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No. 971272
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the borzois in mind.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/939805 No. 971283
>>971278/ic/ frustrates me to no end, they have demonstrated their potential so many times with their amassed resources and the community projects that occasionally get organised but the threads continue to be repetitive liquid shit with an incredibly narrow focus. It's got one of the higher ratios of femanons but the board culture hasn't adapted to that.
The cherry on top of the puddle of excrement is that loli/shota is now allowed, too
No. 971323
>>971320even though you could say that it
triggers fakebois.
No. 971402
>>971387I think you're looking too far into it. I think that tattoos look cool on other people even though I don't want any
at least not anymore. I'm sure some people say it in a backhanded way, but it doesn't have to be insulting. it's the same way you can admire someone's fashion style and not necessarily want to dress like them.
No. 971418
>>971387I agree with you.
>it looks good on you though!is the fakest statement ever. I will always respect someone that says
>I don't like itas opposed to
>I like it on you No. 971445
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I get that Amber Heard is a psycho but that doesn’t mean that Johnny Depp is this uwu innocent victim that deserves coddling. I hate people that put him on a pedestal ever since that shitshow. It was obviously a mutually toxic relationship. They’re both overpaid celebrities that don’t give a shit about you lol.
No. 971537
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She's supposed to be a 60's vintage doll but she looks like a 00's doll with these exaggerated proportions (big head and eyes) I know is autistic but it just bugs me and ruins any immersion, she looks like those LPS toys
No. 971583
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>>971537A 60's doll, for reference. Exaggerated proportions weren't common as "kawaii" aesthetics weren't a trend yet, they used toned color palletes and natural hair colors.
No. 971601
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>>971537>>971583It sorta looks like pic rel in terms of proportions, though much larger and with a voice box
No. 971607
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>>971597Oh i didn't notice, thanks for pointing that out anon (vintage doll to scroll cp from frontpage)
No. 971645
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>>971639>hobbies like guitar playingYou just reminded me of a girl I know who plays the guitar, she got the shortest fake nails ever and went to class, the teacher asked her if the nails were hers are she lied. So when she started playing, all of the nails that she used to play broke and one of them almost jumped right into her eye. It must’ve been terrifying.
I don’t hate fake nails, they’re just the kind of accessory that you can only wear if you know that you won’t be doing absolutely anything until you get used to them. I do hate those “duck” nails, they’re fugly and even more useless than the pointy ones.
No. 972030
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>>971889>when someone plays rap music on public transportwith no headphones? i hate that too kek person just blasts their music and everyone else just looks at each other with a look that says "are you gonna say anything or" while everyone just sits in silence and does nothing
No. 972201
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>>972197is the entirety of japan a pickme nation then?
No. 972209
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>>972197>>972201happens in south asia to an even larger extent, women make their husbands full meals in Tiffin boxes
No. 972310
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Bark bark
No. 972317
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>>972308They're allowed to look like this only, the rest can die castrated.
No. 972324
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>>972319wrong, it's just ancient husbando art.
No. 972330
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>>972324I've ascended because I appreciate both nona
No. 972336
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>>972324I will contribute
No. 972349
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>>972324reminds me of this tweet
No. 972453
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Voicemail. Literally just deleted 11 voicemails from my work phone without listening to them bc I was out sick, if it’s important they’ll call back
No. 972570
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People who post tiktoks making light of how they killed themselves. It’s obvious attention seeking and I hate the people who comment “you deserve to heal however” These people make suicidal people look even worse. Based off oh how you present online, I bet you the world would be a better place of you did succeed in killing yourself..
No. 972589
>>972577>>972576Suicide attempt*
>>972578She just wants attention
No. 972590
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The “humans are not meant to be monogamous!” argument. Any push for poly relationships is a red flag to me.
No. 972915
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Moids' responses to the new Cowboy Bebop live-action series are insufferable. Out of all of the problems to have with it they're fixated on whether they can coom to Faye's actress or not. They're acting like it's about "integrity to the original media" as if her design doesn't stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the cast in the animated series. She can't "just buy a Faye Valentine cosplay." She's not going to an anime convention for 3 days. She's putting on an outfit to wear every single day to run around in and film action moves for months of production that some cosplayer wouldn't have to worry about.
No. 973461
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I hate lash extensions and makeup like this so fucking much
No. 973469
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>>973461I hate lash extensions like pic related, it looks ugly on 96% of people and it makes the eyes look smaller
No. 973473
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>>973461It looks so scary from afar and in real life.
No. 973510
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What is this???????
No. 973645
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>>973633For real
>Browse on PC>Have Ublock>Right click, block elementIt's that simple. No need to give any attention whores what they want, running around going eeeek is literally provoking it
No. 973692
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I fucking hate when people use sex and gender interchangeably, no, my dear retard, they’re not the same, I don’t care if other faggots use it that way, the word that you’re using doesn’t mean what you fucking think it means.
No. 973729
>>973722Some anons take genderfandom koolaid for breakfast, anon.
>>973700I mean, yeah, but kids nowadays use “gender” as a diminutive of gender roles, because groomers told them that gender roles are how they feel about themselves and their personality, and not a social construct.
No. 973799
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>>973736>if no one stops these kids they'll become the choice making adults of the futureyou sound like picrel
No. 974068
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I hate when men don't have the self awareness to understand the reason of this sort of attitude from women. I have seen a few variations of this posts, and I still don't understand how they can use this as a "clever comeback" without seen the irony.
No. 974319
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>>974307>>974308Not all of it was just a "bible fanart"
I went to art school and something I learnt was that most artists were seen in the same vein as carpenters and artesans, they often survived by getting work from wealthy people and churches. The artist = famous person is a fairly new concept popularized in the 20th century. Back then, deviating from the norm of painting anything not related to religion and mythology was frowned upon. There's a reason why in art history, authors who painted common people were once seen as revolutionary in the past. Now we have all kinds of liberties and we think religious art is boring but back then, painting religious art was the only way to paint a nude person or blood. There's even cases where the intention of those pieces are a bit sexual but in a covert way, and people didn't notice but the artist knew.
Subjects like the saints and virgins became concepts more than characters. They had meaning beyond just the simplified "it's a Bible thing". Pretty interesting if you ask me. Check this out No. 974330
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>>974310What happens if in the far future, only small traces of our current media are left behind, and any surviving civilization is forced to assume that the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy fandoms were actual religions?
You can't stop this from becoming a timeless masterpiece
nonny No. 974414
>>974374"so what did they get from this dig?"
"a few bits of woolly mammoth and two pieces of kingdom hearts yaoi"
No. 974489
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Are zoomers really like this? Holy shit I hate tiktok, please tell me this is actually satire and zoomers aren't as attention starved as this watch it
No. 974495
>>974489I mean, I get that it’s supposed to be kawiwi or something, and that tiktok videos are basically what you do at home while singing alone. But do people really sit down and spend
hours looking at these 5 seconds videos? She’s literally just putting her hands up and widening her eyes while sightly shaking her head.
>that’s >itAt least there’s other tiktok videos of people trying to dance or do some crazy shit, so it kind of makes sense that they’re popular and interesting to look at.
This is so weird, and yes, I also didn’t like Vine when it was popular.
No. 975193
>>974502Oh god. One of my ex friends did this. Fucking loser cheated because… She wasn't paying enough attention to him. She was working on her business after having to work terrible jobs to put him threw college. Hope it works out for her. fucking cunt fed my
abusive ex information about me.
No. 975219
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>>974489Tiktok is full of hypocrites who flip flop on stuff and then most of the trends are about how you look and traumadumping. They get comments from incels calling them fat or ugly or saying that they are wearing too much damn makeup and they will reply with “ well you’re an incel and you’ll never be with a woman” which is such an annoying thing, yes those men will never get with a woman, but it’s reducing us as something to get as a gotcha. they do those incel attractiveness scale morph filter videos. They all say things about their mental illnesses and make quirky videos about it. I’ve seen like 7 girls on this app say they’re a manic pixie dream girl because they’re autistic
anyone who says they are on this app is a liar or that they’re like a toes cool man eater like Jennifer’s body because they have BPD. Or how they’re a bimbo, when really it’s just some fat poor bitch in pink clothes.
No. 975245
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I hate fanfic and fandom spaces. I never read fanfic when I was younger but now, seeing that this shit has somehow gotten worse feels crappy.
No. 975847
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>>975677>muh exploration of sexuality!!1!1! Tell me you are from Twitter without telling me that you are from Twitter
No. 975850
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>>975245reminds me of this, even m/m fics introduce many young girls to
problematic ideas about relationships and degenerate kings
No. 975854
>>975847>nooooo how dare women like degenerate shit they're completely in control of without moids interfering, it's missionary in the dark for all the proper ladies anyway self insert husbandofags are embarrassing either way, men should only be choking each other but if someone implies it's fanfic that makes someone write shit like
>>975850 and not their 30-year old pornsick online boyfriend they're being absolutely delusional kek
No. 975860
>>975854what the fuck are you even talking about, all were saying is that fanfic sites sometimes become the introduction of many fucked up kinks and concepts
shit like daddy dom, choking, piss-play, pregnancy kink e.t.c
No. 975875
>>975860nta but i don't get why fanfics in particular are being singled out when tons of other things aimed towards girls have messed up shit in it too
>>975847isn't twitter the one who gets worked up over fiction though
No. 975920
>>975911News events, not gore shit.
>>975917I don't enjoy them and that's not why I find it annoying. Obv I'd sympathize if they were screaming out of sheer terror but it's clear that they're not. Some people
american women just can't stfu ever. It's a fucking reflex for them to make noise. I don't hear that lone women in foreign media anywhere near as often.
No. 975923
>>975245>blaming fanfic/fandomsMost fandom spaces filled with women have very normal content, unless you dig. Stop with the pearl-clutching. And tbh, fiction is the domain for all fucked up shit and impulses. It's a way of reckoning with the unspoken, messy aspects of ourselves. I feel like so many radical feminists want women to be asexual nuns, except instead of God and Jesus, we're meant to worship this amorphous symbol of womanhood and femaleness. A permanent vagina we're never actually allowed to touch if we have the slightest bit of wrongthink. It's just not going to happen lmfao. We're nasty-ass human beings, maybe not as extreme as men but don't kid yourself. I agree there's some shit women could do with collectively unlearning, but that takes a lifetime, and it's also extremely personal. As long as you know the line between reality and fantasy, it's fine
IMO it'd be more helpful to discuss
why certain kinks are suddenly popular and trendy over others
No. 975968
>>975923As a pearl-clutching radfem I have absolutely no problem with people writing smutty fanfics with extreme fetishes because it's usually experimenting and testing your own borders, female coomerism is not at all enabled by society and women simply do not possess the sexual aggression men do. It's not women becoming serial killers strangling prostitutes to death because mommy didn't bring enough tendies. Fanfics are like the least offensive genre of erotica there is, it's usually content created by and shared between women and in 99% cases tagged appropriately because the community is known to shame authors for not following proper conduct. Generally people acting like fanfics are to blame for young girls being obsessed with being choked and bruised
in real life are deflecting hard, from speaking with girls like this it's always been influenced by real life scrotoids who force their twisted fetishes on the girls they groom.
No. 975988
>>975980, I've read some weird shit online, at school, as a kid just by looking up characters I've liked. You can find smug of Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat. I don't know what people are talking about "you have to dig". When I was a kid you just went to and there was nasty shit on the first page of your search. It's how I found out about what being gay meant, and my first exposure to anything graphically depicting sex. And the worst part is that you could obviously tell those fics were written by girls in their tweens.
No. 976019
>>975987Not really, idk about you, but during my invader Zim fanfic days, which was edge central because it was written by teens, the worst thing that there was were the anachan tendencies but it made sense because the characters are all skinny doodles.
Nowadays you will find a bunch of fucked up shit like a fanfic that’s supposed to be cute with the top calling the bottom a “bitch/slut/whore” and a bottom calling the top “daddy” like, back then, unless you were looking for incest stories, you never saw a character calling their partner “daddy” and now it’s just everywhere in any fandom.
Chocking, anal, spitting and crossdressing in a gross way, are way too common nowadays, it’s not because of fanfiction on its own, it’s because everyone is pornsick as fuck.
I think porn just got out of hand, but instead of doing something about it, it’s easier to shame women for being into fucking reading fanfiction. So I guess the moral of the story is that no matter what you like, if you’re a woman, you will always be the one who is in the wrong, because you’re everyone’s role model even if you just exist on the internet without a profile of your own.
No. 976090
>>976086NTA, but you choose to blame the
victims above all? Lol
No. 976093
>>976090Who said I am blaming the
I think women who write about porn in a website where there are a lot of kids are complicit too. Women can write it and I support women who write, but please the internet should be kept 18+ only, at least that content should. Children being near porn, written or not, and made by men or women, it doesn't help anyone
No. 976094
>>976090Some anons are obsessed with blaming women,
specially if we are talking about horny shit
No. 976095
>>976094>Some anonsLook above, no one is blaming women
Women can be horny in peace but away from children
Is that too hard?
No. 976109
>>976099You ignored the rest of my comment lol
I think people here on lolcow who are pro husbandos are more than the ones anti husbandos. I am pro husbando too. Women can be horny and be creative, let them be!
I just think 18+ content should be kept away from teens and children, no matter where it comes from or what form it takes. All the internet should be 18+ tbh
No. 976114
>>976095I mean, fanfic writers have everything explicitly mentioned in tags and such, and fanfic sites got the tagging system exactly to avoid having kids reading weird shit.
If parents taught their kids that they have to stay away from shit made for older people, or that they will get their internet cut off until they’re old enough to read the things they found on the internet, we wouldn’t have this issue.
No. 976123
>>976093It's mostly kids writing the porn in the first place, that's why I said
victims. I don't think the Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat fandom has that big of an adult demographic to be responsible for most/all of the smut about it
No. 976131
>>976118Which is why parents need to make sure that their kids never use the internet until they’re around 18 years old.
I don’t know why is it so difficult to entertain them without it to parents nowadays, like, back then, when the internet only had a few shitty games, kids played with toys and video games and they didn’t bother anyone.
And now a tablet and a PC are that necessary to raise a kid? It’s honestly dumb. If I had a kid, I would raise her/him to be a not like other kids who reads, plays videogames and goes outside unlike the other kids who use the internet to get their stimuli of the day.
