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No. 656803
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/646838Farmhands' dumbass disclaimers:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 656881
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There's way too much anime avatarfagging and I really hate that so many threads start with unfunny cartoon faces now.
No. 656889
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New school tattoos with the weird bug eyes, fish eye lens distortion are fucking garbage. You wasted money and precious skin if you get shit like this.
No. 656988
>>656968I know a few young guys who like their nails painted, one is even a gymbro but they always want them black.
My bf looks quite manly as well (broad figure, manly jaw, beard) but he loves wearing eye makeup and grooms his beard and eyebrows. IMO grooming should be standard and men who put zero effort in their looks should be dissed.
No. 656992
>>656985NAYRT but I agree (am a Eurofag). I don’t necessarily think maladjusted to a severe extent but the idea of tattooing for aesthetics is weird to me. Just go buy a new outfit lol
It’s strange how quickly it has gone from criminal/freak show status to normal here. I understand some cultures have tattoos deeply ingrained and can appreciate the perspective of a Maori girl getting her chin tattooed, just like her ancestors. Can’t relate to some white girl getting whatever’s fashionable this year permanently etched into her skin
No. 657028
>>657013I didn't say they weaken your immune system, I said overprotection will be a bitch when you finally get a cold or the flu again. We need germs to build defenses and keeping all of them out can't be good.
As for the mask-allergy correlation I'm sorry, I might be wrong since I can't find anything but I remember reading about it years ago, before the mask or anti-mask fanatism.
No. 657054
>>656954Do you live somewhere where tattoos are still tabboo? I think most tattoos are pretty fucking ugly personally but it's common to see completely normal functioning people have tattoos, like no one bats an eye at that.
If anything I think thinking that having a tattoo makes you seem like a criminal or a maladjusted person says more about you than the person who has the tattoo.
No. 657102
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Women who defend and support "sex work" remind me of those working class conservatives who defend billionaires under the delusion that human rights and opportunities are available to everyone equally.
Men who openly support "sex work" are just the modern day equivalent of picrel. Absolutely clueless about the issues, only care about the aspects of women that they can jack off to.
No. 657213
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>>657135> He used to let his students paint his nails sometimes when school was in session too.> *cue not like other moids?????
No. 657273
>>657257It's scarier that you find nothing inappropriate or off about it to have included it so casually.
The "man"icure discussion was at a level 2 and you shot it up to 400 with this weirdness.
No. 657546
>A girl is sad she isn't accepted as herself not being conventionally feminine and naturally being more masculine or androgynous>WELL BOO HOO YOU FUCKING SNOWFLAKE HAVE YOU MAYBE TRIED GETTING OVER YOURSELF??? STOP THAT NLOG SHIT AND PUT ON THE FUCKING DRESS STOP JUDGING ME FOR PUTTING ON MAKEUP AND LIKING PINK THINGS REEEEEEEHappens like clockwork. The recent sperging in the vent thread pissed me off to unhealthy levels, like I always knew non-feminine women were disliked but the anons chimping out about butches being rapey scrote worshipers sounded unhinged.
No. 657559
>>657552The baby boom as of late seems to be getting to the worst people possible, especially couples with large age gaps and tons of other health/mental issues which is practically guarantee mental illnesses and more health problems but it's okay because uwu tradition and pregnancy is sexy and cute smh
It would be a fucking miracle is people actually cared about the quality of life of their children after they come out the womb instead of shoving their pregnancy and child in everyones face like its a fancy new bag
No. 657681
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>>657677there's this type of hpd having ~gncs~ who are having their bowties on a twist because of butch oppression even though 9 out of 10 they don't even look like the proper biker butch dykes most of those stereotypes are about
No. 657682
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I follow several hair stylists on social media and it honestly rubs me the wrong way when they complain about having to deal with people who have dyed their hair with box dye. like, isn't that part of your job?? why do they think they're entitled to have only customers with perfect virgin hair?
No. 657684
>>657682Not a hairstylist or anything, but my best guess is it has to do with bleaching. A lot of people bleach their hair and eventually end up slapping black box dye on top of it (myself included). That being said, when these same people end up in a salon chair hoping to get the color removed, they get upset about having to come back if it doesn't lift all the way. I'm not sure how high end the colorist in pic related is, but I feel like charging $100 alone for someone coming in with black box dyed hair
is a little excessive.
No. 657692
>>657682You're right. People are gonna fuck up their hair and come to you to fix it if you're a professional. It's part of the job.
Black hair dye sucks to remove, but she can charge more for time/resources so idk what she's bitching about. She can also just refuse to touch it if she hasn't got the skills to deal with it. I work in IT and see people fuck up their computer in dumb ways daily, you don't make them feel like shit for it or lecture them. You try to explain where they went wrong and resign yourself to some people aren't going to listen either way.
>>657690Short hair makes moids rage so much I love it. I hope Katy Perry never grows her hair out again kek
No. 657718
>>657712>>657713Clients with enough money have loopholes for everything.
Outside of that, yes, a strand test should be performed. A strand test isn't going to be predictable when you have multiple types of dye on your hair in different spots that may have varying degrees of staying power in the hair strand. Unfortunately, not all of the hair on your head is exactly the same. It can have different porosity or damage depending upon where on the shaft you're looking, or if that part of your hair is exposed more often to sun/heat damage. It's unpredictable and takes a long time to do carefully.
No. 658290
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Men who watch a large amount of mukbang videos of other men slurping noodles (or slurping in general) have bisexual leanings.
No. 658457
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So goddamn sick of seeing that Lirika strawberry dress everywhere. My first impression was that it was just ok. And I think its universal flattering-ness is way overestimated.
No. 658597
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I'm not a weeb but I prefer Japanese and Korean style makeup over cakey, contour heavy western styles.
No. 658616
>>658605No, not every therapist studies psychology. Like I said, a psychologist who becomes a therapist does.
Other therapists study mental health counseling and talk therapy. (I'd know, my mom's a mental health therapist). Yes, they could use some materials outlined with the DSM which heavily uses psychology I think but that's only for clinical health, which they need that to diagnose and prescribe (IF they even prescribe medication).
To put it concisely: a therapist does not need to necessarily know psychology at all. Like you said they're over paid to listen, most of them, and give advice. But that doesn't require psychology.
No. 658617
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>>658478>thinking women w/ long hair are automatically gender conformingthe retardation
No. 658651
>>658630So, I literally just called my mom and asked and she said you're right, therapists can't prescribe but
they can make a referral for their clients to get medication from a psychiatrist
No. 658672
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>>658670Only women with matted chest hair and faces like they were bashed in with bricks are true GNCs anyone else is an Elizabeth faking true Berthas rise up
No. 658679
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>>658675Why do you think calling someone gnc is an insult
No. 659048
>>659036I agree with you
Legs >>>>>>>> dirt with a piece of shit >>>>>> wings
No. 659085
>>659042What's with all the crazy vegans on this board lately
Go suck on a celery stick and calm down, damn
No. 659323
>>658562Same. I really don't want to hear about how you find bipolar and schizophrenia soooo interesting or about what mental disorders a killer has according to true crime podcasts. Also i don't want to hear about how depression is just a ~chemical imbalance~ again in my entire life please.
>>659295>The reason so many people think it doesn't hold a candle to more "concrete" scientific disciplines is that it's not always visible/tangible.Nta but not really, you can have studies and theories on other "invisible" things and still be taken seriously, people say psychology is not the same because it's built on a shakey foundation and psychologists still try to apply their knowledge to treatments with certainty when it has a profound effect on who we are as people.
A ton of people feel the same about psychiatry for example because doctors don't really know the ins and outs of what meds can really do to a patient and their mental state, they make an educated guess and change them along the way, but still they insist on categorizing and treating everyone like their current knowledge is absolute truth, when it has an even bigger effect on our lives, sometimes even forcibly.
The field is advancing for sure, but you can't really blame people for distrusting it right now and not wanting to be guinea pigs.
No. 659369
>>659295I'll admit I am not the most up to date on how the reproducibility crisis in psychology and the biomedical field are being tackled. I'll have to read about it more thoroughly.
But it's hard to take a discipline seriously when glaring mistakes were made and flawed results were held as scientific truths for decades. You don't see these kinds of faulty science in theoritical physics or chemistry where you can find tons of examples of predictive models that were only experimentally proven decades later. This is not more visible than what psychology is supposed to study, it's just more robust scientific thinking.
No. 659503
>>659199I like his stuff out of nostalgia at this point.
>>659084Everyone thinks this except for retarded film scrotes.
No. 659521
>>659036The drumettes and flats are just by products of breaking down a whole size chicken for their breasts, thighs, and legs.
I think it's a creative way to use up meat that used to be discarded ordinarily.
I love fat, skin, and gristle though, so I'm biased. I used to break down the chicken wings so greatly that after I'd eat the cartilage off the ends, I'd crack em open and suck out the marrow.
I'd use the drum bones as makeshift spoons and swirl them around in the leftover sauce to lick em clean. I savage the fuck out of them.
If yall ain't gonna eat your chicken wings you can send them to me~
No. 659674
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>>659667Instantly thought of Gimpgirl when I read that.
No. 659684
>>659677Ok and if/when they abuse a child obviously child protection agencies should get involved. But a woman sexualizing her own body during pregnancy and using their child as an 'accessory' isn't abuse and you can't take children away because someone MIGHT abuse them in future. It's not guaranteed and if the abuse hasn't actually happened yet wtf is the justification?
I'm not saying it isn't fucked up behaviour, I just think you're being flippant about the concept of removing children from their birth parents. There's a reason foster agencies always prioritize reconciliation with family over being fostered/adopted by a new one.
No. 659754
>>659667This is why Yumi King makes me sick recently, and why I fear for the children whenever a lolcow announces pregnancy in general.
I don't think many will be guilty of outlandish physical abuse, but I do believe they will exploit their children who cannot understand or consent for their own gain.
No. 660492
>>660483Every school has a guidance counselor, it's a requirement. What you mean is that everyone should be
told about their options to speak to one and should feel comfortable going.
No. 660500
>>660497They also were never really mandatory .
My unpopular opinion is that therapists in general only needing to get their masters is fucking scary. I feel like therapists should require just as much schooling as a doctor.
No. 660506
>>660500Why? Every therapy style is different, some of those people don't need doctorates. I think doctorates is a highly overhyped thing, especially in fields that require
emotional intelligence over just book smarts.
No. 660512
>>660505I think therapists and social workers are two sides of the same coin. You're either taking a gamble with someone who has less experience/education but might at least
try to be more inviting versus someone with more education but may act jaded/pompous. It makes me sad to hear people say they don't trust therapy anymore because their previous practitioners dismissed their problems without even a referral.
No. 660550
>>660505>>660503lol i plan to go to social work graduate school then be a private practice therapist. i only have to go to two years of grad school that will be easy as fuck and then i have the opportunity to do other other kinds of work besides therapy in case i need to. my parents are rich and have a lot of experience dealing with insurance, so starting a private practice won't be too difficult.
i'm looking forward to my future even though my undergrad gpa is shit and i'm weird as fuck.
