File: 1427538374943.jpg (118.77 KB, 500x667, totemokawaiiohgodlol.jpg)

No. 70291
File: 1427538637310.jpg (160.52 KB, 792x920, totemofutanari.jpg)

It's weird how nice she was in the beginning, concerned about Venus being bullied. Then she grew massive e-balls and proceeded to bully Venus herself.
I lurked and remembered her actually being calm and pleasant in the beginning. Then after revisiting PULL she seemed to be a different person. :/
No. 70350
File: 1427551119844.jpg (62.21 KB, 744x254, totemooohlookatmei'…)

>>70290Totemo is one pathetic cunt lol. She would jump at the chance of giving venus a rimjob.
anyone got recordings/pics of her skype conversations with PULL members? She did say she skyped with them. Can anyone confirm this Venus-wannabe pic as hers?
She loves to wear the skin of Venus, FemaleFreud and god knows who else the insecure fuck
No. 70364
>>70354um she looks a lot heavier than 90 lbs
even at her height, she looks at least 120
No. 70368
File: 1427554032218.jpg (35.94 KB, 802x166, totemokawaiiweight.jpg)

>>70364Well I'm just going by the facts she gave out herself. Feel free to look through her posts.
Totemo if you are reading this, remember what you said about how the world isn't a nice place and if you don't like what's being said, don't look! You're not a saint and you can't change us :) That's what you tell others, yup.
Don't complain when you get dox'd!
No. 70370
File: 1427554284231.png (300.76 KB, 500x374, tumblr_mlqtislOMh1qgaso9o4_500…)

>>70364Oh I'm sorry. *"facts."
We get it. You are so much skinnier than the fat and awful Venus.
Do you have a Venusangelic shrine in your closet? I swear you are like Helga Pataki but with Venus. Go to Japan and just fuck her already god.
No. 70375
File: 1427555824850.jpg (50.1 KB, 760x566, totemootp.jpg)

No. 70376
File: 1427555985737.jpg (23.01 KB, 473x342, totemoobsession.jpg)

No. 70379
File: 1427556565804.jpg (41.15 KB, 696x479, totemowantstofuckvenusiknowit.…)

No. 70401
>>70364shit I responded to the wrong post XD And no I'm not accusing anyone here so far of being Totemo. I was saying stuff at
>>70370 in case if she is here to read it.
No. 70631
File: 1427590434068.jpg (34.57 KB, 640x480, yusuke.jpg)

her eyebrows look like an asian anime boys'
No. 70679
File: 1427596629813.jpg (109.6 KB, 1564x878, totemoimpersonate.jpg)

>>70620Well it is according to others who said she claimed that pic as herself, unless if she's lying yet again about what she looks like. she claimed FemaleFreud's as her own pic. Lol she is the biggest snowflake ever
No. 70686
File: 1427597164057.jpg (108.64 KB, 772x770, amIAsianyetdesu.jpg)

>>70620She whitewashes herself and goes like "Tee hee! I was mistaken for Asian!" Oh god and she rips on people for being a weeaboo while wearing seifuku and Bodyline to school while arguing loudly about kpop in public.
No. 70704
File: 1427598673311.jpg (56.26 KB, 794x786, lookeveryoneiwantattention.jpg)

>>70701Well if it's not her then I am sorry towards whoever is the owner of the original pic because right here she says she looks like Tokki. God damn she cannot keep her lies straight. First she says she's… that.. then FemaleFreud, Tokki and who knows what else?
No. 70725
File: 1427600550582.jpg (128.51 KB, 1680x1050, totemothrewatantrumandbannedba…)

Totemo allegedly banned FemaleFreud for leaking her pic.
Apart from skyping with people, Totemo has also admitted to sending pics to other members via PM. So can anyone confirm what her appearance is?
No. 70727
File: 1427600823863.jpg (130.13 KB, 1680x1050, totemothrewatantrumandbannedba…)

Totemo tells people to suck it up the world isn't a sparkly, kawaii place yet she bans people for leaking her pic because "waaah it was supposed to be private you big ol' meanbad!" even though Totemo leaked Venusangelic's deleted period blood video against her will.
Totemo, the pics weren't even nudes. FemaleFreud didn't even insult you. Explain how this is a bannable offense? I think this bitch is worse than OrangeCitrus, redchild, Hoglee, etc. Holy shit Totemokawaii is the poster child of what not to do at PULL. The only reason why she desperately tried to obtain a mod position is to censor people unnecessarily and protect her insecure self from anything she doesn't like to hear while lecturing others about being oversensitive.
No. 70728
File: 1427600971770.jpg (145.37 KB, 1680x1050, whiteknightingherself.jpg) happened in this thread. I suspect Totemo was whiteknighting herself because no one said "haha people are trying to appeal to lolcow now" when talking about other PULLtards. It seems suspicious that someone said that once mentioning Totemo. Other anons said they noticed that no one acted any differently.
Totemo did the equivalent of pulling her shirt collar and going like "Whew! Is it hot in here? Heheh! Oh my!" (flees in embarrassment)
No. 70743
File: 1427601945888.jpg (124.84 KB, 1110x806, I'msomuchlikeVenusI'mSoSpecial…)

