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No. 411490
Have a question that isn’t important enough for the advice thread?
Is it something everyone seems to understand but you can’t?
This is your thread!
>>382958 No. 411503
>>411499Damn, what were the positions if you don't mind me asking? I know military bans it but wondered if other places that do background checks (so anywhere that isn't McDonald's I guess kek) would be bothered.
I'm in Canada and want to just get a comfy office job, but if I decide to work my way up or even go for a government position it would be sad if I was held back for going to therapy. Might talk to the career planning office at my university about it at some point before scheduling an appointment.
No. 411506
>>411499What kind of jobs were they going for, anon?
Am Canadian and my therapist has always told me that if an employer asks a question related to it, I can just dance around it with some generic answer.
I’ve always been under the impression that most employers (like an office job or the like) don’t have a right to that kind of information or at least the specifics of it.
But idk.
No. 411531
>>411492In the United States, your medical records aren't even made available in a typical background check unless you are applying for a job that requires your physical health to be up to a certain standard, or perhaps if you are applying for a job which requires you to have a certain security clearance such as CIA/FBI/military other related jobs. I don't know how your potential employer would know about you going to therapy unless you inform them.
>>411499In the United States it would be considered discrimination to not hire someone on the basis of diagnosed psychological issues such as depression, or anxiety which are legally classified as disabilities. Under GINA and ADA it's extremely unlikely you could be forced to have a health screening which would reveal a history of going to therapy.
No. 411581
>>411519there are different kinds of therapy. behavioural and analytical and also group which tends to be mixed. I prefer analytical therapy and it helps me understand myself and the feelings I surpress and the roots of my problems and helps me find closure and peace and healing. I wouldn't miss all this knowledge I have learned about myself for the world. it's amazing and so helpful.
getting better still takes work and time though. you can't expect a therapist to wave a wand and magically fix you. I met a lot of people who were disappointed because of that and blamed a likely decent therapist.
there are also studies that say analytical therapy has the best effect after it's completed and after you let some baggage go and can apply your knowledge of yourself to your life fully.
it took me a while finding a good therapist. sometimes, you get a bad or just incompatible one and that can suck. it's also generally really awkward and confusing as a beginner and the road to receive good therapeutic care can be tricky with waiting lists and all.
I'm really happy about my therapy now. just my two cents. good luck whatever you do
No. 411591
>>411519>>411581adding to that, group therapy and maybe also self help groups can be nice, too, because you really get to know other people and their challenges for a while in person while also being able to crack mad jokes here and there. you can laugh and cry together. it helps to feel
solidarity, to feel less alone, to accept challenges as normal and also develop that benevolent, friendly attitude not only towards others but also towards yourself. conflict management can also be practiced sometimes.
or at least that was my experience because I was really lonely at the time I stared group therapy. it helped me a lot personally and widened my horizon
No. 411595
>>411503>>411506Military like you already mentioned and aviation, especially if you want to fly an airliner. There are so many tests you have to pass and you have to go regularly to doctors to screen your physical and mental health.
Also civil servants but they can easily lie about their mental health (at least what my friend told me)
No. 411671
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Does anyone else sit in unconventional positions at their desk when studying or working? Picture related, because I literally couldn’t find any other picture that isn’t of some totally quirky anime character ugh. I sit like L but I put a knee under me on the chair and leave the other knee up. This position while leaning forward is literally the only way I can concentrate; but I feel kind of embarrassed sitting in such a weird position at the library or in any other public setting when I’m studying because I probably look like I’m on some Adderall binge or something.
This probably sounds even weirder but I also sort of do it to a lesser degree in classes as well, but I try to tone it down and usually sit criss-cross with my legs in my lap in the chair. Am I alone on this?
No. 411740
>>411671yeah i sit weird too, but i'm not sure how to describle the pose
like one leg crossed and the other foot on the seat?
or press my knees against the desk with my feet off the ground
i don't think anyone cares enough to waste more than five seconds of thought on you if anyone sees it so i wouldn't worry about sitting like that in the library
No. 411769
>>411751Yeah, I think that's kind of normal though or else you'd inhale food particles.
I also sometimes just find myself holding my breath for no reason at all.
No. 411785
The rule is to just report and wait at least a week to see if the content is deleted, so I reported the image of me. I'm just anxious that he'll see it and say "That's no child" (I didn't have the typical "child" body at all) and I'll have to tear my hair out figuring out how I'm going to prove myself.
No. 411899
>>411867lite version is lower quality for slow internet connections. in normal mode all the images load an high quality version so if you click it, it'll be quick to see the enlarged photo. also the timestamps aren't going by the time you load the page, but when it was exactly posted. can't hover over replies to see a preview of the op.
that's basically it.
No. 411988
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okay stupid question… Are people like James Charles and Manny Mua trans? I'm seriously confused because they wear makeup, heels, and purses but they don't have long hair or try to look "passing". Are they drag? What is their identity categorized as?
No. 412137
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does anyone know what kind of dslr and lens is used for these kind of self portraits? like the aperture, mm, iso etc. did they use light boxes?
No. 412164
>>412137Pretty sure they use light boxes or big windows.
ISO is probably pretty low thanks to that.
Not sure there's anything special about the lenses used here, I'd personally probably take them with a 35mm prime lens.
No. 412193
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The glam fur thread reminded me of how I loved edgy things when I was a teenager but now I want to know why do teenagers love edgy shit?
Does being an adult make you more sensitive> because that's sure what it feels like.
No. 412269
>>412154a deficit in these isn't your fault and can happen for so many reasons. Aswell as the joint issues.
And you shouldn't worry about wasting the doctor's time because they are there to help you and treat you and your health concerns were
valid and not a waste of time just because you didn't supplement something for a while.
Just take the vitamins and try to live as healthy as you can and you'll likely be fine. Stress can also affect the joints.
And watch how they feel over time.
If you want to be certain, you could get your blood tested or joints checked again if that's not too expensive. Good luck
No. 412295
>>412278>birthedI know there was a crime gal on /g/ once talking about her SO having a "bad girl" fetish. She didn't respond with what she did to get jailed…
But nothing began here that I know of. We do have creeps (shotafags, nephew fucker, necrofags, bestiality fetishists) but they've supposedly never acted on it.
No. 412577
>>412562Full cheeks is a big one for a youthful face, with no lines on the face. Eyemakeup makes people look older as it makes female eyes more deep set, features that aren't hollow or deep set makes a person look youthful. a soft jawline.
Makes someone look older: dark makeup, visible cheekbones, strong jaw, any lines or indents in the face.
Body: Smooth skin all over without bones jutting out. Older skin sags which shows the bones more. Fat on the upper chest makes someone look younger.
For guys it's similar, strong jaws, deep set features, bones visible, muscular or sinewy skin, plus facial and body hair and rough skin all add to the appearance of ageing.
No. 412584
>>412562I feel like this lady gives a good explanation.
In a nutshell
>Big eyes>Chubby cheeks>Short face>Long forehead>Far apart eyes>Downturned eyebrowsIt's also useful to see that youth does not necessarily mean beauty at the same time.
No. 412585
>>412562You probably mean certain things our body does like wrinkles and stuff but I think a lot of other weird things factor in that I've noticed over time;
Stuff that makes people look older:
>Short ponytails. like a speak-to-your-manager bob cut put into a soccer-mom ponytail.>Clumping/spider eyelashes>Stark black eyeliner on the waterline. Use brown.>Momokun cheek jowls (use a face sponge with collagen, it really helps tighten my skin)>Clothes or hair that were popular when you were young(er). We kinda naturally gravitate towards 90's to early 00's styles without thinking and clock ourselves. Like Spice Girls highlights and bad footwear.Stuff that makes people look younger:
>Dark circle concealer>Shiny hair, especially if you even out your natural color with a same-color dye. Length helps too as long as its fuller on top.>Knowing your skin tone and what color clothing works with it.>Hydrated lips in a flattering, natural color. No. 412591
>>412584>youth does not mean beauty>just makes you cuteAbsolutely. I have many of those features but would never be considered beautiful by any means. "Beauty" is often reserved for women with more mature features, I'd say. Having a more equal mix of traits can make you pretty or beautiful, but if it's majority youthful traits you'll never escape cute even if you style yourself maturely and have a body to match.
Also having a cute face puts many in a weird place between 35-50 where you look old and young at the same time in an uncanny way. I'll be a cute grandma when I get there, but I'm not looking forward to that weird phase.
(also inb4 someone comes at me for "LARPing as a kawaii loli" or some shit, I still have off features like a nubian nose, proportions being off in other ways, and some acne. And having a larger frame and deep voice makes the face seem goofy lol, not great)
No. 412611
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>>412461it's complicated. as far as national public opinion, the majority of americans think abortion should be legal is all or most cases (58% as of 2018). if you look state by state, or drill down to specific demographic groups, that number can go up or down drastically. 59% of republicans think abortion in all/most cases should be illegal, for example.
something to keep in mind is that these bills are not being voted for by the residents of the state - they are being introduced and passed by the state house and senate where republicans have a supermajority and the governor - which I could go off on a whole tangent about but I won't lol
>tl;dr: conservatives are against abortion and liberals are notsource for data viz:>>412523>purple states>GA, AL, KY, MS, AR, MO, KY, UT, OHthe only state that could be considered "purple" is ohio. the only reason alabama is technically split is because a literal pedophile was the republican option…
No. 412692
>>412591Childlike/youthful doesn't even have to mean cute necessarily. As a child I wasn't cute or pretty, now I look much better. People should really stop sperging about this.
Maisie Williams looks very youthful, and I dare someone to look me in the eye and say she's good looking.
No. 413001
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I carry a lot of weight on my arms & stomach. However despite getting thinner, I can't seem to lose the weight from these 2 areas. My legs are so thin, it looks incredibly uncanny with big arms & love handles. My coworkers have shown concern that I am getting too thin, but I easily hide my upper body with baggy clothes. Am I simply unfortunate?
No. 413028
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How bad, for an introvert, is living with roommates post-college? What is it like? I'm most worried about the potential tension and am going to miss the leeway of being able to do private things (stupidly dancing to my music, not having to wear pants, etc.) I never had a roommate in college. I want to move to an expensive city and will most likely have to room with 2-3 other people (not close friends) to save money.
No. 413052
>>413028It's not ideal if your roommates are not also introverts, at least in my experience. I had roommates for 3 years before moving out with my partner and I was miserable for all of them. A lot of lost sleep because one of them was messy, loud and inconsiderate and my mental health was much worse while I was there. I actually got off my meds after moving out, that's how bad it was for me.
If they're friends you know and trust and you can set down ground rules that work for you, it might be different. But if they are strangers it's really awkward and uncomfortable imo. YMMV depending on how assertive you are.
No. 413084
>>413028It made me want to kill myself and ruined my mental health, but I have avpd beyond depression so yeah.
My roommates were best friends with each other and I was a third wheel that was needed for paying the rent. It's not like they haven't tried to be nice to me, because they did… It just didn't work out because I am a fuck up that feels uncomfortable with new people and prefers to sit in my room alone 24/7. After some disagreement, I ended up being so anxious about meeting them I could not cook at all. I was only visiting kitchen when I knew there will be nobody there. I felt out of place and too anxious to attempt to cook anything. That was horrible.
I felt like a piece of shit when I was having a mental breakdown and could hear them loudly partying with their friends on the other side of the wall.
Obviously those are my bad experiences that are also reliant on my messed up personality and issues. Personally I would not recommend living with roommates if you are not BFFs from the start, but that's just me. You might have better luck!
No. 413092
>>412836Why are you assuming that I don't say thank you?
My mistake to ask LC on how to not be unlikeable I guess.
No. 413234
No. Don't take a neuroleptic for sleep issues only unless you have tried EVERYTHING ELSE.
Try meditation, more sport, warm drinks, antihistamines, heavy blankets, reading before going to sleep, reducing your screen time, taking melatonin, benzos once you have tried that, and other benzos if the first one is not working.
Neuroleptics sould only be taken if you already have no quality of life left because they are going to leave you like a fucking zombie.
No. 413392
>>413388why not, anon. its essentially just the russian equivalent of facebook you should go for it. from what ive seen its a lot more entertaining too. ive thought of making an account as well.
it might be a good way to get to know people from abroad too.
No. 413393
>>413388I don't know much about VK, I always thought it was like facebook? What would you do on there? Do you have to speak slav?
I'm off to Russia in a few weeks so I'm curious, if it makes me more of a slavaboo I might wanna read Russian comments and stuff.
No. 413588
>>413494Which one ?
Because I was on the neuroleptic you mentionned a few years back. I hated it. I gained around 20kg and was sleeping all day and it didnt even help my erratic behavior. As soon as I got off of it, I was doing better. (I'm not anti pharma in any way, I still take antidepressants but like… neuroleptics can really ruin you and are wayyy over-prescribed).
Benzos can get really addictive without you even noticing it but they're not nearly as dangerous imho.
No. 413602
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>wake up
>entire upper back aches
>chest aches
>aches worse when I breathe in
>blood in stool? (not exactly sure, but I've had liquid shits this morning and last night)
am I decaying or what? any med anons know what might be plaguing me?
No. 413861
>>413845lots of practice, even if you embarrass yourself sometimes
also after I started taking adderall I became way more talkative and "normal." not recommending just my personal experience
No. 413878
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how were white passing races(like Pashtuns or some light skinned Punjabis) treated in the British Raj and America
No. 413911
>>413845I've been a bordeline hikikomori for most of my life and the two things that helped me become more "normal" were therapy to treat my kinda severe social anxiety and putting myself in situations that I havent before.Therapy helped get over delusions and paranoias I had about the "outside" world.After I got over my panic in level I could tolerate,I slowly started doing "social" things like going out with friends in places unfamiliar to me.
The thing is to go slowly and not overwhelm yourself since the panic that this could cause you could set you back and prevent you from trying for a long time.I would definitely suggest finding a good therapist since having "terrible social anxiety" is probably a result of many wrong things you may be thinking about yourself and others and it didnt just manifest randomly.If you dont improve your anxiety and your reactions to it,you wont become a "charismatic" person no matter how much you try or read.You can fake it but if you're a nervous wreck inside,it is gonna show eventually
the bottom line is,get over your stress first and then concern yourself with being a charismatic will probably come naturally as you feel more comfortable in your own skin anyway
no offense,but the way you word things sounds more like wanting to impress others rather than improving your anxiety which is totally not the way to go for it No. 413990
>>413988Anon, please stop trying to be in denial.
"Does it make me homosexual or bisexual to be turned on by the same sex?"
I'm losing it. Yes, of course.
No. 414016
>>413845Yes!! I think the main part is just getting out of your shell at social functions, just say hi to people and compliment their outfits, hair, whatever. If you’re at an event with people you used to know, say like, people you went to high school or college with, just always say hi and ask them what they’re up to now— “So what do you do now, where are you working?” And then make sure you seem interested in their response. After you’ve established yourself as a warm person, after a while people will start to flock to you! Another big tip is learning how to flirt— it’s sooo great for your social self esteem for guys and/or girls to kind of hang onto what you do next, especially if they’re shy themselves and you strike up a conversation first. And once you’ve known people for a few months goodbye hugs definitely make you seem like a nicer, outgoing person if that’s permissible in your culture. And I don’t know if you go out to clubs/concerts but if you do, dancing with your friends is a great way to look and feel more confident. The safety in numbers of going places with groups of friends makes you feel less ridiculous, and most people think “wow I wish I could be that fun/confident”, so that’s also a great way to attract people and kind of promote yourself as a fun person. Good luck anon!! Sorry if this wasn’t exactly the advice you were looking for, but over the past year and a half of my life I’ve gone from being an aggressive, anti-social person to being able to be friendly to other people by default and having a few boyfriends so i swear it’s possible!
No. 414022
>>413989>>413990>>414014Stop spreading propaganda to encourage girls pretending to be openly bisexual or lesbian for a month or 4 after suddenly realizing it by watching pornhub marathons when there are actual studies that suggest that straight women in fact can get horny by watching naked women.
Seriously, you can't compare it to how males get attracted or aroused by someone because in general it is completely different. Like if you ask me it'd be weird for a straight girl to watch the average heterosexual couple porn since it doesn't look like the female is enjoying herself since it is obviously intended for men to watch and not specifically for females, so of course girls making a little bit more tender romantic love will be more liked. And also, while not necessarily the case, it could be that they just imagine themselves as them having fun since heterosexual porn sucks ass. But just give any girl that can get only laid with le bos porno a heterosexual couple porn that has a 8/10 guy who is ass-hair free and squeaky clean and who knows how to eat out etc…and they'd "fall in love"/get a teen crush. Sadly such videos are very rare to non-existing. I stick to my lesbo porn in the mean time, though I'm steering away from porn in general.
No. 414026
>>414022I'm interested as to why you enjoy lesbian porn while not being attracted to the actresses. Is it autoerotic, like imagining yourself in the position of the girls? Or are you that anon who just watched porn and got off to "people enjoying themselves?" I feel like even that option is a little bisexual.
If it is autoerotic I can agree it's not gay. I used to watch porn with women (switched to only camgirls and 2D), but it was definitely because the women were hot. Also finding women irl attractive as potential partners is a tell.
No. 414054
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How do you guys go to a beach in a bikini without feeling shame? I have a hank hill ass and I'm not sure how to look less deformed.
No. 414059
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>>414054Look for swimsuit bottoms that have this sort of ruched detail on the butt. It's way more flattering than the regular solid bikini bottoms that can easily go into soggy diaper territory.
No. 414064
>>414054I just don't go to the beach. Although my issue is acne and not my butt.
But really, why not wear bottoms that look like a skirt or with frills on them?
No. 414251
>>413989>>413990>>414014pls no bully
It's just something that occurred to me as I automatically considered it natural and thus never thought about it. I'm not sure about when exactly you can call it gay and when it's like a quirk in a straight person. If a man would look at another naked man and get a boner, but wouldn't have the immediate urge to interact with the naked dude's genitals, I'm not sure if you could call him gay for getting a boner only. Straight people can find their same gender objectively pretty/attractive so arousal doesn't seem too far away from that. It's even more complicated for women, as we can't directly penetrate but what if that's the only urge beyond being turned on by the body (considering they're not trans or something)?
>>414022I partly thought the same way, that's why I asked the question. Though I wasn't talking about watching porn (the contrary, I thought maybe NOT watching porn could explain the arousal), but just looking at naked bodies.
No. 414300
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anyone knows this model's name or ig? I saw him on thisisneverthat instagram but they don't tag him.
No. 414376
>>414363I think you're asking if foot size will go back down if she loses weight? I'm not so sure.
I do know foot size can increase with weight gain because the arches in one's feet tend to flatten the heavier one get. Btw, birth control and pregnancy can also increase shoe size because the hormones relax feet and collapse arches.
Honestly that insecurity makes me chuckle a little. I mean, of all the horrible things obesity does to a body like sagginess and loose skin, big feet are the problem? There's so many online resources for cute shoes that come in bigger sizes.
No. 414394
>>414376>>414381Yeah I type on my phone my bad, phone posters suck ass for this reason tbh.
She is poorfag and unifag to top it off, so she can't buy expensive shoes for big feet just like that since 1. they're not in her and my opinion cute (we googled) 2. they're expensive. Furthermore shopping online is dumb for shoes since you need to actually try them before you buy them, expensive or not.
Pair of customized shoes is an unthinkable option.
She is just tired of wearing male shoes. One of the reasons we went shopping again is because her gym shoes tore, not because she slimmed down. I told her to not buy anything until she is medium sized or a small Large, so yeah…it's not a case of a female losing 20 pounds, more like a whole human. On aliexpress you can buy custom shoes, what?
No. 414472
>>414386It's true for me! I know that for the women for who it isnt the case it sounds weird but it truly does happen. I'm usually into skinny artsy intellectual types but for a few days a month (ovulation + right before getting my period) I really want a sort of…more muscular "dangerous" guy if that makes sense? When I'm ovulating I also find myself more endeared by children even though I don't want kids.
My cycle generally affects me a lot and my periods are really long, idk if that has anything to do with it.
No. 414497
>>414486>>414481>>414416im at uni, and he kind of works there. i do my best to avoid him.
he does other shit too. hes tried to talk me into going to his house and having drinks, and told me once that he thinks that 30 year old men should be allowed to marry teenage girls, like as in under 18, because that way they will age at the same rate, wtf. im about 99% sure that hes into red pill bullshit too, which makes me suspect that hes trying to "neg" me for some reason, probably because im relatively quiet and timid. tbh though, the comments about my appearance dont bother me that much, only a little, its the idea of this smelly fat fuck trying to manipulate me that disgusts me.
No. 414505
>>414485he might be saying alcohol isn't a psychoactive/psychotropic drug. If he's saying that, he either has the wrong info or is lying to you.
A psychoactive/-tropic drug is anything that alters your mental state and changes your perception/mood/behavior. Caffeine and tobacco fall under this category, so saying "psychotropic drugs are immoral and bad but alcohol is okay" is incorrect on multiple levels.
sounds like he's making excuses for his drinking, which is a very slippery slope. Also drinking all of your shared alcohol seems like he lost control or something. Definitely be careful.
No. 414508
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reposting because i wanted to use a most flattering image No. 414510
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nta. i just googled her and she's gotten a lot bigger since this photo was taken. fuck.
No. 414542
>>414508I have seen her childhood pics, that was her at skinniest lmfao, and she looked ok. It's like women who wear headscarf, they are 100 times prettier with and then when you think if they'd put it off they look 200 times prettier since the hijab is bringing their beauty down, but it's actually far from the truth. She isn't that beautiful if she would lose weight, she's just holding a crutch and it just isn't super ugly and that's why we have this illusion she's ultimately gorgeous. Not meaning to say her features are ugly btw, just not that beautiful to the point the internet should break.
>tfw I was around when pearchan was pearchanI am old FUCK, will now fuck off from imageboards and come back in 4 months.
sigh No. 414573
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>>411490BF dumped me and I have I only have 2 friends who live on the other side of the country/have their own lives now). Is there somewhere I can go to make friends online? I'd be into playing a game as long as it's low skill like stardew valley or words with Friends, or even a welcoming discord server is fine. Sorry I don't know how to ask what I want really. I just feel lonely
I'm also in my mid 20s and I'd feel weird if everyone was much younger than me
No. 414629
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Is it okay to compliment black woman’s hair? It’s common icebreakers for women to compliment each others style but is it ok if white woman gives compliment to black woman with locks?
I think there is a super skilled hairdresser in my town because I can’t find similar example in google.
I love seeing people with different styles. My own style is alt-ish normie or lolita so I’m used to get comments on my looks.
No. 414636
>>414630I live in Eastern Europe country where non-white people are kind of new thing. We were basically third world country most of the 20th century. There was little to no immigration until 90s. We don’t have long history of race discussion. That’s why many people are confused what is okay and polite to say.
Okay now I’m borderline racebaiting. Pls don’t ban me.
No. 414754
>>414743Because one dumbass doctor memed us all into thinking that chopping off some skin prevents masturbation and STDs. Now people refuse to stop circumcision because it's "more hygienic" because apparently it's too difficult to teach your son how to wash his dick properly.
My sister, a grown woman, is staunchly pro-circumcision because "uncut penises are ugly and that's it. I mean sure, they are, but genitals in general are just weird looking. It's so retarded to me to defend circumcision purely for aesthetic purposes. Why the fuck should you want to modify your infant's genitals so it will look more appealing to their sexual partners when they're older? Like what the actual fuck?
No. 414861
>>414859Yes, it's just very dry and creates too much friction during sex. I always needed lube with my ex and my vag hurt afterwards. It was also harder for him to cum with a bj, almost impossible, because of how desensitized it is. The one positive is that it's easier to ride because it's more grippy kek.
An uncut guy in comparison is just soft and smooth and it feels natural how sex should.
No. 414888
>>414865Heh phone posters can't into youtube comments
t. Phone poster
>>414862Here: No. 414921
>>414805What I've seen some smaller channels doing is shill their videos on related subreddits while asking a question like what could be improved which will encourage users to watch so they can share their probably dumb opinion but will up your watchtime and help you with the youtube algorithm blessing your videos. Attention grabbing thumbnails seem mandatory too.
>>414810I'd say streaming is harder than youtubing. It's more gruelling to be on at the right time on a schedule, be doing something interesting for hours on end with no editing to save you from dead air or mistakes, being perpetually exposed to the autism you get in your live chat and all probably for relatively not many viewers plus the tech side is a lot harder than just learning video recording and editing.
No. 415090
>>414805I was one of the anons who replied to you, but unfortunately I only religiously keep up with one LPer, so my two cents might be pretty worthless since a lot of it is personal taste.
1) Consistency is key. Streaming, uploading youtube videos - I like coming home on x day with something to look forward to helping me unwind and have fun.
2) Someone said it on another thread, honestly it might've been on a camgirl thread, but I think it still applies here- You gotta make something out of absolutely nothing, probably more often than not when you first start out and have little engagement from people. You might have a stream with two viewers, maybe one, maybe even none, but if I drop by and you're dead silent, I'm a lot less likely to stay compared to maybe if you're talking about something that I might think is interesting or might just want to hear more of. A HUGE reason why I really like my favorite LPer is that his voice is so soothing. Sometimes if I want background noise, I'll play his streams because I like his voice so much.
3) Community engagement. I think even consistently engaging with other streamers and video makers might help too. Jump into a thread from a popular LPer or something that interests you, start conversations with their fans too. I personally hate shameless promotion, but if I see your name repeatedly pop up and you seem nice and interesting enough, I might check out your profile and then check out your stream/channel. Update your social media enough so that I know you're still active and can look forward to seeing something from you at some point in the near future (going back to point one).
I haven't been following my favorite LPer since the beginning, but from what I know, it was also a stroke of good luck that youtube was favoring his videos and kept suggesting them to people (coupled with having content that could keep people around) that made his popularity soar. He streams on twitch and then will upload a very shortened video reel of the highlights of his streams to his channel so he gets exposure on both platforms, if that's something you want to look into doing. I'm personally more of a video girl though. Streams can be pretty boring and I really just want to watch the meat of things, and personally, most times I can't make stream times or I just want to do something else, so videos let me watch the content on my own time.
No. 415264
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Is it possible to get something taken down from wayback machine or am I fucked
No. 415344
>>415341Depends on where you live, in the USA I’d say it’s used in such a derogatory way that it’s up there with Faggot and Nigger as it’s very much a targeted slur filled with hatred, but then in Australia everyone’s very lax with it so it’s just a mild cuss and no one will think twice if you call them a Cunt
Tbh it bothers me just how much weight Americans give the words because it sends the message that a woman/vagina is one of the absolute worst things you could be
No. 415352
>>415341It's considered offensive because it's summarizing a woman as just her reproductive organs and implying that they're a bad thing.
It depends on the culture really. In the US it's basically the n-word for women. In the UK it's still a misogynist thing to say to a woman but not as severe since it's also used for men in a more angry way to call him an "asshole" or "dickhead". In Australia it's even more watered down because it's something used in the same slang way that "motherfucker" is in the US, meaning someone or something is remarkable, often in a good way.
No. 415371
>>415344>>415346Eh I'm Australian and I'd still say most of us consider it harsher than bitch. Guys who go around saying 'yeahhh nahhh cunt' or whatever stereotype def exist but they're generally bogan men with no class. My friends (men included) and I don't say cunt but don't hesitate to say bitch.
That said I actually find whore the most uncomfortable to hear, nobody really uses it in a casual context. I associate it with intense, old fashioned hatred from religious old people and incels instead of regular shittalking.
No. 415735
>>415725Maybe try erotica? Or is that cut out with porn?
idk anon I just watched/read/viewed a bunch of porn as a teen and now have a spank bank that I jump off of for ideas. It's not like you have to reinvent the wheel when using imagination. Unless you're a bad visualizer?
No. 415776
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>>415764>our bodies are biometrically scaled but everyone is saying there's 0 difference on average between short and tall? Like, on average you're not going to find a 6'0 woman with size 5 1/2 feet.Wouldn't it make more sense to find out how much organs scale with height? You just said dicks don't count because they're external, but feet are external too so I'm kind of confused by the logic, I would be looking inside the body for a comparison. A vagina is a hole but it seems feasible that size is dictated by the surrounding organs (eg maybe the cervix location dictates the length of the vagina, or the bladder size affects the width). I don't know anything about the human body though, just looked up pic related.
I googled a bit about organs and body size and it seems random as hell. Irrelevant to reproductive organs either way but still.
>It was observed that the heart, liver, left kidney, right kidney, brain, and left lung were positively correlated to body weight, while only the brain and the left lung were positively correlated to the height in the male population. In the female population, the heart, liver, right kidney, brain, and right lung were positively correlated to the weight of the body, while only the right kidney was positively correlated to the height of the body. No. 415781
>>415764Dick size or width is not relative to height size at all. The same way, say, eye size or ear size has nothing to do with height.
Someone posted on here about this recently and said their girlfriend, who was a few inches taller than her, could not take the large sized dildo she could.
I don't know if your post is a handmaiden thing, or a cope that men aren't
really pedophiles and just want tight vag…but height and size of vagina has no correlation. The only thing I think has a chance of being different is a tall girl having a longer birth canal/longer distance to the cervix just due to longer torsos and limbs and stuff? but actual vaginas and related organs are gonna be unique to everyone, the same way our facial features are.
No. 415790
>>415764Oof, as somebody who's tall, this is something that left me worrying for ages already. There's tons of men who say that shorter women (and especially asians) really
do have tighter vaginas than taller ones, so…
Have you ever seen a really short guy with a big dick? I haven't. It's usually always the taller men, so I do believe that it's the same for women. And just like somebody else already said, feet, hands, everything is simply bigger if you're tall in height, so your insides must be as well.
No. 415791
>>415776>You just said dicks don't count because they're external, but feet are external too so I'm kind of confused by the logic,Our feet need to be a certain size to reasonably support us. You're not going to find a 6'0 woman with 5 1/2 size feet often because it's pretty difficult to balance a body like that. Dicks are just stupid hanging appendages that don't need to support a body. I think probably on average taller men probably have slightly bigger dicks, but again, their dick size isn't really affected by the relative size of their organs or bone structure.
>It was observed that the heart, liver, left kidney, right kidney, brain, and left lung were positively correlated to body weight, while only the brain and the left lung were positively correlated to the height in the male population. In the female population, the heart, liver, right kidney, brain, and right lung were positively correlated to the weight of the body, while only the right kidney was positively correlated to the height of the body.The study this was from was measuring weight. They're talking about differences in weight of the organs, not size, exactly, js. Even if that's the case and they're mostly the same size tall to short, that still leaves less space for people of smaller stature/smaller frames. So are their organs literally just crammed to shit in comparison? So is pregnancy much more difficult for them because the child, which is going to be the same size, has to squeeze into a cavity that's occupied by the same size organs as taller people? Just seems odd.
>>415781>Dick size or width is not relative to height size at all.I didn't say it was, but multiple studies have found moderate correlation, some weak, and a few none. But there's really no reason for a dick to be impacted so much by height anyways, compared to other things. There are few studies examining vaginas and their potential correlation to height, but as I said, the one that I found did show correlation, though it's not like it's an amount that men would actually notice. I just think it's being downplayed, much like how childbirth does affect the vagina, but for the sake of quelling male retardation, professionals pretend it doesn't change the vagina. I just think it's curious is all. Tbh though there definitely are a number of studies correlating male height and dick size. Men are too big of babies to accept it though and so even if it was objectively proven to be true, there's no way people could admit it or speak freely about it without them going apeshit about it and committing sudoku and blaming women for it.
No. 415803
>>415800Well, it is very hard on them?
My mother is short, my father is tall and I already was extremely big as a baby, so it was really bad for her.
No. 415806
>>415804I can't really believe that. How would they even "research" that properly? lol
>I feel like this is a lie to spare feelings and curb male retardation because they can't handle nuance without turning into some extreme thing and using it against women.Sadly this, tbh.
No. 415814
>>415804>>415804Yeah, this is what I've read, but if you read like women's health articles doctors are saying there is 0 difference at all, period. And I just realized I read it wrong, so they're saying the .09 is for the height difference and .02 is weight difference. Interesting. I have no doubt in my mind though that any difference is COMPLETELY imperceptible to men and is mostly going to be imperceptible in general. An Asian or petite woman could put a loose sock in front of her crotch and let a guy fuck it and he'd still brag about how 'totally tight' she was just because they completely invent their own narratives based on their own memetier bullshit. I just think it's kind of crazy that doctors say such absolute things. I think ultimately, though, the ends justify the means. There's definitely reason for them to not mention the correlation.
