No. 90742
Lets confront overweight people in a derogatory way to promote body positivity!
With a healthy body comes the positivity about your body!
old thread:
>>>/b/70673 No. 90746
samefagging here sorry had to add this comment
No. 90747
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Here, have some #fatspo.
No. 90749
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No. 90809
>>90798it's not hard if it's something you're into for ethical reasons, at that point it's not a diet but a lifestyle and your concern trumps cravings for specific foods and looking for ingredients just becomes second nature.
The diet would be "plant based". sage because there's already a vegan thread on /b/.
No. 90817
>>90809oh bullshit, vegans need to fuck off with that myth. vegan diet IS hard regardless of what your motives are unless you were born into a vegan family.
There is only one motive for veganism and thats for ethical reasons though, veganism for health reasons = bullshit. there's a reason why freelee eats a lot and why she and her skelly boyfriend look shit / not fit.
the only strict diet a fatty can follow is the atkins diet although i dont even like it, but with atkins you can eat so much meat and shit as long if it has no carbs.
No. 90846
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>>90820Please shut the fuck up and go back to your fucking containment thread.
inb4 "non-vegans are just jelly of my lifestyle!!" no bitch, I am as vegan as our Kira Kira Princess from Mars (bless her, wherever she may be) and even I know it's a difficult diet that's not for everyone, regardless of your brainwashed reasoning.
Let's get this shit back on the topic of delusional fatties.
No. 90847
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how do these people even live in the real world
No. 90852
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how can you be so delusional to think you wouldn't get negative attention when you're dressed like that out in PUBLIC, then say that it's only because you're fat and wearing shorts… honestly, I'm not about slut shaming or anything like that but come on, you're outside wearing fucking lingerie that's budging out of your clothes, at least tuck it away. I highly doubt she would've gotten the same reaction if she was just wearing the shorts without the trashy extra shit
No. 90853
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clearer picture of what she looked like
No. 90980
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No. 91008
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No. 91010
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>>90958Because he tagged his pic as fatspo, meaning he's a fat logician. He may not be an orca yet, but his attitude is fat already, and he's encouraging others to become marine life too.
No. 91016
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>>91015Delusion, depression and an unfortunate fetish. Why improve your quality of life or try to stay alive if you hate yourself anyway? It's apathetic suicide bolstered by HAES (in his case anyway)
No. 91017
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No. 91018
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No. 91023
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No. 91133
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>>91040He fucks his own fatpad. Enuff said
No. 91807
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>>91133>I don't have medical professionals willing to help or fight for me…How delusional do you have to be to not realize your weight is causing all of your problems? Fuck, even if she just ate 1/2 to 3/4 of what she usually ate daily, she would probably drop enough to get her precious MRI.
Her pain must not be debilitating enough if she's unwilling to stop eating everything set down in front of her.
No. 91851
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>>91840>purposely gaining weight for anything other than being underweight or going full bear mode for work outsShe's not too far gone yet either, someone fucking help her.
No. 91870
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>>91845I'll never understand this fetish.
No. 91889
I will never understand how anyone can just give up on life like that. Do you guys think these people do this so they know they will never have to worry about their appearance again, and can do what ever? The last pic could fit 3 of the first pic inside them
No. 91992
>>91874More like 4500 calories per day. She is incredibly obese. To not be able to jog a few feet is really god damn sad for a young woman.
>>91845Noooooooo!!! Her body was so beautiful before. Muscular stomach without looking masculine, super round hips and thick thighs for someone as lean as she is.
How can these women do this to themselves. They're not only unhealthy they look twice their age.
No. 92000
>>91992I'd like to believe these are weight loss pics that someone put in the reverse order
But I know they're probably not :(
No. 92025
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>>91889>give up on life like thatFeeder fetish. Look it up.
No. 92090
>>92065Be thankful that you're actually capable of functioning IRL anon. I know a few tards who get disability payments. Life for them sucks ass. They spend their checks on rent for a shitty apartment and mooch off their sap "neurotypical" "friends" for everything else. My friend agreed to sublet her place to her autist buddy at a ridiculously low rate and literally all the girl does is hang around and make weirdo comments at visitors.
tl;dr autismbux is not all Chris-chan fun
No. 92116
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Marilyn Wann is the true pinnacle of modern fatshion
No. 93128
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pfff lol
No. 93334
>>93128I know it's all anecdotal, but all the fat guys I've ever dated have been precisely as described in that post. With the addendum being that while they're good lovers and cuddlers, their sexual stamina can be very brief. They really do expect women to do the majority of work in bed. The fat women I've heard of can at least ride a dick, so for fuck's sake I expect a fat guy to handle his own on top.
Sadly, it wasn't always the case.
The fidelity thing however is complete bullshit.
Cheaters come in all shapes and types.
Whenever I hear someone say "my body type x prevents me from cheating!" I raise a brow. Perfectly ugly and undesirable men and women find other ugly and undesirable people to cheat on their partners with.
There was a big kerfuffle in my bf's circle of friends when one of his morbidly obeast besties (~300 pound techie dude) had emotional infidelity with some ugly autist bitch at his job, leaving his fat yet way prettier fiancee of seven years in the dirt.
However a bonus is that I never felt self-conscious about eating out on dates. The fat guys were always eating thrice the size in my portions and if I ever didn't want something they'd eat it. Plus I could order the
risque foodstuffs women are looked down on for eating, like smelly food, fatty foods, steaks, and hearty dishes. I never felt controlled about what I did with my body, which I appreciated because I've seriously dealt with men who police their girlfriends about what they want to enjoy eating.
No. 93428
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No. 93429
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No. 93430
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No. 93431
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No. 93434
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No. 93436
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No. 93440
>>93436I agree with this tbh.
Seems like the most popular HAES fatties tend to be the super pretty makeup vloggers who had obvious lipo done to their double chins and who are nicely proportioned.
When I see tumblr draw fatties they're almost never drawn with wide faces or double chins, and no less cellulite dimples. They're always these perfect hourglass or pear-shaped fatties who somehow dodged the stretchmarks train and fupa funsies–oh but they totes weigh like 300 pounds.
No. 93441
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No. 93447
>>90820Pasta is made with egg you tool.
And now steering away from the vegans, how do you guys feel about childhood obesity being classified as parental neglect?
No. 93452
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Sometimes they have small boobs like this and it really baffles me how unlucky they are with the distribution
No. 93453
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No. 93470
>>93447Only if that kid is morbidly obese. As in can't accomplish basic tasks like walking and has a myriad of health problems stemming from the weight.
At what point would it be going too far to accuse a parent of neglect just because their child is different? What about kids who are suspected of being forced to undereat because they're scrawny?
If a kid is just fat but still likes to participate in activities, has friends, and doesn't appear to show signs of abuse then I'd say it's counterproductive to inflict the trauma of taking that kid away from the parents.
No. 93486
>>93470Nobody said anything about removing the kids from the home?
It would be a case of social services referring the family to a dietician and a doctor to supervise weightloss for the kid.
It should be happening as soon as the kid hits an obese bmi imo.
