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No. 646838
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/635104Farmhands' dumbass disclaimers:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 646848
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>>646842don’t come for me and my hollywood smile, I paid a lot to look like ross in the dark
No. 646851
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I don't know if this is unpopular outside of these images but incels' idea of a "chad" is so fucking weird. it's always the same extreme, comical bone structure and ridiculous swooshy hair. It's like they were going for model-attractive guys but missed the mark. Sometimes it's almost inhuman. maybe I'm unknowingly a lesbian because apparently these "chads" really do have female harems. But they look so uncanny and dumb
No. 646852
>>646847>make me think that person is conceitedFor having good hygeine or taking care of their appearance?
I agree that perfect teeth are overrated though, imperfect teeth can be cute sometimes.
No. 646858
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>>646852Plastic, fluorescent white American teeth are not the hallmark of good hygiene but vanity
No. 646868
>>646858I agree that it's not a sign of good hygiene and it looks like shit but I'd guess it's probably insecurity more often than it is vanity. People can be real assholes when it comes to tooth color for whatever reason.
>>646866They are so obviously fake.
No. 646870
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>>646868>>646867Damn I see it now
No. 646872
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>>646858some people need this shit, I’d rather look at fake white shit than yellowed hippo teeth
No. 646873
>>646870>>646858Veneers fuck people's faces up. Makes them look like horses.
Also, the look in Hillary Clinton's eyes in the newer pictures kind of creeps me out for some reason.
No. 646876
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>>646851It's a meme anon. Most incels don't think that is what women like. I found the whole incel subculture quite fascinating, so I've read quite a lot of those forums and pic related is what they would consider chad. Gigachad would be someone like Dolph Lundgren in his prime.
Then on sites like the ideal is considered to mostly be the male model look (Francisco Lachowski for example)
It's all very autistic and I hate myself for knowing this information.
No. 646877
My mind was somewhere else lmao
No. 646882
>>646876lol for real, oh they also think women only like men with big dicks and that we women only want to fuck these "chads"
Their black pill "truths" consist of thinking that women will date psychopaths or bad men as long as they are hot. Seriously, really makes you think wtf is going on inside their heads. They always think they "deserve" stacy and look down on what they consider ugly women.
No. 646890
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>>646882>women only like men with big dicks and that we women only want to fuck these "chads"when it comes to me personally this is true.
No. 646918
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I hate clone high and everything about it,there are better underrated shows out there yet clone high gets all the attention? wtf
No. 647076
>>646918>>646937One word: Gay. The JFK character has gay parents and the ending had a gay kiss scene between Gandhi and Abe so the tumblr/twitter kids go apeshit over it. They only ever like shows they can project their LGBT agenda on.
>>646876Imagine living in a time where you didnt have to see this level of insanity from fringe groups co-existing on a present scale with the rest of humanity
No. 647263
>>647246Haha yeees. knew many cluster b types who called themselves "empaths" despite lacking traits of empathy. one of my recent examples is a girl who called herself an "empath" yet genuinely could not empathize with me (or others) in any way unless we shared the exact same experiences with her. she even told me that she experienced more trauma than people in war and third world countries do bc they're used to it…. lol In her mind compassion and some understanding to the plight of conditions is the same as full blown empathy which is simply not true.
Many folks in the new age community describe themselves as "empaths" and therefore use that as an excuse to take up your energy as much as possible. Many of these people hold no regard for people who aren't themselves, have high narcissistic traits, and overall lack of genuine connection towards other people yet describe themselves as "empaths" because they have some sad feeling when they see someone crying. You will notice if you get close to these people when many of them live quite dysfunctional lifestyles and have very dysfunctional relationships, especially romantically.
No. 647285
Gatekeeping is necessary because many if not most normies behave like animals and ruin whatever it is they're trying to infiltrate in the first place.
Every community that is "open-minded" and "inclusive" gets raided by people who don't even attempt to understand it and make it out to be something completely different (giving its members a bad name), sexual deviants, coomers who turn it into a fetish, criminals, "entrepreneurs" and influencers trying to monetise it, you name it.
Everything I've ever been a member of that was in any way considered special was ruined this way. Even the city I grew up in was my region's little hidden gem until "digital nomads", foreign startup "entrepreneurs", PUAs and then big porn companies started flocking here and now most people who made that city what it was are priced out of it and it's become yet another Disneyland for American and British tourists to gawp at. Many of those tourists now openly solicit local women who are just minding their own business because they saw it in a porno.
If only we could get archeologists, scientists and writers at least, but nooo we get people who even Westerners don't want so they come here thinking we'll accept them. But if you point any of this out to Westerners you get stereotyped as a racist and told there's "nothing wrong with foreigners" when there very clearly is, otherwise they wouldn't behave like horny monkeys.
No. 647304
>>647290I had tooth whitening done once and that shit is extremely painful. The actual procedure isn't that bad but for the next two days you have random pangs of the most awful tooth pain. It's a very sharp kind of pain that feels like the insides of your teeth and gums are full of needles. You also have to abstain from coffee and black tea for at least 2 weeks.
I fucking hated it and I'm never doing it again, if people don't like my yellow teeth they can blow it out their ass, my mouth is healthy and not in pain and that's good enough for me.
No. 647474
>>647409>>647246>>647250>>647263>>647409I'm someone that used to describe myself as an empath before actually doing therapy and figuring out my problem and I'll just say this:
I only used that word because paranoia (symptom of personality disorder) and acute sensitivity to other people's emotions/feelings. I HAD to know what a person was feeling in order to change to that mood or something different. Depending on the personality disorder, every snap decision is made based on the other person's reaction. Just a slight difference in communication makes me wonder "omg did I do something wrong?" (abandonment fear). I find myself annoyingly still trying to pull my friends' feelings out and usually I am right when they are upset or irritated by something. All of that felt like "Oh maybe this is a special skill of mine, to be able to tell what other people feel?"
But that is nothing special that only an "Empath" can do. Anyone can honestly do that if they pay attention enough to other people's moods. It's just that normal people without any personality disorders usually don't change their every mood and personality to fit those whom they are trying to appease. And they aren't neurotic/obsessive/in their own head about the other person so they don't pick up on the small deets.
As for the "feeling other people's emotions strongly as if they were your own" that's just called being an emotional person with a good imagination.
No. 647541
>>647498>Jenner Fischer I think she's great but it is weird how much she clings to the show.
John Krasinski seems to have completely moved on compared to the rest of the cast.
No. 647627
>>647603True. One of the most beautiful and popular Stacy types at my school was and continues to be like the nicest woman ever, same with her close circle of friends. The mean ones were the periphery pretty/popular girls, and they tried to instigate drama with them which rarely worked from what I could tell, kek.
Scene/alt kids however.
No. 647976
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I believe ugly men are a genetical product of rape. We know from analysis of modern DNA that most men didn't pass on their dna, but the wast majority of women did. Around 8,000 years ago 17 women reproduced for every one man. Incels/MGTOWs often say that if this was still a thing, we wouldn't be able to build a civilization and that "enforced monogamy" was the foundation of society (nice cope). I don't believe women back then would fuck ugly men willingly, they were probably raped and then literally forced to marry them through the system of enforced monogamy that males created. Now countless studies show that testosterone levels are decreasing with each generation and I also saw one study about attractive men dying out while the number of attractive women stays somewhat the same throughout history. That's what you get for years of breeding with ugly and weak men who literally created system for themselves so every man could get laid at the price of genetical quality (and female freedom, of course). Incels who researched the topic actually know about this and sometimes it turns them into blackpills (then they give up on pursuing women, as they should), but most of the time it just makes them even more aggressive and more women-hating. They literally want islam or just mandatory monogamy and delegalization of hypergamy to eliminate the whore/incel/simp problem.
No. 647992
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>>647976anon reminds me of this anon
No. 648033
Also, men usually have more resources, regardless of their looks. I don't give a fuck about some exceptions. Healthy women want attractive men. There are characteristics that objectively make male face and male body unattractive and there's no point in denying it with "much looks are subjective".
No. 648053
>>648033Even if looks aren't "subjective," I don't think it's fair to say that a man is only good-looking if he has no features that aren't considered conventionally attractive. Most people have a mix of attractive and unattractive/unconventional features. Like, it'd be pretty stupid to declare someone as ugly just because they had a weird nose, despite the fact that they're otherwise well put together. Plenty of people, men and women alike, do this pretty shamelessly and a lot of times it's ironic because the very trait they claim is "ugly" in the opposite sex is something that they have themselves.
Also, realistically speaking, you should have a good idea of how attractive you are in regards to your own dating standards. Otherwise, you're going to end up bitter and disappointed.
No. 648067
>>648055>haremNot really, many female animals live separately from males and they're self sufficient, they don't need males for survival and they're not locked up like women were in harems. And then they just fuck the stronger male once in a year and that's it. Female separatism would solve so many problems with male abuse towards women and children (home is the most dangerous place for women and 58% of female
victims of murder are killed by their male partner or family member) but I know most women will never support it, they gave up a long, long time ago.
No. 648083
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When it comes to looks I have no idea what my standards are but I feel like they gear more towards mediocrity which some would consider garbage
When you're a mediocre looking not 10/10 not 1/10, plain jane it's kind of impossible to rank yourself against other people without feeling you don't have the authority to do so
No. 648121
>>648111I'm also bi and as I said here
>>648058 I see way more ugly men than ugly women. Maybe it depends on the country, idk.
No. 648180
>>648157There were also weaker males who couldn't rape as good that want to mate with whomever he can get. It is cruel joke to give human female less body strength.
>>648164That's how it should be. Alas giving men intelligence was a mistake. They got together and realized that they can just rape.
No. 648191
>>648179Think it was more to do with that males can impregnate a variety of women while a woman can only be pregnant once every 9 months.
I've read books about human evolution, particularly studies regarding sex. It's thought that woman make vocalisations when orgasming to let other men know she's been fucked. Sperm competition is a real thing and having several guys cum in you increases chance of conception and encourages actual sperm competition, resulting in the fittest sperm winning. It's also thought that women raised children in a nursery setting and all helped raise a tribe's kids because they didn't have paternity testing. Women would basically pick who the father was and usually that was the man with the most resources. It's also thought humans are the only mammals with a menopause because of our socialisation and that older females were considered nurses and didn't need to keep getting pregnant but were optimum in helping raise a child.
Human babies are very resource heavy because of our brains. Think of other mammals that are born like horses or prey animals. They're born and within minutes are able to run and flee predators. Humans aren't. We're extemely vunerable when born. Our skulls aren't even fully formed because women would die trying to pass out a human skull from their vag. Human kids need a lot of care and back in the day it literally took a village.
No. 648197
>>648192Basically there's the meme that men get tired after sex and roll over to fall asleep. this has actually been a running theory that primitive men would have went to sleep and a female still horned up would have went off to the bushes with another male willing to keep tapping it.
Like women are programmed to keep cumming so it's weird when I see girls saying they've never experienced it. we're built for pleasure more than guys. It's a tale as old as time that men have just always been envious of women.
No. 648205
>>648198>>648201NTA but the post is sus because it doesn't align with your views and beliefs.
While anons agree with shit like
>>647976 that has no basis whatsoever just assumptions about a centuries old worldwide plan to keep ugly men alive
No. 648212
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>>647992>usually that was the man with the most resourcesBut what resources do you have in mind exactly, last time I checked females provided like 80% of food for the tribe in hunter-gatherer times. So how did they choose the father in pre-agricultural societies?
No. 648247
>>648235>>648236Actually scientists would you believe actually use scientific and empirical data. Archaeology is used in conjunction with gene mapping, carbon dating blah blah blah, so they're considered educational guesses.
You need to remember primitive humans weren't only dealing with threats from other humans. There were wild animals.
Toxic plants. The elements etc etc. We don't just look at things in a vacuum, everything is considered.
I mean, why do men have a g-spot in their ass? Homosexual sex has probably been happening between males for eons. Maybe the dildos people think are females are actually male ones?
No. 648430
>>648409I agree but at least your every day muslims and jews aren't trying to recruit people. Also honestly most muslims I know who wear hijab don't think they would go to hell if they didn't and mainly just do it because they're lacking in other religious areas and think it's an easy A in a way. They see their family wear it and are like sure.
I also had an experience with a jehova witness who came up to me in Starbucks and pretended that he needed help understanding what something on the JW website said in the language he wrongfully assumed I spoke. I told him I don't speak the language and goes "oh! Well good thing I just noticed their's an english translation on this site. Let's click it!" He clicks it and starts reading the section in English and goes "It looks like you're interested now that you know there's an english translation, here's the name of the website, have a great day!" I was literally scared for my life, no exaggeration. He was a young adult. Also, I don't mean this in a bad way, but almost all JW I've come across were hispanic.
No. 648436
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wigs are disgusting, even when they are quality and well applied.
the thought of somebody taking off their hair makes my skin crawl. it only fits musty old ladies for comedic effect.
and that also goes for fake eyelashes.
No. 648820
>>648801I remember these white dudes complaining about Tadanobu Asano playing Raiden in an upcoming Mortal Kombat movie. Personally, I'm not a fan of racebending, but this one actually makes sense. Why the fuck would a character based on Japanese mythology even be white in the first place?
Speaking of The Little Mermaid, not to tinfoil, but I feel Disney chose a black actress for Ariel intentionally because they knew it would get a lot of attention. I love Halle Bailey, she's really talented and cute, I just can't stand seeing her getting hate just for playing a character.
No. 648895
>>648879I'm bothered by accuracy and would have chosen a Danish actress because the tale is Danish and the statue erected Danish, but I'm also bothered by Asian or mixed or
any other actors given roles for African or black actors.
No. 648906
>>648883>>648898I don't believe happy partners 'accidentally' cheat. The human mind will reach for justifications to explain away the cheating instead of facing the difficulty of self-reflection to ask why they've cheated.
