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No. 998064
Unleash your dumbassery
Previous thread
>>>/ot/988041 No. 998066
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I was really pumped for the last plate of spaghetti, I literally haven't had any of it, and I fucking dropped it on the goddamn floor
No. 998072
File: 1639793019226.png (341.63 KB, 608x448, MKDD_Thanks_For_Playing.png)

I wish I had someone to play Mario Kart Double Dash with right now. My players would be Baby Luigi and King Boohoo. I was about to suggest a specific cup too, but they're all great and pretty short anyway, so I'd say we're playing them all (though I never got the story behind the dinosaur stage, but maybe it's a Yoshi thing).
No. 998076
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>>998072I would love to play, and Mario golf/party too
No. 998080
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I have not talked to him even once I cannot believe he still lives here. This is bonkers. I told myself I would never make pitfall seeds but enough is enough. I'm going to start bullying people. I have three jocks on my island and I hate them all.
No. 998101
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No. 998104
>>998066Oh no, not
mom's spaghetti
No. 998119
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My jam
No. 998166
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>>998066RIP spaghetti, never forgetti
No. 998230
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Went to two different doctors this week, they both sounded like NPCs. I could feel the dialogue options popping while talking to them. One kept repeating the same phrase without any context, the other just took weird pauses before saying script lines, the way he talked was so standard yet trying so hard to sound likeable that I felt I was in a commercial. I can't fucking explain it, but it was so fucking weird.
No. 998245
File: 1639815182062.png (1.03 MB, 1539x896, bemywife.PNG)

>>998244Sorry image didn't post
No. 998267
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>>998244This guy has a weird chubby face like Norm McDonald did. I'm gonna need more than that to find him a wife
Here I'll drop a funny post I saw too
No. 998346
File: 1639833575275.webm (5.65 MB, 405x720, I_didn't_see_that_coming.webm)

Dare I say Based Jordan Peterson
No. 998352
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Women on the internet fighting over which cartoons they masturbate to
No. 998353
>>998352when I was 14 I used to unironically argue with my irl school friends over which fictional characters were our husbands. Like "I read the mortal instruments first so
character is MY husband" "ok but
other character is mine. and I read Harry Potter first so Draco is my husband too" "no I read it first! he's mine!!!" good times
No. 998356
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>>998355inuyasha is a shit moid. loved watching the old series over again over the pandemic. sesshumaru on the other hand…. prime specimen.
No. 998676
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>>998575He already does, he just hasn't got any whiskers or a Sailor Moon Moon on his forehead.
No. 998682
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No. 998689
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No. 998690
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No. 998692
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No. 998708
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Shelly Duvall and her iguana.
No. 998711
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>>998708Iguana and her Shelly Duvall
No. 998716
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the overwhelming urge to a-log today….
No. 998785
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No. 998829
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This is the only anime man that matters
No. 999071
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The lack of incubus art is disappointing, especially in comparison to how much there is for their counterparts. Doesn’t need to be that erotic I just want MORE GOD DAMN IT
No. 999072
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I've gone completely insane. I can't stop reading about cartilaginous fish. Do you know the bighead spurdog? It has no anal fin. I am seeing things humans shouldn't see. The seas should not be explored.
No. 999088
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I sent my mom a text messages confronting her about something and she posted this on her FB 10 minutes later.
No. 999105
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nonny, you’ve got to tell us the site’s name
No. 999107
>>999105i'm so high i just typed this entire post in the email field but am i allowed?
it is shhhhhh its a secret
No. 999115
>>999101But fiction that makes you emotional like that is the best. You don't have to worry
nonnie. It's even pretty cute tbh.
What character?
No. 999123
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>>999106Thank you anon, this actually helped me feel less cringe. I guess having empathy for fictional characters is better than having no empathy at all
>>999115Natsume, I just feel like the author captured his loneliness so well it breaks my heart every time he's afraid he's being a nuisance. When I made it to this part I was a sobbing mess, his face in that one panel. Just found out the author was a woman, I find woman tend to write the most heart wrenching characters
No. 999150
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No. 999360
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God I can't wait for women to eradicate men
No. 999391
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No. 999411
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>>999407Yeah punch it teach it a lesson
No. 999415
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If I were God I'd flood the earth of humans too. Worst thing I ever created. When everyone dies the lizard people will rise. Lizard supremacy
No. 999436
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>tfw you acquire the knowledge that males have in fact longer eyelashes than women
I feel scammed anons
No. 999442
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It always amuses me how when there's a cow post history review, they only post petty shitty. I know they are cows, but damn, they never shitposted something truly funny? Never fawned over a cute kitty pic? Never let steam out on the vent thread? Never caped for an ugly man at /g/? Not one food craving post? A movie or series recomendation? One single, positive post that is not about themselves? Such boring lives. It would humanize them so much, but it's always shit stirring and drama.
No. 999445
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>>999436They're hairier overall so it makes sense. They're the ones who should always have seductive lashy cartoon eyes.
No. 999448
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>>999442That's why they're cows I guess. Can't even chill out enough to enjoy some cute cat pics.
No. 999453
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Good afternoon to my fellow black farmers and yall only. Even if some of you shit up the thread it's still nice to talk about black girl things with other nerds.
No. 999455
>>999450I love the Save a fox channel. Mikayla is so passionate about her rescue foxes. Look at the prequel with her introducing the fox baby to the adult foxes here.
>>999452I just wish they didn't get all balding and ugly when they get older. Gotta give us eyecandy.
No. 999521
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>>999483Same. I can feel my meagre savings growing when I managed to whip together something at home instead.
No. 999555
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Farmers make me so sad sometimes wtf is this
No. 999566
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Check out my gooning set-up
No. 999583
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My work crush just announced his wife is pregnant and I'm weirdly sad about it. My crush on him isn't really that serious, he's charming and handsome but I'd never actually try to flirt with or pursue a married man so I just admire him from afar. But when he showed us a picture of the ultrasound my heart dropped, I guess it immediately killed the fantasy. Reminds of being 12 and my fave celebrities would reveal they were in a relationship; even when there's no chance of being together that shit still hurts and feels like betrayal in a retarded way. Anyway I'm a sad lonely idiot and I'm gonna go scream into my pillow.
No. 999613
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Based on our conversations I always thought my boyfriend was a smart guy, but recently I'm starting to think he's absolutely retarded when it comes to problem solving.
>there was a formula on a website that he had to copy paste into a word document
>can't select it or save it
>instead of just screencapping it he wanted to install a converter for svg files???
Even worse, his major was related to computer science.
No. 999644
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Everyone hates Peggy but she's my fucking queen. Feminist, good mom and confident. Fuck all the moids who hate her she's based af
No. 999656
>>999653You'd be surprised. NTA, but when I first started watching KOTH, I was so ready to hate Peggy because I've read so much shit about her online, and then…. nothing? I personally don't think she's amazing or anything, she has a bit of narc in her
Bobby best character, but she's just like every other KOTH character. I think they are all pretty well rounded, with flaws and qualities alike. The worst by far is fucking Cotton.
No. 999709
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I cant believe people are actually using this fucking gay erasure flag on shit
No. 999744
>>999735conclusion: you definitely have features
that's so interesting though, best of both worlds? did they ever specify exactly what was [mature/youthful] about your face?
No. 999993
>>999957I already "misgendered" some local tranny celeb when he came up in conversation with people (read: "cis" girl zoomers) I go to uni with. That lead to a pretty fiery debate with some of them but I didn't get canceled, I guess because there weren't any actual trannies or genderspecials among that group. Though I 100000% do not give a shit if I do get canceled.
>>999959nahh I don't want to circle around that shit that's weak.
No. 999998
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Will blessings be for me, and also for thee?
No. 1000003
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No. 1000006
>>999999I DID IT
No. 1000019
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I am in despair.
No. 1000057
>>999999Nonny oh
nonny my beloved…congrats on getting the 999999th
No. 1000119
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It sucks being someone whose into Medieval History, cause I rarely find normal people
its either racists or morons like picrel who think a man calling another man a faggot is somehow proof that those societies were tolerant of homosexuality
I mean I just wanna discuss history and cool stuff
No. 1000143
>>1000119I feel like a lot of history academic twitter spaces are like this,
nonnie. Classics and medieval history especially. Probably because the aforementioned RETVRN tradfags are also popular, so the non-trads have to be somewhat overcompensating in return. For every progressive history academic you also have a ~traditionalist~ academic with marble statues as their profile picture kek
No. 1000156
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>>999999This is not dumbass shit
this is Wholesome shit
No. 1000173
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>>1000143I mean speaking as someone whose brown but is into Indo-European mythology and history, I still find the RETVRN tards easier to talk to overall, hell its better then people like picrel who whitewash all non-european history to an almost insulting degree come that it goes full circle into full blown racism all the time. The way they tell it, humans were just noble brown savages who laid around eating fruit and fucking indiscriminately until evil whitey came along and taught them basic concepts like gender.
No. 1000189
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When I was in primary school the boys had a game called Bangkok. Basically a boy would run up to another boy, quickly punch him in the dick, yell BANG COCK! and run off. It got so bad the teachers held a very special assembly about the risks of genital injury. I don't know why the girls also had to attend.
No. 1000191
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if only my levels of delusion were just as high I would be leading a very fulfilling life
No. 1000196
>>1000189Kek that would be popular in my school
Boys in my school had the 'card game' where they would pass a piece of paper in another boys asscrack like a credit card or something and shout something about how the other boy 'got the card'. To this day idk what was that about, y retardation I suppose.
No. 1000214
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Through my life I really wished I could had punched some annoying people like this but I always contained myself.
No. 1000233
>>1000226The sure way to embarrass a kid.
My school had us attending this one time thing about safe sex (instead of simply giving us sex ed) and it had a firefighter explaining stuff, idk why it was a firefighter anyway, it was just our class and it was because of a girl who was pregnant, she was probably asked to not go to school that day because I remember seeing her the day before. If you didn't know she was pregnant, after attending to that you would know lol
No. 1000277
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No. 1000301
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>>1000285My mom had a whole series of brand names she used to mix up with each other. Shit like dolmio (the jar pasta sauce) and dominos (take away pizza) Just swapped the names round at some point and no amount of correcting her ever did anything.
No. 1000310
>>1000284who cares,
>>999999 is the get
No. 1000326
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I'm training at a call center job atm and
>Join the group class on microsoft teams, class has members from all over my country, not just my city
>See someone with an unique name, remember I've only met one person in my life with that name before
>Lets call her Aluxiayay (not her real name)
>Her voice matches the name
>Turns out I went to highschool with this girl, and she was a fujo weeb, kinda crazy and kinda cringe but ok she wasn't that bad
>Nice! Someone I know! Maybe we could reconnect…
>She recognizes me too and we talk
>Send her a DM
>"I only go by Aluxiayay for jobs I'm actually starting my transition now, I use any pronouns and my new personal name is Lee"
Never mind I'm not befriending some brainrotted girl
No. 1000354
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>>998708>>998711when I thought I couldn't love her more!
No. 1000406
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I'm an administrator at a pretty small company, so I do a little bit of everything there while also providing support for some customers. This place drives me fucking nuts because of how incompetent the boss is at times and it's annoying being the only woman there, but since they've become fairly dependent on me in a few areas I jokingly asked my boss the other day "how fucked would you guys be if I decided to quit tomorrow?" (though it was also a little bit to hint that they need to get their shit together because I'm not going to be there forever) and he just laughed and said "I don't want to answer that" before dropping the subject completely.
This weekend I checked my bank account and realized I've gotten a really nice "christmas bonus". It might just be a coincidence timing-wise, but I would like to think it wasn't lol.
No. 1000483
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No. 1000511
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A really small, hole in the wall Japanese restaurant opened up in my neighborhood in early September. It wasn't a sushi place, or a Chinese/Japanese fushion sort of restaurant. I feel like the word has lost its meaning but this felt like truly authentic Japanese food. They had staples like tonkatsu and agedashi tofu, but elevated. It really felt like good homemade Japanese food, with just something that made it feel like I was back in Japan and not in my city like when I'm at any other Japanese restaurant here. I sound like a pretentious fuck but it was good food. It was opened up by some dude who is an executive chef at a very expensive sushi place in my city. Two months later I passed by and it closed.
Did it close because of poor profits? It was newly opened, of course it wasn't going to turn a profit within two months. Isn't that just common knowledge if you work in the restaurant business? It was replaced by a Thai place that has a storefront literally on the same block, 4 doors down. Why would you open up a second small store front… basically right next to the main one? Not even really expanding it since there's stores between the stores…
I feel like maybe I should take my tinfoil hat off that something amiss is happening, but I'm just really fucking sad it closed. There isn't good Japanese food like that in my neighborhood. We have lots of other good ethnic cuisine, but really damn good Japanese food that doesn't cost an arm and a leg at some high end restaurant is hard to find, and has certainly never existed in my neighborhood for the 20+ years I've lived here. We only have a sushi restaurant and one of those other places that does bentos but is just pretty mediocre. I really think if they had stayed, they would've found themselves becoming another staple in my neighborhood.
No. 1000553
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>>1000540I'm a giga noob at doing this so please excuse me, but the two files I originally extracted became rar, then I extracted the main one again and it ends in nsp? I have no idea what to do with that type of file though
>>1000546Oh my god they're actually releasing an EN server? I'm shocked…they're half assing their JP one anyway
No. 1000568
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>>1000546I'm bored of otome games but he is so cute hmmmmmmmm should I try it
No. 1000574
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>>1000553Rejoice anon, for I finally get what this is about. You'll have to download an emulator (like yuzu) then use the emulator to open the nsp file
The problem is I don't know what kind of nintendo switch emulator works on mac OS…
No. 1000619
>>1000594The gameplay is really boring, there's three parts
>rhythm game = very fun, but you rarely play it>rpg like stages = kinda fun, but you need to grind to level your characters>training lessons on auto = what you do most of the time, zzzThe boys to flirt with the MC a bit and the game was huge in japanese yume communities, but otherwise the game is trying to be neutral, the story is fun though.
No. 1000711
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This was peak internet
No. 1000717
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>>1000711The new style of makeover games sucks. The simplicity of the old ones is what made them fun. This bubbly mess kids have now is ugly.
No. 1000805
Quitting cosplay was the best thing I ever did for myself. I know I’m a fucking loser because I originally quit because of my ex (didn’t want to exist in cosplay spaces or anywhere I could run into her), but with a hobby hole in my life I picked up new things I always wanted to try and I’ve been having a blast. I’ve been having so much more fun doing anything and everything. I think identifying as a cosplayer was dragging me down. It made me ~*~quirky~*~ and special 10 years ago, now everyone and their mom is a cosplayer and it’s not a bad thing, but it’s no longer the space for me. It fueled my self esteem issues. I grew the fuck up and don’t give a shit about being special or quirky. I want to be left the fuck alone to do what I want without eyes on me. I think tying my identity down to some shit hobby really dragged my life down as a whole.
I still sew, I handsew clothing for fun and my clothes are neater than any costume I have ever sewn by machine because there’s no such thing as con crunch in my life anymore. I’ll spend 5 hours attaching a sleeve and that’s that. I don’t consider myself a (hobby)-er of any of my current hobbies because I think it makes me feel like I have to succeed, and then I don’t have fun. Now I’m having more fun than I ever did in my 10 years of cosplaying. I thought I might miss it, but I really don’t. It’s not fun anymore. It’s just a pissing contest, and popular cows aside, there are also a lot of shit people I know and am no longer friends with who cosplay and I don’t ever want risk being in the same space as them. I usually try out more outdoorsy stuff to do now. I really went outside, touched some grass, and decided it was much nicer than risking an encounter with a neckbeard eyeing me down and then mansplaining my costume’s inaccuracies to me.
No. 1000812
File: 1640056667901.jpeg (421.96 KB, 552x891, 3E233F5E-518C-4255-96C8-089058…)