>>415811>tfw muh evo psych mid teen 'much tighter vagina' bullshit excuse is BTFO'd by old lady vaginaGlorious
No. 415818
>>415816Because it sounds plausible?
Just like there's women who are insecure about their boob size there are some who are insecure because of that, don't be so passive aggressive.
No. 415831
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>>415824I don't know if it is true and we know these things fluctuate, but it was posted online that these are Rhiannas measurements.
No. 415844
>>415830This. People are so focused on exact measurements when IRL the whole silhouette including shoulders width is taken into account. With their logic 35-24-36 is a pear and 37-24-36 is an apple.
Plus the same bust/waist/hips measurements are going to look drastically different on a 5'2'' tall woman and a 5'10'' one.
No. 415901
>>415823If you're in uni, join clubs. It's the most cliche and pushed thing, but honestly, clubs are where it's at.
I used to really like cosplaying when I entered uni, and while my school did have an anime club (I did join that too, there were some surprisingly genuinely, normal, great people there mixed in with all the cringey weebs) we also had a cosplay club. I became friends with a lot of members and the eboard, and eventually ended up rooming with some of them after my first year (where I had randos for roommates who were… alright). Not only did I learn a fuck ton of useful sewing and prop making techniques that were actually useful to my hobby, but all my friends and I had very, very similar taste in shows and other stupid shit that college students like (like memes) so we were always hanging out and always having a good time. Even though we became friends because of this hobby, we stayed friends because we genuinely meshed well as people. While I'm not friends with a lot of these girls anymore (long story, but the fact that it was a bunch of cosplayers might be telling enough lol), the ones that I am still friends with are definitely people that I cherish and I know I'll be life long friends with.
Sorry, got carried away reminiscing about my college years lol. In hindsight, so much of my uni experience was actually a shitshow, but having something to look forward to every week and becoming friends with some really great people because of this club really made it all worth it. I always think highly of my uni years even though I vehemently hate some of those girls and administration was awful. Your university should have a club list somewhere on its website! Sometimes they'll even link the club's facebook group if they have one. If not, keep an eye out for the club fair that's usually at the start of each semester. Go to the GI meetings of all the clubs that pique your interest and see how the crowd is. Even if the thought of going alone is scary, most clubs are really nice and welcoming of new members! 1) Because it's the nice thing to do, and 2) clubs ALWAYS want new members. We were always super happy to have people return to our meetings past the first week! Club meetings tend to be in the evening when classes are all done, which might be a hassle if you live off campus, but definitely check them out!
Good luck anon! I hope you'll find your circle of friends! University years are an amazing time.
No. 415949
>>415815lmao this is just some reddit retards pseudoscientific rambling. not all internal organs sizes depend on body size, i dont think theres any proper research on this lmao. and even if it did then the changes would be incredibly small, like a fraction of a centimeter.
this whole post just sounds like a giant cope, because penis size is actually correlated with height.
No. 415968
>>415930Absolutely not.
>>415949Tbh I agree. Red pill is that studies actually do show a correlation between dick size and height, not that it'd be anything extreme on average anyways, but that doesn't matter to men. Men just can't rationally accept anything. Theyll murder suicide their families before accepting that a 6'4 man probably has a penis 3 cm bigger than a 5'7 man, so everyone has to pretend there's no correlation at all
No. 415974
>>415968i think its to do with hormones, a taller man will probably produce more testosterone or something like that, so the penis also grows slightly longer. i mean it makes sense, tifs who take testosterone often end up growing a larger clitoris iirc.
i cant imagine height impacting vaginal length by more than a few millimeters, and who knows how youd even measure tightness. the reddit poster also sounded like he had some kind of creepy racial fetish tbh.
No. 416122
>>416106Thank you for this. I just looked and it seems they're really good about responding to comments and interact with their fans quite a bit. It also seems like they speak English fairly well since they respond to all the english comments they get. Hopefully I get a response.
>>416118Thanks for this suggestion as well. It doesn't seem like I'll need it now, but it actually might be something that'll come in handy in the future.
No. 416131
>>416126Marijuana is pretty
toxic to cats and dogs, and since their sense of smell is much more sensitive, it won't take much to affect them. So yeah, it's very dangerous for the pet even if you aren't right next to them or have a window open.
No. 416172
>>416126It's not a big deal. The pet can walk away to another room or you can blow the smoke out the window. Most animals don't give af and will stay in the room with you even if you give them the option to leave. The smoke will float to the top of the room and they'll be down by the floor so it's not as bad as it could be.
Obviously some pets are more sensitive than others and if they show signs of discomfort then the person should stop smoking weed around them but for the most part it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.
No. 416280
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why is pewdiepie doing drama video now? why he is putting is "hot takes" out to his army of incels? please help me i hate seen his videos in every makeup guru thread
No. 416283
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can you transplant a uterus into a trans woman?, my friend and i were talking about the abortion law in USA and one of them who is a lesbian just say something like" i will donate my uterus so a trans woman could get pregnant" and i want to know (because it full me with fear ) can you do that?
No. 416295
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>>416215Haha no I wish, I was just having a goof
>>416263I can feel that, as long as bugs leave me alone I'm fine but once they start getting in my face and up in my business they're in for an ass whooping.
No. 416373
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>>416152if it's an aussie anon this could be true. if huntsmen (pic related) were in your bedroom/house, you left them alone because they ate the mosquitos for you etc. same with geckos, who are fucking LOUD AS FUCK but they eat bugs so they are considered bros.
might be locational tho, but yeah only kill spiders under the toilet seat or inside your shoes. otherwise you're just being a dick.
sage for spiderposting.
No. 416405
>>416152There’s been a big wolf spider in my garage every summer for about 3 years and it hasn’t made a move on me yet, even when I’m sitting right beside it.
Don’t know if it’s the same spider every time but they/it may stay.
>>416134Just wear a big hat so they don’t fall on your head.
No. 416538
>>416504try determining how much money you will use per week for food specifically, for clothes specifically, etc, take it all out in cash and put it in enveloppes
No. 416813
>>416772Same reason anyone would date down, either they have a low self esteem or the other partner offers other things (love, support, humor). Or they're a "looksmatch" and you'd have no idea since you haven't seen the father lol.
Not mixed black (another race), but my white mom was very willowy and pretty (imo) at the time of my conception.
No. 416951
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If I have a giant gobstopper,size of a big fist, how do I measure/control the amount of carbs I'll consume? I can't slice it in half without shattering it and I cant lick half of it up in one sitting.
No. 416977
>>416974Hmm, I'll make plans to watch that movie then
I've heard people say it's not worth waiting till marriage so that makes me feel better i guess
No. 416990
>>416978>>416980>>416985>>416988Good to know, thank you all for being honest with me.
For the longest time I've wanted to have relationships but I've put if off because of fear of it affecting school, social life and family and seeing it happen to others.
And you all are right, I should focus on finding healthy relationships, hopefully it isn't too late, but I'm afraid it already is tbh.
No. 416997
>>416990I'm not
>>416980 but I did the same. The only man I've ever kissed and had sex with is my husband. There's nothing wrong with waiting until you feel emotionally ready for a relationship. If anything it's better for both partners involved and will create a more stable relationship in the long term. It's not too late to find someone. Keep your eyes open and if a man that you like shows interest in you, just be receptive and open to the idea of getting to know him more.
No. 417032
>>417028Plump and round is what most people mean by nice ass, doesn’t even have to be particularly large - just needs to have that round firm shape to it
By plump I don’t mean fat btw
No. 417050
>>416973While its true that promiscuous women dont get lucky in relationships, neither do celibate virgin women. Idk about america but there's 0% chance for a virgin woman to find an actual good husband here. Literally never gonna happen.
What really makes me sad in your post though is that you seem to be doing all this for a husband. Like, you didnt have sex to have a good marriage and now you want to have sex but just because of finding a husband. Like, what are you doing for yourself here? Your family and religion are so
toxic for making you think like this.
>>417001Iris Van Herpen, Martin Margiela, Balenciaga, Elie Saab, Zac Posen, Dries Van Noten, i used to love Sonia Ryekel back when she was still alive… Also used to LOVE Céline before Hedi Slimane became creative director. Yohji Yamamoto.
No. 417053
>>417050is the discussion around celibacy still a huge thing in the west? it's interesting how this plays out so differently in different societies. i'm living in an islamic country and having sex before marriage as a woman is a deal breaker
or a reason to murder for 90% of the retarded straight male population here, even if they weren't virgins themselves. even if a man doesn't care the society pressures them like "are you a cuck? how can she be the mother of your children?" and shit. i thought that luckily it's not as important in western societies anymore.
No. 417065
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>>417053>I live in an islamic countryI think you're lying but in case you're not: which country exactly?
words like thot were not initially used by some 4ch autists and certainly not by muslim men in saudi arabia. And also, why are western women fighting against slutshaming IN west? I am not saying a woman shouldn't fight against that because I don't believe a woman should get harassed just because she wants to prostitute/sleep with many men, but to say to a 25 year old virgin girl that it's just a meme to not be able to find a good husband is a big fat cope and a lie based on insecurity LOL. A youngish female virgin is respected irl, period. Any criticism online is pic related.
She can do what she wants though at the end of the day. I couldn't care less.
No. 417067
>>417053This sentiment here is why I hate men and their weird entitlement to womens bodies.
So it's disgusting where you are from (and other places) for a woman to be promiscuous outside of marriage but not for a man? Yet the men are most likely homophones too and do not maintain their virginal status for their life partner so who are they fucking?
I hate how essentially all of culture and legality for women is based on a man's perceived respect for us. They want us all virgins saving ourselves for their special cock, so they're fucking women out there they deem not worthy enough of wife status? Then we don't have bodily autonomy because men can't birth life so they have to regulate it. And don't get me started on the amount of men that compare pregnancy to a sickness of the mind, where the woman has lost her senses and can only think of the cock and now she's up the duff and she has to bear the burden because she's such a nasty slut! No mention of the men out there soiling all these women from the virtuous virginal dating pool.
Thank god for men always on the sidelines ranking us and considering if we have done enough for their respect.
No. 417078
>>417065in turkey, it's not ruled by the sharia law like saudi arabia or anything so it's not as bad as these places but our current government is far-right and fucked up all progressions we had with their conservative muslim agenda. honor killings are still extremely common, we see them happening every day and the worst part is the courts often blame the
victim. there is this absolute bullshit called "good conduct abatement" where they lower the rapists and honor murderers' jailtime if the
victim was wearing a skirt, wearing makeup, "didn't struggle against the perpetrator so it was probably consensual", wasn't a virgin and other fucked up excuses. i didn't mean to invalidate the shit women in the west go through, it's just sad that these things are still happening in the world.
>>417067it is so hypocritical. you will never, ever see a family giving a fuck about their son for having sex before marriage but when a woman does it suddenly it's a disgrace to the family.
No. 417088
>>417078>honor killings are commonAmong anatolians too? I have no idea what happens in Turkey since I can't speak the language but I know that honor killings cases in Europe (yikes) are kurdish. Kurds do it a lot but they're also clit-choppers and they're actually not supported by any islamic country so…
But yeah turkish men treat their women as whores regardless if they are kurdish or not and it sucks. Most of them are the biggest sluts too so I am baffled. I knew a turkish (not kurdish btw) man who said if you're married to a woman you can't rape her. I like to believe it's just irl r9k meming but even if he wouldn't actually do it, many men do it, of all races and all religious beliefs.
No. 417099
>>417088i'm another turkish anon but turkish men are very much undereducated, and the "educated" ones (meaning they got some kind of education at a uni) tend to lean on the side of incels. i know, it sucks.
>>417096mention ettiğin kişi ben değilim ama sana da selamlar olsun lmao
No. 417118
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>>417088my kurdish friends say that more people tend to justify honor killings in their society. statistics in the pic related say that southeast anatolia, the predominantly kurdish region of turkey is where 12% of honor killings happen.
from my knowledge fgm mostly happens in northern africa and south asia, i've never heard of it happening in turkey. it is another inhuman practice that must be illegal everywhere.
>if you're married to a woman you can't rape herthere are many men who actually have this disgusting mindset. just because you're married to someone doesn't give you the right to enforce them to do anything.
>>417096selamlar anon
No. 417164
>>417099Sadly your diaspora is just the same, but some are good, I've met them.
>>417118My bad, sorry kürt farmers. I think I mistaked them for iraqi kurts who very much do it. (Iraq is tribalistic)
>inb4 iraqi kurd shows me stats only the ___ iraqis do itRegarding pic related, wew. Is this real? I am shocked. I said this before actually since I saw that statistics were really high in turkey for a shithole that's a world power in middle east and muh secular, but this turkish girl who hates kürts called me ignorant and was basically
>let me tell you about my countryso I guess I just trusted her. Thnks for clearing up. You sound very wholesome btw, mainly because you're not sperging over kurds.
No. 417177
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feel like a bitch for asking but my bf's dog died friday. he was 10 years old. i have dogs too so i obviously am compassionate about the loss but we are in an LDR and he's barely been talking to me since then, and i feel neglected and bored.
how long does mourning a dog take?
No. 417199
i'm 20 and we've already been together for two years. not gonna end it just because of a dog passing and some anon decided we should split up lmao
No. 417207
>>416973Do YOU want to lose it? How would you like to lose it? That's all that matters.
Have it if you want with someone you love and trust. If you don't want to that's okay too. Waiting just because "you're supposed to" is retarded, as is being promiscuous to one-up a guy or prove to yourself that you're desirable.
I don't know if promiscuous women are a norm, I think it depends on culture a lot. Where I come from it's sort of in between, I knew girls who lost their virginity at 14-16 (our legal age is 14 as long as both parties are within one year of each other) which I personally wouldn't want but they did and that's fine. Where I live now women treat sex very casually and sleep around a lot more than my home country (Balkans), but I also have friends from Russia who are super conservative and marriage-oriented. I lost mine at 19 to my first ever serious boyfriend and I don't regret it even though we're not together anymore. I think I would be very fucked up emotionally now if I'd lost it to some random guy back then. I was some years behind my friends, though, and most of them didn't give it too much importance. People are different and a lot of the advice you get also stems from their emotional experiences, some of them warn you against it because they got burned and are bitter, others are bitter because they couldn't find anyone, some feel called out because they lost their v card too early and regret it, etc.
In my experience people with a lot of sexual partners, both men and women, tend to be really jaded and don't treat sex as anything special. If you are not the same you might get hurt by being with someone like that. If you also think of it as "just sex" maybe you'd find someone with fewer sexual partners, or someone who sees it as something special, too demanding and clingy. At the end of the day though, only do what you feel comfortable with, stay safe and don't let people's attitudes affect your decision too much.
No. 417222
>>416973You are perfectly fine. Plenty of people wait until they find someone they love.
Don't be in a rush to lose it and stay responsible. Protip: casual sex/hookups for women are way worse than it is for men. Men won't go out of their way to satisfy someone they see as easy. So many stories here about women losing their virginity to someone they weren't in a relationship with and then crying because it wasn't worth it and they just got used.
No. 417230
>>41711828% for Marmara region? That's a lot, I assume it's because of the big population numbers in Istanbul and the immigrants from the eastern/southeastern region? I can't imagine Turks from Edirne or Yalova for example casually honor killing their daughter but maybe I'm just naive, can the Turk-anons redpill me on this?
20% for the Aegean is pretty shocking though and I don't think it can be explained by eastern migrants.
No. 417235
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>>417230yeah, the statistics of the marmara region is mostly due to istanbul being extremely crowded. the other cities in the region are actually rather safe. this map isn't honor killing specific but it shows the recorded femicide statistics of 2010-2017. the most populous cities have a higher murder rate. it might also have to do with murders in more underdeveloped cities going unrecorded.
No. 417241
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>>416973Are you me? I'm going to be 25 in less than a week and I'm still a kissless virgin. The reasons are that I've never been into men all that much because I'm picky, and there were barely any opportunities for me to have a boyfriend in the first place since I live with my family and they're religious and judgmental. My sisters have or had boyfriends and they hide it so they wouldn't be kicked out or worse by our parents but I wouldn't take the risk myself. I also wish I could date women but that's even worse in terms of risks. It's weird seeing some people my age getting married or having kids while I haven't done anything yet despite wanting to. I feel like at my age anyone who could be interested in me would find it weird that I never had a bf so they would avoid me as a result too. I don't want to hook up with random people though, I'm too paranoid when it comes to health issues and I don't want to catch something.
No. 417248
>>417241ugh literally the same. i still live with my super christian parents who've taught me from a young age 'no sex before marriage' and as a result never ever had the courage to date throughout high school. that, and i was paranoid about STDs. i'm a hand-holdless virgin lol.
i tried finding a bf via dating apps but there's just so much trash to find the few good gems, so its a huge time consuming thing to do. literally a thousand swipes left to one swipe right type of ratio (ig i have high standards too). the ones that i were interested in either fetishized me or just wanted hook ups despite having 'searching for a gf' in their bio. some i could tell were manipulative abusers just by messages alone and promptly deleted them. the one brief encounter i had with dating apps resulted in an 8 month texting episode with someone i thought i wanted… but he ghosted me because he still was in love with his ex.
im hoping when i go back to school again ill find a nice guy that isn't a creep. but then again im socially awkward and inept at i don't even know how to approach a cute guy and converse like a normal human being. plus i get super anxious if i DO find someone attractive and tend to avoid them like the plague lol.
No. 417287
>>417285you should definitely get that checked out. its could be an infection, but ive heard of some cases where hormones or manual stimulation of the breasts over several months has lead to milk production.
hopefully its something harmless but you should go to the doctor just in case its something more serious.
No. 417312
>>417065… so people weren't being honest with me? I'm OP btw
Why would they be insecure about me? I'm the one with no sexual experience
No. 417314
>>417241>>417248I seems that I'm not the only one then, that's good.
I've also thought about dating women but I might be lying to myself by thinking "they're women so they won't hurt me like men" when I've never been with anyone anyways. Also my family would literally kill me so I'm stuck in limbo till someone comes to me (lol) or my parents arrange something for me.
No. 417494
>>417472Unless you are posting masterpieces every day and interacting with the art community (that means comments on popular artists and taking part in inktober, drawloween, dtiys, etc)
you will be fine posting and tagging your art with relevant tags. I post infrequently and tag relevantly and get 0 attention other than a dozen likes and a couple follow-unfollowers when I post.
No. 417550
>>417546Ugh, this shit. I might be wrong but the best explanation I found was that pans (lol) are attracted to everyone equally while bis have preferences.
I'm bi so I can only speak for myself.
No. 417592
>>417546>>417549>>417550"Official" (aka sjw) difference is "pansexuality is attraction to
all genders" and bisexuality is attraction to "2 genders" so basically, following sjw nonsense, pansexuals are attracted to EVERYONE while bisexuals are attracted to men and nonbinary folxxx or women and nonbinary folxxx or women and men. Sjws also claim that bisexuality inherently includes trannies because "trannies arent a third gender".
No. 417803
>>417750As little plastic as possible, only use fabric or paper ribbon instead of the foil or plastic kind
Stickers or stamps are cute
No. 417841
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>>417750I absolutely LOVE ameru's packaging. She uses regular brown paper, then adds a nice touch- usually some paper twine wrapped around the package with something stamped into the package. Her wax seals came sealed with wax stamps on the packages! I've ordered from her a lot and she gets really creative in the way she wraps things (if you go through her tagged photos on instagram (ameruu) or through her posted photos on twitter (ameru) you'll probably find more packaging from people who ordered from her/posted by herself). I think there's a really nice simplistic, rustic charm to her packaging. She usually uses recyclable mailers and decorates the outside with washi tape, and every package she sends has a tiny little card wishing the buyer well.
No. 418055
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How can I look neat and pretty like pic related? I've tried to dress myself in a more feminine way but I always look like a frumpy tomboy and feel too self-conscious of my body. Whenever I try to look nice I always end up looking like I have severe autism.
I have coarse, thick hair with no shape to it. It's bobbed now because whenever I wore it long I looked like a homely horse girl and it really didn't suit me. It also takes forever to dry and I don't know how to style it. I have a shortish diamond (or heart-shaped?) face, a widow's peak and kind of weird elongated ears. I can't see very well so I wore glasses until recently which made every outfit I wore look frumpy.
My body is average, I'm a skinnyfat ruler with slightly bigger thighs and bum (but narrow, boyish hips) and I'm frequently bloated due to IBS. I suit autumn colours but many of them are hard to find modern clothes in and combine with common ones like black, grey, white and navy blue.
I don't care too much about self-expression through clothing, I'm just trying really hard to find a comfy and feminine style that suits my body and face without looking like a dork and I've been failing miserably for years.
Anyone have any advice?
No. 418524
>>418513You can't do much expect for wait for them to move out or move out yourself. They will never change.
My brother is a disgusting person who has done disgusting things I can't forgive him for and I try as hard as I can to treat him like I don't acknowledge his existence. One word answers, not looking at him in group conversations, closing the door to my room when he's around, etc.
Mine is a slob as well but at least for the most part he limits his mess to his own room. He makes the bathroom and kitchen dirty but as long as I have my own clean space (my room) I don't get angry anymore.
No. 418538
>>418523That's such a great solution anon, I wish I had a basement. It's crazy how comfortable men are with living in their own filth. They should all live in basements tbh.
>>418524Yeah, that's kind of what I thought but didn't want to admit it. If he hasn't learned or felt the need to grow up at this point, he never will. My parents expect me to clean up after him so he doesn't feel any urge to do it himself. I try to avoid my brother as much as possible too but when he wants something, he sucks up to me and I fall for it every time because deep down I still would like to get on well with him. I just wish he knew how much him being a slob/being loud upsets me and how much it's making me resent him. I don't even want to speak to him again after I move out for my own sanity.
>>418533Ugh that's disgusting, you have my sympathies. I'm job-searching at the moment to afford moving out. That's exactly the state I'm in also, I'm constantly stressed out from having to look at/clean his cheese-encrusted plates or pick up his coat and shoes that he leaves on the sofa when he comes home just so I can sit down. He moved out for a year to go to college and omfg the stories he has about the state they lived in (by choice) make me gag and he thinks they're "funny".
No. 418561
>>418055You say your hair takes long to dry. Do you own a blowdrier ? Invest in one and start blowdrying your hair. Learning to style it with a blowdrier comes pretty instinctivly imo. You can also use a heat protectant hair product if you're affraid of damaging it.
What kind of frame do your glasses have? Frames can change so so so much!
I feel like many stores carry autumn colors. Have you tried thrifting though? I also feel like autumn colors don't necessarily go well with black and many shades of grey. What kind of shapes of clothing do you wear?
It's the start of summer so try maybe a few thin A-line dresses or maybe Reformation dresses if you have the money for that. I think from what you said some cute silk or linen dress could look cute.
When autumn comes, try wearing thin cashemir jumpers. Try also adding some minimalistic golden or silver (depending on your skin tone) jewellery. Geometrical minimalistic discreet stuff like earing you could find at Cos or And Other Stories…
No. 418715
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I really don't understand how people think it's basically fine that certain western 'democracies' are able to have the same leader for over fifteen years. No one else gets weirded out by it?
How are German's so content with Merkel running the government since '05?Even with the refugee crisis, an issue in which she hugely fueled the fire and riled up divisions in Europe so harsh that it's caused the far right to make the biggest gains since the 1930s; didn't sink her. How is 'second term blues' not a thing in Germany? She's on something like her fifth term now. It just seems like, looking from the outside, the democracy in that country doesn't function like I see democracies functioning in other countries.
Putin regularly gets criticized for his tyrannical hand in Russia, but he hasn't been in power for the same amount of time Merkel has.
I've read a little history of the BDR, and it for the most part seems like a well functioning, decentralized government for most of its history. The only real explanation I can think of is that Germany has an overabundance of semi-senile boomers that just vote conservative everytime, completely oblivious to the world around them.
No. 418721
>>418715>How are German's so content with Merkel running the government since '05?Lol, what makes you think we are?
There's simply nobody else besides her. Her opponents are small fishes nobody ever heard of and who quickly disappear after the lost election. She also often fires people (always after saying that she "trusts" them). Nobody comes close to her, so in the end she will always win, no matter how many shitty decisions she makes.
No. 418732
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>>418715They're not content and yes, it's weird. But germans can't elect their chancellor directly - you go vote for parliament, parliament votes for chancellor. And the biggest party wins obvi. Which Merkel is a part of.
No. 418747
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>>418738There's a big divide between the poor and the rich though. Yes, Germany is one of the wealthiest but only a very small percentage of people actually benefit from that. Can't find a better graphic for it on the go, but if you look around some big German cities like f.e. Aachen you can see the divide in action and it's almost surreal
No. 418835
>>418830fellow fine hair anon here, keep doing what you're doing, washing it every day will make it oily sooner just as you observed. maybe try washing your hair in the morning to prolong its cleanliness? although I could never make that work as there's TONS of flyaways and it's hard to manage when it's
super clean. as long as you don't cause dry shampoo to build up to the degree it can cause hair breakage, you should be fine!
also, bit unrelated, but you can also invest in satin pillowcases to help avoid hair breakage. plus they feel nice on your face lol
No. 418848
>>418835I'll definitely look into satin pillowcases! I've fallen down the rabbit hole of researching new shampoos and conditioners that also won't necessarily strip my hair of oil when I do actually wash it now lol… I usually just buy and pick up whatever but I hope a new shampoo might make the grease a little more bearable!
>>418836I've tried that before in hopes of trying to "reset" the oil production and it only helped to reset it a little bit from all the daily shampooing (going from becoming greasy by the end of the day to greasy by the next morning). At least it worked a bit!
Summer is coming and my city is ridiculously humid so I'm trying to figure out ways to make dealing with my hair a bit easier lol.
No. 418862
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Self defence for a country that doesn’t allow guns or stun guns?
I had a creepy encounter and the guy knows where I live bc he is a delivery driver and my room is in the first floor at the front of the house
No. 418873
>>418862Is pepper spray legal? Buy an umbrella that stays elongated when its closed so you clearly have some kind of "weapon" and carry it to and from your door and car. walk to your door with your keys in between your fingers like you're wolverine, find a guy friend to practice jabbing in the stomach with your elbow if youre grabbed from behind. Also nut kicks and any other techniques you can google. My dad taught this stuff to me a long time ago by elbowing him a few times to get the muscle memory, lol.
But also chill and walk confidently because 1. Something probably wont happen if the guy was just autismo 2. You'll look less vulnerable.
There are also doorbells that can film your door when someone comes by, whether they press it or not. Video and audio. I have a SkyBell.
No. 418903
>>418848do try something less oil stripping for sure! satin pillowcase anon here, my mom has even finer hair than I do (but hers is also bit frizzy whereas mine is pin straight) and she has fallen into this hole of buying more and more stripping shit grocery store shampoos and as a result her hair gets stringy by midday. she can't really do anything about it now though as she has to go to work and look presentable.
not sure what you can do about the incoming humidity though but I'll keep you in my prayers!
No. 418950
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Can you take CBD oil while taking oral contraceptives? I'm on a progesterone-only pill. Also does it even work for mild depression and anxiety? I see way too much conflicting information online to feel comfortable taking it (some anecdotal evidence from people saying it's a miracle cure to articles saying it increases suicidal thoughts). Wtf am I supposed to believe here?
No. 418962
>>418870isnt that dangerous for yourself? I always end up with my hands under my pillow while moving mid sleep. I would butcher myself.
>>418917please spill the milk
No. 418971
>>418968It's a fucking bee, you and your boyfriend and whoever needs your weird
trigger warning for bee death needs to get a grip
No. 418975
>>418971Somewhat agree. I love inverts and am in the process of switching over to vegan because I love animals, but a
tw is a bit much.
But it's also kind of sweet at the same time.
No. 419002
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>>418968Jesus christ this shit is ridiculous, how do you all function on a day to day basis
Imagine if you and your boyfriend did something productive with your time instead of putting this much thought into …. a bug …. your boyfriend straight up SAT with it?? for a WHILE??? my sides
>>418985Oh god I didn't hold a funeral and create a memorial fund for the ant I smushed the other day, clearly I'm a sociopath
No. 419157
>>419153You, your parents, your siblings, and your future children and possibly your grandkids are screwed.
Your genome has been sold for kickbacks.
No. 419508
>>419485People are pussies about the genitalia thing.
Like, who cares?
No. 419553
>>419543what are you talking about?
did you mean this?
or something like th
No. 419575
>>419543> the result multiple messages for one or max three sentences appear on the sender's and the receiver(s)' screen>>419553I guess it's more like
something like this?
there really isn't a reason to break up the text like that, but they do anyway.
Anyway, I don't think this is indicative of mental illness per se, but of people with a smaller communicative filter. Like, they're more prone to texting their stream of consciousness, rather than trying to format sentences. Some kinds of mentally ill people have zero filter like that though, but I've experienced my fair share of not mentally ill, but just over-eager people texting like that.
No. 419687
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The fuck is this website? It just poped up randomly and it says it installed something in on my computer. Am I going to get a virus
No. 419694
>>419689I am OP, correct, but I am guilty of this too, so BTFO. Why did you feel so attacked anyways?
>>419575Communication filter could be it. What about ADHD? Even the people that function and do this have a very odd personality…
No. 419735
>>419728my tinfoil theory is the generation that was initially in to longer hair around the 80s started aging and mass balding around the time that the 21st century hit, and it just hasnt gotten back in style yet
chin to shoulder length hair is the cutest imo
No. 419741
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How does an instagram account get hacked? Or I guess, really, why? Watched some clip of a BET show about a hairstylist and he talks about his page getting hacked and taken down… What’s the point? What does the hacker gain, especially when it’s just instathots?
No. 419744
>>419741babby's first hack, basically. Insta seems to be one of the easiest targets and big accounts get hacked by incels and nerds who get really smug about it. I saw a big acct get hacked in real time a while back and the retard posted his discord server and through his usernames and stuff I found his youtube, face, name, and college, kek, it shows you how not-dedicated they are. They're just idiots who gained one (1) useless skill.
Also the satisfaction of deleting the page of an evil woman who wont have sex with them.
No. 419794
>>419793What if I dress a bit oddly to make up (heh) for being plain? Not alt or anything OTT, just very formal/somewhat vintage most times.
I'm stuck between being very lonely but also not wanting to change myself lol.
No. 419797
>>419794That sounds super cute, anon. I think you'll do fine; no make up isn't a deal breaker and it sounds like you take care of yourself.
I didn't mean to say you won't find anyone if you don't wear makeup. I think most men are too stupid to really be able to tell the difference anyway. Good luck!
No. 419853
>>419741Sometimes to sell them back to the
victim or sell them to some spammers who want an account with high engagement to put their adds on. I knew a guy who got his account hacked because he managed to get a very common simple word as his url years ago and the hackers knew urls like that would sell for a good price to a third party. He managed to get it back by bitching to insta enough and proving it was his.
No. 419954
>>419953From all places. Sometimes I wonder if I should
go complete bitch mode and cut off all males that aren't family from my life.
No. 419955
Seriously, not even impotence will deter them because it's about power.
No. 420128
>>420117When you draw things without properly understanding their structure in 3D space.
For example you draw what you think an eye is supposed to look like (a symbol)
No. 420152
>>420137this is gonna sounds disgustingly weeby, but my normal aussie accent is horrifying next to when I'm speaking Japanese, or literally anything else (even putting on american accent like the majority of us grew up doing), I feel so manly/speak way more like a dude with my normal accent.
wish I was born in Northern England, my friend is Northern and I used to get distracted listening to her talk it sounded so fucking cute.
No. 420213
>>420137I'd say it's the opposite although I feel like there are some pretty rough/ugly languages out there. I always thought the arabic language was so ugly and made women's voices ugly untill I heard a friend of mine speak it and her voice made it sound so soft.
Same with german and how Hitler's speech is ugly as fuck but if you hear some soft spoken germans reading Rilke, it sounds really pretty.
No. 420268
>>420267Why would you bother with all that instead of just torrenting it?
People who stream things baffle me tbh.
No. 420272
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I have $40 to spend on an anniversary present. What the fuck do I get?
No. 420278
>>420137I speak both arabic and(american)english and my voice sounds heavy and retarded when I speak in english and intelligent and elegant when I speak in arabic. English is my first language though
>>420270Same here, the only thing I torrent sometimes are movies I really want to watch, and even that is extremely rare
No. 420311
>>411490Newfag here.
Why is it "newfag" and not "newdyke" or something?
Adding sage in the email box is apparently useless and my comment always comes at the front page. What's up with that?
How large is the user-base in this forum?
I've been told that I could shitpost about 2D guys here but /m/ is as dry as my vagina whenever I see BTS. Was I lied to?
Why. Are. Men. Everywhere in the internet, why do they dominate the discussion and why do they always wound up as the majority on internet forums like parasites?
Are there any female majority websites other than this that also isn't dead or too vanilla?
No. 420354
>>420311please fuck off. We're not here to walk you through your discovery. Everyone knows you should lurk a long time before posting.
Don't ever make me read something as retarded as this again
>Why is it "newfag" and not "newdyke" or something? No. 420363
File: 1560191874902.jpg (114.22 KB, 730x905, 1524609866759.jpg)

