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No. 108205
>>108204How about providing some links to her tumblrs, both personal and work-related?
>glorifying obesityDoesn't she have a feeder-fetish or whatever it's called? And doesn't she have/had a feeder bf?
No. 108225
i just don't get some fetishes…
>video - Becca vs The StairsYa a fat girl, I have a few enemies. One of those being stairs. … Life isn’t always fair and sometimes I do have to try to conquer them.
>Sooo, I decided to torture myself and show you what it’s like for me to go up and down a flight or two of stairs. You get to see how I look as I happily jiggle down them and also how I look trying to climb my way back up. … If you want to see a fatty in well as me getting out of breath and talking about how much I hate exercise..this video is for you! No. 108233
File: 1432477701064.jpg (325.19 KB, 1536x1247, image.jpg)
her being fat is a conspiracy theory and everyone is to blame but Beccow.
No. 108268
File: 1432486270249.jpg (62.97 KB, 600x800, Pearchan2.jpg)
When she was first discovered on 4chan, I actually really fucking loved her. She seemed really sweet and me being a fatty felt totally ~inspired~ her. But as the months/ years went on I noticed that she kept gaining weight and as soon as she turned 18 she started her cam thing. I realized that she just has a really gross feeding fetish. Did not feel as inspired anymore.
No. 108272
File: 1432486643601.jpg (19.35 KB, 677x145, ss (2015-05-24 at 12.55.17).jp…)
the fuck
No. 108283
>>108272Oh my god. That just made the worst image pop into my head. FUNNEL FEED?
Wtf. Wtf. The obesity advocates scare the shit out of me.
No. 108288
>>108272Funnel feeding? What's tha-
Oh god no
I thought only fetish pictures did that
No. 108294
File: 1432488946485.jpg (98.63 KB, 638x448, ss (2015-05-24 at 01.27.45).jp…)
>>108288>'At the end of the day I make a weight gain shake from heavy whipped cream and a whole tub of ice cream, which Yohan feeds me through a funnel.>'The funnel forces me to drink the shake even when I'm full after a day of eating.'Article makes no mentioning of eating those solid foods thru the funnel as the picture states by the way.
Don't these people gorge themselves on all this food because they enjoy eating? How do they get any enjoyment from being 'force fed' through a funnel?
No. 108447
>>108268I used to follow her too, I legit thought she had serious health problems which prevented her from losing weight and thought she was making the best of her situation. Her face is really pretty and she puts an effort into dressing nicely and she always seemed so positive. But then it turned out she was purposely gaining weight to please her gross bf and expecting everyone else to accommodate her. Like she was once talking about how she was afraid of flying and of people being rude about her size, like
I paid for my seat, I have the right to sit in it without being hassled Which is true, but everyone else also has the right to sit in theirs without you spilling over into their personal space, you're morbidly obese by choice ffs!! It blows my mind how she is totally willing to destroy her body, mobility and health just so some creepy ass men can fap to her flab jiggling.
No. 108518
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I give her until age 30 before her first heart attack.
No. 108603
File: 1432527305520.jpg (194.84 KB, 1040x810, difference.jpg)
did she lose weight? pic related, the one on the right is more recent
No. 108617
Maybe its the fact she is wearing better fitted clothes….I think.
No. 108638
>>108632It's the same thing.
I get the whole "love yourself and your body" movement - I really do. Being obese and having a wrong relationship with food is just as bad as anorexia. It's important to not hate yourself to change that, I think. Otherwise it's just like a cycle - you hate yourself and do something destructive. You can break that as soon as you get that you deserve to be healthy and that you don't have to be perfect.
But the fat movement trying to tell everyone that they still can be healthy is bullshit. Sure, not every thin person is healthy and you don't have to have a perfect size. But don't tell people that they can be morbidly obese and still live a long, disease-free live.
No. 108767
>>108683IDK what it is, but I think if you can't fit in a seat on a plane, you need to rethink your life and what you want from it, honestly.
Because that means you are TOO BIG. Too freaking big.
