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No. 571129
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/560920 No. 571159
I've been aware of Amberlynn Reid for all my years of lolcow but I just opened her thread for the first time and was completely shocked that she's a lesbian? I can't figure out why
>>571142That's exactly how I feel about when I studied abroad and cut contact with everyone, stopped eating, didn't keep mirrors around, and didn't speak out loud for months on end. I miss that a lot
No. 571231
>>571227I love tattoos but hate when you can tell that someone got a bunch of them just for the hell of it, shit like 'oh I'll get a giant cupcake tattoo just cos, and I'll put it in whatever spot gets noticed most'
Love when someone has a set theme/style to their tatts and they plan it out over a few years where it's not a fashion thing.
No. 571233
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The internet fucked up my trust issues so much that whenever someone tells me they're Japanese or any other things people have been caught to fake for cool points, I literally cannot stop doubting them and being suspicious (especially if they don't look like anything they claim to be in the first place)
No. 571245
>>571236Damn, I haven't seen anything like this. Hope I don't come across it anytime soon. Hardcore porn is such a big
trigger for me. Gay men can be seriously sexist though, most people just give them a pass because they don't take it seriously which sucks. They can be quite awful too.
No. 571249
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I want a Nintendo 64 but I'm too damn old,I miss playing Donkey Kong 64 and Gex 3
No. 571305
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Today I decided I was going to start streaming on twitch because my only hobby is video games. I have some background in graphic design and spent a lot of time making my banners/lay out look really nice, setting up YouTube and a Twitter as well. My only problem is I honestly don't know how to advertise myself without being annoying. In WoW, for instance, I see people advertising their twitch in the game chat, and 99% of responses are "lul fuck off faggot" Idk where to start, I kinda feel like I put in a bunch of effort for nothing lol. If I just stream every day, will I eventually amass followers via people finding me through tags? I plan on cross uploading to YouTube as well. As far as Twitter goes I guess I just interact with people in the gaming community?
Why is it so intimidating to cash in on the thing I do like 18 hours out of my day
No. 571331
>>571305>because my only hobby is video gamesThat's too vague. What kind of games do you play? I'd suggest playing FPS or any male oriented game to attract simps, that is, if you're good at them.
Successful streamers are either very good at the game or very attractive.
No. 571335
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Oh my god shut the FUCK up. I really detest Letterboxd reviews
No. 571370
>>571167I feel really bad for PT. Her mom always sounded
abusive as fuck to me.
No. 571430
>>571223There already are regret stories for filler and luckily for them, filler can already be easily removed. I think it's only going to get worse and plastic surgery is going to keep getting cheaper and accessible as time goes by.
>>571228Fake asses never look good. Looks like an overfilled diaper and always ends up looking lumpy and gross in real life.
No. 571444
>>571436I feel similar when I see posts saying
>trad, coomer, degenerateBut after experiencing 'pornsick' men irl for years before seeing it mentioned on here, I was kind of glad to find out there's a word for it.
No. 571470
>>571436Maybe if you're seeing these terms around enough to annoy you then you're also spending "too much" time on imageboards anon
:v)Furbaby annoys me though
(emoticon) No. 571509
>>571343>Look hot on face cam, simps will come, they’re always browsing for nobodies to orbit. Honestly this is the farthest thing from what I want to do lol. I have 0 intention of catering to cucks. I'm not doing facecam, just mic.
>>571331I play basically everything tbh but rn it's a couple MOBAs, world of warcraft, and oldschool pc games (command and conquer, stronghold, age of empires, and tycoon games)
My bf, his cousin and I all play games together and have thrown around the idea of joint streaming or something. We are a pretty loud/rage-y/reactive group so I figured that would help? I have a good personality for it I think, I like interacting with people and I rage a lot lmao.
I don't really care if I get huge, I just want a small following/community and some side cash. Twitter itself is so intimidating idek where to start with 0 followers lmao
No. 571574
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If cats have "beans" (little paws/pads) then do humans have string beans?
No. 571625
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>>571608yeah same… first time I went back to work it felt alien to be talking to customers, and everything I said, or did, felt wrong and "off"
No. 571629
>>571626I feel a lot better since getting back out more, even if difficult for me to adjust. like it'll be somewhat fixable, it'll take time. just went back to work recently and only seen my friends two or so times since our restrictions let up locally, and yeah, it feels foreign now, relieving if anything. I spent a shitton of quarantine when I wasn't in online school watching movies to try and maintain my grasp of interaction with other human beings that weren't my
abusive gross family I was stuck with
No. 571741
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I now realise that when men say they like "thicc" women they just mean a skinny woman who isn't anorexic, they don't actually mean curvy chubby women and what they call fat is actually chubby, body ideals didn't change, they just started calling them different names.
No. 571743
>>571741Then you realize both women are above average in looks just in different sizes, and what men actually intend is to triangulate women to constantly be chasing after their so-called body standards while most of them get to look like ungroomed, shabby pigs.
The trick is realizing they're all full of shit anon, ALL OF THEM. It's all meant to keep you on your toes and being the best you can be for them instead of who you want to be for yourself.
No. 571795
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>>571745Please be vocal about this in real life so my cat loving brothers and sisters can avoid you.
>>571773I love old pictures of people hanging out with their pets.
No. 571798
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>>571795 more for you my cat loving sister
No. 571805
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I have more vintage photographs of people with cats than I expected, I'll stop here
No. 571845
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I swear there are anons who frequent the pro-ana thread and look at all the slop made by users like n2f specifically to stop themselves from eating.
How can anyone have an appetite looking at this shit?
No. 572150
>>572145Admin doesn't care. The fate was sealed when all containment threads were removed, pinkpill/gc became a bannable offense, and no one can accuse a maleposter anymore without being banned for "hi scrote." Just wait until hellweek begins for some real retarded shit to be nitpicked so we can protect feefees.
Troons and larpers are very obvious though. I don't need to argue or say anything. They can't even disguise themselves as women over the internet even when they're given a safe space to do so and that's the real victory that they'll forever seethe about.
No. 572234
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I'm busting my fucking ribs laughing at this, the anon who wrote is is a genius and this needs to be a copypasta
No. 572318
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Job seeking for so long and it's so demotivating, so I wrote myself up a job posting to be my own PA to get my life together, incuding writing up the responsibilities, required and desired qualifications for it. Then I'm going to roleplay interviewing for it and get the job.
Because I've taken that "treat job searching like a job" to heart before and it's led to a lot of wasted energy, tears and time. I think all the rejections or just being ignored lead to a knock on effect of 1. feeling like you're not worth it and having that show through applications and 2. focusing on only the failure of not having a job.
I think if I approach it from a holistic viewpoint of arranging all that's around me, while giving myself training opportunities and ofc still applying for positions…maybe I won't be so broken down over the whole process.
Maybe it should be in the job/career or NEET thread, but I just think it's dumb and desperate as shit.
Pic related, my "companies" logo.
No. 572334
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I went to a sports group yesterday and the trainer deadass started playing a remix of lieven polka and the tetris theme song and had us do step-aerobics to it.
No. 572337
>>572269you experience is what’s surprising to me. i don’t know anyone who through such yo-yo, even if i do know people who lost weight and maintained it.
do you have a tendency to binge eat/starve without thinking about it or something?
No. 572353
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I can only sleep quickly when I am having a depressive spell lol
Worst part is that it's also usually in the afternoon, while the anxiety kicks in the night.
Fucking why.
No. 572527
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4chan /g/ is oddly the most sexist board i've ever seen. more so than /pol/.
No. 572610
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why do I love being annoying? it's becoming a hobby.
i don't think people realize I'm doing it on purpose and it makes it so much funnier. I'm an absolute piece of shit
idk gotta laugh man life's so bleak the older I get the less of a fuck I give. almost wish I hadn't done it to so many e-famous people but honestly, no fucks.
No. 572639
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>>572610I wanna be your friend but we'd probably just annoy each other, kek.
No. 572653
Have any of you farmers had younger siblings that you had to take care after from a young age and now you don't want to have kids at all because you've already done your share of "mothering" due to working parents?
I love my siblings but it's always been putting them first and myself second. I'm not sure if that's the reason why I don't want kids at all but I've noticed that with other women that had to babysit their siblings all the time.
>>572627Nooo, I had nightmares in which I accidentally doxxed myself and there were threads about me on lolcow. You'd get some honest opinion but I think lots of users would go out of their way to nitpick and be overly critical just for the sake of making you feel like shit.
No. 572728
>>572639>>572693exactly! wish we were mates too dude, we'd crack eachother's absolute shit up.
why is it satisfying though? I feel like other people have a knee-jerk response that stops them being like "fuck it say this" for the fun of it, whereas I feel I lost it.
brain damage, alcoholism, who the fuck knows. ride this wave with me anons, it's a blissful time not giving a fuck anymore.
hope you cuties are having a good day. don't ban me for being over affectionate pls farmhands, I am just very tickled and warmhearted atm.
love you fools heaps sometimes.
No. 572753
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I purchased the colours to paint my skateboard and I am very pleased because I also purchased nail polish in the same colours. Matchy-matchy. The last colour was periwinkle with a thick layer of glitter topcoat, but it's destroyed to shit after two seasons. Hopefully this brand lasts longer and the glossy finish won't let it scuff so damn much. Also Taming of the Shrew was Shakespeare's best work
No. 572826
>>572770oceaN mAN tAKE ME BY tHe HaND leaD mE to thE LanD
i love u
No. 573095
>>573086kek, sorry anon. I had the exact same thing happen to me.
I had to cut our contact which was for the best. I'd remind him a few times when he started getting noticeable touchy and gushy as you say that I'm a lesbian but I realized I was just being naive and that he would never stop hoping for us to get together. The reason why your friend's gf dumped him was not so much because of you as much as she probably noticed he had feelings for you.
No. 573101
>>573081lol i know that feel! get you a plushy king size seat anon
>>573086yikesss he must have been talking about you a lot to his girl lol he's just doing that hurt dog thing where after getting dumped, you feel tender feelings for the first person that was nice to you afterwards
No. 573104
>>573097Dogfags genuinely think dogs are a class above other mammals
>inb4 muh intelligenceNope most dogs are dumb and useless as shit
No. 573110
>>573097it might be guilt. dogs are so domesticated and so dependent on humans for everything that imagining that some people don't want to care for them is like breaking a contract, at least that's how i see it.
i love my dogs way too much but i'm really annoyed with those doggo videos with the emojis and the weird floof bird baby talk and misspelt words. that's so cheesy.
No. 573114
>>573108Yep, not crop destroying rodents or man killing reptiles or disease spreading avians
Y'all love to act like Disney princesses, just stay a week in the wild and see how far animal-loving gets ya
Most people just don't care to coddle your ugu fuzzy wuzzy doggo, keep it tf away from me. At least catfags have the sense to lock their cats up when strangers visit.
No. 573119
>>573114Can you calm down? If you deal with those problems as they come (and I kind of doubt you do), that's one thing, but if you spend your waking life thinking about how much you despise entire species that make up important parts of the environment, you have problems, lmao.
