No. 682556
Has any farmers watched the series 90 day fiance? A lot of the cast members are really milky if you keep up to date with their instagrams/social media.
Premise of the show:
>Americans invite their LDR foreign spouses to come to America with a k1-visa
>K-1 visa states that you have 90 days in America to marry your American spouse before you are required to leave the country.
>TLC films the 90 days of different couples to see what challenges they face while moving to a completely new country.
>It's been based off the word reddit users who applied, TLC does not do any formal background checks and they are intentionally looking for batshit insane people in the show
>For whatever reason, the cast members become clout chaser and start stirring drama or new business ventures in hopes of maintaining their fame
>turns out TLC only pays the American spouses 11k per season (foreign spouses cannot be paid due to legality). If you are milky, you get paid more (some couples reported that TLC paid them 250k).
>the season finale ends with a tell-all where all the couples meet up in one room to critique (or insult) each other and their relationship.
>Realizing how much of a cash cow this is, TLC started making spin offs such as sequels (happily ever after?, what now, and quarantined) to prequels (before the 90 days) to genuine spin offs (the other way).
Show Listings:
>90 day Fiance - The original franchise / series
>90 day Fiance: Happily ever after? - The series follows the life of couples that got married during the show. What issues are they having now?
>90 day Fiance: What now? - For whatever reason, these couple are still trying to obtain their k-1 visa and it documents the troubles they face.
>90 day Fiance: Before the 90 days: This series document budding couples that are considering getting the K-1 Visa to be together, but want to see if this relationship is worth it.
>90 day Fiance: Pillow talk - this is a small spin off of fan favorite couples reacting to the latest series.
>90 day Fiance: The other way - This series follows the journey of Americans who decide to leave America to settle into a foreign country with their spouses
>Family Chantel - This series follows the life of one of the most famous 90 day fiance couple, Chantel and Pedro as they embarrass themselves on national TV.
>Darcey and Stacey - Same premise as the series above but with a different couple.
Notable Couples
Pedro (Dominican Republic) and Chantel (America)
>appears on OG Season 4, HEA Season 2, HEA Season 3, HEA Season 4, The Family Chantel, Quarantined
>Chantel is a nursing student that wanted to learn Spanish, and she joins this app where you practice other languages with foreigners.
>She meets pedro and falls in love with him. After a year or so, they begin the K-1 Visa to bring Pedro over to America.
>For whatever reason, Chantel did not want to tell the news to her family, so she introduces Pedro as a student she met at school.
>Pedro never got the memo, so family chantel was immediately suspicious.
>Because of their xenophobia, the family is determined to destroy the relationship, drama ensues.
>Pedro's family are also bat shit insane, they believe Chantel 'stole' Pedro from them.
>Pedro and Chantel fight a lot about family for reasons above, and also Pedro sends most of his paycheck to pay for his family's housing in the Dominican Republic.
>Notable thanksgiving fight where Pedro and River (chantel's father) fight each other on national TV.
>After this fight, TLC decided to give family chantel their own spin off.
>First season, Chantel and Mother Chantel (Karen) stalk Winter's (Chantel's sister) boyfriend. They found out the BF has another child that he never told Winter. Their relationship exploded.
>Second Season, Royal (eldest son of the family) returns home. Turns out he also did the K-1 Visa to marry Angenette, a Filipino girl who is ~10 years younger than he is.
>Obvious signs of Angenette being abused by Royal, but family Chantel insisted Angenette is the abuser here.
>You get to witness this family harass and bully Angenette exactly like how they bullied and harassed Pedro and his family.
Mohammed (Tunsia) and Danielle (America)
>Appeared on OG Season 2, HEA Season 1, HEA Season 2, WN Season 2, WN Season 3, Quarantined
>40 year old Ohio, Danielle, falls in love with a 20-something year old man, Mohammed.
>Promise him that she will take care of him and brings him to America on the K-1 Visa.
>She has 4 kids, and it turns out she's actually broke.
>Mohammed is actually disgusted by Danielle, and even refused to kiss her during their own wedding.
>During the tell-all, danielle admits that Mohammed did not consummate their marriage during the wedding night. Sex is rare in the household. People asked why and Mohammed admits it's because Danielle peed on him and that she has a UTI she refuse to check out.
>After the wedding, Mohammed pretty much leaves to go to Miami and live his life
>Danielle loses it and harasses Mohammed to come back or she will get the marriage annulled, forcing Mohammed to be deported
>Mohammed told Danielle that he is willing to be her friend as long as she does not get him deported. Danielle agreed to this and drops the anullment.