For example, if you truly had no underlying insecurities about your relationship and it was all the alcohol's fault as to why you cheated, doesn't that still demand addressing the issue of your lack of control around alcohol? If you'll cheat on alcohol as an accident, then what else are you 'accidentally' capable of while under the influence? Getting behind the wheel? Tbh when someone tells me they have little control over substances it actually freaks me out more than if they'd just admit they aren't happy in their relationship and had a moment of impulse.
You're accountable either way.
No. 648994
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Being fat isn’t “normal.” Normalizing unhealthy eating and laziness is gross.
No. 649003
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Coffee tastes awful, tea tastes decent (but only if I make it myself) and hot chocolate is great (aside from the fact that it's sugary and calorie-dense)
No. 649011
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>>648994I hate this so much. Being fat does nothing except distort your features, make it harder to move around, force you into a food dependency, and leave you susceptible to all sorts of physical disease.
And honestly, so many women's natural beauty has been destroyed by being overweight/obese. It's annoying how the media always hand-picks a fat woman who looks somewhat decent as long as you throw on some heavy contouring and Photoshop (Tess Holliday, Barbie Ferreira and nw Lizzo) in some desperate bid to prove that this isn't a bad thing. Literally feeding into delusion.
No. 649012
>>648994Society will get what it deserves. We can either keep pretending a massive population suddenly developed a propensity to be fat within the last 50 years of the human race, or we can buck up and address the serious societal issues that have influenced people to become obese.
I feel nothing for complainers anymore, shouting at people to stop being fat isn't and hasn't worked and this WILL become normal unless attitudes changed.
Sperg away.
No. 649016
>>649015My bets are she's still beady-eyed as ever. Fatties can look pretty good when they're wearing a full face of slap and photoshop too by your own admission. But we wouldn't have a dramatic before and after shot if she had chosen a plain-faced, untouched photo in shit lighting like her before.
She hates herself.
No. 649022
>>649016Beady-eyed or not, she still looks better than her past self (and all obese women ever, especially without extreme makeup).
>She hates herself.All fat people do, but when a person stops being fat, they typically hate that they let it get to that point, while still feeling actual self-confidence, pride and self-love for having the strength to move past it.
No. 649030
>>649022>All fat people hate themselves. Oh really.
>when a person stops being fat, they typically hate that they let it get to that pointNo they still hate themselves. Especially if they lost it primarily for beauty reasons like what we're talking about here.
Former obese people are very likely to regain any weight they lose.
Anyway I really don't feel like dealing with your dishonest argument spergout.
No. 649035
>>649030I'd tell you to start focusing on your health and stop regurgitating these hopeless, blackpilled-ass "There's no point, just stay fat, you'll regain it all anyway! If you lose weight, you hate yourself!" arguments and delusions about fat being "lively", but that's really a choice you have to make for yourself.
I'd rather you not project "dishonesty" and "spergout" after trying to convince everyone the left looks better than the right, though. Peace.
No. 649038
There is no instances where your fat self is better looking than your thin self.
>inb4 muh loose skin and extreme spoopiness Self hating thin > self hating fat
>>649030Calling others spergs when you’re the one defending hambeastdom on mf lolcow kek
No. 649039
>>648994Being fat: normal
Not normal: thinking ppl should compliment you or find you pretty even tho you're fat af
No. 649043
>>649035When I said I don't want to deal with your dishonest arguing, this also included your really personal spergs like assuming I have a weight problem since you cannot fathom someone average would disagree with you. Again, you can keep giving yourself a pat on the back thinking your internet ramblings actually help anyone, I'm sure a meaningful contribution to help end the obesity epidemic will come from someone who's not you. That is all.
>>649038You sound hungry.
>>649040Well anon thinks she knows everything, so.
No. 649044
>>649040It sounds more like those people are dealing with the struggle of moving from one eating disorder to another.
Even in those cases, if you asked them if they'd go back to being fat, they'd vehemently say no.
No. 649052
>>649043In the time you spent typing these angry responses when you said you were done, you could've done like 5 sit ups or taken a short walk. Not a suggestion or an attempt at "help" (I was just stating my opinion in response to an anon I agree with, weird that you think everyone's trying to "help" you when you claim to not have a problem), just an observation.
There is nothing good about being fat. It's an ED, and a horrible one. No fat person is more physically healthy or better-looking than a thin one. If hearing these thiings can put you at this point of sheer rage, your mental health must be down the absolute shitter, "average" or not, and I hope you seek therapy instead of arguing on Lolcow.
No. 649060
>>649051This place is already full of that. The thread will give them a better place to congregate, and the rest of us could just hide it.
>>649057Hm, interesting take.
No. 649069
>>649067Did you mean to reply to
>>649043 and their sperging at random people for not having their opinion? Kek.
No. 649070
>>649060The best place for them to congregate is off my motherfucking board.
>Just hide le threadIs the worst fucking meme and I want to punch every bitch who says that in their mouth. Just go to c.c retard. You post this every other week.
No. 649081
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This type of wood with the holes or burn marks or whatever the fuck it is is FUGLY. I want to vomit whenever I see this shit in a house.
No. 649098
>>649086I mean, it's not unusual to question the mental health of post-chunk people. There's a lot of struggles that come with weight loss of that capacity. Sometimes there's even health problems that can come from it..
The whole time we've been talking about this shit, the only word I can think of is "gunt" and I'm dying between trying to be serious business
No. 649126
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Sofia Jamora is ugly and a huge bitch. I don't understand how someone so blatantly unattractive could become even a F21 model, especially with the catty, bratty attitude she has. She acts like a bitchy 16 year old and has to facetune all of her own pictures to make herself passable. There are such beautiful, youthful, famous models in the world, I have no idea how she managed to get where she is. I also have no clue why she's categorized as a plus size model when she's average. I probably sound crazy to someone who doesn't know who she is or the shit she pulls.
>>649115I'm on the complete opposite end. The fishier the better, I love the texture and the taste. But I can completely, 100% understand why some people hate it. It's strong and the texture can be off-putting, and I'm talking about even cooked fish, not just sushi, which I also love.
No. 649144
>>649126Why do you have such a hateboner for a random instagram model? Genuinely wondering considering
>I probably sound crazy to someone who doesn't know who she is or the shit she pulls. She's probably considered plus size cause she's pear shaped and having big thighs/booty can make you look bigger overall. She looks nice imo. Her face kinda reminds me of Fergie.
No. 649160
>>649144She's not a random instagram model. She's a fairly famous instagram model who has done work with F21 and Zayn, and hangs out with the likes of the Kardashians and other famous women. If she was just "a random instagram model" I'm sure she'd be brushed off by people as just a random chick, but she's not.
Personal opinion but she looks fuckin weird. Her body is fine but her face is off somehow, I can't put my finger on it.
No. 649186
>>649175Not too long ago, she found out that a girl who she bullied in high school was dating her ex who she broke up with 5 years earlier. She posted this girl's @ (the girl in question wasn't a social media influence, just happened to have a twitter and instagram) and started dragging her publicly to her following, along with messaging the girl on snapchat and just being downright awful to her. The girl in question went public, as well as other girls who she apparently bullied relentlessly, and since Sofia is well-known but not as well known as, say, Kendall Jenner, I guess it just never went insanely viral. I'm going to try to find the instagram post so I can link it.
But anyways, this is the unpopular opinions thread, not the debate thread. I don't like her for her cruel behavior, you may ne a fan of hers and I wont question that.
No. 649323
>>649320thick thighs small calves gang here
cursed with the perception I'm fat even if not anachan anymore
nice to see a "model" who has normie thighs who doesn't look like she's 5'11" with ridiculously long twig legs
No. 649325
>>649318Seriously. She's not a perfect goddess or anything, but she's definitely conventionally attractive.
It's possible her personality is what makes her ugly to anon, though.
No. 649355
>>649325Yeah but us sane anons know anon isn't letting out steam in the context of the girl being a bitch, she's pissed cause she thinks she's too ugly to model.
>>649324Okay but lips don't make her entire face ugly.
No. 649360
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>>649324Her lips aren't even sausages….
No. 649363
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Nasolabial folds actually look kind of cute. Adds character to the face. I don't mean too pronounced where they reach down to the corners of your mouth, just slight, like pic related
No. 649364
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>>649324and what about it
No. 649367
>>649364Whenever I see Trish now all I picture is her toilet paper butthole.
I wish I could bleach my memory.
No. 649377
>>649370No she was trying to be sexy while taking a picture of her naked ass while she leaned into her vehicle, but her butthole had little pieces of toilet paper that were visible.
She either can't wipe herself properly or she buys super cheap tp.
No. 649383
>>649364Not related, but is there a name for that little skin protrusion near her lip? Is it a form of pronounced nasolabial folds, or just something that happens if you have thicker lips?
I have something similar around my lips, though not as extreme, and I hate it so much.
No. 649542
>>649426I still love P!atd and watch Urie's twitch streams from time to time, the man is wholesome as hell.
>>649511I loved the music video, it looked amazing.
No. 649741
>>649700HAES is a specific niche of the internet that most liberal people don't agree with.
Body acceptance, however, just holds a simple premise that people with different bodies including fat people deserve a baseline of respect. It makes sense why liberals endorse that, bullying and alienating other groups is scientifically shown to not improve situations.
I'm willing to bet there's more people who are politically liberal involved in STEM fields than conservatives.
No. 649976
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>>649962I just knew someone would reply that, lol. I'm just tired of people making such a huge deal about a character being a minority and focusing on the minortiy status rather than the actual characterization
No. 649988
>>649971Oh my god lmfao I definitely don't but thank you for the concern trolling uwu.
>>649981Nah, Twitter is where these fags belong now.
No. 649995
>>649970, this is exactly why I agree with you. Brown bodies on screen are more important, though, who cares if they're boring?
No. 650068
>>650054You can’t be this retarded. When you get one character per show on average and
every time they are written like shit, it doesn’t leave you with anything. If a white person is written badly, well there’s at least 10 others in show so meh
No. 650074
>>650062Wap wap wap
>>650066Ah yes, female sexuality is singing about our own pussy at lenght rather than like, singing about hot male asses something.
No. 650077
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>>649957>>649976>>649998Honestly I agree. I'm from an Ethnic group that I have literally never seen in American media (I'm brown SEA) so I'm pretty disillusioned with people shoving in token representations of groups to try and cover as much ground as possible. I think having characters of different races in media is a good thing, but it gets to a point where it becomes clear they're just trying to check off boxes on a list.
I'd rather see media made by actual nonwhite people trying to represent their specific heiritage/race than media just slapping in a few black, mexican, and asian people to get all their bases covered.
No. 650081
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>>650066Same. I don't know why people still think that it's so outrageous for people to talk about sex in our holy year of 2020. Obviously "female empowerment" should be a lot more than talking about our vaginas, but who cares if someone decides to make a song about theirs.
I also don't get why this song had so much hype for being raunchy when there are 50 million other songs like it, and have been for years.
>>650015This post reminds me of pic.
No. 650093
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>>650084Some anon posted that in the 2020 predictions thread (with no context, there was no infighting so this made no sense), anon in pic might be the same person.
No. 650111
>>650083But you have to admit it's jarring to see cardboard cutout characters of color, especially when the white characters in the same source material have actual personalities.
I used to watch this show in middle-high school based on some books, and one of the characters was racebent as a black girl. However, she was also the most mistreated character, both by the writers and the fandom. Ironically, the book version of the character, who was white, wasn't treated as badly.
Also, pretty sure literally no one here argued that diversity in media is inherently bad and needs to be avoided at all costs.
No. 650157
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>>649957Why do you anons throw in these tinderbox statements and then get upset when they inevitably spark a debate because what you mean is so fucking vague and unclear?
It's been happening a lot lately and the only logical explanation is that you love to argue.
You wrote
>representation is getting out of hand But based on the conservation that followed, you all actually mean
>poorly written characters that are forced to check certain boxes are not valuable representations Your IQ would have to be room temp to not see how the former statement looks like a dog whistle for people who are against representation cause they don't like seeing other people in their media.
No. 650229
>>650118NTA, but I feel like this happens because African-American people tend to advocate for themselves more.
I don't see why other minorities don't do the same if they also want more representation.
Why would anyone want to be a token, anyway? Isn't the discussion going on about how bad these writers are when they do this entire "token minority" thing? Why would you want that for yourselves? Americans are weird as shit about these things.
No. 650248
>>650237Hard agree. Old folks are so out of tune with what younger people want. Biden seems like he's pandering, but atleast he's trying.
>>650235Is that even what anon was saying? I thought they were just saying that black people push more than other races for representation so they get it more. Not that it's black peoples fault other races are represented even less. All minorities should be loud and advocate to be seen in media.
No. 650253
>>650229I seriously don't fucking understand this. Why do other ethnicities get mad at black people for advocating for themselves? Like no one is saying that you have to shut up and take racism/abuse/lack of representation/etc… Those same people get mad at black people and tell us that we're complaining too much and we need to shut up and take it like they do, but then they fucking bawl about no representation or racism…
Can someone please tell me because I don't understand.
No. 650273
>>650253I feel like some (not all) of the people who do that expect that they should get more if they side with the current hegemony and constantly remind those in charge "We're not like that bad minority over there that's always bitching". They think it'll work out for them somehow.
It kind of does, in the vein that black people get the brunt of racist hatred (and other races are typically either ignored, considered "less bad" or even seen as "harmless"), but the opposite is also true in that people who reject racism will literally go the extra mile to support black people.
When the latter happens, the people who uplifted themselves by siding with racists get upset because they think "But they're the worst! They're always complaining!
We deserve that, it's not fair, they're so
problematic". And then they pander to racists even more because milking the "not like those other non-whites" tactic is the "safest" way to go, even if the returns aren't that great in the long run. Low-key, I think even extreme racists respect those who stand up to them more, even subconsciously. Everyone loves a challenge, and racial chauvinism requires that kind of steam to keep on. After all, how can racists be proud of themselves without a group to constantly sperg out about and compare themselves to?
