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No. 975293
File: 1637597755545.gif (1.42 MB, 400x261, besties fiesta.gif)

Perfect thread pic!
Same time as yesterday's townhall ?
No. 975298
>>975294Yeah it's a good time. I also vote for, not discord.
Do we have movie suggestions?
No. 975299
Maybe to avoid namefagging/recognizability, we could find a way to randomly generated a new name every chat?
I don't know if that's possible, but during keekweek (I think?) all of the farmers got random names like "strawberry fairy deer" or variations of that randomly. If that could be done for the chat, it would be great. Make it generate variations of
nonnie, anon, farmer, cow, etc
>>975293>>975294I think yesterday's time was good as well.
No. 975302
>>975299I think if we keep it like
etc it will be fine
No. 975304
>>975299idk why some anons are so worried about guest nicknames, you don't even have to register it, it's still anon lol.
Cytube vote from me
No. 975323
File: 1637599327404.jpg (46.55 KB, 650x975,…)

Cytube could be good, it worked fine yesterday. If it fits other anons and allows a wide range of movies it's fine by me, I just want to hang out again
On namefagging rules I'll also go with the flow, just trying to help come up with ideas that would please anons, but I don't know what the preference is
Also should we keep this thread open for choosing movies later on, if it works out?
No. 975326
I'm not sure if randomized usernames are possible on Cytube.
Also supported Websites are (according to
>YouTube (videos, playlists)>Vimeo>Dailymotion>Soundcloud>>>Twitch (streams, VODs, clips)>UStream? (don't know if it still works)>Smashcast>Mixer>Self-Hosted content for those who can code ('m posting screenshots of the possible admin settings now, so I apologize for the spam in advance.
No. 975329
>>975305>This new era of LC looks very promisingI was just thinking this yesterday. With all the changes we're going to have soon (hopefully) like the new admin and interface changes, LC will probably feel new.
>>975323>Also should we keep this thread open for choosing movies later on, if it works out?We could probably just do that on whichever site we choose to host movie nights on, but we should keep the thread open anyway.
I was gonna suggest someone start a poll to decide which site we should use, but it seems like most anons want Cytube. I think it will be a better option than Discord considering what a shitshow our Discord was last time, and this time Elaine probably won't be able to take it down.
No. 975330
File: 1637599552317.png (270.36 KB, 1919x1413, cytube 1.png)

General settings and Chat Settings
No. 975336
File: 1637599648824.png (216.72 KB, 1919x1138, cytube 2.png)

>>975330Admin Settings (Channel Name, if we want to list it publicly, etc)
No. 975339
File: 1637599754150.png (228.01 KB, 1919x1316, cytube 3.png)

>>975336Chat filters. Eventually we can use them for the username thing?
No. 975341
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>>975339Emotes, if anons want them
No. 975343
>>975340This sounds like a pain to manage, maybe we should all just use variations of "Anon/Nonna/
No. 975347
File: 1637600042688.png (200.53 KB, 1919x1090, cytube 5.png)

>>975341MOTD Editor
Not sure what this is for, but it seems like you can create headers with it?
No. 975349
File: 1637600139635.png (134.34 KB, 1919x865, cytube 6.png)

>>975347CSS editor, can be used to put a background image on the chat
No. 975350
File: 1637600157887.png (28.16 KB, 723x297, plugin.png)

Anyone knows more about that plugin?
Supposedly it allows for Google Drive streams
No. 975352
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>>975349JS editor, again for customization
No. 975354
File: 1637600358871.png (664.8 KB, 1919x3883, cytube 8.png)

>>975352Managing different Permissions
No. 975355
File: 1637600410874.png (130.59 KB, 1919x865, cytube 9.png)

>>975354Panel to add mods
No. 975356
File: 1637600444224.png (100.2 KB, 1919x780, cytube 10.png)

>>975355Panel to ban users
No. 975358
File: 1637600508641.png (132.43 KB, 1919x865, cytube 11.png)

