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No. 382958
Have a question that isn’t important enough for the advice thread?
Is it something everyone seems to understand but you can’t?
This is your thread!
Remember to ignore bait and trolls
Last thread
>>327795 No. 383063
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>>383009Like other anon said, standing desks!
They even have adjustable converters for regular desks.
No. 383289
>>383270Nepotism, social media influence, and subjectivity.
A lot of the current crop of popular models (Kendall Jenner, Kaia Gerber, the Hadids, etc.) are the children of celebrities and their parents' fame allowed them a foot in the door regardless of whether they deserved it or not.
Social media presence unfortunately trumps genuine talent a lot of the time nowadays. If you're not big on social media, that can affect how many jobs you get in an industry like that. They like big names to draw attention to their brand. And people get big on social media for all kinds of dumb reasons.
And then there's subjectivity too. While I agree with you about today's models, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that do find them interesting and gorgeous. And they're entitled to their bizarre opinions.
No. 383298
>>383109It's just a creepy image. YouTubers promoted this idea that it's possible to contact "Momo" via What's App. Computer illiterate parents are in a panic because they believe "Momo" is real and is telling their kids to commit suicide and self harm.
Idk why but parents love spreading this bullshit.
No. 383376
>>383316Honestly I don't think so. I understand the points raised by
>>383323, though in the end it's just gatekeeping and for what? If people are somehow offended that you're dressing up as a character from a show without prior knowledge, ultimately… Whatever…? It doesn't mean shit, everyone will forget before they know it and there are no overarching guidelines on what pieces of clothing or styling you're able to give yourself and certainly not dictated by other randoms, so fuck 'em. Enjoy yourself.
No. 383410
>>383316Cosplay has always been a way to broadcast what you're into and make friends with like minds. It doesn't make sense to go as characters you don't love unless you have zero intention of interacting with other fans beyond a thumbs up and a photo.
It's more understandable if you cosplay for money, but cosplay takes a long ass time to put together. Putting your character's show on as background noise while you sew is such a minimal amount of effort, anyone who can't be assed to do that much deserves any hate they get.
No. 383415
>>383389I use taxslayer myself, but it's very easy anon.
A few other quick things
>if you pay a student loan that is deductible, you'll need your loan issuer to give you a 1098-E, it can save you more than a few bucks depending on how much you've paid into it per year >there's no more mandate on health insurance so you will not be penalized for saying you had none >your bond is small but taxslayer is user friendly in that it will tell you what the different deductible sections are and if your bonds made enough in interest to bother Sorry to still but I've filed with them every year with no problems. My stats are single, no dependents, student loan, no health insurance towards the end of the year, recently moved back in with parents.
No. 383432
>>383423>are your parents having to file you as a dependent now that you've moved in?Nope, my parents haven't claimed me as their dependent on their taxes in years. The shorthand is if you're over 24 and they don't provide you with financial support equal to or greater than half of your annual income, you are considered independent.
It might ave something to do with your age or maybe their financial involvement. I'm 27, and moved out my first time when I was 23 (I came back home in November when I broke up with an ex and college was over).
No. 383446
>>383399Tax volunteer here, taxslayer is also what we use. VITA ( usually has an income cap, but we do it for free and we can do state returns too.
>>383415>The American Opportunity Credit (from the 1098-E) can actually get you up to $1,000 back in refunds, strongly recommend if you can take it.>Contrary to the beliefs of almost all my clients, the mandate still applies (_next_ year it doesn't), but if you just claim you had health insurance the whole year no one will bother to contest it.As for if you're a dependent, depends. If you're under 24 at the end of the year and a full time student, yes (qualifying child). If you made less than $4,150, yes. Otherwise, you're not a dependent.
No. 383500
>>383472The Thing?
What’s this thing?
No. 383534
>>383316It's a bad thing if you like cosplay, yes. That kind of thing is what lowers the quality and ultimately destroys a subculture.>>383517Because sjws don't like being told that people need to fulfill certain criteria in order to be part of a community. Gatekeeping is important to keep a group together and coherent.
No. 383777
>>383771Why is his unusual face actually adorable, ty anon.
>>383772I'm dumb, I didnt think of that search term. Ty as well.
I also found a fairly new and weird channel called "Intelligent Man" who does asmr eating vids that're satirical but he seems cute, if anyone else has my struggle. Almost cringey-cute, but still.
No. 384301
>>384213I'm tall (5'11) and I have always preferred short men. I have literally had 1 boyfriend that is taller than me and it only lasted a few months lol. I think that the whole short thing is really exacerbated by TV/movies.
>>384174yeah I think so! Funny you said that because I'm the same way. Like I said earlier I'm tall as fuck and I carry all my weight in my thighs and butt…but my shoulders are not tiny. Not as wide as my hips and got small tits.
No. 384304
>>384225>>384298>>384301Thanks for input. Ig they're not popular but more so than often portrayed, then?
I ask because they're the only men I go for but they continuously reject me so I'm assuming they must have better options. Or is it the height difference (even though it's only a few inches) hang up? Since I've had taller men flirt with me so I know I'm not a complete fuggo myself.
Tall anon, advice on how to date shorter men?
No. 384311
>>384310Ty anon!
Are the variances in color just based on skintone?
No. 384344
>>384308Trust your gut feeling before anything else. Does he give you the creeps? Do you like him? Would you like to be with him?
Don't worry about the attention, if he's not too clingy.
No. 384357
>>384308Bear in mind whatever happens, he literally knows where you live.
Sound him out very carefully and take it extremely slowly
No. 384673
>>384636You only meed to buy it once and then charge it so it's cost effective, and it's easier to use than a jar of wax.
It doesn't last particularly long and even if you do it carefully you'll probably miss a few hairs when epilating. I've been epilating for several years, and exclusively for 6 months, and I do have a few bald spots on my legs now. I still get ingrowns tho but they may be from the times I shaved, if you get a good quality epilator you shouldn't get them.
No. 384737
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any osu players on here, what's the etiquette for playing online? i've been playing osu singleplayer for years because i fucking forgot there was a multiplayer mode. now i want to join, and i did last night but eventually all the other players were telling me to "pass down the host" and i had no clue what to do so i just left the game
No. 384905
>>384304Sorry it took me so long to respond! I forgot which thread I posted this lol.
I think that a lot of men sadly have a complex about height, and are somehow insecure or threatened by tall women. For some reason they think they're less of a man for dating a woman taller than them. You're likely not a fuggo at all, the men are just insecure about feeling lesser compared to you.
As for advice well…most men I've dated I met online, and I make it a point to tell them my height. I've never really found that they were turned off by it. Most of the men I've dated are actually turned on by it. Men I've met offline have been friends and they asked me out. The last guy I dated before my current boyfriend was fucking tiny compared to me. He was totally a sub so that helped a lot lol.
This advice probably sucks but I've honestly not had much of an issue with it. I used to be extremely insecure about my height in school, to the point I seriously fucked up my back from slouching constantly to appear shorter. I'm 27 now and I'm still suffering from it. I just learned to accept myself and anyone who doesn't like it can fuck off. Being tall is awesome and especially being over 5'9 for a woman is rare, which makes it even more beautiful imho. If a man is too insecure to date you then they don't deserve you. If you like someone just feel em out, flirt with them! If they like you back they will let you know ;)
No. 385180
>>383641Five days and still no answer. I really need to run away from my
abusive relationship.
No. 385324
>>385180If you have a bachelor's degree from an Anglophone country you can teach English abroad. It's relatively easy, especially if you're white.
If you want to move to a nice country like Canada, Sweden, or the US you can forget about it.
Why can't you move somewhere in your own country?
No. 385741
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Now I know this is going to sound hypocritical because I'm posting this on a site dedicated to lolcows but- what is with preeteens on tik tok ganging up on (what appears to me to be) developmentally delayed adults? To me it seems so weird and unfunny but maybe I'm just too old for it.
No. 385744
>>385743How am I being autistic? I only have a marginal interest in her and I don't know if she's worth dropping my albums for her. All I hear about her is that she just makes music and wears weird clothes. Damn, I didn't know asking if she's worth listening to was such a
triggering question.
No. 385867
>>385857same anon
ok now it's morning and i just heard her unlock her car twice, go in and out of her apartment 4 times, and she checks the lock very intently each time
i think it must be ocd. poor woman
No. 386534
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Why do people get super autistic when someone mentions they like an apple product?
>>385741I think it's more prevalent now because people figured they can make money or get that yt clout with channels dedicated to cringe compilations/making fun of people.They're very popular these days along with "Tea"/drama channels.
Preteens today are glued to the internet so they're just following the trend, along with the fact that they're already nutty due to their age.
>>385994She has an encyclopedia dramatica page, that'll give you some good info.
No. 386536
>>386534It’s the cool thing to shit on. Don’t know why, they’re genuinely better than a lot of the market and their stuff looks really nice. One of the biggest arguments I hear is that they’re expensive by what isn’t these days
And hey, at least apple cares about user privacy
No. 386663
>>386652See a doctor if you miss your period for more than two months.
Mine always go away in times of stress or under-eating.
No. 387487
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Are plastic outlet covers recyclable?
No. 387534
>>385626I personally adore her and basically became a huge fan of her music in a few hours lol. A friend sent me a video of her instagram story where she recounts a story of how she went for a doctor's visit and the nurse made her pee in a cup in a closet, but something about her was offputting at the time and I didn't really watch it. For a while I just really didn't want to listen to her, literally didn't give her a chance or heard her voice, just didn't want to listen. Then I was on the Colors yt channel and was curious what their most popular video was and lo and behold it's Billie singing idontwannabeyouanymore. I don't know what it was, but the moment she started singing, something clicked and I just could not stop listening to her. bury a friend and you should see me in a crown are some of my favorite songs because I love that sort of heavy techno sound (sorry- don't know the actual genre or term for it lol). I've been consistently playing only her songs for what's probably been three weeks by now and I still love listening to her. When I watch concerts of lives, it looks so fun when the audience sings with her, and I considered buying scalped tickets for like $200 to see her in my city lol. I went back to watch that video of her peeing in a closet and lost my fucking mind. She seems super chill and down to earth, really funny. Her clothing aesthetic isn't really my thing but I just ignore it. Anyway, to each their own. You might like her, you might not. I think she's worth checking out. Maybe listen to a few songs. when the party's over is the second song I listen to from her and I didn't really like it at the time. Maybe you'll find a song you like even if you don't like her overall discography.
sage for sperging
No. 387634
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is it possible to be legitimately depressed because of school or am i just fucking stupid and looking for an excuse?
No. 387638
>>387287you never know…
yeah chocolate milk is fine.
No. 387650
>>387634Depression doesn't have to be "deep". Depression can be
triggered by stressful situations like losing a loved one or failing school.
No. 387702
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>>387640i get really weird whenever i have to do any work (assignments, tests, etc) as in, i feel like whatever i'll do, it's never going to be enough and i'll eventually just fail and feel completely hopeless about my future
i've always kinda thought of it as "depression", but typing it out, i'm not sure if it's the appropriate word to describe what i've written
>>387650i just get scared i won't be taken seriously because i haven't really had anything traumatic happen to me and i'll just be perceived being too dramatic and or lazy about school
>>387661i'm pretty sure this is stemming back from my last year of high school where i completely failed everything and i haven't changed/grown from there
btw thank you anons for your responses
No. 387703
>>387687I'm obese myself, and I tend to collect certain things, but both are because I've struggled a lot with impulse control and having an addictive personality. I don't think for most that being fat results in hoarding, so much as poor impulse control results in overeating and overspending. A generally terrible level of self-esteem tends to also fuel the temporary dopamine rush that results from eating and collecting/spending.
Basically, yeah, probably correlated, but probably not causative.
No. 387709
>>387687I think
>>387703sounds about right. Difficulty with impulse control, sensitivity towards addiction/instant gratification and (in some people) a certain tendency to externalise things and put them off. I’ve noticed a lot of “once I get/start xyz, life will be better” type of thinking in my friends and family members struggling with obesity. Then once they do get or start xyz and it doesn’t instantly make them feel better, they lose interest and give up on it. All the new hair colours, clothes, makeup, fad diets, kitchen appliances, club memberships, physical or virtual collectibles, etc. are just another symptom of this way of thinking.
I know a woman who has a Pinterest board of literally hundreds of healthy snack recipes but has privately admitted to me that she’s never made a single one because simply scrolling through them and collecting more is enough to alleviate the guilty feeling she’d otherwise get from eating a bag of chips. So every weekend she sits behind her laptop for a few hours at a time, feeling proactive as she pins new healthy recipes to her board while eating junk food, telling herself she’ll totally start eating better after this.
No. 387723
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My question's ultra retarded but this is my first boyfriend and I don't know any better so I'm going to ask anyway.
Last night, we were cuddling on the couch and he went in for a neck kiss which was my first one ever. For some reason…I didn't really care for it. To be honest, it literally just felt like someone's tongue licking/kissing my neck without sexual context and I didn't feel turned on at all. Everyone talks about how sexy they are so I'm wondering if there's something wrong with me or maybe he's just not a good kisser? My heart was racing and I was like omg but it didn't get me in the mood or anything like I thought it was supposed to.
I don't know what was going on lmao sorry for being spergy loser supreme.
No. 387755
>>387753I see, the thing about the external hard drives is for me personally that I'm kind of worried that those things stop working or have some kind of error and that means that all your photos are gone or can't excess them because of whatever reason.
I already lost once 10 years of photos because of something like that and I'm still not over it that I have almost no photos of my teenager years…
No. 387756
>>387750Most people at the gym are fumbling beginners/casuals or people who are SUPER into working out and are happy to help out beginners (or just don’t care). As long as you’re respectful of gym ettiquette i.e. wiping down equipment after you’re done and putting weights back they belong I don’t think anybody will judge you.
I know it can seem really intimidating to walk in and see all the veteran gym goers doing these intense workouts with heavy weights but honestly in my experience with basically any hobby the people who are truly passionate and talented are more than happy to share their knowledge with newbies. It’s only the mediocre, casual people who judge and gatekeep. And especially with working out it can be really easy to injure yourself with the wrong form and most people are well intentioned and don’t want to see others get hurt so they’ll try to kindly help you out if you’re doing something wrong.