"Me, I, myself I'm so much like Venus I bottle up her dolly breath and breathe it in every night to be like her WE COULD BE TWINSIES OMG HOOHOOHOO I'M SO FUCKING KAWAII"
Shut… up.
No. 70752
>>70713I don't know if you're asking for the proof or asking a rhetorical question but just in case, here is the screenie.
>>70679And here is the thread where it happened at. No. 70759
>>70743>I'll be honest, I supported her even when the Xiao thing was going down, but listen,"No I will not fucking listen you support bags of shit that will stalk and compromise the safety of a person. You're willing to support people who will obtain fame at the expense of someone's safety because your idol is so cute like your own alleged face and you project yourself onto Venus so much because you see yourself in her and any attack against her was an attack against you.
You are literal pig shit, Totemo. You were like 14-16 then and supported that. That's too old to not know the severity of what the Palermos did to Xiao. You bitch about Venus doing similar things at that age because "she knows better, she's old enough" while you did the same. Leaking info is a-O.K. except when it's against you, even when it's not done in an insulting way. Got it. Now scoot back to your hugbox you pussy.
No. 70804
>>70759by expense of someone else's safety I mean doxxing Xiao and saying bad things about her, getting the fangelics riled up. Fangelics are very inbred as you can see so besides harassing Xiao there was no telling what they would have done.
And really, Totemo? You would support someone with a shit personality as long as they weren't ugly? You are fucking shallow. #1 snowflake of PULL. Everyone let's clap.
>>70753 Lol anyone got recordings? she did admit to imitating Venus's voice when she has an ulterior motive irl.
>>70763 Yes if any PULL mods are here (IDK how it works) please tell us her exact location in Oklahoma, if she even lives there. We want her name too lol. She lies so much I can't even tell when she tells the truth.
I heard from a friend who had a friend that was someone who knew her IRL that she did such weeby shit in school and confirmed the seifuku, bodyline, pigtails, Venus voice and getting into embarrassingly loud arguments about Kpop. Trying to confirm it but I doubt I'll get any good info so anyone who knows hilarious shit, let us know.
No. 70807
>>70804*harassing Xiao online there was no telling what else they would've done, if they would do something to her physically.
Yup. Everything's alright because "I'm cute just like Venus and Venus's face looks like mine and anyone with a face like mine should be allowed to dox and harass those mean ol' jelly haters they jelly of her face which is my face–" SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
No. 70813
File: 1427612060723.jpg (106.5 KB, 1302x1050, totemoimpersonation.jpg)

>>70713Eh even then I don't know what's going on. What if Totemo impersonated FemaleFreud, Espurr and others all at the same time in this thread? No. 70855
File: 1427620969096.jpg (116.98 KB, 782x898, ummnostahp.jpg)

>>70290Here is Totemofutanari flat out saying she believes she actually looks better than Venus. I never speculated. SHE admitted it. LMFAO.
No. 70857
File: 1427622009447.jpg (79.59 KB, 779x454, LOL.jpg)

No. 71011
>>71007I'm the one who said she doesn't have brown skin, and i've read through the whole thread now
and just want to clarify on why I said this because she's sent me a pic of some white girl saying that was her once
No. 71085
>>71003Margaret allegedly dox'd Xiao. if she didn't dox her, her daughter and herself leading people to harass Xiao over some petty jealousy or whatever is snowflakey behavior. Making severe lies about Xiao such as painting her as a psychotic harasser which could deprive her of sponsorships and other business connections. hey, Totemo still supported Venus like the fangelic she was and probably still is.
Margaret did most of this though but according to current Totemo logic, Venus isn't blameless and should've done something to resist her mom.
No. 71089
File: 1427668142104.jpg (63.57 KB, 800x572, totemolulz.jpg)

Can mods delete what is in the chat? Totemokawaii did it maybe. Lol.
No. 71097
File: 1427669649472.png (5.19 KB, 281x300, chatangoasamod.png)

>>71089>>71090Mods of the chat can delete what's in the chat. This is from a different chat where I'm a mod, this is what it looks like if you're a mod.
No. 71118
>>71091I feel someone should spam the chat with her lolcow link, I swear to god PULL has the most lolcows I've seen in any forum.
Not including Gaia.
Btw, is she a mod in the chat? That's unless she convinced the other mods like Xiao or Kanni to delete the stuff.
No. 71922
sorry for ot but jun, from euthanizeallwhitepeople also used skype all the time and never the webcam. and he was quite a catfish. the biggest that i saw actually
No. 71972
>>71518It's also photoshopped right? I don't know for sure which pic she used for the kotify thread before it was deleted. It could be the OP pic as the other anons have said.
Since Totemo is not above impersonating others I don't know which anons she could be though.
No. 71987
File: 1427752453555.jpg (249.04 KB, 1841x1227, PAY-Lucy-and-Maria-Aylmer-non-…)

>>71518It could be some other mixed girl and not Totemo. (as another anon pointed out in the PULL lolcow thread, there are some biracial people who look like this. Pic is an example of twin sisters who are part white part black) She stole FemaleFreud's pic and she was mixed and didn't look like Tokki or Venus. The OP pic does not look that much like Tokki or Venus to me either.
Some mixed girls look like that. I think some white girls have noses like that too because I have a white friend with a nose like that.
She could have edited the skin to be lighter. (I'm not good at interpreting fotoforensics yet.)
No. 71995
>>71518Her hair could easily be dyed, that's what I've been assuming this whole time. It doesn't look natural to me. Also, there's a shit load of white people with big noses..
I don't think she looks mixed at all. Just a white weeb trying to look Asian with those drawn eyebrows and lips.
No. 72012
>>71990And? What did she look like?
OP's pic? Or what?
No. 72220
>>70685For someone who goes around lying about her appearance a lot, she sure does lecture people about lying quite a bit lol
Even when you don't know her real face, you can tell how inconsistent she is with the claims about her real appearance. She might not even be a girl either. She could be a guy for all we know.
No. 73108
>>73107This actually makes sense. If you have a smaller body, you should obviously eat less food. Maybe she eats like someone who is trying to maintain their healthy body weight of 120 pounds? I can understand her making this mistake since food portions are the same for everyone basically. Like if you open a can of soup you wont think twice about eating it all thinking "one soup can means one person. Right!"
Maybe she thinks like this, maybe she doesn't. Can't really say. Still not like fat though.
No. 73109
File: 1427873782392.jpg (43.61 KB, 768x280, venusvoice.jpg)

These pics look really different from the OP pic.
Also here is Totemo admitting to faking a higher pitched voice so that supports the claim that she does imitate Venus's talking style.
No. 73110
File: 1427873848289.jpg (50.2 KB, 728x491, short.jpg)

No. 73115
>>73114tsk wow I have not paid attention to her posts. I did talk to her last year and thought she was more down to earth about how she looked. Maybe, MAYBE I should have seen something was up when she compared her skin to mine.
Okay she might be delusional, but I still stand by what I said about her and showing her real face. I think she just makes horrible comparisons to herself.
She should try tanning! Or something to darken her skin instead of trying to be pale. Wonder why she hasn't
No. 73120
>>73109I think she looks the same..
>>73097She's fat lol
No. 73129
File: 1427877215423.png (51.52 KB, 1341x563, yellow.png)

>>73117She has descried herself as "Simpson's yellow", "Brown skin", a "POC" and being mistaken for a "Dark skinned asian or Native American."
And yet she doesn't look like any of those. She is very confused.
No. 73133
File: 1427877656276.png (59.15 KB, 1337x589, oldthread.png)

