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No. 1278966
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Aslinda thread vardi bi aratsan ama neyse… Bana takip edecek cringe tarzi hesap ismi atin nolur bi tek yenigelincringe biliyorum bana content lazim!!
No. 1577619
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Secimi takip eden var mi arkadaslar haber sitelerinden bakiyordum ama bi anda hepsi cokuk gorunuyor?? Butun gazetelerin siteleri su anda erisilemiyor halde bana (Kanada'dayim).
>>1566458It's not common to bring gifts or anything like that but you could probably bring some dessert for all of you to share when you visit as most people bring dessert to home visits for tea time. I'm probably the worst Turk to chime in on this as a butch lesbian but it's not at all "very kind" of them to invite the woman their son loves btw, it's just basic decency. My true advice would be to not waste your life being some muslim scrote's bangmaid especially if he's letting them disparage you in any way. Would you let your parents speak ill of your bf or make him feel like he's inadequate? I guess if you would enable that kind of entitlement then I couldn't get through to you anyway but nobody should let their parents walk all over their love. In my humble opinion.
No. 1577692
>>1566458>I'm not turkish nor muslimRetard. Imagine being from a western country and willingly dating a man from a country that has one of the highest rape and domestic abuse statistics. He'll marry you because both turkish men and women want foreign spouses(if he says otherwise he's lying) but he'll also cheat on you and possibly abuse you in other ways. Don't chase after a man who makes it seem like his parents want him to marry a girl of his ethnicity, when that's false. He's saying that so you try harder and he can make you do things you otherwise wouldn't such as cover up, convert or change yourself for him.
>>1577619Yurt dışı oylarına kaldık, yurt dışı oylarıyla kazanacak gibi sanki çünkü yurt dışı full akp veriyo.
No. 1577709
>>1577699Evet yine klasik manipülasyonlar döndü başta ama sonuç neyse ortaya çıkar sabaha. İnşallah bir değişim olur diyorum, insanlar bu olanlara, ekonominin haline rağmen nasil aynı oyları atıyor bilemiyorum.
Umarım gönlünce olur da kız arkadaşınla güvenli bir şekilde gelebilirsiniz. Çok kafana takma, zaten sen kurtarmışsın kendini, orada düzenin var, bizim ülke süregelen bir kaos içinde kuruluşundan beri, değişmez ama yıkılmaz da.
No. 1590257
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Nonniler bitti seçimler. Ne düşünüyorsunuz
No. 1590345
>>1581385You shouldn't feel guilty.
>>1590257Daha hepsi açılmadı sanki ama yine sonuç aynı gibi.
No. 1598266
>>1591797Acikcasi bu sene gercekten muhalefetin sucu artik. AKP'nin en zayif doneminde bile Kilicdaroglu'nu aday yaparsan boyle sicmik gibi sonuc cikar. Ekrem Imamoglu ya da baska bir Karadeniz tarzi aggro birisi yenebilir bir dahaki secime, ekonomi daha da kotuye gidecek cunku buyuk cokuntu yasanacak AKP'nin elindeyken hukumet.
Alakasiz ama vatandasligimi birakmayi dusunuyorum, Kanada vatandasligim tamamlanmak uzere ve ilerde savas mavas olursa Turkiye'ye bagim kalmis olmasin diye dusuncem var. Sacmaliyorum belki ama burada 2. dunya savasi sirasinda Japon'lara yapilanlar aklima geliyor…
No. 1821117
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>>1819040Türkiye’de diğer senelere kıyasla manga satışları arttı aslında, herhalde pandemide anime popüler oldu diye. Bence hala ümit var vazgeçme nonni
No. 1954457
>>1954135Az kaldı noni biraz daha dayan 50 milyon yaşında zaten
Unironically bı sonraki seçimde kazanmaz diye düşünüyorum ama belki de fazla optimistigim
No. 1963310
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>>1963302Bir dahaki seçimlerde iktidarız.
No. 1972029
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>>1967637Turk fujo
nonnie nerdesin bulmaliyim seni
No. 2198627
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Turkey is having its own nth room scandal right now. Hopefully the government will crack down on the growing incel population and ban these retarded communities. Be careful out there nonnies.
No. 2198628
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>>2198627Stupid retards I hope they all die
No. 2198638
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>>2198627> Schizoid with a suicide attempt, never received therapy> Starts working as a butcher.> Had a video from a year ago, talking about his murder plan.> Constantly harassed the poor girl, yet police did nothing. > Kills the 2 women publicly and then himself.> Becomes 'king of the Turkish incel moids'Mfw, I hate this government and everyone in this country.
No. 2198878
nonnie, they should all fuck each other in hell and disappear off of the earth.
>>2198714Ülkeyi sikeyim nonni, kadın kalmayacak neredeyse.
No. 2198938
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Could a man like this really sleep with 2500 Turkish women as he claims? Is it common for Turkish men to have this much plastic surgery? I'm culturally curious please enlighten me nonnies
No. 2198962
>>2198938> Is it common for Turkish men to have this much plastic surgery?It's true that Turkish men get plastic surgery as PS is very common in the country but not to this level. He is probably lying for clout
nonnie. In my opinion moids look very stupid with nose jobs and botox so I hope this trend dies down.
No. 2199054
>>2198962>Turkish men get plastic surgery>PS is very common in the countryNeither of these are true. Only influencers or something can afford it anyway. Normal everyday people very rarely get PS and it's still very frowned upon to get it.
>>2198938No way. There's no hookup culture big enough for women to look at this thing twice.
No. 2199071
>>2199054It's still cheap to get a rhinoplasty in Turkey compared to any other country
nonnie, if you go outside anywhere in İstanbul you will see a woman with her nose done guaranteed.
No. 2200219
>>2198952siktiğimin ülkesinde idam gelse hakeden tek kişi bile idam edilmez olan yine masuma olur, iki ucu boklu değnek
>>2198938it's not common for turkish men who aren't celebrities to get plastic surgery except minor corrective procedures, it's considered kinda faggy not to mention expensive for the regular turkish person. it is common for people to come from overseas to get PS in turkey though, same with things like obesity surgery. it's cheaper in tr compared to the west and we have very good healthcare/skilled doctors (my relatives work in the PS industry and they always talk about having male patients from overseas)
No. 2225067
>>2223803thank you for your reply!
I hope he and all the other old farts die asap, wtf is wrong with them?!