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No. 59381
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Oh what the fuck! Another cancer death too…age 69 as well. Quick, who else is 69 this year?
No. 59390
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>>59388To complete the triforce they must also be British.
Lemmy/Ian Kilmister was British but he was 70 when he died, but only 4 days after his birthday too (born 24th Dec, died 28th Dec). He also had cancer.
I sense dark forces at work.
No. 59547
>>59533Mine too anon :(
I remember when Harry Potter movies came out when I was a little kid and being completely engulfed in it for years. This hurts for real.
The first scene when you see Snape in the Philosophers Stone made me fall in love with the character so much.
No. 59638
>>59601I've feel it's been dead awhile–the last movie finished it off, though there are still hardcore fans creating fanworks here and there.
>>59616A short story anthology focusing on character studies or different tidbits at different times would be amazing. I can understand JKR being a bit burnt out on it,though.
No. 59649
>>59616When are they going to release the scenes with young Grindelwald and Dumbledore from the last two movies?
Everybody ended up being much more interesting than Harry by the 5th book.
No. 59652
>>59601I love the fuck out of Harry Potter. Even learned coding for the sole reason of making the best Neopets guild I could. It's really awful realizing that childish wonder is just dead and gone now. I still reread the books and watch the movies but it's not at all the same.
>>59616JK has been kind of rubbing me the wrong way lately. It seems like all she's doing now is "Yes, I meant to do that!" and "By the way here's a tiny fact I just made up" type posts. And then Tumblr hops right on those things and praises them as word from god and it just gets on my nerves. Since she has no intentions of making a new book it just seems like she's lazily extending her fame. I absolutely hate the idea of a book about the new kids, but marauders? Dumbledore? There's so much she could expand on if she truly wanted to keep working on the universe she made. Otherwise just let it be.
No. 59659
>>59652>>59616>marauders eraNo. Please a new book on these is a no no no no no. It's an universe within the potterverse mainly dominated by fanon. The few stuff Rowling revealed by the kind of posts she's doing you mentioned had already an impact. But please don't let her touch the marauders era, I enjoy it way too much to have it screwed with a canon and the saga is over however. I think many people can say the same about the new kids. And many other aspects of the potterverse not enterily covered by the canon.
But I agree on that she should let it be. Maybe she should start a new fantasy book or expand the wizarding world towards a different direction than Hogwarts… But it's just that if the HP fandom shines for something, it's due its fanon and its fanfiction culture. I think the HP fandom has some of the most amazing fanfictions ever. New canon when a saga is closed its poison for the fandom.
No. 59714
>>59652Jkr is the reason I lost interest in anything besides the main 7 and maybe just beedle the bard. Wanting to break Ron and hermione up and pretending the whole black hermione thing is something she planned from the start because she's just so progressive. (I don't even mind the black hermione thing because I have no intention of seeing the play. If you really wanted to give young black readers a role model you would have made her black, period.)
I honestly have no desire to see my fictional CHILDHOOD heroes as middle aged. Just stop fucking with it!
No. 59725
>>59714Agree with everything. I was reluctant to bring up the black Hermione thing here but that's definitely one of the major changes along with the breakup to make me take a step back from following her. That's exactly it, making her black at this point just seems like a desperate move to make headlines. It's as if Tumblr itself is fucking with HP and I don't like it.
As a huge fan I also give no shits about HP post book 7. I was excited for the new movie but I'm not too thrilled about hearing 'murrcans in my HP. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
No. 61916
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>>59725A black Hermione is just fucked up and ugly.
Why are black people incapable of writing their own fucking fantasy fiction anyway?