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No. 685207
>>685201Yeah but.. I think that's kinda different. Maybe I'm wrong :( I know that going to vent thread and just saying
>fuck you you fucking faggot i hate youis probably going to generate some weird responses. And I tend to think that people in /vent/ respond to/help other posters in vent even if unsolicited. Here, I figure users can say whatever flies and don't have to worry about some anon coming and being like "Oh anon youre so stupid for this, all you have to do is XYZ" because there's no context here. Literally just word vomit here. so I consider a mix between vent and retarded shit thread. With vent, most posts come with a context and I hate needing to do that. if the masses don't like this, sorry I failed! Just wanted a place to sperg and word vomit the hatred for some people in my life, words that I want to say to them but can't
No. 685262
>>685239someone in that anon's life probably
>>685207Ohhhh I got you, so this is the "yell at the void because you're angry" thread, nice, in that case
fuck you lil shit!!! (not directed towards anyone just wanted to yell)
No. 685458
1. I still hate you. I think about you every day and I hate you. We never dated, not even close, but I hate you more than I hate any ex. Before you I never thought a platonic friendship break up could hurt worse than a romantic one but considering how long our friendship was, I shouldn't be surprised at the pain our violent end has caused me. My only hope is that you are hurting just as badly as me.
2. I wish, I really wish, as my sister, you could open your mind just a little to political ideas outside of your own. Your inability to separate politics from your relationship to others will always drive a wedge between us. I am glad you are finally accepting my fiancé but I fear if you ever learned how I truly thought, you'd cut me out completely. So our sisterly love will always walk on eggshells.
3. You will never be happy so long as you keep comparing yourself to everyone around you. You went from being a pick me to being a feminist, but you'll always crave male attention and approval. That's why you wont drop the males you dont even want anymore. That's why you get so excited when I bring up males in my life. You still compete with me, even though I 'won' in your eyes. You won't stop trying to tear me down and you wont accept that I dont want to tear you down. I honestly don't know why I didn't drop you back when you went behind my back and told my friends my secrets, while claiming you didn't know they were secrets. Why I didn't drop you when you kept a rapist as a friend because you couldn't stand the idea of losing a speck of male attention. I feel sorry for you, even when you try and one-up me with your 'achievements'.
No. 685610
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I don't even know how you thought i was "obsessed" with you when I'd literally been in the talking phase with like multiple other WOMEN at the time (I'm sorry women, i promise everyone i stopped toying with their hearts quickly, it was accidental) and hadn't spoken to you out of anything but pity for months. You were a needy, narcissistic black hole moid of a friend and even if you had seniority and I felt responsible for your gloomy suicidal uwu anxious ass, I felt such a shocking relief just minutes after you'd gone, to the extent where I only remembered this after seeing a post here saying "good riddance" to a friend and being like, hey, that reminds me of someone who i never vented about…
Good riddance to you too, you fucking weird ass boring ass cracker. If you read this, I didn't reject you because it'd be cheating, I rejected you because you were ugly and like a retarded, needy baby i could never possibly smash, although if you were actually attractive or interesting I may have reconsidered because I do love sexy bitches. You weren't even fascinating enough to sexualize.
>>685593I swear i could've written this about another man I know. These niggas got me so tired.
Also though this thread was a great idea. I feel strangely free!
No. 685613
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Look at this round feminine face! WHYYY! Ellen get a grip
No. 685634
>>685617Oh shut the fuck up, "you have blood on your hands" no the 40 MEN who killed trans women have blood on their hands. They always talk about how horrible it is 40 trans women died (i bet more childern are killed a fucking day, sadly) but never how to fix the issue.
because they know if they look into the deaths they'll see a lot of the deaths have NOTHING to do with being trans. They want to blame celebrities, but even if celebrities didn't talk shit guess what? Men are going to fucking kill & they'll kill trans women, women, other men & childern.
No. 685642
>>685626It kills me how no other group brings up the numbers of deaths like it's a video game then trans people. Ellen is not in any fucking danger, and if i was trans i'd be annoyed if someone freshly trans and extremely privileged started pretending they are in the same level of danger as poor, black mentally ill sex workers working for drugs or housing.
bitch, you are rich.A lot of them die because they are poor, in bad areas, homophobia and downlow men.
No. 685679
>>685617Gotta say I hate when the suicide rate is mentioned in a context that blames others. Yes, trans persons are not worshiped by the general populous (find me a demographic that is without a white working prick) but it glosses over the fact that, uh, mental illness goes hand in hand with wanting to mutilate your genitals. This is skirted around because it's bigoted hate, and conveniently puts the responsibility of their well being on everyone besides themselves.
>>685642110%. Sh- oh fuck, he? has what to fear, exactly? El is well protected in their position and it's insulting that they put themselves in the same category as others who are genuinely in danger due to their lifestyle, economic and/or social circumstances.
You're not a fucking hero, "Elliot." Check your privilege.
RIP my first girl crush.
No. 685683
I just want to (not really) let you know I'm just about ready to cut you off.
You're an alcoholic. I don't care that I don't see you daily now, I know that and you saying 'actually I moderate OK', like I know it's bullshit. Last time we hung out over a year ago, you drank ELEVEN beers through the day. Yes, I counted. We walked and you casually picked up more beers in the shops we passed and they didn't even affect you. I dread to see what you're like now. And the weed? Nearly every time I ask what you're up to you're either smoking, or about to and it's the highlight of your day. It's fucking sad as shit. Even worse that you get this money from your PARENTS.
Your wit has become canned wit, I don't see anything behind what you say any more and the idea of hanging out with you is uncomfortable. It's like you've lost your soul and have just become joke joke joke boy.
God, I just hate that you've ruined your life for the next few years AT LEAST with this. You were on meds, in therapy, doing well in education and decided to fuck all that and become an alcoholic, determined to be unemployed, and so fat and unkempt you're literally a spectacle. And you don't even see anything wrong with it! I've seen you be not retarded plenty in the past so what the fuck is this shit?
No. 685710
"It's just a symptom!!" You blue haired ugly cunt, if a doctor looks at the amount of booze you drink in a week and says you are an alcoholic, you are an alcoholic. If you can't get through the day without drinking, you're an alcoholic. You keep telling your crazy self that everyone drinks and acts like you but just won't admit it all you want but you will never get the help you claim to want unless you just admit the doctors are right. Your sister is a fucking dumbass for drinking with you "to celebrate", all of your simps are disgusting for pretending the doctors are wrong, you may have ptsd but THEY WILL NOT TREAT YOUR ASS BEFORE YOU AGREE TO TREAT THE 'HOLISM. YOU ARE SO EMBARRASING. NO NORMAL BITCH DRINKS EVERY DAY, NOT EVEN EVERY WEEK OR MONTH. How dare you fucking waste resources with your fake ass suicide attempts, you swallowed 2 painkillers and lied. You lowballed your drinking habits yet still got the dx. I don't think you deserved the shit you got but the shit you keep getting? Lay off the weed, the drink and the pills, get a real job or just lay off the "sex worker" bullshit, no one,truly no one cares about your jiggly ass. Your bf is fucking ugly, and a fucking cuck for letting you say all that shit publically. Shut the fuck up.
No. 685715
There's absolutely 0 reason to identify as anything else than your physical gender.
People should be more concerned about melding feminine and masculine stereotypes rather than jumping on this crazy troon train so we can have 63284 useless gender identities that mean absolutely nothing.
RIP Ellen.
No. 685720
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Stop calling me a bitch that shit is annoying
what are you a man? You like engaging in scrote behaviors? Talk to me like a regular person not some mentally ill image board twitter user hybrid
God, shut the fuck up. She was very popular with young xx♥xx and now that retard is drinking the loon juice. They got every right to be upset. They're community is already fucking small and being invaded by the ugliest and predatory people to exist
No. 685835
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You literally draw shota con and all your friends are other shotcons.You all follow each other on that site
I don't know what the fuck you're trying to pull but it seems that a lot of you are really just creepy perverts. Helps you "cope" my ass.
Also that actual faggot that you follow is recognizable because he didn't bother to change his artstyle. He's open about liking it too LMAO Normally I don't care or bat an eye to this disgusting shit but his scenarios are so specific. I'm not a "puritan" but I know a fucking weirdo when I see one.
No. 685846
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Binch just message me first for once. I'm getting over my bpd tendencies by resisting the urge to message you. But if you stop altogether then that hurts. Apparently you still wanna be friends, and we've known each other years but if you show no interest in that then don't say you want to. I feel like you think you're better than me but don't forget I know all the ways you fucked up too. I don't bring them up because the spotlight would then turn on me as it always did. Plus, the past is the past and that's petty. I'm good now at putting you from my mind, except moments like this. But omg do you want to be friends or what? I do miss you…
Its been years I am sad that this relationship could end after everything. But life will go on
No. 685890
>>685871I was literally just thinking about how much I hate myself for being tall and skinny and came here to post about it. I look like Sweet Dee, it’s fucking embarrassing. At least you can wear heels to get taller, being what’s essentially a reverse manlet is inescapable and humiliating as shit. You’re lucky,
No. 685925
>>685198Honestly? Fuck you for trying to destroy a friendship I genuinely cherish because you couldn't stop being a jealous
toxic clinger. Thank fuck I can breathe again.
No. 686096
Was gonna sleep but I thought too much and realized something about this person. Why am I still dependent on you? Granted it's less than it was, but I need to wake up. The way you acted in the past disgusts me. It disgusted me then, but even more now that I see through. I don't know if you're still much that way, but I'm not getting my hopes up. You must be idiotic to fall down that path. You were never a "cute girl," you will never be a "cute girl," you are a man. Now I know why just those words made me uncomfortable. It's so gross and creepy, or I guess it's simply male. It was worse when you pushed it on me to indulge it. I was so foolish to think I could. I was always repulsed. How I could put you on a pedestal when you pornified yourself into that mindset, it's my own stupidity and issues. But that means you are so much worse. I'm going to get stronger than this, and stronger than you. I never want to depend on you again or anyone like you. I don't want to depend on anyone at all. The only ones worth bothering with are those who are sweet and deserve it. We had a lot of good times together and I thank you for your help, but I am sooo disgusted. It's hard to reconcile that shining image I've made of you with the cold facts. You're just a follower, even more than me. I'll never be sure if you look down on me like I suspect, but even my insecure struggling self is leagues above what you indulged in. At least I'm rising above it. At least I know my faults, you made sure of that. I only fear you will sink deep into the next mistake yourself. You really think you moved past the 4chan phase, but you followed the script to the next thing, and you will to the next. Well, maybe the shame you feel someday will be like the shame you gave me. Despite it all I care for you and always will, but I'm determined to let you go. I need to see you as human and myself as not less but the same.
No. 686512
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you guys claim to be accepting and love of other people but when we were growing up, you bullied me, pushed me down on the ground until I screamed, mocked me by screaming back at me. You knew something was different about me but you continued to keep me locked out while you guys watched movies. and you still do it, you sneak off without me during family reunions.
fuck you guys. I will never ever forgive you for the emotional distress you guys put me through while my mom trusted you to babysit me. it's fucked me up, and fucked me forever. given me this stupid fucking complex….
i'll be so excited when you find out your children are getting bullied by other kids and you cant do anything about it. karma.
No. 686732
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Fuck you guys for not believing me. Fuck you for telling everyone at the school that I was lying, especially when I was at my most vulnerable. Fuck you for isolating all of the people I knew away from me. I wish I could have seen your reactions when he was actually expelled for abusing other girls. How did you justify it in your head? Did you still think I was a liar? Weird coincidence? Did you want to come and apologize to me? How dare you post about #metoo celebrity shit on your SJW fucking otherkin ass tumblr when you couldn't even believe your closest friend. I should have just cut you off when you had to have a GOD DAMN MEETING with the whole friend group to sus out if I was lying. Instead I waited for days while you guys didnt talk to me. It was like some surreal, horror movie bully shit lmao, you fucking psycho. I hope you lie awake sometimes and remember that he went to jail for the exact shit I told you. Also fuck you gd headmasters for expelling me for spreading slander. slander. slander. hahaha, fuck you. rot in hell. Fuck you
No. 686758
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you really think you're being "UWU cutie loli girl xddd" by putting on a squeaky voice as a adult woman, no, you're just being fucking cringey. really? really?? is this the type of attention you wanna attract? by dumbass men who are just as immature and deluded as you? what the fuck dude??? it's not cute, it's not charming, it's not even fucking talented. all i feel is scorn for you degenerate.
No. 686785
>>685198nearly in your 3rd decade of life and you couldn't manage to finish any higher education. you live in some kind of fairytale world where you think you're some perfectly tragic main character just waiting for his life to start. you aim to elevate yourself by associating with better people but everybody sees through your mask. you are an extremely insecure delusional
victim of your own narcissism. no, it is not "society's fault" that you are in the place you are. you simply lack talent and discipline, and any redeeming qualities. the good face you put on when meeting me was all an act. as soon as i didn't move to your liking you lost it all and showed how truly insane you are. here you are nearly middle aged, trying to manipulate high school students through fake charm and flattery. i bet you abuse your boyfriend just the same, but he is too much of a pushover to leave you yet. keep thinking the whole world is against you and you're the deepest, most deserving person to have ever lived on this earth.. at most we pity you. you will never be loved, rich, or famous. you are a mentally ill loser who can't even admit he needs help. no wonder your dad and brother doesn't want to see you. keep wallowing in self pity, pathetic little bitch.
No. 686983
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No. 687067
>>686983dude that sounds like they are into you and have no concept of boundaries. I reeeally hope it isn't some perverted brother with an incest kink, that would make me murderous. I hate to jump to that but oh god the things I've seen online.
getting it off my chest I want to bitch slap this person or be their personal dio brando. someone like that doesn't deserve any pretense either. Make his life hell pls and don't hide the fact you know
No. 687112
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First of all, it's genuinely comical how you love to present yourself as this cold hearted bitch who can't be phased by anything, but then you lost your fucking mind to the point of needing to be admitted to a psych ward when a guy you slept with twice rejected you. After 10 years of calling me weak for having PTSD issues from REAL problems, the fact that was all it took to break your pampered ass makes me fucking laugh. You are such an entitled bitch who demands so much but gives back so little. Whenever I needed you, you were such an uncaring cunt and made it clear you didn't want to hear about my problems, but then you spend SIX FUCKING MONTHS talking about literally NOTHING except for how heart broken you were over that boy, who TOLD FROM THE VERY BEGINNING HE WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU. There was never a point where anything deeper than sex was on the table and you didn't exactly do anything to sell yourself as quality relationship material. You were a fucking bitch to him the entire time, despite numerous warnings that your behavior was unacceptable. The way you cried on the floor like a toddler, screaming for hours about how unfair it was and how stupid he was for rejecting "the best he was ever gonna get" was possibly the single most pathetic display I have ever witnessed.
And HOW FUCKING DARE YOU compare the pain of rejection to the pain someone feels when their lover dies. What is wrong with you, you goddamn narcisist??? How do you say shit like that out loud and not realize how you sound to everyone else??? You are so fucking autistic.
Second, you are such an overwhelmingly unpleasant person to be around. You complain so excessively and always feel the need to bring people down. Anytime someone has good news, you HAVE to make it into a negative somehow instead of just being happy for your friends. We can practically see the cogs turning in your head to figure out a way to put us down anytime we have something exciting going on. It's like you need everyone else to be as miserable as you and if something nice happens for someone you have to find something negative to attach to it.
Your shameless envy about my financial situation wasn't a cute look, btw. It's very transparent that you just can't handle the fact you're not the richest person in the friends group. The fact you flaunt your wealth infinitely more than I do makes it even more obvious.
Also, you were such a fucking asshole last year when we were Christmas shopping together. Bitching at me for taking more than 30 minutes to shop at the plaza for eight fucking people and literally yelling at me when I asked for advice on what to get someone you knew better than I do. Like wtf is your problem.
I don't for one second regret blowing up at you when I told you we're through and getting people to turn on you after. You can play the victim all you want over the fact I showed our mutuals those evil texts you wrote, but you fucking deserved it. You're literal trash and I'm so happy you're out of my life.
PS- Your lifestyle of condomless sex with hundreds of strangers is absolutely disgusting. The fact you say you've "only" had 3 or 4 STDs like it's no big deal is beyond nasty. No amount of "woke" bullying people into keeping their opinions of your sluttiness to themselves makes it any less gross.
Maybe try to find an identity beyond being a miserable mean slut?
No. 687582
>>687578FURTHER MORE you are well aware that we have had to do homemade janky ass plumbing on the garbage disposal three times in the last two months so why the hell I had to put my hand in the clogged ass drain only to retrieve an entire onion skin, croutons, & what I assume is a chicken patty is a mystery to me.
You are as dense as an 8 pound scone and smell like old man cologne
No. 687868
>>685198Fuck you and your mysoginistic wife thinking they can decide what a woman can or can't do with their body. If they don't want to have a child they are not obligated to gestate a creature they neither love or care about for a whole year as well as dealing with the guilt, drepression and ramifications of child birth just because you both think the man jizzing inside of a woman gives them equal standing to decide what happens after. Fuck you for thinking the "cut off" is only one month if abortion ends up being legalized when most women don't even realize the first month that they are pregnant. And fuck you for deflecting shit and only thinking about some make believe crazy woman that wants to have 20 straight abortions because she thinks it's fun or something and using that as an example of women being shit and the reason why it shouldn't be legelized. I will never support your complete lack of moral and I will never agree to "agree to disagree", you can respect my position but I will never fucking respect yours.
Fuck all men that think they have a say on pregnancy and fuck all women that support them.
No. 687886
>>687870Thank you anon, worst thing is that he's my brother. I live in a country were abortion is still not legalized. His fucking wife genuinely said some women should be sterilized if they can't be responsible. I really don't know how I can just sweep their beliefs under the rug and continue seeing them. Of course they both ganged up on me and told me I'm hysterical and crazy because I dare to get angry at what they're saying.
The worst is when I even tried to put him in the woman's place (basic example, woman is three months pregnant, doesn't want it, boyfriend wants it) he said he can't because he's a man and he can't think like that and then tries to do the same to me with the "example" of a woman wanting to terminate at 9 months for shits and giggles. How the fuck is that an equal situation?
I'm sorry for the rant I'm just so fucking angry.
No. 687892
>>687888Worst is my mother now trying to make peace and just telling me "not to talk about it with him and ignore the subject". Why they fuck should I be OK knowing they think that way? And they are more than OK going through life thinking their belief is the correct one and the only viable one in my country. Of course they are OK with not talking about it because they are happy-go-lucky that things are going like they want it to. If abortion was legal and I told them to "agree to disagree" they would be fuming as well.
sorry last samefag.
No. 689350
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I grew up with minarchist parents who are also not as racists as their authoritarian counterparts, they welcome immigrants and hate the government for the restrictions they put on them but they are still conservative and hold onto tradition and customs so they can be racist/sexist more often than not, I'm still thankful that they're not braindead conservative state cucks and I do think that growing up with such parents made me be the annoying lib I am today.
No. 689482
>>689448>he just needs a drip tube of hentai to get off because putting his dick inside of me isn't enoughWhy even be friends?
Dump him.
No. 689499
>>689455>Don't respond to other people's shit. It's not about you, you vain bitch.i know you're very obviously
triggered, but it costs less energy to just scroll past, mini-mod.
>>689448dump him. the fact that even physically having PIV sex with him isn't enough for him is beyond fucked up. he's dead weight. please also get help for your ED if you can, because it really isn't worth fucking yourself up and risking your life for some porn-addled weeby scrote.
No. 689502
>>689499kek, you're also breaking the rule then dumbass. Don't respond to other people's shit.
And I'm the thread creator so I'm p sure I know how the fuck it's supposed to go.
No. 689622
>>689448>is it even fucking possible to make it work romantically with somebody with a porn addiction?No.
Pornsickness should be one of the top dealbreakers for any woman and I will die on this fucking hill. Stop wasting your time on someone who would rather jack it to Japanese cartoons than have sex with you.
No. 689692
>>689655Yes which is why I said I didn't want that to happen. From my first response to "isn't this just another vent thread?"
>And I tend to think that people in /vent/ respond to/help other posters in vent even if unsolicited. Here, I figure users can say whatever flies and don't have to worry about some anon coming and being like "Oh anon youre so stupid for this, all you have to do is XYZ" because there's no context here. Literally just word vomit here. I didn't want people to respond here or ask for help here. It's just a place to say random shit you don't wanna say to people IRL.
No. 690335
I am this close to snapping you stupid bitch. My mother and father have supported your ass practically all your life, you have made every bad choice possible, gotten with every douchebag scrote that gave you atention only for them to give you in return a kid and a huge list of debts because they all divorce you in the end for a new woman. Then after my father passed away you decide its a good idea to shit talk him infront of me and my mother and when we call you out you begin to cry saying you dont meant it, BUT YOU DO IT AGAIN.
