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No. 637302
Everything sux
>>>/ot/630060 No. 637308
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Noone charged for Breonna Taylor's death. Is civil war soon burgerfrens? How to deal with living in extremely anti-black area during this time when you're not black but brown.
No. 637318
>>637317samefagging, but i'm seeing now that he wasn't indicted for taylor's death
specifically, but at least it's something.. really wish all three involved had been indicted on something, rather than just hankison. seems like a scapegoat with him being released without serving his full sentence (if it goes that far).
No. 637376
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Me and my boyfriend of almost 7 years had a fight and now he's treating me like an acquaintance.
No. 637405
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>>637302I really wish I had committed suicide years ago. Im so disappointed in myself and I don’t know why I tell myself to keep pushing and that “things will get better” when there’s just no hope for people like me. I don’t have any friends, I don’t have a college degree or my own car and license, a good career and etc. The things I wanted as a kid I have yet to get, which is embarrassing for someone my age. I had high hopes and I let myself fuck up. I see everyone having the time of their lives on social media and I just wonder “why can’t that be me? why can’t I be as happy as them? Don’t I deserve something like that?” . Im too scared to post even shit online most of the time, I’m too much of a chronic socially inept moron to throw myself out there
I’d seek a therapist but they’re all so expensive and I’ve just resorted myself into crying myself to sleep until I forget about it the next day and repeat. I don’t even like the idea of taking pills just to feel like normal functioning person. But I can pat myself on the back for not drinking my feelings away. I don’t drink like that and whatever I do drink, it’s just shit like seagrams or mike’s lemonade. and I hate the smell of weed/nicotine so smoking and shit is definitely out
And I don’t tell my boyfriend anything because he has enough to deal with as is; I hate bothering him with the shit I deal with, even if he says it doesn’t. I don’t believe him when he says that, despite knowing our relationship is crumbling and all I can do is watch it fall. it’s my fault I let it be that way.
This got too long but I guess I’m using the purpose of this thread. I don’t know what to do. I’m a piece of work but at the same time, I’m a lost cause
No. 637408
>>637406>>637404>>637403I dont doubt that I am cum material for him and that he whenever we hang out he has a girlfriend fantasy
I felt indebted to him because hes the one driving me to the gym not asking for gas money
even though his parents pay for everything but I just can't cope with it and I also don't wanna see him 4 times a week on his own schedule. Bringing up the moaning shit would be super awkward because he would say it wasn't on purpose and maybe start autistically hating me or something, I already feel bad for him because he whispers to himself just to practise what to say next, but dude has talked enough about sex (making me and my other female friend uncomfortable) that he clearly just doesnt know whats appropriate. but damn the trauma of him asking 'how was it for you' while the whole gym looked on, i think i'll just cut him out unless I really desperately need a ride somewhere
No. 637411
>>637401What's it honestly going to take for you? Does some man have to corner you and make threats for you to finally speak out about how inappropriate he is?
Well good news, the little creep has only begun and will escalate his advances. He'll take your shyness as 'hard to get' since you haven't explicitly spoken out about it. In fact he will take it as his greenlight to continue and that deep down you want him if you allow it to continue. But hey, isolating yourself at home and hoping a man's unrequited desire never aims for you again is also a pretty shit solution as well.
You're considering giving up something you do because of an autist.
Get ahold of yourself.
No. 637419
>>637413>>637411you guys are right im gonna fucking say something right now instead of on an anonymous vent thread
thank you anons this will be the first time I call this kind of shit out but its gone on too long for me
No. 637428
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I decided i wanted to get into programming/coding and starting off with some basic css but its so freaking confusing wtf maybe i'm just a big dunce or maybe today isnt my day
No. 637446
>>637405social media is a lie, anon. many people's lives have miserable elements. i restrict access to a lot of places online now because it's brain worms, it will make you feel inadequate for not being at the front of a delusional pack that is charging off the side of a cliff.
at the end of it all you are your own best friend. no matter who else is in your life. if it helps, there are many therapy materials available online. I find that true self love and acceptance is what people struggle with the most, maybe look at IFS therapy approaches. it really changed things for me.
>>637379, I want to mention you in this too. us rabid females should stick around to see how hard we can bite back.
No. 637459
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A guy in my friend group recently trooned out and I have to play along if I want to keep any semblance of a social life. Fighting the cognitive dissonance of calling this balding linebacker his new infantile girl name is exhausting.
No. 637460
sad dog stuff. i'm fucking crumbling ladies
my mom told me to check on her dog, thinking she hurt her leg, i took her to the vet and she's fucking paralyzed. the vet said it'd be a 7,000 dollar surgery and that the chance she'd walk again is 5-10%. the vet recommended putting her down. i want to fucking die, i love that dog so much, she's the sweetest funniest dog i've ever known, she loves to run and jump and play, this isn't fair, why does this fucking happen. i can't stop crying, why the fuck does this happen. i just lost my dad and had to put my dog down due to old age, i can't deal with all of this, i can't do this!
No. 637461
>>637449I'm "the only one that deserves his love"
That is such a weirdly egotistical sentence right there. Has himself up on quite the pedestal Lol
No. 637462
>>637459Kek are you me anon? One of my guy friends went nb and now constantly sends drag selfies in the group chat asking for fashion advice, tagging all the girl members. I don't know why he bothers asking me when among the girls in the group I've displayed the least knowledge/interest in fashion. But I'm a ~girl~ and that's what girls do, right? And I have to be nice and constantly compliment him so that the group doesn't implode. Solidarity, sis, sending you strength. (And why
is it that they always go for cute "little girl" names? My friend is the same.)
No. 637472
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I feel like I should be sadder at this, but currently I am just… Numb?
Probably because my brain has not fully realised it yet.
No. 637481
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I frequent a few Discord channels and have made friends along the way, but there's one channel I frequent the most that is absolutely cursed with cringe newfags. One of the more recent cases was someone who my friends and I suspected was a troon, because they would talk about their pussy, being a "queen", also obsessed with pop music. Out of nowhere, 6 months after they joined, they admitted they were a super gay dude this entire time and not a woman. Which is fucking hilarious assuming we thought he was female. His whole reasoning for not correcting people was because he was shy.
No. 637512
>>637509You can't separate/divorce? I hate cheating bastards but if it's a case when one of the two is
abusive or one is forced into the relationshio then it's fine.
No. 637515
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Fuck I hate this obsession with internet fame people have, I have lost friends that have gotten so obsessed with their image and turned into completely different people the moment they get a little following because they 100% believe they have reached influencer level fame when they have 20-25k followers on instagram.
I get wanting to be famous, and I get that you need to hurt people on your way to success, but the obsession with it is so eerie to me. I miss the fun times I used to have with the people I lost, before they started to act like divas and get 100% convinced that stores in japan recognize them when they are actually just doing their regular suck-up customer service. Even had a falling out with one because she was upset over not getting a free ticket to an event last year because she was completely convinced she was the one main pull and that no one would go if she wasn't there. I like to think this obsession actually pulls out the latent narcissism that was always there and I didn't see because I love them but I'm really disappointed by how they turn into these vain messes that acts like a victim the moment things don't go their way, complete 180 from their previous selves.
No. 637517
>>637504Anon same! I get we can’t help it and it’s sort of ingrained in us that beauty is #1, but it’s so hard to try to get together with friends and have the convo just be about wrinkles makeup, and hair. Even my “favourite” (I have to say that because I don’t have a best friend) friend to be around, who’s usually a really intelligent and educated feminist, will sometimes just go off onto tangents about bleaching her hair and Etsy dresses.
Every time I see them I just want to start off with I’m sick of saying you have no new wrinkles, I’m sick of saying you don’t look fat, let’s enjoy brunch.
No. 637536
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i have contagious bad luck
everyone in my life suffers and everything i like gets fucked up
why this? who did i piss off?
No. 637620
>>637612Yeah, like
>>637617 said, that's exactly what it sounds like. It was the same for me growing up with my sister. Obviously, she never made it better and took advantage of that, but your mom might be a narc and your sister might just be her Good Child. I dunno, though. Sorry anon, it sucks, but it gets better when you move far away from them and limit contact.
No. 637627
>>637621My mum I'm pretty sure is a narc and I had an older brother that would steal, fight, be an arson lol etc etc and I'd get the beatings for it. My brother still to this day thinks I'm the problem child because I had 'moods' (he really resents me for getting a period y'all) and would cry scream at both my brother and mum about how fucked up the household was (dad gone obvz).
I remember after one particular beating of being kicked into a corner and attacked for about 29 minutes when I was allowed to sit up to 'aplogise for allowing my brother to steal from me and then try and get him in trouble…' I asked why I was always get to hit and my ma just said it was cause I was smaller than her so what was I going to do. She'd also threaten to tell my school I was a bad girl at home because she knew I had made a sanctuary of the fucking place, so I was terrified of ever telling people. My own brother got expelled from that school and teachers started treating me like I was troubled, I felt so fucking depressed lol.
It's hard not to be mad at your sister but it's not her fault your mum is being a cunt to you. I had to wait until I had my first proper office job to move out. It gets better eventually anon don't lose hope
No. 637645
>>637641 > They do not really want you cooking and cleaning for them unless you're their wifeIME if you live together they do tend to fall into this selfish expectation that you'll just naturally be the one doing the majority of those tasks, even if you both work 40 hour weeks
Maybe that's just my shitty luck with men. I just not much of a cook and the amount of arguments that's caused..
No. 637652
>>637645NTA but that has been my experience with men as well. I hope when I move in with my new bf things will be different because he does make a conscious effort to help me clean my space when he comes over. I love cooking so I never minded that but the kitchen cleanliness drives me insane. Something changes when they live with us though, they do have those gender role expectations even if our income is equal or greater.
>>637641I wish I would've realized too. My mom didn't teach me shit about dating and what men are like. I mimicked her pandering and kowtowing ways, and I got taken advantage of a lot. What I saw as being generous and a good girlfriend, men saw as someone desperate and convenient. When mom seen I was copying her she would angrily berate me and yell at me to act different towards men cause she must have saw me heading down her heartbreak path (three divorces–all miserable users and abusers). However, since I thought she was being a bitch to me and a hypocrite I wrote her off as bitter. She talked a big talk but never did shit to help herself. I don't think she ever wanted to talk about her mistakes because she is a narcissist and wanted to blame men for everything, even the way she treated me. Guess I never had a good example, so instead I had to learn from multiple heartbreaks. Experience is a pretty good teacher though.
The least I can say is that I've never made the mistake of getting married. In combination because I saw some for the creeps they were, and sometimes because they were leading me on and tricking me about their intentions.
No. 637676
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>3.5kg away from underweight
>thighs still look fucking massive
I hate how short I am. I wish I could be at least 5'5. I just want to look elegant and wear miniskirts dammit
No. 637684
>>637676I feel u anon.
Also Ashley is so pretty. She has a petite frame but average height, ugh. It works so well for her.
No. 637688
>>637676SAME. I came here to vent about being a womanlet, but I'll just tack onto your post.
Just looked over a doctor's note from the other day and decided to convert to cm to ft, and apparently I'm 4'11 and some change with shoes off instead of 5 1/2ft like I thought. I'm either shrinking or just always get measured with shoes. I'm so distraught, I don't want to be a chunky midget ugh. It's hard to look skinny when you're short unless you want to look like a literal child.
No. 637698
>>637676Same. I’m a unique kind of skinny-fat. I got sturdy cankles like Lilly-Rose Depp, and muscular calves that will never go away unless I become an ana-chan— and fuck that.
I’ll settle for strangling men to death between my legs.
No. 637724
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I have made a post in the old thread because I could not find the new one so sage for my retardeness.
I used to work with those two girls and we became really close friends. Almost exactly a year ago I moved out of the city that we all lived in and since then i would see them sparingly, say once every month or something. We have not seen each other at all since quarantine started and so I invited them over this last weekend over a Skype call. They seemed really excited to come and I could not wait to see my best mates.
I have planned a day for us - with sightseeing and museums and such and then I wanted to go out on a Saturday night. They came early in the morning, said they are hangover and they would rather just stay home. I felt a little snubbed because why would you go out drinking if you knew you are will have to travel the next day? And also, wouldn't it make sense to be rested etc if you were meeting your friend that you not have seen for months? But okay, I thought, no problem. You can still have fun just sitting at home - I was just happy to have my friends there.
From the get go they didnt talk much and I thought it could be because they are hangover and I thought they just need time to feel better. But it persisted the whole day. They would NEVER start a conversation, even when addressed they would sometimes not respond. They would roll their eyes and sigh and text each other though. One of them was much worse though - she literally acted as if being in my presence was torture and i felt as if I was a parent dealing with a moody teenager. And such behaviour coming from a 30 year old woman. The second one was always a doormat and she almost seemed scared to talk in case the first one did not approve. She would look at her whenever I would ask her a question, scared of losing her approval??? At some point I just stopped trying to engage cause I knew they would just not respond? I held back tears so many times that day.
They would only seem animated when they were complaining about something, especially other women, or people not following the covid guidelines. They were adamant that covid would be deadly for both of them as they are in "weak health"? Which was never the case when I knew them before. They also developed a keen fear about taking the stairs - they would hold hands, lean on each other, and give each other ~praise for defeating their fears~. Neither of them fell down the stairs or anything like that and when we used to work together they never had issues with it. Of course, they are both depressed but do not do anything about it and instead just feed each other toxicity and validate their negative behaviours.
The evening came and they made some bullshit excuse about needing to go home and at that point I was drained and just shrugged my shoulders.
Moreover, they would act like cunts to me but when my husband would come by they would start joking and laughing and engaging with him. That really stung.
I thought I am over getting upset about friendships, but I could not believe how hurt I felt over their visit.
No. 637733
Any doctors in here?
>>637720 needs a height transplant and I'm a willing donator
No. 637759
>>637676Eh, I am 174cm and even at my lowest weight (68kg, I know it's not that low but I am kinda broad) I had no thigh gap or anything.
It's more the bone structure and the fat distribution rather than the height.
No. 637766
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lolita fashion is my cope
I wasn't allowed to be feminine growing up, I think that's where it stems from
Like I was encouraged to be a gross tomboy, and when I wore pink it was disappointing
I like to dress absurdly feminine now because for whatever reason, it makes me feel comfortable, and when I look at myself wearing that, I feel better than I normally do
I know everyone thinks I'm a freak, even other lolitas
I've been told before if I wasn't so small, (obviously biologically female), everyone would think I'm an over-compensating scrote
I just wanted to be a normal girl; I'll never be
No one will ever like me
No. 637771
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>>637733best i can do is a feet transplant
No. 637787
>>637778the great shut-in is fattening everyone up, don't feel too bad
I don't even post myself, I'm jealous of fat girls who have more confidence than me
Everyone in my old comm is, and they still hang out and they're always posting pics and having fun
Being thin is fucking worthless if you're still a loser
even /cgl/ is posting good fat girl coords now and not shitting their pants over it immediately, I mean of course they do, but not immediately, and you know how much that means
No. 637801
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I resent the fuck out of Facebook advertisements aimed at the mentally ill. 9 time out of 10 they're month-old services with bot 5 star reviews. The 10th time it's fucking BetterHelp.
Also, if I had a nickle for every overseas spam shop I see endorsed on social media I could afford a decent sized Wish order. At least with Wish I KNOW the quality will most likely be shit.
No. 637977
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I've never lived in the same city as a popular lolcow before. I'm currently following their thread and I'm getting some cheap thrill from it. Like I recognize the areas they've been at, can see who they're mutuals with, etc. I wonder what they'd look like if I encountered them in the wild, all candid-like without their shoop and angles and airs and how different they'd be from their online personae. This shouldn't entertain me as much as it does.
No. 637998
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I love seeing all the scrotes triggered because they havent been able to get laid as much since corona. Feels good seeing all the guys who acted like i wasnt shit contacting me out of desperation. It was hard for men to get laid before now a d it's even worse now. At this point I just dangle the hope that they will fuck me without ever actually doing it and canceling plans everytime.
No. 638023
>>638010Girl you gotta ask. Confrontation, regardless of the outcome, is far better what you're going through right now. Just be honest about how it makes you feel and he will understand.
From my perspective though it's far too blatant to chat with someone when you're in the bathroom, everyone knows it can be heard. If he was actually cheating he'd be more sneaky.
