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No. 442758
Dolls, action figures, plushies, model kits, and other collectables are all welcome here. If you've got customising techniques to show off or just wanna share pics or toy news, this thread is for you! Or do you have some memories to share? Statues are cool too but there should be a focus on articulated things.
Here's some questions to generate discussion:
>What's your first vs your latest toy?
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
>What's the most expensive item you own?
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
couldn't think of a pic to use so I threw up a logo, yadda yadda graphic design is my passion
also never made a thread before, hope I didn't do something wrong/thread doesn't die
No. 442765
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So WonFes came and went, lots of official things and garage kits were displayed and I stole this pic off 4chan. This is apparently Fairyland's new vinyl body, I don't anything about the character but I like her design. Moe anime heads are very hit or miss with me but in this instance I like it.
No. 442773
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As for something else, here's some Dark Souls garage kits by GillGill. Yes, they're 1/12. Yes, they're articulated. It's a dream come true because the Figma Black Knight is stuck in Good Smile purgatory and nobody else wants to make Dark Souls figures for some reason. I think Siegmeyer and the Elite Knights are reruns, but Artorias is new(!!!). Not pictured is the Dragonslayer Spear which I'm pretty sure was sold with the rest of the things on display, and they all cost too much for me to justify, not that I could get my gaijin hands on them anyway. ;_; I just want the spear and a shield for my Oscar.
No. 442880
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I mainly collected anime figurines, but I liked anything that could be considered collectible, really. Vintage toys, ponys, Living Dead Dolls, LPS, plushies, porcelain dolls, etc.
Sadly I'm not really able to buy whatever I want anymore, so I stopped ~actively~ collecting things like 2 or 3 years ago.
Long story short, up until 2015 the US dolar (most collectible things are valued in that currency where I live) was very cheap. 100 dolars was nothing. I remember paying like 300 usd for 1/8 figures no problem. Then, at the end of 2015 we elected a new president and oh boy. The price for the US dolar went from like, 10 pesos to 45 pesos. So basically now everything is fucking impossible to afford. And if I can afford something, the price is so ridiculously high that I don't even think it's worth it anymore. Like, I could buy a motorbike instead of buying a single 1/8 figurine. I hate this 3rd world shithole lmao.
Anyway, the good thing is that most of the collectible things I own are very expensive now, so I guess I have a lot of virtual money, in a way. I mean, I don't plan to sell anything, but if I have to, at least it going to be worth it I guess.
I will answer the questions specifically about my anime figurines, since they are the most decent thing that I used to collect (well, I still kind of do, but I buy like 1 figure per year max)
>What's your first vs your latest toy?First was 1/8 Ayase from Oreimo, (Thanatos Cosplay version) by Kotobukiya. And lastest was one Goku Black by Banpresto. Tbh Banpresto is the only brand I can afford now lmao.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?I guess I started taking collecting more seriously when I was around 16. I always liked the idea of collecting stuff tho, and I intentionally didn't throw away or donate my toys when I grew older because I already tought about keeping them as collectibles.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?I'm not really saving money for anything in particular, but there are a couple of cheap Dragon Ball figures that I'm planning to buy at some point. There are of course lots of figures that I
wish I could buy, but I will probably die without even being able to see them in person lmao. So I don't even consider saving up for them.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?Not really. I even bought some figures of series I didn't watch, just because they were so pretty. Still don't regret it. Specially knowing how valuable they are now.
>What's the most expensive item you own?Honestly, no idea. It may be pic related, but I'm a little lazy to look up prices and to be honest I'm also very inexperienced with that, so I'm never sure where to search. I never bought anything on my own since it's a bit difficult where I live, so I bought all of my figures through facebook stores.
>Waiting for a package to arrive?Sadly, no. Btw the last figure I pre-ordered never arrived and I guess the owner of the store I ordered from basically scammed me, but it's a long story so I'll leave it there. Never pre-ordered or bought figures that weren't in stock since then.
Sorry for the wall of text, and obligatory ~sorry for bad english~. I hope this isn't impossible to read, lol.
>>442765 that doll on the left reminds me a lot of Oda Nobunaga from the Fate series. I feel like a disgusting cringy weeb but I love military themed outfits, kek.
