File: 1431879368932.png (675.16 KB, 1023x609, 1431811676914.png)

No. 103693
she's so ugly she has a huge nose that she photoshops small and tries to hide under wigs
also she has a super huge chin that she does the same thing with
>>103688that's why if you saw her in the tinychat you would only see her at one angle to hide her chin and nose
No. 103702
>>103697?? why ouch??
She did it to herself, stupid white bitch trying to say the N word. She's super fucking racist and at the same time desperately tries to prove she's Japanese.
She's just a racist weaboo
I feel super bad for her parents, someone could send them a letter, but I don't think they would care because they do everything she says. They're like her slaves
They clean her room, she doesnt clean her own room. dirty ugly thing
No. 103704
>>103699everyone calls her the momosweetcosplay/tote wannabe lol
she wants to be like them so bad and then tries to shit on them at the same time
No. 103762
>>103752not missing anything important
her photos are mostly of her shitty cosplays/shoops
and her meltdowns when she has them No. 103815
Video she posted during her little meltdown when her PULL thread was made. The description is full of 3edgy5me.
Her old channel has two other videos posted during that time: new channel: No. 103824
>>103784Don't we already have one though? If I'm not mistaken it ended off in talking in Lilypichu or w/e tf her name is.
It didn't reach too far, so it shouldn't be autosaging yet right? Someone post in it to get it started again. Cause if we made a new one, that's 3 most likely gonna be dead threads.
No. 103828
>>103815>them creditsNevermind,this is great.
>btw kaninchen ur literally fucking autistic there was no fucking conflict, you bigoted cuntfuck you khaoskid663 everyone knos your a fuckin pokemon scammer fagot
No. 103844
>>103651to make her understand that she's not welcome here either, which she for some reason thinks she is
>>103830you mean this thread
>>59839funny because OP's picture is a picture of anne (loli)
No. 103900
>>103702who cares if she used the n word though? stop being so fucking offended, it's only a word lmao
this girl seems to think shes superior than everyone else, wtf
No. 103929
File: 1431918970454.png (199.11 KB, 303x305, OPaKomt.png)

fuck she is ugly
it really is sad how she tries so hard
No. 103932
File: 1431919397842.png (1.07 MB, 1044x635, wat.PNG)

i have no idea why she thought this picture was needed….
meth is one hell of a drug
No. 103933
>>103762these are even more unflattering that pixy's poopin
taking pictures of you shoving fingers up your nose\nostrils and acne
fucking why
No. 103940
File: 1431919946666.png (671.7 KB, 871x304, gP2yk33.png)

>>103925she seems to meltdown the second people talk shit sooo
filthy room time
No. 103941
>>103900hi annedere
Yeah, there is something wrong if you use the N word. You didn't even use it there when you wrote it you fucking imbecile, it's not yours to use
you disgusting piece of shit white whore
don't use the N word
"it's only a word" yet you censored it yourself
get your cracker ass out of here you smelly cunt
No. 103943
File: 1431920175553.png (33.93 KB, 400x116, bio.PNG)

she isnt japanese, let alone asian
typical weeb
No. 103948
>>103943I hate how she says shit like "lol I'm a loli"
and then in her no makeup/filter pics like
>>103940she looks like a crack mom
you look 23 in the pic to the far right in case ur here annedere lol
also loli is so fucking disgusting this white trash whore
No. 103949
>>103947RIGHT LOL
you're not a loli at all you look old as fuck
in the PT thread she said "i used the screen name loli bc i wanted pixy to approve of it" no u just wanted asspats from everyone you fuckin bitch
No. 103960
File: 1431920974507.jpg (98.67 KB, 250x350, ao9f5z.jpg)

GUYS someone found her in a past life
No. 104782
>>103815I watched some of her videos why does it look like she's always about to cry
her eyebrows are ugly as hell holy shit
No. 104784
>>103640people on pull really hate her
I can relate
No. 104786
>>103815what was the point of making this video
she spend the whole length adjusting her camera, is it really that fucking hard to set it up and take test shots to see if it looks right
but no she took the whole video fiddling around with it and then looking at herself in the computer to see if it was right, WHILE doing it
she's fucking stupid
No. 105140
File: 1432081257197.gif (84.43 KB, 166x119, lalalala.gif)

