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No. 914233
Actual vents not blogposts plx
>>>/ot/904837 No. 914249
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>>914233>>914248So what's a vent and what's a blogpost? Can you link an example of both because honestly, gay rule
No. 914277
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>>914251If he means "sisters" as in his tranny friends then I consider that good. Who the hell wants to look like a botched gay man anyway? He's just butthurt because women don't need to do shit about how they look because they're already women. I'd be seething too if I had to take hormones that are detrimental to my health, spend thousands of dollars on expensive plastic surgery that make me look like a fish, have my genitals dry up or be cut up into an artificial hole that has more hair inside of it than my head, have a new hairline stapled to my Frankenstein forehead, "train" my voice for hours only to sound like an effeminate gay cartoon man, and tell myself everyday that it'll all be worth it only to easily get clocked the moment I step outside in natural light.
No. 914281
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my family is retarded and there's nothing I can do to change it
No. 914285
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>>914251the fat deposits in their fake inflatable ass has burst and the
toxic liquid seeped into their brain, it ended up being a truth serum that reveals to how men especially trannies view all women.
No. 914290
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>>914286>>914289thank you nonners, we shall overcome
No. 914348
Fucking tranny shit seeping into everything. Fuck you In Praise of Shadows, HP Lovecraft wasn't an oppressed valid transwimmin, he was an autist raised by a schizophrenic woman who wanted him to be a girl. The dresses he wore, the insecurity with his appearance, the uncomfortable higher register with which he spoke in, can all be directly sourced to the ridiculous way his crazy mom treated him, more than him "repressing his true identity". I guess you're secretly on point though, pinning an autistic white male bigot with mommy issues as a troon, but that's because that's what the majority of TIMs are. They are not women, HP Lovecraft was not a woman, and you're a retard.
No. 914382
>>914362Most wokies I've met love his works, but try to disassociate themselves from his bigotry. Defenses include:
>"I like his work but hate him as a person" (meanwhile, these same people disown Rowling completely)>"He was only shitty because he was actually secretly oppressed!">Above with the specification that he was a troon (false)>Above with the justification he's gay (false)>Above with the justification that he was autistic (true)>"It was common to be racist for the time!" (Lovecraft was exceptionally racist, even in his time period's culture)>"He reformed himself, he was martied to a Jewish woman and said he regretted being bigoted!" (his marriage to said woman lasted 2 years, he tried to make her disown her heritage and connections, and he only regretted being so crass about his hate, not hating, itself)>"Well, he's dead, so he doesn't profit from this! It's all public domain!" (rich, coming from the same people who refuse to consumr content from modern, living people for far, far less)They can't commit to dismissing his works the same way they cancel everything else, presumably because incel-like, autistic TIMs relate to him so much. Personally, I'm autistic and gay, and relate to certain themes, and have no problem with adaptions or interpretations of his works, but I don't buy anything that he actually wrote; It's just too fucked. I'm primarily frustrated with the revisionism, tolerance of intolerance, and sheer hypocrisy libfems/TRAs show when liking his works.
No. 914412
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My friend's trans (ftm) kid just told him that "she doesn't know if she could ever feel happy." I'm sorry for her. I'm sorry for him. I feel like a balloon pricked, slowly losing air. I can't imagine how they feel.
No. 914418
nonny, I'm sorry for your loss.
No. 914440
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I accidentally applied for a fake scam job listing, and now I'm worried about identity theft. I'm thinking about freezing my credit and putting a lock on my phone carrier account, the latter of which would be humiliating since i'm still under my dad's account and would have to admit to him that I got scammed. I asked a few different subreddits how worried I need to be and they all either said:
>you're fucked, freeze everything, nuke your email and re-link all your accounts
>you're probably fine, don't lose sleep over it.
For more context, I gave away my email, a variation of my password (had to create a password for the scam site and used my usual formula), my full name, my DOB, my schools, and my major. I googled my name and DOB and turns out I'm listed on white pages with my full home address and my parent's info too, so essentially they have my address as well. They don't have my cell phone number, SSN, credit/debit card info, bank account info, but they could get my SSN by calling the major carriers until they find the one I have an account with, scam them into switching over the number using my address, DOB, full name, email, etc. Once they have that, they can then break through my 2 factor authentication on financial and academic accounts, which will reveal my SSN. And when that happens, my identity is as good as stolen.
On one hand, it's sort of unlikely they'd go through all that effort for some random person who didn't even complete their fake process (which involves giving bank account info– i realized t there and didn't give it). But on the other hand, it wouldn't be too hard to do it if they by some chance decided to.
I've been stressed out of my mind since this happened and can't sleep, I've been trying to transfer things over to a new email but I'd lose the youtube account I've had for 10 years if I delete the old one… I guess I'll have to though, so I've been manually downloading and transferring all my google docs/pics/files to a new account which is taking for fucking ever because google's downloading service is broken as shit and makes copies of the same files and puts them in fucked up zip-within-a-zip files… I also had to wipe all my saved passwords bc if they can get into my email, they can get into my chrome account and see them. So I've been spending all my time doing that instead of job hunting but my parents don't know why and think I'm being lazy and are nagging me like crazy
I don't know how far I need to take this, i'm terrified of having to admit to my tech business dad I fucked up like a retard, and I'm terrified I could get my identity stolen / credit frauded before I even get my first real job and apartment because of my retard mistake.
Any advice or consolation would be so incredibly appreciated.
No. 914450
>>914446Yeah. It's terrorism on a massive scale.
Every time a woman is killed or raped just for walking down the street, or breaking up with a moid /turning one down, or having politics a moid disagrees with, literally anything at all, it's a message to all women that says:
"you better watch yourself, keep yourself small, quiet, and agreeable. Don't voice your opinions. Don't pretend to have independence. Don't try to live your life without including us. Or else."
No. 914458
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>>914446I think about that a lot too. Like, I don’t understand how people like shoe or other pick-mes can be the way that they are when so many women are suffering or die at the hands of moids. I also can’t believe men have the audacity to say THEYRE the
victims because they might be falsely accused or because ~society~ failed them. All it takes is one pissed off mentally ill moid and multiple people can die at once. It’s almost embarrassing that this is still happening.
No. 914466
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A friend I haven't talked to in like a decade met up with me on vacation and on day two had a crazy ass manic episode and abruptly left our hotel room without even packing up her stuff. I feel bad for her and worry that she's okay, but she's an adult and I can't do anything to stop her. I tried telling her to rethink her plans to just wander a strange city but she just got upset enough to try walking off into traffic instead. I at least got her to a safe, touristy part of town with the majority of her stuff. I didn't want to fight her or follow her because I didn't want someone to call the cops on us trying to wrangle her and have them shoot us without question because we ain't white. I'm bipolar too and her mania was triggering mine, so I had to back off for my own mental health too. She mysteriously texted someone else in our party "safe" earlier then deleted all her social media, the only way we had contact her. Welp, hope she don't die.
No. 914475
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>>914458Relevant scene from Preacher
>>914468I mean he shot a sex offender, so he's somewhat based imo
plus I think he's kinda cute
No. 914494
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I’m babysitting for family and they put off the pay for a week and I let it slide because why not
Today I was supposed to get paid and they said next Friday. Wtf alright but then that pay has then accumulated to double the pay right? I propose to instead of doubling the pay just ask for $50 moar than usual. I’m thinking about rq hitting this dumb ass gig
No. 914535
>>914525I hope when enough people will detransition it will stop being taboo. Too bad for these that will have to fall
victim to it first though…
No. 914546
>>914440Just change your mail password (and the other info you have to provide in order to change it, whether it's DOB or security questions) and make sure you don't use that mail & password combination for other popular websites.
Scammers like this do this with dozens of people to sell the data they get, but it's like you said, the only valuable thing you gave away is your mail password. They will probably check if you use this on different websites like netflix/paypal/amazon/ebay etc with a program, but they will not go out of their way to find out your SSN, this is too much work for all the people thet scam.
No. 914556
>>914440>I also had to wipe all my saved passwords bc if they can get into my email, they can get into my chrome account and see themSamefag, but this is unlikely since chrome's security system jumps on once someone logs in from a different IP, Internet provider, different cookies and device. If you haven't entered your data on a fake website the scammer created, they can merely imitate an IP within the range of your address, but it either being a different provider, a different device and sometimes different cookies will set of red flags and they will have to provide 2factor (phone) verifications and you will get a mail that someone tried to login to your account. And tbh even if the site was created by the scammer, they probably would
trigger the security anyway because the ones going for shitty schticks like this are usually too retarded to fake enough information to imitate the original owner of the account.
You should still tell your dad though, I'm sure he will have some more helpful things to say.
No. 914562
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I will fucking commit a murder suicide, I use these to bed and still can hear my boyfriend snoring
It pains me but I guess I'll have to ask him to sleep elsewhere because I literally am losing sleep over this shit (plus I also keep waking him up and pushing him, so it can't be healthy for him either)
No. 914573
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>>914568>snoring is the fucking worstIt is, doesn't help that I am also a
very light sleeper and I can't sleep easily once something wakes me up
>have you guys looked into those snoring surgeries? I actually have, and he kept putting it off until he basically admitted to me.that he's very scared of doing surgeries, especially considering this is not for something life threatening.
Nasal strips sometimes work for him but not only all the ones I had are gone and the new ones have not arrived yet, but also it doesn't work always, it's a fucking gamble.
Also sucks that we just got a new Queen sized bed, it would be so shitty to ask him to sleep elsewhere while I get this gigantic bed for myself. Guess I will be the one sleeping elsewhere. Fuuuckkk
No. 914578
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>>914577Yeah, you're right. I guess I'll try to talk him into it again, but he'll probably answer that he'll sleep in the guestroom and I'll feel like shit. I wonder if picrel+ nasal strips work since the mouth will also be shut and whatnot. At least he's willing to use stuff like that
No. 914604
>>914603Nah girl, drink some cranberry juice and kill
him. Also three times a day?? Sweet christ
No. 914611
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>>914603Bitch, he's fucking lying. Stop getting played like that, he's just using you
No. 914642
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>>914605You really didn't have to rub it in
No. 914660
>>914651Now I wanna know if he really has a bad dragon xl dong. Please bring some measuring tape next time you see him and report back.
Here are two manufacturers sizing infos for reference. No. 914670
>>914662Hope you'll feel better soon
nonnie and let it be a lesson for the future.
No. 914675
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>>914662garlic, nonna, eat raw garlic, that's a natural antibiotic and it really works, tried it myself while having that bullshit. And lots of water. You will feel better soon and then you should travel with your bf to the Icelandic Phallological Museum, so he can compare his huge penis to that of an elephant, don't think there are condoms for elephants.
No. 914694
>>914685Will people at work hate me? They all looked with pity and didn’t know what to say or do though. Someone walked with me.
The rest hoped for the best I guess. I’m worrying about my reputation because I’m in a big city. I just want to keep my job and ability to find renting.
And true. Tell me yours anon.
No. 914695
>>914440Nonnie I know this is will be hard for you to do, put please try and fins some way to ease the stess and anxiety. If you were in the UK, I could walk you through what happens - in the UK, we are now protected against Identidy Theft, it still happens and some very disressed people are still crying at the CAB, BUT the banks will work with them ( I don't see a need to post Finacial Law refrences to back up my claims), but I assume you are American and i assume the US has a very similair policy to the UK, when it comes to ID theft. Please contact your back and try to get a meeting with a PERSON, in ADDITION to writting emails letters and making sure you have hard physical copy. With ID thefts a lot depends on the sophistation of scam and the
Victim ( The elderly and those with low intelligence are the ones they get " so far" with. Please do not take the Low intelligence part as an insult. I should have phrased it better, but there has been a huge surge in ID thefts and scams since covid took hold. You should not feel embarrassed I work in Financial law and plenty of intelligent and succesful people get ID thefts and have falled for sophisticated scams. ( Some involve editting phone conversations so it sounds like you are saying YES to a question, when in reality the only thing you may have said YES to was an offer for a glass of water. I hope some US nonnies can give you better advice. That said, please feel free to ask me any questions? I would be more than happy to try and reduce your anxiety in a constructive way. I personally knew a sophisticated Scammer, he got send to jail, but before that he was working in finance. good Luck
nonnie and please tell your dad / loved ones, as it sounds like you could do with some IRL help and comfort from your loved ones. Please go to go to your Bank and while this is still fresh on your mind, wrote down as much detail as you can.
No. 914704
>>914440 same fagging but
"They DON@T ( my emphasis) have my cell phone number, SSN, credit/debit card info, bank account info, but they could get my SSN by calling the major carriers until they find the one I have an account with, scam them into switching over the number using my address, DOB, full name, email, etc. Once they have that, they can then break through my 2 factor authentication on financial and academic accounts, which will reveal my SSN. And when that happens, my identity is as good as stolen. This UNLIKELY, but again I don't live in the US. I think you are overly worrying about things and in the process this is effecting your ability to think clearly and rationally again please don't take this as in insult.
No. 914751
>>914684I'm so tired and I'm losing patience with life. Broke up with an
abusive ex, had to get a fucking abortion and now my grandma died. I don't want to help with her funeral any more I just want it to be over.
All this running around I have a headache. My mom doesn't get how tabs on her web browser works, so I've been doing a lot. My exes dad died last year and I had to deal with his family and their emotional outbursts and fuck shit too. I was way too close in that scenario for a guy who told me in the first 2 months he was embarrassed by me.
I'm so fucking spent and I'm only 25, how much more am I supposed to go through? And all I get is "ur so strong" fuck off. My other ex lost his grandma and that's all. Dude dropped out of college cuz he just couldn't deal. I'm sure he didn't have to be hands on in her funeral arrangements like I have too. I don't want to help anyone but no one else is going to help my mom like I can. And she shouldn't have to do it alone either I'm just so fucking annoyed and tired. Every fucking ten minutes she's calling for something else. I'm correcting the speeches she made for people, emailing and calling people, giving advice and it feels so not fair.
I hate this "being strong" shit all I want to do is smoke weed and go into an emotional coma for a while. But nooo, I'm pretty much forced to 'be strong'. And because of my ex my friend group is pretty estranged so most days I just browse lolcow for my distraction. 2 years of my life being on hold but now that I'm 'free' everything is hitting me at once and it sucks.
/Rant over
No. 914773
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>>914765was it a tulip tree? I used to have one outside my bedroom when I lived near the city and I miss it and that time quite a bit
No. 914786
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>>914751you are doing great and I hope that the time will come when everything will be easier for you.
No. 914790
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I feel really embarassed when I see younger people that are doing better in life than me
No. 914809
>>914789The thing is, grandma paid for her own ceremony in full like a year or two before I was born, so yeah. Kinda what we're going with. My mom wanted to cremate her to avoid the stress but I believe grandma's wishes should be honored, especially since she paid for it.
Part of me wants to cop out but idk I probably couldn't live with myself doing that either. I know how confusing I sound right now but it feels like every choice is stressful and I just wanna sleep
No. 914890
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Ah yes, gotta love being emotionally and sexually abused by my stepfather for several years, having my mother not actually leave him despite everything he's done and her telling me she wouldn't even let a man live if they did that to me, then having to explain to her why I can never see her or my siblings ever again if he's anywhere within the vicinity because he's a fucking disgusting prick that deserves to be beaten to death with a bat. My grandma has kidney failure and is basically on her last leg, my dad has sickle cell and is spending more and more time in the hospital which isn't a good sign whatsoever, and my aunt just died from COVID. Not even the antidepressants can keep me from really offing myself at this point. I do not want to exist.
No. 914891
>>914684Op here
Can anyone just hug me please? I was molested by a homeless faggot in my own room and now hostel exterminated my renting contract
I acted like a trisha paytas after shift was over at work field
Save me and tell me all will be alright
No. 914897
>>912082>>912127>>914269late and maybe I should shut up since I have nothing positive to add, so quit reading before spoiler if you don't want to deal with me. Anyway I'm pretty much in the same mental space.
I think about him everyday, even when the trauma has been pushed back into my mind and I'm pretending to be normal. I keep having dreams about him reaching out to me and me desperately wanting to go back, but feeling bad about leaving my boyfriend for a pedo predator who abused me. Every few months I fully regress into my trauma, i.e. when I hear a song with lyrics that remind me of him, when I dream of him or something else happens. It's like a backup save of my mind from when I was 13 gets loaded and everything returns. I agonize over 'us', over losing him, over being hurt. I fantasize about fucking him, slitting his throat and killing myself. Not always all three at the same time. I think someday I actually may kill myself for real when I'm in that state. I feel like it would be a proper ending to the shitshow. My entire life since I lost him has been like when a movie drags forever before reaching the ending that everyone has predicted an hour ago. It's like I've lived through my own Vietnam. It calls to me over and over and over again, and it never ends and yet life goes on even though it shouldn't. Nobody fucking understands because nobody's been there with me. Nobody could ever understand, even HE because half of it was in my head. He, and us, and the life that we were meant to life were my grand narrative, and everything feels pointless and empty in comparison. I desperately miss the strength, determination and sense of meaning one experiences when they decide to arrange for their suicide. I wish I could join a cult, but the only thing I've ever believed in was him. I hate that love and comfortable life is not good enough in comparison. To this day, THAT is the only thing that feels real to me. My whole 'happy' life tastes like cardboard and I wish that I killed myself when I wanted to the most. Everyone warns you about losing happiness if you commit suicide, but nobody talks about the regret of living beyond expiration date that you set for yourself Yes, I've been in therapy. It's done nothing beyond line my therapist's pockets.