No. 976134
>>976114>If parents taught their kids that they have to stay away from shit made for older people, or that they will get their internet cut off until they’re old enough to read the things they found on the internet, we wouldn’t have this issue.Lol I was told this and it didn't help shit. You guys need to accept that children will take in everything around them, it's not just the internet (though it made it even worse). All of this is inescapable until scrotes stop putting sexual content in all media. You don't even have to be on the internet to be exposed to it, it's pretty much everywhere. Even in "clean" magazines, women's magazines, normal ads for food and perfume, movies, TV shows, etc
I don't get how parents finger waggle about kids being exposed to porn, then say nothing about Cosmopolitan magazines that read "BEST ORGASM EVER", "18 SEX MOVES THAT'LL MAKE HIM CRAZY FOR YOU", "9 DILDOS AND VIBRATORS YOU NEED" right there on the rack at local stores, coomer-tier "hidden jokes" in cartoons so parents will enjoy watching too, etc. Adults don't really care enough to stop this (because they're self-absorbed), but they'll still complain about the results of their negligence. Mind-boggling
No. 976734
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I hate fat ppl who wear athleisure, it doesn't look good on them and they look fatter
No. 976774
>>976114I can only speak from experience but this doesn't work because of these reasons
>Most schools will give out laptops and tablets for students to take home, and unfortunately most, and sometimes all school work is done online, meaning students are required to have a laptop to do work on canvas and blackboard>parental controls only work so much and most kids find a way to bypass that, ontop of that social media is never blocked on these sites either>going through your children's laptop/ cell phone is considered abusive nowadays, wouldn't surprise me if the same people passing this narrative were groomers who don't want the kids parents to see their embarrassing grooming shit>>976094women aren't all angels though, plenty of women draw porn from things meant for kids, encourage ddlg and tagging it under things that kids look up, go into kids sections of stores or just places meant for kids in general to act out ddlg, expose themselves and talk about sex to audiences that they know very well are young (billie eilish for example). Just dressing extremely slutty in general and then going to places that they know kids are going to be and then sleeping around and homewrecking because it's ~aesthetic~ and feminist and pinkpilled (seriously, I knew a girl who actively tried to sleep with women's husbands and boyfriends because she liked the song homewrecker by marina)
>inb4 don't sexualize themI don't care if women dress slutty, but who needs to go to six flags knowing damn well toddlers and little kids are going to be there with half your ass hanging out and a shirt that's one wrong move away from your tit popping out? and don't say it's because perverted men forced them to
No. 976776
>>976734Fatties wear leggings because it's too much effort to get all clothing tailored to fit rolls and drumstick legs.
t. Fatty
No. 976779
>>976755Work out in clothes that aren’t spandex with cutouts or just a sports bra.
Cover that shit up.
No. 976794
>>976783Was talking about fatties in general not picrel, my bad.
>>976787Busted faces aren’t a choice so no.
Morbid obesity squeezed into Lycra with a bare belly hanging out that is touching things in the grocery store should be covered tho.
It’s weird how people think you have to wear workout gear to be able to exercise. It’s just another fashion that’s not flattering on everyone.
No. 976795
>>976779>>976792That’s what I thought too
>seething about tacky chinese spandexNo one actually skinny would be this bothered. Only heard scrotes say this because an unfuckable woman in their FOV is oppression kek
No. 976798
>>976131Most people would call parents
abusive for not giving kids internet access. These little shits think it’s a human right.
No. 976809
>>976794something that's form fitting isn't "squeezing into lyrca" have you never seen women of other sizes in workout pants? also lady in the picture you posted doesn't have her belly hanging out
>It’s just another fashion that’s not flattering on everyone.Great just like how snow-wear is buttugly except on hot people, most dance-wear, swimsuits, work uniforms (chef, crossing guard, mechanic, scrubs,etc) are ugly too. Utility clothes simply aren't pretty and don't look good on people who aren't hot
No. 976816
>>976809You missed the bit that said the comment wasn’t just about picrel, clearly.
Why y’all so cut on some chunky randoms behalf? A throwaway comment was made saying some women look bad sometimes and you took it personally kek.
Call it moid behaviour all you like. It’s moid behaviour to think any woman that isn’t acting sweet isn’t a woman.
No. 976829
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>>976816You could’ve just like, posted a better example from Walmart because that’s the only setting in which athleisure clothes doesn’t really makes sense.
Tbh, I don’t really hate fat girls who are into working out, like, I’m a fatty too and I cover myself up as much as possible, but I think it’s nice when another fat girl wears her workout clothes confidently. It’s kind of retarded how people will wretch and cry for the fact that fat people workout too and that just ~not eating~ Isn’t enough for some people to lose weight. At least let us wear what gives us the will to go to the gym and do something about our health, rattle rattle or something.
No. 976845
nonnie, I tried fasting for a few months and it only made me gain more weight than what I already got. I didn’t workout during that time because I was too tired and busy with other things to even bother with food. I just think that I particularly need to workout to lose weight, not eating only makes things worsen.
No. 976852
>>976845Clearly your alleged fast was still more calories than you burn a day.
>>976829Or anons could’ve not gotten their gunts hurt over someone on the internet saying the morbidly obese don’t look good sometimes like it was an attack on them.
No. 976856
>>976853It’s healthier to exercise even if they aren’t going for weight loss.
What you’ve said makes more sense than claiming to fast for months and gain. That was so confusing.
No. 976858
>>976851Nta, but woah 800 calories is ana tier. You should get at least 1,200 a day
I'm no weight loss expert, but I think you can even do more than that, as long as it's not as much as you were eating before. What gave you the idea to do 800 calories? I hope you're healthier now!
No. 976859
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>>976829>At least let us wear what gives us the will to go to the gym and do something about our health, rattle rattle or something.Don't you know, ugly women should hide inside until they become pretty, or never go outside and pollute ppls eyes
No. 976866
I hate when people talk constantly about calories calories calories and never about WHAT you are eating. Living by trying to count every calorie is exhausting and not possible unless you only eat foods that come from boxes. It's a lot more important to learn to like foods that are inherently healthy, like leafy greens. I think a better approach than trying to cut down the amount you eat would be to try to replace things in your day with healthier options one by one.
And in any case, different people have a different "efficiency" at converting calories into fat or energy. So for example, something that says 100 calories on the package may be really 150 calories for you if you are very good at digesting, or 50 calories for someone who does not digest as well. We see this with IBS sufferers, or people who have had a part of their intestine removed, who have trouble gaining weight no matter how much they eat. So there isn't going to be a magic calorie number in any case.
Considering this, a good thing to do is to look at someone in your family who is similar to you in build generally. If they are a healthy weight, eat like they eat. If they are overweight, you will necessarily have to eat less than them. For example my mom has been normal weight as far as I can remember, and does moderate exercise, so I know that in the future I will be able to eat basically one yogurt cup, one salad, one small normal dinner, and one small piece of chocolate or cookie per day unless I exercise a lot more than her.
No. 976867
>>976864Y’all are not telling enough men to cover up during summer. It’s not that hot and neither are they.
Quick question for upset anons itt, if having zero reaction to fatties other than a stupid snarky comment or two on this retarded site is basically the same as outlawing women from leaving the house, are people who say that shit out loud doing a hatecrime?
No. 976870
>>976863Taken from
>>968382>Food grown in modern farming practice where they strip the earth of nutrients and grow gmo'd freak shit>Body does not get enough nutrients even if you eat healthily the gmo'd stuff ruins immune system and causes inflammation>Body sends out hunger signals constantly because even though it's consuming calories it's not getting enough nutrients to functionEveryone's hormones are also being fucked from plastics, stress, and growth hormone animal products. For fucks sake unpasteurized milk is illegal, meanwhile richie's eat imported soft unpasteurized cheese bc they know that stuff is good for you.
No. 976881
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>>971537Her design bothered me too so I tried editing her a bit
No. 976905
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Vanity sizing is one thing but what the fuck is this??
No. 976925
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>>976909>>976910>>976916>>976918It’s from Bisoulovely, who usually makes anime inspired jewelry but she’s had a lingerie line in the works for a while now, picrel is lingerie line. I vaguely remember her getting called out for not offering 3XL sizing or some shit last year lmao
No. 976972
>>976964It’s not bait just because you’re wrong.
You’re too bothered over a slight correction.
>>976952Panties might as well be made to cover just one labia in a lot of stores. It’s like designers just pretend vulvas aren’t real.
No. 977329
>>976866Nah, we need to talk about calories. It's not perfectly accurate, true, but there are way too many retards who think 'eating healthy' is the be all and end all of weight loss, then they eat 2000 calories of nuts and avocado and granola bars and can't figure out why their ~healthy diet~ doesn't work.
Nothing you said was wrong but people are dumber than you think and calories need to be the first issue addressed just to ensure they understand the basic concept. From there, they can adjust the types of foods they eat within their calorie budget or move away from calorie counting to a different type of dieting (that naturally results in a deficit). Also you'll find that a lot of people find dieting easier when they know they can eat a bit of junk food, provided it fits into their calories for the day.
No. 977360
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Probably because one of them trains forever and isn’t dancing for scrotes? Aaaa social media is so dumb
No. 977369
>>977365well I think when pole dancing first started out it was just another form of dancing, it didn't become sexualized and associated with strip clubs until later on (I could be wrong)
that being said not all forms of dance are equal, ballet dancing objectively is probably the hardest. belly dancers and tap dancers aren't revered in the same way that ballerinas are either
No. 977431
>>977360Genuinely impressive pole dancers get plenty of credit for their skills, but there is a big difference between them and regular strippers who just happen to dance as part of their act, but aren't particularly good at it and weren't hired for their ability in the first place. I also think pole dancing as a hobby for regular girls is becoming very normalized with the understanding that they aren't actually working towards a career as a stripper.
Anyway ballet gets more respect than most other types of dance that aren't associated with stripping, as if pole of all things could compare to an actual classical artform which has been refined and perfected over hundreds of years.
No. 977452
>>973574Wow, same. I think a couple of gaming related videos, tech and scrotey meme videos gave me a more male algorithm. And it’s like
> MEN NOT SIMPING, RETURN OF REAL MENliterally just a TikTok of an attractive woman being affectionate to a man and the guy not responding/being cold. Is this a fantasy?
>weird footfag videosWtf YouTube, I have NEVER looked for anything like this
> coomer anime ‘humour, clickbaitI don’t watch or look at sinful images on my phone, so I wish YouTube would stop promoting that
> le women’s real nature, alpha male stuffAgain, never looked at the sort, also no one wants to be talked about like they’re an animal in an animal documentary. Gross.
> games I DO NOT care aboutI have better taste because I’m not a man, DO NOT recommend me animu
No. 977532
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>>977418Muh "just as bad" will never apply as there are no women who were like the Toy Box Killer, etc. Even in the news stories thread there was a recent one about a woman kept in a cage and dismembered. Men have no emotional reaction to such stories, they do not care.
There is absolutely no basis for anything but outright contempt to casual disdain at best for men, and any anons here who disagree are spiritual cocksuckers.
No. 977584
>>977532The women who rage at misandrist takes are just attracted to men and arguing from a willfully ignorant place. I think they come in three camps.
>The Bachelorette: Has fully internalized that romance and/or sex is necessary for a meaningful and fulfilling life. Can't comprehend that romantic/sexual relationships are a bonus in life, not a necessity. Will go into a fit of rage if you imply that she can live a meaningful and satisfying life by forging deep friendships, practicing self-care, focusing on her passions, and occasionally masturbating if needed. There's a high chance she seethes about lesbians and justifies her anger towards them by claiming they're hypocritical for getting into relationships while "saying she can't", not realizing that lesbians often have meaningful lives outside of relationships. It's very likely her resentment for lesbians comes from a place of envy, knowing deep down that a man will never respect her like lesbians respect each other. You can't "win" an argument with her, because she won't shut up.>The Bargainer: Wants to pretend that men aren't generally bad, either because she's inclined to like men more than women, or because the weight of about 50% of the population being shitty is too much for her to handle, psychologically. She wants to live in a world that's exactly as she imagined it, and that means that the vast majority of men have to be neutral or good. Her entire worldview relies on the opposite of the "Great Man" theory–That every man is good and responsible for the growth of the world, except for a handful of very rare "bad men" who are responsible for all the bad things in the world. She requires outstanding amounts of proof to recognize a man as bad, and failing to provide sufficient amounts of evidence to her liking makes any bad thing one could say about a man "circumstantial" and "based on a limited perspective". She won't put up an argument for very long, because she has 0 debate or conflict resolution skills, and ends every argument with the "agree to disagree" mentality. Of the three, she's the most likely to turn around, but don't get your hopes up.>The Defeatist: She's just given up entirely, and either thinks that "everyone does bad things sometimes" is a good enough argument to handwave the fact that men are statistically more violent/malicious than women, or that men are just naturally predisposed to being shitty, and that it's oppressive or lacking in empathy to try to stop them or hold them accountable for their actions. You'll likely meet this type offline more than online.I'm sure there's more, and some overlap too, but these are the ones that I could think of on my own. Also sorry for the cringy names, it's easier to categorize the issues this way.
No. 977978
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Retards posting things like this on Facebook.
>science is real
>trans symbol
No. 978026
>>978009Why stop there?
>Black Lives Matter is for everyone>Stop Asian Hate is for everyone>Pride is for everyone oh wait, that one already happened>Make A Wish is for everyoneExcluding anyone is always BAD!!!
No. 978081
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I'm getting really fucking tired of every farmer saying every woman they don't like/don't think is pretty looks like a troon. Like the nitpicking was bad enough already but goddamn.
>>977978Lots of people have a sign that says this right outside of their houses, unfortunately.
No. 978095
>>978087You could even take 'science is real' as a
terf dogwhistle, based
No. 978102
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>>978081Did this post
triggered you? kek, lanafags can't take a joke
No. 978121
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i hate posts like this—it’s not that deep
No. 978147
>>978102no one is
triggered by you freaking out about lana del rey on /g/
No. 978214
>>978081Agree on the tranny thing.
>>978121Fucking pathetic, good thing the racebait rules and general terfiness keeps Tumblr/Twitter kids out
No. 979746
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i finally watched that ankha dance thing and i am blown away by the pure autism and cringe coomerism of it all
i hate furries and i hate virgin males
No. 979875
>>979851Because anti vax stuff is all that's going on now related to COVID? I'd rather hear about Pfizer being sued for fraud than the billionth variant and that's why we need to shut everything down and get the 20th booster. It's new interesting stuff being exposed vs the same old routine that we saw with Delta, sigma and now Omega
I also find different trials and studies and stuff an interesting read even if they're anti-vaxx, it's much better than the "everything that doesn't side with me is a lie, new variant! It's gonna kill us all!" Record that's on repeat. Everything just feels like a boring TV show
No. 979912
>>977584Just wanted to give you a (You)
nonnie because this post is underappreciated as hell. I feel like these are the 3 phases a lot of women go through starting from the bachelorette in their late teens/early 20's, proceeding to become the Bargainer in their mid 20's and finally either pinkpills or becomes the Defeatist, maybe periodically toggling between the two outcomes.