>>420311Were you the same newfag who made
>>420332? Please go and stay go, stop embarassing yourself here.
p. s.
>liking 2d fags>not liking TaehyungYour taste is actual dogshit
No. 420367
>>420363I can only hope, that way they'll get banned for sure.
OT, but this fujo thing is really annoying. Any time anyone mentions anything negative about yaoi they show up with insane tinfoils. I don't really care about fujos but jesus, everyone knows fujos are hated just as much as any other weeaboo.
>inb4 both of us get accused of being the "fujosperg" or a scrote. No. 420409
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>>420374It don't get much better than this, m8
No. 420516
File: 1560213610676.jpg (30.26 KB, 580x435, 1530377838351.jpg)

When somebody pays you through Paypal, what information do they see about you? Are they able to see your name? I'm an artist and I want to sell commissions, but I was trying to keep my gender and nationality a secret (I don't know, I rather be as anonymous as possible) and my name gives that info away (I have a very common latino surname).
Is there a way to get paid and remain anonymous?
Are there better options than Paypal? Can I use Ko-fi? Please artist anons, I need some help.
Pic unrelated
No. 420623
>>420516What I've done is make a normal PayPal with my real info on it connected to my cards/bank account, but then make a fake PayPal with a generic alias (just put in a fake address if it asks since you'll never need it to fully function to communicate with your real life at all) and transfer money back and fourth between the two to give and receive money to online wierdos with the fake one. Sometimes it gets uppity and won't make several back and fourth transactions a day but it hasn't stolen all the money from me yet.
Avoid the option that's called something like "charge for a service" where you email them a receipt and they directly put their CC info in the link it sends them, there's an option to correct the "return address" with a fake addy halfway through but if it's missed it sends whoever is charging the customers full address rofl.
No. 420724
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>>420711I don't know much about taxes but this made me curious so I looked it up. Apparently it has something to do with the different cities and counties having their own local sales taxes? Pic related, it's a screenshot from Wikipedia.
No. 420814
>>420784I went there last year for a week but couldn't really enjoy the trip since I had my periods way earlier than planned and couldnt swim at all. The friend who went with me was an annoying cheap nitpicking idiot the whole week out of nowhere so I couldnt do everything I planned. Anyway. For Monaco you just take the bus for 1.5€ and you can visit it in one day. Take the ferry to avoid walking through the entire city (my friend didnt want to spend 2€ on it so we walked way too much and wasted time). Go to the casino if you want, I wanted to go but again, my friend didn't want to follow me and insisted I stayed with her. There's the ocean museum, it's really good. The museum about the pince's family was boring to me though. There's a garden with a bunch of cactus at the top of the hill but it was closed when we arrived. If you want to thoroughly visit Monaco TAKE THE ELEVATORS, you'll see what I mean once you'll be there. I also spend a day in Cannes but I mostly stayed in la croisette and the small island with the prison where the iron masked man was held at some point, which I recommend.
As for Nice, if you like going shoping go to the Galeries Lafayette and just the main street in general but if you already have a big galeries Lafayette in your city don't bother. I know the ones in my city aren't as big. There's another casino in la promenade des anglais iirc. I visited the orthodox church, the Matisse museum and a museum right next to it about archeology. If you're ok with walking a lot you should really climb that big hill/tower next to the beach, the sight is really beautiful since you can see the whole city from the top of the hill. You should even picnic there if possible. I'm sure I missed some things during my trip though so look for more info somewhere else as well. Are you French? If you don't speak French you should be fine because everyone was talking to me in English since I'm not white and I looked like a tourist despute just being from another French region.
No. 420898
>>420820leave that server. there are normal roleplay communities for writing out there (was once a part of one) but any roleplaying community that's solely sexual in nature is a big red flag and you should gtfo fast
>>420894I'm hopeless with directions anon, I can't go anywhere new without a GPS and have difficulty remembering streetnames, only reason I'm able to remember frequent spots of mine is repeatedly driving there
No. 420899
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>>420820anon just leave, the fact that rape is the main interes in that server is juts a red flag, you can and you will find a better rolplay serve hell even YOU can make it, love your self anon please
No. 420916
>>420820I get impregnation fetish because it's pretty popular but that "roll the dice to see if you got a disease from anal sex" thing made me laugh out loud.
I don't know anon, sex roleplays tend to be degenerate to begin with. Unless the majority of the people there are complete fucking sociopath I wouldn't care really. As long as they don't take that shit to real life let them perv out in their stupid roleplay chat with pozzing rules.
No. 420929
>>420894>>420898It's pretty normal to not be able to tell your right from your left, especially if you're not someone that uses that every day. However if you guys are literally getting lost on the way to familiar everyday locations then you might have a learning disability such as dyspraxia.
Getting diagnosed is only helpful as self reassurance though, all you can actually do is accept that you have different methods than others. It's fine though, who cares if you need to use your phone to get literally everywhere? Everyone uses helpful apps and is glued to their phone at all times these days.
No. 420957
>>420955Sounds too big in the waist. Are they zipper or elastic?
I find elastic to be less spinny.
No. 420966
>>420960i have a friend who is a professional seamstress for movie and theater production and she got started with hand sewing clothes for dolls and her cat. i hand sew most all things if i can help it, some people really never learn and it can become daunting if they are working on a project that becomes tedious or takes a while because they are used to how fast a machine can normally work.
its just something that will take time to get stitches to be straight and neat but its also (imo) easier to spot mistakes and take out stitches if you muss up a little bit. its a wonderful skill and hobby you might as well just pull the
trigger and try a small project. it can be really rewarding.
No. 420968
>>420960Just like anything, sewing takes practise. However there are lots of very simple things you can make which are really easy. Making doll clothes is actually a great place to start imo, you won't feel like you're wasting loads of material if you fuck up, and because they're so small you won't need a machine.
You can find lots of free patterns online, just start with something simple, look up some basic stitches, watch some youtube tutorials to learn how to follow a pattern.
No. 421174
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>>420814wow thanks for your help anon! I'm sorry your friend was a dipshit. I'll check out everything you recommended! Thank you so much!
No. 421196
>>421174You're welcome. I've made some weird typos and I was vague about some places you should visit because I couldn't remember the specific names so once I have enough free time, which means definitely not today, I'll send you links to some of these places. Tell us how your trip goes once later too if you want.
>>421178iirc there are a lot of art museums in Nice but Ii could only visit one at the time because one week was just not enough to do everything I was interested in.
No. 421222
>>421053>>421042>>421108Thanks ladies. I like the idea of writing some of our good memories in the card.
It was so hard to make these. I only had a hand mixer and the treats involve mixing a lot of dry ingredients with wet, so I had to take extra time in between bursts of mixing to fold the mixture in on itself with a spatula. Plus, I forgot something at the store and had to run all the way back. I decided to make extra so he can take some into work and share with coworkers. Even though he will only see the end result I kinda like how he will never know how much effort went into these things!
No. 421231
>>421180When I was 11 it took all my guts to ask my mother's permission to trim my pubes. They were sparse and not thick but just naturally I did not want hair sticking out of my bathing suit down there for swimming class every second Friday.
I wouldn't say it's normal to shave the whole thing bare, and my mom didn't let me shave my legs til I was 15 or 16 but I don't think there's anything wrong with a kid wanting to shave. i was never told to shave and I simply preferred looking how I did before puberty (because duh, change is scary).
No. 421274
>>421257Casual reminder you can get that parasite from undercooked meat or underwashed vegetables and living in a hot climate increases your risk. It's pretty likely you already have it and living just fine. It's not a big deal unless you're planning on pregnancy. Even then you can take precautions and still be safe.
Having an indoor cat would likely decrease the risk further I imagine.
No. 421290
>>421211my brother forced me into a bathtub in my swimsuit and taught me to shave my legs when I was 11. my legs were super hairy and he didn't want me to get bullied. he was a few years older and i think he'd maybe heard people making fun of me for it.
turns out all the other girls were like WOW SO MATURE and followed suit. he actually did me a massive favour. this was in 2001 mind you, I was still in primary school. kind of sick that an 11 year old had to conform so early but I'm glad my bro did that for me, he had my back in the end.
can't remember when I started shaving my armpits, legit never seen them longer than a few millimeters.
No. 421307
>>421267Lol, you must have misread my post because my only concern was the parasite.
>>421274God I hate this.
No. 421335
>>421290I'd venture that you are you are younger than myself. I'm 30s.
I was only allowed to shave to the knee and that was in high school. Amazing how norms change for women and not so much men.
No. 421381
>>421370>>421379but notice the difference: no one was talking about pubic hair. where would a young girl, with no threat of a predator, learn that other women shave their pubic hair? bikini area, sure, but pubic hair specifically?
It's weird bc the person in the screenshot said her mom taught her to shave her armpits and she magically applied that logic to her pubic area but somehow that's normal. she was either groomed, or extremely shamed about all body hair, or it's a tranny fantasy. I'm leaning towards groomed bc what parents let their kid run around naked up to age 10? if they were just freewheeling hippies I highly doubt they would also be against body hair.
it just doesn't seem like a natural progression.
No. 421391
>>421381dude, children usually find out shit like that on their own. Randomly stumbling upon mom's Cosmo or porn or boys being fucking vile and heckling girls about "do you shave down there yet""oh I bet she doesn't she's gross hahah" or just overhearing older girls chatting. also if your mom says you have to shave your armpits, it doesn't seem like a big leap of logic to apply that to other dark hair areas. definitely don't think parents should be telling little girls shave their pubes or even other hair but there are so many pressures out there and it's such an insecure time and the more vulmerable girls will seek it out on their own. I'm
>>421349 and I started nicking mom's razors shortly after that incident. Not sure if she noticed or not as she bought those big value bags, she is a very laid back mom when it comes to femininity and never said I have to shave anything ever, I was just very insecure about my early development and arrived at that conclusion on my own as I wanted to fit in as if it hadn't happened.
not sure tf is up with running around naked around house tho
No. 421400
>>421399I imagine part of it is malnutrition. he started his reviews at a pretty young age?
>>421397you did the right thing. even if you like someone, doesn't mean you're compatible, and it's OK to move on from a guy who isn't quite right. people will never change if you tell them to, they need to want to do it for themselves.
No. 421408
>>421397>>421400I don't know. Everyone has issues or things about them that drive you nuts. It's completely normal in a relationship for us to be annoyed by our partners. Or for us to want for them to change.
I've been in my relationship for years and I wondered the same thing about a year in. Ultimately, my partner's quirks were something I came to love, and even though he gets on my nerves to this day, it's what makes him who he is. If it is really something you can't live with, then I would absolutely say it's better to part ways. But for the reason you described… you are going to run into that everywhere. No one can meet our expectations in love.
He has a right to be hurt, but that's not completely your issue. Part of being PART-ners is to grow together and that's probably why he is upset. Spin it around and imagine if he broke up with you for "not being funny". It'd hurt, because 1.) he didn't accept you for that part of yourself and 2.) he did not COMMUNICATE a desire for him to change, which implies a devaluation of the relationship.
No. 421412
>>421408I mean, yes, if both parties can acknowledge the the disconnect and work together on it, it can be a beautiful thing.
Anon said their personalities didn't match, not that he just had some quirks, so giving advice to just "work on it" seemed naive to me. Yes, it hurts to be broken up with just for being yourself, but it also hurts to continually compromise yourself under the guise of "working through it". It also sounds like it was pretty early in the relationship where asking someone to change seems controlling. But you're right. There's a fine line between wanting to mold someone to your tastes and wanting to grow together with a person.
No. 421417
>>421400>>421408>>421412I still did love him, but every time we hung out I would get annoyed by at least one thing. Is that normal? I really tried to be more accepting and I would recognize when I was getting irrationally annoyed, but it's so hard to control.
Thing is, I've known him for 10 years and his personality didn't bother me at all until he became my boyfriend. In fact we were best friends. After that I guess a lot of the time he was still treating me like one of the brahs, when I felt like he should be acting more like a gentleman. He wasn't rude or
abusive or anything, and he's very loyal, just most of the time he'd act like a silly 12 year old (despite him being 8 years older than me). He's done some sweet things (which I praised him a lot for hoping he would do them more) but most of the time he's just stupidly goofy and sometimes cringy. But if that's his personality isn't it fucked up to ask him to change the 100 things he's doing that I don't like?
I feel a lot of regret but I didn't know how to deal with it. I still have some trauma from my last relationship when I would bring up complaints in a kind way, but my ex would start crying and threaten to hurt himself, so that's why I opted to breaking up with my friend instead of confronting him about the things I didn't like
I haven't slept in days deciding what to do and I'm afraid I made the wrong choice out of pure retardation. He called me a terrible person and I think he's right.
No. 421444
>>421417There is simply no way to change another person deliberately. You can only make them happier or less happy, which indirectly changes them. It's totally impossible to change someone to meet your wishes.
The only thing you can do in relationships is cycle through them until you find someone who is genuinely compatible with you. The same kind of person as, mutual understanding possible, etc. It is very rare but possible.
Everything else in a relationship is fleeting. You will get used to looking at them, and they won't be pretty anymore. That magical feeling of "love" will not remain as bright as it is at the start. But compatibility is permanent. If you're able to speak to your partner the way you speak to yourself in your mind, it will always be an immensely satisfying relationship.
No. 421522
>>421512I don't understand the contradictions. You're horny, so masturbate. It feels good. It solves the problem.
Vibrators were originally invented for the problem of wives being too horny, so you can always employ the time tested solution.
No. 421541
>>421473I don't get the whole 'I'll only work in X field when applying for jobs'. Historically, when I've had no job, I've just applied at every single place I was qualified for. You're basically guaranteed to get a job within a week, it's taken me no longer, and it usually only takes about four days.
Even if you're qualified as say, a hairdresser, you can still do something else for a few months
No. 421553
>>421541There's a difference between a job and a career, guessing anon wants to work in a specific field that college prepared her for
>>421473Anon keep in mind that places can take like 2 weeks to 2 months to actually respond to your application. I thought I was SOL and then in like a 3 day period, weeks after I initially applied, I got like 16 responses for interview requests. My advice is to go on ZipRecruiter and other job listing sites and search for what field you want to work in and apply for anything you see. Honestly you might have to apply for like dozens of jobs, it sucks but just keep going!
No. 421791
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>>421666Yeah she looks a lot older
I don't see the appeal of her as offensive as it sounds, if you showed someone her exact face and body and claimed she was 27 she would be excused as just another basic white girl in her 20s, which imo is more alarming because it means people are more attracted to her age than her No. 421807
>>421666>>421791Hard agree. I'm really not one to nitpick about anybody looking old, but that video shocked me. If I met her on the street I'd honestly think I'd have to call her ma'am or something since she looks so much older. Not even like a colleged aged girl, more like a woman in her 30s. Nevertheless I'm very worried for her, especially since nobody sees anything wrong about her hanging out with Drake and the likes. Parents who allow their children to enter the show biz are the worst.
Do you think they could have lied about her age?
No. 421815
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>>421810No amount of makeup should make a child look like that, she always looks this mature.
No. 421822
What's the cow eyeroll here
>>421511 mean? Never seen that before.
No. 421901
>>421815Her bone structure here is exactly like mine and I'm a (young looking) 32 (pls no roast, I love gossip ok)
It would be some great trollin' if she was really ten years older than she says. I think Marilyn Monroe was a little older than she was supposed to be, I saw some photos of her where the formation of fat/general bodyshape was more similar to my mom (I should specify there was a big difference to the version we see in movies, not tryna humblebrag). She was supposed to be 35 I think at the time/near the age she died. I suspect lying is common.
I saw a tinfoil on lolcow which was that they intentionally cast "older" looking actresses for child roles to help feed into the pedo notion that girls are oh so mature at 14!!!! Casually ignoring the fact most people are still little girls at that age, physically and mentally. And even if you "look" more mature that doesn't mean these girls want their ageing asses.
No. 422001
>>421936I'd say you're more likely to get something that'll last you a while than not. Most of my stuff from there lasts, but there's some stuff that will fuck up easier than others, mainly their extra fine merino wool stuff. As a former employee, that's the shit I'd see get returned the most. Skirts are pretty great, a lot of them have pockets nowadays. The care instructions say to line dry for everything for the best possible results and to keep the products lasting for as long as possible, but you can throw that shit in the dryer just fine most of the time.
Some non-collaboration stuff will sell out really fast, but I'd say most shit goes on clearance, so if you really like something but don't feel like paying full or promotion price, just wait and that shit will usually go down for super cheap lol.
No. 422014
File: 1560528564591.png (4.5 MB, 1924x1282, pink.png)