No. 914916
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I don't want to do anything at all.
I have all my hobbies and ambitions but in the end the only thing I want the most is just sleep.
Everything is bothersome. Even doing the things I like isn't worth the effort.
I wish I could sleep all the time but I don't want to waste my life either, but doing things it's not only overwhelming but bothersome and not so satisfying.
What should I do?
No. 914927
>>914909What a way to comfort me…
She’s an 18 year old orphan and I wanted to find a shelter for the youth.
Do I really deserve it?
No. 914932
>>914909And she also fucking molested me. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Like seriously? Why do you have to be so rude. Idc if I sound like a faggot, I’m in immense pain.
No. 914938
>>914919I do things because I have to do it, out of habit and a slight sense of accomplishment. But in the end it's all tiring. I just want to disappear.
Let's be miserable together anon.
>>914922But I can't daydream all my life.
My teenage years were spent literally days refreshing up the same page on the internet and being in a fantasy world in my head. But because of that, I have no memories. It's all just a fantasy …
No. 914951
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>>914938Sounds good to me
No. 914965
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>>914930NTA, but you do come across unhinged.
>>914949This just keeps getting more convoluted, considering the claim that this all happened in a very short timespan, seemingly a couple days.
No. 914967
>>914965>sis it dont add upWhat did she mean by this?
And yes I’m unhinged, so what? It’s ok to suffer from ptsd, just like its ok for u to have bpd. Since this is a vent thread ima continue:
I did get raped by a man retard. And she did keep molesting me but i was too scared to say anything at first befause she’s 1. A girl /. 18 3. An orphan 4. I took her in (i didnt know it would be this bad tho)
No. 914981
>>914975You’re ugly btw and your vagina probably smells worse than the homeless orphan’s.
That’s my critical reception of you.
Peace out, I’m gonna find me a mansion, schedule a nail appointment and calm down. Shitheads and scrotes that larp as women aint worth my time.
No. 914991
>>914987I am gonna stop posting in /ot/ anyways
No. 914993
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>>914751>>914684>>914891I hope things get better for you soon, anon. Christ. You're not Trisha Paytas for reacting this way, you've been through some shit and you don't deserve it.
No. 914996
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>>914967>what did she mean by thisuhm exactly what I wrote?
>>914991good idea, get well soon
No. 915003
I have so many things I am good at and that I could become amazing in if only I focused on them. If I decided to, I could easily be fluent in multiple languages and become a skilled artist as well as actress. However, instead I choose to focus on things I have never done before, such as playing the violin and dancing ballet. There is nothing wrong with aiming for things that are outside of your comfort zone, but sometimes I wish I didn't make things so difficult for myself. I would like to see the skills and talents I already have as good and worthy. I believe strongly that you can do anything you put your mind to, including things you have never done before that demand a lot of practise, such as playing the violin and dancing ballet. And yet I do not focus first on the things I am already good at to rebuild my confidence and develop the habit of practising something consistently again. I think maybe that if I did this and focused on subjects that are already easy to me, I could develop confidence and discipline that would help me feel less afraid of undertaking new projects that feel more foreign and demanding to me. I just worry I'm running out of time, and in doing so, I waste it. I really think too much, and not in the right way. I am constantly trying anew, however. Constantly constantly!!!
No. 915017
>>915003Why don’t you pick one activity and stick with it and then like some little other stuff? If you want to be an artist, practice everyday (or try to). Commit to it. Do the rest, but let the level of commitment vary depending on importance. Of course some learning curves are going to be steeper than others, but that’s normal. Consistency is key.
> I just worry I'm running out of time, and in doing so, I waste it. Very delighted to tell you that you have the rest of your life ahead of you to do everything and anything. Worrying is counterproductive, so just get to it.
No. 915018
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>>914909what I want to know is why you’re blaming someone else for their molestation? do you want to explain to everyone why you’re so fucked in the head, edgelord? come on, tell us already, you already think you’re morally superior to everyone on this site. it doesn’t matter if anon is “BPD” no one deserves to be raped or molested.
No. 915043
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I often feel like nobody believes me. I could say the sky is blue or the grass is green and they'll look at me like I'm retarded. Meanwhile when I lie, they'll believe me.
No. 915044
>>915031Op here ya keep pretending it’s another anon but whatever.
Venting some more ramblings since you insist:
I was raped on the 23rd of august in a student dorm, moved to another hostel to start fresh. When I informed the police for the second time, I brought a good friend with me. Good friend lives in accommodated setting. I never judged her for that. Good friend saw an orphan girl who recently turned 18 for a few days that keeps getting kicked out everywhere she goes, even homeless shelters. and i felt what we all felt: pity. She asked me if I could do anything for her.
Anyways I learnt my lesson, no need to be so heartless. I just wanted pics of cats like and virtual hugs. Stop calling me unhinged. Maybe I’ll say sorry for saying your vagina smells. If you have one tho.
No. 915061
>>915031I don’t know why anon would do that, I don’t want to armchair-fag but behavior like letting random people in your home seems like they’re also mentally ill, it’s even worse that you’re blaming someone who probably thinks differently from you and I and their thought processes are always irrational because of their mental illness. Kicking them down consistently is not going to make them normal. That still does not mean she deserves to be kicked out and raped ironically turning her into a homeless mentally ill vagrant where her untreated condition and trauma can get worse and who knows what else could happen? I can get where you’re coming from, but I will always disagree with it because human beings aren’t robotic thinkers who are always logically consistent or perfect and your way of dealing with a situation might not be the same for someone else’s. You’re the type of person to be a rugged individualist and selfish, no one cares, but some other people aren’t
you. We don’t know the whole story but that still does not mean that she deserved to be fucking raped. No one here is looking for imaginary reddit points, some of us just aren’t detached completely from reality and incapable of compassion.
No. 915071
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>>915043>>914996>>914965My guess is that there were at least 3 anons responding.
The vent just seemed sus to me, since there's been lesbophobic sperging in several threads for a while now.
No. 915076
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There's this guy in my area that sells mini enchilladas and it's obvious that he does that cause he's jobless and had to find a way to provide for his family, and I always try to buy at least a pack when he comes by, but the truth that I need to scream to the void is that they are just kinda bad. He even asked me one of the times if I liked them and I couldn't say to his face that they were not very good. I don't even think he's the one making it, I think it maybe his wife and he's the one selling it door to door. But still. I never had the guts to turn it down, either, I know this economy fucking sucks right now, there are millions of people here that are just unemployed. And to add insult to injury, I'm gluten intolerant so whenever I eat the mini enchilladas I just become a painful balloon lmao Here's to him working a steadier job soon
that being said I think today was the least offensive, they were okayish. I am still in gluten pain, though.
No. 915081
>>915061No one said she deserved to be raped and her rape had nothing to do with her taking in that girl so I don't know why it keeps being brought up over and over again. I'm not detached from reality or incapable of compassion, I've been raped, I've been molested, I've been beaten, but I still take responsibility for my choices and the consequences of them and don't expect to only get ass pats when I tell someone the consequences of my actions. And then to keep being called a samefag, a scrote, to be told my vagina smells and I'm ugly, when I didn't insult her once until I called her a freak after being called ugly and smelly. Never once did I doubt what happened to her, or even say "you deserved it", I'm just not going to stroke her hair and says "shhh, baby it's gonna be okay" when she is a major factor in why this shitty teenager molested her.
No. 915083
>>915081You’re point blank
victim blaming, I don’t think I care if you were called ugly or had your vagina called smelly
based anon you’re a
victim blamer. Fuck off
No. 915087
>>915076Bless your heart anon. It reminds me of this guy who sells barbequed meat around my apartment. Even in the dead of winter, which can be so unforgiving in my city, I'll see him set up and stand there all bundled up, waiting for customers. It makes me happy when I see lots of people around and eating/waiting for his food. There's quite a few of them in my neighborhood and I wish I could give them more business, everyone's just trying their best out here to survive.
I wish my heartstrings weren't always so easily tugged but all I can think about is my own parents. They don't have to do work like this, but they still work low wage jobs and have ever since they immigrated to my country. Those people are someone's breadwinner and they're just trying to do some good, honest work. Maybe I'm just a sucker and these people are filthy rich and doing this shit because they're bored millionaires but fuck man. I'm always too empathetic to shit like that, thanks for caring for him and always buying a pack even if they suck. I think this world is worth tolerating because of people like you.
No. 915102
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>>915087Thank you so much anon, I am about to get my period and this just made me straight up cry lol. You're so right.
>I wish my heartstrings weren't always so easily tugged but all I can think about is my own parents. They don't have to do work like this, but they still work low wage jobs and have ever since they immigrated to my country. Those people are someone's breadwinner and they're just trying to do some good, honest work.I am absolutely the same, I always feel a bit emotional seeing people struggling like that. There's also this girl that comes with her mom from time to time (like every 4 months or so) to sell dish cloths and she almost cried once when we gave them a big sum to buy the bulk of their cloths. It was a very bittersweet moment, I hope the kid is enjoying some chocolate (she said to me once she loved chocolate -like every kid- but they didn't have the means to buy it that often).
Bless you too, we got to help each other
No. 915108
>>915094>for company Lies.
Actually I have a lot of my shit together. I was only hurt because well the wounds are pretty fresh but I am ok I am packing in stuff and I realize a lot of people irl are nice to me because they find me decent and kind. You’re judging somebody who was venting for what actually? Lol I seriously don’t get it. I am in the right place. If I throw tantrums irl it’s not good, if I vent accordingly in a Vent thread it’s not good. I don’t think I sound insufferable tbh. I think you are for some reason just mad that I did something stupid that risked my life, but that doesn’t make any sense since the anon that got raped, beaten etc probably was in some situation too that she could have avoided. Yet I don’t think it makes sense to say weird stuff that just can be done in a different thread than a vent thread. Whatever, Lemisol soap is good and I hope some anons will consider trying it.
No. 915125
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>>914380Nikita actually looks terrible, oh to have the confidence of a botched troon
No. 915129
>>915122Remnants of imageboard culture.
In contrary I will never understand anons who shittalk the userbase of the farm but still post here.
No. 915130
>>915124I only did what you did,
nonnie. My ptsd made me vulnerable and gave me a psychosis like state and that’s when I took her in.
I remember I dated this guy who was molested as a 6 year old. And when I cried to him that a man in the bus stop tried kissing me he also blamed me. Not relevant but just something I wanna vent. Lol.
Last vent, good night bitches and cuties.
No. 915137
>>915130You know what? I'm genuinely sorry. For all of this. It's a mix of my own experiences and bias and anger and I shouldn't have put
any of that on you and the longer I think about this the angrier I am with myself for being so hard on you. You don't have to forgive me, but I want to give you my full honest apology for being so hostile.
No. 915141
>>915132What is it for then? If not venting?
Do you feel superior when you tell people venting about shit they're stressed/depressed/angry about that they're schizos and should take their meds? Let people vent in peace, nona.
No. 915143
>>915137Now that’s what I wanted. The virtual hugs, cat pics and sweet words.
I love you too anon. I know you didn’t mean it. I will work hard on my naivety, my vulgarity when I lose control, my loss of reality in times of anxiety and I wish you a good night. I’m happy we all got the good ol vent thread restored back to the cuddle puddle however.
No. 915150
>>915092Honestly I don’t usually feel sorry for myself. I feel alright, even though my mental health is extremely poor and always has been. I only really feel bad when I compare myself (or are forcibly compared) to other people or to whatever standard a proper, “fulfilling” life is. What I’ve realized, however, is that all you people are projecting your fears and desires onto me and I’ve been cucked into believing that what you want is what I should want. What you do is what I should do and in the exact way you do it, too. And I think that’s a bit silly.
I don’t want what you have. Your values are disgusting. No matter how many goals you achieve and how strictly you follow your routines, an emptiness is always waiting for you. Good luck.
No. 915163
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>>915143>>915147>>915156Anons this is such a sweet exchange! I hope the anons here can learn that, in the end, we don't really know a person if all we read about them was a few lines on a imageboard (while they were venting, nonetheless). You never know what a person has went through, and what led up to that moment of them posting.
No. 915168
>>915163tbf you don't know what the person that's telling them to fuck off has been through either kek but it's not a requirement that you have to suck every anon's ass that posts a vent. look how everyone responded to
>>914603 for example. you're allowed to be skeptical.
No. 915172
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No. 915185
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>>915178that would be antithesis to being on this site. “immoralfagging” isn’t a thing anyway qt, you’re on
No. 915330
>>915326peeing is better since ive been drinking these horrible sachets that make it better somehow
i told my boyfriend he gave me a uti and he apologised but still doesnt want to wrap it because he thinks i enjoy it more raw. i told him thats not true and i care more about not having an infection than him struggling to cope with having such a horse cock and he seemed pretty embarrassed
No. 915408
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I've wanted to troon out for years but I know I will never be nor pass as a man so I'm just attempting to starve away all of my feminine features instead
No. 915411
>>915042I feel you anon. I also live mainly because of my family. This ride never ends.
>>915046You mean antidepressants? I tried them and it didn't help me at all. Although I'm going to see a new psychiatrist and I'll try to get them again.
Actually, I can do all my chores, but I'm empty inside because everything is just tiring and bothersome.
No. 915416
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Apparently in my family getting knocked up and having a kid in a state of limerence makes everyone forget how fucked the circumstances that brought the kid into the world are. No, the fact that my sister produced a helpless child out of her manic whirlwind romance with an equally impulsive guy does not make me any happier about the situation. No, I do not feel a sense of joy or desire to become close with the person I fought with on a near-daily basis for my entire childhood and who only contacts me when she wants attention. No, I do not suddenly find babies cute. No, I will not expose myself to the pontification she will almost certainly launch at me given how she's historically martyred herself over every milestone she reached even a week before me. No, I will not move to the rust belt because suddenly ~family is everything~, which is rich coming from parents who dragged me around the US and beyond for most of my childhood, called my desire to move to the EU – because I developed wanderlust as a result of their actions – a "fantasy" at one point, then moved to a different country just as I took a job closer to them; I've gained the luxury to ditch the country and am taking it soon. No, I will not change my attitude or behavior towards my family in any way. I'm not even a childfree faget, I just don't want anything to do with this weird ass situation, my attention-seeking sister, or my turbulent family beyond what I already spend effort putting in. I really just don't care and this effort to make me care is just unsurfacing bad memories from my stormy childhood.
No. 915419
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>>915417you have mouth lines and are fat just like the ugly girl in the picture
No. 915474
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>>915464It’s no use arguing with that anon, she wants to pretend that her mewental helth is deteriorating because of a Mongolian basket weaving forum and not because she’s like Pic related.
Seriously, it’s so easy to just leave the site if it makes her seriously feel like shit, i don’t even see the use of trying be like
>uwu you’re terrible if you use this wembsite!While also admitting to browse 4chan of all places? Come on.
No. 915482
>>915468>>915464>meanwhile on lolcowmentally ill woman gets urged to kill herself. Mentally ill woman is called ugly and stupid and is blamed for her illness.
At least the main focus of /x/ and /mu/ is not berating women or criticizing them for their appearance and mental illness. This entire place exists solely because of /cgl/ which was one of the most
toxic boards from 4chan towards women. The mascot of lolcow is literally a mentally ill woman PT, the main board is named after her. This place is built around humiliating and tearing apart/stalking mentally ill and not conventionally attractive women such as PT. This entire place is built around misogyny and woman hatred. And the posts I've seen on here throughout the years are way worse than calling someone "fat".
>>915474Have you even read my post? I replied to
>>915426 that replied to
>>915417 and I just stated the obvious which is that this place is misogynistic and not all boards on 4chan are the same. Some of them don't even have women as a focus, it is true that misogyny spills in all of them, but if you struggle with body image issues like
>>915417 does browsing a place that has that is focused on berating normal looking women and making fun of their looks is not your best bet. Browsing a board about ghosts in that situation might be better than browsing a place such as lolcow that has the main focus of making fun of women's looks. In my post
>>915428 I even acknowledged that anon probably had issues to begin with.
As a clarification, I don't browse 4chan and I didn't even complain about my mental health. Learn how to read.
No. 915493
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>>915482>At least the main focus of /x/ and /mu/ is not berating women or criticizing them for their appearance Meanwhile, after clicking the very first thread on /mu/:
No. 915494
>>915482So you don't browse 4chan and you think you're an authority on this??
I'm not denying that lolcow can be bad for mental health and god knows I've criticised the nitpicky shit that goes on, but I spent many years on 4chan and it is so much fucking worse. It's soul sucking to constantly hear about how you and your fellow women are dumb children who exist solely to be fucked, to hear every possible criticism of a woman's body/race/personality from men who truly despise you for not meeting their standards. The number of times I've seen them advocate for rape because we supposedly love it, that children are the best and only choice for sexual partners, that women should be locked up on breeding farms as slaves (obviously no roasties, non virgins or hags over 20 though). I've gotten over that stuff, partly thanks to lolcow and other sites for women, but I remember reading it and crying when I was younger because of how shitty it felt to know what men think of us behind our backs. On lolcow there is nastiness, but there is also a tonne of reassurance and support. There's the understanding that nitpickers are probably insecure and reaching for any insult they can jab at someone they don't like or are jealous of. There is no genuine seething hatred or violence directed at womankind and porn isn't widely supported. This is a million times better than 4chan.
