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No. 1967432
Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.
To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.
Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.
Topics inclue:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
Be respectful and do not infight. Honest discussion only.
No. 1967454
>>1967446absolutely, if you consume any type of erotica constantly then I think you should count as one.
>>1967450I never said they were ever as bad as males, just that they are porn-sick
No. 1967458
>>1967439Because this is like saying that women who go to other countries & fuck men left and right are 'sex tourists' when the actual implication of that phrase is "men who take advantage of vulnerable, poor, prostituted women". Porn addiction has the implication of people in power (men) supporting an industry full of vulnerable, poor, prostituted women, and this addiction affects the way they view the women around them, often makes them useless, a social danger, and alters the way they interact with others on their day to day.
The "porn addicted woman" you described might technically be porn addicted by definition but it'd just be an inaccurate label at the end of the day. It has none of the consequences and social implications of a real porn addiction.
No. 1967461
Oh cool, yet another thread about fujos. We really needed one.
>>1967450Let me guess, you also think fujos want to get raped.
(baiting) No. 1967481
>>1967458look, im not anti-fujo, finger yourself with anything you want, everyone has a weird fetish they get off to, that makes us human, but my god that post was embarassing.
this is what porn addiction does to your brain.
No. 1967512
>>1967507And? This thread belongs even less in the cow boards. By exclusion, it belongs in /ot/.
For farmhands reading this, no media is being discussed here nor any specific cow and this thread is NOT the same as fujocoomer cringe. This is a thread to discuss a social phenomena amongst women that started with Star Trek over 50 years ago.
No. 1967547
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I don't even really hate yaoi, just fujos.
No. 1967550
>>1967533Is reading erotica harming their ability to stay employed, make friends, and so forth? Are they chemically dependent on it? No? Then it's not an "addiction." Porn addicted moids literally destroy their marriages, their finances, and the physical functionality of their dicks.
That's an addiction.
No. 1967565
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remember when an antifujo couldn't give fujos non abusive straight romance recommendations so she begged them to make a fandom out of some ugly post wall scrote netflix show about moids being opressed? kek
No. 1967583
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
I'm firmly in the belief it's something else on the virtue of modern gender ideology. The east has rarely if ever had to deal with tifs infesting their spaces with muh fetishzing gays nonsense because japan and other countries lack the individualism which enables troondom in the first place. Yet in the states and by extension the northern parts of the western hemisphere, more and and more women are going theyfab or tif all becuase some perceived difference from other women.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
Speaking for myself, not often but when I do it's both. Don't know why but I like both being top and the sub in gay pairings but more equalish in straight ones? I don't really care about femdom but when it comes to yaoi, I enjoy it when the top is more fem and the bottom is more masc. I don't know, it's just how I be lol.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
people tend to forget the wild west era of the internet where calling each other faggots was common banter and not the hate crime it is today. People still do it, but only on niche internet forums and anonymous sites which permit it. There's also that fact that liking lesbian and gay porn does not equal to the support and tolerance of gay people. You have conservative politicans wankig it to black cuck porn but have frimly racist views on black people.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
I'm not one for fandom activism so personally it depends? there is a escapist element to it and I can't deny my reasons for indulging in yaoi was a means to see men viewed less as stoic pillars but as vulnerable caged birds free from expectations of masculinity. You don't normally see guys emote beyond anger, lust, and unbridled ape rage unless that's the point. Japan and other east asian countries regard different beauty standards to men which in the eyes of the west is vastly more feminine than what is expected of burger moids. Even in genres like shonen, male characters are offer a range of emotions alien in the eyes of outsiders like sadness, regret, longing, happiness, what have you. But despite japan seemingly having more bones to offer women in terms of vulnerable men, it's still a patriarchal society–probably more so than the west. Women are given so few options that ending up with one is considered a death sentence since any chance of independence is relinquished in the name of tradition. So for women who aren't as partial to the destitutes of domestic life turn to yoai to escape those fears and live vicariously though it's often idealized male appearing characters.
I'd argue bl serves to stand against expectations forced on women as well as alleviate their sexuality without being in harm's way or in the middle of it.
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
When I first learned about it, yea, it's weird, extremely weird but I respect it. There's a lot to the concept some of which I can't go in-depth here given time's a bit short but I always wondered what a fantasy or alien race with the a/b/o system would even look like? Like would be ruled by betas or would alphas be on top? what about each group encompassing a state of mind or a title? the possibilities are endless and I hate how it's regulating to Ao3 smutfics.
no comment on the het version but I will say it doesn't hit the same than say a male alpha pounding some omega in the pooper.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
To be addicted to something means you're obsessed with it so much that it impedes your executive functions, your relationships, and job. Most fujos and yumes consume erotica in small amounts compared the amount of porn moids watch on the daily simply because female sexuality doesn't possess the same mechanisms as males do. Our bodily rhythms are made to sync with men as it did in the past to promote reproduction but now that we're out of the stone ages, it becomes more a detriment as porn seeks to scramble our normal sexual flow. There's a nothing wrong with a few sex fantasies or books or hell the occasional coom audio. The issue lies with how hormones and socialization breeds entitlement which can lead to violence against women and girls. men have a hard time telling coom from real life which explains why sex fantasies get acted out more whereas women keep that to themselves. No fujo or yume worth salt is gonna convince moids to live out their fantasies since obviously their socialization and their biological realities of being a woman prevents them from doing so.
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
Guess? no just guess? the more repressed a society is, the more likely weird fetishes and kinks begin to crop up. liberals don't have anything to hide and thus are less likely to indulge in deviant kinks where as a closeted conservative is more than likely to enjoy taboo subject matter due the nature of the content itself. Since japan is a bit backwards equality wise, this leaves women to keep their sexuality covertly in a society that ironically sees the enjoyment of sex as taboo. It's why the west couldn't handle yaoi and yuri becuase they perceive these two genres as analogous to real groups of people, breeding fandom activist sentiments and forcing countries from the east to comply with their delusions.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
I don't see why not? I'm both a fujo and yume because I'm attracted to men but finding sane like minded fujos and yumes is getting bit annoying as the western narrative of social justice overwhelms fandom spaces. I just wanna talk about 2d men not some feminist queer theory manifesto about how all yaoi bois are totes transfem nb lesbians. And I likewise hate it when radfems judge me and others for indulging in a harmless fantasy while also acknowledging our own personal bias by being upfront about it. Nothing feminist about yaoi but it is a very woman-centered genre, and one of the few tells someone is indeed a natal women.
No. 1967586
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Fujo x anti-fujo enemies to lovers yuri when?
No. 1967621
>>1967547I despise fujos by another name more. It's worse tp act like you're something you're not than to owe up to it and admit your like boys kissing.
>>1967597Yes? most yuri is coom bait nowadays so no shit honestly.
>>1967606Do these people do research on the shit they shlick to? I know realism isn't needed in BL, but buttholes aren't pussies. Drives my inner nurse up a wall ngl. Wondering what made your fren stop reading yaoi?
No. 1967630
>>1967602This is true. Western shippers in general make fandom life hard for anyone. It's not uncommon to hear from people 'why can't we be respectful like the asian shippers?' I imagine the western fujos are a loud bunch that make everything insufferable, similarly to western yurifags who treat women like children and become very
toxic if you don't ship the girls the 'right' way.
No. 1967641
>>1967606I’m a fujo but my experience with meeting other fujos is usually just a terminally online sperg whose vocab is made up of regurgitated twitter memes
Sometimes i wonder if the nonnies here are my hallucination because they’re so normal in comparison
No. 1967652
>fujo to TIF pipeline
Chronically online + niche feminine interests (yaoi/fanfic/fandom) while not acting so feminine in real life + mental health problems + problematic environment that contribute to the TIF phenomenon.
>do fujoshi self-insert?
Sometimes I may have one of the characters as my husbando, but I separate yumefagging time and fujofagging time.
>escaping misogyny or reinforce it?
It may be escapism for many, you can get romance and cute men without having to deal with the bad parts of straight relationships. Not for me, though, since I would still choose yaoi over good straight pairings, IDK, I simply found yaoi to be more interesting.
>are fujos/yumes addicted to pornography
In some cases, yes, but the most degenerate fujo/yume is as fucked up as the average moid and most of the time, the porn addiction preocupation is simply people being moralfags. If you want to discuss porn addiction in women, go preach to normoid women consuming shitty literotica featuring CNC and kidnapping of their own class instead.
>opinion on omegaverse
Goofy ass genre.
No. 1967669
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I find the terms "BL" and "GL" creepy to say because they sound paedophilic.
No. 1967677
>>1967614Fujo-chan used to be your average fujo, wearing her thick glasses and staring at her phone while doing her best at hiding a smile and failing. She was frenemies with Yume-chan, who shared the same hobby of staring at her phone and smiling, but in her case it was reading smut fanfics in which her husbando AnimeBoyA was saying that she loved her dearly, meanwhile, Fujo-chan would read about AnimeBoyA falling in love with AnimeBoyB, and doing smutty activities together.
Sometimes they would enjoy sharing pictures of AnimeBoyA and AnimeboyB from time to time, but sometimes they works get mad at each other for not understanding the characterization of AnimeBoyA and AnimeBoyB, but they still got along.
Until one day, AntiFujo-chan entered the CompanyA, and began the reign of terror.
It wasn't allowed for them to stare at their screens and enjoy their anime boys, Antifujo-chan would always make sure to nag them for doing so.
Little did they know, that it was because Antifujo-chan was into Fujo-chan, but Yume-chan liked some of the viewpoints of Antifujo-chan and Fujo-chan alike, yet Fujo-chan liked Yume-chan because she also understood what was it like to prefer 2D over 3DPD.
And like this, the mind games began and CompanyA wasn't a boring place anymore.
No. 1967692
>>1967677But what if yume-chan and fujo-chan are estranged childhood friends that used to crush on eachother but grew apart, and now they've reunited as adults and antifujo-chan is jealous of their pure feelings for each other and wants to get in between them. She starts feeding lies about the other girl to each of them so she can distance them and keep fujo-chan trapped in the
abusive situationship
No. 1967699
>>1967692This is beautiful,
nonnie, I approve.
No. 1967710
>>1967690It's the same case with Lolita, isn't it?
Do you think Japanese non-English speakers should change the name because other countries have a history with those terms?
No. 1967729
>>1967724In that case, do you think English Speakers should have a special term of their own?