I've noticed that starting from the early 2000s up until around 2015/2016 (ie when pastel goth and later on, IG baddie champagne and milennial pinks started to really hit the mainstream), a lot of American brands liked to almost exclusively push out hot pink and bubblegum pink products.
Is there any particular reason for that? I always found them both kind of ugly as shades.
What was the vision and appeal? Why was pop culture so tacky and loud?
No. 422018
>>422003Yes, definitely! Depending on the store, some will usually put all of the markdown items into one single spot, others (like mine- which was a flagship) had them a bit more spread out and organized by price point. There is always, ALWAYS some shit that goes on markdown. Weekly promotion items (if there are any) are spread out throughout the store and I think start on Thursday or Friday.
Markdowns are done every Tuesday, so if you're eyeing something for a certain price, checking on Tuesdays is the best. Some things might not be stickered to the new markdown price just yet so ask to double check (the price point signs change first, then the stickering happens).
Online has a completely different inventory than physical stores, so the inventory of sale items will be different (though usually what goes on markdown is the same both online and on in all the physical stores).
No. 422084
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>>422043I actually use gillette men's razors. It's the best I've used. Just replace the blade when it gets too dull.
Pic related.
No. 422221
File: 1560568671911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,507.06 KB, 833x1772, 196D71A3-0230-4545-ADF0-042DD0…)