No. 660588
>>660584This. Therapy never really helped me. I also felt betrayed by one of my therapists. When I was 18 she admitted she couldn't be my therapist anymore because she developed too emotional attitude towards me and she basically started projecting onto me her motherly feelings, I could literally tell she was getting offended when I constantly criticized my
abusive mother and she started implying it wasn't THAT bad because my mother didn't "starve or torture" me. She couldn't understand the source of my anger. So yeah.
No. 660613
>>660600Word anon
I can't even call it 'alt' anymore cause it's literally the normie fashion/attitude for zoomers/young millennials now kek
I unironically prefer scene kids and their autism to this
No. 660637
>>660628For me it depends on how pigmented it is. I hate super pigmented makeup in general, it's just way too much.
Looking like you lips are actually red colored though? Fuck yeah
No. 660856
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>>660851Ramona is a very well written and complex character, in the comics, and she's literally the opposite of egirls in many factors, the major one being that she genuinely hates being the center of attention and is a pretty lowkey person boyfriend-drama aside.
Cue in the whole Lisa arc when she's jealous she decides to isolate herself from scott and his group and just be alone with her own bad feelings.
No. 660883
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>hates attention >bottles her feelings, even to an unhealthy degree aka wouldn’t post sad ig stories complaining about a breakup>doesn’t attack other women or has pick me behavior, actually is nice enough to envy and tries to warn her boyfriend is a creep and cheater, doesn’t hold a grudge against Knives or Lisa.>the opposite of self centered, she’s seen as mysterious because she doesn’t like talking about herself, she even talks about this in the comic and how she’s not mysterious at all her boyfriend just doesn’t pay attention to the person she is on her day to day life.>good music tasteBasically egirls only see that she’s “desirable” and has dyed hair and go wow she’s literally me!! When they are much closer to Knives and Envy.
>>660869Literally this kek.
No. 660911
>>660906She’s very funny imo, her sense of humor is one of the highlights of the more down to earth moments of the comic.
But the whole point is that she’s as much a bad person as Scott is and they both deserve each other, they are both assholes but Ramona knows she’s one and Scott doesn’t.
No. 660924
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>>660572Winged eyeliner just makes me think of this
No. 660935
>>660934Isn’t the song meant to be dark and dissing early sexualization of girls in low income areas?
The videoclip even shows pedos as clowns.
No. 661153
>>661150That's because MSI makes a bunch of music like this. They've been misogynistic, said "nigga" in their covers talk about rape and murdering etc.
Of course no one is gonna talk about their music.
No. 661252
>>661243Fingers crossed, anon. Fingers crossed.
I'd also love it to happen with Bakugo/Izuku from My Hero Academia, for the wokefag "b-but
abusive!" twitter shitfits that'd ensue on top of all that, but I doubt it will.
No. 661254
>>661238nta but by album
1975: chocolate, sex, settle down, girls, robbers
I like it when you sleep: she's american, somebody else, the sound, paris, this must be my dream
A brief inquiry: give yourself a try, love it if we made it, tootime, sincerity is scary, its not living if its not with you
Notes on a conditional form: if you're too shy let me know, i think there's something you should know, tonight i wish i was your boy
No. 661257
>>656803>>661254original anon, I'll just give you my suggestions from their first album since gave good suggestions for some of their more well known/popularized songs.
12, The 1975, intro/set3, Antichrist
No. 661368
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I think the original FMA is better than Brotherhood.
No. 661660
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Can not wait for Hetalia to comeback
No. 661701
>>661693>>661507omg same, fuck this turd genre
>>661693how are they a minority? someone constantly posts about Muh Hero Acumdemia or some other retarded shit
No. 662078
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I don't like when people use celebrities who have struggled with some form of addiction in "minorities don't age, white people age like shit" memes. A lot of the examples I see include people like the Olsen Twins, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, etc. All those women have dealt with eating disorders/substance abuse issues for years which obviously contributed to how they aged and their looks. Acting like they're a normal example of ageing and comparing them to black celebrities who haven't lived as harsh of a lifestyle seems to invalidate the point being made; like duh of course they look better, it isn't that hard to age better than an addict. Plus it makes me uncomfortable to degrade a mentally ill person's looks.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 662095
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>>662078I think this is a very cherry picked example. Only because I know for sure most of the "minorities age better" doesn't always involve celebs with drug addictions. A lot of the time, the people they talk about are just literally old white people that look OLD, way older than they should be. Kellyann Conway for example. that's just my own experience though.
No. 662103
>>662078Whitney Houston was a drug addict, but she still didn't look as aged as some other celebrities. Honestly, everyone in Hollywood seems to be on some substance. It just shows on some more than others, sadly.
I agree it's unfair on the Olsen Twins, though. With the rest…eh. Everyone's been dishing it out on black women/girls since forever, I think white girls can handle their own medicine for a bit.
(don't racebait) No. 662221
>>662131I haven't tried apple butter, it doesn't seem popular in my country. Is it like apple sauce?
I want to add that fruit curd > jam. Lemon curd is the obvious best choice but I've also been eating passionfruit curd which is delicious. Jam is too sickly sweet and lumpy in comparison.
No. 662227
>>662221Like a thicker apple sauce you can spread, yes. You just reduce the apples until they're browned and concentrated. Depending where it comes from (southern US for example) it can be way too sweet.
It's not hard to make if you feel like experimenting. That way you can control the sugar input.
No. 662264
>>662260>It doesnt even look good on skinny women most of the time. This. Y2K fashion simply doesn't look good on anyone. The extremely low-rise pants and tight crop tops make anyone look stocky, the bell bottomed overly long, washed-out jeans make your legs look dumpy and short. Those t-shirts with short sleeves emphasize your arm flab and so forth. The only people who could somehow pull it off were the ones with long, thin limbs and a very very small waist and very narrow hips i.e. those who "lucked" out with bone structure. Being simply "thin" isn't enough.
Back when I was a teenager in the early 2000's the girls in my school dressed themselves in this style even though they knew they looked like dogshit in the clothes with their chub spilling all over the place, so a lot of them started starving themselves to reach the beauty standard of 2002. You had girls fainting because they hadn't eaten nothing but two rice crackers in three days. Shit was fucked up.
No. 662267
>>662264Yeah, I lived through that time as a teenager and got the lifelong body image issues and ED as a complimentary gift kek
It was so bad that even the people whose job it was to "look the part" struggled with it. Britney and Jessica Simpson were both really unhealthy, and Jessica was on constant starvation diets plus diet pills to just look right in those stupid clothes. Unless you really, really lucked out and were skinny, narrow, and built like a fucking Q tip, you looked terrible in those clothes.
No. 662275
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>>662267Same. It’s strange seeing the ‘revival,’ all of these pussy zoomers cry over everything and couldn’t handle the pressures of early 2000s diet culture, they’d call it
toxic and try to cancel anyone who bodyshamed them for showing off their lovehandles in a pair of holographic lowerises. If you weren’t rail thin you were harped at for having thunder thighs.
No. 662279
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>>662232they're focusing on the western y2k fashion that show's a fuck-ton of skin
you can probably pull off this outfit at 200 lbs, at least it'll be comfortable in the winter
No. 662280
>>662267>>662275Semi-blogposting but I was called a fatty because the trendiest girls of the school were literal skeletons and it caused me life-long body dysmorphia as well. Looking back on photos of myself from that time I was of perfectly healthy weight, skinny even. That's how bad it was back then, trends like "thicc" would have never existed in that environment. If you had even a bit of spillover from those lowrise pants you were deemed a fatass right there and then. Girls were bullied relentlessly for even the slightest amount of chub or even muscle.
And not only the extreme body standards, also you were expected to be a shallow mean girl obsessed with makeup, boys and looking good. As annoying as today's woke trend is at least intelligence and being insightful is valued much higher than it was during the Y2K dumb bitch phase. Zoomers idolizing the trends from that time have no idea how horrifying it was to live through those years, but at least it contributed to creating a lot of subcultures to counter it.
No. 662301
>>662250 the 2000s misogyny makes 1960s and 1970s misogyny look like a cake walk. Just look at the tropes used in movies and shows from then to the 2000s. There were far more intelligent characterized women or women with more diverse personalities other than "bimbo" or "freak" like in the 2000s. the 2000s was absolutely shit outside of the internet.
the 2000s was also a time where the really obnoxious internet/rl personalities we see today started to be normalized, like manchildren who base their whole identity off of childhood nostalgia or women who found it empowering to look/act like bimbos. african-american music/culture took a massive hit during this time as well for reasons that warrants its own discussion
No. 662488
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i think this is somewhat confirmed but i think t rexes had wings and feathers, not scales. their tiny arms would make sense
No. 662511
>>662232I say who gives a shit. Ladies here can be hella judgmental for no real reason. Let young girls express themselves the way that makes them feel good about themselves.
Shit I wore was tacky as a teenager too. I’m more of a sweatpants girl now.
No. 662529
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How tf are you people finding this fashionable. I’m even a zoomer and I don’t get it
No. 662536
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>>662529maybe not the color combos or uggs in your photo but I like the short shirts and layers. the jeans in picrel are nice too.
No. 662540
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>>662529not any of these anons but i don't think this is a good example? maybe mroe like this image. for skinny people at least.
No. 662554
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>>662485are you this same
triggered anon over fatties on /g/?
No. 662598
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>>662586Nah, it was definitely also tryhard, remember this was also the start of mean-spirited humor and obnoxious reality television like Jackass or South Park being prevalent in media. The last time stuff was actually tacky/fun and light spirited was in the 80s. it's actually kind of crazy to think about how the 2000s was just 20 years after the 80s kek
No. 662606
>>662280Now you're also expected to be a mean girl and sassy, especially online, but not TOO mean, otherwise that would be racist/transphobic/homophobic/fatphobic/ableist/
problematic/misogynistic/etc. At least back then when people were assholes they weren't as hypocritical about it as they are now.
No. 662615
>>662604I agree, French men also tend to be unfaithful assholes
American men are extremely patronising though and think they're the main character of everyone's life, so I can't stand them.
Germans are perverts who bring STDs home, Slavs are lazy and violent, Scandinavians have a superiority complex and pretend to be woke for pussy, Aussies… I don't know how anyone could hate themselves that much to ever touch one.
Wherever you go, scrotes are scrotes,just in slightly different flavours
No. 662634
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>>662630It's only scary if you think it's real. When I was Catholic the exorcism movies used to give me chills.
Now they're just renditions of severe mental illness and the incompetence of unqualified people trying to fix them. It makes me mad more than anything.
No. 662641
>>658457I think my biggest gripe with the dress is most people don't know how to style themselves so the dress looks horrible on almost everyone who wears it.
>far left has bland hair, an ugly septum and ugly glasses and lipstick>middle left decided black should be worn with the dress for whatever reason>middle right greasy weeb hair and checkered vans for whatever god forsaken reason>far right looks best overall but low ponytail could be sleeker and makeup could be worn for a better looksage for sperg
No. 662716
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>>662485I’m also skinny and straight figured but I find 60s fashion better for my body type than y2k
No. 662906
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>>662529I like the shirt Paris is wearing. Plus, she's tall/skinny like a model, so stupid clothes just look fun and ironic on her.