No. 442939
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Can I discuss BJD shit here? I know there's an ANCIENT doll thread but it's from four years ago and this is a general, idk if mods would want it necroed if this is already inclusive.
So, anyone here into collecting male bjds?
I'm a poorfag student atm so I only have one (I'm redoing his faceup tomorrow actually…it's been two years so I hope I'm not too rusty) but I'd love to have a whole team of them someday lmao.
I'd love to own one of Little Rebel's boys someday, as well as several of Dollshe's (although I heard shipping from them can be a disaster wrt wait times?). In particular I'd love an Aramis, pic related, in a darker skin tone although I'm quite sad the rhythmos body was discontinued because it was so cute. Dollpamm's new male bodies also appeal to me, even if the naming pattern he has is iffy I can't help but want one someday.
I like keeping an eye on the market although I know it's going to be years until I can afford any of them.
No. 442954
>>442880>The price for the US dolar went from like, 10 pesos to 45 pesos. Jesus, anon. Sorry to hear that. I never really saw the point in statues until I was gifted a Banpresto and now I can appreciate them as a nice piece of art and craftsmanship even if they 'don't do anything'. It's great you don't regret a purchase either because I have a few figures of my own that I've never done anything with besides check them out of the box (maybe that's a good reason to collect statues, hah). A good place to check an item's original price is MyFigureCollection, imo.
>>442939Yeah! BJD stuff is a-okay. I don't collect them myself due to the high entry cost and high chance of them becoming a pretty paper weight but I really like Soom's Idealian Kahn, it's a shame I can't even find him anywhere even just to look at photos. It's like he doesn't exist outside of their shop.
Speaking of doll stuff I'm looking for a 1/6 head to fit on an Azone body, preferrably with eye holes can someone rec me some? I don't like the Obitsu heads or the ones from Parabox.
No. 442970
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>If you're a collector, when did you start?4 years ago, when I got my first job at 16.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?Some nendoroids of FOTM shows I got when I was new to collecting. They were in poor condition to sell (missing parts, no box) so I gave them away online. Just nendoroids in general, one or two looks nice but their cheapness becomes really noticeable to me when there are too many grouped together.
>What's the most expensive item you own?A Kagamine Len DDS
>Waiting for a package to arrive?Just this. I don't collect figures that much anymore because I feel the prices have risen too much for the amount the quality has increased. Also am running out of space.
>>442939I am more of a vinyl collector but I like looking at pictures of BJDs. I guess I haven't found the one doll that really speaks to me yet.
No. 443027
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I hope the anon who collects Marvel Legends can post and rec me a bigger 1/12 or 7" figure, I want to customize it but all the characters I'm finding have a lot of… bits in the way? I need a tall male figure who's not super muscley without needing a lot of work to take off the original character's parts. If only we had more options for 1/12 male blanks that aren't super skinny or short teenagers.
No. 443103
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>What's your first vs your latest toy?
I first started collecting one coin figures for stuff like Evangelion and the Tales games. The last figure I bought was the Megahouse Raidou.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
Mid 2000s and 2013 was my biggest purchase year.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
If I got around to selling the figures I don’t want to keep I have a couple older ones in mind. Besides that I haven’t bought any figs for a few years.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
It’s not that I regret them but I have a couple figures like Jojo SAS that I’ve lost pieces for, or bought with missing pieces. I know that if I list them anywhere toy collectors are very anal about that sort of thing. Like someone left a negative comment about a figure being messed up when it was a sealed SAS I never even took out of the box.
>What's the most expensive item you own?
I paid preorder for that one Aoba scale by Max Factory, it just sits in my closet and I never even took it out of the box. Definitely was an impulse buy when I bought it and I haven’t tried selling it because of the size.
No. 443118
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I collect Bratz dolls. There was this collector in my area who was selling her entire collection all brand new in box. So I got many that cost $100+ online for around $10 each. I also like getting bundles of used ones that have fucked up haircuts from their previous 7 year old owners and pen marks on their faces and fixing them. I've hidden them for years out of shame tbh but considering putting them on display. I love that they're having their moment on social media right now, the 2000s fashion being so in, etc..Hope it doesn't die out too soon.
No. 443144
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OP here with some more questions:
>Do you only buy what you like or are you a completionist who wants the whole set?
>Have you ever thought about where your toys will go as you get older? REALLY old?