No. 113007
File: 1432865837320.jpeg (440 KB, 1600x2560, fatty.jpeg)
I feel sorry for Becca's bones.
No. 113013
>>108294That's retarded. The body has a limited ability to digest fat. That's why we have gallbladders. She'd gain more weight with some fat and then a bunch of pure sugar.
Nice way to get colon cancer though.
No. 119587
>>108294She doesn't even seem to be enjoying the taste of the food and that angers me.
And she is obese by choice that angers me more
No. 119594
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Jesus I remember her back when she used to be Pearchan.
She looks so much worse since she cut off her hair, and I see that all hat fat is finally going to her face, the thing she used to be "known" for.
This figure doesn't even look human any more, deliberate binge eaters are amongst some of the most selfish in the world. I can't wait for her to have a heart attack.
No. 119602
File: 1433964005216.jpg (64.7 KB, 800x600, Pearchan6.jpg)
She almost looks slim by comparison in this picture.
No. 119618
>>119573Well, she's right… I haven't seen many legs like that before.
No. 119629
>>119594I cannot fathom how these women look in the mirror and think, 'yep, this is fine, I'm perfect.'
In the parlance of tumblr, I just can't.
No. 119779
File: 1433993827206.jpg (51.47 KB, 521x328, ss (2015-06-10 at 11.35.40).jp…)
>>119618Speaking of legs, I find pic related kind of cute leg-wise and that's only because they remind me of Bravely Default.
No. 119790
File: 1433995538662.png (42.69 KB, 672x251, beccabaescared.png)
I think she's starting to realize that she needs to lose weight.
No. 119793
File: 1433995889530.png (242.02 KB, 256x564, tiredofbeingfat.png)
No. 119795
File: 1433996346155.jpg (112.46 KB, 600x238, toppestofkeks.jpg)
not her fault she's fat
No. 119813
>>119795You just could have googled that shit. It would have taken you a second.
>almost always misdiagnosed as simple weight gain>unlike normal fat, lipedematous fat generally cannot be lost through diet and exerciseIt's not like she tried actively not to gain more weight/ loose it, but that's shitty.
No. 119822
>>119594Yeah….as a fellow fattie the longer hair flatters the face and body more than does short hair.
Pixie cuts are exclusively for thin people with sharp faces and defined cheekbones. I've noticed her recent posts receive little notes now that one of her most beautiful features has been obliterated.
Tumblr ruined what little she was hanging on to. I understand she has a feed fetish but she looks very bad, even for a fattie, in this picture. She has cellulite on her ankles….she doesn't HAVE ankles anymore.
>>119602This is kind of how I look currently only about 20 pounds lighter in the gut and more boob.
>tfw 190 but used to be 250I'd never go back. It would be embarrassing to admit things like stairs and seating assignments present a challenge for me in day-to-day life. It wasn't too late for her in this picture, but now…
>>119795Lipedema sucks, but weight gain exacerbates it. I don't see how her "paysite" for her fetish will "pay off" if she has this disease and her health is at risk. If I were a fattie with suspected lipedema, I would be consulting a bariatric surgeon asap. That's nothing to fuck with.
No. 119827
>>119825Nobody is entitled to another person's organs. The reason why obese patients are often turned down to receive/donate organs is because they would likely die if they underwent prolonged anesthesia for the surgery.
That sucks for the obese who wanted to donate an organ, but there are many actually healthy individuals who purposefully choose not to donate who should be equally shamed if you're implying there's some sort of communal entitlement to organs.
No. 119925
File: 1434035562925.jpg (23.15 KB, 188x461, lipedema disproportionate body…)
>>119795Lipedema is a real thing. Lots of women claim they can pretend they can't lose weight, but that's bullshit - women with lipedema CAN lose weight, but the weight loss is almost entirely confined to their upper body.
I bet Pearchan is trying to find an explanation as to why she has tiny tits despite being a hamplanet everywhere else.
