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No. 614253
>>>/ot/605108Say what you need to say bitch
No. 614263
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My coworker lied to my manager and said i wasnt working when i was and he got aggro towards me the entire night. the weirdest part is, i have zero idea why she'd lie to my boss about me. I have been nothing but nice to her and she has nothing to gain from this. it's really weird af and i'm trying to just ignore this and move on.
I went to take a 5 min break and getr some fresh air and she was outside smoking a cigarette, then has to nerve to tell me to get back to work. what the fuck. we are on the same entry level. she isnt a shift or a manager. what is her deal?
No. 614270
>>614266If you insist, but be warned anon it is 42 parts long and each one is over half an hour.
They really go in deep and it’s slow at first but it’s gets wild very quickly
No. 614295
>>614288like a darkskinned black lesbian with chronic mental illness in a biracial relationship with a gender nc person? like something you'd see in a shitty tumblr headcanon post except im a normal(lol) person
js cause the lc i know seems to enthusiastically hate on people like me
No. 614299
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Mfw the Twitterfags here unironically use race as an insult. If post creativity plummets, then where will I find my entertainment?
>>614288KEK speaking of. I'd be lying if I said reading that sentence didn't entertain me though.
No. 614310
>>614263I've dealt with crazy bitches like this before, always in underpaid entry level positions. I guess they just need to feel some level of power in their shitty life.
Just be honest to your manager, if she keeps trying to spread shit about you she'll just make herself look like a liability
No. 614328
>>614327She didn’t make a big deal of it she just mentioned it in the
vent thread.
No. 614348
>>614295kek this added nothing of importance to your vent but its hilarious so thank u
anyway here u go i think you'll like this place: No. 614350
>>614295jesus christ look at all those buzzwords that mean nothing
>im one of those unicorn-like super minoritieswhat the fuck lol
No. 614354
>>614349what else is gnc if not clothes? gnc lesbians have existed since lesbians have but they never refereed to themselves as gnc, they called themselves lesbians or butch.
Also the gender critical woman don't believe in gnc because they don't believe in gender so idk wtf anons are even talking about. Being gnc isn't an identity.
No. 614368
>>614354Youre right, gnc lesbians call themselves butches and don’t normally call themselves gnc. Typically I see bisexual women and straight women calling themselves gnc, at least those with the sense not to call themselves butches/studs. Gender non conforming doesn’t somehow prove gender identities are real nor are they actual gender identities, it’s just a more modern way of saying “a not traditionally feminine female who adheres to society’s gender roles”. This term is mainly used by radfems & gender critical women/feminists so I can assure you nobody is claiming it’s a gender identity
>>614356 besides clothes it usually involves not shaving or waxing body hair or using make up too, but besides that it includes engaging in traditionally male dominated jobs/hobbies as well. Honestly there might be some women out there who found the term gender non conforming and tried to claim it as an identity/new aesthetic or something but for those of us who have just been non feminine our entire lives it’s just who we are, 99% of “masculine” women arent gonna label themselves as gnc unless they learn what it is, its just how we are, not really an identity. I honestly think it emerged more recently to counter the gender bullshit being forced on non feminine girls/young women
No. 614403
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>>614400They have had multiple of their threads locked, been told to leave by the admin countless times and have their own board and still won’t stop. The problem is them, not the users who are sick of it.
No. 614404
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>>614390Move the fuck out to reddit and go look at some of those incredible hair filled neo vagina wounds 'till you peak, then.
>>wah wah all my spaces have to gc free even the rare ones with real women speaking their mind. No. 614406
>>614381I wish you the best anon.
I also get burned out by doing normal stuff, if I make an effort to concentrate everything just becomes really stressful, but I don't know if I have ADHD. The thing is, my family isn't too kind to people with illnesses like these, so I don't know if want to go to a therapist and be diagnosed. I wish there was a way to fix this. Actually, I wish I could function normally just like everyone else.
No. 614415
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>>614408Kek, if you think THIS one message is harsh gc talk, you really gotta get out the Tumblr bubble, sweetie.
You're gonna get shook!
No. 614416
>>614306Awks because I'm not lesboanon, did you tag the wrong post?
>>614342This is the vent thread, I came here to vent my disappointment in the post quality here. Kek, my post doesn't have to be relative to this specific thread, you absolute retard. Reading comprehension is another thing waning here.
No. 614424
>>614420good luck with that, if it bothers you so much leave ot or find another imageboard
also its vent thread on a women-populated site where they can actually talk about their men or tra problems without being doxxed
No. 614426
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>>614420I'm sure admin don't really give two shits and there's an obvious lack of farmhands at the moment.
Sorry honey, you can't run to the teacher.
(look at my gc ass before I get redtexted)
No. 614445
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Today was so awful. My boyfriends stepdad decided to commit suicide. He was abusive towards bf’s mom… bf grew up seeing him assault her. All his life he wanted him dead and even had thoughts of killing him to save his mom. Now it happened. And it feels so empty. His mom cried and said “I didn’t hate him that much”.
BF always thought that his stepdad would commit a murder-suicide with his mom. He assaulted her that morning, but it wasn’t even as bad as it would usually be. Then he left and she locked the doors so he couldn’t get back in. Their security cameras were turned off sometime that night, but something happened that made her believe he was coming back to kill her, but he couldn’t get in. She doesn’t know when he got the gun.
He left voicemails for all his kids that they wouldn’t see him again. They responded with hostility.
The police said he got down on one knee and said a prayer before he shot himself.
The hardest part was that we didn’t think it turned out this way. They had the roads closed off so everyone was talking in the local group. People with scanners kept reporting that no one was hurt… so we believed them. Then the police told us the opposite.
I’m trying so hard to support everyone involved the best I can. I’m immuno-compromised so I haven’t left our apartment in 6 months. I keep having panic attacks. I’m so worried about everyone
No. 614447
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This meme will never stop being funny to me because it's too real and I know way too many people like this
No. 614454
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Holy shit.
My fentanyl came. It's a legit 10 blister of the shit. I thought for sure it got caught and was over it.
Guess I won't kill myself today because I don't feel like it right now but it sure is nice to suddenly have a definite option.
No. 614467
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>>614454>>614465I hope it gets better
I really do
No. 614475
>>614473They are "cautiously pretty certain" I have a cancerous ovary and cervix is looking worse by the appointment. I feel fucking ridiculous for coming here instead of telling anyone irl but it's easier like this.
>>614472 sweet sweet anon
No. 614480
>>614475I'm so genuinely sorry and almost crying anon. My fentanyl post seems so little and whiny compared to what you're going through.
I want to say I hope it gets better but we all know it's going to be hard. Just know I really feel for you.
No. 614493
>>614465That sociopath anon was obviously a seething fucking good for nothing troon so ignore them. Wish you the best of luck though and hoping you'll kick that tumor's and the asshole anon's ass.
May I ask what were your symptoms if there were any btw? I'm honestly paranoid about having developed some telltale signs during this year.
No. 614518
>>614465I've posted about my cervical cancer and got a similarly cuntish reply from someone telling me I basically 'gave myself cancer by being sexually active' despite me giving no details on my level of sex experience. Prob was the same incel.
Wishing you luck anon
No. 614536
>>614465That was an obvious tranny who was probably on the verge of 41%ing himself. Hopefully, he attempted and will be off Lolcow for a very long time.
I hope things don't get any worse for you, anon. Please take care of yourself.
No. 614542
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Enjoy a shitty mobile meme I made
This is genuinely how I feel about dating other women sometimes.
I want a girlfriend and love so bad but when it comes to flirting I'm an anxious mess. Especially since I seem to only attract women who want me to do all the flirting and asking. Typical budding dating relationship for me goes like this
>Meet a woman through a friend or an acquaintance
>Flirt, dates and talking all initiated and kept alive by yours truly
>The other woman seems to feel awkward, and quiet, almost never initiates chats
>"Welp, guess she's not interested, better back off/give her some space so I don't make her uncomfortable"
>Later find out from mutual friends how the girl was extremely into me and cries thinking I didn't like her
For fucks sakes why can't I be the one who gets asked out and wooed every once in a while? Why can't dating be easier? I mean it would be ideal to have a mutually understanding relationship etc but do I radiate some sort of energy that says
>"This woman does everything for you despite her sweaty, shaking hands and fast pounding heart! Every single available mouse of a woman who is unable to say what they want: have at her!"
No. 614588
>>614542>For fucks sakes why can't I be the one who gets asked out and wooed every once in a while? It's like I had written this though I have a different problem. I know a lot of girls have had crushes on me (anonymous confessions and hearing through the grapevine) but they've never advanced on them and just expect me to realize that they're interested in me because I guess I'm intimidating and hard to approach. Once I don't pick up on their "subtle cues" (i.e. liking my social media update) they get their feelings hurt because I never reciprocated. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, read their mind?
Another thing that irks me is that I constantly see people shitting on butch girls and stereotyping them as
abusive and rapey so I'm extremely cautious of initiating anything myself in order to not to scare them off. sucks man, I'd even take a bicurious straight girl as a booty call at this point because I'm desperate
No. 614609
I've been through the anonymous confessions, rumors and cues. It's annoying as hell.
One girl actually copied my looks until I got heebie jeebies and vented about it out mutual friend who then told me the girl was into me and tried to "signal" her affection. She didn't think that maybe asking me out was a better idea than copying my entire wardrobe and hairstyle. Unsurprisingly that relationship didn't work out.
And the butch thing is real. Back when I used to be more butchy it honestly felt like walking on eggshells sometimes.
No. 614640
>>614629If it was still wet when you took the curlers out, then of course that was going to happen.
If your environment doesn't allow your hair to dry then it's not possible. My hair takes two days to dry into curls in colder months and then the moisture in the air at that time of year destroys them, I can only do it in summer.
No. 614674
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I had to move to a place I'm unfamiliar with recently because of the failing health of one of my relatives. I'm not upset about it because they mean a lot to me, but I had to leave my job and also it's during the pandemic and also I know no one here. I think it's cause of the loneliness and isolation, but it's made me realise that I haven't dated anyone in forever and I'm now constantly worrying about dying alone. To make things worse, I've started developing a crush on a singer now because we live in the same relative area and I can't stop having dreams about him and how great of a person he is end my life
No. 614693
>>614653Literally where are you shopping then though because I went shopping last week and all the big retailers were selling oversized crap, baggy jeans and simple loose fitting tees.
>>614662nta but thrifting irl costs a loooot of time and thrifting online is just digging through aliexpress resellers and people overpricing their worn shit. I don't get how you could exclusively source your clothing from thrifting stores and vintage online without making it a spare time hobby.
No. 614727
>>614518Wait there's two of you with cancer? What the hell I feel like the odds of two anons having cancer on this board are so small… isn't there only like 30 of us regularly posting here?
I'm so sorry to both of you and wish you the best
No. 614758
>>614735yeah im sick of seeing these "chile" images
only kids and obnoxious twitter fags use those
No. 614770
>>614727Well I had it past tense. Posted before about how at my first smear test at 27 I had it. I also had HPV as the vaccine didn't exist when I was growing up. 4 years later I'm doing ok but I didn't know at the time that my long term partner was cheating on me so it stings knowing the HPV and years of medical shit that I went through could've been a nice side effect of his affair..
I was only dealing with a layer of cancerous cells though and thought that was stressful enough, heart goes out to other anon
No. 614772
>>614735>>614758I’m op, the image was a joke relating to venting in beekeeping which makes sense to me because I’m an apiarist but it prolly isn’t as obvious to others kek
Sorry for letting you all down I’ll never op again & I’ll send y’all some honey to make up for it
No. 614785
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>>614775ohh I’m a dummy. Thanks for clearing that up anon! Bees are pretty awesome.
Fun fact that almost every bee you see during fall/winter is female because they kill off the males so save their resources when it starts to cool down
No. 614803
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>mfw waiting to hear back from both my work and my GP about getting tested for COVID because of my dumbass friend
No. 614832
>>614804Didn't tell me her live-in boyfriend was exposed to COVID and then we hung out, shared drinks and etc. I mentioned not feeling well and she said "oh same. Bf was exposed at work last week and didn't get tested til Monday." Basically have been having teetering on the verge of a panic attack since, especially since I've
gone to work and all.
No. 614906
>>614882with the amount of rage sperging on here it is very hard for me to imagine that most anons were not raised in a verbally
abusive household kek
No. 614914
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>>614447Every fucking time
No. 614916
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>>614882anon, i love you. I'm raising my hand to agree
No. 614924
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Update on newspaper delivery side job because it sure was a blast
Had to ride along with someone and got incredibly motion sick. Trying to not vomit caused me to hyperventilate, which triggered a panic attack. I had quickly taken an ativan a few minutes before the panic attack happened, but too late. Cried and shook sitting on the ground in a driveway as my face and hands went numb and my fingers locked up. Girl was super sweet about it, helped ground and distract me. Tried to continue her route and ended up puking a shit ton on the side of the road, including the ativan. Eventually I asked to come back tomorrow.
Woke up an hour ago to a nice hard sob because I guess that's what my body wanted to do. I'm thinkin I'm not gonna come back tomorrow. Feels bad, man.
No. 614925
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>have mild anxiety when things are going bad
>have moderate anxiety when basically nothing is happening at all, literally find things to worry about, etc
>have anxiety bordering on panic when things are actually going well
>try multiple medications but they all kill my sex drive
>sex and orgasms are one of my few joys in life
>forgo medication and just continue to suffer
>it's been like this for over a decade now
anons I am so fucking tired.
No. 614944
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>>614922Whatever helps you sleep at night
No. 614984
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>>614924Hope you feel better tomorrow anon
No. 614997
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The past ten months I've been desperately trying to get my life together after being a suicidal alcoholic burnout for a few years. Now I'm stuck studying something I hate because I impulsively decided on it and can't change to the program I want, I can't just drop out and get a job either because corona-chan, so I'm trapped doing something I absolutely fucking hate for two more years. I need to go to a therapist to deal with my addiction & general mental problems, but I keep getting shot down by every one I contact because I don't have health insurance, even though I have the means to pay out of pocket. I'm in a long term relationship with someone I'm hopelessly in love with but doesn't seem to feel the same way about me anymore & barely spends any time with me. Fuck anons, I feel so hopeless and trapped. Even when I take the initiative to try to stop being a miserable sack of shit, nothing works out in my favor. God exists & he is punishing me.
No. 615036
>>615022By your own admission you know creating comics is not about coming up with perfect realistic drawings from your own imagination in every panel, so just remove that from the equation from now.
Make the comic with thumnbails, bad art that is just enough to plot out what should be in each frame and how it's shown. Where are the speech bubbles? The panels? What's the angle shown? As you create the comic you will work on these things and learn as you go, and you will develop your story in a way that actually fits to the narrative. Set yourself a deadline to write something short and then re-work it.
After you have plotted out the entire thing, then you can slowly enjoy working on redrawing it using reference materials. If you hate any of this process then accept that you actually like the idea of this more than doing it, which is fine too. Find what parts you enjoy doing and focus on those instead such as writing or single drawings
I look forward to seeing you on tappytoon anon
No. 615237
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I was feeling my hair and it felt a little on the thin side. I took a look at it in the mirror, and it turns out I’m FUCKING BALDING!! I’m so fucking embarrassed and why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me that it was so visible!? Fucking shit and I’m only 22 this shit really do be ugly idk what to do
No. 615272
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>>615237Idk if this is you anon, but it might be something to look into
No. 615290
>>615273Don't do it now if you're really afraid he will get physical. Plan a few days ahead to get the cats and some of your most precious belongings out. THEN GET THE FUCK OUT.
Don't face him. Get your things and when you can, run to your mom, a friend, anyone. If you can't get the cats, just get out anyway. Please.
No. 615303
>>615273I've never been in a relationship and reading shit like this makes me feel so bad. 5 fucking years gone to waste while your bf never showed his true colors. Recently a guy that's been dating for 5 years as well hit on me. Wish I knew who'd be my perfect match so I don't have to waste my time. I just hope my first won't turn into an
abusive relationship.
No. 615455
>>614635>>614640I was actually planning on buying humidifier. If air in my apartment gets any drier, I'm going to crumble to dust. During colder seasons I keep waking up with scabs in my nose and whenever I blow it a bit harder, I get nosebleeds.
>>614658It's been five years since I last bleached my hair. It's really thick (as in each strand is thick, not that I have a lot of it), so maybe that's why it's so hard to shape. I tried a ceramic curler and hot rollers before. Only the curler works, but the curls hold only for several hours, and I dislike exposing my hair to heat damage (and it's too much work in the morning).
No. 615500
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So, I checked out the gal called snitchery on Instagram. She has the body of my dreams, observing her long torso, hourglass figure and thin legs just crushed my soul man. I thought I was to old for this and had outgrown it, but there’s always a burning hatred in there that just wants me to starve off 20kg. I fucking loathe my stubby legs and hamster cheeks. I’m aware of things that you can’t help like bone structure, genes and such but my mind isn’t logical, just filled with pathetic insecurities. Just an absolute weak moment.
No. 615579
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>>615500This snitchery? Don't trust people's social media too much
No. 615599
>>615583Adding to this: i know this is probably my attachment/trust issues speaking but i feel like i love him a lot more than he likes me? Like i basically daydream about him 24/7 and try to find ways to bring him here and pay for his sray somehow. Idk i just feel like when we talk its usual like:
>me: "i know its been only a few days but you're my dream guy. I never thought i'd fall in love with anyone as hard as i did for you etc." Whole paragraphs about why i love him.>him: "babeee i just wanna kiss you so hard"I dont fucking know why im so fucking clingy and whether he's gonna get bored of it after a while. Im just sad anons. Why does he have to live somewhere else :(
No. 615603
>>615583Honestly… Nah. It is not worth it at all. Especially considering that he is a fan of one night stands with a mix of LDR, he might cheat on you eventually.
Honestly it is best to start "LDR" only if you both are mentally stable, normal adults with good source of income rather than students who live with their parents and are busy studying. Most of LDRs don't work because its a huge level of commitment, and I'd rather advise you to not rush things so quick such as going into relationships just because "you keep talking nonstop and click so well", rather develop at least a year of friendship at first to see how it goes. Rushing things never leads to anything good and it's rather best to date a friend who you know for awhile if you are that desperate so breaking up wouldn't hurt that much, plus in the end you will never truly know a person unless you start living with them, trust me.
No. 615608
>>615583You're deluding yourself anon, also you can't really love a person after a week. Infatuation can be really powerful but you gotta be realistic sometimes, maybe it would work out if you lived close but LDR like this - 10 days per year - just makes zero sense.
Also you are a bit too clingy to be honest. If someone was writing paragraphs about love week after meeting me I would be honestly disturbed, even if a bit flattered.
No. 615614
>>615583Ten whole days a year… that's a shitty first relationship. You're both in college and bound to meet other people meaning one of you is likely to cheat or you'll be turning down chances for real relationships to form in those two years.
Also I think very few people in college with a few one night stands in their past will happily be celebate for 355 days of the year, especially a guy
No. 615639
>>615614>>615608>>615603Thanks anons. I know im a creepy clingy mess (attachment issues due to very low self esteem + mental illness). I guess it's also not fair for me to expect him to commit considering he already knows what sex feels like and probably wants to have it a lot more than i do. We're not even technically "partners"/"bf, gf" he said its too early.
