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No. 89135
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No. 89138
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No. 89141
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No. 89144
>>89130No, I hate kids in general. They are so annoying and I can't even understand how people can find them cute.
>but you were a kid too!Yes, but at least I was really quiet, not an obnoxious little shit who doesn't stay quiet and can't stop crying for any stupid thing you say.
No. 89168
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I love children.
I worked in nurseries/schools before and im currently doing my teaching degree
I think my favourite age is 3yo to 4yo
Theyre the most adorable ones and they really make your mother instincts wake up without the constant care babies need
Also they can talk a lot and can sometimes misspace words or letters
I had this one kid who would call batman 'fatman' and trex 't-rec' i honestly wanted to snatch him off
Another child who was the same age but talked far better asked if i wanted a cuddle because i said i was cold
I cant wait to have a child and so far i love working with them
No. 89178
I fucking hate babies and children, mostly because I never particularly liked them either and was criticized a lot because of it. I have absolutely no patience for dumb little potatoes who can't understand basic things and have zero common knowledge and nearly no basic notions. I'm glad there are so many people in the world who like them, I could never raise a person from scratch like that. The blank slate purely social being thing about infancy freaks me out, I see no point or pleasure in interacting with them. Interaction for interaction's sake is not something I enjoy.
They can't hold a conversation, is what I mean.
I don't have any maternal instincts or desires either. I think that even if my biological clock were to ring, my aversion and annoyance towards infants would trump it and I would still want to stay the hell away from them.
>>89144>but you were a kid too!Does anyone actually say this as if it means something? I used to be a stupid piece of shit too, doesn't mean I have to like or put up with terrible people.
No. 89182
>>89178we're in the same boat anon
sadly my clock is already ringing and I am torn between the irrational urge to conceive one and my utter repulsion for them.
Last year an acquaintance's wife had a beautiful babygirl and sometimes she would ask me to look after her for a couple of minutes. I had horrible thoughts and wished death upon her while cradling her and next minute I was fantazising about her being my daughter, how much I would care for her, etc. It's confusing and scary.
No. 89187
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>>89183Gif is relevant.
I personally like babies and children. I look after my friend's baby girls once, they're about 1 and 3 years old back then and I love every second of it. Even though yes, it can be a hassle if I don't understand their cry and or when they poop in their diapers so I have to clean their ass. But the moment they are smiling, it makes me happy too. Being around children relaxes me more than being around adults.
No. 89194
I have a weird thing. I seem to be terrified of them, like if I hold a baby I'm scared I'll drop it, when I had to put my little brothers shoes on when I was younger I was scared i'd crush his feet, if there's a baby nwalking near my legs I'm scared i'll kick it.
Like, even pregnant women, and hurting their stomach scares me. If one is coming at me in a corridor I've been known to literally press against the wall to be as far away as possible, or in huge crowds if I NEARLY bump into or walk into one I'll be like "HOLY SHIT I'm sooooo sorry oh my god!".
I feel like it's possibly like a maternal instinct going into overdrive, but in general, like most of the posters here I don't really like them. I'm not wanting to have a child whenever I see one that does something cute, it's just "aww that's cute". I mean maybe some day, but I don't really like them at the moment.
No. 89218
>>89205S-s-see? This is why I hate teens. Had to look up what kys meant.
Why are teens and kids so fucking rude?
Video related is what the "worst" toddler is.
>>89212I'd love to have kids but they grow up into twerking whores or nudes taking pixyteris (weebs which includes us farmers).
No. 89219
>>89218You've probably never been around toddlers if you think that's the worse they get.
Working at a daycare really drove my hatred of them home.
No. 89224
>>89221reproducing =/= loving babies
not loving babies =/= hating babies
No. 89225
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>>89183Chop, chop /robot/, that's the sound of you stripping yourself of the biological imperative :^)
No. 89227
>>89183Reminder that you're defective as a male of this species due to your inability to acquire, copulate with and reproduce with a female mate.
You are the loose end.
No. 89229
>>89221Whoa /r9k/, thank you so much! Now I feel that maternal instinct to have children even if I have no money or time or patience or resources in general to give them a good life!
