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No. 558342
Vent to your hearts content, one free infight with every purchase
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/551818 No. 558358
>>558351i know lol didn't mean to imply that she is
>>558353why do i feel like the person who's been obessing over luna and posting her videos in the music thread in /m/ and also created the "cows you're secretly rooting for" one with her as the OP pic made this thread
No. 558382
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why the FUCK have they not announced ouran season 2 when the manga has been done for nearly EIGHT years!!!!!
but no they will continue producing this generic isekai harem garbage while a perfectly good franchise is sitting there, ready to be storyboarded and animated.
No. 558384
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Reading some stuff in the drunk thread makes me wanna try the cocktails or get absolutely shitfaced like I used to but I'm quarantined with my family and they're strictly against alcohol.
No. 558390
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I just found out that my favorite glittery mechanical pencil was stolen by a bitch in my study group. How do i get it back anons? She doesnt like me that much so obviously asking nicely seem a little to light for her.
No. 558417
>>557953>>557957>>558020Thank you so much kind anons! Reading your replies made my day so much better.
>>558020We fight about literally everything. Last i got yelled for leaving my shampoo bottle open,that's it.Literally everything
No worries i can go back to the club and it's a nice place for me to empty my mind these days. Everything about internship is a huge mystery right now,i need to wait for this pandemic stuff to be over first. I am in contact with my close friends but i don't really want to burden them with my problems all the time.We still chat often and it feels good anyways! Thank you so much anon,you are truly a gentle soul. Wishing everybody a nice night.
No. 558419
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Corona absolutely demolished my gpa and mental health. Online classes aren't suited for me and I find it very difficult focusing and doing my work properly. The school year is almost over, and my grades have never been lower. I hope I can make it to college, I don't need my family rubbing my failure in my face, like they're already sort of doing.
I just need a hug
No. 558423
>>558342Met a guy I really clicked with on OKC, we had a long conversation and have a lot in common. The bad thing is that he lives in another country but he still added me on Instagram and I figured we would get to know each other anyway. Now I'm annoyed because he usually initiates conversations but when I start talking I always end up being more into it and he eventually disappears and stops replying. And then the next day I'll get another message and same thing happens. I've initiated a couple of times but there's still lack of effort from his side.
Now, I get it, he lives far away, we don't know each other, he doesn't owe me anything. But I still get pissed off, if you're going to start a convo, then make it interesting and maybe tell me "got to go, bye" or goodnight or something. Ugh…
No. 558488
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>ywn have luna write a poem for you
anons why even go on?
No. 558508
>>558495OP here. I just remembered the last time I saw him he told me not to leave any hickies or Mark's on his body. Usually he wants me too. I'm guessing hes moved on to fucking someone else and doesnt want her to see the hickies.
It's weird. Because before he left he had sex with me 5 times and was saying all these cutesy things. He has no conscious doing all that while having a gf.
No. 558526
>>558525It’s not, sad indeed
>>558522Paid thank you
No. 558567
>>558519>having to wait three whole fucking years after leaving school to drink legallyAmerican superiority complexes are hilarously unwarranted
Still, it's obvious you're just doubling down on a dumb take because you didn't even realize people can be at school past 18
No. 558576
>>558263for a previous thread anon \
i know it's hard but if you and your partner really want to make things work in the long term, you can find ways to bear through the waiting and the distance. i felt this exact same way 4-5 years into my LTR (AUS to US) before we first met in person. now it's all these years later and we're together. if you really feel like your needs aren't being met though, definitely reconsider if this is the relationship for you. It's possible but requires a lot of time, hope, and money (even more so).
No. 558577
>>558560I don't know how old you are (I'm assuming not very), but it's extremely common for girls to devote all of their time to their relationships when they are young and inexperienced. Don't take it personally, it's not a problem with you. That said, you shouldn't sit around waiting for her to get tired of him; you should stop contacting her and spend your energy cultivating other friendships. I can guarantee that she will come to regret destroying your friendship unless she's one of those crazies who is into serial monogamy.
t. been there done that
No. 558596
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I have a 4.8/5 stars on my Ebay shipping charges, when every single item is set to "based buyers location" so it's all determined by the post office. I'm fucking annoyed. It's like 4/5 star reviews on Etsy when the buyer said everything was perfect. JUST
No. 558671
>>558342i miss my
abusive (x) best friend and sometimes i wonder if standing up to her was worth it when i still wish she was around sometimes she might have been a fucking twat but she was only occasionally horrible to me personally so i often have to remind myself why i finally confronted her
sure will make college a lot more awkward (if life ever starts up again) seeing as we have every. class. together. kek
No. 558710
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Didn't want to clog the Sh0e thread with a rant but holy shit gamers piss me off so much. Why couldn't they just let this little old lady enjoy her game in her final years? Stupid fucking cocks.
No. 558726
>>558621The dude in the picture thinks everyone also speaks English in Europe, just like in America because it's apparently a "local language".
We speak German in Austria.
No. 558792
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this is gonna take the cake for some of the dumbest shit ive vented about on here. basically ive been playing minecraft with an old friend for only 2 days and remembered why i fucking hate playing with him because of his manbaby tantrums. he built a nice room for us and i had my room up on a loft while his was on a slightly lower floor, i was getting real annoyed at using the shitty ladder he put so i made it stairs and he was so mad, technically there are stairs to the back entrance of my room but it takes way longer than if it was were the shitty ladders were. anyway he got pissed off and kept covering my room with ladders even after id clean it up, so i then took and placed his lava and started dropping the stack of ladders one by one into the lava. he blocked off the lava then got super pissed off since it was the only lava we had and basically blamed me for it since i started it by building the stairs and yadda yadda and if he didnt block the lava he wouldve lost all his ladders, i wanna say that i also build stairs on one side and kept a shitty ladder next to it so he could use it since he cares so much but that was no good either. he said since he built and decorated that particular room i should leave it and mentioned how he let me take care of the farm and build it how i wanted after he wanted it to have the same water from the top floor pouring through to the lower floors. i didnt tell him why it was shit but basically bumping in the water when collecting crops would slow me down (not unlike having to use the fucking ladders). anyway we had a huge fight which consisted of him saying how i never consider his feelings blah blah, and then i just basically said i wont be logging in anymore and left. well i kinda lied i just checked our base and he locked most of the shared chests and the door to our room and killed my fucking cat and wolf. what a fucking manbaby, i dont see how any of this is even remotely close to ''me'' losing his lava (his fault srsly) and me burning up some of the ladders and remodeling literally just to have stairs, (which he changed back anyway). i just killed all his fucking wolves and locked some doors and filled the base with some snow golems. its really not much compared to everything hes locked me out of and killing my animals that i worked so hard to get but im literally so over him lmao. i have no friends besides him and the day we had that fight i cried, not because we fought but because im so fucking lonely and have no one else i could play with. if i had someone else i would absolutely drop him like a fucking hot potato, in my messages the notifications for him on every form of contact have been muted for at least a year now (lmao) just goes to show how ready i am to fucking drop him and only check messages when im desperate for social interaction, ill probably kill myself before i find another friend. also every time i vent here i get shit on so please bring it on, i need that extra push to end it all, im so fucking tired of existing.
No. 558872
>>558864Oh gosh anon, that's awful
How did she spell your mother's first name wrong though? That's her daughter. Is she suffering from any mental disabilities?
No. 558893
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I want a cute, loving and kind gf so badly
I can't stop thinking of the prettiest girl i ever saw 3 years ago… she was a tourist and i was working a holiday town job but she was so pretty and nice
She was chinese, had freckles and a cute shaped face, and seemed to be about 5'3 with a really cute smile.
The worst part about liking cute girls is the chance of them also being into girls is so slim that im scared to ever do anything beyond friendliness
life is not fair
No. 558943
>>558893Anon, are you me? The prettiest girl I've ever seen was also a tourist (probably from Eastern Europe), she was this perfect mix of stacy and altgirl, she had gorgeous red hair and intricate tattoos. God, she was so beautiful my coworker called me so I could see her, she's not attracted to women but she still found her hot.
I still think about her sometimes, I'm rarely attracted to people irl, but this one time I really felt the arrow piercing my heart.
No. 558962
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i have a crush on my ex
im pretty sure he has a gf, and i know dating him would prolly do no good in the longterm. still, sad..
No. 558966
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>>558961anon you're on lolcow
No. 559044
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This sounds like a reach . Is everyone mentally ill now?
No. 559051
>>559045this. I was a "maladaptive" daydreamer for most of my life. It helped me cope with years of chaos and abuse at home. It only started being a problem for me in my early twenties because I'd get so caught up in my fantasy life that I couldn't concentrate on every day responsibilities like school, work, etc.
it's not a mental illness in itself, but it can be an indication mental illness.
daydreaming in itself is actually healthy and normal. it only becomes destructive when you're unable to engage with real life.
No. 559173
>>558933You will feel so much better from leaving it but you need to decide what you would fill that time with. Habits are easier to break when you replace them with new ones.
I would use lolcow even less if I could find a newspaper site that updated regularly enough with funny slice of life stories, I'm just conditioned to want to read shit posts when I'm cooking at this point.
No. 559211
>>559172You did it yourself? Damn girl!
I guess I've met awful men who think tattoos or punk styles mean a girl is easy, and tattoos are so normal in counter culture now. Dressing like the stereotype of a mental handicap might still attract the worst kinds of predators.
It would be really interesting if someone made a blog or vlog testing different "unattractive" looks for a week and scoring it on how much annoying attention they got.
No. 559289
>>559139the amount of overdramatic retards posting shit including phrases such as
>jussa thot>ur ur ur and other cringy twitter like horseshit lately is so blatant lol.
No. 559290
>>559288anon there used to be a beautiful girl i knew she had short curly hair she was soft and sweet and when she took off her glasses she had very deep laughter lines around her eyes but they were her and she was so insecure about them but it felt really special when she'd smile without glasses on around me because she felt safe enough to let herself be happy, please don't focus on the bits like that, it can be so pretty
>>559289>ur is twitterspeaki could say the same about your lowercase. you can't determine anything by the way someone types lol
No. 559298
>>559169Ngl it's going to be at the very least a shitty week. I suggest you found a sober group online to hang out with for support and questions you could have.
I know you have already started but maybe you could still do some prep : Have your favorite TV shows/movies and easy food to eat (go grocery shopping for pizzas and comforting food that don't need to be cooked while relatively ok) ready because won't be able to do it afterwards. And you will need those as comfort.
If you can, try to get a light benzo from a doctor. It would help you sleep at night and make the whole ordeal a tad better.
Best of luck, this is the good choice. Keep telling yourself that it's only for a time and that you'll feel really better afterwards. Keep yourself distracted with medias and never start digging about how shitty you feel.
Cold turkeying is not nice, I've done it several times. But as long as you keep in mind that it's shitty BUT is going to end, you're going to make it.
Wish I could help you more.
No. 559328
>>559311I get it, anon (especially on the stupid people claiming sex work is feminist), but men would hate us regardless. They didn't respect us any more before OF became a thing. They just fundamentally scorn women.
>women lived in easy modeHaving to show your holes on camera to make decent money isn't easy mode. If it was, men of all creeds would be rushing to pander to the gay porn market, or they'd straight up all start crossdressing. They don't, because they tend to have better opportunities. Why is that?
No. 559331
>>559311Yeah, you only have to sacrifice your privacy and 80% of your future dating prospects who don't respect women who whore themselves out and well as gaining a bunch of online stalkers.
I would put it like this:
In the bottom 20% of society women have an advantage due to being born in inherent worth. Our wombs and pussy have value that if you really don't want to do anything except exist in this world, sure you can coast of that. Compare that to the bottom 20% of men who have literally nothing to offer and we have found an exception of women having it easier than men. Except you're judged by your looks so if you're lazy and ugly that inherent value is diminished.
In the top 80%, all our non inherent worth is diminished in comparison to men.
I don't know about you but unless you're planning to be a total loser who is ok with your identity being some guys wife, your better off being a man.
No. 559333
>>559311They have been groomed by the internet. If you're 20 you've got ten years of
empowering uwu get that bag being a whore is feminist brainwashing leading up to this weird fad of ordinary women becoming sex workers straight out of high school.
No. 559334
>>559330Tell him to join the military, that would solve his job problem, housing problem,
abusive family problem and i think they teach how to drive there too.
No. 559340
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>>559334Anon I… Jesus Christ
No. 559346
>>559341At the end of the day I have security over here. If he does happen to be concealing something big and a deal breaker it's not like I'm moving in with him or meeting him in person right away.
The most I'm helping him with is one or two months worth of rent while he finds a job, rent where he lives is like 400 a month. if he happens to be dumb enough to try and take advantage of me beyond that he's going to end up homeless back with his family. I have a job here and I have a support system so I'm not toooo scared, I'll survive.
No. 559347
>>559342That's not exclusive to women though, that's a genz thing where people think success or things are owed to them instead of hardwork. That's why whoring yourself online is being pushed as "baddie" behavior even though everyone is laughing at you. Look at shay lol
The symptom for men is incel behavior and resentment from being utter jobless losers while believing they're entitled to money and bitches.
No. 559352
>>559345I don't get why you choose to direct your anger at the women who participate in the market when your real issue is people painting an entire gender as whores due to a few women that are actually whores.
I suggest you redirect your anger at how common it is to paint an entire group of people in a bad light due to the sins of a few.
No. 559357
>>559349I don't really know. He's the first guy I've been ever really been involved with and I don't feel nervous/self cautious when I talk to him. We have the same humor and He listens to me instead of using me like a vent box like a lot of my friends. If he is scamming me he does a pretty good job of acting like he cares about me as a person. There's a lot about him that I like and can't really articulate well but that's the gist.
I just feel like because of that I need to help him even if there's nothing in it for me. Thank you for the concern though anon, I will be careful.
No. 559363
>>559357>If he is scamming me he does a pretty good job of acting like he cares about me as a person.anon…. any good scammer does that and they do it very well. That's literally how dating-scammers get to scam people in the first place.
If you wanna do some good in this world, go volunteer at a homeless shelter or donate money to a reliable foundation or something. Some shady discord guy is NOT worth it.
No. 559372
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>>559359>>559360>>559364>>559363y'all harsh but I get it. In the mean time I'm gonna try to not have a psychotic break and do my best not to get scammed. Catch me on Catfish: The TV Show
No. 559383
>>559353Thank you anon. I know it's ridiculous to be anxious over sending resumes, but I have low self-esteem and I never know what to put in my cover letter, so I have this nagging fear that I'll somehow get blacklisted for sounding stupid. I'm still young and I know that people can manage to turn their lives around even in their 50s, but I'm still scared that I'll be stuck at a minimum wage job for all my life.
Oh well, it's not like it's the best period to start looking for a new job, I should be glad that I still have mine despite the lockdown.
No. 559391
>>559390What are you taking?
SSRIs take at least 3 weeks to make a difference.
No. 559421
>>559415It's a health crisis, anon. I know it can feel like free wasted time to perfectionnists like you and me but it's actually a hard time. It's normal to not have done anything. Would you beat yourself up for not improving while on a hospital bed, while mourning a loved one beucase eh, it's free time?
You were anxious like most of us and it's not a good headspace to do much of anything.
Give yourself a damned break.
No. 559452
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my awkward ass did not realize your matches get updated/notifications every time you update your bio on tinder. kms i've updated it like 20 times in the last few days
No. 559476
>>559468on the bright side ~no one knows it’s you~
have you ever had that feeling where you post in more than one thread (maybe two or three replies across boards) and then you feel like you’re the only one posting because the sites slow? same
No. 559511
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>>559504Anon this fucking sent me lmao
No. 559526
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>>559468 >>559470
>>559476 >>559496
>>559500 >>559503
>>559504 >>559511
>>559514this made my day lmao
No. 559548
>>559468Not saying this is me buuuut it is
>>559504True af
No. 559561
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>>559526I hate when people try to take the high road or say things like “sPeAk fOr yOuRsSeLf” with things about the site. at the end of the day you’re here too!!!!! you and I are doing the same thing!! No matter where we are in life our common thread is lolcow. I don’t care if you’re a 10/10 or a 2/10 we’re all dumb bitches who wanna talk about other dumb bitches!!
No. 559573
>>557430She wound up staying until today, in another couple hours she's gonna go with her mom to move into her new place.
I feel like I made the time here for her alright, I took her to a friend's get together over the weekend and cooked a few times. Went on a road trip for funsies. Her mom came to take us out and we had a drink, socially distanced of course.
It's just been so awkward because I've had zero space to myself and I need to recharge in the worst way. She wound up getting an inflatable mattress and sleeping in my room because my roommate still wanted to have access to the living room and he wakes up hella early every morning. So yeah, I didn't even have the refuge of my bedroom most the time during this. I just keep telling myself to hold it together until 6pm.
Hopefully this all translates to good karma in the end.
No. 559692
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My old landlord wants to take me to court for leaving some furniture behind. He already has my deposit so idk what the fuck his problem is
No. 559783
>>559782Lol anon everyone is going to find out about your
problematic tweets soon and you'll get cancelled and there's nothing you can do about it.
No. 559785
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>>559783You're going to have to learn to integrate better, anon. See that red text? That's not good.
No. 559789
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watching this digital con to see if momokun makes a fool of herself and honestly I am the real clown for having to sit through this mans awful dj set
No. 559796
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>>559793It's not a racist board but there's an expectation on this site that you adhere to imageboard culture and getting assblasted about this retarded shit is not integrating
No. 559815
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>Struggle for years with disruptive daydreaming because I'm so unhappy in my life that I'm only happy when pretending that I am someone else
>Work with therapists and bust my ass to break these habits and be a normal person to adequate success
>I am locked alone in my apartment all day for 2 months and allow myself to write out a story that I had fallen back on multiple times throughout the years
>I figured if I wrote it out that would get it out of my system for good
>It's literally the shittiest self-insert fanfiction that a 13 year old would be embarrassed of let alone a grown woman
>Now I'm going back to work and "normal" living with all of my adult responsibilities
>The daydreams are back in full force and I keep getting distracted thinking about the story
>The only thing I want to do now is lock myself up in my room and write it
>All those years of hard work are wasted because I wanted to indulge myself a little even though I knew it would be bad for me
Anons, why do I sabotage myself like this?