No. 638032
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i'm so stressed about money. i want to work but it's basically impossible to get a job right now. i've just moved into a new place and the deposit alone ate into my savings, i don't even want to think about how much i'm going to be spending on rent. i'm seriously considering selling feet pics to horny scrotes if i can't get a job soon. i want my successful career now pls
No. 638040
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Watching a docuseries on CPS and I think it triggered my fucking self. It's unbelievable that kids as young as 5 know how to lie to keep up the facade of stuff being okay at home, I am so fucking angry and sad to know I could have gotten help and I wouldn't have been a traitor or weak. I could have gone to school normally and not miss a ton of school, I would just fucking sleep. People thought I was out doing dumb shit, adults thinking I was out drinking when in fact I was sleeping all day because it was the only time I felt safe sleeping, while my dad was at work. I am a grown ass woman who still has moments of bad stuff just looping in my head, I have mental health issues but everything considered I am pretty sane, more sane than many people would be. I think many kids develop this "I did something bad to deserve this, I am inherently bad because other kids don't have to go through this", even though there are tons of kids going through it, they're all just good actors and surprisingly tough because they have to be. No kid deserves that shit and I still carry this toxic "I am facing these issues because I can handle it, it's better that it's me and not someone else, I am used to it, they are still okay and I was already fucked, not as big of a loss to ruin me even more." I am going through a lot and I can't say shit like "oh I wish I was a carefree child again", bitch I don't even have that so I just blindly need to tell myself I can do this, it's gonna be better because it absolutely has to be. I sound so whiny, wow.
No. 638049
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my GRE is on oct. 13 and my practice exam scores for quant have been significantly lower than what i need. im so frustrated bc ive already been studying for over a month now and my score went down on another practice exam today (157→155). i need a 163, pls pray for me anons. i'm about to drop $99 on target test prep for a month :l
No. 638093
ever since i was a kid ive had constant abandonment, repeatedly over and over. for the past year or so, i experienced the worst abandonment possible. ever since then, my coping mechanism has become just ghosting people. it feels relieving. it feels like no one can hurt me if i do it. ive done it to so many people, im not sure if its like a revenge sort of thing for how often its happened to me. ever since i was younger, my friendships and relationships would end dramatically and often times would traumatize me for several years. if i didnt ruin it myself out of fear (i have ptsd and paranoia from it) my mother would by cutting off contact if she personally didnt like the person. ive always been the friend to go ghost for a year, return, then come back. often times, my mothers behavior would lead to them leaving me. ever since, i demand control over everything regarding relationships. i need to destroy them, i feel so scared if i dont. its ruining my life i cant fucking stand this i cant stop doing it i want to ghost everyone ive ever spoken to until i can have everyone gone i dont want to be hurt anymore. seriously. seeing how people would react when i was younger when id leave for extended amounts of time, they didnt seem bothered at all. this has fucked with my head so badly. i need the control of destroying a friendship. i feel so accomplished when i know no one can ever hurt me again.
No. 638138
>>638136Thank you anon, I'll look into it tomorrow after work.
I'm actually scared for my computer, imagine if the little thing went all crazy on the wires!!
I feel sleep deprived tho so i know I'm going crazy.
I've only seen one mouse and I really really hope there are not like 10s waiting in their bathroom den
At least it's really cute
No. 638143
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Well work was…eventful today. I work at a local bar. Nothing special or crazy happens, it's a very chill job. However today. It was around an hour before we were closing and this guy comes in the lounge(we have a main bar and then a lounge room next door). We are used to regulars and this guy has never been here before so I was already on guard. His speech was slurred and didn't understand my questions well so I assumed he had a learning disability, shrugged it off didn't think much of it gave him his order. 5 mins later asks for another, this time my co-worker serves him, things go fine as well. However when it was time to stop serving drinks he tried to order again and I said that the bars closed. Immediately the guy gets really angry at me, tells me he's gonna rape and kill me. I leave the lounge to go tell my co-worker what happened, and I can still hear him shouting that he's gonna kill me. Co-worker comes through. Tells him to leave, does the same with her that he's gonna kill and rape her. She starts shouting at him to leave(she's very petite compared to him and I was shit scared he was gonna hurt her). He refuses to leave, two of the locals from next door come through and start pushing him out. We have a glass door and then a main door. Managed to get him through the glass door but then he tried breaking it down with the sign that was outside, eventually he gets out and managed to lock the doors. He's still banging on them for about 10 mins. Finally leaves and we made a police report. Turns out this fucker is known for this shit around my area and has several articles on his crimes but police let him off easy just because he's an alcoholic. I'm so glad those two guys were next door to help or I'm scared to think what would happen as the police found a knife on him after he was arrested later on tonight. Needless to say I'm pretty distressed about it and not feeling safe.
No. 638151
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my boyfriend seems to get upset that i… go home to my parents instead of moving in with him right now? i'm actually not sure why gets upset, but that's my best understanding
he wants me to pull away from them faster. but i'm 21, and he's 28 from a family he wanted to get away from. i think he's projecting his worries on to me. we have plans to move in together middle of next year!!! so why be upset that my family and i should be around each other while we still can…
i'm confused and a little hurt, am i really doing something wrong? i know i'm not. i just wanna scream into the void a little
No. 638155
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I started talking to this guy a few weeks ago and we really got along well, he asks me out on a date and I agree. I tell him it is my first time going on one and he tells me he is quite a bit nervous himself.
We went out, got a bit drunk and before we know it we’re at my place. This was my first time bringing someone home with me like that, which I also tell him, but he gave me all these vibes of being someone kind and trustworthy. I’m a fucking idiot, I know.
Right before our second date he gets sick and have to cancel, and a few more days later he gets very distant so I asked him yesterday if he still wants to see me when he gets better.
That’s when he drops that he’s realised he is not in a good enough place to date right now. That he feels that he is too depressed for it to be good for him at the moment.
And I’m fucking devastated, not only because I really like him but also because I feel so fucking used. I feel so dirty and disgusting. I’m a former rape victim and it wasn’t too long ago I managed to more or less feel less dirty and disgusting. I have been curled into a ball in bed unable to sleep all night. I hate myself, I hate my body and I’m disgusted. I 100% want to kill myself.
I’m a fucking idiot slut
No. 638170
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>>638151Anon sorry to say but you're a dummy. You can love him however much you want, but that age difference will ruin your life. He's already trying to rush you into isolating. No well adjusted man wants someone much younger than him.
I'm so fucking sick of girls literally chopping themselves up for men to eat. At this point I'm tempted to say any abuse they get, they deserve, for being such fucking dumbasses.
No. 638195
>>638164Because they're fucked up. I especially hate the ones where it's a man and not the egg but the prostate? it's fucking weird.
Also animated hentai is fucking ugly and I have no idea how anyone can get off to it. I hate seeing ads for it on 4chin.
No. 638200
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Dunking on moids is fun
No. 638241
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>>638236This is so specific
No. 638242
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I’m so fucking sick and tired of hormonal acne eruptions all over my face. 6 years of this shit, nonstop, and nothing seems to work. I hate looking in the mirror. Everyone I see outside has this radiant, plump, perfect complexion and I’m so insecure and constantly comparing my skin to theirs. I just want normal fucking skin ffs. I feel so vapid with how much time I spend stressing about it but I feel so ugly and alone because no one I see irl seems to struggle with anything like this.
No. 638253
>>638157I know I should block him or at least distance myself a great deal, but a part of me doesn’t want to because I’m a goddamn simp (I’m honestly wonder if I’m just a sucker for making myself feel crap). But I know nothing will happen since “I am not in a good place for dating/relationship right now” is today’s “I don’t want you, it’s not you it’s me”
I can’t stop talking down on myself because I feel so stupid, fuck
No. 638258
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>>638173literally this is what everyone tells me, why is my cope so unacceptable?
I was instructed to pick my nose and wipe it on the headboard of my bed, you don't know my shit
this /is/ how I love myself
No. 638260
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>>638252is it like, entry level programming? not even worth it, do your work anon. if you're in a tech related major, you'll sink in your later classes if you don't try now. better to struggle through than risk the embarrassment of getting caught, too
No. 638278
>>638253Oh for fucks sake
I was supposed to get a kitten from my brother’s ex-wife’s litter, since the cat tends to have the most AMAZING kittens so I decided I wanted to pick one up now that she’s preggers again
But I just got a text that a fox killed her, I’m super sad not only for myself but that the cat had to die at all. But it’s a bit much in top of me already feeling like shit, that was one thing I was really looking forward to
No. 638305
>>638241Honestly it's not THAT specific though. I was going to join the FDS discord but they required some form of ID and it's like no? Fuck off?
I mean shit it seems like such a careless thing to do, giving your info to some random possible nutjob online? Haven't they learned anything?
No. 638308
>>638242I feel for you so much anon, been struggling with hormonal acne for years too, seen many dermatologists but it was never "bad enough" for them to suggest any treatment except "oh you should exfoliate". So I'm fucking stuck with cysts on my chin for like 90% of the year.
Are you maybe on contraception pill? Supposedly it can make things better, didn't work for me but maybe you'll be luckier
No. 638331
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Thought I'll be able to have a delicious guacamole today but my stupid ass avocados refuse to ripen for over a week already
No. 638336
>>638328Same anon, I found out all the men who say they never want children even if they already have a job/house are huge manchildren.
My ex was a good man but he really wanted kids and he started pressuring me when we were getting close to our 30s and I noped the fuck out. My current bf says he'd like to have kids someday and honestly he'd be a great dad but once he starts with the bullshit I'll drop him as well. I'm not fit to be a mother and never will.
No. 638346
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okay you see that manifestation trend on tik tok?
I dont believe in this kind of shit usually but i was soooo desesperate fore a boy that i tried the 5x55 method and the day i finished it, he sent me a message out of absolutely nowhere
i think it worked lmaooo wtf
No. 638348
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i spent 2 days pouring my heart out on a project only for people to shit on it i want die
edit: it hardly gained any traction either
No. 638360
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I was reading something online with women talking about their experiences being hit on by adult men when they were underage and I suddenly remembered all the times that happened. I had a part-time job at 16/17 and several 40+ men would hit on me, it was quite obvious I was in high school. One guy came in with his daughter who was only a year younger than me, still gave me his number and came by to "flirt" with me while I was working.
Everyone at the time just joked about it, and even my store's manager laughed it off because this older guy was "so smitten" with me.
Just looking back, I can't believe nobody thought it was weird or stood up for us. All the other girls took it for granted that older men would pursue us and it wasn't a big deal, just an annoyance we had to deal with. I'm so annoyed that this was normalized by everyone.
No. 638367
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>>638346Anon you made me really consider trying lmao
No. 638368
>>638305Yeesh, what ever happened to “don’t use your real name or location! Internet safety!” Now people want to see IDs to join a fucking chat app kek no thank you.
I don’t use discord, so I guess I’ve never come across that issue, I didn’t realize it was a thing.
No. 638397
>>638360That really
triggers me, anon. I had an uncle that used to pretend to want to grab my boobs and ass when I was like 15 in front of my parents (on my aunt's funeral kek) and everyone laughed it up as if it was the best joke. I somehow also feel guilty about that situation cause I was laughing too, but I just laugh when I am nervous or scared and people do not take me seriously ._.
No. 638420
>>638416Well yeah but I’m not navigating life very well at all.
Let me obsess about dumb shit, anon, I might be autistic.
No. 638431
>>638397I do that too. It's okay anon.
A lot of people say things like "if that had been me, I'd freak out on the person," but honestly, it's not that simple when a situation occurs that's difficult to process. Sometimes you don't realize how awful the "joke" is until later, and some situations are so bizarre and out of left field, you don't always look at it objectively until later.
No. 638457
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If yall have any suggestions to annoy my big sister with her computer without outing it was obviously me I'm all ears (have access when she isn't here)
No. 638551
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>>638540I wish that I was this relevant
No. 638633
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I was on a date with this guy a few days ago and we held hands for the first time, and I'm pretty sure we would have kissed if not for those fucking masks, I hate the grimdark future of 2020.
No. 638729
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>>638346okay same bitch from earlier and i think this witchery fucking works the hell
my manifestation was like "he gonna talk to me and ask me on a date"
he only talked to me so i was like okay so it only works 50/50
BUT he just dmed me "what you're doing rn" (its 10pm right now in my cunt)
what is this fuckery
No. 638734
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I’ve been living with my sister to help her out with her kids while she works. Everything was fine in the beginning, but since the whole COVID shit started it’s been a steady decline. I’m trying my hardest to help her out with everything but I’m starting to feel really fucking bitter about it.
Lately my sister has been treating me like she doesn’t want me around anymore, but she’s still keeping me around for the free child care and it just fucking hurts. I just feel like I’m just being a bitch for getting upset about being unpaired live in help
No. 638760
>>638482>>638457I once made a coworker's computer say "I like big sausages" every 2 minutes. Drove him mad, as he couldn't figure out what was making the sound so he just had headphones plugged in 24/7 with sound turned down low.
Another thing you can do is to install software that randomly makes certain keys not work for a single keystroke so it feels like you mistyped. Drives people mad.
No. 638806
>>638729>what are you doing rn at 10pmHe's asking you for nudes, not a date
Ask him when he's taking you out for (insert name of food you like). Stop sending messages to the universe and manifest that shit with your own two hands.
No. 638874
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When people from the same country as me realize that I'm a compatriot they always act so surprised and keep insisting on how I don't look like I'm from the same country at all, and how much I look like a foreigner.
That triggers my traumas of always being the weird one out, at school kids saying I should not even be there because I was 'too smart' or that the way I spoke was weird, or how I always was the weird one in family gatherings from both sides of my family. For one I was not European(blond and slim) looking enough and for the other I was too white and too culturally detached.
The only place I legit feel comfortable with myself is online, irl people always make me feel like I'm an alien.
No. 638893
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>>637302I'm sick of not being able to do normal things or anything. I have debilitating anxiety over everything and I can't accomplish anything. I can get random bursts of anxiety for no reason like if there are too many dirty dishes I freak out and start shaking. It's so pathetic and I try to work through it only to hurt more. I started working at a call center to get rid of it and so far I've tried to take a call but I couldn't remember anything I learned and I put them on hold and transferred them and started crying, shaking and then I puked. I can't remember many things anymore and I'm becoming forgetful. I can't drive because I get so nervous about missing a turn or getting pulled over getting into an accident everything that I can't think of the task at hand. I had an anxiety attack while parking and when I backed up I hit the gas and broke my car and the garage. I don't want to be this way I'm completely useless and all of the meds that have tried don't help or mute my emotions and feelings. None of the breathing exercises or anything work ever. I don't know where my life will go I'm 21 and I can't accomplish simple tasks and my mind is rapidly deteriorating from anxiety.
No. 638913
>>638893>I don't know where my life will go>My mind is rapidly deteriorating>21You're so young anon, you still have plenty of time to figure things out so please try to remember to allow yourself time and compassion. Medication and techniques like CBT can take years until they click unfortunately, but you will get there, this is not forever. You managed to get a job and a driving license at 21 which is year before many other anons do, even if you have a rough patch now and stumble a few steps back you can still take those steps forward again and many more in future.
If driving is dangerous for you it might be a good idea to put that on hold until you can work through this, the same as someone would have to stop driving until an eye injury heals up.
No. 638922
>>638734Talk to her about it and if she gets passive aggressive afterwards, immediately dip and watch her struggle. Probably not great for your relationship, but it feels good and then you’re free.
I was in a similar situation and did this and it felt great. We haven’t spoken since. 10/10 petty revenge, would do it again.
No. 638932
>>638926>>638927>>638929Adding that the 55x5 stuff anon was talking about is:
>Write something you really want, usually in the present tense and with a positive feeling attached to it (ex.: I really love my new car)>Do that for 5 days, writing it 55 times.>????>Obtain wanted thing (car)There is also 3x33, 4x44, 6x66, 7x77 and 8x88. It all depends on your objectives and how much you want it
No. 638933
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Third day of my bf acting like a moody teenager.
I've cried yesterday, I apologized today.
If this goes on for longer, I think I'll ask for him to leave.
No. 638970
>>638854OP should seek help, not me. I made a post and she compared me to jk based on that post, so I said it's it's not my problem because our situations have nothing in common!
No. 638989
>>638976This is an hour late but they're just trying to say you're hot. They're doing it in a dumb way because of stupid sex reasons. Here's what you do:
Is it a scrote? Ok it's just scrote shit.
Is it a girl? Is she retarded?
The end.