No. 915498
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>>915482>>915493>the third thread on muEtc etc
No. 915508
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>>915482Geez weez, /x/ is such a nice place too.
No. 915521
>>915493>>915508you're retards both of you, my statement was "I don't browse 4chan" that doesn't mean I never browsed 4chan, it just simply means that I do not browse 4chan now, in the present. I know you are stupid, so you have to make assumptions and misinterpret everything that I say. It's okay, I forgive you for not having logical consistency.
>>915508>>915498>>915493yes, that's true. I did say that misogyny spills in there too, but 80% of the posts on those boards are about music or paranormal activity. If you want an anonymous place to browse and are an aiden like
>>915408 is, not browsing lolcow is your best bet. This place literally made fun of an soren woman that killed herself not long ago and anons didn't even want to stop posting in her thread and some of them probably thought that it was all her fault for her mental illness and that she deserved her death because "it is all in our hands", talk about sociopathy. Aiden anon said she wants to starve herself until she has no feminine features left
>>915415 anon replied with this which is pretty fucking retarded. Why would you advise someone with BDD to browse a place that's full of nitpicking women's bodies and that is full of BDD sufferers that criticize normal looking women? This place is going to make your already horrible mental health worsen if you're so bad you wanna starve yourself until you look like a malnourished boy. The anons that replied to me didn't even read my post and acted like I was complaining about my mental health when I never did that. Everything I said was
>>915428 which is true, I further argumented that in
>>915482 this entire place is built on the premise of making fun of the looks of women and also making fun of their mental health and putting the blame on them. Let's not act like lolcow is the pinnacle of feminism, when it is quite the opposite.
No. 915527
>>915521Seriously, just like, stop coming here, just go in here
> relax, you can have fun there with your buddies and friendsies, sharing pictures of photoshopped men and giggling while complimenting everyone for anything they do.
No. 915539
lolcow is literally 80% of nitpicking women's looks, making fun of their suffering or blaming them for their mental illness. This place is full of misogyny just like any other internet shithole. Tell me to leave? Why should I leave? I'm not the one acting like lolcow is the representation of feminist thought and action.
>>915528that's not the point, the point is that this place literally hates women and is built around harassing women. I hate when anons act like this is a feminist space. It is not.
>>915527you go back to /pt/ and make posts about shayna's pussy. I can moralfag in /ot/ as much as I want.
>inb4 a woman that disagrees with me! I will call her a troon and a scrote. No. 915549
>>915539>thinking lolcow is a feminist placeJesús Cristo, like, do you see any feminist theory thread or something? There are feminists in, sure, but there’s also retards, moids and pickmes, including the cows like shart, posting in every thread.
I don’t get how you thought a website is somehow a feminist haven when there isn’t anything saying so, most of us just want to feel like there’s somewhere where women can be rude, mean and comfortable without any social pressure.
This isn’t some sort of political forum.
I hate retards like you who turn everything into some political strawman.
Seriously unplug your router and go to sleep.
No. 915556
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>>915521You have to be a special kind of pathetic to come here and cry about how this place fucked up your self steem because "misogyny worse than 4chin" because someone pointed out your nasolabial folds, and still keep coming here. Bitch stop lying to yourself. That or go back to 4c.
No. 915565
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>>915556you are a retard and I never said it fucked up my mental health. You're just bad at reading, but it is ok because here on lolcow being as dumb as rocks is the norm. I literally posted
>>915419 as a joke and then proceeded to moralag. My post encapsulated the entirety of lolcow's mindset. Calling a normal, average looking woman ugly and fat.
No. 915586
>>915572shut the fuck up bitch I will post here when I want to. Again, as other anons have pointed out this is a place where you can be rooode and mean as a woman
>>915549. I want to be roode and mean and argue and the things I say and point out are also true and right. Call me a scrote or troon or whatever. Why can you not accept I can post on here while simultaneously being very critical of this place? Become the new admin and permanently ban me if you cannot accept someone with my opinions on here. Or go back to reddit, where everyone shares the same opinion as you and you can ban me by my username.
>>915576forever as in 6 more months until this place shuts down forever because literally everyone that browses on here is either too incompetent or too afraid to take over this shithole.
No. 915596
>>915586But you’re literally pulling stuff out of your ass, you’re criticizing what your walnut brain understood from the threads you barely read and you’re assuming anyone who comes here was fine, until they weren’t because nitpicking somehow makes you self-conscious?
You don’t even know that shay will never be considered a /pt/ cow because she’s often just a dry cow living in Groundhog Day.
You also don’t know that a bunch of anons felt bad about Soren
who hasn’t been confirmed dead anyways and that lots of anons wanted the thread to close because they couldn’t cope with the idea of Soren actually killing herself.
Like, do you seriously think there’s like 5 anons rotating from thread to thread and filling up this whole ass forum? There’s lurkers, cows, moids and idiotic newfags like you, shitting up threads over dumbass shit that bothered you.
Seriously, just go back to your 4chan sage heaven and talk about your funky ghosts or something.
No. 915599
>>915565Your post only encapsulated the level of your delusion and retardation when you compared lc to 4c. Like, bitch, shut the fuck up. We got it, you think this place is vile and 4c is better. Then go you fucking prick. But you won't. Because you're just one more of those fucking weaklings that come here from times to times to bother us with your faggotry.
'Lolcow mindset' lmao. What do you want? Be showered with compliments, yay queen slay? What's up? The moids didn't give you that at your stay with them, then you came here looking for it? We ain't going to coddle you just because we're women.
I know very well your kind. The type of prick that is too much of a coward to put her life back on tracks, to face that she is a fuck up. And she keeps fucking up but she now has to turn everyone's life into hell. You take pleasure into that, am I right? Listen up retard, you better grow the fuck up or the harsh reality will catch up, and when it does it will smack your ass so hard you ain't be sitting straight ever again. You know what I'm talking about? You ever leave your room? Turn off your computer. Go do your homework, kiss your mama. It's not lc that is ruinning your life, it's yourself.
No. 915602
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I just want to live comfortably AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 915605
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>>915602>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAThis shit should be included in the no emoji rule. Everytime I have to see this shit it makes me think of uwu tumblerinas and twitterfags.
No. 915616
>>915596I've been here for a while. Unfortunately, I have been here for a very long time. I came across lolcow as all other anons have come across it. I looked up anorexic girls and ashley issac's thread popped up in google image search, 6 years later and I'm still here. The farm is built around making fun of and criticizing unwell women that don't even do much. I will repeat this over and over again. The threads also fascinate me and the posters fascinate me. The shit they can come up with and say. The userbase is also divided in 2 as I am aware. Most cows have sympathizers, but it appears to me each cow has an approximate of 5 vendetta chans that are cows themselves and have terrible lives and are filled with mental illness and hatred. Just like in Venus's case, some anons will never "forgive" or forget here because they are fucked in the head. Maybe you should stop contributing to the issue if you don't want me "shitting up the thread" by not replying to my post, because if you do I will reply back. What are the things that I'm pulling out of my ass to be more exact? I've seen terrible things being said about women on here. You also have to be aware of the fact that some anons took pleasure in Soren's suffering and thought it was all her fault, just like in Venus's case. It's split in two.
>>915599yea and ? I never said 4chan was better than lolcow, but 4chan is not this singular entity, it has boards that are not focused on women, discussing women or women's bodies(yes misogynistic stuff spills in there but it is still mostly used for the purpose of the board, I went to /mu/ after 4 years and almost all of the posts are about music, not about wrinkles, ugly vaginas, mouth lines and so on. Yes, in the big picture 4chan is worse than lolcow, yet lolcow is still terrible for people with BDD. I take pleasure in turning people's life into hell? How am I doing that? By posting my opinion on an anon imageboard? Wow I've truly dragged people into misery by simply saying "lolcow is not heaven and it is built on misogynistic premises and it will probably make your mental health worse". Why do you act like you're all tough for being in a place that doesn't coddle people, yet you're acting as if me making some retarded posts is dragging people down? I never said lolcow is ruining my life you retard, you literally know nothing about me and my life. Now, stop replying stupid non-sensical shit to my posts.
No. 915626
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How come men can never shutup about other women? Literally at all?
>guy who flirts with me
>wouldn't stop namedropping girls he considered cute and commenting on the ones he'd see randomly on the street
>dating a guy
>wouldn't shut up about hot coworker and her huge tits
>same with male friends
>even the married ones
Is this all men ever talk about? Even in areas online that are "boys only" clubs where they rrREEE if any girl "invades" their space, you can see that all they ever talk about is women. Even if they hate them. You could maybe say the same about girls, but it's never to the extent about men where we dehumanize them into body parts (the only exception being dick, and that's not even as common as this since most men don't even have dicks worth bragging about).
No. 915627
>>915616>I never said 4c is better, I just said 4c is better because it is not a singular entityYet, somehow with your years of experience you don't know shit about lc and think we are a singular entity?
Whats up with that tunnel vision?
And now you wanna me to stop replying? You make me stop replying. Just make me, betch. Imma never shut up. I might as well smack your ass myself, little demon. You're the one who hates it here. Go back to your sausage party you fucking nitwit, maybe the boys gonna think you're one of them now the final remains of your brain came out of your nose
No. 915648
>>915428i feel like any anon who uses /mu/ as an example for a "good" 4chan board must seriously…never, ever go on 4chan, right? kek. literally 5 minutes of using /mu/ and you can see how much they despise women, i have no idea how you could consistently visit that board and claim it's one of the less misogynistic boards. /x/ is just "ok" sometimes but even then, you still see incel tier ideologies being cheered on there too. the only good boards on 4chan are /diy/, /an/, /sci/ and /out/. change my mind
also i understand your frustration anon, reading certain threads here makes me feel worse about myself too. i do feel like 4chan is worse overall. because its pretty much guaranteed that every 4chan poster does not even see me as human, and if they do, they only see me as a sex object. women on lc are extremely varied in their opinions, and i think that most women on here only critique certain people to such an extent because of factors that are unrelated to their appearance. for example, if shayna was a good person who never had a thread here, and some anon posted in a thread berating her "weird tit", i feel like people would reply with mostly negative things towards the anon who made the criticism. just because MOST people here only tend to find MORE faults with people who we already know we dislike for reasons other than their appearance. so knowing that makes it..a bit easier to cope with? a little bit? just because, i know if i'm a good person and not a retard, people will never have a reason to demean me the same way they do to cows. which is different from men, because men will demean, berate, and belittle any women no matter how good they are and no matter how attractive they are.
this was autistic and i'm sorry but once i start typing about something i can't stop kek
No. 915651
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>>915408Genuine question, what is that gonna do? Is Does the “maleness” feeling only get validated depending on how the world perceives your body? If suddenly sexual dimorphism in humans is reversed between male and female, and you get to keep your current body which now looks like men’s, would you stop feeling “dysphoric”? If your body changed into that of your current impossible ideal now, would you instead feel sad about not having wide hips and tits like men’s thus not fitting in with them? Given that nothing else about the world is different, women still get treated like shit and held to impossible standards with our cocks and ape skulls.
No. 915659
>>915648It’s not autistic. You have common sense, I love to see it. It’s unreal the way some bitches internalize “nasolabial folds” and “cankles”.
Literally no one would give a fuck about yours irl because you’re not a cow (though you might be if you’re so hysterical and self obsessed to the point of unable to view the world separate from yourselves).
They also conveniently pretend that there aren’t anons actively police nitpickers in cow threads. What is context right? It’s easy to frame how mean it is if you don’t mention how cows photoshop themselves into a cartoon to perpetuate
toxic standards for women, all the while they eat and drink and dope themselves into the their current state of appearance all on their own.
No. 915675
nonny, browsing 4chan as a teen really fucked me up. Not sure what anon is going on about because even /x/ or /mu/ has this common understanding that women are worthless, inferior and subhuman and there isn't a thread where multiple people don't say it in some way. It's self harm to browse 4chan as a woman, the same way it would be self harm to browse lolcow as a man. Anons can be bitches here but a-logging and harsh infighting usually gets banned fast (try saying women are inferior roasties and you'll get a permaban in 20 minutes) and to me the overall experience was positive.
No. 915683
>>915667that's so annoying and weird, i usually do the opposite, focus on talking to the woman so she doesn't think I'm eyeing her man.
Im fuckin gay anyways but some ladies are ready to claw my throat out for making eye contact with her dude
No. 915685
>>915683Bless. If I’m asking for my cheeseburger then make sure we are making contact.
It’s the matter of the fact that I have a voice too. That shit has happened too many times like when I am doing mundane things like going to the dmv or pharmacy.
No. 915699
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in some aspects lc has helped and in others it has been completely ruinous for my mental health so it's a double edged sword because i feel trapped but i don't know where else to go when i feel obligated to run my mouth. sometimes i don't have an honest friend to run it to about something dark and dreadful. on the other hand sometimes things here do make me feel like an awful shitty person who shouldn't exist, has terrible taste, is a hideous beast. it's still one of the "safer" gossip spaces I think ive been in by ironically it being as anonymous as it is
4chan lurking made me feel actively vile though, as much as i can't stand some of the sperging and board culture here the moids on 4ch somehow are incomparably awful next to almost anything the internet has thrown at me, plus you can't run into a thread that isn't somehow invaded by /pol/ migrants.
there is misogyny everywhere, there'll be bitches who nitpick peoples looks everywhere. does it get tiresome and redundant when it's the same three complaints over and over? yeah but it could be worse.
No. 915749
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woke up from another dream about my ex girlfriend
day ruined
No. 915769
you're all horrible, I was involved with actual sex trafficking, I'm a sex trafficking
victim and someone has been LARPING as me and obsessing over me for days.
>>908239 this is not my post and the posts made in the camgirl thread about that russian camgirl are not my posts. In Eastern Europe there are organized trafficking rings that go under "camming studios" they are ran by usual female pimps or male pimps that recruit girls through grooming tactics and the most common one is to send female groomers to mental hospitals and find barely legal mentally ill girls. They are legal sex trafficking groups.
I joined a radfem discord server from lolcow 3 years ago and I shared a lot of private information there thinking I could trust those women since they said they are radfems and I thought it would be ok to share this about myself. I left the server a couple of months ago because I didn't like being an echo chamber and since then they've been making these horrible posts LARPING as me. I'm going to kill myself tonight and make a huge internet post with lolcow linked to it and everything that has happened to me and I will also attach your ugly mugs to it since I have all your selfies saved I hope you're happy you're part of the scum that has contributed to my death
No. 915781
>>915774no but that girl from russia or ukraine is involved in it she's the groomer BPD recruiter. I posted about her in the camgirl thread and then a bunch of posts appeared impersonating me there too and on /meta/. I only posted about how she is basically working under a male pimp superior that she is dating and she is self admitting to the mental hospital with the same tactic that was used on me to groom girls. All the girls working at that studio appear on MFC and are under the same camming studio as her and they are mentally ill and obviously taken from the mental hospital, also freshly 18 and that woman is exactly like the BPD bitch that groomed me in the mental hospital. Then when you are involved with the studio they trap you mentally they convince you that you are worthless mentally ill and that you wont be able to keep a normal job and that they are taking care of you because you cannot do it on your own which is narcissistic abuse- infantilization and making the
victim feel unable to function by themselves. There have been countless of posts made on my behalf on here pretending to be me with personal information only someone as spiteful as the radfem girls from that server would do to hurt me everytime I post something they dislike they post some retarded LARP about how they are tsundere anon camwhore etc. I joined a radfem server from the friend finder thread 3 years ago and it was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Now I am being threatened by radfems on lolcow that make fun of me for being a sex trafficking
victim, the studio I worked at has posted nudes under my real name after I left to take revenge on me and some sex trafficking cult/megaorganziation is threatening to kill me and my father because I exposed them.These posts are made by people from the radfem server I was in and that hate me because I have nuance in my opinions
>>908239 there are many many others that I cannot link because im shaking and they are the vicious bitches that make those posts literally nobody here cares about me besides the "radfems" that were in that server. How the fuck can you say you are a radfem and harass literal sex trafficking/abuse
victim. I've been sexually abused since my childhood. And now youre going to tell me I'm self victimizing to manipulate you stop acting like everything I say is a lie meant to manipulate or impress others this is my life and I hate that this is my life my life has been a nightmare you know how the quote goes "they say dreams do come true but nightmares are dreams too"
No. 915793
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This small community game project I follow online is being pressured by some of the community to add gendershit (think custom pronouns, adding or coding characters as trans canonically, removing vaguely "transphobic" dialogue) and it looks like the dev is caving in to some of the demands. There was a point in the game where a character made an offhanded comment, something like having long hair doesn't make someone a woman, and the troons sperged out on the game's blog and called it "out of character"(???). Damn this is unfortunate, I really liked the game and even contributed some sprite art before the community turned in this way, and it really seems like the push for this came out of nowhere. The main person pushing or trying to volunteer these changes is a "lesbian" MtF troon too.
No. 915802
>>915793Vaguely related to this, it always makes me sad how when I hear about a female game dev/artist/music producer I can almost always count on it to be a troon.
Before I peaked, I used to tell myself 'but they are women, I should be happy for the representation' but it always felt really off because inside I knew they are just men in skirts and women just can't make it in gaming. It's really freeing not to lie to myself now. I suspect most handmaiden libfems feel like this too.