No. 559916
>>559815Why not keeping wtriting them out? Allot yourself 1 hours the day to do it. Maybe it'll end up drying up. Or maybe you'll end up self-publishing on amazon.
At least, you'll get something more out of it than utterly wasted time.
No. 559928
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AHHHHH I HAVE SO MUCH DUMBASS ANXIETY FOR NO REASON. my birthday is coming up and i have more than enough money saved right now between my country's unemployment covid checks and the money i've been making reselling shit online, so I have the budget to splurge a tiny bit but I am so frugal that anytime I buy anything that isn't 100% necessary (groceries/ bills/ meds) I feel so wasteful. I found a bunch of cute and super on clearance clothing and it's all returnable/ I can flip the dresses I got for more than I paid if they look like shit on me, plus all the thrift stores are closed still so it's not like I could have gotten similar stuff elsewhere for a better price. I even included a couple nice gifts for friends with my order that I absolutely did not need to do but I still feel selfish haha what is wrong with me. why can I easily blow over $100 and not feel bad if it's a thrift haul, but if it's something new I'm sinning??? I guess it just feels very pixielocks on dollskill levels of money poorly spent if I can't justify it to myself as "helping the planet" somehow
No. 559940
>>559930I'm so sorry to hear that anon, can you call a friend? A family member? Reach out, they would want to be there for you.
If you can't do that just now then put on a brainless TV show that has nothing to do with romance. Eat something, and get some sleep as soon as you can.
No. 559946
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No. 559948
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The only thing I want in life is to look exactly like a ShuShu/Tong runway and it makes me want to scream that I'm so stupid and uncreative that I can't come up with my own unique image + creative vision inspired by my hopes and dreams and illustrious background aaaaaaargh
No. 559950
>>559945summerfags are at it again
>>559946what is there to save at this point
No. 559987
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crying is supposed to make me feel better. to some degree it does, and it allows me to vent my frustrations in private. however the after effects of it on my body can be disastrous af and I'll feel either manic and antsy for the rest of the day or dull and dead inside. i fucking hate how emotional I am and even crying in private no matter how much relief it can bring doesn't make me feel like an adult. I've always been told I'm a petulant child for emoting at all and that seems to reign true when I'm stuck in isolation hell, and fuck, my body agrees that I'm a piece of shit
No. 560006
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>>559991thank u anon, it's good to know I'm not alone either!! wishing you the best and hope we can get through okay
No. 560032
>>559707It's not like as if people actually
grow as a person or anything, right, anon-chan?
I understand still being mad at said person if they actually secretly keep being shits, but we all are humans and make mistakes.
No. 560033
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Tfw you thought your SSRIs were working because you were happy and trying new skills and finally wanted to live but you also haven’t slept in a week and might actually just be manic and bipolar after all
No. 560040
>>558560I fucked up and messaged her saying that even though we don't talk anymore I hoped she's doing good. She replied nicely and said she missed me and hoped I'm not mad at her because I didn't wish her a happy birthday (lol) and said that she hopes we can continue to be friends… I fucked myself over didn't I? Should've just held onto my salty rage and continued to ignore her flaky ass
No. 560055
>>558872My mom has a french name with 2x n and 2x t and she wrote it with one n…. Which is a huge pet peeve of my mom because it's the more common way to write her name but not correct (and my grandma gave it to her???
She also added that my mom had my grandma's last name as maiden name when she never did.
Me and my mom have her first husband's surname.
The year of birth was at least 'just' one year off.
Turns out my aunt had a copy of this will but 'didn't read it' so she couldn't have told my mother?
My grandma can't really walk around anymore so I doubt she did all this will changimg by herself and it's so frustrating to think about.
No. 560076
>>559655Imprisoning it now would be too much stress and betrayal for an old cat that has never been held captive, so no point in washing it either, i pull out a new tick almost every day, there seems to be way more ticks this year. Guess I'll go with the collar.
>>559987I'm jelly over your problem. Wish i hadn't lost my ability to cry, all the dankness just keeps accumulating in layers, its suffocating, i just can't gat that sweet emotional release.
>>559990I was in a situation like that, i didn't mind it since i'm low maintenance and don't categorize people that i love as useful/useless, eventually i think the other person started to feel underappreciated for all their cluelessly wasted efforts, got depressed and left. Good riddance.
>>560067Ask him to lend you some money.
No. 560104
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When I lived with my mother, her toxic and abusive significant other have always been threatning to throw her cat out of the window or worse because he hated taking care of pets (and children, too) and she knew it, which is why she would pee on his pillow everytime he throws a tantrum at kids or mother.
This cat have always loved me like no one else she loved. She would always find comfort in being around me, so when I lived at mothers place she would never leave me and always greet me and be all excited whenever I would come from studies. I havent been to mothers place for about three years now and she still sleeps in my bed.
This week mother's s/o beaten the cat up to a point that her rib and leg are broken. She tried to lie and whiteknight him, but I knew it was all him. And everyone else in the family knows, too.
They vent to vet. The vet said that this cat is too old to have a surgery, so if they will make a surgery on her she's going to die. So all they can hope for is that she somehow magically heals herself.
I fucking hate it. I loved this cat. She is a very nice one and she is one of the rare and expensive ones, named after my city (she is Peterbald). I can't believe it how someone would do cruel things to a darn pet, especially not theirs. Goddamit.
No. 560189
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I'm talking to a guy online right now. He's making me happy. It's a silly thing because I haven't tried an online relationship in several years, so I guess covid isolation pushed me to give it a go despite my hesitations.
It's costing me nothing, and as I said it makes me happy overall despite annoyances that come from figuring out a new person here and there. I figure why not because I'd be alone right now either way.
The next step is figuring out if I truly want to get as serious as this guy wants to be. He wants to meet whenever safety permits, and obviously more. Like eventually getting a place together if everything works out. I'm happy that so many of our future plans and wants align, but I am also hyper aware of men feeding me shit. Let's just say for simplicity's sake: on paper he shares negatives with my exes, but he's claiming to offer something that-to me at least-is a pretty big deal, and would absolutely forgive mentioned negatives because it would make my life that much easier. All I want is a man who can be useful to me for once instead of being a user. He allegedly can offer what my exes either never bothered to or couldn't offer me. Obviously I'm skeptical, but if true it would absolutely be worth it. If it turns out to be not true I would just dump and be back to square one as usual.
I tried to tell my friends about this relationship but they shot it down immediately. I couldn't tell if it was out of a twinge of jealousy (bc of what the guy can allegedly do for me), or if genuine concern. All I know is that if it was due to the latter, they're hypocrites. Pre-covid they hooked me up with not one, but two, of their 'approved' men who turned out to be fucking monsters. They did terrible things to me. One of them tried to hurt and humiliate me so badly that the friend who tried to hook me up with him won't even speak to him anymore. Worst of all is that these friends believed his lies until I showed receipts, and what does that say about what they think of me? Point is I don't know who to trust or go to for insight with my best interests in mind because it seems like my 'friends' are quick to envy and aren't always looking out for me in the ways I'd need. Most of my family is estranged and the ones who I can talk to are about as clueless and bad when it comes to relationships.
I want to talk about how happy this person is making me without being treated like I'm naive even though I understand what I'd have to do if it turns out it's not this golden ticket. Makes me feel like my happiness means nothing even if it's temporary.
No. 560209
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>>559966Thank you for appreciating them too! I've developed a crippling obsession with the label and designers (they're so cute) over the last few weeks. I can't get any work done, all I do is google for more info and pictures
No. 560278
>>560269ughhhhh super annoyingly shitty living situation anon, we all been there. It's more appropriate to just give her another face-to-face talk as a group and just let her know that she hasn't been able to follow the house rules and you've both decided to find a new place. Based off your description, it seems like she'll throw a bitch fit either way, her
victim complex seems kinda intense. (maybe worst/best case scenario she'll run off to a new apartment and leave you to foot the rent for the rest of the year??)
No. 560291
>>560042Unfortunately I can already see some similarities between us - the way we handle people being thoughtless or unkind, the way we talk to a SO when we're angry. I'm working on it and in therapy, I don't want to end up like her and I'm determined not to. My gf has strict orders to shoot on sight if I ever start obsessing over Jeffrey Dahmer lol.
>>560048My mom tells me everything about her past, in disgusting, vivid detail. Shit a 13 year old should never have had to hear about. Before I left home she used to mix pills and wine and tell me horrible shit. I've told her to her face to get therapy and stop dumping her traumas on me. She certainly has the money to go, mooching off my dad's paychecks while doing no work herself while he works himself to death. She had an affair because he wasn't giving her enough attention while working three jobs to support her and my sister. I wish he would divorce her and be free but I just don't think it's in the cards.
As a final aside because I'm still angry and can't stop thinking about it, I think she purposefully flashed me multiple times as a teenager, and she did it again while I was over at the house with my gf to babysit my sister.
No. 560297
>>560269haha holy shit are you me??
just got out of a very similar situation. never cleaned up after herself, left unwashed dishes / meat thawing bags in the sink for days upon weeks, left food sitting out for hours/days, left food in crock pots/coffee pots/the sink for days upon weeks, literally has a mountain of soda cans in the corner of her room, you can't see the floor of her bedroom, constantly eats food in her room and leaves it sitting out for days, moldy plates of spaghetti, molded cups of brown liquids covered with white mold, an entire fruit open sitting out on her bed while she's at work for the day. our entire living room was just her shit.
she also grew up very spoiled, parents paying all her living expenses, is a huge sperg, and parents paid for her college numerous times only for her to drop out numerous times bc "muh mental illness" and lie to her parents about it while still mooching off them.
at that point it's definitely appropriate to break up with them over text. me and my roommate took it to the next level with our pettiness and took pics everytime she left a mess or left something disgusting and compiled it all in a huge multiple page document outlining all the bullshit we've had to put up with.
idk why narcissistic spoiled and disgusting sperg roommates are so common, they all do the same dirty shit and are unbearable. no wonder their parents need to take care of them their whole lives
No. 560299
>>560279I tried to keep a diary when I was very young and my mom did the same thing. I had this speciality invisible ink marker/blacklight combo that I exclusively wrote with for obvious reasons. I was in elementary school so nothing truly juicy actually happened but I still knew I wanted privacy. One day I was using the light and I found that she wrote in the book so I never touched it again. I never talk to my parents about the guys I date and they wonder why. They know about less than half of them.
Despite being super overprotective my parents never monitored my internet history so I got away with a lot of shit when I got my own computer. It was kinda awesome.
No. 560309
>>560301I've been there twice. Those two men that I almost killed myself over losing… I don't think about them anymore.
It passes, you have to remember that it's temporary and you will very likely experience love, lust and all those fuzzy feelings again with someone new. This will pass.
No. 560329
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>>560301I've been there anon. That shit is overwhelming and I can imagine how you're feeling right now. Do you have any support? Could you maybe talk to a family member or close friend? Working under emotions like that can be really tough, but if you throw yourself into and just consume yourself with your work it can maybe help. I know that it's near impossible but try and get into some new hobbies. Even if It means touching a hobby for 5 seconds before moving onto the next, find a hobby that interests you so much you can't hardly thing about something else. Even volunteering can help! When I was feeling that way, worthless, tired, thrown away etc. Volunteering gave me a new sense of purpose. If I wasn't living for myself, I could at least live to be useful and help others. I volunteered at an animal shelter so not a lot of "people work" but it felt so nice to have another human being tell me "I'm so grateful you're here!" Or "Thank you so much for your help today!" You will make it through this anon, in the end he is a separate person from you and you have your own life to live. You existed without him before you met him, you can do it again, just realize that he was not some soulmate the universe sent you. There will be other men who make you happy like he did, likely even happier!
(Blog soz) I was the exact same as you and tbh a couple years later I found someone who matched me way better. Looking back I realized I just sort of fetishized my ex, we didn't -really- fit together, I just kept looking back and being like "oh its soo sad that we used to hold hands and now that's not my hand to hold anymore" rather than actually looking at how our personalities fit together. Anyways a couple years after my bad breakup I found a bf who's practically a carbon copy of me in the best way, and I was grateful my ex dumped me.
Genuinely wishing you the best anon, please don't off yourself you're worth more than the actions of your ex! You've got all the time in the world to yourself now. That can be scary and depressing at first but I hope you come to see it as a time to focus 1000% on your own well being, maybe learn some new stuff, meet some new people!
No. 560369
>>560301So sorry for you anon. There's no easy way around it, it will really, absolutely FUCKING suck for an indeterminate amount of time. Keep up your routine and try telling someone at work that you're not feeling well? You'd be surprised how sympathetic people can be when you share a break-up with them. I had it so bad at work one day I just had to tell my boss I need to go cry somewhere for a couple of minutes and they were very kind!
Listen to music, take walks/exercise when possible, create, and cry when you want. One thing that helped me was taking a bath, ducking my head under the water and screaming my heart out. Once you reach the point where you start thinking "god i'm so sick of crying all the time" you've probably made it over the worst of it!
It will probably take some months, but you'll find that strangely you're okay and even kind of more alive than before.
No. 560386
>>560280Ah, if only she allowed me to buy the things I want with my money! Even if I managed to buy some, she wouldn't let me wash it still, it would be a waste. The rule with her is "if I don't like/want/allow it, then no one in the family can like/want/allow it!"
So much of my life has revolved around her tastes.
No. 560470
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people are falseflagging as me with my instagram pictures on 4chan and it's real weird. i've basically only posted on /g/ and /ot/ here for the past 4 years but there's still people talking about me on other boards
i like to think i'm pretty self aware, never indulged any cow like behavior aside from posting outfit pics to my socials (i don't even do that anymore), so it's like… why am i still on your mind?
No. 560496
>>558342Anons, I'm pornsick. I have no idea what I actually desire. I just let
abusive men do their thing and it's self harm. The closest I've gotten to not indulging in it all was on a 2-week no-tech holiday, towards the end of which I bought fashion magazines just to look at pictures of women. I just looked at these beautiful women and their faces for so long. I have fantasised about abuse since I was very, very young, we're talking elementary school. It's so messed up and linked to hating myself. I'm going to refrain from any of it for a while and see how it goes. I know it's not healthy, it all feels so wrong but muh dopamine, muh choke me daddy. Wish me well, I'm going to stop trying to drown out my desire for women with men who hurt me.
No. 560500
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My boyfriend took his own life about 3 weeks ago and it hurts so much, every night I can't fall asleep because I think of all the things I should have done or said, which is pointless, but I feel helpless and guilty. I want to see him again and every night the thought of him next to me comforts me and puts me to sleep, but him not being here hurts me so much. I've felt completely numb, I can't get any school work done and I don't even have a job and might have to move back in with my dad
At this point I'd rather just die so that I can meet him in heaven so that we can be together again fuck I miss my angel so much
No. 560595
>>560564not that anyone really cares but i got more details about what her boyfriend said and it turned out to be a "pass this on to start making peace with it" instead of expecting me to step in and help. that's sadder honestly but in a bittersweet way, its nice that he understands my perspective. to be saying that agrees that she's beyond real recovery at this point which is also sad. my half-sister lost her mom to suicide 5 years ago very similarly to how mine is heading, so i'm lucky to have someone who's further in the grieving stages and willing to talk candidly with me about it.
i ended up letting a cousin who's like a daughter to my mom and probably a better person than i am know about it as a way of passing off responsibility to her i guess. sucks to be the bearer of bad news to someone you hardly talk to but it makes me feel better to know that i'm not the only one with the burden.
No. 560615
>>560607>>560610>>560614thanks anons
On a serious note, do any other anons engage in this type of weird cope, a sort of "you can't fire me, I quit" where everything you touch turns to shit anyway so why not lean into it and semi-ironically aspire to be a trainwreck? I do genuinely want to be an older, alcoholic, trashy and loud woman and it's not even a meme at this point.
No. 560645
>>560642I'm the same. My relationship with the internet is for entertainment purposes. It's my escape from the harsh realities of sexism, racism, poverty, and trauma. But to these online activists, the absence of me and others RTing or a screenshot is somehow
literally killing people. That's not to say I don't engage in politics ever, but mostly in controlled environments or places where I know people are up to debate and find a middle ground.
No. 560699
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I miss those times on the web where every single person didn't have a mental illness and people didn't overshare every single aspect of their lives in an attempt to be "haha funny xD i want to die so bad xD".
No. 560702
>>560700It's gotten so annoying. At first it was bearable because
sure thing if you're discovering some part about yourself and think you need to go to therapy etc. and want to get better, but now everyone has depression/anxiety/whatever and they also throw around the word trauma for every single thing. I don't want to sound like a gatekeeping faggot, but it's so unbearable.
>tfw you have trauma because you went to the grocery store xD>hands up for people who have trauma for going to school and having to hold a presentation uwu>all my traumas have grown me into a better person :3>i am sooooooo traumatized!And the said trauma is just a normal bad thing that happened to them. Nothing major. That's it.
No. 560709
>>560707I feel like it's always been kinda big, just not as big as it's today. A few years ago, you'd mostly meet those "depressed" people exclusively on places like Tumblr, etc. where there are already a lot of other mentally ill people and the majority of them aren't even
that mentally ill, probably just pretending to either look cool/special or fit in with their peers.
I also feel like those Soundcloud rappers who blew up and attracted so many normies back in 2016-2017 with their ~sadboy depressed~ music also play a huge part in how big it's today. They attracted a lot of other underage fans who probably thought listening to their ~sadboy~ music and feeling sad over a sad song = they're depressed now and gotta take Xanax now. So it probably kept going and going and then those "haha relatable suicide jokes xD dank memes" came and people just started lapping it up. Twitter is a huge shitshow too with their wokeness and slapping a label on every single normal human feeling so it's no surprise now that everyone thinks they have depression/anxiety (and most of the time it's only those two, at least no one is pretending to have a legit psychosis/schizophrenia lol).
It's just evolving into a shitfest and I get that it's easier to get help nowadays and mental illness isn't that frowned upon as it used to be (which should be a great thing), but like I've said, it's very fucking annoying.
