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No. 838941
“If you think 90 degrees outside sitting in the heat is hot, then imagine what hell will be like.” - Hashtagspeakingfromtheheart 15:9
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/813895 No. 839048
>>839040>forced to wear an IUD This is such fucking horror to me I cannot explain. Hearing about it gives me the same feeling I get as a CF woman myself when hearing about forcible impregnation and listening about abortion bans.
>>839043Nah, just regular mayo. It goes best with pizzas that have a sour cream base instead of a tomato sauce base. The one I ate was: pizza dough, sour cream, cheese, diced zucchini, smoked chicken breast, feta cheese, mayo on top.
No. 839083
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I'm southern American and I've never had pickled pig's feet or chitlins. I would be interested in trying pig's feet, but I don't eat meat anymore, so that's out the door. Chitlins can go to hell.
No. 839090
>>839083They weren't pickled but I did at some point cook a fair share of pig feet because a lot of rich broths require bone and cartilage boiling for the bases.
The taste is okay but it's more of a texture thing. If you've never enjoyed eating the cartilage and fatty bits from normal cuts of meat you probably wouldn't enjoy eating feet.
No. 839194
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I know I shouldn't care blah blah, but having nasolabial folds young is so embarrassing. Especially since I have a baby face and they don't fit at all, like I'm super haggard. But I'm terrified of cosmetic procedures at the same time.
No. 839592
>>839545leave my stand alone
t. D I O
No. 839637
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>>839587Tale as old as time
No. 839684
>>839683Adopting is also an option.
I also hate cheese, does that mean I should never serve cheese to someone?
No. 839737
>>839733How come?
I think friends are important, but I respect people who are happy with their own company.
No. 840136
>>839070Anon you're really just projecting your disdain for white women onto Britney Spears. Britney was pimped into showbiz by her alcoholic
abusive parents, starring on Disney as a kid and getting a number 1 album before the age of 18. She couldn't "avoid being famous" considering she blew up at 17 when she didn't have legal right to simply walk away. The entire family had nothing and relied on her for money. The woman wasn't born into wealth, was worked to the bone, and remained constantly in the public eye with cameras angled up her skirt until hitting a mental breakdown. She isn't someone who came from nepotism, has seen the worst of fame, and has also incurred a ton of abuse/trauma being in showbiz and yet you make her sound like Bezos or Musk saying she should be placed under a guillotine. The last time she spent her own money was probably back in 2007. Thanks to her family controlling her bank account the woman can't even get her hair done looks a ratty mess on Instagram because of it. You're really heartless honestly.
No. 840139
>>840131It is really tragic isn’t it?
Look! Back in 2006 I was hot as fuck! Get me the old Kmart catalogues dear, I’m proving I looked good once to the neighbours smartass kids.
No. 840145
>>840137Just take a selfie like everyone else that needs some assurance in their old age that they were once young and pretty. Or better yet, get some therapy and touch some grass and you could not care about proving to an imaginary future self that you didn’t have crows feet at 19.
Lmao ya are so fucked.
No. 840156
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I want to apologize to all driverfags for making fun of them getting memed into liking an ugly man now that i can feel myself slowly getting roped into liking someone similar
No. 840171
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>>840122Be the trash panda you always knew you were, nona.
No. 840353
>>840210I hate anyone who goes onto the vent thread and needs to fill in the gaps to try and find a way where the thing you're venting about is totally your own fault. Especially when it's in defense of some creep or rapist. And it's always in defense of a shithead guy it seems.
I made a short vent about some men staring at me lately. A minor enough vent but then someone jumped in and started trying to find ways where I was responsible for old men and their staring. I didn't mention it but yeah I'm butch and heavily tatted so they probably just thought I'm ugly or ruined by ink. An anon wanted to assume I was some sex kitten who turns heads and then plays naive afterwards? Give your imaginations a rest blamey anons lol
Unwanted touch and unwanted sexual attention always sets them off with the classic "well what did you expect!?" .. To be able to vent on a vent thread wihout being interrogated for guilt, probably.
No. 840414
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I'd honestly rather carry all my water from a well and heat it myself than pay for water, gas, worry about burst pipes, and the constant maintenance of it all. I hate how complicated everything is these days.
No. 840435
>>840425I just went through this a few weeks ago. I do digital art so all I did was delete everything I've drawn for the last 7 years. Had similar feelings like you. Hadn't posted anything online or shown anything to anyone for a whole year, so for me it just felt like I was forever preparing to get better at something no one would ever see. I only did it for a hobby, so why would I keep doing something that would never amount to anything, when instead I could focus on a hobby or start studying something actually worthwhile?
I don't have a good answer for you. I haven't stopped drawing, I just do it less now and only when I actually enjoy it. Personally I regret the decision, but it's also not the end of the world if you do delete it.
I hope whatever you do that you'll eventually find your love of drawing again, even if it means taking a longer break and regressing.
No. 840437
>>840430Why do you want a kid anon?
Do moms even think about why or do they just have a great mysterious need.
No. 840561
nonnie, women are all pure angels who never do anything wrong or stupid. Don't be a bad feminist!
No. 840569
>>840430Dont know if scotland varies much from how it is in other parts but I was following a UK foster moms journey for a while on youtube and she had a whole series of breakdowns in her first few years of taking foster placements. She spent years with fostering in mind, it was her major goal in life and then she nearly gave up in the first year because of being messed around by how the current system worked.
A kid would be finally given to you after you jump through hoops to be perfect for them.. you spend so much times preparing and being up to scratch and being judged and evaluated and then they're taken away with just a moments notice because a bio family member became available. She had alot to say about the system expecting an awful lot of you and not giving you much consideration back. You get attached and have the child taken with no time to say goodbye. You have to go through certain training and do courses like emergency first aid to receive certificates and keep them
valid. The kids have behavioral issues but the system itself caused her more stress than the everyday parenting part. All the regulations put you under pressure. I'd look into youtubers in your area that cover the topic.
No. 840770
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Sometimes I feel bad for the nonnies that discovered imageboards too young, and I also feel a bit smug because I respected the rules and always avoided looking into 18+ stuff as a kid, because I thought the computer would tell my parents if I even searched for such sites.
Then I also remember when I wanted to watch an anime cartoon opening and asked for my mother’s permission to watch it because the rules said that I had to ask for my parents’ permission and account.
My mom told me to not watch it but then I mentally said
>fuck it
And broke the rules by creating my own 18+ account even though I was a kid.
I felt so bad about it I even confessed I did so at church and cried because I thought I would go to hell for lying about such an important internet rule.
No. 840807
>>840770>Sometimes I feel bad for the nonnies that discovered imageboards too young, and I also feel a bit smug because I respected the rules and always avoided looking into 18+ stuff as a kid, because I thought the computer would tell my parents if I even searched for such sites.Then I also remember when I wanted to watch an anime cartoon opening and asked for my mother’s permission to watch it because the rules said that I had to ask for my parents’ permission and account.
Anon are you me??? I also steered clear from video games rated 15+ (until I hit my 15th birthday), M etc…
No. 840819
>>840770no one ever told me
not to look up naughty stuff so I looked up things like "girls peeing" just to see if everyone else peed like me. Naturally that led to "how to pee standing up" but then I started looking up how to make milk with your boobs and searching things like "anime boobs." I never cleared the history because I didn't know about it, so I was found out and punished. I felt really ashamed afterward kek
No. 841007
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I wish I could become a workaholic so I have something to do/escape into but I'm too lazy.
No. 841049
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There's this Webtoon I really like and want to discuss with others, but the comments are full of moralfags. It has gotten to a point were I dislike every comment that has "As a patient with DID…" or "I'm glad to educate people". I don't even bother to read the whole comment, if a comment has a "Ackchyually, as a person with DID…" I just instantly dislike it.
No. 841068
>>841005Anirexics will smell like ketosis, so fruity and sour. Fatties smell like fatties, musty sweat but mostly normal. You will catch a waft here and there but unless they’re also unhygienic it’s not unbearable.
Bulimics absolutely reek of puke, sometimes of ketosis as well. Imagine bile scented cheap white wine, and dental decay.
We stink like that all day long. It’s proper nasty. Your sweat will smell poisonous kek
No. 841086
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I think KF is an ugly relic and should be shut down, but then all that autism would come here
No. 841095
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It’s sexist to think this way and I know every woman isn’t like this but with my own experience with PMS and hormone cycles, I kinda get why people would think women aren’t capable of the same jobs and roles as men. I literally function like a pathetic baby while I’m PMSing for a week and my whole routine goes to shit and I can’t do anything. I know not all women experience the same thing but how the fuck can I expect a woman to operate on the same level as a man when womens’ hormonal cycles are so fucked up and cruel to us.
No. 841097
>>841086Don't worry. Kf autist hates female-only sites
So they probably would be on or
No. 841153
>>841113If anything this "it's normal to have your life in shambles every month, it's just how some women are!" bullshit should not be normalized. I suffered through painful, horrible periods for years before I got treated for ovarian tumors, another girl was suicidal during her PMS before she got on mood meds and therapy. It's
not normal to experience this and you're entitled to help and treatment.
No. 841187
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>>841086any reasonable human being who uses KF would being 100% on the “no” option, but we’re dealing with scrotes not humans
No. 841192
>>841182I've never struggled with my weight but I've seen women who either gain alot from birth control or from antidepressants/similar and I always wondered how someone can put up with 50/60 pounds of weight gain as a side effect. I've never asked them becuase it seems insenstive to ask.
I once took a psych med that's well known for making you gain, I took it for a few weeks, gained maybe 10 pounds and noped back out of it real quick. Wasn't going to stick around for the 50 pounds I've seen others get.
No. 841202
>>841192I gained 15 kilos from hormonal birth control over the course of 3 years, gained 4 cup sizes and became depressed. Before taking it I've never had any issues with my weight or mental health. I spoke with 3 different gynecologists and every single one said that "the pill doesn't do that". I hate how you can not trust these doctors whose job it is to get rid of these things and not prescribe medication that causes it. I believe they say these things and prescribe them because they make a shit ton of money from the hormonal birth control.
1. Make women fat and depressed
2. Create unrealistic beauty standarts
3. Women become even unhappier and get eating disorders and more mental issues + obesity
5. Diet, pharma, fitness, fashion, makeup & plastic surgery industry make big moneys from the suffering of women
I stopped taking the hormonal birth control a few months ago and I'm not depressed anymore and already lost 4 kilos
No. 841342
>>841327I stumbled on a whole bunch of porn vids and porn playlists on there only lately, the vids were full of bots/fake accounts commenting identical comments too. Never seen full on porn passing by like that.I'm talking peen in ass with added on images of fruit blocking youtube from being able to automatically pick up on it. You could see it though. I went through all the lists to report stuff and I think I found old unused accounts that had been hijacked. They had old/normal content dating back years and then this porn with massive view counts out of nowhere.
I think I was looking up the name of a childrens toy when I found it, was researching a gift for a family member. In all my years on youtube that's how I stumble across porn on there?
