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No. 988045
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>>987480nausea by jean-paul sartre
No. 988059
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>>988045Damn. You ladies actually read and stuff?? Last time I read anything irl it was when a sheriff served my a court order
No. 988064
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Gonna make some fuckin' hot fudge mother fuckin' sundaes tonight ladies. Or even better, banana splits! With whipped cream and maraschino cherries and I'm gonna make the fudge sauce myself!
No. 988093
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Sometimes I wonder if I'm eating too much granola, but that can't be, right? There's no such thing as "too much granola"… right?
No. 988098
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I wish there was a version of this meme but for women. I want to talk to women with grindsets
No. 988114
>>988098I'm on board with all of these ideas but
>Video games aren't real lifethat's exactly why I play them kek
anyway you just know men who post these don't even follow this advice themselves
No. 988180
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No. 988186
>>988154My dentist is fucking insane. She once got on my chair to reach better some teeth she was trying to clean (literally her body over mine, it was freaking weird). My mom said she did the same with her lmao
She also cut my face with her instrument (dunno what's it called, it's the one that makes noise) when her hand slipped and she never give me enough water to spit all the blood
She also say stuff like "when you gonna get braces?" And then in a different day tell me "you don't need braces", though I'll give her the benefit of the doubt here that I don't actually need braces cus she is diabetic and maybe she was confusing me with my sister.
No. 988193
>>988180Besides no sugar and drinking water pretty much exclusively, and basic hygiene, it’s hugely genetic.
Enamel hypoplasia, thick saliva, Bruxism, dry mouth, can all fuck your teeth even if you are perfect when brushing/flossing and never taste sugar.
Don’t fall for marketing retardation like charcoal or bleach in dental products, they just fuck your enamel to look whiter for a week at most but they will yellow permanently when the downtime is exposed cause the enamel been scraped off with charcoal. If it’s being sold to you by some bitch from Instagram you’re a fool to buy it.
No. 988215
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In my area it used to snow by the end of October and now we’re lucky if we see any snow coverage by January.
No. 988250
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i’m not one of those zodiac people but i just compared two birth charts of people i know and they were oddly specific. i know it’s designed to be vague enough to be able to pick out certain “characteristics” in people, but still feels weird when they seem accurate.
No. 988262
>>988256this truly is
>title drop..the dumbass thread
No. 988266
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Here you go nonny, meet your blind date!
No. 988280
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I really want some tea, but I'm trying to recover from a UTI and I really shouldn't drink anything but water
No. 988313
File: 1638934041509.webm (6.32 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_r0zwy8tX1o1zqjgrw.webm)

surrogacy is fucking evil
click to play
No. 988324
File: 1638934559077.jpg (6.76 KB, 227x166, madame argentina.jpg)

My crystal ball said you're all retards and there is no hope. It's $200, you're welcome.
No. 988327
>>988322Myers Briggs is just horoscopes for pseudo intellectuals. The test has zero reason to think it’s credible or useful.
>>988321If only they had infinitely better fighting cause that was weak as shit
No. 988353
>>988299It’s even more sad when 2 of them have kids and can barely make ends meet with their minimum-wage jobs yet still wanna party and get high.
I just pity them now.
No. 988378
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>>988322>im curious what other personality types are attracted to posting hereWelp, this is a gossip site, there aren't going to be many intuitives around, if anything Lolcow seems to attract a ridiculous amount of Si users (Mainly isfj) judging by how autistic farmers can be about dumbass details in literal pictures, the subtle mini-modding and the way they know everything about the lives of cows, showing superior memory skills.
Anyone saying they're an Intuitive on Lolcow is probaly lying, larping or both, is just statistically impossible even on chill boards like /g/ and /m/
No. 988395
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what are lolcow's thoughts on this scene from blade runner? warning for nudity. No. 988401
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I've been listening to the Backstreet Boys and the line "Am I sexual" makes me giggle. Sounds like something Tommy Wiseau would say
No. 988424
>>988266He hates Stacy.
I hate Stacy.
He hates Cata.
I hate Cata.
I can fix him.
No. 988426
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Anons i need new side pieces they not hitting right fuck men
No. 988439
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>>988438Nona's help me out is this really Abigail Shapiro? I thought she was a conservative tradwife, but there are tons of nudes of this woman online. Is this her or am I nuts?
No. 988461
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No. 988499
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How do you guys go about casually being female separatists and radfem?
Here are some examples I can think of:
>going to female-only gyms or going to gyms' female-only hours
>asking for female doctors when going to the doctor's office
>reading feminist authors (Andrea Dworkin), watching female-centric movies and shows
>being celibate, if straight, or a lesbian
>do female charity work (helping victims of sex work)
>don't watch porn featuring women, and, if you decide to watch porn, watch porn created by female authors
No. 988524
>>988514For multiple reasons, really:
-makeup is made through exploitation
-the makeup industry is mainly male-run and profits from the insecurity of women
-the normalisation of women wearing makeup has made it harder for women who don't wear makeup to get jobs
-women aren't expected to have pours nowadays
Although I can't force you to stop wearing makeup, but consider maybe wearing makeup that doesn't hide your 'flaws' at least (concealer and foundation)?
No. 988599
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>>988378I don't understand MBTI shit at all because it all sounds dumb to me but the only reason why I still remember mine was because I share it with Björk kek
No. 988605
File: 1638975769000.webm (3 MB, 480x840, 1632350275927.webm)

>>988313Delivering babies to give away is a sacrifice no man deserves nor will ever understand the depths of. She should have lawyered up when he got psychotic. Ladies guard your womb in every way, from random men who want to Netflix & chill to fags who want to use you as a baby harvest so they can (statistically) probably diddle the kid later.
I understand fags well and can tell you first hand they are even more psychotic than regular men and if it weren't for their lack of legitimate attraction and ties to us I'm sure they'd be killing us more. There's a fag on 90 day fiance who was bawwing and cooing about how sad his life was and how he was gonna marry a woman and live a lie just because he wanted to reproduce so bad, which wasnt seen as evil at all. Just deserving of coddling.
TDLR: fuck faggots, guard your womb, surrogacy is evil, don't hand your biological children into hands of the egomaniac kiddy diddling monsters known as gay men
No. 988612
>>988605No man deserves to reproduce. Women should be the ones making this choice. Gay men can adopt but not force women into labor. I fucking despise surrogacy. Men have NO IDEA how many changes to your body pregnancy entails.
Also wtf? why is the girl looking at a hooker? this girl is going to grow up messed up. Fuck these "parents"
No. 988636
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fucking hate this
No. 988679
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I love breaking sexist stereotypes by being a NEET that lives at home and is high 24/7! They said a woman could never do it but here I am!!!
No. 988692
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>mfw I'm talking to a friend and she mentions her polycule
No. 988750
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This actually made me look up the instagram of
another person I know who is in a polycule… or was is the more appropriate term now kek. Her, another chick, and you guessed it- a moid complete with a neckbeard! What would a polycule be without the neckbeard? The post she had proudly declaring it is now gone kek. So much for that.
It's unfortunate that within my wider friend circle I know so many people who are into poly relationships but I just smile, nod, and silently judge, waiting for their inevitable break up. No. 988780
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>>988384>INTP/J are some of the most common personality types on imageboards though>including ~myself~ teheeLol you can't prove this, cope harder, I know it makes you seethe to think about the fact you are a boring Sensor but that's the truth, don't be a snowflake, anon, it's okay to be a Sensor, good luck trying to prove a % of the hishest IQ population that advancded society as we know it is browsing imageboards full of some of the dumbest mentally ill people, go back to Reddit where people are going to validate your identity, because everytime someone mentions MBTI, everyone is suddendly an Intuitive for some reason, this phenomenon rings true right now thanks to people like you. Don't you think is strange that even in normie sites people still call themselves Intuitives?, everyone thinks they're some flavor of Intuitive even on twitter kek, the truth is no amount of self-IDing imageboard users are going to change the fact that Intuitives (Specially the ones you mentioned) are a statistical rarity even on the most obscure sites of the internet. This is the dumbass shit thread so talking about mbti is on topic.
>inb4 then that means you're a Sensor too anon!!1lol i don't care, i just dislike pretentious snowflakes thinking they're totes the rarest type ever specially on imageboards, they're dime a dozen
No. 988788
>>988780Tinfoil, but I'm starting to think there a similarities between mbtifags and genderspecials, they want to be unique and rare, slap themselves meaningless labels and the weirder these labels are the more
valid their opinions seem to be for their respective communities, just an observation.
No. 988795
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>>988750reminded me of this
No. 988803
>>988791true, ive gotten ravenclaw every time across 10+ years i take the pottermore test so its at least reliable.
the worst thing about mbti is how transparently obvious the test questions are though? in terms of how they relate to the results. It's like "When you have a problem, do you think logically or do you just feel the andwer?" as if anyone can't tell the test result those answers will give you respectively. So it's entirely how people WANT to think about themselves, rather than anything to do with how they actually are, because it's trivially easy for people to get the test results they want.
No. 988815
>>988806did you know that if you actually have the music files on your computer, you can see your actual play count numbers, ie the actual data? rather than the vague fluffing that spotify gives you to make you feel special.
or you could use which integrates with lots of music players to track playcounts. and not have to wait for daddt spotify to bless you with compliments. wrapped…gag
No. 988818
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>>988514I thought this said "match my eyebrow to my sweater" and thought of someone doing ugly sweater designs on their eyebrows. If I could do makeup I would do this
No. 988823
>>988795ive been to a couple kink meetings (long time ago) and this is how it is in my midwestern city, except they're uglier and also colossally fat.
but i went to one in nyc once, and while it was mostly this, there were also 3 wall street looking guys in suits sitting on the back just talking to each other only. they were a bit hot but it was kind of creepy. most attractive kink people ive seen though.
what i learned is, kink in the midwest… not even once
No. 988855
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>>988800Based, he's so hot, i want to post him in the retarded hornypost thread but they ain't prepared for that
No. 988871
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I fucked a guy that looked like this. He had a tiny dick and stood me up after the second time we had sex. He's fat now but damn. He was the hottest thing I ever touched and I wish I coupe do him now with confidence. I'd fuck him til he was thin and beautiful again lol
No. 988891
>>988795AYRT and the person who's instagram I was looking through
literally dresses like the chick on the right, it's not even funny. God why.
No. 988976
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My breast shape makes me feel like I'm always wearing a bullet bra
No. 989043
>>988638Obviously but the marketing, the exploitation, and the misogynistic ideals are still there even if you’re totally not like all those other girls.
None of it is supposed to be personal, you’re supposed to think more broadly than just you.
No. 989166
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Today one of my classmates shoved her screen under my nose with a video of an FtM transformation, saying "isn't it amazing? This person became this man, it's magical". A, the FtM just grew facial hair and cut her hair. B, I'm not sure if I'm being probed for being a transphone. I just chose not to react in any way, making a bit of a concerned face at her, until she stopped. I hope she'll be less encouraged to do this to anyone else after that awkward interaction.
No. 989174
File: 1639009297141.gif (7.35 MB, 390x390, ugh.gif)