Also I'm ESL, sorry if this makes zero sense. No. 560712
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>cluster B mother is mean and nasty to me all my life
>starts to turn on me as I get older and start defending myself from her bullshit instead of internalizing it and taking it
>doesn't believe in therapy, accuses me of trying to go on welfare and faking my mental illness when I cut back work temporarily and try to seek mental help at my worst
>divorces my stepdad and she turns into an even bigger selfish dictator while taking out her feelings on me because I'm her enmeshed punching bag
>it's the last straw
>make the decision to finally cut her off and it's both improved my mental and physical health
>she won't stop hissing in peoples' ears that I'm an ungrateful brat who's too prideful to apologize and let her toxic ass back into my life
>she can't cope with the fact that her vileness drove me away
>solicits her ex in-laws for commiseration
>they lost their teenage daughter in a tragic car accident several years ago
Am I wrong for thinking she's a sick fuck? She didn't lose me tragically or unfairly, she got kicked to the curb for being a nasty bitch and now she's salty that she won't have a peasant to wipe her ass in old age without paying.
To this day it puzzles me why she bothered having a child, she can't function in any kind of relationship that's not shallow and distanced where she can keep up a fake act. Did she think having a band aid baby would patch up her relationship two husbands ago? I can't stand her, I won't feel better until she's dead.
No. 560722
>>560712Not wrong anon. Not wrong at all. Not to derail you but trying to relate. Mom was a raging bitch to me during my childhood. Worse than the bullies. as I get older I defend myself more. She starts getting the hint when I don't fall for her emotional blackmail. Also she kicked out my older half brother (he suffered from severe depression due to our up bringing and bullying) she tries to have a redo with me (this is around the time I start sticking up for myself) My Mom tried to make it where I was her only friend (creepy shit I know) and would hate the fact when I wanted to hang out with someone (loosens up in my last year of high school) she really just wanted someone to control and take her frustrations out on (she is a wage slave so she had a shit job where she was treated like crap) She kicked me out when I struggled to find work all so I could give her over half my paycheck. Moved in with my boyfriend's family. Boyfriend's mom calls up my mom, my mom proceeds to tell her that I'm an "Ungrateful brat who think I can take on the world with an attitude problem." Boyfriend's mom thought she was weird. Mom doesn't believe in therapy after the family went one time and the therapist told her she was the problem. Also I probably have un-diagnosed autism (LOL) because she refused to listen to the teachers at school about how 'off' 'different' I was. She thought that they were being mean.
I officially cut her out 3-4 years ago. She can't comprehend why her son and daughter wan't nothing to do with her. Thinks we had the perfect childhood, despite the fact we grew up in poverty and she'd beat us.
So anon, no, a band-aid baby will not help your mom. Don't ever feel bad for cutting her out. you had every right. Your mom had a child because she was a lonely fucking loser who expected someone to love her back unconditionally, all the while she treated them like crap. She wanted you to be a punching bag and to be just like her.yes really. Sorry if that sounded like blog posting. Just don't feel bad for cutting someone out. Your mom can bitch till the cows come home but as long as you know the truth, that's what matters.
No. 560723
>>560707I'm gonna stand on my soap box for this response.
I think it's a symptom of the problems with modern day society. I live in the U.S. and it seems like there are very few opportunities to build a sense of community and connection with other people that live near you. It leads to high rates of isolation and loneliness. Many elderly people experience struggles with mental health issues due to how isolated their lives are.
Some more food for thought:
We've been told all our lives that studying and working hard will get us somewhere in life. Meanwhile, the cost of living has skyrocketed in most places and working class people struggle to make ends meet. The modern day workplace is one where you are underpaid, overworked, and required to participate in unless you want to risk becoming homeless. Young adults are graduating with a fuckton's worth of debt but still struggle to find decent work. Even the ones that pursue STEM related careers can experience this, too. Self actualization and true fulfillment is not accounted for in our culture. The future often feels bleak.
No. 560734
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>>560707sorry for sperging but
i was thinking about this the other day, and I feel like it's due to the hierarchy of needs (pic related). I've realized this the more healing I've done and the more self development I've worked on.
basically, as our more vital needs are met (food, safety, shelter, water, etc.) we have less problems to worry about in the world around us, and more time for us to look inward at other problems (relationship issues, self esteem and self image, mental health and how we feel).
during the day to day, especially in previous decades, we haven't really given ourselves time as humans to be able to think about ourselves as individuals. whether it's WWI, WWII, the Great Depression, etc. all of these are examples of times where individual struggle wasn't given a shit about at all, because people were too worried about the earth being bombed, their loved ones being deployed, being lynched, etc.
Now that we live in a time where most people with internet access have all of their basic needs met (food, shelter, water, etc.), of course they're going to come into the world and on the internet expressing their other needs (relationships, mental clarity, exploring sexuality, mental illness, or gender identity). This is especially so online, where it feels like everyone is hyper-aware or hyper-offended. Hell, even things like "cancel culture" can be attributed to people who have so little actual problems in their life / are so bored to where they need to create problems.
this is why now, especially on the internet, it seems like everyone is anxious or depressed (especially those who seem to have no reason in their life to be). I'm sure plenty of people are depressed and anxious nowadays, because we're able to take a step back and separate ourselves from worrying about pressing issues like war and instead look at ourselves as individuals and look inward towards our own mental health and mental wellbeing, how we were raised, trauma, and how that affects us as adults. Positively, the internet has also provided larger education and knowledge of mental health and mental issues, so naturally more people would be able to have the resources to realize what they're going through.
i think it's a bit of both, but tbh in my opinion i don't think neurotypical people even exist. I feel like everyone has some sort of mental issue, whether it's psychological, cognitive, from socialization or genetically. Humans cannot live without wounds, and I doubt there's anyone alive without a psychological one.
No. 560927
>>560908I think it's the sensory overload that modernized country's citizen's face. We have so dopamine
triggers coming from so many different things that if we're not surrounded by those things we become depressed and eventually those things don't do it for us anymore. It's kind of like addiction. At a certain point the amount of crack people take their first time won't give them a buzz and they have to take a higher amount. We don't really get to upgrade our lives like that.
Social anxiety is a huge issue now too. Not sure why.
No. 560951
>>560944 If it wasn't for America contributing to the bombing of my homeland, my family wouldn't have had to flee and I wouldn't have been born and raised in America. AKA I would've been happy kek
This country is a shit hole and anyone who is proud to be an American is a fucking lame with no personality or virtue
No. 561047
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my bf went on a roadtrip with his friends specifically to trip on shrooms and like… i'm not crazy for rolling my eyes, right? generally none of them have jobs and aren't busy, they see each other all the time, but i finally have a small break and i've told him i always wanted to go on a roadtrip. i'm going to be back in school and at a job soon and this is our chance so why… idk it just seems really lame to me
he keeps saying things like "you would love it here!" and im like haha yes i would haha
No. 561055
>>561049that's the thing is i totally would have gone because i'm a hippy degenerate too but >not invited. i respect him spending time with his friends tho considering he's with them all the time i totally could have come… i guess i'm just jealous. not cuz i want to do drugs XDDDDD but they're camping at a beautiful place and i wish i was there
we're all early 20s so this is par for the course i guess. i'm more bitter than i thought ugh
No. 561062
>>561047>going on a road trip>during a pandemic>just to trip on shrooms oh, anon.. i'm not judging you too much as i don't know what country you live in and how the corona situation is atm, but shouldn't they practice social distancing? on the other hand, i guess being out in the wild, far away from everyone else, might be a good thing.
he should be able to spend time with his friends tho, unless you have made the fact that you have been wanting to go on a roadtrip really clear. did you suggest it before he left or?
No. 561085
>>561047have you brought up wanting to travel together before? especially if you haven't and won't have the chance to travel for a while, this is rude. i get guys' trips but he knew you don't usually have the time whereas his friends do.
also roadtrip during rona sounds fucking stupid; are there other red flags?
No. 561215
>>561172You aren’t a loser and you aren’t pathetic at all anon
hug. There are adult schools that can help you get your high school diploma or your GED. There are probably also certificate programs for certain skills/jobs that you don’t need a high school diploma/equivalent for.
When I got my first job, I was absolutely petrified too. I made so many cringeworthy mistakes during my first few interviews. Going into the workforce for the first time can be intimidating and scary. Maybe work on your education a little if you can?
No. 561236
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>>561226>the thought of being stuck in that daily cycle for the next forty years until I'm old. Im the anon you replied to and i feel the exact same way. I barely enjoy anything or have any interests, I’m probably just going to major in the subject i sucked at the least. One of the only things motivating me to get an education is to get a job where i would be able to be independent and live on my own. I enjoy independence. Maybe you can find one tiny source of motivation like i did..?
No. 561239
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Anons, I hate dating English men. I could have the exact same serious conversation/argument with a man of any other nationality and it'd be fine but the fact he's English pisses me off. I'm Irish and live in Ireland and you come over here AGAIN for no good reason, just to whine? Seriously I'm not even joking I hate when English men complain. Like oh boo hoo, what's the matter Mr. Cromwell?
No. 561260
>>560970its weird how they dominate the media
France has riots, i get like 3 articles on twitter, Usa has riots everyone won't shut up about it. yeah i get it you have guns
No. 561381
>>561379this sounds eerily like something i could post in this thread in the next couple of months.
good luck anon. i know how it feels to be chronically lonely.
No. 561413
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i can feel my kidney, i think i have a kidney infection (i know what it feels like since i've had them before unfortunately) but we don't have insurance or an income because 'rona
it hurts so much
No. 561415
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For context, my parents are not prudes or religious. My father was a pornsick fetishist in fact.
One time when I was 16 I went school shopping with my parents and siblings, and part of the clothing items I needed was underwear. At this point they had put me on birth control and I had a bf and they knew I was sexually active. They didn't agree but they knew they couldn't really do anything about it so they just tried damage control (not that it was a problematic relationship at all). Anyways I go with my mom and sister to the underwear section, I see a 6 pack of thongs and decided I wanted those. (Embarrassed about bf seeing granny panties with butterflies and shit, wanted something more attractive/less 8 year old girl). I walk up to my mom, package unhidden and held up, and say "I'm getting these ones" and watches me put them in the cart. She is walking around with the cart with the thongs on top and visible. Ffs she and my dad even put all the stuff on the checkout belt. Basically, at the very least, my mom DEFINITELY knew.
Fast forward a week later, I left my laundry in the dryer while I'm in my room just chilling and my dad decided he was gonna do me a favor and bring me the laundry. What a fucking favor it turned out to be. I remember he burst into my room, red faced and angry, holding one of the thongs on the end of his fingers and away from his body, like it was tainted and going to infect him or some shit. He looked at me and yelled "what the fuck is this disgusting shit? This is disgusting. Disgusting " he repeatedly told me it was disgusting and gross. I told him I had no idea there was an issue considering I literally showed them to my mom and she let me buy them. So he goes and gets my mom to confirm and they come back down.
>did you tell anon she could buy these?
>face contorts in disgust, "are you fucking kidding me? Absolutely not I would never allow anon to buy something like that"
>How DARE you lie about me like that, and to your father"
I'm speechless and I try protesting and pointing out that there were a thousand times they should have seen what they were besides the time I actually showed them to my mom. Fruitless. They continue to berate me. The annoying thing was they wouldn't even specify WHY it was gross. I guess I'm grateful they didn't outright call me a slut but at the same time I wish they had because I've spent my following years being ashamed of any sexuality I have because of confusion and self doubt. Was there a stain? Was I a slut? Was I trying to appeal to older men? Why was it wrong?!?!? I also should add at I'm pretty sure my dad molested me once when I was a toddler. I was sleeping and i can't remember if it was just a dream honestly, but just the implications that he could (likely) have done that to me and burst in the room screeching about how disgusting I was for wearing thongs. Part of me has always wondered if he was so angry because he got turned on or something similarly horrible and fucked up. Idk. To this day I never initiate sex with my bf because it makes me feel ashamed and dirty. Disgusting and embarrassing. I've bottled both those things up for years and never told a single soul besides a friend who didn't believe me. Typing this is a strange feeling, honestly I just need someone to know my dad molested me and fucked up my sense for worth, even if it's just absolute strangers on the internet.
No. 561446
>>561434Minneapolis anon here. Things get worse every night, white supremacist fucks from out of state are infiltrating the city and destroying it.
They don't care about justice for a black man who the cops murdered. It's about assholes taking advantage of a volatile situation and turning our city into a playground for anarchy.
Management from my building sent an email yesterday saying that people were trying to break into units and no type of law enforcement will be responding.
No. 561508
>>561439I feel you anon.
I call my mom out too everytime. It is fruitless but I do what I gotta. My mom once said no man will marry me because I got raped so I gotta keep it a secret from any potential husband. Tried setting her straight to no avail.
At least I don't have a bro or dad though.
No. 561524
>>561421you're right anon. He probably just realized he seriously could not deal with my issues which is fine and understandable. It's just that I am getting that extremely awful lonely feeling again that I used to get before I was with him, I completely forgot how awful it felt. And just, generally missing his sweet presence. Ok, I'm teary eyed now.
Thanks for your kind words though, anon.
No. 561686
>>561446You're unbelievably stupid if you believe the "white supremacists from out of state" line. There's fucking video you can watch moron.
The mayor has backtracked it and autists dug up on social media the people arrested. But mouth breathing morons like you will now forever repeat this "fact" that was obviously bullshit to begin with.
No. 561727
Getting so fucking tired of hearing about the riots in the usa. They aren't protesting anything and aren't making themselves heard. They are being violent and disrespectful to the community and black business owners who built it. And you can't say anything about the riots because people right away say "businesses can be rebuilt, a man can't be brought back" as if that excuses anything. Small businesses were already struggling because of corona virus and now they have to worry about violent rioters destroying shit in the name of a murdered man? Ridiculous. I had to unfollow a lot of people I watched and liked because they acted as if people were pissed because Target got looted. It's like people become willfully ignorant when it comes to this shit.
And there's no point. No end game. They're going to riot, fizzle out and nothing will change. Throwing a tantrum solves nothing.
>>561446white supremacists when most people on video breaking windows and walking out with TVs are black people. Come on, anon. Even if some government plant started it, why do people in the community continue it? They have agency over themselves and can choose not to loot and be violent. But they don't. Is that the fault of the "white man" again? And before you call me racist, I'm POC with numerous family members who have been shot and unfairly profiled by the police. I don't like the police but I hate dumb excuses even more.
No. 561744
>>561727I’ve seen more people against looting and rioting in the last couple of days then I did initially, so at least that’s something.
The most obnoxious comments I saw were “The U.S was built on rioting and looting.” Okay, that’s true. But that’s should’ve been condemned then. Just because some assholes were doing it 200 years ago doesn’t mean it’s okay to do it now.
Ultimately it becomes less about a man’s death and more about people trying to out smug each other. I hope this does lead to a change but I’m not holding my breath.
No. 561746
>>561744Just because blacks were called the N word 200 years ago and killed doesn't mean it's okay now…. do you see the issue here? Why are black's always the ones expected to "rise up" and "be the better people"? They've tried that.
I don't promote looting and rioting but damn, what fucking options do they have left?
No. 561753
>>561746We're in a pandemic with limited resources, secondly stop trying to make it seem like it's only black people looting, there are a bunch of opportunists doing this shit. I could give a fuck about big businesses but a bunch of small businesses have been hurt during the pandemic and were already struggling to have ends meet.
Again, we're in a pandemic so it's sad that this even needs to be protested but I'm just as disgusted with people virtue signaling, guilting on SM, opportunism.
No. 561756
>>561753I never claimed it was just blacks….
Anon (or you idk) was referring to the black people excusing their rioting.
I'm very well aware that people are using this as an excuse to wreak havoc, and I made it clear that I don't support it. I've been donating to businesses that have been destroyed and am looking into riot clean up groups. I just don't like the message being put out to not fight fire with fire. Silent peaceful protests would not get this much coverage and you know that, I think that's the intention at this point.
No. 561767
>They're going to riot, fizzle out and nothing will changeThis is my biggest problem with the whole "use violence to be heard" approach. It's likely not gonna inspire actual change. There's been BLM riots before (like Ferguson), but eventually the outrage dies down and things just go back to the way they were. I'm not seeing what the actually end goal of all this is, it's doing more harm than good.
I also don't get the comparisons to the American Revolution. The colonies revolted in a way that made sense; hate the taxes on things like tea? Throw that shit into the harbor and hurt the enemy in a powerful way. How is looting and burning businesses down fighting police brutality or bringing justice? It does display the outrage and anger the community feels but it sure as hell is not a well-thought out political strategy like the revolution was. This doesn't seem like a step in the right direction.
No. 561809
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>>561795All I want is people to stop rioting. Maybe its a terrorist gayop from other countries- I don't care. Just make it all stop. Stop inciting violence onto other cities and trying to make everything Minnesota.
I'm worried sick about my family, and friends and any friendly people who own local shops. I know a korean lady who did yoga classes had to go back to SK at home because Covid-19 was screwing with the economy. She still does smaller classes there via webcam in hopes that she can come back one day.
What the fuck did everyone and me ever do anyway. Only the rich corporate giants are going to leave unscathed while we rot in the dirt. But I'm still not going to give up despite all of it though. Its what life is ultimately about.
No. 561874
>>561809I really hope you all out there in the cities are safe. Shit is absolutely mental. I am watching it all live and I feel like crying. I can’t even imagine what the riots look like to those in other countries.
I want a refund on 2020.
No. 561931
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>>561874We're not even halfway and I expect everything to get worse even before the protests
My brother is police officer and I'm worried sick. It's not just the left but also the right is out on the streets targeting and attacking the police right now. Apparently this guy Duncan Lemp was killed recently they want to settle a score
Social media and mobile live-streaming is just making things worse. It's a echo chamber magnifying individual police action on the ground into justification for collective punishment for all law enforcement worldwide (is this sensationalism or london also have anti-police protests?)