No. 650534
>>650516Yeah anons here just can't decide, same people that love songs like WAP
>>650512IMO the moral fags are the ones preaching about not calling women mean names. You're on lolcow for fucks sake.
>>650467I like some reptiles but wouldn't feel safe sleeping in the dark with one roaming around. They're very unpredictable
No. 650597
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Started playing a new mobile game project sekai. There’s a cute girl character in a sailor collar who acts like a girl and speaks very cute but uses “boku”. It hasn’t been confirmed due to the story if she is a girl or boy but I went to the wiki to see people speculating and all I see is this fucking crap. The game has been out for like 6 days. I hate all of these people. Sorry for sounding not woke. I just hate it. Can’t she just be a masculine girl or a feminine guy? Fuck the trans bullshit movement for forcing people into a bubble and going 100 years back progressively. Non-binary is a joke and I stop listening to you if you think it’s a real thing.
No. 650603
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>>650597Please don’t tell me people think Marisa is trans too
like are they not weeb enough to realize it isn’t a fucking tranny thing wtf No. 650610
>>650556I don't know anon. I'm not saying it's a good thing but that's what the media is trying to sell to young women like us
>>650554IMO exploring anything that doesn't belong to our galaxy is pointless. We'll die before we reach a planet like Jupiter anyway. But I've always wondered if robots could go in our place
No. 650686
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Not sure how unpopular but it seems it is: Silent Hill 2 is better than 3. Pic related dumb bitch with a random British accent especially ruined things for me. Too bad, I like Douglas and Heather, though I’m not the biggest fan of the pregnant with god thing
No. 650698
>>650696she's either straight up an alien or a retard lol
next on lolcow, kubrick staged the moon landing!
honestly i don't get moon conspiracies, oh why NASA hasn't done any more moon missions?? its a fucking rock, with nothing in it, why would they spend millions to go there, we already know whats it made off anyways.
No. 650703
>>650692Really, huh, I’ve seen so much love for 3.
Ok well how about this one: I also think Origins is better than 3 kek. I can’t remember 1 well enough to rank though
No. 650768
>>650729I cringe whenever I see furry porn or other specifially made for lewdness accounts on twitter having #blm in their name.
Also seeing all the trashy white women who only go to BLM protests to proclaim their love for the "BBC".
No. 650802
>>650597Remember when an anime girl using masculine speech patterns was to show that she was tough and that she didn't give a fuck about society's expectations? I hate the current year.
>>650768Lol same, a random onlyfans thot with acab and blm next to all their links in their bio always sends me, like it's the most performative shit ever.
No. 650819
>>650814TBH yes, I just really hate it when TRAs insist these people make the majority of MtFs.
Also, the overused TRA argument "so you're saying that lesbians would rather go for Buck Angel than for these really well passing transwomen??!?!" ignoring the fact that all the decent looking transwomen are HSTS and those who actually seek to date lesbians are uniformly hideous. It's so funny seeing transbians in media (Sens8, Euphoria) be played by obvious HSTS.
No. 650829
>>650821All the more reason to distance yourself from fandoms. Each person is going to interpret a piece of art differently. If you prefer a more personal experience with a piece of media and can't tolerate seeing interpretations of it that clash with your own, don't waste time in fandoms. Fandoms are basically a social crutch for people who otherwise struggle to make friends– you aren't required to participate in them.
The misconception that liking something automatically puts you in the fandom is why people now feel like they aren't "allowed" to like certain things because the associated fandom is cringey. Undertale, Rick and Morty, cape shit, etc. Casually enjoying something while you read/watch/play it and then moving on with your life without turning it into part of your identity seems like a foreign concept to people now unfortunately.
No. 650830
>>650814It's a snow filter, I know this one lol. If you look at his other video thumbnails he looks like a completely different person.
I even know one tranny in Uk who looked COMPLETELY different from his pics on fb (and still does) because of snow x beautycam abuse.Meanwhile on pictures that were taken frkm other people he looked like a /pol/ nerd with embarrassing fake boobs. (No, he didn't do a PS. He bought fake breasts off aliexpress.)
If I was still hanging out where I met him, I would have showed pictures but it was 2 years ago.
No. 651167
>>650802 person has an enstars icon
probably a idiot who thinks arashi is a trans man when hes just an okama gay guy stereotype. fuck this year
No. 651263
>>651249Probably not to that extent, that's why I referenced artistic depictions. Naturally thin women have always existed, this isn't an attempt to discredit them.
>>651252I don't know what you're referring to. We're animalistic in nature, ignoring the way in which our "core directive" affects ourselves and the opposite sex isn't inherently feminist.
>>651259Whatever helps you sleep at night, anon.
No. 651278
>>651245Nah, I think we would be told to just try to figure out what makes us happy, not what is purely “aesthetic” to others.
Like sure, maybe don’t be a fatty with broken knees, but you don’t have to be a skinny legend nor a sexy caricature.
I’m pretty sure it would more about emphasizing what we like if our unique body shape.
So, if you’re a pear but you hate your hips, it’s okay if you don’t show them off, no one cares. And if you’re a hourglass but you only like your legs, show your legs off, you don’t need to show everyone your waist and so on.
I doubt there would be any sort of “ideal” body type.
No. 651313
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Candy corn and candy pumpkins are delicious.
No. 651343
>>651337Lmao no anon. I wish. As
>>651330 said, they basically just taste like sugar with an edge of fake, plastic-like vanilla flavoring. They're also quite dry with a texture that's smooth on the outside and quite grainy on the inside, which is disgusting. People tend to either love them or hate them, with most hating them.
No. 651358
>>650045late reply but as a "brown" person I hate being """represented""" in pop culture because it's almost only in shitty series and movies when even when the writers try to show us in a positive light they're fucking up and making everything lowkey insulting or awkward, and it's not like American media even know about us.
Sofia Boutella in Kingsman was great though. The closest things I can see as representation in Japanese pop culture are these vaguely brown exotic exchange students in anime and otome games or whatever and that's a huge stretch. If I want to see people who have things in common with me I can just go outside and talk to them.
No. 651414
>>651325>>651337is wanting to taste candy corn the shared non-usa/canadian experience, i have always wanted to taste them too.
and twinkies and poptarts i want to taste them too
No. 651437
>>651434Agreed, same with jeans. The last thing I want is anything tight around my stomach/waist if I'm trying to be comfy.
Loose, flowy dresses >>>>>
No. 651463
>>651462Wait. Do what now?
I prefer thicker gym pants, but…
No. 651477
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>>651462What? They would have to be really thin and contrast a lot with the color of the skin of the woman wearing them so you can be able to even perceive anything, also, the woman in question you need to have the smallest buttocks in the world.
What the hell are you smoking? Stop looking at people asses, they’re not tv’s, you weirdo.
No. 651523
There is no such thing as being naturally skinny or naturally fat. There just isn't. There is such thing as having a faster or slower metabolism, and having actual, identifiable medical issues that cause you to be bigger, but for the most part, fatter people are eating more food, period. You might have been born into a family that ate excessively as well as the wrong foods, making you think you just come from a family with bad genes, when really it's bad learned behavior that caused you to be chubby even at a young age. My metabolism is no where near as good as my friends, in the sense where if I regularly eat significantly more calories than I should I would gain weight, whereas she can get away with eating more. But metabolism and genetics are not as big of factors to weight gain as people try to make it. The biggest factors are more calories going in then out, height, and the way your body chooses to store fat.
No. 651530
>>651526Yes but having a fast or slow metabolism only comes into play when you are eating more than what you technically should for your height and age.
For example if I'm meant to only eat around 1200 calories a day but decide to eat 2500 every day for a week and I have a slow metabolism, I will gain weight.
If another person with a fast metabolism is supposed to eat 1200 calories a day but eats 2500, they might not gain as much.
The point is anyone who is fat is overeating, because metabolism doesn't affect the intake of the standard amount of calories your body needs to sustain itself. They are not naturally fat, they got to that point.
No. 651578
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Anon there are thousands upon thousands of creepshot pics of girls in public with these on. The fabric being thick doesn’t help things, if you’re okay with being photographed that’s cool but personally the principle of it is too much for me.
No. 651666
>>651578That's under the assumption someone is going to photograph it. I'm guessing the chances of that happening are low to rare.
Being so obsessed about what other men or people think/do when they see your body is crazy. I would never pass up on yoga pants because I was worried about getting stared at.
Tie a jacket around your waist or wear a long shirt and wear them for a day, you will see how comfortable they are.
No. 651688
>>651578I know it sucks that men are disgusting, but do we really have to wear long skirts with a petticoat so men don’t take pictures of us?
Men will turn whatever we wear into something sexual, hell, there’s coomer pictures about women in Muslim attire, just relax and wear some yoga pants with shorts or a skirt over it if you’re worried about people checking out your asshole.
No. 651728
>>651396his glasses look so 2012 superwholock tacky
and without them he's even less appealing.
No. 651741
>>651696IDK. We are leered at whether we wear ugly ass jogging pants and messy buns or shiny dresses. I've been approached by men I don't want to be approached by while wearing both.
My point was to not let that dictate what you want to wear or how comfortable you feel. Either way, it happens. It's shitty but such is life.
No. 651822
>>651820I feel like yeah it does look good. The problem I guess is womens fashion is fine-tuned maximum designed to suit the "ideal" form and be sexy (to men at least), meanwhile men live their lives looking like a paper bag. for the most part
However if men caught up i dont think that'd be better because then we'd all be coomers, who knows
No. 651902
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>>651527Ugh, same, I'm sure my ex bf only attended yoga classes so he could check out all the tight fitted women. He also insisted I start doing squats for that disgusting KimK ass. On top of that he started guilting me into sending nudes after I told him I unwillingly sent those to someone else a long ass time ago.
He is 90% why I'm too scared to start dating again.
No. 651909
>>651900Sure but how many people like that do you see on a daily basis? How many walk around like that on the street? Aside from goth kids, I've seen none.
Besides, when they say that they specifically refer to "work-appropriate" makeup and people who try to argue against it know it but just play stupid.
No. 651911
>shady/money hungry beauty industryYeah, definitely not disagreeing with that but
>the act of using makeup in itself is conforming to patriarchal beauty standardsthen why do moids have to constantly tell me how much they hate my make-up. it's literally only women who like my looks
>>651909I definitely do agree that "work -appropriate make-up" is the biggest bullshit ever. "clownish"/over-theatrical looks >>>>>
No. 651935
>>651900Why can't
you accept that your perception of radfems is based on stereotypes? No one is trying to take your make-up away, ffs.
No. 651949
>>651900Ok so I started looking at makeup subreddits after trying to follow the drama with James Charles, and do you know how many women swear up and down that they do makeup totes for themselves, but since the pandemic hit they’re all like “what’s the point in wearing makeup”? They make posts asking ‘what makeup is your most used/can’t go without’ and all answer foundation/concealer or mascara. Most of them are deluding themselves because they care more about pretending to be empowered than actually being so
What is so hard to grasp about the fact that we all are affected by socialization and so is everything we like? Even if you grew up in a vacuum and truly do like makeup for yourself, It doesn’t matter how you engage in makeup in the current society, it all supports men’s interests whether individuals claim to hate it or not, so the point is moot
No. 651950
>>651944I guess I was a little bit too harsh though, after seeing this self-identified radfem call all make-up "slave paint" and all women who wear it "handmaidens of patriarchy" and there were still plenty of women agreeing with her.
I guess it also depends on the age and the platform a radfem is using, because I've seen many boomer Karens who seemed to genuinely think true gender neutrality is looking like the grey blobs from Fairly Odd Parents
No. 651969
This will probably make me sound like a dumb scrote, but here I go (I would never discuss this shit with dudes and my female friends all disagree) : I don't like the new definition of rape as "Sexual activity without consent". First off I think it actually makes it more difficult to prosecute because it becomes even more of a he said she said situation. Defining rape as having an explicit element of threat or violence makes it way more clear cut. (Although I don't think people would go to the police with these kind of ambiguous situations because they already know it's not actually rape, it's just virtue signalling to pretend it is…)
A lot of things described as rape recently just don't sound like rape to me, and I'm sorry but if you haven't said "no" and you look like you're into it, how tf do you expect the other party to know what's going on in your head? I have friends who told me I was raped when I told them what I thought was a funny anecdote of a sexual accounter that didn't go 100% like I expected, because apparently it's the responsibility of the guy to make sure everything's fine. Same thing when a friend told a story of bad sex because the guy wasn't listening to her (she was in no danger and literally left the bedroom after a while…). Are they expecting people to be psychic?
Also people that are really into this notion have a strange view of sexual relationships while drunk. In my personal experience, it only amounts to making the guy in the situation (or the butch girl in one case…) literally responsible of everything regardless of anything the woman does. I've seen people chastize a drunk guy that turned down a drunk girl even though she wanted to have sex with him because they'd made out first before he decided she wasn't "able to consent", which was apparently sexual assault. The girl was literally PISSED. I think it's logical that the guy didn't go through sleeping with her as it made him unconfortable, but even if he did, how would that have been reprehensible? Why is it the man's duty to ensure his outwardly enthusiastic partner is actually consenting? I've even heard people blaming the guy in situations where both participants are drunk as shit and end up blacking out. The fuck?? I mean you can't have two people mutually raping each other so I guess you have to find a culprit… And a man is still in many woke people's minds more deliberate than a foolish woman who's perpetually unsure of what she wants. Reminds me of my mom's backward country where women are in lifelong minority - except on the topic of sex where we're all scheming whores. What a wonderful reversal.
(I say that because I have yet to hear anyone throw a fit when a woman tries to sleep with a guy that's too drunk to get it up, when that should in all logic be a glaring sign of the man's unability to consent because of alcohol.)