Otherwise, yeah, trainwreck.
Megan Fox looked pretty good in it, though this wasn't as
early in the early 2000s.
No. 662911
>>662615seconding aussie men are trash
"scrote flavour" is something i hate to read but also has me rolling, ty anon
No. 662925
>>656889i hate this shit so much. i cant remember the names of them but i love watching reality tv tattoo shows for the terrible art and knowing that that shit will forever be on someones body. that's sadistic i know
>>656954this is extremely retarded as has been noted
No. 662949
>>662556This can also be applied to underdeveloped women.
Men in general can just be gross as fuck. They get their dicks stuck in vacuum cleaners.
No. 663020
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>>662718I think this is accurate, I was in elementary/middle school during the 2000s and I do enjoy getting to wear clothes my younger self idolized before I was old enough to shop for myself lol (mostly I just like putting together outfits that I liked from my Bratz movies and games lmao). The stuff that was popular with zoomers at that time like Bobby Jack and Happy Bunny aren't coming back because zoomers want to leave them in the past just as much as millenials want to leave y2k in the past lol.
No. 663047
>>663033I'm a straight girl who watches gay porn sometimes (not into the hentai stuff tbh) and it's just hot to watch two
or more guys fuck. It doesn't feel "taboo" or anything, it's just sexy and the sometimes they do fun positions. Plus more penis.
in the other hand, I could also be pornsick considering some of the other things I find hot No. 663048
>>663033Well, to me is because when I look at straight porn, I can't fully enjoy it, or enjoy it at all, because no matter what type of porn I look up, it mostly centers on the girl and it doesn't give any attention to the guy, which is the one I am going to be attracted to. Sometimes they don't even bother to make him look somewhat attractive, but the woman has to be a 10/10 all the time, so it kinda misses the point for me. With Yaoi or gay porn at least 1 of the guys is attractive to me, so I enjoy it more than straight porn.
Also, because it's cute… UwU No. 663073
>>663033Sooo what's the "unpopular opinion"?
Imagine if you can look at pictures of food and taste them with your eyes. Sometimes I just want to taste the food and not actually eat it. It's like that.
I never have and never will feel the desire to self-insert in BL or in general. Self insert fiction just makes me feel encumbered with thoughts about how they are simply not me. In fact, it probably explicitly has do with how I can't project myself into a man that draws me to it. Straight/lesbian (I'm bi) romance stories often
really want you to project into one of the characters, I find that so mentally exhausting. BL fulfills all my needs voyeuristically. I find irl porn fucking repulsive.
No. 663093
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the mother's bruises are nauseating and this maniac needs to be in special ed.
it is not teachers or students responsibility to deal with violent, remorseless children.
acab and all but what else were they supposed to have done? the article is misleading.
people like this used to be put in insanitoriums. society is not required to tolerate bullshit like this which has resulted from lack of discipline. No. 663096
>>663093Considering how many disorders the kid has, its not even the mother's fault, dealing with something like this must be nearly unbearable, imagine trying to discipline a kid who you will just beat the shit out of you.
She shouldn't even be in a normal school, tard schools are a genuine nescessity, sometimes even group homes.
No. 663105
>>663096half the disorders listed arent even real
No. 663107
>>663106yes totally agree. if i found out on a scan that my child had any sort of disability i would abort.
women who knowingly procreate with genetics that are high chance of disability or severe impairment and tout their 'disability mom' status are fucking sick in the head. munchausens extreme.
No. 663114
>>663106There's a SVU episode where this old lady is looking after her 20-something year old daughter with down syndrome. The girl ends up pregnant and the mom tries to get her an abortion despite the girl wanting to keep it. In the episode the cops etc are telling the mom off saying the girl needs to be given a chance to raise her child etc.
Like what fuckig bullshit is that? The woman was in her 60s and knew she'd have to care for the baby but the tone of the episode was "downys can do what everyone else can if given a chance" but that's not fucking true.
No. 663154
>>663106> Even if parents want to make this choice and raise a kid like that, what's gonna happen after they die? You gonna force siblings to take care of that person? Extended family who never wanted that?They become wards of the state in my country. Shipped off to facilities ripe with abuse, as you can imagine.
My aunt had/has a severe developmental delay, I don’t remember what it was, but she needed round the clock care and my grandparents had no money or time for that so that’s what they had to do.
I remember visiting her as a child and it was really sad because she never remembered anyone - she couldn’t really talk much. I don’t think my grandmother even saw her in the last 15 years of her life although I think she might have talked on the phone to her sometimes. I don’t know if my mom even thinks about her now. We certainly never talk about her.
That’s the sad reality of it, anyway. People say every human life has value, and that’s true in a sense- until it comes time to take care of someone who can’t care for themselves. Then everybody fucks off, has their own lives, they can’t possibly do it, let the government handle it- all the while voting for fuckers who cut budgets for care, ignoring shit conditions for these people and the emotional/financial toll on families.
No. 663236
>>663233I don't idolize him, but I definitely think he deserves the fame he has. His lyrics are genuinely beautiful, he's a very talented musician and vocalist, and he puts on a great live show. Like, he got to where he is due to his talent, not hype or nepotism imo.
He's also super sweet and has soft hands, have met him twice kek.
No. 663434
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>>663414Flossing really sucks at first because of the bleeding, it takes some time before you get to like it and I'm sure tonnes of people give up before that point.
I got braces and I kinda miss flossing with string. But water flossing is also super satisfying, and so is sticking these things between my teeth.
No. 663446
>>663443You could just clean your teeth earlier, and it doesn't take long with practice. I have a weird way of doing it where I thread the string across my mouth and do two teeth at once on opposite sides, it's pretty quick.
I can't blame people for not wanting to floss because for a long time I didn't either and I started and stopped so many times, but eventually I just had to suck it up and make it a daily habit. It's really important for your oral hygiene, I consider it on par with drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, exercise etc. You just have to do it whether you like it or not.
No. 663663
>>663576doctor who sucks at
kek No. 664013
>>663576Everyone around me fucking
loved the show and kept saying "just watch one episode and you'll be hooked!" because that's all it took for them. I watched multiple episodes from the 9th and 10th doctor and couldn't give a rat's ass about the show. After a break up I was on somewhat good terms with my ex who fucking loved the show and I finally got into it with the 11th doctor, but honestly I'm not sure if I actually just finally found a doctor I liked, or if it's because I was just forcing myself to like it for her lol. I know a lot of people around me hated 11th even though I enjoyed him, so it really made me question if I thought it was good and I just had trash taste or if my unhealthy obsession with my ex made me overlook how bad 11th supposedly was.
No. 664059
>>664034The only thing I remember was my friends sperging out about me writing dr who because "it's not dr who! it's doctor who! stop writing it like that!"
No clue as to why, it was just annoying
No. 664066
>>664065Oh I agree, fruity candies are very good and somehow it's as if chocolate candy is default. I think caramel candy is also underrated
>>664059I watched doctor who when I was a kid and I forgot almost everything about it except for daleks because my mom keeps telling this awful joke and laughing at it like crazy: "a dalek asks his son: what do you want to be when you grow up? And the son says: a doctor!"
No. 664183
>>664179nothing pisses me off more than someone thinking they've figured me out from my sign. It's funny when I tell them and it's not at all what they guessed. But it's easy to adjust their preconceptions because horoscopes are made to be vague.
god but why would you live that way? must be boring to view people in types. gives a sense of false certainty I guess. Theyre always so smug
No. 664252
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>>663576Sort of related but I guess an unpopular opinion is that I prefer the earlier seasons of the show compared to the new ones. It wasn't as obnoxious/cheesy and it had some good cinematography. The only problem is their pacing was really slow and a lot of the episodes were just completely lost with time.
No. 664323
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I think Emrata is really beautiful. Idk what she's like as a person, maybe terrible, but I was honestly surprised to read that a lot of anons find her ugly or strange looking. If I'm going by looks alone, she's 100% girlfriend material.
No. 664340
>>664163>>664169>>664176>>664179Astrology fag here lol. It's fun hobby for me.
Looking at ancient cultures in the middle east, europe and asia it's interesting how devoted they were to the practice (obviously they're different iterations from what we see in the West today). Particularly in asia I noticed astrology is still widely practiced. The ancients tended to be highly learned in astronomy as well. In antiquity these subjects were considered twin disciplines.
I'm also a history fag lol. No. 664345
>>664323if she toned down the lip fillers
the trend needs to die
No. 664556
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>>664323Depends on how she's styled
No. 664573
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>>664323She looks better now after her nosejob
No. 664574
>>664560>no emotionsI'd argue sometimes women just don't develop emotions for men they sleep with and that's 100% okay, we shouldn't be made to feel like whores if we sleep with someone and don't really want much more to do with a scrote than that. Sometimes good dick is just good dick.
>its ok to be treated with 0 respectNot all sex is degrading sex, but I will concede that the types of girls who are getting into hookup culture have been groomed to have 0 boundaries and are shamed to be passive about male transgressions on themselves.
>no dates, and he won't payThis is a problem in general even for women who are 'prude' and want to be taken on dates and be treated seriously. Men are just lazy and cheap fucks. Women are conditioned to accept this lest we be labeled as golddiggers.
>all women are objectsI don't know a feminist who really says this. This is mostly a man thing.
>>664561Nah, this is the type of feminism that cropped up from women getting dragged as sluts and prostitutes because they dared to enjoy sex.
Objectifying women, not giving them due respect, and not paying for dates is largely perpetuated by scrotes. Feminism can't be blamed for everything.
No. 664629
>>664574>we shouldn't be made to feel like whores if we sleep with someone and don't really want much more to do with a scrote than that.I do agree with this in theory, but I can't imagine casual sex being worth it for women. There's way more risk than reward. Pregnancy is solely the woman's responsibility and men will rarely suggest condoms without you insisting, or they'll whine about having to use one because muh sensitivity.
Most guys will talk a big game about ~loving to eat pussy~ or something and still wind up being disappointing. Then you have the chance of them being absolutely crazy and becoming violent if you back out for some reason, or wanting some kind of violent sex that they coerce you into doing. Getting an orgasm or two (at best) just isn't worth it.
No. 664640
>>664633That's another problem too, guys in casual relationships will treat you like a girlfriend without committing. They'll text you all the time, tell you all their stupid baggage, ask for advice, ask you out, blur the lines constantly, but you're the crazy one if you think you're in a relationship.
Ideally, there wouldn't be any blurred lines and both people could enjoy casual sex, but it doesn't work like that in most cases. Most of these guys want a temporary girlfriend until they find someone better.
No. 664647
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This movie isn't that good.
No. 664664
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>>664647It's worse than the Cameron Crowe film with Orlando Bloom and Paula Deen.
No. 664710
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>>664573I'm so dumb, I was just about to post this picture going, "OMG, she looks just like Emily Long Last Name!"
Then I looked at the file name. I thought "Emrata" was a whole nother celebrity.