No. 561933
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I'm doing therapy in a good therapy facility. DBT because of self-sabotage and trauma. The team is great. They care. Not all goes perfectly due to covid but they really do their very best and 'see' every patient. I wish I could do the therapy without a quarter of the patients because they suck. They fucking suck. Drama out the ass everyday. Entitlement through the roof. Childish games and group chats. Drama queens that aren't gonna change in a few years and have zero accountability. Compulsive liars. Thieves. I like or can emphathise with most patients despite their nacks. But with some it's just hard because it gets under my skin because my family was full of drama and trauma. I'm as level-headed as I can be but it gets exhausting real quick. The therapy is so good and I'm grateful to be here. I wanna work again and I need to be here to get there. I take it seriously. I have been to shit therapy and got mistreated and this is not that. The dramaqueens bad-mouth everything here, don't wanna do therapy and especially don't wanna change. They never shut up. And make it harder for some of us. I guess that's just how it is and I have to accept it and find ways to calm down and relax and stay positive. I just hope they get their shit mirrored and handed back to them eventually because I'm not taking it. It's not my shit. It's theirs
No. 561939
>>561931I doubt they’ll strip the police in the U.K. I can’t see it happening here.
I think in America a change is badly needed though. Their shit is so deep rooted.
No. 561940
>>561931I don't think ACAB, and I believe in the concept of having a body designated to protect and serve. Like I've had to call the police for a domestic incident and I felt safe knowing I could do that so imagine how an entire race feels disillusioned by an apolitical body that's suppose to protect and serve all citizens.
Gangs are a product of failed government policies. Majority of people are good and law abiding which is why society exists and works. Its why we have roads and infrastructure. When a flaw is found in our systems we absolutely should have the power to demand equality, fairness and justice. These riots and protests should be desescalted by the government and not the people. These protests are a direct response to failure within the government to govern correctly. The people are angry and fed up. I don't advocate for violence but humans are emotive and it would be naive to think violence won't erupt. The best thing to do is for Trump to call for police reform and start building trust with black communities and law enforcement. Racism needs to be addressed in the classrooms. I believe most people are good of heart, if they weren't it would be constant anarchy.
No. 561941
>>561931And mobile streaming and whatnot is just making things so fucking heated.
I’m all for BLM but things are being filmed or being said or whatever and there’s never enough context and it ends up being a game of Chinese whispers and starts going all over the fucking show.
No. 561943
>>561940They need to start removing the racists in power, adding more POC in higher places and make laws stricter on racism. It’s too loose in America.
They need to start educating those bum fuck white towns and create a generation of people with a new mindset. A modern mindset.
A lot of things need to be done.
I can’t see there being a difference until another 50-100 years. At least.
No. 561944
>>561746Honestly anon, I’m POC too.
The only way I think black people will ever be on level is when more black businesses are opened, africa catches up. Honestly because look as Asia, they know they’re not at the bottom of the food chain because of money. Money.
No. 561978
>>561952Not the same anon. I am close to LA so as I was watching that shit live on my computer, some of them were going into apartments and smaller side neighborhoods in the city to hide and loot boutiques.
The police had to keep them out of places like Beverly Hills and Westwood because they were acting like they wanted to start raiding people’s homes. I find the looting of Gucci so sadly ironic - the brand that’s really popular in the urban community gets their store trashed by wannabe anarchists.
All the riots are going to do is scare off business owners and create even more of a dearth in jobs and opportunity. It’s a vicious cycle, but you can’t tell them this. A lot of generational Jewish and Armenian businesses got looted, why not just stick to the multi-corporate shit? It’s all really, really very depressing and dystopic.
No. 561997
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You know, 2020 has been a great year to be a criminal in the US.
>the pandemic
>domestic burglaries and commercial robberies up statistically high because everyone's cars are parked and houses are unlocked, businesses are unmanned
>identity fraud, online fraud, unemployment fraud on the rise
>people breaking local social distance statues because they selfishly want to go places or interact with strangers
>mass scalping of cheap items, some essential
>domestic abuse against spouses and children is also high
>tons of criminals using the virus as an alibi in general while officials toot horns about violent crime dropping which means nothing right now cause everyone's inside
>desperate people searching for employment falling into job scams or MLMs
>new BLM outrage
>pigs shielding themselves with the badge to abuse countless citizens
>people who don't give a fuck about black people or other people in general using the situation as an opportunity to loot, shoot, and otherwise be abusive
>politicians using the riot outcomes to tighten the vicegrip on citizens and bolster their upcoming elections 'for our own good'
Feel free to add.
No. 562073
I rent with a petty manchild for a father and I'm so sick of him.
>constantly bitches about getting fat but eats out, even during covid, multiple times a week
>thinks I'll enable him because I'm fat and trying to lose weight, gets butthurt when I don't indulge in his fast food runs
>literally eats an entire pizza by himself, bowls of cereal every night, etc.
>buys crappy cheap food and stuffs it into our small shared fridge which never gets eaten bc of aforementioned points
>never any room for my groceries even though I don't eat out and cook at home every day
>no room for my fresh, expensive vegetables because he has to let his head of iceberg lettuce rot in the fridge before I'm forced to clean it out
Then he gets mad at ME because I don't eat his shit! Today he went grocery shopping and bought three pounds of ground beef to freeze even though we already had multiple packages of ground beef already in there. He stuffed the freezer so hard with shit that now today when I want to shop there's NO ROOM! I don't really like eating ground beef because it is just not tasty to me so I don't buy it anymore and when I do it's the pricey stuff so it's not dog food like what he buys. That's not to mention the bags of gross frozen vegetables that he doesn't fucking eat but take up huge amounts of space.
When I made an annoyed comment today about how we had most food he bought already, he got all pissed off and defensive. Instead of just saying "You're right, there's food in there I gotta eat up. Sorry you can't buy anything you wanted this week," he goes "FUCK ME I SPEND MONEY AND I GET SHIT ON FOR IT. IM GONNA START CRITICIZING YOU FOR WHAT YOU EAT. YOU DONT EAT ANY OF THE STUFF IN THAT FREEZER!" ….like it's your stuff though? I'm not gonna eat that crap just because you're too guilty and/or senile to throw it out. Oh and he does already make comments on what I cook btw. The other day I made salmon and when he came into the apartment he said "Mmmm….smells like FISH" super passive aggressive. Never mind that he makes canned tuna sandwiches that smell like festered ass but I'm not allowed to criticize what the manbaby eats lest I get pummeled with narcissist rage for having the audacity. He's a fucking nightmare to live with, and he was the one hard up after my mom divorced him and was couch surfing, but you'd never know that from the outside from the way he plays up like he's helping me, his adult daughter who's only problem is not making enough at her job to afford a place on her own even though he's in the same situation. I can't wait to move out with my bf next year. Fuck boomers.
No. 562080
>>561941It's only "confusing" if you listen to the media who don't want you to believe what you can see with your eyes. They want you to see the footage of looting and now beatings and believe that it's white supremacists and not what you can see with your own eyes.
It's ridiculous that you have unprecedented access to live footage of these things happening and are too confused unless someone holds your hand and explains it to you.
No. 562094
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>>562080Antifa also have a hand in the destruction too. They think they are fighting against authority and capitalism, but I saw a video of black protestors begging white Antifa "allies" not to trash their neighborhoods
No. 562100
>>561944How is Africa going to catch up? GDP per capita there has been going down and now the continent is being willingly colonized by China kek. You guys are delusional.
>>561978Jews and Armenians are wypipo. And don't forget the LA Riots where Koreans were considered white too
No. 562132
>>562118As if the rioters know where the fuck Armenia is or care about an old genocide.
I just saw a vid of some pepe frog MAGA idiot getting smeared into the dirt by about 100 rioters because he thought he'd turn up and '
trigger the libs'. Achievement unlocked I guess?
No. 562158
>>562141Lmao, about bloody time. The whole reason why smug MAGA hats became a meme was because people who had a problem with it were scolded to shut up and let that shit continue. ~Muh free speech w/o consequences~
You won't see the alt-right just roll over and take shit from progressives. All being silent and pigeonholed into verbal dissent on the left has done is given black people the labels of being snowflakes and thugs. You gotta get physical with these peepee pol dipshits before they get the message about what's unacceptable.
Reminds me of bullies in school. None of em ever quit their bullshit unless someone had enough and fucked their shit up finally.
No. 562182
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Was sad last night and crying, dad makes me a cup of tea to make me feel better/cheer me up. It was smooth move. Now today I’m sad and pooping my guts out.
No. 562234
>>562100Africa is caatching up, it's just quiet and people don't notice except the government and corporations so they do shit behind the scenes to stop progress.
Stop watching shit through American propaganda lens
No. 562258
>>562255Black SJW Twitter is a cesspool and has this really high school mentality towards everyone that isn't apart of their cool kids club(then again, practically every "woke" SM circle is like that, especially the LGBT circles but that's a whole other can of worms). They're shitty people but they don't represent African Americans on a whole. The ones I come across on a regular basis are the most part pretty chill and level headed. Unfortunately, the most obnoxious voices are the loudest voices. A lot of black people don't want violence either but their voices get drowned out by the assholes.
Sometimes, I wish social media never existed because this whole thing became way uglier because of it. Granted, I know race related riots existed before social media but it definitely added a lot of fuel to the fire this time around.
No. 562267
>>562259What I said still stands completely. Every instance you have dealt with does not define every single black American PERIOD. You are making generalizations on a race of people which is fucking horrible. We should both stop race posting, we could get banned.
Remember segregation was only 50 years ago. Educate yourself on why they might be so hateful. They have parents and grandparents that went though that shit. Their grandparents grandparents told them stories of what they went through. The generation of black people who experienced extreme forms of racism is not dead. Ahmaud Arbery was LYNCHED in 2020.
No. 562294
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>>562255>>562259Black people are
victims and it's also because of white liberals like you. We have to work twice as hard at everything in this society, yet we're treated like props and toys for scoring social justice points on. You accomplish anything of worth and people side-eye you for potentially benefiting from affirmative action or supposed handicaps you didn't even ask for.
At least conservatives are honest and talk straight instead of showering you with fake compliments and weaseling with this politically correct jargon. Those silver spoon socialists who call themselves Antifa show up thinking they are allies but they just de-legitimatizing the entire movement and set us back decades.
No. 562398
>>558342The same thing that happened in Chile is happening in the USA and I seriously can't understand how people don't learn from past mistakes from other countries… the end, cities will be destroyed, maybe a kinda useless law will be proposed and many people will loose their income and jobs bc of destruction (I've seen many idiots glorifying destruction)
taking elders and children to protest while a fucking pandemic is killing thousands of people
fucking idiots
No. 562558
Dear anons of lolcow -
I was the one that posted about how I was leaving my boyfriend after he threw his glasses at me in my apartment. I said I was looking for places and I was moving out ASAP.
Well I did better than ASAP and just vented to my mom and decided I’m fucking done. No more ranting and yelling at me for hours while I’m trying to sleep, no more calling me a bitch and mocking me and then flipping it around and saying he’s concerned about me and just cares about me, no more psycho circus bullshit, telling me I don’t have friends and I have problems and that’s why the whole entire relationship is bad and why I don’t wanna have sex with him, it’s fucking over.
I’ve spent the last three days eating mom food, staying in the sunshine, working from home, reconnecting with family, and applying to apartments
I know this is the vent thread and a lot of anons don’t get this option when they’re in a shitty relationship, but I fucking did it and I’m the last person to follow through with anything and I just motherfucking did it, eat shit you creepy psycho. I’ll never tell the people that matter what you did but I hope karma gets you for it
Sage because not really a rant and drunk
TLDR I left my shitty abusive boyfriend and I feel awesome
No. 562616
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I tried screen sharing with my bf, but I forgot to close out of this website beforehand.
No. 562746
>>562741Your bf sounds like a douchebag. It seems he's weighting down on you way more than if you had no bf. I suggest dumping his ass.
It's good that you have therapy, I understand it's hard but it's great that you're going.
No. 562752
>>562740Also to add to this, my parents divorced around 5 years ago so along with splitting up custody of myself and my sister they both got dogs (we had a fuckton of dogs because my mother is a hoarder). My father got the beagle and so far he's fed the dog a shit diet of cheap kibbles and chicken bones from Church's/Popeyes (even though my little sister yells at him not to every day). My father called me last week to tell me that the dog is lethargic and cannot walk so I assume he has pancreatitis or some other intestinal blockage. He asks me to list vets open that he can take the dog to (even though he has no intention of doing so). I list some off and I tell him that I am not sure if these are open due to Covid and I cannot diagnose the dog because I'm not a vet. He still has not taken the dog to the vet even though my little sister is begging him to (there is one right down the street from where he lives, less than 10 mins away). My sis informed me today that the dog vomited a very thick and yellow bile and didn't use the restroom for a day and a half but my father decided to instead go lick the shit out of his girlfriend's asshole.
I honestly wish I could choke the shit out of my parents sometimes and get away with it. I don't want to sound like an edgy child but the way they raised myself and my sibling on top of the neglect of this dog just makes me upset.
No. 562762
>>562740You don't have to be vocal. Actions speak louder than words, and just you being alright is good enough. And you're totally right, tons of people will RT and share a popular post mainly because it's on topic. There's a good chance a lot of these posts are contradicting each other, even just a little, and I see it within my own circle of friends and I want to point out they're not making concrete sense with every other post lol.
TBH There's not much we can do as citizens, besides continue to be chaotic, until the government actually goes through with a reform. I do hope something comes out of these riots. I don't want the division to further any longer and for the government leaders to take action within themselves.
You stay safe anon, keep a reminder social media is very exaggerated and focused on major things. You're allowed to feel fear, but also you're allowed to take a leap of faith. Recognize your anxious mind and imagination will lie to you from time to time as a form of protection. I have faith you'll be okay.
No. 562800
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I took on a last minute project at work I had to spend a lot of overtime hours to complete and since it was an urgent matter I've sent a finished product straight to the person who requested it, especially since my lead was late to work and there was no time to wait and now he is passive aggressive with me, saying i could do better job and implying I'm not working enough. So annoying, and we're not talking about him being few minutes late but about 5h.
No. 562834
>>562816I'll stand up for your ma only if she thinks some of the looters are plain clothes police officers because I've saw some videos on twitter. Or even some business owners that are suffering during this economic recession targeting their own business for insurance reasons.
No. 562842
>>562834ha ha ha no anon, she started bootlicking cops again and thinks that it's all antifa/George Soros who's doing this. while I do agree it's unfortunate that business owners are suffering, and people are losing their jobs even at the large corporations, there's not much that can be done about it. I tried to tell her that the only false flags were cops starting shit and random crazy people who are there to cause chaos for either monetary gain or cuz theyre assholes, but she doesn't understand. she went full on infowars up in this bitch
I really thought she was smarter than that. a few days ago when Floyd's murder was reported her stance was centered around the fact that she thought the cop was in the wrong and Floyd was murdered. When the protests began she flipped her stance entirely
No. 562849
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>>562822Glad you're ok. Have some autistic fanart and never come back.
No. 562860
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>>558342Sometimes I just want a composed, stoic, kind, and handy manly man. I'm not classically feminine myself (although recently I started to realize I'm more "typically" feminine than I'd thought) and I always felt like it's not really fair for me to expect someone to have all the positive and convenient masculine traits. Also I actually like when a man shows his more sensitive, sentimental side to me. But I certainly don't like when a man often gets instantly hopeless, irritated, or gloomy over some stupid mundane shit. And it feels like it's inevitable with guys who don't have repulsive macho attitude and have same kind of interests as me(?). Guys that are more on intellectual/creative side or something. I just want a decent, good-natured, strong blue collar man. Another reason, I guess, is that I feel like those intellectual kind of guys will always act like they're smarter than you. Even if they're all about equality and so on. For example, they would unnecessarily correct you or laugh at you "good-naturedly" when you're being absentminded and unwittingly saying some dumb or illogical things. It would also be awesome if he understood human nature and didn't analyze me like an ultra-rational robot/alien; also if he were plainspoken and I wouldn't have to activate my non-existent psychic abilities to understand why he's upset or what's he expecting from me. Is it too much to ask for?
No. 562888
>>562860Fuck I felt this. The smart men are, well, smart, but also so condescending and worthless outside of their respective professions. Like fuck Frank, I really need you to help me with the oil in my car and not tell me about your uni work and be too posh to clean the bathroom if it floods.
My husband is always doing his uni shit, and I wish he’d learn how to assemble a shelf.
No. 562895
>>562885Also I will add debating politics with
anyone online is always unrewarding and littered with assumptions and insults. People just use each other as a de facto punching bag, so if you try to join SJW spaces it will backfire. But your conclusion is wrong and based on an over-earnest attempt to take SJWs seriously.
No. 562907
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As an soon-to-be immigrant, im worried about the resurgence of nationalism.
My mom wants us to move back to her home country in europe, my aunt is also urging us to and saying only good things about her city and offering to help us house hunt.
But im obviously not white, while my mom and aunt are quite the opposite, heck my aunt is a redhead with freckles, no one even bats an eye to her, while me being mixed race is clockable from miles away, and honestly the way right wing shit is gaining traction there just scares me to no end, i feel unsafe where i live but i will also feel unsafe in my mom's country, i love my mom's country, speak the language, and would have no issue integrating since well its pratically more my culture than where i come from since im estranged from my dad but the fact that would possibly be treated like garbage just because how i look its just saddening, i want to make my mom happy and less worried about my safety by moving with her, and honestly if it was like 5 years ago i wouldn't even bat an eye but im just so scared.
Even when venting about this issue before HERE I got attacked by nationalist anons, it honestly made me terriffied and i was pondering asking my mother to put off making my passport to "renew my document pictures" before all this corona shit happened, it makes me want to cry honestly.
No. 562922
>>562912Bringing my race and appearance is always an awkward subject due to our relationship with my father and she assumes im "white enough" to not have any issues due everyone who knows her family always commenting on how look like a tan and dark haired version of her sister.
But she hasn't been to europe since she was twelve and I do feel like she has no idea of how much the political climate on immigrants has changed in that much time.
I mostly agree with her sentiments about us moving out, im tired of always having to be on high alert and scorted by tall male friends when going anywhere at night, work and money should be non-issues due to my degree and my mom is retiring next year, she also invests on real state, if i wasn't obviously immigrant-chan it would be a win win in all situations.