No. 639098
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> he/him lesbian ok
> bi lesbian cancel
They both don't make sense anyway why is the community like that
No. 639162
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I'm friends with this girl who's always going on about how she "questions everything" and trusts nothing but she's constantly sharing wildly inaccurate shit on facebook with zero critical thought first, like COVID conspiracies and QAnon child trafficking garbage and that "post this status to tell Facebook they don't have permission to use your photos!!!" that's been going around for years. as far as I can tell she doesn't even look at the fact checks facebook automatically attaches, and often she'll go off based on a misinterpretation of a headline without even reading the article and it drives me insane, mostly because I've always felt obligated to correct this sort of thing (guess I just love a losing battle)
No. 639178
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Fuuuuuck i'm so jealous of kids who just don't have to think about money
I'm working on it but today is just one of those days where i'm miserable remembering how a lot of my childhood and my teens were lost because of money issues… as a kid i was aways so worried about how my parents would make rent, it gave me a lot of anxiety because they would even take my pennies so i thought the situation must have been dire. And it was, we landed in an awful living situation with 5 people crammed into one room for years. I would dread coming home everyday and was sure we would be homeless soon.
I got a low paying job at 14 and didn't give a fuck in school or hang out with my friends, i missed on so much looking back now. And i still am, i'm still putting college behind and giving more importance to my shitty minimum wage job because i'm worried we will end up losing the house again and my parents are aging with no health insurance or retirement money and FUUUCK I JUST WANT TO NOT WORRY ABOUT MONEY FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!!
Every single thing i buy comes with guilt, i can never enjoy downtime because i must study all the time to land a better job but it seems impossible with this economy. All my future plans have to be made with giving my parents money to survive in mind.
I feel like i'm going to explode from neverending money stress. I used to blame my parents, the relatives who didn't help and myself for not saving enough but i don't even have the brain power for that anymore.
No. 639181
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I feel like I don’t get this out of my chest I’m going to go crazy so excuse me if I repeat myself.
I don't want to help you anymore because you don’t want to be helped, simple as that.
Your life’s miserable because you don’t want to change nothing at all, all you want to do is to complain and feel pity for yourself. See, we all have problems and we all have to deal with it, sometimes it’s easier and sometimes we want to do it but that’s just it.
All of your friends abandoned you because you bring so much negative energy into their life and IT SHOWS. They don’t want to meet you because you’re boring, always talking about yourself and your problems, always bringing this “poor me” image into conversation, always.
You’re the kind of person that comes to everyone’s minds when we think “this is why we can’t have nice things”.
Your judgemental, stuck up on yourself and think you’re better than anyone else when actually you’re incapable of having a nice conversation with someone without seeming arrogant. I'm tired of feeling dumb when I’m next to you because you question every single thing I say, even when I’m talking about something I know about.
And I tried, god knows I fucking tried to help you but I don’t know how I can face you anymore and pretend I still liking spend time with you because actually I would prefer to be at my home chilling than being with you just because you need someone to vent to.
How can you tell something won’t help if you didn’t even tried it? It’s ridiculous to me. You’re like an old song no ones likes and everyone’s tired of.
I used to feel sorry for you because I know you will never have a nice and normal relationship with anyone and that made me sad but now? Honestly you can fuck off with your pessimistic moods and all the shit you don’t even want to try to change.
Keep crying and do nothing about it, it’s so much better than to try and get better, right?
No. 639184
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>>639172I wish I could give helpful advice anon bc I'm having that side effect with Seroquil. Knock on wood I don't have too many nightmares but my dreams have been… fine during, even comforting, but leave me feeling very depressed when I wake up. It's like my subconscious is saying 'hey remember when you were happy and had a future lol' every other night.
Can't recommend stopping the anti-depressants without a doctor's consultation but if they are keeping you from sleeping (or wanting to sleep) absolutely tell your doctor/psychiatrist. At best it's a short term side effect, at worst you'll do the sad med shuffle and be given something else.
No. 639251
>>639178That sucks, anon, I am sending you my love. Nothing worse than economic anxiety and fear for money. Where do you live?
>>639242Fuck me, what a creepy guy. How the fuck adult men think that behaving like that is appropriate? Why are middle aged men the worst cunts? I bet he thinks he is being sly about the fact that he wants to fuck you, I just am at the loss for words for how retarded men are.
No. 639263
This isn't really venting because this is something I perceive as very positive, but I really want to write about this somewhere anon and idk where else to post this
I was raped a few years ago, and after that I went from someone that didn't think much about gender and treated everyone very equally to being somewhat afraid of men. Being touched even by accident made me flinch, only times I felt comfortable being touched even by my male friends was during hi/bye hugs. Hell, even looking a man in the eyes was scary. So of course it ended with me distancing from most of my male friends… I have never talked with anyone about my fear of men either, it's a stupid pride thing and I don't want to come off as making myself into a victim.
Either way, the good thing is that I have started to get a lot better, I can look men in the eyes again (some days it's harder, sometimes I have no problems) and I don't have a panicked knee-jerk reaction to being touched. I still feel awkward around men, even my friend's husbands, but I am moving forward and getting better!
No. 639269
>>639263Glad you're slowly feeling less anxious anon.
I was never raped but I've had a series of (much) smaller incidents happen where men showed an interest in me and rather than taking rejection well, they just pushed and pushed, with one turning into stalking. Been feeling some similar ways and I'd say that I trust my dad and maybe one neighbor, most other men have a question mark over their heads.
No. 639272
>>639247I'm trying but i already had experience working and no one would hire me even for minimum wage, i got very lucky with this one. I'm not in america so minimum wage in a regular job is better than 50% of the population, my mom and dad earned close to this their whole lives. Maybe college will help.
>>639251Yeah it's awful isn't it? it aways seems like you will suddenly be honeless and hungry and have to keep your guard up. I'm in latin america.
No. 639289
>>639286It was here but it reminded me of reddit lol
All you have to do is parrot their own words back at them and then watch them switch over to being on the defensive.
No. 639304
>>639296 > i rely on him for housing atm so i can't just leaveOuch, been there. The shit I put up with for cheap rent… got an std from his cheating!
Hope you get out of there soon.
No. 639311
>>639308the thing is, he is soooooo incredibly nice and loving but recently this year started doing this. He buys and does anything i want, if i'm getting off work he'll make sure to feed me and makes me feel relaxed and special. everything we do is about
us spending special bonding time and connecting. i used to truly really trust him but stopped after the first time, and i kept nagging him in a way to please not hurt me again the same way (he told me he was acting out of anger that day that was his excuse) and i'm not sure what the excuse is this time other then our relationship being dead. I don't have anyone in my life or any guidance whatsoever so this is all very sad and lonely for me. I will work hard to get myself out of this situation.
No. 639367
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Some random scrote who I've never spoken to sent me a dick pic. AND I WAS AT THE SALON WHEN I OPENED THE SNAP. I'm tired of scrotes flashing their dick to any female they can.
No. 639402
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im on a discord call with my kinda rich friend studying for a quiz and we're not even half done and I already zoned out in self pity thinking about how our lives are different and how bad i have it. i cant even focus on studying, she now went to eat her lunch that she ordered and I have even more time to dwell into misery and self pity i hate this so much i wish i didnt care that much but i cant because i share a room with my sister in my small home and i have to mute myself all the time because its loud and embarrassing while she and normal people have their own private rooms and they dont feel the need to stay muted, i hate being poor so fucking much and this is just an example of how i am constantly reminded of that.
No. 639404
>>639401That's not what I meant. I meant like, how are these guys able to do this in the first place? Are they getting your phone number somehow? Are they sending you pics through social media?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying an unsolicited dick pic is justified. I'm just confused as to why this seems to happen so much for some women and not others.
No. 639419
>>639414I don't use snapchat. I only regularly use two social media accounts that actually show people what I look like.
>Scrotes also regularly post girls snap in chan threads so they get harassed.That's fucked. How are they getting their names? Are they already friends with these women on the platform?
God I feel like such an oldfag now. I don't even know how a lot of this shit works because other than image boards, I've never gone beyond FB and IG lmao
No. 639479
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>>639260If you have no prior museum/office experience and no hope of getting hired: Honestly a lot of hiring is done internally, so get a job at a museum as custodial or security staff (usually contract, like Allied Universal or Clean Tech. Sift through their websites for museum opportunities). Treat it as an internship. Learn as much as you can about the building, observe museum staff behavior, and befriend EVERYBODY. Don't be fake to people or tell them that the custodial/security job "is just temporary lol", just say hello and remember their names. I was working as a gallery guard for eight months (very easy to get into, and you just have to stand there and kindly tell people not to touch things) and when I applied to work for the museum itself my application was bumped to the top. Make sure you know how to get around the city and learn about other touristy stops that you can tell visitors, and style your face/hair like you already work for the museum so potential managers can easily envision you in that position.
No. 639486
>>637302My best friend accused me of ghosting her and trying to avoid her BC of some drama between us and I'm pissed. She was the one who stopped calling me everyday and wasn't texting me, I thought she was mad at me and wanted space. Which that was fine, I wasn't even mad about that. I've answered the couple of times she's called me and texted her a few times too but I get short replies, like she doesn't want to talk to me. While we weren't talking, she was messaging my sister about how I'm avoiding her and all this.
Like how are you gonna message my sister about how I'm avoiding you when you're not making an effort either? I've answered every call, I haven't left her on read until she was only texting back one word replies. And then accuse me of being the one who's "shady" and ghosting? Its just frustrating and dumb.
No. 639496
>>639490Interesting that spaces where women get to bond and share their experiences free from male perspectives or societal performance eventually result in women arriving at approximately similar conclusions HMMMmm
Must the work of the shadow radfem organization.
No. 639503
>>639497Or women who are tired of scrote shit, which naturally make feminist ideas compelling.
>>639499It never was radfem. There was radfem containment thread because anons don't identify as such. Anons simply hate men and troons. But we know calling everyone ebil radfem is a slur at this point.
No. 639518
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>>639505Zoomers aren't into PP, GC stuff anon. Anons fought with radfems over having boyfriends, getting pregnant and wearing makeup. So no not the same just because they all hate men.
No. 639525
>>639508More like most of them are too cowardly to have their opinions publicly so they are obviously drawn to anonymous/lesser known spaces.
>>639518There are a lot of younger women being drawn in to it. I know they’re not the exact same but they still pull heavily from it and fall under what I’m talking about.
>>639520No ones scared of radfems lmao they’re just stupid and annoying.
No. 639533
>>639517I'm going to ask as well, what female spaces? What makes you think that the new users are the rad fems, especially since there used to be an authorised rad fem thread if you look through the catalogue. Sorry, but you seem like a new fag, not even saying this as an insult, just a very clear observation.
Are women supposed to take bullshit lying on their backs? Men are allowed to have spaces where they can share revenge porn, call all women whores and sluts, confess to wanting to rape and wanting to abolish the age of consent. Are women not allowed room to vent against this? I don't think it even think you need to be a rad fem to speak against the problems with anti-sjw culture and mens rights activists, it's just called not being a push over.
No. 639534
>>639527Remember, we actually do have confirmed trannies posting here.
Some of them are literal MtF tripfags from /lgbt/ who have a massive hateboner for detransitioners, others are obese furries from Twitter.
No. 639536
>>639530I care here from stamina rose, literally since it first started. I’m not talking about just any ‘Complaining about men’ which I know has always been present.
>>639525the culture significantly changed in late 2016-2018, and admins poll about 2x showed a lot of them knew absolutely nothing about the history of the site. I think banning topics was good to try and retain the culture of the site but now don’t think it will be effective because it’s part of a wider issue that’s out of the admins hands. Anyway I’m not going to keep going back and forth and I have no desire to ‘debate’ about it, that’s just how I feel.
No. 639545
>>639537>>639534I swear someone is baiting so they can summon tranny jannies to ban “infighters”
Happens every month, usually after they got btfo over porn or some shit
No. 639546
>>639541Well that's an interesting theory anon, I'll give you that.I see tea channels get info from kiwifamrs too so it's possible.
Also forgot to mention LSA and GG, but I don't know if this site would appeal to them that much to them too.
No. 639558
>>639546LSA goes in really hard on mainstream celebrities who has legions on stans and have been called out for being
toxic numerous times, but at least they have measures to shield themselves from spergs thanks to the membership system. Apparently they have had to deal with people comparing them to 4chan which is hilarious.
As for kiwifarms, I find that most channels who make content about the cows there tend to be scrotes themselves, so they find the culture over their to be agreeable.
>>639553I get that vibe whenever somebody posts about Megan Markle.
No. 639563
>>639558One of the only good things I can say about LSA is that the majority don't support tranny bullshit, and they're pretty pink-pilled in general.
The stans are deranged, though.
No. 639615
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I took DMT for the first time last night, and had the most terrifying experience ever. I was literally in hell. Everything I looked at disturbed me, and I felt like I was no-clipping out of reality.
No. 639624
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I can’t believe the amount of absolutely stupid life decisions two of my ex coworkers have made.
No. 639682
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I just started working on my passion project and now I roped too many people in to back down, its a media thing and now im interviewing video editors and its making me so nervous, im really passionate about what im doing and everyone i've spoken to thinks the idea is very unique and fun, i've even roped in some participants with minor internet clout.
But im so scared too, this is my first time being in any sort of management position, the money im spending isn't that much since most of the actual hard work will be done by me but its so terrifying to try and make something, im scared no one will watch it, im scared i won't be sucessful, im scared some creep will doxx me and leak my nudes from back in college.
There's so much that could go wrong but i really want people to see this thing, i don't want money or fame I just want the thing that I made to be seen and make an impact.
No. 639715
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I gotta dm my friend and tell him I can't come out and hang out on my day off. I said yes because I'm excited he moved closer and everything but I really cannot just hang out with two people I haven't seen in 5 years to just smoke and hang out right now, especially since I work at a place that has had lots of covid cases and one of said friends is a cancer survivor. He's gonna be bummed and probably think I'm a flake even if he's too nice to say it but I gotta do it sooner rather than later.
No. 639742
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I can't fucking stop thinking that my friends are secretly glad that I'm more unfortunate than them in a lot of areas - dating, job search, mental health etc. because it makes them feel better about their own life. Also my best friend and his boyfriend sometimes make passive aggressive comments about the fact that they think I'm gay - which I'm not, I'm straight, I just haven't dated anyone in years because I have intimacy and trust issues and I'm also avoidant - and it drives me crazy
No. 639794
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Had a minor issue with my bf and mentioned it to my mom, to which she immediately responded that "maybe I should consider breaking up with him" and when I've pressed it on her she explained that it's because it "doesn't seem like he wants to marry you", while she knows very well I don't really want to marry anyone myself. It's so annoying, because when my ex cheated on me multiple times and I've cried about it to her she was encouraging me to stay with him because he intended to marry me and "was sorry". Why are boomers so into official relationships at all cost?
No. 639810
>>639694Thanks, anon. His mother passed away from Alzheimer’s so that may be why I’m paranoid about it. I didn’t really think about it being long term alcohol abuse but that doesn’t sounds far off either.
You’re right though, I’m going to focus on getting out and take care of some stuff today.
No. 639813
I had seen anons talk about tiktok being full of cp before but I never really took it all that serious until I saw screencaps on an IG page where a 13 (motherfucking THIRTEEN) year old girl was being groomed, in broad daylight, had a tiktok account where it was all CP, I felt like puking. So many men in her comments encouraging her to take off her clothing, underwear, filling her with praises and all that gross fucking shit. Her account was reported to her school and I think it was deleted, and she seemed pretty bummed and angry it was deleted but god, she's a fucking kid. I could see myself in her, except well, I hid my face and didn't share identifying information, but I was a kid like her getting encouraged by pedos online and the validation really gets to your head as a kid, all the praise. I hope she grows older and realizes what a stupid kid she was, I hope she's safe. It's just enraging and so sad I can't really do shit about it. There were people in the comments blaming the kid for all of it too. Like she should've been smarter, who the hell is smart at 13
No. 639821
>>639813One of my coworkers is a dad and he was talking about similar things, worrying about his daughter and her access to social media in the future. He's not boomer age, but old enough that he's not too big on social media and was browsing tiktok for the first time and was so distraught coming across 15, 16 year old girls posting the shit that they do. He was like "I didn't search that shit up and it was so easy to find, what about the men who are definitely looking for it? It's disgusting." and was voicing about how he hated that he had to worry about things like this.
I feel like I went through some grooming as a kid, but the internet wasn't what it's like today, so thankfully no photos were exchanged or posted. I was that sort of validation hungry kid and I can see myself rebelling if my parents found out the weirdo men I spoke to and shit, saying "it's fine! you don't understand!" but in hindsight, of course it's not. Poor kid.
No. 639831
>>639813I don't even know what to say when I see adults whining about how we should encourage these kids to "explore their sexuality" by essentially allowing them to be groomed in broad daylight. I've even seen adult female libfems support this, that kids should be able to be sexualized like this because it's "healthy" for them not to suppress it. Like there wasn't a middle road between bible thumping families checking up on their teens that they sleep with their hands over their covers and full on child exploitation we see on social media.
