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No. 367228
>>367223I imagine it's the
>tfw no shota bfand
>wahhh fuckin Staciesvarieties
No. 367229
>>367223Probably something like "kill all men".
>>367225As a lesbian this is so annoying. Don't call it that.
No. 367230
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>>367225>letting him nuti think denial is better. i have fun then just tell them to go home
No. 367236
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I just got out of a toxic friendship and it turns out I was too retarded to realize this guy was basically a pedophilia sympathizer and defender. As soon as I left and the friendship and stopped caring he proceeded to tell people I'm insane for having BPD. Is gaslighting this fucking common? I know BPD has that evil mastermind stigma but fuck dude.
Pic unrelated.
No. 367239
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>>367231add me to the list of being repulsed by this hetero normie sex discussion
No. 367264
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I have been waiting all the time to post stuff from my place:"Poland's prime minister has shelved plans to redefine the definition of domestic violence so that it only applies to spouses who are beaten more than once, a move critics said would make it difficult to prosecute abusers."
Government withdrew from that project, for now at least..
Heard it got passed in Russia tho, any anon can confirm?
No. 367272
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>>367228Is that even a thing? I remember one time seeing a post where a demented anon admitted to perving on young boys and the other farmers jumped her telling her to neck herself.
No. 367277
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>>367272It's honestly incredible seeing the difference of how women react to that and how men do, specifically on these boards. Women are usually quick to shut that shit down while men just encourage it but that shouldn't surprise anyone lmao
Makes me want to never have kids and risk the chance of exposing them to these psychos.
>>367264>Heard it got passed in Russia tho, any anon can confirm?God that sounds awful, I've heard Russia is a pretty bad place for women.
No. 367279
>>367277Hmm on second thought some of those yaoi-obsessed transtrender chicks and some varieties of fujo do say concerning things but from what I've seen lolcow farms has been good about telling potential pedophiles to kill themselves.
>>367278Bassed Hercules
No. 367285
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>>367228Were there seriously women saying they wanted a shota bf? I lost track in the past couple threads and I'm pretty worried now about us stooping that low.
No. 367290
>>367289i hate how many people say that shit to me too! it's usually men. like fuck off, i am not a baby incubator. it's not the fucking 18th century, i can decide to not have sex/use contraceptives/abort if i so choose to.
i understand most women develop maternal feelings at some point, but i'm sick of men reducing women who say "nah, kids aren't for me, at all. never wanted any." into emotional creatures who will suddenly and helplessly develop maternal feelings like it's some baby loving bug.
No. 367346
>>367336i dont have any resources but i can relate. it's basically just me and my mom in our family and she has been growing more and more radical in general, but very recently she has been cyber cheating with a married man of all people, fml and has expressed wanting to marry him if he leaves his wife. i'm legit worried that i'm going to lose my Grey Gardens (but more radical and financially stable) dream to this douchebag who is cheating on his wife by trying to bag my mom (and who knows who else?).
she keeps insisting that if she and him get together and he recognizes what he has done is wrong and commits to never doing it again, it's fine, and that i'm being a dictator trying to ruin her marriage fantasy. men ruin everything.
No. 367385
>>367346I find that's not so true for my mom? Shes always told me that if a man acts like a shit to walk away, dont tolerate disrespect. It makes me angry when other members of my family say negative things about her not being married, or not being interested in matrimony.
I just want to show her that there is this thing called feminist ideas and she is a great role model but has been put down and lied to by a fucked up misogynist society. My mom is a spinster and its awesome because she is happy and successful and I want to smack every person who belittles her because she doesn't have a man.
No. 367398
>>367385>Shes always told me that if a man acts like a shit to walk away, dont tolerate, mine too, and she has always taken pride in being a single working mother, it's just lately she has been desiring marriage because she feels like some fomo bc all of her friends are married and are pushing the marriage meme and she sees how their lives are easier, financially, because their husbands are actually a decent financial support system despite them being a shit in basically every other way, and she's just smitten with this guy now.
>but has been put down and lied to by a fucked up misogynist society. My mom is a spinster and its awesome because she is happy and successful and I want to smack every person who belittles her because she doesn't have a man.maybe you can push her away from religion? i think that's the source of that kind of stupid bullshit because my mom is secular and i don't find that she's belittled so much as she's like, encouraged to be in a relationship for "the happiness". not in a negative way, just in a "look at all the perks!!!" type way. either way, all around, we're encouraged to get married, especially when you're older, and it's such a meme that might be smooth sailing for a while, but is ultimately such a life-ruiner for so many women.
No. 367448
>>367438she's actually got a lot of friends and does well socially. she normally doesn't fall for shit like this. she hasn't desired much in the past bc she does lose attraction easily. it's just that there's something 'magnetic' about this guy. something something fiery latino lead singer with some famous argentinian popstar son. i can see what's appealing about the situation because he's well to do with famous family, and i know the marriage thing isnt what's drawing her to him, but she's getting increasingly pissy with me for shitting on him and the prospect of a life with him. she refuses to believe that he's probably talking to like a million other women too and it's straining our relationship. so disappointing.
i've tried to get her to speak to other men, but they all suck major ass too, so i can't, in earnest, recommend anyone else. the few that seemed decent she tells me have 'no chemistry'. i s2g if she gives up on our beautiful bouvier-beale lifestyle for a scuzzy philandering loser i will lose my shit
No. 367457
>>367448Some people are just gifted with silver tongues, who knows what he is saying that is so convincing. Just because your mom got pregnant doesn't mean she was romantically experienced enough to know how to spot red flags.
Regardless I should be prepared for this situation to implode.
No. 367516
>>367428I hate that they use it to justify their behaviour, but I find it hard to believe that it's not 'natural' or 'normal' for men. Natural or normal do not mean acceptable or okay. It's just that men are naturally inclined to certain toxic traits, no doubt socialization makes it worse but there is just something inherently wrong with them.
There's no reason to assume everyone is naturally moral and empathetic and men and women are just not on the same team, biologically speaking. The x chromosome is too weak to ever allow us control over the means of reproduction, hence the myriad of issues men have with women.
No. 367535
Gonna share an audiobook of one of my favorite books, it's useful in telling you to listen to your instincts to avoid creeps especially liked what he said in one of his interviews about how when men say "no", it's the end of the discussion but when a woman says "no", it's the beginning of a negotiation and that charm is not a trait but a tool.
Stay safe out there ladies.
No. 367578
>>367289That's men, they all have this fantasy where all women secretly want and will only ever be fufilled by a married with kids type life, no matter how happy you are, no matter your age, no matter what you do, they will always jump through hoops to convince themselves women actually wanted kids all along and anyone who says otherwise is a bitter feminazi, but for some reason, praise MGTOW and claim MGTOW is true happiness, by choice, etc.
Basically to them
Single man = happy mgtow bachelor who is rich
Single woman = evil undesirable woman who is going to grow old and inevitably want kids
No. 367588
>>367581best chance to neutralize a threat. one of the first rules in self defense is maintaining space and that's where the gun is great since close combat is risky. And from videos I've seen of armed people defending themselves, the attackers bolt the second the other side starts shooting back.
A great quote I remember was "I carry a gun because I can't carry a policeman"
No. 367594
>>367581>>367584>>367588speaking of which, learning to disarm attackers is always good to learn too girl in my hometown got raped because her attacker put a gun behind her like in the video, forced her into her car, drove it, raped her and then left her.
I can't stress enough the importance of having situational awareness that could have prevented this situation in the first place though.
No. 367601
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Gonna post some articles about education:>In the 1970s, as more women started attending college, they started graduating at higher and higher rates, while men’s enrollment and graduation rates remained relatively flat. But until recently, the women attending college were mostly from elite families. Now, women from lower-income families are increasingly attending college.
>Some of the problem is that boys from low-income families appear to struggle more in school than girls do. They lag behind as early as kindergarten even though health tests show that, at the time of birth, they are just as healthy and cognitively able to learn as their sisters, a recent paper found. This is partly because they appear to be more affected by poverty and stress than girls are.
>School quality is also more important for boys than for girls, Figlio said, and since many low-income families attend poor-quality schools, their sons, who are already lagging behind their daughters, fall even further behind.
>The notion of what it means to be a boy and a man, especially among lower working-class boys, makes it such that they see doing well in school as something that girls and women do, and they don’t want any part of it.How retarded do you have to be to feed young boys such terrible values that harm them? But girls from poor homes have to deal with it and adapt quicker.
No. 367604
>>367595I don't measure our worth in physical strength so I can ignore them putting us down for being weak. It really bothers me when they say it about our intellectual capabilities, but we are proving them more and more wrong every day. They refuse to acknowledge intelligent women no matter how numerous they are, they want to believe we're useless outside of our vaginas (because that would give us an alternative to babymaking as a career) so that's all they see. They also refuse to acknowledge the endless herds of dumbshit men and act like the tiny minority of male geniuses represent all of them.
Anyway, I do get what you mean. It's a slippery slope trying to attribute anything to biology and evolution because it can lead to unfair stereotypes. But I just find male aggression towards women too consistent, widespread and extreme to just dismiss as social conditioning. If I say that then I have to accept that maybe there are some gendered traits that apply to us too, but we have no flaws as terrible the male predisposition towards subjugating and dehumanizing half the population.
No. 367627
>>367604>They also refuse to acknowledge the endless herds of dumbshit men and act like the tiny minority of male geniuses represent all of them. It's the same as "men won WW1 and WW2" when men also lost it and started it.
>But I just find male aggression towards women too consistent, widespread and extreme to just dismiss as social conditioningYou are right there, gotta wonder whether it's as simple as humans with any form of power always abusing it. When it comes to the relationship between entitlement and lack of social skills + understanding for others, you can't tell which came first.
No. 367643
>>367621Anon, I feel for you because my first two years working and going to college after my grandmother died were hard. I had similar experiences to you and know that bitterness from dealing with that BS and people blowing it off with things like…
>it’s not a big deal>it’s a compliment!>he’s just being friendly!>you’ll miss it when you get old>you should smile more and be friendly, you never know who you may meet!It isn’t ‘normal’, and I wish people were more open minded to this sort of abuse because it happens every day and never really goes away. Plus it can be scary because you never know how far someone may push your boundaries.
I wish I could give you the one size fits all solution but unfortunately I can’t. The only thing I can say anon is that changing my demeanor has seemed to stymie a lot of the harassment I used to get a few years back. Stand tall, walk with purpose, be confident. It has nothing to do with clothes because I’m girly and love dressing up and saw no difference when I dressed down or up. You have a right to your individuality and a right to say no or yes to whomever you please. Now I get more comments that I’m not friendly or approachable, which makes me roll my eyes internally, so it’s like you can never win. But be safe anon, it’s really hard. I’m sorry I can only offer you my shit advice.
No. 367661
>>367644Even worse is when you are fat and some dude thinks that means you're gonna take any attention you get as a blessing.
I was at a fast food restaurant the other day of all places eating lunch while waiting for my bus home. Some guy in his fourties or so sits down opposite of me without even asking, so I promptly take my tray and moved to another table without even looking at him or talking to him.
He didn't follow me, but at the end of my meal as I was packing my stuff, he came over just to berate me for being rude and hurtful for not staying with him. I told him that I was not in the mood to talk to a stranger, and he tells me I should be grateful that a guy would give a fatty like me any attention at all.
No. 367675
>>367662It's creepy how many guys you'll see openly liking it and saying how anyone who criticizes them is an SJW and how they're just fictional characters. It's the most stupid line of defense considering the appeal is specifically an undeveloped body.
Comparatively you'd have to dig very deep nowadays in the west to find shotacon stuff that wasn't made by guys self inserting. Even a lot of more dangerous kinky art with men seems to have died in fandoms on tumblr and twitter, now there's a push to be more wholesome and to shame fujos.
No. 367685
>>367289I went to a doctor (who unfortunately happened to be male, I prefer female doctors when talking about birth control and things like that) to ask if I could get sterilized. In my country we have this list of things and you need to check at least one so you could get sterilized, and it has things like "unable to take care of offspring", "would get serious health risks if pregnant", "has 3 or more children", "is over 30". I am not 30 yet, but I checked some of the other things on the list, such as other bc not working on me (hormones make me crazy for example) and not being able to take care of the offspring. The doctor, of course, first asked if I have a partner and if he agrees with me getting sterilized (what a bullshit question), and when I started to tell him why I feel like I need the procedure, he laughed at my face and ridiculed me. I felt so fucking humiliated, like why wouldn't he just tell me that it's not possible and my reasonings are not enough for it to be legal, why laugh at me? I was okay with going to male doctors about other things, but this left such a bad taste in my mouth I feel like only going to female doctors after this. Fuck my life.
No. 367701
>>367697>everyone was calling the women selfish cunts and encouraging the men to shame their wives into letting them in and stuff like that. Typical male socialization, instead of wondering what
he did wrong to have her not want him be in the delivery room, he instead insists that
she is crazy for excluding him. It's always the woman's fault. How dare he have to examine his own behaviour.
No. 367704
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>>367697my mom's a midwife, most of the time both parents are present at the birth (the woman giving birth and her partner).
tbf, most of the tv shows pick the "juiciest" births, some guys act supportive. robbie williams has to be the biggest spaz though, he was live tweeting his wife giving birth. he was acting like the biggest attention whore, absolutely unhinged. i wouldn't be surprised if he was on drugs. No. 367728
Welcome back MH, but can we have a less fetishy pic next time?
>>367535>charmI have been following the Vic Mignogna stuff with fascination (thread in /w/)
He is a textbook narc abuser, but there are so many female fans defending him online with "he was nice and charming to me that one time we met". People are fucking dumb and naive about this.
>>367551I am worried about the new movie glamorizing him. I saw a reviwer write that it was too sympathetic towards him.
No. 367732
>>367728NTA But I like it more than gross photos and articles that are supposed to enrage you when seeing them, I prefer non serious OP pics. It's not even close to a fetishy artstyle, so the sperging about it seems forced.
>so many female fansAll the comments under ANNs newest article that say "since when is it guily until proven innocent?" are by neckbeards, let's not forget that.
No. 367740
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>>367728some humorous pics for future OPs
No. 367743
>>367732I get you, however, I saw works by the same artist in other threads and it is fetish stuff. I don't want real reasons for manhate be confused as femdom fetish.
Yes Vic is defended by neckbeards as well! Ones that appear to think that groping teenage girls is no big deal, what is consent?
No. 367751
>>367621>treat men like predators in the wildI've heard guys say avoid us but when women do to protect themselves in public, you'll have guys complain about women for being rude or paranoid. can't win with them so protect yourself always.
>>367697Where do you live anon? The men in my family didn't go into the delivery rooms when their wives delivered but it's so common in the west in general. Can't imagine going through something so painful and humiliating with all those nurses and doctors only to be called a selfish cunt after..
No. 367761
>>367751im from eastern europe, its not normal in my country for a man to go in but ive heard its becoming more common.
ill never understand why so many men cant understand that childbirth isnt about them. like you said its painful and humiliating, especially with so many people in the room, but at least the doctors and nurses are there to make sure you and the baby are alive and healthy instead of offering half hearted support or acting like a retard. the men who genuinely think they have some innate right to be in the delivery room disgust me, it comes off as selfish and violating. they also seem like they have really bad womb envy tbh.
No. 367807
>>367798Thank you for the cleanser anon
>>367643>it’s a complement!Jesus who even says shit like this
Being oogled at or harassed by some creep is NOT a compliment. God that justification gets me so steamed, there’s a huge difference between complimenting someone and treating them like an inhuman piece of meat.
No. 367824
>>367815honestly, if you want him in there then i dont see the big deal. but the attitudes that many men have towards this is genuinely scary. i know this thread is old, but a lot of the replies in this thread are genuinely scary: someone who would consider breaking up with their wife/gf because she doesnt want them present at a fucking private, painful and humiliating medical procedure, this bullshit has gone too far.
No. 367827
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>>367824This thread is INFURIATING. Male entitlement at it's finest.
Dude you are worth way less than a doctor in a delivery room.
No. 367832
>>367827also, the extra stress on the mother could be dangerous for both the mother and the baby, so hes also being a selfish prick, and hed actually be making the doctors work harder.
but obviously his want to have a ~uwu special amazing life changing experience~ outweighs his wifes/gfs need to have a safe birth.
No. 367854
>>367847there is absolutely no use of them being there tbh, unless the mother wants them i guess. theres a reason for why they werent typically present for the last few million years.
a lot of men who agressively insist on being present reek of womb envy. knowing men, a lot of them probably have a fetish for this kind of shit too.
No. 367944
>>367827>the person>my childthis is how men see women and children. just some person carrying
their child. not their wife, not their lifelong partner they share every waking moment with. and not a human life or brand new person being brought into the world. just some fucking piece of property carrying another piece of property.
No. 367949
>>367933youre right. ive seen men online treat it like its a spectator sport, they think its some unique uwu once in a life time special experience as opposed to a medical procedure and get aggressive if you inform them that theyre not welcome. imagine your husband/bf describing you giving birth to a bunch of strangers online, i havent even given birth yet and it feels extremely violating, i cant even begin to imagine how the women whose husbands reveal this shit would feel. 99% of the time theyre just in the way and being annoying. the one and only thing they did right in the 1950s was not allowing scrots into the delivery room.
again, im glad this isnt normal in my country and i hope it never becomes a normal expected part of life like in america.
>>367944ive always noticed that men always talk about "my" child, its never "our" child its always "my" child. its always "IM going to see the birth of MY child ME ME ME ME ME" as if the child itself, half its genome and its entire mitochondrial DNA just materialised out of thin air.
does anyone else remember when that woman from 90 day fiance was constantly being shat on because she referred to her baby as "my" as opposed to "our"? but no one mentions it when men do it.
No. 367952
>>367661ugh, there are generally two outcomes when you initiate socializing
1. you're accepted
2. you're rejected
And if it's a stranger approaching another stranger, I'd say the odds are even higher in being rejected.
So it boggles my mind that a guy who tries to socialize without being prepared to get rejected throws a bitch-fit. It doesn't matter if the girl is below average in looks, if the chance to be rejected is always there, they should learn to take it civilly. It just makes them look stupid when they have to lick their wounds by insulting the person.
No. 367988
>>367824Jesus, they act like not being there the very second the baby pops out is like not being allowed to see the baby at all for weeks or something. Do they not realize that they can come in as soon as the baby is out and washed? This reminds me of all the stories where the fathers faint in the delivery room, distracting the nurses and doctors from the actual MEDICAL PROCEDURE at hand. Not to mention the one where the father attacked the doctor because he thought the baby got injured or something.
Especially that one reply, "literally if anyone other than my SO asked/told me to leave I would tell them to find a cactus and fuck themselves", was incredibly idiotic, and as someone from a family of doctors that one made me seriously irritated. If a fucking DOCTOR asks you to move out of the way during, again, A MEDICAL PROCEDURE, you comply and move the fuck out of the way. Imagine trying to do your job ensuring the safety of the woman and her child, and her husband starts throwing a fit because it's all about HIM and HIS FEEEEELINGS.
No. 368015
>>367601This has been evident, especially as a black woman. When 9 times out of 10 if there is another black person in a upper level college class they are a girl, unless it's an male African immigrant. Now people are shaming us because the gap is so alarmingly obvious compared to other races that I've had family tell me to remember to wait for their "come up", which means to "marry down".
It's funny because my parents before have always been telling me to worry about myself and never do anything for a man. Now my friends and I are getting conflicting messages. Unfortunately, I believe it's because they're afraid I would end up dating/ marrying someone non-black, since it's getting harder to find someone that looks like you AND is successful as you (at least has a roof over their head and a non-criminal record). And I'm not that successful in the grand scheme of things. If asking for someone that graduated from college, could keep a job (financially secure) and have a car is selfish then I'll "go my own way" becuase it's getting ridiculous. The men can't use the race argument because I'm black like them. We both get targeted and discriminated. We both statistically live in poor neighborhoods and deal with terrible teachers and shit schools, so I DON'T UNDERSTAND.
You're seeing black single mothers with 3 kids getting a college degree now and idk what the fuck is up with men.
No. 368073
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>>368058Their inevitable future.
No. 368100
>In June 2018, Toshihiro Nikai, the secretary general of the ruling Liberal Democratic party [LDP], described couples who decide not to have children as “selfish”, and cited the postwar baby boom as evidence that hardship needn’t be an obstacle to having bigger families.
>Two months earlier Kanji Kato, an LDP lawmaker, said women should have “at least three children” and warned those who preferred to remain single that they would become a burden on the state.
>He said he told single women that “if they don’t get married then they won’t be able to have children, and that they’ll end up in a care home paid for with the taxes of other people’s children”.
>In 2007 the then health minister, Hakuo Yanagisawa, described women as “birth-giving machines” and said it was their public duty to increase the birthrate.I'm happy for all the women who are having more fun being single and chose it, in a country where sexism and outdated gender roles are pushing them to give up on their own careers and slave for a family.
No. 368105
>>368015This, the second article talks about the jump when it comes to race.
If you take a look at some less developed countries you'll see a higher rate of women aiming for more difficult degrees, my theory is that it's about wanting to get out of their environment so they aim higher to be able to become independent more easily. You do you anon and choose what makes you happy, your family will probably chill eventually since they had different opinions before, parents can go through phases of insecurity about the future of their children.
No. 368111
>>368100Ah, glorious Nippon, the holy land.
Why are so many people fucking obsessed with this country and all of its backwards practices, I don’t understand why so many people, weebs or not, seem to think that living in this sexually repressed, overworked, mysoginistic, high sexual assault, highly xenophobic country is the dream.
No. 368124
>>368123to be fair I don't completely understand what the redpill ideology even is
cause I have heard they are MRA's,Incels and also basic fuck-boys all at once
No. 368125
>>368100"birth giving machines" is a new one tbh. Love the classic "let's blame women instead of our own bullshit outdated work over socializing system that fucks over everyone" coming from none other than Japan where women have their own train because molestation and predators were too much of a problem.
Are there any japananons here who can give their input?
No. 368137
>>368124>>368131PUAs and the red pill aren't really the same.
The Red Pill is a Matrix reference to "taking the red pill" aka waking up and realizing the world you live in is a lie. TRP believers think that feminism isn't needed because we live in a liberal soyboy matriarchy, the mainstream media is run by women and "betas" who worship women, and all women are stupid whores who cheat and need to be subservient to "alphas". Usually crosses over with other forms of conservative ideology too.
Pick Up Artists are a community of men and so called "seduction experts" who think there is a one size fits all way to get many women to sleep with you. Their only goal is to go to clubs and get laid really. There is some crossover with TRP, but there are liberal dudes who are part of the PUA community. They're all just dudes who aren't afraid to admit that they see women as objects to be owned.
Incels are men who have never slept with a woman before, and therefore are usually scammed by PUA experts who take their coins to sell them shitty dating advice and books.
That's why the MGTOW guys hate both of them, because those communities rely so much on eventually getting into a relationship with a woman.
There is overlap between all these groups, but the main thing they have in common is that they hate women.
No. 368159
>>368133I've seen men convinced that postpartum depression is because the baby gets more attention than the woman, but turn around and act like big babies if the attention is on the child and not on them
Everything men say about women, just flip the switch and it will be true. I'm convinced the entire MGTOW movement is projection
No. 368163
>>367675Ot but the /gfd/ tag, especially on 4chan, is overrun with shotaxmilf hentai. It's disgusting. The general threads used to focus on relationships with assertive girls but now it's just robots that want a mommy type to fuck them, give them headpats and make them tendies whilst they make no effort themselves, men ruin everything even their own fetishes
I really hope that lc radfems don't become connected to shota, pedophiles are gross no matter which gender
No. 368167
>>368151Perhaps ot but an issue I have with fujos is that many have strongly internalized misogyny, to the point of eww girls and female sexuality are gross only men are ok. Like the homophobic one on here some time ago who called anons who liked straight ships "lesbians" because women shouldn't look at art with women in it. This is how a lot of fakebois start out. Hating on women and glorifying men. Then they end up trooning out and hating on the fujos that they actually are, kek.
But I will defend fujos from any straight man. It is as you say.
No. 368168
>>368163Actual radical feminism can't be combined with pedophilia since a large part of it is protecting women and children from abuse.
Some anons on here (not radfem) connects radfem and femdom on lc to each other though, it is funny because radfem is critical of bdsm.
I don't blame anyone for being confused by the op pic here though.
No. 368175
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Calling someone kiddo and asking them if they want kids is emotional abuse according to incels
Man, imagine if a woman cried abuse from the least inoffensive situations like so, she would be all over the internet and used as proof as to why women's abuse can't be taken seriously
No. 368178
>>368172I think a girl having an older brother is ideal for both. The guy learns how to take care of children and the girl gets to play with "male" toys from her brother that improve cognitive abilities (unlike most "female" toys).
Children are gonna be exposed to enough gender segregated activities/toys anyways (in kindergarten/with friends), so making sure that they get to experience
both at home seems important.
No. 368204
>>368143The pink pill is that men are actually scum and not at all victims like they portray themselves to be.