No. 841538
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The shit talking of lesbians on lolcow sometimes genuinely hurts my feelings ngl and makes me want to stop using the site sometimes. It's not like I'm not used to shit talking on the internet, I used 4chan a lot as a teenager. But it was different knowing it was just a bunch of neckbeard scrotes saying terrible shit about things relevant to you. Hurts just a bit more when you know It's your fellow woman.
Yes I am a big fucking pissbaby.
No. 841540
>>841538Wait people shit talk Lesbians?!
Aren't ya'll like the superior sexuality?
I love you and appreciate you lesbian anon don't let people get you down
No. 841630
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>>841592Original pretty boy
No. 841633
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>>841305>I thought the list of websites you visited would appear on the internet billsThey don’t appear?
No. 841671
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>>841095Don't feel bad, I think it's more common but taboo to talk about how debilitating it can be beyond "lol I'm craving chocolate and cry". During PMS I get really intense mood swings, I don't even have BPD or anything, it's just hormones. I get suicidal thoughts and turn to rage really quick. It sucks especially because you can't put your life on hold for 4-5 days while you go through it, and everyone (men and women) expect you to just function like normal. I've tried asking a gyno about it and they just suggest bc which I don't want to take. Not even doing a hysterectomy gets rid of hormonal fluctuations. Fuck this shit
No. 841690
>>841671Samefag I don't want to take that shit. You could try some supplements anon, like primrose oil or chasteberry. Primrose helps me, along with grassfed milk and vitamin D.
Women with pmdd usually have low vitamin D, B6, and magnesium so that's worth a try first. Hope you find something that works, doctors are fucking useless.
No. 841698
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When I was a little girl I had anxiety about going pee in public restrooms, so to hype myself up to pee like a normal person I imagined that I was Oprah life-coaching her retarded live audience on how to pee, and I would have to perform or they would never learn how they're supposed to pee properly. They would all cheer for me teary-eyed because they were so happy someone finally told them how to pee because they were doing it wrong this whole time. I even made up questions to respond to. I still think about that sometimes when I pee, and other times I imagine I'm her, interviewing my real self about some great project I just finished on her talk show. So yeah I've conditioned myself into imagining that I'm Oprah when I'm sitting on the toilet.
>Let it flow, ladies!
No. 841735
>>841726Thank you so much for sharing this with me
nonny. This will make great material for my toilet talkshow.
No. 842093
>>842091I will take the silence every time. It’s only awkward cause the other person expects you to fill it for them imo.
It’s too confusing to keep it up all day. They want facial expressions and you have to stare at them or they think you’re not listening and don’t ask direct questions. Pretty sure a lot of them are autistic tho
No. 842103
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>>842101Ah fuck people keep saying that I’m the autistic one lmao
Still hoping it’s everyone else but it seems unlikely
Idk how to end it without literally walking away or saying something retarded.
No. 842111
>>842108Oh yeah it probably helps to like people. I like about four of them in totally but still can’t tolerate them often.
Oh god I don’t just leap into the conversation but if someone asks what I’m thinking about and it’s a hemicorporectomy or some other ghastly thing I’m an unstoppable force of unwanted lessons
You know what, I see it now. I see how that’s autistic. Fuck
No. 842112
>>842103Aw it's okay, nona. It could also be social anxiety or maybe everybody else
is autistic. People rag on "cope" but true coping is the secret to contentment.
No. 842118
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>>842115I’m a turbo autist and didnt even know
No. 842129
>>842103Give small boring answers and little polite smiles and try to seem preoccupied with your thoughts or take your phone/ebook/etc after a minute of silence, and if you're going somewhere just say that you have to go after a brief exchange, say goodbye with a smile and immediately start walking away. Act as if you don't have time even if you're only going to the shop to buy some chips.
>>842108From my experience, men like this just want to share their precious opinion on everything and don't really want yours, or they actually do but just so they can start an argument. Some old men can be pleasant though and I had really nice exchanges with some of them, but most men just can't shut up or expect you to entertain them. They will abuse your politeness, and will act offended and really annoying if you say you're not in a mood for conversation or something like that, but at least they'll leave you alone eventually (although once there was a guy who was complaining to his friend that "everyone's so boring", yeah dude, not you, who can't just sit with your thoughts or do something else like talking to your fucking FRIEND for 10-15 minutes in a public transport, but strangers, who don't want to answer your stupid questions). Kek sorry for venting, slav men are the worst
No. 842130
>>842123It’s a diagnosis from a image board being bothered about it would be sadder than a pit full of trannies. I can’t pretend to care about nge characters cause Shinji..he’s a little bitch. Now I just haunt my own studio and talk to other retards online.
>>842124Well no, but since you seem bothered by it , yeah. What makes someone Twitter autistic if you can be Twitter autistic without having Twitter?
No. 842140
>>841760Pete Wicks, the long haired one with a lot of tattoos. Very polite guy tbh, didn't say anything creepy when I told him I'm a lesbian and remained friendly when I saw him after that. I met a lot of "reality" stars and Z listers at my old job and nearly all of them were insufferable and thought the world revolved around them but Pete was one of the rare few who would actually talk to you like a normal human being.
>>841794Shit, anon. If a man joked to me that he's gay for being attracted to me I'd be tempted to punch the prick. You're right though, we're definitely marked "broken women" and it's ridiculous. For all the talk about this time period being more "enlightened" about gender it sure as hell still feels the same as before.
No. 842166
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I often have anime profile pictures but, usually, they're not of the flavour of the month anime girl. Something like pic rel
No. 842201
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I usually wouldn't post something so uncomfortable on here, but I've been thinking about it for the last few nights so I probably should let it out somewhere.
I don't remember to what extent since I seem to have repressed a lot of it, but I was assaulted by my grandparents' friend's kid during a vacation when I was maybe 7 or 8. I remember for sure that he was a few years older than me and pushed me down on the RV bed and ground himself on the back of me while I was yelling for help. I'm pretty sure he pulled my pants down at some point. I know he was older since he was heavier and I couldn't get him off of me. Grandparents brushed it off telling me "he was just being a boy." It's the only part of the trip I remember. I don't know how much this has fucked me up, but I don't feel like talking about it with my mom since my shitbag of a grandpa already died and the married in mistress has gone on her merry way. I hope the scrote died horribly before he could grow up into even more of a rapist.
No. 842477
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i get that femcels aren't a real thing because men primally have no standards but lately i feel like ive been doing incel-ish things
>donating money to cute guys on twitch that i have a parasocial relationship with
>going through aarinfantasy for blcds
>ive never had consensual sex with a man
>I never leave my room and stay on forums 24/7
>got back into seiyuu's
>just general weeb degenrate shit but reversed sex.
>my eating disorder is in full swing again so i lost all the healthy weight i put on making me look extremely ill
there is no hope for me
No. 842518
>>842506This is actual dark humour, I would absolutely watch your hard-hitting Netflix stand up special
Grief is a terrible thing and this sounds like a healthy and productive way to work through it as any other, I hope the best for you
No. 842811
>>842722Me and my brother do that, we talk like kids, my brother goes full retard and acts like a kid though, I honestly think he’s regressing or some shit because of the stress he has at work.
But it’s fun to whine like a kid, idk, it’s kind of funny.
I also tend to change my voice way too much, which is weird I think, I do it unconsciously, my friends used to tell me that I should try voice acting because it seems like my voice changes a lot.
No. 842819
>>842755Same here anon, I lived in a household where even stating a fact was seen as backtalk so my siblings and I would have to learn to talk “cutely” to our parents to not seem like threats to them. It would lead to fights if our tones weren’t childish because they would think we’re trying to act too “grown” despite all being adults. So it’s weird to see people put on voices that aren’t used to disarm shitty and aggressive assholes but instead to get that loli look
>>842722Your other confession should be you admitting that you’re under 18 because there’s no way you’re this autistic with people irl as a grown woman kek
No. 842841
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I like to flirt with people when I’m bored, then I just keep them at an arm’s length and then I leave the app forever.
I haven’t done this in a long time, but I’m having this impulse of doing it again because it’s fun and I don’t need to be in a relationship with anyone to do so.
And yeah, I kind of want to get in a relationship someday, but I don’t feel like I’m ready yet, even though I’m in my mid twenties.
I just like flirting, the other parts of romantic relationships are tiresome and bothersome, I know I will never see the people I flirt with irl and I know I will never have the time, energy or money to meet them, so yeah.
No. 842861
>>842860I don’t really send pictures of myself to them, but sometimes it’s retarded sexual innuendos, random fantasies like “Geez we should go out on a date someday” and acting like a couple.
It’s honestly sad, but such is the life of the permanently online people.
No. 842870
>>841068Hm, I met some deathfats (including 400lb+ scrotes) who I could smell from meters away. I was convinced one of them had that fish BO enzyme problem and all of the hamplanet males had the fruity sourness stench. It must be the terminal diabetes. All of them stank so bad in each class/workplace that they’d have the whole group blatantly avoiding them and talking about it behind their back. I’ve got no sympathy because if you stink that bad
and know that people notice, but still don’t do anything about it, you deserve the social rejection. I don’t care if they were even diddled as a kid, do everyone a favour and take a fucking shower. In all instances nobody could say or do anything because that would be considered ‘bullying’ yet we’d be forced to smell all the yeast and mould for months and years on end.
>>841611Just bully them out of here. They always moan and bitch about some meanie ‘Stacy’ who hurt their feelings in high school and how girls ‘can crush you without even touching you’ with words, give them a taste of that and they’ll run off back their shit corner of the internet to incelpost about rejection. As soon as a girl acts in a way they don’t like we get called bitches and they avoid us like the plague, I say go ahead and be one because they need to learn to fuck off where they’re not wanted. Don’t be scared because you have every right to be an ass and do some healthy gatekeeping especially when they do their dumb tits or gtfo posts on 4chan all the time. Sick of those scrote bastard types ‘raiding’ or invading because they think we’ll bend over like little flowers to their scrotism.
No. 843033
>>843028I replied three minutes after it was posted, but you're right, it
is the confession thread. I do wish you hadn't posted your breeding fetish regarding "men, women, and animals" in reply to anons expressing fear of pregnancy, though.
No. 843701
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>mfw scrotes buying me shit again
Simps are so pathetic KEK But I'll allow it.
These mfs will get the driest replies and think women give a fuck. They think you're leading them on simply by existing. I insult them ~as a joke~, infight, and act mad at romantic attempts. It only makes them more delusional. Men truly only care about the fantasy of you as an extension, a vessel, for their own ideals and interests.
Remember, if a scrote isn't simping you, he's in another bitch's orbit and you're only disrespecting yourself by chasing him.
No. 843739
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>>843709Salted roasted seaweed is a good alternative anon. Or fry your own chips, it's abit healthier.
No. 843743
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>>843709Same, I've managed to get it under control lately with no more than a pack a week but and my peak addiction I could eat two big packs a day. Theres just something about chips no other snack, sweet or salty, has. Do you have any favorites or idk, rare flavor recommendation? I'm ready to indulge.