Your job is done, you can go back to watch dumb harem anime and discuss with strangers who is the best girl or something.
No. 89234
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>"Whoa ho! Look who finally came out of his cave! It's a true Thanksgiving miracle!">"you been up there playing your girlfriend simulators Anon?">"HOHO I'M JUST PULLING YOUR LEG KIDDO">"so Anon, you got a girlfriend yet? I bet you got a girlfriend dontcha', what's her name son?">"Y'know when I was your age I had a new girl every other week.">"Y'know Anon you just need to BE YOUR SELF!">"so you learnt to drive yet? You failed? Again? Ah well…. maybe yer, er, a slow starter. You'll get there eventually son…">"OH HEY ANON! Why don't you show your nana that thing you were looking at on your computer the other night! That folder with all the, the drawings of frogs! Wait til' you see this nana, ain't it just WILD!">"so Anon, I hear you decided not to go to college. You working on a job yet?">"Y'know I hear your cousin Jesse, he just got engaged, and he's been promoted to the head of his sector too. Ain't that just great son?">"now that son, is what you call INITIATIVE, you know you really just gotta get out there, quit sittin' in your room all day, go out and grab life by the BALLS!">"SOMEBODYS gotta provide us with a grandchild one day! DON'T LEAVE US WAITIN' KIDDO HA HAAA" No. 89238
>>89235Don't be, my life is incredible in part because it is free of shitting, squalling potato-beings. I have the money and time to actually do the shit I want to do in life.
I feel sorry for you that your life is so devoid either purpose or personality you feel the only way you fulfill that pesky existentialist gap is by projecting onto the imaginary children you fantasise about one day producing despite the fact that no woman will ever go near you :^)
No. 89239
>>89237T E P K E K
My mother has ALWAYS told me that she'd strangle me if she ever found out I got pregnant. Is this your regurgitating your own experiences of your families shame or what?
No. 89245
>>89242Even if my mother hated me it'd be preferable to being a colossal disappointment to her.
You're a fully grown adult male who has never touched and will never satisfy your own parents desire for grandchildren. Explain to me exactly what that's like friend :3
No. 89247
>>89244Replace weeb shit with whatever consumerist nonsense you personally use to fill the void in your life.
You have no argument besides claiming I'm from /r9k/. Do you realize how sad you sound?
No. 89251
>replace weeb shit with whatever consumerist nonsense you personally use to fill the void in your lifeBecause going on regular holidays and travelling the world, enjoying fine dining, going out on spa days and doing Netflix and chill with my partner is so evil and wrong and my life is so devoid of essence :'(
Woe is me guys, I'm so sad. I'd really rather be at home living in a shitty, cramped 2 bed apartment, broke, with no car, no money to do anything, no career prospects, no time to enjoy to do any personal stuff or hang out with my partner. This is definitely the lifestyle I crave.
>>89249lol, no you're not. You're really not. And btw Admin does analyse post history for /robots/ like you claiming to be women so if you've created any previous posts indicating your male gender prior to today or have zero post history you'll likely get to enjoy a perma-ban.
No. 89253
>>89251>Because going on regular holidays and travelling the world, enjoying fine dining, going out on spa days and doing Netflix and chill with my partner is so evil and wrong and my life is so devoid of essenceWell yes, it is. Part of being a human being is making sacrifices to improve your community. Having kids is part of that. Life isn't supposed to be a 24/7 egocentric pleasurefest - you sound like a little kid who doesn't understand why they shouldn't have candy for breakfast every day.
Luckily I'm not from /r9k/, so you'll have to continue to see my posts even though they make you angry. Haven't you seen admin talking about how most posts that get reported for being "robots" are actually from female users?
No. 89255
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>>89253It's weird that you think having kids = the only way to feel fulfilled in life.
No. 89256
>>89249I'm happy for you then. If you are a mother you must know it's hard and not everyone is made for it, there are many risks, what if you child has a disease or dies? Or dies in an accident? What if they were born with a deformity? What if they grow up to be a serial killer? What if they dissapoint you in general? Do you have enough patience to wake up at 3 am because your baby needs a diaper change? Do you have enough patience to soothe them when they cry and your head hurts?