The red pill:
>waahhh women just want chads!>women are all whores! They will cheat on you and take your money! >wake up people women’s love is transactional! >the media just wants you to protect women who already have more advantages than they needThe pink pill
>men harbor violent and entitled attitudes towards women>men treat women as subhuman or property>men will not hesitate to treat women like crap, and then call themselves the victim>men are quick to put down women while saying they are boring, used goods, sheeple, dramatic - unaware they are all those themselves and more. Vidya and anime is somehow a better hobby than “lmao all women do is shop eat and Netflix”That’s my understanding of it so far. I was introduced to TRP a few years ago and so brainwashed into that and chanology that I grew to hate women too, until I found this manhate thread and realized why I always felt angry when they showed hate towards women even if “the red pill” is “objectively the truth.” (Eg. All women are whores) You can’t be mad at the truth, I thought, but why did I always feel like it was somehow wrong? So I’m glad I found the pink pill and it balances out my ying-yang of hatred.
No. 368217
A while ago I asked is there a noFap equivalent for women, since men seem convinced noFap gives them unbridled confidence and spiritual enlightenment. You can imagine the responses:
>no, women are incapable of spiritual enlightenment, they are like animals
>throughout history, spiritual enlightenment is reserved for males.
>women already have it on easy mode they don’t need to do anything to get sex
Interestingly, after being dismayed that it will be harder for me to find “spiritual enlightenment” a while later when I forgot about this I came upon an essay about “genius” and art. It says that the idea of men being somehow geniuses and virtuosos actually came from a mistranslation of a Greek word and inaccurate ancient medical theories. The word Genius was confused with Ingenuity during the Renaissance. Genius came from a Greek word that means “producing seed” and is used to describe the male of a species. Ingenuity means cleverness, (producing ideas). These two words became mixed up and used interchangeably was adopted that men are smarter than women.
Next, the idea that men receive spiritual enlightenment comes from a hilariously outdated medical theory. It started from the Ancient Greek idea that men are “hot and dry” and women are “cold”, because it takes heat to produce sperm while women must be cold and wet to receive it - their evidence? “Well, men MUST be hot because their genitals are on the outside!”
Later, the idea of the four humors came about, bile, blood, black bile etc. I don’t remember which humor it was, but the idea was that an excess of it would drive people to madness. In the woman, that madness lead to emotional “hysterica” because their womb, which is cold and wet, would hold all the bile there, where as in men, the same bile would be wafted up into the brain and through the energy of “hot and dry” convert it into spiritual enlightenment and let them see ideas.
So now whenever I hear “men are smarter than women” or “only men can be geniuses/ men are more talented” I remember that these “truths” men accept unquestioningly are actually based on Ancient Greek ideas that men are “hot and dry” and bile theories that there actually exists 4 humors of the body. Who’s the stupid one now?
No. 368234
>>368217It truly is fascinating to me that men can parrot these ideas and feelings but not once actually do the work you did to find the historical stories and truths behind them. Like, none of them actually put any effort into researching what they actually believe in and think, they just keep spouting the same tired lies.
Maybe that is why they hate radical feminism so much. Because you actually have to research, investigate and open your fucking eyes to understand what it's saying. It's not something that can be parroted, because it takes real, genuine effort to participate in it. You get absolutely no where with radical feminism if you don't do your own work and the community certainly has strict vetting processes (or fake feminists out themselves by revealing their half-baked thoughts on prostitution/bdsm/men).
No. 368235
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>>368217I don't know where this idea that women can't achieve spiritual enlightenment came from. There are many female saints in Christianity, pic related which is Saint Helena is an example. Anyone who thinks that women can't achieve spiritual enlightenment is mistaken.
No. 368239
>>368235I…did not know that people think only men can be spiritual
Pretty funny since the vast majority of people who believe in spirituality and non-proven brain power things, self help, angels and all that jazz are WOMEN
No. 368248
>>368217Love my COLD AND WET womb.
Also weird how the theory of "bile" moving up into the brain of males to make them smarter is similar to nofap in a way. Keep the jizz in and your thoughts clarify and shit.
No. 368250
>>368235There's a Buddhist text that says a woman can never be a Buddha, and some other stories and texts that say similar shit, or outright say women can hinder a mans enlightenment. But then there's also texts that say women can achieve enlightenment. I'm no expert on Buddhism though, but that was one of the first examples that popped to mind.
So yeah, "women can't be spiritually enlightened" is definitely a thing in many religions and spiritualities. I think I saw something once about how women can't achieve spirituality because we "give birth and are too tied to the earth" or some shit. So, as usual, the fact that we can give birth prevents us from achieving things men can achieve, in their minds.
No. 368252
>>368178Anecdotal, but…
Idk my own older brother used to bully me, and my ex who was the older brother of two younger sisters was robot tier and bitter his little sister was more social and had a bf (and sex) before he did. Literally Elliot Roger tier of bitterness. And I've read so many stories of some older brother or his friends who take advantage of the younger sister. They go through puberty first and become "curious" and the little sister becomes an easy target.
No. 368258
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>>368254Another example of men using their own evidence against themselves
A late bloomer thing someone posted today. A guy offering “encouraging advice,” that’s hypocritical, when it’s just putting down women.
>ignores all the women listed who were successful that are literally on the same list used as evidence of successful people>yet says they hit a wall>believes women can’t be successful after a certain age>believing the only measure of success for a woman is having a husband and kids>some dude underneath tries to backpeddle and say he means family and fertility. It’s ridiculous seeing men think women are incapable of success and they only measure women on how beautiful they are or if they have a family. I also hate it when men use women as an example of what not to be, “you are a man! You are strong and hardworking. At least you’re not emotional and weak like women!”
No. 368266
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Wow I guess my turtleneck and jeans were just too tempting to my rapist
No. 368273
>>368175An incel nurse? Please God I hope it's fake.. I hope he gets fired someday soon. Imagine him as your nurse, acting fake happy to your face but complain about how much of a whroe and cunt you are for daring to be sick or injured as a woman in his section online later. Imagine him as your coworker, trying to have a nice little convo only to be called a cunt over and over by him in his head because you're pregnant and he goes to dehumanize your child too
They act like this and can't understand why nobody likes them
>>368258But sperm deteriorates too. They shouldn't be having kids later in life either, I'd say past 40 they shouldnt try. And they never take into account women who want to adopt but I guess that's because they hate kids already born needing a parent. They just want to breed
It's all so gross that men still get get over that women can have babies so they still try to keep women tied to that single function in their lives.
>>368266>dress modestlyWomen in fucking burkas get raped and assaulted. They're so fucking retarded. But also gotta laugh at how barbaric they admit they are
>if you do x, he will rape you he's a male human so it's expected No. 368281
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How to deal with a woman telling you "you don't take me seriously" courtesy of the redpill
No. 368289
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>>368281I also want to introduce you all to Janice Fiamengo, btw those tweets are NOT satire, I repeat those are not satire.
No. 368295
>>368209Yes unlike girls, boys are 100% pure and noble creatures uwu
>>368289I wonder if Janice feels the same about x-rays and wifi.
No. 368300
>>368281On the bright side I am pretty sure this is circlejerking with creative writing, they talk as if trying to advertise their way of life and like they want to seem successful.
Bless parents who teach their daughters to take shit from no one and trust in themselves when it comes to such behaviour.
No. 368323
>>368100Even as a woman who would love to have children, if the men around me are basically overgrown children themselves who clearly can't step up to the plate, I would prefer to not have babies. I'm sure there are other women who agree in Japan. "Go give birth now and ruin your life forever, being tied to an unloving, uncaring manchild who will always put his vices and fantasies ahead of reality!".
MGTOW types always seem to be obsessed with what would make the perfect wife or mother. Do they ever look inwards?
No. 368324
>>368319Women are suppose to be backwards but it seems like men are the ones stuck in the medieval age where sons mattered more.
Does anyone have any experience with pro life men in general. It's often they care about the baby but hardly ever the woman. Even for rape cases, I see more men wanting women to be forced to carry for 9 months their attackers child. It's fucking disturbing.
No. 368325
>>368281"I made her vagina imitate her"- I thought it would be at least a story about queefing. Stunning how many of these porn obsessed losers don't even know what labia are. Besides, imitation is literally the most weak, childish type of negging I could think of. Even women with abyssal self esteem would not find it sexy.
Also lol at mediocre sex session… Probably as close to self critique as they could ever get
No. 368365
>>368289>>368289Half this list was invented by women lmao
Literally a quick Google search could have told you the insane amount of female contributions to technology, architecture, and medicine
The difference is their contributions are dismissed, men's contributions are used as proof as to why women are dumb and men deserve to be worshipped, similar to how men's mistakes are ignored and women's mistakes are amped up and used as proof as to why women can't do anything but make babies
No. 368378
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This is in response to the “Period Emoji”.
Because periods are now equal to masturbating.
No. 368392
>>368388Anything associated with women = sex in their brain.
Plenty of dudes will say shit like "If women can breastfeed in public I should have the right to wipe my dick out and get a bj in public" anything that we do is sexual, that's why you get creeper thinking that women minding their own business are really making a pass at them or humiliating them with their hotness.
No. 368394
>>368388What men do is more out of spite and revenge than equality and logic. I was shocked to hear men agreeing that “If male circumcism is legal, women should also be circumcised at birth.” I pointed out there is no medical reason for women to be circumcised, plus the procedure is more invasive and harmful.
There are other instances where they just want to punish the woman, not fight for equality.
No. 368398
>>368392Yes. I've seen men compare menstruation and breastfeeding to taking a shit or jerking off. It's so fucking degrading, especially having to breastfeed an infant to taking a shit. Shows you how much they care about motherhood - the only thing women should do according to them
>>368394Of course they'd love to own women and remove all rights to personhood. It'll put power right back into their hands. That's all this is about, power over people to do whatever they'd like without negative consequences. Alot of them get off on women being powerless and needing them
No. 368414
>>368378It's the same as those men complaining about women showing cleavage saying "Ah, well! If I went around with my dick out people would call me a creep!"
Because the comparison boobs=genitalia is very logic, us women are too inferior to understand /s
No. 368439
>>368172i have an older brother, he's my only sibling and always treated me like fucking shit. makes me confused to see the "younger sister is best friends/close to/protected by big brother" trope… because in my experience, even coming from a good family, it's not like that. at all. my older brother harassed me, hit me, hid things from me, not to mention most of my cousins are boys so i was left out of most things, feeling weird for being a girl.
we have a tape of my grandmother with my brother in the waiting room talking while my mom was giving birth to me. he was completely pissed i was being born and he wasn't getting a little brother. when i was brought home, i was a fucking infant so of course i cried. my brother kept suggesting to take me back to the hospital, lmao. it's funny to me, but also says to me that from the start, he never wanted me around. he was a little goddamned shit most of the time, angry and volatile, prone to breaking things and hitting things. in a way, i learned how to NOT be, from him. even as adults now, guess which one of us is the responsible, calm, intelligent sibling, and which one has had drinking/drug issues, still breaks shit (over a girl not liking him back… then going out to drive and getting a DUI, resulting in him not being able to drive for a year, lol), makes terrible decisions, and got kicked out of college?
men never grow the fuck up. boys need to be raised differently. boys are the ones who are coddled, girls are the ones who are reprimanded. look at how well adjusted women tend to be on average, much more then men are. it starts from parents letting "boys be boys".
No. 368448
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No. 368450
>>367604It's testosterone, so it's not direct, but an indirect effect of being a male.
I think I heard somewhere that lesbians are the most aggressive compared to cis and bi women (but still falling behind men). No offense to anyone.
The socialization pays more serious role, though. While the testosterone enables them to be stronger and more aggressive, it's their upbringing that often doesn't teach them to control themselves. It's the fault of the society's "boys being boys" mindset and letting them be aggressive towards each other.
No. 368469
>>368464Issa joke anon, based on men thinking multiple partners = giant vag (but one partner 1000 times has no effect)
Though men do sometimes get weirdly slanted penises due to their masturbation angles
No. 368472
>>368468The weird thing is that it's assumed you will get a breast implant after a masectomy (at least in my country). Like silicone implanted in a breast which has gone through major trauma is a necessity due to the need to look appealing to men
The one about not letting her take medicine in case she loses her sickly skin tone, jesus. The only thing that matters is their erections apparently
No. 368481
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Why do so many males go out their way to tell everyone what they think is attractive? And why do they completely strip women of their femininity if they don't meet their standards?
No. 368490
>>368485If anything it pisses more people off, considering plenty of fat girls have smaller chests than Victorias secret models
But after seeing what they consider small or flat chested, I always have to question what a woman actually looks like if a man claims she's flat chested/has a flat butt
No. 368495
>>368481This is something insecure men do. They put down conventionally attractive women specifically (your picture is a great example of that), I'm guessing as an attempt to twist the situation and pretend they're the ones rejecting the women who are way out of their league.
The same men are likely to complain about having to "settle" for women in their actual league, though.
No. 368609
>>368608Yeah very ironic considering they have the "be gone thot" meme
I doubt very few of them have actually been hit on by a "thot" though
No. 368698
>>368587If women committed 1/1000th of the atrocities that men on an everyday basis do, we'd have our rights taken away and be right back in the kitchen before we could say "patriarchy".
The fact that men are still in charge is baffling tbh. They have shown again and again that they can't be trusted with freedom, they just use it to cause others harm, women's uprise when
No. 368702
>>368648what are boob nazis?
off the top of my head I assume its the moms still breastfeeding their 5 year olds
No. 368757
>>368644There are women who sexually abuse children, but they are very rare compared to the amount of men who do it.
If only men committed crime at the same rate as women…then society would be very peaceful.
No. 368784
>>368778>Can someone tell me what the actual fuck is wrong with men??????I honestly feel like a lot of men lack something fundamental in mental development. I have no idea what it is. I wish studies would be done to find out what's wrong with them, similar to how women were subject to experiments in Europe because it was concluded that female humans were prone to "hysteria". I really have to ask, how do men not suffer worse bouts of hysteria and just pure madness (and this is assuming it's madness, not just evil)? Where is the female Ed Gein?
A normal person doesn't do this, but as it turns out, men disproportionately account for the global population of "abnormal people".
No. 368786
>>368778Unfortunately that’s not uncommon, I’ve seen it in other places. I heard that one reasoning for such evil is that men don’t see women as people, they treat them like theirs to conquer and do as they please with, all the while doing mental gymnastics like, “well she’d probably reject me anyways this is what she gets for sending out nudes like the whore she is.” Men are motivated by revenge, spite, and dominance. After reading the book, “Why Does He Do That?” On abusive relationships, it’s clear men don’t see women as people. Would you tenderly care for a weed the same way you would care for a child? No you uproot that shit and throw it away, even if the weed did nothing wrong but exist. You see them reducing women to a body part with language such as “bitch” or “cunt” or “roastie” it was in the same book “The Psychology of Evil” that mentions the horrific experiments done on POW in a certain Japanese unit in WWII, where they referred to the prisoners as “murata” or “log”. “Hey how many logs did you throw away last night?” “Let’s move all the logs to this room.” So yeah, men will never see women as people. They can just never wrap their minds around this. Talk to any man and he will reduce you to “can I fuck this?” The double standard is more obvious online, where when he assumes you’re a man he suddenly treats you with respect and can have a normal conversation, and as soon as he discovers you’re a woman, all hell breaks loose.
No. 368788
>>368784Lots of emotional stunting in society at large these days and it just makes everyone worse. There's a behavioral sink in play, and for all of the talk about progress, men are still behaving this way when they think nobody is looking. It's revolting.
I feel like there is a culture trend actively against taking responsibility for themselves and their actions, including with regard to women. While men were in the past expected to have all this maturity by their early 20's in order to have a family, now it's all about extending adolescence, which means using women and not being serious about it, making no serious life choices, not valuing composure and stability, selfishness, etc. Not like there want misogyny in the past with those men but it's taken a different, almost more childish form like this kind of stuff.
No. 368789
>>368778Men have no empathy, they can only feel sorry for themselves. And if you dare turning them on (we all know it doesn't take much) they'll want to punish and humiliate you, they take the fact that they desire us as a consequence of what we DO, even thought just walking down the street is enough to warrant harassment.
I genuinely believe men are disgusted by their own sexual desire and hate women because of how much they want us.
Btw most men have sexual impulse 24/7, they could be right at the verge of dying if a nurse with a great ass walk past them they WILL think about shagging her, that's how they're programed, they SHOULDN'T be in position of power.
No. 368801
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I decided to check out a male-dominated board that I used to frequently browse years ago, saw this screenshot posted there (with a bunch of replies agreeing) and hoo boy now I remember why I got fed up with the site.
No. 368807
>>368801>man acting as if talking about Star Wars and capeshit is "stimulating conversation"having some low brow interests is completely normal, but trying to pass them off as intellectual stuff women can never understand ? Only men do this. A lot of people in both genders have that sort of interests (I'd argue it's more common in men, since so many are addicted to video games), but women don't try to pretend binge-watching Netflix shows is "stimulating". They're honest about it being unproductive consuming.
Also imagine acknowledging you care about nothing but Star Wars and vaginas, yet calling others "awful plastic disposable shitty" people. The cognitive dissonance.
No. 368820
>>368788>While men were in the past expected to have all this maturity by their early 20's in order to have a family, now it's all about extending adolescence, which means using women and not being serious about it, making no serious life choices, not valuing composure and stability, selfishness, etc100%. 30 year old men now act like highschoolers. I went on a date once with a 35-year old man who had very similar opinions to an 8 or 12 year old despite being intelligent otherwise, and having a good job. There is no social pressure to mature, act like an adult, be responsible. So they don't.
Women have to mature if we want to live; not get killed or kidnapped or any host of things happen to us. There are zero consequences for men being children all the way until their 40s
No. 368821
>>368770Agreed, a taser is a better option compared to a knife.
Speaking of which, one day I shared on facebook something about self defense with tasers (for women dealing with a possible rapist), and a male friend chimed in to say how "morally wrong" it is to use a taser, because it hurts the attacker and might even kill him if he has a heart condition. I told him to stfu and that a woman who's about to get raped most likely doesn't give a shit about the "poor rapist", and that if you don't want to be hurt you shouldn't go around hurting others… but it's baffling how men sympathize all the time with rapists and criminals. In a way it's as if they have some dark intentions too, so they're concerned that the punishment won't be too hard on them.
No. 368825
>>368821>In a way it's as if they have some dark intentions too, so they're concerned that the punishment won't be too hard on them.That's exactly it, who the fuck hears about deterrents to rapists and immediately imagines himself as the rapist and worries about consequences to
his health?
No. 368843
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>>368801This is unironically true, in my opinion. Males always have a sexual impetus when befriending women whether they admit it or not - it's usually just a means to get their foot through the door. I'd say female friendships are more authentic in this regard. I have friends (female) and orbitors, and I find this system works decently for me.
No. 368855
>>368821>>368825A few months ago an elderly woman very close to my place of work was brutally raped and murdered during a home invasion robbery. My male coworkers' first reaction when hearing about this?
>Ugh why would you rape an old woman? That's just grossAs much as they like to cry #notallmen, most men immediately identify with the rapist in these scenarios.
No. 368880
>>368778hey fellow irish anon. I'm really freaked out by it too. I've had an inkling stuff like this has been going on for a while now, ever since the identity of the girl in the rape trial in the north was leaked all over whatsapp. I know men are shitty everywhere but there is a specific Irish flavor of misogyny that is really hard to discuss because scrotes get so fucking offended when you even suggest that they could ever possibly be up to something. r/ireland and are bursting with this shit. The ghost of catholicism is still fucking us.
No. 368893
>>368834The #metoo movement really brought that up to light, unless it's about a male feminist who is a rapist then they shit on him. Otherwise it's "he said, she said, but better believe the man and let him go"
>>368818Did you really just criticise somebody that will never read your post about their bait post on a male board about guys being incapable of friendships, in this thread of all places? Lol
No. 368915
>>368801>tfw only befriend males for similar reasonsShould I feel bad? I have some leftover male acquaintances from high school (and one close friend who really 100% isn't into me), but otherwise I only want to converse with males if I find them attractive. That anon worded it harshly…but that's how I feel about men.
Is that wrong or deserved because they're already like this?
No. 368960
>>367949>>367944>>367854>>367847>>367832>>367827sage for sperging. but i really hate how people have come to see birth as some sort of humiliating embarrassing medical procedure. i've been thinking about that reddit post all day. i would much rather be with a man who is invested in every aspect of the pregnancy/birth/childrearing instead of pushing it all off on me as the Woman's Responsibility. while he swoops in on the weekend to BBQ and take the kid(s) go-carting.
i'm really interested in homebirths and have done a lot of research on it and personally i think giving birth at home with a doula and your partner sounds 100% comfy than a "medical procedure" done by strangers. youre far less likely to tear or shit yourself if youre allowed to move around and give birth in the position your body is telling you to. if that makes any sense. it's not humiliating and i always get this vibe that treating birth that way is kind of anti woman. just letting my granola shit leak out
i've seen so many men online act totally indifferent and disinterested in the process of it all and i'd prefer if fathers would take a fucking interest in they're child's life and what their wife is going thru.
No. 368967
>>368957make this the new copypasta kek
riverdale>star wars, all in agreement say aye
ot but i canny believe how shite riverdale is, my god No. 368974
>>368960Maybe not for you, but an average woman definitely doesn't want her friends family and husband to stand around and gawk at her genitals as she is pushing out a baby and shitting herself, let's be honest now, a lot people would be very humiliated at this, not to mention how gross it would look to people who aren't use to looking at it, how unflattering it can make one look, sweaty, screaming, as shit is coming from your ass and a baby is ripping your vagina, and considering most men's immaturity a lot of them won't be able to look at their wives the same
It's best in a hospital or at least with a midwife around and someone who knows what they're doing
No. 368979
>>368960I somewhat agree with the notion of not making pregnancy taboo, but like the other anon mentioned, it still is a risky and complicated procedure. I couldn't fault another woman if she wanted privacy and dignity. Especially if she didn't have the option of a homebirth surrounded by loved ones and a knowledgeable doula or midwife.
It makes me feel better when women have complete control over the surroundings of their pregnancy. Whether that's openly inviting people to watch, wanting to be in a hospital, be at home, or have nobody around.
I just think it's selfish for outsiders to feel entitled or impose their wishes onto the women.
No. 368999
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>>368996I've actually spoken to mgtow and its fucking incredible how hypocritical they are. Found one of em on a bdsm site, he wrote a lengthy article about him being a mgtow which basically meant he wanted a woman who would stay at home, only be happy in making him happy and was basically a dormat. Guys who are mgtow dont actually live independently-they just hate women and want women to miss the fact they passed these oxygen thieves over. Like the whole movement is hilarious.
No. 369002
>>368999Are you talking about that mgtow who wanted women to offer him their sisters and daughters and wanted said women to support him and get plastic surgery for him if he wanted, all the while he was old,poor, short and obese?
Mgtows have no self awareness
No. 369005
>>368996Oh fuck I just clicked the response video the mgtow who got
triggered by this who cannot even speak properly says this girl has a turkey neck and then says in the same sentence shes lying about guys like him dehumanising her man these guys are thicker than cow shit.
No. 369014
>>368915It's rather sad that you rarely can befriend men, without them treating you as a vagina and nothing more.
Maybe it's wrong as it doesn't help solving this issue, but they deserve it at the same time, for doing nothing themselves to change this fact.
No. 369027
>>369023This, and they blow so much money on it, which is even worse when men are reliant off of you, not to mention the useless toys and posters they buy just to look at
Obviously there's nothing wrong with gaming, but it turns men's potato brains into cult-like mindsets, it's ruining their lives but considering most males self awareness they'll never see it. No wonder they get so pissed off at career women who can motivate themselves and not be mindlessly tied to a video game all day that most of them don't even like and get angry at while playing kek
No. 369028
>>368801So basically
>"I have nothing interesting or relatable to say to most normal people so I pass it off like I'd rather be at home with my fat male friends talking about my niche tastes yet I'm so fucking fake and desperate I hold out just in case a woman would like to give me pussy." What a boring, sorry virgin making excuses for himself lol.
No. 369033
>>369029why do you keep focusing on the shitting yourself aspect? it's not really all that common. especially if the mother is allowed to walk to the bathroom and shit in a toilet in peace. which they dont often let you do in a hospital setting. look into it and read stories about homebirth for a bit bit and get back to me.
also i get it, you think the father is going to gawk as his wifes vagina while she's giving birth. again, if you'd look into actual homebirth stories you'd know that fathers play a supportive role. they're not spectators, they're assistants. not to get
No. 369049
>>369033I can't with those hippie ladies who prioritize their ~uwu dream birth~ over the literal life of their baby.
>>369046You're aware that midwives only take women with extremely low risk pregnancy? The numbers are skewed and the fact that they sent to the hospital the women who have complications raise the number of death and interventions in hospitals.
No. 369054
>>369049yes dumbass, im well aware that mid wives only take low risk pregnancies. ergo, if you have a high risk pregnancy. go to the hospital. no shame in that. but for the majority of women homebirth is no worse than hospital birth, and youre less likely to rip your coochie and shit youself. just saw how you guys were so worried about all that.