Stupid question because this is stupid.
>I’m in NZ boy that wrote this is in Norway
>Lost connection he didn’t message me for years and I completely forgot about him
- He messaged me a few months ago, we talked every day and were planning to meet again in September during my holidays in Australia -
Suddenly he drops of the face off the earth so I check his insta and he still follows his ex
Messages him to check up on him for 2 months finally give up and didn’t message me for weeks
He messages me “oh I’m sorry i didn’t contact you”
My response was short “yeah k don’t give me excuses”
Then he sends me this
Do I believe him?
No. 422360
>>422344Carry some sort of self defense weapon if it's legal where you live. Always trust your gut if you feel like something's wrong and always have some kind of an excuse prepared if you feel like you need to dip out. Do you have a good friend or family member you trust? You can set up a buddy system of sorts, let them know when you're about to meet up with a guy and text them when you get home so they know you're safe. You can also use them as an SOS, like have them call you in the middle of a date and pretend it's an emergency to give you an excuse to leave if you feel uncomfortable.
It's good to be aware of your surroundings and prepared for the worst but don't let paranoia rule your life. Have you considered taking up martial arts or some other kind of self defense? I don't do them myself but I've heard from a lot of women that it helped with their self-confidence. If you know how to defend yourself properly it might help you overcome your fears.
No. 422725
What the fuck could be biting me while I sleep?
For the past few nights, I kept waking up scratching a very itchy part of my body. I realized that I still had my window open from the winter time (heat is crazy in my building) so I figured it was bugs coming in at night and biting me. Problem solved… for a night. Now, I still wake up in the middle of the night scratching some part of my body.
I don't think its bed bugs. I checked my bed, there seems to be no skin shed, no blood stains, no fecal matter, and aside from one area of my body, the bites are usually 1-2 bites in one area of the body each night. The one area that is an exception is on my hand, there are 6 dots in a semi circle, and the area swelled up for a day.
Honestly, I don't even know if it's something biting me, or my eczema getting worse. It's usually limited to very small parts of my hands, and was just starting to get worse again, and I honestly can't tell if the dots on my hands are from bug bites or just eczema (I've had similar bumps, but never in a formation like this or swelling).
No. 422813
>>422801I think the only difference is exploitation. Women are exploited in real life porn, but in fiction that's less likely. You can still become an addict, become
victim to the death grip, and due to the fact its literature you can get more extreme fetishes with more realism.
I heard imaging your porn is the best way to go?
No. 422819
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>>422759Tokimeki Memorial GS series are common (old) ones and always has a few token shy bois. In the 3rd game if you become a 'Sweet Devil', basically all of the guys are intimidated by you.
No. 422830
>>422738I'm tempted to invest in one now lol. If not for the biting, just for the fact that we sometimes get mosquitoes and flies through open windows. Fuck summer, ugh.
>>422770I actually don't think so… I live in NYC and googled to see if they exist here but apparently not? Or my google-fu sucks.
>>422800Funnily enough, I got an itch on the top of my foot and it looks exactly like dishysrotic eczema! Huh. I usually do get this sort of eczema on my hands, but its always been limited to my hands (when its under control it'll be centered around just my fingertips, and when its bad it'll spread to the rest of my hand), but I've never had it elsewhere on my body except appearing on my foot last night. The other itchy spots don't look like it, and honestly I can't tell if some of them are even bites or not because even though a red bump appears, I mean, that usually happens when I itch a spot for too long. I'm actually trying to stay away steroids so I've been using Aveenos eczema therapy balm and its been working wonders for my itchy spots and eczema spots!
>>422821FUck, I'll definitely check. I actually have a dog, so I'll be checking her over once I get home.
No. 422887
>>422867it usually takes 1 week to a month for pregnancy to be possible again, but can be possible in 3-5 days. so you're safe.
>>422875 is incorrect.
also, your period is actually breakthrough bleeding and doesn't contain any eggs.
No. 423072
>>422943I have IBS and always have this happen, no joke.
My body is intolerant to that food. It does the same with coffee, hot foods (peppers, like this), sometimes acidic foods. You might be intolerant and the itchiness might be a allergic reaction. You should talk to a doctor if you're concerned otherwise you might want to lay off a couple days.
No. 423133
>>423005It's either
>one character could be gay because it could actually be implied in the story, for example two male characters who live together, don't get married and are said to be as close as a couple in a novel written at a time period where portraying a gay relationship would have gotten the writer in jail and the book censored, or a male video game character you could have optionally dated in the game but the option was removed during development, except all the scenes and dialogues between the two characters about that would have led to that option are still in the game (Yosuke in Persona 4). >character is portraying some kind of more or less offensive stereotype or are gender non-conforming. Nothing else is hinted and the writers don't confirm anything or confirm that the characters are straight. People love to use Disney villains or Mulan as examples of queer-coded characters.Basically it's the sort of argument you could put in an half-assed uninspired essay about books you have to read for your high school literature class if you want a better grade. It's very subjective and 99% of the time "queer-coded" is used to mean "I read too many fanfictions about this character and I want him to hook up with this specific male character in canon, if it doesn't happen then it's queer-baiting."
No. 423171
>>423163They are. There are a lot of expenses. Rent, gym membership, new shoes, clothes, make up, hair extensions, food, drugs and booze, they could be saving for surgery, as well.
There's also the mentality that having a lot of money at once kind of makes you spend it like crazy, too.
No. 423199
>>423163Mostly drugs and they're horrible with money management.
The ones who aren't drug addicted and want to pay off their debts don't stay strippers for very long.
No. 423322
>>423321How tall are you/what's your inseam length?
American Eagle sells long and extra-long lengths for all sizes of their jeans, not sure if you've checked them out. I'm average height and buy the regular length though so I can't vouch for how well they would fit a tall girl but according to their website the x-long inseam is 36 inches.
No. 423434
>>423431Have you been walking or working out your lower body a lot? If so, yes.
If not, then it's pretty weird for it to get stiff all of the sudden. Try hydrating and massaging it out a bit.
No. 423807
>>423795No, not like that. It's more like
>>423796 said. I also started to question my existence when I was very young! I have this very vivid memory of a 5 year old me wondering why could I look through my eyes and not my best friend's, why was I myself and why was she herself.
The concept of "thinking through someone else's mind" is what gets me everytime. Like, that means we have souls so that couldn't be possible. But at the same time, we aren't a hivemind, each one is an individual. So what's the correct answer? Just, why are we like this? Why are we ourselves?
I know we may not have an answer but I just wanted to know if someone related to what I wrote and I'm glad to see there's at least an anon that wonders the same thing.
No. 423993
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>>423989Why don't you go get some medicines? Other than that there are some natural remedies…idk how effective they are though. Hope you'll feel better soon!
No. 424026
File: 1561044120860.jpg (524.58 KB, 1400x2099, Sephora-Sale-Haul-Picks-Fall-B…)