So Asians would use "BL" but for an American release it would be localized as "MLM", that way westerners wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
No. 1967764
>>1967470>it's really no that hardBullshit kek. Half of the so-called radfem 'asexual' polilezzies had boyfriends on the side. This is a known fact. Sex and desire aren't wrong in themselves (this is coming from a long-time admirer of radical feminism)
>>1967586Yesss nonna
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?Kind of real, mostly a symptom, being a fujo may be an accelerator or 'fuel'. It's very much not required to troon out, nor a cognitohazard of sorts, despite what some believe
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?Likely both for most, at varying degrees. I feel 'solely identifies as the uke or seme' group is over-represented in TiFs, but what do i know
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"? Somewhat funny and honest. At least there was no pretense of 'speaking for' or 'describing' male homosexuality, which avoids a lot of infighting. The conflation of gay men and yaoi is parasitic and mostly persists to soothe the liberal, feminine, kind egos of some fujos and faghags.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?Oh, this is one area where i might somewhat agree with anti-fujos. I totally get why fujos (the way back to Moto Hagio) think of BL as a 'neutral' space, free of the potentially disgusting implications of hetshit. But i can't help but notice the disgust (and self-disgust) between the lines, like Moto Hagio changing the sexes of one of her works because drawing lesbian romance felt repulsive to her.
I need to find the reference but some study in japan described fujos as girls/women who wanted to escape the 'mother's womb' and be free of feminine expectations around sex and love (which are often inculcated by mothers). Makes a lot of sense to me, maybe this is why some think we're misogynists
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed? Hate it. Defeats the point of BL escapism. I respect omegatards though
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?Maybe, doesn't matter as female reactions to porn/erotica are wildly different from male ones (overall). I don't think drawn or written erotica is as damaging as the real person kind
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society? Women will always find a way to daydream. You'd be surprised by how popular gay romances are in super-trad religious countries. Fujos prevail, always
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?Yes
No. 1967767
>>1967439because it’s weird to be placed on the same level as a guy with a gooncave (and by gooncave i mean an actual room for a male to shove dildos down his throat while he wanks to porn playing on several different screens) or f1nnster when all you do is read fictional BL. i also think that slashers and fujos are entirely different. only in the west do you see high rates of women trooning out because they read bl, east asia and other communities are fine.
so this question
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?is less it’s bl’s fault and more it’s the west’s fault for being so well equipped for trannyism
No. 1967785
>>1967432Because the designated fujo shitting thread was not enough for you? Rope.
>>1967779Yeah, the mods are the ones spreading the anti-fujo sentiment. Can't even bother to hide it anymore.
(alogging) No. 1967806
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>>1967794If that's the official term that's used, then obviously Americans will use it too, unless they get their own special word like mlm.
Speaking of, this reminded me about how a lot of anime will censor itself before giving it to Americans.
No. 1967840
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>>1967816Japanese fujos don't call yaoi shounen ai, but literally boys rabu. For BL games, it's bobge. Bob's love.
No. 1967856
>>1967851This, there's so much psycho analyzing that you shouldn't be surprised when people psycho analyze back as a way to defend themselves.
The answer is that sometimes people just do things… because they have fun and it doesn't mean anything deep one way or the other but that's pretty much impossible.
No. 1967863
>>1967852The American centrism already made you seem reaching to begin with.
This is just grasping at straws.
No. 1967916
>>1967908Crazy fucking sperg.
>you want to be in that gay moid’s positionAgain, no.
No. 1967926
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What I don't get is what's the difference between an anime "totally a self insert for moids" male character and an bl "totally a self insert for women" male character.
Both are as unrealistic as each other, I bet that if pic related was in a yaoi webtoon he'd get the same arguments about how he's only a guy on paper but acts like a girl.
No. 1967943
>>1967935Depends on the fujos tbh, there are a lot that are into very meek and feminine bottoms so I'm sure those do self insert.
I'm more into both being muscular and adult men so for me it's more of a self inserting as the top or being a fly on the wall kind of feeling.
Depends, perhaps 50/50?
No. 1967946
>>1967935Because the algorithm keeps handing that sort of images to you, obviously.
Why do you think it gives you that content? What do you normally look for?
No. 1967947
>>1967903Yeah. Fujos hated me because I called one of them out for being a creepy shotafag and the other for enabling the shotafag, because shotafag would frequently brag about wanting to abuse kids and shit, and made the rest of us uncomfortable. They took everything extremely to heart and later ended up trying to harass and dox me, harassed my family, tried to swat me. There was also a lot of internalized misogyny and general inceldom in that community. In addition to the harassment from the fujos I also had moids in that community create fake revenge porn of me and spread it around en masse and I bwleive the fujos may have colluded with the moids in doing that, but I never got proof. By the end of it all in addition to having real life experiences and being a survivor of both childhood abuse and partner abuse prior, I fell into a full scale breakdown.
I played some JRPGs after that but in a few months time I ended up basically lapsing out of liking almost all anime altogether. The funny thing is it took years to notice just how bad things had gotten, but I didn't think about it until it was targeting me directly. At the time I was just kind of complicit with the culture and maltreatment, but looking back there are a lot of disgusting things that went down even prior to what went down with me. No offense to anyone who still likes anime but you really gotta watch yourself in those places, even if they're seemingly women only spaces. It can get very ugly very quick.
No. 1967949
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>>1967925you keep repeating that as if you know thats not the case for tif and the mass troon social contagion happening in westoid countries? almost its like a trend?, while most Asian fujos are thriving and happy you remind me of so much of handmaidens pitting your own against eachother just to have a moids attention on you, how pathetic
No. 1967957
>>1967935Personally I don't think so. Years ago I read a japanese article that interviewed fujos and a portion of them said they liked BL because they could self insert into the man and experience what a dominant position would be like. It's probably not most of them but it's a
valid thing to do imo.
Maybe western people are less open to the idea because women have more sexual freedom there. In japan sex is still something women are shamed for. And idk if you've ever seen japanese porn but the way women act in it is truly horrifying and perverse. I'm not surprised they want to self insert into the seme.
No. 1967968
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>>1967932There are some people in Japan that troon out because of yaoi though, you can search up トランス腐女子 on twitter and see for yourself.
No. 1967969
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>>1967926Only one in pic related is a ""pseudo woman"", the rest are harem moidslop.
Is it really that easy to tell them apart?
No. 1967977
>>1967938One is a pseudo woman because getting fucked by a man = woman.
>>1967935Sadly there are many fujos (mostly the younger cringy ones, but it also happens among unhinged asian artists) who tend to cling to hetero gender stereotypes so they end up hetbending bl characters (and the uke is the girl). As a fujo myself I can't stand them, especially when they do the cuntboy shit. I'm a heterosexual woman and I don't want to look at pussies when I look for bl.
No. 1967994
>>1967977>who tend to cling to hetero gender stereotypes so they end up hetbending bl charactersThe amount of fic with feminization tags I have to go through while looking for something to read proves that.
And why the fuck in the omegaverse works so many authors call male omegas ''mothers''. Ma'am, that's a man, call him a father.
No. 1968082
Well, I guess a thread like this was inevitable. I'm a fujoshi (and also a himejoshi), so my answers are probably biased.
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
Yes, to an extent. There are a lot of TIFs who can not distinguish between reality and fiction for reasons that have been talked to death already (fear of interacting with men as a woman because men are threatening to women in a way they aren't to other men, straightness being perceived as lame and cringe, etc.), but there are also plenty of fujos who have zero interest in being men and find the premise ludicrous.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
Again, there's no one true universal fujo who can represent all fujos. I have seen all three types. I'd imagine the ones who project on the uke and the pure voyeur are more common than ones who self insert as the seme, just anecdotally.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
None of the above. Being a fujoshi isn't a political act and it has very little to do with feminism outside of centering the female gaze and pissing off moids.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
No, neither. I'm really tired of people trying to draw parallels between women who are functional and harm no one, and moids who will ruin their lives and the lives of everyone around them because they can't stop watching real life women being sexually abused and exploited. I know many fujos and yumes who have jobs, friends, and hobbies, and are functional in ways that no porn addicted moid could ever be.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
I see no reason why not. I mean, obviously, individual fujos and yumes won't all be friends, but I think the fujo vs. yume animosity is retarded. That's your cousin.
No. 1968120
>>1967432>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?The fujo-to-TIF pipeline only took off because of 1) the "yaoi is fetishizing gay men" discourse, 2) straight women are considered lame in fandom, and 3) the weird mindset online that if you relate to a character/story that means your identity is the same as the character instead of recognizing some themes are universal. For the first two, trannyism is an easy escape from both of those and it requires no effort aside from adding he/him to your bio plus you get online social standing. For the third, it's just delusion and being unable to separate reality from fiction. Most TIFs are terminally online autists so those factors only exemplify the delusion.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?There are fujos that fall into both categories. Personally I'm the latter, I don't want anything to do with the characters myself and view them like dolls to play around with.
Something I find interesting about this topic is how there a lot of fujos who don't explicitly self-insert into the uke but they'll say they want to fuck the uke, do this and that to the uke, etc. But ironically, for a lot of these types I think it's actually a convuluted form of self-inserting. Even though they word it as if they're not the uke, to me they're inserting their fantasies of what they want done to them to the uke.
No. 1968171
>>1968159kek i will never understand why people are so obsessed with
toxic semes. honestly idc about his personality as long as hes hot enough and the story is somehwat interesting.
No. 1968205
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>>1968171Personally I like my
abusive rapechads sometimes. They're funny as fuck and I enjoy seeing protag get beaten to within an inch of his life
No. 1968207
>>1968205I've recently been getting into manipulative uke
because its a popular deal with my otp.
It can be somewhat difficult to find done right though.
No. 1968250
>>1967586Might be the best thing to come from this thread
If it existed it’ll probably be a funny read
No. 1968270
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if fujos are all supposed to be self-inserting TIFs and shinji enjoyers are all irl pedofiles apparently how come the transformers shippers arent accused of being car fuckers? almost like women have fantasies that have no bearing on real life
No. 1968282
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>>1967935Sometimes fujos also want to see boobs.
No. 1968292
>>1968288Speak for yourself, jp fujos draw genderswap BL in their logs all the time.
>>1968289That's fine, I'm just stating that there's fujos who are into it.
