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No. 413538
old thread :
>>320372A thread to collect topics/things that absolutely or mildly annoy you. Express your anger ladies.
Ex.Extreme nitpicks, anachans vs fattychans going at it, insecure farmers shitting up threads because tiddys were mentioned, you get the gist.
No. 413597
>>413581Fucking THANKYOU.
People who think serial killers are hot are retards anyway, but goddamn it the Ted Bundy thing is retarded.
He has a huge monobrow and such an average face. Even Charles Manson was somewhat more attractive than Ted fucking Bundy and he looked like a goddamn homeless man.
No. 413615
>>413581And not really charismatic based on footage I've seen of him. Media always tries to repaint him as this suave, smoothing-talking sociopath. Regardless if he was just acting like a trapped cornered animal by the time they recorded how he was in the courtroom, he struck me as abrasive, arrogant, domineering, and confrontational. Attractive? Those people must have suffered from small town syndrome because he certainly wasn't much above average.
I guess because he wasn't grotesque like many serial killers maybe it's all relative. But still.
No. 413616
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Not sure why but this word has infuriated me for years. It's also almost solely used by people who look like pic related
No. 413626
>>413595I agree that the thread has gotten very boring and vendetta-tinged. I really feel like that one other "sex worker" chick with the autosaged thread is a frequent poster there.
I've witnessed people get bans or reports for mentioning her in any less-than-complimentary light for "derailing" because it's not on topic, but for some reason, someone who uses the thread often
really seems to enjoy randomly bringing up this same person and talking about old, 3+ year old "bullying" drama (with no screencaps or receipts) to frame her as some perpetual
victim of Micky.
Then, they accuse anyone who says to stop derailing by talking about this other person of being "whiteknights" (same goes for if they make a retarded comment and someone corrects them - "You're a whiteknight"/"You're
derailing [for not agreeing with me]"). I still lurk, but it's pretty off-putting.
No. 413873
>>413828Are you really 50/50 like did you get an ancestry test
I'm just curious because I have a black parent and a white parent but I'm 60% white 40% black
No. 413959
>>413874Genes between parents don't go to a child 50/50 during the reshuffling of DNA when chromosomes are getting formed in utero its random. If your parents share similar genes already you'll probability wise get those but some offspring come out looking like their parents siblings or their parents parents because of the way genes can be reshuffled and skipped and how a new person is created with their own different unique biological markers.
Race isn't genetic, it's a phenotype like the difference between a brown lab and a white lab. It's geographical/environmental differences that determine different genes like how those at high altitudes have different shaped blood cells, it's to do with environment than them being a different human. We are more a like than different and skin colour indicates only the colour of your skin and function of skin. Eugenics in that respect is bollocks.
No. 413994
>>413992Lmao dog haters have the worst
victim complex I've ever seen.
No. 414007
victim complex rampant in dog haters, oh my lord. No one gives a shit about you or your animal preferences, not a second thought is spared about it.
No. 414012
>>414007The thing that makes people dislike dog haters isn't the dog hate. Nobody cares if you say "I don't really like dogs" when it's relevant.
It's this thing a lot of dog haters do where they just launch into a terrifying rant about how they want to murder dogs and they once kicked someone's Shih-Tzu in the face because they hate dogs so much and if they had it their way all dogs would be decapitated at birth. I've met multiple dog haters who say this kinda shit and it's weird and creepy. Just say you're not a big fan of dogs and leave it at that, nobody needs to hear about how you want to slice dogs open and feed the remains to their owners.
No. 414028
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it annoy me to end that moomin is now popular, at fist i was happy that more and more people become fans and that they saw how good of a series it/was, but (of course) the woke and sjw people came, with the: stupid trans headcanons, dismissing Tove Jansson bisexual status and putting her as a lesbian ONLY like she never have be or love a men before , and more shit, like i know i sound like a little kid or one of those stupid "i know it before it was popular" but tbh i hate the attention the new series have gotten,and lest not talk about the degrentes fans that make vomit and inflation fetich and more disgusting fanarts i'm so done i want my cute little fandom back
No. 414423
>>413618>>413620grown women who say this shit and try to act like it's cute or normal need to fuck off. It's awful and i'm so sick of hearing them
(I hear 'doggo' all the time at work from two women in their 40s and i want to punch them)
No. 414501
>>414456All my life my male friends were gay because the straight ones would try something eventually and I had to cut them off and it's so annoying. Being friends with gay guys isn't special, there's literally nothing different in talking to them and talking to a straight guy, the only difference is that the straight one can eventually fall for me and make everything awkward.
Unless they're actively seeking a stereotypical gay guy who likes to impersonate drag queens 24/7.
No. 414527
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>>414349She just said that she don't like dogs anon. Calm your autism please.
Such a sad thing that we need to love everything that society love otherwise we are bad and retarded.
No. 414530
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I work a second job as a janitor in order to pay for my studies, it's just a few hours each weekend.
This weekend they hired a new guy and he looks like Jeffery Dahmer. And tbh, I've never been more creeped out by a person in my life, it's not just the looks, he has some eccentric mannerisms and seems really slow, and it all combined together in a way that is undeniably creepy.
I felt bad that I felt that way about him from the get go, and tried to make a conversation with him. I talked about the brand of soft drink he was drinking, and how I preferred them so much more in a glass bottle instead of plastic. And he just stared at me with vacant eyes, not responding, just smiling weirdly. This just made it all the worse for me.
I can't help but avoid him when I'm working, and when he's in the same room as me, I can't bring myself to let him out of my eyesight.
No. 414533
>>414375I have met multiple men who piss in their backyards because they can and sometimes even admit its a territory thing
Its unbelievably pathetic how little shame they have and even worse that we don't shame them more for all the dumb shit they socially get away with
No. 414534
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>>414530Not trying to be rude but I still don’t get why you started a conversation with him in the first place? If he gave you weird vibes and your scared then just avoid him from the start. I’m sure he didn’t care or notice you around until you said something.
No. 414591
>>414530That is a really stupid question btw. The container has no effect on the taste of soft drinks.
He's working as a janitor so you really shouldn't expect someone with great social skills, no matter what he looks like.
No. 414622
>>414594Soda tastes like ass because it loses the carbonation.
But anything else it doesn't make a difference.
You think you're a 'super taster' or something?
No. 414728
>>414655Yeah its just another uwu culture they romanticize.
Even if you look in the kpop critical thread you can tell that they really are secret koreaboos or ex-koreaboos who still obsess over it. There's really no way to know that much about the scene or even recognize which group members are which (theyve all apparently got plastic surgery to look like each other) without being a big fan, its not like simply following a cow on twitter. I used to love Super Junior and SS501 back in the day and now have mo clue who/what that thread is talking about now because im not a fan of kpop any more. Makes you think.
No. 415077
>>414645Men have such
victim complexes, it's unreal
No. 415406
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I really like MHA but the fandom is so chock full of autistic chimpanzees that it honestly makes me want to drop out. The racebending, armor redesigns and shit is just the start; there are people that go on a moral crusade against the author (criticizing is ok, i mean shit like pic related) I'm an artfag that was fucking around with mha fanart for a while and i definitely got to notice the kind of air around the fandom; It feels like everyone is trying to one-up eachother, there's an overwhelming sense of entitlement i feel.. I also happened to get hate messages back when tumblr was still alive about me drawing a rare ship that "nobody cared about" (I didn't even shipfag often)
But also stuff like pic related is so retarded. Horikoshi literally created those characters, how can those characters be comfort characters when they came from his toxic mangaka mind! s/ Fuck this headcanon trend. Make your own characters instead of mooching off talented creators.
No. 415491
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>been playing a popular MMO since I was ~11, quit and now started again when the old version got rebooted
>decide to download mobile version for some sneaky XP gains on the go
>see a bunch of negative reviews
>most of them complain that they can't figure out what to do after the tutorial, get frustrated and ragequit
>others complain that they can't buy their way to a high level and that there aren't enough quests (there's a literal fuckton of them, most of them are for subscribers, but they're very clearly visible in the quest list, even says "MEMBERS QUESTS" in big bolded letters holy shit)
I figured that shit out when I was just a dumb kid. I had no idea what to do, I typed "what do I do now" into the chat, someone replied "just don't shit yourself" and I figured out the rest all by my damn self. There wasn't nearly as much information in the game for new players as there is now. The whole point of the game is that you can do whatever you damn please and there's ample information in the game and NPCs to talk to that can help you out. The quests are made with a lot of love, have genuine dialogues, a lot of humour and good plots, the devs care a lot about the players and all new content is polled so the players get to decide. Now the devs are worried and want to change Tutorial Island because kids nowadays are too stupid to figure it out and want instant gratification, arrows always telling you where to do, and quests that amount to "Kill X amount of Y and come talk to me again".
Fuck off back to Fortnite with your cancer of an attitude.
No. 415837
>>415502Haha I thought so when you mentioned the mobile release and tutorial island.
I have strong nostalgia for that game too. When I was unemployed this winter I started playing again. Finished all the f2p quests and then dipped into my savings for a membership.
I got to the point where all the medium effort quests are done but now I'm facing down the hardest ones that can take hours to complete. I'm not so sure I have the patience, I haven't logged back in for months.
Tbh I think the mobile version is kinda wonky for anything other than skill grinding. Combat and chat functions seem harder on this version. If I were just a dumb kid who thought runescape was a new mobile game, I'd be somewhat unimpressed as well. Too bad these people leaving the reviews don't seem aware of the game's history.
No. 416020
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> friend comes over
> we bake a cake
> i pay for all the ingredients
> we eat lunch (huge steak)
> i also payed for the steak
> "anon im still hungry :( do you have anything at all at home?"
> uhh i just have half an avocado but i was saving it for breakfast
> "oh ok"
> 30min later "anon can I please have the avocado now? say no if you dont want to! Its tottally ok if u say no! Ill buy you a new one tomorrow for breakfast!"
> uh sure have the avocado
> later we eat the cake
> she eats 75% of the whole fucking cake
> time to go to bed
> doing skincare
> she uses up ALL of my cleanser
> pretend to have a stomachache just to get her out
> can you please go home, i think i got food poisoning
> "oh ok anon… hope you'll be ok! See you this week end"
> tfw she never bought me back an avocado
No. 416074
>>416020Is she poor as fuck or something?
Maybe next time you hang y'all should focus on fixing her resume.
No. 416156
>>415406Oh god the fucking idea that an artist doesn't "deserve" a character THEY created makes me want to rage so hard. How fucking pompous do you need to be to say something like that. God I hate fandoms.
Unrelated but the anons in the venus thread are annoying as shit. I don't know where they came from but they sound so desperate to nitpick venus to shit because REE she's living the weeb dream and they aren't. I was pretty excited to see her thread active but when it's just the same anons complaining about how she's soo faking mental illnesses or posting random rumors it gets boring.
No. 416177
>>416055She isnt even fat, she's tall and very skinny.
>>416032Its the next morning and I'm honestly so angry at her.
is poor as fuck but I am also poor as fuck. We're both broke but she only spends her money on clothes she doesnt need while I buy food and stuff you actually need to live. So she ends up with 50 COS white button downs and Alexander Wang bras and I have to feed her.
No. 416210
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Had a speaking task with another person during english class.
Once again heard an opinion that Putin is the best leader Russia could have, because "he doesn't mess around with terrorists, using white phosphorus (which is banned btw)".
The ignorance of some people ffs.
No. 416359
>>416337they think those people have money to throw around aimlessly.
like you have a wheelchair, right? pay for glasses every couple years? wear additional clothing related to your religion? already costly, what's it gonna do if you just pay a few bucks to have your avatar look like you? nothing, right?
like hell i'm gonna scrounge up $2 for a fucking pair of digital glasses.
No. 416428
>>416410This isn’t new, I’ve been seeing more and more of stuff like this in a lot of threads.
Do people need to self insert that badly? I mean, I’ve played video games my whole life and there was barely any female protagonists, there still isn’t many(that aren’t moeshit or fan service type) and I still play. There should be more variety in media, but why get so bothered by it?
No. 416883
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I think I'm just gonna delete twitter because jesus christ what a tumblr-infested shithole it is. I tried to start an art account before the tumblr shitstorm and I was already avoiding people who put their pronouns in their bio but I kept seeing more "I'M HELLA GAY YALL!!!1" stuff on my feed everyday and it's just exhausting. I haven't used it in months but I just check it out occasionally, instantly regretting it
No. 416886
>>416495The only reason this bugs me is because they get a little upset/defensive if you ask if they're gay
I'm kinda dumb and actually had to ask before because sometimes it seems possible that they might actually be talking about a real gf. But no, for some reason they dont understand that the word can mean something romantic and I'm the weirdo for it.
No. 416894
>>416886Lol so you always ask them if they're gay when somebody talks about "girlfriends"?
Of course they're gonna act defensive, they're obviously (rightfully) weirded out by that.
You'd probably get an aneurysm if you weren't a native english speaker, since many other languages only have one word for female friend and female partner
No. 416930
>>416894Of course I have to explain it exact for you or else youre caught up in semantics. I forgot about that on lcf.
If she comes off as one and says "im seeing my girlfriend later" yeah, i will ask some variation of: "oh like an actual gf?"
I dont just barge with an "Are you a lesbian?!" or something.
>theyre gonna be weirded out by thatCalling a friend a girlfriend weirds me out, so thats even. I dont care if they wanna call them that but dont look at me funny if I'm mistaken on what you mean.
No. 416944
>>416930>I'm kinda dumb>Of course I have to explain it exact for you or else youre caught up in semantics. I forgot about that on lcf.kek
If a girl uses girlfriend there's a >99% chance that she's talking about a friend. Being lesbian is not the norm, deal with it. Like
>>416639 already said, it originally just meant female friend, you took that word and switched it into something romantic.
No. 417062
>>417049Not even finding this weird when there are kids everywhere like this especially the ones from urban places and most of south america. Kids finally can look up to a whore their age alongside with the other dr phil whore which is far more excusable than mimicking cardie b or nicky "literalWHOre" minaj and celebrities like her. But because this is in public pedos can fap too but let's hope the horrendous music chases them awa-
>mute buttonFugg. Well at least it's not my kid and I'm way too old to look up to her and way too poor to have kids atm so I'm safe for now.
No. 417081
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>>417073Sorry, I will refer to her as a respectable business woman next time, never mind this is a gossip board and I was mostly just calling them whores for their awful behavior.
That being said, I'd agree with you that it's rude if I said this to someone irl or even just online anywhere else that's not a gossip board.
No. 417122
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>>417083OS is Operating Systems (think windows, mac, linux). Like why does the [AS] app need to know all this?
No. 417315
>>417122Companies collect data so they can either sell it or target you with ads.
You can have greater control over what data you allow companies to have. Always access services through a browser instead of an app. Brave is free and easy to use and set up as it has most of the features offered by add-ons built in. You can also manually block app permissions in android.
No. 417524
>>417521There's one anon in the Venus thread who sounds like she would eat turds out of her asshole and stab her at the same time. It's a really consistent, obsessive hate. I can tell whenever she posts and it's always in regular intervals, shitting on her face, language skills, interests and hobbies, like clockwork.
It looks exhausting, tbh.
No. 417690
>>417520I hate the autistic nitpicking in general, it attracts a shitty userbase and ruins the thread for everyone. Momo's thread in particular is like a compact version of PULL in a thread form. The anons commenting on her presumed smell and constantly bringing up the sexual harassment scandal whenever she so much as sits next to anyone ("omfg this makes me so uncomfortable knowing what she's done!!!") like she was a sex-crazed rapist makes me cringe. The thread is literally unreadable fanfiction at this point. Even the interesting conversation pieces get drowned out by the "GOD I HATE THE WAY SHE STANDS LIKE THAT!!! STOP IT YOU WORTHLESS FAT WHORE" sperging.
>>417610Never thought about this before anon but it would make sense.
No. 418419
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Although I love the tactile feel of physical books, my Kindle is just so much more convenient and practical for me. It grinds my gears when I bring up using an e-reader and someone has to fucking smugly say, "Well I prefer reading real books, it's more satisfying." I understand if someone doesn't like reading ebooks, but there's no reason to act like they're somehow inferior to a physical book in anything more than a superficial way.
The worst thing is that people who say that to me never actually read regularly. Like if reading genuinely is a hobby of yours and you frequently purchase and read books maybe it wouldn't bother me so much but I hate when adults who think reading the Harry Potter series makes them an intellectual try to act all high and mighty over me. Keep jerking yourself off about how nerdy you are and how books smell nice or whatever while I actually fucking READ them.
No. 418441
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The guy in Jeffery stars "I do my boyfrienda brothers makeup" facial structure is odd. From a side view he as a thin jawline, but in an upfront view he has a thick jawline. I get freaked put when ever he turns his head
No. 418582
>>418428Thank god I thought I'd get dogpiled lmao. For me it's partially because I come from a family that is an ethnicity with some similar features and there's a large middle eastern population where I grew up. I've thought women with those features are so pretty and it seems they get shat on for big noses and stuff, but to me they're like…pretty and familiar. She definitely needs to stop getting lipo and actually lose weight.
>>418419>but there's no reason to act like they're somehow inferior to a physical book in anything more than a superficial way.I agree with you mostly but this isn't totally true. Maybe it's changed with newer readers, but I really can't read a lot of books with tons of illustrations or textbooks on an e-reader without as much fuss or crappy sized images compared to a book where they're already laid out at the right size. My reader is pretty old though, but for me it's atrocious, I might as well forget about reading pdfs if they aren't straight text.
It's amazing for travel though. As much as I love paper books ebooks get me to read a lot. I know it's cringe but when I find a series or game I latch onto I love reading well-written fanfiction too, especially because it's free and electronically published.
>>418501Where do you buy your books anon? Maybe it's because of what I buy (a lot of old books) but I don't spend a lot of money per book. There are some sites where it's decently cheap to buy physical books like ebay, (idk if they're still around, and abebooks. epubs tend to be cheaper but I've found cases where buying an epub is more expensive than getting the book, or the book is too out of print to get an epub unless someone has converted it themselves like
No. 418654
>>418428I don't think she's that cute sans makeup (according to my personal taste) but she's definitely not as ugly as anons make her out to be. Her body is fucked and she's probably going to lose a leg to type II diabetes in her 40's but she's definitely not a hideous bridge troll when it comes to her face. It's such a waste that she decided to let herself go so badly and especially because she ruined her thick, dark hair with the aggressive bleaching.
>>418424This happens to me too anon, I feel your frustration lmao.
No. 418812
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lmao imagine being this boring of a person. yes, cops are corrupt, but are we not allowed to watch brooklyn 99, law and order, svu, or any police themed show because of it?
No. 418839
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>>418834You'd be too if you had to endure this on the daily.
Pic related,
nippon is unironically superior with this
No. 418865
>>418820Yes. This. Fuck people eating a full course stinky meal on the train or in the bus. I get a massive headache from it and can't breathe through my nose.
>>418812I'm always fucking baffled over americans being so hostile towards cops. In my country they actually go through a vigorous selection and have to earn an actual degree to become a police, and they're always polite and respectful. Yet I still get amerifats yelling at me for not hating every cop on the face of the earth.
No. 418932
>>418884Sorry that you live in a shitty country lol
I like our cops, e.g. if I have to take the train at night then I stand purposely closer to the police who's patrolling the train station because they really do make me feel save.
>>418886It sadly isn't there I live…
No. 418944
>>418865Well that's the difference. You don't need to have a degree to be a cop
Hell you need MORE certification to be a hairdresser than to be a cop.