>>639821Social media should really be banned from people under 18, no excuses. There are numerous studies about how damaging it is to developing teens and children, instead of dancing around the issue and making all these different mechanics to make it "healthier" kids should just be banned altogether.
No. 639835
>>639803If you feel fine fucking him then it's not comp het.
>>639813Sadly a lot of women will become prostitutes out of their own free will due to this socialization. I think by now there should be no public photos/video of people under 18, and no ads directed to kids either. The grooming is way worse than when I was growing up.
No. 639839
>>639833On one hand, please dont flirt on linkedin, ew
but on the other, the gay part of me wishes you good luck, fingers crossed!!
No. 639843
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I have always felt like the easily ignored weak link that everyone would vote out if they could in my high school friend group, and it’s nice to see nothing has changed in college. My friends always hang out together, post cute pictures on Instagram, and enjoy each other’s company. They never invite me anywhere or reach out to me at all. I think it is time to distance myself from them (like I even have a choice). It hurts. It really does. I just question why I’m such a fucking loser who easily fades in the back. Maybe I could use one of those friend finding apps to connect with people? Have those worked well for you guys?
No. 639926
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I hate how I overthink things and get anxious
Due to some circumstances things were a bit insecure between me and someone, and I decided that I still want to be friends with them because I otherwise usually feel calm around them and love how genuine they are, and that I hope they feel the same. Wrote it to them two hours ago, they read it almost immediately but no response.
No. 639939
>>639928Do you think The radfems are also starting to sound way too incel-y?
Sometimes the stuff said on the mtf thread is borderline psychopatic, if the genders were flipped it would be straight content.
Don’t get me wrong, weird fetishist are funny and milky but wishing violent deaths on people is just too much.
No. 639943
>>639941>Some of us have been directly affected by women and the vitriol shows.Doesn’t it really sound the same tho?
Wishing violent deaths in a whole demographic really isn’t going to make things better, get therapy to deal with your anger and trauma.
No. 639957
>>639947 Actually women are disproportionately more responsible for child murders but heeeeey those trannies amirite
Plus saying all trannies are violent criminals is exactly the same rethoric used to say that gay men are serial killers and kiddy diddlers, sure a small chunk of them may be but thats not enough to vilify an entire demographic, same with yknow, black people and criminality.
When you genuinely sound like an 80s conservative bible thumper reeeing about how those goddamn deviants are going to kill our children you need to re-evaluate you mentality.
>>639956Exactly my point lol.
No. 639959
>>637356Ghost him sis without a second thought. Men will ghost you and abandon you even if you're fucking pregnant with their child and never give it an ounce of guilt.
Free yourself
No. 639967
>>639487 >There was evidence that my ex was cheating on me towards the end of our relationship, although it wasn't definitiveExact same situation here. It'd cost me about 300 quid which I just don't have. I always get my free pap smears when they are due and I have no symptoms. There's so many other things that I need to sort out when I get the funds together so I hate that I have this extra nagging worry. I'm not about to start any sexual relationships soon anyway.
If you can afford it (or if free testing exists where you are) I'd go for it. The worry doesn't go away.
No. 639971
>>639957I meant children associated with the
victim. There's way more cases of trannies/autogynephiles assaulting or killing a woman and/or a child that was associated with her than women assaulting or killing trannies or doing the same thing to their children. Weird how the so called lgbt community didn't want to talk about that one tranny who murdered two lesbians and their son. But they will talk about misgendering as violence kek
I'm a marxist and I don't care how I sound to you.
No. 639978
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>she’s not being clear enough that she doesn’t want to be touched
>wears a t shirt saying ‘boys are not allowed to touch me’
>gets expelled for ‘ harassment’
even children can’t get a fucking break i wish i was born male it would be so much easier
No. 639991
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>>639981KEK anon you just killed me with this one. Keep 'em coming ladies!
t. Anon who lurks meta complaints for the juicy threads
No. 639996
>>639986>>639981>>639966Literally can't concieve that a woman might disagree with radfem shit kek
Have fun living in your echo chamber where the whole world is reddit and 4chan
(stop baiting) No. 640006
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Anons are really falling for this level of bait nowadays? I hope derailing the thread was worth it
No. 640010
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>>640006Nta but when is anything in /ot/ actually on the rails kek?
No. 640013
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>>640010Is Joji hot or not? He's slimmed down but his face is still kinda fucky
No. 640015
Oh god this discussion is still happening? 20 hours later? Thought you guys stopped last night
>>640013He's ugly-cute. Cute in a weird, unconventionally attractive way.
No. 640021
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>>639991kek it happened like clockwork, everyone who hates psycho pedo trannies is a ~terfcel~
No. 640022
>>639957Funny you say that since trannies are extremely homophobic and anti-black (with most of their hatred targeted at lesbians and black women for "mysterious reasons").
Please keep my and other demographics with actual,
valid issues out of your fight for men in dresses, thanks.
No. 640066
So, this is probably going to be the most autistic post today but I need to let this shit go.
I am just so fucking over my stupid ass family. Nothing I do is ever good enough. I can do a million things and they will inevitably find one thing to criticize me about. Like fuck I am doing everything but wiping these niggers’ asses and some of them still have the nerve to bitch at me about petty shit like today, it is the gates I am taking my time to paint. So yeah I didn’t finish that shit in two days but why should I? The world isn’t going to end tomorrow, and I have other things I need to do, or would prefer to do right away anyway. But no gotta get eyes rolled at me, dismissed and shit when asked about it.
It is really stupid and petty I know, but my family is stupid and petty. I shouldn’t let this shit upset me, because of how asinine it is, but it does get to me sometimes because none of us are treated equally. One person is the special snowflake we all have to tiptoe around, the other is the golden child who can do no wrong, blah blah.
I just wish I wouldn’t try so hard, because that’s my problem. I try too hard and I care too goddamn much.
No. 640086
>>640054Reddit is very pro-trans and bans anyone who isn't, and 4chan has /lgbt/ (more like /tttt/ at this point), a board dedicated to giving them a safe space.
Also, not liking trannies is hardly radfem. Just like…go outside if you don't live in a super liberal American bubble. I promise it's not some rare thing to think Chris-chan isn't a woman, it's just being pushed aggressively in some spaces.
No. 640087
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wild to me that money is like the root cause of every single issue i have. if it were possible i'd absolutely sell my soul for a million bux
No. 640099
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>>640086 >Chris-chan isn't a womanPfft.. you're obviously just jealous
No. 640120
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still haven't told us which spaces these are. Tell me so I can leave this hellsite for good.
No. 640121
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Just got out of work, walking to bus stop
Hobo: girl you so fine, you have a husband?
Me: shut the fuck up
Hobo: yes ma'am, you still fiine tho-
Me: shut the fuck up
Next time I'm pulling my knife out. God I hate the crumbbums in my city. Why do we have such great drugs here
No. 640131
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>>640087>Mfw I whored myself out twice and couldn't even spend it on nice things because I had billsWishing great fortune onto us, anon.
No. 640136
>>640109 >You have to be being will fully obtusekek I read this as 'you have to be full willy obtuse'
I was confused
No. 640142
>>640131Nta but I whored myself for a couple of weeks to avoid homelessness, it brought back memories of my CSA and I ended up in a psych ward
While in the psych ward and heavily medicated I gladly told my dad about my whoring… he has never brought it up since because I think that he thinks I was too high to remember telling him.
No. 640146
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4chan finished raising me while my mom ignored me for an abusive marriage with a retarded man
I don't know what to do with myself
She moved me into a house far away from my family, and she's never allowed anyone to visit the house in over 15 years
I wasn't allowed to have friends, my mom was always afraid, and constantly telling me, that if anyone saw me, they would kidnap and murder me
I don't know what the fuck to do with myself, I had to drop out of college and high school to help my mom with her various medical issues, (she's fat)
I literally only exist to take care of my mother
I can't bond with anyone, my mom has autism and never wants friends, and as an adult, she's admitted to me that she literally just hoped that I would stop wanting to see anyone but her
I fell into an abusive ldr for a fucking decade before realizing the guy was literally acting exactly like my mom, then I realized it the one fuckign time in ten fucking years that he talked to me about myself, I immediately realized it, told him to eat shit and fuckign die for all I care, and haven't spoken to him since
I am now more alone than ever before in my life
I don't know what teh fuck to do, how the fuck do my fuckign video games help me now?
I used to play Harvest Moon and shit to have a pretend life, I used to have so many fulfilling pretend lives
Now I just know that I'm alive for my mother to leech on
Every time I got a better job, she charged me more rent money, when I got a fuckign brain tumor, I had to keep fuckign working and she was still charging me
I feel so sick and stupid and hurt
I just want to see her as a stupid sick old lady now, like Bojack and his mom, but man, just like Bojack's mom babying the doll made him fucking sick, fuckign saaaaame everytime she tried to guilt trip the fucking dog for being to rough playign with her
That's all she has is guilt, she will guilt you until you die, as long as you do it after her
I don't fucking feel guilty living in her garage anymore lmfao, she literally wanted me to be a fucking loser
She charged me enough rent for one fuckign life time, she literally took every semblence of a normal life from me, why the fuck should she get my money too?
You gonna throw me out now? After fuckign decades of me taking care of you?
Me not even having a fuckign boyfriend because when I got one in high school online fuckign finally, you let me know how jealous and sick you were over it because you hate your marriage
Stop fuckign talking about your marriage to your chilld
Don't fucking tell me you want to cheat, don't tell me you want a fucking divorce
She fucking was tlaking to me about wishing she could suck more cocks when I was fucking 12, what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
I wish I was fuckign dead, I wish I was never born
She always tells me about losing four babies before me, I would swap with any of them in a fuckign heartbeat
When my kidneys started shitting up in higschool, there she was ready to regail me with the anniversary of her first miscarriage- which actually, after my entire life telling me she had four miscarriages, she then suddenly revealeve, no, that one was an abortion, I need way more sympathy now
Let me fucking die jfc why the fuck was I born
No. 640147
>>640125Unironically, instead of bitching all day that every woman on every woman's site isn't pro-trans, can you not just make your own forum or imageboard?
If your opinion is the majority, I'm sure it'll take off beautifully.
The truth is, most actual women don't like trannies, or just don't care about them and won't get upset if others dislike them. Most men outright hate them, but some will fuck or jerk off to them. In fact, to get this hung up about this topic and taking note of how "all" the women's sites don't support trans people almost sounds like…
No. 640175
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>>640158Oooooooh but that's not enough, anon!
She was beaten daily, and she would never do that to me!
How many times has she told you how badly beaten and abused she was?
And she never did /that/ to you!
So you have to pay!
You have to drop out of high school your final year and get a job.
And fucking pay.
College too, she's suffering, don't you care?
Why doesn't anyone care about her, huh?
Her whole life, and not one single person ever cared for her, no matter what.
And now you can't even pay her rent? When you're so old to be living here?
You should have been able to go to college, pay for college, have a full time job, pay rent, AND take care of her, why didn't you do better in school even though she was always telling you school was for retards and she would have turned out better if she'd never gone to college?
And now you don't even want to help her keep the house afloat? (my stepdad makes over $80,000 per year and we're in the fucking flyovers
(and /she/ never kept a job longer than a year, at least since I was born)
And when it's all your fault that you got diabetes and ruined the family?
You ruined so much for her and the world, you can't even cough up a few hundred a month for your poor mother?
;n; Well, you can do anything you like, she would always support you in anythign you do.
Too bad she was never supported before, but it's okay
It's okay that you hate her and never loved her and nobody else ever did or could
It's fine
Don't worry about it
fucking jfc, I am not ok lol
thank you anon, thank you for lettign me talk to you, that means so fucking much to me you cannot imagine, random online stranger, thank you
No. 640192
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>>640178Yeah, I've told her to her face that she's being a dumb bitch.
She also won't leave because she genuinely thinks she can't do better than him even though she looks like pic related but slightly chubbier. I can't convince her that being with a friendcel is as bad as it gets and that no matter who she moves onto next, it'll be better than that piece of trash.
No. 640243
>>640223let me figure out my discord user tomorrow morn because they have a weird username system on there
i am in my own bad relationship with my partner and i need to talk about it so bad i think it might be useful to exchange perspectives on it. i hate my boyfriend so fucking much but i’m basically imprisoned by my stupid love for him
No. 640254
>>640243Sure, you should talk about it here first though too
I already think I know what you mean; that escape is hard
No. 640344
>>640296Well this is relatable. I've had a couple of bfs though and the pain of having that affection and then suddenly losing it again… feels so much worse
I'm jealous of people who find 'the one' when they're like 18 and then they're just sorted. I feel your pain, you're not alone in being alone… especially on here.
No. 640393
>>640296Do you feel that you are someone who deserves that level of affection? What makes you worth hanging around?
More often than not, people complaining about being lonely don't have a lot to offer (which is why nobody spends time around them).
No. 640401
>>640393Nta, but how do you even define this? Skills and talents?
Academic achievements? Knowledge about obscure topics? Employment history?
Or do you need to benefit them personally in some way (financially, you enhance their social status, they can use your skillset for their projects, etc.)?
At least with jobs you know the requirements and expectations. I constantly worry that I'm not providing enough benefits for my friends and am wasting their time, so I push them away.
No. 640411
I can’t believe I’ve managed to get even more amazed by my own family!
So, my uncle is a drunkard, after lots of years of being completely crippled by it and basically murdering one of my grandmas, he finally has a job and is self-sufficient, great, right? NO!
After a few years of a relatively normal life, in which he only got drunk on the weekend and worked during weekdays, he decided to fall in love with some motherfucking low class dirt bag and his fly-like friends, pests all of them.
At first we thought they used my grandma’s house as a brothel and squatting space, and it was fucking infuriating, the issues with the gasoline and the coronavirus made it impossible for us to go to her house, so we expected my uncle to be a tiny bit less retarded and not let them stay in the house.
But tonight my uncle updated his WhatsApp stories and what did we see?
The fucking disgusting bastards using my Grandma’s hard-earned cutlery, her wine glasses and even her motherfucking clothes.
I’m so fucking mad, everyday i feel even less sympathy for those low level opportunistic asshats and my retarded uncle who should have a fucking nurse watching his ass 24/7 and a huge ass motherfucker to fucking slap him with a metal bat whenever he tries to talk to any-fucking-one.
No. 640415
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I'm so lonely. Only way I can make friends is through school discords but I got into a disagreement with one of the regulars there so that's out the window. I just miss being in the presence of others; seeing people quarantined with their friends or loved ones while I'm rotting in my childhood bedroom hurts.
No. 640443
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I've been re-reading all the evaluations on my yearly/bi-yearly school reports yesterday and I'm still feeling sad and angry about it.
Young-me was simply done dirty by what the template for being "successful" was and what would have actually been more beneficial for my development into a proper functioning member of society. There's literally no difference in core interests, tendencies, strenghts and weaknesses between my first year in school and my last. They are completely identical. The things I've tried so hard to change because adults told me I should and punished me if I didn't were never fucking problems for me or the person I am/wanted to be in the first place. They simply were problems for the template I barely benefited from anyway. The more I think about it, the more I don't get it. Why would teachers look at a kid who shows a strong interest and curiosity in subjects as soon as they require involving nature, using fantasy, languages, creativity or any other way than directly speaking to communicate/express herself and obviously being more distracted/daydreaming when confronted with subjects she has no interest in (literal quoting here lol) and think "You know what, instead of focussing on developing and working on the shit she actually likes, the proper tools for it and the skills she seem good at, so she can find a job where she can fully take advantage of her strenghts and interests, she should spend years and years being forced to listen and repeat shit she doesn't care about, won't even remember longer than a few weeks and that have no value for her life or career beyond vague symbolism". Same with my learning speed. The ever re-appearing theme since day one was that I was considered too slow and often couldn't finish tests or bigger homeworks because of it but what I got to deliver was good/very good. I heard it so so often, most of the time in a sincerely regretful tone too, but at the same time the advice given was always "you have to work/think/be faster lul". But what if I'm simply a smoothbrain in that regard? What if, instead of having all my grades - the symbol for how "good" I am - getting whipped as a result, I was taught about fields and options that accompany my working speed better? Don't get me wrong, I'm not against working on weaknesses but looking back at it some things almost seem unchangable unless it's for an equally bad result. Things could have been so much better if just handled differently.. It's like being short-sighted and getting a sniper-gun as your weapon lmao. It sucks.
No. 640450
>>640443When people talk like this.. “why didn’t the school cultivate on my strengths? Why didn’t my teacher push me towards the things I cared about?…”
The answer is, bitch please. We don’t have time to do that. We have 150+ students and work with them 25+ at a time. What’s your name again?