No. 664723
>>664719picky eating doesn’t bother me per se, I get that some people are raised poorly but god picky eaters who say
ew to everything instead of just keeping their mouths shut are insufferable yes
No. 664900
>>664719omg my mom used to be so mean to me when I didn't eat the food she made or something someone at a party made
NOW the Boomers are picking literal vegetable pieces out of my salads and looking me in the face, "OH WE DON'T LIKE X. TEEHEE."
No. 664971
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>>664933this, we stan longnose tallking
No. 664975
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religious people are stupid, most of them are antycovid,flat earthers,pro life ect. i live in poland so most of the people here are like that.i hate it here,kurwa!
No. 664997
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>>664870if you have a short attention span
>>664933have an rcdart kylo
No. 665148
>>665017>>664971>>664973>>664933Why are straight women like this? It's always the ugliest men you guys want to shill as attractive. I bet you're the same people who insisted Tom Hiddleston is hot all over the internet years ago.
The Jojifags will probably pop up soon to make this thread even more disgusting. Hate this shit.
No. 665155
>>665147don't think it's bad in generalities and not be too specific, like how there were anons confessing they had developed them during the pandemic without being too explicit as to who the guy was. if too specific it can come across as bait-y though
>>665148don't personally find the unholy trinity attractive but could care less if someone else did. like it's their taste, i may not agree with it but as long as it's not delving into delusional territory
No. 665158
>>665148Show us your supreme taste in men then. We straight women clearly need an les/bifags to teach us how to straight correctly.
>I bet you're the same people who insisted Tom Hiddleston is hot all over the internet years ago. wrong
No. 665163
>>665142I don't, though. I've talked about him in /g/ where appropriate. That's what I meant by not taking it to other boards.
>>665158>Show us your supreme taste in men then. We straight women clearly need an les/bifags to teach us how to straight correctly.NTA but you absolutely do if you're one of the driverposters kek
No. 665169
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>>665163>NTA but you absolutely do if you're one of the driverposters kekok, this happens right after we teach lesbians/bis what carpet to munch on. Fuck off
(stop infighting) No. 665175
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>>665169cranky because you're straight, aren't you?
(stop infighting) No. 665329
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Praising fat people like this is like glorifying anorexia. It’s great as a brand that they’re displaying their plus size on actual plus size ppl but it’s still not healthy to look like this. I don’t know if normalizing looking super big/small should be promoted
No. 665342
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>>665329It's weird how there's such a disconnect between models in fashion advertisements. They're either anachans, IG wisdom tooth-shaped baddies, or deathfats. It's not really representing anyone but the extreme minority.
I wish there were more "average" women in these kind of ads, like models who are shorter, rectangle body shapes, or slightly overweight without being 500 lbs, etc.
No. 665349
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>>665342Places like Aerie/American Eagle and Target are pretty good for using normal women to model their clothes and not shooping them. I think the Girlfriend Collective and some place called Showpo will show models of multiple sizes trying on the same thing as well. You’re so right, though, it’s annoying as a whole.
No. 665370
>>665359Follow up everything he says by asking the person he interrupted to repeat the last thing they said because you didn't hear it, be shameless like him but use that power to give people their voice back
You can also suggest to your professor that everyone should keep their mics muted until they have something to say, it reduces feedback noise
No. 665382
>More women should be size queens, actually all women should, to the extent of cheating or leaving their boyfriends and husbands for men with larger and better dicks, encouraging their daughters to exclusively date big dicked men, calling everything below 9 inches small, and penis enlargement surgery centers should be everywhere but men should be discouraged from having the surgery while their wives cheat with men who have had it
>salmon and ahi are the only good tasting fish that doesn't need to be smothered to death with seasonings, breadcrumbs, fries, oils, sauces, etc
>eyelashes can make or break brown eyes
>if you determine if someone was ugly by bad candids then every person is ugly
>people who are above 20 and refuse to leave their hometown for even a day or two assuming they have the financial and physical ability to are stupid and weak
>people who only communicate/hang out/go out with their SOs suck, looking at you girls who ghosted all their girl friends after high school
>people who see crowded stores or other areas and still go in are stupid unless you absolutely have to or work several jobs/go to school/etc and only have very few hours a day to go shopping
>people willing to wait half an hour are stupid
>if it turns out the carol baskin murder thing is true, I support her or any other woman for killing cheating husbands
>people who aren't fat but fuck/date fatties are contributing to the obesity epidemic by showing fatties it's okay to be fat because they can still get laid
No. 665398
>>665396Presumably anon has shit spatial awareness, most people cannot estimate size that well. I dont think people realize how rare 8-9+ inches is, most people will consider 7 big when faced with it.
I agree with anon's sentiment though. I think the important thing is that men should anticipate a woman's inevitable disappointment if he has a small d, and lower his standards accordingly. A 10/10 with a micropenis should aim for a 5/10 girl at best, for example, because he's not actually equal to a 10/10 girl.
No. 665406
>>665382>people who aren't fat but fuck/date fatties are contributing to the obesity epidemic by showing fatties it's okay to be fat because they can still get laidThis feels aimed at fat women cause everyone knows an obese dude has nothing to offer and isn't getting laid anyway.
Women don't operate like cumbrains, in case you weren't aware.
No. 665409
>>665398I can agree with both of those, im personally good with sizing stuff by eye so maybe that's where im coming from, micropenis should genuinely be considered one of those "oh my god im so sorry for you yikes" conditions, like severe burns.
>>665400Eh I don't know, I briefly dated a guy who was 8.5, measured with a rule because everyone i know that knows him treats it as something of a party novel to gawk at, and it was horrible, even missionary was uncomfortable.
No. 665412
>>665409you were probably just tense, vaginas are supposed to be stretchy and flexible
>>665406depends, I live in the south and fat guys are praised. Hopefully no anons come in and say my experiences don't count but I have definitely been close and met women who encouraged men to be overweight, especially at my old job were like 5 girls were crushing on a morbidly obese guy and some said he "wasn't that big" even though he was almost 300 kek
No. 665419
>>665412>especially at my old job were like 5 girls were crushing on a morbidly obese guy and some said he "wasn't that big" even though he was almost 300 kekWell was the guy tall and facially attractive? Good genetics can be alluring even if someone doesn't control what they eat.
However I refuse to believe women are giving ugly manlets with titties bigger than theirs a chance.
No. 665421
>>665419>Well was the guy tall and facially attractive?he was average tall (like 5'11) and had an average face, that being said the point the anon I was replying to making (b4 any samefag fights start) was that obese men can't get laid period, obese men get laid all the time, but if you're obese, short, ugly and poor then just like the rest of the 2/10s good luck with catering to fat fetishists if you're too lazy to lose weight
>However I refuse to believe women are giving ugly manlets with titties bigger than theirs a chance.well no shit, anyone who looks like a complete goblin isn't going to do well in the dating field unless they have money, a good personality can only get you so far but if your physical appearance is vomit-inducing then I don't see what it means to anyone if people won't date you
No. 665434
>>665424most people who do that are just white trash, especially if you live in an area like most parts of america where jobs are hard to get, shitty paying and the wage to price of living comparison is horrible
I also notice a lot of white trash people have scewed morals, as in they'll be okay with
abusive or cheating relationships, molestation and so on but flip out over little things like elbows on the table or girls wearing shorts
No. 665436
>>665424That sounds hellish, but I don't want to deal with my grandparents.
>>665425Pretty glad I can't take massive dick, personally. It's better to just find someone that actually fits with your body.
No. 665439
>>665382>More women should be size queens, actually all women should, to the extent of cheating or leaving their boyfriends and husbands for men with larger and better dicks, encouraging their daughters to exclusively date big dicked men, calling everything below 9 inches small, and penis enlargement surgery centers should be everywhere but men should be discouraged from having the surgery while their wives cheat with men who have had itnow this is a real unpopular opinion and I agree. Men have no issues scrutinizing female bodies but god forbid you like a big dick
if it hurts, it's bc you're not properly turned on. its 2020 and women still have no idea the cervix rises out the way when you wanna really get dicked down
No. 665449
>>665439Idg people saying that big cocks hurt. If you're super into it and you're wet it's not going to hurt.
The issue is the scrote you're fucking
No. 665451
>>665382>encouraging their daughters to exclusively date big dicked menI can't be the only one who thinks this would be weird and creepy right?
Anyway, some women really just don't like big dicks, even if it doesn't hurt them. The cheating thing is the only thing I disagree with. No women should settle for dicks that aren't to their liking.
No. 665466
>>665455How many men are rly packing 9 tho? Like when you see an alleged 9 inch dick, is it an actual 9 or does it just look like a 9
Shit, idk if you saw the dick of that black guy Jeffree star allegedly fucked, that thing was GROTESQUE. my cervix would've needed to take a bus to the next town to fit that shit in
No. 665498
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Im so glad I am not attracted to men
No. 665511
>>665508this opinion is so controversial, I feel myself being cancelled vicariously
but I agree. sometimes they'll even admit it in safe spaces lol
No. 665515
>>665512It would be easier if lesbians didn't start with this shitty argument everytime bisexuals are concerned.
Bi women end up with men because its easier, family doesn't nag them, society is more welcoming, the list goes on, it has nothing to do with attraction being real or not.
No. 665528
>>665515no one cares.
>>665522anon,ur right and not alone. I wish bisexuals would stfu. liberals have made lesbians existing a controversial opinion lmao
>>665525everyone's on the internet now, boomer. internet opinions shockingly belong to people irl
anyway, unpopular opinion: men getting circumcised is to protect themselves from themselves since most scrotes barely wash, needing to wash their dick so they don't get dickrot would be too hard. jokes about Europeans being stinky make sense if you consider all the fucking dickcheese hiding
No. 665530
>>665525Opposite experience, I live in liberal hell. I sperged a bit there
pms but I feel so tired.
No. 665533
>>665530Damn anon, you're swedish or canadian?
I live in a more conservative area and most bisexuals I know are chill as fuck, I mostly hangout with a LGBT crowd and the consensus is that homosexuals and trannies are most opressed, its a place where trannies can get murdered if they look the wrong direction tho.
To be honest I feel live over-liberalness actually created a huge infighting on the LGBT community in general, the straights aren't opressing us anymore so we have to be opressing eachother in some way so we can still complain kek.
No. 665572
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When I see things like this on any site, all I can think is that it's some sort of humiliation tactic on the model.
There's no way they thought this looked good. Not the photographer, not the model, not whoever picks out the "best" photos.
No. 665580
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>>665572you think if they'd photograph a girl whose not "model" size they'd at least pick an appropriate outfit, the material on that skirt looks so cheap and tacky. pic inset is a better example of that type of style that actually fits the "larger" models body type
No. 665582
File: 1604371338152.png (599.29 KB, 603x844, nope.png)

>>665572>There's no way they thought this looked good.Babe you're shopping on DollsKill, the majority of those clothes look like shit on anybody and it's clear the demographic of people buying these clothes aren't exactly concerned if they come off as traditionally attractive.
What you posted is tame.
No. 665589
>>665582A skinny girl in an edgy sort of look doesn't really feel the same as completely ill-fitting clothes on a plus-sized woman, though.
The latter looks like it's meant to be painted as cute and sort of conventionally attractive (some of DK's stuff is like that, even normie celebrities sometimes wear things from them), but then they refused to even put the girl in a decent skirt.