No. 120115
>>119813I can see her having this, but it only explains her weird ass fat distribution, not how horrifically overweight she is. She's been actively gaining and gaining for fetish $$$$$$. It seems like just now she is changing her tune, probably because her "not serious" medical condition is probably pretty serious, she's just not ready to hop off the HAES train publically because her followers will probably lose their minds. It sucks if she has lipedema because it's really going to be an obstacle in her getting healthy again even if she puts a lot of effort into it, but she didn't become 300lbs from that alone.
Luckily if she does decide to go really hard in the weight loss thing, losing the fat in her upper body would really reduce the risk of heart disease.
No. 120122
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No. 120130
>>119633Her fat distribution is beyond pear shaped, it's just bizarre. It seems to lump up in certain areas.
Or at least it used to, she's fat everywhere now.
No. 120222
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No. 121974
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She's losing wegiht alreay
No. 125244
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what the bloody hell? they all are living in a delusion..
No. 134169
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No. 134199
It kind of honestly amazes me that some people actually have the time to invest this much in..caring about someone that is an absolute stranger. Like guys..why aren't you just living your own lives?
Since you all seem to be so invested in my life and it's details though - I'll make some things more clear.
a) I am not a feedee, nor is Foxy a feeder. There are people who obviously are (which..there is absolutely no problem with it if it's consensual), but if you'd actually followed me as closely as you make it sound like - you'd know I would have made it abundantly clear on numerous occasions that I'm not an active gainer. So no, I don't have that fetish. I'm just fat, always have been, and took it to my advantage. Everything I do on Bigcuties is stuff that I'm comfortable with and that's that. I cater to a certain fetish and that's pretty much all it is.
b) nah, nobody wipes my ass but me, thanks for the concern though.
c) I never said that you can't lose weight if you have lipedema. You can't lose the lipedema fat, which is primarily what my legs/arms are made of. I also have lymph edema which is secondary to the lipedema, which is why my calves/ankles have obviously gotten a lot bigger more recently. It is, however, easier to gain weight if you have lipedema and harder to keep it off in general. Outside of what I do for Bigcuties - I do not gorge myself constantly, I do not eat fast food constantly, I am not a walking/eating machine 24/7. I never have been. hell, even what I do on BC's is highly exaggerated because it IS catering to a fetish. In actuality I really can't eat that much at one time. I actually don't get out of breath from walking around. Do several flights of stairs get me out of breath? They sure as fuck do. I'm not even attempting to say that I'm physically fit, I know I'm not. I don't lose my breath from moving though and I'm not metabolically unhealthy. I am making lifestyle changes because I don't want the lipo lymph edema to get even more out of hand and end up immobile, but my health at it's current state is not whatever you're all making it out to be. Throughout my entire life I have been prone to gaining weight despite not changing my habits - be it exercise or eating. I recently got put onto a medication for my anxiety and despite changing absolutely nothing, I gained close to 30-40 pounds in a shorter amount of time then I ever have before. It was alarming in a sense because I never gain weight that fast, but I still feel perfectly fine phsyically and I feel the best that I have mentally in I'd say it was worth it.
d) the myth that fat people only live into their 30's is such utter horseshit and any of you who are trying to use that are making your arguments so invalid. I know MANY middle aged fat people personally and I also know fat people who are seniors (and no, they didn't just get fat when they were old). We don't just drop dead at a certain age.
e) whoever was saying that the nutritionist for that person was shitty can seriously go fuck themselves. that person is literally living with bulimia in an abusive household where their father/sister locks the kitchen and they are constantly so hungry that they dry heave. anyone who knows ANYTHING about health/losing weight knows that is so far from being anything resembling healthy or what a proper nutritionist would recommend.
f) nope, I haven't lost any weight at present that I'm aware of. Bodies can look different depending on the outfit, the angle, the pose, etc that's not my primary goal at all whatsoever, but if it does happen from the treatment course I'm on..then so be it. I'm pretty positive that it'll happen just from the fluid loss alone from treating the lymph edema, but eh.
g) if you honestly think that everyone needs to adhere to what you want them to look like then you really need to take a look at yourself and question why you are somehow the center of the universe? because you are not..and it's nobody's job to be attractive to you.