I know at first you would go against my mother for shits and giggles but nowadays you are being such a violent person for no reason. You think that simply because you are a single mother that cant sustain her own home, then no one else can. You think everyone has to be as miserable as you. You degrade other people and ignore their efforts so you can keep ignoring that all the bad shit that happened to you, only you brought it upon yourself.
I have lost all the respect i had for you as a relative and as a woman. You let men brainwash you, you let them tangle you into their business that ultimately fail, you let them take your money. You let them change the way you think about anything and everything. Your own mother warned you THREE TIMES that the men you chose were shady but you chose to ignore her because you hate the fact that she was a single mother that worked her ass off to sustain you even TODAY. You hate that despite all she was a succesful woman. You want to be given everything from above. You degrade your own mother to favor your father who pretended he didnt know you for almost 30 years but now that he is old he wants to reconnect and because he gives you free shit you love him but hate your own mother. Dont get hooked on that, you are his 2nd family, his official family hates your guts and will make sure you get nothing like they have been doing all your life. But i guess you will also not want to hear. In fact, in the end you say "why didnt you warn me??" When huh? We have been warning you all along!
You are not bright either, cause choosing to get married for a 2nd time and have kids to a man that was dating someone else when they met you, a guy that picked up the phone and told their girlfriend at the time "Yeah im busy with work" when "work" was being in bed with you?? I dont know.
But all of this and your bad choices arent whats gonna make me scream, but the fact that next time you insult, degrade or try to underestimate the efforts my mother made and makes every day, i will throw punches. Because when i want to talk you say "i wont argue with you!" And thats how you avoid listening to what anyone has to say. But not next time, next time i wont be calm, if i have to stand firm i will and if i have to kick you out, i will. You have no right to trash talk my parents who only supported and loved you. You are ome of the most ungrateful people i have ever met.
Oh and dont try to look for validation from your eldest daughter when she is the first to say "Im tired of you, im going to live with my dad!" Every time she doesnt get what she wants from you. And my mother has to listen to your ass cry about it every time it happens.
Fuck you, leave us alone or at least stop letting men control who and how you are. Because we are well aware your new sudden violent personality change came with this new man you got. Fuck you! Grow up already!!
No. 690638
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I know I still love you because I imagine us getting married in a field of flowers, I'm wearing a wedding dress with long loose sleeves and everything is alright.
I definitely don't deserve you but I'm trying my best.
No. 690686
Fuck you! I was a child, I didn't deserve it, I didn't deserve any of it! I was severely abused, I had anorexia and I was mute, I never even spoke, I was polite in ways I was able to yet you all treated me like I was a evil and that I was going to make your children to become weird anorexis. I didn't deserve to have any of it. You fed your children fibs that they would ridicule me with, I was all alone. I was wishing I was dead since I was seven. I wasn't allowed to be loved by my family and I wasn't allowed friends. Even the school didn't do anything. They thought I was dumb and put me in special Ed. I HAD SEVERE SOCIAL ANXIETY I WASN'T FUCKING STUPID. Why the fuck did no one do anything about my abuse!? I knew about sexual things that no normal child knew about, I would have bruises all over me, I was so sensitive, I had all the signs of abuse but no one fucking did a thing. You would believe my mom and she would spread lies and slander about me, how I was unruly and caused her to be suicidal by how bad I was. I NEVER EVEN SPOKE AND I ALWAYS BEHAVED, HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU BELIEVE HER!? now for the rest of my life I can't get it out of my head that I'm evil, that I'm terrible, that no one likes me, that my core that I deserve to be hated because I'm just so awful. Fuck. I'm so tired of everything. I've had therapist now as an adult who finally believed my truth and see all the signs of how I am now that of course I was abused. But it's too fucking late.
No. 691435
how are you gonna sexually assault me repeatedly, completely debase my self esteem and not let me leave your house for an entire two years and then tell me i'm ugly and say "there's other bitches"? how do you have the audacity to say or do anything to me when you look like an anthropomorphic naked mole rat that sells used cars? how are you going to say anything about my work when you have the ugliest, most boring, most uninspired, soulless art ever created? you live your life according to your porn addiction, morals be damned. i hope raping me at least helped you deal with your mommy issues, because that bitch was right to have picked drugs over you. if i had any brains i would have done the same too. at least i would have if you weren't gaslighting me every single day into thinking i'm an evil stupid bitch while you were actually raping me and drugging me and bullying the shit out of me. maybe there's a reason no one can fucking stand you, not even your own family, and there's a reason why every friend group and relationship you form falls apart and decides they hate you. you literally have "future sex offender" written all over you. i hope the next person you inevitably victimize makes you sincerely regret it. every single day i am so tempted to text everyone in your life the screenshots of the heinous shit you've admitted to and tell them about your true nature. every single day i live in regret that i never defended myself. recently, i realized that you don't, nor have you ever, had any meaning or value to me. you just made me feel like such a bad person that i deserved to be mistreated in such extreme ways and want to fight for your approval. i think that's the only way you could ever get anyone to tolerate you though, because you are so extremely unlovable that you have to manipulate people into fearing you to get them to stay around you. i tried giving you another chance, and i regret it. in the short two months i spoke to you, you sexually harassed me, insulted me, gaslit me about what you did to me, and tried to justify it, all while saying you were sorry about what you did. you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and i'm so glad it's just me and her now. we talk every day about how much we hate you and how we never liked you, and every day she helps me unlearn the shit you put into my brain. she validates my ideas and helps me grow every day, she makes me feel like i have value and that i'm a person worth taking care of. your only redeeming trait is that you were such a bad person that i was able to meet her. she saved my life from you, and i'm so grateful for that. see you in five years when you'll inevitably be on the news for some heinous sex crime.
No. 691564
>>691558Even on Instagram you copied my aesthetic I had, but on a whole new level. You amassed 10K followers, and you had the gall to say that I am obsessed with you? You're the one who is being the obsessed skinwalker copying my aesthetic, outfits, even had my former friends, and wanting to replace me to the point where you are actively going out with my ex-boyfriend so you could spite me and be smug that my ex-boyfriend can easily be manipulated as well. Fools on you though I could just see you both are just two narcissists using each other; are you that mad your LDR ex-boyfriend is getting married to a women who was way more mature and ambitious than you? I had no part in his marriage if you are that bitter to believe so; I merely told him the truth of what happened since you fed him lies on how I was playing "cupid" when you were just sleeping with my friends and my ex-boyfriend behind my back.
But please, continue thinking that your life is so "amazing" with your boyfriend who is unaware that you are friends with many men who you have hooked up with and that you constantly go out to KBBQ with my ex-boyfriend and go get drunk with random men that you call "friends". Keep on abusing Meitu to hide your ugly features, keep on bragging how you are an adult uwu, and that you have totally changed.
We can all see through your insecurities and it's amazing how you refuse to take accountability and admit what you've done wrong. But please continue pleasing your simps on Instagram and get that cheap validation you want so bad to try to fill that empty void. You're pathetic and your attempts to spite me make me laugh.
No. 691568
>>691564Finally I want to say my life has been way better without having you and my ex-boyfriend in my life. I do have close friends, family, and my loving boyfriend who I anticipate being engaged with in the near future. Unlike you who feels the need to flex to your simps on IG publicly and for that feeling of needing to be validated I don't need to publicly brag about it. Because I'm not as insecure as you and I am happy with my life. My healthcare career is flourising, I moved somewhere way nicer and I am becoming more independent. I won't deny there are days where I am struggling but fuck you and your stupid mind games where you are constantly trying to one-up me. Bitch you can never replace me. Enlarge your eyes, put fake Meitu filler lips on your face, photoshop yourself all you fucking want but you can never be like me. And frankly, I would never want to be with you. The level of delusion you have is insane.
So fuck you and may the worst of karma get to you for actively trying to spite me all of these years. I can see this little game you are trying to play and I don't want any part of it. Grow up.
No. 692158
>>692079What makes you afraid to age past 30? From my perspective, your 30's are probably the best time of your life. You're financially independent and your life is stable, have room to indulge in things you probably weren't able to during your teens and 20's and live comfortably, you've probably largely figured the direction of your life out in terms of carreer, partner and other large life decisions and all that while you're still young, healthy and vigorous. (Of course this is a generalization but still)
I haven't reached my 30's yet but I expect it will bring a lot of good when I get there.
No. 692197
>>692158Don't encourage people who suicide-bait on lolcow. They're always doing it for asspats. If they really wanted to kill themselves they wouldn't whine about it here first.
People who are "scared of aging" are often also cows who used to make fun of older women for being "old hags" so they deserve it. Bet you ten bucks OP used to laugh at Lori/Shoe/Red Scare thots for being 'old'.
No. 692702
>>692671I had something similar happen to me after eating 5 marihuana brownies. This sounds funny but please bear with me
I used to be in this very childish (but """serious""") relationship with a girl and sometimes for fun I would talk like a stupid baby. I don't wanna talk about this in deep because I disturb my own self, but eventually she got control over me that way. We weren't into DDGL. It just got to a weird uncomfortable point that I'm not trying to think super hard about because I can't process it still. I'm just not fond of it.
We got in a relationship when I was 19 and she was 21 and to be frank I was still immature, dumb, and emotionally unstable, but I didn't think she would eventually treat me like as if I was a toddler. I wasn't like that with anyone else.
Anyways fast foward to the week we broke up. I was at my best friend's home party and some friends of him that I didn't know as deeply as my best friend were making pot brownies. My best friend also took some so I ate some as well. They didn't kick up immediately and my stupid self ate more than what I should had. I started getting horrible symptoms of overdose (idk what they are called, I just know I was constantly cold, trembling and had extremely low pressure), and I didn't know were possible to have because I fell for the LOL YOU CAN'T OVERDOSE ON WEED meme. I feel as if I was going to die. I closed my eyes and it was as if I was travelling to another weirdo place. It was very uncomfortable.
Then, it was as if my entire being shut down, and I was watching it(?) from above, and I started sobbing with a little child voice. I wasn't there, it was me but younger. I even remember thinking I had pigtails on my hair. My voice was high pitched and small. And I started saying shit like "My dad, I want my dad, I need my dad, where is him". My dad had died 3 years prior so I had no business saying that. I continued sobbing until suddenly I came to my body again as an adult and said "holy fuck I'm fucking scared I have no idea what is happening to me". Everything else after that is a blur.
My high came down later next day but I still felt quite shitty. I took some medication that I shouldn't had and almost got a stroke with the mix of substances. and then my ex broke with me.
Idk where I was going with this lol just remembering this makes me feel weird. But here you go. Don't trust age regression.
Figured this makes more sense to post here than in the things we hate thread. As for my ex, I still tried to be friends with her until… some days ago. I think it was for the best. I'm not doing any drugs ever again in my life.
No. 693686
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>>692079>wants to die before 30>>692773>can't wait til 30, dreading 20sAs someone smackdab in the middle (25 by next year), I'm both excited to be older and more mature, but also I wish I had spent my younger years better.
19 year old anon*, please please just improve yourself ASAP. The sooner the better. I deeply regret not "caring" when I could've actually had a real glow up. Now I'm trying to hurry up and glow up before 25. I would've done my best to get rid of acne and do better things with my hair, get my body toned up. Even though people say "omg you have the rest of your life to do that" you still don't want to miss out on being in love with yourself and confident at an early age, which sets the rest of your life up IMO. I feel that I was cutest and best at age 21 because I wasn't as frumpy/fat and I didn't have acne, my hair was thriving and I wore makeup and cute outfits. By this point, I have gone downhill. DO NOT DO THE SAME. Our experiences probably aren't the same, but if you feel like "Eh, right now at 19 I could look better" DO IT aND DO NOT PUSH IT OFF. Because I kept telling myself "okay, I'll have all of this done by age 25" and here I am, not looking my best. lol. And btw this is not just about looks. Your life won't get better in your 30s unless you've taken the time in your 20s to be mentally better, healthier, cut out your bad habits and bad people. So please, make sure that you do that as well.
30 year old anon, 30s are probably the best times! I look forward to being older. As long as you don't turn into those salty, "30 year old but acting 40" type people, I think you'll be great. it's not too late to change bad habits or improve yourself so just do it! Don't psyche yourself out like those other retards. Keep wearing sunscreen and eating vegetables every once in a while.
Funny enough, I'm actually not looking forward to being 28 kek
No. 695538
>>695469Literally had a friend phone interview for a remote service job recently. She flat out told the interviewer she didn't want to learn how to do the job herself with self-training modules. Then emphasized how she's never had a remote job before, so she couldn't even hazard guesses to basic questions and must not have done anything to really sell that she was a good candidate regardless of experience.
She was asked to prepare for the interview yet said everything contrary to the job description! Obviously she didn't get it.
She wants to leave food service but it's hard to bat for her when she self-sabotages and then blames it on being bad at interviews. There's so many resources online that she could refer to too. It's almost like she's waiting for someone in our friend circle to arrange a job for her in one of our companies but tbh it sounds like she's a professional nightmare if she expects to be spoonfed everything. She's 30, not 20. I don't understand some people.
No. 695588
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Oh god! Why are you so desperate for white knight Pornhube! Is your pornsickness that important that even if child porn and rape videos are taken down, your only thought is to ~Own the Radfems~ and nothing more? If you see a message of someone who is so needed of porn that can't think of anything else, your peanut sized brain goes to "Ohhh poor poor guy, why is life so unfair to cut off this sad guy's source of brain rotting" and actually think that the problem here are the evil whamen. Dude, just shut up about "TERFs", no one is getting hurt by loosing all of those porn videos, aside from pornsick explotive people, oh! I'm sowwy, I meant those poor trans women who write MLP rape fanfiction, I'm sorry by misgender the ~oh so oppresed~ catgender person who rates porn actresses.
Seriously, if your biggest complain about a post about an abuser getting their way into abusing more innocent people is that "Well, actually this abuser goes by She/her now, please don't misgender her" then good job for proving that you just care about having the moral superiority.
Not even the actual trans women I know want to be part of any of this, and not because the are ~brainwashed by evil Radfems~, this is just porn to make you feel like the most rightful person on the planet, you smug coomer.
No. 695607
>>685484Wow, this feels directed at me, but I know it's not because this year I've done graduated, broke up with the bf and got a good graduate job paying more than my poor ass can handle.
Don't hate, it could work out for her.
No. 695785
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You are fat. You are ugly. Nobody wants to have sex with you. You deserve every sudden intense moment of introspection, because you are a fat mass produced man. You are a terrible friend. I was friends with you for 3 years straight. You're a fat annoying gay cunt. I hope you die in your sleep, fatty.
No. 697578
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Everyone thought you were this sweet quiet person but in reality you were an awful subhuman piece of shit. I have no idea how I was able to withstand the shit that you’d put me through and still remain friends with you. I’m glad your fat ass put on weight and your art is still as bad as ever. I honestly regret not having the nerve in high school to chew you out in front of everyone because you were the most toxic, insufferable, selfish, spineless, immature piece of shit weeb I had ever had the displeasure of befriending. He was also fucking awful alongside you. I regret not calling him out for his shit behavior too. You and what’s his name were the absolute worst best friends in existence and I hope you and him get what’s coming to both of you, you fucking assholes.
No. 697887
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I'm unhinged, obsessive, and super creepy. If I spent 1/10 the amount of energy on making something of my life that I do on my psycho vendettas, I'd probably be a millionaire.
No. 698332
>>697887same, anon.
your picture in conjunction with the text is sending me
No. 698351
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Shipping yourself with an IRL person is fucking weird!!! I'm 90 percent sure that person is probably making fun of you behind your back, especially because of how fucking fat, obsessive, and degenerate you are.
No. 698514
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>>698364Can't you read? This is not for whining about large (hehe) groups of people, anon.
Anyway, why the hell did you settle so hard? What the hell happened, bitch? Also why the hell did you start shooping all your photos, you are already cute, did the scrote do this to you? Fucking tragic.
No. 698943
It hurts so much that you're my best friend. it makes me so happy when we talk, I hardly even notice it until the conversation ends and it feels like coming down from a high. Knowing that I was somehow so unbelievably unattractive to you that one time that it wasn't worth a second chance. Knowing that you'd rather this girl you talked so poorly of to me, telling me how disgusted you were/are of her and then knowing somehow I'm not even worth as much as that. It makes me so angry, it makes me hate you so much sometimes.. but in the end I know the person I hate is myself and I do know it was an impossible dream even if it hadn't been for what happened. I just have so much anger and sadness; I feel like I loved and wanted to spend my life with him and he beat and abandoned me; and now years later I felt like I truly trusted and loved you and I truly thought we'd spend our lives together and I feel somehow even more hurt and abandoned by you. I know you don't mean to make me feel that way, but knowing everything you do, having been there as my friend for all those years, did you have to feed me that fantasy? I realize I'm not going to have the happy fairy tale ending to my life, I knew that before hand too, but God I'm so resentful you had me believing in it again. I hate that you can just go on, I hate that you remind me you're happy just sleeping around doing whatever and that it's just so sad I still want what you can't… I hate that it's been over a year and I still switch on/off from wanting to kill myself over it every night. I can't really blame you, or hate you, but I wish I could.. I wish I could talk to you without feeling that high, I wish I had felt anything like that before with literally any one else; I wish I could be stable; I wish I wasn't nearing my 30s and still self harming over failed relationships.
I hate myself and I'm just self aware enough that I can't use you as my scapegoat. I'm sorry for wanting to.
No. 699902
>>699366It just feels like no light is there. I'm doing better today. I got a hotel just to 'get out' out where I've been. I'm not in an
abusive home, I don't havr external factors that aren't laughable to other people,but for me it feels tremendously hard to the point of cutting. No veins, I don't go deep, but I feel like I'm emotionally trapped back in high school.
No. 700357
I like my work friend but she seems…thick? I don't know how else to describe it. She's very nice and can be perceptive to my emotions but…so she wanted to have lunch together, but I had a headache so avoided her, she asked where I was and I said "in a dark, quiet room because I need it. My head hurts." and she proceeded to FIND ME in a 5 floor building full of meeting rooms and chat to me as if all was fine, asked me why I was basically unresponsive as if I hadn't said anything over text.
And I asked her to take over a responsibility of mine for 20 minutes that involved needing to be there specifically to recieve stuff. I come back within 10 minutes and she's fucked off elsewhere she hadn't even asked someone else to take over. And I told her 3 times TODAY that I would be off til past christmas. But as I was saying goodbye and see you after the 25th, she was shocked I'll be off. Like, girl.
She also talks SO MUCH, even when she's supposed to be learning something. Then she doesn't get it. Before today we sat very separately and so she'd be confused and I'd help because I did my research. Today she kept. on. talking. to me so I couldn't focus. I told her I couldn't read and listen to her at the same time and she was like "oh ok sorry" but kept going. Eventually I just had to fully shut her out which just made me feel bad because she was talking about her serious worries.
And then despite not knowing her tasks well, she does her best to avoid doing anything. Like no wonder she struggles. But even THEN she makes SO MANY mistakes when she does do something. It's like…Every piece of work, every sheet of paper, she makes at least 1 beaurocratic error. And it's usually the same same mistakes, with the same solutions.
It turned into a bit of a bitchfest, but it sucks because I so rarely vibe well with people, but she seems a bit hopeless. She's so self flagellating that I need to try lift her up, also the coworkers aren't taking kindly to her and the amount of mistakes she makes either.
No. 700785
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i loathe how normies don't get my jokes. when i'm serious they think i'm joking and when i'm joking they think i'm serious.
why can't people just be fucking honest?
i fucking wish i was normal. for most of my life i hated myself. nowadays i enjoy myself but not for long before some fucking normie who takes themselves way too seriously starts ruining my life.
i was dancing to the music at the counter, nothing to wild, bopping and swaying around. partly because my back pain and because i liked the song. then this bitch starts making condesceding comments to me about how i'm working too fast and implying i'm childish and naive. cunt what the fuck, when i was starting the job the problem was me looking too gloomy.
this fucking dickhead went behind my back to talk shit and as a result i got less hours. why mess with my fucking life when i did nothing to you? i like it when others are happy but when i am it annoys people?? just fuck my life. i must always have 100% self control, professional acting skills and a pokerface, just to pass as normal, and even then, only a shy, quiet normie. if i dare to joke around, be curious about things, i am immediately judged and judged so harshly like i am a fucking murderer. i want to quit society and only ever work from home.
No. 700800
>>700785People are just shit like this. They'll find issue with everything and anything you can do. Sometimes I still randomly think about when I was working in a restaurant as a hostess and the amount of random shit I put up with. It was an ocean front restaurant and the front door was propped open in the warmer months but it could also be windy from the waterfront, and sometimes my hair would get tangled from it. So this one time, a rich woman in her 60s power walks by me I guess getting something from her car and I was running my hand through a piece of my hair to detangle it and she goes, "You must really like your own hair" and walks off before I can even register what she said. This is pretty benign but I always think back to it because what the fuck bitch what is your problem? I can't touch my own hair for a few seconds without being a narcissist?