No. 640469
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i havent been doing well these past few days and my mental health is deteriorating and ive gone back to self harming to cope with whats happening. the people around me suck the life out of me and i cant do shit since they live with me and my family. sometimes i think about just….getting it done so i wont have to face anything anymore but at the same time im scared that they'll disrespect my final wishes, especially my dad. i can literally see his fat hands turn my room into his personal mancave. not that i dont mind my room being repurposed but something about him would be very glad that im gone.
No. 640481
>>640443>Things could have been so much better if just handled differentlyI feel sad about this too sometimes, my school teachers missed a lot of issues happening with me that they should have caught but I was well behaved and didn't make enough fuss…. But then I also remember how one girl dropped out and how many others were actually living in
abusive homes or dealing with teenage drama, so I can't blame teachers for missing me out when their hands were full with so many obvious crisis situations. Teachers are overworked and underpaid, they can save a kid from committing suicide but still get fired because they didn't get the kid to deliver the grades the school wants to see.
Realistically we're lucky to even have been able to go to school in the first place.
No. 640528
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>>637302i can't sleep, so i'm just up remembering unpleasant things. i keep thinking about the time i was sexually assaulted by a cab driver and i hate it. i hate that it happened. i hate that i got in that cab and not a different one. i still wonder what would have happened if i'd chosen a different one. my entire life would have been different and i wouldn't have those memories of his disgusting sausage fingers on me, the words he made me say repeating in my mind whenever something reminds me of it. i did nothing to him, i didn't even know him, i was even kind to him, and he just ruined a part of me just because he could. even now that it's been a few years, i feel dirty and tainted. i never even had the chance to get closure because when the police went to his house to question him about the assault, they caught him dealing drugs and arrested him on that charge. it led to a huge drug and weapons bust that turned into a federal case and i guess my little assault was just unimportant in the face of all of that. i hate how unimportant i was made to feel by the police and even my own family. or, well, the men in my family. they made me feel like i was hysterical and unreasonable for being upset about what happened to me. i remember my uncle laughing when he found out because i was "only groped a bit" and telling me that it didn't count because i wasn't raped. he even "joked" that i ruined my assailant's life by calling the police on him and i should have just "let the poor old geezer cop a feel". i remember all the words. i wrote them down over and over in my journals. they don't leave me, ever. i always thought that if something like that happened to me, the men who claimed they cared about me would want to defend my honor or whatever like they do in the movies and books, right? no. that wasn't the case with me. they mocked me and empathized with the man who tried to break me. my female family members showered me with support and love, and if there was anything good to come out of the whole incident, it's that i learned who i can trust in this world. but still i just wish it had never happened at all.
No. 640535
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i get in these moods where i have delusions of grandeur, i'd spend a whole day feeling smug about how great it is to be me
then that would go away, i'm left borderline suicidal because reality is so harsh, literally all of it is just cope, i'm really pathetic and lonely
No. 640547
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I have a downturned Nicolas Cage kinda smile/mouth movements. My lips look like if Meryl Streep and Nicholas Cage had a baby. I can smile more wide and nice if I'm fake-smiling, but my natural smile looks crooked. I fucking hate it, it looks dumb and disgusting.
Is it possible to kinda train your facial muscles to not drag the corners of your mouth down when you smile and talk? Or is there some kind of fillers I can get to look less constipated?
My face feels so damn tense all the time, too.
No. 640548
>>640539you really need to force yourself to focus for a bit longer, make it a month or two for starters, don't even look at anything else during this time to not allow yourself to get distracted. If after pushing through this amount of time you'll think, ok, i dont want to do it after all, sure go ahead and look for something else. but if you just keep only dipping your toe and running away you'll end up having nothing.
Is there absolutely no animation style you'd enjoy making? Given you already have a foundation in this, it's still a good thing to explore.
No. 640563
>>640549Who the fuck cares about your bone structure? If long hair annoys you that much cut it.
The non issues some of you have…
No. 640567
>>640565Honestly it has nothing to do with him. I’m just crazy. One of my exes was
abusive as fuck, tried sabotaging my weight loss by refusing to let me buy vegetables and only feeding me carbs so I’m paranoid that men are trying to prevent me from improving myself
No. 640571
>>640563I fucking care. I don't look good with short hair due to my bone structure.
This is a fucking vent thread and today I want to vent about my goddamn hair. Go suck a big fucking dick you nasty bitch. We can't all have big problems that make us want to cut our wrists and puke.
No. 640578
>>640488Why are you marrying him? He's an adult, his mom does not owe him money or financial support if he is an adult. It's him that you should have an issue with.
An adult whose talking about marrying you but can't pay for shit and uses either your money or his moms money to pay for things…. yeah blame the mom tho…logic!
No. 640583
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>>640549How about some hairaccessories to keep the hair out of your face? Like those large pearl clips that were trendy a while ago. Or a hairclip like pic. Keeps the hair out of your face and neck and looks a little nicer than a ponytail.
No. 640632
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>>640630Chloe Roma (romaarmy). She posts the same shit on her youtube and instagram. She's so fucking cringe.
No. 640702
>>640688I doubt so, I haven't been diagnosed with anything.
My depression makes me disassociate pretty badly and I create false realities in my head to cope, so maybe i just adapted some character's personality traits into real life if that makes sense. Not quite sure why but i don't have any other explanation.
No. 640748
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feeling like i’m in purgatorio uwu
No. 640750
>>640686I mean it's more likely they'll manipulate
you with that little social contact. The best manipulators practice daily on a wide range of people. Probably just your emotional barriers talking.
No. 640752
>>640727Do you mean you're trans or lesbian and hiding it?
Honestly I'd quit it with your boyfriend asap, nobody should be crying during sex (unless that's your thing, weird BDSM folk out there)
No. 640765
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>>640613feeling good about the way you look IS part of life quality and comfort for some people goddamn why are you acting like you're the first woman to ever give up on vanity, not everyone wants to be ugly bitches like us and that's okay lmfao
No. 640820
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I just watched Edward Scissorhands for the first time and now I'm literally crying. Why did nobody give him hands? Why did they leave him up there all by myself? At least visit him for fucks sake. Poor Edward must feel so guilty and lonely
No. 640826
>>640822he uses a catheter
t. Edward Scissorhands writer/ director
No. 640827
>>640805Same problem here where I can't be rude to them or speak my mind if I want to keep my job. It mostly bothers me when it's a repeat thing with someone who's a regular.
I looked up the 'gray rock' method after one particular guy kept 'bumping into me' both at work during the day and then again on my way home every night and trying to make out like it was totally a coincidence… Literally every night. Twice a day every day I had to make excuses to cut conversation short. He's decades older and wants to chat forever about nothing. That and tell me I look good five times per chat.
I now act like the dullest person on earth. Like I'm half dead and it gives him nothing to grasp to. Whether it's at work or on the street he can't call me rude for simply being a big boring expressionless rock with no personality. I stare into the distance when I give him my one or two word basic replies. He stopped passing comment on how I look. He called me moody the first couple of times I was acting dull. I came very close to snapping at that point! but months later I'm still sticking to it. For him it must be like talking to a wall. We're down to simply saying hi twice a day. Thank fuck it worked. I was legitimately about to become a shut in, he had me driven that mad.
No. 640834
>>640805When you see one approaching, maybe change your personality to one of a socially inept aloof moron. Like a high functioning autistic. I know you are customer service but, if you can, don't smile/laugh or be overtly nice. Start relating anything they say back to your Harry Potter fanfiction or something. I'm not in retail anymore but that was usually enough to get men to stop trying to talk to me.
Maybe try walking with a hunch or slouch.
No. 640844
>>639615I wanna ask so many questions anon.
I've had bad experiences on dmt. it seems like a lot of people dont have bad experiences or they dont want to tell you what they saw if they did. I do how ever encourage you to do it again when ever you feel comfy again its not always the same trip only the ascent(that can be scary part for some) is the same I think.
No. 640869
I finally figured out that my ex from 2 years ago was actually grooming me and using me. And im very disgusted with myself that i let that happen, im 19 so when that happened i was 17 and he was almost 20. I was by my law still a child, i thought what he did to me was "normal" but now i just feel disgusted. I really wanna gag right now, i just wanna die.
I wish i still had the evidence of him being a disgusting pedophile scrote so i could use it against him in court, but i lost all of that shit and i feel so mad about myself. I just want him jailed and locked up so badly because he ruined my life, he ruined every relationship i've ever had, he ruined my mental health, he ruined me and almost made my whole family hate me because he couldn't keep his disgusting opinions to himself.
I cannot wait to get into therapy soon, because my mental health is just beyond fucked up because of him, i cannot stand him at all, fuck him. I cannot stand men like him, i just have this burning hatred for scrotes and men.
No. 640880
>>640877 samefag
19 almost 20, when he turned 20 i was still 17 and not 18 yet. He still kept explicit pictures of me which makes him a pedophile. I do not wanna go into too much detail about it. I think i should have explained it better but i was too angry typing it.
No. 640889
>>640888It's illegal for you to be sending nudes at 17 aswell but that doesnt make you a pedo. It's illegal for you to have naked pictures of yourself at 17.
You were not groomed hun.
No. 640908
>>640869Take some personal responsibility for your decisions. This wasn’t some grown man grooming a child, you were 17 and they were a couple of years your senior. You were perfectly competent to make your own decisions. You chose to enter the relationship, you chose to send nudes, you chose to stay in the relationship. Learn from it and stop trying to retroactively act as if you were some kind of
victim of pedophilia when you objectively weren’t.
No. 640912
>>640909Let me preface by saying I'm going based on American morality here. So if they're a graduated 18-year-old, then yes. If they
just turned 18 then no. I feel like dating a minor or waiting until they're 18 are both weirdly predatory. Why would you, as an adult, want to date someone who could still be in high school?
No. 640913
>>640888Anon that man was a scum but not a pedo.
Though it's funny that even young guys do shit like this to girls who are a few years younger than them, they rarely choose a girl exactly their age (or older).
No. 640918
>>640869It sounds like he was very manipulative and i think it's kind of creepy for a 20yo to date a 17yo depending on circumstances like level of maturity and intentions, and it sounds like he was after someone naive to abuse.
But really, this is not pedophilia, i would advise you to drop this, go to therapy and try to mend your life and relationships. You're still young and have your whole life ahead, please don't get stuck in revisiting this part of your life and adding things to it. It was an awful relationship with an
abusive man, that's it anon. You can get past this and be happy again with some help.
No. 640927
>>640920I think society does portray women dating younger men as more weird/less desirable than the reverse, and that people subconsciously pick up on that and that it’s a problem, but I don’t think you can take from that the man was ‘looking’ for someone younger to ‘do this to’ especially when it’s such a negligible difference. I also don’t really see where anons are reading abuse in their post. OP is clearly not a reliable narrator based on the pedophilia thing and all they say is he ‘couldn’t keep his opinions to himself.’ Posts like this genuinely make me hate being a woman, when people act like they were just a retarded little 17 year old baby who was “groomed” when they don’t like how their choices turned out and want to get the 19 year old “pedo” thrown in jail, it makes people skeptical of all genuine
victims and adds to the idea women can’t make their own decisions and are manipulative liars. It reads like a bait post honestly and it’s disappointing to see people agree with them.
No. 640928
I LOOOOVE how I can't post hating men because they are ugly, gross and generally never fucking care about shit because it does not affect them or their shitty scrote lives. They really have that luxury of being centrist about every fucking thing, they can go out be ugly and dumb as shit. Don't get me wrong, I could too, I can go out looking like shit but a man doing that is just expected. I post how pointless and unwanted they are in my life unless they are fucking deaf mute and basically a house maid that is cute and it would be a spectacle of scrotes crying yet men post shit about women needing to be a mom, a hole to fuck, pretty and a fucking saint to them 247 and that's just normal. Everytime I vent shit like this, some poor soul has to chime in about how their bf isn't like this thank goodness but at the same time they have never dared to open up convo about the stuff most scrotes scrote-up the most at. Does your scrote know anything about your reproductive system, does he think abortion is murder, can you really just hold in your period and should birth control be free or at least more accessible to all women. I am tired, I am angry, I feel like I am gonna get some pp ban from all this.
No. 640934
>>640927I knew a 22 year old who dated a 17 year old specifically for that reason so I think it's naive to say that men don't target younger women like that.
Also many teen girls in middle school and high school saw dating guys a few years older than them as prestigious, it's a status thing. You're better if you have a more "mature" boyfriend. Then it turned out many of those relationships were just
No. 640936
>>640927She talks about him ruining her mental health and relationships, that seems pretty
abusive, but i think she is just grasping at the "pedophilia" angle to try and get revenge on a bad person in any way she can, which is understandable if he is that bad to have destroyed her like she says.
And i don't know, 17 year olds are pretty dumb and i don't consider most of them responsible or adults. Not kids, but there is a whole lot of maturing in the 17-25 age range and they are still vulnerable to be taken advantage of.
No. 640939
>>640936If she’s grasping at the pedophilia what makes you think she’s not grasping at the abuse. 17 is young but so is 19 and both are old enough to be responsible for your actions. I think it does women and
victims in general a disservice for people to be encouraging of posts like that.
No. 640944
>>640938Scrote, probably.
If you're older than 20 you know that you do a lot of maturing and learning about the world between late teens and early 20s. I absolutely think it should still be considered grooming. A lot of men think it isn't pedophilia if they groom an under 18 girl then wait until she's 18 to have sex. Its grooming, it's not ok.
No. 640947
>>640939From personal experience, i've seen more women being abused than lying about abuse, and having been in hs while seeing older guys toying with young girls plus being in my 20s myself i see a difference in maturity in most cases. Again, not pedophilia, and i don't think anons are agreeing that he is a pedo, only that he might be skeevy.
And idk i just don't think a 17 year old is developed enough to navigate some things with maturity. I would not blame someone for regretting things like petty shoplifting, doing porn, entering bad relationships and staying or choosing the wrong career at 17.
No. 640950
>>640947Me neither, and I would have sympathy for a 17 year old regretting any of those decisions too, but she isn’t saying she ‘regrets’ it. She’s saying she was groomed and trying to get someone put in jail over it bc they’re a “pedo”. Anyway I think it’s just a bait post, but I like I said it just genuinely does make me hate being a woman when I see posts like that and people encouraging them. It’s not “feminist” to patronise women and act as if they are inherent
victims and to encourage someone to use objectively wrong definitions of abuse and pedophilia for their own gain.
No. 640956
>>640950Seems like she does regret entering and staying in this relationship if she was so shaken up by it. Also seems that she regrets taking and sending nudes at that age.
Yeah i think it might be bait too, but no one here is agreeing that he is a pedo or encouraging that he should go to jail. If it was a guy saying these things about a older woman/man i would try to empathize too because 17 is young enough to do extremely immature shit no matter the gender.
No. 640969
>>640958Same, the only way I can seem to get around it is by feeling the regret of fucking up before I actually fuck up. If I regret not preparing or doing my homework several days before it's due, I do it.
I would like there to be a way I just do the things I'm supposed to without emotionally blackmailing myself.
No. 641033
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I’m tired of hunting for roommates in this shit economy and shit city.
My agency just emailed me this morning to tell me that the piss poor rent reduction they offered me will stop because apparently it was a 6 months thing (They never even mentioned it in the first place)
The clubs are not open, the pubs are not working full capacity, there are still hundreds of thousands unemployed or people having a reduced salary. And they want rent to go back to how it was before?? At least waiters and bartenders could kill it by working weekends before, now nobody can do shit.
I’m so pissed. Landlords are so fucking vile. I’d understand if this was at least happening the moment all restrictions were lifted off.
And now I gotta find another roommate cause mine decided to fuck off soon and everybody is offering reduced rent prices so I gotta basically pay more just to be able to keep my flat and have a roommate.
I’m so fucking tired of this shit.
No. 641043
>>641038Meh y2k fashion is coming back. In a few months being rail thin and having baby lips will be in.
Dont bother worrying about fitting into beauty standards because you wont because standards are changing for women constantly. 16 years ago having anything other than a flat paris hilton ass was considered disgusting.
No. 641051
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Holy fuuuuck. I am in my mid-20s, and it is so hard for me to make female friends. Now, I know "blah blah not like the others girls uwu" and I hate that mindset too, but I haven't had a female friend since high school and it's just really hard for me to talk to normal women irl to try to get them to befriend me. I'm an INTJ and I don't wanna be friends with scrotes anymore. Their friendship always feels fake as I don't know whether they're speaking to me to get in my pants or to try to genuinely get to know me as a person. But around other women I get so nervous and don't know what to say. I just struggle and I need some advice. Do I have autism? Am I socially retarded?
