File: 1454202681690.png (332.79 KB, 598x333, Screenshot 2016-01-30 19.09.30…)

No. 65407
30 year old women wearing lolita is creepy and weird.
No. 66256
>>66248watching lolitas get
triggered like this is always amusing
No. 66260
>>66256Nice try; I'm not even a lolita. I just take issue with posts like
>>65541 wherein the poster makes a lazy and shitty correlation like this. Lolita fashion was not "made for children," and the book Lolita was not just about pedo/hebephelia.
I'm just pointing out an example source which argues the same point, but better than I could.
No. 66310
>>65541>>66242>>66256>>66267The fashion is based on Victorian dolls and has nothing to do with the book (even the time period is wrong lmao). It's only called "Lolita" because Mana, a really popular fashion icon at the time, referred to it that way and it stuck. You could basically compare it to fucking steampunk or gothic wear, but more expensive and with a lot of substyles (Angelic Pretty looks very "little girl" because it's basically childish fairy tale stuff, Moi-Meme-Moitie is gothic as fuck and doesn't look even slightly childish, etc).
Sorry you got BTFO for not knowing what you're talking about, but anon said nothing wrong.
No. 68941
>>66416wow a reaction image
you sure showed me