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No. 92281
Was going to post this in /snow/, but she has left youtube and isn't coming back.
Basic rundown:
>Dumb idiot follows dream of becoming housewife in Japan>Marries autistic Japanese man who knocked her up>Autistic Jap barely talks to her outside of work>Shows no interest in their child>She divorces this hasn't been posted before here. I subbed to her channel when she only had like 5 videos.
After a year or two her life started going downhill incredibly fast. Apart from bringing home his robot salary paycheck the husband was useless as shit, complained about petty shit like that Ryanboundless guy does, didn't know how to raise a child, etc. As you can see in her last video, which was 11 months ago she has given up with Japan and headed back home, with her mixed child in tow.
I feel sort of sorry for her, no way any white guy is going to marry her now and she's basically stuck as a single mom forever.
>>92288I've never encountered this trainwreck before, which surprised me given how good lolcow usually is at cataloging these types.
As for why I made a thread, why make a thread about any crazy as fuck weeb? It's just in this particular case yellow fever and the Japanese guy meme have literally destroyed her life, lol.
No. 92299
>>92298He wanted to be separated. She's deleted a lot of her older videos but to cut a long story short he basically had no interest in the child and was happy to see her take custody.
Not sure why you're trying to make him a sympathetic character here.
No. 92302
>>92301lol I love seeing you around these part. (iirc this anon is also a British nationalist with a weird preoccupation with pale skin)
why specify "white" man in the first place? you've posted numerous times about how recovered weebs should just settle down with a good old white man, I guess that's where white women belong.
No. 92305
>>92304We don't know the full details beyond (apparently) him cheating once. But that was well before the divorce.
The real issue from what I could make out was cultural. He delivered a paycheck and felt his end of the bargain was complete with that, and in most Japanese marriages that would be enough, but it's different with western couples.
No. 92306
>>92303the point was, why assume she necessarily wants to settle down with a white guy? or for some reason "needs" to?
OP wanted anons to join him making fun of the white girl who married a dumb Japanese guy and "ruined" her life but we all just feel sorry for her.
No. 92310
>>92299How was I trying to? I admitted that I only saw four videos from the beginning. Besides that, you only have her perspective since it is her channel and he doesn't speak English. Besides that, grandparents and other family members suffer from this kind of separation.
Stfu and get some learning comprehension.
No. 92316
>>92309so why post this here in the first place?
4chan must be so shitty that you'd rather talk to weeby girls who idolize Asians instead of dedicating their wombs to a stronger white nation.
No. 92324
>>92322Well yeah. Is it surprising that so many of these relationships are complete trainwrecks to the point you could fill an entire board with accounts of them?
K poop and anime is fantasy. This girls story is the reality of living in a fantasy world.
No. 92328
>>92324Im sure you could fill up a whole board (and more) full of horror stories about white couples who stick to their own kind too kek.
OP sticks out like a sore thumb here. Has it in for white women who date Asian men and justifies it by citing idiotic weebs. he should just admit he thinks white women should marry white men so Britain won't become Arabland.
No. 92330
>>92328White couples don't tend to date one another because of cartoons and pop music.
You're free to chase the yellow of course, but don't compare your weird racial fetish to normal coupled thx.
No. 92337
>>92328>justifies it by citing idiotic weebsThose are the only type of white women who date asian men though.
Don't know why anyone would even get angry about this. Most other white women find Asian men unattractive generally.
No. 92339
>>92330I wish you were just trolling anon. I don't see much of a difference between the theoretical Asian fetishist and the nationalist who obsesses over pale white girls.
And then literally spergs about it on an anon imageboard. Again and again.
No. 92343
>>92339The nationalist wants someone of his or her own cultural background. Most people do actually, but weebs just assume Japanese people are like white people in terms of ethics and norms, albeit with "quirks".
For example, Japan is a significantly more sexist society than most western ones but most don't factor this is when chasing for a jp husbando because they assume the whole world shares their norms.
This is why hannah expected her Japanese husband to be like a western one, and when she found out they handled marital dynamics differently she got depressed and divorced.
No. 92347
>>92345>all look prepubescent Not me. Asian women can be pretty. I just find them too different personality wise.
>big claimThe truth. Do you think ordinary white girls gush over k pop stars and effeminate looking Johnnys idols? You've clearly been ensconced in this subculture too long if so.
No. 92349
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No. 92352
>>92348Japanese people are very different culturally to white people. This is the cause of the friction. Likewise with asians in general.
People with Confucian mindsets don't mix well with westerners in marriage.
As for "wahhh you hate Asian men", can it, asianmaculinity, the same criticisms apply to white men who obsess over Asian girls. It's just that those men tend to grow out of it more often than white weebs do.
No. 92354
>>92351That or they're just plain ugly.
Except hiroshi abe, he's a handsome dude.
No. 92356
>>92352>grow out of itSure op
Like, you're not talking to the masses. If you want to preach to the whites about keeping the race pure, this ain't the place m8.
No. 92368
>>92367>there's no way any of you don't think Asian men are God's gift to womenSounding kind of arrogant there
Wouldn't want to…. Lose face would we?