Neglect and abuse are really different things, but neglecting to provide your kid with adequate nutrition is kind of blurring the borders.
No. 93489
>>93128I really dislike fat guys. Most have horribly low self esteem or are douches who go after girls with low self esteem because they think they'll at least settle for the fat guys and then get insulted when they get rejected.
A fat guy at my job flirts with all the new staff members (who all happen to be girls) regardless of how uncomfortable he obviously makes us. Two of us are in relationships, have relayed this information to him and he doesn't give a fuck. It's like he gets off on the thought that people will find him harmless and will not consider what he does harassment because its all he has left in his romantic life.
No. 93524
>>93128It seems like this guy is trying to convince skinny girls to date him. Why does he need all this reasoning if he's trying to get a fat girl?
Fatties are all about "ACCEPT ME! I AM BEAUTIFUL." But then are insulted when they can't get thinner more attractive people then they are. It's nuts.
No. 93547
>>93524>It seems like this guy is trying to convince skinny girls to date himI didn't get that impression.
What makes you convinced a fat girl would settle for a fat guy that desperate and likely ugly? I've seen fat couples together when they're kinda cute and have friends. I don't see neither fat men or fat women go after fatties who have shit self-esteem, don't have friends, and are ass-hideous.
>>93486>a dieticianSo what happens when the kid doesn't lose weight? A parent can't force a kid to exercise or monitor what they choose to sneak at friend's houses or school. The best they can do is have them participate in fun activities and provide healthy meals at home. And I knew bigger kids in elementary/middle who did both whose parents were of average weight.
No. 93720 this video via the tess thread and it's honestly one of the saddest documentaries i've seen yet
how can anybody in their right mind watch this shit then be like 'oh, but HAES, big is beautiful!!'
these are literally four-year-olds whose bodies can't keep up with their shit diets
No. 93721
>>93128>nice guyslol no
>we'll mess their day uphow? it's not like you can beat anyone up
>at least we're not vain! we don't care if you're fat, eithertbh you could stand to obsess about yourself a little more
>we are better lovesif you can ever find his dick underneath the fupa
>we won't stop until you're satisfiedit's such a turn-off to sleep with a fat guy that even if he ate me out for hours, I don't think I could cum from it without like
shutting my eyes and fantasizing about someone else doing it
>we won't make your friends jealousyou got that right.
No. 93724
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Does America have some sort of programme like Supersize vs. Superskinny? I've been binge watching it and loving it
No. 93725
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I also can't understand why people get tattoos at such high weights.
No. 93736
>>93729It's when there's conversations about cheating, and the only thing that separated it from physical cheating is that the people doing it claim nothing has happened yet. Can you trust that? Probably not. It's bad news when your fiance is saying to another girl that he loves her and wants to be with her.
In that case, it was a big deal because the guy did wind up leaving his fiance for it.
No. 93744
>>93736Oh, OK.
Thanks for clearing that up, in my naivety I thought that it meant something more along the lines of being closer to another person instead of your SO 100%, not future intent for cuckoldry.
No. 93753
>>93725Idk man, AFAIK it's extremely rare to find people who reached that size and managed to lose enough to become normal again. They tend to maintain their rolls… so why not get that tattoo?
At least it's realistic, I guess
No. 93826
heart attack grill is an actual place: :
>On Thursday, Jon Basso, Heart Attack Grill’s well-spoken founder, appeared on Bloomberg’s In the Loop with Betty Liu to discuss his restaurant’s deadly fare. “I’m probably the only restaurateur in the entire world who is unapologetically telling you that my food is bad for you, that it will kill you, and you should stay away from it,” said Basso.He then revealed a clear plastic bag filled with a powder-like substance. “I’m here with the cremated remains of someone who died at my restaurant. He died of a heart-attack at my restaurant, and I’m putting the bag clearly on the table. I wish that Burger King, McDonalds, and everyone else would do the same thing.”
No. 93829
>>93826This guy is such a media whore it pisses me off.
>"Hurr quite obviously telling people my food will kill them doesn't deter them from the novelties and gags of my restaurant hurr muh pretense about caring about people while I pocket their dosh!!!"Scumbag. He's no better.
No. 94186
>>94176Really only happens if it's humid and there's a lot of moisture down there to form a rash. If they're doing a lot of walking with skirts or shorts without leggings or tights then that's bound to happen under those conditions.
Maybe you were just never grossly sweaty and doing enough walking with your thighs rubbing together for it to matter.
No. 94188
>>94183why would i lie on an anonymous imageboard?
>>94186i suppose it's just cause i don't sweat much, i live in the south and even during days when i was carrying 135 pounds of just fat and walking around an amusement park with shorts i never had any chaffing problems, so it just seems weird to me that its so common
No. 94254
>>94238Anon are you tired? If you read her post she says
>135 pounds of fatI would safely assume she means she was 135 lbs overweight.
No. 94259
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No. 94294
>>94259She's a doctor shopper. She'll go from doctor to doctor until she gets one that doesn't give a flying fuck that her kid is overweight. Then she'll be happy. Fatty logic.
Just because one kid lost the weight doesn't mean that the other one will.
No. 94310
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>>94259That poor child is in for trouble before his life has even started.
Pic related is 44 pounds at 10 months.
No. 94504
>>94259This is getting increasingly common. I have a friend who volunteers in the pediatrics department of a local hospital, and she's been complaining more and more (without violating patient privacy, of course) about ignorant mothers insisting their overweight kids are fine. She has a degree in nutrition and metabolism, but apparently she "doesn't know anything about how children grow", according to these tumblrina moms.
Stuff like this is why I decided not to go into medicine. These days it's way too easy for a butthurt patient to smear a doctor online and ruin their career.
No. 95170
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A couple of pics recently posted to the fairy kei group on fb.
No. 95202
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No. 95394
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>>95202Isn't the eyebrow thing cutural appropriation of koreans? SJWs don't know their shit
No. 95395
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>>95170lol her body is ridiculous
is she on insta? I want constant updates of her sinking into diabeetus, joint pain and blood pressure issues
No. 95415
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No. 95420
>>95415>can hardly clothe ourselves …
spending all those ability points on being to feed themselves.
No. 95722
>>95414stop trying to collect your skinny points in a fat hate thread. Your story is bullshit and you probably think so because you feel better than everyone else. My bf and I are both in shape too and we never get these glares when we go to mcdo.
Go blog elsewhere.
No. 95727
>>95722Mte. Nobody gets "glared" at in places like McDonald's and Wal Mart unless they're really fucking weird. Not because they're average.
OP probably looks like a rabid chihuahua with a thorny stick up her ass.
No. 95759
>>95757>your kindDid you mean people who aren't constantly looking for attention?
Bitch, if we were fatties, we wouldn't be in this thread. But you're probably too self-obsessed to realise that.
No. 95760
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>>95759Sure you are, fatty. Now contribute in this thread.
No. 95763
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>>95722What's wrong with blogposting when it's related to the subject at hand? I find stories of jelly hams glaring entertaining.
In fact I might just greentext a personal fat story later just to piss you off
No. 95897
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No. 95902
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>>95897>fat people exercise>fat people eat healthy food Then why are they fat?
No. 95919
>>95897Nope. Any sane person would see an obese body while working out and think "is there any hope?" People want results and would like some type of product for their effort, such as the privilege of not dragging 100 extra pounds of lard around.
I've never met delusional fatties before. My mother is fat and she usually says "I want to lose weight, but I like to eat." My friend is fat and she's simply doesn't complain about it because she says if she's going to complain she might as well do something to lose weight. I've never encountered an obese woman who has no idea how she's obese. Even my mother, who eats very little understands she eats calorie rich food. Have any of you guys really encountered these type of fat warriors or whatever they're called?