Another time a really old Rudy Giuliani looking ass bitch came in telling me he had a reservation when he literally did not. I typed in his name and nothing came up, so I asked him to spell it for me and when I looked up, he was looking at me with — I swear — pure fucking hatred in his eyes. He proceeded to practically spit his name at me again. I type it in, still nothing, and then he starts getting really angry with me but at that point I can't remember what he was saying because my brain just shut off and I walked away to find my manager before I panicked (have GAD). People are just hateful sacks of shit for no reason, and if you're young or female they'll feel even more willing to use you as a punching bag. Hang in there,
nonnie, it's not your fault and you don't deserve this shit. Working in the service/retail industry is awful.
No. 700818
>>700803Damn I could have written this myself. I've pretty much given up on socialising with coworkers because any time I say anything, no matter how mundane, they react like I said something really strange or stupid. Even when I significantly dumb down my sense of humour and make sure not to make any references they might miss, they still take my obvious jokes seriously and treat me like I'm a complete idiot. One time I made the mistake of joking that "I thought everyone knows the moon is made of cheese" and I shit you not two different people both pulled out their phone to prove me wrong by reading me the Wikipedia article about the moon.
There's one guy whose personality and sense of humour is extremely similar to mine and we've accidentally made the exact same jokes a few times, but somehow he doesn't have this problem. When I say something, everyone stares at me I'm a dog who just started talking but when he says it, they laugh.
No. 700867
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>>700795that's horribly disgusting anon. is your mom just old or disabled? time to put her in a home. i hope you can move out asap.
>>700800costumer service is hell. i never thought i would meet such nitpicky people in my life. once a man made me measure out a certain milligram of spices, changing it 3 times. when i finally got it right he wanted to take a closer look.. then decided it did not look fresh enough and he does not want it anymore…
unfortunately true about being a punching bag. one woman made a complaint about me for not having her preferred coins as change. her story was blown out of proportion, as if i literally denied her service. she said i was keeping the whole line up and people were groaning at my incompetence, and how dare i act in such a manner and that i should be fired.
>>700803shit, i think i remember your story from a while back. that letter is making me cringe from second hand embarrassment. did you explain to them that it was actually a joke? i'm usually too shocked at them not getting it to make an effort at explaining.
>>700818being quiet and smiling is the safest bet. i experience this also. sometimes in a class group i made a joke and people were confused. then some guy repeated it and they all laughed. perhaps i should transition… internet friends get my humor but i can't with normies. i tried using a funny voice and making a silly face when joking but it makes things even worse. someone please publish a human interaction manual.
No. 700888
>>700867She's neither, she has always been this way. Both my parents just don't give a shit about hygiene and my mother has some literally retarded tendencies and I've asked my dad a few times what's wrong with her and he says oh she's just like this but my dad is also nasty so
I'm developing anxiety about touching things since I know there's always all kinds of bodily fluids and gross things everywhere
No. 700981
>>700785Not really a 'normie' issue so much as 'cunts who don't like you' issue. That's why you're damned if you do or damned if you don't.
I started a new office job recently, and while I'm not having the jokes issue yet, I'm clearly not liked. I am not in the "circle" yet. People give me that who-the-fuck-are-you type of look when I join in the open conversation they're having among our cubicles. Not to mention some people are just two faced to everyone as a default. Also typical office politics microaggresions: On Monday this bitch who's supposed to be training me wrote an email and cc'd my supervisor, telling me that I "forgot" to do something on Friday. When the reality is I ran out of time to complete everything because I didn't have permissions to access a folder to drop files in and THAT BITCH chose not to help me out until she was ready to leave! This wasn't an 'email and cc a manager' issue either, this bitch could have popped her head up from her cubicle and told me to make sure I updated the file number and BOOM would have been done in a few mouseclicks. But she didn't wanna tell the manager the part about how she waited last minute to help. She escalated it like I was the incompetent one.
When I first got here she whined to me about other people having "attitudes" but now she's annoyed with me for daring to ask questions and not reading her mind when she doesn't explain things well, and now I think the problem is her attitude.
It's hard but don't take it personally, some people are just fucking shitty and clearly wanted to be queen bee of their own cliques for lack that they had in high school. Also this
>>700800, and ugh some people are just so insufferable. I don't work front line with customers anymore but I could not believe the hell that people gave me for managing to take their shit with a smile and friendly voice. Some people were put on this earth to be miserable and never happy and act like everyone else is more stupid and beneath them.
No. 701005
>>700996if this makes you feel better, the male members of my family never clean their shit out of the toilet. which reminds me i should not clean that, but then my sister or mother would. and these people are adults without disability. how is it not disgusting to them that there are literal stains on the toilet? it smells too. another thing is piss drops all around the seat and around the toilet bowl. sometimes they manage to get really far from the actual toilet. i am beginning to wonder they are doing this on purpose. none of them clean the floors or wipe the seats. i stopped using one toilet altogether (there are two) because they use it the most.
the worst things i have seen were worms around a trash can from rotting meat being "forgotten" behind it, and literal shit drops in the shower. how in the fuck do you leave shit droplets in the shower??? where you are supposed to get fckikng clean?!
i wish i could separate the house into male and female sections.
No. 701042
>>700867>i'm usually too shocked at them not getting it to make an effort at explaining.Usually it's the same for me but I was sick of it. I'd just say things like "XXX client called and wanted to give you news about XXX event/call/interview directly, he asked me to tell you to contact him directly" and they'd almost always answer shit like "yeah, how should I know if he wants me to contact him? He told YOU that when you were on the phone, why are you asking me?" and at some point the only reason why I never replied back was because I didn't want my sass to reduce my grade. Which didn't work at all anyway. If I started telling anyone to stop acting like this I was worried I could even be fired and never be able to graduate. I hope I won't meet these retards irl again. At least the girl who did the letter wasn't working closely with me and just seemed like a very nice girl who misunderstood my joke. The others were mean-spirited, passive aggressive little bitches on top of that.
Actually a coworker/other intern told me she felt like she was treated the exact same way and had the exact same misunderstandings and judgmental comments. She'd just say she spent her weekend watching shows on Netflix and work on her thesis for school just for small talk and everyone expect me and another intern would just judge her as if she said she went to a massive orgy in a BDSM dungeon the whole weekend. She told me she'd often say very simple things to our manager and she'd treat her like an idiot when the manager was the one who couldn't even understand her. We supposed at the time it was maybe racism against us but we weren't sure. The only other non white employee was also a bitch, but she also turned out to secretly hate our boss for the exact same reason after all so who knows. If you were a normal, well-adjusted person with semi-common hobbies you'd be treated like a huge weirdo by these people and when you stopped sharing anything with them after that you were treated as some kind of insecure shut-in. Now I'm working at a shitty job but people are acting like normal human beings and not parodies of "normies" so I'm doing way better. Fuck normies. sage for blog post.
No. 701076
>>700999I think they -tend- to be women just because we all typically had to work real hard and go the extra mile to fight our way into these nice office jobs. Some just never drop the competitive scarcity mentality.
The bitch that I mentioned in my story constantly brought up how she was "thrown into the fire" when she first started (it's a startup company) and how she basically had to learn everything on the fly which implies she must have fucked up a lot. Now she has a chip on her shoulder when I come in and casually ask her how to do something which takes 40 seconds of her time because
!how dare I! not spend hours of my time trying to figure it out myself like she did and messing up and making my work redundant like she had to. She's been a shit trainer because she has this attitude that she's too busy and is above my role now to be bothered with it, all because things were shit for her when she started out and that does not a good leader make.
I'm expected to train people as early as next month and I'm taking as many notes and typing up as many 'How-Tos' as I can because I don't want anyone to have to suffer through this vague and rushed training as I have, and I also don't want my teammates to think I'm a piece of shit.
No. 701358
>>701317I don't know if petty is the right word for it when there's usually a reason that they became that way. Men are just assholes by default.
>>701076I hate this shit and it's unlikely that it will work, but maybe if you can get her to mention something about teaching herself things from scratch you could try and say something like "that must have been really hard, I'm glad I can ask you for help. If I'm ever in an experienced position I want to help train people too, it's so counterproductive to not help each other"
Sometimes people just want to feel like a
victim and a hero, it can help them change their mentality towards you to indulge it
No. 702461
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Fuck this gay earth and fuck south america I hate being a third worlder wherever I go and whatever hobbies or skills I picked up will always be looked down upon because I happened to be born in a shithole
ONE life and I was born a third worlder into lolita. There's no sort of any alt fashion scene to even fit in or relate to because the country is infested with biblefags ahhhhh
No. 702836
>>697682Lol is that the best you can say you dumb narcissistic whore?
Please continue photoshopping yourself with Meitu and pretend your life is so amazing when you live in a hoarder house filled with illegal animals, a hoarder mentally unstable mother who controls you and feeds into your
victim complex, and you are a completely pathetic pick-me who thinks you are hot shit when indeed you are nothing more than a trash mammal that is befitting for your house that looks like a crackhouse den for meth heads. Grow up and get your drivers license so you can stop giving road head to your multiple male friends behind your boyfriends back. You should also get a STD test for all the men you sleep with sweetie, you do live in the ghetto part of Los Angeles after all. Happy holidays you bitter cunt and stay salty.
No. 702847
>>697682 Please continue calling your cuck white boyfriend "husband :3" when he is just a 22 year old boyfriend when you are an almost 30 year old cradle robber. Are you again that bitter your ex-boyfriend is happily married to a woman who is leagues better than you? She is college educated and more mature than you'll ever be. Good job pushing my tranny chaser ex to date that MTF though, it really made me a radfem.
Also you claim you're not skinwalking me but you copied the aesthetic I had and I even have months and months of evidence of you copying me? You copy my big eyes, my facial features and whatever style I have at the moment. You are being a skinwalker. A cheap 99 cent store thrift version of me is what you are. Learn how to be original you dumb cunt and leave me alone. And YOU move on. I am sick of your stupid immature little games.
No. 702850
I love you so much, I don’t even know how. We’ve known each other for 7 years and I think that now I truly, really love you. You’re beautiful and amazing too, smart and skillful too.
I wish you could understand that yourself, but that complex you got won’t let you and it honestly makes me feel sad. No matter how many times I tell you that I love you and that you’re probably the only person, who is not from my family, that I care about, you still don’t get it and you still find a way to think that that’s not true.
If only we could be more independent, because you also have this chained elephant issue I got, I think we could at least hug more often that every once in a huge while.
This is why I’m always thinking about what if we lived in a different country, I just wish we could be happy together even if it wouldn’t be acceptable for the rest of the people we know.
Then again, I’m also constantly feeling, somehow guilty? Sometimes I think you deserve someone who can be more proactive and assertive. Sometimes I also think that going a step further and being more than this, honestly strange thing we got, whatever it is, would give me more security to plan more things for the future. But I don’t really know.
What if you fall in love with a guy? Or what if you find a better friend? I don’t know what to do if that were to happen, to be honest, maybe I should think more about it.
No. 702853
>>685198I decided to google you last night, after a few years of not thinking about you that much. I used to think I made a bad decision breaking up with you, like if I would have married you I might have avoided that harrowing-ass part of my mid 20s that was so awful.
But now I see you and your wife live in what is, objectively, the most boring city I've ever been to. You are cookie-cutter middle class people who run 5-Ks and drink craft beer and drive SUVs. Nothing wrong with that. It's just not my thing.
Also I remembered you are secretly bisexual – nothing wrong with that – but you cheated on me with random men from Craigslist, and you're probably doing the same thing to your current wife. I feel bad for the way I treated you (I was young and selfish and was definitely mean and uncaring toward you many times), but I'm finally truly glad we didn't end up together. You were addicted to porn – and showed me some of the worst, most questionable, violent, and violating things I've ever seen on camera.
You always were an undercover creep, disguised as an all-American normie. I used to miss you. It was nice to remember that I actually dodged a bullet.
No. 702892
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Dear cunt,
Please know that you and I are not friends anymore. You cut those ties long ago, begging me to drive hours into a different state for you, demanding I take you to a doctor's appointment, crying about how you can't survive without your precious weed, it's bullshit and I'm absolutely fucking sick of it.
You potentially exposed me to covid, and thats the last fucking straw. You stay around until you get your second test results back, then you are gone from my life. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Everything you are and everything you stand for.
Fucking stupid cheating bitch, what did you think was gonna happen? I'm glad your ex took all his electronics. You literally said you were going to try and "hack" him. Not that you'd be able to, you're dumb as dogshit.
You know, I almost wish I had the balls to continue to e-beg shamelessly like you do. What are you fucking doing, for real??? You got broken up with, you begged 3 grand off your mom and some fucking simp on your discord server, and you only had to post your disgusting floppy titties to get it. Why haven't you taken that money and fucked off to the next person you'll leech off of? We all know you don't plan on getting a job. So just fucking go. Leave. Nobody likes you, nobody wants you around. We have a separate group chat where we talk shit on you, you know. We all hate you and we all agree we're done with your stupid fucking ass.
Youre so ungrateful and disgusting. You're an abusive fuck and I despise you. Pic related - some of the bullshit that is directed my way near DAILY. Ugh.
No. 702920
>>702875Guess all the restaurants are closed for the night, I wasted $20 on Lyft round trips and are leftover Christmas dinner from yesterday.
Now my sister in law is calling me to drink
No. 702987
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fucking man children complaining about me being up late and keeping them up while i cook tomorrows lunch and clean after them since i don't want to live in squalor…. being passive aggressive when i use the common spaces at night cause its "where you sleep" despite having the fucking master bedroom?!?!?!? mother fucker if you want to act like my nonnie and fall asleep watching tv go do it in your MASTER BEDROOM with your MOUNTED FLATSCREEN AND DVR and let me smoke this fucking shitty little joint in the living room. i just want to read some god damn lolcow and EXIST IN A SPACE WITHOUT FEELING LIKE I NEED TO SHRINK!!!!! FFFFFFFUCK YOU FAGGOTS!!!!!!! EAT MAC AND CHEESE WITH DINO NUGGIES AND FUCKING DIE!!!! CRUNCHY SOCK HAVING RESIN SMELLING ASS!!!
No. 703041
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>>702989hey, look at me, is it your security deposit?
No. 703079
Nah if she posts again I will post her on the personal lolcow thread.
No. 703153
>>703148>I see it as a superpower that means I never feel sorry or sadchrist my mom has literally said exactly that
do you ever want to sexually torment children? just curious
No. 703172
>>703169Anon I don't know what else to tell you, if your happiness relies on forcing yourself to forget things and fixing a man then you're living in a tired creepypasta
Unless I'm horribly misunderstanding this and you just need to get your tomcat neutered in which case I hope he makes a speedy recovery
No. 703188
Cat hair is disgusting.
No, I don't care if you claim to brush the cat frequently.
No, I don't care if you claim to clean often.
No, I don't care if you think cat maintenance is any harder than any other mammalian pet upkeep.
No, I don't care if you don't think shed animal fur and dander is no biggie.
If I walk out of your home with a layer of matted cat hair on my stockings, you are gross.
If I can't even place a coat on a chair or sit on the sofa without needing a lint roller before I head out the door again, you are gross.
If I'm cooking your Christmas dinner and I have to clean out the pot I intended to cook your food in because there was an amalgamation of cat/human hair in it despite it being in the cupboard, you are gross.
If I got to tell my bf to strip before he enters my apartment because I have to wash our cat hair clothes before I find hair in my bed and subsequently my cooch, you are gross.
You are an incompetent human with zero hygiene and evidently no respect for your guests.
No, I don't have to be allergic to think it's gross.
No, you don't get to blame your mentally ill wife for not cleaning up and taking care of the cats better when you are the lazy clutterbug who doesn't even take his plate to the sink after he pigs out.
Too bad there is no hell because I'd say you ought to spend eternity trying to cough up the driest, most intolerable cat hair ball. You are so nasty.
No. 703230
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Don't you fucking dare to try pull off some mtf bullshit on us now, bitch boy go get therapy. You are pathetic, a fucking scrote and turning into a wohhman solves nothing. You were abused and your parents suck ass but that doesn't mean you're a fucking woman, you're a selfhating acne ridden bisexual cuck who tries to sext most of your women friends. You're not even seeing what we all are going through, you just cry about everything and fail to see that you haven't asked once how we are doing. You have friends who are seriously ill, trying to just stay chill as you just cry about everything, wondering why shit sucks. Get some face wash, get a place of your own, get therapy and shut the fuck up. I am done playing a therapist for you in the middle of my own shit, you selfish fuck.
No. 703247
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>>703244I think it's funny how you act this way but had your little spergout in the server which made everyone laugh at you behind your back. Have fun letting your self diagnosis run wild. I recommend a NPD diagnosis while you're at it, it perfectly suits your
victim complex.
No. 703330
>>702836I’m the anon who posted that and I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about you psychotic fat fag. You are criminally fucking insane, get some help. Good job proving that the shoe can fit multiple people however.
>>702847You are genuinely schizophrenic I’m assuming.
>>703079You belong in a psych ward.
>>702843So many posts lashing out at this person you keep describing that’s probably a figment of your imagination. Was it the voices, anon?
>>703506Nta, I honestly think this is the same crazy anon who thinks everyone knows who she is and always makes anything she can about her.
Like when everyone was annoyed by the traumacore threads and shit, she said it was everyone just getting mad at her for creating other threads or something.
typos No. 703518
>>703512>>703506I think this is the nature of the GIOYC threads, because this happens on 4chan a lot too, but somehow 4chan is less gross about it than that anon
>>703508She was infighting so it was due to happen
>>703512Nah, I don't think it's her. I think we just have too many crazies here in /ot/ believe it or not. I don't like when people assume other anons are the same anons as whatever other thread anons got angry at that one other anon etc. She does sound similar to the girl who was complaining about someone vagueposting though. We'll never know.
No. 703523
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>>703512>Like when everyone was annoyed by the traumacore threads and shit, she said it was everyone just getting mad at her for creating other threads or something.Wait could you link to that post? Not to tinfoil but, kinda sounds like something another anon said in a thread from a while ago, pic rel. Idk if it's the same anon, but it would be funny as fuck if it was lmao
Anyway sorry to derail and be ot.
No. 703530
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>>703523This one, it was just unhinged.
No. 703619
>>703608ESL sorry. Let me try to rephrase.:
>>703553It probably isn’t going to be very interesting. It’s likely some poor random girl that anon is hyper-fixated on, desperately hoping she’s writing her letters on lolcow.
No. 703704
>>703244>>703247This is extremely gross and I can tell you're LARPing as that girl because you type nothing like her and got all the facts about her wrong.
Shame on you for using her personal tragedy to stir up drama and then lying to your friends about us being "crazy bitches". Go outside and grow up.
We let you join in good faith and you have been trying to stir shit up since the beginning. Mods of other servers you've been in have warned us about you, which is why you got banned.
(stop bringing up the discord/tinfoiling) No. 704326
File: 1609185802500.gif (1.37 MB, 400x300, tenor (3).gif)

You're going to take a nasty veggie Jersey Mike's sub to work for lunch tomorrow instead of the delicious homemade pierogi I made for you?
Are you fucking serious?
Are you for real you stupid little bitch?
If you wanted iceberg lettuce on bread with a few sliced cucumbers and a flavorless steak tomato then that's what I could have made and spared myself the trouble of making something actually delicious.
>"I need to eat the sub."
Yeah well you didn't have to buy it either today did you bitch?!
Fortunately, you saved yourself by saying you'll take them to work and eat your nasty sub for dinner instead. That's fucking right, you respect my cooking and labor.
No. 704922
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I am NOT looking forward to the day you start complaining about your gained weight because of the testosterone. Like, eating fucking McDonalds everyday, drinking beer and not being active is not gonna give you that Adonis bod you're craving idiot. Your chopped off tits will grow back and you'll hate it and yourself. I'd almost feel sorry for you because you were pressured into believing that a woman can't be butch but you're such an asshole that I can't be bothered anymore. Fuck you, phasing you out in 2021 bitch, no longer listening to you complaining all the time about the problems that you caused yourself. Also, if you bitch more than this I might just become an alcoholic.
This fucking sucks because I wish I could help you realise that you're just a butch lesbian and that the emulation of toxic masculinity does not look good on.
No. 705229
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i literally don’t care about the virus. UK is back on total lockdown and it’s totally fucked to outlaw social interaction and use legal force and pressure to stop people seeing loved ones and friends. it’s fucking inhumans. even prisoners are allowed visits.