No. 73169
File: 1427888073058.png (Spoiler Image,719.8 KB, 435x873, Untitled.png) blog "yummi-loli" doesn't seem to exist though. Wonder how long it's been gone for.
No. 73187
>>73149>>73151>>73148>>73147>>73146>>73145>>73169Top kek.
This shit should be posted in the PULL thread too.
No. 73231
>>73102 I think what makes her look a bit chubbier is that she looks like she has a short upper body on a pair of longer legs. That's what this picture makes her look like at all.
In other words, did Totemo post Pandai's pics? Funny, but low a'f girl. I mean, if you weren't a little ass you would be on lolcow period.
Lastly, she COULD be mixed, but with really light parents, and then relaxed her hair I guess. Idk where she got brown skin from tho, but if she's brown, Micky or Ami must be dark a'f to her then haha.
No. 73241
>>73238Then PULL should unmod her. They have no more excuses.
>>73235>>73240You were respectful and she posted your pictures (and someone's nudes) because you didn't "respect" her.
What is her problem.
No. 73245
>>73241unmod her pull PLEASE
wtf is her problem??
No. 73247
>>73241Maybe she just saw the screen shot but didn't read what I had to say? But you guys obviously know what she looks like.. I just thought since I had a lot of good conversations with her in the past I could use what she told me to defend herself… maybe it was stupid on my part because if she wanted to defend herself she would have done it herself. However her sad attempt at "revenge" is stupid.
These are of me
>>73145>>73146>>73147Some random asian guy with a marker up his ass
>>73148>>73149>>73151>>73269 No. 73255
>>73240Can't blame her tbh, I'd admit it was the same person at first glance. Same lips I guess. Then again, I have a prob recognizing faces.
Either way this goes (His noods or not), Totemo, you are sad as a'f, and I think you should join the ranks of OC, and fade into obscurity. You know what this shows, you pull down anyone to get to your level, when you actually look pathetic. You may be cute, but deep inside you are no different from any other snowflakes on PULL or lolcow. Good day.
No. 73281
>>73265When I wake up to more of my private messages online, yeah. I'm pissed.
And evidently it's A-okay for FF and you to post stuff that's public info/messages, but it makes me a shitty person when I do it. Um, okay.
No. 73286
>>73270This is is the maker of the poll, long time pull/lolcow/ccw user
totemo imo shows too many almost lolcow tendencies. lying about random shit, obnoxious, 3edgy 5 me
you would expect a mod to be more level headed and not random banning people (as suspected by female freud being banned)
honestly even if those nudes ARE pandai (idk if they are or not) it isnt right for her to upload them AT LEAST WITH HER USERNAME SHOWING??? like wtf you are supposed to be a mod?? brings down the whole group of other mods/userbase idk how to explain it
imo totemo u should have not used ur name
No. 73289
>>73281I am fine with you posting my private messages. If I said something wrong in them I will own up to them. But what made you shitty is when you posted some random naked asian dude claiming I was shoving markers up my ass. We already found the original tumblr where you pulled those from. Come on… most people here are PULL members. Of course we are going to find the original site for those pictures. And once again… I was TRYING to defend you! Damn it >___>
Original site where she pulled the pictures from
>>73249 No. 73291
>>73288The blog was deleted Dec 18, 2014.
No. 73297
>>73289I was told by another girl that it was you.
Like I said, I woke right up to that and was like "Done".
I found those pics ages ago and had zero intention of posting them anywhere. In fact, we were like "Oh, Pandai won't do that." And them boom.
No. 73303
>>73302i like how now you are 'well, i couldnt reallly tell if it was him or not..whoops'
when you posted u were like 'OMG HAH LOOK WHO I FOUND HAHA FAG GET REKT'
No. 73306
>>73297It's me Pandai
omg can you stop trying to validate yourself you cunt. Me and you both know I never sent you any nudes. We already found the tumblr blogs you pulled them from. YOu just found some dude who was asian and wearing glasses. I never made up shit about you girl. But you are lying out of your ass. I wouldn't find some random porno chick who sorta looked like you and claimed it was you. This is the main reason I'm upset.
If you just posted the screen caps I wouldn't give two shits. So people know what I look like now. I would prefer if they didn't but oh well. But you took it a step further
No. 73319
>>73311nah man she fug
she looks like a tubby british boy lets be honest
No. 73511
>>73231>I think what makes her look a bit chubbier is that she looks like she has a short upper body on a pair of longer legsThat would make her look skinnier but ok.
>>73107 and
>>73120 are right. She's just fat.
No. 73626
>>73611>completely missing the pointWhy bother replying if you're not going to read what I typed?
>stop watching animeI don't. Where did you get this assumption? Mad hambeast detected. Go spew always unique, totally intelligent, sometimes mysterious disorder out of your hole somewhere else.
No. 73646
>>73626this is what you typed: "Then you have never seen someone who is 4'10". They're a lot skinnier than this".
Can't you spot the always unique, totally intelligent, sometimes mysterious disorder in this sentence?
>>73642I did read the conversation. It's just retarded to say she's "big for her height". She's big, yes. But you all seem to think short people have the same fucking body. She would still be big if she were taller.
No. 73648
this so fucking much.
>inb4 OLOL U SOUND FATTTYou can think i am PT's size if it can help you sleep at night but you sound pretty insecure and delusionnal if you think this is even remotely fat. Geez why are girls on /cgl/ and here convinced that if you do not have kowai supah thin animu proportions you are "so fat" lately, you should stop watching anime and seek.some help nignogs.
No. 73655
>>73240pandai i am aoi from skype (changed account and all i am sorry)
what a fucking asshole oh god,.,and even if it WAS you it is your business and not her. She is a serious case of psycho i wanna punch her pugly face now.
No. 73667
>>73655Aoi? Really is that you?
Sighs See Aoi I really am a horrible judge of character. Sorry about the things that happened a few months ago. But yeah no those are not my nudes. It was confirmed that it was some random asian dude on tumblr. Didn't know you looked at lolcow. Ffff embarassin that a friend saw this sticky mess
No. 73674
>>73655Okay back to TK
I wont post anything off topic. Taking this on skype
No. 73684
>>73648>you sound pretty insecure/delusional if you think this is remotely fat>m-muh unrealistic standards!!Oh the irony. You're the only one who sounds insecure randomly ranting about animu grillz. What is delusional about being average or below average? Not everyone is fat.
>Geez why are girls on cgl and here convinced that if you do not have kowai supah thin animu proportions you are so fatThen leave. No one is forcing you to stay. No one wants to see your landwhale appreciation rant. This isn't a hugbox. Don't like it? Get the fuck out, you manchild.
No. 73687
>>73577>>73590She just looks average to me. I wouldn't look at her and think she was 4'10" by that picture to be honest. she looks like your average 5'5" girl walking down the street.
I've never actually met an adult who was 4'10" and wasn't fat though. Short people are often fatter unless they are kids. I mean I see 12 year olds who are like 4'10" and super skinny but never thin adults. Usually because being 4'10" as an adult is fucking weird midget-sized height in the first place…
IDK what you guys are ranting about tbh. being that short in the first place is fucking weird. couple more inches and she would be a clinically classified as a midget.
No. 73694
>>73687Yeah she does look 5'5" but pictures are tricky. My cousin and one of my close friends are both 4'10" and 4'11" and they're skinny af. They're adults but if you saw them walking down the street, you'd think they were probably 14 or something.
I think the legal midget height is actually 4'11" and under but I'm not certain. It of course depends on where you live too probably. There's tons of petit girls that are short like that but I wouldn't really classify it as midget. Weight and height are such touchy topics especially when you consider muscle, bone structure, etc.
No. 73778
>>73667Yeah its me it's been so long i felt so surprised to see you there.I usually really dislike and avoid lolcow and usually bc drama and bitches and whores (if you are a personafag you'll understand the reference plz dont hurt me) and they are bitching about physical appearance sometimes and i am an insecure idiot already so nope, not for me. This lil betch will have something coming to bite her marshmallow ass for what she did, i hope PULL will ban her butt out of there and that she'll be shamed. Plus she always acts like she's hot shit when she is in fact just shit.
(My new skype is cinnamonbuns11 feel free to re add me bun so we can talk again and if i can help you i'll do , sorry for OT people)
No. 73782
>>73780Yeah sorry about that anon, i went really OT please disregard.
heavens no, i am not this horrible little snitch and thank god ✞.
Back to TK sorry for my useless off topic
No. 73790
>>73270Crap. I accidentally hit "no." Meant to hit "yes" so disregard that one no.
"Should Totemokowai be unmodded poll"
26 say "yes,"
1 say "I don't know,"
and zero for "no" so far.
No. 73791
>>73785this is only a temporary skype with no real info off course, i wouldnt post a definitive account. I have quitted PULL since a while so i couldnt message Pandai…
i am sorry for interrupting with all that OT, please disregard me anonettes.
No. 73795
>>73790>26 said yesgood, good..
anyone got pics of the real her? Not some stolen pics
No. 73797
On the subject of the Venus jealousy: yes Venus is not talented and not that pretty looking but her face is unusual and fitting enough for the doll-style. When she uses angles and bright lights, she pulls it off well.
Her fame was not that much from talent. It's from how she marketed herself. A lot of people tend to be more famous than people with much more talent because they marketed themselves correctly.
So Totemo, stop bringing up how much prettier you are than Venus already. She did not become famous for being insanely pretty. It's the end result in pictures/videos+marketing that got her where she is. If you want to "out-do Venus" market yourself properly then.
No. 73801
File: 1427934991336.jpg (58 KB, 756x537, age.jpg)