No. 418951
>>418812>YOU ARE WATCHING A COP SHOWYes, and I also like watching Disney villains hang out and having fun together. Does that make me a bad person? Absolutely not.
Being serious, SJWs policing people on the fictional media they consume and make is so hypocritical. They'll excuse someone saying they can make graphic art depicting abuse in it because it "helps them cope with trauma" but watching a TV series on a major television network is off limits.
No. 419026
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>it's barely been a day and there's already horny fanart
Can't people just WAIT
No. 419128
>>418681I dont like being touched at all, and not because of trauma or any mental hang ups. I just like people to respect my personal space - my whole family is like that. I think overly touchy feely people have boundary and emotional issues lmao.
I never hug my friends, it's just not necessary for me to touch them to feel close to them. But to each their own.
No. 419187
>>419122They don't even know they're doing it because they don't have the concept of language being something that can't be broken up etc.
If you speak to them, not fake babytalk by like they speak by stuttering and weird pronunciations, they'll get frustrated that they can't understand you lol
No. 419684
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staying at my brother's for 2 weeks until i leave the state permanently- every day since ive been here ive been the sole cleaner/cat tender/food buyer since his live-in unemployed gf doesn't need to do any of her stuff because im here lol
>>419680 leave the server
No. 419769
>>419767It absolutely is. But if someone beats up women while drunk they probably arent a feminist angel sober either.
And I say that as a different anon who also has an alcoholic father.
No. 419787
>>419784I don't really agree with that, I say and do really dumb stuff when I'm black out drunk that I would never want to do. I only get that drunk like three times a year at most and I don't think those things reflect me as a person.
Drunk people can be really unpredictable
No. 420046
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I hate it when Instagrammers who have a decent amount of followers suddenly act like they’re celebrities hosting their own TV show via their Instagram stories and their posts. Doing Q&A’s or apologizing for their “posting schedule” when they don’t post enough a certain week. Another HUGE pet peeve i have is when Instagrammers ask their followers stupid questions in the caption of a photo, pic related. Just be real, you’re trying to get more comments on your stupid post and you don’t actually care what your followers say. You’re not a celebrity and nobody cares about your stupid Q&A or your posting schedule, most people couldnt give less of a shit. This girl in particular is not the only one who does it but so do many Instagrammers who think they’re so important just because they have over 1000 followers. It’s hard to explain why this pisses me off so bad but it does.
No. 420047
>>420046Nah it pisses me off too
Come the day when the reign of ig falls and youtubers don’t get paid anymore
No. 420138
I'm reading this book on how porn has influenced society and it's making me painfully sad, because I know it's all true. I already wondered about most of the things it's talking about, but having it all confirmed with numbers and in a "serious" context is like confirmation that we're living in a hellscape fattened by a bunch of filthy old fucks who have no problem with devaluing the meaning of sex and dehumanizing both women and men just for cash.
Porn sex is not real sex. Porn has never been synonymous with sex, it's just been pushed relentlessly to generate income.
It is not natural to gravitate to porn. Nothing about it is natural in the first place. It doesn't make a male watching it into more of a man, it's not a rite of passage, and it's not "what men REALLY want" (unless you're a full misandrist who thinks men are literally subhuman, I guess - and with the shit I'm seeing, I might be on that path). It's also not a beacon of sexual freedom or self-expression for repressed women.
It is garbage that paints itself gold, and it profits off of the depressed, the addicted and the vulnerable.
Fuck you if you think otherwise. You're either an intellectual coward, or an addict with brain rot. Also, fuck dumbass men who are so obsessed with proving their masculinity that they'll not only debase themselves by kowtowing to the industry like a good little paycuck, they'll defend this shit.
Let's be real, that's literally what you are if you watch porn: A cuck. Who else would get turned on watching other men degrade women they couldn't even dream of touching? I don't want to hear any of that "Men are visual!" bullshit, either. Why do so many modern men's visual stimuli have to revolve around other men's dicks being huge, their assholes dilating on camera and women being abused in all sorts of ways that have nothing to do with enjoyment or even reproduction? What is wrong with them? Do you think that's what people were fantasizing about before franchises got into full-scale wars of who could get nastier and generate more shock for money? Do you really think that's natural? You think cavemen's sexual paintings were about adult diapers, prolapsed anuses, and sharing one woman with multiple men at once? Go fuck yourself.
I'm so mad, fuck.
No. 420141
>>420138wrt that last bit, it really is annoying as fuck when people try to argue porn doesn't escalate fetishes into weird territory. Sure, maybe some people are less easily swayed but for many kids who get into it it practically forms your sexuality. If this wasn't the case guys who go nofap/noporn wouldn't "refresh" their sexuality.
What's the name of the book btw? Not sure if I'll ever get the guts to read it since even as a former pornsick girl thinking about porn often depresses me. But it would be nice to have something for reference.
No. 420143
>>420141>If this wasn't the case guys who go nofap/noporn wouldn't "refresh" their sexuality.Yup. Just think of it: Entire generations have been deprived of their own organic sexual growths all because of porn being peddled, and there are many people who will never have the chance to truly understand themselves because they're bombarded with the same gross, twisted "one size fits all" bullshit.
I definitely know the feeling of growing up pornsick, too, and it just makes me even more upset at how prevalent this all is. I feel hopeless.
The book is Pornland by Gail Dines.
No. 420153
>>420143>deprived of their own organic sexual growthAgree, personally my route was a bit different than mainstream porn because I grew up on fujoshit and hentai first (then 3d stuff in late teens), but it still got me into sick and immoral "kinks." In a way I guess I wasn't squished into the one size sexuality of "all girls are submissive and love choking and anal!" but the fetishes were like a magnified grotesque version of my actual sexual interests. Neither route is good.
We can only hope more people get on board and realize porn is awful in both production and consumption, but the future does look bleak. Thank you for the rec though!
No. 420205
>>420109To be perfectly honest I sometimes feel as if the anons constantly posting tl;dr suicide threats in the vent threads here are the undercover trannies of /ot/. Especially MTFs' personalities seem to 100% consist of having narc fits over how they want to kys themselves and which degenerate kinks they're into.
>I'm even in a lesbian/wlw server that allowed trannies but they had to be tagged so cis-lesbians could identify them. They complained that this was transphobic and forced the mods to remove it. I honestly wish we weren't socialized to bend a knee in front of men because this is fucking bullshit.
No. 420219
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It's pride month and this year everything is about trannies and asexuals. Gay men are ignored and lesbians are only included if they're dating trans women. I wish I was straight so I wouldn't care so much.
No. 420293
>people would silently judge her in planes when her kid would ruin everything for anyone, and she thought that if people weren't happy about her kid yelling and running around then they should help her. Even though that's her choice and her job, not anyone else's.reminds me of video related. I personally never experienced something like this but fuck how are parents ok with that shit is beyond me.
>>420219At some point it will be just about trannies, because being a cis gay man or cis lesbian isn't special or oppressed enough so either fuck that fake pussy or suck the girl penis.
No. 420308
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One of my favorite things to do is to is to go to a nearby forest and spend several hours just walking around. I love that place, there usually aren't other people around and you can't even hear cars, just birds and the wind.
Except now it's full of fucking MOSQUITOES! I wanted to have a nice evening stroll, but I barely even got off my bike when I was attacked by a massive fucking swarm at the start of the trail. I walked for about 100m until I gave up and turned back, the whole time swatting at myself, getting bit and hearing that fucking "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE" whining next to my ears. God I fucking hate them so fucking much get the FUCK OUT OF MY FOREST YOU LITERAL BLOODSUCKING PARASITES REEE
No. 420450
>>420308ugh, anon, I understand you too well. literally cannot go into woods inbetween June and late July for those (literal) bloodsuckers are EVERYWHERE and I feel like I'm going insane trying to get away from/swat them. Last time I gave in and went berry picking with mom my legs (I was wearing leggings btw) ended up with the texture of cottage cheese.
also have you heard that theory of some blood groups being more attractive than others? do you reckon it's true kek
No. 420454
>>420293The reason why I don't want kids is because I could get stuck for life with a shitty brat like the one in the video. If I were the parents here I would have smacked the shit out of him at some point. I don't know if I feel worse for the staff or the passengers.
And funny you say that, I just got back from a screening of Detective Pikachu, it was the original version as opposed to the dub in my first language so my friends and I thought there would only be teenagers and aduts in the theater. Wrong, there were kids who played youtube videos in the middle of the movie with the volume on and no headphones and other kids asking questions to their desperate mom non-stop. Who the fuck bring kids to a movie they can't even understand if they can't even read subtitles.
No. 420468
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So called 'dank meme lords' or edgy meme posters get on my nerves during tradgedys. A helicopter just crash landed on a NYC tower and all these manchildren can do is spam '9/11 2.0' and 'I IDENTIFY AS AN ATTACK HELECPOTER'. The worst part is that if you even imply to them this is in bad taste they go on some rant about free speech.
No. 420518
>>420478I actually don't know my blood type, i know that my mom suffers mosquito bites like me whereas my dad doesn't so much so maybe the idea holds? I don't know how blood type inheritance works, but I don't think they're both type O so I don't think that's my type.
I have to admit it doesn't seem so logical, but i really just want an explanation to justify my whining as well. That or I need something I can change to reduce this problem.
No. 420526
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>>420473>>420450>>420518I found a really interesting article on it, I grew up in Aus and me and mumsy were mad magnets for them but dad and brother were fine. heard things about like eating bananas and taking b12 etc. but apparently it's a bunch of different reasons. just gotta live in mozzie repellant cuties, I'm sorry <3 growing up rural we'd have to empty stagnant water around the property because that's where they'd breed/the water would be full of "wrigglers" so if you maybe purge your area on the regular if you find any of their larve you might be able to cut their infestation down. good luck guys, keep us posted if you find any remedies because my ankles are raw bro
No. 420552
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A E S T H E T I C C U L T U R E needs to die already. Future funk, lo-fi rap with looping gifs, reviving old tokyo pop, and 80's anime with to many after effects filters, I hate it all. This rant was triggered because I saw a youtube commenter on soem random Japanese song say "this is the first time I've seen a song like this without the words aesthetic all over the comment section".
No. 420659
>>420590I hate it too, and all of the other nasty, mean spirited terms they use. I'm CF and feel very strongly about it being a
valid way to live your life, but kids aren't the problem for me, parenting is. Children aren't personally at fault for the way they are, they don't ask to be born so they don't warrant hatred.
No. 420660
>>420628Yeah because men target ugly and fat people who are easy to disarm due to low self esteem, and we all know those kinds of women just love being targets of assholes who don't care about them.
If you're actually a woman, maybe it's time you realize your man who fucked "anything" is a limp dick scumbag who isn't much of a looker either.
No. 420689
>>420626Speaking of annoying, I absolutely hate the avocado trend. They are massively high in calories and it is astounding how many restaurants are just piling them onto food like it's ambrosia. 1 avocado has 322 calories in it. That's on TOP of whatever else people are eating with the meal.
Yes, they are a "good" source of fat. But people are meme'd into thinking they're uber healthy, low-cal toppers for every meal.
No. 421266
>>420687Bitch what about the ridiculous prices I'm paying now as a healthy individual trying to remain healthy???
Our generation is fucked regardless. We'll work into the grave unless some of us were born lucky enough to ride on our parent's trust funds and businesses.
No. 421343
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I’m so annoyed by people who don’t understand how to fucking drive - don’t know how a four way stop works, don’t understand that you don’t need to come to a screeching halt at a yield sign when there aren’t any cars coming, don’t get that being “nice” and letting someone who doesn’t have the right of way go is just clogging up traffic even more, yield for every single pedestrian even when pedestrians do not have the right of way, sit at the stoplight on their phone and don’t pay attention when the light turns green and then act personally offended when you honk at them
I honestly could go on but I’m so over this shit. It’s not that hard to just follow traffic laws & make everyone’s commute 10x earlier! Or at least don’t act like I insulted your mother when I honk at you
No. 421346
I always hate it when you try to have a discussion with someone, it always has to be black and white.
Extremes are never right and never work out, because the impact sooner or later is always bad.
But every discussion is about go hard or go home. And even if the other one has an actual point, you can give him that and still stand with your opinion. No, than they try to win the argument with whataboutism or populism. It´s tiring and annoying…
Why do I have the feeling, people nowadays can´t compromise anymore? Or actually understand, that not your opinion ist allmighty and true. And even if it is true, it won´t and can´t change in one second if it is affecting a large group of people (doesn´t matter if it is 10 or 10000).
I´m so tired also of fighting with people who only have half knowledge about something or no knowledge at all, but won´t interfere regardless.
I have the feeling, half of the topics could be come to an solution much faster, if not every single person is in the opinion, they want to have a say, but obviously don´t understand the topic with all the different aspects.
No. 421688
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Not necessarily annoying but I will never understand memes that take off just because the subject matter is a pretty woman. Natalia Polonskaya and Bowsette are just two examples of this.
No. 421694
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>>421343Geez, I feel bad because you basically just described my horrible driving.
Thank god I live in a city with good public transit. I almost never drive because of it's so much easier to take the train.
No. 421695
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>>421690There are some artists that had put some effort (pic related), but yes weebs sometimes don’t get out of their comfort zone. I suppose they draw the same faces so that the cuteness isn’t compromised. By the way, reading KYM’s article of Natalia Poklonskaya lowered my opinion on weebs.
No. 421697
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>>421690This is why I love Kohei Horikoshi. Look how varied his female faces are. Also the body proportions are actually reasonable!
I picked the swimsuit picture because it's a good example of what I'm saying. However I'm not a fan of the sexualization of teenagers common in anime, which is why I don't participate in anime fandom.
No. 421703
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>>421698Look it up, anon. Their eyes are each drawn differently- it's not just their expressions.
No. 421714
>>421708It's not, but nothing I say is going to convince you. These are literally all these character's resting expressions.
Go to the BNHA wiki if you don't believe me.
No. 421974
>>421955buying superfoods is also really bad for 3rd world countries/natives. If somethings a superfood that means its most likely a staple food in it's 3rd world country of origin. Once the sueprfood is popular in a 1st world countries companies don't grow their own superfoods they just buy it from natives leaving them to starve.
I also find people who are shocked when they find out a so called 'healthy' meal is unhealthy annoying. Mines a bit different because I have to count carbs for ever meal I take, medical reasons, and whenever people are shocked over this I'm always like 'no shit sherlock. read the carb counts'
No. 422122
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'X character supports Y political belief' is dumb. Its even worse when people choose the most random character for trans rights (miku, spongebob, and rudolph the red nose reindeer). You can joke about it in your own spheres, but posting it on fandom subs and accusing all who don't agree nazis will alienate people from your movement.
Also master shake is the reverse of everything leftism stands for. Who thought this was a good idea?
No. 422127
>>422125Eh, the milkshake thing is fine
>>422122This is so lame. I don't mind the milkshaking thing but this is fucking lame and embarrassing
No. 422130
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People who are unironically in love with fictional characters need to get off the internet and seek help.
No. 422240
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He was ugly, plain at the most.
>>422130Reminds me of that one anon who posted a while back about feeling her husbando's presence. Shit was wild but I do feel bad for people like that.
I still think about those people that you would find on deviantart that were obsessed with some random character and would want to fight anyone who also claimed to love the same character or draw fanart of them. Kids just fight about "kin" these days.
No. 422268
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>>422240>I still think about those people that you would find on deviantart that were obsessed with some random character and would want to fight anyone who also claimed to love the same character or draw fanart of them.You just remained me of such a sperg. Meet gallantmon8, an obsessive Rosalina fanboy. He was so madly in love in her that the sight of Rosalina shipped with anyone besides himself would send him into a chimp out. Thankfully he’s gone now. To think I thought SigurdHosenheld was the nuttiest. At least Sigurd’s obsession with Princess Peach has died out.
No. 422269
>>422131NTA, but there's literally nothing wrong with throwing milkshakes at shitty, racist men, lmao. It's actually pretty funny, in a silly way.
The only ones who disagree are either shitty, racist men themselves, or those in the interest of protecting shitty, racist men from embarrassment.
No. 422272
>>422269>it's ok when it's done to someone I disagree withBut what if it's done to someone that you do agree with? What about when it stops being milkshake and as a BBC presenter recently suggested, starts being battery acid? You can't condone behaviour from one side and condemn it from the other without being hypocritical.
>>422270Kale doesn't grow in the US? In northern Europe it's a staple winter crop.
No. 422273
>>422272You're being kind of dramatic. So, a milkshake got tossed on some public figure, and some people thought it was funny, while others felt bad for them. Did anyone die or suffer grievous bodily harm? Why is this a crisis? It's definitely better than violence or rioting, especially considering the tension the world is in lately.
If it happened to someone I agree with, I wouldn't go into hysterics. I'd just be like "Wow, that sucks, hope they're not too sad about the embarrassment. Now let's move on"
No. 422281
>>422274If you think they're bad right now then just keep egging them on. It will not only piss them off, it's likely to also make them more sympathetic to undecided majority in the middle.
>>422276My main concern is escalation. Some sperg takes shit like this too far if you give them any precedent. Milk, to eggs, to rotten fruit, to shoes, to bricks, to bullets wouldn't be an inconcievable chain of events at all.
No. 422287
>>422281>If you think they're bad right now then just keep egging them on.Nah, they'll do whatever they're going to do anyway, because they were malicious from the start. No one is forcing their hand.
The key is to keep them out of power.
The "undecided middle majority" aren't going to look at the side that advocates a regime that believes in actual, active suppression of free speech, ethnic cleansing (and
actual, concentrated genocide), stripping women of their rights, colonialism and other atrocities and say "Ok but they had milkshakes thrown at them, so who's the real villain here?? :/". Those who were already on that side may weakly try to use it as an "excuse", but they were never "undecided", and no one will be fooled.
No. 422289
>>422287Nobody at all is endorsing ethnic cleansing. Nobody at all is endorsing colonialism. The only rights being stripped away from women are our rights to bear arms. Threatening or enacting violence, any sort of violence IS suppression of free speech. To the people in the middle, the people throwing milkshakes are the people that are badguys. The more milkshakes that are thrown the more support they'll give to whoever is receiving them.
Wannabe brownshirt antifa larping was a large factor in why Trump swept 2016, and larpers doubling down is why he'll win ever harder come 2020. Normal people don't want anything except to be left in peace.
No. 422293
>>422289Okay, anon. You're free to believe that, but I hope you don't LARP as the undecided middle majority you seem bent on claiming to speak for.
>Trump winning in 2020>when the right is mad at him for not being as harsh on immigrants as they wanted, not being anti-Semitic as they hoped, not "draining the swamp", not delivering on the wall promise, etc and the left hates him for sexually assaulting people, implicitly saying there are Neo-Nazis who are "very good people", etcKek
No. 422296
>>422295How exactly would they apply to the left without having to heavily dilute their meanings with embarrassing platitudes like "Getting banned from Twitter because I called someone a racial slur and/or harassed them is suppression of my free speech and a violation of my rights", "White people not reproducing at the exact same rates as every other race is ethnic cleansing and genocide", or "The cashier at Wal-Mart isn't the same race as me, this is colonialism"?
As a reminder, none of those points sound sensible to anyone who is not deluded.
No. 422297
>>422293Nope, I'm a conservative. Build the wall and build it high. Only build it around California instead.
When it comes to the right, many are extremely disappointed in him sure, but then they'll take always disappoint over ever voting democrat.
When it comes to the middle though, the word has gotten out that fake news is a thing(for example, in implying that Trump supports Neo-Nazi when he clearly and repeatedly condemned all political violence and racial bigotry) so they're likely to vote against it just out of spite alone.