>dogfag autismI own both cats and dogs, both of which stay in my own property and don't do shit to anyone, you sperg. Tell us more about how your whole family was totally eaten by crocodiles.
No. 573120
>>573114What are you even arguing retard? You're genuinely mentally ill if you go from "loving" animals to hating them for existing in the world.
God forbid you actually do go survive in the wild, if you die that's just natural selection, better luck next time. I'm not going to be mad at a moose trampling me because I'm stupid and have no survival skills.
No. 573124
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Dog people are attention whores, no exception lol
Dog people claiming others are mentally ill for disliking dogs is peak projection seeing that dog people have a high chance of being narcissists and sociopaths who are attracted to a dog’s doormat nature.
No. 573137
>>573124You're not mentally ill for not wanting dogs, you're mentally ill because you think animals should be hated for inconveniencing you lol
At least a rat dies to be some other animals food, you will continue to have valuable resources wasted on you so that you can watch anime, die and be filled with formaldehyde having offered nothing to the world, kys weeb
No. 573138
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No. 573145
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No. 573147
>>573125I’m happy for you, anon! I felt the same exact way when I started taking community college classes after a 3 yr education break. My biology and clinical classes actually caught my interest, unlike when I was a kid, and the idea that my brain will finally allow me to focus and learn technical shit (I was an artfag for years, so I ignored science and math for the most part.) excites me for my future.
I’ve learned I’m interested in laboratory work, like reference labs for veterinary clinics or medical labs in hospitals. Bigger goal would be a pathologist, leaning particularly toward veterinary anatomic pathology, but thats a bachelor’s and 4 yrs of vet school away, as well as a following residency to specialize in pathology. I’m a little too poor for that shit so I’m starting small lmfao
No. 573148
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No. 573180
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Not sticking around for hellweek starting tomorrow, but good luck everybody else!
No. 573208
>>573197I hope I don't sound pathetic but it feels nice not being the only 30yo virgin. I usually lie to others or others take it as granted.
Also, that sounds like a terrifying experience. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
No. 573213
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TLOU2 is a shitty game because of shitty writing not because of featuring "queer and trans abuse". Literally everyone gets their ass beat or murdered no matter what's in their pants, who they want to fuck or what their skin colour is.
Like what kind of game are these people expecting?? If you want something happy where no one gets hurt then go play a different genre??
No. 573240
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Anyone else try whisper? It's a sausage fest
No. 573296
>>573097I meet cat lovers like that but idk.
There are weirdos around us anon.
No. 573339
>>573333I'm sure his breath smells better too. I don't smoke tobacco but I notice when I overindulge weed my tongue looks fucking
No. 573392
>>573339Not gonna lie anon, you're right. He made oral hygiene a priority but after a certain point I don't think it helps blegh
>>573347Good luck! I had to resort to nagging but it's been about 6 months since he went cold turkey and he thanks me every time he is reminded about something gross to do with smoking even if he does miss it sometimes.
No. 573411
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(This should be in the confession thread but it’s about to be locked and I don’t have the patience to make a new one)
I want to be Abby Brown’s friend so bad.
When I first started following her it was because of sheer curiosity; I learned about her internet presence due to her thread on lolcow.
I have this fucking desire to protect her at all costs, because it’s obvious she’s mentally ill and stunted, and I have to stop myself from vehemently white-knighting her on her thread and other social media because I don’t want to come off as creepy or get into some stupid keyboard fight.
I think she’s genuinely interesting and entertaining , she reminds me of how I interacted with the world when I was younger and I want her to be okay and not get hurt by anyone. I don’t know her in real life obviously, but she puts off this vibe that she’s balancing on a line between being well and becoming a homeless drug addict.
No. 573448
>>573435>>573440>>573437I miss 2000s rs/MMOs.
I was a total evil bitch. would take players for 'treasure hunts/player killing squads' into the deep wilderness then have the entire party turn on each other one by one by playing on their paranoia and spreading misinformation by private messaging. so it was like a horror movie scenario every single time.
also in training zones where multiple monsters can attack one player, I would aggravate all the monsters to attack one player. he'd die, race back to the zone and ask what happened only for me to lie about taking all his shit. I'd then pawn all the stuff I robbed from his corpse in the nearby town. Furthermore I was only 12 at the time top kek.
In another MMO, my guild leader was an insufferable scrote but I planned on robbing him anyway because he was loaded so I earned his trust over a few weeks. Then one day, he granted me permission over the guild bank for an instant which was enough for me to take everything. Made billions of virtual gold which would've been worth hundreds of IRL dollars. He totally lost his shit, went mental and sperged nonstop around the capital city about how I stole his shit and slut shaming me. I also managed to poach all his valuable guild members so he was left with nothing. Meanwhile I had billions of gold and a brand new guild. But it wasn't enough so then I made a new character and named it after the amount of money I stole and left it afk and naked in the town square overnight.
No. 573465
>>573448Iconic, anon. I bet that scrote's still seething even years after the fact.
>I made a new character and named it after the amount of money I stole and left it afk and naked in the town square overnight.Imagine if this is what actually happens IRL whenever a higher dimensional entity is bored. I can see some chaotic/evil god picking a random human to have a meltdown, write "3,000,000,000 souls I AM GOD" on their forehead in permanent marker and strip naked in public.
No. 573488
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Someone in a /pt/ thread posted about this account, so I got curious and started digging.
>Regardless tall women’s faces have a brutish look to them even on the most beautiful models.
Fucking oof
No. 573505
>>573488only women do this shit. Only women try to uplift themselves by bringing other women down.
They could have said they're both pretty but noo they just have to resort to insulting women who are not like them.
Imagine if short men did this to tall men.
Also her facial shape has nothing to do with height because ive meet short women with the ''brutish'' look this woman is talking about.
No. 573509
>>573488>over 200 likes, over 20k followersAnd that's why I hate being tall. Being a woman over 5'10 somehow makes people think they have the right to act as if you're a monster.
Especially funny that he (I assume it's a dude) tries to make this into a woke thing by going on about the oh so cruel height "discrimination" in the fashion industry…
No. 573523
>>573511 i prefer ashnikko to grimes, tbt when an anon thought I was ashnikko for saying a lot people knew after anon didn't recognise her
>>573510 same anon
No. 573542
>>573488That's such a bunch of bullshit, don't listen to that. There's nothing brutish about tall women, and there's nothing brutish about the woman in the original pic. She's beautiful.
>mybeautyconsultantDiscard any "opinion" coming from people whose income is earned off of convincing people to change their faces/bodies.
No. 573550
>>573488The irony of this post is, agencies overrate model heights on purpose to get more bookings. There are plenty of 5'7 runway models which is actually the lower limit for runway fashion, but of course being 5'7 they would get bumped up to 5'8 or 5'9 by their agencies. Also if you google Noel Capri's height it's 5'9 not 5'11, so HMMMMMMMM. Also I've seen short girls with 'brutish' faces. It's like you can have a brutish face regardless of your height.
>>573505>only women do this shitscrotes put down Women to elevate their pathetic egos all the time.
No. 573559
>>573203maybe she thought she would hurt me? Idk but I wasn't about to tell a room of strangers that she wasn't going too and that I used sex toys. I was surprised she still said no even after I said I'd had it done before. complete waste of my time and theirs
>>573206she never phrased it as 'have you ever had a penis inside you?' lmao but as I said above I've used dildos but I didn't want to tell them, would've been a bit TMI maybe idk. I thought telling her I'd had the procedure done before would've been sufficient but no
>>573208you don't sound pathetic at all! yeah people mostly assume once you get to a certain age you must've had sex already. there seems to be a few anons on here who are 'older' virgins and it's nice to not feel so alone. it wasn't so much terrifying as just mortifying tbh lol
No. 573753
>>573498I am the same, all animals are wonderful in their own way. I had a bit of everything growing up (cats, horses, dogs, birds). I feel like people identify too much with particular animals, like many autistic things we do in the world, and the real anti-x drama is over people and their weird personalities, not their pets.
Because people who think cats are mean and aloof always overlook dogs who aren’t always sweet and friendly, and vice versa. If you have had more than like, 1 or 2 of any given pet, you know they come in all flavours like people.
No. 573770
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why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why
No. 573829
>>573577Fuck all of those people. They are sick in the head for talking shit right to your face. I've loved women with stretchmarks, cellulite, "man" jaws, stubby legs, all sorts of shit that people love to bring women down for. It does not define you and to someone that loves who you are as a human being, it will never be an issue. All this without even mentioning people that specifically enjoy these features, they also exist.
More importantly, that is the body you naturally have and it lets you experience the world. Your body is your tool, your own mech suit. Don't let people reduce it to aesthetics pls.
No. 573854
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I kind of wanted these purses because I love the fun juicebox shape and the colors, but GOD do I hate that it says “100% dumb baby juice”. I don’t think they’re cheap either since they’re being produced by a small artist, and it would suck to drop a lot of money on that purse to only probably be comfortable wearing it at cons or some shit lol.
No. 573862
>>573854>>573854Maybe you can paint over it with cheap acrylic paint (like apple barrel), and seal it with some krylon? Krylon might make the whole bag hard tho, so maybe you can cover the parts you don't want sealed with paper, and then spray it. Or just find a fabric-friendly sealant.
>>573861Isn't the whole "dumb baby", "no thoughts, head empty" thing just a meme tho? I never thought of it as being a dd/lg thing.
No. 573906
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>>573861>>573865Dumb baby juice is a meme, it has nothing to do with DDLG shit. It's the same as "dumb bitch juice" but with a more "I'm stupid and didn't know about this because I had never heard of it, I'm a newborn" edge, hence the usage of the term baby. Pedospergs need to think twice before posting or they'll start claiming meme related is DDLG propaganda
No. 574015
>>573523I never listened to any of her songs before, mostly because I thought she was just a rapper or something like that, and it's usually not my cup of tea. I listened to some other songs by her and I really liked them.
Grimes is annoying, I would like her music too if she didn't do the high pitched boring voice. I started listening to We Appreciate Power and it was really nice until she started doing the fucking voice.
No. 574104
>>574056I'm really sorry anon, I hope you find him and are able to say goodbye.
>>574101I think this has become common since we started consuming music via mp3 players/streaming. A lot of newer albums are made with this in mind and aren't as cohesive as they used to be. Sometimes I'll pause partway through and come back to it later like I would with a book.
No. 574227
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I have no friends and my mom won’t pick up the phone so I guess I’ll type this into the void. My bf and I were pirating a movie through his phone browser. He fell asleep and my finger accidentally swiped up in the tabs and I saw 4 tabs of engagement rings. Earlier today he was scrolling through his timeline and he kept getting ads for rings. I made a joke about it and he laughed it off too. Makes sense now. Anyway I feel really guilty for seeing it but also happy and excited.
No. 574238
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>>574200Just wait until you try laser. Love how smooth and bump-free it feels.