No. 1968304
>>1968297Obviously many are going to overlap, but, but there is a difference between the two.
Saying any woman that draws any sort of anime smut is a fujo is something moids do.
No. 1968306
>>1968303I don't really care if something is scrote tier or not honestly.
>>1968304>Saying any woman that draws any sort of anime smut is a fujo is something moids doI never implied that? Genderswap BL still counts as BL as long as there's sex scenes with the character as a man anyway.
No. 1968313
>>1968310Yeah why not, I count eroge that has yuri scenes as yuri VNs a lot of the time even if they have straight scenes so I can see that counting (at least in my opinion).
Yuri fans are a way more strict about 'NO MEN ALLOWED' than fujos are with women though, probably because yuri people are into futa instead.
No. 1968320
>>1968313I see. I wouldn't, but I don't count transbians as real lesbians.
I put genderbending as a whole into its own category of fetish.
No. 1968322
>>1968320>but I don't count transbians as real lesbiansThis has nothing to do with troons though? Genderswap=/=troons.
I don't really know if yuri like that exists though because as mentioned I don't read it.
No. 1968326
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>>1968322It does, but many don't count it as yuri.
No. 1968345
>>1968334Pretty sure that's officially yuri.
More yuri than gb bl, since they stay in female form.
No. 1968361
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>>1968358>We do not want women in our BLs.Then why is there so much art of genderswap BL? I’m not even saying every fujo is like this, it just comes down to personal preference.
No. 1968362
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I am fujo on monday wednesday friday and I am anti-fujo on tuesdays and thursdays. On saturdays I am violently autsitically yumejo and Sundays is a rest day.
No. 1968367
>>1968364It’s really not though? If you go on Pixiv logs it’s fairly common.
No idea why they still tag it as BL when it’s purely genderswap though.
No. 1968384
>>1968298I don't mind it as long as it's clearly demarcated. Stuff like
>>1968282 is fine because it states clearly on the cover what it is, so you can avoid it if you're not interested.
No. 1968388
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>>1968362Sunday Monday fujo days
Tuesday Wednesday anti days
Thursday Friday yume days
Saturday what a day
Infightin' all week for you
This day is oooours
Won't you be mine?
No. 1968393
>>1968388I sang this out loud and laughed so hard. Thank you,
No. 1968796
>>1968205>>1968207see this is what you never acknowledge, you are reading a
toxic straight romance with a barely disguised female character.
No. 1968805
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>"spent middle school thinking i was a f€tishizer when really i was just closeted #mlm #transmasc"
picrel had 1.1 million views and +400k likes, you can cope however you want but to pretend there isn't a massive correlation between consuming yaoi and trooning out is just naive, because when you have a paraphilia/fetish it always escalates and these are the consequences.
No. 1968806
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>>1968796and you'll never acknowledge thats a cost sunk fallacy
No. 1968807
>>1968796this argument has always been completely nonsensical in any context other than when discussing omegaverse conent.
either way, are antifujos so deluded they don't think men (in fiction or reality) could rape other men, manipulate them, groom them etc? like why are you equating a character to a woman on the basis of them being abused or
toxic? what if there's a priest/altar boy trope? would that also be a badly disguised straight relationship? kek
No. 1968815
>>1968806>>1968807they are women in drag, men butt tholes don't self clean, they don't get pregnant and they don't have yearnings like shujo protagonists
>>1968813I'm using the exact phrase a radical feminist professor used
No. 1968829
>>1968805You're right look at all those fujos in Japan, France, and Germany who are also trooning out.
Oh wait, they're not because this is american social contagion.
No. 1968834
>>1968829So Japan caught the Amercian social contagion
>>1967968 or will you ignore it because it doesn't fit your theory
No. 1968839
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never let yume kun go…. they'll never rip us apart nonnies
No. 1968842
>>1968833The only difference between Western and Japanese fujos is that Western fujos have the opportunity to transition, and Japanese fujos don't. But deep-down they are the same.
Japan is very conservative and there is no acceptance for troons. They probably know that if they transitioned, they would be bullied, that's the only reason they don't do it.
It's similar to how mtf trannies were rare in the past, but AGPs/perverts and crossdressers have always existed, they just hid it until being a tranny was normalized.
No. 1968850
>>1968842If that were true, you would see a fujo tif epidemic in France/Germany, which also have a large fujo fanbase. Some parts of Germany in particular are very pro-troon and have been using inclusive language for some years. Yet there is no epidemic.
France is also more liberal than Japan, has a huge fujo population, and there's also no epidemic.
I do believe Japan overall has less trannies because they're more conservative. But the trannies that they do have are born from misogyny, not BL, just like in America.
No. 1968863
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a lot of fujoshi who read BL especially BL manhwa, the korean flavour, are yumejoshi. this was a thread of fujos gushing over the idea of the uke dating a girl even though he's from a BL manhwa and only has eyes for the seme
No. 1968884
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
This is a complicated topic. I think it could be either way but my answer is that the real pipeline is nerdy/autistic female-to-TIF pipeline. There are way too many tifs in fandom spaces. It makes sense for many of them to be fujos (it's a genre without women) but at the same time a lot of non-fujo female nerds are identifying as trans nowdays. So many fandom women are trooning out either just ideologically or also medically, it's bleak… so if you ask me, the root of the problem is not yaoi but the internalized misogyny nerdy women feel first and social contagion second. When tumblr banned pro-ana content, tranny blogs started appearing all over tumblr for a reason.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
I find that it depends on the fujoshi and it's always blatantly clear in their drawings or writings.
Personally I am a voyeur if you can call it that, I am very into making characters I like interact and develop relationships between the chemestries I like (I also like hetero and yuri, ftr) and this includes wondering what they do under the sheets. That said, I feel like I project my desires onto the seme or the yuri equivalent of the seme when I do project, while with hetero couples I project onto the female character.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
While I disagree with homophobia and I think they're embarrassing and a little hypocrital, they were closer to the truth than fujoshis and fandom activists that conflate an oblique genre such as yaoi with real life.
Anyone who made real life infect yaoi (and fandom at large) deserves to be bullied, such as the early 2010s tumblr sentiment of "The Gays, the most pure and beautiful demographic whomst we owe everything to, don't use DISGUSTING FETISH WORDS like UKE AND SEME but totes awesome terms like top and bottom!!!!!". Uke and seme were words for tropes we apply to characters and that imply dynamics in every context of their relationships, not just their sex life, because they are characters. Otoh, top and bottom are bullshit roles made up by a hyper-sexual community, the gay scene of the western world (USA, UK), that glorifies misogynist, ephebophilic societies (ancient greece, the samurai caste of japan, etc) and the terms cannot be separated from their sexual context. Gay men will tell you top and bottom totally don't have negative connotations while on the same breath make all sorts of humiliating jokes about bottoms, for example…
And the fandom activists who exported all of that shit ar happy about it, even.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
It depends on the person and how their brain reacts to it. Yaoi actually helped me reinforce my identity as a woman because it's a genre by women, for women and that was almost always enjoyed by women and it still is. I also was sick of seeing female characters humiliated and mistreated in hetero porn and I wanted some comeuppance for male ones, so there was a weird element of revenge in the way I first got into it… in a way I understood very early on that, depressingly, female characters tend to be made for a male demographic, therefore male characters can and should belong to women instead, it's only fair.
Regardless, in the end it's an unrealistic fantasy and thus anyone who takes it at face value will probably end up more misogynistic, like fujo TIFs.
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
I never cared for it and at first I was alarmed because I heard the semes have dog dicks, which is a huge fucking redflag. Then I found out it's mostly about heat cycles and that there are no dog dicks 99% of the times, so personally I think it's just certain fujoshi getting older and wanting the family and child bearing fantasies older women tend to have but without having to put female characters through it for whatever reason (depends on the author). That or they have a breeding kink but they're too embarrassed to see it on a body that looks like theirs (a female body), so they subject it onto male characters.
Now… het omegaverse… I already don't read omegaverse but it just sounds like another excuse for breeding kink crap.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
It depends on the woman. I don't know anything about porn addiction and how it entails but I imagine it's different in women than in men.
That said, there are many fujos/himes/yumes who don't care for porn and are into it only for the fluff and romance, but I have no idea how many they are.
No. 1968888
>>1967432>>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline realAs much as the yurifag to AGP pipeline, yeah.
Despite the memes and doomposting I have trouble saying either "side" truly wants to dedicate their lives to their porn tastes as much as they just have too much of a fascination with the opposite sex (which they are attracted to), and/or too much of an imagination about what is unknown to them (the aforementioned opposite sex). So a weird admiration for/idealization of this "alien" identity is formed, then they fantasize about being one themselves… and in the modern day, they have the comfort & means to act out that fantasy. Something along those lines. This is more or less why there's a heavy overlap with trannies & people on the autism spectrum, too; I believe they are susceptible to this sort of mentality with their fixations (see: the furry community, and their dedication to acting as their fursonas irl/in VR/etc).
While on the flip side, lesbians/gay guys who troon out are often socialized primarily around the opposite sex and feel the identity is more familiar or kindred or whathaveyou, so they end up considering themselves to functionally be the opposite sex.
>>the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?Just wanted to say I was the polar opposite of this, meaning to say that I started flame wars with fujos daily back in that time but vocally supported IRL gay rights simultaneously lol
>>1967547Over the years I have actually warmed up to fujos a lot more than I've ever been able to grow a tolerance to yaoi/BL/bara/any sort of male sexualization (regardless of the intended audience).
I don't really have the time to care anymore if some girl wants to embrace her perviness (within reason), but I personally recoil at the sight of two dudes getting naked and nasty. Hell, even one dude alone makes me avert my eyes. Bleh.
Never understood how other lesbians could get into that stuff, for that matter… Sorry if that applies to any nonnas, I've learned by now that it's (surprisingly) common No. 1968910
>>1968892nta but you are acting like a porn addict with a
victim complex.
No. 1969003
>>1968796Are you seriously saying men can't be manipulative or
No. 1969009
>>1968839This is beautiful, my
nonnie. Fujo-chan/Yume-kun is my OTP. Hime-chan seething in the BG, absolutely beautiful
No. 1969029
>>1968815It's not even really that hard to find bl that have the main characters go through gay sex practices, especially in this day and age.
Why does it seem like people here only ever read shitty western fanfic and then get mad that its all trash?