If you could spend $500 at Sephora RIGHT NOW, what would you get?
No. 424029
>>424026I really wanted to get some kerastase shampoo for my thin, oily hair since I read it's helped a lot of people, but $70 for the shampoo and conditioner is a pretty hefty price tag for me. I'd really like some of the Viseart palettes, and some Drunk Elephant stuff too…
Actually I'd probably blow all of it on Pat McGrath's stuff. It all looks so good but $100+ for a palette, fuck me.
No. 424097
>>424056I think some anons give themselves too much credit for it, as if they think they have some gift in the same way that incels can look past the breasts of any Stacy and see her true ebul nature.
It helps if you're more familiar with makeup or surgery tells
No. 424129
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>>424024Hmmm I don't know… I think they want more than just bread….
No. 424140
>>424093My sister-in-law is like this. She's so bad she's become a personal cow that I follow for the schadenfreude. Everything about her is fake. It's an act so she can take part in social media circle jerks for woke points. In reality she's a spiteful and bitter hypocrite who insults people and tells lies about them so she can feel better about herself.
>claims to be a oppressed lesbianNever had a girlfriend or a long term relationship but will have casual sex with men, women and trannies. Any suggestion that maybe she's bisexual will result in cries of homophobia. She endlessly berates her parents for not accepting her and claims that they've abused her for being gay. None of this is true. She didn't come out as a lesbian until she was an adult. The worst thing they do is roll their eyes when she mentions it because her sex life is common knowledge within the family.
>claims to be a feministTypical libfem that capes for troons while ignoring the difficulties that actual women go through. Insults her own mother for being working class and tells me that my opinions aren't
valid because I have internalised misogyny from being abused as a child. Jokes about TERFs getting beaten and raped.
>claims to be a veganEats in fast food chains daily which a vegan that cares about animals wouldn't do because the meat production for cheap fast food is a major issue for animal rights. I've also caught her sneaking ham out of my mother-in-law's fridge on several occasions.
>>424129Leave some food out with something like hot sauce or mustard in it. After doing this a few times he should get the hint.
No. 424235
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Are a bunch of foods made differently now, or are my adult taste buds just different? I bought a pizza lunchables for nostalgia the other day, and that shit was nasty. Even the capri sun tasted weird. Is kids food just shit nowadays or are my taste buds old?
No. 424274
>>424273If the boyfriend is ugly: low standards.
If the boyfriend is cute: good personality.
No. 424275
>>424273- the gf was average/slim before and then gained
- the bf is a chubby chaser
- the gf has money
No. 424282
>>424273In my own experience as a fat girl, have huge boobs and be good at sex.
Though it depends how fat you're talking. I'm "small fat" (apparently the scale goes up to "infinifat" - yes women actually call themselves this in the name of self love??)
No. 424283
>>424273Because most of them are extremely manipulative
As for looks a lot of them like brainwashing men with the thicc meme, they can be shaped like footballs but be thicc and call women with actual curves sticks because they just see more fat = more curves no matter where is goes
No. 424301
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>>424298you mean this guy? he's just one of kaneoya sachiko's sub boy characters. idk if he even has a name.
No. 424375
>>424355I put this to you and to anyone: Mentally stable women are just more likely to communicate or leave a relationship that isn't working out. Because they aren't typically
toxic, there is no period of trying to get back together or fighting afterwards.
The reason why you think there's a number of mentally unstable women getting more men is because their relationships are more visible but not for positive reasons. They are more likely to stay in
toxic relationships hence the constant bargaining and fighting. There may be attempts to work it out and honeymooning. They bring their personal drama out into more public places and social media whereas a stable person probably wouldn't and would quietly end the relationship.
The men who go after relationships like that already tend to have problems like people pleasing. It's not that they're perfectly normal men with a preference for instability.
No. 424437
>>424340Yeah, I shave mine.
>>424343 is right. It is smoother but I also don't care about what other women do. I wear entirely business formal for my job and I feel like it just ties everything together.
No. 424531
>>424340Nope. Like
>>424345 said, mine are hairy as fuck but I'm not going to shave or wax them unless it becomes socially unacceptable - which I hope never happens because I'm hirsute and shaving as it is now is a hassle.
I wish more women would embrace their body hair and their natural look. I've gotten better at it with time but I still shave my legs and wax my upper lip to avoid bullshit.
No. 424547
>>424413I just ordered retinol/other skincare stuff by the ordinary off sephora for pretty cheap ($8-$10). Do you have crappy skin?
I've never tried the ordinary before but retinol is one of the few things that really works
No. 424678
>>424669Anon I "dated" a guy like this and it was awful. Seemingly quirky nerdy guy on the outside, actually completely emotionally unavailable and couldn't cum due to porn addiction.
Don't do it. I'm not the biggest fan of porn but there's a huge difference between occasionally looking up some videos and having girls he goes out of his way and gives money to. Guys who actively follow porn stars/costhots see women as objects and don't know how to interact with other humans.
No. 424731
>>424712Im not dating him, hes asked me to be his gf.
>>424726You know, I didnt consider that, thanks.
Welp i've decided next time I see him I will put the record straight and tell him no, I do not want to be his gf. If he dumps me as a friend well, guess I dodged a bullet lol
No. 424747
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>>424670barbara palvin has a fuller figure than most models, i know VS fired her once for gaining weight but i think shes perfect. her measurments are still insane and unrelistic for the average woman, but at 121 lbs at 5'7 she's in the 19-20 bmi range. (though her IMG model page says shes 5'9, so what is the truth…)
No. 424753
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>>424751Her measurments put her waist at anywhere from 23" to 25" depending on the site. Keep in mind that there is a reason shes a model, most women are not "lucky" enough to have that kind of hip to waist ratio or fat and muscle distribution, and thats okay. Barbara looks like she exercises enough to stay toned, but I would not call her "all muscle", she still has a soft look to her.
you aren't delusional anon, as women its hard to get an idea of what our bodies look like, we all have some kind of body dysmorphia, getting fed images from magazines and diet ads and photoshopped instagram girls, its hard to remember whats noramal and whats not.
take your measurments anon, and try putting them into a couple body type calculators, and maybe look into taking a kibbe test if you want to really know your body type and what style will flatter it?
its okay to be thicker waisted, most women aren't gonna be blessed enough to have a <25" waist.
No. 424764
>>424753I'm somewhere around 26" but have noticeable hips and people tend to comment on them when I wear clothes that show off my figure. People call me the skinny girl though so even though I have issues about my waist I know I'm not fat. It's just hard to know what I am because I get thrown between body image issues and bravado about my body. Usually I get a pear or bottom-heavy hourglass on calculators.
I tried the Kibbe types test right now and either I'm an outlier or I did this test wrong, I got equal answers in everything but the "natural" section which I didn't get any in…I don't think I have a strong yang to my body but I have a pretty long "line" and look taller than I am and have a prominent facial profile.
No. 424951
>>424866You know what? IATA and thanks for saying this, as obvious as it is to you I think hearing someone say it is probably good for me. I
may be a little over 26 now, idk, but I've always maintained at least a 10" difference between my waist and hips so it's not a huge deal. Literally the only comments I've gotten on my waist are positive, even when I was critical about it to people who could've told me the truth. I guess to me it looks "wide" even if it's not really.
>>424785tbh I found every example of the Kibbe type pretty/beautiful/cute so even if I biased myself toward certain types, I find them all pretty. Is there a male equivalent test? It'd be a neat experiment for my boyfriend and I to both try it.
I also tallied up my answers separately this time and it looks like I'm facially gamine, flesh-wise something between theatrical romantic and (soft?) classic, and frame-wise dramatic classic/soft dramatic which is something I didn't expect at all. That would really explain why I looked at my answers and thought wtf am I.
>>424887Also yeah. I think girls on places like here lie about their waists too. In my teens I actually was a 24/25 so I think that makes me harder on myself. I try to not be hard on myself but I'm pretty self-critical. I don't know if this plays into it, but I've maybe got a complex because other people tell me things like "oh you look like a model/dancer" and in the past I actually was looking to start modeling, not runway though since I'm too short and fat for them kek. Even though it's positive you start to hold yourself to stupid standards in fear of disproving them if you take it in the negative direction.
No. 424966
>>424932ymmv but I love the CeraVe cream in the tub. I know lanolin is criticised a lot but if you have really cracked skin, something with that in it could help. In cold climates that's what is recommended. Cetaphil is another good brand, Aveeno uses oatmeal if you are looking for that, but personally I like the heavy CeraVe creams the best. CeraVe has a line of stuff for intensely dry skin as well.
If it's red/burning you can use over the counter hydrocortizone to help handle the itching. Try to not use hot water on your skin. Avoid anything with drying ingredients and try to lock in the moisture. I personally also exfoliate with a spinning brush or washcloth and use AHAs/BHAs when my skin is not too irritated to remove dry flakes of skin. I also use a vitamin C/hydrolaunic acid serum to help lock in moisture before applying my moisturizer.
t. eczema anon
No. 425075
>>425065they exist. a close friend of mine is bisexual and he likes dating women but says he can't get sexual with women further than kissing and stuff. he says that sexual things make him uncomfortable. he's not a panromantic asexual sjw or anything, that's how he described his preferences since we were high schoolers.
other asexual-ey men i know are overly religious types who think being sexual is a sin
No. 425089
File: 1561248279437.png (77.04 KB, 1084x411, rasexualmen.PNG)

