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No. 320386
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I'm OP, but I wanted to make my own contribution.
It really annoys me how so many singers are starting to wear bodysuits. It's a dancers thing, I can excuse that if they can dance ( Madonna, Beyonce, etc ). However it's so unflattering on so many singers. It only really brings out how flabby their legs look with a suffocated vag.
No. 320400
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thank you for this thread! i have so much stuff i want to bitch about with farmers that's not serious enough for the vent thread. keep getting ads for this delia
s/dolls kill collab and i hate it! it looks identical to a cheap "flower power" halloween costume. i think it completely misses the point of the 90s aesthetic. og delias like pic related was completely different and actually cute. where are the earth tones? where's the tomboyish stuff?
it also makes me feel old af because obviously 90s revival has been a thing for a while now, but before a lot of it was people my age trying to look like their cool babysitters or big sisters from the 90s. now it's just kids born after 2000 wearing an actual costume. fuck!
No. 320412
>>320400Yeah I'm
triggered by this current 90s revival. One: I hated the 90s, but moreso for the reason you said. Acting like something is "vintage" when it's 20 years old. Feels gud man
No. 320419
>>320417Sounds like misophonia. I also have it, sometimes it gets so bad that I wanted to cry when hearing the sound of running tap water, or I couldn't sleep when my cat's bowl was in my room and she started eating.
There is no cure, but there is a treatment that makes things slightly more bareable.
No. 320426
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this is more so weird than it is annoying to me but nonetheless does anyone else find it kind of spergy when someone makes a shitty thread and you can tell that 99% of the replies are literally the same person? Especially when they try and act like different people and essentially start talking to themselves. I don’t know if anyone knows what I’m talking about kek but yeah
No. 320443
>>320441NTA, but actually, vocal fry is both natural and a sort of cultural phenomenon. In several languages (some ancient), vocal fry is utilized as a glottal sound to differentiate vowels and it's been observed and documented since the mid-20th century. There are plenty of men with vocal fry, for example, Noam Chomsky. Do people pile on him for sounding like a dumb valley girl? Women are clearly shit on for it instead of men, because ~Kardashians r dumb~
Go and read before you spout bullshit
No. 320453
>>320451I wouldn't leave it on the table either, usually you just pick it up and pass it to someone when they get close to you. If you hold it out and leave it there it's like you expect them to drop everything and come over immediately to fetch it.
I doubt he's really thinking about it, but I feel like most people naturally do the latter.
No. 320462
>>320372This image is actually something that really annoys me: Aggressive culture, or clap/clap back culture. When people, esp twenty-somethings, have this Gotta Be All Up In Y'alls Faces temperament about anything they disagree with. It is really… tacky, for lack of a better word, and comes across as incredibly primitive, especially when they stick their hands in each other's faces and squawk like hens because they can't take a minute to formulate constructive words like an adult.
The other thing is how huge asses and lips are not only incredibly in fashion, but how it's to the point where kids are getting lip injections and butt implants are actually a thing. It looks so gross. So many women look like their lips are actually a baboon's ass or duck bill now.
No. 320468
>>320372Passive aggressive comments to whites while they act like they're the victim. They're like "FUCK white people kill them all" and I uncomfortably unfollow them on various social media. So sick of "they cry as they punch you" racism.
>>320462Also everything this anon said.
No. 320519
Each and every time height comes up. Each side keeps accusing the other of being jealous and bitter and both usually are in fact jealous and bitter
>>320386Is that Taylor Swift? Man the bitch gained weight
No. 320533
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>>320526I feel this too
It's just so exhausting, like I'm not here to fight you PLEASE let me be your friend and send you cute letters,stickers and gifts goddammit.
I'm also annoyed by those girls who always want to be the center of attention and ~aren't friends with girls because they're so catty/gossip~*
C'mon now, as if that was limited to women lmao. I know plenty of men that talk shit, but for some reason girls are the ones always being blamed for that shit.
No. 320535
>>320528Ugly doesn’t mean grotesquely deformed, besides, someone feeling ugly isn’t invalidated by your arbitrary standard.
Most people are sort of ugly, but that doesn’t mean they’re unlovable. If you think beauty is that important you’re shallow af.
No. 320540
>>320528honestly it's worse to be ugly an in a relationship with someone who resents you for being ugly, as most men do.
men will be with people they think are ugly because they're desperate and/or users. sure, lots of people really do bait for compliments and stuff, but just having a bf doesn't mean someone really isn't ugly. i'd rather be alone
No. 320551
>>320526>>320533I relate to this too and it's so tiring. Just started uni and there's already two girls who refuse to talk to me. They just stare at me and give me dirty looks. I've been nothing but kind towards them and I would love to be their friends since we seem to have the same style and interests.
Girls always see me as a threat and that's the last thing I want. Even my closest friends act jealous around me and I don't know what to do about it. I just want to have girlfriends to wear matching outfits with, take cute pictures together and go to cute cafes. without them secretly hating me ;_;
No. 320563
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>>320557Don't you know, anon? Inclusive language is important.
No. 320567
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I absolutely HATE it when people put their shoes on a table or chair. Or on a small bit of my chair that I am SITTING on. Like I've had friends do that and it genuinely pisses me off, they've done in this with their feet in front of me while I was eating as well. Literally, where are your manners? Sometimes just want to lash out at them for it, but I obviously can't.
I hate it when people put their shoes on chairs in public transport as well, I've noticed people do this a lot in England
Oh, and I hate it when non-Americans compliment me in AAVE, I'm not American and neither are you so please don't.
I feel like a majority of my pet peeves are really autistic but I just can't help it.
No. 320568
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>>320567>I feel like a majority of my pet peeves are really autistic but I just can't help it.That's ok, anon. This is an autism safe zone.
No. 320571
>>320567Nah, anon. People putting their feet up/shoes on chairs tables is fucking disgusting.
I remove my shoes when i enter a home out of habit because the shit i walk on outside is vile and why would i want to drag that into my own home or someone else's?
No. 320594
>>320372>implying lolcow is split between anachans and fatty chansthere's a healthy middle anon
>>320392yea i don't get why every single place on the internet is populated by koreaboos and weaboos. You'd think LC would bully them out of their autistic hobby but apparently no.
I'm also slightly annoyed as to how lc members seem to often have very "normie" taste. I'm so often dissapointed when I go to the fashion, hair etc threads. I don't even have a particulary alternative taste, i certainly dressed as one of the most classic/normie people of my class (granted i'm in art school).
No. 320688
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>>320528I'm ok with average people saying that.
What I absolutely can't stand is objectively good-looking people crying about "look at me guys, I'm SOOOO ugly!!"
I wish these people had to live with my face for a day, so they can finally know what being ugly feels like, instead of just saying it fishing for compliments.
No. 320715
>>320712As an ugly girl, this anon is right.
I used to share a house with two identical twins, both gorgeous. But one of them was that girl who goes on about how women don't like her and are jealous of her and all her friends were men (who were trying to fuck her). The other didn't have this problem, and was actually pretty chill. I hung out with her semi-regularly, she was cool. Obviously she was identical to her twin so it's not like she wasn't also incredibly gorgeous, it's just she wasn't a snooty bitch who was more interested in looking down her nose at other women than befriending them.
No. 320743
>>320557I already ranted about this before on lc, god how I hate it…
At first I actually had no idea that it's grammatically incorrect, but hated the way people used it or how I imagined it sounds (never talked to an American in person).
>y'all>folks>you guys>ladies…basically everything that tumblr loves.
No. 320747
>>320557It seems to be more of a southern US thing, but I'm from the
West coast and picked it up in my casual speech. "Y'all" may sound stupid to some people but it's very convenient.
No. 320750
>>320733>>320735Whenever I see people being ultra-
triggered by something even remotely weebish I always imagine a 18-20yo koreaboo who has grown out of her weeb phase 1-2 years ago and is now obsessed with trying to hide the fact that it wasn't long ago when she thought she'd move to Japan to be a true aidoru/mangaka when she grows up.
No. 320761
>>320721Me neither, but I guess it's because I'm from the south… Everyone around here uses it all the time.
I get
triggered when northerners call soda "pop" and I think timbs are ugly.
No. 320768
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>>320762….how does someone use y'all wrong?
No. 320805
>>320784Agreed, it's annoying and makes no sense at all and it's really cringeworthy when people are way too much into it.
A few years ago there was a girl in my friend circle who was atheist (she always made sure to remind everyone how ~atheist she was) but got obsessed with the zodiac asking everyone to check their "astral map" KEK
No. 320806
>>320792its really obvious when someone uses y'all naturally. if you use it everyday you got nothing to worry about. every time i see someone use that phrase wrong it turns out they're from somewhere in europe and have never said the world y'all in real life.
people only do it to seem hip and woke even if they dont realize it
No. 320842
>>320839I always said you guys too, but two years of this lecturer burned it out of me. Youse is so bogan I hate it.
Unrelated, I fucking lose my mind over people who believe zodiac shit. The moon is not influencing you, you’re just an entitled wanker Sarah. Saying you’re a saggitarius means nothing except you’re a gullible dickhead with no inner monologue going on.
No. 320844
i used to not care about astrology or being ~crunchy. its not for me but people can do what they want. but this one distant aquaitance of mine has become a yoga-shilling, trump loving, all fruit diet anti-vax, numerology and astrology shill practically overnight and its fucking insane. its one thing to laugh at buzzfeed quizzes like "which mac and cheese dish is your astrological sign". its another thing to think adding up the numbers of the dates creates your divine path, that eating only grapes for a week makes you high, and that astrology seriously predicts the political machinations of this country.
because of her, ive done a lot of hate reading of similar minded people and they are identical to crazy born again christians, they hate gay people, they hate birth control, they hate feminism and believe sex causes "soul ties", they love trump, and they believe in every conspiracy theory out there, including the illuminati. the only difference is that christians think yoga is the devil and these people are usually yoga teachers.
No. 320846
>>320712I'm really friendly but my problem is with literal strangers in the street and anywhere I go, glaring at me, staring etc. The girls act hateful and the guys try and act friendly and happy. I love people and don't care how people look, but in regard to strangers there's nothing I can do about the dumb "competitiveness"
I'm mostly friends with women irl so I don't think it's some signal I'm sending out
No. 320904
>>320888My mom basically asks me our equivalent of "are you still alive?" every time I get home.
It throws me for a loop every time and makes me so so so angry.
No, I'm not alive, I'm a reanimated corpse.
No. 320905
>>320557So sick of this too, I'm British so "hey y'all" sounds stupid as fuck in our accents
I try to be a good pal to my gender non-conforming friends by asking what they can suggest as an alternative but when they say things like "hey pals/buds/friends" I just want to kill them. Why would I start referring to any collective of people as friends? Again, we're British, that overly familiar shit doesn't fly with normal people no matter what the norm is on tumblr
No. 320907
>>320557So sick of this too, I'm British so "hey y'all" sounds stupid as fuck in our accents
I try to be a good pal to my gender non-conforming friends by asking what they can suggest as an alternative but when they say things like "hey pals/buds/friends" I just want to kill them. Why would I start referring to any collective of people as friends? Again, we're British, that overly familiar shit doesn't fly with normal people no matter what the norm is on tumblr
No. 320908
>>320888My mom basically asks me our equivalent of "are you still alive?" every time I get home.
It throws me for a loop every time and makes me so so so angry.
No, I'm not alive, I'm a reanimated corpse.
No. 320919
>>320906to be fair, a lot of us are in secret shops almost constantly and we have no choice but to pester you and engage in conversation, especially pertaining to certain topics or we risk getting fired basically :/
a lot of people who havent experienced many shops will default to a very obviously fake politeness because they're nervous they're gonna fuck it up
No. 320925
>>320919When I was working fast food we just had to read off a script, but I guess retail is different with that sort of stuff. I don't really blame or get mad at employees, it's just something I wish wouldn't happen. They're trying their best.
Retail seems awful for being minimum wage while having to put in more work.
No. 320955
>>320468Complains about passive aggressiveness to whites and un-ironically agrees with this
>>320462 passive aggressive comment.
No. 320956
>>320918I’m going to add to this and say people who act like their better because they don’t enjoy places like H&M and other places that sell current fashion.
People who brag about how little they spent in clothes despite not looking put together and gross
No. 321010
>>320868Your bizzare smugness about not having any interest in Asian popculture makes you sound like the kind of shithead that bullied the quiet classmate trying to enjoy her manga in peace.
It's just as cringy, especially on fucking lolcow.
No. 321026
>>321023> I don't bully anyone about it>Sorry about the Stacys who bullied your musty weeb ass in school, kekSo you do not bully weebs but you like when it happens and assume people interested in weeby things are 'musty' and gross. OK
Imagine feeling that pressed about weebs on a website built by weebs to talk shit about weeby cows.
Maybe go back to reddit or something if you are so above anything remotely weeby
No. 321048
>>321010LMAO you're a whole ass retard. There was no "smugness" about it, you sound like a korea/weeaboo who is hurt people find you cringe.
>>321024> You sound more annoying than any weeb or koreeb whining at each other.No, they don't.
No. 321096
>>320868>conflating mere dislike/lack of interest with being mad and triggered about it all the time#1 mistake weebs/kboos in denial make. I think furries are disgusting and have absolutely no interest in their cancerous subculture, so I stay away from it unless something really big gets out, like the Necrozoophile thread. I don't go to the PULL equivalent of FurAffinity daily, lmao.
If you really are a "normal person" who just doesn't enjoy weeby shit, it wouldn't get you so pressed, and you also wouldn't be here. LC was literally made as an offshoot of a board and site for weeaboos. Go make your own board if it's that deep to you.
No. 321100
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>being mad about weebs on a site that was already filled with weebs to begin with
this is like going on /r9k/ and being mad about all the incels on there
it's really strange
No. 321148
>>320572This annoys me too. I was once berated by an American for denying my country had anything to do with slavery. Apparently, even though I'm from a European country, just
being white means that I somehow contributed to slavery in America and I'm still benefiting from it now, lmao. She then went on to call us rapists. K.
No. 321149
>>321148I've been told by two different Americans that I shouldn't speak Spanish because I'm appropriating Latin America.
I am Spanish.
No. 321186
>>321148They're most likely only aware of the European countries that had a direct influence on the US thanks to colonization and slavery, and think that Europe is a completely homogeneous continent. There's no excuse for that, you can google the name of any country in the world and have a detailed explanation on everything about it, what a dumbass.
>>321153They're the same people who think white Mexicans aren't white of European descendent, but "white passing oppressed POCs uwu"
No. 321213
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>>321211Ah, yes, because all of us Spaniards are secretly conspiring under a basement in Murcia to bring back the Spanish empire while drinking Mexican blood.
No. 321247
>>321218No, that anon wasn't me. I mean to say that many people barely acknowledge Spanish and especially Portuguese influence. Which are, as you've said, players in US History.
Spain wasn't as influential compared to, say, Britain in terms of colonization and slavery, but had a big influence in Western America in terms of discovery and settlement. It's probably why people act retarded about Latinos and Spanish. Everyone has a pretty good idea of French influence, and no one will tell a French person they're appropriating Haitian culture by speaking French, for ex.
No. 321250
>>321214>one mean ol' Stacy cuntYou wish. You are far too retarded for that, you failed normie kek.
Real Stacys do not hang out at goddamn lolcow as they have better things to do then sperg about weebs.
No. 321264
>>321149Sorry anon, that made me laugh. How ignorant considering you speak at least two languages fluently and most Americans only speak one. You've got a much more educated view of the world thanks to being exposed to media from all different part of the world and they're still living in their little American bubble.
>>321186>think that Europe is a completely homogeneous continentThat's very much a thing and I'll never understand it. Is learning about the rest of the world not part of their education system? I had to learn plenty of American history including wars, politics and geography (as part of us learning about world history). I don't think someone aware of classical studies could ever claim that Europeans have no culture. Like some of my first memories of secondary school were of learning about the Roman culture, Greek architecture, the Medieval period and the Renaissance period, I'm guessing none of that is covered in the US.
I'm guessing the person who had an argument with me did Google my country but hilariously she tried to educate
me on it based on a quick browse of the Wikipedia page or something. She dismissed a lot of the suffering my country went through because it didn't fit her view of the world. Sad.
No. 321350
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I find crap like this on my facebook feed really annoying. I have ended up unfollowing multiple family members because they have a penchant for sharing these snarky quote 'memes' multiple times a day.
No. 321407
>>320673It really just depends on where you grew up, tbh. I am from the southern US and it's just a part of the regular speech pattern so it just feels natural for me to type that. The use of 'y'all' and 'all y'all' didn't really get popular until social media became a thing. I still remember going to the northern part of the US to visit family when I was a kid and being made fun of by my cousin's friends for saying "y'all"
I have a great disdain for people who are not from the US that use "y'all". Like… not even ten years ago y'all were making fun of people for using that word and now y'all wanna use it cause it's a popular word to use now?
I am acquaintances with a girl from England whom, not even TWO years ago, would poke fun at me for using "y'all" and now she uses it regularly and it just sounds…wrong. She doesn't even use it properly. It irks me more than it should.
No. 321409
>>321407lol'ing at the thought of non-americans saying "y'all." I cringe every time a non-southerner says it.
When I was in college in the northeast so many people made fun of me for my accent, which is not even that strong (people in the south don't think I have an accent at all). One of my professors made fun of me in front of the class for it and told me I sounded like a dumb hick. He told me no one could understand what I was saying and that if I couldn't speak correctly I should drop out of the class
No. 321418
>>321409Omg, anon, I'm so sorry that happened to you! How did the professor think that that was okay? I hope he got fired
I went to my undergrad in Colorado and when people found out that I was from Texas, the first thing they would always say was "But you don't have an accent!" then I would use "y'all" or "Y'all'd've" or "fixin' to" in conversation and the same people would say "Your Texan accent is so weird!! LOL!"
No. 321424
>>321417>>321418I complained to the English department and he apologized to me. The next semester he started teaching online classes only, and 2 years later left the university altogether. From talking to other people he was apparently a huge prick who mostly picked on girls, and I was the first to bring it up.
What I heard through the rumor mill (so not sure if it's 100% true or not) is that he would intentionally give girls lower grades so that they would go to his office hours to ask why their essay was graded badly and he could hit on them, try to get them to offer sexual favors for a better grade. Good thing i'm too lazy to go to office hours lol.
Some southern slang is a tell for me I guess, like "bless your heart." Some phrases I didn't even know were southernisms, like "egg on," "figure," "hankering," and "uppity." Also my love for hush puppies and sweet tea.
No. 321433
>>321424Oh my god. That's disgusting! People like him don't deserve to live. I'm glad he isn't able to prey on other students anymore, though.
Wait…."egg on" is a southernism? That's not a widely used expression? I had no idea!
"Bless your heart" is a huge giveaway for me, but it sometimes leads to huge misunderstandings if the person I'm talking to isn't from the South, haha
No. 321691
>>321671Hetero men who say traps or trannies are better than real women are fucking gay and in denial.