>>665580 would've looked fine and fit their aesthetic.
Shit like the blue skirt just has a spiteful feeling about it, somehow.
No. 665596
>>665589The skinny girl looks like shit, anon.
You're reading into it way too much.
No. 665601
>>665582On another note why does it seem like so much modern fashion is purposely unflattering?
At least with the unflattering emo styles of the 2000s it was comfortable, all this looks unflattering and uncomfortable kek oh and don't even get me started on modern fashion shows
No. 665608
>>665605Anon they put her in unflattering body suit that makes her look like a titless tranny and then made her wear accessories that make her look even worse and then gave her horrorcow makeup in post-edit such as red shit on her lips that looks like herpes infection.
You can believe DollsKill secretly likes to dunk on fatties, or that generally the site selling OnlyFans women poorly marketed fashions probably doesn't have the best tastes and doesn't care.
No. 665676
>>665582This looks like an addict who stole her younger sister's jazz class leotard and didn't realize it was too small. She looks like she has a massive front wedgie and the beanie gives her head a special brand of bulbous. Saying it's meant to be ugly and look like shit doesn't protect it against people saying it looks ugly and like shit.
You could easily argue the plus size model was given unflattering clothes cause the intention is to be body inclusive and show off her girth on purpose, therefore it's not shit cause they meant for her to look that way.
You all look like shit.
No. 665686
>>665623Yep she did nothing wrong. The only reason I worry for hookers that steal from Johns is how violent moids get but Cardi was drugging them kek smart moves
I like how reddit twisted it into "she raped them" based solely on the fact that's what they would have done.
No. 665699
>>665382>people who only communicate/hang out/go out with their SOs suck, looking at you girls who ghosted all their girl friends after high schoolb-but anon!! relationships should go
above everything else in your life!!!!!! you should devote your ENTIRE BEING to living for your SO or it's not ~true wuw~ uwu
Seriously, I've seen so many doormat women sperging about this shit and how they should be able to ghost their girlfriends and not keep in contact once in a relationship because "a true friend" would endure going on for a year without so much as a phone call and still stay loyal. These are the people who will have a mental breakdown once they break up and then abuse all their "friends"' emotional resources for comfort shortly before repeating the process. No fam, you can fuck right off, I'm not setting myself up for a fun girls night only to have you cancel because you'd rather hang out with boo tonight.
If you're going to ditch all your friends in favor of some scrote then you better accept that they won't be there waiting for you later. Thank god this is mostly limited to women in their 20s, once in the 30s you realize that there are so many things to life than just your romantic relationship. One of my closest friends did this shit when we were in our early 20s and it ruined our friendship for a very long time until she finally learned that you don't have to spend every waking minute with your boyfriend and you can have separate lives.
No. 665872
>>665780Same thing happened to me anon.
Whenever I get a bf I automatically get invited to hang out less even though the frequency in which I chat and reach out doesn't really change. Male orbiters masquerading as friends are especially the ones to dip the soonest.
Tbh I don't really believe all anons who claim their girlfriends go quick to ignore them. It's likely the case that they presume their friends would rather hang out with their men more, and therefore don't bother asking them and interacting as they usually would. Yet they chalk up the dropped effort to the friends rather than face the guilt that maybe they themselves caused some of the rift.
Idk it seems to me that friends who assume this aren't very good friends to begin with and they just needed an excuse to make the other person seem like a dick to justify distancing.
No. 665885
>>665705I think sometimes anons have wires cross in their heads and they think every picture they see by a post is some representation of the poster (or at least some aspect of their being). I've seen it happen before.
It seems like a subconscious thing, sort of like how scrotes see anime reaction pics and start to think of the person using them as a cute girl with huge eyes.
No. 666167
>>666105>People like that are always more successful and happyI think you're forgetting that there's a difference between people who are legitimately happy and people who pretend they're happy because they want people who are honest about their identity and their life to feel jealous of their fake happiness. People who don't care about anything but achieving pleasure and happiness at the expense of others can never be truly happy because they will never be satisfied with what they have enough to feel happiness. They will always want more, therefore, will always yearn for the "happiness" they want but can't reach.
>>666158“Do not feel envious of the happiness of those who live in a fool’s paradise, for only a fool will think that it is happiness.” ― Bertrand Russell
>>666164I imagine she wishes she was one of those people.
No. 666738
>>666727A guy just has to cum to make a child, while a woman has to sustain one inside her body for 9 months, bear all the physical/emotional/social changes that come with that, and finally push an entire living baby out of her vagina. Imagine pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of an unblown balloon.
"Equal" my ass.
No. 666959
>>666853They're too busy calling those women crazy mooches
>>666738this, on top of that men get to leave at anytime or even get custody if they actually try to get custody instead of handing the baby over to the mom and bitching about how inequal custody rates are
No. 666980
>>666727men apparently love their kids so much yet diddle and abandon them at alarming rates kek
i would laugh in a mans face if he told me he was hurt by an abortion. should have worn a condom or got the snip before spooging inside someone when you weren't sure if they would want to carry your baby or not.
No. 667048
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I love tripp pants, JNCO jeans, flare jeans, low rise wide leg jeans, and all bizarre wide-legged pants. Tripp pants are my favorite, I own a pair I got a while ago and if I could afford to buy more I would.
No. 667069
Tripp did a collab with iheartraves and I'm so mad the good shit sold out.
No. 667105
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BBQ potato chips are absolutely disgusting and I don't know why everyone loves them so much.
No. 667125
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>>667048I used to have these Tripp pants in the mid 2000's, but eventually gave them to Goodwill. I've been trying to find them again online for the past few years with shit luck. Earlier this year I found them in just a size too big, but I was broke so I couldn't get them on the spot. By the time I got paid they were already gone.
I love Tripp pants.
No. 667126
>>666713You have faggots in the military like Mike Pompeo that call themselves pro-life, I'm like excuse me but don't you KILL for a living? Fucking moron kek. He's a "Christian" too.
>>666727They can have a seat at the table but mom gets the final word. Certain people can't wrap their minds around the fact that a fetus grows inside a woman's womb and hence is part of the woman's body until birth. This is too complex a concept for some people apparently.
No. 667128
>>666959>men get to leave at anytime True. This is why older, wiser societies were matrilineal.
>>666980I love the people who say things like "abortion isn't a form of birth control/women should keep their legs closed" but NEVER say anything about a man keeping his dick in his pants lol.
No. 667273
>>667262To be fair, the same section of autistic people seems to take Great Offense to any hint of disapproval at their shitty, offensive, hurtful behaviour, bc they just behave differently than neurotypicals and that must be accepted as such without criticism or question, I guess?
Far cry from the nonverbal, violently tantruming autist kids, but still. It's not all just "being different" that requires "acceptance and love" - I feel like a lot of autists and aspergers people especially get a free pass for being shitty because "that's just the way they are", and that makes people resent the whole group wholesale.
No. 667274
>>667248That would make life so much easier to most of us. I have aspergers and it’s not a fun, quirky ride with lots of cool facts about trains and shit. I wish I was normal with normal hobbies and likes, but It’s difficult and sometimes trying to stop being like how I am feels wrong and tiresome.
I’ve been around kids with actually deep autism and downs, sure, some of them can be really sweet and smart. But some of them are, to be really fucking honest, disgusting to say the least and it’s frustrating because some of them just have no idea of what the fuck is going on.
No. 667295
>>667273i was also diagnosed as an adult and what i felt most of my life was just confusion. people often get offended by what we say but instead of explaining why, they just treat us poorly. im aware that we might sound like rude bitches to most neurotypical people but we just dont realise it.
i dont really agree with
>>667288 cause in my case, if i had known i had asperger's i wouldn't have doubted myself so much and felt that the abuse i recieved from other people was justified "because i was just a blunt bitch/ shitty person". but it benefitted me in the sense that i had to learn how to mask better and i'm a somewhat functional human being
No. 667566
>>667564I agree with you generally speaking and
>You need to hear those people in order to be able to criticize them and prove them how wrong they are, and others should be able to witness exactly why. You shouldn't have to hear/engage without inviting it, ie randos in your inbox or on your FB if you still have one for god knows what reason, but yeah. I don't think living in an echo chamber does anyone any good, hearing the worst of the worst takes and talking about it, as long as both parties are in good faith, is very productive imo.
No. 667629
>>667613do you have some arguments besides "oh my feee feees"?
>>667627that's correct if you're basing your opinion on retards from youtube. I've seen a substantive and cultural discussion with holocaust denialistst (one of whom was jewish himself btw)
No. 667776
>>667723Just read the Wiki about this case and damn, they really gave her a life sentence for eliminating an
abusive leech on society?
It's obvious her mom was a lazy cow who didn't want to work and thought it better to fleece peoples' sympathies through lying about her daughter being a handicapped potato with a bunch of maladies. Her child was nothing but a welfare check to her.
They ought to give Gypsy a medal.
No. 667786
>>667782Being a
victim doesn't stop someone from being a cow.
No. 667837
>>667782I can understand what you mean to an extent, but at some point she needs to be held accountable as an adult just like every other human being on this planet.
Did she have a poor childhood due to her narcissistic mother? Yes. Are there traumas from that that make her life more difficult? Sure.
That said,
>nearly dying to surgery that was linked to an eating disorderNo, I feel bad for you because you really bought into the lies she told about this. Her mother was long gone at this phase and she had Manaki who was supporting her at the time. Venus claims he threatened to divorce her if she got the stomach surgery, but why should he have doormatted for a procedure that was going to debt him and make her seriously ill? For another thing, no one forced weight loss surgery on her. She made the decision to go to a surgeon. In a country where this surgery is unethically given to non-overweight women who wouldn't qualify for this in other countries that actually prioritize the health of a woman over her waistline. This decision was not a typical ED impulsive action like throwing up a meal or methodically avoiding a
trigger food. This required planning, rumination, and a commitment to lie. The reason why those surgeries are supposed to be given only to those with severe obesity issues is because it's a matter of obese people dying prematurely if their bodies aren't drastically changed. In order for those people to qualify they must seek dietary counseling, must be cleared of EDs, and need to adhere to the rules of their new digestive systems lest they are warned of the consequences.
The reason why Venus's gastric bypass went wrong is because she popped her stitches on her reduced stomach while binge eating, which happens to obese people who get the surgery but lie to doctors about having their eating habits under control. She made a video (now deleted) where instead of taking responsibility for what happened, she tried to make it seem like it was all the doctor's fault that she malingered for an unnecessary surgery where she couldn't be assed to follow the dietary rules.
Then she made up another giant lie for sympathy by claiming ignorance that she didn't know they were going to remove her gallbladder (and claims appendix too), when that's actually a common routine in bariatric procedure. She would have been advised of it beforehand, but obviously she didn't pay attention. Patients often find themselves having to remove those organs years later anyway as what happens when they get gallstones and chronic inflammation from one's altered post-bariatric body. What's funny is that she expects her audience to be so fucking dumb to not realize those surgeons did her a fucking favor. Do you seriously believe for a second Venus would ever shut up if someone took out an organ against her will? The reason why that video is gone is because shit didn't add up sis. She lied for sympathy and you ate it up. Lying for attention is an unfortunate narcissistic 'flea' she picked up from her mother.