Sigh i guess it will end soon and he'll find someone else. but this is the first time i got proper male attention and i really wanted it to work. Idk anons, i wish i was a lot more mentally stable and didnt start dreaming of settling down with him 3 fucking days after we met.
Thanks for slapping some sense into me. Now im sad but i guess i'll know not to expect much :( time to study something hard to firget how fucking cringe i acted
No. 615657
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>>615639You should invest yourself into Otome games, maybe it will help your 'hopeless romantic' self.
For example, the good f2p ones are
Cinderella phenomenon, these are western ones and most of them are actually pretty bad and could leave off a bad presentation, so I highly recommend pirating or buying japanese Otome games because they are top tier.
Eg. Amnesia oftenly gets on over 70 off sale and it's fine for starters. Nightshade is also pretty good, Hatoful Boyfriend is a cute one for LULz and currently on sale on steam.
Tho to be fair I donot like half otomes off steam because there are much better ones on torrents (with fan translations) or other websites, so I'd recommend checking out more otome review blogs rather than recommends off steam.
No. 615690
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After being completely alone in lock down for months I met a guy through a dating app. He’s stupidly handsome, intelligent, charismatic, and unlike anyone I’d ever met.
I couldn’t believe our banter. It reminded me of how lovers in films spoke to each other, the way that would make me scoff quietly because “nobody is that quick and witty IRL”. And yet there I was, pleasantly exhausted after our first phone call, an 8 hour marathon of verbal swordfighting.
We spent even longer together on our first physical date. It was scrappy, maybe even shitty by some metrics, but pure fun through and through. By the end of the long night my human-starved ass wanted to fuck so bad but he refused since I had drank, and took me home safely instead.
On our third date we went on a road trip together across the Californian desert, making stops along the way to explore little towns and abandoned train yards. We snuck into a closed national park, played in sand dunes, and with the whole place to ourselves made love under the stars.
Soon after, I had to cut the fairytale short to go home halfway across the world to be with my family. We stayed in contact via Facebook, and video called often at first, but it’s just wasn’t the same at all. As months went on we slipped away from each other, and I go to bed most nights looking over the photos and videos we took over those short 3 weeks, wishing he was beside me.
I’m going back to the States next year so we’ll probably meet again, but god I miss him. I wonder if I’ll ever experience a whirlwind romance like that again.
No. 615834
>>615787What sent me from "I sure hope I look ok today" to "Can men just stop looking at me full stop" was moving from a big city to a small country town. I'm not overly girly so living in a city I blended in and didn't get men oogling me too often.
Now living in a small town, attractive women all either move to the city or get snapped up quick to make a succession of babies.. so I feel like I have the eyes of every old chronically single 'bachelor' on me whenever I just pop into a local shop. Was not expecting this. God make it stop
No. 615878
the US in particular have a duty to the rest of the world to never ever legalise prostitution though. The US already sex trafficks in an estimated 15000 to 50000 women and children from the rest of the world every single year anyway, and legalising prostitution has been repeatedly shown to increase trafficking rates. america is already one of the top destination countries for sex trafficking in the world, please dont make it even worse by legalising this nonsense.
i see so many people online mainly from america who are pushing the idea that legalising prostitution is a good thing and then use examples like the netherlands and germany to "prove" that legalisation is good (but then ignore the abysmal working conditions for prostitutes in these countries and the fact that the trafficking situation in these two countries is worse than in the US). theres also the popularity of porn and onlyfans which is just making things even worse.
also, i fucking hate all the disgusting men who want it legalised so they can get their smegma crusted dick wet. if i found out my bf/future husband ever took any part in the sexual abuse industry, i would drop him right then and there.
but also, i cant stand all these "sex workers" (many of whom are disgusting ass pimps themselves) who are constantly harping on about how it should be legal because it's ~empowering~ being a prostitute. No, shut the fuck up, when your so called empowerment comes at the expense of the lives and wellbeing of several thousand people its not actually empowerment. its almost always some middle/upper class north american/western european women saying bullshit like this.
No. 615981
>>615952I left an abuser two years ago and still stupidly longed for him after be hit me, cheated, verbally degraded me daily and then put put on a 'sweet caring partner' act any time I needed to see a doc about my depression meds. He'd come into appointments with me and not allow me any privacy with docs… It's so stupid but I get it and that's why I reply to probably every abuse related post I see.
All that being said, I think the current story that's spamming /g is bait
No. 616203
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I like to use henna to dye my hair, but last dye job I got too footloose with an indigo component in the henna and now my hair is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dark. It's supposed to be "mahogany" but you'd never fucking notice unless I was standing in direct sun cause otherwise it looks like boring, dark brunette hair.
I don't think anyone gives a shit but I hate it. I feel like such a wallflower like it makes my face look even bitchier. Apparently indigo is super hard to lift from hair without damage and even hairdressers won't touch it with bleach because of the possibility of it lifting green!
I've read shit about oil and honey treatments to peroxide treatments. And either way they all sound time intensive. I can't believe I fucked up my hair this bad imma crie.
No. 616249
>>616230Same, anon. “You look tired without make up” yeah I’m tired of this shit
The fucking audacity when they cannot manage basic self care. Ugh
No. 616335
I feel like such a fucking idiot. I had this friend back in high school, he became like a brother to me. We ended up hanging out most days. I didn't think of him romantically at all. After 2 years of friendship, he completely ghosted me. I only found out from someone else that his gf at the time had told him to pick between us. I was so hurt, I didn't even deserve to be told the reason why he ended our friendship. His gf ended up leaving him a month later anyway. 3 years later I got a message from him randomly, apologizing, saying ending our friendship was one of the biggest mistakes in his life and he would love to try and make things right. We started talking again and it felt like old times. It felt like we were best friends again. 2 months later he mentions his child hood friend (a woman) had got back in touch with him too. They had been best friends almost their entire lives before she moved to another country, this would be the first time seeing her in a year.
He comes back from seeing her and says she had confessed she had feelings for him, she'd always had them and if he'd consider making things romantic. From what she said it was a lot more than a crush, she really had strong feelings for him. He said he wasn't attracted to her, couldn't see her that way, etc. What did he do next? He got her drunk and had sex with her, only to ghost her too. Text her afterwards saying it was just a mistake. Her mother had recently died and she was already having a hard time, I can't imagine dealing with this too. When he told me this I realized that this guy simply places no value on women, even long term childhood friends. I told him to go fuck himself, that I have no intentions of being close to someone who goes through life like he does. We didn't talk for over a year.
Then quarentine got to me. I have no friends, no family, I'm totally isolated from society. The only human I saw during quarantine was the amazon delivery guy. I got a bit too drunk and texted my ex friend, saying I genuinely hoped he was safe during this (he has no family either and has a job that would be effected by quarantine) He then called me. We caught up for like, 4 hours. He called me a few more times, was talking about how we'd hang out after lockdown, how happy he was I was talking to him again. I felt weird but I tried to tell myself "maybe he won't do to me what he did to the others"
But now he's ghosted me yet again. Hangs up my calls, makes weird excuses as to why he won't speak to me. I feel like such a fucking idiot. I feel like his female friends before, he's won, because he always wins when it comes to women, even his friends. I feel so disgusting. Why did I text him? Being alone is better than being close to someone you feel will tear your friendship to pieces without thinking twice. I'm such a fucking stupid retard.
No. 616370
>>616363I find them annoying too but for different reasons… they're always whinging about how they don't feel like their ED is
valid because they aren't thin enough, they eat too much, they don't have fear foods, they feel like a fake, blah blah. It's so obvious the label of having an eating disorder is vital to their self esteem and they glorify it. Sometimes it's like… well, maybe you don't have an eating disorder. Maybe you just want one if you're that unsure. So many anachans are just endlessly competitive and vain, and they absolutely glorify EDs.
I still visit ED subreddits when I diet even though I don't have one myself, I just can't cope with annoyingly positive diet/health/fitness discussion. I only want to commiserate about how much it sucks.
No. 616394
>>616393I checked again just in case and her name is actually Gumbo. But that's the name she goes by in games, maybe she has a twitch with a different name and could be that Gumi girl you talk about. If that's the case, then I'm happy she apparently is not another uwuwu smol high pitched totes animu girl~. I still can't listen to her voice, but that's my own problem, not hers ofc.
She's been appearing on streams of people related to the Dream Team (specifically Punz and Fundy). Not sure if that's the same girl you are talking about.
Also sorry if my english is too shit.
No. 616422
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>find a cutie who looks like a young edward furlong(pic related)
>be dark skin black women
>have to sit and listen to him complain about how hard it is for him as WHITE MAN and how hes so oppressed by feminists.
>doesnt understand hes complaining about how hard it is to be white to someone black
>goes on a 30 minute rant about how oppressed white men are
>starts ranting about how all women these days are whores(except me)
>completely turned off.
Why does it feel like being a straight woman is some kind of joke at this point lol
All my life I've actually been doing things wrong, trying to treat males like human beings. I should've just been using from for sex and cuddles and keptcompletely emotionally distant from them. They are not human.
No. 616428
>>616418Please take care of your wounds anon. Clean them out EVERYDAY and put clean fabric over them if you dont have any bandages. I know it doesn't mean a lot, but I hope you're able to get the help you need. Good luck,
No. 616461
Holy shit anon, I'm alive.
I took the fucking neuroleptic the shrink gave me "just take one of these when you really need it and you'll sleep well!" and I thought for real I was going to die.
My watch said my heart got to 170 and staid at 155 for hours (not sure about the watch but I was hearing my ticker beating way too fucking fast). Had to figure out what was causing it (since I'm taking other meds but this one was the most obvious culprit since I had taken it 30/40 minutes before, just the average digesting time).
It was obvious it wasn't a panic attack, I wasn't even hyperventilating or anything.
Had to beg the boyfriend not to call the hospital 'cause I neither wanted to die there or live through the fucking charcoal whatever abomination they'd have in stores for me.
I just fucking crossed my fingers it was what I thought it was : a weird reaction to this neuroleptic in particular I already had once several years ago. But I didn't know so I waited agonizing hours to see if I was really dying and my heart was just giving out or if it really was just this shit agaub. Was nauseated the whole time and ended up vomiting everything which didn't seem real good.
Welp, I slept only 3 hours and I'm alive on a gamble I wasn't having an heart attack at 28yo. I wasn't even scared of dying ffs, I just didn't want to fucking die at the hospital. I had just called my mum on the phone to tell some good news, right after taking the neuroleptic, thinking I was going to tell her and have a nice night of rest, finally. It would have been a weird call for my bf to make today.
Looks like I shaved a few years of my life and will probably die in my 40's of heart failure but fuck, I'm alive right now.
I'm sorry for the fucking novel, anon. I can't tell this shit to anyone else.
I'm throwing out all the neuroleptics I have and I'm not touching one again ever.
No. 616696
Thank you for your replies anons. I don't know if you know how much it means to me
>>616425It doesn't sound dumb at all. It's a really difficult thing to express
verbally, so thank you for the tip.
I took your advice about calling the surgery and being more insistent today. The receptionist told me she couldn't help me if I didn't tell her what was wrong, so I said I'm having trouble with my mood and she said "that's not an emergency, call again tomorrow to see if we have any cancellations"
It's almost funny.
>>616428Thanks for the well wishes. I can't bring myself to look after them yet but I'll keep trying. I have ordered some TCP and the biggest dressings I could find for when I feel able
No. 616764
>>616758No Texas doesn't need them plus they're more conservative than the native Texans are. I hate embeddeding links, but Google how Texas transplants didn't want or voted for Beto (liberal TX politician).
Texas doesn't need to become California 2.0 Some of us actually want to be able to buy houses and have families without living with 4 roommates when you're in your 30s.
No. 616777
>>616756I was in bed with my bf one night trying to explain to him GC or whatever and he started to pull away from me in a very disgusted way and saying stuff about "doesnt that make you a TERF?". I didn't back down but as is common, you have to try and get folks to understand where you're coming from. So I slowed it down, broke it down and he ended up saying "Hmm, I guess I see what you're saying." and we ended up agreeing to disagree but I wasn't cancelled and it didn't affect our relationship except for the fact that I could get a bit more bolder with saying how I personally feel about men and how he should accept the responsibility.
I've started to get a little bold on my personal twitter with saying things like "bi lesbian is not a thing" while all the
triggered folks were like "EH!!? BUT!?!?."
BUT let's not make this a conversation about GC/TERF stuff, mods were just saying yesterday that they were cracking down on that stuff.
No. 616834
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>shitposted in the middle of an important internet debate on pornography
>filled in subject field
>banned for namefagging
No. 616837
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im legit scared of men at this point. i work in a company that has a boys' club culture and it was like walking a tightrope everyday, but it was do-able. then this new scrote came in the mix and the amount of inappropiate bullshit i have to deal with now is seriously triggering some unresolved trauma i have with in regard to being raped. men are just fucking disgusting and scary in general. there's not one moid that will even tell him to shut the fuck up.
No. 616839
>>616834why would you put shitposting in the name field, retard?
just sage and go.
No. 616841
>>616839Do you literally not see Anonymous right next to the word shitposting? Pretty sure that's a sage too.
No. 616842
>>616838its for the farmhand/admin capcode
>>616834"namefagging" sounds better than "subjectfagging" imo, you're being pedantic. i always call it namefagging even if it's not in the name field. it's against the rules if you're not making a thread anyway
No. 616867
>>616855This is the first time I've been called a newfag on I'll consider this an achievement, kek.
>>616842Yeah, I get that it's just how the board is designed. The subject field has purpose for thread naming but I've never seen the name field actually have any value from a normal poster perspective.
No. 616880
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>>616864theyre cowards and some of them believe that shit too. im so disgusted and terrified. i dont want to leave the house anymore. men are terrifying. no one would ever protect or stand up for me, all men can do is destroy. if i say i have ptsd from being raped its going to be used against me anyway.
No. 616887
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I hate feeling this (depressive?) feeling that I won't accomplish anything, that I am such a big useless dumbass.
I am working hard towards my research but today I just feel like it's utterly useless. I just wanna stay in bed, although I also don't want to stay in bed.
Worst part is that this was (mostly) triggered by a total rando on fb implying that I was stupid/dumb. Usually that doesn't affect me at all (as it shouldn't), but I guess today it hit differently because of my own self doubts.
I just wanna do something useful.
No. 617094
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I have no fucking friends and live at home still, I have to ask my mom to fucking make/receive phone calls for me, which she can’t be bothered to do half of the time. I tell everyone I can to text or email me, nope, sorry madam we absolutely need to call you! Maybe I don’t want my mom knowing shit and getting mad at me and threatening me over random shit like job interviews or my medication. I’m always going to have to depend on someone else and I hate that more than anything I hate being a useless shit
No. 617108
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I have no where to go,I applied to Value village and it's been a week,no call whatsoever my cruddy dad wants to kick me out I have no friends or even enough money to move anywhere.I can move in with my mom but her apartment is tiny.I hate life
No. 617115
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I’m glad I’m a huge autist because I won’t be able to kill myself until everything is perfect.
No. 617155
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Why are people so fucking hostile and mean on the internet all the time? Just fuck all of you nagging, judgmental, rude assholes. I'm just peaking and getting over it. I'm not perfect but I try. Maybe it's just me that's misplaced.
And why do I seek out the meanest places just to enjoy some care-free anonymity which ends up not being care-free at all? I have negative core beliefs that I'm annoying and people hate me that I need to work on and I always feel it in these weird circles. Maybe it's time for me to finally log off.
No. 617190
>>617155Some just love to argue, Anon. You can simply state your opinion in a vent thread and someone comes barreling in looking for a fight about it. Oh, this is just in general, I get on image boards people call each other fag, big ol'sloppy cunt and shit, telling one another to rope themselves. I still find Reddit to worse than here. It's full of scrotes and militant sjws. Anyways, Anon, you're fine.
>>617180They have nothing to offer anybody besides their body (to each other) They can't attract another person by being decent and kind, sex is the go to to keep someone around. Like you said it only attracts uglies. Usually fatties of an unkempt nature, guy and girl. They are vocal so 'normies' will accept it and not feel so ashamed of living like a degenerate hog beast who bathes in dirty mop water.
No. 617198
>>617180I feel like it's either that or rich degenerates with too much power and delusions of grandeur who think they can somehow control other people, which is funny because on the rich degenerates' end those people can get laid anyway. Yet they choose to actively be degenerates.
Poly shit isn't much further away from worse paraphilias. There is really something mentally wrong with someone who thinks they can maintain a healthy sexual relationship with two partners at the same time, let alone a romantic one.
No. 617388
It sucks how my last experiences of most things were shit.
Last sex session with ex he lasted 2 minutes with no foreplay then promptly left to wash. It wasn't the standard, and things weren't bad around the time it happened, I figured it was a bad session and we'd redo in a few days.
The breakup itself didn't have much closure, he was annoyed with shit I did but didn't actually express any of it pre-breakup, plus we had around 2 weeks of really good days, not even a bad feeling so it was a surprise. I just said I can't force him to care or try.
Last time I saw my dog before leaving the state I tried to take a photo of him but it was all blurry, he died a week later.
Last time I was in any kind of workplace most of the people I got on with weren't in that day, and someone went off on me because of a pretty hypocritical boundary. Also talking with the boss was awkward because I tried to say I liked the work but the people left something to be desired and FUCK, IT WAS SO AWKWARD AHH.
My last two friends from college left for another country while I was in a depressive state and I didn't realise until it was too late to see them, we promised to meet again someday but we weren't that close.
I told my bff "fine, fuck off then" when we last met (over a year ago) because they cut our goodbye meeting short to go see their partner. We talk over text but it doesn't sit right with me.
Actually last time I tried to socialise here it was awkward af and I left early.
My last words to my parents (again over a year since I've seen them) were a hurried "yeah, bye" because I'd been living with them and they drove me up the fucking wall.
I keep ruminating because I haven't had the chance for a do over on any of these things. No new friends, no new job, no new social events since.
No. 617445
>>617437What? That doesn't make any sense. I was 19 too at some point and "chose" not to go to university, so how would that make someone in almost the same situation worse?
I mean, if anything, I'm worse, since I dropped out of high school at 16, so I can't go to uni even if I knew what to major in. Also, I live in Central Europe, so debt is not a factor.
On a rational level, I know that no one's a failure because they're 26 and still haven't graduated their high school equivalent, but I haven't done any vocational education either. I know almost no one else who has neither studied or learned a craft so yes, I feel like shit even though I don't think lesser of anyone else in my situation. It's just not where I imagined myself at 25-30.
I don't feel independent and accomplished at all and the uni qualification will take another 3-4 years.
Just needed to vent.
No. 617457
>>617449>>617451Thanks for your reply! I agree with you on this, though it's even harder to accept when going to university is very affordable. Still, I know some people who went to university for years, two of them even have a master's degree and are now vastly underpaid and work in totally different fields than the ones they spent years studying. I guess you never know where your life is heading, no matter how much you try to control it.
Who knows, maybe I'll just learn a trade after all. We'll see.