How do they not realize how gay they sound.
No. 321797
>>321691Dated a guy who was into traps, unknown to me until right before we broke up, and it REALLY explained why he had the views on women he did. Everything a woman did, myself included, was not good enough. This was too thin/too fat/too crooked/too straight. You could compare someone with a face and figure exactly to his preference to a mediocre trap and the trap would win 100% of the time for being more of a "real woman."
The excuse I've heard is "It's not gay if you can't see the dick" which is just ???? People who put traps over real women as a fetish are just 100% degenerate scum and I beg anyone to just avoid them completely.
No. 321831
>>321410Your second point reminds me of what I’m annoyed about at work.
I have a group of hispanic coworkers and they literally all have extremely loud video chats every time they communicate on the phone, without earphones. I’m not trying to be racist, but it irrates me so much.
No. 321838
>>321782Agreed 100%!!
I'm so sick of gay men. They're still more privileged than straight or gay women.
No. 321844
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>>321836it's good enough for people that are into that kind of thing. traps are only ever spoken about in an online sense, guys never think"oh well they probably look shit irl, zomg photoshop and angles", and i dont think the dudes that are into that shit care that much
No. 321907
>>321625hahaha oh yes there's so many of them.
relax anon, you know your life is a lot more interesting and the reason you're not constantly posting pics is probably because you're too busy having fun.
No. 321950
>>321948 and my Dad came from a very poor working class background and made his millions after divorcing my mum. I grew up in a single parent household on benefits, getting free travel to school and lunches. People bullied me at school for not having new clothes every weekend or repeating outfits, for not being able to even afford driving lessons. Was only in my 20s my Dad came back into my life and said he wanted to be there for me. He helped me finance a car (I still have to do the monthly repayments) and was a guarantor for a rented property my wage pays for. People now treat me like a spoilt entitled brat and the amount of people that know me casually that will imply my lifestyle is all paid for by my daddy is so fucking odd
No. 322026
Brief scene of dog dying is somehow comparable to graphic rape or torture to them.
No. 322029
>>322022Are you seriously even comparing the two?? A graphic rape scene to a dog getting shot in a movie?? One obviously affects people way more and normalizes violence against women, while the other… doesn't.
wow, please question your life choices.
No. 322032
>>322026Worse than that, that anon equated it to long scenes of
humans being graphically raped or tortured. I'm tempted to cap the post and post it in the dog hate thread.
No. 322038
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Probably not a lot of white ppl that can relate but people who go on about “muh black hair” and talk about how people are literally persecuted at school and their jobs for going natural are full of shit sometimes and have probably either never actually seen it happen or work in some kind of service industry that requires them to pull their hair back and keep it out of the way and they see that as some kind of “opression” because they cant show off all of the work they put into their hair. A lot of its attention seeky.
And this is coming from somebody who has 4A kinky hair and has left it natural since high school. Nobody cares about your hair as much as you think they do, and the people who cant stfu about that shit are the people who spend hours prepping and upkeeping their hair to the point that its a fucking lifestyle for them. (The same can be said about skincare/makeup/fitness and I know it can be a hobby for some people, but talking about it 24/7 and interjecting it into conversations makes me secretly hate you)
Also people are always reaching when some white dude has dreads talking about “oh if it was a black man they would have made him cut that shit off” like come on seeing some rando white boy with stanky ass dreads i tend to think lesser of him than if a black man had dreads (probably because of the association with gross hippies)
No. 322040
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Grown adults who put way too much effort into criticizing kids shows and films. Rage reviewers 25+ years old who feel the need to tell you why some direct to dvd disney sequel isn’t entertaining to them.
Adults who act like some buzzfeed level quiz on pottermore that sorted them rings true. People who say things like “As a Ravenclaw ….” unironically.
People who make cartoon conspiracies/people who believe them to be true.
No. 322047
I get salty when people just say South or North or whatever in their posts but don't specify their country… Lol who am I kidding, it's Americans that do it,euros always specify because we know USA rules the western internet.
Your post completely changes context without it, not attacking
>>321424 in any way but to use an example, Hush Puppies is an old lady brand of shoe in the UK and sweet tea is a thing there so at first I just assumed anon meant near London when they said South.
This is an international board, but I feel like Americas forget that.
>>321952This. The internet is so full of "white people can't be racist etc" stuff and it's like, do you want to tell the Irish and the Polish about that or should I? I can follow the nitpicky logic that when it's white-on-white hate we're meant to call it just descrimination or nationalism instead but all does is paint a picture that entitlement to sjw support has tiers based on colour
Yes I have a stick up my ass about America taking over everything today ok
No. 322064
>>322058We don't!
No one is asking you to care or to reply to that shit.
No. 322070
>>322038What annoys me is when people go after a non-black person for having dreadlocks or braids because "It's something associated with black people so it's appropriation" but when you point out lots of people dye their hair blonde suddenly it's "But blonde hair isn't exclusive to white people."
And braids aren't exclusive to black people, but they are most COMMON on black people, just as blonde hair is most common on white people, whether jealous people want to admit it or not.
No. 322081
>>320762Well said. I feel like all these people picked it up from black of gay Twitter or something. But if someone actually from a region like the South or Appalachia uses y'all, you know word we've used for generations, it gets derided. Sometimes transplants pick it up when they move to Southern states, but that's different, that's just a thing that happens when people move to different places with a different accent/regional dialect.
>>321813It originally started as a 4chan meme about guys dressed up like women who actually looked feminine, or at least feminine by the standards of 4chan. Then you find out they have a dick and "It's a trap!" It seems like the term has broadened more over the years though. I actually heard a 15 year old girl use the term trap at a con recently, referring to a tranny. It was very odd hearing that word in real life.
No. 322086
>>322023>>322026>>322029I'm not trying to compare them. I'm just saying that both make certain people uncomfortable. I don't watch films to get depressed so I wouldn't watch ones about teens getting cancer either. Dogs dying doesn't make you sad or uncomfortable, that's fine but it doesn't mean that people who do find it uncomfortable are stupid or need to be forced to be exposed to that kind of media.
>>322033You'd be surprised how many action films contain scenes like that and my dad and brothers don't even seem to mind when they're on. I have to leave the room.
No. 322124
>>322122>>322086Lol @ the black and white thought process of
>If you don't outright refuse to watch a movie with a scene of a dog dying in it, that must mean dogs dying doesn't make you sad or uncomfortable! Or it must mean you enjoy it, you sick fuck!You're a grown woman, not a toddler. It would be different if it was a graphic rape, murder, or torture scene, but it isn't. It's just a fucking dog that most likely died off-screen anyways. It's not stupid to feel sad or uncomfortable while watching an animal die in a movie, but it
is stupid to refuse to watch any media that contains animal death just because it upsets you. I honestly don't understand how you two made it this far in life when you get
triggered that easily. This embarassing childishness is what makes you people so annoying.
No. 322131
>>322124Jesus christ, go back to your dog hating containment thread. You're the one that's
triggered here. You derail every thread talking about how childish and pathetic people who like dogs are. I don't avoid movies with violence towards animals but I understand if you don't want to see that. Why does it matter so much to you?
No. 322142
>>322135It's infuriating, particularly when white women who aren't even American are expected to answer for something they had nothing to do with.
Or when white men start talking about how white women are the devil and white women are to blame for Trump. Stop trying to dodge responsibility.
No. 322181
>>322139Semi-related is nicknaming the women calling cops on other people, like BBQ Becky and Permit Patty. In a lot of situations the people calling the cops are overreacting and are probably racist, but calling them these nicknames makes me cringe.
I'm pretty blunt and will confront someone who is doing something rude or disrespectful in public but I'm worried that if I do say something to someone who is non-white they'll start recording me and say I'm being racist.
No. 322189
>>322181If you're not actually being racist and/or overreacting, nothing will happen as a result of you being filmed.
I saw a video of some Latino guy filming a white woman who told him off at a dog park because his dog wasn't fixed and was harassing other dogs. He was laughing like a retard and saying shit like "You're gonna be the next one!!!". Since she actually had a good reason and didn't call the police or 911 for anything trivial, it didn't go viral. No one doxxed her, and literally nothing happened to her.
All the people in the viral videos were actually being shitty, racist and wasting the police's time because they basically wanted to "put those coloureds in their place". As long as that's not you, nothing will happen. If that
is you, on the other hand…Yeah, be careful, and maybe look at your life.
No. 322207
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>>322196Being barked at and being expected to act as of you love dogs every single day, every single place you go vs. people hating dogs in one thread on a small anonymous board on the internet…
Your problems are nil, anon.
Unironically pic related. Switch of the computer, go outside and join the other doggo-loving portion of society - which is probably around 99,9%.
No. 322210
>>322209I'm pretty lots of people care, which is why the number of dogs being allowed in most places are rising. Not same anon, but i work near a cafe and see a couple eat there all the time. they sit outside, but their dog is on the chair eating food from the table.
Also, in my store we dont allow dogs, but people with 'emotional companions' come in all the time. I wont make anymore dog related posts since we have threads for that, but the other anon
>>322207 is right. the dog love culture, esp in america is really bad. It doesn't even matter if you are hurt by a dog, people expect you to love them and it's annoying.
No. 322253
>>322250OOF, I feel this anon.
I've recently been able to manage my social anxiety/avoidant tendencies a bit better and have made a comfy amount of friends. But I feel as if I've lost my introversion somehow since, oh no, I'm talking to three outside entities regularly instead of just my mom. Not a real introvert!
It is weird, though. I wonder why this elitism cropped up.
No. 322254
>>322224Fine, I'll give you some examples:
>walk somewhere, person with dog passes by, dog comes to me, sniffs me, tries to jump up my leg etc>my face and me backing off clearly shows that I don't like it, yet owner of course coos at how cute their little doggo is and says that exact sentence: "He only wants to play!" also "He doesn't bite, he's really nice!"You can deny it all you want, but you know exactly that this happens constantly. If I'm scared, disgusted, whatever, if I voice my discontent when the owner should get it away/off from me. Yet the owners always insist that they're harmless and friendly, completely ignoring me, so yes, I do think that counts as expecting me to like them.
I'm allergic, yet people give a shit about that, because "Really? haha Oh come on…" "No anon, he's really clean!". Pushing your dogs onto unwilling people and trying to force them to show affection towards it, is expecting people to at least act as if they also like dogs. Even straight out saying that I hate them doesn't matter, because then they try to convince me of their dogs cuteness. There's literally not a single thing they allow as an excuse; no matter what, you simple have to keep up with their dogs harrassing you. When it comes to peoples furbabies a "No" suddenly no longer means "No".
I remember my mother having to carry my crying and scared younger brother countless of times, yet dog owners just laugh it off instead of taming their animal.
The supermarket there I work and shop at has two large signs "No dogs allowed", yet somehow not a single dog owner seems to be able to read. When I work there I have to sell bread - of course touching it with my bare hands - yet so many people carry their dogs, so right before handing me the money, the same hand that is now touching mine was on their dog's ass. That's so disgusting. But fuck all hygenie standards and consent for the sake of your - excuse me, your dog's feelings…
No. 322264
>>322224People often say things like
Pet him! to strangers. Imo that sounds very much like expecting (or even demanding) you to love it
No. 322275
>>322254>walk somewhere, person with dog passes by, dog comes to me, sniffs me, tries to jump up my leg etc>my face and me backing off clearly shows that I don't like it, yet owner of course coos at how cute their little doggo is and says that exact sentence: "He only wants to play!" also "He doesn't bite, he's really nice!"So you literally just walk away. It's not that hard to do. You aren't obligated to stop. Sounds like you need to grow a backbone and learn to stand up for yourself.
And I hate to break it to you but all cash is disgusting; it all has human feces, cocaine, and staph on it. If you work there, why not just say "sorry, dogs are not allowed here"? I give zero fucks about dogs ~feelings~ if you don't like them, I just think you're fucking stupid is all.
>>322264Just say no thank you? All of this to me sounds like you guys not being able to stand up for yourselves. Do you do everything everyone tells you to do - is this an autist thing? Genuine question.
No. 322285
>>322040Oh my god anon YES
I’m so sick of all those grown ass people reviewing kids shows. Like who gives a shit what some random adult stranger on the internet thinks about Steven Universe or about whatever popular cartoon out there. it’s just a fucking cartoon. I once saw a vid recommended to me on YT that was an hour long about why a certain popular cartoon was “bad”, like who the fuck has that kind of time to put it into something so worthless.Cartoon/series/movie reviews are just trash most of the time imo
No. 322306
>>322298I feel you as a fellow retail worker. This pregnant bitch was in my shop a few days ago. Both of her kids (looked about 4 and 5) were running around with no shoes. Completely bare foot in a store where there is debry and glass on the floor.
i can't with these people
No. 322649
>>322623Kek is it in asia anon? Asia expats are hyper sensitive. I live in an asian county too and some girl on a facebook group wrote a whole post about how some waiter never took her order and “ignored her for being foreign” when it’s the norm here that the customers call over the staff to order. They also “swore they took the native people next to me’s orders and they didnt call them over!!”
Followed by comments telling other people to stop bullying her for telling her why they didnt take her fucking order in the first place.
No. 322684
>>322678agreed. she's a huge liar and honestly kind of stupid. i remember watching a video of her explaining how she doesn't have an eating disorder but she's subscribed to a ton of 'ed channels'. moralfag but even if you didn't have an ed, why would you be fine with 100% of your audience being disordered women watching your videos for inspiration to harm themselves? youtube really isn't the place for this type behavior.
(i'm not sure if this is the right thread to post her in, though)
No. 322789
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Semi related to things we find annoying, but does anyone have involuntary physiological responses when they get extremely annoyed?
When I hear something really irritating (repetitive noises, chewing, sneezing, someone talking in an annoying voice etc.) my vulva starts twitching. It's like a reflexive response. It's not sexual at all, it's just really weird.
No. 322798
>>322789Haha omg I thought I was the only one. I get this randomly when I feel kind of like "surprise irritated" at something, it's hard to explain what
triggers it but it's very strange. There's definitely no arousal it's just a muscle response.
No. 322834
>>322789lol yep has happened since i was very young that my vag will almost feel as if its contracting or "pulsing" when i am in rage mode
glad to know its not just me
No. 322864
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My mom won't stop bringing up how I should marry rich.
Ever since I broke up with my long-term, ungrateful bastard bf she won't let me hear the end of it. (Except this relationship ended not because he lived paycheck to paycheck; but because he didn't appreciate me and I felt wholly unloved and taken advantage of).
It's really annoying, is pissing me off, and makes me absolutely disgusted because I think she's a sicko for what she says sometimes.
Ftr, I am the same anon who brought this up in the vent thread about a week ago. Aka the last time I spent a weekend at her household. Aka when she gives me these dated, gross lectures absolutely fit for a debutant living in the 1920s. But not for me.
Some of you might think a mother tells her daughter to hunt for richies out of some sort of good intention, but there's so many reasons why her rambling comes off as cold and uncaring:
Just today we were out antique shopping with my aunt for shits and giggles. A bald, unattractive man in scrubs who appears to be in his late 30s exits one of the shops. Mom turns to me, she says,
>"See anon? That's the type of guy you should be going after."
>"What for? Just because he's in scrubs? Are you serious?"
>"He probably has money."
>"So? He's ugly and not my type."
>"But people grow to love each other anon!"
I eyeroll at her, my aunt cracks up because she thinks this is a huge joke when my mom is being dead ass serious. We continue walking. Further up the street. Out pops these two early 20s dudebros who look like they're interning at the local mayoral building. One looks like a goofball because his suit isn't tailored and clearly has no good sense for how he looks.
>"What about those boys? Hm, anon?"
>"Mom, they look like they're still in college and didn't get mommy to dress them today."
>"They have something going for them, like money! You won't be happy being with someone with a spoon and an apron."
By "spoon and an apron" she's referring to the guy I told her I was interested in going steady with, who works in a kitchen. Heaven forbid.
Of course there's nothing to indicate that the baldy in scrubs nor the frumpsuit boy had any kind of money or status based on their appearances. It's all bullshit she makes up in her mind! Anything to prove I'm some ignorant young dumbshit who hasn't wisened up to the view that I have to slob some suited man's knob to eek out a comfortable life for myself.
She's so hypocritical too.
I have advanced degrees, and admittedly, while I don't have a great career now I can reasonably assume I may have something secured in the future.
She always tells me "Don't rely financially on a man," but then nitpicks any guy I find interest in who doesn't slaughter the bank with his riches. Well, if I'm to be so financially independent, what does it fucking matter what my partner's income is so long as he contributes and isn't a user? Rich men can be tight asses and ungrateful dicks too.But I guess I'd turn a blind eye to those abuses because money???
Secondly, she has no credibility. If I'm to use her words against her, then she's made the "mistake" of marrying out of love not once, not twice, but THREE times. Not even my stepdad, whom I love dearly, is a rich man. He's an idiot with money, probably the worst of the bunch.
Yet she stays with him. Why? Because he's not a prick. Because he contributes by having other skills. Because he was great to me even though I'm not his biological child.
For as much as she bitches about the financial situation, she'll never leave him and she knows damn well why.
Lastly, no rich boy is gonna fuck with me.
It was a great point some anons brought up in the vent thread: Those rich boys are gonna marry within their social class because even they have mommies who are also telling them the same shit about not marrying down. And I'm not bombshell hot enough to be a trophy wife, so I can't screw my way into a hoity-toity living situation either. Not that I'd want to without being actually attracted and in love to begin with.
I have a mind to call her out on every single thing I've just typed out. Yet because she's a loud-mouthed, stubborn blowhard she'll just talk over and argue against me until she smugly stonewalls me. She's never gonna respect my beliefs. She'll believe she's right no matter what, and the second she gets wind of any kind of strife related to finances (as if it doesn't happen in every relationship), it will only serve as affirmation to her confirmation bias that she's a smart old bitch and I'm just a foolish widdle girl.
I. will. not. win. this,
I'm so angry.
No. 322916
>>322864The worst bit of this: She is so out of touch with how men are these days. It sounds like your stepdad is one of the better men.
Most women are either splitting or completely supporting the man. Rich men even still want the woman's money, house, time. The idea of being a trophy wife is so unattainable in 2018.
Never mind dating itself, which is full of timewasters and fuckboys.
If you find a kind man you like, go for him. Money matters are irrelevant. Just try not to get into a position where
you support him. The issue is opposite to what your mom keeps talking about.
No. 322950
>>322864>"Don't rely financially on a man,">"He probably has money."Is your mom…okay? She sounds like a narc.
Tell her Gordon Ramsay is a fucking millionaire with his spoon and apron. Just ignore anything your mom says and get away from her for a while if you can because not only does she have no idea what she's talking about, but she's fucking rude and doesn't have your best interests in mind. My mom says the same thing to me all the time to find a rich man but my mom is without a doubt, 100% abusive and a greedy bitch. I'd much rather have a mom who tells me she'll support me and whoever I happen to fall in love with if it's right, rich or poor.