>>975356A Channel Log, and that's it.
I wanna know what "Drink calls" are
No. 975361
>>975298>Do we have movie suggestions?This anon
>>975122 suggested "Silent Night, Deadly Night 2".
Maybe we should also ask /m/?
No. 975371
>>975361Yesterday in townhall chat someone proposed "silkwood" with meryl streep and cher.
I would really love to watch a golden girls marathon with you nonnies
No. 975390
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>>975343>>975346>>975304The problem is not necessarily with picking a name or one's anonymity due to the random username, it's to stop namefagging if the users always the pick the same username and becomes a "personality", so to speak. This never ends well
>>975298Some more movie suggestions:
Kamikaze girls for my fellow lolitas (ex included)
First wives club
Gone girl
And any shlocky movie that doesn't have tons of nudity
No. 975430
>>975390first wives club yes!
the witches of eastwick and similar vibe-movies yesss
No. 975442
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What about Nana? I think there is a part two as well?
No. 975471
>>975371>>975370I think it was Ratatong, which would be great for the night before or after the Xmas one!
Overall I want shitty, campy or pinkpilled movies for maximum fun.
How will we protect our movie nights from scrote shittery?
No. 975480
>>975471>>975474Also would be thankful for being able to watch movies subtitled. I can work without them, but it's stressful sometimes. Plus I don't deal well with bizzare accents
Vid rel another idea
>>975478Same, I really hate gore… though the question, how much blood/violence is gore? Does a single scene make a movie unsuitable for our list?
No. 975490
>>975478Same, would love something silly and campy. Either that or something very girly and iconic like Nana as
>>975442 anon suggested
No. 975567
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Some general ideas (both from this thread and other threads showing other anons tastes) as well as my ideas. I don't know some of these movies, so I can't really gauge whether or not they're good or appropriate for a movie night (I think belladonna of sadness is appropriate, but whatever)
I've seen more general trends:
>studio ghibli movies
>Wes Anderson movies
>women-centric movies (for obvious reasons)
No. 975571
>>975567I like your ideas, especially PB and TLU
>women-centric moviescan we have Heavenly Creatures (Director's cut) and Pin Cushion? Warning, both are emotionally hitting (more or less)
No. 975585
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>>975567Love the selection!
>Last UnicornI cry every time.
Do you guys like sofia coppola movies?
No. 975615
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>>975567>the royal tenenbaums aw hell yeah the anon who suggested that is based as fuck. Sadly i don't have an suggestions because i like incel movies, maybe Aliens(1986) or something
No. 975703
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>>975687I thought about themes, as well! Like:
>Manhating/TERF/Bechdel test night>So bad it's good night>Campy fun night>Schlocky horror night>Classics night>Old Hollywood nightOf course some stuff overlap and all, but you know, in general.
No. 975910
>>975703Love it.
Would love a lolcow husbandos movie night too Since we are talking about nights, can we make the date a Saturday and not Sunday? I couldn't stay for the end of Town hall as I had work in the morning. Saturday most of us can fuck around until morning. WDYT?
No. 976097
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>>975390I would love to watch Kamikaze girls! Fits the pinkpill criteria some of the anons want and it's also a throwback for oldfags that came from /cgl/.
No. 976210
So are we hosting it in the same Cytube channel as last time, or will someone make a new one? I was thinking Admin might delete that channel.
>>975910I agree, Saturday is perfect
No. 976246
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Let's watch Noriko's Table and also Tag by Sion Sono. The latter really might resonate with some farmers (at least it resonated with me, it talks about what society expects of women in an horror way)
No. 976254
>>975446But I'll cry
>>976250Hell yeah I love all of these
No. 976335
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>>975896Ayrt and by "Classics" I meant anything that became a classic, or even cult classic, so ranging from like Heathers and Breakfast Club to Alien or Grand Hotel Budapest.
Old Hollywood would be anything older than 50s, maybe even 60s.
Another suggestion:
>Weeby (endearing) night No. 977898
>>977855That's too far away and there's too many movies to watch on our queue, let's do it next week
I would also love to watch dumb youtube videos together
No. 977904
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I found Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline full on youtube, and I added it to watch right now. Get in here nonnas, let's see if this would work! No. 977911
File: 1637863250583.png (2.27 MB, 1064x1500, imagen_2021-11-25_120041.png)

>>977904added Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue too! I'm trying to find more movies. They're playing right now if anyone wants to join.
No. 977920
>>977898Okay, I like the idea! I wasn't sure if other anons are up for it so early. Maybe we can have the next one on the 18th? I want to watch the shitty Xmas movie (and maybe some more)
>>977918Fingers crossed it works when needed lol. We could even add subtitles with the film file (never did it before, but it can be worked out).
I think maybe we should have a poll on what to watch next week?
No. 977962
File: 1637869046919.png (1.55 MB, 1500x1120, imagen_2021-11-25_133644.png)