No. 574250
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Never followed the Onion drama, but I do casually lurk some /pt/ threads and holy shit that thread is absolutely cursed now.
No. 574271
>>574258BL is men written by and for women, so the men aren't realistic. then there are the common tropes and
problematic elements like most romance content. also it's something women ans teen girls like so viewed as trash, like how lesbian porn for the male gaze isn't demonized as much.
No. 574273
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>Be me
>Watch TV with family at dinner
>Detective/lawyer sort of series begins
>Mom dislikes it but she keeps watching
>There's this criminal who they call a goth
>She looks like a drug addict tho
>"Anon wants to look like her, she looks like her" mom says in a babytalk
>"Maybe with her hair like this" Mom says as she covers her eyes with hair
>Criminal was actually in drugs
>Mom realized that she had been saying that I look like someone on drugs
>Mfw this isn't even the first time my family had accidentally implied I'm ugly
I just want a qt goth bf and wear my purple t-shirts for god's sake.
No. 574370
I'm not even sure this should go here but whatever, I'm too tired to think rn. With the whole corona thing we started fostering dogs again since my mother had plenty of free time. She's gone back to work now, and the puppy (almost 3 months old) gets inconsolable when shes leaves the house without him in the mornings (~6am). It takes me almost an hour to calm him down, because he starts howling, crying, biting and destroying everything. Normal separation anxiety stuff. How the hell can I calm him down faster? Should I take him outside for a little walk so he gets distracted?
I obviously can't ignore him, we live in a flat and I don't want my neighbours to hate me more than they already do.
I'll get him calm, I leave him alone and the crying resumes again. We do this 3, 4 times until he finally falls asleep.
And honestly, I don't have the fucking patience for this either, I just want to get in bed again.
The rest of the day it's ok, if my mother or I leave he whines for a few minutes but then calms down, the only problem is in the mornings. My mum's schedule also changes every week, so even if he somehow got used to it tomorrow, he'll probably have forgotten no one is abandoning him in a few weeks time when she has morning shifts again.
Fuck, now I can't go back to sleep again.
No. 574382
>>574370I wonder if taking the dog on a walk before your mom leaves, and only bringing him back in after she is gone would help? Seems like it should be able to distract him. I'm assuming if the
trigger of seeing her leave in the morning does not happen, he will not be upset.
No. 574425
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I’m so fuckin sick of idiots ruining antique collecting by flooding the market with cheap Chinese shit made in 2002 acting like it’s a goddamn meakin collectible plate. It’s not even old. You can get this exact ornament at most dollar stores. Are the people calling them antiques retarded or hoping to prey on retards?!
No. 574440
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Posting this here bc the Cry /snow/ thread is basically too plagued for dumb laughs or memes
Fake positivity cultures are a (thankfully) dying cancer and it's such a relief to see one of the biggest ones from the oldschool YouTube days going up in flames
Burn baby burn!
The safespace bubble has finally popped and it's amusing to watch his fans squirm, bending completely backwards just to cope. The cognitive dissonance with some of them is absolutely unreal.
No. 574462
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why does every family in the uk have this tv stand
No. 574539
>>574462lmao I've never really thought about it but it's true. It's probably because it's cheap and it will fit a television, games console, sky box and a DVD player.
>>574470It sounds weird until it happens to you. I remember when I was a teenager I would read a post by some anon that mentioned their spouse and family, then think what sort of sad fuck would still posts on image boards when they're that old with children. Now someone probably thinks the same of me.
No. 574545
>>574470Never seemed crazy to me cause I grew up with teen mom friends and knew people who had kids in their early 20s way before they should have. I guess it really demystified my perspective early about parents having their shit together and being proper when that isn't necessarily true. I even put my own parents up on a pedestal until I truly became an adult and realized they were just as bad and full of their own shit.
We're all winging it, and that's the scary part.
>>574473I have a few teacher friends. Some them them really try their damndest to uphold the professional stereotype with maybe some nerdy 'quirks' but another is a straight up artsy occultist who fraternizes with the students and I find it hilarious. I suspect she's a chan poster based on her interests, but ultimately I don't care. I find people like her are interesting to me.
No. 574557
>>574382Tomorrow I'm gonna try doing this, he also usually poops around this hour so hopefully that's one less poop I'll have to clean from the floor lol
>>574418This is what I've read on practically every dog training website, if the walk thing doesn't work I'll get my mother to do this with him.
But anyway, we just got told this afternoon he got adopted :( they're taking him in two weeks, so even if the training doesn't work I'll just have to put up with only two more sleepless nights.
I'm actually quite upset about him being adopted, I knew from the beginning we couldn't keep him because I'll be moving out next year and my mother doesn't have the time to take care of him with her current job, but she was starting to seriously consider keeping him, so I had a teeny tiny bit of hope left. Aah, fostering fucking sucks sometimes. I just wish the shelter had told us someone had asked to adopt him beforehand.
No. 574603
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frozen pineapple is so goddamn good i cant handle it
No. 574647
>>574425Anon, what are you talking about? That's one of those
rare Katzhutte. kek
No. 574672
>>574637Hell yeah Anon. I also decided not to shave my legs anymore. Earlier I was out in a knee long dress, some old guy sneered at me from afar and I'm a little satisfied my hairy legs probably weirded him out when I got closer.
I did have to thin them out a bit before being able to go out like that but it feels nice being ok with it.
No. 574703
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>>574462the fuck, I'm in Aus and have this ahahah WAT
do you guys also have this?
No. 574772
>>574769>>574763I feel like Im the only one on earth who prefers sims 4 and doesn't thin it's trash, kek.
I like Sims 3 but how the Sims look, the lagginess and a bunch of other shit always turned me off of it, way before Sims 4 came around.
I tried to play it recently and I can't go back, I love sims 4 but I think sims 3 is a better game. I just prefer sims 4, i like the way the sims looks, I like 70% of the expansion packs, I feel like there's some unique things in sims 4.
especially in Seasons and get together. I always mod my games to hell though, with all sims games.
No. 574775
>>574773That's another reason I like Sims 4 better then 3, I can use all my DLC travel between worlds and multitasking with little no lag on my shit computer.
I don't miss open worlds but I do miss cars, fucking retarded we don't have them yet
No. 574791
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I am generally pretty skeptical of … everything but i've been using tarot cards recently and idk it seems kind of interesting, it makes sense even though I know logically it's bogus.
any anons use tarot?
No. 574807
>>574791I dont use as absolute set in stone, I read the cards like a second opinion and see what they have to say
>>574806online shopping is another one
No. 574927
>>574772>>574773The problem with sims 3 is if you open something to view how much fps it's running at, it's running at like 250 fps. I have a gaming laptop and sims 3 lags every 5 seconds and my laptop is overheating. There's a program that limits sims 3 fps to 30 (I think you can change the limit); since I got that it runs wonderfully, the loading times are still a bit slow but not painfully slow (about 5 minutes I'd say). prefer sims 4 anyway though, it just looks better, but I play sims in the way that I let my sims just do whatever and I watch them, taking screenshots, so looking nice is important to me.
No. 574959
>>574958What the "society is kinder to women" meme actually means is that "society infantilizes women and treats them like children that can't survive on their own, make decisions or have intelligent thoughts". Sure you get to have a door held open for you or have someone carry shit for you or something but it's a very small benefit to receive for having to stand for constant belittling. Most men who go out of their way to help and please women are only looking for repayment in sex and/or a relationship so it's often an insincere gesture.
Also keep in mind that the so called "easy mode" exists only for the women who are considered attractive and docile in the eyes of the society. If you're more assertive or not that good looking you'll never get the favoring treatment.
No. 574960
>>574958Only conditionally. It's not just being a woman, but doing certain things that only women can do/would look weird if men did them.
Also: most women don't have a choice because the opposite of being treated kindly is not being treated average, but rude. So…yeah, you don't have a choice.
No. 574961
>>574959Do you think it's inherently infantilizing to help someone though? I feel like all people need help sometimes and in a way it's
usually easier to get that from strangers as a woman because men do not really help each other or express vulnerability (because of pressure from other men). I feel like in an idealized world people would be more inclined to help each other in general, not for men to stop 'helping' women to make it equal because it's inherently belittling. I don't think it's true that it's only women who are perceived to be attractive because I feel like you see this a lot with young men and middle age/older women who they are unlikely to have a sexual interest in
No. 574964
>>574958I mean men ask me if they can give me a ride when they see me walking down the street, sure, but what are the chances of them murdering me if I get in the car?
They offer to help me more often, yes, but statistically I am also more likely to be murdered by a man so I think it evens out.
No. 574966
>>574958I wouldn't say it's "kinder", but I think we should consider that women may be more likely to be helped because we're flat-out not as dangerous as men. Even crime statistics reflect this.
Do a man a favor, there's a 50/50 chance he will turn it against you, even if you're also a man. Do a woman a favor, 99% of the time, nothing happens.
Most men who get attacked are
victims of other men.
No. 574974
>>574966I agree with this but I was mostly thinking about things that are like in public/broad daylight so while it's definitely part of it I don't think the sole or main reason men don't help each other is that they view each other as dangerous but more so that society is less likely to view men as vulnerable/helpless. But obviously I don't think viewing women as inherent
victims who
need to be helped even when they are perfectly capable themselves is good either, which I guess this 'kindness' can sometimes fall into, but I don't feel like it is inherently sexist.
No. 574980
>>574977Ime men think that tattooed/pierced women are sluts and that's the only real judgement going through their heads, not intimidation.
I'm fairly boyish in how I present, both clothes to hair. I have tattoos though and I'm convinced they're the only reason men come on to my (gay) ass. Like guys, I have sci fi tattoos everywhere because I'm obsessed with a particular film, not because I'm a massive whore or a porn star.
No. 574995
>>574978Yeah, good point. Still, I don't want to go around scaring kids and grannies just to dismantle a stereotype.
>>574980>Ime men think that tattooed/pierced women are sluts and that's the only real judgement going through their heads, not intimidation.Yeah I guess you're right. But hey, if it helps keep at least some of the douchebags away…
No. 575006
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>>574981I can already hear the antis/minors yelling at us for being pedos because ~*~*the characters are 15*~*~ despite the fact that many of us were around that age when TWEWY first came out.
No. 575010
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I just read some article about how posing and light affects photos bodybuilders take and how to pose for best photos but the bodybuilder was so cute and now I feel weird, his body is wonderful but his face is so cute, I feel so bad when I remember he's a real person and is unaware some stranger somewhere is staring at his photo. The photos when he's flexing look weird though, I like him best when he is not flexing. Oh god I'm such a creep and when I remember men are 100 times more creepy than me I feel sick. Please you have to see him too so I'm not the only one. what is it with the url being half the article long
No. 575124
>>575096Thank you anon. I struggled with coming to terms with this because I do have a lot of fond memories of them and struggle even more with how maybe I am blowing things out of proportion but looking back on it at the age I am now it was an inappropriate relationship.