Note that I am only talking about "good faith" incidents here, that I've seen play out IRL, where there is no threat of violence of any kind and no coercion, no explicit "no" (or it ends the sexual accounter immediately) or actually trying to escape the """unwanted""" sexual accounters. To label these kind of things as rape is beyong me.
Thanks for coming to my victim-blaming Ted Talk. (Funny story: asked in a college class about consent and "grey areas", especially in a party or when alcohol is involved, what people could do to foster a safer environment, answering "maybe we should drink less" wasn't taken well at all.)
No. 651988
>>651969i somewhat agree with you tbh. we have to let the other person know we dont want to engage in sexul activities, we cant be vague on that. and people who clame rApE for even a missplaced gaze is stupid and detracts from the real
victims. if everything is rape and abooose, the the real shit is gonna get buried and scrotes will have the "everything is rape to them" excuse to get away with it.
No. 652041
>>651969i kinda agree with this but i don't trust men when they say "i didn't realize she wasn't into it", men constantly ignore women's boundaries or legit screaming and crying because they pull the "i'm just a dumb coomer and i thought crying is part of normal sex lol" defense
too many people give men the benefit of the thought and think they are as stupid as men claim to be, when men know what they are doing
No. 652053
>>652041>too many people give men the benefit of the thought and think they are as stupid as men claim to be, when men know what they are doingAbsolutely.
>but I'm just a dumb man lol I think with my dick it's just nature bro! Don't wear slutty clothes if you don't want attention, I can't control it lol it's just how my mind works! I'm a hunter>women are too emotional and hysterical to be leaders, men are the more rational, logical genderWhich fucking is it?
No. 652065
>>652050I 100% agree!
My unpopular opinion is that wanting attention is completely normal. Adults who do insane lolcow shit to get it deserve to be mocked though.
No. 652080
>>652079Being attracted to males is one thing, but being attracted to
feminine males? I can't understand it.
No. 652093
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Washing your clothes by hand is the worst thing you could ever do, it damages the fabric further more than when you wash them in the washing machine.
>washing machine superior.
>hand washing inferior.
No. 652094
>>652091I thought you were being sarcastic lol
But true anon, based opinion as well, if gender roles are to exist I want my men to look masculine.
No. 652102
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>>652095the anon in question
No. 652125
Terf this incel that
The internet was never the place for debates to work but the echo chamber effect of social media has made this worse
No. 652313
>>651981The Chinese used to believe dinosaur fossils were actually dragon skeletons
If something exists in your mind, it does exist in a way. Morals don’t exist except for in our brains, yet societies are built on them and they cause a lot of conflict in some people
Physical existence is overrated
No. 652326
>>652322the 1% percent is that tumblr gay guy whose url i don't remember but it was really long and some shitty nerd reference so whatever
dude really hated women, was a self proclaimed "egalitarian" but only cared about "men's rights", actually supported fakebois as long as they were the trutrans type and loved to ree about "cis fujos" and "transtrenders"
No. 652334
>>652332lmao i forgot about him! but no it was other guy
tbh all the anti-sjw gay dudes almost make me want to be homophobic
No. 652386
>>652360Ok I was thinking about people I knew in their early or mid-20s in my post, it's true the difference is huge between both groups despite the age gap being so small, I guess that's the internet and all that shit.
>I remember seeing this one tiktok of a teenage trans boy crying at the thought of fujioshisThat lack of self-awareness sounds hilarious.
No. 652405
>>652394Of course not. Just funny how dudes be making “I’d fuck me” jokes but when I said that’s gay af, they would actually get
triggered and start to argue with me how it’s completely str8 and just like masturbation.
No. 652415
>>652405Men are so retarded, many of them actually do enjoy gay things but still think being seen as gay is the worst thing ever.
This is what probably
triggered the entire trap debate. Yes, Brad, traps are fucking gay. No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
No. 652416
>>651969honestly even if a rape allegation can seem ungrounded it is often deserved anyway and women should not be afraid to call their bad experiences rape because scrotes need to be way more harshly judged for their actions. my opinion is that the definition of rape and sexual assault should be even more "wide". people who give a fuck about "innocent" men being wrongfully accused of rape obviously have zero experience of any type of sexual violence and how it's handled in the legal system. the chances of men being actually wrongfully accused of rape in any country are so god damn low, especially in comparison in how many cases of rape are not taken seriously by authorities or even followed up on.
this is just such a bad take overall because there is literally NEVER a case of some woman "accidentally" taking advantage of an unconscious or intoxicated man. when your sort of thinking is implemented in the legal system it ONLY works to benefit men with neglectful, exploitive or sadistic sexual tendencies
No. 652518
>>652517relax, re-read my post, point out where was mentioned elon musk and his tax fraud
I agree with you about billionaries but it's completely irrelevant in the case whether humanity should continue space exploration or not
No. 652519
>>650814Is it worth watching these if I want to improve my "low" voice? I've never had a nice natural voice, it's like a fat girl voice.
People make fun of me because sometimes on the phone they say I have "customer service voice" cause I've been whipped from retail and call centers to have a higher pitched and nicer voice, and I'm wondering if these types of videos would help me become more conscious of it and less straining to do.
No. 652547
>>652519Same, but I agree with
>>652524 and my deep voice is one of the things I consistently love about myself.
People take me more seriously because of it. Be confident in your powerful voice, anon.
No. 652627
>>652612>>652585? Does anime face make anyone automatically a loli ? This character is 19 years old (later shortly turns 20). The artstyle is jackshit, sure but that doesnt make her a loli.
Manga/anime itself is an attempt to make a knock off version of that anime with bully girl. Not interested but imo its stupid to call this huge-eyed bug a loli.
No. 652671
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It makes me a bit sad how cute Ethan Klein (H3H3) used to be when he was younger and not as fat. This happens to almost all men and still women supposedly “age like milk”.
No. 652700
>>652685>>652621It's because too many people outside those groups speak from a place of ignorance and bad faith. When there's an irritating amount of people of a certain background who say nothing but stupid shit about your background, of course you don't want to hear from them in general.
You can only go through so much of hearing the same scrotes with retarded evopsych opinions about women before you don't even care to hear out the one guy who actually has something worth listening to. You start to think "You're annoying, just shut the fuck up. Read the hundreds of other times people with your opinion have been argued with". It's even worse when you do give them a chance, and then their opinion is just the same thing you heard from the rest, but in a slightly different shade. It's the ultimate disappointment.
It sucks for people who are educated and have good points to make, but honestly, what can you do?
No. 652703
>>652701you are so
valid queen
No. 652704
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>>652612I have no opinion one way or the other, but it looks like a 12-year old boy from a shonen manga if you crop out the tits.
No. 652713
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>>652704Just a case of shitty artstyle, not that deep. Both manga and anime are fugly. Artist is one of those "huge eyes were popular in early 2000s, and anime is all about big bug eyez anyway!11" case.
No. 652716
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>>652653Hope i didn't hit a nerve in your pornaddicted brain anon
No. 652718
>>652713i refuse to believe anyone actually faps to this butterface gremlin and they're just pretending they do because they think that will "
trigger the sjws"
No. 652732
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Boba tea tastes awful, but they look nice and I wished I liked them
No. 652734
>>652612It's the hair that ruins it for me. That style only works on tall, composed women with a cool yet kind personality. You know, the josei or shoujo ai manga type.
It just doesn't go with that face. If they'd given her a more youthful and girly looking hairstyle I wouldn't mind her design nearly as much.
No. 652782
>>652732I would say 90% of the drinks at most western (american and european) shops are awful and just way too sweet. Here some shops arent even tea theyre flavored milks or juices with boba. Maybe they have one or two different types of actual teas but for the most part its flavored powder they shake into milk and then you add your shit popping boba, pearls, aloe etc.
So i kinda agree with you. When theyre asian owned and ran and use real tea they can be good. I only like the basic/oolong black tea with milk, 0 percent added sugar with tapioca pearls. Also where i am, no one seems to like ice so by time they shake it theres only a few cubes and its barely chilled, so i always have to get extra ice.
No. 652814
>>652699If you had comprehended my post you would realise I'm well aware of that and frankly don't care kek.
>>652700I actually agree with you anon, I'm just advocating specifically for free speech. Everyone is entitled to express themselves verbally (as long as it doesn't converge into criminality). That includes the repercussions one might face from others for an unpopular or immoral opinion. It's not a perfect system, but I'm thankful stifling people isn't as common a practice in the West as it is in some parts of the world. It's why I like LC. The playing field is leveled and is more based upon quality of ideas as opposed to the identity politics that are frequently employed by entitled people lacking an argument.
No. 652913
>>652901Nta but i developed a shitty waking up late behavior after a change of time zones, to solve it, I wake up 15 minutes before the time I have to get out of the bed to do my stuff, sometimes I wake up half an hour before so I can throw a silent tantrum in bed and even get some extra 5 minutes of sleep, sometimes I just browse the Internet and whatnot.
You get to waste some time while still being productive without feeling too tired.
No. 652970
>>652964Fair lashes are cute on their own, and mascaraless eyes are more striking IMO
>>652966There has to be something more. I tried to make my own using milk, cream, or evaporated milk and they all tasted off. Never quite like from a shop. I like a bubble tea sometimes but I always get 25% or less sugar from actually good tea places and they’re still really sweet kek
No. 652982
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I have a feeling that within 10 years, transracial identities will be accepted in the USA. Cardi B's sudden identity shift from a Latina mestizo woman who considers sex with black men interracial to a black rights activist who pops her pussy, the phenomenon of blackfishing on IG, and many aspects of the mainstream music scene as a whole are just the blueprint. Before that was the concept of "political blackness", and before that was the one-drop rule.
Pay attention to how mixed women are presented as black women in media. That is on purpose. For any black women who noticed this before reading, colorism is not the only issue at play here. Look how many subliminals there are on YouTube promising to make the listeners Asian, black, biracial, white, etc. There is a real audience of people struggling with a form of dysphoria around race.
There's already been multiple cases of people “racefaking” and entering spaces reserved for people of that race: Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug, CV Vitolo, Satchuel Cole, etc. There are trans women who started off as white men, but now identify as black women.
In the cases of the white women doing it, it caused backlash, but they all talk of being confused about their own identities, and they never did things with the exact intent to harm black people. Soon, bashing them will be considered too heavy-handed. Rihanna was one of the first to open that door when she called Dolezal a “hero”.
Eventually, people will start talking about how race is just a social construct, we should be helping those struggling with racial identity issues, racial identity is coercively assigned at birth, some people have chemicals in their brain that are more like black people than white people, etc. Anti-racists who oppose this will be called TEARs (Trans-Exclusionary Anti-Racists). Maybe the word “transracial” will be phased out and considered too harsh. “Trans-cultural” is softer and more acceptable to the untrained ear. The same way transgender people often rally behind intersex people and their shared struggles with confusion around gender as proof of their identities, you can expect transracial people to rally behind biracial and multiracial people in the same way. They can and will call back to the narratives around racial confusion and the “tragic mulatto” trope for this.
When the black/white barrier is finally broken, that will open the floodgates for those infected with k-pop and anime mind viruses to come out as trans-Asian. Notice how transgender women have a dichotomy been HSTS and AGP? “Trutrans” and “trenders”? It’s going to be the “authentic”, “passing” trans-black person with true racial dysphoria who takes tanning pills, perms their hair and just wants to be accepted (never mind if they have an obsession with sexualised black women and/or BBC stereotypes) vs the “trendy”, non-“passing” weeaboo/koreaboo who wears shitty cat eye makeup to look Asian.
To be clear, I’m a woman with racial dysphoria. I guess this will ultimately benefit me, but I’m not evil, just trying to live my life, so I’m giving a heads-up. I just want the best for everybody, and I don’t necessarily think it’s good if this does happen.
I think anyone who has these feelings should just try to live in silence, don’t disclose anything, move somewhere people don’t know you (if you plan to outwardly present), and definitely don’t put yourself in any civil rights group like an asshole. There are others like me, but no one talks about it because it’s taboo. Please don’t attack those girls on IG who are “black fishing” or photoshopping themselves Asian or anything, I promise it’s just a way of expressing love for certain aesthetics and support for people, or even just a way to have fun, not a plot to hurt women of color. I think everyone has a little woman or man of another race inside them, it’s part of being human.
No. 652997
>>652982Shut the fuck up american.
That weird relationship with race is an american thing, literally no other country in the world cares that much.
No. 653024
>>652989I didn't choose to be born with pale skin and mental issues, please just try to understand. I don't want this to happen, I’m on your side.
Bashing the people who have this issue just causes them more pain and confusion. The problem is the media supporting it and pretending it's not a mental problem. There is no adequate treatment right now.
No. 653035
>>652982A funny thing I've noticed is that the white people who get notorious and universally mocked for publicly presenting themselves as black are all women but there's Shaun King a white guy who claims he's half black and styles his hair and only publishes black and white selfies to try and look more mixed even though both his parents are white and no one really gives him shit for it other than conservatives pissed off at his activism.
When people comforting him about it he just implies his mother had an affair with a black man which is hilarious but he never faces any real social repercussions for it and can carry on his activism career and mainstream media appearances unlike the white women who get exposed doing this who are shunned as crazy and damaging the black community.
So I guess as people live their lives more and more online, especially with editing your selfies in some way becoming more common, it probably will become a bigger thing.
No. 653048
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>>653035sorry for ot but
Shaun King is fucking annoying. That "my mom had an affair with a black man" thing is most likely fake. He looks like his dad. If anything his mother might be mixed. Plus, who's family would be ok with them openly admitting they are a child of an affair? No. 653212
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>>653048Shaun King reminds me every White guy who thinks dating a Black girl means he needs to get a skin fade or start sleeping with a durag on trying to put waves in his hair.
