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No. 65200
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M/M novellas and homoerotic fanfiction
No. 65245
Lurking estrogen dominant imageboards for milk (lowcow, seagull)
>>65231Why not buy a box of marshmallow bits instead?>nvm, the fun is in picking out the bitsWhat do you do with the de-marshmallowed cereal afterwards?
>>65185Ever wore cat ears and collar (complete with bell) with that?
No. 65246
>>65245okay thanks for lurking
I only want to buy the tail, but
>never had a boyfriend or a sex partner No. 65260
>>65245I buy them on sale when a box is like $3 then throw out the unmarshed cereal
wasteful as fuck but hey that's why it's a guilty pleasure
No. 65264
>>65263>Reading fanfictionIs this a guilty pleasure? Because I'm mad guilty of this shit then. The whole self insert type.
I literally never read some cute relationship Bullshit. It has to be sex or something.
But those genres… damn anon, how degenerate.
No. 65277
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badly-written/drawn love triangle shoujo manga
heart-crushingly depressing josei manga
revisiting music from anime I liked at 15 (naruto, bleach, etc.)
watching inuyasha
guro manga, VNs, and gifs
male osananajimi scenarios
…& etc.
No. 65281
>>65264Reading fanfiction in general is for me since I was reading sex scenes way too young and was always paranoid a parent would find out and freak out. I still feel like I would be judged harshly for reading it since it sounds juvenile (i.e., fandoms, etc.). I'm closer to 30 than 20 and am still a bit embarassed about liking fanfics.
I like other genres, too. I even really enjoy well written gen stories and lighthearted romances or comedies. I even like both het and slash vanilla sex scenes as long as they're well written…
But I know I'm a degenerate. I forgot to mention I also love incest stories and dubcons, mindfucks and some noncon/rape/torture scenarios, too, though I prefer psychological torture to purely physical torture. I do like ageplay, but I also genuinely get off to some chan, too, selfinserting as the child getting taken advantage of.
This is all pretty horrifying, disgusting stuff to get off to and I know it, but I console myself that it's only words, no one is actually being abused.
It's truly a guilty pleasure and I love it while fearing that someone I actually know will find out and turn their back on me in pure justified disgust.
>>65156Thanks for starting this thread, OP. This is liberating.
No. 65317
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Monster and alien men
No. 65321
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>>65318Smut Peddler is doing a kickstarter for a comic anthology called My Monster Boyfriend. There's prob some slash, but hopefully it's mostly f/m.
But yeah, I totally feel you, anon.
No. 65354
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The old school Degrassi series from the 80s
No. 65366
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>>65357I'm reading that one and it's nice. Wish Chise was older than 16, though.
No. 65368
>>65354lol my guilty pleasure is the 2000s Degrassi. Next Class is such a shitshow, it's great.
Hows the 80s original? I've been wondering if I should watch it too.
No. 65376
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>>65368I have a soft spot for everything that's 80's and cheesy, so I may be biased. I grew up on 2000's degrassi, but a kind of prefer the 80's series because it's written pretty straightforward and seems a lot more realistic than TNG at some points. The actors they chose don't feel forced like other kid actors, and there aren't as many characters who grate my nerves like in TNG (Ugh, Emma and Ashley). Haven't gotten a chance to see Next Class, but I really can't stand the last 6 or so seasons of TNG but I'm kind of wanting to see that trainwreck
Watch Jr. High first and then move on to Degrassi High. All eps should be on youtube!
No. 65386
>>65376Ah nice! After seeing Pat Mastroianni in that dumb denim vest in your pic I feel compelled to watch it now.
Yeah, the last 6 seasons of TNG were awful and I told myself I wasn't even going to bother with NC but I saw trailer for the feminism club vs. gaymers episode and it's just… the worst. Watching it makes me feel like, "how do you do fellow teens" lol Season 1 is short (10 eps) and they're all on netflix.
No. 65527
I actually stopped watching it about 2 years ago, I hated literally every character. Apparently it's going back to its roots next season, more realistic issues and less shipping drama. I'll give it a try again for sure.
No. 65528
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>>65373Of course!
>Koizora>Oyasumi Punpun>Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari (& its derivatives)>Nana>Bokura ga Ita>Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru (BL)>DokuhimeA lot of good tragedy stories originate as keitai shousetsu (cell phone novels).
