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No. 993467
The year is almost over nonnies! Let's discuss our goals for 2022!
What were your new years resolutions for 2021? Were you able to achieve them? Did you manage to achieve anything else in 2021 that was unplanned? What do you hope to achieve in 2022?
2021 New Years Resolutions thread:
>>>/ot/644632 No. 993488
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I posted this in another thread a while back, but my big goal this year was to not buy any new clothing, and I've actually done that! It's been very freeing, and actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think I took the challenge on hard mode because for about 6 months of the year, we were dealing with bedbugs and I had to have almost all of my clothing in storage so I was forced to overcome my retarded fear of being judged for rewearing the same handful of clothing items over and over and I've come to the conclusion that honestly no one gives a shit as long as I don't look unkempt kek. I will admit that I had to buy a blazer for a job interview in the middle of those 6 months, but then returned it afterwards
When I browse through stores or look at my favorite brands, I don't know if things this year are just poorly designed or if my whole view on clothing has changed so I actually very rarely feel that intense want for new clothes. There's some stuff that's really cute and I'd really want, but nothing has been so amazing that I was willing to break my new years resolution for it. For 2022 I don't think I'm going to keep the same goal of no clothing at all, but if I want to buy anything at all, I think I will set a limit of 1-2 pieces per month and they must be 100% natural fibers and from small businesses only. I have my eye on some brands and their clothing is quite expensive but fit the criteria, so 1-2 a month seems like all I'd be able to afford anyway. No limit on any clothing I decide to make though kek.
For 2022 I have a few goals in mind.
>Learn to drive.
Every year I say this, and every year I pussy out because that shit is scary. Here's to leaving my comfort zone!
>Rollerblade more
Picked it up last month and having a blast despite being 100% awful.
>Read at least 1 book a month.
I feel like my brain is melting and I gotta keep it from melting out of my ears. It helps that I'm only interested in reading nonfiction books now, but doesn't help that they can be boring and put me to sleep.
No. 993496
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>repaint my room, even if we move out this year (or not) idc can't stand the pink anymore
>buy and replace furnitures, my bed makes too much noise
>find a part time job even if it's for 1 month, that'll be money to cover a little bit plans above
>research what colleges to apply, gotta continue my education but I have to find my path/career
>draw? draw.
tldr: money
No. 993506
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My goals last year were to draw more and get a PC. I did both and managed to upgrade my tablet as well as study art more. My overall social media activity fell but I think that's a good thing.
For 2022, my goals are to draw more than I did this year. I clocked about 340 hours so far this year, so I'm guessing I can hit an average of 1 hour a day. In 2022 I'd like to get that up to at least 2 hours a day.
My other resolution is to learn Japanese through a more organized effort. I've been keeping at it on and off since November and I hope to be able to slowly read raws of mangas by the end of next year without having to look too many words up. I'd also like to write a letter to my JP friend in full Japanese.
More concrete, smaller goals would be:
>Exercise at least twice a month
>Stable-ish sleep schedule
>Finish a short comic
No. 993517
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My resolution list always gets out of hand.
>eat vegan
>exercise (gym and rollerskating)
>write in my diary constructively
>get back in to knitting
>no electronics in bed/bedroom
>create and follow a budget
>get a pixie cut
>get botox and laser eye surgery
>keep track of books I read
>practice german
I actually did pretty well with these, and fulfilled the more wholesome ones. I really got in to going to the gym, and in the summer was at my fittest. I knitted my first pair of socks. I shaved my head. Botox is out, having discovered radical feminism and gotten better at critically analysing why I'm scared of wrinkles. I don't write in my diary, but I do scrapbook - which is definitely more positive and constructive.
2022 resolutions:
>primarily plant-based diet
>Reach out to people more. Don't keep compliments to myself. Keep social media use to a minimum, but interact with friends and acquaintances when I do go online instead of just lurking.