>The two get divorced and the timeframe to get the marriage anulled is pretty much done. Mohammed is safe (for now).
>Danielle spam calls Mohammed during this period.
>Mohammed is starting to see new people.
>Danielle loses her mind and goes to Miami with her binder of evidence of Mohammed being a fraud
>She throws the binder at him outside, and Mohammed is forced to call the police.
>Police gets involved and Danielle leaves inconsolable
>As of now, Danielle and Mohammed are divorced. Mohammed is apparently a trainer or something. Danielle is now selling weight-loss products on instagram.
>This is the first bat-shit couple featured on 90 day fiance. Because of the ratings, people speculate this is why TLC started looking for crazier couples.
Rosemarie (Philipines) and Ed (Florida)
>Appears on B90D Season 4
>Rosemarie is a early 20 year old who falls in love with 54 year old Ed on facebook. Both of them are single parents.
>Ed admits that he used to have a wife but cheated on her, causing the wife to walk out on him and his daughter (tiffany) when he was 28.
>(Ed is that famous no neck guy you see everywhere on social media)
>When he finally decided to see Rose, he finally tells Tiffany about his plans of marrying her.
>Tiffany who is ~30, is horrified that her father is looking for someone younger than her. The two fight and stop talking.
>Before Ed leaves to the philipines, he leaves Tiffany a voicemail saying if I die, this is the last thing you'll hear from me.
>Tiffany freaks out and calls him and forgives him.
>Fast forward to the Philipines, Ed and Rose meet up. Ed pressures Rose to get an STI/STD test.
>Rose sees this as reasonable and requests him to get one as well. Ed is insulted and said he will not get one in the Philipines.
>Then he brings up how Rose has 1000 friends on facebook and demand to know why she doesn't talk about her ex bfs.
>Rose gets upset and tells him a lot of bad stuff happen with her ex lovers (which she state are 2 people) and did not want to talk about it.
>She leaves, which causes Ed to apologize and tell her how much he loves her.
>Rose forgives Ed and they decided to go to a hotel.
>Ed gets a ton of booze and they drink. Rose falls asleep n it is assumed they have sex.
>Ed talks about their sex to the producer and how great it is.
>Before they leave, Ed ask Rose to shave her legs because it is not 'pretty' and that all girls in america shaved their legs. Rose agreed only if Ed shaves his beard.
>Rose takes Ed to see her family, as it turns out she lives in poverty.
>Ed now speculates if she is using him for money. Barely interacts with prince. Also Rose wants to have more kids but Ed already had a vasectomy and is too scared to tell her.
>Ed tells Rose that he cannot sleep in their shithole of a house, so they go on vacation without rose's son, prince.
>While there, Ed tells rose that her breath doesn't smell 'pretty' so he bought her mouthwash, toothpaste, and a teethbrush to help with her breathe. Rose informs him that her teeth is good, but she is suffering from an ulcer (due to poverty) and that's why her breathe smells bad.
>Ed realizes he fucks up and tells her how much he loves her and how great she is, Rose calls him ugly in her own language.
>During the trip, Rose learns that Ed lied about wanting to have kids and that he refuse to raise anymore. Rose feels hurt and breaks up with Ed completely.
>On 90 day fiance, Ed outs Rose as being bisexual for some reason? He implies that Rose was probably cheating on him anyways with her GF (they are no longer dating during the tell-all).
>This couple is notorious because of how Ed has treated rose, and Ed now uses this as an opportunity to become famous online, even having his own twitch channel.
Post-Show Discourse as of 2020
Deavon and Jihoon, ( The other way, season 2) have completely separated.
>Tl;dr, an american woman falls in love with a deadbeat korean man. Both of them are in their 30s, and have no savings or income. Deavon is furious that housing cost too much in Korea and how Jihoon cannot afford it. The two fight a lot, which was mostly just Deavon and her mother yelling at Jihoon the entire season how much he sucks.
>They have a kid together named Tae yang.
>Deavon gained a lot of notoriety because she is an instathot who photoshops her face a lot. She insists that she has asian lineage
>Her mother, Ellicia is bat shit insane. She has written books and named her characters after her daughter. She is antivax and believes in eugenics (posted on her youtube videos). Moreover, on her personal website, she had listed the entire family tree to show that she is a descendant of witches from salem and from English royalty.
>Deavon leaves Korea with their child and blasts Jihoon for abusing her, her daughter Dracilla, Tae yang, and their pet dog.