No. 422299
>>422297Again, no one but those who were already on that side will do anything "out of spite" or think that the right are the true
victims because of milkshakes, as anyone who's truly in the middle notices that the right has its collective share of retards, and notice all the fake news they've spilled before the term was even coined (the lies told by right-leaning media like Fox News alone, or just a list of lies Donald Trump has told could fill entire books).
The fact that there's hysteria over milkshakes and that they're being called "violence" is just another example of desperate grasping.
No. 422310
>>422296>Getting banned from Twitter because I called someone a racial slur and/or harassed them is suppression of my free speech and a violation of my rightsAny form of deplatforming is suppression of free speech. Twitter is a small issue what is more disturbing is the left's insistence that speech is violence and any speech they disagree with is then shut down with actual physical violence. Infamous example of this is the Berkeley Antifa riots, where the left wanted to stop a gay man from speaking. People also get fired from their jobs for having the wrong opinions like James Demore. In Europe where there are hate speech laws it's even worse. Any criticism of Islam and trannies results in a prison sentence.
>White people not reproducing at the exact same rates as every other race is ethnic cleansing and genocideFlooding Europe with migrants to replace the native population is literally the UN definition of genocide
>the cashier at Wal-Mart isn't the same race as me, this is colonialismThat's not what I referring to at all. I was referring to neocolonialism, a consequence of globalism that is pushed by the left.
No. 422313
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>>422310>a private company not wanting someone who's ostensibly bad for their image to keep messing up their image is suppression of free speechThis isn't how it works, sorry. I'm pretty sure this is why most responsible people add a "My views do not represent that of my workplace" to their bios, but even then, it's within a company's rights and freedom to fire or remove someone from their space if they don't represent their chosen values. If you're against this, you are actually against freedom.
>the left's insistence that speech is violence When you advocate the genocide, oppression and subjugation of others, you are supporting violence and trying to use the leniency of free speech in a peaceful, sensible society to your advantage in order to destroy it for others. There's no point in hiding it.
People will know what's up when you invite the grand wizard of the KKK to speak at your events (and commune with its members in general), fly marginally less popular Nazi flags at these same events, sieg-heil at meetups, chant "Black lives splatter" and "Jews will not replace us" while holding flaming torches in public at night, post endless racial diatribes in your main strongholds, etc etc.
>and any speech they disagree with is then shut down with actual physical violenceIt'd make sense not to preach the virtues of violence if you are against it in practice. On top of that, while one specific group allied with the left might start physical altercations, the right has responded with actual killings on at least three occasions now, two of them not even aimed at anyone on their opposing political side, but from what they perceive to be the "enemy race (or religion)" in a bid to spark off a "race war". This is far more disturbing than a few punches here and there.
>Flooding Europe with migrants to replace the native population is literally the UN definition of genocide1. Pic related is the actual definition. Nothing there about having migrants in a given country. It's crazy that you'd say something, then link something that doesn't match your claim at all.
2. Do you have any credible source that backs up your insistence that Europe has migrants specifically "to replace the native population"? Because this is a common conspiracy theory by the insane, paranoid and delusional, usually with no evidence, but lots of emotion.
>That's not what I referring to at all. I was referring to neocolonialism, a consequence of globalism that is pushed by the left.What do you define as neocolonialism? Because with this track record, I'm convinced you have your own creative version of it.
No. 422339
>>422337You already admitted that they're fascists. Give it up with the "N-No we're the innocent ones whatever do you mean uwu" already. No one here is going to fall for it.
We all know where you're coming from and what your outlook is.
No. 422349
>>422310>where they wanted to stop a gay man from speaking>implying the Berkley incident had anything to do with the fact Milo is gay and not the fact he's a misogynistic bigot who spews some of the most disgusting shit anyone with decent morals has ever heardThe intellectual dishonesty you're using is staggering.
Not to mention, he singled out a random troon student at one school he attended to be harassed just necause they were trans. He should never have been allowed to speak at any colleges after he did that anyway, since he is literally a threat to their students.
No. 422350
>>422346Hard agree. And honestly, it's never a bad thing to refuse to do business with - or stop providing a platform to - those that support a fascist society.
You are not owed a job, a social media account, a business relationship, or really anything from anyone in a society you seek to destroy and bring back to the dark ages. You can't demand fairness when you're directly calling for unfairness.
The sane half of the population is not obliged to aid the insane in their lust for power under any means.
No. 422355
>>422354Who the hell wants to destroy society?
Wanting to conserve society is almost the whole point of conservatism to start with.
No. 422359
>>422355>Who/pol/tards screeching about "white genocide" (like the one ITT) and calling it "based" to kill innocent churchgoers for being the wrong race, or random Muslim people (including children) in a place of worship in countries that aren't even their own. Again, we've seen the shit you say when you think you're in a safe space, and what you support at meet-ups.
Maybe this pathetic attempt would work if you were on a more normie site.
No. 422375
>>422374You made the same post here
>>422369, except you literally made up there being "racially charged shootings on Trump supporters" to try and draw a false equivalence. You are one of many bad actors (in more than just one sense of the term).
No. 422376
>>422369Please link us to evidence of this trend of mass shootings against Trump supporters.
Oh wait, you can't because it's not real.
No. 422379
>>422378This shooting was not targeted against Trump supporters specifically, neither was it racially motivated.
Imagine accusing the other side of spreading fake news, only to do so yourself. Pathetic.
No. 422380
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>>422374>there are some very good people who believe in white genocidePlease go back to /pol/ and stay there.
No. 422381
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>>422378>Anon asks for evidence of mass shootings against Trump supporters>Post the Las Vegas ShootingThis shit just doesn't write itself.
No. 422382
>>422378Same anon as
>>422379 here. To rub salt in the wound:>Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Paddock was "happy" with President Trump because the stock market was strong.[32]Citation: motivated shootings against Trump supporters…by other Trump supporters of the same race as the
No. 422383
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>>422378Holy shit, you clearly didn't read the article before posting it. It literally says 4chan made up the Trump connection and it was fake.
No. 422393
>>422386You're flip-flopping again. First, you said believing in white genocide makes you an idiot. Now, you're defending that exact same mindset under the guise of "preserving their race by establishing homelands".
Your types remain as dishonest (and retarded) as ever.
No. 422395
>>422385To kill a bunch of people? I don't know, but that doesn't change the fact that the website you linked to says any political motivations assigned to it were a myth started by 4chan.
>>422384The first two stories you posted are cases of vandalism that didn't even involve injuries and the third has no pilitical motivation stated other than that he wore Nazi shit. You are deluded if you think these help your "both sides" argument.
No. 422398
>>422384> it was because of the flag and not just gun-toters being gun-toters? Proof it was racially motivated in the least?
>>Cheatham said the office had yet to confirm a motive or identify a suspect in the shooting and had not yet found video evidence or any witnesses.Your only halfway decent, on-topic article, and yet still a reach without any actual evidence, proven motive or a suspect caught. Also, not racially motivated.
> is about a psycho who shot people and also apparently really liked to collect Nazi paraphernalia "and other odd stuff". There is literally nothing in this article about Trump supporters, neither is there anything to prove that the person targeted a specific race.
You really don't have shit, do you? Lmao.
Only one of these can even be reasonably considered a mass shooting, and that one is completely unrelated. In fact, the only reason to use the last one in an argument is to imply something like "the Jews are FRAMING us innocent Nazis!!1". Congrats, you've pretty much betrayed your allegiance to Nazis while struggling to damage control after being called out on your bullshit. You can stop with the "We want to
preserve society, not destroy it!" now.
No. 422400
>>422396… that's not what eugenics is at all, honey.
Definition of eugenics
>the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. No. 422403
>>422399If it was true, the main source would be credited as some place other than 4chan, and accepted by other, reputable places. It's not, so it's bullshit (and bullshit that has been debunked multiple times).
You tried, and failed.
No. 422405
>>422399You're right, it's the fact they have no evidence at all of the links that disproves the links.
Also, even if hypothetically it were true registered democrat, that still doesn't mean the shooting itself was politically motivated.
Seriously, though, you are really grasping at straws to prove anti-racists amre just as bad as racists and it's really pathetic. Reevaluate yourself.
No. 422418
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>>422408You're right. I assumed it was a female poster, but on closer inspection, it might actually be a scrote. You can kind of tell by the fact that he seems to want white women to be baby factories in order to "preserve" the race. I don't want to believe a farmer can possibly be that dumb.
I wouldn't even be surprised if it was the same summerfag invader(s) who spammed lolicon for hours over multiple threads and said we're all jealous of their 2D waifus.
No. 422423
>>422414I don't care why they think that way. I just care that they do. It's shitty regressive misogyny that fucked up their own countries and now it's fucking up mine as well.
>let women do whatever they want.That's the entire point, hon. Let them get away from female genital mutilation, being sold as child brides, and being beaten by their husbands in accordance with Allah by not letting anyone okay with this shit in.
No. 422424
>>422402What are you talking about? White europeans are still much more rich than arab immigrants. In fact, nowadays, rich and educated people with good resources tend to have less children than poor people.
I'm sorry but all the rich people I know have max two kids, and most have one or none. Poor people (especially from immigrant families) have much more kids.
>>422407>/pol/ whistleblowerskek
>>422420But eugenics have to be voluntary. You can't look at something that happpens organically and call it eugenics.
No. 422428
>>422425Yup. I'm pretty sure the "anon" will try to find a way to disagree with this, because despite the fact that he's trying to LARP as a woman, he can't adequately hide that he doesn't care about women at all. He just really, really hates anyone not white, and probably also hates women, anyway.
You can tell by the fact that he's playing dumb now and begging the question, despite his earlier posts. It's the same idiocy that lead him to insist there were "racially motivated mass shootings" on Trump supporters and then link to a bunch of unrelated shit.
This is probably the most non-familial female interaction he's had all week.
No. 422449
>>422313>When you advocate the genocide, oppression and subjugation of others, you are supporting violenceSpeaking about violence is still not violence. There's a process where someone needs to hear speech and then decide to act on it. When violence is used to suppress speech the decision to be violent has already been made. You don't seem to understand that if the left chooses to take speech as violence when they hear something they don't like, what's to stop the right from doing the same? You either have free speech for everyone or not at all. Any unbalance will lead to a further escalation of violence. Free speech exists so people are able to debate their ideas and discuss their differences so there is no need for violence.
>when you invite the grand wizard of the KKK to speak at your eventsWhen has a university ever invited someone from the KKK? Where has anywhere in the last 20 years invited the KKK to speak? The KKK is a dead organisation that isn't even liked by actual nazis. The people having their ideas suppressed by the violent left are people like Ben Shapiro, Christina Hoff Sommers and Jordan Peterson.
>a few punches here and there.A few punches here and there will become a few gunshots and then a full scale civil war. You tell me that I don't know history, yet you have obviously never looked into the Spanish Civil War. The build up mirrored the current political polarisation. It ended with an actual fascist dictator ruling Spain.
>Nothing there about having migrants in a given countryI'd argue that the following descriptors fit what is happening in Europe
>Killing members of the group>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the groupI'm not against political asylum. I grew up in a town where plenty of different races, religions and nationalities co-existed. The kindness and care shown to me by some of these people exceed that of my own family. What I am saying is wrong is uncontrolled immigration that serves no purpose but to denigrate the native and existing immigrant populations. There are people coming to Europe that want to harm Europeans and governments are allowing this to happen. Europe is already one of the most densely populated places on earth. Europe does not need an unlimited number of economic migrants. Unemployment is at record levels in some countries. Services built by Europeans such as healthcare and the welfare state will collapse if there is more people taking from them then are paying in.
>>422313>I'm convinced you have your own creative version of it.The wikipedia definition
>the practice of using capitalism, globalisation and cultural imperialism to influence a developing country instead of the previous colonial methods of direct military control (imperialism) or indirect political control (hegemony).>>422321I don't disagree, I even said twitter is a small issue. The problem of the "speech is violence" concept is that it is used to deplatform people in real life through any means possible. Hate speech laws are equally dangerous because what is "hate speech" is defined by those in power. What if Europe continues to elect nationalist governments? It's not going to be the right being censored, it's going to be left getting shut down by their own legislation.
>>422349I don't particularly like Milo Yiannopoulos but I would still defend his right to say something even if I didn't agree with it. Regardless of what he said or was going to say, it in no way justifies rioting, harming bystanders and destroying local businesses.
>>422359>alling it "based" to kill innocent churchgoers for being the wrong raceNo one has said that, you are conflating European and American issues.
>>422408>>422418You're arguing with different anons. My last post in this thread was five hours ago.
No. 422458
>>422449>when you lost the first 99999 arguments, but then you buck up and decide to samefag with your other, more neglected personatl;dr. The reason no one is crying about Nazis getting milkshaked, banned from Twitter or punched, is because if they had their way, they'd pistol-whip people, ban them from everything ever and gas them. You are not innocent, pure-hearted free-speech warriors just trying to save the world and make their voices heard, and everybody with over two brain cells knows it.
Also, the fact that you'd try to bring up universities in a bid to tip toe around the fact that David Duke was a planned speaker for the "Unite The Right" rally is ridiculously dishonest. As for "dead organization", even if ISIS sits inactive for a couple of years, it's still fucked up to invite them to speak for your political cause. No dodging that.
Complain about getting milkshaked on a site full of other fascists. You'll get no sympathy here.
No. 422461
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Why are cultural appropriationfags 9/10 times a dumbass westerner with an 8 kilometer pole up their ass? Foreigners shouldn't be forced to learn every nook and cranny of burger politics to exist on the internet. I literally haven't seen a single case of legit "cultural appropriation". It's on the same shit tier as queerbaiting and whitewashing.
No. 422462
>>422458>The reason no one is crying about Nazis getting milkshakedPlease explain to me how Sargon, Nigel Farage, Anne Marie Waters and Tommy Robinson are nazis. Sargon is a complete twat but not a nazi, Nigel Farage is a mainstream politician, Anne Marie Waters is a lesbian feminist and Tommy Robinson is known for speaking out against and reporting on muslim rape gangs. Which one of these is the next Hitler?
>You are not innocent, pure-hearted free-speech warriors just trying to save the world and make their voices heard, and everybody with over two brain cells knows itBy repeatedly calling me a nazi you are being disingenuous. If I'm supportive of free speech isn't calling me a nazi an oxymoron?
>the fact that you'd try to bring up universities in a bid to tip toe around the fact that David Duke was a planned speaker for the "Unite The Right"The Unite the Right Rally was universally condemned and it happened once. Speakers being shut down on university campuses is a routine event.
No. 422470
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>>422465>>422461Shit. I meant whitewashing. I was so angry i didn't even notice. Sorry about that.
>>422464This breed of fiction=reality people are a bunch of mentally ill idiots that think someone who enjoys drawing something will actually act upon it. Same with the weeb=pedos crowd, how many times have i seen idiots on twitter turn out that they sent nudes to, solicited sex from and/or assaulted underage girls? Guess what their accounts were filled with? A bunch of anti-anime virtue signaling with no actual criticism of the genre. (Peter Bright, anyone?) But it's not just weebshit. Anyone that exceptionally virtue signals about fiction being reality is probably a retard and/or a pedo in hiding. All this is counter weight to the skeletons in their closet.
No. 422479
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>>422473>he learned what clitorises are only after she explained it.It's devastating how there's so many men like that out there.
No. 422490
>>422485I mean plenty of men are bi.
And I can see why some would come out as bi first, hoping to catch less stigma
No. 422491
>>413538I posted this yesterday but I can't find it or maybe it got moved.
I am annoyed with this woman to the point I am seriously thinking of confronting her. As in " Bitch what the fuck is your problem I have spent the past 5 years being nice to you, your hostility is effecting my chance of success. what did I ever do to you? "
To give background, She is a Coach in a niche sport I play. I have been chosen to represent the club in a tournament but I still have weak points, as this is pretty big event extra sessions have been put on. neither of us drive. I knew this person D was going to the extra session and she was going with him, so I asked this woman if she would contact him and ask if I could tag along, as they would be driving past my house. ( I have done this before and there has never been an issue). Her response was a curt ' Ask him yourself" my response was " I tried to but he rarely uses FB, I can be ready and waiting and just hop into the car, he has given me lifts before Im sure he won't mind would you mind asking him on my behalf' I got NO response.
This led me to think about her, and I realised she has been hostile to me for the past FIVE years. She is a coach so we are not competing against each other, sometimes I have to pay her 20 pounds an hour just for her have the absolute minimum contact with me, when I was not in the advanced group, OTHER coaches would come over and correct my posture, as she was basically doing her best to pretend I was invisible.
We always go to the pub afterwards, there is normally between 6-10 of us. most of the time we have to sit at different tables. I like to be social in social settings so when am with the group I am chatting, laughing etc. I have ALWAYS acknowledged her and spoke to her etc, despite getting nothing back. It is like there is nothing ' there' to respond to. She does not really say much, I just assumed she was shy and never paid much heed. I noticed after about a year she was the only one I was not FB friends with and we use FB group page a lot. So I sent her a request and she denied. At that stage I thought she was a private person and STILL did not realise she did not like me.
Other things include, after I been there 3 years, I was ill, in ICU and in a coma for a while. When I was well enough to go home I checked my FB and it was full of " get well soon" etc. And the groups FB page mentioned me and said " Sadnews myname is in a coma, family visits only we are thinking of putting together a care package please donate to x" every member apart from her made a comment, then when I was better Good News Guys ' myname is out of a coma and she is resting up' everyone apart from her made a comment. When I went back to the sports after months, everyone but her made a 'glad your well' kind of comment, apart from her.
she uses FB quite often, so It is not as if she does not DO FB, and she is FB friends with everyone bar me.
When her mum was ill, I asked about her mum,
when my mum was ill, she never once asked.
There are other little things I won't go into, but I am totally confused as to why she has such a dislike. I cancelled plans I had with my friends last night as I assumed she would pass on the message to the driver that I was coming tonight. The comp is coming up soon and every session counts.
I noticed the only time she speaks to me of her own violation is to ask for the money. Our team gets a big discount if we order kit from a certain place. I have to communicate with her via the public facebook ( as she usually ignores my FB messages)if I want anything, sometimes she ignores that as well.
If she does not like me fair enough, I have friends. She is not interesting or engaging. I did not send her 2 friend request over 5 years ( both declined) because I am super curious about what her and her cats are getting up to. I do it because it is more convenient than communicating on a FB group page. She is one of the coaches sometimes I NEED to communicate with her, on several occasions, I have had to ask another coach to pass a message to her and they have acted as a go between. JFC, BITCH be an adult, like it or not, I am exist and you are a coach. You can dislike a person and be civil, not inconvenience people who have to act like a go between as you won't answer my messages. despite your shitty coaching and ignoring me. You are a coach and I pay you,
I did not consider the possibility that she had in for me until last night. I am in the team, she should want me to do well. I had to wake up and see on the groups FB page, pics of them practicing without me, and that bitch in the background. They were driving past my house on the way to get there, The driver had NO idea and said "oh I wish I checked my fb , she must have forgot' UMM NO, she usually ignores me so the fact she responded with a terse remark straighter was a surprise and she read the other message.
It is so close to the competition, I am not going to say anything. when we are in the pub, I will no longer try and include her in the conversation or invite her to sit down. I will simply ignore her.
She is a middle aged woman.
I have not said or done anything to upset her. ( I did not even realize until yesterday that she clearly had an intense dislike of me)
she declined 2 of my FB request despite accepting others including newer members.
I get on very well with the other members, there is no group conflict, gossip etc. everyone gets along.
I have gone out of my way to be nice to her and include her, some nights down the pub, when she looks a little lost, I would pull a chair, she sat down on it of her own free will, she could have ignored me, or went to sit on another table.
