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No. 409701
I hate it when a gay man thinks he has some special right to speak on feminism (or women's rights/issues in general) just because he's "femme". On that note, I also can't stand it when a white gay man tries to invalidate discussions about racism targeted at anyone who's not white with "Trust me, I understand discrimination. I'm gay". All forms of discrimination are not interchangeable and do not manifest in exactly the same ways, so no, you don't understand. Why is this difficult to understand?
It's also really shitty when gay men make a big show of being disgusted at vaginas. No offense, but I don't think the vast majority of female humans are exactly offering ourselves up to blatantly gay males (if only this was true the other way around, re: the cotton ceiling debate).
Straight men have never been in short supply. The amount of female sexual harassment needed to justify the current level of vitriol from some gay men just isn't there, and unlike men, women typically aren't sex-obsessed, knuckle-dragging neanderthals, so I really don't think it ever will be, lmao. Worship dick all you want, but constantly screeching about how awful vaginas are out of nowhere just makes you sound vitriolic. Maybe a little envious, too.
Finally, the entire gay male community has an unspoken pedophilia issue. I understand why it's downplayed, but it honestly needs to be talked about and dealt with. Lesbians were the first to speak up against NAMBLA marching in pride parades. Gay men were a bit more hesitant, even though the NAMBLA are/were all gay male pedophiles, which means the group was far more of a threat to gay men's image (and also to the safety of gay male youths). The only reason I can think of that they wouldn't rail the hardest against them is that there is/was some kind of clandestine crossover between the two, and they didn't want to attack their own, they just didn't want them to come "out out" like that.
Otherwise, I don't have any specific problem with gay men. I don't see much of a reason to hate/bash them in particular, as opposed to just…all men ever. Their flavor of misogyny is typically a bit different, but in the end, it's all the same male BS.
No. 409852
>>409767It would be practically impossible for there to be no issues arising from the intersection of being male and being homosexual, the two are diametrically opposed thanks to inherent homophobia in masculinity. Criticism of gay men is completely ~
valid~ because they definitely exhibit behaviour that straight men don't/can't, but get away with it because gay men are still seen as being separate from straight men. Denying this is ridiculous. If there was a TV program full of straight men putting on dresses and makeup then acting like stereotypical bitchy idiots it would be screamed off-air; make the men gay and call it drag and women will get these men tattooed on their bodies. Absolutely bizarre behaviour.
No. 409857
>>409791So take it to the man hate thread, men aren't important enough to have two threads like this. We don't keep a separate celebrity thread for talking about the gay ones
>>409738>lesbians are extremly slutty and loose creaturesUnbelievable. I hope you're a scrote, for your own mental wellbeing
No. 409869
This thread is on par with racebaiting in the "it's going to go to hell" category. I recognize the things anon is listing in her OP and agree with some of them, but it stinks of an excuse to be homophobic. Most of this behavior exists only in the beauty guru community where everyone is a vapid piece of shit.
>>409767Exactly this. It's just male entitlement in a rainbow package, not limited to just gay guys in general.
No. 409879
>>409869Hey OP here, honestly I am not homophobic at all.
I fully support gay rights and I would never assume these traits to be true of any gay person I meet.
I specified “femme” in the description because this is more about the tendency for these sorts of characteristics that I see more often in gay men.
I have been close friends with multiple gay men and although a few of them were wonderful some of them turned out to be the most gossipy drama queens I’ve seen in my life. So I suppose this thread is PERSONAL, I was pretty mad when I wrote it.
I definitely maybe shouldn’t have put “Gay Men” as a general thing in the title.
And my criticisms of gay men honestly have nothing to do with who they’re fucking.
I genuinely do not give a shit who they have sex with
honestly don’t even care if they discussed their sexual relationships or sexuality because I am not the type of person to complain whenever gay people mention their relationships and experiences.
I just find that I’ve met irl and online many gay men who go above and beyond and discuss such things in contexts that are inappropriate for everyone else.
The reason why this is a separate thread is because these issues don’t pertain to general men.