>Jihoon remains silent besides the occassional I miss my son. I am hurting, etc. He eventually comtemplates suicide but people persuade him not to.
>Jihoon eventually comes forward with his side of the story telling people how Deavon was threatening suicide if he did not let her leave America
>They are not formally divorced and said Deavon was seeing a korean-american man (Topher) during their entire relationship.
>Deavon is refusing to let Jihoon to see Taeyang, but is allowing him to send money and toys to Tae yang.
>Jihoon also provide reciepts such as showing a video of Dracilla throwing their dog, bambam to the wall on insta live. He said he had to rehome bambam because of this.
>Moreover, Deavon had claimed that Jihoon's family pulled her hair to discipline her. Jihoon fires back saying at the korean primary school, Dracilla was attacking and biting other children. He gently tugs her hair and ask her if that felt good. Jihoon shows a letter from the school that documents Dracilla's behavior.
>People started to notice how Deavon spoke about her ex husband (Dracilla's father) of being an abusive felon. Crazy fans did a background check to see he has no prior criminal record.
>Tides turned and now people believe Deavon has been lying and abusing Jihoon, not the other way around.
Larissa's contract ends with TLC
>Larissa gains notoriety in the show because she was willing to abandon her 3 kids in Brazil while she marries mama's boy Colt.
>She ends up suffering from anxiety and depression due to Colt and her arguing a lot. Debbie, Colt's mother, gets involved constantly and has called the police on Larissa 3 times.
>After the divorce, Colt and Debbie goes to a lawyer to get Larissa deported because this marriage was a fraud
>Larissa eventually leaks on instagram videos of colt waking her up at 3 am with loud noises for shits and giggles. She talks about how unsafe she felt at the house
>Also spoke up how Colt had been cheating on her throughout their entire marriage
>She ends up meeting Eric on a dating app and they fall in love but they end up fight just as much.
>Larissa pressures Eric to pay for her boob jobs and cosmetic surgery, insisting she would pay it back.
>She asks 5k from her dad in brazil so she can maintain her green card since her deportation was pending. She uses this for more cosmetic surgery.
>Larissa ends up making an only fans and breaks her first day with 100k. She and Eric decided to move to Colorado together.
>Someone tips off ICE and Larissa is detained (pressumbly Colt and Debbie). However she is released.
>Larissa and Eric ended things because Eric supported Trump.
>Larissa focuses more on her only fans, eventually opening a cam soda
>Due to conflicting contracts, TLC ended their contract with Larissa
>Meanwhile Colt ends up in a relationship with Jess, another brazillian girl. Only to cheat on her with the same woman he cheated on Larissa with.
>He manipulates Jess and tells her how crazy she is for being upset that he is still in contact with Vanessa (mistress).
>They break up and Jess falls in love with another American and they get married
>Colt and Vanessa just got engaged and is now pending a new spin off.
No. 682559
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OP here,
Here is some discourse that has happened off the show that is not really relevant anymore in 2020
>Ashley (Ashley and Jay) suffered kidney failure due to the stress of Jay's cheating and filming the show.
>Opens a gofundme to pay for treatment
>Jay's sister reveals that Ashley is a liar and used the gofundme money for a tummy tuck
>Anfisa and Jorge became a very famous couple because Jorge promised Anfisa that he would give her everything in America.
>Turns out, he cant. So Anfisa would delete his apple acc, key his car, throw things at him, etc.
>No one says shit because people believe this is poetic justice since Jorge went on a rant how American women were too assertive and feminist
>Jorge went to jail for trying to smuggle weed to Arizona
>Anfisa promised that she would stay with him, but she leaves him for another rich guy
>Anfisa becomes a body builder while Jorge rotted in jail for a few years.
>Jorge is finally out and he knocked up his latest GF
>Joshua and Alcksandra is a mormon couple that preaches mormonism. Aleksandra's daughter does not look like Joshua at all. Joshua insist it is his child, picrel to their "fully white" baby
No. 682569
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Darcey is my favorite cow. Stacey is a close second. Thank you based anon for the thread, 90df is my shit.
No. 682570
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The matching plastic surgery and twinning in your 40s (?) has always struck me as creepy and sad.
No. 682572
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Sorry to samefag, but can we talk about Paul and Karine? Holy shit, terorism charges? I think she's away from him now and ended up filing domestic violence charges. With how he acted on camera, I'd be horrified to see what really happens behind closed doors.
This show is chock full of cows. I'm happy to see other anons are into the trainwreck.