Why on earth would she not pass on a simple message?
She has been excluding me for the past 5 years and it is only last night I noticed.
I am so done, trying to get that bitch to communicate , There is nothing there to engage with, that is why I am the only fucking person to notice she is hovering awkwardly not knowing which table she should join, no one would either notice her attendance or absence. If she was not coach I doubt people would even bother chatting to her. In the sessions she can talk about the sport, in the pub………..? NOTHING!! I realise I am sounding like a bitch, but so is being so unfriendly to a person that for 5 years has been friendly to her , because I had no idea she disliked me.
All she had to do is s
ay " myname contacted me and she wants to tag along, she will be ready with her kit' WHY would she refuse to pass that message on?
she pulled a stunt last year, where she did not tell me the restaurant meal was back on, we paid our deposits. when I asked her ' must have slipped my mind' no sorry or anything. just ' must have slipped my mind' umm no bitch I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but you don't NOT invite a person, when other people WANT them to Join.
She has NO reason to dislike me. I am in a relationship all the men are in relationships, she is the only person that is single. we don't compete with each other over anything. she is old enough to be my mother, no drama or
toxic gossip goes on. I don't understand. As a supply high school teacher she should know the psychological effects that excluding a person can have. As I am well liked and accepted, the fact that Mssaynothingasidonothinginteresting excludes me, does not bother me, what does bother me, is that she is a coach. I must have paid so much money over the past 5 years for her to ignore me. Trying to communicate with her over on a public FB page about things like Kit ( she orders them and gets a discount), As the team kids are tailor made. The entire group, know my Bust, waist, hips, height etc. As she kept on ignoring my messages which included something like. " can you pls answer me, I don't particularly want the entire group knowing my measurements lol " she ignored that message,and others so I had to make a post saying my size for the tailor made outfit to arrive in time, we have to wear it to competitons. Thankfully I am not a 34in waist chan.
I don't even know how to confront her? I KNOW I have not done anything in the last 5 years to upset her. in the unlikely event that I did, she is coach, it has been 5 years, let it go, be professional and be civil.
The comp is in July, after that FUCK HER! I will either say ' oh it is you that is coaching tonight?, um I think I will give it a miss or join the other group paying 20 pounds to be ignored for an hour is getting annoying' in the pub, she can sit there like a mute deaf bitch. I will continue to chat and have a laugh, she can sit in silence. basically I will no longer see or use her as a coach. why the fuck should I pay 20 to a hostile bitch that has been unfriendly for five fucking years. she is not suddenly going to start be professional. Did she spare a thought how I must have felt, knowing that they drove past my house when I had my kit ready in the hope that she would pass the message on? or how I would feel when she uploaded the pics on the FB group page saying ' only x more session to comp guys" Yes I KNOW that, that s why I cancelled my plans for Friday in the hopes I could get an extra session together. JFC, she needs a wake up call! IDC that she never speaks, I DO care that she won't communicate with me over Team matters. If I ask her she would just say ' It slipped my mind'
I just don't understand. she is quiet but civil with everyone else. And I am not some loud screeching extrovert, nobody gossips. I did not even cop on she did not like me as I never gave her any thoughts.
This maybe better off in advice , I dunno how I can handle this?
No. 422495
>>422474I checked and she seems to be an American of Arab descent, so I guess she's treated like a white person anyway from what I know about the US.
>>422482She deleted her tweet I think, I can't find it anymore. A lot of people told her and other people to shut the fuck up. I'm seeing a lot of people who don't know shit about art who are talking shit about the artist behind her back to say that "how dare anyone whitewash this beautiful black womyn!!1!"
No. 422503
>>422490That's the problem though. The whole "Bi now, gay later" is one of those annoying lingering stereotypes, because so many men use "bi" as a stepping stone to actually coming out. It's never "Still figuring things out. Maybe bi. Maybe gay. Not sure." It's years of claiming to be "bi", then finally just coming out as gay. And guys in particular are seem to do this the most.
Like, good for him for coming out. That's great. It's just annoying because it does make things harder for bi people, but no one is ever going to get called out for it.
No. 422507
>>422503I agree anon, people constantly dropping the bi title for another sexuality isn't a good thing. It's either "straight girl claiming to to be bi for cool points" or "obviously gay male claiming to be bi because he's in denial". It makes people who are genuinely bi look invalid and plays into the whole "lol no one is actually bi, pick a side" stereotype. And you're totally right, it happens among men the most and effects people's views on bi men.
I think more and more people are using the term "queer" to say "not sure of my sexuality but i don't mind dating the same sex" instead of just saying they're bi, but it would be nice if "formerly bi" gay men would acknowledge the implications of their actions.
No. 422520
>>422502Thanks for replying. The club is small and friendly and I do it for fun. I don't want to be the one to say or cause any hostility. I am probably super stressed as the competition is not that far away and I lost out on a coaching session that was put on for the benefit of the comp. I am not saying anything until the comp is over. There is one person that runs the group, but she is always nice to him and they have known each other for around 15 years. He is nice and I don't want him or anyone else getting involved in ' Drama'. I just think what she did was fucked up and it is the type of thing you do to an enemy not some girl that is on the team that you coach. It is hard not to be seething when she cost em to lose out on a session. I also can't believe it has taken me SO long to realise, I wonder if anyone else has? it is not the sort of place people gossip, I mean the type of people that play are rich, I do it for Fun, but coaching is £20 per hour group, £30 per 20mins solo, and the kit cost over a thousand pounds and there is always stuff that needs replacing. if we play away, we always stay at 5
or 4 hotels. It is not a cheap sport. I have paid Thousands over the years, If she has an issue she should let nme know. I have gone out of my way to be nice to her her, her not asking about my mum did sting as my mum was very ill, hers just had a fall, it is like she is being rude and hostile to make a point and I don't get it? I think the only thing I can do is, not pay her, just sit out or leave. or of I need to contact her do it through the main page saying X for whatever reason is not returning my messages, I am sorry to inconvenience but I need speak to X, please can someone pass the message on as she keeps on declining my FB requests and ignoring messages.
if she ignores my messages that are related to the sport. I will call her out and say it is very inconvenient and rude of you to not respond. At times I spend £160 per month, I think I am not asking too much to ask you to respond. If you added me on FB things would be a lot easier for me. There are ways you can block me from seeing your posts. . Me having to go through 3rd parties and after waiting days for your response and many you don't respond to is very frustrating and I am seriously thinking about joining another club that has professional coaches. As I have have put up with 5 years if this. If there is an issue please let me know so we can come to a solution. It is not acceptable I am singled out in this way, by a Coach of all people.
No. 422791
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>>422289>>422297If you're going to be a retard, at least sage your posts.
No. 424136
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The power only goes out when my phones almost at zero and everyone elses phone is at 90%. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS.
No. 424226
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>>424136Anon, are you me? I just had to sit in the dark with no phone or any other electronics for hours. I had just gotten home from work too, so it was extra annoying to not be able to relax. Fucking spring storms.
No. 424265
>>424191This is my dad. He has a fifteen-minute-long story for every situation, and he'll start off the story with shit like what season it was, the names of everybody there, etc. Then he'll forget what he's talking about halfway through and start another story.
I think this behavior is pre-programmed into each dad.
No. 424297
>>422312They are exempt from liability under Safe Harbor provisions, you chucklefuck. They enjoy the exemption from any and all liability because they are considered PLATFORMS.
Private companies have the right to censor, they are liable for the content that appears on their websites.
Platforms cannot censor or remove anything that is legal under federal and constitutional law. They enjoy the safe harbor provisions.
These quasi-publishers will have to choose what the fuck they want to be at some point. The new york times articles are LIABLE to suits for libel, their comment sections ARE NOT. One part is a PUBLISHER, the other is a PLATFORM.
I am so done with you absolute idiots.
No. 424362
>>424330Oh no did someone insult the merch of your favorite chinese cartoon?
>>424321>virtue signaling I have a hard time believing anons on an imageboard would get much out of that.
No. 424919
>>424783Our definitions of "grown women" may be different. Imo, late teenagers and early 20s types who fall for 4channers aren't exactly beacons of maturity, or are in great life positions.
It's completely possible that because they're in such an ambiguous part of their lives that they just might have low enough self esteem or self worth to not set the bar very high.
I've never seen women with great prospects who are older go after 4channers. Those are the grown women who would shock me if they made such bad life decisions, not younger women that society calls adults after 18.
No. 425995
Is there a separate thread for venting about/trashing e-celebs and people you hate?
I hate Jaclyn Hill. She's ugly, bad at makeup, a scammer, a mess, her voice is annoying, and the fact she's been online for almost a decade and hasn't changed or matured at all tells me she's a sociopath or a straight up dumbass. She speaks so poorly, and all of her projects (including her marriage) are so half baked. It makes sense all of her fans are either hamplanets, middle-aged messes like Jaclyn herself, or irrelevant YouTubers. Sometimes I wish her and all of her followers would just vanish.
>>425217>emotional and hyper-activeI actually think lolcow is better than a lot of other sites I've been on in that regard. I really can't stand Twitter's cancerous culture of responding to anyone you disagree with in a completely mocking tone and bringing up unrelated things like their appearance. It is annoying seeing people post shit like "incel!!!" on here, but that's infrequent enough for me to ignore it
No. 426004
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People who make fun of kids for enjoying games like Fortnite and Minecraft
their both fun non-offensive games that kids can enjoy but assholes try to bully children for enjoying it
No. 426090
>>426070then people should stop taking their stupid ass children to an event literally designed to celebrate sexuality and sexual expression LMFAO
i mean bondage gear IS disgusting but im not going to bitch about it at an event where theyre known to appear
No. 426197
>>426090Agreed, they need to stop taking children to a sex parade. Not every neat thing is a place to take your children or pets… I swear people can't fathom that some spaces aren't for their prized little shits.
>>426082I think people that get stuff like that wrong don't read much? I notice people that can't spell properly or use expressions wrong have that in common.
As for my annoying thing: I hate when strangers talk to me. I'm at a park and chillin, and some douche always comes up to talk to me. I don't get why people think they're welcome to bug a stranger, especially if the stranger is being standoffish and cutting the answers short every time you say something to them. Read the fucking room… Also people that see I'm vaping and begin talking to me about weed. I'm merely consuming the damn plant, I don't want to talk about it at all. Do you talk about your apple preferences at length when you see a stranger eating an apple??? Weed is just the same, just a fucking consumable UGH REE
No. 426210
>>426125My personal one is "Bald-faced lie" instead of "Bold-faced lie"
I can smugly shrug off most of the others, but that one I have to fight the urge to correct the person.
No. 426241
>>426070>>426090>>426197Pride even has separate events for families and adults only. At this point there's no excuse for sex stuff to be at all-ages events and kids to be at adult events.
Can we just extend that statement to cover all of the places kids shouldn't be? Gen X/Milennial parents are so fucking entitled, and think that it's a travesty whenever an event or venue doesn't allow kids.
Bars, fancy restaurants, casinos, spas etc. are not appropriate places for young children to be. People go to those places to
get away from children. I hate when my family and I are having a $100 meal somewhere nice and have to put up with screaming kids running around the restaurant.
Also, there's a special place in hell for people who let their kids run around restaurants.
No. 426273
>>426262There's not a lot of kid-free places where I live. Enjoy it!
My next vacation I want to stay at a no kids place.
No. 426277
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Try to go grocery shopping earlier in morning so there will be less people. Sooo many old people who take up all the aisle space and just walk wherever not caring if they are getting in your way. And one little kid, who for the whole time I was there was screaming and whining to his mom non stop, soo loudly that I could hear him throughout the whole store. JFC I hate the old and the young. and all the ages in-between.
No. 426417
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Why is it so hard so find a fucking pill for my pcos that won't also kill me wtf
No. 426431
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I honestly think lolcow is way more wHolEsOmE than reddit. Reddit always leaves me feeling grossed out annoyed and pissed off that men are so quick to come out to ANY SUBREDDIT with some "yes can confirm hehe husband here" and then there's 5867 replies making some, excuse my fkn french, normie ass reference for karma. What the fuck. Deleting that app. "Just join the subs you care about, anon" It's like cancer, it spreads everywhere. Jfc. There are some threads full of peak autism here but reddit, what the fuck. I know this sounds like it belongs in pinkbill but this is more about the way these asshats have to be so fucking ??? Boring? Wannabe funny? Plain stupid? Disgusting.
No. 426456
>>426293Lmao why don't you take your own advice.
Sushi bars serve
raw fish. Children under 10 shouldn't be eating there, it's not safe. Sushi is fucking expensive. If someone pays fifty bucks for a plate of sushi, they shouldn't have to eat it within five feet of a pooping, vomiting, screaming baby.
No. 426486
>>426262>>426283Why do parents bring their kids to restaurants to eat raw fish and oysters of all things? Do they secretly want to kill them with food poisoning?
>>426293>incompetent chef ignores customers who actually pay for their meal and service because of a baby who can't even eat raw fish and isn't paying shit>g-get over youself!!1!Anyway I remember once being in a convoyer belt sushi restaurant and being placed right next to a mom and her baby on her lap. The baby couldn't eat anything there of course so it would just try to chew on a piece of disgusting bread and it would spit it out on the table. The parents put the baby's stroller right next to me and nobody at their side could get out without the parents bothering me and taking the stroller out and putting it back. They left the piece of bread covered in saliva right next to the raw fish and they had a car so they bother half of the small restaurant with their stroller for no reason whatsoever. Of course the kid cried from time to time. Even if the waitress and all the customers were bothered by the baby there was nothing that could have been done about it. People are just stupid as fuck and want to insert their very young and dependent children where it's not appropriate for so many reasons, whether it's alcohol, safety, noise, etc.
No. 426974
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>>426431You might like this annon. The only reason I use reddit is to shill my art. Its really easy to pander to them.
No. 427042
>>426988i wouldnt exactly say theyre against racism either. if you go onto their "unpopular" opinions board, every second post will be some iteration of
>racism good>wahmen bad>men goodtheres also this one poster who spends all day making posts about how hard life is for upper class teenagers lmao
i only ever go on that website to stalk personal lolcows.
No. 427081
>>426431Reddit also has this smug tone to me too. Like whenever they talk about Americas shitty school system. It's not out of passion, but out of 'im smarter than those american plebs. poor you, lucky i'm so smart cause i'm finish'
Think of how they feel about anti vaxxers it's not 'those poor kids' it's 'thank god i'm not those poor kids for i am smarter than those plebians!'
No. 427139
>>427054She's our billionaire TERF overlord, and I'm thrilled.
>>427084Also, this. If I had literal millions of obnoxious fans who hang on my every word, I couldn't keep myself from fucking with them. If anything, she's shown restraint.
No. 427169
>>426953>Warren Jeffses Lmao.
>>427083Reddit is so fucking cringy. I see it's entertainment value, but it's far too cutesy usually. That being said, I visit several different subs.
No. 427320
>>426431So many people on reddit type like they're missing a chromosome. Their "inside jokes" are retarded and you can really see that it's no longer a niche website. Sometimes I wonder if some users are 12 or just impressively retarded.
Occasionally I post some mildly unfunny comment and I get replies that amount to "LOL SO FUNNY
ten crying laughter emojis" or "omg I tried product X and it was SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD ouch my wallet hahahaha xD". And every other male poster is a contrarian Trump supporter who wants to kill all Chinese and Russians and argues about women's intelligence.
Aside from my country's subreddit which is a lot more sober, I stay far away because reddit gives me severe cancer.
No. 427337
>>427083It's amazing you brought this up because I was literally thinking about this earlier lol. It's so pathetic how the first comment on a post is some dumb reference to a show or song and people keep adding on it for ages. You gotta scroll through all that shit to actually get to someone talking about the subject. I hate the common language they all use and the stupid dorky jokes. Of course not all of reddit is bad because it's a massive website so the smaller subreddit don't have those annoying habits , but the culture that surrounds most of it is so pathetic
>>427332Tbh I'm tired of hearing about America in general. I wanna stop watching and consuming so much media from them and branch out in other countries because that's how sick and tired I am of their bullshit
No. 427345
>>427337you should tbh. most american media is shallow, vapid, and pretentious. ofc theres plenty of shit like that from other countries too, but its not as bad generally.
im just tired of america and americans in general.
No. 427633
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Has society become more inmature or am I finally realizing how almost any young adult/adult has the mind of a preteen?
I've met many people who should have at least a bit of self-awereness and basic intelligence given their age/situations but they act just like I did when I was 15??
A few examples:
>25? years old, mother of a 4? year old
>is the perfect example of Taylor Swift during the "reputation" phase, throws a fit from time to time saying how she "won't take shit from false people", changes her profile pic to black, etc.
>lets her daughter listen to misogynist latin music.
an ex-roommate (I have many lolcow stories about all my ex-roommates, but most of them are 18-19, so I don't expect them to be that mature):
>girl, 22-years-old
>wasn't fat but thicker than your "typical anachan supermodel",
always comparing herself to other girls even though her body and weight were fine
>seemeed to only get along with guys
>told me she had some diseases she wasn't diagnosed with, but she KNEW the doctors where in the wrong
>she's studying to become a nurse
people I met on the guild of a MMORPG game:
>younger siblings invite me to play some anime shitty game
>it's a MMORPG mobile game
>I'm bored so I accept, the game is full of over sexualized anime kawaii girls
>join a guild to understand shit about the game because I want to help my siblings
>expect to find weeaboo preteens
>discover a community of young adults
>they don't seem to be weeaboos so I get my hopes up
>my hopes are soon crushed
>one of the girls thinks she's just like a tsundere anime character, she's 22 years old
>most people are over 30 years old and they play this unoriginal fucking anime game made for preteens
>one of them (31?) has a child, he thinks Seven Deadly Sins is the shit even when the show is full on fanservice and panders to edgy teens
>a 34 year old guy, he plays the game during work hours
>talked with them trough voice chat, the first thing they start to talk about is how hilarious would it be to rent a body sushi girl
Maybe I'm being intolerant, I don't know. I don't really regard myself as mature, but I've already gone trough those phases during my teenage years. I know the examples I told weren't about people THAT old, but it's just concerning these people don't seem to think they are childish, and probably won't do it in the future…
Were adults always like this?
No. 427643
>>427641Nevermind. I read that wrong. Point still stands though even though I misread it.
I have nothing against young mothers (my mom was one in fact) but not everyone is cool to be a mom at 21. It’s actually smart and wise to realize that you can’t take care of another human at a young age. Much more mature than being in delusion. Idk why you think that’s immature.
No. 427799
>>427792Dylan Sprouse "identifies as a heathen". "Heathenry" is apparently some kind of cringy, germanic neo-pagan 'religion' where I assume balding weirdos like, drink cheap red wine out of goat horn goblets behind a Wegman's parking lot or something. I'm complaining that all blond men think of themselves as beautiful, blond locked baby Thors destined for greatness.
You can read about it here:'s so full of bullshit that I couldn't make it past the first 3 or 4 paragraphs tho. Those Sprouse kids seem to always be into some really dumb stuff.
No. 427817
>>427810nta but ninty percent of paganism is lazy bastardized shit, also the circles of pagans tend to be exceedingly more degenerate than most other communities of people.
Also lol at you saying misogyny is rooted from Christianity like that isnt a problem in non Christian societies for centuries. Stupid white girl
No. 427818
>>427817Not her but Islam tends to hold some pretty lazy and hypocritical practitioners as well as having a misogynistic intolerance over women as well. Lotsa brown people in that one iirc.
You're being foolish.