god I love pretty moids, they’re like pretty decorations to use
No. 1000819
File: 1640057708070.png (227.42 KB, 400x214, 02B6B6F7-1107-4372-8557-1F5268…)

This made me kek
No. 1000831
>>1000819>>1000812 (right)
this 2 look too alike it's coincidence no more
No. 1000884
>>1000812>>1000815nta but he's an ideal beautiful caveman
No. 1001104
File: 1640094796481.jpg (49.87 KB, 1280x720, blasting.jpg)

>>918386we're getting married
No. 1001179
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I work at a medical museum and we ask patrons to not take photos of our specimens due to the sensitive nature of human remains. Respect the dead and their living relatives basically– for example, we have a fetus from a mother who comes to visit every year and it's very sad. We're very vigilant and catch/shame/kick out people doing it, but for the other 5% that we don't catch, I hope they get haunted by those they took pictures of.
No. 1001227
File: 1640105357513.jpg (51.44 KB, 720x479, tumblr_p0thya9Nfc1tjjzxpo1_128…)

Do you think admin will give us a Christmas present?
No. 1001247
>>1001085I get you
Especially since everyone is "depressed" nowadays
No. 1001263
File: 1640107899248.jpeg (130.9 KB, 948x710, 2324082A-4FBA-4E31-B6CF-49B289…)

I love coming on this website. The anonymity gives us all complete neutrality and eliminates any sort of prejudice. The same nonnys that call you a fucking retard in one thread are also the same nonnys that support and comfort you in another, or the same nonnys YOU call a fucking retard, will be the same nonnys you’re kekking with 5 minutes later. You can be as retarded as you like and you will be judged purely on what you are writing, not who you are or your other interests, or what you look like. Then when you’re done being retarded you can go back to posting frog pics.
No. 1001320
File: 1640110976772.jpg (75.14 KB, 418x510, 1640097325809.jpg)

>got used to lolcow's nonnies
>visit 4chan sometimes for datamines
>the anons and femanons are more socially retarded than I remember
god that site is so pointless nowadays, discussions are just spergy circlejerks and whoever yells "no u" harder wins, not to mention the utter lack of reading comprehension
No. 1001333
File: 1640111810699.jpg (42.94 KB, 900x600, 002d5714c44f88a16c1f0bdfa97ca0…)