I really hope that they didn't put anyone else in a similar situation too
No. 575205
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I don’t want to get banned for blogposting/derailing on snow so I guess I’ll just post my thoughts here about Jenna leaving.
I know she’s an internet personality, and what she shows on camera is only a small glimpse of what’s she’s like, and is probably a very heavily controlled view of what you can see of her, but FUCK. She has always felt pretty genuine to me, especially compared to what a lot of other content creators with the same notoriety as her. I’m glad that she got to be given a platform of her size, and then just used to just put out shitpost videos of her dogs or whatever tickled her fancy that week. She never had to capitalize on drama or someone else’s failure to land herself on the trending page. She took a god damn nap and still hit trending. She isn’t perfect, but she was a good role model on how to grow as a person, how to own up to past mistakes without skirting around anything, and how to make good content without raising hell around you (I guess whether it’s good depends on your taste but I found it all enjoyable). She might not have asked to be a role model for anyone, but with 20m subs, you are one whether you like it or not, and I don’t think she disappointed on that front. She knows she has influence, and chose to use that influence to just bring good times to her audience. I know there are other good content creators out there who also make wholesome content and I like them too, but Jenna in particular holds a special place in my heart.
Part of me hopes she’ll come back, but part of me hopes that she doesn’t so she can just live a nice and quiet life. Sorry for being a sperg, I just really enjoy her content and I’ll probably continue to just replay all her old videos like I always do.
No. 575207
>>575205When/Where did she announce she was leaving?
I have pretty much the same thoughts on her as you and I feel so sad to hear about this. She honestly felt relatable to me, and I loved her dog videos.
No. 575212
>>575205Holy shit, I had no idea cancel culture shit had gotten this bad. I assume Jenna's a good person and took all the criticism to heart, but taking down her old gendered what boys and girls do videos is a big move. I get being tired but damn she posted herself crying. I'm glad she addressed being called an unproblematic queen because she's had her past.
In my opinion, (though I understand wanting to take down old
problematic videos) they should be left up somehow. The event still exists, seems to me like trying to hide the past. And filming yourself crying is raw, but honestly for something like this it should be avoided if possible. I do agree she'll probably be back or make a new channel.
No. 575230
>>575212What exactly happened here? I didn’t see anyone cancelling her, afaik there was no #jennamarblesisoverparty trending tag. I’m sure you can always find someone on twitter angrily shouting into the void about how she made racist videos 10 years ago but it’s not like there was a massive internet hate mob pelting her with metaphorical rotten fruit. She should’ve just silently privated her old videos and made a corny notes app “I’m not the same person anymore” apology on twitter. With all the waterworks and the dramatic “I’m leaving youtube” stuff it comes off like she’s victimizing herself. Even if it wasn’t intentional her fans definitely took it that way, look at the comment section. It’s that’s filled with whataboutisms and “cancel culture is
toxic it needs to end!!!” nonsense.
No. 575231
>>574895yes! the og sims and sims 2 both had an air of weirdness to them and i fucking loved it. now the game seems too…i don't know, easy? like…happy?
i miss the weird phonecalls you'd get in sims 1, i miss the drama you could create in sims 2 (and the drama that was already created for us to work with). sims 4, while i play it and love it still, just feels too…perfect world-y.
No. 575239
>>575233Then why is literally every comment on the video reeeeing about her being cancelled and how much she doesn’t deserve it? I know stans will be stans, but I think the tone of her video is at least partially responsible for the absolute flood of “poor widdle Jenna did nothing to deserve this, the evil pitchfork-waving SJWs are trying to run her off the internet!” type comments. It’s great that she addressed it without having to be told, but I feel like there was a better way to do it.
>>575236I see, I don’t follow her so I don’t know much about her social medias but it makes sense that she would address it on the platform where she has the most followers.
No. 575251
>>575247wasn't there drama between her and shane a while ago because of his uh…'humor'? this would be way back in the youtube years so i could be wrong.
speaking of shane, i wonder if he'll say something about HIS old videos because of this…
No. 575308
>>575235 Hard agree
I also cringed when she said “people suffer with gender identity” you mean 14 year olds?
No. 575313
>>575290Did you post about that here, anon?
I vaguely remember reading something about this (with images) and it may have been on here.
No. 575318
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>>575313lol yeah I did
This is another image that bothers me and makes me feel anxious. I'm scared of repetitive patterns now.
No. 575333
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I have been soft-following this cow for a while on Tumblr, nothing too big since the cow is only milky at moments, and because their followers asspat them 24/7 the milk goes dry until something else happens and the cow forces themselves to get more asspats. But just a few months ago the cow got into a fight with a kid, despite the cow being an adult. The kid leaked information and stuff had been milkier than usual, now more people had joined into the train on calling out the cow.
Just a few hours ago I look out their blog and they had been doing some passive-agressive vent posts about their traumas, and how that somehow allows them to stalk minors because that's going to "Save them and teach them UwU" (Despite being okay with being friends with another minor who posted nudes for ~body positivity~) with a few hints of wanting to delet all their social media accounts.
This was quite a ride, now I am here just watching the storm from distance. It was fun but I guess the milk is about to end.
No. 575357
>>575352make your needs known, jesus. masturbating while your guy is scrolling through facebook is pathetic. he doesn't have to make you cum while he's erect if it does take you that long but at least ask him to do it after he cums… you can't let your partners feel like they don't have to make you cum ever.
you're feeling bitter because you're fostering this dysfunctional system.
No. 575368
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I haven’t slept in 20+ hours and I have to drive for 8 hours straight today. Don’t even have time for a short nap.
No. 575371
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>>575347Their nickname is Cinnabun, they are active on many blogs but the most milky one is sweetkincafe.
Like I said, the milk only comes when an anon ask something that they get salty about or when a drama happens so they decide on shoehorn themselves into it.
Pic related, is old but the newer posts aren't different, I believe this one happened because a game character was "gay coded" but just their braindead asspaters believe that, so they got a meltdown (aka they are a fujo but they have to be holier than you by calling it coding)
But I guess it doesn't really matters now, still interested on the final meltdown.
No. 575373
>>575357You're right, I was pretty doormat-y with that dude but he was my first ever partner and a decade older so I just thought that is how it's supposed to go. When he did try making me cum he was getting so angry that I just faked it. The other man I've slept with was the same, even worse, maybe I just attract this type. Also I just feel weird and bad asking for stuff.
>>575364Same anon, I can't cum from penetration either. Your man seems very attentive to your pleasure too. So lucky lol. When I talked about toys with my ex (kinda) he got extremely irritation and was like 'Am I not enough?' well, of course you're not lmao.
No. 575445
>>575438I know it was dumb of me, and we've had issues of strangers in our building before (none caused any harm but it's still alarming), but I felt like I had no choice. He stood right in front of the front door, with hands on the handle, refused to even budge out of the way when I took out the keys to unlock it, and barely shuffled a step to the side when I was opening the door. The way we were positioned/how he refused to move made it so he was the first to get in as soon as the door was unlocked. I would've grilled him some more (asking him what's his business, if he lives here, etc) if I wasn't pressed for time to get ready for work/had my dog trying to wrangle out of my arms. I really would've gone in via the side entrance if I could have, but again, it was locked (it's the basement entrance, and the basement is only accessible via this entrance or the elevator from indoors, and the elevator access has to be manually turned on by maintenance so it's not like I could have called my parents to come down and open it for me from the inside).
>>575442The dude was really old and in pajamas and more than thinking of him as a potential threat, I wondered if he had dementia or something and was just lost. This was really early in the morning so I can only wonder if he just got lost while going out to buy something (since he had a small bag of chips and was walking from the direction where there's some corner shops)
No. 575509
>>575491This is a good point. I feel like we are taught to suddenly start trusting men again once they hit their 60s.
I moved house a couple years ago and I now have a butthurt 65 year old neighbour who seems to think I owe him my time. Wish i had never entertained any conversation with him. He got real pissy with me lately because I don't stand around and talk to him like I used to. I caught too many glances up and down my body while we spoke.
No. 575523
>>575515Since 2016 lmfao, so quite a while. and she's back with the girl she had cheated on me with, but she also cheated on her with me. so, she just cheats on everyone basically.
im not like interested in dating. we were best friends all throughout high school and i miss having someone who just understood me. i dont have that anymore and it's lonely.
maybe i just want confirmation she's shitty too lol.
No. 575528
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>>575426Thank you so much anon!
No. 575549
>>575534Thanks, anon! It’s like being apart of the con, and then getting conned yourself. Lesson learned.
I’m just glad I didn’t message her anything sentimental. Only, “what’s up fucker, it’s anon” so she can take that how she wants kek
No. 575576
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quit my warehouse job after two weeks. the money was good and i prolly needed it more than id like to admit.
but the work was borderline slavery. i was being consistently sexually harassed. and my mental health deteriorated real quick.
not only that there were no real precautions to stop the spread of covid in that hot smelly place. there was a day it was so bad i fainted. i still feel dumb as shit for quitting how tf im gonna make money now.
No. 575585
>>575576Sorry to hear this! I dunno if the virus made everyone worse or what, but i'm working a new job (first day was today) and when i mentioned my spouse was asian, my coworker who i just met an hour ago legit was like 'tell her ching chong' from me and i was floored. i dunno if i should tell management. i'm honestly just so shocked to see that disgusting behavior so blatant…
Your mental health is more important than anything anon. You can probably still go on unemployment for a few weeks until you find something. i'm just so sick of this world right now
No. 575593
>>575136I think of God as being a neutral, sentient type of matter/energy that is mostly preoccupied with creation and gaining experience/knowledge. Every living thing is an embodiment of that matter, and humans can do what they want with their fill of it.
To me it's like we are living in a simulation, "God" created everything so that it can just play out infinitely and it can learn from that. It makes me feel powerful thinking that because then that means that I'm not at the whim of anything really, it's up to me to decide who I want to be during this "play through".
Some people choose to be evil. They focus their intent on being cunts wether they know it or not. They inflict pain, and live painful lives. I choose to focus my intent on other things, and my life is generally fairly interesting and fulfilling, even with the past traumas and current bullshit that comes with day to day life.
I really think God exists in the sense that there is something that is "aware" in this universe. I just really think it's cognition is beyond our concept of good, evil, etc. It just exists. Humans are lucky to notice the presence, because like I said, that offers up the opportunity to do something with it.
I understand how woo this might come across, but I've been lots of things in my life, including a hardcore atheist, and going fairly deep into spirituality is what really changed the game for me.
No. 575599
>>575525I get so frustrated with people like that. My doctor said they don't really diagnose for fibro anymore so I just have "persistent pain" but it's basically the same thing and I totally get the struggle, but there's sooooo much you can do to dramatically improve your pain and other symptoms if you just give half a shit about yourself and put some effort in.
All of those symptoms can largely be managed by eating well, vitamins, exercise, rest, acupuncture, stress management etc.. etc… yet some people over here doing fuck all and then acting like they're so brave and uwu fragile. I was following a couple instagram pages at one point that were fibro related and holy fuck, the whining and
victim mentality shit was mind blowing. Don't want anything to do with people like that.