No. 1969048
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fujos and anti-fujos, what are your thoughts on faghags? Do you feel a kinship with them and do you think they are actually based and feminist?
No. 1969091
>>1969069They act like the jesters, servers and attack dogs for gay moids, they would rather simp for these STD ridden monsters than do something creative, they also turn their retarded form of pickmeism into their personalities and are only capable of using disgusting moid lingo as if that was the highest form of discourse that has ever existed.
Faghags are traitors, and it's even more pathetic because they're betraying women for moids that they can't even fuck, at least straight/bi pickmes can fuck the moids they simp for, but faghags stay losing, being treated less than trash behind their backs and thanking gay moids for doing so.
No. 1969198
>>1968850>>1968852>>1968854>>1968842>>1968831How many times do people need to be told that trooning is not monocausal? There are non-fujo straight women who troon out, and there are fujos who never do. Gender dysphoria is a social contaigon
and it's a product of misogyny
and it's a diagnosis dejour
and autistic women who get overly obsessed with escapism tend to get pulled into it. There are many factors at play and the media the person consumes is just one of them.
No. 1969224
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>>1969216>At least the manhwa fujo community is like 95% horny straight girls with no intention to troon outKEK you wish, take a look at any webtoon comment section for once
No. 1969237
>>1969225>>1969188Who gives a fuck? Not me. I don't care about your le edgy faggot hate. I only care about some retarded yume/hetfag infesting BL with their hetfaggotry instead of taking it literally anywhere else. It's literally the equivalent of GL being ruined by constant dicks and hetbending because they're are unable to enjoy anything they can't self insert into and then get their tender feelings hurt when that 0.00001% audience doesn't like them bulldozing something their community has helped to build. Like when that retarded fujo shitposting thread was made people were still begging for husbandofagging to be allowed, can't even have a random shitposting thread without hetshit creeping in because they simply can't let shit exist without being pandered to.
>>1969234>I’m sorry but I’ve grown up on the internetYeah we can tell, don't worry.
No. 1969252
>>1969234No one's denying the correlation between TiFs and yaoi, retard. We're trying to tell you guys that it's not the
only factor, and you refuse to listen.
What this all boils down to is anti-fujos getting asshurt that others enjoy something they dislike. They can't just ignore the things they hate like normal human beings, they have to invent retarded social justice reasons to scream at people who like what they dislike. I hate Taylor Swift, but you don't see me running around demanding that Swifties acknowledge that they're terrible and have shit taste. Let other people enjoy things and stay in your lane, for fuck's sake.
No. 1969257
>>1969246They weren't crying about the game itself not allowing BL content you genius, they were crying about the unhinged yumes attacking people posting BL art of the characters on their own social media because the game's official discord banned all BL art. The only people who wanted "BL content" in the game were Aidens who are asking for a male character in literally anything and them being purebred fujos instead of troonyumes is debatable.
>>1969235What kind of brain damage do you have to have to claim that "there's a lot more BL media"? What the fuck? Go ahead and look at girls' media sales statistics, I can promise you that 99% of it is hetshit. People have fried their brains to charred bits with online discourse to say this shit in all seriousness, your husbando's hashtag has a ton of BL art means nothing more besides that fujos are just way more active in producing fan content to which I can say nothing more but claim it as a skill issue.
>>1969250Don't get me fucking started on danmei fandoms, fuck all the yumes who read a book specifically on gay romances and then start headcanoning the shorter guy as a woman. Pathetic. They need to be bullied way more.
No. 1969270
>>1969234Recently there's been an uptick in ARG youtubers trannifying. Do you think ARGs make people trans or is it more likely that it's general internet brainrot?
Imo, all nerd communities are getting the trans sickness and all nerd communities say it's because of whatever hobby they're into that they're trans.
No. 1969273
>>1969270That’s correlation, not causation. You have to be deliberately playing dumb to not believe that it’s an
incentive. No one’s saying that it’s the sole root of troonery, of course it isn’t. But it has to be like 90% of ‘transmascs’ that have a history of fujoism.
No. 1969291
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>>1969273>No one’s saying that it’s the sole root of trooneryKEK backtracking wont save you now anti chan,this whole fucking thread was made on that assumption and now that you've been proven wrong you try to pretend you weren't being retarded not so smart when you're out of your echo chamber now are you?
No. 1969292
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>>1969282Also anime in general being a 90% trans pipeline.
Magical Girls are literally transforming into their ideal identity, magical girls are a tranny pipeline.
No. 1969299
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>>1969292magical girl shit was ruined by moids anyways. picrel was super popular with moids and is full of sexualized lolis
No. 1969305
>>1969291um… you’re confusing me for someone else. I joined the conversation at
>>1969234>>1969290>apparently accusing fujos for being the reason tifs exist is just easierThe defensiveness is pretty funny, I’m guessing you’re a fujo then? it’s a… wait for it… an
INCENTIVE. I’ve seen it happen. If it’s acceptable to say porn for males troons them out why can’t gay porn do the same to girls who grew up on it? How is this logically inapplicable?
No. 1969314
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>>1969304Just like mpreg is the majority of yaoi, lolibait is the majority of mahou shoujo.
How can trannies steal it if it was theirs from the start?
No. 1969321
>>1969305> why can’t gay porn do the same to girls who grew up on it? How is this logically inapplicable?you do know what porn addiction does to moids right? the more they consume porn the more they start looking for the next hit which turns into:
>child porn>beastility>agp moids who skinwalk women>sadist zoos or sadist serial killers>incest(abusing nieces or nephews or their own siblings)now what has bl addiction brought?
>doujins>somewhat cringey fandoms>trooning out due to brainwashing from other mentally ill tifs who recruit vulnerable girlsits incomparable and saying moid porn addiction is on the same as fujo addiction is hugely disgustingly false
No. 1969337
>>1969332It manages to correlate even more perfectly with the explosion of social media and the severe insecurities, isolated communities, and lovebombing that come with it.
Hell, you can practicallg measure growth by which social media got popular.
No. 1969383
>>1969359I figure that no matter what people try to argue either way, the rebuttal will be just "well but I saw people like this" but regardless, when it comes to trans and
toxic ideologies as a whole, both anime and not, imo the underlining connection is social media, and the first thing people do when trying to untrans/unbrainwash people is not take away their interests but to stop them from rotting their brain with social platforms.
Of course, telling people to no longer use social media is pretty much impossible in this day and age so it makes sense why people would rather it instead be something that's easier to let go.
I wonder what will happen when social platform era pops. It had to at some point, no? Nothing lasts forever.
No. 1969384
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>>1969372No one seems to talk about Tokyo mew mew, which is kind of interesting considering their outfits are based on lingerie, it's about saving the planet from ecological disasters and has lots of romance, it also has some yuribait.
No. 1969394
>>1969383Yeah, people will all have their anecdotes and it's impossible to really argue with. Honestly, as for my anecdote, I had friends as a child who were also into yaoi and M/M shipping and they were sort of proto-TIFs. Like they didn't have the vocabulary, but they absolutely would say they wished they were cute yaoi boys and would complain about being girls. But it wasn't until social media basically said, "You can be the yaoi boy you wish to be" that they all became low effort TIFs. I think maybe the seed is there, as in, "I sure do wish I was a kawaii anime character" but most people, if well-adjusted and left alone, will understand that's not possible and learn to differentiate reality from fiction. But if your whole social group online is engaging in group LARP and insisting it is totally possible, I think that's how it becomes more than just a thought/whim. I fully believe social media is what really allowed this contagion to spread in a way it never could have otherwise.
No. 1969457
fujos are fine it’s the slashers and kpopfags that are the problem…imagine getting off to this
>“Master?” Kyungsoo says softly, and Jongin slowly opens his eyes. Kyungsoo looks up at him, clutching the sheets. He’s kind of the perfect fucktoy, really. “Master, you can move.”
>Jongin really doesn’t need to be told twice. He pulls out until just the tip rests inside of Kyungsoo before fucking back in, watching the way Kyungsoo’s jaw drops and he releases a strangled shriek. Jongin braces himself on his arms, bracketing Kyungsoo’s head between them, and slams into Kyungsoo. His puppy’s tummy bulges with the outline of cock and, once again, Jongin is thinking of plugging Kyungsoo with cum up until it takes.
>Oh, god, that’d be so hot. Kyungsoo, with fat, swollen tits leaking milk and a stomach heavy with the product of Jongin, real proof of who owns him. Even better than a collar or a ring, pregnancy would be the best way to keep everyone else away from his puppy. He wants to see his puppy dripping, spilling milk over his shirts as he waddles around the penthouse, so pregnant he can barely move.
No. 1969586
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>>1969429>>1969487>also i get the vibe the designer ensured ichigo was cute and said fuck the restCorrect, the manga was originally a "darker" solo magical girl story and the heroine had black hair and a black/pink color scheme. Editors ended up pushing the mangaka to change it to a magical girl sentai story with more characters and to also lighten up the original heroine's design to be more palatable for a shoujo audience. The extinct animals theme was added later. The mangaka mentioned being poor and struggling for food at the time so that's probably why she complied so much with the changes.
No. 1969634
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>>1969457There’s nothing appealing about kpop slop. The whole appeal of girl and boy groups was that there were diverse members with different niches for many demographics. They all look the fucking same exactly like a yaoi character. It’s one big massive homogenous blob that can’t be differentiated from each other, just like yaoi manga and anime. You’re getting the same pandering trash to uncultured troglodytes every time. I dislike farmhands and admin but I absolutely get why they have banned kpop off this website it must have been the smartest move they’ve ever done. Next smart move is banning you fujofags. Picrel kpoops are too racist as fuck to let this cute shit happen. God this is why we can’t have nice things
No. 1969649
>>1969634>it’s racist for a country with virtually no minority groups to not pander to those minority groups kek
also kpop groups often have members from all over asia. thailand, japan, vietnam, etc.
No. 1969663
>>1969305Nta. People have multiple ""incentives"" to troon out. If you're an autistic, gnc, or outcast woman, you might be drawn to certain types of escapism. You're also vulnerable to being part of the troon contagion. The same things that make someone likely to be a weeb also make them liable to be targeted by the troon cult. The grooming techniques used by the cult are flexible and can be adapted to its next
victim. A former military scrote might be told that he was "overcompensating" for his "feminine soul" by enlisting. A gamer is told that playing as female characters is an expression of his inner gender. A fujo will hear that she's not just attracted to the yaoi man, she wants to
be him. They latch onto aspects of peoples' careers, hobbies, and presentation and use it to evangelize.