No. 915804
>>915790Idk if this is too late but consume a couple of whole white peppers, they help with stomach problems
My vent is that our house is so cold
No. 915810
>>915797I'm sorry that you had to go through this too anon. And yeah I've had the same observation, it's why I don't use discord any more because all the art servers are practically filled with this nonsense (among other problems).
>>915802It's sad how troons (who are only like 2 percent of the population) seem more prevalent than actual women in these creative fields, or maybe they just get more coverage and attention. I had similar thoughts, but more so along the lines of "they aren't hurting any one, so who cares?" but I did kind of know on the inside it was all just a larp, like you said. No amount of radfem or any kind of gendercrit discourse would've converted me or changed my opinion (because I was so lukewarm), but only troons themselves were able to peak me because of their spastic behavior. They'll literally try to destroy whole entire communities and creative projects because someone refused to entertain their delusions, everything else is secondary to them.
No. 915832
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>>915823People being sheep. It's the same with kids getting those Amazon LED lights because they see others have it.
No. 915833
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>>915832I always thought the whole point of those lights was to put it behind furniture like in picrel to give it a glow, not to have the tacky exposed LEDs out in the open. THat just looks cheap and childish. I have a corner desk and I put LED strips I got for free from work behind it and it looks pretty nice with the color scheme of my room.
No. 915877
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>>915870im so sorry i cant offer any advice for you because i am also hurting but not as much as you but i love you and i would be your friend please dont be so mean to yourself i bet you are a very pleasant person nona i hope your life gets better because you deserve to be happy please hang in there
No. 915917
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anons i fucking hate my job. i don't hate the job itself, it's as tedious as any other job i guess, i just hate how nervous it makes me constantly. i'm always messing up or making dumbshit mistakes. i want to quit but i've tried to before and they begged me to stay + offered me a raise and better hours so i took the offer.
i can't go into too much detail abt the job itself bc i'll be lowkey doxxing myself but basically it's long hours, the pay isn't great but it isn't too shitty to stay either, my coworkers rock and the best part of the job, and my boss is v understanding despite me messing up near constantly. i simultaneously care too much and too little abt what he thinks of me bc i can be the best employee ever and insanely autistic in a moment's notice.
i want to quit bc i feel like a shell of my former self. i get the feeling i'm gonna fail all my classes at college too bc i barely have time to study now. i feel like crying all the time, i feel sick. i'm sliding back into awful habits and it's starting to affect my physical health as well, not just my mental. i feel like if i quit now i'll be deemed as ungrateful but if i wait another six months to quit it'll be even worse bc i'll be in too deep by that point. i also feel like i invest myself too much into this shitty low-paying job, but when i take it easy (get lazy) at it i start to make visible mistakes and get reprimanded, so it's an impossible situation where i have to try hard enough to get by but not so hard but also be better. fuck. i miss my old life.
No. 915937
>>915929its not near my period and i didnt eat anything out of ordinary. still, maybe its stress? honestly in my mind, i know at least 2 pounds of it must be water-weight too. i just get hyperfixated on the numbers thanks to my OCD.
thank you tho for replying, i know im being overdramatic but it feels nice that someone asks without judging. even if theyre a random anon.
No. 915999
>>915990>unoriginal self-indulgent sadblogging.isn't that what this thread is for? i don't know how someone can make their life experiences original and unique lol
>>915963any cat thread outside of the cat general basically turns into the cat version of dog-hate spergs, plus spamming tox memes. and once an OP was asking for help cause his brother's (?or some guy he knew) cat was acting annoying or something and half the responses were saying to shoot and kill it.
No. 916004
I hate my chronic neck and back pain, I'm just supposed to suffer and be in a good mood and if someone asks me what's wrong I feel like they are annoyed when I say I'm in pain because it comes and goes a lot. I honestly feel that way towards other people with constant pains too. It's annoying hearing about something all the time that you can't help with. That's why depressed people are fucking annoying
>>915990What's with this trend of minimodding the vent thread? Nobody cares what you think counts as a vent you uppity crank
No. 916019
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>>916009It's not the only telling sign, but oldfags usually assimilate into imageboardculture that has been around for almost two decades. People don't get told to "lurk moar" enough nowadays.
No. 916092
>>916075He can go rent a whore if he needs someone to mimic porn dialogue to please his wee wee
What a fucking faggot
No. 916093
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>>915870You’ve been through a lot
nonny, don’t be hard on yourself. You’ve done very well for yourself considering the circumstances. I would say there’s nothing wrong with getting therapy, you don’t have to give details to your employers. And I’d probably say to distance yourself from your parents, or cut them off even. But I don’t know you or your situation so whether that’s possible or not I don’t know. Just take things one step at a time. See a doctor and a therapist. Take care of yourself, you deserve it.
No. 916107
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>>916098and you're an ugly tradlarper with a birds nest worth of hair down to the floor, probably thin as hell too. extremely long hair looks bad period.
No. 916108
>>916099check out it gives you an estimated timeline when you would hit which goal if you stay with x amount of calories per day. ofc there will always be days when you overeat or something but it really puts it into perspective. also, time goes by anyways. september 18 next year will roll around eventually and it's your choice if you start making healthy choices from today on or not. you can do it,
No. 916113
>>916098ayrt and no…
there's just such a thing as hair being too long imo
No. 916135
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>>915870you are such a strong person, nonna. I know your feelings and thoughts, one thing I can tell you, it gets better. If possible, distance yourself from your parents and if your bf doesn't seem to care about you, he isn't the right person, you deserve better.
The therapy thing, I did the same, never went to therapy because it would have been difficult to get the job I thought I would have in the future. Guess what, I dropped out of university without a degree because my mental health just got worse and worse. Please, if you have any chance, go for it, start a therapy, maybe after you secured a position in your future job, but don't push that thought of therapy completely away.
You seem like a very nice person, I don't think that there aren't any people out there willing to be your friend. I just learned that many people leave when it gets difficult, but those aren't real friends and one day you will find some.
No. 916521
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Nonnies, it was already hard enough to they/them my childhood friends BF (especially since this doesn't even exist in our language, so he literally has us use the English word for him), but, as is the fate with male themlets, he trooned out, and I feel a sting in my chest whenever I have to call him she or refer to him as a woman, like I'm insulting myself, my mother, my grandmother and all my mothers before that. I legitimately feel like he's just taking the piss out of us, but he's the male feminist kind who became a tranny because he apparently hates males as he says (and thus, doesn't want to be associated with them I guess, but I don't think he's even thought that far). I just hope childhood friend will grow out of this all and the contact with him will cease like it almost did some time ago. I just don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, since she's a pansexual enby too, so first she'll have to peak herself, and then she has to peak enough to want to get rid of him.
inb4 just cut ur losses; I know, I know, but I love her so much and she has always seen the light in the end and I have a bit too much patience, so I'll just wait it out and keep the contact to her BF to the minimum.
No. 916686
>>916387Let’s lose weight together!
>>916673As you should. Good work queen.
No. 916692
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In spite of all my planning and preparation I'm still running tragically behind on my college assignments, all of which are due tonight. I know that I've always been a slow thinker but I'm starting to suspect that I may actually be some sort of retard. I'm so fucking exhausted but I have to stay up for the next few hours if I want to get this shit done and turned in on time.
No. 916697
>>916692I feel you anon. I allow myself a few skipped assignments per semester (usually group discussions) and then it seems to take the edge off. there's this annoying uggo ass moid who I've been trying to avoid in my courses who responds to literally everyone's group discussions and I adamantly refuse to deal with his annoying ass, so that makes me want to engage even less with the class
pressuring myself to do my assignments last minute is a commonality every semester though. I don't think I can work on a timely schedule and churn out something decent. you mayve made a retarded decision but as long as you grind to get the work done, you get it done, and that's what matters. everyone has methods.
No. 916699
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>>916686NTA but I kinda feel the same , I'm the heaviest I have ever been in years, I really let myself go during the lockdown. But we can lose it! I've lost 35kg before and I know I can do it again, even though I am way older.
I just ordered a mi band so I can monitor my steps, calorie burn, heartrate, all that jazz. I will see if I can start small, like 5k steps on the first week, week and a half. That's around 30min of walking, so I don't think it's too bad to get the ball rolling and create an habit again. Even got myself a cuter strap, already lol
Let's do it, nonnies!
No. 916730
>>915942literally just eat more
nonnydrink chocco milk
eat peanut butter
that's it
No. 916759
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>I swear some men will perform things badly or ask for feedback 1000x in the process to frustrate you into doing it yourself.
This is absolutely a thing, it's called strategic incompetence. Unfortunately the saying
>never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
doesn't apply to men. They play dumb but they know what they're doing, and they know very well how they benefit from it.
And not to get too dramatic about it, not helping with chores isn't exactly abuse, but talking about benefits reminded me of this bit from Why Does He Do That. It seems so simple and obvious but people rarely talk about the ways men's lives become easier and more comfortable when they treat women like shit.
No. 916771
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I'm so fucking annoyed with lawmakers, turns out there's absolutely no way to hide a legal name when doing transactions! For some reason they need your name and adress everywhere, the business name alone isn't enough. I hate the attitude of "If you have nothing to hide it should be fine!". It's not, I just want to draw anime men for money, no one needs to know my legal name for this. So upsetting, I was hoping to keep my gender secret but my name gives it away. Whatever
No. 916775
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my gf doesnt actually like me romantically. I dont even think she is lesbian, or bi. if i move in with her theres no chance i can ever see someone else, but then again, no ones ever been interested in me, and im stupid, so maybe i should just be grateful for what i have right now
No. 916784
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>>916782im glad youre away from her and that you value yourself. That was brave of you. For me, I feel like my gf is going to break up with me one day anyway, when she finds a nice man for herself. I wouldn't even be mad. I dont think i can handle moving in with her anyway, because she lives so far away and i dont know if i can leave everything i have behind. But then again, shes my closest friend, and i would be living alone forever…this is difficult
No. 916796
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I'm having a hard time coping with having older parents, I'm awake at 6am because I had to go pee and I had a dream about my mom, for some reason I thought "these dreams are going to be so depressing when she's gone" and now I'm laying in bed crying and trying to cope with the fact she might be dead by the time I turn 30 I am autistic so I know it'll be a huge blow to me when it does happen
No. 916799
>>916387Fuck, I feel the exact same. None of my work clothes fit me but I'll be going back to the office soon. My weight gain started before covid though so it's been a steady increase, not like I can lose it overnight. We're still unable to try clothes on due to covid and bringing home ill-fitting things by guessing my new sizes makes me have a break-down. My friends are starting to meet up and do things again but I hope and pray they won't invite me to anything because I'm so ashamed of how I look now. My bf has been inviting his friends around to the house and I just want to be someone he can be proud of by being a good host and matching him in looks but I feel like an embarrassment (to be clear, he's never said or implied this, this is my own thoughts).
Idk anon I don't have a solution, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and I know how upsetting all of this is.
No. 916801
>>916796I feel you, anon. It comes and goes in waves for me, when I'm more depressed I'll just lie in my bed tearing up thinking about a future where my parents won't be here and I won't be able to ask them for help with mundane stuff. I'm also pretty sure no one ever will love me as much as my parents do, which is depressing in itself. And my parents aren't even
that old.
No. 916808
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it doesn't matter if i'm pretty much mentally stable or don't have weird complexes or issues that would manifest outwardly and create problems in my life/others lives/in a relationship because no guy is ever gonna fall in love with me like that to appreciate the lack of drama anyway since i'm unattractive. i hate irony
No. 916845
>>916808As someone who has really bad anxiety that ruins everything I do, trust me when I say your peace of mind is more important.
>no guy is ever gonna fall in love with me like thatI hate how people say shit like this as if it's a fact, I don't think you're as mentally sound as you're saying.
No. 916913
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I want a cat so bad, but my husband doesn’t. It’s frustrating. These are the times when I wish I were just single. Then, I wouldn’t have to ask another person how they felt about anything or take their opinions into consideration before doing/getting something. Why can’t I just adopt a pure, sweet, fluffy serotonin dispenser to pet and take care of? As an adult, I’ve never had an animal of my own, and I suppose I never will (since I won’t settle for a dog or other animal.)
No. 917055
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I’m so tired of life tired of being a woman tired of EVERYTHING
No. 917142
>>917088You should kill him.
>>917102That's not even just a libido difference, that's complete disrespect.
No. 917174
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>>917164sounds like you ripped this straight from that /pol/ comic
No. 917217
>>917177>it's like antifa>not a faggotSorry,
nonny. But you can only pick one of the above.
No. 917239
>>917236Yeah, it is concerning in that aspect. It's the only trait I really have from BPD though. If I do have BPD I don't think it's severe because I've had periods of time where this just hasn't been an issue.
I'm starting to think I function better without other people or just alone for this reason.
No. 917266
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my mother just shamed me for eating. she saw me open a can of tuna and she glared at me and said "i thought you were going to take a shower." thanks for the free meanspo, mom. i should've known that telling them about my little "diet" last night was a grave mistake. they were so proud of me. now i can't eat. they'll never take me to my favorite restaurants ever again. i'm the skinny one in a big fat family, i have to set an example. i'm a shining star in a sea of darkness.
i miss hot chocolate on a cold day. i miss the smell of my dad's freshly baked cookies wafting through the halls. i miss buttered, flaky croissants. i miss biscuits. i miss bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches. i miss greasy fried chicken. i miss sodium-loaded microwavable noodles from 7/11. i miss ice cream sundaes. i miss grilled cheese. i miss bagels. i miss cheesy deep-dish pizza. i miss burgers with cheddar and mayo and ketchup and onions. i miss milkshakes. i miss french fries. i miss hot dogs. i miss spaghetti and meatballs. i miss mac n' cheese. i miss it all so much. maybe i can have it again, someday. but right now, i don't deserve to eat.
No. 917312
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my girlfriend cheated on me again, exactly one year after the first time. i swear to fucking God if she ""falls for"" this guy too, i am NOT letting myself get cucked for the rest of the year. never again. i'm too forgiving. i'm too lenient. it's amazing how my standards are abysmally low yet she can't even meet those. it's about time i went apeshit and showed her how upset this makes me. i'm furious. i want to cut or hang myself or break shit. i'm angry!! it's not fair! how hard is it to say "no, i have a girlfriend" BEFORE he sticks his dick in you???
she apologised. she cried and owned up to it. i pitied her. but she prefaced all this with the admission that she never planned to tell me!!!!! what the FUCK? ohhh, you couldn't stand hiding it any longer? it was eating you alive? you poor baby! now tell me, where the hell do my feelings factor into this? the promises you made to me. the commitment we share. i cannot live in a world where all that goes out the window after you had a couple drinks, where suddenly a crumb of male attention is more valuable than the YEARS we spent together. youre killing me. youre fucking killing me.
"wahh wahh humans are pack animals." ok well watch what happens to your "pack" when you repeatedly betray them. if i had a shred of self preservation insticts i would have dumped you two days after meeting. youre so lucky im autistic and desperate and so hopelessly in love with you. i'm going to keep making strides to understand your perspective. you'd better be equally accommodating of mine as i go absolutely batshit bonkers crying over the shit you put me through.
fucking cunt. whore. dont ever cry to me again about not being good enough for me, for not helping me enough. it's true. youre not, but luckily ive given you infinite chances to do better. you can start by not having sex with strangers and then, when you finally confess, have the audacity tell me that now you're attached to and curious about him and you "want to fix him."
ohhh my God i am fucking livid. gf also reads here occasionally so it'll be hilarious if she sees this thread. if so i am not sorry for a word of it, except maybe the slurs, but this is literally the definition of whore behaviour and you deserve it. fucking hell. Christ.
No. 917377
>>917362please, tell them that you are worried and that you are always there for them, even if they just want to sit beside you in silence. You think they might know that, but if you are stuck deep down in depression you often forget that there are people loving you. And if the person seems to be overly happy from one day to another, keep them close, because that's one of the major warning signs. (I know you know that, just wanted to write it down)
Hope the friend will get out of that hole and things will get better and you won't have to mourn another friend.
No. 917449
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I want to connect with people. I want to learn how to express my feelings.
No. 917469
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>wants to rant about how horrible men are
>some retarded anon be like “ugh so tired of the threads being filled with man hate! i just wanna spam my fav husbandos and talk about how much i love men~”
can’t have shit in miller grove, i hate men and they have ruined my life. i wish all of my male relatives to eat metal, i wish the men walking around smiling and laughing when they have no reason to and have caused suffering and trauma to other people get curbstomped, i hate them, how they look, how they exist, how they’re born, their projections on everyone else, depriving half of the species of their own personhood for decades. fuck you, they’re a bunch of uncontrollable selfish idiotic harassment-prone manwhores who are like a dime a dozen, like actual cattle. even the most incompetent woman is capable of being a genius compared to a man. unlike what men have told many people that women walk in groups and gossip, men work in groups and persecute everywhere they go. i hate them i hate them it’s real hater hours. i will never blame a woman for “loving” her husband, male family members friends and co-workers but it’s impossible to love these pieces of tripe for me personally.
No. 917482
>>917449add me on dicord. ill make you feel better baby
(stay anon) No. 917486
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god I was in a rush for something and accidentally turned off the car while it was in drive… ive only been driving for about 3 months and this is my first car so I should be a little more careful with it and yet. My second major fuck up with the vehicle in a week maybe I should just not fucking drive
No. 917489
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>>917487get in vc with me. maybe i can change your mind.