No. 641076
>>641071My mom has always been super helicopter. Never let me do normal teenager shit like go over to friend's houses, wasn't allowed to go to school dances, etc. We have an okay yet strained connection now. Don't really talk to her about my problems or anything too deep, cause she flips out over small shit. My dad, on the other hand, was there physically but never supported me emotionally and just went to the bar every night (except Sunday ofc lmao).
I'm about a mix of feminity and masculinity, though I'd say it skews a bit more towards the latter
No. 641089
>>641084Well, I can also mention febfems (bi women who only date other women), if that makes you happy. Just don't deny that focusing on men and traditional gender roles consumes a huge portion of an average woman's time and personality. And yes, autists who never conformed to gender roles are literally "not" like normies who conformed.
Even here women are bitching about their female friends who settled down, absorbed their boyfriends' interests and traits (like the spermbots they are) and then suddenly didn't have the time for their female friends. It always ends like this and I saw it hundreds of times kek. That's the normie nature.
No. 641121
>>641097Your post makes me feel a little less alone since your expierence was similar to mine. I got held back twice due to skiping school so much because I was so depressed and I changed schools so many times I lost count. I was bullied all through my school years and during the last two years it got particularly worse. The teachers started to blame me for the bullying too and disliking me and the girl who started the bullying towards me had her parents harras me outside of school as well. I still have panic attacks till this day (just turned 24) because of all the shitty things I endured. Sorry to blog post and start complaining about myself from your post.
I really hope that at least life is better for you now even if the memories make it difficult.
No. 641123
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i'm terrible with procrastinating. even if it's things i definitely have to do and or will enjoy doing. what the fuck is wrong with me. i think never acc failing at anything has enabled me for too long too, i'm so scared of failure but yet keep trying to play with fire.
No. 641128
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>>641121sending hugs to you, anon. its nice to know im not the only one this happened to.
the pic made me laugh a little, i hope you like it
No. 641193
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another day, another game of "does he actually like me or does he just find me" lockdown cute"/am I just overanalyzing our interactions"
No. 641251
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I'm so mad I looked at my old friend again we're SO MUCH lookalike why did she changed so much, her friends are full of troons she's a huge supporter of this shit. They would literally brand you as tERf for being slightly critical of the trans community but despite that we're 99% compatible, same taste, hobbies, even fashion style and and makeup wise, we're like sisters. I want to go back at that old friendship pre twitter.
No. 641272
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>>641267lmao, terrible bait
No. 641276
>>641271You constantly see posts here from terfs or gc or whatever talking about how they have no friends or can’t be honest with the “friends” they do have about who they are, you don’t really see much of the reverse. Op said her friend was a “huge supporter” so I doubt she’d want to be friends with someone like that. I wouldn’t want to be friend with someone “slightly critical” of the trans community because any normal person knows what that actually means. I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who’s just a little “critical” of the gay community, black community etc either.
>>641272Every post that doesn’t agree with you or isn’t pp/gc/radfem/whatever positive isn’t bait
No. 641279
>>641265I've been hesitating half a year ago trying to find the right moment to contact her again without sounding too awkward but we were busy with life I ended up postponing the mail™ She's still really sweet but I'm afraid to walk on eggshells and be an hypocrite if we ever touch the subject, since it's been diluted in every other medias and all.
>>641267We lost contact 3 years ago
>>641277bait or troon
No. 641308
>>641303You're not supposed to post retard feedback, check
>>641277 's point.
No. 641314
>>641309Then let people reject retard feedbacks? Seeing someone complaining about troon shit and making the link with the gay and black community is a big reach. That was enough bait for today.
If we get posted in the infight lolcow screencap blame your retard self.
No. 641333
>>641311Damn I hope you'll get your gacha stuff, I don't know if you have considered those services where someone send the stuff at an adress the country can ship and pick it up to send it back for you, but that's also quite the gamble. But if you still do get them around christmas you may want to consider it(?)
>>641315Not for disagreeing but for barely bothering to know what is was about and jumping into retarded conclusion, who the fuck think that being critical of a community's mob mentality means they must hate all of the LGBT and black people? You sound just like the troon friends
>>641325>>641327WE GET IT I wasn't planning to derail the thread to begin with
No. 641334
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I get like this like every couple months but it couldn't have come at a worse time. im literally too horny to concentrate on anything. I just wind up masturbating all day and not getting anything done and I still never get satisfied. I hate being an animal, is this what cats in heat feel like?
No. 641335
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>>641327shut the fuck up.
this post was made by tranny hating gang
(infighting) No. 641351
>>641343That's super shit, but for what it's worth, happy birthday to you too.
No. 641354
>>641346I was thinking the same thing. If he’s just cheap then I get it (but also why are you with him then if he’s
that cheap) but if he’s actually struggling for money that bad she sounds really resentful and callous.
No. 641358
>>641354>>641355Okay then. So both of you completely not-the-samefag anons do stupid shit like take your dates to expensive restaurants you can't afford or something?
If you want to save money then don't go out of your depths and then inform your dates they're only going to get a few bites of food because it's all you can actually afford. Why would I have picked my bf's brain beforehand about what he can afford when he's the one who took me there?
The reason why I ate okayish the second time was because my dad helped pay for it, not my bf.
I hope this explains it adequately, you dingbats.
No. 641359
>>641358Sounds like a scrote. Imagine thinking a woman is being rude because she wanted more than several bites of food on her birthday lmao. Love how anons are making his lack of money your problem even when you said you'd be okay with McDonald's if it meant you got to actually eat something.
Heaven forbid there's a standard.
No. 641361
>>641358i'm not samefagging, is it really that hard to believe more than one person disagreed with you lol. fair that he shouldn't have taken you somewhere expensive if he can't afford it though, i'm assuming he knows you well enough by now to know that you like food.
>The reason why I ate okayish the second time was because my dad helped pay for it, not my bf.your bf had to have payed for it for it to be nice? you got to eat on somebody else's dime either way.
>>641359thank you, I've posted on here for too long to have never been accused of scroteposting. was starting to think I was being too nice or something.
No. 641368
>>641358tone of your response only confirms you're just an entitled, rude person as i've initially assumed, lol
Learn how to communicate with your boyfriend instead pretending to be fine if you're SO BITTER about him trying despite struggling with money.
No. 641384
>>641378It's a meme because reddit always forgives men for being retards under the guise that their women didn't "communicate" enough with them.
You sound underage. Because you seriously believe the onus is on your date to figure out your own fucking budget when you agree to take them to pricey places to eat and be grateful when you underperform because YOU are the one who didn't communicate that it wasn't realistically within what you could afford so your date could have a good time on their birthday.
You're embarrassing yourself.
No. 641394
>>641343My last ex had a birthday where his son forgot to get him anything and he flew into a rage and then gave his son the silent treatment all weekend, that was an overreaction..
You just quietly feeling a little hurt isn't petty. Happy belated bday anon.
No. 641407
>>641397…so the entire time it's been a jealous anachan pissed at OP for not being satisfied at the morsels like she would have been because
anon's men only take her to Applebee's where there's no safe food.
No. 641414
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>>641397one of use needs to change our typing style so people stop thinking we're samefagging and its not gonna be me, ana-chan
No. 641416
>>641326What gave it away?
The 'I spent waay too much' part? kek Yeah it's toreba
No. 641442
File: 1601397098247.gif (4.85 MB, 400x300, 56465654.gif)

What is the best course of action when you notice your grown adult son is still leaving his dishes in the sink and his shit all over the tub?
>Tell him to clean up after himself.
>Tell your daughter to tell him to clean up after himself (because it is, of course, her job to police this grown man's behavior.)
>Yell at your daughter for the mess in the kitchen and tub as though she is the one who made it even though the things are clearly not hers, point out the one time she did leave stuff in the sink weeks ago as evidence that she is just as bad when she physically points out that everything in the sink and tub are his, then move the goalposts and say WELL WHY DON'T YOU EVER TELL HIM TO CLEAN UP AFTER HIMSELF? when you realize you've made a mistake.
Thanks mom I love it here.
No. 641448
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I hate obviously piss-poor men who'd go out of their way just to make you feel like shit. I unfortunately encountered them while a dog barked at me, and they did too whilst degrading me. Worst part is you couldn't do anything about it, because you shouldn't. All I could do is wish they'd struggle financially and hope their family dies and suffer living alone.
No. 641455
>>641448Were they mocking you for being scared of the dog?
I moved to a new town last year and one of the first people I met was a man with a large dog. I was using google maps to look for a nearby store and he suddenly says to me "oh don't worry about the dog!" Dude I didn't even see you or your dog, stop trying to pretend I'm a shaking damsel at the sight of a big dog.
No. 641456
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I fucking miss the days when I was 12-14 and a blissfully unaware teen. I had bad art, bad makeup, bad hair, bad clothes, and took bad photos but those were my happiest days because I was still self-confident.
Now I live in a cage of imposter syndrome and BDD even though I have an art degree, an art career, and am considered beautiful by my friends. I just wanna be a fucking retard again.
No. 641459
>>641448Sometimes when I think someone is being an ass to me in public I hold my mobile out as if I'm recording them. Sometimes it gets them to pull back or stop the behavior if they think they're being recorded.
Those guys sound cowardly enough to where something like that might work.
No. 641467
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I feel like I'm a sad cuck who gets cucked by shitty men again and again, and then I hate myself when I think like this because it doesn't make me any better than Nice Guys who think they treat girls better than sadists and assholes, deep down I'm an asshole too and also a bitter lesbian so most women probably find me a creep.
No. 641471
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>>641463>>641465aww thx anons. these really comforted me.
No. 641473
>>641467I've had a two year break from dating. Felt like I needed it because my last relationship was baad. It's been two of the best years, even with covid and shit. Just living alone has been so peaceful.
It's like I hit the reset button and my mental health is recovering like I never thought it would. Maybe a break from even thinking about that stuff could be good for you?
No. 641482
>>641473I'm sorry if you misunderstood but I meant as in I keep losing even my friends to
abusive shitty men. My earliest memory like this was when I was 13 years old and my friend started dating my bully and now the newets on is now when I'm almost 30 and another friend is taken by a shithead. Then they come back to me to vent because I'm a dumb cuck who always listens.
No. 641486
>>641482Yeah I read it as you being bi and struggling in dating.
Sucks that at nearly 30 that's still happening to you. Sorry anon.
No. 641489
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I'm an asshole right?
My life is pretty much falling apart - might lose my job, my father has cancer and is giving up and basically the only one holding the "family" together.
I asked my friend if I can vent to her from time to time and she said she'd prefer if we would only talk on holidays/birthdays and I just… I'm hurt. She's been my best friend for over 6 years now so yea. Of course I'll respect her wish and we didn't talk daily (but like weekly, initiated by her) for the last two years so it's not like I was too annoying or we were mostly talking about her anyway. She has a new boyfriend, hopes to get engaged next year and is building a house, which is a lot to deal with so I get it.
I know I'm not entitled to shit here but am I an asshole for thinking what she did was, well, a bit rude?
No. 641491
>>641486I'm lesbian but I didn't realize til my 20s because I always just thought I'm too obsessed with my friends.
I hate being like this because it makes me think I'm the same as the incels who bitch about women, I wish I could be just a normal straight woman whose life revolves around cock.
No. 641496
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My ex (we are in the process of separating, currently living together) made me dinner last night in a supposed attempt to be nice. When I thanked him but said I wasn't hungry right then, he went into the kitchen and threw out all the leftovers. As usual, any "gifts" have to be received with what he deems is the appropriate reaction and the appropriate timing, otherwise I will be punished. Even now when we aren't together anymore.
I would've liked to eat it. It was one of my favorite dishes and he is a good cook.
No. 641498
>>641489I think you should take her honesty at face value and vent to us instead.
Would it actually have made you feel more supported or better to have vented to someone who couldn't or didn't want to handle it deep down? Usually those people act distant and give lukewarm support at best after you've spilled your guts, which won't make you necessarily feel better.
No. 641509
>>641504Right because you're taking it personally, because regardless of what you believe your happiness depends on the availability of your friendships. Even if the moids treated them right, it seems like you'd still be upset for the fact that they'd be spending more time with their men than they would with you.
It hurts anon but what they're doing isn't necessarily wrong, it's normal. You need to find what works for you being being the third wheel to straight friends ain't it.
No. 641517
>>641498You're right. It did annoy me that she never asked anything despite knowing and being close with my family, especially my dad. I just ended up more upset than relieved.
The only reason why I considered venting to her was that I know her irl so I hoped the support would feel more genue than replies from strangers online.
No. 641553
Thank you, anons. It's nice to hear, and silly as it is brightened my day up.
>>641351It's shitty when you're stuck inside during all the Covid crap and feel like you're finally getting to be a little bit spoiled. It's hard to not feel a little bit of resentment when you've got an expectation for how something is going to go and the night just shits itself with little things that may not have even bothered you otherwise. It's okay to be upset, you didn't end up getting to do things how you planned them. Could you guys opt for getting some nicer meats and have a really nice meal at home with candles and all over the top extras? Still dress up, make him dress up too, make a little to-do about it?
>>641382They're 7 and 11, and I had even told them. Yeah, it's kind of up to my SO, but he was working the whole weekend and yesterday 12 hour shifts. I refuse to be too upset with him. I took it out on him a little as it is, but all in all if I really want things I need to make a stronger effort to says something, no matter if it feels a little embarrassing or not. I've always been really direct with my kids, and when I'm shy and withdrawn about something they're not going to know why unless I tell them.
>>641394Man, that's secondhand embarrassing. Everyone wants to feel special and shit, but that dude sounds a little nuts.
No. 641564
>>641535It's going to be okay.
Caffeine isn't really the best, but it'll do in a pinch. Matcha powder in latte form (about a tsp) and La Colombe coffees have natural caffeine (anhydrous caffeine in energy drinks may work for you, they just make me per a lot and I feel zilch). I'm trying to think of alt herbs you can use. Lemon balm is supposed to help with calm focus and it's a little more gentle. Solaray offers good quality for inexpensive. I took eleuthero before having to get back on ADHD meds, but it helped when I was taking it. Banyan Botanicals, Starwest Herbs, and Frontier Herbs are really reputable and recommended by my old therapist (she was a master herbalist too, god she was amazing).
It's hard, but don't sell yourself short, you'll have to make a little effort to find an alternative in the mean time while you wait. Good luck, you can do this.
No. 641573
>>641537My ex cheated and left me for her, it's been 2 years and I check fb once every few months just because I don't want his affair to pay off and be his happily ever after…. He could settle with any other woman and I'd care way less.
Just don't do it if you're having a low day already
No. 641576
>>641568You're right.
For context it's the difference between 25 versus 30.
Idk. I don't think I've aged that much but it could just be my denial that I am, in fact, getting older and uglier. I'm okay with that, but it hurts when people make comments about pictures like they must have been forever ago cause I'm such a grown beastie now.
No. 641581
>>641546>>641551Same anon as
>>641537. It's worse than I thought? He made a new IG and is super popular on it. He's also not dating the girl he left me for but a new girl that seems to be very likable by other people's standards. She seems like one of those girls who has a good personality but is uglier than me. She also listed her pronouns in her bio (kek).
Now I feel bad about myself. I'm prettier but I'm also basically permanently socially awkward and my only friends atm are people who I've met online. The girl that he left me for and this one have nicer personalities and seem to be more outgoing.
No. 641599
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I would like to ask for advice on two issues that I have (and they might be connected actually). One is that I am addicted to daydreaming. I grew up in a family where I felt I couldn't be myself so I created a constantly changing fantasy world as a kid where I could express myself. I always regarded this fantasy self and fantasy world my main thing, reality was just secondary. I think it also served as a sort of ego-defensive function - if I fuck up something in the real world, it doesn't matter, because that's not my real self, my fantasy self is my real self!! This has been ongoing for decades since and I feel like it's become an addiction, an integral part of the way I am and the way I function. Every time I do something monotonous like running, washing the dishes or walking somewhere, it instantly gets triggered and I get a high from all the exciting scenarios that I imagine. I think the hardest part to accept is that obviously reality will never be as exciting and romantic as my fantasies so I feel reluctant to stop.
My other issue is apathy. I just can't get excited about things in real life. I get out of my comfort zone, I meet people, do things I've never done before but nothing gives me an excitement. I know I'm not depressed and I do not want to die but I feel like I cannot live either. I find it so hard to give a fuck about myself and my life. I don't care what job I work, how many friends I have, what clothes I'm wearing, what I eat for lunch, or if I die or live. To me doing something and not doing something feels exactly the same
No. 641605
>>641592Thanks. I appreciate the advice a lot, anon. My biggest insecurity is my personality and my likability to others. The best descriptor I've found is mbti, I'm an intj female but wish I was more of a feeler/extroverted type.