No. 427825
>>427817You sound nuts and know nothing about history. You're just a sperg with a
victim complex. Paganism is a broad term, nothing to do with wicca shit. No one was talking about wiccans.
No. 427827
>>427821>>427821Paganism is a lousy catch all term for putting polytheistic religions all together and choosing whatever aspect you like about it in the most disrespectful and lawy way
>>427825You are quick to insult which shows youre the sensitive sperg. Youre also projecting and making up shit to your narrative as typical of someone with an emotional and irrational personality
No. 427996
>>427994In some of the comic books she still is. She's been trying to grow past the whole "Joker's Baby" nonsense and be more of her own person and deal with her issues. But unfortunately the stuff of her being some sort of a sex object gets more attention for obvious reasons. I'm hoping the Gotham sirens movie portrays her as a person but I don't it. I think it'll just be ~fun~ like Suicide Squad was.
The most ANNOYING people cling onto her though. The girls that think
abusive behavior towards others is cute and that her and Joker's relationship are relationship goals when Batman the animated series literally had an episode when Bruce told Harley that she should get away from him after he put her in the hospital. Both her and Deadpool attract the most annoying cosplayers. I did Harley one year and a Deadpool cosplayer keep following me around and thought it was funny. He had a Harley with him too.
I hate cosplayers who think they literally are a character like can you not. I now it's called "costume play" but damn.
No. 428063
>>427944Yeah now they are crying about how Alex from Raina never got backlash but she literally did. It's like they want their idoru to be the biggest
victim of xenophobia. They are just as annoying as the Somi stans that yell about no one liking her only cause she's half white. I'm gonna wait till the next kpop critical thread comes along and just go back to lurking. I like to read it to cleanse from the bts worship on social media and for updates on YG.
No. 428411
>>428385I mean, femdom women aren't exactly the most stable. If you look all around, it's just bitches looking for an excuse to be a shitty,
abusive partner.
No. 428732
>>428385>>428404Holy shit yeah, I'm growing so fucking tired of all the moralfagging sisters here infantilizing the hell out of everyone else. Like people are fucking retards and not aware of the structural sexism related to make up and shaving. A lot of women choose to shave simply because oral sex becomes a lot easier when you don't have to munch on a mouth full of hair.
Also I wish men shaved their legs and pits too and used at least foundation for make up, I find body hair gross to begin with. The newfag zoomer anons who think disagreeing with their preferences equals being morally wrong need to pack up their bags and leave for their personal hugbox. It's like people can't fucking have an opinion anymore without writing a college tier thesis on why it's politically correct and ~healing~. Let anons have a kink for older men, femdom, bdsm, makeup, heels, shaving and whatever the fuck, as long as they acknowledge the facts of life and can take care of themselves it's none of your business what they do in the bedroom.
No. 428814
>>428732It's a lowkey radfem, hive mentality. I appreciate some of it but leakage gets old quick. Admins are attempting to contain all of the politics now so hopefully it gets better. You know it's bad when people are moralfagging on cow boards.
>>428807Is it actually? I can't imagine why anyone would headcanon a Jojo char as trans, they're all so uber masculine and oddly drawn.
No. 428818
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>>428814NTAYT, but JJBA is full of gender nonconforming men and the uber-masculine style dies off in part 4. so I assume thats where it comes from.
No. 428826
>>428732Honestly, IDG why you guys get offended when people criticize whatever kink or preference or behavior you engage in, especially if you agree with the general sentiment. I admit I'm pretty radfemmy but I'm not going to stop epilating. I really don't give a shit if people are patronizing or condescending to me about it. I'm not going to stop unless I feel comfortable enough to do so, but it also doesn't bother me to be told I'm not being helpful to not stop. IDK why you guys have to feel so victimized by a literal rando. Like, there was a lesbian anon who said she shaves for her girlfriend, and imo, why even post that? Obviously the person who posted criticism about women who shave that she responded to probably doesn't mean it applies to lesbians in relationships, but even if it did, who gives a shit what four anons think? For the most part, they're right. If it's something I generally agree with, I definitely don't feel the need to be like "omg moralfagging!!!", even if it is a criticism of me and my behavior, personally. I'd rather more people promote and condone more 'radical' habits and preferences, even if they're patronizing, than promote "whatever makes u happy", instead.
No. 428841
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>>428807JJBA is full of flamboyant male characters, and as
>>428818 said, there was a shift of artstyle during part 4. I've been in the fandom since 2015 and I noticed that after the DIU anime came out, there was a sudden surge of sjws and genderspecials in the groups. There are way less troons than you'd expect compared to other anime, since the characters are still drawn as muscular and with pronounced face features (so not very UwU), and it's mostly FtMs (of course), but yeah.
No. 428848
>>428826that anon posted that to disagree that all women just shave for men.
i'm just saying that it's really dumb when farmers try to police behavior or desires of other grown ass women. i also believe in being allowed to say whatever the hell you want but it is patronizing to just assume a whole group's intentions or mindsets because you don't like one thing they do. even though people can say whatever the hell they want, i can still disagree and tell them they're retarded for making dumb assumptions. especially the dumb assumption that it's fine for a lesbian to shave but not a straight woman. that's just fucking weird to think lol
No. 428851
>>428643i do agree that bdsm shouldn't become socially acceptable like it slowly seems to be. that shit freaks me out. it should remain taboo and niche. and it is, under the court of law, considered abuse. you can really get into legal trouble if someone proves you did something regardless of consent.
however, being into bdsm doesn't automatically mean "i'm an
abusive person and the kink is just a facade"… like obviously there are people out there like that but most people interested in it genuinely just want to get off lol. is it mentally ill? i think it definitely is. but if people do it behind closed doors and we aren't aware of it we can't really stop them.
No. 428854
>>428851How can you not be an
abusive person if you wish to abuse others for sexual pleasure? That’s an oxymoron right there
No. 428860
>>428854I'm not even running in the BDSM circles but even I know that the main point of BDSM is consent, you absolutely have to be able to trust the other person to stop when they are crossing their limits. The top gets off from their bottom's pleasure and vice versa. Straight out abuse can be committed in a missionary in the dark type of setting too.
>>428826>Honestly, IDG why you guys get offended when people criticize whatever kink or preference or behavior you engage in, especially if you agree with the general sentiment.Because the "kinkshamers" here tend to be spergy and embarrassing and most sane people don't want them to settle here with their moralfaggotry.
No. 428876
>>428860nta but consent doesn't mean the behavior isn't
abusive. you can consent to rape play, but it still means that the person initiating the rape play wants to rape.
No. 428880
>>428854so what about masochists who get sexual pleasure from pain? it's not cut and dry abuse. it's mentally ill, but i don't think it's straight up abuse. i would be miserable in a relationship with a man who wouldn't want to be dominant in that way. not every girl needs to be "saved" by you moralfags.
i hate bdsmfags who think it should be normalized or treat it as if it's not mentally ill or weird, because it is, but i also hate when people think all people into bdsm are abusers. some of us are just wired weirdly and get off on things we likely shouldn't. but if no one who isn't involved is aware then who cares.
No. 428923
>>428886Do you have any trustworthy friends who dont live too far away from you? Just as
>>428889 said you should move out asap, but until you find a new place I suggest you ask a friend if they can keep things that can't be easily replaced or that are expensive with them if they can.
>>428890Nothing to do with age, if you live with your parents and they disrespect you and treat you like their property just because they're your parents they'll keep doing that shit until they die of old age. Sometimes I just go back home with junk food I ordered because it's more convenient than cooking in the middle of the night and I have my father insulting me and threatening to kick me out and steal my shit because I don't want to share one hamburger with my 5 relatives so I can relate.
No. 428925
>>428614Sorry I
triggered you because you're a shitty,
abusive partner. Go back to your containment thread, love.
No. 428930
>>428880No ones trying to save you, you can enjoy masochistic behaviour as you like but at least think critically about it
Your partner is abusing you, just because you consent to it doesn’t suddenly mean it’s not
abusive behaviour, and many masochists have been proven to have been abused in the past - that’s what tends to
trigger the paraphilia.
So, again, not being a moralfag, but it fucks me off when people try to present sadistic behaviour as non-
abusive, if anything it should be seen as even more
abusive by the fact that masochists are in a way trained to react positively to it by being brought to orgasm during power play and violent acts
>inb4 you don’t understand because you’re vanilla!! I am now but before I actually acknowledged and dealt with my trauma I wasn’t able to enjoy sex unless I was being humiliated, beaten and had no power other than a ‘safe word’ (which in reality is now power considering that they can just, you know, not listen.)
No. 428956
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My girlfriend likes to bash me for liking Anime (I don't even like all the loli/shota stuff, I just watch shows and collect merchandise that's it) and never stops talking about how much she hates it, but when I badmouth her kpop obsession she totally loses it and starts fighting with me which is so annoying (and funny in a way I cannot describe) to me.
She keeps telling me it's just fiction, but when I tell her it's just music, she freaks out. It's literally nothing deep. Calm down.
Kpop stans are literally cousins with anime stans, both of them are equally bad.
No. 428957
>>428956shouldnt she accept your hobby if you do hers?
sounds like some sort of manipulation method or inferiority/superiority complex.
tinfoiling but red flag
No. 428974
>>428930yeah and that whole thing about trauma doesn't apply to me. i've never been abused or traumatized, not by family members or past partners, not even by friends. i've never been one to let people walk all over me- i'm pretty outspoken generally. so don't assume that my past is like yours.
i actually used to think i was asexual before i figured out that my brain is just wired weirdly and i'm kinky. had no sex drive until i realized that i just liked weird stuff. not much to it.
i was never manipulated or "trained" as you put it to think a certain way. i found that i was drawn to specific sexual situations and figured out that i just liked bdsm. i ended up telling the guy i was flirting with at the time and he had never previously done anything like that but he's into it. we've been dating for two years. he does absolutely not abuse me. some guys are normal and just like to do freaky stuff that their girlfriend prefers. not all guys who are kinky are crazy abusers who make their "dominance" a part of their identity. it's purely a bedroom thing and it's just for fun. outside of the bedroom i am much more the "dominant" person in the relationship, by far. he is very easygoing and i have never even seen him mad, not once. it's almost like some people like, get a sexual thrill out of doing different things in the bedroom or something! gasp! let me clutch my pearls.
people are going to do what they want behind closed doors regardless of what you think. and no, it is not always abuse. especially if the person wanting to be dominated is begging their partner to dominate them, lol.
No. 429237
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Sick of certain popular artists on twitter getting so much attention and most barely try that hard
No. 429280
>>429260What the other anon said, also it isn't shilling if they're just happy with their cup and sharing it to help others.
Most people don't even do it for the planet, it's just nice to forget it's even there and empty it once every 12 hours. I hate tampons, they stink up bins when thrown away, they're dry as fuck and hurt to put in, and I hate worrying about if I will have time or money to buy a pack whenever my period starts.
If a cup isn't for you, nobody is forcing you to get one, plenty of other options out there.
No. 429289
>>428956I have a similar problem with my aunt (spending time with relatives is mandatory in this family), who's become a kboo. She thinks soo highly of korean entertainment, and for some strange reason sees them as the "better asians" and looks down on other asians becausue they're "not as good as korea and koreans." For example, she was trying to convince me to watch a mediocre korean movie, going on about how amazing korean ent is, and said that she's watched basically "every korean movie out there" especially martial arts ones. When I asked her if she's watched chinese martial arts movies she makes a weird face and says "only the good ones." I was also once telling her that a lot of her beloved kdramas are remakes of mangas and jdramas, and then she goes into this whole fit to defend them saying that koreans only use them to make japanese people to watch their stuff, and that japanese people also copy a lot off koreans for the same reason and that it's all business(a bunch of utter nonsense). She just didn't want to admit that koreans simply copy them because they want the ideas and maybe they're not as creative and genius as she thought. She also looks down on anime but she's a kpop fan (bts ratmie to be exact) at the same time. She even had their group pic as her lock screen.
Maybe my post doesn't sound very annoying but you have to talk and be with these kind of people to really feel how infuriating it is. Why can't people watch their stuff, and stfu?
>>428960Yup, I've seen this a lot. Pathetic lmao
>>428985Exactly, very good point
No. 429305
>>428985Honestly this. A decade ago I went from weeb to a kboo and when things got out of hand in the industry, went back to being a weeb. It was like a breath of fresh air because new generation kboos are fucking lunatic levels insane with their delusions and absolutely blind to the amount of abuse going on in the Korean entertainment industry. Despite undoubtedly having some amount of work done a lot of Japanese idols still at least look like humans instead of identical plastic dolls and in anime the characters being given questionable treatment to aren't real.
>>429301Have you had any side effects from the implant? I'm really interested in getting one but I keep hearing horror stories of bleeding for months on end.
No. 429322
>>429317Agree. PULL is honestly the worst offender of this shit.
>Well, if I was in Japan I would have definitely behaved better than this dumb gaijin!!It's the most annoying shit. Seriously, no1curr.
No. 429323
>>429305Lowered my libido and I notice I don't get as lubricated for sex naturally anymore. The latter really pissed me off because I suffered a tear due to that but it's years behind me now.
I stopped having a period from the moment I got it. I'm on my second one and only had mild spotting during the final month or so of my last implant's duration.
I suspect I've had some weight gain from it but honestly? That's been my experience with all hormonal birth controls and those were way less convenient and more dangerous insofar as long term ramifications.
I've been on the depo and the pill and this is by far my favorite. It has very few long term complications.
I would recommend it but it
would suck to be among the unfortunate women who get that nonstop bleeding side effect. Yikes.
No. 429581
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Ever since someone on tumblr posted a Picrew link and some random Dress Up Generator from it, people have now started to invade a Japanese site for Japanese people, posting their own shit on it and making everything in English like… That site was never an English site. It's a Japanese website, primarily used by Japanese people. Even the Korean artists on there post their stuff in Japanese. If you aren't going to respect that Picrew is a Japanese website and at least put a little bit of effort in to translate your Picrews to Japanese then honestly I don't know what to tell you other than to stop being such a degenerate. Even Google Translate is okay, just don't be an asshole and leave your stuff untranslated, because you have to remember: This is not a website aimed at you. You are a visitor. You are not a part of the main audience/userbase of Picrew.
That, along with the people complaining over the issue of limited skintones in the Games/Generators and creating stupid shit like "Aro/Ace Character Generator".
Why does tumblr always ruin everything?
No. 429586
>>429581Japanese people arent children ffs
I blame Americans for this retarded perception of East Asians
No. 429605
>>429588No you don't lmao.
If you're that bothered send an email to picrew and ask them to add an option to show only japanese creators. If they don't have any rule against making games in other languages than japanese or uploading from other places than japan then there's zero reason people shouldn't upload on it.
No. 429621
>>429617Anon, she didn't mean Americans, but all of us dirty gaijins, you as well.
And what about "western" identity politics and dress up games? lmao
No. 429622
>>429620Tumblrinas like
>>429581 and you are the ones complaining about non-Japanese/non-Asians "invading" sites "not meant for them!!!"
No. 429644
>>429581My only thing is Americans have uglier art styles in general. They just love ugliness for some reason, while more of the Japanese artists using Picrew seem to appreciate cuteness and beauty.
I don't want to have to dig through 9042842948 Steven Universe character generators suffering from obesity, hideously wide noses, covered in body hair and all sorts of skin diseases, or flat-out badly drawn shit from actual children who can't draw but have absolutely no sense of shame about their work just to find decent dress-up games.
That's what the "dress up game" tag on Deviantart is for. That's what literally every other dress up game site used by the English-speaking internet is for. We all know the true power of creators from the USA. Picrew is where we go to get away from that and experience the power of creators from East Asia.
Burgers will probably be mad about this, but it's the fucking truth.
I do think skin color variation is always good, but there are also dark-skinned Japanese people anyway so whatever
No. 429662
>>429659Yes it it.
Recipes and news articles exist in any language and are 90% text based AT LEAST, and thus if they are based on community contribution they will specify in their rules that you should stick to a certain language. For recipe sites they might even,specify whether you should write in metric or empiric measures too because mutual understanding is essential to the point.
Meanwhile you don't need to understand a single word of Japanese to play on picrew.
Also there's plenty of shittily drawn games by Japanese artists on it too, y'all need to stop that "uwu pure japanese so good at kawaii drawing"
No. 429670
>>429662Of course there are, but you can go through literal pages of well-drawn ones before finding a shitty one.
The same is not true when it comes to Tumblr, dA, etc.
Just because Murricans like having ghetto websites doesn't mean they need to force the whole internet to be like that
No. 429715
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>>429581Here's an idea, my "chigga". Click on the jpn games only and ignore the english text ones
>>429641Lmao righttt cmon
No. 429720
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Y'all really think Americans have the right to invade a place made for East Asians only and then post their hideous art that looks like this but Ok.
No. 429724
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"Invade" "invade" "invade"…
No. 429788
>>429720 If anything the "y'all really out there" and "y'all think x, huh" shit is a thousand times more noxious. It's used by a bunch of dumbass children/embarrassing 20-somethings trying to sound tough when all I can think of is some socially stunted nerdlet with an undercut and shitty dye job trying to sass an unsuspecting normal person over "using the wrong pronouns" for Steven Universe or some other nothingburger bullshit.
>y'all really thinkNo one on LC thinks that pile of horseshit is good enough to be posted anywhere, let alone whatever rando site you're bitching about. Don't put that evil on us, Ricky Bobby.
No. 429883
>>429832I just don't understand why the thread has so much opposition. It seems like it'd be right up most farmers' alley. The eunuch sisters are equal parts funny, weird, pathetic, and offensive– the perfect lolcow recipe.
>>429720>y'all>invade>made for East Asians onlyYou must be lost, Tumblr-chan.
No. 430003
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I actually sort of understand the outrage here. It's not just americans putting their art on picrew- that's fine in and of itself I think.
The problem is that they're getting all political and yelling at Japanese people for being racist, just like they always do. When are they going to realize that this isn't a fight they can win? Japan has a problem with colorism, sure, but it's not a problem that can be solved by American interference. It's especially not going to be solved by American Tumblrinas harassing random otaku artists who barely speak English online.
Pic related is what Tumblrinas do when they enter foreign communities.
No. 430055
>>429977…They're dress up games lmfao. I'd rather look at homogenous but aesthetically pleasing forms to make characters than shit like
>>429720. But even then, let's not pretend the CalArts style isn't also lazy and homogenoous as all fuck.
Plus, I've seen all sorts of distinct art styles on Picrew, so I don't even know what you're talking about
>>429979>THEY ALL PEDOPHILES ANYWAY!! EVERYTHING LOOKS THE SAME!! NO CREATIVITYOkay, then stay on your own sites and publish your amazingly "creative" "innovative" "unique" fat positive aro ace racially diverse trans vitiligo with hideously exaggerated facial features bordering on racial caricature dress-up games there lol. Why flock to these so-called pedo sameface insectoid sites?
It doesn't have to be a fight, just make better-looking art or calm down when people say they don't always like the kind of content you put out
No. 430260
>>430245I'm gonna reread it when it's finished, I stopped following ongoing manga a while ago because it's such a pain in the ass to experience a story in bits and pieces.
I miss Kuroshit though, it's underrated imo. Love the art and costume design, and the arcs have a lot of variety so I never got bored.
No. 430336
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Sick of anons in the Baylee Jae thread constantly going HAHA CHILDRENS BOOK ART!! Do they not realise just how beautiful most children’s books are? There are so many illustration awards specifically for children’s books because of high quality the imagery tends to be, so I have no idea where they get this idea from that children’s book artwork is the kind of shit that Baylee shits out.
