good to hit people unless necessary, but the sane person has the upper hand, mentally, when dealing with someone that isn't right in the head and has more responsibility to act sensibly. this guy is very visibly disturbed and obviously can't act rationally. you have to be a real asshole to purposefully push their buttons and refuse to stop. it doesn't matter how inconsequential the
trigger is when dealing with very unstable people. if you know making fun of them is going to upset or anger them, it's your responsibility as the sane party to not purposefully anger them because, by definition, they're unwell and are unable to respond rationally.
No. 394594
>>394589As I already said "mental illness isn't an excuse to act like a violent asshole"
why are you so obsessed with defending a mentally ill violent man on a male hate thread
No. 394615
>>394550Oh shit, his cousin’s behavior made me cringe. I know it from personal experience, you DO NOT aggravate bipolar (type 2 I think) depressive/aggressive sort. If the line is crossed, expect your entire room in shambles.
This guy need therapy and medication, not the discussion about him on man hate thread on an obscure gossip image board.
No. 394618
>>394615why are all you handmaidens defending that nutcase
He put his personal Information online and now I'm making fun of him
I'm not Doxing or harassing him anyway
No. 394621
>>394618It seems to be mostly one anon who wants to save ~uwu mentally ill boys~ and a scrote who are acting as if you're committing a crime for just making fun of the guy, tbh.
I don't understand this mentality because mentally ill women receive no sympathy from men, they get painted as manipulative monsters if they have anything that affects their mood, and as defective goods you can easily pick up and use if it's something that has to do with anxiety or socialisation. Men can only spout "don't stick your dick in crazy" or "tfw no sperg gf" memes.
No. 394622
>>394621Absolutely this
The Handmaiden who wants to protect her mentally ill potential bf who would most likely seriously injure her
No. 394625
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>>394621I'm betting that she's that fat anon who posted about how ugly she was on r/GC and that she needed to be coddled
No. 394639
>>394615I think it I get you
You're a not a scrote because even scrotes can understand the danged of this man
your a hnamaidnen who wants a "troubled " bf who you can fix
I want you to know that he most likely would kill you for buying the wrong brand of peanut butter and his only excuse would be his mental illness
No. 394641
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Thinking about just quitting Reddit altogether at this point
No. 394670
>>394667Are men even as uncomfortable as being objectified as we are ? I've had men tell me I should be "flattered" when strange men have taken creepshots of me, made comments about my body or tried to grab me. I've seen men online complain that they don't get that sort of attention (as in, forceful, unwarranted attention) from women, too.
I feel sympathy for male
victims of sexual crimes but they give us barely any sympathy back, as if they can't imagine not being horny 24/7 and not accepting any and all sexual advances.
No. 394685
File: 1554307699998.png (19.71 KB, 1023x243, Screenshot_2019-04-03 Curious …)

>>394615>>394589Hey I bet you're happy to know that your mentally ill potential bf just made a new post and its just as dumb as I expected from that moron
No. 394733
>>394711It's a good smell tbh so I'll take it as a compliment.
That post is just absurd.
No. 394745
>>394733Its just so random
Men Pineeples
Women Old Books
No. 394763
>>394474Reading the article and a parent (most definitely a father) said this:
>Whether her intentions were for a student to get it or they weren't, a student did and you have to be responsible for your actions.He would be humming a different tune if his own son (if he has one) got the picture. And if his son (or doesn't have one) didn't get the pic then he would be jealous that another boy is asserting his Chad dominance at school.
Men lust after their pretty teachers, even if they are adults. Look up any video about a female teacher getting caught having an inappropriate relationship with her student and take a look at the comments.
She clearly did not want the pic to be shown to students… What about the kid who got a hold of it without her consent? It's a middle school so the kid who got the pic would want to spread it around so they can be cool…
No. 394770
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>>394451My younger sister said that girls at my former high school are still getting sent to the nurse's office to change into sweatpants instead of shorts but that some retard mouth-breather male wears this shirt (in the picture) regularly and no one says anything. Like ???
Men don't care but they should be disturbed that people just expect the absolute degeneracy of them.
No. 394861
>>394766I don't think its either a compliment nor an Insult
its just the weird observations of a mentally ill Idiot
No. 394870
>>394770You just reminded me of in school, a female teacher I didn't even know stopped me as I was rushing back to my classroom from the bathroom.
I expected her to be telling me off for running but she said my uniform poloshirt was too short. I shrugged, explaining it had shrank in the wash, the uniform vendor was new and everyone's polo shits were shrinking. I tried to say it wasn't even indecent but I shit you not she told me to "consider the feelings of my male teachers", and how uncomfortable it would be for them to be around me dressed like that. I was outraged, I had never been talked to by an adult like that in a way to make me ashamed of my body like that, it was disgusting that she was trying to slut shame me. I'd never even imagined that I could make grown men uncomfortable. I thought about it for years.
As an adult, I now know one of our male teachers was actually a paedophile even though I never encountered that. I still don't agree with what that teacher told me at all but I'm also considering that it might have been her misguided attempt at protecting me from anything like that. Maybe she was just a pickme type handmaiden, but maybe not. As an adult now I can understand wanting to keep little girls covered up around male teachers too because men are disgusting. I can't believe my learned experiences of men have led me to not even hate that woman anymore.
It's so disappointing.
No. 395019
File: 1554384279952.jpg (47.59 KB, 750x616, o9nvnfcdm8q21.jpg)

Why are males like this? If you think women are so disgusting, deformed and evil leave us the fuck alone instead of going out your way to bother us
No. 395028
>>394874Remember that research that found the majority of men saying they'd been domestically abused were talking about their wives not having dinner on the table fast enough or not doing anal sex?
This reminds me of that.
He shoves her, dumps fluids over her head, and it sounds like he's hitting her too. And then he says SHE'S
abusive for not quietly taking it all with a big smile.