Been thinking a lot about who I am as a person and how I got here, and I kind of really want to send a message to one of the many webcomic artits that used to make diary webcomics back in the early 2000's when I was a teen - her comic really gave me the courage to explore who I am and I probably wouldn't exactly be who I am today if it wasn't for her.Just a thank you message and tell her how much her little comic impacted me, but it's been more than 10 years since she wrapped it up so I worry that it might be a bit weird?
No. 1001351
File: 1640112574405.jpg (44.22 KB, 512x513, EaoWfKJWoAAo2hV.jpg)

>>1001263Fuck yeah. I love it here.
No. 1001397
File: 1640114688547.jpg (13.44 KB, 224x445, literally lmfao.jpg)

I'll start 2022 with shitty songs from my teen years and it's gonna be amazing no one can stop me
No. 1001404
File: 1640115229989.jpeg (476.58 KB, 750x888, 54C52DBD-882E-4F4E-915A-3F9F23…)

wow anons you were right kek
No. 1001528
File: 1640128863192.jpg (32.53 KB, 975x975, photo_2021-12-19_14-27-08.jpg)

I'm in, where at
No. 1001561
File: 1640132654200.jpg (110.85 KB, 900x1125, Tumblr_l_1565349988691249.jpg)

I never drink coffee, and tried some for like the 3rd time ever. And my god that shit makes your pee stink bad. I always wondered how my coworkers stank up the bathroom just with a tinkle. I will stay a glorious tea drinker.
No. 1001563
>>1001427>people who want to consistently argue in bad faithshouldn't admit it, but I'm pissed at idiocy of someone completely misrepresenting my post. I sometimes post a reply and delete it 15 seconds later because it's not worthy a weekly ban. Still kinda hard not to want to reply when someone jumps at you out of nowhere with "so you are saying that you would support pedophilia if it was legal???" or "if you say that person X sees us all as Y, that means that you are calling me an Y. How dare you, you hypocrite".
As an ESL, I sometimes seriously wonder if I am discussing with someone who is also ESL, but even more retarded than me or if the person deliberately throws shit at me and hope it sticks, aka other anons will dogpile me without reading what I have said. I'm thankful when someone agrees with me or even argues, but using actual arguments and not of the ad hominem kind.
Another thing that annoys me is when someone posts an potential derail, gets a disagreeing reply and then goes "shut up and stop derailing, no one cares". I admit it's my fault for replying, but I wouldn't had I have faith in mods actually banning derailers w/ redtext and not only random people replying to them. It makes it harder to leave retarded takes alone. I hope Shayna Admin makes mods redtext every banned poster, and will not pick sides.
No. 1001588
>>1001569Maybe don't accuse others of bullshit then, retard. Pedophilia is illegal because it's the worst crime along with rape and murder. WHY? Few things compare to it. It's fucking soul destroying for children. That's why I am against it, not because someone arbitrarily decided it's illegal. It's stupid that I even have to say that. Not to mention that pedo drawings are used to groom children and fuel pedos. If you don't see a difference between pedo porn and ~
problematic~ (but not pornographic or even featuring nudity) romances for grown women, IDK what to tell you.
No. 1001601
>>1001588I don't give a fuck, type out the entire Quaran if you want
>Abusing women is legal shitlord!!!!is a fucking shit argument, and you sound deranged trying to say pedophilia is bad only because it's illegal
No. 1001612
>you sound deranged trying to say pedophilia is bad only because it's illegalI never fucking said it, I wasn't even discussing IRL abuse or filmed one. We were talking FICTION until you started sperging about actual violence towards women.
Abusing women is illegal where I live, hope it's the same for you. A drawing or a description of a woman being slapped or called names by an asshole (I wasn't even talking about violent porn, since it doesn't exist in mainstream otome aka what we discussed) will never be on the same level as of a child getting raped. It may be reprehensible and morally wrong depending on context, sure. Women that enjoy it should go to therapy since they have issues with self-esteem, are porn-sick or self-harming. Pedos belong in jail though (and yes, sadists abusing women too). That's it. Keep on projecting if you want, I know what I've made my stance clear.
No. 1001636
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This cardigan is the ugliest goddamn thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It matches the man wearing it.
No. 1001694
File: 1640149903868.jpg (655.92 KB, 1200x669, mexican-christmas-frida-orname…)

I'm working retail this week and this lady scolded me for saying "Happy Holidays!" to her after her purchase. She told me "Say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays, is Christmas". I'm like ma'am this isn't the U S of A this is MEXICO.
No. 1001720
>>1001694aren't you guys super mega catholic as a culture though ?
i usually say "happy holidays" because i mean both christmas and the new year, but i roll my eyes at people who say it just to avoid mentioning christmas (not saying that's what you do btw).
No. 1001721
File: 1640153672688.jpeg (24.03 KB, 474x473, ket.jpeg)

my cat fucking loves fruit. he will eat any kind of fruit i give to him (shut up i always look up what kinds are safe) like whenever i have strawberries or pineapple he goes apeshit until i give him some and then he sits and waits for more. he's one of a kind and i love him.
No. 1001735
>>1001674Interesting how it's always normie/scrote anime creators that westerners would typically defend
Has this ever happened with anything fujoshit/BL related? With how some people talk and sperg over it, I feel like it should be everywhere in that community
No. 1001745
>>1001735I wonder as well, rarely see women defend other women when things like this are escalated, instead the women in topic would be the twitter's villain of the day.
On very, very case it's the moids who whiteknight. So pick your poison and don't be a woman on internet.
No. 1001832
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>>1001674Oh my god, I remember tumblr championing this series back in the day because the mangaka drew the girls with very diverse body types for anime even though it was just dumb coomer shit about a teen girl with boobs the size of her head.
No. 1001841
>>1001735Japanese female creators tend to stay out of trouble. The main thing the male creators get cancelled for is sex offending (usually CP, less often soliciting underage prostitutes or sexual assault of underage girls). I've seen a few attempts to cancel female mangaka (Yuri on Ice woman had some '
problematic' tweets from years ago, Houseki no Kuni woman had a previous work that was pretty out there and could offend those with delicate sensibilities, obviously there are a bunch of BL creators that draw extreme stuff) but it's always such petty shit that everyone just rolls their eyes and moves on. Obviously there's a lot of general BL sperging, but those people tend not to actually read it so they're not going after specific mangaka.
No. 1001890
>>1001674>>1001832It always seemed sus to me that a manga/anime about the process of female adolescence has been clearly written by a male author. It looks like coomer content.
I remember some self-improvement thread having Galko as a picture. Always weirded me out
No. 1001930
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>>1001721Your cat sounds so fucking cute!! My dog loves also fruit!! Mangos, pineapple, watermelon and dragonfruit are her favorites. We specifically buy the elephant tusk mangoes too, my dad insists on it and says they're better. He literally goes out of his way when he goes to Costco to pick through the mangoes to get the best ones for her. No one else is allowed to eat mangoes in my house now. At one point we did feed her grapes because like a dumbass I didn't look up whether it was safe for her or not. My mom would sit there and peel the grapes and pick out the seeds if we happened to buy seedless and would give them to her (she would eat around the skin and leave a mess so we peeled it beforehand to avoid this). Thank god nothing happened but she was fed quite a few grapes over a long period of time! She's normally not a fan of strawberries, but did demand some once.
I love sharing my food with my dog. We don't feed her any human food otherwise so it's the only time I get to share. I also think it's really funny that she has preferences about which fruit she likes/doesn't like since I used to always have the idea that most dogs will eat just about anything. She has a favorite type of cheese too (it's gouda).
I wish I could buy you a big edible arrangement for you and your cat to share! Maybe for his birthday? kek
No. 1001961
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zoomer female marvel fans making fancams for mediocre looking dudes will never not be funny
No. 1002028
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>>1001961The thing I don't understand is how anyone can thirst over Tom Holland with his thin paper lips. He also looks like a kid
No. 1002036
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>>1002028Real question, how do you kiss paper thin lips? Do you just kiss their upper lip area like collateral damage?
No. 1002056
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I am sick because of stress, I am stressed because of school, I can't study because even thinking about it is stressful and I'm so tired I would sleep all day wtf I wish I could drop out and be a retard
No. 1002166
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>>1002055He actually looks like this
No. 1002397
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when i first started hanging around here i thought "sage for nonmilk" and sage in general meant like, burn some sage bc your opinion stinks up the place
No. 1002441
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I've went my whole lolcow experience without once seeing tranny genital surgery and now some fucking retard posted unspoilered ftm dick surgery in /snow/ (that's a warning for the rest of you)
No. 1002447
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>>1002408Just as men don't feel love, they also do not feel true ASMR. I hope every scrotie who falls asleep to kawaii girlfriend ASMR roleplay wakes up with a sleep paralysis demon hunching over them.
No. 1002457
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>>1002441Kek I'm sorry you had to see the meat tube, no one deserves that.
I'm kinda desensitized to it because I used to search that crap on the internet when I was a tranny myself, still, horror movie kinda shit when I think about these women waking up one day and regretting this surgery, knowing they cannot undo it. That kinda thought keeps me awake at night.
>>1002447Now that shit is fucking scary, fuck you.
No. 1002466
Fat Tabby Cat Plush Cute Kitten Cat Stuffed Animal Soft Hugging Calico Cat Body Pillow, Striped Birman Cat Plushies Gifts,11.8/19.7Inch at the images AND the video and tell me hiw many things are wrong with this listing
I've honestly been laughing for two days about all of this
No. 1002494
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>>1002466Can't tell if it's really meant for coomers or if it's just a product of asians thinking dog and cat buttholes are cute
No. 1002542
>>1001427>people who want to consistently argue in bad faithLolcow has always had those people (at least while I've been here it has), but I feel like the influx of newfags (from /snow/ and the celebcow thread) + anons from the covid and conspiracy threads
I know the conspiracy thread has been around for a while, but it seems more active this past year is why everything feels much more aggressive these days. I feel like you can't really disagree or have a normal conversation with anyone in those threads and infights leak from there into other threads. Also, bans for infighting/derailing aren't as enforced as it was before
I'm not saying this to shit on mods, it's an actual thing No. 1002594
File: 1640239449885.png (147.89 KB, 951x588, Screen Shot 2021-12-22 at 10.0…)