No. 917493
>Don't work fast food just sell drugs insteadHow the fuck is she supposed to put that on a resume and start her life? Also if she's a NEET who's she going to sell too. And also, just because the drug itself is legal, the process of selling drugs without proper licensing is illegal.
Nonnie go work retail/fast food for a few months don't throw your life away even further
No. 917501
>>917449You can express yourself through art, nona.
>>917497Not desperate, more like predatory.
Nta, btw.
No. 917506
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>>917501You're getting a little aggressive there, honeybun
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My boyfriend gets jealous over the absolute dumbest shit.
He went to sleep early today and was being super dry with me because I said t101/t800 (yes, the fucking terminator) is my husband as a joke. I asked if he was actually mad and he said no, but he's acting like he is.
Last month he did the same thing and kept facing the wall while we were watching predator bc I said predator was 'an absolutely adorable baby'. He kept saying HE is a baby and acting like he's upset, kept it up for like two days and then said it was fine.
He even got upset when I jokingly said Jesus was the only man for me (I'm Jewish, I don't even believe in Jesus) and went home early.
The fuck is wrong with this man.
No. 917726
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I just want to dump my bf but I’m scared it’s going to ruin his life and he will spiral into a depression. We have only been together for 3 months but he constantly tells me he loves me, I’m the best thing to ever happen to him, he doesn’t know what he’d do without me….I just feel stuck. I want to go back to my old life where I didn’t have any friends or obligations to anyone and all my free time was my own.
No. 917730
>>917728Honestly I tend to date them because I find normie tier guys really boring and they just don't seem to get me well. I've never had this problem with previous autist bfs.
>>917729Good to know I'm not alone
nonnie. His parents are looking to sell the house soon, so this won't be forever either. But who knows when they'll actually get to sell.
It's weird though, right??? Like, why when your place is nice, neat, clean, would they insist on you spending time in their decrepit space?
No. 917732
>>917730I think it's as simple as having adjusted to a big change after being forced into it. Otherwise, they'd never change anything or only change for family since they wouldn't be as nice or lenient about it as a partner would. He's been there for ten years, was it of his own volition or were his parents trying to nudge him out?
You have me wondering if I accidentally tard wrangled though. It would explain a lot about my bf.
No. 917742
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Yet again I fell into the cycle of falling into fantasizing about unreachable things and then reality slaps me like a bitch and the comedown is horrible.
I have a coworker at my new workplace whom I really like and couldn't stop fantasizing about but just today I realized I'm not gonna have as many meetings with him as in the beginning of my induction and things just…sunk in. My fantasies are never gonna turn into reality. He probably doesn't even remember me and he literally lives in another country so dating is impossible in the first place.
Also a few days ago I wrote him a friendly message asking for work-related help and he gave a sort of very direct and blunt reply and implied that he was very busy and only had a very limited time to help me and my stupid retarded naive self felt hurt afterwards (I KNOW I shouldn't have felt hurt, it's RIDICULOUS but I was so hoping for a message implying he likes me. My narcissistic ass deserved what I actually got). But I guess it was useful after all because it slapped me right back into reality. This is a workplace, we're here to work, not to flirt or look for potential boyfriends and I should by all means grow the fuck up and have a better work ethic and stop fantasizing altogether in worktime. Thanks life
No. 917766
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I vent shopping with my mom today, and when I was saying goodbye to her at the bus station this guy started shouting at me "Hi princess!! Hi!". Can I not even have peace as I'm hugging and waving my mom goodbye? The absolute state of men.
No. 917796
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>has dream where i go on to a bus and it’s going so fast on the highway and it takes a turn into one of the exits but because it was going so damn fast it nearly flips and the people in my dream who didn’t escape the bus on time probably died. afterwards i go home and my sister is acting unusually cold and says she doesn’t care if i almost died from a brutal car accident
this has no correlation to reality, me and my sister are on reasonably okay terms, why are dreams like this sometimes?
No. 917826
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Reading vent thread like
>Only with my bf bc I think he may off himself
>My autistic bf lives in a shack and wants me to live there too
>My bf ruined my expensive clothes
Jfc pathetic. I wish there was a separate thread just for bf rants so self respecting anons wouldn't have to read that shit. Oh wait, there is, in /g.
No. 917850
>>917716He doesn't mind, he doesn't act at all like he does when I make jokes like that.
>>917654Idk nonna, it's not a recurrent thing and usually it's just when I really like a character, except for when I was making fun of fundies. The joke is that they're usually like very ugly aliens like the other
nonny said, or fucking robots. He got mad the first time I did it so it's not like repetition is making him increasingly upset.
No. 917933
>>917914Did she have an autistic bf?
Autistic women can be cool, but the moids should definitely be avoided. Good luck getting any emotional support from them.
No. 917973
>>917733This anon has a good point
>>917726 You have to tell yourself he's an adult and you're not 100% responsible for his actions, If he gets depressed so what he's a big boy he work through it himself like how women are expected to work through their problems by themselves.
No. 917986
>>917717You're right about him anon and it's time you moved on.
Men like that are stubborn and are okay with living in those situations. The thing is, as far as he's concerned, he still has a girlfriend despite living that way so he has no motivation to change and clean up his act. The only time men hate living in bad situations is if it gets in the way of their money or relationships, I've seen it before. Usually if a woman accepts those conditions, the man fights her all the way while she tries to flesh out a proper home.
Tbh autism isn't entirely to blame. It's typical male laziness and getting away with the bare minimum. It's not a good look and he won't ever change.
No. 918012
>>917726break up with him immediately, three months is really early for all of that and if a man say i love you that early it’s to manipulate you to get you to put up with his shitty behavior. you’re way too good for that and should save your innocence from him. he’s using you to solve his emotional problems, that’s it. you probably are an amazing person, he’s not a man who has survived and grown without a woman and he’s turning to you instead of getting professional help.
i don’t know your history of mental health, but if you end up dating abusers a lot it’s a way to replicate
abusive voices in your head externally, and men will always take advantage of that. break up with him and call his mom, parent, best friend, whatever, or give him contact information for mental health advocates in your area.
he needs professional help. it’s very sweet of you to care but you deserve that love, not him. he’s a little bitch and he needs a therapist or a program, and if you stay with him you will end up spending your time getting the mental help he never did. his is your life, not his.
No. 918040
>>917654It's a joke becuase it's obviously not true as fictional characters do not exist
Hope that clears things up for you
No. 918042
>>918029i honestly dont get the appeal of those videos, i’ve tried watching some and i found them boring as hell.
bailey sairen or whatever talks too slow and just talks in circles, get to the fucking point bitch who got murdered?!?!?
No. 918045
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I'm trying to cyberstalk this one guy and he's unstalkeable. He's got an unfilled Facebook page with a single picture (was not tagged on others' pictures), no LinkedIn, no Instagram, a Twitter account with two pictures and no tweets. I am sad. This is mission impossible
No. 918051
>>918045i feel you anon, i just want to see how much my ex’s hairline is receding but he never ever posts, i have to look through his trump loving, minion meme sharing, meth smoking, scary selfie momma’s facebook to see occasional pictures of him.
he still dresses the same as he did when we were in high school.
No. 918052
>>918031Can any anons please just tell me it's going to be okay? I want to remove this shit from my mind but it won't budge. It's a disease. I can't believe how stupid I was, I want to vomit.
I do nothing, I feel like shit, thinking of how he's just completely abandoned me, doesn't care about me, I was so dumb to think he did and do all those things for him, he just strung me along, etc.
I do something, I find out he's watching me relatively quickly and that he's upset with me (hypocrite), and I feel victorious but also like shit.
Like I literally have pain in my stomach and it's all over some stupid fucking man I hate it. It's not as awful as my past relationships, but I haven't had pain like this in a while. I know I don't have shit to apologize for, and his ego is clearly bigger than the sun because he obviously wanted to play dumbass mind games he's not worth or somehow loved me but was just too fucking retarded to even give me a "Hey, I'm busy with life, sorry" but had all the time in the world for other women apparently, so reconciliation is impossible. What the fuck should I do? Every 5 fucking minutes it comes back to my mind and it's been like this all week. I avoided sperging out about this, but now it's like a running tap and I can't stop.
No. 918058
>>918052Fuck it, I'll just let myself have the BPD moment and go full steam ahead. As a treat. I'll make so many new friends and good memories with people who are like him but better, kinder. He can seethe and bitch on his own, knowing that he missed his chance because he is completely concave-brained. He'll never meet someone who was as naive and loving as I was, because he doesn't deserve anyone like that. I knew it, too, but I wanted to be wrong so bad lol.
It's cleansing, like when I eat fiery noodles and my nose starts running.
>>918054Yeah, I've been trying to focus on things that make me happy and on school.
No. 918070
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I fucking hate working from home. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some perks, but I guess I’m just really missing the social aspect of working in a team. I live alone and don’t have many friends, so I get pretty lonely, plus now I actually have to make an effort to leave my house. I already struggle with self-isolation and I feel like this job just enables it. I miss working at a restaurant, even though it was back breaking labour and a dead-end career, I had a lot of fun. I had a work crush, and I would hang out with people after my shifts. Now I just sit in my apartment alone sending off emails all day. Maybe I need to change careers.
No. 918085
>>915146>>918073Agree with
>>918078 but in case you don't want to do that, tell him he has a mental illness if his gender-feelings don't match with reality. Show him disgusting pics and horrorstories about neovags. Ballhair on the inside and shit, that's hopefully enough to make him shut up.
No. 918094
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>>918058No, actually. This is a stupid idea, because someone will fall in love with me or I will fall in love with them. Since this is the same realm, the disappointment cycle will continue. I'll end up diaryfagging here again in a matter of months (and yeah sorry for this shit anons it's just that self-reflecting in an anon place I know isn't full of idiot males or delusional pickmes acting and thinking the way I did before somehow makes me feel better - I promise not to make it a daily habit or whatever). Horrible idea.
I still want to do it, but it has to be from a place of pure intentions, fun and healing, not spite. The hatred and rage has to be all him, because it stemmed from him. This "almost relationship" failed because I took the role that he was supposed to take in the first place (ie the giver and pursuer, I'm not a tradthot but no relationship can succeed if the man isn't the one obsessed, sorry not sorry I just tested and can confirm lol) and he became a spoiled faggot. Carrying the pain is just carrying the mantle even more, because all of it is rightfully his. Now that I know he knows, all my sadness and anger is already being returned to sender, channeled back to him. He feels like shit because he's supposed to, and I'm not. It's not even hypocrisy on his end, it's just nature and I had to learn a lesson. I did the right thing. I already feel better. I've tipped the scales a little bit in the right way, and I can't return to that old mindset.
I refuse to have masculine, scrote-like energy anymore. BPD is a male disorder projected on emotionally exhausted and traumatized women.
No. 918102
>>918074i honestly think it goes all the way back, he always wears a hat.
never trust a dude who wears hats, they’re fucking bald
No. 918115
Ackkk I can't stand living like this, but the sacrifices leaving would demand aren't worth it. I will be unhappy no matter where I go, anyway. I need to push through and accept that these are my circumstances for now. Is it abusive and painful? absolutely. Do I deserve better? 100% I do. Will recovery be easy in this environment? No, not in the slightest. But it won't be easy anywhere. It might be easier, but in the end, healing and growing is always a difficult process. For now, this is simply my reality. I need to stop fighting it and focusing on how horrendous it is. I need to realise that, unfortunately, it isn't over yet and it hasn't been enough. I don't and won't understand why, but it isn't up to me to understand. I simply know it is meant to be this way. This is just a passing period of my life. And even if it wasn't, I only have the present and can only make changes now. I can't keep focusing on how much I want to leave without doing anything else. It is extremely hard and I am at a major disadvantage, but nobody is necessarily supposed to be privileged. Abuse isn't glamorous, but disadvantages do not incapacitate. I can endure it and I will.
No. 918126
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Just spend the last hour waiting to talk to someone with Sony support about correcting the delivery address for my PS5 order. Waited another 30 minutes for "Wilson" to tell me that it couldn't be delivered so it has already been returned. Wtf? I only caught the address mistake this morning when I was checking on the tracking status and saw it was wrong. UPS tells me to call Sony because they restricted the address update for the package and then Sony turns around and says they can't do shit about it because the address was wrong.
No shit asshole that's why I called you to fix it. There wasn't a delivery attempt or even a failed delivery notification, and I put in my number for notification updates. So what happened here? Did they just see the address thought "lol doesn't exist, return to sender"??
There's nothing on the PS5 I particularly want to play right now, it was really going to be more of a combo birthday/Christmas present for myself and my boyfriend. I guess I'm just pissed off at the stupidity of the process. Literally hasn't even been attempted to delivered, no contact has happened, and I try to correct it before close of business but it's not how Sony policy works apparently. What a waste of my fucking time.
No. 918236
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I am very sensitive lately because I miss my family alot. Haven't seen them in three years now and they gone through a lot. It's my third birthday without them, I feel like a lost sheep here. It's really dumb of me over how sad I was that my SIL didn't wish me a happy birthday or show up on celebration on purpose. They got a huge calendar in the kitchen with birthday marks and stuff, we all share the same active group chat but this woman still chose to ignore everything and spend all of her time playing games with her e-bf. She is a lot older than me so I assumed she would be mature, but at least it's better than when she tried fucking up my birthday last year on purpose. It was weird. Some people choose to project their troubles onto others I guess. I just miss having a warm, family-like birthday. I do appreciate that my partner put all the effort into making me feel good and I feel like I am too ungrateful, but always remembering that I am a "literally who" sucks.
No. 918241
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I want to travel badly now that I have the time and money but no fucking travel agency is managing to gather enough people to actually organize the event. Meanwhile the news are boasting how much our national parks and other attractions are being visited so much by our own people.
Guess not having a car, friends and living in bumfuck nowhere doesn't just affect the shit selection of jobs. I hate everything.
No. 918243
>>918141I've had super short hair for years now and it kind of weeds out some of the shittiest of shit men for you. It's one thing to have a preference for long haired women but it's weird how vocal some guys have to be about their disliking of it.. especially men who you wouldn't look at twice anyway. Like do you want me to tell you the feeling is mutual and I find many details about you unattractive too?
I still remember when I was 20 and in my first proper relationship my bfs boss apparently bitched about my ugly short hair in front of my bf and our mutual friends. They told me afterwards. This was the time in my life when I've never had more (positive) male attention. Oh and this man had to be about 400 pounds. Those are the ones that rub their hands together and think they finally have something to knock you down a peg with. Let your pixie cut highlight which men are like that. It's a blessing after a while.
No. 918315
>>917912this reminds me of my uncle. he was calling modern democrats socialists and said that if you let
any bit of socialism in it opens the door it will eventually take over. I didn't bother to mention that we already have medicaid and libraries which are government funded. I'm against communism and socialism too but you can't have a 100% anything system.
No. 918403
>>918387Thank you anon, I appreciate it.
>>918392>>918393Yeah I lost a lot of fat from my cheeks and under eyes. I'll look into facial yoga, thank you. It almost doesn't feel worth it you know? I wasn't obese before and my health probably isn't any better right now. It's very conflicting and it sucks. I guess I just wish I had better fat distribution. I wouldn't mind having a few extra pounds, but I'm an apple and just balloon in the waist.
No. 918475
>>918432I am always apologizing to my doctor about wasting their time, and they always correct me and let me know it’s okay, that I’m not.
I can assure you, this is not a waste of their time. It’s important body part; you need it working correctly.
Also, If getting help makes you anxious, that’s something to explore in therapy and figure it out. You deserve a solution! And care!
No. 918529
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The worst part is someone here is probably seriously considering replying to the above.
No. 918530
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No. 918537
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>I am a mid 20s male
Stopped reading right there.
No. 918704
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>>918680>>918694>banned for a-loggingbased jannies
No. 918775
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a (scrote)friend of mine started to ignore me on group convos for the pettiest reason, i hope he stays alone forever, maybe he should consider why he has no close friends & girlfriend
i want him out of my life but he's in a shared circle, he won't waste anymore of my time
No. 918783
>>918768Burner phone is easy, problem is that any payments need to go to a real name and bank account. If you really care you'd set up a company in the name of a private trust so there are no public records tracing your name back to the account even if YouTube / Twitch payment info gets hacked. I think Adsense still needs a human ID so a lawyer could proxy for you.
As a hobby it's not worth the cost and admin,just use secure passwords and 2FA everywhere and keep your data siloed (don't use your channel email for your Amazon purchases etc., in fact never publish it anywhere as contact info, same with the phone number you use).
If it makes you feel better, most doxxes are low effort autists who Google the person's contact email or username to find accounts with their real name like Facebook, then cross reference that with years old data leaks from ecom companies who store shipping addresses. People use the same usernames, emails and passwords for decades and never check if they've been compromised in a leak, so the data is all out there in plain English for anyone who cares to look it up. If you think about security from the start, 99% of dox efforts will come to a dead end immediately. Good luck with your cooking stream anon!
No. 918792
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>>918783Thank you a lot for the dump of infos. I feel reassured since I always use different pws and emails and would never use the same mail I would use for this accounts for anything else.
>>918782Ye, rereading everything I realized my Rusty Shackleford-ness got the best of me and got over-paranoid.
Thank you nonnies, love you.