Yeah, this is a sperg but this specifically is so shameful. We make fun of women on this site who get unnecessary cosmetic surgeries that go botched–they too have mental illnesses. And yet you endlessly simp for this woman who had to be asian-thin no matter the cost, and schemed her way into a serious surgery that's supposed to only be reserved for people with actual health problems. There are consequences she's responsible for now, and this you argue is off-limits to make fun of. Really?
I bet you think her OnlyFans isn't her fault either.
No. 667873
>>667837All I said was that I thought she was a
victim and that I hope she doesn’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Where did I simp?? Your hateboner for her is embarrassing, borderline obsessive and I can only assume you need to take your meds. Just because she had a fucked up upbringing doesn’t mean she’s free of criticism but I don’t think she deserves to live the shittiest life imaginable. This thread is for an unpopular opinion. Calm the fuck down and go sperg in her thread.
No. 667892
>>667821So far I've been through innumerous male forums and imageboards and haven't seen threads made specifically to bash ppl, doesn't mean they don't exist, it's just I don't see it. These websites weren't made for gossip too
>>667826There's some insightful discussions here, not as much the retarded ones. I used to participate in the gc and terfy threads and it got pretty redundant after a while.
>>667842Doesn't matter. Except for ot, this board is shitty af. You sure have a lot of time to waste following cow's lives
No. 667913
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>>667330USfag here. Sorry anon. Most of us are only in it for the memes. Can't wait to see how many people didn't vote this year.
No. 667919
>>667564>I also agree with Noam Chomsky that even holocaust denialists should be allowed to speak their mindsIn the US criticism of Israel tends to be discouraged mostly because of the billions of dollars the US govt "invests" in their military every year. The Israeli govt has most US politicians in its back pocket - most of them happily bend over.
I think more people should stop being afraid of being "edgy" and speak their minds more often. I'd also like to see more rational discourse without people screaming in each others faces like chimps.
No. 667979
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I don't give a fuck about morality of BJD recasts and people that buy them. Let them enjoy their Aliexpress dolls. Bootlegs exist for literally every costly consumer product, BJDs aren't special. Get over yourself.
No. 667990
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>>667923Costa Rica is one of the oldest democratic countries and they have compulsory voting, so nah.
>>667927In 2016 46.6% Americans chose not to participate, using your studied expertise on American demographics this would mean nearly half of Americans live under the poverty line.
America is several trillions of dollars in debt, debt that you, your children and their children and their children's children will never pay off. Anyway I hope you like whoever the electoral college chooses for you this year like they have for the last 20.
No. 668094
>>668084I can start a collection
and kill a huge company? Nice!
No. 668653
I hate how people are pretending like Politicians haven't been using rappers/athletes to get black votes/attention on both sides, since forever. I'm sick of people whining about 50 cent and ice cube, saying, "They are so racists! Rappers don't represent us!" Ignoring the fact Biden literally sat down with Cardi B and the history of the left ALSO using rappers/entertainers. Jay z and Beyonce endorsed Hilary heavily. People praised Cardi B, but now it's so horrible because Trumps doing the same thing thats been done since forever?
I'm a leftie and I voted for Biden, but it's the hypocrisy that kills me. They've been doing this shit for years. I have no issues with Athletes, but the fact they go to people who make music about killing, selling drugs,gangs, selling ass and promote shit that actively ruins the black community and then go, "Hey so what do you think we can do to fix it?" is crazy.
No. 668673
File: 1604756494445.png (964.93 KB, 1920x1080, Kaworu_on_Hand_(Rebuild)…)

I recently watched Rebuilds and I think they're way better than the original Tv-release or EoE.
The animation, music, plot and pacing. Everything is just so refined, I don't understand how people can even rewatch original evas anymore
No. 668791
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>>668673the only reason i prefer original eva to rebuild is nostalgia and asuka. i cherish her character so much in NGE, its not even funny. reubuild!asuka is great in her own way, and i also love that kaworu got more screentime, but nothing beats her character arc in NGE for me.
No. 669020
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>>669005>>668950Kaworu is the only one who can handle Shinji. He’s also interesting instead of some coomer fantasy girl.
No. 669208
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>>668665Politicians only exist to be memed.
no I didn't edit his face#
No. 669212
File: 1604817850715.gif (969.94 KB, 320x240, tenor (2).gif)

>>669195Come join us heathens anon
No. 669221
>>667927>the system isn't there to helpYou said it. Did you know that people fleeing
abusive partners/family can be tracked down by their abusers through voter registration records? Like no thanks ballot box I'd rather not get murdered.
No. 669362
>>669221This happened to me. My full address was listed on some peoplesearch website and my ex-husband was able to find it and called me for weeks.
I was so fucking angry.
No. 669609
>>669600Same. Whenever I try to envision characters from book descriptions I just substitute in another person or character from TV/movies, usually ones that don't look anything like the description.
The funny thing is I'm an artist and I have pretty good visualization for my own pictures and ideas, I just can't do it for other people.
No. 669612
>>669561Not dyslexic, but I heavily suspect I'm on the spectrum or have some kind of ADD. I never got diagnosed, I really would like to though.
>>669600I used to be one up until college when I got my own computer and Internet rotted my brain, now I only ever read while commuting (which roughly amounts to 20 minutes per day, basically nothing). I'm trying to get back on reading more thoroughly since the lockdowns started.
No. 669790
>>668673>Rebuild plot>refinedWTF are you smoking, it's a steaming pile of shit that changes direction every single movie. All characters are simplified to weaboo stereotypes. It's NGE for people that don't even like NGE.
>>669734all of this
No. 670037
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I'm a lesbian myself, so please don't hate me for saying this. But, as much I love the butch aesthetic (picrel), a lot of butches irl seem physically unattractive. They're either quite old with heavily wrinkled skin, or fat with the fashion sense of a teenage boy.
No. 670067
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>>670037My unpopular opinion is that I don't mind if butches are old or wrinkly with lame fashion sense I'll still love them kek.
No. 670096
>>670037On this topic, I hate butch women who try and act like men and call women thots, bitches and all that shit.
Like, I'm dating women to get away from that garbage, not have it be repackaged and sent to me again. It's such a huge turn off.
No. 670138
File: 1604944940657.jpeg (255.29 KB, 1242x803, 1B84FF9F-279F-406C-AED4-01741D…)

>>670067Same! I’m usually so attracted to older butches, but even if I’m not bc they’re on the dumpy side, I’m still in awe of them
>>670037God she’s so hot, excellent taste anon.
What I, personally, I wouldn’t give for an 7+ Winona, especially that 9 though.
No. 670158
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Dancing is absolutely disgusting and so are professional dancers.
They make people look like animals, it stinks, gets people all sweaty and gross looking, etc.
Group dances are even worse, whenever I see people dancing at protests, that I support, I cringe.
Stop moving your body weird like that, fucking gross.
No. 670350
>>670348I'm not hateful, I just think it's very gross.
Sure people can be good at it and put in effort and all but it just irks me out.
No. 670396
File: 1604970977392.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.74 KB, 736x893, u9zlztc9t4k41.jpg)

>>670307NTA and I don't hate dancing, but ballet actually does kinda gross me out. All I can ever think of is how fucked up their feet must get and how unnatural it is to dance on one's toes. It looks uncomfortable and painful to stand like this. I don't see the point (lol) at all.
Spoiler for messed up feet.
No. 670406
>>670396I particularly don’t like is the ballet dancers being obsessed with their injuries they decided to have by constantly practicing. Like, I get it, it’s something new and I guess exciting to someone trying a new hobby or whatever. But it’s extremely cringy when someone is like
oh! And did you see my fucked up feet? They’re like, fucked up but It’s because I looooooove ballet just stop, get over it.
No. 670552
>>670329There's a big difference between not understanding it and thinking it's gross.
I'm in the former category where I see dancing as being like rugby, where I don't get why people like it so much but then I just don't watch it and everything is fine. To hate it like these other anons is next level.
No. 670602
File: 1604993283729.jpg (65.59 KB, 828x865, j6wcfttkvtt21.jpg)

If you give money to Twitch streamers, you're a fucking retard, and if you justify wasting money that way by saying "it's like tipping a waiter!11!" you deserve to have a waitress spit in your food. Being a Twitch streamer doesn't require skill, it just requires that you be a pathetic waste of space who has a shitload of free time and owns too many video games. Waitresses make less than minimum wage, are on their feet all day, and provide an actual service to other human beings. I've also seen autists try to argue that Twitch streamers are "basically" actors. Cracking random jokes while you play games for fucking children also isn't tantamount to acting or directing in terms of skill. Doing those things requires a formal education, whereas streaming is what people do when they drop out of college.
It's fucking shameful that people drop upwards of a hundred dollars just for some retarded emojis and clout with the other neckbeards and 12 year olds who watch the stream. Do you think giving streamers money will make them be your friend? Because it fucking won't and you're delusional if you think streamers care about anything other than your shekels. "B-b-but streamers put a lot of work into fostering a community!" No they fucking don't. They're just well connected, and most of the big ones were Youtubers first.
And I fucking hate that, too. It fucking sucks to go from watching well-edited videos of someone you like on Youtube to having to sit through unedited crap because they decided to move to Twitch. I get that Twitch is more ~creator friendly~, but it sucks for viewers. Editing means you have to stare at an empty chair when the person goes to take a dump, or listen to them disgustingly eat, or watch them pause the game 500 times to look at a walkthrough, see the retarded chat full of insufferable tweens, and hear all the obnoxious notification sounds they use. Your fucking dated meme notification sounds aren't funny to anyone over the age of 14.
The reason I'm sperging about this is because when I was younger, there was a Youtuber I really liked who moved to Twitch. I recently decided to give his streams a try, and they are absolute cancer. I experienced pretty much all the shit I'm bitching about here during a playthrough of just one game. No, I didn't make an account on Twitch– I just looked at the streams he reuploaded to Youtube. He comes across as a total twat, constantly stopping the game to look at walkthroughs while also squawking at the chat to "stop backseating11!!1" Maybe look at the walkthrough before you get on camera, dipshit.
No. 670611
>>670602Dam where do you live where your waitress get below minimum wage. At least here where i love you get your minimum wage on top of your tips
I don't remember if I said these here before but females who give their child the father name who is a deadbeat, not married to them, or not in a relationship with them that clearly leading to an actual future. It's very pickme imo. The father going to dip and now your child has the last name of someone who isn't even there for them. Have a backbone and don't think just because your kid has their name they are gonna stay.
No. 670613
>>670611I did the surname thing, can confirm, big regret.
No. 670614
>>670609not an unpopular opinion in most of the world.