Why are people like this? This is just a video of an abandoned house that had some kids toys in it and this person went full schizo.
No. 1002642
>>1002542I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, I'm so tired and almost don't wanna come here anymore even though I read lolcow like a daily newspaper (sad). I see a lot of shitty, low-effort bait as well as needlessly aggressive anons. I can never predict what harmless post will
trigger people.
No. 1002735
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Was food shopping earlier.. it was 8am on christmas eve-eve and people were already being rude and shitty and pushy, old people being the worst by a mile. Fuck you, it wasn't even crowded? Stahp pushin
No. 1002753
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>>1002642what the fuck is going on
No. 1002786
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I'm not a Driverfag(I'm natural towards him) but I can't help but laugh whenever he nonnies refer to him as the "forbidden man" like he's Voldemort or some shit
No. 1002788
>>1002786Oh boy, she just named the forbidden cult, I hope you don’t get banned,
No. 1002791
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>>1002753>>1002774>>1002778Yep, I was one of those true crime junkies. I have not included examples in which I've been involved whatsoever since maybe I'm not being objective and this isn't a vendetta. I look at the screenshoted posts and I see projecting, personal attacks (surely anon being pissed about
victim blaming is a NEET rather than a person with a common sense or a ~survivor~) and a low quality bait. Also someone bumped this thread after my saged post. Hmm.
I have infighted every now and then like any anon (I assume since sometimes discussion gets heated and heads butt), but I've never seen such sudden influx of hostile bullshit.
No. 1002836
>>1002816Fake and gay, you're just a ticking bomb waiting to explode, stop defending that shit
>>1002828Same, as everyone else that got abused by their parents, they just hide it better
No. 1002912
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I haven't had sex in 2021, didn't in 2020 or 2019 either, bout to officially have three solid years no sex under my belt. When do I get presented with my nun award?
No. 1002929
>>1002642Yeah, I agree. I've been reading less threads because of it.
>>1002890Yes I know everywhere has conflict, I'm just saying that lolcow has felt more hostile, argumentative and bait-y than before.
No. 1002944
File: 1640282407368.jpg (74.22 KB, 1080x483, Screenshot_20211223-145726_Twi…)

Couldn't find a new art thread and the one on snow is not worth bumping so im gonna shoot my shot here.
Does anyone know what happened to Muri/PetitePasserine? She hasn't posted art in months and on her less professional account its all doom and gloom and suicidality, it seems like something awful happened like i genuinely thought her girlfriend nich0lael died or something.
No. 1002988
>>1002960I once knew a guy who was on the sex offenders register for a large quantity of cp and communicating with/requesting scenes directly from child abusers… his parents paid a psych to write up a letter on how his high functioning autism made him not understand his actions. He lived alone, completed college and worked full time in IT but couldn't understand that cp is bad? He got a suspended sentence.
In the time I knew him he was into those live cam sites and he was on a bunch of hook up apps. Not a care in the world. Pretty intelligent in some ways but coddled to death when it suited him.
No. 1003086
File: 1640294485192.jpg (154.59 KB, 1440x1405, 1f9p6l.jpg)

I watched a Christmas program where they interviewed a lonely man who had given up on love, and framed his relationship story as a Christmas miracle. Last year he met a woman at a yoga camp, took her for a walk and kissed her. The day after he tested positive for covid, so he called her and told her that she had to quarantine in a hotel room with him for 14 days and how they fell in love during that time. No explanation as to why he framed it like that, but the woman seemed like a complete doormat and just giggled nervously during the interview. He ended the interview by explaining how he couldn't wait to have babies with her. Christmas miracle, everyone. Nothing creepy or weird here.
No. 1003128
File: 1640297686707.jpg (21.75 KB, 480x480, 1567576126578.jpg)

Decorating channels and sites: Check these adorable items! You can get them so cheap from walmart/tesco/the dollar tree!
Me, a european:
No. 1003139
File: 1640298297100.jpeg (249.23 KB, 1236x1600, 75B3D6FF-89A5-43C8-A372-83B63B…)

>>1003128You can get them so cheap from primark.
No. 1003146
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That cake from the vent thread looks delicious, 10/10 would depression eat it on my own.
No. 1003169
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nonnie, here you go.
No. 1003178
File: 1640301956019.jpg (53.03 KB, 460x460, 98660026f9737d873bb47ede41b061…)

>>1003169Perfect for pairing with these bedsheets (interior design is my passion)
No. 1003234
>>1003202your doctor sounds kind of retarded, or a shyster. Did you ever have any symptoms or anything related to these deficiencies, or anything like that?
If you eat a normal diet these aren't things that happen. Like if you're vegan and never go outside then you might have a D deficiency but otherwise if you eat a balanced diet this is not a thing. Suspect your doctor is either nuts or trying to skeeze you into unnecessary prescriptions… especially considering he already ordered weird azz unnecessary tests.
Don't <clap> trust <clap> random <clap> male <clap> doctors with small privste practices. Go to a hospital or larger clinic. True of dentists also. Go to a big well-reputed place.
No. 1003247
File: 1640309183956.png (444.43 KB, 482x554, olbinin.png)

tag yourself
No. 1003296
File: 1640313548642.jpg (107.22 KB, 398x390, Tumblr_l_1550490270568740.jpg)

>>1003247Look at these coomers
No. 1003316
>>1003314I thought Fujoshi was a term made by men to describe “rotten women” who are “undesirable” because they have a hobby in which they sexualize uwu men. But it got embraced by the women who got into it and the term kind of sorta got reclaimed.
While Yumejoshi seems to be quite a relatively new way to talk about a husbandofag. You also got “self-shipper” but it’s too western I guess.
No. 1003338
File: 1640321095077.jpg (208.01 KB, 1280x720, soraka_skin01.jpg)

I know no one cares about Soraka, but I wish my queen would get an updated in-game model like with Wild Rift.
No. 1003346
File: 1640321706815.jpeg (34.54 KB, 466x473, 459EB794-B6A3-42D6-9A63-E6026A…)

Tomorrow when the farm boys find this
freak of nature, they will wrap his body
in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north
field with his mother. It is a perfect
summer evening: the moon rising over
the orchard, the wind in the grass. And
as he stares into the sky, there are
twice as many stars as usual.
No. 1003354
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>>1003350I’m sorry nonita I just couldn’t stop thinking about the text today
No. 1003363
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is this really what husbandofags want
No. 1003376
File: 1640326652563.jpeg (260.42 KB, 842x1200, 9699A917-5B6B-46B4-BB6B-4DBC1E…)

>>1003365Speak for yourself, I have an insatiable lust for gunhead daddy
No. 1003387
File: 1640327664911.jpg (46.9 KB, 500x378, 1492207941604.jpg)

>tfw have a crush on youtuber then he posts something that sounds like twitter commie speak
I'm clinging to my doubt for the sake of this parasocial relationship
No. 1003433
>>1003406Thank you
nonnie, you too. Let us pray.
No. 1003473
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No. 1003530
File: 1640351396585.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.06 KB, 1070x601, 82726168483817.jpeg)

Why did I let myself get memed into watching another garbage ass shock value movie. It tries so hard to be disturbing and stomach-churning but it's just so fucking boring.
No. 1003566
File: 1640353516746.jpg (25.49 KB, 518x392, shugo-chara-star-eyes.jpg)

it's snowing on christmas eve…after all these years
but the rain will probably melt it in 24 hours
No. 1003603
>>1003406Merry christmas
nonnie! May your holidays be filled with cheer and scrotes be punished.
No. 1003665
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CANTV? More like can’t v bothered to offer an efficient service.
No. 1003748
File: 1640361515211.jpg (158.07 KB, 997x763, Rom.jpg)