Girls we have decided on chat to make these movie nights every 2 weeks, on saturdays, starting this saturday.HOUR: 8PM GMT (20:00)-same as last townhall-
Check your timezone here: how many hours until next movie night here:
>WHERE??? HERE!! Movies:>SATURDAY 27TH NOVEMBER1.Perfect Blue
2.Tag (2015) -warning, contains blood-
2.Gone Girl
>SATURDAY 25TH DECEMBER1.Steel Magnolias
2.Barbie & The Nutcracker
I'll be sure to find all of them and somehow be able to show them on their respective day.
No. 977970
>>977962Stocked! What about Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 for the X-mas watch? I like the other two, but was hyped for a bad movie to laugh at
>>977959>>977964I agree with Pb even though it's a harrowing watch. We could also see the live action one based on a novel to compare and contrast. Apparently it's very, very different than Kon's take
No. 977974
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>>977962I know The Craft and Midsommar are there, but we should have a horror movie night too! Also a night for the cringey/low budget movies like Ratatoing
No. 977979
File: 1637869895739.png (656.25 KB, 911x911, imagen_2021-11-25_135132.png) we're also watching movies right now, Coraline is almost over, next is The Nightmare before Christmas!
No. 977981
>>977974Samefag, suggesting A Quiet Place. I'm sure I'll think of more horror movies later
>>977977We have Fateful Findings as last in the queue right now. Would also love to watch Hallmark and Lifetime movies. I know there's a youtuber that has a whole series on shitty knockoff movies, I'll try to find suggestions from him.
No. 977983
>>977980will add the warning on saturday when we stream it! good idea to add warnings to every movie tbh.
Alright but WHEN do you girls want cringe night? can't be any of the dates listed here
>>977962 but could be in between them too.
Give me 2 cringe movies pls
No. 977996
>>977962*reminder to add subtitles (suggested on chat)>>977995>>977983I think December 30th would be a good date to stream cringe movies, since it's the end of the year!
What do you girls think?
No. 978011
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Alright so
>Barbie & the Nutcracker
>Silent Night Deadly Night 2
>Fateful Findings
Does this sound good?
No. 978039
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Tinkerbell and the great rescue
in 10 ish minutes invited!
No. 978065
>>977962Just want to say, Perfect Blue and Tag are both recommended in this thread, but they might be a bit too "dark" for some farmers (they contain blood, violence, horror, and in PB case rape) so I'm adding Steel Magnolias as a third movie if anything happens. I just love Steel Magnolias kek
>>978023Anon I'm trying to find George of the jungle and I can't find it, if you can find it please link it
No. 978072
>>977962Love this list.
Quick question though: Midsommar will be the regular version or extended/director's cut?
>>978011Sounds great!
No. 978151
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Bad news, google drive links don't work No. 978152
File: 1637884589742.jpg (151.74 KB, 906x574, FE7BpfjXwAIfG6I.jpg)

Hey nonnas, I was trying to pick a Hallmark Movie, but it's kind of hard. Do any of these sound good? I just picked the first couple from a list
>The Note (2007)
After a tragic plane crash, a local journalist discovers a note that she believes was written by one of the passengers. She seeks the note's intended receiver, but the journey is more revealing of her own past.
>A Christmas Detour (2015)
An anxious bride-to-be throws in with a broken-hearted guy and a happily married couple for an emergency ride to NYC, learning about each other and themselves along the way.
>A Royal Christmas (2014)
Prince Leopold, heir to the throne of Cordinia, wishes to marry his young love Emily Taylor, a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. But Leopold's mother, Queen Isadora has other plans for her son.
>The Christmas Cottage (2017)
When Lacey arrives in town for her best friend‘s Christmas break wedding, her BFF gives her the keys to her cottage, with the promise that anyone who stays there over Christmas tends to find true love. Just as she starts falling for her coworker Roger, her ex Ean scores some brownie points with her, too. It’s a classic Christmas-themed love triangle.
>Christmas in Evergreen (2017)
Hoping to spur her longtime beau to action, a small-town veterinarian wishes upon a snow globe that this will be her most romantic Christmas ever.
No. 978154
>>978151Apparently everyone has to have this scrip to be able to watch google drive movies anyone who wants to come and watch movies not on youtube must do this
No. 978175
>>978073I have it, I can try uploading it to dailymotion (Idk if it still works on cytube). Or would you like a magnet link?
>>978151Like other nona mentioned, everyone has to install a script.
Btw, did admin (or whoever made the townhall channel) grant mod status to you or someone else?
No. 978183
>>978176Ah, ok. I asked because it's good to have one mod around just in case spergs show up.
>>978178>2.65gb, H.265 video, AAC audio.magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ab4776ebd3586effe1edd0c6d2c4bb21e9461830&dn=Midsommar.2019.DC.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG&
>12gb, H.264 video, DTS audio, encoded english subs.magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3a0bb9504a8f55ca6ebec0e82bb1c51951dde783&dn=Midsommar.2019.DC.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT&
Large files may be choppy during streaming.
Posting the dailymotion link later, it's gonna take a while.
No. 978187
File: 1637888380922.png (252.03 KB, 376x500, imagen_2021-11-25_185914.png)