And most gyms I’ve seen have trainers walking around and working out themselves. You usually have to pay for actual sessions of course but you can always go up and ask them for help with spotting or checking form, it’s their job after all.
No. 387761
>>387755There's no guarantee that whatever's saved in the cloud doesn't get lost due to some error, albeit less likely, plus it might be costlier in the long run.
I haven't had issues with external drives but if you had a bad experience than maybe saving it in a cloud store is better idea. I hope some other anons have a better tip.
Sorry to hear about those photos, that is a great loss.
No. 387910
>>387854fucking same anon, like it's just crazy how quick people can make really good puns
i wanna be like that too
No. 387952
>>387931I see, thanks. I guess I'll just stick to mine then.
> Plus if you have dumbo ears like me they will probably hurt after a while. Haha, yeah I do which is why my main requirement for headphones is that they're over the ear type that is cushy for the ears.
>>387946>>387917Would it be weird for someone in their late 20s to start doing that?
I guess I associate with teenage girls but it seems like a nice idea.
No. 387989
>>387824Are you still upset that the cgl lolita general wasn't willing to shit all over FR with you for a completely non-lolita-related post?
I agree that it's pretty cringe but your preoccupation with this is honestly cringier.
No. 388065
>>387755>>387761Your important digital files (old pictures, college thesis…) should always be stored in a least two different places. Cloud + external hard drive is a good idea. With google drive you get 15Go of free storage so it's a good start.
Remember that if you only keep your files on an external hard drive you always run the risk of having it stolen if someone break into your home for example.
No. 388115
>>388101Some people just have shitty ears that get infected a lot and there's not much you can do about it. I'm assuming your infections accompany a cold? If so the advice my dr gave me was to start using nasal decongestants as soon as I'm feeling sick because it lessens the chance of getting an infection.
You should really ask your dr if there's anything you can do to prevent it from happening so much because they're so busy they don't tend to take the initiative. If he still has no advice then you might just be very unlucky.
No. 388261
>>388222Cats like to be in enclosed places where they are secure and "tucked in". It's an evolutionary thing. My cat went through a phase where she slept in a tiny space between my desk and the wall.
I think he feels safe and comfortable in his cat tree and wants to sleep there, but he also wants to make the space feel as enclosed as he can.
No. 388395
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Why do (some) women give other women nasty looks in public? I have never understood this. I don't look at other people unless I have a reason to, and if I do, I give them a polite smile. But sometimes I look and there's just a woman glaring venomously at me for no apparent reason. There is a difference between resting bitch face& actual venom. I've never seen a man do it to me but maybe it is less obvious when they do. Does anyone else experience this? Know someone who does it? Do you do it, and if so, why?
No. 388398
>>388395I've been told I do this but it really is an unfortunate resting bitch face plus slightly squinting due to bad eyesight (especially when I'm trying to make out if it is a person I know or nah). I can't imagine a reason for a rando to glare at you, people are generally far too preoccupied with themselves to do that shit I think, unless you
REALLY stand out.
No. 388444
>>388439I think grey is a good choice because it's a neutral, so if you ever want to change up your room's colour scheme you can keep the curtains as they are.
I personally have a mostly grey bedroom (white walls, but grey curtains and grey bedsheets) and even though I don't like grey normally, as an interior decoration colour it's a good one. It's nice and calming, so it helps get me in a frame of mind to relax and sleep.
No. 388519
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>>388496It’s literally on the tin, they’re submitting things to Pewdiepie. It even has a description on the very first page. This really is a stupid question
No. 388591
>>388587>>388587Whenever I hear normie I think of boomers or "average adult", honestly - people who go to their 9-5 job 5 days a week, watch TV all evening, only use the internet for Facebook, etc. They also look down on nerdy hobbies or pursuits because it's "weird". And it's only nerd/geek types who use it as an insult, or really super shut NEET losers.
It's basically like snowflakes on tumblr calling people not afflicted by 20 different mental illnesses (half of which are self diagnosed) "neurotypical".
No. 388659
>>388578Which Sims?
I'm thinking I'll just run 2 or 3, 4 seems boring
No. 388674
>>388670Depends a lot on genetics how you'll age
Yes a good diet, skincare and exercise can help, but still
No. 388679
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>>388673>>388674I see. I guess I might have a weird image in my head then, of like the super skinny raw vegan types that never wear sunscreen.
I suppose witchytwitchy looks pretty good and is a vegan.
No. 388689
>>388679to be fair, its hard to judge the health of someone by their ig selfies when there are layers of makeup and photo tuning and trying to look their best for a 'candid' shot.
>>388686a woman being a virgin represents purity and self control. its jammed into guys heads that they should get a virgin because they arent sullied and cheap and girls are taught that busting a hymen is the ultimate gift you can give someone you love. which is laughable honestly.
No. 388693
>>388686It's just an arbitrary term to describe someone who hasn't had sex. Then we ascribed value (or shame) to it.
Cue "everything is a social construct blah blah blah…"
Compare it to someone who has never been for a swim in the ocean. The concept exists but also not really. The only difference between pre-ocean and pre-sex is that we have a term for the latter, most likely due to it being culturally important to procreate. Maybe in some culture there is a word for pre-ocean, who knows lol.
No. 388740
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Do the glasses pic related look that terrible?
My glasses are almost the same except the frame is black but I was surprised to see how many people in the comments complained about it and I just don't get it?
So, they hang a bit low on my nose but why it's such a big deal? I sound insecure but whatevs
No. 388747
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At what point is someone white passing?
It's mostly inconsequential I guess, but about 1 in 6 people read me as white and other readings are non-white but all over the place.
Not posting a pic of me but my features and skin tone are similar to girl with long hair in pic related although her face shape is a bit different.
I know it's dumb but I'm getting a complex about it. Am I white passing or just racially ambiguous? If someone reads me as white should I just roll with it? How do other biracial anons cope if you have this issue?
No. 388754
>>388744>>388746I love you gals!
>>388751Thank you for the feedback. Can't believe people can care that much about glasses but
> my coworkers wouldn't stfu about how ugly her glassesis the same thing in the comments. Oh, well…everyone's a critic.
No. 388778
>>388757>blindActually that made me reflect upon the fact that it's only men who read me as a fully white woman (one even insisted until I showed him a pic of my father). And I know men struggle more often with facial recognition and such.
Maybe the fact that I wear glasses also obscures some features? Regardless that's probably my answer. Thanks? I guess.
No. 388792
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>>388759The algorithm showed me that vid too, and I thought the same anon!
Never thought I'd see eyes that look too big. I think she looks like the one girl from Garfunkel and Oates.
No. 388993
>>388976I don't see how eyeliner could fuck up other places on your face lol. Unless you use it on your cheeks or or lips something? Idk why you would kek.
I've heard it can cause eye wrinkles though. Especially if you apply it the wrong way. And mascara can thin your lashes.
No. 389187
>>389152I think America is cool but I would never want to live there. I like having free healthcare, gun control and more left-wing politicians.
If I could just live in America for a year or two and then go home then maybe I would. I'd want to live somewhere interesting with lots going on, like New York or New Orleans.
No. 389218
>>389152I'm Canadian and I really hope I can hop the border (legally) to work in the Bay Area for a while because I need a change of scenery, pace and lots of $$$. Also, the weather is pretty constant there, compared to where I live right now.
However, I do realize that I want to move only for superficial reasons, of course. I don't know if I'd want to raise children there if I do decide to have them. The Canadian health care system isn't perfect, but it's a good thing to have on your side if you get hit with cancer or such things.
No. 389296
>>388686Originally virginity meant not having been wed yet I believe, I would consider weddings a social construct. Regarding the more modern definition, the idea something is “lost” when you have sex is definitely some societal made-up bullshit
>>388689>a woman being a virgin represent purity and self controlI hate sexist nonsense like this example you listed. Men are constantly forcing themselves on women and girls, it’s not self control in most of the world as much as it is about the ability to fight off predatory men. Why aren’t men shunned and shamed for throwing themselves on women and girls left and right from puberty til death? Oh yeah because they’ve convinced us and themselves that they’re better than us some fucking how.
That kind of manipulation is how they’ve tried to control women’s thoughts, bodies and actions for ages, just look at the rampant sexism in religious texts. Men throughout history have sought to control us, raise us into feeble puppets who bow to unworthy men, who symbolically wear collars and leashes, only existing to please and mother the pathetic scrotes around us.
That’s what I think of when people want to talk about virginity. It’s always about controlling women, it’s always been.
Men who want an “unsullied” girl are men afraid of actual women (who aren’t tied in their fathers basement awaiting an incel to get her fathers permission to own her next, like trading for cattle) and men who threatened by other men, i.e. beta manlets
(Inb4 “go to the man hating thread anon”, I’d spend more time in the man hating threads if it didn’t enrage me to read)
No. 389812
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Burgerland anons, is Checkers a worthwhile place to get fast food? What other fast food place is it comparable to? What's the best item on the menu in your opinion?
No. 389867
>>389840About 2.5 inches in diameter and a bit purpler than my skin tone, but not super noticeable. It hurts when I press down on it but is otherwise just itchy. Mine is also from a fall (down the stairs) and at a time when I was pretty anemic, which may have contributed.
Regardless I think we're thinking of the same thing, although I've only seen it still referred to as a hematoma? Which is still a bruise though…ig it's just a long term bruise.
>2 yearsJesus christ, I'll probably just bring it up to my gp to see if she'll drain it.
>>389865Anon, this story is awful and though I appreciate that you shared it, I also wish I'd never read it.
I'm sure
>>389597 will feel much worse if she reads these posts lol.
No. 389971
>>389866My bf is the same. I think it's because he's showing his love and gratefulness after you did something for him. During sex both partners are supposed to enjoy it, while a bj is only about his pleasure. So maybe he's conscious about it? Idk.
My other idea is that maybe getting active when having sex do something to their brains. That could be the reason the emotional response is so different after sex in comparison with after a bj.
No. 390148
>>390146Dresses that cheap are probably not actually “good quality”
But yes that’s a decent price
No. 390162
>>390146I grew up poor too so I get the feeling, but I think it's good to really assess purchases. If you've been looking at it long, indie brand and good quality (usually my checklist too) - it'd go for it. The prices are good!
>>390148I've actually brought great quality/fabric/construction dresses for around that price a bunch of times.
No. 390343
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Is it true the MBMBaM fans are insane?
I've keep hearing that but I've only seen the old monster factory vids that have tame comments.
No. 390554
>>390329Uh do you clean up standing because when you squat you‘ll remove most of the things. Speaking of smell, I know you‘re not supposed to wash it with soap but maybe external area is not harmful because god damn my vajayay for once smells no longer like the sea but like roses unironically. Though the soap I used was very very very mild and has no sulfates.
t. Pro virgin but I am good at understanding physics
No. 390601
>>390592I relate to this, I'm not in school anymore and I have barely done anything with art since then. So, a few years. I have pieces I started over a year ago I haven't touched more than a few times and it only ends up making me feel even more unmotivated sometimes. I don't really have a great answer but I know artist burn out is incredibly common.
What helps me though is being in a super specific, designated space where I don't have to worry about anything else but art. I haven't had this since I was in school though and sometimes all I want is to be able to go back to that art classroom and just do my thing. If you're like me in that sense, try setting up a space dedicated to art only and nothing else, separate from your bedroom.
No. 390625
>>390592I suffered from the same problem for a long time but I decided that this year I was going to try and get out of it. I know you said forcing yourself makes things worse and I used to feel the exact same way but I PROMISE you that it gets easier. You just have to make something every day. You don't have to finish it, you don't have to like it. You can throw it in the trash if you want to, just make something anyway. Seriously, even if you only spend fifteen minutes on it, or if you just doodle at work in your spare time. You'll never get out of the funk without starting somewhere.
I went from making a couple pieces a year to painting and/or drawing every single day and all it came down to was dedicating myself to creating.
Some other things that helped me were setting short and longterm goals for my art. Stuff like teaching myself color theory and learning how to use a new art program. I also use Pinterest to save images that inspire me and I look through them when I can't think of what to make.
I also try to write down or sketch ideas the moment I have them for the same reason, again, it doesn't have to be good.
Setting up a sm account for your work can be really motivating too, you can set a weekly post goal and it feels nice to get recognition even if it's just one or two likes.
Never beat yourself up if you don't meet goals or if you slip up. Don't let momentary lapses grow into week or month long hiatuses. Get right back on the horse if you fail. And if you just don't feel like working one day it's okay to give yourself a break OR even better, take that time to do something else related to your work, like studying or reading.
Finally, and this one is really important, don't work with distractions. I know it's super tempting to listen to music, watch movies or TV, etc while you're working but it prohibits you from fully focusing on your work and it will suffer. Trust me, no matter how good of a multitasker you think you are, distractions are no good. Be present, and enjoy what you're doing. Take a break if you get bored.
Sorry for the long ranty post, but I really hope it helps.
No. 390649
>>390636I mostly just get off file hosting sites linked through blogs but everyone uses those shady url shortening links to earn money including blogs I trust. Which is fucking irritating… while my adblocker usually works with them occasionally one of them refuses to cooperate with my anti adblock killer scripts. The links themselves that those lousy url sites lead to are usually clean but the url shortening services themselves are garbage and I wish sites had never resorted to using them.
I usually only dl torrents for shows rather than music media.
No. 391060
>>390996It really depends on the specific store, I think. I don't know about Payless in particular but I used to work at a well-known clothing chain that's popular with the high school/young college age group aka prime shoplifting age and it was also in a big, famous mall near a major city and our loss prevention was laughably bad. And we had NO cameras. In a high shrink store with lots of little things that would be so easy to conceal even on the sales floor. The management seemed to give no fucks about shoplifting or shrink but I've heard different stores in other locations being way more tough on shoplifting, it was really a mixed bag when it came to the stores.
>>391005 worked at a high security Payless but I'm sure there are plenty of different Payless stores across the country with lazy management who are more lax on security. YMMV.