No. 95991
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>Fat does not mean unhealthy
why is this always thrown around and why do so many people agree with it
No. 96040
>>96023A vid that Alb made
hoo boy the comments are gold
No. 96141
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oh dear..
No. 96142
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How do you live with a fupa like this
No. 96144
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No. 96147
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No. 96166
>>96154They aren't saying it's the best way to do it. They're saying even dieting with no exercise to get down to "only" 100 pounds overweight is so much better than being 200 pounds overweight. Don't be dense and argumentative for no reason anon.
>Dieting alone doesn't and isn't going to cut it, especially for short non-lean women with incredibly low TDEEsIt can work and has for me. I'm 4'11 with with very little muscle at all, basically the textbook definition of skinnyfat. I'm not going to only diet, but I've lost over 70 pounds by never eating more than around 1,000 calories or a bit lower. I can even easily sneak in a snack/desert if I want to. Stop making excuses for them. If your tde is lower that means you need less food, eating at the same rate as a tall woman would be much more unhealthy. What's considered dieting for them is normal for us.
>You're promoting unhealthy lifestyles by spreading this misinformation.An unhealthy woman will be much more unhealthy at 300 pounds than at 150 pounds. Even if she did "starve" herself down. I was severely deficient in literally everything when I was beyond morbidly obese and yet after months of "starving myself" my doctor noted huge improvements. Don't you think a trained professional would know more than you? I don't even have to take any vitamins because I can get all I need from the food I eat. I was literally closer to starving when I was eating enough calories for 2 people my size.
No. 96247
>>96043I get what you're saying but not all skinny people eat healthy foods, which is why fatties swear it's solely their genetics working against them. Growing up I knew kids who had sodas, candies and pastries for breakfast, pizza for lunch and mcdonalds after school and remained at a normal, but low weight, whereas some others ate the exact same foods and in the same quantity just to become obese.
Idk why though. But you would think that they'd realize that they should probably not eat them, or at least not as much.
No. 96249
>>96246Videos like this make me want to bash my skull in. CICO works as long as you know your TDEE. Yeah, your TDEE drops as you lose weight, but you just have to fucking eat less. It is actually that simple.
But then buzzfat knows its target audience. I guess.
No. 96252
>>96251The only problem are dumbasses who don't know what "eating less" mean.
Of course you will have to count calories.
No. 96357
>>96343This. That girl was barely doing anything, anyone with a little practice can circle around the pole a few times.
This video is such a huge motivation, though. I'd love to do this shit.
No. 96379
>>96377Nobody has ruined their metabolism it doesn't fucking work that way ugh.
How is it possible for so many people to believe such stupid shit?
You aren't making your metabolism slower by dieting you reduce your goddamn TDEE and require fewer calories the smaller you get.
Do you honestly think we'd be here as a species if our bodies were so frail that they couldn't work right ever again if you diet for a while?
No. 96386
>>96254>>96252Except you can eat a fair amount of food without consuming too much calories you fucking dunce. Saying "just eat less" sounds like fat people are not allowed to feel reasonably filled when losing weight. Stop trying so hard misrepresenting this calories in/out thing.
>b-b-but that's what we always meant!And that's exactly why videos like this exist. You idiots purposely give shit/misleading """advice""" then proceed to act confused why fat people are having such a hard time losing weight.
>32-inch waist-chanlmao, projecting?
No. 96808
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How does something like this even happen.
No. 96886
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>>96808How in the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?
No. 96979
>>90856type 2 diabetes is not just dependant on your BMI. anybody can have it. its due to your pancreas producing less insulin (or none in T1D) and being unable to regulate blood glucose levels. Celliacs disease is linked so it can be gastic not wieght related.
however if your overweight its because you consume to many calories. if you consume too many calories you spiral your type 2 diabetes in suvere state. where you couldwind up in a coma
No. 96984
>>96983that isnt actually true. woman produce a horme called estrogin, that increases the siize of the breasts during fertility and pregenancy. it can make waight gain harder to shake off too. but its a complication thats short terms (menstration, pregancy)
The female thyroid however is more sensitive than the male and can spiral out of controll muuch easier. but at the end of the day thse woman arent fat because of those probelms. you dont become this level of overweight because of those problems. you get to maybe 60kg and then thats you. you dont get to these crazy 400lbs levels because of your gender and the hormones. you get that way by being a gulttonous fuck
No. 97009
>>96986do you smell it?
It's the pasture.
No. 97038
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I found this fatty on instagram who has a full grown beard and is proud of it. She's a writer (lol) and a burlesque dancer too. I just don't get it. She takes the time to dress up and do her makeup but she won't wax her face? No. 97039
>>97038What kind of burlesque could she do looking like that? People would only hire her if they had a weird bearded lady fetish or thought it would be a funny gag to spring on their friends. She can't realistically believe anyone normal would find her sexy.
Does she have PCOS or something? It looks like she's got manly chest hair too. I'm not 100% convinced she's biologically female. But I could be wrong.
No. 97047
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>>97044It's their way of trying to feel sexy in their flabby bodies. They've done the same thing to pole dancing and belly dancing.
No. 97064
>>90742>>97039She's not the only bearded fat lady on Instagram. Check out aeelienshe also. She shaves periodically and is currently unbearded, but she and her bf both look like they smell FOUL. My skin is crawling just thinking about being in the same room as them.
To answer your question, yes, all of these women have PCOS. Who cares about increased heart attack and cancer risk and infertility if you're a bad bitch with a beard, am i right? Down with gender norms, up with seriously unhealthy hormonal imbalances!
No. 97127
>>95763HOLD THE FUCK UPPP!!!!!!!
No. 97232
>>96411"Just eat less" to facebook moms and other
normal people means what it means at face value. Where exactly have you seen "just eat less" directly implied less calories outside of your own shitposts? Claiming everyone interprets it that way is dishonest and it's pretty fucking transparent when you're resorting to name calling and memery.
No. 97236
>>96343Literally this.
I took a beginners class, we learned what mcFatty is doing, in the first class. K e K
No. 97279
>>97232It's both. If you're fat enough to be morbidly obese (which is usually 40 pounds overweight by official definition) you didn't get there by just happening to eat higher calorie food but normal portions. You need to put down the fork
and eat less calories.
The fact that the average soccer mom refuses to believe it's calories in calories out isn't because it's some insanely hard to find knowledge, it's literally everywhere. It's because they don't want to put any effort in and that's why they're fat in the first place. They'd rather do stupid fad trends and pretend it's their thyroid than actually eat less literally and metaphorically.
No. 97364
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So much confidence! No insecurity here!
No. 97633
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just a gem from someone i follow on tumblr. it's like this 24/7 with her, she claims to be fatter than 99% of the population
No. 97658
>>96808How the fuck does someone look like that.
It's definitely not elephantiasis (its not fucking called elephantitis).
It's not some kind of lymph fluid issue because if it was, the skin would be all curdled and have the appearance of cottage cheese. The skin on her thighs is surprisingly smooth so it just looks like fat and nothing else, but here's the mystery:
Her face looks fucking normal. Shes AT LEAST 200 lbs judging by the size of those thighs, but her face is not fat at all. Her upper body isn't fat either, besides some stomach fat.
How does someone store fat like that? Did she eat like 500 Krabby Patties or some shit?
No. 97819
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>>97633a little more content from this ray of sunshine
No. 97893
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>>96808even this huge bitch doesn't have cellulite … and mine refuses to go away.
kill me now pls :^)
No. 98215
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No. 98249
File: 1466298887266.jpg (1.3 MB, 2368x1085, 4stages-liplegs.jpg)