No. 706591
Your husband and you are so stupid and so self centred you can let one family reunion go without making us participate in something stupid and only you two like, you force your religion on us all the fucking time your morals and ideas are broke and stupid,you LOVE to pretend you two are good people, but you are nothing but a selfies and self centered duo of two old and broken people, he force you to become a christianand to talk shit about us because we weren't , he force you to change into a women that feel superior and have no friends because she only needs her "suggy bear",you force christian sermons in OUR religious holidays and you talk like your own fucking mother is a sinner for believing in the Virgin Mary more than she believe in Jesus, this new years was shit thanks to you and your obsession with being the best of christians, you force us to pray the way you do it ,to listend to TWO fucking sermosn that some nobody pastor sent you, to pretend that this year was a gift from GOD,only to make us then say something "good" that happen to us, when you KNOW nothing good happen, we lost so many family member and friends but no, let us all pretend that 2020 were like vacations! stupid pieces of shit, how i wisht you open your eyes to all the bullishit your religion brings, not saying mine is perfect but the cult like actituds you use are disgusting, thanks for a shittyer new years.
No. 706594
>>705229None of the prisons where I live have visits since March. They allowed social distanced visits briefly in mid Sept-Oct.
Calm down Betty.
No. 708014
Sara, I am so glad I cut you out of my life. I never allowing you back in no matter how much you beg or claim we're "soulmates" or how you can't live without me. I think you can't live without me because you know no one would have put up with your bullshit as long as I had. Like literally fuck you. You try to make me feel shitty about something I did five years while black out drunk that I've apologized for a thousand times and that I even stopped drinking for it. Which in hindsight wasn't as bad as all of the shit you've done to me, I mean you've even physically assaulted me while sober! Or do you remember that time you let a group of your friends mercilessly bully me and didn't even do a thing to stop them and even laughed with them? Or how you and your group of friends refused to let me use the restroom when you know I had a very painful bladder condition and that I couldn't physically help needing to use the bathroom so much. Instead you let me grovel to the ground crying my eyes out because it hurt so fucking bad because you wouldn't let me use the toliet while you and your friends mocked me for being a "faker, attention seeking, dramatic, pathetic, stupid, etc." like you've literally seen pictures of what the state of my bladder looked like , heck you've even went to a fucking urology appointment with me and heard them talk about my chronic condition! Instead you decided to bully me about it and make me feel extremely vulnerable and made me piss myself because it got that bad. You're a awful awful person Sara and it's even worse that you can't realize it. You claim you're such a Saint and that everyone is ungrateful. You don't sacrifice shit to people, you just try to push yourself in their problems and stir up more drama and act like you're trying to save them. You wonder why every new group of friends you have disappear after a few months? It's your own fault because you constantly have to act like someone is mistreating you when their not and in reality you're the one mistreating others! I honestly have no hope for you. Out of the 11 years I've known you, you haven't changed at all except in the worst ways.
No. 708836
>>708528I feel the same way. It always annoys me when I see a short girl talking about her height, and then people being like "Why are short girls like this! Being short isn't a personality trait!", like is it wrong for people to like their own body? It's like people get mad when you appreciate your own body instead of being like being insecure and pitying themselves for being born a certain way. Nobody would react like that if a tall girl talked about being tall. Also, I'm not petite, but the people who say petite girls look like children are just wrong. A skinny/petite adult woman does not look the same as a child.
Sorry for my retarded rant, I know we're not supposed to respond. It just pisses me off when people act like we're doing something wrong by liking our height.
No. 710154
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Your opinions are bad
it make me sad
No. 710615
my dorm neighbour is hot and sweet… he makes a mess in the kitchen but is so fit and positive, a true Chad. my loneliness doesn't help either
>>710612what the fuck, that's like doubly worse than a toothy blowjob with all the nerve endings. what retard are you fucking
No. 710635
dont know where to put this but im the anon that came here about a week ago talking about my bpd boyfriend who touched me in my sleep a few times. slight update even though no one asked i just dont really have any friends and im feeling a lot.
im breaking up with him now, im at my mums. im a coward and ill do it via text, too scary in real life and he'd manipulate me out of it if i phoned, he's going to hate me so so much, he might even say he'll kill himself over it (already heard that threat), i will be blamed and guilt tripped. i will want to go back to him but i wont. the emotional abuse is too much, it scares me and hurts me everyday. im 18, he's 22, he should know better. i just want to be alone and free i dont know if i'll be alive in a day or so, he might want to kill me but this is right for me.
lord give me strength, look out for me anons. im so so so so scared.
i already regret even thinking about it, i dont know who i'll spend my time with, i hate being alone and i feel so so alone without a boyfriend. im getting cold feet. help. so tired of being scared
No. 710646
>>710635We nearly all experience breakup pain in our lives and we get over it. People in long term marriages with kids get over it so he can certainly survive this relationship ending. If you handle him with kid gloves you'll never get out.
Blunt (and followed by no-contact) is the way to go with bpd breakups, speaking from experience.
No. 710674
>>710658Anon I responded to your post a while back, and I'm begging you, please don't. He's gonna make you feel like you made a mistake, but trust me you didn't. Please trust me, it's just going to keep being a cycle of
>him manipulating and hurting (possibly violating again) you >you trying to break up with him >him manipulating you more to make you feel bad>you getting back with him and continuing to be miserable.I've never had a bf with bpd, but I have a mother with a pd and I've fallen
victim to their games. It will not get better with him, you deserve a lot better than this.
>>710644I honestly don't even want to fucking talk about it. Nothing but trauma.
No. 710808
>>710658Don't. As a woman who left her BPD ex several months ago I get it. When they're "on" they're soooo goddamn charming and convince you you're the center of their world. First of all that's unhealthy and second of all it's not true. Their ego is the center of their world, but you still get stuck with all the fucking horrible and unreachable responsibilities that involve catering to that. They have no chance of getting better except with long-term therapy, and it's easier for them to do so without their abandonment
trigger (you) around. If you don't have enough self respect to stay away for your own sake, then do it for the sake of any real love you have for him. Don't go back and enable him to continue being a shitty person, because he
will continue when you show to him that he can be terrible and you'll still come crawling back to him.
No. 710821
>>710808this saved me, anon, literally. i read this and broke up with him again, ignoring the manipulative phone calls and messages. thank you so much
>>710669>>710674thank you for the support.. it's all over now. im taking a break from relationships, i dont need or want them- gonna focus on myself and university !
No. 710951
>>710859He explicitly stated that the reason he felt dysphoric was because he basically outed himself during choreo rehearsal and it caught him off guard, not the choreo itself. Which I felt was odd since the news was inevitably going to be revealed anyway since he wrote the lyrics. Did he expect the other contestants to hear about it for the first time on the main stage? You should definitely skip the season if you're already over the trans contestant theme. Spoiler:
After all, he does make it to the finale. That aside, we all know Ru only cast Mik because he's always been in hot water for comments he's made about post-op trans people on the show.
In my perfect world, Utica would win. In the end though, I think Symone or Mik are better candidates.
No. 711605
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I secretly planned to pay off your house. I fantasized so often about the look on your face when I surprised you with that check. Then you betrayed me, and my two best friends, because your thirst for drama was stronger than your love for us.
Now here we are, just a few months later, and my career trajectory fast tracks unexpectedly in a way I could never have imagined. I will most likely be a multi-millionaire by the end of next year at the latest, while you will be trapped living your mediocre life in your mediocre house you can barely afford, in a mediocre town, with your mediocre wife and mediocre friends. The universe sure has some crazy timing. It's almost as though my dreams were waiting to come true until the shit people were purged from my life.
No. 711627
>>711610I don't want to be too specific for anonymity's sake, but behind the scenes in the entertainment industry.
>>711619Yeah, I definitely agree it's a bad idea and I no longer plan to do stuff like this for this reason.
No. 712665
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Don't go complaining to me, the only person you supposedly trust venting to about every little thing, about all your fucking crap that's going on, and then in the very same paragraph, lump me in like I'm the fucking problem.
I always do my best to be there and listen whenever you're in this state of mind, but then to basically blame me at the end like a fucking footnote for your declining mental state, FUCK YOU.
No. 712846
>>712829Fuck yeah, roast him
nonny (from someone with an insane BPD ex to another). Congrats on your personal development and for dropping his sorry ass.
No. 714877
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This is about my boss who is a jackass of a man, none of you lovely ladies (preemptive for my fellow paranoid anons)
Holy shit why cant you just treat me kinder, I genuinely give you nothing but fucking respect and patience and you treat me like a nuisance. Why do you gaslight and apology bomb me? You constantly complaining about your girlfriend not respecting your boundaries while not enforcing your boundaries and giving us an unequal look at your relationship, just to gain pity points. just dump her you absolute buffoon! are you that afraid of being alone? you’re already so fucking alone, who’s gonna sit there and validate your constant suicide baiting. Yes you heard me right my boss makes me and my coworkers reassure him lifes worth living at least once a week, but when I am feeling mentally unwell I get scolded for not calling out before my (obviously unplanned and unpredicted) psychotic break, which resulted in me trying to kill myself when i got home, and landed me with a hospital bill I can’t pay for at the wages you give me for succeeding. I saw your soul get crushed in your eyes when our pretty coworker came out as a lesbian, you knew she was trying to talk to me about it because I’m also a lesbian, and you chimed in saying labels arent everything, I would like to think that’s the karmic retribution you get for having ulterior motives with your inferior employees. You gaslight me by telling me one thing and changing it later, and by telling me things I’ve said and done that I know I have not said or done. You avoid any real work to delegate it to anyone but “the boys” in your own words, and when I complain about the uneven load you snicker or roll your eyes. ALSO STOP FUCKING ROLLING YOUR EYES AND SIGHING EVERY TIME I ASK YOU SOMETHING YOU SNIVELING WORM, you’re in charge, if you don’t want to be asked questions and be the final authority on things, REMOVE YOURSELF FROM AUTHORITY. You power hungry little manlet, your Napoleon complex is so intense that you treat me like a rival for social space / attention just for being a woman and being more manly than you. I’m a faggot and a dyke and I’m still more man than you, the difference is I hold myself accountable for my own short comings and look for collaborative solutions, you just sit and mope and bitch about how things COULD’VE been right, not how to make then right NOW. also Im never doing another piece of busy work or work in general, I want the way youve treated me to reflect on your performance if you’re going to insist it reflect on mine,this job is now my passive income and if you have an issue PLEASE start an altercation with me I’d love to collect unemployment and get some well deserved catharsis on all the shit youve said and done. Stay mad, I havent even told you about my new job, I’m just waiting for the juiciest moment to reveal that I’m no longer at the mercy of your ingratitude.
No. 716941
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I guess I asked you if you were actually happy in this relationship for a reason. I knew you'd say no. I knew it would hurt. Guess I'm a masochist like that.
I'm at a loss of what to do. I've been trying to get my OCD and other things under control, it's hard for me and you know it. But even you've made note at how I've improved these past few years. So what else can I do besides try to get better? If you're not happy overall now that I've gotten significantly better, what does it mean in the future when I'm not 100% better?
You say you love me so much. And that you're happy "most of the time". But is that really okay? Is it really okay for you to not be happy with our relationship overall?
I feel like I can't, in good conscience, continue with things if you're not happy overall. If, even after the improvements and even after having "mostly happy days", you can't think of our relationship and say "Yep, I'm happy to be in this thing". I'm not sure I can carry on with it.
Fuck I just want to lay in bed and cry all day.
No. 719947
>>719940Lol some dude tried to neg me like that once. I reminded him that he has fucked bigger too so evidently it doesn't matter. I could tell he was big seethe for a second kek.
If only more women would lose respect and reject men based on who they fucked too.
No. 721558
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No. 722151
>>722144straight girls being attracted to men that happen to be gay is "
problematic" in a nutshell
No. 724370
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So I'm in therapy, I'm taking medication like I'm supposed to… how do I stop making myself a target for bullying or being an outsider? I don't know how to fit in well with most people because of my extreme social anxiety. It's gotten… a little better? Maybe? But I always feel purposefully excluded and always on the fringe of things. How do I make myself care about not weird things anymore? I've never felt like I belong anywhere and existing feels physically painful sometimes.
I dont love myself, I don't even like myself. Rotten, disgusting, filthy thing I am. Undeserving of everything I've got in life. Anons, I'm just so depressed and I feel like I reek of desperation and shame. I don't know how to change how I think because I don't feel worthy of that, I feel I need to suffer.
No. 724381
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Realising i can never pursue my dreams in life because the hundreds of people i've known from spending my whole childhood online will recognise me and 'expose' me or whatever for dumbass stuff i've said and done as a child really sucks.
No. 724407
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when i first met my bff, i was like DAMN. im a lesbo but i was in a relationship so i obviously only talked to her as friends. we became incredibly close super fast. she's also insanely smart, she's the absolute total package. very very smart and naturally beautiful. but theres something i want to tell her but i know will break her heart…
when we met i was into feminism and she wasn't. i never pushed her about it, never even mentioned it again. till last year, she got into feminism, and she's very vocal about it. slowly she has taken the terf pill and im happy for her cause i had nothing to do with it. but theres a problem. when we first started telling each other personal things, she said that ever since she's in middle school, she's had issues with gender and because of it shes nb now. i dont believe in nb shit, but i support her. she then tells me her dream since she's 12 is to get plastic surgery for a flat chest because she hates her breasts. she's skinny and tall, she's very flat chested as she is! but she wants like a full, flat man type thing. like, because it fits with her as a "nb" she says. this was years ago right, so i tell her i hope she can get the surgery one day. we get older, again, takes the terf pill, all that. but the other day mentions that once she gets her bills together she's going to start saving up for the surgery. i obviously tell her im happy for her… but it makes me so sad. ive seen the results of those surgeries on ftm and they all look botched every single time. like it just looks like shit. its so fucking bad. and i cant tell her, you know what, that dream that youve been telling me about for years and that youve had since middle school… yeah i think its stupid and you shouldnt get the surgery cause youre going to ruin your insanely good body.
when she told me this i thought, okay, she's been wanting this since she's really young but surely she will mature out of it eventually. but she never did. and it makes me sad she's going to ruin her body and i can't tell her anything cause i feel that if i tell her she shouldn't she's going to have a mental breakdown or something because its something she wants so badly for so long.
i dont want my bff to botch herself for absolutely no reason. not for a fucking non binary trend. i pray she realizes its not worth it eventually. i seriously hope so.
No. 724418
>>724370Stop thinking about yourself so much. Genuinely nobody cares, especially irl. People shit talk here 1000 more than people do irl, that’s what we’re here for, but genuinely, people at your work or school literally don’t give a fuck. At work they’re literally there just to get through it so they can get home to their kids or their video games or their Chinese take out or their bdsm magazines or whatever the hell they truly care about, and it ain’t you. Just be agreeable and pleasant and you’ll be 100. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the same interests as them, you’re literally related to them because you’re both stuck there. If you must talk just talk about the shared experience of being in the shit hole you’re stuck in.
Don’t project friendship on everyone you meet because that’s when it gets weird. Friendships happen organically and you’ll know when you met the one.
For everyone else: no one cares
No. 724451
>>724407Wat. How the hell can a
terf want to get top surgery and be a fucking ~enby~? If she was actually a radfem who are gc by nature it wouldn’t even be a question that she would stop wanting this. Has she said why she feels she can’t be herself in her natural boob-bearing body? Has she clearly explained why she feels she must identify as nb rather than as a woman? Because trans rhetoric breaks down pretty quickly if she does actually hold feminist values as well. She’s clearly really dysphoric and it might help her to read some stuff from detrans women who regret it and now realize they just had serious issues with their bodies and existing as a woman in a patriarchal world. You sound like a really good friend so I just say this because she might need an intervention and with you being so close you’re probably the person best positioned to give her one (without coming across pushy).
No. 725047
>>724451right???? i like, get everything you're saying that's why i had assumed in my head that she dropped that non sense! like, she's so smart but i have absolutely no idea how she doesn't realize she's butchering her body over nothing. a
terf that wants top surgery, its almost like a god damn joke. ahh, anon, you get it.
we can't see each other cause of the quarantine. but as soon as things are a little better where i live, i'll talk to her in person about this. i don't know, i feel that if i text her this its going to be a little cold and more hurtful to her. but if we talk it out loud together maybe she'll see i don't want to harm her in anyway. i hope soon enough things get calmer and i can finally see her again and tell her heart to heart that she's only going to harm herself. her other friends are very tumblr-y and im sure they're just going to push her more to it. i really hope she can understand im just telling her to drop it cause i love her.
No. 725134
>>725068It's a vent. Plenty of people dream of being a rockstar or actress or famous whatever, it's silly but I don't think she needs you to remind her to get a real job just because she's sad she can't have those dreams because there might be (I'm assuming from
>>724928 ) cp of her somewhere. Save the energy for all the former teenage-nazis who think they deserve YouTube fame for finally realizing nazis=bad.
No. 725157
>>724928Follow your dreams anon and if you become famous and people find your CP you can talk about how evil men are. Honestly, it is absolutely not your fault we live in such a sick society where women are abused all the time. I think the more women bring light to how
abusive it is to live as a woman the better it is.
No. 729531
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You stupid fucking idiooooot you are such a fucking cow. I’m this close to posting you in the personal cow threads because you’re just a complete fucking mess. You have no boundaries, all you do is complain, you don’t go outside, you don’t talk to people in your personal life, and you stay home all day every day. You are the only reason you are such a failure. You are your own mental illness. My sympathy for you went away a long time ago. The least you can do is learn the difference between “too” and “to” you belligerently retarded buffoon. This is why I can’t stand you and you’ve been stuck feigning faggotry while internet dating a scraggly incel into beastiality for the past 3 years. You are an adult straight woman now. Get a job. If you can’t, go to school. Move out. Grow the fuck up. You are an embarrassment and I wish you had stayed locked up and completely anon so you and I had nothing in common.
And fuck you you morbidly ugly fat fuck. You look detrimentally squished at birth and seeing your punched-in face pop up is the worst part of the day.
No. 736943
>>736940Is this the one who got with a new gf who currently cheats on her?
I feel like you posted about this before, if it's a different anon I'm sorry bro.
No. 737176
>>736943no, that isn't me. don't have a gf currently. my last relationship was like six months ago. and i'm seeing my ex gf (the one i had four years) as friends with benefits. i want to tell her i have feelings for her but i know she's going to feel uncomfortable that my family hates her. we've been about to get back together before, and it always ends with her going "i dont know anon, i love your mom so much. i cant do it to her. if being with me is going to cause you issues with your family i think it's best not to do it"
i'm sad and i dont know what to do.