You know your store and your management best. Do you know if your managers check the cameras and how often? And how anal are they about checking inventory? It's possible that if no one saw you on camera as it happened and if no one notices the item is gone, you'll get away with it. Also, isn't Payless going out of business? If there's chaos with closing sales and pushing out as much inventory as possible you might be able to slip by, but you never know.
No. 391146
>>391138The PC was actually a regular stock prebuilt computer I got from my dad, I just slapped in a 1050 and a stronger PSU to do some gaming on. It has 8 gigs of RAM and the CPU is an Intel i5-6400. The only thing I know for sure I'll be upgrading is the hard drive, it's still using a HDD and I want to switch to a SSD.
It might be better to upgrade the CPU but tbh I'm not that great with computer stuff so I don't really know which I should prioritize or if it's even worth upgrading at all.
No. 391163
>>391111I don't think it's "sexuality".
I'm experiencing something similar myself. Romantically, I do have crushes on girls and I can see myself spending life together as a couple with a woman. But I have no sexual desire towards women like I do have towards men. It's an interesting topic. I think it could be:
a) personal problems/internalized homophobia - because, for example, you're open-mided enough to love someone, but the thought of having sex is too much - that's environment's, society's, parents' influence. So you "block" sexual desire unconsciously.
In the example you gave - if he's a gay guy, maybe he's afraid of being attracted to women "fully" because it could undermine his position within the lgbt+ community.
I think it's mostly self-repressed feelings.
b) being on the beginning of self-discovery. It's not always black and white and known from the beginning. People nowadays feel the need to validate themselves with "I knew since I were a kid!" which doesn't help. You can change your mind anytime.
xromantic is just a harmless label. Personally, I'm okay with crazy labels because they can help people to understand their sexuality better. It's okay as long as you don't make up something and call it a legit sexuality. I mean, you can, but don't expect the world to bend for you, right
No. 391321
>>391319, also sorta as a retort to amerifats (not sure who came first)
No. 391377
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I don't intend this to be race bait, but seriously, why can't i find some races attractive? Is it normal to not find other races attractive other than your own? I'm nonwhite & I feel weird when my friends talk about how attractive European men are, but i just don't see it.
No. 391424
>>391402Were you reading/thinking of that conversation from the other day that was
triggered by shota anon lol?
The answer is no.
No. 391426
>>391377They probably just don't have traits that appeal to you.
I don't get the hype over white guys either.
No. 391601
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What kind of cat is this
It’s unacceptably cute
No. 391911
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>>391377I also don't find men outside of my race to be attractive. The weird thing is I can appreciate the beauty of women of a different race, but I have never been attracted to a man of a different race sexually or emotionally. Sure it's some kind of evolutionary thing like how certain people are just hardwired for monogomy vs. pologymy.
No. 391916
>>391911I have the same thing, but in reverse. I find women of my race attractive, but not the men.
Not sure what my problem is.
No. 391950
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Is there a word for the unhealthy tendency to seek out internet communities where men talk about their cynical, negative and often misogynistic views (braincels, mgtow etc.)?
It's as if I'm a masochist for subjecting myself to read their posts on an almost daily basis but I can't stop.
No. 392042
>>392030Light dust of blush and subtle bronzer. I prefer cream products tho having dry skin. Wayne Goss on yt has good tuts for that
Or mixing a tiny bit of bronzer into foundation/face cream. TINY.
No. 392190
>>392030Same as you, and I tried Collistar's tanning drops. The effect is very natural and subtle, it doesn't look orange and you can decide how tan you want to be by putting on more product.
They're called Collistar magic drops. (I know you said "no spray tan", but these are different. Plus, I don't think there's another way around, aside from bronzer)
No. 392365
>>392360Generally that is the qualification they're referring to and it's what they focus on when it comes to postgraduate degrees or graduate positions.
If you're up against people with a similar bachelor's degree, then they might look into other qualifications though.
Is your BA the natural predecessor to the position/course you want to take on? For example, if you're looking to study history at masters level, is your history also in history? And what grades did you get? To move on to postgraduate degrees in the UK you generally have to achieve a 2:1 in your bachelors. I'm not too sure what the GPA equivalent of that would be, as it seems to differ depending on the institute.
No. 392368
>>392365It’s a specific history field and my BA is in the same exact subject. I have a fairly shitty GPA (I believe the equivalent of a 2.2?) because I was previously undiagnosed with ADHD which came to light when I had a breakdown over school (part of this breakdown included an unwanted pregnancy and termination) so I was afraid of submitting my grades without some sort of explanation of the circumstance but I also figured there wasn’t a proper place for it and I’m not sure if they take things like that into account you know?
Thank you so much for the responses btw this has been really difficult.
No. 392376
>>392368Sorry to hear about your struggle, anon. I hope things are better for you now.
Unfortunately I think it was your GPA that caused the rejection. A 2:1 degree is the second grade down. The UK degree grades are a first, 2:1, 2:2, third, fail.
If it's possible for you, some UK universities offer an integrated degree where you undergo a bachelors and then an overlapping masters during your final year. It'd be more expensive than just doing a postgraduate degree, but it might be one way of doing it.
You could also look into other entry requirements. Some unis will let you do a postgraduate course or position if you have significant work experience or equivalent qualifications.
No. 392377
>>392371Yeah that’s what I was afraid of, I’ve tried that route before when I first graduated but it was basically need not apply if you’re not already a grad student..
I’m so fucked, but thanks all for the advice I appreciate it.
No. 392721
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>>392698I read it as Spyro and was really confused as to how this goofy fuck is supposed to dick about with someone’s birth control
No. 392751
>>392721Gave me a good laugh
>>392734Thanks anon!
No. 393860
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Y'all I'm new at this being a woman thing and I really hope I pass and am hoping to make new friends! So what do y'all think about approaching random women in a toilet and asking them to rate my neovagina and let me compare it to their pussies?
Do you think they'd be accepting enough to let me feel how theirs feels in comparison to mine? I mean, I know there are a lot of bigots around :(
Pic related, my civil rights hero.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 394430
>>394427Sounds like a good plan to me tbh.
I think if he's the type to cheat he'd do it regardless of whether he liked a variety of ages or not.
No. 394541
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I'd like to start trying some new cheeses and eating them in new ways. I have only had the standard cheeses that most Americans have had like cheddar, parmesan, mozzarella, swiss, blue cheese and basically any cheese that you could get as an option at a Subway or something. Does anyone have cheese recommendations, and how they like to eat that cheese? I am not trying to be fancy or anything, I just really like the taste of the cheeses I've had so far. I think I like parmesan the best.
No. 394582
>>394541Idk if you'll be able to find them in america but as a baguettefag my favorites cheeses are :
-Roquefort, I don't know if that's what you're referencing when you say blue cheese, since there are a lot of different blue cheese, like le Bleu or la fourne d'ambert, they're all great imo. It's really nice on a salad with some walnut and a honey salad dressing;
-Tome de Savoie.
-Beaufort, a bit like swiss cheese but without holes and stronger flavor.
-Goat cheese, I like it the best when its well ripened (it gets hard and has a lot more flavor), and I eat it on a piece of bread with some olive oil on top, it's the best summer treat, but very caloric.
I could go on for a long time since I've eaten a ton of different cheese in my life, but those are the one I like most, and the best way to eat cheese imo is on a piece of high quality bread.
No. 394595
>>394541Old gouda is reaally good as well.
It is a little bit more expensive as normal gouda and it's kinda dry but I love the taste
No. 394648
>>394541Cranberry wensleydale is my fav, with crackers.
I also ate an entire wheel of camembert including the rind all to myself in December so theres that
No. 394803
>>394077From looking them up it does sound legit, just that many people get filtered out and it isn't really a school. It sounds like you are basically self-studying with other students in a school-like environment.
There is always something very wrong with these literal who programs though, going to a regular university you should always try first. I saw some people complaining about corruption when I looked them up.
No. 394815
>>394811Oh man, I feel bad for those on the receiving end of public proposals. It’s such a short sighted thing to do, I made sure to drill it into my boyfriends head that I’d never forgive him if he did that to me (we had been discussing the possibility of marriage), puts a lot of unneeded pressure and embarrassment on the one being asked.
I wish it was more acceptable to not have to get expensive engagement rings, diamonds aren’t even all that nice tbh.
No. 394911
>>394907Gah, I used to have a girl buddy like this. We'd drink some then snuggle and sometimes kiss. We both would carry on separate heterosexual relationships with others throughout this.
Side note: I miss her, she was super cool too, but I'm too scared to reach out and reconnect. Idk why. She moved to another state a couple years ago and also I ditched all social media awhile back.
So here's my stupid question for her if she lurks here, will you text me?
No. 395407
>>395400Similar to other anon, I'm a former poorfag so I still spend like I have half the money I do, I spend $15 - $30 on clothes every couple months, but I'll get an occasional $20-$25 graphic shirt here and there throughout the year.
My boyfriend can safely spend $100-150 on a new outfit every other month, maybe every year or so he'll find something worth buying for a total of $250.
Working out, every week I try to jog at least 3 miles total and bike for 6. As long as I'm sweating and breathing hard for a good 15 minutes, I'm satisfied. The non-strenuous walking, I get in while grocery shopping.
No. 395425
>>395400You shouldn't have to spend money on clothes every month. $200/year sounds pretty average for a middle-class person (maybe on the high side), this cost goes down once you become satisfied with your wardrobe.
With exercise, going to the gym 5x a week is ideal but not everyone has that sort of time, I would try to do some every other day.
No. 395460
>>395400It depends on your income. If you have plenty of disposable income then buy more clothes if you want but you don’t
need to be buying any. Clothes should be at the absolute bottom of your list of what to spend the disposable portion of your income on. I usually spend around $500-$1000 a month on clothes, or less if there’s nothing I want.
No. 395504
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Fashionnova genuinely has some very good clothes.. Still doesn't change the fact that it's an IG thot brand, even if i like their quality. Believe it or not i spend hours looking through the whole store and find shit better than I'd find in my country. Still though, where should i ACTUALLY buy from? They all come from the same few chinese warehouses, right? Taobao, maybe?
On the topic, are there more places in which people actively talk about TaoBao? I know there's the /cgl/ thread and a few subreddits, but is that really all there is? There's probably some discords dedicated to taobao but i'm just too stupid to find them.
No. 395595
>>389152I'm from germany and would NEVER
America is a shithole, the food and general health standards are so bad and I would miss my clean tapwater
Of course germany isn't perfect but our living standard is pretty high overall
Though america is probably pretty cool to visit as a tourist
No. 395686
>>389152I'm French, I really don't see myself living in the USA, even if the living standards depends on each state. Unless I'm offered an incredibly good job opportunity in a liberal state where I can earn a lot of money.
I do want to visit the USA some day, but I don't know when this will be possible. I want to visit the East coast first, then the West coast. A Canadian friend told me that Las Vegas is super overrated but he made me even more curious.
No. 395753
>>389152HELL no, I'm from Serbia. Here I can eat cheap, study for free as long as I'm a decent student, and if I get sick I can get treatment for free or paid for abroad if they can't treat me here. And I can go to Greece every year on the cheap.
America is a wonderful place and I'd definitely visit there but I'm too scared of getting shot, dying and leaving my parents in debt. Otherwise I'm fascinated by the history of Native Americans so I'll probably visit the US at some point just for that.
No. 395755
>>389152There are cool places I'd like to visit, but nah. Although I actually have dual citizenship so moving there would be ez, I'm not fond of the guns and lack of healthcare. I'm a leaf btw.
>>395753>NativesGood news for you anon, we also exist in Canada!
No. 395899
>>395719I read a theory somewhere that Van Gogh was shot accidentally by someone (a kid I think?) and he didn’t want them to face repercussions so he made it seem like a suicide. But then again he was known to have mental health problems, so he could have very well just committed suicide.
>>395773I’m also American and I’ve never seen someone carrying a gun irl, maybe a police officer once. I guess non-Americans hear about school shootings and assume every American runs around with a firearm.
No. 395967
Forgive me, I'm not sure if this question belongs here, to euroanons, if you order clothes online, which shops would you recommend?
I'm going on a job hunt but since I've been neeting for some time, I'd like to renew my wardrobe. I don't know how much to spend either, but I don't want something that looks too cheap. I did buy a lot of basic clothing from C&A, and I found the quality great (underwear, socks, t-shirts) for the price, the rest of their clothing line looks a bit outdated. Anything would be greatly appreciated!
No. 396417
>>396415Blogposty, but I'll share my perspective.
Can it be cured? Nah. And to be honest, I think medication makes things worse. I wasn't formally diagnosed with BPD but had some BPD-like traits that my doc highlighted:
>Black and white thinking. Extreme aversion and devaluation of others.>Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality.>Explosive anger. >Chronic feelings of emptiness. >Extreme emotional swings.>Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors (sometimes)>Unclear or shifting self-image. >Extreme isolation. On medication, I became actively suicidal, started self-harming and had to be hospitalized for anorexia. Despite drinking heavily before meds, I had never experienced anything this intense. I got off of ALL meds and started seeing a PHD counselor who specialized in treating BPD with CBT therapy.
I'm not exactly sure if I have BPD, but I certainly have some of the symptoms, minus the risky sex and numerous relationships thing. I've managed to keep a BF for 3 years and through INTENSE training and thought-checking I have managed a lot of my symptoms. Still deal with these issues, especially around my period, but I've largely got things under control.
I highly recommend CBT therapy and don't believe meds are very effective, as they tend to blur already fuzzy minds and leave you unable to see where your real problems end and where they begin.
No. 396474
>>396415i have it. you can control it. i'm both bipolar 2 and bpd so they give me meds for the bipolar moodswings and for the bdp thinking. meds aren't going to be it, but combined with therapy and
actually wanting to get better, you will. it's been seven months since my diagnosis and i feel happier than i ever been. my romantic relationship and the one with my family has never been better. i'm greatful for all the amazing things i have in my life everyday. i still do black and white thinking but i'm not as bad with it now that my dr has told me every week STOP DOING THAT. cause i realize i'm doing it and stop. i'm doing amazing man. my bpd just doesn't act up the way it used to, it's crazy that i lived like a psycho for so many years.
therapy alone never did jackshit for me. but therapy combined with meds changed my life. every case is different though. if you feel like therapy isn't going to cut it, and you're doing suicidal shit already, try seeking a psychiatrist.