>She won't put up an argument for very long, because she has 0 debate or conflict resolution skills, and ends every argument with the "agree to disagree" mentality.I've met way too many women like this, it's too fucking painful to see this happen every time. You could give them endless amounts of stats and proof about male crimes and they would just rather lay down dead than admit that men as a class, being the apex predators, are an inherent danger to women everywhere.
No. 979943
>>979934>she can kill me and i'd say thanksI hate these type of violent comments, and how common they are.
These people can't just say they think a character looks good but have to go on about some exaggerated masochistic bullshit like that.
No. 980089
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Just drove past this abomination, I hate it here. Imagine the galaxy brain who came up with that business brand
No. 980189
>>980146A lot of men who claim to be raped are the ones who were coerced into sex and didn't want to say no because of their dumb male pride. Every time you read these "I was a male rape
victim" stories they're all the same pattern.
>Were out drinking with my friends>Woke up to my horny female friend grinding on me >Had sex with her even though I didn't really want to>boohoo I was rapedWhile if the genders were reversed the female
victim would risk being fucking killed or beat up by the rapist while the worst the male
victim would experience was being called names. I do sympathize with the men who are coerced into sex by women who claim to report false rape if they don't but honestly the odd chances of that happening are so nonexistent next to all the women who drink too much and are violently raped by men they should be able to trust. And the stories of men being legitimately forced to sexual acts under the threat of violence always have a male perpetrator. Always. And usually they were literal defenseless children when it happened.
No. 980197
>>980189I feel sympathy for men who were sexually abused as children, but as adults they simply aren't in danger from women.
The stories I've heard have been the same, and from reddit. Never heard of one incident where the woman actually physically hurt the man or forced him to give her oral. Just the same oh no hot woman sat on my dick story.
No. 980243
>>980207nta and I haven't even played animal crossing in my life but all I know from that fandom are the weird furry coomers and all the trannies who claim character so-and-so is an important ace trans nonbinary icon and having meltdowns at age 30 over Nintendo banning trans flag ""artwork"" in a children's game.
>>980217kek I used to date a guy who did this exact shit. He was an asshole narcissistic playboy who was serial dating and telling everyone else about how "desperate" the girls were for her while conveniently choosing not to disclose the fact that he thoroughly lovebombed them all prior to their messages. Glad I dodged that bullet.
No. 980526
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How about you feel grateful you little shit?
No. 980545
I despise boob jobs with every fiber of my being. Tricking women into thinking their breasts are inadequate and getting surgery to make them look larger… Is this really making them happy? Not to mention the physical side effects. Its all so insidious.
>>980526Like whats so complicated about this? He should feel a little bad for assuming she's stupid and move on. Is he so conflicted because he just realized women can be intelligent?
No. 980579
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>>980526>she was friendly enough to chit chat with him Stupid roastie reee probably lazy and dumb!!!!
>if she didn't chit chat with himStupid roastie won't even talk to me!!! Stuck up bitch reee
No. 980800
>>980689Lmao you retard
If the“manhaters” thought women were perfect angels we wouldn’t have a shoe, trans man or tradthot thread, or any other female cow thread. I swear some of you are genuinely retarded.
No. 981037
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this broccoli head haircut. it pisses me off so much
No. 981057
>>981037At least you can tell they're (mentally) underage
>>981041Do the hackers steal card info or do they also want to watch via your account
No. 981061
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I hate the word "faghag". I understand the sentiment, but it sounds absolutely moronic, like something a 13 year old came up with and thought it was really clever. It's like the worst a moid can be (gay) and a woman can be (old) to a 13 year old's boy mind.
All I can think of when I see anons using it is picrel.
No. 981119
>>980811>>980975Pointing out that men are worse isn't the same as saying women are perfect or never do anything bad
>>981068It's been around for decades
No. 981271
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>>981037Omg it's the jojolion guy irl
No. 981332
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the whole cosmodore situation, the girl was nice and i liked her art, seeing people that still defended him after it all went public out was awful.
No. 981534
>>981137faghag is a very old word as another anons have said, and isn't meant to suggest any age. Generally means a woman who is a cheerleader for/hang on her gay male friend(s).
Vidrel represents faghaggery very well.
No. 981833
>>981771He looks like he thinks axe body spray is a
valid substitute for a shower too.
No. 982020
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>>981671kek thank you i am glad there is a shared hatred over this
>>982008rude of you to talk about hannah montanas horse like that
No. 982174
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wtf is this retard babbling about
No. 982536
>>982174Retarded genderspecial girl can't stand people being against shipping
toxic relationships (underage, teachers/student, etc.) when the same people against shipping them have a Pun Pun or Aiko Tanaka (Pun Pun character) avatar, since Aiko and PunPun's relationship is
>tldr; retard genderspecial girl no like hypocrites No. 983299
I was recently thinking about how even mental illness is judged on how aesthetically pleasing it is. People who undereat and people who cut or bruise themselves (except on the face) are seen as the peak of mentally ill people who "just need help uwu", but people who overeat, pull their hair, pick their skin, bite their nails, can't get the energy to properly clean themselves, bleach their skin, or overwash themselves are all treated like shit. Neither gets quite the help they need usually, but people are more willing to call the former "victims of mental illness" and try to provide for them, whereas they just assume that the latter group is "lazy" or whatever. The divide between how mentally ill people who are ill in "aesthetically pleasing" ways are treated and mentally ill people who are ill in "ugly" ways are treated is horrendous. Don't even get me started on how people who overwork themselves into fits of rage against other people or dying of exhaustion are treated as "good", but people who can't work due to mental illness (absence of energy/motivation, lack of mental aptitude) are seen as parasitic. People largely aren't valued for being living creatures capable of love and creativity, and are arbitrarily valued for how nice they are to look at, or how much labor they can do for someone else, and I can't stand it.
No. 983391
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I hate when a piece of media or artist becomes widely hated and some humblebragging artist or ~Industry pro~ comes in to make redesings or redraws that are either the same or worse than the original, but they have to keep saying how "My commissions are so cheap!" Or "I totes know a lot about art! I have a degree and 20k Twitter followers for my fanart! UwU". Bonus points if the "Fixed" version is made by a they/them wokelet who will add 20+ pride flags and vitiligo, or a male artist whose only complain is "I don't wanna fuck her, so the original desing is bad"
No. 983463
>>983457It fucks me up so badly that cutting is seen as attractive, when not only is it still self harm, but I see it as probably the worst form of self harm. At one of my lowest points, I tried cutting– It's hard. I don't think people realize how hard it is, especiaply considering the depth people consider to be "normal". I'm sure many other people could relate to the sensation of trying to get "release", hearing that cutting works, trying to do it, but finding that your hands wouldn't give you enough pressure. It's like that second instinct where people generally can't force themselves to use their full jaw power to bite down on their finger. I fell back on other methods that got no sympathy from others, and were often reacted to with scorn, but I didn't realize I was self harming because no one would treat it like that. They just treated it as "bad habits" that I could stop if I "really wanted to". People who cut themselves were treated as perfect
victims, but the removal of skin on my fingers and soles was somehow never a red flag that I was struggling with anything other than lack of impulse control. I knew a someone who would rub her skin raw while bathing, and a girl who had bald spots on her legs and arms from plucking with her fingers, but people just glossed over them. They were just seen as weird or stupid. But something about self-inflicted cuts is seen as "superior", "normal", or "more worthy of care".
No. 983469
>>983299the irony is people romanticize the blood and bruises when they're there but never the scars and effects they leave. also almost never see any representation for or about cigarette burns because it's an uglier form of self injury. that's my most common form of self injury and it looks like zombie mosquitoes have cannibalized portions of my body. like shit is absolutely disgusting either way and i'm ashamed of it.
i know why some people romanticize it, they want to see these things as somehow beautiful and survivable and maybe reflect on it, but it just feels so wrong to only romanticize the prettiest forms of self injury. kind of like how overeating or binge eating disorders and people who have ed's who aren't sickly thin arent seen as the peak representation of ed's
No. 983473
>>983299True. And don't even get me started on how differently attractive people and average/ugly people with the same mental illness get treated. If a young beautiful girl kills herself because of depression everyone acts "right" and treats it as a tragedy, but all the poor fuckers who kill themselves while being homeless, jobless, alone, old, or even nerdy and ugly-looking kids? No one hears about it. No news article, there aren't people praying for them or saying how it's such a loss. Some people may even think that it was for the best.
Some illnesses are also glorified by kids and media for whatever reason. Cutting and depression were huge parts of the emo aesthetic years ago. Eds are encouraged by nearly every form of media because to a lot of people looking underweight looks good.
No. 983477
>>983474>My brain is tearing me apart, and people only care about it when they can objectify me or make me into a feel good story somehowOr a tragically beautiful one. See comments on female bullying
victims that commited suicide. "OMG why did she kill herself, she was so beautiful"
No. 983628
>>983623another zoomer here the blatant labeling and hopping from the new cool aesthetic to another is just so fucking annoying, most of these dainty waif pro ana girls would probably have made fun of their current "aesthetic" a few monnths ago
why cant we just be normal
No. 983629
>>983623Samefag, but I've been thinking about why this provokes such a visceral reaction in me and a sort of condescending regarding to whoever engages with it, and I think it's because no one engages with anything real or worthwhile anymore. No one tries to put actual effort into into cultivating a self, or a character, or an essence, or whatever you call that thing that when you strip of all of these identity markers away and you take away what you think makes you you still remains. It's not perishable and it maximizes with time, and it's not vulnerable to trends or any external social factors. It's not transient. It's not easy to build it. But that's the thing, the hardship helps, so does the mystery and discomfort and uncertainty and conflict.
Thing is, those girls always tend to be the sort of girls who wouldn't want to go past 30 or believe women become socially irrelevant around then; and so, they must socially castrate themselves from taking participating in anything, actually. And plus, the feigning fragility part. I don't think ever be able to not roll my eyes at that. Sorry, but if I sneeze in your face and you don't instantly fly 50 meters away, then you're not the delicate dainty uwu princess you think you are.
No. 983649
>>983595Most of these type of comments are bots tho
>>983629That "thing" is identity, zoomers lack a real personality or identity, is incredible how a young person can be so boring and conforming, almost disappointing
No. 983748
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No. 983784
>>983767I hate it when people with veery accommodating parents (and grandparents and a whole extended support system in place) fail to understand that not everyone has that. I remember I was deathly scared of getting pregnant when I was younger. Other girls around me didn't get it because when they accidently got pregnant and the dad fucked off.. well a whole team of people put their time and money together to raise the kid alongside them.
I'm obviously glad to see kids surrounded by loved ones but it's not an automatic thing every preggo woman gets. Not every granny is delighted to childmind 5 days a week. Some are old or sick already and can't or they just deserve their easy retirement without raising a whole new kid from scratch.
No. 983807
>>983299Interesting observation but lately I have to say I've seen the opposite. Specifically when it comes to ana-chans. I hang around a zoomer community and they're super into the whole "uwu safe space!!!" thing but the moment you get an ana-chan that's actually struggling and being
toxic because of it like mentioning she browses ed twitter etc. these zoomers will forget about the safe space bullshit and bark and rage at the ana-chan until she either gets banned or leaves.
I agree with you on the rest though, especially the overworker part.
No. 983971
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>>983623Man I'm glad someone put this into words. It feels like everything my generation does HAS to fit within their aesthetic. They do nothing for meaning or the sake of doing it, only to be seen doing it.
Like going to the store
just to take photos, skating just for the aesthetic, not finding music you like but selecting music in a particular genre to fit your aesthetic and to play around other people so they think you're unique. I mean politics as an aesthetic facet of your personality too. It's like they think their life is a movie, main character syndrome type narcissism. So many of us have radical political views that we won't really commit to or take seriously because we are not only first worlders, but teenagers, prone to un nuanced opinions and extreme reactionism.
Don't get me started on how many of my female peers are 'nonbiney', even though most of us are 18, because socialising as a girl can be hard sometimes and they feel 'different on the inside'. We're obsessed with labels, ironically, whilst preaching that we are against them. We say 'don't label people', and then put our whole lives online like a movie, call ourselves 'anxious nonbinary mixed race magical girl' and wonder why we are getting laughed at. Literally, achieve something. Go and build something or help out or idk. Just base your identity on what you
do not who you are, or how life has victimised you in some way or another.
We have grown up being told that the world is ending and that we need to feel guilty for stuff and that our politicians are imcompetent. That's why zoomers idolise the past, vintage filter, vintage fashion, vintage shows, whereas in the 80s futurism was embraced in fashion and media, embodying the Weltanschauung of optimism of the time. We look for belonging online as society becomes more individualistic, parents separate, life moves online. So of course our values are often from social media. Parents and families need to influence their kid's lives more, and help them find a true sense of self not only in their cultures, but in activities off the internet. Furthermore, the average attention span in five years will be about three seconds thanks to TikTok.
Also, why can't we have a discussion without name calling? Echo chambers need to end, otherwise we will not be able to see other opinions without shitting and crying autistically, and we won't be able to form
valid arguments. I remember just a few years back our teachers would make us play football on ice and make fun of lazy students and shout at disrespectful ones. Now, students are literally allowed to harass teachers for accidentally mis gendering them, and teachers have to treat students like they're made of glass. Imagine how paper thin everyone's skin is going to be in five years.
I am a zoomer, and I am prone to black and white thinking, I am occasionally thin skinned and I suck in many, many ways. Also, I know lots of people who aren't like this. But you can understand how our culture, social climate and lifestyle in moulding such a faulty generation.
No. 984256
>>984253At least she told you the truth. kek
Think on the bright side, you can try different hairstyles as it grows.
No. 984262
>>984256>>984255but I’m not a theythem I’m just a normal woman who likes having a buzz cut… I have no intention of growing it out again and “trying out styles” that’s why I cut it.
>leftist ppl I know won’t stop they theming & he himing me>conservative ppl I know shunning and shaming me for “not being a woman correctly“i’m going to kermit nonnies it’s just not fair
No. 984265
>>984253>>984262One of my friends who always had long blonde hair one day just shaved them completely, sure people were questioning it a bit but since nothing changed in her behavior and the way she dressed, it didnt make her any less feminine than she was before; if anything, it gave her a bit of an edge, though surely some super conservative people wouldn't agree with me.