The only reason I'm taking the time to be relatively thorough in this and respond is because not all of you seem like complete and total assholes. Another person's health truly isn't your business, but I'm pretty damn open about this kind of stuff so it's whatever.
No. 134232
>>134199I love how when one of the lolcows shows up here, they imply we do nothing but sit in front of the computer. Personally, these are my soaps. I read them before bed, after working all day. But, yanno, whatever. Anyway, I doubt anyone here is actually obsessed with you or anyone else posted here. It's a hobby, like some people play mobile game apps. Sure, some people (like Nicole Oum, for example) have affected some of us a bit more personally, and yes there is vitriol where they are concerned, but for most? Boredom killer.
I like you, Becca, but you do know that putting yourself out there online does have this kind of side effect and taking it personally or coming here posting does no good, only fuels the fire. More milk for the farmers.
No. 134269
>>134232Nah, I'm not implying that this is all you do. I just can't imagine this being what someone chooses for a hobby. Like actually immersing yourself in gossip this much - which I guess isn't THAT surprising, but it still just seems like a really odd way to pass the time. I guess I just view other people as PEOPLE regardless of whether or not I know them and I can't imagine participating in this kind of thing on a regular basis.
Normally I don't participate in these kinds of things, but like I said..there were people on here who didn't just seem like 100 trolls. So instead of this being merely speculation, I thought I would give some actual insight. I feel weird saying this, but some of you actually seem like you could be..decent? So I was mainly addressing those people instead of the ones who are just like 'lol folds and fupas!'.
>>134264I did not exaggerate or lie with anything that I responded with. You know that I firmly believe that anyone and everyone deserve basic human decency, regardless of their health status. I'm not saying that because it garners more respect, I'm saying it because it's the truth. I am, right now, metabolically healthy. You don't have to tell me what my size is, I am obviously very aware of that - as is everyone else. However - I am the only person (aside from my doctor) who is going to my 1-2 physicals per year and I am the person who gets those results. I am the person who lives in this body and knows what it can and cannot do and what it feels like. Am I saying that I'm not at an increased risk for certain diseases or that I will ALWAYS be metabolically healthy? No. What I am saying is that the assumptions revolving around fat people are often exaggerated or false and it's not right to assume what somebody else is going through or what they're capable of. This whole discussion is incredibly dehumanizing and it's just..not okay. Thankfully I'm at a place where it doesn't really effect me in any kind of way, but it's just really wrong to take away people's voices and act like you know them better than they know themselves.
No. 134286
>>134199Becca, you seem like a nice and intelligent person. That makes it more important for you to get healthy again because you're not right now, I'm sorry.
I always tought I couldn't lose weight either until I realised how much I was actually eating, what I was eating and that my proportions were always too big.
Just try weighing and counting calories for a month or so, you don't even have to cut that much and do it slowly. You'll feel much happier, trust me on that.
No. 134316
>>134269I can see how weird it must be to see your own life dissected on a random website but honestly your thread isn't huge or anything and there are fewer trolls than in other threads (like the previous buttergolem thread). You're "lucky" to have a beautiful face and hairs to keep the trolls from being ruthless. Imo it's useless to come here yourself, never ends well but whatever.
I know you don't have to care about my opinion but it's super weird to me that you're taking a lot of care about your face, hairs and clothes but not your body. If you were to reach a normal weight in the future and not face health problems I'd be happy for you.
No. 140565
>>120122stage 1 actually is a nice body but in stage 2 you can see the rest of her body is getting fatter too.
Becca, lose weight.
No. 140570
>>134269>I am metabolically healthyLOLLLLL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH LOLLLL
shut up fatty and stop eating
No. 140991
File: 1437415257321.jpg (154.58 KB, 476x1299, image.jpg)
So losing weight is a unhealthy thing to do now.
