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No. 520622
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Delete this
No. 520691
>>520680Have you ever had a dog? If so, there should be more than one occasion where they've outright rejected food to be with you, or shown love to you, your friends or your relatives without ever having been fed directly.
If not, that explains why you're so misinformed. Dogs are very loving, sensitive and often protective creatures. I can't relate to anyone who unironically thinks they (or cats) are "dumb" or "only like us for food". It just seems so low-IQ to me.
No. 520705
>>520698I mean, if you starve a pet or a child, of course they'll become withdrawn and, in particularly desperate cases, try to find food elsewhere. It doesn't mean they don't love you.
I've seen too many cases of women's dogs protecting them from
abusive men to think they're useless/cowardly, to be honest.
No. 520706
>>520702I hid that thread ages ago. It was full of too many crazies, and it literally made me angry. I'm glad it hasn't been bumped in a while.
I should probably do the same with this one.
No. 520708
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I hate cats, they don’t kill people often enough
No. 520713
>>520670Cat people are fucking unhinged
I like cats but not as much as dogs, it's just absurd how cat owners will moan and complain about dogs and no one will tell them off??? Tf
No. 532489
>>532479Just eat human meat then pussy. That will save the most animals lives.
>>532488It's not cats fault god made them obligate carnivore.
No. 532494
>>532489>It's not cats fault god made them obligate carnivore.So what?
Heed the mod's advice for once: hide the thread if you're gonna be so
triggered by it.
No. 532531
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>TFW dog hate thread never had people expressing glee at the idea of eating dogs
Cat-hatefags are all male-brained psychopaths confirmed.
No. 532534
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Luckily I'm a bird person which means I don't like neither of these four legged flea bags (no dogs,no cats)
No. 532656
>>532531Hey remember in the dog hate thread when someone gave directions to find a dog gore video?
Animal hate threads are malebrained, I wouldn't be surprised if a scrote was responsible for the dog hate thread AND the cat hate thread.
No. 532689
>>532656Where? Link it.
If you're talking about the one poster who boasted about seeing dogs getting shot, he was immediately banned and shit on by everyone. So curb that manipulative language, "gave directions" like anyone asked.
No. 532705
>>296887 >>296923
Also you seem weirdly fucking defensive, chill out. It would have taken 1 minute to look for this specific poster. Fuck off back to your scrote tier thread.
No. 533229
>>533171you wish, catfag.
>>533166 is sadly right. Some anons here seem consumed by hate toward dogs and people who enjoy their companionship.
No. 533750
>>532797>tbh what's specifically scrote tier is hating cats.Kek. Again, fuck off back to your scrote tier thread. Or better yet, stay in this one. You're part of the same breed anyway. When gore gets inevitably suggested or posted in either of the threads, you can feel confident that just about everyone over the age of 18 will be laughing at you animal hate fags, lol.
>>533171>>533317Literally do 5 minutes of pressing ctrl+F on the unpopular opinions thread instead of asking people to spoonfeed you, lol. Maybe do a couple of searches on pitbulls and see where that gets you. Feel free to bring any cat hate posts too, I look forward to witnessing how mentally ill posters in this thread and the dog hate thread are.
Fuck, could we get a bird and reptile hate thread going? Let's get a real sociopath observation facility going. Just a whole general animal hate general where we see the retards duke it out.