No. 739587
hey lolcow, i have been wanting to share something with you guys on here for a while, but i have been a bit nervous to post. its sort of a confession, sort of a rant. it is really long and bloggy, so bear with me. a couple years ago i moved to a big city in a different state from where im from. i had never even visited before. i moved there with two of my good friends who were attending colleges there, and the opportunity to tag along just seemed too exciting to refuse, so i went. in the two years i lived there, i didnt really make any friends, (perhaps partly because covid began year two of living there). well, i did make one friend. i met him working at a grocery store and i was shocked to learn that he was a pretty well known webcomic artist too. for context, i was 22, and he was twice my age.
since i was also an aspiring artist and a fan of his work before meeting him, i was totally awestruck. i really looked up to him and when he offered to let me work for him doing shipping and handling of artwork for him, i felt totally flattered and of course i felt i shouldnt refuse this offer. it felt so exciting, i felt like i was moving myself forward as an artist and like i was being let in on this world of his that he had created. we quickly became incredibly close, and a relationship formed. i felt like, if he was interested in me, i must be special, different somehow. at least thats how he make me feel. he showered me with attention, dates, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, days out, days in together, songs and playlists he would share with me, and long messages and even poems proclaiming his infatuation with me. i think it always felt wrong though, and i knew it was destined to crash and burn eventually.
i felt incredibly inadequate compared to him. i knew from a logical perspective, that i was far too inexperienced in the world to ever be his equal. and so that was the first time i broke things off. i told him i was just not mature enough, not successful enough, or self sufficient enough. i would be off and on with him two more times after this. after every time i would break things off, he would spiral into a depressive episode and go weeks without talking to me or anyone, or leaving his house. he made me the keeper of dark secrets, and promised i was the key to preventing his self-destruction. and i felt special, important to somebody who had created meaningful works of writing and art that had touched many people. i was his confidant and i listened to him and advised, and championed him when he needed to hear it. even after the empty periods, he would return with lengthy emails confessing his alcoholism and suicidal ideation and begging for forgiveness. and so i would come back. if we werent dating, we could be best friends, and i could work for him and continue pursuing art with his help.
he always kept me at arms length, and i suppose i enabled it. i was so enamored and wrapped up in this that the second time, it was me that came back to him. i told him, maybe my thoughts the first time were mislead. after all, he told me none of it mattered to him. that i was an equal in all the ways that mattered to him. maybe i was just too wrapped up in the way things looked from the outside. so he left the woman he was seeing (a woman his age) and made me the center of his world again. this was right at the beginning of covid, and he asked if i would self quarantine with him, and so i did. i also didnt have a job at this time. for a couple weeks, i basically lived at his house and we had sex constantly during this time. he bought me lingerie online, and told me all of the fantasies he had been exploring in his mind about me, all the things he wanted us to try together. i was so dazzled by him, that i basically said and did whatever i knew he hoped from me. i know that i enabled him, i let him think i was the cool girl, the fantasy girl i knew he viewed me as. but eventually it crumbled again. i was dancing the line between pleasing him, and being true to myself, and it was exhausting. always dressing to show myself, shaving myself bare, watching horrible netflix comedy stand up and pretending to find it funny. i couldnt keep up the facade, and with my money dwindling from lack of employment, i broke things off again. i felt immense pressure to stay, as he had literally left someone to be with me. and i knew his meltdown was impending. but it just felt too strange to continue. so we were best friends again, and i worked for him still, packing and shipping art.
i want to add also, that i made many suggestions to him for products and designs which he gratefully used, and always without expecting credit. i had asked him a few times if he ever wanted to collaborate on pieces, such as adding patterns/colors and spins on the originals that he frequently sold mass replicas of, but he only ever wanted me to fill in the preestablished color, or use stencils to replicate under his name.
now, back to about three months ago. i was moving back home, and i was struggling with knowing this relationship would cease completely. i never really got full closure from our breakups, because even when we werent having sex or "offical" we were constantly talking and spending time together. i told him i still had strong feelings for him that i needed to work through. i wish he had just refused me, i wish he had been "the responsible one". but i was an adult too, and i do understand that i need to take responsibility for my advances as well. but heres where things get a little interesting.
for the past few months, he had been seeing another girl my age, and keeping it a secret from me. i had actually suspected it, but i had to drag the information out of him. he only admitted to it after i confessed my feelings, and told him i was greatly saddened to leave him and move away. i was sad because i knew it was all over, i wasnt "special" anymore.
despite the words, i hadnt truly planned to engage with him again, but at this point he brings out a gold necklace with my birthstone and gives it to me, professing his love once again. i think the emotions just overwhelmed my senses. i know i was an idiot this time. so he breaks up with the new girl, (a girl he always was careful not to discuss or name, although i knew her name) again to be with me. (i fully admit my guilt in choosing to do this, i feel shitty) this time it was especially strange, and he seemed really desperate. he made all kinds of stories about moving to be with me, helping me make a career, allowing me to travel, etc. and to be fair, we were not normal friends, i feel as though we were emotionally dating this entire time he was seeing the other girl. so i guess i felt like i was losing something too. i think i was just desperate to connect with him before leaving, as i knew i would probably never talk to him again.
i felt strongly this time that his motive was sex. he said it was the biggest thing he would miss if i left. and when discussing our feelings about my move (he became distant and cold to me when i brought up leaving sooner than i had originally planned, and also when i described the friends i was excited to see again) i asked what i could do to make him feel better, and he suggested having sex. this only lasted maybe a week or two and quickly faded. i finally sobered up and knowing he was engaging with another young girl, the illusion of being unique, and my age not being a factor, was completely shattered.
please forgive me for writing so much and blogging but i am trying to make sense of it all and i wanted to share it if anyone is in the same boat. it hurts to make mistakes and it hurts that i shared two years of my life with this individual. as silly as it is, places like lolcow have really helped me find other women i can confide in and probably helped save my life from being trapped with a narcissist man like this one. this is all kind of embarrassing to admit, so im nervous to say who it was, but if enough people are interested i can share. he is a pretty well known webcomic artist.
No. 739593
>>739587samefagging to say that, although manipulation isnt always overt or violent, it can certainly still exist, even with men who shower you with gifts and attention. whenever we were in our dating phases, he was an emotional stonewall, and always seemed unhappy with me and tense, like i wasnt doing things right. when i would bring it up, he always said it was all in my head and that i was too worried. he would talk about all his past exes and how they were
abusive to him and mistreated him
all in all, i have a hunch that i managed to avoid a relationship i always kind of knew would be controlling and for just for show and his sexual gratification. i should have known that an age difference like this was an obvious sign of this, but i wanted to ignore it very badly. looking back, i think he uses women the same way he uses alcohol. he is a deeply damaged and empty person seeking a woman to fill a void and be his cheerleader, while avoiding fixing his own problems.
i also forgot to mention that he recently sent me a giant email titled "i miss you" all while still being with this new young woman, with the same tired stuff about being suicidal and drinking himself to death. two weeks after i ignored his email, he posted a photoset on social media posing with his new girlfriend. i just have no sympathy for it anymore. please if anything comes out of this, just take it from me that you are never as special as a man twice your age tries to make you think.
No. 739604
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>>739597cash me outside how bout that
No. 740478
>>740435Do not hang out with that creep again. Men often know they're stepping over your boundaries but do it anyway because they get "results" from being pushy. He will not just want to be your friend. You're better cutting him off now before you get sad texts at 3am about why you don't love him even though he loves you more than anyone kek.
He knows what he's doing. Hes doing it because he knows you'll let him do it. These types of dudes aren't as socially unaware as they want you to think they are. Just determined and impatient to get what they want.
No. 740623
>>740440Thats what I have started to do though he can see that I'm actively messaging in a group we are both in.
>>740478That's probably true anon, tbh he's one of those guys that hardly interacts with women but when he does he acts like a gentlemen and treat them like "queens". Plus he's 19 and find him too young and immature trying to get my attention.
No. 741529
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yeah bro me clarifying myself and wanting to let you off easy was me being an epic abusive "master manipulator" who "twisted a lie." even though you roped me back into our shitty friendship multiple times you weren't asking to be led on or anything like that. and yes i do take full responsibility for "fucking up your self esteem," which has nothing to do with your crippling porn and video game addiction. expecting me to just forget about you lashing out at me for the most retarded shit just because you gave some half-assed apology for it is not manipulation btw.
No. 741618
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No. 741731
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Stop being delusional! You're a 30 year-old-woman. No matter how much you hype up your mundane reality, with the hoard of shitty knick-knacks, parasocial obsessions with artists, boring pet upkeep - we all see through you. You chose to ignore all of your personal issues and move to a new country. Now you're on another continent, married to a guy who is clearly not ready for marriage, nevermind the baby on the way. The baby which you can't deliver safely because of your history of smoking and drinking and overall sedentary lifestyle. All of which are problems caused by the deep-seeded issues you have chosen to ignore! Come home, have the goddamn baby safely and go to fucking therapy.
No. 745502
>>743378Seconding all anons. Please. Get to the police. Have it in writing somewhere. Those things can escalate, you need a paper trail. Keep all proof.
Is it in the realm of possible for you to move out? To do some pre-emptive damage control to your boss and friends saying a psycho is torturing you? What is he threatening you with?
Things can't stay like this, but you do have escapes,
nonnie. Don't lose hope.
No. 746404
>>746402this was such a small piece of only recently-relevant woes, but another thing:
- calling herself asexual and then going out and fucking people. lmao.
- one of those performative woke tryhards that is clearly just in it to get her asshole licked by other performative woke tryhards.
- and how can i forget the fact that they have sexually assaulted one of my best friends multiple times.
i'm fucking sick of it. i can't say anything because she goes out of her way to act like a pussy
victim with no spine. she's moving out in august or we're evicting her.
No. 751735
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I just realized I will never lose this last 10 lbs because my weight is my excuse to myself for never having sex. If I lose the weight I lose the excuse.
No. 751932
>>751891I spent most of my 20s at a company doing 10+ hour days, putting in extra work, coming in on off days, wanting to die only to get completely fucked over when the upper management changed. Most companies treat you as expendable while expecting you to practically devote your life to them and work off the clock.
Not saying you have to be a NEET but it would be nice if most places didn’t expect you to answer emails at 11pm.
No. 751950
>>751932I work part time but still end up answering emails on my off days because I want to keep my work happy with me.
On the other hand I'm less bitter about it than when I worked full time.
Working part time isn't enough to raise kids or buy a house, my pension is probably very pathetic too, but my quality of life has improved. I'm still not doing anything productive in my downtime because I'm a piece of shit but I feel better knowing that one day I might make use of having spare time
No. 752058
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>>752040I'm sorry you're having trouble dating, but it is really just a matter of holding out until you find a man who gets past vetting and treats you right.
Being youthful and pretty can still get you devalued by a scrote. Picrel.
No. 755126
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So tired of normies and scrotes and having to hide my power level all the time becuz they screech when they see or hear things they don't understand. At least in art school people admired my genius kek
No. 755182
I've fucked up really badly, maybe irreparably with someone i have to live with. I basically told my mother that i resent her and that she was selfish for having me. My parents were terrible, theyre white trash who used to do meth when i was little and still abuse painkillers and booze, my father is a raging narcissist abuser who used to gamble away his paychecks or spend them at stripclubs (we were even briefly homeless when i was young) and my mom is a lazy bipolar pickme who would egg him on and theyd get in to horrible fights in front of me. But she stayed and didnt get a job and would cojole him into buying her drugs and cigs while i barely had clothes. My mother was very neglectful in terms of cleaning, my hygeine and feeding me but at the same time so overbearing that i couldnt even play in the backyard without supervision (of course she'd rather nap or watch tv than supervise). I was very poorly socialized and have trouble navigating life. As a result of this upbringing i'm very menatlly ill and unable to really take care of myself so i still live with them. We were talking about some horrible ppl we knew who shouldnt have had children, then i asked her why she had kids with my father and we went back and forth. she kept saying how she made alot of mistakes but she doesnt regret having me, that she wanted me so badly. So i told her that was selfish to have me bc she wanted to, what about the circumstances ur bringing me into, i didnt have a choice to be born. And she should have chose better than my scumbag father who she admits there was warning signs from, and she had dated less than 2 years they werent married but she gets pregnant and has the kid. Anyway, shes in the other room crying, i dont know how to smooth it over, and i really just want to die.
No. 755188
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>>755182I get how you're feeling right now anon. Not to blogpost but I'll just say it sounds like I had a similar upbringing to you. In a while from now you'll probably feel some catharsis from saying that to your mom. That sucks and I hope you're able to get out of that situation someday!
No. 755203
>>755188Thank you, that really means alot. Ive never talked to anyone about my home life growing up, even the two friends i actually had i never opened up to them and couldnt really understand and connect with their normal families. opening up here even to anonymous strangers feels weird but freeing.
>>755192Idk its hard bc part of me loves her but i also resent her, and i'm very much NOT thankful to her for bringing me into the world. But i still regret saying things that hurt her even if i really feel that way. They had been bottled up inside for so long and i wish i would have left them there.
No. 755326
>>755313share with the class
nonnie, what is a snail tray, if not a tray for storing snails?
No. 756038
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No. 756051
>>756050cat owner?
if so, I feel this pain but feel the love from here
No. 760404
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Once again my mother in law is going on an episode where she rants for hours on end and inevitably takes her anger out on an unwitting victim because she has no emotional intelligence.
All because she can't pay her rent since she gave the rest of her money from her job before covid-19 took it into paying for the defense of her son that went to court for beating his girlfriend to a bloody pulp. Oh those thousands were not wasted though, as he didn't even get one year in prison but instead probation. The funniest part? He kept treating her and the family like shit before the trial like they didn't financially support him for a situation they constantly warned him about. This is not the first time he's showed his ass though. Yet despite my mother in law having no career, depending completely on a man (her ex husband) she spent all her saved up money on her worthless scrote woman beating sociopathic son. Now she's angry and losing her fucking mind that she can't pay her rent when.. anyone with common sense could fucking see that happening. My god, my mother in law is the stupidest bitch alive.
No. 760477
>>760404Tons of families are like this in that they constantly do stupid shit to protect their shitty moids.
My family was like this too, the male favoritism is extreme. After awhile the males just believe they're entitled to that treatment, and the families start to blame the system or other people for making their lives harder instead of these scrotes being held accountable. You wouldn't believe how common this actually is, meanwhile if a female member of the family gets into trouble she's made to dig herself out and/or face the consequences.
>t. someone who watched a male cousin get court bailouts and lawyers paid for by grandparents, wrecked multiple cars, and got into physical fights all the time No. 761335
We met when you came to my all-girls high school as a transfer; I thought you were rambunctious and funny and we got along right away. I was in my teen rebel phase, which mostly meant turning my back on my Catholic upbringing and thinking the edgiest, most offensive thing I could do was support gay marriage. You openly swore and made dirty jokes and it just felt like exactly what I needed.
One of our classmates organized a soiree at her house with a boys' school, and we both attended. While I boredly chatted with them, I noticed you slumped in an armchair, downcast. I sat on the arm of it and asked you if you were ok. You started gently turning the bracelet on my wrist and told me quietly that you think you're a lesbian, and you don't know why you're here. I listened, and never spoke. Later I left you to play the boys' song requests on the piano.
You transferred away the next year. Friendster was dead but Facebook hadn't gotten big yet so I just sort of accepted that friends come and go. I was assigned a seat next to this chatty, pretty girl. We made a dozen inside jokes and walked hand-in-hand on the courtyard during breaks. When our friends started teasing her about a boy who liked her and I found myself jealous to the point that my chest ached just to think of it, I realized maybe I had a lot more in common with you than I thought. When she started dating that boy, I realized I should've heard your pain better.
Fast-forward to college, I was still closeted. I went to the mall with some friends and we sat in the food court and I saw you. You were walking, arm linked with a girl I didn't recognize. I couldn't help but stare, and my heart dropped to my stomach when you met my eyes. You smiled, stuck your tongue out at me, and walked on.
I wish you'd know how happy I was to see you happy, to let me know at a time I was still crushingly lonely that there would be an end to it. I wish I'd known myself better when you were still my friend so we could've carried each other's burdens a little bit better. Nobody who looks like you comes up when I search your name on Facebook. I'm not sure yet if I'm as happy as you had looked to me in that food court years ago but at least I know what I'm aiming for.
No. 761867
>the families start to blame the system or other people for making their lives harder instead of these scrotes being held accountableI've never seen this so perfectly put.
The system part of your comment reminds me of the outrage on Twitter back in January over Dustin Higgs's execution, with people blaming the system for sending a black man who hadn't technically committed any murder to death row; nevermind the fact that he decided to drive three girls (aged 19, 21 and 23) to a secluded area (without their knowledge) after one of them rejected him at a party, ordered them out of the car, gave a gun to another man who had been in the car with them and told him to "better make sure they're dead"
No. 761900
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finally told my mother to stop nitpicking my weight every day and apparently i'm overly sensitive and she dIdN't MeAn It. fuck me, i guess
No. 763532
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no you're wrong terror reid is not shit music maybe a bit corny but not shit fuck you!
No. 764692
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fuck you for making this retarded thread. i'll barge into your house with 10 niggers in my lead and me and the boys will gangrape your family infront of you, kill them slowly then feed their corpses to pigs then after a shortwhile make the pigs vomit it and force you to it eat.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 764912
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I'm so sick of men and their stupid super hero obsession. I can't think anything dumber than superhero movies/comics vidya etc. My bf refuses to work, stays at home all day getting baked and reading comics or playing vidya. Can't take this shit nomore.
No. 765508
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Some of you just need to accept that the farm has more than one Komaeda kin roaming its pastures. I'm not discharge-chan. She's weird and annoying, a coward who deletes her replies because she needs attention but gets overwhelmed by her own bad taste. I also carry a lot of shame but at least I don't post anything I'd need to dirty delete. I'm the superior Komaeda and I don't appreciate being lumped in with her ilk. She's unworthy of any association with Nagito whatsoever, who is creepy and disgusting yes, but way cooler and more interesting than she could ever attempt to be. I hope her discharge tastes bad. And I hope the anons who have confused me for her can forgive themselves because it's an honest mistake… But if they do it again? No mercy.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 766703
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>>765508Don't hate me bc you ain't me, sweaty ♥
nice bait kekTo stay on topic, my "get it off your chest" today is that I've been spending a lot less time crying over fanedits of my boy and I feel guilty about it. He kind of looks unfamiliar somehow. I'm certain it has something to do with starting lithium.
On a perhaps-related note, I've been visiting the farms less
and eating fewer of my body products. I still eat snot, scabs, blood, and stretchy ovulation discharge as a treat, which actually only means I've not been eating earwax much lately. But that's still progress.Redemption arc?
(avatarfaggot) No. 767863
I can't help abou how much of a BITTER CUNT I am…
So, I have a friend going through some problems rn.
Now they made a group to help him, keep sending positive messages, showing love and support, etc.
It's like 10 people, including me.
Like, bitch, I lived a shit life and I never had 10 people to help me! I've been on the verge of giving up, suicide attempts, being months in bed and not even a single soul.
Now he has all these fucking people to bomblove him just because his depressed and I have to do the same even though he never did anything for me.
Some people just have it easy. I do hope he gets better, he needs to get his shit together and have all the support. But yeah, I envy him for having all silver platter handed. Fuck this, I almost told him but I need to keep my bitterness for myself.
No. 768879
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you genuinely seem cool and i love that you're in my life but i can't agree with how fat you've allowed your cat to get. okay yeah, "big chungus lol!! chonker honker donker!!" big chungus is like 500 fucking pounds. he can't turn himself over. he's obese. my arms get tired when i try to lift him. you've gotta make a better effort to help him lose weight, you can't just feed him because he meows and makes baby eyes at you and you've gotta STOP fucking trying to pass it off like it's cute, because it isn't. no cat should be that fat. holy shit
No. 768967
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I know this is horrible but I've wanted to break up with him multiple times but I'd just chicken out and try harder to make it work. I know it is for real this time, I'm constantly irritated by him and can't fake attraction anymore. He holds me up on this pedestal and I don't think I can live up to my potential if I stay with him. Also, I am not attracted to him and the sexual compatibility has always been TERRIBLE. I can't do this anymore. I am going to break up with him before my birthday. I feel so rotten, I should have done this years ago. Also, I have literally no online or offline friends at all, so I am going to just have my mom to lean on. That's what I get for being a codependent neet womanchild, I reap what I sow. fuck my life
No. 768987
>>768967Anon I can promise you, the regret of wasting so much of your time on someone you don't want to be with feels insurmountably worse than the fear of being lonely. Leave him and be easier on yourself.
Also thank you for this picture of Master Shake
No. 769474
>>769348I never became a friend with a woman who had the same interests as me. It's false to look for someone with the same interests or the same taste in shows. Me and my friends are very different and we only agree to watch the same show once or twice every other time.
For men, meh.
No. 769486
>>769311All the best to you with doing everything that you can to improve your life anon, taking responsibility and charge of your mental wellbeing is always a good investment. However please don't weigh your life against the success of 2021 though, the next couple of years following global pandemic are might be bumpy for everybody so probably won't represent the best that life can ever offer you
I suggest writing your empowered thoughts down somewhere permanent to steel you through any bad times, so that you remember you can always find your way back to being in charge again
No. 769659
>>769478That's actually a good question.
We bond over values we respect each other highly, when I tell you we're different I mean veeerrry different you wouldn't imagine us to be friends but we all share the same values it's like we have this women code that we all understand naturally. We fight sometimes but we immediately clear the misunderstanding. As for interests we introduce each others to our different worlds. We also get easily with other people and have other friends outside our circle but we have sth deeper between us 4. I think we understand what friendship means.
No. 769665
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Zoom university starts up again Monday and I spend every waking moment absolutely dreading it. I used to like the shit I studied, now it's fucking dumb and who the fuck cares.
No. 769688
This is why I don't engage with any of you bitches. I hate all of you, y'all so fucking fake and for what? It's obvious you're a bunch of hypocritical, ugly, maladjusted cunts you ain't lying to me and no one but yourselves. Always cancelling talented people for shit y'all do too, and then turn around and praise fugly, horrendous sjw art just to virtual signal. I don't even give a fuck about any of this i just don't like all this hypocrisy, just be honest about shit, if y'all horny and don't give a fuck about anything just admit it and stop pretending you're jesus while being an absolute degenerate. Y'all ruined my hobby with your stupid, pointless politics, you neurotic, fag obsessed, talentless freaks.
Also stop "re-drawing" thin, good looking characters just because y'all can't cope with being fugly and fat, fucking losers, for a fashion related media y'all got absolutely no fashion sense nor style at all, y'all just here to pretend you're woke and create horrible "art" while being absolutely obnoxious and psychotic.