They get a pass because they are gay and because in reality everyone loves seeing stereotypes played out and excuse this behavior in prominent gay men in the media because deep inside they think it’s perfectly fine and natural that a gay man would be like that, which in my opinion reveals more prejudice. Same as a bunch of people finding that the most hilarious black people are the ones who make an effort to act like stereotypes by talking about how they love watermelon or blah blah blah.
No. 409880
>>409879also i didn’t fully answer my own question bc im a retard, but i just think that gay femmes have a tendency to act a certain way and get a pass for it.
Ik not all gays are like that OBVIOUSLY but this thread along with any “X hate” thread talks about trends.
No. 409884
>>409767the thing is tho.
this is about gay males.
it isn’t about their SEXUALITY but it’s about the tendency for gay men specifically to get a pass for toxicity and also for the tendency of these personality traits to show in femme gay men.
This topic does not include straight men AT ALL because straight men are not in primarily female spaces, nor are they protected by women.
No. 409886
>>409884forgot to add, but straight men also do not get a pass for being racist,
toxic, or misogynist like gay men do.
And this thread btw is not about James Charles or Jeffrey Star because those are specific ppl and discussion about them belongs in PT or snow.
And noah fence but acting like james charles and jeffrey star are like rare cases is complete BS and if you know it
No. 409902
>>409869bullshit it only exists in the beauty community, I've dealt with gay men like this in my own family let alone my friend group let the fuck alone on youtube casually watching.
just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean gay scrote assholes dont exist. stop being so fucking precious and virtue signally, you're happy to tear down literally anyone straight but uwu lesbians and gays are too soft to touch~~
this is lolcow, this is an imageboard. "this reeks of homophobia" okay beat it back to PULL or tumblr then.
No. 409914
>>409881Tbh, what is it with so many (mostly straight) women and defending the honor of
>drag queens>femme gay men>TiMsIt's bizarre and makes no sense, they do nothing for us. The most gay men and drag queens have ever done for women is probably be a part of fashion, but we don't owe them shit for that, lmao. They choose to do it, most likely because they seek to control and live vicariously through us.
Like, you do know they're actually slightly more likely to hate us because they want to either skinwalk us, or are at least a little bit salty that we have access to straight male dick and they don't, right? They are not us just because they call themselves "the girls" or "sisters".
No. 409922
>>409919What gain is there to be male-aligned, even as a straight woman? If it's a boyfriend, husband, or father you're being loyal to, it's good because it strengthens bonds and generally gives you a leg up in a male-dominant society.
If it's just any Tom, Dick or Harry from who knows where, who might want to literally rape, murder and subjugate all female humans for the sin of being born with two X chromosomes….for what, lmao? Being nice and defending those kinds of men won't make them see the light, so what else is left? Potential for sex? Attention? Not to be crude, but dick is disposable, because men are obsessed with sex. No matter what we do, they will still be the main ones doing literally anything in their power for sexual and emotional access to us. It's not worth fighting or working hard for, because it's so easy to get. Also, men like feeling like the "special exception", so most won't even bat an eyelash if you shit on their whole gender as long as you praise them.
It's infinitely more effective in general to band together with other women and drive out shitty men whenever possible. It's honestly just working against yourself to be a handmaiden of any sort.
I have men in my life who are kind and caring to me, so I treat them with kindness and care in return, but I don't have it twisted about their gender. I know exactly what men are like, I recognize their overrepresentation in crime, and I pay attention to the ways they think and behave. I would never hesitate to take a woman's side in things, because men can be the worst animals alive. There is nothing to be gained from caping for men, because they aren't honorable beings who will pay you back for your deeds. In fact, they should actually be caping for us whenever possible so we'll award them with recognition, but pick-mes kind of ruin that in all their desperation and confusion.
No. 409932
>>409928Why do gay males need their own special thread
Like what's about gayness that makes them especially bad compared to other types of men? Why don't we have fat man hate thread since fatty men can be whiny and entitled because of their fatness?
Sorry edgy kid but this thread seems like a bait or by some homophobe
No. 409936
>>409702Too much empathy and ingrained need to get male validation, I think. We are emotionally developed and want to uplift oppressed groups bc we can relate to them and it bites us in the ass all the time. As for the queer eye type stuff, men are presented as the competent ones in every skill even when they're just mediocre. Some women just accept that and don't question it enough, then you get handmaidens.