>>103940just look for the clearly pudgy adult woman trying too hard to be a "kawaii uguu loli" lol
No. 105193
File: 1432083879858.gif (1.14 MB, 640x480, 35cRLnY.gif)

This was one of the images from the description in
>>103815She actually made edgy comparison pictures of herself
No. 105241
>>105193her face is bigger in the photo though??????????
also she whited the shit out of it so you couldn't see her deep old lady laugh lines
No. 105304
File: 1432088904935.gif (1.98 MB, 441x298, you again.gif)

>>105214loli JUST STOP
nobody is actually thinking your 12
you look 40
No. 105307
>>105194im guessing she is in her late 20s
that or her makup is aging her badly
No. 105356
>>105194Holy hell what was this suppose to prove? That she is haggard with beady dead eyes without make up and editing?
Also notice she is puffing out her cheeks to make her nasal folds less noticeable and her face more full looking. If she really is just a teen then yikes
No. 106052
>>106036A fat gamur whore cried at the mod perhaps
How disappointing
No. 106963
File: 1432319184203.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-02-14-21-10…)

Lmao she looks gr8
No. 106969
File: 1432319412710.png (733.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-16-19-00-57…)

Very hq
No. 106980
File: 1432319776374.jpg (10.1 KB, 293x200, 5551458 _d9bfe6f80ae9d7e7fef89…)

>>106963hope this is sarcasm
she looks 40 in this
No. 106996
File: 1432322519489.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-22-12-21-21…)

No. 107570
>>107559stop responding to yourself
this is really sad
No. 107606
>>107559this bitch looks worse than the shit i take every morning
let me guess you're either the ugly cunt herself or an ugly orbiter who can't cosplay/do her makeup either who thinks a 15 year old that looks like a 30 crack whore is cute
reminder you're whiteknighting an ugly racist spoiled brat.
you should consider killing yourself.
No. 107616
File: 1432366397448.jpg (623.95 KB, 779x850, soledad_930_detail_779x850.jpg)

>>107606>>107570i hope you somehow find happiness in life, anon. ill pray for u
stay bitter & lonely in the meanwhile
No. 107806
>>107616this is the part where i say i'm already happy and you throw more generic tumblr insults at me since 15 year olds don't know better.
ouch, my feelings.
cry more loli orbiter. (kinda sounds like the crackwhore herself tbh, ew)
No. 107890
>>107880reviving a dead thread just to point out how ~mean~ we are
how are you NOT loli? why are you even on this thread? why are you on PT? this is literally the point of the board. to call ugly bitches ugly
No. 108042
>>107880>getting annoyed when an ugly racist 15 year old that looks like a 30 year old crackwhore gets btfo>lolcowloli confirmed
you're /literally/ digging yourself into a deeper grave LOL.
and if it's one of her orbiters, you're not doing her any good by whiteknighting her.
she literally has nothing to sympathize over, so you're either one of the two.
No. 110534
>>110522lol, she probably looks like your mother
she desperately wishes she looked that young
No. 110542
>>108042she literally makes it worse for herself because she cannot stand one insult ever shot at her online, yet she does it to every other online girl
she can't stand it to the point that she is literally 90% of this thread trying to pretend she is a white knight when its clearly her
whats funny is JUST when the thread is dying. her autism gets the best of her and she HAS to come back and give us new content by chimping out and pretending to be someone else saying "lol, what a kid" when its clear that she looks older than she is, and the only person that would call her a child is herself because of her stupic loli fetish.
No. 110544
you must make her jealous like no other then
No. 110572
>>110543I don't get what this means.
>>110542Sounds like Totemokawaii part 2
No. 110580
File: 1432601623021.png (307.95 KB, 400x490, 1429631670942.png)

>>110572You don't know what "summer" means?
On the chans, when you spot someone who is obviously new, you insinuate they are a schoolchild on summer break and just discovered the site. I don't know why I have to explain halfchan memes on here.
No. 110593
File: 1432603898523.png (532.58 KB, 757x591, asassasdsasdfg.png)