No. 918794
>>918782>but you're not doing anything illegal YouTube won't doxx youLmao do you think the YouTube platform publishes your number and address when you've been naughty? Are you ten years old?
Doxxing happens when someone targets you, hacks your account and publishes your info online for other autists to harass you. Just being a woman on the internet is enough to become a target, let alone being a streamer.
No. 918822
>> or are cheap and usually work without problems.
Or if you want to rent numbers
No. 918825
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>>914233fml I just went retarded at my dad and started talking about how my views of illegal immigration has changed and how i dont want afghans/mexicans/haitians etc to bring their misogynistic religion/culture and violent men to my country but my family is very left leaning/kinda liberal so they spent over an hour explaining about how im a bigot and need to spend less time on the internet. I think they just have a fear of losing me to neo nazis like my uncle or whatever but im not that retarded to go that far(i think).
Ive just been opening my eyes to how thinking "but everyone needs help and its wrong to turn people away" is retarded and unrealistic it is. And while foreign intervention is part of reason those countries went to shit, the people of those countries are also really fucking backwards thinking. Like we already have our own problems why are we expected to accept people who wont even help their own countrymen and just run? Doesnt sound like my fucking problem your government sucks
No. 918836
>>918825If they really get on your case then show them the laws about women in those countries, and stuff like mexico having an epidemic of femicides. I feel like ppl who think foreigners from places like that are so oppressed and pure bc they never talk to ppl from those places. I was around a group of Muslim girls for a while and they literally admitted they view western women as "too loose" and they want Muslim culture. Like ok go back? Literally escape a shit country and want to infect a new country with that same shit?
Tell them it's not racist to be worried about the misogynistic and violent cultures coming here.
No. 918845
>>918825Tell them about how even those countries don’t want to have any useless immigrants that just want to use all of the resources of an organized country, about how the moment they have their fill, they will just flee and pretend that they were never the source of the problem.
That’s what happened in my country and what happens to every country in latam. The shit people flee and make a mess in a country that has a seemingly decent quality of life and when everything goes to hell, they go back home, or go to yet another country to suck off that tax money.
And tell them that the issue isn’t the people of the country in general, but the criminals and deadbeats that will do their best to use the system to make others go down with them.
You could also tell them about those people that pretend they got serious injuries to win lawsuits and such.
No. 918846
>>918808No, unfortunately I don't.
>>918822Ty a lot, I'm gonna try asap
No. 918876
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>>918873oh my god you are fucking retarded
No. 918907
>>918844It’s funny because they have groups like Arabs/Muslims in
insert western country here where they complain about how if you raised your voice at your wife in Sweden you’ll never see her again. They think surrendering to Western culture is cucked, despite them going to live there.
No. 918919
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>>918705I'm really sorry that it's got this bad nonna. Like it sucks when you can't even relax, think, or sit without being possessed by this.
Writing everything out is a great place to start. When did this start, how do you feel when you start having bad compulsions, and can you release your anxious energy in any other ways?
You're not a bad person and you shouldn't feel any shame for going through this. It sucks, but you can mitigate it by bringing yourself in touch with everything around you, with your senses, and what has helped for me is thinking of my headspace like a house. I can visualise that instead of counting everything before I put my left foot down or breathe out.
Compulsions are junk mail, imagine shredding them or pushing them out the letterbox. Bad thoughts are flies you can chase out, or you can acknowledge how small and stupid they are. I just find this comforting so maybe you will too. And a good workout = happy chemicals, just like a cold shower or some canned pineapple. Maybe you need to give yourself some happy chemicals too, I know you deserve it.
If you can't get it to go away, I hope you learn to accept it, and quiet it down a little. It shouldn't be interfering with your life and God willing it gets easier for you soon.
No. 918935
>>918919This wasn’t for me but wow,
nonnie you are so sweet and thoughtful for posting this .
No. 919082
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living is such a mindfuck, i’ve never believed in the hyper-sensitive pop psych crowd but honest to god I don’t view or feel this world the same as anyone else which is obvious because everyone human being experiences something slightly different but for some reason the way I think and feel is so bizarre I don’t even feel like a human being sometimes, I see things that people don’t yet i’m so invisible and not real at all
No. 919083
>>919082> I see things that people don’t yet i’m so invisible and not real at allwhat do you mean by that
nonnie ?
No. 919084
>>919069>>918844>>918845As someone from a Muslim country I think I can explain it, it all comes down to a sense of infertility and superiority at the same time, Muslims cannot to this day accept they were colonized, they don't wanna accept they were beaten by Kafirs
my country has never one a single war against India and yet we celebrate our "victories" against the Indians(basically the UN and US stepped in and stopped India from Annexing us even though we've started every single war) we were actually taught that one Muslim soldier is equal 10 non-Muslims in combat and the majority of my people in my country believe this
Muslims wish they were the colonizers, they were the ones who ruled over the world and had slaves, but unlike Europeans they would never end that system, its just how they are
Islam as a religion similarly is incredibly insecure about itself, it literally calls time before Islam existed for a people as Jahiliyat(ignorance and barbarism)
No. 919089
Guys I’m gonna vent, and this shit sounds so made up I’ll take the fucking ban.
2 years ago, while I was on a first date, I check my phone and find out that my mom and step dad murdered my brother(he was 31, I was 27) They claimed it was self defense and yet my brother had no weapon.
Because of his drug history (Heroin addict) the cops didn’t even bother to look into it more. Just left it as self defense. No questions, no follow up interviews.
I moved away (that date actually turned into a loving relationship).
I’m so tired of distant relatives trying to reach out to me and get me to talk to my parents.
What is there to say? I know they planned it, I know my mom wanted to have custody of his daughter. I know they have no problem sleeping.
I spent years trying to fix my family, before this.
I am afraid to be near moms path of destruction, raging narc with alcoholism. I’m afraid to be near my step dad.
Not because he could kill me. But because I’m pretty sure I’ll attack him and stab him to death.
I don’t have to forgive them. I don’t have to be nice. I have to survive, and in this fucked up family., that means I have to stay away.
If she ever shows up at my doorstep I’m calling the cops.
No. 919096
>>919092I disagree, I think even Barbarism surpasses Islam as a Barbaric peoples often create their own laws and morals based on whatever the situations they find themselves in
Islam is not Barbarism in the fact it has clear laws and guidance's, which is what it makes so awful
every facet Human life or questions is answered in the Hadiths, the proper for a man to piss(no specifics for women though) the direction of where to dedicate so you don't offend God and even the exact way to wash your and million other things
Islam in its nature can't evolve, it always reverts to 7th Century Arabia
No. 919100
>>919096Islam is like a cult where there are rules for everything and you must be intolerant of outsiders, except on huge scale. It's not a good recipe for co-existing with others.
And I can't get over that their profet is a pedophile rapist, amazing morals there, male abusers as the most holy.
No. 919101
>>919069tbh Moroccan food is really good
except the diabetes inducing pastries, and honestly I don't see myself moving """back""" to Morocco or Algeria permanently but I'm surprised you're saying people are horrified when you ask Moroccans born and raised in Europe if they'd live in Morocco long term. I know plenty of 2nd and 3rd gen Moroccans and Algerians who are so fed up with France or who like their family abroad so much they straight up buy houses there and make sure they renew their Moroccan or Algerian passports when needed so they can open a business there in a few years and chill.
>One teacher said it was like telling a black person in the US to go back to AfricaCompletely unrelated, your teacher is dumb. Most Maghrebis in Europe have two or three nationalities and know their family abroad at the very least, even if they don't visit them every summer, and they know which tribes they're from so sometimes you'll have Kabyles sperging hard about how they're the best yadda yadda. Meanwhile African Americans barely know shit about their ancestors not just because of slavery but just because they've been in America for so long that they can't really look up anything about where they're "from" unless they take a shady DNA test.
Anyway, I'm not gonna talk about Muslims as a whole in Europe as a whole because I always hear about how it's mostly South Asians being degenerates in like Sweden and the UK and I'm completely unrelated to them so I can't really form an opinion.
No. 919108
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I literally cannot function as an adult human ffs. I think because of my lifelong avoidance of human contact and my fear of embarrassment, I'm still effectively a child inside. I can't bring myself to focus at new workplace and I just do the minimal amount of work and I keep self-sabotaging in other ways as well, didn't send the reference letter they asked of me, etc.
Also I recently realized that I don't have a work persona and don't even know how to have one (?). If I don't feel like being present at a meeting, I can't pretend that I love being there. If I don't feel like working but I have to I make a lot of mistakes. I'm also generally giving off 'I'm stupid/timid/know-nothing' vibes even though I know I shouldn't. I don't have a clear sense of what belongs to the workplace and what doesn't and I'm socially retarded.
I feel like I'm just floating through life and I'm made myself socially retarded or I was genuinely born to be an outcast
No. 919119
>>919112>>919108This is a Situation a lot of recovering NEETs have to deal with, the only remedy I can think that might work is too start small, cause that's all you can do
I had a part time job before getting a real one and I don't think I'd be able to be at my current semi-normal job If I hadn't developed my social skills and lessened my autistic trendies in a low risk job experiences
also checkout this channel, its called "Dad, How do I" its for people who never had father's to tell them how to do stuff but its also a "How to adult" channel as well No. 919126
>>919089You’re absolutely right
nonny. If they killed him so ruthlessly then they aren’t gonna stop at you just because you’re not on heroin. They might kill to protect their dirty secret. Keep yourself safe and far away. As you said, if they show up then call the cops.
No. 919135
>>919122Anon that can't happen without force, Islam knows exactly what to do and how to maintain its own existence
I only pray the Chinese be the one's to end this mess
No. 919137
>>919119>I'm still effectively a child inside>still feel like a dumb child>start smallYup. Good advice. If you're like a baby you ought to start by making baby steps if you're ever going to get anywhere.
Dont worry, you'll grow. And don't give up, nobody learned to walk on their first try.
No. 919148
>>919140No need to violate any human rights, the solution to deal with Islam is simple imo
Its the most humane way to end the faith, localize it and sever its conncetion to 7th Century Arabia
no more prayers in the Arabic language, Qurans should be published in the local language of the population, even bad the Hadith based prayer ritual
No. 919155
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So many opportunities… I drown in them….but I'll make the right decision and attend the university of my dreams! No worries, just patience and faith in myself and the universe. It's hard and there's a lot of pressure, but I'll end up doing what's right
No. 919156
>>919153As I've stated many times, Islam in its "correct" form always goes back to 7th Century Arabia, you would to basically butcher the region from the inside to create a halfway decent religion and so that's what you have to do
I've read the he Quran, its just a kinda shitty knockoff the Bible, the Story of Jews, The real Story of Jesus(in which he was a prophet not a God), an entire chapter dedicated to these random Arab prophets that came before Muhammad and the conflict between the Quraish Tribe and the Hashimites(Muhammad's tribe) and Muhammad isn't really a central character in the Quran and there's not many attributes about him, other then him being a Honest trader and his connection(both spiritual and blood related) to Abraham
If Islam was just the Quran it would be just as bad as Chrisantiy, However, when it comes to Islam cause of the Hadiths Islam becomes radically different from other religions . Christianity and Buddhism for e.g are built on moral principles that impose rules for mostly yourselves. Islam can't do that.. Islam is not only a religion, but also the building block of a system of law (Sharia law). There is no Christian, Jewish, Buddhist equivalent to that. cause there's just not enough to create an entire system of law
No. 919167
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>>919150Agreed. Then when they’re finally arrested for raping and trafficking minors, they have their poor widdle letterbox wives who can’t work or speak any English to look after. That should be illegal too. Stop giving them so many benefits and MAKE THEM ALL WORK. Not enough maternity leave in my country, women have to go back to work when the baby is six months old. What if we want to be SAHMs until the kids on school? We can’t, because we have to fork out for all their helpless letterbox baby dispensers. There are places in uk and other European counties where young white women are advised not to go there because of the aggressive Muslim males. How fucked up is that?
Article related makes me sick. Social worker attended the “wedding” ceremony then placed her there as a foster child. Bastards collected money for it while she was kept in sexual and domestic slavery. No. 919173
>>919159Deleted memeish answer "cope" to tell you: it's cope. It's part of your self-sabotage, it's part of your self-defence mechanism.
You, A self-professed child, need to grow up. Slowly and carefully. Making barriers in your head before you even face them does nothing for your growth. It does the opposite.
I want you to thrive. For that, you need to remove those mental barriers that tell you "you can't do this".
(Elaine) No. 919176
>>919167See this is the thing, you can't argue with an actual Islamist over this with Morality
for a Muslim the greatest human being who will ever exist was Muhammad and Muhmmad married a 7 year old and "consummated" that marriage when she was 9, so a Muslim has to believe both at the same time
That Muhammad was the greatest human being who ever lived and that he raped a 9 year old girl
The Justification Woke Muslims use these days is that the desert environment made Aisha(his
victim) mature faster and so it wasn't technically pedophilia
No. 919179
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Sometimes I look at my cat and get legit jealous that I'll never be able to live as careless as she does ever again.
No. 919180
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>>919167Read about what happened to Charlene Downs. Rumour has it she was turned into kebab meat No. 919193
>>919182>>919180They don't do this shit too white girls though, Hindu girls, Sikh girls and even Nigerian girls get groomed and raped by these men
As Muslims they believe it is their right to "take" kafir women, Again Muhammad(the greatest human being who ever lived) did this, he murdered a man and took his wife, the greatest general who ever lived(according to Islamic sources) Khalid-ibn-walid also raped a non-Muslim woman and it was excused, allowed and celebrated
so its not really a moral issue or even a sin for a Muslim man to rape a non-Muslim woman
No. 919194
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>>919191They don’t care if white children are violated, brutalised or murdered. They see us as nothing but filthy slags getting what we deserve and we are supposed to stick our necks out for them. No thank you. They are fucking evil. Close the boarders. No. 919195
>>919193It's the wives of the asian men from the asian rape gangs blaming
victims that
>>919193 is being ignorant about
No. 919356
ever since there has been construction started at my apartment building probably around 2.5 weeks ago now to maybe 3 weeks, at first it was annoying but then throughout the last week, my paranoia skyrocketed. i work from home online and i'm a shut in, so i am here all the time, and i have been feeling this weird impulsive panicky feeling where i just needed to keep the chain lock on 24/7 and i kept glancing at the door, been sweating just feeling fucking weird. i thought it was just stress from my personal life + duh, a bunch of random men outside and working inside the halls is gross and i hate it. but now, it happened: a man TRIED TO OPEN THE DOOR WITH A KEY. NO KNOCKING NO NOTHING. his excuse was that he mistook my apt for the one directly above it, third floor (mine is only 2nd floor.)
this would be okay but my paranoia all week, like i was expecting it to happen any day now, plus the much more disturbing news that my 75 year old neighbor was robbed of 4 checkbooks + extra cash BY SOMEONE WITH A KEY ONLY DAYS AGO! they did not break in, someone had his key. this building is old as fuck, and now i'm thinking, did they even change the locks when i moved in months ago? did they stupidly give these worker men more keys than needed? i don't know but i got very paranoid so i checked ceiling fans and shit for hidden cameras and counte all my cash and change etc and none of that has been meddled with.
No. 919365
>>919356please be careful
nonnie. is there anyone you can report this to in your building? i hope everything will be okay for you, it must be so scary
No. 919378
>>919362yes it is a deadbolt and then the classic little chain. i like that buddy bar thing i might need to buy it.. and yeah honestly there are men in charge of the building maintenance though my landlord is an older woman with kids which comforts me a bit.
>>919365left a in depth voicemail with my landlord, thank you non. praying construction will end soon and that they can come change the locks this week too
No. 919419
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>>919352he wants to fuck you
No. 919486
>>919483AIDS?????? AIDS?????? You dumb bitch, I have superior genes. I got corona twice and kept rawdogging the virus until the end. I’m not dying and I would gladly get aids for a qt
>>919484>europe>europe>europeAnon, I have some news….
No. 919506
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No. 919507
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Bumping bc gore
No. 919518
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Anons obsessed with old efame weebs are something else.
No. 919543
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i want to go insane, go wild, go uncontrollable, cause trouble throughout the endless night, be stateless and boundless to anything, i want to be complete nothingness i don’t want any obligations for my already lowly life, i want to be gone everywhere i want to fuck shit up everywhere
No. 919554
>>919551Good grief anon, why are you this upset over accidently revealing a surprise gift? You did something thoughtful, which it still is, and you're still gifting him something nice. Whatever you're gifting him, I'm sure it's not less thoughtful, meaningful of you or less enjoyable to have for him just because it's no longer a surprise. All is fine and nothing's ruined, calm down. You really shouldn't be more than a little disappointed for a moment over.
>Has anyone else fucked up like this before.Your life must be a breeze if this is all what you call fucking up
No. 919555
>>919553>>919554Sorry to overreact… It's funny when I think about it now… I just like to surprise people that's all
t. autist
No. 919563
>>919557>>919562 samefagging but just wanted to add:
That's typical mom-in-law shit. I don't date men, but plenty of my friends heard similar bullshit from their in-laws too.
She doesn't have her son around anymore so she's jonesing for another baby to take care of.
Don't worry about it and don't pay attention to her petty desires.
No. 919579
>>919542Same, but everyone’s so fucking woque that if you disagree and say something horribly tervish (like “maybe she was just trying to escape misogyny”) you get ostracised from the community. I’m especially disappointed in the more gnc women who really should know better. If wanting to wear trousers and have a career makes someone a man then what are they? Nevermind, they’ll probably all call themselves nonbinary sooner or later.