>find a new job
>use my holiday more wisely - don't hoard it until christmas, have fun in the summer!
I have loads of other plans and hopes for the year, but I think those are the ones I will need to try the hardest and will give the most reward. Apart from veganism. It's just tradition to list that and then fail or give myself a vitamin deficiency.
No. 993681
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Losing another 10kg before june
Drawing at least 1 full artwork a month
→Growing my online presence as an artist
Getting myself into a serious healthy relationship
Going to the gym at least once a week, walking to my bus stop (1km) and doing at least 15 min of exercise every week days (if my health allows it kek)
No. 993697
Only resolution for 2021 was eating less junk food, which I managed, at this point I'm only eating it when someone explicitly offers me something. Resolutions for 2022 are
>upping the distance I walk every week by still a bit more
>stretch every day and consequently get back to being able to do splits
>reach kanken level 4
>study enough to deduct half a year of training at my job
>study maths
1 and 3 are very realistic, and if I keep at it like I'm doing right now I'll reach it within the first half of 2022, with 2 I might get a bit lazy but even then I'll try to at least keep doing it at the weekends and 5 will definitely suffer in favor of 4 but I don't need it for anything (I just feel stupid for not being able to do even highschool maths, so this is a complete ego thing lol) so that's fine I guess. 4 will be the hardest, because I actually have no idea how to study anything but languages (and even that's mainly just reading anything and everything until the grammar and vocabulary sticks), but I've always had good grades without studying (except for maths, obv), especially in the subjects needed for my job, so I'm hoping I'll somehow manage if I actually sit down and try to study for real.
No. 993699
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my biggest goal is to find a job within the next 3-4 months because that will open up a ton of possibilities/freedom.
-drop out of grad school
-get my own place
-finally get my adhd assessed properly (and then hopefully medicated)
-lose at least 20kg until the end of the year
easier goals are to continue reading a lot, to watch more movies and to pursue some knowledge for fun, without the pressure of academia behind it.
i also want to finally see my best friend again since i haven't seen her irl in over 3 years and she has a cat now! i must pet the kitty.
No. 993759
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Huh? it's 2022 soon? what?
No. 993877
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1. drop weight to 45kg
2. make online and irl friends
3. gain large following on art accounts
4. get into university
5. make about £130k and invest into productive assets
6. learn Russian (maybe)
7. undergo more cosmetic surgery
8. get boyfriend?
No. 993879
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be less retarded
No. 993892
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My new years resolution has been the same since I was 16 and I always succeed. And that is to not suck a single cock. I will never give head. I haven't even met a dick that deserved it.
No. 993910
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I want to move out of my parents home already and get my own place. Im also going to put effort into trying to get irl friends. I successfully stopped being a NEET this year which im really happy about.
No. 993948
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This year sucked so I hope next year is better.
>stop being a NEET
>start saving money
>maybe get ears pierced?
That's all I hope for tbh.
No. 993979
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>Pay off debt
>Move in (partially) with my boyfriend.
>Try to study more
>Pray gym mask mandate is over so I can go back to working out 7/7
>Buy a car
>Be less mento illness luv
No. 993983
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last new years resolutions
>learn how to sew
>create a website
>lose weight
I only made a website
my new years resolutions now
>drop out of college
>get a girlfriend
>gain more weight
this will be a mission impossible nonnas
No. 994046
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I’ve got more of them but my highest priority is to get my health and fitness up. I hate trying to follow the routines that shooped insta models sell so I’m gonna use Bruce Springsteen’s routine as a starting point kek.
No. 994082
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This one is pretty specific but I want to start practicing better self-love, specifically loving and respecting myself like I’m my own best friend. Recently I’ve noticed I’m keeping certain behaviour from my friends for fear of being judged, but I had a lightbulb moment that it’s only because they know it’s not what’s best for me and don’t want to see me making bad decisions that are going to hurt me in the long run. I also realised that if any of them were behaving the way I was and they were ignoring my thoughts and advice the way I’m tempted to ignore theirs, I would be fucking pissed.