No. 562956
i'm worried that if my mom dies within the next, say, 10 years, i'll have a complete mental breakdown and end up homeless or living with terrible depression.
i'm not super distraught over this idea very often at all, but my father passed when i was just old enough to be traumatized by it but young enough that i couldn't begin to process grief, so it's kind of always at the back of my mind.
i already deal with mild anxiety, social anxiety and depression-ish, so i'm afraid i'll just lose it irreversibly and end up like those homeless drug addicts who get interviewed on youtube.
i mean, my bf spent 3 months drunk, every single day, failing all of his classes, and another month as a shut-in, simply because he had just moved away from his family and got broken up with when he was feeling low. luckily he's feeling better and did really well academically (until corona hit, at least), but that just shows how fragile the human psyche is…
No. 562972
>>562963dude you're worried about you MID twenties in a few YEARS. "fixing" your life could take time but, seriously, if the stars align, you can tick stuff off your bucketlist within a year, a month or even a week.
i was essentially a shut-in for all of highschool and two years of uni and i had to wait until my second semester of studying abroad to feel like i had done things normal people do. that was a year ago and i just got my first relationship.
you're catastrophizing, i promise you. and maybe start ignoring retards on cgl, w and pt who think anyone older than 22 is too old to breathe near the color pink.
No. 563139
i'm getting tired of americans and "woke" people screaming in all social medias about riots, the racism in americathe ,etc, and making you feel bad if you dare to not talk about it, is not like i don't care for black people falling victims of cops or the racism they face day to day, is that, americans don't care for other countries, my country has been at war, riots, horrible shit, but not even one american care,only one canadian friend ask if i was okay, they are so self centered that they forget that not every body will kiss they ass and give them pats in the back when they destroy a old man's shop for "freedrom" ,is shit that i can't even say this because i will get yelled at by liberals telling how insensitive i'm and how i should cry and get my self kill for black people, when non of them give a shit about my people geting kill
No. 563168
>>563162>I’m in EuropeWestern Europe?
Honestly, it's a good idea to step back from social media for a month or two, until things gonna chill.
No. 563211
>>563162I think social media activism is incredibly dumb, unless you're a social media influencer who has 100,000+ followers. I'm graduating from a very liberal undergrad, so 95% of my insta followers are fellow liberal students who have already seen the same posts. The small number of white aunts and uncles I have are probably too much of technologically illiterate boomers to know how to click on an instagram story.
People keep reposting places to donate or books to read, but I know damn well the majority of them are not going to sit their butts down and read a 4 hour book or donate hard-earned money. Why do that when it takes 10 seconds to repost a tweet or tag 10 friends?
No. 563216
>>563211Agreed anon.
The way I see it, everyone with an opinion on SM lives in their echo chamber. Nobody is ever here to be convinced, politely argue an issue and/or discuss it. People have very fixed opinion and circlejerk ad nauseam on there.
Not sure what anyone doing "social media activism" is ever hoping to achieve, even with lots of followers…
No. 563218
I'm straight up pissed at my so-called 'friend' because she flaked on visiting last minute and she swung the weakest, most pathetic, lying excuse I've ever seen. Last night I posted pictures of some homemade food I made on social media, and she commented on how it looked delicious. So, like I always do, I casually invited her over to try some. To my surprise she actually said she'd come over for dinner today because it was her day off. She's never once visited my place in over three years. Even though I and our circle of friends constantly go to her place, which for us is typically an hour drive one-way. Sure maybe it's in part because she doesn't drive at 32 and she's gotta ask her husband or rely on us to pick her up, but whatever it's not like he isn't welcome. I spent the entire day cleaning this disgusting apartment because I get zero help from my roommate. I even finished my remote work early and was planning to start making side dishes expecting their arrival in the hour. I checked my facebook and she messaged me to cancel. "I'm not comfortable because of the protests right now and plus there's a curfew at 5." Um bitch, you're white and you don't live anywhere near the city where protests are a problem and where the curfew actually is (oh and she lied about it by 3 hours, their curfew starts at 8pm). I don't live anywhere near the city where protests are a problem. Plus it was her day off, if curfew was a problem then why not have come earlier in the day? Her husband had the audacity to act like I live in the hood, when I actually live in a very expensive apartment complex with zero crime. What's outside my window today? A bunch of other renters of all races enjoying the apartment swimming pool and leisure areas. I saw a kid and his parents teaching him to ride a bike. Is that "the world exploding" as her husband put it when I mentioned there's a pool and he said he wasn't comfortable with that either?
Then to add insult to injury they say we "have to try tomorrow" because they look so down on me that they think I'm just available whenever. I told them I was busy tomorrow, so whatever.
I've done so much for her, not just putting in the effort to see her but I've also put her up in my old apartment for a month when she was toying with separating from her husband. I was in her wedding as a bridesmaid. She can't even do this, she can't even sit back and let someone else drive her to my place so she can eat this delicious food I made.
You know if people were just not feeling well or if they were lazy, then I'd accept and be okay with that if they'd just owned it!!! Don't use a black man's death which has fuck all to do with you to escape from being seen as a low-effort, rude friend–which again I wouldn't even hold against her anyway!
No. 563242
>>563218I get your frustration anon, I had a friend who ditched me a lot too. I don't think she deserves you, it's easier to live your life without those people. Always excuses excuses, but their excuses are never the truth.
Hope you have better people to contact with later
No. 563308
>>563294thank you, my previous purpose is dead (i was a caregiver for my dad) and now the only thing really giving my life structure is the monotony of planning my days around food. maybe one day i'll recover for real and not just for others. i wish we didn't innately compare ourselves to other women and internalize the male gaze – there's a local who's almost my mirror in terms of circumstances and partially looks, only she's significantly smaller than me and more outgoing. i want so badly to be her friend and be as beloved by this punk neighborhood we live in but we have the same mental illness and neither of us can keep friendships alive. she's a classic tiny riotgrrrl type and has so many orbitors. i don't even care about the greasy men, i just want to belong somewhere.
i genuinely hope you find peace one day, too. this is no way to live but it's so hard to give up a shitty coping mechanism that just overrides all other sense of personality and purpose.
No. 563383
>>563372It's funny how I know they truly see me as just a friend. They're such simps for other ppl
Just now a girl he met in a game asked him to do an essay for her for 40 dollars and he's doing it for free.
No. 563405
>>563358>It doesn't feel weird or anything. We both agreed if it doesn't work out then we will still be in each others lives. I'm glad it went well. I don't want to make you feel insecure by saying this: I think it's weird how a 30-something year old has this type of attitude. One would think a man his age might ought to know what he wants and will outright state it. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting your post correctly, like maybe he did say what he wants and that he's into you but you're the one who is unsure. Like it's okay for
you to be unsure in your mid 20s. It's odd and vaguely fuckboy-ish that a man in his 30s is so cavalier about potentially wasting his time, is all I'm trying to say. We only get older, not younger. I'm 28 and have my shit together for the most part, so I know what I want and what I expect in my dating trajectories. After a couple of dates-no less months of online conversation-I know what I want and if I see going somewhere with the guy.
I'm talking to someone who is 31 right now and he's already told me his plans and how he sees me in them. We met online initially too. I need more dates to gauge him further. But to relate this back to my point, I admit it would have set off my player alarm bells if he would have had a ~go with the flow~ type of mindset. Maybe it's just me, I like a man who can know and say what he wants and then follows through.
No. 563421
>>563405Anon, I don’t want anything serious right now. He’s looking for a relationship and wants to build one with me.
It’s mostly me.
I honestly just want intimacy. I don’t want serious because it’s hard since he’s so far away and plus I’m not in that stage of my life right now. I’m working on getting a new job, putting cash away and losing a bit of weight. I still want do more travelling and whatnot. I’m far from ready for settling down and making a family. I just can’t envision anything like that now.
I often feel sad that I’m not at that stage yet and I feel like I should have experienced more when I was younger. But now is the time where I want to do things.
Just a proper full on relationship: absolute no
No. 563430
>>563416Call professional like
>>563419 suggests, or if you want to DIY and it isn’t already on your list: boric acid and ASG powder (like Cimexa, and of course proper masks for filtration).
> Boric Acid works by interfering with the roach's digestive system. In addition, the powder will cling to the outside of the roach, helping to kill other roaches when the affected roach returns to the colony. The powder is fast acting; insects coming into contact with the boric acid will die within 72 hours.100% asg powder like Cimexa is preferable to diatomaceous earth because it doesn’t have to be replaced/reapplied as frequently (will last up to 10 years), provided you don’t straight up remove it yourself. It works the same way by drying out their exoskeletons and killing them. I’m currently using it for bed bugs and it’s working well for me (have originally used diatomaceous earth for roaches too and it worked, but since I’ve got asg anyway, I’ve switched). Use both boric acid and asg powder. I live in roach infested NYC and seeing them is just a way of life, but it’s not impossible to dwindle their numbers (I still see a few every other day or so, but it’s significantly better than how it was before I started using these treatments). Please be careful, whichever route you chose to go, I believe in you anon! Live your best roach free life!
No. 563503
>>563463You really can’t win with those people. One of the artists I follow locked her account because she
did speak up about it, was given shit for posting her cancelling someones order (they requested bc they did not support blm) and was called performative, then she tried to clear up the air and it went nowhere, so she eventually just went “ok im done im just going to play animal crossing to chill” and was given the “WOWW LOOK AT THE WHITE PERSON WALKING AWAY!!! BLACK PEOPLE LIVE THIS 24/7, LOOK AT YOUR PRIVILEGE FOR WALKING AWAY” even though she did rt in support of blm/the protests, tweeted things in support, and even tweeted out donations she made. I feel so bad for the poor girl. Checking out one of her critic’s tl, its all retweets of the cause. Fuck you if you aren’t spending every waking moment retweeting about it, because then youre just WALKING AWAY WHEN BLACK PEOPLE DONT HAVE THAT CHOICE!!!!!, but also fuck you if you do speak in support of it ~*~*~suddenly~*~*~ because then youre just being performative!!
No. 563555
>>563546A friend of mine who prostituted herself for a few month because she was in a deep hole told me once, she got a guy coming to her telling her his male colleague who've been seeing had recommended her to him.
It blew my mind. It happened in west Europe, even, not like east Asia or something.
Just casual conversations and tips over the best prostitutes in town at the watercooler. Wtf.
No. 563575
>>563514Yikes. Sorry but having multiple kids while one is barely mentally well and financially unstable is never a good idea, in case you didn't know. There's a reason why most people in her situation wait even if they want a family, because it's not even fair to the kids who have to grow up disadvantaged because their parents had impulsive desires. I brought up that she wants family because I think it's tragic and unfortunate but that's not a good enough reason for people in her situation. She doesn't seem very happy about it as you think based on her social media posts, but yeah you can't exactly return kids once you have them so she kinda doesn't have a choice but to double down and act like it's the best choice ever. She'd be a fucked up parent to admit otherwise.
She won't get to enjoy her 20s, and the decisions are sinking her more into poverty. So excuse me if I sound 'judgmental' because I am literally watching someone trainwreck their life–btw you're on lolcow.
No. 563577
>>563555My ex came back from his reputable workplace one evening with a Thai massage card one of the higher up engineers was bragging about it. They provided happy endings. Also found out about the culture of they would get escorts when they'd have to travel and stay in hotels.
It's more common than I would to think or most women would like to know. I found all these numbers on my ex's phone and googled them and they were off Craigslist prostitute numbers or literal sites with images of the women you could book with. Half of them were Eastern European teenagers stating they were 26+. Made me sick. One brothel was round the corner from his dad's lol
No. 563588
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Im so tired of being a perfectionist. I hate that this need to be perfect at everything i do has been instilled in me since i was shitting myself in diapers. Growing up on the fucking internet only made the shit worse. Seeing countless video compilations and cow threads of people being bad drivers, cringy teenagers, shit artists, and ugly and/or weird has left me scared to try to do anything least i fuck up and be laughed at and told im a retard who needs to neck.
God just let me be weird, let me make mistakes, let me draw bad art, let me fuck up on my driving tests, let me ware my face bare, let me be ignorant and then educated. Just let me fuck up and grow from it and not give up on it all together because im not good at it right away and feel i might aswell kill myself than be bad at something.
No. 563604
>>563577Yeah, my friend told me most dudes were very normal looking and were doing this very casually (most asking for bareback even though her said nope). Normal looking dudes with jobs and wives.
There's no creepy looks, any guy you hook up might have had rapey dangerous sex with a prostitute and you will never be able to tell.
I try not to think about it so much because it makes me sick to my stomach.
No. 563628
>>563623Honestly it seems depressing but I can't think of any couples I know personally that there hasn't been cheating, sexts, nudes etc happening. I know one man cheated on his pregnant gf and bought her a car when it was gossiped about. It usually revolves around party scenes. Last week I heard about a swingers party and its escorts brought in for those.
I wish it was more openly talked about honestly. How many of us are in farce relationships or know about friends who have partners that are cheating and we haven't figured out how to expose it. I thought it wasn't common but the older I get the more it's acknowledged. Like, do women put up with cheating? I'm pissed. It shouldn't be accepted.
No. 563634
>>563628>Like, do women put up with cheating?Ntayrt but I always thought women tolerated cheating because they didn't have any social or financial leverage to leave the relationship. For many women, they're either underemployed or they don't make enough to pay for the same quality of life by themselves. If they left the relationship, it would uproot their entire lives. They'd be forced to move back in with their elderly parents, take a chance at finding a stranger to roommate with, or become transient. If they had children with their cheater, then it gets even messier with court proceedings and trying to pry child support from their disrespectful ex partners.
Not trying to justify why they stay, I just understand the circumstances that make it really hard for these women to leave. I believe after awhile they convince themselves they're fine with the cheating rather than try to cope with the fact that they're unhappy but have no realistic alternatives.
No. 563637
>>563628>and we haven't figured out how to expose itCant you just tell the
No. 563648
>>563643Yeah, I read it bad and sperged a bit, sorry. I deleted.
Normalized prostitution makes my blood boil.
No. 563689
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I don't care if I sound like a crazy unhinged fujoshi right now but I'm so bloody mad at the state of yaoi/bl fandoms nowadays. Yaoi/BL is male x male you stupid bitches! Not male x futa or futa x futa or malextraps or ftmxftm or ftmxmtf or characters having both female and male sexual organs! I hate it when I read a very good fic/doujin labeled as Yaoi/BL/MxM and then suddenly when they have sex one of the character has a vagina or have both vagina and penis! Please use the yaoi/bl/mxm label properly idiots! If I want to read het or futa or traps I would've search specific fics/doujin labeled as such in the first place! And another thing! I also hate the current fandom trend of turning a male and obviously masculine character in an anime/manga/series into trans and ship him with another male character and claim its yaoi/malexmale. If you insist on turning a male character into a male that has a vagina and boobs it's not fucking yaoi/bl anymore bitch! Why don't you just ship the main girl character with the main male character if you want a het pairing so much in the first place?! I hate wasting my time trudging through an ocean of wrongly labelled fics/doujins to find a true yaoi/bl fics/doujins. Reeeeeeeeee!
Damn, I really do miss the good old yaoi/bl fandom days where people label things correctly and even label who tops and bottoms in the tags. Fujos were also more respectful towards each other and tried their best to follow the yaoi/bl labeling code/tags that the community has practiced. If people don't like a fic, they won't read it and left it at that. People stay on their own lane and try to avoid shipping wars. Nowadays, I see fanfic writers and artists have to walk on eggshells to express their favourite yaoi/bl ships so as to not anger other people's feefees or worse, prevent from getting cancelled just for liking the "wrong" thing. Being in any fandom is also stressful nowadays with people bickering over silly shipping/pairing wars and going into nonsensical gender/LGBTQ+ discourse/fights.
Goddammit! I just want to enjoy being a simple fujoshi with simple yaoi fic/doujin taste! I want to go back to simpler fandom times… hold me anons…
No. 563691
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>>563689As another fujo, I feel your pain. We will manage to live through this. It's ok. We can do it. It's not our fault. It's their fault. You'll get to read amazing BL soon. Do not worry.
No. 563694
>>563678no they're men
but it turns out it was my boss that cranked it up
time to tell him what the costs of that are
>>563681yeah i know but ac just uses so much resources… I'm totally fine with making it a bit cooler when it's too hot but if you're gonna crank the ac at any given chance, your body wont be able to adjust to summer temperatures.
No. 563700
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>>563691Thank you fellow fujo anon. I just feel so fucking frustrated over the years. It's super hard to find likeminded old school fujo friends who adhere to the classic interpretation of yaoi/bl. But fans nowadays had to make it all complicated with the all gender inclusivity ideology thing. I just want to read/see cute male characters bang each other, that's it. Simple!
Thanks again for being understanding. And the hug.
No. 563710
>>563697I'm just sad and disappointed tbh. Since yaoi/bl used to be an exclusive genre for females (and some males) to enjoy. Girls read yaoi/bl because it mostly caters to the female gaze. I just wish trans people would make their own subgroup instead of hijacking yaoi/bl genre and turning it into something totally not yaoi/bl. At least they should refrain from using the label yaoi/bl/mxm in the fics/arts they create. Not quite sure if they also destroyed the Yuri/GL/fxf? I assume it's the same.
>>563699Oh, sorry anon. Tbh I don't consume much yaoi/bl manga/anime anymore. But my absolute fav BL anime is Doukyuusei. The animation is so beautiful. "Love Stage" and "This Boy Caught a Merman" are also fun to watch. This past few years I'm more into shipping characters from tv series. I guess I moved from shipping anime/manga characters to shipping tv series characters. If you have any interesting yaoi/bl anime/manga to recommend, please share. Thanks!
>>563703Thanks anon. It's nice to see that there are some likeminded fujos who think this way. I also feel sad for younger fujos that are exposed to such contents. Clit penises and mutilated chests are definitely not part of the yaoi/bl genre.
No. 563713
I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. I want to:
-Exercise 3x a week, which I normally do for an hour.
-Do yoga everyday, which is normally an hour.
-Bathe 2x a week, which again, is normally an hour.
-Practice Japanese everyday, which normally takes 2 hours.
-Play vidya, idk how long that takes, depends really.
-Do college assignments, probably for an hour each day or somethin.
-Get 7 hours of sleep every night, which actually takes 9 hours away from my day because if I don't spend 2 hours relaxing before sleep I know I won't be able to.