I recommend sifting through tags on the Baka-Updates manga site. You could also search vndb for utsuge & nakige VNs. Good luck, and nab yourself some tissues!.
No. 65559
Guys, I really don't want this feel.
No. 65591
>>65256Same here, I love slash and yaoi. I used to read so many fanfics but nowadays I just look for fanarts of my favorite pairings on pixiv and tumblr and I just read things from specific mangaka, like kumiko suekane, suzuki tsuta, etc.
>>65277I used to read that kind of shojo and josei manga too, because these were the only interesting things in the city's library. Makes me want to read Nana again, too bad there's no ending yet.
My guilty pleasure is that I'm way to into animanga and video games. I'm also very picky so I tend to focus on some series in particular most of the time. The thing is that I tend to not resist and buy a shit ton of useless merchandises whenever I can just because I tend to like collecting things I like. Especially during cons. I could totally watch or read things online for free or very cheap but I vastly prefer physical copies of books, video games and series/films just because I can collect them, even though it's usually more expensive. What makes me feel guilty about this is that I know I should save money to move out of my parents' place or in case my phone or my computer need to be replaced. My main year resolution is to start budgeting better and I think I'm making some progress,, but it's hard not spending money on useless crap because said useless crap makes me happy.
No. 65607
>>65591Awesome, what works do you recommend by them? I'm always looking for new stuff.
I'm excited as tits about the doukyuusei movie. Such a cute manga.
No. 65626
>>65591>nana>still no endingTHE FUCK YOU SAY
No. 65672
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>>65628>tfw raging>'she's in the hospital dude'O…oh. ok.
>tfw I am a real dick sometimes but I am still greedy for closure.…you can still draw while you're in the hospital. dammit, yazawa.
No. 65706
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>>65672>>65626>>65628>>65635There is good news on the horizon! She drew this photo of Nana for Cookie Magazine's 10th anniversary. There has been lots of talk about Nana in the Japanese media recently. I think she is getting ready to comeback. Plus there was the 2016 Nana calendar.
No. 65757
I love, and I do mean LOVE, atrocious reality tv shows, esp. dating ones and esp. esp. ones from the mid to late 00ies. I love the Bachelor / Bachelorette, the American versions, with a passion. It's part to make fun of it, but part of me really enjoys the mega cheese.
I also love reading yaoi manga and shoujoe mangas. What I like best is to map out the mangas I read and make possible crossovers of the series I am into. Since a lot of these mangas happen in an undetermined high school, it's easy to kind of squint and imagine all this delicious love drama happens in the same building. I go so far as to even make imaginary classes of the characters I like.
Whereas me keeping a journal isn't a big secret, what I write in it is, because it is essentially 85% notes of my imaginary worlds.
I am also far too old to do this but I can't stop, it's just too addicting.
No. 65794
>>65487countries being kawaii and fucking in doujins.
Also, some of the fanbase. And fanart. Some of it.
No. 65885
>>65329Unfortunately, I have spoiled the mindfuck twist ending for you. The story is presented in such a way that you think the protagonist's lover is growing away from him, falling out of love or cheating, etc., when it turns out that the lover has died and protagonist has freaked out and kept this fact from everyone, including himself. He is interpreting his dead lover's unresponsive corpse as his lover being unresponsive to him generally as they make love.
I read this story ages ago and can't find it, but if you're still interested I'll put more effort into looking for it.
>>65757Have you had a chance to watch Lifetime's drama series UnReal? I think you'd really enjoy it! I'm looking forward to the second season later this year. It is such a well conceived and executed show.
No. 65887
>>65885I loved UnReal. Made me think a lot more about what goes on behind the scenes on all those trashy reality shows (which are my guilty pleasure).
Also, any show/book/movie where the "bad guys" are the main characters is fun.
No. 65892
>>65887Ah, it is so nice to find someone else who enjoyed UnReal! Intellectually, I know others liked the show or it would've never been picked up for a second season, but everyone I tried talking to about it irl seemed disinterested in the premise even if they enjoyed trashy reality shows. Shiri Appleby and Constance Zimmer are so talented.