No. 994118
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>i will take care of myself first.
>i will not allow others to guilt or manipulate me into doing things i'm not comfortable with.
>i will stand up for myself and voice my opinions with confidence.
>i will not hold myself responsible for the things beyond my control.
>i will not let my happiness depend on other people.
No. 994187
I looked up my last year resolution and it was about making small changes to improve my quality of life. I did OK I think. 2022, as ambitious as it sounds, has to be a formative year for me, because I was shocked to find out the events I was thinking happened last year actually happened in 2020, as if the year didn't happen. So I think that while it's good to achieve small things I should aim for at least some big things too. This year I moved into a new place in a nice town that met my expectations that friends said were too unrealistic (absolutely quiet with a city nearby but also very close to forests and nature) and became for the first time fully absolutely independent. All my living expenses paid for fully by me and not subsidised by the government or anyone or anything.
But I do fully plan to, once my work contract ends, take 1-2 months of being unemployed in the summer. For me it's too hard to juggle interviewing with holding a full time job, so I took the first offer that's marginally better than my first job. I'm also currently living in a foreign country i'm not sure I want to settle down in. So by the end of my sabbatical, I could have decided to take my life in a completely different direction. It's going to be a big year, and I hope I don't disappoint myself. Last time I revealed myself as looking for a job employers were chomping at the bit to have me (I was overqualified for each interview offer), so I'm not too worried about not being able to find anything.
In early 2021 I also got tinnitus. I went to an ENT specialist who told me my hearing is perfect and it's just stress, and imperative that I reduce stress if it's bad enough to
trigger tinnitus. I'll try, but sometimes it feels impossible because whether I stay in a non ideal situation that is stressful or work on improving my situation (like moving somewhere new, getting a new job), it all creates stress. I guess I'm a little confused on what to do, and need some more time to think about it.
>>993517>Reach out to people more. Don't keep compliments to myself. Keep social media use to a minimum, but interact with friends and acquaintances when I do go online instead of just lurking.This is a great one, when I'm mad and miserable I push myself to go online and compliment/catch up with friends, it feels nice to not perpetuate misery, and sometimes helps me feel better.
No. 994191
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I want to get over my one-sided crush and have some self respect.
No. 994192
>>993493Good luck! I have the same resolution and it looks like it's actually going to happen within the next few months. Excited to watch the dumpster fire from a
slightly less shitty country.
No. 994246
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Same as last year, I want to stop being a serial doodler and start getting seriously into doing fully finished pieces, learn anatomy, color theory etc.
No. 994468
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Stop buying shit and save up some fucking money
No. 994812
>>994503Would highly recommend "I will teach you to be rich"! It's a personal finance book and he does cover investing in the book. I think it's a good place to start because a lot of resources on the internet tend to be very overwhelming. You don't have to invest in stocks if you aren't a risk taker, you can also do index funds which are usually safer and aim to match the market (which grows at about 10% a year) rather than beating the market (very rare and waste of time). Roboadvisors are also a thing but I personally do not like them because many will just keep a portion of your portfolio (maybe like 20% or something) in cash, and cash does not do much of anything if it isn't invested.
Good luck nona! Once you get the hang of the basics I think investing choices will become a bit easier.
No. 994884
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>Stop "socializing" online. Strengthen irl friendships.
>Keep up not using social media
>Continue using lolcow and mindless online surfing to an hour a day
>Blogpost on journals, not to other people
>Track monthly spending
>Continue going to the gym and bond with my dad on weekends
>Lose 20 lbs or maintain current weight and gain muscle
>Get Driver's License
>Graduate college, accept any decent job
>talk to my parents about moving out without pissing them off or make them feel like it's a personal attack.