>>978183Nah, I'm not really a mod just kind of organizing things for everyone. How do I grab these magnets on bit torrent?
>>978152>>978011Ok how about this:
Chose 2 or 3 hallmark christmas movies for the 24rth of December?? and where to download them
No. 978191
>>978187Samefag but if for some reason that
>>978189 doesn't work, go on File > add torrent from url, then paste the magnet link.
No. 978411
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Now playing over at (1990) episodes!
No. 978421
File: 1637936650095.png (1.18 MB, 1366x598, anonsSite.png)

>>978401I just checked and anon's right!
It also allows for streaming full mp4/mkv/etc files and adding subtitle files to them, so it may be easier to stream full movies. Chat is a bit small and I don't know if layout can be changed besides fullscreen on the movie tab, depending on how many anons come it may be a bit hard to read chat, but I doubt it'll be as fast as it was on townhall. I think everyone in chat can see your country location, I don't know if it can be changed.
No. 978441
>>978411Amazing thank you so much
No. 978443
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No. 978447
File: 1637939971783.jpg (15.07 KB, 817x1280, guestView.jpg)

>>978425I think there is an option to limit webcam and mic to admin only. Picrel is view for guest on mobile and I wasn't able to share camera or mic so no worries
No. 978451
File: 1637940098811.png (187.84 KB, 500x442, imagen_2021-11-26_092052.png)

Girls this thread is a mess because we're basically trying to see what works and what doesn't but I'm glad we're doing this, maybe once we have everything figured out we can have another thread?
No. 978490
File: 1637944852510.png (1.12 MB, 1024x767, imagen_2021-11-26_104048.png) watching Moomins!
Get in there
No. 978607
File: 1637958560955.jpg (108.67 KB, 577x1024, a16dc9cef012e9a5668e7c4eef49bb…)

It's a wholesome romp
No. 978733
nonnie, you are all lovely ladies.
No. 978804
File: 1637977491417.jpg (259.84 KB, 621x876, MV5BNWY2ODRkZDYtMjllYi00Y2EyLW…)

Throwing Tokyo Godfathers out there for a xmas movie.
No. 979006
File: 1638011116585.png (10.91 MB, 2067x2773, imagen_2021-11-27_050428.png)

Reminder! Today we're going to watch Perfect Blue and Tag (2015).
Click here: your timezone here: how many hours until today's movie night here: we're watching two horror movies:
Perfect Blue
Violence, blood, psychological stuff, sexual assaultSummary: The film follows Mima Kirigoe, a member of a Japanese idol group, who retires from music to pursue an acting career. As she becomes a
victim of stalking, gruesome murders begin to occur, and Mima starts to lose her grip on reality.
Tag (2015)
Violence, blood, there's a scene in the first third of the story where people die in a very gruesome wayMitsuko's life cascades into chaos as everyone around her suffers a gruesome fate while she becomes less certain of who she is and her once-once normal.
Why these films go together: these films were suggested upthread, and both critizice the obsession with pure maidens / the place that women occupy in society. Mima from Perfect Blue wants to shed off the innocent idol persona to become a mature actress, but people take advantage of her vulnerable state.
As for Tag, people want to dictate Mitsuko who she is and isn't. She is a schoolgirl having fun one day, then the next she's already a bride getting married to someone she didn't agree to. There's also a bit of girl x girl undertones in this movie.
Both of these films have both psychological horror elements in them, both of the protagonists feel fragmented, and the word "mindfuck" comes to mind I guess, very interesting but not for the faint of heart!
No. 979173
File: 1638030299783.png (32.81 KB, 910x530, dcfdfc.png)