No. 396512
>>396509I got my wisdom teeth out with general anesthesia and after I was in so much pain and so upset, so idk if local anesthesia only is a good idea. not sure if my experience was unusual/a freak "accident" or what but I was in so much pain that I was screaming
my mom got hers removed under local anesthesia only and she said it wasn't super painful but that the sounds of her teeth cracking was really disturbing. maybe you could ask to wear ear plugs or listen to loud music, that might help with the noise?
is the full sedation iv administered? could you possibly just get the nitrous oxide/laughing gas? that might be cheaper
No. 396547
>>396512Wew… I'm glad my wisdom teeth haven't come out yet.
Since we're on topic, I'm 24 and my wisdom teeth are nowhere to be seen. Is it possible that they'll never come out?
No. 396616
>>396589Seek out psychiatrist who's young and runs own office (not part of a hospital group). They'll probably have less experience with malingerers. Dress yourself homely, but not sloppy like an obvious abuser, don't dress like you like to party, or too put-together because hey you got ADHD. DON'T act all hyper like a grade schooler, ADHD in adult females is likely very subdued. DO talk fast, "accidentally" talk loudly, go on tangents when answering their questions. Adopt a subtle "stimming" tic. Talk about your anxiety, poor performance at work or school, sob story about how your family is religious and doesn't care about mental health. If you're lucky, they'll diagnose you right there and give you the stuff.
t.actually ADHD but socialized to appear high functioning
No. 396632
>>396512I remember when I got mine removed I was in so much pain that all I could do was stare at the ceiling for a few days, trying to do anything else was too painful. It probably didn't help that my mom hid the pain medication because she thought I would become addicted to it if I had any.
I've heard some people say they were ready to go about their normal lives after only one day, but it really sucked for me as well.
No. 396636
>>396634fuck no
i hope you’re writing a fic or some shit and this isn’t your life rn anon
No. 396805
>>396741Don't do books. I mean, I guess you can but the internet is just as good (+free).
Here's what you need to look up: perspective, color theory, anatomy. For anatomy I recommend Sinix Design's (youtube) anatomy quick tips. Also, just googling the name of the muscle you're trying to draw.
Try to simplify things into shapes and groups and you're golden.
Use references but don't just trace over them. It's important to not just try to replicate a form but to also think about why it's shaped the way it is and how it works. I.e. humans have bones, which are covered in muscles, and they move in certain ways.
If you realize you don't know what you're drawing, look it up, maybe do the action yourself, look in the mirror, so on.
No. 396925
>>396680the first time it happened I was kinda crossfaded and didn't think much of it until I sobered up. But agreed I should've brought it up after sobering up and looking back
>>396668>>396691I know this is gonna sound stupid, I honestly thought I could deal with it/ or like compromise. I have a couple of girl friends whose bfs choke them and they don't have a problem with it so I thought I could warm up to it ykno?
I also think this might be from too much porn as one anon said, and honestly idk how to approach that can of worms. Most dudes are defensive of their porn consumption. Should I still bring all this up if I choose to break up w him? Even when we have sex and he doesn't choke me I'm not super into it anymore. I feel kinda bad I didn't think these things would be deal breakers for me, but I think they are
No. 397000
>>396651When guys put their hands around my neck (always without warning, too) it definitely kills the ladyboner for good, and usually puts me off dating and sex for a long time. Just small aggressions that they obviously want to progress from. Don't want my head smashed against a sink for your sexual pleasure, fam
Also glad to hear you are not gonna tolerate it
>>396925 No. 397022
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Amerifag here (not sure if it’s relevant). Is it possible, when applying for a passport, to request that it gets delivered to the post office instead of your residence? And they could alert you to pick it up there when it arrived? I don’t want it to be delivered to my home address because I still live with my parents and don’t want them to see because they snoop through my mail. Or are there any alternative paths I could take to avoid having it come to my residence, like getting a PO box and having it delivered there?
t. sneaky anon who wants to travel but has protective parents
No. 397033
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>>382958How do I obtain a medical marijuana permit in California? I'm absolutely clueless on where to start and the internet is not helpful. Also, were shrooms ever legalized? My mother keeps telling me I should try them, but I want to do so in the safest way possible.
No. 397038
>>397033I doubt you would save any $ buying medicinal versus retail.
Psilocybin is Schedule 1 by the DEA, ie illegal throughout the US.
No. 397084
>>396805>>396822Thank you!
> For anatomy I recommend Sinix Design's (youtube) anatomy quick tips.This is such a goldmine, thanks again.
I also got myself a cheap graphics tablet because it was heavily discounted on Aliexpress. I tried to draw with it and it felt as if I were learning to draw again so I was in low spirits yesterday.
No. 397212
>>397120You're right! Ontario's legal weed is so fucking disgusting omg I bought from OCS and "dry" is generous. No one who smokes regularly is going to deal with all the bullshit when you can get nice quality black market weed from someone you know (because everyone knows someone (who knows someone, etc) who grows). That being said, dispensaries in other places can be really nice and offer high quality bud, and CA is one of those places where you can find better places ime.
>>397033 most medical places have a Dr or list of Drs you can visit who will prescribe to you; just tell them you can't sleep well at night/have anxiety/have trouble with your appetite/whatever.
No. 397217
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Has anyone ever experienced straight girls being passive aggressive to you because you're a lesbian or they think you're a lesbian?
I've had straight girls be completely mean/snobby to me for what feels like no reason. I think it's because I'm sort of butch and they assume I'm gay (which is sort of true but I never came out to these people).
Example: there's this girl that sits next to me in one of my college classes. I almost never talk to her, and when I do it's just friendly small talk. She is really rude to me- she ignores me, has short, snide responses to everything I say, and interrupts my conversations with other people. I noticed she browsed Reddit in class, so I looked her up on there to try and see what the fuck her problem was. The first post is her patting herself on the back about how she was "homophobic before I started seeing a bi guy". Yeah, something tells me she's probably still lesbophobic, because even "Ally" straight girls tend to avoid lesbians.
Am I crazy? Am I jumping to too many conclusions? Idk anxiety is a hell of a drug.
No. 397221
>>397217nah anon she sounds straight up (pun intended) like a lesbophobic bitch and a lot of straight girls are indeed like that.
I know tons of straight girls who act that way towards a very butchy black lesbian I know but she gets it doublefold bc she’s black AND a lesbian. she’s super cool and is really blatant abt the fact that she likes girls and I have a ton of respect for her but other straight women get so weird around her and basically cling onto their boyfriends whenever she’s around.
I think it’s bc they all think lesbians are going to go after them, which is hilarious. but since they’re straight the only thing they know is aggressive straight flirting from men and have no idea what lesbian women are actually like or when they’re interested. that doesn’t excuse them being lesbophobic at all and it’s basically a form of misogyny so you should honestly just cut your losses and be careful around straight girls.
No. 397223
>>397217Who knows for sure, that particular girl definitely sounds like a homophobic twat but as far as other girls it could be anything, maybe you give off an intimidating vibe or have RBF?
Maybe a reach, but do you think it's because you're not as feminine presenting and they think you're like one of those "just one of the boys!" cool girls and that bothers them?
No. 397224
>>397217I'd say with some it's homophobia and others it's just their personality like
>>397218 said.
I'm an ott feminine bi girl and have had straight women act nasty to me, as well as (confirmed) lesbians. Some people are just like it.
Although now I wonder if the lesbians were cold to me because they thought I was a straight girl and assumed I'd act like shit to them. Hmm…
No. 397244
>>397239Yes I’ve seen this.
I’m not gay but from the experience I had I can only imagine how annoying this must get. My roommate in college walked in on my best friend and I hooking up when we were drunk and for the rest of the semester wouldn’t change with me in the room and was constantly making snide comments. She transferred rooms the next semester, lol. Fat and ugly with a horrible personality but was always accusing me of the dumbest shit.
No. 397249
>>397225Kind of ridiculous to assume that you know anon's friend's personality with no real basis, especially since she said she was very cool (and since this is LC, I'm convinced no one here really likes stereotypically douchey male behavior or would call it "cool").
Might want to dial the lesbophobic racism back a little, kek.
No. 397282
>>397217. I don't have an RBF. I'm actually told that my resting expression is sort of happy looking.
I'm by no means cool, but I'm very talkative (not to the rude girl obviously, but to everyone else). It's possible that she's intimated by that. She's also about half a foot shorter than me.
Thing is, this isn't the only time I've suspected that someone was being passive agressive to me because of lesbophobia. I was in theater with a girl who would do nothing but look at me in disgust. It's not like I'm gross- I'm a very ordinary, boring person.
>>397218Hmm. Maybe it's an age thing. All of the incidents I've experienced have been with girls age 14-21.
Still, I can't imagine being passive agressive to someone I barely know. That's so much effort to go through for a stranger.
No. 397637
>>397634Yup,fired. Would've been less than 6 months if they were able to find a replacement sooner.
I'm going to be 24 soon so I don't really think I can use that excuse anymore, especially since I haven't gone to college and been trying to find work since I graduated hs
No. 397640
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What does troon mean?
No. 397649
>>397645It originated on Kiwifarms, it was originally a portmanteau of trans and goon that started in the SomethingAwful thread (since SA users are called goons), but it spread to just mean trans people in general.
As for why we say it instead of tranny I don't know. I guess tranny can feel a bit gross, since men use it for porn titles so much.
No. 398038
>>397991One can absolutely walk into a surgeon's and ask them "What should I get?" but it's also very possible that the agent has some part in that. It's generally a bad idea because they will give you advice to conform to
their beauty standards, not yours.
Some greedy surgeons will even give you unrequested "advices". When my best friend saw a surgeon for a nosejob consultation, he started asking her if she would like a chin implant and a boobjob on top of that (both unnecessary).
No. 398104
If you're really struggling with health issues/being sick and someone is texting you and you don't answer because 1. you feel like death, and 2. they don't generally seem to want to talk to you anyways and basically only speak to you like in a one sided conversation, is that really ignoring? Like, does that fit most peoples definition of ignoring?
Furthermore, if you tell them "I'm really, really not doing well right now, but I wanted to let you know I'm not ignoring you. We'll talk soon and I love you", and they continue to text you about shit, is that you ignoring them?
I feel like 'ignoring' is more… 'I could text you, but I just prefer to watch tv with my friends' not 'I'm feeling terribly sick and feel hated by you anyways, so I mentally, emotionally, and at times, physically, can't handle texting you'.
No. 398401
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Does anyone know her name? I tried google reverse search and nothing showed up except for a million pinterest links I'm too lazy to tumble over.
No. 398469
>>398454>>398461I asked that because I see the insult womanchild being thrown at anyone that seems to have childish interests.
Take Grimes, for example, although I don't like her latest album, we share a few common interests yet she was called here a womanchild. I'm pretty sure she pays her own bills and doesn't depend on parents.
It's not that big of a deal though. I don't think I could change even if for whatever reason the society thought my lifestyle was terrible. And I don't feel insulted, I'm just surprised that it's considered that bad on an imageboard.
No. 399788
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When is a good time to get a pet? Being in uni right now I obviously can't get one, but when I leave to get proper work, I don't want to leave it alone all day, nor do I want to wait to get one for when I move in with someone.
This is such a retarded question, but I just want a daschund so badly already
No. 399791
>>399788I got a doxie. They're cunts. I've had 2 personally, 3 in the family.
One died because I had to put him down (paralyzed from the back legs). He was the neighbors at the time and they beat him but I wanted to adopt him.
The other one I have now I adopted after the other was put down. She's lived a decade, is old and happy.
The third one was a childhood dog my aunt had. It died after 12 years but it had the back surgery. So that's two doxies I know that have had back issues, not including the neighbors doxie that ended up getting a wheelchair.
You really just need to be ready for their personalities aside from the obvious health issues. They will act like they're your equal if not your pack leader. Very stubborn too.
They're super intelligent though, and sneaky as fuck because of it.
Doggo was apparently from mexico, sold for 90 pesos to the previous owners. US equivalent of $20 at the time.
No. 399802
>>399788>I don't want to leave it alone all day, nor do I want to wait to get one for when I move in with someoneDon't get a dog… Or you could pay for it to go to daycare every day… or you could hire a dog walker… but puppies need to go out a lot more than adult dogs so you would probably need a dog walker to come multiple times a day
Not everyone has a lifestyle that fits having a dog. If you can't take good care of it and spend time with it then it's unfair to the dog to get it in the first place
No. 399874
>>399794>>399788Dogs are unbelievably needy. They are pack animals, so when you go out, you are
splitting the pack for some reason, perhaps abandoning them, and also going out to face the very scary world
without them. They go through a lot of anxiety and sadness every day because they don't understand capitalism, so they think you are either abandoning or just foolishly going out without them, every day. You absolutely need someone to be home for most of the day if you get a dog, also access to an outdoor location for them to poop in. Pooping and peeing outdoors is very important to them.
Also do research breeds. I looked at sausage dogs too and decided against it due to the back problems, as mentioned by
>>399791 No. 399892
>>399874This kind of depends on the dog. It's very true that some are high anxiety and will lose their shit when you go to work. I roomed with a girl who had a mutt dog that would actually physically break out of its cage and then proceed to tear the pillows couch and garbage to shreds.
I've been a "cat person" since about 25 but from age 10-23 we had the sweetest doxie for family pet. We got her as a baby and there were never any problems, since I'm assuming we trained her to behave from near birth.
No. 399921
>>399903Because if you don't give out asspats to people for living their truths then you're a bigot anon. Sadism is a part of who they are and you aren't allowed to judge it.
My question: How do you clean the icky grease that hardens on to kitchen cabinets? I just moved and the previous inhabitants didn't seem to realize that objects in our world are 3D, so maybe you should wipe more than the front of the door.