Even if his birth father is a lightskinned Black man as he alleges, he was still raised by a White mother (and White father for some time) meaning he wasn’t raised in Black culture. Even if he’s truly biracial, he still easily passes for White. So he’s removed from the culture and isn’t even a visible minority, especially when styled differently… interesting. I smell Dolezal.
It would be easy for him to put this to rest by simply sharing his DNA results.
No. 653214
>>653207It’s fucking weird in general, I get leaving nice comments to cheer up a not really popular artist you like, but leaving comments for someone who has over 5k followers is just sad.
Also, hate comments are indeed specially retarded, what are those people gaining from it? Specially since most of the time they have their faces and names out there related to those comments.
And criticism isn’t bad, but if someone is going to be like
>yur a bitch>fagass >I hate your insertrandomthing It’s just retarded and a waste of time for all of the parties involved.
No. 653223
>>653217NTA they're just okay. They're not terrible or anything. It reminds me of visual kei bands that were more aesthetics>music (but vk tops babymetal tbf). It's definitely not just men that only like them for their look though. i think they just struck gold during a time weebs, jrock, jpop, kpop, etc were on the rise.
They're like the metallica of girl-lead metal bands. Just mediocre.
No. 653224
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>>653212>White guy who thinks dating a Black girl means he needs to get a skin fade or start sleeping with a durag on trying to put waves in his hair. Fuck this is so accurate lmaooo
This is extreme tinfoil
he's been with his wife since he was 16. I feel like he probably lied about his race to her in HS and has to keep the act going, so he just became an activist to prove his "blackness". He passes "well enough" so it works, but not well. No. 653233
>>653217TAYRT, and it's not that it's just… I've seen several adult men on my feed going "omg they're so good! And cute!! Look at them!" but they're not actually that good, they're about as basic as it gets. But they get all gooey about it.
I want to say same with k-pop but at least k-pop in itself is its own genre.
Maybe it's the fact that they're new to me that I don't really get the allure of it and why they'd be acting in shock of the band.
No. 653403
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>>651969This isn't an unpopular opinion. This is what 90% of men actually believe.
No. 653448
>>653444Holy shit, I hope that isn't an unpopular opinion. Saying "Based," and or "Redpilled," is the modern equivalent of "
Oof," and "Bruh," Adds absolutely nothing to the conversation, ever.
No. 653485
>>653444I don't understand why people get upset over dumb meme words, especially on an imageboard of all places. Like if it bothers you that much, go seek out places where people hold proper intellectual conversations.
>I bet they don't even know the origin for "Based" either. Are we really being snobby over "based" yeah?
No. 653523
>>653460I know I said it wastes time but you're taking that too literally, but of course what did I expect… I don't care if people reply with one liners like "kek" (otherwise I would've included that). It's literally just the word "Based"
>>653485Well, because different internet communities have different cultures. Pog, Based, kekw, kappa are all things you'd expect on Twitch or Twitter. If we all started using more and more phrases from different places the culture of this imageboard would dynamically shift. Dont fucking tell me to go somewhere else and relax, it's just an opinion. The point of me saying "I bet they don't even know […]" was to further drive my point that it comes across as such an underage phrase to constantly repeat, just like "pog" has been hammered over and over again on Twitter. I never said I expected intellectual contribution but if you're gonna say Based, at least explain why something is based. It's such a zombie response but I guess you say it so often you don't even think about that.
No. 653532
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>>653523Samefag, but this scrote showing off his dick over in /g/ and saying "Based Sluts Keep it Up" is a perfect example of what I meant by the word being such a scrote-like lingo. Perfect timing, KEK
(That's his foot btw, I cropped out the tiny phallus)
No. 653542
>>653532I see what you mean, but you could literally apply that logic to a number of terms also utilised by groups you attach a negative connotation to. For instance I can't stand the words "y'all" or "
problematic" because I associate them with the brain-dead twitterfags that come here in hordes. But that doesn't necessarily mean every, or even most instances of people using them are in any way associated with that group.
Soz for sperg, clearly no one even asked kek.
No. 653736
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If you make under 30k a year on paper not including assets in the US and aren't on Medicaid and Food Stamps out of 'pride' but you readily took the unemployment checks you're very silly. Brainwashing middle class people who aren't actually middle class in terms of income to not go on programs like SNAP or Medicaid because they don't want to take the dole yet they cannot afford food beyond simple grains every month is the greatest psyop ever.
There is no pride in not accepting a government handout, GDP is not real, taxes are not real, the treasury prints FIAT currency and gives trillions of it to bailout international corporations who are no beholden to the US government and do not pay taxes.
Why do you care if you get 200$ a month for food, or your prescriptions suddenly become a maximum of 5$ and your doctor visits become a maximum of 10$?
Why are you so dumb?
The dole has been a concept as tried as the concept of Empire, and we live in an Empire. Grain allotments persisted in Rome basically until the sacking of Rome, and they were never ever repealed for long, even then it was impossible to 'take back' a social program.
If you cared about not having a society where welfare doesn't exist, too bad, that argument was settled before you were born, and now we live in the society where if SNAP or Medicaid was ended there would be riots, just like there was in Rome or any other society thats done this.
Just take the money for food, and use the money to support local farmers. Did you know that SNAP/EBT works in conjunction with local farmers in most states and actually doubles your money if you go out of your way to support local farmers?
Yes I'm serious, if you have SNAP and you go to a local farmers market, they'll probably accept SNAP/EBT, and if you pay them with your EBT your dollar is actually worth 2$! This is a subsidy program, but it only works if you don't spend the dole at walmart.
People act like they want to be farmers, you know you can get a farm in the midwest in states like Iowa and declare yourself a corn farmer and get dole to just live there? Why wouldn't you?
I genuinely cannot understand how people live in this fantasy world where dole is this evil thing sucking money from tax payers when we are the biggest empire on the face of the earth with the almost entire world beholden to 'our' treasury economically
Here is medicaid expansion, its not the same in every state, but it is EXTREMELY generous and pays for pretty much EVERYTHING. They only ask you to report income, not assets, just income. Did you know that Medicaid will also back-pay medical expenses if you can prove that you qualified for medicaid when you suffered them? Like if you're 23 making under 30k, qualifying for medicaid, but on shit insurance without knowing better, they will backpay it. If you were uninsured, then they will 100% backpay it
shut up i hate conservatives oh my lord
No. 653750
>>653736OT but lmao I'm big mad that the income requirement is based on
federal poverty levels and not a state-by-state basis. I need to make well under 30k to qualify as an individual, but 30k is minimum wage in my state. I can't fucking afford shit in my state on 30k anyway though. Fucking stupid as hell. Give me fucking medicaid, regular health insurance still had ridiculously high premiums/deductibles even after the tax credits. I fucking hate this shithole country.
Conservatives who don't want me to use welfare programs need to pay me an actual living wage.
No. 653767
>>653746Yeah I don't think any lower earners are against taking welfare IF they qualify for it. Like this anon said
>>653750, if you don't live in a state where medicaid is expanded, or if you just live in a state that granted welfare based off the federal standard when state poverty is defined so differently, you're kinda fucked.
I live in a state where medicaid is not expanded, I make a few thousand short of 40k annually. I live very frugally and I have no health insurance because I can't really afford to give up $200 extra a month (it's technically cheaper to just pay $250 if/when I need to use an urgent care like twice a year). But I can't see a physician and a medical bill could bankrupt me.
One time I was absolutely desperate and tried to use pay stubs back when I only worked part time @30 hours a week making $16/hr to apply for assistance, they told me I didn't qualify for any benefits because I made $50 more than the federal cutoff. That's that. If you make a single dollar more than the cutoff you ain't getting shit.
Even Planned Parenthood in my state said they couldn't help me out in any way, not even with a payment plan, and proceeded to charge me over $400 that I was to pay immediately for an STD panel and pap.
Someone earning $50 less than me working part time technically has a better standard of living than mine when I now work full time.
The system has told me to fuck off.
No. 654073
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I'm not sure how I say this right but after being a fan of Keanu Reeves and Adam Driver in same time. I realize that both of fanbase are like equally balanced
>Keanu Fanbase
-Spaming the breathtaking meme until it make it unfunny
-Mostly of Gamer and Redditor
-Treat Keanu like Jesus even thou Keanu doesn't want too
>Adam Fanbase
-Love to Spam Kylo ren jokes until it's unfunny
-Mostly of Tumblr and Fangirl
-Cancel Adam because of his roles in Blackkklansman
No. 654247
>>654244probably unrelated, but one time on tumblr i found a self proclaimed radfem unironically defending marilyn manson's actions and insisting he's not creepy/
abusive and it's just media bias
No. 654253
>>654244I'll never understand why people feel the need to view their hobbies through a political lens. You have hobbies to get away from politics, not as an alternative way to argue about them. How hard is it for someone to just say
>I don't agree with [x musician]'s behavior/politics, but I enjoy the music anywayOr
>I know [x thing] is trashy, but it's fun for meFfs just relax and enjoy shit. Life's too short to pretend to hate things you like because they're ~problematique~
No. 654270
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Why is Sailor Moon considered a "girly" show when the girls are skantily dressed teenagers who are 70% legs? And there is so many of them they are sure to attract at least one moid. Everything about this show seems aimed at making teen boys horny
No. 654279
>>654270Just because men will sexualize something doesn't mean that's what it's for, or that girls/women can't also like it for our own reasons (especially if it's primarily aimed at us).
In my case, I liked Sailor Moon as a kid because all the girls were pretty and could fight/do magic stuff. Also, they went to school, had friendships, etc. I didn't really care how short their skirts were, it's not like there were panty shots every other second like actual coomer anime.
A show primarily aimed at making teen boys horny would just be composed of male main characters with like, one female main character who's either annoying or bland but is cute/has big tits, or is just a male character's personality and huge tits. Or it'd just be a harem anime, there are plenty of those.
No. 654284
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>>654270Geez Naeko's art style was based on high fashion pictures,they are 70% leg because she would look at 6'0 vogue models to base her drawings of women, it has nothing to do with men.
No. 654305
>>654292>>654284On this note, isn't it weird how much high fashion isn't even ruled over by women, but gay men?
We kind of hold it up to a desexualized pedestal because it's not just beauty, but art blended with beauty, but who's to say most high fashion isn't just gay scrotes using women like Barbies to project themselves onto in a non-sexual way? Aren't depictions of women of a very specific body type/height dressed in garments and makeup designed by males, posing how males dictate, and bringing male creative forces to life just another form of male gaze?
Maybe it's not as blatantly
toxic/directly disrespectful as the more traditional, hypersexual straight male gaze, but it's still there.
No. 654307
>>654292That's wild, Bayonetta looks nothing like characters drawn by men. I've loved Bayonetta since I was a kid but even the game's story isn't anything like what men tend to write.
Usually they'll give strong female characters a tragic backstory by saying they were raped or molested, friendships with other women don't exist, all characters are catty and jealous towards each other, and the character design is usually big melon titties with jiggle physics.
Semi-related, but I hate it when SJWs cancel women in the media for the smallest overstep when men are indestructible no matter how many lives they fuck up and how much of a shit human being they are. There's always some scrotoid caping for them and telling people to "separate the artist from the art", yet people seem to be incapable of doing that for women.
No. 654315
>>654309That's good to know. It kind of sucks seeing a cool model shoot/concept, reading the name of the designer and finding out 99% of the credit and monetary proceeds go to some male even though it could never even work without female hands.
>>654310I'm not mad, though. I was one of the anons defending Sailor Moon, and never had a problem with Bayonetta because it's still made by a woman. I just like to consider more than one viewpoint, kek.
Gay male gaze can still be sexually charged from a projection-oriented standpoint. Like I said, it's just different from het men's version. See: Gay men who obsess over Lana Del Rey because they live vicariously through her, the gay guys who had Charli XCX sign their poppers or some other thing they planned to use for sexual purposes without her knowledge of what it was, etc. It's all creepy.
The line between AGP troons and certain kinds of gay men (not all) is often blurry.
No. 654329
>>654003technically she IS in a band. jupiter, her current BF, handles a lot of the production and performs on stage with her (where he creepily emulates early CC by pretending to play a guitar on stage. i'm not even kidding. i saw her live like 2 years ago and the guitar he plays does literally nothing). jupiter just sucks ass at producing music and is just as bad as ethan was imo (in terms of being manipulative/controlling and potentially
abusive). he's pulled some pretty fucked up stuff (along with alice) over the past 6 years since alice left CC.
i've been a huge CC/alice fan for like 12 years now (kill me) and have a literal fuckton of receipts on all three of them. after all the shit i've witnessed, imo alice did a lot of this to herself and has a lot of issues she needs to work out. inb4
victim blaming, i really don't even care at this point. i felt incredibly bad for her when everything was first going down, but i'm way past that point now. all three of them are trash in their own unique ways.
No. 654343
>>654341I think the e-girl style kind of suits her. She does it in this video.
To be honest, it's a disappointment that most of her new music isn't very good. She feels more like a model than a musician.
No. 654345
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>>654343I think it's way too over the top and polished compared to her old style, which was much more authentic, but that's just my opinion.
No. 654354
>>654335i'll give a run-down. if you're still interested in any of this, let me know, and i'll post the receipts in an imgur album when i get home (am at work currently).
>alice and jupiter gaslit a clout-chasing fan ~2012 into thinking ethan was stalking/harassing her. said fan was touring with alice around LA at the time and doing a lot of photography for her when alice was mostly doing DJ sets. fan was constantly getting bombarded with asks on tumblr that were targeting specific things that this fan had only really discussed with alice/jupiter. when she confronted them, they called her back and accused her of being mentally unstable/having a mental breakdown, it was actually ethan sending them and he was going to hurt her. she was using an IP tracker on her tumblr and was able to prove that it wasn't ethan at all. she later went on to apologize to ethan after alice/jupiter had manipulated her into putting out some huge false statement against ethan on her tumblr, even ended up meeting up with ethan/edith to repair their friendship after all this happened.