I can't relate whatsoever, seeing happy same sex couples makes me feel good about the world. Especially married lesbians. I am also bi and hoping that's bait though
No. 670627
>>670625I thought about it and I actually relate… most people's faces do repulse me, I can't look at porn for that reason (not because of their bodies lmao, if it's just that I still feel weird imagining the face). have dated in the past, but I never was deluded to finding those guys too attractive. I also felt uncomfortable if they touch me. The exception is a girl I crushed on, and another but she mostly grew on me. Ironically I doubt I'm a lesbian but… you got me thinking again lol.
sorry we are like this anon, even if we are a bit different. I have a strong urge to hate anyone shilled to me especially, and in general it's rare to feel physical attraction until I get to know them. I don't know if that's "demisexual" but that's the closest term it gets even if I don't consider it lgb or really believe in it. k sorry for blog, but maybe you can relate. it's all cool if not
No. 670641
>>670617I sorta relate, I've never really been physically attracted to anybody (except for a few celebrities), and most people shilled as attractive are bland at best, ugly at worst. I wouldn't go as far as to say they look inhuman, but I can see where you're coming from.
>>670627Lol, demisexuality is not a thing.
No. 670643
>>670613Genuinely curious, why did you give the kid his surname in this situation? I have no backbone but never even considered using his surname. It would have felt almost as weird as using a random surname, and it can cause problems too
Same applies to putting deadbeat dad on birth certificate. It just gives him undeserved recognition and allows him to make life harder for you. Fuck that
No. 670707
>>670617I guess I can kind of see it, sometimes I look at people and I just find us really bizarre looking in general. What a weird animal we are, human faces are really weird if you really think about it.
I do find that make up makes people less attractive though, it aint fooling no one.
No. 670803
>>670727No thanks, I have self respect and an actual job.
Also, Twitch popularity obviously isn't merit-based, it's luck based. Obviously only a handful of the morons who do it are going to make decent money– that's just how online popularity works.
No. 670817
>>670803 > I have self respect and an actual jobWhat ya doing on here then silly?..
Only joking
No. 670827
>>670696Are you retarded
This isn’t unpopular
No. 670855
>>670851It's safe and nutritious. I've heard most people say they scoop the insides out with a spoon, idk how common it is to eat the skin. Imo, scooping it is too messy and unnecessarily hard.
Eating the skin gives the kiwi a little
No. 670927
>>670920I see a lot of younger people now telling off others for even shipping two celebs together so I think it's becoming more popular to view it all as creepy and inappropriate.
In a way though that's just the female alternative to porn, we're more inclined to enjoy a story where we 'know' the person versus men just watching strangers fuck. I don't read it but I get how for teen girls that's their sexual outlet
No. 671005
>>670968Even if you're not a woman, people try way too hard to appeal to "the youths" and take it super personally when a teenager calls someone old or lame. Like why do you care so much about what some children think?
Fortunately I think that's shifting thanks to zoomer teenagers being increasingly cringy and idiotic on the internet, but in general I've noticed people worry too much about being "too old" to do fun things or wear fun clothes and get so butthurt whenever a teenager calls them grandma, and it's precisely why people prey on their insecurities so much, because they know it hurts.
No. 671031
>>671025He absolutely did
>>671026Too manufactured for me and he looks like he sleeps under the underpass
No. 671125
File: 1605040188015.jpg (195.9 KB, 658x370, The-Hunt-Mads-Mikkelsen.jpg)

>>671103have you seen The Hunt? He is so cute in it, looks like a certain type of a bishie from a 90's shoujo like Saiyuki. Or Ovan from dot Hack
No. 671129
>>671082You really said "The Stacy Mads Mikkelson Liker vs The Femcel Adam Driver Liker", kek.
>>671125Not with those nasolabial folds, honey
No. 671132
File: 1605040758050.jpg (4.71 KB, 226x223, fuck lol.jpg)

>>671129i'm losing my mind at both of your replies anon kek
No. 671137
>>671129KEK and it’s the truth.
>>671134I also love the discussion about Willam Dafoes equally confusing yet massive hanger.
No. 671180
>>670138>excellent taste anonYou too, anon! 90s Winona was a total dreamboat.
>They aren’t like the kiddies who try to force that black haired dog face man with the disproportionate shoulders and incel-reminiscent scowl down our throats.Reported. I can't just let you insult Adam Driver like that, sorry.
No. 671189
>>671180posts like
>>671082 call for a second wave of driverposting so salty anons have something to whine about for the next month
No. 671394
File: 1605069490949.png (662 KB, 769x654, Mads Mikkelsen in Early Talks …)

>>671067>>671125Today's your lucky day Mikkelsen stans.
No. 671457
It’s depressing how ugly men are irl
No. 671463
>>670668Delayed, sorry— not autistic (if you can believe) but guess we need to lay off the 2d. personally I like characters bc they simulate familiarity you don't get in porn/with strangers. maybe that's part? If we just need to be familiar, that is not so bad to live with. I still feel foggy about how it works.
don't know what else. trust issues/cynicism maybe. As in, I think "that hot guy is probably a shit person" which turns me off. Maybe that's what it is.
sorry if blog and you don't relate, I intend to look into what asexuals say, because some claim to still masturbate like you said. possible it genuinely is low sex drive but on a low end of a scale rather than no interest
No. 671467
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2D boy reaction pics>>>>>2D girl reaction pics
since it's likely the person using the former is a woman
No. 671471
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>>671467that's true except when you like jojo. then you're cursed with a scrote infestation. i'll admit some 2d girl pics amuse me a lot, when they're good they're really good because girls are great. sucks that most pics I see are shitty waifu tier with no creativity
No. 671481
>>670644How is a personality trait a sexuality now? Sexual attachment is very different from sexual orientation which the -sexual suffix is used to describe. There are people who are sex-repulsed, sex-avoidant, hypersexual etc. Most "demisexuals" are people with either a low to average sex drive, attachment issues, bad self esteem or just, idk, a healthy sense of self-preservation so that you don't get into bed with some creep who could hurt or defame you with revenge porn or something. I don't think most people just hook up with anyone and have sex with any person willing to take their pants off.
>>670672I remember when my pickme friend said that women should just give sex to their husbands even if they don't want to to "keep the marriage happy". I was left speechless.
No. 671489
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>>671467 >>671471
I hate men and troons for ruining this, some edits are really funny. But whenever I see a bad take on here accompanied by anime girl image, my scrote alarm starts blaring.
No. 671494
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>>671489>>671471Especially if it's a reaction image of a very young girl/"loli." I love stuff like Cardcaptor Sakura and other young girl characters from kid's anime, it sucks to think about how sexualized/waifu-ized they are by scrotes.
No. 671502
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>>671467Absolutely agreed. The only ones ok in my book are from some 90s anime who clearly didn't pander to scrotes.
No. 671594
>>671548As a gay woman I've had two different instances where I found myself somehow let in on conversations where guys declared that "once she has pubes she should be good to go" or "once their first period hits they should be considered legal"
For some strange reason they expect lesbians to be cool with that? I just reminded them that I got my first period at 11 and that's some pedo shit
No. 671608
>>671597Christian indoctrination is another culture trying to spread their religious beliefs onto yours, that's an act of progressivism. I'm saying this in a case where progressivism becomes
toxic. Conservatism would be when Christianity wouldn't be pushed into your culture and your culture would stay preserved.
>>671599You're applying a modern view of progressivism and conservatism into your statement, which is why it doesn't make sense. People wouldn't be colonized if they kept to themselves, which is conservative.
No. 671644
>>671602This, but I also think they're just ugly af.
>>671639Only with filters. Outside digital space they're both ugly in their own ways.
No. 671645
>>671639This has to be a cope. FtMs generally pass much better, and often look like cute tomboys or twinks pre-HRT.
Unless you're just trying to say you're attracted to masculine people attempting to present as feminine, regardless of whether they succeed or not.
No. 671666
>>671574I don't get how that post is spergy. A lot of men are like what
>>671594 described, even the "normal" ones.
No. 671679
>>671669They knew that 12 is a fairly average age for it starting so I can't comprehend how they made that leap to it being an indicator that you're ready for sex.
Both those convos happened at a time where I was probably my most boyish/butch presenting so I can only guess that's why I was considered ok to sit in on that talk. Depressing thing is so many men in the group agreed so it's not like I could go to an adviser and say there's one guy promoting pedo shit. It was the popular opinion among the group.
No. 671683
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>>671679That’s so disgusting, I will never understand. I’m sorry you had to be subjected to that, anon.
Are all or most men really like this? Like, it does seem awfully common/defended even if men “don’t agree.” It’s hard to trust. Just, as a woman, I see children as children. There’s nothing sexy about them. Hell, I even age out of fellow adult men as I get older, like I wouldn’t date anyone under 23, they’re practically babies. How do SO MANY men casually find 15 year olds hot and it’s normal??? Sorry for sperging I’m legitimately squicked out and do not understand.
No. 671688
I think a lot about how porn and pollution and poor life choices are killing mens sperm, how it seems recently a lot of countries have their own women's movements now (Mexico, s. Korea, Poland, etc), how more and more moids are dropping out of school, how richies have a depopulation plan. I honestly am hopeful for the future. I don't think we'll ever go back to being maid broodmares. There may be more psychological and mental abuse, but way less physical. Sure they can brainwash women to accept bdsm, but everything falls apart when the woman gets some self esteem or wakes up to the lies. I think we just have to wait now. Men will become extinct naturally. No need to sweat over it. Once the facts that you can pick the sex of your kid by adopting a certain diet, having sex at certain times in your cycle, and early blood tests for the kids gender, become common knowledge, then women in free countries will stop having moidlets.
No. 671692
>>671594I once read a comment on some stupid video where some piece of shit moid said:
if she’s
old to enough to bleed,she’s old enough to breed and nothing on this planet has enraged and disgusted me more. Men are fucking subhuman.
No. 671697
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>>671685>>671689>>671690>>671691>>671692Men kill themselves challenge. None of these excuses that men give themselves and each other are
valid. They’re grown and responsible for the things they say, think, and act on. It’s not hard to not be a fucking pedophile. I hate them.
No. 671704
>>671692The first time I heard this one I was in middle school and only just started my period myself. It was said by a boy in my friend group and all the other boys thought it was funny/agreed with it. One of the girls said she didn’t agree because she’d started her period when she was 10 and didn’t feel ready for parenthood at 14 let alone 10, and the guys made fun of her for not being able to take a joke. It’s one of my most vivid childhood memories.
I should note that our native language isn’t English but he did say this in English, so he probably got it off the Internet. I’m hoping that a lot of the kids who laughed didn’t actually understand what was said and were pretending to find it funny to fit in.
No. 671714
>>671705 >“anon, are you sick?” I hear this all the time from women who take a day off from makeup and I hate that for them. I haven't worn make up in about a decade, I'm naturally pale and I am tired alot of the time.. but nobody ever points that out to me.
It's like punishing you for ever bothering
No. 671727
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>>671721Men are built different
No. 671748
>>671742It's not about what you eat, but how often you eat.
(For the average fat, anyway).
If you and I ate cheeseburgers and fries for lunch, but then an hour after that I ate another cheeseburger, I'd be the fatter one.
No. 671749
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>>671704>the guys made fun of her for not being able to take a joke.Every time. Seems like no matter what age moids always use this weak excuse.
No. 671752
>>671714Yeah I used to get that all the time when I still regularly wore makeup and only occasionally went a day without. Now I never wear it and nobody asks me this anymore, even when I
am sick or sleep deprived.