the countdown is fine anon
No. 979187
>>979183NTA but I checked earlier and now and it still shows 00:00:00 'The countdown is over!' too. Weird
>>979178>>979173I would be cool with switching to that site if other anons are too and someone figures it out… for tonight, cytube it is though. I'm thankful for the one anon who is organizing, you are a treasue ♥
No. 979197
File: 1638031865985.png (1.22 MB, 1920x3275, ImageLR_Merge (2).png)

>>979187Apologies for autistic post + delete, I wanted to add more screenshots of the settings, the channels, and the different streaming options. I use kosmi all the time with my discord.
>>978447You can.
This will be my last post sorry to barge in on the convo(s) but all this bullshit you guys are going thru with scripts and uploading to google drive is not rlly necessary. Either way enjoy your movies nonningtas I would love to join sometime soon!!
No. 979232
>>979197Alright!!! Thank you nonna and you aren't a nuisance, thank you for letting us know, please keep contributing!!
It's maybe too late for today's movie night, but let's implement this website next time. I would love if you could join today as well.
No. 979243
We're playing some random videos before the movies join and share your vids!
No. 979296
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Movies are Perfect Blue and Tag (2015) both are horror movies
>>979006You have to download this to be able to play now and share vids! No. 979342
>>979296What will you anonnitas be drinking during the movie night?
I'm considering buying a beer or two.
No. 979352
File: 1638041773009.jpg (96.44 KB, 736x705, 3f3a80b58a7df6ab0d468b4604626a…)

>>979342Some flavoured water
nonny! But I don't know about food. What will you eat with your delicious beer nona?
No. 979359
>>979352Nice, fancy water!
Something savory, I'm thinking those japanese peanuts.
No. 979385
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Tamper monkey isn't working for me, so I can't watch the movie with anons. I guess I'll sit this movie night out
No. 979386
nonny. Please join us next time!
No. 979392
File: 1638044725398.jpg (146.63 KB, 750x937, hf1.jpg)

>>979388oh fuck it's working now!
No. 979423
>>979385How did you fix it? the github userscript doesnt load for me it
>Looks like something went wrong!We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try refreshing.
No. 979430
File: 1638048655210.png (3.3 MB, 1580x2042, imagen_2021-11-27_153037.png)

and some freaky deaths in the beginning please be carefulGET IN HERE No. 979441
>>979423try a different browser! like firefox
>>979372 No. 979447 STARTING NOW
No. 979528
>>979523That was funner than any discord movie night I've been in lol and it wouldn't be lc without a lil moid drama.
Wish anons wouldn't respond at all tho.
No. 979551
File: 1638056658402.gif (1.06 MB, 498x375, received_347555186845842.gif)

Animal Crossing movie after party starting soon!
No. 979626
File: 1638065018020.jpg (373.15 KB, 2048x1152, the-love-witch.jpg)

How about the Love Witch? It's about a crazy witch who kills a bunch of men. Very campy and pinkpilled.
No. 979641
File: 1638065613309.jpg (34.46 KB, 640x493, _Tk8mDMO-UgHXOhlG4e8M5xLD7guR0…)

Thanks for such a great movie night anons, I haven't had such a good time with a group of girls in so long, probably not since I went to camp back in jr high. It was such a chill time and you were all so funny and genuinely enjoyed the stuff we were watching together. It was just so cool. I highly recommend any anons who didn't attend this movie night to attend the next one in two weeks, it was a really great time.
No. 979643
>>979638Same!!! It was wonderful. Looking forward to the next one. NGL, those movie nights feel a void in my heart ♥
>>979626It's a lovely looking movie and a very fun at that, I think it's a good suggestion for someday!
No. 979650
File: 1638066079648.jpg (39.82 KB, 480x309, daisies.jpg)

I love Daisies but can see it being too artsy-fartsy for most anons tastes.
No. 979665
File: 1638066767842.jpg (8.51 KB, 236x170, 619a14fa7d9d01e5b55673a4d35ced…)