~uwu dream birth~ yes, forgive me for believing that women's ability to gestate life and bring it into this world is a wonderful thing.
No. 369060
>>369049Learn2read, retard. It says right there in the bit I quoted:
>In this intention-to-treat analysisLet's take 2 seconds to see what that means:
>An intention-to-treat analysis of the results of an experiment is based on the INITIAL TREATMENT ASSIGNMENT and not on the treatment eventually received.
>The second study, a prospective, 5‐year (2000‐2004) matched cohort study in British Columbia, compared outcomes for low‐risk women in a midwife‐attended planned home birth group (n = 2889), a physician‐attended hospital birth group (n = 5331), and a midwife‐attended planned hospital birth group (n = 4752).The study already controlled for pre-determined pregnancy risk. You are showing a cult-like level of adherence to the "Hospital Birth Is Better!!!" narrative and willful ignorance here. Or you're just plain stupid.
No. 369065
>>369064fine. the only reason i brought this up is because you guys were freaking out about tearing and shitting yourself. i wanted to bring up homebirth because these things are avoidable, especially when youre not lying on your back.
breech babies are not even homebirthing candidates. you can tell in advance up to a month if the baby is going to be breech. same thing if the baby doesnt drop, you can tell early on and get a nice ride to the hospital for a c section.
how is this cult like? i posted a peer reviewed study, you haven't done anything.
sage again, lets just be done with this and talk about shitty things men do without calling birth disgusting humiliating agony. thats the reason i even popped in on this thread.
No. 369078
>>369065>without calling birth disgusting humiliating agonybut thats exactly what it is? can we please stop pretending its some sort of magical uwu experience when its literally one the most painful things people can experience? i dont blame mothers for not wanting anyone unneccesary, even their husband, ogling them during the process. im honestly thankful that there are hospitals and advanced medicine and painkillers to at least make sure that birth is safer and less painful for women.
>>368990>I have 2 neighbours in J that are beating their wives up, this is nothing newthis is so gross. how is it that if a woman is a victim of domestic violence no one cares.
No. 369079
>>369075I've been battling with the thought of taking religion seriously, but seeing rhetoric about how women can't achieve spiritual enlightenment, how they're basically animals,and female nature being corrupt and evil, as well as women being stupid, and how feminism is controlling the movie industry with movies to alter male-female dynamics, from actual Christian forums and comment sections in Youtube videos put me off of it almost entirely.
I just realized that the majority of Christian men think like that, and if that were the case I'd rather have nothing to do with them or even be involved in any social circles they might be in, including church.
No. 369087
>>369079Female only religion when?
It sucks how so many established religions have anti female bias. I just don't see how one can reconcile their religion with feminist beliefs.
No. 369131
>>368999Alot of them will claim they're top tier guys who can multiple languages, works in STEM, a successful entrepreneur and living the life because women are evil but its often to flex online and out-do other mgtows online. Many of them not ironically follow "trad" girls (not traditional girls who focus on family and wellness but tradthots) because that's what they want - just a woman who'll be a slave, be completely ok with no rights and be completely dependent on them. It's not a place of self improvement or talking about hobbies. One guy on reddit mgtow sub went there to ask why they talk about women so much and to talk about their hobbies more. And he was banned.
Only mgtow I knew of talked about how he fell down the rabbit hole for a while before he decided to go to therapy. Turnsled out he wasn't mad at women, but had buried feelings about his mom passing when he was young, his dad's drinking and his dads exes. It's easy to fall down that pit because it sounds nice upfront
>all about self improvement>owning yourself>living your life the best for you etcBut it ends up being filled with bitter people who don't address their bitterness. And that hatred has to be outdone or else you'll be accused of being a wk. All of it is so bleak and toxic. I'd pity them if they weren't the types to advocate for genocide of women. There are "mgtows" but they don't hate women and aren't and at the world. But that's not enough for many of them
>>369088Witchcraft was always seen as something more feminine in comparison to alot of male dominant religions like islam, christianity etc. I don't know much about paganism or witchcraft but I think there's a thread for it?
No. 369132
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I have noticed this pattern many times before.
IMO the mother was complete shit in this situation, no defending her-but I have seen this defence play out too many times before when similar stories are published in the media-not believing her kid is fucking awful but its not worse than the men who abused her yet as always men will bend over backwards to make out the mother was solely to blame-like had she done her job properly this would have never happened (because you know, it would magically cancel out men abusing kids) and as someone whos been in a similar situation and was angry at not being believed I still say the abuser is fucking worse than the one who doesn't believe-and I bet had it been a father not a mother who did this it would not even be mentioned.
No. 369136
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>>368957anon i'm dying. bless u
No. 369140
>>368989as far as we know, we can't trust any men because how are we supposed to know what he'll do next. this is why men should stop bitching about us not wanting to be spoken to or approached in public. i lived in the city for a while, men would tell me weird shit and i always just walked away very quickly, the worst was the day before valentines day last year, some man in a suit saw me, followed me for a few blocks, then approached me from behind to tap me on the shoulder. he went on like some mediocre PUA about how he'd like to see me smile and how sexy i looked in my dress. i was so fucking disgusted i just turned around and kept walking, but then he yelled out, "can't i at least ask you on a date?" and i just said, "i have a boyfriend." and kept walking.
men care about their egos being satisfied more than a woman's safety and comfort. fucking disgusting. at worst, a stranger who is female will be rude to me. when it comes to a man, we don't know what the hell he will do to us. i don't care if he's complimenting me or asking for the time, i am ignoring him and walking away quickly. who cares if i offend some guy, it could be a life or death situation, because men are fucked.
No. 369143
>>369137It is absolutely disgusting, I do think deepfakes are a step above that though, since you can pass them off as real and ruin a woman's life with them.
Nothing stops men in their quest for porn, though. They just completely shut off their morality, empathy or logic when they get horny, that's why it's so common for men to feel disgusted and ashamed after masturbating. Yet even that doesn't make them question their actions.
No. 369159
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>>369137>Nowadays it's more and more common for videogames to use a real actor/actress who borrows their face for the ingame character. Then people make porn of it, but it's so wrong to me.I wish companies would stop doing this, like why do they need to look SUPER REALISTIC. I get they want ~*~immersion~*~ and make the player to feel like they're really there but c'mon it's still a fucking video game. I genuinely feel bad for the models if they ever come across that shit. Like how shit would it be to be excited about your face being in a game only to later be used for creepy porn for neck beards to jerk off to.
I'm still autistically salty over Leon and Claire's ugly models.Ada's was apparently made from scratch, so it's no wonder hers is the best looking one No. 369180
>>369033(and the other anon talking about this)
I was born at home and while my father is generally absent and unsupportive in my adult life, he did help out my mother and it all went fine, he considers it one of his proudest moments
I was the second child, the second birth is often easier (and I apparently was) but as long as the mother is 100% healthy I don't think a home birth is a problem. A midwife was on her way but I came out too quick, so it was just the parents.
If the mother has any health issues, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure or anything I do think a hospital is best. At the moment of pushing a human out of your body I think the people looking at your vagina aspect is the least of your worries
No. 369190
>>369131There was a MGTOW i saw on youtube who was also living a "home-free lifestyle" aka living in his car. I don't think being woman-free is a choice for guys living in their cars. He also had a very fixed idea of what women are, obviously based on an ex girlfriend, down to where we like to shop, collectively (it was a natural health food store iirc) and what education we have (a specific course was named that his ex obviously did)
Mgtows are very troubled men
No. 369194
>>369190A man can meet millions of good women and dismiss them all
They can meet one bad women and to them all of them are evil
No. 369195
>>369182This tbh.
Bitching about those men from reddit that feel like they can demand to be in the birth room at their own whim is one thing, but why are anons arguing that some women actually want to have their partner in the birth room for emotional support whilst they do or don't shit themselves? There's a baby thread for that stuff.
No. 369249
>>369087I watched a doc tonight about goddess worship that you might like:>>369199Wasn't original flavor wicca started by a dude basically as a reason to fuck a bunch of women?
No. 369384
>>369249>Wasn't original flavor wicca started by a dude basically as a reason to fuck a bunch of women?You're thinking of Aleister Crowley and Thelema, I think, which yeah, was partially so he could have orgies.
To be fair, there does seem to be a sort of "free love" aspect to Wicca, and Dianic Wicca, at least in the books I've read about it.
No. 369423
>>369075>The idea of women's original sinWhat is that? Most Christian denominations attribute the cause of original sin to both Adam and Eve's disobedience.
>>369079See my post here
>>368235. Why are you letting other people's interpretations of Christianity put you off of the religion?
>>369087How does Christianity have an anti-female bias?
No. 369436
>>368439I have an older brother, and god, the envy even as a toddler is true for my brother as well. My mom tells me when I was born, and she and my dad let my brother in to see me for the first time, my brother hid behind my dads leg. And like just acted like my mom had done something "wrong" by giving birth to another child. He did the destructive shit as a child too, tearing up furniture, all sorts of shit. Now he's a born again type and has this weird resentment towards my mom and I guess me too, because we're not "good enough". Because I'm mentally ill and so is my mom, and because our mom is a recovering drug addict, I guess. He's always kinda mostly found me to be a weirdo anyway, and was always jealous of my relationship with our mom, even though she treated him well too. I didn't have a lot of friends, so I sorta hung around my mom more. Unlike my brother, who was popular and always gone, off with friends.
My mom is one of those rare examples of a woman having a great relationship with her older brother. My uncle was kinda always around us, hanging out, as a result. I kinda envy how well they got along.
No. 369466
>>369436itayrt, and yeah, my brother had a huge, huge jealously issue. it was unfair as fuck because well, i didn't decide to be born, yet he treated me like shit growing up because family members were unsurprisingly fawning over a new baby. he was such an ass about it. i haven't spoken to him in years about anything regarding it, but he had told me for years how much he hated me growing up for "stealing the attention away from him", and it was obvious he still fucking hated me for something i didn't even have a say in. i was so shy and hated the attention growing up. he always seemed to resent my mother and i, even though my mom and i are pretty well adjusted, he pretty much has TRP and MGTOW-esque beliefs.
i'll never forget when he told me that "mom married dad for his money". my mom was unfairly kicked out of her home at 17 because her parents were abusive as fuck, they beat her and wouldn't even fucking let her go to college. she was dealt a shitty hand in life. my dad came from a good family and when they met, they really liked each other, and he let her stay with him. my dad was a college graduate, but hadn't even been working the job he has been for years now at the time. my dad didn't even have money because he still lived with his parents yet my brother really makes shit up to help his confirmation bias.
i will never understand the "protective and sweet older brother" trope. it's not reality for some of us, at all.
No. 369500
>>369491yeah this is why i don't plan on having sex with a man, and i'm straight.
in a male's mind:
>a woman isn't fuckable to himshe's an ugly piece of shit, deserves no respect
>a woman rejects his advancesshe's a prude piece of shit, deserves no respect
>a woman has sex with himshe's a slutty piece of shit, deserves no respect
>a woman has sex with other men, but not hima tragedy, what a slut, how dare she
you can't fucking win. i'm never getting into another romantic relationship with a man, getting married, or having kids. i'm not letting a man intrude my life with his bullshit.
No. 369513
>>369478I'm not here to justify my beliefs to others, I am agnostic because I don't see a reason for practicing on religion over others, especially when they have outdated beliefs.
I tried thinking that creationism is just a simple way to tell the idea of evolution as a kid, but teachers kept correcting me (religion was an optional subject, when I tried to opt out they scolded me from being different from the others), the idea that women have to suffer during birth and bleed every month because of Eve is ridiculously insulting, then there's the whole attitude of accepting suffering like that mother Theresa story with her "hospitals".
But to keep this on topic, the worst are the views on sex. Teaching abstinence only is harmful, shaming girls and valuing them by purity is disgusting. Not to mention the views on abortion, prayer won't save mothers with health complications and children that will be born dead.
No. 369522
>>369079People's interpretations of Christianity are a pretty good representation of what most Christians uphold, and reflects on what Christians/religious people are like, if I view them acting or speaking a certain way, I'll assume that's what it's really like.
Why would I want to be surrounded by people like this?
Moreover, whenever I look into the typical Christian view on women, it's very disheartening, reading what Paul wrote in his letters, or how people will cite those specific verses from Ecclesiastes as proof that women can rarely achieve righteousness have especially changed the way I view Christianity.
The fact that there were only a few female prophets mentioned in the Bible will then be used to explain why women can only rarely be permitted leadership in spirituality; or explain their lack of virtue or righteousness.
No. 369523
>>369500It's so obvious as well, I didn't even need to have much contact with guys to know this, just talk to any girl who has "guy friends" talk about them, or just listen to a guy talk abut any girl with one of his friends.
Why do they even act surprised when girls reject their advances, let alone act hurt? They have this victim mentality going on and it just makes it all the more infuriating.
No. 369564
>>369463I had a similar experience anon.
I was raised Catholic and went to a Catholic middle school myself. They treat women with evil, and we're viewed as subservient vessels and supports to men. It was always taught that men have authority over us.
>>369423I can't speak about other Christian denominations, but I can speak on Catholicism.
While the church may be changing a lot of its principles and tones these days, the reason behind doing so is to try to save the shrinking congregation (aka the money).
The latest example being the exposure of sexual slavery, forced abortion, and abuse of nuns within the church. Sure, the pope may be admitting to clerical abuse as well as the abuse of children, but he's doing so to try to build back up a rapport because the church is hemorrhaging members due to this shit:
>>;dr Nuns were forcibly made to perform sexually to priests-who made a vow of celibacy btw-and were blackmailed into sex slavery. If they became impregnated, they were forced to have an abortion (Catholicism is against abortions ever). After the nun would have the abortion, she was forced to leave the congregation while the priest's actions were covered up and at worst he was sent to a different location.
Again because it's taught that men have divine authority over women, they treat us like objects while they're put on pedestals.
Not only is it implied that women aren't capable of being leaders of the church, the church flat out says that women cannot be ordained. Because Christ took the body of man, the priest can only ever be a man.
>"The Lord Jesus chose men (viri) to form the college of the twelve apostles, and the apostles did the same when they chose collaborators to succeed them in their ministry. The college of bishops, with whom the priests are united in the priesthood, makes the college of the twelve an ever-present and ever-active reality until Christ's return. The Church recognises herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.">The Church recognises herself to be bound by this choice>The Church recognises herself>herselfThe subordination of our gender is even in the words to formulate these twisted rules.
Any church that ordains women is not considered valid in the Catholic hierarchy and is excommunicated, like Roman Catholic Womenpriests.
But being excluded from church functions and sacraments isn't limited to only if you want to be a priest, no.
In the early Roman Empire, husbands were allowed to leave their wives. The wives were not permitted the same right until centuries later and that's not with dissolution.
For years I watched my mother cry in church because she was told she couldn't receive communion because she divorced my scumbag biological father who beat and cheated on her, then remarried. She had it in her head that she was an "adulterer" and considered unworthy, because that is what the church taught. Note: Today the church is apparently becoming more lenient on divorcees and they can receive sacrament now, but this wasn't the story 20 years ago. She still feels unworthy to go up near the altar, among other internalized misogynist beliefs she holds over her head and mine.
There's tons of scripture that proves the church will never view us as equals:
>1 Timothy 2:11-15 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.>1 Corinthians 14:33-35 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.>Titus 2: 4-5 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands so that no one will malign the word of God. No. 369574
>>369466Wouldn't surprise me if your brother was mgtow/redpilled. Most of them come from ok homes but just 1 instance counts as the final straw.
>a little sister being born>mom escaping a bad situation because how dare a woman make her own choices They're spoiled brats. Wasn't it Paul Elm from AVFM who said his red pill moment came from having to be fed vegetables he didn't like by his mom as a baby?
>>369493Because men hate ugly women, period. They see no value in a woman if she has any flaws on her face that he may have too. If she does have very nice skin, it always requires maintenance and they hate that it does because natural beauty should absolutely be no maintenance yet with zero flaws. There's no winning with them. Nice that you're partner dgaf though
>>369523Guya are toxic with each other that they sabotage relationships to earn kudo points with each other. It's bro talk that means nothing to them but it's always hurtful to women they're dating. There's a reason why if a guy stands up for his gf or wife, he's ridiculed for being pussy whipped/a wk/a weak beta
>>369564>men came BEFORE women so women must always be slaves and second class humansGross and tiring that this misogyny is still here today and very popular, especially since so many women convince themselves that it's right to always stay home, and never live their own lives. It's tragic
No. 369596
>>369587>Do you still believe in the existence of God?Ot but nope, not at all. Which is ironic considering what a staunch believer I was as a child. My story isn't unique though. So many people I knew who used to believe the most are now agnostic or atheist in their adult lives. One guy I knew in high school used to pray every day before eating his lunch (he didn't have to, it was a public school) and talked about becoming a preacher. He is now no longer religious and frequently criticizes organized religion. Something happened to him, however it's not my business to ask him what.
Maybe going to a Catholic middle school planted the seed of my cynicism. It was because of the treatment I received there and the behaviors I witnessed. I realized many people who indulge religion have the mantra "Do as I say and not as I do." And it's not that I think hypocrisy is necessarily evil or that I don't do it, it's the lack of accountability and rationalizing it away that got me. Religion is convenient when people need community and a system of hierarchy. The rest of the time their beliefs are put on the backburner, and 'God' becomes weaponized to use against the others and the sinners.
Then I realized that other religions do similar things. Even if it's not about religion people find virtues and morals to put up on pedestals while looking down on anyone who doesn't follow. Just made me realize that if I question other gods, then mine is no more valid–and at that point I was happy to part with it because again, it's not like being a woman in the Catholic church did me any favors. It just caused a lot of disappointment and heartbreak.
No. 369650
>>367551Holy— I hated the fact that people are humanizing a psychopath that has no empathy thus having no ability to feel
Hollywood fucking sucks and I won't feel surprised if there is an effort to normalize socio/psychopaths
No. 369657
>>367675This is my biggest problem, just because they're fictional, doesn't make it any less wrong. Why? They normalize those things like how women depicted in fiction and people internalize it.
I also fucking hate the argument that they're "victimless". Yeah, the hentai you're watching is not real but does that not normalize and perpetuate your beliefs? (In this case, it's mostly wrong)
No. 369664
>>367991 OMG! I've noticed that too! I saw it and thought "why do the men don't act excited when it's a girl?" meanwhile the woman acts excited when it's a boy
No. 369667
>>368111Don't forget the people who defend the
problematic parts of Japan (AKA anime) and their response to your criticism (usually about lolicon) is "it's their culture!"
No. 369678
>>368266WEaring modestly does not stop rape; it just makes you less likely to be targeted on and they focus on the ones who are skimpy/prettier unless you're the only girl out there
If you look, act, dress (even modestly) and sound like a girl, men will always stare and rape you
No. 369684
>>368411I have these set of reasons as to why women are better as rulers but it's too long but I'm just gonna say:
I wish we had matriarchy
No. 369692
>>368778I saw one on the whisper app where men share nudes of women and I'm pretty sure it's nonconsensual
also saw a forum where men make cum tributes on women AND children. When I saw a child's picture modeling innocently while wearing a bikini, I noped out of there pretty fast
No. 369867
File: 1549676915201.png (57.17 KB, 656x215, cAuaj7G.png) reddit's MRAs reacting. surprisinly there wasnt as many but this subs moderators are fast af
No. 369879
>>369867God, this is so fucked up
MRAs are fucking retarded
No. 369919
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No. 369933
>>369919>mind your own businessLove the implication that he thinks murdering children is men's business and totally fine.
May not be his intention, but funny.
No. 369946
>>369493Those makeup tutorials that seem like a whole new face skeeve you out because they're all made from trends taken from drag queen makeup that's MEANT to create a whole new face. And it's on the way out. Just look at popular "no makeup makeup" brands like glossier and milk. That whole ~cool girl effortless beauty~ look. Which is fucked in its own right.
I never understood why it was cool for guys to walk around with horrible skin, greasy hair, and looking unkempt as shit, while any girl that you could tell was at least TRYING to take care of herself but didn't have skin as clear as a baby's ass was somehow gross. Why are men allowed to walk around smelly as shit, but god forbid a woman have acne or else she's some kind of mongoloid bitch. I hate the idea that women have to conceal their eye bags or redness or minimal acne to be considered presentable while men can just not give a fuck about anything and still be considered Respectable Male Adults. Like why do we have to spend all this money on makeup to be taken seriously? They should have to use salmon concealer and bb cream and whatever else to mask their "flaws" too. It's so fucked that a woman's natural face needs to be covered or "enhanced" by makeup (which ultimately makes our skin worse) while men can look whichever way and it doesn't matter. I hate it so much,
No. 369952
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r/MGTOW is hilarious. Their inability to grasp satire or humor bc of their blinding autism coupled with the fact that they delude themselves into thinking not being involved with women is voluntary is the most cringeworthy thing ever
No. 369954
>>367247“I forgot lesbians have a complex so i apologize”
I fucking scream laughed
No. 369957
>>369946I support male makeup, everyone looks better wearing makeup and that includes men.
Standards for male grooming seem to ebb and flow, there were certainly periods where men were expected to groom themselves to extents comparable to women. And of course this has varied across cultures. I think this is something that is starting to shift back but overall the minimum level of grooming is still higher for women. Generalizing but it seems to me like younger men are more likely to groom themselves more than the age cohort just above them. Unfortunately a lot of millennial men came of age in a really low point in male fashion. I'd even put 14 y/o hypebeasts as sartorially above many of my male same aged peers, at least the little hypebeasts are keeping their clothes clean and are using face lotion (though the fashions look stupid).
No. 369966
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>>369956It's 50% deluded incels, 50% divorced 47 year old men, 100% fake stories
No. 369971
>>369957It's not about supporting or not supporting male makeup. It's that it's EXPECTED and almost obligatory for women to wear makeup to be considered presentable while men can look and smell like shit without any consequences.
Yeah, men can be expected to shave and wash for work. But so are women. And women are also supposed to take a million other steps to look presentable and be taken seriously.
No. 369973
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>there are men out there who honestly think this
I feel second hand embarrassment for them
No. 369975
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>>369966>She was cheating on me with chadOk this HAS to be a troll post
No. 369986
>>369973Oh, but I thought all women were ambitious feminist career women these days? And we're ruining the nuclear family by having jobs instead of kids?
We really can't win. We have kids, and we're parasites. We don't, and we're failures. Men just want us completely dependent on a husband's benevolence, completely powerless to leave and support ourselves regardless of how badly he treats us, so that they never have to be inconvenienced in their lives.
No. 370008
>sees photo of woman before and after makeupREEEE WHY IS THIS ALLOWED?
>sees a woman without makeupignores her, treats her with disrespect>woman puts on makeupHow dare she trick me!
So which is it, men?! Do you want women to be attractive, but when they’re ugly this is unacceptable?
No. 370048
>>370039I think it’s a mix of two things
>worshipping their own dicks>anything with a man (bro) is obviously better than hanging out with a womanSo it ends up they’d rather look homoerotic than have anything to deal with a woman
No. 370102
>>370090No, because seeing how we're socialized and conditioned to think and act, the fact we were oppressed and knowing the feeling of being treated unfairly based on sex under patriarchy would make women act wiser, kinder and not do the same mistakes as men. What you're saying may apply to an alternate universe where women are stronger than men.
When something goes wrong in the matriarchy, expect the bad people (mostly men) to have infiltrated it.
No. 370105
Reminder to read the OP and what's bannable.
>>370046Seriously, the standards for men are so low, I refuse to sit next to someone who reeks that much.
No. 370112
>>370105>>370046I have an ex friend who was overweight, dressed horribly and smelled like wet cabbage all the time. He somehow had the right to nitpick my appearance constantly and act offended when something about me wasn't attractive to him. When he did find me attractive, however, he'd outright say I'd obviously done my hair/makeup this way for him (as fucking if).
I don't understand how even the most disgusting, unwashed men can act so entitled to our attractiveness.
No. 370406
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Incel memes
No. 370410
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>>370407"Girls are at they prime at 12"
No. 370411
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No. 370442
>>370410Not surprised that incels welcome pedophiles and protect them as their own. Surprised that site is still up. Is it being monitored by watch groups?
>>370411Not surprised that men think like this. They want rape and sexual assault to be legal and encouraged
>>370416Like with
>>370410 how long until reddit shuts down braincels?
No. 370469
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I am laughing my ass off at the reactions to the small dick emoji, incels don't understand satiric clickbait articles and it shows their fragility.
No. 370488
>>370483Also the classic
>men: "women never sacrifice! They're coddled and spoiled!">women join the military>men: "uh sorry but women don't belong in the military they're weak they shouldn't serve they need to stay at home"It's like men want to shelter women then blame women and whine and complain about women being sheltered.
No. 370490
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>>370480>that comment sectionIn all my years of browsing websites like these, I've never seen so much autism in one place.
No. 370498
>>370486Oh, definitely. I'd argue women are as visual as men but are talked into being sexual objects rather than subjects and crave being desirable over desiring our (male) partners. On a level separate than that, women also generally value partners as individuals and humans so we weigh other aspects along with attractiveness while men generally only weigh attractiveness as important.