>>73792She was like 17 in 2013 according to herself. So she is about 18 or 19 now.
No. 73891
>>73257Yes. Just like how you have the exact same face as a photoshopped Tokki right?
Ok serious question: do you have eye problems?
No. 73903
>>73795ALSO count the 30 ish on here PLUS the yes on the new poll
No. 74422
File: 1428021126175.gif (689.48 KB, 500x281, happyface.gif)

Can't find Totemokawaii's posts. She has been banned?
No. 74452
>>73281Context, Totemo. CONTEXT. Consider the reasons someone has when they drop personal messages on here. That makes the difference on whether or not it's justified. Jeez, you have been on PULL for a while and you still did not understand that?
Way to harass the one person who was willing to defend you. I bet you have no more allies. You're such a fake friend to others, god.
No. 74858
>>74856I never "leaked" contents. I told a mod that a couple of other mods and few other members were going to ask Lain to boot her before telling her what the problem was.
Everything got resolved 2 years ago and pretty much everyone is on good terms.
Don't don't start drama where there is none
No. 74876
File: 1428088489428.png (500.63 KB, 745x436, 119qtte.png)

>>74759good enough for this
No. 74878
File: 1428088670812.jpg (51.21 KB, 893x457, yup.jpg)

>>74875So Espurr didn't have the balls to tell me no, instead she would rather lie to everyone because, even after she said it wasn't a big deal if I stayed at the motel or not, and then have the nerve to brag about it. Okay.
No. 74881
File: 1428088791826.jpg (18.66 KB, 695x137, yup1.jpg)

>>74878Everyone just forgive poor Espurr.
No. 74882
File: 1428088833861.png (12.24 KB, 200x197, 3234.png)

>>74878>>74881Said the one throwing temper tantrums.
No. 74889
>>74882>>74883I was asking her to empathize with me, something she hasn't done the entire time I've known her. She's so fucking paranoid and thinks I have some kind of ulterior motive up my sleeve.
I never told her I wasn't going. I never told her there would be a problem between us when we did go. If I'm gonna drop that much money on an event, I'm gonna enjoy my time.
I even told her beforehand that if I couldn't make it for whatever reason, I would still try to help out for their expenses because it's really shitty having two people pay for all of that. And she said "Nah. It'll probably be fine. I have friends I can ask if something does happen." and stuff like that.
No. 74893
>>74890Because I was told I could. She wanted to backpeddal out of the situation and pretend that she never lied because it would hurt her rep as admin.
If she was real about the hotel situation, she would have been like "You know what? No, totemo. I can't do that for you. That's wrong. In fact, I don't want to room with someone like that anyway."
But instead she tells me it's fine if I don't even come because she has other friends that will go.
And then has the nerve to be like "Well everyone will forgive me, because I'm Espurr."
No. 74903
>>74893Ha, both of you are some fucked up group of "friends", but Espie is right, she can happily walk away because YOU were the one who fucked up, and posted everyone's pictures. Idefr what possessed you to post FF's pics, but I do remember this starting because you were a self-loathing Venus cunt sucker. Whatever friends you loose now, was all on you dearie. :)
P.S. Stop throwing people under the bus, it may help in your little predicament here.
No. 74906
File: 1428090490650.png (13.04 KB, 193x230, 5345.png)