No. 322969
>>322275> So you literally just walk awayI can't the dog follows me. And dog owners constantly illegally walk their dogs without a leash.
Besides, even if I manage to escape the situation, it doesn't change the fact that I was harassed and that I have to make concessions because of dogs some other people bought. They are quite literally reducing my freedom with their choices.
Also saying that you can walk away is like saying to someone who complains about being groped in a nightclub, "well you can always stay home".
No. 323116
>>323102It the same in that you can prevent both things by subverting your life in order to deal with other people's bullshit. Just because it's not the same level of
problematic, doesn't mean that the things are not in essence the same. In both cases people inflict harassment on me. It's not the same level but it's the same kind of thing. And yes, loose dogs are a form of harassment.
No. 323129
>>322969Where the fuck are you living where you are constantly harassed by dogs and their owners demanding you to pet them? (side note - they probably think that you want to but you are too shy to ask OR they are trying to comfort YOU in a really misguided way - 'pet it so you will see it does not bite and there is no reason for you to be afraid').
Here it does not happen at all, dog owners are minding their own business and probably don't want some random people befriending their dogs, for the pets safety. After all, it's easier to steal a dog, or break into a house if a dog trusts every idiot willing to pet them. I would love to pet some dogs but I would have to ask the owner and I do not do it as I know it might be harmful to the dog.
Is the 'obnoxious dog owner' some amerifat meme or what???
No. 323147
>>323135seeing as there are so many posts in the (hidden by me, yes) anti-dog thread I assumed that there is more than one person that hates dogs…
It seemed like a lot of anons were arguing that ~they are forced to love dogs outside of save haven of lolcow dot com~.
Though tbh now that you mention it I am not sure why they are sperging here and not in their containment thread.
No. 323149
>>323135you can scapegoat one imaginary anon all you want, but the truth is there are a lot of anons who don't like dogs on here. and let's not forget all the derailing itt started when an exceptionally retarded dogfag got
triggered by this post
>>322018, which didn't mention dogs at all.
No. 323182
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>>323162>Someone created a dog love thread for dog people and the thread was clogged with psychotic screechingYou mean the same thread in which you had a good laugh about one of your precious puppers killing a cat?
Trust me anon, there are many of us who absolutely hate dogs. I'm sure there are some you know personally who hate (your) furbabies as well.
But go on, keep trying to convince yourself that nobody could ever not like them…
No. 323343
>>322884I can't really say that because after I split with my ex I moved my shit into their guest bedroom because I'm not in a position to afford living by myself. I try to make myself scarce as much as possible. I stay weekdays at my friends/the new guy's place for work so I don't have to commute as far away. Number one, to not wear out my welcome. Number two, so I won't have to be around her as much as humanly possible.
I care about her but I know she treats me toxic-like. The things she says and admits to are so hurtful, but she'll never change.
>>322916She's extremely out of touch, and I don't get the impression that she's ever had a clue about men.
She simply got lucky running into my stepdad, although she says horrible and critical things about him to me a lot.
I wish she wouldn't.
I wish she could just be happy for the comfortable life she's carved out for herself in older age. But nah.
Just to give a brief outline of her previous marriages (bear in mind she only confessed these disturbing details to me within the past couple years):
>1st marriageShe was 21 and she married one of her college professors, an opera director who was 39. She claims he was in complete financial control. She was married 7 years before she was confronted by one of his mistresses and was told he was cheating on her. Apparently, he divorced her after admitting it.
>2nd marriageTo my biological father when she was around 30. Their marriage lasted a solid 2 years before his serial cheating and him beating her forced her hand to divorce him.
I'm especially bitter she kept his physical abuse a secret because I was forced to see this man throughout my childhood where he would routinely neglect me. If the courts knew, if I knew, I might not have had to endure this heartbreak.
Maybe my mom is just projecting and is worried I'll make the same shit decisions. I'm not sure, but it's very hard for me to take any romantic advice she has seriously. She even confessed last week that she feels she might be bipolar. I didn't want to hear it. What child of a mentally fucked parent wouldn't be angry that they didn't get help if they suspected they had a problem…
>>322950She IS a major narc. I've posted certain situations in r/raisedbynarcissists a few years ago and many people confirmed.
None of my exes have ever liked my mother because of how critical and how obsessed with status and appearances she is (hence the rich man lectures all the time and being blown away by superficial appearances like scrubs or a suit lmao). You can either believe every single man I've ever dated was a monstrous manbaby like my recent ex, or that maybe my mom is the root of the problem sometimes.
Shit, I've barely begun figuring out what I want and who I am because my entire identity up until my mid-20s was based around her expectations of me. Bringing home a guy is like going into a job interview; I know 9 times out of 10 my mom will say she won't like who I'm into and to not get cozy because "There's better out there." Yeah, who though! And of course it always feels like a high key insult to me, because ha-ha, once again I picked a shitty guy because I have such shitty taste and don't know how to play in my own shitty life~
I haven't brought home "spoon and apron" man yet, because I know she won't like him. The second he tells her he doesn't have a college degree and has a beater car she'll immediately dismiss my seriousness and bring up how I should ditch him every time. Which echoes what she says about my current stepdad, because whenever he fucks up in her eyes she prattles about "trading him in for a new model."
The worst in this is, nobody sees this shit about my mom. Well, except for my exes I guess.
To most people my mom is a polite, well-meaning lady with a work ethic who–at worst–is a bit opinionated.
Can anyone tell me what it's like to have a mother who's got healthy emotions and personality? I want to know what it's like.
No. 323355
>>323129They're not living anywhere where that happens frequently. They're just blowing shit out of proportion to justify their gross, sadistic tendencies toward dogs.
Dog haters are mentally ill, defective humans. That's why I don't even bother engaging with them. They can't be convinced to see sense, they're just hateful and sick.
Normal people don't spend inordinate amounts of time complaining about domestic animals they don't like. They just ignore them, and maybe have the occasional irritated rant if the animal accosts them or they have to babysit it. Dog hate anons on Lolcow? They obsess over them to the point that they need a containment thread. It's insane.
No. 323491
>>323488Idk why people brag about being petite when it’s shitty anyway. Nothing fits, people freely comment,everyone is stronger than you even with strength exercise, can’t reach your own cupboards, gyno says might need a ceasarean because being the size of an 11 year old means you can’t carry well.
Someone thinking you’re cute and childlike is hardly a prize. Why do people wanna be small?
No. 323505
>>323488Why do you care so much, serious question?
Whenever I see farmers complaining about other people "bragging" it just reeks insecurity tbh.
No. 323520
>>323505Because I'm tired of short women being smug in front of me about fitting into smaller sizes than I do, just because I happen to be tall - meanwhile they're fat and I'm not. That's nothing they should be proud of.
Also, women in their 20s and 30s (who also look their age) going on and on about how
everybody thinks they're a child but then they act shocked when people guess their age correctly.
No. 323539
>>323534What a weird jab at short obese girls because they def don't call themselves petite lmao.
Go check out the Sh0e thread on snow and get a load of the type of broad who actually does this.
No. 323584
>>323572Nobody can give a legit reason why anyone should take it seriously, and they’re the ones who have the burden of proof.
Nobody has to disprove the existence of magic to recognise its silly to carry a wand around.
No. 323914
>>323722i mean sure moo's going to be annoying, but fucking
logan paul was there. he had to film literal dead people to get backlash. of course moo will be harshly judged on the inside, and people will talk shit about her to friends and loved ones later, but that's probably it. she's a tourist with money, which is a huge part of japan's income.
plus japan is strict on the locals, not so much foreigners, who they've come to expect this level of stupidity from.
No. 323955
>>323863As an anon with AVPD, not being engaging and not putting yourself out there is what might make people dislike you - not starting conversation on your own and showing interest in others might make you seem boring and/ or stuck up to others.
TBH I am aware of that but dunno how to change, so please don't feel attacked by me, I am a huge fuckup myself.
No. 323967
>>323722Yeah seriously, they think everyone will point and stare at the "fat gaijin" there and Momo will constantly make a fool of herself just by being there. In reality everyone will mind their own business and pay no mind to her, it's not like they don't see white tourists daily there. Jesus christ.
As for the card/cash thing, you're absolutely able to pay with a credit card in multiple places in Tokyo, especially Akihabara, Shibuya and Harajuku which are the worst tourist traps in the city and the places she will most likely visit. I don't know why anons are being so fucking spergy about it. Japan isn't some mystical eastern country with North Korean tier rules, they're always extremely understanding of foreigners not knowing the customs. I doubt she'll go into Logan Paul mode anyway, she's a pussy IRL.
No. 324123
>>324116She sounds like a toxic friend (of a friend)
Also irony in bragging about how "childlike" she is then implying that tall anon is a child for not having a degree
Which is it, Becky?
No. 324161
>>324082Short women never stfu about how being short is a “curse” but if they could magically trade places with a tall bitch they never would. They love being uwu petite.
On that note, even if you’re 5 foot tall, if you’re fat I just can’t see you as ”smoll” or tiny.
.t 5’4” average bitch
No. 324166
>>324161>5'4 What the hell even qualifies as average or tall?
I'd say you're on the short side. I'm 5'3 and nobody thinks I'm the average height.
Average to me is 5'6. When other women bitch about being tall I presume they're 5'11 or taller. You know, heights where it actually becomes
problematic. Likewise, I assume when adults bitch about being short they're bordering 5' or less, when shit actually starts to become a problem.
No. 324167
>>320528Do you think ugly people don't fuck? Because I may have some bad news.
Also, beauty is subjective, they obviously don't mean that everyone finds them ugly but that they're objectively ugly. I'm attracted to some objectively ugly men but they're obviously not ugly to me.
No. 324173
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>>324169Kek sorry anon, obv that's an average height and they may be snorting some heavy bean dust to think that's tall.
No. 324213
>>324211because a lot of short girls are annoying as fuck.
>inb4 t. string beanI'm 5'3"
No. 324253
>>324097not really, in my experience. it's average sized women larping as short women who do this
>>324214but none of those women are actually short. it's literally A-L-W-A-Y-S average sized girls pretending to be short.
No. 324256
>>324253They might be short, but they're certainly not small in weight. That's what they don't get and what's so annoying about it: just being short alone doesn't make you a petite fairylike loli, your weight also matters. Women who're really short and skinny know that it sucks and don't bring it up constantly. Those stumpy, average or even overweight short women try to make up for their lack of a nice figure by overplaying the uwu so cute and sm0l thing.
Even a chubby short women might fit into a size extra small, but that doesn't mean she's petite. Yet somehow many seem to be proud of that or consider it bragworthy.
It's they same when they bring up their "shockingly low" weight:
omg I weigh less than 50kg hehe - but in reality that's completely fine and average since you're just 150cm…
No. 324274
>>324220I FEEL YOU. My neighbors in my apartment complex have had a dog for 3 months. That motherbarker goes at it 10 hours a damn day while they are at work. I live with my dad and asked him what to do, and he said “well, anon, it’s just a puppy. It’ll grow up.” Naw. That dog is lonely. Still doing the same shit from 8 AM to 6 PM just maybe 10 mins every hour instead of 10 straight hours until it’s too hoarse to bark. Drives me insane. It even does it on WEEKENDS.
Apartment people: get a damn cat
No. 324445
>>324274In my opinion that's abusive to the dog… they should at the very least be coming home at lunch. And if it's a puppy it should be let outside every 2ish hours. Like
>>324276 said there's no excuse, so many apps now like wag and rover where they can come and walk your dog for you. God it fucking annoys me when people get dogs but don't take good care of them and think they can leave them alone for hours and hours like cats. My dog is almost 2 and I still feel bad leaving her alone for more than a couple hours lol
No. 324519
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>>324162I'm a total womanlet and that'd be a dream tbh. As a little girl I always wanted to be tall but I got fucked by genetics. I genuinely feel like I look deformed some days because I'm so short.
No. 325441
>>324082yea seriously… The only short women I've seen bragging about being smol were either tumblrfags and short anachans.
Otherwise, short women don't care or make depreciating humor or in most cases compliment tall women "I wish i was tall like you" but genuine compliments, not passive aggressive jeaous shit.
No. 325949
>>320905litcherally just say "everyone"
"hey everyone"
not that hard?
No. 326627
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When my dad says ready to rock and roll every time we're about to do something
People who are deaf af and need you to repeat things to them like 4 times at 500 decibels
Loud eaters and people who walk too slow on the street but won't get out the way
Manspreading. Yeah I know this is a generic one but your ballsack isn't massive enough to warrant spreading your legs like you're giving birth fuck off
No. 326643
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Recently my friend group has added a new edition while I was away at my internship. It wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that they are all into fashion, makeup and just overall how they appear to the world and she is the opposite in everyway.
Yesterday we were all going to a party, and nobody told this pour girl to dress up. Since they all gathered at my house I offered to do her makeup and even through she was too big for most of my clothes, I could at least acessorize her a bit and let her borrow some heels. One of the girls I'm not really close to in the group told me not to, when I responded why she simply said.
"She makes us look better". I really hate when average or below average girls try to get someone to look worse them then, like it only makes you look better by so much.Why is it even a fucking thing
No. 326647
>>326627>When my dad says ready to rock and roll every time we're about to do somethingI'm sorry but that sounds hilarious.
To add one of my own: people who don't know how to use a fucking escalator/stairs/sidewalk. If you want to walk slow as fuck or stand on the escalator that's great, but stay to one side so people can pass, if you're in a group stand behind each other, you can still talk. It's not hard.
No. 326656
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>>326627>When my dad says ready to rock and roll every time we're about to do somethingI laughed out loud oh my god anon that is so cute, the Jack Frost image makes it even better
My dad recently learned how to send gifs and now he sends them all the time, he sent me a sparkly Jesus christ gif last night at 3am with no context. He has also started saying "YAAASS".
No. 326661
>>326656Aww that made me chuckle irl.
Nice aesthetics anon dad.
No. 326693
>>326691because clearly if you don't draw professionally you are legally disallowed from viewing redraws /s
(dont worry ik you're joking)
No. 326763
>>326757same for every fucking thread in pt or snow.
anytime anyone says anything remotely positive, or calls out some stupid bullshit people are spouting someone replies "hi_____"
I get that this is a drama site.
but soo many threads you have to hate circlejerk or you're not welcome
No. 326964
>>326795i've never posted any art in that thread, so no.
>>326898well, again, i've never posted art. i'm not so retarded that i need to see a piece improved upon by a million percent. if there's one glaring flaw and it's improved upon and there are one or two other minor flaws, i don't think it's complete shit. people can be good at one thing and improve it so it's still a net improvement, but still not be amazing artists. you guys are super black and white.
No. 326978
>>326977lmao this again
you have a whole thread for this shit
No. 327050
>>327044oh look, it's the easily
triggered dogfag who calls everyone who doesn't suck dog dick mentally ill
No. 327085
>>327050ntayt but nobody would be getting
triggered if you guys kept your shit where it belongs instead of letting it spill especially cause some newfag can't be bothered to search threads
No. 327088
>>327085Nta but who’s expected to know that there’s a dog hate thread?? Maybe they don’t use /ot/ often. People just see a bitching thread and come to bitch. Don’t interact with a post it’ll sooner get burried but you
triggered dogfags always have to incite a sperg tho.
No. 327093
>>327088Have you even read their post? They refused to use catalog even after being informed that there is a better place to talk shit about dogs. Stop defending this insufferable cunt just cause both of you have a hate boner for dogs. Or do you google things for morons too?
And sorry, but dogfags are really not the ones sperging on this website kek
No. 327117
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People who have never worked a day of hospitality or retail in their fucking lives and think its alright to treat staff like shit. I swear the rudest people would have a fucking breakdown if they were forced to work a day and be treated how they treat others.
No. 327125
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When anons make multiple posts on lc by accident, then don't delete the extra posts.
No. 327126
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>>326643Are your friends stereotypes from a 90/00s teen movie?
No. 327305
>>327250I agree. You can't say anything without people reeeeeeing and automatically lumping you as extreme if you have even a slight disagreement. Then having extreme views themselves.
Sorry for the autistic long vent but I found it annoying and I feel like it fits your example.
I offhanded mentioned some shit about tattoos related to a cow's post. I put my foot in my mouth I guess when I used a bunch of deadbeats I used to know as an example. All of a sudden there was crazies acting like I'd said everyone with tattoos is scum and calling me classist. I didn't wanna infight, but I was trying to explain there's a stigma about tattooed people being trashy because the cow in question had said that dudes prefer tattooed women. I said it's more of a niche. One anon actually agreed that yeah it is, hence the reason it's called 'alternative'.
Then the crazy person after that comment just went full mental.
I was called a conservative and a fascist and I'm definitely not any of those things.
Something else that annoyed me is like, I get my post could have come across as judgmental towards alternative types but
1- I was just trying to make a point about certain stereotypes of them and the stigma. I threw in some personal distaste for mouth piercings which came off rude, but I honestly am a pretty open minded person.
2- The thread, hell, the entire site is based around kind of poking fun at trainwrecks. Some of these cows come from or are in low socio-economic homes or broke and it's normally free game, but there are all these holier than thou anons on their high horses acting like I'm the tattoo nazi who apparently hates poor people.
Anyway yeah, I hate the extremist mentality here sometimes.
No. 327336
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People who make "well-meaning" comments about self-love and self-acceptance under makeup videos and IG posts just sound annoying and condescending. What's the point in telling random IG girls who wear coloured contacts, contour the shit out of their features or change them in other exaggerated ways that "it's sooo sad they aren't happy with their natural features" and "they should love themselves and their natural face more"? If it makes them happy to change their features, it's rude in a roundabout way and preachy to tell them what they should or shouldn't do to their own faces.
The irony is that many people who preach this form of full self-acceptance wear noticeable makeup and dyed hair in their own pictures too, even though there's hardly any difference between some eyeshadow/eyeliner and putting on a pair of grey contacts. Why is the first one acceptable but the other one is criticized and considered as a lack of self-acceptance? They're just being hypocrites.
No. 327401
>>327328Adding to this, it's weird how some people will be chill with something with one cow and it's different for another. I have a theory it's because they see themselves in the cow and get defensive.
Another longwinded example sorry-
People (like everyone basically) always laugh at Shreg's shitty anime posters and used to tease his badly furnished manchild home, however once after pointing out that Raven's house was immaturely furnished for someone of her age,(stranger things posters, huge amounts of toys) I got replies like:
'you fussy loser'
'let people fucking furnish the place they want.'
'It's not better homes and gardens'
Like automatically they assume I am a judgemental suburban housewife with no scrap of nostalgic items anywhere in my house. I wasn't hating on people for having childish/nostalgic/pop culture themes in their houses, I have a few things like that around my own house, it was more about someone her age, jobless and married to a child still buying figurines and posters and shit when she literally doesn't have the money for it.