No. 843749
>>843739Gonna try this out, thank you, anon!
>>843743I live for standard salty chips or paprika flavoured ones! Where I used to live, the local store had a flavour called "roasted butter". It was heavenly, but I've never been able to find it again.
No. 844118
>>844082>I do crave companionship specifically with a male but not a romance, I want a stoic male friend who is always by my sideWhy a male specifically? What about a female friend who is as close as possible personality-wise to the hypothetical male friend?
> I don't want this hypothetical male companion to have any male or female romantic partner's either Why not?
>>844092>I think all froms sex are disgustingWhy?
Just out of curiosity, have you ever felt sexual desire for men or women, as in, you were sexually aroused by them, even if you possibly didn't want to have sex with them?
No. 844129
>>844118>Why a male specifically? What about a female friend who is as close as possible personality-wise to the hypothetical male friend? I don't feel sexual attraction towards either men or women but certain men bring a feeling of warmth and safety that I've never felt with any woman
>Just out of curiosity, have you ever felt sexual desire for men or women, as in, you were sexually aroused by them, even if you possibly didn't want to have sex with them?Never, I likes being friend's with both men and women but never any sort of romantic interest let alone sexual
>>844109That's another thing I also want a child but don't wanna go through pregnancy, I'll likely hire a surrogate at some point
No. 844147
>>844136A combination of both, big brotherly stoic types thats what I want
>You wrote that you kissed both men and women before, did you just do it out of curiosity? What did you feel when kissing them?Curiosity mostly and yes I felt nothing, not disgust or joy just really nothing, honestly hugs are more exciting for me then kisses
No. 844170
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Accidentally clicked on a group chat I've been avoiding looking at so I don't appear in the "read by", and now I have to backread a month+ of BS I don't care about from high school friends I haven't seen in 10+ years so I can send an appropriate reaction to everything and avoid looking like an asshole
No. 844363
>>844005anon full offense but shut the fuck up. No minimum wage worker wants to hear "a bloo bloo bloo it was hard for me to know my employer gave a shit about whether or not I survive a pandemic" when we've been treated like cannon fodder for this joke of an economy. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that your anxiety and depression are not exclusively "work from home" plights.
Newsflash - tons of "essential workers" (myself included) also live on our own and dealt with the exact same isolation you're describing on top of experiencing verbal harassment at work and the constant fear of unavoidable exposure to COVID for below a living wage. And if you think that people were itching to invite their essential worker friends for cool little hangs after work you're sorely fucking mistaken - most of my friends were too afraid to see me in person so I've been treated like a goddamn leper the past year socially.
Like please. I get that it's hard but don't do all this when you had an option so many of us would kill for. Keep it to yourself and vent with others who were as fortunate as you. Christ.
(relax) No. 844475
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When I cook food, I like to put on headphones with calm music and pretend I'm one of those calm youtube channels where there's only gentle music playing while a quiet, faceless person makes food in peace. For some reason it makes me enjoy cooking a lot more, I dunno why.
No. 844482
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>>844363Samefag. At this point I wish I'd get covid so I'd get some fucking time off from all the people who've gone insane during lockdown taking it out on me because it's my job to lick their proverbial asshole. Just more work sanitizing everything without any pay increase, a few "you're a hero!" monologues at the beginning of the pandemic and that's it. Pretty sure customer service workers do more for people's mental health than most therapists, by letting them take out all their frustrations on someone who can't fight back.
No. 844496
>>844484The vaccines are approved in Europe, why should we care what FDA says? The more people get vaccinated, the less likely it is for the virus to continue to spread and mutate to the point of nothing working anymore.
>>844470Everyone I know is already vaccinated with at least one dose, some of them as early as the end of last year, and I don't know anyone who would experience anything worse than mild flu symptoms for a day-two. There's nothing to be afraid and it's really valuable for the society as a whole to get vaccinated if you're not a complete NEET.
No. 844633
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this will sound retarded but i wore a dress in public for the first time in my entire life yesterday. i got nice compliments from my friends and overall felt really pretty in it. i have been so self-conscious about my body and even dysphoric about being female for all of these years, it felt like a big step for me.
No. 844657
>>844510where would you go if the guy turned out to be
abusive though? and what do eurofags have to do with it lol
No. 844681
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i like toying/arguing with males on 4chan and arguing with them for fun, it's too easy hehe
No. 844709
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I unironically think a lot of Autistic guys are cute, both in their personality and mannerisms but I know how easily then can fall under various degeneracies due to the Internet and their behavior
I want autistic men to separated from society, workout and be trained to be good husband's and male companions for women
No. 844717
>>844713I wouldn't like it if he was normal, I like them autistic but not degenerate
I just want a cute autistic bf who doesn't use the Internet at all
No. 844745
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When I found out HBomb had a gf (back in about 2016) I left legitimate heartbreak for a full week. I was a patron and he once even replied to a curiouscat I left about making out with him. I had a boyfriend at this time.
No. 844920
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My dad is now homeless due to his alcoholism and I honestly and with little malevolence wish he would just die and stop suffering. And stop making the whole family suffer. He has fucked up so badly and has no money left. I'm just starting my life and can't financially support him.
No. 844930
>>844717>autistic but not degenerate doesn't exist even if they don't use the internet
t. grew up with an autistic brother
No. 844956
>>844930nta but my husband is autistic, he was raised by a strict dad who dealt with his autism in his own way, it seemed to work out well for him
he's sweet and kinda neurotic but he's very organized and has a lot of hobbies and activities that help him deal with his condition, it's mostly push-ups he does hundreds every day and thousands when he's having a bad day
No. 845259
>>845225You can't just wear it below the nose? That's what I've been doing since I almost collapsed from lack of oxygen bc of shitty lungs.
>>845244Challenge do light labor indoors for hours straight with a mask on.
No. 845279
>>845271Anon has been vaccinated though? If your grandma is that frail she should stay at home
Then stay home if your health is that frail or if you’re that paranoid.
No. 845298
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I was writing a post for the advice thread and I realized it looked like some scrote had written it.
I always knew I would be an insufferable incel if I was a man, but this just cements it.
No. 845306
>>845248I think what you mean to say is that you should have told your manager that people are lying.
I used to think all those films where the plot involves people lying that they have'nt been exposed to dangerous stuff was just bad script writing but I guess not
>>845302Condoms and mosquito nets are thinner and they still fulfill their purpose enough to be useful, but it's recommend to double up so by all means do that and spread the good word. If you have a grandma I hope people are safe around her.
No. 845347
>>845306Masks can provide protection against covid but not the pathetic masks people are told to wear. N95 masks in America and P3 masks in Europe are what is proven to protect against covid. A paper or fabric mask will not stop the spread of covid or any other illness. At best it might stop people from touching their nose and mouth while outside, at worst it might encourage people to touch their face because they are constantly adjusting it or taking it on and off. People also don't change them that often due the inflated pricing. The official advice makes no sense.
And before you accuse me of being an anti-masker, I wear a P3 mask with changeable filters.
No. 845390
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i've morphed into a daily smoothie drinker overnight, this fuckin' recipe is the cornerstone of my current life. gotta make some kind of routine in lockdown! all spinach-ed up and trepidatiously loving it
No. 845425
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I'm an extremely bad lay and have disappointed many in bed.
pic very unrelated
No. 845435
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I don't care about the horrible things happening in palestine or the increase of antisemitism because both groups of people would harass/harm me irl if i went near them. Get fucked
No. 845655
>>845647Same. I developed some really fucked up fetishes and I recently quit masturbating
I've tried to quit before, but I failed lol. I hope we're both able to overcome this! Good luck anon
No. 845673
>>845647I found porn as a teen and ended up watching one type of fetish porn all the time and exclusively getting off to that material. It's not something I want irl but I hate how my orgasm is so heavily tied in with needing to think of this one weird kink. I've had partners of 3/4 years never give me a single orgasm because of this.
I don't know whether to watch 'regular' porn and slowly wean myself off that way. I almost need to train myself to see sex as…. sexual and linked to orgasm.
No. 845745
>>845738I remember listening to a relationship therapist talk about this on his podcast before. It'd happened to him several times and apparently happens to most therapists at some stage. Sometimes the clients make it too obvious.
Makes sense, you're opening up and becoming vulnerable and they're this gentle person there to listen and not judge you. Even through a screen I felt this guys warmth and was feeling things.
No. 845813
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>>845770Yea plus they're not all too ecological, are slimy, but ugly skin people still need to do something.
No. 845981
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I look at how my parents raised me vs how they're raising my younger brother and I get so angry and bitter. They really did groom me to be quiet, have no boundaries, no profitable skills, and just serve others.
Compared to that my brother is encouraged to show emotion and asked constantly how he feels, they cave into his inane demands or else he won't do homework, constantly encourage and buy him stuff for science/computers, and never make him do any chores.
Meanwhile I have to do damage control and reraise myself. Die. Die you misogynistic scum.
No. 846126
>>846100A literal rapist… these fucking boy mommies will do anything to protect their son, huh.
Hope when they get old and ill they realize what they sowed, it always comes down to the daughter to take care of elderly, hope you and sisters just laugh in their face.
No. 846136
>>846111>>845981Middle Child here, both my siblings, older brother and younger sister seemed to get more attention and love from my whole family then me
no matter how much I accomplished I was always left alone, even though I got better exam results then my brother he was always the smart and responsible one, even though I was a functional human being my fuck up sister was always their sweet and innocent daughter who could do no wrong
No. 846162
>>846136I'm a middle child too, and also I'm
>>846157My oldest sister is definitely the "scapegoat" and I have witnessed that to be true in my friends' family relations. My second oldest sister is the "success story" because she's funtional and married to a man. I'm generally ignored but also expected to perform caretaker roles because I'm unmarried, and as already stated, my drug addict rapist little brother is coddled beyond remission.
No. 846171
>>846162>>846136Interesting perspectives really, growing up my older brother was sorta the mule of the house, he kinda did most of the manual labor and any physical tasks for the whole house but no really seemed to care about him much, note I had 2 other brothers who got praise and attention but my older brother seemed to be black sheep, even though he never really did anything wrong
he's married now and his own family and I actually talk to him from time to time, he's a good dad from what It seems but he lets his kids run wild and do whatever they want
No. 846187
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I bought something today as a gift for myself with a money that wasn't mine.
They won't miss this money at all and they'd probably laugh and tell me "You buy me stuff all the time as well" if I told them about it, but still, I didn't ask and now I feel really bad.
Maybe I should look for a gift for them too to feel better about it
No. 846438
>>846434They're 100%
triggered reddit scrote
No. 846505
>>846472Whoa, that's super useful! where can I read more about this? also can you still abort at 2 months or what should you do?
Will me eating like that affect my female baby though? Where can I find this diet?