>maintain positive relationship with family
>help my brother feel less depressed
No. 994975
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I didn't meet any of my 2021 goals but I'm an incorrigible optimistic so I think things are looking better for 2022. I actually have more planned out, less generic goals and deadlines for said goals as well, so that motivates me way more.
>Go back strong at keto, lose at least 25kgs this year
>Get back to my japanese studies with more diligence, and get my JLPT N2 certificate
>Apply to JET programme
>Get a job in my own country first
>If that doesn't work, get back to uni and get a second degree in another area
>Apply for the MEXT research programme as well
>Boyfriend just gifted me a huion tablet, so get back and better at doing art as well
At least one of these I think I can get! Let's do this nonnies
No. 995176
>>994975a little OT, but
NONNY where is your picture from? It's so cute!
No. 995256
>>994975This picture makes me feel a pang in my cold dead heart for the good ol days when I thought my desperate codependency towards a psychotic abuser was actually twu wuv and I truly believed we were perfect together. Thanks I hate it.
>>995176It's from a pose/art reference book about "lovey dovey" couples. No. 995332
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>>649660For my last year resolutions
>Finally get my driver's license Done and so happy its done
>Lose 40 poundsOnly did 15 pounds
>Make more money onlineWas successful
>Have savings over 25kGot in at 45k
>Be more mentally healthy and develop better life/coping skillsSo-so, tried therapy this year and it was only a temp thing. Have gotten better at regulating my emotions though
>Being able to travel back to EuropeYup went for two months
>If so, go to Croatia, Bosnia and Italy to travelOnly got to visit Croatia
This years
>Lose more weight>Drink more water>Be successful at new job>Save more money>Invest more>Find long-term therapy >Start planning moving out No. 995377
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>Earn some money
>do more exercise
>lose more weight
>walk my dog more often
>draw some shit
>dance more
>write a paragraph of a story
No. 995383
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>>995379I just fell down the rabbit hole of Pinterest, they’re worms on strings but they’re angels, there’s so much worm on a string art that I think this made my autism get autism.
No. 1001153
Tbh, I don’t remember if I had a resolution for last year. This coming year, I’d like to try to focus on getting help for my undiagnosed mental illness again. The last time I tried, I basically couldn’t keep appointments consistently because of my memory issues, so I was dropped as a patient. Which, to me, feels paradoxical, but I understand that it probably seemed like I didn’t want the help from their perspective. I did want it, but it feels like my brain has deteriorated and even with appointment reminders, it still slips my mind like 5 minutes after. The same effect as reading a text and not replying right away, so then you forget you ever got a text in the first place.
No. 1001277
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> take decisions that contribute to my overall well being
> stop being terminally online
> make new friends
> experience new things
> help at a charity
> cook new dishes
> learn french
happy new year anons, I hope your resolutions come true!
No. 1001295
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hack the matrix and become free
No. 1001316
>>1001295>hack the matrixNonna, I believe you could hack the
planet if you really put your mind to it
No. 1002025
|1| Finish my stupid degree
|2| Get a decent job
|3| Renovate my apartment, for real this time
|4| Start going to the gym again
|5| Stop feeling bad for ghosting my insane bpd ex best friend
|6| Start appreciating my mom more, buy her perfume, treat her to get her nails done, etc
>>993496>tldr: moneyExactly
No. 1005720
>>1005015I used to shave my head, I don't have the greatest face shape for it but I loved it anyway.
I've gone back and forth a bit over the years. I'm straight but kinda butch and I've toned aspects of myself down to 'match my sexuality' aka please bfs and social norms. It makes me miserable and my misery makes me feel uglier than anything. When I've been single and doing my own thing I get way more people interacting, strangers starting up convos with me, I'm approachable. I attract the right kind of people for me. I could 'do myself a favor' and style myself to appeal to more people but you might as well appeal to people that match you.