No. 1969682
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>>1969299anyone that actually enjoys the mahou shoujo doesn't care about edgy looking madoka magica rip offs. case in point precure still dominates conversation when you talk about the genre with any genuine fan now.
No. 1969714
>>1969487Mint and Pudding are adorable, what does this even mean. Zakuro was perfectly in line with designs of the 2000s. Only poor Lettuce's design doesn't hold up well.
>>1969586Funny how editors and anime executives kept pushing for team stories. This is the exact same thing that led to the creation of Sailor Moon out of Codename: Sailor V. I guess it was to sell more toys?
No. 1969717
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>>1969682Mahou shoujo has always had a huge moid fanbase, it's not the fault of meduka. In the 80s a group of moids made an entire sub culture with games, doujins, figures and an anime out of a crossover with Heavy Metal L-Gaim and Creamy Mami.
No. 1969747
>>1969640>>1969275is there a single fujo argument that isn't "what about men"
>you shouldn't read erotica based on real peoplewhat about men
>you shouldn't ship a child character with an adultwhat about men
>you are showing signs of porn-sicknesswhat about men
that's all you ever sound like.
No. 1969767
>>1969747Why not men though? Are you that offended over your precious moids that only see you as a object for their sexual gratification and nothing else?? What exactly do you want women to be? Braindead Submissive housewives huh handmaiden chan?
>don't ship adult characters with childrenNice bait but If only you realized that these creatures who do this are hated by fujo themselves they're called proshippers don't put them in the same category
No. 1969837
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Do men like yaoi at all? Are there any spaces where gay men into bara and yaoi women converge somehow? Because I often see both content lumped together for whatever reason. Not a fujo
No. 1969839
>>1969834even non dark romance shit has female abuse in it. Most shoujo has an
abusive love interest and a meek female protagonist.
No. 1969878
>>1969837Yes. Both gay and straight (married) mangaka have recommended made by women bl on numerous occasions.
Some just like reading bl for the story and art.
No. 1969903
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I'm a fujo myself but the most degenerate thing I have ever seen was Rick and Morty yaoi.
No. 1969912
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Moving this discussion from the fandom thread, I think my least favorite type of fujos are the real person historical shippers. I find all of it offensive(but some are obviously more offensive than others) bur regardless of the era and subject they all fundamentally share the same issues and I think it illustrates the issue of fujoism quite well. Someone posted a fujo artist who draws stuff mostly related to William of Orange. As far as I have seen there isn't a single depiction of Mary (his wife and co-ruler) and Anne (his daughter and heir). The artist basically took two incredibly important and influential women in British history, as well William's own life and erased them just for a woobafied version of him who communicates in tropes and again I think that's a perfect illustration of fujos.
No. 1969998
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>>1969969>>1969967so let me give you an example, imagine if some artist started drawing Prince Philip's life, shipping him with some other guy and basically going out of their way to ignore Elizabeth who is literally the only reason he's never remembered that's what's going here.
Listen I'm a read feminist, I don't give a shit about "letting people enjoy things" I think erasing women is an act of misogyny and should be criticise.
No. 1970008
>>1970001nta but
>you don’t fit my idea of anti-fujos so you’re not real!i hate coomers, especially the super pick-me coomers.
No. 1970093
>>1970013That also includes the ones who cry about slapstick violence and call the female character is
abusive while ignoring the age gap/
abusive interactions between their fujo ship in canon for said ass wiping woobie-fied writing.
No. 1970155
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>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?I genuinely don't think it's real. Yaoi just gives them an excuse to troon out but likely isn't the cause. The reason yaoi attracts tifs in the first place is probably because they're looking for a "safe" way to enjoy sexual stuff. The voyeuristic aspect of yaoi might be an appeal to girls are uncomfortable with their own bodies, along with how fujo spaces are filled with women so it's less threatening and are likely to coddle their delusions than with a space full of men.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?I think it depends. I always thought it was more voyeuristic as I was never the self inserter type. I can understand fujos wanting to self insert as one of the pairing as a way to explore sexuality without actually having to picture their actual selves in it.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"? KEK it's most likely result of being very sheltered or coming from a religious/conservative household.You'd be surprised how many female anime fans who came from this kind of background.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?In a way yes. Consuming yaoi is way to escape misogyny as straight romances pushed in mainstream media in the west and in mangas are really shitty.Especially during the early 2000s. Either the man is creepy or ugly and most likely treats the woman like shit. The women often are expected to look past his flaws or something. And of course it's only the women that are beautiful and the men are older and ugly as sin.So it comes off as they're trying to appeal to men and not women.If that's all they have to work with of course they're going to search for a way out. With yaoi both men are attractive and you don't have to worry about possible misogyny because it's only men. I think it only gets reinforced if women go the faghag/troon route of thinking gay men are better than women or policing other fujos about fetishizing gay men.
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?It's whatever honestly. I get why some people would like certain aspects of it but I never cared for it. The genre itself is pretty uncommon anyway. tbh I can't even take it seriously as I've been too poisoned by mpreg memes.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?I think it depends. If you spend an unhealthy amount of time looking at porn all the time then sure. If you can't get off without it then yes you absolutely have a problem. I've always read yaoi though and I haven't been into any new ones in years. I do look at some nice fanart from time to time but it's rare as my fav ships are from old series or games that are still waiting on more releases.
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society? The women are looking for a goddamn outlet.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?Of course.I'm all for different kinds of ships as I do get tired of seeing the same ones and like to see when people change it up.
I think it's pants on head retarded to unironically fight about ships Applying politics to Chinese cartoons completely fucked up everything honestly.>>1969837Yes and yes.
No. 1970329
>>1969048I hate drag, but overall I don't interact with them enough to have an opinion.
I think I've seen some of them into live action BL, but I have no interest 3D.
No. 1970340
>>1969237>GL being ruined by constant dicks and hetbendingYuri doesn't get hetbending, it gets futanari.
Seriously though I'm a fujoshi too but you need to calm down anon.
No. 1970349
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>>1969822This argument is even crazier to me now that turbo masculine ukes and switch couples have seen a noticeable rise in popularity. There is no universe where you can look at bottoms like picrel and sincerely believe they’re pseudo women. It's a ridiculous argument even for old school yaoi with dainty ukes, but it's even more ridiculous now.
No. 1970358
>>1970352Most modern tiktok type fujos don't give a fuck about most Japanese BL, I think it comes from a lot of them coming from Kpop fandoms rather than manga/anime fandoms.
These days I'm just a VN otaku though so I don't really run into them that often.
No. 1970361
>>1970349This is when nonnas complain about roidpigs.
There is no winning, either they're too feminine or too masculine.
No. 1970388
>>1970378It doesnt matter what the uke actually look like, they will always have something wrong with them that says something bad about the women who read bl.
Too young, too old, too muscular, too pretty, too balding, too boring.
No. 1970394
>>1969747Yeah, here's one: mind your own goddamn business and stop being a puritanical wokescold. Also no one in this thread was defending shipping kids with adults, you extracted that directly from your ass. Plenty of people here voiced dislike for RPF as well.
Your idea of "porn sickness"/porn addiction is "looks at erotic things (including prose) once or twice a week." You have no one but yourself to blame for the fact that your own accusations are overstated to the point of meaninglessness.
>>1969774This is just a huge an overstatement as when people claim that most yaoi has mpreg, or that most yaoi has a/b/o. The vast, vast majority of BL and yaoi is literally just a bunch of cheesy romance tropes leading up to a handful of vanilla gay missionary scenes (if there are sex scenes at all, which there often aren't). The most accessible, normie stuff is going to be the most common in basically any genre.
No. 1970401
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>>1969802Kek anon enjoys reading gay fanfic or manga but doesn't want to be lumped in with ~le evil foojoz~
No. 1970414
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>>1970400antifujos dont have a problem with yaoi, they just dislike women expressing their sexuality in a way that doesn't please moids. Pic rel from the antifujo thread
No. 1970438
>>1970421The reply was on what is a fujo and is not a fujo. I don’t consider everyone who has read gay fanfic a fujo because of those aforementioned reasons. Having diverse interests doesn’t grant my approval - I just don’t consider these people fujos, because the specific fixation on male x male is the focus by definition. That’s all I was saying. People with more diverse tastes can also have their own faults.
What I do criticise about fujos (the ones that do consume media solely for gay sex / gayness) aren’t inherent to the yaoi itself but just their common irritating habits. You can be an ok fujo; there just aren’t much of them.
No. 1970463
>>1970460Ok? I’m not trying to be deep, but it’s not as simple as “you just think they’re annoying lol”. I think criticism is
valid. And I do have deeper problems with fujoism but I’m not going to get into that because I won’t be able to stand anons piling on me for it or trying to twist my words.
No. 1970464
>>1970458>they shit on female characters in the process1) This is a lot less common than it used to be, because this criticism is over two decades old and people have slowly adjusted their behavior to correct it
2) Even if it were still a pervasive problem, who gives a rat's ass? It's a character, not a real person. The only point at which it becomes a problem is when the creators or actresses are mistreated, and in that case, it's honestly more of an issue of the fans being entitled psychos with parasocial relationships, which happens in plenty of non-slash contexts.
No. 1970466
>>1970464Ok, but you understand that this is a subjective opinion? And that people who hold this opinion are allowed to criticise fujos without being told they’re handmaidens or anti-women somehow?
>>1970465There are some generalisations that are more accurate across fujos than weebs.
No. 1970479
>>1970466>Ok, but you understand that this is a subjective opinion? And that people who hold this opinion are allowed to criticise fujos without being told they’re handmaidens or anti-women somehow?Sure. I'm sorry that there are a handful of retards who respond to that by insulting you. They probably feel compelled to do that because you're making sweeping generalizations about a group they belong to that don't apply to them personally. It's not okay for them to resort to name-calling, but you might be able to avoid that by phrasing your opinions more diplomatically, like
>It really annoys me when people use their ships as a justification to hate characters (usually female ones) who they view as being "in the way."It's an expression of the same opinion, but it doesn't include the sort of generalizations known to cause fights.
No. 1970483
>>1970470, link your post. I'll read it again and try to give you more of the benefit of the doubt.