Anyway my point is, just having a shaved head is not gonna make you a themlet; and honestly it's annoying people jump straight to this kind of thinking when any woman should be able to express her femininity in any way she wants, not necessarily conforming to conservative idea of what a woman should look like. Don't let your mom's backwards thinking get to you too much, anon.
No. 984267
>>984262Ah, my bad. Myself and most women I know grew it out and kept it really short.
>i’m going to kermit nonnies it’s just not fairJust ignore both of them. Maybe correct the pronouns around sexist woke leftists but don't waste time arguing. When similar stuff happened to me in college I just laughed at their face and moved on.
Don't let it get to your head, nonita. It's just hair, you're not harming anyone.
No. 984270
>>984262If you had a buzz cut in the time before woke pronouns you would have got called he/him anyway, but in a derogatory way. At least the people they/theming you now are trying to be polite
If you want a shaved head you have to deal with what comes with it, a buzz cut does not exist in a vacuum
No. 984447
>>984357I mean, if the characters are written as straight since the beginning, is it forced? You would expect to see people just writing whatever they like instead of trying to go for the cheap
>boohoo I’m gay in a fantasy world and even if we got dragons, magic and cool technology, everyone hates me for being gay because i guess that’s how it has to beIt’s boring, people are watching/reading/playing something because they don’t want to think about real life issues. I don’t agree with that anon about Marceline/bubblegum though because it was obvious that they were into each other, even if it was subtle.
People could just write about a character accomplishing the things she/he needs for a plot to be finished, and that the character happens to be gay, is that really so difficult?
No. 984453
File: 1638550581603.jpg (267.72 KB, 1280x1280, huge.jpg)

The font of the Nusr-Et logo. I used to work down the block from one of the restaurants and every time I walked past it, the font would always remind me of a font I'd use on Picnik when editing photos in middle school. Why try to be high end and luxury and then make THAT your logo? I don't care whether their food is worth the price or not, I just can't take people who want to go here seriously. Even if I was enamoured with salt bae and wanted to try his food, I know the second I see this shit logo I'd turn the other way and go to mcd's instead. I don't trust this place based on the logo alone.
No. 984456
File: 1638550924079.jpeg (28.71 KB, 225x224, CEA6F99F-3CAC-4001-B38C-8DF5B4…)

>>984453I actually hate salt bae because he looks crusty as fuck.
No. 984463
File: 1638551465727.jpg (66.8 KB, 590x120, angelic_war.jpg)

>>984453It reminds me of a cleaned up angelic war font which used to be my favorite when I was a ten year old making signatures for other users on the WarriorCats forum. I don't like the font anymore.
No. 984479
>>984456He really does. He's not that attractive and watching the salt just bounce around his arm hairs as they fall down makes me feel sick, covid or not.
>>984463Holy shit this is the exact font it reminds me of hahaha. Never knew what it was called!
No. 984629
>>984577imagine giving birth to a male and raising him, only for him to be terminally online, resenting women, fermenting in his chair and masturbating all day instead of making something of himself. A tormented psyche at his own hands but blamed on you. You can try your best to make him grow up happy and provide, but at the end of the day he'll likely fantasize about disgusting coomer shit at least secretly and will have passive, performative "respect" for women at best and seething contempt at worst.
I would rather die alone than have a son who shits up the world a little bit more.
No. 984935
>>984629>>984647The only reason a woman should have sons is if she's gonna be a criminal or outlaw and use her sons as her soldiers and enforcers
a lot of famous female don's were familial matriarchs who used their son's and grandson's as enforcers
That's the only reason for a woman to have many sons, to forge a criminal empire
No. 985051
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>>985039I feel the same with hentai memes. They all feel superior than Amy Schumer when they're both on the same boat of having terrible, bottom of the barrel humor.
No. 985093
>>985051I’ve seen tiktok of people exposing girls who would post obvious sexual jokes and sending them to their family. More people should do that to men who make jokes about porn, they really need to be ashamed.
Hahahahah yeahhh I bet your mom thinks it’s sooo funny that you jerk off to “what are you doing stepbro?”
No. 985106
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>>984036i havent read it myself but i think it just fits the pale mysterious girl aesthetic, to be honest the "cigarette waif aeshetic" would probably not even be that bad if it wasnt 99% made up of wannabe regina georges, anachans with brainrot, fatties pretending to be anachans and blatant pedobaiters, who probably will never open this book
No. 985128
>>985106Wtf is the waif aesthetic, I just want to read books
This is some weird "everything is an aesthetic that women fall into" bullshit
No. 985212
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>>985185tbf Rupert Grint is really unfortunate looking
he was ugly as a boy boy, ugly as a teen and is ugly as a man
he's not even average or mediocre looking he's just ugly and nothing can be done to fix that, like he's so fucking ugly that people would rather ship dobby with Harry cause Rupert grint is uglier then a House elf, he's so ugly that people would ship Hermione with the boy who called her a in-universe racial hair rather then him, he's just so fucking ugly
No. 985219
File: 1638628561856.jpg (23.05 KB, 402x573, DomhnallGleeson.jpg)

>>985185Get on with the times Domhnall Gleeson is the ginger sexyman nowadays
>inb4 he uglyI didn't say that I stan him personally
No. 985458
>>985397my best friend's neighbour had a feral little ginger sister who said she was strawberry blonde; she got really angry if someone said she was ginger.
>>985418fake, ginger men don't marry. they leave the village once they reach adulthood with only a fishing rod and a farmers hat to their name, they burrow off in some corner of ireland and re-emerge into civilisation with big ginger beards and an alcohol addiction, then hang round bars shouting about the bloody english and telling tourists stories about the sea.
or they live in london; loads of gingers there.
No. 985461
>>985128NTA, I'm
>>983623. It's not the book itself, really. It's the branding around the book. Not the book itself. It shares a lot of the same branding with media like Girls, or Lana del Rey, or any similarly WASP-y, over-performative, overly-dependent, extremely frail and drug-addled, malignantly narcissistic, self-indulgent dainty frail waif. I personally don't think that "everything is an aesthetic that women fall into" – Eileen succeeded and annoying dainty wahmen didn't conglomerate around it like autistic men conglomerate around Sonic the Hedgehog – it's just that some of its themes and branding do align with the pro-ana dainty girly waif aesthetic, which a lot of online dainty girly and slightly narcissistic girls love.
If you like Ottessa's work then you know that her thing is to write these unlikable and extremely flawed female characters, but that's the thing: uwu girls don't care about substance. They're aesthetically preoccupied. That's what happens when the internet becomes a thing and we're bamboozled by images every fucking where, it itches this scratch that some people tend to have. Until they find a new thing to latch on to and a new itch to scratch.
Don't take it personally, Ottessa isn't a bad writer by any means, read whatever you want to read and don't skip any meals.
No. 985483
>>985461Don't worry, I wasn't offended, just curious! I've liked some of the things you mention way longer that any zoomer could. I don't care that they like them too.
>WASP-yI find it funny how that descriptor means nothing to me personally. By which I mean that I know the rough definition, it's just not a lens that I view media or world with because it's completely alien to me as an Eastern European kek.
No. 985738
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>>985417Gingers are the niggas of white ppl and no one will ever seriously defend them. Blonde whites make fun of them extra bc they are upset that they're statically more rare but if gingers are ugly then so are natural blondes with their germanic man-face, no eyebrows and limp thin hair. Hell, gingers I've seen actually have thick hair. I think ginger men are underrated bc their buttholes are naturally bleached and their potato farmer strength.
(bait) No. 985740
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I just hate.
No. 985742
File: 1638669950451.png (31.44 KB, 1245x118, 1 -notification.png)

>>985740I joined a server like this with the explicit purpose of reporting it. They opened a NSFW channel and said "no one over 18 will post in the porn channel" WHAT? So i took a million screenshots, collected them all and numbered them and reported them to Discord, only for discord to say "Well the channel doesn't exist anymore so there's nothing we can do!" fucking bullshit.
picrel just one of the screenshots I took
No. 985745
File: 1638670133980.png (216.87 KB, 657x490, underage in nsfw 2.PNG)

>>985742another screenshot of a 13-15 year old posting gaping assholes. Discord should really considering making it an 18+ platform.
No. 985752
File: 1638671033646.gif (478.28 KB, 500x348, 65739.gif)

>>985740>people who use he/him, he/they, he/she etc>and don't identity as maleThis entire server and that last tag are complete gibberish oxymorons
No. 985784
>>985745I hate how porn addiction is increasingly acceptable or even funny to an extent
>A teenage boy addicted to porn!! LOL!!It's not funny to see teens addicted to porn it's fucking sad most people nowadays will never experience pure love or develop their preferences naturally
No. 985844
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speaking of Gingers this is Naz Osmanoglu, 16th in line as heir for the Ottoman throne
a man with ginger hair and skin tone and steppe facial traits
No. 985875
File: 1638692871209.jpg (72.97 KB, 468x599, 468px-Shah_Ismail_I.jpg)

>>985844fun fact Red hair is actually prized in the Muslim world, see there are some Hadiths that claim Muhammad had red hair, now this is still contested and Islamic scholars still debate about it to this day but its still wildly believed by many local people, there's an entire sect in my nation who dye their beards and hair red and natural red hair is considered a sing of having the blood of prophet
There were also a tribe of Iranians that claimed legitimately and divine right to rule cause they were descendants of the prophet and their only proof was the fact they were redheads
picrel "Shah Ismail I first of his name, Shahanshah of Iran"
No. 985887
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>>985876Muhammad being a ginger isn't widely believed among Arabs, its only believed by Iranians and South Asians
The also often cut their mustaches cause Muhammad also didn't keep a mustache
No. 985897
>>985891that's exactly what they do, we don't use western hair dye
men dye their hair with Henna
No. 985908
>>985905There was one third hand account that described arm hair as being red and that's the whole, though many accounts describe him and his family members as being very naturally pale
>Jurairi reported: I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).Sahih Muslim 30:5777, See Also Sahih Muslim 30:5786
>Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."…Sahih Bukhari 1:3:63
>Narrated Isma'il bin Abi Khalid: I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, "I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin 'Ali resembled him." I said to Abu- Juhaifa, "Describe him for me." He said, "He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them."Also Muhmmad was apparently very good looking in his Youth, he was so good looking that even though he was an orphan and belonged to a minor branch of another clan he still got married, his first wife was a rich successful trader who 20 years his senior married him for his looks
No. 985919
>>985914I'm in South Asia, but the one's who do this belong specifically belong to the Barelvi branch, not all people who do this are Barelvi but most who do it are
Barelvism is a sect that focus a lot on Muhmmad, like a lot its insane, they dress like him, the wear the same clothes as him, they tattoo their bodies to have the same birthmarks as him
>A fundamental belief of those within the Barelvi movement is that Muhammad helps people in this life and in the afterlife. According to this doctrine, God helps through Muhammad (Tawassul). Sunni Muslims of the Barelvi movement commonly call upon Muhammad using statements such as ‘’Ya Rasool Allah’’ with the belief that any ability that Muhammad has to help others is from God, who helps through Muhammad. The help received from Muhammad is therefore considered God's help. Sunni Muslims of the Barelvi movement believe that Muhammad is a Rahmah (mercy) to all creation as mentioned in the Quran 21:107. Muhammad therefore is a means by which God expresses his attribute, Ar-Rahman, to creation. Proponents of this belief look to the Quran 4:64 as a proof that God prefers to help through Muhammad.>They also believe that in the afterlife, on the day of judgement, Muhammad will intercede on the behalf of his followers and God will forgive his nation of sins and allow them to enter heaven.yeah their wild
No. 985921
>>985875and here's here some of us poetry, he was famous for it
>"Today I have come to the world as a Master. Know truly that I am Haydar's son.>I am Fereydun, Khosrow, Jamshid, and Zahak. I am Zal's son (Rostam) and Alexander.>The mystery of I am the truth is hidden in this my heart. I am the Absolute Truth and what I say is Truth.>I belong to the religion of the "Adherent of the Ali" and on the Shah's path I am a guide to every one who says: "I am a Muslim." My sign is the "Crown of Happiness".>I am the signet-ring on king Solomon's finger. Muhammad is made of light, Ali of Mystery.>I am a pearl in the sea of Absolute Reality.>I am Khatai, the Shah's slave full of shortcomings.>At thy gate I am the smallest and the last [servant]."another poem
>"My name is Shāh Ismā'īl. I am God's mystery. I am the leader of all these ghāzīs(warriors).>My mother is Fātima, my father is 'Ali; and eke I am the Pīr of the Twelve Imāms.>I have recovered my father's blood from Yazīd. Be sure that I am of Haydarian essence.>I am the living Khidr(rightfully guided ruler) and Jesus, son of Mary. I am the Alexander of (my) contemporaries.>Look you, Yazīd, polytheist and the adept of the Accursed one, I am free from the Ka'ba of hypocrites.>In me is Prophethood and the mystery of Holiness. I follow the path of Muhammad Mustafā.>I have conquered the world at the point of (my) sword. I am the Qanbar of Murtaza 'Ali.>My sire is Safī, my father Haydar. Truly I am the Ja'far of the audacious.>I am a Husaynid and have curses for Yazīd. I am Khatā'ī, a servant of the Shāh's"really believed his own hype
No. 985996
>>985984>>985928For some reason I doubt the couple who's proud of their ~childhood sweetheart~ status would dare publish a video where they seem unhappy. It comes across as performative and like a double down for validation.
However I admit my opinions aren't high about people making public spectacle of their so-called healthy relationships.
No. 986026
>>985844still uggo
>>985864/g/ is leaking again..
No. 986061
File: 1638720456614.png (288.57 KB, 1200x628, Suburb-1200.png)

I hate how people now refer to any house or architecture that they don't like that will likely be inhabited by middle class white people (although suburbs are increasingly diverse) as "gentrification." I saw a video the other day of someone complaining about "gentrified modern plastic" with examples like picrel. Sure they aren't the best looking but it has literally nothing to do with gentrification - it's urban sprawl. Another term rendered into a useless buzzword by chronically online people.
No. 986096
>>986061>although suburbs are increasingly diverseIt's almost like wanting a nice house and garden is universal and not limited to white people but I guess we're not allowed to acknowledge that because that would be
No. 986153
File: 1638728563766.jpeg (106.82 KB, 842x555, Quintessential-60s-ranch-house…)

>>986096Yeah I mean suburbs have always been seen as white flight destinations (granted, they once were) but communities like this often serve as a good starting point for young couples and families of any race or ethnicity. Just look at election results from North Carolina, Georgia, etc from the past couple of years and you can see how drastically the landscape has changed.