The whole thing leads to a society where men don't wipe their asses and leave their wives if they need a mastectomy and women just "have to" accept it.
Personally I have specific but realistic visual interest in men and won't deviate because I think that would be unfair in a relationship to not be attracted to my partner. The problem I have with the standards men have for women now is that it's so unattainable for MOST women without getting surgery/wearing a bunch of makeup…which they also ridicule. Also dating women they don't find attractive and secretly hating them for that. Even women who compromise on looks still look past it and love their partners, but men are emotional retards.
No. 370501
>>370480Stop posting this shit everywhere. This woman is an "alt right troll xDDD" racist streamer who hates other women and collects betabux from basically being the antagonistic Shrek to Shoe0nHead's Donkey.
She's a farmer, too, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's shilling on /ot/ ever since the Anisa thread got locked.
No. 370514
>>370486>anyone else think women are visual too but we try to suppress those preferences to get a good guy?I mean a good guy can be good looking, average, or ugly, it isn't mutually exclusive. I would argue that getting a "good guy" is a large priority when looking for men to have a relationship with though. It isn't a wise choice to ignore red flags and choose someone you're incompatible with simply because he's hot.
Most men are ugly, and it's because they don't care about making themselves look in ways that are more attractive. They don't put in a quarter of the maintenance that women generally do to look good. Think of all the stuff that goes into that. Women spend time thinking of how to dress to flatter their body type, choosing haircuts that flatter their face shape, fashion, skin care regimes, make up, hair styling routines, plastic surgery etc. With some men you'd be lucky if they even remember to put on deodorant.
No. 370519
>>370488By the way, in my country, it was reported today that women do overall better than men at military tests. The men were only better when it came to pure muscle.
Whatever you think of the military, it was pretty funny because men like to go on about how superior they are when it comes to things like this. No. 370676
>>370564Enough of this "well you would PROBABLY be doing ___", unless you have proof of us or anyone saying that then drop it
Child birth can be very disturbing to an untrained eye, many males are prone to acting out and reacting negatively during child birth, IMO it's best if men stay out of the delivery room but if she truly wants him there then so be it being said many men can be mature about it if you're lucky enough to have a man that is, but many men lost their minds and disrespect their partner and the baby after watching it
No. 370681
>>370676Damn, ot but that article really reactivated my tokophobia. How could I forget how horrifying pregnancy/birth can be to go through? Jeepers.
Respect to women that go through with it and give birth. If I was a man I think I'd love my partner even more after the ordeal, but they're too fucking dumb and emotionally useless to do that.
No. 370722
>>370704Chinese men overwhelmingly outnumber women since they killed baby girls for so long. So they resort to human trafficking so they can have a house slave "wife". Japan is almost dead, their birth rates are so low due to an outdated work lifestyle demanded by old outdated men to the younger gen. I don't have many friends in Korea to tell me what's it like. Same goes for Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines etc. There's shitty men everywhere..
Also, why do they have to ruin so much. Can't even watch something unrelated like an aircrash investigation during the 50s vid on YouTube without some guy whining that they can't sexually assault women anymore like they did in the glorious 50s. Took a peak at his subscriptions and it's exactly what you'd expect. Lauren Southern, other "trad" girls (the ones that shit on women as whole but they're different) , fox News and proclaimed conservative channels. It's tiring seeing the same type of guys like this. Saying and wishing for the same thing
No. 370737
>>370722Currently in Korea:
There's pressure to get married and have kids by the time you're 23-25, so traditional way of thinking. However, a lot of women are now at the point where they're starting to say "fuck that" and not get married before they're 30 because they hate the pressure.
Both of my Korean girl friends are 27 and only have boyfriends and don't want to get married ASAP, but the Korean men I know still follow the "right out of high school" mentality.
No. 370810
>>370774>She has a high school boyfriend>Went on a date with a guyThese are two things he listed to prove she was "ruined" considering he thinks completely normal behavior like so was enough to list as reasons as to why some stranger is ruined, you have to really think about what he would consider to be "stringing guys along"
And let's be honest, after seeing what their definition of emotional and physical abuse is, their definition of rape, their definition of a whore, etc, she most likely just wasn't a pure nun who rejected every guy in her path and that was enough to claim she was a whore who stringed guys along, given if women did do that incels would be crying too. Anon you should know by now not to trust what incels say when they claim stuff like so
No. 371296
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Where to even start with this one: no matter how shitty a man and how much of a success a woman is-the man does no wrong and the woman is told she should be thankful to be abused because it made her "the woman she is today" so sick of this narrative.
No. 371407
>>371296Is he retarded? They think being turned down a date or refusing to sleep with them is abuse but manipulation, physical harm and all other toxic behaviors is a-ok so long as you're not chained in the basement or other extremes. Someone replied telling their own story of an abusive ex saying if they had left them, that ex would have kill them. And his response
>jeez bro shut the hell upThere's other people calling him out though.
No. 371554
>>371550And they wonder how women were so oppressed for most of humanity's existence. It's almost like half of all humans are overpowered violent monsters who lack empathy.
Also one of the many reasons I'll only date <120 lbs short men lmao. At least I know from experience I can beat the shit out of them.
No. 371610
>>371604>thinking you can trust a strong man to protect you and not use it against youLol
I'll only be as worse off as I'd be without him.
As for him, I assume weak men just have to take the same precautions women do (not going out at night, not talking to strange men, etc.).
No. 371674
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No. 371700
>>371675Pft. Most men in the dating scene are fucking losers in my age group, 25-30.
>either no cars or shit cars>little education, and if they do heady debt>some have criminal records>often have shit jobs that definitely don't have 401ks or health insurance>rent their places>definitely no fucking six packs anywhere, mostly dad bods or twinks>expect their dates to always pay for themselves or everything>often have some kind of vice like gaming addiction or alcoholism It's women who are constantly working our asses off to "prove" to these lazy bastards we're worthy humans, and then they still have the nerve to whine because we're not always sweet after working a full day and coming home to a messy house with the expectation that we cook dinner too. Fuck these entitled dependas, and I'm sure any man referencing women as "bitches" has few if none of the characteristics listed, it's just shit they can point to and make themselves feel better like "See? Even if I had all that these bitches would still be ungrateful uwuw!" Fuck themmm.
No. 371704
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>>371564BUT WAIT! It gets worse, heres even more mental gynmastics (and guess how surprised I was to see this guy is a MRA)
No. 371707
>>371704Did she write a Harry Potter spinoff?
It would explain why this fat bald Voldemort character has such a vendetta.
No. 371710
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>>371707Thank you anon you made my day, can I steal that and tweet it to them lol.
No. 371772
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The first responses are male bitching as expected.
>how ironic that women assume there's nothing in front of the men
Way to miss the point.
No. 371777
>>371772Men can stand women doing anything right or being above them
Anytime someone dare acknowledge women's accomplishments, everyone makes it about men
Until you're acknowledging men being the vast majority of child molesters, murderers, violent criminals, robberies, rapists, abusers, animal abusers, etc then "not all men!! Women do it to reee!!"
No. 371828
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>>371700preach. i'm not committing to any man, no way in hell am i letting some dude live with me and invade my life, aspirations, and living space so he gets a mommy and a free maid. men ain't shit.
No. 371843
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>>371772>mfw they have the audacity to say shit like that being from a shitty Japanese society that is notorious for shitting on womenHow subhuman can they get
No. 372039
>>372031Car, decent paying job, education, no criminal record, I pay my bills, I work out and eat healthy and take care of myself
But hey, God forbid I ask a man to be useful or else I'm an evil Western roastie with high expectations
No. 372076
>>371611I've always been pro-gun, it's probably the only topic I lean genuinely right wing on, so yes. Just look into the laws of your state/country. And take classes, learn to shoot, learn proper safety. Concealed carry is allowed where I live. I don't carry, but I don't blame a woman who does.
At the very least, mace or a taser is a good idea.
No. 372113
>>371611Chloe would be a huuuuge bad example on how to handle a gun
>points gun at Max (doesn't matter if it wasn't loaded)>bullet ricochets and hits her>"beer and guns, nice combo"But otherwise if you're responsible with it, yeah people (including men and women) should carry guns to protect themselves.
I don't agree with
>>371671, because it was my father who introduced me and taught me firearms and he's responsible with them. I'd hate to imagine if he was ever attacked without one especially since he's getting old so even good honest men need to defend themselves against thugs.
No. 372145
>>372140Obviously not, her contention is that she isn't meeting the men that have completed education. There are definitely geographic/demographic issues at play where these types of people aren't able to meet each other.
For my part I'm not sure if its reasonable to expect a guy to have a job anymore since so many of them don't.
No. 372160
>>372140When I say that less men are interested in higher education it's a documented fact, it's not saying "no man is educated". I should have written more but the general implication is that the expectations of men and women are different and even though you can find a good guy, it's disappointing that you have to look harder because men don't feel as pressured to please people around them.
I am not that same anon that complained, I have a boyfriend but the guys I met at my university were generally disappointing, the main differences between the male and female students were personal hygiene and maturity and that difference definitely impacted my opinion of men.
No. 372304
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Tfw pink pilling my best friend
Feels good man. She's in a relationship but I can see the gears turning in her head.
Women need to invest more time and energy into the women in their lives and spend less in their romantic relationships.
No. 372307
>>372304 fuck yeah girl!!!!
subtly pinkpilling women is probably the greatest thing to do to other women, especially to those in relationships or who are young
lord knows if i had been pinkpilled earlier i wouldn't have spent years hating other women because i saw them as competitors
No. 372314
>>372307>lord knows if i had been pinkpilled earlier i wouldn't have spent years hating other women because i saw them as competitorsJesus, ain't that the truth. Imagine, if from a young age girls had a community of women and other girls that supported them. How much stronger we would be as a group, how many more opportunities we could take because we had our sisters and other women to support us AND we could support them!
Men deeply fear women getting together in any form or size.
They divide us by using the threat that OTHER men will hurt us if we don't enter into relationships with THEM.
They try to divide us racially, pitting women from different cultures against each other.
They try to divide us financially, by discouraging us from working and undervaluing the work that billions of women do every day.
It's so blatant and in your face that it becomes hypernormalized and just "accepted". As if the way society is being run is the ONLY way it could ever run. As if women would hate other women until the end of time, when it's clearly MEN hate other men, in any fucking society you look at, in ANY era.
You are right that the best way forward to reaching other women is through subtly and gentleness. Some of the more extreme ideas are too much for someone who is so entrenched into "normal society", and would just end up pushing them away. Being supportive as much as you can (while taking care of yourself) AND telling truths is the best way forward.
No. 372339
>>372322Men are the biggest projectors on Earth
When men watch porn, they start comparing women's bodies to porn stars, expecting sex to be like that of porn, getting disappointed when it isn't, getting disappointed when normal women don't have porn star bodies, turning sex into a game of nitpicking women's bodies, becoming porn sick to the point where they can't enjoy sex
They know how they react to porn and they're terrified women will do the same. They're scared of women treating them how they treat women. Nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine.
No. 372358
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I don't like the term pinkpill because it is associated with the pathetic femcel sub on reddit where they reeee over not being pretty enough for relationships.
How about RADPILL ??? kek
No. 372379
>>372322>>372345>like what's the fucking differenceThere are two fundamental differences:
>men can impregnate multiple women at the same time, whereas a woman must carry the babies herself. therefore, male sexuality is inherently polygamous- the male reproductive instinct is to impregnate every pretty girl he sees- whereas female sexuality is inherently hypergamous- reproduction is a massive investment for women, so they want the best quality offspring possible to maximize the return on investment>the average woman has greater access to the most attractive men than the average man has to the most attractive women. any 6/10 girl could have sex with a 9/10 guy if she wanted, on a whim. her male counterpart cannot do the same. therefore, it is much more threatening for a man's girlfriend to lust after more attractive men than it is for a woman's boyfriend to do the same for very attractive women. even if he was willing to cheat on her, he probably couldn't because those women would probably not want to have sex with himmoreover, there is the issue of penis size, to which there is no female equivalent. a man with a larger penis is automatically much better at sex and therefore immediately more desireable and superior. meanwhile, a 6/10 woman is not necessarily any better or worse at sex than a 9/10 woman- the latter just looks better. all a woman has to feel threatened about women that are prettier than her is physical aesthetics, that's all they have over her. for men, it's much worse- the more attractive men are not simply 'prettier', they provide an exponentially superior experience overall, they have much, much higher existential worth and reproductive allure. an average-looking girl can win a man's heart by being sweet and loving, but there is literally nothing that a man with a small penis can do to ever be attractive to any woman at all.
No. 372392
>>372379You're right, you're worthless to us and we can fuck all the Chad's we want when we want,you can leave now
Surprised you haven't sperged about the suicide rate yet either, you should join them since you're being oppressed by us evil hypergamous women
No. 372402
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I hate males and I hate porn.
No. 372455
>>372314subtleness and gentleness will get you so far with other women. also another thing that i think doesn't get brought up enough when it comes to talking to other women about these issues is treating them in a way that is not condescending.
what i mean by that is that is it is best to not talk down to women or treat them like bad people if they don't know what we do. because that is exactly how men talk down to us as women - they treat us as dimunutive because they think they know better. it shows in any interaction with men, since they have to dominate the conversation and always assume that your intelligence is not up to par.
when i was a baby manhater, i tried very aggressively to pinkpill my sister and it did not go very well. but i left her on her own for a while and just tried to be more casual - like joking and showing her radfem memes. it made a world of difference and honestly she became more radical than i am lmao
gynes, please be nice to your normie libfem girlfriends. it can be frustrating dealing with handmaiden bullshit, but if we want to unite together, we have to be kind to our sisters.
No. 372552
>>372402It’s called being sick, my guy
Porn really is a cancer, sucks how difficult it is to go against a multi trillion dollar industry like that.
No. 372558
>>372552The issue is also in the way men treat each other, a lot of scrotes want to live up to the fake expectation of being "macho" and are told by pop culture and others that porn is good, on trashier sites the more wicked your fetish the more "taste" you have.
>>372548That sounds unrealistic, teens always had their sexual adventures. But the part about nitpicking nipple sizes is definitely spot on, the image of women is getting more and more twisted.
No. 372566
>>372560I agree.
However if the guy has a lot of shit qualities and traits, a small dick makes his ass even more worthless. Probably why the small penises who come on here complain, because they know they're terrible people and can't be considered good human dildos to boot. Even then the dick ain't hardly worth it if the man's a shit.
No. 372583
>>372402I realize this is gross from men…but do other women not also do this?
I picture most people naked immediately and imagine fucking men I find attractive in the ass pretty quick.Am I just pornsick? I've been noporn for a year but I'm still like this…
No. 372589
I was checking France 24 news and saw this video about a group of male journalists who were caught cyber bullying women, amongst other things. feel like there’s more of this out there but people don’t say anything for whatever reason.
No. 372592
>>372583It might be because I'm not attracted to most people but I've honestly never done this. Even just picturing kissing someone I like makes me feel guilty if I'm not dating them, like I'm disrespecting them.
I also used to watch porn and read hentai frequently (nowadays I read fiction/use my imagination) so I'm not sure it's related.
No. 372595
>>372588>>372592Damn, now I kind of feel bad. I've always done it and have never really been able to fully block it (the picturing people nude part at least, it's automatic).
Although I do think porn does exacerbate it and believe everyone (men especially) has the responsibility to quite it.
Also reminder to everyone not to respond to penis sperg (who, of course, returned with these threads) or any men lest you be banned for
three days. No. 372603
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>>372595so i dont only have to worry about the fact that most men do this, even some women do this too? i dont want to hurt your feelings anon but it's really sick that you do that. i would feel violated if someone told me they did that. it's just… not okay in my book
No. 372618
>>372605I never noticed if a guy is uncircumcised or not unless it's one of those really deep circumcisions, even then idrc as long as he keeps his junk clean, I've met more men who insist on dicks being cut than women
The sad part is despite how little women ask of men it's too much for the poor oppressed men. Just have good hygiene, a decent haircut and not be fat, is way too much to ask of them
No. 372626
>>372583>>372595i've imagined kissing boys since before i ever saw porn, i don't think that is a result of being pornsick or a degenerate, unless you think i was a lost cause at 5 years old for wanting to kiss tuxedo mask or one of the backstreet boys. its normal. women shouldn't feel bad for indulging in mental fantasies.
the problem is when men imagine that shit about women, they enact on their fantasies because they have no inhibitions.
No. 372668
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Oh I hope this is a troll post but does anyone have any stories like this here?
No. 372687
>>372592I've always done this, too. I can't even fantasize about characters. If I ever fantasize, the object of desire is completely made up.
I can't even fantasize (sexually) about my bf of 3 years… makes me feel very uncomfortable. I fantasize about things he's done or could do but never getting off to them. More like a pang in my stomach of excitement, like going on a roller coaster.
No. 372832
>>372799Male "feminists" are a big thing nowadays but I find that men who call themselves that will be just as misogynistic as the majority, if not more. They'll tweet about how great women are, sure, but they'll also treat them like idiotic children who need strong male feminists to tell them what they want, and any woman who disagrees with them will have her appearance torn to shreds.
If they're a creator they'll also hide behind their "feminism" to justify constantly sexualising women in their work.
No. 372893
>>372832Male "feminists" are all about that ~inclusive feminism.
Think hbomberguy being all about trans rights, but the second a female confides to him that she has been sexually assaulted he tells her he doesn't believe her and that they can't stay friends.
Very feminist, very supportive of women uwu
No. 372985
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>>372799You might not be happy with what they mean by it.
No. 373115
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This girl is dating what sounds like a closeted necrophiliac and 99% of the comments are telling her his kink is normal and nothing to worry about.
No. 373123
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>>373115Jesus Christ I just want men to die. He should never be able to have a relationship or intimacy with another human again.
I wish that woman had someone to reach out and help her, what a fucked situation. It's even worse that she's so mindfucked that she has to seriously ask if there is something wrong about what's happening.
No. 373139
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>>373115My eyes roll so far back into my skull every time I hear about some woman enabling her boyfriend's gross fetishes. Reminds me of this post of this chick who gave herself painful bloating just so her loser bf can have a lousy orgasm. Some women would honestly light themselves on fire if it meant their boyfriend would get off to it. It makes me sick. I hate men.
No. 373145
>>373115i had an ex who wanted me to pretend i was asleep during sex sometimes (i got tf out of there soon after he said this obviously). silent, eyes shut, laying still. i could never feel comfortable sleeping around him after that, he said a couple of other fucked up things like that in a very short period of time it all just clicked that he wasn't right and i had to leave. i'm really glad i didn't hang around long enough to see and hear more weird shit from him to get a whole new worry that his perversions went even deeper than getting off on doing stuff to a sleeping woman.
i don't have any interest in dating a man again anytime soon but if i do again i'm not even going to consider it before i hear and believe that he isn't porn obsessed, and my bar for 'obsessed' is so low given how much of it is gross enough imo to give you weird interests before you even get into what's actually considered 'weird'/kinky porn now
No. 373146
>>373142have to disagree with you on “some women genuinely enjoy those things” because women aren’t born wanting huge surgically enchanted racks or to have all of their orifices violently desecrated by some scrote
while some women “enjoy” those things, it’s always a cover for them trying to cope with being born a woman and trying to live up to the expectations placed upon us. it’s a hollow notion, and it’s all due to socialization and the increasing standards of sexual performance thrust on women due to porn and shit
No. 373152
>>373139What's weirdest about men regarding this is that they meme themselves into only being able to get off to one fetish. Like necro boy up there and inflation man, they can't even get off to vanilla anymore for some fucking reason. I'm a woman with some odd fetishes, but I've never been in a situation where I can
only get off to that. And I definitely wouldn't put a partner through shit that makes him uncomfortable.
Men really are all legit slightly autistic, huh?
No. 373154
>>373115Sounds like some Jeffrey Dahmer shit, that guy literally started out fantasizing about unconscious men and spiralled from there.
Girl, run.
No. 373160
>>373139This is so disgusting. You shouldn’t have to nearly mutilate yourself to get someone ~excited~. Her BF needs to develop a healthier relationship to sex before she blows a hole in her intestines or something horrible trying to keep him happy.
Not every fetish or kink is safe and needs to be celebrated.
No. 373167
>>373115Only 1 comment told her the kink is fine. Everyone else was like
>uhh slowing down your heart someone to get off? Nope out of thereI hope she isn't on of those "but I care about him getting off uwu even if it directly conflicts with my health" and listens. Some kinks should remain being 100% shamed like this one and inflation guy.
>>373152Wouldn't surprise me if some study conducted concluded that all men had some type of autism. Being so prone to twisted shit and then being 100% with it or not
No. 373174
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>>373139>find out bf gets off to "animated blueberry porn" (seriously, wtf is that? what is wrong with men? how is that even sexy at all?)>NOT leaving him immediatelythe woman who posted that needs to love herself and gtfo
No. 373205
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>>373200But that is empirically untrue.
No. 373250
>>373241seconding this so fucking hard.
the effects of pornography are entirely negative (sex trafficking, prostitution, rape & sexual assault, self esteem issues for women, botch jobs bc of surgery for women, health problems bc of violent sex for women) and it’s been proven for YEARS
but they stopped researching the negative impacts of pornography because the data basically came back the exact same every time, proving that porn is evil
No. 373330
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>>373324Well for starters it's pretty normalized for a man to bash his girlfriends breast size, butt size, weight, skin, etc and no one bats and eye (or if they do they're evil crazy insecure feminazis) but a girl even daring to point out a single flaw in her boyfriend will get bashed repeatedly, marked as ungrateful, emotionally abusive, etc
Media proves this to, hell just go anywhere and make a joke about how your girlfriends tits are too small and people will laugh, go anywhere joke about how your boyfriend's dick is too small, everything gets serious, you'll get called emotionally abusive, the whole "if the roles were reversed" thing, etc.
It's sad the effect stuff like these can have on women's mental health long term but no one cares because issa joke, until it comes to men getting bashed.
Or even better males who complain about how women aren't flirting,but when women do flirt they bash the woman repeatedly if she wasn't a 10/10 model
Another thing normie males do is never shut up about how hot other women while being in a relationship, I've never seen a woman do this but considering how mad men get when women compliment men who aren't them God knows what will happen
No. 373331
>>373324The hatred for women. All types of men have it.
Normal men just know how to hide it better than incels. Fuckbois get away with it because of their looks. When you spend enough time with them you see that they're all the same.
>obsession with "teens">extreme rape fantasies, including torture>seeing women as non-humansI've seen it all from completely average men.
No. 373333
>>373324NTA but I used to be on a bdsm site and okcupid, and was shocked in recent times how the guys are pretty much the same, and like incels they think any woman who has boundaries like, you know, not wanting to have degrading stuff done to her was somehow a stuck up bitch. Also ditto for what
>>373330 and
>>373331 say.
No. 373357
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>>373347I'd hate to say it but many average men browse 4chan or exhibit behaviors of an average 4channer. It's scary to think about, I use to think an average 4channer was just some autistic basement dweller who mooches off his mom, it actually surprised me when I found out how many males I've met irl browsed 4chan or some other imageboard filled with psychos sprouting the same shit such as the pic related
Pink pill is the way to go
No. 373358
>>373349Some submissive guys are shitty in different ways. Very demanding-one was expecting me to be the kind of perfect sex doll/6 inch heels dominatrix and begged me to take him yet when I asked does he shave his body hair he got really insulted for some reason and stopped talking.
Its funny in my experience the better looking the sub is the more polite he is, The opposite from what pop culture and men in general try to tell women.
No. 373361
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Some humor
No. 373374
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I like going to boards like /lgbt/ specifically to remind myself why I think the way I do.
This is what they think of us.
No. 373545
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>>370697East Asian countries obviously.
This animation explains why: asian men and women are more attached to their partners and try harder to make them happy (obviously on average inb4 anecdotes). We call it submissiveness but they call it cooperativeness.'s because in the west we operate on lower levels of trust, where our tools are legal and societal as opposed to personal. That's why redpill and pinkpill are a thing here. Selfish douchery is celebrated as alphaness whereas in Asia those behaviors are seen as extremely awful and discriminated against socially – though this may be less true these days with the rise of hip pop culture and other gross shit.
>>370722Men everywhere are shitty but some of the most complained about things in this thread are lessened in other cultures and other things this post are not true or misreported myths. Image related is China's actual gender ratio, which at 105 is lower than the natural human gender ratio.
Japanese birth rate is similar to birth rates to european countries and is not particularly low this is just what rich populations do, they prefer to take vacations and have big houses instead of slaving away for new person. Japan's birth rate just hit a new low of 1.43 per woman while having been higher for most of the decade, but guess who had been at 1.43 for most of the time? White germans. you're also into discussing white german work lifestyles you have to see that it's just a bad stereotype to talk about low birth rates in Japan. The only reason why western countries aren't ranked like Japan is because of immigrants from third world countries. That's it.
Misogyny and patriarchy is of course still inescapable in Asia but it's lessened in key areas.