Like sure, be 40 years old and have an anime/whatever fandom themed house, good for you, but I wouldn't be criticising a person like that if they were nice or paid for their own lifestyle. If you are an adult and wanna be eccentric, if you work for your lifestyle and don't act snowflakey when it comes to your aesthetic, live however you want. I'm criticising the cows, and people get butthurt and think I'm generalising or talking about them when I am talking about people who value their aesthetics over being practical. I had to dye my hair back to a natural colour when I moved jobs (I did) and I know a girl who refuses to take any job because 3 workplaces so far have told her she can't have her facial piercings. This same girl complains about not being hired. Yet complaining about this behaviour
triggers people.
I get being maybe pissed off about me if you think it's derailing, but report it or just say 'yo that's kind of offtopic' instead of just screeching that I'm insulting everyone's home decor/fashion choices in a playful bitchy comment meant to be directed at the cow.
Anyway, I'm sorry if this should have gone in the vent thread but it IS annoying so I wasn't sure. I'm going to stop sperging now though, sorry!
No. 327586
>>327575People love interrupting artists, unlike writers who are usually left alone.
The other day I was sitting in a public place and concentrating hard on painting from life there when this woman comes up and starts going "Oh I paint too but not that kinda thing ugh no only fun abstract btw let me randomly talk about what I did today" - she went on for quite a while after I stopped responding.
Reminder that artists need to concentrate to work and probably don't want to give their work for free to a stranger.
No. 327942
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Sometimes people will rub their hands or move their hands in a way that makes me irrationally angry. I don’t know why it triggers me so much.
Also when the person sitting behind you in class puts their feet in the book holder under you seat. Especially if they’re a chronic foot jiggler and it makes your ass feels like it’s vibrating the entire class period. I thought once I entered college I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore, but I was unfortunately wrong.
No. 328203
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This is like a stupid/weird pet peeve but in a group setting I think "fun facts" you have to present about yourself should just be lighthearted and irreverent. I had to do this on the first day of class and I picked something dumb like "I share a birthday with x celebrity" cause I don't think my classmates need to know a lot about myself as a person and then all the other students mentioned awards or certifications they had or big life achievements as their fun fact and it just comes across as bragging.
I realize I probably sound like a butthurt loser but if I wanted to brag I would have. It's a fun fact so it should be FUN.
No. 328215
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>>328203ugh i was subjected to this "introduce yourself, anon, with your name, course and a weird fact about you" bs recently too and out of a room of 40-odd people only me and one other girl said something silly, everyone else was talking about their volunteering in 3rd world or internships or living next-door to celebrities or whatever, sorry i didn't interpret "fun" as "flexing" i guess.
No. 328222
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Group projects are fucking stupid, especially in college.
The only thing they taught me was that people suck and are lazy as fuck, so you're better off just doing it on your own.
No. 328274
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I hate people who refuse to throw gum away before they eat and stick it on their drink or their plate to "save it". I don't want to see your gross spitty gum! Just throw it away and get a new stick after you eat.
No. 328822
>>328728I had to do 3 years of this shit and I'm so glad it's over. One guy would always lie through his teeth and act all enthusiastic, take initiative and form groups etc only to later abandon everything, never answer his messages and take all the credit at the end for the "hard work" he did.
I had to work with this fucker on 3 projects and later I ratted him out to one professor who failed him because he didn't do shit for a month and then miraculously broke his hand 2 days before the deadline. Then he attacked me over Facebook Messenger and called me an Eastern European golddigging whore because I told his gf he invited me to his place to smoke weed and have sex when I was in a committed relationship.
Thank fuck I don't have to deal with his bullshit ever again.
No. 328913
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>>328866I worry about this sometimes. I always greet employees but I'm terrible at smiling back.
No. 329437
>>329413I'm in two minds about this bc on the one hand I'm sick of all the baggage that comes with thots on Insta and their "sex work".
But also I think men are going to view us as objects regardless of what we do.
No. 331409
>>331404Lesbians are a teeny tiny percentage of the female population, and straight women outnumber bisexual women. The popularity of "lesbian" as a search term among women is so incredibly high that it can't be accounted for by just "B-but maybe it's just bisexuals doing it!"
Seriously, there are multiple studies on this. There are articles about this. to break it to you, anon. You're just a straight woman with a very very common porn preference.
No. 331412
>>331409>Sorry to break it to you, anon. You're just a straight woman with a very very common porn preference.Are you hinting that I would search for that?
The whole time I already try telling you that I don't think that this is true, because I can't imagine any of the women around me to get off by looking at lesbian porn. Just the thought makes me gag. Why would you want to look at another women's pussy if you're not a lesbo?
That sounds like a man's sick fantasy.
No. 331428
>>331424If you're attracted to women, you're attracted to women. Any sensible person knows there's no such thing as a """straight""" man who enjoys a bit of gay porn, and the rules are not different for women.
Who you actually date or say yes/no to fucking is up to you, and is your business alone. Your sexual preferences are not invalidated by your partners.
No. 331435
>>331432My post here
>>331421 was standalone and pretty general, not replying specifically to what's going on ITT.
No. 331443
>>331436NTA, but I sometimes wonder if it's similar to trannies complaining about the "cotton ceiling", but sneakier.
It's almost like they're trying to invalidate bisexual women's identities and sexualities all because they might say "no" to them. It's an "Oh yeah?? Prove it!" thing, as if self-truth isn't real. If this is how things really worked, all single virgins would be considered "Undecided" in sexuality. But somehow, this magic, 100% legit rule of "You're just a straight until you actually fuck [us]" only applies to women who are bisexual. Hmmmm.
No. 331452
>>331442There's "lesbian porn" and lesbian porn and women usually like the latter better no matter what they identify as. Lesbian porn aimed at men is just plain disgusting and usually the lesbian porn that shows up on those "porn for women" categories is a lot different than your regular lesbo porn.
>>331443This is kinda what I feel like is going on. I've identiefied as bi since I was 12 but mostly just dated/had sex with girls and my lesbian friends didn't mind, but they didn't really mind me calling myself bi. A bi girl that mostly dated only men would not have gotten the same treatment.
No. 331454
>>328913Yeah but at least you try to say hi back anon. I'm talking about the ones that just glare back but don't smile or say hi. And I can tell the difference between head in the clouds,not paying attention, and staring directly at me intentionally ignoring me. I can also tell if someone is shy or standoffish or if they are just rude.
This soccer mum type came in the other weekend with her young son with her. She was looking at me and my coworker when she walked past. We both smiled and 'hello' to her.
She immediately turned to her kid and started talking really loudly to him as they continued to pass. She made a point of talking loudly and suddenly to him as if to say 'I'M TALKING TO MY SON HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT' even though she wasn't talking to him before. Like she didn't say it, but she was definitely trying to be passive aggressive. I can be a sensitive bitch so I thought maybe I just imagined it, but my coworker turned to me after she passed and was like 'wow what a cunt' so it definitely wasn't just me.
No. 331461
>>331444You sound like a jaded lesbian that has been hurt by a bi girl before.
I do understand the stereotype of annoying bi chick, but they aren't all like that. I've dated both sexes on and off.
One particular lesbian I met while out seemed great, we had a great night, met up a couple times after. We seemed to have chemistry but she could not accept that I had dated men before even though my last partner was a woman and it had been long term. She kept insisting I must be a lesbian, that it must have been a mistake, and I assured her no, that was not the case. Anyway despite having fun, we fought a few times on a few of our dates towards the end and it was always about my sexuality which in no way did I bring it up.
No. 331464
>>331457We have a problem of most men in porn being really gross, or if they are cute they are really aggressive (in a male-pleasing way) so most women want to watch the pretty thing.
Men are mostly only attractive in real life, due to hormones and energy and all that stuff. They are just not photogenic.
>inb4 denialI don't watch any porn now but definitely got into a habit of watching lesbian stuff in the past, ironically while being sexually active with males only irl
No. 331481
>>331436Eh, men are also the ones who don't even hug their male friends in fear of being considered "gay", while many women have fantasies involving other women and it's not as taboo. Lesbian porn is irrealistic as fuck and made for the male eye only, actual lesbians don't usually watch it. It's lesbian sex scripted, filmed and often acted by straight people, so non-lesbian women might enjoy it because of its straight perspective.
I don't know, I'm on the fence about it
No. 331644
>>331638 said. Good job letting your insecurities and more sordid proclivities slip through.
No. 331659
>>331615I don't mind being seen as younger, personally. It makes things easier. I've read a lot of saddening articles stating that women of my race are sexualized and seen as more "grown up" at prepubescent ages compared to girls of other races at the same age, that people (incl. women of other races) are less likely to help us when we're being sexually harassed (and they also don't even feel as bad), that we're perceived as "angry" when we're not more often, etc etc.
I already have really bad anxiety and am bad at sticking up for myself IRL, so I'll accept randoms assuming I'm a kid and being a bit kinder to me for it, lmao.
No. 331663
>>331646Never said being tall was great or that I wanted to be tall. I’m sure that being super tall comes with it’s disadvantages and I’m sure you get a lot of shit for it as
well. Chill.
>>331631I literally said in the last paragraph my life isn’t that hard. Just that I have to deal with some annoyances because of my size. I’m sure most people have to deal with shit because of a thing that they can’t change. Also I think wanting to be seen as an adult and not a teenager is a reasonable request when you’re approaching 30.
No. 331748
>>331615got those feels anon. im 5' 4", by no means the shortest and not uwu anime tiny so i look like a weird dwarf. ive still had some people say weird things like putting you in their pocket or just picking me up for no reason. its strange. smol bean meme is just retarded.
but my heart goes out to tall anons. my best friend growing up was 6' and she was insanely insecure about it. i wanted her height and she wanted mine
No. 331928
>>331748>ive still had some people say weird things like putting you in their pocket or just picking me up for no reasonGod that's so true. My sister is 4'10 at 19 and she's had a guy saying he would "put her on a shelf like a porcelain doll", and similar weird ass shit from other guys.
You do attract many creeps when you're short.
Personally I think that tall girls are beautiful, but sometimes I'm afraid to compliment them in case they're insecure about it. Sad that a positive feature like height can become reason of insecurity to some because of insecure manlets
No. 332051
>>332015And it'll never look natural on them like it does you anon
That's some sweet sweet schadenfreude
No. 332096
>>332052I have an obese 35 year old coworker with kids who hates all vegetables and eats mainly fast food (mcdonalds.)
I used to think this kind of mentality was made up. How can anyone hate vegetables? both fruits and vegetables are refreshing as fuck
No. 332128
>>332096I hated vegetables when I was a kid, but now I like them, save for onions.
I think it’s mostly a kid thing but some adults still hold onto it. I wish we could encourage kids in America to eat more veggies than to think of them as disgusting (I’m only singiling America out because I’m from there and I’m not sure what it’s like in other countries).
No. 332144
>>332015Holy shit anon are you me? I'm
>>331973 and people used to make fun of my big eyebrows and I thought my lips were too big. Who's laughing now bitch?
Still annoys me anyway when people get any of that shit and call it "natural" because I can tell it isn't.
No. 332526
>>332488Are you complaining about the content or the duplicate posts?
The site has been experiencing a known 504 server error for three months leading to duplicate posts. See Meta.
No. 333053
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i wanna start doing those themed moodboards you see on pinterest (pic related) with clothes and aesthetics i like but so many of the clothes i wanna use have the models with long hair worn loose that gets in the way of the tops/dresses and completely ruin the pics to use because if i cut the hair out of the clothes it looks weird and ugly bc there’s literally two huge holes and if i keep it it looks even uglier
this is peak first world problem and i’m as annoyed with myself for being annoyed by it as i am with the “””problem”””
No. 333616
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>>333614Don't do it, wash your own dishes only and send out a passive agressive email/hang up a passive aggressive sign like pic related.
It's worth getting petty over, how infuriating.
No. 333618
>>333615>>333616I would but my boss would give me shit, he expects me to do them too…
I just "punish them" by browsing internet boards during work hours.
No. 333629
>>333619we don't really have HR here since it's a small company.
But when I complain about this to someone, they tell me I'm just overreacting and being extreme feminist.
No. 333671
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This specific ad on YouTube boiled my piss, with some girl giving a monologue about how she believes perfection isn't about living up to beauty standards, but instead "being different to everyone else" and goes on to sing some crap song about how beauty comes from within. It's an unflattering screencap but the girl has perfect skin, perfectly made up youthful face and hair etc and is the fashionably acceptable level of 'plus size'. She literally is the beauty standard of 2018.
The video started to show some plus size Asian man with a cleft lip for triple token power and I ragequit the yt app
No. 334021
>>333614That would piss me the fuck off to. I work in a small company and most of my coworkers dont clean up the table, so it's full of crumbs and food, and i'm always always wiping it down.
I would def leave a passive aggressive not. Or if it gets really bad, call a higher up to try to work something out. you arent a fucking maid.
No. 336649
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Lolcow's dislike for non-cute fashion.
As a recent example
/r/FemaleFashionAdvice: The Cringe, The Bad, and The Ugly
24 years old, wears jeans, boots and a striped shirt:
>it's never appropriate to wear ripped jeans to work
>I didn't know "high school" was a style anyone sought after…
Advice Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
early/mid 20s, wears children's dresses
>who cares lol you're probably saving a ton of money.
>i don't see the problem as long as it doesn't look like children's clothes.
>i think having rules about this would be strange though.
>the dress is definitely cute. tbh i still shop in the kids and teens section despite being in my mid 20s too.
>How are you retarded for that? If you don't fit in adult clothes, then you don't fit in them. There's tons of pieces in the childrens section that a woman could wear
>I guarantee you nobody would be able to guess that's from the children's section unless they were a Uniqlo worker themselves and knew the clothing lol. Like other anons in this thread, I buy clothes from the men's and little boy's section all the time. If it fits and looks nice on you, who the hell cares? Rock that shit.
I highly doubt your coworkers are gonna give a shit whether the long(!) jeans you are wearing are a tiny bit distressed. Wearing literal childrens clothing however - no matter how sm0l you might be - is bound to look off on an adult shaped body.
Again: long jeans on a young woman working in a lab is appropriate. Wearing (probably way too short) children's clothes is not.
I suspect it's because of the high rate of weebs here thinking: in Japan showing cleavage = slutty, wearing skirts so short that you're ass is nearly showing = okay!
>hurrduur wearing something comfy is for teens and therefore inappropriate for everybody over the age of 18
>these dresses are totally not too short or childish, so cute!!!
70 year old women wear jeans and tshirts too, doesn't mean they're imitating high schoolers. Not everybody is into wearing stuff that resembles a school uniform/j-fashion. Not everybody gives a shit about looking "feminine" in their day to day working life. If your workplace doesn't have a dress code, as long as you're covered up (which jeans do) it's completely okay.
This reminds me of the posters on cgl shitting on all the "normie" women for not dressing as elegantly as they do lol.
No. 336654
>>336649I don't agree, some people are just short and dressing kids up as mini-adults is a thing so it works out. You wouldn't think a midget is trying to be uguu kawaii for buying clothes that fit them in "adult" colours.
I don't give a fuck what someone wears as long as they can make it look good, but the Female Fashion Advice crowd is full of frumpy, fat 30-somethings who want to look like feminist!witchy!FrenchGirl!Princess Leias which clearly nets bad results. In the same vein, the fashion thread on /g/ is full of art hoes and quirky YesStyle girls who gave up lolita.
Those two groups existing doesn't mean that cutesy fashion on a person in their mid 20s can't look good or that ripped jeans can't work in a professional environment.
No. 336672
>>336649Lmao, I've seen the exact opposite. People calling anything but basic Wal-Mart and Fashion Nova shit "children's clothes" or screeching about teenagers Tumblr, dd/lg, "tranny wear" and ageplay whenever anyone posts Jfashion.
Sorry the shoe is now on the other foot and people aren't liking your frumpy, casual shit either, anon.
No. 336700
>>336672>people aren't liking your frumpy, casual shit eitherYou don't know what I dress like, anon. I defend what around 95% of the young women around me, in uni and at work, wear. It's ridiculous how so many of you here seem to think of that as abnormal looking. Also, funny how you use "casual" as an insult. Normal people do dress casually, unless there's a special occasion, you know?
But yeah, please go on buying toddlers clothing. You're unironically doing the same creepy shit as trannies and can't see how it's wrong. One day a mom is going to catch you wearing the same thing as her little daughter kek. Good luck!
No. 336705
>>336700You sound way too pressed for that to
not be exactly how you dress, lmao. Also, I didn't use "casual" as an insult, just a descriptor after I used "frumpy" (an actual insult).
Continue pushing your own bizarre fetishization of children, obsession with aging (or lack thereof) and latent pedophilia on anything that looks cute. That sounds healthy, and not like actual tranny tier sickness and sexual illness at all. I bet you're one of the same spergs having breakdowns over Ariana Grande being short and throwing the term "anachan" at anyone that's smaller than you.
No one has to RP that your shitty "found everything i'm wearing on my bathroom floor"-core is fashionable or good looking either, though. Die mad about it.
No. 336709
>>336705Forgot to add this and can't be bothered to delete/repost: No one said any of that is "abnormal looking", just lame and doesn't warrant posting on a fashion subreddit. There are tacky and/or bland people who don't care much about fashion all around. The humor is when someone thinks their lack of effort, poor eye for fitting and bad taste still somehow constitutes a "look" worthy of sharing with the world.
That's the point of the whole thread. Trainwrecks and bad looks.
Sorry a nerve was struck.
No. 336710
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>>336705>Continue pushing your own bizarre fetishization of children, obsession with aging (or lack thereof) and latent pedophilia on anything that looks cute. That sounds healthy, and not like actual tranny tier sickness and sexual illness at all. Yeah…
No. 336863
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Youtube needs to stop being such a big deal to people. I'm over hearing about the latest Rewind and everyone sperging out because their screeching gamelord Pewdiefaggot wasn't included or Will Smith is in it.
Nevermind that Pewd was in 4 past videos. I've never seen a bigger unwarranted self-importance guy. He's old fucking news.
Furthermore, the fuck cares?
Youtube's bad and too corporate now? YT's shoehorning in social commentary and not mentioning every single person?
Well then join a different platform and support one that listens, oh wait, YT is actually accessible and lucrative so none of the whinging assholes will really fucking leave.
No. 336995
>>336649>>336700>>336929It's one thing to wear normiewear, it's another thing to take pictures of normiewear every day and post it to a group that prides itself on knowing what fashion is. No one would be commenting on the femalefashionadvice outfits in the street, but they not only think their outfits are "fashionable," but they think their outfits are fashionable enough to warrant dozens of asspatting comments on how fashionable they are. These two threads can coexist here, and there's no reason to get defensive. No one's shitting on casual clothes. They're shitting on these ladies thinking casual clothes are fashionable.
>>336654hard agree, anon
No. 336997
>>336944I personally can dress both alt/weeb and "fashionably normie" as a result of not having access to the weeby clothing I really wanted for years, and having to renege to the latter. I just don't like getting bitched out by anons who I most likely wouldn't want to dress anything like to begin with, but I largely mind my business either way.