I think most of the fundamental problems in the "western world" as well as certain regions in asia(Korea and Japan) is caused lack of both religion and proper ideology
For most of history the system of Feudalism and the Church to gave the people meaning, in the 19th Century most in the post-Enlightenment people saw the eventual decline of religion and figured ideology and nationalism would be the reasonings for the existence of the masses
In most realties Ideology and nationalism would have won out in the west and the east, but in our world America enforced a secular neo-liberal hegemony upon the world, now no one has anything to believe in anymore, just a couple online niches to LARP as an ideologue but not much eles
Its a sad state of the world
No. 1003854
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>>1003748I see what you are trying to say anon but it sounds like you have really no idea what was historically life under feudalism an the consequences that religion had during the period
No. 1003879
File: 1640364862629.png (395.73 KB, 558x579, PicassoSS.png)

>>1003868samefag but I realize I sounded way to obnoxious, sorry I just love the medieval period.
No. 1004004
File: 1640369519164.jpg (57.91 KB, 544x400, EmvwJUDUUAEKtRQ.jpg)

Did you want me whole?" No not for life. Did you truly see me? No not this time. Were you ever sure? No, no, no, not with me.
And for the lovers who found a mirrored heart, they just remind me I'm without you
No. 1004191
File: 1640380541517.jpg (23.04 KB, 600x459, and-im-just-qc43vy.jpg)

What am I doing for xmas? .. uhh let me just check if my parents are still dead and if I'm still single and friendless…
No. 1004194
File: 1640380769213.jpeg (111.02 KB, 1000x681, image-asset.jpeg)

this christmas, I'm only grateful for all the good shits I took
No. 1004519
>>1002367But why would you be meeting people like that IRL? If you meet someone you met online but you barely knew them beforehand, then it's on you. You can make genuine friends online and if you actually knew them then they're no different irl from my experience. Normal people don't act differently to their online friends vs their irl friends. It's not hard to avoid being catfished.
>>1002463What the fuck are you talking about
No. 1004554
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No. 1004557
I don't get the first two sentences to the right though?
No. 1004562
File: 1640428695636.png (253.15 KB, 675x900, FHJcSZracAA3hRP.png)

>>1004560literal 15 yos and 3D version would imply real men?
>>1004559I for one love yooming but I'm certainly impure too.
No. 1004578
File: 1640430369733.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 1448776146644.gif)

>>1004554>goes braless so husbando has easy access any timekek
No. 1004580
>>1004571I was the same as a kid, like worrying quiet, a teacher mocked me for it in front of other kids once and I'll never get why she thought that was at all OK lol. Looking back there was a problem in that school. There was a girl I legit never heard say one word and she was just there in normal classes getting no support and never interacting with anyone. She was like a statue.
That wouldn't happen now but I guess this was before much effort went into assessing kids for disabilities.
No. 1004587
>>1004562I'm sure it's making fun of weeb characters almost always being teenage, the meme is positive and mentions her being compassionate. Doesn't make sense otherwise. I think the IRL 3D husbandos may be voice actors. Though it makes less sense for Western yumes, so IDK. I doubt it's implying actual grooming though
No. 1004588
File: 1640432493103.gif (704.03 KB, 498x280, tenor (10).gif)

Anons … I want to impulse buy cheap "cutesy" goods on AliExpress but then I remember that all of this Chinese cheap crap is tacky and not worth it….but ordering official goods from other stores is even more expensive….help
No. 1004590
>>1004526>>1004524MLP has a retro series released for women collectors specifically. Various stores release licensed t-shirts and merch based on 80's ponies.
MLP survived until G4
partially thanks to a dedicated fanbase of grown up women buying old and new ponies. Hasbro caught on and is selling collector's ponies for that reason
No. 1004592
File: 1640432837118.png (116.19 KB, 500x436, be-a-slut-do-whatever-you-want…)

>>1004588This convincing enough for you?
No. 1004600
>>1004588>I want to impulse buyNever impulse buy. Write a shopping list. Write a wish list and wait a month. You might not even want the stuff then.
Also it's xmas so chill.
No. 1004624
File: 1640438146566.png (834 KB, 640x933, 285E04DE-0A0F-4A18-B221-5EB0D0…)

Is it just me or does this hedgehog getting an X-ray look like straight up fat shaven pussy with 2 days prickley re-growth?
No. 1004645
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>>1004624rubber heating bottle
No. 1004669
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>>1004624Reminded me of this, this is how they xray aquatic pets apparently
No. 1004670
File: 1640443046242.jpg (63.06 KB, 640x480, Tumblr_l_128416848365960.jpg)

Do any of you recognize this picture? I was just texting my friend and noticed this image in my gallery and my first thought was "ok which whatsapp group I'm ignoring is sending rpg horror games" so I went to check and found nothing. I go back to my gallery and find it in my tumblr folder, saying I downloaded this at 8:47 this morning, only I haven't fucking opened that app at all and it's freaking me the fuck out. I think I'd remember downloading something like this. I used google image search and it had 0 matching results. Why me man. Why do I have to become a creepypasta protagonist. Merry cursemas I guess
No. 1004683
File: 1640444223972.jpeg (560.5 KB, 1076x2436, E3AC3775-2326-4DCD-8D1A-329A9A…)

Taking my last dumbass dump before it’s actually 2022
No. 1004706
File: 1640446051310.jpg (30.81 KB, 720x822, Tumblr_l_24895279015770.jpg)

If any male is here, kill yourself and do the world a favor
No. 1004709
File: 1640446187518.gif (41.61 KB, 127x160, 2514237x2zb2adqae.gif)

>>1004706I'll take em out
No. 1004719
File: 1640446928352.jpeg (2.57 KB, 225x225, nothanks.jpeg)

I pass by a store with these products in its windows every fuckin day, and yet I still chuckle every time without fail.
No. 1004772
>>1004765Idk but sometimes yes, I do this so the "men are all evil" anons don't make my post about how all men are shit, which is often not the point at all.
But I'm also ESL and honestly don't see any problem with using them for a single person
No. 1004837
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NONNY No. 1004839
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I'm glad we're back nonas, I was really missing the autism of this site.
No. 1004840
Ugh lolcow going down on christmas day?! I can only imagine how many nonnies spending christmas feeling lonely felt. I mean maybe 5, but I know that if certain covid restrictions remained and I spent christmas alone I'd spend all day here for the company, just to have it go down be a kick in the teeth. Every time I think ah I'll go post on asherahs garden then remember that's permanently gone already. I really need to find a backup.
>>1004802hello anon
No. 1004845
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Merry Christmas, Nonnies! I thought I was going to spend Christmas without you all.
No. 1004849
>>1004845You are so cute and I love u
No. 1004850
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Merry Christmas!
No. 1004872
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Merry christmas to all napoleonfags
No. 1004898
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i feel like we really needed the site to go down for a bit after the recent drama and that one moid shitting up /g/. Merry Cursemas indeed.
No. 1004900
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>>1004898Terrible take, get inside
No. 1004959
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I love the vent thread and the fights over petty shit.
No. 1005041
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No. 1005093
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>>1005041>>1005042DA NA NA NA NA NA
No. 1005354
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I want him to bully me so bad I'm gonna cry
No. 1005407
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>>1004670This is from a yume nikki fangame called Deep Dreams. you're the creator of this fangame trying to do some kind of weird viral marketing you're a fag, otherwise mystery solved.
No. 1005410
>>1005395Your hand fits around your calf?????? For the love of god
nonnie do some calf raises or farmer’s walks i can hear your gastroecnemius crying
No. 1005454
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I love explaining meme gifs
No. 1005461
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bag of beef?
No. 1005471
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>>1005453Definitely recommend buying something similar to this to seal your windows better or hanging cute blankets on the windows like curtains to block the heat in (my cheap lazy white trash alternative)
No. 1005538
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First polyfags now chubby chasers/fetish posters, kek that thread's an absolute dumpster fire
No. 1005782
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Damnit they shut down the buy and sell thread.
Willing to sell my panties to lurking scrotes. Pick your own condiment, yellow, white, brown or red. Have it your way.
No. 1005801
File: 1640555189067.png (129.9 KB, 720x801, 4737372.png)

I guess they're called flared leggings now
No. 1005812
Obvious scrote posting in g is getting old
>>1005801Wait.. so would jeans now be known denim leggings, trousers known as loose leggings etc, I kinda like it. It's all leggings.
No. 1005869
File: 1640559969598.jpg (69.62 KB, 432x835, graphicteeswereamistake.jpg)

watching old americas next top model episodes, i cannot believe this chick went up to siman doonan in a graphic tee and newsboy cap im fucking gone
No. 1005872
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>>1005869samefag but compared to the hooker in the knee highs and yellow tee? it was all bad. ill never get over mr jay in the fuckin leather button down
No. 1005884
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>>1005874animal people are embarrassing but rat people are at the top of the cringe hierarchy
No. 1005903
>>1005893Nta but false I smell like the lavender sachets I keep with my clothes.
Also you can train rats to poop in a litter box. Can YOU be trained to shit in a box,
No. 1005914
>>1005903i wish someone cared about me enough to give me a box to shit in
give your rat (rats?) a kiss from me, anon
No. 1005918
File: 1640562391112.jpeg (35.1 KB, 616x411, 1609774340367.jpeg)