No. 617469
>>617457>I agree with you on this, though it's even harder to accept when going to university is very affordableThat completely makes sense, I didn't consciously think about how American my interpretation of uni was before posting that, lol.
>Still, I know some people who went to university for years, two of them even have a master's degree and are now vastly underpaid and work in totally different fields than the ones they spent years studyingCoincidentally, I know some similar situations. An online friend of mine from Northern Ireland went to uni until IIRC her third year (she's 27) planning to major in film studies, but despite her interest in the subject she said she just didn't feel that it was worth it, since most of the time was spent 1. watching a movie and writing a paper about it or 2. reading a book about a movie and writing a paper about it. I believe she was able to alleviate her student debt somehow, though. The only jobs she's ever managed to get were in retail, aside from one paper delivery stint.
No. 617485
>>616755thanks anon. everything just feels so abrasive
i just came back to say i found a way of doing an online mental health consult on my gp's website (looks like the nhs introduced them with covid). it's basically a depression self assessment and a comment box to write about your problems. i scored a 25/27 and spilled my heart out in the comment box. this morning i got contacted by my practice straight away with an offer of a telephone appointment on tuesday. it's with a very kind female gp i've been to a couple of times before, too.
i'm nervous anons and scared to get my hopes up but also looking forward to it
No. 617499
I truly do not understand how people give a singular fuck about each other. Throughout my life I've had moments where I've thought I understood or thought I was participating in moments of comradery or genuine friendship, but again and again I've come to realize that even my 'selfless' acts are very selfish; I do not enjoy talking to people and I am not emotionally happy for them, unless it is for my own benefit, and although I try it's incredibly difficult to imagine anyone else truly is either. It seems like other people just do not understand this aspect of themselves, are ignorant to, or are lying to themselves, into believing they really give a fuck about other people.
Which isn't to say that I am sadistic or anything, either. I do not experience joy hurting others for my own gain, nor do generally partake in actions that I know will do so. There are even many charitable things I do which people often use as example as to why I must be mistaken in this perspective… but while self reflecting I think at their source even those things are fairly self serving, and I would not do anything if it truly "put me out". I do not care to listen to friends or family, to hear them talk about even mutual interests, and often in my life have both of mine complained of my frequent absences and neglect unless I am in need of something. Yet I simply have never found myself able to care, and feigning it is a drain, so if the cons of the interaction outweigh the pros I can't justify it.
Normally to hear someone describe what I just have, I would think they are depressed and suffering severe apathy from it, but I would not consider myself to be depressed in any form, and I have been this way ever since I was a child. Though I am close nearing my thirties, I still often rely on hard drugs to drag my feet through the occasional social interaction, as I realize I may one day need help, and those people will not be there if I do not do at least this much.
I remember also as a young child I did not understand the point in hugging or other such affections, and even as I got older, I never bothered with such things until in relationships I was told to, and began to adjust my behavior to fit that role. Yet even with such things, if the relationship goes on long enough, I will become too tired of the drain of such an action, and partners chide me for having no affections towards them.
I have wondered a lot if I am autistic or something. Yet I feel like I can't fit that bill, as I do not think I have any issues comprehending people's emotions or body language or what-have-you, I believe I'm actually quite good at picking up on such… and I do not think I lack emotions to such an extent I really suit a sociopath or something either, I can still cry and feel joy and I do have interests and such. But the moment someone stops being 'useful', it's like my brain flips a switch, and their words become exceedingly annoying, as if by the simple act of attempting to continue our friendship, they are taking away years of my life.
It's strange I am a very outgoing person; I feel I would be most happy to live each day with a new identity, or in a new place, so that my interactions with people would never last long, and I would never have to be burdened by this thing that seems to come so naturally to everyone else.
No. 617511
>>617507You're good. I'm 30, just got my very first (and last) bachelor. So, basically 10 years of univ for just the one shitty degree.
You bet I'm going to wrap it up as difficulties, "experience", maybe a little sob story of some kind and overcoming all of it finally to recruitors.
No. 617522
>>617507Own it and tell it to the world.
If someone tries to call you a loser, you're in luck, it's 2020, call the sjw police on them and call them ableist or some shit. You just gotta take advantage of anything.
No. 617623
File: 1598629957026.jpg (113.35 KB, 1920x910, ULICByo.jpg)

I did coke once two years ago because i was in a really dark place mentally, my dad had attempted to commit suicide, i was rejected from my dream college, also was raped and couldn't do fucking shit about it because the guy was a minor.
Even after all this time and being clean from drugs for over a year everyone keeps fucking talking about it and acting like im the biggest fucking cokehead in the world.
It always puts a huge dent in my mood because it reminds me of the horrible place i was in when that happened, the people I know don't respect me enough to just shut the fuck up and never mention it again.
No. 617635
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>>617600SHe asked what was the rule.
No. 617665
>>617623First of all anon, I’m so sorry for what you experienced during that time. That’s awful.
Second, you are not a coke head, you only did it once. You’ve been clean for over a year and when anyone mentions that shit tell them to stfu for real. Remind them when it’s brought up that it was once and you’ve been clean for over a year. Make it stick in their fucking brains.
ps also maybe put that minor on blast cuuuuz fuck him
No. 617670
>>617665I tried calling him out on social media bc legally i can't do anything, heck i could get in trouble for being over 18 at the time, and basically
I got so much hate for it i had to apologize to him publically.
Misogyny is one heck of a thing.
>>617659>>617667Thanks, my city is fairly small so its tiring how i cant go out without someone making a quip aout me being a junkie or some shit, sometimes i just want to throw myself into work and not exist socially at all.
Its like they will only drop it the day i become a born again christian and denounce all kinds of fun.
No. 617674
>>617634feel ya, man. like, a little too much. my father met me once when I was 2 and then sent me cards up until I was 8. Then nothing. (besides child support, of course!)
my mom reached out to him without my consent, asking him why he’s never tried to get to know me or contact me. (I’m 21 now)
I never read the response he sent because I didn’t want to hear from him at all, but I heard the summary was something along the lines of my mom being a bitch or something.
hahaha, love the excuses for being an uncaring sack of shit. you think someone would want to stay in contact with their child over the years, but nah.
he’s really not worth my time. any father who ignores their child like that for your entire life does not deserve to get to know you now.
those are just my feelings, of course, so whatever conclusion you come to, I hope it can help bring you some form of closure.
No. 617786
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Asked my bf if he can pay for my Japanese classes and that I'll pay him back. He told me that I should just get a job. I HAVE a job, but I'm on fucking sick leave because I got a fucking tumour in my brain and too many appointments to count for it.
I feel so ashamed that I even asked. I hate asking for help, and now I want to go back to my mother's and hide in shame.
No. 617788
>>617723Me too! His fans are fucking obnoxious.
My friend likes to listen to him and annoying male comedians in the car. I have to use every fiber of my being not to fucking strangle him with the aux.
No. 617866
>>617857Find a pardner
And when you do anon, ask 'em to place a peck from me there too. If you don't, there will be… consequences.
No. 617974
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I still don't understand why my abusive ex targeted me. I have trauma due to abuse from my mom and had a history of dating people who verbally abused and tried to control me similarly to how she did. I didn't really get a lot of red flags with him because he was a completely different person and ended up abusing me in a way I wasn't used to. He was cold and indifferent. He acted like I meant nothing to him at all, ignored me on purpose, even though he claimed to love me. He gaslit me constantly. His whole thing was always "I'm a normal person, you're the problem."
Not that this excuses his behavior, but I know he has trauma from how he was brought up, too. His parents were neglectful and dismissive of him. His mom in particular is really cold and mean to him, but does it in a way that seems like she's joking. I don't really see how I'm anything like that. I can definitely be mean but I don't do it in an underhanded way and always apologize afterward.
I thought most of us unconsciously seek people who remind us of our parents if they abused us? Do some abusive people just seek anyone who seems insecure and/or codependent?
No. 617991
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my neighbors are so fucking annoying. the whole day there is bassmusic and chair screeching. I just hate it here. And I hate them. I exploited every possibility to get them to change including trying to move which is super hard. I need to learn to stop people from driving me insane
No. 618030
>>617974maybe there were some similarities after all? covertly? idk
love is strange and many people are disturbed
I'm sorry that happened to you anon. Wishing you the best.
No. 618086
>>617974Anon, YOU were the normal person. He was the problem.
Abusive people tend to target people who they think they can manipulate, like a test. You probably caught his interest (looks, status, something in you he felt he lacked, etc.) and he wanted that to make himself look better. Of course I have no insight into your relationship, but he probably had some kind of narcissism. The claim he loved you, then ignored just sounds like classic "love bomb -discard" behavior.
No. 618097
>>618095No, the whole board.
I feel like I'm seeing a lot more men post here lately, too. Not just on /ot/ but in cows thread. Twice today I've seen posts about how much easier women have life than men.
No. 618103
>>618097That's interesting. I wonder why it hasn't been announced anywhere but that thread? The rules also dont mention it but I guess that hasn't been updated in a while cause it still mentions the pink pill thread.
It's such a weird fucking thing to ban. I feel like the farmhands and admins are really trying to kill this site.
No. 618112
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I want to sperg about how ugly Kiwi is. I can’t stand seeing her face and reading people saying she’s cuter than June. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuckkk not because someone’s petite they’re cute oh my god I swear the state of this site is absurd, I’m ready to bet most people saying Kiwi’s cute are just coping
No. 618121
>>618103honestly i've been done with this site ever since I got a ban for talking to another anon in a thread about how men have an easier time becoming popular in beauty comms than women. Apparently that's radfem sperging. It's clear there's some weird shit going down with the farmhands and i'm over it. Let admin have her tranny harem if she wants it.
>>618112kek I get a lot of second hand embarrassment from her. Her photoshops are so bad that sometimes she makes her entire jaw look concave as she tries to edit those awful cheeks.
No. 618129
>>618127I know admin has said a lot of farmhands are her rl friends so idk why she's taking applications.
The only board I see farmhands always being complained about is here. I think it's just one retarded farmhand that's allowed to act like a sperg because she's admins rl friend.
No. 618148
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Something about this tweet really pisses me off. I think it’s just a hair trigger reaction to any woman insulting other women for something related to sex.
No. 618208
>>614253tranny jannies can suck a fat nut (and if i get banned for this vent, that just proves these troons can't take an ounce of criticism). fuckers banned me for four days basically for saying the third world exists - somehow that's racebaiting??? meanwhile the bitch i was replying to was being the most racist, intolerant piece of shit and she (probably he, actually) didn't get banned for any of their posts. for hours they were bashing white people, religious groups, americans, etc. and, looking back on it, were clearly baiting, but they were allowed to continue shitting up the board. i keep coming back to this hellhole of a site because it's the only female-majority imageboard and i'm tired of scrotes, but fuck, i wish there were an alternative with actual free speech. i'm sick and tired of filtering myself on here because of rules that aren't evenly applied to everyone.
No. 618210
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>boozing it up with some friends, chillin out maxing and actin all cool
>i notice one of my friend's sc stories updates
>it's a 5 second clip of us all talking but i see myself in it
>jfc that's what i look like
>i hate having a flesh prison someone please set me aflame so i can be like a ghost or some shit cuz i hate occupying physical space
No. 618234
>>618208another anon made a post about how ethnic kids are ungrateful but it was allowed because she claimed to be "ethnic" too. I got banned for disagreeing but they were never banned. Also, farmhands remove posts all the time from this board. Not gore posts/sperg outs, just shit they don't agree with. I kept a thread open a month ago and watched them fucking do it to like 10 posts in a row.
This site is a bad fucking joke. The gc talk can be quarantined, but the fact the farmhands are making rules about not being mean to men?? Have you ever seen such a rule about women kek
idk why admin bought a site and gave all her friends janny roles when they obviously hate the culture here.
(serial ban evader, bait-chan) No. 618273
>>618256I went through this already. I had a pet, he was my best friend in the world. He was there for me in an
abusive household, he even physically protected me. He was my world and reason for keeping going. After 3 years he passed away suddenly of an extremely uncommon disorder. He died in my arms in a horrific way. This was well over a decade ago and I still think about him every single day. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, as painful as it was losing him, I would do it all over again if I had the choice. For the price of that pain (the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life) I have been blessed with the memories and impact he had on my life. When that day comes for you the pain will burn through you at first, just embrace it. Allow yourself to feel every piercing emotion, because when the pain dulls you will realise how magical and special something would have to be to make you feel a pain that severe. It's why even though we know logically that pain is coming, we all still take on these family members. Its scary but the good far, far outweighs the bad, even in the most traumatic cases.
No. 618304
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I can't wait for my friend's wedding to be over. I'm so sick of hearing about it every fucking week and constantly having the plans change. Not to mention it being talked about like it's the biggest fucking deal for us when there's such bigger shit literally happening right now. And especially because she's been living with her scrote for a decade, feels like they're rushing for it because they broke up before and so they need a crippling threat of a binding commitment that would take either to the cleaner's to stay together at this point. Like a band-aid holding together a sinking vessel.
Worst of all I have to groundhog day this same shit next year because she wants a "big ceremony after covid" and I feel like being conveniently unavailable for it. I hate bride culture. I hate wedding culture. I am so sick of seeing my friends turn into greedy, self-centered prima donnas because they drank the flavor-aid and got brainwashed into thinking an expensive party where they harass and bully their closest friends and get everyone else to buy them shit is the most important day of their lives.
I don't care if not wanting to kowtow to this anymore makes me a bad friend, fuck this shit. Fuck weddings. I hope I never develop the audacity to put my friends through this "honorable" hell.
No. 618318
>>618313this, tranny janny thinks they're special because they mod a gossip imageboard. sorry.
>>618234I agree with you, I already am scared IRL of men and speaking my mind in front of them, god forbid I do it on a imageboard that supposedly is for women only
No. 618329
>>618317nta but you can see reasons in the redtext and some are really ridiculous
No. 618339
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>join a radfem pp/gc server, stick around for a year or two and post once in a while because it's fun/nice
>join some other LC server that popped up like a week ago
>the two have some sort of drama
>don't get involved in either side or read shit because idc, and don't post much on either of them unless something catches my eye
>somehow get banned (or kicked(?)) from both, maybe for inactivity
>DM someone I remember sometimes talking to from one of the servers asking about it
>she changes her name to "brb killing myself" or something and ignores me
I probably shouldn't be surprised, but I'm kind of salty. Why are people on Discord like this? Neurotic shit.
No. 618470
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>>618404NTA, but I found them arguing in the /g/ friend finder thread.
>>>/g/149420Apparently, someone from one server tracked down a user from the other, and felt the need to post about them publicly. In the server they tracked down that user in, some of the people there were also talking about them, and I guess they ironically or unironically discussed sneaking back in using alts and a catfish server or something.
From there, I guess the mods in both got paranoid after running these gay ops on each other and removed anyone who was a member in both servers. Don't really know what to make of all this. I just wanted to chill with other actual women and laugh at males/trannies in peace, ffs.
No. 618527
>>618526This, but I think it's also good to know how to spot warning signs. Those kinds of men tend to act a certain way, even if it's subtle.
The best you can do is watch what they do (they can really
say anything), what they get angry about, etc. It's not bad to be aware and cautious.
No. 618528
>>618527I agree, I think the warning signs are
usually pretty clear. These people don’t really blend in as well as they seem to think they do.
No. 618550
>>618546Isn't it the opposite? You become suicidal because you're a lost cause.
I don't want to demoralize anon, but uh
No. 618678
>>618399"Pedophile/weird fetish crazy bitch"? What are you even saying? Please stop dragging this on, clogging up all boards and making up/twisting things to fit your narrative and making yourselves out to be the
victims. Let this die. Why did you even bring this to lolcow in the first place? We wanted to have a discussion on the server but you were all silent when you got called out, apart from two of you who didn't even really participate in the shit talk/mocking. Eventually you all either left without saying a word or got banned.
>>618470There was no doxxing, someone posted her Naruto opening discord name without the # and deleted it right away. Still wrong and not condoned but it wasn't as she described it as.
No. 618681
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Texted a few friends but no one wants to fill the room I have open. Next up is posting on my Facebook wall. I reaaally don't want to resort to screening strangers.
No. 618700
>>618681Good luck anon. I've had some real 'interesting' roommates over the years.
My brother stopped letting out his spare room after his roommate turned out to be suffering from his first schizophrenic break. He contacted the mans parents to hopefully help and they were very unbothered about it all. After months of worrying behaviour he found the guy had added a bunch of new bolt locks to his door and he had weapons. With no help coming from the guys parents, the police or professionals he had to resort to calling his biggest friends round to force an eviction and hope that his parents might actually be forced to then step in and get him help. He went to work every day for months knowing this man was having a psychotic break in his house and nobody would help. Kicking him out without going through the courts was illegal. He nearly had his own nervous breakdown after all that.
No. 618746
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>>618700I've had mostly disgusting roommates.. I started living away from my parents in 2015 and I've been moving every year since. You'd never know until you lived with them.
>blood/pus>coffee grounds all over the bathroom>fruit peels in the toilet trash attracting bugs>moldy dishes piled high enough to touch faucet>ants>mice>multiple burning stove pots>oil-caked stove top/microwaves>fridge doubling as food coffin>picking off a piece of her weave and dropping it on my bed room floor>wears indoor shoes for the rest of the dirty-ass house but has no problem using them in my bed roomI hate people.
No. 618763
>>618746I had a roommate who had her own sanitary bin in our shared bathroom but..she would leave used pads in there for weeks even in the summer and the smell was unreal. Like rotting meat. Weirdest part is her bf lived with us too so he had to be smelling it
Then one day he goes nuts at me for leaving hair in the sink (my hair is like an inch long) He marched me back into the bathroom and he was talking about like two hairs on the rim of the sink. Dude your gf regularly forgets to flush her shit down the toilet and I never marched her back in for that or her smelly pads.
Yeah I moved, I can stand a smelly woman for months but a man screaming at me just once and I'm gone lol
No. 618767
I got molested by a female gynecologist when I was 15
When I was 20, I told my doctor I was pissing blood and he said I was lying even though I gave a urine sample alread
I know that's only two totally random examples, but doctors just keep fucking with me since there's nothing I can do and I have to keep going back
I can't trust anyone as an adult, I feel so violated by the world
You just find out over and over again that nobody actually cares about anyone, and the only people who get into positions of power are those who want to hurt others
Even doctors don't care about you.
I had another doctor much more recently call 911 on me and claimed that I said I was suicidal
I never even said I was, I said all these health complications are piling up so bad, I'm so stressed."
And she said I need to go to therapy, and I explained, oh baby I've tried plenty, the best it's ever gone for me is neutral.
And she said no, you have to
And I was like, alright I don't wanna get all dramatic on you or anything, but therapy makes me feel worse
And she goes, I shit ye not squire, just chimps the fuck right out, "If you kill yourself and I'm the last doctor you spoke to, I could lose my job. My kids would starve. My family would suffer. What exactly do you expect me to do here?"
And I was like, what
Because that shit came so far out of left field I was like, is this bitch unwell?
So I balked, I said, "I don't want to hurt myself? I get that you need to do whatever you need to do for your famil or whatever? But I'm just stressed, sick people get stressed"
And she got like this fucked up excited look and started typing really fast and slammed her laptop, and I'm like, "Yo are you okay?"