No. 400527
>>400525I've been taking it because of endo for a year. No weight gain but the cholesterol in my blood increased slightly (the value is still not considered high but I'm tracking it). If you're taking any medicine that has anti-epileptic stuff it can diminish the effectiveness.
I'd recommend taking pills that don't just have placebos or nothing during period days because those are more uncomfortable, combined pills are good. I'm taking seasonique, you get a box with 3 months worth of BC and have your period 4 times a year.
No. 400546
>>400541My native language is slavic and I can say that i can understand a lot of other slavic languages but that might be because I am a language nerd.
The further the country is from russia the more differences there are, for example many normal russian words sound almost archaic in my language and we have new words in their place, so a Russian might not understand me as well as I'll understand them.
No. 400554
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>>400316>male proboscis monkeys these absolute madlads apparently
No. 400565
>>400541Depends on the language. My friend is Slovak, my other friend is Russian, and I'm a Serb.
They share a lot of common words but you have loanwords, grammar and other things that were "inspired" by other neighbouring languages. For example, where I come from we use a lot of words loaned from Hungarian and Romanian that my friends could never understand. On top of that, Russian is written in a Cyrillic alphabet and uses "half vocals", accents and other things that make it hard for someone to read a word properly without having ever heard it irl, whereas Serbian uses both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets and Slovak uses Latin only so to a foreigner they might be easier to get into. Serbian and Slovak have less "half vocals" and the letters used include the accents so they're more intuitive to pronounce. Serbian is written exactly as it is spoken, with each letter corresponding to a sound.
In general, we share many things, you could definitely get the context of a story or something but there's a lot of false friends to worry about as well as other differences so I wouldn't personally recommend it. However, Russian is far better for job prospects than most other Slavic languages by virtue of the speaking population being so huge.
No. 400672
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can someone help me understand why this is irritating to look at? this banner makes me irrationally angry?
what is it about her expression that causes this reaction? and why am i so hung up on it?
No. 400689
>>400664I recently gave myself a buzzcut too. In my case it's more for comfort and ease than anything else. It's certainly not the best look for me, put I've seen plenty of people who pull it off quite nicely.
Mainly I would suggest not doing the mistake of going overboard with makeup and dresses unless it's already a thing of yours. Many buzzcuts seems like they're trying to cancel out the short hair by making everything else super-feminine, which is what usually gives me the recovering cancer patient vibe.
You might as well have fun with it and try different things to see if anything works for you, and if you're not comfortable, a high quality wig like the other anon mentioned can always be a nice investment.
No. 400696
>>400672This banner makes me weirdly angry too, I think it’s the dumbass face she pulls - she looks so genuinely perplexed that a snake whose being bothered would retaliate and I feel like it should be common sense to not annoy a snake!
Also, yeah, those fucking blow up doll lips
No. 400739
>>400705I'll be honest
I haven't been banging anyone.>>400731Thanks, and to other anon too as explanation, I just get overwhelmed sometimes seeing groups of men online in agreement that vaginas are disgusting and they hate having to put anything but their dicks near them. Lots of stories from women whose partners won't touch their vaginas, too.
Although I have male friends, we don't discuss genitals ever…somehow. We discuss other gross things idk how it became this way.
So I just get paranoid. It's all pretty weird to me since I think a variety of (healthy) genitals are kind of nice to look at in their own way.
I guess men who like vagoo just see no reason to scream about it and look for validation online lol?
No. 400751
>>400743I meant gross as in just sex oriented things. Like what their/my preferences would be for vagina and penis aesthetics.
If anything I probably just still have hangups about sex being "gross."
No. 400758
>>400744>but it's confusing to think it's all like that with the popularity with gay male couples…What…? Are you underage or something?
And this is issue is talked about so frequently on here, I don't know how you could miss most anons' stance on this.
No. 400889
>>400819Not a parent, Swedish.
It's good. I slept with my parents until I was 8-ish? My sister did as well. Not every night by then but if I wanted to. I'm 24 and when I'm home I still cuddle with them in the morning. Just don't see it as sexual at all.
Also kiss them on the lips.
No. 400991
>>400819I'm one of the anons that replied in the vent thread. I think there's definitely a cultural element to it. I'm in the UK and I was warned heavily against co-sleeping by the NHS. To me it felt unnatural to sleep separately from my baby when I always made sure that she was close to me when she was awake. I've spoken to my friends about it and they all said the same. All of them at some point have ignored the advice of the NHS and co-slept with their children when they felt it was necessary. I guess natural instinct wins over government issued advice.
The other experience of co-sleeping that I have is with my sister. I always took my sister into my bed at night so my mother couldn't hurt her while I was asleep. As we both got older I learnt that the problem with this is that it's a very hard habit to stop. My sister didn't sleep in her own room until she was 12. Now that I'm married and she's in her late teens, if she stays for the weekend she still comes to me in the night because she wants to sleep next to me.
No. 400992
>>400819I'm one of the anons that replied in the vent thread. I think there's definitely a cultural element to it. I'm in the UK and I was warned heavily against co-sleeping by the NHS. To me it felt unnatural to sleep separately from my baby when I always made sure that she was close to me when she was awake. I've spoken to my friends about it and they all said the same. All of them at some point have ignored the advice of the NHS and co-slept with their children when they felt it was necessary. I guess natural instinct wins over government issued advice.
The other experience of co-sleeping that I have is with my sister. I always took my sister into my bed at night so my mother couldn't hurt her while I was asleep. As we both got older I learnt that the problem with this is that it's a very hard habit to stop. My sister didn't sleep in her own room until she was 12. Now that I'm married and she's in her late teens, if she stays for the weekend she still comes to me in the night because she wants to sleep next to me.
No. 401043
>>400991AYRT it’s heavily discouraged here as well because of SIDS but I feel like to an extent it’s fear mongering, as the majority of sids cases from cosleeping weren’t safe bedsharing
- it was on a surface other than the bed (couches are a huge one due to the way they’re built)
- the parents were intoxicated
- one or both of the parents were smokers
- the parents were sleep deprived so the cosleeping was reactionary
I wish they would instead teach safe ways to cosleep because from what I can tell a huge amount of people still do it, they just get sneaky about it because it’s seen as essentially signing your child’s death certificate with all of the clashing information over it. I know that I for one definitely just didn’t talk to the midwives about it, the one time I did bring it up she started going on about it to the point I was worried I’d be reported to child protection (this is in AUS)
No. 401044
>>400886But this wouldn’t fall under codependent parenting, much like child wearing it makes the kids more independent in the long term because they have extremely secure attachments to their parents and have been found to feel safer overall. Cosleeping and child wearing both fall under attachment parenting
Something that’s interesting that I’ve found out from reading lots of both for and against studies in regards to attachment parenting is that both come to the conclusion that a child is shown to be less independent long term if they don’t form secure attachments to their parents, mother in particular, and this can be characterised in their early lives by reliance on security objects and/or pacifiers - children who follow the standards of not even sleeping in the same room during their formative years have been shown to have the worst attachments
Going off of this though I do find the American and English obsession of infants being ‘independent’ weird - if not during your infancy then when are you allowed to be dependent on your parents? They literally can’t survive on their own and yet are expected to be independent
No. 401251
>>401247Learning a programming language is easy. It’s all of the stuff you have to know to put the programming language to use and write non-shit code that’s “difficult”. It takes years to actually understand what you’re doing. You also need to keep relatively up to date with technologies that aren’t even in your job’s focus or risk becoming obsolete.
If you want an easy job, try web dev. I do enterprise (but I’ve also built websites and web apps etc) and everyone wants to pretend that web especially front end is just as hard but they’re all fucking kidding themselves. The only hard thing with web is stifling your barf long enough to write the javascript and keep up with the all the shit they’re constantly churning out to try to cover up what a fucking embarrassment that language is.
It’s not hard to get a job if you’re not complete shit. But most people are. The job market is flooded with shit people and people who did freecodecamp or some 2week boot camp and think they’re pros.
No. 401252
>>401044the american and english ideas of independence are just really weird in general tbh, especially since from what ive seen helicopter style parenting is extremely common. like they expect people to go from that to being totally independent in an instant.
ive had american people tell me im a pathetic failure because i live with my family, even though im a full time student in the most expensive city in my country. im sorry but id rather live with people ive known and trusted for 2 decades instead of moving into some shitty crumbling apartment with dodgy roomates all in the name of independence.
No. 401275
>>401067why should he be bothered? it's her immediate family.
her sister isn't living with them full time.
No. 401325
>>401306i do live with my bf
i have no doubts anon told about her past and her habit to her husband when during the first months of them dating. it honestly sounds like the husband sleeps somewhere else in the house for the night so they can have family sleep time.
No. 401339
>>401335its probably lactose intolerance/sensitivity. i think i read somewhere that cheese and other dairy products arent as bad since theyre fermented anyway.
as for specifically the chocolate ice cream, im not sure, but some other flavours like some fruit flavours dont use milk at all and maybe the chocolate is just really heavy on the lactose, idk. there could be something else in it that youre also sensitive to.
No. 401410
>>401406Force yourself into situations where you have to socialize. You'll probably embarrass yourself at first and it will suck but it's really the best way to get used to it. Therapy helps too, they'll probably also tell you to make yourself uncomfortable and give you coping mechanisms.
I used to have very bad social anxiety that has almost completely gone away after I started a job which requires near constant interaction with other people. I used to be terrified to speak to another person in private but now give presentations to 100 people regularly. Either go back to school or get a job, not doing anything isn't helping you at all.
No. 401442
>>401438Idk, there's some faceless camgirls who make bank
Hungry lips never showed her face and she makes like 900k a year
No. 401525
what is the origin of the term nigelposting?
>>401306>if my husband's 17-19 year old brother came to cuddle in bed when we were in bed togetherpicturing that made me kek
No. 401529
>>401525it started in feminist communities in England
"All men are shit but not my Nigel"
which was either her SO/or her son
personally not fond of the term
No. 401672
>>401339>>401477Thank you anons!
I guess I'm just stuck never being able to gorge myself on chocolate ice cream ever again lol. One of my favorite artisanal ice cream shops offers vegan ice cream and a friend suggested that I might be able to eat their vegan chocolate ice cream without any stomach aches, but I'm not sure I want to try risking it, especially when it's ridiculously expensive for a scoop lol.
No. 401685
>>401681I'd say get a proper psych eval if it worries you. But if you want a simple test, you can ask somebody to help you and do this (maybe there's vids of the test on youtube?)
The doctor reads 15 words to you, several times to see how many times you need to remember them and how you form associations. Then she reads you a story with those 15 words and you need to say stop when one of the words appears.
It might not be a memory problem, but focus, you might get distracted with other info (but ADD is overdiagnosed in the US). Memory skills can definitely be learned and improved, some people even made a hobby out of it.
No. 401691
>>401672You should experiment with different options and see if you find a chocolate ice cream that works for you. Vegan ice cream sounds like a good option. And how about lactose free? You might have the same problem that I have where there is just too much of two sugars combined so lactose free could be a more affordable switch.
Or add your favorite chopped chocolate, chocolate sauce, brownie bits, cocoa powder, chocolate sauce, etc. to a good vanilla ice cream? Hackerman.jpg
No. 401710
>>401703Yeah I was gonna say facebook marketplace or any other local listing site, not sure what other sites you guys use over there (is craigslist even popular?)
You could also stop by a local vet and ask if they know of any kittens in need of a home, I figure they might have some connections.
If breeders are all you can find, just do your research and look for someone who seems to breed ethically and truly care about the well-being of their cats. It's probably gonna be expensive though if budget matters to you.
No. 401814
>>401691>>401733I tried my best to try building up my tolerance by eating a little bit more than a spoonful of plain ol' choco ice cream each day once. My insides didn't explode, but felt a little uncomfortable. I didn't get too far in that experiment though lol.
I'll definitely see if I can find some lactose free chocolate ice cream in stores nearby! I've seen recipes for avocado chocolate ice cream and I wonder if it'd be any good? I don't know why I didn't think of just making some at home earlier lol (will definitely be trying that cocoa powder in vanilla ice cream trick first though)! Thank you for helping me with my silly ice cream dilemma anons! I just desperately want at least one childhood joy back haha.
No. 401967
>>401811If you don’t want to spend money on Botox (that’s a bit extreme) I recommend Anti-perspirants where you twist the bottom to push up a creme.
The one I use: Regina Maximum Protection Clean Scent
It’s the only anti perspiring that has helped me. It claims to protect over 24 hours but I find it works for maybe half that. It’s super drying so if you use too much you might damage your skin. Also it sticks to clothes so wait for it to dry before putting anything on.
No. 401977
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>>401811Pregnancy has made me extremely sweaty and also made my skin super sensitive, the only thing that has worked well is pic related
It’s a cream deodorant that isn’t drying at all, it has a lot of oils that helps keep the skin moisturised as well as seemingly blocking sweat from coming out as much. It doesn’t last very long though, I was stanky again by the next morning but at least I wasn’t throughout the day I apply it. I’d suggest looking for a cream deodorant like the anon above me mentioned but also specifically going for something that is highly moisturising, drying out the skin and causing cracks will just make you smell worse
No. 402106
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I'm very skinny yet have no defined chin and so I get a "double chin" easily.
My lower teeth are are too far from my upper teeth which almost cover the lower teeth completely.
So I guess it's an overbite which would probably explain my weak chin.
Now I don't know if this simply can be corrected with braces or if I need jaw surgery for it…
Does anyone have experience with either of these treatments? And did it change your chin?
The before picture is the closest one I could find to my own although my overbite might be slightly less.
No. 402112
>>402106I was a young teen when I got braces so hard to tell what’s puberty and what’s braces. But braces definitely improve bite issues, that’s what the bands they put on the brackets are for. You should try it before considering surgery!
Semi related — I think that having my wisdom teeth extracted might have actually changed my face shape
No. 402137
>>402106of course braces can fix it and you should definitely get them, because overbite isn't just an aesthetic issue. If you have okay teeth, good for you, but it won't last forever, overbite fucks up teeth terribly and you can lose your front teeth still young because of it.