No. 110594
File: 1432603943188.png (10.56 KB, 328x138, asdsasdfghj.png)

No. 110596
File: 1432604133851.png (52.95 KB, 319x230, littlegirl.png)

From her twitch
>I'm a little girl
She really wanted to play up the whole "loli" thing didn't she
No. 110600
>>110596i hate all these lolcows that look OLDER than they are say "im a little girl. teehee" and are into the whole loli fetishism
no, she is not a little girl, as a matter of fact, if she hung out with people her age, she would look the oldest of them
this is just way to damn sad, stop lying to yourself.
like i can just imagine this girl trying to be a loli at 40
No. 110628
File: 1432607684141.png (934.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-05-20-33-56…)

No. 110630
File: 1432607751283.png (1004.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-05-09-26-32…)

Where the pants though
No. 110635
>>110628she blows out her face, trying so desperately to look asian
please girl, you look like your going to barf
No. 110640
File: 1432609359209.png (952.54 KB, 1080x1920, not a asian.png)

>>110628am i the only one that sees some photoshop? her cheeks look too sharp around in these areas
No. 110643
>>110589I can 1000% see that happening. League has a toxic as shit community anyway, combined with the fact that she likes throwing temper tantrums about everything that doesn't go her way. I've watched her stream before, and from what I remember, she's silver and bad.
>>110640Maybe. She has a really round face irl but you can't quite tell if that's shooped or not because the quality is so shit. That being said, I have no idea why someone would upload a photo of themselves like that willingly.
No. 110644
File: 1432609671183.png (977.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-09-11-42-10…)

She goes out like this in public (caption)
No. 110645
File: 1432609778644.png (735.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-09-11-42-15…)

Her friend too lel
No. 110651
File: 1432610295554.png (961.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-06-17-33-02…)

No. 110657
>>110652from the looks of her room
her whole life and only hobby is to look like and dress like an anime loli. She isnt even good at it
this is so sad
No. 110668
File: 1432611859834.png (618.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-06-14-08-17…)

Body goals
No. 110677
>>110676i have concluded that every "well, she actually DOES look like a little girl" is loli
just stop, she has a big ass. lolis dont have a big ass :^)
you do not look like a little girl in the slightest, just stop embarassing yourself and face that you look older than you actually are and thats life
No. 117889
File: 1433643192291.jpg (240.77 KB, 1080x1080, InstaSize_2015_5 _ 67278.jpg)

No. 118235
File: 1433722085743.jpg (134.5 KB, 640x960, lmao.jpg)

No. 118282
File: 1433729036445.jpg (22.43 KB, 526x294, heyguise.jpg)

>>118229oh my fucking god that voice
No. 118311
File: 1433734796689.jpg (155.01 KB, 2048x1365, KEK.jpg)

I CAnt bREAthE
No. 118357
File: 1433742483170.jpg (130.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-07-22-38-52…)

Apparently homophobic
No. 118360
File: 1433743048823.jpg (708.52 KB, 250x250, asadgf.jpg)

No. 118361
File: 1433743156812.jpg (78.65 KB, 960x960, fdsfds.jpg)

No. 118362
File: 1433743194918.jpg (51.74 KB, 720x720, ekke.jpg)

No. 118383
>>118360ahripop's other shitty fan, gamer.gyaru, did it better.
>>118362Her room would actually be cute if she cleaned that shit up. Also since the text on her swimsuit is backwards, i read it as mario at first.. it still looks like mario but i'm too lazy to flip the pic.
No. 118459
File: 1433778702447.jpg (281.43 KB, 1076x1794, Screenshot_2015-06-08-08-46-59…)

Is this even her
No. 118460
File: 1433778755122.jpg (193.58 KB, 1078x1354, Screenshot_2015-06-08-08-46-39…)

No. 118464
>>118459>>118460Why does she look so sad? I thought this character was more happy looking.
Also she probably looks like crap because she didn't get to shoop it first.
No. 118605
File: 1433795245651.jpg (61.62 KB, 946x845, sarcasm.jpg)

>>118459>>118460Wow she looks just like her
No. 118638
File: 1433797907084.jpg (925.54 KB, 767x1280, MYXJ_20150608141104_save.jpg)