No. 141849
File: 1437517981035.jpg (108.04 KB, 1277x617, uh.jpg)
Because when you get raped and the police isn't gonna do shit about it Pearchan is your last resort rite? I doubt this is a self ask but I am 99% sure about it that this is probably some fatso spreading out some fatso propaganda in the disguise of a rape victim so people will think that no one cares about fat people when they get raped. Fatties disgust me.
No. 148057
File: 1438377992287.png (1.92 MB, 1820x2158, 1407709046054.png)
>>134269>>140570lmao I almost feel bad for saying so, (because Becca generally seems like a decent, sensible person) but that reminded me of pic related.
I'm not sure how expensive the heath care system in the states is and I don't want to make too many assumptions because it's obviously not my life or body, but maybe she should consider getting an opinion from another doctor?
No. 148288
>>148057I think the 'metabolic health' thing might be from blood tests. If the results fall in established "normal" realms all doctors will say the same.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 164137
File: 1440001242592.jpg (17.66 KB, 225x400, image.jpg)
Decided to post some beccabae/afatfox/becca/pearchan pictures when she was skinny. Really average and not that pretty or ugly. Plain jane, which is perfectly okay.
No. 164138
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No. 164139
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Chubby, back then she could have grown out of it
No. 164143
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No. 164144
File: 1440001455663.jpg (142.57 KB, 736x1308, image.jpg)
And well…you know the rest of the story.
No. 308756
File: 1477467206346.gif (11.06 MB, 480x270, 19or1g.gif)
So I checked up on pearchan and lmfaooo this gif gives me life
No. 308803
>>108632Anorexics pretending they're not sick are not hailed as progressive and they're not praised for being so brave and body positive.
Basically, the difference is that people like Becca get asspats.
No. 308828
>>122197this is how i feel.. she has such a cute face and she was pretty and curvy.
feeding fetishes are soooo fucked. ew @ unhealthy kinks
No. 308831
>>134104very true! ive been too fat for a while and I recently lost 20 pounds and it came right off my waist it's super obvious.
sage for blog post/brag
No. 308893
File: 1477513717034.gif (Spoiler Image,11.34 MB, 480x269, cancer.gif)
Do you guys think she could ever turn her life around and get healthy? I've seen some do it. But I think pearchan will never get healthy
No. 308894
File: 1477513933642.gif (Spoiler Image,12.33 MB, 480x270, HAESbitches.gif)
Samefagging here, like what is her endgame ?
No. 308900
>>308893She seems like she'd be intelligent enough to know a wakeup call when sees one, if she has a serious health scare I have a feeling she'd drop the HAES bullshit and sort herself out.
But is it going to happen of her own volition? Probably not.
No. 309039
>>308756She literally looks like someone's obese 45 year old mother now..
I used to envy her beautiful, long red hair and her pale skin. I really thought that even though she was fat, she was cute. But now, there is nothing left to be jealous of. She looks completely awful. And she won't do anything to help herself nor her failing body.
Fatties gonna fat.
No. 309102
>>308893I don't think there is any way to come back from this. I mean, she doesn't want a real job, does she? She's perfectly happy turning her body into fleshy mounds for fetishists to spank the monkey to. That's the only purpose she will ever have in life.
The other fatty in that gif already has the characteristic dark spots from the beetus. Soon they'll both be rotting, their limbs will fall off, and the amount of fetishist who want to jerk the monkey to that will grow smaller and smaller. Is she American? She'll be one of those medicaid recipients who rot in a hospital bed for a few months, while she's still conscious she'll oink about the nurses not feeding her enough, and then she'll get septic and die.
No. 672885
File: 1561496523546.gif (15.9 MB, 480x270, 20190205210528-4c03caa7.gif)
So are we gonna talk about how much worse she's become orrrrrr
No. 672954
File: 1561511558954.gif (19.95 MB, 480x270, 20190526223459-8f6955d8.gif)
>>672938>>672948Nah she's definitely fatter, more out of shape too.