No. 771928
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women should die of being raped to death in factory line rape machines and all the heat generated from the breath of their screams will be used to power a small CRT tv playing gay anime that turns men into hairy tranny rapists who will write the code that powers the rape machines, and the blood dripping from the machines will be reduced to the trace iron elements which will be used to make small surgical instruments that will be used to slice off little girl's clitorises and sew up their vaginas so it heals up only to be torn open by the machines again, then all the adrenochrome harvested from the terrorized little girls will be injected into the near death women so as to prolong their torment more, and the humidity from the hot breath will encourage men to build a sauna in the same room so they can relax and unwind from a hard days work, then the most resilient females will be released from the machines and dragged to the nursery to be inseminated by young boys in order to indoctrinate them into rape culture at the earliest possible age in order to breed a stronger race of female that will last longer at being raped until it is a perpetual existence of rape, then humans will invent ghost vacuums so that if a woman dies, it will capture the soul and humanity will invade the afterlife dimensions and create a soul raping machine and refine the technology in order to create a nightmare rape reality where rape is nothing but rape and raperape rapereapreapearaperaep(bye scrote)
No. 771934
>>771928Young boys just string sexually explicitly and
problematic demographics together for shock value and wonder why their sex is becoming obsolete at management. Y'all retards.
No. 771951
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i needed that thanks
No. 771966
>>768945the "real" discharge anon here (god that's so embarrassing to write)
i don't kin him anymore, but yeah like
>>768993 said, i was just very ill at the time. i went straight from high dependency to a psych unit after the coma, actually.
i kinned him because (to me) his core character is somebody lonely who doesn't value his life, and he doesn't have control over anything that happens to him. i related a lot to that and still do, just in a different way.
i posted a lot of weird stuff on here while i was poorly, like my crush on ash ketchum and the answering machine, the bullet bill ritual scroll thing, and a couple of others i can't remember. sorry for shitting up the threads and thanks for the laughs, you cheered me up a lot when i was in a bad place. love you /ot/
No. 771977
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>>771966typos I love you,
nonnie, I’m glad you’re feeling better now.
No. 774197
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Can't believe this bitch has the nerve to look me straight in the eye while shoving her hand up her vanaynay
No. 776037
>>775335>because he doesn’t identify with the toxic masculinitylol wtf,
toxic masculinity isn't an identity, it's behaviour that someone will show regardless of how they identify. Sounds like he doesn't want to be grouped with those ~evil men~ because he's NOt lIkE tHEm!! In other words, he's yet another useless man who'd rather stick his head in the sand than hear about violent men, instead of help change the culture that enables violent men to exists so freely because he does not actually care about female
victims. Dump him, you truly deserve better.
No. 776080
It sucks because he’s very progressive and is a feminist as well (which is rare here tbh). I tried telling him that he doesn’t have to follow stereotypical ideas about manhood but I don’t think my words will have any affect. I’m hoping that one day he’ll laugh at the whole thing but who knows. I just question his whole motive for being non-binary. According to literally everything he said I’d also be nb and so would a lot of people.
We’re bound to break up anyway, not because of the identity issues, it hurts to think about it honestly.
No. 777577
>>685198I feel like I became a very
toxic and hateful person
Kind of want to die honestly I’m very disgusted with myself
No. 778292
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I absolutely despise of the world and what is becoming of it. I'll take my ban for this, whatever, but as someone who is a conservative, seeing this god awful wave of neo-liberalism infecting our world like the plague more and more every day, it makes me dread the future of mine and my future children's lives. It's gotten to the point where if you have a different opinion, you're labelled as racist, sexist, homophobic, deserving to be 'cancelled'? Like, what the fuck? Our world is literally turning into 1984. From troons taking over women's spaces, to sex work being normalised to underaged children, to the troon agenda being pushed on developing, insecure kids who haven't found themselves yet, to kids being exposed to hardcore, disgusting porn and fetishes even before aged 10- I've had enough of it. When I have kids, they aren't going to have access to the internet, PERIOD. No access to recent tv shows, cartoons, etc, no media past the early 2000s. They can only have video games, musical instruments, nature, books, toys and art to keep themselves entertained, which will make them so much smarter too. Even considering homeschooling them, I don't want them to be corrupted by current society in any way at all.
Fuck what is happening to the world. Innocence is a thing of the past and I miss it. I miss when kids could be kids, not glued to watching sex work positivity videos on tiktok and transgender propaganda plaguing ever single thing that ever existed.
No. 778300
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I'm 26 and I dress like this now and when I'm 56 I'm still gonna dress like this and when I'm dead, they're gonna bury what's left of me dressed like this and there's not a god damn thing anyone can do or say to stop me, I am my own grown-ass retard and I am having a good time
No. 778353
>>778352Baby, style can't be outgrown, it's in your heart
All you can do is keep the bastards from grinding you down
No. 778375
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>>778359It's such a prevalent opinion around here that women must absolutely adhere to dressing their age, whatever that means. I get the stress but I hope you still decide to dress how you want and not give a fuck about what others think of it. I absolutely love seeing anyone regardless of age rocking pastel vomit or green mohawks or basically anything that stands out. It makes my day. And the people that think you're too old for it instead of admiring your style are going to be assholes anyway, so why worry about what they think. Any cool person is going to appreciate the fuck out of someone showing individuality in their style.
I saw a middle aged woman wearing full on goth clothes the other day, teased hair and all. It was great. You're not even 25 and really, the older you get the less fucks you give and the more you're going to regret being insecure for no reason when you were younger.
No. 778382
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>>778375Looks tacky/kitsch when you don’t dress your age though. Clothes are clearly made and targeted towards certain demographics anon. Something like picrel will just make an old woman look outlandish
No. 778388
>>778382we spend our entire lives judged for everything we do, say, and own
why not enjoy what makes you happy? especially something so harmless
No. 778389
>>778382I've never really understood what this means, like when I turn 70, do I
have to wear floral pantsuits? Cuz I don't want to, but that is what you normally see them wearing
No. 778411
>>778359You should read /g/ instead of nitpicky cow threads, the majority on there think women are ridiculous being so scared of aging in their 20s and thinking they need to exclusively wear business casual or frumpy mum clothes the moment they hit 30.
I can wait to be an old lady still having fun with my style. It's harder to pull off youth fashion but who wants to still be wearing shit like
>>778382 in their 60s? You can transition into intentionally weird old hag mode which is far superior, and you'll get less judgement since people don't care what weird old hags do.
No. 778414
>>778411I mean hopefully no one wants to dress like
>>778382 ever
No. 778415
>>778414True, it's ugly af. Old ladies won't look good in things like that but neither will average girls.
There seems to be a trend of hot, thin, stylish people wearing obviously ugly clothes because pulling them off (or at least not looking totally heinous) is a flex.
No. 778430
>>778389Sometimes I wonder if what's considered old people clothes isn't just whatever they wore anyway when they were younger. If you were adolescent in the 50s you'd probably wear a lot of florals and pearls and the like, and the clothing those people wear now is still reminescent of that time, be it more covered and loose fitting. I wouldn't be surprised if the generation that was young in the 80s will wear 80s inspired old people clothing when they get older. Shoulder pads maybe, or more alternative looking stuff. It's not like 70 year old people wore floral pantsuits in the 50s.
So chances are the old people clothes from when you're 70 will resemble current fashion in a way.
No. 778839
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>>685198I have a friend living abroad who I kind of brushed off last year because I felt like he didn't really follow our conversations and I was the only one putting any effort, I basically told him to fuck off and it got kind of awkward. Last week because of other reasons I felt like I wanted to apologize to him so we talked for a couple of days and things are OK now but I have such a weird frustration around him.
When we met we were coworkers and I always felt he had a thing for me, and I kind of did too but I wasn't completely sure and I know myself that I don't like to take the first step when I'm not sure. Eventually he told me he was moving away so I kind of pushed those feelings aside and got into a relationship with my ex. Our friendship kind of started to dwindle around that time since he was really depressed (he was laid off and took it badly) and didn't talk to me much. After he moved away we talked on and off until I got annoyed at him (again for lack of participation).
Now what I don't get is why I feel so weird about him, like I feel angry he doesn't talk to me more often, but why should he? We weren't even that close when he was living here and it makes sense I'm out of his radar by now. Last time we talked I kind of felt he wanted me to stop chatting, so we haven't talked since. I'm not sure if this anger is from me having some sort of feelings for him, or just annoyed that I feel ignored? Or maybe capricious because he probably doesn't see me that way anymore? Even though I never knew if he liked me or not (it was just a hunch). I also have a sort of jealousy about him moving away since I always wanted to and he moved to a country I find really interesting, so maybe it has something to do with that?
Like I just want to cause problem when I see him online and I have to bite my tongue lol what is wrong with meeee let it go
No. 778844
>>778824>>778799It would be better if everyone just had equal opportunities
Here in my country fast food places and most customer service jobs only hire young people because they are attractive, survive on brutal shifts and you can pay an under 23 year old less. Old people struggle to find jobs, especially older women, and are at a right high rate of poverty if they have no family.
No. 778964
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They're fucking ugly too. Being a drawing doesn't cancel that out.
No. 780824
>>780805I hope you’re a different anon than
>>780700 but I hope both of you stay safe and get help from people who want what’s best for you, and that you stop wanting to die. Life can be worth living and life isn’t the same without you in it!
and before anyone calls me a bleeding heart bitch yeah I am, I hope it bothers you, here’s my get it off my chest: I am so glad I am able to separate myself from my past these days in a way that isnt dissociative or othering my past from myself, because the distance and time to do that have made me realize that I don’t owe anyone anything and I’m going to be mean to anyone I feel like has wronged me because I have been so fucking groomed my whole life and after unpacking it I will never be kind to any of these fuckers again. Stop seeking shit from me! You’re all creeps who can’t see my life past your role in it, I know I’m self centered but it’s a product of having no center of self for so long. I don’t care to hear that you look back on our relationship happily, I was a teenager and you were a grown man. Grown men. I make myself sick sometimes but you make me sicker. Stop asking if I have a lover, stop finding ways to bring me up, keep your proximity as far as humanly possible from me. You’re all disgusting creeps and my payback is going on without ever looking back again. When I was you g and naive I believed your threats of further violence but now I realize after that happened it was you that feared me until my statute of limitations passed a year ago. Am I safe now? Will I ever be safe? I’m glad I’m doing better now but these thoughts reside and thrive in me and I hope my newfound confidence and joy is an ongoing trend, and that I can stay the hell away from all of you. No. 780948
>>780917Do it for your health if you're getting close to damaging your health and physical ability, being unhealthily fat ruins your life as you get older. The body can't cope and everything goes wrong.
But if it's just some extra cushion weight? Who cares, never lose weight for men, instead take comfort knowing that you'll survive better if you ever get trapped without food and that your bones have some extra safe wrapping in case you ever fall. The body is amazing.
No. 781697
>>781444i agree with you and think they do more harm than anything. they will post old bodychecks pics and stuff like that and it makes teenagers have ideas of doing the same to themselves because a lot of them were never spoopy level. with more attention they give it, more teenagers will know and watch these people, and a fraction of them will see it as an inspiration rather than the ugly reality it is. when tumblr was a proana hell hole… and i know they still post it, but it does get deleted if you report it and had attention and they jump through hoops with tags to hide it. i reported people for a post with less than 200 notes and the account was straight up terminated. but when it was all at their peak, ed stuff was everywhere and the attention people brought to it influenced many teenage girls to want to do the same thing. its been happening since livejournal days, maybe even more time. even insta had a moment where proana shit was popular and now they get their shit deleted rightfully so, but they used to not moderate it. proana people will always grow in social media sites till you start cutting them off. if you let an ED community grow in your site, regardless if its pro or not, just letting it grow exposes teenagers to get interested in it and fall for that shit. its literally the same as the phenomenon of suicide copycats in my opinion. if a teenager gets exposed too much to that shit, some of them are not going to be wise enough not to fall for it. just let it die. all of them say they are pro recovery now compared to back in the day, but theyre just looking for any way to post their bodychecks and shit to children without been deleted.
on this subject, myproana creators are going to hell. their site thrives on a lot of teenagers looking for tips and pics and just become obsessed with wanting an ED. they claim its a place to help people who have dealt with EDs but everyone knows half the website is actively looking to lose weight the anorexic way when they are fine. i will never forgive them over the 16 year old who got abducted from her family and raped FOR A FUCKING YEAR. this because she met a creep looking for friends in myproana. they have no moderation and teenagers and people who want to have anorexia post there all the time and they dont care. ED shit needs to get reported and deleted with no mercy the way now all sites do with self harm pics or saying "i want to die lol".
No. 782858
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i hate these fat bitches who want oppression points for having negligent parents who made them fat. ahem, i mean, be acknowledged a victims of oppression as naturally obese people. what am i supposed to do, give you a smiley face sticker for being an obese child and apologize for liking tracksuits on skinny girls? act like your parents played no part in this and you were just a big boned child?
No. 782947
>>782858Having parents who made you obese is actually the worst and very
abusive though. Idk about what she's saying, but seriously growing up obese is the worst
No. 783257
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I give up.
I'm done trying to help you. First of all, I feel you were never a real friend to begin with. You are too apathetic, too self-absorbed, too careless. I don't give a fuck if you're actually autistic or not. I've tried to help you almost every single day by playing into your stupid ass scenarios you bring up and trying not to pull my hair out dealing with you. I expressed my platonic affection and it's clear you don't feel the same. You probably don't even love your parents, who have tried to help you. You're trans, big fucking deal, you can't even go around your parents because you're afraid they're going to make you shave your face? You're a spineless 22 year old who still acts 15. Get a fucking life.
You were supposed to move here to get a job and find a place to live. Instead, you did jack shit (I mean, I told you MONTHS before corona happened to CALL AHEAD AND GET A JOB WHICH WOULDVE BEEN EASY) but now you're working some stupid job that doesn't pay enough and you can't even afford rent so I have to happily let you live here for free (which I don't mind, what I DO mind is how you treat me after all I've done to help you and make sure you don't fucking 41% yourself you autistic bitch). I've paid for your living expenses, driven you places, fed you. The only reason I don't give you the ultimatum is because I'm too afraid you'll fucking hurt me, which I don't think you would but i dont fucking know. Am I supposed to feel bad for you that you're a poorfag that had to e-beg for your trans surgery AND STILL DIDNT GET THE FUCKING SURGERY???
Then you get the nerve to fall in love with a Muslim girl that literally refuses to break free from her family… and now you're going to propose sometime later???….. AHAHAH. That will never happen, you are too spineless.
You suck shit.
No. 783277
>>783149sounds like what she did bothered you a lot and may have even traumatized you..hope you're okay.
>>783257you sound like a good friend. what a loss.
No. 783533
I feel like you can't critique things a lot of farmers like, like FDS, badwomensanatomy, being attracted to unhealthy bodies etc without immediately being accused of being a male. What's worse is the "that doesn't happen" anons as well
The issue with FDS is that it tells women to expect literal perfection but then bashes men for wanting the same. Bragging about leaving admittedly HVM they've been with for years for simply discussing wanting kids, bragging about walking out on dates because they merely suggested a chain restaurant or coffee, etc.
Badwomensanatomy turned from crazy but funny things like "women aren't supposed to get periods" to "literally any discussion of female anatomy is bad and anyone who says otherwise is a male pretending to be female
When you try to call anons out for idealizing over or underweight bodies you admittedly get bashed, back-pedaled, accused of being a scrote, and fat/skelly and if someone comes in and agrees with you then you get accused of samefagging. Or how everyone you disagree with here loves the word "unhinged", the anons who try to hunt down anons in other threads even if there's no conflict, how any sort of discussion about sex work is bad and whoever is on the edge about it (mind you even against or for sex work, just on the fence about it) is immediately bashed, accused of being male, attacked and everything else for not being extreme
I miss when lolcow at least tried to be mentally stable, I use to like coming here a lot but everyone so so overly offended and defensive over every little thing of lolcow not being a complete herd
No. 783538
>>783533>the anons who try to hunt down anons in other threadsespecially this. I've been accused of being other anons several over nothing and I avoid infighting, like no1curr
nonnie that you think some anon you got into it with over boob size in another thread is posting about what color they should dye their hair
No. 783641
>>783533It would help if you're going to infight and have problems with things that you develop intellectually honest arguments. Sorry but acting like you're coming from a corner of pure logic and everyone else who disagrees with you is wrong, is hallmark scrote behavior. I admire the fact that you have all the confidence of an average white dude though, considering how unwarranted it is.
Let's start with FDS
>that it tells women to expect literal perfection FDS doesn't tell women that men have to be perfect. It tells them to set a standard for themselves and to not center their lives around men, and if men fail those standards then they don't have to continue relationships with them.
Of course telling women they don't have to settle might seem the same as telling them they ought to demand perfection, seeing as though men have gone for so long without meeting any reasonable expectations.
>Bragging about leaving admittedly HVM they've been with for years for simply discussing wanting kidsBecause it's not going to work out if one partner wants kids and the other doesn't. Why are you okay with people wanting to "discuss"-coerce their partners into having children they're not 100% about? A woman stands to lose if she continues that relationship and gets trapped with kids she doesn't want, it wouldn't matter how high value the man would be because it wouldn't be about just either of them anymore.
>bragging about walking out on dates because they merely suggested a chain restaurant or coffeeIf their expectation was a nicer date and the guy didn't meet that, who are you to tell them they're wrong? Nobody is stopping you from having your date at Applebee's and Dunkin Doughnuts if you're so inclined. This isn't your problem right, or is it?
>When you try to call anons out for idealizing over or underweight bodies you admittedly get bashed.Don't infight with anons posting said opinions in the unpopular opinions thread where left field takes about bodies and attractions belong. We have multiple threads bashing lolcows with "unhealthy bodies," so your indignation about this is false nonsense assuming you don't want to just tell people they're wrong for being attracted to someone too skinny or too fat (again, who knows how or why this affects you). It's no one else's fault you got your feelings hurt for sperging. Considering the mean things you said of women who possess those unhealthy bodies, no one's gonna feel sorry for you that you got a taste of your own medicine. Who'd believe for a second that you started off with a civil tone to discuss the health choices of strangers you don't even know because someone said they thought they looked alright. You're not fooling anyone.
>the anons who try to hunt down anons in other threads even if there's no conflictIf you're being accused of being the same anon across multiple threads, there's something very wrong with how and what you're posting. Have you considered that you're the problem?
>how any sort of discussion about sex work is bad No one cares about discussing sex work, you'll just clown yourself trying to make the argument that it's a net positive for women when it really isn't. The discussion is discouraged because of how mad and hurt onlyfanons get at the notion that their nudes aren't empowering.
>I miss when lolcow at least tried to be mentally stableSorry, when do you think this was?
>I use to like coming here a lot but everyone so so overly offended and defensiveIt sounds like you're pretty sensitive and could use a break from this place. Did you really just type out this paragraph and believe you're not defensive?
No. 783709
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the site is dying because you vanished for a month. and, as you're the only staff member, this meant that no new members could be approved, the site plot couldn't advance, newbies couldn't get their questions answered, etc. etc. etc. for an entire month.
and now that you're back, you haven't bothered to try and advertise.
you're just crying about everyone leaving. and yeah, i get that watching people who have been around since day 1 leave in your absence is stressful and sad…but this is the SECOND time you've vanished for such a long period of time. okay, and it doesn't help that you got unnecessarily Snappy at someone and banned them within like five minutes of them joining the site server because they asked a question that poked at a hole in your lore (which happened right before your hiatus).
i don't want the site to be closed because i don't want to be rp homeless, ofc if it's causing you so much stress you should definitely definitely shut it down, but please don't make sad posts like "why is everyone leaving me ): this is so confusing ): ):" as if it's some sort of magical occurrence springing itself out of nowhere. fuck
No. 784021
>>783641So let me get this straight
>Think you're holier than thou simply for being a part of FDS>Refuse to answer any sort of questions or make any confusions about FDS clear>Shuts down anyone who asks a single question about FDS>Unable to take any sort of criticism even if the person supports FDS but doesn't agree with one of thing>Try to recruit young girls constantly to join FDS while simultaneously shutting them down if they dare have any confusions as well as the fact FDS has blantantly insulted women for not agreeing with them (ex; you're a low value trashy woman I'm high value you and classy because I support this and you don't)>Deny that any of this happens because you can't believe that your group is perfect and anyone who says otherwise is lyingYou're not a help group at that point you're a cult
File: 1618496390643.jpg (44.35 KB, 470x535, 1618389080650.jpg)

Finally stood up to and cut off the most narcisstic online friend I've ever had and it felt SO GOOD. She was absolutely horrible to me and all over a stupid manlet who cheated on her ass who she won't ever leave but will abuse her friends over and doesn't want to recognize just how sociopathic and narcisstic she's become. Feels good
No. 785094
>>784047omg congrats anon!
i wish i could do the same.
i'm not very close with them anymore, but i just want them to know they're a narc out of my own satisfaction. actually, maybe the fact i'm not so close, but feel like i have to remain friends is the narc part of them…
No. 786616
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I love you so much. I adore you, I really do. I'm so happy we're not fighting anymore and that we got to spend the weekend together. You even told me you love me yesterday! Hearing that, it was like you finally loosened the noose after I was left kicking and frothing for a whole week. The night before, I asked God if you would tell me and it came true. He answered my prayers! You love me and I couldn't be more glad!