>>98238>>98245>>98024>>97964>>97964>>96808Looks like a very unusual case of lipedema.
No. 98278
File: 1466326981477.png (187.04 KB, 1404x882, Screen Shot 2016-06-19 at 2.02…)

>>97834good question considering how much energy she puts into complaining about it 24/7
No. 98280
>>98276I hate buzzfeed and I do think that most of their video are stupid as fuck, but I don't see anything wrong with that. Yeah, fat girls can do whatever the fuck they want, most of the things they are wearing in this video are okay and they are not pulling the everyone must tell me I am beautiful, honor muh beetus, curvy goddess bullshit…
Most fat girl are not confident at all and that's why they have to overcompensate.
No. 98559
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Being fat = Aids and homophobia
No. 98661
File: 1466620263477.gif (486.52 KB, 418x279, tumblr_nzigbanjEM1tq4of6o1_500…)

>>98559There are so many things wrong with this.
No. 98690
>>98559this unintentionally raises a good point about how our culture's attitude towards AIDS has shifted for the worse, imo. It used to be a scare, warning gay men with multiple partners of the dire consequences of barebacking and glory holing their way through life and how it would ruin your fucking life. Now there's actually people on tumblr saying its discrimination to not want to be with an AIDS riddled partner because they're somehow a victim of homophobia, and all the ads are just "Know your status, get tested uwu" not "you made disgusting life choices and are going to die you fucking idiots."
We're seeing the same thing happen with fat people and obesity. If you're fat you're just being yourself or if people shame or point out the adverse consequences of body fat you you're just a victim of societal pressures, etc. Instead of saying common sense things like "treat your fucking medical condition before it kills you."
Bring back AIDS shaming honestly
No. 99286
File: 1466864047354.png (28.78 KB, 513x471, image.png)

Does picture related belong here?
No. 99288
>>99286Oh fucking hell.
This is just… Well you know what. The British are sick to fuck of that as well, paying out tax to fund fatties and their surgeries. Good I hope this lard ass moves away because the more other countries have these rejects the less we'll have to deal with them.
Such bollocks.
No. 99290
>>99286>>99288Also where does this bitch shop? If you're shopping at places such as Tesco, Sainsburys, and Waitrose it'll be expensive. She'll have to start going to Aldi and other places, moving her big self and shopping around in places to find cheaper things. Most of us have to.
Anon you shouldn't have covered her name up. You should name and shame this whale.
No. 99409
>>99343PCOS didn't make her fat. Being a greedy pig made her fat.
PCOS can't make calories. It can make it a tiny bit harder to lose weight but it doesn't require more than a 200 or so calorie adjustment.
PCOS as cause of obesity is just a shitty excuse to keep eating.
No. 99421
File: 1466908480114.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_4814-20160625_213346125892…)

>>99409Don't blame me, anon, that's just what she claims.
No. 99526
>>99492"I feel helpless because I'm not strong enough to pick her up…"
bruh not even the hulk can pick her up lol
No. 99788
>>99492Oh god I just starting watching that show last night and it's so cringy. Like she literally says that in college she was binge eating pizza and drinking but she still believes it's her PCOS that caused the weight gain.
Bitch you get paid mad money. Go get a personal trainer, eat right and save your life. Everyone would support you. Hell your friends and parents want you to get healthy. How could you not want that for yourself?
"No one tells skinny people to stop and put down the junkfood it's just because I'm fat." Are you shitting me? People get spit out all the time for eating crap food. You just hear it a lot more because you're eating it way more often and way too much.
No. 100203
>>97920As someone who's worked in amusements– the weight limit is usually 250-300; but there are always the one who try and conform their fat to the seats/squeeze it out the side of the restraint so they can have their ~fun day w/rollercoasters~
So fucking salty over every damn orca who shows up at the place and tries. Like. Read the damn sign.
Which brings me to my point– being too fat for things like rollercoasters and waterslides is pretty much physical proof that our current machinery and technology should not be allowed to hold you and that your ginormous fupa/ass/arms/whateverthefuck needs to slim down and get with the rest of the regular thickfat people.
No. 100246
File: 1467475013167.png (376.4 KB, 640x5863, TWL7uf7.png)

giant image but still funny
No. 100339
>>100246Actually pretty unfunny and the person in blue is butthurt manifest. Do you think fats mcgee contacts profiles of dudes who say 'no fat chicks'?
People are allowed to have preferences.
>wah short men ought to be sterilized and treated like dogs el oh el btw I dun liek fattiesFucking autism.
No. 100628
File: 1467771407458.jpg (38.45 KB, 500x500, 495fe310ec80e6760c31b081fb7040…)

same thing lol
No. 100711
>>100628I'd immediately think the person wearing this shirt is a gigantic bitch.
If you need a big tacky shirt with a condescending stupid slogan that puts others down in order for you to feel validation and self esteem, it might be time to re-evaluate your life choices. Gross.
No. 101322
File: 1468009180625.jpg (123.29 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Why do they insist on calling themselves cute?
No. 101326
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No. 101329
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No. 101941
>>101613wow, she sounds like a professional victim.
listen, black fatty. the world doesn't have to change or cater to your gigantic mass or your shit attitude. it's your fault you're obese. but YOU dont need to change, right? EVERYBODY ELSE DOES!
stay mad girl
No. 103448
File: 1468748019800.png (1.24 MB, 1730x1082, 548759485.png)

is it ~fatphobia~ to avoid fat ASMRtists?
No. 103539
File: 1468813819284.gif (15.03 KB, 633x758, 1460237412487.gif)

>>98904#FlauntYourFlab overload
Jesus I cringed when she jumped, it's like her legs will snap under the weight. Truly the world no longer needs the thinspo tags anymore. Looking at this makes me want to vomit.
No. 103560
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#living doll
No. 103592
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>>103560maybe not quite the doll she was going for kek
No. 103618
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>>103574Y-you mean to tell me that's not a fanny pack?
No. 103622
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>>95763Tell me this isn't actually real.
No. 103708
>>103657I think the sign meant they carry sizes from xs to 3xxl (or w/e)
At least.. I hope that's' what they meant.
No. 103805
File: 1468975541806.jpeg (92.84 KB, 979x489, image.jpeg)