>Have you kept your childhood toys?
>Any toy/merch horror stories, as a kid or an adult?
pic related is the Ikea SOCKER
No. 443175
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>>443027I wish Marvel Legends would do some of the more obscure characters (and no, I'm not talking about "obscure" costumes for popular characters). I mean, shit. If they can make Boom-Boom and Cable figures, they can make Shatterstar. Is an original x-Force set too much to ask?
All of my favorite cape shit characters are too obscure to have more than one or two action figures, and they all suck. They've got really ugly joints, are made of shitty material, and have weird handjob-fists.
I've honestly considered just using Blender to make a model and have it 3D-printed. I'm not an amazing artist, but shit, I could do better than this. For your purposes, I think you should 3D print the additional accessories.
No. 443193
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>>443144That reminds me of those American Girl minis. I had a few of them as a kid, they were so cool…
No. 443262
>>443118Bratz dolls were all I wanted as a kid because all my friends had them and I couldn't get any. I got this Christmas edition one for Hanukkah named Dana because she had the same name as my mom and she thought it was funny. I even tried to win one on a game show for kids but all the other kids were faster.
You just brought back a lot of memories for me anon.
No. 443263
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>>443193I loved these! I still love diorama type stuff, wish I had time/space/resources to build my own from scratch. Do any anons make dioramas/scale replicas?
No. 443385
>>443175>weird handjob-fistsmy sides, anon.
Don't know anything about capeshit but I went down the rabbit hole that is Rob Liefield and I remember seeing this guy. He has one hell of a mullet.
I considered sculpting stuff from scratch before I knew that people prototyped in 3D but it's all for naught on me anyway because even though I'm decent at drawing, my head just 404's if I make anything in 3D. It's literally a whole new dimension and my peabrain can't handle it. But yeah I'd love to learn how and then sell little things on Shapeways.
>>443193Never heard of these, what scale are they? If I didn't know any better I'd think they were made from scratch by someone with a lot of time.
No. 443406
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Thank you for making this thread, OP! I tried to make something like this like a year ago but it bombed. Wrong time and OP that could use more love (I haven't browsed /toy/ even once when I made the thread, so I approached it from the wrong side).
Anyway, let's get to the questions!
>What's your first vs your latest toy?
I have no idea as I had too many firsts. Are we talking dolls, anime figures, vintage My Little Pony? What comes to my mind is a Playarts Aerith figure (the first one, based on FFVII), which is pretty special for me. I sold my Naruto manga in order to buy her, cause I had zero pocket allowance. My parents were against the idea (it was the beginning of our financial issues), but I really wanted her and I am glad she's still with me. I need to buy a Cloud figure to keep her company!
The latest one that I purchased is a Princess Ai figure. I loved that manga as a teen and still do. I remember drooling all over pics of PA figures and dolls. I can't wait till she arrives, even though she's not a very high quality figurine. Not sure if I should unbox her or keep her sealed.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
I've always been one, as a kid I was always trying to get other kids to trade with me so I could get their beautiful Barbie dolls or Happy Meal figurines of Disney Princesses. The day a friend decided to trade with me for her chibi figures of Sailor Moon I was crazy happy. I wish I haven't lost them!
When I was thirteen I started collecting MLP and cheap gacha anime figures that I could buy at conventions.
I also collect fashion dolls (though I want to give up part of my collection), Furbies and other adorable/aesthetic toys (like the Zelfs - I wish the brand didn't get killed by the Trolls franchise, they were so much cuter).
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
I am the L2 Elf figure sperg from the merch thread, so I already bought the one figure I've been obsessing about.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
Probably some cheap trash like a Hetalia One Coin figure (I didn't even like Hetalia, just wanted to join a friend in the fun).
>What's the most expensive item you own?
My BJD was pretty expensive when I bought him, but he was still cheap for a BJD (made by a no-name company) and I doubt he is still worth much. I love him to pieces and want to buy him more clothes, as well as to learn how to style his wigs (I hate all the stray hairs, any advice will be appreciated).
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
The L2 and PA figures as well as two genuine G1 My Little Ponies.
No. 443455
>>442765lol, it's one of the train loli's from Maitetsu.
I have a few Figuart Kamen Riders and some Gunpla.
Plastic Models are fun to build.