>>425069/r/AsexualMen is a thing apparently…
No. 425116
>>425115I've met asexual men, but most of the ones I know turned out to be trans, either male genderspecials or MtF. They do exist but in much smaller numbers than women.
>>425065Look into online asexual communities, but be aware there is a lot of SJW and genderspecial stuff going on that you have to cut through, if those things bother you.
No. 425123
>>425077like straight women, many bi/gay men are realizing how badly
toxic masculinity affects men and its affecting their dating lives.
No. 425253
File: 1561283837902.jpeg (174.77 KB, 683x681, 1561240237904.jpeg)

Why do so many people like this terrible comic?
No. 425298
>>425253I'm guessing that many read it for the "BL" factor although it's
not a bl manhwa. I was really intrigued because it was something new, at least for me. But it did get kinda repetitive and I couldn't really sympathise with the dude so I didn't care what would happen to him at the end.
But yeah I agree with the previous anon, some people fetishise that shit and it's creepy but I'm not like some angry people on tumblr condemning ks and its readers.
No. 425316
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What is it about cats that make them so lovable and a superior pet? I'm housesitting for my mom and her cat has just warmed up to me. I love how she purrs when I pet her and snuggles up to me. My dog just kind of stares at me regardless of what I do. The cat is also so quiet and elegant whereas my dog makes noise all the time. Maybe I just want a cat.
No. 425346
>>425253I liked it for the horror elements. The artist knew how to convey suspense well, which was a first for me (I’d never gotten so scared while reading a comic). I didn’t care about the ~ BL ~ aspect of it because to me, it just so happened to be a horror story featuring two men rather than a BL story, if that makes sense?
Psychological horror was always my jam, especially between interpersonal relationships, which is what fascinated me so much. Bum struggling between the reality of his situation and his mental illness/Stockholm syndrome was great.
I stopped reading because I was tired of the artist going on constant hiatuses. I get why she did, but it caused my interest to wane completely. I hear the ending was rushed and poor but I can’t speak on that.
No. 425350
>>425253I decided to look up what it is about (because you see so many people being obsessed with it) and just the first few lines of the character description on wiki are enough for me…
>Yoon Bum is the main character of Killing Stalking. Due to his parents dying when he was little, Bum was given to his grandmother and uncle with the latter severely abusing, raping and starving him, making Yoon Bum a life long abused victim due to also getting bullied in school, getting sexually abused and raped in military and Oh Sangwoo abusing him in several ways as well. Getting little to no affection from anyone, Bum frequently cut his wrists due to loneliness and gets attached to those who show him affection, making him a sensitive person.That sounds as if somebody desperately tried to put everything bad that could happen to a person into one single character.
I don't care if you claim to haven't read it for the yaoi aspect of it (that actually makes it worse…), anybody who is "entertained" by or "interested" in this must be wrong in the head.
I also thinks it's evil to lure in fujoshi/kboo (pre)teens with the character design and then have them become obsessed with something that's basically just prolonged torture.
Absolutely disgusting. Judging any anon who posted about this in the fetish or whatever thread.
No. 425353
>>425350I used to read KS, and yeah obviously it is
problematic as fuck - but the overall story doesn't present their relationship as romantic or ideal. Yoonbum is supposed to have BPD so the overall representation of mental illness is pretty fucked, but you can still consume gross/disturbing forms of media without approving of the stuff actually happening…
No. 425397
>>425396it's the jumpscare picture people used to post often years ago. heavily photoshopped, white face big circle eyes, black hair, smirk.
>>425395i used to be a creepypastafag during my edgy teen phase so people would say the character was named after jeffrey dahmer. looking it up, the picture is believed to be an extremely photoshopped version of a fat girl 4chan bullied to suicide. people would the picture as a jumpscare. then someone wrote a creepypasta of it and it started to get more and more popular.
No. 425398
>>425397>looking it up, the picture is believed to be an extremely photoshopped version of a fat girl 4chan bullied to suicideThat's so fucking sad if that's true.
>women have life on easy mode!!! No. 425404
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>>425398>>425399the jeff the killer picture's origin is not 100% certain but the most possible take is that it was this girl. people think it's likely her because the hair is similar, they have a mole at a similar spot, the drawer at the background is similar and her pictures would get photoshopped a lot.
No. 425405
File: 1561313232184.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.39 KB, 640x548, orignal_jeff_the_Killer.jpg)

>>425395>>425397>>425399>>believed to be an extremely photoshopped version of a fat girl 4chan bullied to suicideThat was proven to be a Hoax,the Jeff the Killer "Photo: was the result of some kid making a latex mask for whatever reason and then someone posted that pic of him on the internet where someone else heavily edited the photo and made the original Jeff the Killer creepypasta
No. 425409
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>>425404I never knew about this. Does anyone know if this really happened? Did she really kill herself?
>>425395Wtf anon, no offense, but this picture isn't even scary. It looks like Grimace. Would you be scared of Grimace?
No. 425583
>>425561when you realize labels don't matter beyond their social use
just tell people whatever you think will get them to treat you the way you want
No. 425725
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Does anyone know what this type of art is called? It's all over dribbble and I'd like to try and replicate some of it. For that I'd need to search for tutorials but I don't know what to search for.
No. 425727
File: 1561393590790.gif (9.71 MB, 800x600, summer.gif)

>>425725here's another one that's similar.
No. 425790
>>425780It has to do with focal length. Some anons here have good graphics to explain.
But the mirror is correct, not the front facing camera.
No. 425836
File: 1561412649340.jpg (352.87 KB, 1600x961, selfie styles.jpg)

>>425790this, its why most phones now adays have a selfie mode so you don't look like grug just crawled out his cave using settings designed to photograph something several meters away
No. 425869
>>425809I do believe some people are born like this. But most aren't. A middle aged dude who spent his whole life comfortably living as a man isn't suddenly a SUPER
VALID WOMAN WITH GENDER DYSPHORIA UWU!! because he wants to wear dresses and has a sissy fetish.
No. 425922
>>425896Disappointing and awkward first times aren't uncommon but people are less apt to talk about them because they aren't really good stories. Mine was lackluster.
I think the people who wait for marriage are just
different in terms of personality in specific key ways. They are more sentimental on average from what I have seen. They're more apt to call lots of things magical and genuinely mean it. Other people are just born cynical, it is inherent to their core personality.
No. 425962
>>425896My first time was with my first bf, who I was in love with but he was an
abusive fuckwit who pressured me for 4 months straight to have sex even though I kept telling him I wasn't ready. One time I took a shower over at his mom's house while she was away for the weekend and when I got out of the shower he grabbed me, pushed me down on the bed and ripped the towel off and just started jamming it in. I was so shocked that I just laid there. Needless to say, it sucked ass because I wasn't aroused at all so I was dry as a bone, and I bled a LOT afterwards. He thought it was something to be smug about while I was in pain the whole weekend and terrified that he was going to make me do it again. (Most of our sex afterwards was like that; rough and with no care for my pleasure. He refused to give me head or touch me because it was 'gross' and if I didn't like it I could dump him. Which I did.)
It took me a long time and a few boyfriends to ever enjoy having sex. My current partner has been the most selfless lover I've had, and he was a virgin. I wish he'd been my first instead, because my ex really fucked me up and gave me a huge complex concerning sex for most of my 20s.
No. 425966
>>425962Ayart, I relate soooooo hard to your experience, but you realize this was rape, right? I was more asking along the lines of first times that weren't rape. Js, it sounds like you maybe aren't categorizing it as rape because he was your bf, though I can't tell? My first time was pretty similar, but he was my friend and not my boyfriend. I wouldn't categorize this as "lost it to a guy you loved/wanted to lose it to". This is straight up rape and I'm so sorry that you experienced this. I relate super hard though and I appreciate you sharing your experience. I'm really glad you found a guy that is a selfless and loving person. No doubt that having a selfless virgin to share it with is better than a rapist, but I'm just wondering if it's high pressure for most people when you have that much, emotionally, on the line.
>>425958That's awesome. I assume you met him online? That's really sweet, anon. I'm glad you guys could share that experience together and look back at it fondly. I don't think it would've worked out like that for me, however.
No. 426029
>>425922Sort of similar experience to you, but not super old for a virgin, did meet my love in an LDR. The story overall is pretty cute but not relevant. First time we did anything sexual was amazing and I remember it fairly clearly, first time we had penetrative sex probably wasn't
phenomenal, given that I don't remember much about it, but had so much build up that the excitement made it way better, and we adored each other. We almost certainly had a lot of sex in that period of maybe a few days so it all blends together. Pretty sure I still remember the exact same sigh he made when we finally started having sex, and that feeling of excitement though, it still makes me feel tingly. I had problems having sex for years and thought maybe it wasn't in the cards for me, had to work up to it alone, then we finally got to. That made it mean a lot to me, because I had to work for it, and because it was with someone I loved and wanted it so badly with him.
The emotions seem to matter more than the mechanics, the mechanics on the first time are almost always inferior to later on.
No. 426183
>>426164It depends on you, but it's great that you're trying out new things and talking to new people. Don't be afraid to lean on friends when you feel down about it. The hurt you feel from a breakup is reasonable, and (as tumblr-y as this sounds) is
I've had varying recovery times. The longest was over 7 years, the shortest was maybe about under 6 months. I'm still feeling sad about my most recent break up from 7 months ago.
Take the time to care for yourself. Don't just constantly run away from your sadness. Let yourself experience it, accept it, and move on from it whenever it hits you. Do things because they genuinely make you happy, not just because it's something to fill the void of sadness temporarily. I wish you the best of luck anon, moving on after a breakup is terrible. I hope the day comes when you can look back at this relationship and think "thank god I made that choice" without feeling sad about it anymore, it's a freeing feeling.
No. 426248
>>426183>>426170Thanks guys. It feels harder as time goes by because I think I'm only remembering the good times and not the horrible parts. It was the best relationship I had ever had in the beginning and I wonder if it was my fault that it got so bad, but when I write out the things that caused the relationship to end, I do realize he was part of the problem too.
How do I accept sadness? I googled it a bit. Is it just not trying to suppress it? I feel like it's really intense sometimes like my chest gets heavy and I feel like crying. Is that normal? It seems like alot
No. 426270
>>426248AYRT I still struggle with accepting the sadness. I think it differs from person to person, but I personally view it as letting myself cry and feel miserable when the feeling arises, but once I get that good cry out, I force myself move on from that temporary moment of sadness. I let my brain go through all of my sad thoughts, accept them, and move them away, sort of like reviewing notes or something. You grab them, you read them, then you sort them to where they belong (in the back of your head or in your mental trashbin). At the same time, I do think it's a very fine line between accepting it and letting it consume you entirely.
I think it's normal and okay when you chest gets heavy and you want to cry, but make sure after every time you cry, you pick yourself up from it and move on. Of course, it's okay to cry multiple times if you really feel like it. At some point you might think "okay I'm sick and tired of crying all the time, I've cried enough!" and move forward to the point where your sadness is just smaller, lingering (though may still be a bit painful) thoughts (especially of the good times). The goal is that you'll cry a lot less, and your chest will start to feel lighter and lighter. Maybe try to remind yourself after a sad moment "these are the reasons why the relationship ended" so you can reaffirm your decision.
No. 426272
File: 1561491232682.jpg (72.54 KB, 768x768, swatches.jpg)