No. 673372
File: 1561669214524.jpg (13.41 KB, 509x275, eyes.jpg)
>>672954These set of gifs are incredibly difficult to watch.
I wish they were spoiler-ed. I feel like…I can FEEL, her struggle& pain just looking at them! OUCH!
No. 673375
File: 1561669637425.jpg (Spoiler Image,851.58 KB, 1280x1920, 8b9aa577-7e4d-43d3-a229-f31eb2…)
(emoji use)
No. 673388
>>673386I remember that she was the one who proposed to him, so it doesn't sound like he was too keen to get married.
What are her social media accounts these days? The tumblr is dead
No. 673390
>>673386I remember that she was the one who proposed to him, so it doesn't sound like he was too keen to get married.
What are her social media accounts these days? The tumblr is dead
No. 673414
>>673375pearchan was entry tier fat girl angle shot. when those reveals came out some anons still said they were shopped, that she wasn't fat. wake up call.
she's prettier than ryann, but my god she's gigantic now. i don't know how tall she is but her upper arms are easily the same as ryann's and her pannicula is probably about the same if she stuffs it into shapewear.
she's going to die from this haes shit though and it's depressing as fuck.
No. 674391
>>673386There's an ig link that someone above me posted, her twitter accounts are: and No. 674392
File: 1561898729150.png (88.03 KB, 600x720, tweetledee.png)
>>673386>emo boyfriend (or now.. husband?)I remember that they got engaged forever ago, then finally got married (<1 year ago?). However this popped up on her husband's tweets recently.
No. 674394
File: 1561899302963.jpg (100.01 KB, 1080x2094, 62387518_754180581667336_36162…)
Hmmm? Intradasting post from her ig story.
No. 674395
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No. 674396
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No. 674406
File: 1561901336460.png (50.29 KB, 596x344, tweedledum.png)
>>674399Yeah, his recent string of tweets clearly imply that he's not doing too well. This was posted last night about an hour before she "came out".
No. 674491
File: 1561922422534.jpg (267.46 KB, 1448x2172, IMG_20190630_121935.jpg)
Notice the discoloration on her legs. Disgusting.
No. 674502
>>674394she is the living definition of wanting to have her cake and eat it too. selfish and entitled brat.
i remember when she tried to turn herself into a boy when that became popular, then decided she was androgynous. even though she was already flaunting her fat, she was late to the haes movement and only made it her mission when it got popular. only jumped on the radical feminist bandwagon when that became really popular (even though all she's ever done for other women was reblog the fat ones with a lot of followers and call them babe)
"why couldn't my husband support me in navigating my newfound poly feelings!!!! this separation is his fault, he should've allowed me to bring an internet fan into our marital bed!"
No. 674574
File: 1561939794527.png (805.76 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20190701-010627.png)
Her boyfriend is a fetishist - he uses hashtags like #ssbbwlove and #fatadmirer. Plus this is his long term partner. Note the extreme weight loss.
No. 674985
File: 1562000271408.jpg (75.42 KB, 1080x2094, 65001724_2076553685979820_7386…)
Obvs she's getting some well-deserved hate judging by her cringeworthy, self-validating photo blogs. Ew.
Her new 'love' looks and behaves like your typical fuckboy. They deserve each other.
No. 677285
File: 1562445027596.png (88.97 KB, 708x342, 112840.png)
>>674395she removed husband from her bio haha
No. 687439
File: 1565006575626.png (228.58 KB, 1446x570, Screen Shot 2019-08-05 at 8.01…)
boyfriend has now been added to bio
No. 687527
File: 1565032455038.jpg (188.32 KB, 1070x1237, SmartSelect_20190805-211409_In…)
New boytoy broke up with his gf for becca.
No. 687536
>>687527She went from
>non-monogamous pansexual uwuTo
>Bisexual.Becca not even homewrecking shes just doing other women a favour and waking them tf up apparently. Glad this chick got away from a feeder and said man is now gonna loose part of his life to a histrionic narc which i bet they deserve one another.