Sorry for sperg out, fucks me off whenever people see the word ‘children’ and immediately come to the conclusion it must be lesser
No. 430340
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>>430335but thats a very popular meme….
No. 430357
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>>430245I am waiting for D.Gray-man to finally end. We are getting chapters like once in 3 months and the pace is so slow I gave up and actually am waiting until at least the arc ends. I am extremely interested in the Nea/Mana shit, but god is it slow nowadays.
And Hunter x Hunter. I basically gave up on that entirely for now. It's just walls of text about politics once in 6 months, absolutely unreadable and incomprehensible at this pace. But I still wanna know what will happen at the end. If the end ever comes because right now it looks like Togashi will die before he finishes the story. Also both he and Hoshino have some hand health problems so that at least explains the pace (and makes me feel like kind of an asshole) so I am willing to wait.
I wanna read Black Butler and Bungou Stray Dogs one day, but I am probably not going to bother with any ongoing manga anymore at all.
No. 430389
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>>430369>>430357ugh are you anons on the same boat with me? I'm also a huge D.Grayman too. I remember reading that shit over 10 years ago and giving up when the mangaka kept going on hiatus. I'm in the worst boat right now with Berserk. Miura will surely die before it's over. I read HXH a while back, but i'm just so saddened by how little content we get.
Bungou is fantastic btw
No. 430395
>>430340I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed, but I would have said he looks like he has a hot potato in his mouth and he doesn't dare chewing it.
>>430357>hunter x hunterI watched the first anime long ago and liked it a lot at the time, I'm surprised it's still ongoing. If you're frustrated over it I recommend you read Yu Yu Hakusho by Togashi if you haven't already, the anime is one of my favorite of all time. And I know how you feel with D. Gray Man. because I used to read it a little in high school and I stopped because I wanted to read it once it's over. I might as well give up or do it now.
No. 430406
God I wish the moralfags on this site would fuck off. It's gotten worse ever since the normie radfems came from leddit and all the libfem bastards migrated from twitter/PULL. Every discussion is derailed into pedophilia/rape/misogyny screeching because they run out of
valid arguments and try to bruteforce their opinion on others by pulling the degenerate card. Case in point:
>>429979 . The only thing worse would be if we were overrun by trannies except the GC thread already had some deranged troon chimping the hell out.
No. 430415
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>>430255People are totally
valid in their dislike of cats. 1) Cats' saliva is way more hazardous than dogs', which is why cat scratches can cause toxoplasmosis 2) Cats piss and shit indoors, and when they pee they spray it everywhere and into the air 3) Cats are miserable indoors, but in danger of cars and/or coyotes outdoors 4) Cats kill shit way more often than dogs do 5) Cat allergies are extremely common.
I'm not a dogfag– I don't like dogs either. Rabbits are the best pets imo.
>>430340Tom knows about this meme and he thought it was funny. He says the frog's name is Dave.
No. 430428
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I hate this Podcast so much and I hate people who try to defend it
No. 430441
>>430428Never heard of it. Judging from the barstool logo, it's from that barstools sports company. Very man-centic. No thanks lol.
>>430415I would love a rabbit. I have no pets and have only ever had dogs growing up. Are they especially messy?
No. 430443
>>430415>>430415Toxoplasmosis is verrrrrry rarely transferred through scratches, doesn't stay on their fur, it generally isn't a problem unless you're a pregnant woman changing litterboxes. The bacteria in their saliva that can (rarely) harm or kill us is present in dogs as well, is more often found in dogs (26-74% in dogs vs 17-54% in cats) so singling out cats when they literally tend to carry it less is dumb. Rabbits are horrible pets (not their fault, it isn't any animal's responsibility to be the "ideal" pet to us). Prey animals are horrible pets, and they shouldn't be pets. They're terribly anxious all of the time (and rightfully so), and they die over anything. They frequently harm themselves out of anxiety and panic being around people. Prey animals are too high stress to even enjoy being around us. It's really sad, actually. There's an epidemic of cats and dogs that need homes, so at least most people are doing good by adopting them, whereas most people who own rabbits are buying them from breeders (though obv there are rescue rabbits). I don't care that you prefer rabbits, but I like rabbits and there's no way I'd advocate for their ownership as pets unless with the very explicit stipulation that they be rescued from a worse situation. I don't know what asshole created this trend that a prey animal should be a pet, but they're jerks. People have no idea how to care for rabbits or be considerate of them and very few people should have the pleasure of being around them, because they're so ignorant of rabbit fears and feelings. Obviously I prefer they be pets than a source of food, so I guess in a way it has been a good thing, but still, the majority of rabbit owners have no idea how to care for rabbits.
No. 430445
>>430441NTA but I've had pet bunnies before. They're pretty good pets IMO, but require space to run, have delicate constitutions and can be subject to loneliness.
My favorite part of them is that their messes are easier to clean up than other pets. My least favorite part is that they don't really seem to show affection as obviously as cats and dogs typically do. I think this is fine once you learn to identify their special signs, though.
No. 430464
>>430369It's not even about being a brainlet. It just has a ton of new characters introduced rapidly, with their own complicated abilities and relationships with little to no plot "meat" between the exposition to make it organic/memorable.
You literally need to write that shit down or have a very good memory to get it all and the chapters are so rare that you completely forget what the fuck was happening before reading the next one and have to start all over. It's less natural flow of the plot and more university course on Dark Continent royalty.
>>430395I am planning to get into YuYu though I have to make time for a series as long as this one. I also plan to watch the original HxH for a refresher (because I've only read manga and watched the new version)
No. 430466
>>430447Sorry anon. I've cleaned houses in the past. One was a spotless mansion, but I never even seen the owners lol. I would clean the spotless house and take the money. The bathrooms were gross I should say. I mostly cleaned regularish folks houses. Like an Indian couple who probably had a slave back in India. Now that they live in their middle class home in America, aren't rich here, they don't know how to clean.
The person who complained is a psychopath and will never be happy.
No. 430479
>>430443I've had rabbits for years. Them being prey animals has advantages and disadvantages. Yes, they have natural fear of larger creatures, but a rabbit can easily overcome that with the right socialization and handling. However, most people don't do the proper research, and as you said, they don't know how to care for rabbits. I'm shocked by the number of people I meet who think rabbits are meant to be kept in outdoor elevated hutches. No! They need indoor hutches on the ground.
Rabbits are way smarter than people think they are. Rex breeds can even learn to come to their names. They're also really great to just hold. A relaxed rabbit will be content to sit on a lap and be stroked for a long time. Nice thing about rabbits being prey animals- they're quiet.
I've adopted about half my rabbits, and gotten the other half from breeders. Advantages of shelter rabbits: they're often litter trained and fixed, but they're harder to socialize and handle. Advantages of bred rabbits: more moldable, more choices when it comes to breed, gender, color.
Prey animals have been kept as pets for thousands of years. You could make the same argument about horses, sheep, guinea pigs, etc.
No. 430497
>>430479>>430479>Prey animals have been kept as pets for thousands of years.The fact that animals have been inappropriately and callously kept as pets for thousands of years is not an argument for what's ideal and best for the animal.
>You could make the same argument about horses, sheep, guinea pigs, etc.I can, and horses are frequently mistreated as well and their social cues aren't catered to. Horse abuse is rampant and because they're large animals that are expensive to care for and maintain means they're disposable and a bother for people, and end up sold to slaughter. I don't recommend that they be kept by most people, either. Because they're prey animals that are so much larger than us, humans are injured by them, and who suffers as a result of us frightening them? The horse, obviously. Guinea pigs are also terrible pets that are mostly always anxious and are basically glorified house ornaments for most people. Any small animal, regardless of their emotional range or capabilities, will be treated like a toy and mistreated, and it's even worse when they're instinctually anxious because they're prey animals. Sheep aren't generally kept as pets, and sheep (and horses) aren't nearly as physically mismatched as rabbits and humans or guinea pigs and humans. The only real reason most people have horses or sheep is because they're able to exploit them. Horse owners have them to ride them, to suit their own ends, not to love and nurture them. Worse yet is that because these animals are instinctually anxious, their hesitation and fear is considered an inconvenience to people. It's why animals that don't act like dogs (immediately and indiscriminately trusting), are further mistreated and abused for being fearful. It's a really sad situation and I don't trust most people with these kinds of animals. It takes a lot of emotional labor to get certain animals (like these) to trust you, and even then, they won't be comfortable to the same degree as dogs, or as often as dogs are and people won't be showered with indiscriminate affection from them, so they're punished for it. They're mostly incompatible with people, honestly.
>Rabbits are way smarter than people think they are. Rex breeds can even learn to come to their names. They're also really great to just hold. A relaxed rabbit will be content to sit on a lap and be stroked for a long time. Nice thing about rabbits being prey animals- they're quiet.They are intelligent. Most animals aren't given credit for how intelligent they are. The thing is though, rabbits can quickly shift into anxiety and fear. They're not really suited to be pets. You can make the argument that they make you happy all you like, but I really don't feel it's appropriate for them and for their well-being and emotional/mental security. Obviously as you know, most people don't have any clue how to treat them, and I can't STAND that people buy them for children, no less. The fact that they're small makes people think they're the perfect pet for children, but the truth couldn't be further from that. I really don't care about what people want, tbh, whether or not rabbits are conveniently good for a person's lifestyle. Imo, rabbits are delicate animals that can die from nearly anything. There's no other animal that is thought of as a pet that's as delicate and easily frightened (to death, even) as rabbits, and it's unfair that they should be bred to be around people, for our enjoyment.
No. 430527
>>430497Your argument is stupid and founded on the assumption that prey and predator roles are mutually exclusive. Anything with animals bigger than it is also usually prey. Ergo; cats are prey animals too and experience all of the stress that comes along with being manhandled by a large predator i.e. us. Rabbits are domesticated anyway, so arguments about what they're like in the wild aren't really that relevant.
Anon you're replying to is stupid as well though and justifies their hatred of cats with made up bullshit. Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis, it's a discrete organism it's not like a chemical in cat's saliva.
People who don't like cats just can't stand an animal that can obviously express agency and dislike.
No. 430551
>>430527>Your argument is stupid and founded on the assumption that prey and predator roles are mutually exclusive. Anything with animals bigger than it is also usually prey. People specifically refer to rabbits, deer, animals that are effectively defenseless and are prey to a wide range of predators "prey animals". Most rabbit resources refer to them specifically as "prey animals". A "prey animal" is not the same as a predator that is prey for a larger predator. An animal that is exclusively prey has effectively no defenses and relies upon evading and escape, because it's exclusively prey. Their behavior, their instincts, their defenses, their skills, are entirely different, and a cat can be traumatized by humans or preyed on by larger animals and/or humans, but left in their own environment, they prey on other animals and there's a demonstrable difference in multiple ways. You can't compare an animal that is nothing but prey to all animals, that never serves as a predator, in any environment, to a dog or a cat. All animals aside from apex predators really need to be vigilant, but it's not at all the same. Their tendency to injure their spinal cords because of their intense instinct to escape, die from fright/heart attacks, etc, just from smelling predators or loud noises, dying from baths, etc is completely different from dogs or cats and these hardwired reactions can't be undone by just having an affectionate owner. They're uniquely delicate pets because of the fact that they're exclusively prey and their instincts reflect this. Their spinal cords and bones are incredibly fragile. You say "in the wild", but that's the entire point I was making: domesticated rabbits still die from baths, they still sleep with their eyes open, they still die from loud noises or the scent of a predator, they still are seriously and sometimes fatally injured from people picking them up and them frantically kicking their legs. Their instincts remain much more than in other domesticated pets, that's the entire point. They're much more delicate animals than dogs or cats. Read about it. Even rabbit enthusiasts admit that they're crazy fragile and nervous animals and are not suitable pets for most people.
No. 430568
>>430453I think they see it as justified by virtue of them paying. The fact that they're indeed paying, but not paying
enough to make people do ridiculous shit doesn't occur to them I guess. If I had some dumbfuck tasks for my housekeeper and was loaded, I'd have the awareness to tip them a fat sum so their time is spent well. Also wouldn't dehumanize or insult them. I guess I completely outed myself as middle class lmao.
>>430551You're totally right. People sometimes get into these more delicate pets thinking they're the same as cats or dogs just bc they're "domestic" but that word varies in legitimacy depending on the breed. No other animal besides dogs are actually domesticated to the degree they're thinking of. I've wanted rabbits and quails for a long time but the latter also come with really twitchy instincts that make keeping them indoors really risky so I decided against it. Despite my massive amount of love for buns, I may never keep one because our house is pretty lively and a rabbit's psychology shouldn't be sacrificed just to have a cute pet. They're not toys and they're not like cats and dogs.
No. 430569
Rabbits are like that because rabbits specifically evolved to be like that, it's not because they are exclusively prey animals. It's a factor for sure, but plenty of animals that are exclusively prey are plenty capable of defending themselves, don't die for stupid reasons, aren't made of glass and paper. Rabbits are so fragile because they're an R-selected generalist species. Animals with lower reproductive rates can't afford to be so fragile, rabbits can because they invest so little in each individual offspring. They're so fragile because of these factors, not because of the fact that they're exclusively prey animals. The fact their reproductive strategy is quantity over quality is far more relevant to their behaviour and general disposition.
I don't really care about whether rabbits are good pets or not, fwiw I agree with you and I don't think most people should own one, and it makes me furious that people buy them for children. What bothered me is the inference that rabbits are the way they are because they're prey animals, if that were true all prey animals would exhibit the same level of neuroticism and penchant for self destruction, including those who are also predators themselves.
No. 430602
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>>430497>>430551You're a vegan, aren't you?
No. 430801
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What really fucking annoys me is smokers that just chuck cigarette butts wherever.
If there's no trashcan, portable ashtrays are like a dollar and are really compact and come as keychains you can attach to whatever, like your bag.
Especially pissed off at people who chuck their cigs from balconies/windows. Do you not own a trashcan at home? Why the fuck should I go out of my apartment building to see all the flowerbeds literally showered in your trash?
People are clutching their pearls with plastic straws, but cigarette butts are plastic too and there's more plastic in a single one than a single straw. Those end up in the ocean too. I literally saw seaguls happily chomping on that shit.
I used to be quite a heavy smoker and I still made sure none of my litter ended up on the ground.
My country is notoriously bad with trash and littering and janitors, so this shit is EVERYWHERE. Where kids play, where plants grow, all around beaches and nature parks.
I wish people would stop littering altogether tbh. There's no fucking excuse chucking your trash on the ground. Carry it with you until you're around a place you can dump it. It's common sense, but my fellow russians are just fucking pigs content living in their refuse it seems.
No. 431304
>>430801god I hate this too, we have a river and a lawn close to campus and it's littered with cigarette butts and plastic garbage
because it's so close to the river i've watched ducks trying to eat all the trash a few times, it's disgusting
and you can't even do much against it yourself, it gets cleaned up regularly but the place is full of litter just a day after
there's trashcans just a meter away too
No. 431306
>>430801I feel you. My country is turning into a big dump because people have a "I'm poor, I have better things to worry about than the environment, it's not MY job to pick up after myself" mentality. It's also in the Balkans, which means people smoke like chimneys and smoking is allowed everywhere.
Smokers are disgusting addicts, they smell like shit, they litter everywhere, many of them can't control their disease and will smoke indoors and around little babies, some people even smoke in cars with their kids and will defend themselves with "they'll be fine, my dad smoked for a billion years and died of natural causes". When I say I have asthma and don't want people smoking around me, some of them have straight up replied with "well then I suggest you find new friends who don't smoke ;**". Smoking is more important than anything to them and they will give fucktons of money on cigarettes then cry about being poor.
Smokers are so selfish and disgusting, I hate them so much.
No. 431310
>>431304>campusKeep an eye out for the ducks and take photos, if you can get a photo of the ducks surrounded by rubbish or eating it then you can print that on a flyer to stick up around campus. People don't care about signs that say anything about the environment or community but if you can show an animal in distress it will get through to a few students, and they might put pressure on their friends for virtue points too.
Obviously it won't fix the problem and only students will see the posters but if you can make at least one person feel shitty for littering it's better than doing nothing
No. 431434
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>>431306I hate smokers so much. I dont think i've ever in my life met a smoker who wasn't an inconsiderate trash monster who litters their butts everywhere. I know the government will keep supplying smokers cuz it makes money, but people who willingly put poison into their body and waste money on cigarettes deserve no sympathy.
No. 431591
>>431584Maybe he actually has a phobia, but is afraid to admit it to you because he's a guy and society conditions men to not talk about their fears?
Also fear/disgust with bugs are an evolutionary trait like some other phobias. Insect often carry diseases or are poisonous so the bite is unpleasant/deadly if you're allergic. So it's a survival tactic.
At least those are the things I tell myself because I have a fear of flying insects. But I don't actually find the insect or the possibility of a bite scary. I am terrified of them buzzing around me, of the sound. I am mentally ill and have misophonia though, so that might be a factor. I literally scream and flail every time something buzzes closely enough to my ear for me to hear it. I really wish I didn't, but it's involuntary.
I've read therapy can help with especially extreme reactions, but I am not bothered about it enough to seek out a therapist.
No. 431594
>>431584I agree with
>>431591I've had a phobia of bees my entire life. Just hearing an insect's winhs beat sometimes frightens me. It's a common phobia. It's ridiculous to expect him to be a manly macho chad all the time, the same way it's ridiculous to expect a girl to be a prim little princess.
Have a talk with him about it. I'm sure there's annoying shit you do that turns him off, too.
No. 431606
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I fucking hate it when people compare looks of anyone especially me to those so-called Instagram models, they do no justice to themselves comparing their body or skin to an edited photo in ideal angle and under some professional lighting, and I hate it even more when some entitled man thinks girls in his area as hideous because he is looking at those -and porn- all day long.
No. 431902
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The stupid 'calarts' bean face doesn't annoy me at all, but for some reason the way 'calarts' shows ink themselves just annoy me. Also when the bean faces try to talk the lower part of their face juts in and out and it just creeps me out.
No. 431955
>>431947I thought reddit was supposed to be worse (according to the meme)
Youtube started recommending me reddit readings, couldt get through the first one it was so trite and as you say-moralfagging.
No. 431982
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>>431975>Reddit, at least five years ago, was waaay more misogynistic than it used to be. This sentence doesn't make any sense to me. Are you saying it is more misogynistic now or it was more misogynistic?
No. 432031
>>432004Nta but I agee. I think americans don't know how americentric everything on the internet is, whether it's politics, humans rights, feminism, entertainment etc. and then it's about Europe and
then about the rest of the world. It's really hard to find a sense of belonging, relate to people online and be able to find discussions that are specific to your country/culture.
Even when it comes to feminism I find the issues discussed quite different from what I experience, so most of the time I feel alienated.
I'm not saying that the things going on or experienced in those countries are less important or irrelevant. I'm just saying that I'd like to see more representation and more news coverage about things going on everywhere else.
No. 432085
>>432043ppl in my country got really mad at a local celebrity for getting cornrows and called her out on ""cultural appropiation""….which is hilarious for many reasons.
1) we live in a shithole 3rd world country (latin america) that exterminated most of its native black population centuries ago, and even the black population here isn't even african american so they don't share aa culture.
2) cultural appropiation isn't a concept here, it's something white girls learnt on tumblr or thru translated twitter threads. if you go outside the internet you'll never once hear the words "cultural appropiation" spoken in any context here.
3) race politics here don't really exist either, it's more of a xenophobia issue than a racial one. so, then again, white girls parroting things they learnt on tumblr where everything is america-centered and doesn't apply to latin america.
so it was literally just a bunch of white or slightly black girls acting super offended over something that doesn't even exist as an issue in our country. tumblr really fucked an entire generation's mindset, didn't it?