It gives me hope that a handful of women in the community are pretty unapologetic about their use of the (super
problematic!) suffragette colours, though. Hopefully the British ones don’t get arrested for ribbon-related hate crimes.
No. 919613
>>919579>(like “maybe she was just trying to escape misogyny”) you get ostracised from the community. I’m especially disappointed in the more gnc women who really should know betterJust what I had in mind.
And I swear it used to be, "well sure it COULD be seen that way, but there's no evidence, so we can't just assume" it's almost like they've forgotten that it took so much to even show that someone from the past wasn't attracted to the opposite sex.
No. 919632
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Nonnies, I really don't know what to do. I have an online friend who has suddenly disappeared. She was in a domestic abuse situation and her ex is homicidal psychopath – there are news articles about some of the horrific things he's done and he's barely been charged for any of it. She told me about the threats he made towards her and her cat. She takes the threats 100% seriously but she said that there isn't much help for her in her country, cops won't do anything even tho she has evidence of the threats and womens shelters won't take her in.
She hasn't responded to me in a week and the last time we talked she said that her ex + some of his friends have been trying to contact her. She said some cryptic things about being scared out of her mind. Can I even do anything in this situation? Why are men so fucking psychotic? She didn't do anything to warrant any of this, I'm so scared for her I woke up twice last night because I just couldn't dismiss this awful fucking feeling that this woman is dead in a ditch somewhere because no one would help her.
No. 919639
>>919622Oh no, I know this feeling too well. I hope you pass anon. Good luck!!
Tell me how it went.
No. 919640
>>919638I was with the police, yes, but I went full on and literally found her mom's dox so I could call her mother as well. I understand why you wouldn't want her to know, the person I checked in on totally freaked out at me
she couldn't understand why I was upset about her leaving suicidal messages all over her instagram, said she was allowed to post whatever she wanted and I was an awful personI hope your friend is okay and that she gets in contact with you or vice versa asap. I'll be thinking about you both.
No. 919643
>>919640Your spoiler is so saddening. You're a good person
nonny. Her parents are both shit sadly and they wouldn't help her, she implied that they have both been guilty of doing horrible things to her. I hate this feeling. Thank you for your support and kind words, I'll keep trying my best thank you.
No. 919657
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No. 919658
>>919638It sounds like you've done all you can for now, especially if her family kind of sucks… I know it's not much but, both you and
>>919633 sound really kind. I hope all goes well.
Also, fuck moids.
No. 919662
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No. 919684
>>919108So today I made myself appear retarded again after a series of blunders on meetings (switching on webcam when it was not required, switching on webcam when I should have but it showed up black, accidentally receiving and therefore appearing on meetings I should have had appeared on, and just generally not being familiar with Outlook and Teams because in my previous workplaces I've never used it).
So on my first week I received an invitation to a Teams meeting that I was not even supposed to take part in as I was a complete newbie, so they removed me from the list and I was told that I should forget about it for a while. Well, it is a biweekly meeting and because I was not put back on the invitee list and 20 minutes after the meeting's start I'm contacted by my superior who's inquiring where I am. I asked for an invitation and eventually joined but I feel like I'm already stereotyped as a retard who doesn't know anything since all my other coworkers who were in the meeting saw that I was not there
No. 919752
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There's this stupid bitch at work who thinks she's soo edgy for her (popular) unpopular opinions. I try to keep my distance and not engage whenever she has one of her power trips but she notices that and asks me for my opinion even though I know she's just looking for something to feel superior over. I wish my coworkers weren’t so pc because I'd love to just flat out tell her to shut the fuck up because no ones cares.
No. 919827
>>919779>be fat>enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking Super grateful I'm married now and never have to deal with these stupid moid mind games ever again because god fucking forbid these men have a date with a non-model.
Meanwhile outrage if women filtered for bald, short, or broke.
No. 919837
>>919829So are you mad that the gift you bought her is worth more money now, or that she's content wearing earrings as bracelets?
I really don't get the rage here.
No. 919994
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i work in IT and today during a remote session i saw porn on the guy's computer. he navigated away from it pretty quickly but i could tell even from that split second. just to confirm i went back to watch the recording and indeed it was a "busty milf getting banged." i fucking hate men so much. this guy spent 15 min ranting at me about hating microsoft and how he never uses this pc, that he only has it bcus the institution we work for gave it to him… ok bro if pcs suck so bad that you "wash your hands after touching it" then why are you watching porn there instead of your super awesome epic linux machine?? what rly gets me is he had time to close it before the session started. instead he just minimised it. fucking ugh. men disgust me beyond belief.
No. 920131
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>>920072Undertale has this skeleton character Sans that people go crazy for. Tumblr sexy man syndrome. So there are 1000's of AU's of Sans and people will make skele sonas (It can literally be Sans wearing a different colored shirt. Don't steal!).
So now there is this game that's currently in the works called "Your boyfriend". It's a nsfw 18+ dating simulator where you date a psychopath who murders people, kidnaps, sexual assault, whatever. But it's okay cuz the guy is pansexual and loves you no matter your race or disgusting habits. So naturally people simp over this murderer. Male Yandere
So the undertale fandom started simping for the crazy killer man right? Kind of… They just dressed Sans as the murderer but with more edge than a teen in hot topic. Just typical fandom stuff you see everywhere really. Now you have all these fresh new sonas of girls drawing themselves with bleeding eyes saying how they can only date murderers now.
No. 920187
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I'm literally on the verge of tears. I have an important exam in about two weeks and I have to learn French? Quoi tf am I supposed to do in two weeks?
Furthermore, there are about one hundred gender endings I'm supposed to remember to know what gender a word is. Frick you France. (I would say the f word if my father didn't monitor my laptop), baguettes and croissants DON'T EVEN make up for this monstrosity. How do actual Frenchoids learn this stupid and lovely language anyway?? anyway wish me bonne chance or something because I don't know if I'm forte enough for this
No. 920246
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I’m in full blown depression mode. I’ve been in uni all year now (spring, summer, and now fall semester). I think I’m also burnt out because I have no motivation and trying to concentrate feels like static inside my brain. I wish I could take something to make me forget past traumas and burn through all my coursework besides weed and my depression/anxiety medication. I had to stop taking weed for a bit for a surgery I’m having soon, so that’s adding to the overall bummed out vibe. I’m just so tired.
No. 920265
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>>92023718, and I would make fun of my father on here if he didn't send me a passive aggressive whatsapp in response lol
No. 920267
>>919886Sorry for late reply! Yea, go find you a country boy in Europe! Maybe find community groups? Such as a hunting course taught by experienced hunter!
Yeehaw mama, hope you find your rugged man.
No. 920268
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I periodically return to the idea of 'having to' commit suicide at some point. It's something that I have been thinking about for a decade and I keep hoping that things get better and suddenly the desire just disappears but it never does.
I am all alone except for my mother. No friends. Never had a real relationship. I constantly sabotage myself at my new workplace and I get the feeling that everyone hates me because I'm socially retarded and avoidant. I abandoned all the hobbies that take effort and in my free time I just succumb to watching Youtube videos (sometimes I keep watching the same ones over and over again) or fantasize about hanging out with my coworkers whom I don't dare to approach in real life.
I was hoping that having a new job would sometimes change me and I'd become a new sparkly, positive person. Actually that's what I think about about everything. Like I just have to wait until I finally have something (new workplace or boyfriend, etc) and it's gonna change me into a new person who's content and doesn't think about suicide. But I look back and despite reaching things (having workplaces, moving to a new place, forcing myself to socialize) things have been literally the same. Which is a good indicator that even if external things change (I get an amazing boyfriend, get an insane promotion, etc), I'm gonna be the same person. Still thinking about having to end it. Which means that it would make sense to end it. I'm in the loop again. I just wish someone would confirm to me that it is the right decision and then I could do it with a calm heart, knowing that it's the right thing to do. But the doubt always comes up, maybe it's all gonna change someday. I can't come to a fucking conclusion.
No. 920270
>>920265Just change “dad” with “this clown” or some shit. Be smarter
No. 920305
>>920286i don't think he has one. i'm not sure how he's sending her funds but i think he may be mailing $$$ or something.
this wouldn't bother me one bit if the woman seemed about shit but she is literally one of those types who shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce.
she drops her baby on the dead for the second time in a single week, fake cries to my father about it, then flirts with him (?? a psychopath flirting with a 66 year old man in her fucking…late twenties??) then talks about her nails.
No. 920307
I know it's not my responsibility nor my fault her depressive mood swings all the time but fuck it hurts knowing she’s all alone again and not being able to be actually there for her.
I spent 8 years of my life trying to fix her somehow, even when I knew she didn’t want to be helped, I literally tried everything. I know she was so self absorbed that it was hard for her to understand that she’s not the only one who has problems day by day. Still, I was there.
But I got tired of her petty answers, the same things said over and over again. I had to be there for her but the moment I was feeling bad about something, I just knew what she would say. It was sad, very sad.
And here I am, still feeling guilty because I know her life won’t ever change, not at this point. She’s always waiting for something, for someone to change her life and it’s not going to happen unless she actually wants to fix herself and know that yes, her life has been shit and probably will stay the same if she doesn’t try to change her way of confronting it.
Nothing would make me feel happier than knowing she’s happy but I can’t do much at this point. I had to set boundaries because it was truly affecting my mental health, it got a point were I got anxious talking with her because I felt like I had to chose the right words or she would be affected again. I couldn’t tell her even good things that happened to me because she always thinks this life is some kind of competition and instantly get jealous of me.
I don’t know what else to do at this point tbh
No. 920336
>>920268I don't think you need to commit sudoku to solve your problems. Maybe you don't care about much. Low self esteem, self sabotage, and excessive self comforting can bring you down. It's ok to have breaks and laze about in moderation, but don't open up YouTube mindlessly. There has to be something you're looking for, and you have to be self aware so that you don't fall down a rabbit hole of videos. Maybe you're constantly distracting yourself because you're afraid what lies ahead, or want to comfort yourself as you may feel empty. And I understand that.
Human content is necessary for a human. But books can keep loneliness at bay and help a recovering attention span.
If you're still sad after having a new job, I think you know what the problem is, and you said yourself. If you're lonely, joining a church is a great place to start (full of, usually, nice old people) and it is at least a place to go. Even in God's Word you may find some purpose and light, but if not, church is at least a place and an anchor and a source of warmth for lonely girls like us. Deprivation of human contact will mess up your brain chemicals and make it harder to pick yourself up. Give yourself a hug from me, and pick up your hobbies again. Say at least 'good morning' to a coworker. It doesn't matter if it's small, it's a big step for you, and I'm proud of you for pushing yourself into this new job.
I'm going to wake up and see an autumn sunrise this week, and read in a sunny spot by the window for AT LEAST an hour. Do you have anything to look forwards to?
No. 920351
>>920340If it helps, this morning I was sobbing and struggling with existing, and I yelled about to my bf who listened and didn’t judge. Then we went outside. I hugged a cat, and saw a few good bois chillin in their yard while we were driving.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I vote no… I vote going out or doing some self love instead.
Sorry you’re feeling lonely, but it will change. Glad you vented here!
No. 920567
>>920548Same age and grew up the same way. I'm significantly behind other people my age, but still I'm working hard to catch up. It's not easy but I think it'll be worth it. At the end of the day, life isn't about doing significant things. It's not too late to do anything until you're dead.
For me personally I'm not bitter that I haven't done anything significant, I'm bitter that other people my age and younger but ahead of me have had it easy and are picking the fruits of that as a result. But killing myself wouldn't fix that.
No. 920662
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a woman on my twitter tl had a meltdown over her gender identity this morning and instead of telling her that it's not important considering that she has much worse shit going on (family drama, work drama) her friends were like 'of course you're not cis if you think you're not cis!' and 'maybe you can try this label or that label and see how it feels!' and 'saying that your appearance has to match your gender identity is transphobic!' obviously all of these replies came from they/thems called arcyn who are just regular female laurens and katies irl.
i hate this shit so much. i was so close to telling her that she doesn't feel like a girl because she's a WOMAN in her mid-20s but in the end i just deleted the bird app from my phone and moved on. i can't do this shit anymore. will it ever stop??
No. 920719
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Nobody in my family or few remaining friends contact me unless they want me to do something. People on campus think I'm an autist. My partner just makes generic responses when I try to have a conversation. Not even my fucking 14 year old nephew wants to talk to me. At least there's always anons on here.
No. 920857
>>920847>>920848Thanks to you both. I half expected for people to say I'm the retarded one lol
I'll have to look into what's legal to carry in my country.
No. 920874
>>920858I like tatts but
>he did all of his own Why do people do this? Dude just spend some money on making sure that at least some people will think it's art or nice to look at. Not everyone is going to like tattoos but just commit to getting decent ones if you're going to go there.
No. 920977
>>920927 >The born men that transition just use the female words that already existI'm more inclined to be mindful of an ftms feelings on language then I'd be about an mtf who say.. claims to be PMSing or going through a ghost period lol. Though I honestly think they (ftms) have internalised the whole 'women are lesser' message to a higher degree than the rest of us. I think that's the root of it and the real driving force behind them hating feminine language being directed at them. It feels insulting because people shit on women that much. Especially when it comes to hormones and hormone cycles. It's used to degrade us or belittle how we're feeling.
Tbh I had a moment of 'gender feelings' and managed to come back to reality again. Was raised in a house where my dad made no secret of thinking women were strange creatures and sons were automatically the competent ones no matter how much they messed up. I get that they're coping.. but I don't like how they're going about it.
No. 921128
>>921075>>921082I sent him a text saying I'm stressed out at the moment and it's terrible timing. He'd booked a hotel very close by to my place so he's now now saying "oh well what if I just do my own thing for the few days I'm there" but I know he'd get here and immediately start texting me about meeting up. I'm not that dumb.
I repeated that I'm under so much stress right now that I don't want him here full stop. He says he cancelled. I still had to play up 'muh anxiety' rather than mention things anything like periods and my pmdd but at least I said something for once. I appreciate the replies.
No. 921263
>>921243It's only a problem if you don't like what you're doing with your life. Though it also depends on if your problem with forming and maintaining friendships is with self hatred, anxiety, or just social apathy.
If it's apathy, well, not everyone is suited to have friends or a social life. Some people are happier with occasionally seeing an acquaintance or having pets to fill their social needs. Though it is important to keep your social skills from atrophying, something that I've been struggling with myself. It takes a lot of baby steps, but you could still get up to a level where you can socialize and put of a facade of normalcy if you wanted to.
No. 921410
>>921140>>921165Fucking preach. I feel like I'm constantly running into these types of people and they sperg at the drop of a hat. I'm tired of being fucking gaslit and projected onto especially for not putting up with their
victim complexes.
Speaking of which, I hate my mother in law. She's a miserable bitch and an insecure, picky asshole.
No. 921465
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Had to tell some guy I met on Tinder today that I felt we should stop talking. Feel kind of bummed out because he was really cute and we had SO much in common but he was just so different on chat compared to in person. We saw each other two times (it was hard to get him to meet, he seemed more content to be alone) but talked every day for more than two weeks. He has some anxiety issues as well as some other stuff and it was just red flag after red flag talking to him.
I feel kind of proud of myself that I put a stop to it before we got involved too much, I always had a tendency to try to "fix" men or look for the "good" in them only. It's weird because he seemed really nice but I got weirded out by some of his jokes and general conversation tone online (he also dropped a LOT of his issues on my lap out of nowhere, as usual men using me as their therapist).
I also had a weird gut feeling that I could not shake off that there was something odd about the dude, like I was kind of afraid to go to his house and that has never happèned to me with any other men. I kept replaying The Gift of Fear on my head lol. I don't know… I kind of left it open ended but I think if he talks to me again I'm just going to say "I don't think we're compatible" and leave it at that. It's mostly me making assumptions that he's kind of toxic so I don't want to be too mean.
But honestly I could do a huge list of every small little thing he said that set my radar off but I won't bore you with it kek
No. 921562
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It's 3am and I'm crying because I might need knee surgery. My stupid ill brain is acting like it's the end of the world and I'm legit scared of not being able to exercise for possibly months. It's not like I have that much gains to lose but exercise keeps me sane so it's scare to stop. Stupid knee
No. 921566
>>921560>>921556>>921499OK long list just for you nonas, some are really obvious I KNOW! But I didn't pick up on all of them day one. Remember we only talked for two weeks.