I'm tatted aswell and while they are rarely out on show, I have bumped into a few people lately who are heavily tattoeed too and got chatting to them about it. I'm new to a rural area where I wasn't expecting to make friends easily so my thing for 2022 is that I want to connect with some of those people I bumped into before. I want something more to come of it. Friendship, one of them was hot so maybe more.. I mainly want to come out of my shell more. Coming out of my shell is an ongoing thing I think I'll always have to work at. Throw it on the list for every year lol
No. 1005955
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I'm this
>>705079 anon from last year.
I got another job within the same company and substantially increased my salary, woo! Literally life-changing. Doing more art has happened, but not as much as I'd liked. Hopefully this year I'll have more time/motivation. As for moving, I'm now content to stay here, for now. It helps that I'm living with my partner who doubles as a great roommate.
For 2022:
>make a Webtoon>work towards my Associates degree>pay off my private student loan + save for tuition No. 1006248
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My goals for the next year are:
>Find a graduate job
Will start applying once I get my uni papers in order. Maybe make a linkedin although it makes my skin crawl.
>Get into drawing again
Basically stopped because of uni and lack of motivation caused by uni stress.
>Improve my health
My bf and I have agreed to join a gym in January lmao, my current job is fucking over my health so finding a new job would help in this regard as well.
>Read 5 books
To not become completely braindead now that I'm out of education kek.
I'm quite optimistic but also scared about the new year, have never been out of education before and have reached the point where I can't tolerate staying at my current workplace much longer but also I will miss it. Atm I'm as broke as I have ever been due to needing to cut down my work hours for health and studying reasons, it's quite humiliating honestly. Have picked up some new hobbies this year so I'm hype to have more time to dedicate to them as well. Have a good feeling about this year and I'm normally quite pessimistic!
No. 1006259
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>let my manifestation come true or I will rip my arm off and eat it
seriously it has been two years of misery cut me a fucking break and let me have what i want the most. how much more pain does one girl gotta go through? it's not that much im asking for it's a retarded af very simple not long lasting thing…
>let me graduate and leave this shithole
hopefully by midsummer.
>make improvements to diet and start exercising more, lose some flab
i have gotten soft… and i do not enjoy it
>learn to cook and stop eating so much takeout
in prep for moving out post graduation i need to combat my worst money drain that also contributed to my nasty weight redistribution and the idea pains me but here we are i suppose
>let this be the last year i work retail and hopefully let me get a post grad job before next christmas
might noose if i have to withstand one more holiday working retail
>succeed in something, get something i want, and be satisfied with my life for a fleeting moment
2021 was shit cheers to a forthcoming 2022, may it be better, interestingly shit, and may things in my life change, as well as the scenery. save me from suffocating!
No. 1006261
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create more
experience more
consume less
No. 1006280
>>995415>>1004511Lol, I actually posted about this in another thread. I would for a company called telus, where I just review youtube videos and if they violate guidelines shit like that. I didn't need really any experience for the job.
>>1004563Yeah I could see why, but I'm not really seeing anything adult or gory like that. It can be repetitive, but its easy af for what I can work when I want to on my own free time. Hope you can get that anon for 2022.
No. 1007832
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my new years resolutions are as follow:
>lose weight (60-70lbs to be exact)
this is a given. i've been overweight for the past 3 years and it's fucking with my mental and physical health. the reason why i haven't been able to deal with this properly is because of my mentality, i've always either ate nothing and starved or ate everything, hence why i've never been able to sustain weight loss. this changes now and i will no longer fall into these cycles that i know will end tragically
>exercise more and get fit
for my health. i'm so young yet feel like i can't do much physical work without getting burnt out. exercise also helps my mental problems
>improve my mental health
try to find ways to deal with my anxiety and depression, body image issues, eating issues etc etc better. get professional help when/if i need it instead of dealing with it on my own in unsustainable ways
>being nicer to people in my head and being less judgemental overall
i'm never mean to people out loud but i do catch myself having negative thoughts about people in my head. i want to stop that because it's a clear sign of my own insecurity especially when those thoughts are about physical appearance
>start dating (or at least try)
well i have no experience because of my insecurities so hopefully by getting healthier i will gain confidence to finally start experiencing things in that department
>finally move to (redacted country)
if everything works out, that will be the case. and i can't wait for it
No. 1008062
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Can we also talk about the lack of a resolution? Every year I get excited because it will be a new year and you can "start over" and do better etc.