I've lived all my life in poverty, in my neighbourhood it's normal if a girl is pregnant when she is fourteen. And I don't want to have children because I want to focus in my life, I study hard and hopefully I will have a good work with a nice house and a car, then maybe I'll have a kid, but I don't think so. And my mom is happy for me, because I'm working hard for having a better life.
Obviously, every woman has a different motive for not wanting children, but being a mother isn't for everyone.
Sage for personal shit.
No. 89258
>>89254Gosh you're angry, did I hit a nerve? Adoption is a noble thing. Most people have a strong desire to have children of their own because that's how evolution works. But adopting a child and giving them a loving home is a wonderful thing as well.
Assuming you are American or European, it's not
your country that has a problem with overpopulation.
No. 89265
>>89228YOU HAVE NO HEART imo both are cute but the angry toddler is CUTEERRRR
but this video isnt as cute as vid related
Wait lemme post some more cute kids videos
No. 89266
>>89228Isnt it adorable???
Until it loses its virginity to a disgusting chad.
No. 89269
>>89228Or this one :3 (even though it looks staged)
MELLOW BABIES AND TODDLERS ARE THE BEST IMO they are just as cute as puppies :3
No. 89273
>>89271No bitch I'm 24, and I don't want kids because I want to live my own fucking life, not waste it pouring it into another being.
>"you'll change your mind eventually!"You sound like a gross, wasted, old soccer mom.
No. 89274
>>89237I told my mom once that I hate kids and never want to have one and she said "well, they're not for everyone"
Different strokes for different folks.
No. 89275
>>89273It's strange that you think raising a tiny human being into a happy and productive member of society is wasting your life, but chasing after pleasure and possessions with nothing to show for it at the end is not.
First I was a robot, now I'm an ugly soccer mom. What's next? Are you going to accuse me of being from PULL?
No. 89277
>>89275What about all of those precious tiny humans that grow up to be murderers, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc?
Not everyone becomes a productive member of society. Some people would rather live their lives fulfilling their personal pleasures, and some find it more fulfilling to rase children and have a family. There's nothing wrong with either option.
People choose different life paths. Get over it. If they didn't, the world would be a boring shitfest filled with even more unwanted children.
Be happy with what you've got and stop trying to tell other people how to live their lives.
No. 89278
>>89275You don't have to be so rude, you know. If you think having kids is important, then go on, breed as you will, nurture and coddle them until they grow up to be responsible adults. But putting down others when they say they don't want children by calling them defective or selfish just shows how ignorant you are. Everyone has their own reasons why they don't want kids, just accept that not all people share the same views as you.
>>89269I love bobaepapa's channel. The girls are so cute and lovely. The parents seems to be a very cute pair too.
No. 89285
>>89277That's a minority of people, and for every drug dealer or prostitute there's a doctor or a firefighter.
Up until about 50 years ago, the great majority of people had kids, loved kids, wanted to carry on their family's good name. It's only recently, with the massive proliferation of consumerist distractions and the distancing of sex from reproduction, that you hear a significant number of people saying they hate kids and don't want to reproduce. These people don't have the willpower to switch off Game of Thrones for a while to do something "boring" like caring for a child, because motherhood takes work in order to get the reward, whereas binge watching Netflix makes you feel good for a while and you don't even have to get out of bed.
No. 89290
>>89282>>89283Same yellow fever loser.
Just sad that these people exist on lolcow with all the evidence staring them in the face that yellow fever is a kind of mental illness that leads to the sadsacks you see on /pt/.
White women who prefer Asian men = White women who prefer black men.
No. 89293
>>89292You are exactly the same as white women who prefer black men.
That's the cohort of society you exist in. A racial fetishist who consumes garbage pop culture from foreign countries for snowflake points and spends your time awww'ing over videos of Korean children you think your little elliot Rodgers will look like lmao.
No. 89294
>>89293pop culture? what are you talking about lmao.
i dont care what my child will look like and wow yes that video happened to be of a korean child but i have plenty of videos of white children up my sleeve. does that mean i day dream about having white children now?
just fuck off
No. 89295
>>89294>on lolcow>trying to pretend she has no interest in gook pop cultureEnjoy your messed up child and resentful gook husband I guess.