i hate when a band i like has an unnecessarily retarded name. the fact that i have to utter "king gizzard & the lizard wizard" if someone asked what i was listening to revolts me.
No. 989227
>>989194thank you so much
nonny, i'm laughing way too much at this stupid cow
No. 989277
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I want at least 127 chicken nuggets right now and a small salad please
No. 989281
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One race, the caucasoid race
No. 989335
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nonas can u sit like this? is it comfortable?
No. 989336
>>989327He’s not
that old. Idk there’s something weirdly charming about him that also gives me the vibe that he’s probably an ass irl
No. 989339
>>989335Its more comfortable than sitting normally tbh
I worked in my cubicle for years and my shoes were off and feet never touched the floor. legs in various pretzel formations throughout the day
No. 989365
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>>989335I either have my two legs up to the side of me (a la Ariana grande my everything cover) or one tucked up near my ass under my other leg. It’s why I don’t like chairs that have the built in armrests, it gets in the way of my fidgety leg placements
No. 989374
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I made a friendship bracelet pattern so we can all be friends
No. 989387
>>989374Thank you,
nonnie, it's very cute
No. 989503
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A goat spooked me recently and I can not stop thinking about it. You know how they do that vaguely disturbing stare? The stare that penetrates your soul? Well it did that and I stared back dead on and I swear to god it communicated telepathically somehow. I felt it in my head; a warm wave of fuzziness followed by feelings of helplessness.
No. 989521
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>>989503Kek maybe you're a vvitch
No. 989624
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I'm such a fucking sucker for proposals and weddings. I don't go out of my way to watch proposals or weddings but if people I'm following post their proposal/wedding videos that shit makes me cry so hard. I love rewatching them, they're so cute. I hope one day I will find a loving gf who will propose to me (or I will propose to her!), and then we will have our wedding in my city's beautiful botanical garden or maybe at a national park if it's allowed.
No. 989631
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>>989624My stupid bitch ass started looking at wedding venues for fun and I found one near one of my most beloved places in my state and UGH why did I look lol. I know this place is stupid expensive too.
No. 989775
File: 1639072896332.jpg (29.69 KB, 423x559, Capture.JPG)

>Hmm… tell me, Mr Potter, what would I get if I adhered the aposematic synthetic fibres of a fuchsia wig to a bald human scalp? Oh… you don't know? Nothing? Do you consider yourself too important to prepare for your lessons in advance at Hogwarts Mr Potter? Tut, tut. Clearly fame isn't everything. Very well, then what about… ah yes, answer me this, what would I get if a packet of lumpy silicon was to be slipped unevenly into the misshapen chest cavity of an adult male? No? Still at a loss are we? Pity. I'll give you one last opportunity to prove yourself Mr Potter. What would we achieve, if one was to combine the common female hormone replacement therapy, and all it constitutes, with the endocrine system of an adult wizard?
>You haven't the slightest clue, have you? How extraordinarily pathetic. Take five points from Gryffindor for your outstanding idiocy Mr Potter. Potions is a delicate art, and I expect you to have at least read through the first five pages of your textbook by our next lesson. Now, why don't we ask Ms Granger for the answers seeing as she's obviously so insufferably eager to do so.
>Well… um, you'd get a freak Professor. A disgusting mutant abomination with a revolting gangrenous wound between their legs. My parents used to treat one… his teeth, but oh, well… he always tried to talk to me but… he's in jail now.. for um…
>Ah! Say no more Ms Granger. And please, take fifty points to Gryffindor for the most exemplary tirade against trannies I've had the pleasure of listening to since Potter's mother was still alive. Now to everyone else… write everything you've just heard down."
No. 989781
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>>989775Absolutely beautiful. Lolcow really is the best imageboard.
No. 989783
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they should play brothers in a movie before they both get cancelled
No. 989846
File: 1639077259734.png (1.19 MB, 1152x648, dream.png)

this was my dream last night, no "post your retarded art/photoshops" thread to my knowledge so here
No. 989859
>>989809i know but now that I see their resemblance I can't unsee it
those two egos on one set would probably destroy one another and the entire cast and crews psyches
No. 989869
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yes they're both evil but I want to cut my hair like this
No. 989881
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>>989869get your anne frank steez on, girl
No. 989900
>>989874Is it the vibes or how it looks or something? I've never personally been since it was a bit out of the way for me but I've always wanted to go.
>>989880That's a good idea! Totally forgot about the honeymoon part kek
No. 989958
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>>989881kek. which would be a worse reference photo to show my hairdresser? ghislaine or anne frank??
>>989896if she didn't get involved with epstein and had just gone the route of do-nothing heiress who rubbed elbows with the british royal family, girls on tiktok would be worshipping her style rn and calling her an icon
No. 989971
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The worst thing about a new hobby is having to do things over and over again until you learn. So frustrating and tedious.
No. 990037
File: 1639088480431.png (155.29 KB, 259x287, ted.png)

>I promised not to bother you again, but I am going to break that promise, just once. It is pretty clear that you are not interested in having anything to do with me, so I have given up hope of that. But I want very badly to know why you won't have anything to do with me. I have had no answer of any kind from you and it bothers me seriously.
>Look- I humble myself before you- something I have never done before anyone in the past and which I don't ever expect to do again. I won't cost you anything to give me an answer, just once.
>It may be that you would never have liked me in any case, but possibly I would have done better if I had been able to approach you properly. I have been such a loner for so long that my social skills (which never amounted to much in the first place) have degenerated into virtual nonexistence. I don't know how to talk to girls, and, what is worse, I am afraid of them.
>You may not have seen it under those shapeless work clothes, but I have a very well-proportioned physique and I am in excellent condition. I have plenty of brains- I am a Harvard graduate and spent 2 years as assistant professor of mathematics at Berkeley. I have a variety of talents, and virtues such as persistence, willpower, and a kind of general ability that has made me unusually competent at many kinds of work from mathematics to post-cutting to elk-hunting.
>I would appreciate it very much if you would answer my question this time, even if your answer can consist of nothing but derogatory statements concerning me.
At 32, Ted Kaczynski wrote this in a letter he sent to a 19-year-old girl he had like two conversations with at work. He had sent her two letters before, which she didn't reply to… He really was such an autist, wasn't he?
No. 990216
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>>990126pelé. the queen will live forever just to spite charles
No. 990393
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When a genocidal dictator is a better partner then 90% of scrotes in the world
No. 990411
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>>990037>but I have a very well-proportioned physique and I am in excellent conditionNow now Teddy, let’s not get too zesty here; you look like every other Polish-American boy.
No. 990439
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>>990435physically pains me to read posts like this
No. 990510
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>>990417Holy shit, kids TV sucks ass these days. Poor little shits.
No. 990517
File: 1639138470343.jpg (201.8 KB, 1035x1838, IMG_20211210_131100.jpg)