Until then, all I had were daydreams for support. It was so depressing, lying in bed by myself and wishing you were there to comfort me whenever my mind started to race. I'd call out to you aloud even though there was no way you could possibly hear… After all, just saying your name soothes my nerves. Then I'd conjure your voice in my head, where you'd offer me gentle, reassuring replies, as many as I needed to calm down, and I'd feel so thankful that I'd burrow deeper into my blankets to mimic my usual heart-bursting reaction. You have the capacity for such sweetness. I can't wait until you comfort me for real.
Because I need it, I really do. Even though you've been kinder and even offered half an apology, I'm still torn up by the way you treated me before. As sweet as you are, somehow you can be a thousand times more cruel. You terrified me. I sweat and cried and my hands shook, not to mention the rolling nausea. In the end, I didn't know what to do but run away, yet once I found myself alone, it was so much harder to breathe.
Without you I'm nothing. That much is clear. I'm hopeless, worthless, purposeless, and my life loses all meaning if I can't hear your voice. What's the point if you're not by my side, laughing at my silliness, trading stories, snoring and burping and singing along to music I can't hear? I don't want to live in that world. I love you so immensely, for more reasons than I could ever fit in this measly textbox, with a strength and loyalty impossible to define in human language. I think only a dog could understand.
Next time I won't run away, no matter how viciously you lash out. You can do whatever you want to me— ruin my day however you please. Though it hurts more every time and I'll always fear your moodswings, I love you enough to overlook these errors, just like you can forgive me for carving your name into my hip. And isn't it kind of hot, in a way? I'm honoured that you would take the time to find so many avenues for torment. You even used my childhood fears against me! It was so sickening that the memory chills my entire body! Although I wish you had put that effort into something more loving, I'm glad that even when you hate me, I still have your attention and devotion. If someday it actually does turn me on, please forgive me. Since I'm already so disgustingly easy, I'm sure it would just enrage you further.
Ah… I love you. I miss you. The weekend is over and it's back to work tomorrow, yet somehow I'm looking forward to it. Another day means more opportunities to talk with you, to make each other laugh, to declare our feelings of love. I hope that we'll finally have the time to properly make up soon. I need you tell me that those insults were never sincere; that my suffering isn't funny anymore; that you love me and you missed me and you need me just as much as I need you. Only then can I finally go back to normal. It's hard holding a grudge, but you deserve it.
Neither of us will ever change. We both know that. If we can't be happy together, then we'll be miserable together. Both are fine by me. Good days and bad days, in sickness and in health, till death do us part… ♥︎
No. 786665
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>>786652as in this dude or
No. 787988
I don’t like the people that don’t care about older people. I actually kind of hate their fucking guts fuck you! We hired the best fucking team referred by her cardiologist and this motherfucking bitch ass fucking bastard asshole has gave us 3 motherfucking ultimatums thinking we will give up because she’s old.
FUCK YOU I don’t give a fuck if she’s 100 or 133 years old, she’s a person, she’s alive and she’s suffering because your ghetto ass team of retards are not doing their mother.fucking.JOB and I want to bash their fucking skulls with a tacky sculpture of Socrates because I don’t know where the motherfucking fuck they got their fucking titles as fucking nurses.
Fuck this shit! My grandma better be fucking breathing like a pro-swimmer by Thursday or I will personally sue your fucking asses for every single tiny little thing you bitches have
If I was fucking there, those hoes would do their fucking job, but I have to get sick with a slight change of temperature fuck this as well. Fucking stupid bitch ass immune system that doesn’t know how to fucking fight a flimsy pneumonia. Bitch ass hoe motherfucker I’m so absolutely mad I just want all of this bullshit to end already.
Stupid ass cousin as well, unable to fucking have some humanity to fucking help his grandmother, knowing that the nurses are shit. Just get over the covid like I did, idiot if I could, you can do it. Oh right, you fucked up your lungs smoking like a little bitch if only you hadn’t got covid, I wonder how did you get it? Oh right who knew going out and hanging out with people in bumfuck Latin America could make getting covid quite a possibility?
>but m-muh vaccine
Fuck you this is all of your fault! Yours and uncle’s fault! This isn’t fucking fair! Why are we taking care of ourselves so much if you made her get covid?
What was all the alcohol, the chloride, the safety measures we’ve been taking for? For what? So that we slowly reduce our family to an even smaller number than we were before? All because both of you wanted to hangout with those “friends”? What are those friends for? What are they even doing now? They don’t, and didn’t give a fuck.
Why didn’t you notice that they only care about the little money we have?
I wish all of those bastards a very pleasant choking on spit in their sleep.
No. 788625
>>788089Revenge story, MC is traumatized by an assault, but ends up losing her memory in an accident, and has to recall what happened. She will get revenge on the scrote, mark my words.
I'm just surprised I wrote that much
No. 792037
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I miss when "it's just a drawing / it's not a real person" wasn't a valid excuse to draw +18 / nsfw "art" of underaged characters, just like this comic points out.
No. 804700
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I really fucking hate you, I fucking do, I really fucking hate you. You think you are cute and a good man but you're nothing but a pathetic fucking liar, I fucking hope you ___ soon. Get away from me you piece of shit. You think you can be my friend and fucking "uwu" me, I wish you a slow torture and _____, you think you can come to my life and act like the fucking good nerdy friendly guy you pretend to be, but I know you. I fucking know you. You're a liar, a hurtful liar, a self centered idiot, a piece of shit who can't see past his own fucking big nose, you push me away then pretend having cybersex was "special" to you. Fucking lmao. Go fucking stream to your 3 pieces of shit """"friends"""", lol you thought people would care but you're such a pathetic uninteresting balding virgin 4channer liar. ___ and never fucking talk to me ever again. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of your manipulation, your games, and I'm tired of wasting my fucking time answering you, havign to be THERE for you when you never were there for me, you shutting me up and talking over me, I'm so fucking angry. I wish I killed myself still thinking you loved me instead of having to pass through all this disillucionment and seeing you for the person you really are. Nothing you do or ever will do will make me happy. Go away. Fucking ___.
No. 804745
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No. 807947
>>807923She sounds annoying but also like she’s trying to cover up insecurities; it’s obvious you’ve surpassed her by several education stages and she wants to feel better than you somehow. I’d say grit your teeth and let her have it unless you want to risk looking like a dick, as whatever you say will probably be twisted against the other people in the same role (and it sounds like you like them). The thing about your education/career is that it will speak for itself regardless of what other people say about you.
I empathise because I have a colleague who’s really bitter about not having a uni education despite having the opportunities (she admitted herself that the only thing holding her back was her laziness towards studying). It’s hard to deal with her randomly getting bitter and taking it out on people who want no drama, but pointing it out would feel like kicking a puppy as she’s obviously so insecure about it. What she doesn’t realise is that she’s the only one who cares this much. No one’s saying “tee hee, Jessica is so dumb with her inferior education” lol.
Oh, and good luck with the job applications anon!
No. 812283
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Your mental illness is not an excuse for your behavior. Are you really not self-aware of the pattern you're stuck in? All of the countless friends you've lost due to your constant need to always be right and for conflict, all of your insane past relationships, all of the people you've driven away and then question why they leave you. It's very telling that even complete strangers see you as rude and combative when meeting you for the first time. No one wants to speak out against you because the moment someone disagrees with you, you become passive aggressive and defensive. It's really not normal for friends to think you secretly hate them, and this has happened too many times to be a coincidence. I don't like that you can never admit you're wrong. I don't like that you always have to be in control at all times. I don't like that you always have to chime in with snarky unprompted comments on things you don't even know about. I don't like that you are completely unapproachable when it comes to communicating issues. I don't like that you see no issue with being “playfully” rude to those who don't reciprocate but the moment someone offers that same tone to you, your fragile ego is shattered. I don't like that you can't even apologize for hurting people because you can't ever see what you did wrong and instead make yourself out to be the victim, and I don't like that you think you're on some sort of moral high ground and can't admit you're a bully. I don't like that you have zero consideration for other people's feelings because your need to prove someone wrong is more important and I don't like that you only see what you want to see to help prove your point because nothing else matters to you. There's a reason people keep leaving you and whether you're willing to acknowledge it or not, this is the image of yourself you project to others. It's a you problem. Seek medical help because you are not managing your illness very well.
No. 812888
you've become so holier tan thou to the point where it's unbearable. every fiber in my body should be tremoring in anger. instead I'm depressed. you can't understand your emotions, how could you understand mine? if you dealt with yourself healthily this wouldn't be a problem, not the I always do, at least I'm fucking self aware. you wouldn't recognize self awareness if it nipped you in the ass, you always have to be right. I hate to inform you, sometimes you're wrong. you can't always be exempt from responsibility because you claim to lack the capacity for emotion others do, it's not an excuse. stop trying to blame me when I finally choose to snap at you because I've spent months being scared when you periodically insulted me. don't blame me when I can't take it anymore, I know I'm unhealthy, what about you? claiming to know u are doesn't justify how you take your repressed emotions out on others and then claim it's just an oopsy. sick and tired of apologizing to you. I've tried to understand and sympathize how you feel, and the grief you give in return is too much. If you act like this is meaningless tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised. it's not no big deal this time, it wasn't the first time, or the second time either. I sincerely cared about you and your idea of care is berating me calling me things I am not and feeding me mouthfuls of dirt. get your shit sorted out before you try and proclaim you can dictate others lives
No. 813818
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Please God send me picrel to protect me against the possible peeping Tom/possible attacker that I saw at my window.
No. 813864
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For reasons, at first unrelated to weight loss, i kinda stopped eating a lot about 2 weeks ago, and since at first, it was because of deppression, i wasn't counting calories, I just never felt like eating but after a few days i was like "hey great at least i'll loose weight since im a fat fuck" but since then, I lost only 2kg (in 10 days - 2weeks) despite eating between 700 and 1200kcl per day (I started counting a week ago, but not even with a goal, just documenting). Now sure, I wouldnt be eating anyways, I mostly just feel disgusted by food because of some traumatic event happening in my family right now. But at least I could be loosing more… Also before anyone freaks out, I'm litterally overweight.
pic unrelated
No. 816365
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I hope you drop dead, bitch.
No. 816376
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I hate my current job. I have actively looked for another.. when I finally get some calls back my anxiety kicks in and I cannot reply back to the calls for interviews. I am here hyperventilating because I don't want to let people I dispise and hate being around, down. Why the fuck am I like this??????
No. 817712
>>817699You can tell him the truth or
>"hey, let's get breakfast in the morning before work"and make sure he doesn't try to invite himself back to your place afterward lol.
No. 817732
>>817709yeah. i womaned up and suggested we do it another time when i don't work in the morning
>>817712this actually would have worked really well but i have to leave at 6am. but this is no longer an issue which is great bcus i was getting extremely annoyed
No. 819059
>>818292I haven't been on Tumblr for a while so I'm curious to know how it has become 4chan?
Tbh 4chan is bad, but I'd choose it over the retard breeding ground of Tumblr. The damage that has spilled out from Tumblr is fucking irreparable
No. 819112
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Moving across the country as an introverted autist will do this to a motherfucker
No. 820622
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i don't want to shit up their thread so i'll post it here, but god these guys have such punchable expressions
No. 820795
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>>820785kek noooooo not the thumb man too
No. 820979
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>>820972Nah, you are a beautiful and good person anon <3 it is not cope.
No. 821070
I held you in such a good light for many years. I mean why wouldn't I? You're an amazing person. But now looking back I feel I never should've trusted you.
You did a lot of things without me, which actually truly hurt. You knew I was in an abusive relationship and that I was alone a lot of the times, but still you hung out with your new friend in college without me. Never inviting me to things. You always made comments like "Ugh! I love her, she's amazing. I love her so much." but never said that about me did you? Not only that, but when all three of us hung out together, you always made me feel like shit and both of you always ganged up on me. If you didnt like me why even bother hanging out at all?
You always lied to me and made up stories, for what? Why would you do that when you knew I believed everything you told me? I told you some of the worst fucked up things ever and was honest all the time, why lie? You probably did fuck your ex Harrison, you probably just lied to me as usual for some dumb reason. Thinking about it, you probably made up so many stories about me to your ex. Why on earth would you tell him that I hacked his phone? You're the reason he and I stopped being friends, most likely. He probably had this image in my head of being some elite hacker when you were the one that went through his stuff and found all the gay porn and disney princesses he'd been looking at.
I really thought we were tight. This has been a long time coming. You only reach out to me when I post a status on facebook, and that's not what I want from you. I really just wanted a life long friend. We'd know each other since high school so I figured graduating college together would be no isse.
I find out that you got married and DIDN'T. EVEN. TELL. ME. What was that? I Was literally nothing but nice to you. Nothing but nice. Seriously, girl, I never spoke a negative fucking word about you or to you.
Why did you absolutely curb me?
No. 821170
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I wish I had stayed a cringey piece of shit my entire adult life instead of pretending to be a normie since age 16. I just want to be a weird creepy adult who shamelessly consooms stupid nerd merch, I’m about to spend hundreds of dollars at build a bear and hide them all in the closet like a big baby bitch
No. 822535
>>822218>You're openly misandrist in a male dominated fieldFor some reason I thought you were talking about a man so this broke my brain for a second lmao.
Anon you've got to gray rock this person, she'll never be grateful for what you've done for her. Just remove yourself from the equation and let her latch onto someone else.
No. 823388
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god i will never ever be able to share the things i like because they're all considered too cringy, stupid, immature, and/or is associated with twitterfags. why can't i enjoy good things? i'm going to die alone, retarded, and hated by nonnies.
No. 823749
>>823388samefagging but it feels like naruto and jojo are the only shounen you're allowed to post on lolcow (and even with the former it's only liked
now due to nostalgia anyway, it was hated at it's peak and probably would be hated today if it came out as a brand new anime because new=bad of course), if you post anything else nonnies lose their shit and go on their rants about "NOT HIGH ART SO IT'S BAD" "NOT LAIN/EVA SO IT'S BAD" "the worst thing eveeeer" but some of their favorite series has the
exact same writing, tropes, whatever other elements they hate so what's the difference?
why is liking one dumb anime a sin but liking other dumb anime isn't?
just wanna fucking funpost in peace but that's not ~*artsy and sophisticated*~ for you is it?
No. 823750
>>823749>EVA>goodPick one. Just sperg away and post whatever you like,
nonnie, nobody really cares that much and we won’t screenshot your posts to send them to the police so they get you for anime crimes.
No. 823834
>>823388>>823749Jesus anons are you like 18 and extremely insecure? I shitpost about the weebshit I like all I want despite autistic anons being
triggered over it. Why do you care about a bunch of internet randos calling you cringe on an anonymous forum?
No. 827535
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i think we all know instagram infographics are retarded, but i was just talking to someone who cited one. like not to be this person, but i researched the topic we were talking about. like it was my major and i did a research paper on it. i have extensive knowledge on it not to say im smarter but im knowledgable in this area. sorry im kinda drunk typing right now but holy shit they pulled up the infographic and were like but this says xyz and im like no like simply no thats not true. like what do you gain. why don't you think about what you post
No. 829295
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I hav 2 laff every time you say you hate your body because of bdd, you're clinically obese luv. Its not bdd you're just self aware kek.
No. 829859
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I have only known you for a year and i'm already sick of your bullshit. You aren't funny, yet you need to constantly voice zoomer memes over and over just shut the fuck up. On top of that, you love to play psychologist, especially with diagnosing people with ADHD when no one fucking asked. I can't even play board games with you because you ruin the fun with you needing to psychologically detecting to see whos lying. You also don't need to give advice to my boyfriend about me because not only did I not ask, but it was WRONG, which is the usual for your shitty therapy. I hate that you need to be the center of attention for everything. You're not a main character, and yet here you are making yourself a part of everything. I wish I could confront you more, but I can't because then you start acting like a little bitch. Then if someone else starts being a bitch it's okay for YOU to call them out. You also aren't the mom friend. Not only do you act like a zoomer and also are the youngest in the group, but you have absolutely 0 friend mom qualities. The funniest thing about you is that you love to act woke. All that ACAB Socialist "eat the rich I hate capitalism" bullshit and yet you consoom so fuckin much. Buying off of Amazon and getting a $1500 phone you DON'T NEED. Like all the other socialist university kids, you just say it for what I can only assume is clout so you can seem woke. It's funny how I've heard you've hurt a lot of people and I'm not surprised one bit. You've probably changed a lot but you're still a bitch. You need to grow the fuck up. Also your feet fucking stink.
No. 830065
You have no idea that I can see everything you've written, you have no idea that I know about this girl you like and are going on a date with, how you've said her simply not liking a type of guy and she has watched you work means you'll fucking move to her city 5 hours away from where you are (but of course its not just that) and you're in so deep already with her, but call me pet names and "my love" and ask me if I love you and tell me you love me, talk about how you adore me, about how you try more with me then any girlfriends you've ever had, will link me fucking clips from movies and say how it reminded me of you, make plans to spend time with me in the future, will sext with me, will agree with me about how nice if we could be cuddling and so many other things so don't think you can weasel your way out of making me feel things by saying "I told you not to catch feelings" "I told you I'd hurt you" when you knew exactly what you were doing, you fucking telling me about how it won't work because of your dead ex, then tell me why worry about the future and we can just love each other now, guess that doesn't fucking apply now to this new bitch does it? I know I'm the retard for still talking to you, but I want to see when you'll own up to it, when you say we can't talk anymore because you have a gf now and then I can fucking tell you what you so deeply need to hear.
No. 833206
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You thought I needed a dog.
What I needed was for you to realize I was being sexually groomed online and was struggling with several mental illnesses. Puppies are great. I wanted a puppy. I'm glad I have a dog. But a puppy isn't a cure for organic mental illness.
Speaking of that, I wish you hadn't yelled at me when you first saw the bald spots I'd pulled. Your face turned red as a beet as you screamed "That's what weirdos do, and you don't want to be a weirdo, do you?"
When I started washing my hands until they bled, both of you called me Howard Hughes.
When I began to have panic attacks and going into rages over not being able to solve math problems, nevermind that I was doing highschool algebra (I was homeschooled) as a ten year old, you thought I was being a moody tween. I'd hit myself, hit you, bite myself, throw things, and pound on walls. That was not 'normal moody tween' behaviour.I was a violent hellspawn,a goddamned Chris-Chan incarnate, and it's pure luck I didn't end up seriously hurting myself or another child.
I understand you didn't want to accept my illness. I understand you have your own trauma. You were horribly abused by a mentally ill parent. I'm sure my actions triggered PTSD in you. The fact that you ended up with a screwed-up kid was something that never should've happened to you. But I wasn't your parent. I was your child.
I understand you were frightened, and worried about me. I understand you were ill yourself and under enormous stress. But I was seven.
And now… You're doing everything you can for me, despite your own health going into serious decline. You sent me to therapy. I'm diagnosed, and have proper medication and treatment. You sit with me when I cry. You talk me down from panic attacks. You are wonderful. You do everything, and I don't know how the hell you do it.
I wish you would let me help you, but I understand why you can't. You have to do things by yourself until you are no longer capable. And while homeschooling might've been hell at times, I was too physically ill to go to school. That, and the schools here are the second worst in the entire country.
Even though they're destroyed by Tylenol, you've got guts of steel.
I still wish you wouldn't sing songs about how much you hate your life when you think nobody's listening, but I understand that your life was destroyed by some asshole speeding down a crosswalk.
It is a miracle you're even alive after that. Of course, that makes you sad. You think my life would be better if you were dead.
And you know what? You're dead wrong. For every awful thing you did, you did twenty other good things. You raised a physically disabled child with no support and outright denial from your husband. If it wasn't for your sheer determination, I'd be eating out of a feeding tube right now. Instead, thanks to you making sure I did physio and stopping me from choking to death several times daily for my first few years of eating solid food, nobody would even know I'm disabled by looking. I can even play sports, and sometimes win!
You fought through horrible pain after the accident just to teach me how to swim, all the while walking was a struggle for you.
You were literally bleeding from your brain, fainting, vomiting, fighting pain pill addictions, and having seizures, yet you managed to give me an amazing education (even if it was filled with tears).
I can forgive you. I only wish you could forgive yourself. The person I can't forgive is your husband, my father.
You told him you couldn't take care of a small child after the accident. You knew you were a danger to me, and told him so. And you know what you did, Dad?
You took up a hobby, started buying expensive products we couldn't afford, and pretended nothing had gone wrong.