>show/book/movie where the "bad guys" are the main charactersOh, that sounds like a fun premise in general. Any recs? All I can think of is Wicked, but Elphaba is not really even a "bad guy" in that one…
No. 65894
>>65893Thanks for your patience! I'm game and will continue to hunt for it (though I feel like I've built it up a lot and perhaps it is not so great in reality). I'll let you know how my search goes either way.
On another note, since you seem interested in this fic, would you happen to have any recs for good fics you've enjoyed in general? I'm always looking for something good to read.
No. 65915
>>65893I am dissatisfied with my search. I found a fic that is close to how I remember it, but I really think there was a final confrontation with a third character, which the story I found doesn't have. Then again, I read it almost a decade ago, so maybe I'm just mixing up stories. I'm still searching, but with so many archives permanently deleted it's been slow going.
>Before and After by ifyouweremineIf I find anything else, I'll let you know.
If anyone was curious, I also found a good icky necro!hatesex draco/harry fic in my search: Death Closes All Doors by lilysunshine.
No. 66125
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I really, really like Ariana Grande. I think she's super cute and I love her body type. I'm about 3 inches taller than her, but I would to work out more to have more slender arms and legs.
No. 66219
>>66125I want to spread her bootyhole (no homo) and then lickety licky licky her hot latina booti hole (no lesbo) and whimper.
She would then sigh, and push her bootyhole further onto my nose, and I would inhale her sweet latina poop scent (no homo).
As I tremble with anticipation of her incoming mexican taco farts, my hand travelling down to tantalise my own nether regions (no homo) she would suddenly turn around and grasp my hands in hers. Gently scraping her long blue nails against my bitten neet ones, she would whisper, her soft puckered mouth against my ear,reminiscent of her puckered asshole (no homo). She would whisper into my ear "I really, really like you too anon."
No. 66729
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>>66692Are you me? I've been reading band fanfiction all week. Man, I can't get enough. It's one of the few things that helps me unwind after work.
No. 67052
>>66729embrace your filth
i have that prison au one open in the other tab right now
No. 67194
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>>66729Have you read Unholyverse? I'm finally reading it now because I never had the patience before (i mean the thing is long enough to be published as a novel, it's 186,764 words)
No. 67490
I'm afraid to ask, but I'm morbidly curious… bandom fic fans, do you just enjoy the fanfic or are you the type of rabid fans who actually harrass the actual people with romantic bandom delusions?
>>67194I don't read real people based fics, but I love longer fics. Finishing 200-300K word fics is so satisfying. I hope you enjoy reading your story.
No. 67492
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>>67052Prison au? I haven't read that one. Is it on AO3?
>>67490I'm definitely too old to be a rabid fan. I stopped that bullshit in my late teens. I just enjoy the fanfics and chat with the fandom. I always keep my fantasies separate from the bands I'm shipping.
No. 67493
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>>67490we don't harass the actual people, most people know better. everyone on this site is 18+ (or is supposed to be at least) anyways and that kind of shit is usually pulled by 12-16 year olds. and yes i am enjoying my fic
>>67492this one No. 67494
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>>67194I haven't read Unholyverse. What's the premise?
No. 67500
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>>67497No problem at all! I grew up with bands like MCR, Panic! and FOB (I'm 30 now, so i'm basically older than Panic, which is kinda crazy to think about.) I still love reading bandom fics from time to time since it's fun and really good when it's well written. I'm always up for chatting about band stuff.
No. 67504
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>>67494you know that one photoshoot where g was wearing a priest's collar? people took it and ran with it. he also dressed like that a few times on stage too
i'm only about a quarter way though part one but basically:
gerard is a priest. frank works at a piercing/tattoo parlor with the rest of the band. frank is an atheist, but strange, religious, things start happening to him. also he's fallen in love with gerard (ofc). if you're looking for sex i don't think they fuck until part 5 judging by the tags
>>67497wait what thread? what stunts? i must know
No. 67509
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>>67504Swiggity Swag. thanks anon. I still think nothing can top Anatomy of the Fall when it comes to really good, lengthy Frank/Gerard fics, but I'll definitely check out any recs you throw at me. I've also put my email up on lolcow for anyone to email me before if you wanna chat band stuff. Just in case you want to go into more detailed chats and take it outside lolcow. Feel free.