No. 575623
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>>575622here is a reply to shatter your paranoia anon!
No. 575625
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>>575622I have the same anxiety, I feel like I might have been shadowbanned or maybe the way I say things is the issue but honestly IDK what the answer is, I'm glad there is someone else who feels the same way, stay safe anon.
No. 575630
>>575622I have this weird-ass superstition that the farm gives as much as you give to it. Say I get no replies on something I really want to know - the next time I see something I can give a knowledgable and detailed reply/answer to, I post it. After that, next time I post, I get feedback.
Otherwise, people just have nothing to add most of the time, anon. You're good, probably.
No. 575709
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>>575699I think trypophobia is such a meme lol. A lot of the typical trypophobia images don't bother me more than usual such as the lotus pods photoshopped onto human skin. I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the images, but I never was, and I think it's normal to not like body horror. On the other hand, some images bother me more.
It's really hard to explain but I've developed a bad reaction to pictures of repetitive patterns in general. For example, the bottom picture makes me somewhat anxious even though it's so innocent.
No. 575800
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>>575709Kind of reminds me of how the weird tree trunks in Minecraft used to irk me really bad for some reason. Couldn’t find a better picture.
No. 575877
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>>575862I'm glad others know the struggle. If I ever do get my dream house one day, you can come over and drink tea with me in my cute garden surrounded by flowers and those twee animal statues grandmas love.
No. 575908
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>girls are so hot im pretty sure im gay
>same i want a butch gf so bad
>ew no
No. 575912
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This is still bizarre to me. This whole time she was rising up in her career, I never actually noticed how much work she did to her face. I only started noticing now when her face started looking super bloated. She must have felt like she wasnt being taken as seriously and wanted to remove the ditzy cutesy Cat image so she did her face all stoic and RBF. I feel like especially lately as of 2019-2020 her face has bloated up and shes looking a little rough. The extra tanning has made her look leathery and dry too. It's another reason why I think fillers kinda make your original features worse.
No. 575975
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I was so bored on Vyvanse I took out my old high school math textbook and did some exercises. I miss being good at math, idk I loved the feeling of finally "getting it" for the first time.
No. 576004
>>575987People only shit on kpop groups when they're a fan of other groups though, it definitely attracts stans. People who don't care for kpop at all won't know enough about any groups to hate them, meanwhile fans are competitive and love a chance to criticize anyone other than their favs.
That said I do kinda wish the kpop thread was up solely so we could talk shit about Blackpink's new "song" kek.
No. 576012
>>575987>criticising kpop fans / idolsDon't forget the stans trying their hardest to defend their faves while pretending to not like them so they don't get called out on it, acting all annoying and smug until they got banned (and even after that, they still ban evaded), turning the entire discussion into racebait or pointless arguing because someone dared to criticize their fave, posting pictures of already highly anorexic looking idols and calling them shit like "whale" and acting like they're way better than them, never learning how to sage and attracting a lot of Twitterfags who never stuck to the rules, etc.
You know the drill.
I used to lurk on there from time to time and ever since it got closed down it's like the content on /m/ has become nth times better.
No. 576020
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I know this is a joke, but is it like…an accurate outlook for straight women? I feel like it'd make sense.
I'm bi, and have always liked attractive/effeminate men. I don't get how any woman can feel sexual attraction toward men like Seth Rogen, Sam Hyde, or sh0eonhead's boyfriend.
No. 576022
Go there. Enjoy.
No. 576044
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tfw no muscular meaty girlfriend who'll let me sleep on her chest and hold me close while i doze off and feel comfy around her thick arms
why even live
No. 576082
>>576064Roastie is one of the funniest words in the english language to me and its etymology is so retarded I cannot imagine the cringe of someone using it seriously on like, an interpersonal level.
>>575912Wow I knew she had a lot of work done but that side by side is insane, she did a good job of doing it gradually and tastefully for the most part. Obviously it was for her career but there's something sad about the idea of not ever getting to see how your natural face would have matured from a teenager into a young adult.
No. 576084
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I used to be a manager at a large coffee shop in a major city. I had to kick so many people out for the most insane shit, and called the cops several times when the people started getting crazy/violent (which happened a surprising number of times). If I still worked there, I have no doubt I'd be on the front page of reddit at some point as Starbucks Karen.
No. 576095
>>576020Was going to say "I like unconventionally attractive tiny rat men" but I'm a female-leaning bisexual and am uninterested in perfect women, too. It adds interest when someone has "bad" bone structure, a big nose, imperfect teeth, etc.
I think other replies are also
valid, but for a few they may just have weird aesthetic tastes. I may be mistaken, but female monsterfuckers who want to fuck genuine monsters are more common than men (who mainly like uwu monstergirlz), so…women are either more full of love or have a wider range of taste.
No. 576099
>>576084Good job escaping before it was too late.
Got any crazy clients anecdotes?
No. 576258
>>576252Is it weird that I have a planned out reaction just in case I ever run into one of those 'girl you should smile!' men?
I plan on replying that my mother dropped dead that morning and it was all very sudden and I'm in terrible shock.. Maybe that's fucked up but she is actually dead and I am depressed over it so lol
No. 576263
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My dad received death threats from our crazy neighbor bitch, saying she would "shoot him in the middle of his face" and now I am fearing for his life cause she's a right winger nut and I highly believe she's a gun owner
And yes, police is getting involved but it's very slow and shitty and bureaucratic and I don't think it will amount to anything
No. 576283
>>576241This happened to me. I had to wear earplugs constantly when I lived with her for various
triggers. It’s such a stupid “condition” but it’s real; whenever I heard one of them I’d get so angry I’d start punching myself in the head as hard as I could out of pure rage but with nowhere to really direct it or anything. IDK. It’s not something she can even control because I told her about it multiple times and to please stop and she had no idea what I was talking about. So I just looked like a psychopath.
I hate to say it but moving away was such a blessing 80% because of this shit. I can handle it easier irl now if she visits though it’s still annoying.
No. 576343
One day i'll be like "thank u jesus for making me so effortlessly cute UwU" and the next day i'll be thinking "i need to spend at least 10000$ on plastic surgery to live like a normal person; no wonder people always avoid me"
No. 576402
>>576401Sounds like you just went from one unhealthy extreme and being influenced by a
toxic online community to another extreme and being influenced by a different
toxic online community.
No. 576407
>>576401that's really good to hear anon, i hope that you only continue to grow and progress as a person in control of yourself this way. i'm sorry you've had such experiences with awful men, this is a huge turning point for you. like
>>576406 says though, try not to become very drawn to another extreme and make sure to focus on bettering your mental health too. all the best
No. 576414
>>576410Yeah I think they feel like they are like the only exception and the One True
Victim or something who had no fault in the situation and are =very keen to criticise everyone else who they do not extend this delusion to. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves idk.
No. 576450
>>576440this. There's a lot of users who (very obviously) come from twitter, reddit, pull, or tumblr.
>>5764398chan is a mess because that's what happens when you give users, that even /trash/ wouldn't fucking want, a board of their own.
No. 576456
>>576451I do when you reuse the same phrases with same wordings over and over. Hey maybe you
all share a single brain cell and live like a mold colony, in which case, my mistake.
No. 576466
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I think my extreme jealousy/anger towards other women was partly just low self esteem but also the possibility that I was attracted to them but wouldn’t let myself admit it. I’ve been increasingly having more and more fantasies about women, and back when I used to watch porn I would exclusively watch girls. I thought I didn’t like lesbian porn but I think it was because it was fake and male gazey. The actual idea of sex with a woman is very very appealing to me and I really want to be with a beautiful girl.
No. 576476
I'm the anon who didn't know how to get my foster dog to stop crying after my mother left for work. Newton got adopted last week, and went to his family on Saturday. I had grown very, very attached to him and I've been crying since I got told he was adopted. I kind of was consoled thinking that he was going to be happy with them, but I just saw a picture of the family with Newton and I just… This sounds very judgemental, since the only thing I know about these people is from this picture, but I just know they're not the right family for him. My mother thinks exactly the same. Maybe we're just clinging to the very small chance that they will find him too difficult and they will send him back with us. But I've always trusted my intuition, it has rarely failed me. The way they were dressed (rich/posh kids who have never gotten told no), the way they were holding him (he's very heavy, they were holding him by his upper legs with no support on his back legs whatsoever), his body language, his scared look, everything about that picture just made me want to cry. I know Newton had two very chaotic and traumatic days, but I just look at the 1st pic I took with him, right after coming home, and the difference is huge. He was relaxed, happy and never, not even a second, looked scared.
He has a really strong character, he's stubborn and doesn't listen, he has A LOT of energy and gets anxious/a bit aggressive when he hasn't been outside for a while. He needs someone who is even more stubborn and has more character than him, or else he's going to be a nightmare when he grows up and gets stronger (He's a mastiff). He also looooves going hiking and being in the mountains, the boys in the picture look like they haven't stepped outside of the center of the city they live in.
I don't know anons, I just worry so much about Newton. I got very attached to him, I've been having horrible anxiety since he left because I just wanted to know he was going to be in good hands, but the only thing I've done since I saw who adopted him is worry even more. I just get the feeling the moment Newton starts to misbehave the way he did with us, or bites them the way be bites me (I have bruises all over my legs and bite marks everywhere) or grows much more than they expected, they're just going to send him back to the shelter.
Fuck, I might just be delusional. Who knows, I just want him to be happy like he was with us.
No. 576492
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Did Markiplier get lipo? Why can't these rich youtube game screechers afford a personal trainer and a nutritionist?
No. 576522
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be swat team member, see this what do ?
No. 576536
Please, full story?
Why should we care? Who's the furry. Why were they swatted?
No. 576540
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>>576539no, they're dumbbells
No. 576572
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Maybe it’s because I’m an autist but it took a fucking cartoon with well written female characters who have a real relationship to help me fully realize that I could see myself having an intimate relationship with a woman. Kind of lame that it had to be fictional media to get me here but I think I internalized this idea that wlw relationships were either pure fetish fodder or for comedy.
>>576565Proud of you anon, take me with.
No. 576590
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>>576572This is so cringe but I was and still am enamored with the idea of being gay doing crimes with my gal pals like Gotham city sirens lolll
No. 576599
>>576584Libfem-ish in what way? Do they all screecn troon rights every second or
I remember people were forcing the writers to make PoisonQuinn canon kek
No. 576695
>>576563>is writing actually that tiring?It can be pretty mentally draining, yeah.
Unrelated, what's the software she's using to write? I'm still using MSWord and this one looks nicer to write in.
No. 576778
>>576769I got furloughed just last week but tbh I only made a few friends I would consider to be cool. The rest seemed to be nose-turning elitists (ironically the militant white BLM crowd lol). Back at the retail job, everyone was so close since we were all in that shit together.
We'd do this thing where we had to turn our backs to the customer to put their order into the register, and we'd mutter things to each other like, "this fucking bitch wants a single cookie during a holiday rush" or "kill me now and bury me in the back," I remember these moments fondly.