>>74900Don't twist everything to your favor, you were the one who left without saying shit.
No. 74914
>>74906I didn't leave. She misinterpreted my message. I said that I'm not having my friends stay with us if she's going to be like that. I can deal with her, but my friends aren't going to be caught up in it.
Stop saying I bailed because I didn't.
No. 74918
>>74916Because I'm not there.
She ordered the hotel IN ADVANCED and told me after she paid for it. I was going to give her my share in cash at the con when I bought my ticket. Like I do every other situation.
No. 74928
>>74924>but that doesn't change what you didWhich is absolutely fucking nothing, because I didn't bail out.
But if I had
>Just because she got backup it doesn't mean you can't tell her that you don't go while she did expected you to be there.She shouldn't have told me it was okay if I didn't go.
No. 74931
>>74930Okay, okay. What is your deal here?
Because I'm don't understand what part of "I didn't say I'm not going." wasn't clear enough for you?
Your problem is that I supposedly left.
But I didn't leave.
So you're wrong.
What are you even complaining about?
No. 74933
File: 1428092326195.gif (28.96 KB, 303x400, Fasten-Seat-Belt-Sign-K-2049.g…)

No. 74935
>>74933Man, I can't with this anon.
"I didn't leave" translates into "Fuck you, Espurr. I'm leaving." to her.
Regardless of what anon wants to hear, I didn't bail out on Espurr.
No. 74968
>>74964yeah accept she does pretend to act sweet and kind towards her "friends"
Lets not forget all the other people she tried to blame when Pandai confronted her. Naw naw, she isn't a bad person, it is just everyone around her!
No. 75087
>>75077I removed all the pictures, but the pics in the PULL thread weren't posted by me, so…
I'm not sure if you want the actual posts with your name mentioned in them deleted as well. It's up to you. But I don't want to hear cries from people saying I was trying to delete things and cover my tracks. So if you want me to delete them, okay. If you want me to keep them, okay. Just let me know.
No. 75201
>>74974But that's too "preachy." That's "saintly, moral" behavior
Well gee, I didn't realize not acting horrible was saintly. I suppose washing my hands after using the bathroom is saintly too. Brushing my teeth so I don't offend others with my breath must be pretty moral and holy of me too.
Totemo, are you not used to posting on the internet or something? Internet fights happen all the time and many of them are not worth it. People like you end up on this site or worse because of their internet tough guy behavior. I'm sorry if that's somehow miraculously too preachy for you.
No. 75708
>>75391PULL members always hate on lolcow/Staminarose but as they get a thread they delete everything.
At this rate, we practically dictate which pull members become demodded/leave.
No. 75836
File: 1428215578175.png (181.52 KB, 1366x768, IDidn'tMeanToBeMean.png)

She says this and has a signature saying she never meant to offend…
No. 75838
File: 1428215696104.png (237.61 KB, 1366x768, sotough.png)

>>75836…but then she says things like this recently and used to have a signature bragging about how she's an ass and not the good, pretty kind, and that she doesn't care if you're offended or something like that.
No. 75840
File: 1428215765287.jpg (57.94 KB, 691x645, misgendering.jpg)

>>75836Refusing to be proven wrong over mis-gendering.
No. 75843
File: 1428216022230.jpg (42.63 KB, 874x472, namecallinglol.jpg)

>>75836That sounds like a personal attack. "fucking idiot."
No. 76326
File: 1428284963613.jpg (49.95 KB, 1280x720, cloud.jpg)

I didn't pay much attention to TotemoKawaii, cause they seemed like a decent person. Then there was a sudden personality change, where this person had a stick up their ass just started saying unnecessarily mean shit. I think it comes from a place of insecurity, and just using people to blow off steam.
If she reads this, she'd probably be able to spot me. I'm about 75% sure this was from her, but I remember her wanting someone to get advice from and I was like "oh yeah, sure I'll message you" and I really didn't know what to expect.
I got a response like "I have this male teacher that's older than me, and I think we have a connection… and I don't know whether I should pursue it." I think she was about 15 around the time - so clearly I was like "no, that's really fucked up" and she got really defensive saying that she really liked him and stuff.
I think she joined a Facebook group that some of us created too? She's since left. But there was a very erratic personality change, and I find that it flip flopped a lot.
I didn't pay much attention to her, I just acknowledged her existence, because it was very obvious that she was picking fights just for the sake of picking fights, to me it was like "old man yelling at cloud" sort of deal.
No. 76334
>>76326Um wow. Hm. I never knew of a fb group. I did notice her flip-flopping kind/mean attitude on the forum.
So what made you think it was her besides the flip-flopping personality?
No. 76947
>>76334>>76445Okay, yeah she was probably being fake.
I'm assuming you mean why I think the teacher thing was her? Because it wasn't someone I was close to but kinda recognised at the same time.
No. 78277
File: 1428550441288.jpg (36.28 KB, 236x331, b2e78306e35a5304eafbb834f78f70…)

No. 78308
>>78277this shit is getting old. Most people who are cunts like totemo don't have a 'mental disorder'. they are just stupid, entitled, rude low self esteem etc but they do not have a mental disorder.
Totemo is just an insecure bitch who went on a power trip over the internet
anyways inaccurate picture anyways
No. 78320
>>78308I wasn't referring to the "omg I suddenly have a mental disorder guys!"
If her actions were really from an uncontrollable mental illness, she wouldn't be saying "tough shit I don't care that I offend you I'm an ass and I'm proud" on the forums, then saying "oh I was never intentionally offensive, it's just that my actions were misconstrued" when confronted about it on lolcow.
You're "a fucking idiot" (what she called redchild on PULL) means "I disagree with you." You guys just misunderstood her according to Totemokawaii lol
Making assumptions that a user "was posting for attention and didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy" when the user was pointing out her crappy snowflake behavior meant "I feel your assumptions are not correct" in Totemocow-land.
No. 78487
File: 1428587591605.jpg (38.11 KB, 817x537, sheltered.jpg)