And she goes "I'm calling the police. I am not risking my livelihood for you."
And I'm like what in God's name is happening, this is the first time I've even been to this office
So she called the police, told them I had made a threat against myself, went and ran into the waiting room because I mentioned my mom actually drove me that day,
Fucking grabbed her and ran back to the exam room, my poor fucking mom thought I had died or some shut, she had never seen a doctor act like that, and when she sees, no, I'm just sitting fucking bewildered in the exam room
And the bitch cunt fuck doctor starts telling at me with the door open so everyone walking by can hear, and I'm like, okay this is fucking psychopath
So my mom tries to reason with her, she still doesn't know what's happening because the doctor has literally just been sprinting and yelling for 10 minutes
My mom says she can drive me to the emergency room, no one has to call the police,
And she says, "No! No! It's too late for that!"
And me and my mom are both like what the absolute fuck
So the doctor blocks the door as though we would try to escape the office until the police came
4 big old boys with guns and big boi EMTs, not sure that would have calmed down a suicidal person, but hey I'm not the one foaming at the mouth
So the cop with the hand on his gun says "Come with us." So I just fucking do, I didn't say a word, I put my hands up and let them escort me out of the building, while I could hear my mom shouting, "What the hell is going on, where are you even taking her?"
And they wouldn't tell her, and the police escorted my mom out of the building.
So I'm strapped in the ambulance now, my mom is trying to get one of the EMTs to talk now and finally has luck with him
They drove me to a hospital a state over, as per doctors orders, and before we even crossed the boarder, the emts were fucking saying to /me/ this seemed like an overreaction
Well, the ordered already been placed, so I got to get psychwarded for no fucking reason
Some of the most degrading shit man, do not go to a psyched if you don't have to lmao
They make you strip with four guards in the room, you get a a flapping open sided gown to wear, no strings because you could kill yourself
Also no panties because apparently you can actually strangle yourself with that shit too
And they make you give blood and urine, bunch of questions that put you on the spot, like they asked name three things you have to live for, and I was like, what a weird retarded question, and I was so fucking angry and humiliated, I said, "My mom, video games, and McDonald's"
They got me out of there in three hours
The staff was visibly pissed I had been sent there to waste their time
Can't trust anyone, dawg
The bad are strewn in with the good
Any one of those caring professionals could stick a finger up your ass if your mom isn't there to say, "Wtf where is the sheet, you don't do a gyno exam fully nude AND exposed"
No. 618768
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>>618750Thank you! Thankfully I have one housemate secured– my boyfriend. He actually scrubs the bathtub! Compared to my current housemate who splashes bleach on it and calls it day, he's a godsend.
>>618763That is absolutely disgusting. I bet the bf was just projecting after having to smell her stanky ass..
No. 618800
>>618783thank you thank you, that's all that can really be said
Also always go into the doctor with your children, don't trust anyone based on their career
No. 618804
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ive talked about balding here a lot before but this time im not gonna ask for advice. i've used supplements, expensive shampoos, everything i could afford. nothing. im still balding. my hair looks like the pic AT ITS BEST. which is still really bad. im either gonna buy those fake hair sprays (toppik etc) or i'll just shave it and get a wig. and never let anyone touch my hair ever. never gonna go out in public without a beanie or date anyone for the fear of them seeing me wigless.
im crying anons. im so fucking sad. im a 19 year old kissless virgin and im balding - and there is nothing i can do about it.
No. 618808
>>618767That's alot of text. But I've had bad experiences with both docs and in the psych system too and I think young women are often treated poorly like that. They assume you are attention seeking. Or they assume that you're meek and that you wont fight to have a test run properly or complain about them when they fuck up
What I learnt from being in an all female psych ward is that nearly every one was sexually abused early in life and they were all dealing with docs that rolled their eyes and treated em like attention seeking kids when they had trauma or found it hard to regulate their moods. They were treated like burdens when tbh someone else created that 'burden' by abusing them in the first place. People have a lot of sympathy for little girls being molested..and no sympathy for the women that they grow up to be.
No. 618824
>>618818Oh yeah, that's my next step. They literally told me last week they can't fire me for the thing that they fired me for. It was totally about the union. It sucks because all my coworkers are scaredy cats and won't make a statement against the company, but I'm not scared of these assholes.
>>618795>>618786Thanks guys! So many snitches out there who think throwing people under the bus will help them move up. I'll never understand.
No. 618827
>>618811thanks anon. ugh i really want to start again but i still wanna be ethical and i'll look like a really big hypocrite (because i am).
i guess i'll just have to forget about my pride and eat it.
aslo forgot to add but i had a pretty severe ED for a year and still underweight after 5 years (like around 16-17 bmi). i think my ED
triggered it but since i became a vegetarian during recovery, my hair didnt have time to fully recover?
sigh, i really wish there was an alternative. no other vegan/vegetarian i know has this problem. but yeah, i guess i'll slowly introduce meat to my diet after shaving my head.
No. 618837
>>618827I've had hair loss for a different reason. If you are shaving it remember it's a shock to the system at first. The first few mornings waking up and remembering that you're shaved can be pretty hard but you get used to it. I kept my head shaved for years after my problem actually resolved. I always wore hats out in the beginning but then I took to it and it felt normal. If you shave very close it creates a velcro like feeling that's pretty trippy and unpleasant to run your hand along so maybe aim to leave 1mm of hair.
IME wigs can give you bad headaches if you wear them for long and I actually felt more self conscious in a wig than just a hat? There's lots of pics online of women looking gorgeous with the shaved look, in case you need that to help build your confidence to do it.
No. 618842
>>618815>>618808I'm just gonna add to the absurdity here tbh
The doctor who called 911 on me was a thyroid specialist
I was not in there for mental help lol
No. 618844
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> pandemic calmed down for a month and everything starts going back go quarantine again while I still do my best to find a job and learn the language by myself because everything is either closed here either you need to pay over 380$, free classes successfully lasted only for 3 weeks because it was pre-pandemic
> i keep trying to find a job but as an immigrant even the job finding place straight up told me that they prioritise people from the country and EU more than people from 3rd world country when it comes to job finding, which makes it nearly impossible for me to find a job
> every job either asks masters degree either asks for fuck years lot of experience, I could find only 2 suitable jobs one of which is in other city which would make me travel for 5 hours by a train
> decide to ask father in law for help finding it because he offered that before many times but I wanted to try it myself first
> s/o tells me thats a bad timing because his beloved sister (instead of whoI ALWAYS have to do everything when it comes to helping his family because she immidtaley pretends to be depressed in order to sit and do nothing but play Rust all day while being 28. Literally have to take care of a garden in a house where she lives (in which she lives with parents, they are on vacation) because "she is depressed" to a point where she can't take 5 steps back and water flowers but can walk upstairs to her room and scream in high pitched voice pandering to Preggory clones. I live 2 hours away from them.) decides to leave her first ever job that was offered by her friend while working only for 3 months because "she does not like it" so father should focus on finding a job for her ass even though it's the easiest thing she can do compared to my situation
I do not know at this point. Does my s/o not want me to work at all? I want to scream in my pillow ffs. Am I overreacting and in the wrong here? At this point idm even moping damn floors. Jesus. I miss earning money.
No. 618854
>>618806It's mostly likely your diet, really do try eating meat
a good friend of mine lost a ton of hair when she went vegetarian, she literally started balding like the pic you showed and she had the most thick hair in the past. She was kind of a dumbass that didn't take care of her diet though but still, give it a try anon.
No. 618890
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I'm fucking sick of buying something to make a recipe and when I'm getting all my ingredients to cook later in the day, find out my brother ate what I needed. It genuinely makes me want to beat him up. He does it all the fucking time.
No. 618905
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>>618849>it'll look bad to me, even if i was a pretty supermodel. i'll want to ask them to retake it but can't because i would never be okay with any of them.The best you can do is to keep reminding yourself of this fact. You already know it's not really about how YOU look, you could look like anyone and you'd still hate yourself as much. I've been in the same boat (older than you and diagnosed bdd) and it gets easier!!
No. 618907
>>618806I'm really sorry this is happening to you. There
could be something you're lacking in your diet but you won't know until you get a blood test. For now, concentrate on eating a balanced diet and getting lots of iron (leafy green veg and kidney beans are great sources). Make sure whatever milk or cereal you're consuming is fortified with vitamins. Your doctor should also be able to recommend some good vitamin brands and provide you with a diet plan. Don't worry anon, there are ways you can continue to be vegetarian and still get everything you need from your diet. Your veggie/vegan friends aren't experiencing hair loss because they have a balanced diet, you can get there too with a little bit of work and experimenting. Good luck!
No. 618935
>>618804Wigs have come a long way, no ones necessarily going to notice and people that do aren’t really going to question it. Just learn to wear them properly if you go that route.
You’re relatively young so make sure you get a blood work up if you can afford to to make sure it’s not a symptom of something else (like a thyroid/GNC issue) because this is typically the time in your life where that kind of shit starts making itself known.
Also not to downplay your grief (because I’ve cried long and hard about my hair issues) but don’t give up on ever finding someone to love you! Guys don’t know shit most of the time about women and their beauty routines, you can totally just play it off as a fashionable choice.
No. 618958
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For years when I’ve daydreamed about my ideal life and what success would look like to me, I dream about living somewhere with 2 bedrooms (so I can have a sewing/craft room), and a dishwasher and a washer/dryer and a garage and a dog. I’ve never cared about kids or marriage or relationships really, that’s always been the life I’ve daydreamed about.
It feels like my bar is so low and still so unattainable. I’m nearing 30, I work full time at $25/hr (over 2.5x the minimum wage in my state), and I still can’t afford a “nice” 1 bedroom apartment where I live. There’s a “luxury” apartment complex across the street from where I live now (I adore my neighborhood) where the apartments have dishwashers and underground parking and a washer/dryer in unit and allow dogs. I’ve spent so many years of my life digging my car out of knee high snow and arriving to work late, exhausted, and sweaty, and lugging my clothes up and down icy stairs for overpriced laundry that barely works and handwashing all the gross dishes I let pile up out of exhaustion…and I’m just so tired of all of it. I like my job, I’m excited about my career future, my car is paid off and I have no student debt. But when I run the numbers, an apartment like that would run about 50-60% of my income (and that’s still just for 1 bedroom). Sometimes I just want to scream and weep at how hopeless it all feels, like no matter how hard I work and run myself into the ground I’ll never be able to live happily or independently in this nightmare hellscape world that boomers/gen x created.
No. 619005
>>618991I’m well aware it’s incredibly stupid to be that annoyed at something I could’ve avoided by just not watching and I sound
triggered as fuck, but he never watched political stuff before and I didn’t expect it to go like that. Idk I vented and got it out of my system and so I’m over it now.
No. 619036
When a man only flirts with/dates women who are 19-22, he is doing so because he's bad in bed, and an insecure loser. A young woman usually hasn't had enough experience to discern what is good sex yet. I know when I was that age, I was still totally stoked that I was touchin' dongs. Makes little difference if the sex was "good" or "bad" when you're a young crazyperson who just became old enough to buy booze.
The darker side of this, though, is that women that age usually haven't developed the self esteem or assertiveness to express what they actually want in sex. Or in a partner. They tend to have far less confidence in themselves than a woman in her late 20s. These guys KNOW that if they tried to date or fuck someone over 25, they'd get laughed out of the bedroom.
Also, men know instinctively that younger women are easier to manipulate, and will do just about any debased shit for social approval. So I'm completely grossed out by any guy acquaintances in my life who show up with a young girlfriend.
I'm married. I've already been-there-done-that being a young woman with no self esteem getting preyed on by 30-somethings. It sucked. You always feel such a strong need to never, under any circumstances, upset the man by saying "no." You feel like you have to preserve his delicate feelings and make sure he always feels powerful. I am bummed to see a lot of dude-friends in my life who are edging toward their mid-30s STILL hitting on 20 yo's.
Like – fuck you. Grow up. Try talking to a woman. But they won't. Because they're scared they won't feel superior, and won't get constantly catered to, and they'll be humiliated when they attempt to fuck an actually mature person.
No. 619069
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I think my fiance is either cheating on me or is up to something. Idk my gut is telling me something is wrong. But of course I can't just accuse him of something like that with no proof. The only time he's kinda protective of his phone is when he's asleep. He's a light sleeper, and whenever I get up and walk passed his side table where the phone is, he semi wakes up, and flips over to face me/the phone. I feel like I'm going a little crazy thinking that something is up but with no proof/no reason to believe he's cheating. He did get a text notif like at 7am one time, which is kind of suspicious, but I never checked.
I'm going crazy, anons.
No. 619101
>>619069That is pretty sus. I dated a guy like that once. I remember waking up at 3AM once and he was texting in bed, quickly switched to web and pretended he was just surfing. The next time I got to his house before him, I checked his tablet and found he had been receiving little flirtatious heart comments from some bitch on instagram.
We weren't as serious as you, and snooping can be VERY damaging for a relationship (plus it'll make you look like the psycho tbh). If you two are close, you might wanna bite the bullet and talk about how his behavior is making you feel.
No. 619106
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man i really miss roleplaying i miss the ships i had and the friends i lost contact with but damn it just isn’t fun trying to find decent writers that my characters connect with. i dont even know if it isn’t fun or i just outgrew it? like i was doing it online since i was 10 on neopets but if the people i used to write with ever found me and hit me up i’d for sure be down so maybe i haven’t outgrown it and i just haven’t found the right writing partner? this is a stupid vent but it’s 6am and damn i miss my old ships and characters and my old writing partners.
No. 619112
>>619106Aww I get you. In my case livejournal RP's were the best!
Maybe it's because you're older? I find myself really picky about writing and shit (seriously one of my friends wrote me a fic recently for one of my ships, which was sweet and cute but…her grammar and formatting were atrocious)
Sadly I think you'll have to put in time and effort to find a decent RP partner on a medium like twitter or sth. I have a small writing group I like to chat with, but it took a while for me to click with anyone.
No. 619119
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>>619106I know what you mean anon. I grew distant from an old RP group after a depressive episode.
These guys were my best friends but I went quiet for like 2 years. Now I wish I could find them so bad. We used to play the best games of WOD.
No. 619164
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>>618767also I was at the gyno for a uti, my gp couldn't get me in but the gyno office said I could just give them a urine sample and they would give me an antibiotic, my mom was already a patient there, I don't remember anything else why
They told my mom on the phone I wouldn't need an exam
When the gyno came in, she locked the door and no one had been in before, so I was still fully dressed, and she had me undress in front of her
That was the first time I'd ever been to the gyno, I wasn't even on birthcontrol or anything, so you know, my stupid ass fault
It was so disgusting, like at the time when you're that young, you just think, "evil sadist pedo bitch" instead of "PEDO sadist, period"
But the longer time has gone on, I feel more disgusted the older I get
She made me bleed, so there was no hiding what the fuck just happened if I told right away
So she she cleaned her fucking hands up and dipped and said one last time she could tell I'd already been having sex anyway and that my mom would just be more angry at me then she already is for being promiscuous
My piss was absinthe green, and she said, "There's nothing to be done about that. You really want me to tell your mom you've been sleeping around and got an std/this/ bad?"
And I was like, I'm gonna puke now stop fucking talking, but only in my head
So she says, "Don't feel bad, I see girls like you all the time, there's nothing special about you. This is just one of those things girls like you hide."
She left, I was like just fucked up weird, then I saw that there was blood under me and thought she must have broken my hymen, but I sat up and more came out, I was like no, that shit really just happened, whatever it was
I didn't know exactly what she'd done, I'd never had an exam before, but my mom has all kinds of reproductive system issues and she always talks about shit hurting, and I'd never had sex before, and she told me herself it would probably hurt a lot
You know what's the shit that just makes me sickest
As an adult, I can tell now that I'm a lesbian, but I'm so fucking scared of women I've never even considered being with one
I hate men too but that's surprisingly not sex abuse related
Like I'm never going to be able to get my fucking box chomped without puking because when I look and see a womans eyes staring at me like that from that angle it just fucking makes me puke, I can't help it, I feel like an insane person
No. 619184
>>619046tbh kill him
no, for real though, if he isn't "satisfied" by your natural form, he will always make you feel like shit because you will never grow bigger tits, get out of there
No. 619191
>>619069I've never been a paranoid or distrusting person in relationships but the one time my gut told me something was up, it was. Had the same thing you describe with him being extra careful with his phone.
When we started living together he gave me the passcode to his phone in case I ever needed to use his wifi hotspot, he'd leave his phone sitting around. Then he started having it on him at all times.
I never snooped but the affair came out when he left me for her, I still kinda feel like snooping is wrong but I also wasted months of my time waiting to see what would happen! It's a tough position to be in, if he's cheating and you confront him he sure as hell wont just own up to it anyway.
No. 619194
>>619046>i am only a d cupyikes anon don't let pornsick men convince you your d cup isn't big
fuck why do we always let men tell us our bodies aren't good enough?
No. 619195
>>619191>snooping is wrongonly if you're obsessed with tracking your SO's every move or are otherwise balls to the wall crazy.
there is nothing wrong with snooping, people rarely snoop if they don't feel like they need to. if you feel like you need to, then there's likely a reason for you to snoop, in which case you should - because it'll save you precious time you can use on finding someone who isn't a bottom-feeding jackoff. the only people who say 'snooping baaaad' are men with things to hide.
No. 619196
>>619195I wasn't saying it's outright wrong but that I have mixed feelings on it after what I went through, said I still 'kinda' have those feelings. If he is acting sus and treating you like a fool, appears to be texting someone in front of you with his phone held tightly to him.. yeah better to snoop than be taken for a fool.
I can't get those months back that I wasted, he had all the power by being the one to just land me with the news of his affair when he felt ready to leave.. It's tricky but they won't just confess so finding proof might be the way to go here.
No. 619199
>>619069In general snooping = bad but I believe it applies mostly if you're just obsessively checking somebody's phone/social media behind their back and I agree there are situations in which it's totally justified. I had a bad feeling about my now-ex, he wouldn't say anything even though I've tried a normal conversation approach multiple times, eventually I broke down and even though I felt really awful about myself doing that, I've checked his phone. He sure was cheating, and if I didn't check it would NEVER come out and just go on forever because as I've later found out it's been going on for over 6 years - I've been with him for a year at that point, before me he was with two different girls and they never knew he cheated on them with that woman.
tl;dr I say do it, don't waste your time, just don't let it become a habit.
No. 619206
>>619199What an asshole
Something to consider aswell, if someone is cheating on you they are putting your health at risk by possibly bringing STDs home to you. That was a concern I had back when I suspected my partner was up to something.. sure enough I was right to be concerned.
No. 619213
Humans who insist that we're the only species on earth that have awareness, "souls" or the capacity for abstract thought are weak and insecure. It's like their whole universe would fall apart if they lost the illusion of being a special snowflake species. There's also the crushing guilt of how we treat animals that would follow. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian anymore, but so many meat-eaters are insecure about this very subject. You don't even have to talk about it with them, they'll just notice you don't eat meat IRL and start trying to argue. It's bizarre.