But for some reason this is the first year I feel completely grim about things. I don't feel excited like before. It truly is just another year and I'm sad that my brain sees it like this. I just feel like things won't change and I'll still be living the same life and the same situations and etc.
I dunno if this is because of the pandemic, me growing up, being kinda frustrated in my life, etc…
No. 1008155
>>1008062it's okay to not have a resolution
nonnie. Start the year by just giving yourself the space to exist. But if you ever feel like starting something or have a goal, it can be at any time, you are my precious cow and I'm here for you heart emoji
No. 1008231
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For my New Year's resolution I want to practice writing cursive and learn to read sheet music.
No. 1008320
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>>1008155Thank you my precious cow, this really made me feel better… heart emoji
No. 1012502
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This year was one of my worse so I hope 2022 goes better. I never make resolutions but I feel like I have to now. I want to be happy.
>wash my hair x2 a week (fuck you depression)
>grow my Twitch stream
>start posting on social media
>a decent sleep schedule that lasts more than 3 days
>clean my room way more often
>keep becoming better on the game I'm playing
>take care of myself
>meet my friends in Paris again
>travel if I have the money
No. 1012573
>>1008062I feel the same, i had no resolutions and felt like the year ahead was going to be the most bland and lifeless thing. My brother has some resolutions, and I’m just going to tag along with him for some. He wants to go for runs, and I’m going to run with him. Other than that i feel strangely lost and jaded for this year. This nonna
>>1008104 is right though. Space to exist is something i think we forget to give ourselves.
No. 1013493
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i have a lot of regular personal resolutions but specifically for this hellsite, i want to be so busy and distracted with positive irl things that i lurk here less (no offense lol)
also on that note, any time i get a big urge to like alog or post about some bitch i consider a "personal lolcow" i am going to step back, write it in the notes app instead, have a good hard look at how pathetic and vendetta cringe it probably sounds, delete it and go for a fucking walk or something
No. 1014160
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First day was back at work today and i called off because fuck it. I don't care anymore, and it's a snow day on top of it, so it's extra enjoyable. Happy 2022
No. 1014567
>>1013493You go
nonny. I hate to say it but I sort of wish this site went away at the end of the year because it's pretty much all I do. My resolution this year is to have less screen time and view it as a reward or treat rather than a necessity.
No. 1017832
Rather than "be fit/get toned" I want to become more comfortable in my body. I already workout almost every day before work. I'm not going crazy lifting weights or running miles on the threadmill, I usually do yoga or bodyweight work outs in the morning, and I enjoy it. It's a good, feasible routine for me and I've kept at it for almost 3 years now! I've become more flexible, and some of my body pains have lessened as I get a little bit stronger.
But I'm skinnyfat and always feel like what I do isn't enough. I need to work out more, work out harder. I can't enjoy the fun physical hobbies I pick up like rock climbing because it quickly turns from "this is a really fun thing to do! and a nice bonus is it gets me moving" to "I need to do this with more frequency and get better so I can burn more calories and get fit" and then I burn out from whatever physical activity because it no longer becomes fun because I'm upset that I'm not working out hard enough.
I don't like to wear revealing clothes, I don't make money from looking good, I don't even post selfies on social media, nevermind body or outfit pictures! So I just want to be happy with my body, so I can enjoy my morning routine and hobbies without burning out from them. If I want to start moving towards harder workouts, then I'd like to from the angle of "I want a new challenge" or "I think this will be fun" rather than "this will give me a nicer body."