Every time I check animefeminist, I kek and cringe more and more. Of course there is also a trans magical girl and trans magical guardian (cause apparently you can be trans enby lmfao), each presented by the same incredibly miserable model
No. 990523
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>>990510>>990417Is a cartoon rated 1,2/10 really that representative of cartoons for children as a whole though? But it is kinda surprising something like this managed to secure funding
No. 990543
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I’m on my period and I’m crying over this stupid fucking tiktok. Put me out of my misery. No. 990592
File: 1639144891143.jpg (61.89 KB, 700x700, 2919810-1x1-700x700.jpg)

>>990543Men bitch about the tiniest details of our appearances all day getting the tape measure out on our areolas then do a 180 and fuck midgets, aborigines, fence posts. Their opinions are not to be trusted. She could have been a pop star.
No. 990675
>>990667I started watching these weird star sign based tarot readings on youtube lately and my sign is meant to be swimming in love right now… they're all saying the same thing. Love, passion, everyone wants me
Waiting here like… where is it?
No. 990716
>>990411>To show how low I have sunk I bought a new pair of pants the other day just for this expedition. Blue jeans. They are- no, not tight (I haven't sunk that low)- but they are tailored to fit the form much more accurately than the baggy but comfortable work pants I usually wear. They have a nice full-length mirror in the men's room in that library, and with my figure nicely revealed in jeans and T-shirt, I was obliged to conclude that I have a very well-proportioned physique- rugged and sturdy… >Yeah! a regular Apollo. If I was queer, I would fall in love with myself.Kek
nonnie, it seems Teddy's already pretty zesty.
No. 990749
>>990667Tranny hands typed this.
>>990678>my imagination Exactly. Side piece always has delusions and then get depressed when they realize they didn’t rock his world and change him as a person like some manic pixie dream hoe, but was just a masturbatory vehicle for a cheater. He would have cheated with any one who said yes.
No. 990831
File: 1639158526383.jpg (114.3 KB, 720x842, IMG_20211210_194635.jpg)

thank goodness
No. 990899
>>990831They're gonna blame feminists for both the show sucking ass
and for it getting cancelled
No. 991032
>>990998Im itching to I’ve wanted an unnatural hair color forever
>>991014Yeah, my hair is naturally black and I’ve never dyed it before. I want to dye it green or ashy purple
No. 991125
File: 1639180087831.jpeg (50.53 KB, 469x750, 4d60d4f87c36b21f31850b99643310…)

Fuck it, I'm finally going to stop being a greasy closeted homunculus and start living out my goal of becoming a handsome dandy butch. I'm getting myself a tailored suit and a nice hat this Christmas.
No. 991142
File: 1639181573125.jpg (61.97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>991125YES!!! GO FOR IT ANON!!!!!
>>991139Every male on my area is weirdly pear shaped, they do have very big asses
No. 991159
File: 1639183235645.png (16.98 KB, 200x200, 0206BCDE-5220-4E75-9D9B-C1C589…)

>>991125Wha-what’s ur type anon,,
No. 991234
File: 1639192037513.gif (3.8 MB, 498x280, foolishness-dante.gif)

kpop is like a parasitic amoeba, can't believe I deluded myself into thinking sissy asian midgets were attractive
No. 991239
File: 1639193718492.jpeg (229.14 KB, 1242x1242, 1636048964949.jpeg)

I have been trying to type up a post expressing how much I love lc and its farmers but I am terrible at expressing how much I appreciate people so I have given up. Anyway, I love you all more than you could know. Lc is irreplaceable to me and I will be very sad when it inevitably goes away one day. I was just thinking back to how old I was when I first found this site and realized it's been around 8 years… It's almost like I grew up here, which might seem pathetic, but I really don't regret any of it. Even though I do have friends and such in real life, those things tend to bring me anxiety and stress but lc has always felt like home.
No. 991248
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>>991239I love you too
nonnie No. 991249
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>>988041>>990393>genocidal dictatorwell that's relative
No. 991252
>>991239I love you too, nona.
>Lc is irreplaceable to me and I will be very sad when it inevitably goes away one dayBe optimistic, we may kick the bucket before lolcow does ♥ As the Kiki banner flashing before my eyes says, the party never ends
No. 991272
File: 1639197649074.jpg (27.2 KB, 728x409, earphones-dog-animals-baby-ani…)

This photo is so iconic. What a superstar.
No. 991277
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me in 40 years. was gonna shoop it with multiple grannies and say lolcow in 40 years. but alas, I am zzz
No. 991284
>>991279Kek I second your sentiment. Fuck you for banning me over a
trigger happy anon misunderstanding my post and thinking I'm a retarded twitterfag, not checking my post history and ignoring my appeal and an email that I sent. Truly infuriating
No. 991285
File: 1639201280439.png (725.65 KB, 563x839, Ev6OV9iUUAQRxrI.png)

In the distant future, once transhumanism hits full steam and everyone is able to choose which frankencreature cyber-humanoid they want to be, I am 100% sure that a significant amount of the population will resemble Second Life avatars
No. 991299
File: 1639203817232.png (62.28 KB, 772x508, Screenshot 2021-12-11 082249.p…)

why are they expecting people to start shitting and crying over this monstrosity not being renewed?
No. 991303
File: 1639204265574.jpg (673.52 KB, 1935x2592, IMAGES.jpg)

Fuck Robert Pattinson.
No. 991305
File: 1639204466583.jpeg (175.49 KB, 1280x851, 8FD3F324-8A1D-48DB-9249-F9E655…)

>>991239Here since 2016 and I love you bitches sm, through aaall the bullshit. It’s so nostalgic to think about how different I was when I stumbled on here and how far I’ve come since.
>>991292Fuck me I teared up a lil, can’t wait to be old and based.
No. 991309
>>991292This is art, me in the black cap
No. 991323
>>991284Kek I got so
triggered when they called me twitterfag in the ban message one time, the slander! But that meant jannys don’t check history usually so it’s whatever.
No. 991328
>>991316nonnies really siding with an
abusive scrote just cause he played a vampire over 10 years ago huh…
No. 991330
>>991328I like skinny, tall caucasoid men anon(by that I mean not just white guys but anyone with
>>989281 features) like
>>989281 No. 991339
File: 1639208264998.png (167.41 KB, 404x393, Screenshot (4920).png)

I want to fuck this weird, neurotic, pessimistic scrote so fucking bad and I don't even know why.
No. 991345
File: 1639209108243.jpg (178.35 KB, 1080x1350, omg so cute.jpg)

>>991342How could you hate this sweet little face Nona? ♥
No. 991444
File: 1639220685532.png (308.25 KB, 1124x672, Screenshot (4930).png)

>>991410Not to expose myself as some kind of weird shut in but those are just my laptop screenshots, the actual number of photos I have saved is around 44 thousand lol.
No. 991469
File: 1639226340470.png (262.03 KB, 1022x695, Screenshot (332).png)

>>991444>>991452Time to expose my self, not near your two's power levels but I'm way beyond most normies
though I only keep what I consider useful information and I constantly reorganize my pics
No. 991491
File: 1639230316019.png (6.2 KB, 429x410, 1633378842386.png)

>>991469>>991444wtf, does everyone have such coherrent folder sorting? How do you keep it up? I just made like 10 subfolders in each of the big folders (Pictures, Downloads, Documents etc) and then gave up and just saved the rest of the thousands of pictures loosely in the big folders.
No. 991517
>>991478Same it looks fun
>>991444Anon can you come over and organise my picture files I'll make you dinner
No. 991528
File: 1639233289422.png (484.51 KB, 1306x640, Screenshot (334).png)

>>991491hours of organization, usually arrange pics by size and then dump then big tent folders(such as memes and funny pics) after that I sub organize them into "normie memes" "wholeseome memes" as an example
>>991478>>991517Its not much and fairly outdated but if you know any sites that allow me to anonymously dump folders I'd post it
No. 991686
>>991563That’s wild to me. I have delete session every month. Having so many pictures make me feel claustrophobic lol. But then again I hoard pdfs and movies I guess.
>>991528>organized by sizeWhy? I’m a by type stacy myself.
No. 991723
File: 1639249365103.png (387.98 KB, 600x689, CC10B7AA-D02B-421B-9CFD-CC98BE…)

I just have to google women's health for the first time since forever, because I was doing some nude study and I was shocked that some of the models had their clits hanging out of their vagina, like a purple meat string.
Apparently I learned today that some women have their inner labia longer than their outer labia… whatever they mean.
Anons, I've never been afraid of a coochie and now I kinda am. How do you recover from this.
I've never looked at mine from any other direction than downwards and I'm still in shock about different cooch, yeah; and I'm 31
No. 991760
>>991723My inner labia is longer than the outer yeah.
Just get used to your pussy anon, even if you don't look at it directly you can still foster a healthy relationship with her by touching her pearl and stuff.
No. 991927
File: 1639263096474.png (Spoiler Image,416.62 KB, 565x406, 094FB67C-3C8C-4583-AF70-43FAC8…)

>>991895Spoiler contain literally real photo of a vagina.
Might risk getting banned for posting this, but here's the exact nude model I stumbled upon… I thought of redrawing it for context but I don't think I can replicate Exactly like this (including my confusion)
Is this a clit? Is this a labia?
No. 992010
File: 1639267001086.jpg (5.2 KB, 429x117, download (1).jpg)

my sister posted on her snap story that a video where she's in a mirror maze with flashing red and green neon lights and sandstorm playing in the background and here i am stuck at home writing my thesis…
No. 992074
File: 1639273234024.png (553.12 KB, 1321x772, Screenshot (4939).png)