No. 395030
>>394874"You are a carcinogen of a person. I'm going to kill you. Fucking stay in this room, fucking die in here. Fucking come out for food or water, I fucking dare you. You have crushed me as a person. I'm done caring about living because of you. You are so damaged. Words fail me how fucking broken you are. You're always on your phone until five in the fucking morning… no, shut the fuck up. I wish I could pour gasoline all over you and fucking light it."
This is disgusting to listen to, it's just a neverending stream of ugly abuse out of his mouth. What is wrong with him?
No. 395046
had to turn this off. i have had very similar exchanges with my husband. nearly verbatim
No. 395050
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>>394685And he posted again
also does anyone have the pics he posted of himself
No. 395063
>>394874>"Look at this mess">"You spilled it on my head…">"Yeah, you want to know what abusive sounds like? That's what it fucking sounds like! I didn't spill it on your head, I fucking dumped it on your head. You know what? You're gonna fucking die.">[screaming and noises of scuffling/struggling]And then he goes on to call her a carcinogen of a person. He gaslights her by saying he "doesn't mean it" when he tells her she can't go out for food or water, says
she crushed
him as a person and that
she's damaged. And that he wishes what he poured on her was gasoline, and that he lit it. 100%, this is the type of male who goes on to Reddit or Facebook or to whoever he's flirting with to claim his wife/gf/baby mother "emotionally abuses" him and that she's a "crazy bitch".
The more I go on, the more I realize men can only barely be classified as adults. Even children are often more reasonable than this. Unironically, maybe they shouldn't have rights.
My mother went through this, and she still defends him. It's maddening.
No. 395136
>>395065this isnt exactly news though. not to sound edgy, but take a look at all the men being praised for saving unborn children over their wives. imagine choosing a baby or fetus that probably isnt even conscious over your wife/gf/whatever who has her own life experiences, memories, and loved ones.
this is why i would always advise women about to give birth to make sure one of their close family members who they have a good relationship with like one of their parents should be given power to make the emergency decisions.
No. 395156
>>395065They're all transparent. It's all about reproductive control. I remember that one journalist from the atlantic who as hired but shortly after people discovered how he believed all women who had abortions should be hung and punished. If they can force women to be pregnant, then they're in control and made women subdue into brood mares. Especially if shame is involved (like how men say that women are whores who deserve to suffer with pregnancies); they want sex all the time but none of the consequences after. That's all on women to suffer with. I've seen so many women struggle and talk about how their shit bf was pro life but when their gf got pregnant and didn't want the baby it was a problem. Then even some guys talk about how sad they were when their gf got an abortion but they never hardly ever discuss how their gf must have felt or what they'd do if she kept it. They just don't fucking care. Let men be pro life all they want and let them complain about child support too because that's on them at least.
I mean there's BC but never let men in on the details. Too many times
abusive guy have tampered with it so they can keep the woman in their life.
No. 395157
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>>394887>>395135Seems like op of that thread knows op and she got away. He is also a rapist
No. 395161
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>>395159Source is r/iamatotalpieceofshit
No. 395262
>>395235i found it on a subreddit. it was posted afaik by a friend or family member of this woman
she called this "the calm before the storm". so probably the scrot got
triggered or smth
No. 395378
File: 1554482483300.png (29.69 KB, 1005x290, Screenshot_2019-04-05 My fathe…)

>>395050he's just using r/GenderCriticalGuys as persona blog
No. 395379
>>395327because that's not what they actually want anon. They want women not to have rights, be sold to them so they can what they want without complaint. Look at who they follow, tradthots that preach that shit. It's all a power move but nobody really cares how much they scream at the door telling us they're leaving.
The message of being yourself and taking of yourself first is good but they never call themselves mgtow. Just a person living their life the best for them at the time
>>395161Is th@e fucker in jail
No. 395443
>>395327The last thing MGTOW want is to go their own way, they want women to internalize their demands and start getting impregnated by ugly old men the moment they hit 18 out of sheer fear and insecurity (because being over 30 is a crime against men and they are suffering
victims if their wife/mother of their children is not as young and hot as possible, apparently).
No. 395480
>>395479Just read stories about how men react to women's miscarriages unless your uterus is perfectly healthy and fertile be prepared to be treated like shit by a lot of men, no matter what we do or accomplish we will always be baby factories in their mind which is why we need to kill or ignore men
No. 395482
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No. 395511
>>395482Wasn't this confirmed to be just an inside joke among the other creators? He didn't create that character.
Still creepy to have a grown-ass man playing a love interest for little girls tho.
No. 395534
>>395533Show me word for word where we said we hate all men
And isn't it funny how when woman haters have wives they're praised, when man haters have husband's you're confused huh
(responding to an incel) No. 395780
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on the topic of insemination
No. 395786
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>>395511Is it better or worse that this dynamic isn't even exclusive to the reboot?
No. 395915
>>395485why wouldn't they? The social shame in and of it's self should suffice, high paying/specialized professions are very small with tight knit social networks and everyone he would ever met or work with would eventually know him as that guy who abandoned his own kid. If he gets over that, she has the financial means to pursue him legally, unlike financially disadvantaged women with deadbeat baby daddies.
>>395487Millions of people split up and have to share their kid with a spouse they no longer like, or buy budget brand goods for their kids instead of organic/luxury brands. I'm not saying she SHOULD have that, I just don't think it would be worst then the outcome she got, which was pretty realistic for someone in their mid-40s trying to use decade old frozen eggs.
No. 395924
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No. 395961
>>395656Not everything a woman does or writes about on an imageboard is "feminism", kek.
I support anon's period revenge fantasy though.