I was given a humidifier not so long ago and it has become my biggest, greatest and healthiest coping mechanism in my life. When anything happens, no matter how big or small, I turn it on and I feel instantly better.
Noisy neighbour?
Small headache?
Destructive self-doubt
I am so happy. It gives me a reason to keep going.
No. 1005925
>>1005921what is a toilet anon?
You mean a shitbox?
No. 1005941
>>1005930the syrup concentrates are different
also no matter how curated a shitbox is, your animal litterbox and dander makes you stinky
No. 1005942
>>1005935>she doesn’t know what ass tastes likeI’m glad you never had to try a dr.pepper,
No. 1006192
File: 1640584643916.jpg (552.79 KB, 783x794, Joseph_Barry.jpg)

ah yes, cause disguising yourself to pursue a career in the medical field you otherwise wouldn't have been able to definitely makes you transgender!!!
No. 1006197
>>1006191She’s cute as fuck
Also that’s a racist thing to say, I think
No. 1006203
>>1006191Huh? She looks black anon, I definitely think she looks like a lot of African women I've seen,
which admittedly isn't a lot since I'm American. She's pretty, I like her voice/accent.
No. 1006205
>>1006192THANK YOU. barry wasn't trans. she just found something that worked and stuck with it.
the account of her bitching out florence nightingale in front of like 50 people is the most obvious proof that she was NOT a troon. she was a woman who felt angry/threatened/diminished by another woman who did what she did while being obviously female. (kind of like when a tomboy "hates" a very feminine girl in her hobby (i totally used to be like that when i was 14))
No. 1006210
>>1006191i love the contrast between
> she looks like a white woman in black faceand
>depictions of dark skinned black people with big facial features are literal minstrel tier No. 1006270
File: 1640593492718.jpg (185.75 KB, 599x952, Dx8BK2KUcAEpigs.jpg)

This is Edward Sonnenblick, he is a former American chef living in an India as an actor
for the past six years he's played a major antagonist in various Bollywood films, always a British officer which is funny cause he's an American
No. 1006527
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No. 1006555
File: 1640625895891.jpg (320.93 KB, 1536x1024, Before-the-90-Days-Ella-and-Jo…)

>>1006527>Turbo-weeb "obsessed with anime">Gets a random Chinese man who vows to slim her downShe couldn't even get herself a Satoshi-kun, but says she "won the jackpot". As if Chinese males aren't the majority on earth. Lmao
No. 1006569
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>>1006555steven and alina have been my obsession. if you know, you'll know. it's so sad.
No. 1006572
>>1006566Let's be honest, there's not much of a catch either way.
Bit I am looking forward to the part where Chinese mom asks why she's fat
No. 1006580
>>1006195>>1006214Even some West Africans look like that honestly, I forgot her name but there was a Nigerian Miss World beauty pageant winner who had a similar look
It's also ironic since African-Americans have up to like 30% white DNA on average from slave rape
No. 1006588
>>1006581easily the storyline that makes me the angriest. he's absolutely a psycho, that's number one. did you watch the reunion? i swear i've developed a hernia out of pure frustration. this foulfaced michael cera-wannabe weirdo is out here sucking and fucking anything relatively russian and she STILL sticks with him after he humiliates her pretty ass for the 10000th time. she's so much better than him it's nauseating.
>>1006585get a hobby. no one likes you and no one wants you here
No. 1006596
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No. 1006599
>>1006588>this foulfaced michael cera-wannabe weirdo is out here sucking and fucking anything relatively russianIt was really obvious why he wanted to stay in the hostel and leave her alone on their first night, he is a complete slut. I have no doubt that's the real reason he learned Russian. Mormons boys get to escape their family and engage in debauchery while acting like they're doing missionary work. She was just the first one willing to be pickme enough to convert, so he dangled marriage.
But his complete lack of common sense and finesse is also revolting, and I think his foreign lays don't catch that due to cultural barriers or he wouldn't get much sex. Jumping in a pool with a full outfit including shoes and then walking around town dripping wet, terrorizing and capturing local cats, the disgusting wine tasting, his complete asshole way of saying sorry but not sorry (and she accepts, sadly), I really hate him and wish she listened to mom.
No. 1006605
>>1006599>>1006588This reminds me of something my dad stated
he said he wished Mormons would go back too being psycho preppers who people were afraid would start an insurrection instead the annoying pussys they are today
No. 1006619
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Whoever's trolling fit and sending the incels into a blind rage keep going kek
No. 1006681
>>1006655depends on what country were talking about, from what I've heard most Taiwanese are top-tier guys, Japanese and Chinese are a crap-shoot and Koreans guys are maybe the worst in all of East Asia
South Asian men are 99% trash
No. 1006694
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if a dork diaries movie was made song with the diary of a wimpy kid movies shit would be a good femalecore movie
No. 1006773
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>>1006721>Jomon admixtureThey wish
No. 1006782
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I just realized picrel body lotion smells like Amour by Kenzo
No. 1006794
>>1006555Honestly if she's on board with wanting to slim down this sounds kind of nice. He looks homely and sweet.
>>1006655No yellow fever but I second this. Current bf is SEA and no other guy I've dated has been as clean, stylish, slim/toned, good at sex, etc. He is kind of stupid but I like that.
The only issue asian guys actually have ime is that some Asian cultures can be kind of patriarchal and stoic, and sometimes even younger generation guys still have those traits.
No. 1006801
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>>1006782Do they have Palmer's where you live? It smells exactly like chocolate chip cookies on me.
>>1006681This is really true ime. Southern Chinese guys are much better than northern Chinese guys though, unless you really value height and light skin.
I don't have yellow fever, but I prefer Asian men because they usually are better groomed and less entitled than white or south Asian guys, who make up most of my dating pool.
No. 1006841
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Someone explain this meme for me
No. 1006851
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>there are rabid bats in my area and i shouldnt open windows
but what if i become a bat spiderman?
No. 1006863
File: 1640642919992.png (334.04 KB, 784x647, Screenshot_519.png)

i got a notificaton to watch some etherium live stream and i was confused at first but ignored it cause i didn't care, but then i checked again cause i was confused (i dont follow any of that stuff cause scammy and lame) and when i did it was from a channel called ethereum which was double weird, but triple weird was that i was subscribed! when i went on the channel it's marina joyces channel (don't remember subscribing to her but it's plausible when she had that drama i was intrigued)…. so anyways what's up with this? i guess she probably got paid to host the live on her channel but it's still so strange. sorry for retarded sperg im tired
No. 1006867
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why do other women think expressing your sexuality is by being naked? expressing your sexuality is by saying how you want your moid and demanding that you see more half-naked sexy himbos in media, bitch. i want to listen to HAP, not WAP.
No. 1006880
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>>1006867It should be HAD, hard ass dick. And the music video would have guys dancing while wearing some tight underwear and sexy stuff like aprons, gray sweatpants, ridiculously small swimsuits and sweaters because sweaters are hot as fuck.
Also, the guys would appear wearing some classy clothes at the beginning of the video when they get in the mansion and start singing “there’s some hoes in this house”
No. 1006898
File: 1640645076015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,33.96 KB, 1024x760, 1458489.jpeg)