People who try to find a "good" reason to place themselves above other animals in general are kind of lame. Just accept that they are beings unto themselves, who feel pain, understanding and love, but they also carry nutrients and taste good. Many animals also eat other animals, that's just life. Humans can't even treat other humans well, but they seriously fool themselves into thinking they're high-empathic, godly beings above all the rest, lmao.
No. 619245
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Will it always be like this anons? Will I never be able to move on from the past because the world will never stop reminding me of it? I used to strip on cam for pedos online as a teen and I've stopped doing it for almost a year, completely. I used to talk to some of these men for comfort and attention. I've cut off contact with all of them but they still somehow find me. I blocked them on my number, I will change it soon, the number is registered as my mom's so I'm just thinking of 'accidentally' losing it. I changed all my social media accounts, only have a private instagram now but they somehow find it, messaging me about how 'i still have ur nudes you know' I don't care just leave me alone please. It's hard to not message them back. I got a message from one of them asking if I'm okay because there was flooding in my city. I don't want to talk to you, I told you to stop contacting me. It's so fucking draining. One of them I suppose had my number and messaged me on whatsapp asking if I am 'insert my fake name I used to use here', I answered no, sorry you have the wrong number. But it wasn't the wrong number, it was me. I know I am at fault too, I was a stupid, attention starved teen and I knew back then too this was not right but I was too lonely to care. I don't know anons. I'm trying to look towards the future and forget it all, but it just seems that won't be happening. I'm so paranoid of them messaging my family or friends and I just wanna cry, I feel so bad. There's no one I can talk to about this because I know I will get blamed, ostracized and it can be so stressful dealing with alone on top of dealing with getting assaulted and with studies. Glad there's lolcow though kek
No. 619292
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>>619213what do cats think about
No. 619293
>>614253Beware of "one in a million" fuckboi recent go-to pickupline:
-i've never dated any girl like you
-"you knew/like this not-very-unknown musician, anime or e-celeb?? Woah you're so cool!"
-"you have an appearance of a hot girl and personality of a best bro"
Scumbag special:
"I think i'm on a fast track of falling head over heels for you"
No. 619295
>>619293Another bonus if they compare you to one of manic pixie dream girl characters
Source; experience
No. 619304
>>619248Yeah, that is true. I've been conflicted over talking about it that I it barely crossed my mind even on an anon board, fuck. So:
>Old fling contacts me>Want to patch things up (we lost contact when he went back to his ex and I got a bit hurt by the way he did it)>He seems to have grown up and is owning up to his past mistakes not only with me but with other people as well>We used to have fun so I'll give him a chance>Start hanging out as friends, he says he's still in love with me>He is poly and already has a girlfriend>Well, I still like him too so I'll give it a shot>I straight away tell him I have between then and now developed somewhat of an abandonment complex and reminds him of the trauma my ex left me with before our first fling>Ok no probSo we started dating and got serious after a few months, and after we decided to get serious I realized since he was my second boyfriend in my adult life, with the previous one being
abusive, and the he was girlfriend's first boyfriend he had some leverage over us since none of us has a concept on what is "normal" in a relationship and somewhere back in my mind, but I didn't think too much about it until later on
>There is no secret in our circle of friends (all these people have been around 10+ years, including him) that I am one of the few that don't separate feelings and sex>Ask him to not have sex with anyone outside of the relationship(s), it is the only thing I ask from him>He looks like the surprised pikachu meme but hesitantly agrees>We decide to go "official" on social media two months after we got serious because I wanted him and Girlfriend to have this whole "one year anniversary" FB does, even if it's tacky>I am super excited because I have never experienced something like that (in my previous relationship I had to be a secret because he was a ~*RoCk StAr uwu*~ so we were never "official") so while seeming like a small thing to some, it was a giant thing for me>Guy seems to be uncomfortable and tries to find excuses to just have me and the other girlfriend as a separate group on his page instead>Uuuh, no I do not want to be treated as someone's secret again, I really want to experience being on someone's page as their girlfriend at least for a while, like Girlfriend got to be >He seems really anxious about it, calls Girlfriend who was really happy that we were going out as official and didn't mind at all (so he had apparently not communicated this with her from the start)>He finally agrees, but only if he and I both write a long-ass post each about how they haven't broken up etc etc. (Girlfriend didn't need to post anything)>Despite previous discussion everything are absolutely great >Valentines come up>Plan is two separate dates at his place and one together at a nice restaurant the 14th>While Girlfriend and I were chatting away about food at the restaurant she drops that it was really nice that he and her went and got some really nice lambchops from the butcher as their valentines dinner>He just pulled out some salmon from the freezer on our date (while I don't really care about what kind of dinner it was, what I sort of reacted to was the difference in effort from him). I don't say anything but I give the guy a quick confused look and he looks the other way.>At one point he and I have a fight, and I fully admit that I was the one in the wrong (I overreacted on a subject that was a bit sensitive to me)>Something that is very unusual because I quickly learned that I have pretty meek and scared of speaking up if I am feeling hurt with him without shaking and stuttering because of my ex (I get scared of getting hit or getting told what an awful human being I was for criticising him)>He clearly holds this one and only fight against me>He starts using how mean his ex was as an free out of jail card whenever I try to bring up something when he hurt me >Whenever I try to bring something up, which requires a lot of mental strength from me, it always end up with me apologizing and him just looking at me saying "I forgive you" ProJared-styleAnd this point is important: He was AWFUL at communicating so it would always fall on me despite him being the center and I kept thinking something was wrong with me and that I was missing something (so I obviously end up feeling hurt a lot). I kept reading poly-blogs, made accounts on poly-forums, talked with friends who are poly, just so I could try to understand and ask questions, especially to make sure if I was reasonable or not in situations before bringing any of those subjects up with him. On top of him being awful at communicating I would sometimes not hear from him for days, something that really
triggered my abandonment complex (that he was fully aware that I have) but I never acted on it since it is a me-problem.
>New Animal Crossing is released>We both get it and play together>He starts showing screenshots and talks about an AC group he is in with aquaintances we both have>I ask him if I could join>He ignores the question>I ask him again at a separate time>He still won't reply and change subject>One day I help him out with laundry>Realize Girlfriend's clothes are in there>He always brings my clothes and stuff back to me whenever I leave them at his place>I ask him about it but won't get a straight response>His birthday rolls around>He said he is going to spend that entire week, including his birthday, with renovating his kitchen>I call him on his birthday to congratulate him and we talk for a little bit, I ask him how it's going with the kitchen>"Didn't do anything today. Actually just got out of the shower, I'm going on a birthday dinner with Girlfriend and her parents">I had no clue, probably wouldn't have known unless I had asked him. Girlfriend posts about it on social media the day after, I would probably not known until I read that post >This of course really hurts me>A few days later I wondered if he could post about me on his sm and comment that he loves me on things I write, just like he does with Girlfriend. It would make me really happy if he did>"I don't do that at all">Uhm, I am literally looking at a post where you did>"Ok maybe I do, but for us it's not a big deal. I won't do it with you because it is a big deal to you">…aight.>He calls a few days later>"I can't do this anymore. I need to have sex with others as well, and if I can't do that I will one day end up really, really hurting you. I also recently got a love letter, and I realized that while Girlfriend would get excited for me, you would ask what it means and that is really troublesome for me">…did I do something wrong?>"No, the problem is that you are mono" When I went outside the next day the stuff I had left at his place last time laid literally on the ground outside my door, not even in a bag. I was of course upset, my relationship ended after all, but I also felt a slight relief. I didn't realize under how much stress I've been during the relationship, I had been crying more than I had in a couple of years the last few months of it and even started self-harming again (something that was very obvious but he never bothered to talk with me about it), I kept thinking I was having a relapse in my depression that caused all of that crying. I realize now that he wanted me to be like Girlfriend, who is very lenient and lets him do whatever he wants while she does her own thing. I also want to clarify that he claimed we were both his primary partners, no one was supposed to be secondary.
Sorry if all of this is all over the place, I tried to keep some sort of timeline in this and there are most likely things I have forgotten atm. The reason why I don't want to bring these things up with anyone is because I don't want to hear any "I didn't like him from the start" or "I told you so"'s from friends that didn't like him because of his past behavior.
No. 619312
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>>619304>All this blog after knowing in the first place that the dude is poly and then wanting him to go mono.Consider this a life lesson girl ffs.
No. 619329
>>619325To be 100% honest: I have always been iffy about the whole subject of polyamory, so I was insecure about it at first but decided "fuck it, let's give it a try" so I brought some of this upon myself like the stupid optimist I am.
I didn't expect the relationship to last forever, but at least have a great time during it. I didn't expect him to act like this towards me, and again I don't have a real grasp on what a "good" relationship is either so it was easy for me to blame myself.
No. 619345
>>619332The key to make poly work is communication, trust and more communication. Which means if he has a crush or interested in someone he should inform us about it so we know what's going on. If he started dating someone and have sex with them while doing so, sure. I would 100% trust him.
Him lying that he's dating someone that is actually just his fuckbuddy… it doesn't sound like him, but I admit it's not like I would have any way to check up on it. I can't really give much of an answer on how I would act in that kind of scenario because I can't really picture it.
>>619336True, and now I know that poly is not for me. Even if he would be considered a bad example, I would never go into something like that again. I hope my judgement of my next partner's character will be better. I really need to do something about my optimistic "fuck it, let's go!" attitude since it has gotten me into trouble more than once lol
No. 619379
>>619345So another question then, if all he has to do is inform you, then how is it actually different from an open relationship? Like in a meaningful way?
Idk why, but I imagined a poly relationship would be like… all the people in a relationship dating each other lol
No. 619395
>>619379There are different kinds of poly relationships, one where all of the involved are dating each other is a so-called "triad", the most common version is that there is a "center" person that dates others.
Honestly, I don't really know how other poly-relationships work in those scenarios since I have only talked to others and read about situations that was relevant to how our relationship worked and that question never really came up (well, I guess it kinda did with the love letter when he dumped me, because I would ask questions and not just smile and nod). This is the only poly relationship I have been in, and also the last, so I can't really say much else except from what he expected from us… which I admit is a bit questionable considering his actions during the relationship since I guess he just expected us to be his cute big tiddy goth girl fetish animu harem that let him do what he wanted without putting in any work into the relationships. I know, I know it sounds salty but… yeah.
I'm sorry for not being able to explain more, anon, the whole subject of poly relationships is so… unnecessary unclear unless you are really into the poly thing yourself, which I'm actually really not.
No. 619516
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my step father and mum recently divorced because it turns out his son molested my sister for years
>mfw our grandma defends step son and says my sister who got molested by him shouldn’t ruin his life by telling police
>mum is heartbroken over this & divorce and lost almost everything she has, starting new in a new city with no money relying mainly on help from friends & her business
this woman helped raise me what the fuck i feel like i don’t even know her literally how can she defend the rapist who abused my little sister. SHE is her grandchild NOT him.
please someone help me make sense of this she’s not even senile wtf
i am so hurt. my poor little sister. nice to know what she thinks of us, choosing our chavvy step siblings over us
FYI we’ve never mistreated our grandma or anything like that so idk where it’s come from? i feel like she’s abandoned us
pls be my validation hugbox and tell me i’m not crazy
No. 619517
I want to fucking go apeshit on my boyfriends piece of shit, entitled, victim complex, yellow fever, “”mansplaining””, never ever clean the house, always leaving a mess everywhere, no ones allowed to have different opinions, leaves piss stains on the shower walls and a permanent cum odor, hypocritical, passive aggressive, using people for his own benefit, smug, cough on everything, fake nice, always trying to pit us against each other, causing all his own problems, Neanderthal looking ass roommate but I know I can’t. even just knowing he’s in the same room fucking angers me I’ve never been so fucking pissed at someone before and the worst is that he’s so fucking passive aggressive about it that what the fuck are we supposed to do if he never directs anything towards us? Just let him use our anger at him to fuel his poor tortured soul victim complex and use us as a story to charm the next group of people he’ll meet and eventually get ditched by? I really fucking wish something genuinely bad happens to him
No. 619532
>>619530Now that I think about it it actually happened for the first time last year after I nearly passed out at a friend's place. And this year I started feeling this way just as often again soon after getting really sick and not being able to go to the doctor back then (I suspect it was the covid and way later my doctor said it's most likely that as well but by then I was doing way better.) Since it keeps happening when I have physical health issues it's hard to tell when I'm panicking and when I'm physically sick.
The doctor also said it was most likely stress from the pandemic and everything that happened because of it. I'm with my family atm and my mother won't stop saying it can't just be anxiety and to go back and ask for more thorough exams because doctors told her similar shit for years without paying attention to her until she was stuck to a wheelchair for a few weeks and finally got a diagnosis for a rare physical disorder so she's scaring me.
No. 619603
>>619586>>619592Absolutely. I have male friends who, though they are very nice and respectful, won’t even contemplate going to the gym and just sit on their ass all day, playing video games and wondering why they haven’t gotten laid in years.
It’s because they’re either fat as hell or lanky skinny uggos. Truth is: You can be an ugly motherfucker but if you’re ripped, you WILL get laid. Especially considering that men gain muscle so much more easily than women, all they have to do is put down the burger and go to the gym twice, three times a week. That’s honestly enough for an average man to start getting nice arms and pecs.
On top of that, women will be less likely to be hung up on minor flaws like having a large nose or an average face.
2020 women have conditioned men to give even less shit about their appearance and they now even adopted surface-level feminist ideas that they cherry-picked like “I don’t need to have the perfect body to find love, she should love me for who I am, she should embrace my hobbies, we should go Dutch on everything”
They then have the gall to encourage each other to try their luck with me when they have a beer gut and skinny arm or weight 120lbs and dress like they belong on Blue clues. I’m mad.
No. 619632
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>buying alcohol alone
>cashier: "take care of yourself, okay?"
please don't like… say that to me dude. i'm getting shitfaced alone on a sunday night, i don't need to be reminded how bad i am at taking care of myself
No. 619635
>>619632That was so out of pocket of him, what the fuck
let me buy my liquor in peace i'm a grown fucking adult.
No. 619642
>>619640NTA but corona politeness is out of the window, it's been almost 7 months. People don't say that unless they're close to you. If you do, then you're nice.
But it's "stay safe" not "take care of yourself". You're not the one that gives yourself coronavirus kek
No. 619656
I'm really stressed about my college classes. It's hard for me to focus an everything is online, it's a miracle I made it through last semester. I'm only taking 10 units out of a full 12, but they're both STEM classes, and one has me doing virtual labs alone and only has 3 hours of lecture in real time per week. The other is just supposedly a hard subject to a lot of people, someone I know failed it three times while she was taking other classes at the same time, and I've met other people who have failed once or twice before finally passing. I need to transfer to a four year university next year to finish my degree, and I could do one of my last three/four classes during summer or winter or something (at a fast pace) before I leave, but I feel nervous about doing that too. I'm just so anxious about keeping up already that I nearly threw up and flew into a total panic today because I didn't do enough work over the weekend. I'm not even so behind it's impossible to catch up, but I just am finding focusing so hard and keep losing time to anxiety or a poor grasp of time. I'm pretty sure I have something like ADHD and not going to school irl, or even being able to go to a library or quiet cafe, to study has completely fucked up my ability to block time out to work. I also am dying being trapped inside so much, I'm just depressed and can't keep track of time anymore.
I feel too old to be in undergrad and I have a good financial aid package so I'm afraid of dropping the other course and taking 5-8 units, which would instead be just one hard class, or a hard class plus a personal enrichment class, to keep myself busy and from losing my mind. I feel like it'd make me a stupid slow fuck and enable me to not get things done, but at this point I'm falling apart at the seams over nothing and I'm not even past the intro weeks. If I drop now it won't show on my record. I'm worried that I'll regret dropping if it turns out I could've handled it if I just waited for the anxiety to pass, but the anxiety has been killing me for months and it feels like I'm always stressed about something. I have things I need to get done and I could try to recoup what time I lost in summer to get in therapy and do all of the paperwork I need to do for my life, including getting a driving permit and learning to drive, but I'm afraid that I just will waste my time again. I'm transferring next year no matter what I do now, unless I actually flunk and fuck up my GPA, but I just am worried I'm fucking everything up if I put this class off until another semester.
I don't even know what to do, it feels like there are no right answers. I'm talking to a few people I know about this and they think I should just take the one class and try to take care of myself, but I feel like that's being too soft on myself…sorry for rambling so much but I really needed to get this off my chest.
No. 619692
>>619516Holy shit anon, your grandma is awful and clearly playing some weird favouritism game. I hope your part of the family cuts her off!
It is really understandable that you are shocked, it must be an awful feeling not only because things are quickly being uprooted but also that you couldn’t protect her. Make sure she knows you are there for her and love her, she needs you more than ever.
Your mother is amazing that immediately decided to divorce him, sadly a lot of parents don’t. I hope all of you get the support you need in these times!
No. 619745
>>619653I agree, wtf is this, he was just trying to be nice. Oh my god, how are people today so
triggered by everything?
No. 619762
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>stay the night at my bf's house
>dad sends me a text that i "need to be a challenge" or he'll cheat on me/leave me
am i reading into this or is that a really awful thing to say
No. 619782
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I live in a small town and i only graduated 3 years ago.
4 people from my graduating class have died this year, either from drug overdoses or a car accident, i don't know. I feel so much grief i never knew them personally but I saw them around and now they re gone, i feel so bad.
One of them I used to call a swagfag and shit like that. He was a football player, he was in a college in a city not that far from here, he died behind a hotel, his friends just left him there.
The one who died recently is making me very sad.
He never liked me, we ran in similar friend circles but he was always staring at me in a grossed out way. But he acted polite to me and we talked once when we were freshmen. Everyone loved him, he seemed really nice. I saw his mom make a post about how she was expecting him to come home still, omg it's fucking with me so bad. I feel so bad, i never knew you well, but RIP. I'm not sure how he died, but his mom said something about how she was praying in the hospital for him.
Another one was a gay dude, i never knew he was a user but I guess it's common here, his mom didn't like that he was gay, and he couldn't really find love in this town so he died after a life of only hookups, he was into makeup and fashion, I've never talked to him.
Another one was some dude who died after taking a Percocet, he seemed like a really nice kid. He is related to my bf and his family is still distraught.
I know some anons might be like "dumbassess shouldn't have taken the drugs then", this is a really small town and there is little to no recreation here. That's all there is to do is drink or go out to eat or trip on drugs at someone's house.
I'm sorry if this sounds selfish, but I hope nobody close to me is next. People I actually knew are gone. I'm so anxious that I will die and leave my family behind or one of my family members will pass too soon.
No. 619793
I’m pregnant and in less than two days I’m supposed to go in for my second appointment in which I should be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I’ve been so nauseous and have had pretty bad morning sickness and fatigue/tiredness for like a week and a half and I’ve been feeling very emotional and vulnerable and somewhat depressed. Some days I think I just can’t do this. I’m personally pro choice but I don’t think I could get an abortion myself. I do feel attached to the “baby” already and would probably feel worse if I got an abortion.