No. 846561
>>846505It's stuff I've found just lurking, sorry. Two month abortion can easily be done with just the pill. It shouldn't affect the female baby if you eat much better after the 2nd month mark. Grassfed animal products and organic veg are best, if you can afford them. YouTuber frank tufano did a video on the most nutritious things a pregnant woman can eat.
The low calorie vegan diet to weed out male fetuses is just something I came up with, since male fetuses need way more food to survive. It should be easy to find recipes if you just Google vegan food.
If you want to read more about how women's reproductive health is twisted then check out trust your perceptions blog.
No. 846610
>>846592It's not at all pathetic, that's what a father is supposed to
be. You're fantasizing about the bare minimum because it's almost nonexistent in the real world.
Fathers who get weird about their daughters having sex needs to be shamed bc it means the father feels jealous, insecure, or emasculated somehow at the thought of his daughter fucking a man other than him. No emotionally mature adult male would have an issue with his daughter exploring her sexuality safely because such a man would know it's part of learning about herself and growing up. Most men would rather be in control of the sex lives of women they consider "theirs" than ever be upstaged by their daughter's boyfriend being a better man than him. Of course, this is a flaw in the male psyche but men can't admit fault, so it has to become the girl's fault and she's punished and shamed for making her own choices. That's one of the main veins of the patriarchy and religious "purity" bullshit like rings and virginity contracts between fathers and daughters.
No. 846745
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I vent on LC instead of a journal because I need the mild validation of anons agreeing with me.
No. 846768
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I know people will probably think I'm a larping troon/moid for this but I have a crush on a troon and I really wish he wasn't part of a psycho misogynistic cult. I finally worked up the courage to tell him that I liked him the other day. I feel like it was meaningless, though. He lives in another state. It's probably for the best that I can't be in a relationship with him, I find him attractive but I don't think I'd be able to stomach his idpol rants and rampant autogynephilia irl. Some people should just be observed from a distance.
Today he got mad at me because he apparently just found out that I followed Stonetoss on twitter. He started going off about how rockthrow is an evil nahtzee. I half-heartedly apologized (I shouldn't have to fucking apologize but I'm still hoping he'll post more lewds lmao) but I think he's still angry. He's an autist and if something triggers him he tends to seethe about it for days on end.
Sometimes I want to kick his Slendertran ass, he should be grateful that I want to suck his ~feminine benis~ in the first place. You are literally a beanstalk in lipstick (admittedly, a beanstalk which I would like to climb, but a beanstalk nonetheless). The fact that you found an actual xx chromosome-wielding, chest feeding birthing person who is willing to fuck you is a miracle. But nah, he's gonna scold me because I committed a thought crime.
No. 846798
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I peed the bed last night.
No. 846915
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The animated cutscenes from the new Link's Awakening for the Switch make me wanna watch a full on Zelda anime. Just look at how cute he looks ugh
No. 846937
>>846934"And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through"
No. 846948
>>846941That's like saying people dislike thieves because they're just jealous they get free shit. Sometimes things piss people off because they're simply shitty things to do. Bragging about not working while relying on someone else who DOES work and funds your NEEThood is beyond shitty.
I'd be jealous of someone with their own money who doesn't have to work, but I wouldn't hate on them for it because they're not a leech and proud of it.
No. 847001
>>846956Baby, you were 19. You were still mentally developing. When I was 19, I tried to kill myself over a guy that I don't even talk to anymore. The cringe is powerful, yes, but you're got to remind yourself that you weren't really
you yet.
I hope you can believe that one day and forgive yourself, even just a little.
No. 847072
>>847013Please don't listen to this anon
>>847064it will ruin everything you have with it. Deal with your guilt feelings without telling him. It's totally possilbe and better than ruining his entire life and yours in the process. Forgive yourself and just don't do it again please.
No. 847081
>>847064I don't know if that's a good idea. He would be devastated, and it wouldn't change how I feel or the actions I would take to make amends.
>>847072How do I forgive myself? I'm already extremely self-loathing, so the only solution I can see is letting time dull the pain.
>>847076Please elaborate on the better ways, I really want to know.
No. 847088
>>846929>gwen stefani coolYour post made me do a double take because I also think about that cheesy song whenever I talk to my
sexy ex kek. I didn't feel guilty about having a friendship with my ex before because we were both in happy relationships, but he recently became single and I feel like that somehow makes it more unacceptable for us to talk even though it changes nothing. I wish he would find someone new quickly so that I can go back to not feeling weird about being his friend
No. 847121
>>847113Accept that those events did happen and affirm to yourself that the past has no power over you anymore.
>but traumaI am traumatized too anon, and this has helped me find peace. I know it's not for everyone but it works for me.
No. 847138
>>847081To add another perspective, quotes from Esther Perel
>We really have this idea that one person today will give us what once an entire village used to provide. I can't say more concretely: [there are] such unprecedented expectations for our romantic relationships. They have become the new religion.>In our secularized society, romantic love, and not religion, is where we seek meaning, transcendence, wholeness, and ecstasy. We have more freedom than ever in choosing relationships, but we’re crippled by uncertainty and self-doubt. Our quest to find “the one” and the common struggles around allowing our sense of aliveness and vitality to exist within our intimate relationships have become central cultural preoccupations. So much has changed so rapidly that we’re rewriting the relationship rulebook as we go.>Affairs are intimate betrayals, but in a relationship, betrayal comes in many forms, such as indifference, neglect, contempt, violence. I don’t immediately see the adultery as the ultimate betrayal topping the hierarchy of wrongdoings. I don’t grant moral superiority to someone just because they didn’t cheat. Thus, I don’t automatically think of infidelity as a deal breaker, but as a major crisis from which couples can learn and grow, and sometimes create a stronger more alive and resilient relationship.>“The golden rule is, ‘what would be the consequences of telling?’ Sometimes disclosure can be cruel, and sometimes revelation is the right thing to do. It is utterly caring and respectful of the dignity of the other person. No. 847181
>>847153I'm sorry that your childhood was like that and agree with you about how awkward it is when strangers tell you their trauma when you're just trying to talk to them about animals
But OT tv therapists just say shit. I also only liked animal shaped toys as a kid because animals are cute and babies are loud and ugly kek
No. 847190
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I don't have a good memory for numbers but I know that number nine means just jerk off, because that's what Sanic always tells me to do
No. 847207
>>847191You are not responsible for that, obviously. Are you implying taking responsability for cheating is the same as getting raped as an innocent child?
We are talking about a circumstance when something you had the full control of makes you feel guilty. Not when you were a child.
No. 847289
>>847248I don't even know anymore, when I was 26 people told me I'm like super young and shouldn't stress about it but now I'm 28, except I'm not 28 I'm "almost 30/practically 30" and people are telling me to get my shit together, stop wearing mini skirts because I'm too old and focus on bagging a man.
I don't want to bag a man, I'm sick of men, and I like mini skirts because I'm short and they look nice on me. I don't look any different from how I did at 26, can people decide if I'm young or old already?
No. 847311
>>847241I am a bit like
>>847248 in that I feel like 26 is really young and means I have
at least another blasted 50 years on this cursed Earth if I'm unlucky enough to not get taken out before then. That said, I'm also one of the farmers that's really excited to get old. Yes, I look forward to dying and being free, but I just… am also excited to see where I will take myself in life. I'm the same age as you anon, but I feel like my life has only just begun. I am not living it up in some fancy penthouse with my six figure salary, I still live with my parents and earn a shit wage at a basic bitch 9-5 office job. But I am still wildly content with my life. It simultaneously feels like things are too late since I've already graduated college and have more or less locked myself in to doing meh jobs and never really having a career of any sort, but also feeling like things are beginning because… there are no more expectations of me! I felt like there was no pressure like growing up and being told to do great things and become successful by 21, but now that I've achieved none of that, no one's eyes are on me anymore so I can pursue whatever the hell I want and fail/succeed at whatever the hell I want and no one will give a shit.
"Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time." We have time anon, we have so, so much time. Take care of your body and it will take care of you, and the only thing stopping yourself from completing the things you want to do will be yourself, and maybe a drunk driver or something. I would say time too, but what do you want to do that you think will take longer than your entire lifespan??
No. 847340
nonny even though you don't know who I am I hope you know that when I argue with you it's not out of hate but just because I feel comfortable talking honestly with you and I enjoy the friendly banter
No. 847429
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>>847289>stop wearing mini skirts because I'm too old Who is telling you this, your 90-year-old grandma? This is J. Lo in her 50s, somehow I don't think she feels the need to cover herself in a burka now that she's over 30. And yes I know she's a celeb but culturally (at least in western countries) most people don't give a shit about what anyone wears these days. Men sure as fuck aren't going to complain about seeing more of a woman's skin and women aren't going to care unless they are self conscious and feel they "can't pull it off" so they want to tear down others. Just do your thing anon, there are many women your age and much older who wear cute clothes and go about their lives normally. The only people who would freak out over this sort of thing are projecting/jealous/small-minded and not worth listening to in the first place. (t. a 30-year-old anon who still wears skirts, bodysuits, crop tops and other "young" outfits)
No. 847440
>>847435What do you mean? 15 years into watching porn?
I started watching porn at 12-14, I'm 25. And I had a porn/coom/masturbation addiction. It got to the point that I couldn't do shit, just watched porn and flicked the bean multiple times a day. Porn made me feel miserable.
Like I said I'm 2 months without porn now and I feel great. Better orgasms, I come quickier, I don't feel icky, and I feel happier and more productive
No. 847454
>>847440I only started at 17 but I'm 32 now and I sometimes wonder how common or uncommon are 32 year old female porn viewers? I'm talking about like two sessions a month though.
Did you replace porn with just internal fantasies or?
No. 847498
>>847289You are the one who decides! I'm also 28. Let's love being single and dressing in mini skirts together! I also encourage crop tops and crazy patterned sneakers so we can match (but not with the mini skirt, you can do that if you want).
Seriously, though, dating sucks and I'm not going to settle for anyone. I enjoy being single because I'm super introverted. If I find "the one," that would be amazing, but until them, I'm doing me. Screw what anyone else thinks. Dress how you want, spend your time how you want. 30 is NOT old.
No. 847500
>>847443One time I was going to a club with some friends, so we were wearing crop tops and shorts, and some woman started yelling at us shouting "You whores."
I yelled back at her "We prefer to be called 'sex workers'".
She then started shouting "You sex workers!" at us. I kek'd. She was bitchy for yelling but also respectful for honoring our "preference"
No. 847539
>>847530Did that for a while, just got a permanent injury. It's not worth it
>>847526 don't do it.
No. 847544
>>847311I'm AYRT and this really made me smile, thank you for responding.
>It simultaneously feels like things are too late since I've already graduated college and have more or less locked myself in to doing meh jobs and never really having a career of any sort, but also feeling like things are beginning because… there are no more expectations of me! …I'm exactly in the same situation and it feels like an ugly thing sometimes, but I want to start seeing it the way you do as a "beginning." I'm sure people who are working themselves to the bone at 23 to earn a six-figure salary, could be just as (if not more) content doing what we're doing. I guess no one is really stopping me from doing what I want with the rest of my years–it's all just social pressure, isn't it? Thanks, anon!