For example:
- 50% of tech startups are founded by women: 77% (114/147) of the world's self-made female billionaires are Chinese while only 11% of male billionaires are chinese. Put another way China has a 1-2 ratio of female to male billionaires while the US has a 1-12.
- Women do much better in business in Asia: Thailand has the highest proportion of female CEOs in the world, with 30 percent of companies employing female CEOs, followed by the People's Republic of China, with 19 percent.[1] In the European Union the figure is 9 percent and in the United States it's 5 percent.[1] Only 14.2% of the top five leadership positions at the companies in the S&P 500 are held by women, according to a recent CNNMoney analysis,[2] out of those 500 companies, there are only 24 female CEOs. 54% of the mobile moba game is women: as opposed to like 10% for actual league of legends
When I started learning about Asia I was really surprised that the facts about it are totally different from what I originally thought through stereotypes. It really led to a big change in my thinking and helped me realized how deeply misogyny is embedded into our society. I really thought that some of the stuff we were used to like women not playing video games and 5% CEOs were just normal. It's not, it's emblematic of deep misogyny.
No. 373580
>>373566There are men out there in the world who do love their partners, but they’re usually either funny looking, poor, or shy. A lot of them are just as complex as women and get fucked over by people as often as we do. You’re not going to find a man like that in a bar on a Tuesday night or on aTinder browsing binge. And you have to (obviously) give that love back equally.
I know a lot of farmers vent about shit tier men and I am just as guilty of generalizing them as much as the next person, but men are not all monsters and some of our insecurities are not the cause of the males who surround us nor the media we consume.
I’m sorry if I upset or
trigger someone unnecessarily for not being radical but there are men out there who are beautiful, loving, wonderful human beings and women who hurt them just as much as they hurt us. It goes both ways.
No. 373582
>>373580Yep, you got us anon, it's because us evil women have high standards, nothing to do with how common it is for men to purposely avoid romance
Do you have any idea how little of the female population uses tinder or goes to bars? Normie women express these same complaints about men too anon, nothing to do with the anon having high standards
No. 373591
>>373580Have you ever met any men like that, though? Really? Even if they do exist they're so extremely rare that it doesn't seem worth investing in emotionally.
I've known men that I thought were good and nice but they always reveal themselves at some point to be incapable of true interpersonal connection.
And this isn't even stemming out of a lack of contact with men; most of my friends are male and I used to work a job with mostly men (just by chance, not a male dom field).
I will agree a lot of women are also awful and cold, but for men it's most if not all of them that lack empathy and the ability to bond.
Thank you for your kind reply though, I just think at this point I can never believe anything else. Maybe it isn't reality, but I have nothing proving otherwise.
And of course I won't give up on men or anything, I just can't trust them at all or see them as emotionally equal. The level of care will be there, just at a different level than I have for women. A separate perspective.
>>373582Yeah, my standards are actually "low" (legitimately into short men with interesting faces and want to be the provider) and I've never been to a bar (or even a party) or used a dating website/service. That did seem oddly accusatory, but I imagine the concentration of blatantly shit men is higher there so it makes sense for her to come to that conclusion.
No. 373593
>>373580>There are men out there in the world who do love their partnersSource? Men leave their partners when they're sick more than women do, and they get mroe satisfaction out of being in a marriage than women do.
>but they’re usually either funny looking, poor, or shy.Again, where are you getting this from? If anything being ugly only makes men more bitter it seems. Idk how being poor could affect this, same with shyness.
>A lot of them are just as complex as women and get fucked over by people as often as we doYeah no. Both men and women can find themselves in unfavourable situations unrelated to gender, BUT the woman has/is/will still get aditionally screwed for being a woman, the man doesn't.
>And you have to (obviously) give that love back equally.Where are you getting the idea that women do less for their partners? Women are the ones that accomodate a men's career usually, also, the marriage thing.
>some of our insecurities are not the cause of the males who surround us nor the media we consumeWhich insecurities? What causes them?
>women who hurt them just as much as they hurt us.Nah, statistics really aren't on your side at all with this one, bugger off.
Now, I won't deny that there are some men out there who are capable of getting on women's level of decency, but the thing is that it's not natural for them. In order for a man to be a good partner he has to educate himself on the history of women, and really just think "logically".
Men in general don't give a fuck about the suffering they inflict on women in the present, let alone what happened in the past, and how it'll play out in the future. It's also necessary to realize that men benefit from their treatment of women, in this feedback loop, as long as there are mistreated women out there desperate for men's status, men will be able to keep mistreating their partners, because there are other women who would take them…
No. 373625
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>>373580You're so brave and outstanding for defending men, anon. You deserve an award.
No. 373721 do you guys think of this load of absolute shit? Lmao. Girls are used goods, whores and sluts if they get raped as kids, no one would bat an eyelid if a guy left his girlfriend for something like this, especially when rape is seen as being the girl's fault.
Plus all she fucking did was leave the guy's apartment and "feel weird about him", she didn't demean or mock the guy, she even expressed guilt in the title itself.
Moreover, it sounds more like a LARPing male, with their obsession with penetration,as well as thee basic description for the "Chad" archetype and the fact that that's the only post the OP made. Although, that didn't stop people from screeching at their screens as confirmed by these quotes from the thread lmao.
>"If I could platinum this comment I would. You said it so well, all I can do is make angry velociraptor noises of pure rage at my screen ATM.">"Thank you. Join the Raptor Club. I felt like I was going to punch a hole through my computer.">"other people make raptor noises? gonna have to tell my bf he is wrong I am not alone!" No. 373858
>>373770>agingold people are unnattractive, this goes for both sexes
>having a lot of partnerssee
>>373797>having a certain body typefat people are unnattractive, this goes for both sexes
The fact remains that there is an unlimited supply of desperate men, meaning that any woman can have a partner if she wants. Whereas men's lives are completely ruined from the start if they're in the bottom 60% of penis size because that's the only thing that women care about.
No. 373873
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Reminder that men will masturbate to women getting raped, killed, and tortured. I think it takes a lack of empathy and a subhuman mind to do this.
No. 373983
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No. 374040
>>373873>>373952I remember I was on a gore website and there was a section labeled “female suicides” others being murder torture etc but the only suicide section was female suicide. I got pissed and of course took it to 4chan and they said “well yeah women have life on easy mode of course we want to get off on watching them die”
Fucking hate men. I think the whole thing about “women don’t love us the way we love them. They don’t understand love. Only males understand love,” is pure projection. Men are heartless.
No. 374070
>>374040Yup. There's porn sites right now featuring women "acting" as they get killed, shot, stabbed, sexually tortured and abused, mutilated and burned for their enjoyment. We can't hate them as much as they hate us.
And every time you want to vent or just hate men, you're bombarded with
>get therapy sweetie uwu>wow as a guy I'm not bad :(>don't generalize half of the speciesBut men hating women is welcomed with movements dedicated to it.
Do you think there will ever be a breaking point and just split into gender segregated societies
No. 374071
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It's truly sad that there are women with this mindset
No. 374073
>>374071I do think it's dumb when women/girls expect their male SOs not to watch porn. It's become too normalized and ingrained into our society at this point. They don't care that much about us, they only care about their ego. All you can do is point out their lack of sexual performance and make jabs at their masculinity until they choose to go on NoPorn of their own volition.
Any guy who says he doesn't watch porn in 2019 is lying to you, and if you ask/tell him not to because of how it makes you feel, he probably thinks the shit those two girls in the last two panels are saying about you (and other) women, end of.
No. 374081
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>>374075Dl:'s not recent and the artist was quite young when she made the comic
No. 374352
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Good evening I hate men
No. 374355
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Good for the girl who ruined this guys life
No. 374371
>>374352What the fuck is wrong with India? The men there are a special breed of evil with no humanity, jesus.
What the fuck is it about that country that just keeps producing such godawful men?
>>374355>Does awful shit>Whines about consequencesWhat a damn shame he didn't die. But of course he fucks even that up and will probably pathetically cling on to life for the rest of his existence.
No. 374375
>>374371That's males for you
In their mind men will always be the victims no matter what, it's sad people are more empathetic toward male murderers than they are with female rape victims
No. 374377
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Seriously we need to post more about stupid men being BTFO'd, you know some sprinkles of happiness in between the stories of awful shit men do to us. Would keep the lurking scrots's blood pressure high too.
No. 374397
>>374380Petty jealousy is not the problem with porn, it's the fact that you're watching rape on tape that has gotten more and more violent and degrading over time to meet the increasingly extreme tastes of pornsick men.
Do you seriously watch porn and somehow NOT think about the fact that those girls are poor, abused, exploited and likely drugged most of the time? I cant relate.
No. 374405
>>374380Wow congratulations you're so special and unique for allowing your boyfriend to watch porn and consuming it yourself.
You deserve a trophy for not being like those other girls anon.
No. 374535
>>374377Why were his penis and testicles in front of the bulldog? What was he wearing (if anything at all)? Remember Kero? He could've been asking for it.
Also, why doesn't anybody talk about the fact that false dog attack accusations exist? There are two sides to every story.
No. 374738
>>374352i got into an arguement with a makeup company in Dubai about women's rights in india and they tried to play it off like they were fine. reading this makes me sick to my stomach. It mainly seems indian men in general are able to do such horrible things– unspeakable things to a little girl. i have a niece this age.
No. 374740
>>374415None. This is why i got a lucky lottery draw and was born a lesbian. i don't understand how so many violent and horrible men can exist, but there's way too much evidence against them.
All they can think about is themselves. Always
No. 374839
2019: was the spiciest:
>1 necrophiliac>1 wack off in public>1 rape joke. bad taste and still awful but not genuine?>raping obama (another rape joke)>1 genuine rape wish, but someone called him out as immoralout of over 100 replies
Lying won't help us get the point across, anon. Let's stick to facts and actual crimes. Most normfag men just want to rob.
inb4 I get banned like other anon calling you out. No. 374949
>>374839Am the original anon from
>>374755None of the threads you linked are the one I saw and mentioned. Sorry I can't provide you the exact source because I don't bookmark micro-manage incel shit I see on Reddit because I want some semblance of sanity and don't have unlimited time.
No. 375024
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>>374535>Also, why doesn't anybody talk about the fact that false dog attack accusations exist?Underrated comment
No. 375082
>>374949I once searched "offensive jokes" to see if any were even 1% funny. Of course the top result was reddit and most of the jokes were about rape and murder.
I don't doubt there was a thread where men revealed their rape wishes on reddit. Lest we forget the AMA with a convicted rapist, also posted on reddit, and the fact he obviously wasn't caught for one of his rapes since he edited the post to say 2 instead of three. He admitted he considered it (violent, degrading, planned stranger-rape) the biggest thrill of his life and he wanted to do it again.
But we're gonna pretend reddit is full of angels.
rueful laughter No. 375401
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No. 375411
>>375408No, it's a scrot meme that's supposed to represent all women or "female NPCs", depending on their level of generalisation. The point is that all women are shallow emotional beings with no self-awareness or conscious thought, as if the male equivalent of this doesn't exist.
Just replace all the buzzwords in this with shit like "Jordan Peterson", "trap hentai", "Minecraft" and "MGTOW" and you get the kind of men who made this meme.
No. 375417
>>375411Except the majority of men are very obviously not interested in any of those things you listed.
But I'd bet that besides things as specific as green party's not a single woman in this thread can deny all of those things about themselves.
No. 375425
>>375419i would love to date a soi boi tbh
so long as he actually took care of his awful beard
No. 375443
>>375425I think soy-boys lack beards 'cause y'know the extra estrogen (hence the name) so they look less manly.
In the case of male frogs exposed to atrazine (a common herbicide that affects the frogs androgens like testosterone), they're found to be A LOT less aggressive and less lustful or willing to breed even without competition against other male frogs. So yeah, wouldn't mind a soy-boy too if that was the case but sadly though I think most use their lack of development as fuel to feed their anger. A boy who feels inadequate about his appearance can be annoying like the angry incels.
No. 375462
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>>375443but the typical soy has that awful patchy "gamer beard"
soys aren't typically incels either. the stereotype of a soy boy is just a man who's more "feminine" than a chad (feminine = bad remember.) incels hate soys because they consider them betas. soys are generally happy males who don't mind being open about their less "manly" pursuits in life which angers the virgins who don't understand why these men can appeal to women and get girlfriends yet they cannot.
incels berate soys for being "submissive" to women, yet they mistake mutual respect and equality in a relationship as such
No. 375463
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>>375409The desire demons in dragon age are a really irritating example of this. They don't even just represent sexual desire, just things that people want: revenge, forgiveness, power, material possessions. One kid you see interacting with one just wants a relationship with his absent father. But it's a titty monster obviously.
No. 375478
>>375477Fucking women and their
waving.Men NEVER wave as a greeting.
No. 375484
>>375482even if women did all the things incels wanted they'd still be like
>god, women and their breathing…because just the presence of a woman is enough to
trigger these retarded incels. they can't contain their primitive male rage+horniness so they blame the very things they take out said rage+horniness on. it's never their fault, it's always a woman's fault.
No. 375489
>>375462Hmm, true after looking at some google images a lot do have those types of beards.
I guess I should've said "patchy to no beard" lol
No. 375541
>>375435Not only that, but they hate it when women aren't on it, get pregnant and trap men/become single moms (as those guys wouldn't want to ever be fathers just to pump and dump, but women should be forced to give birth and struggle for the rest of their lives)
I think they hate bc because deep down they they believe women should be punished with painful childbirth for being born women in the first place
No. 375550
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i was re-reading JTHM (don't judge me i'm in a nostalgic mood) and had a laugh at this. mood
No. 375552
>>375550Edgy man still respects women.
Godspeed, Jhonen.
No. 375559
>>375552honestly for as much of a meme as jhonen vasquez is, his work was surprisingly feminist and he was writing a lot of women well in this male-dominated eDgY subset of media back when he was popular
he's a cool guy in my book
No. 375746
>>375686To be fair MBB doesn’t look 13… her stylists have been styling her REALLY maturely. Sometimes she looks like she’s in her 20s.
That said, I always have a paranoia that a man I meet is a pedo. That his ultimate fantasy is to fuck a child/teenager. It’s frightening how common and excused it is as “just biology”.
No. 375814
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What does lolcow think about this? Who was in the wrong here?
No. 375827
>>375825I have never found an apparent normie dude on tinder to have hidden depth. Some men just have no real hobbies and nothing to say, the phrase 'beard culture' is not something that would register with them and they sure as fuck wouldn't know who Sun Tzu is, or what anime and libertarianism are.
Anon was listing traits of nerdy reddit types, but the real normies are even more bland than that. True they do like beer and porn though.
No. 375853
>>375814Why do women have to stand by men regardless of their circumstances or how they act?
No one bats an eye when a man leaves his cancer stricken wife, when a man leaves his pregnant wife, when a man leaves his girlfriend because she develops depression or gains weight.
Men can literally leave women at any time for any reason and we all just accept it, but god forbid a woman not want to deal with emotional baggage.
No. 375873
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I made the mistake of searching "women" in r/programming. For every article posted pointing out, "hey, women are severely underrepresented in tech and maybe men should help do something about it ", there are 100s of comments like pic related.
Here's the full thread: under-representation of women in tech is SO much more complicated than women "just not being interested" and it baffles me how absolutely dense and ignorant men can be about this issue, and it saddens me how they will do anything to explain away the problem as WOMEN'S fault, just because they can't bear to acknowledge that sexism is rampant in the industry and it's their responsibility to fix it.
Any other anons in CS/other heavily dominated fields here? How do you deal with this bullshit?
No. 375898
>>367529so the reason men can be shit is because of genetics, the reason women can be shit is because of men or just their personality.
lol you guys are a riot.
(male) No. 375980
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>>375890You might have the "Hide saged posts for this thread" on.
If so, just click "Show saged posts for this thread".
No. 376012
>>376007ah shit, you're right
i guess i did it by habit tbh
No. 376047
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>>375401i made one for boring generic men too
No. 376101
>>376047So good anon
>>375484They genuinely get angry at women for just existing, and thus tempting them with our vaginas, so I think there's no winning
No. 376190
>>376180It's funny because most of the negative reactions came from white men and they said it was proof (somehow) of non-white (specifically black men) being better because of the 1 or 2 black guys telling white boys to not catcall a girl.
Men are so insecure period.
No. 376271
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>>375873I work in tech.
IT is incredibly competitive if you're a female and there's a notion of 'if you make one mistake you are shit at everything'. Pic rel represents it very well. You're either the best or the worst.
Everything you say is undermined, the times I said something on a meeting, a male challenged it and said the exact the same thing but paraphrased and got praises for it.
Men's work ethic is not flexible at all. They hate change, even if it would generate profit and will stand by their old ways wondering why it doesn't work anymore.
When they hired another girl in our department it changed how I worked entirely as there was someone I could relate to, talk to and discuss ideas without constantly being challenged and undermined.
While the diversity recruitment programs may seem unfair to some, they are truly life changing for women in the industry.
I am sorry for my awkward English. It is not my first language.
No. 376303
>>376271Fellow female IT worker here and I have another thing to mention about it. You have either two roles as a female in this industry:
>The pretty girl everyone is trying to flatter and court>The average/ugly chick who everyone ignoresFor the pretty girl it's always having to look over your shoulder because smiling at someone might result in them taking it the wrong way and start approaching you outside of work with inappropriate messages. For the other girl it's about being ignored and having eyes rolled at. My friend is the latter one and I'm the second one and it's miserable for both of us, and neither one of us gets taken seriously.
>While the diversity recruitment programs may seem unfair to some, they are truly life changing for women in the industry.This. I wish so hard we had more women in the industry because whenever I meet a new female colleague I have to be on my toes until I find out if she's been socialized in the industry to be "one of the guys" and hateful towards other women (because they're "competition") as a coping mechanism. If there were more women, this problem wouldn't exist because men wouldn't be there dominating our headspace.
No. 376340
>>376303This. I'm the token attractive female and dudes get super intimidated I am better than them. First they orbit me and then they get very defensive when they realize I am better than them. For example, some dude was shit talking my coding abilities, although he had never seen any of my code (I wasn't even working a coding position). I have to constantly be the MVP in every project and position to be taken seriously.
Everyone is impressed and likes me right now, but I am aware if I didn't play the MVP position and do everything to be the MVP I would be immediately regarded as below average in my talent - although I would still be way more skilled than any of my male peers. I have noticed that as a woman in STEM you have to be way above average to be even qualify as average in many mens eyes. I hear so often dudes shit talking women who are way more skilled than them as "below average in skill".
If you are a woman and want to be counted as good, you have to dedicate everything you have to your job. Though, I admit I do get mad at women in STEM who don't do everything to perform great, because they are enforcing the belief that women aren't that good at this stuff.
No. 376364
>>376328I teach programming to kids part time and I don't think me being there changes anything if parents just keep bringing their sons in and not their daughters. I've had loads of female programming teachers, yet it's clear that having a female teacher means nothing to male students.
>>376340That sucks. I like programming, and am pretty good at it I guess, and have been thinking about trying to get into the industry but tbqh I don't think I have it in me to consistently be MVP like that. Should I just try something else?
No. 376468
>>375462Didn't know this existed but holy shit my boyfriend is like the definition of a soy boy. Always cooking, baking, feels free to watch kdramas and other 'girly' shit that other men wouldn't watch & enjoys it, and actually respects my radical feminism (not like TERF but rather like Mary Daly radical feminism). He also is fine with doing skin care with me and takes joy in feminine stuff. It's not like he had very many feminine interests before but he's receptive to my interests instead of putting down 'girly' stuff like other men. He's definitely considered a beta but I'd rather have someone who cares for me and respects me than a douchebag.
These types are honestly superior imo. Not because I have a huge ego but because I love how our interests cross over and how I'm treated as an actual human being. He never belittles my intelligence or talks down to me which is so so common with the average man.
Not trying to sperg about males but this is honestly the only type of guy that I'll date.
No. 376489
>>376468My husband's super sweet, but his home board is /k/ so he's bombarded with this shit daily. He admitted that he secretly started to resent the "soy archetype" because of the meme, I just have to sit back and hope it doesn't change him as a person.
It's such bullshit. We can't even have nice men because other men will try to ruin it through propaganda.
No. 376509
>>376470>Kamala HarrisDishonest. Would hurt women more to have her as the anointed representative than it could help.
>Stacey AbramsNever heard of her.
I think Tulsi Gabbard would be the best option.
No. 376521
>>376470I remember my mom and I talking back in the Bush years that we'd see a black president before a woman, even with all our racial issues. And we were right. People, not just in America, but in many other countries we're heavily involved with, are just too fucking sexist for a woman president.
I'm personally not a fan of Kamala Harris and don't know much about Stacey Abrams. Honestly, any woman who ran and won (if it were to happen) would be in a totally unenviable position. Obama got a lot of shit just for his race and his fathers birthplace. Hell, even Jimmy Carter, a white man, caught a lot of crap for being a peanut farmer from the South, who never hid that. Every criticism with a female president would be laser-focused many times over.
No. 376523
>>376496>misery loves companyThese guys hate seeing success and hate it more that it's not happening to them due to entitlement. They sabotage and ruin opportunities because of this stupid fear that if they can't impress autistic retards on the internet, there's no point. And impressing those guys is the only way to success.
If you read exredpill stories, there's a general cult like manner to recruiting.
>find sad/mad guy>promise him all the things he wants if only he follows their ways>fuck them over with shitty relationships and divorce after applying rp bullshit>blame said guy that he isn't trying hard enough>guy either quits or stays and remains bitterAlso something interesting I found out was how many of these rp guys would just lie about their "awesome" life for kudo points and to out-redpill each other.
>"gf was upset so I fucked her despite her not wanting it">"yeah well I fucked my gf while she SLEPT"It just gets worse and worse and the lies just build up.
I want to feel bad for red pill women because they're so desperate but they also hate other women yet wants sympathy from them..
No. 376543
>>376468I'm starting to think "beta" is just a male aesthetic. My bf is very respectful of women and listen to my (and his sister, mom, female friends) opinions a lot. He just has a pretty masculine body shape so no one calls him a beta or soyboy.
>>376474I don't know what kids/parents do with the projects outside of the lessons tbh. Honestly, a lot of the parents seem detached and like this is just another activity to bus their kids to.
There are girls at the place I teach at, and they all are very engaged and seem like they actually love being there. I wish they'd give a permanent girl student because the boys are 80% ADHD as fuck and only want to talk about fortnite/minecraft and seem like they don't care about anything.
I'm sorry to hear about your friends. I should remember how fortunate I've been. One particular female professor was so impactful to me and is why I decided to take this job instead of retail or something. I have the feeling though, that women in teaching roles is so ingrained in society, it doesn't mean anything or make a difference if she's teaching programming or art to many people.
No. 376546
>>376486It might be the work. Web dev is a lot more diverse and attracts more normie type people than other sections of tech, that I've seen.
>>376545so are you seeing him or did you drop him?
No. 376553
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Made the mistake of clicking on a video about "what is beautiful" and clocked this comment. There is so much wrong with this and check that reply-totally sounds like its been written by incels.
No. 376556
>>376553I love how he can't even compare fashion models to the average woman but has to compare them to porn, instead. Does he think that just because porn is "low budget", the actresses won't be faking their pleasure and altering their appearance to please men ? That their reactions and bodies, tailored to arouse the viewer, will be "realistic" ?
Women can at least tell 50 Shades of Grey from reality, but men think their porn is real and judge women by its standards.
No. 376602
>>376534Genuine trad women, like one anon mentioned a few threads back were alot of the times just organic hippie vegan moms or just basic instagram aesthetic moms, definitely aren't on redpillwomen looking up tips to be trad. Alot of them are larpers, some are just frumpy homely women needing to feel wanted which that turns into hating other women to be a cool girl.
>>376546Web dev can be ok and web design too.
>>376553>men in covers with abs wland chiseled jawsThey always cling to cliche outdated romance novel covers with fabio as the model that nobody reads anymore
No. 376684
>>376486see, men do this, and then they cry about how men aren't allowed to express feelings and they get all pent up and have to act tough all the time and and and
fuck i wish i could just drill this into every man's head since so many of them don't fucking get it.
No. 376737
>>376588And ofc they get disgusted if there's an accident or hate the smell, they want to put their dicks where shit comes out of but want to pretend like shit doesn't come out of there
Or men who are into surprise anal but act like porn stars don't change their diet, enema, etc days before it even happens
No. 376852
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>>376684Anon, you could have a society full of men expressing emotion to other men, wearing dresses, painting their nails, doing "feminine" things and they would
still hate women and commit acts of violence.
Soyboys, softbois, feminist men, they're all the same.
No. 376951
>>376852Why do men think the answer to everything is “she just needs to have sex”?
>girl is frustratedShe needs to get laid
>girl is anxiousShe needs to get laid
>girl is sadShe needs to get laid
No. 376980
>>376951It’s them projecting
Sex is the only thing they know and their only coping mechanism so they project that onto women as if we are all sex addicts
No. 377001
>>376954they dont think women are worth harassing if they dont have a big ass or tits because its not worth the consequences to them if there's "nothing to grab onto"
probably why some men/predators go after what they generally consider 'unattractive' women so no one will believe them.