>>78308The pic just fits her personality well that's all. :p She did mention she was sheltered and not used to posting on the internet so maybe she went crazy with the amount of perceived power the internet gave her when many internet users realize it's really not that special. She was only cool to naive kids on the internet, the kinds who think it's cool to insult someone's mom over XBOX live.
No. 78490
File: 1428587923109.jpg (54.52 KB, 952x476, penusdesu.jpg)

Did she make this topic on lolcow? seems like something she'd say
No. 78494
File: 1428588037604.jpg (43.19 KB, 513x491, truth.jpg)

Have you notice she is obsessed with the word ass? She is obsessed with other things related to the ass too.
No. 78495
File: 1428588192904.jpg (41.84 KB, 614x491, assassass.jpg)

Ass obsession proof.
No. 78496
File: 1428588286248.jpg (45.39 KB, 608x491, describingyourself.jpg)

Did Totemocow just describe herself?
No. 78756
>>78491What the fuck? Abused children dont live a good life. Kids being locked in cages doesnt mean abused children are much worse
This bitch needs to shut up
No. 78761
File: 1428616191952.jpg (48.53 KB, 637x537, totemogetsputinherplace.jpg)

>>78756I hate it when people use the "people are worse off than you therefore it negates all the abuse you went through in your life" excuse.
All Venus did was put up an Amazon wishlist. That's it. It wasn't like she was aggressively begging. Totemo is just jealous that Venus gets free stuff sent her way and her egotistical ass didn't.
No. 79169
On the subject of Totemokawaii's excessive strawman arguments, she would always talk about the other person's perceived faults to detract attention away from the subject and/or herself.
Then when she "wins the argument" (an achievement she admits to coveting so very much in
>>75836) people give her the praise she desperately thirsts for, under the illusion that she made good points.
Pandai shows Totemo's pics to help defend her claims
>Oh yeah well Pandai has NUDES! (shows a naked guy that looks similar to him)FemaleFreud drops TK's pic
>Oh yeah well… YOU! YOU YOU YOU! This is the real TK! (shows FemaleFreud's pic)Espurr gives TK permission to ban FF
>But she said I could! (even though I threatened to drop pics of PULL members and mess up the hotel somehow if I didn't get my way)People on the forum point out her shitty behavior
>Oh yeah well you–Ok the second you talk about someone else when someone is pointing out your faults, you pretty much lost the argument and should flee in embarrassment.
No. 79439
>>79179*whenever she was confronted by others regarding her behavior.
>>79346Really? I still see her signature and profile pic unless if people who are banned can still retain those.
No. 79446
>>79442Really? I was going by TK's post appearance and other post appearances. Not even her post/thanks count show up and she might or might not be banned. (I think she might be because she tends to lie often so I don't completely believe that she deleted everything on her own)
OC's thanks/posts count are still showing.
No. 79455
File: 1428724915078.jpg (38.9 KB, 501x512, totemok.jpg)

No. 79462
File: 1428725405030.jpg (8.85 KB, 219x230, goku.jpg)

>>79455She has DBZ brows.
No. 79475
Totemokawaii was probably bullied in school, which is why she vents on the internet.
She wears weeby stuff, does her makeup in a lulzy way and is very short. High school kids pounce on that. She probably has little chihuahua syndrome. You know how the smallest dogs tend to be the yappiest.
>>79467 So much for "I don't care if you're offended." and "I don't post for your comfort."
No. 79503
File: 1428729047369.jpg (18.04 KB, 322x430, sparklebomber.jpg)

>>78494BTW Totemo was talking about the Jenny Fax Sparkle Bomber. about the Sparkle Bomber but when you pay a huge amount for designer clothing, you're paying for a piece of the designer's mind and high quality sturdy materials most times.
Expensive clothing deteriorates more slowly than cheap clothing. It sheds less. It's more sturdy over all. Whether or not the clothes are made in a sweat shop or fair trade company also plays a role in the price sometimes.
Totemokawaii, who clearly buys cheap manufactured shit all the time would not understand and/or appreciate this.
No. 79516
>>78494I love how transparent she is. She just sounds so mad she can't afford nice things
and LOL at people who get so uppitty over people spending their money how they want it when they are desperate poor fags
No. 79522
>>79503This jacket cannot be made for $15. What about the hard work the artist did to sketch out the jacket design?
I really doubt this could be made for $15 without looking cheap and costumey and having the little sparkly things falling off due to rushed production to get it to be cheap. A cheaper thick bomber jacket that looks similar to that would probably cost $30-40 minimum. And Miss-I-don't-know-what-iirc-is says people have no right to be ignorant because "we live in the age of technology." She lectures people on how ignorant they are when we have Google yet she cannot google why some designer clothing are so expensive.
I want to also mention that I didn't say "China crap" because many designer stuff is made there and is still high quality. Basically when buying from China, you get what you pay for. Bootleg/knockoff stuff is not exclusive to China. USA does it too with their off-brand USA made stuff, some even copying eastern items.
No. 79523
>>79516Totemo is just a jealous person in general. Instead of improving herself, she tries to tear down others as evidenced by what she did to Pandai and other people from PULL.
Oh well maybe some short people want tall people to stoop down to their level rather than grabbing a chair or platform shoes to meet them at their height.
No. 79543
File: 1428732195098.png (225.27 KB, 955x537, GRRi'mverytough.png)

>>79515Totemo just doesn't appreciate or understand hard work and/or paying your workers a living wage.
She just doesn't understand quality in general, which is why she thought Pandai's posts were horrible for some reason, and why she didn't value the fact that he was a quality friend.
"I don't give a shit if I'm friends with any of you or not." And that's exactly why she did what she did to Pandai.
No. 79546
File: 1428732346509.png (211.46 KB, 955x537, maketheEDpagehappenplz.png)

No. 79548
File: 1428732379950.png (288.65 KB, 955x537, sorrynowplzdon'tmaketheEDpage.…)

>>79546>>79543She made an apology post RIGHT AFTER the post that revealed an Encyclopedia Dramatica page on her may be in progress.
No. 79557
>>79548she doesn't sound sorry at all…her doxx should be added to the ed page
I always hated her since she dropped her nice act on pull and went for the 4edgy5me one
pathetic ugly girl
No. 79578
File: 1428734547403.png (109.86 KB, 1366x768, loltotemo.png)