>>991680Only a few thousand
No. 992132
>>992090Lol half joking cause most of those are just screenshots of his quotes, or books and topics I want to look into from his recommendations.
>>992095>>992119Wait I'm not a fag and I don't watch porn and the majority of my folders aren't organized. I do disagree with a lot of what he says I just think he's sometimes really smart and funny, and very cute.
out of all the insults I've gotten on lolcow I think the insinuation that I'm a man or a tranny hurts the worst lol No. 992178
>>991444by god im not a petersonfag but as a fag of something I have competition in terms of pictures
deranged visual stans unite
No. 992183
>>992119>>991444This makes me feel better about my thousands of screenshots of interesting posts and information, I don't save many photos though but have many folders with random themes of things I learned or observed online.
Also not a troon, very much an estrogen infused vagina haver here kek. I don't have any porn saved either, I think excess files is just a symptom of being a nerd and men are more predisposed to nerdery.
No. 992184
>>991444 really considered coherent organization?? No offense to anon but I would be stressing if I had vague/redundant folder names like 'downloads and shit' 'downloadssss' or key smashing or whatever. I try to have fewer, smaller folders so it's really easy to find things and I don't get overwhelmed by digital clutter.
To be fair I can get really autistic autistic about my folder organization. At one point I made custom icons for literally everything, like every TV show, anime/manga series, character or pairing in my art folder, etc. It looked awesome but took so much time, these days I use pre-made icons and not for every single subfolder.
No. 992203
>>992193The dumbness in the thread is way too concentrated right now
>I'm a lesbianOkay…?
No. 992243
>>992218They get twisted/pinched in underwear, and there's extra maneuvering to put something inside so you don't rip your lips off.
t. Fat pussy lips
No. 992248
File: 1639290422373.jpg (110.79 KB, 600x600, 252912.jpg)

I want this mug so fucking badly
No. 992262
>>992238I have a half outie, so I had that urge as well.
Would really make incels head spin with that one. If I have roast beef on one side and the other is innie, does that make me a half-whore? Guess I had tons of sex on one side of my vagina
No. 992264
>>992245ngl barely know what my own pussy looks like, I've looked once or twice in a mirror and it barely left a mental impact on me as to whether it was pretty or not.
idk what meme accounts you're looking at but it sounds like they appeal to coomers kek
No. 992268
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>>992250Kek clearly well-adjusted behavior
No. 992285
>>992272This passive aggressiveness and obsession to prove you're "sane" is very telling
There might be sane anons in this website, but for sure you aren't one of them
No. 992300
>>992291just look at the celebricows threads, tinfoil threads, confession threads, vent threads, unpopular opinions, any fetish related thread, anons who want to fuck pedos, serial killers, and elderly men, scatfags, hostile responses towards normal/innocent posts, the constant infighting and autism over the exact same topics over and over (or sometimes over something incredibly mundane like hand sizes), the fact that many anons admit to being diagnosed with various disorders, the fuckton of ana-chans, etc.
No. 992365
File: 1639304222455.jpg (57.55 KB, 600x435, FaceApp_1639307377483828.jpg)

Do you like Lana Del Rey?
Her early work was a little too "edgy teen" for my taste, but when Ultraviolence came out in 14, she really came into her own, both commercially and artistically. The whole album has a smooth 'jazzy vibe' and a new sheen of consummate professionalism, which really gives the songs a big boost. She's been compared to Marina and the Diamonds, but I think Lana has a darker, more mature lyrical style.
In 2017, Lana released Lust for Life, her most accomplished album. I think the undisputed masterpiece is "When the World Was on Fire We Just Kept Dancing", a song so catchy, most people don't even listen to the lyrics anymore; but they should, because it's not just an allusion to America's current political climate, and the public's general complacency towards it, it's also a personal statement about Lana herself!
No. 992376
>>992370You read it wrong. She said she has the outer cover the inner lips but she personally prefers
>>991927 this.
No. 992391
>>992361You'd be surprised. It really depends on the individual. I once had an upperclassman, super trad religious muslim, and she never once touched or seen her vagina, just occasionally wash it while bathing. Finally went to a doctor when she had a nasty fungal infection just festering there for months.
A bit unrelated but it frustrates me as well when young girls miss their period for months or even years, or have painful PMS, and just kind of let it happen. Despite the overall younger generation being more "sex positive", the amount of socialization of paying attention to your genitals is still the bare minimum
No. 992407
File: 1639310303861.jpg (237.65 KB, 1209x606, both.jpg)

Behold the two types of males I'm attracted too
you may not like it but this is what either all males should look like
No. 992409
I think sex with my casual guy is a vice. We meet 3x a week or so but every second weekend I stay over and it's just non stop fucking, now the day after i'm sitting with a cold pack over my vag wondering if it'll give me another UTI or infection, because after the 2nd go or so I stop being wet so easily but still have the urge to fuck, and yes we'll use lube, but it can still be rough, because that's what I enjoy. These days I take cranberry pills daily and am currently on a course of pills to re-balance the bacteria in my vag so I stop getting BV constantly. He takes all sorts of precautions for me but I think it is just the frequency, I'm the one who always initiates the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th round.
And I don't drink alcohol because it's expensive and will harm me physically long term. I don't smoke weed or cigarettes because it's bad for my lungs, I always go to bed on time and try my best to eat healthily. I'm 30 now and my bad habits bite me back these days, but this is one that I think adds so much to my life, and acts as such a release I don't want to stop even if it does my body harm. I love the intimacy and pleasure it gives me, without the stress or commitment of a bf.
Just a thought because I went to pee and it hurt, but I can't tell if it's a UTI or just the micro tears in my vag making everything hurt a bit.
In comparison to other vices, it's not so bad, is it?
No. 992416
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The left is 3A while the right is 2B, they could've at least been the same level of curl but no. I hate it. Even when they're wet you can notice the difference.
No. 992434
File: 1639313675993.jpg (202.79 KB, 1920x1080, 20211212_121814.jpg)

One of my favourite boys got a grand version after 4 years of fucking nothing
>b-but why isn't it my ugly bara boy
>h-he's boring
HAHA maximum schadenfreude, haters can eat my shit, me and my yume artist friends are overjoyed
No. 992445
File: 1639315001495.jpg (74.01 KB, 577x433, 7y0kqe5z5xs71.jpg)

So do we just kinda have ED/ANA-chans here right now ?
the ones who treat this place like proana forum and make fun of everyone whose bones don't rattle
No. 992446
>>992440Where I live people know they close on Sundays, so on sundays you'll always see a whole bunch of gross items dumped outside their doors.
They even say not to leave stuff outside but people are just so eager to donate lol. It's shit because charities have to pay for waste collection too. You're costing them money.
No. 992465
File: 1639317541879.jpg (128.82 KB, 1400x700, Pokemon-TCG-Shiny-Darumaka-Car…)

Me: I'm not really a fan of pink
Me any time the shiny version of a pokemon is pink: Aww fuck yeah, that's much better
No. 992485
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>>992484Photo in question
No. 992498
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>>992485I bet it's the same sperg that keeps posting this too.
No. 992532
>>992391Idk, I think ignoring pain or missing periods might come from just being dismissed immediately. I've had friends going to doctors because they kept throwing up from period pain, but the doctors said it's normal, it will get better once they're out of puberty, so after getting tired from trying to find help they just said fuck it, popped some pain killers and missed a day or two every month at school. Same with me, irregular period for some years now, but every doctor I've been to says it's just stress and it'll probably regulate itself again. Well, okay then, I know I'm not pregnant and just getting it every other month or so hasn't killed me yet, so if I'm being told it's fine I'm guessing this is my life now.
No. 992550
File: 1639326762922.gif (483.96 KB, 275x183, 1596547371132.gif)

I just found out that my (male) ex want's to make an OF account to sell pictures. He's in for a surprise once he realizes that it's going to be only male coomers who subscribe and not women. He's a complete normie so I do feel a bit bad but man… imagine putting your relationship on the line to sell pictures of yourself for 3$
No. 992559
>>992392what about lost media where fucked up things happen on air? like that MTV show where girls got sprayed with diarrhea, or that old talkshow where the guest died right on the chair, or those people who drowned in the making of the ten commandments film. and there was an old episode of i think wheel of fortune where one of the contestants was a child molester but no one knew yet until the
victim recognized him on tv (that episode actually got found tho but i'm too lazy to find the link). the NSFL section on lostmedia wiki has some interesting but messed up stuff.
No. 992621
File: 1639332617769.jpg (80.7 KB, 600x600, 1639163205044.jpg)

>>992590>>992601Its still going to be mostly males though, go to any online female domination space, its 90% scrotes
I think he shouldn't try for the kink market(its already over statured) try marketing himself more as a "misunderstood depressed loner" that might get some attention from girls if that's who he wants as his target audience
No. 992639
File: 1639333503055.png (14.73 KB, 476x133, jkr.png)