No. 576798
>>576692How do you even do that? Also don't cut your cuticles. Just push them down.
>>576644Oooo Anon who is she? Give us a hint!
No. 576806
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my proudest moment was when I made a monte carlo simulation to solve the monty hall problem and named the function montycarlo, you don't have to tell me I'm a comedy genius I know it already
No. 576821
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>>575205I feel you anon. I love that picture of marbles, he's such a good baby boy
No. 576920
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>>576821I basically lose my mind over how fucking cute Marbles is. I have the same birthday as him, and when Jenna uploaded a video on his/my birthday last year that focused on just him trying on different outfits, it felt like the best god damn indirect and unintentional birthday present I had ever received. I love chihuahuas already, but Marbles makes me extra-love them and I want one so bad (to the dismay of literally everyone in my life lol I know they're just overgrown rats, but idgaf).
No. 576933
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>>576927I hope to one in the future!! I have a dog right now but she's not friendly to other dogs. I really hope I can adopt or maybe even just foster senior chihuahuas!
No. 577034
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>Be me
>Stressed as fuck
>Usually watch porn to calm myself
>Follow these twitter artists for porn
>Instead of porn the last few posts are reposts of protest stuff
>It looks weird seen a BLM post next to some ahegao yaoi drawings but ok
>Mfw artists hasn't upload anything new to keep with the protests stuff
>Mfw no new porn
>Mfw still stressed as fuck
No. 577056
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I ordered Vodka on a delivery app under the 'Spirits' category and the restaurant gave me a Vodka and Sprite. I complained because I actually ordered a full bottle of vodka. They then sent me the full bottle with a 6-pack of Sprite. I think whoever handles the app doesn't know what a Spirit is and it's really stupid and kinda cute to me.
No. 577155
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>>576518/cow/ is just low quality. its annoying when someone on lolcow accuses me of being a scrote just because i linked a male youtuber to explain some drama. but at least there's a sense of decency and morals on here. /cow/ is just a mess of shitposting.
i just went there to check it out again, and i found this thread about a psycho tranny named chijo. he was part of the whole reiko drama on /r9k/ a while ago. i personally didnt follow any of that but why didnt we have a proper thread on it? there was a lot of sick stuff that the retards on /cow/ and 4chan didnt document properly.
seeing chijo say in discord that he wants to “fuck a 12 year old” and getting other users to cut themselves is horrifying, and its infuriating to know hes probably walking free allowed to do whatever and have a job when people get cancelled and fired for way less. reminds me of that ross cow who admitted he wanted to rape kids and was found to be working with PRESCHOOLERS not too long after. like wtf? do people not do background checks outside of twitter anymore?
No. 577212
>>577155>/cow/ is just low qualityIt never used to be. I browsed the board back when it was 888chan. Then it was a small group of people following Chrischan, pedo trannies and general weirdos. The time period from when /cow/ went to 8ch to about 2016 was the last time /cow/ was good. Jahans, Peter Coffin, Nick Bates, Nick Nyberg and all the assorted cows that came from gamergate.
>why didnt we have a proper thread on it?I'm guessing that it's because these days finding a tranny posting about how he wants to fuck children is so common that it's not interesting any more, it's just depressing.
No. 577299
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I'm 3 weeks on keto and my birthday is in two weeks. I want to break it to eat Dunkaroos because they were my ultimate childhood snack and now that they're back I can't help myself but want to eat an entire box instead of a birthday cake.
No. 577328
>>577323same, i listened to it exactly 6 times
that's some queen shit
No. 577348
I was watching a dumb video and there was a metal vocalist screaming and his voice keeps breaking, like going from screams to normal singing. It must be painful and frustrating but it was so cute, as if his actual self was showing from under his angry scary shell, I hate that I sound so patronizing (I don't know if that's even the right word) but waaaaaah it was so cute
>>577334Wow I love your cat, please pet her for me.
No. 577354
Okay, I need to get this out, I wasn't sure in which thread shall I post this but I guess this one fits the most, but I am still angry as hell so I'm sorry if I mess up my grammar, but to be honest, I don't care anymore.
I will start a Tumblr account, won't get into detail about what the blog will be about but the point of it is to have more contact with my online friends, I am tired of this cancel culture crap because many of them have been attacked because Muh shipping, that coded this, that you are whatever-phobic-cist that, and I am tired of just sending anon asks and not doing anything better than that, I want to help them and god if I will have any more tolerance towards that garbage again.
I don't care if some asshole will send their snowflakes to send me threats or anything like that, they can waste their time being a bunch of bitter bastards if they want, if I care about dissapointing someone those are my friends, not some gender special manchildren who cry about opression.
Maybe my little non-special blog won't make the difference but like I said, I am tired of pretending to be happy and not doing something, and if the site nukes my blog, to bad I can always make a new one, this is enough.
No. 577358
>>577348Which metal vocalist is it?
I like metalcore/hardcore and honestly guys getting those little voice cracks is so cute. Voice cracks in general are cute.
Btw i dont know if you'd like it but type "oli sykes voice crack diamonds arent forever" to youtube, that one always gives me a chuckle
No. 577388
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>>577383Open wide anon, here comes the airplane~
No. 577393
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thinking about nutty putty cave again
No. 577435
>>577408I agree so much. I don’t KNOW why my SO can’t keep our home clean. I don’t know if it’s his ADHD, his lack of father figure and
abusive mom, or just his gender. He’s not a manchild and our communication is great. But cleaning is just something he… won’t do? It’ll be fine for a few weeks when I bring it up but it always reverts to me doing most of the work.
I kind of wish I had nothing else to worry about and could just be a housewife. I’d gladly keep the house clean for 100% of the time rather than 75% while also putting in 100% of the effort in reminding my SO to do his chores. But I don’t want to live off one income and risk giving him financial control.
No. 577457
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>>576993I've already made it a thing
No. 577602
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most of the threads i follow on snow are suddenly poppin' and i'm having a grand ol' time at work today
No. 577645
>>576933Chihuahuas are a superior lap dog and no one can tell me otherwise.
Definitely don't listen to the weirdos who sperg about small dogs anon, senior Chihuahuas are the sweetest.
Also rats are cute too anon, I have two. I would argue Chihuahuas are a bit dumber.
No. 577685
>>577661How is that possible ?
American people are fugly, any foreigner is a 10 in America, so how can Americans compete? doesn’t make sense lmao
No. 577715
Hate autocorrect
No. 577718
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Joined a small artist Discord and holy shit, not what I was expecting. The original post just made it seem like a chill place but they have a whole banned fandoms list, called a Mexican show runner ‘too white’ to be working in her show, said white people watching The Boondocks was the equivalent of a modern day minstrel show, if you’re black with a white parent you ‘don’t count’, flipped shit on someone posting banned fandom artwork in the banned fandom channel and called them a freak a bunch of times until they left, and talked about how a 15 year old black artist was drawing his lips too big.
No. 577747
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I don't know a thing about this anime but holy fucking shit am I obsessed with this woman.
I want her to snap my back into place and use me as a weight
No. 577828
>>577718Sounds too cancerous for words. I'm glad I quit art, so many artists are only chasing clout and don't give a fuck about actually making and discussing art. On the other hand I'd love to witness this shit in real time and troll the entire discord for fun.
>>577722Right on the head though, Most of the
trigger-happy, insane SJWs have literally no control over their life or what happens in it IRL. They're often on disability and survive on social benefits, have anxiety and depression and can't stop the coffee shop barista from ~misgendering~ them. They have to take it all out, including their desire to control, online. And because they're lazy assholes they go straight to the shock material like crying racism/whateverphobia over trivial things instead of addressing complex issues in a constructive matter.
No. 577856
>>577393same anon I was just telling a friend about this. do you have any more horrifying cave stuff? weirdly fascinated
there's an amazing story in Koji Suzuki's Dark Water called "Forest Under The Sea" about something really similar, you might like it.
No. 577857
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Pray for me you guys, i just sent an email for my professor asking if i could do my midterm exam again because i had missed it for a week.
No. 577876
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I feel so disorientated by everything going on in the world right now. The US Simulation Program needs updating. Social media is a weird exercise in high strangeness. The press is on a moralistic crusade to find the Nazi in you, because apparently we are all guilty of…something. You guys seem to be cognizant of this shit but other people either got mental AIDS or are apathetic and don’t care. What is real anymore?
No. 577887
>>577876Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
No. 577911
>>577884I get wanting to be confident but it sounds overly contrarian to protest misogyny by going straight towards the other extreme.
Women have internalized misogyny because of insecurities and a need to be liked and accepted by others, in this case males.
No. 577946
My coworker keeps trying to tell me to keep my head up in regards to job hunting. I feel awful, like a failure, that I might not have a job lined up after this one (temp job that's ending, on a current extension and not allowed to extend anymore). At the same time, I'm just trying to keep myself from blowing up. After all, when I left my last job, I also didn't have a job lined up. I just got so fed up with it. What felt like a lifetime later (was actually 2 weeks when I checked, but sure did feel like months lol), I got lucky and landed my current position.
I worry mostly because I want to have reliable income so I can have money to pay the bills if I need to. My dad just started working again, but it's only part time, and my mom is still looking for work. We got unemployment through my dad and that helped out a lot at least. It just sucks because he has a lot of credit card debt and I know that makes up a huge chunk of their monthly bills. I have enough saved up that I can 100% cover 2-3 months of bills, hopefully a little more now that my dad has some income coming in.
Shit sucks, but what can I even do? I'm applying wherever I can, contacting as many recruiters as I can. Well, at least if I leave without a job lined up, I'll take the time and maybe start studying programming while continuing my job hunt. Here's to hoping I'll catch my next lucky break sometime soon, and other anons in a similar position will too.
No. 577962
>>577797>tumblr radfem communityI know they browse here, but they should have a thread. That Elliot callout doc was extremely milky, and TD's antics are something else.
I'd do it myself if I knew enough details.
No. 578001
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>>577797Is that the tranny ex-mod whos pics were posted on /meta/ after their radfem? Is he still mad and clinging to relevancy a female community "accepted " him?
>2020>mod on a female site dedicated to nitpicking the anus hairs of e-thots>get kicked out for being a troon sperg>sperging about it nearly a year later on tumblr>still pretending to be a woman onlineImagine having this little of a life and nothing better to do than bragging about moderating this shit fest. Pic related, something he should consider. A worthy job for someone with his skill sets.
No. 578080
>>577704The best part is not having to even pretend to want to go anywhere.
I also love wearing a mask those few times when I do have to go out. Would like for that to be socially accepted permanently, at least during allergy season.
No. 578083
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>me on lolcow when anons agree with my posts
No. 578225
>>578219It's super easy, if you have a comal it makes it 100x easier as well. My mom has a big electric one so we made multiple at once.