I've had crooked teeth with an overbite (much much worse than the pic) and I wore braces for only a year. And it's all okay now. BUT be aware that it changes your face, sometimes significantly. And you won't necessarily gain a chin - it just moves your jaws, if you don't have a chin it won't magically grow - but after you fix your bite you can do an implant or botox there. Go to an orthodontist anon
No. 402140
>>402112Yeah I'd definitely not wanna do surgery, thanks!
>>402137I do care more for my teeth and the aesthetic thing isn't really a big deal to me. The problem is that I can't afford getting braces nor can I find a competent orthodontist from where I live.
May I ask how old you were when you got them?
No. 402161
>>402140I think I was 17-18. There were no competent orthodontists in my area too, but I've found one 2 hours away. It's worth travelling even further for a good professional, honestly. If you don't know anyone, ask/research on your local fb group or some kind of a mom group maybe.
But yeah, it's so fucking expensive…
No. 402170
>>402161I'm 23 rn and it'll probably take a while till I can afford it but I guess better late than never…
Thanks for all the information, anon!
No. 402300
>>402275How would your partner feel about this if they found out? ‘Oh, don’t mind me, I just wank to porn now because you no longer sexually excite, honey’
This sounds exactly like porn addiction, even if you’re only consuming a small amount - people can become addicted to things without the consumption needing to be excessive, you need to be more mindful of your behaviour. At the end of the day it sets off all our reward centres so it’s highly addictive and literally rewires our sexualities (in before someone says I’m just antiporn, this is something that should be acknowledged regardless of whether or not you’re critical of porn)
No. 402320
>>402286He's never been a good kisser, but we've been together for three years now and it hasn't improved significantly so I've given up trying to fix that. The sex up to now has been okay. There are a few times that stand out as amazing but it's been average overall. He's very passive in bed and never suggests anything so I always end up directing what we do. He's tried to be more "aggressive" but can't seem to take it seriously and ends up making jokes about it while we're having sex. To be fair I have made efforts to talk to him about these things. I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that I've had a lot more sexual partners than him.
>>402300I get what you're saying, but what's the alternative for when you get horny but don't want to have sex with your SO?
No. 402335
>>402331My thoughts exactly. Sounds like an MtF.
I don't know why so many think they're entitled to women helping them.
No. 402340
>>402332I'll try not to be as harsh on you anon but basically just youtube search, that's all anyone here would be doing on your behalf anyway. Also considering we don't know exactly what style or aesthetic you're going for, it makes it more complicated guesswork.
What kind of makeup styles have you seen that you like?
What type of fashion do you like? Colors, etc. Those would be good search terms to start with.
Anyway, I find your post somewhat relatable because my narcissist mom never taught me shit about dressing and styling myself. My whole childhood was being an unkempt tomboy (which she hated) and my teenage years were blunder years with makeup in the pre-youtube guru era (which she also hated). It took me years, and I'd say even into my mid-20s, before I landed on a clothing style that truly suited me.
I still struggle with hairdos like braids even after watching videos, it just doesn't come to me at all.
Fwiw, my mom stopped taking care of herself and is one of those "JESUS LUVS U!" strumpets, so I had a very poor example.
Don't be afraid to fail, it's part of the process.
No. 402361
>>402338Maybe it’s a generational thing but the anons calling you a tranny are probably so young they were literally raised on YouTube. I grew up in the nineties and my dad would yell at my sister for having makeup or wearing really feminine clothing so it was something I never got into either. It became something I associated with guys acting shitty.
My mom unironically gave me an instructional vogue makeup book when I was around twenty
No. 402526
>>402523I have the exact same concern and also worry about mechanics ripping me off because I know NOTHING. So lately I've been reading up on cars and watching yt videos. There are shitloads of resources about buying a car, I started with the /r/cars wiki but a google or yt search will easily suffice. I don't have any confidence yet but it's a start at least, I understand how an engine works now and am more familiar with car terminology and parts.
That, or bring a man along. Better if he knows about cars but even if he doesn't they are less likely to rip him off. Sucks and it's demeaning but we never got inducted into the car-enthusiast-by-default club that most men are.
No. 402532
>>402523If you’re American don’t fall into leasing a car first thing. Some car owners will try to sell their vehicles themselves so if you notice any around town that look decent don’t be afraid to ask about them. I got my car through a person like this and he just used it through college so it was in great condition.
And if you go to a dealership they have been pushing SUVs more so the cars might not have bad prices either. When looking for a car getting one with low mileage is usually a good start
No. 402534

>>402523This YouTuber has a couple videos on what to look for when buying a used car, his personality is a little much sometimes but his tips are helpful.
I guess it's pretty obvious but stick to safe car makes that are known for reliability (Toyota, Honda, etc.) Be wary of exotics like BMWs (well unless you're German lol), newer models of cars like that are super finicky because they have so many electric parts that are prone to breaking down and that adds up real fast.
If you live in an area where it snows CHECK FOR RUST! Idk where you live so it might not apply if you're from like Texas or wherever but if you get a car with a lot of rust damage you're fucked.
Be really inquisitive with whoever you're buying from. Ask if you can run the VIN, if the car has been in any accidents, any recent repairs that have been done, if there's any specific quirks, any problems with the AC/radio/whatever, what the gas mileage is like, etc. If they've got nothing to hide they'll be happy to answer any questions, trust your gut if they seem shady.
If you're using something like Craigslist I'd stick to individuals selling their cars and stay far away from dealers or companies or whatever, they're much more likely to scam or lie about any issues with the car whereas some random dude selling his car is way more friendly and happy to help out another person. People tend to get pretty attached to their cars so they'll probably be happy to sell their beloved car to a friendly person. The guy I bought my first car from knocked down the price because he liked me and my family.
>>402526 is also right, if you have a male friend or family member who's willing to tag along I'd recommend it, I fucking hate that that's how the world works but it's the truth. I'm super lucky because my dad works in a car dealership so not only does he know a lot about cars in general but he knows all the sneaky tricks that shady sellers try to catch you with. Never got ripped off thanks to him.
No. 402541
>>402361My dad wouldn't make fun of me personally but my parents had a bitter divorce and he would always talk shit about my mom, make fun of her "little day creams and night creams" and makeup.
Now that I'm older I see that my mom took care of herself really well but always bought the cheapest stuff she could find and had very little compared to most women in the West, my dad was just a bitter proto-neckbeard.
No. 402942
>>402532>low mileagelol my big fear is someone screwing with the mileage counter thingy. I've heard so many stories.
>>402534This is so helpful, thank you!
No. 402958
>>402696I don't know if you live in a town or a city.
For cities: Meetup could be your best option. Check the webpage to find group meetings about topics you're interested in.
For towns or smaller cities: It's harder to find friends in these places due to the low population, but as
>>402718 said, you should try going to group activities.
Don't know what your hobbies are, but for example:
- taking language classes. If you're shy, it can force you to speak and get to know your classmates, because you need to improve your talking skills.
- joining a local sport team/meeting up with people to run or walk together/etc.
- joining a book club/reading club/poetry club.
- taking art classes.
- etc.
I can't confirm you will make friends instantly, it's hard to find someone you have a connection with. But if you only want to satisfy your social needs, these are your best options. Good luck, anon!
No. 403036
>>402696Another anon suggested meetup and I just wanted to add that it really does work.
It seems lame as fuck and I've never actually used it, but I've run into nice people my age who came to the same events via listings on meetup who were just normal young people trying it out as a last ditch attempt to make friends. It depends on your city though.
No. 403058
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Anyone know who this model is?
She's really pretty, but I can't even find this picture online
No. 403066
File: 1556294338200.png (7.92 MB, 1762x1784, Bara Podzimkova.png)

>>403058Bara Podzimkova wearing MAX&CO.379 08A glasses
No. 403116
>>402942i've never run into this actually happening, but i guess you never know.
the biggest thing i know is i tend to look in dealerships that don't have their sellers on commission. that way i know they're not trying to push me to buy a certain car.
i definitely noticed this when looking for a car last summer. both my boyfriend and i were set on buying a $6k hybrid and we went to a dealership where they got commission. well, it turned out we didn't have good enough credit and the seller tried to make us buy a $10k car that wasn't a hybrid and she tried to say it was going to be better for us in the long run. bullshit.
we went to a dealership down the street where they didn't get commission and it was like night and day. the atmosphere was so laid back. our seller showed us a list of cars within our range. we ended up getting a non-hybrid car, but it had low mileage and we were able to pay it off in full at $3k. haven't had any issues at all.
No. 403266
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Can someone give me the low-down on disposable/burner phone number apps? What are some good ones? Do they use your number and give it to someone else? And where can I find information about my number? I'm considering giving out my real one but want to know what information i'm potentially risking.
No. 403360
>>403343ah shit it seems like that shouldve been obvious. just grabbed a breakfast burrito and something about that strange uniformity of texture really creeped me out. My monkey brain couldnt comprehend it or something. still ate it, though.
anyway thanks for answering anon!
No. 403524
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does anyone know what this kind of art style that was popular in the 60s and 70s is called? i really like it.
No. 403624
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Is it possible to get out of a spiral of depression, binge eating, and generally being a mess easily?
No. 403639
>>403520I don't think it's that common in America (speaking as a non-American).
I also don't think it's a big deal if your house's flooring is granite/marble.
No. 403645
>>403624Yes, it takes lots of motivation and forcing yourself to be proactive. No medications needed. You can start by slowly changing your diet to healthier alternatives. Eat cleaner, use less oil and salt in your meals. Start going on daily walks, too. 15 minutes is good to start with.
Develop a morning routine and stick with it.
It takes about 66 days to break a habit. I believe in you anon.
I'm currently going through an anxiety ridden relapse and it just makes me want to stay in bed all day until I feel better, but I realized going out and being active helps speed up my recovery because I'm not focused on how I feel all the time. I do get off days, like right now, but compared to how I felt months ago, I'm doing way better.
No. 403646
>>403637if you leave them in a cell ventilated and dry are they will dry easily enough. depending on flowers will smell nice too!
source: from a country you celebrate midsummers eve
No. 404016
Hopefully someone might know what movie I'm talking about? I watched this movie with my uncle when I was very, very young so it was around the early 2000s (the movie might've been from years before this too, I don't know) and it had a man wearing the Freddy hockey mask. I only vaguely remember three parts.
The first part is towards the beginning of the movie, the movie scenery shows that it's autumn. She enters a house and the mood of the movie goes from lighthearted, a woman coming home from work, to very scary and dark.
The second part is maybe around the middle/end. The woman is being stalked by the man in the mask, and is on the run from him. She enters into a bathroom with multiple stalls (I think it might've been a gas station bathroom, possibly in a very desert looking location) and hides in one of the stalls. The man comes into the bathroom and she looks through the gap in the stall door and she sees him.
The last part is definitely towards the end, they're sort of fighting and I think he's either got an ax or a knife, but in the end the woman wins when she stabs him or something. It's on a grassy, hilly area.
This movie scared the shit out of me as a child to the point where I was terrified of toilets until I was about 13 (had to use the bathroom in the middle of the movie and thought the mask would pop up in the toilet bowl somehow- children's brains are fucking weird). I kind of just want to watch it again. I tried googling it, and honestly I'm not sure if it's even a Freddy movie because whenever I read the summaries, none of them sound like the movie I watched. It's been so long that this could very well be a weird jumble of a bunch of different movies, but my brain really thinks all of this was in one movie. I definitely remember that the iconic freddy hockey mask was in there though, it was probably one of the first things I felt a very real irrational fear towards.
No. 404368
>>404367I roast vegetables doused in olive oil all the time at 450 and its fine. It’s only a problem if you’re heating olive oil in a pan on the stove, it starts to smoke like heck if you put temp past like 4.
But you should try baking chicken slathered in mayo and covered. Juiciest chicken ever!
No. 404488
>>404376(I'm not the OP)
Really? I feel relieved then. Of course I'd learn to dress better if that was the case but I'm an IT student and I mostly wear skinny jeans and T-shirts or more fancy shirts for going out. It's relieving to know I won't have to play dress up in my future jobs.
No. 404504
>>404485>To me that sounds like he is saying he'd like to break up in a passive way that ensures he can still have sex/no tears and upsets until the end.Listen to your instinct and take it as a passive breakup.
Anyone truly emotionally invested and who cared about you WOULD NOT be taking a "wait and see" approach to this situation, it would be 100% support.
Secondly, it is absolutely a dick move on him to not give you an answer because if it is "We are breaking up," then you, as the emotionally vulnerable person, must also endure the added burden of figuring out a new living situation on your own. And doing that in less than 2 months is quite the task already, forget last minute.
I'm sorry anon, but from what you described it doesn't sound like he cares. Protect and guard yourself because it sounds like this man won't step up.
No. 404522
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>>404374>>404376This is bad advice.
You don't need to wear a suit but for gods sake don't wear jeans to a job interview. It's fine to wear that for work once you eventually get a grasp on the culture and what other people wear but you should put in effort for the interview, you're giving someone a first impression of you. Even if everyone who works there wears jeans I would not wear jeans to a job interview. Potential employers absolutely judge you based on your appearance and how you dress.
Just wear any non-jean pants and a blouse that doesn't have spaghetti straps. You don't have to look dressy but jeans/t shirt/sneakers screams that you don't care. Something similar to pic related would be the lower level of acceptable casual.
No. 404603
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>>404522Thanks! It's just that the few agencies or companies I managed to get pics of their office culture, all of them were dressed extremely casually.
I don't mind putting in the effort, and I love the clothing in your pic, but I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.
I was thinking maybe putting on really dark jeans, with a shirt and a blazer and some nice shoes.
Maybe something like pic related just with different shoes? Because that's pretty much how I dress like every day so I wouldn't even leave my comfort zone.
No. 404716
>>404714I recommend the brand Native. They are San Francisco based and I love their unscented one. You do a couple swipes then massage it in a little with a finger. Best to reapply right after the shower. If you don't shower daily then you can just wipe your pits and reapply that way. With the natural stuff it's important to clean the area first and reapply daily bc they don't
stop you from sweating, they just inhibit bacteria growth for a day.