Our Queen is back.
Terven power level is over 9000
No. 992736
>>992648>>992639Its their own fault really, she tried to be a good ally and make comprises, but no that wasn't enough for them
they had to keep pushing and pushing and eventually trespassed in her house when her kids were still inside and doxxed her, that was likely the last straw for her
No. 992746
File: 1639340945723.jpg (82.78 KB, 600x553, meep.jpg)

I have to sperg. I hate when men scratch their balls/ass. I was watching a video, and the man in it suddenly said "My balls itch" and then I assume scratched them. Imagine how crazy a woman would sound if she said that out loud, and they do it in public too. Why are their nuts so itchy? Why do they subject people to their genital scratching? Why don't they wash their hands after? Fucking ogres. Stop telling people your disgusting balls itch.
No. 992763
>>992639That's brazen and I admire it.
>>992718Literally all night, somewhere between 5-7 hours. And it is exhausting, but also I think the mental buildup to the sleepover and the 1 hour or so of foreplay on me sets me up for a long time. Then it's exercise too which energises me, plus the mixture of fast and slow fucks in different positions makes it varied enough that it doesn't get boring. I feel absolutely worn out by the next day, but it always feels like time well spent.
No. 992784
File: 1639343745751.png (185.89 KB, 899x516, tx2NKJHm90v.png)

I know sometimes anons interact with my dumb posts out of pity or maybe charity but it makes me happy lol. It feels like when you get talked over in a group but someone acknowledged you.
No. 992789
>>992784they respond to u because u are funny and interesting
nonny, much love.
No. 992825
File: 1639345177148.gif (70.49 KB, 128x118, polar-bear-and-cat-playing-dru…)

Thinking about that one farmer who had a random scrote who was obsessing over her write and record an entire indie song dedicated to her. Lyrics about her having 'hair like a manga girl' or some shit like that.
I believe she posted about it earlier this year and she even shared an altered recording of the actual song, it was glorious. It still pops into my head sometimes and I wonder how she's doing.
No. 992896
File: 1639350042949.png (257.5 KB, 823x658, 1612666022975.png)

>>992886>>992892NTA but this is the post kek
No. 992927
File: 1639352946155.jpeg (666.65 KB, 750x791, A55A00C9-996F-40EB-AF54-593EBB…)

which outfit are you (from left to right) 1,2,3,4
No. 993022
File: 1639361428678.png (50.76 KB, 393x104, autism.png)

why is this 5 hours long wtf
No. 993171
File: 1639381743801.jpg (14.26 KB, 316x321, 1484775776730.jpg)

>>993022I watched it all a few weeks ago
No. 993178
File: 1639382529849.png (969.63 KB, 640x960, 1639213493113.png)

My dad is 5’10.5 and my mum is 5’7… why am I 5’2 while everyone n my family is regular height
No. 993202
>>9931845 feet, a foot is 12 inches. so she's 62 inches
>>993178maybe she smoked when she was pregnant with you
No. 993415
File: 1639401889250.png (51.7 KB, 520x128, Screenshot (5050).png)

I don't know why but this thumbnail is so funny to me
No. 993483
>>993173Emilia Clarke spends most of the movie very depressed, not coping, and constantly fucking everything up and burning all her bridges, failing at everything. She meets this guy who really understands, is kind to her, and she starts to feel a bit better. But because they telegraph the twist so hard you know it's eventually going to be ripped away from her. There's also this scene where the doctor tells her mother (who also has depression) that there are no more meds they can try and she's just going to have to live with it which kind of bummed me out. There's a happy ending, but it's pretty abrupt and doesn't feel earnt (the mother's chronic depression is cured via montage sequence, for example).
I have pretty bad depression and ADD (sorry 4 oversharing) and I'm really struggling at the moment with finals at university and Christmas and all. I saw a lot of myself in the heroine's constant fuckups (even though I don't drink and sleep around and stuff), and it made me wish I had someone who understood me like that guy understood her. When my parents asked me what I thought of the movie I said it felt unrealistic that the heroine turned things around so quickly, and they said it was realistic because she stopped being selfish and once someone stops being selfish they become happy, which made me sad.
No. 993639
File: 1639416160797.png (415.08 KB, 1000x1000, Cute-beast-longsword-rima_rima…)

She is troon allegory
No. 993647
File: 1639416374818.png (37.68 KB, 816x60, 5f5d.PNG)

>>993639She's a Llama who wants to be a human girl so bad she convinced herself that people don't see her true self™
>Aww. I don't want to make a fuss, but, well, why do I have to look different from other girls? My words, and my heart, are all the same as those of a normal person!>Even seeing my outward form, you're still willing to see me as a normal girl! Using your heart to understand someone on the insideAlso picrel
unless? No. 993709
File: 1639419660582.jpg (43.84 KB, 500x488, fcb35584c8e9fbe7a3059dd25832d6…)

In the otome/bl game thread on 4chan, occasionally the anons will post about their story ideas in autistic detail that shows their obvious passion for the niche genre and you'd get drawfags who deliver based off anon's descriptions of the characters.
I enjoy threads like that so much, collaborative efforts of people who are passionate about the same thing like that seem so fun. However, trying to make a thread like that would never pan out well. On 4chan, it would lead to retarded infighting and derailing if one or two drawfags get too much attention, or people start twisting this sharing of ideas into begging for free art and the whole thread goes to shit. On lolcow, the thread would be dead as fuck or the entire thread is super hugboxy and there would be no autistic tier hilariously nitpicky critical analysis of other anon's stories/kek worthy posts to look forward to (just look at the draw my oc or rate my art threads on /m/ to get a feel of what I mean).
I think in general I just miss when people would have genuine debates and discussions on the internet without resorting to retarded canned snarky one-liner comebacks that are both unconstructive and unfunny, or trying to compensate for the other shitty people on the internet by trying too hard to be ""wholesome"" and nice about everything. The internet was a lot more sincere back then. Now everything is so irony poisoned and insincere. There's no heart! There's no heart anymore! Thanks for reading my extreme autism.
No. 993773
File: 1639423465046.jpg (371.29 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20211213-132230__01…)

When men say we deserve all she shit about trans athletes competing with women, then I say men deserve pic related
No. 993779
File: 1639423778002.png (605.83 KB, 733x639, 1531544713768.png)

Friend said that he might move to a different country soon. Idk why but it made me really sad, which is stupid because we don't live in the same town and are 2h drive away, haven't seen him in more than a year too. We're in europe so it's not like he's leaving the continent, he'd just live 9h away instead of 2.
I think my stupid pms brain is just looking for any reason to be sad.
No. 993788
File: 1639424496703.jpg (44.19 KB, 796x809, aebfc867-2d22-4e45-ba52-55a5b5…)

Guy at work that's always negging me and talking shit about me was asking about my new profile picture, saying my old one looked rough and asking if my new one was "really me" and saying it's not this work profile isn't "THAT kinda profile"
He got called out by another guy, saying "I think he likes your new picture! He just won't say 'nice pic'" I'm howling
No. 993791
>>993781What the fuck
>>993779It's not pms it's normal, I felt the same when countless of my friends went abroad even though we saw each other like twice a year for a coffee.
You need to recalibrate your worldview accordingly. There is now one less ally in vicinity. It's no small thing.
No. 993807
>>993781Kek anon, he is already my ex fiance and we broke up like 5 years ago, don't think that work
>>993791Aw, thank you, good to know it's normal
No. 993864
File: 1639429746269.jpeg (115.4 KB, 1500x1500, 795B759F-61AC-4057-848A-AB0252…)

>>993795Use this for your pasta,
nonnie, it’s delicious.
No. 993882
File: 1639431548314.png (934.75 KB, 960x720, mushroom3.png)

anyone wants to rp with me ? I will start. So I come into your room, you are at your computer and wondering what this deranged women is doing, I start to sing my harvest song and proceed to collect your precious mushroom on your wall, how do you react ?
No. 993887
File: 1639432042883.jpg (110.62 KB, 640x480, c8c294e5a6d031a05cdee4012b0308…)

>>993882Glad to see my foot fungi have germinated onto my wall. In due time my entire house will be mushroom. However you are not allowed to collect without permission, as I motion to the hello kitty kitana hanging above my computer.
No. 993899
File: 1639432742249.png (173.79 KB, 427x405, 1603199145792.png)

I miss Lolcow Inn. I liked reading the posts there. The greatest things never last very long.
No. 993902
File: 1639432847517.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.92 KB, 720x942, ialv4h6fivx51.jpg)

>>993882N-nani?? W-why are harvesting my precious wall shrooms?! There's some perfectly good ones in the toilet we can grill up!
No. 993907
File: 1639433385212.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.42 KB, 1152x648, image.jpg)

>>993902Kinda reminds me of my gpu
No. 993919
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>>993902>>993907i'm almost scared to ask how…i understand a single tiny one forming inside something but these..
No. 993946
File: 1639436450801.gif (74.43 KB, 256x192, twewy math autist.gif)