No. 432106
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>>432092argentina. she's not even an A-list celeb, which makes it even funnier to me bc they're just picking on any rando they can accuse of opreshun
No. 432307
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it annoys me when people talk about cup size as if it's indicative of anything (the cup letter is relative to the band size)
No. 432333
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>>432308she gives off an ariana vibe. it's kinda creeping me out
No. 432459
>>432338Try this won't stop windows 10 from being shit but it will allow you to monitor what is happening with your hardware more closely.
No. 432621
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I haphazardly decided to run the 1903 windows update and now that I'm hearing about all the glitches I'm scared now. I don't run any cpu intensive stuff, but I do have a big collection of files (backed up family photos, 20 gb worth of videos, 50 Th worth of pirated stuff). I don't wanna lose this shit
No. 432761
>>432500found the person who sits there for hours.
or you know, i could go there, come back and see them still taking up loads of space.
No. 432823
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>as someone who [x]
those posts have been gettin on my nerves so bad lately
No. 432893
>>431986No, they were just honest with their misogyny back then.
Wokebros with obnoxious facial hair acting like their pro sex, pro trans views makes them feminist for pussy points are just as misogynistic as 2012 "No FAT chicks allowed." Reddit.
No. 433017
>>432968I agree but I feel like it's mostly men (and traditional conservative women?)who are stupid enough to not recognize women who are non-conforming in the first place because their brains cannot process the idea of them not being feminine.
Others might know you're a woman but are afraid to get into the "its ma'am!" situation.
No. 433346
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Kboos and weebs are fucking annoying with how much false information and ignorance they spread. They visit a country once or parrot off other kboos and weebs and think the informatoin is objectively fact. Theyre the first to rush in on a comment to "teach" completely wrong info while acting superior with no self-awareness. Its obvious they never had irl korean, japanese, or chinese friends. They get into some niche shit the rest of the country looks down on and think it represents the whole culture and then criticize the niche shit theyre into. Think of how dumb i sound if i stated american society publicly celebrates and encourages graphically raping women and children because i watched game of thrones and teen mom.
the internet age shouldve minimized this shit instead of parroting ignorant garbage for two decades.
>inb4 some offended kboo/weeb screeches more racist shit to prove me wrong
No. 433362
>>433355japan experts in past momokun threads and kpop thread thinking kpop is less degenerate than jpop:
>Genuine questions out of ignorance: Do Japanese women even see anything wrong with the things going on in their society? Do they have a feminist movement?that thread hit its peak with the first two threads
No. 433503
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Actually, I am annoyed at myself.
I've been alternative all my life and then finally settled on goth. Now I am shaming myself for liking some of indie and pop musicians and feeling like I can't be a real goth if I like things other than what I usually listen to.
Like liking one Ariana song or a Kesha album would invalidate 20 years of my life and 90% of my musical taste? What the fuck, self, you enjoy what you enjoy. It's not even supposed to be a guilty pleasure because there's nothing shameful about having diverse tastes.
It feels to me that most subcultures have become a contest. To be the truest one, to follow the rules the most or else you can't even use the word.
And at the same time I don't want to be like TT/Jake or Jude Bishop who are clearly poseurs who don't know shit about actual goth and use the label on themselves.
Just eugh. Why am I that stupid. Why do I bother/care? It's all the same in the end, labels are stupid and who the fuck cares if I adhere 100% or not, I should just do what I enjoy without shame.
No. 433653
>>433503I'm goth and there are a few songs and albums I like that aren't 80's post punk or goth.
I mean ariana grande is shit tier but who gives a fuck really anon?
No. 433785
>>433653This is gonna be a massive oversharing sperg, but…
Tbh the only reason I like that Ariana song (7 rings) is because I was put in a mental hospital at the time it was released. We had cable, but only three channels weren't blocked: old reruns of soap, badly translated foreign reality tv and nonstop music. Obv whenever I got ahold of the remote I would put on music (they wouldn't allow me my phone/mp3 obviously and I literally go crazy if I don't listen to anything for more than a couple of days) so I got saddled with whatever it was playing on tv, the new, popular top-of-the-chart stuff.
And 7 rings was at the top for
weeks so they played it often. It was exactly what I needed to hear, something mindless, self-congratulating, indulgent. Something that gets stuck in your head and drowns out the suicidal drivel.
I don't think I've ever consciously listened to any of her other songs.
I actually think that most music deserves to exist, no matter how shit it is. Even soundcloud rappers make someone's day better so really can you judge them? They are terrible people, but that's not the music's fault. If it's not directly hateful or harmful, what's the point of bashing it?
No. 433919
>>433785I self identified as a goth in my youth, and as youth and life go, I experimented with many looks and music styles and movies. I still enjoy exploring new things (there's just too many things to see and it makes me sad that I won't get to see/know about it all). I love music from goth, punk, pop, classical, musicals, etc. I still feel like a goth at heart and sometimes will dress accordingly when I feel like it, add some goth element to what I feel like wearing that day, or just go to the goth clubs and admire the ones that still go all out for the look. Sometimes I don't even dress up when I go to those places. My heart swells with love for goth when I see it around. Try not to worry about it too much. You know who you are.
I, too, have an Ariana song that I love to sing and dance to.
Subcultures are all blending together and are like a silly contest. I personally find it amusing and love to watch it roll out.
No. 433990
>>429291Lol I told her but she insists that they participate in the song-making and are always involved in the important stuff or whatever
Actually talking with her reminded me of someone a while back who kept trying to convince me to watch a boring/dumb studio ghibli movie and believed it to be one of the greatest thing to grace the earth.
The funny thing is that I've actually watched a couple of ghibli films and korean films (they make some pretty great movies actually), but whats so annoying about boos is that they become so obsessed with a random country because of some of it's pop culture, and then they delude themselves into thinking that everything made by said country is amazing. They make wild assumptions, become very sensitive and are afraid to hear anything negative. And they LOVE making excuses
No. 434156
>>433503Imagine forcing yourself to only like one type of music
I dont get people like you
No. 434169
>>433503You already know that you having other interests outside of what is traditionally “goth” doesn’t revoke your goth card. It’s funny — I consider myself goth but don’t dress the part, and for a subculture that’s supposed to be about the music, it sure has gotten more and more superficial and concerned with aesthetics/presentation over the years.
I don’t know if this’ll help or not but maybe looking up the “ungoth confessions” tag on YouTube would make you feel better?
No. 434227
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>game releases trailers and shit
>some characters are revealed to be bi, 5 female options, 3 male ones
>it isn't official nor final, the game adds characters during its run and it's a trailer from the first hours
>immediate screeching from "gay men" (read fakebois) yelling about how it's not fair and how they absolutely wanted a flirty main character to be gay
>they are legit having mental breakdowns
Can't they fucking wait? I swear, the more you try to pander to the special crowd the less they are satisfied. Also, god forbid women have something more than men, ever.
No. 434228
>>434227Which game anon?
>they are legit having mental breakdownsWhat's the problem, isn't it great that there are non-hetero dating options.
No. 434230
>>434228Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
I have to admit, the gay options aren't the best (2 old men and a normal dude) but it's not the end of the world, and at least the gamemakers (japanese ones at that, how many gay options do you see in japanese games at all?) are trying. However, they really fixated on a particular character which was revealed to be straight essentially. Basically, they're being whiny, as they always are. I really wish I didn't have to read their posts everywhere I go to look for art, though.
No. 434233
>>434227We all know they're fakebois who don't care about playing video games and just watch playthroughs on youtube. But if they actually cared they would celebrate because FE Fates only had one gay option with a very popular yet controversial male character and one lesbian option with bootleg!Tharja so you have to make specific efforts to unlock her, and both characters' dialogues were butchered by Threehouse because of troon supreme Andrea Ritsu and other transbians who didn't even buy the game.
I think one of the bisexual character is a married man with kids and old enough to be the main character's father? Why aren't they bitching about that? Because he doesn't look like a twink?
No. 434247
>>434233>I think one of the bisexual character is a married man with kids and old enough to be the main character's father?Kek, that it is. I won't lie though, the originality of it kinda makes me curious. But we will have to wait for the support to judge them.
>Why aren't they bitching about that? Because he doesn't look like a twink?Yes, and because the twink escaped them and turned out just to be a little loose.
No. 434256
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>>434230Okay, I can agree that the male options aren't the best. Who wants to date those two old dudes?
Meanwhile the female options all look nice except for the fucking loli, goddamn it Japan.
I'm still surprised by how many same sex options there are even if it reeks of a certain male attitude. Which is lesbians hot hurdurr but gays are gross…ok we must add some options, here 2 old men, you're welcome.
No. 434313
>>434227>every character is cishetno one cares
>a few characters are lgbteveryone starts bitching in the most aggressive possible way (also you're probably cancelled)
That's really annoying, especially when media outside of NA is the cause. I get where people are coming from, but ffs the degree of hysteria is unbearable.
No. 434334
>>434256>Who wants to date those two old dudes?I like Alois since his own trailer, I would date him. Not the guy though.
>>434313The type of people who complain about LGBT representation not being enough, not being obvious or explicit enough or not being the focus in the story are the type of people who praise trash like Sense8 and Euphoria with disgusting unnecessary sex scenes. Good thing Japanese video game studios don't care about them at all because they're not even a reliable market, like Nintendo noticed thanks to FE Fates and the disastrous localisation.
No. 434376
>>434363Outside of really niche corners and certain FA profiles on the internet, it always baffles me how you anons seriously believe there's mainstream female fat worship and thin and healthy women are the ones who are actually downplayed.
However, I will agree that fat men are given special treatment and spotlight all the time. And if anyone holds a man to a healthy and athletic standard they are usually called shallow and reprimanded for unrealistic expectations.
No. 434383
>>434363where is it socially acceptable to make fun of small tits? I have
never and I mean NEVER encountered someone IRL making fun of small breasts, however, I have encountered people making fun of saggy big breasts (even on normal weight women).
No. 434413
>>434383Nta but I had a coworker once say I had no boobs (i do but i was wearing a thick sweater as part of dress code so what was he expecting)
It's retarded men shit.
No. 434430
>>434391>>434413Men make fun of saggy tits too though.
Remember that the only perfect tit to a man is big and impossibly perky.
No. 434501
>>432106Yay, another anon from Argentina!
I don't really know who that girl is, but I can't believe people are accusing her of cultural appropiation, what the fuck. I always felt we were lucky for never having those kind of problems. You know, every normie girl who lives here got dreads done at some point in her life and nobody ever bitched about it.
Damn, I really hope that the sjw mentality doesn't spread over here (it kind of is a bit of a plague already, but thankfully not to the extreme).
The younger generations are way more into all of that tumblr brainwashing I think. It's like they try to apply all the "American" ideologies they learn from the internet in our country, without thinking about all the cultural differences.
No. 434692
>>434227I love how the ~gay MLM~ troons i.e. fakebois shitting on cis fujos are always straight chicks or lesbians with a ton of internalized misogyny, and to make the irony more plentiful the straight girls bitching about m-muh gay fetishization are the ones having meltdowns over LGB characters. I'm annoyed at the two gay options being ugly old men too (because all the female options are beautiful young women) but there's a difference between being reasonably annoyed and being absolutely seething and losing your mind.
>>434363I think you're spending way too much time in fat acceptance SJW circles if you think this unironically. The problem is that girls in the normal weight range are branded fat and without surgery you really can't help how your tits look so in my opinion it's not fair to bash peoples' tits whether they're small or big and saggy.
No. 434704
>>434700You’re expecting something other than misandry in a misandrist thread?
Also, why are they called femcels when from what I can tell none of their misandry stems from inability to have sex? A lot of it seems to be pent up anger and fear taken to the extreme after being abused
No. 434708
>>434700It's 1 person who said that, the others condemned it.
That's not "celebrating".
No. 434765
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>>434718Femcel is a girl who asks out a guy she likes, and the guy rejects her. Then she gets asked out by a guy she doesn't like, and she declines. There you go.
Sorry, if you look like Hetty Lange from NCIS: Los Angeles, and you also have a bad personality, you're most likely going to be a femcel.
No. 434850
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Some girls in a Discord server I'm in were complaining about radfems earlier. They were saying radfems just want to be eternal victims or something. One also claimed there were "female" ways of being abusive, and another listed off all the abusive things women in her life have done (as if men don't do these things just as much, if not more) and complained about how men are domestically abused and that women can physically attack men but no one takes it as seriously (hmm, it's almost like men are physically stronger than us naturally). She also listed off a bunch of things men go through, conveniently ignoring that it's all shit they literally do to each other.
One of them also implied that women in safe neighborhoods "shouldn't" feel fear of being harassed by men, because she grew up in an unsafe neighborhood and is less afraid, then went on to claim radfems actually try to dissuade women from telling the police if they were raped because "no one will believe you" (this never fucking happens). I scroll down a little more, and the one who was talking the most shit says she's an FtM/TiF. The other one says she's "agender", another one chimes in about how she's "trans nonbinary" (and says she used to hate girls, honestly believing they were stupid and inferior). TiF says she always wanted to be a pretty, androgynous emo boy. No fucking surprise, any of this. Seeing internalized misogyny in the wild honestly kills my soul.
If only they'd actually ask themselves why exactly they're so against being seen as women, or female, and how society has played into the meaning of both those words.
Honestly, women need to realize all this handmaidenry won't protect them. It feels like they're just saying and doing all this shit to try and stave off the painful reality of the world we live in. I was mad while reading their posts at first, but now I just feel sad that they aren't brave enough to acknowledge what's literally in their faces. I hope they get their wake-up call one day.
No. 435475
>>435166Agree 100% with this.
Troons like him will insist that cis women are somehow more privileged than he is despite him being way better off than any "terf" or even most cis creators. Someone in another thread showed how contra makes way more on pareon than belle delphine.
Actually a lot of this is true for troons in general. Everyone is always saying how intelligent Blaire White is even though he talks in a fake valley girl accent. If Blaire were a cis woman he would just be called a dumb slut and no one would listen to him.
No. 435826
>>435761>>435783I think it's due to the fact it's generally hard to find a foundation that properly matches you but with sheer foundation you notice it less whereas with full coverage foundation it's very obvious.
Foundation is cancer anyway, even when I was pimply, concelear on its own looked way better.
No. 435976
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>>435951>>435843Agree. No make-up make up is the best. I also like some really avant garde editorial looks (for artsy parties and photos etc) but the drag-queen instaglam make up needs to die asap.
No. 436153
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I hate how social media seem so important nowadays not just online but also irl, even though the most used ones are shit. Facebook is shit for too many reasons to list. Twitter is a mess and searching for content or people to follow is nearly impossible unless you already know who you should follow in advance thanks to other websites. Instagram doesn't even show posts by everyone you follow and for the ones you can see it's not even in chronological order but you get bombarded by ads about shit nobody wants despite insta and FB allegedly collecting very specific info on users. Gullible users do stupid shit to start or follow trends and if you just go on with your life and something happens for whatever reason anyone could film you or take creepshots and post them for millions of people to see and comment. Nobody is genuine anymore because influencers get so much money promoting trashy or over-hyped products and random people like to brag about everything because they want more clout.
If you don't have FB or insta nobody is going to bother talking to you, friends or acquaintances, even though they have your phone number and could send you a text or call you. You want to have a job but don't want to have a profile on FB or Linkedin with your real name, pictures of you and info on your previous jobs or college degree because you value your privacy and you don't want some random person you knew in high school or your relatives to find out about you? Well, though shit! Now you have to pretend to be perfection incarnate irl and online so potential recruiters can pay attention to you. I'm sick of people on Linkedin pretending that social media and the internet made everything easier and faster while praising their companies and saying they would basically die for their job while also talking about the importance of well-being at work and privacy, as well as how separating personal and professional life is so important. Linkedin is the same shit with a different topping.
No. 436199
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Also pretty sure it's been confirmed that social media increases depression and loneliness so I wish the importance of it was toned down.
What I personally don't like about social media is that it encourages people to overshare and makes it easier for predators to stalk/prey on people.
It's a mess.
As annoying as peak tumblr was I do kind of miss it. Most artists were all in one place and I loved the customization options.
Twitter and Instagram are so shit and horrible for art.
No. 436211
>>436153as a former hermit literally anyone ive tried to make friends with only ever has instagram, its so hard that literally no one wants to text or anything. social media made me incredibly depressed for a long time and now the absence of it is hurting my potential social life
>>436199im so upset tumblr fucked itself over, there were so many great artists with side nsfw account that ill never be able to see again, why the fuck did they think banning nsfw content was a good idea again?
No. 436228
>>436153i'm a recruiter and my suggestion if you're concerned about not having a social media presence when looking for a job is to create an inactive "professional" instagram, linkedin, etc that has your name and picture and some general info. nobody cares if you're actually using it, they just want to make sure there aren't any obvious red flags.
linkedin is just flexing and encouraging unhealthy work habits. i see a lot of people in multiple industries actually moving away from linkedin because of how spammy it's become.
i think social media is trash, but i still lurk.
No. 436263
>>436232 and the apple store forced them into it because of their own shitty all ages policy.
No. 436422
>>436334Oh my fucking god, my dad is like that too. It's like he gets one idea in his head and NOTHING else can be true.
I also wonder if your dad is asking because he secretly likes/has an interest in anime?
No. 436534
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This is the 3rd time this week that a company paid by OFFER instead of confirming they want the shit and waiting for us to send them a proforma.
No. 436717
>>436571It derails every thread with 100 posts about race discussions that lead nowhere and it's overall cringey. Even outside the race convos, you'll have them posting ridiculous stuff like "homosexuality is just a kink :) i hate perverts :)" and coming into typically radfem threads talking about "you think misandry is cool???"
like ok bih, if I wanted to hear those opinions I'd hit up my grandma, at least she's funny when she says that shit
No. 437049
>>437044>man upset that a cat has died while being unfeeling towards human childrenI'm not surprised. A lot of people who are socially stunted and mentally ill put animals on a pedestal because they're the easiest things to control and therefore not as annoying as another human who might sign more disobedience and be needy.
That's what they think is "innocent" about them, not that the animal is never capable of anger or being bad.
No. 437068
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I can’t put a fan or ac in the window that gets the most air in my room because a robin made a nest and laid eggs right in front of it
No. 437147
>>437039I have a friend like this although not all of her friends are autists, on the contrary she's very popular and had many…"cool" people as friends but she's also really close with this troon that I'm also on good terms with. The thing is, I'm on good terms with him and I understand hanging out with him at a gig and having him in your network but I dont understand why she's just
so close with him. He's also a literal autist and doesnt shower and smells so bad and just keeps sperging about 80's and gay bdsm.
No. 437176
>>437154>>437159yuck who is this gronky fuckboi?? why have I never seen this clusterfuck before? I'm assuming he's some sort of musician halfu rich kid with narcissism. reminds me of a male felice fawn how he studies his own mannerisms in the video but legit ignores the woman being emotionally crushed lmao
poor lady deserves so much better.
fuckbois, not even once anons. pink pill goes down smooth.
No. 437201
>>437154He looks like a singer from an alternate universe where J-rock is actually a SEA thing, not Japanese.
From the snippets I saw, I don't understand how people were saying the first video "melted their heart" and that they're a "beautiful couple".
He's literally asked if he loves her, and he just spouts off some compliments without giving a "yes" or "no". He even says he "doesn't want to define their relationship". That says it all.
He should've just walked away when he realized she wanted a full-blown relationship, because he wasn't ready for that. Instead, he stuck around, just looking to waste her time (and it's probably not the first or last time he's done that). She wasted her own time, too.