White men won't touch white women who have been with Asian guys.
No. 89307
>>89285Up until 50 years ago, the Western world was very religious. That probably has a lot to do with why we were more family orientated and concerned with having children. Times change and people change.
Motherhood isn't the only thing that takes a lot of hard work, and motherhood is not always rewarding. To some, a successful career that they spent a lot of time building up can be just as rewarding. Again, not everyone wants to live their life like you.
What about the mothers that sit around watching Netflix and eating bon bons all day, while their children sit around in shit filled diapers, screaming their heads off? There's a lot of dumb people who choose to reproduce and do nothing productive with their families.
Just because someone chooses not to have children doesn't automatically mean they're a lazy fuck. Your generalizing is getting a bit ridiculous.
I'm sure there were people in 600AD that didn't like kids and chose not to have them.
No. 89308
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>>89304u just wont let go huh
No. 89321
>>89275The fact that you believe that the only way you can possibly fulfill your existence is through reproduction alone and that contributing to society through the distribution and development of new knowledge and wisdom is merely "chasing after pleasure and possessions with nothing to show for it at the end is not" is indicative of your overall intelligence tbh.
You're nothing but a sad little breeder Anon, and honestly I really don't give a fuck if that's what you chose to do in life. If that is what makes you happy so be it, but the fact you have to come in here and start screaming about how we're all defective for not choosing the selfsame lifestyle is kind of pathetic and a display of your own insecurity. Did you get knocked up early and pressured into keeping the kid or something?
If it didn't bother you wouldn't be pushing it so hard. Your parents raised you badly.
No. 89328
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>>89327Ooooooh I think he's getting mad guys :^)
No. 89329
>>89325It's hard to get accurate stats as most plastic surgery clinics in Korea aren't registered with the relevant international federation. Having said that it's common practice for children to get plastic surgery as a gift upon graduation.
Nice to see you're defending that culture though. After you said you weren't a koreaboo.
No. 89333
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>>89323Agreed. No woman would spout such nonsense, unless she was some kind of religious nut.
No. 89339
>>89323You're still on the robot thing huh anon? Cute. Don't read things into my posts that aren't there. It's perfectly fine for women to have a career and it's not difficult once your kids are school aged. Work and motherhood aren't mutually exclusive. What's repulsive is when people would rather use their career to accumulate luxuries and shallow pleasure than to provide for a growing family.
Imagine thinking that everyone who likes kids is /r9k/. Do you ever go outside? Or talk to people outside of imageboards?
No. 89342
>>89338Uglier, significantly more sexist, most likely oecd group to visit prostitutes, so racist they manage to make /pol/ look reasonable.
What's the appeal in Korean men exactly?
No. 89348
>>89337I'm not the weirdo going on about yellow fever btw.
>>89340I'm not white and I'm not going to post a picture of myself or my child on lolcow. Feel free to continue pretending I'm a robot. All it does is show that my words struck a nerve.
No. 89352
>>89348No, even a timestamp written on your feminine hand next to a collection of cosmetics and some baby shit would suffice.
Come on Anon, if everything you've been saying in this thread is true you have nothing to fear.
>>89351Apparently I'm might be infertile from a badly ruptured ovarian cyst that went undetected for a few years and I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY.
If true I'll never have to fuck around with birth control that can potentially kill me and I can stop buying pregnancy tests every 3 months1
No. 89361
>>89357I think it's mostly people getting riled up because others are condemning certain life choices because they don't agree with them.
The tattoos thread was the same lol
No. 89364
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>>89362what kind of retard comes to a female dominated board and starts telling women that they defective for not having kids?
Men are so fucking stupid swear.
No. 89369
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I think I'm defective. My corgi clock is ringing loud and clear, but no bio clock has been noted.
Sometimes I feel a little sad that I won't reproduce because I know I'd have a cute and smart little pistol, but I've got a genetic bomb strapped to my chest and I can't with good conscious pass that shit down.
No. 89370
>>89369Have you considered adoption?