>>1006895Male nudity is very amusing indeed
No. 1006905
>>1006899Or just admit that straight women are not just gender inverted straight men? We are different and there is nothing wrong with that.
>>1006898Like you wouldn't laugh if you saw him in a thong.
No. 1006929
>>1006905>Or just admit that straight women are not just gender inverted straight menBut we aren't asexual bitch wtf
>Like you wouldn't laugh if you saw him in a thongI would pay to see that
No. 1006949
>>1006914I don't think a lesbian would argue that anon, probably a scrote
>>1006790 , please
No. 1006976
>>1006975When i say "moid" is not that deep, when i say "scrote" i
really mean it
No. 1007025
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white people seasoning combo (salt and pepper) when you’re sick >>> food with complex spice and heat
No. 1007106
>>1007062I feel like its more about the kind of “I’m so deep and misunderstood” kind of attitude associated with the songs. With Duvet it seems to be more about the song’s association with Lain rather than the song itself
>>1007065This post kind of reads like copypasta
No. 1007166
>>1007128>If you undereat your skin will get saggy and uglyThis isn't said enough, this and hair thinning is the reason I can continue to fight off an ED for the rest of my life but also I wish I had known before I already did so much damage to my face
I even tried to gain some weight to see if it would help but the aging process was already jump started, all I can do is prevent further damage
No. 1007185
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So I know moids will never pass as women no matter how hard they try but some of the claims in the MTF thread are reaches on par with TRAs
like someone unironically said that Hunter Schafer (the Europhoria Troon) looks just like a slightly feminine male and I'm like WTF
Yeah he will never be a woman but he doesn't look like a man either, more like a teenage boy
same with Jazz Jennings, these mutilated boys whose bodies are twisted science experiments at this point
No. 1007343
>>1007338Don’t reply to the bait,
nonnie, it’s surely the same retard who has been shitting the boards for a while.
No. 1007370
>>1006773Lol I think the admixture is what gave them such jacked up teeth
>>1006681What about West Asian men?
>>1006655>>1006794I'm confused, are you talking about the asian guys that live in whatever country you're from or asian guys in asia? Because I find there's usually a difference.
No. 1007409
>>1006794 and I am talking about both. The asian guys who live in asia come off more traditional and demanding but the asian guys in the US kind of seem a little spoiled and manchild-y sometimes. Case by case basis, but I mostly agree with
>>1006655. Korean guys are absolute scum and Taiwanese guys are S tier bfs (but a little too attached/lovey sometimes imo)
I feel like Indian guys are always left out of this discussion. In my personal experience they are generally also top tier partners and super fun, but I've only met half-Indian or very whitewashed guys.
No. 1007521
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men decide to care about women’s rights and then decide to look like they rape and molest women like this is atrocious looking
No. 1007543
>>1006796I'd say it's a good moisturizer and it has some great ingredients like shea butter and allantoin in it
>>1006801Omg yess I used it before and the scent honestly made me want to lick it off myself lmao. Too bad it's expensive
No. 1007613
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>>1007433What? That's central asia. Do you not know what countries are in west asia?
No. 1007614
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double-post but maybe this will help you understand
No. 1007814
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I wish I could own a flamingo they're so adorable to me. NOT A FURRY
No. 1007882
>>1007621Snip the ends, it might be a millimeter or less you cut. Treat yourself to some k18 (get a sample), some Wonder Water and a protein mask and moisture mask. You can make your ends look a lot better. Wishing you the best on sobriety
nonny. Look into the Sinclair method and other related methods of pharmaceutical assisted sobriety methods (usually naltrexone), they work to gradually reset your brain’s cravings and fried dopamine receptors. If it is naltrexone the treatment is temporary and non addictive. Granted it only works for alcohol iirc but it is something to consider. If you think you might have ADD/ADHD you might also want to get assessed for that, people with ADD/ADHD are more prone to addictions and this can be managed in various ways (not just medication).
No. 1007915
>>1007908if he says "bitch" he is not a good or decent one
No. 1007988
>>1007908This unfortunately, I hope for the best but expect the worst.
Either way, I have to say I love seeing an overtly nice, feminist ally kinda guy obliterate alpha male/PUA misogynists and turn them into a joke. He's the definition of a beta male simp by their standards but there he is, rich and famous with an army of young fangirls, mocking those assholes and proving that nice guys can be Chads as long as they're funny and cute. And they can't do shit against him because he's not egotistical and prideful like they are. It's based even if he's a fake irl.
No. 1008041
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God help me I've developed a crush on a retarded mass shooter
what is wrong with me
No. 1008060
>>1008040My mall is built for longevity, as if I was sent from the past with knowledge of how malls get btfo in the future by online shopping. Ideally we are close to transit. We will offer fair priced design consultancy, ugly stores negatively affect the entire mall. For anchors we would have Target, Nordstrom's and Trader Joes (grocery stores used to be common anchors). I would consider putting a postal office in there too.
The retail portion of the mall will be designed from the outset to be more easily converted into entertainment space. A portion would be the 'entertainment sector' and might be open air. We would have a theater chain like AMC or Alamo Drafthouse, along with a barcade chain like Dave and Busters or Round 1. A karaoke club (private rooms) would also be available along with a billiard parlor and a Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. Once online shopping comes for my mall these other sites could continue to do well (RIP blockbuster). Perhaps a bowling alley could fit somewhere.
For dining I'm thinking of focusing on regional chains and dining options that are experiential. By experiential I mean stuff like korean bbq, teppanyaki, hot-pot, fondue, things like that. You might not go to the mall for a Mcdonald's burger but you might go for group hot pot which you probably wouldn't do at home. I want an IHOP or Denny's in there but I'm not sure that is very sensible.
No. 1008101
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lolcow feels like that sometimes
No. 1008105
File: 1640766321998.jpg (14.99 KB, 258x195, 1640119958822.jpg)

I'm retarded and keep reading purplepilldebate and getting angry at scrote retardation.
No. 1008128
File: 1640770837498.jpeg (300.12 KB, 2047x1575, D50A8280-A0F3-4FA0-982D-E9C4B8…)

I just love lolcow dot farm I really do
No. 1008191
>>1008060This reads like an isekai manga
"I’m a hikikomori, but I opened a magical mall in a different world"
No. 1008194
File: 1640781558589.png (1.54 MB, 1911x2190, 07E56A29-CB2B-4232-B5E9-AA1F84…)

>>1008182You didn’t hear about this? It was pretty hot topic
No. 1008268
File: 1640788958722.jpg (71.58 KB, 563x751, 9302f77d1c828eb16d96e7b4cca8ec…)

Putting a whole fucking mattress on top of bookshelves seems dangerous
No. 1008294
>>1008285follow your dreams,
nonny! i buy singular candy bars at the checkout because i was never allowed to get any when i was a kid and then later i was too stingy because i could get the whole pack for the same price. but now i'm an adult so if i want a single candy bar, i'll get a single candy bar.
No. 1008339
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No. 1008378
File: 1640797602512.gif (900.19 KB, 193x300, tumblr_lzjpc7GYKc1qhmzreo1_250…)

While I absolutely adore my best friend, I'm happy that she lives in a different town so we only get to see each other barely a couple of times a year. Not because I don't love seeing her - I always miss her when we separate - but because despite us being pretty healthy otherwise we get into super unhealthy habits whenever we are with each other. Like way too much snacks and unhealthy food. She just left after staying at my place for a couple of days and I feel so bloated and I may or may not have a date tomorrow so I feel like imma show up like gif related
No. 1008456
>>1008395sounds like you need a snack yourself
>>1008378I have a biannual blowout with my bestie too, it's definitely worth it and I hope you had fun!
No. 1008458
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Ahaha, I joined an official enstars server and it's absolute cancer. Reminder to myself, never pander to self-proclaimed neurodivergent queer teens.
No. 1008600
File: 1640807800255.webm (2.39 MB, 640x640, tumblr_qi3cbbcMI51yjogx4.webm)

for any anons who may need this today
No. 1008850
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>>1008202Because they want to feel special and don’t gaf about alienating their fans.
No. 1009005
No. 1009052
File: 1640824589107.gif (1.3 MB, 192x192, 1640724364582.gif)

i rly hate anons disclosing their race on here sometimes. can i just vibe without being reminded of that retard logic: certain lvl of pigmentation = zomgtwinsies. gtfo with that shit. goodnight
No. 1009256
File: 1640833194541.gif (493.71 KB, 500x385, mfw.gif)