-Spend time with my very clingy partner who gets very upset when I leave them to do things, this is the biggest barrier. I really don't want to upset them, I like spending time with them, but if I do all the other things they'll get very upset with me. We're in an LDR atm and have a time difference of 5 hours which also causes problems.
-Talk to friends.
It just makes me feel completely demotivated. If I were single I'd probably have more than enough time to do everything I want to do, but my partner wants to spend absolutely 24/7 together and it's adorable but suffocating at the same time. And don't get me wrong, I really like spending time with them, but I know I'm missing out on things when I do so. Likewise, I know they're probably upset when I'm doing the things I want to do without them. I feel stressed whenever I do anything without them, because I know they'll be upset, but all the things I want to do are hard to do with them around.
Exercising and doing yoga in front of others is terribly embarrassing, it's hard for me to concentrate on jap when they're speaking, it's hard to relax before sleep when they're around because diff time zones mean we really don't have similar sleeping patterns at all, it's hard to concentrate on vidya unless I'm grinding when they're speaking but if I tell them 'hey, I want to go to do something now' or 'hey, could you stop speaking for 5 mins or so?' they get very upset. Hah. I don't want to ever disappoint or upset them but they're draining me. It feels like I'm trapped. Either spend time with them but neglect everything else I want to do, or do what I want to do but upset them and spend the next day or so arguing with them and being stressed as fuck and crying over them. I just really needed to get this out somewhere. Everything is stressful as fuck and I don't know what to do. It completely demotivates me from doing everything I want to. Even when I'm doing what I want to, I wonder if it's enough, if it's even worth it. There's just so much to worry about.
No. 563719
>>563712It's peer pressure 100%! BL creators get scrutinized for muh "
problematic" art and tweets. It's so unfair, male porn artists just stay doing whatever, not being eaten alive by their own fans.
No. 563728
>>563715Traoi, trannoi, translove, TxT I don't give a fuck as long as they don't touch the yaoi/bl genre ever again.
>>563719Why does contents/genres created for females to enjoy are always hijacked/attacked by other group of people? It's so unfair! I feel sad when I see a lot of talented Asian artists I follow succumb to this trend. RIP yaoi/bl genre.
>>563721fakebois are just plain cuckoos. I think most sane fujos avoid them like the plague.
No. 563743
>>563725Gay men fucking
read the stuff female fujos produce and they generally don't have a problem with them at all unless they're socially stunted autists in which case other fujos (or any sane people) can't stand them either. I have had gay male friends outright requesting me to draw gay porn for them despite me being a woman. I've literally
never, not in my life, seen a cis gay man complain about m-muh ~fetishization~. They most certainly are not threatened by a bunch of nerdy women who draw and write free porn. It's always fakebois putting themselves above other women and possessive of other people shipping the fictional boys they're kinning. I also doubt that they have ever read the
actual porn gay men write because they throw political correctness out the window so far it's never coming back. It's ungodly frustrating how we have to pussyfoot around the issue and pretend like we all don't know that the people screaming about fetishization aren't just self-hating women, not gay men, unless we want to be assassinated on the spot for being twansphobes.
>>563689You and us all. Lately I've seen spergs claim that the bottom/top labeling is ~fetishizing abuse~ because power dynamics are oppressive. It's all supposed to be two consenting 21-year olds (remember shipping a 21-year old with a 26-year old is pedophilia and people over 30 are gross!!!) in a wholesome coffee shop AU kissing and holding hands, sex is sinful and icky and causes literally violent dysphoria because Ayden here from the audience was born with a front hole. The western fandom has gone to the dogs and the only thing we can do is wait for all the current purity culture nutcases to find a new obsession. It's so bad that I'd literally take the yaoi paddles and cringey NaruSasu faggots over this any day. On my knees and begging.
To add insult to the injury, in the current year F/F material can be as nasty, smutty and fetishistic as possible because it's dominated by pornsick hons i.e. straight men. But you disgusting womb carriers better behave!!!
P.S: You nasty fetishizing fujos might want to join the fujo thread over in /m/, I'd love to see that shit bumped more often
>>>/m/20688 No. 563762
>>563743Actually the reason why I said that is because I befriended several gay guys irl and online because we like the same games, tv shows and ships, and sometimes we have the same husbandos.
>I also doubt that they have ever read the actual porn gay men write because they throw political correctness out the window so far it's never coming back.Shout out to all the perpetually offended fakebois who praise "My brother's husband" all the time and compare it to "
problematic" popular BL manga all the time, while not even trying to know what the mangaka's other manga even look like.
No. 563821
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My dads health has been overall bad lately, not only he had cerebral infarction but he recently was diagnosed with diabetes as well. I dont know if he can be with us any longer, he had lost his speech already and cant walk or do anything by himself. At this rate, my family must put him in the hospital, i dont know if we can do this anons…the last time he was hospitalized , my brother had to temporally quit his job and i have to make a huge hiatus between my studies to care for him. I hate this anons, why now? I dont want this to happen to me…Life sucks.
No. 563865
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The absolute state of the riot thread right now
No. 563881
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>>563743I'm so glad this shit has been brought up. Gay men literally don't give a shit about political correctness and go hard with the degenerate shit (shota,furry, you name it.)They don't care.
These idiot fakebois don't realize this and don't know what they're talking about half the time.I swear they do this just to stir shit. The only reason cis gays don't say anything to them is because they don't want that possible transphobe shitstorm coming their way and/or losing business if they're an artist. But if you're literally anyone else, they'll really let you have it.
No. 563900
>>563762AYRT and yeah I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything in case it came off that way, the whole issue just makes me sperg like my life depended on it. Pisses me off so much.
I didn't even know aydens regard My brother's husband as some milestone wholesome true and honest gay content, one look at the art style and any seasoned fujo knows that this man draws some smutty fetish bara material lmfao. I wonder how they would react seeing the other stuff he draws what with the hardcore BDSM rape and all. But I guess they'd move the goal posts 180 degrees back to "A-actually female fujoshis presenting gay ppl as wholesome beings is infantilizing and violent rape with massive meaty bara cocks is empowering!!!".
>>563881Every time cis gay men stand up to fujos everyone either ignores them or they're silenced straight away with the "you don't speak for all gay people you cis pig!!!" clause by the fakebois. It's beyond fucked up to see them speak over the gay men they claim to be so worried about. The best/worst take I've seen so far was "the gay porn market is oversaturated with material aimed towards female fujos so gay men are left with none" which is solid proof that these people have no idea what they're talking about and aren't aware of the massive amounts of porn gay men produce for each other.
No. 563901
>>563713>I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. Okay, so it's a lot but it's totally doable. But, you can't just switch to a tightly organized schedule from nothing. Start doing few of these thing in less than the perfect amount you have planned just to start building up habits. Habit tracking apps can be helpful, so don't hesitate to try. And once you develop a little bit of routine, start adding up slowly, eventually you'll manage to fit all of the things you want.
I tend to fall into very similar patterns of worry as you describe, wondering if I'm doing enough and if it matters at all. It does, even the smallest steps take you forward. Situation with your partner definitely sounds very draining, you need to openly talk with them and make sure they understand how important self development is for you. When you plan your schedule it might be easier for them to understand too, you sync some common activities with them, but also tell them that for today you've planned to also do A and B and when time comes, just say you have to switch to that other thing you have in order. They would already know in advance this is what was in your plan for a day and it's not like you weren't enjoying your time together and are making up excuses to leave. Clinginess, as you say, is endearing and all but too much of it may signify some issues your partner may be having, so you can take extra care communicating things to them to make sure they understand it's not about you hating their presence but about needing time for yourself. So for example, saying "can you stop speaking for 5 minutes" can come off a bit mean, but clearly communicating "i'm struggling to focus and need a moment, could it please wait a bit" could maybe help too.
No. 563905
>>563892A-anon… thanks…
Let's fuck together
No. 563959
>>563953I hate the repetitive posts here about the riots like 'won't someone please think about the true
victim…me. Who has an art account and doesn't want to get political. It's so hard for me.' Like if you don't want to be -political- don't and if people don't want to support you that's their choice. Your friends and customers are not obliged to keep supporting you especially if, in their eyes, you make it a point to not support them during a national crisis.
No. 563978
>>563968same, what did the animal crossing thread do to anybody? Where will the vidya game thread go? It is also my fave place to share music and cool stuff like that.
>>563969This. When /m/ is gone they will immigrate to ot or so and shit up other threads. Fuck, kpop has to ruin the fun for everybody.
No. 563994
File: 1591128196895.jpeg (12.34 KB, 282x178, 9DE5A8E7-7A38-4E46-A986-AE3B3A…)

I wish I didn’t rage at the guy I’m seeing about the protests going on because now we are lowkey mad at each other for having differing opinions. But honestly fuck our opinions I just want to fuck at this point. The earth is going to shit anyway and I FINALLY started talking to him again and I just had to ruin it by being all angry. I just want to get dicked down!! I’m horny as fuck and my vibrator won’t cut it cuz I wanna kiss and feel body heat! I couldn’t fuck him last week cuz I got a stye and the week before I had my period. So this was supposed to be my dick week!!! I apologized already for being mean and calling him an idiot but there’s gonna come a point where he won’t accept my apology anymore. Ugh I hate that I instigated it too. Like I couldve just not asked for his opinion and just gotten the dick and endorphins. But noooo I just had to be all social justice warrior. Now look at me GOOFY
No. 564054
>>563946I'm also sad about it. The only other places about kpop who are sometimes somewhat sane are r/unpopularkpopopinions or asianjunkie (although their userbase seems to be very biased towards girlgroups), but you need an account which is annoying.
I saw posts on meta about people complaining that other threads are also being invaded by (underage) twitterfags, there's just a huge influx of obnoxious kids lately.
Imo another option would be treating kpop like any other genre, meaning if you want to talk about a song, post it to the music thread (those threads on /m/ need some help getting bumped more often anyway), if you want to post pics just put them in the cute girls/boys or the whom I want to fuck threads and if there's legit milk (something that would be considered a scandal by international standards too) by a big idol, who can be considered a real celebrity, then put it in the celebrity gossip thread. That way you only could no longer talk about smaller irrelevant groups or nitpick their looks (and kids could no longer post their shipping fantasies).
No. 564091
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I'm so annoyed I just bought my first gunpla model and I'm excited to build it but I just realized I don't know where to put it when its done I don't like having a bunch of SHIT CLUTTERING UP MY ROOM REEEEE.
No. 564094
>>564054I had to stop reading the kpop threads a long time ago. i'd love to talk about kpop milk somewhere where it was just actual farmers but it's inevitable that spergs will materialize out of the ether just due to the nature of kpop fandom.
>>563968/m/ has been pretty comfy recently without the kpop threads. the picrew and media discussion threads are fun but they'd die pretty quickly on /ot/ and I think a lot of /ot/ posters would be annoyed by them.
No. 564103
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I do not want a relationship with my older brother and I've stopped caring about his well being.
The history with him is long. He has been verbally and emotionally abusive to our mother since he was about 16. Police have been called over the years but mum never pressed charges, but if we called again then the choice would have been taken away. Mum blames the cannabis but it's definitely deeper than that, though the best years were when he was off it to regain his license. Either way, his brain is fried now, and recent messages with him he can't keep track of even basic facts.
We blocked him after kicking him out sometime last year, but he got a new number and I had a couple messages from him, just birthdays and Christmas. Mum got a barrage of abuse when, after he said he got us Christmas presents, tentatively suggested meeting up. Blocked again until he recently got a new number. When wishing him happy birthday (and saying nothing else) he got facts wrong about when he last spoke and when he got kicked out. He blames mum for kicking him out when it was me who suggested it, stood up to him, and tried to call the police. After mum blocked him, he villanised her to me when I'm in the same room with her. To me, he seemed to switch between being supportive and being a cunt. He also called me a fucktard because he's apparently 12 and not 25 that very day.
He is now apparently upset that he doesn't have a relationship with me. Mum is his victim and he believes he can gain favour somehow by having me on his side. I don't believe he actually gives a shit about me, he has an agenda, whether that's access to mum or money. Our dad seems to now understand our side after having to deal with him for a few months, though didn't support us kicking him out for a while.
To quote "he had a wobble" the other day and needed a wellness check after speaking to our dad when he couldn't contact Samaritans. And I haven't done shit about it because I don't care. He has friends to talk to if he hasn't gambled or smoked away their money, and threatening suicide has been part of his MO for years. Last year he got drunk at a funeral and when mum was driving us home he opened the passenger side door and hanged himself out of it. We had to slow down and switch lanes, but couldn't pull over without a hard shoulder while I somehow had to gesture to the car behind us.
I could message dad about it but I do not want to talk to my brother. It's hard to tell with him because we know he's mentally ill, but I believe he was misdiagnosed years ago and lied to the most recent therapist and struggled with managing medication.
I'm struggling with uni right now and don't want his words to get to me. I don't need to hear that I can't "do anything for myself" when I know I'm justified in my concerns right now. I'm focusing on my art and writing a book and trying to let those words fuel me.
Bonus round
> Recently accused mum of stealing his car
> Blames mum not only his mental illness but also for MY mental illness when it was his kick-offs that made my OCD worse
> Believes he wasn't abusive because he never hit mum
> I only never called the police because he'd leave before I could
> This tactic was so effective because if they were called he'd have been charged for several things
> Honestly no clue how he still has a license after being arrested for driving under the influence. The night before that funeral
> Accused me of taking pills because I told him I shared a joint once. I can't swallow pills
When I was younger I sided with him in subtle ways to keep him calm and would apologise to mum after he left. It's hard to feel close to my family at all after everything, or maybe I've just always been a private person, hard to say when this has perverted my life from early on. But it's brought us together, even if only in tearful tipsy ramblings.
This year has been a boon for our personal lives. Obviously we don't want my brother to kill himself, but we have no way to talk to him without making it worse for everyone. If he wanted help he could get it, he has never struggled for that.
Sorry I don't know how to end this post. Sage because just very very long.
No. 564109
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Quality on this site can be shocking, especially for longtime cows that have a big hatefollowing like moo, I don't know nor care about her as I'm not interested in costhots but someone really just posted a still from her story where she had her lashes did and tagged it #blackownedbusinesses and said "WE KNOW YOU LOVE THE BLACK PEOPLE WHO SERVE YOU". It's the reason Lolcow is seen as a hate site - it's literally just supposed to be milk but people will try to turn a woman getting her eyelashes done into an act of racism and it's a sign of being way too invested in a cow.
No. 564110
>>564109Farmers here are bigger cows than cows they laugh at.
Why are you even surprised at this point, just look at cow yourself thread.
No. 564115
>>564111>threads in /pt/, /snow/ and /w/ should have some semblance of quality, focus on milk, lack of vendetta and nitpickI agree but that's why farmers are interested in these cows in the first place. Farmers want to rip apart these cows, so they could feel superior. This site is magnet for bpd cow "farmers".
They aren't that interested on the milk itself, it's emotional gratification of feeling superior that makes their behaviour so cowish.
No. 564117
>>564115I will forver pray for an actually effective hellweek that clamps down on clear vendettas in /pt/, /snow/, /w/ that are posted daily but the problem is that some cows only get so much traffic because of those very BPDcows. I'm here to remark on interesting/unusual/batshit behavior from cows and to have good conversation/humorous exchanges in /ot/, not to hear BPD farmers blog while they nitpick someone's appearance
>I was fat but I ate right and exercised!! x has no excuse!!but it will literally never happen
No. 564119
>>564117That's why I avoid pt/snow/w. I mostly spend my time on ot/g/m.
Also yes, we REALLY need an effective hellweek.
No. 564152
>>564148I think a lot of people are posting on social media as a coping mechanism, or a misguided attempt to help, which is totally understandable. But I just hate how it's turning into this witchhunt where if someone doesn't repost a tweet or black square, they're automatically racist and "staying silent" and "on the side of the oppressor" or whatever.
I do volunteer work in real life but I rarely post it because I think making a spectacle of volunteer work defeats the purpose. But even now I'm like "should I post some of the stuff I do just to prove I'm not a racist useless yt devil…?"
No. 564158
>>564156whoops, accidentally said she
this is my wifes dog and he smells like shit
No. 564167
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To Americans inundating the internet with calls to action about a US-domestic issue: I'll start giving a rat's ass when you start giving a shit about US drone strikes in the middle east & children being dropped into vats of acid right across your border. BLM doesn't deserve special treatment.
No. 564168
>>564167uh oh anon
be careful or you'll
trigger a burgerfag
No. 564257
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>>564201>>564204>>564214On the off chance that twitterfags lurk /meta/ I think it might be a good idea to email the admin instead. I'm about to send pic related but as I'm not the best at writing emails, so let me know about any suggested additions/changes I should make. Thanks.
No. 564275
>>564262They shit it up with their twitter faggotry
Only 2nd gen hagfags manage to integrate
>>564270Irony how? Staminarose/LC were created to be a place for discussions unwanted on /cgl/ ie drama.
No. 564287
>>564274Is this your attempt at a gottem? Lmao not every one is a western white. Some people grew up with korean/nippon media preinstalled in their local culture ya poser. Retarded kpopfags are retarded, hasn’t anything to do with my asian media proficiency.
>>564277Bruh t. unironically doesn’t know what irony mean
In fact it’s the opposite of irony, dramufags actually left /cgl/ when asked.