This is the only quality thread left on this entire board right now.
No. 103838
File: 1469021835233.png (1.32 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-07-20-14-35-08…)

>>103371I died a little on the inside at this point
No. 103840
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No. 103883
Doesn't work, just eats, lives at her gf's mother's house and leeches
lies about her diet
oh fun
No. 103963
File: 1469104600726.png (193.5 KB, 816x590, roaches everywhere.png)

>>103883Probably has roaches in her folds.
No. 104041
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Randomly found this on FB looking at HAES stuff
No. 104059
File: 1469136988829.png (232.58 KB, 414x410, 1280201631310.png)

>>103881listening to her wheeze and smack over that pizza urgh
also she's only been up for five hours and she's already like 'I haven't eaten AT ALL today I have to eat to SURVIVE' kek
>'i've dranken two waters' >mfw No. 104106
>>104042But they fit in just FINE at Seaworld with all the other whales.
But yeah. My trip to Disneyland in LA was an exercise in trying to dodge fat people in scooters.
No. 104173
File: 1469243723283.jpeg (63.3 KB, 640x604, 8966370fcef44494b129262aa14b0e…)

no comment
No. 104181
>>104173Maybe it's not P.C but I find Buzzfeeds promotion and normalising of obesity to be alarming. Yes, I agree that fat people shouldn't be abused in the street and everyone should love themselves but an organisation as big as theirs shouldn't be promoting being being unhealthy. It's as bad as pro-ana.
Also the "body positive" movement around men who like bigger women just seems creepy. They objectify women and prey on their insecurity, then try to come off as being progressive.
No. 104294
>>104201>guy admits he likes fat women>"LOL WTF U FUCKING FETISH FAGGOT U COULDNT DO ANY BETTER UR DICK MUST BE SO SMALL UR PROBABLY ONLY SETTLING FOR A FATTY BC U CANT GET AN ACTUAL WOMAN TO FUCK ENJOY WASHING HER GREASY ROLLS U CUCK">woman admits to liking fat men>"Omg sweetheart you're so brave and beautiful you'll make a fine wife to a fat piggu someday <3">>104173What's so
triggering about this? Calm down tumblr.
No. 104301
>>104294And this is why feminism is cancer. Anything a woman does is considered brave, etc etc.
>>104271>>104293Fat is not an arguable term. Either you're fat or you're not. BMI doesn't lie.
No. 104302
File: 1469372258385.png (382.91 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

"My medecine makes me weigh 300 pounds but I'm totes anorexic!"
No. 104304
File: 1469372733730.png (415.55 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Here's her showing off that anorexic bod.
No. 104306
>>104301Stop blaming feminism jfc, blame internet pity party culture and haes and tumblr shit. Or go to the feminism thread.
>>104304Why the hell is she tagging it #aneorexic when it's more like #tryingtobeanormalhealthyhuman? It's as if she wants someone to turn around and say "no bby anorexia IS BAD u stay 335 pounds u beautiful qt being" or whatever so that she doesn't have to follow through.
No. 104311
>>104301It's an argument of image, not fatness. Seth Rogan is fat but he has a smaller amount of fat than the morbidly obese, is mobile, looks presentable, etc. I really doubt this lady will be just as accepting of a 750lb behemoth, barely mobile, for whom she would have to be the main breadwinner, and constantly having to feed him, clean him, etc.
Making a clickbait video like his with her tits hanging out, talking about how much she loves fat men when it's clear she just means an overweight guy since she just compares them to the super muscular traditional "hot guy" stereotype, just makes fat guy viewers think it's alright to continue to eat themselves to death because someday the right open minded hot girl will come along and take care of them.
Anyone who panders to fatties is disgusting imo
No. 104556
>>104201"fat man"=nice person?? LOL
Some of the most manipulative, depressing and asshole-ish guys I've known were fat. Being fat doesn't mean they're nice to you or worship you LOL.
No. 104602
File: 1469455616078.jpeg (3.55 KB, 200x187, 1460407041001.jpeg)

>>104601>If anything, this just proves women aren't allowed to be ugly while men can be disgusting fat pigs as long as they are ~good guys~Hahahaha, nigga, nobody forces you to put on make up at gunpoint, like, nigga, just be ugly if you want, hahahaha.
No. 104643
>>104602That wouldn't be a problem if you weren't constantly reminded the importance of looking good. While men are judged by their appearance too, it's nothing like the way women are judged.
And as you may know it's a lot easier and fulfilling to focus entirely on your work than looks which on the long run won't even matter and are more determined by genes than anything else (I'm not discussing weight and other factors that aren't predetermined).
I wish I didn't care but I do.
No. 104694
>>104643The only thing anyone expects from women is to not be fat and maybe very basic hygiene. Most guys don't even like makeup. Literally just don't eat like a fucking hippo and you're good.
Men on the other hand have to be jacked and tall and perfectly manscaped or they're subhuman trash.
No. 104702
>>104697>unshaven armpitsHot.
Honestly unless it's a job where you physically represent a company in a shop for instance, the only thing there that would be expected is shaven legs if your clothing shows them off.
No. 104715
>>104710>>104711They're celebrities. No woman would be attracted to Steve Buscemi if he wasn't a famous actor.
Although I also can't discount the possibility that I'm less attractive than Steve Buscemi.
No. 104720
>>104715When you're a celebrity in the same way as Hitler is a celebrity, it's probably not much of a draw.
Maybe Steve Buscemi is just more fun to be around than you.
No. 104722
>>104720So those farmers fap to Steve Buscemi because of how fun he is to be around?
But yeah I'll just become the quasi divinely worshiped all-powerful ruler of Germany if that's all it takes to get laid lmao.
No. 104729
>>104715Steve is funny and a genuinely good person. He used to be a firefighter and volunteered during 9/11.
I'm also willing to bet he doesn't sit at home playing vidya and yelling at his mother for not getting him tendies.
No. 104740
>>104735>>104736Do you actually believe this shit?
Well what are you even complaining about then? Every woman is beautiful provided she has a good personality and none of you should have any problem since you're clearly such lovely people.
No. 104787
File: 1469529069697.png (197.26 KB, 470x262, Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 5.28…)

if i see this ad one more time i'm going to scream
No. 104791
>>104715yes, because men who aren't celebrities have such high visibility
i'm gonna go post about how much i want to fuck my neighbor, i'm sure people will know exactly who i'm talking about and relate
No. 104817
>>104787J.C. Penney promoting the conservation of landwhales. Of course Buzzfeed loves it. women in the campaign are enormous. The fat acceptance movement is going to leave behind a lot of orphans as we encourage people to ignore their deathfat because health at every size.
No. 105023
if you ate well you wouldn't be fat and you wouldn't feel guilty
No. 105039
File: 1469673146390.gif (484.51 KB, 300x160, tumblr_lryh6z7nia1qzt3y0.gif)