No. 396007
>>395924these men truly dont give a shit about their children. they only care about having control. this man just killed the childrens mother and ruined their life all because he was a selfish cunt who wasnt given exactly what he wanted, but somehow its still the womans fault.
also, im willing to bet that there was a good reason for why the murder
victim and ops mom kept the fathers away from the children kek.
No. 396032
>>395924They literally don't deserve to be born… Imagine being pregnant with a child, go through nine months of pregnancy, suffer unspeakable pain during labor, scars, sleepless nights caring for your son alone, stress, coping with your body changing, coping with having an
abusive or deadbeat husband (because I mean, a woman deciding to "keep her kids away from the father" isn't doing it without a good reason)… then your son grows up and decides to sympathize with your scumbag ex when he declares he thought of killing you.
No. 396034
>>396032it’s because they’re men. they think they’re so incredibly smart and logical but they resort to archaic tribalism to fuck over women because they’re still stuck in that premodern notion of women and men being separate species
it’s always so funny that men insist they’re the ultimate authority on rationality but they’re the ones who default to evolutionary theory and appeals to tradition when women challenge them on their caveman bullshit mentalities
No. 396035
>>396013yes. i remember there was a thread in /r/relationships some time last year where a man was complaining that his wife wouldnt watch disney films with their daughters, but was otherwise a good mother, and so many people in the comments were screeching about how she was
abusive and evil and that he should divorce her and get sole custody.
but a father who takes his daughter out of school for an entire fucking day just because she started her period is praised to the high heavens. in a supposedly feminist sub too.
No. 396054
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What did she mean by this? I thought she was a feminist icon?
No. 396066
>>396054She lived at a time of great change for women during which many women were still heavily pressured into domesticity. Even she herself was lucky to have a father that encouraged her thorough and varied education–despite the fact that her brothers were sent to expensive private schools while she was left to read recommended books at home. She is speaking from a place of relative privilege and also as someone who had a lot of talent relative even to many other aspiring writers. I think this quote in its entirety is much less of an ignorant assessment of female domesticity placing the blame on women and more a rallying call for women, in this new era with new opportunities opening up to them, to self-motivate against the grain of male society and to take it into their own hands to become great intellectuals, inventors, and so on. In the full relevant passage (which I'll avoid quoting as it's pretty giant and it can be googled) she talks about colleges opening up to women over the past few decades and the vote opening to women within the last decade. So she's addressing the first real generation(s) of women to even have these options open to them, and motivating them to rebel finally against enforced domesticity and use education, use new career opportunities, and use the vote to finally become full members of society and history, to grab hold of independence and use it to be self-sustaining, to be creators and innovators. The full quote does still have a lot of the frustration towards other women that the smaller selection shows but even despite her particular privileges (also including her joint printing press with her husband) Woolf was actually understanding of the suffering and oppression that women endured, just angry with it and desperately encouraging women to slough off some of their oppression once and for all using the advantages of modernity.
No. 396067
>>395924These are the same type who hope for complete genocide of women. Hell even some of the had to make mgtow2 to escape the constant whining about women and the constant misogyny. Yet that failed because they all hate women in the end. Not shocked that they couldn't give a fuck about shootings (only the shooter) and the children left alone afterwards. They can never care about kids too.
>>396054This is taken out of context. Reading this and you'll get the impression that she was addressing criticism and speaking sarcasm. Men unrionically said and still say this while also having prevented women from leaving the home and being brood mares.
It makes sense if incels took this quote as a bad gotcha moment because they're retarded
No. 396162
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>not all men!
I hate this shit. Of course its not literally all men, but its the substantial majority of them and misogyny is woven into the very fabric of our entire society. The very rare man can be considered "good", but ONLY if he is actually betraying his sex. Far too often men are considered "good" just because they did some basic shit and have never done something vile. You're supposed to be a fucking good person, just because a man has never cheated or is nice to his daughter doesn't mean he's not a misogynist. If men want to say "not all men!" then they need to go out and tell other men to stop being misogynist and actively fight it, not just tell us they've never hit a women therefore they're a good person.
No. 396298
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thread title is
>It makes more sense to have sex with prostitutes than to go out trying to "get lucky" or being in a relationship if you have no intention of getting married…and there is nothing "pathetic" about paying for sex, either.
Paying for sex is not only pathetic it's only disgustingly exploitative, but oh well he get anxious when he has to talk to women as another human being, it's way more relaxing for him to just pay them to shut up and take his dick!
No. 396329
>>396298In theory I don't have issues with prostitution so long as women aren't being trafficked and abused.
In practice I have very little tolerance for men who see prostitutes, even if they were willing, free agents. Ask if they think prostitution should be legal and many men will say yes. Ask if they think prostitution is bad and many men will say no. Ask if they would ever get in a relationship with one, or would warn a friend if they had started seeing a former prostitute romantically and they stammer (I
have asked this). Why would they have any compunctions about marrying a former prostitute if prostitution isn't bad? Their conviction in their beliefs is weak and inconsistent.
No. 396333
>>396329males want to live out their madonna-whore complexes like the pathetic insecure bitches they are.
but of course, imagine if the roles are reversed (you know since incels love screaming about reversed roles)
if women wanted male prostitutes but also didnt want to date or marry them, only wanted to fuck them on the side since male hookers fuck better (sorry males), males would be killing themselves by the millions if women had done even half the shit they have done to us
No. 396346
>>396298Honestly, I feel the same way as him. I'm considering hiring a male escort. Why sift through wads of
abusive dogshit, live with years of gaslighting, the fear he'll beat me, or cheat on me with multiple women (since this is a fantasy most men have)? They don't care about your orgasm, try to jump right in with little foreplay, and you have to settle for one who is below average in looks (but thinks he's hot shit). Why wouldn't I just rent Chad for the night? He looks good, and does exactly what I ask. Male escorts are great at holding a conversation as well, foreplay is encouraged. No emotional harm in seeing him talk to other women because I know I paid him for a service.