No. 443497
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vomitsShe looks great as a doll though, shame about the original property. I gotta share my Megami Devices doing stuff eventually. Pic related isn't mine but it's of an MD I own.
No. 443761
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I've started collecting Monster High dolls to customize and have also gotten these cheap Cutey Honey figures to repaint aswell
I'd love to try my hand at a BJD face-up somewhen, but BJD's are pretty pricy in general so I'm still saving up
anyone else here customizing/ repainting toys?
No. 443861
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>>443761>>443835ayyy I'm doing MH faceups as well! my first one was actually an ever after high, tbh I really dont like their faces anywhere as much?? MH dolls are so much prettier and their faces are closer to a real persons.
every time I go to a thrift store I manage to find them, but they have really similar cheap plastic BJD/articulated dolls on ebay for like, fuck all $$$
pic related, I turned a blondie locks I found into a gudetama themed one. too bad my hands shake so bad from my meds it's incredibly hard to do fine detail QQ
if more doll customising anons come out of the woodwork we should start a seperate thread as not to shit up this one. it's getting more and more popular, which honestly is so cool. Dollightful is straight up a shot of dopamine to watch
No. 443886
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This is my fucking thread, right here.
>What's your first vs your latest toy?
God, I've been collecting so long, it's hard to say. I think my oldest is a tiny BJD. Latest thing to come in the mail is Snow Miku #1000 Snow Princess ver.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
After I got my first job out of high school.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
Revoltech revealed a painted prototype of Harley Quinn that looks cool. If something is too pricey, I tend to shrug and move on or else my wishlist would get cluttered with shit I can't afford, lol.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
I regret buying as much Madoka-related figures as I did, I've been selling most of it off.
>What's the most expensive item you own?
I can't really say without outing myself because it's very specific and uncommon, but next one after would probably be a Batchix Mini-Machina Delta.
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
Waiting on some dolls and some things from Mandarake. I have to force myself not to think about it because waiting for registered SAL sucks.
No. 443910
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>>443385The funny thing is that half the artists who penciled him didn't even give him a mullet. A lot of them decided to just give him long hair, sometimes with bangs (pic related). Then in the 2000s XFI just gave him short hair and it's been that way since.
Anyway, if you have Blender or Zbrush, there are "bases" you can download for things like action figures. All you have to do is add the features and design elements (just like those cringey old Deviantart bases lmao). Then you 3d print it, but if you want stronger material you can make a polyurethane cast.
Then the fun part, which is painting it. Airbrushes are your friend for that sort of process, but hand-painting works well, too. I've never done model painting, but my dad and brother have. They say that the little pots they sell at hobby stores work best. I imagine you'd probably also have to prime the figure.
No. 444033
Seems like the thread is going steady. I'd like to post some actual news/content but for now I'm just glad you guys are keeping it alive. I don't see why doll faceups would shit up the thread, hearing about what you do with them is useful since the same materials can be used to customise other things. Also I'm hoping we get anons who make dioramas to stick around.
>>443761Nice faceups, I especially like the one in the middle. Good job!
>>443910That actually looks nice, you can never go wrong with ponytails. Imagine having enough hair left over to make a random braid out of it, baldies are seething
I have Blender, I think in my few hours of playing around I know that the X button does
something lmao. I was actually thinking of printing my Skyrim character's head and putting it on pic related because the facework is already done (but I think that involves resizing and making it print ready which is ???). Then I'd paint the details in gold to look like the older TES ebony armours.
No. 444034
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>>444033oh fugg, well here's pic related
No. 444062
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I was an avoid collector as a kid (I was sort of spoiled lol).
I loved Calico Critters. I had a pretty nice collection of the rabbits going. I had a set very similar to pic related, but with rabbits and bears instead of dogs. I had to sell them off for college expenses. It's the kind of thing I would love to collect when I get old. I love the idea of a nice little china cupboard with a bunch of Calico Critters in it.
The other day, I was picking up groceries at Walmart and I saw an aisle with Calico Critters out of the corner of my eye. I got really wistful, and I came close to just buying one of the little blind-bags.
No. 444091
>>443835same with dollightful for getting more into it, though i first saw Nicolle's Dreams tutorials since she did BJD stuff aswell
Her tutorials are so detailed aswell
Still haven't tried making wigs or rerooting, I'd be afraid to fuck it up and then have wasted money on the utensils and doll hair
>>444033thanks anon! the middle one was my newest one, guess you can tell
No. 444118
>>443761How do you plan to repaint those CH figurines?