Otherwise you just need some maseca, some salt, and water. Mix it well to where it's neither watery or gritty. Turn on the highest heat and wait for your pan or comal to get hot and then you can roll out your tortillas between plastic or whateva with a rolling pin. (Or a tortilla press if you have one)
Let your tortilla sit on the comal for like 10-30 seconds or until you can flip it with your fingers without it falling apart. Flip it occasionally until it puffs up in the middle and sides. Then you have a tortilla lol.
No. 578227
>>578225You could also make the masa yourself but that's a bit more time consuming.
Here's a dude doing a tutorial.
No. 578245
>>578233We're super Americanized, my parents aren't recent immigrants and have been in the United States for 30 years. My mom was always working growing up so she just bought them.
It's not like I've never had a homemade tortilla, my grandma makes them. I just wanted to learn so I could be the tortilla supplier for my family lmao
No. 578252
>>578217Happy for u anon
Homemade tortillas are the best! I’ll probably make now too
oof No. 578306
>>578285Yeah, how dare you, a woman, assert yourself in any situation regardless of how warranted it is. We all know that makes you a heinous bitch.
God, this Karen shit has become so blatantly misogynist it's not funny.
No. 578349
>>578327From day one I have been lost. I tried so hard to follow what was going on, but I swear to god it’s like all of his ex girlfriends have congregated with people who followed closely and they’re speaking in code.
All I’ve ever understood is he’s an abuser and ugly. That’s it.
No. 578441
>>575312I came here literally to post this same thing.
>You're a white woman with any opinion whatsoever? Karen! Fuck off Karen! Like I've seen it on makeup communities, now. Makeup.
I rather see wojacks at this point and I hate wojack.
No. 578442
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God I'm hoping this dumb cunt gets cancelled hard. The moment he started having woke tantrums on Twitter and especially after this infamous "TERFs are shit" tweet I knew this fuck had some shady shit under his belt, no man capes this hard without a history of committing abuse. I don't know why that is, but it always seems to be the case. I'm clinking some champagne glasses tonight anons, always trust your gut.
No. 578444
>>578442Every time
"The Male Feminist doth protest too much."
No. 578445
>>578442>>578444Here's the blog post his sister posted where she tells about what happened:
Of course his brother has jumped on to defend him and claiming that the sister is just crazy and lying because she has had to deal with mental illness for a long time. Oh man I wonder what kind of trauma caused this? Maybe getting repeatedly raped as a child doesn't exactly help you grow up into a stable, well-adjusted person?
No. 578461
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Colour calibration is retarded, why the fuck can't they make screens display the same colours, at least put the effort in to not make my pinks on my computer look pink and yellow on my phone
>Tfw I like my drawings on my computer but they look like ass on my phone
No. 578462
>>578451They make it as difficult and obtrusive as possible as a deterrent. They don't want people going through with deactivation. If someone just says "fuck it" and decides not to use their amazon for a year or so, they're still more likely to come back in the future to purchase on amazon, compared to a person with no existing amazon account and no intention to ever buy through there. Same logic and process follows with retail stores and their specific credit cards.
There's data on this and it ought to be illegal.
On an unrelated bitch about amazon: I was trying to buy my friend a birthday gift on that shithole website, but when I opened up reviews they were consistently terrible despite maintaining a 4-4.5/5 star at face value. The people rating well literally said shit like "I don't care that my item didn't come with everything pictured, still love it!" Lmao, is Jeff Bezos trying to brainwash people into thinking we should overpay for shit products and then be happy that we didn't even get everything we ordered?! Fucking idiot.
I went ahead and bought my friend a customized item from a US seller on etsy and I feel like it was a much better choice.
No. 578495
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I'm stuck in my hometown for covid and now that I have to get a job I just wish video stores were still a thing. It's always been my dream to work at one for some reason. I just want a chill retail job so I can have fun being a loser
No. 578501
>>578495I love that pic for multiple reasons lol
I have a gen X cousin who worked at Blockbuster, retail paid his college student life in the 90's. He said it was the best time, like irl Clerks.
No. 578505
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the Cryaotic thread was always so fucking lame and even now when there’s ACTUAL milk of him creeping on fans they still can’t resist being the most annoying motherfuckers to congregate in a single thread since the kpop threads, they are clearly fans and not farmers
No. 578577
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Finally made a tik tok and im going to live my myspace scene queen dreams as an egirl, honestly im tired of being afraid of being "cringe" and missing the fun things in my youth, im 20, i shouldn't be ashamed of lypsinc and fishnets.
No. 578614
>>578528No but it's "cute" when he retweets tweets stating he's a better woman than cis women, which you can see the scrote truly believes.
It/he's gross and people on that thread can point it out till the cows come home.
No. 578623
>>578613ah yes read some jane austen drinking wine like a 50 year old single mom, don't forget scrolling lolcow!
your life must be so fun
No. 578639
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On Amazon this "Brittney Spears" wallet has Flandre and Remilia Scarlet on it.
No. 578641
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>>578639I was also looking at Kigurumis and this horrific Belle Delphine-esque sissy face mask came up in the search
No. 578643
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>>578641And this pig fetus came up when I was looking up "animal crossing merch"
No. 578645
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>>578643And finally what I think is a transformation fetish story on the reviews for a liquid foundation
No. 578653
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Im using a fairly older iphone model, the pink SE from 2016.
I def recomend getting a brand new older model, they still work absolutely fine and i've only started having battery problems after like 3 years of use, I think you can get an 6S or 7 pretty affordably.
I know apple is overpriced shit but damn IOS beats android to the ground, I love this little phone so much.
No. 578821
>>578791Anon please tell me you're not over 20 because this shit is genuinely retarded.
Don't ever do this again, buy a nice vibrator and read some erotica or something.
No. 579133
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I know some trans people like to be called they/them/their, but aren't those plural??
No. 579202
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>>577323Someone please link me this shit.
No. 579228
>>578285>>578306>>578317Update on my situation. I was called bitch straight to my face today from the same establishment. I wasn’t even there to complain, I was just there to pick up my package. At this point any guilt I have been feeling over treating their service people “horribly” is pretty much out the window.
My problem was not that I was a Karen, it was because I was such a fucking doormat. Thank you for opening my eyes anons. I love you guys so much.
No. 579255
>>579245Magenta or fuchsia type colors, hurts my eyes and ugly on everyone
>>579247Shit taste
No. 579294
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No. 579307
>>579263>Looking at 70's interior design feels like staring straight into hell.A perfect way to describe it. I don't have a problem with brown and orange but motherfuckers need to keep it away from interior design.
Also I do hate orange in clothing but it's fine in something like graphic design. It's all about context for me, like something works in clothes and something works with interior palettes and some on food etc.
No. 579318
>>579291Sometimes they just won't shut up about their (gurl)dick, the oversharing is what bothers women. You don't have to talk about you genitals with strangers and strangers generally won't comment on your dick (or your surgery results) if you don't bang on about it first.
Surgeries for ftms are lacking for sure, I don't care if an ftm skips bottom surgery based on that but I feel like they don't overshare as much anyway.
I just don't want to hear about mens dicks, 'womens dicks' or anyones dick full stop.
No. 579324
>>579161I lost the ability to cry a couple years ago. Before that I had been in the shittest relationship that drove me to tears daily. I must've worn out my tear ducts cos since leaving I can't cry full stop.
I've been pissed off about something since yesterday and I'm so wound up that tbh a cry would've been healthier than this temper. Nothing wrong with a nice cry.
No. 579334
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>>579291>anti-trans spergsYou've been at this for days now. It's pathetic. Give it a rest, and go back to whatever hellsite you spawned from.
No. 579360
>>579352>I've yet to see a single one of you offer a counterpoint that isn't steeped in personal experience.Then you haven't been reading, which is your prerogative, but if you can't do that much, maybe stop spamming every thread bringing up this topic.
When you know the consensus of the community you're in, and you're not open to their viewpoints, why would you continuously make yourself angry by trying to talk about it? Do you think people will change their minds because you called them "spergs"?
And honestly, if you want to talk about hiveminds and silencing people, try Reddit, where anyone who even slightly disagrees with the popular, Twitter-approved trans narrative gets banned for "hate speech". They even wanted to ban a subreddit for
detransitioners. Deal with that problem before you complain about a tiny imageboard "silencing people".
No. 579363
>>579291>>579352maybe if you faggots lurked more on gc places and read about the experiences of women who had ugly experiences with trans people or were trans themselves then you wouldn't be drowning in all the tranny girlcock right now and acting like a seething lowlife who NEEDS to defend their beloved twannies like their live depends on it on some fucking ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD where people don't like trannies to begin with
cope with the fact that people hate your beloved trannies uwu you're just plain annoying at this point
No. 579367
>>579352>muh free speechHoly shit, this is one of the most retarded takes I've seen on this website. Know your audience or piss off.
Nobody is silencing you, your posts aren't getting deleted. Just because some other women on a gossip board make fun of mentally-ill men in wigs doesn't mean they're silencing you lmao
No terf is going to hold a gun to your head until you stop being a handmaiden, so either accept that people dislike your opinion or shut up.
No. 579369
>>579363This board is the /r9k/ of tranny hate, I swear to god. I don't "love trannies." I'm also not the one "sperging in every thread" about trannies, that's a different poster. In general, I'm skeptical of any movement that flings nonstop hates at an entire group of people for the actions of a few. Most reasonable people feel the same, which is probably why all these gender critical communities keep getting deleted.
Although, I do agree that it's bullshit that GC got deleted off of reddit while subs like TRP are still around.
No. 579374
>>579368The tone of this entire post is completely indistinguishable from that of a robot complaining about a woman who rejected/ignored/happened to exist near him. Just sayin'
I'm sorry that happened to you, but hating an entire group of people, calling them "subhuman," because you had a bad experience with one, is not justified. No legitimate, level-headed movements have ever emerged under these conditions. You all need professional help to learn how to process these experiences in a healthier way.
No. 579376
>>579375>a savage understatementAccording to who? You and everyone else who exclusively seeks out anecdotes of negative experiences with trans people, and use that to justify your hatred of them?
I don't know if you've noticed, but the internet isn't exactly the place where people report overwhelmingly good experiences with pretty much anything.