When I went to and from high school I would recite digits of the square root of 2 and I used to know more but I forgot some, I am going to memorize them again because I hope it will relax me because I feel stupid retarded scared of everything. Right now I know this much: 1.4142135623730950488016887242096 and I will not memorize pi instead because everyone thinks pi is oooo cool math number fuck that I like the square root of 2 better.
No. 993959
I was thinking like imagine, you and the squad enjoying a day in London right, and you get the train there and leave the same day. On holiday, or because there’s something you need that can only be bought in London, or to go for an x ray. You have until about 8:00am until 8:00pm, and there’s so much to do, but it’s such a busy place. It’s chaos. So you get a drink, like some milk at a bar to replenish, but only once because of the cost, and then you have to shoo in half an hour, if there’s a seat. The toilets are a little gross and you can’t relax there.
Here’s my proposal. What if there were rooms instead where you can just relax. Two quid and you can sit in a quiet corner, there’s tea, water, a loo and some books and beanbags. An area to get out your packed lunch, your beef sandwiches and pears, and eat, if you’re saving money. Like a day hotel. Or a sixth form common room. I think that’s a good idea, but would any of you use it?
No. 994131
File: 1639449348063.png (1.23 MB, 1333x1018, 1639329582754.png)

me and nonnie
No. 994147
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cup i found at target today
No. 994196
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>>994188Here you go, anon. Multiple cakes in a variety of flavors just for you.
No. 994197
File: 1639456085767.gif (652.03 KB, 245x190, F12B7499-F5A3-4929-B393-2139A5…)

look at it all chocolatey COME ON SOMEONE
No. 994201
File: 1639456290136.jpg (59.36 KB, 679x679, 61l VMNCnUL._SX679_.jpg)

>>994188I don't know which cake is ur fave
nonny so I brought you a small selection.
No. 994511
File: 1639496120790.jpg (11.66 KB, 350x260, 20210425_173122.jpg)

Getting banned off 4chan because scrotes can't handle the heat when you point out how pathetic white men are and they have a sperg out across five boards. The jokes write themselves
No. 994533
File: 1639497577356.jpg (41.01 KB, 500x491, EbS0ihSXYAEUTVo.jpg)

another day spend avoiding going to my terrible course where we learn NOTHING and feeling like shit crying in bed with the only difference that TODAY I finally wrote a summary of that totally not self-insert sci-fi story I have in my head for months where the sci-fi medical part is a metaphor about my mento illness.
I'm not even a "writer" and I don't think I have the skill to write even a small decent story out of it but at least I somewhat got it out of my head
No. 994747
>>994735Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but I felt your reaction was like:
>all meat is murder>"b-but muh free range chicken!!!"however women enjoying whatever actor (with a supposed good track record) and his movies (often illegally downloaded) doesn't contribute to his potential raping, abusing and all around predatory behavior hidden from public eyes. They are mostly risking harming themselves when the man they Stan for years turns out to be a piece of shit.
Sorry if I'm reading too far into your words.
not a vegan/vegetarian btw No. 994766
>>994577I don’t care about more cash grabs but as long as JK Rowling keeps getting her royalties.
>>994670Literally most of the world loves and consumes Harry Potter. American white troons will make zero difference with their pathetic attempt at boycotting. I know for a fact libshit autists still hate-watch and enjoy HP on the down low kek
No. 994808
I think this is just an anxious flareup, but I think at least some of you have thought this before.
A decade ago, when I was 20 or so, I sent my online bf (kek) nudes. I was a little cautious and never showed my face, but I mean with the background of my bedroom and him having pictures of my face in the same place you could put 1 and 1 together. At the time I asked him to delete any nudes I sent him after he had his wank, and when I asked him to do this we were in a good place, so I trusted him and he'd gladly do as I asked afaik, in addition to the fact he was a terrible liar, even over text.
So up until now I think eh he probably deleted them, certainly never spread them around, but also…what if? What if he did? I was obviously a much more optimistic person towards scrotes in those days, now I can't help but wonder. How do you get over the possibility your nudes could be out there? I don't want to ask him or go looking for them, obviously. I feel like that would just fuel my anxiety.
No. 994851
File: 1639516207461.jpg (303.81 KB, 750x1129, Tumblr_l_1130582427543662.jpg)

>>994808It's probably gone. Don't think about it. But I wouldn't send any more, even if they marry you. Straight men are secondary homosexuals and like to make other men cum to pics of their women. They will put more effort into it than making their actual girl cum. Stupid faggots.
No. 994854
File: 1639516352002.jpg (116.76 KB, 735x734, 8e9c7a67b4b1d861e8bbdd37c040f3…)

>>994843Heh, you people have crushes still? I am spiritually deceased. The only crushing that occasionally consumes my thoughts is good old CBT.
No. 995043
File: 1639532583178.gif (1.52 MB, 500x222, 1520042546405.gif)

I'm all alone in my dorm and I just heard some loud ass sneeze sound
No. 995087
File: 1639538649577.jpg (173.22 KB, 1280x960, Tumblr_l_1354412528926142.jpg)

>>995003I'm NEET and my life's purpose is to secure that post. When the hour is nigh, I need all of you to courteously stfu so I can claim it with clever text and imagery. If I do not claim this millionth post, and it is instead snatched by some unaware imbecile in the celebricows thread going "huhuhu Billie a FAT", I will cyber genocide all of you.
No. 995114
File: 1639541276731.jpg (41.74 KB, 735x552, 78004168083e6c73d55eda8c5280a3…)

>>995087You can have the 1000000th post, I want the 999999th one
No. 995151
File: 1639545681311.jpeg (68.22 KB, 800x1091, 8F102EB0-048D-4F8B-861D-337922…)

happy monkey smoothie
No. 995154
File: 1639545938763.jpg (157.94 KB, 1024x1536, Puffs2.jpg)

>>995151This reminds me that I love those puffy baby food snacks that melt in your mouth. Inb4 diaper wearing schizoid autist ddlg ED bpd chan
No. 995162
File: 1639546673719.png (952.66 KB, 1090x1059, 3DA3F941-E076-4A84-A9EC-498DD1…)

>>995003Komaeda for 1 millionth!
No. 995223
File: 1639552286403.jpg (153.75 KB, 1541x2048, FGMMLNhVIAAlGlu.jpg)

No. 995254
>>995213They all are but it's pretty easy to feel how deep they're in once you have a feel for the degenerate. Anything choking, dick slappling, anal fetish, thigh high slipping out while talking about fantasy( … and the list is fucking long) and you know they're cooming on the daily.
I wish I had this secret knowledge when I was younger, I would have avoided some real fucking creeps.
No. 995343
File: 1639564875843.png (273 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2021-12-15-11-29-44…)

This is so fuckinf funny I love 4chan
No. 995346
>>995343Do you also love being a sociopath?
You sound underage.
No. 995378
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>>995157Nobody goes unnoticed by the typo ranger
No. 995495
File: 1639578745430.jpeg (13.23 KB, 224x224, 3539F3D5-CC84-476C-A4C0-4AF5B4…)

I don’t need the sonic totem, I know I got this job in a bag.
No. 995502
nonnie, good for you!
No. 995542
File: 1639581602636.jpg (135.05 KB, 1080x586, Screenshot_20211215_160942.jpg)

how do you do fellow Cyclers?
No. 995560
File: 1639582278464.jpg (68.92 KB, 1098x409, lol.JPG)

Imagine thinking men writing this shit for other men is somehow a feminist issue
No. 995595
File: 1639583928076.gif (2.13 MB, 640x384, naru-kick.gif)

>>995593TBH I wish women had Naru's strenght and superpower of sending scrote straight into galaxy. Rape virtually wouldn't exist. Scrotes would pee their pants.
No. 995619
>>995560Fr, why are they bothering
us when is other men creating this type of media/tropes? everything but calling out moids i guess
>>995595I love this gif sm, kick him harder sis!!
No. 995625
File: 1639586270210.gif (3.75 MB, 360x450, Naru_Punch.gif)

>>995619Those gifs hit different when you are tired of men's shit. Too bad she gets together with him in the end. I guess at least the kendo girl (resembling manga Rei Hino a lot) doesn't.
No. 995630
>We've made it not only necessary but acceptable for women to make the first move, shaking up outdated gender norms.This sounds cringe and stupid.
No. 995669
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>>995648A guy being 7 years older means he's had 7 more years to get his shit together and will hopefully die sooner if you marry him
No. 995698
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Just remembered this show exists and that I watched the entire thing when I was 13. I'm seriously considering rewatching it kek
No. 995735
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I want this top
No. 995738
File: 1639595445621.jpeg (34.57 KB, 480x480, 1617340916821.jpeg)