My boyfriend has been extremely supportive throughout the whole thing so far which really surprised me. Honestly I expected him to get upset, maybe even angry, because this wasn’t planned and we’re not exactly swimming in cash. Our apartment only has two rooms. Not two bedrooms, two rooms total (not including bathroom)
However today I started crying randomly because I miss my family. I live in a different country from them now. I said it wasn’t fair how my parents can’t be with me and see my pregnancy and see our child when it’s born (depending on what happens with COVID-19/travel I guess.) and it didn’t help that just that morning my boyfriend told me he talked to his mom on the phone the night before and she apparently expressed some concerns about if I “really love” him or if I’m using him or something. Which is ABSOLUTE bullshit. She was apparently concerned because I’ve been married once before, and honestly I’ve only been with my current boyfriend for a year. I don’t even think her concerns are that ridiculous I guess, she’s just being a mom but I hate that she apparently thinks these things about me. I’ve never even met her before, I’ve only met his sister, because his parents live kinda far away and this COVID-19 thing has been going on for a good portion of our relationship, but we were planning to visit his family next month and stay in a hotel to avoid too much contact.
Now I feel really insecure and shitty about meeting his parents if they’re going to be judgmental of me being divorced once before (it was a really short marriage when I was young and stupid and he ended up lying and stealing our shared savings, which contributed to my decision to divorce) My family has been nothing but supportive, and while I’m sure they have worries they’re kind enough not to tell me and just make me more stressed. Honestly I wish my boyfriend didn’t even tell me what his mom said so I could be blissfully ignorant of her feelings and just make a good impression when we visit. Now I’m going to be so upset and anxious I don’t even know how I’ll behave.
Anyway my boyfriend and I fought about this (verbally) for a while because he said “of course” she will be worried because I’m a divorcee and blah blah blah, that it’s only natural. I just said I wish she could keep it to herself, or he could keep it to himself, but he said she/he were just being “honest” like yeah I get it, honestly is great usually but not if it’s sole purpose is to hurt somebody imo. I feel like there was no need to tell me that. Then he got more upset and started saying sometimes he’s not sure if I love him because, as an example, when he picked me up a snack today I didn’t say thank you (I usually always say thank you, I just didn’t today because I was crying about this stuff) I feel annoyed that I always have to like pat him on the back every time he does something for me. It feels like it’s more for him than for me if all he cares about is getting praised for doing things instead of just making me happy. (I never even asked him to go out and get the snack, he did it to try to cheer me up) I kinda wonder if this “worry” wasn’t brought on by his mom’s comments on the phone from the night before which makes me uncomfortable if she’s like getting in his head and making him worried about that. He also made some offhand comment about some of his friends being “disappointed” in him for being with me (I guess because of the pregnancy or my past divorce idk) which was a slap in the face because he told me all his friends congratulated us and were happy.
Anyway now I’m just depressed and he’s gone to work and didn’t even say I love you or anything before he left and I self harmed for the first time in a long time and feel like shit. I feel like what’s the point to even have this baby with him if apparently everybody is just disappointed or judging it or disgusted or whatever. I half want to just go back to my home country and be with my family and raise the kid alone. I do love him though and he really has been extremely supportive until today. And was really stepping up and taking responsibility really well. I don’t know if we’re both just being assholes and he just said stuff to be hurtful in the moment or what.
No. 619850
>>619793Does he have any sisters? I hate when a woman gets pregnant unplanned and the guys mother is quick to assume it's a trap or easy money. Who stresses out the most during an unplanned pregnancy?…the woman! Who is the one doing most of the raising and day to day care of the child (whether you stay together or not)….the woman.
I can see why you're upset. It's takes two to accidentally make a baby but it's usually the woman that is affected the most by it. It'd be nice if 'concerned mothers of grown ass men' could see that.
No. 619855
>>619793Not wanting to be a killjoy here, but are you sure you REALLY want to keep it?
The apartment situation, your family away, his family not supportive of you, him not reassuring you when he knows you're fucking pregnant and emotionnal and not even seeing the point of sparing you the shit his mom said, the sudden friend comment…
Fuck that. You have a right to be emotionnal, it's normal in your state. It's not normal that YOU have to pat him on the back for stupid shit you didn't even asked for.
It's sounds a bit too much to handle honestly. I would be rethinking for sure.
No. 619916
>>619793Anon, it sounds like we’re at about the same stage of pregnancy and I really can’t imagine putting up with what you are in the state I’m in right now. I really hope you’ll consider the way your boyfriend acts, and how it will feel to live with that (or a worse version of it) for the next 20+ years while also losing a huge part of your life in order to raise a child. The chance of your adult boyfriend suddenly getting his selfish feelings together and acting better is essentially zero.
Really, truly, consider your life and your future. Don’t let your hormones or your boyfriend sway you to continue the pregnancy if you think your happiness and wellbeing is at stake. You’d be more selfish to bring a child into a shitty situation that you’re unhappy with, than to end it early. The fetus doesn’t have feelings yet, but a future baby will.
No. 619942
>>619793I already replied quickly earlier but on second and third read this post just keeps getting worse. He has you feeling like you want to go home to your family right now..if you have his baby you could end up stuck living there til that child is grown. You can be stopped from leaving the country if you have shared custody of a child. Together or apart this guy will have that power over your life. He can dump you and still insist that you can't leave with the child. What support will you have then?
You're only dating one year. You haven't even met his family, his family are driving you to tears just through phone calls alone. The stress of this appears to be showing an ugly side of him that you wouldn't usually see during that first year honeymoon period. You didn't thank him for a VERY small gesture (while you carry his child and endure hormones and nausea) so he starts questioning your love?? He is not being reasonable, his mother isn't either and you likely have years of parenting disagreements ahead of you where you'll be told 'you musn't love the kid' if you disagree on small decisions for the child. That's the mentality he is working with. Also being expected to say a big thank you when he already hurt you earlier on.. could he not put his ego to the side? There's a point in relationships where the small shit like making someone a cup of tea or grabbing them a snack doesn't require a thank you every single time. He's only doing this to desperately twist things and make you the bad guy for your tiniest of 'indiscretions' meanwhile he's the one making batshit accusations about your love not being pure or good enough.
You can't stay with a man who is driving you to self harm during pregnancy. How are they shaming you for having a divorce in your past (what does it matter given you had a very
valid reason to leave) just look at his current behaviour. Look how he treats you while you're carrying his flesh and blood. It's meant to be a time where you rightfully get fussed over. Have you a family member that knows about your past self harm? You need support from people who you know for a fact are on your team. The unnecessary stress that he's putting you through doesn't give me hope that he'd be a great father. He's harming you both already. I'm sorry anon but that 'you didn't say thank you so I guess you don't love me' bullshit is absolutely emotional abuse. The triangulation of bringing his mothers opinions in and then labelling them as 'just honesty' when you get upset.. Can you see all those red flags adding up? This is a recipe for disaster. I'm really sorry you're going through this. You are the one with the ability to make a big decision right now though, that is one thing they can't take from you. But once that baby is born you are tied to this miserable family. What is the timeframe you have left before that option is gone?
No. 620042
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No. 620045
>>620031I get one lonely bday card every year and that gets me down some years but I think more people experience that than we know.
Happy birthday to you anon, what age are you turning?
No. 620054
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>>619986No offense anon but there's a huge problem developing in first world countries where despite the population being "fat" are actually increasingly malnourished.
Don't think because you have a few extra pounds that you couldn't be depriving your body of vitamins and things you need. You feeling hunger could be your body telling you that you are critically low on a nutrient.
Instead of shaming yourself, promise to feed your body nutritious and delicious things. There's a few really helpful "craving" charts online that will give you healthy alternatives. It's so unfair that ignorant people think starving is a reasonable solution when it fucking isn't.
No. 620062
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No. 620076
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>>620031HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANOOON!!! We love you more than those sacks of shit who forgot about your special day. HUGZ GIRL.
No. 620082
>>620054Nta but Damn this personality test is accurate, I scored anxious and frustrated
What about you guys?
No. 620102
>>620054Hey, tayrt, that’s pretty helpful, thanks!
I will try to eat better from now on.
>>620082I got stressed and sad, It’s kind of nice to know about these kind of things.
No. 620183
>>620178I hope you can get back your horny anon
I want to be unhorny. I got a vibrator and this thing murdered me. Never in my life have I ever had an orgasms this intense. Already gone 3 rounds today and I’m exhausted.
No. 620205
>>62019520-25 minutes of studying before you lose concentration/stop absorbing the info is normal though. It's recommended that you study for 20-30 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes and repeat. But I also agree with this
>>620195. The super quick and endless consumption of media (instagram etc) has definitely ruined our generation's attention spans.
No. 620210
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>>620198It's ok once covid is done for you should put yourself out there. Find like-minded people who share your interests or hobbies.
I'm rooting for you pal.
No. 620240
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i cut my thigh before yesterday night for the first time with a razor (ive cut w my nails and scissors). yesterday was pure euphoria i was laughing and feeling nice thinking about the experience. today has been hell. my thigh feels bruised and sore as fuck and the guilt is kicking in. (AND my stomach is cramping.) whyyyyy does it hurt so bad. they were just cat scratch cuts too.
No. 620268
>>620261>I've always had super genetically fat cheeks and a weak and basically non-existent jawlineSame anon, same.
You can fix a weak jawline with filler (something I personally want to get done). You can get lipo on your face/jaw/neck, but it's not something that's super common as far as I know. Also keep in mind getting any fat sucked out of your face will without a doubt cause you to age faster. I always hear people say you will appreciate fat when you're older, so I plan to keep mine tbh. Buccal fat removal is something that's more common, but it never makes a huge change most of the time. I think Bella Hadid is the only person who I've seen had a complete transformation from getting buccal fat removal.
No. 620283
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I keep procrastinating this course I paid $1200 for. It started out as something fun to get me a better career but at this point I just don't fucking care. I've been at Chapter 15 out of 36 for two weeks now (course ends at the end of the year) and I'm remembering why I hate college. I just want to spend my days either working, baking things, taking day trips, and goof around on the internet, NOT studying for something I've lost like 80% of my interest in. I think a big part of it is because money isn't a huge issue anymore, but the fact that I would gain a higher-paying job and also a lazier life if I just do this thing is keeping me from giving up completely.
No. 620327
>>620300thought i would correct myself as i just looked into a fact check and realized he raped a woman rather than a minor like i had thought. regardless, disgusting and really upsetting however like you said looking into the way its staged it feels like no one cares because its more like, "nvm its not a child just a woman" as if that somehow makes it a little less worse. i try to feel bad for the guy but i cant look past the rape and domestic abuse and the fact that the news doesnt even mention it is even more disturbing because it adds on to the martyr image.>>620320it hasnt actually been proven that its him yet though i guess we will see but i guess its just another kind of "gotcha!" moment for them as op said
No. 620344
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I'm in a good mental place and I genuinely see an exciting and rewarding present and future for myself but I still wonder about all the things I didn't become, all the lives I didn't live
No. 620387
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Should I block my ex best friend on social media?
Her boyfriend never liked me and she was given a dilemma to either stop talking to me or they break up, she chose the former. I used to blame him, calling him manipulative and abusive, but friendship is a two way street and me sneaking around to see her or text her felt degrading, eventually she just stopped talking to me altogether. It's been a year and it still hurts really bad. She deleted all the pictures of me and her on her instagram. And seeing her go on trips with him and his faggot friends used to piss me off but now it just makes me sad.
No. 620437
>>620395Leave him, you might start healing on your own
Btw, I say leave him because at best, he's a closeted lolicon, at
worst he's a closeted pedo, and either way, you don't want to love a person like that
No. 620440
>>620435Remind her that you wouldn't have turned out like this if she hadn't raised you/not raised you this way
Doesn't need any context, if she doesn't stop after that, at least she'll think about it later and feel shitty
No. 620465
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>>620208I hope things turn out well for you and your child anon.
No. 620571
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This isn’t a personal vent or anything, but I just want to get this off my chest after reading about polyamory on Reddit.
I hate when people consider poly a sexual orientation like being gay. No, you‘re not some special little unicorn prince because you‘ve been married for 10 years and also get crushes and want to fuck other people. This can and does happen to most people in long-term relationships, but we‘re not chimpanzees, we don’t have to give in to every single urge we happen to get, so we work through it, because in a relationship, you‘re supposed to be a team and you don‘t just abandon someone who means the world to you just so you can squeeze your limp dick into some 20-year-old hippie chick you met on Tinder.
Polyamory is only for people who are either porn sick coomers, have heavy BPD or are simply too narcissistic to be in a true partnership. There are probably a few cases where everyone involved is genuinely happy, but I think that those are extremely rare. Most of the time, someone is getting fucked over. And polyamory certainly isn‘t a unique sexual orientation.
No. 620584
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trying to do uni assignments, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing and want to die
No. 620596
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>>620584same anon, hold my hand i want to cry
No. 620602
>>620571I don't care if it's unpopular: Poly people have always been trashy to me, particularly men. The women tend to be insecure sadsacks who go along with it either because they need four dicks in them at a time to feel validated, or because they'd rather know who their man is cheating with by pretending to like it rather than be kept out of the loop or be dumped. The women may be desperate, but the men are always scum with nothing to offer except mediocre dick.
It's a bullshit sex scheme for shitty men. It's sad to see how many women go along with it when they don't even gain anything from it.
No. 620631
>>620617It's a fair point. If a situation genuinely doesn't hurt anyone, and everyone involved benefits from it and feels comfortable in it, on what other basis is there to be vocally against it other than a subjective moral one? A lot of the criticisms and negative associations with polygamy (the possibility of infidelity or breaching trust, a partner falling in love with another person, legal complications for marriage and living arrangements, partners having disagreements, making sure each partner's needs are met, etc.) are things that… also occur very frequently in monogamous relationships? Those issues aren't exclusive to polygamy, so it'd be odd to be against polygamy on that basis unless you're also against monogamy. After all, The divorce rate in the US, where polygamy is widely not legally recognized and punishable in many cases, is 50%.
That's aside from the fact that monogamy and "traditional western family values" (women never being allowed to earn a wage, women being taught that their purpose is to manage the home and have kids, girls being married young in order to inherit wealth from another family via the son inheriting it) are connected and function dependently on one another. The popularization of state-recognized monogamy and subsequent demonization of polygamy arose hand-in-hand with mass industrialization, as it's easier to track family lineage through the father than through the mother (that's right, patriarchal societies benefit from monogamy) and being able to track offspring was the only way to keep inheritance recognized as a legitimate form of wealth. I mean, look back at the days of coverture - societies that considered monogamy the only "correct" type of relationship benefited from wives being owned by their husbands as property and daughters being owned by their fathers as property, only because it was convenient for male property owners… interesting, huh?
No. 620666
>>620664Please do flip out over their bs.
Periods are shit.
No. 620675
>>620670The hippie mumbo-jumbo will send them chimping, it drives
everyone up the wall but imagine yearning for it? Wanting it? This shit must read like humblebragging about a new car
No. 620684
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>>620596I'm sorry you feel the same
No. 620718
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desperate and stuck, so I'm asking him for help. I could ask someone else but everyone has a lot on their plate and I don't wanna burden them unless I have to
No. 620723
>>620712Was he
abusive or?
No. 620730
>>620723Insidiously emotionally
abusive. I don't know if any of them would even believe me if I really went into it. Even if they did I don't know if it would be enough to convince them to stop hanging out with him. I'm withholding some details here because I'm very paranoid. Sorry.
No. 620745
>>620700>>620731Dealt with the same problem a few years ago with my ex. He did some genuinely fucked up shit, like "I need therapy after dealing with this" level of fucked up. I wanted to tell our mutual friends, but I knew it would seem like I was being a scornful ex-gf and didn't think they'd believe me. It was some really outlandish shit that absolutely would have sounded fake.
Best of luck to you anons, I know it fucking sucks.
No. 620768
>>620730>>620731>>620745I think everyone should tell about their experiences regardless if they'll be believed.
Abusers rely on shame and appearances so their
victims will keep their mouths shut, or look crazy when they finally do speak up.
I've stopped caring and determined to shout it from the mountain whenever I am chronically mistreated. If others don't want to believe what I say, then they're not my people and that's that. Sometimes they're shooting themselves in the foot to not heed warnings even when presented with the evidence that someone has been rotten.
Had a friend receive some comeuppance recently for not believing me about a certain narcissistic mutual in our community. She always "forgot" or downplayed shit this mutual did to me, and I could tell said friend thought I either deserved the treatment on some level or thought I was being petty about a minor slight to have felt so offended.
That is, until one night not too long ago, a different girl (with clout - unlike nobody me) brought her name up and how that mutual was indeed an awful person. When that name got brought up I got riled up, and my friend thought my upset reaction was so hilarious~ But furthermore, she went on, narc mutual had went around and smeared my friend unprovoked behind her back too with some pretty awful shit. Worse than what I got. Actually.
Lmao, I wanted to feel bad for my friend because it was obvious for the rest of the night that she felt very betrayed and shook that someone could have said something so vile against her for no good reason. Then again, I didn't feel bad because she didn't want to believe me when shit happened to me. Some people just don't get it until shit happens to them.
No. 620795
>>620768I agree, I wish I had spoken up at the time. I had never dealt with anything so truly awful before and I didn't know how to handle it. Of course he told me I was overacting, downplayed everything, somehow I felt like the one in the wrong at the end.
I eventually drifted away from the friends, partly because of the whole situation. I felt like even if I had told them, they wouldn't see the big deal and continue being friends with him, and that felt like it would be an even bigger blow.
No. 620803
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>>620571>>620602>>620631Wonderful example of polyamory
These degenerates decided to have a baby and one of the subhuman men shook the baby and gave her multiple brain bleeds. They didn't even realize the baby was injured for 2 days. No. 620804
Just here to rant that I have to piss every damn 5 minutes because I got my period today. I prob won't sleep tonight because of that as well.
>>620803the absolute worst timeline
No. 620857
>>620829Try not to think of COVID as being the thing that ended things. It just wasn't meant to be, and inevitably something else would have come along and
triggered the break-up. I'm sorry anon. It's going to suck for a little while, but I promise things do get better.
No. 620890
>>620846Feel you anon
I moved to a new address two years ago and I would get instant regret any time I ordered online. Drivers would either call me up wanting directions (which I'm useless at giving, don't they have gps?) or they'd get my neighbors to sign for stuff even though I'm sat at home waiting. If I order an 'intimate item' in particular it's guaranteed to end up at their house for a few hours while the tracking fails to update.
I use a service similar to a po box now, it doesn't charge by the month but instead charges me for each parcel it takes in. Worth it for certain orders
No. 621016
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>>620994a successful passage to you, anon, or otherwise some relief from suffering
No. 621066
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>>621039Except add in the fact that you're also a "omgzzz im like actually 5'4"
No. 621098
>>621087Sex, drugs, pornography, hedonism, being disrespectful to your family and elders, objectification, normalization of things like "sex work", petty partisan political hatreds, obsession with finding "racist" meaning in everything.
Every American I've met online thinks taking drugs is a personality trait and will unironically call people who aren't interested in them "boring" or "losers". Such a sad, pathetic culture. Sooner China takes no. 1 spot the better. I'm not even joking. Their culture has done so much damage.
No. 621100
>>621095We don't want them. There's nothing European about them.