Moomins is playing in for any anon looking to relax
No. 979910
File: 1638097502919.jpg (558.79 KB, 1000x1428, MV5BYmU0ZTBiZjktMTVhYS00ZjgzLT…)

Thanks again for this amazing movie night! Was totally worth staying up late for this! Tag turned out to be interesting, even when I had no idea what the hell was going on for the most part lol. Will def try to join all upcoming movie nights as well, love the planned schedule so far.
No. 979919
Reminder there's a new more organized thread now this instead
No. 980235
>>977961AYRT. I was busy with life and I come now to tell you you haven't watched any of Kon's films and if you did then you have zero media literacy.
True, the film has tons of creeps. None of its male characters are haloed in any pleasant light. You can't even identify with them for a minute; in other media, male characters might have healthy obsessions and attitudes (You, American Psycho, literally any Hitchcock film), but they possess certain qualities that makes it not astonishingly hard to identify with them – whatever you want to call that thing that makes Joe from You not make you want to immediately throw up. However, this is not the case in Perfect Blue.
PB is about identity, performativity, memories, escapism, and illusion – and our very own person subjectivity, and how malleable it can be to external influence. The incel characters are employed to illustrate the film's critique of idol pop culture, parasocial relationships, the way simulacrum interacts with identity, and most importantly the shoujo female archetype. It's her! The sweet, wide-eyed, small-limbed, high-pitched, perpetually innocent and perpetually young and perpetually accommodating girl. The last bit is important; the shoujo female figure is never disagreeable, is high conflict-averse, has no boundaries.
Just like Mima when she hesitantly agrees to do a traumatic rape scene – problematic because of its implied connotations with maturation and transition into adulthood? If that was the case, a good 70% of female imageboard dwellers would have been considered "mature" at age 15 – and then goes on to cry, alone, weeping about she only agreed to it because she didn't want to "cause trouble to anyone." I would say this is the tipping point of the film. In Kon's films, there is an event that causes the heroines to retreat reflexively into some other illusion – maladaptive daydreaming, anyone? Did you notice that the subject of it has skyrocketed in the virtual online consciousness ever since the pandemic hit? – some hallucination, anything to give them escapism away from the horror of real life. Plus, if we're going to talk about that scene, let's talk about
how Rumi murders the men who attempt to "soil" Mima's image by….gouging their eyes out, and how this is a direct commentary on the destructive and inherently violent of being viewed as a sexual object of desire. It's literally a female revenge fantasy! And what about the biblical reference in there?This shattering of an innocent image, of a broadcasted and carefully manufactured identity, is considered an act of betrayal to the army of seething and desiring males around Mima. The shoujo figure, with her girlish garments and Kawaii aesthetics, and her learned mannerisms, are all the result of simulacra in a highly consumerist, post-modernist, identity-obsessed Japan, is itself a performed identity. There IS no real shoujo. Only retarded women LARPING as shoujos, ready for thousands of spectators to project their fantasies onto them, and come away with nothing but betrayal when they move on to the next identity, next rebrand, next costume. Fans will desire to maybe be with her, then possess her, and then be her. It's a cycle of overidentification and retardation.
Moreover, PB is a cautionary tale about the absence of warmth when all you do is perform a fucking identity tirelessly and narcissistically to appease a bunch of retards. She will long for any thing real and warm, like she longs for her parents calling her.
(I'm betting that scene wasn't even real, just a hallucination.) But she'll never get it, because performing a persona entails a certain amount of distance and it is inherently isolating. This way, you will be stuck behind glass forever, asking people to nod along and reinforce your fantasies, but you will never be happy or content. You will never get that warmth, that connection. And it doesn't matter anyway, because any one who keeps their identity and image vulnerable to outside influences is always going to be vulnerable to those outside influences. That's how a lolcows springs from nothingness, but usually the outside influences are completely fucking retarded.
"Excuse me, who are you?" She keeps repeating this line. It's because this bitch has no idea at this point: which is real, which is illusion, which is stolen, which is learnt, which is performed, which is copied. Who's the real Mima, anyway? PB is a film about the horror of being a young woman with a shaky sense of self, her inner turf constantly being violated by those who project their fantasies on her. It's not until the end of the film until she learns to protects it.