BTW if you don't care about the ethics of buying bootleg BJD, you can get recast heads for cheap on aliexpress. Just felt like letting you know so upu have the option.
No. 444129
>>444062I had no idea they were called Calico Critters in the US, I've always known them as Sylvanian Families. Interestingly it seems to be more to do with licensing legalities than a deliberate Americanised rebranding.
>>444091Nayrt but seeing Dollightful's videos has got me interested in face ups too, I feel way too old for it but I'm excited. I bought some cheap MH heads online to practice on before I ruin a real doll but I'm still researching sealants.
No. 444155
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Ugh I’m trying to shop for doll eyes but I’m getting really confused at the unreliable scaling on AliExpress. While I haven’t bought it yet I’m looking at this head to put on a Pure Neemo which apparently takes 11x8mm oval eyes (or 10x7) and the irises are 5mm. Basically I can’t find better than stock eyes at this scale so am I SOL? What if I took standard round 10mm eyes (not the iris, the whole thing) and sanded it to shape? What do you guys think?
No. 444169
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>What's your first vs your latest toy?
Precious Moments cat stuffed animal was my first, and my most recent plush amuse shiba inu.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
I want a loppy usa bunny, a skullpets plush, Hangry&Angry plushes, and I want to get into crocheting amigurumi plushes. I really want this poodle kit from Edward's Menagerie because my bf has a poodle.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
I was at a con and I saw figures for one of my favorite anime, Gintama, it Hijikata Toushirou. He didn't look anything like the picture in the box, he ended up looking like another character from the show, Yamazaki, but with a sword. I would've been fine with it if he had a tennis racket instead of a sword, but it's a clear fuck up.
>What's the most expensive item you own?
I think it's this little key chain I bought that cost a little over $69 AUD.
No. 444173
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>>444118planning to go over the clothing where the coloring went over the lines to neaten it up, maybe add shading and then try to make the face presentable
i'm hoping i can work with watercolor pencils on the face like on MH dolls
it was this person on ig who actually inspired me to try it out, they've repainted a few jojo figures and i love the results
also I'd rather not buy recasts but thanks
some companies make cheaper practice heads and i've thought about ordering one of those
No. 444174
>>444129about sealant, mr super clear seems to be hard to get in the US but maybe you can find it where you're from?
It's what most of the youtube doll customizers use and i was lucky a local model making shop stocked it
at least with it you know it works since you can find a lot of reviews
did you research any good alternatives?
No. 444264
Me coming into this thread: “what’s the likelihood that this won’t be a thread full of weebshit?”
>first post is weebshitDamn, 0% I guess
>>444062Calico critters are cute but SO. DAMN. EXPENSIVE.
No. 444430
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>>444264I like my weebshit, (not) sorry that my taste in toys don't align with yours. If you don't like anime merch feel free to post something that isn't.
No. 444467
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>>444433>inb4 it's not a phaseYou don't sound familiar with 'weebshit' but it's just like any other geeky interest, is it so much cringier than the people who spend their money on toys that are literally for children? Post content.
No. 444517
>>444472Ah, I didn't know what doll this was. I saw the picture floating around online and saved it because it was really pretty.
>>444476Thanks. I realise I might be being a dummy and that eye cavity might take round eyes anyway but I can't be sure without the head in hand (the other price of shopping for parts in one go is that you can't check compatibility…)
>>444477I've never bought an entire doll (or doll body) off Aliexpress so I can't tell you. Idk if this is bait for recasts but I'm not into proper bjds enough to have an opinion on them.
No. 444538
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>>444155>>444476Me again, here's a picture in the doll head's description and an image from a listing of the same eye in another colour.
No. 444623
>>444588>there's cheap legit dolls on the marketRecs?
Also what's wrong with recasts if they are of a good quality. Everything gets ripped off, idk why overpriced BJD get the special treatment. I can understand being protective over small brands, but I cringe about people furiously defending Iplehouse, Volks or Dollzone.
I don't own or plan to buy recasts, but someone who buys a $100 recast will not buy the $1000 original anyway.