No. 396467
>>396461All incels need to do is get on Grindr and they'll get sex within the hour, without the threat of pregnancy even!
Oh, they don't want to fuck smelly, fat guys 10+ years older than them with no guarantee they'll even enjoy it? Yeah. Me neither.
No. 396480
>>396452Nah. Along with married men as
>>396458 said, celebrities/rich men are particularly inclined to use prostitutes for convenience and discretion.
It's more sinister than just not getting laid otherwise. Prostitutes are an underclass of women who men feel they have the right to use and abuse, leaving the 'good' women to be wives and mothers. It's particularly easy for men to dehumanize prostitutes and even those with infinite women available can enjoy that. What about that really rich guy, forgot his name, that was recently caught getting $75 handjobs? Forget regular beautiful women, he could get high class escorts. What he really enjoyed was the power over these poor women who have no other choice.
No. 396525
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I have a parent who calls the other useless because she gave him only a daughter and had two previous sons from another marriage
He screamt at me yesterday. "Who will you going with? WHO? WHO WILl TAKE YOU?" I repeated i will be going by myself. I needed to take my pet to the vet 500 meters away, at 5pm. I'm 20 years old
This is normal in my culture. Girls are hit or beaten and screamed at since we are toddlers. We are not allowed to grow up and can only be independent if we have a boyfriend to take responsability over us. Even then, the father hates the boyfriend and sees him as competition.
That person called me a useless and pathetic whore untill i wanted to kill myself when i was 16.. because i broke my wrist and "he was just worried". He said that i don't deserve to have money wasted on me, that i was a burden because i needed surgery and treatment.
I know this is probably narcissism but i think me being female plays a part on it. If i was a male, i would have been allowed to be a teenager and grow up whitout having sex traffic and rape held over my head when i go for groceries at 7pm. Then i'm weak and pathetic when i cry.
No. 396572
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>mfw hostess in nipland
>mfw males pay $$$ just to talk to me and buy me drinks with no promise of even a kiss
keep crying scrotoid(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 396578
>>396576They pay because they want sex with other women but they don't want those other women to cause a fuss with their personal life. They don't want the woman to contact their wife or whatever. That's why they pay.
I know plenty of men who could cheat on their wives with normal women but prefer cheating on them with escorts because of the discretion escorts can offer.
No. 396588
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a guy i knew from middle school through the first year of college
> blond fat ass with no ambitions like none aside from " i wanna be butch hartman i guess"
> never did any work or anything required to active anything
> would talk shit about people going to college or continuing their education because he thought he was better since he wouldn't be in dept despite not pursuing anything.
> had a fucking diaper fetish as while as saying his biggest turn off was body hair
> sounds like a fucking pedophile to me
> keep this in mind he once drew a comic featuring some girls he knew getting transformed into babies wearing diapers
> typical " gamer" " nerdy boy" personality type
> massive christian and extremely conservative leaning.
theres so much more but i don't wanna spill unless y'all are interested. pictures relevant because it literally looks just like him
No. 396649
>>396578The more married men I fuck the more afraid I become to be a wife
Men will literally cheat just because,there is no guarantee way to make a man not cheat, even incels cheat on their first love once their egos get stroked enough, I should know I dated the school loser in high school who got picked on and never got a girlfriend, the second he started feeling good he cheated several times
No. 396658
>>396656>low standardsWhat screwed up community do live in?
My friends all have
high standards, which is good - they deserve their dignity.
No. 396664
>>396661I expect this bs from the incel community.Yes, there are those of us who came from
abusive households – who struggle with substance abuse – with various kinds of trauma – with mental health issues – or who had bad role models.
But I think most well adjusted women who grew up in good communities have reasonable standards. Do we all grow up like that? No. But we shouldn't set the bar at the bottom – I don't think that represents the average, or the most common experience.
No. 396675
I grew up in middle class america – you would have been laughed out of my community for pulling shit like that.
No. 396679
>>396649>Even incels cheatthis isn't fucking retarded because it's untrue, it's retarded because it's obvious.
Assuming we're talking about misogynistic robots, no shit they cheat, they have no respect for women or themselves, desperate and pathetic don't equate to loyal or ethical.
No. 396684
>>396683I meant to respond to
>396671 & > 396649:/
No. 396686
>>396683And by the way, you meant to say “do you lack reading comprehension?”. Saying “do you have no reading comprehension?” would be grammatically incorrect.
36 ACT, read it and weep, kiddo.
No. 396748
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>ebul Western roastie
>Past "THE WALL!!!!!!"
>Still marries prince charming
Keep crying incel
No. 396761
>>396748She isn't 100% white either.
Robots eternally btfo.
No. 396811
>>396765Oh god. Seriously, I bet 99% of those men are only in the field to be able to legally look and touch at a woman's vag. We seriously need more women obgyns because that thought sickens me and I am much more comfortable going to a female doctor by myself.
I seriously hope she changes her mind again and has the strength to become an gynecologist. Strength because of those men antagonizing her. I bet they are not only antagonizing her because she's a woman, but because they want to women no choice in asking for a female gynecologist and to reluctantly allow them to be their doctor. We need more female gynecologists!!
No. 396816
>>396811This, all male gynos I know are horrible, what's worse is when handmaidens water it with "umm I actually prefer male gynos because they're more careful and professional"
I've worked in the medical field for 10 yrs and haven't met a male gyno who wasn't shady as fuck,even male pediatricians are sick
No. 396851
>>396816Yikes… Even pediatrics too… Disgusting.
>more careful and professionalI'm thinking that the handmaidens aren't happy with their sex life and looking to the male gyno to solve for them since it is in their profession to "love" their vagina. Like most handmaidens they want male attention and sadly, their lives depends on it.