>>79557Yes, before she was justifying her actions to Pandai.
>>76324 Then due to the backlash on lolcow, she realized she wasn't nearly as cool as she had previously thought and she apologized.
She claimed "if I didn't care at all, I wouldn't be here to tell you all of this."
But then said "I don't give a shit what everyone else thinks of the situation at this point." in the next sentence.
No. 80141
>>80116She has to have some behavioral problem to act like this. I just think she puts too much blame on it and/or makes little to no effort to restrain herself.
>>80118 I agree. She belongs in the next PULL banner so fucking much. The only thing she does better than Venus is being cringe-y and unlikeable.
No. 80150
File: 1428801272358.jpg (40.59 KB, 345x479, ttotemo.jpg)

No. 80527
File: 1428853155737.jpg (73.58 KB, 599x537, i'mcoolgeekgurrl.jpg)

>>80477It is possible for a part white part black person to look like that. Example of two twin sisters related to each other.
>>71987However she said she had brown skin and then compared her skin to another user's while showing pics of her with her skin painted white. Wouldn't she at least say "In these pics I painted my skin white"?
She did mention she was insecure and used lighter foundation to make her skin light.
>>79543 She is obviously very spoiled to have so many Korean lotions and foundations, not to mention a lot of plastic crap her mommy and daddy buys her.
No. 80528
>>80498This, ED is littterally "YEAH SO THIS GIRL IS A FAT UGLY FAGGOT BITCH WHO LIKES TO SUCK COCKS BC DADDY DIDNT LOVE HER ENUFF XD!1!!" Trying way too hard to be offensive and funny to a point where it's just ridiculously sad
They even got pages about people who did nothing like Xiaorishu
No. 80530
>>80528Yeah the site bores me. It's like a slightly better version of Totemokawaii's rantings.
Totemokawaii acts like those kids sheletered from the internet who suddenly discovered Encyclopedia Dramatica and wanted to be so cool just like them. They emulate the behavior on ED but end up sounding so cringey and tryhard.
No. 80535
In the OP pic
>>70290 she does have anime/video game toys in the background which supports what is said in
>>80527 Maybe that's too much of a stretch though.
No. 80695
File: 1428868933605.jpeg (178.3 KB, 1200x800, shellie-billy_1008.jpeg)

>>80527screw totemocow and that twin with a multiracial black mum, I find Billy Blank's biological daughter much more of a genetic miracle
>>80530Now that you say it, Toteycow could be liked at encyclopediadramatica.
No. 80710
>>80707aww shucks.
I still got Paris Jackson to tell myself that its possible
No. 80783
File: 1428877114567.jpg (39.07 KB, 533x537, stopobessingoveranus.jpg)

White people descended from African people. That's why some dark skinned black couples give birth to blonde hair blue eyed, light skinned babies (but they mostly have african features). Those are recessive genes of Africans.
Kate Hudson isn't biologically related to Billy Blanks though.
Anyway Totemo screencap to keep on subject. Again with the anal obsession. Love it when redchild argues against Totemokawaii because she puts her in her place well and has good points against her.
No. 80787
>>80783>I'm not trying to be a dickI don't buy that. At all. At age 18, if she STILL does not know talking that way is not rude, she's probably not going to be able to hold down any job and would have to resort to getting SSI.
If it's true she is not intentionally vicious, imagine the massive amounts of lulz she got into at school only to whine "wow they were mean for no reason first ah din do nuffin!"
No. 80903
>>78761If Venus's fans are getting her gifts, that's not Venus's fault. They aren't forced to give her anything even if she did say her fans had to do so (which she didn't.)
If naive little girls give her stuff, wouldn't they at least need their parent's permission? I doubt many of them make money at that age and even then they would need a parent/guardian's permission.
If they had permission, it's fine. If they didn't, they should get off the internet. it's their parent/caretaker's fault for not teaching or supervising them properly.
I notice this a lot on PULL, people blaming the public persona for what the fans or haters choose to do. Venus did not provoke anything by doing nothing but putting up an Amazon wishlist.
No. 80954
>>80141i agree.
i want someone to make an ed page of her
No. 84679
>>74974Lol you're so positive towards someone who obviously does not deserve it. But yeah I really do hope she becomes a better person so she doesn't irritate the hell out of anyone else.
>>78494Wow she such a selfish bitch (just like what she called Venus.) If she had a chance to rule the world, she would steal the money of fashion designers (by the way, no one was obligated to buy their stuff) and force them to live in poverty and cause emotional and physical abuse to them all because she could not afford designer clothing? Wooooow that pales in comparison to Venus making an Amazon wishlist like what she preached against here
>>78761 No. 129913
File: 1435712039290.jpg (84.88 KB, 782x630, unnamed.jpg)

I, I, I, me, me, me.
Received "new" screenies of Totemo's lulz.
No. 129914
File: 1435712114531.jpg (76.04 KB, 776x572, unnamed (1).jpg)

And yet she could not take lolcow nitpicking her and deleted everything despite bragging about how SHE DUN CURR SHE ISN'T TRYING TO BE YOUR FAV POSTER!
No. 129917
File: 1435712471904.jpg (65.45 KB, 1000x636, ego.jpg)

>This forum is about me me me me.
No. 129918
File: 1435712537925.jpg (81.23 KB, 940x660, datego.jpg)

Screenshot dump from a friend sorry for the spam.
lol she's one to talk.
No. 129919
File: 1435712658632.jpg (124.94 KB, 800x754, mesobadass.jpg)

No. 129920
File: 1435712711177.jpg (44.15 KB, 610x759, bodydysmorphia.jpg)

Dem body issues. Venus's frame is ok it's just that her tiny head and face makes everything big in comparison.
No. 129921
File: 1435712794959.jpg (50.44 KB, 786x536, sure.jpg)

Are you sure you and your mom weren't made fun of for having aspie tard tantrums and being proud of the incoherent outbursts, then wondering why people bullied you? lol
No. 129922
File: 1435712830724.jpg (63.82 KB, 816x610, lackofselfawareness.jpg)

No. 129923
File: 1435712877649.jpg (58.58 KB, 790x496, wowcalmdown.jpg)

Doesn't Totemo have a similar body?
No. 129924
File: 1435712918453.jpg (74.53 KB, 663x759, preachingagainstbullying.jpg)

She's preaching against bullying even though she did the same things Jrcock did.
No. 129925
File: 1435712985695.jpg (74.3 KB, 656x759, lighteningskin.jpg)