IRL, I either get left alone whether I'm in "alt" clothes, or I get stopped and sincerely called cute/stylish/beautiful by strangers. Let farmers tell it, I and anyone who dresses vaguely like me looks like a haggard ageplayer pastel clown weeaboo autistic horse girl trannie ddlger who is mocked and scorned as a degenerate outcast by all sane folk. I imagine similar is true for anons who dress very "basic" or effortless, even if their jeans are ripped and some farmer insists that's an awful faux pas.
Shit comments on Lolcow don't mean much in real life, and people shouldn't take them too seriously. I wouldn't mind having both a thread for the worst outfits from Reddit, and one for the worst alt outfits from Tumblr or IG, though.
No. 336999
>>336959At this point it's more a meme everyone jumped on than Pewdiepie himself wanting more subs. I've watched a few of his videos lately and he seems weirdly chill with it all.
I honestly find his fans a lot more annoying than Pewdiepie himself.
No. 337238
People should be fucking allowed to believe the things they like are superior to other things. The "everything is subjective so you can't value any one thing as better than other things" mindset is annoying as fuck and retardedly nihilistic. Keeping people from being proud of themselves/their culture/their tastes is a surefire way to make everyone miserable and it angers me that everyone keeps pushing this stupid "uwu what a bigot, going around valuing the things she chose precisely because she thought were valuable, shameful display"
>>336649>This reminds me of the posters on cgl shitting on all the "normie" women for not dressing as elegantly as they do lol.I don't see what's wrong with that. Of course someone who wears more elegant, fashionable stuff will feel superior to someone who doesn't.
No. 337252
>>337246Of course it is subjective, but that shouldn't be thought terminating. For example: I'm fucking happy to know you feel superior for that. Go you, anon. (Not being sarcastic, my point was exactly that people
should feel superior)
>>337240There's that too, why the fuck would you choose something you don't think is good?
No. 337253
>>337238What they
perceive as "elegant": meaning lolita
Not everybody is a weeb. They shit on perfectly normal dressed up women just because they don't wear "superior" jfashion. Which is laughable. Hate that people make fun of your choice of outfit? Then don't go around doing the same shit to others.
No. 337356
>>337264I didn't actually disagree much with what you were posting at first, but
>a girl wearing a pair of VS sweatpants and a hoodie will look more elegant. Come on now, anon. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
No. 338799
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>>338479>Also have seen IN-SHADOW animation on another class, and all I have in my mind are these /technology is bad fire is scary/ illustrations.I watched it just now out of curiosity, and lmao you weren't kidding. 13 minutes of just nonstop "SOCIAL MEDIA MORE LIKE UNSOCIAL MEDIA YOU'RE ALL JUST PRETENDING TO BE HAPPY STOP USING SMARTPHONES WAKE UP SHEEPLE I AM VERY SMART AND #WOKE". At least the artwork was nice though.
No. 338915
They are contributing to the misery by making 10 WoKE minutes and one cheery one. Also saw clear influences from
-Invader Zim
-The gorillaz animator
-Spirited Away
-Animal Farm
-Ghost in the Shell
It's a good piece of work but overall uninspiring.
No. 339021
>>336649You're projecting your own insecurities and cherry-picking, noticing anything that you dont like or anons who have different views than you like
>>336672 does, who's allegedly seen the opposite of what you have and you two hold the opposite views. Go figure. I posted
>How are you retarded for that? If you don't fit in adult clothes, then you don't fit in them. There's tons of pieces in the childrens section that a woman could wear And don't dress cutesy at all nor am I interested in jfashion. That dress is beyond casual (nothing wrong with that, I dress in "normie clothes"). It's literally a black, solid dress that genuinely could fit in the womens section had it been…well, tailored for a women's frame. If anon's petite, I don't see a problem with having to shop for smaller clothes.
Are you mad because you don't fit into jfashion or what? What is the problem?
No. 339182
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i have misophonia due to ear trauma from when i was a baby and every noise annoys me in some way. it’s absolute torture to be sensitive to every little sound. i get so angry over the tiniest things because they sound 100x louder in my ears than other people’s
i also can’t handle going to cinemas and i have to wear earplugs lmfao
No. 339205
>>339021Agreed. Actual normal people don't really care about that kind of thing at all, whether it's most Jfashion, or finding out that someone wears plain, passable clothes that happen to be from the kid's section.
>Are you mad because you don't fit into jfashion or what?I honestly think that's exactly it. There is literally no other reason to be that bothered about something like Jfashion besides sour grapes. They can make up fake woke "Think of the children, ur all the same as trannies!!1" arguments and say "Umm dress your age sweaty" all day, but it's clear as day what's really going on. Weebs in denial, and people with largely personal body issues who simply take issue with anybody being thin/petite enough to wear what they can't.
No. 339624
>>339588Nope. Actual normies don't give a fuck to even know if it's F21 quality or not, since they don't pay attention to things that aren't their taste, and also won't spend any money on buying it or trying it on for the same reason.
I'm sorry if you had a weeby Jfashion phase, wasted all your money on things you couldn't pull off and are now bitter, but stop taking it out on everyone else and projecting your own embarrassing behaviors. It's cringy, and anyone who's actually mature doesn't give a fuck about any of this.
No. 339628
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>>339624>>339588Both of you shut the fuck up about it.
Take it to the lolita thread now. You've had an entire fucking week to bicker and shit up this thread, leave the topic alone and move the fuck on.
Not every farmer here is so entitled to their opinion that they shit up threads for a WEEK. Talk about something else you fucking losers.
No. 339839
>>339645This. Seriously.
I feel like everyone is so jaded they expect everyone to conform. No foreigner, expat or person raised by foreigners is every going to be able to integrate into Japanese society. Let them like what they like and stop being jelly.
No. 341631
>>341627I always read bad things about what Kiwifarms is like but it might be refreshing. Don't you have to actually make an account and such? I kinda hate when users become notorious/special/famous on social sites, it ruins the experience that anonymity has.
I also hear its hugbox-y but honestly teen sjws > teen edgelords.
No. 341637
>>341631Please don't leave this site anon, I agree with everything you said and I don't want another bearable user to leave this site.
I think userbases getting younger is a natural part of 'edgey' type sites, but we do need to make an effort to influence the culture to stay a certain way.
Report or call out nitpicks/vapid posts, find actual content to share and encourage users to do the same etc
No. 341643
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>>341625The Dolly Mattel thread is super weird tbh. Like..the obsession with nitpicking towards her is almost surreal to me. Her vagina isnt THAT fucked up its a normal vagina yet they're always screaming about it being ugly. Have they seen the average porn vagina? None of them are pretty and hers is actually objectively what people would consider to be nicer. Small labia etc. For instance this pic one of the replies is "it looks like rotting meat". What the hell constitutes as a decent vagina then lmao? So weird. Just sticking to criticizing her behavior is one thing but that takes a back seat to comments about her appearance and how
triggering it is i guess.
No. 341649
>>341643she's a good cow for her constant failure at trying to appear better/smarter than everyone while showing how her life is actually in shambles, but yeah her threads are so shitted up by weirdos.
there's at least one anon who literally liveblogs her camshows, which she does almost daily and are mostly unremarkable, and they post like 10-20 screenshots of her just sitting there. it bothers the fuck out of me.
No. 341670
>>341643Can anyone tell me the point of Anisa's Dolly's, Micky's and other people threads? I've tried reading, from start, even commented on a few but I never understood them.
A lot of the posts lately seemed fueled by jealousy. I remember when I came after stamina, this shit wouldn't go through without a ban, but now the constant nitpick (especially over normal features) is stupid and annoying. My guess is the influx of PULL users.
>>341625I agree on almost everything, other than Dakota and especially Kiki, although Dakota's thread should be moved to OT since nothing other than her gross alien shoops and large amount of speculations are being discussed.
No. 341673
>>341643I agree, the incessant tear down of her genitals is twisted and abhorrent.
Imagine someone repedetly tearing down your vagina online, thats so disgusting.
No. 341681
>>341625I'm pretty sure a lot of the nitpicking is coming from either underage teen girls who don't realize that there's life beyond high school and that people age, or from severely insecure anons.. the same thing in the celebricow thread.
I'm surprised by how many anons don't realize that celebrities have virtually unlimited resources to spend on improving their appearance as far as hair, makeup, skincare, diet, personal trainer, plastic surgery, etc. that it's not even milky if a celebrity has lip injections.
No. 342154
>>341670 posted asking about the point of Anisa's (who I literally had no clue who tf she was) thread I went and looked and have come to the conclusion that the anons that follow these "cows" have deluded themselves into thinking they're milky. And that Brittany Venti is an avid lolcow user. Seeing them post Brittany Venti's ~exposé~ of Anisa which I honestly couldn't get through more than 20 minutes of and say how amazing it was I'm just… confused. In her video she thinks it's just soooo milky that she tries to be positive in her videos and made a video about how she does her eyebrows that her subscribers requested even though she is not an expert. I really think a lot of anons get caught up in hating someone so much that they think everything they do is disgusting when most of it is just basic human traits?
No. 342694
>>342154An anon once said the Anisa threads were mostly just idubbz fangirls who hate her because they wish they could date him, and I feel like that's true. I've checked her threads maybe twice, and there's basically nothing interesting about her.
On another note, Brittany Venti is definitely a farmer, and she's so gross, lmao. She did this same ~*expose*~ shit with Shuwu, too, despite the fact that she's just a fatter, wide-nosed, more racist version of her. It's crazy how she focuses solely on other female streamers/YouTubers to do these "takedowns" on. She's just as (if not even more of) a cow/flake as them, and is "guilty" of all the same shit they do, so I gather that she does this sort of thing out of jealousy, and in hopes of siphoning more neckbeards to her channel by using their names.
But, some anons are just so happy that a YouTuber is shitting on this or that bitch they hate, they'll doggedly defend them. I saw one anon even call her "famous". It's wild.
No. 343907
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>have never been much of a drinker so abstaining from alcohol during the holidays won’t be an issue
>have several older female relatives and family friends tell me, completely unprompted, that it would be totally fine for me to drink a couple of glasses of wine on Christmas and NYE because they drank during their pregnancies too and their kids turned out just fine
>tell them that I’ve gone plenty of holidays without drinking alcohol so, really, it’s not a problem
>they keep insisting because look, their kids are fiiiiiiiine!!
>mfw all of the kids in question actually have varying degrees of of learning disabilities and/or behavioural problems
>no really I think I’ll stick with my (pasteurised) apple juice, thanks
Nobody was this insistent on me drinking during any of the previous holiday seasons and I’m starting to get a little creeped out.
No. 343932
>>343921Same, I dont really drink and the only recreational thing I do is smoke weed which isn't something you can just do at most gatherings (plus I tend to even ask people visiting
my home if its ok that i smoke as I like to make sure nobody is uncomfortable etc and I never push/beg anyone to smoke w me or '
just take oneeee hit!')
People really freak out and start taking note that you might just really prefer water? It becomes a topic every half hour where you have to awkwardly curb the same insidtung phrases before they give up, some time goes by and repeat!
I hate the culture around alcohol and how people tend to change really drastically when drunk and dont seem to notice it. Theres violence, people get too emotional and wreckless in the most obnoxious way possible. I hate it and my tolerance has always been decent plus I don't relate to alcohol making me sad, angry, pumped up, without inhibition etc at best I was just warm, had some energy and was alittle unsteady on my feet sometimes, but never to a point where I would shamble down the street either omw home.
Either way; stick to your preference anons, you're never alone pregnant or not when it comes to these weird societal norms.
No. 344197
I hate how I'm expected to hug people at social gatherings just because I'm a woman, while my brothers get away with just handshakes. I just feel uncomfortable and awkward hugging people that I'm not really close with. Sure I'll hug someone back if they initiate it, but if I can get away with not doing it then I'll take the opportunity to keep my distance, even if it makes me seem rude.
We had my mom's husband's family over for Christmas, and there were two people that had problems with mobility (due to old age and disability), so I would've had to be the one to initiate a hug. I don't dislike either of them but they're definitely not on my "familiar enough to hug without feeling awkward as hell"-list, so I didn't. When the other person was leaving with his wife, my mom tried to discreetly push me towards him so that I would give him a hug, but I stayed back. Instead of taking the hint and just dropping it, my mom said to out loud "normally we HUG people but they're already leaving, so…", embarrassing me in front of them.
I know for a fact that she would never try to force my brothers to hug anyone if they didn't want to. I don't know why she still tries to do that with me, I've clearly disliked hugging guests since I was a kid.
No. 345370
>>345365You can recover it by getting the premium trial.
t. recovered like 280 streak that way
No. 345408
>>345399I don’t understand, what is there to be an ally of or validate - you’re literally just not breeding. Why do these parents feel the need to insert themselves.
On another note though child free people that utterly despise children and can’t seem to understand that developmentally they’re not just tiny adults so you can’t expect them to act like one give me the shits. It comes off really petty when they whine on and on about something utterly mundane a child does.
No. 345424
>>345408in my experience people who "hate children" actually hate the parents for either bringing the child into a non-child friendly situation or letting them act out. and i honestly feel the same way. usually the parents are at fault in some way, but the child at the time is doing the annoying behavior.
that said, i hate when parents bring their children to bars later at night. one time my husband and i were on a date at around 9:30 and this couple had brought their toddler with them, allowing him to run around behind the bar a few times until he hurt himself and cried. if you can't afford to pay a little extra for someone to watch him, don't go to a 40+ per person bar, go to applebees or somewhere.
No. 345453
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Whenever I visit someone's house and see this I get so fucking triggered. I don't understand why women do this. You never see men making a collage space with pictures of their wife or girlfriend. In fact, men will demand a "man-cave" where they can take up more space and exclude all women from it.
No. 345469
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Like anons already mentioned, being goaded into drinking when you've already established that you don't drink is so fucking annoying.
It's reached the point where every single gathering with my friends I'm asked if I still don't drink, have them insist I try just a bit of theirs, and even have some put vodka and shit in my drinks while I wasn't looking.
Leave me alone holy shit
No. 345487
>>345480I totally agree and I think it goes much deeper than just the whole gender/sexuality thing. I never understood the whole clique thing in school. I don't want to sound cliche but I always made it a point to not limit myself to one group…not because of some beliefs I had, but because I was awkward and I didn't know who I was. Obviously it doesn't apply when you're 30 as much but it still happens.
Humans have this instinctual behavior of labeling and categorizing things. It's like our brains are hardwired to do this. And it's great in certain instances but it's become insane. A lot of people probably wouldn't do it if it wasn't reinforced by TV and movies. How many high school movies have you seen where they reinforce the clique stereotypes?
Labels are limiting and pointless. I mean yeah it's okay if you want to call yourself something but then many fear admitting they do something unlike that group they identify with. This is the reason why people have made up all these fucking genders. Since humans have this instinct to label and group things, they think when someone acts outside the norm this also needs to be labelled and grouped as some totally different thing. It's a serious biological flaw of us being a tribal/hierarchical species.
It's okay to wear all black and listen to NSYNC. It's okay to be a man and wear makeup and dresses. The coolest thing a person can be is themselves.
I feel like this sound so cliche and pretentious lol. whatever No. 345507
>>345487Yeah, our brains have this urge to categorize in order to create a sense of safety in artificially lessening the "unknown" factor. If there's a label, it's not scary and unfamiliar anymore.
However, it is possible to override that urge to an extent and I think it's entirely worthwhile to make an effort to do so. It saves you all the anxiety, confusion, and ignorance when reality doesn't turn out to be the way your little categories dictate.
I find sex posi, rampant LGBTQABCS+, body posi etc to be platitudes and just a half-assed way to get people to conform to
these other categories instead of truly liberating them by not policing their behavior in any way outside of preventing harm to others.
No. 345527
>>345487For sure anon, and when you say about this stuff people see you as right wing even though you're the opposite etc.
Seeing all this fixation on gender labels right now being praised as "revolutionary" or whatever makes me feel so hopeless when I then think about the rise of genderbending in the 80s-90s. What was the point in those people withstanding hate to make such statements about adrogyny when the media is now acting like kids today are the first people to ever put a skirt on a boy and almost going backwards in building divisions between people. It seems every generation of youth has some kind of "everyone is valid" movement but it just resets with the next generation when they change all the perimeters of us vs them. Do people really want everyone to be free to live their lives freely or are they just trying to be the most different.
Today's gender obsession is turning me into a nihilist.
No. 345539
>>345501It shouldn't have to be said, I totally agree. But it seems to be getting so much worse and causing actual division in society outside of high/middle school.
>>345507The whole thing came from a genuine place of trying to help people I think. But the new LGBTSJDGIJA+++ community has ended up causing the exact damage they claim to be fighting against. It's so bizarre.
>>345527I'm a leftist too, and just the other day someone freaked out on me and called me alt-right for saying that "more trans women commit violent crime than have had violent crime committed against them". I was just trying to say that the propaganda about ~poor defenseless trans women~ is outrageous.
My favorite gender bending icons are Prince and Pete Burns. I love them so much and they truly were inspiring people who did whatever the fuck they wanted and openly talked about being androgynous. It's awesome. That's true gender stereotype smashing imho.
No. 345547
>>345539It's incredible that people that identify as feminist can then support a return to strict gender conformity by enabling the trans idea of femininity as performance. That is the fucking opposite of what feminists should be in favor of.
Is intersectionality to blame?
No. 345555
>>345547Honestly it's not that crazy to me. This probably will sound batshit/tinfoil but hear me out. Women have obviously been seen for millennia as less-than but also carers. So the feminist movement was hijacked (probably subconsciously) by trans and other groups because women are so loving, caring, accepting! How could you, as a woman, not care about this poor suffering person!!!!
It's fucking sexist! Feminism is about WOMEN. That's it. It's not an organization that all oppressed/mistreated people in the world can jump onto. The American Cancer Society is about CANCER. Surely they care about people with schizophrenia but they would never tolerate schizophrenics hijacking it and demanding it be about all illness sufferers in the entire fucking world lol. Kind of a bad example but that's how this feels to me.
Lots of feminists care about all sorts of worldwide issues, but feminism specifically is for women. Get your own damn movement.
No. 345650
>>345487>>345480What's even funnier is when you don't fit stereotypes and people accuse you of being "fake" because they can't pigeon-hole you into the stereotype they want you to fill. Everything you do suddenly becomes offensive to them.
I spent a long time locked away from people because they made me feel ashamed to like certain things or wear certain clothes. I got so depressed and started looking everywhere for acceptance and wondering if I was this thing or that. Those were some very dark years in my life. I've finally accepted myself and do whatever the fuck I want. I really wish all these kids getting bullied into becoming "trans" had good resources and/or stronger people in their lives to encourage them to accept themselves and stop them from mutilating their bodies to fit stereotypes.
No. 345658
>>345437i said in
my experience i'm not
>>345399 No. 346002
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I am playing through Steins Gate and the worst thing I have ever encountered is Faris. Faris is the annoying thing, I hate every thing about her with every fiber of my being! I hate the extremely annoying nasally voice, her design and most of all her personality!