>>396848Same. My parents have always taught me to always request a female doctor or if I'm forced to have a male doctor then I bring my mother, my sister, or a friend I completely trust in the room.
No. 396855
Been scrolling through this website that catalogs American
victims of gun violence.
Almost all of the women died by murder-suicide (or just murder) by a male spouse or another male close to them. No. 396856
>>396854Eh, I had a male pediatrician growing up who was very kind and knowledgable. I notably remember that when I was 11 or so, it was a female nurse at the clinic that "checked my development". He never was invasive and I have only good memories of him.
Not sure if it changes things, but he was a specialist, though I still went to his office for normal check-up's. I had a lot of lung issues as a child and he saw me from age 8 months to age 12.
No. 396865
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I'm sick and tired of men in vidya. It's okay for them to project their dream waifu or live out their fantasy but a woman cannot use a female character because of course they must make it known that they are a girl. Oh god forbid she decides to play as a male character, then she's not like the other girls and a special snowflake. Oh please, don't get me started on the stupid "respecting women/wamen" meme.
Also I'm tired of men picking on children in vidya too. Sure, they may not be old enough to be playing something rated T/M (but haven't we all done it at one point or another), but they are impressionable. It perpetuates and continues the cycle of toxic behavior. I've played with middle school boys who are much more mature than grown men in Overwatch.
I know there's way more when it comes to vidya, but these are the biggest things that piss me off atm.
No. 396871
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>>396865mfw I pretend to be a little boy to avoid male harassment
getting called a "squeaker" and being told to shut up every time you talk is somehow better than getting unwarranted friend requests and rotten private messages
I've been doing it for 5 years kek
No. 396903
People villify "basic" women for liking pumpkin spice lattes, yoga pants, messy buns and "Live, Laugh, Love" decorations, I think we need to create a profile of mockery for basic boys.
>obsessed with sports
>obsessed with cars
>plays Call Of Duty and those FIFA games
>loses his shit whenever he runs into a female in a video game and accuses her of attention whoring or being a "thot", no matter what
>porn addiction
>wears sweatpants every day, dick imprint visible to the world
>obsessed with eating bacon
>watches PewDiePie
>punches walls
>thinks Family Guy and South Park are the pinnacle of humor
>favorite movie of all time is Fight Club or American Psycho
>still very into vaporwave and that one Arizona Green Tea pattern, and thinks it's prime aesthetic in 2019
>feels uncomfortable buying normal hygiene products unless "for men" is written on them somewhere
>thinks his music taste is high level because he almost exclusively listens to The Beatles and other dadrock
>conversely, almost exclusively listens to Drake and other Top 40 stuff, or trap music, and has a weird aversion to female musicians unless he's sexualizing them
>stills cares about Dragon Ball Z or Yu Gi Oh (and has yet to move on to other anime)
>"Feminism is cancer, wah-men wah-men wah-men"
>"Women aren't oppressed anymore, they got the vote"
>"Are traps gay? xDDDD"
>"xxxtentacion was a legend and a genius, and so was Lil Peep"
>calls all men who aren't misogynistic trash "Captain Save A Hoe"
>gets mad about paying the bill on dates he invites women on
What else am I missing?
No. 396913
>>396903You described every Western male ever lmao
You forgot
>I want a NERDY gf, chases Stacy, or just any x type girl and dates the exact opposite>Smokes weed, hookah, gets drunk every weekend, villanizes women if they do the same>Complains about everything and every little inconveniences in their life>Openly talks about shitting, farting, vomitting, etc>"Wahmen drive so bad" goes 135 on the freeway tailgating everyone>Openly racist or homophobic, cries when he can't scream about niggers in public>Doesn't know how to clean their room No. 396964
>>396851I don't like handmaidens either, but please don't say the same things about them scrotes say about our entire gender. It doesn't help.
I honestly don't remember my pediatrician, but I always try to get female doctors as my go-to. If I have to go to the hospital I can't choose, but those doctors aren't people I have long relationships with anyways.
Someone seriously tried calling me sexist for wanting a female gynaecologist a while back. Men can't seem to even imagine why women would have a problem with male doctors touching their vagina or sticking stuff up to it (ultrasound).
>>396903We have a "red flag" thread over in /g/ I believe.
No. 397061
>>397059Medfag here again
Sorry I talked about this before but it always gets on my last nerve, the male gyno here is shady, not in a "he only got in this profession to touch women's vaginas" way, but an odd number of patients of his have had hysterectomies or are on birth control, he's given birth control to young girls on very first visits without any type of testing or further questions as to if it's the right option for them. There's absolutely no reason why this many women need to be infertile, he doesn't realize birth control only masks issues like PCOS and endometriosis instead of fixing it
I feel like it's a form of laziness, as in "fuck these womens problems and actually looking for solutions I'll just sterilize them and hope for the best"
Pretty sure another gyno connected to him also tries to convince women to have plastic surgeries by convincing them long labias are from sex partners even though plenty of women have no sex partners and long labias and lots of sex partners and innie vaginas (I should know I get around and still have a cute little innie)
No. 397260
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God men are truly pathetic and invasive creatures.
Tfw every community on the internet is made for men by men …MTGOW, TRP, 4chan, incels etc and they still choose to come on lolcow for validation from women. How sad.
No. 397262
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>>397260It's truly insane, isn't it?
This is why I feel like I can't escape the blackpill in regards to radical feminism/female seperation.
It will never grow into a sizeable movement or have any kind of sustainability, because men will inevitably invade any attempts.
Even if you manage to avoid having male relationships in your personal lives, you still have to interact with them in society at large, and even on a fucking niche Lithuanian flower arrangement forum.
There is no escape.
No. 397264
>>397260It really baffles me. They obviously hate us, so why come here and interact with us ? Do they really think shitposting here is going to somehow make us think men are great after all ?