DW Anne I got u
No. 118668
>>103948why would she even be proud of being a loli?
Having a babyface fucking sucks. people never take you seriously and you cant look "sexy"
also you get creepy lolicon guys that like you
No. 118669
>>110628she looks like an adult.
i'd say in her twenties tbh
bitch is delusional af
No. 119308
File: 1433902324892.png (1.8 MB, 1076x1794, 1433778702447.png)

>>118459made her halfway presentable
No. 119346
File: 1433908679331.jpg (279.88 KB, 607x960, 1433778702447_副本.jpg)

>>118235I try use my Meitu Xiu Xiu techinics on that pic of hers :) (hope not be a problem)
No. 119373
File: 1433913943677.jpg (528.33 KB, 640x960, waw.jpg)

I tried.
No. 119380
File: 1433915373725.jpg (623.44 KB, 640x960, 1433722085743_meitu_1.jpg)

>>118235Not entirely sure how I managed this.
No. 119384
File: 1433916709266.jpg (1.07 MB, 959x1599, 1433778702447_meitu_1.jpg)

>>118459Fuck, I hate her mouth.
No. 119792
>>118400Not the same anon but how can you not see "mom arms" are you delusional?
Look at that fat right arm, and the left one is slimmer, it's odd. Right arm is mom arm left arm is smooshed to make look thinner
No. 122178
File: 1434430813759.png (713.96 KB, 795x536, sokawaii.PNG)

I remember how she mentioned having bad hygiene but dat brown tooth.
No. 124393
File: 1434754693922.jpg (71.48 KB, 960x720, ew.jpg)

shes so bad at cosplay oh my god
No. 134298
File: 1436339669684.png (669.6 KB, 613x460, 613x460x2-Janna_HextechSkin_Ch…)

>>134293By the look of the outfit and staff, probably hextech janna.
No. 147060
File: 1438247668871.png (924.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-30-02-12-18…)

Dat loli body tho
No. 147061
File: 1438247707267.png (878.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-30-02-12-43…)

No. 147062
File: 1438247742756.png (566.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-30-02-12-48…)

No. 147295
>>147291No def not preggers. She has really flabby looking upper arms and she looks like a double chin in
>>147061 too.
If she were preggers, her stomach would protrude outwards more than it would sag. Even in early stages of pregnancy, her stomach shouldn't sag since the baby isn't big enough to add weight to it. Her stomach is all sag.
No. 147641
File: 1438325265342.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-30-23-45-13…)

No. 147912
>>147880yeah, actually, i know what you're referring to.
if you're petite, have D cup tits, theres like 0 area space when they're hella hiked up in a pushup bra
boobs are all muscle and fat if they're pushed up it has to go somewhere
No. 147916
File: 1438362715747.jpg (29.62 KB, 300x250, Kate-UptonF-300x250.jpg)

No. 147918
File: 1438362807433.jpeg (6.23 KB, 189x267, images.jpeg)

No. 147924
File: 1438363020623.jpg (179.69 KB, 450x563, Miley-Cyrus-Intent-on-Getting-…)

idk if ya'll are size 00s and/or apart of the itty bitty titty committee but take an anatomy class
No. 147939
>>147924why are you so mad holy shit
lmao a fatty getting defensive af
> i hav huge titties u biches just flat LOOK ITS BOOBS nd NOT FAT No. 150857
File: 1438665651473.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-03-22-19-39…)

What is she
No. 150858
File: 1438665703984.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-03-22-19-44…)

Only face she has
No. 151287
>>150858it looks like she is shitting herself by her facial expression
i don't get why she thinks it looks good, its looks like her face is melting
i know she is going for that anime chub face, but holy crap she really fucks it up by trying too hard
No. 151566
File: 1438734810939.png (509.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-04-17-32-31…)