No. 377013
>>376997Oh of course, completely agree.
That's one of the most puzzling things I've yet to find a reasonable answer to, especially from a man himself.
Why do they complain about being drafted into wars, when men are the ones creating and profiting from wars? (Yet they say women shouldn't be in the army)
Why do they complain about the justice system (either with incarceration or custody) when it's other men making the laws? (Yet they argue that women shouldn't be able to get alimony or child support)
Why do they complain about homelessness when it's other men in business and law that run the corporations and government? (Yet they complain that women have made their
own support groups and networks)
I cannot truly think of a single issue that men talk about that is directly caused by women.
I don't think men will ever be able to answer these questions because of the immense self-loathing that would occur upon the realization that your sex really is the problem, therefore YOU are the problem. Or, even if they do bitch and complain about these problems, they're not really that big of a problem, because if men genuinely desired another society, they would make it. They literally have the power to do so.
It's not sheer luck or coincidence that men continue to build the same societies, era after era. They like how things are because things have always been this way.
No. 377048
>>376954This reminds me of when I first moved to the US as a kid and started school. Boys would regularly touch me and try to pull down my underwear at recess. they would run at me and dry hump me and run away.
Because I couldn't speak English, I would just end up crying all the time and the teacher would yell at me.
When my mom found out and tried to confront the school, everyone said that "boys that young can't even have those thoughts", and "they have no reason to touch her". So they kept doing it. I held back crying from it because it would piss of the teachers and other students would laugh at me, so I basically shut in and became a mute at school for a couple years while telling my mom everything was okay now.
I've told this to two men, and one said it's too far in the past to matter and the other said I should have tried to hit them if I was really bothered by it.
No. 377103
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I'm a senior biology major in a college in the south US and the sheer amount of lazy males taking advantage of women boils my blood. If you ever run across an incompetent man in a scientific field and wonder "how did he ever get out of school?", I guarantee the answer is that he made women do all the work for him.
They mooch off of women's work and kindness whenever they can. Women here are socialized to be so nice and docile and accommodating that when a man is lazy, they're more than willing to cover for his ass and pamper his ego while they do it. Whenever there's a group of one man and 2 or more women, the man ALWAYS sits on his ass and does the absolute bare minimum while the women laugh at his jokes and go out of their way to make it look to the professor like he's done an equal amount of work. I've seen this too many times to count over 4 years, and sadly I kinda participated in it during my freshman year. It's the same when the gender ratio is reversed, too– I've had to work in multiple groups of mostly men, and they just sit on their lazy asses and joke around until I take the initiative to start getting any work done. They act like I'm being unreasonable and bossy about it, of course.
They leech off my work and then have the audacity to be rude to me for it. In freshman biology, the guy who sat in front of me would blatantly copy answers off my tests and then make digs at me during group discussion. In Botany the next year, a guy came up to me during the first lab and aggressively demanded that I re-explain some things that the teacher had taught us. When I told him I didn't know an answer, he told me "don't be so rude" and was an asshole to me at every possible opportunity for the whole semester. I was in a developmental biology class recently and ended up having to do an entire lab for 3 men, and they thanked me for it by being passive-aggressive, constantly talking over me, and jumping around singing and dancing while I worked. One of them literally cornered me in the cafeteria a few days later to bug me about the next lab.
I've seen other women having similar experiences but they're too nice to openly talk about it. Women in college, don't put up with males' parasitic shit. You don't owe them your time, help or energy. Giving it to them will only hurt you.
(sorry for blog)
No. 377105
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I hate men
No. 377108
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>>377105On the topic of korean men
"My wife was disrespecting me so i beat her up. Time for beer and relaxing some"
No. 377111
>>377105Do you think it's possible to pick these sorts of men out from others? Will it become obvious what creeps they are at some point? Even little signs?
Or do all men fantasize about this? I wonder that, too.
No. 377303
>>377291Everytime I've been around them, they've made me want to kill myself, I have never seen a single one who didn't enjoy watching girls/women suffer, it's pretty much a hobby for them, with hard core porn being so rampant.
All hope for a decent guy is lost, there is no such thing, never had been never will be, it's like they're just there to suck the life out of me and push me to harm myself.
I'm so repulsed with them I don't even want to call them men.
No. 377306
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>>377305Sorry for same fagging. This is the picture i wanted to attach to my post.
No. 377315
>>377306>>377308Remember that Austalian MGTOW who would video tape himself throwing a fit at his Chinese mail order bride for "keeping her legs closed"?
That kind of thing is so normal for men to do, they screech about it so frequently and let the whole world watch it happen.
No. 377367
>>377291They do exist anon but they're hard to find, because obviously any guy who makes it publicly known how great he is will usually be an asshole. They tend to be guys that have strong sisters and mothers, and don't think too much about the big questions, they just focus on getting on with their own lives.
Of course guys get way too much praise for doing the bare minimum, so they don't need to be better. I've seen girls think their boyfriend is the second coming off christ just because he eats her out or does the dishes occasionally.
No. 377512
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>>377439>So I said i may be ugly but at least Im not short and even my ugly ass wouldnt fuck you.Gets em everytiem. Used to say something similar whenever men would pick on my weight. They'd get frothing mad at the rejection lmao.
No. 377598
>>376540How am I looking down on him? I simply listed his interests that are perceived as 'feminine' and how he'd be considered a 'beta,' which is a term coined by stupid ideologies that I and most people make fun of here. He's not a beta to me but rather a caring and loving guy that appreciates me and others around him.
I stated at the bottom of my post that I'd rather date someone who respects me and shares my interests despite them potentially being seen as an emasculated male by other guys who have serious issues with their own masculinity.
No. 377740
>>377702I've played a lot of otome and I wouldn't use them as examples for healthy heterosexual relationships, anon. The protagonist in a majority of games is a blank, passive, pretty girl to project yourself onto, and love interests making unwanted sexual advances on the protag or otherwise taking her agency away are super common.
If anything, I've seen men use otome games/literature targeted towards women as proof of the "women only want abusive Chads" incel meme.
No. 377824
>>377794I like the routes with the sweet innocent guys that blush on hand holding and also the degenerated masochist boys that want you to step on them.
Good shit.
No. 378171
I already posted this in the lolita thread, but it fits here as well. Prime example of men invading womens' spaces.
Crossdress thread:
"I’m going to be attempting a gothic maid lolita cosplay for the first time"
People obviously told him off, said he's a sissy etc. This is how he/they react(s):
>Lolita adds fluff and fluff is basically armor
>This is for me, fuck the anon. I will get this and live my life as a lolita housekeeper
>All lolita is cosplay. Y'all playin off rulebooks from the Victorian era. Pretentious bum ticklers.
>begone terf
>you spiteful gatekeeping cunt.
>cis bitches take over the fashion for their own ddlg purposes. No one should like Lolita because all genders use it for their fetish aims
>lel, the female cgl mafia needs to quit being so racist against men interested in lolita fashion. Seeing "sissies" lurking behind every tree is pure delusion - those freaks are real, but not exactly the chan demographic. Remember, a man invented the term EGL.
>Even the Lolita Bible was made by a man, you retarded cunt. Nobody has to prove shit to a random bitch.
>You bitches are delusional and completely irrelevant.
>you dont know your place
>mentally ill bitch
>You clearly are retarded. There are no frills and dresses comming out of your vagina, at least I guess. But I am not going to assume. Its just a piece of fabric, you are incredible dumb. You dont know your place because you are a petty and sad imbecile that thinks she has any say in how people should wear, and that is up to her to decide who is "a fetishist" or not. Its pathetic.
>you are such a filthy cunt
>Dontchuknow that entitled hags have the copyright of dresses and vitorian fashion? WOMYN JUST MADE IT, WE VAGINA FARTED IT ALL, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT ABOUT SEX? YOU FETISHIST >:(?
>Implying woman arent into it for fetish reasons, it's all just attention whoring.
>why is this needy whore still here tho
When will this insanity stop?
Also, why can't men fight without immediately retorting to sexist namecalling, "bitch", "cunt", "whore", saying we're crazy and that the menz invented everything?
"Know your place" makes me want to puke…
No. 378219
>>378067My favourite is Sweet Fuse : At Your Side, it has fun mechanics and avoids a lot of the issues other otome games have (namely, the protagonist actually has agency and a personality). I'd avoid most mobile otome, they're hard to get through without paying and the writing is usually trash.
I also liked Nameless : The One Thing You Must Recall but it suffers from some common otome issues (bland protag, need to finish all the routes to get the secret ending that explains everything). The same studio also made Dandelion, which has nice aspects but has stat raising, and Mystic Messenger.
If you want to try out some free games to get a feel for the genre I recommend the Magical Otoge series (the games are short and fluffy/comedic rather than super deep romance, but they're nice) and Cinderella Phenomenon (some routes are a bit boring but it's good for a free game). this has a big list you can filter by console and regularly announces new releases (including western indie ones)
No. 378314
>>378207>they really get off on putting women of different races against each otherMen of all ethnicities do that. They love the idea that women are jealous of and hate each other, that we're constantly competing with other women for the attention of men. Unfortunately,
some girls do fall for that bullshit and start insulting white, Asian, black etc. girls as well. I can't get mad about it either because their racist women-hating bullshit is just blatantly untrue.
No. 378327
>>378157They hate women simply because they're pretty powerless in their own lives. I'd recommend reading exredpill stories of how these guys got shucked into that cult. And read how so many of them larp as red pill women and how they lie about their lives to out do each other. It's all around pathetic but knowing their bullshit does make it easier to spot them if you're in a conversation with one and avoid them like the plague.
>>378171>know your place>WE WUZ KINGSS It's just their retard tantrums that women have something that isn't about them
>>378314Divide and conquer. If women are against each other, then it's easier for men to control and get off on it later. That's why there is so much hate towards women working together or liking each other.
No. 378348
>>378328You shouldn't have assumed him to be capable of human emotion (although I see you realize that now).
Dating men is like acquiring a pet, you can't expect complex support from dogs apart from some physical affection and the same goes for men. They're just a bit more entertaining and you can fuck them, otherwise they're just glorified pets. His nitpicking is akin to a dog whining about not getting food 24/7 or some stupid dog shit.
No. 378388
>>378386Just look at them like they're weird for even bringing it up. Also a nonchalant, bored "OK" goes a long way. Men hate it.
"Asian girls are so sexy and hot, not like fat Western pigs."
"Asian girls are prettier than you."
"I'm going to move to Japan and marry a hot Japanese girl who will be my bangmaid."
"OK? Anyway…"
No. 378529
>>378452>>378503Quick google search says
>Freeman subjected her to unwanted touching and comments about her figure and clothing on a near-daily basis>Freeman would rest his hand on her lower back or rub her lower back>Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear." He never successfully lifted her skirt, she said – he would touch it and try to lift it, she would move away, and then he'd try again. >[He'd say] things like 'I'd like to have an hour with her' or make vulgar and sexual comments about womenI wouldn't be surprised if all of this was true.
No. 378558
>>378553Or how overly critical people are with raising girls
They'll ignore how many fights boys get in, how much trouble they get in, their sexual harassment towards girls or just disgusting behavior in general, they'll mark it all off as boys being boys "but girls are worse because girls are WHINEY :-("
And the attention accusing thing they'll do, they'll happily take care of all their sons useless concerns but mark their daughters concerns or issues as her looking for attention, I've never ever seen a boy get accused of making things up for attention but a girl could sneeze a lot and people will accuse her of looking for attention
No. 378620
>>378328I suspect some/all of that time was spent looking for other women and or jacking off
If everything isn't sunshine and roses 24/7 it's too difficult for the men of 2019
No. 378648
>>377105A police car should be dispatched in the instant a man starts musing about what horrific crimes he intends on doing. Doesn't this count as intent to rape and commit paedophilia, and getting access to children for the intention of raping them?
This guy should be watched very carefully by the authorities
No. 378706
>>378648Men need to be watched way more, even 4chan had to add an "illegal content" report button on their reports screen because of how many illegal things are being posted there, it's ridiculous how much men on the internet get away with and you know damn well if it was women posting stuff like this we would never hear the end of "reee evil women" screeching
Men seriously need to man the fuck up and pay the consequences for their sick actions but they won't because they'll constantly cry oppression, the whole "if the roles were reversed!!!! If the roles were reversed!!! Evil feminazis have made men get punished for everything!!", Card
No. 378776
>>378766Also they need a formalized way to oppress women and the justification that was delivered from a higher power, therefore it is infallible, inarguable and inherent to our existence.
You know the bible was man made for men's purposes when it starts off with men being the first of the species. Females are always the first, and sometimes the only, of a species. Men need to convince the world that they are central to the species and we exist to serve them… even though they are parasites living peripherally to women, trying desperately to pass on their genes.
No. 378989
>>378892>>378776>>378766Religion definitely panders to men, and most were created by men, but I'd rather it was this way than the alternative. Most women into theology or anything spiritual concoct the most disgusting sophistry based purely on 'feels', it's all incoherent, feel good gibberish such as astrology or charkra crystals, how western women have butchered Buddhism and Hinduism in the west is utterly disgusting. The same factor that drives women to believe in MLM shit, essential oils and other garbage has its play here as well.
Even when you have an utter charlatan like Joseph Smith creating a religion, at least the logical attempt at synthesis with the world and previous religious traditions exists. And an internal logical system is there, you can follow through the narrative and it contingently makes sense (barring a few theological errors and disputes). You try to follow the narrative of a woman talking about astrology or whatever flavor of the month spiritual thing is going around, and the subject matter will fall through your fingers like jelly.
The only time women have done well at theology has either been when an institution forced the sophistry out such as the catholic church, or under shamanistic paganism such as existed on the steppes and much of pre-christian europe.
No. 379023
>>378989Astrology isn't just a new age "woman" thing, it's been around for thousands of years. Even the Mesoamericans had their own calendrical system and type of astrology based on that. The idea that the stars influence our lives spans across different cultures.
Spirituality isn't logical in and of itself, the concept is purely opposite of material reality. The majority of it will always be based on "feels," there's no concrete way to prove god, or any other spiritual beliefs exist. The logical cohesion of any religion starts falling apart once you ask too many questions.
No. 379029
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why porn is better than real sex with a real woman.
No. 379046
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>>379023Astrology isn't new, but modern astrology is certainly different and has a different audience than its past variants. I'm talking right now, on a pedestrian level, it's the lowest common denominator for spirituality.
It's not that I'm opposed to the 'feels' in themselves, but how fickle spiritualist women are with their feels. I hate how they obscure everything in vague language and how everything is buzzwords on the level of 'synergy'. These people are like a cancer that suck up and appropriate foreign religious traditions for the sake of novelty, and then proceed to hollow them out and make it all the same generic 'good vibes' bullshit.
With good spirituality, good religious commentaries and good religious texts, you have your axioms and you follow from them. The words are at least used consistently such as 'faith', 'sanctified' and 'elect'. You can follow from the axioms presented in the bible and use it as a lens to perceive all of existence, with almost any feminized religion or spirituality this is impossible.
I'm not even saying that the average man is even better at matters of spirituality. The way terrible women manifest their spiritual side with occult sophistry, terrible men manifest it with their paranoid belief in conspiracy theories. The male desire for control, understanding and order manifests itself by presenting everything as an elaborate scheme that only they and a few other elect 'enlightened' minds are privy to. Or if not the traditional conspiracy theory, they're doing dumb shit like highlighting every 746th bible verse for hidden messages or counting the fucking steps on the pyramid of giza for hidden 'truth'. Women easily fall into sophistry, men easily fall into paranoia and self masturbatory 'I'm so enlightened, dumb sheeple' conspiracy theories.
Religious matters are a hobby that certain men excel at. It's best reserved for down on their luck epileptics, homosexual greeks and repressed homosexuals with shaved heads all living together.
>>379029This is a pretty good self-own and also strongly suggests he considers his porn waifus to be his girlfriends
Healthy, healthy
No. 379058
>>379054Definitely sounds like a scrot trying really hard to blend by slipping in a few negative comments about men.
But really only a man could sperg for paragraphs on the superiority of male dominated religions over them being more 'consistent'. No fucking shit the rules and regulations they made up are consistent, they have to be if you want to force the rest of the world to do whatever you're telling them to.
No. 379164
>>379059Not to mention the numerous sexual assaults committed by church leaders that are now coming to light. There’s around 100-200 powerful clergy just in the Catholic churches in the Bay Area that have been exposed for sexually assaulting children. Of course they’re all men.
When a woman sleeps with a high school student, it’s front page news featuring a bikini pic of the woman in question and a bunch of comments on whether she’s hot or not, made by men of course. Yet when it’s a high ranking male Catholic clergy member, it’s brushed under the rug and the man is protected against. Or the coworker who has made sexual comments to you with no discipline from HR following your complaint to HR, or the pedophile who is convicted but the news of a pedophile is so normalized that it’s not front page news like that of a female teacher sleeping with a student.
I’m not advocating for pedophilia by any means and think pedophilia is disgusting. However, the way women and men are treated is an example that men are almost expected to fantasize about young girls and act on that fantasy, whereas female pedos are buzzworthy because of the fantasy that men have of sleeping with their teachers. And then men wonder why kids engage in these relationships with their teachers when they’re literally the ones endorsing the ideas.
No. 379303
>>379302"I'm very sarcastic." - Every man ever
They're like pod people.
No. 379355
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>>379302Ah yes the "Welcome to my dark twisted mind"~ types
My favorite type of cows
No. 379420
>>379417Just bring up how much damage porn does, or how it encourages human traffic, sex trafficking of girls all over the world into being raped and abused, and watch them only pick out a single sentence like
>lol rape culture doesn't exist your entire point is mootThey can't ignore it or most likely they don't care and do encourage it. So them
walking away from porn at all would be when hell freezes over.
No. 379489
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This might have been posted before, but nevertheless..
No. 379494
From the guardian, via r/gc. Not sure if this is a better fit for this thread or radfem gen.
>I recently used my boyfriend’s phone and a porn video was open. His 45 searches were limited to “teen” and “skinny”, and my confidence came crashing down. He has one very specific taste, and I am not skinny, nor a teen. I can’t comprehend that I am not sufficiently attractive to my partner at the age of 27. I can become skinny if I try, but I can’t become a teen. My emotional reaction is as if he had been cheating. Why am I not enough, and how can I be enough? It takes me back to my first relationship when I was 18 and my then-boyfriend stupidly talked freely about porn. My immediate thought was: “I am not enough” and that was the start of three years of serious anorexia, then two years of bulimia. I thought he would stop watching other women when I was hot enough. Now I can’t sleep at night. Why won’t I feel good enough until he stops watching porn, which will never happen? I’d feel awful if he touches me, and I’ll feel awful until I get skinny. But I can never be a teenager.
>Eating disorders can be extremely serious. You are now in a situation where a previous trauma is being reactivated and a potentially life-threatening problem could be triggered again, so act urgently. You deserve to be appreciated for who you are both mentally and physically, but also to appreciate yourself. Take immediate steps to find support and therapy to improve your body image and reduce your anxiety. You must also have an adult conversation with your partner, one that might start: “Sorry, I snooped in your phone, but I noticed that – like most men – you enjoy watching porn. Your preferred choice bothered me, though, because I was traumatised before in a similar fashion and I really need some help and reassurance …” If you do this in a non-combative tone, you will get important information from him. Ask questions that begin: “Please help me to understand …” Studies show that many people fantasise about people and situations that would never be their real-life choices, but right now your anxiety, low self-esteem and fear are telling you otherwise.The comments are fucking horrendous.
No. 379496
>>379489I think this is where the
abuser who I dated for a couple of months really fucked up, to my better interest. He didn't wait a year or so to start gradually turning evil on me. It's like he knew he couldn't keep up the facade for long, so early in the relationship he was romantic quickly and threw up major red flags like wanting me to move in with him. However, his need for complete control, shifting responsibility, and aggression clashed too much with my personality. That is, demanding respect and asserting my boundaries.
We fought so much over him being hostile towards me that by the end of the breakup he had convinced himself I was the one in the wrong. For not being taken advantage of or rescinding my limits, not apologizing on the night that he physically abused me because he couldn't cope with being solely accountable.
It's these cunningly deceptive men who are the most terrifying. The ones who play the long con and convince women that they are safe in their presence. The women let down their guard; move in, make financial commitments, have children, etc. Only to realize they've partnered with monsters, making their escape so much harder.
No. 379503
>>379494Would it have been better if the porn actresses were more "like her"?
She's going through his phone because there's an unspoken history of doubt and mistrust that's formed in her mind over their partnership. He's wanking it to porn while he has a willing partner and keeping it a secret.
That relationship is doomed for further than the implications of skinny teen porn, as gross as it is alone.
Now she's gonna face further emotional anguish from people convincing her that ~but his privacy~ and ~all men watch porn~ are her problems in a relationship that she should have checked out from awhile ago.
No. 379509
>>379494so sad. i don't even want to go through the comments that are inevitably about how "IRRATIONAL!!!!" she is, and how "EVERY GUY LOVES PORN, GET USED TO IT", and that women need to always accept that they will always play second fiddle to random teenagers on a phone screen, while these women develop real, actual, romantic connections and feelings of devotion to these men. so sad. society is gaslighting women into being in relationships with men who, given the chance, would be with literally countless other people and would completely throw these women under the bus for these girls that they're 'more attracted to' (obviously only a physical basis). what kind of relationship is that? what is the point to even being with men when this is the case?
the worst part of it is that even more 'cerebral' men still seem to operate on this basis. there are so many 'alt' types of women for men, while every fucking type of guy is the same. they're all the same guy.
No. 379519
>>379517This exactly. The thing is, I see it happen so many times to women that are really good looking. Men won't even mind getting married and having children but they will still dump you at the first opportunity for an upgrade.
You hear men say so many times, "Why upgrade the old car when you can get a new one?"
They don't see or treat us as humans, we're just disposable objects to them.
What's the point of starting a relationship when he will discard you at any whim? It's far better to be alone and save yourself the trouble.
No. 379522
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>>379519Male shallowness knows no bounds, their entire existences revolve around getting as many hot women as possible and their happiness depends on their success at it.
The most amazing part is how determined they are to flip the narrative on women and act like we're the shallow ones. Always projecting, always finding some bullshit justification to be mad that not every man can get a 10/10 women. Too bad studies always show the truth, pic related.
No. 379527
>>379522Christ, there's no hope, isn't it?
The nature of men summarized in a one depressing screenshot.
No. 379528
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My favourite thing is how scrots ALWAYS use the only source they've ever found to prove women are shallow - the OkC blog that showed women rating men lower than men rate women.
And every single fucking time, they conveniently ignore the rest of the article, because it proves them wrong.
> 2/3 of male messages go to the top 1/3 of women.
>When it comes down to actually choosing targets, men choose the modelesque. Someone like roomtodance above gets nearly 5 times as many messages as a typical woman and 28 times as many messages as a woman at the low end of our curve. Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. So basically, guys are fighting each other 2-for-1 for the absolute best-rated females, while plenty of potentially charming, even cute, girls go unwritten.
>On the other hand, when it comes to actual messaging, women shift their expectations only just slightly ahead of the curve, which is a healthier pattern than guys’ pursuing the all-but-unattainable. But with the basic ratings so out-of-whack, the two curves together suggest some strange possibilities for the female thought process, the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.
And, every single time, they throw logic out the window completely. They never stop to consider that maybe an arbitrary numerical rating does not represent the reality of how women judge men. We do not spend all our time rating men /10 on the internet, so maybe we don't have a well developed sense of scale for looks. Maybe a lot of our attraction depends on factors that aren't shown in photos (charisma, confidence, etc). Maybe men are god fucking awful at taking pictures compared to women, as any woman who has ever used a dating app would know. But if they used their brains for once, how would they justify projecting so goddamn hard?
No. 379556
Women on dating apps: I want someone to have a relationship with, someone I can like and connect with, I am serious on dating apps therefore select people I can see myself being with rather than casual sex
Men on dating apps:lol show tits or you're fat, I'm going to send "let's fuck" messages to every girl and wonder why none want me
Men: Why are us men doing all the messaging? You evil women must only want Chad!
Men:post unflattering photos, refuse to follow advice on how to style your hair and clothes to look attractive, refuse to diet or workout, post crusty low effort photos and wonder why they get low ratings
Women: choose flattering photos, have their hair and make up done, wear flattering clothes, know your angles, look clean and polished in photos, workout and diet
Men: reee why won't you evil women like me
No. 379624
I seriously think the "women rate men lower" thing comes from the fact that men just simply can't present themselves well. An average woman most likely has some basic skin care routine, takes care of her hair, chooses at least somewhat flattering clothes, overall just puts a little effort into her health and appearance. An average man however just slaps on some 2-in-1 shampoo and body wash in the shower. Not to mention the fact that men are extremely bad at taking photos of themselves. Pretty much what
>>379556 said.