I know a lot of people have that issue with "but muh genes", but I think it's probably one of most noble and selfless acts you can do when you know you're in a position to provide a good, happy home to a child that would otherwise spend its life in loveless misery.
No. 89379
>>89378It's a fucking race thing, it always comes down to it with these faggots.
Everytime they see a (presumably white) woman talking about how they don't want to have a kid they see it as -1 pure aryan warrior to help in the fight against the tide of 'degeneracy', or even worse if a women actively chooses to couple with a non-white, they see it as +1 violent degenerate, impure nigger, spic or gook who are liek, totes intent on taking over the planet.
Look how this started out. At first out was just him calling women defective for not wanting to function as a domestic brood mare, and then it eventually devolved into him ranting about capitalism, consumerism and women liking Koreans being race traitors.
No. 89385
>>89379I love it when that type of jackass starts talking about "our women" in their little rants.
I'm white and it makes my skin crawl. Like, don't loop me into your conspiracies. Don't worry so much about my "honor" or breeding capabilities.
No. 89387
>>89386And its kind of creepy that they feel the need to protect us white chicks from all the perils of the world. Like, do I fucking know you?
If I am in actual danger, the last fucking person I'd look to for help would be a skinny ass, NEET, ijustwatchedseason1ofVikingsandthisisdeep, 16 year old who jacks off to fight club and browses r9k.
No. 89394
>>89303Good morning sunshine, guess what? Most humans won't stop spawning babies. Guess what? Our planet is overpopulated, so you don't make sense. There's not any imaginable concrete risk of a "low birth rate".
>Who will take care of them when they are older?This is one of the main causes of shitty family environments. If a person doesn't want children, let them be. Forcing yourself to give birth when you really don't want to because society and people like you are always up to judge "B-But you HAVE to have babies it's a woman's duty how about your mother you don't want to give her grandchildren who will take care of you when you're older" blah blah is toxic. A person shouldn't reproduce for the mere, selfish thought of having a free caregiver to look after them when they're old. A person should reproduce when they feel the wish of doing it, when they're ready to love and take care of a small human.
Back to the topic, I generally don't like babies or children, but some of them are more likeable. It depends on their personality.
No. 89412
>>89397Yoh obviously have never visited a third world country then. Come back when you've been robbed blind, raped in every hole and set on fire for fun because you're a woman. Tumblr would have you believe it's as bad in the west for women as it is in africa or india. Wrong. Those scum will rape you for a laugh.
And you want them to inherit the world.
No. 89416
>>89407>mfw your kids will say the same about youThis is why I hate having kids, I always treated my mum shit because of muh hormones and muh teenagery and I know my children will do the same and its fucking karma, I know.
If you want to stay happy d o n t have kids.
No. 89418
>>89412Oh for fucks sake nobody wants any singular body to inherit the fucking world you scaremongering cockgobbler, we're just not fucking interested in being your breeding stock.
Are you really so stupid as to believe that the actual powers that be would ever allow that to happen anyway? Plebs like us have zero control over the fate of the world regardless of our actions.
No. 89466
>>89387I don't think you realize that certain cultural memes are tied to white westerners so the less of us there are, the less this culture will express itself.
The problem with people like you is that you think the views you hold are just universal and default to all peoples. They aren't. China is already rolling back some of the communist era advances for women's rights and replacing them with Confucian ethics.
No. 89470
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>>89418>>89417So you're ok with indians and ethiopians inheriting the world? Ok, cool beans. Guess you won't live long enough to see it anyway, and since you only care about yourselves it's none of your concern if eg. Germany is no longer german. Fuck culture, morals and clean drinking water.
No. 89475
>>89470Why should white women care about white men when they don't care about us? They didn't care about Cologne or the rape gangs in the UK. Every time things like that happen none of the men even try to help them, they just look the other way. And y'all always go on about how women deserve this for letting the refugees in despite the fact that these are just random women who were going about their business. You have no idea of knowing what their feelings were on the immigrant crisis yet even 13 year olds deserve it?