He definitely capitalized on my insecurity to make me feel bad in our final fight. He said his new girl was super sweet and kind and basically said that I was friendless bc I have a shit personality and no one will love me. And that looks don't matter bc I'm attractive but I'm insufferable to be around.
No. 641624
>>641599I have done this too ever since childhood. I have ADHD diagnosis too and especially as a kid I used to run around in our house and have these vivid stories in my mind.
I think it helps with my writing hobby, have you ever tried to write down your stories?
No. 641627
>>641618If you don't want to fuck men, maybe you're not straight.
It's ok not to know what's your sexuality even if you're 29. And who cares what people think, idiots will think you're a slut, but most people won't care and guess what, you don't have to tell anyone your sexual preferences, except for your sexual partners! Keep it to yourself, it's ok. Just be true to yourself.
No. 641630
>>641629No way! 29 is not old at all, there are people who find love at 40+. Don't put yourself down. And if you want to find a partner, put yourself out there.
Noone is going to leave you because you dated a guy for a year, go find yourself a girlfriend that you love and loves you back.
No. 641665
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>>641617How is being unable to care about any facet of my life and having to resort to fantasies living the dream?
>>641628I've been in therapy for a while and my therapist never mentioned ADD or autism, he said though that I have avoidant tendencies
>>641626I'll look this up, thank you!
>>641624No, I don't write them anymore because they are just wish fulfillment fantasies. They used to be more interesting when I was a kid
No. 641675
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I'm 24 and I never had any friends irl. Socializing was always hard, kids either rejected or ignored me, they openly called me a "weirdo", and even if someone was interested, they would talk to me a few times and then never do it again. I had one internet friend, then he met me irl and he said he couldn't believe I'm the same person, my levels of introversion and anxiety were just too high for him. We ended up texting as we sat in the same room because I was basically mute. Talking to someone feels like a game dialogue, I just choose what I think is the most appropiate for the situation (based on observations or movies/tv shows or my past experiences), I don't know how to be spontaneous etc. I'm so far behind my peers in terms of socializing I don't think I will ever catch up. I feel like an alien or a robot trying to mimic human behavior.
No. 641743
>>641605He's just trying to be manipulative, shitty and get the upper hand. You're just as capable of love and friendship as anyone else that's more extroverted than you. There's nothing wrong with your personality.
I'm an INTJ on those too, for what it's worth. I struggle with friendships, but I attribute that more to not wanting to waste time sharing myself with people that I can't be completely honest and myself around. It's exhausting to try to put up a front with other people only for the friendship to end up one-sided.
Don't get discouraged. He was one turd floating in the ocean of prospects.
No. 641746
>>641682Yeah, people turn into sadists when they have too much freedom. Adults were telling me you can't feel like a
victim because it will bring bullies to you, they basically pulled the law of attraction on me, but this shit doesn't work on a 12 year old who doesn't know how to change. At least I could fight back when someone physically attacked me, but that was my automatic, animalistic response, just like backing off and going mute when someone bullied me verbally or spat on me or destroyed my stuff etc. No way to control it. I feel like sometimes people are so annoyed with you being such an easy target they basically want it to happen to you, even if they don't bully you themselves. "Everyone got bullied at some point, just develop thicker skin" . And if it makes you weaker instead of stronger, it's your own fault.
Also why does it feel like bullying against boys is taken more seriously than bullying against girls? They tell you boys bully you because they like you which is the most retarded shit. How is spitting on someone a sign of liking?
No. 641847
>>641641Anon, you got this. Keep in mind that eight hours could just be 5-6 hours of actual work; give yourself lots of mini breaks, go to the bathroom or chat with a colleague, drink your tea at your desk. Slow yourself down and never give 100% to a job cause then they'll always expect that 100%
Congrats on the new job!
No. 641917
My moms so shitty lel. When I used to vent to her, she uses those times that I felt shitty to victim blame me. Like “oh anon, your friend was so shitty to you and cost you $2000 in court fines, but you should’ve known that she was so shitty! It’s all your fault!!!”. Like the thing is, you usually trust your friends and for them to have your back, but I guess to her, everything was my fault since I couldn’t see the future in my eyes. Even when she sees that I’m in a bad mood, she won’t leave it alone. She’ll be like “oh someone beat you up today?” Like fuck off I’m in a bad mood, I don’t need more of your bullshit. She’s literally a stay at home mom that never leaves the house, has no friends, doesn’t interact with people, and expects me to come home after a shitty day to act like it’s all right. Sorry I don’t live in a bubble like you do.
No. 641961
>>641745It's 2 hours overall, a bit over 1 hr each way. I'll probably relocate though. I'd say 1.5 hours one way is my limit, otherwise I'll be listening to audiobooks and stuff.
>>641847Thanks so much, it's actually a bit tougher because I need like 10 minutes to get into the work area (need to be totally sterile) so need to stay there, but you're right on the 100%. All this jobseeking has really made me cynical.
No. 641987
>>641986samefag but
And the worst thing is that those """"""radical feminists""""""" who destroy shit here are also the ones who believe in gender ideology and do weird crazy shit
Can I die please
No. 642000
>>641997I don't reach out to people because when I do that, they usually hint at them needing space and not wanting people to bug them. Or one friend from the group messages to ask what's up and then relays the message to the rest of the group, so nobody else messages for the same reason (otherwise I can imagine it would get pretty spammy and overwhelming with everyone up your ass asking if you wanna talk all of a sudden).
If some of them are passive aggressive maybe there are some pickmes, but not everyone is out to get you all the time.
No. 642015
>>641993-shoots you-
No but really I think waking in the middle of the night is normal. Idk. Read it on a tumblr post kek
Apparently people would wake up at that hour and pray or some shit. does anyone know what im talking about lol
No. 642024
I'm not
>>642009 but
I guess the anon who said that the discord server I was in is designed to collect simps has a point. It was my first server ever and I thought we are just there for fun but that's not how the internet works. I just give up on finding female friends online and keep my bland weed internet personality to myself
No. 642028
>>642026Did any of women know that… I personally wouldn't stay if it had some
abusive kinkshit because it screams red flag to me, if a person doesn't keep their fetishes in private.
No. 642031
>>642019This. Think of Bianca Devins and the countless examples of discord girls who enter a server/make a server to be "friendly uwu"
I'll descrive them to you.
These girls range from anything from 15-23 year olds, but there's cases of being as old as 25. They dress cute or trendy in the internet way, and can be very out there, but not so much that they don't appear nerdy and introverted. They use twitter and instagram a lot, for selfies or "hot takes". They either can be super rude for fun, post a lot of memes, or try to be cute. It's like they don't have a personality outside of the internet and clout chasing.
They will act nice towards other girls in public, because they want to be regarded as nice, sweet, caring girls in the eyes of everyone, including males. They will act like they're sisters, cute friends, adorable girls who you can talk to. But they're doing that just to cause a good impression on you and the others. In reality, they want as many simps as possible, gender doesn't matter, but males are the ones they truly strive for. That sweet, sweet scrote attention. Why? Who knows, never got it myself. But the more orbiters they have, the better. They feel like their shits matter, like they have the attention their mommy and daddy never gave them.
So your response is, yes, they're fake. They're super fake, and a hilarious kind of fake at that. You'll never find a true female friendship through a discord server, and you'll probably struggle to find one online. You do sound kinda obnoxious and dumb, so good luck. Maybe try another server until you hit gold.
No. 642040
>>642033He jacks off to crying girls. One guy said that he will leave the server because he think it's disgusting and harms real people. The other ones came to rescue the poor kinky guy because he was kinkshamed. Including one woman.
>>642031>Dumb >ObnoxiousOh…
But thank you for explaining this to me as I was to dumb to get it, it fits to a t
No. 642043
>>642041I didn't think they were my friends nor that they need to keep up with me. I was just wondering that I heard nothing from them but I guess
>>642035 is right
No. 642044
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i know this is totally unhealthy, but i look at my narc ex's social media sometimes to see if he's dead yet/chuckle at him being stupid
the thing is he has an on again off again girlfriend and for her own safety i wish i could warn her. i won't because i'd look crazy, but i wish…
he did the craziest shit–forcing sex even when i was sick with strep, lying that people who knew me from highschool told him i'm a whore (i was online schooled lol, how), yelling at me for using heart emojis with my mom (???????), threatening to break up if i didn't take out a loan to help him move out… and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
i hope he's treating her better but he's probably not. people like that don't just change, no matter how nice their girlfriend is. i've seriously cried at the thought of him hurting another girl like he did me. i know it's better just to drop it out of my mind completely, it's not my problem, but he nearly killed me and the fact that he gets to start fresh as if it didn't happen is scary
No. 642047
>>642044>forcing sex even when i was sick with streplolwhat
doesn't that involve diarrhea
No. 642059
>>642052Good thing you left that asshole, I hope you've found a better man or that you will in the future.
>>642053 this
No. 642082
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>>641903Augh i feel you anon. In my case extremely poor motor skill is probably linked to asd. Its such a fucking embarrassment, i cant to things normal ppl enjoy like any kind of competitive sports or dancing. Despite passing as normal on a outer level im always worrying that my body language betrays me as an autistic cunt. Makes me feel like an eternal outsider.
My constant anxiety over this shit has given me chronic muscle tension.
No. 642114
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>>642110What the fuck anon, that is so weird. Sorry your mom is like that.
Some parents don't have a sense of boundaries and I get to experience that quite often as well. Ew.
No. 642115
Maybe try a sports bra so your mom?? is not sexually attracted to you what
But glad you didn't have a headache today anon. Sorry your mom is weird.
No. 642117
>>642114She's always been a touchy person and I don't really mind but this incident just left me feeling I don't know, violated is a very harsh word, but extremely weirded out at least. I'll just have to woman up and tolerate the headaches if she's gonna comment on my body at every turn.
>>642115Yeah, I'll go back to the bras. She loves telling me how floppy my tits and how she hates them so she's definitely not sexually attracted, maybe just doesn't believe in personal boundaries.
No. 642120
>>642117fuck your bitch of a mom. fuck her. she's a monster.
get away from her. you shouldn't have to suffer because of her stupidity.
No. 642125
>>642117I hope you don't internalize what she's saying, but I know snide comments from parents just get to one. Even if your tits are floppy that's none of her concern and nothing to be ashamed of.
My dad once said I didn't have the calves for skirts kek, and my little brother agreed. These two scrotes go out once a year at best to buy one new tacky boomer t shirt but here they are complaining about my fashion kek. It's always the insecurity and trying to bring you down.
No. 642128
>>642120>>642121I don't want her touching me like that again, ever. But I know if I bring it up she'll act offended and all, it has happened before. I asked her not to touch my ass because it makes me uncomfortable but she just said 'i'm your mother, trust me' and still touches it. Frequently says she's allowed to touch me but no one else is. I don't know, she knows I got molested by a teacher, she should at least let me be in control of my body. She's been looking at my boobs if I'm walking around her because they're free and moving a little, and it's making me so conscious.
>>642123I do like this headache-free day for the first time in months, maybe I should just hold on for a while longer. Last time I tried going bra free she made me cry, around 3 years ago when I was 16.
No. 642149
>>642143Anon, no. It is sexual harassment, she is touching you without your consent. Blogging but my father does the same creepy shit and it makes me want to cry and puke. Your body and subconsciousness is telling you all you need. She is a grown-ass women who can make her own friends, you don't owe her shit and on top of it all she's treating you like that. If she wanted to have a good connection to you, she wouldn't do this.
I know exactly how you feel, how humiliating it is and how you try to play it down. But I've talked to close friends about it and it is real harassment. You know it deep, deep down. She has no right. Move out as soon as you can and keep low or no contact.
No. 642151
>>642099I feel exactly like you but one step ahead.
You need to for real fake confidence and relatability for the 30 min you're in an interview. They can't see your self esteem on paper but it's absolutely necessary to come off as confident in your abilities that you've learned and will learn.
Um, also if you get an interview google the interviewers, their background and the specs of the job, to the point you can maybe assume specifics that weren't mentioned in the job description. It gives off a strong impression that you know what you need to do. Then ask a LOT of questions based on those assumptions. Enough to take up 10-15 minutes at least.
Even if you get the assumption wrong it's not anything bad. For example, it lists some activity you do. You look it up and it usually uses some specific software, so you ask "so for this task in the position description is (whatever) software used?", it might not be that software but what you do in asking that is create the assumption that you know how to do that specific activity well enough to know the software. It's not lying per se because you never said you knew how, plus you usually get training anyway.
I guess you can't create charisma asap like most naturally have to connect, especially if you have a low view of yourself because you can't find a job. But you can create the illusion of enthusiasm by doing your research.
My first day is tomorrow kek, yet to figure out how to deal with that but baby steps.
No. 642166
>>642139I'm sorry you had to deal with your mom, mothers are supposed to care and love. I think you might be right in that she has some narc-tendencies. She's always right, never listens to other people, never apologises etc. I should move out, soon as I can.
>>642149>>642152Exactly anon, it makes me want to cry and puke. I feel so bad about my body, I barely feel like it's my own. I feel kind of pathetic. I don't want to say it's molestation, I don't think my mom is evil. Maybe lonely. We sleep together and all, it makes her less lonely. I hate when her hands wander to places I don't like being touched, my neck, thighs, stomach, and her eyes are always on my boobs. I just wanna feel comfortable in my body. Thank you for listening to me anons. I've never talked about this, even thought about it too much. Feels wrong to think of her as a molestor, I really do love her a lot.
>>642143I don't think
* No. 642193
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>>642128'I'm your mother, trust me'
She sounds like the "mom" in Tangled.
No. 642223
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>>642217This got posted a lot on here already so idk if you've seen it around or not. Covers the fundies nicely imo. Torrent some schoolism classes and play pick and mix, those are p good too.
No. 642238
>>642235You do have a point but
>and since everyone are nice to themis bullshit
No. 642247
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I'm starting to finally realize that there's something fundamentally wrong with me. I've reached my 30s but I genuinely have never been in love or dated anyone. Ever. Man or woman. I do admire some man or woman but I'm never attracted to them romantically. I don't have any dreams or goals of getting married or starting a family. When I was a teen, I don't have any crushes on boys like my other friends do. I even got confused as to why most of my peers love to talk about boys and their dating life so much to the point where I avoid making friends with anyone and started to just hang out by myself most of the time because I just don't understand their obsession with boys and romance.
Deep down I'm 90% sure that I'll never know what falling in love feels like and will end up living alone and die a kissless virgin. I feel kinda sad that I will never get to experience the feeling of romantic love.
But I cheered up when I stumbled across an article written in a religious blog saying that those who died without finding their soulmate or partner on earth, they will definitely meet their partner in the afterlife.
But then I got sad again because the article goes on to say that the reason a person couldn't find their partner/soulmate on earth is because their partner/soulmate died before ever getting the chance to meet them…
I know it's just a silly article and I don't believe it but still… (Curse you stupid soulmate for dying on me and living me to rot all alone in the cruel world! Lol)
No. 642254
>>642110I've got to ask, where (very roughly) do you live, and how old are you? I think your mom is going really far but my female eastern european relatives made comments about my breasts and hips as I grew, and were super touchy but not in any weird way. Your mom's unacceptable though, you need to draw a boundary, and if you can move out, please do so. Maybe you leaving will be the wake up call she needs to not behave like that any more. It took me leaving the home to calm my moms neuroses and bad behaviors.
As a side note, an elastic sports bra gives good support while being relatively cheap. The Triumph brand is like 50 euros a bra (the most I've ever spent on one) but it's a game changer, and I can't go back to my old bras because they cut in and give me headaches withing about 2-3 hours. I'm not sure where you are or i'd give more specific advice.
No. 642276
>>642254I'm 19 but not from europe. I'm from south asia, and our culture is a little similiar to how you described yours, I've gotten comments from absolutely random women about stretchmarks on my breasts. There is some openness, I am mostly surrounded by women, and observe how my aunts act with their daughters but it seems to me different. My mom doesn't act like this when there are others around, and specifically says 'so no one sees our romance' but she does say that jokingly. I have some plans on moving out even though it is extremely rare for women (even men) to move out of their parents homes but I've always wanted to. Thank you for your advice on the bras, I'll try some elastic sport ones and see if they give me headaches or not. I really appreciate the help.
>>642263I mostly just stay out of her way, except at night because she gets sleep paralysis if she sleeps alone. I'll try to tell her off the next time, but she cries if I'm mean to her, so I don't like to be.