No. 404792
>>404783yeah, it seems like something some people can do and others can't.
I just fall asleep any time I try it.
No. 404913
>>404892>is there any remote truth in the idea that women who have a lot of sex are more "stretched out" than women who don't?Only very remotely. That is - if your 'lot of sex' includes horses, multiple penises into the same hole, or other kinds of really, really large insertions done multiple times.
Remember, the vagina is an internal organ, which means it's surrounded by other internal organs - bladder, intestines, etc etc. Having something inside it often won't change that - other organs will keep pressing against it. And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that the vaginal walls are 'elastic'.
Trust me - I've been having a lot of sex for ten years now and inserting a tampon still hurts. I'm still 'too tight' if not properly aroused (which I suspect is what men are really into and what makes them think women who don't have as much sex are 'tighter' - they're just fucking women who are not aroused)
No. 404914
>>404892Your hymen is just a membrane covering your vaginal opening. When you have sex, it tears, sheds, and is no longer present.
A hymen has nothing to do with the "tightness" of one's vagina.
A vibrator or a dildo isn't going to make your vagina a meat cavern, contrary to incel belief, and neither is having multiple sex partners. Vaginas are meant to expand and contract, it's not like a rubber band that once stretched doesn't go back into place. It's why women who've given birth aren't exactly walking around with a softball-size gape.
What can potentially happen though is a tear, which is really painful. It's usually due to lack of lubrication during intercourse or childbirth.
I've noticed since I suffered a tear, my sensation of feeling "tight" during intercourse has decreased slightly. I counter this by doing kegel exercises, which also drives guys mad in bed because they think when I'm squeezing on their dicks it means I'm orgasming hardcore, and they seem to enjoy the sensation. I've never had the odd complaint from men and I've had a lot of sex. Then again I have an innie labia, so men also never even question my sexual history and assume I'm tight anyway because of that retarded ~le roastie~ meme.
No. 404947
>>404892If you've used a tampon, ridden a bicycle, or played sports your hymen is already probably torn/stretched. As you get older it naturally recedes, as well. Unless you are frequently fucking yourself with traffic cones it's unlikely that there would be a noticeable difference in tightness, although some women are naturally tighter than others.
>>404914>it tears, sheds, and is no longer presentThis is false. It stretches or tears (and heals) and is still attached. The tissue is still there; it doesn't just… fall off of you.
No. 404968
>>404936My friend sold photos of her feet when she was 12. She posted pictures of her feet on DeviantArt and men contacted her for more. Some men only want the feet.
Unless you post close-ups of your feet I doubt men will ask out of nowhere though.
No. 404972
>>404960I’d say a decent portion, considering the demographics
Majority of anons are women and the fact we’re anonymous lends itself to the users feeling braver in expressing opinions that would otherwise socially ostracise us (women in particular), so I’m not surprised this is one of the few spaces that’s actually GC. From what I know a wave of Radfems also came along a while back so that would have something to with it. Probably a decent chunk of black women are here too and from what I can tell they’re fed up with trannies because of their casual racism, so that would further boost the GC numbers
Honestly though I can really only think of Lolcow and Mumsnet in terms of GC spaces, and neither surprise me because of the user base. Even 4/8chan are troon safe spaces
No. 405195
>>405161confirming amazon ones are mostly fake.
>>405176aitakuji is now an official reseller, so they're the best bet.
No. 405238
>>405217> The fact that billionaires didn't pay their taxes for years but donated money for Notre Dame pissed off everyone too.nta while I do agree that French people have every right to complain about taxes and the rich getting away with it, Notre Dame being financed by them shouldn't be upsetting.
It's one of the mankind's greatest architecture and any financing by whomever should be encouraged. I have a hard time imagining any person, let alone a French being upset over Notre Dame's benefactors, whatever the source.
No. 405242
>>405238I'm saying this as a French woman, I don't give a fuck about billionaires giving way more money for Notre Dame than asked if they then try to negotiate so the have to pay even less taxes than planned because of this. Keep in mind that they don't even pay their taxes in the first place, that means that we are paying for the renovations indirectly. They can fuck off. Instead they could pay their taxes and help with things that are way more important than Notre Dame, like staffing so we can have a decent number of nurses and doctors in public hospitals at the very least. All my friends who were upset by the fire that destroyed the cathedral were pissed off when they saw that.
And I forgot to say it here but another reason why people are angry is because of how police officers became way more violent than needed during demonstrations. There have been many injured people, whether they were demonstrating or doing something else, and among the dead there's even a old woman who was at home closing her windows who had a grenade explode on her face. Since this anon talked about "brown people" here
>>405174, minorities knew they should avoid these demonstrations from the beginning because they're disproportionate
victims of police violence, and now that it's white people suffering from it they're taken more seriously by their fellow demonstrators. I'm not going out on weekends because I don't want to get caught in some dumb shit, last time I had to walk downtown I avoided all the places where there were demonstrators and yet I've nearly been caught in the middle of a fight because them and police officers came where I was multiple times.
No. 405473
>>405470amerifat here
because america is a very racist country that likes to pretend it isn't racist. everyone here, regardless of their poltics, likes to keep things PC in their daily lives. so when you give them a little anonymity on the internet and they'll use it to behave in the way they were taught to by american society without the consequences.
No. 405628
>>405606Glad to hear, anon!
But be careful with the pills, and definitely get a check up if it comes back again.
No. 405762
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>>405757This, yoshitoshi abe is one of the rare non-gross japanese male artists i've found. his work looks mature and realistic in a way most other artist's doesn't.
also, pretty much none of his drawings of girls and women that i've seen are grossly sexualized, unlike other japanese works. they actually look like humans with personalities and personal agency.
he does draw males as well, but he has kind of a sameface problem with them
No. 405786
>>405778Not that anon, but like…are you okay? You seem way more disturbed about his stuff than anybody should honestly be…
Nothing in his work is creepy. It's actually pretty refreshing when it comes to anime. there's proper
problematic artists worth zeroing in on tbh, this just isn't one of them
No. 405799
>>405790i'm also a csa survivor, so i kind of get the trepidation, but personally, i see the dark themes in his work similarly to how i see something like pan's labyrinth or one of those coming of age 90s films.
the whole theme of self-actualization, growing up and figuring out who you are or working through your issues when you're in a very vulnerable state. IIRC, lain itself was just a big metaphor for puberty, but i might be wrong.
i could be projecting a bit, as i first got into lain and haibane when i was going through a confusing, depressive puberty myself, though. it was actually kind of comforting seeing other girls feeling the things i often felt, as dark as they were, instead of having to make do with older, sexualized live-action actresses and actors in contrived high school situations that only ever scratched the surface and came off as shallow, sexualized "3000 year old loli" or "big-titted high school girl" chars in the most non-relatable ecchi bullshit scenarios ever, or grown-ass men who might be sad or mentally ill outcasts but otherwise had literally nothing in common with me, even if abe's characters seem more like self-inserts for his own loneliness and struggles instead of exact reflections of the confused, sad, maladjusted tween experience. i think most adults would be into it because they can relate to the themes therein and the sad atmosphere, but obviously i can't speak for everyone, especially not males. i personally believe the more unsavory types have a wide selection of options that pander heavily to them specifically far more than something like lain or haibane renmei ever would, so i don't consider them the target demographic. maybe just sad people? i don't know.
i'm more at ease watching abe's pieces than i am with like 99% of things put out by the anime industry, if i'm being honest. it feels like he actually respects these characters and doesn't just use them to rake in money from fanservice BS. there have been ample opportunities to sexualiza lain or the cast of haibane, but he straight-up just…doesn't take them. in an odd way, i respect him more for it, though i know there are probably still creeps who probably like that for the "muh pure waifu" aspect.
No. 405837
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Is the body on the left even possible in real life?
On here I see girls slammed for having waists tha aren’t 26” or looking like “fridges” and my own biggest insecurity is having a large waist, but I found this fitness account for models today and it lists their stats and I noticed how none of these girls have extremely dramatic waist to hip ratios even at very small measurements. I see bodies like the left all the time on instagram and I thought it was normal and attainable if you just diet but now I’m not sure.
No. 405842
>>40583712"-13" difference is great, anything more is a genetic gift (or plastic surgery or shoop).
Anons here are just full of bdd and look for anything slight that can be a flaw on cows. Not everyone is pear or hourglass shaped so it's not attainable for everyone.
Best to go out and choose your own beauty standards. As long as your whr is within healthy range you're good.
>>405841And what should she do about it? Rib removal lol?
No. 405848
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>>405841here’s another photo from the account, they list measurements for a lot of the photos, I don’t see why they would lie if they’re trying to see a fitness plan to models. If they were going to lie, wouldn’t they show off results that are more dramatic?
No. 405861
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>>405848do you hear yourself right now?
No. 405866
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>>405837nope, it's not possible. if it was, tons of actual models and celebrities would have it, and not just IG chicks who only post edited photos and videos
when you're that thin with large hips IRL, both your hip and waist areas are typically more rounded, instead of the sharp, linear, exaggerated angles the girl on the left has going on
pic related is the closest example i could find of this body type IRL. notice that her waist is pretty small and her hips are large, but everything is rounded and overall more natural-looking. when you carry that much weight in your hips, everything else is also a bit rounder to accentuate them. when you're so tiny that there's
no real roundness to you, you typically will not suddenly have big hips. you'll just be kind of petite and rectangular all over (hence the retarded "little boy body" insult/stereotype people use).
literally the only women i've seen with a silhouette even approaching that combo of sharp lines/wide hips from that photo are also pretty muscular with very visible abs, and you can tell she doesn't have that going on.
No. 405868
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>>405837it's possible in real life by deforming your body, yes
No. 405875
>>405870yeah, it was hard to find a proper pic to make my point.
i googled "skinny with abs" and the absolute closest i could find without obvious posing is a video of a very skeletal model (not going to embed because it's just not a good sight)., to have the body type in
>>405837 naturally, you have to be both muscular
and on the brink of death or organ failure. curiously, the girl in the photo doesn't have the things that are conventionally unattractive, like the the bones sticking out.
possible verdict: excessive photo editing, constant corseting, or rib removal. you decide. either way, that is not a natural shape.
No. 405911
>>405877the girl used to have an ED but she claims to be recovered. she posts videos and she is very thin but her proportions aren’t as dramatic as they are in photos, and she doesn’t look as “soft”.
>>405876I’m at a point where I am used to them and I don’t wear them daily but I’m very self conscious of my waist and it makes me feel better. I’m very afraid of being considered square or fridge shaped, there are cows curvier than me who get called boxy and I’m ashamed to say I feel worse when I read those comments even if they aren’t directed at me
No. 405923
>>405791my girl cat rubs her face on it and gets cracked out for a little bit but sometimes doesn't care for it.
my male cat will straight up eat it like it's a treat but doesn't seem to act different, though i think it must make him kind of stoned since he will immediately run over to eat it.
No. 406002
>>405992I'm sure that's mostly a meme/joke now.
Some idiots might use the nearest sock to wipe up after the fact but I doubt they'd actually rub on it.
No. 406006
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Any tea aficionados in Europe?
I was wondering if you farmers know of any tea shop that delivers EU-wide and that you think has a decent selection of teas of good quality?
I love Earl Grey, I love nothing more than the scent of bergamot, but recently I found out I was missing out on all the other teas and my country, online or offline, has very little to offer in that regards.
No. 406055
>>406043Sounds great, thanks, but I have troubles finding them online, would you happen to have the link?
>>406046I've heard people referring to it as the champagne of teas.
No. 406152
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>>405875It's a very unrealistic body, but anas always make their waists smaller with angles & editing.
No. 406165
>>406155Most male animals I guess I'm OK with. Male cats, male dogs, male rats, etc, I don't have any problem with them.
Male dolphins are notorious for gang raping female dolphins, and male ducks have literally evolved to be able to rape female ducks more easily, so I don't care for them.
No. 406171
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>>406165male koalas are nasty. but i generally hate koalas in general.
No. 406193
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>>406180>>406183>>406184They're supposed to look like this not like fucking cartoons
Jfc there's a difference
No. 406220
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>>406176Neither of those women have super heavy hip dips though? The right woman has dips, but they're not overwhelming.
I agree that heavy hips dips can resemble the hips of a male who has a naturally smaller waist/broader hips…but that just makes it a neutral trait. Having a smaller waist than hips is feminine anyway, so a pear-shaped boy like pic related would be considered to have a feminine shape. But the squareness on both people leans it more towards masculine again, so as stated, neutral.
>>406214I think that's what she's saying, that those are how it's "supposed" to be.
idk how hip dips are cartoonish though? Most cartoons feature very rounded hips for women.
No. 406246
>>406243A body type is
valid no matter what your weight…except maybe apples will appear to be bananas at a lower bmi.
Pears will still have wide set hips and gain whatever fat they have on the lower body. Hourglass will still have equal hips and tiddy which are wider than the waist.
No. 406249
>>406220>>406214I am talking about the photoshopped body in the first pic I quoted here
>>405837Specifically for this picture HERE not any non photoshopped natural women
No. 406252
>>406245Ah, see, I definitely thought it was based on where weight is gained.
>>406246I was asking because I'm at a low/normal weight for my height, but I have large thighs, butt, a little bit of a tummy, no tits, and yet, my shoulders are slightly wider than my hips, so I don't think I'd qualify as a pear based on bone structure. Idk
No. 406258
>>406243Hourglass when low, apple when high. I have PCOS and other deficiencies.
shit hits the fan for me over 27 BMI no matter how physically active I am.
No. 406298
>>405470Doesn't France have laws against """hate speach"""?
I know that stops people from other countries speaking their minds.
No. 406352
>>406344My body starts looking more apple shaped because there's higher fat in the lower belly area, also higher body weight aggravates the PCOS more which makes metabolic syndrome more apparent. I don't see how this is "bull".
Being a high BMI also affects my periods and how much I grow hair especially on my face and armpits. Again it happens.
No. 406368
>>406344I've only ever seen fatter people be "top heavy" (apple) or "bottom heavy" (pear).