Fact of the matter is it takes two to tango. Women aren't going to settle down and have kids with a man that wants to "spread his seed" and doesn't want to be faithful. Y'all love to say women always cheat, hate being monogamous, and how white women love shitskins and asians (which is complete bullshit btw) but yet all y'all ever do is fap to imaginary harems, impregnating as many women as possible, and talk about how hot non-white girls are and much better they are. You'll talk about tainted genes when it's comes to brown eyes and hair on white girls but indians, black girls, asians, and hispanics are "worthy of white seed"?
You can't expect loyalty when you aren't loyal yourself and never would be if you got a chance. Your only defense is "but other races are worse" wow good good job not being as shit as serial rapists and pedophiles.
And before you go "not all white men are bad" they most definitely aren't. My bf certainly isn't, but we're talking about r9kers, pollacks, and guys on places like trp and stormfront because that's who always says these things about white women and the white race.
No. 89495
>>89475>go on about how the women deserve this Yes. Because all of us are MGTOW loons.
Nobody deserves it. Even the people who support the rapefugees are usually well intentioned but brainwashed.
No. 89503
>>89502Yeah I hate MRAs too but what are you going to do?
Just ignore them. I don't purposefully search for those white women who denigrate white men and claim blacks or asians are better as I know it would piss me off.
No. 89506
>>89130>Do you like babies?I would like
my offspring if I ever chose to have them. But I would be very cautious about over-imposing my children onto others.
I rarely like other peoples' babies. Even if it's distinctly related to me, or a baby of a friend.
I can't blame the babies themselves for this, but a lot of my disdain for new babies comes from modern motherhood culture. I understand that hormones and mother-instincts makes people think that
their babies are the largest things in life, but for me that centric behavior is really irksome. Tell a new mother that you're not interested in her screeching crotchfruit and watch her recoil in amazement that her baby isn't
your priority. Babies really are useless shitting machines, and often times just living dolls for mommies to play dress-up-and-put-every-picture-on-facebook.
I never understand why a baby's death can have the same or greater emotional impact (for those who aren't hormonally-bound to it like the mother) as someone who is older and is actually more of a developed human.
I'm okay with children past the age of three though. I feel at that point they've developed into actual humans that feel complex emotions and view others as more than just extensions of their needs.
No. 89533
>>89477>>89504Nevermind that admin confirmed most of the "robots" in this thread are not actually robots…
>>>/meta/2454You're just so insecure in your beliefs that you have to pretend everyone who disagrees with you is an autistic NEET.
No. 89547
>>89539I think I'd be exactly like you if I had a kid lol. I have a friend who has 2 boys and everytime I go to visit her it's like 5 hours of her talking about babies and her kids stupid toys.
It makes me want to kill myself. Even if I was a mom I wouldn't want to hear that shit.
No. 89624
I have a laundry list of topics I prefer talking about and mom shit is on the very bottom. It's important to me, but honestly, ONLY important to me and his father. No one wants to hear about it, so I'm not going to engage anyone in conversation about him. I feel that when another mom forces me into talking about our children, she just wants to talk about hers, obviously. And I cannot care any less. So, I always feel like there's no reason for me to even talk to these people.
No. 89889
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I have a friend from HS that just recently had twins and posts so much shit on Facebook. she posted four pictures of one of her twins in her car seats, clearly scared shitless of the flash on the camera and I laughed for a solid 5 minutes.
Why the fuck would you post pictures like this thinking people would want to see it?
No. 89890
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>>89889Like, look at this shit. The kid is so distraught.
No. 89894
>>89889i fucking hate parents with their ugly babies
my classmate from middle school recently got a baby (mind u we re 19 kek ) and she keeps posting pics of her monkey looking baby. all i see on my feed is that fucking baby. might unfriend her lol
No. 89931
>>89895If I was from /r9k/ you newfaggette I'd already be banned.
>>89902>there are much things to worry aboutI have the right to be scared if my daughter will become a slut or not and guess what…since STDs, drugs, rape and teen pregnancy/unwanted pregnancy by an unknown chad is huge in the average life of a slut I CAN worry about it, tumblrina.
And enjoy some baby slash toddler vidyas folks…
No. 90077
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>>89364>Single Retard from r9k comes and spews crap>Them men are stoopyd!You had too much tumblr, have an eye candy.