> he split up with someone really recently> he asked more than once how many matches I had on Tinder (was clearly super jealous and made jokes about his "competition")> he complimented me a LOT and clearly put me on a pedestal from day one> he kept mentioning he was really nice or making allusions to not being like "other men"> he kept making weird out of place dark jokes about killing me or chaining me up, got annoyed when I told him to stop (like offended that I was mistaking him as a creep)> told me he had low self esteem and it was hard for him to get comfortable around new people (sometimes took months for him to meet a girl)> a lot of self-deprecating humor> he said he only got two matches and was over with Tinder (he was REALLY handsome so this was a case of him either lying or getting frustrated inmediately)> he told me he got bullied a lot when younger by other girls in his school, which made me realize he probably has a lot of trust issues around women (kind of confirmed by him too)> told me had a lot of anxiety and depression issues that were "in his brain"> told me he usually doesn't tell people this and I was different (yeah right dude)> got angry when I politely told him he should try going to therapy to talk about some of his trust issues> clearly had a victim complex and mistrust of people in general> kept telling me to "maybe" go out that same day and then always cancelled because he was too tired, in a bad mood, etc (this happened like 4 times in two weeks)> made a joke that he was jealous of my cat and that he would someday "disappear" under "mysterious circumstances"> was clearly a gaming addict, don't mind gamers but he seemed to play a lot of online games at night and got defensive when I made a joke about it> mentioned he used to visit 4chan (yikes)> told me he was always monogamous even in a casual relationship and got weird when I told him I didn't own him that unless we were a couple and neither did other women> told me he was with a girl for a whole year but didn't consider than a relationship (what?)> Was not misogynistic with me but I feel deep down he was, he also painted this innocent picture of being nice and shy but was following like 10 ethots on instagram. (really trashy ones too, clear connection with jerking off to the type of woman he hates I'm sure)> told me he didn't invite his ex to meet his friends because "they had nothing in common and she would get bored" and "didn't like mixing friend groups" (that poor girl)> pothead, I have no problem with pot but don't like someone that smokes everyday > made sarcastic jokes constantly and I usually take those jokes like men's real thoughts so I was not happy (like calling me a coward when I told him I was not interested in marihuana)I honestly could go on and on about even smaller things, some are very obvious bad signs but I was open to talk to him at first (especially since I also have some anxiety issues). I was always super direct about not taking any of the bullshit he said and told him off several times about it, as well as telling him that I was not going to have sex with him and we were only friends for now.
But he just kept pushing my buttons with more and more dumb stuff and it just seemed hopeless. Such a waste because he was SO attractive and sweet in person but the
toxic nerd was very obvious on chat and I kept having this gut feeling that he was at best emotionally
abusive in a relationship.
No. 921634
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>>921562it’s looking like i’m going to have to get surgery on my foot and ankle, i feel you anon. the shitty part is it’s the distance-running that actually fucked them up in the first place. i’ve got more x-rays next week, i’ll pray for you.
No. 921662
>>921566He sounds like an /r9k/ Elite. And probably still uses 4chan.
>don't mind gamers Imo you should tbh but you know you best
No. 921665
>>921662he did use the word "normies" several times lol regarding gamers I never dated one so maybe I'm not very familiar with how they are. I played a lot when I was young but I do agree men take it too far. I think online gamers are kind of more
problematic since they get TOO into it. I wouldn't mind a guy that played a couple of single players per year for example. At least nobody that puts gaming over meeting me or other people.
No. 921694
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I’m the most insignificant person in this world but sometimes I feel like I’m performing for some hidden force I can’t identify, not in a schizo way but like feeling like you have to say certain things for imaginary people in your mind like you’re on a simulated tv show and you’re asking the audience what your decision should be and performing for them, but the audience is some fucked up fictional version of the world. Being inside of my mind is like the Truman Show it scares me nonnies
No. 921715
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>>921711Nice try, cia-chan.
No. 921718
>>914233I've had a headache all day, never changed out of my pjs, generally feeling bad and not wishing to be perceived. i left to take out the trash and this old guy in my apartment complex passed by me and said hi, i nodded and croaked out a 'hi' back. A woman walked by too and she said hi, i nodded and smiled, she didn't see it and when she walked past me she got all huffy, saying "Okkk" sarcastically and started bitching about me out loud, saying i was rude.
I croaked out another 'hi' when i heard this but idk what her problem is. jfc. sorry i didn't voice my greeting because i want to be left alone. christ. fuck off.
No. 921761
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what's it like to have a partner who acknowledges your existence to his friends/is openly proud to be with you?
No. 921767
>>920927I've noticed it irl too
nonnie, one of my friends is MtF (I know) but insisted on using "people with wombs" when referring to women but didn't feel inclined to say "penis havers" when talking about men.
No. 921782
>>920927i agree. women already don’t have any space where we are not literally
forced to be inclusive. enough is enough. they can never be women and we need that language and shouldn’t have to dehumanize what women have fought for since the dawn or time, and actually suffered and died for, so men can once again show how far they will go to never accept “no”. they are y chromosomes and nothing will change how defective they are no matter how much surgery, language, or government documents saying otherwise. i don’t give a fuck. you can’t even get a man to talk to you respectfully, why the fuck do i need to be inclusive to someone who doesn’t even include me as a fucking human being? when can men start being inclusive so we don’t get raped and murdered at the rate that we do? can their crime statistics be more inclusive to women so almost all crime is committed by us and they can see how the fuck inclusive they feel after that? they have no fucking purpose and need more restrictions, not less. if they want to transition, send them to serve fighting for womens rights in third world countries, then i’ll fucking include them.
No. 921792
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i graduated college in 2020 when my whole industry shut down here, so I ended up temporarily getting a retail job, just to earn some more money and have some experience, etc. I quit that job this summer cause a coworker was sexually harassing me and used it as an opportunity to start applying to jobs in my industry or ones where my skill set would translate over, as well as retail. All the retail jobs I applied to got back to me ASAP and requested interviews while I’m still struggling to get my foot in the door anywhere else.
I just don’t get it. I ended up taking another retail job while I continue applying to places and started this week. I wanted to die so bad while I was ringing up customers because this obviously isn’t what I want for my future, but I’ve lost all hope in my future and have started to develop severe imposter syndrome because of how bleak my job opportunities have been since graduating thanks to Covid. I worked hard in college, got a 4.0, consistently put in more effort than many of my peers, and have good work to show for it. My whole life has been so unstable, I barely have a family, I just want a stable enough job right now it’s the only thing Im asking for. I never expected it to be easy but it’s so unnecessarily hard out here for a goddamn entry level position when I have the skills to show for it but I don’t have connections.
No. 921819
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>>921788Yeah I think people have forgotten that this all started because young tomboys and butches were thrown out of women's restrooms and just wanted a gender neutral bathroom option. Or when butches, transmasc/ftm types were laughed out of the doctor's office for having vagina/vulva related problems. Apparently burgers were so retarded, that they need to be told that men can have periods too, because they cannot look past the beard and see this person is female. I doubt the end result we're dealing with now is what was originally intended.
No. 922164
>>922160> He always says that he wants me to be below a certain weight.Dump him
> I hate it when he wants to force me to eat his shitty low fat quark.Dump him
> I never felt bad about myself before but now I feel like I see every single flaw about myself and that I am the fattest person on the planet and I feel almost suicidal if I am miss going to the gym once because it feels like I am letting my boyfriend down.Dump him> I just hate doing this.DUMP HIM No. 922172
>>922164D U M P
like common
nonnie, love your self more than he loves is own reflection
No. 922256
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>>922160damn that's a lot of red flags. that is very controlling of him, not to mention he's trying to hurt your self-esteem.
dump him anon, he's doing you harm.
No. 922450
>>919182This, have never seen a muslim woman standing up to scrote bullshit by muslim males or criticizing it on the slightest
But they are very keen when it comes to criticizing non muslim societies and their feminism
They will have feminist in their bio but never ever say anything about islam
No. 922499
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>>922488Have you tried a head collar? Its a collar that goes around the head so tbat they can't pull. You could also try a harness
No. 922501
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the minute I went to my OBGYN appointment to help fix my broken period (it's been going on for months now) … it ended. I'm thankful that it's over now but I waited so long and made the trip for nothing, fuck.
No. 922506
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but im starting to think my sister and mom are just using me as an emotional crutch. They'll never listen to me on the things that really count, and never admit their wrongdoings, but will unload shit on me and want me to sympathize with them.
I know I do mean shit to them, but I try to apologize after, and genuinely feel bad for what I did, but i don't feel bad now.
I just want to unload on them, and make them feel how i feel.
I cant make them listen to how I feel if it involves so they can just feel like shit like me so they can at least understand how I suffer.
I know this is selfish, but I feel like shit, and I honestly feel like no one cares. And even more so, they dont want to care. They'd rather I act like a robot, so they dont have to deal with my shit.
And it's not like I'm seriously mentally I'll and treat others like shit around me, its because they dont want to care. Bc they know the problems I have are with them, and they dont want to admit they're wrong.
I cant talk to my mom about my abusive stepfather bc she deflects all talk about it so she can keep staying with him.
I cant talk to my sister about she makes me feel like a leper sometimes, and uses me for shit without her demonizing me and making me like I'm the bad guy.
They're such selfish children and they dont care, I honestly feel like im the only truly sane one in my household right now other than my baby sisters, and that's why im going crazy.
They can keep themselves sane by using me as an emotional crutch to comfort themselves, and then pretend everything is normal. Its screwed up.
No. 922555
>>922534Is it FOMO or something else? What are your grades and the odds that you will pass?
Go out with your friends. In my experience, college was definitely some of the best years of my life. I had so much more energy and drive to socialize. Enjoy it while you can. You think going to bed really late now is bad, just wait until you're 30. Functioning off 4 hours of sleep in college wasn't too bad, but now if I get less than 7.5 hours of sleep per night I'm an anxious mess.
No. 922564
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So ducking tired of the expectation for women to perform 24/7. I'm not even talking about looks, but the expectation that you constantly be happy and sociable and caring. Being haggard tired upset pissed etc is a sin. You get attacked by other women who take your silence as a personal affront, and men who get triggered by any sign of non smileyfuckme women. I just want to exist without constantly being "corrected" and scrutinized. Unironically would chop off my tits if I had a more andro body.
No. 922574
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Do any of you sell things online? Have you noticed how terrible the quality of buyers have gone down since COVID? Just this week I've gotten 3 bad reviews on fucking a few different selling apps because of shitty buyers and it's not because I'm a bad seller. This bitch today gave me a terrible review on Mercari because SHE DIDN'T READ THE ITEMS FUCKING TITLE TO KNOW SHE WAS BUYING A TRAVEL SIZED ITEM THAT MENTIONED IT'S A MINI AND THE OZ OF THE PRODUCT IN THE FUCKING TITLE! Calling me misleading and saying the product is a bad value when she bought the item at full price herself and didn't even make a offer and she acts like I forced her to buy it??? Okay schizo not sure how that's my fault, it's a travel sized makeup item that doesn't even look similar to the full size version and cost less than 75% off the price of the full sized version. These fuckers are leaving bad reviews because they are brain dead can't fucking read and have buyers remorse. I have gotten more bad reviews this past year as a more professional seller than I did when I was a clueless teenager selling my shitty old clothes and none of the bad reviews are even my fault just salty ass buyers with buyers remorse or people I didn't accept their initial lowball offer wanting some kind of revenge or stupid boomers that refuse to give 5 stars on anything ever.
No. 922580
getting real tired of my mom stealing my migraine meds
I suspected it last time, as opposed to maybe I'm just stupid and don't remember, and she confessed to having done it
she replaced the meds with whatever equivalent she's prescribed
then stole those too
I'm fucking terrified my docs will think I'm some sort of pillhead so I've been putting off getting refills
plus I don't want her to fucking steal them again
I tried to hide the fact that I was picking up a small refill (10 pills) but she figured it out. I had them for ten days before I needed one, and when I got to the bottle, there was exactly one in there
I was so fucking pissed, I confronted her about it again and she apologized and said she wouldn't do it again
I told her the next step is buying a goddamn lock box to keep my pills from her, I told her it's fucking humiliating to have to do that, to have to buy something to protect my pills from my own mother
She said she'd replace them, I told her she said that last time, before stealing those too
I'm buying the goddamn box, I can't believe it's come to this but here we are
No. 922587
>>922582it makes me want to cry, who does that? take all your meds and leaves you with one?
every time I'd open my bottles there would be one left and I'd have to think about whether I actually used them all or if they were stolen
and I don't want to tell my doctor that they're being taken, she's not a bad person and she actually has a lot of medical issues, woman takes so many pills
but I told her if her migraines are that often, she really needs to talk to her doctor about it, not take my meds
I'm sorry nonas this is just really shaking me up, you don't fucking steal meds
I hope I got through to her this time, she seemed genuinely remorseful
idk, I guess we'll see whenever I decide to try refilling again…..
No. 922711
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I actually hate some of the anons on here, I’m going to sperg and alog a bit because no like seriously why do some of you have to suck the fun out of everything like a vampire and devolve into your embarrassing and retarded debates about shit no one cares about? Because of your pride like literally give it up grandmas I’m surprised you have the energy to debate this shit just shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up
No. 922713
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I'm starting to think that I'll die as a virgin or resort to paying a prostitute, since I'm a socially retarded NEET desperately wanting sex
No. 922773
>>922439Do you never tire of pretending that nothings wrong with middle east or it's men in general
"oh it's immigrants causing trouble let's put blame on everything else other then middle eastern muslim males"
Just like this anon
>>919182Blame everything else other then yourself, be as woke as you can be for anything other then islam
Muslim women play an important role in islam and how it behaves and no one can convince me otherwise
Muslims complain about not being able to integrate and racism but are most bigoted racist themselves
No it's not just south Asians being degenerate it's like 90% of muslim men, anons didn't even mention south Asia they were discussing islam
racist against whites, blacks other non muslim asians and then they have audacity to complain about racism and islamophobia
No. 922780
>>922753You're right but she might be talking about a gigolo.
If you get one make sure to post a review here anon.
No. 922790
>>922778I'm a BPDchan but I try to be self-aware about my moodswings and try to never let them affect my friends.
What you really want to avoid are autistic women, who don't care about you, or whatever past their own little comfort. Oh and non-self aware BPDchans of course.
No. 922815
>>922466Most government barring some are complicit to things islam does i don't know it is but
Mist shit they do around the world gets brushed under a carpet
Maybe its the angry mib of millions or maybe funding of some sort
No. 922928
>>922652>When I was in high school my mom once stole my weed and blamed it on my catI'm sorry, I'm op medanon and that made me cackle, thank you for that
also I'm glad you're out of that too, that sounds like a hellhole
No. 923104
>>921566No offense but
> he kept making weird out of place dark jokes about killing me or chaining me up, got annoyed when I told him to stop (like offended that I was mistaking him as a creep)And you kept talking to him after that? Are you high?
No. 925361
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This is retarded but I’m so fucking annoyed that I can’t find a guy with a dick big enough for me. I’m 5’9” and have what have been referred to as “child-bearing” hips, so I have a vagina about the size and depth of a small asteroid crater. Every time I see a tiny sub 5’5” girl walking around with a 5’10”+ built bf it drives me crazy because I know there’s no way she’s comfortably taking all of that. The last guy I was seeing before I moved was so hot and really sweet but I can’t even properly fantasise about it because he never even got me close from penetration alone. I’m just so fucked up and mad bc it feels like its either sweet boys who likes me or actual sexual satisfaction and I can’t have both at the same time. I hope all the tiny girls with giant bfs out there have fun giving birth to their whole Christmas turkeys in a few years time.
Anyways I’m seething and not coping. Sorry to all the femcels here who don’t have this problem.
No. 925368
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>>922564same on all except chopping off my tits lol
I didn't ask for any of this, I asked for
none of this
the only fucking reason people are on my case constantly is that I'm a woman, and I'm tired of both men and women pretending it's not about that
No. 925441
>>923104Lol I made it sound worse than it was, but it definitely made me uncomfortable anyway. I made a point of not seeing him anywhere that was not in public after that just in case (in any case I only saw him one more time after). Mea culpa nonas, I will make sure not to talk to him again.
I actually put a stop to it the other day and my god what a "niceguy" he didn't explode on me but I could feel his resentment. I kind of left it open ended because I don't want to piss off the guy. I will not engage from now on and I hope he doesn't continue talking to me, at least for now he was satisfied with my reasons to stop talking.
No. 925494
>>925459it's literally their love language lmao
set their fucking life on fire
No. 925513
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>>925459Alright. No further encouragement needed. I'm ready to chimp out next time a motherfucker tries me.
No. 925532
>>925525Sorry about your Y chromosome disorder. Stop mantruming and solve the issue like a big boy. So it must be pretty small huh.
In general draw attention to their emotionally instability/unprofessionalism if they're work men. For everyday men you can also talk about how y chromosome is defective and treat them like kids.
No. 925559
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I'm luck to have 4 full month of free time to do all the shit I've wanted to do for the last few years, and all I want is to get seriously into drawing and painting, but I can never get myself to do anything productive, all I do is waste my time playing video games and browsing the internet. I don't know how to pull myself together, and I'm scared the 4 month are gonna pass in the blink of an eye.
No. 925597
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>read about a cute interaction between a mother and son
>assume it's a mom talking about their kid
>look at the tags
>it's mdlb shit
No. 925611
>>925562funny because the first thing I thought of to comfort OP with was that I saw some nasty gaping holes on tiny women in porn video so
>>925599 is right in a sense. unless you explore lots of other bodies knowing your own doesn't do shit for making you feel normal
No. 925642
>>925559Set alarms anon, and hold yourself accountable. Start with 10 minutes of drawing and increase in 5 minute increments through the week. Just doodle, and see y’all what happens.
Light the fire under your own ass anon, you can do it
No. 925649
>>925646I live in a conservative hellhole and they scrutinize every aspect of your appearance and life to your face
>little girlBegone scrote
No. 925699
>>925599it's not just that, it's also thinking taller man=bigger dick
>>925638>Most of the /ot/ is chill thoughfucking where
No. 925739
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Fucked up things at work again and want to die