Personally I think that as far as suburbs go, something like the photo I originally posted would be preferable to an older suburban house like picrel. If you're buying a house that you plan to eventually move out of, why not buy something new that won't require pretty extensive repairs and updates? They're not the sturdiest or the most stylish but they make a decent home for a 4-person family.
No. 986427
>>986169Anon who originally posted about it and you completely missed my point and went on a tangent about white people bad like what I was originally saying I hate, kek, and I never said living in the suburbs was desirable. Just that it's not gentrification, nor is it a fate worse than death, and that it's the best option available to many middle class people. It's completely understandable to me why people want to live in a new build suburb over a house that hasn't been updated in 40 years or a shitty apartment.
There's plenty to criticize with urban sprawl but the fact of the matter is that infrastructure in the vast majority of the US is built around cars and until that changes (spoiler alert: it never will), suburbs will continue to exist and expand. Seriously, what do you realistically think is the solution to this, ms urban planner?
No. 986751
>>986709I don't think it's stupid but imo right now its exaggerated to certain extents but no one is willing to admit it and a lot of woke activists are spreading false historical narratives around it
AAVE doesn't the sound the way it does cause of any african influences(that is simply untrue) AAVE is a sub-dialect of Southern American English and the reason Southern American English dialects are the way they are were cause most Southern Settlers were Northern Britons and Scottish whose dialect evolved over time to what they are today and that's why black americans speak the way they do, during the great migration many african americans moved to northern cities where their southern origin dialect of english was considered odd and since they were segregated off to Ghettos they linguistically didn't get assimilated
as of now many african americans overexgrate and make it seem like a completely different lagnague, they try to make it seem more unique then it is
No. 986837
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Are Russian women actually as based as he describes? He seems to rope in black women as being misandrists too for no reason
No. 986857
>>986851nta I don't think she's referring to russian woman wanting american men cause they look better but cause they have money, a lot of eastern european countries are poor and certain women are willing to market themselves to rich western business men or athletes
its more about money then pickmeism
No. 986902
>>986889I tried watching one of his videos but I don't have 5 hours to waste, can someone explain his schtick to me
Is he a Jordan Peterson type i.e a daddy figure for insecure men
No. 987256
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i hate the lack of kpop thread on lolcow
No. 987293
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Infighting is annoying but anons who obsess over the person they got into an infight with are even more annoying and worrisome-level unhinged, within the past week I was wrongly accused of being like 3 different anons in threads I've never once posted in before and I swear to god the anon who is doing it has the same typing style and is just here for the sake of getting off to lolcow infights. I already reported this to mods but this seems to happen on lolcow a lot and it's unbearably annoying and borderline psychotic. I just don't understand how someone could get in a fight with someone one a fucking imageboard and then never shut the fuck up about the anon and accuse everyone of being them for days on end. I swear to god I wish people can get sent to psych wards for showing signs of instability on the internet.
No. 987313
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Drag and its "fandom" of women who are obsessed with it
I just don't get it, its just gay men acting annoying and ride and imitating a shallow display of femininity, as well as a shallow imitation of bourgeoisie decadence
Its cringy more then anything, but if gay scrotes wanna see that shit that's fine by me but what I hate is seeing women who fucking praise those losers for no reason
who in gods name wants to be like shit smearing mongoloids, these women have only proven they don't deserve to be allowed to breed
No. 987326
>>986902Basically what
>>986954 but he is a million times worse than Jordan Peterson. At least Jordan Peterson's message from what I have seen is mainly focused on what men do with theirselves. Kevin Samuels is essentially a grifter who started off making content geared towards black women as "self-improvement" content and bashed black men a lot. When he realised how much of a gold mine it was to bash black women since their self-esteem is horrifically low out of every woman demographic, that's the direction he took. He doesn't just have incel fans, plenty of black women internalise the shit he says and call into his show asking to advice on how to change only to be roasted in front of his audience. It's so upsetting to watch and I can't take his content. I am not surprised he has white fans since he always puts white and Hispanic women on a pedestal. I honestly believe he is part of the reason why there is an increase of violent crime against black women from black men.
>>987313I think drag race is entertaining, but seeing drag queens who troon out leads me to believe that a lot of gay men literally think that becoming a women literally means that you live like you are Beyoncé on stage 24/7. There was also a scandal on dragula where a woman who was a contestant received a lot of sexism. I think women forget that a scrote is a scrote. They keep thinking these males are one of the girls, when in reality, plenty of them are woman haters and are highly jealous of women because of their access to straight men. There's also a not surprising number of drag queens who are violent assholes and straight up sexual predators.
No. 987339
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>>987260bless you
>>987256kpop was one of the proverbial horseman of lolcow. im glad your ilk have finally migrated
No. 987381
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>>987341>>987313Obsessive drag fans really took a win here.
No. 987423
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Whenever I click on a Jodi Arias pfp thinking it's another woman who's a fan of hers, but it ends up being a faggot. We can never have anything…
No. 987484
File: 1638851533124.jpg (173.89 KB, 1080x1068, my_sides.jpg)

>>987313>The Slytherin poster>The Drag Queen Funko pops>The Cheeto Nails >The Fatly expression Is the the female version of the soyboy
No. 987582
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Long, plastic fake nails, picrel. They look so fucking disgusting, painful and like your hands are crippled, they feel like hell if someone touches you with them, the little plastic noise they make when hitting against a surface is gross. These things are nasty beyond belief and I can't believe how popular they are. Fuck these things, why are women's fashion trends always so inconvenient and ugly?
No. 987603
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>>987592I grew up
in the hood so most girls around me wore them regularly, it's usually just pressure from other women and plenty of lesbians get them too
No. 987694
>>987672You'll understand when you turn 25 and have to work a real job.
>>987680This, maybe the anon claiming that the women getting these things put on just want to be helpless bimbos was onto something.
No. 987778
>>987603I've never been with a woman who wears this stuff and I'm wondering how I'd react to it. Even with those shortened nails I don't want that in me. It's offputting.
Probably not something I'll ever face anyway, no point in worrying about imaginary sex I'm not actually having. I'll leave that to the scrotes lol
No. 987892
>>987859This just makes me sad. I don't think Karolina avoids saying "lesbian" and "homosexual" because she believes they're offensive, but she just needs the woque crowd to get off her back in order to talk about things she really wants to, like
>>987871 says. Praying that she gets off Twitter and peaks.
No. 987974
>>987892I agree with you
nonnie. it feels like she's doing it just because the historical youtubers are typically expected to be somewhat woke (to offset the sexism of the actual past i suppose). But maybe this is just me being hopeful and biased kek i like her in an awkward boomer aunt kind of way. She feels way older and more mature among popular costubers. I gotta say sometimes trying to please that kind of crowd makes you easier to get cancelled though…
No. 988243
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this bitch's FUCKING eyebrows
No. 988244
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look!…. grrrrr….
No. 988246
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>>988243It works for Alex. I'm so used to how it looks that I think Laura Prepon would look weird with normal eyebrows.
No. 988255
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>>988244this works? this?
No. 988263
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maybe she would look better with normal eyebrows. I still like her fucked up brows though. She's always had them.
No. 988281
File: 1638932399635.jpg (65.37 KB, 400x518, 7c7.jpg)

i hate christmas music and as a minimum wager listening to the same 10 annoying shit songs on repeat for 2 months straight is a special kind of torture. the worst thing is i cant escape them even when im not at work because they get stuck in my head and play on a loop, especially when im lying in bed trying to fall sleep. i cant wait until january for this shit to be over. this is just one of many reasons im beginning to legitimately hate christmas and the whole holiday season
No. 988416
>>988281they used to do a mix of Christmas and regular music and this year it's back to 100% Christmas
give me back my regular music
No. 988614
>>988577her entire channel is just a salty dyke being bitter about innocent romcoms for teen girls
if she was hetero i bet she'd be one of those asian twitterfags who only date white moids
No. 988618
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>>988604>>988577>>988606She has the problem that most twitter users have i.e everything they do is layered irony and masked by sarcasm, cause the worst thing you can be on twitter is genuine
take tweet a like this for e.g she can't just say that she likes white dudes, she has to make it ironic, cause being genuine for the twitter user is "daoky straight white people" thing
>>988614wait is she gay ? she seems like one of those straight women who call themselves queer but still only ever date men
No. 988631
>>988577Her video with her friends are probably the most cringest, she insults them constantly and makes passive aggressive remarks against them and her friends are like "So True, were so boring and bland"
Is this how white libs live their lives
No. 988644
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i didn’t DESPISE the performance of the actor for Vicious in Netflix’s cowboy bebop, i just really prefer sexy brooding anime sephiroth over the bulging bug-eyed albino thing he had going in the new one? really hated the face on that moid. the changes to Julia’s character were welcome and i liked her trifling around.
No. 988655
>>988644Same with Spike who is played 5'7, year old John Cho
I mean would it have been that to get 2 young, tall and fit dudes to play them
No. 988738
>>988618>>988620No, she's only ever dated men before but she constantly drops hints how gay she is and how she simps for female characters. But she never says it straight out, she's acting like she has to hide her sexuality and only drop hints for some reason. It's annoying as fuck.
If you're bi, you're nothing special and no one is trying to solve your sexuality like a puzzle, just say it and get on with it.
No. 988858
>>988682>>988577"its the
toxic household for me!"
"not me not learning the message of this movie!" "oh my gaaawwhhd"
She seems like someone who would, without irony say, "that's a yikes from me, bestie" Also why does she choose the most horrendous trash YA movies?
No. 989156
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bring pelly and phyllis back or I'm making a pair of slippers out of her
No. 989162
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I’ll eat anything except this dish: nopales are fucking gross and taste slimy. Why did my people consider this as food? I will never know.
Cacti is great for aloe vera and it’s benefits though, just not as food.
No. 989163
nonnie I'm having a shitty day but this comment has cheered me right up. phyllis was based
No. 989337
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>>989316I blame Lindsay ellis for starting this shit, buy yeah its fucking awful
No. 989499
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Going on twitter and being forced to look at this shit in "trending"
No. 989515
>>989499ffs please let this shit help them realize they never wanted to be actual women but anime characters instead
for real get these fuckos out of women's spaces and confine them into their retard vr chatrooms online, never ever let these fuckers out in the public ever again
No. 989529
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>>989499This is actually hilarious and great, I'm not mad because it just confirms what we've known lol
No. 989532
>>989406>none of you seem to care that this site has become a breeding ground for psychopaths.>becomeBut no I agree with you. The vent thread has nice/supportive anons, but there's also a rash of weirdly hateful anons there. It's the vent thread specifically, too, not sure why. They're probably edgy underagefags whose brains haven't developed proper empathy yet
The ones who are actually adults probably discovered Lolcow 3 months ago and think it's the perfect opportunity to LARP as the virtual mean popular girl/female Tyler Durden they never could be IRL
No. 989535
>>989529Way to peak more people I guess - just look at this video.
Content warning: Ugly moid laughter, agp cringe
No. 989559
>>989546>>989552Please not shit again, I do believe that a lot of clothing styles is arbitrary and stupid and people should wear what looks good on them but the FACT is most female clothing doesn't look on males, it doesn't compliment their physical or facial structures, don't get me wrong certain make ups, tights and even styles might work on male but most don't
What I hate is anytime I see someone say "x looks better on men" It doesn't, even the most beautiful man looks disgusting next to a woman
No. 989570
>>989535I hope men hurry up and all turn into tranny chasers so they leave women alone. Let them fuck eachother to death, instead of women.
No. 989572
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>>989559Decorative and frilly clothing looks good on men more than cargo shorts and star wars t-shirts ever will. I'm not putting women down by saying men should start dressing like this again. And in my opinion, women look nicer in more masculine styled clothing.
No. 989586
>>989493Op here, I find digital easier, but it depends on a person tbh: while some find digital convenient, there are others who can't hold the pen properly, don't like drawing on a tablet instead of paper or find it hard/uninspiring to work without texture and materials (and manage in a library of brushes/choose hues). Ctrl+Z is overhyped, because trad artists can also fix their paintings if they want to - acryl&oil&gouache are ridiculously easy to fix and watercolours can be washed out in the sink (just carefully in order to not to peel off the paper), pencil&pastel are also decent enough to manage. Generally speaking I would say that trad is more bothersome but more concentrated on the process itself, many artists may find it inspiring, while digital is more about the result - if you want to get it fast and without any distractions, like dirty hands&table and needing to buy materials, it would be better than trad. Also painting's complexity can also influence this: more elaborate ones look better in trad, whereas digital can't show them in the best light, they end up looking lowkey ghetto tbh.
No. 989600
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>>989572Imagine the average man wearing this kek. My eyes bleed. Only young hot men should wear this stuff, otherwise it's just an elaborate clown suit. 25+ or fatso's should all wear niquabs.
No. 989604
>>989529Woah the cope here is too hard here
>>989520Now they're celebrating the "transabled" and "transage", as if everything must be related to lgbt somehow.
>>989559Clothing are made to fit a certain group of people, even if anyone can wear them it accentuatea certain features such as hourglass, broad shoulders or not-so defined waists. Especially women and men have fundamentally different body structure, some clothing are geared towards women and when a man wears it it would be jarring af.
>>989390There probably is a moid uprising here, along with 4chan supporters. If this
nonny was harassed (which likely is the case), condolences to her
>>989572Finally THE clothing that looks good on both men and women alike
>>989570>let them fuck each other to deathkek this is gold
>>989568Which one are you referring to? I came across a scrote but it seems that more moids are posting before him
No. 989607
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>>989535His bio is cringe.
No. 989613
>>989600Correction: It really is ridiculous in practice/public, I have been swayed by the picrel description
>>989607My crush is a fairly manly man, problem?
Right, why are all AGP moids so uncreative? It's so cultlike they keep enforcing femininity
No. 989639
>>989633They trolled themselves with thinking they'll be gay if they even try to care about their appearance. It got so bad we reached the point that any man who does try to care for his appearance beyond the boring aesthetics forced on him as "manly" become troons or some non binary queer shit because he legitmately thinks he's not really masculine if he looks good or wears nice clothes. Reversing the trend would get rid of that shitty mindset.