No. 847580
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>>847573it was a joke and it was racist
No. 847599
nonnie, is what is called an ~intersectional offense~
No. 847630
>>847049Only one has been dangerous so far, but i don't see him anymore. He confessed to me he threw darts at a photo of myself out of anger, after he confessed that like it was just a silly joke i decided to make his life hell.
>>847055I have very "manlish" hobbies like computers, videogames, etc and i also mostly wear long tshirts with jeans and have short hair. Mind you, i am not calling myself a tomboy it's just how scrotes describe me.
>>847057My hobbies are filled with men, so far all my friends have been male. They fall in love with me because we share similar hobbies and i am probably the only female they talk to.
>>847074I am NEET. I just play DOOM, eat, sleep and go back to play DOOM.
No. 847643
>>847544I believe you can change your mindset anon! It took me a few years and a couple times of hitting rock bottom to figure out what I wanted in life, and some more time to reach a place where I was satisfied. Getting older went from “how many more years do I have to exist in this state of physical and emotional pain until I kick the bucket?” to “what cool jobs will I work, what amazing people will I befriend, and what will I experience?” I got my priorities straight and started to do right by myself for once (having a very solid support system also helped).
> I guess no one is really stopping me from doing what I want with the rest of my years–it's all just social pressure, isn't it? Yep! I hope you’ll go on to do the things you want to do, and you’ll accomplish all of your goals. There’s no hard age limit on being successful, and success looks very different for everyone! As painfully long as our existence is on this earth, it’s also too short to spend a majority of that time trying to appease other people. I hope when our time is up, we’ll be ready to go with no regrets! I know I sound like a painfully annoying optimist and life isn’t as easy as turning your life around with a snap, but after years of being depressed and wanting to kill myself constantly, I now realize how amazing and precious living is, and I want other people to enjoy it too!
No. 847787
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I realized recently that I really hate interacting with my trans peers and I feel terrible for it. But after a brutal interaction with a trans person that accused me of shit I never even did I'm terrified that I'm going to misgender someone or say something wrong and immediately get thrown to the wolves for it, esp after seeing how a lot of trans people act on twitter for really stupid stuff. I literally don't give a shit about your gender and that it's apparently
your only personality trait but please don't fucking attack me and put words into my mouth to feel bigger, that's so fucked up!!
No. 847829
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I saw a headline about how a $10,000 French bulldog was stolen from Petland (aka a retail front for puppy mills) and it reminded me of when I stole a rabbit from a similar shitty pet store when I was a teenager. I was with a friend who could (and did) give it a good home and I didn't give a shit about screwing the store out of profit. I grew out of my shoplifting-rebellion phase years ago, but I'm not going to lie, I'm glad I did it, impressed I got away with it, and feel like bragging about it right now for some reason
No. 847830
>>847818It's not a bad thing but it's often used as a dig at someone, especially here. If you go on cow boards you often see people exaggerating a woman's age and using it as an insult to imply that she's cringe and childish for doing stuff she likes. Like people can't say someone who's 28 is 28, or someone who's 33 is 33, it's always
basically 30 and
almost in her late 30s respectively.
No. 848115
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I love skimming the cream off the fancy milk my mum buys and eating it all. It's all mine, no one else can have it. I dissolve cocoa in a little hot water and the rest of the drink is just cream. No one's caught me and they never will.
No. 848166
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>be me 5 years ago
>start gdoc with best friends A and B where we co-write a novel length original story together
>brainstorm plot and characters in chat, but any of us can hop into the gdoc and write whenever we wanted
>noteable: gdoc was set to “anyone with link can edit” because we didn’t think it would be an issue
>one day A sends screenshot of a couple new paragraphs in the gdoc, “great addition, B!”
>B: Oh, that wasn’t me
>A: Oh, was it (my name) then?
>…no, it was not me
>edit history says a google “anonymous” animal had written it
>it goes seamlessly with our writing style & characterization (as if writer knew how we discussed the characters in our chat)
>remove the 30k+ words we’d written from gdoc, transfer to a new one only our emails have access to. Change all our passwords, etc
>empty original gdoc, leave in only WHO ARE YOU?
>hours later, we open it to find someone had left several lines of HAHAHAs in red text
>we add WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS like kids using a ouija board
>stranger responds “you girls are no fun :(“
>we’re all freaking out and very upset so we delete the gdoc
To this day I don’t know who that could’ve been. My friends swear they never sent the gdoc link to anyone. Neither did I. Hell we even asked other friends who knew our gmail addresses and confronted them (thus revealing we had a secret group novel, yes, we were not smart). They’re still my best friends but we don’t discuss it much more these days besides the rare “remember when?”
No. 848200
>>848183Kek I do genuinely hope the “trauma” I suffered from it does help me out creatively one day.
>>848185Afaik we only ever wrote in it on our personal laptops. And I honestly don’t know anyone in my family (or even in theirs) who’d be autistic enough to pull that on us. I will admit though that we would paste the gdoc link in our chat again and again in case one of us ever lost it. Why would we ever expect some rando to read through 5 existing chapters just to helpfully add a few paragraphs?
No. 848271
>>848256Unless you're a very popular artist or you're not concerned about income then you're not gonna be tattooing stuff that you like or is in your preferred style much. That can be very draining and make you resent the job and affect how you view art as a hobby. I barely ever made any art for pleasure when I was working as a tattoo artist. Customers can be tricky and constantly undervalue both your work and input, they always think they know better about colours, placement, etc. I understand that it's ultimately their choice but some people are really oblivious to how a tattoo will look most of the time, they forget that their skin actually fucking moves and that can make tattoos look askew when not posed. It's not uncommon for people to be cheeky and try to haggle the price either. The hours can be very long, which fosters a "work hard, play harder" attitude, a LOT of my co-workers had drug and alcohol problems, including myself. Then there's the physical stuff like back pains, eye strain and hand/wrist problems. I had early onset arthritis at 23 (I started my apprenticeship at 15) and got diagnosed with full blown arthritis this year at 30. Don't get me wrong, I did have a lot of fun and got to travel all over the place, all in all I had more positive experiences than negative ones, but burnout is very common in the field.
No. 848293
>>848259This is a lil long, so forgive me. There was this one apprentice we had at one of the first shops I worked at, a fat, unwashed neckbeard and walking stereotype. Was into vidya, gave off serious coomer vibes and was a staunch atheist. He refused to do any religious tattoos even through crosses and scripture are very common and a good way to make money and get experience when you're an apprentice. He would make a huge scene of turning down the customer and saying that it's "his religious belief to have no religious belief" and he was constantly telling us all his 3deep5u atheist takes that even r/atheism would call retarded. He gave me shit for being Jewish and also borderline bullied our Hindu receptionist until her brother broke his nose kek. Anyway this dude had a LOT of shit tats, let scratchers do most of them because he hated paying "too much" for them, which is dumb for someone trying to make money as a fucking tattooist but I digress. He decides to start covering them up and gets a guy in the shop to look at some on his thigh to suggest a good piece to cover them. Pulls up his short leg and he has a fucking STAR OF DAVID on his thigh. Everyone starts laughing their asses off and he gets all pouty and tells us that his friend told him he'd tattoo a pentagram on him lmao. He eventually did get it covered up but the scratcher did it in these really thick, almost childlike lines so it's still kinda visible. To no ones surprise this useless tub of lard never made it past his apprenticeship and quit because he couldn't handle the hard work and dedication needed to make it. Years pass, we mostly forget about him. An ex-colleague of mine recently found him on social media though and he's now a full on /pol/tard who's trying to "let purity into his life" and posts about wanting a white or Japanese tradwife who is "unspoiled" by things such as alcohol, drugs and, you guessed it, tattoos. Even though he's done all three and moved on, he won't let any woman with those things in her past to marry him. He has 0 chance of getting pussy as it is yet he still manages to lower his chances below that, incredible. He posts bible quotes a lot but after a few of us did further digging into his accounts we found his incel /pol/tard chums have called him out several times for misquoting the bible and seeming fake to them, he's also annoyed them by defending anime because it "shows how men and women should behave" lmao. Basically the edgy tattoo artist schtick didn't get anyone to like him so he switched to one of the most unlikable groups of people on the internet and couldn't even get those basement dwelling freaks to like him kek. My only wish is that I could've witnessed this evolution in real time, he's one helluva cow.
No. 848354
>>848317I am jealous of you and your lookalike boyfriend
nonnie I fucking love Jerma even though he’s so cringe.
No. 848393
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When I was in elementary, I was so thirsty for attention, that I used to fall backwards off of bleachers when we went outside.
They were shorter than picrel, but I think that's why i'm retarded now. People didn't like me more for it either.
No. 848780
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I never went on Tumblr as a kid (my parents didn't allow me), so all I know about tumblr is from Pinterest. I also only started going to tumblr in like 2019-2020
No. 848872
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>>848826neither will ever go. they have to cater to us millennials until we die. just look at those "aging woman" mail catalogues full of 80s cuts available for purchase today. catalogue shopping is our future,
nonnie, unless they get rid of that too
No. 848885
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>>848875I read somewhere about how it's not really that much better if the police want to fuck me over for having it since a knife's a knife kek. Oh well! I do want a spring assisted one though, they look cool
I've also definitely looked into them because of Izaya from Durarara lolI'd really like a Benchmade because I've read some good things about them but they're so pricey.
No. 849057
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>>849052samefag but I swear to god if he notices I'm done using lolcow for a month. At this point, I've spammed him enough to where if he does notice, I'm gonna call him a pervert and say it was unintentional.
No. 849117
He definitely won't notice
No. 849203
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>>848525>>848966$50 2/3 of these fuckers
No. 849250
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I just spent like 4 hours looking at doll accessories, mostly shoes.
I should be studying
No. 849295
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>>849263Oh god this brought back a piss-related cursed memory. Me and my friends went on a camping trip and we rented our own little cabin, we were sitting around the campfire and drinking. I got super drunk and I decided to try and sleep, but when I got back to the cabin I realized I needed to pee. Instead of just crouching outside I decided to try and piss in an empty plastic water bottle like a retard. The coordination was just not there and I ended up getting most of it on the floor. I was hysterical with laugher and I was trying to figure out what the fuck to do, I took one of my shirts I already wore and used it as a towel and then hung it up outside. It was mostly dry the next day so I just shoved the pee shirt in my bag and took it home. I haven't told a soul about this IRL… forgive me anons.
No. 849333
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>>849263Just get a chamber pot…
No. 849474
>>849461This honestly makes you sound like a insecure psychopath with no life.
>someone you don't even remember called you ugly six years agoWho cares? Is your ego that fragile?
>find racist tweets of hers from 2013Imagine scrolling back through eight years of tweets so you can get her fired for wrong think during a major pandemic.