>>105023>being this saltyIs there something wrong, anon?
No. 105042
File: 1469673863048.png (157.7 KB, 660x778, pleasedont.png)

>>104817Pic related as the 'reactions' of the JC campaign make me feel ill.
I know these are cherrypicked by buzzfeed, but the idea of brainwashing an 8 year old to believe this is healthy is even more disturbing than grown adults buying into a marketing ploy like it's an actual social revolution.
I don't know why I'm getting angry that the same people who can't understand proven medical theory also can't recognise marketing. Teaching people that they can feel confident at any size is good, fuck beauty standards, but this whole 'healthy at any size' thing is so dangerous and disgusting. If your skeleton is struggling under your weight, you are not healthy at that size.
No. 105048
>>105036Yes, it originated in S.Korea where people usually ate large quantities of junk food. I read that it was either used a fetish (watching thin people binge eat) or because lots of people are lonely and it was as though you as the viewer could sit and eat dinner with the person on the screen.
All the mouth sounds though are pretty disgusting.
No. 105058
File: 1469702563307.jpg (33.3 KB, 299x295, image.jpg)

>>105014Hypothyroidism related weight gain is easily managed with a small caloric reduction.
Try again chubs.
No. 105073
>>105072Yep, I've known people who have had surgery on their thyroid too, it's not some rare procedure lol. Surgery plus a better diet and aftercare, simple.
Although I think it was ridiculous for them to basically imply that all obesity cases are caused by an underactive thyroid.
No. 105118
File: 1469749766002.png (14.28 KB, 559x285, cruelpractice.png)

"deadly medical practice"
No. 105764
File: 1470098151220.png (67.03 KB, 498x368, Capture.PNG)

Known this girl for 8 years, when I first met her she was 15 and pushing 300lbs, she's now 23 and probably 600. Also
>I won't hurt myself to lose weight!
EDs aren't the only way to lose weight.
No. 105906
File: 1470185206021.gif (11.02 MB, 480x270, 17zsts.gif)

Every now and then I stumble on Becca's tumblr, and I get more mortified each time I see her.
No. 106407
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>>105906How can you be this big and still gaining? Her arm looks like it could be the size of my waist, almost
No. 106409
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>>105907Don't think their's a thread, look through the catalogue though
No. 106439
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No. 106478
>>106439Then what did four of the women in my family die from????
I hope this is a troll
No. 106517
>>105014Er, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
As someone with hypothyroidism I just see this as an excuse. I've noticed that since they put me on a higher thyroxin dose I've put on a bit of weight without changing any eating habits, but just a few changes will fix that. Never been above 125lbs.
No. 106549
>>104061>'he didn't get up for anyone else standingApparently she was the only one standing.
>>91845Hnnng the schadenfreude is great.
No. 106588
>>106583>People who have binged their way to obesity are not seen as being disorded or putting their life at riskBut binge eating disorder is acknowledged and real. There are medications for it that reduce appetite and the anxiety to binge. People can go get therapy for it and there's the AA equivalent called Binge Eaters Anonymous.
There's a difference between someone who's posing an immediate threat to themselves (ie. suicide) and someone who's actively trying to better themselves whose condition nobody can put an expiry date on. Fatties could take literally decades to die whereas suicide risks could kill themselves tomorrow.
And for the record, in case you're conflating overweight/slightly obese binge eaters to the mega morbidly obese who weight like 600 pounds: It actually does get to a point where they can no longer take care of themselves at home and do have to check into a hospice facility where they are made to eat better diets, get medications, and exercise. MTV also used to make a spectacle of fat kid camps.
>>106584>How can find someone engagaing in self destructive behaviours to "look good"?But that was and has been the case for the longest time.
Why do you think there was such an exodus in the modeling industry to market the "real women" trend? It's because people knew the truth. Many companies marketed unhealthy beauty ideals and forced their models to meet their expectations through dangerous means like through anorexia and cocaine. It influenced many impressionable women to want to look the same way so they also partook in those unhealthy means.
Or how about the use of tanning booths or bleaching creams to get a desired skin tone when we know that these products often cause harm or cancer?
No. 106596
>>106583Even with anorexia, you cannot be forced into any sort of care unless you're underage or have some sort of legal guardian.
And despite anorexia and binge eating both having to deal with weight, they are two different things that affect the body in totally different ways. With obesity in general, how can you tell when someone is just fat because they are lazy and have terrible eating habits, or are in serious need of mental health help? Anorexia is connected to many other mental health problems, like body dysmorphia. While binge eating has very little to do with that strand of mental health illnesses. I imagine it is a lot harder to diagnose than anorexia/ builimia, is my point.
No. 106614
>>106602>You could then argue patients who are slightly underweight or at a healthy weight are not required to receive treatment for anorexia or bulimia because their weight is not at a critical level?It's the truth though. The reason anyone is admitted into care facilities these days is because they voluntarily went in themselves or presented an immediate danger (ie. self-harm or suicide).
Look at Ashley. She's skin and bone and dying yet nobody has come to bust down her door and take her away because she's endangering herself.
People with weight problems who aren't suicidal and don't have family to intervene have to care about getting help for anything to happen in the first place.
>mukbangsI agree with you there. I hate that trend and find it disgusting. Waifufags who don't understand B&P are usually the ones who idolize them though.
No. 106727
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>>106704This flower one actually isn't half bad. I kind of want it for myself actually.
Her cottage cheese thighs are really
triggering me though.
No. 106732
>>106704"i feel like it wasn't designed for a girl with a booty"
omg when will these fat bitches stop deluding themselves
No. 106733
File: 1470511085805.png (634.38 KB, 618x616, Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 20.1…)

>>106732Gonna nitpick "Theuglyfaceofbeauty" Youtuber here guys. Grace is her name.
She's become quite popular but apparently had beef drama ages ago with Beautycrush another UK blogger who is now pregnant and piling on weight too.
But Grace actually even though she was overweight here looked better than she does now. She promotes being big too in her recent videos.
No. 106736
File: 1470511310198.png (576.23 KB, 600x606, Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 20.2…) < Apparently got tired of Beautycrush's shit who has 1M subs while Grace isn't anywhere near…
She's definitely gotten bigger…
I was big too once but every time I see her on my feed like this I can't help but cringe
No. 106737 her legs… I just..
the comments are all "envy ur confidence girl!"
No. 106910
File: 1470643628291.png (168.79 KB, 900x611, fatty.png)

Fat guys will do anything to convince themselves that women want to date them lol
No. 107181
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No. 107183
>>107181Fucking lol.
>>Hate speech through no wordsOkay then ya fucking elephant. Why do people like this exist?
No. 107197
>>107181>perpetratesI'm pretty sure this person meant "perpetuates."
>we…have a responsibility to make sure everyone feels safe and welcomeOh, boy. Reality is going to slap this teenager/immature adult in the face one of these days. That's really not how it works, as hard as we might wish. Something tells me they wrote this post in the comfort of their safe space.
No. 107356
File: 1471077834698.jpg (36.36 KB, 470x500, b69c9d4dde11f1b6da801265fdbb44…)