I hope she dies tbh
No. 346086
>>345694Shit like that irritates me, my boyfriend feels the same about his own sister. She neglects her daughter to go hang out with her friends or talk on the phone with her boyfriend, like hello your child needs you!
My boyfriend's sister used to live with us for a couple months and it was a nightmare. She would make only healthy food for herself and give her daughter cookies and ramen. And she doesn't have custody of the daughter, it's her boyfriend's mom's child now, so her dad is legally her brother.
I honestly feel so bad for the daughter I sometimes just want to take custody of her, I don't think the boyfriend's mom takes good care of the daughter either. She's talked about wasting money after using the bathroom. My boyfriend, me, and his mom were all concerned when we heard her say that, she was 5 at the time, too.
No. 346674
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>>346672we've always used them here
No. 348507
>>348500This is a common trope? In which manga/anime did it happen?
I'm really curious cause I don't remember stumbling upon it, maybe cause I don't read much of shoujo manga.
No. 350356
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I have been feeling lonely and met some people from my city via net, only to be annoyed with most of them.
First one gets too clingy to people - has been sending me screens from twitter, sends them nudes after first meeting, says how the said guy is perfect and then is sad/angry whenever they don't reply or delete tinder.
When one guy she liked told her she shouldn't get clingy this fast, I did say he's right and then she's got mad. Also this kind of people overall, who start calling you friend/bestie even if you barely know each other ffs.
Second person keep sending me walls of text about them playing games/stuff they're doing atm even if they know I've got last month of semester and many projects to finish. I have very hard time to focus on things and at this point hearing messages on messenger.
I know it's not a big deal, yet telling someone I gotta go/telling goodnights because I need to wake up early and right after hearing constant notifications from app makes me want to delete fb.
I feel so drained, if I cut them out at least for a bit I will probably get called a bitch and how they believed we're friends and so.
No. 350397
>>348913I'm worried too, the gender arguments and r9k raiders overrun every thread on the board lately, only breaking for tween girls to incessantly nitpick their peer thots.
It's really not an easy board to mod though, if there was a long period of one admin then the mods would have a template to follow but as it is they're just kind of yelled at for the previous groups decisions, and then yelled at if they change it
No. 350402
>>348913i got a ban once for telling someone to please stop derailing, and the "ban reason" was listed as "PURE AUTISM"
No. 354585
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Head patting is a shitty fucking meme, or whatever it is. Every time someone mentions it or posts pics of anime girls getting head pats, all I can think of is greasy lolicons, tryhard weeb thots and troons. It just reeks of infantilization. It doesn't even feel nice, it's just annoying and messes up/flattens your hair (my autistic weeb ex tried to do it to me sometimes, I just got irritated. I spent time washing my hair and trying to give it volume, only for you to smush it back down and get your hand oils all over it? Just because you want me to react by squealing and blushing like some cartoon chick? Fuck off with that bs)
If the meme was about scalp massages or something, I would get it. Those at least feel nice. But I guess it isn't uguu kawaii enough if it doesn't involve petting women like they're pets or children.
No. 354607
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i am sick of fucking junkies and bogans clogging up public transport and downtown. every time i take the train there's some useless crackhead punching the walls and yelling at jetplane volume about how he wants to kill all italians or something. downtown is shit too, a group of bogans taking up the whole path complaining about how those "centrelink cocksuckers" arent giving them enough money to fuel their unrelenting alcoholism, while young children passing through can very clearly overhear them.
i get some people end up in these situations because of unfortunate circumstances and there's not much they can do about it, but shit dude, if you're gonna do something that will end up with you disturbing others could you like, keep it at home?
No. 354686
>>345694This is my older (half) sister to a T. Are we related anon? She visited for Christmas and would refuse all the healthy snacks I had prepared because her son "wouldn't like it" but wouldn't even offer any of it to him. Instead she'd run to the corner store to get him cheetos as a meal. We went out to a restaurant and she ordered him a piece of corn bread that he had a fantastic time crumbling up with his hands and throwing the crumbs everywhere. When the waitress came with a broom to clean the mess out of the aisle and from other tables, my sister snarks at her "I was going to clean it up." She wasn't. Her husband was absolutely mortified but said nothing because he'd never hear the end of "you're just trying to control me, you misogynist" from my sister if he did. My house was an absolute disaster after she and her little Taz left and he gave us all the flu.
On the other hand, she told all of us not to get her other son (10, from a former marriage who lives with his dad) any presents because she's mad at him. She also re-gifted her current husband's daughter's presents because the girl won't call her "mommy". I got presents for both of these kids and mailed them to their respective parents because my sister's stupid vendetta shouldn't ruin their Christmas. She is trash.
No. 354797
>>354607Same. I will never have respect for grown adults that became addicts and take up public spaces and bother normal people with it. For some reason they seem like they feel entitled to not obeying any social rules.
I live in a big european city and every third person you pass is a junkie.
No. 355836
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I don't really ever want to have my own children - I don't feel like I would be a good mother and all the pregnancy stuff terrifies me tbh.
When we had such topic during break, I heard one of these "Don't worry, once you reach your 30s you will want to have them".
Didn't want them 10 years ago, don't want them now and I see no reason to want them in the future, especially in the current situation + poor mental health in my family.
No. 355871
>>355836I agree with you. I'm nearing 30 and all my peers have kids. I can't stand their kids. I can't imagine being pregnant. I can't and also don't want to take care of a child…I can barely tolerate bad behavior from my pets before I feel overwhelmed.
I don't want my whole life to change.
It's okay to not want kids.
No. 355905
>>355871i'm the exact same right down to the pets thing. sometimes even they feel like too much of a commitment (though i love them and would never give them up).
i want a hysterectomy so bad because im tired of dealing with the anxiety and side effects of birth control but insurance won't cover elective sterilization.
No. 355973
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>>320372Why do men feel the need to pull me aside and comment on my appearance? Or mid-conversation, one of my male friends who's been squinting for a while finally blurts out something to the line of, "Why don't you ever wear makeup?" On those off-days I do decide to wear it, "You look sick," or "Why are you wearing makeup? It looks silly on you." Those are the nice ways of putting it. When I was muscular, I was told I looked manly and "If I wanted a man, I'd date one." When I was heavy, "I could lose a few pounds." Now that I'm a healthy BMI, but rather skinny, "You need to eat a burger."
No matter what a woman does, it's never good enough. I'm fucking tired of it. My personality is "too butch," but when I show my vulnerable side, I'm told I need to "grow a thicker skin" and need to be "confident in myself." I am confident in my abilities, I make a decent team leader, but then I'm told I'm "bossy" and "a bitch." One of these guys who told me I needed to be more confident (because he doesn't like it when women put him on a pedestal), was also the same motherfucker that told me he wants me to be jealous and chase after him while he flirts with other women. There's tons of little behaviors and hypocrisies like this that just piss me off about men.
Women always have to walk out of the house like fucking models, or risk berating, but men can go out looking like gorillas in mustard stained shirts (and still feel entitled that women meet their specifications).
This isn't build-a-bitch workshop. I'm a goddamned person, not a sex doll with swappable parts. You don't get to pick what hair color I have, the amount of body hair I was born with, the size of my breasts/hips, etc. Stop fucking commenting on what you wish I had and how it would "make me better." Especially on things I, and other women do not control. My life does not revolve around changing myself to live as this caricature in your fantasies. Love is accepting someone as they are. When I'm attracted to someone; I'm infatuated by all of their features, even the not-so-glamorous ones. It's hard to believe that men are practically incapable of this. He has to want to slather himself all over a woman sexually, before he'll even consider getting to know her.
I'm so fucking glad I'm asexual. I feel for straight women. I can't count the number of abuse stories I've heard from the relationship thread here on lolcow, reddit, coworkers, students, friends, even my mother and relative's marriages. Why are scrots so entitled and atrocious?
No. 355986
>>355836>>355857Yeah I've heard the line "when people around you start having kids you'll want them then too" and now being older and seeing my peers have them, it's just makes me feel all the more grateful and determined to never have kids.
My parents were bothering me about it for a while until their other grandkids from my siblings started treating them like ATM machines and as free baby sitters that they now thank me for not having them.
No. 356187
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My high school best friend is deciding to put herself in large debt for 30 years paying off a home loan for a house she really has no use for in the bumfuck nowhere country area we grew up in, with a shitty server job in a town with no prospects.
I would understand even a little if she was planning for kids or had a major career or even was just a little older, but we are both only 20 years old, and she's convinced herself she doesn't care that she will never experience anything different from what her life has been so far.
But its like she knows its not a smart idea (house prices in my country are dropping after a ENORMOUS inflation, but they're not that much different right now) because whenever its brought up, she brings up dumb excuses, tries to guilt me with her family shit i was literally around for, or changes the subject clumsily. I feel like we're growing apart majorly cause shes just not interested in anything but an asspatting echo chamber.
Every single person who isnt her extremely judgemental/closeminded family thinks its a horrible idea, but she just fucking blindfolds herself. Ever since she started doing this, she has been extremely weird at gatherings and managed to offend almost everyone there individually. Ugh.
No. 356189
>>355973Damb, I guess I lucked out with my male friends. I've never had any of them comment on my looks negatively.
Sorry you've had this experience, anon.
No. 356346
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>implies it's from a Japanese brand and not a cheap Ebay knock off
For fucks sake is this bitch blind?
No. 356367
>>356346Depop is so fucking cringe. I hate people who try to look model tier, just post the top and fuck off.
I can see someone who doesn't know JFashion and wear and pass it off as dirty cool IG girl
No. 356377
>>356088For me it's about finding financial and familial stability before I have children. Until then
or if it happens at all, I never want them. Because without those basic things it's not good enough, and I couldn't live with myself if I knew I put a child through the hell I went through and am still going through because my parents are selfish people who made fucked choices.
I'm in my late 20s, which is fine because quite frankly I don't want kids until my 30s. But as I grow older I get more angst after I realize my debts, and the fact that most single men in my age group have so much shitty baggage that it makes them absolutely unsuitable partners, and no less fathers.
It's bad and I'm losing a lot of trust in people, and with the world being how it is, sometimes I think it's for the better.
No. 356385
>>355836I don’t want kids, either. I thought I did, back when I thought I kind of had to. It’s just something people do, you know? As I got older (I’m 27) I realized that not only do I not have to have kids, but I REALLY don’t want to. The thought of being pregnant any time soon makes me panic and feel nauseous. The thought of having to care for a small human who’s spewing out both ends constantly is just horrifying.
Thankfully, my good friends are all still childless. Most of my coworkers are, too, and a couple are even childfree like me. I did get super fucking annoyed when my 38-year-old female childfree coworker told me I “might change my mind” someday. I was like, I finally have a kindred spirit here and she spouts the same bingos as everybody else. Cool.
No. 356442
>>355836I will never have kids because I feel similar to
>>355871 What really annoys be is the fact that people tell me that I will have kids when I find a perfect partner and of course merry him so we can have a fam together because that's apparently the ultimate goal to archive in your life. The thing about this is that it ALWAYS comes from people who you can really tell only got children because they thought you HAVE to make a family and all that stuff. I'm not interested in forcing myself in a situation because I feel that people expect me to do it this way than just do my own thing? I see left and right marriages with miserable people because it isn't the big happiness as expected. Specially not with the annoying children they have now.
No. 356443
>>356434I see what you mean, but looking back, I don’t think I actually ever really WANTED kids. It wasn’t an actual want but more like a compulsion I felt I was being forced into because society really pushes the “life script” on you and treats you like you’re crazy for not wanting to get married or have children.
I understand that you’re being kind but I’m definitely set on this. I’m looking into tubal ligation as soon as I can get it. I have so many things going on in my life (and admittedly, so many issues) that I know I don’t want to be a parent. And I certainly don’t want to lose grey matter in my brain kek.
Plus, I don’t even like kids. I can’t stand to be around them for more than a few minutes at a time.
No. 356445
>>356088>If any anons have my experience and any coping strategies, feel free to reply.My best coping strategies are reading horror stories about abusive/lazy husbands on the breakingmom subreddit, and going to the local shops - I live in a low socioeconomic area so it's full of dead eyed, frumpy fat women in sweats dragging their kids around. Nothing reinforces my aversion to parenthood more.
Personally the pressure I feel comes more from myself. I'm chronically single so I think people assume I won't have kids and don't bring it up with me. But every so often I get the fear of missing out when I see a cute baby or hear cute stories, even though it's just an impulse, the same I get when I see cute animals at the pet store. I know it won't suit my lifestyle or personality to have a child and I know I do NOT want to get married (or be a single mother), so I have to remind myself why I feel that way.
No. 356546
>>356445Thanks for replying back, it helps.
I love my boyfriend, not much to say bad. I'm appreciative to have the support and love from him (yay teamwork).
I do feel the itch, not so much wanting the baby now. But I guess he's the best option as a family man/father in my mind, I'm pretty traditional. Though, I want financial stability and to be able to manage both, have my kids not have a fucked up life I/he had. Maybe it's just me, I like traditional values with some progressive thinking. I want my future kids to be strong and healthy, with a loving support system behind them. Now I'm trying to get my background and framework to accomplish that (my finances etc in check first, esp. my education).
Thanks for creating the dialogue fellow anons!
No. 356807
>>356767Why is it always about invidual women being happy?
Seriously that is the only fucking defense I hear. Obviously some people enjoy their lives, who the fuck has ever denied that? It is a complete strawman to say that farmers on here are saying that no one has ever been happy or enjoyed their lives around or with men.
I don't know why your peanut brain can't comprehend things on a larger level other than your personal surroundings and happiness. I'm not saying you have to devote your life to every single poor suffering woman and child in the world, but get a fucking clue about the current affairs of women outside your life.
When we talk about the suffering of women we are talking about the VAST majority of women in the world and the past. We're not talking about a hyper-specific group in a infinitely narrow time period (ie. a small percentage of educated women shitposting on a Icelandic skate sharpening bbs in 2019).
Stop dismissing women's experiences.
No. 357769
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This guy is considering pricing his comic page commissions at 70€. mean, it's a free market, if idiots want to pay that much then it's their thing, but these prices baffle me. Yeah, I'm from a poorfag country and I also draw so that's why people like that annoy me, but comparatively I could buy a high quality artbook for that price.
No. 368515
>>368510you were once a teenager too. Hating on the younger generation has been a thing since Socrates. Gen Z is probably nor worse nor better than yours.
Also slang is a thing. I dislike "game" as well but it not "being used properly" is a dumb argument because a good part of slang works in that way. That's how language evolves, any linguist will agree.
No. 368516
>>368471Those ankle biters have sure gone ape with their lingo daddy-o, don't they know how square it sounds?
No. 368544
>>368520The joke is that they were calling the current youth slang dumb, but dumber would not have been acceptable for the generations before it. I must be a granny because it wasn't proper English when I was in school.
Suddenly I'm reminded of that one anon who vented that the most annoying thing was anons responding to normal posts telling them to chill out, I can't possibly imagine why
No. 368611
>>368589>>368578I'm 28, and I was a regular on efagz, /cgl/ drama threads, maxfag and sr.
Has there ever been a demographic survey of the sites userbase? That would be pretty interesting.
>>368589I was never involved in cosplay or lolita either, but I liked looking at it. I was mostly there for the drama threads. The queen was at her peak. Dakota related salt was at it's saltiest. Yukapon something something pee. A simpler time.
No. 368703
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Tik Tok was a fucking mistake
No. 370882
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Mildly annoying: that classmate in one of my college courses who keeps saying “mane-guh” instead of “mahn-ga.”
No. 370921
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People who are always shoving their phone cameras in other people's faces, either to document every single little thing in their instagrams or just for fun - especially if they do it with the malicious purpose of making fun of them, by trying to find the most unflattering angles/moments to capture (see Moomoo). It's weird and petty.
No. 371345
>>371218I never learnt how even if that sounds stupid, I thought it only happened in high business deals and American tv. When people shake my hand I just let them move mine and wait until they release it, I don't know what they think of me when it happens or what their painful squeezes are meant to mean.
Maybe this is what autism feels like
No. 371470
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handshake anons are cute. can I shake y'all's hands?
No. 371753
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>>371732I'm fucking wheezing at the mental image that last sentence gave me
No. 372266
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People who post on lolcow doing shit like this on other sites when they should know better
No. 372791
>>372266This type of shit is why we can't have nice things.
Unrelated but while I'm here I may as well say: I'm sick of anons being fucking bitches to other anons for no reason. It's obnoxious and unnecessary. When discussing cow behavior, of course; that's why we're here. But these salty bitches being rude for no reason are getting old. Ah well, variety is the spice of life I guess.
No. 375354
>>373423Are you much younger/hotter than everyone else there?
Just reply in like 6 days so they get the message. You made a good impression at least
No. 375372
>>375363for me, they dont even have to be walking slowly. any straight couple expressing pda infuriates me, especially indoors. do you really need your hand on her waist while deciding which ricotta to buy? is this trashy movie theater lobby so romantic that you just have to kiss? disgusting.
gays get a pass out of solidarity and cause it's way less common
No. 375374
>>375362I used to smoke and vape now but fuck these people.
You take it away from doors and anyone who isn’t also smoking. Idc that people wanna smoke but fuck the majority of them for not taking steps to not smoke next to some strangers baby in a pram.
>>375348Slow walkers deserve capital punishment unless they’re like, old or disabled. Tbh I’ve seen people with cerebral palsy overtake people in Melbourne, so there’s no reason for healthy people to be taking one step per second.
No. 375377
>>375372It's okay anon someday someone will keep their hands around your waist while they decide which ricotta to buy.
>gays get a passMaybe when you transition into a beautiful soft boi uwu you'll find a bf
No. 375420
>>375404i'm a bit stoned so i'm open to have a bit of introspection, why not?
even when i've been in loving relationships i've detested pda. i'm a very anxious person and i become especially on edge in public spaces and want to become invisible as much as possible. so maybe it's that pda makes me anxious and i'm jealous of those who don't care?
but even thinking about someone's "hand on my waist" makes my skin crawl, regardless of if people are around to see it. so maybe it's not anxiety but that i've just got issues with physical affection.
idk girl i just fucking hate pda
No. 375660
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>>375348S P E E D W A L K I N G M A S T E R R A C E
No. 381412
>>354607you in Melbourne? Im going back down there for uni and I can't say I'm looking forward to dealing with the unrelenting crackheads, once I took an early tram to campus at like six and there was a dude who was so methed out he was just kind of yelling and laughing incoherently and I was there just trying to stay as still as humanly possible so he might not see me kind of like in jurassic park lol
but yeah legitimately worried about being murdered during my evening commute especially cos I finish uni late
No. 384538
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Jesus christ this makes me fucking sick. This is why all those "teehee lewd ahegao hentai desu~"-memes and trends need to fucking stop. People treat hentai and ecchi as just some ~le quirky funny anime meymey~, instead of actual PORN for ADULTS, and it's so normalized and acceptable to flaunt it everywhere, even in places and platforms where actual fucking kids will be exposed to it. It would be seen as really weird if someone would mimic live action porn on TikTok or similar platforms, or used porn screenshots as a profile picture, or wore shirts with porn actresses faces on them. But exposing everyone (including CHILDREN) to your fetishes suddenly because acceptable as long as it's 2D? I'm fucking revolted.