No. 564288
>>564274i'm only the faggot from
>>564202 and have no idea what detective work you think you're doing but those aren't me LOL and what has me knowing what oppa/noona means to do with any of this? use your braincell kpoppie it's not hard i know you can do it i know it 거기 너 I fancy you 아무나 원하지 않아 Hey I love you (love ya)
No. 564304
>>558342today I finally deactivated my fucking twitter account
I just couldn't stand all those self loathing white girls telling how to feel, how to be, what to say, how to say it, etc etc
I literally said that people shouldn't apologize or feel guilty about their non chosen "privileges" and I got so many fucking hate comments it was fucking amazing, seeing all these "morally superior" people insulting me lol such nice tolerant people
twitter is full of brain washed idiots
No. 564312
>>564309I feel liberated tbh It's fucking annoying when there's only one accepted way to be or else
what the fuck is wrong with some people
Kpop stan twt may be the worse most hipocryte community I've ever come across
No. 564313
I'm starting to get REALLY sick of French people talking non-stop about the George Floyd case and saying that anyone ignoring it is secretly a racist while completely ignoring the situation in our country. I just saw some dumb bitch on fb saying that we should sign a petition to reject a new law that would make film and taking pictures of cops illegal, because the George Floyd case proves why we need to reject that law now. Not the countless Black people and North Africans in our own country who keep getting harassed, racially profiled, beaten up, raped, killed, etc. for decades at a way higher rate than the rest of the population. Not the gilets jaunes and literally anyone outside the days when they were protesting getting killed or beaten up by the police for just being outside? Especially when a bunch of white people who didn't believe that cops were dangerous pieces of shit finally opened their eyes when they became targets as well during the gilets jaunes protests.
No, it's because of a very recent American case of course! Fuck that shit, I keep seeing that video of a guy getting his leg cut off by cops and screaming in France all over the internet just because he wasn't respecting the lockdown, but let's ignore that I guess, since Rihanna didn't post about it on instagram.
No. 564314
Fuck Canada. I have no pride for my shitty country anymore. This place is such a joke and people here are fucking awful. The only thing it has going for it is that it's safe and boring. I want to get out but I have no idea where to live instead.
>>563536I try to not think about this because it hurts that people will never care
No. 564315
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>be anachan who loves cooking and feeding people
>gets fucking irrationally upset when roommate doesn't gobble it up in glee
>she has the palate of a 8yo boy, rather eat disgusting boxed mac and cheese for the 3rd time this week rather than elaborate dishes
>This bitch told me she was craving curry so I labored over it
>she came home like "Thanks anon I'll microwave it for lunch tomorrow, I had Mcnuggets on the way home"
BITCH WTF OH MY GOD EAT IT NOW DUMB SLUT why can't I just have lover who looks forward to home cooked meals everyday
No. 564343
This doctor I am friendly with for years, posted this vid on FB. I told him about the other vids such as the Fire trucks and ambulances getting blocked. His " Girl Friend" of 2 months who he met at an orgy and had an " Open Realtionship" with and said she was perfectly fine with me chatting to him. Wrote a psycho reply it was like " I am so sick and tried of you, why can't you disappear like the druggie you are pill seeking at hospitals when there is fuck all wrong with you. You like boughie clothes like YSL and Guccie, just fuck right off. My response was a laughing emotion, then a You need to remove that before I tell people about your the cock line up you did at an orgy, your 50 year old ass is too old fo that, I have always been nice to you, what is your problems. She told my friend to delete her or else? He deleted me, but I am so mad I told him very private medical stuff, I was in a coma twice, kidney failure pancreatic issues, additions I have to wear a bracelt. Yes I got PK and Sleeping tabd and some diax left over, but I don't know where she is getting the drug thing from. In my country doctors cannot reveal information about patients or others to other people, I will report him and mention that if he told that to a woman he met at an orgy I am afraid he mentioned personal info about other things. As for granny cock line up, I will get a defamation warning on her, she is here on a visa, if I can get a MCA, she might lose her visa, this doctor is in in late 60's I am hoping he will retire rather than face the GMC, I hope she gets deported, I seriously give no fucks, FUCK HIM for mentioning my health. The rare time I met her I was nice and she was cold to me. She snagged him by saying she is all for open relationships, he uses her like a hotel when he travels it saves him a lot of money and he gets bed and breakfast and a free shag. This woman has something OFF with her, I noticed she was giving his 19 year old daughter EVIL looks, I hope she spazes at his daughter for being mentally ill and thus needs her dad attention more ( They have no mother), that bitch is gong to ruin his career ( he has already been in trouble with the GMC before, and he goes through phases of being infatuated with orgy goers then hating them. Her outburst harms my reputation and my job, he has banned me so I can't see it. I will get this cock sucing 50 something yearold into trouble and I hope itcauses issue with her visa. She says she is a Chef, she works as a dinner lady lol. she keeps on mentioning she is dating a doctor ALL THE TIME!, my guess he made some random comment about me being ill and needing pain killers and she twisted it. I exercise and compete at national level I do an important job, I even told him on FB when my pain gets paid I can;t do my Jon user the influence of pain killers. How dare this cock breath skank insult me. I am not standing for it. Any Ideas for revenge? I am going the GMV route and the defamation route, she does not have he funds to defend a lawsuit. I feel I should do more, and I am so hurt that my doctor friend told her about my medical issues and he may have told her I was a drug addict which is UNTRUE! he eve mentioned some strong PK won;t touch the type of pain you have. and he asked what IV pain meds was I given in hospital, this woman just went on a psycho filled rant. I want revenge,
No. 564361
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>>564343Best fucking post I've seen in years
No. 564366
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Petty roommate episode #532
>his only domestic duty besides cooking his own food and doing his own laundry is taking out the trash
>cause I'm short and it's a bitch to haul trash bigger than me down flights of stairs to the dumpster
>cause he doesn't clean his dishes, nor clean any of the communal areas, and doesn't buy groceries but will happily utilize them regardless
>it's fair
>yet he didn't take out the trash again and I've done it the past two times
>he likes to pretend to conveniently forget or let shit pile until someone else does it
>trash stunk so I left it outside for him to haul when he would come home today
>he gets back and goes to plop on the couch until bedtime like usual
>remind him of the trash bc we're not supposed to leave it sitting outside the door
>he gets agitated and starts blithering about how he does it alllll the time and wah wah wah he has to drive to work and bawwwww
>remind him I've taken out the trash twice in a row now and have done his dirty dishes for the past week and also cleaned the entire apartment by myself on Sunday (which he didn't notice nor appreciate ofc)
You hypocrite fucker just throw yourself in the dumpster next time.
No. 564376
For my own sanity and the sake of everyone else's in this thread, I'm not going to check replies to this post, as I know I'll be too tempted to argue.
That said:
I hate the retarded anons in Shayna's thread. They always have a vaguely SJW-ism to them, likely coming from twitter or tumblr after encountering the cow.
Most recently, I hate the anons that are saying Shayna's mom is racist for telling Shayna to consider the police, or making comments akin to fuck police etc… it's even grosser for the ones claiming to be black. Like fuck, how small minded do you have to be to be against police violence against a group of people based in racism, then propagate violence against a profession of people? I am sure there are lots of shitty cops out there. There's lots of shitty PEOPLE out there, too. Just because some police are corrupt or racist doesn't mean they all are or all agree with it. Hitting them with bricks or whatever really is plain shitty, there's nothing racist about trying to get someone to consider people on both sides. Cops aren't just white, either? There are black cops that have to deal with dangers of retards, too? And I'm sure they aren't all some kind of "race traitors" joining the "bad side" or some shit.
I seriously can't even begin to understand how the fuck people function when their logic to everyone being equal is "but fuck this group of people, because they hurt us…"
Literal eye for an eye makes the world blind mentality, absolutely nutso to imagine someone could have even a shred of empathy and be so brainwashed they can't have it for both sides.
No. 564421
>>564381>Anyone posting their genitals to twitter is as much of a cow as Shay as far as I'm concernedI strongly agree with you, but apparently having this opinion is a hot take here and means you're a meanie rad fem prude who hates sex.
The Shayna thread was one of my favourites, but i just want the virtue signalling cow tipping thots to fuck off. They make it too obvious and they are ruining the thread. They probably barely make any more than shayna makes even whilst not having a nasty looking pussy. It's so fucking embarrassing, that's why they are so pressed and attack her appearance so much. I just wanted to see Shayna do a twitch stream more than anything, but the cow tipping cam thots will likely sour any milk that could come from that.
No. 564430
>>564313I think maybe it's because we don't have actual footage of our police murdering someone on camera?
Et puis c'est plus fun de cracher sur les ricains que d'essayer de faire repartir les gilets jaunes complétements essoufflés.
No. 564460
>>564387Yeah, I think it might be a narc thing. My mom does it too.
Like when we went out to eat with my uncle and I met his new girlfriend for the first time. My mom started talking really indiscreetly about my past drug addiction even though I made it really obvious that I didn't want to talk about it in front of a complete stranger.
No. 564490
>>564479Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck people who do this. Fuck them so hard. People who ditch their friends for their new partners are garbage. Unless you're a real
toxic fuck to someone and actually detrimental to their life, their SO has no business dictating who they should be friends with. I've had my share of friends drop me like a hot potato after they've gotten a new boyfriend and worst of all after they break up they come back to me like nothing happened. Yeah I'm so glad I'm a stand by whore to you.
No. 564557
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I'm so glad I'm not born in America like holy shit. What is in that country's water that half of its population absolutely has to act like asshats on the internet at all times?
No. 564677
>>564627I used to have 7 people call me their best friend and fight over me, I did love them all as if they were my siblings. Though I wasn’t living my own life, I felt more as a servant to them because I never had time for myself and my romantic life, personal projects and career got behind. When I decided to put myself as a priority they were quick to turn on me and make up an story about how I was a bitch that always played the
victim and shit like that. I realize I was too good to them if the worst thing I did to them was not dedicating my whole time anymore. While I miss having a group and the sense of belonging, I’m better off, I no longer do stupid shit, I don’t deal with drama and don’t have my personal choices scrutinized, I was like their cow actually.
I wish I could find a best friend again but people expect devotion without doing it back. Learning to accept loneliness and loving yourself is the best skill to have. No one can help you but yourself.
No. 564681
>>564643>Meanwhile, men always choose their friends over women lolLmao fam, do you also believe men never gossip and never talk shit too? Men ditch their bros for girls all the fucking time, the difference is there's more shame around it for not choosing ~bros over hoes~. The reality is this is what happens to all adults in romantic relationships in the end, they are always going to prioritize their spouse and partner over friends. It's suspicious and weird when someone chooses to prioritize their friends on the same level as their romantic partners. This is like being salty that when people have kids they no longer prioritize friends anymore either. It's called growing up.
>Can you believe they come crawling back to me for a shoulder to cry on when their relationships fall through?Yeah, because you're their friend. You're not supposed to be jealous and possessive of them that you would want to punish them for 'choosing' romance over you. Let us know when you actually have a case for this attitude, like when they choose other friends over you or blatantly blow you off when you know they haven't got other shit going on.
No. 564689
>>564621it's mostly anxiety. why live in the present when you can sperg about the past and future? plus i've already posted about my current bf and my asexuality in /ot/.
i'm mostly posting this here cuz i basically can't talk about it with anyone. i don't really want asspats, advice or anything. most of my close friends have no idea it's /that/ bad and i don't want to tell them about stuff this personal.
hence my post in an image board vent thread
No. 564710
>>564177Exactly. If America can’t treat its own citizens with basic humanity, how the fuck do you expect them to give a shit about the the scary brown people in terrorist land? 9/11 wasnt even that bad of a tragedy compared to most of the atrocities we’ve committed, but we mourn it every year as an excuse to ruin other countries
And of course you think BLM is getting “special treatment”. It sure is a privilege to get shot in your own country because you chose the wrong day to look black and having white people bend over backwards to explain why the murderer trained in deescalation felt endangered by an unarmed, non-violent citizen. White women get to cry about not feeling safe enough to walk around and then you lot sperg about black people when we don’t feel safe walking around in a hoodie on a cold day in broad daylight.
If Americans cant respect its own people, its not going to give a single shit about you. Maybe stop blaming BLM for the drones and acid and look to the people in its government that are actually giving the orders to do so
No. 564759
>>564532Interesting. I have a totally opposite problem. I forget bad things quite easily (or specifically HOW bad those things were), which one'd think is only for the better, but it twists my perception of certain people from the past. As a result I can accidentally start talking again with a
toxic friend or missing my ex and wanting to get together with him.
No. 564776
>>564749vent aside, i do feel very lucky to have him. he makes me feel so secure and loved, i just know he won't suddenly turn on me and allows me to take my time regarding sex.
however, no, i have not spoken about this with a professional..i've never been on a prescription for anything; i'm not even on a contraceptive (yet?). i've also never seen an obgyn or talked about it to my therapist in the few sessions i've seen her.
i want to, though. see an obgyn for general healt but also change therapists so i can speak to someone who specializes in sex but also deals with anxiety.
No. 564810
>>564532Can you talk about how you replace memories? I'm dealing with some very intrusive memories that I need to get rid of
>>564759That sounds better to me but maybe a private diary could really help you anon
No. 564885
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>>564884>greentexting to pretend you're not newfagAgain, go back to tumblr.
No. 564902
>>564896um… my cousin is bipolar not psychotic and yes I am better than her because she chooses not to seek help or therapy and uses her mental illness as an excuse for treating her family like shit and trying to suck them dry of money. Me and her have nothing in common, so yes, comparing someone who is depressed to someone with an entirely different mental health issue is wrong and dare I say the word…
No. 564918
>>564868Instead of actually doing their job moderating they’d rather shut down conversations . /ot/ gets worse everyday . Lolcow users are only allowed to talk about boys trouble, girls they hate, and cartoon . Political opinions ? No ma’am too
problematic for our female little noggins .
No. 564932
>>564926>So many of the rules are not enforced, enforced weirdly or just read to the interpretation of whatever farmhand is on. This is so true. This reminds me of an anon getting banned recently for literally putting "
;-;" on her post, all spoilered and shit, but I've also seen my fair share of other anons who've also done the same but didn't get banned. I've also done it but never got the ban either lol.
No. 564935
>>564879Better late than never.
>>564932>>564926>So many of the rules are not enforced, enforced weirdly or just read to the interpretation of whatever farmhand is on. To this effect, I think some farmhands are newfags. I notice every time there's a new rotation of farmhands (2-3 month marker roughly) I catch a petty ban for some stupid shit. More defined rules would fix a lot, but whenever I go to /meta/ to ask admin to specify on things she usually doesn't reply to me or anyone else who asks, so yeah. They keep it vague on purpose to adjust how they see fit.
No. 564944
>>564935>some farmhands are newfagsJust facts. Some don’t even understand the bans they’re handing out like what constitutes tipping or blogging or nitpicking. Someone got redtexted for a literally uttering the phrase “r/thathappened” that’s it.
Also see a lot of instances where infight happens and only one of the instigators catch the hammer (spoiler: the one with the opposing opinion to farmhand’s).
There is no point to even go to /meta/. There’s one anon, admin herself or one of the goons, who would only reply and samefag to bootlick then ignore when you refute. Fucking cows.
No. 564960
>>564926You get what you pay for kek, can't really complain when people are just modding this place as a hobby and it's not like the bans for those things last long anyway
We need to keep calling out nonintegrated users though, angry regulars are the only way anyone ever learns how to use any image board
No. 564963
>>564944Kek and every time it's brought up it's
>NOT ALL BANS ARE REDTEXTED!!1!!So don't redtext or redtext both sides if you don't want to seem biased, seems simple enough to me
>>564962Minimodding is practically necessary right now to whip newfags into shape. Self-policing works on imageboards and anons getting told they're retarded and breaking a rule is part of being taught how to integrate. The only people I've actually seen complain about minimodding are newfags in the anachan thread who are just mad about people calling out their newfaggotry. Most anons seem to understand that minimodding is a necessary evil right now especially with such an absent/terrible team of farmhands
No. 564969
I regret stumbling upon a Sh0e vid. Hadn't seen her in years. Her response videos are reactionary low-hanging fruit. The fact she has 1.4 MILLION subs now. JFC. Men just want a woman to parrot their opinions. She doesn't stick to a side either politically, meaning she's not political at all because nothing she says engages real discussion. She says things most people in her demographic will agree with, while pretending to be edgy, like her defense of trans representation in Rocko's Modern Life because she knows much of her audience is conservative. Wow, how brave of her. Honestly, who the fuck cares? Females are murdered and left for dead, as infants, in trash cans, like India, due to the inane hatred men have for women, and you lump all radfems as not wanting to have sons and aborting (non-living fetuses) into a single group. You make vid after vid defending trans as if that's an issue that fucking matters because billion dollar elitists shill it all the fucking time. Just reminds me of Jordan Peterson. You are saying nothing of substance that needs light shed on it. You just make people with low self esteem feel better about themselves, to feel politically superior by being "the rational centrist." It's no different than those who watch reality television to laugh at people with clear personality or mental health issues. I wish low quality "commentary" channels would be obliterated. They just stir up so much fucking trouble.
No. 564985
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>>564983What an irrational thing to say, anon! Your extreme and clearly wrong view irritates me, so I'm going to reply and argue with you.
No. 565008
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>>558342Kek, here's something for the anons complaining about newfag farmhands earlier. Fair enough for the unemployment derail but I keep seeing stuff that's completely allowed lumped in with a genuine ban? I don't know if anyone saw a ban handed out a day or two ago for someone spongebob typing to indicate sarcasm which was banned for failure to integrate but it was also a post from the perspective of a woman of color and wasn't pee oh see at all, fully integrated and no tumblrfaggotry, for the life of me I can't remember what thread but that got a '(tumblr, iNtEgrAtE) which I side-eyed because there's nothing tumblr about just not being white on an imageboard. I lurked asherah's garden for milk not long ago and I saw other women of color complaining about the same thing: fully integrated women literally just mentioning their race in context getting redtexted for racebait like you're supposed to pretend to be white here to integrate. I'd love to hear other opinions on this ban and others
No. 565015
>>565013a legit emoji like the two pink hearts is bannable, if you mean that very black alt-code heart that we see in the screenshot then that's part of the problem. there is a shortcut for it coded into the reply system and admin has said that it's allowed (because why else would she add it in) but there seriously must be a farmhand with a drinking problem or something because for the life of me i don't understand how you can be on lolcow for more than a day and not understand how the emoji rules work. she needs to step down
>it's a hobby! she's doing it for free!and she's still fucking it up to ridiculous levels. why is she taking time out of her day to do something like moderate a site that she doesn't even know the rules of?