What the Fuck is wrong with her
No. 151582
>>151566"step 1 nigger champions"
…uhhhhh wow wowow, does she talk like that a lot? lmao that's gonna bite her in the ass
No. 151617
>>151566Oh Annie dear, that's not very kawaii of you is it?
>>151582I…Think that's why she's home schooled.
(stemming from her mental illness I think) No. 151752
File: 1438752570585.png (12.97 KB, 584x138, 11Dg557.png)

going to dump some interesting posts she made
No. 151753
File: 1438752597470.png (14.72 KB, 409x106, Od77R9o.png)

No. 151754
File: 1438752690434.png (20.47 KB, 641x277, dtYWbRp.png) does this bitch feel the need to use the n-word every second tweet
bitch is white trash
No. 151755
File: 1438752703183.png (19.81 KB, 585x192, TRCo0oD.png)

No. 151758
File: 1438753005594.png (693.18 KB, 1024x581, bVfAG7v.png)

her soundcloud going to assume she is like micky and wants to do that vaporwave shit
forgive me, i don't wanna hear it
No. 151773
File: 1438754042140.png (111.4 KB, 687x826, annee.png)

a beautiful collage for u all
No. 151775
>>151773holy fuck
she probably smells like a pigs asshole
No. 151778
File: 1438754478805.png (172.14 KB, 640x960, photo (2).png)

No. 151811
>>151778really unflattering and ugly ?? why would she post this up
also im just waiting for the day when some God sent person beats the shit out of her face; like just fucking whams on her
No. 151831
>>151778I thought she was underage…. Is she? I think she's supposed to be 16 or 15 right? Because if she is, this's worse than anything Momo has done.
Her parents need to take her off of the internet for an intervention or something.
>>151773>acts like someone with autism who is obsessed with Sonic, games and anime>makes fun of presumably Nash's fan base and calls them autists
>Kekkity kek kek kek, Topkek! No. 151838
>>151832Yep okay. Does her parents know or care that their daughter is posting underwear pics on the internet? Won't surprise me if she goes full on nude in the future.
Or probably she's just having an episode, abd then she'll probably damage control by deleting or something.
Oh and personal anon, when you want to reply to someone, just click on the person's exact number. Or us '>>' before manually writing the person's number.
No. 151876
File: 1438769150613.jpg (84.26 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 152098
>>151795She isn't even skinny
She is just fat
I mean, not landwhale fat. But she is pretty big IMO
No. 152101
>>151778Lol @ Sucking in that belly
She is more obvious than pixyteri
her pose makes her look like she shit her panties
No. 152261
>>152113>first thing you notice is the odorKEK
considering she brags about not taking a shower for weeks i'm not suprised
No. 152275
>>151778holy shit. & I thought
megan's stomach was kinda weird looking..
No. 152380
>>152261I don't know what is wrong with her, but she does just brag. She talks about how great and "smart" she is and brings everyone else down. If you just mention someone else has a nice cosplay she will just spend the next 7-10 minutes listing off why that person sucks. She will even call someone else fat when they are less chub than her.
It honestly comes off as major huge insecurity issues to the point I don't think she can function and you can feel the level of stress she is going through behind the nervous laughter and distasteful humor. She needs to relax and maybe be medicated in my opinion.
No. 152388
>>152348honestly, she has to be the most racist person i have ever seen
i mean, there are all the confederates. But alot don't like stating outload that they dislike POC
this bitch on the other hand is spewing shit about how she wants to kill black people and wash in their blood (probs the only bath she would take in months)
seriously, i hope tumblr finds this bitch and teaches her a lesson
No. 152389
she likes to feel that way because everyone in her class is years younger than her
>>152385 No. 152411
File: 1438828234284.png (622.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-05-19-28-37…)

>>152400Kek not like she's any better too. Getting kicked out of cons is so kawaii edgydesu!!!
No. 152636
File: 1438852789535.jpg (51.71 KB, 454x377, ss (2015-08-06 at 11.18.00).jp…)

these tweets are from a few weeks ago but i didnt post anything since this thread was dead and they arent that important
what does she mean by ''miss my 2k'' ?? she never had 2k followers lmao..
No. 152637
File: 1438852814317.jpg (53.78 KB, 459x364, ss (2015-08-06 at 11.18.09).jp…)

No. 152638
File: 1438852873364.jpg (66.26 KB, 473x736, ss (2015-08-06 at 11.18.23).jp…)