No. 1970489
>>1970485I’m sorry but I’ve just not seen this like you seem to have. I guess it’s just an anecdotal difference then. I don’t know any non-fujo women like this. Especially since in shitty moid media like genshin impact they immediately worship any female character with different characterisation like Arlecchino.
>>1970487Every. I mean every. I don’t mean just shounen, anything with ships in. It’s harder to find exceptions than the inverse. Female characters are just shafted for the gay pairing’s spotlight. It’s not harmful, but there’s a trend (that is dislikable to some of us). Can you think of a good female character that isn’t?
No. 1970491
>>1970484This is another example of making sweeping generalizations. I'm sure there are fujos out there (mostly younger ones I imagine) who will just mash any two moids together. But I've also encountered plenty who are very discerning, to the point of only enjoying certain dynamics, genres, and art styles. I consider myself a fujo, but there's a lot of a yaoi mangas I refuse to read because they contain character archetypes and tropes I dislike.
>>1970487The first to spring to my mind was BNHA, but I was in that fandom for a few years and I never saw fujos "shitting on" (hate that phrase) Ochaco, Momo, or Mina. Most of the depictions I saw either involved shipping the female characters with each other, or portraying one of the
as a fujoshi (typically Mina.) There are
so many Kiribaku djs that depict Mina as a fujoshi/matchmaker for whatever reason kek.
No. 1970498
>>1970495there are bad make characters too - they’re still never ignored by the fandom.
>>1970491I never said every fujo is like that. Come on, have some nuance. Do you think the nonas shitting on weebs think every weeb is insufferable? I’m just noticing a pattern, is all, that
in my experience has been vastly true. I do think there is an imbalance in how much of a chance female characters get in comparison to male ones, but it’s understandable given that the majority of fujos are straight or bi women. Still, I grew up in fandom spaces and there were mildly bad consequences for me personally and the people I knew. Anons will sperg about me mentioning it but I do think it made us view women differently and men like the centre state and yes, I do think it contributes to their TiF worldview, sue me. Disagree if you will, but this is the end of my discussion on this thread. Thanks for being diplomatic.
No. 1970546
>>1970521Nta but how did
>Women find male characters hottranslate to
>Admitting fujos are coomers1!!1!In your brain?
No. 1970562
>>1970555Who doesn’t have a problem when men do it? Why are you making women up in your head? If you really doubt it you can go anywhere else on this site and find people shitting on coomer weeb scrotes, you’re not being singled out.
>>1970559You implied fujoism is just a normal expression of female sexuality and anyone who hates on it is against female sexuality in general (despite us being women ourselves) as if it’s the only way it can be expressed kek. I’m obviously not a puritan, why do anons twist words into something else? You know that no one is arguing because they hate women expressing their sexuality. You’re not as “progressive” as you think you are.
No. 1970582
>>1970580have you tried either
a) blocking them
b) making your own spaces
you dont have to share spaces with fujos if you don't want to , no one is forcing you.
No. 1970588
>>1970582Yes, I
do that. I still unfortunately must encounter them but it works mostly. So what! I still am on the anti-fujo side of this discourse kek. Discussing why we’re for or against fujos was the purpose this discourse thread was created for.
No. 1970593
>>1969747Female moralfagging is cancer. All this time spent malding about other women (who are clearly more comfortable with their sexuality)… Many of us are yume and we don't self-censor when indulging in yumeshit either. Please do anything else. Anything.
>>1970504Very true.
My own headcanon for yume x fujo is that yume-chan always tries to make fujochan drop her degen ways, by convincing her with original art and fics. Slowly fujochan realizes yume-chan's husbando is really a genderswapped version of fujochan and yume-chan is (unknowingly?) telling her all the things she wants to do to her
No. 1970617
>>1970603God you must be miserable to be around in any fandom
and if you get bullied for it probably deserved kekk if you don't like any of the female otaku categorys just fucking ignore them? Are you so pickme for moids you go on attacking any women having fun? What a pathetic little retard you are
No. 1970629
>>1970620>alogingAre you for serious right now? And funny you assume you can't be lesbian and a pickme have you forgotten about handmaiden anti chan?
>it’s unnecessary and pollutes these discussions from being productive at allBecause you've been only spouting true arguments by spitting out you hate women who are openly expressing their interests as ruining "the fandom" I'm lesbian aswell but even I know its none of my business to talk about yumefags
No. 1970645
>>1970632If that's it then this thread can just get autosaged and anons can stop writing huge ass sped Olympics manifestos about why yaoi-chans and yume-chans are le evil pedophile misogynistic monsters that destroy Fandoms, groom teenage girls into trooning out, makes rape happen more often and somehow are causing world war three.
Maybe now we can focus on something more important like hating moids and finding ways to peak other women.
No. 1970646
>>1970638Antifujo-chan tries to kill yume-chan with a kiss but the poison only hurts Antifujo-chan, Fujo-chan discovers that the lies were made to trick her into making her hate Yume-chan.
Yume-chan will have to go back to the hospital where she stays in coma, daydreaming of her husbandos, but most importantly, daydreaming of Fujo-chan and their beautiful relationship.
No. 1970652
>>1970645Agreed its the same slap fight again and again but considering how they've talked about disliking containment and wanting to be "seen" its best to ignore these antifujos from now on
and hopefully mods keep them in it too,all of their arguments have been broken down anyways now they're just seething and malding
No. 1970732
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>>1969912What’s up
nonnie. Nice post you made there. Be a shame if you happen to scroll past the literal first tweet on her profile, but hey ho.
No. 1970735
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>>1970733Do I need to keep going or?
No. 1970739
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>>1970732>>1970733>tfw nonnie did the historical female erasure herself in order to seethe about fujos because she couldn't be bothered to find any examples that support her pointKEKAROO
No. 1970764
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>>1970732>>1970733>>1970739I looked up her work on google images and I didn't see any depictions of Mary and Anne, so I assumed she did't depicted her, I'll accept I was mistaken here.
No. 1970766
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why did you delete your response admitting you did look through her twitter. You either don't know shit about history, ot conveniently decided to skip it hoping no one finds out and destroys your narrative.
No. 1970781
>>1970775Okay so your average female shonenshit fan is presented with two options:
>shit character that gets all the screen time and is also attractive to her>shit character that gets little screentime and is not attractive to her at best, and is used solely for offputting moid fanservice at worstLogically, which do you think they'll end up obsessing over?
No. 1970801
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>>1970792>>you autistsHow ironic kek
No. 1970856
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>acts retarded
>gets owned
>immediately goes over in the echo chamber to cry foul
>diz stupid women fujos are too dumb to understand me!!
you know im believing more and more this a troonsbian trying to break the beautiful relationship between fujo chan and yume chan because theyre jealous we can be cringe and free
No. 1970860
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>>1970856Ignore him. These types of people are so peculiar, they fascinate me. I don’t get what it is about fujoshis could possibly get these retards so worked up over nothing. ‘Fetishising’ is a lazy non-answer. Most fujoshis are basically indifferent to real gay men. We just don’t care. ‘Degenerate coomers’ is a frequently heard opinion, but I don’t get why that would make someone genuinely angry unless they’re some devout religious maniac. The only conclusion I could possibly come to is that they hate seeing women have fun and not give a single fuck. So do what they hate most, nona, and don’t go giving them the time of day.
(scrotefoiling) No. 1970916
>>1969224>reading the reviewsDumb, even as a yume, when I read my terrible yandere doujins on there you'll have people cry in the reviews about how the ML is a terrible person no matter how many
trigger warnings and tags the upload has. Without fail, a oneshot will have for example 'non-con' the tags, description and before the chapter starts and someone will STILL write a review: "omg warning!!! this has noncon in it, how terrible!!!"
The comments themselves on the chapters will have the women who do not give a fuck. But not the reviews.
No. 1970930
>>1970888Damn, zoomers are so fucking weak and whiny it's incredible.
>Abloobloo got sent le evil yaoiz when I was 13Back in my day we were 13 looking for yaoi ourselves, clicking "I confirm I am over 18 years of age" and having a fake birth year that would make you 18 online.
>inb4 you were a pornsick 13 year old Boys are watching hardcore real life pornography since age 12 and you're afraid of pixels on a screen.
No. 1970950
>>1970939>I would be fine if I was simply sent links to your precious "Papa to Kiss in the Dark" level garbage but I was physically molested by my 19y old 'friend' whenever at her house.Okay, then why are you coming in the fujo discourse thread if you:
1. Do not wish to complain about yaoi; instead
2. Wish to complain about being physically molested by a 19 year old woman, who
3. Incidentally, was a fujoshi (this having no bearing on point 2. by your own admission)
As sad and
valid as this occurence is for you, this surpasses the scope of this thread. You might want to post in the vent thread or other similar threads, where the thread audience might be able to fully encompass the scope of your trauma.
No. 1970965
>>1970946In the 00s it wasn't exactly common to suspect young women for hanging around teens, I do not think your parents would have either. It's not like she did anything wrong in front of my parents, she never did anything at my house for example. I didn't expect fujos collectively jump on defending any and all fujos no matter how terrible they are but I definitely learned something new to hate about your community.
>>1970950So it's a fujo vs. anti-fujo discussion thread but nobody is allowed to talk about their own experiences with fujos. Okay.
>Incidentally, was a fujoshiApply the same logic to those afraid of any other group after they were abused by one, then come back.
No. 1970974
>>1970965this is just infight bait, if you were abused by a female gardener does that mean every female gardener is a molester? and women who have a record low of molesting have outliers is that any surprise? your friend was a pedophile plain and simple also this is not the vent thread the thing about trauma is no matter how awful it may have been you
have to move past it to improve and have peace with yourself but if you hold on to it you'll only retraumatize yourself and hurt you, you coming here asking anwswers for such a delicate topic is like me going "i was raped by a female baker and thus all female bakers are bad!" and went into a baking thread saying this how do you expect them to react huh? whos in the wrong here? (not for being raped but asking questions at the wrong place) me or the baking community?
>>1970950this nonna is guiding you to the correct thread yet you persist to post here regardless
No. 1970978
>>1970779>>1970775I happen to be one fujo who also likes many female characters (if not more than male ones) for their writing and their chara designs. I sometimes read fic and look for +18 fanart of characters of both sexes solely because they're cute (good writing/personality helps a lot though). Is this the correct way of consuming media or
gasp does it fall into fujo degeneracy, which practically makes me a moid? Do we need to ressucitate the corpse of every dead feminist theorician to solve the hot-button issue of adult women liking characters and cooming to them? Someone help!??