>>989559Through history men taking care of their appearance and showing off themselves was seen as manly until the 20th century happen and that became gay for some reason. Men used to have bolder colors and more striking detail in their appearance than women's wear which tried to do the opposite. Obviously bold and dramatic outlines can look good on both sexes but what I'm saying men look better with being the "peacock" gender as they were in virtually most cultures pre 20th century. Not saying they should wear feminine 21st century clothes that is literally designed for a woman. I don't think it's good that women have to show off their appearances more than men despite looking naturally more softer/attractive and I'm confused why almost no one understood this despite me replying to a fucking history video…
No. 989644
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This image, its been stuck in my mind for weens now
I know there is probably more degenerate and vile content but this specific picture is a manifestation of coomer degeneracy in one form, cause the amount of coomerism a human being would need to make "femboy garfield" is just beyond sanity
No. 989652
>>989644I don’t get femboys. Why obsess over something that looks womanly, but doesn't have the powerful celestial life bringing portal (vulva) or the hips of a woman? A femboy’s womanly voice would sound high and nasally as it’s unnatural for them to speak at that pitch, and have to wear clothes to push their body into the right position. A woman is already feminine without this, soft and curved, and has a clearer, softer voice.
It seems as though these ‘femboy’ lovers really crave women, but hate women too much to admit it. Or don’t feel like they can get a woman, so resort to effeminate men and pretend it was a choice. And the feminine enby/ftm girls know that society hates women, so try to exude womanly traits, but be ‘a guy on the inside’ because women aren’t worthy of womanhood.
It makes me this that the femboy and enby obsession of recent years has roots in misogyny and general autism. Sorry, no one asked for the sperging.
No. 989669
>>989660I thought I was the only one, I notice this a lot on twitter as well
It seems like any male who isn't uber masculine is now somehow a femboy
No. 989674
>>989660Bishounen is so much nicer sounding (and without the retarded twitter connotations) than "femboy"
>>989673Femininity as a social construst
is "slutty clothing", mannerisms, and fetishes. Femaleness does not equal the performance or shackles of femininity. That's the kind of shit that tradwives say.
No. 989679
>>989660You’re 100% right, femboys, enbyshit, and all the other gender discourse shit are just homophobia with extra steps. Hell, femboys begin because they were used for the “I-it’s not gay if he wears a skirt” shit, and the reverse traps with the “she looks like a guy! I’m not a lesbian!!”.
It’s impressive how everyone is wokier than ever by enforcing homophobia.
No. 989742
>>989725I don't hate them, anytime I see people like of them I just get a feeling of sadness
like christ, how much a society has fucked up to product people like that
No. 989831
>>989790im crying i didnt know that was a thing why do people prey on real problems and insecurities just for cheap views. I know the answer is in the question but its so played out!!
>>989798OMG i hate those people too!!! or the girls that watch videos of women with clearly looser curls writing "i dont 4c this working on my hair" it just makes them look bitter, sad, and jealous. Its not funny. I think all hair types are beautiful in their own right I just wish they were all equally loved because hair is fucking cool!
No. 989879
>>989864Yeah seriously, even when I first started posting here 2 years ago I never saw as much immediately psychotic responses as I do now.
>"I hate my job, I'm afraid to ask for a raise because xyz">"anon you're a fucking coward and no one at your job propbably likes you, grow a spine"Literally nobody asks but someone is always responding in a terribly rude way in /vent/. Mods should start coming down on that type of stuff more often like they used to. No one is expecting a hug and a kiss, but they're also not expecting to be shat on for no reason and bull-rushed.
No. 990028
>>989840And I hate it when men act like it's not a big deal.
>I just followed and approached a woman alone on a dark street late at night to be friendly, why was she so startled??? Women are such drama queens, I just wanted directions!Sometimes I feel like it's just a power trip for them and they like seeing us scared.
No. 990039
>>989652>>989673Basically this. Femboys are genderbent e-girls, young people with daddy issues pandering to the lowest of the low coomer scrotes who broke their dick over straight porn and had to proceed to a new taboo to be able to get an erection again. I feel bad for the young gay guys who are so desperate for validation and attention that they agree to the degenerate brain worms older groomer trannies on discord implant upon them because some of these boys are as young as 14. Femboys are nothing but the pornified idea of a perfect woman with the fat cut off, i.e. only the hollow shell only existing to please and pander to men. The fact that it's specifically a male is what makes it so exciting to the moids, they get off on the thought that a depressed gay boy is so desperate for their smelly cock that they're willing to do anything to get some of it.
And not only that, it's also the ultimate fantasy of controlling female sexuality by showing a woman what "she's missing out on" by denying her the glorious microdick and instead giving it to another man so that she'll be humiliated and left begging. Similar to the incels' smooth brained "your pussy privilege will be over once robot sex dolls become a thing" cope.
>>989669I hate this. The worst fucking low effort hons and neckbeards are calling themselves "femboys" just because they're fat or ultra skelly losers who are not confident gym visiting chads.
No. 990297
>>990039But the thing I don't get about femboys is the fact that it doesn't look even vaguely attractive
its just a shapeless male with his saggy balls dangling wearing schoolgirl outfit, or unfitting sexualized female clothing, it just cringy more then anything
No. 990392
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hate when they just be flavoring one processed food like another processed food. this is low rent even for applebee's
No. 990425
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I sincerely hate the trend of people dropping tell-all google docs every time they're having the slightest amount of petty beef with their peers. What the fuck possesses you to construct a 40-page document with endless amounts of jumbled screenshots from private discussions with no context at all besides some ridiculous "here's them being transphobic!!!" or "here you can see them being ableist!!!!" introduction? Dropping logs of private convos is schizo behavior in the first place, it makes me paranoid to have discussions with people because you never know if they turn out to be crazy bitches willing to dish everything out to win an argument 6 months after it happened. The main problem is that nobody reads all that shit and instead takes it at face value just to join the canceling crowd. People need to learn to settle their stupid drama in private.
No. 990693
>>990665I read this much
>I hate it when there's a new piece of technologyAnd I knew exactly where you were going. Agree. Everything quickly becomes about pleasing dicks/attaching more technology to porn to make men coom harder.. better.. faster.. stronger.
No. 990733
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i hate how addicted i am to mindless browsing. seeing the statistics every day and knowing that i waste like ten hours just bouncing back and forth between websites feels bad man.
No. 990804
>>990733what is this app
nonnie?? does it work for you?
No. 990808
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>>990804they're called insight, limit and pause! pause was alright, but i quickly got annoyed when i opened multiple tabs at once and i had to wait a few seconds until the pages finally loaded, so i'm not using them anymore. limit is good and lets you set a limit for the websites you want to block after a certain while, but the block can be undone easily. insight basically monitors your browser behavior and how much time you spend on each site. it also displays a little timer in the top right corner of your screen so you can see how much time you spent on the site already. i think they're helpful in that they make you reflect on your usage and give you the brutal truth about your browsing habits. also they only track "active" usage, so when you click on a different tab but still have the site open, it won't track that as actively browsing the site. they sure make me close lc and over websites more often and only check in periodically though because knowing that i spend so much time here makes me want to do other stuff. i think it's best to just try it out and see how it works for you. they're all free on the firefox addon store thingy.
No. 990817
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>>990723Christmas gifts should only be for children. I've witnessed grown middle aged men cross their arms and have an attitude about their gift. It's ridiculous as adults to act like this and not just buy whatever crap you want. So many gifts are useless, returned, or just in landfills before spring. The Christmas magic works on kids and they don't have money so we should just leave the gifting for them. But to do be pressured into performative social gifting when most would rather not waste the time or money is so aggravating.
No one understands that I don't want gifts and I don't want to give. So I have to say "let's do a baked goods exchange instead".
No. 990850
>>990817I still gift consumables because I'll be a fucking liar if I say I like spending money on fancy groceries lmao.
Unfortunately I'm still stuck with guilt trying to figure out what to do with my friend's cheapo Shein and Aliexpress junk hauls they dump on me every year as a gift. They need to teach people quality and not quantity, I'd rather have $20 in a decent bottle of wine or a snack than $20 of Chinese fast fashion and accessories I don't want and won't wear.
No. 991093
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I hate when people announce on social media that they got their booster shot, especially if they try to be subtle about it but it's painfully obvious that they crave their fellow twitter NPC's approval
No. 991200
>>990805shitty thing is, femboy originally basically just meant bishie. so a lot of gay men who were effeminate bit not troons used femboy, as did straight non-troon men who were going for a bishie look (rare but exists). Originally, femboy had nothing to do with hormones and nothing to do with crossdressing. It was just about a softer male aesthetic. At most there was some basic male makeup but not even james charles level.
But then, because trannies have to get their snail slime on everything, a bunch of discordtroons started calling themselves femboys instead of trans because trans is starting to be seen as cringe even by them. But they take hormones, are nasty, and crossdress nastily the way troons do - and they have the same "call me pretty even though im fat & gross" thing that troons do. Theyre not even femboys, because that included being clean groomed and slender, but theyve taken over the word so badly that theres no use.
You see basically the same rhing with twink where cumbrains of all orientations will be like "im a chubby twink uwu" as if thats a thing and they arent just a normal fucking man. Its just larping nasty coomer trannies ruining and debasing every god damn positive word by demanding compliments 24/7 and being unable to let anyone else have anyyhing.
No. 991253
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so in Manhattan, they decided to set up masturbation booths for men called..'GuyFi'. in some parts of the UK, parliamentary members spent taxpayer dollars well and set up public urinals, especially in party districts, which only men can use.
why, fucking why
No. 991256
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>>991255forgot to attach the pic sorry nonnies
No. 991268
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I really hate useless decor. Specifically, useless decor sitting on useless shelving, (or worse, sitting on a perfectly useful end table, rendering it unusable). This picture, it just makes me confused. The objects are too non-descript to be truly loved or cherished by anyone. It's not even something you could look at for a while or admire, it's just nothingness. The lorem ipsum book underneath the fake plant fills me with dread. Put ANYTHING else up for display: a scented candle, a model train, a vintage bottle, a weird thrift store clown you got for $3, a record you love, ANYTHING. Or just use a shelf for what a shelf is for; have it be a useful place that adds storage to your house where you can put jewelry, keys, pens, etc. If you decorate your house like pic rel and it truly fills you with love then power to you, but it just feels so uncozy and impersonal to me. I used to think this kind of thing was only in airbnbs (the kind the owners don't ever live in) but I recently went to my cousins house and everything was decorated like this. Iron basket full of wicker balls, empty vases of varying heights, and of course the framed picture that just says "FAMILY".
No. 991283
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>>991268I call it Hobby Lobby home decorating.
No. 991451
>>991200>>990805only partially related, I get annoyed when girls on tiktok and shit describe guys as "so skinny and pale he looks like he's dying" when its just a regular ass dude whose just slightly thin, no where near being anorexic and just having a normal white skintone
just cause he isn't pudgy or a steroid freak like most scrotes doesn't make him anarexoic and its normal to be attracted to thin, good looking guys of guys but their no where near that thin as tiktok and twitter users make them out to be
No. 991499
>>990805Did I ghost write this?
But fucking same right up to the shitty mommy dommy bullshit. I fucking HATE how any well groomed man with nice clothes is considered a "femboy" now like femboys aren't obviously males who engage in a level of crossdressing, purposeful deceitfulness about their gender with implied sexual submission (to gay sex). I don't fucking like any guy being called that if he doesn't look like a macho freak. If he's pretty, but still looks like a guy, just wears better clothes than most men instead of outright women's wear, and usually is at least straight or BI at best, then he's NOT a fucking femboy. reee stop turning (many) straight girl's wet dreams into gay fetish / mommy dommy gender reversal shit ree
No. 991527
>>991510You mean like 'DS' darling son or 'DH' darling hubby. That stuff?
I remember ending up on some mommy message boards before because I had a urinary infection and I was looking up tips on how to have sex but not die afterwards. Lots of women were talking about their hisbands having horrible hygiene, initiating sex whenever they wanted without foreplay, using you as a hole, no lube or warming up etc. Calling them darling hubbies while talking about how little a man will do to ease your suffering if his shitty sexual behaviour is infecting and reinfecting you.
> Been on antibiotics 5 times in the last 6 months, running around after the baby, barely have the time to collect my prescription, meds gave me yeast overgrowth, feeling sick from them too, hubby refuses to lay off sex or even be careful to help me out, haha such is the life of a mom, still love my darling hubby No. 991546
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>>991527Daily reminder that pregnancy is an infection, both physically and mentally, and marriage is negotiated Stockholm syndrome
No. 991560
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>>991553people unironically spend money to see a chubby 20 year old male in badly applied make up and an ill fitting maid dress
No. 991566
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Parents who make their kids wear shit like this
No. 991614
>>991575 >Your videos help with my depression and anxiety and x-mental illnesses!This lol. I watch certain small youtubers who stream alot and I can tell a good portion of viewers must be on the lonely side.. but don't announce it.
We're all losers with little to do or we can't work etc if we're investing hours into the type of content I'm talking about. That goes without saying. If everyones trying to cheer up a lil and pretend they have company and then you superchat a long depression based personal sob story.. you're only reminding the rest of the viewers of theirs. Keep it light.
No. 991824
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>>991806Nta but I really like Maya Higa. She's a real animal lover and even runs her own sanctuary called Alveus Sanctuary. She does keeping and desktop streams if you're into that.
No. 991959
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disney adults gross me out
No. 991996
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>>991959Disney obsessed women tend to be a few of the following:
>overweight>wear LuLaRoe and other ugly MLM garb>hate media that has too much complexity, subtleties or realism (omg that way too saaaad! Or omg this show is so boring??)>choir or theatre kid>gummy smileI have also observed that the Disney Woman tends to overlap with Bath and Body Works Hoarder Woman, pic related
No. 991999
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There are a million things to attack Nancy Reagan over, but the fact men always jump on the fact that she was promiscuous says so, so much. Fuck breadtube/leftists who just hate women but get the social pass of being ~totally feminists~. Hasan's biggest donations I'm pretty sure have all been to pornstars. I don't know who falls for these guys being feminists. Vaush constantly calling JK Rowling a bitch for example, him verbally oggling Abigail Shapiro on stream. Also Vaush (and all of lefttube) saying it's transphobic to have genital preference. They all just hate women, deeply and viscerally.
No. 992018
>>992005I know, I saw the original tweet and the notion is preposterous but I still don't get a good feeling at all from any of the replies. I'm not trying to defend Nancy Reagan either but it's just gross to read all the "GLUKGLUKGLUK" "throat goat" "succ queen" comments. It's this gross fixation on the action in a sexist and objectifying way. It is 100% the case that male politicians who are notorious for getting their rocks off (in
actual degenerate ways) do not get the same scale reaction.