No. 152639
>>152638I've been seeing this a lot with attention whores.
I don't get it, when I feel like shit, the last thing I wanna do is take a selfie.
No. 152687
>>152113in this pic she looks pretty good compared to an average day
No. 152791
File: 1438874440382.png (73.18 KB, 319x357, Screenshot 2015-08-06 11.19.09…)

>>152637but shes silver 3 and had to get carried there already hahahahahaha
No. 153102
File: 1438898449638.png (939.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-06-14-59-48…)

Another meltdown bois
No. 153106
>>153102wtf is wrong with her
also she looks pretty af in the pic of the black wig
No. 153128
File: 1438900841433.png (867.13 KB, 512x680, e77d4554791f4030a1612a1df4895b…)

No. 153135
>>153124I think its the wig, mine do that when you don't put them on properly. and anyways i'm pretty ugly with a big nose so i like her small/medium sized nose
>>153128also wtf is wrong with her
>>153128 No. 153153
File: 1438902441209.png (13.55 KB, 527x114, ss (2015-08-07 at 12.53.47).pn…)

No. 153155
File: 1438902498039.jpg (56.87 KB, 527x310, ss (2015-08-07 at 12.59.12).jp…)

No. 153156
File: 1438902532930.jpg (73.07 KB, 514x508, ss (2015-08-07 at 12.56.17).jp…)

No. 154344
>>153156is that her to the right?
holy shit she looks 100000% worse without all the makeup and angles
No. 154361
File: 1439016115961.png (250.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-07-23-40-29…)

Too meny ppl take ugly pic of me so no fun :^((((
No. 154736
>>154730 probably referring to meeting at a con
>>154723u would think someone as narc as her would take pictures with him and post it if she did
No. 154774
File: 1439084109334.png (12.58 KB, 513x100, ss (2015-08-07 at 01.01.05).pn…)

No. 154783
>>118668she doesn't even have a babyface
she is 15, she looks her age, maybe a little older even
she definitely doesn't look like one of her little kawaii desu lolis though
No. 154789
what human filth
No. 154841
File: 1439093024942.png (765.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-08-21-02-30…)

Is anyone going to this???
No. 154850
File: 1439094592646.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-08-08-21-28-58…)

Who dat
No. 154853
>>154848this is so sad
>>154792she does
she used to whiteknight herself and she realized that wasn't working so she is trying to hide, which is hard because she cannot help but take selfies and post them everywhere
No. 154863
>>154857god i hate how she does that puffy cheek thing
it makes her look like a slack jawed chimp
yet ironically she tries to say that blacks look like monkeys
No. 155219
File: 1439157536281.png (486.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-09-14-56-34…)