>>621098Also to add on to this: worshipping ignorance, creating the culture where stupid, macho, muscular men are considered the cool ones and more studious men and women are considered losers, reality TV, celebrity worship etc.
>>62109965% of Americans support BLM. Do not cope.
No. 621106
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>>621100Seeing America's descent into a country where Red Team wants to kill Blue Team (vice versa), where prostitution is being genuinely shilled as a career choice by the MSM, where everyone is up to their eyeballs in consumer debt, where cities are allowed to burn down without the slightest semblance of law enforcement, where politics is so dysfunctional it doesn't even make a token effort to appear as anything more than polarized hysteria… It's both surreal and satisfying.
America is an autistic faggot perched on a custom chopper made out of legos with a gay black man riding on the back destroying everything in its path while spraying body glitter, anal lube, AIDS blood, and vomit in all directions. Realizing they really are "The Great Satan" is a sobering realization indeed.
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>>621086>Especially second hand embarrassed towards white Americans who take the knee and all that shit.I really thought the image was a joke/photoshop when I first saw it.
No. 621125
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For some reason I can’t bring myself to be attracted to any man I’ve ever met. I only ever feel romantic attraction for women, and it’s pissing me off because I live in a very conservative area, so nearly everyone is either straight or a closet lesbian but I can never tell. Damnit I just want a cute gf! Every guy that’s been trying to get my attention is either ugly or boring. I can’t even pretend to like these guys, I live near the country side so over half the guys have this stupid country accent that makes me die inside.
No. 621129
I have no idea how to articulate what I'm talking about but I'm going to try. I really struggle with feeling effortlessly feminine, or having like "feminine energy." I see other women and perceive them as having something effortless and natural about them that makes them beautiful and admirable to me, regardless of what they actually look like physically. I see other women and wonder how they always look clean and lovely (once again, not really talking about physical looks) and I feel like I'm missing something. Like I don't have something that other women effortlessly have. As if no matter what I do or how put together I am, I'll always be kind of wrong and unfeminine. It's not like I'm a gross person– I have good hygiene, really enjoy beauty, makeup, fashion, etc.– but somehow I never feel enough like a "real" woman who has that natural radiance. I've tried to buy more perfume, jewelry, lotions, and so on in the hopes that it will help me feel feminine and beautiful on the inside too. But I just feel like I'm missing something fundamental.
No. 621140
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sorry ahead of time for an EXTRA dumbass bitch vent but i need to yell into some sort of void and i haven't been on here in months (good thing probably) but sometimes it's a nice place to vent about really stupid shit
anyway my teeth are singlehandedly ruining my self-esteem and psyche and well-being and it is irreversible and all my fault. i feel like everyone tells me they're fine just because they're straight and not rotten. people disagreeing with or "not noticing" that they're unusually tiny feels like a lie to make me feel better. a decade of neglect, EDs, a sweet tooth, knowing i grind my teeth but not wearing my nightguard, and constantly chipping them has left them embarrassingly thin, short, and jagged and transparent at the ends. they hurt so easily and no amount of care I give to them now can reverse it. looking at the rare candid photo of me smiling with teeth, the difference between like, 2-3 years ago and now is devastating, especially because i've been taking care of them way more the last couple years to apparently no avail. i have like zero enamel probably.
covid and personal health issues are not helping either because my appearance as a whole has plummeted since march. i let myself go like COMPLETELY lol. my body sucks and i'm weirdly skinnyfat and my hair is gross and i'm getting fine undereye lines and i can't tell if they're temporary or a cruel fucked up premature aging thing, but like those are things i can still fix somewhat because i'm young (ancient by weird farmer standards but whatever), i can lose 10 pounds and invest in better skincare and get in shape or whatever, it's doable…. the teeth are harder. i have to pay to fix them and i CAN'T. i literally JUST aged out of my healthcare, in the middle of a pandemic, on furlough from a job that would never give me insurance given my position. if i just got like, a crown lengthening and the ends filed down i might be okay but they're still fragile. tooth bonding seems sketchy/ not permanent enough and i hate the look of big hollywood veneers (which i'd never be able to afford right now anyway lol) and i actually used to like having small teeth. i thought small teeth with slight sharp incisors and a couple chips here and there was cute on me, i have a small face and they fit that way better than big white chiclets, but that was back when my teeth were naturally small, now they're like. eerie. and i'm the only one who seems to notice??? aside from my dentist who always unintentionally makes me feel ugly as fuck??? I know i'm dysmorphic about other dumb physical shit but I'm NOT crazy about how my teeth look. i even think them being smaller has made my mouth/ lips smaller and more awkward, which fucks my whole face up. i don;'t know. maybe i'm going crazy from the intense solitude of quarantine and maybe it's ~shallow~ of me to place so much importance on looks but i can't help it, I genuinely finally was totally happy with myself physically only 2 years ago and all of the sudden my looks are slipping away so fast and early that it feels like i'll never get them back, like ever. 26 is too young to lose everything before i ever got to really peak in life.
it's also particul arly frustrating because i feel like no one i've ever met my age has had problems like, involving their teeth. no one i know can relate to it so i just bottle it up and let it fester and it fucking sucks. idk if i should have posted this here or the dumbass shit thread or the drunk thread but it's lame either way so whatever
No. 621143
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for the past few days, for whatever reason, I've suddenly been missing my ex. I keep telling myself this feeling will pass…it has to right? Fucking hell right now I'd give anything to hear his laugh.
No. 621149
>>621129this is going to sound trite but i guarantee that someone has probably felt that way about you, even if it was some vague quality they felt you have that they don't, maybe something they couldn't put their finger on or some hangup that's more specific to them. beauty products won't give you what you feel you need that might seem effortless to others.
it might help to get yourself out of your own head and just live in the moment. maybe engage in some new hobbies or activities which will help you teach yourself new skills to build your confidence and self worth while distracting you from cycles of rumination or comparing yourself to others. if you seek fulfilling pastimes on a regular basis and build mastery over new skills while forming meaningful connections with people (maybe women, in this case) someday you won't feel that lack anymore.
sorry if you weren't seeking advice, i hope you find peace, anon.
No. 621153
>>621087Nayrt but re: the news it’s irritating that Americans constantly focus on themselves. Fair enough with BLM and Trump, that’s your shit, but in conversations about world current events Americans are always centering themselves. Belarus is currently fighting to get rid of their 26 year old dictatorship and most Americans on twitter were saying shit like “this could be us if Trump gets in again!”. A UK city recently wanted to start penalising homeless people with massive fines and American Twitter was saying it was a step toward what the States is like… ignorant of the fact homelessness has been illegal and punishable in the UK for 200 years already
I don’t hate Americans but I never see so many people of any other nationality seemingly unable to comment on something without inserting themselves
No. 621158
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Gotta just get this out before I go to bed. I have pet rats, 4 of them. One, who is my oldest golden child, named Pumpkin has just passed away. She's always had a shitty respiratory system, as a lot of rats do, but meds never really worked for her. So we would give her the usual antibiotics. I gave her some other supplements to try and help her out, cordyceps (a type of mushroom) might have been helping her, if not, no harm done (gave it to her on and off). She was having little gasping attacks over the last month and a bit, but they went down and I'd just run a hot shower to let her try to open her little lungs. This worked decently.
So tonight, I was working out and stretching and sometimes when she looks like she wants to cuddle, I'll just pop her out and have her on my body while stretching. She sometimes goes for it, but other times I feel like she wants all the attention, so I she makes her way back to the cage. So I let her back in and continue on with my stretching. My other girls are grooming her pretty aggressively, but they do that to each other and it wasn't just them ganging up on her. So I'm JUST about nearing the end of my splits stretching, when I notice one of the girls, Squirelly, intensely grooming her. I say to be nice (maybe they get it, doubt it) and she keeps going. I try to finish up, when Pumpkin had a gasping attack.
I bolt up and open the cage, grab her and bring her to the bathroom. I got the shower going to get some warm moist air for her to breathe in and I'm petting her and telling her everything is going to be alright and if she has to, she can leave if its too hard, but I don't think she was ready. So I try doing some "CPR" to try to maybe kickstart her breathing and get her little heart pumping. I didn't think it would work but it was what option I had at this time of night. I try for over 10 minutes (I know she was gone, but I just wanted to make sure I tried). I broke down and sobbed, the sweetest little rat just died in my hands. I'm happy I could be there for her and be with her till her end, but its just fucked up. I kept trying CPR since I just didn't want to give up, grabbed my stethoscope and check her heartbeat, there was nothing. Everything just hurts right now. I went to my husband to tell him since I didn't know what to do and I had to get her in the freezer or the fridge and delay any decomposition. I talked with him for a bit and told him everything, he's telling me not to hate the other girls, which I just feel done right now. I don't even want rats now, I won't get rid of them, but seeing it all take place really makes me so upset.
She was the elder, she was an old rat, the other rats don't even want affection. I get they probably desire some form of attention and were maybe even jealous, but they don't want to be held and cuddled. They've always been like this since I got them at the SPCA, doesn't help most girl rats are usually more active than boys. Pumpkin right off the bat was interested along with her sister/mom. They were abandoned in a cardboard box in the back of a pet store. They never got used to cardboard.
So I'm here now. My baby girl is in the fridge and she's probably going to become a Monstera plant tomorrow, which need to be re potted anyways. The kicker is, I already lost a pet today. My hamster Turnip died of old age earlier today. I wish Pumpkin would've gone out as she did, Turnip looked peaceful, died in her sleep. Don't worry, I'm no Taylor Nicole Dean, I'm not hoarding. I only have the 3 other rats now.
Thank you to anyone who reads this and to having this thread as an option to just get it all out. Pic related, comfy baby. I love you
No. 621252
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I am so frustrated . Here's some birth control for you anons. I hate chasing my son around, he is learning to walk and crawl around. I stay home while his dad/my husband works. Oh my god I miss when he didn't know how to get into shit!! He crawls away from his playmat and tries eating objects I didn't even know were on the floor. He can stand now, by holding himself up on coffee tables, chairs, etc. It's cool but he falls on his back and it's always scary. When i put him in his playpen, he screams for me. I just wanna do my own thing without chasing him around. When I sit and try to play with him, or even change his diapers or outfit, give him a bath, anything, he just scitters away. I wake up to my son's crying, and i fall asleep late because I know I should be getting sleep, but I love being awake in a still, quiet house. There are my very few,mice moments I get. Anyways lack of sleep, chasing some child around, having to clean while chasing said child around, along with my tard dog, and taking care of her. It just likes a lot on my plate. I go to bed disgruntled, i wake up disappointed and exasperated, i feel like shit all the time. I know what's causing my stress but I can't fix it, all I can do is cry in my bath at 4 am, because it never goes away. I don't want to feel my blood pressure going up for one day,
Do any of my guys have tips for stres
No. 621257
>>621158I'm so sorry. Rats are wonderful pets, unfortunate their lifespans are so short. The monstera plan sounds really nice, you seem like a great owner. RIP to Turnip and Pumpkin
>>621143It's normal to miss any people who have been significant in your life anon. It should pass, don't worry.
No. 621290
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I'm about to go into my first day of work and I'm finishing my breakfast outside and it's so fucking humid. My hair is ruined and I really need to coffee shit.
I've been so spoiled from not having to give a crap about my appearance during quarantine.
No. 621292
>>614253>>621039kek, just the response this post got literally proves most of you are bitter bitches. I look like a fucking tall ogre but anon literally stated she understands why there's a hatred for people who talk about being young on here. She was venting, on a vent thread. Also she acknowledged that 5'4 ISN'T short, which is why she's mad that it's even considered so to some.
The corniness intensifies around August on here.
No. 621313
>>621041This. Whenever you call them out they immediately act as if it's you who cares too much. If it supposedly isn't that big of a deal for you anyway, then why constantly mention it? It's annoying af. Many of us are the exact opposite, is it really so difficult to comprehend why having to listen to girls complaining about looking perfect is frustrating? Being young, skinny, feminine, short has been the prefered standard for women since millenia, nobody is gonna feel sorry for you if you fit the ideal, your "problem" is a non-issue.
Before anybody accuses me, yes, I fully admit that I'm jealous, but that doesn't mean that you have to rub it in even further. Anons on here claim to be given coloring books in restaurants when they're 35, while I was able to buy alcohol when I was just 13, guess that means I look like 50 now? Please just stop.
No. 621341
>>621041>>621313If it comes down to having a pre-existing sensitivity around the subject of aging where it's personal and sets off a strong reaction then just ignore those posts instead of engaging. I have a
trigger subject on here and I never engage with anything that hits my 'jealosy button' because I'd only be projecting my own shit onto strangers.
My mom is dead, I'd give anything to have her here. So posts bitching about petty-ish stuff with moms can get to me. I don't respond though. They're allowed to complain about an annoying or overbearing mom. Opposite problems exist.
No. 621342
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It's so annoying to me when people support stuff like what David Blaine is doing. Some relatively innocent tricks like drinking a lot of water just to swallow frogs and vomit it still alive, I guess go ahead. But the shit with burying himself alive, or freezing himself until the point of almost dying is just retarded. People crowd to watch him do this shit but what do they want to see? Him killing himself I suppose, because what else would be interesting in a man buried alive or whatever? And he is clearly addiccted to adrenaline as a junkie would be addicted to heroine, so enabling him by giving him a platform just feels wrong. Reminds me of that one guy who was climbing buildings with no additional security and taking harder and harder challenges for more money and attention until he just killed himself in the process. But I'm sure people watching him in the moment had a very exciting day.
No. 621368
>>614253>>621338thank you. I have NEVER posted on here about my looks or responded to anyone else before, but it's crazy how when it comes to appearances, people can't handle differing life experiences and cannot wrap their head around why being the opposite of whatever their experiencing can be a bad thing.
On my first day of work I showed up to the office before any coworkers and my boss was with me and introduced me when they arrived. The boss has a daughter who wasn't there but I guess shows up every once in a while. The girl coworker came in and when I was introduced she started laughing and goes "oh , I thought this was your daughter's friend" which would have been fine if it didn't become a running joke in my office that I'm the little kid they all have to babysit. Yes, this is a real joke. I have more qualifications than them. Fucking eat shit if you think that's not a legitimate thing to be upset about.
No. 621379
>>621315I think it's hilarious how
triggered they get
No. 621396
>>621368I've been ok in the workplace but I bought a house two years ago and my ex bf drove me out to view the place. We were already fully broken up but on good terms and he even had a new girl.
I think part of this was age related (me looking younger and my ex looking about his age) and partly a gender thing too. But the man showing me the house was mostly talking to my ex. I had introduced my ex as 'just a friend' I told him that my friend was just kind enough to drive me there. I was the one buying a house solo and I asked all the relevant questions. He would answer each question but then direct his attention right back to my friend..and I eventually asked my friend to fake taking a phone call outside. I felt like a kid being overlooked during the biggest fucking purchase of my life lol. I was 29 at the time and on the drive home I went over the experience in my head, my ex said he had felt like my dad during the viewing. It had that weird dynamic.
No. 621412
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>make a lot of friends on tumblr at its height
>shitpost, meme, eventually doing phone calls, gaming, exchanging mail
>meet up with a few IRL and get along like best friends
>we all move to twitter as tumblr dies off
>literally all friends except for one now sperg out constantly about tranny rights and punching nazis
>am terf. brush it off as retard trend-hopping
>spergouts increase in intensity. friends now doxing terfs, getting them fired, and calling for beating them in public
>"my pronoun this week is xe and if you can't remember my new fake name then kill yourself"
>"did you know that tweet you liked was posted by someone who's following an anti-inclusionist acephobe??? apologize to me"
>eventually block them all for being impossible to talk to except for the one friend
>tfw 8 years down the drain because of retarded twitter sjws
>tfw I don't want to make friends anymore not knowing who's a batshit crazy cow who will get me blacklisted from my field for not agreeing with them on fringe political issues
>tfw my one friend I have left will abandon me soon because her best friend is an extremist trans ally who will threaten her when she finds out she talks to me
No. 621432
>>621158Anon you sound so sweet and caring, Pumpkin was so lucky to have you.
>>621170His mom had either dementia or Alzheimer’s, and I know the symptoms are showing in his mood swings. I’ve mentioned this to my mom but she doesn’t want to acknowledge it. I love them, but my family is a bunch of ostriches.
No. 621476
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Ugh I hate pick-mes. I’m trying to have a conversation with them, but they’re always like “what about the men’s!?!??” Fucking shut up I feel like I’m talking to a wall. Idek why I bother. They don’t even contribute to the conversation. She even has the audacity to say calm down when I’m talking about something I’m passionate about
No. 621480
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So my only friend is cutting me off, because I'm not putting enough effort into our friendship as she has and she feels she cannot count on me. The worst thing is that she's right, and the whole situation has got me reflecting on things.
I HATE intimacy. I detest opening up and being vulnerable. I think this was one of the main causes of it all going to shit. Even if my roommate is asking me personal questions I try to steer the conversation away to impersonal, safe things like politics, worldnews, fashion, etc. I genuinely feel like relationships and intimacy is like a language I cannot fucking speak.
Serious question, is there like a website where one can read about the unwritten rules of friendships or relationships in general?? Or about emotional intelligence or something? I feel like I really fucking need it
No. 621512
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Grrrr I bought a really cute shirt last week but the weather has suddenly been so shit these past few days that I can't wear it or I'll freeze, just wanna wear my cute top damnit!
No. 621525
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There are no words to accurately capture my frustration with brainwashed americans who think there’s a difference between mail in voting and absentee voting besides their names and why they think all the hoops some people are forced to jump through to exercise their bare minimum right to vote is justified.
No. 621579
>>621576Legit only reason I like him is he has longish hair n my mind loves
abusive men :/
(:/) No. 621590
>>621580There seems to be a whole cultural difference there about truth that I don't understand the root of.
The commercials are allowed to lie, product packaging is allowed to be misleading even though the US already has such low safety laws. Schools annd films straight up teach inaccuracies about the history of America and world wars etc. Shops pipe in fake smells.
It's no wonder they're obsessed with hidden secret truths.
No. 621594
>>621511Dang, where I live packages are left at the front of our apartment building and nobody steals them. I saw a large package left for around a week, it was from a tech website, I think it was an actual computer. Our apartments are right next to a busy road, but afaik it never got stolen, I think the neighbours were just on holiday. I've had huge packages delivered while I was out the entire day at work and it's sitting there for me. It makes me a little uneasy because there probably are package opportunists out there, but it's crazy to think it's so frequent in America.
I guess i'm just bragging kek
No. 621596
>>621549>>621576>>621579Integrate, you already look dumb admitting to liking an
abusive man because of his hair, don't make it worse by typing like that and using emotes.
No. 621608
>>621580I think stupid people who buy into conspiracies exist everywhere but as a burger myself, I do agree it’s gotten really bad in the U.S the last 5-10 years or so. I blame SM and the current political climate. I hate how everything now has to tie into some grand conspiracy. Take Jeffrey Epstein for instance. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he and his disgusting actions were finally exposed but it paved the way for a bunch of retarded shit that makes absolutely no sense, like the Wayfair conspiracy for instance.