Both of my exes had really nice looking faces, but their "rating" was much lower simply because they just didn't take care of themselves. Acne, greasy or dry hair, dry skin… Neither of them bothered to treat any of those. No face cleansing, no basic moisturizers, no sunscreen, absolutely no effort whatsoever. The first guy didn't even brush his teeth every day, the second one didn't shower enough. Meanwhile even the most average looking women are improving their looks on a DAILY basis by just doing the most basic routines.
No. 379651
>>379643The university in the town I live in is actually asking for volunteers to test male birth control right now (in the form of a gel you rub on the penis every day and that should kill the sperm inside the semen). It sounds way less invasive than birth control for women and shouldn't have side effects.
I find it interesting how men view birth control, though. I read the autobiography of a French writer who was born in the 1940s and she discusses a few times how men would always refuse to use condoms, yet also looked down on women who began to use birth control pills when they were made legal. She also wrote a book about her illegal abortion in the 60s and the men around her (including the boyfriend who got her pregnant and doctors supposed to help her) were all terribly condescending about it, even as the abortion almost killed her.
Unfortunately I don't think things have changed that much. I still see men call women who are on the pill whores, while also lying about their penis "being too big for condoms" just so they can skip out on using them.
No. 379665
>>379643>suffer blue ballsSo decreased libido like what women have to just deal with.
>be uncomfortableSo extreme hormonal changes and pain that women must go through.
I find it bizarre how male birth control is always stymied during the research phase for not being "safe" or feelgood enough when women have birth control that literally sets up to damage our healths, or in the worst case scenario causes our deaths.
No. 379673
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>>379556>>379624I used to go to school with this guy who was model-gorgeous. Amazing bone structure, great skin, great hair, piercing green eyes etc. etc. My friend once admitted that he was her headcanon for Edward Cullen from Twilight before the movies came out (yes, I'm old). I had a very shallow crush on him myself.
When I looked him up on social media, every single one of his pictures looked like pic related except he was also squinting in most of them. His profile was full of whiny posts about how the shallow girls in his class didn’t want to date him, and he was following and sharing a bunch of PUA pages and posts about negging and shit. As far as I could tell though, he never actually attempted to talk to any girls in real life. Needless to say my crush withered right then and there.
Dude looked like a walking Polo Ralph Lauren ad in real life yet he still managed to present himself like an obnoxious slug creature online. It was almost impressive. Apparently lifting your phone or camera up to eye level for a selfie and not ranting about bitches on your public profile is just too much to ask.
No. 379684
>>379673>His profile was full of whiny posts about how the shallow girls in his class didn’t want to date him, and he was following and sharing a bunch of PUA pages and posts about negging and shit. As far as I could tell though, he never actually attempted to talk to any girls in real life. Tragic, and also a good example of how social retardation can absolutely kill any man's chances of having normal relationships with women.
Anyone else ever notice how incels always have different theories as to what defining quality women look for in men, and how that directly correlates to what they're personally insecure about? I've read ugly incels say that women only care about looks and homeless Chad would get laid, while broke incels say that all women are gold-digging whores who would never fuck a bum ass dude, and so on and so forth.
Really I don't get how they can be so oblivious when there are plenty of women with low standards and at least one has to show some interest in them. They deserve an olympic medal for the way they manage to render themselves so utterly undesirable with autism and whiny bitch syndrome alone. It is an impressive feat.
No. 379703
>>3796739 out of 10 times when males whine about how "evil women won't date them" it's because they put no effort into dating at all, they literally just expect women to show up at their doorstep, or if they do they either don't show enough interest or come on too strong
Use to know a decently attractive guy who bitched and whined about women not dating him, he put absolutely no effort into showing any sort of affection or anything to me while claiming to like me outside of making small talk with me, so when I started dating another guy after assuming he wasn't interested, he pulled the whole "you evil woman want to date him and not me" thing
But of course, you probably cannot explain this shit to men because they think there's no in between to showing to interest in the girl at all vs begging for sex
No. 379801
>>379703>men because they think there's no in between to showing to interest in the girl at all vs begging for sexomg this is so annoying. Men who are all like "well, I can't ASK a woman OUT these DAYS because it's HARASSMENT"
No, you can ask a woman out, just be ready to say 'OK no problem' and walk away if she says No. why is that so fucking impossible to do.
I was reading one guy going on and on and on about how no woman was interested in him because he was 'too tall and big and bald' and 'they only want types that remind them of their dads'. turned out plenty of women were showing interest, but he 'didn't want anyone who would be interested in him' because none of them were models. basically he was whining about being judged for his looks while insisting that only a model would do.
and yesterday I was reading an article about mansplaining. 2 responses in the comments stood out. one from a man who felt the need to explain what mansplaining was despite the fact the history of the term was laid out in the article. the other was from a man who didn't like the term because it is "gendered" and "unfair to men" and basically felt the need to explain to women why they were wrong about what mansplaining is
No. 379868
>>379626I think those studies are only going to refer to people who are really, really unfortunate looking, not someone attractive enough to look good with makeup.
The more depressing stats are the ones about men, because they're always about women who are 'more' or 'less' attractive. Not ugly vs attractive, it's a sliding scale where his pretty gf will be easily superseded by a model in a magazine.
No. 379924
Just saw this video of Selma Blair talking about her MS diagnosis It's sad to see how much it's affected her, but lovely to see her still smiling, and she looked amazing on the red carpet. Great to see she's still acting. There was one thing though that really stuck out to me, she tried for years to tell doctors something was wrong with her, but they always dismissed her as just an "Exhausted single mother", it's only after searching for latest doctor she finally got her diagnosis. Makes me wonder how many other women health concerns are being hand-waved, because of the expectations placed on them by (single) motherhood. :/
Here's the link, I couldn't get it to embed. No. 379977
>>379673They don't just make themselves outwardly gross, they also don't even try to be socially appealing.
I know a guy who was facially model tier but found 4chan and developed such heavy pol/redpill views that nobody wanted to be around him anymore so he became an angry videogame recluse. Then he split up with the mother of his kid, so without her there to nag him into making an effort he looks like a homeless junkie. His facebook posts are just constant edgy altright rants pointed at his exfriends or crying about how he can't get a gf because all women are evil sluts that won't give a single dad a chance.
Despite the gross clothes, hair and lack of hygiene you can still see his amazing eyes and facial structure, and his kid is cute as fuck so he could be a chad dad if he tried. I don't think it's right to some someone is 'wasted potential' if they make unpopular aesthetic choices or don't care about attracting people but he's clearly so mad nobody wants to know him and still does literally nothing to try to be appealing.
No. 379993
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There's been quite the talk on my country because a national Chan has started making the rounds on the news and sns, its basically incel sharing nudes and information, there was (what I hope is a roleplay) of them raping, drugging and abusing different girls and planning between them, they also had a telegram with 1000+ plus people sharing info, i can't say if the rape and abduction are real but a university friend was harassed with anonymous calls and messages. I feel like this further proves how shitty males are, even if this some "big joke" as the incel has called it I can't even imagine the kind of psychopathic asshole you have to be to believe this is funny
No. 380141
>>379924Gosh, that's so sad.
Doctors are notorious for taking women's pain less seriously. It's actually really fucking scary, our health is at risk because they think we're 'irrational' and 'emotional'. There's tonnes of articles on it but just for example>Research has found that in A&E, when women and men present the same severity of abdominal pain, men wait an average of 49 minutes before being treated, while the average wait for women is 65 minutes. Similarly, women are consistently prescribed less pain-relieving medication, even when controls for weight are applied. >researchers J.Crook and E.Tunks found in their study ‘Women With Pain’ that women with chronic pain conditions are more likely to be wrongly diagnosed with mental health conditions than men and prescribed psychotropic drugs, as doctors dismiss their symptoms as hysterics.>Researcher Karen Calderone found that when men and women have the same symptoms, women are more likely to be given sedatives as treatment, instead of pain-relieving drugs. This suggests they are perceived as being more ‘anxious’ than truly in pain and doctors focus on prioritising returning women to a ‘calm and rational’ state above relieving their actual pain. >In a test case to examine this gender bias conducted by D. McDonald and R.G.Bridge in ‘Gender Stereotyping and Nursing Care’, nurses were given vignettes with imaginary patients, listing their supposed symptoms and medical history. The nurses were then asked to calculate how much time the patient would require for treatment and emotional support. Male patients were consistently allocated more time, even when they had the same symptoms and background as female patients. No. 380162
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Most autoimmune diseases that people are skeptical of are far more prevalent in women when they present an actual diagnosis. I wonder if that's why so many women are dismissed as hypochondriacs, faking it, misdiagnosed as something else etc.
No. 380164
>>380162Since women come out the womb, anything that is possibly wrong with us, people are skeptical of and we're quickly accused of lying, faking it for attention, etc
Seriously, I've seen people dismiss their daughters pain or symptoms but act as if their son is dying over a stomachache, they don't even feel bad about their skepticism if the daughter turns out to have a serious issue too
No. 380167
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>>380165there's a pic upthread with literal scientific research about how far, far more men leave their ill partners than women do
men are a complete waste, they contribute nothing to your life.
No. 380179
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>>380178silent hill 2 is a great game about torturing piece of shit man like this
ahead of its time tbh
No. 380219
>>379522This is fucking awful but there's just as many broken shallow women as men I'm sure you can find on Instagram and social media. But with men there's a real underlining biological impetus that is truly mean spirited and disgusting.
Anyones thoughts on this? No. 380234
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found on the GC subreddit,I think it's very accurate
No. 380263
Is the standard "throw them in prison" procedure for perpetrators of sexual violence that effective at curbing future behaviors?
When I briefly glance through the literature, it sure doesn't seem like it.
>Most sex offenders are recidivists and commit other forms of interpersonal violence.>The strongest predictor of future violence is past violence. wonder why these people are not chemically or physical castrated. Obviously you can use other things to commit sexual violence, but for a man to lose his sexual organs would probably be both physically and mentally debilitating.
I see people going on and on about how this would be an invasion of bodily autonomy (funny how males don't apply this line of thinking to actual women and their reproductive rights, but only bring it up because MUH DICK) and it would be morally wrong to do. But hasn't that person already infringed upon someone else's negative right (the right to not be sexually assaulted, so why would they get to protect their positive rights (having the government house, feed and protect their bodies)?
No. 380300
>>380263I agree, but honestly I'm already happy when they bother to keep these guys in prison at all. In my country people insist on trying to rehabilitate them and turn them loose in society again no matter how many studies show that sex offenders can't be rehabilitated. They basically keep getting second chances until they kill one of their
victims, and even then they might get a reduced sentence by pleading manslaughter instead of premeditated murder.
A woman from my neighborhood was kidnapped, raped and murdered by a man who had escaped from his minimum security institution after raping multiple teenagers at knifepoint. There's nothing ambiguous or "he said, she said" about
raping multiple girls at knifepoint but somehow they still figured that a slap on the wrist would be enough to stop him from doing it again. Maybe he just didn't understand it was wrong!
Afaik he's in a proper prison for at least 20 years now, but it took a woman's death to make this happen.
No. 380315
>>380141>>380312Reminds me of when my mother was dismissed by our old male gp when she had a fucking lump in her breast. An actual, physically observable lump. Luckily she's a forceful lady and was able to get a referral and get it removed, but since women are socialized to be passive I know many wouldn't do that. Fucked up and sad.
Side note that our female gp is always quick to do tests and refer us to specialists to get to the bottom of things asap. She actually cares about people.
No. 380561
>>380534He’s so dumb he doesn’t realize we can be against circumcision too!
Like sorry y’all can only focus on one outrage at a time. Must be all that testosterone on the mind.
No. 380671
Men are such ungrateful cunts to their mothers. I remembered this post when circumcision came up: mother has her teenage son sperg out, call her a cunt, refuse to leave his room/talk to her because he's pissed that his mom had him circumcised after birth.
Some are saying the initial post is fake but the comments are trash anyway.
>The reality is, we were strapped down and genitally mutilated. The innervated mucosal membrane sleeve on our penis, the same type of tissue that lines a vagina, was excised off our body during our most fragile time. It is like a clitoral hood but much larger and has a more functional purpose. The foreskin has very specific sexual functions and has been proven to be the some of the most erogenous tissue on the penis.Men still cum in like 2 seconds with no foreskin so what's the point here. Plenty of women can't cum and aren't greedy about it to the point that it's just sad. Are you going to tell me that the nurses sticking a thermometer up your ass after you were born was also a sexual violation?
>Your son's bodily autonomy was violated. Full stop. While you did what was common at the time, many things that were once okay are no longer (this topic is in more of a transition, but the trend is for it to be considered unacceptable). A sincere apology for violating his bodily autonomy is warrented.THE MOTHER ALREADY APOLOGIZED. Why the fuck are women expected to apologize over and over to try and compromise with shitty men? Her son is an asshole. "Full stop."
>You mutilated your son for no reason other than "tradition"
>If my father mutilated my genitals i'd be pretty pissed too, other than allowing him some time to process and decompress there's nothing more that can really be done, you can't unmutilate his penisI suppose this comment might be better because it's assuming she's a man so it is likely less biased if that's the case. But again, the same response of giving her son some time, because men just need to be understood, especially when they display verbally
abusive tendencies towards their mothers.
No. 380674
>>380671They don't give a shit about "mutilation" or "torture", they're just salty they can't nut
as well
No. 381438
>>380671Men love shoving things like telling women to give up on their career for the sake of tradition, but God forbid it ever happen to men
Anyway, circumcision is mostly supported and encouraged by other men, it was invented by a man and encouraged by men, but of course in typical male fashion it's the women who get blamed for it, it's always women's faults never the man's
No. 381466
>>380671>Men still cum in like 2 seconds with no foreskin so what's the point here. Plenty of women can't cum and aren't greedy about it to the point that it's just sadI get what you mean but babies can't consent to having their genitals permanently mutilated. It's wrong on that basis alone however you want to slice it. Besides, sexual pleasure is one of the reasons why fgm is heavily opposed too. It's a
valid criticism.
No. 381531
>>381487I hope you know those men are worthless, anon.
There is no such thing as an ugly natural skin color. Any man who says there is is trying to sell you something, whether it's some racist ideology, self-help books, make-up or his own dick.
No. 381559
>>381535You can't seriously disagree with the fact that cutting off a part of a non-consenting infant's body is wrong, just out of spite towards men… right?
It is wrong, and men are being wronged by it. But as
>>381438 said, it's a tradition started and perpetuated by men. It's not fair to blame women for it, or anybody's mother in particular. It's a cultural problem that no individual is really responsible for, and they shouldn't be blamed for not thinking deeply about something so ubiquitous.
No. 381626
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>>381487I've had guys shit on me for not being white online but I knew they were total losers, funny thing though, they always orbited the so called "shitskins" they hated so much.
No. 381723
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No. 381724
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No. 381748
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i always wondered why a clockwork orange was so highly praised when all it's really about is some horrible little boy being punished for his crimes. people say it's a masterpiece and a "warning" about how we can be controlled… uh? maybe a young man who does nothing with his life but rape and kill people SHOULD be forced into some kind of brainwashing therapy, since prison rehab rarely works out anyway. just a random thought
No. 381756
>>381748Reminds me of my hatred for how One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is seen. I'm supposed to see the statutory rapist protagonist as a fun, rebellious good guy and cheer him on as he constantly puts mentally ill people in danger and nearly murders a woman for doing her job? Fuck no. As for Nurse Ratched… I only saw the movie, but 90% of what she does is reasonable for someone in her position. Oh no, she's giving her patients boundaries and structure, what an evil bitch! I guess a big part of the problem is that they're never really shown to be mentally ill for real, just eccentric weirdos who deserve to go on joyrides on boats or watch baseball or w/e, but in reality keeping them to a strict schedule and not giving them free access to hookers and alcohol would be good for them. She was obviously not meant to be a good person and I hear the book makes it more clear, but I feel like the hatred for her is overblown because people really despise cold women with authority and power, but are happy to root for the cool dude rapist.
Sorry for the tangent but I've been mad about this for a while.
No. 381772
>>381685BPD, entitled, delusional, gold digger,
abuser, bonus if they start trying to bring feminity or masculinity into it, or just any psych disorder, are just a few of the names men just throw around to women and don't even use the words properly half the time
Men are essentially children who are learning to use big boy words, and instead of something intelligent coming out, they'll just name call or label a woman, usually their girlfriend, something that has nothing to do with her behavior at all
If you aren't happy go lucky and just nod your head and agree with everything men say chances are they'll find something wrong with you and call you something I listed, it's even more funny when they do it over things that don't even pertain to the current situation at all, like males who call women gold diggers in situations that don't involve money, calling women entitled even if the women didn't ask for or feel she deserved anything, or men who try to diagnose women just because they disagreed with them
No. 381789
>>381748The only thing I can say gives the character a bit of relatability is that the doctors purposefully ruin his favourite composer for him, since that was the only human, non-despicable thing he had going.
It's interesting to compare Clockwork Orange to American Psycho in how they paint the violent male protagonist, though. In the movie version of American Psycho, Bateman is used to criticise the shallow competition and posturing in his fellow men, and the ambiguous ending suggests that his violent male ego trip might only be his own delusion ; Clockwork Orange instead tries to make you empathise for the poor man who lost his male ego trip, and him gaining it back is a "good ending".
What a surprise that American Psycho was directed by a woman.
No. 381793
>>381771Also the
most important thing about her is how much he'd like to fuck her. As if she wasn't worth protecting from an
abuser if she was ugly.
No. 381996
>>381724>I, a man, don't like things that don't involve meThey can't simply fuck off and live their lives, it's pathetic
>>381771At this point, mgtows and incels speak the same lingo. And deserve to rot alone.
But I
hope that post is fake and it's just another fake story for other incels to jerk off to
No. 382142
>>381724I can't even get fully angry at this, I'm just confused.
>very little evidence to support them fuckingI? What? Are all couples supposed to have sex tapes now? What does this mean?
Does he judge all couples like this? Like their love isn't
valid if he can't jerk off to it?
What a weird individual. Astounding that someone out there is like this.
No. 382437
reposting this from the gc thread, i think anon might have meant to post it here. either way, it's relevant:
>That time I (29m) fucked a homeless girl (maybe22)nsfw
>So I'm 29 now but at the time I was maybe 25-26 so I wasn't much older then her.
>I was heading into a almost fast food restaurant when this girl at the door asked if I had some spare change for food. I said no, sorry.
>It was a lie like it always is. I'm not opposed to helping out homeless people but more than a few bad experiences left me not wanting to just randomly do it on the street.
>As I walked out she looked at me with a big smile and said, "have a nice day." Something about that made me feel bad and I told her to go in and order what she wanted. She got super happy and did just that, I paid for it, she said thanks, I went about my day. This happened a few more times throughout the month, so we started to talk. She was nice and had a bubbly personality which I will admit I like in girls. Something about being all happy and cutesy that really makes me want to do dirty things to them.
>Now for what she looked like. She was maybe 5'7, definitely not short, short hair though, thin, not particularly curvy but had a nice skinny girl body. The big sell for her was her face. She was really cute and wore glasses which made her even cuter.
>So one day she asked me if she could spend the night at my place. From what I gathered she rarely slept on the street, usually slept on people's and friend's couches. I thought of saying no, she's a homeless stranger but I didn't. I'm a bad person and thought that if I said yes it might lead to at least a blowjob. Well I was right.
>She came in, I told her she could shower if she wanted, that made her happy. I ordered food, put on a movie, and we hung out and had a good time. Then, she got down from the couch and said, "I want to thank you." Unzipped my pants and gave me one of the best blowjobs I have ever had. Came in her mouth and she swallowed. Risky to do without a condom because it's fairly obvious that this was something she did regularly to keep from sleeping on the street.
>I let her stay a few more times with the same and better results until one day she was just gone. Hope nothing bad happened to her. No. 382456
This post made me so sick because honestly, how could some man be so subhuman as to immediately think about sex when helping some desperate and starving woman
No. 382577
>>382437I’m confused. Why is she basically prostituting herself for food and a place to stay if she could prostitute herself for 150 dollars for an hour? In the comments this woman let herself get buttfucked for a happymeal? What?
I’m just saying, either these women were mentally challenged and very young (say 8 years old) or it’s all made up to
trigger people or to have this fantasy. I think the latter mostly tbh.
>inb4 robotNo, I am not. I am just wondering if these stories are real and/or if she was mentally challenged. Maybe I might be mentally challenged myself though and this is a normal thing to do? Where I live homelessness is a choice and only because of mental illness, they definitely do not sleep anywhere else but those christian staying places, I know case is different in the united states though. But still, if a "cute" homeless woman is willing to prostitute herself for worthless things like a fucking happy meal or pizza then she might as well do it as a business where she will profit from like 150 dollars for an hour. Jesus.
No. 382599
>>382582Because they have to ruin anything women do and make them feel ashamed for it
Since a lot of women are taking birth control, fuck listening to any reason a woman might take it, must be because she's an evil roastie no exceptions, everything women do is wrong to them
No. 382611
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>>382582>You could also say NO to sex with random people and only do it sporadically with a condom or other contraceptive methods.This just in: Having sex with random people is more likely to lead to pregnancy than having sex with non-random people.
No. 382613
>>382577The story itself sounds fake. If anything, it sounds like a fantasy this man has where he takes advantage of a woman in a sad situation but he didn't want to make it sound creepy or fucked up so he had to add in how she was so compliant and willing.. That's a tinfoil I know.
>>382582She was posted in the tradthot thread on snow. She panders to men becauss she's desperate for validation while also not being a trad wife that she wants other women forced to be
These people hate women, hate pregnant women but want to force pregnancy onto women and to hell with other illness that bc helps with
No. 382780
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No. 382786
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>>382780>Destroy the very thing that makes them womenHonestly, seeing and hearing men speak is an unreal trip for me each time, especially in communities made entirely of men. There really is no escape from the male gaze or male desire. Women are apparently born to be attractive, sexy and feminine to men and that's pretty much it. Everything a woman amounts to depends on what the men around her want.
I just don't get how the fuck someone could actually type that out.
I don't think women truly understand how little men think of them and how much they hate women. If the most pathetic male believes he is entitled to say this, god forbid what other men are also thinking.
No. 382906
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A woman can cure cancer and men would focus on her attractiveness, literally no matter what a woman does her attractiveness is always brought into play but the ugliest of men will do whatever and no one cares
No. 382922
>>382908I've noticed this too, there are some bad homeless women but it definitely isn't most of them, not to mention they're more resourceful
Even if they're addicted they don't try to spend what little money they have on drugs and alcohol, a lot of them are homeless from running away from
abusive homes too
No. 382924
>>382906>I'm trying to pressure my girlfriend to get breast enlargement surgery that leaves her scarred, dependent on renewing the implants every 10 years and the procedure could potentially be life-threatening or cause chronic pain for the rest of her life. But the bitch won't budge, so I completely ghost her for 4 days to get back at her and play with her feelings because I'm a manipulative, abusive piece of trash!!Wow. I'm sincerely hoping that this is a troll post. Imagine if women wrote this shit about their boyfriends, wanting them to get testosterone injections to grow bigger muscles or have penile implants to make their dicks bigger. These people would be screeching uncontrollably.
Most of the time it's not even about them finding big tits attractive, it's them wanting to have a girl that fits the conventional image of beauty to boost their status in the eyes of other men.
No. 382971
>>382908sage for blogpost but I agree with this sentiment. I will give homeless women money, but not homeless men. I live in a big city with a huge homeless problem, so I see a lot of people on the streets daily.
I cannot count the number of times I’ve been accosted by homeless men, literally had them screaming at me and harassing me in front of my friends until I leave. Then they scream profanities, all gendered ofc (cunt, bitch, whore, etc). One time, I gave a homeless man five dollars and he called me a slut and a whore to my face. My friend (who is a dude) didn’t even get spoken to, and he didn’t do anything while this insane man screamed insults at me.
The last time I gave money to a homeless woman, she thanked me and sang a Girl Scouts song with me. Even if a woman is a shitty drug addict and is just going to use my money for her next fix, I’d still rather give her money than any man alive.
No. 382980
>>382924>>382963Exactly! What men find attractive is almost ENTIRELY caught up by what the culture (or more recently, the media) is saying about women or how it treats women. Their tastes and desires are so superficial and malleable and in the current age, they almost always match up with what is profitable in the industry (ie. Current trend of plastic surgery, body enhancements, "no makeup" makeup looks and skincare). What a fucking coincidence, huh?
They really cannot see that they are constantly being manipulated to find a certain type of women (or certain traits) attractive because it brings in the most amount of money to these corporations, the ones that are basically "designing" these traits.
Even in men that supposedly desire a "traditional wife" falls prey to this, because guess what? A traditional woman needs to: buy certain clothes, makeup, goods and participate in "sanctioned" hobbies all created by other men to further profits.
All of these men have their identities and desires SO wrapped up in consumerism (what they or others wear, what media they consume, what hobbies they do because corporations said it makes manly or what have you) that it's truly baffling they don't see it themselves. Or they genuinely believe their reasons for attraction are "natural" or "innate".