Talking about lightening skin. I bet she looks really ridiculous IRL and gets made fun of for painting her skin so unnaturally, then vents her rage from the bullies online.
No. 129926
File: 1435713021199.jpg (38.47 KB, 834x496, really.jpg)

No. 129928
File: 1435713098745.jpg (79.44 KB, 772x638, meh.jpg)

Weird how she goes after Venus like a drooling hog because Venus is prettier than her.
No. 129929
File: 1435713119071.jpg (107.08 KB, 713x759, IDUNCURR.jpg)

No. 129930
File: 1435713195777.jpg (66.65 KB, 648x759, jellyhater.jpg)

Totemo trying to read Venus's mind.
No. 129932
File: 1435713261405.jpg (64.36 KB, 760x540, age.jpg)

Her age and she didn't take her own advice. She put herself in the spotlight and then she tried to flee from the internet after not being able to give half decent excuses for her actions.
No. 129933
File: 1435713330401.jpg (56.09 KB, 788x438, lmaoohtotemo.jpg)

Funny, considering the fact she compares herself to snowflakes and go like "I would do this I would never do this I, I, I. Look at me, me, me I'm so much better than those snowflakes."
No. 129934
File: 1435713387714.jpg (47.11 KB, 788x210, thisgirlomg.jpg)

Says this but dumps Venusangelic's period vid anyway even though Venus allegedly never meant it to go public. Besides why do we need to see her bloody vag?
No. 129936
File: 1435713418571.jpg (88.53 KB, 780x660, sureyouare.jpg)

Talking about how white/tan and thin and cuter than all of you she is.
No. 129937
File: 1435713516142.jpg (80.41 KB, 650x759, internettoughguy.jpg)

Is she bipolar or something? In some posts she was like "I'm not trying to argue with you" and in the next, she flips out like this to perfectly reasonable and tame responses. smh
No. 129939
File: 1435713603505.jpg (83.44 KB, 840x688, suuuuure.jpg)

>Watch what you post it maybe offensive to some. (including myself). Just because it sounds okay in your head, it can be interpreted differently by others. I learned that the hard way.
And lecturing others about being the bigger person. Again, what? Is she bipolar? Her nice and mean switch seems off and on.
No. 129941
File: 1435713790226.jpg (91.54 KB, 774x656, oklahoma.jpg)

Admitting where she lived. Not sure which city but my friend says she may have been in the Oklahoma City School District? I feel like that is wrong.
I heard that she was bullied for not being able to control what diarrhea exploded from her mouth. She was put in special classes, had to take certain medication but there was a rumor that she refused the meds. She is still a NEET and collects a monthly paycheck from the government, using most of it to pay her parent's rent and the rest to buy cute anime figurines
No. 129942
File: 1435713821631.jpg (39.88 KB, 784x600, calmdowngirl.jpg)

Encouraging physical harm on others. Oh boy.
No. 129943
File: 1435713863759.jpg (79.84 KB, 647x759, arrogance.jpg)

No. 129945
File: 1435713916285.jpg (105.1 KB, 598x759, i'msomoral.jpg)

Being bipolar again. She goes on a moral preachy crusade even though she lectures others about how it's laughable to do that. Make up yo' damn mind girl.
No. 129946
File: 1435713950431.jpg (61.78 KB, 808x420, venusobsession.jpg)

Binge watches Venus vids even though she hates her. K.
No. 129948
File: 1435714064304.jpg (37.74 KB, 874x472, flexingcybermuscles.jpg)

>If I rustle your jimmes, just pm me, because more than likely, I was unintentionally sounding like a bitch- and I don't want to argue.
No. 129949
File: 1435714125688.jpg (67.81 KB, 781x759, applycoldwatertotheburnnot.jpg)

>If I rustle your jimmes, just pm me, because more than likely, I was unintentionally sounding like a bitch- and I don't want to argue.
She didn't want to argue you guys.
No. 129950
File: 1435714164944.jpg (68.98 KB, 584x759, wimpywimp.jpg)

>P-please go easy on me guise. Uguu >.<
No. 129951
File: 1435714187751.jpg (42.55 KB, 820x352, mmmmkay.jpg)

No. 129952
File: 1435714261915.jpg (62.96 KB, 772x560, periodvid.jpg)

Openly bragging about having the period video. She was allegedly the only one to publicly brag about downloading the period vid, redistributing it and keeping it for fapping purposes.
No. 129953
File: 1435714296638.jpg (75.19 KB, 912x386, srsbsns.jpg)

Morality lecture even though she tard rages against others for doing it.
No. 129954
File: 1435714328225.jpg (92.14 KB, 816x676, lies.jpg)

We seriously doubt this.
No. 129956
File: 1435714416411.jpg (81.38 KB, 778x632, skype.jpg)

Skype request because PULL members connect to each other over ripping on girls they are jealous of. How sweet.
No. 129957
File: 1435714489721.jpg (70.23 KB, 790x608, nolifeskills.jpg)

She seems brilliantly unaware of how the real world works.
It's called getting educated and making enough money to live a luxurious life, moron.
No. 129959
File: 1435714547944.jpg (66.58 KB, 786x570, wow.jpg)

She was said to have uploaded the uncensored video elsewhere anyway. Again why was redistributing Venus's period vid necessary? Unless if she scams or acts shitty again who cares?
No. 129960
I feel like
>>129913 to
>>129957 and so on is the same person.
Chill anon. We get that she's the Venus to your Totemocow, but you're just spamming at this point. We get it. She's a bitch.
No. 129961
File: 1435714584893.jpg (28.33 KB, 800x308, sureyoudo.jpg)

Bragging about her Kim K butt and trying to compare herself to others again.
No. 129962
File: 1435714620751.jpg (64.85 KB, 778x648, wooooooooooooooow.jpg)

>I… I d-downloaded the period vid of Venus uguu
No. 129963
File: 1435714667286.jpg (68.96 KB, 776x606, shehaskids.jpg)

Totemokawaii was pregnant and had kids so that's why she never worked.
No. 133968
>>130194 Yes that was her, she was always talking about how cute she is. I had a reason for not liking her, I can't remember why but surprise she turned out to be just like the girls she bitches about.
Also her eyebrows are ugly af. Made me feel better about mine
No. 134042
>>133968So since she did admit to being at least an adult right now in
>>73801 we should be able to tell others she is allegedly Sierra Watson from Oklahoma. What did you see on her facebook?