No. 849526
>>849504i’m not a
terf and i don’t post dumb shit on int internet and dox myself like this retard did
No. 849533
>>849461>scrolls back almost a decade worth of tweets to get someone you don't even know fired over slur usage in her teens because she called you ugly without you knowing 6 years agoNot gonna lie anon, this is pathetic and scrote coded bullshit. Not some epic own psyop you think it is. I anything it only shows that people care about others being bigoted only when they have personal beef with them, I doubt you would've given a shit if she didn't call you ugly. You can be all "whatevs I was just bored lmao" but obviously your guilty conscience is bothering you if you're posting about it here and fighting anons about it.
>>849483If anon actually searched her tweets for slurs in hopes of intentionally getting her into trouble it's even more deplorable to be honest.
No. 849539
>>849461You fucking retard
>called me uglyshe was probably right
No. 849555
>>849504Anon said she isnt a
terf but that aside, racism is bad and transphobia is good. The girl getting fired for being racist is fair since she can't treat people normally in society, your example is unfaire on the other hand.
No. 849561
>>849461The girl
was a racist bitch, but that could have changed. If not, yeah fuck her. But you're absolutely pathetic for searching your name on twitter and chimping out because someone called you ugly 6 fucking years ago lmao. You're a total hypocrite too, if people found out you posted on a "hate forum" like lolcow that threw around slurs like "newfag" you'd get in shit too, that's if you actually have a job though. You sound like a NEET.
No. 849620
>>849561it took me max 5 mins to post that tweet. Also i have 3 jobs and study a masters degree
No. 849702
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I can't stop being horny over my ex, Father God please forgive me, my womb is glowing every time I talk to him.
Yes indeed lord I did lose my virginity to him but I'm certain that has nothing to do with it, father. If you could just please un-horny me from him I would be so grateful.
Please Lord, take away my sins. You know I love my boyfriend very much but also I don't have any friends really and my ex has been the best conversation I've had in a long time. I know that I will not cheat, because we're both in relationships, and no we do not flirt or anything like that, but father if you could please cast these sinful feelings away from me. I don't even fantasize about him or anything. I can't even imagine myself fucking him that's how much I don't want to. But dear lord stop making my pussy throb when I talk to him.
thank you amen in all reality his voice is sexy whenever we walk, we haven't talked in YEARS so I last remember his high school voice but dear god has it changed. i get nervous hearing that voice cause i know it's gonna make my pussy pop
No. 849717
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I wish I could spend the rest of my life fighting and beating people up like some shounen hero. I have so much pent up anger but nothing to do with it. Hitting pillows and shit like that isn't enough. Actual superpowers would be neat too tbh. I still have these chuuni-tier desires well into adulthood.
No. 849734
>>849702Definitely read this as “can’t stop being horny for my Father” cursed.
>>849705Please write them down, anon. This is adorable and pure.
No. 849757
>>849756>pettiness to a psychopathic levelshe posted about me on twitter calling me ugly like a coward instead of saying something to my face. i never knew her but i can only assume she was a bully and an insufferable cunt, esp since she calls indians 'ragheads'.
if she loses her job it's her fault for doxxing herself by posting her workplace AND being racist when she was old enoug hto know better
No. 849761
>>849755you sound like a bpdchan/retard. imagine weaponizing racism that you don't even care about just to get back because some girl was totally jealous of your swimsuit model career
sure jan and called you ugly six (6) years ago. i'm starting to think you're baiting kek also
>im a seasoned farmerthen act like it, you can reply to multiple anons in the same posts. you don't need to fill the thread twice as quick with your bpdchan adventures
No. 849787
>>849772>he basically said that everyone our age that has kids is stupidHard agree. Unless you guys have a secure living environment and solid jobs, most people churning out kids in their early and mid 20s are pretty stupid.
>I’m kinda worried that when he is ready to start a family he will just ditch me for a younger woman and knock her upAre you married or have any kind of legal respite that would make this option very disadvantageous for him, aside from the fact that he should love you enough to not do this to you and could have fertility problems of his own?
>Everyone we know are either in 4+ year long relationships, engaged, married, pregnant, and/or having children.It's not a race.
IMO there's some middle ground that can be negotiated here. Why not have kids in your 30s when you're both financially and domestically stable and after you got to do some fun shit kid free?
No. 849797
>>849788it's kinda starting to sound like he's gonna leave you in 15 years
>staying with someone like this because you've only been together a yearcut your losses and move on. it hasn't even been very long at all and you're NOT getting old at all wtf… you're only 24.
No. 849804
>>849788>like it’s not just a little teehee silly thing. It’s literally my life.I meaaaaan anon, not to defend a score here, but the same goes for him. So him not changing his mind because he's set in his reasoning to not have kids until 40s seems reasonable here.
>but I’m already getting oldYou're only 24, calm down.
No. 849806
>>849779 n i went trough a similar thing, i ended up dating a guy for 7+ years thinking he would back off from his "no wedding-no kids" kind of mentality and i ended up wasting that time anyway lol. While its true there's place for a middle ground he doesn't sound that concerned about your needs and wants and that's concerning, i advice you to be aware how this unfolds, in the end you need someone that has the same view as yourself in these kind of things in a relationship, specially if they meant something to you.
No. 849816
>>849783>>849795>>849761>>849760This is a confession thread. For farmers, you guys are very sensitive.
Stop dogpiling
No. 849844
>>849837How do you block them?
Side note I also despise the spoiler/censor image, it's fucking creepy.
No. 849858
>>849816I mean, you can confess all you want but that doesn't mean you're free from judgment especially since the anon got
triggered because someone called her ugly years back
No. 849876
>>849834That’s what’s embarrassing. He got exposed for liking chubbier girls on the down low, dating skinny girls like Ayalla Karina and Jaclyn Glenn but cheating with an uglier fat goth girl.
I was a chubbier goth-ish girl and messaged him thirstily for weeks trying to flirt when everyone hated him and he gave me super cold/short responses then I was drunk one night and decided to send the nudes. Him opening them and not replying was a huge wake up call for me, kek
No. 849877
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>>849876Nta but this was who he was exposed for cheating on his gfs with on the road. I thought I had a chance.
No. 849919
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Voluntary "sex workers" make me sick. I legit despise them. Who the fuck would rather picrel than work a minimum wage job? Honestly, I'd rather be homeless. Wtf is wrong with them? That "ew ew ew lmao" made me rage. Vapid cunt.
No. 849948
>>849919Someone who's a mutual on my socials is a voluntary sex worker. There's a lot of cognitive dissonance between her posts bemoaning her clients, de-platforming, and other common cons of sex work while simultaneously acting super proud and calling other people "civilians."
At least I can name her excuses: Learning disability, mental illness, and traumatic history.
Also they all lie about how their clients look.
The vast majority of dudes who have to resort to prostitution to get laid are fucking hideous.
No. 850108
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>>850052Glow energy but it's never to late to start your Hard Candy op.
No. 850129
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I spend too much time crying about hypothetical situations
No. 850209
>>850197>>850205Thank you for your response, it's really comforting knowing that a) I'm not a potential rapist b) I'm not the only one with this kind of fear.
I'll definitely discuss this with my therapist at some point. Thank you!
No. 850344
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>>850319which one of these is that one?
No. 850635
>>850630I relate
nonny. a LOT. I have a memory from childhood of even my teacher calling me a crybaby, and I'm not sure if it was real or a nightmare. it sucks when people get mad at you for it. I understand that it looks like manipulation, I realized hell to some degree it might subconsciously be but I physically can't stop the tears and when I try it comes worse. I think I've numbed my emotions in response, but I'm hoping that over time this will go away. still waiting
No. 850683
>>850511Don't feel bad about crushing on Aidens, they're just butch women medicalized. Finding them attractive isn't only about their looks but how they
are. They're still women and no amount of surgery and testosterone will change that.
No. 850970
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>>850967nta oh god is it hard, got told that I also have collapse and
could get it cosmetically altered in addition to fixing. but I will NOT (not even sure I will fix the issue). I'm learning to love my silly nose but god seeing how many go through with that feels bad.
No. 851056
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I love the animal crossing series and I was super pumped up to get it but now it has gone kinda stale and I'm not excited anymore.
No. 851096
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>>851070>>851061This is more or less a pet peeve but I think the way the camera is placed kinda ruins things for me. I feel like it's too far away and makes things look like dioramas instead of a place you live in. Plus people put tooooo much effort on their island and that's just discouraging as someone who just wants to play it like the older games. Everyone is just too focused on aesthetics and making as many special areas for their town as possible, which is fine but not for me, I just want to have little comfy places to rest. Plus the dialogue is too baby-fied. And the world is kinda empty and without that many activities beyond just building shit.
No. 851100
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>>851096>Plus the dialogue is too baby-fiedI was super disappointed in the quality of conversation with villagers for this exact reason. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but the amount of conversation you get from villagers seems very limited too. That was the main complaint I had with NL but was hoping that would be one of the first things they'd focus on with NH but that doesn't seem to be the case. I never played the older games but I've seen screencaps like pic related where the NPC's are a little harsh/rude and I wouldn't mind if they kept that sort of attitude in the game.
No. 851102
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I was once mutuals with some tumblr artist who was kinda popular. She followed me on deviantart and I liked her art. I had a very rough adolescence for many motives more than one but one of the biggest things that affected me greatly was the fact that my dad was very ill and had to get dialysis every single day. I think me being very young and not being able to cope that well with my emotions I just kept it all to myself and would get jealous of people with normal parents.
At one point I posted a deviantart journal saying somehting like "I hate teens because they always complain about anything and everything, even the not so serious stuff", mirroring that I was having a rough time and couldn't do anything but stay silent and not let anyone see my weakness. Well this tumblr artist that I'm talking about took it as a personal offence and went to her blog to bitch about me about how I'm basically the devil for saying that teenagers shouldn't complain if they have it easy. Then I remember everyone on the notes flocking to her and saying how bad of a person I must be if I have 0 empathy and that I should get bullied or something idk.
Anyways she still followed me after that, but I eventually just deleted those accounts.
No. 851113
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>>851100This exact thing is why I'm stubbornly holding on to the gamecube and DS games, the dialogue really was so much better. The villagers have flaws, act petty, try to scam you, tell you to lose weight… It's so much more fun than the new "Hi friend! I like apples uwu"
No. 851116
>>851113Yeah, even the "friendly" personalities in older games can be very petty and I like that, lol
But as someone who recently played through the gamecube game, I can tell you there's SO much repetition in the villagers, probs more than New Horizons. Doesn't help that there's like, 15 villagers.
No. 851123
>>851056God, I was SO hyped about this game and I was so disappointed on what it was. It's just a shell of the former games, because they removed almost everything that made the series so lovable. Not only the crazy amount of items that have been removed (rip to all the furniture series) but also the small things that just add the bit of magic that made you return to the games everyday. You had so much stuff to do but they even removed this and replaced it with the tedious diy garbage that is nothing but a waste of time because you spend more time on collecting shit for creating a chair, than actually experience something on your island. I really wanted to give this game a chance and played it for a good while but even when my island isn't done yet, I do not see a point of finishing it. There is not much to see, the series was reduced to a overpriced photoshoot game and nothing more.