No. 383004
>>382980and with each new trend, they have to perform insane levels of mental gymnastics to spin the fact that their attraction is an industrial production and not at all natural
when media pushes pedophilia - “men are just naturally attracted to women (like teen girls are WOMEN) in the prime of their fertility”
when media pushes plastic surgery - “men are naturally attracted to women with more well-endowed & naturally feminine features”
when media pushes razors and makeup - “men naturally prefer women who look like they take care of themselves”
when media pushes no makeup and skincare - “men prefer women who are naturally beautiful because of muh genetics”
and these men are the same who will shame women for having “high standards” when women’s tastes are much more varied and less subject to such simple brainwashing
No. 383021
>>382730Cut yourself off from your father completely, if you haven't already. How is your relationship with your mother? For me, I believe that misogyny is an immutable characteristic of the male sex so there really is no salvation or potential for reconciliation with males. As long as they exist, they will never be anything more than a pollution on this world for women.
I don't know if this will be of any use to you, but I think focusing on males (except on occasion to vent frustration like anons do here) is a mistake. You have to remember that there is an entire world that exists beyond them. As long as the leverage that males hold over women is continually erased and diminished, then they will no longer be able to actualise their inherent misogyny in any substantial manner.
No. 383079
>>383021My mother just makes excuses for him and tells me it's just jokes and to not take him seriously. But she isn't present when he says things like this. I know that he isn't joking. I know what 'joking' looks like. He means what he says, and he says these things directly to me. I pretty much have cut myself off from him, I see him but I don't say anything more than I have to and I have stopped trying to form a connection. But the things he said in the past are still in my head constantly. But that is my fault I know.
>As long as the leverage that males hold over women is continually erased and diminishedI do appreciate your advice. And I would like to think that you are correct, but this portion…I don't think this will ever happen. At least not completely. For instance I desire to go into an extremely male dominated creative field (filmmaking) and I'm constantly told that men flat out won't allow women to direct them and if they have enough power they can get her replaced, male crewmembers will sabotage women, and people flat out refuse to finance female filmmakers or even listen to their pitches. A lot of men think women can't even direct period and that women aren't good enough to do anything. The people in power in these situations are men and that isn't likely to change. I just don't see any hope, in any area of life but especially this one.
What exactly are you supposed to do when something that you can't change is always a strike against you? When being a woman is seen like a fatal flaw, a disease? Suicide seems like the only option. I wish things would change and be different and women were seen as capable humans but we aren't. And it's not even men. Even if you completely cut men out of your life their influence permeates everything. Even if you just want to dedicate your life to your hobbies and your job you are constantly told you're some inferior subhuman at most of them by society, not even just men. It's the world in general.
I mean how much can you really take before you just decide to end it? It's a constant barrage of "women are dumb inferior whores." Women can't direct, women can't be intelligent, women can't work in tech, women can't be funny, women can't make great works of art, women suck at writing, women suck at sports, women aren't worth listening to, if women accept their role and get married and have kids they are leeches and contribute nothing to society, if women don't get married and have kids they're disgusting cat ladies who contribute nothing to society and deserve mockery. Women are CONSTANTLY mocked.
Sorry for the rant but I really don't see the point in even trying at all anymore, and I don't understand how any woman just learns to suck it up and be an object of mockery and derision for 70+ years of life. It's so hard to continue to like yourself and believe that you are human when nobody else does.
No. 383092
>>383079anon I hope this isn’t offensive but your writing sounds a lot like what Dworkin wrote (which isn’t an insult at all, I love her works)
she focused heavily on female suffering as a condition of patriarchy (Intercourse, Woman Hating, Pornography, etc). they’re very visceral, and it’s hard not to be affected when you read about the torture and pain women have been subjected to for hundreds of years due to the violent control of males. this is deepened in her memoirs of her own life, as she had a really terrible life in which she faced prostitution and (I believe) homelessness.
anyways, my point is that, despite the pain, there is a reason to carry on, and Dworkin signifies that. she was hated in her time and in modern times by the mainstream for speaking truth on the plight of women, and she did not let public vitriol, a harrowing situation, or her sex hold her back.
this is the reason why we must not give up, anon. it is a hard lot in life, but it is for future women that we must continue. we have to pass down something to the women and girls who come after us. suicide will only show other women that the only escape from the chains of their sex is death. that is not the case, and that is why we need to focus on bringing women together.
my heart weeps for you, anon. I am so sorry that you have been driven to this point. there is so much you have to offer this world as a human being and a woman, even if the world only sees you as one.
No. 383184
>>383079You just haveto choose a mostly female oriented field like makeup or dolls. Look at customer bases, audiences and business owners. Ideally something you like.
Even if you got into a male-dominated field you would have experiences like the other anons who end up doing work for men without credit and being blocked for promotion.
Choose something men
don't want to do and can't gatekeep. The men in that field will generally be better, and it will mainly be women. Woman are massive consumers! We do all the shopping! Do something women love and be happy.
No. 383256
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I loathe men probably more than just about everyone in the thread - which I'm comfortable with - but at this time, I'm starting to find it difficult to concentrate on studying because of how angry I get at how much women have had to suffer as a result of these freakish fucking creatures. My anger is really difficult to contain. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep my mind off of this?
No. 383267
>>383184>>383260>we should all just do what men want us to doNot based or pinkpilled at all.
While I think that's best for women who are more meek like anon (I'll get to her later though), I believe those of us who have the guts should indeed keep fighting on for what we want. It's a slow process but some of us are going to have to take the plunge so more women get into these fields and a place is secured for future women.
I agree those of us that are interested in motherhood should raise strong daughters to also put some effort towards this goal. I will never shame mothers or women who make that choice, although no woman should be pressured into it either. The best moms want to be moms.
As for sad film anon, have you considered working in another part of the industry? Something that requires a bit less fighting but is still part of what you enjoy?
No. 383272
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>"I don't want to marry a woman my age because in 15 years she'll be ugly won't have sex with me anymore"
"I'm going to age a lot better than any woman my age"
Why do so many men think they're some 5/5 golden god Chads who can just easily snatch any hot 18-year-old whenever they want
No. 383280
>>383260 and I was just pointing out the absurdity of the other post. It sound like a trad male talking point. Letting men corner us into the fields they see fit is no solution at all.
No. 383309
>>383272I work with a guy like this. He's late 30s now but I've known him for about 4 years now. He likes to overshare about his boring life instead of work so I've heard how his shitty life has progressed each year and it's honestly kinda funny.
He started off just like this guy, saying his five year plan included finding some hot 19 (very specifically 19, I don't know why) year old to marry because "women age like milk" and "I want her best years" but I guess he got no takers because these days he rant about how all Western women are ungrateful whores and he's going to spend his next vacation in Vietnam and get a wife there.
I'm looking forward to a year from now, when he tells me his Vietnamese wife dumped him the moment he got her green card.
No. 383337
>>383283Why can't they understand that the older they get, their sperm quality turns to shit? Especially since so many men just don't know how to take care of themselves. They think being well off and older is good enough. They'll still drink all the time, smoke and have no skincare routine so all of that shows and ruins their looks ten fold.
I hate also how so many men are so willing to abuse women from other countries who are struggling for stability. I have a couple of friends whose moms were from the Philippines and China. Their home lives were just abuse from their fathers who expected their wives to be asian sex dolls, not actual people. I know now their parents are divorced and much happier.
>>383322Women generally do because we have daily routines for our skin and health.
No. 383341
>>383337One of my closest friends is the product of a marriage between some old white guy and his mail order Filipino bride. She's great and her mom is cool too, but apparently her dad was always creepily insistent that she only date white guys growing up. Her first boyfriend was Asian and he got so mad at her for it.
Even weirder, she has a brother and their dad was insistent HE date ASIAN girls. That brother's now married to a white girl kek.
No. 383354
I'm really tired of hearing people (mostly men) go on about "the true evil nature of mankind" using examples like Hitler or various serial killers, saying people like them actually act out humanity's darkest, most secret desires.
I don't know. Maybe these impulses are very relatable if you're a man, especially a maladjusted one, but in spite of all my brain problems, I've never actually wanted to kill off an entire racial group exclusively or rape/murder kids, even at my worst, and I've also met very, very few other women who do, even on anonymous venues.
I think there's a reason that on a place like LC or CC, you don't get retarded, disgusting posts "revealing the evil of the human psyche!!!!", but on male-dominated websites across the internet, you definitely do. I can't lie and say there are no horrible, abusive, homicidal women (especially since I've been abused by women), but in sheer quantity, they certainly pale in comparison to men.
I wish men would just own up to the fact that they are disproportionately violent, destructive and psychopathic across the world instead of waxing poetic about how it's a "humanity thing". If they really are the "superior", more rational gender, as so many of them claim, they need to fix the society they built and curb their malicious inclinations. If they can't, I see no reason not to consider them the same as animals. The pitbulls of humanity, almost. Some are sweet, but others will snap, kill you and destroy everything. And wasn't it a bunch of men from /pol/ and tradthots who went on about how we should kill all pitbulls?
No. 383381
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>>383337>Why can't they understand that the older they get, their sperm quality turns to shit? Because society coddles men and despite how much men claim to love
hard truths, the idea that their youth and fertility is limited is too much for their fragile egos to accept. Especially as modern men rarely "grow up" before 35, the idea that their prime virility years are over scares them.
Women start to understand the harsh realities of sex and dating from childhood, as they are often sexualized when they hit puberty and oftentimes before.
Men hit puberty and they are congratulated for "becoming a man". They start discovering their sexuality and have their preferences catered to by the entire world. The fact that they will lose their virility right at the time they're convincing themselves that they're in their "prime" is too much of a blow for the soft, male coddling world we live in.
Men are constantly in denial about their own aging.
No. 383412
>>383381I think most men legitimately don't realize the impact of paternal age on fertility and the child's health. The world is a big echo chamber that despises older women and they've had our 'time limit' drilled into their head forever while nobody bothers to mention theirs. I see men talking about how older mothers cause autism, unaware that the father is the biggest factor, and it is exacerbated by age gaps and teenage mothers. Women are too brainwashed to actively bully men into having kids young, men want to benefit off women's insecurities and spare no effort to accomplish it.
Fact is, men don't actually care about health or fertility. Children are the last thing on their mind when they talk about fucking teenagers in their 'prime', because if they were sincere they would acknowledge that mid 20s are prime for childbirth according to science, and that financial/emotional stability trump all when it comes to a child's wellbeing.
No. 383417
>>383413Feel free to send him this some time>Autism rates were 66 percent higher among children born to dads over 50 years of age than among those born to dads in their 20s. Autism rates were 28 percent higher when dads were in their 40s versus 20s.>Autism rates also rose with widening gaps between two parents’ ages. These rates were highest when dads were between 35 and 44 years old and their partners were 10 or more years younger>The higher risk associated with fathers over 50 is consistent with the idea that genetic mutations in sperm increase with a man’s age and that these mutations can contribute to the development of autism.
No. 383420
>>383409Sperm quality
does degrade though. Older parents can have healthy kids but there are more risks. Perhaps in a perfect world everyone could afford to get their sperm/eggs frozen so they could have healthy kids when they are financially and emotionally ready.
>>383408Bit of both anon, there are lots of (genuinely) older women being represented in media and leading good lives you might just need to step out of your bubble.
>>383322A lot of it is really just chance. Men have thicker skin and different collagen structures that help their skin retain its firmness better and wrinkle less. But skin aging is affected by race due to differences in fat/collagen (so Asian and black women can age better than white men) as well as how the skin is cared for. Men are rougher with their skin, moisturize less, don't wear sunscreen, are more prone to suffer from things like hair loss etc and that stuff really can make a difference. Some men will age very well and more men
could age well but in practice most will not. Age comes for us all eventually.
No. 383427
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begone scrote
No. 383433
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>In 2016, Japanese scientists created baby mice by fertilizing normal mouse eggs with sperm created via IVG. The stem cells in question were taken from female mice. There was no need for any males. that within a few generations, males are gonna be fazed out of the reproductive process altogether due to lowering sperm counts and testosterone levels, males get mad at older women for wanting children but they straight up aren't gonna be able to have kids in the future lol
No. 383434
>>383429I've said this before but I genuinely believe men are more prone to deficits in visual perception in regards to faces. Men are:
>worse at clocking troons>worse at clocking age>more likely to be colorblind>more likely to suffer prosopagnosia (face blindness)>more easily tricked with bad makeup>more likely to have difficulties interpreting facial expressionsMen are more likely to be autistic and autists are more likely to be face blind and have difficulties interpreting facial expressions which could just be a more extreme expression of pre-existing deficits.
No. 383470
Hey ladies, need some input. do you think it's possible for men to, well, not secretly hate women while consuming porn?
My bf is a very soft-spoken liberal arts major kinda guy. Never raised his voice at me, known him for years, honestly the sweetest bf ever. Also very progressive, calls himself a feminist, etc. However after getting together with him ~5 months ago I found out he watches a LOT of porn/hentai. We fuck basically every day so it's just him genuinely liking this shit. I don't get the pornsick vibe from him but it's definitely something that's been sitting on the back of my mind for a while. Wat do anons?
>>383134Cause for whatever reason, the internet hyped up the ideas that halfies > full race people. It's something "exotic" mixed with something familiar.
No. 383487
>>383483Because money is coercion and doesn't constitute legitimate consent? Because the porn industry is notoriously
abusive, filled with trafficking, drug addictions, taking advantage of poor and vulnerable women, flipping the script on girls who didn't sign up for certain things but have no way to say no once they're there? Even if a particular video is not exploitative, the audience has no way of knowing for sure and 99% of the time don't even consider it or care. This is pretty basic radfem stuff…
No. 383488
>>383470They don't
actively hate women while watching porn but consuming a ton of porn does show some lack of respect or contempt for women.
Don't forget a lot of men think women being able to make money through their body is a privilege (fucked up I know) that's why they say shit like "urr durr I wish I could get paid to fuck".
No. 383503
>>383480Hate at worst, indifferent to the exploitation of women at best. Obviously sure not all porn is exploitative but a solid half probably is, most amateur shit was probably also uploaded by salty ex boyfriends as well.
>>383488The porn consumption took me completely by surprise despite knowing him for years before. I had no clue. Obviously I don't think he secretly hates women or something but it is kind of strange to me that he calls himself a feminist, vocally aligns with #MeToo, but just… watches so much porn when the industry is notoriously so fucked. It just sits with me weirdly and I don't know what to make of it.
No. 383538
>>383488No, they really do anon.
Whenever men see sexual images or media, their brains literally only recognize those images as "tools" vs. "another human".
"New research shows that, in men, the brain areas associated with handling tools and the intention to perform actions light up when viewing images of women in bikinis.
In the men who scored highest on hostile sexism, the part of the brain associated with analyzing another person's thoughts, feelings and intentions was inactive while viewing scantily clad women."
No. 383560
>>383538I hate porn and tne demand for it I understand but I don't like it. Porn completely objectifies a person. That's it. That's all the industry is, pure objectification. There is no appreciation. There is no beauty, it's just fucking objectification and the people that are constantly/daily viewing that shit gets completely desensitised to psyche and soul imo.
My bf was obsessed with porn. I remember very early on dating we were drunk af and he switched on to the porn channels on TV and was just like getting turned on while I was sitting there like Wtf, why am I watching girls pretend to fuck an invisible person (it was fucking babestation, which is tame because its free on the TV and they're just showing their bits, it might as well be a kids TV show with the casual rationale of it being normal to view.)
I tried getting him into GOT and he hated it until of course the naked girls. I laughed during the commericla break and advert plays for cosmetic surgery specifically breast enhancement. My bf with the 4" cock gets annoyed about women enhancing themselves starts calling them sluts but notice he's completely enthralled by all the fake tits in GOT and all their nipples pointing to the fucking sky. Then he asks if we should just watch porn together. I fucking agree bf, a lot of the nudity in GOT is so bizarre at times. I noticed there's even been a couple of completely naked children (girls obviously) getting bathed outside the brothels in Kings landing. I guess the producers had to go for complete authenticity depicting the made up fantasy world by casting for a naked child…
I remember first couple of sexual encounters with my bf I was alarmed by the fakeness and rehearsed feel of the whole mess I feel like I've had to deprogram him in ways and actually teach him what a female orgasm is and how to achieve it. He literally boasted about an ex girlfriend that pissed the bed and was like, she's a squirter it was so hot. I asked if he'd like me to piss on him and he was like Eww that's gross you can CUM all over me anon and it's like, you do realise squirting is piss. You're fetishing water sports as cum because porn has ruined you. And he had that fucking dirty habit of using spit as fucking lube before penetration, I cut that shit out too. Not sure how wet he was able to get these previous porn stars he dated but I felt insulted him spitting down there lol.
Porn is fucking gross. There are so many other symptoms you can spot in someone that clearly watches too much, but honestly, it's hard to know if men can ever sympathiese with women.
Like my uni is having all this awareness about sexual assaults on campus, which is great, but literally everywhere there are men and women there is assault. I don't think men keep it institutionalised to one area, yea I think some work places probably better at keeping it hidden like the Catholic chirch and Hollywood, but it's legitimately an issue between the sexes and not the organisations individuals belong to.
I'm just fucking sick of men and wish I wasn't straight TBPQH
No. 383566
>>383560Fucking GOT
triggers me to no end like it loves to pretend it has so many stronk women but in actuality it fetishizes the shit out of women’s suffering. Idk how men can cry about it being swj pandering or whatever. Literally the only well written character is Cersei but of course everyone has a hateboner for her.
No. 383569
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My boyfriend can get sterilised at 18 but I am considered a human incubator so I can’t until I’m 36
Why are we not treated as people or individuals like men are
No. 383593
>>383584I also have autism and while I have issues with identifying faces, I can interpret facial expressions and some other social cues just fine.
From what I've read this is because of how women are socialised : we're supposed to observe and learn how our social groups operate so that we can fit in. Men, on the other hand, aren't encouraged to observe and learn, because their socialisation is more straight-forward.
>>383434It's also a misconception that men are more likely to be autists ; in truth, men are just more likely to be diagnosed because autism manifests a bit differently in women (because of our socialisation, as I said), so for many years it was believed to be a male disorder. A lot of women are getting diagnosed very late in life (when I was researching how to get my own diagnosis I found a lot of forum posts or YouTube videos of women getting diagnosed in their 40s, 50s, even a few in their 60s and 70s) or never get a diagnosis at all.
It's one more area where women get fucked over.
No. 383597
>>383560I dated a pornsick guy two years ago and I'm still fucked up over it
he would make me sit on his face (which was nice) but meanwhile finger my asshole and start focusing more and more on anal in a really disgusting way - another day i saw his phone light up and he was following a fucking porn tumblr called something like "gaping assholes" and I felt so ashamed
he also just slapped me in the face when I said "f— me harder" in the heat of the moment, as if everyone would expect that shit because well porn
No. 383624
>>383584I have aspies, I find autistic men are babied throughout their lives where as autistic women are pretty much forced to fit in and suffer, it seems with men, the second they show any sort of sign of having a mental disorder, they're quickly brought to a therapist, given help, and excused and babied throughout their life, with women, you get bullied to hell and back, most people around you will pull all kinds of excused out their ass to tell you to suck it up and just try harder, if you're lucky enough to get help chances are you'll get misdiagnosed a million times and even then people don't baby you like they do with men
Men get the world handed to them but cry oppression over what
No. 383626
>>383624A doctor told me I was probably on the spectrum, this was after almost dying from an eating disorder and two inpatient visits.
Men think they have a monopoly on social difficulties, they see "normie" women and assume they have no problems, instead of assuming those women had problems and learned to overcome them.
Men are pathetic. Imagine being this coddled
No. 383632
>>383354If men fuck up, it's considered a 'human error' we must all learn from.
If women fuck up, it's always 'THIS IS WHY WOMEN SHOULDN'T ______.'
No. 383637
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>>383632A man has to be
really stupid before men treat him like a woman who made one mistake one time.
No. 383665
>>383660Funny how he also ignores the entire femdom thread and anons in the fetishes thread who want to do sick shit to men.
Pretty sure he's posted that exact screenshot before too lmao.
>>383650>tfw this is the same reflex that made me feel for men for so longThey're just so emotionally stunted that I felt motherly towards them, but really they should be considered like predatory animals.
I've said it before but having a boyfriend is ridiculously similar to keeping a big dangerous dog. They can be nice for companionship but they're still a threat and can't offer much emotional support.
No. 383708
>>383659It's honestly bizarre. Of course, there's the typical male reversal where they'll say, "nonsense, women can't truly love, they're incapable (because of their inferior brains)".
But when we look at what women are (life givers) and what men are (necrophiliacs) you can easily see the truth. Every society or ideology that men have come up with throughout the ages consists of death worship and killing. They are obsessed with death and killing on every level; in media, in academia, in art, in laws, in relationships, in sex, in every avenue possible.
The reason why they project so hard and claim women are unable to love is because they know that deep down, their entire sex cannot.
No. 383796
>a fundamental misunderstanding between the two
That's pretty naive. Men lack empathy for women and it is self evident in their ongoing violence towards us, that's not a 'misunderstanding'.
The state of gender relations start to make much more sense when you consider that maybe men and women are not true 'partners', biologically speaking, and were never intended to be on the same side by nature. Yeah, we reproduce together, but that's not a foregone conclusion in evolution. There are female only species that reproduce asexually, but no male only species. The male chromosome has only one purpose - to create more male children, and it is really weak and useless otherwise. So you have women, who are essential to men's very existence, and men being disposable parasites whose entire lives revolve around either convincing, controlling or forcing women to continue creating men. Maybe biological irrelevance is what drives them to such extremes - their obsession with us and sex, the constant disregard for human rights to keep us subjugated, the pathological need to see us as inferior despite evidence to the contrary etc. It even results in positive things, eg ambition because they want to impress women and increase their status with us.
No. 383798
>>383796Males mix up the DNA for the whole species not just females. The female only species are all clones and are isolated from pathogens which could completely wipe them out. There's a reason that 99.9999% of animal life is male and female and it's because it's the best system.
There are other species that 'work together' better than us, look at birds of prey for example. They work perfectly with each other.
No. 383804
>>383798That doesn't change the fact that they are significantly less important than females, and only gives them more reason to do everything in their power to control our reproductive systems. Even if we need men, we don't need that many of them.
Anyway I'm not a scientist, I just think theories on why men have been so desperate to oppress their 'other half' have to dig a bit deeper than us not understanding each other.
No. 383807
>>383798>There's a reason that 99.9999% of animal life is male and female and it's because it's the best system.Just because it take a male and female to make offspring =/= they live in harmony with each other because in many animal species the offspring are raised by females alone and in other animal breeds lone males are avoided by females not to mention there are examples of the male of the species killing off offspring to get with the mother and mothers risking their lives to save their babies.
I do not believe its a genetic reason (at least in men) that many are sociopaths with little empathy for women but lets not pretend that it goes both ways or that there is harmony between the sexes on the whole.
No. 383816
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I think the reason why women and men are currently hating each other it's because, let's assume it, men started it first, women are just fighting back as
>>383784 said. A lot of women wouldn't be so mad if they didn't hate us and mock us all time just because we are different to them, if there were real payout for being a "good woman" you wouldn't see so many basically not giving a fuck anymore, maybe when religion was a thing, but not today…and maybe ever again. They always find excuses to justify their gross and miserable behavior towards us, they don't want to change, they're too arrogant, and when they finally see what they have done it will be very late.
It's sad because there was a time were women actually did as they said and lived exclusively to them but…men respected them? it was worth it? nope, women still were mocked, killed and hated, there's no way to be respected by men when you are a woman, and women are sick of waiting for that respect.
I don't know what they fucking believe they're doing with all the "anti-feminist" propaganda. They think they're "killing it" with their bullshit and retarded behavior towards us, creating their sub-reddits full of shit, forcing their opinions in women's discussion and being trashy towards us in general, but the only thing they're doing is driving women away, they're so desperate to be right and put us down that aren't seeing the consequences their attitude caused.
Idk, these aren't very "logical" moves from them, if i wanted women to fuck me and be with me i wouldn't be shitting on them and basically making their lives miserable, it doesn't sound like, you know, a very "rational" thing to do.
No. 383838
>>383816The "hatred" is different though.
In women's case its from actual reality-women getting angry they are not protected by the law, questioning shitty practises and attitudes they have had to deal with for years, bascially not being regarded as human beings and having ignorant men try to pass laws on their bodies when they have no idea what we go through but want to lecture us in what we should and shouldnt want.
With men however-its from a perceived notion they are owed something but are now being denied, whether its a universe owed girlfriend or having "to share their hobbies with girls" etc
Meanwhile a lot of actual problems men have are ignored by the so called mens movement who blame feminism and tell feminism its their job to sort it out which a lot of feminists do but still get shit on.
tl;dr womens anger comes from not being treated as human, mens from being entitled whiny pissbabies.
No. 383975
New thread
>>383856>>383966That they’re idiots obviously. There are several threads about trad thots and shoe has two dozens. Even then we feel empathy for these women intensely indoctrinated with internalized misogyny. Can’t save everyone but at least we still want them safe, don’t wish rape and murder upon them. Like anti-feminist men do upon anyone in disagreement.