A guy had written on his tinder profile that he's vaccinated so I decided to open with "so are you magnetic because of the vaccine or is it just your personality?" and he never replied. Please tell me I'm funny nonas, because I thought it was.
No. 995800
>>995223This reminds me of when my mom had cancer and the only companies linking up with the hospital to throw events for those women.. cosmetic brands teaching you make up tips hoping you'd buy their brow pencils in return.. coz you have no brows from cancer. Profit! One of the leaflets they sent her home with talked about being sexy mid cancer.. I think you can put that on hold til the chemo is over and your mastectomy scar isnt freshly healing. The drugs were rushing her through menopause. It was too soon for that shit. At the same time I had a hair pulling problem.. cause my mom was near death and I was anxious. I couldn't care that I also had no brows and never drew them in. She never did hers. She went to the event just wanting to talk to other women in her position. It sounded like none of them really cared about brow lessons. Put group therapy above free eyebrow classes. 'Looking good, feeling good' oh stfu. Men aren't made to worry about staying sexy when they're facing a deadly disease.
That turned into a vent.
No. 995841
File: 1639601713103.jpg (54.12 KB, 800x800, plush-baby.jpg)

Stuff like this warms my cold butch heart
Plush when they have diapers on or lil plush pacifiers in their mouths, bibs etc. This is so out of character for me tho? Repress, repress!
No. 995849
File: 1639602639878.jpeg (65.62 KB, 750x531, 1633181422244.jpeg)

I want to start a mukbang channel so bad. But instead of gorging down fatty fast food and chewing into a microphone, I want to film myself cooking and then eating or mixing drinks, all while ranting nonstop about how god fucking awful men are.
No. 995854
>>995841Aww that's so cute anon
>>995849I'll mod your comment section kek
No. 995909
>>995849I will always give you likes, subscribes, comments and shares,
No. 995957
File: 1639609857717.jpeg (761.05 KB, 750x1043, 8EB74A75-B57D-4B32-BE2A-8F9AE5…)

This girl is so cool. Her father is a tattoo artist and until recently she was practicing with a tattoo machine under his supervision (I think now she practices on silicone). I think she had to stop because it was illegal or something?? Since she’s so young (just turned 13). She frequently draws and does really cool designs (lots of cats) and it makes me so happy to see her parents really embracing her artistic endeavors. She currently uses a lot of fake/temp tattoos or just draws on herself/other people with marker or something. I’m excited to see what she’ll do in the future!
No. 996000
File: 1639612661455.gif (2.12 MB, 372x298, f0f.gif)

everytime wikipedia ask for some fuckin bread. just makes me wanna jet off this rock
No. 996009
>>995957She's cool but I too could be a cool tattoo designer girl if my parents were tattoo artists that let me learn about it
And if my parents were fashion designers that let me have access to all their industry contacts I could be a fashion designer
No. 996010
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>>995957>omg check out this awesome artist!>so cool totally banned >no examples of impressive worklolcow is on its last legs and waiting for the ol yeller treatment. you could try on reddit to get more promo traction
No. 996134
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I want rice
No. 996151
I got rice
No. 996160
Get it? L-Like “nice”
No. 996200
File: 1639622367105.jpg (93.45 KB, 400x320, 24346.jpg)

>>996182Bicornuate uterus?
No. 996224
>>996198I like to think the nice middle aged lady doing my ultrasound didn't go home and immediately start whacking it to womb tattoo hentai.
>>996200Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what she was referring to. She just kind of dropped it on me and moved on, so I don't know how severe it is or anything.
No. 996236
File: 1639624816931.png (21.56 KB, 675x435, unicornuate uterus.png)

>>996222No offence to anyone ITT who happens to have a unicorn uterus, but this is an NPC from the white desert in Yume Nikki.
No. 996265
File: 1639627301497.jpeg (58.44 KB, 680x577, 1630027540796.jpeg)

thnking about how this truly is a good 85% of young-ish men now… i'd be so embarrassed if i were them
No. 996270
File: 1639627617623.jpg (442.24 KB, 1280x960, original.jpg)

Rat pencil case anon, where art thou? I think about that post everyday. Hope you are okay
No. 996290
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Every time my friend and I hang out we watch the entirety of Hamilton. It’s happened four fucking times now, and we’re still not tired of it. Is this true friendship, god?
No. 996316
File: 1639634105230.jpg (58.72 KB, 630x372, 7bxbt0omqy111.jpg)

I love slice of life mangas about girls doing stupid shit (as much as that niche attracts scrotes). I feel like I could draw a few really funny 4komas from anons' interactions sometimes. Maybe I should try.
No. 996376
File: 1639640155708.jpeg (23.56 KB, 740x415, C84BA724-CB2C-433D-927B-DA0184…)

You know, in 20-30 years it’s probably going to be really hard for western governments to find spies and undercover agents, because every person born in the past 5 years already has an internet footprint thanks to helicopter parents who compulsively over share on social media. How the hell can you create a cover for someone to plant in an enemy rulers inner circle when all it’s gonna take to blow their cover is some government egghead using face tracking software to find the photos of them at their college graduation on their moms Facebook?
Tbh China and Russia are probably farming spies rn, like raising kids at boarding schools with no internet or social media exposure so that they can plant them wherever they want as adults without their covers being blown.
No. 996381
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Good morning Sirs
No. 996395
File: 1639640906541.jpg (82.89 KB, 1012x800, Tumblr_l_1550467840808853.jpg)

>>996381Goot morning madam
No. 996430
>>996328>>996330I fucking hate it so much, especially when someone twists your words and you end up being dogpiled. Also when anons either have no arguments left or just get
triggered and start projecting on you some horrible amalgamation of everything they hate: zoomer-coomer-neet-nlog-neglectful dog owner-fundie-newfag-twitterfag and God knows what else, even though it has nothing to do with your post. Infuriating, even though it's transparent that they are doing it because they cannot accept nuance (i.e. someone coming from a similar background, but seeing a matter in the opposite way) and need to feel superior to the person disagreeing with them.
>>996420OMFG imagine being outed as a farmer due to your rat taxidermy pencil case
No. 996442
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>>996376Given how hyperrealistic AI programs are it might only be a matter of time before countries start producing artificial people from nothing and then raising them to resemble humans. Then you wouldn't even need to snatch random kids off the street or grow test tube babies
I've thought about this way too much
No. 996449
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>>996446Is it a riff on those scam gift card sites that you get from redirects on your phone?
No. 996461
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What do you guys will happen to books in the future? Will paper-based ones cease to exist and will be only found in museums? Will they be superseded by ebooks for the sake of conserving trees?
No. 996520
>>996498Books are of least concern
We should be focusing on useless packaging and cheap shein clothes that end up in landfills
No. 996521
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this is me nowadays. I fucking hate everyone
No. 996648
File: 1639668194949.gif (2.99 MB, 640x512, Tumblr_l_1537599898540376.gif)

>>996571Yass queen, stomp around and turn the unworthy into poop
No. 996675
File: 1639670472904.png (73.6 KB, 200x200, tumblr_45ac3b5e125f6d39e626e0e…)

I get way too stoned off legal weed and come here and just type the most inane shit and admin just lets me and i think that's something very wonderful باركك الله.
No. 996706
File: 1639672651314.png (157.29 KB, 591x273, F342715D-A199-43C8-AD48-AAB164…)

>>996705And she looks like an actual bimbofied Shayna
No. 996750
File: 1639674719177.jpg (45.46 KB, 380x380, Vi_0.jpg)

I finally watched Arcane a couple days ago, and the Worlds 2021 music video was so good JID's verse is under-rated. The Zaun set was amazing. The last time I played League was a couple months ago, and now I kinda want to pick it back up again. I'm glad they made Vi into a hottie and got rid of those weird rattails on the back of her head, picrel. She and Ekko are the love of my life now.
No. 996794
File: 1639676569357.jpg (25.46 KB, 453x512, 608698555.jpg)

would you wear it in public
No. 996818
File: 1639677515237.jpg (24.43 KB, 750x454, Tumblr_l_402515124535461.jpg)

>>996705HE HAS TONKA TRUCKS IN HIS ROOM, and uses the term "alpha"
autistic /pol/fag confirmed
No. 996831
File: 1639678560754.jpeg (97.7 KB, 630x477, download.jpeg)

I just like it
No. 996877
File: 1639680313361.jpg (26.04 KB, 512x512, unnamed.jpg)

So if Sanrio girls tend to be unstable, bpd-chans, what's the tea on Moomin girls?
No. 996882
File: 1639680383543.jpg (81.54 KB, 315x978, whitedesert.jpg)

>>996384It isn't, it's a medical diagram of a defect called a unicornuate uterus, where only one half of a girl's uterus forms. Sometimes there's like a separate mini uterus off at the side, which is what's going on in that picture. It just reminded me a lot of the white desert.
I love that game, but I remember crying because of how lonely it is.
No. 996914
>>996705First of all, that dress he picked out for her was grey, not fucking green john you fucking idiot.
His ""dominance"" is so performative, with little figurines and trucks at his desk kek. What a fucking stereotype.
Hilarious watching her squirm when the friend comments that him fucking other women isn't exactly traditional. What's in it for her? Is it a deep seeded kink?
No. 996941
File: 1639683295528.jpg (28.97 KB, 489x468, 8af05e4ed5fc7d732f31ee0239fe76…)

3 days. 'you should sleep with married men' anon has been repeating (her?)self for 3 days now. We may just never get the relationship advice thread back to what it once was. They're never going to stop.
No. 996977
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>I'm using logic… you guise are all using emotion… and everyone knows emotion has no place in relationships, amirite? No. 996985
File: 1639687273790.jpg (31.71 KB, 713x719, EIn5Se6UwAAtCgz.jpg)