No. 67516
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>>67509i've saved it, thanks. i gotta make a throwaway email if i'm going to contact you because all my other ones are associated with places that i don't want people to find out that i go on lolcow (or read mcr fics)
maybe we should make a bandom/nostalgia thread on /b/
No. 67520
>>67500I'm 27 and used to adore MCR. Panic is still one of my favorite bands.
I read some band fic back when I was a teen and while I enjoyed a few, I read one which really disturbed me at the time–lots of psychological abuse, rape, and a suicide. It turned me off real people fic in general.
>>67504Can't recall the thread, sorry… something about fandoms or fans…? Pretty much what
>>67505 said, including threatening actual irl band members' loved ones and actually forcing bandom pairings onto the irl band members. Really creepy shit.
On another note, I enjoy religious-themed fic. Is the story you're talking about completely non-band AU?
No. 67523
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>>67520yeah, as far as i can see, they aren't a band at all in this au, but frank still plays the guitar sometimes. gerard doesn't seem to be suffering from addiction/alcholism either
No. 67524
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>>67516No problem. I made that email specifically to contact anons. I don't mind waiting for you to make a throwaway. Please do email me whenever you can. And we can definitely recommend fics to each other.
>>67520So happy to meet another Panic! anon. I'm a big fan myself, especially of the pairing Ryan and Brendon and Ryan and Spencer. Email me if you want to, haha.
No. 67528
>>67504Found the thread
>>62589 "Crazy Fan Thread"
Specifically, I was thinking of the One Direction OTP Larry which was discussed in that thread.
>>67523Thanks. May give this one a shot.
>>67524You seem really sweet, anon. I'd love to chat with you more about Panic! but I really just super enjoy their music so all I can really contribute is: Isn't their music wonderful? They're so great live! Can't wait to see them in concert again! I just saw they'll be swinging through my state this summer; if tickets aren't sold out I want to buy some tickets next pay period.
No. 67530
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>>67528I saw them live a few months ago, but I gotta say it's really different without Smith (who is my favorite next to Ryan) so even though I was grateful I got to see them, it still felt…odd, you know? I hope you do enjoy them. if anything, Brendon has a superb voice live; indescribable really. Also, standing in front of Dallon is a plus since he's sexy as fuck. Yeah, definitely want to chat with you more, anon. I hope you enjoy them live!
No. 67587
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H3h3 tbh
I fucking hate reaction videos, but I find him funny and most of all I think him and Hila are adorable
No. 67874
>>65843They're probably some sort of social worker
I have the same experience with a lot of my clients although I don't trick them, I just note it and try to work through it
No. 67895
>>67879>Be prepared to spend money though unless you want to wait months to get through stories on certain apps.If they have android versions the lucky patcher
might do the trick.
No. 67930
>>67523Anon, thank you so much for mentioning this fic upthread. I finished it a little while ago and loved it! Bexless did a wonderful job with it and I'm so glad I gave it a shot.
>>67530I'm really excited. I haven't seen them in years and they've changed a lot, but that just makes me want to see them even more. I saw them twice back in the day and they were excellent live; I can't imagine that changing.
>>67922That's cool, anon. I'm actually quite envious of you and other authors–I wish I had patience and vision to write a story.
No. 67936
>>67930Most of my fics are usually 1k-5k but the one i'm working on is ok and i feel like even though it's cliche it's decent.
The only way to get patience is to write everyday ever no matter how much it sucks
No. 67938
>>67936Cliche fics can still be nice–there's a reason certain things become cliche in the first place.
That's really good advice. I should just find a prompt and make a commitment.
No. 77091
>>77084>Game of Thrones books>Game of Thrones>BooksYou're
triggering me, anon!
Also, I feel you. TWD is one of my guilty pleasures, and I'm actually starting to feel a bit ashamed of saying that I read ASoIaF because everyone is either a showfag or a danyfag these days
No. 77103
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this is the third time i've gone through this series this year, and i am so invested in these characters and even read the book. Now i'm into this WW2 kick and I can't escape it
lolcow plz send help
No. 77113
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>>65528>Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari (& its derivatives)Just thinking back about the one with the dog makes my heart ache
I couldn't even finish it, it was too much.
No. 77145
I'm almost unashamed. Almost.