How do people get swatches with clean edges like this? Do they just smear it on like usual then clean up the edges with a q-tip and makeup remover, lay down some tape and then swatch and then remove the tape, or are they just so damn good at freehanding?
No. 426286
>>426272I think it's tape.
Just make a retangular grid for all of your colors, apply swatch, remove tape.
No. 426505
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why are so many "non binary" and fakebois obsessed with being twinks?
No. 426508
>>426505For the same reason TIMs want to look like anime girls and porn stars
It's a fetish
No. 426523
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Is it normal to want and not want a relationship at the same time? I really enjoy the pre-relationship stage the most, when you are unsure if you really like each other, if you are just good friends or maybe a future couple. I feel like I'm stringing guys along because I don't want sex or any real relationship. I just wish this phase could last forever. Do any of you feel the same way?
No. 426584
>>426523It's normal. At that period in a relationship every touch makes your heart race and your skin burn and every minutes spent close to them is filled with the thrill of wanting to hold them close but not being quite ready to go for it. It's just lovely.
I love my boyfriend but I miss that time in our relationship, now his touch is just normal to me and I don't spend hours thinking about him tirelessly.
I do flirt a bit with a guy friend I feel specially attracted to, it's the same feeling. My boyfriend doesn't mind as long as it's only words and light touches, but if he started reciprocating I probably would stop. I know it's a pretty bad thing to do but idk, everyone involved seems to not mind and just think I'm a weirdo so I'm enjoying it while i can.
You're fine Anon, there's nothing wrong with not wanting a serious relationship and making the most of every new bond you make.
No. 426730
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>>426717I've always assumed it's a more scientific version of these things. I'm not sure either, though.
No. 426786
>>426741Telling you what he likes (even if you are those things) as non-negotiable
Intensely into you -lovebombing. You're the best thing since sliced bread but he doesn't know anything about you
Not interested in your schedule. Not willing to compromise. There's a red flags thread on /g which you may find useful.
No. 426830
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I feel like a mega idiot for asking but
Why do people think vaginas can be "used up"? is it a tightness thing?
like what does it stop working when you surpass 3 people kek
No. 426839
>>426830I think it's something to do with males thinking they are "competing" with your prior dicks (because they assume we judge people only by their physical characteristics, like them)
The less dicks, the less to compare to. This is why one woman who has had sex with one man 600 times is less "used up" than another woman who has had sex with ten partners once or twice each. The second one is a slut, apparently, simply due to their own insecurities about not matching up to these unknown ten men.
No. 426868
File: 1561634279016.jpg (30.74 KB, 1024x768, Shades-of-Green-1024x768.jpg)

>>426864Never thought about that, but maybe because there are multiple shades? Idk
No. 426870
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>>426832>>426839Thank you anons
>This is why one woman who has had sex with one man 600 times is less "used up" than another woman who has had sex with ten partners once or twice each.I was thinking about this! It's fucking shit logic lmao.
No. 426994
>>426957A troon went through everyone she follows and flipped out when it turns out she follows at least two lesbian feminists which is evil antitroon thoughtcrime.
People who monitors who follows who and who likes what and act like internet police over nothing are so creepy.
No. 427075
>>427063Been vegan for almost 2 years after being vegetarian for 6 months. I often crave meat but I've never caved because I think I'll definitely regret it immensely as soon as the plate would be over.
I recommend reading up more on how bad fishing is for the environment, there's been more and more articles about how almost half of the plastic in the ocean is from fishing for example. Keep a few articles bookmarked to read against when you find yourself craving it and it might calm down the urge.
However, even if you do end up eating it every few days or week, you're still making a big difference by being vegan the rest of the time, so don't beat yourself up if you choose that.
No. 427080
>>427063if you're vegan for moral reasons, then yes you'll probably feel guilty afterwards, and no I don't think a bit of fish is worth trashing your beliefs. think about the fishing industry.
if you're just casually vegan because you just happen to prefer those kinds of food, eh. if you go for a bit of fish, you shouldn't call yourself vegan or "seagan". just say you eat mostly plant based or whatever, with some fish.
No. 427213
>>427193I know it's difficult and takes practice but when the regret starts happening you need to block it out of your head. Keep busy with a project, exercise, watch a video, whatever. Self harm is a different beast, but there are a lot of techniques to stop doing that. Exercise combined with gradually changing how I emotionally process things helped me, but some people prefer weaning off of it (rubber band and ice methods).
Also…just own it as your personality tbh and fuck anyone who judges you for being embarrassing. I'm a blunt weirdo who struggles to emote correctly and tends to overshare but it's who I am. You just need to accept it. I find self aware (not necessarily deprecating) jokes also help others accept your nature.
Not saying any of this will cure hating yourself after a social faux pas completely, but any improvement is a great weight lifted.
No. 427240
File: 1561699880682.png (65.49 KB, 420x412, photoshop7.png)

Do people still use photoshop for art? I heard that Adobe was doing some bullshit a while back but I didn't look into it since it was in a Holly Brown thread.
I liked the program for it's tools and effects, but if there's a better alternative I'm all eyes.
No. 427248
>>427240There's some good advice about art programs in the previous artist salt thread. I think the one two threads back, do ctrl+f photoshop and you should find it. I'm on a phone or I'd do it.
Most people now use clipstudio paint or procreate on an ipad iirc though there are plenty of other options. A good simple Photoshop replacement is Krita, which is completely free.
No. 427249
>>427240Photoshop is still industry standard so plenty of artists use it. But there are FAR more art-friendly programs out now that a lot of artists are migrating to that are a lot cheaper and do pretty much everything photoshop does. Adobe's business practices have become pretty unethical (switching to a subscription service which ensures you will pay far more than what the software is worth over time), raising prices without warning, scaremongering that people who own old photoshop licenses could be sued to entice them to subscribe, etc.
>>427248 anon said you can find suggestions in one of the old artsalt threads. I use Procreate and CSP myself.
No. 427354
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>>427308They're both types of beauty. "Pretty and cute" makes me think of someone who's more endearing, smiley, and usually has youthful, roundish features. A bit like pic related. While "beautiful and sexy" makes me think of Monica Bellucci. They're both attractive, just different types of attractive.
No. 427391
>>427308Nah, I've had a guy call me cute before asking to get in my pants.
Some people actually prefer "cute" girls/guys and find it even more appealing than a sultry and hot look. Also if someone is complimenting your looks unsolicited chances are they're interested lol.
No. 427589
File: 1561766624552.png (198.92 KB, 397x398, 1559505934671.png)

Did something happen to crystal cafe? Did the admin abandon it? I've been visiting it the first few months after it was created and came back now, but it seems like it's completely overtaken by larping men and polfags? Wtf happened?
No. 427611
>>427589I think she's given up a bit. Reports take a long time to be taken care of compared to here.
The /pol/fag tradthot takeover was actually very recent, just last summer it was better than this.
No. 427731
>>427652Same happens to me, also my teeth get sore from covering them with my lips. It helps if you take breaks and use your hands. Or just suck the tip and use your hands for the rest.
>>427657A friend told me she kind of uses her arms instead of her neck, like pushes her whole body up and down instead of using her neck. She blows her bf three times daily and doesn't have problems anymore since she started doing this. It also works your arms a bit which is nice.
No. 427744
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>>427734I'm memeing but as a fellow pyro-tier nose-haver would love to see any. whenever people post women they think are attractive despite big noses it is either one with a small cute bump or maaaybe lupita nyong'o.
worst thing is, even if I did have a nose job to make mine smaller, that would just throw my entire face off and make my philtrum seem like 4 miles long. love being genetically doomed haha
No. 427791
>>427784But exposing her to the same risk of cancer is just fine?
I somehow hope those two friends of yours don't exist. It sounds
abusive and fucking weird to expect that and never give back.
No. 427908
File: 1561824842859.jpg (115.45 KB, 1600x900, 180307162129-prison-reform-nor…)

why are norwegian prison cells so comfy? i had no idea prisons in the first world countries were this luxurious. i am supportive of rehabilitative methods depending on the prisoner but someone like breivik doesn't deserve to serve in a place like this.
No. 427919
>>427908They're just compfy in scandinavian prisons. American and French prisons are hell.
Scandi prisons have actually shown really good rehabilitation statistics and I'm generally for decent living conditions and against a lot of the legal torture happening in many prisons. However, I emotionally can't bring myself to thinking such good living conditions should be available for pedophiles or that nazi terrorist who killed a bunch of libs on an island.
No. 427930
File: 1561827929595.jpg (1.26 MB, 1773x1182, Prisons.jpg)

>>427919some other first world prisons i've seen were also like these. when i think of prisons i just think of a small room behind bars and some beds and i expected it to be similar everywhere.
i agree, i think there is a chance in trying to psychologically help some prisoners but losing people like pedophiles, mass murderers, war criminals isn't much of a loss for society.
No. 427932
>>427930There's California in your collage and while it may seem okay-looking on that pic, american prisons (even in California) are absolute hell. It's really not like on OITNB, it's much much worse.
The worst thing imo are american for-profit prisons. That shit should be ended asap and the owners put themselves in prison.
No. 427950
>>427946Eh, tbh I think it also depends on why you did kill someone. Women get thrown in jail for killing their abusors when they had no way of getting out of the abuse. You could have a moment of distraction on the road and run over someone, and while it is your fault and you should suffer consequences, you also shouldnt have to endure the hell that the many prisons are. What about someone who killed the pedo rapist of their child?
I'm not trying to justify murder or anything, but sometimes, even if you did kill someone, you don't deserve to live in absolute filth, with no access to mental health care, risking getting beaten up or even killed yourself, sometimes even raped (by other inmates if you're male, by gards if you're female).
I agree it's fucked that our living conditions are sometimes worse than those of criminals but the solution to that is to find a way to better our living conditions. If you want to complain to your goverment, complain about your living conditions not those of inmates.
No. 427962
>>427919I'm definitely happy that they're successful at getting people to leave crime behind and become members of society. I wish more countries would aim for the same outcome instead of sadistic punishment of people that have made mistakes. A lot of criminals can be redeemed and made contributors to society.
But yeah,
emotionally it's hard not to think people that committed really horrifying crimes like child rape and mass murder shouldn't be given that same luxury. I'm still happy institutions are able to set that emotional response aside and instead work tirelessly to get anyone redeemed regardless.
No. 427987
File: 1561838967459.jpg (231.16 KB, 1200x624, brazil-pernambuco-prison-fb[1]…)

This is the AVERAGE prison in my country. There's only worse from this, not better. A bunch of guys in a cell meant for 5 at max. This doesn't stop crime, in fact, criminality is only rising. Fuck the prison system.
No. 428070
>>427987Stomago lied to me
Any possibility that bolsonaro gets killed?
No. 428072
>>428060careful with the liquid flea treatments, they can severely burn the skin on sensitive/allergic animals. I would go for a flea collar, that way if your animal has a reaction, you can take it off immediately. I also trust the Seresto collar more because it's a constant low dose for 8 months, rather than a huge initial dose that wears off after a month. Plus it both repels and kills fleas
and ticks. Ticks+Lyme disease are scarier imo
No. 428149
>>428035You keep it inside at all times.
Fleas aren't spontaneous, it can only catch them by having contact with another animal that has fleas or by fleas that recently jumped off of another animal outside.
No. 428215
>>428208He's a crazy, unstable guy who runs a shitty hyper-conservative web show that he uses to shill snake oil.
He's famous for saying that people are "puttin' chemicals in the water that turn the freakin' frogs gay." He thinks there's a conspiracy behind everything and he yells a lot.
No. 428239
>>4270685’3, 100lb. Have had an eating disorder but I don’t restrict any more and I eat like a horse, if that’s why you’re wondering.
>>427080>>427075I went vegan for the animals, yeah. It was an incredibly easy change considering I’ve never liked eggs, milk, cheese etc anyway, even as a kid. I keep reading about the bad shit in the fishing industry and mass-caught fish, but what about the sustainably caught brands? I know that no consumption of animals is ever ethical though, so it’s basically just a decision of sacrificing my morals for a one-time piece of sushi or something.
Also, I don’t have vegan or even veggie friends so everyone else tells me ‘veganism is too restrictive anyway!! Just eat it if you want it!!’ which doesn’t exactly help settle my internal debate lol
No. 428462
>>428412Nta but I have Nex too.
Not a chance of pregnancy three months in. Spotting is normal for some people while on it. It doesn't mean the hormone isn't working, it Even lists spotting as a side effect.
No. 428577
>>428572vegan food is almost entirely processed and those who eat unprocessed are just eating disordered
Anafags almost always go vegan
No. 428603
>>428527Of course you're supposed to eat 3 meals a day if you're active throughout. They're not supposed to all be the same amount tho, normally you should have a big breakfast, medium lunch, and light dinner. You're also not supposed to snack a lot, maybe once in the morning and once before dinner, with a beverage and a little thing like a cereal bar, a cookie or a fruit.
If you're only active for one part of the day of course you won't feel as much appetite, especially if you're snacking around. If you eat out a lot it's a bit different as well, portions tend to be bigger when eating out so it's easy to over eat at lunch and then you'll still be bloated by dinner and only drink some tea.
Guess it depends on many factors but overall yes, it's normal to eat 3 meals a day. But you can be healthy even if you don't.
No. 428846
>>428527I don't but my sleep schedule is all fucky and I never have an appetite in the mornings so I don't eat breakfast.
>>428535That's more about guys and how hot temperatures could affect sperm production. You shouldn't put the laptop directly on your lap though because it probably blocks the air vents and it might overheat.
No. 432634
>>432617>I was 13 and I knew what was happening- I was hypersexual- but I didn't want it. But I consented.I feel like this describes me aged 14-30 and then on and off since.
Your feelings are
valid anon. It's amazing what we agree to and why; especially when we're young. He sounds like a manipulative POS. Probably an antisocial criminal now. Keep heeling.
No. 432639
Did I overreact in the following situation?
Recently I got new neighbors. It's a nice neighborhood and quite calm. These new neighbors have lots of kids, I think four or five. Well, they've taken a habit to use my garden as a shortcut. I've noticed my dog barking all of a sudden and some other neighbor told me that he's seen them doing that several times.
Today was the first time I caught them running through. It was dark and I heard these footsteps close by. I don't feel comfortable any stranger(s), kids or adult going through my property day or night, but my bedroom window is on the ground floor, just where they passed by and I was undressing at the time and I'm pretty sure that they could have easily seen me. I can't tell if they did.
Well, since my dog caught air of them, some of them lost their sandals while running from him so eventually they wanted to come back and pick them up but they were afraid of the dog so they asked me if I could have the dog behind the door.
Well, I just firmly told them that I'm going to do that just this once but that it's private property that they're on and that in the future they should use the street for going about. I didn't curse at them though you could tell from my voice that I was angry and not friendly at all. And I told them that next time I won't be this nice.
My brother was there and heard the entire thing and said I was too harsh because we were once kids too. Yet I don't recall going through someone's fucking garden. It's not even much of a shortcut, maybe 50 meters shorter for all this trouble?
He told me I should have been friendlier to them but I know that with kids you need to pose as a strict authority. If I said something like 'oh, sorry. it's alright, just don't do it next time :)' they wouldn't have taken my request as seriously.
Maybe I should have posted this in the vent thread instead but what the fuck was I supposed to do? Offer them cookies?
No. 432890
File: 1562845023967.jpg (22.01 KB, 444x322, 1432418377132.jpg)

What the hell is a boipussy?
It's such a disgusting sounding word. Is it some kind of trans woman or gay man term?
No. 432990
>>432639how old are the kids?
ask your brother what you should have done, if your dog ended up hurting one of the kids. or if one of the kids hurt themselves running from your dog. should you then be responsible? because you could be, since it's your dog and property and KiDs WiLl bE kIDs.
your brother is an idiot, there's nothing wrong or overreacting about setting clear boundaries.
No. 433241
> "there was that angry lady let's not go over there again"haha, well good to know. My brother said I sounded like an angry cat lady.
>>432990Since it was dark it was hard to tell, but I'd say from 7 years of age up to 12.
> ask your brother what you should have doneMy brother thinks I should have been friendlier and nicer. He said that you could tell by my voice that I was angry which I was, but you see people (mini people in this case) just casually making a shortcut out of your garden and they knew what they did was wrong. There's a fence, the terrain makes it clear it belongs to someone. I just had to tell them to stop it, but I wasn't going to do it with a friendly voice and a smile.
>>432990> if your dog ended up hurting one of the kids.That's what I was scared of. At first, you still don't know who you're dealing with exactly and they you see kids and then it's too late. Luckily, my dog is not the most aggressive sort but imagine if I had something like a pitbull or a rottweiler.
> your brother is an idiot, there's nothing wrong or overreacting about setting clear boundaries.Thanks, I told him that. He still stands firmly that I was being too mean with my tone.