>>671742oh boy here we go
No. 671758
>>671748Sometimes I'll eat like a burger and fries for dinner, maybe a bag of ships or cookies here and there. If I get hungry I'll cook up some steak with a side.
I assume fat people must just sit and gorge themselves for hours. Because considered I'm older, dont have a super fast metabolism and I'm still not fat. Fat people must be eating to extremes.
No. 671761
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>>671758>Fat people must be eating to extremes.Good job! You figured it out all by yourself.
No. 671785
>>671778I'm 30's, don't eat an amazing diet, definitely enjoy some sort of junk each day but I must be keeping the portions semi ok as I'm the same weight as in my early twenties.
It's not baffling though, others are eating more of that same junk. That's all.
No. 671790
>>671773>>but then you get your periods and boomKek.
>>671742 How is this an unpopular opinion again?
As for an actual unpopular opinion. I have yet to meet a fat person who isn't just an average, pleasant person to be around. I've got both friends and colleagues who are overweight, well aware of it and never make a big deal about their own or other people's diet or weight. I have yet to meet these fat positive monsters the internet likes to whine about who will attack you over lunch for having a salad or screech "real women have curves" at fit or skinny women. Not saying they aren't out there, but like the Karen meme, the internet just has a raging hate boner that is never sated when it comes to making up stories about them.
No. 671808
>>671800kek no? I’m 29 and I’ve been maintaining that 20 for a while, I can’t bring myself to give up on life to that extent.
>>671785Not baffling that more food = more weight per se, but def baffling that overeating and being sedentary to an extent I can’t imagine is normal to so many people
No. 671817
>>671808Can you not logic? You literally said
>over the past 3 years I've gained 20 poundsOk? So give it another 3 and see if you gain 20 more.
29 is young still.
Maybe get a stressful job, try some birth control that makes your appetite bigger, go through a life trauma that makes you want to eat for comfort. A little here and a little there. It really doesn't take much over time.
No. 671820
>>671808 >Not baffling that more food = more weight per se, but def bafflingFrom one not-fat person to another, you're retarded.
Maybe your only cope in life is 'well at least I'm not fat, I can't even wrap my head around fatness' Stop that
No. 671831
>>671824Nta but someone only need eat 100-200 calories above their maintainence to gain weight over time. That's drinking one can of soda.
It's baffling that you people think you need to inject five whole burgers to gain weight.
No. 672098
>>671978I always thought that was more of a "how can we cater to people with certain fetishes since they tend to be devoted followers of specific content, rather than general porn-watchers who will only watch it once" thing, for example, trying to fit an average-sized woman into the "fat" category as much as they possibly can to attract men who have a fetish for fat women and will only consume porn with fat women in it. It may not be because the creators actually think the woman is fat, but because they want it to show up in the results of someone looking up "fat girl porn".
>I'll get shit on here for saying I watch porn but stillLol… Lurk for a little longer, you'll realize not that many farmers practice what they preach when it comes to views on pornography. Plenty of posts I've seen self-proclaimed "radfems" make mirror the porn preferences of average men I've met. I'm honestly sure you're fine.
No. 672141
>>672135Different anon but I expect better of them. I want all the highs of the glory years of cgl but without the stupid no drama rule
I don't know why that board is so slow and boring when people still use cgl, they should migrate
No. 672161
>>672135True. Still, I can't believe some of the threads on there are still alive. I didn't know people still cared about Kelly Eden. The Taylor R fags are really something too.
/cgl/ has been deteriorating for a while now and at this point is only good for taobao/Ali links.
No. 672181
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My fucking unpopular opinon: Every single thread in /ot/ is the same, everyone always arguing with each other and telling their own personal traumas and bitching about their stupid boyfriends
No. 672193
>>672181>Every single threadI mean, I think there are a couple of threads that
aren't like that.
No. 672275
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>>671727This was just last year. Girls can be abusers too but in terms of sexual predation it's significantly less common to find females as the perpetrators.
No. 672284
>>671946I honestly don't know how people get so fucking obese, it's baffling, unless the quality of their food is really that terrible. Deathfat's in particular idk how they manage any quality of life, it's extreme self abuse. Some people actually have underlying health issues that causes the overweight, like problems with lymphatic circulation.
No. 672313
>>672284>I honestly don't know how people get so fucking obese, it's baffling, I'm more baffled by people who don't understand it. We're constantly surrounded by hyperpalatable foods that are specifically designed by scientists to be as delicious and addictive as possible (and surprise surprise, fat, salt and sugar are what make food addictive). Food companies advertise on a larger scale than any other industry and they have a crazy amount of political power so they aren't held accountable for their products or the misinformation they spread - eg Coca Cola funds the myth that exercise is more important for weight loss than diet. And biologically humans evolved to eat and store fat as much as possible food is readily available, but these days we don't have the fasting/famine periods to balance it out. Then you have all the issues on an individual level, like being poor, busy, ignorant, an emotional/stress eater, etc.
I'm not and have never been overweight but also I never let myself eat the way I want to, I'm only slim because I'm terrified of getting fat and put a fair bit of effort into avoiding it. If I was less motivated, or less knowledgeable about health, or had less access to healthy food I can easily imagine gaining weight. For a short girl, it only takes a few hundred extra calories a day over a couple of years. Deathfats are a whole other story though, they obviously have serious eating disorders.
No. 672323
>>672314That's true for for sugar since kids are predisposed towards it from an extremely young age, but fat and salt are universally appetizing. Like, any normal restaurant meal is gonna be loaded up with oil and butter and it's not like enjoying eating out is childish or anything.
The healthier I eat the more I crave healthy food over junk, your palate can definitely change. But it's generally gonna be a result of consciously eating well rather than naturally growing out of it with age.
No. 672334
>>672314Man, I don't even eat any refined sugar or processed junk at all but still struggle with quantity and would be fat if I let myself go. I'd just be eating massive quantities of nuts, eggs, and corn instead of ice cream.
It's not even the taste, it just makes me happy to consume because I'm a fucking monkey. So are you and all the fatties.
>>672331Are you keto, then? I occasionally consider that but have heard it becomes unhealthy long term and I doubt my binging urges would subside.
No. 672342
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>>671460No it ruins all men it’s not just neck beards or incels jerking off In mommy’s basement . Normie Men watch it, suburban dads, religious dudes, hippies, any man you can think of. I will never make love to a man and have good sex with a man because they all have brainrot from pornography and think that women squirt and like being choked. Men will freak out if you have hair on your body, beef curtains, an unbleached asshole, tits that aren’t bolted on, an ass 3 times the size of your waist. I can’t imagine aging and being married to a guy who jerks off to 20 year olds. I hope this generation peaks porn usage
No. 672352
>>672347Yeah, it always strikes me as weird when people make a big show of hating junk food. Just be a normal person and avoid it because it's bad for you.
They almost sound like incels sperging about women, except they're doing it about food.
No. 672354
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"Love Language" stuff is stupid as hell. Really, people who like physical touch don't like being abused? People who like acts of service don't like it when someone doesn't follow through on their promises? These are fancy words for normal goddamn human behavior, every normal person on earth has these standards.
Nobody likes it when their effort isn't appreciated. Nobody likes having their partner being distracted when spending time together. It doesn't mean it's your "love language" when you want your boyfriend to remember your fucking birthday.
No. 672390
>>672354Yeah, some people may appreciate one over the other but you need them all so there's no point really, people just seem to use it to pick one or two and use that as an excuse to forget about the others when they are all wanted in some level by any normal person.
>>672357I've seen some say their love language is sex so their wife not being in the mood is literal abuse.
No. 672395
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>>672377She looked great in SATC and Hocus Pocus, her curly hair is gorgeous and she's got a perfect body. She just doesn't have the sort of face that ages well.
No. 672408
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>>672377I always find it sad that people criticise her appearance so much, even calling her ‘horse-faced’. Like god forbid a woman have a different face shape. I honestly believe having a more unusual face type in Hollywood makes you instantly recognisable and stand out more (Anya Taylor-Joy, Barbra Streisand…)
>>672395She was so pretty in these! I also loved her and thought she looked really lovely in the ‘First Wives Club’ aswell!
No. 672410
>>672386It's one thing to like different foods, another to sperg when someone say they like cake.
>UGH WHAT? You like cake?! You're such a fucking infant with your childish taste buds. ALL THAT SWEETNESS IS GROSS AND PATHETICobviously exaggerating but this is what it sounds likerelax anon….. it's just cake. There… are whole professions where people make that shit.
No. 672490
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>>672377She looked so good in Hocus Pocus, I wish she'd rock the vampy look more often. It really suits her.
No. 672499
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70% of men in the world should legally not be allowed to grow beards, I live in a Muslim country and I see so many god awful beards everyday that I cringe internally, but amongst this rabble is a minority of men who actually pull off beards and can look like pic related
No. 672500
No. 672508
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>>672505Anon 50% of the male population in my country horrible beard genetics
No. 672613
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>>672377Maybe when she was young but i was a little shocked at how she looked in her vogue interview. Her freakish eyes don’t make her look better…
No. 672619
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Hamilton is not that good i dont get the hype and fandom around it
No. 672621
>>672377>>672395>>672408I agree with these anons, I loved watching her in the 90s and early 2000s, she was radiant and vivacious. Same goes for Cynthia Nixon while we're at it. It looks like SJP developed some skin damaged from sun tanning and it caused her skin to age kind of dramatically.
>>672617100% this
No. 672673
>>672653im the anon about ham^
Yeah the music is great i like the mixtape version with sia,but people really becomes diehard for this shit and i dont get it youtube is full with animatics and theories,reviews like chill recently i saw a girl on tumblr faking aids for this musical or something like that,is so crazy.
No. 672808
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>>671602agreed, but for some reason i make an exception for gyaru deco nails even if they're tackier than regular acrylics
No. 672879
>>671602I hate manicured nails period (mostly on myself)
I just think my hands look more feminine/gentle with completely bare nails, even though it's supposed to be the opposite
No. 672977
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>>672879i like nail art and do it on myself a lot as a hobby but i agree, there are def some hands that look more feminine with naked nails ( i think mine included lol). do think it also depends on the type of mani you get, like square french tip is gonna look harsh on like everyone, however, a nice cool toned nude or transparent nail art shit def could up the femininity of some hands. shape is equally crucial and has to "flow" with your hands. interesting thing to think about tbh.
No. 673119
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>>673111I think outlander is prettty female gaze-y, when it comes to the consensual sex scenes.
No. 673123
>>673119Any other recommendations one might have for female gaze-y shows, I don't like Yaoi like at all and scrote maid content is all shit
I read a lot of vanilla romance novels though
No. 673129
>>673048Can you elaborate?
If it's because you understand not every single man is a pornsick sociopath that's fine but if it's because you just lust after dick/are a pickme and can't see any of the bad things they do then you should probably try again.
No. 673137
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>>673131With Outlander there's plenty of historically appropiate sexism, but the sex and romance scenes between Jamie and Claire seem to focus on what would be appealing to a straight woman, they even flip on him the sexy manly man being more inexperienced in sex.