I hate his behavior in this video, and I haven't even gotten 5 minutes in. He almost reminds me of Onision.
No. 437216

>>437201(Same anon)
Ugh. I made the mistake of trying to give his music a chance.
Everything about him pisses me off, from his personality to his cheap fucking "Bought from a Chinese bootleg cosplay shop" looking-ass coat to his ugly contacts and bad eyeliner to his underwhelming, half-baked music with generic instrumentals and drowned out vocals.
I hate that he very clearly thinks he's God's gift to the world or something. Imagine trying so hard and thinking so highly of yourself, and then coming out with something so mediocre. All his music videos are varying degrees of bad, and all the songs sound like this. Shit sounds like stock music. How does he have so many fans? Is it from the Jubilee video?
I don't even know why I'm so bothered by all this. Maybe it's that the narcissism absolutely drips off of him, much like with Poppy and Tits, but somehow, it's even more unwarranted in this case.
This is actually a little bit demotivating. I never want to try my best at something and end up being as unimpressive as this guy.
No. 437224
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There's a fucking mosquito somewhere in this room and I can just about hear that little whine as it flies about but not see it and if I do spot the fucking thing I'll feel too bad about killing it to stop the little fucker. Shut up shut up shut up
No. 437420
>>437415In my personal experience we were encouraged to "sound out" words as small children instead of understand grammar rules or search them up in a dictionary. So kids would just write what they heard and if they didn't get enough attention from teachers or their parents to correct themselves the wrong spelling would be with them for life.
It's kind of sad. I knew kids in high school who would still fuck up contractions.
No. 437710
>>437415because would've sounds like would of.
i don't get too fucked by grammar bs because slang is a thing and it's fun.
No. 438427
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Why can’t tumblr ever get ask blogs right?
For every one decent character blog, there are 20 who fill their blogs with unrelated personal and political crap. It becomes so out of place it it becomes indistinguishable from the creator’s personal blog. Fuck, I came for cute art and character interactions and I get bombarded with trans rights posts and Trump rants.
No. 438442
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Just logged into twitter after two weeks and ugh I absolute HATE the new design. Looking at my dash just feel overwhelming because it forces me to pay attention to shit I'm not interested in. And why are some elements so big and the the content I want to see so small. Also the way to crop pictures just fucks you up as an artist ….
What is this garbage?
>>438427Not to sound mean but: How new are you to tumblr? This is the normal state of this site since 2013+ …
No. 438572
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No. 438587
>>438581go back to /pol/ weirdo.
"far left"
No. 438596
>>438587Ah yes, now I see. It was the right fucking things up all along. Damn the right and their support of
>Trans rights>Gay marriage and adoption>Open borders>Arresting people for "hate speech">Islam and Sharia law>Allowing anyone and everyone to use the NHS>Turning prisons into holiday camps that violent criminals can waltz in and out of as they pleaseI can't believe I was fooled into blaming the left for these issues.
No. 438662
>>438596You have to be some retarded radical Christan, especially since you're bringing up Islam. Yes, Sharia is retarded.
Nothing is wrong with gay marriage, plenty of anons here are lesbian and completely sane. IDK why gay people are a political side anyway.
Tbf, I'm politically independent and I agree with 3.5 of your points being a result of the far left.
No. 438789
>>438662>You have to be some retarded radical ChristanI'm not even religious.
>especially since you're bringing up IslamYou should consider a career in comedy. As for gay marriage, I don't have an issue with it on its own. It was never going to be just that though. When you open the door for LGB they open it further for LGBTSUKGDFKJSHGKJFDHJKH. Normal people lose nothing from excluding LGB. There is no reason to pay the price of tolerating all the other fetishes and mental illnesses that tag along with them.
No. 438839
>>43859675% of those things are good things. Imagine unironicly thinking only lettin
certain people not die from preventable diseases is ethical.
No. 439345
>>438798It doesn't matter to me whether, or not gays are directly responsible. The fact of the matter is we wouldn't be dealing with all the issues caused by troons if gays were still made to keep their mental illness to themselves. Don't act like people weren't predicting exactly the shit we are seeing now decades ago when they were making a case against gay rights. Putting gays back in the closet is fine with me if it means no more troons. I would call it a price to pay, but it isn't even that unless you're gay yourself.
>You sound like a tradthotThis might blow your mind, but you can hold political stances from both sides of the political spectrum. I support the causes which benefit me regardless of if they're considered right or left. Equal pay, equal employment, the right to get an abortion, being able to walk down the street without some cave scrot behaving like an animal, secure borders and swift deportations, no tolerance for vile death cults, the ability to speak freely without getting arrested, no preferential treatment for people who aren't even from Europe let alone the UK. There is no contradiction between any of these.
You might think people look at you as a saint when you defend gays, and people that want to chop their heads off, in the same breath. They don't. You just look like a naive retard.
>>438839Imagine unironically thinking the BRITISH National Health Service which is funded by BRITISH tax payers should available to people who aren't from, or don't even live in Britain.
>>439345Don't get me on drunk brits fucking up the ER in Spanish islands every fucking summer.
For free. We should charge you you assholes.
No. 439375
>>439363WAHEEY! Can't handle the banter? LMAO.
You're not wrong though. If they don't have travel insurance they should have to pay for healthcare if needed. I don't understand why places like Spain don't have a drink tax for tourists.
No. 439385
>>439375We got pushed by the EU into the idea that tourism is the only way of survival of this country while they destroyed our industry. They wanted Spain to be the vacation place of Europe and wanted us to cater to every piece of shit who spent a single euro here.
Our government is also shitty and spineless so of course they said yes to everything.
No. 439409
>>439345So what if they're not from Brittain? Ill gladly give my taxpayer money for saving people's lives. Your life or european lives in generally aren't anymore valuable than the lives of foreigners, you selfish fuck.
You look like you never experienced empathy in your life.
No. 439431
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>>439345you are going to get hate by all the bpd pinkpill lessies in here but i agree with you anon.
If it wasn´t made into such a taboo subject to question the gay pride agenda there would be more advances in the areas of psiquiatry and psichology into treating homosexuality for what it is, like any other mental health concern, instead of making the whole of society turn upside down just to cater to fetishistic delusions of a minority that never stops moving their goal post further beyond the pale no matter how much validation they get.
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>>439431Aren't you the same retard from the kinkshaming thread who got told to piss off for claiming homosexuality is a kink, and then later went on to claim that 14 year old girls who get raped by 4chan scrotes are whores who need to take responsibility?
No. 439450
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>>439441Sure Becky, i stand for everything you consider evil and have every irredemable trait that exists, plus i am also made of nothing but straw.
Darnit! Nothing gets past your tumblr vision!
No. 439455
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>>439450>angry, passive-aggressive response>still calling random people Twitter meme BS like "Becky" and "Karen"So, it was you. I'm going to agree with the other anons from the last thread and kindly ask you not to breed.
God have mercy on any child you'd have if they turn out to be gay, or if they ever get molested by a grown man (I mean 18 year old~mid 20s "boy").
God, I hate summer.
Pedophile defense and rape apologism should seriously be a highlighted bannable offense at this point.
No. 439477
>>439455sure, i am everyone who has ever wronged you or disagreed with you in your entire life all melted into one evil person.
>if they turn out to be gay, or if they ever get molested by a grown manIf they turn gay thats how you know they were molested by a grown man.
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>>439477God you are so funny
No. 439485
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It's super annoying when people try to tinfoil about whether or not they argued with the same person in previous threads.
I don't care even if you're spot on, no one else cares about your slapfights that you should seriously be over by now.
No. 439493
>>439490This. It's obnoxious when it's the exact same person and they're posting the same bullshit repeatedly.
This special individual has been told to fuck off so many times across several threads, and they just keep going. It's almost like having another necessarysperg4, except this version identifies themselves.
No. 439959
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>>439935>>439943Scrote as in scrotum.
No. 439963
>>439960Would you say that to a gay couple?
There's no excuse to be phobic of anyone's relationship, its the 21st century. Why does it matter?
>>439961It's not just a fetish, it's our way of expressing love and our lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with it, open your mind ffs
No. 439966
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No. 439974
>>439968Lmaooo you are definitely straight. I'm literally being discriminated against and disowned right now for who and how I choose to love. If this were the 1800s I'd be in an asylum right now getting electroshock treatment for hysteria you fucking idiot
Some of my goddamn subs are gay and I am a pansexual dominant woman.
I was born like this and so were many other people. Go outside some time
No. 439979
>>439976I just can't "choose" to not love this way any more than a gay person can "choose" to be with the opposite sex
It's an option in theory but in practice, it just makes you miserable
Do you even think?
>>439977Except they are and so are all other ignorant people
No. 439984
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>>439979You just said BDSM was a choice jfc
Stop derailing threads with this retarded crap and stop dating shitty men who take advantage of Tumblr-woke politics to fuck multiple women.
No. 439986
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>>439979 anon going to her gramma's birthday party.
No. 439993
>>439974>>439957You 150% deserve to be discriminated against. Please shitting up threads with your polyfag autism, this is like the 3rd or 4th today.
Letting femdoms on this site was a fucking mistake.
No. 439995
>>439993I don't go in the femdom threads but surely they aren't this bad with the tumblr tier ~poly~ garbage and making a mockery of people who are actually oppressed for their orientation
I have a feeling this retard found lolcow like… yesterday based on the sheer inability to read the tone of the board.
No. 440050
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>>440044Same here, i HATE "redditor" humour where every single sentence has to have a quirky joke or a pun, even talking about serious real world things.
"and then like half the population of Europe died of the plague, just last like night when i cleared the room after eating a burrito. Memegace.jpeg"
Just, stop.
No. 440092
>>440066And those "Art critic" neckbeard youtubers deconstructing kids cartoons with marxist framework, its just so pathetic. All standards are lost, everyone seems like a sarcastic cartoon of themselves, like is a satire but they are being serious.
>>440085Its both things, everything is an absurd joke so now the absurd jokes are serious bussiness as well because it goes both ways, all got blended in the ironic blender. When a guy enters a mosque and shoots everyone while quoting memes and doing jokes its all part of the same mentality that cannot keep reality and meme humour separated.
No. 440094
>>440092No, that's not people "not taking things seriously and making it a joke". If anything, he's taking things way TOO seriously by shooting up a mosque based on some /pol/ memes. He in all honesty believed that these people are worth killing because they're destroying society, not because of "lol funny meymeys XD".
Sociopathic people with macabre behavior have existed since forever to begin with, even the goddamn Zodiac Killer was memeing while killing people in the 1960s. The BTK killer was making his killings just a big fucking show to stroke his ego. Brenda Spencer just said "I don't like Mondays" when asked why she shot 9 people in 1979.
No. 440097
>>440066>"get with the times", people who do that are extremely immature and need a fucking hobbyit used to be pretty easy because a viral meme had a longer lifespan back then, the really old memes lasted a long time. Now every day like 30 memes are born but will die within the same week. you'd have to be autistic and waste all your energies to always be on top of them all, is not even fun for most people most of the time, just a bandwagon that became habit.
>>440068That's every reddit comment box, cringy as hell. The top comment is always some shitty pun that doesn't even make sense with 500 comments following it up with even worse puns. Either that or unrelated political debate over some mundane shitty joke someone made that has zero to do with the topic and diverges into more mundane shit like debating regional pronunciation of common words or ways to marinate shrimp.
No. 440121
This one is really dumb, but I hate it how whenever people talk about mental illness, it's either about depression or something anxiety-related 99% of the time. It's like whenever there's a conversation about mental health, there are always people who insert themselves with their "oh, I know all about mental health. I know what depression is" remarks, and then make the whole conversation revolve around them. It feels like some people always have that image of a sad, socially inept and suicidal person on their mind when they hear about mental illness. I understand that such issues are very prominent, and I don't want to diminish the value of the experiences people who suffer from them face, but even though I see why depression is so infamous, I can't help but be annoyed with how most of the public knowledge is centered around it, and anything past it is filled with either complete ignorance or views that fit horror films' tropes and stereotypes.
No. 440726
>>440322I agree anon, I really don't get the hate for any type of bird
except for the Canadian goose but even they can be appreciated if they're at a distance haha.
They never struck me as a "pest" animal.
At my old apartment I attracted every bird under the sun. Cardinals, blue jays, mockingbirds, catbirds, titmice, sparrows, robins, thrashers, hummingbirds, and I even had a mourning dove couple nest on my balcony. I didn't care about their poo because they were charming creatures to watch. It used to make me sad that I'd have to go into work and wouldn't be able to watch my feeder. It was the best part of my day and I miss them. I'm crying rn and I hope they're doing okay haha.
No. 440753
>>440712Agreed. I think it stemmed from trauma tumblr (ex. Soren), where everything became a competition and no ones opinions were
valid unless they had the same type of trauma— you’re not allowed to debunk anyone’s tales, you’re not allowed to relate to someone’s feelings unless you’ve had the same trauma, etc. I understand that scrotes are fucking horrible and nothing is out of bounds for them, but I also lived through peak trauma tumblr when everyone was a
victim, so it’s hard for me to be able to believe everyone without knowing absolutely anything about their lives.
No. 440763
>>440753And they use it to excuse any shitty behavior they might exhibit and nobody is allowed to question them after that claim has been thrown out in the open. I've known of people claiming to be "rape
victims" because they had sex and didn't like it so I'm pretty dubious of like 90% of Twitter tumblr migrates suddenly being "CSA survivors". Especially because they're not mad at the people who abused them and only use it as a crutch to call out people in fandom spaces who ship the wrong characters for example. I know the intensity of trauma varies from person to person but I'm really starting to think that most of them are just using it as an invincibility cloak. Which is ultra shitty because it dilutes the whole term to nothing.
No. 441368
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i found the "dark academia" tag on tumblr and oh my god… some of them are adults in their twenties following wikihow-becoming-a-mermaid-tier instructions.
the idea is they want to become Donna tartt / dead poets society characters, not realizing mimicking rich white cultured anglos only make them desperate wannabes.
they send asks like "how to make myself seem more cultured"… like culture is an accessory and not the lifelong curating and nourishing of your inner world. they think "pretentious" is a good trait, that it means "prideful". they do nothing creative, have a surface interest what they claim they like, and only repeat that theyre omgz so gay quoting latin debauchery and murder black cloaks and pulling all nighters while actually just sitting on tumblr.
the cottagecore bitches thinking animals are accessories and not knowing a thing about animal husbandry was already ridiculous, but this takes the cake.
it makes me wonder what the next thing they will emptily aestheticise will be.
No. 441370
>>441368i always find this to be pretty funny because i have read (and actually loved) the secret history and in the end the main character realizes what an idiot he was for trying to be exactly what these users are trying to be as a result of reading the book.
also am i the only one who thinks dead poets society was not that great of a movie. it was fine but it seems like people only like it because it has a similar aesthetic to TSH
No. 441372
>>441370yeah, i found them through the TSH tag and they don't realise it's a cautionary tale and that the only characters that are like them are bunny and Richard, who dont have the cultural / economical capital to be on par with the snobby classics group.
anyway, bitches be crazy. the internet turned people into unfocused shallow attention whores, I wish this book would have encouraged an actual interest in Greek literature and not prancing around campus wanting to feel mysterious and deep when you have nothing to show for it.
I never saw dead poets society !!
No. 441820
>>441368>if you are really into it, only speak when spoken toThis is a symptom of a mental illness/personality disorder and it doesn't get you any social brownie points. Quite the opposite, in fact.
>I, personally, like to hear the used jazz vinyls crack.This is copypasta worthy tbh
No. 442375
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>>441368here's another excerpt if you guys want to be annoyed and cringe some more.
No. 442385
>>442382no they don't… and classics/Greek and latin is not a super elite super exclusive sekrit club either, the profs are literally scavenging for any kind of students, which most of the time here are catholics and the rest try hard art hoes.
the mysterious ultrarich debauched geniuses are a myth but the fact that they are knowingly sucking up to this imaginary elite makes me question how much they hate themselves.
No. 442394
>>442385Most high schools in my country teach Latin as a mandatory subject and Ancient Greek as an elective course unless you're doing a trade, people mostly hate it because teachers tend to be shit and it's one more useless thing you have to study for in order to get into a good uni, can't see why people in the US think it is so glamorous.
We did have cute textbooks though, with little cartoons.
No. 442395
>>442385the wealthiest, old money type people I knew would totally be called "basic" by these idiots on tumblr. actually now that I think of it there were a few kids who would maybe fit this image, and they were definitely the outcasts
also i'm still laughing at
>5)breathing violentlyhas to be satire?
No. 442417
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>>442395yeah all of it feels like class anxiety mixed with hogwarts aesthetic. i can understand wanting a quality, motivating education and a sense of community and belonging but they really are expressing it in the cringiest, least self aware way.
elitism as an aesthetic and sjwism as a moral code don't mix well - look at the length of those retarded disclaimers just for someone asking for style advice. this one autist decadeance puts everywhere, in her description, in every fourth posts, in all the tags that the secret history is a satire and makes sure eeeeveryone knows her personal brand of dark academia is ~ironic as if it makes it better and not worse.
No. 443298
>>443161What's especially funny is that they think Quentin Foot Fetish Tarantino is indie cinema. It's the most maintsream dudebro shit out there.
Catch me watching Sayat Nova, an armenian symbolistic movie from the 60's.
No. 443411
>>443401this is gonna sound like a huge joke but, legit, just watch movies. watch movies you like, explore different genres/directors, get out of the hollywood comfort zone and watch foreign movies or movies from lesser known directors. i tend to make long lists of movies i wanna watch and force myself to have movie marathons, alone or w/friends.
i tend to mix in a lot of genres. for example, i love anime movies (ghibli, mamoru hasoda, etc.) so i watch a lot of those, but i also venture out of my comfort zone with movies that are a little bit darker, my go-to is japanese horror flicks or yorgos lanthimos movies. i'm a big old sucker for pretentious ""indie"" flicks with lots of pretty photography and scenery, so i go after those types too (think Lady Bird, The Virgin Suicides, CMBYN, etc.), but those aren't the only "good" movies out there. a movie doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing or have a hipster soundtrack to be good, and a movie doesn't have to be good for you to like it.
check out the movies thread at /m/, ive been watching a ton of movies off of the recommendations in that thread and i've had a blast.
No. 443458
>>443401Like the other anon said, explore and watch everything. You will develope likes.
Here's some help if you need a starting point.
>AFI's top 100 movies (easily found free)>Watch TCM (on demand has a lot of old Japanese films) It's difficult to find some classics content>Criterion Collection movies (can be found in torrents usually)Does anyone remember the app FilmStruck? It was money then they cancelled it.
No. 443466
>>443461In the case of the latter he's clearly just trying to be trendy and uwu ~special~ like the depression and anxiety memes crowd. I don't know why they do this. There's nothing special about isolating yourself for several days at a time and never responding to messages because you dread interacting with others but go off.
But for the former they may be acquaintances? If they don't hang out with them ever they may just be forced to know these people through school or work. Sadly I've found in adult life if someone decides to talk to you, now you have to be civil with them in passing to avoid drama or weird bullshit. People have forced friendship onto me and it's awful. But I also don't want to hurt them.
No. 443534
>>443526i hate it when a song use 'you' pronouns and tumlbrtots praise the singer as being "SO INCLUSIVE LGBT QWEEN"
like….most fucking songs use 'you' pronouns calm the fuck down dumbass
No. 443553
>>443458Nice thanks so much!
I do remember filmstruck btw, I downloaded the app with the intention of one day subscribing and by the time I decided to it was closed lmao.