No. 565043
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>massive crush on guy from uni except he has a gf
>he checks up on me discord today to see if i'm ok
>spend 5 hours playing vidya with him and trying not to lose my shit over vc
>he is so nice but crushes my soul every time he says "my gf"
>thank him for checking in on me
>"that's what friends are for anon"
the worst part is i know however i feel is totally my fault because i'm hard coping with being in the friendzone. even worse i think i'm little sisterzoned. kill me
No. 565053
>>565042Hi anon, my birthday is tomorrow too! I don't really like it but for different reasons, that's when I feel worthless and like I have no real friends. I don't use social media so few of them remember it and last time I tried to do something only five of them showed up. Friends mean a lot to me and I always treat them so well, but they don't feel the same so it's kinda sad. I love the food tho
Also I'll have a final test in my birthday fuck my life
>>565043Weird, the same thing is happening to me but reversed I guess? Met a guy on CoD and we play together exvery now and then, I literally just logged out and closed discord. He's got a gf and talks about her in a natural way, but lately he's been saying the strangest shit that sounds almost romantical, like I make him forget all his problems and he'll be sleep with a smily face thanks to me… cringe.
No. 565123
>>565120You should be sorry. Your mother is very good to take you in despite your
victim complex and sperglike lack of emotional reciprocation.
No. 565129
>>565120Ngl anon, you sound like someone who hasn't emerged from the "fuck off mum nobody understands me" phase. Most people do after their teens. You won't be saying shit like this when she's gone, so it's best to appreciate whatever semblance of a relationship you have before it's too late. I'm sorry this is harsh and that people are having to say this to you anon.
>>565123I'm with you on this one, although I pity sperganon, who knows what's rendered them this emotionally stunted.
No. 565181
>>565164If anon is overwhelmed by her mothers overbearing behavior to the point that it causes her extreme distress, there's nothing wrong with that. It means that she knows her boundaries are being breached and that something needs to be done. I know the difference between someone being overdramatic and someone reaching out for anyone to understand their situation, even if the wording was less than perfect.
My own mother has issues with social cues, but even she knows what boundaries are. Minimizing someones situation because they mentioned self-harm doesn't help, and anon has given context as to why this is an issue for her. If my own mother acted like this, I'd have no issues chewing her ear off. Anon is allowed to be overwhelmed and I hope she is eventually able to stand up to her mother, it doesn't need to be aggressive or mean, but she is allowed to feel how she feels.
Mentioning perspective was inciting drama so that's on me, but it doesn't take someone beating their kid for it to be an issue that needs to be addressed, and I should have explained in my original post.
No. 565187
>>565181Ntayrt, I see where you're coming from anon but when you're 30 and end a
valid issue with
>I want to slit my wrists and vomit. I’ll probably just cry instead.You can't really expect to get a positive reaction from people. Regardless I still feel sorry for her, who knows what has impacted her to get to this point.
No. 565195
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I think I’m about to snap and actually start speaking my mind. Anons who aren’t afraid of telling people how you feel without feeling guilty afterwards, how do you do it? I don’t plan on being a cunt I’m just tired of catering to other people’s feelings. I guess I just have to find my balance.
No. 565204
>>565195realize that everyone deserves to be heard, respected and accommodated by their friends/loved ones/people in general.
if you would want someone to tell you when you're being hurtful, mean, rude, oblivious etc then the same goes for other people.
if they don't want to be held accountable for their behavior, then you may not be a good match, and it's ok to keep your distance.
however, remember that it's also your duty to speak out. some people blow up at others because they never say that they're uncomfortable and keep assholes around them forever. negativity will just keep boiling inside of you until the metaphorical pot overflows; it's not healthy.
speak your mind, for your sake and the sake of others.
No. 565210
>>565200I can tell you gave your baby such a wonderful life full of love. I know she loved you for it and always will. You’re not a freak for still talking to her, btw. Take care, Anon.
>>565204I needed this! Thank you!!
No. 565218
>>565203oops you're right!!
anyway 50 minutes later I finally figured out I did get the money back fortunately but I learned my lesson and I'm going to track my money waaaay better from now on
>>565208don't be…. there's little value in speaking a second language if you're not going to use it. On the other hand I'm a little bit jealous of native English speakers, I think it must be nice to have the entire world learn your language and not having to learn a second language to be able to communicate with the rest of the world
No. 565244
>>565233It's in no way comparable to what the
victims went through but I always feel bad for the rest of the band. Even after changing their name nobody will ever want to listen to their music again, and they will have to live knowing that they unknowingly helped a monster gain money and fame so that he could destroy lives. If I found out someone closest to me was like him I would never trust anyone again
No. 565250
>>565244>I always feel bad for the rest of the band. Even after changing their name nobody will ever want to listen to their music againStop talking out of your ass, No Devotion is the shit and I hope the second record comes out eventually. I swear anything Geoff Rickly touches turns to gold.
Unless you mean Lostprophets in which case I see your point about no sane people wanting to listen to it ever again.
No. 565278
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I fucking hate doctors, i've been suffering from a undiagnosed gastro intestinal problem since childhood, the last time I tried going to a doctor he looked at me and just dismissed everything i said i told me i was anorexic and needed therapy.
You stupid fucking twat i've been suffering from extremely painful cramping, so much i have had to go get painkillers in the hospital because drug store wasn't cutting it, have had to do "manual evacution" mutiple times, and I basically have no bowel reflex, and eating a normal-to-high amount of food makes me nauseous, I stopped eating like a normal person because every time i eat its just physically painful a few hours after every meal, i've gotten used to and even enjoy the aesthetic of being a spoop since well its this body or EXTREME pain but i did not make myself like this on purpose.
(I've pondered if i have Crohns but adding more fiber to my diet made my cramping and pain worse, one of my worst hospital trips was due to trying to add more fiber in my diet)
I NEVER want to talk to an old smarmy man full of himself about my health again, I've been suffering since I can remember and he just dismisses as having young woman obsessed with appearance mental disorder, fuck male doctors.
No. 565294
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>>565276Gotta say it's getting better the more I sipp, it's 13%
No. 565295
>>565279In comparasion i once got my painkillers in the hospital from a female doctor, she was one of the kindest health professionals i've ever met and even insisted on a xray to see if there wasn't anything else wrong in my abdomen area, she also allowed me to get my meds intravenously so i could go to college in just one or two hours.
>>565283I did some research and it seems like paleo would be a good fit for me since starchy carbs like potatoes and rice don't seem to be a personal
trigger, thanks for the suggestion!
No. 565355
>>565091Your scenario and the responses are so on point to my experiences with my mom. I get that visceral reaction too, almost violent but I just go rigid. And when I tell friends who often do listen openly, I'm told she's just being a mom, she just loves you etc. I wonder if other people's moms listen to them. On anything. To knock on the door? To not text every 30 minutes both worrying herself and me if I lose track of time? To not constantly buy me clothes or fatty foods when I'm cooking my own things and try to be healthy? Every interaction is on her terms. Privacy? No. Boundaries? No.
These things are all caring actions, but the only one getting something out of it is HER. When I matured a little I sat her down and communicated in a way I thought she'd understand. I told her I appreciate she cares, but if she does a "favor" despite me begging otherwise, I feel disrespected and I don't feel loved. She apologised but did she change her ways at all? No. Because in the end my opinion on it doesn't actually matter. And I feel so stuck because if I were to retaliate to her behavior by not texting back or getting annoyed if she hugs me after I explicitly say no, I would come out the monster.
And I think it's a buildup of all of this that makes this visceral reaction when my boundaries are crossed. And I'm upset about it because I walk this line of trying to stay kind of close because she loves me and I love her, but distanced enough that she can't cross boundaries.
No. 565486
>>565483christ anon, low-hanging fruit much? why are you stooping so low for a woman who is very vulnerable? literally what do you gain from this interaction
>>565462i've been there and my period was late literally 2 weeks but i feel like you can really underestimate how much stress affects it. he's shitty but you can't leave him immediately because he's not THAT shitty and despite what spergchans on here say, people get emotionally attached in relationships and do not want to abandon ship. i really get it anon, i had the same situation: potentially pregnant with a man who had abused cocaine, ecstasy, weed, crack. people who do not understand do not understand and it's brave to even post about being in a shit relationship on here because the i-hate-women women come out in their droves. i hope you're not pregnant, anon, for your sake. i mean this in a nice way but often women who get involved in relationships like this (like me too) are traumatised or experience a lot of mental distress which can exaggerate your fear of pregnancy. it has been barely a week and there is still hope for you. i'm sorry to hear about the loss in your family too, anon. hopefully you can close this chapter when you're ready and move on, everything is very heightened and i could not imagine having had my pregnancy scare during this time.
No. 565506
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Why are my neighbors so fucking loud all the time, holy shit. I know you need to make concessions living in an apartment in the city, but every damn conversation is a screaming match. I'm so tired of hearing their stupid arguments.
No. 565612
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I feel like a huge piece of shit because I was clean for 10 months but today I started self harming again. I seriously don't know if I'll ever be able to stop this, I'm basically addicted at this point (it's been 8 years now) and despite visiting so many therapists I still don't know how to stop. I'm a fucking lost case. I have no right to complain about people staring at me in public when I'm bandaged all the way up to my shoulders on both arms like a fucking retard. My thighs are the same too but I don't wear shorts so I don't have to worry about them. Still fucking pathetic. I hate myself.
No. 565625
>>565614I hate texting guys off tinder or w/e, it's like making endless boring small talk with someone I may not even be attracted to. But I still don't want to meet them right away, my time and comfort are precious and I don't want to waste even a tiny bit of it on meeting some asshole for coffee without vetting him first. My method is not effective though because I never desperately want to meet anyone and also hate texting them so I just ghost before anything happens.
That said guys aren't usually reluctant to meet up and push for it instead, are you sure the guy you're into is serious?
No. 565630
>>565608God, fucking same. I've been a shy spacey adhdfag for long enough that I should have accepted myself by now but I still find myself envying loud and extroverted people who fully engage in social situations with ease. It's really interesting to observe how much of social acceptance/popularity is based on loudness, confidence, just PRESENCE as opposed to good qualities/likability. Not trying to be a sperg introvert supremacist at all, I hate myself for being an introvert, it's just wild to see. I almost feel like even many normies subscribe to the deluded idea that you just need to be yourself or that if you're a good, interesting person people will automatically like you, but I think in many ways just making yourself a part of things and getting people's attention, which then leads to them developing affection for you out of familiarity, is how people actually become popular/well-connected.
I could be very wrong though, I've been on the outside looking in my whole life and I still feel like these people have some trove of forbidden social knowledge.
No. 565726
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>not alternating between having a crush on a literal chatbot you talked to as a child, various cows and Effy Stonem
Shit taste
No. 565734
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You ever think about how when people just keep fucking up everything in their lives and in other people's lives because of their own stupid decisions but then they try to become kinda decent again they're treated well by others and you're supposed to help them, feel sorry for them or admire them, but when everything going wrong in your life is due to circumstances nobody can predict or control or it's someone else's fault, you're expected to stfu and if you so much complain or rant a little you're told to stop complaining because your situation isn't as bad as the first person's (which is often wrong or a lie)?
No. 565745
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I have one week left on my prior notice and I think my boss is trying to cheat me off like 800€ by having me put on temporary employment while I was actually sick all the while not telling me.
I'm fucking mad, I wrote a very pissy email and I feel like I should just go back to the doctor for another sick leave.
Fuck the ULTRA TIME SENSITIVE work left to do. Fuck the handover. I've always been accomodating and shit and he does me like this?
Yeah sure, have fun without me managing your nonsense business.
No. 565793
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I get so triggered when invited to food-based functions with people who aren’t close friends. Over the dumbest vainest reason: I eat really fast. I can finish a huge meal in 1/3 the time it takes a stoned grown man. And I haaate when people point it out like “Wow that was fast”. I’d laugh like haha yeah but lowkey feel really embarrassed about it. Conscious effort to slowly perform oral on my dinner gives me dried mouth anxiety, pretty sure it’s childhood ptsd from eating as fast as possible as to not be in the room with my abusers. Also like… in grade school they beat kids for not eating fast enough. There was no way I wasn’t gonna have issues.
Letting go of ana shit is extra hard, I’d rather die than think about how much more disgusting it would look if I wasn’t skinny. Why can’t I just be normal!!!
No. 565800
>>565793My mom has a similar issue with people judging her eating habits. Due to health issues, she can't eat dairy or fatty foods very much or she'll get sick. People are so rude about it. They rip on her for being a picky eater and think she's being a health food shill when she says she doesn't eat cheese.
People are weird about food, anon. A lot of them don't seem to understand that at a certain point, questions and comments about other people's eating habits become rude.
No. 565876
>>565763It's way better disolving it with some juice syrup and tequila. Maybe I will do it all and have the final trip!
Way better than the tiny snort I tried and that hurt my nose like hell and ended up barfing. How do people snort? It fucking hurt and then you have that weird drip in the back of your throught for hours…
No. 565906
>>565900Accept the worst but plan for the best. Mine was the same so I just embraced it by ordering in as much comfort food and watched a lot of Netflix
Make it the best period you've ever had
No. 565907
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>>565906I literally just got comfort food for dinner and shitted it all out less than then minutes later, I think my birthday present should be an appointment to the gynecologist because it keeps getting worse every month. But thanks for the support. I love you anon.
No. 565916
>>565908Why in the world do you people get married before knowing your scrote and living with him?
There is no excuse except for arranged marriages.
No. 565921
>>565916>scrotes never disguise bad behavior that would initially drive new women away>scrotes never sink deep into bad habits and then blame their partners when they bring up that it's an issue>scrotes are 100% transparent people not known for lying, minimizing, and dismissing their bad behaviorsAnd you call other people naive? Can't even tell you how many stories I've seen of scrotes claiming they're not gamers, yet once they've got women stuck in leases, marriages, and kids with them they bring out their true intentions and blast their game time to the max. Happens with other shit too. Nice
victim blame.
No. 565940
>>565916Nta but maybe she needed to in order to get a visa?
Where I live you get fined thousands for breaking a lease so tbh even living together is a big commitment and financial risk. I've been trapped with a shitty guy before because I couldn't afford to break a lease.
No. 565955
>>565921>>565948That's what you get for following FDS and the "married in under 1 year" rule.
If you're scared about the lease and you have no place to go sign it on your own then kick his nasty liar ass out and look for a roommate. If you have somewhere to go make him sign and flee when he shows his true colors.
I can't believe any guy would be able to hide his true colors for more than a year and usually when it's "oh I could never see it coming" there were just a lot of ignored red flags.
No. 565956
>>565955>FDS is a hivemind and everyone agrees with the marriage under 1 year rule!Nope, try again. It's possible to agree with certain premises of that sub but find other information useless if not retarded. Imo, that's an extreme rule rooted on the basis of gauging commitment. Generally speaking, men know if they want to be committed and in a long term relationship with women within the first year, as in you should have had the talk and he should be pushing for it in the future. If not, then they're dicking around or are phobic of being in a mature relationship. That rule is for women who chase men and stick around being their practice girlfriend for years without any signs of commitment.
>If you're scared about the lease and you have no place to go then sign it yourself and kick him out. Make him sign!Are you a little girl or just a retarded man who doesn't understand how a lease works? You can't just forcefully take over a lease and forcefully kick a roommate out. If both signatures are on that lease then all you can do is negotiate. There are also legal reparations for abandoning a lease if he doesn't want to take it over.
>I can't believe any guy would be able to hide his true colors.Then you're inexperienced on the subject and should have several seats before you spout ignorant platitudes.
No. 565991
>>565956I said not to sign if you have somewhere to go or sign only yourself if you want to keep the place but you do you.
I'm sorry you ignore red flags then act like scrotes are intelligent creatures. Most of them are dumb and show how they are from the beginning.
No. 566002
>>565991>I said not to sign if you have somewhere to goWhich isn't relevant to OP but sure, and no, this advice isn't realistic when one splits rent. With your name not on the lease, it makes it easier for
you to be kicked out and homeless.
>or only sign yourselfThis is fine if you make enough to afford the rent by yourself, but methinks if you were making that much you wouldn't be signing on for a rinky dink apartment with a leech bf to begin with. If your bf decides he's not gonna be giving you money or goes unemployed, it's your ass on the hook.
You sound like a dumb girl who lives with mom and dad, you're not thinking your cop outs very thoroughly at all and for some reason you just can't accept that some men are really just lying, pathetic bastards.
No. 566023
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>Having another dream about him
>2 years on
>Waking up alone so sad you literally feel physical pain in your heart
>Thinking about him all fucking day again but it hurts even more because it's non fucking stop
Anons I've dated since him and fallen in love again, I've had hookups, I've tried to make it work with him again, it's so clear to me that I became too much for him and I became too much for anyone. This guy I used to fuck with and an old friend keeps checking up on me in that "how are you" "ok haha good" way, he's still curious about me but he's throwing the meat into the lion's cage to see it and then slamming the door shut before I have a chance to hurt him again. I understand that I do deserve to feel like this but it's so cruel that I can't even sleep at this point
No. 566029
>>566023Why are you doing this to yourself?
I 100% understand being friends with an ex but it doesn't work if one of you is hurting. Please go no contact
No. 566087
>>566080Anon, not ragging on you because i've been guilty of it in the past but there's a trend of
>i wish i could be gay!!!type shit from women who are actually attracted to the same sex. Like yes, scrotes can love a woman in the same way. There is no one way men love women. The problem is that for a lot of people, they let manipulative men tell them they love them and assume they are loved. You can't assume you are loved because you are liked and they are sexually attracted to you, i like you as a person plus we fuck will never mean love but people seem to think that's the formula
No. 566125
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>>566080Why not be friends with beautiful women anyway? Even if your scrote leaves, your life would still be rich with wonderful friendships that you nurtured with them over the years.
I love seeing those little old ladies out and about with their posse whom they've known for years. Cracking jokes, getting dressed up, and having a good time. No husbands in sight. I hope I have that in older age too.
>>566091Eh, you've been fuck-zoned anon. Any guy wanting to keep you would be pursuing you. He either doesn't see you as a realistic relationship option, or he doesn't care at all (although he'd be happy to oblige if you offered him nsa sex again, no doubt).
No. 566237
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>>566207Ah, I feel you. I have keratosis pilaris aka "chicken skin" on my arms and "strawberry" legs. Shit is annoying, especially when you want to dress cute. I suggest trying African black soap if you haven't already.>>566174Wishing nothing but the best for you, Anon.