>alice claims that she released her accusations against ethan to protect other women from him, yet she did not intervene when ethan was dating an 18 (or 19, somewhere around there) year old that alice was DEFINITELY aware of. said girl was going on tour with them at various points, and claims that alice told her in the back of a tour bus that "ethan was a great guy and would take care of her". if this was all about protecting women, why didn't she step in and warn her of ethans abuse?
>alice has publicly gone after edith (current frontwoman for CC), accusing her of copying her. has publicly followed IG accounts whose sole purpose was bashing on edith, a girl who has done NOTHING to alice/jupiter - hasn't even spoken to them personally according to an interview she had awhile back. they also had several IG live stories years ago that straight up dragged edith's performance during some televised show (coachella, i think?). just really rude shit to a woman that hasn't done a damn thing to them except try to fill alice's shoes and has done nothing but praise her.
>clout-chasing fan i mentioned before (who is in the LA scene) has publicly stated that alice/jupiter pass around plates of MDMA to their own fans at parties in their LA house, in an attempt to get them to open up about trauma they've experienced. really rubs me the wrong way that they would do this to their fans. i can easily see power dynamics coming into play where someone who is not experienced with these kinds of drugs accepts their offer due to peer pressure.
>alice mentions in her statement that ethan was supplying her drugs, but you can clearly see from the defamation case's court documents that alice was CONSTANTLY emailing ethan and asking for him to bring her drugs, or asking for a connection. almost every time she asked, ethan turned her down or was uneasy about her getting drugs herself and would ask that someone else do it for her. the court docs also mention various points where alice has claimed to be "really coked out" or struggling with dependency issues (opiates, iirc). it's also kind of telling when alice started crying during some interview, where she was asked about her addiction issues. she claimed that all of it, 100% of it, was bullshit and ethan was lying. yet we can see her on stage during her entire time in CC heavily drinking (while underage), obviously on drugs, etc. there are also photos of the request list that the band would put out, and alice was almost always asking for some sort of drug to be supplied to her for the show.
>alice has, over the past several years, adopted a really creepy, high-pitched way of talking that basically makes her look/sound/act like a child. considering the abuse she went through, i can understand that it may be coming from that, but it also makes me think that her and jupiter are into some DD/LG kinks. just makes it creepy to me as alice was groomed while at a very young age.
>alice publicly went after grimes at one point, accusing her of stealing some idea for a song/music video she had. this isn't much, but it's telling to me that alice is incredibly petty/overly protective when it comes to "her image" (which has since morphed into straight up LA e-girl aesthetic; absolutely nothing about current alice reflects any style she has had before), which ties back into how she treats edith.
>alice's OWN SISTER has made claims against alice, stating that she believes alice heavily exaggerated most of her story in an attempt to "destroy ethan" and nothing more. it should be noted that her sister was alice's make-up artist and toured with CC for an incredibly long time. she witnessed jupiter going after a random fan on IG, with jupiter accusing him of being ethan and stalking them, and reached out to them as she feared said fan was being manipulated by jupiter/alice. she claimed that alice was only in it for the money and to ruin ethan's reputation.i'll just stop here. i could mention the stuff i have on ethan, but i think we're all on the same page with him being a shit person. the stuff with ethan goes pretty deep, as he constantly hides behind fake accounts and messages fans, trying to manipulate them, get them to do stuff for him, etc. it's just an entirely different level of creepy. i'll include those receipts when i post the rest later. here's one example: No. 654366
File: 1602599046957.jpeg (64.48 KB, 496x618, A05FC3B3-5238-4139-9592-891DEF…)

>>654354Oh god the MILKK
Anone do you know anything about Edith? She seems like the most levelheaded person in all of this and just wants to make music, also kek at alice accusing her of copying, if anything edith looks like mars argo.
No. 654368
File: 1602599141494.jpg (104.85 KB, 1024x691, 2017 Coachella Valley Music Ar…)

>>654366She definitely copied her imo, maybe not in the picture you posted but there's plenty of others.
No. 654376
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>>654370Idk man, I don't think that she was straight up skinwalking her but she was definitely copying her as a way of trying to replace her.
No. 654377
>>654354Thanks, anon. This sounds so fucked up. Weird false-flag harassment/power games and manipulation shit. They all seem twisted. Definitely interested in seeing an imgur album. The screencaps where Ethan's telling his fan what to say seems very….well-practiced for Ethan.
>clout-chasing fan i mentioned before (who is in the LA scene) has publicly stated that alice/jupiter pass around plates of MDMA to their own fans at parties in their LA house, in an attempt to get them to open up about trauma they've experienced. really rubs me the wrong way that they would do this to their fans. i can easily see power dynamics coming into play where someone who is not experienced with these kinds of drugs accepts their offer due to peer pressure.I heard about this one, and it's extremely skeevy. It's some shit I feel like Ethan would pull, but here's Alice and Jupiter doing it and probably not seeing a single problem. I think (hope) Jupiter isn't taking advantage the way Ethan might, but there no real way of knowing. They all seem quite similar, on varying levels. Maybe Alice picked up some of his traits over the years.
No. 654378
>>654370I think that photo was taken way before Billie Eilish blew up.
Honestly, Billie Eilish is just what happens when mainstream media execs discovers "underground" alt/Tumblr aesthetics and the love for CC, but like…years too late.
No. 654383
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>>654370>>654378This is what Billie Eilish looked like at the time so… nah…
No. 654385
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>>654376Even her name. "Edith" is the name of Alice Liddell's little sister, in real life and in the Lewis Carrol books. This is veering on sperg, but
>>Some sources also report that she, not Alice, was used as a model for Carroll's original illustrations that he drew for Alice's Adventures Underground.Seems like a passive-aggressive statement from Ethan right there. She definitely went for the same style/vibe as Alice, especially with the bob cut and sunglasses thing, and even the jacket.
No. 654387
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>>654354>edith, a girl who has done NOTHING to alice/jupiter - hasn't even spoken to them personally according to an interview she had awhile back. Wait, isn't this them together?
No. 654413
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>>654392i guess. i'm just repeating myself, but i think they just started in the same area of fashion. ethan was probably looking for another girl that had punk vibes to fill alice's shoes, and this just happened to be
edith's fashion choice. she's always dressed like this, so it's really hard for me to accept that she was "copying" alice.
>>654385tbh this would be really cute to me if if were true. edith definitely comes off as a little sister to alice as in she had some really big shoes to fill. i'd love to exist in a world without the drama where we could get a collab between alice/edith, it'd be pretty cute imo.
No. 654414
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>>654413another example of edith's fashion pre-cc
No. 654415
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>>654414final example of edith's fashion pre-cc
>>654412i'm 99% sure he left willingly to peruse a career with alice. they started dating ~2013 iirc, around the time health was canceling shows due to what i'm assuming was jupiter working on getting alice out of CC/being with her constantly.
No. 654421
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>>654413>>654414>>654415I think it would've been better if she had gone with any of these three looks instead of Alice's same grungy vibe.
Hell, she looks more striking when she's dressed/styled completely basic.
No. 654425
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>>654421Samefagging with another good look. This is distinct from Alice's thing while still being dark, and could've breathed new life into CC (though I don't know if any of the looks in the world could have saved CC after the scandal, the copycat allegations were just extra baggage).
Ethan is far too petty, and he just ended up vindicating what Alice said about him calling her "replaceable".
No. 654428
>>654270I never understood why the creators couldn't given them at least matching tights under those outfits
Then again nothing makes sense in anime
No. 654433
>>654425yeah, i get where you're coming from. i agree that she probably should have gone a more unique route, but i still feel like the fashion style she brought on stage was "her own", rather than just her straight up attempting to copy alice. if anything, i really don't think edith did any of it intentionally.
tbh ethan should have just dropped the entire project and made a new band with edith, or something. so much of this disdain from alice for edith could have probably been avoided had he just let it go and allowed alice to have some kind of power/ownership over CC. all of it just goes back to his massive ego and how he constantly tried to exert control over alice.
i think it was going to eventually come to light that ethan is/was a predator, but imo edith doesn't deserve any of the shit she gets. it just feels really cruel to sum edith up as nothing more than a clone meant to replace alice, which basically completely discredits her role as frontwoman.
No. 654472
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He did nothing wrong.
No. 654535
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Most people of all body types can look 'cute' or 'elegant' or 'sexy' or whatever aesthetic they want to achieve, though they have to go about it in different ways.
Case in point: Taylor swift. She's generally extremely tall and sharp, but she can look cute
No. 654595
to the anon(s) that were asking for the cc/alice glass drama receipts, here you go:>>654354 (original post)
No. 654667
>>654665>It limits the variety of clothing you can wear without looking dumpy even if you’re thin.That's what I hate the most about being short. I'll never be fashionable and stylish no matter what and I hate it so much. Having small breasts that can't even fill an A-cup bra makes finding tops a nightmare when most of them show a little bit of cleavage because there's nothing to hold the fabric and you end up with you entire breasts out for all to see.
Then you have a shit ton of people who try not to judge on looks you can't easily control like your body type, your weight, your height, if you have deformities, etc. who definitely judge based on how you carry yourself, meaning if you can't wear most clothes and have to only wear ultra basic shit they'll treat you like that's your personality.
No. 654729
>>654718I was referring to in stores, I just climb on shit at home
>>654719I do style myself appropriately - that’s why I feel so limited, because there are so many rules to make me look less dumpy, it doesn’t leave many options for clothes I actually like. I don’t want to just wear what I like either, not at the expense of looking like shit
No. 654828
>>654812I just googled 'average height european women' and pasted the top of the search results but if we're gonna get picky about it… you sort by average height for women, Euro countries show up mostly at the top of the list and 5'6 is average in many of them. I'm not arguing that 5'8 is the norm anywhere, but 5'2 is still below average.
No. 654829
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Shoulder pads look bad most of the time. Who needs shoulder pads anymore? Who's shoulders are so depressed and concave that they need pads? They only look good with 70's/80's fashion. Like, pic related looks nice, but only cause the rest of the outfit is bold and matches the striking-ness of the pads.
No. 654842
I don't know how unpopular of an opinion this is (if it even is at all), but there's something really cringey to me about people who openly and publicly go in depth about all their horrible life experiences, all their traumas, how they've learned and grown from it all, etc, on social media. Like, I'm talking about people who just post paragraphs upon paragraphs of this shit on fb, in their captions on IG, etc. The message is always meant to be empowering, but I don't see how it actually is. It always comes off as really indulgent, attention-seeking and weirdly inauthentic to me. It also seems very image-based, like they actually want to be defined by all the bad things that have happened to them. I've also noticed that a lot of people who do this also have coaching practices, or believe in some new age bullshit, like "starseeds" and "indigo children" and the law of attraction. It's like they're trying to build a brand off of pain and suffering, and there's something absolutely icky and soulless about that to me.
I'm genuinely creeped out by people like this, but I don't know if they actually mean any harm, or if it's just a very different way of processing pain that I don't relate to and never will. I've definitely seen some shit myself, but I will only ever discuss my traumas with loved ones, or a therapist. I'm an extremely private person when it comes to my emotions, and the last thing I'd ever want is complete strangers knowing such personal information that they could easily use against me.
No. 654859
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Technique isn't everything and oftentimes too much adherence to rules robs artists of their personal styles and quirks that made their piece unique.
>pic related, artist on reddit posting before/after with 2 year's difference of practice
The second 'after' painting looks muddy and muted, although we're meant to praise it for having more control. I don't like it. It's boring. It looks like art you'd find hanging in someone's bathroom.
No. 654938
>>654916MuH cReatiVity, it’s literally a landscape painting. Art doesn’t have to always be about reinventing the wheel, it’s also about capturing life. Fixation on youniqueness over skills reeks of narcissism.
>>654922>People with excellent technical skill are a dime a dozen. Stylistic character that is actually endearing or pleasing will always trump the boringBeg cope. Great foundation and technical skills will always trump turd polishing. This painting is not ~boring because it doesn’t have anime throw up on it. Sure it can be endearing like a child’s fridge creation but it’s not objectively better in any way than the second. How is the before painting anymore creative just because it’s a messy muddy attempt at stock Image of a valley???
Imagine putting in work to hone your skill set to have crabs insist that before is better lol
No. 655009
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He was pretty hot back then. I can't believe the glow down that has happened with him in such a short amount of time though.
No. 655021
>>655018>>655016NTA but this was posted in the unpopular opinion thread aka pretty sure anon knows it's not the majority belief that he was hot?
Also in comparison to how he fucking looks now on the right, that first photo looks even more appealing. I never knew he looked that DECENT, not necessarily hot.
No. 655040
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People who point fingers at large corporations when told to stop being wasteful aren't completely wrong (I also wish there would be more regulations on waste management and aggressive/deceptive marketing and greenwashing, especially on social media), but I also think it's a huge cope because they're so used to the instant gratification of consooming and don't want to stop because it's 'not their problem'.
Many don't realize just how much impact an individual has over production and manufacturing choices nowadays because they don't know how the supply chain works.
I work in SCM and many companies don't manufacture anything in-house anymore, especially in a heavy polluter industry like fashion.
Old news, but what people don't realize is that everything is run by AI:
>you buy a shirt
>sale is logged into a computer in hong kong
>hong kong computer compiles this info, sends it to the manufacturer
>manufacturer's computer AI calculates exactly how many shirts of the exact kind you bought and in the exact color to produce
>they make more shirts and send it to the store where you bought it
>next Monday, more shirts are in stock, no need for a warehouse
Likewise, if you buy more organic butter in plastic-free packaging, more of that will be made and less of the regular butter. I still think it's gross, all the cargo shipments are massive polluters and there's all those kids in Bangladesh, but companies like money and hate pissed off customers so the only ways to make a change at at the moment are either lobbying (which you can do if you join the citizens climate lobby, otherwise there's obviously a huge barrier of entry for normal people) or becoming the pissed off customer and voting with your dollar/writing emails en masse asking for better products.