No. 642315
>>642307Casual sex always seemed like something that would attract crazies more easily imo
And is so fucking risky too.
>bad bitchesI feel bad for women who fall for this retarded meme.
No. 642325
>>642307I'm not saying women should go have casual sex because they've been memed into believing they have to, but what's wrong with women naturally craving NSA sex? As long as women have their bases covered (on birth control and know they're not sleeping with violent men) then there's nothing they're doing that assumes any greater risk than a man takes when he wants casual sex. And men love casual sex, why are women not allowed to love casual sex without getting a label that we have defective views about sex?
Conflating sex with love is a mistake in the first place. Plenty of people, even those in committed relationships, engage in sex that doesn't always have love or care behind it as the motivation. You need only lurk in places like r/breakingmom or a dead bedrooms forum where you can see that many committed people only have sex out of what they feel is duty, guilt, or just getting their rocks off while they neglect their partner. Yet somehow it's a sin for me to want to fuck an attractive guy with a nice dick without necessarily wanting a relationship with him? You're letting naive women who have the false belief that sex will make a man care about them paint an unfair picture about women who fucking know better than that.
No. 642328
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Anyone else used to enjoy certain TV shows and now find them terrible? I used to enjoy Scrubs a lot as a teenager, but I rewatched some episodes recently and it's just unbearably sexist. The episodes I rewatched had the female characters literally crying about nothing, acting like stereotypical "crazy women" when called out for being wrong, and like total pickmes with zero expectations of their boyfriends. One episode portrays Carla as being in the wrong for expecting her boyfriend to show some romance before sex (he says he doesn't care about romance now that they've had sex, of course). I can't believe I watched this garbage for so long.
I also can't believe Florence Pugh is dating Zach Braff, dude has to be almost 50 by now.
No. 642337
>>642331There are married couples whose worthless husbands cheat around and don't do shit when their wives are pregnant, barely contribute to raising kids, and would begrudgingly if at all pay for an abortion. You don't know you've got a worthless man up until you're in a stuck situation and he proves it to you.
What you said means nothing.
No. 642346
>>642337This. After finding it I was cheated on so much you can't take precautions to that shit. I practiced safe sex in that relationship and I thought I trusted him and he betrayed me and put me at risk. What's the difference in risk if I choose a guy for NSA and practice all the same safe sex practices. I thankfully never got an std from my cheating ex but I could have if I allowed for him to control the situation re: him always wanting to bareback me.
I'm getting back into casual dating and I'm finding it frustrating because a lot of the men my age seem to be looking for a redemption chick. Mentioning they want to move on from all their past mistakes, while all having kids and baggage. Yet it I wanted to truly explore what my type is and fuck a different bunch of guys id be the one looked down on. I've my own place and no dependents which men seem to love to put in their dating profiles but because I'm just looking for fun I'm apparently some whore. Men kid themselves swear to fuck
No. 642370
>>642362Aside from the fact that you sound like a huge cunt for flexing on that anon, 'casual encounters' are for the dumbest of dumb women. Plenty of men are like
>>642307, have you not seen the narcissism of fuckboys on Tinder/Bumble?
>>642325Women shouldn't be sleeping around because it only hurts us. Men can walk away with literally zero consequences. We're the ones who deal with the burdens of slut shaming, pregnancy, birth control, STD symptoms, and the risk of physical assault/rape/murder. Hook up culture is not natural and does not benefit women in any way.
No. 642372
>>642370nta but if you want to go by science standards hookup culture is more natural than monogamy and marriage lol
humans don’t mate for life like idk penguins
No. 642373
>>642370>Men can walk away with literally zero consequences. But I've also walked away from casual hook ups with zero consequences. Equally, some men have not walked away from casual hookups with zero consequences.
>hookup culture is not natural I dunno, seems like humans have been bumping uglies with outsiders who they've had no monogamous connections to for centuries. You'd have a hard time proving that one anon.
No. 642376
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>>642370or i dunno let women do what they like? whats with other females trying to control other females bodies? it makes YOU look bad? no matter what men will still have biases. any time arguments like this are brought up i think of the girl who posted a picture of new headphones to her snapchat. she was still sexualized. wasnt in the photo still sexualized. why the fuck should we force ourselves to fit into a little box when the box is still going to be kicked around?
No. 642415
>>642409You act like you've never dated someone and then broke up and made fun of them to your friends? I've thought about a hot celebrity in the moment before but in the moment I was mutually trying to get us both off. Im not advocating going out and hooking up with some man that comes on way too strong with the kinky and degrading shit. You can still have decorum and fuck single men.
Also, if you fuck a guy and as soon as you leave his go to is to roast you in front of his roommates, his roommates aren't going to think he's some fucking alpha or whatever the fuck. He's probably the joke of their group and a cunt like that will eventually end up a lonely bitter old man. Dickheads exist too I am aware.
No. 642439
>>642430>There's a guy that bad mouths the women that have slept with him and the guys don't think he's cool. In fact another guy doubled down on his roasting a chick and was like "yet she's the best you can do!"What a heartwarming story of male bonding, anon. Wholesome.
jk, scrotes are trash
No. 642462
>>642457NTA but you're really hostile for someone who pretends to understand concepts of respect. Like perpetuating the myth that women who enjoy casual sex must be onaholes and get nothing from their encounters because only
your way is the right one. Gross.
No. 642484
>>642469>men see women as equal This has nothing to do with what I said.
>see women who they hook up with as holes and nothing moreYeah and most men can only offer me a warm body and dick. Are they my little living dildos too?
>much self respect to give scrotes the satisfaction of using their bodySounds like you don't have much self-respect at all if you consider yourself akin to a piece of used gum just because you let someone stick their body part in you and heaven forbid you actually enjoyed it.
Get ahold of yourself woman.
No. 642487
>>642480nayrt but girl calm down. Shes using them as dildos too isnt she? you can have self respect and just like sex, nothing wrong or immoral with that.
I would never do casual sex either but you really need to respect peoples choices and morality.
No. 642534
>>642516So what if they do?
Fat and ugly women offer way more value than most average men, it always makes sense when men sleep down. Women have what they want.
Yet following your logic, maybe those 10/10 Chads are "settling" for your 6/10 self-reported ass when you are in reality their version of if Tess Holiday and a jar of peanut butter had a baby.
Do you think you're impressing us? You don't sound like you're much of anything special.
No. 642541
>>642517You don't need to explain yourself.
What blows anon's little purity argument out of the water is the fact that people have BAD SEX in committed relationships! Except guess what? Bad sex in a relationship is even tougher to deal with because then you've got to step around each other's feelings and your emotions of guilt because it turns out you can't "communicate" your way out of erectile dysfunction or just no longer being attracted to your scrote of choice.
No. 642554
>>642364My last ex is a serial monogamist but only because he’s a deeply insecure person. He can’t stand to be alone at all, if he has 30 free minutes in his day he has to be with friends instead of at home alone. He had been with one girl from 17-18, another one from 19-20, another one for 20-21, me for 6 months, and then less than 2 months after I broke up with him he was posting “I love you baby :) happy birthday” posts on his insta with his new girl. You’ve just gotta take it in stride and realize if he was actually a catch, those girls would’ve held onto him instead of him bouncing between relationships. There is nothing wrong with you and like you said, you’ll be moving cities, meeting new people, going to grad school, and have sooo much more in your life!! (I just made a post in another thread the other day about going to grad school in 3-4 years and how I realized my life will be so different then so trust me I feel you!) don’t limit yourself to feeling like you need to have all these experiences now, by the time you’re in grad school there will still be people dating casually and pursuing relationships, you don’t have to be settled down by 25 and you also don’t have to do anything you don’t want to in the name of experience!
No. 642562
>>642545You have no idea you'll get good sex from a guy just because you enter a relationship with him lmao. You may feel emotional connection but that's a cope you tell yourself so you don't have to admit you've committed to being spurned out of an orgasm the same as those other hoes who rolled the dice.
>it isn't a risk worth being murdered for Game time! What is more statistically significant: Random sexual assault from a strange man you had a ONS with, or your husband? The answer is domestic abuse. You are more likely to be sexually battered and murdered by a husband than a random man you sleep with once.
You just want mental cope that you're somehow more safe based on the scrotes you pick and that you're better than other women who pick sexual partners differently than you.
No. 642568
>>642553Maybe you're referring to me? I've had men unable to get me off with penetration alone but I will make them get me off one way or the other. Never let guys be responsible for your orgasms. I was like that with the guy I lost my virginity too. Once I learnt how to get myself off sex became a lot more fun. Taken the lead in a hook up and getting yourself off is amazing, usually leads to great sex.
Don't know what the anon is on about that says no one ever starts out having good sex. You are allowed to be good in bed too not everything has to be decided by the male. Fuck. Maybe this is why guys like older women and now I'm entering into that bracket. Fuck covid, it's coming up to Halloween this is party season lol
No. 642581
>>642577 A lot of people follow the meme that they lose their beauty in their 30s and it seems like you're using casual sex for validation.
Also, if you have to get yourself off during sex anyway, what's the difference between fucking a random guy and using a dildo?
No. 642583
>>642577God where did these biddies come from?
Trying to sly in that women have lowered worth and self-respect if they've enjoyed sex with someone who's not their partner. Insinuating women must be chasing validation if they want the enjoyment of sex but not the commitment of a relationship.
Saying that they must be fat or ugly or mentally defective because beautiful women don't enjoy non-commital sex as equally all of the sudden as if the "Stacy" isn't a meme for a reason.
Are we being raided?
No. 642591
>>642584You are having casual sex because you want attention or validation not only because of just "using then as a dildo". How are you using them as a dildo if you still have to get yourself off anyway?
You just want to feel desired sis.
No. 642594
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No. 642603
>>642593That sounds exactly like libfemmy 'you don't want to sleep around? Prude star fish lololol'
Are… are there libfems here? I'm scared mommy.
No. 642604
>>642596Because it's mostly one anon who hasn't figured out sage telling other anons who've come forward about their positive casual sex experiences "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."
I saw it for what it is replies ago. Clearly this anon has never argued in good faith and is now resorting to character defamation and personal attacks against women who dare claim they don't regret their one night stands.
No. 642608
>>642568>this is party season lolenjoy the rona
and STDs xxx
No. 642611
>>642599Why do you care about blowing the mind of some random dude, or said random dude thinking you're hot (btw if you
really blew his mind and he thought you were hot he wouldn't leave it as a hookup)?
I'm assuming this conversation is still going because you're such a desperate pickme and the other anons can't believe it.
No. 642620
>>642610Because anons who are anti-hookup have always gotta take the first punches in how women who do hookup have no worth, no self-respect, are pickmes, and don't actually understand the concept of relationships.
I don't really care about the slapfight that ensues, let's just stop pretending this infighting happens because a bunch of pro-hookup people roll in to get up in a prude anon's business and insist she casually hook up too. We all know that doesn't happen. We all know who the guilty party really is whenever this shit crops up.
No. 642627
>>642623The majority of domestic violence, sexual assault, and murder happen between women in committed relationships with men.
But sure sis, the scrote that you pick would
never because you didn't take risks like those
other women…who are married.
No. 642630
>>642626Well being married to a man seems constant. And yet I don't see you advocating here that women should get divorced asap.
If you actually cared about violence and risk you would be suggesting women not fuck with men in any capacity, not just dunking on women who you believe have sex for validation (as if people don't stay in
abusive and failing committed relationships to a scrote for that same reason). It's just pathetic of you.
No. 642640
>>642451>It's not like we're doing explicit shoots and letting men keep keepsakes of us from the encounter. I mean some people have a very visual memory and a literal wankbank of memories to delve into, so…
Plus I've read some guys secretly record videos and upload it to pornhub. Real thing that happened to at least one girl. Or take pictures while you're asleep to send to their fellow scrotes.
No. 642642
>>642635So you fuck uglier than you because theres a higher chance of them coming back?
Since youre so confident and dont care what a man thinks why not just get pumped and dumped by hot guys instead? Idgi
No. 642644
>>642636You say that like women who enjoy penetration with an actual penis don't exist. What is sexual autonomy?
Most of you people are insane and I haven't (and won't) even remotely try to read all of this argument kek.
No. 642659
>>642658Marriage by statistic is more risky than a casual hookup. Yet you don't come into threads going after anons and their marriages.
Puritytard logic.
No. 642662
>>642644Anon, I think you goofed.
>>642651Nta.. I fucking love dick, but I love it under my own conditions.
For whatever reason I feel less disgusted with women pursuing other women on these stupid apps, but there's layers of stuff wrong with playing the sausage sackrace with randos on there.
No. 642673
>>642664I did read you contemptuous little turdbrain.
You're not getting made a fool of because you don't personally agree with hookups.
It's because you came into this thread raising bedlam about how women who hookup "have no self-respect and lack self-control" and when people made points to the contrary, you'd doubled down on your arrogance and proceeded to stick around un-saged so everyone can see how much of a deluded, 6/10 retard you actually are.
Fucking hell. I hope pearchan can change the subject before your head explodes.
No. 642678
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>>642671>newfag thinks sage is about participation It's okay to admit you can't do it boo boo but it makes you look super obvious.
No. 642679
>>642675I know right, I’m also glad there’s more styles for my body type, since the whole low waist jeans + bandeau/crop top trend always looked hideous on me.
I will always love wearing high waist anything.
No. 642689
>>642684….but you're the same anon who said you were a 6/10 and could easily pull 10/10 Chads?
You're an uggo pretending to be hot on lolcow just so you can insult a slutty anon lmao.
No. 642693
>>642688I put friendship in quotation anon because it was a man I used for sex. We don't know each others last names lol.
>>642687Anon just seems mad i know how to move on a dick to get myself off. As I said, when both parties are actively working together the sex is good. Yes sex is 1000 times better if you're making love but sometimes people are just horny and not ready to commit. Maybe you'll understand when you're older
No. 642696
>>642689Huh??? that anon was talking about their hips. Wtf is going on
>>642690Yes, if you don't sage it will bump. I think all the anons telling you to sage made that clear
No. 642699
>>642689Uh? No…? Just let that debate die and stop lashing out at random anons.
>>642694Yeah i just want to focus on health and funky silly clothing. I don't want to deal at all with being sexualized, I'm trying to get women kek.
No. 642702
>>642683Isn't getting yourself off via masturbation but describing it as "multiple Os during sex with guys" false advertising? Like some girl is gonna hear your review of one of these scrotes and be ready for a great time and get a dud.
Stop gassing up these random scrotes and making it seem like they gave you a great time when you used your own hand. Like they literally do not need you hopping onto to say how great they are in bed when, as we have discovered, your orgasms were self-caused and you could've saved yourself the bother and used a dildo.
No. 642705
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>>642683> yes I do enjoy multiple Os during sex with guys even if I haven't had months long correspondence to ascertain whether he is morally sacred enough to run my clit up on.I’m anti casual sex but damn anon I laffed
No. 642706
>>642690>on the chansWhere did you come from anon. It bumps the thread
and makes newbies like yourself hella obvious.
No. 642716
>>642712>it's between me and the person I'm fucking>has spent hours arguing in this thread about how good your self-caused orgasms with scrotes wereYou may not be linking us to their social media, but you're still giving what seems like unfairly glowing reviews of these randos to us lolcow anons for some reason.
It's not too much of a stretch to think you'd do the same with your irl friends.
No. 642722
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>>642641cant i just be a sad and confused radfem and fuck hot men whilst i go on loathing myself for being used as a fleshlight yet masturbate to the memory?
No. 642732
>>642720Why wouldn't you want your friends banging these guys? Why not share the fun around? Or would they find out your stories of 10/10 hotties and multiple orgasms aren't quite true?
Btw I can tell you're from the UK, and I can confirm British guys are exactly as awkward and unsexy as anyone abroad thinks they are.
No. 642744
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>30 something year old Libfems risking covid to have 3 minute pump sessions with scrotes they met on tinder
Love yourselves
No. 642746
>>642706There's other anons bumping it as well, I'm missing a point here that should probably be fairly obvious.
>>642726I don't know why we have people that are that old making decisions outside of what flavor of cream of wheat they want, but we're fucked either way.
No. 642748
>>642746It was just you for a multi-hour spell though
No. 642749
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>>642729excuse me? I just came to catch up on /ot after getting my ass destroyed by a 9/10 chad? but I'll go to bed now and fall asleep after i get off again.
No. 642750
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>>642744You really think you said something groundbreaking
No. 642765
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>>642758ill admit i obviously dont make radfem "life choices" because i just dont have the guts, but that doesnt mean i dont look up to andrea dworking.
but what does that EVEN MEAN? what even is a radfem life choice???