No. 992040
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>>991996lmaooo this is so accurate
also they're always tinkerbell stans
No. 992154
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Kate Leth comics
No. 992360
>>992357I hate even telling white lies but unfortunately you have to sometimes. Like when people ask "how are you". Do customers and my coworkers really want to know I was just having a mental breakdown in my car less than an hour ago? I don't think so
>>991510Kiddo and hubby have been around long before the internet.
No. 992371
>>992357It just means they're sheltered and never had to lie to survive.
I've lied about being a different nationality than I am so many times it's not even funny. Did I want to? Hell no, but I like being treated like a human being more than I like where I come from so lying it is.
When some of my friends from Western countries found out, they chided me and said it's sad and that I should be proud of my roots. Bitch, do you think I'm doing this out of shame and not because I'll get shunned and told the nastiest shit to my face? Crazy.
No. 992433
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Does she not realize how fucky cringy this is, also why do they have to make racial discussions weird
No. 992495
>>992476I think when I was 19 I took a pic of my valentines day roses. It was the first time I'd ever gotten flowers from anyone.. Funny thing is I don't like flowers at all. I have weirdly strong feelings about flowers. I don't automatically love them just because I'm a woman. I'm pretty sure I told him that early on too. I still took a pic and was all gushy but it's weird to look back on now. I didn't even own a vase to put them in because.. why would I? We were living together. He knew this stuff already. Later in the day I think he picked up on me being quiet and he remembered. A last minute teddy bear was then bought.
No other man has bought me flowers since, in my eyes a man who knows not to get me them is more tuned in to me and I appreciate when men don't just grab 'lazy default female gift' and forget what you actually like.. and dislike.
No. 992523
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'ate men, simple as
No. 992686
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I hate photos like this because more often than not they're taken by someone who keeps monkeys as pets in really bad conditions, like those youtube channels where macaques are treated like human babies and mistreated for clickbaity youtube money. And a lot of those people abuse and neglect the monkeys until they get sick and die, and since the monkeys are cheap where they live they just buy another one. I don't want to get on some high horse and preach to people who share these photos because I know they don't have any ill intentions but seeing the pictures makes me sad.
No. 992707
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>>992607Don't listen to them nony, my italian ass is with you
No. 993203
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I hate this picture and everything about this room.
I can get behind figure collecting to an extent, but this just looks miserable. Even just one plant would help.
The bigger figures towering over the smaller ones also just looks bad. It's too much. The more figures you have the worse they look together.
No. 993207
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>>993203I feel a visceral disgust towards those sort of consoomer display rooms, even the ones which are aesthetic and not full of half naked children like pic related. Idk why it repulses me so much, I tend to enjoy nerd shit and I'm a bit materialistic myself. It's just so moidy and childish, and it's so much cornier when you realize how much money has been invested into it.
No. 993210
>>992357Jesus you reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend last week. I told her I'm gonna reject a guy from tinder I've been chatting with by saying I'm seeing someone when in reality I found out he's really unattractive to me when he uploaded his newer photos. She insisted that it's immoral and I should tell him why I think he's ugly and that he's unattractive. Then she went on a tangent about her moral compass and how she rather hurt people's feelings than lose her integrity.
It's not that deep sis.
No. 993219
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>>9932051000 hours in photoshop
No. 993273
>>993210Directly insulting the appearance of or rejecting a guy is the worst thing for a woman to do, rejected scrote rage is boundless.
Your friend either has it in for you or is a moron. I have been quite an idiot in the past but I was never so dumb as to give a fucking reason why I rejected a scrote kek. Lying or ignoring is correct.
No. 993386
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Ass eating
Why in the name of God is it a thing and why do people think its normal, just the thought makes me hurl and the fact it gets referenced in movies, tv and twitter like its just a part of plain old sex makes me want to alog
I honestly think its worse then people who are into choking or bondage(I hate that shit as well mind you) cause its an asshole with shit
No. 993395
>>993386Had exes who were massively into it, actually every one of my exes. I wasn't but I thought of it as one of those things where it's not a huge deal to just allow it to happen. I don't think that way anymore. I def had moments where it turned me off that my ass was what they wanted to eat and not y'know.. the thing that makes me come. I come from getting my pussy eaten and I feel 'meh' from rimming… and you still prioritize rimming? Thanks partner lol. I was so dumb, not standing my ground on that selfish shit in bed.
I had a phase a while back where I don't know what was up with me but I could shit, wipe well, have a whole shower or bath and should've been spotless, then the next time I peed and wiped.. little hint of poop. No more allowing rimming for me.
No. 993396
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>>993390Eating ass spreads parasites
No. 993402
>>993219Ot but i hate this pic so much, if some scrote showed me his room and it looked like this i would kick him in the balls
>>993390Poop is remarkably more dangerous to consume than pee, degenerate
No. 993403
>>993396I remember a while back reading about outbreaks of these parasites and how gays had helped them to become resisitant to treatment. Men would have the worst, bloodiest diarrhea from this and they'd still be getting rimmed and spreading it. Sick. And it was spreading more to straight couples in certain states in over in america. They were trying to make people aware these are often way harder to shift than the average std would be.
Worst thing I've ever read was some gay sharing his story of a 3 year long battle against watery diarrhea where he fucked around and spread it despite knowing he had it and it wasn't proving untreatable. He was poly and sexually active and fucking closeted bi guys off of grindr… Like what is wrong with you?
No. 993417
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>>993203> The more figures you have the worse they look together.You’re absolutely right, even if they were figurines of older anime girls, even if they were dressed, it would look like absolute shit, I don’t understand how can anyone wake up in a room like that, or get in a room like that, and feel other thing than dread.
Figurines are literally useless and ugly as fuck, just save the pretty pictures and videos.
No. 993434
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>>993417If they displayed a few nice figures like pic related i wouldn't complain, but its always some ecchi garbage/mechas
No. 993446
>>993434Even if those are beautiful, there’s no way some loser weeb would know how to properly display them, tbh, all they know is that they put some behind a glass and others are close enough to their PCs or beds for cooming.
Like, if they actually had a sense of aesthetic, they would only buy one (1) or even a maximum of 5, so they could get properly displayed instead of thrown in some ugly ass, badly placed, terribly illuminated glass container.
No. 993454
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Imagine being Nabokov, guy was sexually molested by his uncle when he was a kid and later in his life wrote a Novel told from the perspective of a pedophile, a pedophile who cannot get his story straight, who makes fantastical claims and all the events in the book is how he sees it, what could be just a little girl goofing around is him seeing it is her "seducing him" and forcing herself on him and It is a great book
instead what happens is that scrotes start seeing Hubbard as the victim in the story, Japan created a new genre or pornography based on the book, you are forever known as the guy who write the ddlg book
This was Nabokov's on how the Cover of Lolita should be
>I want pure colors, melting clouds, accurately drawn details, a sunburst above a receding road with the light reflected in furrows and ruts, after rain. And no girls. … Who would be capable of creating a romantic, delicately drawn, non-Freudian and non-juvenile, picture for LOLITA (a dissolving remoteness, a soft American landscape, a nostalgic highway—that sort of thing)? There is one subject which I am emphatically opposed to: any kind of representation of a little girl.
and picrel what most covers of Lolita look like today
I can't imagine what he must have felt like
No. 993490
>>993454The book is pretty explicit about how distressing everything is for the kid, how she is in pain, feels lonely, cries herself to sleep, etc.
The guy is portrayed as a completely unsympathetic lunatic, riddled with mental illness and completely lacking in empathy or any positive emotions at all. He's a disgusting creepy neurotic. The book is also written beautifully, the English is amazing.
It's legitimately good, not pedo shit at all.
It's baffling that it has the reputation it has, I guess people read the delusional rantings of the pedo and think "yeah that's me, very eloquently put, I want to rape children too, but I could never say it like that
clap clap", but then how do they not read everything else in the book?
No. 993502
>>993490apparently a lot of it was lost in translation and so the French, German and Japanese versions of Lolita completely missed the point, especially the Japanese Versions for obvious reasons
>Nabokov's Lolita, first translated to Japanese in 1956, was interpreted by readers primarily as a story of Humbert entering the peaceful and unearthly world of the shōjo, rather than through the lens of perverse desire and abuse.I'm sure he had never even heard of the term but imagine if her ever learned that a genre of Japanese porn and pedophilia fetish was forever associated with his work
No. 993508
>>993454I honestly don’t even want to read the book, I know it’s a literary classic and whatnot, but I don’t want to read it, I don’t want to relate to Dolores, I don’t want to feel anything towards that book. I always feel my stomach turn into a knot whenever I think “well, I should probably read this because it’s culture, so that’s important” but no, I seriously feel apprehensive towards books with kids in scenarios that has sexual tension, it makes me feel extreme disgust, because while studying latin American literature, I had to force myself to read a bunch of shit that are “classics” with implications of kids or even prostitutes that are kids, doing sexual stuff with adults.
I just hate the need to show a message to the public with kids or teens doing stuff that adults do, like, why? Yadda yadda how the innocence is disregarded by society whatever, do it differently, use your imagination.
No. 993523
>>993508Same, i'm from latam and i was forced to read very gross books too, and no matter how much people hype "Lolita", i'm not going to read that shit, I've my personal values and i'm not reading it sorry
>I had to force myself to read a bunch of shit that are “classics” with implications of kids or even prostitutes that are kids, doing sexual stuff with adultsCien años de soledad, right?
there's a part where the narrator describes a child prostitute's breast in high detail, and how so many men fucked her that the blankets were soaked, i almost puked and my heart dropped No. 993604
File: 1639414452569.jpg (68.06 KB, 1000x654, The_Lover-596508300-large.jpg)

>>993474>It's impossible to make a movie from Humbert's perspective to begin with, without making his experience seem the objective truthBut I mean he also documented the abuse that he did: the fact that he beat his first wife Valeria, the fact that he forced Dolores to have sex with him when she had a fever and was sick, etc. It's all there in the text
>>993474>The 1997 movie especially was a terrible fucking mistakeAgreed, it completely missed the point and romanticized the abuse and made it look like some sort of tortured romance. Thinking about it, a similar thing happened to The Lover
>Marguerite Duras: writes a coming of age story about a white girl growing up in an Asian country during the 1920s and having an affair with a Chinese man; touches upon the gender politics and social hierarchy of the time, portrays an Asian man in sexual light which was rare at the time, also portrays a complex mother-daughter relationship>~l'arTiSTe French directeur scroté~: ah oui! this will do a decent soft core porno No. 993613
>>993607Hating men is based but this just a sad fantasy, not cause of morality but cause of the massive physical gap between men and women
A war between the sexes would more or less end with a men easily overpowering women, as one would a child
No. 993631
>>993474Oh god the movie, It could have done something interesting but noooo, they played into Humbert's fake story which ended up creating a film solely enjoyed either by male pedophile or sexually confused women who are into DDLG
The comment section makes me lose faith in humanity
No. 993690
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>>993203please tell me those half naked Lucky Star figures aren't official
No. 993765
>>993615Having known some diagnosed autistic kids as a camp counselor, they were mostly quite nice & reasonable if you actually talked to them & let them explain what they liked and what they wanted. They just had periods & times where they couldn't deal with thimgs that they didn't like.
These were reasonably functional kids obviously, but like autistic enough that you would notice in just minutes. If they were just allowed to go & be alone when they wanted to or felt overwhelmed they would've been totally fine though.
They didn't even really have issues with other kids, it was always just some other idiot counselor trying to make them play soccer in 105 degree heat and they wouldn't have any way to get out of it other than pitch a tantrum. Like it was literally teaching them that people will only leave them alone if they scream and have a fit, because when they tried to explain calmly that they didn't feel like playing soccer, they got ignored or told to suck it up.
Their parents were always attempting to "fix" them and get them to act like a normal kid, and that honestly I think did harm because it marked them out as not normal both to themselves & other kids. They just needed to be treated with respect & understanding that you would show an adult, and shown that their wants & needs would be respected. If expressing themselves calmly was enough for people to let them alone they would never have had any freakouts.
I ended up being the autist whisperer because I would just sit down with them and let them explain what was bothering them no matter how long it took. And then if there was something I had to resolve, ie "I understand you don't like when we have bagels instead of muffins for snack. But some people like muffins. If it were up to me we would have spaghetti with clams every day and you like bagels more than clams right?" and they would laugh and be fine. Meanwhile the other counselors were screaming their heads off at him to eat his bagel. Idk what's wrong with people tbh.
No. 994179
>>992154she's getting her tats cut off?
i hope they're not big, seems like it would take the skin a while to grow back
No. 994267
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>>994256>the whole Loli was created as a counter reaction BL was just cope created by Fujos to make themselves seem oppressedkek what are you talking about? That's some shit revisionism there, no matter how much you hate fujos it doesn't change the fact that it's well documented that Cybele and the lolicon genre in general was solely inspired by men who wanted fujos and bishounen enthusiasts out of Comiket and make the whole event about masturbating to their waifus. Even the goddamn wikipedia article for Lolicon has it written down.
>Lolicon manga played a role in attracting male fans to Comiket, an event originally dominated by women (90 percent of participants were female at its first run in 1975); in 1981, the number of male and female participants was equal.[41] Lolicon, mostly created by and for men, served as a response to yaoi (manga featuring male homoeroticism), mostly created by and for women.[42] No. 994302
>>994281I meant impregnate the Lolita 2.0
>>994297I also thought that he killed Valeria. The fact that he charmed and married her just to gain access to Lolita tells you everything you need to know. The book isn't written as a love story at all. You need to be retarded and want to see it as such to ignore what the fuck is actually going on. But why am I surprised? Many people aren't able to comprehend wtf is going on in shallow weeb media that literally s spell the story out for you. No wonder they have trouble comprehending actual literature.
No. 994307
Lolita was more than just surface level “pedophilia is immoral and fucked”. There were layers upon layers of Humbert’s delusion. Right off the get-go it was so clear that something about this man was not right, even before he began lusting after a child, he's delusional, neutronic and hypocrite
but I think the worst aspect of the book is the "fandom" of young girls who also miss the message
When Nabokov died people got Lolita copies with teenage girls’ legs on the cover, girls suggestively sucking lollipops, girls in compromising positions….which is disgusting, misleading, and a fucking betrayal of the author.
It doesn’t help that (because of some choice Lana Del Ray lyrics), tumblr had a phase in like 2014 where lolita was romanticised to a point where young girls saw the story as a “romance” rather than a psychological drama. They sought out a “love story” akin to that of Humbert and Dolores’s, and envied being in that situation. The media didn’t help. More copies of the book were produced, with new covers, many of which betrayed Nakabov’s demands. He asked for no young girls to ever be on his book cover, for…obvious reasons given the books message and Nakobov’s personal stances.