I wish this wasn't the case but it is what it is and what-ifs don't really help the issue.
When it comes to fashion it's best to just buy secondhand online or go thrifting (I can give you good websites if you like), and buy quality things from artisans/locally sourced stores. AliExpress and online stores with "sustainable" clothing produced in China are just as bad as Zara and Walmart and thrive on people's ignorance on what sustainable even is.
No. 655080
>>655044NTA What a dumbass thing to say, I'd be with
>>655041. Second one gives off a calm and sereine impression I'd rather look at that than this badly "abstract" colored mess (that's not better art, it's clearly a real lack of vision and technique) inspires not much beside being perplexed at that the artist was doing. You seem like a fucking snob that thinks doing shit is more art than the rest. What are you, 14?
>> wahwah, I prefer my art quirky No. 655089
>>655040>muh secondhand memeFast fashion spergs are on par with people who brag about their reusable metal straw. Secondhand stores are filled with the same zara crap as the regular stores now, you're not going to find vintage brand clothes surviving for all eternity like you would've pre-bangladesh. Buying artisan/designer clothing is way out of price range for a regular consumer.
Most people don't buy 10 tons of $1 wish rags every day like the worst vanity shopaholics and even those who do are able to do so because
the corporations are making it possible and actively encouraging it. Most of the co2 emissions are coming from the water/electricity production to run industries and transporting goods to begin with and it consumer behavior won't be changing it because it's the companies controlling it. For your basic consumer it's been made so much easier, cheaper and efficient to buy a new $15 shirt than spend hours trying to get the same piece of shit H&M one that fits you from a thrift store. While I totally agree about fast fashion being cancer placing the blame on consumers alone doesn't do any good, the ozone crisis in the 90's was averted only when ozone-depleting substances were banned in the industry globally, not by shaming customers for buying products containing them.
No. 655111
>>655089>Fast fashion spergs are on par with people who brag about their reusable metal strawYes, both are a massive issue in 2020. If you feel inferior to people with metal straws maybe you should get one and assuage your guilt instead of being angry at people doing something about it, however vain.
>Secondhand stores are filled with the same zara crap as the regular stores now, you're not going to find vintage brand clothes surviving for all eternity like you would've pre-bangladesh.Any used clothing will be cheaper than brand new and you won't be giving money to fast fashion retailers.
If you shop secondhand you can find quality brands at very affordable prices, even the fast fashion clothing that ends up there will be more durable and better quality than whatever you find in store if only because the really crappy ones are just thrown away. You don't have to spend money on a cute Zara top only for it to fall apart in the wash months later.
If you look on eBay, Mercari, Yahoo!Auctions, Depop, Etsy, Instagram, even Facebook Marketplace and just type in the name/size of an item you want, you're likely to find something good super cheap, or at least cheaper than new. In many secondhand shops you can look up items from the same seller so if you like someone's style or you wear the same size you know it'll fit you.
>even those who do are able to do so because the corporations are making it possible and actively encouraging it>Most of the co2 emissions are coming from the water/electricity production to run industries and transporting goods to begin with and it consumer behavior won't be changing it because it's the companies controlling it.Yes, this is all what I mentioned in my original post. And everything you mentioned can only be stopped with citizens lobbying and/or shopping more consciously, because politicians don't prioritize it and only talk about sensationalist things that are guaranteed to drum up support (SJW issues, taxes).
These companies
want you to do nothing and feel powerless to stop them, it makes their job easier to just feed you whatever they convince you that you need.
My point is that your actions as a consumer actually matter more than you think in terms of your power to influence what they produce and how (and everyone should use it to make things better), not that the current climate cataclysm is your fault (because it isn't).
No. 655116
>>655114I don't know how things are where you live, but don't you have online charity shops where you can send your clothes, they measure and photograph them for you, and send you money when someone buys your items? I buy everything second hand because those stores in my country have sorting options for brands, size, colour etc and get new things every Wednesday so I always find something nice. Physical charity shops where I live are awful and only sell dead old people's rags but online stores are a godsend.
Check out beyond retro and petite vintage if you're not EU based, they have something similar for Anglo stores.
No. 655123
>>654859>Technique isn't everythingI think the words you're looking for are rendering.
The top piece has greater graphic appeal due to having greater value contrast, while the bottom has less contrast. The bottom piece has much more refined rendering, though. Each piece has their pros and cons, and the artist could certainly stamp out the problems of the bottom piece with more study and understanding of fundamentals.
No. 655127
>>655111A lot of thrift shops have hitched up their prices since thrifting became trendy. I used to thrift when I was broke but this was maybe 10 years ago, back then you actually found cheap, durable clothes you could use for ages. Now the prices are nearing what they would be as brand new because the piece needs to be in top condition in order to be sold. And because clothes aren't built to be durable these days, there aren't a lot of them. Second Hand has already become a multibillion dollar business and a new form of impulse buying and fast fashion for the consumers buying only the top percentile of the used clothes so calling it a solution isn't feasible. Brand clothes are expensive even when sold second hand, one look at Depop and those prices are not very competitive for your basic middle income consumer who has the option of getting a current season jacket for a fraction of the price.
The only way to really tackle the problem with fast fashion is to change the clothing industry by laws. I'm all for raising the clothing prices if it means better quality, better working conditions, recycled materials and less unused clothing waste. If the big fast fashion clothing gigabrands see people gravitating towards second hand, don't think they won't figure out a way to whitewash their supply chain or buy out the second hand dealers. Instead of guilt tripping individual consumers into buying second hand everyone should focus on pressuring the law changers to do something about it and combat the industry lobbyists.
No. 655247
>>655237>Zoomers are born between 1997 and 2012, so the oldest were 7-8 years old at most.Isn't that.. basically the age range for Tokyo Mew Mew anyway? Its shitty child-friendly dub version was airing on 4kids for gods sake.
>>655245Confirmed zoomer
No. 655248
>>655127most thrift shops hiked up their prices because of inflation of the dollar. also prices vary from store to store and whether you're in a high traffic location or not. i've been going to the same salvation army for years and i can still find a unisex shirt ranging from 99 cents to six dollars.
also, second hand selling is perfect for low income families and it is how a lot of us get back on our feet. you got middle class consumerists paying double and triple digits for something someone paid single digits for because they feel entitled to get with the thrift trend. a win-win situation.
No. 655264
>>654595Thanks, anon!
>pgster3000>I have known Claude since I was 15. I've toured with them and lived with them. It's hard to relegate it down to statements but I will try. He is 10 years older than her and they met when she was 16 and she was a fan of his band. Their dynamic has always been "he's the older male who knows best" and was in charge of the final decisions on all levels of life and music. He took advantage of that trust. He would tell her half truths and misinformation to maintain power.This weirds me out, because everywhere else says Alice and Ethan met when she was 14. Who's lying?
No. 655269
>>655259I'm not American, but the 4Kids English dub was aired where I live.
It's a zoomer thing. Sailor Moon is more for millenials and older, though many zoomers did also watch that.
No. 655274
>>655248This, plus it differs based on location.
Where I live thrifting is dirt cheap and you can always buy from Japan or Korea where they practically give some things away. Sure, shipping is involved but it's still loads better than buying new.
Depop is notorious for being full of scalpers and resellers, it shouldn't be used as a yardstick for prices.
I'm really glad it's become trendy because I used to get made fun of as a kid for wearing hand-me-downs and not name-brands.
>>655127>don't think they won't figure out a way to whitewash their supply chain or buy out the second hand dealersThis is already happening, just fyi.
This doesn't mean that buying second-hand doesn't make a difference, quite the opposite. Barriers to entry are lower than ever and now you have even more shitty fast fashion brands from markets like Poland and Turkey where income levels aren't that high so they become popular and grow fast. Even used clothing isn't as cheap as some of those garments but that doesn't mean people should be buying them more.
>Instead of guilt tripping individual consumers into buying second hand>>655111>"My point is that your actions as a consumer actually matter more than you think in terms of your power to influence what they produce and how (and everyone should use it to make things better), not that the current climate cataclysm is your fault (because it isn't).">everyone should focus on pressuring the law changers to do something about it and combat the industry lobbyists.Right, as I mentioned in both my posts.
No. 655275
>>655269So then your point is moot. Not only does location makes difference, socioeconomic bg also influence when a kid gets exposed to certain media.
Where I'm from Sailor moon is 80's kids thing and Tokyo Mew Mew is early-mid 90's kids as it aired in the early 00's. Sailor Moon is way longer running and iconic so kids of every decade since got to see/read it.
Anyway, I only consider 00's babies to be zoomers.
No. 655294
>>655275I wasn't the anon you were arguing with, I just pointed out it's not an American thing.
Tokyo Mew Mew is just for zoomers. The manga came out in the 2000s in Japan, not early-mid 90s (lmao), the anime first came out in 2002, then aired everywhere else like years later, 2005 for Americans, 2006 and later for some other countries (I'd even say 2009). Zoomers grew up with it, 90s kids were basically already aged out and remembering SM fondly.
Zoomer years are from 1997 on, according to pretty much every source. Deal with it.
No. 655331
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If you didn’t have a crush on this freak in 2006 you weren’t really living
No. 655347
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No. 655355
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>>655347Fuck the fame all I want is them bands
If she keep on mugging Ima steal her man
>>655340I didn’t notice anyone even claimed that, I ignored the Sailor Moon sperging. I just loved TMM as a literal child.
>>655351Quiche/Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew!
No. 655356
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>>655340tokyo mew mew is badass tho
No. 655366
No. 655373
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>>655356God, Zakuro/Renee was on an entirely different level from the other girls in the line-up.
I'd rewatch the whole series if she was the main character.
No. 655378
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>>655375Lesbian attack card activated
No. 655379
>>655364I hope you get beat up, anon.
jkjkI'm not even gay and I can see how amazing Sarah is.
No. 655388
>>655331I did, but he was an asshole, and he pissed me off. Lots of confused feelings.
Zakuro was kind of better, though.
No. 655390
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>>655388He was so cute tho
No. 655392
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>>655391I wish more zoomers liked it, that’s a spammed fancam I could get behind
No. 655425
>>655422How’d you find stuff for a reasonable price, especially that fits? I haven’t bought clothes in ages even though I desperately need to, After learning to sew I see how trashy
every store looks, but I don’t have enough money for a whole new wardrobe of super expensive stuff and sewing is still expensive and takes a lot of time I don’t have.
No. 655437
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>>655348With the nostalgia goggles off the anime is mostly 6/10 except for a few good moments in the episodes leading to the season finales. There's too many filler episodes and sometimes the characters are really annoying. The animation was also ugly at times. I feel like I like the idea and aesthetic of the anime more than I actually enjoy watching it.
No. 655444
File: 1602694686810.png (198.7 KB, 250x400, 65672130-8D3E-4CD2-BB03-5FAC0F…)

>mfw all these Kisshu simps
Look at me in my sexy choker and night club outfit !! I’m clearly the sexier man.
No. 655451
>>655444Another one who was a bitch for no reason. It was even worse with him, because he was actually meant to be one of the good guys.
I swear this anime groomed me into some low-level form of misandry. When all the prominent/relevant male representation you see in girl-targeted content are assholes, you probably either become a pick-me or at least a mild misandrist.
No. 655452
>>655447>They all act like boring ass sticks in the mud who only care about getting some below average man and babies.then you're hanging with the wrong 25+ women. Find some gay ones that don't care about that shit. My ex-roommate was a lesbian and we always went to clubs, that shit was fun, she invited her friends who were all 25+ (most of them were not gay though) and we always had fun late night outtings, camping trips, etc.
The way you're wording this sounds like you're severely limiting yourself to only meeting other stick in the muds which makes me think you yourself are one.
No. 655453
>>655425NTA but get a measuring tape and find out your measurements, look up a size chart and see what your size is according to those measurements, that should be good to begin with.
If the seller listed garment measurements, use those to see how it'll fit.
If you're unable to gauge how something will fit on you and there are no garment measurements listed, you can always ask the seller or go by the manufacturer size (but for vintage this may not be accurate due to vanity sizing). Otherwise you just eyeball it if the seller doesn't respond, but this has never happened to me.
By googling you can find the size charts of specific brands. Shoes are usually true to size and don't vary as much.
Second-hand clothing tends to fit me much better with this method than even buying new online and I've rarely bought an item that didn't fit well.
No. 655457
>>655447They just sound like boring pickmes, they're the problem and not women over 25 in general.
I'm friends with people from 21 to 34 and they're all wonderful. The older ones are calmer and obviously more mature but they never talk about their families or boyfriends at length if they have them.
No. 655466
>>655447Okay but what do you bring to the table in a friendship? Are you bringing up activities that don't have to do with men and baby making? Are you asking for plans and seeing if anyone is interested in doing anything fun with you?
Don't knock women who are 25+ who want families of their own. At the end of the day their men and children might be most of who all they have because making friends and maintaining friendships is actually really difficult to do when everyone has their own life. You may even find yourself very lonely by your 30s as most women who've settled into a career routine or family won't have the kind of free time to hang out, and when they do they might not wanna spend it with you.
No. 655489
>>655437I rewatched sailor moon with my younger sis right before the remake came out and frankly the anime was fine, I remember really liking season 4 I think it was.
There were only a couple of filler episodes we didn't like and the rest was fine and entertaining. It's not a 10/10 show completely but it's a nice animu.