>>851100Also this, I miss my villagers being rude af to me. But I can imagine that all the bpd woke tards would feel hurt by it because they see this game series as some sort of anxiety and depression therapy and everything needs to be uwu safe space where everybody is nice.
No. 851424
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As soon as I read "my bf/my ex/my crush" I skip it, I don't care about your pet scrote keep that shit to Facebook/insta/reddit.
No. 851438
>>851424I love posts about exes and hate posts about 'currents'
My last bf was so shit that I just knew not to post about him on here. I knew if I did I'd hear some harsh truths that I wasn't ready to face yet.. Now I'm free to post about him lol
No. 851477
>>851424Reddit sides with males too much.
And who tf posts relationship drama to Facebook or Insta in 2021?
No. 851485
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For some reason, the shape of Norway on a map makes me extremely uncomfortable. I can't explain why.
No. 851584
>>851543why not the air dryers??
but also wdyd when you have to touch something and your hands are wet?
No. 851591
>>851584>why not the air dryersPoop air. I just don't like public bathrooms and try to avoid coming in contact with as much stuff in there as possible
>wdyd when you have to touch something and your hands are wet?I dry my hands. It doesn't take that long for your hands to air dry, and
if I'm someplace where I dont care about my appearance I'll give my hands a quick wipe on my clothes. No. 851634
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>>851485Samefag, I think I know why I don't like it now. It's not the overall shape of the country, but all of the cracks. There's just too many of them. It makes my skin crawl. Also, for some reason I think the very top area looks like the spine of some kind of dinosaur.
>>851620I see it. Finland is a floppy dick, and Sweden and Norway are really long balls
No. 851651
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I can't hold it back any longer, I'm have a huge thing for manlets. Absolutely them. They're just sooooo cute.
No. 851778
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I am 30/married/career/homeowner and fucking infatuated with John Bates from Downton Abbey and the actor who plays him. I feel so disgusted as I haven't had a celeb crush since like my early 20's and it feels weird now that I'm "a Proper adult" but I keep thinking/fantasizing about him.
I consider myself happily married and attracted to my husband. but I can't stop thinking about the character & and actor fucking me and I masturbated to fanfic of him today. Anyway I feel like a fucking neet or a sad old cat lady.
He's not even cute but I would let me destroy me.
No. 851796
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>>851788Oh look it's someone with friends and a significant other
No. 851874
>>851856Yes, but please do not confuse the first world privileged sex workers that continue to do their job and praise the industry even after cashing in literally millions with
victims of sex work from Eastern Europe or sexual trafficking
victims. Rad fems need to remember women like Belle Delphine and other ethots are contributing to the issue of the sex industry being overlooked as not being
abusive and she causes dynamics of mysoginy. There are thousands of privileged first world girls like her that are addicted to attention meanwhile women from third world countries have to do sex work because of.lack of opportunity. Women like her are not
victims!!! If she did not like it and it made her depressed she would have quit after making the first million. She is a millionaire , she does not even need the money anymore. Women like her continue to praise the industry and it makes people forget that for every Belle Delphine we have 10000 girls from a third world country with no other choice but to prostitute themselves. I have met so many rad fems giving women like Belle excuses "she is opressed by the patriarchy too anon" "ahh she has no choice". Bullshit, with such thinking you are desacralizing the suffering of women with no choice. I was literally trafficked on the internet and I had to accept money from men in exchange of sexual services because I am poor and was poor and I live in a country with very little to none opportunities and come from a fucked family. I fucking despise sex work because I was forced into it and I will never make milions off of it because you cannot cash off something you hate.
A girl born in a first world country, that had her room full of clothing and makeup and all the things she could have wanted, a girl that has already made millions and does not stop is not a
victim of patriarchy or of sex trafficking. She is playing into the opression of the patriarchy.
She is like one of those women that help men abuse young girls from disprivileged situations. Many women willingly choose to step on women's bodies for male approval and attention. Rad fems and feminists need to never forget this.
Alinity, swimsuit succubus, Belle Delphine and many other thots constantly praise the porn industry and they've made millions off of it!! If they did not agree to the porn industry they would stop praising it after making 2 million dollars and stop part taking in it.
This is why I want to create a sex work platform, I want to cash these stupid hoes that Don't realize the privilege they had and continue to opress women indirectly. They will use platforms to prostitute themselves anyway. So, at least that money will go to me and I will invest some of it in women's shelters.
Also, I am sort of upset at the rad fem movement, although I am very rad fem at
core. I am against sex work completely and I hate troons and think women have the mental capacity to work like men. Women were liberated to work jobs like men and be prestigious, not to degrade and prostitute themselves. I think a lot of rad fems are like a mirroring of retarded privileged leftists. You know, how the saying goes… you end up being what you hate the most. I am upset at rad fems because a very high percentage of them are women from first world countries that live in privilege with more money than they need and instead of involving themselves in actually helping women they keep on talking and talking stupid shit just like libtards do. Hating on troomers constantly and just using radical feminism as a way to find a community where they can shit on others just like leftists do. Virtue signaling instead of actually getting involved in helping the people you advocate for.
If you are a woman from a first world country and you make money or you can earn money easily you should involve yourself in helping women in need as a radical feminist, but instead you use the movement to shit on troons and constantly complain about libtards while virtual signaling that you are good and against pornography.
Does it sound similar? It is exactly the same as libtards do,virtue signaling against capitalism instead of fighting against it and constantly whining about rad fems, fascists and right wingers.
No. 851888
>>851855if you think you are a narcissist, you probably aren't. self love is certainly okay. i, too, had neglectful and
abusive parents and from that i stemmed trust issues. i see others as competition because my parents did that between my sister and i. it takes a lot to snap out of that, i'm getting close to my thirties and struggling from over 25+ years of ongoing abuse, although not as terrible as it was once i stopped talking to them casually. a lot of the negative traits you hold can simply be explained, "i am like this because that's all i knew, that's how i was raised." at that point it is your decision to break that cycle and figure out which things are actually healthy boundaries, you just have a negative mindset towards protecting yourself because it was discouraged, and what things are mirrors of your parent's behaviors. good luck, anon.
>>851856this brand of left that has become trendy is the authoritarian brand of centrism pretending to be leftism, completely opposite of anarchism.
>>851874something i have noted is a good chunk of first world sex workers end up realizing they might be wrong about how going into the work is a complete choice and soon drop out of the work and left traumatized. it's a terrible cycle, similar to a cult.
>a very high percentage of them are women from first world countries that live in privilege with more money than they needalways stray away to the loudest radfems, especially those with social media checkmarks, published books, and promote "friendly" radical feminism. it's all a PR move, they make themselves seem bigger than they actually are, it's just the wealth talking.
truly, the most genuine radfems i've met were working class women just like me, it's just harder to find people similar to us because the loudest ones are in the spotlight.
No. 851904
>>851874>>851856 here, holy shit thank you for this reply I think I really needed to hear this from someone who won’t take any of it, and has been in this shit themselves. Everyone around me is beating around the bush on this topic trying to avoid sounding ‘intolerant’ or not empathetic enough. I think you are right and rightfully angry. Sometimes I feel like the bar has been set so far that I find myself trying to compromise too much bullshit in trying not to
trigger anyone into defensive reactions, to the point where I coddle this shit way too much in a dodgy way. Doesn’t make it better that I live in an economically privileged environment.
>Virtue signaling instead of actually getting involved in helping the people you advocate for. There is so much hypocrisy and I am prone to it too. Imo your plan is extremely based and I wish you success. godspeed anon, your post refueled and refocused my anger
No. 851905
>>851874Based. Also
>Many women willingly choose to step on women's bodies for male approval and attention. Rad fems and feminists need to never forget this.This is my biggest gripe with a lot of radfems. Female solidarity is a nice goal but the fact is that there are always gonna be women who CHOOSE to fuck over other women to get ahead, we can't view every woman as a poor oppressed
victim who just needs to read Dworkin. Especially wealthy women. They aren't brainwashed by patriarchy, they're making a logical choice to step on other women to improve their position on the hierarchy. Belle Delphine is not a
victim brainwashed by patriarchy any more than Jeff Bezos is a
victim brainwashed by capitalism.
sorry for vent. I'm from a first world country but I'm a poorfag and I fucking hate wealthy women going "sex work is work!!! so empowering!!!!" when I'm gonna be the one stuck working in the brothels if it's legalized, not them. I don't feel any solidarity toward them, I feel the same about them as I feel about CEOs.
No. 851925
>>851915Yeah, this attitude is not okay and is really upsetting. My father has bipolar and my bio mom has bpd and they were both at one time horrible to me. But that's because they had no support or treatment. My bio mom was living alone, dealing with a life time of abuse at the hands of her parents and her ex husband, she has lupus and an ed, she has to deal with so much. When I first met her when I was 13, I didn't know these things and she didn't know much about how I was living either. At one time I was convinced she was evil. But in 2020 we had the opportunity to work together in a cafe and it was one of the best things that could have happened. We connected, and now I get to be one of her supports, and we're so close now. She let's me see the vulnerability. I am a compassionate person and even after years of emotional abuse I wasn't going to abandon her, I can move past my pain and grow because I have the understanding to know that the pain she caused me doesn't come from no where. It doesn't excuse what she did, but she's apologized and she understands how she fucked up and I know she regrets ever word. She isn't anything like she used to be, she's more childlike and loving, instead of insecure and terrified, and the first step was knowing she was loved unconditionally. Just recently my father called me and apologized for being so violent and awful through my childhood. He heard I was going to a therapist and he felt responsible for my pain. He hated that, he hated that he could hurt me so much and not even recognize the pain he was causing. He was a mess too, and his life was constant turmoil. People don't just do shit for no reason, and if you are close to someone who had a disorder like this it is worth considering whether understanding and patience is something you are able to offer. No one is saying you have to forgive the people who hurt you, but that doesn't give you the right to slap a "bad" label on everyone who suffers with a serious disorder.
No. 851979
>>851925Nayrt but this was beautiful, I hope things continue to improve for your relationships
I need to go tell my mum I love her
No. 852043
>>851856>I had a very long, serious conversation with a friend of mine recently who started to buy into the “some people love to do sex work, everyone has a right to sex” bullshit (which is literal incel talk wtf how could it end up in here?) and I think it was really important for him to have a different perspective on this than whatever the fuck he was getting fed thereJust recently I experienced something similar, I ended up chimping out to a libtard male friend's face about sex work and how exploitative it is, and how privileged well off western girls selling nudes isn't a fair representation of how the sex industry works on a larger scale. Outed myself as a nasty, evil ~SWERF~ but someone had to do it. The only way to fight human trafficking and exploitation of women is to put the facts out there, unlike a lot of the narcissistic onlyfans thots would like people to believe they're not the "overwhelming majority" of sex workers. The majority of sex workers are prostitutes working the streets and bordellos, often women at the end of their rope with no other options or forced/groomed into it by a pimp.