>>1970939Nonna, i'm so sorry. I really don't think it's wise to bring up sensitive things in Unemployed Sperg central but the reactions are still awful.
>if women don't believe us, no one doesYeah this very much sums it up.
I don't think we can ignore the problem of female-on-female abuse, even if it seems small or if it soothes some here to think of it as a 'psyop'. It's expected that some children get shown porn and reproduce the action with others (because 'oo adult stuff'), but she was 19, there's no excuse for that. I don't know what to say aside from i hope that the memory dwindles to nothingness and the girl who did this to you gets justice served somehow.
No. 1971010
>>1971007So just say it loud and clearly, nona.
Are you saying that you believe she abused you
because she was a fujoshi?
No. 1971040
>>1970939I believed your first post, but then
>I made the fatal mistake of assuming there could be some hope left and all of you weren't shotacon scum.Yeah you're baiting and I was a retard for believing you.
No. 1971202
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>>1971168B-but I love you,
No. 1971226
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>>1971214dont worry fujo chan i yume chan will keep you happy..anti fujo chan can never rip us apart
No. 1971240
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No. 1971305
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>>1971293We may squabble from time to time, but we are sisters after all. I love you yumesisters, even if I call you names sometimes.
No. 1971308
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>>1970888>>1970939This is one of the worst larps i have ever read. Why are antifujos always making the most unbelievable boogeymans, and why do they think we are going to believe them?
No. 1971331
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>>1971328I really hope you’re being sarcastic.
No. 1971333
>>1971319Off the top of my head, my favorite of all time is Integra from Hellsing, but if you're asking for recommendations, look through the old anime threads and you'll find a bunch of peoples 3x3s
>>1971320If that's the only section you explore just because it's popular(which is written by men for men) then you shouldn't use it as a measure for good female characters
No. 1971337
>>1971333lol i also like integra, i am
>>1971335 funny you cannot come with more than one character, which is literally the 1%
No. 1971342
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>>1971335I actually mind moe the least, at least there’s a fair amount of decent moe anime/manga.
No. 1971355
>>1971343please, she's a pretty girl in a shonen manga.
>>1971347>jun fudocoombait
>mokoto kusanagicoombait
>homura akemimoeshit
>all the cateye girlscoombait
>leila marcus coombait
>aya breacoombait
>kingonly one i agree with.
Funny how you can only come up with ONE female character thats not sexualized or moeshit, and it's one that, sadly, got turned into a coombait through the years.
No. 1971361
>>1971358again, good for you if you are willing to get past it, i don't. If a female characters is coombait first, then it goes in the trash for me. Men get thousands of non coomerfied male characters why do i gotta settle down for ones that make moids peepees go hard.
>>1971359Sure. I like Integra, Azula, Toph, ed, oskar and uhh i guess that's it.
No. 1971370
>>1971365whats wrong with it? they are cool and not sexualized, unlike the animu shit you recommended
>>1971366no. I just have extremely high standars for female characters, cry about it.
No. 1971378
>>1971369It's literally just the western version of shounen slop.
>>1971370>I just have extremely high standars for female characters>Multiple characters from western shounen slopKek sure.
No. 1971381
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>>1971357Nigga are we looking at the same character?
No. 1971394
>>1971383It's not a problem, but you can't really complain about
>waah waah why won't people like and talk about female characters as much as they like and talk about menwhen nobody wants to deal with the hassle.
No. 1971403
>>1971401And that's fine.
Just that that's exactly why there way more talk about male characters than female.
No. 1971408
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>>1971328I genuinely can't tell if you're joking. Speaking of HxH though:
>>1971319Togashi has written a couple of decent female characters, at least by shonen standards. Bisky, Komugi, Mukuro, Genkai, Shizuru Kuwabara, and Botan (though I guess some might consider her waifu bait? She has narrative agency and is modestly dressed, though.)
No. 1971418
>>1971415> but they are rare and obscure so i will probably be left talking to the void aww come on dont say that
nonnie share them!
No. 1971423
>>1971415That's because other women simply have different tastes.
Fortunately for you, They're not going to bring up their coombait here. Instead, they'll take about just as shallow male characters.
No. 1971436
>>1971418make a female characters you like on thread on /m/ and i will
>>1971423>they'll take about just as shallow male charactersEven the blandest animu moid mogs the best 3Dpig
No. 1971437
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>>1971425hes still made for women. also hes not soulless but easily the best jjk moid alongside nanami. like do you really think picrel is for moids??
No. 1971442
>>1971428> One anon in the whole thread who made that comparison, and she's a retard.still none of you can provide non
abusive het romance
No. 1971446
>>1971408>Shizuru KuwabaraI hate how the anime tried to make her more palatable by giving her a retarded love interest. I don't think she got enough screentime in the manga, but I've always liked her.
>>1971404Honestly, just ignore it. I'm a fujo, but I also like yuri and I have a lot of waifus, and it's pretty clear to me at this point that it does not matter what you like, there will be some anon ready to try and argue with you over it.
No. 1971470
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>>1971465Yeah, the manga art isn’t pretty at all kek
No. 1971474
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>>1971425Wrong, he's literally just Ban Mido with died hair.
No. 1971482
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>>1971470honestly anime gojo is also kinda overrated, he looks kinda retarded half of the time kek
No. 1971487
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>>1971456>and an alpha male power fantasy for menA lot of men are a bit put off by how much of a faggot he can be at times though.
No. 1971488
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>>1971465I think what a lot of Gojofags don’t get is that it’s not uncommon for popular/long running series to throw in fujo/yume bait try and get a female audience along with a male one.
It’s honestly easier to get a female fanbase because they’re more likely to put up with bullshit compared to a male one who lose their shit if there’s anything homo.
It’s why this meme is so accurate.
No. 1971503
>>1971488Ngl a good gay panic arc can be fun.
Eva did a number, in that regard.
No. 1971510
>>1971503Yeah like most modern anime tropes it comes from Eva.
It’s pretty funny how they tried creating the ultimate waifu character with Mana (looks like a combination of Rei and Asuka but has a deredere personality) but barely anyone cares about her.
No. 1971518
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>this thread
No. 1971531
>>1971516some of my ships are killua x gon, naruto x sasuke, victor x yuri, kokichi x shuichi, nagito x hinata, sou x midori, sasaki x miyano, makoto x haru, rin x haru, shu x mika, mao x ritsu. i dont remember more right now but i still have some other ships
No. 1971538
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>>1971531Kind of basic taste but I like a lot of these ships so it gets a pass.
No. 1971546
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>>1971499Leopika erasure. The '99 HXH anime had so much fanservice for these two.
No. 1971556
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>>1971548Komaeda is one of those characters that is so homo I genuinely don’t understand anyone who husbandos him.
No. 1971566
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>>1971562That can be said about a lot of Kaworu clones
No. 1971578
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>>1971568He’s already on it
No. 1971579
>>1971564killugon sure, maybe, I don't remember the first anime very well though because it's been too long since I watched it on TV and I never read the manga or watched the 2011 anime, but sasunaru is shit. Not because of the pairing itself but because it comes from a shitty manga and Naruto deserves a lot better than what Sasuke becomes after leaving the village.
>i dont understand why people even ship them???Look it up, hundreds of fans have explained why they ship them all over the internet.
No. 1971582
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>anti fujo thread is now fujo discussion thread
OP, cry about it(baiting infight)
No. 1971590
>>1971583Voyeurism/self insertion is becoming extinct.
Soon enough it'll be like moids where romance stories can't have any sort of melodrama because it means the mc (you) gets "cucked" for a chapter.
No. 1971598
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>>1971591She’ll have her revenge
No. 1971600
>>1971595I just said I wouldn't want another woman either to
>>1971588 , however
>as a based superior femaleYes.
No. 1971614
>>1971604>settling for an inferior moid because of that Damn even in fiction huh?
>>1971608Who’s your husbando
No. 1971617
>>1971608I dont know how to tell you this but none of this shit real.
>>1971612exactly but I dont pretend I am a stacy for it.
No. 1971667
>>1971655Otps aren't just one guy, it's the pair together.
If it was just "male stand in" then they wouldn't be so important that a
specific character gets shipped with another
specific character.
The chemistry of the characters interacting with each other (not you) is part of it.
Unlike with self insertion, where one charactsf is a blank slate/relatable enough that its meant for you to insert yourself into.
No. 1971668
>>1971661This. Non sharing yumes are probably just fictionkins anyway
>NO DOUBLESturned into
>NO SHARINGwhen pretending to be your husbando wasn’t cool anymore.
No. 1971681
>>1971674Do you think Kaworu can be replaced with any male character when it comes to Shinji or is it very specifically his interactions with Shinji that people ship?
What ships would you say were only there because one hot guy and the other is just a stand in?
No. 1971704
>>1971686So, which character is that? Is Shinji the husbando or the male stand in?
How about any of the relationships named in this thread, you have to know at least one, no? Like these
>>1971531Who are nona's male stand ins?
No. 1971713
>>1971699>>1971703It's the specified dynamic that is desirable to them + maleness + relatability + proximity to their husbando that's important to fujos. For the male stand-in, it's important that the male character be relatable to girls. The male stand-in is usually the male MC because of their built in ability to self-insert, and the husbando is usually the rival because fujos like rival dynamics, but in Death Note it's switched and they husbando Light more which leads to Light multishipping.
>The stand-in can be specific though because they relate to him and whatever dynamic he has with their husbando half of the OTP is the one they'd want.And as someone who spent a lot of time around people who shipped those, a lot of them did multiship their husbando with other characters. LightxL fans also shipped LightxMikami.
No. 1971719
>>1971699I wonder if yume think this way for all romance stories.
Are all romance meant so that the female lead is a stand in for the reader? Does it sometimes switch to the male lead as a stand in? Do they not ship characters because they think they're simply cute together?