No. 579377
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We start with the trio but you already know them: the good, the bad and the ugly, nothing compared aski will follow. I advise you to hang for the string of FDP, You've probably never seen a cast also missed: The shitty fag, which annoys you more than anything else A bald brothel, we wonder what he fuck this big bitch, who eat only potatoes And him serious! Look at me that fucking, I can not do more, stop everything, it'll go on a ball. (God please, no … Nooooo!) Then we have the nice guys who are actually the biggest pussys in history, We had not seen come well played! But it's not over, we must be typing a tsundere reincarnated dude not gifted. After, we have secondary characters, that everyone does not care, and all bursting into one fucking episode! I'm not talking about Eren dying like shit, eaten by the Titan Santa Claus! EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN
fuck yeah. the further forward it goes the easier the tip of a tongue or my tongue can go in there or play with that. i like how you maybe read all that and didnt get lost. at all. and posted more based pics. i stumbled slightly i think. i cant even remember. it's been a long week for me. but i think you kinda maybe got what i meant. we see all this youthful and competitive stuff. and know that everybody's slightly different. but we all came from one God and one adam pretty much. even those other schlong s did. but it alllllll started with male stuff. God. and Adam. life is a fucking anti nightmare sometimes. really really close to paradise. i gotta go to bed sugar
No. 579381
>>579352What opinion though? I don't care about trans people, I think adults are capable of making their own decisions regarding plastic surgery. Wanting a sex change is their issue, not mine. If someone says being trans is something you can do if you want to, and experience no gender dysphoria, that's not trans, that's a crossdresser, and some of them don't even crossdress? Yet I'm expected to respect their pronouns and respect them on the same level as trans people? I just don't give a damn. I don't care about some random straight dude calling himself a lesbian because he feels like it. Why do I have to respect that sort of person? Same goes for straight girls LARPing as gay men, just so you know. I'm so tired of hearing about trans non stop, but your viewpoints never make any sense so I can't just sit by and let you talk bullshit. I'm only letting you know my opinion about transness because if I say all trans people are mentally ill I know you will completely disregard what I say, but I wanted you to read this and try and use your brain to figure out why people have a problem with the overwhelming presence of transwomen (straight dudes) on the internet, and the expectance to suck their metaphorical dick and if you don't you get death threats. Please just use your brain, I am begging you. Gr8 b8 btw, I'll reply every single time and get banned every time too.
No. 579383
>>579374That made me feel good. I'll gladly wear the title of tranny-hating-bot, but you are right. I have horrible rage issues and need professional help in that regard, however I hope the 41% statistic only rises.
>>579371Thank you! I vented about it on numerous occasions here but I've seen posts that I swear I could have written but didn't. My tranny started getting 18-19 year olds to prostitute in his apartment and came up to threaten me because I called the police on the whole shebang. I am a giantess so he backed down but it was still nerve wracking enough to give up the apartment.
No. 579393
>>571129when I was still dating my LDR ex I used to stalk his ant because he lives with his parents and is sometimes on his aunt's IG stories so I check them semi-regularly with a fake account, I stopped when she switched her account to private but then after breaking up with him his birthday came up and I wanted to see if his aunt is gonna be in his birthday party like every year but I didn't find her account so I forgot about it.
I made a new IG account a while ago and out of boredom I searched up the aunt's username and to my surprise her account showed up meaning she blocked me. I feel ashamed and wrong and I can't breathe.
No. 579397
>>579381>if I say all trans people are mentally ill I know you will completely disregard what I sayActually no, I completely agree with you on that point. Even if you don't believe being transgender is a mental illness, there is clearly a high correlation between being trans and having other mental illnesses, like personality disorders. That being said, there's no evidence I know of which goes against the narrative that gender dysphoria is primarily alleviated by encouraging the person to identify as the gender they "feel" they are through whatever means necessary: transitioning, changing pronouns, dressing as the opposing gender, etc. The whole "we don't tell any other person with a mental disorder to believe in their delusions!!!" argument doesn't work when leveled against actual evidence. We know that telling trans people they're delusional is detrimental to their well-being, rather than helpful.
And yes, I am aware that some people detransition. That doesn't delegitimize the transgender movement as a whole. It means that sometimes, people make mistakes about who they are, or change their mind.
Really, my overall point here is just having a bad experience with a person of a specific group shouldn't justify hating that entire group. These things should be dealt with in a professional therapeutic setting, not within niche communities on the internet where everyone is angry, hurt and essentially unhealed over the same thing. I'm not saying you should do this for the sake of the feelings of trans people, but for the sake of your own health and well-being.
But whatever. I concede that my message is mostly falling on deaf ears, so I'mma dip. Hope you guys feel better soon.
No. 579412
>>579372I thought I'd lost my interest in anime a few years ago. I went through a big life change, I was finding it hard to justify the time investment needed to watch a series and I sort of felt that I should be moving on. Over time what I realised is that my interest in anime was still there, it was more that my taste in anime has changed. I used to follow seasonal anime, now I prefer older series and exploring different genres.
>>579383>I hope the 41% statistic only risesI can see this happening. When all this TRA bullshit ends, they're going to left with nothing but permanently butchered and mutilated bodies. It's going to be looked back on as a dark and barbaric phase of medical history.
No. 579413
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Is this shit happening to anyone else when they view this whole thread?
No. 579421
>>579418>Now I'm suicidal and diabetic, happy 4th everyoneSorry, but I had to laugh.
But seriously, try to keep calm until you get your results. Meds fuck a ton with your body and I'm sure you're too young for type 2.
No. 579422
>>579418Kek'd hard.
From one anon with health anxiety to another though, you're probably fine.
No. 579427
>>579426because a-anon .. everyone has
triggers and we all are s-sensitive and t-traumatized from so m-many things … d-do not yell at m-me i will cry .. i willlm cry lp,ease do not yell at meplease ssuggarcoat all your words i am so sad i am goNna cry oh my god do n,,ot tell mee th;e truth
No. 579428
>>579427>>579426you want the truth?
im a dumb bitch who can't separate horny from lonely
No. 579436
>>579435For me it's just so bizarre when "pro-trans" anons harp on and on how other anons shouldn't use slurs - it's such a weird contrast to normal board culture.
I also think that many gc anons on here aren't as rude irl, but dunking on sick trannies online is a fun outlet.
No. 579446
>>579435My problem with the pro trans crowd is that they are annoying about it, they know spewing pro trans stuff is just going to cause infighting.
Just read the fucking room.
No. 579447
>>579435 While of course lolcow isn't a hivemind and there are individual perspectives that exist because you can obviously see that in the anons that sperg and infight. You can't deny that the general board culture is in general anti-trans and pink pilled.
You wouldn't say 4chan as it is today isn't filled with /pol/ takes and that isn't the general board culture because it bleeds to the most harmless areas like /ic/. Just learn how to separate yourself from the board and you'll be fine lmao.
No. 579450
>>579435>transpostingDilate and/or go back to twitter.
Your complaining is initiating the conversation here. No would "annoyingly transpost" if it wasn't for you posting about it in the first place. Gc, pp and the radfem threads are banned for almost a year now, you've got what you wanted, move on already and search for something new to infight over.
No. 579453
>>579435Anons just have an understanding and sometimes make passing "typical tranny" comments. People who disagree just ignore and move on, this is what most of us do on mainstream social media. It's the integrated twitterchans that have to chime in with their THATS TWANPHOBIC and when told off they go cry in the unpopular opinion or dumb ass thread. They're so predictable.
Imagine going on /pol/ and try to unironically change minds lol
Before anyone can misconstrue, not comparing lolcow to /pol/. It's just fact that in female spaces virtue-signalers go the hardest; they think they can bully women as oppose to simply being laughed off by men.
damn bitch I can't type right today No. 579486
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I want to try alternative/edgy fashion, but because I'm black I feel like it won't look good on me.
I've seen tons of black girls who look AMAZING in an alternative style, but for some reason I can't imagine myself looking good in it. I've never felt so un-confident about trying a new style out before. Maybe I should just suck it up and try it anyway.
No. 579497
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>>579207It's just silence…
No. 579506
>>579504It's weird becuz lately I have been meeting guys on tinder and now I just bluntly make them pay for food, sex and nudes and they love it.
But then when I was having sex with them for free and trying to date and love them, they treated me like trash lol
No. 579507
>>579501Probably because he's, 1. A pushover that can't get pussy, so they attract women using their money instead. Like the guys on 90 day fiance, 2. He's a rare unicorn who realizes the worth of a women's time, or 3. He's a manipulative piece of shit who lures women in with his money, and then traps them. Tells his partner shit that makes them think she needs him, and gaslights the fuck out of her.
>>579489>>579493>>579505>>579494Thanks anons! Im gonna try to order some stuff tonight. The hipster/alternative mix sounds interesting.
No. 579548
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>>579486black goth is perfection. i love cyberpunk oriented goth
No. 579556
>>579554I found that thread when I was googling her a few weeks ago. It’s cringey and desperate. Sounds like it’s just a bunch of Star Wars incels hate her because she got into the franchise with the sequels and has a porg plushie collection.
They were grasping at straws and claimed her being barefoot in some pictures meant she was pandering to foot fetishists.
No. 579602
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years ago I did a retarded mini liveblog of the 2016 state of the union address (which I barely got through) and i still don't know who the fuck this guy is or why the fact that he winks and then goes back to looking bitter still amuses me
No. 579717
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>>579704Nice, didn't think there were any other farmers who followed F1. I'm so happy for Lando, hearing him scream with excitement on the radio was so cute.
But I'm a diehard Vettel fan so… yikes. I was hoping his last season with Ferrari would go decently well but my hopes were already ruined yesterday in quali and the race was even worse. Picrel has been me watching him for the past two years.
No. 579748
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>>579717>diehard Vettel fananon are you me? I honestly cannot wait until he leaves the shithole even if it means retirement. I already disliked Ferrari wayyy before 2015 but last year and what's about to come are just making me abhor them lol
The onboard from seb's car just shows how inestable that car is, it's honestly insane he didn't put it against the wall and managed to keep it on track (sort of kek).
My heart broke for Alex today, I'm 100% sure he was going to win the race… What did he ever do to Lewis, man
No. 579762
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>>579748Omg anon, are you my soulmate? I love Seb so much and I'm relieved that next year I can stop rooting for this shitty fucking dumpster fire of a team. I know that a lot of Seb's fuckups were caused by his own folly but I wholeheartedly believe that he would've been able to bounce back and return to form if he had a competent team backing him up instead of the clowns Ferrari has. Bums me out that his reputation as a great 4x WDC are kind of ruined due to Ferrari's shitshow… how does a team have that much fucking money and yet suck so badly?? How is their car so subpar year after year? Ugh.
I'm shamelessly gonna hop on the Mercedes bandwagon for 2021 since I like Lewis and Valtteri and I'm sick of disappointment every fucking Sunday.
No. 579822
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Ig randomly showed me this couple's wedding photo and I can't stop laughing
No. 579824
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>>579822I feel really mean but the girl is not a little person and she's hot and popular but I just desperately want to see a video of her walking because I imagine it would be a cute waddle
No. 579835
>>579753Last time I heard a TiF tried to invade male space, she got laughed off so hard she cried in the bathroom.
Males don’t need to demand for their “men only” spaces, all they gotta do is be their disgusting selves and women just stay the fuck away. Meanwhile, lolcow is constantly called ugly crazy femcel board and yet scrotes can’t stop forcing themselves in here like the rapemonkeys they are.
No. 579846
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i meant to post my love for these vitamins here but accidentally made a new thread kek
No. 580091
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>>579245certain shades of mauve. When I was a kid my mom had a blanket that I'd sleep under and my toenals would kind of get caught on the material. It was wool or something. Ever since then I've hated that specific color.
No. 851339
hi unrelated but where did you get that image?
>>571233i know the guy in it from tumblr and seeing that pic here was jarring.