my joints hurt so fucking bad and i feel like i gotta throw up and i'm freezing despite wearing layers and the heat being on i feel like i'm gonna die everything hurts
No. 1009323
>>1009321Sailor's mouth when I drink
* bit I guess speak works
No. 1009372
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little fat mammy
No. 1009437
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what the fuck was aggretsuko season 4
No. 1009449
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>>1005407I only now went to check back on this and fucking thank you anon the shit in my pants has been sucked back into my asshole. I had such a schizo fit over this I even started googling what the 8:47 bible verse meant and thought the image symbolized I would die at my new years eve party oopsie poopsie
No. 1009465
nonnie wake up
No. 1009475
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Kyza is out in FEH and it's cringe
No. 1009527
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I think pole dancing can be really beautiful and elegant when it's not super sexual, it's a shame that in most people' minds it's synonymous with stripping/sex work
No. 1009578
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When I’m reading an old thread and I see redtexted bait that nobody replied to
No. 1009584
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I just found out that the origin of the u wot m8 picture was actually a news clip of 2 school students from northern England who helped people get off a bus when the bus driver suddenly died.
They both seemed nervous and never said U wot m8, yet the impression I had from the photo was it was some wee shite off Jeremy Kyle or something starting shit. It reeks of classism, on my end but also the memes I suppose. Here are 2 boys that went on the news (and were questioned about something pretty traumatic that happened literally the day before, but anyway) and they did something worth being proud of it, but the internet fabricated an entirely different narrative. The boy in the pic seemed smart and nice too, his friend in the interview was obviously struggling but the ginger gave him kudos and credit over and over when the interviewers got it wrong. I wonder how he feels about it.
No. 1009594
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>Oi Katnis go get your sister Khaleesi.
No. 1009616
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>>1009594I know a guy who named his kid after Louis CK just coz he loved his stand up.
He's the kind of guy to not care if 100 women accused someone of SA or any sexual offenses so he was unaffected by that news coming out. He's also a shit father who puts the mother through hell as they attempt to co-parent the kid. Little louis will too be a dickhead someday in his future. He's sure being prepped for it.
No. 1009660
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>>1009616knew a woman who named her mixed race son Zuko after picrel
(she's the black one her husband is white, kid is hard to tell)
No. 1009768
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>>1009594>>1009660>>1009754Honestly surprised people naming their kids wasn't more common in South American countries
but its surprisingly high in MENA nations and Russia
No. 1009811
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I live close by a drive-in covid testing centre, it's been there for over a year with no issues. But only in the last week the demand been so insane that my street and the next street are a jam of cars all day. I live in lil ole nowhere. Wut the fu
No. 1009837
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>>1009675Try limiting the game to 30 FPS. Like TS3 the game engine runs internally at 30 FPS so anything above that doesn't do anything except add redundant frames. In TS3 this would cook your graphics card, in TS4 the game engine trips over itself and looses sync between what's happening in game and what it's displaying. You can limit the game's frame rate by going to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 and opening Options.ini in notepad or another text editor. Control + F and find "frameratelimit" without the quotes. Change 200 to 30 and save the file. Pic is what it will look like in Notepad.
No. 1009917
>>1009811I always see covid deniers and the like wax lyrical that it doesn't make sense the number of tests is way above the population number and it's like, I have to do a lft every day for work and this past month I've had so many close contact cases just in work that I've had 12 pcr tests.
Completely off topic but the ones I see on fb all day talking the biggest bullshit about covid don't work and when they say life has been normal for them, it's because they have no obligation to anyone.
No. 1009969
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I've never seen anybody mention this which I think is really weird, but in that shitty Clocktower tribute game, Night Cry, there are stolen unaltered posters from the Sims 3 in the theater section. The poster on the left with the two silhouettes and the red background is what tipped me off.
No. 1009984
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>>1009974Got any contenders in mind?
No. 1010064
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>>1009837THANK YOU
NONNY wow I almost want to cry hugsandkisses
No. 1010099
>>1009934No, there is no way to limit the FPS for TS3 without using an external program. You should be able to do this in your graphics driver if you're using AMD, no idea about Nvidia. You can also use something called 3booter which is on MATY or if you use Smooth Patch that, has it's own FPS limiter. I've used both and I would recommend Smooth Patch over 3booter because it speeds up the game's internal logic processing and this makes it load faster and lag less.
>>1010064No problem nonna. If you're also getting UI hang you can use TURDODRIVER's simulation unclogger.
No. 1010113
>>1009934NTA, download
1) (I know it's Skyrim, but it works lmao),
paste both of them in your game bin (the path for me (Windows 7 and Origin) is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin") and rename 1) to Sims3Launcher while keeping the OG Sims3Launcher but naming it anything else. I know there's a maty FPSLimiter too, but for some reason that one didn't work for me (and the Skyrim one is a smaller file size anyways). Even if you installed the game over Origin like I did, start the game by clicking on Sims3Launcher from now on (iirc you have to log into Origin still, though). Go to your game folder ("C:\Users\[my name]\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" for me) and delete all cache files (CASPart, compositor, script, simCompositor, social) each time before playing. Open DCBackup and delete all files
except ccmerged.package. Apparently you can also open up GraphicsRules.sgr in your bin and change
>seti cpuLevelUber 4>seti cpuLevelHigh 3>seti cpuLevelMedium 2>seti cpuLevelLow 1 to
>seti cpuLevelUber 4>seti cpuLevelHigh 3>seti cpuLevelMedium 3>seti cpuLevelLow 3but I'm not sure what exactly it does and I don't wanna risk anything with my laptop since it's quite old, so I didn't do that. Even without that though, my game now loads up in less than 10 minutes and runs smoothless for hours straight without making any noise, while before that just loading the game up would take an eternity, heat up to the temperatures of hell and playing was pretty much impossible anyways. If you want to reduce loading times in CaS even further, get MasterController and switch the color swatches off.
No. 1010135
I'm full on not really paying attention to the fact I need to quarantine. I make plans and go out in the evenings. I have someone in the family home ready for an excuse if someone turns up at the door. It's been 7 days now, I should've received my negative results 2 or 3 days ago from travelling and uhhh I'm over it. LFT is negative, I feel fine. I do think I'm pushing it a bit to go spend new years elsewhere to return in the morning. Do you guys think i'm pushing it a bit? I'm never coming back to my home country while I need to quarantine for even a single day again.
>>1010070Ingrid and Ingmar? I thought they were brother and sister, but I got those facts from literally nowhere, it just makes sense.
No. 1010148
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My workplace is closing (and still paying us) until the 10th due to increasing COVID numbers in my city and that's when I start my week-long PTO. Not working until the 17th, fuck yeaah
No. 1010155
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I've nearly been hit by a car numerous times and avoided getting hit by shier luck and autism.
No. 1010194
>>1010113>I'm not sure what exactly it doesChanging GraphicsRules.sgr forces the game to use the full potential of your CPU. The game is over a decade old and only knows what to do with the hardware that was around between 2009-2013. If you own a more recent CPU the game won't recognise it and will default to assuming the CPU is low end. This is one of the reasons why the game runs like shit for so many people. You can also force the game to recognise more modern graphics cards and force it to use more VRAM, this helps because the game can now load more textures into VRAM.
A guide on how to do that is here You can monitor the FPS in game by opening the cheats console (control + shift + c) and then typing "fps on" for TS3 and this also works in TS4.
No. 1010224
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Was watching amateur gay porn lately (I know) and I came across someone giving out about the naming of a clip. I guess the title claimed he was a twink and the guy in comments was bitching about how it's certainly not a twink! lol
I mean I agree seeing as he was a lil over the weight limit and was hairy too but it was just funny… cos you know it was an older, fatter and more hairy man getting his pants in a knot over this over the presence of hair and fat on another person
No. 1010369
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>>1010367911, what's your emergency?
No. 1010487
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Tonight I am praying to the god of Fels Naptha. Like a moron I decided to stain a pine IKEA cabinet on the kitchen table and got not one but three spots of wood stain on the tablecloth. Fels Naptha saved the day and removed the stains of literal stain. I will never not own a bar as long as I live.
No. 1010512
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I don't want this year to end
No. 1010573
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No. 1010671
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No. 1010916
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>noticed my moid's new shower gel in the shower
>read the description on the packaging
>UNLEASH YOUR INNER SAMURAI; in ancient Japan, an elite class of warrior knew that the key to any battle was confidence. These fighters never entered the battlefield before being groomed to perfection, because looking their best gave them the confidence to face any challenge.
I'm going to bully him so fucking hard when he comes back home
No. 1010924
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Dreamt I gave tiger king that sloppy toppy but he couldn’t cum because he said I was shit at it then I woke up and now I’m horny as fuck why am I like this
No. 1010948
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why is she so GREASY
No. 1011005
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>>1010948I feel like Jenny is the kind of woman Shuwu wishes she was like, kek. She is naturally quirky and endearing, one of the rare person who seems really cool to be around despite being on the spectrum, what an icon
No. 1011007
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Subjecting myself to reading terribly written fanfiction all for the sake of my husbandos
No. 1011118
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I just remembered how my ex managed to kill a cactus… by overwatering it
Who waters a fucking cactus until it basically rots lmao
No. 1011145
>>1011140Im really sorry you went through that. If therapy is an option for you, you should go so you can work on healing yourself. Don't worry about trusting others just yet, but you should figure out why exactly you stayed with him and allowed him to treat you so badly. It's not your fault, he's a monster but there's patterns we tend to follow in relationships and I'd hate for you to get into another
toxic and absuive situation.❣️ Have a happy new years precious cow
No. 1011228
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I love fallout new vegas right, and I just can't help but see the Legion as shit. I try to conceptualize why they do what they do, but it seems to me they hate two things: females, and drugs. And tribals? The Legion really is just a group of gay scrotes cosplaying as roman pederasts. Nothing they do is logical. I wonder if that's on purpose? Their base is boring and they live in tents and they use healing powder but they don't even know how to make it because in the game you get to tell the female slave in charge of making healing powder that she only needs one root per brock fruit or whatever. ??? what the fuck? Picrel is the legion and their stupid cosplay
No. 1011384
>>1011377his earliest thread that is still up (
>>>/ot/723591 ) was posted late january 2021, found a few more threads up until february (
>>>/ot/739651 latest one) so i'd say he should be counted as 2021
No. 1011389
How could I have forgotten about Elaine?
>>1011374>>1011384Ok, he is definitely a contender. Had no idea mods didn't delete all of his sperging
>>1011374good call
No. 1011402
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why is this bot with an AI generated icon mourning Betty White. I'm creeped out seeing these things everywhere saying anything, wonder how many and what their exact purposes are
No. 1011480
>>1010948I don't get her appeal, her videos are kind of boring
>>1011367ko-chan hasn't been around in at least 5 months
No. 1011521
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Years ago I was dating a guy who had an 11 year old son. I ordered a knockoff pikachu plush off of wish and when it showed up and looked like crap.. I named him Tardichu.
I remember telling the kid the plushies name and he acted like it was the best joke he'd ever heard. My relationship with his dad was god awful. I was isolated and being emotionally beaten down.. that moment, him sharing my humour lifted me.
No. 1011531
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I ranked all the Holiday Barbies so far, 2020 Barbra please burn that dress
No. 1011617
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I can feel gorona creeping up on me, my throat is starting to itch. At last, after my entire family got it within the past few days. It's finally happening nonnas!! ITS MY TURN!!!!
No. 1011623
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No. 1011713
>>1011480Yes but she was active in 2021, so she counts. It doesn't mean active/recent troll, just a notorious one in that year
>>1011531Good job nona, I don't have the mental strength. I've always loved the 1999 one. All Barbie's from 2010 (maybe earlier) are shit
>>1011535>>1011528I miss her spergs, I think she sadly stopped before 2021
No. 1011730
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just a couple hours to 2022
No. 1011766
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May we all smite our enemies and find peace within ourselves.