No. 444700
>>444689are you referring to general weeb shit? if you don't care about it being opened/2nd hand, try Buyee proxy service and browse
there's also yahoo auctions, sometimes listings for figure/merch lots would appear but i can only imagine the shipping would cost an arm
you'll have to do some copy-pasta for a specific character/franchise in japanese in the search bar if you can't read JP as that yields more results
No. 444715
>>444689New figures -amiami
Secondhand w/international shipping - Mandarake
Secondhand w/ shopping service - Surugaya
Surugaya ships to Hong Kong and China if you live in either one.
No. 444722
>>444688I think smart dolls are meh, Danny never got around to making them 'smart' so they're just regular dolls where you could get way prettier sculpts for your money.
>>444689Depends on what characters, western or anime?
Only buy from Ebay and Amazon as a last result due to bootlegs and scalper prices.
Obviously check western stores first for merch on western IPs. You may also support your local stores and smaller online shops (but if it's an import item it'll likely be more expensive as they inflate the price to cover the cost of them getting across borders + profit).
For anime shit I know you have lots and lots of choices. First and foremost are the well known Japanese stores (AmiAmi, HLJ, (AKA HobbySearch), etc), you don't need a proxy service like Buyee to buy from those. Proxy services are for shops that only sell to their own country (obviously) which you'll need if you want to buy merch from Yahoo Japan Auctions. Mandarake is another Japanese online store that sells 'second hand' goods (a lot of stuff there is actually new, it's just been out on the shelves of a physical store). I know more to this but don't wanna type more in case you're not even looking for that, hah.
semi related but this just reminded me I bought a knock off in my own country for £33 with shipping pushing it to £40 when I could've just gotten it from Aliexpress, free shipping, for £20. Hurts.
No. 444779
>>444738I think the prices of more recent products have gone up a lot in the last couple years. Like really nice Alter 1/8 figures used to be around 9k yen and now figures in the same series start at 12k.
At least with Mandarake they do big markdowns on boxes with a small amount of damage.
No. 444813
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>>444738RIP, girl. If only they weren't priced like the luxury import products they are but it is what it is. On the bright side I think the quality of everything is better than it was even just a decade ago so even the smaller, cheaper prize figures look really good. Banpesto's Q Posket seems pretty common if you like affordable big chibi heads, common enough that I got this Wonder Woman easily on a whim in the UK for £14 from a local store and I adore her. If you're UK like me, check out Forbidden Planet, but if you're US there's also BigBadToyStore. Personally I shop at HLJ because I'm willing to pay shipping for more niche things.
Seconding Mandarake as a good choice because of those markdowns, apparently Japanese are really uptight about box damage (and it's like a small scuff on the corner, stuff nobody notices).
No. 444818
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Any of you anons collect GI Joe? I think I like the 12 inch better than the tiny figures. They come with lots of cool accessories. I never thought I would end up there but I got one and now I want more
>>444471Kek smartass but clearly that’s a recent thing and they’re based off euros anyway
No. 445066
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Any other Godzilla gals here?? I got ahold of the Neca Rodan today. His articulation is poor and his flight stand doesn't work for squat. I ended up taking a spare obitsu stand and that works for him well enough. Despite all this, I'm still happy to have him haha. He looks good to me, at least.
No. 445069
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>>444818Not GI Joe, but I recently got a Blade action figure and he came with an insane amount of accessories. Sunglasses included.
I'm really amazed with these kinds of toys. I used to have so many Barbies where the accessories would come separately, it ended up being so costly as a child.
No. 445081
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I have been dreaming of this thread for so long. I have a pretty sizeable late 80s-late 90s Barbie merch collection (pic related is one shelf of tat) I don't much care for the dolls unless they're BNIB but I love the merch. My fave thing is probs a set of boxed Barbie and Ken walkietalkies. I have a bunch of G1 MLPs, some Jem and the Holograms stuff, vintage Polly Pocket, Moondreamers and a bunch more random pink and sparkly 80s/90s stuff. I started collecting about 2 years ago but had some stuff I'd held onto since childhood (born in 96). I don't really know why I'm so into the super pink girly stuff cos I'm nothing like that irl but I guess the visuals are just pleasing to me. Does anyone know of any good FB groups for collecting this era/type of stuff that aren't full of crazy nasty middle aged women??