I'm feeling so lonely I'm starting to fantasize on the least ugly dude at work. Why are pretty men so rare.
No. 997136
File: 1639708665753.jpg (13.05 KB, 225x225, th.jpg)

This lady is super punchable to me and that's weird, because I'm not someone who usually experiences really strong, negative, superficial reactions; but when I found out Rob Schneider is her dad I kinda felt less bad because I feel the same way about him. It's weird that punchability is a heritable trait.
No. 997195
File: 1639715282433.jpeg (247.46 KB, 1280x914, 7E43843A-DBF8-4B78-A885-940390…)

Was at Disneyland yesterday and Jesus fucking Christ why are all their employees literal landwhales? We’re not talking overweight or obese. No. These fuckers are easily 500+. There was one working in the candy shop on Main Street (the jokes write themselves) and she took up half the entry way. If you’re not familiar, picrel is the entryway. How do you work at a place where you wouldn’t even be able to ride the rides?
No. 997213
>>997198I've never seen a landwhale who was a cast member before. maybe op is referring to general workers?
Also a good chunk of people in the US are overweight, so it's likely that fatties would make up a margin of your workers statistically
No. 997259
File: 1639723476614.png (Spoiler Image,480.64 KB, 861x637, 3856747748967.png)

>>997226Seems like a good idea, but then some scrotes would be into that. Soon no man would be able to cum without seeing this mfer.
No. 997260
File: 1639723527723.jpg (49.23 KB, 640x640, 2ee072a7823c44e5847f6c96c2dc32…)

>>997226>>997226hehehe. im ready to do it. but I guarantee the jumpscare vids would be taken down at lightspeed while the cp and drugged rape porn stays up. I wish I could jumpscare every male on earth watching porn right now and give them a heart attack and make them die in their own excrement.
No. 997264
File: 1639724166953.png (4.07 MB, 2814x1576, voici la bombe.png)

i made everybody dessert
No. 997271
File: 1639725904943.jpg (32.14 KB, 480x288, 1593720138719.jpg)

The golden age for the USA was not the 50s but the 90s and there is absolutely nothing you can say against it that is correct.
No. 997275
File: 1639726629705.jpg (207.67 KB, 1200x1200, 3217.jpg)

>>997273cause it looked cool and people were thin and hot back then, even the wars looked better
No. 997331
File: 1639737017234.jpg (64.71 KB, 933x887, FCmKlpVX0AQnwBs.jpg)

just showered after 2 weeks, who wants me?
No. 997343
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>english male vtubers
I only feel cringe when they open their mouths, who thought western men and anime uwu boy aesthetics go together
No. 997386
File: 1639748222414.jpeg (46.81 KB, 500x500, 000396951054-n9s5a4-t500x500.j…)

just sat the easiest exam of my life, i'm starting to understand why people study… anyway time to enjoy my winter break to the fullest!
No. 997389
File: 1639748455383.jpg (40.29 KB, 489x368, 1606401938437.jpg)

I genuinely think that the doctors who do breast lifts have literally never seen pretty natural boobs in their lifes. All the after-pictures look worse than the befores or there is no difference at all. You'd think plastic surgery would've evolved beyond lazy shit like this.
No. 997411
>>997398I'm not a fan of vtubers in general, and the women really infantilize themselves (both in jp and eng). But in Japan at least you have the advantage of anime being mainstream and comedy using silly ways of speaking being more acceptable in youtube/niconico media, but for western streamers that's so weird.
I guess you could compare them to those squeaqy voice fakers like lilypichu or deep voice fakers like corpse? But that also has its roots of weaboos trying to immitate anime voices. And some of the eng girls intentionally speak slightly broken English to seem cuter to Asian fans? It's so weird man.
No. 997438
File: 1639753976996.jpg (593.83 KB, 620x895, Adam-Sandler-kids-shutter-embe…)

I used to think it was unfortunate that Adam Sandler's oldest daughter looks like a little clone of him, but tbh his wife kind of resembles him too. The kids look happy and by all accounts he's a nice guy despite making shitty movies, but they're an ugly family.
No. 997461
File: 1639755870626.jpg (1.59 MB, 2322x3482, golden-globes-2018-red-carpet-…)

>>997438I like that he doesn't force them to get dolled up like child stars. No makeup, ones wearing trainers and the other a cardigan. I looked them up, and they're wearing unstylish t-shirt and jeans in all the other photos the press have. Compare it to the way Will Smith styled his daughter when she was younger, for instance.
No. 997514
>>997472By your description I could only think of Mori, but she's not japanese and for once she speaks with a deeper voice. Can't say much about her personality though, because I mostly saw Ina'nis lives cause she draws pretty well and was very chill (even a bit boring if I am honest)
>>997482lmao Kiara is keekihime so no surprises there. I don't think she infatalized herself that much compared to say, IronMouse, but she was always so whiny.
I've always liked the idea of vtubers as a way to have a cool/cute design and hide your true identity to do youtube (I prefer yt videos than streams, personally), the clothing changing, the rigging aspects etc, but it's been beat to death by now, and usually by those pedobait girls, which unfortunate. I'd still make one if I had the means, though.
No. 997526
>>997515It's expensive if you want it to look good and/or doesn't know how to rig it, for example. Also a good setup to capture the motions correctly can also be a bit pricy.
I could do the art for mine if I really wanted to, but knowing myself I'd hate to keep looking at my own art, so I'd rather have someone else do it for me… And yeah, that can get really expensive.
No. 997552
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I was going to write my dissertation on neuronal oscillations but fuck that I want to study kiwifarm couples and why anyone would think that website has any good suitors. Anons can you be my undergrad jobbers and find participants for me
No. 997568
>>997558It's not that I don't believe you I'm just scared to know the truth. Also what the fuck is attractive about an internet tough guy scared of men in maternity wear? No assets, no career, 2 inch penis, the list goes on.
>>997554It's okay anon if they start getting weird ill manifest in their house and shit on their gaming rig
No. 997591
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I need this room
No. 997609
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>>997581so cute!!! such gentle shy boi!!! uwu
No. 997612
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No. 997613
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>>997609I can change him tee-hee!
>inb4 oldidc, if a moid has once been this deranged, he will always be
No. 997628
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>>997612people admit to things like this and don't feel like they should off themselves?
No. 997654
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Ate a really amazing burger for the first time in forever with bunch of cheese and now my stomach is telling me to go commit die because of all the fat from it, my toilet is gonna hate me.
But fuck
It was a really damn good burger
No. 997670
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>>997662It’s natural to for males to exist for our viewing pleasure. Don’t send a pic back though anon.
No. 997684
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>>997679nta you just inspired me
No. 997691
>>997674I've never seen it before and I was curious. So far's good, I just didn't expect the parents to die. Also I feel like there should have been more instances of Elsa accidentally hurting people for her punishment/protection of being locked away making sense.
Also Hans looks like¨he'd be more into guys than women
No. 997715
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ugly turnip head bitch i actually don't hate it that much but still don't like it. the oversaturation, incest shippers, and people claiming the movie as some 'queer' empowerment thing kind of tainted it. but the style is still ugly lol
No. 997756
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>>997602Too bad all PF fans don't feel this way
No. 997904
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>>997900>>997886After looking into it, it seems that there aren't any specific incidences of someone threatening a shooting but that some schools closed today because they were warned about school shooting threats on tiktok. I'm starting to wonder if this was just some plan for kids to get out of school for winter break a little early and get the day off? Especially since there was an actual school shooting really recently, maybe they felt that if they sent vague threats it would be taken more seriously than usual. It's weird that I see so many articles about schools responding to a tiktok threat, but I don't see any pictures or video evidence so really who's to say. Here's an example of an article I found, but there are plenty talking about it if you just type in 'tiktok shooting trend dec 17' or something along those lines: No. 997911
>>997909Thank u
nonny, anything will help at this point
No. 997930
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need a gf that remembers legendaryfrog kek
No. 997942
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My new mouse pad is so cute
No. 997952
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so many farmers always insist this place is full of friendless neets and hikis, but if this were true, tell me why friday evenings are the deadest time of the week on here
No. 997965
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I don't really believe in zodiac/horoscope things but nice to know I'm a 100% match for the antichrist fucking kek
No. 997968
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Having such a good time watching Yellowjackets. Someone recommended it in /m/ and I think it's my fav show of the year.
No. 997972
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>>997965the anti christ is younger than my grandpa what the hell
No. 997991
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i'm so close to giving up on my normie larp and leaping fully into having a scene phase in 2022. i have nothing to lose but my chains
No. 998014
>>997992thank you anon ily
>>997995lest we forget a well trodden scene kid motto: "haterz make me famous"
No. 998025
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>>997684I wish someone could call me their precious cow.
No. 998313
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My sister unironically posts shit like these, she's a NEET and Im sure a Virgin
No. 998406
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I wish talking about money wasn’t so taboo. The only person in your workplace that benefits from you not knowing what your coworkers are making in comparison to you is your employer, and it makes understanding money harder