No. 384688
>>384659>She thinks she's cool but she really isn't.What do you mean? What is "cool"? Is it "cooler" to bitch about her on Lolcow like you're on the worst sour grapes bend ever, lmao?
>Also the people she parties with would never do that if they knew who she really was.How well do you know them to assess whether or not they'd give a fuck? If they like her, they like her. Are you just upset that you can't be both a weeby imageboard user and a party-attending, drug-using normie depending on how you feel?
No. 384713
Here's some other things she did:
>Forgot other people lived in our suite and did cocaine off the kitchen table>Wears j-fashion in a sloppy way all of the time. Thinks Axes Femme is the height of classiness>Has a bunch of shitty ita coords>Left a yaoi dojin on the kitchen table. She paid for it to be imported too. >>3846614chan is way cringier than lolcow
>>384688I'm complaining because it's annoying
No. 384773
>>384713I get where other anons are coming from about the clothes not really being a big deal, but how is everyone overlooking the fact that she's doing coke in anon's shared kitchen? That is not cool and she sounds like a complete bimbo.
Hell that's more than annoying, that's blatantly crossing a boundary most normal people have. Most self-aware users I've known never do their drugs in common areas when they know other people don't use. That's fucked.
No. 384805
>>384582i can believe you that she sucks but what does her not wearing make up have to do with anything?
Also while I've been clean from drugs for 3 years I still party and have a very vibrant social life yet browse image boards etc…
No. 384808
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>>384582>She also doesn’t wear makeup. Scandalous!
No. 385148
>>384819Yeah I wish I could do that
>>384817I know. Some people are mad af right now
>>384744No one is jealous of her
>>384730It's called being fake
No. 385210
>>384773Anon is not mad about that though, or she would have made it the main point of her first post. Anon is mad that someone she considers uncool is doing things that she does consider cool, with friends who evidently don't consider her uncool.
It's weird as fuck and I can't believe she's still here defending herself for hating a girl who committed the terrible crimes of liking yaoi and not wearing makeup while also having a social life.
No. 385273
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This is something that's been really annoying me lately. I'll just give my example since it'll be easier than trying to explain vaguely. I joined a Mob psycho 100 discord off Tumblr (never doing that again) because I just finished catching up with it and at first it seemed fine, the rules were a little weird but I was okay with following them. I'm in there a day and half, I break two "rules" that weren't even listed (I posted a meme without giving credit to the original creator and I tried to add to a convo that was happening in general but I guess I needed to bring up the topic in a different one idk) and they got all passive aggressive with me for no reason. Calling me "sweetie" and saying these things are common sense. They key spam, censor words that aren't even offensive, and are just generally really annoying. I chalked it up to them being younger than me but I looked at some of their intros and saw some were my age (I'm 18) and the youngest being 15. I guess I don't fit in with those kind of people.
Anyway, I just think it's so weird how communities like stan Twitter/Tumblr/just young teen girls in general online are really passive aggressive and just nasty to people to seem funny or cool. I guess cause a lot of them are my age or younger is annoying too, I never have acted the way these girls do, and I find it so obnoxious. I wonder how they act in the real world. Okay rant over.
No. 385348
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I can't be the only one right? I'm gonna preface by saying i am rarely if ever represented as a minority on TV, i'm far from a person that could be considered a """white hettie uwu""" with a perfect model body and all that.
I've never given a damn all my life about what movies or cartoons like like me or act like me, and it's really hard for me to understand why someone could watch a show because "Wow! Finally an xyz character on a big movie", i don't care about representation or inclusivity. I am especially annoyed about people that throw entire bitch fits because there isn't a gay, trans, "Poc", or non american in a show. Most of my friends act like this and i don't get it. Why the fuck do people care so much? Are they really that spergy to go apeshit when they don't see drawings that look like them? I don't sit here crying because the new hottest hollywood movie didn't include my exotic ethnicity or some shit, but i try to get excited, i really do.
People will shit on a perfectly good series because it doesn't have muh gays or muh poc. Why? Don't they have anything better to do? Will sending people death threats and harassing them over not including people like you REALLY win them over?
No. 385353
>>385348People have tied their own identities to consumerism without being aware of it.
The media they consume becomes a part of them and their identity, which is why I think so many people feverishly defend subpar cash grabs (99% of movies/media) because it feels like they have a personal stake in it (their own sense of identity or ego).
Instead of cultivating hobbies in which you actually have to create, people tend to go for the easier route and have hobbies in which you consume. So instead of getting to say "I'm a writer" and thus have some of your personality or identity expressed through that, you say "I love movies/dramas/video games/anime" and thus have to express your personality or identity THROUGH the media you pick (ie. I only watch comedies so I'm a laid back/funny person, someone who loves romance movies are seen to be naive and romantic etc).
Hollywood knows that race and sex are just another thing people use for identity, so it's just another thing to convince people to relate to.
No. 385365
>>385353ntayrt but your answer is very interesting (especially the consumption vs productive hobbies bit). I do think people are convinced liking a show etc is a personality trait and the more of a fan you are the more you have a personality instead of realising how hollow a self is that's entirely built around media, but I'm convinced the being a baby about representation is just a way to collect oppression points and seem like a person with superior awareness.
in fact I think extreme sjw ideology is as much something that people grab to define themselves when they feel like a husk, they act and speak exactly like the other sjws in the exact way those superwholock people were all the same.
No. 385450
>>385348I agree. I’m a fairly unusual ethnic minority (at least, unusual in the places where I live) and the children of immigrants and I always looked different from the blonde blue eyed kids in my school but I never gave a rat’s ass about ~representation~
I consume all sorts of media that have tons of different perspectives: men, women, young, old, gay, straight, etc. I don’t need a character to have my ethnicity in order for me to relate to them. In fact I’d rather media characters not be from the same country that my family is from because ironically most people who come from there DON’T look like us, and we don’t celebrate the extremely dominant religion there either, which is a pretty big part of the culture.
I really despise the assumption that if you’re any kind of minority/not white, then you have to love any story that features non white people because muh diversity. Like I’m not gonna watch Black Panther or Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or whatever solely because it’s ‘POC representation uwu’, I’m not black so why would it be inspiring or relatable to me? I’ll watch it if it seems interesting to me regardless of the race of the main cast, I’m here for entertainment not preachy liberal bullshit.
And it’s weird to lump in every single non white person as one monolith when there’s so many different cultures. Imagine telling someone from Italy that they should watch a Finnish movie because “omg they’re European just like you isn’t that so great and inclusive?”
No. 385466
>>385348It's a combination between American identity politics, self-centredness/
victim complex, popularity of social media, outrage culture and internet slacktivism. I find this obsession with diversity and representation in books and tv shows annoying, too. What I don't get is why they expect filmmakers and authors who aren't, let's say, homosexual to include homosexual characters in their stories. Creators have been criticised for not portraying a minority character authentically enough or too stereotypically and I just think, these people should tell their own personal stories about their own minority status because they know best instead of tweeting angry rants at the companies and demanding better representation.
No. 385475
>>385348I have a weird spin on this: I'm a white het cis woman and I'm still disappointed by representation of those things because whats "pretty" in media is STILL the opposite of what I look like. The only relevant celeb girl I can relate to is Brie Larsen but everyone currently hates her bc she isnt ScarJo in terms of hot superhero women.
Some topics have 2 sides to every coin but this is like a 20-sided Dragons and Dungeons die. Representing everyone is impossible when they're gonna pick the prettiest of whatever race/sex/group anyways. Yeah I'm bitter.
No. 385476
>>385348It's great that you don't care that you've never related to a character but I've heard from so many friends about how when they kids they wanted to be white blondes because nobody cool on tv looked like them, and how when playing games they would be made to play "the ugly one" even if that character wasn't even the same minority as them. I also do think that even though adults should understand the difference between tv and irl, if a certain stereotype is always applied to a race or whatever on tv, that's going to have bad effect. It's the same as how seeing women only in homemaker roles has proven to be detrimental to the aspirations of young girls.
Of course I think there's a difference between actively challenging the status quo versus just shoehorning in a rainbow of pc characters into every piece of media. I hope to live in a world oneday where a story set in medieval Sweden doesn't need a token blackwashed guy, because normal TV shows will have enough fair representation that we don't need to aggressively cram out where it doesn't fit.
>>385411I think children DO care about representation, but only to a certain point, adults fans just take it too far and ruin everything because they want something aimed at least kids to relate to themselves.
No. 385571
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>>385348I'm kind of the same way, I usually don't give a shit, but I'm not represented at all in most media that's not made in some specific countries and most of the time, my ethnic minority is horribly represented in media and we're supposed to be thankful for that because hey, all the characters from your ethnicity are thugs or savages, but at least they're (supposedly) funny!!1!1 And the female characters get to suck white men's dicks instead of the guys from their ethnic group so they're not oppressed anymore and that's progressive!!11!
Then again in my country most of our pop culture is shit in the first place. I'm ok with being "represented" as long as it's not insulting, otherwise I'd rather not be represented at all. I mostly care about American and Japanese shows, books and music so I barely see trash like this anymore nowadays.
pic related I guess? No. 385589
>>385476yeah and even I as a white passing fair-haired person wanted to be blonde and blue eyed as a child because of cartoon characters that I liked, I don't think this is a race thing as much as children liking to emulate /imitate their favorite characters (at some point I genuinely wanted blue hair and skin because of one fairy Barbie I had lmao).
90% percent of adults whining over muh representation are insincere and attention seeking and the 10% who have not parted after childhood with this wanting to be something theyre not bc of media have their parents to blame I think, people would do way more good teaching their children to like whichever appearance they have rather than sperging over the absence of token nonwhite characters.
No. 385594
>>385495Exactly. Although I do believe a handful of people in general are trash those blaming the gender of their ex just shows they're immature and probably have a lot wrong with them themselves.
I'd also just hope that they are simply hurting and not attracting trash and putting up with trash and being trash themselves.
No. 385776
>>385599Diversity anon here, i really only consider representation forced when it's obviously there for brownie points, like constantly advertising about your inclusion when it isn't the sole focus, conveniently announcing a character as a minority when game sales are down and etc. Either way i don't get going absolutely nuclear over it.
>>385476I appreciate this response simply because you didn't immediately jump to the "You hate yourself!" argument that usually gets thrown at me. I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to children (I probably didn't care as a child either because i played a lot of RPGs, i could simply make an alternate persona tailored to my mood at will) so i instead prefer to focus on adults that spend all day on twitter REEEing that the new hottest netflix show isn't inclusive enough. Challenging backwards status quo is nice, but does that series genuinely want to challenge shit ideals, or was it made as a cash grab for an audience that is obviously desperate? I think it's necessary to exercise caution to make sure your money and attention are going towards people that care.
No. 386748
I hate the sound of high heels. Every time I hear someone walking around in them it ruins my mood and I want to beat the shit out of them.
>>386738It's weird how feet are so polarizing. I've know several others who are disgusted by or even TERRIFIED of feet lol, and yet so many people are turned on by them.
Maybe it's because we keep them hidden? So to some they're grotesque but to others mysterious and hot.
No. 386770
>>386748Haha I know what you mean about the sound of high heels.
I work in retail and it's not a clothing or shoe store. Ot has concrete floors and 9 times out of 10 when I hear the clacking and end up serving the heeled customer they are usually a cunt.
No. 386773
>>386018Just be passive aggressive about it and mention singing auditions are down the road.
Or if you don't have it in you to tell him to fuck up, just say something like 'You have a really nice voice, but I've got a really bad migraine, do you mind not singing for a while?'
I know that's just a temporary fix, but if he's super into himself he'll probably get hurt at this and refrain from singing around you so often.
No. 386775
>>386748Yes it's true that they're polarizing. I find feet ugly because they look like deformed, fucked up hands on most people. I find most open toe shoes incredibly ugly unless they're high heels. I've seen people with actual deformities and they never freaked me out as much as seeing bare feet, although I never really have a reaction when seeing deformities so that might not be a good example in the first place.
>I hate the sound of high heels. I don't really mind it when other people wear high heels but I hate wearing them only because of the noise they make. I like how they look on me though so I kind of force myself sometimes.
No. 400088
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I never expected to find a character so annoying, she would be a total cow. Naturally, twitter is obsessed with her.
No. 400118
>>400088Woosh, at first it's hard to believe these are real.
Her design is cute and I remember all the good art on twitter, shame that she's so obnoxious.
No. 400139
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>>400088I think her design is really cute and there's tonnes of good fanart from jp twitter artists, but damn that "i'm trash uwu" thing is an annoying setup for a character. It was bad enough with all the people calling her a tranny.
No. 400164
>>400140Looks like a design loony troons would flock to;
-young looking
-pastel pink+blue
-looks submissive
-is an anime girl, honestly the above don’t even need to apply as long as this box is checked.
No. 400336
>>400139 and it was like you said, people started likening her color palette to the trans flag right away.
No. 400414
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now there's going to be a ton of brigading scrotes thanks to this dumbass on reddit. pming people the fucking thread
No. 400451
>>400414I like how one of them was like
>lolcow made me nitpick other womenas if it isn't literally just her being a weak bitter cunt lol
No. 400483
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>>400414Handmaiden or tranny?
No. 400861
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Writing the 3 sizes of celebrities was always dumb and objectifying, but when you do it with fictional characters it reaches a new level of stupid because they go for unrealistic options that don't fit the way the character looks at all.
No. 400890
>>400495Reddit has always been full of braindead misognyists, handmaidens, racists, trannies and general foolishness. I only ever go there for annoyance material, or for a laugh.
It's a haven for retarded males of all creeds/backgrounds, much like most of 4chan. The only difference is Redditors think they're more civilized for some reason.
No. 400912
>>400861It's im@s. Every girl's three sizes are unrealistic and an absolute mess, the art style isn't even consistent to girls with similar sizes.
I agree with you, though.
No. 400955
>>400912Never understood why idol anime doesn't just put the girls weights instead of their 3 sizes when the 3 sizes aren't consistent across different girls… just fucking tell us they're underweight outright and stop beating around the bush.
Also real life Japanese idols' sizes are a lie because there's no way every single one of them has a waist under 60 cm no matter what waifs they are considering how fucking straight up and down their bodies tend to be. Having a waist over 60 cm makes u a cow tho apparently, which is funny because most girls including western models lie about having that as their waist size.
No. 401056
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>>401003If all the girls have the same measurements I don't see the point tbh
it's even more pointless to measure irl idol singers who aren't professionally modeling and whose measurements don't really matter. most 48group girls don't even do gravure but they're measuring them as young as 13-14 years old and likely faking their measurements, the fact that they probably get measured and shamed on the regular isn't healthy at all
hell I see it as equally useless in western modeling when the measurements are always fabricated or outright lies. we get it, you want to promote that they're anachans, but we can see that with obvious anachans without giving measurements for irl model waifs
very few people have a naturally 20"-25" waist, no matter how "'naturally tiny" they are, shorter people with straight bodies are likelier to have bigger waists because there's no curvature to their shape
No. 401447
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>>401440There's never been proof around that though outside of Asian fetishiziation and unfounded biology
Idk why you weebs think Asians are a completely different species
No. 401455
>>401447Nta, but how is the potential for different body types fetishizing or seeing them as a different species? Different races have different bodies including bone structure, it's not some wild opinion… that's literally how we can tell they're a different race at a glance. Asians in particular get symptoms of obesity at lower weights, so it's likely they are just built smaller in general. And just from personal observation, they can get to lower weights than other races do without looking like unhealthy bony skeletors.
That's not to say they can't get fat, or that non asian people have an excuse for being fat, or that there isn't variety in natural body size within any race. It's just that their bodies seem to tolerate a low weight better than other races in general.
No. 401457
>>401451How so? Firstly I never said they’re my friends, but secondly them not having 20” waists and me acknowledging that wouldn’t suddenly make me a bad friend. At the end of the day the vast majority of women, even petite, wouldn’t have such a small waist unless they corset or have their ribs removed
20” is a circumference of literally only 50.8 cm, that is insanely small - it’s not even two rulers
No. 401489
>>401464samefag from earlier who mentioned waist size firsthand
yes there are more fat people in the US, but skinny girls don't have a 20" waist or even a 24" ideal, unless you've got a very naturally flat stomach and exercise enough to keep it flat without any subcutaneous weight. my waist is 27" and maaaaybe was 25"-26" at its smallest when I was at a much more skelly weight, and I don't have a terrible bwh ratio (hips are like 35"?).
yeah people can pull the all Asian women are smaller card all they want but that's not true either, a 20"-24" waist isn't going to be common among most people because the spentacular golden bust waist hip ratio exaggerated on modeling profiles is a lie. even if Japan/Asia is a less fat nation and their women are "naturally thinner" I can guarantee most of the women aren't going to have 20" waists naturally, pretty much all 20" waist girls are anachans or celebrity anachans, and there's very few women who are blessed with the "golden" bwh ratio
No. 401701
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it annoy me that now that moomin is popular the sjw are staring to make shit up likes " this character is like totally trans uwu" like in pic relate (saga becase this is stupid lmao)
No. 401732
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>>401440>>401445hahaha fuck this HAS to be a scrote. first of all waist size has nothing to do with bone structure. hips are bone. the waist is muscle and fat. the "standard" waist size commonly used (one size fits all) is between 25 inches to 27 inches in japan.
No. 401828
>>401825At what point do you think it's okay to claim being part non-white as a mixed person?
Not required to answer obviously since this is an ANGRY thread, but if someone is read as non-white 60% of the time and ambiguous for another 10% is it safe?
No. 401832
>>401825its annoying as fuck i can totally understand. and they want to be the loudest ones when it comes to certain issues that don't specifically apply to them because they've never experienced it.
however i've seen the other side of the coin, people who obviously are mixed and perceived as non-white getting called "white passing" by their peers, so much they even start to believe it. like no sweetie, this person does in fact experience race issues.
oppression olympics bad
>>401829i know someone who started bashing titty streamers even though before she used to be all "don't body shame! yes women have boobs, so what! some of us like to show off our cleavage don't hate!" and she's got big boobs herself and SHE streams, like why are you all of a sudden bashing this woman for doing something you support? of course it's always because of jealousy and wrongthink.
No. 401833
>>401828NTA, but I think it's only "okay" to claim if people regularly identify you as that race. Some people are part-[x], but don't look it, and it doesn't affect their life at all. They just want the extra "woke" points and to act superior to other white people.
Someone who's clearly non-white with maybe like 10-30% white ancestry would look very, very stupid and lost if they constantly called themselves white, so I don't know why the rules are different the other way around. It just strikes me as dumb and unequal.