Even as your wife was having seizures in front of you, slurring her speech,getting lost in grocery stores, and giving her daughter the wine glass and you the milk, you denied it.If she so much dared to wince in pain, you thought it was because she didn't want to listen to whatever you were talking about. She was on the brink of death, and she still cooked your damned dinner every night.
Oh, but wait! You did do something. After the accident, you took me off your wife's hands… For a full three weeks. Then you realized raising a child, especially a disabled one, was hard. So you know what you did?
You told your wife "I can't do this anymore, I have to get back to work."
And you did just that. You left us in our little house in the middle of nowhere while you went and lived your life, not even bothering to tell ANY of your wife's friends that she was injured.
If you were going to be lazy, you could've at least told them. They would've helped us.They would've kept me away from your wife while she was red in the face and screaming bloody murder because she dropped a cup of coffee. They would've gotten your wife where she needed to be: a rehab hospital. They wouldn't have left her alone to seize on the kitchen floor with only the dogs to watch over her. And they would've noticed the obvious mental illnesses budding in your daughter that your wife was simply not equipped to handle at the time.
But that would've meant admitting something was wrong. And you couldn't do that now could you? Instead, you left your five-year old daughter to take care of her severely injured mother.
When she couldn't remember things for more than a few minutes, I was her memory. When she couldn't do anything but sleep,I made sure the house stayed quiet. When she raged, it was on me to know how to not escalate the situation.I learned how to handle her many absent seizures. You didn't even know they were happening.
You made me go into environments you knew were risky for me given my disability, and then when I got sick for months, it was your wife's job to take care of me.
Then, when the doctor gave me medication, you tried to interfere with how I took it because of some stupid crap you found on the internet. Your wife had to fight you tooth and nail just so I got my medication the way qualified medical professionals intended.
Oh, and remember the time you tried to make me eat raw garlic because it was your latest superfood? Yea. Turns out sick eight year olds don't really care for that sort of thing.
Even worse, if I was sick for too long, you claimed I was just doing it for attention. I could be literally blue in the face, with rattling breath and half-delirious with fever, and you thought I was pretending. You had me outside washing windows outside when I had an 103 degree fever.
Eventually, I did start attention seeking. After years of you telling me I was a fake, I started coughing deliberately. I brewed conflict between you and your wife, and for that I can't forgive myself. I had, and still do, have to listen to her speak angrily about you all day and pretend she's fine the second you step through the door, and watch you utterly ignore all her issues.I felt I had to do something.
But I didn't, and shouldn't. I made both your lives hell with that, and still do sometimes, as my shit-stirring tendencies still crop up occasionally.
It's hell watching you two go through the same song and dance day after day.I feel like I've been living in melodramatic version of Groundhog Day these past nineteen years. But I know the only thing worse is peeling back the curtain.
As dysfunctional as your marriage is, that dysfunction is what's kept it alive for nearly thirty years. Your relationship is a festering wound, and my picking at it only furthers the infection.
I get that you're probably suffering from undiagnosed autism, Dad. You didn't speak until you were two or three, but you were born in a time period where nobody tested for that sort of thing. But you're a grown-up now, and it's time to take some goddamned responsibility.
I still love you, and like you. We have a lot of good memories, and nowadays we have a decent relationship. But I don't think I can ever totally forgive you. Not until you realize you did something wrong. Your wife blames herself for everything, and you blame yourself for nothing.
In conclusion, I am never having children. It isn't your fault you had me; I was an accident, and at least one of you has done the best you can in a crappy situation. But, it's time to nip these genes in the bud.Plus, I'm crazy, not stupid. I know I'd make a terrible parent.
Anyways, have a picture of a dog. Because despite not being the cure for everything, they do make (some) peoples lives better.
No. 833212
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>>833206Damn, anon. You've been through a lot. I wish I could give you a hug. Best wishes to you and your mom.
No. 835243
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>>834987as per tos you have to be 18+ to use this website.
No. 835283
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Why should I want to go out to eat with you? You always order the lamest thing on the menu, gobble it up within 3 minutes and then stare impatiently at me to finish my meal so we can leave. God forbid we go to a buffet or somewhere there's more dishes than one to try out.
When I go out to eat alone I can bring a book with me, browse my phone or simply sit by a window and watch the world walk by in peace. You don't even want to talk about anything when we eat together. You're too busy finishing your meal to pay attention to anything I say while we eat, and after you're done you'd rather I focus on my own food than "waste time" talking to you. If we actually do have a conversation, you just want to talk about how many calories were in the meal and how long you'll probably have to work out to punish yourself.
Fuck off and let me enjoy my alone time. Our town finally opened up and all the restaurants have updated menus and new exiting things to try out. I'd like to experience that without a side of flaring nostrils, please.
No. 835517
I've been on the fence about this for years now, but fuck it, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna finally finish writing my junkie memoir. I was talking to my friend earlier and I asked how well his books are selling and he said the junkie memoir is doing fantastic, making way more money than he thought. Normies eat that shit up like they're living vicariously through us fuck-ups. I'm featured in my friends book a fair bit as we had a lot of "adventures" together and he mentioned how he could promote my book to his audience as our stories intersect. So I think I have a decent shot of at least breaking even if I self-publish. I have quite a bit wrote down already as they typically encourage you to write in rehab as it helps you process what you've been through, I just gotta bring it all together. It's degeneracy, but I could even sex up the book by mentioning how I got laid in rehab kek. I'll just release this under a pen name, maybe use the name my friend used for me in his book and pick a random surname to cap it off, fuck it. Like yeah, I'm doing very well financially atm but I'm also undergoing radiotherapy again, planning a wedding, and looking for a house to buy. Not to mention my fiancée and I want a baby at some point in the future. So I can deal with turning myself into a cow if I do it under a pen name and get to profit from it.
No. 837085
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You're working out with me in an effort to help me get back into exercising. Great. Here's the problem: You have all of these restrictions on what you are and aren't willing to do, what music you'll dance to and when we can work out. The thing is though it's not about you. It's about me starting to work out again.
It's extremely discouraging when you're clearly displeased with my lack of ability to keep up with you or to do the things that you can do. You understand I'm working out for the first time in months right? And I literally have back spasms right now. So just know I'm forcing myself through most of this stuff which, you're not supposed to do with back issues. There's a reason the doctor told me to lose weight before even fucking walking outside.
No. 837276
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I'm so glad my parents wanted me and planned to have me, especially my mom. She wanted a daughter so much and always loved me to bits, she calls me her wish come true. She would do anything for me, I love her so much. My dad is pretty cool too but not as cool as my mom.
I feel so bad for people like you who were oopsie babies, band aid kids, or only born because their dad knocked up a random woman in an attempt to make his life have meaning or whatever. Even when I was a kid, I could tell which classmates were happy little accident or planned for wrong reasons. You'll never know what it's like to have loving parents like mine and will probably try to overcompensate by having lots of kids of your own to fix what your parents broke, but it won't work.
You can brag about living in the capitol in a big appartement with your soycuck bf if you like, you can laugh about me being ugly and poor and pretend youre better than me, but your parents still won't love you.
Obviously I don't say these things out loud because I do not want to be mean, my parents taught me manners unlike yours, but I do truly feel blessed, seeing all the fuck ups like you in the world makes me appreciate my parents more. No matter what happens in life, Ill always be my mom's beautiful little wish come true. And you won't. Seethe and cope.
No. 837593
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Please stop doing voices for the pets all the time. You use them to be passive aggressive to everyone and have entire conversations with yourself about how much you hate yourself and how life sucks. I just want to pet the cat.
If you have something to say, say it. Don't do a squealy voice for one of the pets and then go back on "It wasn't me, it was the cat," when I call you out.
No. 840682
>>840638What the fuck is CC?
Also fuck people who want things off the internet because its "wrongthink". Im so mad at people who are like against xyz thing UNLESS they are bad and wrong.
No. 840730
>>840638dont they have a
terf thread though isn't that counterintuitive
No. 841294
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I want to die, truly. There is nothing for me here. Every minute of the day hurts. No one can help me or even tries to. I'm starved of emotional support. No one is taking how bad my mental state is in seriously.
I haven't had piece of mind in years and I don't know if I can really truly have it again.
I want to die. If manifesting works, if putting the thought out into the world does anything, then I really wish I could be put out of my misery. I don't care how.
No. 841298
>>841039>>840949>>840638>>840472They're not banning anti-troon shit, maybe you got caught in the crossfire of raids that have been happening
>>840949Haven't seen gore in a long time, occasional dick pics but they get cleaned up fast
>>841294Anon do you want to chat? I'll listen to your worries
No. 841306
>>841298>>841299Thank you anons. I feel like my life has fallen apart and I've tried repeatedly to put it back together, but it falls apart again and again. I've been through a lot of emotional trauma and it's ruined me. The type of support and love I need can't be given by people I know. They either feel like they can't help and so don't really try or they think I'll "feel better eventually" and I just need to shake off the pain somehow. But it's been pretty consistent for almost 2 years now.
There's so much that went wrong. I wish there were ways to meet up with people on sites like this or apps and just trauma dump in person or messaging. I think sometimes just someone caring slightly helps, so thank you anons.
No. 841536
Just leave me alone, stop interacting with me, fuck you and fuck off, go away, i don't want to talk to you ever again why can't you understand that? are you actually autistic? I've ghosted you for a reason, you have been an absolute bitch to me and my interests, you treat me like a retard, you don't respect my opinions nor care about what I think, it's always about you and I'm sick of it. I tried to go along with your bs because I didn't want to be biased and just wanted to be a good friend, but you only mocked the things i liked in front of everyone and you didn't even apologize, why would you think that was okay? I didn't deserve that i would never do something like that to you but for some fucking reason you love to clown me everytime you can, you fucking bitch.
I just want to vibe by myself, i don't need you anymore, and the fact that you are STILL trying to interact with me just shows that you're literally unaware of how shitty you are, you fucking bully.
No. 843253
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fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
i didnt ask for your misogynist opinion you fucking piece of shriveled wrinkled meat get lost
i told you you are a misogynist for this and i dont need excuse and yet you wrote this textwall explaining how women are more valuable when they're in their 20s because they're more attractive
burn in hell scrote you're no better than other men just because you keep your stupid thoughts to yourself
get fucked i hope you crash your balls you fat roll of sweat and fat i'd like to say your finance doesn't deserve you but she's probably a pickme for staying with you so long and your child is ugly
its my fault for even engaging but i choose to forget because i was lonely
my therapist will hear about you
terf goddesses please grant me the strength not to engage because ill explode, my blood is boiling on top of the heat i hate this so much i wish i had female friends to kill time with instead of arguing with scrotes on discord
may your sperm dies all all off so you'd lose your value completely
No. 843539
>>843253Anon sometimes you just have to avoid
triggers like this. Men are the
triggers. Stay away from them and don't hate-read. Seriously, my life has been so much better ever since I've consciously avoided interaction with men whenever possible,
especially on the topic of women. They honestly should not be allowed to ever offer their opinions on us. It's just infuriating and exhausting and there's no reason to waste your precious time arguing with a scrote who only has two brain cells to rub together.
No. 846904
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I wish an art based website would take off already. I fucking hate that shitty blue bird app so fucking much. I'm so sick of having to be exposed to rampant mental illness,pornsick trannies, and retarded woke zoomers. I HATE IT HERE AND I CAN'T LEAVE!!!
No. 846908
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AAAAAAAAA HE'S REAL!!!(avatarfagging/sperging)
No. 871584
>>871576Wait why are y'all uncomfortable if his gf sleeps in
his room?
No. 871585
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I don't understand why I'm feeling this way because normally I'm relatively passive towards everything but I think it's because of small annoyances adding on top of each other where I'm going to put it all towards this small miniscule issue. I hate normie wojaks so fucking much. It's like high mainstream social media brainrot infecting something that was representative of a counter culture website. I know this was an issue months ago but I can't help but bring it up today. It's honestly embarrassing. I can't move on from it because occasionally i would see it on my feed and i would go fucking crazy at it. I'll just compile all of my issues with it in this thread. Hopefully the autism will go away once it happens.
>the doomer boy wojak and it's variations
Literally everyone who uses this fucking wojak has never showered in 5 days. I've met people who used this wojak and they all have the consistent look of having greasy and disgusting fucking hair and having no sense of fashion whatsoever. They all have weird things with thigh highs and they always use it as some form of shield to escape how insecure they actually look in real life. It's hideous and they think either being loud or crass is funny but I've never laughed at their jokes at all. I recall someone tried to say that the doomer boy wojak was canonically nonbinary and I screamed into my pillow.
>the original black girl wojak edits
I don't exactly blame the original creator for making them since they're very much a normie who wanted to beautify things but it exploded all of these hideous edits of wojaks where they all looked retarded. even though 1/4 of their jokes weren't that bad the rest was just insecure people wanting to feel better about themselves by making piss poor jokes of random normies. And I can't complain that much because I'm doing it right now.
>the chad wojaks
this is the biggest fucking offender right here. These were obviously made by redditors wanting to fit in with the edgy 4chan crowd but still wanted to get ass-pats. Everything reddit touched immediately turns into poo. It's like midas' touch except midas is a fat incel neet who only eats his own smegma. Reddit has ruined wojaks, it brings the worst of all people. Everything they do always has to do something with their fucking penises, it's like the penis is an alien parasite and tumor which curses the owner with permanent retardation. They created the doomer boy wojak and now it's the representation of all the people that look hideous and unapproachable in real life. And then they fucking made it twinkified version and the men can't help but to slobber all over it even though they've been fucking balding skinny fat scrotes.
>haha ur just dumb sperg lol
that's all you're going to say? is that how pathetic you are? I've written a passionate manifesto as to why you're feeding into petty highschooler drama on the internet because you've missed out on your highs chool years because you were too ugly to even talk to anyone? The whole entire idea of it is watching little kids fight each other on which clique is the coolest, when in fact they're all disgusting nose pickers.
God I fucking hate them so much.
I'll take my ban now.
No. 871592
>>871587Unfortunately this is the reality of adults living at home. It is his house too and as a grown man he should be allowed to have his woman sleep in the same room as him.
On the other hand he's a grown man that should have his own place. I guess invest in ear plugs
No. 871604
>>871597It's his house too technically, does he pay rent or contribute in the house or is he just a freeloader?
Kinda fucked to tell someone who's paying/contributing to live somewhere that they can't have their S.O over and that if they want to get it on they have to go somewhere else. Even if he just lives there…. He still lives there.
No. 897776
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His entire appeal is that he is a male with the perfect balance of femininity and masculinity. Making him anything else completely perverts his perfection.I do not want him made into an ugly tranny with a tiny atrophied dick. I do not want him drawn as some shota wide hipped mutant with ugly drag make up. I do not want him to be some weird chest scarred woman because he would then not have a dick, and if he doesn't have a dick WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT
No. 898136
>>897776I understand your rage
No. 898138
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>>897979>>898018>komaedaNot quite, but I can see this applying to a bunch of characters because gender juice fandoms ruin everything. I just want to have my cute feminine male characters without everyone trying to make them ugly deformed tranny messes.
>>898104>>898136thank u based anons
No. 904861
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No, you're not a lesbian couple because your bf is an ugly ass T R A N N Y
No. 904973
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sure you're totally over me for real. sure you're definitely not mad about being rejected. sure it's just a funny coinkydink that you changed your hair and entire clothing style to match my own. get fucked bpd bitch
No. 905584
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No. 906111
>>906097Yeah it's the same thing here. Now they're trying to tell us that vaccinated people still need to take care as well, which.. fuck off. I'm sick of it. I envy countries like Denmark who managed to get enough people vaxxed without having to pressure people, so now they'll lift all restrictions. It could be so easy but some people just want to watch the world burn.
Cases were on the rise here all summer and politicians were nowhere to be seen and now that shit is hitting the fan again, they keep arguing about another lockdown and even more restrictions. They did a poll here about the reasons why people don't want to get vaxxed and most people said that it's because they don't trust the goverment because they keep flip flopping around. They're already planning demos here because the vaxxed refuse to go into another lockdown because there's no way the government can justify that and I personally wouldn't comply either. I did my part and it's their fault they fucked up.
No. 909047
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Goddamn stupid scrote still keeps texting me after years with periods of absolutely no contact in between. Like he'll send me a text and then ghost me for months or more than a year and then text me again. Last time I saw and talked to this fucker in person was four years ago and today he sent me a text asking me how I'm doing. WTFFFF DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEEEEEEE ARGHHHHHHHHHH. FUCK OFF, SINCE YOU WEREN'T INTERESTED BACK WHEN I WAS INTERESTED IN YOU SIX GODDAMN YEARS AGO. I DON'T WANT TO KEEP BEING REMINDED OF YOUR EXISTENCE JUST WHEN I'M STARTING TO GET OVER YOU. GO TRIP OVER A KNIFE.
No. 909281
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I'm super scared of the farmhand pulling the plug on this site
I love lc so much, my life isn't going to be the same
No. 915190
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You deserve it. You knowingly went in, unprepared and lazy. I told you many many times the things needed to do, when moving into new apartment, but you kept putting it off..
You asked me to help you move, and I asked you what time. Several times. You told me and I took that time off of WORK. People at my job scheduled meetings around the time that I took off. AND THEN IT TURNS OUT YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOOK THE MOVE-IN TIME WHICH MEANS YOU COULDNT MOVE IN AT THE TIME YOU TOLD ME TO TAKE OFF.
How can you care so fucking little about the people that volunteer to help you? You want me to come help you now after I did literally ALL of the move out work for you? I carried your boxes downstairs, you didn't do anything!! I literally can't believe you honestly now expect me to come help you after I spent the past few days doing everything for you.
You're the definition of mentally ill, "woe is me I'm disabled" helplessness that plagues tumblr. You don't have any respect whatsoever for anyone. You didn't. Even. Say. Thank you.
You're trash. But you know that, which is why you are so mentally ill. Of course you believe you have bpd. You're a fucking autist.
I'm so glad you're out of my house now. I owe you no obligation to help you do anything anymore, you didn't even pay rent here.
No. 920736
>>920713>>920720NTA but
>Don't respond to other people's shit. It's not about you, you vain bitch.You both sound like edgy retards.
No. 921073

I'm really fucking mad and it's a dumb reason. Basically my whole life I've been unable to keep myself organized or pay attention to long-term tasks, I can't manage my own calendar basically. This has been a problem my entire life and was a major issue during my entire school career. Even when I was in elementary school I couldn't meet the very low bar of organization and bringing in school materials that a seven year old was expected to meet, and this only got worse as I went into middle school and high school. It resulted in a lot of bad grades and screaming arguments with my parents because I could not find anything or remember anything. Even when I tried to write it down in a planner I constantly failed to do so. This was all before the internet or smartphones so I know that I was like this before screen addiction became a thing.
There's a cult on twitter right now where everything is supposed to be "ADHD" and the alpha and omega of all mental health. My friends pushed me to get into with a psychiatrist to get checked for ADHD and lmao, I just went along with it. After several months of arguing with the retarded front office I finally got the qb test done. This morning I did a telehealth session with the pdoc and she definitely doesn't give a shit but she's getting a kickback from big pharma so whatever, she doesn't need to care. Apparently the qb test said that my probability of being ADHD is very low. The questionnaire at the beginning had like a 1-5 scale rating about various questions and I scored very highly on the inattentive stuff.
But the qb test also says I'm not ADHD which means that I can't remember anything, I can't organize anything, I can't make long term plans for anything, the fact that I procrastinate everything, the fact that I can't commit to a job or a person, it's not something that's wrong with me medically. It just means that I'm lazy and stupid and a terrible person. It turns out that you can't medicate away moral failings.
I feel like offing myself tbh but I also don't want to because it would be too much work.
I've seen therapists for issues in the past and they all told me I was too highly motivated and high energy to be depressed and that I was too organized to be ADHD. I spent 3 years as an insurance adjuster trying to manage my own calendar and was constantly on thin ice with that because I'm retarded and stupid and can't accomplish to do lists. I can't even keep my bedroom organized, it's a vortex of entropy because I'm too stupid to do anything otherwise. And I guess the internet has these little social media cults where they want this sort of thing medicalized and they encourage people to get medicated for them when that's not actually a good idea.
It's not that I don't think ADHD is real, it is, but I'm angry that I wasted my time finding out something I already knew was true – I don't have ADHD, I'm just a worthless stupid person and I can't do something as simple as time management because I am morally deficient. This sort of thing is probably a lot more common than anyone would like to admit. I should have known better than to fall for a cult but on the other hand it is easy to reach for neat and simple solutions.
Despite everything it's just me, I'm the author of my own problems and I can't throw pills at it. I have no idea how to treat this sort of moral and mental deficiency. The pdoc just told me it was all behavioral but I've tried to get help for that in the past and the three psychologists I've been to told me there was nothing wrong with me.
I have no fucking idea what to do or where to go. I just know that I'm a bad person and this can't be fixed.
That was a big novel of self pity.