No. 1971729
>>1971716That's not how they were written in male-written works like shonen, but that's how fujos ship them
>Are all romance meant so that the female lead is a stand in for the reader?Wait until she finds out the reason why female main characters are made to be relatable in romance books
>Does it sometimes switch to the male lead as a stand in? No, because the aspect of the main character being female is an important to most women who read romance… well, besides fujos
>>1971722My response was to someone who was trying to refute my logic with the fact that the relationship dynamic matters for the ship. I was half-agreeing by saying that it's the preferred romantic dynamic the woman shipping it wants, but that doesn't mean one man isn't a stand-in, and one isn't the real husbando. There can be a preferred dynamic, but where there is a lack of one, simply the closest male character will do. So for the example LxLight that anon gave: After L died, fujos started shipping Light with Mikami lol
No. 1971735
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No. 1971745
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No. 1971750
>>1971729The female characters being their own character is important to me.
Frankly the thought that every romantic lead is meant to be a self insert is bizarre to me.
No. 1971856
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>>1971789It's working now. Idk why my page was acting retarded. Gn
nonnie No. 1971863
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fujos and antis, what are your thoughts when people compare troons(both TIMs and TIFs) to yaoi/bl? as a way to mock them and how they look and behave.
No. 1971906
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>>1971871Thankfully it's not.
(spoiler) No. 1971931
>>1971871The whole point is that it's
not IRL. Haven't you heard the 3DPD meme?
No. 1972261
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does anyone remember all the anti yaoi stamps from the DA days? they were hilarious
No. 1972262
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>>1972261The Alvin and the chipmunks fandom was crazy back in the day
No. 1972263
>>1972261Everything about this delights me: the fact that someone was not only shipping Alvin and the Chipmunks, but that it was apparently pervasive enough to
trigger this autist in animating a hate-stamp for it. God, I miss the golden days of Deviantart.
No. 1972268
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>>1972265There was a lot of good art in the fandom surprisingly
No. 1972279
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>>1972261I still look at 'em all the time.
No. 1972285
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Maybe it's because most of the stuff I'm into has a either homo or sexually ambiguous cast, but what exactly qualifies as an automatically straight character?
No. 1972288
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No. 1972299
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>>1972297Are you the same person who was "totally" groomed and raped by a fujo from earlier?
No. 1972318
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>>1972297>They literally enjoy making others uncomfortable with their sexual talk, they do not care if the women in question is a survivor of rape or sexual abuse. If you tell them it makes you uncomfortable because you're a CSA survivor, they ramp it up and spam more graphic shitThis has literally never happened ever kek
No. 1972326
>>1972297This is actually true. I haven't met extreme enough cases yet (thankfully) but in my teenage years it always bothered me how often there were rape jokes etc. Even though I didn't experience sexual abuse, this topic always made me uncomfortable. Was it more acceptable that it was done by women? One fujo I knew the closest among others was a pedophilia
victim and claimed her friend could have also been raped in childhood (that other trooned out later and now is a tryhard trans guy "not like other troons" kek). Once I also asked that fujo friend back when I knew her why she uses the word "faggot" when real gays might find it offensive (it was a sort of SJW era for me then). She said even gay men use it for themselves.
But anyway, fujos can be massive creeps. I saw myself on various sites jokes about rapes, referring to RPs with rape as something "sexy" and generally shitty ssexist behavior. Just because it's done by women it doesn't mean it can be excused. And overall, fujos are shit so no wonder they don't care about it.
No. 1972329
>>1972327>I agree but tell that to the fujos that reach out to underage users themselvesAre these fujos who reach out to underage users themselves in the room with us?
>or just post NSFW stuff without censorshipYou mean the way twitter was by default until they added the sensitive media filter a few years ago? The only social network which allows NSFW?
No. 1972393
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>>1972379>"i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi mangaso first it was a fujo raping someone and now fujos are going after poor wittle children's innocenceby showing them anime boys if youre going to bait atleast use real stories and not made up boogeymen god you antis are really trying to handmaiden real hard arent you
No. 1972403
>>1972383>They refuse to even accept their fetish could cause harm to anyone so they fully reject the thoughtWho does it cause harm to, men? Are you whiteknighting men that get their feefees hurt the mean fujos are drawing two faggots kissing?
>inb4 it causes harm to other underage girls the fujos groom Female pedophiles, while rare, do exist and that's a sad thing. What does this have to do with fujos? Are you saying fujoshi = female pedophile? Troons harm women
because their fetish is harming women.
No. 1972410
>>1972379>one fujo in particular enjoyed targeting us literally saying "i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi mangaKek so I wasn't the only one that went through this? Why do they do that? Freaks
>>1972393>now fujos are going after poor wittle children's innocenceby showing them anime boysIt's not just "anime boys", yaoi IS erotic content, you shouldn't show porn to children, you weirdo
No. 1972456
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I dunno why fujos itt care so much about people criticizing fujos, but it's funnier like that.
No. 1972468
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>>1969912you need to chill
nonnie No. 1972474
>>1972297I can't speak for others, but I never talk about fandom bullshit IRL, and definitely not with kids. My internet friends are the only people who hear about it. There are definitely autists out there who sperg about fandom shit to random strangers in person, but you see that behavior occasionally among all subsets of nerd. If I ever saw someone being inappropriate to a kid, especially in person, I would condemn it. However, I've been in the hobby for a very long time and I've never personally had to confront someone about something like that. It just doesn't happen very often.
What does happen occasionally is kids between 13 and 17 entering 18+ spaces and being banned, or going out of their way to interact with people who have "18+ only" in their bios. The responsible thing to do in that case is to block or mute, but it's aggravating when they comment on your post trying to start an argument. I've had to block so many 14 year olds on Twitter, it's absurd. Social media should be 18+ only.
No. 1972493
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>>1972465Tfw you’ll never have an older gf grooming you to like yaoi
No. 1972496
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>>1972493I feel you,
nonny. Tfw no cringe fujo GF that calls me her innocent uke. Why even live?
No. 1972703
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>>1972691>umibe no etrangerI don't remember the lesbian couple being bad, then again I don't remember much of the movie.
No. 1972772
Fujoism is supremely autistic, many fujoshi are autistic, many autistic women and girls are targeted as easy victims for the trans cult, simple as. There's nothing wrong with women having extremely autistic interests; I am calling it autistic in a completely neutral and descriptive manner. I know they're autists because I can sense my own kind. I also think a fascination with irl gay moids is distinct from bl. Real gay moids aren't attractive like fictional male couples and I notice a stark contrast between a standard het tif and a fujoshi. The het tifs tend to have a sort of extreme heterosexuality where they are very physically attracted to moid bodies bordering on zealous worship of them, even including the phallus. These types of tifs also seem to prefer bara and actual 3d males to the standard 2d sexless prettyboys. I think some of the straight tifs aren't true fujoshi since they just turn all the male ships into hetships. Some tifs might be true fujoshi though, and I think 99% of genuine fujo tifs are autists who have a strong tendency towards escapism and project onto the uke; typical fujos would not want to project onto either party and see bl as a purely voyeuristic experience and not one they want to insert themselves into. Excessive fixation on bl is unhealthy, just like excessive fixation on video games, erotic literature, or tv is bad. I don't believe bl is harmful for women so long as they approach it in moderation and don't go overboard. While it is possible for a fujoshi to become addicted to bl, I do not think it is a fair comparison to equate that to a man watching porn, as porn showcases and encourages real world violence against women. I also think that bl is at least partially in response to misogyny. It can be a safe space for women to explore their sexuality without having to picture herself with men. I don't think bl perpetuates or reduces misogyny and I think it's purely a response to misogyny, or at most a redirection of the frustration in women caused by societal misogyny. Fiction can have real world effects on people, but ultimately I think bl is mostly pretty benign and doesn't have much of an effect either way on misogyny. I will outright confess to being a fujo myself, and so I am ultimately biased towards the interests of my own kind. I also think that it's a neutral trait to be a fujoshi, one that as mentioned before, strongly correlates with autism in women. I have many other traits as a result of autism, and I accept those traits as immutable facts of myself. Instead of seeing my admittedly bizarre fixation as something to be fixed, I instead see it as the occasional indulgence. One that must not be taken to any extremes, but is fairly harmless, since for me it doesn't cause psychological distress, an increase in harmful behaviors, or a decrease in my productivity. If bl or any other form of media does cause any of the three mentioned, I believe it is one's personal responsibility to stop or limit consumption of something until the negative effects are rendered insignificant. I think fujoshi, yumejoshi and himejoshi ultimately can set aside their differences and coexist peacefully, as we all ultimately share the goal of healthy female-oriented communities and fandom discourse.
No. 1972892
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>>1967940Given how common a sentiment picrel is I'd say fujos are basically the same as yumes with extra mental gymnastics/illness which does make you more pathetic.
Also stop the fake misandry most fujos are the biggest malesimps I ever encountered, cooing all day long on tumblr over fictional males before following their natural evolution into being the most rabid boymoms. Cringe to try to making fujoshism feminist. Most fujos start wars and shit up whole fandoms crusading for the babyboyification of their morally repugnant male creatures, I see the exact same behaviour from women in serial killer fandoms (but ~wholesome ~female-dominated space amirite). Extremely cucked behaviour. I have nothing against the existence of yaoi/slash, I stopped consuming it for many reasons but end of the day it’s just entertainment/escapism, same as any other trashy romance genre. It’s the many, MANY weird ideas that breed unquestioned in fujo spaces I can’t stand e.g the superiority complexes and pretending reading this for years has zero effect bc your brain is too based to be influenced while ignoring the mass unironic bdsm grooming that happened before the tif shit; saying it’s a female-space yet uke/seme shit is very appealing to bi moids who are a sizable presence in many fandoms when they take a break from consuming femboy content on tiktok, leading to an explosion in crazy fetishes. It used to be that slash was mostly written by teenage female virgins and absurd/cute/funny, now it’s so clear it’s produced by habitual porn-watchers (male and female…lots of proud female porn-addicts from childhood in these spaces) and this ultra-realistic content gets the most engagement, becomes the new normal, and the grooming cycle continues.
Also fujos should stop worrying about yurifags, they don’t worry about you. I'm having more fun reading the autistic productions of lesbian femslash writers worldbuilding 400k words of complex military matriarchy AUs in their corners that 3 other people enjoy and not dealing with the fucking drama in m/m spaces. And no, these women absolutely don’t care about fujos, if you weren’t so narcissistic you would know that the last thing actual f/f lovers (not TQ+ virtue-signallers) want is het/bihet women filling the tags with more garbage dick-centric cryptohet stories after the tranny invasion: “yurifags” strawman in your heads are your fellow queer fujos too, many of you are also yumes in disguise, this is actually a civil war and it's embarrassing to witness.