I entered this thread originally only having a mild distaste for men but what pushed me into full-blown indignation was the robot who comes here and posts scat and gore. It's a real eye-opener to see that men just can't let us have ANYTHING, and it scares them so much to see women interacting with one another that they resort to the most caveman-tier tactics.
No. 397265
>>397260I really don't know what they think they're accomplishing. Do they think it hurts us or something? All it does is make us hate them more, and convert even more women to disliking them.
They really are the cause of all their "no gf" problems.
No. 397271
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>>397262It will never happen because men can't stand to be separated from women. It's why even in 'male spaces' like MTGOW they spend all their time talking about how to get women to like them.
>>397264Maybe they know this is the only way they will ever get to interact with women.
No. 397293
>>397271Definitely some type of interaction. Alot of these types of guys don't have healthy interactions with women irl so they take out their frustration on anonymous women on anonymous boards
Female seperation would be nice but right now with how lib fems are hyper focused with gender identity, I don't see it happening soon sadly. Maybe in the future?
No. 397301
>>397294Anecdotal, but when I was balls deep into handmaidenry I have distinct memories of watching goofy videos and being unable to laugh because the person doing goofy shit was a woman.
It was a mental block and I
knew it was only because of that. "She's too pretty and her voice is too high!!! She shouldn't be doing joke!!!!"
[insert WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY here]
Calling it.
No. 397357
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>>397352This. It could very well be a woman whose partner likes the lean/abs girl look.
Pears may be popular in the mainstream atm, but it hasn't always been that way and some men still don't dig it.
No. 397380
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>>397370petty but even when it's at presentation level his house makes me want to kms.
No. 397382
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>>397357Well yeah, and typically pears don't have big breasts, and we all know how males like to react when women don't have boobs big enough to their liking
No. 397385
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>>397380even his house is frustratingly pseudo-intellectual. i think peterson just thinks "art is intellectual" and he just sticks whatever $3 garage sale print into his $8 picture frames and tosses them everywhere. i refuse to believe that a man who keeps a home like this can combat any kind of chaos or disorder.
No. 397389
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No. 397393
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>>397285Martina Hill is the funniest woman on earth imo
No. 397402
>>397398oh sorry
I didn't notice it
No. 397404
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No. 397413
>>397404>Men are clueless idiots therefore women deserve blame >Men are still superior tho and should do everything and women suck but they're idiotsUh what? Why are men only uncontrollable idiots when it's beneficial for them to use it as an excuse as to why a woman should be accountable for their actions?
Seriously, how hard is it to not pick up random drunk women and rape them?
No. 397414
I was reading a think-piece that criticized a female public speaker for calling abusive men "boys". The logic was that calling them "boys" ignores the fact that toxic masculinity rewards men for being abusive. In the author's words, calling abusive men boys, lets boys be boys and implies adult, mature men are incapable of abuse.
I want to ask anons' thoughts on this concept: If we indeed raise the bar and insist that an adult, mature man can not ever be abusive trash the same way developmentally disabled children can't be respectable heads of households, could that make them change? If we deliberately reduce a shitty man, shower humiliation on him, take away his validity as an adult and repeatedly refer to him as a dangerous, impudent, overpowered child who needs time out or a punishment (in the form of jail time, unemployment and social repercussions), could we shame men as a collective into improving? They beat us into "respecting" their authority because it's a show of "strength", so, if we collectively refuse to dole out respect any longer from being beaten into submission, could that change the game? Our arguments have been that men wrongfully use their strength to hurt us, but if we start saying that the moment they use their strength for abusive purposes, it immediately stops being strength and starts being cowardice, could something happen?
There's nothing they hate more than being infantilized and emasculated, and swathes of women doing it just bruises them all the more. Could we do that, or are we too powerless? Part of me feels optimistic about it being a tool for social change, since in the end, they need us to revere and respect them, but another part worries that they'll just throw more tantrums and beat us down all the more. What do you guys think?
No. 397415
>>397404>clueless idiots that are lead around with their dicksis she really pushing that we should hold women accountable for
their own murders and assaults because some sick monster thinks with his dick and that doesn't make him responsible for
his actions?
to lack such empathy for another woman, she sounds like she really hates herself and makes excuses for everything a man does wrong
No. 397424
>>397414This is a good idea in theory, but in practice pushing back and punishing
abusive men just leads to them escalating their behaviour. Forcing them to be accountable makes them feel like they're the true
victims. I would not be shocked if there was a correlation between previous
abusive behaviour and suicide. They don't regret their actions. The pain they cause is less real to them than the 'pain' you make them feel by pointing it out. They'll explode or they'll implode, but they'll never learn empathy.
No. 397435
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>>396903>>396913So basically this?
No. 397463 amazed at how men couldn't bother with the message, only annoyed and grossed out by the image, yet will still whine to women about how
men are affected by body issues too :((>>397428Katie Bouman. And yeah, I've seen already from men how she didn't do much, or how she shouldn't be mentioned because men were there. I've seen porn blogs say she isn't that great. It's blatant how much they hate that women are human
No. 397513
>>396987 said, I've noticed that when a guy claims his gf said things that aren't remotely abuse, very minor, everyone starts crying about how she's an evil emotional abuser, but males can cheat, beat, steal and act like 5 yr olds and women are expected to take care of them
No. 397560
>>397554seriously male sexuality is so impressionable
someone post that study where men were shown pics of women in boots in sexual contexts and could subsequently only get boners from seeing pics of women wearing boots and sexualized just the action of women wearing boots
No. 397564
>>385113imagine my shock.
His job is probably where he gets to play a big boy from his wounded ego from being rejected his whole life for being an ugly garbage human. I hope his mum beat him as a kid.