No. 655506
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>>655096I get that the anime is more popular in the wet for some reason but it would be more relevant to talk about the manga since it's the original story and the mangaka is the one who created the characters' designs, backstories, personalities, etc. The anime is very different iirc based on when I watched it as a kid so maybe they tried to make everything more appealing to not just girls but also boys, but in the manga it's obvious the girls have their proportions because the artist isn't incredibly talented to begin with, she was inspired by high fashion for a bunch of costumes just like another said, and even the guys are 90% legs. I talked about Bayonetta as well earlier when saying the character designer was obviously inspired by fashion, but iirc the other reason why Bayonetta, Jeanne and Luka have unrealistic proportions is because of gameplay, you have to be able to see who's on the screen easily and who does what, so Bayonetta and Jean have super long limbs and huge, colorful weapons so you're not confused when playing the game. You'll immediately notice which alternate unlockable costumes were designed or requested by male devs though. In a bunch of anime and video games you'll have most men and women working on them giving their opinions and ideas so that's why they try to pander to everyone at once more often than not.
Same deal with Ace Attorney for example, some of the female characters look like generic waifus in nice suits and skirts but thanks to the character designer Kumiko Suekane who's a turbo fujoshi they're super popular for being cool, stylish, relatable and interesting to the point where as soon as a greasy fanboy talk about the characters they're making them super OOC. And some female manga artists who actually draw shojo manga like to make their female characters sexy but even then it's never to pander to guys but more to make their characters wear cute outfits they like. I remember Natsuki Takaya commenting in the manga she did before Fruits Basket about how she like to draw the MC with sexy outfits because it looks super cool to her, but good luck getting guys to read that kind of sappy, girly shit.
I'm barely coherent, don't mind me No. 655510
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>>655264no problem, anon!
she was 15 according to the court documents submitted by alice's lawyer.
No. 655529
>>655515Spill the secret anon, im pretty sure im not a cunt because i have alot of friends and am considered somewhat popular in my college.
Still no bf tho.
No. 655547
>>655531I was about to say it looks like get mom but okey sarah
In AHS i though she was great but her roles became so winey or idk she seemed like it. Totally over her now.
No. 655581
>>655579Im gonna fangirl again and say
Dark Somnium is the superior creepypasta youtuber, and a talented musician to boot.
No. 655682
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I'm a simp and I'm proud
No. 655696
>>655682lmao this was discussed in the youtubers general thread, it’s an optical illusion where his ring looks like another nail and therefore another finger
>>655682corpse simps rise up
No. 655786
>>655780Nta but I was more so thinking when you run the garbage disposal with nothing inside of it. His voice is
too deep for my liking. Kinda like that blackest black paint that just looks like a void.
No. 655805
>>655780The vocal frying is too much. Deep≠soothing. Kinda weird he has many male simps like they view this dude as epitome of chad or something?
>>655784With a body like that, very high chances he's a huge butterface.
No. 655830
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Ever since I found out marry me bellamy looks like this I've learned not to simp over voice alone
No. 655856
>>655837no way unless he has the most unfortunate proportions. anthony padilla is also 5'11 and next to him corpse looks like a fat child
yeah he's wearing baggy clothes in the interview but look at the difference in their legs. anthony's pretty fit too
No. 655876
>>655860I just find them inferior and pathetic.
>>655865Even their insults are low effort and unimaginative.
No. 655890
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>>655887>"I'm straight">"But I spend all this time thinking about other women getting fucked and how repulsed I am by them" Not buying it, chief. I'm also not a sub.
No. 655902
>>649363>Nasolabial folds actually look kind of cute. That's nice to read
>I don't mean too pronounced where they reach down to the corners of your mouthNevermind I'll go kms
I thought nasolabial folds always connect to the side of the mouth, isn't that why they're called marionette lines?
No. 655915
>>655882For whatever reason I find gay sub women who are explicitly being sexual for other women really hot/cute, but when they're doing it for straight men I just feel ashamed.
Being attracted to men is embarrassing in general though, so that must be it.
No. 655924
>>655908>>655917If I were a straight woman, I simply would not be thinking about other straight women's sexual behaviors enough to feel strongly one way or another about them. I just would not.
Like, what are you even doing in another woman's pussy like that? Don't you have cocks and balls to be torturing right now? Makes no sense, lmao. Not unless.
No. 655936
>>655925Women are submissive way more often than men though. Also
>genders Is this liberal twitter now
No. 655938
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>>655929>I-It's just critical analysis!>On an all-women's imageboard!>With an obvious bait-like statement and vaguely femdom-ish word usage ("inferior and pathetic") to prod other women into explaining their sex lives in detail!Yeah, just gals being pals
No. 655943
>>655940You know that you don't have to be a radfem to use "sex" instead of "gender" right
No. 655946
>>655933Men will literally never respect women, lmao. There is nothing we can do. In the end, you're just arguing about the best way to accept penis.
Honestly, being a bisexual or lesbian woman who started this whole conversation off for sneaky sexual reasons is literally less pathetic than being a straight woman who wants to scold other straight women on how they take dick. There is no winning, the dick-havers get what they want no matter how you go about it.
No. 655948
>>655933In fairness to hetsubs, that's moreso the fault of men for being dumbasses with emotional retardation who can't conceive of women being individuals. I second the point >>655944 made.
There's only losing with dating men.
No. 655950
>>655946I don't expect to be respected by men, I'm not that delusional and optimistic, but at no other point in history did men assume we all want to be choked and get facials and be fucked in the ass. It's a real physical danger rather than just an issue of respect.
Obviously the pornsickness is the main issue, but women need to seriously reconsider perpetuating it.
No. 655956
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gr8 thread
No. 655957
>>655955"A third of British women under the age of 40 have been subjected to unwanted choking, slapping, spitting or gagging, during consensual sex, according to a new survey.
The research, conducted by BBC Radio 5 Live and ComRes asked 2,002 women from across the UK, between the ages of 18 and 39, if they had ever experienced the acts during sex and if they had wanted their male partner to do so."
ok friend
No. 655961
>>655946Basically this
And het sex in an inherently unequal act.
No. 655963
>>655950>at no other point in history did men assume we all want to be choked and get facials and be fucked in the ass.Yeah. Back then, they just did it anyway with no real regard for what we actually want, and no one gave a fuck about rape
victims (except in the sense that our fathers lost valuable property, ie our virginities).
If we put up too much of a fuss and there'd be social repercussions in openly abusing us or dumping us, they'd just go behind our backs and do it to other, less fortunate women who needed to allow men to fuck them for money to eat. In many countries, it's literally still like that.
As long as men have control over everything, pornsickness will prevail. Complicity doesn't help, but confronting other women over it is the least of our worries. Even if we all said "No", they'd keep doing it, either by force, or to other women who can't afford to say "No".
No. 655972
>>655968But sexual dimorphism exists literally everywhere and female oppression is universal, including oppressed groups. Women of color oppressed by men of color, working class women oppressed by working class men. And in nature where male chimps beat an stalk female chimps and the most aggressive males have the biggest reproductive success. Males have this in their blood.
Many men won't accept racism (especially towards men) but they still accept sexism. Males bond over women-hating regardless of their class background.
No. 655974
>>655963>Yeah. Back then, they just did it anyway with no real regard for what we actually wantedNayrt and I do agree with you on this point, but I also think that
>>655950 was right about how porn is making this worse by spreading the expectation of dangerous sex acts to men that wouldn't necessarily want those things to begin with
Rapists are rapists, banning porn isn't going to get rid of rape, but porn is pushing the idea that choking, facials and anal are part of "normal" sex. I want to be clear that I am not making apologies for teenage boys that choke their sweethearts without consent, but that's what is happening now things are becoming normalized and expected.
Anal was a fetishist thing when I was 15, now it's something in popular rap songs that teen vogue endorses
No. 655982
>>655976The point is porn just makes the problem worse, and gives men more creative ideas of raping women in ways that leave her permanently physically scarred.
The point is a ton of men only get off on sex if they're violating women's boundaries, and back in the day just missionary piv sex would be considered violating her boundaries because women were expected to be shy forever-virgins who never had orgasms, and there was no bc.
Now women have come to eroticize piv because they don't have to deal with the dread of becoming pregnant, so men have to make up new ways to violate boundaries.
No. 655994
>>655977>The more we talk about it and react against it the better, things can potentially improve for us if we collectively understand what is happening.But is "Submissive women are lazy and have a low sex drive!" like
>>655860 opened up with, and then the "inferior and pathetic" comment from another anon the way to go about it? One of them literally implies that women should have to work harder in sex (for what purpose?) or try to increase their appetite for some shitty sex with scrotes, lmao.
No. 656001
>>655995My unpopular opinion is making widespread generalizations like these as if your opinion could realistically be applied globally makes you look small minded
Showering less than once a day is very different depending on how hot or cold your country is
No. 656307
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Lolcow isn’t as toxic as 4chan, I don’t get why people treat this site as if all of the boards were /b/ or /r9k/ tier of autism and depravity.
No. 656342
>>656309based comment.
The baseline level of acceptability for women is so much higher than that for men.
No. 656386
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>>649126I want her to sit on my face, I don't care that she's a bully. I love women with thick thighs.
No. 656525
>>656481I think some of them are just lonely tbf. I don't have much going on in my life so I sometimes fall into those kinds of behavior but usually wake myself at some point. Though you sometimes see hard core stans talking about their family and what? How do you even find the time when you got a child and a husband (not to say married women don't deserve hobbies or something, you'd just think they'd be lowkey).
Even those fake images can bring a lot of comfort so I can see why they'd whiteknight.
No. 656558
>>656522Um people make fun of Billie Eyelash here all the time for being a talentless plant. Just not the scrote tier body nitpicking.
>oh no she’s fat how are the hollywood pimps gonna find her fuckable nowww? A waste of a fresh 18 years old! Her career is overSpeaking as a fatty-hater myself I can still see that shit as transparent and misogynistic.
No. 656600
>>656579That was definitely a scrote. Why the fuck would anyone here care about her career dying because she's fat, lmao?
All actual farmers were like
>"Wow she's fat">"Why did I get yelled at for saying she was fat?">"She looks fine. I wish I had big tits">"Sucks to have all that attention on you as a celebrity">"Her brother's creepy, and all this shit was obviously mapped out for her career">"Industry plant">"Billie Eyelash lol" No. 656648
>>656627Depends on each couple I guess, personally my parents stayed together just because divorcing is "bad", whatever that means, "children need a mom and a dad" and "children have to obey and love their parents because muh genetics" but my father was and still is a mentally ill
abusive asshole so sometimes it's necessary for people's physical and mental safety to divorce. My mother regrets still being with him but she didn't have much of a choice anyway.
No. 656670
>>656627NTA but nah anon, the only solution was to have never had children together in the first place but that's not something reversible when it happens. Staying together "for the kids" is outdated rhetoric that doesn't spare children trauma. Had my bio dad stuck around with my mom while she pandered to make shit work, he likely would have escalated abuse of us both and my life would have been even more of a shitshow than it was in dealing with their divorce issues alone. It was for the best.
Punishing women for choosing reproductive partners poorly by forcing them to stick with them will not serve children any benefit.
No. 656710
>>656486At least back in the day your teachers weren't online making absolute shows of themselves for likes and retweets or tiktok engagements etc. It's embarrassing as fuck and some of them even make their classes participate in the bullshit probably without parent's permissions. Which also reminds me that I have no idea why primary schools have twitter accounts that upload photos of the students. There's a local one to me that does it. Uploads kids photos and their names. Any creep could see that shit and also the school is tagged so they would know where that child is for a couple of hours out of the day. Mental.
>>656627Absolute bullshit! I know a couple that aren't even married, got engaged and have two kids and they scream and fight in front of their kids. Have broken doors in front of the kids, the tv etc etc. The kids themselves are the ones that tell you why there's a new hole in the wall "Daddy punched the wall!" They will have their mates round to the house to sleep over and take drugs and the kids aren't getting babysat, they're usually up too. Why the fuck should kids be around that shit?? So they can see that their parent's are "in love"?? So they can grow up and think it's normal to hate your significant other and that real love is a myth and life's all about settling? Don't have kids!!!!
No. 656732
I hate straight people, both men and women. Before I only hated men, but observing how straight women act and and even reading some of the posts on lolcow made me hate straight women too. Life is so much easier without having women involved with men in your life. I think I'm bi but I never touched a man in my life and I don't want to, so I end up side eyeing other bi women too since over 80% of them always end up in straight relationships. I'm also tired of the so called gendercriticals, who are always gender conforming (and male-oriented), so they're not critical of gender, they simply don't like trans people. They don't want males in public bathrooms, but they're completely fine with having men in their private spaces, which is statistically more dangerous. I don't accept both gender conforming men and tranny men in my spaces so at least I'm not a hypocrite. I'm not a radfem, radfems are not as hypocritical as gendercrits, but they have a lot of different problems. Also, I think most male-oriented women are anti porn and anti prostitition not because they genuinely care about women being exploited, but because they're jealous and they don't want their scrotes to jerk off to someone else. Also, pineapple on pizza is great.
No. 656744
>>656706>I hate people who act like divorces cause children to become irreparably damaged for life, or people who blame everything that went wrong in their life on the fact their parents divorced.This. One of my friends told me he was so ~uwu damaged~ because his parents divorced when he was
19. He said it was "so hard because it felt like my childhood was over," the fuck? Your parents are living, breathing individuals, not mindless drones who are meant to coddle you forever. He even told me his dad was
abusive and hit his mom/sister several times, but still blamed his mom for divorcing him. The fuck is that logic?
No. 656768
>>65674419 got me snort laughing, I had a friend pulling this shit as some trauma dick measuring contest, saying her life was harder due to her parents divorcing when she was 18 or so. We were amongst people who grew up with very highly violent and
abusive alcoholic parents and other friend's dad had just killed himself. Not all divorcé kids are annoying but this type is fucking embarrassing.
No. 656876
>>656744I know a couple of guys like this. Their dad's cheat and/or are
abusive, but the mum divorcing the dads make them bitches. Women are suppose to settle for men no matter what once they propose. We're property, duh!