Nakobov once taught at a university, and when several girls dressed up as Lolita for halloween party, he was horrified and that ended up being his legacy
No. 995057
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Look at the comments section for any video on Timothy Treadwell and all the comments go on about how he was so noble and misunderstood and the world was so cruel to this retarded scrote that thought he could play with literal grizzly bears and paid the price for it. Not to mention he convinced his girlfriend to come with him despite her fears and she was killed too. He was such a great guy he was happy to sacrifice his life to feed hungry bears apparently, but several bears were shot and killed by rangers retrieving his body. People will worship any fucking retarded man if you give him the right sob story.
No. 995126
>>995113Are you really laughing at the end of every single sentence for no reason?
If you are then you're annoying
No. 995907
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i hate when people scrunch their foreheads like this in every single picture. it looks so bad, i don’t know how they don’t realize it?
i think this would be okay once in a while for photos, but anytime i find someone who does this, they’ll do it in almost all their photos.
all i can think about is how bad their forehead wrinkles must be, it makes me cringe, it doesn’t look cute or add anything to the picture, it’s just distracting.
maybe people do this because they have super deep set eyes, but i think deep set eyes are cuter than a scrunched af forehead
No. 995910
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>>995907Didn't people stop doing that in 2012?
No. 995912
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>>995910i wish! i’ve been seeing a lot of people like this on instagram lately
No. 996230
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I hate the whole, "I hate my loud stupid dumb nagging bitch wife and daughters!" joke with boomers. It's actually mentally ill the levels of hatered men feel towards women, and yet they desire and need them so badly that their every action revolves around "securing" one.
No. 996248
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No. 996280
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>>994852I found that essay to be actually disrepsftful
she and all the other stans are doing what scrotes(gay and straight) did, strip her of humanity and view her only through her media image
Why not just view Britney as a human being, as a woman, as someone abused by the media and as a mother, is it that fucking hard to show just a bit of humanity
No. 996350
>>996345some of them are kind of quick witted and that's what's appealing to me imo. i'm not a fan but i will put them on as background noise. katya in particular is probably one of the best drag queens because he is creative and how candid he is regarding his addiction and struggles is relatable, but for whatever reason trixie is massively popular. some of the absurdist drag queens like tammie brown or katya are interesting but not for the drag.
for most people it's the flashiness, the glamour, the comedy, the bitchiness, it's easy to see how for people who aren't scrutinizing it, it'd be a pretty entertaining combination. it's a combo of drama, glamour, comedy. it's like on the level of a "funny" housewives, in terms of what it offers, i guess. just trash that catche your attention.
No. 996362
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i hate when people claim they can't eat a cutely shaped food.
you realize it's just gonna rot if you don't right, isn't that an even worse fate cause then you don't even get to enjoy that shit, not to mention if it's a dessert or food arrangement that shit was made with care so just fucking eat it
No. 996365
>>996350>some of them are kind of quick wittedquick witted, really ?
to me its just being an annoying cunt and making shit up that doesn't even make sense
>for most people it's the flashiness, the glamour, the comedy, the bitchiness, it's easy to see how for people who aren't scrutinizing it, it'd be a pretty entertaining combination. it's a combo of drama, glamour, comedy. it's like on the level of a "funny" housewives, in terms of what it offers, i guess. just trash that catche your attention.all these reasons are pretty much justifications for a higher being to end the human race or let subhumans enjoy this crap not be allowed to breed
No. 996370
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When males write fanfiction like pic related and use it to justify hating all women
No. 996372
>>996230Jesus this image is pure horror fuel, who looks at the setting of a middle-aged man tying up and gagging his wife and two small daughters and has a laugh at it? It's terrible, this is genuinely disturbing material.
>>996248This image just ruined my day. I never realized just how large the wealth gap is, imagine being the age group that's already retiring from the work force yet has around 10 times the wealth that the current 30-40-year old age group has. It's great that I can't afford an apartment until my mid 40s but an average middle class boomer couple has a big house, a summer getaway and two cars at their disposal. Will this ever even be fixed?
No. 996389
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>>996372>Will this ever even be fixed?Probably not. We haven't reached the bottom yet. Once the boomers die off, wealth will really be transferred to the elites, we will own nothing and basically pay subscription service to live. Amazon is planning on building working "towns", you will toil for your employer while paying them to live and acquiring no equity. I've even read that giant corporations like Zillow are quickly purchasing homes higher than asking price and keeping them, to up surrounding housing prices and in anticipation of an imminent future where none of us truly own property.
I view it not as a problem that boomers had so much, if they filled their basket that's fine. But we are supposed to have our harvest too, someone else is reaping it and telling us it doesn't exist. That we didn't earn anything, and soon enough, that we shouldn't even feel the right to have anything.
We are sliding downwards while focusing irrelevant, short sited squabbles. What we need is nothing short of pure rage and economic insurrection.
No. 996416
>>996402I'm honestly glad my prime membership auto cancelled out
Amazon is a fucking cesspit
No. 996624
>>996568That wealth ist musst going to bei transfered to their descendants in a tax free way such that irk always be circulated in their own bank accounts. It'll never be recirculated unless as a charitable donation which is a really clever loophole to avoid paying taxes. It's fucked up.
What we need, girls, is an actual, bloody proletarian revolution where all the rich elites are given two options: relinquish ask they have or face the wall. Urgh. It's way harder for them to happen now though, without them turning into colour revolutions and with people so divided today.
No. 997545
>>997454Babies are hilarious sometimes.
>>997382I used to hate it too but the older I get the more I think it's cute. Those little bastards store up energy to unleash, and then forget what they're crying about ten seconds later
No. 997973
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Every audio book I listen to there are so many comments saying, "so much better at 2x speed". Why? I get wanting some readings to be a bit faster, but TWO TIMES speed? And it's commented under nearly all book genres, even books that are mostly languid descriptions of pastoral scenes where a rushed reading would completely destroy the authors intended atmosphere. The speed of listening sets the tone just as much as the voice and language used: it's not an invisible part of the medium. Not to mention it's nearly impossible to comprehend certain wordier, 19th century writing when set to Ben Shapiro mode. I really can't fathom why people do this.
No. 997976
>>997973permanently destroyed attention spans and spastic brains due to internet addiction
many people absolutely cannot just slow down and chill, even when reading
No. 997983
>>997382Same I also dislike children crying, they look obnoxious af and fugly when they do it. I don't know why other people find them cute. But just like
>>997961 said they are literally helpless and can't voice or fulfill any of their basic needs so they have a good reason for it and people complaining about a baby crying are kinda unempathetic as long as the parents try to figure out what's wrong and try to make the baby quiet again.
No. 998010
>>997973I used to do that for lesson videos and now I do for almost everything, sometimes even 2x feels too slow. It doesn't really feel less atmospheric for me, I guess your brain gets used to it and manages to sort the pace internally
Kinda unrelated but blind people who use smartphones often put the voice-over speed at like 5x to make things faster and they understand it just fine
No. 998017
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self explanatory
No. 998133
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This monstrosity every Catalan family brings out in December.
No. 998189
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I wish I could enjoy the cringe of the cow/tranny/tradthot threads, but my BPD and OCD throws me into a rage swirl because I am so intolerant of people who are different from me that I don't engage at all. I wish I could enjoy those train-wrecks like the other anons do.
No. 998193
>>998192I know
nonny but I don't wanna rage post, I wanna post funny stuff about the cows and my brain won't let me.
No. 998243
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Koreaboos seeking Korean approval
No. 998270
>>998226Usually I disagree with the "don't give them a thread!!!" sperging, since it seems petty and needlessly antagonistic. Why the fuck not? Just hide it ffs. In this case I agree there should not be a nullfucker thread since I don't want kiwitards to salivate all over it, much less Null.
>>997973Ben Shapiro looked fat and had a beard? I never listened to any of his sperging but now I'm curious since it's the second time I'm hearing about him speaking with insane speed lol
No. 998274
>>998270>Why the fuck not?Because we don't want to cultivate a microcommunity of nullfags here and enable their behavior. Besides the people shilling that virgin doughboy as attractive are 100% doing it to troll or to attract people to KF, not because they legitimately find Josh attractive. It's the same people who pop up to brag about how null is a totally based
terf ally because he hates trannies for being degenerates. At least Adam Driver was an actor, Josh is the admin of an internet forum focusing around men being sociopaths and blogging about their life and daddy issues in every cow thread.
No. 998277
>>998274I'm sorry, but did you read my comment?
>Usually I disagree with the "don't give them a thread!!!" sperging, since it seems petty and needlessly antagonistic. Why the fuck not?> In this case I agree there should not be a nullfucker thread since I don't want kiwitards to salivate all over it, much less Null.I basically said the same thing as you. I meant people whining about driverfags, chalametfags, jermafags etc.
No. 998381
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>>998350Otome games have this archetype of a "younger brother" (ie Yoosung) kind of character, but never saw an actual child (maybe they exist, but are super rare) and especially not someone here stanning one. Picrel is the closest I can think of and even he is clearly same age as the heroine and his actual child sprite looks different.
No. 998391
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>>998381Well, there’s Luke from Obey me who looks like a child, but so far I’ve only seen people liking him as a son/brother rather than a romantic partner.
No. 998405
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>>998381>>998391The problem is that everyone outside of these fandoms sees them as the exact same. No normal person will ever actually care to separate yumejoshi from fujoshi, or truly believe that characters like this are not children/"child-coded". You just look like hypocrite twins. Post otome content in any weeb space outside of designated communities, and it will still be called "fujoshit", talk less of non-weebs
There is no escaping it, and the "W-Well we're not as bad" will never endear you to anyone. The solution is to either keep all of your cartoon fantasy degeneracy to yourself in the first place, or stop caring
No. 998414
>>998410What's unclear?
No one will ever give a shit that the shota character is really 400000 years old because it's a shota character. All 2D obsession is cringe. The infighting is retarded, there are
problematic and non-
problematic aspects in both factions because all of it is fucking autistic. Not hard to get
No. 998421
>>998419I don't play otome games and I'm going to continue to be against porn drawings of children, thank you very much.
It's true that shota fans are rare among yumejos and more common among fujos. Fujos gotta shape up.
No. 998423
>>998421My post was pretty clearly aimed at people who do, kek. Do you have a source for it being rare? Because at least one anon just admitted to "little brother" characters being common (cringe).
If you give yourself (again, this is to otome fans, not you as an individual) the benefit of the doubt that you don't support fucked up content, I don't see why it's impossible to do the same for other women with synonymous interests. No one will ever make the distinction, there will never be an era where being a yumejoshi isn't considered in the same pool as being a fujoshi. The reeeeeing is performative because there will always be degenerates in both fandoms
No. 998432
>>998391>>998381>yumes doing mental gymnastics how "t-this is not pedo, it's the fujos that are degenerate!!!!" to try to get an upper hand over those nasty coomer fujos and acting as if a ton of yumes don't have an oneesan/mommydom fetish and as if men don't make up like 90% of the actual shota (i.e. literal children and not short, slender males) communitypathetic
>>998423This, the otome community clutching pearls will never stop being funny to me seeing how rapey and unironically
abusive most of otome stuff is towards the female protagonist anyway. But those disgusting fujos need to be stoned! Face it, you will never be seen as a separate crowd by outsiders so better make space.
No. 998435
>>998432I'm not going to post a screenshot because it's too disgusting, just link: This is what op was talking about. Do you find it defensible? Or is it okay because "yumejos are bad too"?
No. 998440
>>998435NTA but no one's arguing whether or not it's disgusting. Stick to the subject. It's just hypocritical and funny that some women will go and coom to "little brother abusing fair maiden" CDs or play VNs with that shit as an option (and even the adult options are still
abusive and rapey), then hop on an imageboard or Twitter to play purity politics
Your argument will probably be "Not ALL otomefags!" even though you're still buying and promoting that kind of content, so the same goes: "Not ALL fujoshi!" lmao. Either it's all wrong, or not
No. 998457
>>998454Maybe follow the discussion which started here.
>>998288If the majority of fujos aren't cool with shota, call this shit out.
Please prove everyone wrong.
No. 998460
>>998457Didn't you just admit that happened right here and that people are disgusted
>>998444? I called it fucked up earlier on in the conversation, too, which is why I said it was hypocritical to post copes about why it's okay when it's in otome shit, lmao. You didn't even have to scroll back that far to see. Also, yumejoshi became part of the conversation here
>>998381. You'd do well to follow the discussion yourself
nonny No. 998462
>>998452Stop this twitter rhetoric. You started by accusing fujos of being pedos and into extreme shotacon by default due to an absurd claim and how otomefags would never do such a thing, people told you that it's not true, you can't do that whole "oh yeah so you approve of this huh???" gotcha without looking like an absolute retard.
>>998457This is looking more and more like one of those moids who try to plant transparent shotacon simping here only to post screenshots on kiwifarms how "the femcels over at lolcow love child porn".
No. 998475
>>998414>>998419otome games dont have cp and most don't pander to pedophiles. Picrel was the most extreme example I could personally think of. This type of character isn't that popular, many vns don't have it.
>child codedok twitterfag. still not a literal child
>>998438>goes to a pedophilia website>is shocked by pedophile clips with CP victimsDo you hear yourself? You are saying that it's normal to host that kind of crap because there is time and place for everything, normies will never understand etc
No. 998482
>>998475I put "child-coded" in quotation marks because that's the exact kind of thing you'd use to describe characters that look like children. The fact that it's popular at all should get attention, talk less of the
abusive relationships in most otome stuff
>Bruh no he's really 90000 years old vampire I'm not like the other femcoomers stop please I'm only conceptually enjoying a child in my VN it's pure I tell you Lol. Also, most otome content doesn't have that much NSFW content to begin with IME, but that still doesn't make it "clean" or okay when there's obvious fanservice and suggestiveness. It's sexualized, it's dumb to make up copes about it
No. 998488
>>998483despite the youngish LI trope (which I personally dislike), I've never seen otome fans hosting CP or arguing for their right to do it. TBH I didn't see much simping for characters like Kanato, but this isn't viable as it's only my experience.
Also masochism/sadism is legal to engage in to an extent, as well as to depict. Unlike cp, so idk how retarded otome relationship dynamics are "just as bad" as CP
No. 998495
>>998494You definitely should report it and not happily host it on an image board.
Straight shota is usually made by and for men, btw.
No. 1001147
>>998472She's likely hoarding them, or reselling them. Idk.
It's just so much unnecessary crap and sugary food, her health must be poor.
And she's probably fat.