No. 397613
>>397611Eh.. really? I'm 22, look very young. Get ID'd everywhere, even buying lighters. Men and women alike often think I am a high school student (especially in my field) and I very, very rarely am hit on in public. I've always attributed this to the fact that I look so young. My fiancé is 2 years younger than me and everyone thinks he is the older one.
Then again, maybe I'm just ugly, kek.
No. 397620
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No. 397623
>>385295this is bullshit, even with all the styling that girl is obviously under 16, if you took the photoshop, hair, clothes and makeup and subsitute them with something a 13 year old girl would actually wear it would be obvious what her real age is.
and also, even if its more difficult to tell on a still photo, there is no way someone can mistake a pre pubescent girl for an adult woman irl. are males really retarded enough to think a child who may not have even started puberty looks the same as an adult woman?
No. 397651
>>397623I used to know a guy who complained women are all "trying to look like children" with makeup or something.
He made an example of a random, normal-looking American/European model with big tits who was obviously in her mid-20s and said "Isn't it creepy how she has the face of a 12 year old??". I just quietly said "Yeah…", even though I didn't see it at all.
I think plenty of men are either retarded when it comes to gauging age (and just non-observant in general), or they're just non-exclusive pedophiles who search for the same traits they find attractive in every female human, regardless of age. Maybe both are true. In the case of the guy I met, I wonder if he was trying to project his own attraction to children onto adult women to somehow absolve himself of guilt.
No. 397655 article is gut wrenching. I thought I couldn't hate Russian men any more than I already do, but they proved me wrong.
I read several others about how US soldiers raped women in droves too (although not to the same extent of the Russians). US soldiers raping Japanese women was such a problem that the Japnese government opened many brothels to try to curb it.
It's disgusting how American schools have changed history to make the allies, especially the US, into heroes when we were honestly not that morally superior to the axis.
No. 397821
>>397810Thats nothing compared to the Dirlewanger Brigade
Oskar Dirlewanger a pedophilic rapist and psychopath who had already been jailed for raping a 13 year old German girl was made in charge of a brigade composed almost entirely of convicted criminals and mental patients
No. 397975
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Anyone here Korean and reading Megalia? Would love to see some content from there.
No. 398096
>shame women for lack of scientific contributionsAlso men
>harass the fuck out of woman for making scientific contributions No. 398102
>>398096once again they prove how men hate women, period. They'll harass women who don't choose stem and harass them when they do. Even when women did 100% of the work, the accoupmishment is watered down and made to be worth less. Doesn't matter with them
Gender segregation sounds like a utopia more and more
No. 398192
>>398100I think you're talking about this? shows Andrew Chael did about 90% of the code, Katie did about 2.5%. On this particular repository. She probably did elsewhere.
To his credit Andrew doesn't like that people are attacking Katie: No. 398264
File: 1555176771380.png (43.52 KB, 1025x540, Idiot.png)

he posted again
No. 398435
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>there's nothing wrong with porn, you SWERF prude!
No. 398489
>>398436>>398435>>398439these make me so mad
anons, forgive me for this blogpost but I was in a critical thinking course at my college and the subject of prostitution came up
I ofc made the point that sex for money is basically rape since money is a tool of coercion and coerced sex is rape
got the expected response of “it’s a choice!!! they choose that!!!” while knowing nothing about the reality of how prostitution for the majority of women around the world that aren’t so privileged as to afford a choice in the matter
then some girl had the absolute nerve to compare her waitressing job to being raped for money and I honestly couldn’t believe the amount of cognitive dissonance that was occurring right in front of me
why do people not care about prostituted women? are the majority of Americans so brainwashed by the pornography industry to the point where they don’t understand or are they just willfully ignorant so they can keep raping impoverished women without feeling bad?
No. 398493
>>398489>then some girl had the absolute nerve to compare her waitressing job to being raped for money and I honestly couldn’t believe the amount of cognitive dissonance that was occurring right in front of me We really need a handmaiden thread. They never cease to amaze me.
>why do people not care about prostituted women? are the majority of Americans so brainwashed by the pornography industry to the point where they don’t understand or are they just willfully ignorant so they can keep raping impoverished women without feeling bad?Can't speak for other countries, but in the USA it mostly boils down to the capitalist mindset that ~anyone can pull themselves out of poverty as long as they work hard~. Our society has been brainwashed to truly believe the ~American Dream~ is achievable to everyone, regardless of circumstance, so any situation you end up in is 100% within your control.
Honestly, I wouldn't give a fuck about prostitution if we had a liveable minimum wage, but until then people need to understand that a large portion (probably most) women involved in the sex industry aren't truly choosing to be there and are doing so to survive because the only other work they can get is typically not enough to love off of.
No. 398499
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>saying minimum wage should be liveable translates to women should be handed money for nothing
Whenever men come on here they just justify more and more why we have these threads. It amazes me people this retarded don't accidentally walk off cliffs.
No. 398502
>>398499That strawman is one of the most delusional ones I've ever seen, I swear you can say something like the sky is blue and they'll start screaming about how you think the sky is purple
~le intelligent gender~ who can't apparently read
>>398497… because other jobs don't involve having sex. Please go get fucked by someone you're repulsed by for money during a time of financial desperation and tell me it's ~no different from other jobs~.
>>398500We expose ourselves to different ways of thinking elsewhere. Having our one containment thread meant exclusively for like minded people doesn't mean we don't see plenty of argument and disagreement literally everywhere else we go. Just like literally any other political stance, sometimes you want to take a break from debating and discuss the subject solely with people who agree with you. It's a pretty simple concept.
>>398501It truly is remarkable.
>>398502>~le intelligent gender~ who can't apparently readThe sweet irony coming from someone who got "women deserve money for free!" out of that post. It's too rich.
No. 398517
>>398515Remember how outraged men were over Bumfights, that show that paid homeless people to fight each other?
It's OK to pay homeless women to let you rape them though.