Gay men embody the worst traits of men and have social justice immunity to boot. They are extremely dangerous.
No. 409995
There is this guy that was my colleage in a few courses in uni that is a super femme gay boi.
He is very smart (as in, is really good in uni, we are master's students in a STEM field) but acts like a retard and I don't know why. On instagram it's all
>selfies everyday and bad makeup looks
>tmi and oversexualized shit
>"omg this is soo me sistars" memes
>omg im so gay i love dick!!! bullshit
>ariana grande stuff
>posting how much he cries all the time on his stories and is like, so depressed
>dates a different guy every 3 days, talks shit about them and refers them as "exes"
>"spilling the tea"
>also "im such a libra" or whatever star sign memes
And just attwhoring in general, he really acts like a 13 yo girl that is trying to make it on instagram, it really puzzles me like, it's so stereotyped that I can't believe that is his real personality.
It's so weird. I know a lot of gay guys and most of them are not like that. I can't help but feel a bit ugh about him, even though he likes me and talks to me on social media etc. I am nice to him because in the end I do like him, but I get annoyed at how he presents his persona, it is super weird. I hope he grows out of it, like gets a bit more comfortable just being himself.
No. 410046
>>410038That's why you pander to men who actually have something to offer you, and why I mentioned boyfriends, husbands and fathers. Not the whole gender, kek.
Acting like Shoe0nHead and tirelessly defending all men ever nets you absolutely nothing in the long run. At best, if you're a public figure, they might throw some coins for being a good dancing monkey, but you're not about to find a good marriage or lifestyle that way (which is why Ashton Birdie's life is in shambles, Lauren Southern is as of yet still unmarried and childless, etc etc and the entire "alt right" "trad" movement is a shitshow).
Even in "traditional" terms, men are supposed to reach out for any and all women who will have him, while women are to keep up high standards and only pick the best-behaved and most worthy mates to marry and procreate with, not the other way around. With the added advent of women being able to support ourselves financially, it's even more evident that's it's them who need to do their best for us, not the other way around.
There's no logical reason to mess with this balance by panhandling for any and all male validation, because we can't (and shouldn't) be procreating with any and all males, just the quality ones.
No. 410053
>>410046>Even in "traditional" terms, men are supposed to reach out for any and all women who will have him, while women are to keep up high standards and only pick the best-behaved and most worthy mates to marry and procreate with, not the other way around.sounds like a fairy tale. in traditional terms, women paired with a man of the highest status she could get – nothing to say of his temperament or treatment of her.
people like shoe and lauren do find value in pandering to garbage males. feeds their ego, validation, money, whatever. also pandering =/= procreating. you can pander to the lowest denominator and still procreate with a top tier chad, technically.
No. 410072
>>410053>in traditional terms, women paired with a man of the highest status she could get – nothing to say of his temperament or treatment of her.We don't have to do that anymore, though. Since we can support ourselves, we don't need to deal with awful temperaments or abuse in a purely utilitarian sense. We just
choose to put up with them, because many of us are dumb and don't think we deserve better.
If it's about children, if we're unable to find a halfway decent mate, we can find the best sperm donors and keep it moving. There's probably a few social repercussions to that, but it fulfills the kid side of things.
That woman who suggested a sex strike until pro-lifers shape up actually had something of the right idea. Even if we all enjoy sex, men are the only ones who can be controlled with it because they're basically mindless in that sense.
>people like shoe and lauren do find value in pandering to garbage males. feeds their ego, validation, money, whatever. also pandering =/= procreating. Even if they like it, it's just pathetic and unnecessary to pander to low-value males, which is why I said there's no point. It also rewards piss-poor male behavior with validation, which lowers the overall quality of the male population for all women. It's hustling backwards.
>you can pander to the lowest denominator and still procreate with a top tier chad, technically.The lowest denominator are a waste of time, is the thing. It's better to keep your eyes on the top-tier guys from the jump.