>>851874>>851905While some women are straight out evil and want to throw others under the bus for their own gain, using someone like Belle Delphine as an example simply doesn't seem fair. She's been groomed by her john for years into becoming what she is now, and we need to understand the oppression women face on all societal levels. Even the wealthiest, most affluent woman will never be as respected as a man and even the most misogynist woman is the way she is only to cope in a male-centric society while misogynist men have no excuse, that's just how they are as unempathetic moids.
No. 852248
>>852202Admittedly PTs face isn't
that bad with the inbred horse look and I am a relatively faceblind sperg, but at certain points when he's talking it does look quite prominent. I think it's got worse since he trooned out as he can't hide it with facial hair now. Idk why people are talking about him though, he just popped into my mind today after I scrolled past the breadtube thread. Something about potential beef between him and Hontra I think.
No. 852540
>>852457>>852492Have you seen it beyond the Star Wars meme scene, though? Legit asking
But anyway, I wish everyone could have their own dudesperg threads, but they always die
No. 852553
>>852534I’m not trying to dox her sorry, especially since we have scrotes on here…sorry
nonnyIf I messaged her privately what would I even say, like “hi I find you breathtaking, I promise that I’m not a weird man, are you straight???”
No. 852642
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>>852492For real every picture I see of his body he's shaped like a fridge. Most men who are as muscular as him would probably look like an inverted triangle, so why are his hips so wide?
>inb4 he comes out as a transman.>>852545Keanu was top-tier in his prime but he's getting older so yeah, he's not going to appeal to young female fans as much as he used to. Plus he chooses to date women in his age group instead of going full Peter Pan mode and youth-digging like some other Hollywood scrotes.
No. 852668
>>852545Driver > Keanu
and I'm saying this as someone who is barely attracted to men
No. 852750
>>852642your troon obsession is getting 9ut of hand, please seek psychological help
>inb4 it's a jokea person who isn't consumed by thoughts of trannies everywhere wouldn't make it
Now I see what anons mean when they say no topic can be discussed without reeing at trannies
No. 852923
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>>852901>monkey hatewhat the fuck who could hate them, they are so cute
No. 852926
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>>852923Lemurs on the other haaaand, look at that. Can't go wrong with that.
No. 852942
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>>852929I don't have a problem with most monkeys, but this guy is not allowed to be my friend I'm sorry
No. 852947
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I just got into an argument online i misread and now im being clowned on
No. 853109
>>853098kek this was me a few days ago, I made a vinegar and dish soap trap for it, which it got tantalisingly close to.
But then I managed to just trap it and feed it to my venus fly trap by putting the container over it. Full catharsis, would recommend.
No. 853474
>>853373Tfw no castrated Chad.
Piv is not worth it, I like toys but no real dick is going inside. Why should I fuck up my microbiome and possibly get pregnant.
No. 853662
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yesterday i forgot to put my vibrator away and my mother walked in my room with it laying in the middle of the bed. She didn't even say anything to me before she walked out and hasn't spoke to me since. Im 19 so im not sure why she is so affected by it? not my problem since i bought it with my own money
No. 853674
>>853662You’re lucky anon
My mom would grab the damn thing and question me to my face about it. Tbh it is kinda weird seeing your kid’s sex toy just hanging out but I’m sure she understands that you’re an adult with needs.
No. 853676
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>>853662mum lame, vibrator based. I'm sure she has a handful herself, just might be mourning the loss of her "child" who is in the process of turning into an adult. maybe she'll knock first next time and/or respect your privacy more. hope she chills out
No. 853707
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My coworker just walked past my desk as I was reading Mass Effect fanfic with NSFW artwork in it. She must think I'm a fucking freak.
No. 853736
File: 1626264282179.gif (1.59 MB, 360x260, 1625092779321.gif)

>>853707I feel your pain, anon. Idk if this helps but I went through something similar recently.
A few weeks ago, I was allowed the aux, so I put the music on my phone on shuffle. First few songs went down well, happy times. Song ends, and suddenly the car is filled with schlicking noises and heavy moaning. In my panic I'm scrabbling to unlock the phone to change the track. I didn't manage to do it before the line "ohhh… This must be… What despair feels like!" fills the car because my phone wouldn't recognise my fingerprint or face and I had to enter my PIN. If it was regular porn I think they would have gotten over it, but at that moment they all realised it was weird weebshit stuff and I felt myself die a little inside.
Forgot that I had recently downloaded a bunch of audio husbando "ASMR". VLC had automatically added it from my downloads to my music playlist.
Nobody said anything, but I haven't been offered the aux again since.
No. 853741
>>853740Coward. Smell and taste are closely related,
nonnie. Aren't you tempted?
No. 853742
>>853715All of it, evidently. Though in my defence I would like to state that there's only two other people in the place besides me so like, I was
kinda sensible…
>>853736Jesus fucking christ, anon. I kek'd hard. I think if that happened to me I would just fake my death and move to the other end of the country. You have my sympathy.
No. 853743
>>853733I don't even know what the fuck kind of dancing it is. Interpretive? Contemporary? Kek
>>853731I'm definitely not going to dump him because his dancing is bad and he's sensitive, there is a lot to love about him.
No. 853761
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Bitches with lips like this are the real problem
No. 853809
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>>853802it doesn't look like she's smirking/smug though. don't most people in general have this lip shape?
No. 853820
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>>853623>>853608I deleted most of the pics I had of him, but……… honestly roast me for letting this ugly scrote with a small uncircumcised dick ruin my life for a while.
No. 853831
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>>853820was that before or after he got married?
No. 854228
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Does anyone have any advice for not being embarrassed so easily? I feel like I'm going a bit mad. There is always some indistinct presence or 'commentary' in my head (sometimes this is someone I know or a famous person) that I feel is watching, judging and scrutinising my every thought and move. This is beginning to make my life unliveable - as in, the only way to prevent this internal judgement and relieve embarrassment is to not do anything at all except passive, torpid things like watching tv or browsing image boards. I'm not a schizo or anything because it's not hallucinatory, there isn't actually a voice in my head making fun of me. I just can't stop excessively cringing at absolutely everything I do and it sucks. Even posting this is difficult ffs
No. 854241
>>854228Giving me Linkin Park vibes anon
>I know I've got a face in me>Points out all the mistakes in me >You've got a face on the inside too >Your paranoia's probably worse Kek sorry for be a fag, I still love LP a lot. But I strongly relate to your post, I'm constantly criticizing myself and feeling embarrassed at the shit I do. I can't even take comfort in watching TV or anything because I feel disgusted with myself for not being "productive"
No. 854287
>>854271I wish you were my roommate anon, I can see my own reflection in my microwave so when I'm in the kitchen I pretend I'm in the music videos that I remember watching as a teen
If we lived together we could have crossovers, I'd love to be part of your storytime
No. 854674
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I would totally snitch for $10,000.
No. 854778
File: 1626361532067.gif (941.74 KB, 500x281, iVN1ssflgq540.gif)

I never gave a fuck about any funny gamer man or be attracted to any of them. None of them ever appealed to me at all.
except this one
No. 854789
>>854779KEK He's not British.
I wasn't a Roosterteeth fag but years ago I loved watching his vids. This gif really brought back memeories.
No. 854943
I, an english-anon, am very disappointed and sad with the amount of racist english football 'fans' that have treated our black footballers disgustingly. I feel very ashamed, I am feeling emotional right now and I want to cry, I am not a woke twitter user but i still feel awful and sad. I am not ashamed to be British, no matter how much of a trend it is to hate us online. I am however ashamed that these people have given other countries a reason and excuse to hate us. ~~ the bad always outweighs the good, atleast online, the racist graffiti on one our footballs mural thing has been covered completely with hand written notes and other things. However this is overlooked, i understand why, i am not making excuses. i just feel ugh, idk anons! i feel sensitive and wanted to write something out lmao. I saw a dumb video on reddit of countries cheering when we lost the euros, it seems people don't care italy won, they care that england lost. Ugh why do I feel so sensitive over this topic? Also, why is it these young people on twitter express their hatred for us in one tweet then stan people like harry styles, tom holland and tom hiddleston in another, who would all be cheering for eng to win? Ugh anons, why is the world like this? I know we have a big problem with racists here in the uk, not like the US, but still big. It is sad. Thanks for reading this, i am not even going to re-read what i wrote so sorry for mistakes and if i come across as bad. I just want everyone to be kind to eachother, wishful and naive thinking!!
No. 854988
>>853736God lord anon.
Can you link to the audio you listened to, it sounds crazy?
No. 855001
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>>854988It's an edited version of this one downloading this longer clip, because I have literally zero self-control and do not learn my lessons)
No. 855008
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I have a piece of like thin packing foam that I keep just to squish occasionally like a comfort blanket
No. 855009
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>>855001>>853736MY GOD I'm listening to the audio while picturing this anon frantically trying to unlock her phone and I'm fucking laughing my eyes out
No. 855276
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why do I swear online? I don't swear in real life. why mean online? real life not mean
No. 855660
>>855657Thank god nobody worth associating with actually gives a true shit about body count. It’s some arbitrary number you think you should keep track of but really, nobody is counting.
Went through a big ol’ slut phase myself.
No. 855667
>>855662>triple digits>19What? Is that even possible?
(Never had a slut phase so idk)
No. 855684
>>855667>>855668i wish she was lying but she started her hoe life at 16 and was weirdly proud of it.
but yeah it would be like 1 per week for 2 years. even in our early 20s she had ~10 guys on active rotation at a time. she was really hot but definitely an odd/sad way to live your life.
No. 855989
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I wish I was a magical girl
No. 855998
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>>855989Me too,
nonnie, we would be the cutest magical girls.
And tbh, I can’t wait to be able to save some money to commission my own cool
Magical girl stuff so I can Larp in the solitude of my home, it would be great, I even have my own magical girl playlists.
No. 856226
>>856147I’m kind of YouTube illiterate and never pay too much attention to any lyrics.jpg
>jellyfish - Yunomi >Blush - tofu>Polaris - ft.Liyuu>The passing day without you - Aiobahn>Makuramoto ni ghost - Tomggg Remix>LOL - Hatsune Miku that one with the cute candy rabbit girl>Pure M END - Hatsune Miku>Neverland - Trifect >Pop Culture - Madeon>Magic - Moe shop>Disco night - Tokage>Shiny Baby! - Kotu >Higher - TobtokI have even more, autistically crafted, personal playlists that I also use for working out while thinking about magical girls.
No. 856294
>>856198I almost never go on cow threads anymore unless there is happening.
>not a lesbianMost are moid-attracted here, unfortunately for them. The “my boyfriend shits on floor but I love him” posts have haunted these halls since the dawn of time.
>not a weebOk bitch post about your interests.
>>856247You don’t have to be in a relationship to give advice and or discuss its concepts.