Also 100% agree with you on conspiratards coming off as smug and thinking they’re smarter than they actually are. I think a lot of these people feel insecure about their knowledge so instead of actually educating themselves, they latch onto some crackpot theory and take on the “Wake up, sheeple” stance. There’s also a lot of virtue signaling among conspiratards, particular among the ones who screech about child trafficking (even though I highly doubt they actually give a shit about real child trafficking. They just want to see feel morally superior).
No. 621610
>>621580Think someone else here has mentioned 'dr grande' before but he covers mental health topics on youube. I noticed lately he's been covering topics like that (gang stalking conspiracy, anti maskers, other conspiracy type stuff) and he has attracted a certain crowd in the comments defending that shit and calling people sheeple… it's a video on mental health by a mental health professional and all they can say in reply is..sheeple.
He brought up social media and how years ago delusional people had no support network of other delusionals. You only had your family and they'd tell you to go to a doctor, end of the conversation back then.
No. 621649
>>621630Abortion only became legal where I am 3ish years ago, it was decided by public vote. 3 years later I still see cars with those stickers up saying we should remain without abortion or those BS stickers of a practically 9 month fetus saying it's going to grow up and do great things if you just let it live… 3 fucking years and they want us to somehow revote and just go backwards after it already went ahead.
Yeah car stickers are for either passive aggressive cunts or it's asking to get your car keyed. It's too heated of a topic to risk your car on it.
No. 621761
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My plans for a delicious dessert have been foiled. I tried a new recipe for cupcakes and I think it turned out bad. I still have a cheesecake to look forward to but God if I had just went with my tried and true recipe everything would have been fine and I would have some nice cupcakes. I don't even have anymore flour so I cant make them over if I wanted too. I guess i'll know if they're truly bad once I let them cool tho.
No. 621886
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My mom is a total fucking dyke so I never learned how to do makeup from her and now at 19 years old I’m trying to start and I’m just failing so bad. I’m so ugly, I just want to transform my entire face like those girls on YouTube do but whenever I get finished my makeup looks like a fucking kindergartener did it. I’m not even trying to do that dumb Instagram girl bratz doll face thing every girl does nowadays. I just want to look fucking pretty. I’m so gross. Why can’t I be good at this? Fucking REEEE
No. 621900
>>621886 Let me tell you about wearing make-up: First of all, you'll probably waste a lot of money finding products that work for you. Then it takes a lot of practice to get things right, but you'll probably still go out without realizing your make-up looks cakey or bad. Then you'll start looking in the mirror every chance you get to make sure your make-up still looks good, you might even start to carry around a makeuppouch because of it in your bag. And then you'll be dependent on it for feeling beautiful/presentable to the outside world but you'll never truly feel beautiful, in fact you'll feel even more ugly because your real face doesn't compare to your makeup face.
Or at least that's what my experience with make-up is. When i was a child my mom told me she didn't want me to wear makeup because she didn't want me to rely on it to feel beautiful. But I was stubborn and started wearing makeup anyway because I wanted to be cool like the my friends. From there I fell down a slippery slope of wearing make-up for like a decade while still feeling like shit about myself and stressed everyday about how my make-up looked to people around me. I wish I had listened to my mom.
I once read that the beauty industry doesn't want you feel beautiful, it wants you to feel ugly so you'll buy their products. That always stuck with me because it's true.
No. 621912
>>621886Listen to
>>621900 Anon. You seriously don't need makeup.
If you're dead set on doing it then just do something light that you can't mess up and save yourself the trouble of ~learning~ the most useless skill in the world. Wear mascara, use an eyebrow pencil to lightly go over your brows, some pore blurring primer maybe, and a light lipstick.
Foundation is a meme, never use it. It makes you look cakey no matter what and forces you to use highlight and contour so your face doesn't look flat.
But please think about it critically. Why do you feel pressured to learn how to do makeup? Why do you feel the need to be pretty? It's all capitalism and patriarchy baby.
No. 621925
>>621912This. Foundation is for tv shows, movies and photoshoots with skilled make up artist applying it on you and super flattering lighting.
You're for sure going to look cakey doing it to yourself, under walmart neon lights, kek.
No. 621931

>>621886I already responded to this, but I'd thought i'd reply again to say you should watch those "why instagram makeup doesn't look good in real life videos". Just to show yourself that just cause those girls makeup looks nice in photos, that doesn't mean it always looks good in real life. Beauty influencers use hella lights, filters, various cosmetic procedures etc… Vid related is just one, but there are SO many people who discuss it. I think you should search up tutorials for makeup that looks good irl.
I also think it's important you figure out what kind of features you have. Keep in mind you have to adjust how you do makeup to your features. I use to think eyeshadow didn't look good on me until I realized I have deep-set hooded eyes, so I can't do eyeshadow like ladies with a lot of eyelid space. If you have a slim face you don't need to contour, if you don't have blemishes you don't need to color correct and FOR GODS SAKE you DON'T need to draw huge triangles under your eyes with concealer! Don't do your makeup a certain way just cause that's how everyone else does it.
Anyway, I hope you get better anon. Makeup is super fun to play with, so keep experimenting till you find something you like on yourself.
and yes foundation can look nice irl. just depends on how you apply it No. 621953
>>621900This is definitely a 100%
valid point but from myself I want to add that
1) not everyone is so impacted with make-up, and 100% like themselves without it; learning and executing it is a form of artistic expression
2) it's easy to say make up is a scam and foundation is a meme when you have a perfectly clear skin; I'm very much okay with my facial features but so my genetics have it that sometimes I have more redness because of weak capillaries, people would ALWAYS point it out that I look sick and ask if I need to see a doctor. No I don't, and I don't want to hear it so I'm really happy BB creams / foundations exist.
tl;dr don't shame, don't discourage, even though I can tell all of you no-makeup anons have very good intentions I can totally stand by
No. 621954
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Megadeth/LOG/Trivium/In Flames and Deftones/Gojira are playing in my province next summer and the only thing stopping me from ordering tickets are that I have no one to go with. I’m young anxious as fuck and have never been to a concert nor know anyone who is into that kind of music. And I am absolutely not going by myself. Sucks. Oh well.
No. 621958
>>621953>learning and executing it is a form of artistic expressionCope.
>people would ALWAYS point it out that I look sick and ask if I need to see a doctorSo instead of standing up for yourself against people who are assholes with a warped view of what a healthy woman should look like, you changed yourself. Just say "I have no backbone".
I'm sorry if that's harsh but ultimately you'll never get back the money and time you spent trying to please people, even if you tell yourself you're an artist for changing your face.
No. 621967
>>621958Why are you so mad because some people like to do their makeup? I swear people like you think women can't like to do something just cause men also happen to like it.
Not everyone who wears makeup is insecure in themselves. Stop projecting.
No. 621973
>>621953I'm personally not
that impacted by makeup, but I don't wear a lot of it to begin with, maybe you don't either. People who put on and take off their whole face along with dark lipstick and falsies definitely are impacted more, no two ways about it.
Putting on makeup is not artistic expression because you're doing the same face every day and not putting on green sparkly eyeshadow and doing editorial looks for the office every day. Most people don't. If makeup is artistic expression in this context, then so is washing your hair and choosing which bra to wear.
>don't discourageif nobody is allowed to discourage or question you, there's no room for healthy discussion.
No. 621977
>>621973>Putting on makeup is not artistic expression because you're doing the same face every day At which point did anyone say that it's a discussion about every-day make up only?
>if nobody is allowed to discourage or question you, there's no room for healthy discussion.You can definitely present your point without berating someone elses point, even if it's in a total opposition to it. This is the idea of a healthy discussion you have apparently yet to learn.
No. 621981
>>621963Yes, stretch that backbone.
I do wear makeup tho. I just don't delude myself into thinking it's art or somehow not a waste of time and money.
No. 621985
>>621977>At which point did anyone say that it's a discussion about every-day make up only?Literally the post you replied to originally.
In point 2) of your post, which also somehow goes against point 1) of your post, you say you use bb creams and foundation to cover up redness, so not as a "method of self-expression" but to cover up flaws.
>You can definitely present your point without berating someone elses point, even if it's in a total opposition to it. This is the idea of a healthy discussion you have apparently yet to learn.What? If you think I "berated your point" by simply disagreeing with you in my post, you might as well get off the internet since you think everyone with a different opinion is attacking you somehow.
No. 621986
>>621956>>621969you girls are making me smile <3. i live in Quebec and thats where theyre playing. I’m super young though anons and like. autistic as fuck. I haven’t spoken or hung out with anyone outside of family in over a year.. lol
>>621980Good luck next year anon, i hope you find someone but regardless I hope you have a good time!!!
No. 621995
>>621989nta and also i have never heard someone facing social repercussions for not painting or making sculptures or some other kind of art so if make up really can be in same level as art why doesn't it have same kind of freedom like it
(i mean obviously art also has it's inside group trends and such but you know what i mean)
No. 621999
>>621989Be it goths or arthoes even with their whimsical flowers and color splotches on their face, they still actively try to appear “attractive” above all.
>>621995Because makeup isn’t like painting or making music are you dumb? 99% of people wear makeup to be hot. Using the 1% outliers like special fx makeup artists is retarded cope.
No. 622049
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>>621986>mrw haven't had a girl friend in 6 yearsI wish I wasn't overseas atm cause my family live in Qc too :< we could be autistic bffs
No. 622059
>>621954Just BUY those tickets as soon as you can, you will find someone to go with, you don't want to miss this. I did that too, I bought tickets for a show and my brother asked his friend to go with me. You will find someone surely. And if you don't what's the problem? Just ignore everyone, you don't have to talk to people, just stay in large groups of people so nobody tries to harm you.
On a similar note there haven't been any good concerts where I live lately but there's a reeeally good one scheduled for next may and it's so hard to wait. I check online every other day to see if tickets are available which obviously they aren't but I do it anyway
No. 622061
>>621886honestly anon, you’re beautiful the way u are! those transformative makeup looks are typically weird looking in real life plus it takes a bunch of time and money. when it comes to makeup, i feel like you should ask yourself if you really are interested in purchasing or if you just want to because others do. everyone is different and delaying makeup use is absolutely fine especially because your skin will be breathing lol if you do want to wear makeup, i think the best way to go about it is to think about what makes you happy. for instance, if you like colours, you can try looking for a cute eyeshadow!
as a kid my mom would tell me that i need makeup and that i would look better if i wore some. i always rebelled and never wore any especially because i just was not interested. eventually once i entered uni, i started to experiment with wearing mascara, covering my eye bags, brushing out my brows, and wearing pinky eyeshadows. for me, it was kind of fun because i found what i liked and i felt happy + i only bought cheap makeup and i still refuse to wear foundation kek. im not amazing at makeup and thats okay, i think you should wait until you feel like your comfortable will trying! work towards embracing your no makeup face; even though i started to wear some makeup most days i still go bare face a majority of the time. good luck anon, everything is a process so try to take your time!
No. 622072
>>621974What do you mean? I feel like in the 26+ thread the anons lamenting over hitting the wall are mostly anons in their early 20's horrified of nearing their mid 20's and looking for reassurance. The 30+ anons have been saying how great it is to have more to their life than scrote pandering.
Agree that some of them are scrotes trying to bait though.
No. 622078
>>621974I see it too, definitely think there's some scrotes stopping by to help spread the word about 'the wall' by claiming to be female, 26 to 28 and sooo past their best years..
If there are genuinely some women worrying themselves sick over that shit then I feel for them. Can't relate though, 30 and I stopped giving a fuck about male attention years ago… I still get more male attention than I want. I want none tbh
No. 622080
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>>621954Fellow QC anon here, ok les filles, on y go
No. 622084
>>622072Nta but the over 26 skincare thread was ridiculous a couple days back. A 26 year old freaking out about wanting to die over looking her age. Saying her 43 year old bf makes comments about it..
Then anons attacking anyone who said they look younger than their real age, like "fuck off you attention whores rubbing it in, some of us have real problems!"
A shitshow.
No. 622099
>>622078The anons who are 26-28 and feeling "so old" and panicking over not being a kawaii 16-year old princess anymore will get over it, they're just having their late 20's identity crisis. Once they pass 30 they'll realize that their life didn't end, it's actually way better now and they see through scrote bullshit way better because they don't have to deal with predatory men preying on young women anymore. "The wall" is more like the threshold where you learn to stand on your own two feet and start realizing how you don't need men to feel validated.
I want to ask those anons a question though - why would you want attention from scrotes your age who only want a babyfaced teenager? Men nearing or past their 30s still lusting after girls in their late teens is creepy as fuck and they're not worth your tears. Fuck them.
No. 622105
>>622098I'm rarely on pt or snow, I just used that example to try and make you understand that there's simply women out there who are genetically unlucky and thus want to talk about how to combat this.
>>622099But this isn't about appealing to scrotes, I just want to look cute in general and not feel like shit whenever I meet other women who are much older yet look much better than me. Plus older, uglier women are also judged harder in work settings, it's kind of inevitable after some point but you don't want that to happen to you before you even hit 30.
No. 622119
>>622117No, it's true.
The reason I want to look younger is because I don't wanna be with an old pig. Women my age usually settle for somebody who's already 30+ or even 35+, while guys my age go for barely legal girls.
No. 622152
>>622148backups? what the fuck?
they have so many bullshit requests, for my exams we have to write on paper, take a pic with our id in sight, turn the images into pdf, rename the file in some special way and then send it.
No. 622172
>>621954i would go with you in a heartbeat anon. gojira is one of my favorite bands.
also, i saw slayer by myself last year and had a great time. it was their final tour, so i definitely wasn't going to miss it. i spent the entire night in the pit just losing it. even if you go alone, you can still have fun!
No. 622197
>>622157I’m so sorry anon, you should not have to feel that way. She sounds as though she acted very cruel, and obviously doesn’t understand your perspective. You are a
victim and survivor. Do not let others belittle your experience. I would not share anything else with her again. You should not have to feel shame or guilt.
We’re here for you girl.
Also a csa survivor, from an orthodox catholic family. It is hard.
No. 622207
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>>622204Personally I’m just plagued by the thought lately that I could be sharing a moment of empathy with an anon that wrote
this No. 622214
>>622207Kek imagine!
It is sobering though like just think: the anon calling you a retard and telling you to k y s for forgetting to sage could potentially be the same anon who wrote about pissing onto their own foot for sexual pleasure in the vent thread
No. 622249
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So Mulan is not getting a theatrical relaease at all in the US? Instead you have to pay $30 on to of you Disney+ subscription? They just want to kill off theaters and push everything onto their stupid platform. The movie was filmed in 3D and now people just get to watch it on their crappy tiny flatscreen TVs with amateur audio setups (that's another rant of its own, yes Karen I know you're really proud of getting the biggest screen from Best Buy, it's still pathetically small).
I'm also annoyed that not watching a kid's movie on the big screen is annoying me so much, I wasn't even that pumped about it in the first place.
No. 622258
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Why the FUCK did ass cancer take handsome Chadwick and his moe T’challa
Why not take John Boyega, the actual epitome of ass cancer and his stupid character nobody liked
No. 622259
>>622249i agreed with everything until i saw karen and i stopped reading cringe
it is insane though. first off, disney keeps shitting out all these live action remakes which i dont even know who is really watching them… next, they have their awful streaming platform with probably the worst movie and tv options ever that even the free trial was so miserable that my family deleted it. now they want ppl to pay extra on top of everything? i am really sick of disney
No. 622279
>>622258What the fuck? John Boyega is incredibly loved and a good man, and I highly doubt Chadwick Boseman would want to hear anyone say this. Also
>choosing another black actor to replace the death of a black actorGross you stupid bitch.
No. 622301
>>622249I mean I'm sure this will be a nice movie, but does anyone actually like these live action disney films? I heard people saying Lion King was trash. The only reason it got hype was cause of the album
which was great to be fair>>622258Wtf is wrong with you anon? And why John Boyega? God you're disgusting.
No. 622312
>>622270This. Disney needs to die out.
>>622276I'm partially tinfoiling that there's some sort of a huge money laundering scene behind them or it's a calculated plan to extend their copyrights so that the characters don't enter public domain or sniping competing films or something.
No. 622318
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I browse Reddit occasionally to vent about personal issues, namely abuse I've suffered throughout my childhood.
Today, this random user messaged me claiming to be a thirteen-year-old boy who was suffering from abuse as well. Ofc I tried helping them, I was linking them resources and websites, trying to talk to them, but they kept being VERY insistent on hearing my own abuse. I tried refusing gently, they got angry and tried to persuade me more. It honestly didn't sound like a thirteen-year-old. They kept asking me sexual questions too.
I really hope it wasn't an actual child, I understand abuse looks different for all survivors but… It was just so sketchy to me, but I still feel guilty.
No. 622347
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>>622341This man on twitter dot com doesn't like my ship, I hope he gets cancer.
No. 622348
>>622318I don't share details because I fear men getting off to it.. but to reach out to you is a whole other level. Jesus
Watched a vid about abuse lately on youtube, in the comment section women were naturally sharing their own very condensed stories of abuse and healing afterwards.
One man went around hundreds of them telling them all that 'so many women have stories of being raped that they are all obviously making it up for attention'
He kept up this story of just not believing them until under one comment he eventually started saying rape is funny to him and he loves hearing about it. The time he took just to shit on some strangers. How much of a chip must you have on your shoulder to do that for hours?
No. 622374
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My sister is acting like our dad sans the 'holism. She broke her fingers last nighg after hitting her husband on the shoulder and from what I could tell by the text, she kind of laughed it off. Not the first time she has done shit like this in a relationship, she went to court once for it and I am fucking worried for her young children. I am not close enough to her to tell her to get anger management classes but wtf. It's tiring and odd to be seen as the "aggressive" one just due to my looks when my sister is a fucking normie acting this way.
No. 622383
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I hate that my friend's birthday is coming up because she's such a hoarder and I that know anything I get her will just sit in her basement and collect dust. Even if I try to get her something more functional like a t shirt or something it usually just ends up never being worn. She used to have a shopping addiction so I know that she gets that rush from receiving something new but shortly after loses all interest in it. Usually in the past I got around it by giving her cash, which is cheap and lazy, or by taking her out somewhere and paying for everything, but since covid she's become a shut in and doesn't want to leave the house except for work.
I love the hell out of her, don't get me wrong, but I seriously hate wasting money and time shopping for things that she won't care about after a few days
No. 622406
>>622387>>622395Ooh that's a good idea, thank you!
>>622397You're a genius anon ty
No. 622449
>>622443Men only like doing things to bother women
They only want relationships when women don't want relationships, they only want to be friends when women want relationships, they only want anal if the woman doesn't, they only want open relationships if the woman doesn't and so on. I swear it's like they live to bother us
No. 622463
>>622450Also the binary people who helpfully state the pronouns even though they match their gender presentation
Why the fuck does girly Becky need to point out that she prefers she/her pronouns lol
I hate the non-binary shit but I also hate the binary weirdos who try to get involved
No. 622467
>>622463>I also hate the binary weirdos who try to get involved>binary weirdos…Cisgender people? People who aren't transgender? Don't give yourself away there, lol.
Jokes aside, I don't think those people are trying to get involved or falsely claim that they're nonbinary, I think they're just helping normalize putting pronouns in your bio since they're "allies" and all that.