There's really no other shape they could be naturally. At that point, the body literally is just choosing top or bottom to dump the extra adipose.
No. 406393
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>>406344People with an apple shape are usually skinny in the arms and legs/hips/butt…yet have a huge stomach with no waist and usually large breasts too. People with a pear shape usually have thick thighs, butt, hips and smaller waist/boobs.
I can see how a person has a defined waist with nice breasts/hips yet as they gain weight the waist starts to fill out. So idk but personally I'd say that's apple shaped even when skinny. Or maybe she is hourglass until hitting a certain weight and then the stomach/waist starts to gain a lot of weight because the hips/butt/thighs can't hold anymore.
IMO bodyshape is determined on where your body stores fat, and if you are really skinny it's not as easy to tell what it is. But if when you start gaining weight and it's all in your waist/stomach while you have chicken legs…that's apple. Regardless of if you have some semblance of a waist when skinny (as most women do).
No. 406529
>>406517As someone who is apple shaped you sound like a pear but who gains in the arms as well.
The shapes aren't science or definite. Everyone is different.
No. 406663
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>>406393Damn, this confused me more. I carry weight on my shoulder blades and back like a damn camel but my chest bones are really prominent and I have small boobs. Yet I don't have an ass or thick thighs. My upper arms are THICK, though. I don't think I'm a pear, and I don't think I'm an apple. I just want to know how to dress for my body damnit.
No. 406715
>>382958Yall gonna answer the million dollar question…
Are MtF posters allowed here? :thinking:
(no, they are not) No. 406718
You obviously don't frequent here.
No. 406722
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No. 406726
>>406722:nervously fiddles with the edge of my skin-tight multicolor striped thigh highs on my soft, supple skin:
U-um, w-what are you gonna do about it if I don't?, I ask, secretly hoping that she'll force me down to comb my 3x3 area of flowing, feminine tresses that start and end halfway down my head
No. 406765
>>406715love you mods,
also kys tranny
No. 406915
>>406896Because uwu that's how people cope with their trauma!
I'm having memories of Nemu's Tumblr days.
No. 407052
>>406760ah yes tumblr
ruining everything since forever
No. 407053
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>>406663Sorry if I confused you! Maybe you're an inverted triangle?? I didn't mean to make it seem like there were only 2 body types. There are many and they aren't exact. But if you figure out what you have you can look up what to wear to compliment your body shape.
No. 407141
34C bust, 27-28" waist, and 35" hips but I don't think I'm defined enough to be an hourglass and I don't look that busty, so maybe a pear? idk
I miss when I was a solid 32-25/26/31-32 by comparison but that's when I was 10 lbs lighter and I'll never go back down to that
No. 407176
>>407168It varies from person to person. Butch/femme is definitely more common but there are women out there who are butchforbutch.
I tend to look more masculine and have a preference for more masculine women.
No. 407178
>>407170Peeing during sex is called watersports. I have no idea how men confused piss with female ejaculation. Why would a woman need to ejaculate? We get moist and lubricated because our insides our muscle and can have contractions to help deliver a baby. Women piss and shit when giving birth because of the muscle movements, its not a side effect of pleasure lol.
Also piss doesn't even come from the same hole the penis is in so again it doesn't make sense that some dweeb jack hammering a woman is going to get her to squit out cum, maybe is she's loose muscles and incontinent she'll piss herself, but no, peeing isn't cum. Men that believe this are completely misinformed and retarded.
No. 407274
>>407267I'm probably going to do that at some point, but I don't want to go in unprepared.
Apparently, it is custom to say no to converts the first few times they ask, and really grill them on the subject of why they want to become a jew, etc.
I want to make sure that my plea is taken seriously - by that I don't mean to say that in case of rejection I wouldn't return - of course, I'd try again. But I want to be able to answer any question he might throw at me or at the very least have a general idea of what I'm getting into - so my 'ignorance' can't be used against me as easily.
No. 407279
>>407262You can download Maurice Lamm's book.
>heWomen can be rabbis.
No. 407280
>>407278I have many reasons, but I guess some of the biggest ones are the
1) my beliefs regarding what comes after death align with Jewish beliefs, I can't quite get behind those of any other religion
2) i very much like that you have to put in work to convert - unlike with other religions you don't just proclaim yourself to be a convert, you actually have to
prove yourself worthy of being part of that community.
3) It's a religion that is very involved in your everyday life and the here and now, it's not so much about what comes after and I think that's great
>>407279sorry, *he or she
thank you very much!
No. 407286
>>407284Orthodox, yes.
I truly hope so
No. 407291
>>407268I spent some time on Crystal Cafe but it honestly seemed like a bunch of dudes LARPing as anime girls.
I'll check out PULL, thanks.
No. 407292
>>407287>not sending more women there to claim it back for our ownI do hang out there regularly though, and men have been getting bolder. One posted often and would sometimes flirt in a way that was very male. He got banned for it but I'm pretty sure he's ip jumping.
But frequently there will be a bunch of posts gone because regular males just can't help but out themselves. Funny and sad.
No. 407293
>>407290thank you for the kind words, anon - it means the world to me
the name is beautiful, I will consider it when the time comes
No. 407308
>>407300NTA but my guilty pleasure is going to /meta/ to laugh at all the obvious trannies crying "CAN'T WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE RADFEM SPERGS PLEASE NUKE /OT/ ADMIN-CHAN!!!!" each week.
>>407307Hon is a derogatory term used to refer to grotesque MTFs who don't pass at all. It's hard to explain how troons type but once you see it enough it's always obvious.
No. 407326
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What is everyone thoughts on buying authentic clothing and cosplaying in them?
I recently got my hands on @homecafe maid costume since every few months an ex employee sells it off. It started with getting official japanese school uniforms for my nanchatte but I slowly found out you could also get uniforms/outfits/costumes from actual companies.
No. 407375
>>407326They're cute imo
How's the quality on the maid outfit?
No. 407430
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>>407328Anon I'm sorry but not, use taobao/aliexpress as an alternative for anything is bad if you're looking for quality. It's equivalent of wanting a beautiful prom dress that's designer but using a aliexpress hoping they look the same….they never do.
>>407331Yahoo Auctions mainly but I also meet people thought LINE that sell off items I want and they will post it on the japanese version of poshmark/depop to buy. For the later…you'll need to know how to write and read japanese.
>>407375All @homecafe is designed by fashion/costume designer Keita Maruyama. So the quality if it 200/10. It's made of soft velvet, and this soft light jersey material for the apron. The silhouette is beautiful with a petti. All the costumes are tailored to fit the workers. The costume just makes me want to commission a professional costume designer for more maid costumes, I don't think I can go back to factory made maid dresses after this.
No. 407435
>>407430Wow, I had no idea they were tailored!
Good to know they're such great quality. Is it safe to assume official uniforms are also good quality? I've been eyeballing Conomi for nanchatte
No. 407529
go see a doctor
No. 407727
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yo ive never flown on a plane before, is there any sort of tips yall can give to make it as easy as possible
No. 407730
>>407729its an overnight flight so i invested in wifi in case i can't sleep, lol
i feel like a tard but it's scary to think about flying by myself ngl. would it be better to invest in xanax for sleeps??
No. 407733
>>407727Those neck pillows look goofy but I regret every long flight I've taken without one. If you don't already have one, definitely get one.
Honestly I never sleep on planes because sleeping around other people (even friends or family) gives me major anxiety. No matter how tired I am I just cannot fall asleep, so on overnight flights I stay up and keep myself busy with quiet things, and then I crash once I get to my destination. If I were you I'd just pound a coffee at the airport and stay up for the entire flight but I think most people would rather sleep so I'd say it's worth bringing some meds just in case you can't fall asleep but want to.
Also YMMV but for me I can get pretty bad earaches on flights, so I carry gum (or hard candy/lozenges) to help with the pressure. I also get bad nausea during landing and I find gum/minty stuff helps a little bit with that too. Not everyone experiences though but gum is always handy to have anyway and it's not like it takes up a lot of space.
Good luck anon, it's totally normal to feel afraid on your first flight so don't feel stupid. Hope it all goes smoothly!
No. 407743
>>407727Drink as much water as you can. Airplane air is super dry and you'll feel much better once you land.
Also, if you have a choice, get the aisle seat.
No. 407752
>>407743>>407733thanks for the advice! im mostly sure im other thinking things, but the advice ive gotten so far is going straight to use.
now another question would be: where do u to the bathroom
No. 407762
>>407727I was pretty scared of flying, but what helped me was bringing a small plush on board (cuz I like toys). No need to take it out, but whenever I got scared I would pretend that the toy is the scared one and I would mentally comfort it.
>>407752In the waiting area near the gates there should be toilets. Go before boarding starts. There’s a toilet in the plane, but if you’re traveling alone leaving your stuff sucks. I bought a belt bag just so I can always have my phone, passport and money with me.
No. 407979
>>407590The way how you put it in that you can't replicate the symptoms because it's so
irregular would ironically validate it to a doctor and so it certainly is worth getting it checked out. You don't want to risk getting a heart attack if you have some heart disease.
Tbh, I have no idea if it's heritable but I would bet that it is. Another good reason to go to a doctor to get that answered esp. since it could validate it even more.
No. 408035
>>408034It might be discharge from inside the hole, stuff like dead skin cells that build up if you don’t wear earrings for a while. I have that kind of problem because my ears are pierced but I rarely put earrings in.
Another thing that causes reactions besides silver is a nickel allergy
No. 408037
>>408034Did you sleep on it? Could you have had soap or shampoo trapped in it?
A bacterial infection will cause redness, pain, swelling, and heat.
No. 408039
>>408036>>408037I did sleep with them in! I usually take my earrings out at night since I sleep on my side and don't like the back of the earring poking me but I guess I was lazy or just forgot last night. Could that have irritated the piercing?
It's pretty red right around the hole itself and a little warm but that's pretty much it, not painful or swollen. A little bit of clear fluid came out but it's gone now.
No. 408339
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Does anyone know where I can get lab work experience (UK)? I've emailed and called several companies and laboratories but the answer was always no, and I really need it :(
No. 408440
>>408417Agree with the other anons but giving it a positive spin: He has his own list that he gets done, but I take it upon myself to do the daily stuff like make the bed and wash the dishes and mop and laundry. If he helps with this stuff, it's a bonus. So, when I go to make the bed and find that it's already made, or other daily chores like that, I get really happy and give him lots of kisses.
I actually dislike that I get so happy, like I'm getting flowers or something.
No. 408775
>>408629Maybe they are too old and use a phone book.
Or they don't use their phone (I have one number saved because of this).
Some people rely on messenger to communicate and call others so they don't need numbers.
No. 409868
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Dumb question for my music literate farmers: I'm trying not to kick the bucket everyday and I thought starting a hobby would help.
I'm wanting to a buy synth to muck around with but I'm a little confused. Majority of synths I've looked at don't come with built in voice recording or holes to plug mics into. So, if I buy a synth like Korg monologue for example, how do I add vocals?
No. 410040
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any aussies here? 4chan (and kiwifarms and probably more) still doesnt work from it getting blocked by the government because of that dumb fuck terrorist. i dont know shit about vpns, most of them seem to cost money, can anyone help?
No. 410041
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>>410019you mean like an automatic machine? I have a mechanical ice cream maker and it's pretty good. I use it for frozen drinks too. the ice cube or freezer method is hella shitty.
No. 410067
both free and easy to use
you're welcome
No. 410074
>>405598Maybe don't make a girl recall her alleged rape to satisfy your urge to be "justified" in dumping him because he's a bad man.
Find a public record or something, and get therapy for your obsessive behavior. Leave that girl alone, she doesn't owe you answers.
No. 410086
>>405598>I was thinking I would message her and just saying that I want to talk about some traumatic and upsetting things, and if she's ok with that we can meet or chat online depending on what she prefers, but if not then I will never ask her again. Is this stupid?You can do that, but bear in mind that you don't know how traumatic this might still be for her. You'll have to be extremely delicate about the topic and get a feel for what she might be thinking before anything.
You could also try to find common ground in both being abused by that guy, and see if she appreciates that kind of solidarity. If not, then it's best not to pry. Opening up old wounds is never a good feeling.
No. 410314
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>>410285Search your heart, you'll find thst you've known the answer all along
No. 410523
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Okay, this might be real dumb so sorry for that.
Is it sometimes just a genetic thing where your buttcrack starts low down on your torso? I have a medium butt in terms of it sticking out (the surface area is wide because of my hips though lol) but the crack just starts really low. I've been working out and have gains but just in the places that already have meat and my crack hasn't grown.
Pic related is close to how it looks, hip dips and all. Is this normal?
No. 410532
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Does NTA mean not that anon?
I always thought it meant nothing to add
No. 410539
>>410523Oh anon you should get to the I doctor soon I think you have an alien butt
In all seriousness, do you really need to make up a new thing to have complexes about, don't you probably already have enough stuff to obsess over like everyone else?
Butts are different and all are fine, don't make this another thing
No. 410576
>>410523very normal anon
Different people have different muscle lengths. This is why you sometimes hear men complain about having low or short muscle insertion points. The other term is 'muscle bellies' (really). You have shorter muscles.
No. 410623
>>410539Yes, I'll go and ask about my nasolabial trenches too.
I know it's pretty silly, I just often see women with cracks that practically go up to their back and wondered if that's more common.
…after searching through pics I kind of also realized girls with butts like mine may wear underwear that gives the illusion of a longer butt lol.
>>410576>gain mass pretty quickly>short musclesAbsolutely cursed.
Thank you though, anon. I didn't know about that! I know people have different types of fibers and muscles form in diverse ways but never considered size variance somehow. Just kind of thought it would be proportional to height.
No. 410978
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>>410952double banana is cute
No. 411137
>>410942idk if you'll see this because thread dying now but here are some things:
Sucking male nips
Interesting underwear a male character wears just for the female lead (jockstraps or something)
Male character shaving his body just for her
I also like small man bigger lady size difference and very little of that is targeted towards women, but I'm not sure if that taste is common enough for you to use lol.
No. 413830
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What is your gender? I can't tell from the ID picture.