No. 90087
>>89935My mother told me that she will love me no matter what I do but I abused my mother, I cant just do that I think. I dont know if she even still wants to see me. She already had a pure shit life and I gave her an even shittier life. If she ever commits suicide I take the blame and tell everyone I killed her so I end up in jail because I know I'm the reason why she killed herself. Currently I'm studying at uni, so I guess that will make her proud since she said that she would love to see me more succesful than her (she doesn't know yet what I'm studying so perhaps I can begin an opening line with this to make her happy??) My mother was the most easiest way to release my anger just like this innocent lady. I actually do not deserve my mother and the only thing I deserve atm is a beating from her until my nerves are dead. Or maybe a stab or 100 with her most favourite kitchen knife. I am so sorry mum that you had to have a whore daughter.
>tfw she hit me once back so fucking hard after she couldn't take it anymoreShe should do it again but much harder. But I bet my words were so much more painful than any push or slap I gave her because I cant count the times she was crying in her sleep due my words. I should die. I dont deserve to live. Abusers should all go to hell.
Anyways, to answer the question of this thread, no I do not like babies but I hope I will get a daughter and a son who will make me cry in my sleep. This is the only way how I can pay for my sins.
No. 90091
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>>90087That is flawed thinking though anon. You hurt your mother and do you think you came out well adjusted for it? What makes you think that any child who does the same to you won't grow up with just as fucked up an ideology? If you truly want to do right by her you would better yourself and if you do happen to have children ensure they grow up to be even better than you are.
Try to forgive yourself anon.
Posting a babby to keep on topic.
No. 90129
>>89877Seriously. Why does it bother parents so much when we don't want kids ourselves ? Is that because we decide to not join this shit club and they feel offended that we see parenthood for what it is ?
I don't see the appeal of kids. Babies are boring, toddlers can be somewhat fun but their loud voice is terrible. I'd rather be the fun auntie who flee the scene the moment the kiddo fill up his diaper or decide to paint the dog.
No. 90142
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>>90129I think it really depends on the kid wether it’s fun though. I have a couple of friends who had babies by now (I’m 24). There’s this one kid I would adopt immediately. She’s cute, she’s quiet, she’s intelligent, she’s funny. And she’s been that way since she was born. I mean the first 6 months she was just a little blob who was sleeping all day but that was a virtue in itself. Her mother went to concerts and parties all while she was sleeping soundly in her baby sling (with earmuffs). She’s so pleasant her parents are already planning on the second kid.
But on the other hand there are kids who are such little bastards…
If someone could give me a guarantee that I’d get a nice kid I’d sign up for it. I was a pretty annoying kid so the odds are bad.
No. 90146
>>90142If only anon. The worst part is how drastically kids can change as they get older too. One kid who is so smart, quiet, and thoughtful can grow up to be angsty, manipulative, and selfish. One kid who is annoying, loud, and messy can grow up to be helpful, affectionate, and fun to be around. Sometimes little shits become great and sometimes little angels become fuckheads.
>>90129I get a lot of pressure from my mother to have children. I often wonder if it's just biological imperative at the core. Deep inside they want to see their bloodline continue.
No. 90160
>>90146True. Just like cute kids can become ugly adults and ugly kids can become quite good-looking (the former would be me, haha).
>>90153My parents had it the other way round. I was annoying as hell. After the first night my little brother spent in our house my mother woke up in the morning completely terrified because she thought he had died. She was used to me waking her up every two hours.
No. 90165
>>90146What is terrifying about kids is, you can parent them all you want, you can try anything, in the end you can have wildly different results and end up with a druggie who will steal from you and cause you endless problems.
I guess I wasn't that great as a little kid, kinda annoying and whiny but I decided that the world wasn't fair and that I shouldn't rely on anyone. I finished highschool, waved my parents goodbye and told them I'd take care of my own from now on (now a little bit of money on christmas didn't hurt).
So I don't want to toot my own horn, but if I were guaranteed that my adult kid would be as independant and trouble-free, I'd feel a tad more inclined to procreate. In the meantime my older bro is reaching his 30s and still lives at home and get my mum to clean up his room.