No. 401839
>>401825Oh God, I have a friend who is fucking always telling people how afraid she is that her conservative grandparents might find out she's uwu bisexual~
For one, you've never been with a woman, period, and two, you're MARRIED to a MAN. Your grandparents aren't going to find out about that one time you schlicked to lesbian porn in high school, and no, not being able to talk about your fetishes at the dinner table doesn't make you oppressed, fucking chill.
No. 401945
>>401941NTA obviously but why are people who insist on singing loudly for attention all the time just the worst people on earth??? i had a girl like that in my last college course, we were in the workshop and bitch was literally fucking
belting off-key and this one asshole dude yelled “THIS ISN’T THE FUCKING SHOWER” and she completely ignored him like he didn’t even say anything and continued on. i about pissed my pants laughing but the dude was literally fuming.
my first encounter with people like this was in high school choir. half the sopranos were uppity uber-cunts who just HAD to show off their AmAZiNg SkiLLz, sometimes even when the instructor was speaking. that lady had the patience of a fucking saint, i could barely handle it myself. i count my lucky fucking stars that ariana grande was not well known at all back then so nobody was out here pathetically attempting her runs at 8000 decibels. i probably would’ve committed murder suicide.
No. 402205
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>mfw listening to a 26 year old colleague's rant who says she could never date anyone under 25 because they're "too immature" while she has a DUI on her belt, gets absolutely shitfaced every other day and needs her friends to constantly check on her, make sure that she got an Uber instead of driving when she's drunk and even congratulate her for making her bed
I mean, I agree with the general sentiment of not wanting to date under a certain age, it's just quite ironic that she of all people would point out maturity, when she's one of the worst womanchildren I know. Hell, I'm 23 and I wouldn't date her because she's too immature for my standards.
No. 402354
>>402242She sounds insensitive because she's caught up with her own self-esteem issues, but you type about her like she's a nemesis and you come off as resentful. Do you believe she's intentionally trying to hurt you, or is it she clearly has a mental problem just like the one you had before you recovered?
You shouldn't be dating each other.
No. 402392
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>>402360You're 100% right
that thread attracted a bunch of retarded kids who took the chance to bring up their irrelevant art vendettas or sperg about nothing. Not to mention the self posts and the cow tipping, it's awful.
>>401701I hope they lose interest in it quickly
No. 403009
>>402953Counterpoint, anons who tell anyone who disagrees with them to "chill out".
I see this everywhere, not just here. God forbid you end your reply to someone with a full stop, but without a couple of lols and fifty emojis to reassure them that you're not actually planning their death that very moment.
There's not even any way to respond to it.
No. 403124
>>403101A lot of MTF complain about that too. They say they relate to her struggle because they thought what Naoto wanted was just the body of a man because of her dungeon and the boss fight. They're often people who never played the game and just watch a few cutscenes on youtube and complain on resetera, because she says loud and clear at the end of her SL that she's proud of being a woman and that she'll work harder to get the career she wants despite being discriminated against. I never realised how delusional they are but they really think that being upset at being treated badly by others IS gender dysphoria by itself, so I guess that's why.
They will never relate to struggling with being treated like a drooling retard or an arrogant brat in their workplaces just because of their gender so they really shouldn't talk. The Aidens like complaining about Yosuke being a homophobic piece of shit these days.
No. 403126
This 17 year old girl that works with my husband is clearly obsessed with him and I’m frankly sick of it. Shes always texting him and apparently changes her schedule to work with him more. My husband is pretty repulsed, never texts her back and typically treats her the same he would any other coworker, according to a mutual friend who works there. But the other day she texted him asking if she could come over and smoke? And I’m like lmao no? Doesn’t she know you’re married and not to fuck with a marriage? Husband and I have talked about it, how weird it is and how uneasy I feel about it, and he has no intention following through because he’s very loyal and obviously, cheating in this situation would be illegal. He respects my feelings on it, but says he doesn’t know what to do other than ignore the texts, he doesn’t want to cause any drama at work. So, fine whatever, but I went into his work yesterday to pick something up he’d forgotten, and this nasty little runt keeps glaring at me and acting like I don’t even know my husband. Like bitch, were married ok? You’re a child, fuck off. She knows who I am and apparently asks a lot of questions about me, and it just makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Not really threatened but highly annoyed that I have to be nice because she’s a kid and probably doesn’t understand how relationships work.
No. 404004
>>403949I really identify with this.
I'm tired of seeing trash bags and unused BBQs on every single balcony here.
I guess we must start up our own movement to inspire others.
No. 404163
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>>400861>>400912That's just a bad angle of her.
No. 404187
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>>404163Shiny colors has among the best art of the IM@S games.
Although a lot of the girls still have bad measurement syndrome and skelly weights I'm appreciative that they did feature a couple in this smaller group of girls who weren't skelly. Like this girl is 165 cm and 58 kg which is at least a healthy weight even if it all seems to go to her tits. There's another smaller idol who is 148 cm and 46 kg I think from shiny colors as well. There's a few Cinderella girls idols who are within the healthy range but is rare to see any over 50 kg whose weight reflects a normal / non skelly body type or size
I don't want to hate idol anime and games, I like quite a few of them… but sometimes the whole objectification and unhealthy attitude towards girls weights and measurements bothers me.
No. 404220
>>404216Headcanoning is fun when it's not about fucking political virtue signaling. Scrolling through tumblr for decent twitter icons is a pain in the ass, tumblr's edits are all that site is good for, that and the ability to archive liked posts, but that's pretty much where the usefulness ends.
Aside from the good icons, you have to scroll past badly photoshopped attempts to blackface the cast of anime series. The whole "making everyone black" edits make no sense to me, especially in the Hero Academia fandom when some of them don't have human colored skin in the first place (like Mina Ashido, why darken an alien girl with flamingo pink skin? Or the bird guy, Tokoyami?).
No. 404229
I think one of the reasons society is being held back is that vocabulary has taken more importance than action.
You can't say certain things, but what you do is always up for debate and defense. Social justice shit is always so performative, and it gives shitty people a way to gaslight and get away with things by learning to "talk the talk" or avoid certain phrasing.
That's why you can be "cancelled" for saying a slur on Twitter, but actual pedophiles, woman-beaters, rapists, racists, etc roam free in the public eye as long as they know how to be "civil". That's why pointing out obvious incidences of racism or sexism will get you a pack of baboon-level idiots trying to "debate" with you on how it's not really racist or sexist, that you're just "misunderstanding", or how it was a "mistake" that they're "growing and changing from" up until you can produce evidence of those involved outright saying "Fuck those (slur)s" or how much they hate women. And even then, they'll come up with an excuse.
Everyone has accepted that certain words are "bad", because it's way easier than dissecting our actual thoughts, actions and behaviors. I hate it. I'll take a hundred ignorant people not understanding the weight of certain words if it means they'll stop actually doing fucked up things.
Enough writing platitudes about how well you understand this or that word is bad, just do right by the people affected and move on with your life.
No. 404243
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>>404220The MHA fandom is full of autistic headcanons, but racebend edits are the lowest of the low. A surefire way to find out if someone is profoundly mentally disabled is if they make and/or defend these shitty edits. These racebend HCs have been starting to bleed into other fandoms like Mob Psycho 100 too, egh. And again, you can't criticize someone for it because they'll racebait the argument.
>>404233I'm not 100% sure i have but that sure sounds familiar. I saw a post going around that Shrek is a lesbian coming to age story too.
No. 404264
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Related to the fandom discourse and racebending I fucking hate that American SJWs dominate every nook and cranny of every fandom unless it's super obscure. I live on the other side of the fucking planet in a 99.9% white country, why the hell should I give a shit about American social politics that have nothing to do with the society I live in? Why should I be expected to live by them? Why should half of my original characters be black? I don't even speak English as my first language or even use it daily, I can't be expected to know all the nuanced language sensitivities! The worst thing is that the SJWs in my country have adapted the ideas of their American counterparts and now throw around awful anglicisms trying to police and whip people into ideas they don't even understand the context for. I just end up gravitating towards fandoms that are dominated by people not from the US and use social media only in my native language so that some crazy snowflake can't kick up a cancel campaign on my ass for slipping up and saying something ~problematic~.
No. 404281
>>404264I feel this except I'm from a third world shithole and I can't fucking wrap my head around why sjws exist here
the fact they're also weebs/kboos make it an unholy combination
No. 404282
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>>404229Your points on leftists vocabulary remind me of this /lit/ anon.
No. 404283
>>404264Totally agree anon… Related to the MHA racebending shit in which people instantly retort with american-centric arguments when they know jack shit about Japan outside of anime or manga. Do they know about Japan's heavily discriminated groups of people? No, of course not. But that doesn't matter, just slap american politics on every single one of your HCs and call everyone who criticizes it a racist bigot.
Every fucking fandom has these radical burgers now and the rest of the world is just supposed to be a-okay with it. We're just supposed to understand every single one of america's intricately nuanced problems like the back of our hand.
No. 404295
>>403862Idek who that anon is, but like… wild! I was talking generally, I see that shit all the time here.
Like the farmer a few posts up saying "a 17yo is basically the same as a 20yo" or the obsession with the cringey shit billie eilish does (I dislike eilish but like…no shit she's cringey. She's fucking 17.)
No. 404304
>>404282I noticed something similar, especially with those words.
The most frequent ones I've seen are: "Destroy the narrative that….", "unpack", "black bodies", "queer bodies", "latinx", "safe spaces", "queer spaces", "women's spaces", "platform", "body positive", "sex positive", "policing", "shaming", "optics", "spread this like wildfire", "capitalism", "privilege", "diversity", "camab", "afab", etc.
These terms and phrases have practical uses (obviously), but they're also very often deliberately (mis)used to signal certain things in these circles. It loops back to what I mentioned before on talking the talk and enabling gaslighting. You don't even need to read books to pick up on this language, all you need is a Tumblr account, to follow some leftist blogs and you'll be able to talk like them and skinwalk in a matter of weeks. No one knows who "starts" it all, but it proliferates everywhere.
I want to call it wokespeak or something.
The author fails to mention that the right has a similar pattern, though, the most obvious being "white genocide", "Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, white countries for everybody?!", "diversity is code for anti-white", "replace us", "political correctness", "replacement rates", "meritocracy", "traditional values", "western civilization", "communism", "our people", "these people", "blacks", "Whites" (capital "w" is important), "NPC", "shill", "glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger", the infamous "14 words", "soyboy", "cucked", "clownworld", "based and redpilled", "bluepilled", etc. It gets so repetitive that they even have actual bots post their "mantras" in whatever comment section they want to disrupt, and they've been doing it for years.
My conclusion is that political dogma has become so heavily saturated by social media that participants don't even need to think anymore. They just repeat the same shit over and over to appease whatever audience they want. Just copy whatever has the most likes. It's almost dystopian.
No. 404345
>>404304This is spot on lol ironically, you'd get accusations consisting of these kinda words if you were to point this out in the respective platforms.
Sad how big words with actual meanings are being thrown around like that by ignorant people for personal vendettas, as silencing tactics or just to justify whatever dumb shit they're uttering.
No. 404416
Not gonna lie /m/'s board quality got run down once the fujo thread was moved there lol. Bunch of anons mentioning that they're a fujo in every post they make + getting real mad in the bad art thread + getting heated about atlus not having gays, but god they're good to laugh at, autists are always like this aren't they?
Fujo sperg aside i'm sad that the bad art thread isn't as frequented anymore. I think after that one fakeboi got shit on for drawing crappy love live headcanons other people have been hiding their headcanons in tags better. It's really irritating that some people have actual skill and still make characters 10 shades darker for woke points. I hope this racebending garbage trend goes out of fashion soon, but seeing as how most of the people doing it are retarded qweer children, it probably will soon.
>>404403I wonder what it felt like to actually sit down and draw this abomination.
No. 404463
>>404459>someone mentioned being a being interested in gay characters in any context my whole board experience is ruined reee!I have never ever seen this. There is even a lesbian media thread.
Seriously, some fujos on these boards completely ignore what sort of actual problems some anons have with certain fujos (like shitty and creepy art with underage characters)and just want to act like
No. 404596
>>404585Yeah, I can't believe why anyone would ever be critical or laugh at any fujo. They are calm in debate, never cringy, and all of their characters look 19 and over.
Victims, all of them.
No. 404601
>>404600what id like to know is where tf the fujo spergs supposedly find all these pedo comics?
idk much about yaoi but all of the mainstream ones ive come across the characters are all adults. what kind of deep web pedo shit are they looking at.
No. 404696
>>404585 mentioned it's usually oversensitive tumblrinas who see pedophilia everywhere if the character isn't a gruff and buff 35-year old and mostly use it as a tool to get rid of everything they don't like personally. There have been spergy anons in some threads arguing that shipping fucking 17-year old fictional characters is pedophilia because of m-muh minors.
>>404657This, also the way they often use the term "MLM" and type like an edgy teenager just screams one of those repressed not-like-other-fujos from the woke side of Twitter.
No. 404782
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I hope to god this genre dies. It started somewhat interesting with voice actors reading the top post of random subreddits, but now it's devolved to just reading askreddit posts with a robot voice. I wouldn't hate it that much, but for some reason you tube's algorithm loves these type of videos
No. 405312
>>405307the fact that cuckchanners are autistic retarded fucks with all sorts of issues but somehow manage to be more funny and have more productive/entertaining conversations than farmers is hilarious
>no meanies allowedah yes, it's totally that, and not the fact every other farmer sounds like they're suffering from bpd as an excuse to be le "petty!!!!!" to other anons even though male dominated websites can be 100x aggressive and worse but im explicitly saying they're better than you
but yeah.
No. 405337
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>>405312>>405315show me on the doll where the farmer boolied you
then go sit in the corner and think about why you most likely deserved it
No. 405418
>>405405well, i can only assume since they claim
most of the site is made up of them. also, they constantly derail in threads about pronouns, so it's not as if they're not on those boards.
No. 405434
>>405305>>405351Not any of these anons but I agree too. Too bad 4chan is trash now, back then really was the golden years. Shit like
>OP makes a homophobic comment> ">not wanting to suck his dick, what are you some kind of a fag OP?"still amuses me to this day. Greentext stories and challenges were great too.
Sage for nostalgia instead of annoyances
No. 405573
>>405571Then she probably doesn't really eat any of it and wastes her money and the food while most wiser people know exactly what she's doing anyway.
You could theoretically do the same, I just don't see what's envious about it.
No. 410001
>>409996ooooh this is a sore spot for me too. Because actual critique doesn't make fun of anything at all. It's all about what makes a good thing good. It's so interesting to hear actual critics talk about a movie because they dive into topics beyond plot and characters. They talk about cinematography and symbolism and how the scene is laid out on set and when something is done right, they geek out about it so much. The internet has enabled assholes with stupid opinions into calling themselves "critics" but they don't know a damn thing about explaining why something is good beyond "I don't like it" or "I liked it" or "the plot doesn't make senseeee"
Like…. WHY? Why doesn't it make sense? Why do you like it? Why do you dislike it? These are the points of actual critique!!!
Oh man anon why did you remind me of my distaste for this…
No. 410273
>>410272Seriously I feel like I'm reading something on PULL when anons try to judge what people eat while touring in another country. When I visited Canada my family and I ate pizza and McDonald's. IDK what Canadian
staple dishes there were but I sure
as hell didn't eat any fancy stuff.
Even natives of countries don't even eat their own country's authentic food every single day, it's more like 3 to 4 times a week, and that's out of like 21 meals. I would love to eat donburi every morning, but the truth is it's very calorie dense so I'm just gonna have a small bowl of white rice and an egg instead.
No. 410378
>>410273Well this is an awful comparison, because besides poutine, I can't really think of any Canadian food.
There's other Japanese foods besides donburi. Besides, we're not cooking for ourselves here.
I know Peruvians aren't eating lomo saltado every day of the week. Yetserday I went to a cafe and had a ham and cheese sandwich. I think it's very different than going to an expensive Mexican restaurant aimed at expats.
>>410272I lived in China for two months and I had no problem eating Chinese food for the entire time. I probably could go a whole year without eating Amreican food there but that's just me. But part of it would be out of saving money. The Mexican food my European roommates ordered once was the worst tasting and most expensive food there.
Idk I just love eating and trying new foods. I also am not a big fan of chicken.
No. 410384
>>410209My husband and I have the same feelings. For us, when we go to a new place trying the local flavor and going on little food adventures is a major part of the experience. Some of our best memories are made doing this. Even if we go a few states over we try to find an interesting place or local hole in the wall that isn't like anything we have back home.
It's not just younger folks that do this. Both of our families are not adventurous eaters so we have been on family trips to cool places where we were stuck eating generic Italian 3 nights in a row or gross Chinese Buffets.
I don't exactly know why people do this and it is annoying but as long as you can still try new things on your own so it's not a big problem.
No. 410386
>>410378Nta but there's also Rappie pie in Acadia…idk about other parts of Canada. Probably some Québécois dishes. Cretons? Nanaimo bars? We really are as uncultured as the US lmao.
Anyway, sorry about leaf sperg. But do you know if the people you're traveling with are just picky eaters? Or tend towards an overactive immune system? They might enjoy other aspects of experiencing culture there but certain textures/flavours make them gag. It's not always immaturity, I've known people who have such an issue that they rarely eat and are skelly because of it.
No. 410516
>>410384Yeah I understand it's not really my problem, but it does make eating out as a group harder. Like yesterday I missed out on group dinner because I didn't want to eat tacos in Peru.
>>410386Idk I think it's because a lot of the people are frat boys/sorority girls who are probably pretty spoiled and used to nice everything. Although the girls who ordered chicken aren't sorority girls and seemed a little more adventurous than me.
No. 411825
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I hate this fake shit so, so much
No. 411911
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People a few properties me are blasting music so loud I can clearly make out each outdated, cheap dance track. I drove by earlier and saw them setting up for a first communion party. I'm so annoyed these assholes feel entitled to noise pollute the entire neighborhood over a party for third graders. Also as someone who grew up surrounded by obnoxious cafeteria Catholics I can't help but be amused they've blasted multiple explicit songs for a party meant to celebrate a religious sacrament. For context I live in a pretty remote, calm neighborhood. I know I'm probably coming off as the neighborhood curmudgeon but I feel like living in an area like this shouldn't necessitate noise cancelling head phones. Damn jerks with poor taste.
No. 413523
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~Sassy~ corporate twitter accounts are unbearable
No. 413527
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>>413523I don't understand how this shit was ever popular even with the normies, it's always been a transparent effort to appease the millenials
No. 413703
>>413594I don't even like talking to Siri on my phone I don't get the appeal of any of these things, it's a creepy AI bot, why does anyone want to talk to it.
I'm not even that paranoid since I know my information is being extracted from me regardless of what I do, that's the world we live in now… I fail to see why humans can't do things themselves and have to buy what's basically AI bot and ask them to do it.