No. 410143
>>409934What is this stupid shit supposed to mean?
Are you going to start pretending that homophobia isn't an actual thing? Gay men are some of the most persecuted people on the planet and no your nice middle class life isn't good take on what life in general is on earth. In lot of countries gay people are fucking killed
No. 410283
>>410143>Feel strong urge to play with poop>Know that in your country you can get killed for playing with poop>Play with poop anywayThat isn't persecution its natural selection.
>>410144>Also straight radfems proving once again they're BASEDBe gay in your own time. Nobody wants somebodies fetish forced into their face. Gay people are like furries if furries refused to wear anything but their costumes and demanded everybody act like its normal.
No. 410291
>>410283^Double digit IQ right here
This thread has potential but instead it’s just full of retard homophobes who don’t understand sexuality or fag hags who think gay men can do wrong
No. 410354
>>410283how about you stop fucking too if you hate men so much, become a celibate too or is that just my predatory lesbianity trying to steer you away from good pure heterosexuality?
god i hate you meme conservative bitches
No. 410357
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>>410283by the way, just you know, all the stoneloss-reader level and other meme conservative guys won't respect you any better no matter how much you try to emulate them. you can keepo on sucking the /pol/-dick as much as you want but they will still hate you
No. 410368
>>410361i find it funny when people complain about gay men being hypersexual is that have you seen straight people and what is straight women's feminism these days? full off bdsm shit you have bdsm movies going mainstream and have you ever heard about porn in general?
look like i really don't wanna be a huge handmaiden but this hypocrisy is what pisses me off about man lovers especially.
it's hilarious to me as a lesbo to hear some dick sucker telling me that i am dirty because i am gay, when we lesbians have least stds of any sexuality. man lovers on the other hand keep eating cum and all the disgusting shit that comes with that.
not to mention that man loving women are some of the biggest supporters of patriarchy. you can whine about being brainwashed but it isnät gay men or lesbians forcing their daughters have their genitals cut up, it's manlover women. who brings their shitty boyfriends to feminism? manlovers. who are the biggest fag hags you complain about? manlovers! asa lesbian i have the practical understanding that having an alliance with gay men can benefit me, but manloving women are the ones who wanna keep gay guys as pets.
manlovers are sexually predatory towards other women, they're the ones who have dreams about having daddy dom and kidnapping other women to serve him, they're the ones who puch bdsm shit on other women they're the ones trying to kep lesbians into threesomes with their men.
manloving women don't have any kind of real solitarity between them, they're ready to drop everything for males if they gets a change.
No. 410385
>>410368>be female>so socialized to defend men like a dog, you do it instinctively>even without wanting to fuck them, raise families with them, etc>so dedicated that you'll even shit on other women in male serviceNTA, but like why, lmao? For what purpose would anyone be both a lesbian
and a handmaiden? Especially on anonymous, female-oriented imageboards where you'll get absolutely no social capital for whiteknighting them? Do you think gay men make a habit of defending lesbians online, or…?
Even straight women aren't this fiercely protective of them. Only the dumbass homophobic OP was bashing lesbians, no one else called them "dirty".
It feels like I'm learning that some women's incessant need to defend men no matter what even transcends sexuality, jesus christ. Our gender is so cucked.
I almost want to say the only reason to get this angry over someone shitting on gay men is that you're a transbian who feels personally attacked because you
know you're male and your obsession with taking over the female form is often billed as "gay" by some homophobic people, but I honestly can't even tell right now.
No. 410477
>REEEEEE everyone who says something I don't like is a man or a handmaiden!This bullshit again?
No. 410850
>>410443Did you even fully read my post cock mongler
As a lesbian, I have an practical alliance with gay men. Straight women? Not so much yet still they keep licking gay men's ass.
Straight women can screech about gays as much as you want but you're some of the biggest dick riders of all and biggest suppirters of shitty men and patriarchy.
No. 410851
>>410520Me: I am wary of straight women who hate gay men because I suspect they might hate me for being gay too
You: call me a dyke
Thanks for proving my point!
No. 410856
>>410849Did you even read my post? You're both idiot handmaidens. The difference is, you think yours is okay because #gaysolidarity!!! and straight women think it's okay because #notmynigel.