No. 398519
>>398513these are the same men that still believe in the whole “key vs lock” metaphor wrt women and men’s sexual promiscuity.
just bc men are so unfeeling and spoiled because of rampant pornography addiction doesn’t mean that sex doesn’t mean anything. the entitlement and stupidity of the modern male never ceases to amaze me. they think that because they have access to images of women’s bodies all the time at the click of a button that it carries over into real life situations with real life people.
No. 398530
>>398524Not to mention if you're working for a pimp, you usually can't get out if you want to and hookers are notoriously prime targets for serial killers.
Also, I personally think having to rely on any job with high risk to your safety is fucked up and our system should fix it, so I don't know wtf his point even is? If that was supposed to be some kind of "inconsistency gotcha" it was a weak one.
>>398527I never said I was against legalizing it? I just think paying poor people for sex is disgusting a and predatorial. You can be morally opposed to something but not want it to be illegal.
Now go away.
No. 398531
>>398524you’re absolute right anon but let’s look at it from the other side:
many of the “dangerous jobs” men have are unionized, have oversight via health and safety regulation agencies, are afforded benefits such as health care, and have their wages paid to them without having to give it to their bosses (unless you count taxes, which helps pay for all the above).
also many “dangerous occupations” such as sewage treatment, construction, oil production, and military service didn’t allow women to serve and women are discouraged from entering those fields by men even nowadays but they still enter them.
how can the scrotes be this stupid lmao
No. 398550
>>398548That's not me, I stopped a while ago. Multiple people are replying to him.
Not sure why people always think there's only like three people on this site and everyone is the same person.
No. 398556
>>398553Same, but it always takes the farmhands so long to do anything.
I just wish we didn't have every discussion be derailed by a scrote with no reading comprehension and anons trying to explain shit to him for some reason. We should be focusing on educating each other, not arguing with a scrote.
No. 398562
stolen from a deleted post on r/GenderCritical
I have been doing some research on different branches of feminism and have stumbled upon amazon feminism!
Here a quick blurb about it from a site:
> When I first heard of Amazon Feminism, I was a little confused. It both ended up being exactly what I thought it was, and even more, in the best possible way. Born in the unlikely place of being inspired by Ayn Rand, Amazon Feminism is a branch of feminism that emphasizes female physical prowess as a means to achieve the goal of gender equality. At the most basic level, adherents of Amazon Feminism are dedicated to the image of the female hero in fiction as well as in real life – as expressed in the physiques and feats of female athletes, martial artists and other powerfully built women in society, art and literature. The fictional poster-goddess of the Amazon Feminist movement was Wonder Woman, who was conceived in the early 1940s and based partially on the Amazons in Greek mythology.
>During the women’s suffrage movement, there existed militant suffragettes. Amongst these, those who practiced physical culture and who engaged in violent forms of political protest were frequently referred to as ‘Amazons’ by novelists and newspaper journalists. In the early 70’s Gloria Steinem drew attention to the concept of Amazon Feminism with her praise of Wonder Woman as a feminist icon, and her criticism of DC’s decision in 1968 to change Wonder Woman’s powers. Wonder Woman’s famous equipment had been replaced with mere-mortal Kung-Fu. The year after Steinem generated attention toward this issue, Wonder Woman was changed back and her popularity with young female readers increased. According to Thomas Gramstad, “Amazon feminism is concerned about physical equality and is opposed to gender role stereotypes and discrimination against women based on assumptions that women are supposed to be, look or behave as if they are passive, weak and physically helpless.”
>Further, “Amazon Feminism rejects the idea that certain characteristics or interests are inherently masculine (or feminine), and upholds and explores a vision of heroic womanhood. Amazon Feminism supports and celebrates female strength athletes, martial artists, soldiers/women in combat, firefighters, lumberjacks, astronauts, power lifters, etc.” Ultimately Amazon Feminism is about the ability to view oneself as the captain of their own soul, as a person willing to face and resolve any conflict – and, as a woman, to refuse to see oneself as a victim of man-made or biological circumstances – separates oneself as a warrior from those ‘ordinary’ people, male or female, who are willing to drift with the current and bend with every breeze. Wonder Woman remains central to the ideals of Amazon Feminism, she embodies this idea that through hard work and discipline women can become strong and independent and free themselves from their economic and psychological dependency on men.
This looks pretty interesting and great since there are actual real women who practice amazon feminism. It is a different way to break down the patriarchy. Radical feminism states that women are oppressed due to their biological gender. Not only reproduction but women being weaker than men has caused for a lot of violence and strife.
Amazon feminism empowers women to find their own female strengths (whether it be flexibility or speed) magnify it. Of course men would still have more political and social power (that’s what other forms of feminism is for such as radical some liberal lol) but the violence faced by women would decrease.
Sometimes women want to play nice with men but forget that can put them at a disadvantage.
what are your thoughts on it ?
No. 398572
>>398558The whole thing is just projection (as scrot invader pointed out the obvious, they only see relationships as a means to an end).
I wish men felt love. It always ruins my day when I remember that my dreams of loving, supporting (financially as well), and spending all my time with a man will never be appreciated on his end equally. They're just emotionless androids.
I'm fine with a lot of sex too of course, but I'd like to get to know a guy and connect with him too. Especially if we'll be together until death.
The awful things men do is also disappointing and horrifying, but this will always bother me.
No. 398573
>>398568In addition to just being straight up retarded, male posters are always obvious because they never sage.
Also, someone make a new thread.
No. 398581
>>398577this is very true.
what makes it worse is that many men who seem decent are actually just posturing and only invested in feminism/women’s struggles as a performative measure so they can score pussy.
men are snakes who will do anything to take advantage of women who care.
No. 398628
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>>383938why is it so hard for men to empathize with women? imagine saying this kind of shit to a
victim of child abuse, god im so mad