Is anyone there?
No. 155223
>>154713>>154714>complains about meeting someone who seems cool but has bigoted opinions>this entire Twitter accountThe irony.
idc if it's just his "humor", either
No. 155248
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Nice strawberry to hide the double chin KEK
No. 155331
>>154855haha omg does she really puff out her cheeks every time someone takes a pic in an attempt to back a baby face?
It isn't cute, it looks dumb
No. 155401
>>155268i bet you she shit talks black girls all the time
I wonder how someone can be so racist
like, did she learn it or did her ex leave her for a sweet black girl or something? Most racists i see usually aren't so vocal about their hatred, and usually just stick their ratarded racism to their family or close friends. The fact that this girl is self absorbed enough to be this openly racist it kind of crazy.
Or maybe she is just mad because she looks like a deformed chimpanzee. lol
No. 155402
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>>155399she actually said "they look like they constantly have their cheeks stuffed with cotton"????
she is literally the worst person i have ever seen with that cotton cheek crap
No. 155488
>>155401She's from North Carolina and her boyfriend is from Texas, two notoriously racist states. What did you expect?
>>155399She's probably mad because she has to puff out her cheeks super hard to achieve that look.
No. 155638
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Dat nose
No. 156155
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>>152637mfw my friend is platinum
No. 156167
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>>156162I can confirm they said this
No. 156190
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Pot belli and narc
No. 156275
>>156195who can blame them? people who know her IRL keep saying how bad she reeks
its like standing next to a dead skunk
No. 156278
>>156162there is multiple videos of her online from her streams talking about "killing niggers" and yelling "ching chong Chinese" (the link is already in this thread so i wont bother reposting it, it's a youtube link BTW)
there is literal video evidence of her saying this.
it cannot be a rumor because it has been proven true
No. 157113
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Are we getting to u Anne :(
No. 157115
>>157113>negative attitude causing problemsYeah I'd say your racist ass saying you want to kill another race probably causes a lot of problems dumbass
I hope she fucking quits tbh, I hope she kills herself
No. 157120
>>157113is posting selfies online THAT important?
is taking selfies THAT hard?
like does she think being a racist first world middle class white girl who takes selfies all day THAT hard for her?
jesus, just don't post selfies. It wont be the end of the world
No. 157123
>>157016does she have a tumblr? maybe if somebody sends a callout post on her to a white-hating tumblrette that has a relatively big following could stir some shit.
I don't usually encourage this behaviour, but damn, this bitch deserves it
No. 157157
>>157133You put it on any major social media platform on tumblr, twitter, or IG and if you bring it to the attention of an SJW, especially an angry one that hates white people, they will go for it.
I'm usually against doxxing because more times or not its a 15 year old who made a mistake once with the wrong person but in Anne's case she's an all around terrible person and the worst kind of racist so I don't care about her wellbeing.
No. 157315
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Why'd they get kicked out???
No. 157743
>>157222I know this blog focuses on fetishization of Asian women. If you sent them Anne and told her about the ~loli~ shit she does + her rampant racism I'm sure they'd love taking her down. question, does Anne have mental problems? Her severe lack of hygiene, self-awareness and reponsibility for anything doesn't seem normal, even for a 16 year old (esp if it's true she didn't finish 9th grade). Where the fuck are her parents?
No. 157749
Okay, found it
>>157743 see,
>>103917I was right.
No. 157775
>>157758Well her medical reasons could be her borderline disorder, as she acts like a huge cunt. So instead of putting her through SpED or mainstreaming, I guess they just kept her home.
>>157761Make a callout post, and tag a bunch of she people. They should be able to see it, and reblog it.
No. 157791
>>157761Do what
>>157775 said or submit to a SJW blog
No. 158008
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Went to Cassie/ quackiess twitter, she also follows 420niggerslayer
It appears Cassie is also racist.
Also more tweets from Anne, stay classy
No. 158009
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No. 158012
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No. 158014
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Her twitter is also full of hentai retweets, jfc
No. 158020
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>friend is a racist fuck who says she wants to kill a certain race
I know it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but someone include Cassie and Taylor in that post to, as they're pretty much defending their racist ass. Especially since I see their friends with gemlighte, who I know if she was aware of this, would be absolutely furious.
No. 158032
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>>158031I fucked up and went in the followers instead of following tab, here's the following one
No. 158040
i made some posts from a troll otherkin account on
>>157934>>157743let's hope they are in a shittalking mood tonight
No. 159279
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No. 159401
>>159279I would usually get pissed off by this
but if she actually killed herself, nobody would feel bad lol
No. 161734
>>161730I mean it's pretty obvious she's doing it for attention, not because she's actually going to kill herself.
I wonder what living with her must be like.
No. 171360
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Well that's gross, okay
No. 171444
>>171360why would you even admit that
if the doctor told me i was overweight i'd fucking fix it not blog about it to other fat orbiters
what a gluttonous ugly girl
No. 180368
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No. 180487
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No. 180488
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I can't believe what I'm readin
No. 180828
>> is basically a callout blog at this point
maybe thisisnotjapan if you really wanna talk about her loli fetish
No. 180988
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No. 184108
>>184104Calm your shit
If a large percentage of the population were autistic, then yes, it would be considered normal.
No. 186938
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Had a go and shooped her maself and now she looks like dakota to me, lel
Her neck was a bitch to work with??
No. 186954
and she's still not even remotely as cute as dakota was in her prime. even dakota now, which is like a 6/10 on a good day.
No. 187561
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i tried
No. 187779
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Unless she reborn, there's no solution for her
No. 192278
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she's still looking bigger