>>107338>I'M LITERALLY SHAKINGimagine giving a fuck about representation in fucking superhero movie
No. 107380
>>107338I wonder how anyone can think this. Looks like satire, but still.
I went and searched for pictures of the actress and she has such a flat midsection. She's not ugly but she's box-shaped as hell. That should make these bitches happy enough.
No. 107381
>>107377Man the first episode I watched (on Hulu) the girl was losing so much weight, doing so well and her husband was just a complete asshole.
Like, taking her home from the hospital and stopping in at BK or something and making her hold his food. She went for a real long walk and she asked him to guess how far she walked and he snarkily said "3 feet". I think I might hate the chubby chasing husbands more than I hate the fatties who refuse to do anything.
No. 107382
File: 1471107236183.png (337.34 KB, 500x626, tumblr_o9i0nxz6zu1ssr39io1_500…)

>>107381Fatty enablers are the worst
I've actually spoken IRL to a couple people who made great progress in fitness and weight loss, but the entire time their fatass families mocked their efforts and made comments on their workouts like that "3 feet" one.
No. 107383
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No. 107384
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No. 107385
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No. 107434
File: 1471169155836.jpg (76.3 KB, 600x879, 1333699779373.jpg)

>>105907I've got some thin to fat pics for you
No. 107436
File: 1471169503377.jpg (49.23 KB, 597x602, 1333700567779.jpg)