One more time: Do you think gay men make a habit of defending lesbians online (or IRL)? Where and when? They're misogynists, just like the rest of their gender. You look dumb as fuck taking bullets for them and jumping on this "When they cut you, I bleed! Alliance!" nonsense when no one even called you out except the OP we all told to piss off.
No. 410861
>>410857Lmao. You are wrong on literally all counts, from class to race to adversity, but good strawman.
Keep handmaidening and screeching at other women for not being kind to men who are gay. That will surely help the world.
No. 410862
This just proves to me once again that straight women shouldn't ally with lesbians. As a radfem I tried to please them for years, but as a dumb straight girl I of course was never good enough anyway.
It seems as if being attracted to women also comes hand in hand with taking on male characteristics - not only do dykes style themselves and take as little care about their appearance as men (just look at lesbian obesity statistics), they also take on their personality traits. That is if being an aggressive misogynistic hypocrite counts as "personality" lol.
Rape and domestic violence between lesbian partners has always been ignored and underreported - and I'm sure that's not gonna change any time soon either, because many lesbians are so set on trying to prove that they're as women and their form of a relationship are superior.
Not saying that men who are attracted to men are better, they're just a different kind of evil.
Something I've noticed lately, is that many gay men are able to gain fame and/or are shielded when doing wrong because a huge percentage of their preteen female followers actually are attracted to them. Hell, even JS has fans who admit to "actually finding him a bit hot, hehe".
When the movie and music industry is trying to push hairy dad-bodied men onto you, when very voung girls might search for an alternative, somebody who's younger (looking), less manly, less intimidating - for example gay yotubers (this could also explain the rise in yellow fever, with kpop etc).
That these gay youtubers earn (more than just) a living while being just as bad as scary looking straight men, somehow goes unnoticed. Why do they get cheered on for throwing around words like bitch, cunt, etc? But wait, they're gay, that makes it okay, amirite? Just like being Korean makes it okay for you to be racist to black people…
There's this guy who I constantly get in my recommendations, "jerm bot", he's as faggy as one can get, but his female fans eat it up. I haven't been able to finish a single one of his videos, but as usual it revolves around making "sassy" statements, usually at the expense of women.
If they're such "unbothered kings", then why don't they dare to also make fun of men?
No. 410863
>>410851>I am wary of straight women who hate gay men because I suspect they might hate me for being gay tooThat isn't even what you said. You wrote a disgusting, hateful tirade against other women in defense of scrotes who take dick up the ass.
I'm glad most lesbians aren't anywhere this retarded (or at least not in my experience). I really, really do wonder if you're actually a gay man calling himself a lesbian so you don't get banned for maleposting.
t. bi girl
>>410862> It seems as if being attracted to women also comes hand in hand with taking on male characteristics - not only do dykes style themselves and take as little care about their appearance as men (just look at lesbian obesity statistics), they also take on their personality traits. That is if being an aggressive misogynistic hypocrite counts as "personality" lol.Nope. Fuck off with this bullshit.
This was meant to be women shitting on gay men's unique iteration of misogyny, not straight women vs lesbians. I'm so tired.
No. 410866
>>410862Same anon as
>>410863, I also want to add
>Rape and domestic violence between lesbian partners has always been ignored and underreported - and I'm sure that's not gonna change any time soon either, because many lesbians are so set on trying to prove that they're as women and their form of a relationship are superior.This is actually not true. reason lesbian couples have an inflated rate of domestic abuse
victims is because
lesbians are more likely to report abuse they face.
No. 410867
>>410866*domestic abuse
victim reports
No. 410871
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Honestly I do kinda love the solidarity lesbians and gay men can have with each other
Its like seeing cats and dogs getting along
No. 410876
>>410871Honestly, fuck off. This thread is about the sexist shit grown ass man who happen to like dick pull. Then some raging lesbo comes in and decides that she has to shit on us to defend them. They're not cute animal babies.
That's exactly the problem, being gay does not equal being good or harmless.
No. 410885
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I don't hate gay men, I just hate faggots.