No. 107437
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No. 107438
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No. 107439
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No. 107460
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>>107434>>107435>>107436>>107437>>107438>>107439Why would you let this happen to yourself? Why would you look at your weight gain, shrug, and buy a whole new wardrobe instead of just cutting back and doing 15 minutes of exercise a day?
And you know it's not just one wardrobe "upgrade", it's several as the pounds keep adding up. That shit isn't cheap and neither is the volume of food it takes to gain and maintain such a weight.
Why throw so much money into being unhealthy like this? I can't understand it.
No. 107467
>>107376Also nice for them to also get tummy tucks, lipo, and nearly everything else that less extreme fatties have no hopes in hell of affording just because they managed to glut up to 600 pounds and scout out a reality show.
These people are abject failures if they can literally be given free shit and the best help but still not get anywhere.
No. 107507
>>107447well many conditions have exploded because the medical field is progressing. but underactive thyroid is not an excuse to be fat.
(personal blog: my mom has it but she's skinny because she keeps that in mind that she has to have the right diet so she won't balloon up)
No. 107567
>>107380Do you honestly think they're happy unless she's a shapeless blob with multiple fupa's? They even consider chubby to be too thin.
oh my sweet innocent anon
No. 107615
>>107599You don't need a healthy diet to lose weight. You need a caloric deficit.
Smh tbh fam.
No. 107634
>>107615 isn't wrong. Even if you're eating nothing but shitty junkfood, you will lose weight as long as you're eating at a deficit. Yeah, it will fuck you up, but it'll work. actually doesn't help a lot with losing weight, though it is important for health. For example, to burn off 200-300 calories, you would have to jog about 30 minutes. If someone wants to make a significant dent in their weight, they need to eat less. No. 107669
>>107624Like, just cut your carbs, nigga, hahaha.
>>107634>For example, to burn off 200-300 calories, you would have to jog about 30 minutesLmao, just run faser and put the treadmill uphill, nigga, like wtf, hahaha, jump the skipping rope faster, rofl.
Back when I used to box, I'd end up losing over 6-8kg(counting the extra kilo or so of empty stomach and dehydration, but still) in a couple of weeks to fit a weightclass, which was a common practice.
Most guys used to weigh 5 to 10 kg more off competition except for the heavy/superheavy ones.
No. 107672
>>107669Why are you comparing the female poster who just wishes to lose a few kg to a competitive boxer? Do you think she can train every day and box, it's more accessible to recommend eating less and doing activity that can be factored into a working day free of cost and maybe can be even done at home.
Stop with the "nigga" thing to, it makes you look a try hard.
No. 107675
>>107671So cut down on
>fruit>vegetablesNo, too little caloric value, I actually eat more fresh fruits and veggies when I'm losing weight
I don't mean you should avoid eating them at all though. I apply this faddish diet in a rather lax way and it gives me good results every time I do(basically yearly, lol).
Another good idea would be to jog at different rates altering sprints and more relaxed jogging too.
>>107672I haven't boxed since I was 21 or 22, yet I am still able to lose weight efficiently without dedicating it more than half an hour of cardio a day(and half an hour of lifting, fine).
No. 107695
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>>107640You have to be a fucking dwarf or ana-chan to gain on 1,000 calories a day.
>>107669Bruh, I'm sure that's a great regiment for you, but stuff like "just run faster!!1" is going to exhaust the average pleb and make them burn out. Best to start on a pace that doesn't feel like death and then work up the intensity.
No. 107699
>>107695>you have to be a dwarfTry 5'3.
By normal calorie deficits (cutting 500 calories from tdee) I land somewhere at a 1,100 budget. It sucks but it's reality when you have a sedentary job.
No. 107709
>>107675>>107669>Most guys>guysJust stop right there.
You shouldn't compare female and male weight loss/muscle gain as it differs a lot.
No. 107772
So, on the end of season interview of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, this comedian tells it how it is: that fat people have food addictions, Whitney is a quitter, she doesn't want to change, and everyone around her enables her. (skip to 25:40)
Obviously staged, I think she was told to act as cunty as possible because she did an AMA on Reddit and seems pretty legit. feel bad for her since now everyone is attacking her on social media for her blatant honesty. Whitney will probably continue to pile on the excuses (and the pounds), especially since her personal trainer fired her. No. 107773
>>107699dude I'm like a inch taller than you and I lose weight on 1,100 calorie diet.
you're probably over estimating what you eat, and having a sedentary job is no excuse for not having any form of physical activity. You can do situps and pushups while you watch TV and lunges before bed. Get up an hour or two early and go for a jog, take the stairs instead of an elevator. all this shit is free and if you think you're yoo busy for it the plot twist is that you most likely arent.
No. 107936
>>107884Exactly during loving yourself means keeping your body healthy, nourishing it etc
I'm quite shocked though that you can get trendy swimwear in such large sizes, to me that is wrong as it is normalising obesity. There are genuine short and petite healthy people who need size uk 4-6s but no one is that woman size because they didn't choose to be and however ever much "body positivity" you have does not change the fact that obesity is dangerous.
No. 107951
>>107181I hope it's a troll. I really do. But I bet it's not.
I don't want to draw fatties. I don't feel the need to encourage unhealthy bodies by drawing fat original characters or depicting fit characters like Impa or Tifa as 400 lbs Land manatees for "muh diversity". Unless the character is already fat there's no point in drawing them as a ham universe so some whale's feelings won't be hurt.
If you like fat art then you can easily find tons of it these days. There's no need to accuse people of hate crimes because they refuse to draw your favorite character with six gut rolls and five chins.
No. 108107
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>>107435Man the harpoons!!
No. 108116
>>107181I wish I would draw more so I could piss them off. Seriously though, no one, unless they agree with her, is gonna care about what she thinks.
And then the big question, do fatspo artists ever draw thin girls?
No. 108137
>>108114Not OP but I have to stay under 1,000 to lose anything and I'm only two inches taller than them.
Also, that includes absolutely no sugar and exercise.
No. 108152
>>107954Good for them and their accomplishments. The Olympics do have a large variety of sports and events catering to different body types, including those who are overweight.
It doesn't change the fact that being overweight/obese in the long run will take a toll on one's health.
>>108137Either you're lying or you have something very wrong with you. 1,000 calories is the recommended caloric intake
for a toddler. If you are exercising and not eating enough, you are going to ruin your body. See a doctor.
No. 108258
>>93128Yeah, fat guys always have some personality problem. If they're not socially inept, they're assholes. If they're not assholes to you they're assholes to other people.
By way of example, the last fat guy I dated was basically Cartman. Kudos to him for being confident despite having a weight problem, but he took it too far.
In terms of appearance, I don't mind so much that they're chubby. In fact, the bit about cuddling seems fair. I just hate that they can't perform sexually, could die of a heart attack at any moment, and
>>93721>>we'll mess their day up>how? it's not like you can beat anyone up
>>we are better loves>if you can ever find his dick underneath the fupaSpot on, but I'm unsure what a fupa is exactly. I think I know, so I ain't googling that shit.
No. 108353
>>108251>but smaller people can't help it because they find it hard to gain weightNot to defend fatties but that's just bullshit, it's just as easy to gain weight as it is to lose weight, it all depends on the person.
However if you're just small or tall in height, that's something you can't change. You're usually fucked if you're thin and tall because L sizes are usually for chubby people, not for tall people.
No. 108354
>>108251>>108353I do agree that plus-size (as in fat, not tall) gets catered to a lot more than petite (thin or small)
I'm tall and not extremely thin and even I wear XS somethimes, makes me wonder what's left for actually thin girls.
No. 108362
>>108251Iirc a few years ago a store opened up (in the us or something) that only had sizes like 0-4, maybe even smaller and the media basically said how it encourages unhealthiness etc.
But 4XL and bigger sizes are fine and should be celebrated.
No. 108363
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>>108362wtf! this makes me so mad! How can people be so blind to the pure hypocrisy?
Besides, sizes 0-4 doesn't automatically mean ana-chan….and what about short or petite people?
No. 108372
>>108362I was just lurking the fatty threads because they can go too far for me but fuck. I wish I didn't read this post because I never heard about it and you already crushed all my hopes of finding stores where I can find pretty much anything I want as easily as fatties can.
>>108363>and what about short or petite people?We're still expected to buy things from kid's stores apparently.
No. 108391
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But can she do anything advanced or even intermediate.
No. 108408
>>108385Ugh. I hate FFA so much for their thin skins and fat acceptance, but they're like the only non-weeby largescale fashion community.
So I stay there, but I downvote all the fat people in the WAYWT's. They mostly look like shit anyway. It's pretty cathartic.
>>108362Was it Brandy Melville? They're still in business. I actually want to find more stores like them.
No. 108420
>>107955>>107955>>107955Who cares if a fat bitch can throw a ball or disc?
She's still obese.
No. 108489
>>108429y'know, not that anon, but i gotta say that we might not know the full story here. i've struggled with losing weight pretty much my entire life, the only time I was successful at it was when I cut down to 1,000 or fewer calories per day and started doing an hour of cardio five times a week. idk whether this is due to my PCOS or thyroid problems or what, because frankly I don't have the cash to get a professional's consultation, let alone afford whatever medication
might help, but i'm willing to give this anon the benefit of the doubt when she says that's the regime that works for her.
No. 108495
>>1084891000kcal is an arbitrary limit based on the average human, probably male too.
My TDEE is around 1200 because I'm a hobbit. I need to eat under 1000 to lose weight. There's just no way around it.
No. 108510
>>108429And yet you say nothing about the anon who eats 2000 calories and struggles to gain? Clearly people don't know what they're talking about in here or they're actually men.
Plenty of women need to have low calorie budgets regardless of activity. It's tough titty.
No. 108739
>>1085102000-2500 is a pretty standard maintenance level for a somewhat active individual or a male so that anon wasn't surprising at all what?
And nice try but I'm a woman, used to be ana-chan and thought I had to eat below 1000 just to lose weight. My TDEE at BMI 14 and 5'4 was 1400 and I did not do anything but walk to the kitchen and make my meals. So yes, I find it pretty hard to believe anyone who is at a normal or high weight has a lower TDEE than that. And you definitely sound like the fatties being laughed at here
saged for personal blog
No. 108782
>>108779>Half of that lot in the video are grown ass adults who arent that stupid. Just rudethey're literally mentally retarded. it's part of prader-willi syndrome
are you going to rage at downs kids for being ugly and bad at math next?
No. 108783
>>108782Not even all of them are retarded. There is actually a second part to this video and two of them were normal. Joe is just a rude fat fuck no excusing it. They have no life and thats why their families throw them into that place.
Everyone raves about "autism" and shit on here all the time. How is what I'm saying any different than taking the piss out of them? Alas those two vegetable twins Harley hooligans or whatever.
Lol the hypocrisy is unreal on this site.
No. 108786
>>108784Continue to assume things anon but it'll get you no where
>>108785Nah people take the piss out of autis and them twins ALL the time plus that black one with a mental disorder in the /pt
try harder
No. 108791
>>108786Asha? She's schizophrenic, and most people range from feeling sad for her to horrified.
Like, most cows have some form of high-functioning autism (Chris-chan and PT for instance). High functioning is the key word. They've graduated high school and even college. But no one is making fun of downs kids or drooling retards in group homes except for edgelords.
No. 108793
>>108779They are adults with severe learning disabilities, not just some person who is overeating because they choose to/enjoy it.
Making fun of ill people who have had little or no choice in their lives isn't exactly humorous.
No. 108820
>>108798yes anon, thank you for for getting back to fatty stories instead of this discussion!
>she has an entire pizza and a pint of ice cream for lunchIf that's really the only thing she eats for an entire day, I don't think that's enough calories to gain weight. But she's probably lying about that or not counting a lot of foods and drinks that "don't count"
No. 108915
>>108911>>108912I meant when they're so big that they chaffe or get rashes. I know that gaps depend on how your hips are located. I'm not underweight but I still have a gap since my hips are wide.
The thing that rustles my jimmies is that in each article I've read they put down girls with thigh gaps and call them "unrealistic" in order to "empower" the mermaid thighs. But then again that's what the whole "body positivity" movement has turned into.
Other than that, I don't care if your thighs touch or not as long as your outer thighs aren't spilling into my airplane seat.
No. 184120
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This thread needs more fat guys, imo they're the worst
No. 184124
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I always though Ari Stidham could be really cute/handsome if he wasn't a fat fuck. One time I asked /tv/ to photoshop him to a human shape but of course they ignored it because he's a dude and and working on the upteenth Lena Durham pic is more important.
No. 184565
>>184552Yes, there is obvious social conditioning and brainwashing with that. When you point it out to men they get
triggered and offended. Big ass babies/